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Pokemon Adventure Quest: Festival of Friendship RP - Signups [CLOSED]

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Dear Esteemed Trainer!

You are cordially invited to take part in the Festival of Friendship, hosted by Xavian Montorzi at his personal island retreat, Kunolo Island. This honor has been extended to trainers and Pokemon teams displaying unusual skill or noteworthy achievements and will celebrate the special bonds we share with our Pokemon partners...


Welcome to Pokemon Adventure Quest: Festival of Friendship!


Festival of Friendship is a short, collaborative RP campaign, where players will be challenged to roleplay and work together uncover enough clues to solve a mystery. The concept of this campaign’s story revolves around talented, skilled, or unusual trainers being invited to gather together for a celebration. But soon after arrival mysterious strange events begin to unfold....

Along the way, there will be opportunities for character interactions via RP, spicy drama, and a bit of whump. It will also be slightly longer and more involved than a Flash RP, for players looking for something less intense than Blacklight but more focused than Flash.

Currently, it is planned for this campaign to last roughly 1 month. The game is designed to be accessible for anyone, regardless of experience or skill level. No prior knowledge of mysteries or how to solve them is needed, and I have done my best to design something I hope will be both fun and stimulating.

All you need to bring is a willing spirit and your favorite character!

How does it work?

The general format of the campaign will follow a Day/Night cycle vaguely reminiscent of forum Mafia games. During the day, players can generally free RP with either NPC’s or other PC’s. There will also be periodic ‘plot relevant’ scenes that may require the attention of characters. These will hopefully be limited to 1-2 per ‘Day’, to give everyone a chance to participate. During the 'night' your characters will be sleeping/in their dorms, acting as a brief 'break'.

For now, each ‘day’ will last 3 irl days [72 hours], while each night will last about 2 [36-48], although this is subject to change depending on circumstance.

There will also be opportunities to ‘investigate’ aka use some skill of observation/deduction throughout the game to uncover clues. I’ll provide in-depth details later, but the gist is simple. At any point during the day players will be permitted to use one of their various senses (smell, energy detection, sight, hearing etc) to check for clues.

As the GM, I will inform you of what clue you have uncovered, if anything. I will be up to you as players to figure out who the culprit is. By gathering enough clues, players will be able to make an accusation - but be careful! Accuse the wrong person and you could end up in a lot of trouble, or worse! Work with other players to gather all the clues before you jump to anything!

This is where the final mechanic comes in. The ‘sus-o-meter’ ( haha ; } ). Basically, every investigative action like interrogating a suspect, checking for clues and making accusations, will add a small amount of sus. If player’s collective “suspicion” becomes too high, they may find themselves targets. But don’t worry, you’ll know if a particular action will be too risky, and I’ll be doing my absolute best to make sure everyone stays informed.

All in all, I hope for this to involve light mystery and afford plenty of time for RPing!

A full write up of mechanics will come later.

Who Should I bring/Expectations?

Conceptually, AQ revolves around talented and aspiring trainers and their 'ace' pokemon (basically the one they share the deepest bond with)
being invited to a big event/celebration on Kunolo Island, by a man named Xavier. For reasons to be revealed, he is hosting some kind of big party for trainers! So whatever pokemon you bring should be the one your character feels closest to/is most IC for them to bring.

Your character should be a trainer, first and foremost. Second, it is recommended that they be of reasonable competence and maturity. While your characters won’t know this yet, you as a player should be aware that AQ will feature opportunities to ‘investigate’ a mystery on the island, as well as some mildly stressful situations for characters. This may later range to more intense situations. (nothing grim/violent, but there may be some spicy chances to torment your characters. ehehehe). Bring someone you enjoy RPing with (and maybe want to torment), and who you think can bounce off others reasonably, as well as someone who can function to a reasonable capacity (so no like, actual babies would be invited, lol).

As such, young/child characters will not be permitted. However, there is an obvious exception for character types like Red/Ash, who are “10” but functionally like mini-adults in poke-verse.

You are, of course, allowed (and even encouraged) to bring characters with ‘issues’.

From you as a player, I also have a one small expectation. I plan this game to last roughly a month, maybe a wee bit longer, as I said before, with periodic breaks during 'nights'. I won't be hounding anyone <3, and IRL comes first, but I do ask that people try to be semi-active. This may include making a few posts per day cycle and making sure to read anything labeled ‘plot-important’ so you as the player/character stay abreast of things.

Also, a note for the signups. You may choose a moveset of four moves for your pokemon character. Do not overthink this! There won’t be any kind of actual mathematical/strategic battle component. Instead, focus purely on flavor and flavorful strategy/what feels fun to write. There may be ‘battles’ or maybe even your character can challenge others, but it’ll all be flavor, so just pick whatever feels fun. And don't stress, because there's time to decide.

Of course, this is still for fun at the end of the day, and not a pressure thing! I will also offer the option of GM Control.

GM Control simply means that if extremely important plot relevant stuff happens that involves the group, I will ‘imply’ your character is present, and at maximum include a basic reaction (e.g. ‘Wallace gasped in shock/ Steven glared angrily’).

Lastly, I expect signups to run roughly a week or so? Which means I expect to be able to open the game at the end of the week, around the 14th of May

Signup sheet


Greatest Desire:
Worst Fears:

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed?

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Moveset (Limit 4):
Greatest desire/greatest fear:

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable):

Final notes:

This is my first time running a campaign like this! If you have questions, I am best reached via Discord, where I am known as ‘Tetra’. If you have questions, feel free to tag/ping me or DM me! All I ask for is patience and respect ;).

Can't wait to see everyone there!

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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua

Name: Coleane
Personality: Bubbly, excitable, and filled with wonder at anything related to humans. Coleane's life dream was to meet a human, and now she's in a world full of them! She's very inquisitive, asking lots of questions, but not always for the right reasons. She's also rather impulsive and impatient, jumping to conclusions and wanting things to hurry up.
Appearance: A mostly ordinary Tropius, slightly smaller than the average one. She has a red scarf around her long neck, and a saddle-bag across her back.
History/Backstory: A Tropius hailing from another world, one with no humans, only Pokemon. She was sent to this world to become a "champion", and with her Buizel starter, provided by the mysterious voice who brought her here, she set off to explore Hoenn! Soon after her journey began, she encountered a small Oshawott who claimed he used to be human. The two became fast friends and teammates, and he's now her primary partner, even with his lack of battling skills. Along her journey, she's obtained a total of three badges, and caused quite the stir! The "Tropius Trainer" has become an internet sensation!
Moveset (Limit 4): Sweet Scent, Synthesis, Roar, Fly
Greatest Desire: Being champion! She's not quite sure why she should be doing this, but mysterious voices in rainbow voids are always right! After that...maybe she'd try to find a way to go back and forth between her world and this one. She misses her Amaura little sibling.
Worst Fears: Humans not living up to her lofty dreams, being captured against her will, losing her wings.
GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Sure!

