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Chapter 182 - Burn The Sky


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Chapter 182 – Burn The Sky

Black rain and bright flashes plagued the great fissure that was War’s End.

This was where they had found Valle so long ago. Owen winced as the black water stung his scales. Shadows. And he was naturally Radiant most of the time. Did he need to channel Shadows to counter the sting?

There was a great irony in that. He knew he’d need to tap into Radiance again later, but for now…

The flame on his tail darkened. Owen wiped his hand on an invisible wall before him, forming a black shield to confirm that Shadows were now the dominant energy within him.

Instantly, that stinging eased. Just as he thought; the corrupt rains only ate away at those not already shrouded in darkness.

“Okay,” Owen whispered, mind racing with his priorities. Safety of the guards. Securing Necrozma and Emily. Making sure their special forces had a clear shot. Could he accomplish all of them at once? Most of them? What was the best option?

He naturally tended toward protecting the guards. They could divert and distract, but against something like Emily, Owen wasn’t sure if even their divine forces could put much of a dent in her. That was what the whole plan was for in the first place. Why was she so strong?

Within Owen’s range, he saw many Pokémon hiding under makeshift shelters, unable to recover against the onslaught of the Shadow Sky. Even against others trying to suppress the downpour with their own weather, Emily’s Shadows overpowered it.

Getting the backup Hearts’ forces in healthier conditions was Owen’s priority.

The air shook with a concussive wave. Owen braced against the ground, wincing when the wind left him from the shock. If that did damage to him, he could only guess the damage the other Hearts suffered.

He tuned his Perceive. Yes, several had doubled over, bleeding from their noses or mouths. Others, sturdier, carried them to get assistance, and that’s when Owen decided on his priorities.

Owen stomped next to the Waypoint he’d entered from and channeled his Shadow blessings into the ground. Then, he focused on his Protect.

First, the barrier appeared around him. Then, he shrank it until the barrier pressed against his scales and siphoned into his body. A pulse of power rolled through his shoulders and into his hands.

He slammed them onto the ground. A dark ring radiated around the center of where he stood. He pressed more, tail flaring with black fire, until his aura’s reach went far enough to reach the Waypoint. Then he pressed a few feet further, creating a ring about twenty feet in diameter.


And from the ring emerged a dome ten feet high, so dark it obscured much of the outside world, but something that deflected the rain… and withstood its darkness.

It wouldn’t last long. But he had to hold it to keep the essence there. He remembered doing this before, a hazy time many years ago… He remembered rain and thunder and fire that time. Why was this familiar? He shook his head.

Moments later, the Waypoint activated, sending in Zena with the first batch of the Circle’s teams. Team Alloy was among them.

“Guys! Sorry for the short notice, but I have a quick mission. Prioritize yourselves, but try to get the hurt Pokémon out there into this barrier.”

Gahi, among the first to arrive, disappeared. Moments later, Gahi returned with two Pokémon under his arms.

“Oi, Demitri!” he huffed. “Need yer strength!”

“I’ll heal,” Mispy added, sliding to the fallen.

With a thankful nod, Owen swiftly flew out of the barrier once he was confident it was set up properly. Just as he left, he suddenly doubled back.

“And!” he added. “Reinforce this barrier where you can! Reflect, Light Screen, anything to maintain it so the Shadows keep their shape.”

“They’re… a substance?” Mispy asked.

“I—I don’t know, Pokémon energy contains it, so barriers keep it barrier-shaped.” Owen shrugged hastily. “And tell everyone the same thing. That’s the plan until everyone’s gathered.”

They all nodded just as Zena left to gather the next batch.

Moments later, Phol entered the dome, having to duck to get inside, while hauling a Roserade and Heliolisk over his shoulder. Owen helped set them down.

“How are things?” Owen asked.

“Bad.” His fur was darker, like he’d been covered in ashy water, and his stance was hunched over to conserve energy. “But better now that you’re here to back us up.”

“Right.” Owen looked Phol over. “You should stay here now. The others are helping to gather the rest.”

“I can still go out and—”

“No, because I need you to do something harder. Hold up your arms to the barrier above.”

Phol gave Owen a quizzical look. Lightning flashed outside, followed shortly by a rumble and two roars. He held his arms up.

Owen brought one arm down and pointed a claw at the Incineroar. “Bestow,” he whispered.

Ownership of the barrier transferred from Owen to Phol; its aura tether invisible snapped from Owen and latched onto Phol.


“Hold it steady.”

“…This is… the strongest barrier I’ve…”

“But you can hold it?”

Phol’s arms steadied after the initial shock. He brought them down, but stared at it as little embers flowed around his waist.

“Yes. I have it now,” he said.

“It’ll follow you, so don’t move too much. People will get rained on.”

“Understood. Now leave.”

Owen couldn’t help but smile wryly at the directness. But Phol had a point.

Okay. With that done, Owen now had to gauge the threat level of two gods clashing in the skies.

The dark waters pelted his body harmlessly; the flashing lights dazzled his vision. He dulled his Perceive to ignore the rain, turning them into a blurry swath so he could focus on larger bodies in the air. In the dark, he Perceived a hollow, fleshy Lugia-shaped thing warring against a collection of floating crystals. Necrozma was made of mostly ‘light’-like energy in his battle form, making detecting his actual movements difficult in the light-eating rains.

He couldn’t tell who was more tired, or if they were in a deadlock. He was a good hundred or so feet above the ground, and they were another fifty feet higher. He couldn’t see where the energy blasts were going and could only guess through how Emily’s mouth opened or the way Necrozma’s crystals shifted. Sometimes, he caught glimmers of shockwaves as the air compressed enough that his Perceive detected it. Otherwise, he could see very little. This was not a fight for him to dive into recklessly.

Relying on his eyes for once, Owen squinted past the flashes and the blurring rain. Each flash showed an outline of the fight. Necrozma was a mixture of black and white rather than his usual, golden glow. The power of Chaos drove him; even his Radiance went against his senses. But why were they fighting? Or was Necrozma resisting the Shadows?

This was the last development they expected. It felt like it was on the cusp of being advantageous, had it not been for how they could no longer control Emily’s trajectory. The distortions in the air… Owen felt a Dungeon forming. If this went any longer, it could slowly rip a hole in the patchwork he’d made with the Worldcore, undoing all the Dungeon seals.

Lightning flashed, dazzling Owen again. He covered his eyes. That one was too close.

Then came a blast searing over his head. He roared—Radiance, that was Radiance, and it burned. It was like he was Grass in an inferno.

Owen desperately scratched at his head out of instinct, putting out a fire that wasn’t there. He spiraled halfway to the ground to recover.

The two vessels of Dark Matter continued their clash in the skies. That was just a stray blast. In this obscuring rain, Owen couldn’t parry the attacks properly. But if he could get a rhythm for it…

Another flash. This time, Owen timed his Protect blindly just as a bolt nicked the barrier. Perfect! Owen reached for that power and grasped it for himself, studying it.

The Mimic worked. He was getting good at this, even for exotic attacks like these. Still stray shots, so they didn’t notice Owen. This was just random destruction.

Good enough for now. Owen descended into the Shadow Protect dome.

By now, most of the Circle had come together.

“What’s the situation?” Diyem asked, though it sounded more like a demand. He was a dark Charizard again.

“Necrozma and Emily are fighting each other. Do you have any idea why that’s happening?”

“No.” Diyem’s throat rumbled with a pensive growl. “My only theory is Necrozma’s resisting and lashing out. Can we use that to our advantage?”

“They didn’t even notice I was there,” Owen said. “I think we should prepare the Circle a little further off. Then, we have our blasters coax them into the Circle, and we use Tanneth as a lure once we can separate Necrozma from Emily.”

Amia spoke up, “Is there any sign of one of them losing?”

“I can’t tell. To my Perceive, Necrozma’s just crystals and Emily’s… Emily.”

Another thunderclap made several guards shudder.

“Get the Hearts that’re too shaken out of here,” Owen said. “How are our numbers?”

“We lost about a quarter of our forces,” Diyem said. “Most of them to injuries, but a few are corpses somewhere on the field.”

Cold pressure held Owen’s heart, but he nodded. This was going to happen. The Hearts insisted on fighting, but they were fighting gods.

“Hey, don’t get distracted,” Sera piped up, clenching her right paw. “We’ll get all that sorted once this is over. Remember, gods can step in when gods mess up. Xerneas can try to get them back… if we have a world left! Right?!”

“Right. Right.” That was true. Even Barky wouldn’t object to that use of Xerneas’ power.

“Remember,” Diyem said firmly, “As far as this divine war is concerned, death is transferring from one squad to another. The dead are preparing the aether for whatever darkness leaks that way. Our only true losses are those who fall to Shadows.”

“Right.” So long as Xerneas survived…

Getting a pep talk from the emissary of darkness. Owen held back a smile when he addressed the Circle with a rally.

“The flashes come in a rhythm! At the next flash, five seconds after, fly south!” He pointed. “Get on your fliers, and then fly a distance of Gahi’s five seconds!”

“Heh. That a challenge?” Gahi flexed his wings and nodded. “Sure, I’ll lead.”

“Gahi, try to glow with your… star-wings, too. It might cut through the dark to guide everyone else your way.”


The dazzling lights barely cut through the Shadow dome.

“That’s the flash,” Owen hastily shouted.

One… two… three…

Something boomed five feet from the dome’s east side. A wayward blast narrowly missed them.

Four… five.

“Circle, GO!”

The dome emptied until it was just a handful of others that Owen hadn’t included in the Circle as combat backup. Among them was Zena, tending to several wounded Hearts, and Aster, hiding from the flashing explosions.

“Aster, where’s your Mom?”


Owen heard a curse, followed by Star entering his Perceive range.

“Never mind,” Owen said. “Star!”

“Hey, Owen,” Star grunted, dripping with black rainwater. “I got some intel for you.” She cursed a few more times as she tried to lighten several bruise-like patches on her body.

“Star, what were you—fine, what intel?”

“If you attack Necrozma, he attacks back and draws closer to you. Emily follows Necrozma. Attack Emily, she ignores you, so don’t bother. But I think a big enough hit can knock her around.”

“That’s… that’s useful,” Owen agreed. If they struck Necrozma enough, they could lure him to the Circle, and then knock Emily into it. Then it was just a matter of capturing Emily and completing the Purification. But… they could not let Necrozma get close to the Circle. He’d obliterate them.

“Also, your plan didn’t have me in it, but it’s got Barky. Does he know when to Teleport there after his bombardment?”

“I’ll send him a prayer,” Owen said. “That lower back brain of his is still working, right?”

“Butt brain, yeah.” Star nodded. Despite a few dark splotches on her thigh and left cheek, she was energized again. “What’s my job?”

“Are you sure you can keep fighting, Star? We can’t lose another god here.”

“I’ll be fiiine.” Star nodded. “If things get hairy, I’ll blip out, promise.”

He didn’t like Star’s assurances. Flimsy. Overconfident. She was still scared of Shadows, but she was also strong as one of Kilo’s main gods…

No time to hesitate. “I’ll go left. You go right. Try to follow my flame and stay opposite of me.”

“I’ll put up a big, purple barrier, so follow that,” Star said. “Are we trying to play target practice with them?”

“It’ll divert attention from the Hearts.” And they couldn’t afford to be hit as often.

Another flash and boom on the ground. Several remaining Hearts shuddered at the prospect of going out again.

One Heart sputtered, “I-if I die, Xerneas will revive us, right?”

“Forget that, I don’t wanna learn what dying feels like!” another Heart said. “But… that’s… p-part of the job. At least for now…”

“Don’t get too close. Just strike at Necrozma when you can see. And when you’re weak, dive back into this barrier and into the Waypoint if you have to fall back. Okay. Everyone, positions! Ready… go!”

Owen returned to the skies. Star flashed her violet barrier as she disappeared into the flashing darkness. Dark water splashed over Owen’s scales, instantly blinding him at his high speed.

Once they entered his Perceive range again, Owen slowed until the water wasn’t obscuring his vision as badly. Between flashes, he saw Emily’s outline. The two titans were locked into a melee brawl, Necrozma’s wings burning into Emily’s body just as quickly as she could regenerate.

This time, he was ready for the stray blasts. He parried the first one and twisted his body so the shield propelled him away from the incoming wave, diverting most of the force into the horizon. He could only hope that most people had already evacuated from the far reaches of the combat zone.

The second blast came from Emily, finally paying attention to the new fighter in the fray. Owen had a guess it was his Radiance. Twisting, dark air spiraled toward Owen and he dove down. Star’s purple sphere gave him a reference point for where to stay relative to Necrozma and Emily, distorted as it was from the rain against his shield.

“Owen! Owen!” He barely heard his Communicator over the latest flash and snap of the dark sky. She hastily rummaged through his bag, his claw necklace tapping his chin, and pulled it out.

“Eon?” Owen could only guess by how the voice sounded like him.

“Beammaker is online! The power is… a little weak without Lavender, and a lot of the equipment is damaged, but we can get one good shot! Where do we aim?”

Where to aim. Emily would regenerate it. They didn’t need to hurt Emily. It was Necrozma that was the problem.

“Aim at Necrozma. When I shout to fire, do it, okay? We need to get him out of the picture for this to work!”


Hopefully, Nate would get the signal from that.

Arceus, can you hear me? Owen said. If you can take aim, strike Necrozma through the dark. We can handle Emily as long as Necrozma is down.

He received no answer. He could only hope Barky was ready with his Judgment to smite from Destiny Tower.

A whirlwind formed on all sides with Owen in the eye of the storm. He shifted his Protect into a full sphere and closed up his body’s stance. Another Shadow Aeroblast carved the air and compressed his Protect to the point where its resonant pressure strained his bones. The wind was starting to break through the cracks. Something thumped repeatedly against his chin—his mother’s claw on his necklace again.

His eyes trailed down to try to adjust it when he happened to see a bright light from below. Necrozma had pulled away from Emily to strike him!


Owen’s barrier, as a sphere, couldn’t take a direct blast from Necrozma. He sacrificed his back protection to the last of the Aeroblast and concentrated the Protect toward Necrozma’s Chaos light.

It was narrowly enough. Owen grasped at the same energy, siphoning a small strip of it until it coiled around his wrist, crackling like fire under rain.

Emily was flying toward Tanneth’s spot again…

He closed his wings and went into a free fall. He had to catch up to Emily, though he kept his shield behind him now. He needed some distance. A dazzling flash of light blinded him again and he squeezed his eyes shut.

Owen focused on his Perceive, sparing a second to make sure he wasn’t about to be ambushed—only to spot a single entity fending Emily off singlehandedly. Struggling, making no progress on harming her, but holding her off.

