Originally Posted August 8th, 2023
Chapter Summary
Thunder echoes through the trees. But then-
Aquarius Froakie’s POV
I heard it again.
Libra always yelled my full name when she was worried about me.
I didn't like it.
I never did.
Master Dodrio wrote out the last set of letters on a jade tablet and carefully passed it on an altar. "Legendary Pokémon cloaked under water were called Aquarius by the Ancients of the Water Continent."
"You're giving it to me?" I asked and held the ornately crafted material.
"Zodiac: every type has a Legendary or Mythical Pokémon named for it," our Master explained further.
"Our namesakes, I accept it," Libra said slowly.
"Very well." Master Dodrio stood up. "Now go and bless the Constellation Continent in their light. More importantly, find your new selves in the Zodiac."
I looked away.
Master Dodrio bowed his center head to us. "You don't have to feel pressured to bear these names if you don't want to. You can still honor the Zodiacs with your good deeds and aura's will."
But the others and I weren't like- Riolu, we weren't like Libra. "Am I worthy of a name such as this?" We asked.
I asked.
This time I couldn't blame her when she called my name.
"Look out!" I screamed.
The light of the Zeraora’a attack lit up the entire cavern. Instinctively, I closed my eyes, and anticipated a searing pain to rip through my body, just as the attack flew past me and Libra.
We couldn't stop it. All three of Team Sharp Claw was struck by the Plasma covered Fists; they were knocked against the ground.
My hands trembled. "By Kyogre!" I gasped. "Waters Ring, please keep them!"
"Team Sharp Claw!" Libra yelled, her pupils wide.
They each cried out in agony and they collapsed onto the ground, as Libra and I raced toward them.The Totodile fainted first, with the Charmander doubled over beside her, and last the Treecko who tried to hold out fell shortly after. Their scales toasted slightly with the glaze of raw electricity.
A shockwave and gust of energy from the attack struck the floor and paralyzed me for a brief moment. My skin shriveled up.
I regained control of my limbs and fell to the ground."Why? Why is this happening!?" I gasped.
"Calm down." The Riolu tried to comfort me. She trembled as her tail curled down. "I'm-I'm sure Team Sharp Claw will be fine. They'll be fine."
aren't doing a good job Libra!" I pushed her away.
"Sorry A-"
"Dangerous Pokémon followed us all the way down here for Volcaion's Depths! We can't deny it, they were probably the suspicious Pokémon we were looking for!"
Libra growled at the thought.
"Then there was a strange, powerful Pokémon who we found hidden away in a cave with an odd object."
"This was just yet another suspicious Pokémon."
"The ones chasing us and this one right," I pointed to the Zeraora. "Both might be possibly connected to something that not even the Chief could handle alone."
Libra gulped as her nose twitched.
"And now we have to pray for the best—our steps to be guided."
The Zeraora sunk back into the bushes for a moment, before they sniffed frantically. They sat still and continued to cry as their eyes darted across the room and their ears twitched.
"Just who are you?" I asked in a low quiet voice.
A low growl echoed throughout the cavern as the Zeraora got up. They stared towards the other side. On the other side was a slope that led into a pool of water. More specifically an underground river.
The Zeraora’a tail-thing curled between their legs as their breathing grew more ragged and intense. Tears continued to fall from their eyes.
"It seemed like we scared them just as bad as they scared us," I said softly as possible.
"You are a Zeraora, correct?" Libra added, and placed a paw on my shoulder.
"A small Zeraora!" I gasped.
The Zeraora cautiously eyed us, their orange eyes darting between us as their ears perked up, the Zeraora's breathing tense as they paced back and forth.
"A, can you do something?" Libra whispered, her tail low. "I'm not good with this."
"Oh right!" I lifted up one of the ends of my tie and showed it to the Zeraora.
On it, my Gold-Rank triangular winged League badge glistened in the light. "We," I paused to gesture at the Pokémon who fainted on the floor and Libra, “are League Pokémon.”
Zeraora's muzzle brightened a bit.
“You know what that is?” I asked. “We are Pokémon that help everyone across the Continent deal with various issues and requests!”
They held the scroll tighter as they nodded and their crying stopped.
Libra held out her paw. “Can we help you?”
“Yes.” The soft voice of the Zeraora slowly filled the room. They slowly padded towards Libra and I, as their whiskers twitched.
