Spiteful Murkrow
Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- Partners
Alright, this one wound up running a couple hours late, but I figured that I'd jam out one last review of the year + as a birthday present for you, so let's get right into:
Chapter 101
I can only imagine the
reactions from all the nearby Pokémon to just seeing Palkia casually floating on his back in the water in front of them.
You know, I should really be a lot less surprised that Palkia would swim in Sinnoh's lakes considering its typing, but it's just one of those things you don't reflexively think of.
I mean, she wasn't wrong there, just saying.
- snerk -
Even if that Glaceon kinda brought things down on herself there.
Oh boy, time for a (literal) cat fight. Though I have to wonder how it is you decide when or not to work comic relief moments like these into your scenes or not.
Glaceon: "For the record, this isn't over." >_>;
Espeon: "Oh no, I think that this absolutely is unless you feel like taking another swim." >:V
The world's most begrudging one, I'm sure.
Oh, so that's how Akari in this universe was motivated to slog through the "complete the Pokédex" quest in PLA.
Noctum: "Noooooope nope nope nope."
Cute music in the background, even if I assume that we're in a place that's a wee bit different aesthetic-wise from its source work.
Noctum: "Y-You just read that sort of stuff in public?!"
Valkyrie: "It's a way of getting to see hot guys without going as far as reading porn, so... yes?"
Oh, well. Scratch that last cutaway gag, then.
Oh, so Noctum felt Seifer's death back then. Duly noted.
IMO, it might have made sense to elaborate on Noctum's reaction a bit, especially if he doesn't consciously know that Seifer's dead right now.
Valkyrie: "So, yeah, things are going well™ for us all at the moment."
Noctum: "I-It was an honest question, okay?!"
Cue the freakout in 3... 2...
Even if I feel that if Val had a beat moment, it'd probably make sense to mention that before she attempts to squeak by the bad news at the end.
Noctum: "I'm... going to need to have a word with her to not bring that up to her mother anytime soon."
Another spot where it might make sense to slip in something in between Val's lines of dialogue.
Noctum: "Er... well... where do you want me to start?"
Valkyrie: "... I'll just take that as a 'yes' there." -_-;
Noctum: "Uh... well... I-I'll hold you to that one, since there's a lot to unpack here."
Noctum: "(Oh boy, that's not a good sign right now.)"
Noctum: "I mean, if I went into a catatonic state even before that you heard Seifer kicked the bucket, well..." .-.
This is going to turn into a "living for yourself and choosing your own destiny" plot, isn't it? Since boy did that just get really dark and depressing in short order.
Um... are you sure that's who Valkyrie used to be, Noctum? Since I remember the name Gene addressed her way back when in your first stop by Cyril's burger joint, just saying...
Noctum: "I mean, the music's soft and peaceful, so she's probably not going to knee me in the groin again?" ^^;
Noctum: "Um... you're welcome? I honestly am not really sure what to make of this. You're not mad right now, are you?" .-.
Oh, so Val has been having visions of the past herself, huh? Guess we'll find out what those were in pretty short order.
Oh, so Valkyrie is just Akari's reincarnation. I'll admit that I did not see that one coming, but duly noted then.
Oh, well. Nevermind then. So… she’s Irida then? I still didn’t see that one coming, if so.
Yeeeeah, Val really has had quite the self-deprecating streak in this story, huh?
That actually makes me wonder if he was also like that as Palkia back in the day.
Another spot where I feel like some character reaction would've lent itself to the scene.
Huh. So there is some acknowledgement of dungeon crawling being a dangerous business in this setting. I wonder if we'll get to see that later on in the story at some point.
Noctum: "Er... did I even see Seifer's death, though? Since I could've sworn that I was in Dazzels right around the time that he got electrocuted." ^^;
Though that actually makes me wonder if Noctum wouldn't have had his freakout had he not gotten into that fight with Vortex and gotten more Palkia-y as a result.
Ah yes, mutual opening up time for these two.
Well, that got really dark, really fast. But that's certainly realistic there.
Noctum: "Oooookay, that's too much information for me there!"
Noctum: "Er... I'm not sure if I know the answer to that, really." .-.
Yeah, I figured.
I'll say, there.
Shots fired. Though I'm veeery belatedly realizing that since Valkyrie is Irida's reincarnation, that in a way, Noctum is still being paired with someone that had an affinity for his old self-
Waaaaaaait a minute. Did Cyril also have that going on with Seifer, since if so, that could explain a few things about why— oh wait, no, that was Artie, huh. No clue who or if Cyril was supposed to be anyone, then.
Oh, so they were getting into 18+ territory inside that room together.
Yuna: "Seriously, Nikki, why are you into this stuff? It can't possibly be healthy for you." >_>;
Yuna: "Nikki, do I even want to know?" .-.
Nikki: "Well, you tell me there, Princess." >:V
So... time to play MMOs with your teachers all day? /s
Um, yeah, just saying, you probably don't want to mouth off about this in front of Yiazmat, Nikki. Since I'm not convinced that she'd take things in anywhere near as much stride as you.
I'm going to take this as a sign that these two are going to be having a more intimate relationship from here on out. I'll admit that I'm fully sure how I feel about things getting kicked off with an acid trip, but I suppose that if they went that far, that there were feelings for each other that had always been bubbling under the surface.
... Or not. I suppose it's another thing to keep an eye out for to see where things go from here since I'm getting some mixed signals.
Whelp, looks like it'll be a lazy day after all. We'll see how long it winds up lasting.
Ah yes, going straight to clogging those arteries like every responsible young adult would.
Nikki: "Well, you're certainly in for a treat today, then. Go ahead and drink up. Slowly. You'll see what all the fuss is about."
- snerk -
I suppose that's one way to tell that Yuna's grown up in a sheltered background.
Yuna: "Look, I spent most of my childhood sick and at home, okay?" >_>;
Nikki: "Hey, I didn't have a healthy childhood myself, and I still knew all of this, just saying."
This sounds like a recipe for an early death from congestive heart failure, just saying.
Yuna, I think this is a sign that Nikki's a bad influence on you.
Nikki: "Oh for crying out loud... Pillow princess, don't you have literally anywhere else to be right now? We're having a moment here!"
... Shimmer knows this from past experience, doesn't he?
Shimmer: "Just saying, this is why you weren't popular at school." >_>;
Nikki: "Just saying, everyone at school was a bunch of dicks, so I kinda didn't really care if I was popular with them or not."
Yuna: "Well, it was a nice lazy day up until just now." -_-;
Uh... no. No he's really not lying there. Since you already know of major Legendary positions that have been usurped by figures that were never meant to have them at this point.
Another spot where it probably would've made sense to show off the mood change a bit before Nikki spoke up.
Yuna: "Sure would've been nice to know beforehand..."
I think that it might make sense to beat it a bit harder over the heads of the reader that Yuna's referring to Leo here.
Cecil: "Princess Yuna..."
Yuna: "(Look, I'll figure out something okay?)" >_>;
... I mean, has she? ^^;
Whelp, time to go and track down Leo the hard way, it sounds like.
Oh, well. I can already tell who this upcoming arc is going to be focusing the time and attention on.
Which judging by the titles of the upcoming chapters... is probably going to happen in like 5 minutes from now.
I mean, did Nikki even see anything of Aeon beside the castle? Since I feel like Aeon hasn't exactly been explored much up to this point so far.
Oh lordy, he's finally back in the plot.
Nikki: "Pillow princess, what the hell is this crap?"
Oh boy, and here I already thought that Xander was obnoxious and hatable. I see we're charting new horizons for how much of a hate sink this guy can be.
Nikki: "... Okay, I think I'm just going to leave now. Oh, and get an aspirin. Or better yet, a nice stiff cold one." >_>;
Um, yes. "Brainwashed".
Oh, Shimmer's going to put two and two together, isn't he?
Nikki: "Wait, is this really all that shocking? He always was a self-absorbed and obnoxious prat even back in school."
Ah yes, this will do wonders for everyone's relationship with Shimmer here. Not. Even if I wonder if there should've been a bit more focus on his shocked reaction / growing realization there in this sequence.
Just saying, there's a reason why historically entertainers were seen as basically being barely a rung above streetwalkers in terms of social repute. I see that Xander did his best at living up to old stereotypes.
inb4 that's the equivalent of a 500-follower account IRL.
Ah yes, just getting a casual dig in at Twitter / X monetization IRL there, I see.
Nikki: "Seriously? You all are no fun. Where's your sense of imagination here?" >_>;
Oh, so they're essentially planning on trying to get Xander to dox himself.
... Or they could do that. That works, too.
Wow. Nikki sounding sensible and tactical. The world must be endi-
Nikki: "It is. And I can come up with clever stuff too, you know!"
I mean, you could go to Blightsmuth and chill a bit, since that seems to be what the plot's calling for next chapter.
Scarlett: "I'll take that as a 'no'. Apothecary lessons it is, then."
Nikki: "You guys really suck sometimes, you know that?"
Well, someone was a better sport about things than I expected.
Aaaand that's a chapter, and Happy New Year!
I take it that this was essentially the "end" of the present arc and the transition into the new one centered around Blightsmuth. It was mostly a bunch of character moments bouncing off each other, which I suppose we should enjoy while it lasts given how fast and frenetic things get in this story when we're in its more active seasons. I'll admit that I snerked more than I ought to have at the part reintroducing Xander as a villain, so kudos there.
In terms of weaknesses, for whatever reason, this time I felt like there were more moments that would've felt more fun to read described out a bit more in terms of character reactions and thought processes. Not fully sure why that was, but it was something that I noticed. Might have been the general slow pace or something like that, since this is definitely on the very upper end of PoV's normal chapter lengths in spite of it being a slower-burn chapter.
But altogether, I had a fun time with this one. Happy (belated) birthday, and here's to a happy 2025 with your story, @Ambyssin !
Chapter 101
Noctum floated on his back in the sparkling water. Emotion kept the lake — the humans called it Verity — around their home as pristine as anything Noctum had seen. The sun's reflection glistened all around him. Even the shabby magikarp keeping their distance glimmered from the sunlight.
He lazily turned his arms in circles, drifting across the water. The surface was warm while the water underneath was cool.
I can only imagine the