“Migami—no! You can’t keep it together as—”

“We got this!” Migami shouted back. “Heh! We got a little desperate, but we learned somethin’ new, Owen!”

“What?” Owen whispered. They were… sane.

“The reason our fusion went wrong all the time,” Migami continued. They dodged an Aeroblast with grace before flinging an axe straight into Emily’s eye, earning a roar of anger. “Wasn’t Nevren’s calcs at all! Wasn’t even an instability with the power!”

Migami Teleported behind Emily and struck several times with quick jabs and finished with a Solar Beam once Emily spun around. Then, they disappeared and did the same thing again, finishing this time with a two-fisted slam on her back. She went pinwheeling fifty feet down.

“It was the Trio! Our other halves!” Migami sliced at Emily’s wing, taking it clean off. It regrew in seconds. “They were th’ missin’ regulator, an’ Nevren couldn’ see them in all the math, I bet!”

“The… the Decree messed up his schematics for us?!” Owen whispered.

Of course. Eon had been trying to come up with this fusion project for a while, but didn’t realize that even with Demitri, Mispy, and Gahi as three of the components, their incomplete souls lacked the stability for a fusion. None of the other mutants were irreparably berserk, just them…

Something warm distracted Owen, and it wasn’t just the warm fuzzies of his friends fighting by his side. He glanced down and realized that something in his bag—soaked with blackened rain—was glowing hot. Gaining some distance, he rummaged inside.


That marble Xerneas had gifted him. They’d tried to train it and get it working in the human world, but it never worked beyond a slight boost in power. But this was different. What was going on?

“Circle’s online and ready!” Eon reported through the Communicator. “I’m coordinating with some people at the Lab for the Beammaker, but…!”

The Circle… Was that somehow resonating with this marble?


Suddenly, a rainbow light completely overtook Owen’s vision. It felt like hot water doused his whole body, tingling his scales and shifting parts of his body all at once. He was amorphous and then solid in a matter of seconds, the rush of battle suddenly thrilling him. But then, he reflexively regained his senses and thrashed within a barrier that had formed around him, shattering it all at once.

“E-eh?!” Migami shouted. “Owen! Did yeh Shadow?!”

“What?” Owen looked at his claws. His scales had turned… black? And from his cheeks, he saw blue flames. What? And why did…

No. Not important right now. He could look it over later. His Perceive still worked; he still felt sane. That was all that mattered.

Another flash lit the sky. The light pushed through his eyelids, revealing the pattern of his scales even while his eyes were closed. He felt Migami suddenly flinch from it. At that moment, Emily changed directions for a slam against the fused trio.

“Migami! Watch out!” Owen said. “This is a big one!”

“Doin’ what I can!” They blipped behind Emily again. This time, she was faster, striking Migami with a single, shockwave-producing wing slap. Migami tumbled into the air and out of Owen’s Perceive.

They’d be fine. They’d be fine. Emily was going after them, but not after Tanneth. And that meant he could focus on Necrozma. He saw the crystals that made up Necrozma’s body shift. He recognized the gesture—he was conjuring a wormhole.

“Oh, no, you don’t!”

Owen beat his wings hard and conjured a blast of wind that nearly tore his wings apart. But they endured. He slammed headfirst into Necrozma’s chest, conjuring his Chaos spear, and plunged it toward his chest. Necrozma dodged to the left, toward the wormhole. Owen shifted for a shoulder check, slamming into Necrozma with a grazing blow—narrowly enough to spin Necrozma away from the wormhole, which fizzled out.

Owen pulled his hand back, retracting the spear and turning it into a shapeless blob, and slammed it against Necrozma’s prism chest. His body was like a pool of magma, yet his Fiery form couldn’t resist it. The Chaos in his palm turned into a puddle of volatile energy. He infused his own and pressed into Necrozma’s prism armor.

It cracked. That surprised Owen. This transformation… How much stronger were his claws? Everything felt so feeble against his raw strength.

The air pressure behind him changed dramatically.

With a powerful shove, Owen corkscrewed through the air and used the new cracks in Necrozma’s armor to hook his claws inside. He whirled Necrozma toward the incoming Aeroblast, giving his Protect a break.

The dragon of light screeched wordlessly. His tail formed several Chaos spikes that stabbed Owen along his gut and chest.

He wailed and let go, but now Necrozma was on the advance. Another beam of light shot through the cracks of Owen’s barrier, leaving a series of holes and lines across Owen’s chest.

Wheezing, Owen Perceived the parts of his own body that had suddenly been burned straight through. About forty percent through his body. That was going to hurt later. For now, adrenaline kept him swinging.

“Move aside, Owen,” Necrozma snarled. Owen was surprised he was lucid enough to speak.

“Necrozma!” He could talk? “What are you doing? Snap out of it!”

“There is nothing to snap out of. I am ending this world, as it always should have been.”

Oh, good. Diyem’s nihilism was what had appealed to Necrozma.

“The Shadows are talking, Necrozma. We can fix all of this if you just—”

“Like you ‘fixed’ every other time?” Necrozma countered.

They both dodged one of Emily’s stray Aeroblasts. It rumbled the ground, twisting a whole field of earth and trees into a muddy slurry. Seconds later, Migami shot Emily on the cheek with a Solar Beam—feeble under the darkened sky. It was enough to draw her attention.

Unlike Necrozma, Emily was nothing but a raging beast. The Shadows had taken her over completely and shoved whatever was ‘Emily’ deep into darkness, leaving nothing but an emissary of destruction behind.

But Necrozma. Maybe Owen could still reach out to him…

“Necrozma, please! It’s not just me this time! The whole world wants this!”

Necrozma scoffed, his body undulating with Chaotic light. Emily lunged for Necrozma, only for him to form a wormhole and warp Emily past him and to Owen, who parried her back with a Protect, kiting around her huge body. She tumbled to the ground, disoriented, giving Necrozma and Emily some time apart.

“Then show me the world’s strength.”

He raised his head and faced the sky. Suddenly, Owen couldn’t see anything. The Shadow Sky siphoned into a sphere above Necrozma.

A low hum shook the air, rattling Owen’s chest and skull. That sphere was stronger than anything he’d seen before.

Wait! This was what Nate usually dispelled. It was their clash to stop Necrozma from destroying the world outright. But Nate… he was still too far away, wasn’t he? Necrozma had gone completely off course.

If this struck Kilo…

The Chaotic ball burned the sky. Sunlight poured through the cracks in the clouds and siphoned into the sphere.

“This will explode and annihilate every physical trace of you… perhaps even every spiritual trace, too. That is divine energy. And I should have done this a very long time ago.”

“I’m thankful you didn’t,” Owen said back, searching for an opening, “and I know Kilo was always hanging on a thread, Necrozma! At your mercy… the mercy of the Overseers!” There was no opening—not without risking that light annihilating Kilo. “But now we’ll prove it! By purifying you… and then Emily!”

“Then show me that power… before mine obliterates you! Show it, Usurper!”

The ball was nearly charged. Even Necrozma looked like he was struggling to keep it contained. Owen could only watch and wait. He formed a plan… but it relied on a lot of faith in his own strength.

“So, you knew I was a Usurper all along? Was that the term you gave me?”

“Of course. It’s why you had to be eliminated… by erasure. Yet even then, you returned.”

The hum of the ball reached its apex and then let out a shockwave. It was like staring at a marble that mixed the darkest black with the brightest white in a swirling, blinding vortex.

“Now, Owen. Your final test!”

Necrozma curved his body forward and hurled the ball toward Owen. The Charizard raised his hands and formed a Protect, only to realize that this, if deflected, would do even more damage than if it exploded in the air.

“What will you do?!” Necrozma roared over the rumble. “Dodge it, and flee your burden? Deflect it, and offset the suffering to the world? Or will you face it and die in Kilo’s place?!”

The ball of Chaos struck Owen’s Protect. But rather than deflect, Owen inverted the shield’s curve, turning it into a bowl.

The Charizard roared, every muscle and every bit of his aura channeled into his shield. Chaos crackled over the edges and whipped at his cheeks, and shoulders, his wings and his legs. He couldn’t hold out like this. The edges of the Protect cracked, light pouring like stardust in the air. Lightning flashed, thunder boomed; he could barely hear.

He just had to grasp it. He had to grasp this energy and control it. Just… flex his aura a little more…


“Owen!” Star cried. A surge of energy washed over him like sunlight after a storm. She touched his shoulders a moment later, not minding the blood. “Sorry, I had to break formation,” she said. “Keep going! I’ll channel the energy I can!”

The second wind was appreciated, but Owen’s elbows still strained. Star formed a Psychic platform for him to dig his feet into, and even then, his knees buckled against the incoming blast. He could only Perceive things now; his vision was clouded by the black-white, smoldering ball of Chaos behind his thinning Protect.

“It won’t be enough,” Necrozma said. “You cannot grasp the power of an Overseer.”

Owen hissed. He couldn’t afford a word, not even a word, without losing his concentration. He clenched his fists as the Protect closed in on the barrier, though it still couldn’t fully encapsulate it. Wait. Star had Teleported in.

Desperate, he grasped at the power that lingered near Star… yes! It was still there! He pulled at the power she’d utilized seconds ago… He’d need it soon.

His Protect cracked. He focused again, enclosing it more and more. Just a little further and he could make his move. Necrozma was pouring more and more power into the blast from afar. At this rate, if it exploded, a new mark would be on Kilo’s map, one larger than War’s End.

The barrier fragmented, Chaos energy slicing across Owen’s muzzle. He winced and refocused on the Protect. He needed to pinpoint just the right spot…

“Owen, you can’t hold out much longer!” Star whispered frantically. “My barrier can’t—”

Owen tuned her out. Not yet. Just a bit more. The barrier almost completely enclosed the blast; he only needed a second for Necrozma to let up his onslaught. Blast by blast, the ball got more unstable, fighting against an ever-enclosing barrier. Sometimes, Necrozma tried to strike Owen from the sides with Wormhole-borne attacks—it was Star who deflected those.

Necrozma had forgotten one thing with this blast. Owen was not just a Usurper who grasped at the powers of others and took it as his own, however temporary. He was also…

Owen’s tail abruptly wrapped around Star, who made a startled squeak. Then, he utilized the power he’d grasped from her and Teleported himself, Star, and the ball attached to his Protect all at once.


Suddenly, Owen closed the gap between the two of them.

And where Owen had been holding the ball of Chaos… Necrozma stood instead, within the great Protect barrier.

Along with a Usurper, Owen was also a Bestower.

“Radiant Bestow,” Owen breathed. Necrozma bathed in the Chaotic storm, prismatic eyes darting around to search for any kind of opening.

Owen let go of Star with his tail before flipping through the air. His tail thwacked the Protect barrier—now Bestowed upon and attached to Necrozma—skyward.

Necrozma immediately tried to warp away—but the Protect followed him no matter where he went, attached to his aura. And Necrozma was too frenzied to realize this in time… Or, considering he was inside that barrier, in too much pain.

But he was still too close. Owen breathed in and paused. “Star,” he said, “help here!”

“Uhh—help what?!”

Owen breathed a far-reaching jet of fire toward the ball as Necrozma roared from within. The warping had stopped—but Necrozma was out of his Perceive range. He didn’t know if he was charging to break out or simply unconscious.

“Oh, okay!” Star glowed and Teleported higher, creating a Psychic funnel that attached the Owen’s motes of fire, giving them a more solid presence. They pelted the Protect higher and higher. Necrozma couldn’t escape anywhere while inside—and if Owen had to guess, even if he tried to Wormhole out, the Protect would follow him.

But it was still too close for that kind of blast. “Eon!” Owen shouted into his Communicator.

“I—I see it!”

They’d spent centuries together. Owen prayed Eon understood what he meant: “FIRE!”

Less than a second later, a blinding line cut through the darkness and struck Necrozma’s sphere dead-on. Owen couldn’t hear anything after that. A new beam soared from over the horizon… The two beams countered each other, the net force propelling Necrozma higher and higher into the sky without straying in another direction.

“Nate! Nate got his shot!” Owen cheered.

“Hey, Owen!” Star shouted. “Maybe we should get down! That blast is…!”

Owen glanced up. Something had ruptured. Uh oh.

“Cover your eyes!” Owen shouted.

But even when Owen did, he saw the pattern of the scales on his eyelids and the outline of his fingers’ bones. Star yelped in surprise and spun around. Owen Perceived her back spontaneously combusting. He Teleported between her and the blast, shielding her from the incoming energy even as his scales burned from a fire he could not fully comprehend. He never knew light could burn so much.

And then the blast caught up to them. The light was so much faster than shockwaves.

Owen couldn’t hear. One moment, there was a great, booming pop, and then something in his head snapped, and then he couldn’t hear anymore. He tasted metal. He pinwheeled through the air, catching the ground several thousand feet below with every rotation. Then, he closed his eyes, trying to refocus. In what felt like a second, the ground was suddenly only a hundred feet away.

Coldness undulated over his body starting from his head and ending at his tail. His orange scales returned and that prismatic aura faded. And the fatigue of the battle hit him just as fast.


Purple energy slowed his fall. He stretched his wings and called on the winds, slowing himself completely.

The trees were on fire. The sand was pulverized like glass. But… Yes. The barrier was still up, like a last bastion that protected those who hid there. In fact, the original fighting area had taken very little of the blast.

That was a relief…

“Owen!” Star suddenly cried.

The air’s density shifted.


The realization had Owen acting on reflex, putting up a barrier on all sides, but it wasn’t enough. His barrier, after all the strain, was too flimsy. Dark winds cut through his golden Protect like butter—Owen realized his mistake of using Radiance too late—and then sliced open his scales just as easily. It spun and throttled him effortlessly through the wind. Owen clutched at his neck, holding his necklace in place, as he careened out of the blast line and toward the ground.

He stretched his wings. One wing didn’t respond. One of his horns was blasted off his head—his Perceive wasn’t nearly as accurate, but… was he missing that wing? He opened his eyes with blurry vision and saw something vaguely wing-shaped spiraling ten feet away from him.

That’s probably bad.

Owen thought it calmly. He didn’t have the energy to panic anymore. He tried to channel the winds, but his aura was shot; he tried to glide down the old-fashioned way, but it wasn’t enough with just one tattered wing.

He wondered if Barky would be able to act in time if he prayed.

And then he felt Star under him, using her tiny but strong body to slow his fall. Slower and slower—it felt like a glide. He was flying.

Owen Perceived the ground coming faster than a glide.