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Name: Gen Taranz
Species: Oshawott
Appearance: pledgegen.jpg (Art by Pledge)
Personality: Incredibly anxious and lonely, Gen is not a natural-born fighter. He doesn't like danger, but he dislikes being alone far, far more, enough to keep him with a trainer. He's very clingy, staying very close to anyone who shows him even slight friendship, but even so, he misses his family more than anything else in the world.
Moveset (Limit 4): Assurance, Tackle, Tail Whip, Fury Cutter
History: Gen used to be an ordinary human living in Goldenrod, until one day, he found himself in another world, stuck in the body of an Oshawott. He managed to find his way back to his home world, but not his home region, and he was still an Oshawott. He soon ran into Coleane, and spilled his identity to her. She agreed to take him home once she was done with her quest, and the two quickly became fast friends.
Greatest desire: Being back home with his family again, and being human again. Once that's taken care of, he'd like to open his own restaurant.
Greatest fear: Being alone. He's also terrified of being stuck like this forever, or losing the ability to speak human.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): Coleane: N/A (Yet). Gen: Eternal Shadows
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump

Name: Gladion Mohn

Personality: He mistrusts people by nature. It’s not hard to get under his skin. That being said, when he does trust people, he’s quite loyal to them. He cares more for pokemon than people.

Appearance: Gladion. But 18. Lets put him in the canon outfit for convenience, but he’ll be bringing a backpack here for stuff.

History/Backstory: Similar to his canon counterpart, except that he’s Lillie’s (trans) identical twin. For a number of reasons, I also then changed the timeline so that he ran away at 14, and is currently 18.

Greatest Desire: Comfort, stability, and privacy for himself and Hazel.

Worst Fears: Being tied back to his past. It’s no secret that Lusamine has kids, Lillie and [Deadname] Mohn, that as far as he’s concerned, the Aether and trans parts of his history are tied together, and someone figuring out one half will probably figure out the other.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed?: Eh, sure.

Pokemon companion (one)

Name: Hazel

Species: Type: Null

Appearance: On-model Null. Helmet is metal. Comes up to an tall human’s head in height. (Or, counting the helmet and plume, even taller.) Setting aside the dex making everything absurdly light, she’s probably somewhere between 2/3 to 3/4 a Mudsdale in weight, heavy mask included.

Personality: At first she can be shy because people don’t always react well to her. If someone’s friendly to her, though, she’s very sweet.

Moveset (Limit 4):
-Body Press (Not in the legal set, but a good representation of her main fighting style. Alternatively, Iron Head)

History: The Type: Full project was started by Professor Mohn before his death, and subsequently taken over by Faba. They had some neurological issues, but their brain documentation seemed incomplete. Faba invented an implant to both amend. In the process, unaware of how intelligent they were, also tried to allow it to directly control their typing. The type changing system caused more issues due to an oversight, the masks were outfitted, one of her siblings attacked the scientists, and we largely follow the canon from there.

Greatest desire/greatest fear: She is a pretty bird and not a monster… She also really doesn’t want to have to hurt humans. They tend not to take it well, from what she’s seen.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Name: Odette Cinq-Mars

Personality: Odette was often regarded as a ‘statue’ during her time in school, in a sense that it was rare to catch her making any other expression besides a resting bitch face. She always seemed to be eyeing something around her, whether it was another person or something that struck her as suspicious. That isn’t necessarily off base--she’s an extremely hyper-observant person, and is prone to picking up on things that others might miss. She might be able to read a person better than that person could read themselves.

That said, while she’s good at grabbing the emotions and mannerism of others, she’s found herself rather airheaded when it comes to her own emotions. She purely runs on logic, and tries not to let any of her emotions get in the way--hence her ‘statue’ nickname. If she’s torn between acting on her brain or her heart, she’s surely going with the brain. Unless it involves a pretty person, in which case, her logic might fight for it's life against her lust.

However, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t emote. In fact, she has an extremely short temper, and is quick to anger over things that most would consider minor inconveniences. This has gotten her into some trouble in the past, and might continue to do so…


Her mother, Vienna, is a magical type Pokemon Professor who had her when she was 18, after a fling with a man who was twice her age. Vienna told Odette that said man was as insane as he was abusive, so Odette does not know his name, or who he is. She was raised by Vienna, who was in school to become a Pokemon Professor at the time, and her grandparents Bernard and Marieanne. She grew up loved and taken care of, but ended up manifesting some severe anger issues at an early age. After trips to a psychiatrist and multiple therapy sessions, she was enrolled in dance classes as a means to channel her anger, and also eventually picked up singing. Her love for the activities diminished her anger output for several years, and she even spent that time building a Pokemon team and dabbling in training school when she had the time,

However, during her time in college, (CW: Sexual Assault, Death) she was raped by one of her professors, Jordan Deschamps. In a fit of self defense, she beat him to death. His family tried to sue her for manslaughter for the loss, and the charges were dropped on account that she committed the murder in self defense. The trauma of the event manifested into stage fright, and she no longer has any desire to perform. This trauma, however miniscule it feels to her now, follows her in her daily life.

Greatest Desire: Overcome her trauma to eventually be able to go back on stage.

Worst Fears: Wishiwashi swarms, needles, her grandfather getting hurt on the job, her mother getting hurt on the job, her Pokemon getting hurt beyond healing, letting her past traumas dictate her life.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Yes


Pokemon Companion
Name: Odile

Species: Venira, Legendary Pokemon of Wrath

Appearance: In her non-powered form, she either takes an uncanny valley form of Odette, or her standard form (which essentially resembles a tumbleweed with bat wings, see reference).