It was so interesting! A fine example of the power of space at work. He hummed softly, floating closer to the small grassy island in the middle of the lake.
Akari sat on the edge, dangling her legs in the water. Emotion drifted between the trees behind her, running their nubby hands across bare branches.
"... Don't know what I'm going to do, Irida." Akari shook her head. "There's still some friction between Diamond and Pearl."
Noctum stopped swimming and tilted his head.
You know, I should really be a lot less surprised that Palkia would swim in Sinnoh's lakes considering its typing, but it's just one of those things you don't reflexively think of.
Oh, right. The one who gave blessings to him was here, too.
"Diamond and Pearl?" Irida glanced at Noctum. "Do you mean..."
"Dialga and Palkia." Akari lazily lifted her right leg. Water dribbled off it. "I thought they'd be appropriate nicknames."
I mean, she wasn't wrong there, just saying.
"Right." Irida looked at reflection in the water. "You do call your pokémon something other than their species."
Akari raised a brow. "Do you not?"
Irida looked left. Underneath the slim shade of one of the bare trees, a glaceon poked at a napping espeon's side. After a few more nudges, Espeon's closed eyes twitched. His forehead gem glowed. A burst of telekinesis unceremoniously tossed a mewling Glaceon into the lake.
- snerk -
Even if that Glaceon kinda brought things down on herself there.
Noctum picked his head up, worried Glaceon couldn't swim. Still on his back, he swam in her direction.
"I never considered it," Irida admitted, watching the water. Fortunately, Glaceon surfaced, but she was quite miffed. Noctum reached her. He dipped his head underwater and positioned it under Glaceon. Then he extended his long neck, creating a makeshift bridge for Glaceon to climb back onto the island.
She immediately barked and hissed at Espeon. Ice crystals formed on her damp fur.
Oh boy, time for a (literal) cat fight. Though I have to wonder how it is you decide when or not to work comic relief moments like these into your scenes or not.
Still curled up in a ball, Espeon poked one eye open. Then he closed it and simply purred.
Glaceon screeched. An Ice Beam formed in her mouth.
"Stop it, Glaceon!" Irida smacked the ground with her left hand. "You shouldn't have been bothering Espeon while he was napping and you know it."
The Ice Beam faded into frosty air. Glaceon looked down guiltily.
Glaceon: "For the record, this isn't over." >_>;
Espeon: "Oh no, I think that this absolutely is unless you feel like taking another swim." >:V
"And Espeon." Irida was on her knees. Her arms were crossed. "You don't fling people into the lake because they're bothering you."
Espeon didn't appear to acknowledge Irida. Noctum thought a little persuasion was in order, so he lifted his head and spat a tiny stream of water at Espeon. The moment it doused him, Espeon jumped to his feet, back arched. He loudly hissed at Noctum, who simply nudged his head in Irida's direction. Espeon's ears folded and he muttered what seemed like an apology to Glaceon and Irida.
The world's most begrudging one, I'm sure.
"Ah, uh, thank you, Palkia." Irida bowed her head respectfully.
Noctum smiled and lowered his head back against the water's surface.
"That might be it," Akari whispered.
"What do you mean?"
"I think I know a way to mend the rift between Diamond and Pearl." Akari got to her feet. "It's like two siblings bickering. A parent can help stop the arguing."
Oh, so that's how Akari in this universe was motivated to slog through the "complete the Pokédex" quest in PLA.
"A parent?" Irida tilted her head.
"I've just gotta finish seeking out all the pokémon here in Hisui," Akari declared.
"A-All the pokémon?!"
Noctum caught the meaning. She was talking about the Creator. The thought of their disapproving look drove Noctum to dive underwater...
Noctum: "Noooooope nope nope nope."

