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Frog on a mission
ayo I'm vwheelin' ova here!

hi :0 I read the prologue and the first two chappies for a big boy wheel spin, so here we go.

People keep saying malamar is alright, but I knew he was evil this whole time.

It's always difficult trying to introduce pokemon in a way that isn't awkward. I made the grave mistake of having my protag bonk his head and forgor all pokemon so I get it. I understand struggling to get a weird creature across in third person. This is all to say that my first impression of the prologue is that you do eveything possible to make sure I know this character is a malamar--and, to be fair, succeed--and then the initial namedrop is not very graceful lol. I don't think you need that aside at all.

Aside from that, I almost wish this section were a bit more mysterious. You're shockingly frank with details I otherwise wouldn't know outside narration--malamar sucking at getting the orb to work and the kinda-but-not-really tiptoeing around the power therein without outright saying it, for example. We start off very casually for what I'm assuming are going to be the big bads of the fic and unfortunately it does take a little away from the menace of the finale. Mostly, I can't tell how seriously I'm supposed to take these guys. They're not really comedic, but have a level of camp that's somewhat goofy even in PMD. It's a framing issue, maybe. Leaning one way or another might help.

Enough with the negatives, I do love the disney villain camp. I don't usually dabble in outright villains and PMD fic has a tendency to either try for more even villains or just wait too damn long to start showing their hands so it's nice to relive my disney youth and watch a bunch of evil nerds cackle about their schemes. they're even discussing backup plans like normal people totally do. Overall, I am excited to see what you do with Larkspur at some point in the future. You may end up shooting yourself in the foot showing so much of him so early, depending on when we see him again, but idk that yet.

The setup is a classic. Although I'm actually surprised how few villains are involved in the human transmigration in PMD. At least in my memory, I don't recall many. It's a good way to involve the protag in the central conflict immediately. Can't avoid it if you are the conflict. It also implies a level of proactivity to the villains that is usually what makes a good villain shine. Plus, we get to imagine the inevitable confrontation. Very juicy.

Overall, the prologue is very efficient and to the point. Not to say it's too fast and, frankly, I prefer prologues this way especially since fantasy novels ruined them for me. There's a little bit of clunkiness here and there but it's manageable and counterbalanced by an otherwise engaging scenario.

Bird POV

thank god. I though this might not be a good fic but then I saw it had a murkrow and my fears were abated.

Your prose is good. You've got something easy to read but with an eye for small detail that give description life. I especially like the little things you bring up surrounding your characters. I have an immediate sense of the type of people they are and things they like and it's all revealed in a way that highlights Dahlia's guild-forwardness through her POV.

If I had a complaint, some of the more expository description from the prologue is also here and it takes away a little bit. as a specific example, Holly's introduction suffers a little bit from you staring the paragraph calling her strong and dependable and then going into details supporting that. It's the wrong order of operations imo. I'm not sure you need 'strong dependable leader' in the first place given how strong the following description is, but at the very least stick it at the end somewhere. It's something to keep an eye out for in general. A lot of your description and action is great and strong enough to not need elaboration, but it occasionally gets a little narrative tag calling it out that deflates the moment.

I will say that it's barely been a chapter and I'm already starting to get a sense of the world. Your writing is very immediate, by my initial evaluation. By the time you mention a character's name you've also really nailed somethign concrete to remember them by. It's a good process and may actually have me rebembering names for once.

omg it's a first person fic, you scoundrel. I've been tricked.

Wotter POV

I don't actually have problems switching perspectives. Its a fun thing and first person is tragically lacking in the fanfic community because we're all cowards afraid to confront our own demons.

But here we are with our human boy being birthed into this world.

I don't know if I have that much to say about this. I've read so many PMD fics back in the day that a lot of this is going through the motions and I find myself with fewer questions than I'd like. Not really your fault, I'm just ancient and decrepit.

I will take note of pokemon existing for your human characters though. We should take a tally of which writers go which way one of these days. Aso taking note that you use ferals. Interesting.

Bro is not having a good day even for the average PMD protagonist. Anxious boy doesn't even have an immediate grasp of his element and gets caught in the middle of an outlaw hunt before he can accidentaly reveal that he's a human. I like that he's a little more cautious with that information, at least, though I have a sneaking suspicion that he will not be sticking around this team for long.

Aloso everyone seems to fucking hate him lmao. Even Dahlia's kindness does not seem motivated by any actual feeling. Then Pink and Holly are immediately ehausted at the idea that they have to do work lol.

And Dahlia has the gall to tell me they're actually nice smh.

For a first chapter, this is about what I expected. I'm afraid I don't have a whole lot to say about it beyond that it's a solid entry in the PMD first chapters club. You characters are the real strength overall atm, it's a little too early to try and make predictions on the plot and the world is mostly promise atm before we get to town. That said, I'm excited to see where this goes. Personally, I'm actually a fan of first person despite never writing it.

Chapter 2

"What do you guys do besides kidnap pokemon?"

Nice one Oswald. That'll get em.

He's a bit of a wreck, isn't he? I can't say I'm surprised but my dude is not handling this well. Though in his defence, Dahlia doesn't seem to know what amnesia means if she expects him to know anything.

I'm a little torn on the ensuing exposition. I get that Oswald needs to know it, and if this were an original novel I'd maybe be a bit more tolerant of the exposition dump. But this is PMD fanfiction and most of this stuff I already know and most readers would already know. Some of it is usefull--thinking specifically of the difference between teams that explore or hunt bounties and etc... and there's some specifics around leadership that are interesting, but it's a lot of information that I either already know or would maybe like to see spread out a little more where it's more relevant.

God I love amnesia. Cowards won't admit it, but having an immediate bit of thrust for these kinds of isekai characters is very nice when we could otherwise be wandering around aimlessly. I like that Oswald acknowledges his goals here, too. It's something that should be integral to this sort of setup and yet gets occasionally forgotten as the ride gets started. Amnesiac characters feel fairly hollow without imo. Or otherwise indifferent to their own plight which is usually a dull read. Of course, the difficulty then becomes making your boy interesting with no backstory or relationships or place in this world which is a huge pain in its own right. I'm not expecting anything immediately so I will have to wait to see what Oswald becomes. Besides wotter.

Something I've noticed is that some of the issues I had with your third-person prose have gone or at least waned. I haven't noticed much clunky exposition yet, but then it's also difficult to be so explainy when everything is filtered through one person's eyes. Benefits of first person, I suppose.

Bro Oswald kinda funny tbh. "Thinking about my mortality" that's a classic. plus the kidnapping quip earlier, is this guy some kinda comedian or what? If only he weren't so anxious I bet he could put together a killer tight five.

Illiterate protagonist is very based. One of my favourite approaches to PMD protags is to fuck them up real good and take away their ability to read. It's funny every time and I'm so happy to see it.

A castle is interesting. Oswald got to it first wondering if this place had royalty, but I will echo the question. This place doesn't seem... medieval. idk log cabins are kind like that but also not really. I'm basing this mostly on the way everybody's talking and acting. Unless I'm missing obivous clues, which has me believing theres some kinda lore around why the guild is setup in a castle. Could be a remnant of human civilisation, I suppose. Or maybe they just like rocks idk. A castle does tend to be a very cool setting for anythign, so I'm not complaining about a guild being run out of it.

That gallade statue might be important. probably not though, I've never know an important gallade, nobody likes them.

Same with this quilava. don't know why he's here, bet he's not important at all.

Anyway, it's finally romance fiction lol. what a meet cute. I don't know why they didn't kiss immediately, thats a missed oportunity right there. especially when we'll never see that quilava again. oh well.

It is very funny that this happens in the middle of Oswald's self guided tour, then he just goes right back to it. You certainly aren't wasting any time. Though it's a little strange that bro just falls out of Oswald's mind right after the most awkward and obvioulsy gay meeting of all time. He has absolutely no clue.

I relly like the design of the castle. It's just as extravagant as I wanted it to be in my mind, with more than enough carpets to collapse atop your lover on. And not a hint of dissaray makes me think this isn't an ancient human settlement after all and just something someone decided to build sometime.

As Oswald makes his way to anemone with Lilac who seems suspiciously nice given everyone else hates Oswald, I will throw in my two cents that I do not trust anyone who has a throne room. The illustration accompanying anemone's introduction makes her seem very ominous. Imagine having a wall length portrait of god installed behind your throne. Shit's crazy. Also mind reading is automatic bad vibes. It might actually be good that Oswald forgot about his meet cute so quickly.

I'm not sure I trust her explanation, either. This is all too easy. Sure, you have a throne room and no guards because you just can't turn off your mind reading powers. Uh-huh.

Ancient humans confirmed. Maybe we did build the castle, after all. Please just tell me and put me out of my misery.

Oswald being silenced on his humanity is another interesting PMD trope. It's always fun to see how writers approach stuff like this--the reasoning for it. Usually there's lore implications, but I'm all about the drama so I approve of this decision either way. Especially knowing it never lasts long and Anemone does not seem like the overly forgiving type lol.

The tone of this is very interesting so far. For a PMD fic, this feels remarkeably cold. Oswald has, thus far, bounced between a bunch of characters that don't really want or like him and all the expected guides and mentors and partners have either not cared about or ignored him. Even anemone is fairly dismissive. He seems like just an extension of her job. Lilac is the most open character so far and I do not know if she's really like that or just putting up a front. Especially given her species--I've read those dex entries, I remember the vibe check pokemon memes, and Oswald is a vibe check and a half. This also extends to the the general thrust of PMD tropes. there's no triumphant moment of meeting the partner or vernturing through the first dungeon or being inducted into the guild. It's an interesting approach.

This is more of a neutral observation than a criticism. The real strength it has is that the defining moment of warmth so far is Oswald accidentally falling on a quilava who I'm certain will never show up again. It's honestly kind of clever for a romance and makes the moment stand out that much more. Even in terms of description, that feel like the most comforting, reassuring moment compared to Oswald's general confusion and anxiety. I also tend to like PMD fics that stray a little from the 'everyone is friends model'. I just find there's a realm of relationships beyond that and the petty/world-defining rivalries that run through most PMD which can be fun to explore.

Anyway, I kinda feel bad stopping before the first day is done but I am getting busier than I expected and it's better to post something a little shorter than miss out entirely. I might end up eturning to this later on my own time if I have the energy.

I alluded to it before, but I'm a little resistant to PMD starting chapters having read so many and admittedly, that's where it dragged a little bit for me. But as an overall evaluation, I liked this. It takes a little bit to get going, but once we got to the castle I started getting more invested. And it's not like PMD tropes are being used for no reason--everything you need to set up is set up in the first two chapters, things are happening like I want them to and there's a real sense of motion to the writing that makes it pleasant to read even if I'm coasting a little bit.

Also, while I memed a bit earlier, thank god you spend more than two seconds setting up a romance. You are a brave soul introducing the obvious love interest and then telling the audience to wait a little bit but it's so refreshing to see an author demand some patience from the audience, especially in romance. The worst thing that can happen is the two characters having no chemistry and no time and being expected to believe in them but I trust you won't have this issue.

but I haven't read ahead yet, so maybe you willl. oooooh spooooky~

gud fuc. I had fun. Like I said, I may want to return on my own time just because I ended at an awkward place but I may or may not review so just trust me, babe ;)

Bonus thought:

I will say that I'm so fucking stupid. I did not get that everyone was named after flowers until the third time someone told Oswald his name was cringe and I was like wtf your name is Dahlia, nerd, why is he weird? And then I realised. Oops.
Thanks for the review! This is certainly a lot more than I expected, but it's always fun to see a new reader react to these first few chapters. I respond to a few key things:

When I first started the story way, way back in 2020 I wrote Larkspur to be deliberately campy mainly because I had no idea what the rest of the story would be like. And I ended up going back and forth on exactly what kind of character he'd be. A part of me wishes I could go back and commit to one idea of the character, but I think at this point I decided to roll with it.

Anyway, you're not the first one to comment on the tropy-ness of Flowerbeds. I started writing it before I realized that everyone started like this so the main thing that really differentiates it is how mean everyone is. Can you believe that they used to be even meaner?

I like how you pointed out the love interest being a moment of warmth in the middle, though. I just intended it to be a cute thing, but I'm glad it served another purpose I didn't expect. That's always nice.

Glad you enjoyed it overall, your review was very fun to read:okgon:
Chapter 50 - Day 18, Part 3: Full Bloom


Frog on a mission
Chapter 50: Day 18, Part 3 - Full Bloom

I remembered something recently.

Actually, no…that's incorrect. I acknowledged something I've suppressed until now:

The possibility that I'm an amnesiac by choice.

Not my choice—my brain's choice. I still remember concepts, ideas, and maybe even some slang if I feel like degrading myself. However, my actual memories are locked away so tightly that even Anemone—a literal mind reader—can't access them.

I didn't do that—I wouldn't know how. But it had to have happened some way or another.

The easy answer is that something happened, and the reason as to why it happened to me is somewhere out there. But…what if it isn't? Or, rather, there is, it just isn't anything good. What if I don't want to know the answer, and my brain is making sure of that?

Being a human is one thing—forgetting why that even matters is another.

I can't shake the feeling that my goal shouldn't be to pursue my trauma, but to run from it. Past-Oswald, somehow or someway, had gone so far as to do me a favor, and I responded by ignoring his generosity.

Did I squander an opportunity to start over?

I have no idea. It sure seems like it at times. When I fall into a deep, dark pit of despair I wonder if I made the wrong choices. If, through my own efforts, I had doomed myself. But each time I return to that line of thinking, I realize that my first actual choice was to become friends with Fenn.

And if that's where I went wrong, starting over isn't an option. That choice of mine will never change, even if doing so means reversing the heat-death of the world itself.

It just sucks that it took me this long to make use of past-Oswald's generosity.

I can do better.

We chased each other through those castle gates, right into the streets. The second Fenn's paw slipped from mine—which was quick with how clammy my paw was—Fenn made it his goal to connect them once more. But he would have to work for it.

"Uh-uh, gotta catch me first!" I teased.


Even if I was clumsy on my two legs and he was cunning on his four, my recent training seemed to have paid off. I could outmaneuver that Quilava with a twist of my hip and a skipping dash past food stalls and corners of buildings. He kept up easily, but I was too slick for him.

"Oh? You wanna hold my hand?"

"I-I can!" Fenn declared. "A-and I will!"

We were giggling like school children during recess. Oleander was shouting at us to stay in sight, trying to keep up. We ignored him. The two of us kept this up through the streets and back alleys without any hint of slowing down.

I was having the time of my life.

I didn't think I would get this far. When I brought up the idea to Dahlia she gave me this look that undoubtedly said "Really? You honestly think that'll work?" I almost said no.

After all, it was stupid. I was stupid. Nothing about this plan of mine should have worked. A bouquet of flowers and a few kind words would never heal the wounds I inflicted. It was too straightforward of a resolution. I needed to do more.

But against all odds, it worked considerably better than whatever the hell I was trying to do before. Imagine that.

And seeing the sheer amount of joy on Fenn's face after every pounce for my tail, tears long since dried, made it all worth it.

We got all the way to the treeline leading to an uphill path before I came to a stop. I slowed down and rested my paws on my knees, hunched over and panting. Fenn was there by my side long before I had a chance to argue for unfairness.

He tapped me on the shoulder and said, "G-got you!" in a cheeky voice.

"Damn!" I chuckled, rubbing my shoulder. "Too slow."

Fenn graciously held out his paw for me to take. Both to bring me upright, and to declare himself the winner of this little game. He said in a light voice, "N-no, you're not. I could…b-barely keep up!"

I stood up straight and took his paw. "I'll say. You couldn't even catch my tail." As if to prove this, I twisted my torso to angle my back for him to see. Even after all this time, I couldn't properly control that thing, but that just meant Fenn would get to have more of a show, with how I bumped my hips. My tail barely did more than flop up and down, which was all I needed.

"Hmph!" Pouting, Fenn attempted to swipe at my tail with his paw, only to miss when I righted my posture just in time.

"Ha! Like I said," I teased, leaning in. "Too. Slow."

Fenn's pouting deepened. His puffed up cheeks, too, were a deeper shade of a red than they were a moment ago. "Next time…" he said.

I raised my eyebrows, smirking. "Oh yeah?"

"Y-yeah." And his cheeks puffed up more.

In response, I breathed in and puffed up my own cheeks.

I never took Fenn as one to be outdone, so of course his cheeks got even bigger in tandem.

But unfortunately for him, I had the biggest cheeks of them all. He should see how long I can hold my breath under water.

From an outside view, there was a Dewott and a Quilava staring daggers at each other in the woods as their cheeks ballooned to magnificent proportions. Something had to give…

Fenn shut his eyes- "Mmmmm- BWAH hahahaha!" -and couldn't keep it in any longer.

I followed suit, laughing out any excess air I had cooped up. "Hah…so silly," I said, leaning forward with how much I was laughing.

That only made the Quilava laugh harder. He was practically snorting. "Y-you're silly!"

"Me?" I retorted. "Silly? I don't think so."

Fenn playfully leaned into my shoulder and bumped me with his arm. "Y-yes, you are!"

"Says you, silly! Look who's talking!" I started moving again with my paw delicately gripping Fenn's. The laughing had petered out to small chuckles here and there, but it never stopped. "Come on," I said, "we're almost there."

Although he followed without question, the ensuing walk was made twice as long by Fenn having to stop just to let the giggles out every few steps. It was hard not to be infected by it.

I had a good feeling about this. There was going to be this big reveal of the flower fields and I would start by asking, "Have you been up here before?" And he would say, "Never. Not once." And he would stutter once or twice in there and it would be all cute, just like him.

Only problem: I still had my concerns. Sometime during the walk, about half way through, a disgusting pang of doubt surged up to grip at my throat. All of those happy feelings just vanished out of nowhere. I thought that I had been dreaming, and that at any moment Fenn would start drowning in a sea of black, nightmarish water, leaving me alone. I deserved that much, once.

In a sense, I still thought I did. These fun, joyful moments were not for me. I was selfish for thinking that I could ignore it all. It always came back, the pain, the sorrow. The intrusive thoughts, harsh as they were, had a point. I was deserving of a much worse fate.

So, with that in mind, I looked back for a moment, seeking confirmation of my mistake. Any second now, Fenn's own happiness would fade, and the world itself would melt to a gray paste with a horrid smell.

But no, he was fine. Those gentle red eyes gleamed like smoothed opal, while one ear twitched ever so subtly the moment he noticed me turn. A short blink of consideration followed, where he assessed the moment, perhaps wondering if he too was dreaming. And then he started giggling.

The world went soft. It smelled like fresh grass and pine needles.

They didn't last long, those baleful doubts. We both realized at the same instant that this was real. Here we were, holding paws, making a pilgrimage to somewhere special. A place where we could both be ourselves.

His lips swung about into a small smile, and I wondered if I was dreaming again. So, I squeezed his paw tighter and hoped this dream would never end.

I giggled, too. Pretty soon, we reached our destination.

Kebia Castle was a hill and a dirt path away, with orange-leaved trees like a sunset against the afternoon sky elevated in layers of speckled foliage surrounding it. Down below, cast and shadowed against the marbled stone and chiseled brick, the grass was darker. The buildings had embedded themselves in the dirt, making it their home. Roots dug deep, concocting a blossom of activity. But up here, heralding the mountains and chill winds, it all brimmed with brighter greens, fluffy whites, and lovable blues. It was quieter—less complicated. As if this Quilava and I had stepped into a completely different world.

"You know…" I leaned over and whispered into Fenn's ear as though it were a secret. "I'm nervous. We walked all of this way…and I'm nervous."

Fenn squeezed my paw in return. "W-were you not supposed to be?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"...Are you?"

He nodded.

"Well good," I breathed, a smirk arising easier than I expected, "I'm not alone, then."

To that, Fenn chuckled a little. "Y-yeah, you're not."

I pulled Fenn along, padding through the dirt on my tip-toes, each step light on my soles.

Dirt turned to grass as orange faded to an expansive blue. We crescendoed over a hill, following the path I retraced to the best of my ability. Of all the times for my memory to fail me, I was glad it remained loyal here. Otherwise it would have ruined the moment.

Because when we stepped over that hill…

"O-oh…wow," Fenn uttered his breath. I mirrored the sentiment with a contented sigh.

The smattering of mismatched dirt under our toes had become a distant thought. Pinks and whites, bright as the sun they reflected, swayed in joyous greeting. Flowers couldn't talk, of course, but I had a feeling they would cheer our names if they could.

I hadn't noticed it last time—probably because I was in such a panic—but looking now, there was a slight pink tint to the air of Fairy Fields. That blue sky, which I had seen as nothing but an extension of my own perceived reality, shimmered a late sunset purple in combination with the slight pink.

And then it didn't, as my eyes adjusted to the vista ahead of me, and a playful rosy scent tickled my nose. My whiskers tingled like a strung violin, but otherwise gave me peace. The world was in its natural state, just as it ever was.

"I never told you…where I got here from, huh?" I asked, my eyes lingering on the flowers.

I could see Fenn turn to me out of the corner of my eye somewhat abruptly, as if the question caught him off guard. He said, "You…did, actually. I-I thought…" then stopped himself.

Oh, I did? My tail fidgeted behind me. I guess I forgot.

"…Right, I mentioned some flower fields outside of Kebia," I noted. "Never specified which ones, though."

A beat, then Fenn said, "Th-th-there aren't any other…" before stopping himself again. I wouldn't be surprised if he was misremembering, too.

I looked at him and feigned some semblance of confidence. There was still a chance to salvage this—I had a hunch.

"Hold on. Remember, there are some flowers on the way to your place?" That was where the lavender came from, after all.

"Well…yeah," Fenn mumbled before gesturing to the flowers with the book he still had with him. "I-I just assumed you meant here, even if…I-I've never seen it. It's…" His eyes, wide with astonishment, sparkled in the sunlight. "...Very n-nice…"

If a bouquet didn't work, then a whole field of flowers certainly did.

"And now you can. Come on," I said, failing to hide the giddiness in my voice. "I want to show you the best part."

Into the flowers we went, with me taking the first step back into my proverbial birthplace. Fenn followed without a second thought.

Flower pedals nipped and tickled our fur as we waded through. The spaces of dirt in between were our stepping stones of a trickling garden stream. I could feel myself waver in the wind as we approached the cliff, green grass splitting a path for us and us alone. My heart pumped fast in my fingertips. Behind the curvature of the cliff and the virility of the foliage, the sight was only just now apparent.

I didn't need to tell Fenn to stop. Both he and I knew this was the place.

Directly ahead of us was the castle and the surrounding town in all of its glory. Just earlier today, I stood near the top of that castle, marveling at the sweeping plains and snaking roads of the surrounding land. Every excursion I had ever taken had been on full display, viewable from a single location—my whole life a near complete puzzle. And now I was here, viewing everything from the trees to the ramparts to the spires all at once.

Fenn's shoulders relaxed as he whispered, his voice airy, "Y-you…woke up here? I-in the middle of the field?"

"It's…somewhere around here," I said, motioning to a patch of grass ahead of us. I had just as good a view of the castle then as I did now.

It was a nice ambience, but it was also a reminder of my prison. In an hour's time, maybe less, I'd have to head back and return to my neat little box. How long had it been already? Five minutes? Ten minutes? Was Oleander just over the hill or directly behind us?

I didn't want to think about it.

I looked at Fenn. A second or two later, he looked at me.

In my mind's eye, I saw it. There were sandcastles meticulously constructed on a beach in space, built from buckets of time wasted and mistakes made. The sand was dry and firm like stone. The buckets were full. New additions were being made to the castles constantly, without fail or regard for time to rest. And then all of a sudden, a glistening, gigantic wave pushed seawater far into the shore, and those sandcastles melted into a mere lump. The buckets toppled and flowed out to sea, never to be seen again.

Sand erodes over a period of thousands of years, yet it clings to itself all the same. Sand is still sand, and enough sand makes a beach.

The start of something new.

Fenn tilted his head at me. "W-what? You're…staring at me a-a lot."

Oh whoops.

I chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry. It's hard not to."

He scoffed, the tips of his ears turning red. "Um…" Fenn's gaze drifted away towards the leaves on the wind, to the grass at his feet, before resting on his paw in mine. His grip only tightened, yet his ears had since fallen flat against his head, making him look smaller than he really was. He said, "H-hey, did you take Cosmo to daycare this morning?"

I blinked. So much was on my mind today and Cosmo was probably one of the last. I was pretty sure I dropped him off. Otherwise I would have been freaking out.

"Of course," I said. Cool as an ice cube.

Fenn's ears flicked upwards about half-way. "O-okay, good…just wanted t-to make sure. It's…i-it's been on my mind…"

I almost asked, is that all that's on your mind? But I didn't, and I wished that I did. At some point I'd have to slow down with the flirting and actually acknowledge what we were here for.

I knew that no matter what I said here, Anemone's glare would pierce through my skull and crush me into a fine powder the next time we talked. That was not going to change. It was Fenn who would, in one way or another. Simply noticing a slight change in his demeanor was enough to make my heart sink into my stomach. I would need to be careful.

"Mhm," I mumbled. Unconsciously I scratched at a scalchop on my hip, carving out new grooves for my fingers. Little flakes trickled onto my claws. The rough texture made goosebumps rise from under my fur. "So…"


"Do you want to sit down?" I asked.

Fenn opened his mouth to speak, only to stop before any words left him. Mainly because I thought quickly and interrupted him.

"It's not that hard- the ground, I mean! I can confirm that." The grin I gave him must have looked so forced. Even if I did mean it, the blush rising from my cheeks to my neck strangled me under my fur.

Fenn's mouth briefly remained open as if the words were still in transit to his vocal cords. His eyes glanced away for a smidgen of a second. Then after he processed my words, he spoke.


So we did.

He sat beside me, taking extra care to not crush any flowers beneath him. He went so far as to move some out of the way with his paw. Which was something I didn't even consider until I was sat beside him. I glanced down to find a collage of pink and white sticking out from under my legs. I ignored it, despite my blush definitely strangling me by that point.

"See?" I said, a small stammer accompanying my voice. "Not hard at all."

Fenn chuckled so abruptly that he squeaked. "Heh…I-I guess so."


My tail splayed out behind me, paws on my knees, I breathed in slowly. More of that playful rosiness tickled my nostrils. I felt a pinch, only to witness my fur being tugged at and the slightest bit of skin turning white as my claws dug into the skin. I took another deep breath, calming myself.

All I could hear was the wind dancing with everything in sight. It flirted with the grass, courted the flowers, and kissed the trees with its gentle caress. Everything was in perfect harmony. The moment was right.

I looked over to find Fenn tracing his finger over the cover of his book, silent and uneasy. Tiny embers sizzled on his forehead—igniting and dying over and over again like twinkling stars. There was a thoughtfulness to his expression, like there were conversation topics tingling on the tip of his tongue.

After a bit more silence between us, I decided that I would have to start us off. I said, "Hey Fenn-"

"I-I was thinking-"

We both spoke at the same time. We both flinched.

"O-oh, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's fine. You can-"

"No! Y-you should-"

We stared at each other, our eyes wide. Our troubled breathing accompanied the wind swaying the flowers. I didn't know where to look, Fenn had a hard time keeping still. Back to where we started.

Earlier, this kind of silence was just a byproduct of the tension. Now, though, it veered off in the complete opposite direction: straight to awkwardness.

Against my better judgment, I thought of Anemone again. If she were here, she would just use her mind reading, like always. That sounded really useful right about now. Above all else, I wanted to take Fenn's thoughts and pour them straight into my own head, just so I'd know where to take this conversation.

But maybe not knowing wasn't such a bad thing. Anemone lived in a room at the top of a castle, unhappy and alone. And she didn't matter right now.

No more thinking. It was time to talk. Which meant…

I guess I could…ease him into it…?

"Well," I said indignantly, crossing my arms, "one of us has to go first."

Fenn placed his book aside. With a sheepish smile, he said, "U-um…you can go. Y-y-you started talking first…after all."

He sounded hesitant. Or maybe that was just him stuttering slightly more than usual. Or maybe I was just hearing things. Or maybe-

…Didn't I just say that not knowing isn't a bad thing?

I unfolded my arms, leaving them limp in my lap. My tiny, Dewott fangs nipped at my lip, threatening to pierce skin. Hoarsely, I said: "Alright, do you remember when we first met?"

Fenn looked to the side briefly. "Y-you mean when you bumped into me in the town square?"

"Ye- no, not that one. After that."


"Before that."

"O-oh! The library?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that. I offered to get you food and we talked."

"I-it was more like you…insisted on it…" Fenn mumbled.

Unfortunately. That was one more thing I would have done differently if I could. "I was kinda desperate," I admitted. "Anemone told me that I'd have to form a team in a day or she'd do it for me."

"Oh yeah…" Fenn's flame vents sparked. "Th-that was so unfair!"

Knowing what I do now, it was surprisingly generous of her. But that didn't change the fact that it made Fenn and I's first proper meeting a complete mess. I would have preferred not to coerce my future partner to like me through favors, thanks.

I shrugged. "It led to us meeting, right? Sorta."

Fenn smiled slightly at that. "It did. R-remember when you brought me Pecha berries even th-though you didn't mean to?"

"Ugh," I groaned, rubbing the bridge of my nose, "don't remind me."

"I-it worked out, though."
"I know! Probably would have worked out better for me if it didn't, though."

Fenn's giggling helped to ease the tension in my shoulders, if only a little bit. "I was confused a-at the time…but now I just find it funny. You acted so weird. B-but…where are you going with this, Oswald?" That question brought the tension right back.

Okay, here goes…

I grasped my scalchop fully, gripping the handle for dear life. With how fast my heart was beating, my body must have reacted as though I were in danger. In a sense, I was. Danger of a stress-induced heart attack.

I asked, "Don't you think it's also weird that I didn't know what a Pecha berry looks like?"

Fenn gave me an odd look. "O-Oswald, you said you have amnesia."

"I do."

Now Fenn just looked confused. "D-did that…change?"

I shook my head. "No, nothing's changed."

Before, I would have considered that a problem. Now, though, not really.

"I'm just saying," I continued, "I don't remember Pecha berries because I'm pretty sure I never knew about them at all."

Fenn blinked. "W-what?"

A fierce chill rolled down my spine. My wrist was starting to hurt.

"Actually, before that," I said, pointing at a canopy of trees in the distance, "do you remember heading into Figy Forest?"

Fenn looked over his shoulder, then looked back at me. His expression didn't look any less troubled. "W-well, yeah," he muttered. "I still don't know why my s-sister went in there, but…y-yeah."

"I don't either. Probably doesn't even matter. That's where I told you that I have amnesia, though, right?"

"A-after you almost died..."

"After I almost-" I shot him a playful glare. "Hey, it's not my fault you didn't warn me."

Fenn said impishly, "I-I didn't think it would be a problem. You're e-evolved, so…I assumed you could handle yourself."

Oh god, here comes the chill again.

This time I made an active effort to ignore it, hiding my discomfort with a smirk. "Well I can't because I never evolved," I said.

"...Y-yes, you did," Fenn retorted, eyes squinting at me as though I was crazy. "How else…h-how else is a Dewott supposed to be…made?"

I shrugged my shoulders flippantly. "I don't know. What do Pecha berries look like? How are Dewotts made? What the hell is a Mystery Dungeon? I don't know."

Any trace of a smile ran away from Fenn's face as he said, "...O-Oswald, what are you trying to say? I…I-I don't get it."


This is it. I'm gonna tell him.

I took a long, deep breath. The extra air made my head spin—that or I was close to passing out already.

Now was the time. I was going to tell Fenn that I'm a human.

He might never look at me the same. Hell, he might even see me as some kind of freak.

But I had to do it. I promised myself I would. Fenn deserved to know everything.

Another deep breath…here goes. I opened my mouth to speak-


I winced, grimacing harshly. Pain radiated within my mouth.

"O-oh!" Fenn exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah…bit my tongue."

That was not a lie. I genuinely did bite my tongue trying to talk, and now I was genuinely rubbing the sore spot on my cheek. It was still hurting for moments after. Ugh.

"Oh…th-that's not good," Fenn mused.

To add on top of everything else, my whole body landed in a limbo between blisteringly hot and frighteningly cold. The pink mist in the air suddenly became apparent, filling my senses with stifling rosiness, throwing in a splitting headache for good measure.

All the while, a single phrase mashed away at my skull: You can still back out of this. You can still back out of this. You can still back out of this.

I wondered if that tongue-bite was a blessing. Was telling him all of this the smart thing to do? If I wasn't careful, could this be the final step towards the absolute destruction of our relationship? Anemone told me not to do this for a reason, after all.

Who knows? My initial assumption could be right: pokemon here really do hate humans. Could be run out of town, or even paraded with my fur shaved off, naked for the whole town to see.

What if Fenn spat in my face and called me a monster, an abomination, and worst of all a filthy liar? Just the thought of that…I couldn't bear it. I could barely breathe.

And what would Anemone do to me? Would she contort my already broken limbs into a box two sizes too small for my body and berate me every single day for the rest of my pitiful existence?

I didn't want to be a failure, I just wanted to tell Fenn the truth. Could I even be blamed for that?

I told myself on that balcony of Kebia Castle that I was going to end this. No more lies. No more secrets. No more depending on changes that wouldn't come.

I was a human, but I was also a pokemon. I was both. At the same time, I loved another pokemon. I loved Fenn.

"O-Oswald?" Fenn said quietly, worry seeping into his voice. "Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes and saw him. Even the way he looked at me now, his fur so smooth and shiny, his eyes so beautiful and bright. They tugged at my taut heartstrings. There was concern there, and curiosity. But also comfort, and safety. He was relaxed, despite the conversation. He wanted to be here with me.

And maybe he wouldn't love me back, I don't know. I hadn't considered the possibility until now. I had been so afraid of taking a step forward, but I was also afraid of taking two steps back. If I never told Fenn the truth, though, I'd never move at all.

Was I being too emotional? Too irrational? Maybe.

But I made my choice: he needed to know. I had to trust him.

"I'm fine," I responded after a moment. "I'm…fine."

Breathe in…

Breathe out.

The words fell out of my mouth and out of my grasp.

"Fenn, I'm…uh…was…a human."

Fenn stared at me blankly. "...W-what?"

"I'm human," I repeated. I'm human. I'm human. I'm human.

A weight had been lifted from my shoulders, only for that weight to be replaced. Finally, I said it. But also…shit, I said it.

Fwoosh! Fenn's flame vents ignited. Many feelings crossed his face at once right then. At first he was confused, then bewildered, possibly angry, before averaging back around to being dumbfounded. He blinked some more, every bit of anger slowly leaving him. Along with it went his flames—dying out to a mere smolder.

He said, much quieter this time, "...Oh. S-so this is a joke."

Based on how hard my heart was pounding against my chest, I was operating on a stimulus akin to adrenaline. Nothing about this felt real. I gave my response before I understood what Fenn was even saying. "Yeah, I'm…what?"

Of all things, Fenn laughed. He laughed hard. "I-I get it now!" he beamed. "You're softening me up f-for the reveal! Ah…I-I feel so stupid for not…c-catching on sooner."

I was so taken aback that I had no idea how to respond. Yes, I knew it would be hard to believe. Fenn was probably conditioned to me making things up, too. But this time…I wasn't joking.

This was a mistake.

Every bit of pent up energy was sucked right out of my body, leaving me deflated, my whiskers like wet noodles. All I could do was frown.

Fenn slowly came to notice it. His full-on laughter turned into soft chuckles before dying out entirely.

Now neither of us were laughing. And Fenn's flame vents were puffing out into sporadic infernos atop his head. His eyes were as wide as the sun.

"O-Oswald…" he said, "i-it is a joke…right?"

"...It's not," I muttered, my shoulders lowering as if to make myself smaller. "I'm serious."

Fenn stared at me, the fur on his body haggard as it bristled. One of his paws pressed into the ground as he leaned back, possibly priming himself to rise. Only, he never did. Fenn remained rigid and alert, and moved very little.

His normally tender voice was strained. "Is…i-is that…what you couldn't tell me?" It sounded like he was in complete disbelief. Not just over my words, but his own as well.

"...Yeah." I looked down at my knees, away from his gaze.

"Th-the…a-at the beach…?"

I nodded somberly. "I'm from somewhere else. I don't know…where. It's not Pamtre or…whatever this world is called. Just…somewhere that isn't here."


I shrugged my shoulders up high. "I don't know."

"..." Fenn didn't move.

And neither did I. My claws had gone limp. My tail was flat behind me. My back was aching. I knew I should have corrected all of this—sit up straight, wet my dry lips. But I lacked the motivation to do any of that.

What else was there to say? Either he believed me or he didn't.

But there, I did it. It was done and I wasn't about to take it back. I told the truth and now I wouldn't have to think about it for every minute of my waking life.

I tried to breathe in, only to breathe out faster than I anticipated. And then I did it again. And again. I looked down at my paws.

…Am I shaking? Why am I shaking?

My paws were trembling like crazy. It was getting worse for every second of silence. I suddenly became conscious of a ringing in my ears, a heat so overwhelming that it was baking me alive, and a tension that was slowly killing me.

All the while, Fenn looked to be split in two: a flame stoked and extinguished. I could practically see the Klinks turning in his head. He was processing it slowly, carefully. Either that or it was an absolute whirlwind in his mind. His friend just unveiled that he was a being from out of this world—I didn't blame him. Comprehending it was just one step.

Although, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was debating on whether or not to run or report me. That had to be the case.

I clenched my fists and gritted my chattering teeth. Oh god, was that it? Did he hate me for lying to him? Did he hate humans? Did he hate me? Did he-

"U-um…do…do you really talk through your fingertips?"

…I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that.

Fenn was in fact looking at me—his full focus independent of the rampaging storm of thoughts. The alarm in his eyes had shifted. It was as though the fear morphed from being directed at me and more towards something behind me. If we were in a public place, I might have turned around.

I answered, hesitantly, "No…? We- humans talk through their mouths."

"All of them?"



Fenn scratched at his raised shoulder awkwardly.