Oh no, they're so cute! "So why were you crying?" I asked as gently as possible.
Libra flinched and then I felt an approaching wave of fury from outside. It's those outside Pokémon! She growled and stamped her paws into the floor, which caused the stone to break.
"I was lost.” Zeraora started and their ears flattened. “Now I have to
find my way back." They hissed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I can sense our enemies approaching."
"You noticed it just like the two of us!"
"Yeah." the Zeraora nodded.
The vibrations of the enemy Pokémon pawsteps shook throughout the cavern and I glanced behind me.
“We first need to get out of this cave,” Libra said, as her tail slowly wagged. "Let’s go!”
I pulled my bag off my shoulder and dropped it to the ground. Libra and I can’t leave the rookies in this place nor can we let this Zeraora get caught by whoever is chasing us.
“Zeraora I need you to follow our lead okay!”
“Understood!” the Zeraora responded.|
I took out our Reviver Seeds and tossed them at the rookie Rescue Team members. On contact the three woke up and stared at me in shock.
"Are you three okay? I asked.
"Maybe?" Linus rubbed the back of his head.
“Ugh, what’s going on?" Nevada groaned. "Was this a secret tunnel?”
The Treecko shook his head. "I don't think so."
"Woah!" Glade immediately tried to get as far away as she could from Zeraora.
Her Treecko teammate gave her a glare and crossed his arms. "Where are you going?"
The Totodile crouched against a wall and pointed a finger.“T-that’s a beast of lightning! It attacked us!"
"Calm down guys," Nevada said as they stepped in between them.|
“You three!” the Riolu in front of them barked. “You need to hurry. We are going to escape with this Zeraora!”
"Ah, okay!" Linus grabbed his teammate's claws.
Glade glanced at the Zeraora and then took a deep breath. "They're on our side then." She chuckled. "They're gonna tear the enemy to shreds!"
"No no." Nevada yelped. "We're gonna run away with them!"
A loud rumble shook through the area.
"We no longer have much time to waste." I shook my head.
“The brats are down here somewhere!” A snarky voice's shout echoed through the cave.
Another voice called out. “They’re in one of these caves with the one with the scroll!”
I stared at the cave in front of us and then considered our options. “What if we got them off our trail by going through the river?”
Libra stepped forward and peered into the water’s edge. “Glade quickly check what’s on the other side!”
“What?” she questioned. "But how will you-"
“It'll be okay!” I yelled. “Just go!”
"I'll trust you!" The Totodile ran before she dove into the river. Droplets splashed into the air as she propelled into water.
"So why'd ya sent her?" Linus grabbed my frubbles.
"We sent her for one simple reason."
"Why?" the Zeraora asked.
"I wasn’t fast enough. Not yet anyway. Froakies aren’t known for our swimming speed. If only I was allowed to remain a Frogadier."
The four of us waited with baited breath. She didn’t return.
“Okay we’re going in, get ready!” I shouted, and surprised myself. I’m really loud!? There has to be something to help our resident fire-type. Maybe my frubbles can do something?!
“To escape those Pokémon we have to go through this river for a little bit, you’ll be okay Nevada?” I asked, holding the cream bubbles towards them.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine as long as it’s not too long, I think,” the Charmander took some of my frubbles.
I hopped forward into the pool. Everyone else dove in after me. The pleasure and relief I felt to be immersed in the water was astounding. It was like all the days stress and pressure went away.
Legendary Aquarius's blessing tried and true. I felt relieved. The dark waters and equally dark passages were illuminated by our lanterns in orange spots. Not the time to be mesmerized. We weren't clear yet, I needed to see everyone safe. I swung my arms and legs quickly, before I flew out of the river.
I landed next to Glade somehow. She laid on her stomach as she took in ragged breaths. The Totodile lifted her head to stare at me.
Wordlessly I placed my hand on her shoulder and sighed. "It's going to be okay," I tried to reassure her. "Libra and I will handle all the enemies. Take it easy."
All of the non-water-types soon made it to the other side of the underground river. They rose from the water to take a breath of fresh air, and noticed the two of us.
"You made it!" I cheered as Libra emerged from the river, Nevada in her arms. She placed the Charmander down and the flame on their tail shot out. The Zeraora also followed as they exited the water.
A green-webbed hand waved in the air.
"Linus needs help!" Nevada pointed to the river.
"Hold on!" I hopped over to the waterside and dove in.