The cosmic charizard sat up, sucking in a sharp breath.
He wasn't underwater. He was just in one of the drab, gray rooms at Cyril's outpost. An infirmary room, judging by the jars with berry pastes and glowing fluids sitting on the shelf opposite his bed. There were two other beds to his right. Widget lay in one and the other had... some black-scaled serpent with starcloud ribbons. A... cosmic milotic? The resistance didn't have one of those...
"Finally up, are we?"
Cute music in the background, even if I assume that we're in a place that's a wee bit different aesthetic-wise from its source work.
Noctum squeezed the covers in his hands.
“V-Valkyrie," he squeaked. The garchomp sat on a chair beside the door, idly flipping through some sort of magazine. "H-Hi." He hastily threw his covers off and scooted to the edge of his bed. "What, uh, are ya reading there?"
"Lingerie holowear magazine." Valkyrie nonchalantly turned the page. She looked up at the cosmic charizard. "You want it? Maybe you'll find something fitting."
Noctum: "Y-You just read that sort of stuff in public?!"

Valkyrie: "It's a way of getting to see hot guys without going as far as reading porn, so... yes?"

Noctum blinked a few times. "I don't... know what that is."
"Tch." Valkyrie crumpled up the magazine and tossed it into the trash bin on the other side of the door. "It was a joke, you dweeb. That was just some trashy Qliphoth celebrity gossip magazine." The garchomp crossed one leg over the other. "Needed something to pass the time since you've been zonked out since yesterday afternoon."
Oh, well. Scratch that last cutaway gag, then.
"Since yesterday afternoon?" Noctum's starry tail flame shrank. He tried to remember what happened. They had gotten back from stopping Vortex's rampage and then...
"There was this pressure." Noctum put his right hand over his chest. "Crushing."
"A bit young for a heart attack," Valkyrie scoffed. She switched crossed legs. "You dropped to the floor and kept muttering something about 'time's gone,' then you passed out."
Oh, so Noctum felt Seifer's death back then. Duly noted.
"I see." The cosmic charizard tapped his claws together nervously. "What else did I miss?" He glanced at the beds next to his.
"Seifer didn't make it," Valkyrie flatly said. "Or, more accurately, he was already dead when we got him." She pointed at the cosmic milotic. "Apparently Artemis thought Leo could bring Seifer back from the dead." She turned her claw on Widget. "And brought him along for the ride. But something went wrong."
[ ]
The garchomp snorted pink-purple embers. "You've already seen Artemis' makeover for yourself. That's not everything, though." Valkyrie kicked the side of the empty bed to her left with her leg.
"Seifer's body's crystallized, Cyril's catatonic, Leo's locked himself in a broom closet, and Gene's faffing about in Radiance instead of being here to rally the troops."
IMO, it might have made sense to elaborate on Noctum's reaction a bit, especially if he doesn't consciously know that Seifer's dead right now.
Valkyrie: "So, yeah, things are going well™ for us all at the moment."

She leaned her chair back on its hind legs. "Any questions?"
Noctum blinked once. Twice. He went over Valkyrie's recap again, but struggled through the full sequence of events. Why would any of this alter Artemis' appearance? Or hurt Widget? And if Leo was back from the mystery dungeon, what about Yuna and the others who went with her.
All of those questions wrestled for his attention, leading him to dumbly mutter, "Uh, what's catatonic?"
Valkyrie's death glare told him that was the wrong question.
Noctum: "I-It was an honest question, okay?!"

"Err, I meant... how's Yuna?" Noctum laughed nervously.
"Could be worse." Still propping up her chair, Valkyrie shrugged. "She brought that koraidon Overseer here somehow. And some weird zoroark and mewtwo mishmash from the latest mystery dungeon.
"Oh, and itsoundslikeshetooksalazzlepheromonesandhadherselfaniceacidtriplastnight."
Cue the freakout in 3... 2...
Even if I feel that if Val had a beat moment, it'd probably make sense to mention that before she attempts to squeak by the bad news at the end.
"Wait, she did what?!"
"She's fine." Valkyrie waved dismissively. "Embarrassed, but fine. Nikki's the same way. They must've tripped balls together."
Noctum had no idea what to make of that.
Noctum: "I'm... going to need to have a word with her to not bring that up to her mother anytime soon."

"Besides, there are more important things going on." Valkyrie let the chair drop back to all fours. She got up and her usual stoic expression returned. "Your appearances changes again, then you just so happen to become unresponsive, muttering 'time's gone,' right before we learn Seifer was declared dead? I refuse to believe that's a coincidence.
[ ]
"You know something. What aren't you telling me?"
Another spot where it might make sense to slip in something in between Val's lines of dialogue.
Noctum: "Er... well... where do you want me to start?"

The cosmic charizard gripped the side of his bed. A part of him knew this had to come up eventually, but why did it have to be right now? Especially when she'd finally started to trust him.
"This is a 'reincarnated souls' thing, isn't it?" Valkyrie squinted at Noctum.
His tail flame shrank.
Valkyrie: "... I'll just take that as a 'yes' there." -_-;
"Knew it." The garchomp paced by the foot of Noctum's bed. "I have my theories." She stopped and crossed her arms. "But I want to hear the truth from you."
Noctum tightened his grip on the bed. Was that meant to be a gesture of trust?
"You promise not to get mad?" Noctum brought his legs together and hunched over. "Or knee me in any sensitive places?"
Valkyrie kept her arms crossed. "As long as you tell me the truth."
Noctum: "Uh... well... I-I'll hold you to that one, since there's a lot to unpack here."

"Okay." Noctum took a shaky breath. He really hoped this wouldn't cause any problems. "That strike from Halvus I absorbed reminded me of my past life." His wings unfolded. "I was this... big dragon who controlled the flow of space. Palkia."
"Control the flow of space?" Valkyrie's arms fell by her sides. "That sounds like... like..."
Noctum: "(Oh boy, that's not a good sign right now.)"

"Like a god? Yeah." Noctum grabbed his tail and brought it around. He stared into the starcloud flame. "I think Arceus created me, which means I'm connected to Giratina. And I had a counterpart who controlled time, Dialga. Kinda like this big blue-gray dragon-horse thingy. They were haughty and talked like they were better than me instead of an equal."
"Wait, horse-dragon?" Biting her lip, Valkyrie glanced at the door. "Are you implying what I think you are?"
Noctum: "I mean, if I went into a catatonic state even before that you heard Seifer kicked the bucket, well..." .-.
The cosmic charizard nodded. "Seifer was Dialga." He squeezed his tail. "Which makes me wonder how much of his early attitude — y'know, before he got fired — was Radiance's culture and how much was his true self leaking through."