When she craves that hemoglobin, she looks as follows (Shoutout to Inkedust for de art):
image_6483441 (1).JPG

Personality: Loud, easily amused, and harboring a severe penchant for violence, Odile exists as the true personification of the deadly sin of Wrath. Not only can she sense it, she can induce it, and might even be able to feed off of it. As a Blood Type Pokemon, she gains her astronomical abilities from the blood of her host--but the caveat is that she's almost completely powerless without it.

Odile bears a very intense love and attachment to her current host, Odette, and is the reason the latter developed such severe anger issues. Not only does Odette provide Odile with the sustenance for her power, but Odette's birth was what brought Odile out of her forced slumber. As a result, Odile will not hesitate to do whatever in her power to protect Odette, even if it means briefly stripping her of her body autonomy and driving her to do something she normally wouldn't do.

Moveset (Limit 4):
Ability: Power for Blood
-Firey Wrath
-Bitter Malice

Odile is among the seven primordial Blood Legendaries, all existing as a personification of a deadly sin. She was considered the most powerful of the seven when powered up by a host, and the other six didn't like it. In an ancient battle between hosts, Odile was overpowered by the latter six and sealed into a special ball that she had no will to break herself from. Thousands of years later, the seven legendaries were coveted by the wealthy Lambourne family, and passed down in secret for generations. It wasn't until Florent Lambourne had an illegitimate child with a young fling that Odile found the will to break free of her shackles, and possessed said illegitimate child.

Greatest desire/greatest fear: Her greatest desire is to defeat the latter 6 Blood Legendaries. Her greatest fear is Odette dying.

Pokemon Companion
Name: Enora

Species: Sylveon

Appearance: A standard looking shiny Sylveon, so she has a blue sheen instead of a pink one.

Personality: Sassy, classy, and a bit smart-assy--that about sums Enora up. She's a Pokemon who takes pride in her appearance, and even more so in following the rules. She likes to think carefully before doing things, and to assure she doesn't break a claw in the process. She has a very low tolerance for stupidity, and is not afraid to make it known if she thinks she's witnessing it...but she'll do so in a classy fashion, because that's how she is. She's a lady, and ladies have to be poise and proper at all times. Well, not always. She's picked up some attitude during her time as Odette's Pokemon, so sometimes she finds herself slipping. Sometimes for good reason.

She has an innate desire to protect those she's cares about, and that includes her fellow teammates and her trainer. As one of Odette's first Pokemon, Enora shares a special bond with her despite their clear cut differences. Enora has witnessed Odette at her lowest lows, and fears ever seeing her in that position again. So, she sometimes takes on the role of Odette's little Jiminy Cricket--a sort of conscience there to steer her away from doing things too rash or impulsive. In short, she's definitely kind of the Mom Friend(TM) who takes the job very seriously.

Moveset (Limit 4):
Ability: Pixilate
-Hyper Voice
-Heal Bell
-Hidden Power Rock

History: Enora doesn't remember much of her past prior to finding home in a dumpster next to a line of townhouses while she was still an Eevee. It was full to the brim of scraps she could eat, and out of the view of anybody who wanted to catch her, so she made it work. It wasn't until some of those townhouse tenants--a very tiny girl and a jumpy Gothorita--started feeding Enora nice things that she started to warm up to the presence of humans. When that tiny girl asked Enora to be on her Pokemon team, the answer was a no brainer. Years later, with a name, a clean coat, and the autonomy to do what she pleases, Enora is wholly enjoying her life with her close knit team of other fairies and ghosts, and her angry trainer who means quite well.

Greatest desire/greatest fear: Her greatest desire is to see her team and trainer be safe and happy. She fears that that will never happen, and that she can't do anything abou it.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): White Swan, Black Swan
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Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio

Name: Weston Arius (Wes)
Personality: an extreme misanthrope, wholeheartedly believes humans are all inherently malicious and are not to be trusted. Absolutely adores pokemon, though; he gets attached to them way too easily (and may or may not value their opinions more than those of humans).
Appearance: (regular Colosseum appearance, but) has a tattered black longcoat (with a high collar), spiked black goggles, and has a black bandana that covers his nose and mouth (due to some scars)
Greatest Desire: To save all of the Shadow Pokémon in Orre, and to burn Snagem and Cipher to the ground.
Worst Fears: Losing Merian or Nico.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Yes! :quag:

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Name: Merian
Species: Umbreon
Appearance: regular Umbreon
Personality: peppy and energetic, a far cry from what you'd expect of the species!
Moveset (Limit 4): Secret Power, Bite, Helping Hand, Hypnosis
Greatest fear: Losing Wes or Nico.


Name: Nico
Species: Espeon
Appearance: regular Espeon
Personality: Stoic and reserved, no-nonsense.
Moveset (Limit 4): Psychic, Hypnosis, Return, Shadow Ball
Greatest fear: Losing Wes or Merian.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): Maelstrom of Shadows


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex

Name: Seb
Personality: Rather shy, naive and innocent for his age, but kind, altruistic, somewhat smart and modest. When something piques an interest in his comfort zone, he will become passionate about it, even intruding in conversations he overhears.
History: A Trainer from Lumiose City who, after getting his Froakie eight years back, went on to travel around Kalos, Hoenn, Alola, and now Galar with the intention of seeing every Pokémon ever. As the years went on, he was witness to various events and heard many stories that intrigued him. He also became fascinated by bird Pokémon as he grew up, even though he isn’t exactly an ornithologist.
Appearance: A tall, lanky guy with short black hair wearing square-rimmed glasses, a white sports jacket over a red t-shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers.
Greatest desire: To become a decent internet artist; completing the Pokédex is somewhat of a secondary mission to him, but he will put effort into it.
Worst fears: Syringes, infighting and harsh judgements.
GM Control OK?/Reaction text allowed? No, thanks. I worry that my characters might be OOC and I like having agency over them.

Pokémon companions

Name: Zack
Species: Pidgey
Appearance: Standard Pidgey, but with an anthropomorphic body.
Personality: Vain, audacious and ambitious.
History: He doesn’t wanna talk about it at the moment.
Ability: Big Pecks
- Tackle
- Sand Attack
- Gust
- Quick Attack
Greatest Desire: To become a famous hero and get a girlfriend.
Worst fear: Not living up to his own expectations.