I waited for Fenn to say more, but nothing came. Gradually, the ringing in my ears gave way to the whipping winds of the fields. My fur cooled, freezing the tension in the air. It remained frozen as though this revelation had gone on a sudden break.

I had to ask, "Where did you hear that?"

"A book…" Fenn muttered.

"A book?" I repeated, incredulous.

He sputtered, frustration springing to life just like his flame vents. "W-well how am I supposed to know? I-I-I've never even met a human…"

Just as quickly, the frustration was gone. His ears lowered, as did his posture. Fenn said, "...Until n-now."

My ears perked up. Did I hear that right? Immediately, that frozen tension fell to the dirt like a rock, completely inert. "So…you believe me?" I asked hopefully.

Fenn looked away. "I-it makes a lot of sense. In retrospect."

That earned a smile out of me. Phew! I chuckled nervously. "I made it pretty obvious, didn't I? Not…that I ever intended to. It just sort of happened."

But Fenn, who didn't pick up on the irony, was just as troubled as he was before. He uttered, gripping his arm tightly, "O-Oswald, you lied to me."

And there went the smile.

Oh…oh no. No no no no…! I tried to explain, but the words came out all jumbled: "Fenn, no I…I mean, I did, but…look I…it's not that simple."

"Why?" Fenn asked. It wasn't clear to me what he was referring to. "Th-the story you gave me, Anemone, Colbur Village, th-that bar we went to…" He shook his head ashamedly. "I-I just…ignored it. I know y-y-you had your reasons…"
I tried to speak. "Fenn, I…" But quickly thereafter, I sincerely wished I had bitten my own tongue off. I didn't know what to say. My heart was close to giving out.

I knew this would happen. Maybe he didn't care about the whole human thing, but the lie- the lie! He put his whole trust in me, even pushing his own concerns aside. And this is how I repaid him…

How can I ever earn back his trust?

Fenn's eyes shot wide open. He growled through furious, gritted teeth, "S-so…so stupid! I'm an idiot! I-I'm a stupid idiot!"

Wait, no!

"Fenn, stop!" I begged. "You're not an idiot; all of this on me!" There was a pervasive wariness to my voice that caught me off guard. The last thing I wanted was for Fenn to sink into his own pit of despair. I might not regain his trust, but I didn't care. I wanted him to be happy.

Seeing Fenn's eyes grow misty and wet hurt more than any stab wound or psychic abuse I had ever endured. I caused this, and it made me sick.

Fenn staggered out, his ears fallen limp against his head, "I-it's…it's all wrong. Every time…e-e-every time I have to figure it out on my own…"


He looked at me. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. "I'm tired, Oswald…" Fenn whimpered. "J-just…tell me. Why?"


I don't know why I obsessed over my past as a human when I wasn't one anymore. It made no sense to me. When we were in Micle half a week ago I briefly came to the conclusion that if anyone outside of the castle would know anything about my experiences—not my predicament—they would be amongst the crowd of human-revering pokemon as far away from the castle as possible. They were as close as I could get to the wider world at large.

But no. I didn't ask them about any of my experiences because that wasn't what I was there for. I was following someone who had put my face on a bullseye and threw darts at me, trying to pin me down. I wasn't thinking for myself—I was letting someone else think for me. Someone who treated me like a pawn, and frankly, hated my guts.

And now look where it left me. Did I even want to learn the truth? Or was I just trying to find excuses for my cowardice?

I didn't know. But I did know, at that very moment, that I wanted to tell Fenn everything.

I was Oswald. And I had decided that Oswald was not a coward.

I said, "The truth is…most, if not all of what I said about my past was true. But I…left out some details."

"W-what do you mean?" Fenn asked weakly, stifling an even harsher stutter.

"After we got back from the beach you told me that you thought I was joking there, too." I wiggled my hands exaggeratedly and spoke like an alien. "I came from another world! Ooooh!"

I groaned, letting my arms drop. "But the thing is, I don't blame you for thinking that. Because like, I wasn't being entirely genuine? If anything I was just saying something to make myself feel better. I'd come up with a half-lie and then I could feel better about every full-lie I've ever made. It's full-proof!"

My voice cracked.

I said, "And it's fucking terrible, I know. And I'm sorry. I should've just told you everything from the beginning."

I didn't know what to make of Fenn's expression: his eyes unblinking while his lips fell ajar, as his neck arched back and away from me. Stiff and stunned. Regardless, he didn't say anything in response. I had to finish what I started.

"Here's the truth…I couldn't tell you everything because I was afraid that I'd get killed. I've already had my life and limbs threatened by the queen and her lackeys. But that wasn't supposed to be a problem because Anemone was going to figure it all out for me."

I shook my head. My exasperation turned to fuming anger. "But it turns out that wasn't on her agenda anyway! She despises me and just wants me to suffer. Every step I take makes it worse-" I flicked my wrist back towards the direction we arrived in, "-and now I have to plead with my nanny for time outside." I let my arm fall back to my side.


"I'm not done!" I snapped, slamming my fist into the dirt. "It's so fucking unfair! Everyone acts like they know what's best for me when they don't know anything about what I'm going through! Except they do! They all know! But they just ignore it because it's more convenient for them! And to top it all off-" I looked at Fenn, his visage hard to make out through my own tears, "-I can't even tell you because they don't want me to. I don't get to say who knows. I just have to follow along."

I sniffled. "But I don't want to anymore. I'm Oswald. I get to make my own choices. Me! Not them!"

I could barely hold it in anymore. Shaking turned to dry heaves turned to outright sobbing. Every bit of pent up misery poured out of me, painting the flowers with salty tears. Through my heavy breathing, I was able to squeeze out just a bit more: "So there…that's why I lied. I'm…sorry…"

I lost it right then—the capability to keep it in. I hugged myself, digging my claws into my arms, trying to keep my body from convulsing, and failing. If my revelation on the balcony of Kebia Castle was acceptance, this was the grief that came with it.

I closed my eyes to block it all out, but the pain wouldn't subside. Something broke. A part of me just died. Not the pokemon part or even the human part. My pride, composure, and self-respect were utterly shredded. All that was left was weakness. Pitiful, awful weakness.

This was what it took to fully break me. Anemone could never do this; she didn't know me, this went deeper than just my thoughts.

Fenn cared for me. And I cared for him. But what did it matter if I was just a pathetic freak who bottled it all up until the world was a kaleidoscope of my own misdeeds?

At least he knew now. At least he could hate me for a reason. No one else could control that for me.

I just wished it didn't hurt so much…


What was that? Fenn?

I looked up at the Quilava. Through my tears, I saw his face. He was crying, too, the fur on his cheeks stained wet. But why?

I said, "What?"

Graciously, he repeated himself. "I-I…I forgive you."

Saying that something inside me was mended implied that I returned to a previous state. In this instance, it was more accurate to say that something else broke instead. A darker, thicker thing. That was how we as living beings worked, when you get down to it: we break down, reshape, then do it all over again.

Those three words loosened my claws from my arms, almost halting my sobs entirely. I stared, astonished.

"You…you do?" I asked, my voice barely louder than a whisper.

Fenn nodded. "I-I'm really sorry…Oswald. I was just…r-reminded of something else when you…told me the t-truth that I…I-I-I…" He shut his eyes to stifle sobs of his own. It looked like it would overtake him.

But Fenn was stronger than that. I knew he could do it.

When he opened his eyes, there was a brief moment where I wondered if the pokemon I was talking to was still Fenn. Hatred flared like a wildfire as Fenn glared at nothing, like he was thinking of something deeply personal.

Fenn—the real Fenn, the one I knew—returned when his gaze was leveled at me. There was no hatred there—not anymore. He said, "I-I've been…unfair to you. I worried s-so much about what you wouldn't tell me…w-when I have my own secrets, too."

That wasn't fair. "Fenn…"

I tried to say something, tell him that he didn't have to do this, but he cut me off quickly, vehemently.

"L-let me speak," Fenn sniffled. "I know I…suck at it, b-but I need to."

My paws were numb by the time they fell back into my lap. I so desperately wanted to lay down to let my body rest, let the beating of my heart slow. I wanted to lay down with him. But that would come after. Fenn wanted to speak sitting up, so I would let him.

He said, "I-I'm…I'm a…no…" Fenn sighed. "N-no, I…I made a mistake. I-I-I said I was f-fine when I'm not."

"...I did that, too," I uttered quietly. Smaller lies, but still lies.

Fenn looked at me in understanding. "I-I know you did. I forgive you for that, t-too." He turned his gaze back to the vista ahead of him, swallowing hard. "B-but this is different. I went home, t-tried to talk to my dad…a-and I couldn't do it, Oswald. I-I just couldn't…"

Oh no…

I suspected that was the case. As much as I wanted to believe that he was okay, something was clearly eating at him.

I didn't press him on it. Just like he never pressed me on my obvious lies.

Fenn said, "I told y-you-" he choked up, taking a second to catch himself, "-I-I told you that I was f-fine. I didn't…want to burden you, and I-I told myself that I needed time to think…"

"Me too," I spoke up hoarsely. "I thought a lot. But I came back to you in the end, though."

His eyes trailing back to mine as if tethered by a thread, Fenn nodded. "I-it hurt, being away for so long…"

My voice was hardly but a whistle in the wind. "...I thought about you every minute of the day, Fenn. You're all I care about."

Every blink was a new tear. Fenn weeped, "O-Oswald, I…y-you're not a bad pokemon, Oswald. E-even if…Even if you…y-you are a human…that's okay."

Pokemon…he called me a pokemon…

I sniffled. "I want- I want to do right by you, Fenn. No more lies, no more…no more. No more."

Fenn opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The tears had become a waterfall.

There were still things to say. So, so many.

I remembered I had arms at that moment. Warmth and soft fur, too. I let them speak for me.

I leaned into Fenn and pulled him into a deep hug. My chin rested on his shoulder, and his chin rested on mine. Our tears soaked through our fur and down into the dirt.

When we embraced, it started like any of our other hugs. Fur against fur, comforting warmth, and a tenderness that far surpassed any other gesture, like hand holding. Though with this hug, I could feel myself sinking, melting into him. Becoming one. Completely free. There was no inclination to move away at any set time. His arms tracing my shoulders, my back, my arms—like a soft blanket wrapping me up in the morning. We didn't have to get up right away. We could rest.

I held him tight, my fingers playing little rhythmic tunes on the back of his neck. Under the scarf, feeling that frazzled, tousled patch of fur underneath. I followed the path it left, riding the ridges of his collar bone, down to his chest. My paw laid flat as I searched for a thump, thump, thump…letting out a shaky sigh when it quickened to the touch.

My mind was racing, overloaded to the absolute brim with joy—beautiful, agonizing joy. Was this what it felt like to be free? To be honest? It made me feel…whole.

Why didn't I open up sooner? I felt so fantastic. I wanted to hang onto this feeling forever, hold it in my hands and cherish it like a treasured photograph. Something to keep me motivated whenever I was down, and to remind me of the pokemon who made it all possible: Fenn.

With so many thoughts surging at paces I could hardly follow, my body acted on its own, pursuing its great desire. Slowly, I pulled back.

We were apart, but we were still inches from each other's faces. Tears had yet to dry. My paw was still resting on his chest. There was a stifling tension between us, our breaths mingling.

Was it so wrong to love a pokemon? Sure, they looked different, had different abilities and customs. Yet...they were still like us humans. Meat still tasted like meat, after all. Fenn and I could feel the same emotions. Fear, joy, anger, silliness, despair, relief…

I knew that for certain when I gazed upon this Quilava.

His soft fur was gilded in sunlight, making a glowing zigzag around his tufts. A shadow eclipsed half of his body, and through that shade I could see his eyes—a pair of ruby-colored embers.

My body, once again, pursued its greatest desire. The words came to me, as clear as the sunrise. I spoke.

"I love you."

Fenn's eyes widened. His ears rose just a little bit, yearning to hear me better. "Y-you…you do?" he whispered.

"Yes," I whispered back. "I love you, Fenn."

The thumping of his heart quickened. At the same time, his paw moved, perhaps searching for his own arm. But he found mine instead, resting his paw on my wrist and squeezing. The last tear fell louder than the rest.

"Y-y-you…you…mean that?" he asked. Bewildered as he was, there was longing in his voice. A higher pitch.

My confirmation couldn't have come quicker if I tried. I moved my paw from his chest to his fingers, locking his digits with mine.

I said, my voice breaking, "I've wanted to tell you for so long. But I…I didn't know if you could ever love a…human like me back."

A couple stray sparks spritzed out of Fenn's forehead and landed between us, tickling our paws. "O-Oswald…"

For once in my life I had something to cling on to: hope. Fenn loved me, too, and I wanted to believe that was true. Yet the raging whirlpool of thoughts within my mind fought valiantly against this hope, pushing my insecurity to the top.

"You don't…have to love me back, Fenn," I admitted. "You're just…amazing. You've done so much for me, and you're so strong and cute and…" I sighed deeply, looking down. "I just wanted you to know that. Since we're being honest and all…"

Maybe I should've just admitted my feelings and left it at that. This wasn't about me, anyway. I was happy enough to hug him close one last time.

I just…is it so wrong to put myself first for once? I wondered internally.

"Oswald?" said Fenn.

Maybe it was cowardly of me to avert my gaze. If I was going to tell him how I felt, I should do it while looking him in the eye. I lifted my head up right then, if only to abide by his request. I could make it up to him.

But what I saw made my heart soar.

Fenn was smiling kindly. His flame vents were billowing small infernos, almost imperceptible in this light. He said, "P-please don't say that. You're…making me blush…"

I told him, because he deserved to hear it: "I mean it. Any pokemon would be lucky to have you as their partner."

"O-Oswald!" he blurted out, his tone surprisingly playful. "Stop it!"

I was confused. "Stop what?"

"S-stop…stop saying that like it's not possible!"

"...What do you mean?"

Normally, I wasn't too bad at picking these things up. But that whirlwind had yet to pass. I was so focused on myself—again—that I forgot to consider the best possible scenario.

Fenn said, "What I-I mean…is…I-I-I love you, too."

I blinked, my whiskers going stiff. My heart beat faster, an unsteady rhythm. Either the wind stopped or my entire world froze in place. One way or another, it was as though an entire beach's worth of sand castles were washed away, leaving only a barren canvas remaining.


Fenn's own confirmation mirrored mine. His smile reached his eyes. "H-how could I not? You're so…f-funny, a-and I think you're really handsome. U-um…" His blush was barely noticeable under his fur.

Which- to be fair, my cheeks were also as red as cherries. Mostly out of pure shock because…wow.


Holy shit.

A sudden noise played out from behind, startling me. Quickly, I glanced over my shoulder. I immediately realized that what made that sound was my own tail, batting at the dirt in a staggered pattern completely against my will.

"...Since when?" I asked.

Fenn shrugged. "I-I don't know…a while, heh."

But how?

I thought back to when we first met, how we started so distant and shy around each other. That changed so quickly, didn't it? Our walls never truly fell, but they definitely softened and cracked. At some point after that, the way I looked at this Quilava was altered. I started climbing that wall without thinking, pining to see what was on the other side.

It should have occurred to me that Fenn was climbing that wall, too. I should have torn it down for him.

I couldn't help but laugh. I'm such an idiot, I thought.

"Are you…?" I started hesitantly. "But what about me being a human?"

Fenn's flames grew, fighting that shadow on his face and coming out victorious. "Y-you look like a pokemon t-to me," he said. "As long as y-you're still Oswald…"

I balked. I was reminded of when we visited that beach. After such a bad day, the two of us confided in each other as we watched the waves. The bubbles sparkled in the setting sun, the ocean yawned on the horizon. Fenn had asked me a question: what kind of pokemon did I like?

I had said that it made no difference to me. But that wasn't true. It did make a difference. Fenn just happened to check all of those boxes anyway. I would love him if he was a Slakoth, or a Klefki, or a Magneton. Anything—I didn't care.

Why wouldn't Fenn extend the same generosity to me? Because I wasn't worth it?

Hell, maybe I still wasn't. But who cares? This was what I wanted.

And I wanted to let him know that I wanted it.

"I am," I said. "I'll always be Oswald." I rose to my feet, my paw still grasping Fenn's. "And as Oswald…I want to ask you something."

While Fenn might not have been hesitant to stand with me, his flames were snuffed out, leaving him in the state I knew him best for. He wasn't outwardly worried or nervous, but he was a bit fidgety, as though he wanted to desperately ask something of me, too. He ended up muttering, "A-anything. Go ahead."

I looked around myself for a moment, scanning the ground at my feet, looking for flowers. It had to be perfect—which was difficult without any lavender on hand. I dropped them all either. Would he like pink or white more? Pink was closer to purple, I supposed.

Should I even worry about presentation at this point? I thought. I don't want to screw this up…

There. A decent pink flower behind me. I took a step back and reached down to pluck it between my fingertips. It was fine, probably the most adequate shade of pink in the whole field. Washed out, a bit old. Soon to be dead now that I plucked it. Maybe I could pick another one.

Was I overthinking this? Oh god, what if I misread the situation entirely? We loved each other, sure, but did that mean he was ready to start something serious?

Fenn was standing across from me, waiting patiently for me to speak, his ears perked and ready to listen. When I met his gaze, he smiled.

My heart leaped like a Lopunny. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. Even his fire couldn't match the brightness of it.

I wanted this. He had to have wanted it, too. I just had to make sure.

Here we go. I took a deep breath and said, "So, Fenn-"

"W-wait!" Fenn cut me off, holding up both paws.

I jumped. "What- what is it?"

He whined, moving his right arm to his side to grip it with the other, "I-I wanted to do it…" A bright blush was starting to form under his fur.

I guess that answered that question. All of my trepidation was replaced with raw anticipation. My heart was still pumping, but now out of endearment instead of fear. "Aw, Fenn," I chuckled, holding out the flower. "Okay…if you want."

"Um…" Fenn started rubbing his arm. "N-no, I changed my mind. You do it."

"Oh. Nervous?"


"Me too. But…" I cleared my throat. "No worries. Alright…"

Flower in hand, I held it out and offered it to Fenn as a gift. I looked him in the eyes, only to avert my gaze immediately. My cheeks started burning the instant I saw that incandescent sparkle. The stellar shimmer reserved for pure luxury.

I felt like a lovestruck teenager with no concept of restraint or emotional clarity. My other paw, the one not holding the flower, reached behind my head without any input from me. My neck was itching, my arms were itching…everything was itching.

"Fenn," I said, slowly extending the flower forward, "will you…

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"...be my boyfriend?"

I turned my head just in time to see Fenn's smile growing, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes. He nodded his head. Once. Twice. Many, many times. None of which was enough to stop himself from dashing forward and throwing his arms around me.

"Oof!" I uttered in reaction. I was nearly thrown to the ground with the force of his hug. I dropped the flower; I didn't need it anymore. I wrapped my arms around the Quilava tightly, pushing my cheek into his, my whiskers playfully poking at his chin.

"Yes!" he whispered. "Y-yes! Oswald!"

I nuzzled him, my Dewott instincts seemingly winning over in the end. I wanted to feel his fur against mine. Breathe him in. Smell like him. "Oh Fenn…" I uttered. "I'm so happy…"

Our fingers danced on each other's backs as we rocked in place. I savored the warmth of his flame vents under my chin, my nose in his fur.

And then it began to click. Our rocking slowed.

From there, we searched deeper, closer. Dug into each other. His cheek on my ear, finding its tidy spot around the cloth and gentle skin—a churning and a crackling coursing through a tingling tingling neck. Every part of him was hot, only leading to me hugging tighter. Both he and I shuddered with the soft touch that naturally turned to teasing pinches that came with a young lover's first embrace.

He found my waist, down and down to the thicker fur at my hip. There were no words aside from our longing-filled breaths punctuated by contented sighs, but I could feel how impatient he was starting to become.

I, likewise, couldn't bear to wait. Our barriers were gone, the tender underbelly of our relationship ready to be unearthed at a moment's notice. I continued by gliding down his chest, circling back around to his waist. I gave him a cheeky squeeze, after which I quickly earned the squeak and giggle I was hoping for. My heart fluttered with my own silly chuckles. And then I had a thought.

I had always wondered what touching those flame vents would be like. Would it hurt from the sheer heat? What would it feel like?

I got my answer when Fenn kneaded his cheek against mine, my whiskers flowing with the smooth fur on his face. And through it all, I caught a hint of texture previously absent. A light scratch and coarseness, but not rough like sandpaper. It was like a peach fuzz—freshly shaven but somehow also similar to a sponge lathered with warm water. Instinctively, I breathed out in long, low bursts.

I never wanted to let go. The only thing that brought me back, filling my mind with yearning unlike any I had ever experienced, was the desire to see what I was so lovingly hugging.

I pulled back steadily and gently, but even that was not enough to stop the surprised and disappointed whimper from escaping the Quilava. I held his arms low down by his elbows and lingered, close as could possibly be.

"O-Oswald…" he pouted. And I melted. Fenn's ears were drooped, painted sunset red against the backdrop of fluffy white clouds. More red peeked out from the fur on his cheeks. It leaked out onto his short snout, filling out his face with delicate cherry flush ripe enough to smolder his cream colored fur. His eyes, too, were a wondrous ruby red. Wet and sparkling as if polished. So close and smooth that I could see my own eyes reflected back at me.

Words failed me. I wanted to stare for hours and absorb the gooey globs of velvet between us and spread it out across fields of roses and petunias. Water them with our loving embrace. Fenn, I would whisper to the flowers, I love you. I love you. I love you.

"Fenn…" I whispered back. But despite having the words on the tip of my tongue, they would not leave me. They whispered out through my fingers, my tail, my whiskers: I love you. I love you. I love you.

It was as though I forgot how to do anything but stare and marvel at the Quilava with a furnace around my heart. My mouth hung open limply, uselessly. What were words for, if not to express the most intimate of emotions?

His mouth hung open, as well. I could only imagine what words he would let fly if they had wings. From the additional whines rising from his throat, I could tell he wanted more. Needed more. More of me.

I adored the way his lips quivered when he was nervous, and how his fangs ever so slightly poked out from view. Maybe it was the pokemon in me desiring to bite and mark, but I wanted to taste the tender meat of his lips, feel the slight poke of fangs against my tongue.

His paws rose to my arms, rubbing them like he would his own, as if comforting me. Or, rather, he might have been encouraging me. My own paws remained at his sides as I found purchase there. A home.

I wanted him. So badly. More than either the human or the pokemon in me understood.

I couldn't stop myself if I tried. Eyes half-lidded, I leaned in. He seemed surprised at first, with eyes widened from their latent compassion. But that ended quickly once he fully understood what I wanted. What we both wanted.

He leaned into me himself as his paws rode the ridges of my thin arms, caressing them, eventually finding my shoulders. From there, his lips met mine without any issue.

It was a quick peck at first. Dipping our toes in the water, testing the heat. His lips found the base of my lower lip and I found the small spot between his nose and mouth. We both pulled back a couple inches for a reset and second attempt. This time was closer, with a breathy nip of mine finding a small bit of fur to take with me on the way out, leaving it pointed and wet.

Our third attempt was the closest. We had awkwardly shaped faces for a kiss like this—his longer even with his short snout. He turned his face a few degrees, though, locking lips with me. Like a long lost puzzle piece clicking into place.


Surprisingly, he was quite good at it. His lips curled in delight, opening and closing in tandem with mine, a steady back-and-forth. He tasted sweet, and a bit smokey. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about what it would be like to kiss him before. Sometimes, when his stuttering would get especially bad, and when I was feeling particularly bold, I considered shutting him up. No more extra effort to talk. Just let our lips tell the tale.

I was the one to pull back first, despite how much I never wanted it to end. But even water types like me needed to come up for air eventually. Besides, I had something to ask him, after all of that.

Fenn's breath was hot against my nose, his tongue still poking out. His pleading eyes angled up at me as if to ask "why did you stop?"

I chuckled, panting ever so slightly. I was curious. "Have you been practicing?" I wondered.

Fenn's eyes grew to twice their size. How was it possible for him to get even more red in the face? Sufficiently flustered, Fenn buried his face in my chest. He uttered, his voice muffled, "M-maybe…"


I pulled him into me, resting my chin on his forehead. "So, what now?" I pondered, sighing.

Fenn turned his head, letting his mouth go free. "I-I don't know," he said. There was a dreamy quality to his tone that made him sound like he was barely awake.

"Heh…me neither."

I was okay with that. For once, I liked being uncertain. It was exciting.

And Fenn was the reason why. If it meant we could do it together, I had no worries.

"S-so, um…" Fenn murmured.


"There was…one other th-thing I couldn't tell my dad…"

"What's that?"

"…I like males?"

I laughed. "Really now? I could've told you that."

He laughed back, burying his face in my chest again. "I-I'm glad I can be with you, Oswald. I love you."

"I love you, too, Fenn."

Confession - by Bograbbit
Kiss - by Timelocke
Author's Note - 9/28/2024

50 chapters. How's that for a "slow burn?"

I want to thank everyone that not only waited patiently for this chapter, but stuck with this story for this long. I know it took a while and it seemed like it wasn't going to get better at points, but I'm glad I was able to get here without much hassle. This has been a moment I've been waiting for for...years now. It's surreal finally getting here.

I had to make some major adjustments to this chapter mainly because I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to pull it off. And while I don't think it's perfect, I wanted to make sure I hit the beats I needed to just right, and keep things a little indulgent despite all of that. I'm sure some of you can appreciate it.

And hey, if you stuck around for this long, stick around for the rest. There's still plenty left to this story. It's just that now, our two leads can tackle it together. I'm very excited for that.

A huge thanks to my betas: Bonehead, Dust_Scout, and Timelocke. And of course, thank you. For everything. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Have a good one.
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Chapter 51 - Day 19, Part 1: Take My Hand


Frog on a mission
Chapter 51: Day 19, Part 1 - Take My Hand

I was committed to this.

Even if it drew attention to us, and even if there was a chance we would get some looks, I was committed to this.

I would hold his paw in public and enjoy it.

"B-but…" Fenn stammered, his face turning red under his cream colored fur. "Oswald, w-we don't have to."

"But you always wanted to," I retorted gently, making it a point to keep our fingers linked together. "That's what you told me."

He looked away, one foot still hanging back in our room. "I-I know…" he muttered.

I tried not to frown, but he was making it hard for me. I knew he wasn't trying to. That last second realization that yes, we would have to try if we wanted to make this worth it, was hitting me, too. Like an apple dropping on my head before the whole tree collapses. But daunting as it was, I was well past the point of caring about what people thought of me.

…Okay, that was a lie. I glanced down the hall just to see if anyone was observing us even then, considering it was still possible to make up an excuse. When we would get down to the first floor and walk hand-in-hand amongst the crowd, though…

I softened my expression, rubbing my thumb over the back of his paw. "Hey," I said, "it'll be okay. I'm here."

He looked at me then, and what a beautiful thing he was. His lip was quivering. His eyes shimmered like diamonds. That was the best part, wasn't it? Being able to turn my gaze and see the person I cared about the most right next to me? We were boyfriends now—a couple. Along with that label came all of the comfort and safety we could want—nothing could tear us apart now. I mean, just yesterday we could barely talk to each other.

It was a juvenile thing, how my pulse quickened when I was by him, close to him. I thought I could control myself better than that.

Or maybe I was still getting used to the new me.

Fenn said, "I-I'm just worried." It showed on his face and the smoldering of his flame vents.

"I know. I'm uh…" I scratched the back of my head with my free paw, smiling awkwardly. "I'm not sure how this will go either."

Fenn looked away again, his ears drooping like low hanging leaves. "They might…c-call us names…"

They could. I could think of a few off the top of my head they could shout at us. That alone would ruin our day, confine us to lonely corners of the castle.

But I had to keep reminding myself: none of it would come close to Anemone's promises. She was going to be pissed the next time I saw her—which could be anytime—and nothing could change that.

So who cares? I had nothing to be afraid of. Especially not a bunch of homophobes.

"They can say whatever the hell they want," I stated. "It won't change a thing. I'll still love you and I won't let go. So, Fenn?"

His eyes trailed up, expectant, as though he knew what I was going to ask. That didn't seem to bother him. Or me, for that matter.

I threw him for a loop anyway, because why not? "I think my stomach is starting to revolt." My scraggly whiskers rose with my smile. "Let's go get something to eat before it unionizes."

"Unionizes…? I-is that another human thing?"

I shrugged. "I guess? Probably." And it felt good to say something like that. Nothing about the answer I gave was substantial, yet Fenn's eyes lit up anyway. Both of us liked this new me, I thought.

The second we left the room, Fenn clung not just to my paw but my whole arm as well. He huddled up close to me, to which I jerked in surprise, my shoulder bag being the only thing to keep us from conjoining.

"You're being awfully clingy," I teased.

"…S-sorry," Fenn mumbled. Being this close, I could see how subtly he bit his lip and how the insides of his ears glowed ever so subtly with red heat. "It's u-uh…cold."

That sounds like an excuse, I thought. Maybe in the future when I'd be a grumpy old man I'd stake some value in my personal space. But ever since yesterday the two of us had been looking for reasons to throw ourselves into a cuddle pile at every given opportunity. Deep down I thought Fenn wanted to make up for lost time. Meanwhile, I just couldn't help myself. Two perfectly good reasons to give that Quilava another hug.

I kissed him on the forehead, right between his flame vents. "You're the fire type, not me."

I pulled back just in time to evade a spurt of embers, the tiny bits of orange popping up to paw at my whiskers. He nuzzled his head under my chin once it settled. His warmth coursed through my chest, making my heart skip a beat.

"A-and you're a stinky water type," Fenn cheekily reminded me back.

"At least I can take baths, smelly."

He pouted up at me. It was a smug pout, like he was getting exactly what he wanted but was acting unsatisfied just because. "Y-you kissed a smelly Quilava, then," he said.

I chuckled low in my throat, moving my face closer to his. "Want me to do it again?"

Fenn craned his neck up until our noses were inches apart. The answer was written along the dreamy reflection in his eyes. He made an indulgent, crooning noise, somewhere between a purr and a coo. Along with it came an uttering of the word, "P-please…"

Who was I to deny such a simple request? I slid my paw up his back, finding purchase at the nape of his neck. His paw—the one that wasn't furiously gripping my own—ran over the fur on my chest, stopping at the opposite shoulder. We interlocked our lips and played a little game of tug-of-war. Pressing into each other here, nibbling a little there, all while giggling like playful puppies.

Something I had gradually come to notice over the past day was that, when it came to physical affection, Fenn tended to become a bit forceful—moreso than before. Gripping me, digging his short claws into my fur as if trying to lovingly open me up like a present, often taking more than I could give without another breath. I supposed it made sense even if it did throw me off; all of that time keeping quiet had to be balanced somehow.

I won't lie…it emasculated me a bit to know he could absolutely overpower me. But I wasn't going to act like that was a dealbreaker or anything.

One of us had to peel off the other, which ended up being me. I dragged that Quilava along despite his displeasure, but at least that displeasure was linked to his lingering desire to kiss me more, not his anxiety.

Other than that, It was unfortunately business as usual as we headed down to the first floor. Fenn and I reconciled as part of the most harrowing evening of either of our lives, but the rest of the castle was milling about as if nothing happened. Selfish as it was, I couldn't help but bristle at that fact, in part because that meant the hallways were awash with unwelcome, prying eyes. Although, Fenn explained earlier that it was actually the weekend, and a large portion of the castle was out in town and in general spending time off-work.

For some reason I was just as peeved at how he knew what day it was in the first place. Being out of the loop annoyed me, too.

A lot of things were annoying me, as it turned out. I could feel the hot flush of red prickling my cheeks as I dragged Fenn along, him treating me like a walking barrier. Every time the fur on his hip brushed against mine, I felt him shudder. There were pokemon looking at us, with their eyes darting from up to down then back up again. Some, albeit not many, affixed their faces with one of three expressions: concern, confusion, or if I was really lucky—disgust. I imagined what they sounded like if they dared to talk.

"What do you think you're doing?" I could practically hear a passing Ledian say. "Don't you know that's unnatural?"

"Unnatural?" I imagined myself saying. "Yeah, I know a thing or two about being unnatural. What's it to you?"

There were maybe three or four instances where that could have occurred. I was so bothered by the possibility that I almost wished it would have. Maybe then my annoyance could have been justified.

And yet, nothing of the sort happened. If the passing pokemon didn't ignore us—most of them did—they gave us a friendly, unobtrusive smile instead.

I watched one pokemon as they passed me in particular—a Stantler with absurdly gangly horns and deep purple bags under their eyes. They glanced at me for a split second, smiled just a little, then continued on their way. Their gait told me that they had places to be, but no desire to be there.

Nothing more, nothing less. I felt like a jackass for thinking that, of all pokemon, that Stantler would give Fenn and I a hard time. I couldn't do worse to them than what they were doing to themselves.

Regardless, we made it about halfway down the hall, right near the courtyard…and nothing had happened.

"Almost there…just keep going," I muttered into Fenn's ear.

He jolted, puny puffs of black smoke exiting his vents like a sneeze. His grip on my paw tightened. His snout was still angled towards the ground. "W-we shouldn't have done this…"

I could barely hear him over the sounds of chattering guild pokemon. Really, it was the tenseness in his neck that tipped me off—the rigidness of his back combined with the sharpness of his whisper. It almost sounded like a threat when he spoke, better fit for a cornered animal.

I was ashamed to admit that it made my whiskers twitch—another addition to my repertoire of slights against this day in particular. At that moment, I wanted to say "let's just go back." Because who cares? Why did we need to be open about this?

Well, that was the thing. Ever since yesterday I kept getting this nagging voice in the back of my head. A shrill, discordant figure that blared obscenities through the back of my eyes, reminding me over and over again:

'Wrong choice, buddy. You fucked up. Now you're screwed.'

And it tended to slide out when I was contemplating any action that involved turning around. Like right then, when a particularly nasty look on this one Medicham's face entered my vision. I just had to wonder, why not?

Because I'm Oswald, I thought. Which was the end of that thought process entirely. The discordant voice screeched and scuttled back to its damp cave like the roach it was. It would be back. I just had to be ready.

I took a deep breath and gave Fenn a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Fenn. No one cares."

Not reassuring enough, though, as Fenn's ears only drooped lower. His eyes scanned the passersby around him, lingering for moments too long. Most of the pokemon weren't even paying us any mind.

He said with a nervous titter to his voice, "I-I can't believe it. All of this…I-I wanted this…" That was when he started rubbing his arm. "It's…i-it's not what I imagined."

Even though he really wasn't talking to me, I responded: "You've been imagining for too long."

He looked at me for elaboration.

But instead of giving him that, I gingerly pulled his arm away, turned him about, and took both of his paws into mine. I plainly read the surprise through his suddenly raised ears.

I said, "You don't have to imagine anymore."

"B-b-but…it's not the same," Fenn fretted.

"Were you expecting it to be?"

The Quilava glanced away timidly. He didn't even shake his head.

"Is it really such a bad thing?" I asked, even if I felt like a dick afterwards. What a hypocrite I was, acting as though the imagination was just some silly thing. That voice was nagging at me again, telling me all about how my insistence on this was just going to make Fenn hate me, so I was in no place to talk.

"I don't know…" Fenn uttered. "A-a part of me wanted it to get easier."

"You still want that, right?" Because hell, so did I.

To my confusion, Fenn shook his head this time. "N-no…no, that's not right."

"What do you mean?"

Fenn slipped one of his paws from my grip and lifted it to rub his face. From his vents down to his chin in a slow slide. By the time it fell to his chest and remained there, Fenn sighed softly. He opened his eyes and smiled warmly at me.

"I-if…if it was easy," he said, "I-I wouldn't have you."

I just about kissed him right then and there, but the occasional pair of eyes shot our direction reminded me to keep it subtle. My shoulders fell, as a tension that had previously snuck in ran off. My whiskers rose joyfully.

"I love you, too, Fenn." I took his paw in mine and continued our journey. "Come on. Let's go get something to eat."

It would have been really nice if we could have ended it on that note. But clearly, the universe had other ideas in mind.

We didn't make it two steps before we heard shouts coming from the lobby just around the corner. A stillness entered the hallway, most around us collectively deciding to turn their gaze. Really, it was nothing new. These things happen sometimes—it was a big castle. We might have hesitated further, and maybe even ignored it.

But the second Fenn and I shared a glance, I knew. We recognized one of the voices.

The two of us rushed past the growing crowd of onlookers to the foyer, where an altercation was in the midst of brewing.

"How about, you take those rules of yours, crumple 'em up in a ball, and shove 'em up your-"

I flinched. There was only one mon I knew that had a voice that scratchy and vocabulary more vulgar than mine.

It was Finch, struggling from behind a bodyblock of two Gengar. The Krokorok didn't look or sound happy, based on how frequently he was snapping his jaws and pointing a digit in accusation.

And he just kept going.

"Where's that slimy dipshit Aster anyway, huh? I got some words for him if he thinks this is fair!"

Fenn uttered a quiet "oh no…" next to me.

As much as I wanted to question how Finch even knew about Aster to begin with, the guards weren't giving me—and subsequently him—much time to think about it. They shifted their bulky, wispy bodies every time Finch so much as tried to move an inch. His arms couldn't even poke through the gaps between.

"We were told not to let you in, vagrant," one of the Gengar, a particularly greasy sounding one, said. "Explicit orders from Anemone herself."

"Yeah, no shit!" Finch hissed. "How about you let me go talk to her so we can sort this out!"

Seeing Finch so furious, and noticing the ways his teeth audibly clacked together, his tail raising threateningly, made me feel all kinds of queasy. Knowing Anemone specifically didn't want him here told me that he was never supposed to be here in the first place. One slip up, that was all it took. Just a couple days with him here, and a few with him gone, led to this.

The other Gengar, the shadows dripping from his form like ooze, cackled menacingly. "Ain't gonna happen, bub. Hit the road, or we'll make ya hit it."

Finch growled low in his throat. Just then I noticed how backed into a corner he was, what with the front doors being directly behind him. They had him locked down before he even reached the reception desk.

Were they waiting for him?