Noctum held a claw by the end of the tail flame. It wasn't warm. It hadn't been warm since it changed.
"It could apply to me, too," he mumbled. "The stuff you got on my case for — wanting to please everyone, following others' directions, hell being a servant — was what I was like as Palkia." Noctum ran a claw through the starry flames. "I wanted to do the job Arceus gave me right. So people could live happy lives. I figured if they were happy, then I was happy."
This is going to turn into a "living for yourself and choosing your own destiny" plot, isn't it? Since boy did that just get really dark and depressing in short order.
Valkyrie was still looking at the door. After a few seconds, she asked, "Where do I fit into this picture?"
"Y'know that crisis?" Noctum squeezed his tail again. "The one Zodiark manipulated Giratina into causing? It made Dialga and I fight... and, if I'm honest, they had the upper hand. But then a few humans sought me out to help stop it. One of them... was Yiazmat." He looked over his shoulder at Artemis. "Another led a group that worshiped Dialga."
Sighing, Noctum looked at Valkyrie. "And the third... led a group that worshiped me. She was a very gentle human, from what I remember."
Um... are you sure that's who Valkyrie used to be, Noctum? Since I remember the name Gene addressed her way back when in your first stop by Cyril's burger joint, just saying...

More silence. This was one tenser, with Valkyrie's expression shifting between disbelief and anger. She raised a claw, then lowered it.
When she finally spoke, all she managed was a single, "Damn it." Valkyrie walked over to the wall on Noctum's left and leaned her right arm and head on it.
Noctum: "I mean, the music's soft and peaceful, so she's probably not going to knee me in the groin again?" ^^;
"I'm sor—" Noctum caught himself, knowing an apology would only further irritate the garchomp. "I wasn't sure whether to tell you. Because, y'know, we're friends. I thought if this came out... it'd make everything awkward." He swallowed hard. "But you asked me for the truth. So, I gave it to you."
He squeezed his tail, ready for Valkyrie to yell at him. Instead, the bed shifted and creaked as the garchomp sat on the edge of it.
"Thank you," Valkyrie whispered. "For being honest."
Noctum: "Um... you're welcome? I honestly am not really sure what to make of this. You're not mad right now, are you?" .-.
Noctum's tail flame grew a little. He scooched closer to her. "You're not upset?"
"Dunno." Valkyrie shrugged. "It does... explain one thing for me." She sighed. "Part of why I chose to work as an assassin was to get stronger, you know. But I second-guessed that choice for a while. I was already a garchomp. I had Tesla's dumb experiments. I was strong. Why did I think I needed to be stronger?"
Oh, so Val has been having visions of the past herself, huh? Guess we'll find out what those were in pretty short order.
She glanced at Noctum. "Was that something this human worried about?"
After thinking on it for a minute, Noctum nodded. "You did express those fears to Yiazmat, I think?"
"Figures." Valkyrie snorted blue-purple embers. She leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees.
"Do you miss her?"
"The old me."
Oh, so Valkyrie is just Akari's reincarnation. I'll admit that I did not see that one coming, but duly noted then.
"Oh." Noctum lazily swung his left leg out, then back in. "Maybe?" He slowly, repeatedly kicked the air. "I'm friends with you, though, Val."
"You're just saying that."
"Am I?" the cosmic charizard wondered. "I was partnered with Yiazmat. I'm not really sure how much I actually saw you back then."
Oh, well. Nevermind then. So… she’s Irida then? I still didn’t see that one coming, if so.
Valkyrie clicked her tongue. "S'pose that's fair. Must've been a real lonely ass god, then. To think I make for good friendship material."
Noctum frowned, then grunted when Valkyrie thwaped his backside with her tail. "It was a joke."
"You put yourself down, though," Noctum mumbled.
Yeeeeah, Val really has had quite the self-deprecating streak in this story, huh?
The garchomp thwaped Noctum's backside again. "I know you know about self-deprecation. C'mon."
That actually makes me wonder if he was also like that as Palkia back in the day.
"Okay, okay." Noctum pivoted left to protect his flank from Valkyrie's rough, scaly tail. "In any case, you wanted the truth. I gave you the truth." He slouched and leaned back, bracing his arms on the bed. "If I had to guess... that deep part of my soul must've, like, realized the connection with Seifer and felt it fizzle out. Which made me black out."
[ ]
"Can't say I get the spirit mumbo-jumbo behind it." Valkyrie also slouched backward, mimicking Noctum's posture. But she had to be more careful not to puncture the mattress with her claws. "Had you seen death before?"
Another spot where I feel like some character reaction would've lent itself to the scene.
"O-Of course." Noctum's tail flame sparked, both from the questions and how fast he answered it. "I mean, other servants died of old age. Calcifer's parents, too." He glanced at the beds to his right. Artemis and Widget were just as out of it as he'd been. "And, y'know, there were dragons who fell to Whispers in dungeons."
Huh. So there is some acknowledgement of dungeon crawling being a dangerous business in this setting. I wonder if we'll get to see that later on in the story at some point.
Valkyrie shook her head. "No, I mean. Have you ever seen a death like Seifer's before?"
Noctum tensed. He bowed his head, then slowly shook it.
"Think that's the real problem," Valkyrie said. "Not some deep soul bond or whatever."
Noctum: "Er... did I even see Seifer's death, though? Since I could've sworn that I was in Dazzels right around the time that he got electrocuted." ^^;
Though that actually makes me wonder if Noctum wouldn't have had his freakout had he not gotten into that fight with Vortex and gotten more Palkia-y as a result.
The cosmic charizard grunted. Of course the assassin would think that. "Well, I wasn't, y'know, trained to be desensitized to this stuff."
He saw Valkyrie's tail moving this time and pressed it into the mattress before it could smack his left leg.
"Yeah, I'm used to it now," Valkyrie said, eyeing Noctum's hand. Rolling her eyes, she moved her tail away. "Wasn't always the case. Some of the early deaths... they've stuck with me."
Ah yes, mutual opening up time for these two.
"Like your early jobs?"
The garchomp shook her head. "Before that. Citadark."
Noctum swallowed hard. "L-Like people getting executed by Vegna?"
She shook her head again. "Prisoners killing each other."
Well, that got really dark, really fast. But that's certainly realistic there.
"Oh." Noctum's voice was tiny. He went back to kicking the air with his legs. "I guess, uh, you put too many criminals on an island..."
"Tesla had these weird collars that could suppress pokémon's powers," Valkyrie explained. When Noctum glanced at her, she was kicking the air with her legs, too. "It didn't stop the nastiest ones." She sighed. "Saw my first death when some heliolisk had managed to sharpen a cafeteria tray. He used it to—"
Noctum: "Oooookay, that's too much information for me there!"