Name: Jack
Species: Farfetch’d
Appearance: Standard Farfetch’d, but with an anthropomorphic body.
Personality: Optimistic, polite and somewhat ambitious.
History: He was just a wild Farfetch’d trying to study the blade under the tutelage of an Aegislash, and he still does after getting caught by Seb during his Kalos adventure. After seeing Zack in action, he trained his body for a few months, along with practicing his leek skills, in order to gain the humanoid form he has now.
Ability: Inner Focus
- Fury Cutter
- Leer
- Cut
- Aerial Ace
Greatest desire: To become one of Seb’s strongest Pokémon in the team and assist Zack.
Worst fear: Naturally, losing his leek, as well as not being able to see his Aegislash master again in the future.


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
name: prim
personality: "Look, don't you have anything better to do than play 20 questions with someone you just met? Well, I do."
appearance: tall, muscular, light-haired, weatherbeaten.
gm control: ok

pokémon companions
name: ferry
species: lucario
appearance: he is a lucario.
personality: angery boi
moveset: force palm, agility, low kick, vacuum wave
name: princess
species: skiddo
appearance: leaf sheep
personality: she is a ball of sunshine and sometimes she has solar flares
moveset: splash, growth, razor leaf, tackle



Fruit or vegetable?

Name: Finley Yarborough
Personality: Absent-minded, talkative, likes to go on tangents. Easily caught up in details. Often seems like he's not fully here.
Also a complete jellicent fanatic. He considers himself one of the premier jellicent experts in the world. He probably isn't, but he's getting there.
Appearance: White guy with dark hair. Doesn't look like he gets out much.
History/Backstory: Trust fund kid and semi-shut-in. His greatest pride and joy is his home aquarium, which houses frillish, jellicent, and a smattering of other aquatic pokemon. But let's be real, the frillish and jellicent are what actually matter here. He profits off breeding them, battling visitors with them, and offering aquarium tours.
Greatest Desire: To become world-reowned for his aquarium and his work with the jellicent line.
Worst Fear: That something might happen to Bouba, or his aquarium. But Bouba matters more. Aquariums can always be replaced.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Yep.

Pokemon companion (one)

Name: Bouba
Species: Jellicent
Appearance: Normal jellicent. Blue and bulbous, as befitting his name.
Personality: Bouba's chill. Bouba's low maintenance. You could plop him into a tank and forget about him, and he'ld take good care of himself. He'll even go to lengths to find his own food, if you don't feed him. Great lengths. It's a good idea to feed him.
Moveset (Limit 4): Recover, Scald**, Toxic, Hex
History: Bouba and Finley are the bestest of buddies. They've been together since Finley was a child. Actually, they met shortly before the tragic boating accident that killed Finley's parents.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: He's not telling.

** changed Will-O-Wisp to Scald so the water type has an actual water move
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  1. sableye

Name: Bringing Kimiko; saw the chance for possible whump, I am obligated to take it.
Personality: Formerly cool, calm, and collected. Now presents as such, but in reality is struggling to regain the control over her emotions that she lost as a result of an abduction attempt by some rogue ghosts, as that event has continued to... heh... haunt her.
Appearance: Long blonde hair, usually kept under control in a ponytail. Green eyes. Red top that covers only one shoulder. Short, loose, flow-y, black skirt. Long black boots that go to her knees. Her treasure is a black star necklace she wears at all times.

Have a cute picrew image I'd saved a few months ago:


History/Backstory: Late-blooming trainer, spent the extra years working at her local professor's lab as an assistant along with her now-boyfriend, Alex. Lived with her sickly aunt and younger sister, Michelle, before traveling.
Greatest Desire: Her reason for traveling, besides the gym circuit, to find out what happened to her father.
Worst Fears: Ghosts. Something happening to her little sister. Lightning/electricity.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Sure! Just have her freeze up around any ghosts that are not hers and she'll be in-character.

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Name: Olivia
Species: Espeon
Appearance: Standard lavender psychic cat.
Personality: In contrast to her trainer, Olivia is more of a free spirit. She can be a little excitable, but she really does try her best.
Moveset (Limit 4): Calm Mind/Morning Sun/Shadow Ball/Psybeam
History: She knows nothing outside life as a trained pokemon, having been given to Kimiko as an egg by a longtime friend, and is the child of said friend's flareon.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Living up to her "mother's" (trainer's) expectations / Being separated from her family (team).

Name: Lucy Gray (Lucy for short)
Species: Froslass
Appearance: Standard icy ghost.
Personality: Far more reserved than Olivia, Lucy prefers to remain out of sight when her presence is not required. Because of this, Kimiko does not realize Lucy has followed her here. (Meaning, if I feel capable of RPing multiple pokemon, I'll pull her out, but otherwise she can just be assumed to be hovering close by, invisible.) She's done some not-so-nice things in the past and now is doing her best to do her best, but occasionally might slip up and get a little aggressive and has to be reigned in.
Moveset (Limit 4): Destiny Bond/Ice Beam/Shadow Ball/Thunder Wave
History: Fic spoilers, suffice to say she's had a trainer before and used her to do some rather villainous things. Eventually it crossed a line and she abandoned said trainer and found her way to a new one.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Atonement / Not being able to ever atone.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): The pokemon have not yet appeared in fic, but here's SS.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora

Name: Laura Weir
Personality: An awkward, fanciful nerd at heart, bubbling with resentment and fear, but possessed of remarkable empathy and intuition. Articulate, reserved, and perpetually exasperated.
Appearance: Short, slim and pale, with long/straight/black hair, all hidden in baggy green pullovers and hoodies.
History/Backstory: A Circhester girl whose parents coerced her to pursue higher education over a pokémon journey, but dropped out of college to find her missing purrloin only to get mixed up in a web of intrigue.
Greatest Desire: To have a team of 'mon whose adoration and respect she's truly earned.
Worst Fear: To find proof that she is incapable of real worth, and will never amount to anything.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? - Yes

Pokemon companions

Name: Malachai
Species: Noivern
Appearance: An adult male Anticaeli regina, or Atlantic Bluewing Noivern, with a wingspan well over thirty feet. Dark indigo scales and silver fur make for an imposing sight.
Personality: Prideful, demanding, and self-righteous in the extreme. Fluent in Galarish, but only deigns to speak telepathically to his chosen master.
Moveset (Limit 4):
- Dragon Pulse
- Boomburst
- Hurricane
- Flamethrower
History: An old bat who appears to test human trainers under the light of the moon to determine their potential worthiness. He saw something in Laura that made him choose to serve her – and liberally berate her.
Greatest Desire: To achieve true mastery in battle alongside an exceptional human partner.
Worst Fear: To permit harm to his master through negligence.