With the last of his strength, Owen grabbed Star’s tiny body with one hand, wrapping it gently yet firmly around her abdomen. He tossed her skyward.

He struck the ground and lost his second horn. A sickening crack rattled his neck in one place and his spine in two more. He lost all feeling in his legs. Nostalgic.

For a few seconds, Owen braced for something more to happen, though all he could brace was a weak furrow of his brow. Nothing came. Everything was, for a blissful moment, peaceful. The wind blew ash and embers into his face, reminding him of a home long ago. He held his necklace, tracing the rope to the great claw at the bottom. Still intact. He’d have laughed if he could have.

Something tiny was slapping his face. Felt like a little Mew. It was Eon or Star. Probably Star. That made more sense.

He couldn’t talk or see or hear, though. That made this awkward. Instead, he focused on trying to repair himself. He couldn’t quite feel it… but he tapped into his Orb. After all this time, it still had its use. His limbs dissolved into roots that dug through the soil, expanding, and gathering nutrients. His one remaining wing grew leaves that soaked in the sunlight the blast had pierced through the skies. So much warmer…

Star, Owen thought, realizing prayers would still get to her. Go to the others… Lure Emily. Complete the Circle. I can’t do anything right now…

The tiny paws stopped shaking him.

I’ll be fine. Can’t you tell? I’ve been through worse. I still have my head this time.

A silence. Owen wondered if Star was still there. A foot kicked his cheek. Yeah, he deserved that one… But then, he felt her touch his cheek again. And then a hug… and then, her presence was gone. Good enough.

It was getting hard to stay awake. Even as energy flowed into him, the warmth and peace after all that happened left him exhausted.

He could only hope that the others could do it without him… and perhaps, he could recover fast enough to do his part in time.

Arceus, Owen prayed. Fire your charge now! I got rid of Necrozma!

Even with his mind fogging up with warmth and darkness, he pressed out one final shout.

It’s time to complete the Circle!
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Chapter 183 - Pure Water New


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Chapter 183 – Pure Water

“Owen’s down!”

A tearful Mew, half-burned by something more than fire, floated unevenly toward the crew that had set up the Purification Circle. Zena’s heart leaped in her chest. There was no way…

“He’s WHAT?” Jerry shouted from two quartets of the Circle away.

“He didn’t get caught in that—that blast, did he?!” Hakk said. “What was that? I’ve never seen anything like it!” He rubbed his arms uncomfortably. “Still burns…”

“He did, but he survived that,” Star said, trembling visibly now that she was closer. “Emily blasted him when he was weakened. He’s ripped up, but—but he’s surviving. His aura’s stable, and Emily’s coming this way, so—so, uh, so what now?”

“Without Owen, how’re we supposed to complete the Circle thing?” Jerry snarled.

Migami had split into their components. Mispy was tending to their collective wounds. Several others were already in their spots, tending to their part of the Circle. By now, visible lines connected each quartet as they channeled their energy, and if everyone got into formation in the great field they’d found, it would look just like Orre’s setup.

By Zena’s estimates, Emily would have to land in the middle of the Circle, which was a good fifty feet in diameter. Not a small target, but also uncomfortably close for someone with Emily’s presence.

“Even if we get all nine foursomes in,” Star whispered, “how are we supposed to do the final pulse? Owen had to do that. He had the… the thing, with grabbing aura threads, right?”

Zena found enough sense to perk up. “Not just him,” she said. “I know how to do it, or, another way. A workaround. You just need to channel that power into me, and… then I aim it at Emily. I’m not part of the Circle—I was a coordinator, too.”

It was getting darker again. The hole in the sky the explosion had given off was closing. Emily drew near; they had moments. Zena scanned the crowd and spotted Tanneth, who looked paler than ever.

“Tanneth, are you okay?” Zena called.

The Vaporeon jumped in surprise. “Y-yeah!” she called. She lacked her usual smile. “She’s just close. Closer than I’ve felt in a long time…”

Zena could understand the nervousness. But right now, they had a job to do. They were down a leader. It was up to Zena to pick up what Owen left behind.

“Get into positions, everyone!” Zena shouted. “Everyone not in the Circle, rally with me! We’re going to have to guide Emily ourselves. And remember—no matter how strong you are, how confident you think you can multitask… you cannot break the Circle anymore. No fighting if you’re channeling energy!”

Which would seriously eat at almost all their firepower. But they still had a few. Aster was not part of any Circle—he, as Star’s ‘son,’ would be their warding figurehead.

In the seventh group, Diyem called over, “Doesn’t it seem like a major oversight that some of our strongest have been reduced to purification batteries?! …And why am I part of this? I’m literally a Shadow Pokémon!”

“You have light in you,” Zena said. “That’s… what Owen said, at least. And… that your power could help subdue Emily’s perfect darkness.”

Diyem grunted. That seemed to be enough for now, and they couldn’t do any thinking to rearrange the Circle at this point.

Angelo cried out, “Eep! She’s here!”

Over the horizon, a purple-bodied Lugia roared and divebombed toward the Circle—directly to Tanneth. They had less than ten seconds to react.

“Aster!” Zena shouted.

“Yup!” And in an instant, the Mewtwo blipped and zipped into the fray, opening with a flying kick into Emily’s gut.

“Ah! Aster, be careful!” Star cried. “Emily might—”

“It’s okay!” Aster zipped away, easily dodging one of Emily’s swipes. “I’m coated in Psychic armor! Dialga taught me!”

Zena sighed and turned to the others. “Aster will buy us time. Get the Poké Balls ready! Everyone! Charge the Circle!”

Quickly, Zena got the ten empty capsules. She would be the one to throw them. Owen had more experience, but she had seen them in use, and everyone else was busy.

Maybe if she used her water to propel the ball forward, she’d have an easier time throwing it. Mystic power would also help…

“She’s close!” Jerry called over the gale-force winds. He had to fold his wings down to not get carried away. “Gah…!”

That was as good a time as any. Zena grabbed a ball with her ribbons, lobbed it forward, and fired at it with a Hydro Pump. The propulsion kept the ball in place at the end, landing directly on Emily’s chest.

Despite everything, she was still a Pokémon.

The ball snapped open and siphoned Emily inside.

“Yaaay!” Aster pumped his fists in the air. “We did it! We saved Kilo!”

“Hang on, kid!” Jerry called.

Mhynt interjected, “Quickly! Get the Circle prepared!”

“Where’s Owen?”

Zena scanned the horizons. No Owen. Not even his flame.

The ball wiggled once. Then, it abruptly snapped open, and with it came a blast of Shadow that struck Aster while he wasn’t expecting it. He spun through the air, screaming, with several cuts that broke through his armor.

“Aster!” Star cried.

“Zena!” Mhynt shouted. “Another! Quickly!”


And so, Zena repeated the process. She grabbed the second ball and tossed it toward Emily.

This time, they locked eyes. Zena flinched, but not enough to stop her Hydro Pump the same way. Emily opened her mouth—another blast, this time for Zena.

But then, flashing lights rained down on Emily, spearing her through the wings and gut. It was enough for her to stagger and stare back with scorn.

“Ah! Barky!” Star cried.

“Sorry for being late,” Barky stated. “I had to verify Owen’s safety.”

A silver barrier kept the rain from pelting him; he glowed like the sun that had been blotted out.

But Zena struck first. Another clean hit. Emily disappeared into the capsule. She concentrated on the ball, envisioning some invisible force keeping it closed, even from a distance. Her ribbons clenched. Others in the Circle could only focus on their aura, though the brief quiet helped them recover.

The battle wiggled once.

A flame of black and white caught Zena’s attention. “Mu?”

“’S it safe?” Mu called.

The capsule wiggled twice…

“No, Mu! Not yet!” Zena shouted.

The ball snapped open just as Mu jumped into the aether again, vanishing.

Zena had been so focused on Mu that she didn’t see the incoming Shadow Aeroblast until its whistling winds were a split-second from her. She moved to raise her ribbons, but that was when the blast twisted her through the air, cutting through her scales. She wailed—several called out to her—and came to a staggered stop next to Mhynt, Diyem, Hakk, and Leph’s Circle. She saw Leph make a gesture as if to heal her—

“No!” Zena hissed, tasting metal in her words. “Focus… on the Circle!”

“Zena!” Tanneth called—she might have been calling for a while.

Behind Tanneth, Emily was closing in fast, roaring. She seemed to be deliberately avoiding getting too close to the Circle, though, but a single Aeroblast would change that. The damage she’d do…

Aster swooped in and grabbed Tanneth by her neck fins.

“Sorry!” Aster said. He was covered in lacerations from the last attack, but held her close, smudging blood over the Vaporeon. They vanished.

Emily whirled around, instinctually sensing where Tanneth had gone. Zena had seen a flash of light cut through the darkness. Aster hadn’t Teleported far. He must have known they needed to keep Emily in the circle.

The beast’s one-track mind at least got the heat off of Zena. The Milotic nervously sighed, everything stinging, even in the intensifying, corrosive rain. They couldn’t last in this for long. The Ultra Balls… where did they go?

Scattered to the wind. Zena only had one left. Anything else and… she’d have to search for them in the dirt and grime.

Half-desperate, Zena also glanced around the blackening, muddy sand for glimmers of those capsules. That’s when she realized the texture of the ground, as she shifted her weight, had… changed.

“What’s happening to the floor?” Zena said.

Various in the nearest quartets looked down.

Jerry roared in disgust. “NO!”

“What? Don’t just shout, what?!” Mhynt snapped.

“It’s… it’s lookin’ like her insides!” Jerry said.

Zena gulped. She thought she’d seen a glimmer of a capsule and grabbed at it—but it was lodged in the ground. After a few moments, she realized that she’d been pulling at a lump of flesh that the sand had transfigured into.

“How do you know what those look like?” called Leo on one knee, still keeping his hands up and pointing at Brandon nearby.

“Don’t ask.” Jerry stared at Mhynt. “Her Dungeon-ness is spreading. For the love of the gods here, stop her before the whole WORLD becomes Emily!”

“Gods, it’s all… corrupting,” Zena whispered. “Emily!”

She pulled her ribbon back, ready to fire.

No reply. Emily stomped after Aster, who kept disappearing and reappearing. He could keep that up for a time, but at the rate of the rainfall, that time was dwindling.

Lightning flashed, dazzling Zena’s senses. She could barely see more than ten feet in front of her, but relied on Emily’s massive silhouette and the ambient glow of the fifty-foot Circle.

It was colder than the ocean’s depths even in the darkest winter night. What surprised Zena was how her body didn’t shiver, nor did the coldness numb her. No, this was a deeper cold, one her body couldn’t understand, but her aura, her spirit, did. It was freezing her spirit.

“Come on,” Zena whispered. “My power still has to work. Just a little longer…!”

Once more, she tossed the Ultra Ball, knowing it would be the last one she’d have. She fired a Hydro Pump again, smashing into the ball and propelling it faster, whistling through the air…

Contact. Emily’s light spiraled into the capsule and it snapped shut. One shake.

“Okay… okay.” Aster knelt, setting Tanneth down. “I just, I just need a breath…”

Second shake. For a moment, the air was warmer, that oppressive darkness letting up from Zena’s lungs.

“Get ready!” Mhynt announced again. “Zena, can you carry the Circle’s power like Owen did?”

Third shake.

“Y-yes. I’m ready!” Zena said. “Everyone, get into—”

A crack formed on the ball, spewing black fumes.


And then it split open—the last ball Zena had a hope of getting in time—sending whips of Shadow winds into the ground. The cold sting of bits of rock cut through Zena’s scales before a curtain of that same dark gale obscured everything else.

At first, all Zena did was scream and shield herself with a feeble wall of water. Then came the slices through her body, each one a knife of icy obsidian. Eventually, the pain was too much and she fell into one of the many ditches that the gales had made, cold dirt muffling the world around her.

With little strength to move, Zena remained there, recuperating, quietly calling on her spirits to revitalize her. But that was all.

It all faded…


“Sorry, Tanneth,” Aster whispered. He reached for the Vaporeon. “W-we have to get away. Regroup, try again… I—I think we ran out of chances.”

Tanneth’s little heart couldn’t take it. The icy darkness cut through her natural resistance to cold. It was like her bones had turned to ice; every movement she made was an agonizing swim through needles.

How did it come to this? Staring down who was supposed to be her mate of a thousand years, now little more than the darkened half of the same soul. There was no victory in any of this. No hope, no safety, just doom one way or the other.

Her vision was blurry through tears or rain, maybe even sheer fatigue. She didn’t know which. But she thought back to warmer times, desperate for any kind of comfort, as Aster Teleported her this way and that within the storm.

“I—I can’t go anywhere if everyone’s in a Circle. She’ll kill them…” Aster panted. “Wh-what do we do?!” he called out. “Where’s Zena?! Where’s Owen?!”

If Tanneth heard things right, the Ultra Balls were a bust and the Circle still wasn’t ready. They still needed to stun Emily, and…

Tanneth’s breathing got faster. She just wanted things to go back to normal. That was so far away. How long had it been since she was able to cuddle up to Emily under a clear, moonlit sky? How long since she was able to rescue Pokémon lost at sea, assure them of their safety, look at their thankful faces as they were brought to shore…

Was all of that for nothing? She and Emily were the same person. What was their relationship? It was all going to amount to memories. A daydream.

But… she was still important. In fact, Emily was more important. Owen said that Shadows locked away the past… and turned Pokémon into monsters without those memories. Only Tanneth had those memories now. And… did that, in itself, have meaning?

What if…


Finally, Aster’s voice snapped the Vaporeon back to the present. “What?”

“Do you know of ANY weakness Emily might have?”

Lightning struck again. Emily was closing in. Ten seconds; she could feel it.

Emily had no weaknesses. She was invincible. That was what the corruption had done to her even before the Shadows took hold when she’d become an immortal Dungeon.

But it wasn’t Emily they were fighting…

“I do,” Tanneth said.

“What?! Why didn’t you tell us?!”

“Because I just—I just realized it!”

Another flash. Tanneth was on the opposite side of the Circle, now next to Trina and the clones of Team Alloy. They looked awful—holding their pose dutifully, frustrated at their inability to fight back against their invincible foe…

“I need you to Teleport to the very center of the Circle,” Tanneth said. “And leave me there!”


“Take me to the center of the Circle… and GO! And then… and then get everyone ready! Okay?!”

“Ready for that?”

“I’m going to stun Emily with… a special technique!”

Aster looked at Trina.

“Just agree,” Trina grunted. “We… we can’t hold this much longer. It’s now or never. Wake Zena up! We need her for the Purification!”