Valkyrie stopped herself. "Nah, forget it. The details don't matter."
Silence followed. Both dragons knew they were mimicking each other. Valkyrie stared Noctum down. Was she trying to will him to stop?
Noctum decided to indulge her... by scooching next to her. "You gonna be okay?" he said.
The garchomp stopped kicking the air. She raised a brow. "Are you?"
Noctum: "Er... I'm not sure if I know the answer to that, really." .-.
Dang. He wasn't prepared for that one. His tail flame shrank.
"I'm not sure."
Yeah, I figured.
He tensed when Valkyrie raised her right arm, only to relax when she patted his left shoulder.
"Guess that makes two of us." She laughed bitterly. "But at least we get to be screwed up together, right?"
Noctum's mouth hung open. Valkyrie scraped his shoulder blade.
"Ow!" The cosmic charizard's wings tensed. "L-Look, it's hard to know when you're joking!"
I'll say, there.
"Sounds like a you problem." Valkyrie yawned. "Well, those two lugs are still out of it." She stretched her arms up. "And I can't imagine Vortex waking up any time soon. So, I'm feeling lazy."
The garchomp flopped down on the bed, splaying out on her side. "Lemme know if they wake up, I guess."
Noctum grabbed his tail. "H-Hey, y'know there are other beds here, right? Why do you have to use mine?"
"Lazy." Valkyrie yawned again. "You don't like it? Make me move, Palkia."
Shots fired. Though I'm veeery belatedly realizing that since Valkyrie is Irida's reincarnation, that in a way, Noctum is still being paired with someone that had an affinity for his old self-
Waaaaaaait a minute. Did Cyril also have that going on with Seifer, since if so, that could explain a few things about why— oh wait, no, that was Artie, huh. No clue who or if Cyril was supposed to be anyone, then.
Noctum opened his mouth, then closed it. He held a hand up, then lowered it when Valkyrie smirked at him. Sighing, Noctum got to his feet and shuffled over to the bed across from the one he'd been using.
Valkyrie snorted. "Dork."
"I heard that." Noctum frowned.
"I wanted you to."
Despite the sassy tone, there was a grin on Valkyrie's face. Noctum took that as a win.

Yuna's day couldn't have started off more awkwardly. She woke up curled around Nikki, with her tail draped over the toxtricity's lower half like a blanket. With a yelp, the dragapult darted out of bed.
Leo's bed. Where they slept together. And where... something else happened the other night. But Yuna's head was so foggy. It was all a blur.
Oh, so they were getting into 18+ territory inside that room together.
Nikki slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Maaan, why'd you have to get up? I was comfy." She felt around the bed, probably looking for her leather jacket. Yuna couldn't remember her taking it off.
"It's on the floor." Yuna pointed to the foot of the bed with her tail. Nikki crawled forward, then lay on her stomach. She barely had enough reach to grab the jacket and toss it up onto the bed beside her.
"Bluuugh." Nikki's mohawk slowly came to life. "Twiggy's sister doesn't screw around. That shit hit hard."
Yuna: "Seriously, Nikki, why are you into this stuff? It can't possibly be healthy for you." >_>;
Yuna fidgeted nervously. "Um, Nikki? Do you... remember last night?"
"Yeah." Nikki stretched her legs out. "Haven't had a night like that in a while. I feel like a new tox." She rolled over on her right and propped her head up with her arm. "Why?"
"I, um—" The dragapult's tail crinkled. "It's all kinda fuzzy for me, but I, um, think something happened?"
Nikki snorted. "More than something. Mostly for me, though. Pretty sure you told me things don't work that way for dragapult."
Yuna: "Nikki, do I even want to know?" .-.
Nikki: "Well, you tell me there, Princess." >:V
Then Yuna's blurry memories were right. "Ah." She drifted toward the ground. "What, um, should we do now?"
"Strip the bed." Nikki glanced over her shoulder. "Then, uh, I guess if we're trying to be responsible we find out if there's, y'know, world-saving business to do. If not, lazy day, babyyyy."
Yuna blinked a few times. "You mean go back to bed?"
"Pfbt. Nah." The toxtricity rolled off the bed. She put her jacket on, then grabbed the covers and yanked them off in one smooth motion. "Means not doing anything productive. Everyone needs a good lazy day now and again."
"Oh." Yuna got off the floor and helped Nikki by grabbing the other end of the fitted sheet to get it off Leo's bed. "You're, um, really nonchalant about this."
"Do you want me to make a big deal of it?" Nikki balled up the covers and sheet. She had to wrap both arms around them to stop them from spilling onto the floor. "I'm not Pillow Prince. Don't need fanfare saying I had a fun night with someone I like."
"But you'd tease someone if you knew, wouldn't you?"
"Hell yeah I would. Cuz it's funny."
Um, yeah, just saying, you probably don't want to mouth off about this in front of Yiazmat, Nikki. Since I'm not convinced that she'd take things in anywhere near as much stride as you.
The dragapult's ectoplasm quivered. Yuna's torso tightened. "I, um—" She tried to keep her form stable, but her tail also twisted around until it was as thin as a straw. "I've, um, never really... thought about that kind of stuff before?"
She looked down at her core.
"I doubt this is a Yaldumbass thing," Nikki scoffed.
Yuna's thinned tail shriveled up. "Y-Yaldumbass?"
Smirking, Nikki marched toward the door. "Seemed appropriate." She glanced at Yuna. "Look, I'll leave it up to you. We can forget about it if you want."
I'm going to take this as a sign that these two are going to be having a more intimate relationship from here on out. I'll admit that I'm fully sure how I feel about things getting kicked off with an acid trip, but I suppose that if they went that far, that there were feelings for each other that had always been bubbling under the surface.
"N-No." Yuna took several deep breaths. Her torso and tail slowly expanded. "I think it was... nice. B-But maybe we don't do anything that crazy again?"
"Fair enough." Nikki nodded. "I'd shake on it but, well..." She lifted the ball of linens in her arms. "Can you get the door?"
... Or not. I suppose it's another thing to keep an eye out for to see where things go from here since I'm getting some mixed signals.
Yuna floated over and opened the door. They headed for the laundry room and gave the linens to two of the skorps manning the washing machines. Then they headed for the hangar. Yuna was startled to learn that Grishi was in the outpost, having come back with Leo and Vince. Cid wasn't around to offer a report, nor was Gene. But Alder told them that things were quiet on the anomaly front.
Whelp, looks like it'll be a lazy day after all. We'll see how long it winds up lasting.
Nikki took that as her cue to declare a lazy day. Which led them up to the restaurant where they sat at one of the tables by the glass wall offering a view of Guzzie Jr.'s arena. Sparks and fireballs flickered in the corner of Yuna's vision as the two sat quietly waiting on the "surprise" Nikki ordered.
Guzzie's loud stomps heralded his arrival. Yuna watched the guzzlord set down a tray with two large glasses and a big plate of fries.
"Here you are." Guzzie took the dishes off the tray. "Two chocoholic milkshakes and a plate of fries. If you want anything else, let Guzzie know." He turned and headed back toward the kitchen.
Ah yes, going straight to clogging those arteries like every responsible young adult would.
"Excellent." Nikki rubbed her hands together eagerly. She pulled one of the milkshakes toward her. "I can't believe you've been here two months and haven't gotten a single shake. Wild."
Yuna reached for the other glass. "I guess I don't see what the big deal is? What does shaking the milk do to it?" She looked at the thick, creamy chocolate in the glass. "Other than make it look a little like that ice cream stuff people enjoy?"
Nikki gave Yuna the most dumbfounded look she'd ever seen. "You're shitting me, right?"
Nikki: "Well, you're certainly in for a treat today, then. Go ahead and drink up. Slowly. You'll see what all the fuss is about."
"Good grief." Nikki took a fry and tossed it into her mouth. "It's not called a milkshake because you're shaking the milk. You blend ice cream, milk, and other shit together." She scooped whipped cream off the top of her shake with two fingers, then licked it off.
"Then why call it a milkshake?" Yuna whined.
"Hell if I know. Your confusion's cute, though." Nikki grabbed two more fries and scarfed them down. "Next you're going to tell me you think root beer is booze made from plant roots."
Yuna's ectoplasm shriveled. "I-It isn't?!"
- snerk -
I suppose that's one way to tell that Yuna's grown up in a sheltered background.
Nikki stared at her in disbelief. After a few seconds, she slapped the table, howling with laughter. This quickly faded to a stoic expression. "You're a freaking riot, Princess," she deadpanned.
Yuna: "Look, I spent most of my childhood sick and at home, okay?" >_>;
Nikki: "Hey, I didn't have a healthy childhood myself, and I still knew all of this, just saying."