Name: Sleet
Species: Inteleon
Appearance: A young, female, bicolour inteleon with dark colouration.
Personality: A stubborn 'mon with a chip on her shoulder. Snarky, difficult, and highly intelligent.
Moveset (Limit 4):
- Snipe Shot
- Ice Beam
- Agility
- Attract
History: After declining every eligible trainer, eventually ended up with Laura via a second-chance sponsorship program. Has a lot to prove.
Greatest Desire: To be indispensable to a competitive pokémon team, and greatly valued by her trainer.
Worst Fear: To be replaceable, pitied, or otherwise pathetic.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/different-eyes.323/

Final notes: :letsgorb:
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Name: Jade Arens
Personality: Shy, awkward, doesn't do well with conflict. Tends to act as a mediator. Tries her best to support others, but it can be hard when she's surrounded by so many strong, stubborn personalities, both human and Pokémon. Foolhardy determination.
History: A Trainer hailing from Viridian City who was dragged into a conspiracy involving rival factions of Team Rocket vying for control of the Legendaries. She spent several months training as part of a secret, anti-Team Rocket rebellion. While she did become much stronger, her time spent there left her with considerable trauma.
Greatest Desire: Just wants to be important.
Worst Fears: Hates being paralyzed or immobilized. Being forced to watch something horrible, powerless.
GM Control: sure

Name: Nine
Species: Pikachu-Zapdos Hybrid
Personality: Has a defiant and abrasive nature, with a tendency to use violence to get the job done. However, there are moments where can be compassionate towards those he trusts.
Ability: Lightningrod
- Protect
- Thunderbolt
- Iron Tail
- Mega Volt (Electric-type self-destruct)
History: Ninth in a series of genetic experiments created by Team Rocket. In a fit of desperation, he tried to kill himself to escape imprisonment. Adopted a human in order to have the means to strike back at the Rockets.
Greatest desire: To find his own purpose in the world.
Greatest fear: Losing his sense of self or free will. Being a mindless puppet.

Link to the fic your characters are from: https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/the-legendarian-chronicles.48/


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus

Name: May Victoria Wallace (no relation)
Personality: Ambitious trainer, bad with losing, critical of everything, blunt and unemotional, prone to anger, despises vulnerability and especially her own.
History/Backstory: May's father was a star trainer who then quit when his starter Pokémon died in a freak battle accident; May was determined she would succeed where he didn't, become the Champion and later compete in the adult division, until she was unexpectedly upstaged by a cheater at the League. And then she wound up responsible for his death.
Greatest Desire: To be the greatest trainer in the world.
Worst Fears: Failure, losing her trainer license, the exposure of her crime, other people making sacrifices for her

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? No

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Name: Spirit
Species: Ninetales
Personality: Somewhat vain and self-important, very preoccupied with her chosenhood and in denial about how little she really matters to Entei.
Moveset (Limit 4):
- Curse
- Flamethrower
- Mean Look
- Shadow Ball
History: Spirit was taken from her mother's den as a baby Vulpix by Entei, who gave her part of his power and deposited her in Sprout Tower to fend for herself as a test. She learned from the ghosts in the tower to focus her legendary-given power in Ghost-related ways; eventually, she wandered out of the tower on her own and was found by a seven-year-old May, becoming her loyal companion. Eventually, Entei chose her as his vessel, granting her even more of his raw power.
Greatest desire: Entei's approval.
Greatest fear: Failing to protect Entei.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?threads/the-quest-for-the-legends.774/


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon

Name: Steven Stone
Personality: Quiet and reserved, Steven would rather think before acting, and prefers solving confrontation with diplomacy rather than violence or anger. He doesn't like crowds or attention, though his status tends to attract them wherever he goes. He is inquisitive, kind-hearted with a strong moral compass, and generous, but has a stubborn streak and has been known to shirk his responsibilities on more than one occasion.
Appearance: His canon ORAS appearance. Fancy suit, silver rings, messy hair.
History/Backstory: The current Champion of the Hoenn region and heir to the Devon Corporation, he's Hoenn's poster boy right beside his best friend, Wallace, who he originally met while on his training journey. His other best friends are his pokemon, who he considers family (especially Metagross, who he received as a Beldum for a companion pokemon when he was very young.) As for his actual family, he has no siblings and his mother passed away when he was five. He harbors some resentment toward his father, Joseph, for being absent for most of his childhood, but their relationship is improving.
Greatest Desire: Freedom. Freedom from the expectations and responsibilities of his father and Devon, which would allow him to travel and see the world with his pokemon.
Worst Fears: Disappointing people, losing loved ones, and open water. Also not the biggest fan of ghosts.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed?: Yes

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Species: Aggron
Appearance: Your standard, garden-variety Aggron: big, powerful, metal-plated. Stands 7ft tall on his hind legs and will not hesitate to drop to all-fours to charge.
Personality: Ultra competitive (especially with Metagross) and ultra protective, Aggron loves to be the best and the strongest and will never back down from a challenge. He also is extremely protective of his family and friends, and will ferociously fight to keep them safe. Can be on the grumpy side, especially if he's in overprotective mode, but always enjoys a good joke at his trainer's expense. Despite his bold and blustery facade, Aggron has a soft side, and enjoys gardening and taking naps in the sun.
Moveset (Limit 4):
Ability: Sturdy
- Iron Head
- Heavy Slam
- Thunderbolt
- Protect
History: Aggron was found by Steven as an Aron in Granite Cave (or more accurately, Aggron found Steven). Aggron had been abandoned by his trainer after being considered "weak" and not worthy of being trained. He found Steven who was injured after a fall and helped him back to the surface. Aggron, deciding he needed to prove himself to Steven, then marched right to the Dewford Gym and beat it all by himself. Later in their travels together, they encounter Aggron's former trainer and in a battle, he evolved into his final evolution to secure victory against the Aggron his former trainer chose over him.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: No greatest desire drives Aggron besides his incredible loyalty to Steven. His greatest fear is being abandoned.


Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable):
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  1. skiddo-px1
  2. skiddo-px2
  3. skiddo-px3
  4. skiddo-px4
  5. skiddo-px5
  6. skiddo-rudolph
  7. skiddo-sleepytime
  8. snowskiddo
  9. skiddotina
  10. skiddengo
  11. skiddoyena
  12. skiddo-obs
  13. skiddo-px10

Name: Blue Oak
Personality: Proud and cocky, clever and tactical (at least, he believes he is). Sometimes tries to affect a distant, aloof attitude because that's what Cool Guys do and he is definitely A Cool Guy, but it's not that hard to get him interested in or motivated about something. Much better at respecting his pokémon, and people in general, than he used to be, but still occasionally has a hard time following others' leads/accepting their input. Much more willing to cooperate if you look like you're willing to learn something from him—he genuinely enjoys teaching and helping others improve, but also would like you to stroke his ego first, thanks.
Appearance: canon appearance @ 14
History/Backstory: y'all really want me to retell FRLG/HGSS? really? must i?
Greatest Desire: To be the greatest pokémon trainer in the world (with, y'know, an actual understanding of what that entails this time), and to prove that he can get there on his/his friends' own merit rather than being in his grandfather's (or friends') shadow.
Worst Fears: To be forever compared to someone else, with people convinced he can't exist on his own. To lose the friends he's finally, finally been able to become worthy of.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? go for it

Pokemon companion (up to two, minimum one)

Name: Charizard
Species: Charizard
Appearance: Charizard
Personality: Hard-working and enjoys healthy competition. Cordial but a bit distant unless you're a close friend or look like an interesting opponent. Has a tendency to like things A Certain Way and gets a bit ruffled if things don't go according to the picture in his head, but he's learning to be more flexible. Enjoys listening to stories and legends.
Moveset (Limit 4): Heat Wave/Dragon Pulse/Scorching Sands/Smokescreen
History: One of the offspring of Samuel Oak's champion charizard. While his clutch-sister wasn't interested in traveling with humans, Charmander was enamored with his mother's stories and experiences, and set out on a journey with "Little Sam" (as his mother called him) that would hopefully be just like the one she'd had! It was, uh, not. But after he and Blue learned to see eye to eye and work together toward what they both wanted, he's had a journey and a partner he wouldn't trade for anything.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Desire: to prove himself worthy of a challenge his mother was never quite able to complete. To have stories worth sharing. Fear: Storms. Everything he's worked hard for amounting to nothing.

Name: Gyarados
Species: Gyarados
Appearance: Gyarados
Personality: He is big, and scary, and strong! You can tell because his human is a champion and is really good at things, which means Gyarados must also be good at things. He absolutely belongs here and he should definitely not still be a scared little magikarp hiding at the bottom of the lake. Why, did someone say that he should be? Oh, no, he knew someone would figure it out, maybe he should be, he really should be, why did Blue bring him here instead of someone else like Pidgeot or Rhydon or literally anyone else, they'd know what to do if there's a problem, what good is he if there's a problem, he's just awkwardly big (but why couldn't he be bigger) and clumsy out of water and not that strong, what if something happens, oh no...
Moveset (Limit 4): Waterfall/Ice Fang/Earthquake/Bind
History: Magikarp hadn't even intended to find a human, at first. (What would one want with him, anyway?) But when you're being chased by a hungry golduck and you're too pathetic to even jump out of the water, yanking on a fishing trainer's lure is the only quick escape you've got left. Magikarp spent most of their resulting journey struggling mightily to live up to his new trainer's expectations—and failing to, he was quite certain, but he'd already gotten the human fry's hopes up by taking the lure, and he'd seemed so excited, and how much worse would it be if he just admitted the truth and let him down? It took a while for Blue to realize that his gyarados was more nervous than he let on, and for Gyarados to see that he was stronger than he'd realized; they're working on building up his confidence, but it's hard to shake the thought that he really wasn't ever supposed to make it this far.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Desire: to finally feel like he can be comfortable with himself. Fear: everyone else realizing that he's weak and doesn't belong here/anywhere. (Also not super fond of golduck.)
Note: Gyarados may spend most of his time in the ball because Anxiety but really because we'll see how I'm feeling about three characters as opposed to two.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): lmao
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Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Inke not focusing on PMD? Perish the thought!

Throwing my hat into the ring. Going to be bringing someone new, may as well help flesh her out a bit before I actually get around to writing her, lmao.​

Name: Ayumi
Personality: Mild-mannered, if a bit meek to the point of being a doormat. Usually the first to avoid conflict, Ayumi is a very motherly figure, being very kind and supportive to those who need it. She does seem to have a habit of shirking her own problems and responsibilities however...
History/Backstory: A recently retired channeler from Kanto. She has an innate ability to commune with Ghost-type pokémon. Aside from that, her life up until this point has been rather...uninteresting all things considered. There appears to be something that she isn't telling anyone as she appears rather solemn at times - though asking her will simply cause her to put on her smiling mask once more.
Greatest Desire: To have a simple life free of stress and conflict.
Worst Fears: Having everything she knows collapse around her, both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Yep!​

Pokémon Companion 1
Name: Dusana
Species: Gengar
Appearance: Just a regular Gengar wearing a yellow bow on her right ear.
Personality: Typical of most ghost-types, Dusana is a rather mischievous creature, playing mild/harmless pranks on others for fun. She is very attached and loyal to Ayumi, commonly seen snuggling up to her during her downtime. She doesn't like to fight and tends to hide in Ayumi's shadow when out of her ball.
Moveset: Poltergeist | Clear Smog | Telekinesis | Will-O-Wisp
History/Backstory: Ayumi's bond pokémon turned pet. Dusana has known Ayumi since she was a teenager training herself on communing with Ghost-types. Dusana, being a haunter at the time ended up relating immensely to Ayumi and the two became fast friends since then, rarely seen apart.
Greatest Desire: To keep Ayumi safe and live a long and happy life with her.
Worst Fear: Abandonment.