"Alright Zeraora," the Riolu said as the group dried off. "We're going to stay with you until you find your way back."
They glanced back at her and their whiskers twitched. "You will?"
"Is that okay?"
I pulled out Linus. Quickly I pressed on his chest. A torrent of water came flooding out of his entire body and he took in a deep breath. He was awfully heavy compared to normal… The Treecko seemed to have absorbed too much water.
"Yes, I'm okay with that, I am a girl after all." Zeraora grinned.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Libra tilted her head.
“I don’t like to be called Zeraora. I mean I am one, but I have a name.” She crossed her arms.
“What should we call you then?” I adjusted my bag.
“My name is Xuě!” Zeraora answered with a smile.
"Where are you from?" Glade asked.
“Uh, I’m not entirely sure, but I was named after the snow in Wei Tundra." Xuě explained.
"Ah, a Weian name!" Nevada cheered.
"Not too far north of here, but definitely not in this Mystery Dungeon." Libra nodded
"Okay Xuě, everyone let's go!" I called and hopped up. First, we needed to gather our bearings. The six of us looked up around the underground. The ceiling of the riverway was high enough to see an open cave by the shore.
"There's a faint green light over there,” Glade pointed at the distant wall.
"What's that?" Xuě asked.
"Perhaps a gemstone?" I realized something after I saw the shimmering.
Linus moved his hand across in an arc. “Look y’all! That there’s a reflection of a shiny surface.”
I turned my head to the opposite side. “Wow.” I gasped. There were chunks of geodes and gems in a large section of wall. “Truly gorgeous.”
We stood still for a while to take in the sight. “Let’s head that way.” As the six of us got closer, the path began to branch and split off. Four different tunnels stood before us.
Libra shook her head left, I shook mine right and Xuě nodded up.
"Let's follow Xuě here." I offered.
The Zeraora brightened up by the mention of her name and all of us headed inside. Hopefully, it won't be too long. The walls of each path were studded with small bits of minerals that sparkled in the light of our lanterns. We continued inside, the size and variety of gems in the cavern increasing as the tunnel widened out. Soon we were in an open stretch of cave.
A powerful gust of energy filled my entire body and the path behind us was swallowed up by earth.
Linus pointed at the massive stones. "We're in a
Mystery Dungeon y'all!"
"That's not good!" Nevada tapped the rock on with their claws.
Glade grabbed those same claws and pulled them toward her. "That's not good, what do you mean? It's awesome!"
The Treecko beside them shook his head. "I dunno Glade, this Mystery Dungeon might be harder than anythang we faced in Bristberg."
"Xuě are you familiar with Mystery Dungeons?" Libra asked.
"Yes, Master had me train in various Mystery Dungeons every day."
"Have you been in this one?"
"No, not this one." the Zeraora answered.
"Hmm." Libra tapped her paws. "Could you come here?"
Glade clung onto Nevada’s shoulder when Xuě walked over to the Riolu next to me.
"Masters Riolu and Froakie-"
"Oh you don't have to call us Master, you can call me A or A-
san ," I explained.
"And I am called Libra," the Riolu said.
"Alright," Xuě said.
"If necessary, can you fight?"
The Zeraora looked up and then at her large fists. Her claws extended and sparked with electrical energy before she nodded. "I could beat up everyone chasing us."
I breathed a sigh of relief. Xuě was a powerful Pokémon, one with strength I could have never obtained. All I needed was to respect and trust her. She was a Zeraora after all, even if she was young.
Libra yawned."Okay, let's get going everybody."
We looked to the left and the right. I noticed paths that led out of the massive room. “What do you guys see?” I asked.
“Nothing on the right,” Nevada said.
“On the left, there’s a Crustle sleepin’ near the exit.” Linus pointed.
Libra's tail dropped. “So let's go ahead the other way.”
The second I stepped into the narrow tunnel there was a dark-grey and black Raticate that started to barrel straight at us.There were little pathways on the sides of the tunnel but they didn't stop at the ones closest to us.
Libra and I spread out in front of the younger Pokémon behind us. “You guys hit ‘em from back there!”
On cue, Linus shot forward with a Quick Attack but bounced back.
"Get behind me!" I ordered and took the brunt of the Raticate’s own Quick Attack.
It sent me flat on the floor and knocked the wind out of me. “Augh,” I groaned dizzly as I staggered upright.