Frowning, Yuna licked the whipped cream from the top of her shake. "Why'd you order these things together, anyway?"
"To show you one of the best combos in the realm of foodstuffs," Nikki declared. She grabbed a large fry and held it up for Yuna to see. "Fry." She pulled it toward her milkshake. "Dipped in shake."
Nikki ate the large fry in a single bite. "Yeah, that's the good shit right there."

This sounds like a recipe for an early death from congestive heart failure, just saying.
Yuna looked between her milkshake and the fries. Shrugging, the dragapult took a few fries. She dipped one into the chocolate shake, then pulled it out and ate half of it.
Her ectoplasm jiggled. "Mmmm." Yuna finished the fry, then dipped the other two and scarfed them down. "Yeah, I think I see your point." She licked her golden claws. "It's good! I like the mix of sweet and salty." It reminded her of the kettle corn she'd had the other week.
Smirking, Nikki grabbed some more fries. The toxtricity dipped one into her milkshake. "You can admit I have good tastes~"
"I guess you do." Yuna chuckled.
Yuna, I think this is a sign that Nikki's a bad influence on you.
The awkwardness of the morning had melted away. Part of Yuna felt guilty that she was having fun doing something so... silly and insignificant. But that was quickly snuffed out by the part of her that just didn't care.
"Fries and milkshakes for lunch?"
Metallic hoofbeats drew Yuna's attention left. Shimmer walked toward them, with Igneous and Scarlett not far behind. The dragonair spotted the fries and shook her head.
Nikki: "Oh for crying out loud... Pillow princess, don't you have literally anywhere else to be right now? We're having a moment here!"

"A Nikki classic, I see."
The toxtricity wiggled a shake-covered fry at Scarlett. "You know it. If y'all want shakes, you gotta order them."
"I'm good." Shimmer stopped by the table. "That stuff would go straight to my hips."
... Shimmer knows this from past experience, doesn't he?
"Pssh. You have nine tails." Nikki ate the fry in her hand. "More than enough to cover your ass no matter how doughy."
Yuna snorted. Luckily she hadn't eaten the fry in her hand. "N-Nikki."
Nikki tossed a fry into her mouth. "I calls 'em as I sees 'em."
"Har, har." Shimmer rolled his eyes.
Shimmer: "Just saying, this is why you weren't popular at school." >_>;
Nikki: "Just saying, everyone at school was a bunch of dicks, so I kinda didn't really care if I was popular with them or not."
"We figured we'd check in," Igneous said. The grovlazzle put a chair down at the corner of the table opposite the glass wall and sat down. "You guys hear about what happened last night?"
Yuna and Nikki exchanged a look, then shook their heads. She had a bad feeling Igneous was about to ruin her good mood.
Igneous passed along a recap Valkyrie gave him of what happened with Artemis, Widget, and Seifer. He crossed his arms and shook his head. "Not sure what we should do with this. It's concerning, though. Especially because of what happened in Herbrides yesterday."
Yuna: "Well, it was a nice lazy day up until just now." -_-;
Nikki rested her left arm on the table and used it to prop up her head. She sipped at her chocolate shake. "More Xeromus shit? You already killed the vibe, Twiggy, so just spit it out."
Sighing, Igneous recounted a claim Xeromus made about Leo not being the true arceus of their universe. Instead, the crazed silvally believed that title belonged to the cloud monster that killed Seifer.
"Then he's obviously lying," Nikki said. She set her shake down and pinched her brow. "Nnngh. Brain freeze."
Uh... no. No he's really not lying there. Since you already know of major Legendary positions that have been usurped by figures that were never meant to have them at this point.
"Is he?" Igneous tapped his chin. "Leo's blessing went haywire."
Yuna frowned. "It didn't for Cyril or Widget." She decided she'd had enough fries and switched to slowly sipping her milkshake.
"What if that was because Leo didn't have any plates at the time?" Igneous wondered.
[ ]
"Sheesh, Twiggy." Nikki rested her head against the table. "You put the 'kill' in 'buzzkill.' That's the kind of shit I'd expect out of, like, the Reaper."
Another spot where it probably would've made sense to show off the mood change a bit before Nikki spoke up.
Hearing Vegna's title made Yuna suck up a bit too much of the milkshake. A dreadful chill condensed her ectoplasm. "Aggggggh." She covered her torso with her arms and squeezed tightly.
"Oh, right, dragons hate ice." Nikki's mohawk flickered. "Guess brain freeze is even worse for you."
Yuna: "Sure would've been nice to know beforehand..."

