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Pokémon Pokevillains Villaintine's Challenge drabbles!

Illustration New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 22--Illustration​

    "Are you all right? You stopped."

    It had been well over a minute since Burgh had set his palette down. As kind as N seemed, he didn't dare paint the new king's portrait with a shaking hand. "Sorry, I've never been asked to depict royalty that wasn't the queen of a hive before."

    "And she would ask it of you? You can hear the voices of pokémon?"

    "Nothing so direct. What is that like?"

    "I've never known any other way. Their voices have always been there."

    "You'd never be lonely."

    N looked off to the side, at nothing in particular.
    Companion New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 23--Companion​

    Chimchar's eyes showed something Mitsumi couldn't understand. She knew of the concept, something Cyrus had always derided. There wasn't supposed to be any such thing as unconditional love. Everything was conditional, Cyrus had taught. Even the universe itself hinged on the whims of malevolent forces.

    Such an illogical thing shouldn't exist, but it did exist and that was enough to break her entire worldview.

    She felt it through her entire body, the shaking, confident *warmth* that came with accepting that wild affection, and fell to her knees still holding Chimchar. Thin arms hugged her, and she finally hugged back, sobbing.
    Sick Day New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 24--Sick Day​

    "Chaaaaarm, let's go steal some medicine..."

    "Not a chance, Coin," Charm murmured as she stoked the campfire. "We get within sixty yards of a guild merchant, our sneezes are gonna give us away."

    Clover tried to add something but it came out as a series of incomprehensible noises from somewhere inside her piled blanket.

    "And if we go picking, that Galaxy brat will track us down like a Paras on energy powder."

    Coin pouted, pausing to wipe her nose on her armband. "We could use some energy powder right now..."

    "That stuff'll kill you," Charm sniffed. "Galaxy doc uses arsenic."
    Walk New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 25--Walk

    "It's weird to think that tomorrow, none of this will be here," Jupiter mused after taking a drink of her soda.

    Beside her, Saturn crumpled his burger wrapper. "We'll see what Master Cyrus has in mind. I doubt it, but we might have fast food."

    Her "no..." was lost in the evening air as they both slowed their walk to look around them.

    Every building and every living thing in them, every alleyway and pokémon that darted in and out of them, every cloud that drifted overhead, even the sun setting beyond Veilstone, everything would be gone to Cyrus's ambition.
    Book New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 26--Book​

    "Hey hey hey!" Plumeria called with a strong clap to snap the attention of the surrounding grunts. "I don't wanna hear any of that 'Poindexter' or 'neeerrrr' shit around here, got it? A good education is key to gettin' ahead in the world! So you!" she pointed to one grunt in particular. "Give him his book back!"

    The grunt sighed and handed a thick tome back to another. "I'm sorry..."

    "That's more like it," Plumeria smiled. "Y'know, Big Boss Guzma is a big reader. Used to always have his big nose in some book or another about bugs."

    "So cool!"
    City New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 27--City​

    Some part of Molly's mind still expected to wake up in the crystal tower. It had been decades since that overwhelming experience as goddess of the Unown, but to some extent she was still that unstable child.

    Her life had taken her to Goldenrod, replacing crystal with glass. It didn't even reflect the light the same way. But her memories didn't care.

    "Papa!" a little girl in the park called merrily, and Molly was five years old again, calling out for that illusory beast as if it was her father.

    A thick blanket at night could even feel like fur.
    Pondering New
  • Blackjack Gabbiani

    Merely a collector
    1. shaymin
    2. dusknoir
    Day 28--Pondering

    Maybe Giovanni would never see his home again. But it didn't matter. Every world had a weakness to exploit, and that meant he would succeed in time.

    His gathered cadre of villains, brought from all corners of the multiverse, were starting to obey him. Some were the same as previous attempts, and were learning that there was no way out but obedience. The others would learn. They would have no choice.

    "We stand together with a singular goal," he addressed firmly, "to subjugate this world in the name of Rainbow Rocket."

    A redheaded boy in the back glowered at him.
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