“O-okay.” Aster picked Tanneth up again.

Yes. She understood now. Maybe she always knew… and was putting it off, hoping they would find another way.

Well. They were out of options. This had been an inevitable outcome.

Once Emily was close enough again, white light engulfed Tanneth’s vision one last time. He set her down and the cold, Shadow-tinged mud and sand greeted her. Just like the island where she’d nearly been eaten before

“What’s the special technique?” Aster asked.

“S-something the others taught me. Just get Zena!” Tanneth hastily commanded.

“O-okay! Okay!” Aster vanished… leaving Tanneth behind. All alone.

Lightning flashed again. She didn’t need the light to feel Emily’s presence looming over her.

She envisioned warmer days by the ocean. The salty spray of every wave. The gentle rumble of Emily snoozing.

The fleshy sand and mud rumbled, pulling Tanneth an inch into the ground. She closed her eyes and breathed. Emily’s great wing hovered over Tanneth’s body. The wing tore open, revealing a mouth…

“Please wake up,” she whispered. “Emily… if you can hear me… pleas—”

Unceremoniously, the Shadow Lugia claimed her.


It was so much colder, yet not nearly as oppressive as Tanneth had envisioned. She was weightless, as if adrift beneath the ocean without a moon or stars. She was surprised to be conscious. When she looked at her paws, they glowed faintly. Weird.

The ocean currents tickled her cheek and triggered her fins’ senses. Something was coming.


Tanneth’s ears flicked. Emily’s voice was so warm, even now.

“Why’d you do it?” Emily whispered.

Her body was mostly purple, but there were faint hints of her pristine, silver glory. She was fighting.

“It was the last trick,” Tanneth replied with a sad smile. “Couldn’t stop you any other way.”

“But now… now you’re…”

Tanneth looked at her paws. Now that she saw Emily, she also realized that her own limbs were see-through. Getting fainter. She was dissolving into an ocean.

And as she did, Emily’s body got faintly lighter.

“It’s… it was going to happen eventually,” Tanneth said. “I was running and running… afraid that the next time I woke up, I’d be staring at you, only it wasn’t you. Just a Shadow parading around in your body. I didn’t realize until now that… I shouldn’t have been running forever. I wasn’t living. I was just… afraid. Prolonging the time until this moment. We don’t need that. I had to wait… for the time to face my fate.”

“But it didn’t have to!” Emily said again. “What if we… we found another way? What if we could be separated forever?!”

“A soul’s a soul,” Tanneth said with a giggle. “We… we were never separate. We just didn’t know it. I’ll… I feel so silly to talk about it like this, knowing in a few seconds, it’s all…”

Even now, Tanneth struggled to keep her body together. She couldn’t tell her digits apart. She must have been speaking with her mind.

“Please, don’t… I’m gonna miss you,” Emily begged. Tanneth knew she was trying to will this to stop.

“I’m gonna miss being us, too,” Tanneth said, drifting closer to Emily until they embraced. She was cold, but getting warmer. The ocean’s void around them felt smaller, but they defied that darkness even then. “But they need us right now. We can’t run away…”

“Need us?”

Tanneth nodded. She could see parts of herself becoming part of the ocean, seeping into Emily’s scales. Every second that passed, Emily’s body brightened, though it did not completely get rid of the darkness. Tanneth feared she’d be lost for good if those outside didn't purify her.

She needed to have faith in them. This had to be enough time…

“I was just the ocean’s guardian,” Emily whispered. “I was isolated, Tanneth… I don’t know them at all. What… what can I do?”

“It’s okay. Because… you’ll get my memories. And I’ll get yours.”


“Yeah. I met so many people after I was rescued, Emily…”

She couldn’t see anymore. All she could do was hear Emily and feel the coldness creeping in. The more she thought about everyone trying to help, though—their hopeful faces that she could still view in her mind’s eye—the warmer she felt.

“Can you… can you tell me about them? Please. Don’t go…”

She couldn’t smile anymore. Her whole body had become a blue cloud adrift in the sea.

“Okay,” Tanneth replied. “Well… let’s start with the people who organized to save us all. And a place called Kilo Village. . .”


Strong hands roughly plucked Zena from the mud.

“Oh! She’s alive!”

“Hello, Aster,” Zena grunted. Everything hurt. She was afraid to coil any of her muscles. The most she tried was curling her ribbons.

“Emily’s stopped! Tanneth did some final trick!”

The Milotic’s eyes shot wide. “What?!”

“Yeah! So, hurry! The Circle’s almost charged!”

He set Zena down. The lightning still flashed; the horrid, soul-rotting rain continued to pour. Some of the Circle were on one knee, pouring the last of their power into maintaining this strange ritual.

In the center of the circle, the Shadow Lugia was stuck in a pose as if she’d just grabbed something. Horror gripped Zena’s chest. Tanneth’s final trick was…

“Zena,” Mhynt said from her nearby quartet.

Right. Now wasn’t the time for grief. It was time to make use of Tanneth’s sacrifice.

“Mhynt. Your type trumps mine,” Zena said. “For this to work, I need you to perform some double-duty, okay? Maintain your Circle, but offset that power to me, like a drain. On my mark. Okay?”

Mhynt nodded and shifted her weight. The others in her four—Diyem, Hakk, and Leph—nodded in tandem.

“One last push!” Zena called. “Heighten your auras now! Five seconds is all I need!”

That was the hope. Five seconds was all they could afford.

It started with Mhynt’s group. Adjacent, ten feet away, Anam’s group lit up, as did Jerry’s on the other side. Then the rest of the Circle got the signal, raising their auras for one final output.

Thunder boomed in the air. Emily was stirring again, standing straight.

“NOW!” Zena cried.

“Ngh—!” At first, Mhynt held both palms toward Leph’s back, who had been channeling the Rock element. Now, she moved one palm and pointed it at Zena.

Instantly, the swell of all her friends poured into Zena in an overwhelming deluge of warmth. Nothing that would bolster her attacks, and yet it held so much hope. She’d never felt this before. When she breathed, she saw everyone else’s chests rise at the same time—or was she following theirs? She couldn’t tell. It was all the same.

She felt the familiar hope of Anam, his overflowing compassion for all blighted by Shadows, and the will to save Emily from that fate. From Anam’s mind, she saw faces of Pokémon she didn’t recognize, yet knew them as old friends of Anam, still waiting to be saved somewhere in the void.

She caught the regrets smothered with the hope of Manny doing what he’d failed to accomplish before. Zena didn’t understand why he felt that way, but at that moment, she understood him all the same. She felt Mhynt’s hopes, nearest to her, to save Emily and wipe out one more fragment of darkness, taking them one step closer to defeating Alexander.

Even Diyem had a glimmer of hope and defiance toward his own piece, viewing it as an old shame to be corrected.

And so many more, rushing through her mind all at once. Past and present. Was this Owen’s old power? Seeing… the histories of everyone. The connection between Pokémon…

In that moment, Zena understood why this Circle was needed. The light of their pasts and their present hopes for the future… it was the antithesis of Dark Matter’s nihilism.

She didn’t need her Mystic power for this. This came from the heart.

A Hydro Pump coalesced as a sphere of crystal-clear water in front of her eyes. It naturally glowed against the dark and lit the area around her like a beacon. She saw Emily clearly, staring at her. The Lugia’s body trembled, but she raised her wings and left herself completely open. Trust. A single, fleeting glimmer of trust—Tanneth’s final throes from within.

The Circle dimmed as the last of its power channeled into Zena’s back. This was the power’s apex.

The sphere funneled into a bright, aqua-silver beam that cleaved through the darkness and spread over her body. Emily’s gaze shot upward and her mouth opened for a wail, yet no sound game. Purple washed away from her body like trivial grime, revealing a sky-blue body underneath. Even where the water did not touch, darkness shriveled up and evaporated, the last to go near her throat. Emily’s body glowed with more and more of the Circle’s energy, except for that one dark splotch. Zena felt the suspicions of the others in the Circle course through her. She wasn’t acting for herself anymore. This was the will of every person watching the ritual.

She stopped her onslaught and watched. Lightning flashed. From Emily’s throat, an outline of some dark cloud emerged, somewhere between solid and gas.

The Circle’s will was unanimous. Zena fired the rest of her onslaught on the thing and it hit the core, splashing against its form. Solid after all.

A screech cut through the remainder of the thunder’s rumble and the ringing in her ears. Just as quickly, the scream stopped. The wraith evaporated. Diyem winced and shook his head, earning a concerned glance from those in his quartet. He only shook his head, muttering something about ‘one down.’

It was over. It took everyone’s energy, probably half of their effective aura matter, and casualties across the board… But they’d made it. Zena could only hope their true losses—Shadowed spirits—were minimized. Perhaps even zero, if Zena dared to hope for that.

Emily fell on her back, immobile. Mispy slid forward and focused, as did a few other aura readers in the Circle… It was clear. To be sure, Celebi—who nearly fell several times in midair along the way—flew over and pressed a tiny hand on Emily’s side. Several seconds passed and nothing happened.

Gradually, the clouds parted, blinding them again with sunlight. Zena couldn’t believe it was only noon here. The warmth of the sun helped her shed that accrued cold, dark feeling the black rain had seeped into her. The ground was a tar-like mess, as if a thousand fires had coated the fields in ash. But at least Zena could see the lush grass and white sands in small patches now that light had returned.

“…Yeah. Yeah, I think we did it,” Celebi finally reported. “Oh, thank goodness. I don’t think I could’ve gone on for much longer…”

Distantly, Zena spotted Phol and many injured guards hobbling or sprinting over to them. They all looked tired, some worse than others.

“Where’s Xerneas?”

“Here.” Xerneas took two steps before collapsing to a knee. “Ngh… I’m… I apologize. But revivals must come later. My energy is… not enough.”

Yveltal brought a wing beneath Xerneas and helped him stand.

“Not only did the rain sap our strength,” Yveltal said, “but that blast…”

“Ugh, my body’s still burning from it,” Hakk said, rubbing his arms. “I can’t… get it off. This is the worst sunburn I’ve ever had.”

“Sunburn…” Star echoed this, floating just above Zena’s head. “Oh, no…”

“What?” Zena asked.

Star’s eyes were grave as she looked at Hakk, then at the mortal Hearts.

“Phol. Do you also feel a… burning?”

“Is that what that is?” Phol said. “I’ll be honest, Star, I don’t know what ‘burning’ feels like. But it’s stinging if that’s what you mean. On the part of my body that faced the blast.”

Star’s expression was graver still. “I… I think I can help with that. I just need everyone here, and, uh… oh, man, that’s tricky. Guess we can brute force it with some of the Hands…”

“Star, what happened with that blast? What was it?” Zena asked. “I feel better now, but it looks like mortals are having lingering effects. They look sick.”

“It’s… complicated.”

But now that the adrenaline of everything had worn off, Zena noticed something else. It was subtle, but… it felt as if more than just the people and the land had been altered by this. That divine, second sun… Did it disrupt something about the world itself?

But she couldn’t articulate it. She turned away, narrowing her eyes.

“I feel it, too.”

Heads turned to Leph, who stepped a few inches above the ground while surveying the land. “There’s a strange energy in the grass and the air. I’m afraid that if it remains as-is, that sickness might sweep across all of Kilo. Owen prevented the worst of the blast, but its aftereffects…”

Barky, looking much worse for wear, tried to stand tall next to Leph. “I recognize it. We can fix this with some effort right now.”

“Actually… may I?” Leph asked, her eyes not leaving the horizon.

“What?” Barky asked. Zena was surprised that his tone didn’t sound hostile.

“What’s up, Leph?” Star added.

Aster blipped onto Leph’s back and leaned over her shoulders. “You have a weird feeling again?” Aster asked. “I feel it, too. But you always know how to do things better than me!”

“Mm.” Leph turned to fully face Barky. “…F… Father. May I borrow one of the Hands?”

Barky was taken aback, flinching visibly at the request. “I… yes. Very well,” he said. “Just the one?”

“Yes. Please.” Leph bowed.

A beat of silence. Then, Barky nodded and produced a single filament of light from his back, allowing it to drift toward Leph. It magnetized to her wheel—startling Barky—and siphoned into one of the gemstones like a noodle. Barky winced and floated back a few inches on reflex, a spatter of white light erupting where the filament had been torn away. The wound closed soon enough.

“You couldn’t do that before,” he murmured. “You… must have grown stronger, Leph.”

“Or the world has grown weaker,” Leph replied as that single filament reemerged from her back, shining brightly. First came a gentle pulse of silver that washed over the ground, climbing up everyone’s feet. Hakk covered his eyes with one set of claws, tensed, and then relaxed.

“Whoa,” Hakk whispered.

Jerry stretched his wings and sighed. “Burn’s gone.”

“The life in the ground is also… improved,” Xerneas reported. “And the air…”

The strange, fleshy corruption of the ground had also, mercifully, reverted. A Dungeon had not formed. But… the disruption to the world itself was still there. Leph hadn’t fixed that. What changed? It wasn’t immediate, but… Well. At least the air and the people were healed.

Sensing that Leph would handle the strange plague in the air, Zena carefully crossed the muddy sand to where Emily was still flat on her back. Her eyes were open; she glanced at Zena, so she was awake. Good start.

“Emily?” Zena asked. “Are you…”

Emily nodded. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“Don’t be,” Zena said. “You couldn’t have seen this coming. And… how’s… Tanneth?”

Emily winced, bringing a wing to her chest. Her great fingers squeezed as if trying to grasp her heart.

Now that Zena was closer, against the noon sun, Emily’s scales were closer to the sky’s color than their former silver sheen.

“We’re okay,” Emily said. “But… we won’t see each other again.”

“I see.” Zena nodded. “It’s okay, both of you. Many others can help you through that, alright? Do you know what I mean? Others who’d gone through the same thing.”

Emily nodded. “I know,” she said. “I know from… the half who’s Tanneth.”

“Good. That’s a good start,” Zena whispered, gently placing a ribbon on her shoulder. “Would you like to stay here a while longer?”

“Hey.” Gahi had appeared next to her with a Teleport. “She alright?”

“I’d like… s-some company,” Emily said.

“Oh.” Gahi glanced at Zena. “Eh. Alrigh’. I’ll stay ‘ere I guess.”

Trina was slithering over as well, along with Har, Lygo, Ax, and Ani.

“Any healing?” Ani called, raising several vines.

“I think we’re all fine here,” Zena called back. “Thank you, Ani.”

“Hey, uh… I know we’re glad to be victorious and all,” Har said, raising a claw, “but aren’t we forgetting someone?”