Pokémon Companion 2
Name: Vera
Species: Bulbasaur
Appearance: Just a smaller-than-average bulbasaur
Personality: Spunky despite her small size. Will attempt to challenge anything larger than her to a battle but completely shuts down when picked up. She is out of her ball at all times and is looking forwards to all of her new opponents on the island.
Moveset: Growth | Sleep Powder | Razor Leaf | Sludge Bomb
History/Backstory: A gift to Ayumi from when she moved from Lavender to Pallet. Ayumi gladly accepted the bulbasaur as a pet to keep Dusana company. Ayumi was a bit surprised at the bulbasaur's rambunctious personality but quickly learned to work with and appreciate Vera. Vera considers Dusana her greatest rival and opponent when all Dusana does during these "battles" is gently batting the bulbasaur away.
Greatest Desire: To be the strongest bulbasaur there is.
Worst Fear: Vera laughs in the face of fear. Except fire. Fire is pretty scary.
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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy

Personality: On the surface, he's a bright and cheery sort but behind that facade is a bundle of nerves and anxiety. He loves helping anyone in need and doesn't take things too seriously. Although he's an emphatic guy and he would do anything to protect his friends and family, he is a little ashamed of the fact that he'd sometimes label other people as means of entertainment or as experiments for brain teasers, totally disregarding their feelings and thoughts and thus, causing him to act in ways he'd normally wouldn't (and well, let's just say those kinds of thoughts don't exactly mesh well with other people). He's the leader of their little group although he's not exactly sure why.
Appearance: An ordinary Charmander with brown eyes
History/Backstory: He was originally a human from the real world that had been brought into the world of Pokémon in the body of a Charmander along with his two brothers.
Greatest Desire: To get back home/Have the most fun he can.
Worst Fears: Losing his loved ones, Loneliness, Bees and anything in media containing horror.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Ok

Name: Evie
Species: Ain't telling 'cause of spoilers~
Image by the lovely Jackie Cat

And this crappy one by yours truly.
Personality: She's snarky and sarcastic but has a heart of gold. Loyal and protective of her friends and family, she's heroic to a dangerous fault. She hates running away from danger and will often disobey others if she disagrees with their decision. She does her best to help anyone in need but will prioritize friends and family. She sometimes acts as the mediator/healer/advisor of the group or as second-in-command.
Moveset (Limit 4): Protect, Recover, Extremespeed, Heal Pulse (She has a lot but I'm choosing the ones she uses often)
History: Most of it is kinda spoiler-y so I'll only give you the basic gist. At a young age, she had to leave her mother behind due to the tyrant of Troublewood coming to 'establish control'. And over the years, she became the strongest in the forest and defeated the tyrant along with her friends.
Although she's lived with her friends for over a decade, none of them actually knows where she came from or what she is... and she intends to keep it that way.
Greatest desire/greatest fear: To discover herself and what it means to really be at peace. Keep her sister happy and safe at all costs. / Losing and/or hurting her loved ones.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): Here ya go
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Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
*Disclaimer: Not that this is super important, but to prevent confusion, I’m gonna clarify that the Wes I am bringing to this RP is not current OSAS Wes. He’s from somewhere roughly in the middle of the fic, so there will be some differences and subtle hints at events that haven’t yet taken place in what is published. It will be vague, and won’t interfere with the RP at all, but I just wanted to throw that out there so people don’t get confused!


Wesley Lycas
Personality: Guarded, gruff and jaded, Wes is not keen to make friends and is perfectly happy if nobody ever approaches him, thank you very much. He is not one for social interactions and as a result is often stiff, awkward and blunt whenever he is forced to have a conversation. Despite this, he does have a soft spot deep down, especially for Pokémon, but only lets this show for his Pokémon, Neo and Novo. While he tends to be selfish and focused on his own well-being, he would lay down his life for those two in a heartbeat, and they would do the same for him.
D7168B4B-2065-477E-A920-F397318A94FC.jpeg HAHAHA of course I forgot to add his Skarmory knife, so just picture one on his hip opposite the Pokéballs.

History/Backstory: Wes was orphaned at the age of five when a deadly virus swept through Orre and claimed the life of his parents. He spent a year on the streets, struggling to survive, then was found by Gonzap and recruited to Snagem. He struggled for several more years to survive in that harsh environment, but after his first snagging mission, it became clear that he had a gift for it and he quickly rose up the ranks. At the age of 17, he went through a traumatic event that caused him to become callous and cold out of self-preservation, and this event still haunts him nightmares frequently, to the point that he relies on Novo, his Umbreon, to help him sleep via Hypnosis. At 22, something happened that caused him to betray Snagem in a vicious manner, blowing up their base and stealing their only portable snag machine in the process, and he was in the process of fleeing Orre for good when his plans got turned upside down.
Greatest Desire: At the start of the fic, it was to leave Orre, settle down in a rural/uninhabited part of Johto, and live quietly with Neo and Novo. However, the Wes I am bringing to this RP is from much later in the story, around the mid-point, and his desires have changed to the point that he is not sure what he wants anymore. Currently, he’s being eaten alive by guilt for wronging someone important to him, and is torn between making things right and cutting off all ties for good…
Worst Fears: Losing Neo or Novo is a big (and obvious) one. But another, more subconscious fear is that, deep down, maybe he’s not all that different from Gonzap or Snagem or Cipher, and what he might be capable of if his family ever got torn away from him…

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Sure!

Pokemon companions:

Species: Espeon
Appearance: A regular Espeon. Has a small nick in his right ear from an old fight.
Personality: On the surface, Neo is a class clown. He loves being in the spotlight, befriending others, playing with anyone and anything, and above all, making his trainer laugh. He has a mischievous side and will often use it in attempts to manipulate his trainer…or snag some bacon. However, his lightheartedness aside, he cares deeply about Wes and Novo, and would not hesitate to protect them at any cost. Wes’ deeply rooted unhappiness is distressing to him, especially since he can sense emotions, and this is his main motivation behind his ridiculous antics. He will do anything to get his trainer to smile, and maybe one day, he can get that smile to stay…
Moveset (Limit 4): Protect, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Ally Switch
History: Redacted
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Greatest desire is for Wes to be genuinely happy. Greatest fear is losing Novo and Wes…or for Wes to lose himself.

Name: Novo
Species: Umbreon
Appearance: Regular Umbreon. Has some gnarled scars along his left side, under his fur, that can be felt if one is petting him there (but only Wes is granted that privilege…and eventually Rui). They are occasionally faintly visible in the right lighting.
Personality: Novo is much like his trainer Wes, in that he is guarded, not quick to trust others, and quite stand-offish to anyone that isn’t Wes or Neo. If someone shows genuine kindness to these two, he will open up a lot quicker, though he will still take his time. He enjoys roughhousing with his brother and will not hesitate to put Neo in his place if need be. (And he feels low-key smug about his type advantage over him.) Novo takes great pride in protecting his family.
Moveset: Protect, Dark Pulse, Moonlight, Toxic
History: Redacted
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Greatest desire is to one day achieve a safe, stable life in hopes that Wes can finally be happy and at peace. Greatest fear is losing Neo or Wes, or being put in a position where he can’t keep them safe.