"O-Oswald!" Fenn spoke up, his flame vents sparking in preparation to ignite. "We have to do something!"

I knew I should have, but…the nagging voice came back. It had a different effect this time. Less of a discordant screech and more of a sneering hiss.

'Naaaaah,' it said. 'You don't need him. What did he ever do for you anyway? Cuz from what I remember, he caused you lots of trouble.'

I tightened my fists at my sides. Against my better judgment, yeah, all of the frustration Finch caused me when we first met clawed its way to the front of my mind. There was a sick part of me that found some satisfaction in seeing him lose his cool. Who did he think he was thrusting himself into my business like he had any right to do that? This was always going to happen.

Besides, Fenn and I reconciled. What did I need Finch for?

I wasn't quite sure when it happened, but Finch and I met eyes as he struggled. He slowed, a plan forming on his snout.

"Ozzy!" he called out. "Over here!"

Not only was I being singled out now, the pokemon surrounding the hubbub began to shift their gaze toward me expectantly. I heard their hushed, gossiping voices, eliciting my shoulders to rise. Everyone wanted to see how I would react. The cackling in the back of my mind was growing louder and louder…but you know what else was bubbling up at the back of my mind?

I'm Oswald. I'm past that now. I'm starting over.

I stepped forward, Fenn not far behind. His flames were billowing like an active fireplace. "Hey!" I snapped, my fists tightening enough to dig into my palms. "Leave him alone!"

At first, the ghosts turned to me with a look that told me they were about to blow up in anger. They were the guards, this was their job, after all. But then they saw the Dewott who yelled at them and I swear their gray faces paled.

"This doesn't concern you, Dewott," the greasy Gengar growled. What caught me off guard was that he didn't seem all that confident in what he was saying anymore. His sharp fingers twiddled against his stomach.

I crossed my arms and challenged him with a look. "Doesn't concern me? That's my teammate, asshole. Anemone not convey that to you?"

"He's telling the truth!" Finch shouted. "Look!" The Krokorok held up his arm to show the dark purple scarf wrapped around his bicep. He slapped it a few times for good measure. I pulled at my own scarf to accentuate the point he was making.

Fenn's fire had intensified to the point where I could feel the heat radiating off of him a few steps away. "H-he's with us!" he asserted.

Both Gengar were quickly losing their composure. The one with his ooze dripping from his body visibly balked, making him sweat like he was melting.

Honestly, that was more satisfying than seeing Finch stumble. If it meant stepping on the queen's toes…

"N-now you listen here," the Gengar stammered, "we have direct orders-"

But Finch didn't even care about them at this point. He only had eyes for me. "Ozzy!" he said, his tail thumping loudly behind him. "I need to talk to you! Get over here!"

I was moving at autopilot at this point. I wasn't even scared at the repercussions of my actions because I didn't even think about it. My head was only filled with the prospect of somebody in this equation losing the altercation. Not once did I think it could possibly be me.

Not until a Dusknoir rose from the ground, blocking my path and bringing me to a halt.

"And where do you think you're going?" Oleander said. The tone of his voice was as slimy as ever, and that made the fur on the back of my neck stand on end.

Oh come on…

I glared up at him. "I'm not leaving, Oleander. Can I not talk to people now?"

His wide form floated down, halfway through the floor to better bore his eye into me. He talked low, direct. Every word had a purpose accentuated by sharp peaks.

"He seeks to give you unscrupulous ideas," he stated. "Surely you must know that this vagrant only accounts for himself."

Fenn sidled up next to me, his fur acting as a warm cushion to fall back on. While he didn't say anything, the paw he placed on the small of my back told me everything: I'm here for whatever you decide to do.

With confidence, I said, "And what if I don't know? What if I talk to him anyway?"

Oleander's singular eye narrowed. "That will not be happening."

I blinked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Sure, I somewhat expected Anemone and her cronies to have a problem with Finch, but not to the degree that I couldn't even talk to him. This was ridiculous.

"Fuck. Off. This was never your job, Oleander. You know that!"

"It is now," he retorted, floating back up to his full height, his hands behind his back. "Lady Anemone stated it to be so with utmost clarity."

Anemone, huh? I wondered internally. Wait a second…that's not-

I countered by asking him, "Is this what Calluna would want?"

Oleander froze. Got him.

"Knowing her, she wouldn't want to inconvenience me," I continued. "Does she even know about this?"

The Dusknoir hesitated, then said, "...That is none of your concern."

I spoke quickly, as though I'd lose my chance if I didn't. I held up my paws. "Just give me five minutes. That's it. Five minutes then you can do whatever you want."

Nothing about Oleander's demeanor changed, but I could see the way his ghostly form seemed to waver more than usual. His response came slow and deliberate. "...Enough. I see no reason to grant you that luxury."

Except for the fact that you might lose your job?

I wanted to tear my fur out one clump at a time. God, I couldn't believe that I put up with this for so long. Every single time I so much as expressed an interest in stepping outside the line I'd get pushed right back in. It was maddening!

While I wracked my brain for another counter argument, Fenn stepped forward. I had to shirk my gaze away so the brightness wouldn't hurt my eyes. Flecks of fire spilled out of his active flame vents, sizzling as they hit the floor. He was like a living blowtorch, and sounded like one, too. Either that was his fire or his throat growling—it didn't really matter. All three ghosts backpedaled at the sight of him.

"H-he said, five minutes," Fenn uttered resolutely.

Oleander said, "Quilava Fenrir, I regret to inform you that attacking other pokemon in the castle grounds is worthy of a suspension."

But that didn't phase Fenn. Which made my stomach drop, and I wasn't even the one being threatened. He quietly cleared his throat. I didn't hear a lick of a stutter when he spoke.

"You sound scared."

There was a hint of genuine trepidation behind the subtle backwards movement of the Dusknoir. The tremble of his antenna. And the subsequent stammer in his breathing.

There was a long, considerate pause. Then Oleander finally relented: "...Five minutes. No more, no less. I will be timing you."

It took me a moment to recover, what with my boyfriend sounding like a completely different person all of a sudden. I'd have to poke him about that later.

Anyway, I blinked and said, "Sure, whatever. Please go away."

Thankfully, he and the other ghosts phased through the floor to their word. Finch was left alone and out in the open, his arms still raised in defiance. He looked at me in wordless shock.

I hurriedly made for the Krokorok, but not before turning to Fenn as I passed him. "Nice job," I said, the words tumbling out of my mouth.

"Y-yeah, y-you too," he stuttered. He followed close behind me, and his flames slipped back into his head along with his confidence. The tips of his ears burned a bright, fiery red.

After that, Finch had a smirk on his snout by the time we reached him, his arms crossed. He chuckled, and now that I was closer I noticed the dully colored backpack he had on. When did he get that?

"I didn't know you had that much influence, Ozzy," he said.

I frowned. "You're pretty smug for someone who nearly got arrested."

The Krokorok looked off at something to the side. His tail swayed idly behind him, but his snout was snapped shut, not a hint of teeth glinting through. Unlike Fenn with his big, pointy ears Finch was always harder to read. I couldn't tell if he was happy to see me or annoyed that I had to step in. Even the tone of his voice was smooth.

"Yeah, well, been a long few days," Finch grumbled. "I bet they just didn't want me tracking any dirt in." He then nodded at Fenn next to me. "Nice to see you, hot stuff."

"H-hi…" Fenn muttered.

My expression didn't change. Though hearing Finch call Fenn that name made my cheeks burn more than I expected. "We don't have much time, Finch," I told him. "They're gonna come back. Do you have a plan?"

Finch chuckled at that, too. But this time it was sardonic, like he had a whole weekend's worth of irony piled up that was only just then released. He said, "I do. But look, Ozzy, I want answers as much as you do-"
"This doesn't sound like a plan." I was starting to itch. A whole minute had to have already passed.

Finch held up his claws defensively. "I'm working on it. I want answers, too. About a lot of things. But neither of us are going to get anywhere without the other's help."

"What are you getting at?"

He leaned forward and lowered his voice. He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "There's a mine down south with information both of us need. I got us a ride."

"A mine?" I wondered.

He nodded. "Remember Turaco? This is where it leads."

"Turaco- oh." My eyes went wide. "That guy."
"Yeah. That guy. The Heliolisk with the stupid hat." Finch straightened his posture, looking down at me expectantly. "You want information? This is your best bet."

My best bet, huh…

It seemed so long ago when we visited that port town and I pestered that drug dealer for information. I could barely even remember what he told me; my attention was almost immediately split right afterwards. By what, I wouldn't know how to answer. Everything but that.

If what Finch was telling me was true, not that I had the time to consider the alternative, that lead I had was still tenable. I could finally learn about why I was here.

But circumstances had only changed since then.

I grimaced, scratching at a scalchop on my hip. "Small problem: I'm not allowed to leave," I said.

Finch's response was to point over his shoulder again. Gravel entered his voice, straight to the point. "The door's right here."

"Yeah, I see that," I said pointedly. "How far would we get?"

Fenn held up his paw, albeit shyly, to point out, "Th-that Dusknoir is looking after him. We…w-we had to plead with Calluna just to leave for an hour yesterday."

Finch let out a combination of a sigh and a growl—a deeply frustrated noise. "Great. That just makes it harder to drag you out of here."

I thought that Finch wasn't quite understanding what I was getting at, even if I, myself, wanted what he wanted, too. To be fair, though, I didn't think I knew what I wanted either.

Believe it or not, there was a lingering hope I clung to that some amount of good behavior would lessen the inevitable consequences of going behind Anemone's back. Maybe if I made the conscious decision not to do this, her psychic grip would only feel like a couple of sharp pins in my neck, instead of a hundred.

Just…the thought of her loud, booming commands ripping through my eardrums made me want to vomit. I knew I resigned myself to let it all go, but…

And I mean, do I really need this lead anymore? I thought. I'm Oswald. Does Oswald need to know for certain what his role in the world is? Is it really that important?

…How many minutes had passed? Shit. My fur was getting damp with sweat.

I shrugged clumsily. "I…don't know what to do," I admitted. "They're not going to let me…"

A whisper clipping at my ears: 'Pathetic. Just pathetic.'

Finch's dark eyes grew ever so slightly darker in the shadows. His claws suddenly had sharper points, or so it seemed. He snarled, "Don't you back down now, Ozzy. Not. Now."

I opened my mouth to speak, only to be shut up by Fenn leaning in and gripping my arm. I snapped my gaze towards him, catching sight of red, pleading eyes. Always pleading.

"O-Oswald," he said, "this is important to you…right? L-look, I don't know what you're thinking, but…I-I-I'll go with you. Anywhere. N-no matter what."

My throat locked up. "Fenn…" I breathed.

Finch, also, rested a claw on my shoulder. In complete contrast to before, he showed a soft selection of yellowed teeth. "Same for me," he grinned. "We'll figure it out."

It was brief, but I witnessed his eyes flashing between me, Fenn, then back to me again. After which he winked.

My cheeks grew hot.

I let out a sigh. You know, this wasn't even about me anymore, was it? After all, who cared in the end if it meant I did the opposite of what the queen wanted?

Although, there was one thing.

My eyes shot back to Fenn in a frantic rush. "...Wait, what about Cosmo?" I said, gripping the straps of my shoulder bag. "Isn't he back in the room?"

Flame vents bursting to life in an instant, Fenn seemed to have come to the same sudden realization. "O-oh!" he blurted out. "You're right! W-we can't just…leave him here. What if…"

"God…we can't…!" I uttered under my breath. My face fell.

We were running out of time. I'd have to make a choice after all. An actual choice.

What have I been doing this whole time? Cosmo…poor little guy—I had barely thought about him. So much was on my mind and I just jumped into my own little world and forgot about him and-


I opened the flap of my bag.

Inside of the bag was the sleeping face of a certain Solosis, tiny snores causing the surface of his bubble to gently vibrate. I couldn't even bring myself to frown or groan. Wordlessly, I showed the contents of the bag to Fenn.

He looked inside—face still full of anguish—and, seeing Cosmo, new life was thrust into his previously drooping ears. But his fire still fumed in what I could only describe as a disappointed inferno.

"...Oh," was all he had to say.

I closed the bag. "I guess that solves that problem?" I smiled sheepishly. We really had no other choice but to take him with us.

Fenn rubbed his arm uncomfortably.

"So, that means you're coming with?" Finch asked hopefully, gripping the straps of his backpack.

I sighed. "Yeah…yeah, I think so."

A grin spread onto Finch's snout, but it didn't last long. Not after a familiar intonation rang the conclusive bell of our conversation.

"Time is up," Oleander boomed with an obnoxious reminder in a deep cadence.

I turned on him, momentarily taking note of the thoroughly invested crowd around us. I hadn't even noticed that they were still there, let alone that they had condensed and gotten closer. Still, I ignored them. Gossip was the least of my problems now.

"What are you going to do, Oleander?" I asked with a scowl.

The Dusknoir pointed behind me, and as he did those two Gengar phased up through the floor behind him. They were still, but not relaxed in the slightest. No doubt primed like springs to jump at any moment.

"That vagrant requires questioning," Oleander said. "If deemed fit, you may converse with him more another time."

Finch scoffed. "Behind bars? Fat chance."

Oleander leaned forward—towering over us. He didn't change much besides that, but his frame was all the more intimidating that way.

I fought to keep from stepping back. "This is unfair," I seethed.

"Such is the way of things."

I hate the way he said that. All wistful and shit. Bleh.

Flames raging, Fenn stepped in front of me, blocking me with one of his arms. "L-leave us alone!" he snarled. A surprisingly frightening sound coming from a meek voice like his.

To that, Oleander leaned back, making himself taller. He looked down at us—over us. I swore I could see a hint of satisfaction in his eye. "I will give you one chance," he warned. "Step. Away."

As if on cue, two more Gengar floated up through the floor behind him. They fanned out, blocking every route outside of the one leading to the entry doors of the foyer.

I winced. Our chances were getting worse by the second. And I was starting to have doubts.

I even took a step back.

"Fucking asshole…" Finch growled in my ear. I almost thought he was talking about me. I wished he was, because he was right. Didn't I put myself in this position? Didn't I put us in this position?

Clearly, I did something wrong somewhere. Someone who did everything right would have a plan to get out of this. I didn't have anything. I just gripped my scalchop…and hoped I could get a good hit in if they got close. The thought of having to resort to a fight made my knees wobble, though. Like I said, I had my doubts.

'Give up…GIVE UP!'

I was just about to. But then something caught my eye.

My gaze must have wandered while I considered my mortality. I saw the pokemon watching me, studying me, exploiting my fear. Some looked about as horrified as I was, their worried whispers like crackling bubbles in my ears. While others, with their eyes sharper than fangs, pined for a show. A real show. With violence and bloodshed.

They weren't who I was interested in. I noticed one of them in particular; it was hard not to. His navy blue cloak and prissy white ribbons betrayed his desire to remain hidden. He couldn't traverse the crowd and avoid my detection, oh no.

It all clicked into place. I conjured up a thought before I could stop the adrenaline from congealing in my knees.

"...Fine, you win. I'll let you-" Then I pointed a finger at the crowd, quickly shouting out, "HOLY SHIT, IS THAT NEO, THE FENCER?"

Oleander's eye went wide immediately. He swiftly forgot what he was doing and swung his entire body about. "What? Where?"

It all became chaos from there. Voices split the cacophony.

"Neo, the Fencer?"
"No way!"

"Where? Where? There's too many pokemon!"

"I want his autograph!"

Even one of the Gengar split off to go fanboy the cowering, covered Lucario.

Meanwhile: "No, NO!" Neo bellowed. "Leave me be! I just want breakfast!"

It made me smirk, despite everything. By my estimate, we had a few precious seconds. Oleander was downright enamored, at least.

"Time to go!" I blurted out. "Come on!"

Fenn and Finch were quick to trail behind me, the latter howling with laughter as we dashed for the door. "Nice going, Ozzy!"

Unfortunately, that also got Oleander's attention. He stormed after us a moment sooner than I would have liked.

"Stop right there!" he shouted gruffly, to an uncharacteristic degree. "You are not to leave!"

A chill ran down my spine. We made it to the door, but it was big and heavy. If we wanted to get out fast, all three of us would have to squeeze through. Hard to manage in an orderly fashion when there was a Dusknoir right on our tails.

"Shit…!" I uttered. The door was moving too slow, even with both Finch and I pushing for our damn lives. We were going to get caught.

Was this it? All of that for nothing?

Apparently, no. Fenn wasn't pushing. Instead, he spun on the ghost, reeled back, and prepared to exhale. Except, he didn't right away. He caught himself at the last moment, clasping his mouth shut. Then, with embers spewing from his nostrils—and I swore I heard it—he burped out a cloud of black smoke into Oleander's face.

"Gah!" Oleander screeched.

Fenn coughed, wisps of fire dancing like erupting lava from his forehead. "G-go!" he stammered.

With one more collective push, the three of us squeezed out onto the front lawn of the castle. We toppled over each other, landing in nothing but a hapless heap. In a daze, I glanced forward to freedom. It was black, furry, and bulky.


I forgot about Crocus.

"Hey!" the large Pangoro snapped, glaring at the pile of mons at his feet. "What the-"

Finch gave him no time to think and yelled, "Run!"

My brain could barely shoot commands to my legs before Fenn had me upright and running, dashing around and under Crocus' legs. I stumbled, lagging behind if only by a hair. Which was just enough for Crocus to lunge and grip my calf on the way out.

"STOP!" The Pangoro's shout rang in my ears.

I screamed. "AH!" The two of us collapsed into the dirt as a daisy chain of flailing limbs, held together by the vice grip he had on me. It felt like my whole leg was caving in on itself from the pressure.

"NO- AGH!"

"Hold still!"

I panicked. My body started to shake uncontrollably.




I shouted so loud that I thought my vocal cords burst. In a split second, my paw shot to my hip and slid across the grooves of my scalchop. My arm flowed like water in an arc, swinging up over my shoulder then back down with force.

My scalchop glittered beautifully in my paw. A bright white blade that wasn't there prior jutted from its tip. It came down like a wave-

-and cut Crocus' hand clean off.


His scream was guttural.

Mine was feral.

Blood splattered into the dirt.


I slid from the hand's limp grip.


Fenn had me up and running again.


The world was rushing by.


We ran.




Author's Note - 11/16/2024

And we're on to something new. Took a short break after the last chapter, needed some time to finish other things in the meantime. I'm hoping to get one more chapter out before the end of the year. In general, I got less done than I would have liked this year, but I reached an important milestone so...I'll call that a success.

Anyway, I didn't initially plan on ending this chapter the way I did. I mean, I sort of had this in mind, but it was less intense. Glad I went with this, though, because this on-the-spot choice made me reconsider how I wanted to approach a later arc. This far in and still making drastic changes. That's just how writing goes sometimes. Keeps things fresh.

Bonehead, Timelocke, and Dust_Scout did a great job beta reading this one. And you (yes, you) did a wonderful job reading it.

Have a good one.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Merry blitzmas!
Disclaimer: My blitz reviews are stream of consciousness styled rambles. Let me know if you have any questions.

Since this is going chapter by chapter of these fairly old chapters I'm probably going to focus mostly on the plot. And may not cover that many of them, since a decent number of these are chonky.

-Protag-kun is allergic to positivity confirmed. :sadbees:
-Ah, Anemone's mind reading has stupid range, too. Just like Owen's Perceive. Cheating bitch.
-Okay, Anemone is allergic to positivity. Which makes perfect sense from what I recall of her.
-The room locks are controlled by pawprints? Are they, like, pressure-based mechanisms or actual scanners? If there are crude elevators here, anything's possible.
-Forced to make a team is... a different take on things, I suppose. Though I think I've seen "forced to make a team due to circumstances" and this is more authority based. Also Team SIS. That's what Lilac's team really is. Ladies who will talk your ear off.
-Anemone gets a private elevator? Gee, how corporate CEO of her. I suppose she also has the companycastle jet?
-Aww, yeah. Twerk it, Oswald. Get dem bitches. (Real talk, I know this is first-person but it would be helpful to get some sort of reminder of Oswald's species into the prose somewhere. I genuinely can't remember it.)
-Lilac is one of those slasher chicks for sure. Get on her bad side and :unquag:
-Ah, hello again, definitely love interest nervous wreck quilava. I feel like something deep in Oswald is doing the thinking for him at this point, with the way he makes an absolute fool of himself trying to get food. (And is he a picky eater?)
-Don't blame Fenn for being so nervous. Even with Oswald trying to be friendly and stuff this is still very suspicious. Practically asking a stranger to become roommates and teammates.

-Man, Fenn's feelings toward his job is my exact paranoia about not wanting to, like, do anything at my job when I know custodians have come through. I don't want to mess up their work. :sadwott:
-I've already made my personal mixed feelings on different POV styles entirely known. Still jarring. I'll just power through it.
-Fenn feeling like a failure but also struggling to deal with the social requirements of life is a mood. :sadwott:
-I take it this family mission, for as mad as it makes Fenn, will be what pushes him into a team with Oswald.
-Oh god we're doing total style shifts mid chapter now that's really jarring.
-Oswald goes to the Ash Ketchum-Leon-Ampharos School of Horrible Directionality.
-Is this what they mean when they say people fall head over heels for each other? 🤔
-No, Oswald, Fenn's right. It really is nothing you need to worry about, since you barely know the guy.
-Not as much to say about the two making the trek toward the dungeon entrance. It's very much both of them being awkward around each other and Oswald's mind working overtime trying to parse what's going through Fenn's head. It's like a long preamble to a tutorial dungeon, but with slightly shifted dynamics.

-Neat art. Fenn's got a chibified look to him :mewlulz:
-Hero pukes upon first setting foot in a dungeon. Charming.
-Right of the bat I see we are going with the very literal interpretation of the dungeons. Ripped right out of the games. Including naming the floors in the middle of the prose which, uh, yeah, really not a fan of. Much too game-y. I did the same thing for GL, yes. And I have since come to dislike the practice. :sadbees:
-And we're going with the "not being open about humanity" route. Not the first PMD fic to take that secrets and lies approach. Probably the longest and still active-est of the ones I've read, though.
-Bro, Fenn really hit Oswald with the "Okay, I believe you." 😭
-There was a bit of tutorialization going on here but mercifully the dungeon trekking doesn't go on for too long. Scyther just getting roasted alive — although I'm not sure if it counts as alive in this fic's worldbuilding — is strangely brutal for what seemed to be a very soft fic up until now.
-Okay, this time I got it was a trevenant before the species was firmly revealed. Though, to be fair, there are only so many 'mon that look like a big, evil tree.
-Did... did Oswald throw the heal seed at the enemy? Wow, he's not just level 5 'mon bad, he's absolutely terrible. Also, this fic seems to be setting up low power scaling. But unlike other low power scale settings, everyone isn't also made of iron and goes down to a couple of hits. Or, at least, Scyther and Trevenant do. I hope the trend continues, particularly for random dungeon 'mon.
-Brutal that Oswald is keeping secrets but is basically clued into Fenn having them thanks to his innocent sister.
-Of course Oswald decides that "We should prove Anemone wrong by having you join me as an explorer." And Fenn isn't batting an eye despite how absolutely useless Oswald was in the dungeon.
-Team Lavender isn't gonna work, even if this is the "roll credits" moment for this fic's title. After both these dweebs turn down the bed, they are... Team Idiots. They just need monogrammed biker jackets and they're ready to go.

-Suddenly Dahlia again. I figured she'd be back. But not this quickly.
-Envisioning tailow with ears is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuursed.
-Ah, yes, adapting murkrow's love of shinies from the dex.
-Dahlia's gonna be big sussing on Oswald, isn't she?
-Furry accessories get! Now it's official uwu
-Aster seems to be a Loudred stand in. Complete with random ALL CAPS words. I'd personally prefer bold face or something. It's less... video game textbox-y. Same deal as "...", which really isn't something for prose fics.
-Oh, a bunch of these places are named after berries. Which are plants.
-Punchdog sighted. Of course the lucario is the 'famed explorer.' Probably a Rescue Team Lucario rank shout out. But I'm immediately going to wonder if this Neo guy is, in fact, not all he's cracked up to be and hiding stuff.
-Okay, yeah. This guy's a giant ham and shouts about aura like movie lucario? Fraud. Total fraud.
-A porygon2 as a mentor is different. But a porygon2 as a tutorial fairy feels so on the nose it almost hurts.
-The duo's splitting up already. Well, it was fun while it lasted. GGs.
-Psychic Wars? I know this is an important worldbuilding thing, but you need to bring this up to Namo. :copyka:
-Ngl, the bit with how Oswald learned Water Gun got a chuckle out of me. I like this Allium guy. Hope he sticks around.
-I feel like Oswald is going to be subject to a lot of straight confusion for a while.
-I'm imagining a quilava getting dry cleaned like a shirt now. Thanks.

-Is it safe to say Fenn had a better relationship with his grandpa than his parents?
-I think more PMD fics in this modern era have the partner hard carrying their human teammate. Wonder when the trend started...
-Guild members find the stones, get a paltry reward (which gets taxed) and then the guild turns and sells them for a profit. Capitalism has hit the PMD world. :sadbees:
-Oh no, Fenn's inferiority complex is gonna put them in danger for real.
-Fenn's already getting antsy with Oswald and seeing lies for what they are. Which makes me hope this secret keeping doesn't get dragged out for too long.
-Surprised Oswald didn't counter Fenn with the fact that he talked okay to him every time they bumped into each other.
-Okay, Fenn has really bad social anxiety. Like super duper bad.

-Blood red canyon? 3edgy5me
-Weird cubes with facial expressions to unsettle Oswald and Fenn? 4edgy6me
-Oswald when the dungeons are mysterious: :unquag:
-Art is gud
-Wait, the narration calls the geodude a feral? So, they're straight up just killing ferals? :unquag:
-Fenn needs to spend some time with Hop and Nemona learning about type advantages. 😔
-Jeez that graveler kill was somewhat brutal for these cutesy little critters.
-Chapter so far seems to be a case of overconfidence kills. For Fenn, at least. Oswald is ready to fold 'em despite the type advantage.
-Ponyta's got zoomies.
-"Stream of liquid I discharged" There's gotta be a better way to phrase this. :unquag:
-Okay this dungeon's being combed over in a lot more detail. Which is, uh, the exact thing I praised Figy Forest for not doing. There is some conflict brewing between The Idiots, but it is just a lot of walking around and fighting ferals and that's... pretty repetitive.
-Oswald learns that metaphoring isn't a free action. 😔
-As I expected, the mission's a bust and Oswald has to deploy the escape orb to flee. I suppose all that time on the other floors was meant to build up to it. But, again, it was quite repetitive and I wonder if the key bits couldn't have just been summarized and more spotlight given to the losing fight with Arcanine.
-Glad to see I was right about Flash Fire. I figured that's what the brighter Flamethrowers were referring to, but wasn't a hundred percent sure.
-Hmm. I feel like the shame spiraling Fenn has at the end. Or, hell, even the point where the first mission is called a failure feels like a natural stopping point. But the chapter keeps going for a few more scenes. Short, yes, but I think they might've been better off as the next chapter.

-I think this malamar and sableye duo showed up in the prologue, though I can't quite remember. In any case, of course a malamar is a dastardly whiplash sort of card carrying evil villain. Who wants to pull a Team Aqua, amongst other things.
-FYI it's "unown" not "unknown" for the species.
-Less than a month until takeover? Guess that gives me a sense of how brief the actual timeline of the story is. Which is fair, when days are getting, like, three or four chapters dedicated to them.
-Guiding moonlight, huh? He trying to connect with Lunala? Or Cresselia? Maybe neither but those are two powerful psychics related to the moon.
-Oh, wow, shockingly short chapter. Focusing exclusive on the villain cutaway. I get that you want it to sort of standalone, but given how short this chapter is and how the previous one feels like it ran a bit over, I do think you would've been better served lopping off the end of 8, after the "mission failed" sentence, and having the shorter scenes serve as the start of 9 and lead into the villain cutaway.

-Not even pokémon are safe from the horrors of chapped lips. 😔
-Terrible at confrontation 🤝Terrible at socializing. They really are made for each other :mewlulz:
-Lotta tense confusion with Oswald's inner monologue about Fenn here.
-Rule 1, Fenn. :screm:
-"You are amazing in every conceivable way." Laying it on a bit thick there, ain't ya, Oswald?
-Oh no Oswald is slowly having his furry awakening.
-Lmao the fic gave 'em free money by proxy. Never punished!
-So Pink is just a procrastinator and/or has poor executive functioning skills. And is a lesbian.
-Welp. Now Dahlia has even more reason so big sus Oswald. Also, if I were you, I would've avoided leading with the big bold "meanwhile." The scene break's enough. That meanwhile feels more like it's meant for a TV show or a game.
-I feel like the meat issue is something that's going to keep coming up in this fic. Even if there's the clear feral distinction. Then again, given they're just outright killing ferals in dungeons, I guess you might as well tackle this head on.
-Diving off a dock into a mystery dungeon sounds like a terrible idea. These "picky entrances" are unique, though, I'll give you that.

-Okay, opening this dungeon with a monologue about Oswald hating his name was not what I expected. Also, rule 1, buddy.
-The dungeon ideas you have are nice. Video game level-y in their execution on paper, but you make them work. Getting art to back it up probably helps with that, since it gives me a visual for everything.
-Don't quit your day job, Oswald. I agree with Goldeen, you're a terrible comedian. 🍅
-No, no, Oswald, you should definitely be concerned how happy Fenn is to kill ferals. That's the makings of a serial killer right there. :unquag:
-These wishiwashi are totally going to go Schooling mode and be the "miniboss" of this dungeon. Since both the other dungeons have had them. At least the actual dungeon crawling is kept to a minimum here.
-Yep, there it is. Called it.
-If this dungeon is "underwater," how would these attacks work? I feel like the fire and water-type attacks shouldn't— oh, whatever, it's magic video game logic.
-Either the villains are somehow reaching Oswald through the dungeons, via the "methods" Larkspur talked about in 9, or there's a different force trying to contact him. Either way, I think the transition from the abrupt exit to having Oswald come up with an idea to investigate the matter and also put it into action felt a bit too sudden. Mood whiplash and all that. Also, guess they were punished for their good fortune after all.
-I'm definitely thinking Larkspur's psychics got into Moa's mind and mucked about there. And with how angry Oswald gets, and so quickly, it again gives me mood whiplash.

-PMD fic writers make mismagius anything other than a mischief-making cackling witch of sorts or draw 25. Snap: [hands full of Uno cards]
-Calluna's already a shipper on deck. Smh my head.
-By the way there's something up with how you ported this chapter to TR. Every paragraph is super spaced out for some reason.
-Calluna's probably not evil or anything, but she's still a witch.
-These ghosts need a good spritzing.
-And straight from a witch to a bitch. Anemone also probably isn't evil and maybe there's some tragic backstory — like the stress of running everything, apparently — that makes her such an awful person to be around. But either she'll be forced to soften up as the story goes along or her ass is going to get swiftly booted to the curb.
-Judging from Anemone's explanation, Larkspur probably has this Spatial Orb and used it to summon Oswald. And has been using it to try and get to him via the dungeons. I don't know if the Spatial Orb is meant to be powered up by Oswald to let Larkspur do whatever his super evil ambitions are or if Oswald is needed for a different device, like whatever's given at the end of 9.
-Oh, never mind. The Kingfisher Device is probably the thing Larkspur wants Oswald for. The gems are the keys mentioned in 9 and Larkspur's (most likely) gotten one.
-I don't think both bold and CAPS are necessary for the massive shouting.
-Wonder if the Spatial Orb is a relic of Palkia's power, sort of akin to the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs (and their Legends equivalents) in the main line games. EoS did give us the Space Globe, which looks like Arceus and is found atop Destiny Tower and bestows great power on the wielder.
-Aaaaaand from that pleasant conversation onto sparring that I admit doesn't hold my attention. Also, edgy wartortle is edgy.
-Rule 1, Oswald. Again.
-Given that this is another longer chapter, I wonder if it should've gotten broken up at some point. Especially with Anemone dropping all that lore on us earlier.
-Already reaching the hugging stage. 😳
-The bit with the torchic felt a bit too much like it was telling Fenn backstory to explain social anxiety that we're well aware he has.
-The sea shanty was neat. Though part of me wonders if there should've been some reactions from the characters to the music.

-More tense confusion at the start here. I get trying to have a lemony narrator of sorts, but it misses if the prose gets a bit jumbled with tenses.
-Is that natu channeler, like, being controlled by Anemone? Or this yet another person who knows about Oswald after all the kerfuffle last chapter?
-Calluna and Aster feel like walking (floating?) sexual harassment complaints.
-I'm not sure what to make of how casually these characters throw around certain legendary 'mon names. Are they deities here or just folklore or what...
-The orphanage stuff felt like another exposition blurb about a character's backstory that got kinda... shoved into the narration.
-Oh, hey, the tapus guarding important relics. Now where have I seen that before? Nice to see some rep for them in another PMD fic.
-Ah, they don't know Larkspur's actually alive. That should be a fun reveal when it happens. And they know the dungeons are messing with Oswald's mind. I think, despite Anemone wanting him to stay out of it, he's going to get roped in eventually. How long that takes? Hard to say. This feels like a slow burn fic, so I'm not sure it'll happen quickly.
-Oooooor maybe Calluna is scheming like the witch she is. Not evil scheming, necessarily. But still. Big squinting and all that.

-For the first-person POV in particular, I feel like these early chapters could've used much less thoughts-as-dialogue. It is another very video gamey thing... that I also used to do until it was pointed out to me and suggested to take that energy toward livening up the prose. And using thought dialogue sparingly so it has more impact.
-Calling the performance fun feels a bit... flat when nothing was actually described and we just got the shanty.
-Is carpentry this fic's equivalent to sentry duty? :mewlulz:
-See? Even Oswald acknowledges that they're The Idiots™
-Wow construction work moves fast in Flowerbeds land if the work is already starting the next day.
-Using "legendaries" like a plural noun as the fandom often does is a personal pet peeve. Call 'em legends or gods, I say. :P
-Oh no, not the ear scritches. It's super effective!
-Well, at least Oswald is able to admit he has to keep things secret because of Anemone. So that... softens this whole secret keeping thing a bit.
-Lol Fenn actually bought the lie about Anemone right after not believing Oswald's lies about his memories.
-Random senile, hard of hearing drampa is random.
-Ah, so this solosis is what the chapter's named after. Feels a bit... strange for this to crop up after the conversation previously. Almost like filler. Aaaaaand he does the Hoopa referring to himself in the third person bit. I hate him already.
-Lmao, Oswald got scammed.
-I had a feeling this would... be a new recruit of some sort based on how Cosmo's intro scene played out. It's still out of left field. Which makes me wonder if he'll even stick around.
-Wow, they went straight from hugging to sleeping together. How forward. 🫵🏳️‍🌈

-Something tells me this chapter doesn't revolve around normal-types.
-One of the best night's sleep, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-Again, dunno if Cosmo is a permanent fixture, but if GL taught me anything, it's to not have characters with significant speech gimmicks being major players in the fic. Maybe some recurring appearances here and there (like I'm doing with PoV), but probably not front and center.
-Introducing Cosmo to stuff feels like we're retreading ground. The games sometimes do that, too, but doesn't mean the fic has to.
-This kid is on a perpetual sugar rush. :grohno:
-I hope the souls eating joke was meant to be awkward... because that was my take.
-I imagine Oswald saying "You're selling me a rock" with all the energy of Charlie Brown getting rocks trick-or-treating.
-A... are revivers really that powerful in this setting? Though trying to go into the mechanics of it doesn't hold my attention much.
-I had a feeling once the landmarks were mentioned that they'd passed into the dungeon without realizing.

-Mystery dungeons psychologically messing with Oswald this bad feels like something right up Vulpi's alley. Were you inspired by her in any way?
-Get in the bag, NebbyCosmo.
-Ah, the kid is not having a fun time, either. Maybe he won't be around for long.
-How would Oswald have any way of knowing if half an hour passes on a dungeon floor?
-I, uh, don't know what to make of the interjection that sounds like Oswald flirting in his narration. It's somewhat jarring and out of the blue and the prose quickly moves on from it anyway.
-Oh no Oswald is developing Fenn's slasher joy at killing ferals.
-[gasp] Oswald swore in front of the child! D:
-He said the "Get in the bag" thing! :quag:
-Man, I can't believe The Idiots went from sharing a bed to co-parenting in less than chapter.
-Things were admittedly numbing for me up until the point where Oswald got split off from the others and seemingly gets his mind prodded at by the dungeon and falls into some sort of vision. I want to say this Larkspur fucking with Oswald and trying to stir up more distrust against Anemone. Since, even by cryptic big good standards, nothing sits right about this "gallade" he meets. The vision's fairly brief and I do wish we'd gotten to this part faster and with less dungeon crawling/babysitting preamble.
-Another doctor with dubious bedside manner. Oh joy. :unquag:
-"Losing unconsciousness" is a contradiction. Pretty sure that's meant to be lost consciousness.
-So, Fenn got blinded by rage seeing Oswald hurt, huh? Apple may not have fallen that far from the tree...
-Yeah, these random bits where we lose the third-person limited POV for a lemony narrator feel a bit jarring. Trust me, I get why they're there. I used to do it a lot too before others suggest I rein it in.
-I don't think they're going to be able to stay out of dungeons. This is more of a ten-minute retirement sort of deal.
-But also, whoompf, this chapter was long. Part of me thinks the moment the gardevoir lunges for Oswald is a good cliffhanger splitting point. Or, hell, after the vision. Or the preamble dungeon trekking could've gotten trimmed...