A beat of silence. Then, several feet away, Star cursed. “Owen!”
Chapter 184 - Missing Fragment New


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Chapter 184 – Missing Fragment

A few remained to help Emily rest and verify she was safe. Most who were too exhausted to keep fighting were sent back to Kilo Village to recover and report what happened. Of those who remained, a handful were sent to gather traces of Necrozma’s crystals to purify them while they had the chance in his weakened state. Celebi left to find Cresselia and do that job, now that Owen had shattered him with his own attack.

That left a small team to trace Star’s steps back to recover Owen.

Part of Zena worried that he’d somehow perished. Her rational side reminded her that even if he died, that would simply be another revival for Xerneas… though, he may come back a lot weaker, with how much Xerneas had to spread his power. And that’d be terrible when there were still two Dark Fragments in the world.

No. Owen was strong. He’d endured worse.


Though that was a literal, miniature sun. Zena wasn’t sure if Owen had endured worse…

“Found part of Owen!” Aster called cheerfully.

Part?” Zena gaped.

Aster happily raised a tattered wing into the sky, grinning ear to ear. “Yeah! He must be close!”

“Found a claw!” Star announced. “Ugh, where’s his aura? It’s so faint… but it also feels like it’s everywhere…”

“Oi, Mispy, don’t eat that!” Gahi shouted.

“I’ll heal it back!”

Zena sighed irritably and focused on the ground. She had an idea on how to reach him. If Owen’s aura was ‘everywhere’ and ‘faint,’ that reminded her a lot of…

The Milotic channeled her Mystical Water power. Her body melted into the soil, seeping through the sand, and entered the roots of the nearby plants, searching and seeking for…



Zena jolted upward and her horn jabbed Demitri—who’d been leaning over her—in the throat.

“Gah!” Demitri wheezed. “S-sorry!” He doubled over, recovering.

“No, I’m sorry!” Zena said quickly. “I—right. I found Owen.”

“Eh?” Gahi emerged from the ground and Teleported out, leaving his lower half as an impression in the hole he’d dug.

“Yes. I went into my Water form and searched the roots. He’s… the roots of a plant nearby. I think we contacted each other. I—one second. I’ll help him bloom.”

“You’ll what?” Demitri asked.

Rather than explain, Zena sank into the water again, more thoroughly this time, and shut off her senses to completely melt into the ground. Her watery body seeped deeper into the roots. Without sight, her mind conjured faint images of what she could sense…



She ‘saw’ his relieved, smiling face as if it was right in front of her.

Recovering? Zena asked, her thoughts quick and direct. She figured Owen wasn’t fully conscious.

I’m fine, Owen replied. As expected, his thoughts felt simplistic… He was probably half asleep, or in some Mystic trance. Was that possible? Given how far he’d been pushed…

Where are you? Zena asked.

Zena got the impression of a shrug, and then suddenly a force pulled her deeper into the roots. She squeaked in surprise, the warmth of sunlight replaced instead by a heavier warmth of the topsoil and the cooler layers beneath.

She felt Owen wrap gently around her, ethereal wings cradling her in the dark. Her mind clouded with mist as the fatigue of the battle finally hit her all at once.

You’re tired, Owen said.


The others would be fine without her. Owen was okay; it wasn’t like she had the energy for anything else today anyway.

She let the mist completely cloud her thoughts. Seconds and days were the same, though she faintly hoped the others would wake her before the latter passed.

But for now, she, too, needed to recover.


“Man, it’s hot,” Demitri remarked, crawling under the nearest tree for some shade. “It’s still winter, isn’t it? What’s going on with the weather today…”

“Maybe that’s why Zena melted,” Gahi hummed, arms crossed as he poked the ground with his tail.

“She’s the Water Guardian, Gahi, not Ice,” Demitri said.

“Well, check Yveltal. Maybe she melted.”

“That’s not—” Demitri sighed. “Mispy! Can you see Zena?”

“Found Owen, too,” Mispy reported.

Demitri willed himself out of the shadows to follow Mispy down an open field with fallen trees and long, splintered trunks littering the sandy dirt. Demitri held a hand over his eyes to block the sun.

A rush of foreign emotion caught his attention just below his feet. He sensed… contentment and relaxation. Relief. And…

“Uh—we should go,” Demitri abruptly said.

“Eh?” Gahi tilted his head. “What’s up?”

“Owen’s just fine, and, um… yeah! Nothing to really worry about.”

That only earned more suspicion from Gahi, who squinted and Teleported in front of Demitri. “That’s a real weird way ter phrase that,” he said, prodding a claw at Demitri’s armor-like scales.

“We’ll need someone to keep an eye on things,” Mispy said. “…But it’s safe for now. And Owen isn’t in any danger. In fact…” Mispy squinted at the ground, then grunted. “I think they’re gardening.”

The lack of a reaction from Gahi meant he didn’t understand a word of that.

Aster approached from the other side of the ruined clearing. He held up Owen’s wing. “So where do I put this? And the other stuff!”

“Leave it on the ground there.” Mispy pointed a vine at an innocuous bush. Now that Demitri looked at it, though, it appeared freshly grown. It had none of the damage surrounding plants had endured.

It was a little close to Owen-sized, too.

“Oh, that’s a good idea, Mispy,” Demitri said. “Giving him the wing should help him, er… reattach it? At least so the wound doesn’t settle and can’t heal.”

Aster set the wing next to the bush.

The wing sank into the bushes, melting into more leaves and plant matter in seconds.

“Whoaa…” Aster poked the bush. “This is Owen’s heart now, right?”

Demitri scratched his left tusk. “I don’t know. I think that’s around where his back was.”

Aster tapped his chin. “Hmm… well, with how hot it’s getting, I don’t want them getting a sunburn! We should get them indoors.”

“Get… get part of a forest indoors?” Demitri repeated. “How? Can plants get sunburns?” He glanced at Mispy, who shrugged. It wasn’t the same kind of plant.

“Oh, that’s right. That’s pretty hard, huh?” Aster tapped his chin a few more times. “Hmm, hmm…”

Mispy eyed Aster suspiciously. Then, she said to the others, “I have a feeling he’s about to come up with something terrible that’ll still work.”

“How come?” Demitri asked. “Instinct?”

Mispy glanced at Gahi, who was currently picking fruits to pass the time. He already had three bags.

“Familiar… vibes.”

“I’ve got it!” Aster declared. “Hang on! I’ll be right back!” He disappeared.

Demitri blinked and glanced at Mispy. Her hunch was correct so far. Demitri had little reason to doubt her…

His head stung. He winced and went back to the shade. “Do you think it’s this hot because of something Necrozma did? He’s practically a living sun himself, right?”

“We’ll have to ask him or the other gods about it. This isn’t normal for winter… or any season. It could affect our battles if it’s too hot to be outside.”

“I brought Leph!” Aster said, reappearing. He spoke as if he’d already explained the entire plan to the others.

“Why am I here?” Leph asked, surveying the ground. “I don’t sense any plague here. The trees will heal with time.”

“I want you to make a biiig flower pot, and then put Owen-Zena into it!” Aster explained.


“Okay, I’ll be back again, I need to get one more thing!” And he was gone.

“That… Mewtwo… really is Star’s kid, in a way,” Demitri said. “Where’d she go, anyway?”

Mispy pointed at the Owen-bush. Star was lying on a purple bubble with her eyes closed. Occasionally, her brow furrowed or relaxed. Sometimes, her mouth moved slightly. Her emotions were calm. She must have been chatting with the pair in the roots.

Leph sighed and approached Star. “Mother.”

Her big ears flicked. “Oh, hey, Leph. Uh, you know you don’t need to call me that, right?”

“I suppose not.” Leph scanned the ground as the gems of her wheel shifted colors, as did the hue of her fur. First, with a greener hue, she touched the bushes, which gently unfolded every leaf to soak in more sunlight, and then grew outward.

Then, Leph shifted to a tanned brown, and the sand and mud shifted and swirled until the earth heaved upward. Star, with a surprised yelp, hopped onto her Psychic sphere and rose until she was higher than Leph’s head.

Leph held a great root network above her. The roots were still covered with earth, as she then focused on that loose mud and sand… Her gemstones flashed aqua blue. The water seeped out of the ground as it shaped itself into a gigantic flower pot. While made of mud rather than clay, it would do with some divine compaction…

Carefully, Kilo’s younger god lowered the bush and its roots into the pot, filling it with further dirt.

“Sandy soil isn’t the best, but… Owen’s had worse environments,” Leph muttered. “Why is he a plant, again?”

“I’ve stopped questioning it.”

“…So, like… I’m kinda lost on the current social trends,” Star said. “Is that, like, offensive or something?” she asked the Meganium.

Mispy squinted, then eyed the potted plant. Demitri, too, wondered how this counted.

Then again, he always wondered if Mispy and all her vines would appreciate a gigantic flowerpot. Assuming she didn’t eat it all overnight.

“Who cares,” Mispy concluded, spinning around. “I’m burning… Let’s get out of the sun.”

“Too much sun, huh?” Demitri hummed. Yes, it was far too hot if even Mispy said there was too much sun. “Let’s go and—”

“Step final!” Aster announced, appearing with a bucket of Joltik. He dumped them onto the giant potted plant, and the many little Willows shed clouds of pink dust with every bounce. Demitri and the others cleared the way. By the time the wind dispelled the excess shrinking dust, all that remained was a potted plant meant for a table. Demitri took the liberty of picking it up; he didn’t sense any distress from the two, and they still felt relaxed, so… no harm, no foul, he supposed.

“I guess that’s one way to take care of that,” Demitri said. “Let’s go. Hopefully, the others managed to gather up Necrozma…”

“Do you think he’s still… alive?” Aster asked nervously.

“Oh, yeah, he’s definitely alive,” Star said. “The real problem is if he’s sane. But I guess if he’s not, Celebi will take care of it—and Cresselia when she gets back.”

“Oh, they aren’t together? Where’d Cresselia go?” Aster asked.

“Cresselia is leading a squadron to search for Ghrelle,” Mispy said. “She has an advantage over both Poison and Shadow, making her a strong counter to whatever Ghrelle may try.”

“Hey, I’m pretty resistant to Shadows!” Aster said. “You know, from experience!”

“Ah, I mean, um, yeah, you are,” Demitri said delicately, “but uhh… you know…”

“Ghrelle would trick you.”

“Oh. Is she that crafty?” Aster asked.

“Y… yes,” Demitri lied. He had no idea how crafty Ghrelle was. But Aster was too impressionable. Really, Demitri worried about what that meant if he was supposed to be in the same position as Star.

…Then again, Star also worried him. Maybe it wouldn’t be any different.

Demitri lifted the flower pot a little higher. “C’mon, let’s head back.”

As they navigated back to the Waypoint, Demitri faintly picked up on the emotions Zena and Owen were radiating from the flower pot. They were calm and relieved. That flowed into Demitri next, who breathed a small sigh of relief.

Things were finally looking up.


“And that’s the last finger,” Xerneas said, staring at the pile of blackened crystals on the ground in an open field—just north of the ruins of Owen and Necrozma’s clash.

Mhynt studied the crystals the best she could. They tried to arrange it in a way that was… probably how Necrozma’s body would be reconstructed.

Mhynt spoke softly, “Are you still with us, Necrozma?”

“Doing my best…”

The voice came from a faintly glimmering prism that still had some light in it. From what Mhynt could tell, that was effectively his brain while taking on a physical form. And unlike normal brains, this prism was very sturdy.

“And I assume Necrozma’s…”

“Stable, yep,” Celebi confirmed, floating over with another crystal.

She placed it in the pile and it rolled into position. It seemed that almost all, perhaps all—it was hard to tell—of Necrozma was properly recovered.

Celebi continued, “I don’t sense even a trace of Shadows in Necrozma, and there was no reaction when I cleaned him anyway. You know… double checking…”

“I don’t remember that.”

“You were unconscious. Sorry if… that was invasive.”

Ever since Celebi and Rim had fused, Mhynt noted that while Celebi retained much of herself, she was more reserved and mentally occupied. Rim’s memories held a strong influence.

Diyem marched over next, tossing an obsidian pebble that must have been a crystal joint for a knuckle. “For what it’s worth, in his weakened state, light also won’t hide it. Even Valle had a mask of light. Here, Necrozma is almost completely depleted. And I sense no darkness. Which is… concerning.”

Mhynt crossed her arms and glared at Diyem. “It never ceases to amaze me how you can turn anything negative.”

“Quite literally my purpose,” Diyem said without missing a beat. “And the reason it’s concerning is I didn’t feel a fragment return to me. I’m sure you all saw it when Emily was defeated: that essence rose from her body and attempted to flee, but Zena had the presence of mind—perhaps from all of us—to strike it down. That destroyed it for good, sending its memories to me. I’m still sorting through it all.

“But no such thing happened when Necrozma was defeated. If there are no Shadows here…”

“Ah. I see.” Mhynt uncrossed her arms. “Then that fragment is still loose somewhere. Do you have any guesses?”

“It likely has sought out another fragment on its side. Ghrelle’s or Alexander’s. And since we have Alexander monitored…”

“We’ll either get a report,” Mhynt said, “or it went to Ghrelle.”

Diyem nodded. “Let’s not waste any time. Gather up Necrozma and let’s go. We’ve found enough of his pieces. He’ll grow back the rest.”

Celebi floated over Necrozma, using basic psionics to hoist his crystal pieces. “Hmm… Necrozma, how much does this hurt?”

“What… part?”


“Yes, give us a scale of one to ten,” Mhynt said with an eyeroll.

“The amount of pain I am in right now will shatter any mortal’s mind.”

“You didn’t give a number,” Mhynt stated.

“Now is not the time for banter, Lunala…”

The Treecko only smirked while facing away. “Apologies, Necrozma. Let’s return.”

With Necrozma’s pieces gathered, the team marched to the Waypoint with the… relatively good news, trying their best to ignore the sudden and strengthening heat.


The poison bog had turned sour. Sera wondered if taking the lead was wise; her new, spectral fur would stain so easily… she thought. She wasn’t actually sure.

While formerly ominous and hazy, instead the Swamp of Purity had drained into a damp, humid forest. The Dungeon that had once been Ghrelle’s domain had been dispelled without her in it. Despite this, the blight remained even when the distortion was gone.

Grass was a sickly purple by default. Brushing against it made the blades ooze a purple sap. The trees were similar, albeit predominantly brown and sagging like the trunks could not bear their own weight. Experimentally, Sera had poked her claw into the trunk once, only for it to sink in like she’d poked driftwood. When she removed her claw, it bled a similar purple ooze.