From beside me Nevada fired out a quick burst of Ember and Glade blasted the Raticate with a Water Gun. The bursts of flame and water were heavy and hard. But it wasn’t close to doing a thing to that thick fur.
The Raticate didn’t budge one bit after I swiped across their muzzle with a wing of Aerial Ace. I tensed up as the Riolu behind me growled. She hit the Raticate with a Force Palm. The red energy exploded in the air just as the Raticate swung around and Crunched on the Riolu’s arm.With a cry Libra kicked against the Raticate’s maw. They let go and she crashed into me. The Raticate snarled at us as they reared up for another attack, fangs marred in a dark-type mana.
“Xue, we need you!” I screamed, eyes wide. The second the words left my mouth the earth shook as a blue light shot through the tunnel.
With a roar the Zeraora slammed her massive claws on the ground beside the Raticate and teal electricity flew every which way. Amazing! She wasn’t a Mythical for nothing.
The Raticate stared at Xuě and scampered away into another tunnel, with their tail between their legs.
"That was scary." Nevada crept out from behind me.
I gently patted them on the back. "Sorry 'bout that, I'll try to keep you safe no matter what."
"Yeah that Raticate was tougher than what I could make a dent into," Glade sighed.
Libra sighed. "Let's hurry along."
I hopped after the Riolu, turning to the rookie Team and the Zeraora behind me. "She's right ya know, we can't keep everyone waiting." I grinned.
We walked around further through the Mystery Dungeon and I hoped we wouldn’t encounter another Pokémon. Libra and I weren’t strong enough to defeat just one of them on our own, I don’t want to imagine what would happen if we ran into two or three or worse, a Monster House.
"Look!" Linus pointed down a room entrance.
"We found a staircase of stone!” Nevada waved and I hopped over to where the Team was.
Sure enough there was a staircase that led up to the ceiling here, tucked away in a corner.
Glade grabbed my hand and led me closer to it. "There's all sorts of gem shards inside it!"
“Yeah.” I smiled as Libra and Xue caught up to us. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
All of us went up to the next floor.
"So Xuě, earlier you said you had to go back." I started as we made it to a long hallway stretch. "Where do you have to go back to?"
There were a few rooms that branched off from the path, and more bright gems along various sides. Some intensified inside one area that Team Sharp Claw ogled at. If this Mystery Dungeon wasn’t so dangerous I would have explored through every room.
The Zeraora flattened her ears and sighed. "To where Master Zeze, er Zeraora left me."
"Why did you leave where your Master left you?" Libra frowned.
The rookie Team wasn’t behind us. I turned around and headed into one of those rooms and found them. Linus, Glade and Nevada each pulled on a crystal from a massive mineral deposit. "Hey, investigate the crystals some other time!"
The three jumped in their scales and hurried to catch up, as they nearly crashed into me in the process.
I rubbed my temples and sighed. "Sorry about them, continue?"
Xuě's whiskers twitched as she traced the pattern engraved in the scroll she held. "Master Zeze told me to hold onto the scroll for them."
"Why did your Master give you the scroll?" Libra questioned her.
"What does your Master look like?" I asked, and got a confused stare from them both.
The Zeraora glanced at the ceiling and rubbed her muzzle. "Uh, earlier I complained about not being taken seriously and doing anything important."
"So they gave you this scroll to take care of huh?" I smiled a bit.
"Yes, but I've kept it safe the whole time!"
"I see, now what does your Master look like?” I added.
“Master has the same features as me, but is yellow instead of white, they are also a bit bigger than you two." She gestured to Libra and I.
"Master Zeze said they would come back real soon and I was waiting by myself for a little bit before there were some big meanies who yelled at me.” Xuě explained.
Libra's ears shot up and she pulled out her journal. "Did you get to see those mean Pokémon?”
"They were all final stage Pokémon wearing black, purple, and red capes and they have big grey marks on their fur."
Just like those Dittos we fought earlier! "Is that all you know about them?" I tried to get more information. "What were they yelling about?"
"They were yelling about something called eturn-nitty, Wicked Blow and the scroll Master gave me," the Zeraora said, as she rubbed her head.
"You mean eternity?" Nevada asked.
"Yeah," Xuě replied.
The Charmander tilted their head."Who is Wicked Blow?"
"Master said not to talk about them."
"And so did our
Chief," I reminded my fellow League members.