-Of course there's gambling here! Why wouldn't there be?
-Are pokémon not people here? It's another one of those weird fandom quirks that makes me scratch my head. They all have human level intelligence. People doesn't need to refer to humans in furry logic places. XP
-Team Snapdragon? Okay, author. If you're going to do Easter eggs, at least pick your friends and not yourself. :P
-Marigold is totally tempting fate with the statements about how safe flying-type travel is. And paralleling the (logical) statement people make to counter those with a fear of flying.
-Like how Cosmo's innocence makes him able to accurately guess Oswald's deal without really being in the loop.
-You're getting flustered because you're in wuuuuuv.
-Oh, this gothitelle is absolutely the one from 9. This is bad news bears.
-Nooooo not a (probably) evil Espyyyyyyyy. :sadwott:

-Nite gang rise up, I guess? But also yay morally dubious mission time. Imagine they're taking a job for the equivalent of the mafia here.
-Fenn is like me when it comes to flying. A bit of turbulence and my HR and BP are shoooooting up.
-Cosmo really is the Nebby of this fic XD
-Oh, did Oswald really not realize it was flying that Fenn was scared of? He can be so obtuse when the fic needs him to be. XP
-A lot of time dedicated to the preamble to actually flying so I'm glad we more or less cut to the destination. Poor Fenn is still in shock, though.
-I get the sense Occa Village is rather religious. Maybe the rumors are because they're a bit too religious?
-Peon's description makes them vaguely sound fundamentalist, but it's hard to peg.
-Guess we're hunting monkeys.
-Oh now is when Oswald gets some reservations about the ferals. I guess there's a "kill or be killed" mentality in dungeons. But Oswald is certainly questioning things now. Feels like this will dovetail with some of the meat eating stuff.

-Opening here is giving me some hope what's in the dungeons are just apparitions of some sort and they're aren't just killing with reckless abandon. Then again, Fen did just kill a 'mon, so...
-Oswald really freaking out here, then. And in comes Cosmo to tell his dads they need to stop fighting.
-I wonder if Oswald's conflict between harming actual ferals vs. the dungeon's awful psychic stuff is going to bother him enough to take dungeon missions again.
-Ooooorrrr Oswald is able to logic himself back into killing the ferals, even if he does come to regret it. There's a lot of guilt and melancholy with this one. It's interesting. Perhaps a bit too heavy-handed, but overall I think it does the job you were looking for it to do.
-I think it would've been better if you'd shown the awkwardness of Fenn and Oswald's conversation with actual body language instead of a bunch of "...". Leaves too much to the imagination, IMO.
-Well, at least this gets Oswald to spill... some of the beans. So the secret keeping has mostly been blunted at this point.
-The shift to romantic interests though is a hard swerve. Almost hilariously hard. Fenn getting very forward with his questions, but Oswald can't put two and two together.

-Feels like you head hop from Dahlia to Stork for a bit of this intro and it does throw me off.
-This tailow really is out here stealing gems off random people. Are we sure the guild is the good guys? 🤔
-An orphan committing arson on the old orphanage? I feel like if you're bringing this up, that this might become relevant at some point down the line.
-I see Anemone's plan of spreading rumors about legends just being attacks is already failing. If this random tailow can catch onto the truth already.
-I appreciate that the rest of the day is summarized. Felt like you could've had 19 keep going to show the end of the day or something, but you have a good natural stopping point as is. More of this pls.
-Ten days is... not very long, Oswald.
-Oh boy the kid is angy at Oswald. And, like a kid, is easily snapped out of it.
-Psychic villain trio is back. Yeah, this means Espy is bad. :sadwott:
-I think Allium is Swift's dad. And, uh, may not pay him the most attention? Or treat him somewhat similarly to Fenn's dad does to him?
-Is Oswald blessed with stupid protagonist durability powers?
-Kid confirmed then. And it seems like a species-related complex for Allium and Swift. Oof.

-Mud and bloody bandages feels like a recipe for infection. But I guess with all the magical healing powers of this setting, Oswald has nothing to worry about.
-Wait, they're not in the same egg group? Huh. I can't even call it a cursed pairing. They're water-type starters. That seems pretty compatible. Though clearly something's up with eggs in this setting, though I'm not sure how relevant it is to the plot.
-No exploding on castle premises? I can hear all the golem line crying out in sadness.
-Even if a water-type, going out in the rain in bandages sounds like a bad idea. Oswald doesn't have Rain Dish as his ability.
-Apparently umbrellas exist here. Do... do they make onix-sized ones, then? 🤔
-Ipo has big "I'm not paid enough to do this job" energy. :sadbees:
-Were Cosmo's parents actors who either abandoned him or were lost to some sort of theater-related tragedy? :copyka:
-Even in the pokémon world, umbrellas suck at keeping your legs dry.
-Feels again like the narration "slips" from Oswald into more of a lemony narrator when describing this play.
-I'm going to just... casually add this fic to the "list of PMD media where zoroark illusions are stronk."
-Oswald wants to RP librarian stuff. Understood. Totally not an allusion to yourself there.
-Lmao you actually had the serperior that got her gem swiped show up.
-Of course the fortuneteller's father was an absol.
-The crystal ball stuff feels like when you upgrade a partner in TTYD with Merlon. SHA-ZIBBY!
-Yeah, I pretty much expected Oswald to roll a "tilt" on the fortune telling. I've seen that happen in a fic before. Granted with a xatu, not a grumpig.
-He was carrying that drumstick in a bag that's gotten soggy after having it out and about with him? I realize this is supposed to deal with the inner turmoil of meat eating but it's a bit undermined for me by the fact that it'd be cold, likely soggy, and— oh, okay, he's getting rid of it and Stork is yoinking it.

-Bruh, Fenn can't be asking why those words make him feel funny after he was asking Oswald about dating preferences two days ago. 😭
-Okay, at least his monologue seems to suggest he is in wuuuuv and just uncertain Oswald returns the feelings.
-Sounds like someone (probably Anemone) has slammed the Emergency Meeting button.
-Persian, Luxio, and Pyroar, huh? If I had a nickel for every PMD I've read this Blitz that references Warped Skies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
-So I did actually used to add "s" to make species plural, but I reversed course and now it feels weird to see it in someone else's writing. One natu. Two natu.
-These puns though. :unquag:
-I'm... unsure what the logic is of bingo being called pyro ball in this universe. At least Oswald agrees with me.
-The war veterans explanation feels a bit... ham-fisted in there. I wish there'd been a more organic way of revealing that Fenn's dad is a veteran. As it is here, doesn't feel like it hits as hard as it should.
-My guess is the Sandpiper Gang is causing trouble on behalf of Larkspur and this is all a diversion while a second Tapu gets attacked.
-Lmao Cosmo really did call The Idiots his parents. And conveniently the fic prevents us from getting an answer about his actual parents. That'll have to come later, I guess.

-[sees chapter title] I guess this mission's a real load of croc, eh? 🥁
-Okay a western style town isn't what I was expecting. The lemony portions work a bit more for me in the beginning since they feel more like Oswald's voice.
-Another dubious mission where they're given less than a day to figure things out. And it doesn't seem like any of the other teams showed up, either. This will only end well.
-So far you do get across the vibe of the town going totally quiet in anticipation of an Old West-style standoff.
-Lmao at Oswald trying to grab his scalchop and twirl it like a revolver or something. I'm gonna say he liked his westerns as a human.
-I like Finch, mainly because he can run mental laps around The Idiots. And is a cool customer.
-Cosmo really is just Nebby who can talk. Can't stay in the bag.
-Finch casually suggesting the proletariat rise up against Anemone. Honestly kinda wish he'd join The Idiots because this dynamic is great, but he's either secretly in cahoots with Sandpiper or he's just a temporary character for this locale.
-Wow, Oswald actually managed to "smooth" talk the mercs out of anything. And after you were setting him up to say he's human.
-Not quite sure what Finch's plan is, but I'm intrigued. Think this might be my favorite of the chapters introducing new locales.

-Another bout of tense confusion out of the gate here, me thinks.
-Oh, hey, those two grass-types did show up. And apparently don't play nice with Cosmo. Taking bets on if they get in the way of Finch's plan.
-Lol Fenn's jealous of Finch. If this little arc doesn't lead to the love confession, I dunno what will.
-Started to think it'll be Fenn that blows Finch's plan up with how antsy he's getting.
-I'm guessing Finch is a former merc, based on some of Thrush's comments.
-"I'm Spartacus!" "No, I'm Spartacus!" I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry that this was the plan and that it worked on Thrush. Though I do feel like, surely, this is teeing up Oswald coming clean.
-Ohhhhh shit, is Finch really going with? I mean, yes, there are clear hints that this is going to cause some friction in regards to Fenn. And that makes me think the friction will need to boil over before Fenn and/or Oswald actually admit anything to one another. Making the slow burn burn slower and all that jazz. But I do like Finch and the idea of a more charismatic, street smart member counterbalancing The Idiots and their silly child. Overall, might be my favorite two chapters of the fic so far.

-[sees chapter title] Maybe I won't have to wait as long as I thought? 🤔
-I'm... not really sure why you felt the need to do a flashback to the carriage as opposed to just starting with it and going to the cafeteria after. The intro is so short it almost feels superfluous.
-Swapping out "distortion" for "hell" irks me in the same way people using Arceus in place of god. Personal pet peeve stuff. You've been consistent through the fic and I've no reason for that to change. It just... reads rather awkward to me. And it's one of those weird fandom quirks that took root and has spread like a weed.
-If Finch was a Personal social link, he'd be Fortune. I'm convinced.
-That said, Cycla just going ahead an adding Finch was funny. It's a very different take on Porygon2. Usually they stray more mechanical and, if anything, you'd think they'd be the one most likely to adhere to Anemone's rules. But instead they're the one breaking protocol. Which means the AI uprising will soon bring down Kebia.
-Finch's explanation is interesting. And I don't doubt there's a kernel of truth to it. I don't think Anemone is out and out evil, but may have gone past well-intentioned extremist into territory that's a bit too far. I... still think you're going to have something happen that sobers her up as opposed to outright having her go down alongside Larkspur. But who knows? Maybe I'm wrong.
-Damn. So, no real secret confessing. It doesn't seem like they're giving Finch the boot, which did cross my mind. I'd be disappointed if it happened.

-Another villain interlude I see. If not for this pre-established Psychic War lore, I'd swear that the Spatial Orb was actual a cursed relic that was messing with Larkspur's mind and is hiding a greater evil. Heck, maybe it actually is and was responsible for the Psychic War. I doubt it.
-Ah, the delicious irony of me as the reader already knowing Oswald is at Kebia Castle. And that Jasmine has come within range of him but is apparently none the wiser.
-Amazing that, despite the thorough scan of Thrush's mind, Larkspur doesn't see Oswald getting tense when Thrush brings up the whole human thing. I'd have thought maybe that would be the clue Larkspur needed, but I guess he'll continue to remain as in the dark as the story needs him to. Or Thrush just doesn't pay attention to his surroundings. Either way, RIP in spaghetti. Never forgetti. O7

-Well, this chapter title sounds like a pleasant and fun time awaits our heroes. :copyka:
-Huh. I thought Oswald was able to swim around gracefully in the water dungeon? Why's he back to weird doggie paddling and the crisis of "losing his humanity?"
-Oh, never mind. Nightmare. That'd do it.
-Ayyyy, Finch is a shipper on deck, too. Everyone's seeing it but these two.
-Gummis being treated as steroids is... one of the takes of all time for that particular item. And it's awfully late into the story to finally get our first real outlaw mission. I expect things to go sideways, especially since Oswald has concepts of a plan. :unquag:
-I'm not sure what to make of Oswald thinking that being independent... doesn't somehow make him different from his dad? It's not like we've been told the dad was this lone wolf who just brutally beat foes down on his own or anything.
-Language, Oswald! :screm: That's this fic's one F-bomb for its T rating.
-That breakdown did feel a bit, uh, ham-fisted and sudden. Like, yeah, he'd be frustrated, but it was kind of a shocking swerve and the failed Persian chase felt a bit sudden IMO.
-I'm with Finch here. It's totally not because I think Oswald has been sitting on the human thing too long for no particularly good reason other than to draw out the drama or anything. [nervous laugh]

-And our next locale appears to be more of a proper city. And a port city by the look of things. Always nifty to see (somewhat) contemporary cities in PMD fics. It's also a neat contrast to the Old West town and the castle. Though it really makes me wonder what kind of human world kaput to have all these varied locations.
-Not sure if this novel is meant to be a reference to something that a friend of yours or one of your betas has done. But also, has Fenn really been carrying a book around onto missions? Are these bags just hammerspaces that don't get weighed down?
-Oswald hates stories that are all about the journey and not the destination, huh? Is that his preference or is author-kun slipping in some of his tastes here? :P
-Ah, so Micle is less "modern" and more like the type of city from, say, Pirates of the Caribbean. That makes more sense.
-I'm taking the under on Oswald actually finding the guy. At least, on purpose. Could definitely happen on accident.
-Okay the prose does describe the city as "modernized" but the clothing choices do give me that Victorian era sort of vibe to them. Though I gotta wonder how some of these pokémon would manage such outfits. I use Holowear, but mine is a more high-tech setting.
-Finch pretty much shooting into favorite character status here. Even if his methods aren't the best, he's clearly trying to help Oswald and telling him to put more faith in Fenn. And trying to get him to fess up to the secret he's irrationally holding onto. The two have been in enough danger at this point that the human stuff won't change much.

-If I had a nickel for every morally dubious sylveon of royal stature that got everyone to swoon over them, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. And must've had you kicking yourself during Dodra. (Unsure of the dates but I'm pretty sure this came before Zaak.) Though this is softened slightly by Ricinus being a klutz. And most likely being gay for this lycanroc servant of his. I wonder if sylveon was not his preferred eeveelution.
-There were hints suggesting that Ricinus is tied to Larkspur's forces in some way, but Crane outright confirms it. Though, if I had to guess, Ricinus is being strung along by Larkspur and will be cast aside if he succeeds in his ambitions.
-Oh, so Larkspur is only known by a title to Ricinus? Yeeeeah, his gay ass is absolutely getting played like a fiddle. Especially if the zoroark and inteleon are being called Ricinus' superiors. And talking down to him.
-So The Oriole appears to be this "shady society" code group aiming to get Larkspur the remaining three gems, if I'm understanding this right? And, uh, I guess it includes this underground nation of some sort that... was swept out of Kebia? Maybe? There's no mention of Ricinus' parents at all in this debut scene of his.
-Welp, the next scene immediately gives a bit of background. And details about some mystery fighting arena. Just worldbuilding or are these locales going to be relevant to Team Lavender in the future? I hope the latter.
-Hmmm. So, uh. I guess this chapter is basically the start of a special episode? One focused on this team of villains that do not really like each other. I, uh, kind of wish there had been more of an indication of that in some way. And that, placement wise, this had been put before Team Lavender traveled to Micle. Because I find myself wanting the immediate follow up to that and not a sudden detour.
-Neat sylveon art, though. Totally not a prick who needs to be punted with swiftness.

-The fact that Ricinus keeps insisting in his narration he's a prince has part of me doubting it, but I feel like 29 had enough evidence to the contrary. Unless Ricinus is actually related to Anemone?
-Mega stones are here, huh? 👀
-Is there a paucity of revivers out in the west? The kecleon shop a while back did make them sound uncommon, but not so rare that someone would be in total shock over seeing one.
-So, is this how Cute Charm is portrayed in your fic or something?
-Yeah, really laying on thick Ricinus is gay for Aven. Scandalous.
-Oh, hi, Tapu Fini. You'd think they'd, y'know, actually wake up and be alerted thanks to these villains' conversing.
-This fucker really brought soap with him to a dungeon? What a fopdoodle. I hope he gets punted later.
-Also the fact that Aven calls him "Riz" is so cursed reading this in 2024. 😭
-Wow, so this was just a bunch of idle villain chatter while walking along the dungeon with no actual conflict with the tapu, huh?
-Never mind, here's the tapu. And here's the casual mega evolution. Though, without a key stone, huh? Crane's already got a screw or two loose. Are you going with the "violently uncontrollable without a trusted partner" route?
-Now he's calling himself Riz, too. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuursed. 😭
-Ayyyyyy, I was right about Lunala being the moon Larkspur worshipped.
-Interesting that the fight is from a perspective of someone hopelessly outmatched and shows just how futile it is for him. It also, I suppose, shows how this ties into the events over in Micle. Showing the terrifying roid rage that a gummi can bestow upon a mon. Enough to beat a legend, apparently.
-And thus ends this "special episode" of sorts. Ricinus' struggles show flickers of interest. I could see a world where, closer to the end of the fic, Ricinus has to grapple with a lot of complex feelings after Larkspur tosses him aside. And the dynamic with Aven was an interesting one, to be sure. The problem is that, outside of the gem and the gummi and things happening in tandem, it is very unclear to be if and when any of this is going to overlap with what Team Lavender is up to. I presume the heroes will meet and deal with The Oriole eventually. Otherwise, why dedicate so much time to them? But I do wish there had been hints pointing to when that might happen. Instead of it being just "Here's a team of baddies that may have a couple of sympathetic characters who could switch sides at some unknown point in the far future." I stand by my belief that these two chapters should've come before the team going to Micle, instead of breaking up their mission. That way you would've already established that gummis are bad, bad news in this setting and added a sense of urgency to the outlaw mission.

-Cute little April Fool's thingy. Not much else to say about it.

-Is... is Return to Two adult fiction?
-Oswald likes it when Fenn's flames go really high, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-The fact that their continent is named for the enigma berry makes me suspicious. The enigma berry is just so weird in the canon that it suggests there should be some sort of awful, horrid secret slumbering within the continent or something.
-I'm not sure what to make of the "Let's go to another continent" bit and Fenn's... visceral reaction to it.
-Why do I feel like this is setting up for a bar brawl?
-Oh god your street names for the drugs are cuuuuuuursed.
-Some of Turaco's gummi explanations feel like PMDified weed justifications.
-Oh, hey, it's Tusk.
-Looks like the smooth talking method worked until it didn't, but not in the "led to violence" sort of way.

And calling it there. So then. I think, right now, aside from the overarching plot involving Larkspur, there are a few more immediate conflicts here: the human secret and themes of identity. The latter dovetailing with the whole meat business. I'm... not that enthralled with it, to be honest. Up until 31 with the bit about gummis maybe having some sort of effect on ferals, there was a pretty clear line that was drawn between them and regular 'mon. And I think Oswald's logic of "eating the pokémon mean would make me less of a human" doesn't really hold water consider humans eat other animals (that are comparable to your take on ferals) all the time. I don't necessarily mind it, though, as a means of grappling with identity loss and all that jazz.

I'm less enthused about the whole human thing. Or, rather, Oswald continuing to keep secrets — Fenn to a lesser extent — because... the plot says so. I'm probably oversimplifying yet. You have tried to offer justification in that A) Oswald hates conflict and spilling the beans would count, and B) Fenn's got awful social anxiety. But these feel flimsy when we've had chapters of both POVs letting the guilt eat away at them. And "Anemone told me not to" also fails as a justification because it's been shown that she's rifled the secret off willy-nilly and Oswald does not even like her and has already been disobeying her just by continuing to be Fenn's teammate.

Which is why my conclusion is that the secrets are being left so simmer... purely for the sake of drama. Because the plot wants the reveals to happen at a specific point. And I'm very much not a fan of that. This sort of secret-keeping feels like an offshoot of miscommunication plots and I'm sure you're aware that miscommunication plots are quite frustrating in all different sorts of media. I can stomach them if they're temporary. But I'm 30+ chapters and probably b/w 250k and 300k words in. That is. A long time. To keep a miscommunication plot going. My guess is that it's in service to the slow burn romance. That the payoff is supposed to be that the two will finally come clean to one another and then become an official couple. And maybe it will be lovingly written and give me the warm fuzzies when I read it. But I don't think I'll personally find that payoff satisfying.

I realize you're not going to go back and overhaul all these chapters. Don't expect you to. I've no idea what's happening the twenty-ish chapters following this and how far into the story/close to the end you are. I'm pointing it out more in the hopes that, if your future plans revolve around miscommunication-related things, that you consider finding alternatives to stir up conflict, interpersonal or not.

I get these last bits are harsh. But that's really my dislike of miscommunication/secret-keeping coming out. Judging by all the kudos and positive reception on AO3, plenty of folks have really enjoyed this. And I do actually enjoy a lot of the stuff surrounding it. The dungeon ideas, while I think they could be brisker, are creative. I like Finch's intro and the dynamic he brings to the team. The overarching plot and moving pieces definitely have me intrigued. I'm quite eager for them to take more of a front seat. Though I do recognize this is meant to be primarily a slow burn romance, so that may take a while. If it even happens.

Tl;dr My gripes with one aspect of the plot aside, this is a good fic. You've got a lot to be proud of. Congrats! (And don't expect me to do this for all the other chapters if/when I read them XP)


Frog on a mission
Merry blitzmas!
Disclaimer: My blitz reviews are stream of consciousness styled rambles. Let me know if you have any questions.

Since this is going chapter by chapter of these fairly old chapters I'm probably going to focus mostly on the plot. And may not cover that many of them, since a decent number of these are chonky.

-Protag-kun is allergic to positivity confirmed. :sadbees:
-Ah, Anemone's mind reading has stupid range, too. Just like Owen's Perceive. Cheating bitch.
-Okay, Anemone is allergic to positivity. Which makes perfect sense from what I recall of her.
-The room locks are controlled by pawprints? Are they, like, pressure-based mechanisms or actual scanners? If there are crude elevators here, anything's possible.
-Forced to make a team is... a different take on things, I suppose. Though I think I've seen "forced to make a team due to circumstances" and this is more authority based. Also Team SIS. That's what Lilac's team really is. Ladies who will talk your ear off.
-Anemone gets a private elevator? Gee, how corporate CEO of her. I suppose she also has the companycastle jet?
-Aww, yeah. Twerk it, Oswald. Get dem bitches. (Real talk, I know this is first-person but it would be helpful to get some sort of reminder of Oswald's species into the prose somewhere. I genuinely can't remember it.)
-Lilac is one of those slasher chicks for sure. Get on her bad side and :unquag:
-Ah, hello again, definitely love interest nervous wreck quilava. I feel like something deep in Oswald is doing the thinking for him at this point, with the way he makes an absolute fool of himself trying to get food. (And is he a picky eater?)
-Don't blame Fenn for being so nervous. Even with Oswald trying to be friendly and stuff this is still very suspicious. Practically asking a stranger to become roommates and teammates.

-Man, Fenn's feelings toward his job is my exact paranoia about not wanting to, like, do anything at my job when I know custodians have come through. I don't want to mess up their work. :sadwott:
-I've already made my personal mixed feelings on different POV styles entirely known. Still jarring. I'll just power through it.
-Fenn feeling like a failure but also struggling to deal with the social requirements of life is a mood. :sadwott:
-I take it this family mission, for as mad as it makes Fenn, will be what pushes him into a team with Oswald.
-Oh god we're doing total style shifts mid chapter now that's really jarring.
-Oswald goes to the Ash Ketchum-Leon-Ampharos School of Horrible Directionality.
-Is this what they mean when they say people fall head over heels for each other? 🤔
-No, Oswald, Fenn's right. It really is nothing you need to worry about, since you barely know the guy.
-Not as much to say about the two making the trek toward the dungeon entrance. It's very much both of them being awkward around each other and Oswald's mind working overtime trying to parse what's going through Fenn's head. It's like a long preamble to a tutorial dungeon, but with slightly shifted dynamics.

-Neat art. Fenn's got a chibified look to him :mewlulz:
-Hero pukes upon first setting foot in a dungeon. Charming.
-Right of the bat I see we are going with the very literal interpretation of the dungeons. Ripped right out of the games. Including naming the floors in the middle of the prose which, uh, yeah, really not a fan of. Much too game-y. I did the same thing for GL, yes. And I have since come to dislike the practice. :sadbees:
-And we're going with the "not being open about humanity" route. Not the first PMD fic to take that secrets and lies approach. Probably the longest and still active-est of the ones I've read, though.
-Bro, Fenn really hit Oswald with the "Okay, I believe you." 😭
-There was a bit of tutorialization going on here but mercifully the dungeon trekking doesn't go on for too long. Scyther just getting roasted alive — although I'm not sure if it counts as alive in this fic's worldbuilding — is strangely brutal for what seemed to be a very soft fic up until now.
-Okay, this time I got it was a trevenant before the species was firmly revealed. Though, to be fair, there are only so many 'mon that look like a big, evil tree.
-Did... did Oswald throw the heal seed at the enemy? Wow, he's not just level 5 'mon bad, he's absolutely terrible. Also, this fic seems to be setting up low power scaling. But unlike other low power scale settings, everyone isn't also made of iron and goes down to a couple of hits. Or, at least, Scyther and Trevenant do. I hope the trend continues, particularly for random dungeon 'mon.
-Brutal that Oswald is keeping secrets but is basically clued into Fenn having them thanks to his innocent sister.
-Of course Oswald decides that "We should prove Anemone wrong by having you join me as an explorer." And Fenn isn't batting an eye despite how absolutely useless Oswald was in the dungeon.
-Team Lavender isn't gonna work, even if this is the "roll credits" moment for this fic's title. After both these dweebs turn down the bed, they are... Team Idiots. They just need monogrammed biker jackets and they're ready to go.

-Suddenly Dahlia again. I figured she'd be back. But not this quickly.
-Envisioning tailow with ears is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuursed.
-Ah, yes, adapting murkrow's love of shinies from the dex.
-Dahlia's gonna be big sussing on Oswald, isn't she?
-Furry accessories get! Now it's official uwu
-Aster seems to be a Loudred stand in. Complete with random ALL CAPS words. I'd personally prefer bold face or something. It's less... video game textbox-y. Same deal as "...", which really isn't something for prose fics.
-Oh, a bunch of these places are named after berries. Which are plants.
-Punchdog sighted. Of course the lucario is the 'famed explorer.' Probably a Rescue Team Lucario rank shout out. But I'm immediately going to wonder if this Neo guy is, in fact, not all he's cracked up to be and hiding stuff.
-Okay, yeah. This guy's a giant ham and shouts about aura like movie lucario? Fraud. Total fraud.
-A porygon2 as a mentor is different. But a porygon2 as a tutorial fairy feels so on the nose it almost hurts.
-The duo's splitting up already. Well, it was fun while it lasted. GGs.
-Psychic Wars? I know this is an important worldbuilding thing, but you need to bring this up to Namo. :copyka:
-Ngl, the bit with how Oswald learned Water Gun got a chuckle out of me. I like this Allium guy. Hope he sticks around.
-I feel like Oswald is going to be subject to a lot of straight confusion for a while.
-I'm imagining a quilava getting dry cleaned like a shirt now. Thanks.

-Is it safe to say Fenn had a better relationship with his grandpa than his parents?
-I think more PMD fics in this modern era have the partner hard carrying their human teammate. Wonder when the trend started...
-Guild members find the stones, get a paltry reward (which gets taxed) and then the guild turns and sells them for a profit. Capitalism has hit the PMD world. :sadbees:
-Oh no, Fenn's inferiority complex is gonna put them in danger for real.
-Fenn's already getting antsy with Oswald and seeing lies for what they are. Which makes me hope this secret keeping doesn't get dragged out for too long.
-Surprised Oswald didn't counter Fenn with the fact that he talked okay to him every time they bumped into each other.
-Okay, Fenn has really bad social anxiety. Like super duper bad.

-Blood red canyon? 3edgy5me
-Weird cubes with facial expressions to unsettle Oswald and Fenn? 4edgy6me
-Oswald when the dungeons are mysterious: :unquag:
-Art is gud
-Wait, the narration calls the geodude a feral? So, they're straight up just killing ferals? :unquag:
-Fenn needs to spend some time with Hop and Nemona learning about type advantages. 😔
-Jeez that graveler kill was somewhat brutal for these cutesy little critters.
-Chapter so far seems to be a case of overconfidence kills. For Fenn, at least. Oswald is ready to fold 'em despite the type advantage.
-Ponyta's got zoomies.
-"Stream of liquid I discharged" There's gotta be a better way to phrase this. :unquag:
-Okay this dungeon's being combed over in a lot more detail. Which is, uh, the exact thing I praised Figy Forest for not doing. There is some conflict brewing between The Idiots, but it is just a lot of walking around and fighting ferals and that's... pretty repetitive.
-Oswald learns that metaphoring isn't a free action. 😔
-As I expected, the mission's a bust and Oswald has to deploy the escape orb to flee. I suppose all that time on the other floors was meant to build up to it. But, again, it was quite repetitive and I wonder if the key bits couldn't have just been summarized and more spotlight given to the losing fight with Arcanine.
-Glad to see I was right about Flash Fire. I figured that's what the brighter Flamethrowers were referring to, but wasn't a hundred percent sure.
-Hmm. I feel like the shame spiraling Fenn has at the end. Or, hell, even the point where the first mission is called a failure feels like a natural stopping point. But the chapter keeps going for a few more scenes. Short, yes, but I think they might've been better off as the next chapter.

-I think this malamar and sableye duo showed up in the prologue, though I can't quite remember. In any case, of course a malamar is a dastardly whiplash sort of card carrying evil villain. Who wants to pull a Team Aqua, amongst other things.
-FYI it's "unown" not "unknown" for the species.
-Less than a month until takeover? Guess that gives me a sense of how brief the actual timeline of the story is. Which is fair, when days are getting, like, three or four chapters dedicated to them.
-Guiding moonlight, huh? He trying to connect with Lunala? Or Cresselia? Maybe neither but those are two powerful psychics related to the moon.
-Oh, wow, shockingly short chapter. Focusing exclusive on the villain cutaway. I get that you want it to sort of standalone, but given how short this chapter is and how the previous one feels like it ran a bit over, I do think you would've been better served lopping off the end of 8, after the "mission failed" sentence, and having the shorter scenes serve as the start of 9 and lead into the villain cutaway.

-Not even pokémon are safe from the horrors of chapped lips. 😔
-Terrible at confrontation 🤝Terrible at socializing. They really are made for each other :mewlulz:
-Lotta tense confusion with Oswald's inner monologue about Fenn here.
-Rule 1, Fenn. :screm:
-"You are amazing in every conceivable way." Laying it on a bit thick there, ain't ya, Oswald?
-Oh no Oswald is slowly having his furry awakening.
-Lmao the fic gave 'em free money by proxy. Never punished!
-So Pink is just a procrastinator and/or has poor executive functioning skills. And is a lesbian.
-Welp. Now Dahlia has even more reason so big sus Oswald. Also, if I were you, I would've avoided leading with the big bold "meanwhile." The scene break's enough. That meanwhile feels more like it's meant for a TV show or a game.
-I feel like the meat issue is something that's going to keep coming up in this fic. Even if there's the clear feral distinction. Then again, given they're just outright killing ferals in dungeons, I guess you might as well tackle this head on.
-Diving off a dock into a mystery dungeon sounds like a terrible idea. These "picky entrances" are unique, though, I'll give you that.

-Okay, opening this dungeon with a monologue about Oswald hating his name was not what I expected. Also, rule 1, buddy.
-The dungeon ideas you have are nice. Video game level-y in their execution on paper, but you make them work. Getting art to back it up probably helps with that, since it gives me a visual for everything.
-Don't quit your day job, Oswald. I agree with Goldeen, you're a terrible comedian. 🍅
-No, no, Oswald, you should definitely be concerned how happy Fenn is to kill ferals. That's the makings of a serial killer right there. :unquag:
-These wishiwashi are totally going to go Schooling mode and be the "miniboss" of this dungeon. Since both the other dungeons have had them. At least the actual dungeon crawling is kept to a minimum here.
-Yep, there it is. Called it.
-If this dungeon is "underwater," how would these attacks work? I feel like the fire and water-type attacks shouldn't— oh, whatever, it's magic video game logic.
-Either the villains are somehow reaching Oswald through the dungeons, via the "methods" Larkspur talked about in 9, or there's a different force trying to contact him. Either way, I think the transition from the abrupt exit to having Oswald come up with an idea to investigate the matter and also put it into action felt a bit too sudden. Mood whiplash and all that. Also, guess they were punished for their good fortune after all.
-I'm definitely thinking Larkspur's psychics got into Moa's mind and mucked about there. And with how angry Oswald gets, and so quickly, it again gives me mood whiplash.

-PMD fic writers make mismagius anything other than a mischief-making cackling witch of sorts or draw 25. Snap: [hands full of Uno cards]
-Calluna's already a shipper on deck. Smh my head.
-By the way there's something up with how you ported this chapter to TR. Every paragraph is super spaced out for some reason.
-Calluna's probably not evil or anything, but she's still a witch.
-These ghosts need a good spritzing.
-And straight from a witch to a bitch. Anemone also probably isn't evil and maybe there's some tragic backstory — like the stress of running everything, apparently — that makes her such an awful person to be around. But either she'll be forced to soften up as the story goes along or her ass is going to get swiftly booted to the curb.
-Judging from Anemone's explanation, Larkspur probably has this Spatial Orb and used it to summon Oswald. And has been using it to try and get to him via the dungeons. I don't know if the Spatial Orb is meant to be powered up by Oswald to let Larkspur do whatever his super evil ambitions are or if Oswald is needed for a different device, like whatever's given at the end of 9.
-Oh, never mind. The Kingfisher Device is probably the thing Larkspur wants Oswald for. The gems are the keys mentioned in 9 and Larkspur's (most likely) gotten one.
-I don't think both bold and CAPS are necessary for the massive shouting.
-Wonder if the Spatial Orb is a relic of Palkia's power, sort of akin to the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs (and their Legends equivalents) in the main line games. EoS did give us the Space Globe, which looks like Arceus and is found atop Destiny Tower and bestows great power on the wielder.
-Aaaaaand from that pleasant conversation onto sparring that I admit doesn't hold my attention. Also, edgy wartortle is edgy.
-Rule 1, Oswald. Again.
-Given that this is another longer chapter, I wonder if it should've gotten broken up at some point. Especially with Anemone dropping all that lore on us earlier.
-Already reaching the hugging stage. 😳
-The bit with the torchic felt a bit too much like it was telling Fenn backstory to explain social anxiety that we're well aware he has.
-The sea shanty was neat. Though part of me wonders if there should've been some reactions from the characters to the music.

-More tense confusion at the start here. I get trying to have a lemony narrator of sorts, but it misses if the prose gets a bit jumbled with tenses.
-Is that natu channeler, like, being controlled by Anemone? Or this yet another person who knows about Oswald after all the kerfuffle last chapter?
-Calluna and Aster feel like walking (floating?) sexual harassment complaints.
-I'm not sure what to make of how casually these characters throw around certain legendary 'mon names. Are they deities here or just folklore or what...
-The orphanage stuff felt like another exposition blurb about a character's backstory that got kinda... shoved into the narration.
-Oh, hey, the tapus guarding important relics. Now where have I seen that before? Nice to see some rep for them in another PMD fic.
-Ah, they don't know Larkspur's actually alive. That should be a fun reveal when it happens. And they know the dungeons are messing with Oswald's mind. I think, despite Anemone wanting him to stay out of it, he's going to get roped in eventually. How long that takes? Hard to say. This feels like a slow burn fic, so I'm not sure it'll happen quickly.
-Oooooor maybe Calluna is scheming like the witch she is. Not evil scheming, necessarily. But still. Big squinting and all that.

-For the first-person POV in particular, I feel like these early chapters could've used much less thoughts-as-dialogue. It is another very video gamey thing... that I also used to do until it was pointed out to me and suggested to take that energy toward livening up the prose. And using thought dialogue sparingly so it has more impact.
-Calling the performance fun feels a bit... flat when nothing was actually described and we just got the shanty.
-Is carpentry this fic's equivalent to sentry duty? :mewlulz:
-See? Even Oswald acknowledges that they're The Idiots™
-Wow construction work moves fast in Flowerbeds land if the work is already starting the next day.
-Using "legendaries" like a plural noun as the fandom often does is a personal pet peeve. Call 'em legends or gods, I say. :P
-Oh no, not the ear scritches. It's super effective!
-Well, at least Oswald is able to admit he has to keep things secret because of Anemone. So that... softens this whole secret keeping thing a bit.
-Lol Fenn actually bought the lie about Anemone right after not believing Oswald's lies about his memories.
-Random senile, hard of hearing drampa is random.
-Ah, so this solosis is what the chapter's named after. Feels a bit... strange for this to crop up after the conversation previously. Almost like filler. Aaaaaand he does the Hoopa referring to himself in the third person bit. I hate him already.
-Lmao, Oswald got scammed.
-I had a feeling this would... be a new recruit of some sort based on how Cosmo's intro scene played out. It's still out of left field. Which makes me wonder if he'll even stick around.
-Wow, they went straight from hugging to sleeping together. How forward. 🫵🏳️‍🌈

-Something tells me this chapter doesn't revolve around normal-types.
-One of the best night's sleep, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-Again, dunno if Cosmo is a permanent fixture, but if GL taught me anything, it's to not have characters with significant speech gimmicks being major players in the fic. Maybe some recurring appearances here and there (like I'm doing with PoV), but probably not front and center.
-Introducing Cosmo to stuff feels like we're retreading ground. The games sometimes do that, too, but doesn't mean the fic has to.
-This kid is on a perpetual sugar rush. :grohno:
-I hope the souls eating joke was meant to be awkward... because that was my take.
-I imagine Oswald saying "You're selling me a rock" with all the energy of Charlie Brown getting rocks trick-or-treating.
-A... are revivers really that powerful in this setting? Though trying to go into the mechanics of it doesn't hold my attention much.
-I had a feeling once the landmarks were mentioned that they'd passed into the dungeon without realizing.