“Yep. I officially hate this,” Sera muttered, hands on her hips. The ghostly Zoroark faced the others. The sun’s intensifying heat combined with the poisonous landscape turned everything into a horrible, humid rainforest of death.

“If the Dungeon faded, why would Ghrelle come back here, anyway? Because this smell is never coming off. I think I’m gonna just void out for a while until the scent slides off, once I get back…”

“Well,” Cresselia said, “Dungeon or not, is was her home for a thousand years. Guardians are creatures of habit.”

“Are they? I guess I wasn’t a Guardian for all that long…”

They didn’t need a large team. Sera, Cresselia, Brandon, and Aramé ended up being the quartet that headed into the forest. Aramé and Brandon, of course, were the others of the Trinity, and would have the best chance of getting through to Ghrelle. Sera was their means of an illusory escape and a shield from corruption, and Cresselia was their purifier.

Brandon, in his Poison-resistant, Steely Machoke form, eyed the ground suspiciously. “Even if it’s not a Dungeon, I can’t stop avoiding it. I know what that poison did before.”

Aramé, however, had taken on Zekrom’s form once more, after merging with her Legend half of the Voidlands with little fanfare. “Ghrelle claimed to judge the hearts of those who entered and melted those whose hearts had too much darkness.” Aramé scoffed. “Personally, I prefer those who enter my Dungeon to go through some tests instead of being assumed one way or another.”

“I dunno, can’t you just get their vibe?” Brandon complained. “Or is that the whole ideals thing again?” He hopped over a river of poison and created a steel platform for Sera to walk over. Aramé stubbornly levitated over the river instead.

“For someone who likes the truth, you’re still in that disguise,” Aramé countered.

“Yeah, well, being smaller is better here,” Brandon said. “Unless you think being a big, muscular dragon with a motor on her butt is ideal now?”

“What are you insinuating?” Aramé narrowed her eyes.

“Hey, you know, that reminds me. From one… many-lives person to another.” Sera raised a hand. “Aramé, I don’t think you changed at all. What’s up with that? Did you… totally eclipse Zekrom?”

“What? No, of course not. I’m…” She paused. “Hm. I didn’t really think about it before, but I’d answer to both names. I—sorry, Zekrom was captured almost immediately at the start of the Dark War. I think, as Arceus’ strongest, I was targeted very harshly. I was a mindless Void Titan nearly immediately. I had no mind to change, so… when Zekrom saw Aramé and recognized her aura, I knew it was best to merge at once. An ideal reunion with perfect continuity. She was my future. Or… I was my… future.”

“Not the most ideal phrasing,” Sera quipped.

Aramé looked like she’d been slapped across the face, stopping in her tracks.

“Oh, you’re on her naughty list now,” Brandon hummed. “Took me two centuries to get off of it the last time.”

“It’s been two centuries,” Aramé replied.

“Yeah, because she took my place!”

They resumed their walk, though now Aramé’s footsteps left noticeable imprints on the soft, purplish ground.

“What’d you do two centuries ago?” Sera asked. “I thought you were guarding the factory.”

“Oh, yeah. But we can still do the whole spiritual telepathy thing, and I said, you know, one day that pole up Barky’s butt is gonna make him misstep, and she said not to speak of Barky that way unless it was in front of him. So, I called him over, and then she blasted me out of her realm before I could make a scene.”

“It was completely unnecessary,” Aramé stated.

“But I was right in the end, wasn’t I?” Brandon pointed out.

“It wasn’t the right time to say that. You were two hundred years too early.”

“Will you two hush?” Cresselia hissed, snapping her head back to stare. “Honestly. How are Barky’s closest disciples still bickering across the ages?”

“Sort of our gimmick,” Brandon said. “We bicker. If we ever agree on something, Barky knows he messed up.”

“And Ghrelle, I assume, is that mediator?” Sera asked. “…What’s Kyurem represent, anyway?”

“Emptiness, I think. Waiting to come to a decision, you know, to be convinced. Ghrelle was, uhh… pretty easy to persuade on things. I guess that’s why her spirit aligned with the body and legends of a Kyurem.”

“…And,” Sera said dully, “easy to fall under Shadows for the same reason.”

“Yeahhh I mean, to our credit, we didn’t really know ol’ ‘Mister Matter’ existed.” Brandon shrugged.

“Speaking of Mister Matter,” Sera said, looking up and around. “Anyone notice that the area’s a little…”

They all quieted down and took in the surroundings. The poison and the haze had made it hard to tell… but the sky wasn’t purple so much as it was red. That acrid, wet smell was instead a drier, bitter ash. And the trees, once soft and mushy with Poison, were dry and gnarled.

“…Voidlands,” Aramé hissed, suddenly on her guard.

“What?” Sera’s ectoplasmic mane puffed out. “Can’t be. We didn’t enter a Dungeon! We totally would’ve spotted it.”

“Yeah, but if that’s the case, what gives?” Brandon glanced at Cresselia, who was already charging up a purifying light.

“Hang on!” Sera called. “It… doesn’t feel like the Voidlands, though!”

This time, a skeptical silence followed. Cresselia floated higher, above the trees. Sera tried the same, hopping onto the branches. One broke and she nearly fell, reaching for another branch. Her arm stretched far, far too much, surprising everyone but Sera, as she pulled herself back over.

“Whoa, did you just dislocate your everything?” Brandon shouted.

“I’m part Void Shadow; you’re gonna want to get used to that. Wanna see another trick?” Sera rolled her hand backward like a burrito shell, then popped it off at the elbow.

Brandon retched. Aramé looked impressed.

“Why am I the only sane one here?” Cresselia growled, descending.

“Hey, you were already checking,” Sera said, reattaching her forearm and unrolling it back to normal. “What do you see?”

“I see normal forest—well, relatively normal—not far from here. It’s not a Dungeon,” Cresselia said. “But I don’t know if that’s better or worse.”

“Because… that means the Voidlands is organically seeping into this place,” Sera completed. “No Dungeons. No rift between the living and the dead. But properties of the Voidlands are appearing here.”

“The realms are falling apart,” Cresselia concluded. “The Dungeon outbreak was a preview…”

Aramé’s expression was grave. “This happened after the Dark War, didn’t it? Owen’s report on his memories after we were captured suggested that the world lost much to Voidland-like terrain for a century. It wasn’t until we made our move and sealed Dark Matter away that those properties receded.”

“Then… history is repeating itself,” Sera said.

“Let’s not go that far,” Aramé said. “This time, we’re fighting on the same side. But… yes. Elements of the past are returning.”

Sera felt something reaching out to her. She swatted at her shoulder, only to find nothing there. She blinked.

“Something wrong?” Brandon called.

“Sorry. I thought I felt something…” Sera concentrated harder. “Wait…”

She sniffed the air instead. Enet used to do this all the time. She couldn’t ‘see’ aura the same way others did. She used her other senses. Touch, smell…

And she could smell an aura not far ahead.

Without explaining, Sera jumped from the branches and sprinted ahead.

“Hey, HEY!” Brandon shouted.

“This way!” Sera explained perfectly.

“Man, slow down!” Brandon complained, his dense body leaving six-inch holes in the ground. Cresselia and Aramé both floated ahead at much faster speeds. “Ugh, fine, time to be a Platinum Pursuer—” He slammed his foot on the ground and created a flying board. He hopped on and rode ahead.

This was the heart of the Dungeon, or what used to be the heart. Sera remembered when Spice came here, grappling with her fears of being a part of a whole. That conversation still resonated with her. It was funny to think back to…

Wasn’t that also where a dark voice had tried to influence her to betray the rest of her parts? It was only because of Enet’s valor and Amelia’s kindness that she turned that darkness away…

Now that they knew Ghrelle was a vessel of darkness, that temptation made a lot more sense. Sera mentally kicked herself for not realizing the connection sooner. It hadn’t been in her head at all… That was Ghrelle!

And up ahead, there was a single, uncorrupted soul. It didn’t smell like a Guardian’s. Was it someone who’d wandered in? The aura was weak… Reminded Sera of a Guardian Spirit without a host nearby, like James.


“Ano!” Sera cried.

“Sera, stop running ahead!” Cresselia shouted.

“No, it’s Ano!” The spectral Zoroark skidded to a stop once that presence was closest. “He’s not hostile. I… can’t feel anything wrong. Can you?”

“I guess I can’t,” Cresselia said as if irritated that Sera was correct.

Sera searched the swamp for a while, looking under rocks and tentatively poking sticks into puddles. Aramé, frowning, asked, “What is Ano? Still a Gastrodon?”

“I think so,” Sera said.


The Zekrom’s tail motor rumbled and channeled electricity through the ground.

“Hey!” Brandon lifted his steel platform higher.

“Agh!” Sera’s ectoplasm exploded into a frizzy cloud that crackled with blue sparks.

“There he is.” Zekrom pointed at a spot where the electricity seemed to avoid. She cut the circuit, lifting her foot.

“Could’ve warned me,” Sera muttered as she tried to pat down her mane to a respectably normal size. “Hey, Ano! You alright?”

No response.

“Ano?” Sera tested the waters and then sighed. Time to brute force it. With a groan, she sank into the swamp and waded through the water, muttering, “I’m definitely going full void to get this gunk off later…”

She felt where Ano was. Solid, but only slightly. “Hey, Ano!”


She lifted out a vaguely-Gastrodon-shaped head from the water’s surface. Everything about him was a deep purple and fading fast, held together by threads of blue aura. He was falling apart.

“Gods, what happened to you?! Where’s Ghrelle?”

“I don’t know,” Ano said weakly. His head didn’t move. It was his nearly detached aura doing the talking.

“Hey, is he saying anything? Can’t hear it,” Brandon said.

“His aura’s talking. Focus on that.”

Cresselia frowned. “I’m not able to do that… Give me a summary when this is over.”

“I’m sorry for all this…” Ano said, slipping between Sera’s claws. She scrambled to keep him together.

“Hey, hey, hold on! You held on this long, right? We’ll… uh, we’ll figure something out!”

“Aren’t you a Guardian, too?” Brandon said. “If Ghrelle isn’t around, maybe you can grab him instead. Keep him safe so he can recover and answer some questions. You can resist any darkness he’d have. I think.”

“Right. Right, I can do that… Ano, is that okay?”

No reply.



He was hesitating. Was this a trap?

When Sera glanced back, Aramé wore a similarly cautious expression.

“Are you sure? He was once a spirit of Ghrelle, who was possessed by Dark Matter. And now she’s missing. This could easily bite us.”

Sera looked at Ano’s fading spirit. Perhaps if they left him here, he’d survive for a while longer, but… “Do you sense any Shadows, though?”

“Not now, no. But… I can’t put anything past Diyem’s fragments. I can hardly trust Diyem the way you all seem to.” Cresselia narrowed her pink eyes. “But… you look convinced.”

“Guess I am.” Sera cradled Ano’s head against her chest. “Okay, big guy. Do you mind… if you’re an Electric spirit for a bit?”


The aura that stitched his slime together dissipated, flowing into Sera’s mane and down her shoulders. Ano’s presence was weak, but the Electric spirits of that realm would tend to him for now. He’d be safe.

“I didn’t feel anything, and I’m part Void Shadow,” Sera said. “If anyone can resist his antics, it’s me.”

“Hmph. You really are Owen’s daughter.” Cresselia sighed.

“I mean, I’m plenty of people’s daughters now. And sons for a few of those lives.” Sera shrugged. “But… I guess the first one still has some… impact.”

“Mm.” Brandon eyed Sera at that, arms crossed. “What’s… that like, anyway? Like, what about all those parents you know, and… all those friends?”

Sera avoided Brandon’s stare. “I’m… still sorting that out. Don’t know if I’m ready to talk about it… openly, and stuff…”

“…Right, yeah. Alright.” There was an apologetic tone there, even if Brandon didn’t say it directly. “Alright, so, uh, let’s head back. Doesn’t look like Ghrelle’s here. Ano telling you anything?”

“Let me see…” Sera closed her eyes. Guys? Did you get anything from Ano in there?

Sera didn’t get words back. Only feelings and thoughts. The vibes of the spirits within her…

“…No, nothing yet,” Sera said. “He says he’s sorry to Ghrelle, and to us, but we can’t get anything else outta him. And I doubt it can’t wait until we get back, so how about we give him a sec to rest?”

“…Reasonable,” Aramé relented. “Then come on. Back to Kilo Village.”

As the swamp’s humid, sweltering air continued to permeate Sera’s senses, she wanted nothing more. Hastily, the quartet navigated their way out of the poisoned forest.


1,632 resets. Nearly two days, if Nevren’s mental calculations were correct.

For 1,632 resets, Nevren did the same process second by second, meticulous and repetitive for the first thirty seconds, then more involved for the next thirty. And, agonizingly, the final thirty seconds were half-experimental, half-educated guesses. Sometimes he felt whimsical and tried something else entirely; other times he just smashed his spoon into the Hydreigon’s eye just to see what would happen and to relieve some of his annoyances.

It was, overall, a simple process. He was replicating what he’d done to Anam to turn him into a puppet, and doing so on Alexander.

Psychic bombardments of his mind in just the right places, altering just the right neurons of this divine brain, the feeble vessel that all gods of the physical realm still required… There were a few complications, and this mind control would only hold for so long. But “so long” was all he needed to make him vulnerable for long enough to usurp. He didn’t have to be careful like with Anam.

Nevren speed-walked through the shadows and resisted Darkrai’s sleeping spell. He navigated a specific number of steps to blindly go around buildings and reach the slumbering beast’s body. He’d place a hand on Alexander’s central head and bombard it with specific frequencies of psychic waves, waiting for the right response. And then, Alexander would wake up and rip him apart. And he’d try again.

And for 1,633 resets, it always ended the same way, albeit in a slightly different manner each time. The Hydreigon would wake up in the middle of this abandoned city; Nevren would nearly fall asleep to Darkrai’s aura; and then he’d wind up just outside its perimeter to try once more. The dust of the Voidlands’ ash would move the same way each time with every disturbance to the point where Nevren memorized it.

But after 1,734 resets, Nevren was becoming more confident. Closer to his goal. While everyone was preparing for some honorable battle against the devil himself, Nevren planned to take a more direct, underhanded approach. It all started when Nevren realized Alexander was no longer immune to the effects of psychic trickery—let alone the powerful techniques Nevren had developed over the millennia.

That was one drawback of becoming so drunk with darkness: it overrode Alexander’s natural elements. He was a beast of darkness and nothing more, even if it was sealed within the scales and corrupted flesh of a Pokémon.