"At least until we get more solid info on them." Libra added. "Right now they are just a rumored organization."
Linus walked up to the Zeraora. "Do ya know what that them there scroll thingamajig does?"
"No, Master Zeze doesn't know either."
"Do y'all know what da gear means?" the Treecko glanced up.
"Sorry, we don't," Xuě apologized. "But-"
“Xuě can you show us something you do know?!” Glade jumped around.
"Hey!" the Zeraora growled. "There are somethings I'm
not allowed to talk about with you Pokémon!"
"Just settle down now." I stepped in between them. I sat with my thoughts as we calmed down. Eternity? I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. Wicked Blow… The Chief told us to be wary of them.
Libra sighed. "Back to what we're saying, we ran into some Pokémon working with the ones after you, they were weak Ditto so we were fine. However whoever they copied must have been nearby, so I'm glad we avoided the rest."
The six of us wandered around for a while and we headed up more stairs. An astonishingly bright light blinded my vision as we reached the top. We found ourselves in a rocky section of forest. I took a step to the side. There was a dirt path that led out toward a clearing and even further there were some more faux karst structures.
"We made it out of the Mystery Dungeon really quickly, didn't we?" Nevada asked as they cleared some brambles out of the way.
Linus scanned our surroundings. “Maybe it was just a small one."
"Now that we made it outside we can find Master Zeraora." I pulled out my map and stared at the darkened cloudy sky.
"How long were we in there for?" Glade questioned as she fiddled with her basket.
I closed my map. "Judging by the purple color of the sky its probably later in the day."
"Yeah." Xuě sighed. "And we don't have to worry about those meanies or getting lost in the Dungeon anymore!"
Libra took the initiative and walked forward toward the clearing."Where did you last see your Master?" the Riolu asked.
"I don't know, there were a ton of berry bushes around us though, I'll know it when I see it."
"Berries huh." Linus looked at the Zeraora. "Did you eat any?"
"Yeah, I accidentally fell in the brambles too so I probably smell like them.” She laughed.
Team Sharp Claw took out their baskets and shuffled around inside. “What are you guys doing?” the Riolu beside me panicked.
“Hey!” I grabbed their shoulders.”You’re going to mess with your requested items!”
"Just wait a second," the Treecko said as he beckoned Xuě over.
Nevada held a green and blue big round berry and took a chunk out of it.
Glade sniffed the berry while Linus took a bite of a piece. "Now uh Xuě, could you taste it?"
"Sure?" the Zeraora knelt down and took a bite. She hummed as the flavor, whatever it was probably jogged her memory. "Oh yeah I've had this before."
“We figured out what type of berry was near Xuě, it’s a Globe Berry!” Linus held up one of the berries.
"And what does that mean?" Libra asked.
"Those berries only grow in a certain part of Bileizhen Forest." Glade held up the fruit.
I tilted my head. "Yeah but I don't want you to go crazy and search the entire forest for them when we've got stuff to do."
"Ma cousin's have some notes about berry growth and the like in Heartland, and they have lists on ta Wei Region." the Treecko flipped through a small notepad.
"It says they grow on the far west, where we saw them earlier," Nevada said as their tail dimmed.
"Then somewhere near the large river that passes through and all along the nearby karst structures." Glade explained.
The Charmander beside them then brightened. "Oh but it mentions an exit of a Gem Cavern Mystery Dungeon and being close!"
“Ah, good work guys!” I smiled. “Let’s go find some then!”
We searched through tangles and bunches of thickets for Globe Berries throughout the forest. In our luck, we found a perfect patch of Golden Berries. They were on a little inlet in the middle of a river that passed through the forest.
"How are you guys gonna get them?' Libra stared at the small patch of land. "That's too far for me to jump for sure."
"I could do it!" Xuě smiled as her whiskers twitched.
"Sorry Xuě, we want to figure this out ourselves," The Treecko replied.
"Oh, okay, good luck!"
"Those berries're like big ol sparklin' jewels above this water." Linus peered into the rushing water as debris sailed by. He dipped his hand in and pulled it out. "But that currents really fast."
Nevada watched as their Teammate pulled off her basket. "Glade, are sure you can reach them?"
"If I can't do this then, we won't be able to pass our mission," Glade said as rolled her shoulders, and held out her claw. "And I don't want you two trying it and getting hurt."
