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Pokémon Pokemon: Dark Times


Darius was just a young adult who suddenly found himself in a whole different world.
He soon learned it was the Pokemon world.
With the help of a floating screen, he's going to survive and thrive.

Now, if only he could stop being the wandering version of a Pokecenter...

Read my name - read it.
Got it? Then go on, if you want, if you feel uncomfortable about men kissing, then turn around and go away.

Also, another thing, there will be Fusion Pokemom (from the Pokemon Fusion game, because Yes) and Fakemon. It's because I want to.

Warning: I am posting this fic here because I don't want to lose it. It is on hiatus at the moment, so if you want more of my writing, you can look for me on Webnovel, Questionable Questing, or elsewhere.
Chapter 01: Dragged into this Dark World New


Darius could barely believe his eyes- but he was still here! It wasn't a weird dream, no, he was in the middle of a forest surrounded by fucking Pokemon! "Ah, sorry little one." The little red and black hound-like Pokemon he had saved yesterday whined, making him pat him softly- His body was still weak and frail, his thin legs couldn't carry his weight, and his scars hurt.

The day Darius arrived in this world he found himself inside this weird forest, there was a plateau slash savanna by the east of the forest, and from there Darius saw this desert in the distance- It was weird, really, how easily he fit in this world... He remembers seeing this floating screen before his eyes that gave him a gift, which was a class called [Wilderness Survivor]- In fact, why don't I show you the screen?


| Name: Darius Markus
| Age: 20
| Gender: Male
| Energy User Rank: 1
| Energy: 100/100
| Nature: Gentle Giant - Grants you the unique skill [Friendly]
| Affinity: Dark Types - Dark Types seem to like you more...
| Job: Beginner Wilderness Survivor
| Job History:

| Unique Skill:
[Friendly]: Pokemon smaller than you sees you as a non-threat at worst and a friend at best. Pokemon larger than you will see you as a non-threat at best, and a mortal enemy at worst.

| Skills:

[Beginner Wilderness Survivor]
Wilderness Survival lvl 1 - You know how to survive in the wild! Finding water, shelter, and food is easier for you.
Shelter Making lvl 1 - You know how to make a basic shelter to protect you from the elements of nature.
Gather lvl 1 - You know how to find food and other useful things in the wild
Basic Cooking lvl 1 - Although not the best at it, you know how to cook, well, at least you won't burn water!


Thanks to this class he received he managed to find a good and small lake inside the forest before the nightfall of that day, he also made a small shelter consisting of sticks and mud to cover it, through that day he also managed to be surrounded by Caterpies all day! They really liked him due to the skill [Friendly] that reflected Darius' own nature, that of a gentle giant- I mean, he wasn't that big, he was only 6'6! "C'mon, let's eat okay?" The little Houndour he saved was weak and full of scars, he was probably the runt of his pack and was abused by the other members too, which was weird in Darius' opinion but this world isn't the human world anyway, he doesn't need to understand the thought process of a Pokemon to know he doesn't like it. Darius himself used to be a little guy growing up, he was bullied by his peers a lot due to his height so he hates bullies, no matter what type of bully they are.

"I hope I can find an Oran Berry this time..." He found the little Houndour in the outskirts of the forest beaten and barren, hungry and weak, so he shared with him the only food he had managed to find and gave water to the poor little guy: "C'mon-" He touched the little guy, that although weak still growled at him, making Darius smile: "-such a strong pup!" He couldn't resist but baby-talk with the Pokemon. I mean, if you could do that, you fucking would! He is adorable, even if a little bit menacing at first sight, but still adorable! Darius held the weak pup in his arms and left the shelter he made where he spent the night, expecting to wake up back in his bed the next morning. "Now..." Following in a direction, Darius passed by these blue berries that he had eaten yesterday, they tasted really bitter too!

[Rawst Berry -
Description: A bitter berry that is rich in nutrients! It leaves a tingling sensation in the mouth. It is safe to eat!
Uses: Cures the Burn Stat, ???
You must become a Pokemon Breeder to know more.]

