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Pokémon Pokevillains Villaintine's Challenge drabbles!


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Day 18
Bigtime review

out of a the villians i'd rank game canon n and any canon sada/turo as the most fame advoident. Let them do thier thing, and they are happy clams. Fame seems like a punishment and i could see it driving the professors of violet/sacrlet to entrenching themselves in deeper into area zero, and everything attached to it, to avoid the adoration/attention.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
I feel like their fame heavily influenced their eventual paranoia. Did people take an interest in their research or only in their spotlight? What could they share with anyone that wouldn't be stolen? And so on.
Relaxation New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 19--Relaxation​

The intensity with which Miror B kicked the break room door open was in sharp contrast to his exhausted sigh of "so uncool..." a moment later.

"Long day, boss?"

He dropped his sparkling performance top on Trudly's head and flopped onto the couch. "That *darling* barkeep wouldn't know music if it bit him in his *generous* hindquarters!"

His lackey quickly set the garment aside and started massaging his boss's shoulders. "Same as always?"

"If disco is ever to truly die, it's because twits like that will kill it!"

Trudly didn't dare mention that disco had been considered dead for decades.
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Avoid New

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Day 20--Avoid​

"I told you, no encores..."

"Bro," Marnie sighed as she pulled the blanket off of Piers, "ya need to get yer arse out of bed. It's been ten hours they've been out there."

Piers stretched out before sitting up in his usual slumped posture. "God, I hate the press. Rose says one thing and they go wild, and Spikemuth gets the brunt again. Thought this would have stopped after he got that sparkly ankle bracelet..."

Marnie flopped next to him on the ratty old couch. "Yeah well, I'm the one they're after. New gym leader an' all."

"We'll order in."
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