The Charmander nodded and held onto her claw. "Okay, I believe in you."
"Ya got this." Linus patted Glade on the back.
The Totodile swam out of a deep stretch of water and returned with a large cluster of Golden Berries in her claws.
"That's how you get it done!" she roared and passed them to Nevada and Linus. Glade then flopped onto the floor.
"Woo hoo!" the Charmander cheered as they held up the gilded fruit. "We've got enough for the medical department!"
"I didn't know these grew around here, I better mark this on my notes for my folks." the Treecko behind them scribbled something on his notepad.
Glade staggered upright and grinned. "I'm good to go now!"
"We'll definitely find them!" the Zeraora pounded her chest. "Master Zeze, here we come!"
It felt like hours before a breakthrough. Libra and I couldn't find it.
"Can you feel those thunderclaps?" I asked.
The Riolu shook her head. "No luck with sensing Xuě's Master. Their aura should be powerful as a Mythical, no?"
Glade kicked a loose pebble. "Maybe they are hiding their aura or whatever?"
"Ugh, where are they?
I can't even sense them." Xuě groaned.
There was something off while we ventured past tons of eroded dark, jagged pillars of quartz sandstone. As we wadded through another patch of Globe Berries I felt a tingling sensation around my body.
The earth was damp with rain water, but there were pockets of electricity. It must have stormed while we were underground.
"Oh look!" Nevada called out.
"What is it?" I asked.
"There's Master Zeraora!" the Team cheered, pointed up.
"Master Zeze!" Xuě called at the top of her lungs.
"Master Zeraora?" Libra gasped.
I expected to feel a spark or thunderclap like before, but there was nothing. The yellow Zeraora stood on top of the tallest quartz sandstone pillar. So high up.
"I wonder what they're thinking?" the Riolu beside me whispered.
I narrowed my eyes and strained as hard as I could at the Zeraora. Their eyes blazed an emotion unbeknownst to me. "Not sure, if only I could read minds."
Just as I said that a spark jolted throughout my entire body. It wasn't energy from a move but from a being. Bileizen Forest meant
Lightning Rod Forest! That's why they're here!
"We have to leave." I sighed.
Linus, Glade, and Nevada groaned.
"I wanted to meet Master Zeraora." The Treecko lamented.
The Totodile sighed. "Oh well, we got to meet Xuě though."
"We get to go home and tell everyone about all the good work we did today." Nevada yawned. "But another Zeraora meeting wouldn't hurt."
"We need to thank you!" Xuě bowed. "You don't want to meet Master Zeze?"
"Well, are they going to come down?" I asked.
The Zeraora flicked her ears and squinted. "Probably not, they'll let you come up though."
Beside me, the Riolu folded her ears."W-we cannot go up there."
"Alright." The young Zeraora softly nuzzled against us."I'll never forget your presence! Master Zeze can feel it too!"
I flinched at the thought of getting close to them. “Best wishes Xuě," we all said.
She tilted her head at us with a grin. "Thank you! Goodbye.” The Zeraora raced off towards the pillars. Xuě bounced towards the base of one before she hooked her huge front paws in a section of the sandstone. Her claws pierced into the tower like it was a thin piece of wood!
The Zeraora then did the same with her rear paws, and before I knew it a crash of lightning lit up in the sky. A large chunk of earth fell apart and a massive plume of dust clouded the air. She blasted up to the top. There was a streak of teal electricity.
"Had she been told to hold back? This whole time? "Well, there is no use dwelling on that, Libra would leave me if I spent all my time pondering it.
“Alright well that was something, let’s head on back before it gets too late,” Libra yawned, as she pulled her arms back and stretched.
"Hey." Linus reached out to me, and tugged on my bag straps. "We have a question."
I palmed at my temples once the rookie Rescue Team surrounded me. "A question huh?"
"Y-yeah, uh well did we pass?" Nevada squeaked.
"Don't worry guys, you got the required supplies so you passed." I patted Nevada’s back. "Let's just focus on moving forward with our experiences, life isn't going to get easier so you all need to be prepared."
“That’s the end of the story.” I finished.
The Riolu beside me nodded. “It’s been five years but I won't forget it.”
Linus stopped writing on his piece of paper and sighed. “Yep, and then after that, all Distortion went loose. I won’t hold y’all any longer. Thanks!”
“Bye!” I smiled as the Treecko headed out of the room.