-Mystery dungeons psychologically messing with Oswald this bad feels like something right up Vulpi's alley. Were you inspired by her in any way?
-Get in the bag, NebbyCosmo.
-Ah, the kid is not having a fun time, either. Maybe he won't be around for long.
-How would Oswald have any way of knowing if half an hour passes on a dungeon floor?
-I, uh, don't know what to make of the interjection that sounds like Oswald flirting in his narration. It's somewhat jarring and out of the blue and the prose quickly moves on from it anyway.
-Oh no Oswald is developing Fenn's slasher joy at killing ferals.
-[gasp] Oswald swore in front of the child! D:
-He said the "Get in the bag" thing! :quag:
-Man, I can't believe The Idiots went from sharing a bed to co-parenting in less than chapter.
-Things were admittedly numbing for me up until the point where Oswald got split off from the others and seemingly gets his mind prodded at by the dungeon and falls into some sort of vision. I want to say this Larkspur fucking with Oswald and trying to stir up more distrust against Anemone. Since, even by cryptic big good standards, nothing sits right about this "gallade" he meets. The vision's fairly brief and I do wish we'd gotten to this part faster and with less dungeon crawling/babysitting preamble.
-Another doctor with dubious bedside manner. Oh joy. :unquag:
-"Losing unconsciousness" is a contradiction. Pretty sure that's meant to be lost consciousness.
-So, Fenn got blinded by rage seeing Oswald hurt, huh? Apple may not have fallen that far from the tree...
-Yeah, these random bits where we lose the third-person limited POV for a lemony narrator feel a bit jarring. Trust me, I get why they're there. I used to do it a lot too before others suggest I rein it in.
-I don't think they're going to be able to stay out of dungeons. This is more of a ten-minute retirement sort of deal.
-But also, whoompf, this chapter was long. Part of me thinks the moment the gardevoir lunges for Oswald is a good cliffhanger splitting point. Or, hell, after the vision. Or the preamble dungeon trekking could've gotten trimmed...

-Of course there's gambling here! Why wouldn't there be?
-Are pokémon not people here? It's another one of those weird fandom quirks that makes me scratch my head. They all have human level intelligence. People doesn't need to refer to humans in furry logic places. XP
-Team Snapdragon? Okay, author. If you're going to do Easter eggs, at least pick your friends and not yourself. :P
-Marigold is totally tempting fate with the statements about how safe flying-type travel is. And paralleling the (logical) statement people make to counter those with a fear of flying.
-Like how Cosmo's innocence makes him able to accurately guess Oswald's deal without really being in the loop.
-You're getting flustered because you're in wuuuuuv.
-Oh, this gothitelle is absolutely the one from 9. This is bad news bears.
-Nooooo not a (probably) evil Espyyyyyyyy. :sadwott:

-Nite gang rise up, I guess? But also yay morally dubious mission time. Imagine they're taking a job for the equivalent of the mafia here.
-Fenn is like me when it comes to flying. A bit of turbulence and my HR and BP are shoooooting up.
-Cosmo really is the Nebby of this fic XD
-Oh, did Oswald really not realize it was flying that Fenn was scared of? He can be so obtuse when the fic needs him to be. XP
-A lot of time dedicated to the preamble to actually flying so I'm glad we more or less cut to the destination. Poor Fenn is still in shock, though.
-I get the sense Occa Village is rather religious. Maybe the rumors are because they're a bit too religious?
-Peon's description makes them vaguely sound fundamentalist, but it's hard to peg.
-Guess we're hunting monkeys.
-Oh now is when Oswald gets some reservations about the ferals. I guess there's a "kill or be killed" mentality in dungeons. But Oswald is certainly questioning things now. Feels like this will dovetail with some of the meat eating stuff.

-Opening here is giving me some hope what's in the dungeons are just apparitions of some sort and they're aren't just killing with reckless abandon. Then again, Fen did just kill a 'mon, so...
-Oswald really freaking out here, then. And in comes Cosmo to tell his dads they need to stop fighting.
-I wonder if Oswald's conflict between harming actual ferals vs. the dungeon's awful psychic stuff is going to bother him enough to take dungeon missions again.
-Ooooorrrr Oswald is able to logic himself back into killing the ferals, even if he does come to regret it. There's a lot of guilt and melancholy with this one. It's interesting. Perhaps a bit too heavy-handed, but overall I think it does the job you were looking for it to do.
-I think it would've been better if you'd shown the awkwardness of Fenn and Oswald's conversation with actual body language instead of a bunch of "...". Leaves too much to the imagination, IMO.
-Well, at least this gets Oswald to spill... some of the beans. So the secret keeping has mostly been blunted at this point.
-The shift to romantic interests though is a hard swerve. Almost hilariously hard. Fenn getting very forward with his questions, but Oswald can't put two and two together.

-Feels like you head hop from Dahlia to Stork for a bit of this intro and it does throw me off.
-This tailow really is out here stealing gems off random people. Are we sure the guild is the good guys? 🤔
-An orphan committing arson on the old orphanage? I feel like if you're bringing this up, that this might become relevant at some point down the line.
-I see Anemone's plan of spreading rumors about legends just being attacks is already failing. If this random tailow can catch onto the truth already.
-I appreciate that the rest of the day is summarized. Felt like you could've had 19 keep going to show the end of the day or something, but you have a good natural stopping point as is. More of this pls.
-Ten days is... not very long, Oswald.
-Oh boy the kid is angy at Oswald. And, like a kid, is easily snapped out of it.
-Psychic villain trio is back. Yeah, this means Espy is bad. :sadwott:
-I think Allium is Swift's dad. And, uh, may not pay him the most attention? Or treat him somewhat similarly to Fenn's dad does to him?
-Is Oswald blessed with stupid protagonist durability powers?
-Kid confirmed then. And it seems like a species-related complex for Allium and Swift. Oof.

-Mud and bloody bandages feels like a recipe for infection. But I guess with all the magical healing powers of this setting, Oswald has nothing to worry about.
-Wait, they're not in the same egg group? Huh. I can't even call it a cursed pairing. They're water-type starters. That seems pretty compatible. Though clearly something's up with eggs in this setting, though I'm not sure how relevant it is to the plot.
-No exploding on castle premises? I can hear all the golem line crying out in sadness.
-Even if a water-type, going out in the rain in bandages sounds like a bad idea. Oswald doesn't have Rain Dish as his ability.
-Apparently umbrellas exist here. Do... do they make onix-sized ones, then? 🤔
-Ipo has big "I'm not paid enough to do this job" energy. :sadbees:
-Were Cosmo's parents actors who either abandoned him or were lost to some sort of theater-related tragedy? :copyka:
-Even in the pokémon world, umbrellas suck at keeping your legs dry.
-Feels again like the narration "slips" from Oswald into more of a lemony narrator when describing this play.
-I'm going to just... casually add this fic to the "list of PMD media where zoroark illusions are stronk."
-Oswald wants to RP librarian stuff. Understood. Totally not an allusion to yourself there.
-Lmao you actually had the serperior that got her gem swiped show up.
-Of course the fortuneteller's father was an absol.
-The crystal ball stuff feels like when you upgrade a partner in TTYD with Merlon. SHA-ZIBBY!
-Yeah, I pretty much expected Oswald to roll a "tilt" on the fortune telling. I've seen that happen in a fic before. Granted with a xatu, not a grumpig.
-He was carrying that drumstick in a bag that's gotten soggy after having it out and about with him? I realize this is supposed to deal with the inner turmoil of meat eating but it's a bit undermined for me by the fact that it'd be cold, likely soggy, and— oh, okay, he's getting rid of it and Stork is yoinking it.

-Bruh, Fenn can't be asking why those words make him feel funny after he was asking Oswald about dating preferences two days ago. 😭
-Okay, at least his monologue seems to suggest he is in wuuuuv and just uncertain Oswald returns the feelings.
-Sounds like someone (probably Anemone) has slammed the Emergency Meeting button.
-Persian, Luxio, and Pyroar, huh? If I had a nickel for every PMD I've read this Blitz that references Warped Skies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
-So I did actually used to add "s" to make species plural, but I reversed course and now it feels weird to see it in someone else's writing. One natu. Two natu.
-These puns though. :unquag:
-I'm... unsure what the logic is of bingo being called pyro ball in this universe. At least Oswald agrees with me.
-The war veterans explanation feels a bit... ham-fisted in there. I wish there'd been a more organic way of revealing that Fenn's dad is a veteran. As it is here, doesn't feel like it hits as hard as it should.
-My guess is the Sandpiper Gang is causing trouble on behalf of Larkspur and this is all a diversion while a second Tapu gets attacked.
-Lmao Cosmo really did call The Idiots his parents. And conveniently the fic prevents us from getting an answer about his actual parents. That'll have to come later, I guess.

-[sees chapter title] I guess this mission's a real load of croc, eh? 🥁
-Okay a western style town isn't what I was expecting. The lemony portions work a bit more for me in the beginning since they feel more like Oswald's voice.
-Another dubious mission where they're given less than a day to figure things out. And it doesn't seem like any of the other teams showed up, either. This will only end well.
-So far you do get across the vibe of the town going totally quiet in anticipation of an Old West-style standoff.
-Lmao at Oswald trying to grab his scalchop and twirl it like a revolver or something. I'm gonna say he liked his westerns as a human.
-I like Finch, mainly because he can run mental laps around The Idiots. And is a cool customer.
-Cosmo really is just Nebby who can talk. Can't stay in the bag.
-Finch casually suggesting the proletariat rise up against Anemone. Honestly kinda wish he'd join The Idiots because this dynamic is great, but he's either secretly in cahoots with Sandpiper or he's just a temporary character for this locale.
-Wow, Oswald actually managed to "smooth" talk the mercs out of anything. And after you were setting him up to say he's human.
-Not quite sure what Finch's plan is, but I'm intrigued. Think this might be my favorite of the chapters introducing new locales.

-Another bout of tense confusion out of the gate here, me thinks.
-Oh, hey, those two grass-types did show up. And apparently don't play nice with Cosmo. Taking bets on if they get in the way of Finch's plan.
-Lol Fenn's jealous of Finch. If this little arc doesn't lead to the love confession, I dunno what will.
-Started to think it'll be Fenn that blows Finch's plan up with how antsy he's getting.
-I'm guessing Finch is a former merc, based on some of Thrush's comments.
-"I'm Spartacus!" "No, I'm Spartacus!" I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry that this was the plan and that it worked on Thrush. Though I do feel like, surely, this is teeing up Oswald coming clean.
-Ohhhhh shit, is Finch really going with? I mean, yes, there are clear hints that this is going to cause some friction in regards to Fenn. And that makes me think the friction will need to boil over before Fenn and/or Oswald actually admit anything to one another. Making the slow burn burn slower and all that jazz. But I do like Finch and the idea of a more charismatic, street smart member counterbalancing The Idiots and their silly child. Overall, might be my favorite two chapters of the fic so far.

-[sees chapter title] Maybe I won't have to wait as long as I thought? 🤔
-I'm... not really sure why you felt the need to do a flashback to the carriage as opposed to just starting with it and going to the cafeteria after. The intro is so short it almost feels superfluous.
-Swapping out "distortion" for "hell" irks me in the same way people using Arceus in place of god. Personal pet peeve stuff. You've been consistent through the fic and I've no reason for that to change. It just... reads rather awkward to me. And it's one of those weird fandom quirks that took root and has spread like a weed.
-If Finch was a Personal social link, he'd be Fortune. I'm convinced.
-That said, Cycla just going ahead an adding Finch was funny. It's a very different take on Porygon2. Usually they stray more mechanical and, if anything, you'd think they'd be the one most likely to adhere to Anemone's rules. But instead they're the one breaking protocol. Which means the AI uprising will soon bring down Kebia.
-Finch's explanation is interesting. And I don't doubt there's a kernel of truth to it. I don't think Anemone is out and out evil, but may have gone past well-intentioned extremist into territory that's a bit too far. I... still think you're going to have something happen that sobers her up as opposed to outright having her go down alongside Larkspur. But who knows? Maybe I'm wrong.
-Damn. So, no real secret confessing. It doesn't seem like they're giving Finch the boot, which did cross my mind. I'd be disappointed if it happened.

-Another villain interlude I see. If not for this pre-established Psychic War lore, I'd swear that the Spatial Orb was actual a cursed relic that was messing with Larkspur's mind and is hiding a greater evil. Heck, maybe it actually is and was responsible for the Psychic War. I doubt it.
-Ah, the delicious irony of me as the reader already knowing Oswald is at Kebia Castle. And that Jasmine has come within range of him but is apparently none the wiser.
-Amazing that, despite the thorough scan of Thrush's mind, Larkspur doesn't see Oswald getting tense when Thrush brings up the whole human thing. I'd have thought maybe that would be the clue Larkspur needed, but I guess he'll continue to remain as in the dark as the story needs him to. Or Thrush just doesn't pay attention to his surroundings. Either way, RIP in spaghetti. Never forgetti. O7

-Well, this chapter title sounds like a pleasant and fun time awaits our heroes. :copyka:
-Huh. I thought Oswald was able to swim around gracefully in the water dungeon? Why's he back to weird doggie paddling and the crisis of "losing his humanity?"
-Oh, never mind. Nightmare. That'd do it.
-Ayyyy, Finch is a shipper on deck, too. Everyone's seeing it but these two.
-Gummis being treated as steroids is... one of the takes of all time for that particular item. And it's awfully late into the story to finally get our first real outlaw mission. I expect things to go sideways, especially since Oswald has concepts of a plan. :unquag:
-I'm not sure what to make of Oswald thinking that being independent... doesn't somehow make him different from his dad? It's not like we've been told the dad was this lone wolf who just brutally beat foes down on his own or anything.
-Language, Oswald! :screm: That's this fic's one F-bomb for its T rating.
-That breakdown did feel a bit, uh, ham-fisted and sudden. Like, yeah, he'd be frustrated, but it was kind of a shocking swerve and the failed Persian chase felt a bit sudden IMO.
-I'm with Finch here. It's totally not because I think Oswald has been sitting on the human thing too long for no particularly good reason other than to draw out the drama or anything. [nervous laugh]

-And our next locale appears to be more of a proper city. And a port city by the look of things. Always nifty to see (somewhat) contemporary cities in PMD fics. It's also a neat contrast to the Old West town and the castle. Though it really makes me wonder what kind of human world kaput to have all these varied locations.
-Not sure if this novel is meant to be a reference to something that a friend of yours or one of your betas has done. But also, has Fenn really been carrying a book around onto missions? Are these bags just hammerspaces that don't get weighed down?
-Oswald hates stories that are all about the journey and not the destination, huh? Is that his preference or is author-kun slipping in some of his tastes here? :P
-Ah, so Micle is less "modern" and more like the type of city from, say, Pirates of the Caribbean. That makes more sense.
-I'm taking the under on Oswald actually finding the guy. At least, on purpose. Could definitely happen on accident.
-Okay the prose does describe the city as "modernized" but the clothing choices do give me that Victorian era sort of vibe to them. Though I gotta wonder how some of these pokémon would manage such outfits. I use Holowear, but mine is a more high-tech setting.
-Finch pretty much shooting into favorite character status here. Even if his methods aren't the best, he's clearly trying to help Oswald and telling him to put more faith in Fenn. And trying to get him to fess up to the secret he's irrationally holding onto. The two have been in enough danger at this point that the human stuff won't change much.

-If I had a nickel for every morally dubious sylveon of royal stature that got everyone to swoon over them, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. And must've had you kicking yourself during Dodra. (Unsure of the dates but I'm pretty sure this came before Zaak.) Though this is softened slightly by Ricinus being a klutz. And most likely being gay for this lycanroc servant of his. I wonder if sylveon was not his preferred eeveelution.
-There were hints suggesting that Ricinus is tied to Larkspur's forces in some way, but Crane outright confirms it. Though, if I had to guess, Ricinus is being strung along by Larkspur and will be cast aside if he succeeds in his ambitions.
-Oh, so Larkspur is only known by a title to Ricinus? Yeeeeah, his gay ass is absolutely getting played like a fiddle. Especially if the zoroark and inteleon are being called Ricinus' superiors. And talking down to him.
-So The Oriole appears to be this "shady society" code group aiming to get Larkspur the remaining three gems, if I'm understanding this right? And, uh, I guess it includes this underground nation of some sort that... was swept out of Kebia? Maybe? There's no mention of Ricinus' parents at all in this debut scene of his.
-Welp, the next scene immediately gives a bit of background. And details about some mystery fighting arena. Just worldbuilding or are these locales going to be relevant to Team Lavender in the future? I hope the latter.
-Hmmm. So, uh. I guess this chapter is basically the start of a special episode? One focused on this team of villains that do not really like each other. I, uh, kind of wish there had been more of an indication of that in some way. And that, placement wise, this had been put before Team Lavender traveled to Micle. Because I find myself wanting the immediate follow up to that and not a sudden detour.
-Neat sylveon art, though. Totally not a prick who needs to be punted with swiftness.

-The fact that Ricinus keeps insisting in his narration he's a prince has part of me doubting it, but I feel like 29 had enough evidence to the contrary. Unless Ricinus is actually related to Anemone?
-Mega stones are here, huh? 👀
-Is there a paucity of revivers out in the west? The kecleon shop a while back did make them sound uncommon, but not so rare that someone would be in total shock over seeing one.
-So, is this how Cute Charm is portrayed in your fic or something?
-Yeah, really laying on thick Ricinus is gay for Aven. Scandalous.
-Oh, hi, Tapu Fini. You'd think they'd, y'know, actually wake up and be alerted thanks to these villains' conversing.
-This fucker really brought soap with him to a dungeon? What a fopdoodle. I hope he gets punted later.
-Also the fact that Aven calls him "Riz" is so cursed reading this in 2024. 😭
-Wow, so this was just a bunch of idle villain chatter while walking along the dungeon with no actual conflict with the tapu, huh?
-Never mind, here's the tapu. And here's the casual mega evolution. Though, without a key stone, huh? Crane's already got a screw or two loose. Are you going with the "violently uncontrollable without a trusted partner" route?
-Now he's calling himself Riz, too. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuursed. 😭
-Ayyyyyy, I was right about Lunala being the moon Larkspur worshipped.
-Interesting that the fight is from a perspective of someone hopelessly outmatched and shows just how futile it is for him. It also, I suppose, shows how this ties into the events over in Micle. Showing the terrifying roid rage that a gummi can bestow upon a mon. Enough to beat a legend, apparently.
-And thus ends this "special episode" of sorts. Ricinus' struggles show flickers of interest. I could see a world where, closer to the end of the fic, Ricinus has to grapple with a lot of complex feelings after Larkspur tosses him aside. And the dynamic with Aven was an interesting one, to be sure. The problem is that, outside of the gem and the gummi and things happening in tandem, it is very unclear to be if and when any of this is going to overlap with what Team Lavender is up to. I presume the heroes will meet and deal with The Oriole eventually. Otherwise, why dedicate so much time to them? But I do wish there had been hints pointing to when that might happen. Instead of it being just "Here's a team of baddies that may have a couple of sympathetic characters who could switch sides at some unknown point in the far future." I stand by my belief that these two chapters should've come before the team going to Micle, instead of breaking up their mission. That way you would've already established that gummis are bad, bad news in this setting and added a sense of urgency to the outlaw mission.

-Cute little April Fool's thingy. Not much else to say about it.

-Is... is Return to Two adult fiction?
-Oswald likes it when Fenn's flames go really high, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-The fact that their continent is named for the enigma berry makes me suspicious. The enigma berry is just so weird in the canon that it suggests there should be some sort of awful, horrid secret slumbering within the continent or something.
-I'm not sure what to make of the "Let's go to another continent" bit and Fenn's... visceral reaction to it.
-Why do I feel like this is setting up for a bar brawl?
-Oh god your street names for the drugs are cuuuuuuursed.
-Some of Turaco's gummi explanations feel like PMDified weed justifications.
-Oh, hey, it's Tusk.
-Looks like the smooth talking method worked until it didn't, but not in the "led to violence" sort of way.

And calling it there. So then. I think, right now, aside from the overarching plot involving Larkspur, there are a few more immediate conflicts here: the human secret and themes of identity. The latter dovetailing with the whole meat business. I'm... not that enthralled with it, to be honest. Up until 31 with the bit about gummis maybe having some sort of effect on ferals, there was a pretty clear line that was drawn between them and regular 'mon. And I think Oswald's logic of "eating the pokémon mean would make me less of a human" doesn't really hold water consider humans eat other animals (that are comparable to your take on ferals) all the time. I don't necessarily mind it, though, as a means of grappling with identity loss and all that jazz.

I'm less enthused about the whole human thing. Or, rather, Oswald continuing to keep secrets — Fenn to a lesser extent — because... the plot says so. I'm probably oversimplifying yet. You have tried to offer justification in that A) Oswald hates conflict and spilling the beans would count, and B) Fenn's got awful social anxiety. But these feel flimsy when we've had chapters of both POVs letting the guilt eat away at them. And "Anemone told me not to" also fails as a justification because it's been shown that she's rifled the secret off willy-nilly and Oswald does not even like her and has already been disobeying her just by continuing to be Fenn's teammate.

Which is why my conclusion is that the secrets are being left so simmer... purely for the sake of drama. Because the plot wants the reveals to happen at a specific point. And I'm very much not a fan of that. This sort of secret-keeping feels like an offshoot of miscommunication plots and I'm sure you're aware that miscommunication plots are quite frustrating in all different sorts of media. I can stomach them if they're temporary. But I'm 30+ chapters and probably b/w 250k and 300k words in. That is. A long time. To keep a miscommunication plot going. My guess is that it's in service to the slow burn romance. That the payoff is supposed to be that the two will finally come clean to one another and then become an official couple. And maybe it will be lovingly written and give me the warm fuzzies when I read it. But I don't think I'll personally find that payoff satisfying.

I realize you're not going to go back and overhaul all these chapters. Don't expect you to. I've no idea what's happening the twenty-ish chapters following this and how far into the story/close to the end you are. I'm pointing it out more in the hopes that, if your future plans revolve around miscommunication-related things, that you consider finding alternatives to stir up conflict, interpersonal or not.

I get these last bits are harsh. But that's really my dislike of miscommunication/secret-keeping coming out. Judging by all the kudos and positive reception on AO3, plenty of folks have really enjoyed this. And I do actually enjoy a lot of the stuff surrounding it. The dungeon ideas, while I think they could be brisker, are creative. I like Finch's intro and the dynamic he brings to the team. The overarching plot and moving pieces definitely have me intrigued. I'm quite eager for them to take more of a front seat. Though I do recognize this is meant to be primarily a slow burn romance, so that may take a while. If it even happens.

Tl;dr My gripes with one aspect of the plot aside, this is a good fic. You've got a lot to be proud of. Congrats! (And don't expect me to do this for all the other chapters if/when I read them XP)

Thank you for the massive review! I was...not expecting this today, but I'm not complaining.

If I could go back and redo the first 20-30 chapters of this fic, I would. I honestly think you got right to the point where I felt as though I finally hit my stride in terms of character writing. Because it's hard for me to look at the early parts of the fic without cringing at least a little bit. I'm choosing not to go back and fix things right now because if I did I'd never get back to continuing it, and after a certain point you just have to acknowledge that it is what it is. Those first 200,000 words or so were mostly written without any additional help, within a year, and it shows. A lot of my lesser tendencies aren't mitigated as much.

But people seemed to like it, and so did I, so I kept going as I did without much forethought and worked with what I had. The big thing, though, is the miscommunication. And believe me I didn't want to go through with it either, but there had to be conflict. It's very flimsy, and eventually I decided that that was the point. Oswald's whole deal is not being able to get over the simplest of things. And most of this fic is in his head, so I thought it made sense.

It's a shame you didn't find parts of the story all that compelling. Thank you, again, for giving it a shot regardless. I really appreciate it.:veelove:

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, dusting this off since I'll be poking and prodding at your story as part of Review Blitz this year. The next chapter up on the reading queue is, uh... a bit long, so we'll see how this goes.

Anyhow, hopping right into things with:

Chapter 16

Kelpsy Fields: 1st Floor

I couldn't look away. [ ]

No, this can't be happening. This isn't possible, it makes no sense. When did we…?

My inner thoughts were shattered by the sight of Cosmo inching closer and closer to the staircase.

Okay, not that going into MDs in general wasn't consistently depicted as a disorienting experience in this story, but I kinda feel like this would benefit from giving a bit more indication of where we are and what's going on as scene-setting in the opening paragraph.

"Huh? What are stairs doing here?" He wondered aloud.

The sight of the Solosis floating ever so nearer to the portal almost sent me over the edge.

I shouted as loud as I possibly could. "COSMO! STOP! DON'T YOU DARE!"

Oh, so it is possible to get separated by the stairs while dungeoneering in Flowerbeds. That's... uh... a fantastic combination when you're actively babysitting a child during all of this. ^^;



I hadn't intended to sound angry. Cosmo probably thought of the opposite at the time. His entire body drooped and he wobbled his way over to us, so at least it got the point across. If we lost Cosmo here...I don't know what I'd do.

Oswald: "Seriously, why on earth did we think that it was a good idea to bring him along?"

Cosmo: "Cosmo insisted!" ^.^
Oswald: "... Right. That was a thing..." >_>;

I was breathing heavily. I grinded my teeth to keep myself from succumbing to the stress and my pokemon instincts. The sound of my own heartbeat drowned out everything else. All I could see—all I could focus on...was that portal.

It laughed at me, I could hear it.

Fenn's ears drooped in distress. "O-Oswald? Wh...when did we…?"

"I don't know," I replied firmly, trying to stay composed—trying to stay strong. But my brain was scattered, and I was having a hard time registering all of what was happening.

Okay, so I peeked back at Chapter 15 and... yeah, you probably want to provide a bit more context for things going on right now (which IIRC was "we bumbled into a Mystery Dungeon without any pre-planning") for describing where we are and what's going on a bit earlier.

I looked up at the sky. It was blue and clear, not like a dungeon sky in the slightest. I looked to the ground. No swirls, no strange shapes. The smell? Nothing that wasn't there before. The atmosphere was...agonizingly pleasant. There wasn't anything about the surrounding area that suggested we were in a mystery dungeon.

All except the stairs.

I suppose that the moral of the story is that the only constant among MDs in this setting is that they're unpredictable going from one to the next.

Even from here, the portal beckoned my eyes to it. The swirling abyss that would serve to grant us passage to the next floor…

It laughed mockingly. It laughed at me. It laughed. It laughed. It laughed.

I'm going to puke.

Fenn: "Um... Oswald, we brought an Escape Orb with us this time, right?"

Oswald: "If you have to ask, Fenn. The answer is almost certainly 'no'."

"C-Cosmo is sorry," the Solosis nervously said. "He didn't mean to…"

Fenn must've realized that the time for being timid was over and put on his dungeon exploring persona. "You didn't do anything wrong, Cosmo," he said in a voice sterner than normal. "We're in Kelpsy Fields now so we can't get separated, okay? Don't wander ahead."

Cosmo sniffled. "O-okay..."

[ ]

I'll have to thank Fenn later. I don't know how I'd be able to keep it together without him here. But for now...I need to calm down. Fenn looked at me expectantly, but also warmly at the same time.

I feel like there's some sort of moment here that essentially gets offscreened where we get to see something that helps contextualize a "we'll be okay, we'll be fine" turn in Oswald's mood here with like 1-2 added sentences. Though I see that Fenn can do a decent job selling a sense of being in control when he needs to. Though I suppose looking out for a child is probably helping out on that front.

I sighed, hoping to release the tension in my shoulders. "Okay…" I stuffed the map into my bag. "We're in the dungeon now. A lot...sooner than what was expected, b-but-"

The persistent giggling coming from the portal only served to distract me and hurt my head. I grit my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut. It physically hurt to listen to. The sheer carnal reaction I had to this situation was enough to stop me in my tracks and shut me down completely.

I think you want a different word than 'carnal' there, since that's basically saying 'erotic' and... uh... that's very different than the vibe I'd been getting for Oswald's state of mind up to this point. ^^;

But then my eyes shot open when I felt Fenn placing a paw on my shoulder. I looked into his eyes and felt...comfort...strength. His expression told me that he was deeply worried; he cared about my safety.

Well, until he gets mentally siloed into mission mode again like that one dungeon where you almost got TPKed by an Arcanine

You're my one shining beacon of happiness in this world, Fenn. That's what I wanted to say right then, but my mouth wouldn't open. Thankfully, he took the initiative.

"If we're in the dungeon now...then that means we have to start looking for the X-Ray Specs. W-we should go back and look for them."

I mean, I suppose you haven't really searched the first floor all that closely so far, so... uh... yeah, good luck with that one.

I had no reason to argue; Fenn was right. Frankly, any excuse to leave this hellhole early was a good excuse. I nodded, fighting to keep myself from shaking.

He moved in closer and spoke quietly into my ear. "Y-you can lean on me if you want. I'll make sure we get out of this okay, I promise."

Just saying, if you two are worried about your loadout or Cosmo's presence at all, you should probably just pop that Escape Orb if you have it and try again later. ^^;

I didn't know what got into Fenn all of a sudden, but those were the words I needed to hear. I took him up on his offer and used his back as support as we turned back the way we came.

"Where are we going?" Cosmo asked.

Fenn shot me a sympathetic glance before turning to Cosmo. "We have to look around for the specs on this floor," he responded. "D-don't want to go through the whole dungeon and miss them."


Oswald: "... Oh my god, this was a bad idea."

"Just...come here, Cosmo. Stay close to us."

Cosmo must have been really confused. He followed Fenn's orders, but I could only imagine how much he wanted to say something back. I'm so sorry, little guy, I thought. It's our fault for not making sure you were ready for this. I'll explain all of this when I'm less-

Wait, wait, wait, so they didn't have the idea at all to put Cozmo through his paces in an easy dungeon to make sure that everything he said about himself wasn't hot air?

Fenn: "Look, we were desperate, okay?!"

The laughing got louder. So much louder. So loud that I reflexively threw my paws over my ears and cringed in pain. Wild sounds leaked from my throat that I couldn't explain.

"Oswald? What's the matter?"

Fenn said something, I think. I'm pretty sure I heard his voice. The laughing was so loud that I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. Fenn, please get me out of this nightmare! I beg you!

Well, maybe they'll wind up popping that Escape Orb sooner than expected. Since... uh... Oswald's definitely taking this well™ right now.

My own lips betrayed me and all that I was able to squeeze out was, "...go...please…"

He got the idea. The attentive Quilava guided me away from the clearing, back into the tall grass. The laughing got progressively fainter until it was completely gone and I could think again.

As soon as I stopped hearing it, I dropped to my hands and knees, panting like mad. I could feel myself on the edge of losing consciousness, sweat dripping down my face, water leaking through my teeth. Meanwhile, my mind raced. Why am I having this reaction? I'm not this irrational! I can handle being laughed at! We always get through these dungeons...there's nothing this one can do that will harm me. I'll...be fine. Everything...will be…


Let's not even go into how basically every Mystery Dungeon journey these two have gone into up to this point has either been a disaster or a near-one.

I felt Fenn standing over me again. This time, he tried his best to calm me down by rubbing my back and staying close. Surprisingly...yeah, it did calm me down. Those back rubs felt good too. Is Fenn also a secret masseur? That's a funny thought. So funny...so funny...haha...ha...

"Are you okay?" Fenn asked tenderly.

You were probably thinking "masseuse" for that "misuse" there. Though in Fenn's case, he'd be a masseur specifically since the former term implies that the practitioner is a woman.

I chuckled hoarsely. "Aheh...y-yeah, I'll be okay," I rose to my feet with Fenn's help. "I'm just...mystery dungeons aren't my favorite..." I cleared my throat and wiped my mouth with an arm. "Right, let's look around."

We spent the next ten to twenty minutes scanning the grass for anything small and purple. The height of the grass made it especially difficult to see anything in front of us. Burning it might have been the answer, but now that we were in the dungeon, I wasn't sure what the result would be. Worse comes to worst, we could get trapped.

Either way, we didn't find it. What we did find was the stairs. Again.

I'm of two minds as to how I feel about that middle paragraph since that's quite a jump ahead in time. On the one hand, I'm not really sure the content before this justifies dropping in a hard scene cut here (even if that's a relatively easy way of handling things), but it does feel like things don't really sell "twenty long and boring minutes passed crawling corridors and grasslands that all started blurring into each other" all that well.

We hadn't turned around once. There was no feasible way that we could have gone in a circle and ended up right back where we started. I made absolutely sure that this would not happen.

And yet, it did.

The distant giggling coming from the portal was subdued, but definitely still there.

It sent a shiver down my spine.

That actually makes me wonder if the others are also hearing these giggles and stuff or if this is something that Oswald specifically is hearing, since it's not really made clear from everyone else's reactions thus far.

"I...Cosmo doesn't understand…"

"Neither do I, Cosmo," I muttered. "Neither do I."

Welcome to life inside a Mystery Dungeon, you two.

Fenn stepped forward, eying the staircase. "Should we just…?"

The laughing got slightly louder. I noted the fact that neither Cosmo nor Fenn reacted at all. The laughter was for me and only me.

As was to be expected.

Oh, well. There's our answer there. Even if I wonder if this is psychosomatic or else a sign of something deeper going on with Oswald. (e.x. having some sort of sensitivity to MDs)

Though I gather that that's something that's meant to be a big deal and not just casually blurted out in the narration, so I'll keep an eye out there.

I approached the center of the clearing, walking past Fenn and staring down the portal. Aside from the giggling, there was a distant sound of wind as well. But, and I don't really know the best way to describe this, it sounded like the wind was its own being. It changed frequently, screaming out in either immense pain or absolute glee. Somehow, my mind perceived it as wind.


"The dungeon wants us to move on," I stated, keeping my gaze locked on the abyss.

... Wait, is that the wind that comes before a floor wipe, or...?

"Th-the dungeon?" Fenn was flummoxed. "What do you mean? How do you know that?"

I turned my head around and shot Fenn a light smile. "Just a hunch."

Louder still.

Oswald: "... Nope, nope, nope. We're just getting out of here right now." o.o

"Come here, you two. We're going to the next floor." I held out my arms of which Fenn latched onto immediately; he didn't question my theory. Cosmo had some trouble, however.

"Cosmo doesn't have arms..."

Fenn and I looked at each other with no real idea on what to do in this situation. Just another example of how we came here completely unprepared to mentor Cosmo. I wonder if I can carry him like a ball. Would touching his body hurt him? Is touching his bubble enough? What about-

Even louder.

Actually, I forget, but did Oswald similarly experience phenomena that Fenn didn't in prior Mystery Dungeons? Perhaps I'm biased from being away from this story for a while, but I wonder if it might make sense to slip in a reminder somewhere if that's the case.

Dammit, I don't have time for this! I looked around frantically for a solution. I didn't find one...until I caught sight of the bag around my shoulder. It does look big enough...okay.

"Cosmo," I popped open my bag and held the flap open, "get in the bag."



... Well, at least Cosmo's weight ought to be manageable? I'm just gonna assume that Cosmo is smaller than normal by Solosis standards, since otherwise, that's a big bag for a Dewott that Oswald's carrying.

"Wh-what?" the Solosis exclaimed. "Cosmo is all powerful! He would never stoop so low as to-"


Despite clearly being upset with everything, Cosmo didn't complain any more than that. Cosmo didn't argue. He fit in snugly, his bubble squishing against the fabric.

So how much is Oswald slouching forward after all of this from the extra volume he needs to juggle, anyways? :p

I was glad that we found a solution, but at this point, the laughing was just as loud as the last time it got bad. I fought the urge to puke.

Now that we were properly together, I saw no reason to stick around any longer.

I guided us into the portal, the laughing getting louder and louder. It became deafening up until the darkness fully engulfed us entirely. And then...there was an abrupt but welcome silence, followed by nothing.

Oswald: "Oh thank god. That creepy laughter's finallly gone."

Kelpsy Fields: 2nd Floor

It became apparent that we were in a mystery dungeon proper once we reached the second floor. The illusion had been broken and now the madness was seeping through.

The floor itself was...interesting. And not in the same ways as any other dungeon so far.

Right away, I could feel a pressure in the air. There was a weight on my shoulders that I couldn't shake off. I felt so small and compressed; itt was as though the grass had grown to colossal heights.

In fact, that was exactly the case.

This is going to wind up becoming a giant enemy floor, isn't it? Though you should consider dropping in a hard scene break with the floor change here.

We were surrounded by blades of grass so tall that it was like we had shrunk. It was all around us, sprinkled about the dirt with no clear pattern. I had to throw my head all the way back just to see the tips of each one, and when I did, I saw a familiar sight.

The grass, towers of dark green thirty feet tall, completely unlike the colors from before, curled into irregularly high swirls above us. Some curled, others bent and conjoined. Looking further off in the distance, they seemed to almost blend together. Not only that, but the dirt at our feet reminded me of the dirt back in Figy Forest. Shapes that shouldn't be there beset the earth.

Even further up was the still blue sky. But what shade of blue? That was a difficult question—mostly because it kept changing every time I'd look up. The sun as well. One second it would be there, then the next it would be gone with no change to the lighting.

Or it could just be grass that's gotten the bamboo treatment, that works too. Though trippy environment there is trippy.

That wind I had heard earlier was here now, but...there was something off about it. More so than just being an odd noise, it would stop and start abruptly like someone flipped a switch and all the wind would either stop in its tracks or continue where it left off. All the while, it juggled between sounding like a constant bombardment of screams of terror and cries of happiness.

The wind had no effect on the grass.

Oswald: "Oh. Well. It was a nice break from the creepy phantom voices in the background there." ._.;

But the most distressing aspect concerning all of this was the lack of any walls. We were in a field, same as before; there was no clear road forward.

Needless to say, the dungeon dropped the facade. Kelpsy Fields was showing us it's true form. It was only a matter of time before it started to throw deadly obstacles at us...

Cue the feral encounter in 3... 2...

"Cosmo doesn't feel so good," Cosmo muttered, sagging in the air.

I blinked and tore my eyes off of our surroundings. I looked over at the young Solosis to see him trying to keep afloat and failing. Right away, I realized that the dungeon not only delayed its illusion, but its adverse effects too. Cosmo was starting to experience what being in a dungeon was like.

I approached the pitiful pokemon and held my arms out. "Go ahead and throw up if you have to," I said. "It's normal to feel sick in your first dungeon."

Fenn: "Yeah... we really should've started him off in an easier dungeon, huh?"

"Why am...why is Cosmo so heavy all of a sudden? What's going on?"

Jeez, that's rough. It already felt like I was being crushed. Cosmo probably had it way worse, what with him having to stay in the air. I held open the sack's flap for him to see. "Do you want to ride in the bag?"

He shook his body and put on a brave face. "No!" he declared. "Cosmo is strong! Cosmo will n-not...not...bleugh…"

Cosmo threw up.