The dragapult kept rubbing her arms and chest until her ectoplasm settled. Then she rested her hands on the table like she was going to push herself up from her chair. "I should go talk to him."
"Why, so you can tell him what Twiggy said?" Nikki wondered.
"N-No." Yuna frowned. "To, y'know, assure Leo this wasn't his fault and stuff."
I think that it might make sense to beat it a bit harder over the heads of the reader that Yuna's referring to Leo here.
Scarlett paused with her tail hovering by the half-eaten plate of fries. "Uhhh, do you actually know what you want to tell him? Cuz if you just put your foot in your mouth, it might make things worse."
"Of course I do."
She didn't. And she could practically feel Reshiram's disapproving look.
Cecil: "Princess Yuna..."

Yuna: "(Look, I'll figure out something okay?)" >_>;
"Well, still. I'm his mom." Yuna rose from her seat. "I should be there for him. Besides, it's not like a locked broom closet can stop me if I use my rifts."
The sucking of air came from Nikki's direction. She set her empty glass down and fiddled with the straw. "Don't you need to have been somewhere to rift to it?"
"Have you gone into that broom closet?" The toxtricity raised a brow.
... I mean, has she? ^^;
Yuna opened her mouth, then shut it and sat back down, slumping over on the table.
"What about Gene?" Shimmer asked. The ponytales tapped an icy forehoof on the floor. "He could get you there."
"He's not here."
Whelp, time to go and track down Leo the hard way, it sounds like.
Everyone's heads turned to find Jade waddling toward them. The salugia had what looked like one of Cyril's laptops under her left wing.
"Right. Cid mentioned that," Yuna said, picking her head up. "Where is he?"
"Heading to Blightsmuth, apparently," Jade said. "He wants to meet with that shredding guy."
"Shredder?" Nikki and Scarlett said in unison. They exchanged a surprised look.
Jade slapped her knee with her free wing. "That's the one!"
Oh, well. I can already tell who this upcoming arc is going to be focusing the time and attention on.
Yuna tilted her head. What did the shadowy mewtwo want with an ex-Crowne Minister?
"Tis not like thou can ask him," Rayquaza said.
"Huh." Nikki leaned her chair back, balancing it against the metal column behind her. "That means he could rift us over there when he comes back."
Which judging by the titles of the upcoming chapters... is probably going to happen in like 5 minutes from now.
"You thinking of going home?" Scarlett said. The dragonair pulled the plate over to her, leaned over, and began scarfing down some of the fries at the edge of the plate.
Nikki stretched her arms up and cracked her knuckles. "It'd be nice to see the ol' joint while we've got some time to breathe."
Yuna nodded in agreement. It'd be something different. Plus, she'd brought Nikki home. It only seemed fair that she visited Blightsmuth.
I mean, did Nikki even see anything of Aeon beside the castle? Since I feel like Aeon hasn't exactly been explored much up to this point so far.
"Well, I dunno how long he'll be." Jade reached the table and set the laptop down. "In the meantime, Cid said I oughta show you this." She grabbed the laptop and opened it up to a page of that weird Chatter thing Yuna heard mentioned before. Judging by the large play button taking up most of the screen, this was some sort of video.
"Okay, trackpad. Trackpad." Jade examined the laptop. "Which one's the— aha!"
She pressed a square on the base of the laptop and obnoxious music with some sort of guitar blared from the speakers as a... vaguely familiar sylveon in a skintight blouse studded with sequins hopped into the feed.
Oh lordy, he's finally back in the plot.
"Whassup #XanFam?! It's your lovely star-studded sylveon!" He winked at the camera and tons of pixelated hearts appeared on the screen. "And it's time for today's #ThreeCheersThreeJeers!"
"The he— ack!" Nikki fell out of her chair, which toppled to the floor with a clang.
Nikki: "Pillow princess, what the hell is this crap?"

Whinnying, Shimmer's tails puffed out. "Xander?!"
Xander hopped backward, sparkles trailing behind him. "Our first #Cheer goes to DJ Spiri2mb." A bunch of pixelated thumbs-ups appeared on the screen behind the sylveon. They rapidly gave way to a blue and purple spiritomb wearing sunglasses with flame decals on the frames. It also showed his name, which had a number two in it for some unfathomable reason. "His latest single 'Afterlive' just dropped and it is #flames."
Oh boy, and here I already thought that Xander was obnoxious and hatable. I see we're charting new horizons for how much of a hate sink this guy can be.
The group could only stare in disbelief as pixelated fire icons and clapping hands appeared all over the screen.
"What is this?" Scarlett's wings fluttered nervously. "It's like he's... hosting some sort of show?"
"And now the first #Jeer... to the police department for Canalave City!" Xander continued. This time a bunch of thumbs-downs appeared on the screen, giving way to footage of a bunch of doodles of human cops lounging about in office chairs and hammocks. "They just sat by and twiddled their thumbs while the rebels swooped in and wrecked Iron Island!"
Nikki: "... Okay, I think I'm just going to leave now. Oh, and get an aspirin. Or better yet, a nice stiff cold one." >_>;
Xander's screen transitioned to show some kind of construction site with a bunch of broken machines and pieces of metal.
"Hey!" Jade squawked, tail flaps curling. "It was like that when we got there! The Whisper did that!"
"Forget it." Shimmer couldn't take his gaze off the laptop as more pixelated thumbs-ups surrounded a dancing Xander. "Why is he there? Don't tell me the emperor brainwashed him like he did the volcarona twins!"
Um, yes. "Brainwashed".
Yuna's legs retracted into her torso. "Err..."
The ponytales tensed. "Don't 'err' me." He glanced at the others. "What am I missing here?"
No one wanted to break the news to Shimmer, leaving Xander's recording to continue.
"... Move on to our final #Cheer. As always, it goes to our beloved Grand Emperor Paradox for his stellar work getting rid of the Iron Island rift the rebels created!"
Oh, Shimmer's going to put two and two together, isn't he?
"Shut that off!" Shimmer hissed. His horn glowed pink. A similar glow surrounded the laptop, which slammed shut.
"H-Hey, careful. That isn't mine." Jade picked up the laptop and inspected it.
Sighing, Igneous leaned over and put a hand on Shimmer's right shoulder. "I hate to break it to you, but Xander joined Paradox willingly."
Nikki: "Wait, is this really all that shocking? He always was a self-absorbed and obnoxious prat even back in school."