Libra uncrossed her arms. “See you later Linus!” she waved.
Now we were alone.
“Before the Disruption hit we didn’t have to worry about all that.” I sighed.
I shifted in my seat and stared at my Platinum badge. My fist tightened as I glanced out the window. The Riolu beside me also stared at the world beyond that pane of glass. “You mean what you said?”
“Yeah.” I nodded. “Being prepared for the future. I never imagined it would be like this: the League’s, no, the entire world’s new enemy- Wicked Blow.”
“Why did I have to be right?” It’s a question I’ve always asked myself, ever since we got back home to the League and every single day for the next five years.
Who knew those last few weeks would be the calm before the storm? The massive Disruption building up in the mana we use for power had finally taken its toll and became unbalanced due to those Pokémon after Leagues; Wicked Blow.
And they won’t be satisfied with that, not until they have full domination over the land. Not that we'd let it stop us. We of the Bristberg League would never give up. Even if it killed us.
Just a few days prior~
The waves rocked us side to side, while the Wingulls', and Wattrels' cries filled the air. In front of us was one of the only indicators of land, a thin lighthouse that sat high in the sky. The visage of the beach blurred by the sea.
I've always been a sentimental Pokémon. Every important conversation, meeting, Mystery Dungeon, location, I take it all in and my thoughts occasionally brew on it. Some fade away by the next day, others take about a month or so. But there's some that stay for years.
It's been a while since we've met Xuě but I always think about it, even after so long. And it seems like more and more Pokémon are asking us about our encounters that day.
I sat in a boat with Libra, and our former classmates: Yoshiko, a Groyvle, and Austin, a Charmeleon along with some other Pokémon. We headed back up from the Southern Region of the Constellation Continent, and came from a briefing when this question was pressed again. By the ones who requested the League on this trip, a Datrix and a Noctowl. Both wore black vests with a claw-like design on the front.
"A, Libra, Yoshiko, Austin, you all mentioned running into all sorts of Pokémon because of your League work correct?" the Dartrix asked.
I stopped gazing dreamily into the deep blue ocean's depths and tasting the salt. "Something like that, yeah," I replied, as I shifted my seat back toward the others.
The Noctowl continued flapping their wings, and shifted the rudder with their talons as they turned their head over at us for a moment. "We haven't been out much, what have you seen?"
"We've encountered a Mythical Pokémon before." Libra leaned back.
The Dartrix shot forward, as their wings flapped faster. "Really?" they asked. "Which one?"
"We've met Xuě Zeraora, the pupil of Master Zeraora." I grinned.
"Mon, this blows!" Yoshiko crossed her arms with a pout. "You guys got to see all the cool shit without us! It should have been us instead of those stupid weak little brats."
Libra flattened her ears and placed her arm on the Groyvle's shoulder. "Do you remember why that is, huh?"
"Cause we didn't deserve to be weighed down by those guys when they were young?" Austin piped in. "Knowing they were too fast for me to catch them is why the Coordinator didn't put us together, right?"
With a shake of my head I kicked my legs out. "It's because you two don't have the patience to spend this long of a time with teenagers, maybe if it were for a couple of hours but we spend like two days with them out in Wei, alone."
"Well, we're doing some research on those words they called Team Sharp Claw, and trying to figure you two out more." The Dartrix took over. "We can pin-point yours and other immigrant Pokémon devolution to the Disruption."
"We're going to be sending out some thrilling new information in the coming week so look forward to it," the Noctowl hooted.
Austin rolled his shoulders with a sigh. "All this work will only be worth it if I can buy some high tier snacks and gear."
"With what the Expedition Society's projected payout I believe your Chief and Coordinator will be able to reward you handsomely. It's about the rediscovery of some artifacts."
“Really now, we get to do some big time League work too?” Libra asked, her tail wagging against my side and all over the place.“Mana research level stuff?”
"We've been doing that you stupid dog!" Yoshiko pushed the Riolu down.
"Shut up you ugly fat leaf!" Libra barked, and shoved back.”Let them finish."
Noctowl nodded. “In our research, we called in a special guest who wants to repay your League.”
“Ah.” I pumped my fist and smiled. “So we can’t leave all the work to Master Zeraora and Xuě Zeraora. We gotta head back home to help our League!"
"I wonder what she's doing now?" Libra tilted her head. "And what was that scroll she was carrying, was it a mana artifact?"