Small typo there. Though I can already tell that this Mystery Dungeon is going to be murder for Cosmo's sense of self-esteem afterwards given that it's just casually kicking all his priors in the nether regions.

"Egh." He sagged dismally, nearly falling to the ground before Fenn stepped in and caught him with his back.

"...Take a break, Cosmo," Fenn said gingerly. "We'll take it from here."

I let out a sigh of relief. Sure am glad Fenn's here. I'm too indecisive when it comes to this stuff.

I can already tell that that's going to wind up coming back to bite him at some point, since you'd think that in an ultra-lethal environment like a Mystery Dungeon as depicted in this fic, that indecisiveness would be an absolutely terrible character trait to have for a dungeoneer.

Stroking a scalchop, I felt quite worried. Cosmo's nausea reminded me of my first time in a dungeon. Not a good sign.

I strided up to Fenn. [ ]

"Do you still wanna go through with this?" I asked quietly so Cosmo wouldn't hear. "We can leave now if you want. I don't mind." I paused. "You did buy escape orbs, right?"

Fenn smiled at me. [ ]

"I bought two, don't worry. A-and...yes, I'm sure. Once Cosmo is feeling better, we should teach him how dungeons work."

It might make sense to elaborate on the characters' reactions or inner thoughts here a bit.

Though were you two going to actually bail right about now, or...? Since I'm pretty sure that the "terrible idea" meter is reaching stratospheric levels right now. ^^;

I nodded. "So, how do you want to approach this?"

He turned away. His eyes took on a shimmer of concern as he scanned his surroundings. "Um…" Fenn paused. "Can I see the bag?"

I handed it to him. "I-I picked out some items that might help us," Fenn said, pulling out a couple of wooden sticks.

I frowned. "Oh no. Don't tell me you were talked into buying something you could just pick up off the ground. How are sticks going to help us?"

The Quilava shook his head. "No, these are wands." He held one up. The light wood was bent to resemble a lightning bolt. "This is a Guiding Wand. It should help us find the stairs if we're lost." He held up the other one. This darker branch was shaped like a pickaxe. "And this is a tunnel wand. It should be able to break any walls the dungeon puts in front of us."

... Which can also just be picked up off the ground in Mystery Dungeons, but let's not tell Oswald about that one. ^^;

Though wait, do they look like they do in PMD DX, or do they have custom appearances in Flowerbeds? Since it's not really clear here.

He solemnly looked around himself. "N-not...sure if any of this counts as walls, though." Fenn shrugged. "Either way, I-I don't think it really matters much. As long as we go through the whole floor, any direction we go is the right direction."

But how big is each floor? I don't want to spend more than half an hour on any of these. I'll keep an eye out, but the second we find the stairs, We're moving on.

I kinda feel like we're missing some thought process regarding why just bailing and trying again later isn't an option, especially when Oswald and Fenn have two Escape Orbs at the moment. Like are their present finances so tight that if they jumped ship here they wouldn't be able to buy a third Escape Orb? Would their mission to find the X-Ray Specs get passed on to another team if they went back empty-handed and punted for a day?

"Alright, let's go," I said.

Fenn led the way through the floor while I stuck behind him, Corsola Twig in my paw. I scanned the ground as we made our way through. Walking around Kelpsy Fields made me feel uneasy. Alongside the annoyingly prevalent sound of the wind starting and stopping, there were other, more persistent noises. The chirping of birds and the chittering of crickets.

Oh, so vanilla animals do exist in this setting... unless those are birdmons and Kricketot or something like that.

But, wait...are there actual, smaller bugs here? I haven't seen a bug as small as my paw ever since I got here. And...what even is a cricket? Slip of the tongue?

Oh, well. Guess that's another memory that was lazored from Oswald's mind. Though I suppose that confirms that he's not from a Pokémon world.

What pokemon were supposed to be here again? I haven't seen a feral yet. I did see Fenn though. He was looking cute today. I should let him know. He probably needed the confidence boost. And Cosmo. He didn't look too good. Poor little fella. I think we have some extra Oran Berries in case-

Wait. What's that? Something purple? I padded over to it, picking the small object off the ground. [ ]

I think I...no, this wasn't it. It was just a bruised apple. Not even worth taking with us. Bah. I tossed it over my shoulder. I wondered if Fenn has had any luck ye-

[ ] Oh, hello. What happened to you, huh? New flames? Not like the old ones. So jagged...nice work, Fenn. Oh? What's with the look? I'm looking respectfully. Get back to looking for the specs, badger boy.

Okay, while I get that the narration is written from Oswald's perspective in these scenes, I do feel that you should provide a bit more firm description to glom onto to contextualize what Oswald's seeing.

Also, some of the narration's text reads as if it was supposed to be inner thoughts by Oswald but just wasn't formatted as such for some reason, especially the entire last paragraph there.

Speaking of which, did you get new glasses? Special design? Not bad.

I should get some myself. My sight isn't the greatest.

Well, anyways, we should get moving. I hear Grebes, the Kebia Castle cook, calling. I sure do love what he makes. I think they have Murkrow on the menu? I hear it's great when it's cooked.

Yep. Just. Move some legs. Gotta get go go-

Another bit where if this is meant to be Oswald's inner thoughts, you should format it as such to keep things consistent with earlier scenes.


I blinked.

All of a sudden, I was lying on the ground. My head hurt and water was dripping out of my mouth, pooling in the dirt. I looked up and saw Fenn in a similar position not too far away. He was blinking himself awake, clearly unaware of what was going on. The flames on his back smoldered. Cosmo wasn't anywhere near him.


I turned my head to the sound of the screaming voice. Cosmo was floating in the air again, squaring up against a Drowzee as it reeled-

Wait, a Drowzee?

Oh. That would explain why everything just got hazy and zoned out there. Though I see that Cosmo wasn't completely full of hot air about being a competent fighter.

I stood up quickly and grabbed the Corsola Twig I had dropped. The pounding in my head got worse and made me wince. I had no idea what just happened but there was a new pokemon here that didn't look friendly in the slightest. I shook off the pain and rushed to fight while yelling, "Cosmo!"


The Drowzee had recovered from Cosmo's simple psychic attacks and waved its fingers peculiarly. The Solosis' form began to warp and contort. Cosmo continued to groan in agony as the Drowzee gleefully played with the kid's bubble like a marionette.

Whelp, looks like I spoke too soon.


Though yeah, I'm going to take the under on this Drowzee getting a narrative pass on being torn into bloody ribbons like that one feral Ponyta.

"Get off him, you cock!"

I tossed the Corsola Twig as though my life depended on it. Before the presumed feral had any time to react, the twig penetrated the skin of the Drowzee's side, eliciting a blood curdling screech.

The grip the feral had on Cosmo was released and, to my dismay, the Solosis fell to the ground. That dismay turned to fierce anger as I looked into the eyes of the horrid psychic type. Its eyes were crazed and bloodshot; I was certain it was a dungeon feral now. It looked at me like they always did: with hate and contempt. As if they knew me somehow and wanted revenge.

... I mean, do they? This whole time I'd been reflexively assuming that they were mindless, but... .-.

I hated it. I charged a Water Gun in my throat, imagining this Drowzee as the single last thing stopping me from getting the meal I've been tracking for hours. Water pooled in my mouth and I was about to strike…

...But then the feral was engulfed in flames.

A stream of fire battered the Drowzee and didn't relent until the feral was nothing but scorched fertilizer for the dungeon's dirt. All the while, it screamed and screamed and screamed. It rolled around and tried to put itself out.


Though I kinda feel that the bit in underlined doesn't quite work while the feral Drowzee is still alive and flailing while screeching bloody murder.

I had become numb to the thought of killing these things; there was almost joy to be felt in seeing it burn alive.

Oh boy, Oswald's also joining the "funny noises" train too, huh? .-.

Eventually, Fenn stopped his Flamethrower. The Drowzee was now thoroughly dead.

I let the Water Gun I had charged fall out of my mouth as I sighed. Fenn and I stared at the charred remains of the feral Drowzee until we heard a familiar voice.


I jolted back to attention. Cosmo! I remembered. Both Fenn and I rushed to his side immediately and found that he was lying in the dirt, groaning in pain. But at least he was still in one piece.

Okay, on the one hand, while Cosmo kinda saved your hides earlier... er... I think that this is kinda the definition of a child-unfriendly environment to keep him around in.

"Cosmo!" I shouted. "You're not hurt, are you? Oh shit, I can't believe this!"

"Cosmo, are you okay?" Fenn fretted. "Tell us you're alright!"

The Solosis shakily slowly rose in the air. "Alright?" He said tiredly. "C-Cosmo is better than...alright. Cosmo is...powerful and...unstoppable…" He lost his balance and fell, but not before I lurched forward and caught him.

"Fenn. Oran Berry."

Fenn: "(Boy am I glad that Cosmo apparently doesn't have parents, since boy would we be so dead right now...) And, uh... right, lemme just get that for you.." ._.

Fenn did as he was told, wordlessly digging in the bag and pulling out an Oran Berry. He shoved it down the psychic type's throat quickly, his paw reaching through the bubble and back out without causing any structural damage.

We sat with bated breaths for Cosmo to regain his strength. Fenn sat by with drooping ears, not once taking his eyes off Cosmo. I cradled the Solosis like a baby, holding his surprisingly durable and flexible outer bubble. It felt more like a squishy plastic than any sort of liquid.

Another small typo there. Though that makes me wonder how serious it would be if that membrane that keeps that green whatever it is that composes his body together were ever ruptured.

Eventually, Cosmo returned to his normal self and he lifted himself back into the air with more confidence than even before we reached the first floor.

"Ha ha! Cosmo has saved the day and lived to tell the tale!"

... I see that someone does not learn readily from negative experiences there. ^^;

I let out a sigh of relief. "Don't scare us like that...jeez."

"W-what happened, Cosmo?" Fenn asked. "Do you know where that Drowzee came from?"

Cosmo bobbed in the air thoughtfully. "Cosmo isn't sure," he said. "Oswald and Fenn started making weird noises and rolling around like Whirlipedes. And then Cosmo saw a big villain that wasn't there before. Cosmo thought, 'where did he come from?' He didn't know what was going on, but he knew what he had to do! He unleashed his super secret technique: the psychic barrage!"

Oswald: "Wait, but I literally didn't see it at all beforehand." ._.
Fenn: "Me either." o_o;

Cosmo's body glowed as he exerted himself. "Hrgh!"

One of the blades of grass nearby glowed the same color as him and very slightly moved on its own. After a few seconds, the glow disappeared and Cosmo panted in exhaustion.

"Heh...heh...see? Cosmo is...the greatest."

I got the idea.

That Drowzee screwed with Fenn and I's heads and put us out of commission, Cosmo noticed the feral and hit it hard enough to lose its grip on us, then we killed it but not before it hurt Cosmo.

And no, I'm not letting that go. I'm kicking that bastard's corpse on my way out.

First paragraph feels like one that would work better formatted in smaller ones. And, uh, yeah, if you guys are having this much trouble on Floor 2 of this place, you should really just pop that Escape Orb and bail here. .-.

But something still bothered me about what just happened.

Why wasn't Cosmo affected? Was it because he was also a psychic type? Did the Drowzee not see him?

Or was there...another reason?


I don't even want to know, do I?

"Well...I'm glad you're okay, Cosmo," Fenn said with a friendly smile. He turned to me. "I-I guess we'll have to keep our guard up. You can look out for the specs and I'll look out for ferals. Cosmo can keep lookout as well."


Well, if nothing else, you can't say that Fenn and Oswald are risk-averse...

Cosmo beamed. It must have been a big deal for him to be recognized like this. And while I was happy he was okay, I wasn't not happy with leaving him in harm's way.

I changed my mind about being a responsible guardian; it was stupid to bring Cosmo here and was even more stupid of me to think he could handle it. Maybe he could, but screw going through that again. Cosmo was going in the bag and I wasn't letting him out until we were home free.

Yeeeeeeeeah, I honestly am surprised that "quit the dungeon, go home, try again another time when Cosmo's more up to speed" hasn't crossed Oswald's radar at all if he's that bothered by what happened. Not even in a "talk self out of it because it's a greater evil for the team" capacity.

"Alright...let's get going," Fenn muttered. "We have a lot of ground to cover."

I held up a paw. "Hold on, Fenn." I opened up the bag around my shoulder. "Cosmo, get in the bag."

Oh hey, it's like the S/M Nebby memes from 2016-ish all over again.

[ ]

"Wha...b-but...Cosmo doesn't wanna get in the bag!"

"Cosmo," I voiced as sternly as possible.

[ ]

"N-no! This isn't fair!"

Probably merits showing off the characters' reactions a bit more, especially Cosmo's here. Though just saying, I can already tell that you're going to sorely regret going this route before the end of the chapter, Oswald.

Fenn approached me on my side. "Yeah, wait a second, Oswald. He didn't do anything wrong. W-we should let him fight with us."

I frowned. "I changed my mind, Fenn. Maybe you think differently, but I don't want him to get hurt. This place isn't safe for a kid like Cosmo."

[ ]

"C-Cosmo is strong!"

[ ]

"I don't care how strong you are, Cosmo, I don't want you to get hurt!"

Ditto here. Though see the prior notes re: "why don't you just use the Escape Orb?"

"He needs to learn how to go through dungeons on his own!" Fenn argued.

"No, he doesn't! This isn't a freaking training mission, Fenn!" I countered. "Do you want to see him in pain again? Cause I sure don't!"

Fenn opened his mouth to say something and shut it just as quickly. The look on his face told me that he was deeply considering what I was saying and that he might have been wrong.

"I…" he started, "I-I don't think i-it is fair to him...but you're...probably right, Oswald. I don't want Cosmo to get hurt either." Fenn rubbed his arm and sighed. "I-I don't know what I was thinking…"

I think that it makes more sense to focus a bit more on what Fenn's reaction looks like. Like is it stony and unmoved? Chastened? Is he visibly going into wallflower mode (which was kinda my assumption based off his following dialogue)?

Oswald: "I... er... might have overdone it a bit there."

[ ]

God, I feel awful. Is this what doing the right thing feels like? Making Cosmo upset sucks just as badly as making Fenn upset. I hate this, but if the alternative is being responsible for Cosmo getting hurt more or possibly killed then I'm going to make him cry as much as necessary.

Fenn looked at the Solosis earnestly. "Cosmo, get in the bag. It's for your own good."

Cosmo was teary-eyed, his body shaking. "B-but...sniff...I…"

You probably want to describe some combination of Fenn and Cosmo having a bad time reaction-wise before Oswald has his pang of guilt there.

Crap. Okay, I need to take a different approach. I moved a little closer. [ ]

"Listen, big guy," I started softly, "we know you're strong. Without you, we'd be in a lot of danger right now. But...we made a mistake. You are...too...powerful. You're our secret weapon and we can't have our secret weapon out in the open. We have to conceal you. You get what I'm saying?"

I shot a glance at Fenn. [ ]

Cosmo sniffled. "A...secret weapon?"

A couple spots where it probably makes sense to expand a bit to show how the characters are reacting a bit more.

"Yeah!" the Quilava blurted out. "I-if the bad guys see you, they'd all run before we get the chance to beat them. You have to hide, Cosmo!"

Cosmo snapped back to his confident self. "Of course! Why didn't Cosmo think of that before!" Within a second, the Solosis zoomed through the air and landed in the bag. His little face peaked out. "Cosmo will lie in wait. He will strike when the time is right."

I nodded. "Yep," I said, "we'll call you when we need you. But for now...you should rest until your time comes." I closed the bag's flap on him.

I sighed. "Thanks for going along with that, Fenn. I really appreciate it."

Fenn: "Um, Oswald? You should probably lower your voice so Cosmo can't hear you, since that bag fabric isn't that thick."

The Quilava nodded. "Y-yeah." He looked away. "I'm sorry for being so stupid."

"It's fine," I smiled with a wink. "Your stupidity is why I like you so much."

[ ]


"Kidding. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Might merit showing off Fenn's flustered reaction a bit, especially since Oswald is not-so-subtly developing a crush on Fenn in live-time and he might notice his reaction.

That made him pretty flustered. "U-uh...should we get going?"

I chuckled. "Sure. Let's."

We headed out to search the rest of the second floor, but not before I kicked the bastard's corpse.


We spent the better part of half an hour scouring the second floor for items. It went more or less the same; I would keep my eyes on the ground when all of a sudden things would get weird. Then, after a few moments, I would snap out of my stupor to see Fenn scorching a cheeky feral pokemon. Fenn had been on the lookout this time and caught them in the act before they could get to him.

Another spot where things feel like they either ought to be split or the paragraph extended a bit to emphasize the passage of time more. This time, I do think that a hard scene cut is the better route to take since the sequence prior to this was fairly lengthy.

I was starting to get very wary of this place. Not only was the dungeon trying it's hardest to screw with our heads, but I was certain that it was targeting me in particular.

Oh, well that's not ominous at all there. Do these places somehow know that Oswald's human?

The ferals would always attack me first, even if Fenn was the bigger threat. After the fact, Fenn would tell me that I was mumbling something incoherent and wandering off. A decent tell that something was wrong.

We did find items along the way, but only when we would go out of our way to look for them, though. Every single one was some shade of purple and either broken, useless, or rotten. Very funny.

Oswald: "Okay, yeah, do these places just have minds of their own? Since I'm convinced that this place just hates me in particular." >_>;

Kelpsy Fields wasn't a difficult dungeon. I surmised that it was just prone to trick invaders; it's residents attacked indirectly. I also surmised that this dungeon wanted something from me, and only me.

If it weren't for the X-Ray Specs, I would've left immediately. The dungeon knew this somehow, which had to be why it kept throwing vaguely similar objects on the ground in our path. It wanted to keep my hopes up. Keeping me here through promises of a finished job and then leading me away...for some reason.

Just saying Oswald, this feels like a really good reason to bail on the dungeon and let someone else that the dungeon just doesn't inherently hate handle things. Even if I suppose you don't have hard confirmation that this is indeed what the MD is doing just yet.

Not a good reason, I was guessing, but a reason nonetheless. I didn't like that.

Soon enough, we came across a tangling of grass conjoined into a large ball. The blades bent downward to coil into themselves. To protect something perhaps? I doubted it. The tangling of grass was there to stop us, I was certain.

"W-woah." Fenn was astonished. "What's this doing...hey, what's that?" He padded up to the ball of grass and peered through the cracks. His eyes then went wide. "H-hey! It's the stairs!"

Whelp, time for said grass to get some Vitamin F to take care of it.

"What?" I questioned, walking up to his side, peeking through the grass.

"The stairs! On the other side!"

Sure enough, I saw something white through the blades. The dungeon was stopping us from getting to the stairs, and I could faintly hear the giggling.

"How are we supposed to get through?" I wondered.

"...Step back."

Yeah, I figured there.

I did so and Fenn unleashed a blazing inferno into the foliage. He kept up the assault for a few seconds, but despite Fenn's brilliant display, the flames bounced right off the grass. Not even a scorch mark was left.

"Wha-what the…?" Fenn couldn't believe it.


[ ]

Oh, I see how it is. You want us to wander around until we get frustrated and give up? Maybe attack us when we get tired? Well, two can play at this game.

I kept my eyes on the ball. "Do you think the Tunnel Wand can break this?" I asked.

"Um...maybe? Worth a shot."

Another spot where it'd probably have merited getting into Oswald's mind a bit more. As for Oswald's idea, I mean, if these grass barriers are effectively walls...

I opened the bag and-

-Cosmo was asleep.

Oswald: "... Oh. Well. This kinda complicates things."

I awkwardly weaved my paw past his body and pulled out the pickaxe shaped stick from earlier. I then handed it to Fenn; I didn't know how wands worked.

Oh, so items do look like they do in PMD DX. Duly noted.

"O-okay," Fenn breathed. "Never used a Tunnel Wand before, but...h-here goes." He pointed the end of the stick towards the tangling of grass and closed his eyes. Within a few moments, a sphere of bright white light began to form at the end of it.

The light expanded and expanded more until Fenn opened his eyes. The light was unleashed in a cone from the wand, cascading out, bright as the sun. There was a loud BANG and the light connected. It tore through the blades and flew out the other end, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.


Fenn: "Loud, too." @.@

The light gradually dissipated and the wand rotted ever so slightly; it still had a few uses left.

Fenn turned to me. "Wow, that actually worked! That was pretty cool, huh-h-huh? Oswald? What…?"

I couldn't hear him. I was too busy grasping the sides of my head, on my knees, leaning over, and in pain. That bang I had heard had been loud, but not nearly as loud as the screams.

Wait, but if Oswald couldn't hear Fenn, then shouldn't the entire bit of dialogue before the last paragraph just be flatly axed outside the "Fenn turned to me" when the screams take over and murder Oswald's poor ears?

The voices assaulted my brain. Louder and louder, not stopping even as the heat the wand had left was gone from the carnage. Within seconds, I was at my wits end.

I screamed internally. OKAY! OKAY! I GET IT! STOOOOOOP! AAAAAAAH!

I'm surprised that Oswald's only screaming internally right now.

"Oswald? Oswald, what's wrong?"

The screams gradually got quieter. All I could do was whimper and wait for it to all go away. Eventually, they vanished and I was left panting heavily on my hands and knees.


[ ]

"Fenn…" I whispered. "Please tell me...you heard that."

[ ]

"...H-heard what?"


I stood up slowly.

Some spots where it merits showing off Fenn's reactions in a bit more detail. Ditto Cosmo's if Oswald's jostling around roused him.

"Heard what, Oswald? What's going on?"

I said nothing. I only stared at the staircase ahead of me.

It did not make any noise. The laughing, the screaming, the wind...it wasn't there anymore. Now all that was left was the beckoning feeling the portal always gave me…

Alright, I get it.

Sure is a good thing that you're being stubborn and continuing to plow ahead deeper into this Mystery Dungeon, huh, Oswald? ^^;

My feet felt heavy as I ambled closer to it. Fenn swiftly grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"O-Oswald, please!" he pleaded. "Tell me what's the matter!"

I did not turn around. "It's nothing, Fenn. We need to keep moving."

"B-but...no! We haven't searched the whole floor! Please just tell me-"

I spun around and faced Fenn with a furrowed brow. "If the dungeon wants to give us the X-Ray Specs, then it will. But for now...I'm getting really tired of this."

Fenn: "Um... O-Oswald? You're kinda scaring me right now."

I spun back around. The portal stared back at me.


I sighed. "I'll tell you later," I mumbled. Without giving Fenn the chance to argue, I walked up the steps of the stairs and into the portal. Fenn stopped trying to plead with me. He clung to my arm and said nothing more.

All the while, the portal continued to stay quiet. Nothing but deafening silence followed as we moved on to the next floor.

Words do not begin to describe how dumb of a move this is on your part, Oswald. Though I do wonder if there should be a bit more of his thought process shown off as to why Oswald is insisting on pressing forward when this entire ordeal has been a parade of suck for him. Like is he motivated by spite at this point? Are the consequences of bailing on the mission really that bad? Show how he talks himself internally to keep going a bit more.


Kelpsy Fields: 4th Floor

The next two floors were the same. In fact, I'd wager that they were exactly the same. Same giant blades of grass, same bluish sky, same fake out X-Ray Specs. The tactics of the ferals didn't change, that's for sure.

Another spot where it makes sense to add a hard scene break. Though, uh... the tactics not changing sounds like it's really troublesome given how many problems said tactics were giving you in the last scene, Oswald.

Fenn was adamant about keeping an eye out for the specs, but I knew better. I truly believed what I said about the dungeon giving us the item when it felt like it. So instead of focusing on looking for some stupid pair of glasses that wouldn't at all be worth it to find, I took out my anger on the wildlife.

I stabbed and cut with passion, these awful beasts didn't deserve any semblance of mercy. Maybe the dungeon thought that it could get the jump on me and maybe it thinks it can confuse me and make me doubt myself. I didn't care what it thought it could do, I was officially done screwing around.


Well, Oswald's mood is certainly going places in live-time right now.

Fenn seemed worried. Actually, I knew that he was worried. There was a nagging feeling in my heart telling me to calm down and tell him everything. I wanted nothing more, but nope! If I told him I might let slip who I really am! So I'm just gonna kill as many ferals as I can until this godforsaken place TELLS ME WHAT IT WANTS!

Oswald, you're scaring me right now. Also, just saying, but you're probably burning through your PP at an unsustainable rate like this.

I gripped a bloody Corsola Twig at my side as we progressed through the fourth floor, my eyes trained forward. Fenn had given up trying to get me to talk at this point; he kept with me and stayed quiet.

Fenn: "Uh, yeah, I'm just glad that Oswald insisted on Cosmo staying in the bag, since this would probably have scarred him for life."

We stepped into a clearing. I scanned my surroundings for anything irregular, ready to skewer any monsters if need be. I was also waiting for the dungeon to shake up it's tactics. Whatever it was going for wasn't working, and I hadn't gotten confused since the second floor.

So imagine my surprise when it did actually switch up its tactics.

Out of nowhere, two ferals burst from the shadows and ambushed us head on. One was a Hattrem that looked...strangely familiar. Lilac? No, it can't be.

The other was an Inkay. I had no relation with any Inkay of any kind, but...this one also seemed familiar. Where have I seen an Inkay before?

Oh, so this place is deliberately screwing with Oswald. I wonder if it's able to react to his thoughts or something here such that it would know what would get under his skin.

Regardless, these were ferals that I needed to kill. I leapt into action without hesitation. "Fenn!" I called out. "You take the Inkay! I'll take the Hattrem!" I didn't even look back to make sure he got what I had said. The Hattrem, glaring at me furiously, was missing a couple holes.

I needed to fix that.

So... uh... just how much red is on Oswald's fur at the moment anyways? .-.

I advanced forward, my sight set on the mangy hat with legs. Just as I was about to get close enough to attack, however, it let out a guttural screech and lifted an arm. I jumped aside, and the ground I was just on exploded, leaving a crater in its place. I had enough of an idea of how psychic types worked at this point to recognize the tells of an attack.

My feet kicked up dirt as I went in again. This Hattrem was now my deadly rival of the deep. Water gushed from my throat, pooling and ready to shoot. I had the perfect shot.

Its arm lifted once again. Outstretched in pursuit of my prize. Oh, how I hated it. I wanted nothing more than to destroy and maim this piece of shit as much as possible.

So, um... is Dungeon Madness a thing in this setting? If so, what exactly is the amount of time necessary for a Pokémon to turn? Since this thought process is kinda a very concerning parallel to that one line of narration where Oswald mentioned that ferals always looked angry when encountered.

Crouching low, I evaded the psychic attack just in time with my leap into the air. I pointed my twig downward and landed on the Hattrem.

My form was sloppy; I failed to pierce its heart. Instead, I only stabbed into the feral's lower half. It screeched loudly, causing making me to flinch. The Water Gun I was charging was choked out of my mouth. I wasn't the skilled killer I thought I was..

The Hattrem gripped me with its telekinesis and tossed me away. I landed in the dirt with a thud, my bag flying off my shoulder in the process. It dropped onto the ground nearby, causing the contents of the bag to fly out alongside a certain sleepy Solosis. Cosmo was hardly phased as he rolled onto the dirt. He was unharmed, yes, but the ruckus made him finally wake up.

"Wha...?" He muttered sleepily. "Is Cosmo needed now?"

Oh. Oh nooooo...

Whelp, time to scar Cosmo for life in about five seconds.

I blinked and regained my senses; I had completely forgotten about Cosmo. The anger in my heart subsided in the sight of him.

My gaze was brought went back to the mortally wounded Hattrem. It lifted an arm—not in my direction, but in the direction of the Solosis. [ ]


It probably makes sense to elaborate on Oswald's thought process by a sentence or two here as the panicked "oh crap, oh crap" realization sets in.



I jumped to my feet and ran—ran as fast as my short little legs would let me. I body-blocked the Hattrem's psychic attack just as it was about to hit Cosmo. There was a pressure in my chest and I froze in the air.

The feral grinned.

Okay, you know what? Well played, Mystery Dungeon. Even if life's about to suck hard for Oswald in about 3 seconds.

The Hattrem swung its arm around itself and I felt my body lurch. Before I knew what was going on, I was flying past the colossal blades of grass. My name was being yelled behind me. I didn't know how to react to what was happening so my mind locked up.

I flew and flew until...I saw it: the stairs. My body was sent through the portal in a matter of seconds.

As I felt the darkness encroach on my mind, the sound of giggling returned at full force.

The dungeon had caught me...there was nothing I could do.

Boy it sure is a good thing you didn't pop that Escape Orb and bail on the second floor, huh, Oswald? :copyka:


Kelpsy Fields: 5th Floor

The fifth floor immediately felt different. Looked different, too.

Much like before, the blades of grass were colossal. They coiled and contorted strangely high up into the sky. But peering up from my position prone on the ground, I noticed that the sky was now purple. Just like Figy Forest.

You know the drill re: these floor changes. Though if you ever went back and added further content to this chapter and felt things were starting to get on the longer side, right before this honestly would be a not-terrible place to cleave this chapter in two since it makes for a decent wham outro note.

Also like Figy Forest, broken items and rotten fruit hovered in the air. Gravity was no longer applicable in Kelpsy Fields.

Any inkling of an idea that this dungeon was trying to seem normal was gone. Madness reigned supreme—the dungeon was showing me its true colors.

Oswald: "Okay, yeah, we should've just abandoned this mission like two floors ago."

I didn't dare move. Breathing was hard enough as it was, but moving at all would only make it worse. So instead, I stayed still. Fenn...will come and get me soon. There's no reason to be scared...everything will be…

Oh, who was I kidding? I was absolutely horrified.

All alone and completely defenseless in a dungeon that wanted something from me. What should I do? I don't even have the bag…

Wow, Oswald really is just all sorts of screwed right about now, huh?

I felt something in my paw. Bringing it to my face, the object was the Corsola Twig. The very same one I had used to stab that Hattrem. I must have pulled it out when the Hattrem tore me away. It was drenched in the blood of so many pokemon.

That Hattrem...it smiled. Why did it smile?

Because it was acting as a medium on behalf of the Mystery Dungeon's own feelings? I mean, the alternative is that ferals aren't as mindless as initially thought, which... uh... well, let's just say I will be very impressed if that's the angle you roll with since boy will that get very dark, very fast.

I let my arm fall to the dirt. Even holding it up for that long was exhausting. Everything was exhausting. Just let me rest...please. I'm so tired. I wanna go home...wherever home is. No more secrets...no more pain...no more dungeons. I just...want…

I looked up for half a second; it was done unconsciously. For just a split second, I caught sight of something that wasn't there before. Something white and tall.

I looked up again, this time taking in what I saw.

It was a Gardevoir, staring at me from across the field.

Oswald: "Oh my god, please tell me that that's not Anemone right now. Why on earth would she be here?!" O_O;

But it wasn't just any Gardevoir. Even from where I was laying, I could tell that this Gardevoir was one I had met before. The way that their gown flowed down their waist...the way that the hair frayed...even the eyes were the same brand of "tired and frustrated." It was clear to me right then and there...

This Gardevoir was Anemone.

Anemone: "Is this seriously how you're reacting to someone with the power to take you to safety right now?" https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/803141280380485632.webp?size=44

She moved closer.

Perhaps this was just the dungeon playing tricks on me. It must have been; Anemone had no reason to be here. Still, I wanted to fight this Gardevoir. I wanted to use the Corsola Twig in my paw to gouge her eyes out. I wanted to tell her how much I hated her for doing this to me—for making me explore these horrible dungeons.

Well, scratch that about this being Anemone. And... uh... yeah. That sounds like an absolutely terrible idea there, Oswald. Since I remember what Anemone did to you in your last encounter, and I'm not convinced this probable feral will let you off any easier. https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1220916380468117705.webp?size=44

She moved closer.

With every ounce of strength I still had, I stood. There must have been rocks on my shoulders because I felt as though I might fall over at any moment. I might have, but I had something I wanted to say.

"You…" I muttered, barely audible. "This...this is all your fault."

She moved closer.

Uh... yeah. Fenn and Cosmo should really, [I]really[/I] hurry up, otherwise Oswald's likely going to die in painful, horrible fashion.

I held out my arm and pointed at her with my twig. "I just...want to go home...and you won't let me."

She moved closer.

I chuckled weakly. "Heh...heh...you bitch. You enjoy seeing me suffer, don't you?"

She moved closer.

"Take...another step...and I kill you…"

She moved closer.

Anemone was now less than two meters away from me.

Yeeeeeeah, this really [I]does[/I] feel like the onset of Dungeon Madness. Since I can [I]see[/I] Oswald's sanity slipping in live time there. .-.

"Have it...your way."

I tossed the twig. The throw was weak; it would've barely done any damage if it hit.


It didn't.

The twig froze mid air, inches from Anemone's face. She did not flinch. To my surprise, the twig turned very slowly until the twig was pointed in the opposite direction.

At me.

[IMG alt="Image"]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/H-xwkvTicT_lHuxXl31pTYXMc9LlSELxSGnDxtcuS3E/https/i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZm9jZTN6cmwzNGRpODk3cW5qb2dpcjk4aG9rZ21peHpjNXdoYjV3NiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/11BAxHG7paxJcI/giphy.gif?width=800&height=446

It flew away from the Gardevoir and punctured my thigh.


I fell into the dirt, clutching my leg. A thousand thoughts coursed through my head at once, all drowned out by the pain. I grit my teeth and suppressed my screams.

Uh... I don't suppose that there's somehow a Reviver Seed lying on the ground anywhere? Since at this rate, Oswald's going to need it.

"Ngh...aaah shit! AAgh!"

[ ] The Gardevoir was now inches from my writhing body. I had no way to stop her. I didn't try.

"P-please," I pleaded through the tears, "d-don't-"

It might merit expanding the "things going wrong in live-time" description from Oswald's perspective here to make this a bit more visceral as a moment. Especially since Oswald literally has a bleeding hole in his thigh now.

"Shhhh. Sleep."

And then there was a groping sensation in my skull. My eyelids fell. And then everything went dark.

Wait, that thing could talk?

I recalled a memory right then.

I don't know what it was about dungeons, but they seemed to always lead to me recalling...something. Well, not every time, but at least a couple times. A real shame I was already deciding on never coming back to one of these ever again.

I remembered a garden of flowers. I almost thought I was remembering Fairy Fields, the place where I first woke up in Pamtre. But...no, it wasn't Fairy Fields. The flowers were different. There were...yellow flowers. Sunflowers, I believe.

Oswald: "Am... Am I dying right now? Since I think that I'm dying right now..."

I...recalled liking sunflowers a lot actually. Wherever this place was, I visited it quite often. I could remember the way the wind felt on my skin, and the way the flowers would sway in the breeze. Was it nostalgia that made me feel so comfortable in this place? I came here when I was younger, I think.

What was it called? Did it even have a name? Hard to say. Maybe it did. Maybe it didn't. Humans weren't very consistent when it comes to names. All that was left of those flowerbeds to me was these memories. Happy memories. Memories I would cherish as long as I live. [ ]

But...wait...what's that? Who is that? It's not a pokemon I don't think. They're in the garden with me, looking away from me. I can't see their face. Can I get closer? Please tell me I can.

It probably makes sense to give some general description of what Oswald's seeing here in his memory. e.x. colors and vague features or something like that.

[ ]

Huh? I'm getting closer? Ha! Oh, I can't wait! I'll get to see someone from my past and then I'll remember so much more and...and...

[ ]

No...no, please. Please don't! No! Come back! COME BACK, PLEASE!

The flowers began to fade, dissipating along with the human I never got to see. That was where the memory ended.

Dammit! Just give me something! I'm begging you!

I didn't even realize that the hazy figure was supposed to be a human. Uh... yeah. This part would've strongly benefitted from providing more description interleaved along with Oswald's inner thoughts, since it's a bit hard to tell what's going on at points.

As the memory faded, I realized that I was somewhere new. Laying on the ground, I felt no pain despite being stabbed not too long ago. Or...sometime ago. Feels like it happened years in the past, it was so distant.

Regardless, I recognized the ground I was on as stone. Not at all the dirt of Kelpsy Fields. I was somewhere completely different. I pushed myself to my feet and looked around.

I was in Kebia's town square, no doubt about it. Though some buildings looked different and the fountain lacked the usual statue, I knew where I was. The castle towering above me was also a telling sign. Pokemon walked the streets around me, but paid me no mind. In fact, they were more like ghosts, really. Their transparent figures glided across the stone without making any noise.

Oswald: "Okay, yeah, I'm officially dying and having some sort of messed-up dream right now."

The entire mood of the place was notably very dreamlike. A blanket of soft white light coated everything around me, making me feel a bit lost and aimless. The square was entirely silent aside from the music coming from the fountain.

My eyes drifted to the fountain. I mentioned that the Gallade statue was gone, and it was, but in its place was an actual Gallade sitting on the fountain's edge. He was solid and definitely real, unlike the ghosts. In his arms was an acoustic guitar. He strummed it idly, his eyes closed, lost in his music.

I assumed that if I wanted answers, I should ask him.

Approaching the Gallade, he acknowledged my presence without opening his eyes. "Do you know what this is?" he asked in a friendly, but strong and virtuous voice.

Oswald: "I'm really, really hoping that the answer right now isn't 'the afterlife'." ._.;

I stopped a few feet from him. "...Are you talking about the guitar?"

He smiled. "So you do remember…" The Gallade opened his eyes and we made eye contact. They were the most beautiful shade of blue; I read the kindness in them. There was an innocence and playfulness there that made him seem younger than what he most likely really was. I might not have met this pokemon before, but I knew right away that he was someone I could trust.

That set off a few red flags. Trusting pokemon was what got me here in the first place.

Yeesh, Kebia has really done a number on our boy there.

"Hello, Oswald," he said.

Why am I not surprised? I crossed my arms and scowled. "Can you just tell me what's going on?" I grumbled.

He turned away and went back to plucking his instrument. "You know," he laughed, "I used to play this all the time back in the day. How many decades has it been? Three? Four?"