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable):


House of Two Midnights

Name: Nate Morgan
Personality: A devout loner, Nate much prefers the company of pokémon to other humans. He usually does his best to go unnoticed, and if someone does try to engage with him, he reacts with hostility. Stubborn in the extreme and with a keen sense of injustice, he will go to incredible lengths in pursuit of his goals. Notably not very good at choosing goals. Has a head for strategy and enjoys employing it in pokémon battles above all else, but a good mystery will draw him in as well. Around pokémon and the very rare human, he shows a different side: warm, patient, and indulgent. If you can earn his loyalty, you'll have it forever.
Appearance: Short, broad, angy. Looks like he hasn't had a decent night's sleep in weeks.
History/Backstory: Born to negligent parents, Nate largely raised himself on the streets of Saffron City. Naturally leery of other people, he gravitated towards pokémon instead and spent large portions of his childhood watching pokémon with their trainers, in tournaments, in gyms, in informal battle parks around the city--usually when he was supposed to be in school. Nate's greatest aspiration as a child was to become a trainer himself, to go on adventures with his pokémon, and above all to escape his dead-end life in the city. As he grew older, however, it became increasingly clear that this would be beyond his reach; he wouldn't be able to afford a proper League journey, and he definitely wasn't going to qualify for subsidies to do one, either. Having already (explosively) dropped out of school and with few prospects, he impetuously turned to Team Rocket as a way to make a living and train pokémon in some capacity. This turned out to be a huge mistake, and a rather difficult one to undo. In the end Team Rocket itself decided to make him unemployed in the most permanent way possible after developing a suspicion that he was passing information to the authorities. Barely clinging to life after a nasty beating from a fellow grunt's ursaring, Nate probably would have assumed things couldn't get any worse in the scant seconds before he passed out. Little did he suspect someone to show up, heal his injuries, and give him an entirely new set of problems to worry about...
Greatest Desire: To not be worthless.
Worst Fears: That this is all there is. Less metaphysically, ghosts, drowning, and social situations of all varieties.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Sure

Pokemon Companion

Name: Mightyena
Species: Mightyena
Appearance: Mightyena
Personality: Mightyena Confident and energetic, Mightyena has a take-charge personality that makes her the natural leader of Nate's team. Though friendly, she can be somewhat aloof; she only really opens up with a select few people. Her outgoing personality can slide into bossiness at times, and she can be a bit of a bully.
Moveset: Yawn | Taunt | Play Rough | Crunch
History: Mightyena is a purebred specimen intended to compete in Cute Contests. Nate stole her from a pet store when she was about a month old, and she's been with him ever since. (Her human is the best human. Her human is a huge idiot.)
Greatest desire/greatest fear: Adventure and new experiences / Not figuring out what she wants from life

Link to the fic your characters are from (if applicable): Salvage


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Violet Gael
Personality: As someone transposed from the distant past, Violet splashes archaic mannerisms with modern lingo as she tries to adapt to the present-day. She is mischievous, showboating, and has the occasional streak of arrogance. However, beneath her façade of confidence lies a lonely, anxious teen who tries as hard as she can to feel relevant in a world that has all but forgotten her. At the end of the day, she just wants to be loved and acts out to make it happen. If you show her authenticity and kindness, she will show herself to be a fiercely loyal, protective, and compassionate friend.
History/Backstory: Violet was once a former noble from medieval Galar. While trying to flee the terrors of the Darkest Day alongside her brother, Azure, she suddenly found herself transported to present-day Snowpoint City. In the laboratory of Professor Douglas and his then-Sneasel assistant Hazel, Violet was introduced to the culture and technology of the future. She was taught how to speak, read, and write a bit more like a modern person, though she holds onto some old mannerisms.
Weeks later, the laboratory raided by an organization calling themselves “Neo Team Galactic”, and the professor had gone missing since. Violet became Hazel’s partner thereafter — both vowing to do everything they could to find Violet’s sibling and Hazel’s professor. If becoming champion was what it took to make it happen, then so be it.
Greatest Desire: To find her brother, Azure, and create a new home alongside him and genuine friends together in this futuristic society.
Worst Fear: To permanently lose those who she finds closest — her sibling, her partner, and any new friends she makes along the journey.

GM Control ok/reaction text allowed? Yes!

Pokemon Companion
Species: Weavile
Personality: Hazel is mild-mannered, courteous, and contemplative. She will try to consider every possibility, hesitate before making decisions, and generally wants to ensure harmony through curiosity. She'll sometimes even remark how she feels like the trainer in their relationship. However, Hazel has a wilder side; in a high-adrenaline situation, she becomes addicted to the thrill of it. When in battle, her appetite for the emotional rush gives her tunnel vision, and she can’t think things through as she just wants to live and thrive in the moment.
This is where Violet's side of the partnership comes in: while Violet is more apt to seek out those thrilling situations, she also knows how to handle them through self-assured wit and cunning. Hazel shows Violet all the gadgets, cultural changes of the present, and how to stay calm in the day-to-day; Violet shows Hazel how to take more risks while still keeping her head in the game in fired up situations.
Calm Mind
Ice Shard
Night Slash
History: Hazel was born and raised in the laboratory of Professor Douglas in Snowpoint City. As she became older, she became a passionate lab assistant that learned to read, type, and use technology (though she can’t write very well due to a lack of dexterity). She hoped one day that every Pokémon would have a chance to be closer to humanity like she was, though often feared going out on her own — especially into the wild.
When Violet arrived, she helped the displaced girl become acquainted with present day society. When the laboratory was raided by Neo Team Galactic, she managed to escape alongside Violet, but the professor went missing. Deciding that Violet was her best bet at saving him, she formally became her partner; they would build a team together and help each other find the person most important to them: Violet’s sibling, and the now-missing Professor Douglas.
Greatest Desire: To find Professor Douglas and work together to create a culture where humanity and Pokémon can be even closer than before.
Worst Fear: To be alone again and forced to fend for herself in a world that is either hostile to or demeans her for being a Pokémon.
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