[ ]
"We managed to spy on Paradox capturing our classmates," Yuna admitted, massaging her legs out of her torso to mixed success. "Xander practically threw himself at Paradox's feet."
"I thought he'd get turned into an Eternatus Trooper," Nikki scoffed, getting back up and dusting off her leather jacket. "Or one of those robots."
The ponytales wasn't impressed. Shimmer's horn was still glowing. "And when was anyone going to tell me this?!"
"When the need arose." Igneous squinted at Jade. "Evidently, this is that need."
Ah yes, this will do wonders for everyone's relationship with Shimmer here. Not. Even if I wonder if there should've been a bit more focus on his shocked reaction / growing realization there in this sequence.
"Um, is it really that surprising?" Scarlett asked, brushing her left wing against her neck bauble. "I thought you realized your guys' relationship was built on basically nothing."
Yuna frowned at that. Xander was part of Radiant nobility, right? Why else was he at Horizon? "What is his background, anyway?"
"He's—" Shimmer stopped himself. His eyes slowly widened, then the ponytales hung his head. "Oh no..."
Everyone looked at Shimmer expectantly. "Well?" Nikki said. "Don't keep us waiting!"
"Polarisvision!" Shimmer blurted out. His shoulders sagged. "His father's the head of one of the biggest media companies in the kingdom... which he sold to Polaris, like, five years ago!" He tensed up. "Xander was the one who would get me onto the sets of movies or PV shows and that's how we ended up dating..."
Just saying, there's a reason why historically entertainers were seen as basically being barely a rung above streetwalkers in terms of social repute. I see that Xander did his best at living up to old stereotypes.
"Then of course he'd make dumb videos for Paradox." Nikki threw her arms up. "Guy's clearly an attention whore!"
"How much attention could he really get?" Scarlett wondered. She slowly ate a couple more fries. "This Qliphoth place is ridiculously b—"
"He has fifteen million followers on Chatter. His account was made two weeks ago." Jade got the laptop screen on again, showing the numbers alongside a picture of the sylveon lying in a very... lascivious pose.
inb4 that's the equivalent of a 500-follower account IRL.
Eyes widening, the dragonair swallowed hard and descended into a coughing fit.
Shimmer scooted away from the salugia, whinnying. "F-Fifteen million?!"
"Well, shit." Nikki leaned over and rubbed Scarlett's back. "That's obnoxious. But does it really matter?"
"It would if the guy's a Paradigm lieutenant." Jade paused for a few seconds, smiling dumbly. Then she pointed at the small paragraph on screen, below a gold banner reading "Chatter Premium EX Plus Plus Member."
Ah yes, just getting a casual dig in at Twitter / X monetization IRL there, I see.
"His bio says he's one."
Nikki threw her arms up again. "Well screw me for asking, I guess! So, what, do we humiliate him online by using one of Boss Kitty's drones to catch him doing something stupid? Turn his fans into an angry mob? I bet Scarlett and I could write a killer diss track if we want a more musical option."
Yuna drummed her claws against the table. "No, I'm pretty sure we have to beat the Paradigm out of him."
Nikki: "Seriously? You all are no fun. Where's your sense of imagination here?" >_>;
"But getting to him's going to be a problem if he's really that big," Scarlett squeaked, leaning over to nervously nibble on a fry. "Starlene needed security and stuff to keep the public away from her and that fanbase was a fraction of a fraction of what Xander's got."
"I have a proposal, then." Nikki's right arm shot up. "We don't worry about it today." She picked her chair up, spun around it, and sat on it so her arms were draped over its back. "Think about it, guys. We don't know where he is, who's with him, or what sorts of powers he has. We're not the intel gatherers and Boss Kitty's off paying Shredder a house call for some stupid reason.
Oh, so they're essentially planning on trying to get Xander to dox himself.
"Besides, these Paradigm dweebs keep showing up whenever new rifts pop up." The toxtricity smirked. "So, if we wait for the next mystery dungeon, then there's a chance he just shows up and we kick his ass."
... Or they could do that. That works, too.
Sighing, Yuna leaned back. Her ectoplasmic body practically draped over the back of her chair like it was a towel rack. Nikki did have a point. It didn't make sense to go after Xander without a plan. And a solid plan needed solid information.
"I just feel guilty sitting here when something's wrong," the dragapult mumbled.
"Don't think of it as sitting around then." Nikki drummed her fingers against the back of her chair. "Think of it as resting up before whatever our next battle is."
Wow. Nikki sounding sensible and tactical. The world must be endi-
Nikki: "It is. And I can come up with clever stuff too, you know!"

"I guess." Yuna traced a claw around her core. "But what do we even do to relax?"
"I'd suggest a spa day, but we don't have one of those," Shimmer said.
"Don't look at me." Jade raised her large wings. "These silly things aren't good for mixing up herbal remedies like I did in the ol' apothecary days." She looked over her shoulder. "Plus, I don't even have any supplies."
I mean, you could go to Blightsmuth and chill a bit, since that seems to be what the plot's calling for next chapter.
"But the monks do," Scarlett pointed out. The dragonair straightened up and looked at the salugia. "What if you were giving instructions to us?"
"Teaching? Moi?" Jade pointed at her face. "I never considered it."
"Seriously? Herbal remedies?" Nikki squinted at Scarlett.
"Do you have a better idea?" Scarlett countered.
The toxtricity went back to drumming her fingers against the back of her chair.
Scarlett: "I'll take that as a 'no'. Apothecary lessons it is, then."
Nikki: "You guys really suck sometimes, you know that?"

"It can be pretty therapeutic grinding up herbs and ingredients with a mortar and pestle." Jade pressed a wing digit against the laptop. "But it's up to you guys."
Scarlett looked around at the group. Yuna pulled herself upright and shrugged at the dragonair.
"I'll give it a shot. It's something different." She glanced at Nikki and Igneous.
"Yeah, sure," the grovalzzle said.
"Oh, what the hell. If even Twiggy's doing it, then I'm in."
Well, someone was a better sport about things than I expected.
Jade's tail flaps wiggled in excitement. "Great! Then, uh, I'll go find some supplies and a quiet room!"
She turned on a dime and quickly waddled toward the door to the residential quarters. Yuna glanced at the now empty plate of fries.
This wasn't how she imagined today going. But all things considered, she'd take it over any mystery dungeon chaos.
Aaaand that's a chapter, and Happy New Year!
I take it that this was essentially the "end" of the present arc and the transition into the new one centered around Blightsmuth. It was mostly a bunch of character moments bouncing off each other, which I suppose we should enjoy while it lasts given how fast and frenetic things get in this story when we're in its more active seasons. I'll admit that I snerked more than I ought to have at the part reintroducing Xander as a villain, so kudos there.
In terms of weaknesses, for whatever reason, this time I felt like there were more moments that would've felt more fun to read described out a bit more in terms of character reactions and thought processes. Not fully sure why that was, but it was something that I noticed. Might have been the general slow pace or something like that, since this is definitely on the very upper end of PoV's normal chapter lengths in spite of it being a slower-burn chapter.
But altogether, I had a fun time with this one. Happy (belated) birthday, and here's to a happy 2025 with your story, @Ambyssin !