See? His skill [Gather] also helps him identify the things he can find and get in the wild! He is going to search for a berry that helps heal a Pokemon, if not he'll have to take care of Houndour until the little guy heals... Darius focused his sight on the poor pup for a second before another screen appeared before his eyes, it didn't surprise him as much as it did yesterday:

| Name:
| Species: Houndour
| Type: Dark/Fire
| Gender: Male
| Level: 5
| Rank: Novice (1)
| Potential: ★★★☆☆
| Nature: Adamant (+Attack/-Sp. Attack)
| Abilities -
Trained Abilities:
Flash Fire (Increases fire damage when hit by fire moves)
Obtained Abilities:

| Attributes -
0-10: F
11-20: E
21-30: D
31-40: C
41-50: B
51-100: A
101-200: S
201-500: SS
501-1000: SSS
Strength: 13 [E]
Speed: 9 [F]
Endurance: 34 [C]
Attack Potency: 12 [E]
Vitality: 13 [E]
Energy Control: 8 [F]
Energy Resistance: 33 [C]
Energy Capacity: 12 [E]
Energy Potency: 8 [F]

| Moves - Learned, Trained, Expert, Mastered, Complete Control.

Egg Moves: Thunder Fang [T], Fire Spin [T], Counter [E]

Moves: Ember [E], Smog [L], Leer [T]

TMs: N/A


He was really weak, but his Potential was interesting... Darius had read Pokemon Fics in the past so he was aware of what Potential portrayed, even the name itself was self-explanatory! Regardless, Darius held onto the pup in his arms, the poor guy did try to bite him but all it did was make Darius giggle a little- His paw was also probably broken or most likely bruised as well, right? Darius sighed softly, he had the heart of a big brother and he is used to taking care of younger kids and animals, so taking care of this little hurt Houndour is nothing out of the ordinary for him, just another Thursday morning!

'I hope the kids back at the orphanage are okay-' Of course he grew up in that orphanage! Where do you think he grew up at? He's a fanfic protagonist! '-is that what i think it is?'

[Oran Berry
Description: A sweet berry that is commonly found everywhere in the Pokemon world, all Pokemon like this berry, and all Pokemon can eat this berry, although it doesn't have many nutrients that carnivores need so it cannot be used as a substitute for Pokemon Meat.
Uses: Heals weakened Pokemon, ???
You must become a Pokemon Breeder to know more.]

"Jackpot!" Darius bluntly ignored the 'Pokemon Meat' thing as he picked a bunch of these bright blue berries from the berry tree to give to Houndour! There were a bunch of these berry trees all around now that he found this one- oh? "Freee~!" A butterfly pokemon came flying toward him, thankfully his [Friendly] skill was always in effect so most non-aggressive Pokemon didn't feel threatened whenever he got close to them! The Butterfree calmly flew above him and looked down, Darius smiled softly at the Pokemon and lifted the Oran Berry to it: "Want one?" The butterfly shook its head before pointing down at the little Houndour in his arms: "Oh, him? I'm taking care of him till he heals, that's why I came to get some Oran Berries." The Butterfree nodded for a moment before flying away.

So they were the owner of this little garden of Oran Berries huh? "Thank you!" Darius shouted to the Butterfree who just kept flying away, there were a few Metapods in the trees as well as Caterpies, he also saw many Butterfrees flying around too, which means this section of the forest was a Butterfree territory! "Oh, hello." A Caterpie started climbing his legs, Darius smiled softly before giving a piece of Rawst Berry to the Caterpie, who ate it gladly. "I'll just feed this little one now." The poor Houndour growled weakly as Darius fed him until eventually he just gave up and started eating with some difficulties. The results weren't instantaneous like in the Games, it would take some time for the Pokemon to heal, this berry only accelerated the healing process of a pokemon by a very small amount while granting the necessary nutrients and energy for that small acceleration of healing.

Now, he needs to wait and take care of the little one.
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