With 1,735 resets of experience behind him, Nevren had a good idea of the architecture of Alexander’s mind in his sleeping state. The divine were still tied to a physical form. And Alexander, while not truly divine, was close enough. While they could live without a head briefly, they always needed a medium to house their consciousness. And Alexander had—

That one hurt. Nevren was certain he’d seen his own liver that time.

But reset 1,736 held better luck.

Anam was a cautious, long-term plan that ultimately failed. The will of the spirit was irritatingly stubborn. Alexander was certainly just as stubborn. Instead, Nevren went for a direct, aggressive approach, but only to rewire a few minor things for a short while. Inconsistencies would pop up. Alexander would come to his senses eventually. But “eventually” was all he needed before he could make things right.

By the end of it all, the world’s order would be restored. And they would all thank him, begrudgingly. And that’s good enough.

1,736 was all he needed. Nevren backed away from the quietly stirring demon and fiddled with his Dungeon maker. He aimed it at the ground and disappeared into it, briefly leaving the Voidlands for a well-earned break.

Time for step two of making sure everyone finally listened to him.
Chapter 185 - Heating Up New


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Chapter 185 – Heating Up

Snow had melted, turning the entirety of Kilo Village damp and humid. The sun’s blazing heat left Pokémon seeking shelter. Even the Fire Pokémon commented on the incredible brightness of the winter.

The blast had been felt worldwide as a heave of the earth so great that it pinned all residents to the ground for a few seconds. Even after it passed, they remarked that standing and flying felt strangely more difficult. This news and more filtered into the war room that had become Anam’s Heart HQ office.

Many of the Circle’s participants left to recover on their own time and in their own homes. Phol insisted on checking on each of them first.

On the way into Anam’s office, Aster set Owen and Zena’s temporary flower pot home on the shelf of Anam’s room. He happily explained the situation to anyone who sensed that the potted plant had an aura signature.

Among them was Sera, who eyed the plant suspiciously, and then sighed and asked, “Okay, so, uh, before we get into anything—”

“Wait, is everyone here?” Anam asked. “Seems like, um…” It was just Sera, Anam, Aster, Owen and Zena technically, Mhynt, and a bucket of crystals that was supposedly Necrozma.

“Room’s too small for everyone,” Sera said, “And, uh, I think they’re recovering at home and stuff. Or avoiding what I’m about to talk about: what’s with the weather? Why is it ultra-summer suddenly?! Feels like the world’s on fire!”

Anam and the others looked at Sera skeptically. Sera shrank back; why was everyone so nonchalant?

“Khhh… Is that what’s happening?” Necrozma, held in a large basket of crystals, hissed out. “That is… a problem.” The crystals rattled a little. “Ow.”

“Didja rustle yourself and pull a… muscle?” Sera asked.

“You speak as if I’m an old man.”

“Aren’t you, like, literally the oldest person in this reality?”

“Is that common knowledge now?”

“In this room it is.”

“I have a long report when I return to the Overseers.”

“Let’s focus.” Mhynt leaned forward, elbows on the main meeting table. “Necrozma. The weather is suddenly summertime in the middle of winter, and it appears to be getting worse. Do you know what is happening?”

“Speak with Nate. I am sure… he will know without my theorizing.”

After a few uneasy looks, Anam nodded and took the initiative. He marched out and searched for one of Nate’s spirits, and while he did that, Sera cleared her throat.

“So, anyway, I’m trying to get more information out of Ano, but he’s totally out of it.”

“Ano, who is that again?” Mhynt asked.

“Ghrelle’s leader spirit, or something. No idea where the other spirits went. Seems like Ano managed to escape Ghrelle’s clutches.”

“Sounds… familiar,” Mhynt hummed. “Ano and Ghrelle aren’t the same soul, yes?”

“No, I checked with Xerneas on that already,” Sera said. “He’s whole.” After a pause, she added, “And so am I! So that’s a relief.”

“Didn’t you check before?” Mhynt questioned.

“I had to double-check.”

Just then, Celebi, Leph, and Cresselia entered. Aster Teleported inside just before Cresselia closed the door behind her.

“Speaking of whole…” Sera glanced at Leph, then at Celebi and Cresselia. “How’s Emily doing?”

“Emily is recovering and needs rest,” Cresselia said. “I believe she is also trying to process being ‘Tanneth’ as well.”

“Right… yeah. I get that. Definitely give her at least a day or two,” Sera advised.

Mhynt glanced at Sera, saying nothing.

“Also,” Leph added, “we recovered one of the remaining Poké Balls and used one to capture her once she was calm,” She stood near the window. Sera had no idea how she could handle direct sunlight when it was as hot as it was. “We doubt they will be useful for much more anyway, but we were also able to recover two more that we have in reserve.

“That’s good. I mean, good to have extra tools, I mean,” Sera replied. “Still… uh, I know things are a little uncertain, but… congrats, everyone!” Sera said. “Did we do a congrats yet? We took down two Dark Fragments! That’s, like, half!”

“The easy ones,” Mhynt muttered.

“Okay, no,” Sera said. “Don’t devalue this! We took down an Overseer and an invincible storm demon! Alexander’s tough, but he’s not so tough that they’d be the easy ones. And Ghrelle… I mean, what did she even do? Sing a little?”

“Acknowledged,” Mhynt said with a sigh, “but… the fact that we managed it with no Shadow casualties is a plus.” Mhynt nodded. “And as far as deaths are concerned, nothing Xerneas can’t handle. This was well-coordinated.”

“Especially since Owen was taken out after Necrozma,” Sera said. “I dunno how Zena pulled that off, but…”

“According to his notes, Owen had many contingency plans for that one,” Cresselia spoke up. “If Zena fell, it would have been up to me or Celebi. If we fell, then to Madeline or Anam. It would have been a bother to reconfigure the Circle, since some of us were part of it, but… I was confident we would pull it off eventually. It was a matter of how much we’d sacrifice in the process.”

“Then a big win,” Sera persisted. “He really thought it all through…” She eyed the potted plant. She had no idea if they were listening.

Anam peeked into the office again. “The sun’s falling.”

Once again, the statement was given silence for a response.

“So, um… yeah…”

“Sorry, I think I misheard you,” Mhynt said. “The sun is falling?”

“Well, um, more like we’re falling into the sun, I think?”

“I thought as much. Does Nate know what to do?”

“He said he needs you, or um, or another god, to fix the planet’s orbit, or something. And that the divine blast messed up the power that was keeping it stable.” Anam poked his grabbers together. “Is that possible? I was super nervous, but, um… Nate seemed calm! So that’s fine, right?”

“Hold on, I still need to get over the part where the sun is falling,” Sera stated, pushing herself off the table. “Or the planet is falling into the sun. I suppose that’s easier since the planet is smaller—how much time do we have?”

Anam checked outside. “I… I’m starting to see heat lines,” he said.

“We have a day or two before things enter the uninhabitable range, but the damage is already being done. We cannot delay… I need Nate to… work with Barky and Star… and realign the planet. I don’t have the strength…”

“Alright.” Sera slammed her hands on the table. “Forget the meeting. Where’s Barky? In Destiny Tower? We can’t have a debrief if the world’s ending again… What can I do?”

They all glanced at one another. “Um—” Anam raised a hand. “Can you go around and make sure nobody in town is overheating? I think we need the gods to step in for this one…”

“Right, okay.” Sera deflated a little. Not a single thing she could do? She supposed when it was something like this… “Sit tight, Owen, Zena!” Sera called. “We’ve got a few things to work out!”

She dashed past the door and down the hall, making her way into a very bright outdoors. The moment she stepped outside, the sun’s heat bombarded her like it was a solid object.


Her ectoplasm boiled. Every inch of her exposed to the light felt like acid had been injected into her skin. She shrank back and hid under the first shady spot indoors, panting.

“Th-that… that one hurt. It’s getting worse,” she whimpered.

“Yeah, it’s really bad…” Anam shook his head. “B-but Nate has it… right…?”

“How is it that bad?!” Sera complained. “You guys should be freaking out!”

“It’s only a little bright,” Aster said, sticking his hand out the building. “See?”

Sera cringed and averted her eyes, waiting for him to cry out.


“…Sera, are you okay?” Mhynt said, tentatively placing a hand on the ghostly Zoroark’s shin.


“The sun isn’t that close,” Anam said. “But we do need to hurry before that happens. Oh, I know! I’ll send a prayer over to Barky and Star! That still works, right?”

“We keep forgetting we can do that,” Cresselia hummed. “I suppose it’s so unorthodox that I never considered it…”

“Actually, I think it’s very orthodox,” Mhynt said.


“Oh, don’t mind me.” Mhynt nodded. “You handle that. I’ll stay with Sera.”

“I can Teleport! I’ll make sure everyone’s not overheating in town,” Aster said.

“Hmm. I will, too. Sera, will you be alright?”

Sera nodded wordlessly. She still couldn’t look outside. Maybe… this was because she was part Void Shadow. If the sun was from Necrozma, then that stuff was pure Radiance… Maybe the darkness in her was more prominent than she’d thought.

“It’s okay.”

“Uh—sorry, I’ll—”

“No, no, it’s okay!” It was Anam, who had taken a seat next to her near the entrance. Not many people were going in and out of HQ, leaving Sera alone with the Goodra. Everyone else had left to organize the town. Even Necrozma’s bucket was missing, though Owen and Zena’s flower pot remained.

“Oh.” Sera looked down. “I… I guess I’m the last one here. I mean, aside from Owen—uh, Dad, or… those two.”

“I think I’d dry out too fast out there,” Anam said. Sera wasn’t sure if he was only saying that to comfort her or not. “The others can handle this.”

“It’s just…” Sera sighed. “Everyone was acting so calm and meanwhile I thought the sun was about to blast the world in a matter of seconds! I was trying to play along, but the moment I stepped outside, I thought the world was gonna end! Or… something. I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking…”

“It’s okay.” Anam gently placed a hand on her back. His touch was cool like the dead. It didn’t feel like normal slime. In fact…

“You’re the Ghost Guardian. Right.”

Anam smiled faintly. “Yeah. I thought it might help. You seem part Ghost.”

“Mhm. Never saw a Zoroark like me before…”

“I’m sure they’re out there somewhere,” Anam said. “I read about Zoroark that were even better at hiding than their Dark counterparts. Maybe that’s what you are and that’s what you turned into, somehow!”

“Yeah… I mean, I guess I can turn into anything, but this is how I emerged when… we all got together. You know, me, myself, and I, and all that.”

“Right. Your past names…” Anam used all four of his digits to count them out. “Spice, Enet, Remi, and Amelia, right? That’s how you came up with your new name!”

“Yeah. I couldn’t decide,” Sera admitted. “They’re… all me.”

She smiled faintly, but then the reality of that slowly crept into the back of her mind.

“But I haven’t been able to address it with any of my past friends and family. What am I supposed to say? Sorry, but three fourths of me can’t relate the same way anymore?”

“Does any part of you want to talk to them?” Anam asked.

“I mean…” Sera sighed. “There’s way more important stuff. How about I…” She glanced outside but couldn’t bear to see it. “I’ll just wait it out. You can do more important stuff than deal with me.”

Anam tilted his head. “I think this is pretty important.”

“Yes, but—but like, you’re the Heart of Hearts. You should be rallying people, giving them hope, showing that there’s still hope, even when the sky’s literally falling! Not wasting your time with one person.”

“Hmm…” Anam sighed.

“Ohhh, no,” Sera straightened, sitting up. “You’re not going ‘hmm’ and then giving me a pep talk. I’m just shaken up from all the light, okay? Like if you scared Owen with a watering can or something. Wait, he’s Grass now, that’d…”

“Part of being a leader is making sure everyone’s okay. If I see someone in front of me who’s hurting… I don’t just move on. Nobody else is here, Sera. It’s my turn to help.”

Sera rolled her eyes, curling her knees to her chest. She leaned against the wall. Anam sat there, getting comfortable, watching Nate fly over the caldera. He seemed to be heading southwest, his great shadow giving a brief respite to Kilo Village.

“What’s with you, anyway?” Sera asked.


“You’ve been more serious lately. No silly nicknames or cutesy voices. I thought you’d have to get sillier with Diyem out of your head.”

Anam blinked. “Have I?” he asked. “I dunno! I’m just… being myself!” Though when he smiled, Sera felt like there was a darkness behind his eyes.

“Still,” Sera pressed.

The smile felt less genuine. He slouched by a few inches. “I… I guess I was… compensating,” Anam admitted, no longer making eye contact. “With someone like Diyem whispering to me all the time… I think my only defense was to be cheerful to even it out. Became second nature. Centuries of that, y’know? Even with being a Mystic to shield me from going crazy, it, um, it became a habit…”

“One that you broke… just like that?” Sera asked. “I wonder…”


“Do you think Nevren had anything to do with it?”

Sera regretted mentioning him. Anam’s mood instantly soured—and it was surreal to see the happy Goodra’s face contort into something that resembled anger. But it was only there for a flash. Soon, he was back to looking pensive.

“Sorry,” Sera murmured.

“It’s okay.”

Though he said nothing for a while. Sera dared to get closer to Heart HQ’s exit, focusing on the little cracks in the stone stairs that hadn’t been there before. Still too bright to expose any part of her to the outside, but at least she had the courage to stare at the ground.

“I guess he could’ve,” Anam said. “He was spending all that time making… vulnerabilities in my head that Mister Matter assumed was just me being… me. All that could’ve had side effects…”

“Well, for what it’s worth… if this is how you are normally, I don’t think it’s all that bad. When I was Spice, there was something I couldn’t shake about you. Like there was this dark side that you wouldn’t show anyone. I, uh, I guess now I know why I felt that way… but it’s a relief for you, too, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Anam grinned. It seemed genuine, carrying it through his relaxed slouch. “But not for me. For Mister—um, Diyem especially. I’ve never seen him this happy before.”

“…I mean, I guess anything is an improvement from being born of the world’s evil.”

“Not evil,” Anam said. “Pain.”

“Oh. Right.”

“Like Mu. She can sense it, but she doesn’t feel it. Diyem did, and that was all he knew. I made it a goal to make this world as happy and free of pain as possible. I wanted to help Diyem, and… I guess, deep down, I knew it was impossible. But I also knew, as the years went on, Diyem… didn’t complain as often. It was progress.”

“Yeah. I mean, pain just comes with the world. No way to get rid of all of it… but that doesn’t mean you can’t try! That’s… I guess a lot of my past selves agree with that. Maybe all of them, you know, if they were smart enough to understand that high-level thinking.”

“How many feral lives did you have?” Anam asked.