Well, Oswald clearly has more of a backstory behind him than I initially thought. And here I thought everything before his amnesia would just be him being a human.

[ ]

"Please don't screw with me. I'm so sick of this."

Might be worth to show more of Oswald's reaction / inner thoughts here.

He chuckled lightly. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. This is my first time doing this so I wanted to make myself seem mysterious, you know?"

I glared at him.

"Don't be upset, I just wanted to talk. We don't have much time, so let me say my piece, okay?"

I sighed. "I don't...fine. I yield. What do you want to say?"

Oswald: "And, uh... I don't mean to be rude, but what the hell is even going on right now?"

His smile got bigger and he went back to strumming his guitar. That strumming gradually turned into a gentle tune. "You wanted answers. I don't have many, but I do have some words of encouragement," he said, fingers busy playing his acoustic. "I wanted to tell you to not give up. I know it might be stressful right now, but it won't be without purpose, I promise.

"When the time comes, you'll know what to do. There will always be someone there for you, even if it doesn't feel like it. Your spot in this story is the most important one of all, don't forget that. And, uh, everything that is happening now, happened once before. I should know, I was there."

Oh, so Oswald was also gay for a stoat 40 years ago? Though what on earth is this? Some sort of reincarnation/eternal recurrence plot?

"...Who are you?"

The Gallade laughed merrily. "Ha! That's funny! I was just about to get to that!"


He faced me and shot me a large grin. "Names are so fickle," he stated. "Everybody puts so much value in names when they're nothing but words! Let me tell you, if everyone stopped caring about names altogether, we'd get so much done.

Oswald: "That's not answering the question."

[ ]

"But here's the thing: names can have value. You can tell when a name has value when you can feel the love in it. When someone you love says your name, and you love them back, that name has value. Of course, not everyone that says your name will find the love in it, but some will. Cherish those that do, Oswald. Find a name that means something to you and find someone that will say it with an abundance of love."

What...what is he talking about?

I frowned. "You still haven't answered my question."

Yeah, I figured that Oswald wouldn't be impressed. But IMO, it makes sense to drop in something where Gallade's pause in his speech is happening.

He stopped strumming his guitar and stood up from the edge of the fountain. "I know," he smirked. "It's not like you'll remember me anyways. You'll remember my words, but not me. Don't want her to catch on now, do we?"

I flinched. "Her? Wait, what're you-"

Oh, so Anemone is confirmed for being bad news in this story. Duly noted.

He began to walk away, his body slowly becoming more and more transparent. "I have to leave now!" he called out with a wave. "Good luck, Oswald! Maybe we'll get to meet again someday! Come back around when you get the chance!"

"What? No! Don't leave me with that!" I started to run after him, but no matter what I did, I couldn't catch him. Eventually, the dream itself began to shatter. "Answer my questions already! GET BACK HEEEEEEE-"

I never got the chance to finish my sentence. The world faded away. All that remained was white.

Well, on the plus side, Oswald's probably not dead right now?

The world faded back into view and the pain returned, now only a dull soreness.

My mind worked at a slow pace deciphering where I was now. At this point, I didn't even want to think about it; I just wanted to rest. The culmination of all of the stress accumulated over the course of the past week left me with nothing but exhaustion. I was ready to curl up and never move again.

But of course, that wasn't happening. I found myself asking more questions. Like...where was I now?

That's... honestly a really good question right now, just saying. ^^;

I was laying on my back and staring up at a ceiling. Somehow, I had ended up inside a building. I could still feel the pain in my leg, though it was much more subdued. It was also covered in something. Bandages, I guessed.

So that final floor not only happened recently, but I also got the medical attention I needed and I'm somewhere safe now. I must be on a bed too. The linen feels soft on my back.

That was good. I didn't feel like dying yet.


I wanted to move and look for more answers to my questions, which might've been the right course of action. Or sitting still for a while longer could be better. The exhaustion never really left, after all. A break would be nice.

I sighed internally. No...I can't take a break until I figure out what happened. Not until I find Fenn and...apologize.

No, you should really, really sit down and not bother your shredded thigh right about now, Oswald.

Dammit. I feel like such an idiot. I let the dungeon get to me, didn't I? And then I had the gall to get mad and ignore Fenn's pleas. Cosmo too, he didn't deserve to see me mad. Even if I had the right idea...I still feel like garbage.

I feel like garbage about everything.

Oh, so it was Oswald's turn to get carried away on a mission and have an epic fail, huh?

"Ah, you are awake. Good, good. My position as a medical doctor is secure."

I felt a chill go up my spine as a deeply smarmy and slighted accented masculine voice sounded out nearby. It came from somewhere, but my brain couldn't comprehend from where. Either way, it was a voice I had never heard before. I wasn't sure how to respond or even if I could, so I opened my mouth to speak and hoped for the best...


"Still weak, are we? A shame; I was expecting more from someone like you. Perhaps those books I have read were full of lies. I would not be surprised. Those idealistic nimrods added nothing of value to my repertoire. Regardless... get up."

Whelp, time to figure out who the lead medic of Kebia(?) is right now.

My body began to rise against my will, and a sudden jolt of pain surged through my entire body. I had to grit my teeth to keep myself from howling in agony. For some reason, I had a feeling I wasn't supposed to be sitting up yet. Don't know I came to that conclusion.

When I finally stopped in a sitting position, a pressure I didn't realize I was feeling was lifted, and my shoulders slumped with the lessened weight. I nearly fell back immediately before I stopped myself with my arms. Already, I felt that I might faint again. "Wha...ah...who…"

"...Did I fail to administer the correct amount of curatives?" In my half-conscious state, I was able to see a pink blob standing over me. The voice seemed to be coming from the blob. "Strange; that is a mistake I rarely make. Here, more is needed."

Oswald: "Uh... maybe you can start by doing something to not make my vision look like I'm seeing everything through some sort of mud filter?" @.@

I wasn't sure what happened next, but something blue floated through the air and up to my mouth. I was coaxed to bite down, and a liquid slipped into my throat. After a few more agonizing seconds, the pain gradually subsided. And soon enough, I was able to take in my surroundings more clearly.

First thing I did was look around. Beds were lined against the walls. Some held other pokemon, all of which were asleep. They all seemed to have an injury of some kind. Orange sunlight filtered in through the large windows. It must have been close to sunset.

Then, I gazed at the pink blob, now a pokemon I could decipher as being a Slowking. With his half-lidded eyes and his arms tucked behind his back, the smug looking psychic type regarded my confused glance with a nod. "It seems I was one curative short. My apologies."

Well, I wouldn't have expected that for a medic character, but duly noted.

"...Um…" I didn't even know where to start.

The Slowking let out a sigh. "I pray that you do not mind, I would prefer to answer your questions in chronological order before you waste time by asking them. I am a busy 'mon."

"...Ah," I groaned, feeling the soreness seeping into my neck. "...Sure...go ahead."

Again, he nodded. "Thank you," he said. "Now, your location: Kebia Castle infirmary."

Yup, I figured. Though Fenn's busy being a nervous wreck out in the waiting room, isn't he?

I nodded slowly. So I did get back to the castle. How did that happen?

He was just about to get to that. "Your compatriots were the ones that brought you here. A certain Quilava and Solosis. The Quilava in particular carried your unconscious body. The Solosis' capabilities were woefully underdeveloped; telekinesis was not an option."

...Yeah, I don't know what else I was expecting. At least they're okay.

Oswald: "Well, uh, I suppose I should amend that to 'alive'. Since for all I know, I scarred them for life from everything that happened in there." .-.

"As for your generous doctor," the Slowking hummed, lowering his head, "my professional title is Dr. Lupine. Though you, human, may call me Lupine."

... Bruh, you're literally one of the least wolf-like Pokémon imaginable. Why on earth do you have-

- One Google later -

Oh. Oh. I suppose that does roll off the tongue better than 'bluebonnet'.

"W-wait," I stuttered, the fur on the back of my neck bristling, "did she-"

Lupine interrupted me by literally pushing my lips together with his psychic powers. "As I have said, your questions will be answered. Do you understand, human?"

Begrudgingly, I nodded. Afterwards, I clawed at my teeth to try to pry them open. Lupine thankfully released his grip quickly after.

Oswald: "Wow, rude." >_>;

He continued, "Do you see this?" He held up his arm, showing me the white piece of cloth wrapped around his upper arm.

I nodded once more.

"This color represents my position as a member of the staff of this castle. In particular, I am the head doctor of Kebia Castle and maintain a dual purpose as a channeler."

What the hell is a channeler? I thought. Nevermind, it doesn't matter right now. What I really wanted to know was-

... Wait, Lupine didn't actually just imply that Oswald out-and-out died in that Mystery Dungeon but was rezzed, did he? .-.

"Our gracious queen has bestowed upon me the gift of knowledge." The psychic type brought his hands together in front of him and leaned close enough to me that I could feel the heat of his breath. "You are a human. That in itself is...astounding. But to think you happened to come here, of all places in Enigma...fascinating."

Uh... that's definitely different from 'Pamtre' there. I wonder if that's just the name of the region of Pamtre or if this is a sign of something deeper.

I didn't like that look in his eyes. Also, I didn't know what he meant by "Enigma" but I had a feeling he wasn't going to answer that question.

So, what? Anemone told another pokemon about me? Should I even be surprised at this point? Ugh. Did it really have to be this guy, though? The way he was staring at me was creeping me out.

He took a step back once he was done talking, thankfully. "I was hoping to learn more about your culture or your social standing, though Anemone tells me you have...amnesia. Is that correct?"

Oswald: "... Uh... yes?" .-.
Lupine: "Hrm. Pity, really.

Furrowing my brow, I shot Lupine the harshest scowl I could manage. "I'm sorry, who's answering the questions here?" I asked.

"I...!" Lupine almost seemed taken aback by the question. "I...see," he conceded.

[ ]

"I have merely one more answer you might be interested in hearing. Then, perhaps, you can enlighten a curious soul with any potential information relating to your origins. Anemone tells me that you have some inkling of an idea of what being a human was like."

Oswald: "... Oh my god, is that seriously what you all are worried about right now?!"

Fat freaking chance. Like hell am I gonna sit here and play 20 questions with this creepy weirdo. Where's Fenn? Why didn't I wake up and see HIM first?

Yeah, I figured that Oswald would not be amused there.

"The answer you seek," Lupine started, the gem on his shell flickering slightly, "concerns your condition, hm?"

I blinked, and I dropped the scowl. What about my condition?

Lupine began to pace around my bed. "Physical injuries consist of a puncture wound on the left thigh, and slight dehydration. Neither of those are particularly egregious; Oran berries were sufficient. The scar will fade with time."

Oswald: "Wait, scar-?" o_o;

[ ]

The scar...didn't I have a claw mark on my chest just a few days ago? Is it already gone? Wow, the medical advancements here are something else. Impressive considering that it's basically just berries.

Another spot where it probably makes sense to show Oswald explicitly looking down and seeing things here.

"No, my biggest concern is with your mental health," the Slowking said.

...I didn't like where this was going.

"Losing unconsciousness in Spatial Dungeons can lead to irreparable mental fatigue and other related ailments. Side effects can include rapid mental deterioration, crippling depression, and, in some cases, a loss of sanity." Lupine stopped pacing for a moment to turn and look at me. "You are lucky to be in the hands of an experienced medical professional, human. Through my methods of manipulation by way of the mind, I was able to remove the parasite infecting your brain. No damage was caused."

Oh, so there is Dungeon Madness of a sort in this setting. :copyka:

Though, uh... wait. Doesn't that imply that the ferals might also be parasitized Pokémon themselves? .-.

"... Huh.

just stared blankly into the middle distance after hearing all of that. Thinking back on it, I swore there was something in the back of my mind that could recall occurring right after I got stabbed. But...what was it? Something about...guitars? Was it a dream? Why did Lupine make me forget that? Or...did he? What was this parasite he was talking about?

I can already tell you really, really don't want to know, Oswald.

Actually, you know what? Nevermind. I didn't care. I just wanted to see Fenn and Cosmo and maybe go get something to eat. The sooner I could get away from this freak, the better.

"Right," I mumbled. "Thanks for...helping and all that, Dr. Lupine."

"Just Lupine. We are familiar enough, are we not?" His gem flickered again.

So, what are the odds that Lupine has:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAWUQHK0u3E

playing in the background somewhere? Since just saying, it wouldn't be out of place for a sketchy doctor character.

...No? I almost wanted to laugh at that. "...Lupine. Listen, you're a good doctor and I can't thank you enough. Um...do you know where that Quilava and Solosis are right now?"

The Slowking almost appeared offended by the question, his mouth agape. "...They are...outside this room, waiting to be allowed entrance."

Oh, so I was right about what Fenn would be up to at the moment. Whelp, I suppose that now would be as good a time as any to step in and make sure he doesn't burn himself out from worry.

My eyes lit up at that. Was my tail thumping against the bed too? That was...not something I wanted to think about right now. "Great!" I said excitedly. "Can I see them?"

"Yes, yes, in a bit," Lupine muttered quickly, walking over to a nearby table. "But first, I would like to inquire about your species' history and anatomy." When Lupine returned, he had a book in his hands. "There are details about humans that I have always questioned. If it possible, I would like to-"


I interrupted him by holding my paws up. "Lupine! Can this happen another time? I just...I don't think I'll be able to give any good answers right now."

Lupine deflated, the wonder and excitement on his face quickly vanishing. "...Oh. I am assuming…you do not remember as much as Anemone had claimed."

Sure, let's go with that. Screw it. "Yeah, I doubt I'd be any help. Sorry."

A bit nicer, but yeah. I figured that Oswald wouldn't be in the mood for that.

The gem on his shell went dull, and I could read the disappointment on his face. "I see," he said, looking down. "Perhaps in another week's time, you may remember more. In the meantime...yes, I will go fetch your companions."

Thank god. I might've felt bad about shutting Lupine down like that if...actually, no. I didn't feel bad at all.

Oswald: "He... can't read thoughts like Anemone can, can he? Since boy is that going to get awkward in short order if so..." ^^;

I nodded with a smile. "Thank you. And I really do appreciate what you did for me. I, uh...don't know if I would still be here if you weren't around."

Wordlessly, the Slowking nodded before turning to leave.

However, I couldn't help but notice the glare the back of his shell was giving me. Something about it...I had a horrible feeling that this wouldn't be the last time I saw that guy.

And I was really hoping that feeling would go away soon.

Author: "Lol. Lmao."
Oswald: "... Dammit." >.<

Fenn was sitting on one of the cushioned couches outside the castle infirmary. He bounced the team's shoulder bag on his knee and counted the ceiling tiles. Once he got done with that, he traced the lining of the bag with a paw. After that, he watched the pokemon that walked down the hall. A Breloom...a couple of Deerling...a Greedent…

...There weren't any more pokemon that walked past.

I wonder if the species choices there were some sort of cameo, or were they rolled just because.

Fenn went back to counting the ceiling tiles. He had gotten pretty good at it. Well, the Quilava certainly hoped he did. He had counted them in their entirety five times now.

...Dammit. He lost count.

I mean, at least he's not accidentally setting the upholstery on fire from stress... that we know of? ^^;

Fenn looked over at the young Solosis staring out the window. Cosmo didn't seem nearly as anxious as Fenn was, which made sense. Cosmo's optimism trumped Fenn's any day. Or maybe he didn't understand the gravity of the situation? He hadn't voiced many concerns regardless.


Fenn was worried about Oswald, if that wasn't obvious.

After Oswald was captured and sent to the fifth floor, Fenn...lost control...to put it mildly. Or at least, that was what Cosmo told him after they got back to Kebia Castle. Fenn "blacked out" sometime in between. They found Oswald unconscious, alone, with a Corsola Twig in his leg.

Oh, so Fenn basically went on a
episode, huh? Though I suppose what actually happened will forever remain a mystery since Cosmo isn't exactly an impartial narrator.

According to Cosmo, Fenn was "really scary" when he saw what happened to Oswald. Cosmo recounted how amazed he was that a Quilava's flames could reach that height. That was concerning. Fenn couldn't remember any of that.

Wow. That was a fast confirmation there.

But what was more concerning was what Cosmo said right after.

"Fenn was amazing!" Cosmo had said. "So many villains and Fenn took down every one of them! Not even Cosmo is that strong!"

Well, maybe I was a bit premature in assuming that Cosmo would be traumatized watching Dungeon Pokémon die in excruciatingly painful fashion.

"How did we find Oswald, Cosmo?" Fenn had asked.

"The villains wouldn't stop coming! Cosmo and Fenn were on that floor for so long! But then...Fenn remembered the Guiding Wand! WOOSH! Cosmo and Fenn were at the stairs! We found Oswald on the next floor right away!"

Fenn was unsure if this was a good idea, but he asked Cosmo what he was like during that whole time.

I kinda wonder if that should've been put at least partially into actual dialogue. Since it feels like that wouldn't have exactly been a long line to whip up.

Cosmo said, with reverence in his voice, "Fenn wanted to save Oswald more than anything! He yelled at the bad guys and called them mean words! Not even the strongest evil doers could stop him! Fenn and Oswald must be the bestest of friends!"

'Bestest of friends', indeed. Even if it's TBD how self-aware Fenn is of it.

Fenn...had a thought.

A deeply personal and private thought. One that he wasn't willing to share with anyone at that moment. (Yes, even you.)

Oh, we're just casually leaning on the fourth wall there at the moment. Though wait, is that implying that Oswald's narrating the entire story? If so, from what point in time is he doing so? Since the nuance of his narration would presumably be a little different if it's from the equivalent of like 10 years in the future than "right now".

On a completely unrelated note, Fenn recalled that this had happened to him before. A couple times during his training sessions with his father. Some of the lowest points in his life. When he would…

Fenn told Cosmo not to tell any of this to Oswald. When Cosmo asked why, the Quilava did not give him a reason. He remained persistent and made it absolutely clear that Oswald must not know. Cosmo got sad, like he thought that he did something wrong, but complied with Fenn's request.

Oh, nevermind, we're seeing this scene from Cosmo's perspective. That one took me a while to put two and two together on, but duly noted.

Now in the waiting room, Fenn sat around for Oswald to get better so he could tell him that he was sorry. What for? Everything, really.

He could hardly sit still; he wanted nothing more than to see that Dewott again and tell him that he was sorry for putting Cosmo in danger. Sorry for not heeding the warnings. Sorry for not making sure that all three of them were safe. Sorry for letting Oswald get separated. Sorry for letting him get hurt.

It didn't matter that Fenn took on an entire Monster House of ferals on his own; only a weak pokemon would let his friends get hurt on his account. What kind of warrior can he possibly be if he couldn't protect those that matter to him? Because Oswald mattered to Fenn. He mattered quite a bit.

So much so that...Fenn couldn't imagine continuing in his line of work without Oswald.

Okay, not that I exactly fault Cosmo for not remembering every single little detail about his exchange with Fenn, but I do wonder if this past narration is veering a little off into "tell and not show" territory, since a lot of the described events would've been potentially fun to see actually play out in a less after-the-fact fashion.

So, as Fenn stared up at the ceiling and counted the tiles for the sixth time, he wondered if there was more to their friendship than he first initially thought...

"Are we going to wait here all night?"

Fenn turned his head towards the Solosis, now right next to him. "Hopefully not," Fenn replied. "I-I do wanna wait a little longer at least."

Cosmo's expression became one of worry. "Is Oswald gonna be okay?" he asked timidly.

Fenn: "I mean the creepy Slowking insisted that he would and- uh... yeah, I suppose I should be more worried that the answer will really be 'yes' there."

Fenn paused at the question. Odds were that the answer was yes. It took more than a stab wound to kill or even cripple a pokemon. They were very sturdy creatures by design. What Fenn was really worried about was what Oswald would say when he'd wake up or if he'd wake up tonight at all. The last thing he wanted was to have to go to sleep without knowing what Oswald would say after all of that.

Fenn let his head fall back onto the coach's headrest. "...I'm sure Oswald will be fine, Cosmo. I-I've seen him deal with worse before."

Whelp, time to see how proficient Cosmo is as a psychic, since just saying, that wasn't exactly a convincing delivery on Fenn's part there.

"Okay…" Cosmo went back to staring out the window.

Looking at the ceiling once again, Fenn thought back on what Oswald said earlier today. The line about their job not being a "training mission."

It reminded him of the times from his childhood when his dad would encourage Fenn to train everyday, almost constantly. How he'd expel so much fire and burn so many dungeon ferals that he would come home thoroughly drained and even that wasn't enough. Thinking back on it, Fenn realized that he had lied to Oswald about how many times he went into Figy Forest.

He hadn't gone in two or three times. No, he must have gone in hundreds of times over the course of his life. Starting before he was even five years old.

I suppose that would explain a thing or two about why Fenn has such a complex about exploring while at the same time being really good at it for an amateur. Ditto why he has always been perpetually bitter at his dad.

Over and over again. He lost count of how many times he came home half dead. But that was years in the past; Fenn became an expert by the time he was a teenager. That was what he thought, but Mago Canyon was a reality check for Fenn. All of that training didn't save him, the Escape Orb did. A coincidence that shouldn't have happened.

And then Kelpsy Fields happened. Oswald got hurt badly and Fenn willingly put him and Cosmo in danger. What was he thinking? Why did he have to put his pride first? This was exactly what his dad...would've...done…

Small typo there. Though, so this whole episode really is going to be murder on Fenn's self-confidence, huh?

I am not my dad. I'm not. I don't want to be.

No more. I won't let this happen again. I refuse to let Cosmo experience what I experienced. I refuse to let Oswald get hurt anymore. I'll keep them safe if it's the last thing I do.

Lol. Lmao. Unless your brilliant plan is to retire from the guild, good luck with that since you're in an inherently high-risk job with two teammates who are the definition of rank amateurs.

And Clary...oh no...I left her there, didn't I?

I...have to overcome this. I have to...be better. Next chance I get, I'm going home and I'm letting him know that I won't let this continue.

I swear it.


Fenn: "Look, I will, okay?!"

Just have to...build up the confidence first…

Fenn sighed. Grandpa...what would you do?

Oh, so that's the person in Fenn's family that he respects the most. Even if I kinda get the suspicion that his father going as hard as he did on him was fueled by insecurities of his own for trying to live up to Grandpa Stoat there.

Suddenly, the door of the infirmary swung open and Fenn jumped to his feet.

A Slowking, with his arms behind his back, walked out and regarded the Quilava with an irked look. "Good evening...Quilava," he said, looking the fire type up and down. "You are the companion of the Dewott in this infirmary, yes?"

Fenn perked up immediately. "Yes! Y-yes, I am! Is he okay?"

Lupine: "Well, he's certainly okay enough to be lippy and uncooperative. Do tell him not to make a habit of things, hm?"

Looking a bit displeased, the Slowking continued to examine the Quilava. But after a few more moments...Lupine smiled. It was a smile that made Fenn deeply uncomfortable. He could feel his vents going cold. "Yes...he is in...a satisfactory condition," Lupine told Fenn.

Fenn: "Please never smile like that again."

"G-great! Can I...see him?"

"Hm," the psychic type hummed. "Yes, you are free to do so. Now, I must go. May we meet again, Fenn of Team Lavender." Before Fenn had a chance to say goodbye, the Slowking disappeared in a flash of light.

Fenn blinked at the sudden flash. I don't...think I ever met that Slowking. How did he know my…?

Wait, would it really be that surprising to Fenn that the staff at Kebia Castle would talk to each other about the Pokémon that hang around the place?

Fenn shook his head. He figured that he must have learned it from talking to Oswald or something like that. With that, Fenn stepped into the infirmary with Cosmo right behind him.

The Quilava scanned the room until he caught sight of Oswald, sitting up, the sunlight hitting his fur. Fenn had never been so happy to see someone in his life.


He looked up. "Fenn?"

Fenn tackled Oswald into a hug before he knew what was happening.

Ah yes, a Quick Attack hug. Nothing like affection with 40 Base Power behind it.

"Ow ow ow, that hurts!"

"O-oh, oops." Fenn crawled off of the Dewott. He rubbed his arm as he slid back onto the floor. "Sorry. Got kinda...excited."

"Ugh...heh...y-yeah, I can see that," Oswald laughed.

He really did just straight up launch into a Quick Attack to glomp Oswald, didn't he?" ^^;

The two of them stared at one another for a few quiet moments. Just taking in each other's lively faces. Enjoying the simple, nice feeling of being in each other's company...

"Yay! Oswald!"

Aaaaand there's Cosmo to ruin this tender and heartfelt moment.

Cosmo interrupted the happy moment by also tackling Oswald into a hug.

"Haha...happy to see you too, big guy," Oswald said. "Glad you're okay."

Well, it didn't ruin things for Oswald, at least? So good enough.

Cosmo laughed more in Oswald's arms. The Dewott's smile slowly lost its luster and he looked at Fenn solemnly. "Hey, Fenn-"

"I'm sorry."



IMO, it probably would've made sense to also have talked about Fenn's mood taking a turn just before / just after Oswald's smile fading, especially if he really was ready to just out and out break up Team Lavender over his recent failure streak.

Oswald's smile returned. "You can't just steal my line like that, Fenn," he chuckled.

Fenn, admittedly, didn't know where to go from there. He's not great at confessions. "U-um…why would you be sorry?"

"Because I put us in danger. And then I left you two alone. And got stabbed."

Fenn sputtered, "B-but that's what I did! I put us in danger! It's all my fault!"


Well, okay, that's probably a bit harsh, but yeah. This whole episode was definitely not one 'mon's fault here.

Oswald laughed again. "Well, we can't both be responsible. Maybe we should blame Cosmo?"

"Cosmo gets to take credit?" Cosmo asked humorously. "Haha! Cosmo really is the greatest!"

- snerk -

"Ha, I don't know about that," Oswald added. "I mean, unless you found the specs in the two floors that I wasn't around. I'm guessing you didn't go through the whole dungeon."

Fenn blinked. "Wh-what do you mean, Oswald?"


"We got the specs when we found you," Fenn told him. "They were right next to you. Did you not see them?"


Oh, so the Dungeon did get one last
in at Oswald before things finished, huh?

Oswald stared at Fenn with wide eyes and parted lips. He let Cosmo drop from his paws. The Solosis shot into the air.

Fenn looked at him strangely. Oh no. He's getting quiet again. "Oswald?"

Oswald fell onto his back.

Okay, never mind, Fenn is narrating this scene after all? Though I see Oswald is taking things better than expected. By the very low bar that I expected him to take things.

"Hey, Fenn?" he asked, lying down and looking up at the ceiling.


"Would it be alright with you if we just never went into another mystery dungeon ever again?"

Fenn: "Uh... I mean, I would be okay with it, but I don't know how we'd make that work while working at the guild..."


"...I really, really don't want to…"

"Um…" Fenn considered his request.

He was hesitant after having spent his entire life up to this point working towards being an explorer by fighting through dungeons. That's what being an explorer meant...right? If they don't do dungeon missions, then what else can they do? Wasn't exploring mystery dungeons what Fenn always wanted to do for a living?

I mean, are you sure you still want that, Fenn? Since your team's track record so far has been kinda... uh... terrible.

It might have been, but after today, maybe staying away from mystery dungeons was the best way to keep his friends safe.

But being an explorer was part of his identity! It was the only thing keeping his memory of his grandfather alive! He couldn't just throw it all away!

Then again, what about Oswald? And Cosmo? Weren't they more important?

Some more verb tense errors here.


...Yes. Yes, they were.

Fenn's response was, "Okay. W-we don't have to if you don't want to."

While this is really cute, I will heavily take the under on these three really being able to avoid going into Mystery Dungeons again in the future if for nothing else than that I'm sure that once Larkspur and the main plot come barging in, that that's going to be unavoidable at at least a few points.

"What?" The Dewott balked and sat up. "Are you sure?"

The Quilava nodded. "Yes. I'm sure."

"What about your dream? Isn't exploring dungeons a part of that? When I'm saying that I don't want to ever go inside a mystery dungeon ever again, I'm talking never again. Like, I refuse to. Are you okay with that?"

He wasn't, honestly. He didn't want to have to give that up. If he couldn't explore mystery dungeons, then he may as well pick up carpentry and build houses for a living. Or go back to being a janitor. The very career paths that he had been desperately trying to get away from. Explorers don't do that sort of stuff. Neither do...warriors.

I mean, you could turn Oswald into the equivalent of those shopkeeps that tend to Paradise in Gates while you go off to deep fry ferals? Otherwise, I don't really see how exactly you can reconcile this short of quitting the Kebia Guild, Fenn. ^^;

But...if that's what he wanted...then…

"..Yes. I'm okay with it. There are other ways to make money."

"...I don't think that's the point, Fenn."

"I-I know. I'm saying we don't have to if you don't want to. Not every mission takes place in a dungeon."

Most of them did.

Ah yes, when even your author is done with Mystery Dungeons and wants to promptly yeet them off of stage left. /s

Oswald stared into Fenn's eyes. Fenn stared back. He didn't know what to make of it. Apprehension? Doubt? Bewilderment? He wasn't sure. What Fenn did know was that he was incredibly afraid that Oswald would call him out on his bluff. This was Fenn's way of keeping his friends safe. Even if it meant letting go of his dream…

...No, he had to. Fenn had to let go. For Oswald. His...friend. His best...friend.

This totally will end well and not in bitter tears at some point in the future, I'm sure.

Oswald began to grin. He didn't call Fenn out on his bluff. "Thanks, Fenn. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you, Oswald."

Anything for you.

D'aww... I mean, I'm sure that this is teeing up massive issues for the future, but let's not dwell on that too much right now. ^^

"Awww," Cosmo pouted, "does this mean that Cosmo won't get to defeat any more evildoers?"

"Haha," Oswald laughed. "I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities to take down the bad guys, buddy."

Well, more than I'm sure you're aware of. Especially since I will be very surprised if this is genuinely the last Mystery Dungeon crawl these three get roped into.

Cosmo bobbed up and down. "Okay. Can we go eat now? Cosmo is hungry."

"Yeah, sure. I'm hungry too. Let me just...hey, Fenn, help me out here."

Fenn zoomed to Oswald's side and let the Dewott lean on him.

"Thanks, Heh...I promise I'll get less useless eventually."

I think it might make sense to be a bit more explicit that that's Oswald that says that, since for a second I read that as something Fenn said and basically had a 'wait, wut' moment.

"Y-you're not useless, Oswald." Fenn sniffed. "Could do with a bath though. You smell."

[ ]

"Wh-wha?" Oswald stuttered then sniffed. "You smell more!"

"What? I do not!"

I mean, you two are mustelids, and they're kinda well-known for having strong body odor, so... ^^;

"Cosmo agrees. Both Oswald and Fenn are stinky."

[ ]

"Can't argue with that," Oswald chuckled. "We should take a bath after dinner. What do you think, Fenn?"

Fenn smiled. "Sure. That sounds good."

Cute. I mean, it basically involved Fenn spiking his dreams in a fashion that I'm sure won't be the end of things, but that's a tale for another day and we'll just let otter and stoat/badger have their moment here.

Alright, took on the longer side of things to put this together, but that's a chapter. And boy was there a lot going on in it. There was some fun worldbuilding going on, especially with both the explicitly stated stuff and the inbetween-the-lines aspects of how Mystery Dungeons work. Fenn and Oswald's dynamic was fun to see develop, if a bit
at the way that they're attempting to forge a new equilibrium while hiding their true thoughts and feelings from each other. Which will end... well™️ at some point, I'm sure. Cosmo was also a cutie, even if I can already tell that kid's going to get into trouble sometime with those delusions of grandeur of his, but they're entertaining if nothing else. Lupine was also fun to see, if in a creepy/ominous way that makes me sure it won't be the last we've seen of him.

In terms of things that this chapter could've done better, I think the obvious low-hanging fruit criticism is that there were a number of spots where a lack of description made it a bit hard to place things that were going on, especially in sequences where we're delving into the characters' inner thoughts and reacting to things that we are not actually seeing as readers. There were also a few sections that were veering off into "tell and not show" territory that would've been nice to see "play out" more. It kinda carried over to the mission in Kelpsy Fields since I kept mentally going "bruh, why are you not popping your Escape Orb" with how much Oswald and Fenn were freaking out about how sideways things were going, and while there is an in-character justification provided after they leave the Mystery Dungeon, we didn't actually get to see that impact their thought process and animate it all that much when you'd think it'd be a much bigger deal there.

Also, I kinda already mentioned it earlier while in the process of putting this chapter together, but this is functionally two chapters taped together with an already obvious natural splitting point: the mission in Kelpsy Fields, and then the Aftermath. I don't know whether or not you're into after-the-fact chapter divisions, but if you can spare a Chapter 16.5 or something, this would probably be a pretty good spot for one, especially if you do take the time to patch in extra content addressing some of the earlier criticisms since this was already a chunky chapter and those sorts of changes would only make it chunkier.

Hope the criticisms weren't too daunting @SnapDragon , but for what it's worth, I felt that the fundamental plot thread was still fun to watch unfold and the character dynamics still ultimately carried the chapter. TBD if I'll have the time to come back for more chapters while Review Blitz is going on, but this won't be the last time I poke my head in for Oswald and Fenn's adventures.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. Or I just want a little custom vulpix sprite. Either way, fuck it. We ball.

-C'mon, Ozzy. You can tell Finch that Swift doesn't like you because daddy issues.
-Oswald's priorities are all over the place that he's emblematic of that old "I have no idea what I'm doing" dog meme.
-Don't really have much to say about this battle. It was... very strange. A lot of mood whiplash, if I'm honest. Like you really wanted to make it seem like something was finally clicking for Oswald but that he kept getting in his own way and then shame spiraling through the narration. If anything, I think... there might have been a bit too much introspection during this fight? Practically made it feel turn-based. Almost like Oswald or Swift would do something and then have to wait out an ATB gauge like it's a Final Fantasy game. This continued bit where Oswald's "humanity" seems to be getting in his way of functioning like a pokémon is interesting for the fic. It personally irks me, but that's because I like to see a steady upward progression of strength for fics that are long like this. Even if that progression is slow. But it doesn't feel like Oswald's made... any progress in that department in thirty chapters? Part of that might be a factor of how he's been here less than two weeks. Which I guess is the pitfall of having events take place over such a short amount of time.
-[sees a character named prim. Instant fight or flight response.]
-I'm still not quite sure what "channeler" means. Still interpreting it as Anemone being able to "project herself" through these birds, making them like security cameras for her.
-So much "..." :mewlulz:
-Oswald's still not fessing up, huh? But Fenn's changed his mind. Perhaps because of seeing Swift and Allium. Or something.

-Ah, yes. Starting a chapter with Fenn ogling Oswald.
-Imagine Oswald tries to be a literal genie and just... takes his brain out to give to Lupine.
-"Fenn had no idea where any of this was coming from." Lmao it's cuz you're in wuuuuuuuuuuv.
-Narrator: Lupine will force Oswald... eventually.
-I'm willing to bet Lupine prodded at Fenn's mind just enough to realize Oswald was lying to him and then dropped that bit about Anemone being surprised to intentionally drive a wedge between them.
-Oh lol Finch just straight up calls Fenn out on it. See, this is why I like the guy. Even if it seems like you're setting up to put him on a bus. Though at least Cosmo's presence pauses that for a moment.
-I think Lupine and Namo's Nevren would get along quite nicely. Or despise each other's presence. No in between.
-Y'know, if the prose is poking fun at how many chapters' worth of events have happened in a week, it does make me wonder if some time could've just... passed offscreen. XP
-SanicShaymin festival! :D
-Lol Oswald got grounded. But to be fair, everyone's acting rather childish here. So, maybe we do need to treat some of these folks like children. I'm pretty sure we're supposed to sympathize more with Oswald here and Anemone's reason you suck speech isn't going to help him (or anyone), but she does have a point about his inability to adapt to things. Something something broken clocks.

-Ah! Ah! Flowerbeds! The narrator said the thing!
-Y'know, churros were not on my list of human stuff to have survived in this PMD world.
-The legless spector is one of the epithets of all time right there.
-Settlers moving to a land and the native population mysteriously dwindling to around nothing is a totally fine backstory that doesn't remind me of anything IRL. Nope. No siree. :unquag:
-But also those poor shaymin. :sadwott:
-Wait, there's a god damn ferris wheel here? Maybe I really am underestimating the tech level of this story. The castle is throwing me off, tbh.
-Also Calluna really did the peace GIF and faded out of existence.
-Pix! And Espy! :D
-I feel like this cat/fox trio is supposed to be referencing something, but it must be a fic or comic I'm not familiar with...
-Okay I'm seeing Gen 9 starters so this chapter's gotta be from at least late 2022 or early 2023 at a minimum.
-This festival is very much like a human carnival. I am simultaneously :unquag: and :copyka: at the fact that they're having a super happy fun time carnival to recall that the native species is seemingly extinct... and remembering that we do similar stuff with our holidays.
-Okay there, narration, easy on the food porn freakout.
-Y'know, with Cosmo's lavender appearance, I'd say this fic is way over odds for shiny appearances. >:C
-Oh, god, this team's doing a sponsored segment like they're making a YouTube video. :unquag:
-All right. You escape me grumbling about breaking into exposition about roller coasters because you literally went and had someone build the damn thing in RTC and posted a screenshot. But don't get cocky!
-Wait, Calluna owns all the local businesses? That just makes her a rich troll then... :unquag: (boy I'm doing this one a lot here though it's more me being silly)
-"By Giratina's gallbladder?" H... how would a ghost pokémon know about such a... stupidly niche organ the average human wouldn't even know about?
-Something about Calluna's backstory feels like it's full of more references I'm not seeing. Zarude sounds like President Business, but less obviously evil.
-Wait, this whole festival backstory is fake? Wow, Calluna really is just a really rich, elaborate troll. I'm not sure how to feel about that. :mewlulz:

-Yeah, Calluna is definitely a troll. What is with mismagius and being like that all the time? XD
-If Oswald wants a sword, he just has to evolve. But that would require getting good, and as we all know he's skill issuing big time right now. :sadbees:
-Oh lmao the daddy issues are actually a "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL PARENTS." That came outta nowhere.
-Wait... dolphin plush? Would that be a palafin plush, then? 🤔
-Once again I'm left wondering if Charizard, Swampert, and Breloom are referencing something or someone I'm unaware of. Also, hi creepy dusknoir. I'll add you to the list. Between his name and unsettling mannerisms, he feels like a Psychonauts character. I'm not sure if you've played the series or have any experience with it.