“Oh, no idea. I haven’t counted them individually. And a lot of them were… short.”



Anam nodded solemnly. “Diyem felt those, too.”

“Ugh, that sounds awful. No wonder he… uh, never mind.”

“I get it.” Anam smiled. “But hey. We’re closer than ever to freeing him from that forever. Then he can live for once.”

“I dunno.” Sera squinted past the blinding lights. She saw a Charizard with a dark flame in the streets, holding what seemed to be an oversized umbrella made of giant leaves. “I think he’s already pretty alive.”

“You know… maybe.” Anam smiled again.

Sera leaned back, sighing.

“…Yeah,” she finally admitted. “I guess… all my fragments want to have some closure. And… and I don’t want to say goodbye to all of them, either. Kids have multiple parents all the time, don’t they? Couples splitting up, or found families, or just calling an old neighbor Auntie and Uncle. This is… just another way of doing that.”

“You can transform, right?” Anam asked. “Or is that an illusion? I can’t, um, tell. Your disguises are really good… Enet’s side, right?”

“Oh, they’re real. I still have the illusions, too, if I need ‘em.” Sera grinned and puffed out her chest. Her mane fluttered with a gust of humid, hot wind that whistled through the entryway and windows.

“Why not transform into your old selves when addressing them?” Anam asked. “Even if it’s temporary… I think it’d help you get ‘in character’ for that. And it might make it easier on your friends and family, too. It’s gonna be a lot harder for them to understand, um, you know, emotionally. Oh! And maybe you can get Demitri to help?”

“Ehh, feels invasive. I’d want to rely on my own heart for that one,” Sera admitted. “Still… I like the idea. Of transforming, not the Demitri part. Maybe it’ll help me feel like them again, too…”

Anam grinned. “Yeah! If you’re really not sure, get some friends, too! All of the yous knew a few of the same people, right?”

“Yeah, kinda!” Sera perked up. “But, uh… maybe once this whole thing settles down.”

She nervously looked outside.

“How come… during the meeting, everyone was so calm? Is it really not that hot?”

“No, it’s hot, but it’s not crazy yet. What does it feel like to you?”

“Well… Remember when that explosion went off?” Sera asked. “It feels like that. But… constantly.”

“Oh… That’s really bad. Even now?”

“A little…” Sera glanced away. “Ugh. So embarrassing…”

Anam scooted a little closer to Sera. “Sometimes,” he said, “when I feel like the world is collapsing around me and stuff, I’d… close my eyes and focus on my breathing. Like you’re trying to blow on some soup to cool it off… but not too hard, or it’ll all fly out of the bowl.”

“Breathing exercises?” Sera asked.

“It could work.”

“Neither of us need to breathe.”

“Oh. Um… right… I mean, I think I do now…” Anam seemed to be holding his breath to experiment.

“But I get what you mean,” Sera went on, staring at the blinding town outside. “Shut off the thing that’s freaking me out and try to listen to what everyone else is saying, right? But I don’t know if this is as easy as mind over matter. It does actually burn.”

“Yeah, that’s okay,” Anam said after finally breathing. It didn’t seem to be a strain. “Even if it hurts, you’re in shelter now, right? And it’s not as bad as it seems?”

“That’s true…”

Diyem was approaching them, climbing up the stairs. Sera tried Anam’s suggestion, focusing on her breathing. Even though she could still feel the sun when her eyes closed, it was more like a summer afternoon.

“Hey, Diyem,” Sera greeted. “Doing alright under the sun?”

“No.” Once Diyem entered the building, he lowered the great woven leaves he’d been holding as a comically large umbrella.

“Wow, where’d you get that?” Anam asked.

“I threw a bag of coins at a stall in the commercial district for one,” Diyem said.

“…You have money?” Sera asked.

“Yes. Anam gave me a small fund for things I’d want or need. And I needed to stop being on fire.”

“You, too, huh?” Sera asked.

“Mm. I suspected you or Mu would feel similarly. But it turns out Mu was fine. Here.” Diyem shifted his shoulder, revealing that he had a second one in a bag slung over his back.

It was surprisingly lightweight, or perhaps Sera didn’t know her own strength. She lifted it into the air and stepped outside. The ground was warm, but the air didn’t burn. “Whoa… All I needed was a leaf?”

“The leaf was made from a Grass Pokémon’s power, and so it is infused with a faint amount of aura. Just as these buildings are insulated with a Protect-like enchantment, protecting you from the sunlight’s divine aspect, so too will this leaf.”


Sera Dropped the leaf and held up her hands, conjuring a Protect.

“What are you—”

“Hey, it works!” Sera said with a big grin. “Protects work to block the divine part, too! Just not the sun part… but that’s warm! You should try it!”

Diyem grumbled. “What if it didn’t work? You would have exploded.”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Sera replied, earning a skeptical look from Diyem and Anam alike. “Anyway, what’s going on with Nate? Should we go?”

“Nate is busy with some of Necrozma’s instructions. I don’t want to go there.” Diyem shook his head.

“…Well, I want to see!” Sera said.

“By all means. If you can endure the sun, then go ahead. I’m going to assist Anam with some coordination that had been neglected. We still need to check on the scouts that went missing and hope for a signal.”

“Oh!” Anam suddenly looked guilty. “Right, I… I’ll do that right now!”

“I doubt we’ll get a new signal,” Diyem said. “It only works when they’re on our side of reality.”

Sera’s ears twitched. “Our side?” she asked.

Diyem nodded. “Try as we might, with so many parts of the world sealed from the Voidlands again, communication has become difficult. While nearly everyone was evacuated from the Voidlands when Alexander came to the Fae Fae Woods—”


“…When they were evacuated, we’d sent scouts in through one of the few connections remaining, after Owen closed nearly all other Dungeons. Unfortunately…”

“Hmm…” Sera crossed her arms. “I think you should try again anyway. Just use a communicator.”

“Eh? Really?” Anam frowned. “…Ohh!”

“Yeah, exactly.”

Anam waddled off to his office.

“What?” Diyem squinted. “…Oh. The Swamp. It had Voidland properties, yes?”

“The realms are leaking. And while that’s really bad, maybe communication can work now!”

Diyem let out another irritated sigh. “Another silver lining in the darkest incoming clouds.”

“You talk like that’s a bad thing,” Sera chided. “Break that habit.”

“It’s not a habit, it’s my instinct. But… acknowledged,” he conceded.

“Hello? Hello?” Anam called into a communicator, exiting his office again. The silvery badge was covered in Anam’s slime. Sera quietly stepped behind Diyem so she had no chance of picking it up.

Sera considered the possibilities. What would be worse? No answer? Or an answer, and the realms were truly dissolving together? And to think, Necrozma had already nearly done that by force, but now it was happening as an inevitable process…

And then…

“Heart of Hearts Anam! Oh, thank goodness, you’re there!”

Diyem’s scaly brows rose. “…This is bad,” he murmured.

“You’re doing it again,” Sera growled, though she silently agreed. The fabric that kept the realms separated was coming undone… without the work of Dungeons. Why was this happening?

“Hey, hey! Sorry it took so long to contact you!”

“Are you in the Voidlands near another connection? We’re close to Alexander’s last spotted location near Fae Fae Forest.”

“Yeah, umm, be careful, okay?” Anam said. “We’re getting ready for attacking him next, so all we need is for you to give us a status on how… awake he is, and how strong Darkrai’s Dark Void is still.”

“Of course. We’ll do all we can!” said the scout leader.

Well, that was good.

“Have you seen anything abnormal since then?” Anam asked.

“No, we haven’t—”


Diyem took a slow breath. He didn’t need to say anything for Sera to know what he was thinking. ‘Here is where it goes wrong.’

“Hello?” Anam asked, giving a reflexive, nervous smile to Sera and Diyem. “Are you—”

“Heart of Hearts Anam! Oh, thank goodness, you’re there!”

Diyem blinked and glanced at Sera. Then at Anam, who was too confused to answer.

“Heart of Hearts?”

“Do… do you remember what just happened?” Anam asked.

“What do you mean? We haven’t heard from anyone in a while. Are you in the Voidlands near another connection? We’re close to Alexander’s last spotted location near Fae Fae Forest.”

“Okay,” Sera murmured to Diyem. “Now you can say this is bad. What in the world…”

In the silence, the scout leader called, “Are you still there? Is the connection stable?”

“Um, we… yeah, it’s just fine, connection’s fine,” Anam said. “Sorry, I’m a little—occupied right now. But be careful, okay?”

No reply. Sera’s imaginary heart beat a little faster and for a moment she was conscious of the tar ichor that ran through her body in place of blood.


“Anam, don’t—”

“Heart of Hearts Anam! Oh, thank goodness, you’re there!”

Sera stepped back. “This is freaking me out,” she said flatly.

“Nev…” Anam narrowed his eyes.

“Huh? Nev?”

“Dialga… mentioned that Nevren had something of his,” Anam said. “And that he’s been messing with… the flow of time. Dialga doesn’t remember specifically how, but…”

Diyem matched Anam’s pensive expression. “Anam. You go ahead and observe Nate’s ritual. I think it will be worth the trip.” He reached for the communicator, which Anam handed over. “I have some tests to run. I think I’ll be able to deduce the nature of Nevren’s power… and perhaps explain a lot of his activity before his betrayal at the same time.”

“Hang on, flow of time?” Sera asked, tapping into her various memories. “…Eon. Didn’t Eon have something like that?”

“Yes. Eon had a blessing from Dialga as well—a similar charm, but for him, it was to pause time… until he touches something. The wider the radius, the shorter the time he can be paused. I don’t think he knows how to use it effectively. Also, it irritates Dialga, so he hasn’t been using it much…”

“Nevren absolutely would, though,” Sera said, ears twitching. “And this repetition… Is he—”

“Likely. But I’m going to get specifics with some interaction with our… accidental test subjects.” Diyem walked into Anam’s office. “Go on. Nate isn’t going to delay for you.”

“Oh, uh, right.” Sera adjusted her leaf umbrella. “Wanna go, Anam?”


“It’s okay, Anam,” Diyem said. “I won’t go anywhere. I… understand you have an investment with Nevren.”

“…Okay. Let’s go, Sera.”

Unnerved at how serious Anam looked, the ghostly Zoroark followed the Goodra out of the HQ. Everything was happening so fast, even in this moment of respite. Once the sun was stable, she predicted a tumultuous horizon beyond that blinding light…


“Ninety seconds. No more, no less,” Diyem murmured, running a black flame from his claw into a notebook. The print was… surprisingly clean. “And not only that, but it seems it can’t go beyond that time. Anything more than ninety seconds is cemented forever into the past—etched in stone. Not even Nevren can delve deeper. I suppose we should be counting our blessings.”

He was speaking to a potted plant. Two flowers bloomed from either side of a spiraling sapling, one orange, another white. The center of each flower was black like a pupil and pointed directly at the paper. Occasionally, they moved and stared at Diyem instead.

The Shadow Charizard continued, “But the number of times he can rewind is… unlimited. This explains… a disturbing amount of his activities, and speaks ever more to his patience and persistence.”

“What does this all mean?” Owen said. “Nevren has had this power all this time, and we never knew?”

“How could we know?” Diyem hummed to himself.

“…I… had a feeling. There were abnormalities in the spirit that my—that, uh, that Owen as a Heart sometimes experienced, especially leading right up to when I became the Grass Guardian. It was at the top of Eternal Whistler Cave, that northern mountain where the wind blows extremely coldly. When I was meditating… I had a dream that he attacked me, but then it all went to normal.”

“You dreamed that? This rewind… appears to be perfect. It isn’t simply… hopping a timeline, or something like that. It seems to… play the world in reverse, rapidly, and then resume ninety seconds prior. I suppose the spirit, unbound by that, could remember it… but the brain won’t, and without a suspicion of this happening, perhaps only Dialga would have realized a difference…”

Zena’s flower spoke up next. “But we aren’t entirely physical anymore.”

“Yes. Maybe… Dialga’s divine power can trick even the aura. And the spirit, even deeper within the aura, will remember everything. Despite this, we cannot tap into it very easily. Not even us.”

“Hmm…” Owen’s flower curled a vine beneath its petals. “But what could—”

“Do you need to be a flower.”


“Your body. It’s… Why?”

“Oh. I think I can shift back? But that’s a lot of energy, and… are we needed anywhere right now?”

Zena’s stem coiled around Owen’s. “Is something wrong?” she asked.

“How are you even in there? You’re the Water guardian.”

“We did some gardening?”
Owen said like it was a question.

“…You’re a bad influence on Zena,” Diyem stated flatly, looking at the communicator again. With a defeated sigh, he stood up. “Recover well. The last battle was won, but the war is far from over. Our most dangerous foe and our greatest unknown are still out there. And with Nevren doing… whatever this is, I can only assume he’s also going to be trouble.”

“He’s… bad, but he’s not trying to kill us, right?” Owen asked.

“No,” Diyem said. “But I think that’s what makes him even more dangerous. Not only because I cannot read him, since he’s divorced from the full link of Kilo… but because even in close proximity, I hadn’t realized a thing about him until it was too late. Do you know what that means?”

“That… he’s a good guy after all?” Owen said nervously. “I don’t think that’s true…”

“It means that despite the evil he’s done to Anam, with spearheading all mutant research, and of course, what he’s likely scheming as we speak… he sees himself as a force of good. He does this all with a clear conscience. I do not detect negativity from him. I never did for these acts of betrayal.

“To him, this is all correct.” Diyem looked like he was suppressing a snarl. “I should have been more cautious…”

The ground rumbled, vibrating Owen and Zena’s flower pot a few inches closer to the shelf’s edge.

“What was that?” Zena asked.

“Hm.” Diyem nodded. “Nate has likely returned to the Chasm to reestablish the Tree of Life’s roots. Would you like to see this? …As a fellow sapling, I suppose.”

“Oh. Well, I think I should. It’s going to be the mark of a new era, won’t it?”

“Yes. In several ways, I imagine,” Diyem said, picking the flower pot with one hand while holding his umbrella with another. “To think, something I once wanted to destroy…”

“I think you can say that for a lot of things,” Owen said.

“Mrm.” That was all Diyem replied as he marched out of the office and into the burning light outside. The sun was closer and brighter than ever, and yet even as Nate worked to resolve this aftershock of one divine battle, one thought lingered.

If this was the aftereffect of only part of that dark power, what did that mean when they faced Alexander and his new powers? Or the other piece that Ghrelle had? Could the world of Kilo handle a clash against the opposite side of the Hands?

Or would the very act of clashing put the whole world in jeopardy?
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