-This chapter really is just named after a game that they're gonna be playing, huh?
-Cosmo's the Master of Games, huh? When's he going to start sending losers to the shadow realm, then?
-I had a feeling this was just going to be a real world card game. Maybe I should've suspected blackjack given they're both two syllable names that start with B.
-Juanfinsimo is terrible. Go to your room and think about what you've done.
-Hearing Oswald talk about odds and strategy over blackjack makes me wonder if you've hit the casinos or something. It's too detailed for anyone who just, like, played it casually at summer camp with friends or something.
-Oswald truly refusing to live up to the mantra of "90% of gamblers quit before they make it big."
-I think there have been some movies or something that do this "asking questions over winning at luck games." It's neat to see it here.
-Cosmo being good with cards really makes me wonder if his parents truly were entertainers. Traveling types would probably play a lot of cards on the road.
-God, I still keep cracking up with these mentions of the Psychic War. Again, you have to talk to Namo to find out why.
-Not sure how unreliable Finch's explanation is, but it sure does suggest that Larkspur and Ricinus were originally on opposite sides of this conflict. Which would really lend credence to the former using the latter for his endgame. Which I'm guessing is... not going to be quite as benevolent as Finch is claiming Carnation's goals were.

-This memory scene break is... something all right. One of the scene breaks of all time.
-I swear a typhlosion sending a cyndaquil into the air with its fire vents is, like, a GIF that Tontaro's made.
-Oh, jeez, is this whole chapter going to be peppered with these flashbacks while Fenn walks around?
-Wouldn't Fenn's grandfather needed to have a partner at some point? How else does Fenn exist? Unless he's secretly adopted, which I doubt since he clearly shares some traits with his dad.
-I am once again assuming these stories Fenn read are references to other things.
-Fenn is being described as, like, a textbook case of clinical depression between these second and third flashbacks here.
-I'm a bit sus of how a cyndaquil and quilava can use swings in a manner similar to humans. They don't really have the body type for it.
-Something you want to tell us about your high school years, author-kun? 😈
-So his stutter started after the mystery dungeon. Which means something happened in there. That we're probably not gonna see yet. Though it does seem to lend credence to the idea that Oswald isn't the sole reason these dungeons are so strange.
-Typhlosion arms ain't tree trunk sized. Me thinks the author's putting a little bara flavoring into this fic. XP
-Oh, hay, Oswald wasn't the first time Fenn heard someone begging to never go into a mystery dungeon again.

Will be back to tackle the continuation and more later, I suppose.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Let us continue. Though it's not formally labeled as such, the constant past/present shifting that's happening here coupled with your explanation about how there was once a 30k word :unquag: chapter makes me feel like this is the Fenn's backstory special episode.

-I can't honestly peg the exact age difference you're going for between Fenn and Clary. Referring to her as a "gifted student" doesn't feel like something you'd say for a kid, like, under ten. Which is what I'd pegged Clary as. But I thought Fenn was, like, the quilava equivalent of a young adult. Leaving home to go study at college or something like that. But also the previous chapter he'd only been out of that school for six months? 🤔
-These pokémon have very... human funerals.
-Hearing Fenn and his dad constantly referring to themselves as warriors is making me think of Idris Elba as Knuckles in the Sonic moves. So, congrats, Snap. Fenn's dad is now Idris Elba.
-I'm still very much having trouble trying to peg down Fenn's age here. The talk of studies and this training makes me want to think he's, like, around the equivalent of a human teen. But talking about playgrounds comes across as kinda juvenile for me. Which is what confuses me. XP
-So, not only did the dungeon do... something to Fenn to cause a stutter, it also was his training regimen that led him to become somewhat disconnected from reality. I'm not sure if this is meant to be an analogy to "gifted" students and overbearing parents who push them too hard at the expense of costing them a "normal" childhood and leaving them burn out, depressed messes as young adults. I feel like that's the intent here. And maybe you're drawing from some personal experience?
-Smh traveling doctors would not give Fenn a concoction for free. This must be one of these SOCIALIZED MEDICINE lands.
-Fenn being disappointed that, instead of fierce, he is... loaf 🥖
-If you or a loved one are suffering from premature evolution, you may be entitled to compensation. :sadbees:
-This very long extended flashback with this doctor is very strange. I'm not sure what the impact was meant to be for Fenn. If this is a sign he really wants a career that's not in the guild, then it probably needed to be foreshadowed more. Because all we'd gotten was Fenn hating his janitor job.
-Wait. Did this "doctor" offer Fenn weed? Or a weed equivalent? I have no idea what to make of this, tbh. This seems like unhealthy one-sided admiration from a kid who's flamed out after too much pressure from his dad.

-A corviknight and talonflame interacting together in a book, huh? :)
-Fenn's dad being described like a guy who peaked in college and has nothing but the memories now.
-Not particularly much to say. So this whole special episode with all the flashbacks and big back story did dance around the biggest thing — whatever happened in that dungeon — and I guess served to highlight Fenn's insecurities all going back to his father. And that I guess the conclusion — for now, at least — is that he doesn't need to "come clean" to his dad or anything. That he can just... go forward or whatever. Which is fair. After all the rumination in the prose he... ruminates a conclusion. I do wish he'd gotten to this with help from his mother instead. It might've made for a nicer ending. And at least make the "I'll always love you" line have some more oomph. Since, as it is, he kinda just kept everything bottled up from her, too. But I guess that's how it works IRL, too. The flamed out kids shut the parent that tried to be supportive, too.
-I think what also makes this feel like a downer is that we already saw that Fenn returns to the guild and Oswald's already made his own conclusions that will inevitably create more drama/friction. I'm not sure if these chapters might've benefitted from having their order shifted around a bit or not. Maybe bouncing back and forth between Oswald's festival time and Fenn's melancholy memory lane.

-Oh, god, Cosmo POV. :grohno: He's one of those characters I think is better without being the narrator. Get into his headspace and it risks losing the charm.
-Ah, so dolphin plush did become a palafin... 's pre-evo.
-Cosmo's going to grow up to become a Jojo character.
-Cosmo is a wise 'mon. Pancakes are better.
-Does Cosmo see the world in objectives like a video game HUD? :grohno:
-At first I had no idea whether Finch was being deliberately obtuse because he suspected Oswald was being spied on. But, hey, at least he comes right out with the couple thing. Best character for a reason.
-Ah. Back to the "I'm human" stumbling block. I hope this is the chapter that finally gets us over this hump.
-I really am not sure whether to laugh or cry/laugh that after all this inner turmoil over 40 chapters he takes a bite of the meat and doesn't have some giant epiphany. It's hilarious how bluntly this chapter ends.

-By god the dastardly whiplash villain is doing the evil villain wine glass swirling thing, isn't he? XD
-Yeah, I'm starting to think that, even if Carnation had well-intentioned goals, he was led astray and/or manipulated by Larkspur in an attempt at the malamar taking over the world. And when those plans didn't pan out, he slinked off to the shadows to regroup and is now going with a new plan.
-Oh, hey, it's the persian from the opening. I guess he really did know something and the playing crazy was the exact thing Finch recommended to ward off Anemone. Neat that that all ties together. Even if the chant turned out to be completely useless, by Larkspur's admission.
-This ending makes it sound like we're going back to the sylveon.

-Oh, hey, I was right! :V
-If Ricinus keeps having to repeat to himself that he's a prince, I'm going to start putting up a big X to doubt.
-Ayy, finally, another PMD fic reference I can recognize. Hiii, turkey's duo.
-Mmm. He got one pet the dogfox moment before his heart froze over again. I'm stiiiiiiiiill convinced he's going to swap sides at some point. Don't think you'd paint him in such a sympathetic light with such conflicted narration if he was ultimately going to end up going down with the villain ship in the end. Unless going down is, like, pulling off a sacrifice for Aven's sake and/or helping the heroes.
-Welp, wasn't expecting the chapter to outright confirm my X to doubt was legit. Uhh, GGs scheming zoroark? And if I had a nickel for every longrunning PMD epic with a zoroark scheming to try and take the Big Bad mantle out from the person currently holding it, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
-Huh. Lookalike items are a thing in this world. I'm not sure I needed a little foray into the history of their existence. I'd just take the fact that a reviser is being offered for a practical purpose of scaring off psychics.
-Oh, okay, so we've got some casual homophobia here, then. I always wonder why the land of colorful magical creatures should have something like that in its belief system. Nothing over in Kebia has led me to believe this is universal. And Finch's general reaction to calling Oswald out seemed to suggest he's fine with it. Must just be to really hammer in these villains suck. And maybe Ricinus is actually, like some sort of con artist or whatever? Not sure.
-I really do want to say this creepy zoroark is going to push him further toward switching sides. But not too many of my bigger guesses have been right. And, while I'd like to think it'll happen sooner, given this fic's pacing, "sooner" probably means that, if it happens, it'll be around chapter 80. :mewlulz: Regardless, this is a good stopping point for today.
Last edited:


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
-This chapter's going to be singing-themed, which means it's about that prim— oh, yep, there's Marigold.
-Huh. This tense opening with the girls pinged me as familiar... and I think that this is actually the "later" chapter I had skimmed over points of to try and see if I could draw any relevant comparisons when I reviewed your prologue and chapter 1. Wow. :wowzard: I have a bit more context for this argument now, though I'm not entirely sure where Calluna's coming from, since the whole fic we've been led to believe Anemone's a shut in who doesn't see people and Oswald is ✨special ✨because he's held her attention long enough to get multiple meetings and privating rooming and all that jazz.
-I guess I should've figured the brionne was marigold's daughter. But didn't want to assume. Some folks like using the same species and not having them be related. [cough] Also the way this conversation starts gives off big vibes of that old Law & Order "Is this because I'm a lesbian?" meme. IYKYK.
-Oh maybe there is some homophobia around the castle after all. It doesn't feel like it was hinted at all that much before but I guess after 42 it's time to dive into the deep end of that subject?
-Bro imagine the kid that ran away from this umbreon was actually Ricinus. :mewlulz:
-A primarina gallivanting off with... a ninetales? This also feels oddly specific and makes me think it's a reference to something. [squint]
-Okay, the scrafty with a cramorant and the name Team Coral is definitely a Free Fiction reference. I'm onto you! [shakes fist]
-I'm... not sure what purpose this chapter actually serves in the grand scheme of things. Opening scene suggests that Bulu's going to be the next tapu targeted and that's important. And the rest is, uh, filler? Or I guess some slice of life to show that Marigold is the mediator, like Calluna and Anemone claim.

-Oh, hey, Tusk is back. And, uh, sounds one hundred percent more piratey than I seem to recall from RP stuff. Unless it's a different Tusk?
-He actually called himself a pirate. Lmao.
-Soooo are we doing the same thing with Tusk that happened to Fenn a few chapters back?
-Looks like this is some sort of rough-and-tumble shanty town of sorts. Very curious as to why so many of these communities outside the castle seem to be in states of decline. It's probably meant to be political commentary of sorts.
-I guess Potoo is, like, Ricinus' dad or something? Either way, here's this Iris person. And this really does make me thing there was, originally, some sort of good intention here. Or this was an overthrow the proletariat sort of prelude to pokécommunism. But everything we, as readers, have seen of The Oriole suggest they're not interested in some vision of equality. Just your standard take over the world evil shenanigans. And they're probably playing on true believers like Iris (and maybe Finch) for that to happen.

-Back to Ricinus, huh? I guess you want the POV for his arrival to Kebia. With that in mind though, I do have to question whether leaving Fenn and Oswald for multiple chapters of hopping around to other character was really the right move with things being in a somewhat tense state between the two of them. I totally get needing to take time to show the other moving pieces in play. I would do interlude chapters back in the Guiding Light days that focused on some of the other groups, including the villains. But I generally tried to keep them to no more than a chapter or two... or a scene in a chapter. And I'm usually juggling much larger casts (especially with Path of Valor). With your core cast being much smaller, I think it gives you less flexibility to pan over to secondary characters. Especially for several chapters.
-God damn, you'd think this castle was secretly a doomsday weapon with how its influence is described.
-Ricinus lacking the charisma stat needed to sway anyone in the guild. Especially a certain samurott. :sadbees:
-Are you calling lucario enlightened centrists? That what this feels like. :unquag:
-Not the Riz business again. 😭
-It's interesting that Ricinus does feel like he's being watched. Maybe he has a sixth sense for ghost-types and doesn't realize it? It's a nice dash of irony, at least, given what we already know of the castle.
-The conversation with Oswald was interesting, since Ricinus basically played him like a fiddle. I'm honestly okay with it being from his POV... since I think the constant pauses with the narration and the feelings like Oswald's a decent guy really does make me wonder how long Ricinus will stay committed to Larkspur's side. It does feel like you're teeing him off to jump ship. I've said it before. I'll keep saying it. Cuz I think I'd be disappointed if that wasn't the case.
-Oh, I guess Lilac's in on this. Kinda sudden since we haven't seen her since the beginning, but sure.
-Also, wait, are reviser seeds this world's equivalent of cyanide pills? Cuz that's certainly what Ricinus makes them sound like.

-Sounds like Pink's a horndog. Or hornmonkey.
-LANGUAGE, HOLLY. :screm: Between this and this chapter feeling strangely horny I feel like the fic's age rating just got bumped.
-A restaurant run by an altaria is definitely a new one. I don't think I see them depicted as chefs. Granted, I think the only serious Altaria depiction I've seen was in Dodra... so bad frame of reference.
-Is... is that an altarianite? It sure seems like a mega stone.
-Okay, it is. And Holly already knows about them. Because I guess she used one and lost a horn for it? I'll be honest, I didn't realize she had broken horns until now.
-Aaaaand I guess this is a backstory chapter for her. Showing it off instead of having it relayed would've bloated up the chapter count, for sure, but maybe parts of it would hit harder.
-Regardless, I'm still kinda... scratching my head why this is happening now? It introduces The Shard and I'm willing to bet it will be an important location at some point in the future. But overall, considering we hadn't seen this team in a while, it does feel... very much like another non-sequitur. And I'm getting quite concerned at how long this detour's gotten.

-Finally back to the main duo aaaaaaaaaaand it's Cosmo's POV again.
-Why does it seem like someone hit the factory reset button on Cycla?
-Ah, okay, as soon as Cycla brings up Neo I guess we've time jumped back to before Ricinus shows up at the castle. Except, since we've seen that bit, it's mostly just hinting at Cosmo definitely having abandonment issues. Which will maybe get explained down the road. Though if you really wanted some foreshadowing, the TM talk leading to, say, Cosmo getting one and not being able to control the attack could be nifty.
-I see this is the chapter where the small child gets bullied once he's finally forced to interact with other children. And the day progresses showing that there's still tension between Fenn and Oswald. Though that was... kind of it. I can see the reasoning of doing a whole Cosmo POV chapter as being a change of pace and a chance for you to do something different as a writer so things don't get too stale. Although you already have both first and third-person POVs, so that kinda spits in the face of that. And after this chapter I stand by my opinion from yesterday. Yes, Cosmo has depth to him, but I think it's depth that's better explored from another POV. His speech gimmick and magical way of thinking are more fun to read when he's not the POV character. When he is, the novelty loses its charm and starts to veer into annoying territory. Which is, uh, prrrobably not what you want. And I made similar mistakes with picking POV characters in the past. So I think I'm extra sensitive to it compared to others. 😅

-This was a request from Fobbie, huh? I didn't think he was this caught up. Then again, I suppose this idea could fit closer to the start of the fic given the mentions of Fenn being a liability and whatnot.
-It's been a while since we got master psychoanalysis, but Anemone basically boils Fenn's exact issues down to their core. And further highlight the sort of bizarre place his "special episode" left things several chapters ago. It's a case of the jerkass having a point, though. Fenn's complete doormat nature is dangerous for the line of work he was interested in. She was trying to protect him, just in a cruel and blunt and unhelpful way.

-It's the return of the Golden Light of Protagonist-Kun Energy™. The choice of making Swift the POV character for that particular moment is... something. And it switches back to Oswald so quickly I'm left wondering what the point was? To exposit a bit more about Swift understanding he fucked up and trying to get a bit better? I'm sure there could've been ways to show that from Oswald's perspective...
-Oswald is big sulking is my big takeaway right now. Our whole core cast is depressed, ladies and germs.
-Dahlia being the one to talk to him isn't what I was expecting. Though if she's dragging him to a (hoighty-toighty) pub, I can only assume she has her own agenda which may or may not involve getting him drunk and inadvertently blabbing his secrets to her.
-The Chapter Where Oswald Gets Peer Pressured Into Trying Booze
-I would make a remark to the tune of "Is this the chapter where one of these two dorks finally gets convinced to talk things out?" but then I'd just be setting myself up for disappointment. XP
-No, wait, maybe it's finally happening! He's had his sobering realization... I think? From Dahlia, apparently. And there were no ulterior motive executions after all. It's good to see... though in some respects it's almost cartoonish the way this epiphany happens for him. And I can't help but wonder if part of why I feel that way is... how much of an extended detour you decided to take after Oswald ate meat, going through all these slice-of-life bits with other characters before finally returning to him so he could have his epiphany moment. Like, we'd gotten so disconnected from his whole identity crisis stuff simply by virtue of jumping around to follow other characters. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.

-Well, I had a feeling mopey Fenn would end up back where he had been working his janitor job. And it does seem like that's where the bulk of this chapter has taken him. He's likely to keep sulking. I don't think he'll have some revelation like Oswald. Well, maybe until Oswald talks to him. At least he leaves the barracks.
-Yes, Fenn. You're reading slower because you've got anhedonia. Lovely symptom of depression, that one is.
-In what universe does a quilava have a belly button? If pokémon are hatching from eggs, they wouldn't need one. Implying they exist means the suggestion of placentas and umbilical cords and all the bloody messes/risk of death that come with pregnancy and childbirth. Which is not what I needed to think about in my colorful magical critters story. :unquag:
-Fenn doesn't want anyone to see him monscaping. :sadbees:
-Me thinks the author is projecting his dislike of certain story endings into this chapter. :P
-Imagine if Fenn ends up working in this library. On the side or otherwise. Wouldn't that be strange? Ha ha. Ha.
-It's always funny when a PMD character shares a name with a canon character out of sheer coincidence.
-"Reminds me of when authors kill off the fan favorite to get a reaction out of people." Yeeeeah, me thinks the author's projecting into this chapter. Surely, this means Finch and Ricinus are safe, then. Since they're the best characters in the fic. Objectively. :mewlulz:
-Y'know, I have an orbeetle and I still needed to be reminded dottler is a pokémon. That exists.
-Are these book titles references, too? Not sure. Though Minecraft comes to mind for the fennekin one. Which gets an :unquag: from me but I don't like Minecraft.
-I'm trying to imagine Fenn walking on only his stubby little hind legs while holding a big book and it just comes off as him waddling and barely moving anywhere. Quilava gotta be on all fours for that stuff.
-Oh, hey. It's the torchic from the "special episode." And he became an "Oh no, he's hot!" level gym bro. Also between this and Ricinus it's very clear you like your abs and cannot resist sliding them into the fic.
-Wait, wait, Clary's old enough to be at university? As in, equivalent to human undergraduate? Or more like a charter or boarding school? God, I cannot peg anyone's age equivalents here.
-Fenn got that ADHD brain, from the sound of it.
-Honestly, Fenn reuniting and making up with Yarrow is a nice way to break him out of his funk. Didn't see it coming. And was more heartwarming to read as a result.

-Ah, yes, contemplating if, in fact, Oswald took the Super route and planned his own memory loss. Only to fuck it up.
-I feel like a large, floating dusknoir could keep up with tiny dewott and quilava. XP
-God, it's weird seeing these two act like giddy school kids over realizing their crushes. What are there age equivalents?! :grohno:
-"Why didn't I open up sooner?" Because the plot didn't want you to, Oswald. :sadbees:
-Lmao the boyfriend question is treated like a marriage proposal. Including the art.

-Public handholding? Between the way the kiss is described and this we definitely have to bump up this fic's age rating. :copyka:
-Oh jeez they're becoming the couple that's lovey-dovey in public. Probably going to be fond of PDAs.
-There are lot of missing paragraph spaces in this chapter, FYI.
-Finch is back and he's bringing up those mines he went to. The mines that I think are also where Bulu is? Not sure how they're safe when Anemone mentioned how it had upped security.
-Lmao Cosmo slept through the entire big love confession. Ah, the innocence of youth.
-D... did Oswald really pull "Look over there!" and it (basically) worked?! Smh my head.
-Did Oswald just dismember a guy? Wtf is this fic, man? Slow burn romance with F-bombs and gore. What a world. :madness:

And, lo, in the span of a week I have... somehow read this entire fic with chapter commentary. Wild.

So, you finally reach the part you were anticipating? Was it written well? Overall, I think so. Those specific parts were good and I'm sure folks on AO3 ate it up. I think my biggest problem is how we got to that point. I see the vision with the chapters that preceded 48-50. I do... because I did similar things in Guiding Light's heyday. Shoehorning in these "bonus" chapters focused on other characters or large special episodes that yoinked folks out of the main plot for extended periods. And that happened to some extent with Path of Valor in, like, 2022. Did people like it? To some extent, yeah. But I look back on it with a great amount of embarrassment and disappointment. And perhaps that's why my thoughts on the pacing decisions may be on the harsher side. It's reminding me of stuff about my work I'm not fond of.

Basically, I disagree with your decision to cut away from Oswald and Fenn when you had built up all this narrative tension by making a rift between them to focus on a mixture of slice-of-life stuff and secondary characters vaguely moving the A plot. IMO you kneecapped yourself with that one. It almost felt like you realized your main plot was outpacing your slow burn romance and decided to slam the narrative brakes. There are teasing hints and foreshadowing of future plot points in the slice-of-life stuff, but it didn't help these chapters flow very well for me. They, essentially, artificially extended the whole miscommunication element of things by means of pushing the two main characters to the side. So that the end result was 48-50 felt less like a pivotal moment and more like a "What took so long?"

Nothing wrong with exploring your greater cast. It'd be hypocritical of me to suggest otherwise. But with stuff Namo and I write, ours are more like ensemble casts. Oswald and Fenn are the leading duo, so their absence for the long stretch of time was felt and noted. And having gotten to the end of things, I really can't help but wonder whether it would've been better if 48-50 followed the end of Fenn's special episode. Essentially serving as a close to this "act" of your fic. And then after the official couple upgrade status, then you could take the time to focus on these other characters. A sort of intermission before the fic kicks into its next leg. I believe there still could've been ways to have Ricinus drop by and touch on Cosmo's fears even after Oswald and Fenn are an official couple. Heck, for Cosmo it could've come in the form of fearing Oswald and Fenn are paying so much attention to one another they're neglecting him.

I realize I'm ranting. And I'm doing so because of your author's note at the end of 51. You're still making changes. I get it. I'm still doing that with PoV. So, I'm bringing this all up now in the hopes that I may be able to get you to look at your plans or outline or whatever and don't make a similar sort of pacing decision again in the future. I realize you have this "day" format and you try to keep your chapters anchored around one group. But I'm here to tell you it's okay to have a cutaway scene to your villains or another group. You don't have to focus purely on Team Lavender or some other party for the entirety of a chapter. You can change up the structure. That's the beauty of fan fiction. Seeing the improvements is part of the fun.

And there are improvements. The tense confusions are (mostly) gone in the first-person narration. The video game-y "..."s and thoughts-as-dialogue have greatly decreased. There are fewer instances of stopping chapters to go on exposition about stuff. The more recent chapters have been much smoother reads overall.

In the end though, I'm just one guy with this opinion. If everyone else loves how the plot and chapters are structured, then I guess you keep doing what you're doing. And the A plot does have my attention. If all the speculation I've done is worth anything, I'd like to hope it shows I'm eager to see how that plays out.


Frog on a mission
-This chapter's going to be singing-themed, which means it's about that prim— oh, yep, there's Marigold.
-Huh. This tense opening with the girls pinged me as familiar... and I think that this is actually the "later" chapter I had skimmed over points of to try and see if I could draw any relevant comparisons when I reviewed your prologue and chapter 1. Wow. :wowzard: I have a bit more context for this argument now, though I'm not entirely sure where Calluna's coming from, since the whole fic we've been led to believe Anemone's a shut in who doesn't see people and Oswald is ✨special ✨because he's held her attention long enough to get multiple meetings and privating rooming and all that jazz.
-I guess I should've figured the brionne was marigold's daughter. But didn't want to assume. Some folks like using the same species and not having them be related. [cough] Also the way this conversation starts gives off big vibes of that old Law & Order "Is this because I'm a lesbian?" meme. IYKYK.
-Oh maybe there is some homophobia around the castle after all. It doesn't feel like it was hinted at all that much before but I guess after 42 it's time to dive into the deep end of that subject?
-Bro imagine the kid that ran away from this umbreon was actually Ricinus. :mewlulz:
-A primarina gallivanting off with... a ninetales? This also feels oddly specific and makes me think it's a reference to something. [squint]
-Okay, the scrafty with a cramorant and the name Team Coral is definitely a Free Fiction reference. I'm onto you! [shakes fist]
-I'm... not sure what purpose this chapter actually serves in the grand scheme of things. Opening scene suggests that Bulu's going to be the next tapu targeted and that's important. And the rest is, uh, filler? Or I guess some slice of life to show that Marigold is the mediator, like Calluna and Anemone claim.

-Oh, hey, Tusk is back. And, uh, sounds one hundred percent more piratey than I seem to recall from RP stuff. Unless it's a different Tusk?
-He actually called himself a pirate. Lmao.
-Soooo are we doing the same thing with Tusk that happened to Fenn a few chapters back?
-Looks like this is some sort of rough-and-tumble shanty town of sorts. Very curious as to why so many of these communities outside the castle seem to be in states of decline. It's probably meant to be political commentary of sorts.
-I guess Potoo is, like, Ricinus' dad or something? Either way, here's this Iris person. And this really does make me thing there was, originally, some sort of good intention here. Or this was an overthrow the proletariat sort of prelude to pokécommunism. But everything we, as readers, have seen of The Oriole suggest they're not interested in some vision of equality. Just your standard take over the world evil shenanigans. And they're probably playing on true believers like Iris (and maybe Finch) for that to happen.

-Back to Ricinus, huh? I guess you want the POV for his arrival to Kebia. With that in mind though, I do have to question whether leaving Fenn and Oswald for multiple chapters of hopping around to other character was really the right move with things being in a somewhat tense state between the two of them. I totally get needing to take time to show the other moving pieces in play. I would do interlude chapters back in the Guiding Light days that focused on some of the other groups, including the villains. But I generally tried to keep them to no more than a chapter or two... or a scene in a chapter. And I'm usually juggling much larger casts (especially with Path of Valor). With your core cast being much smaller, I think it gives you less flexibility to pan over to secondary characters. Especially for several chapters.
-God damn, you'd think this castle was secretly a doomsday weapon with how its influence is described.
-Ricinus lacking the charisma stat needed to sway anyone in the guild. Especially a certain samurott. :sadbees:
-Are you calling lucario enlightened centrists? That what this feels like. :unquag:
-Not the Riz business again. 😭
-It's interesting that Ricinus does feel like he's being watched. Maybe he has a sixth sense for ghost-types and doesn't realize it? It's a nice dash of irony, at least, given what we already know of the castle.
-The conversation with Oswald was interesting, since Ricinus basically played him like a fiddle. I'm honestly okay with it being from his POV... since I think the constant pauses with the narration and the feelings like Oswald's a decent guy really does make me wonder how long Ricinus will stay committed to Larkspur's side. It does feel like you're teeing him off to jump ship. I've said it before. I'll keep saying it. Cuz I think I'd be disappointed if that wasn't the case.
-Oh, I guess Lilac's in on this. Kinda sudden since we haven't seen her since the beginning, but sure.
-Also, wait, are reviser seeds this world's equivalent of cyanide pills? Cuz that's certainly what Ricinus makes them sound like.

-Sounds like Pink's a horndog. Or hornmonkey.
-LANGUAGE, HOLLY. :screm: Between this and this chapter feeling strangely horny I feel like the fic's age rating just got bumped.
-A restaurant run by an altaria is definitely a new one. I don't think I see them depicted as chefs. Granted, I think the only serious Altaria depiction I've seen was in Dodra... so bad frame of reference.
-Is... is that an altarianite? It sure seems like a mega stone.
-Okay, it is. And Holly already knows about them. Because I guess she used one and lost a horn for it? I'll be honest, I didn't realize she had broken horns until now.
-Aaaaand I guess this is a backstory chapter for her. Showing it off instead of having it relayed would've bloated up the chapter count, for sure, but maybe parts of it would hit harder.
-Regardless, I'm still kinda... scratching my head why this is happening now? It introduces The Shard and I'm willing to bet it will be an important location at some point in the future. But overall, considering we hadn't seen this team in a while, it does feel... very much like another non-sequitur. And I'm getting quite concerned at how long this detour's gotten.

-Finally back to the main duo aaaaaaaaaaand it's Cosmo's POV again.
-Why does it seem like someone hit the factory reset button on Cycla?
-Ah, okay, as soon as Cycla brings up Neo I guess we've time jumped back to before Ricinus shows up at the castle. Except, since we've seen that bit, it's mostly just hinting at Cosmo definitely having abandonment issues. Which will maybe get explained down the road. Though if you really wanted some foreshadowing, the TM talk leading to, say, Cosmo getting one and not being able to control the attack could be nifty.
-I see this is the chapter where the small child gets bullied once he's finally forced to interact with other children. And the day progresses showing that there's still tension between Fenn and Oswald. Though that was... kind of it. I can see the reasoning of doing a whole Cosmo POV chapter as being a change of pace and a chance for you to do something different as a writer so things don't get too stale. Although you already have both first and third-person POVs, so that kinda spits in the face of that. And after this chapter I stand by my opinion from yesterday. Yes, Cosmo has depth to him, but I think it's depth that's better explored from another POV. His speech gimmick and magical way of thinking are more fun to read when he's not the POV character. When he is, the novelty loses its charm and starts to veer into annoying territory. Which is, uh, prrrobably not what you want. And I made similar mistakes with picking POV characters in the past. So I think I'm extra sensitive to it compared to others. 😅

-This was a request from Fobbie, huh? I didn't think he was this caught up. Then again, I suppose this idea could fit closer to the start of the fic given the mentions of Fenn being a liability and whatnot.
-It's been a while since we got master psychoanalysis, but Anemone basically boils Fenn's exact issues down to their core. And further highlight the sort of bizarre place his "special episode" left things several chapters ago. It's a case of the jerkass having a point, though. Fenn's complete doormat nature is dangerous for the line of work he was interested in. She was trying to protect him, just in a cruel and blunt and unhelpful way.

-It's the return of the Golden Light of Protagonist-Kun Energy™. The choice of making Swift the POV character for that particular moment is... something. And it switches back to Oswald so quickly I'm left wondering what the point was? To exposit a bit more about Swift understanding he fucked up and trying to get a bit better? I'm sure there could've been ways to show that from Oswald's perspective...
-Oswald is big sulking is my big takeaway right now. Our whole core cast is depressed, ladies and germs.
-Dahlia being the one to talk to him isn't what I was expecting. Though if she's dragging him to a (hoighty-toighty) pub, I can only assume she has her own agenda which may or may not involve getting him drunk and inadvertently blabbing his secrets to her.
-The Chapter Where Oswald Gets Peer Pressured Into Trying Booze
-I would make a remark to the tune of "Is this the chapter where one of these two dorks finally gets convinced to talk things out?" but then I'd just be setting myself up for disappointment. XP
-No, wait, maybe it's finally happening! He's had his sobering realization... I think? From Dahlia, apparently. And there were no ulterior motive executions after all. It's good to see... though in some respects it's almost cartoonish the way this epiphany happens for him. And I can't help but wonder if part of why I feel that way is... how much of an extended detour you decided to take after Oswald ate meat, going through all these slice-of-life bits with other characters before finally returning to him so he could have his epiphany moment. Like, we'd gotten so disconnected from his whole identity crisis stuff simply by virtue of jumping around to follow other characters. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.

-Well, I had a feeling mopey Fenn would end up back where he had been working his janitor job. And it does seem like that's where the bulk of this chapter has taken him. He's likely to keep sulking. I don't think he'll have some revelation like Oswald. Well, maybe until Oswald talks to him. At least he leaves the barracks.
-Yes, Fenn. You're reading slower because you've got anhedonia. Lovely symptom of depression, that one is.
-In what universe does a quilava have a belly button? If pokémon are hatching from eggs, they wouldn't need one. Implying they exist means the suggestion of placentas and umbilical cords and all the bloody messes/risk of death that come with pregnancy and childbirth. Which is not what I needed to think about in my colorful magical critters story. :unquag:
-Fenn doesn't want anyone to see him monscaping. :sadbees:
-Me thinks the author is projecting his dislike of certain story endings into this chapter. :P
-Imagine if Fenn ends up working in this library. On the side or otherwise. Wouldn't that be strange? Ha ha. Ha.
-It's always funny when a PMD character shares a name with a canon character out of sheer coincidence.
-"Reminds me of when authors kill off the fan favorite to get a reaction out of people." Yeeeeah, me thinks the author's projecting into this chapter. Surely, this means Finch and Ricinus are safe, then. Since they're the best characters in the fic. Objectively. :mewlulz:
-Y'know, I have an orbeetle and I still needed to be reminded dottler is a pokémon. That exists.
-Are these book titles references, too? Not sure. Though Minecraft comes to mind for the fennekin one. Which gets an :unquag: from me but I don't like Minecraft.
-I'm trying to imagine Fenn walking on only his stubby little hind legs while holding a big book and it just comes off as him waddling and barely moving anywhere. Quilava gotta be on all fours for that stuff.
-Oh, hey. It's the torchic from the "special episode." And he became an "Oh no, he's hot!" level gym bro. Also between this and Ricinus it's very clear you like your abs and cannot resist sliding them into the fic.
-Wait, wait, Clary's old enough to be at university? As in, equivalent to human undergraduate? Or more like a charter or boarding school? God, I cannot peg anyone's age equivalents here.
-Fenn got that ADHD brain, from the sound of it.
-Honestly, Fenn reuniting and making up with Yarrow is a nice way to break him out of his funk. Didn't see it coming. And was more heartwarming to read as a result.

-Ah, yes, contemplating if, in fact, Oswald took the Super route and planned his own memory loss. Only to fuck it up.
-I feel like a large, floating dusknoir could keep up with tiny dewott and quilava. XP
-God, it's weird seeing these two act like giddy school kids over realizing their crushes. What are there age equivalents?! :grohno:
-"Why didn't I open up sooner?" Because the plot didn't want you to, Oswald. :sadbees:
-Lmao the boyfriend question is treated like a marriage proposal. Including the art.

-Public handholding? Between the way the kiss is described and this we definitely have to bump up this fic's age rating. :copyka:
-Oh jeez they're becoming the couple that's lovey-dovey in public. Probably going to be fond of PDAs.
-There are lot of missing paragraph spaces in this chapter, FYI.
-Finch is back and he's bringing up those mines he went to. The mines that I think are also where Bulu is? Not sure how they're safe when Anemone mentioned how it had upped security.
-Lmao Cosmo slept through the entire big love confession. Ah, the innocence of youth.
-D... did Oswald really pull "Look over there!" and it (basically) worked?! Smh my head.
-Did Oswald just dismember a guy? Wtf is this fic, man? Slow burn romance with F-bombs and gore. What a world. :madness:

And, lo, in the span of a week I have... somehow read this entire fic with chapter commentary. Wild.

So, you finally reach the part you were anticipating? Was it written well? Overall, I think so. Those specific parts were good and I'm sure folks on AO3 ate it up. I think my biggest problem is how we got to that point. I see the vision with the chapters that preceded 48-50. I do... because I did similar things in Guiding Light's heyday. Shoehorning in these "bonus" chapters focused on other characters or large special episodes that yoinked folks out of the main plot for extended periods. And that happened to some extent with Path of Valor in, like, 2022. Did people like it? To some extent, yeah. But I look back on it with a great amount of embarrassment and disappointment. And perhaps that's why my thoughts on the pacing decisions may be on the harsher side. It's reminding me of stuff about my work I'm not fond of.

Basically, I disagree with your decision to cut away from Oswald and Fenn when you had built up all this narrative tension by making a rift between them to focus on a mixture of slice-of-life stuff and secondary characters vaguely moving the A plot. IMO you kneecapped yourself with that one. It almost felt like you realized your main plot was outpacing your slow burn romance and decided to slam the narrative brakes. There are teasing hints and foreshadowing of future plot points in the slice-of-life stuff, but it didn't help these chapters flow very well for me. They, essentially, artificially extended the whole miscommunication element of things by means of pushing the two main characters to the side. So that the end result was 48-50 felt less like a pivotal moment and more like a "What took so long?"

Nothing wrong with exploring your greater cast. It'd be hypocritical of me to suggest otherwise. But with stuff Namo and I write, ours are more like ensemble casts. Oswald and Fenn are the leading duo, so their absence for the long stretch of time was felt and noted. And having gotten to the end of things, I really can't help but wonder whether it would've been better if 48-50 followed the end of Fenn's special episode. Essentially serving as a close to this "act" of your fic. And then after the official couple upgrade status, then you could take the time to focus on these other characters. A sort of intermission before the fic kicks into its next leg. I believe there still could've been ways to have Ricinus drop by and touch on Cosmo's fears even after Oswald and Fenn are an official couple. Heck, for Cosmo it could've come in the form of fearing Oswald and Fenn are paying so much attention to one another they're neglecting him.

I realize I'm ranting. And I'm doing so because of your author's note at the end of 51. You're still making changes. I get it. I'm still doing that with PoV. So, I'm bringing this all up now in the hopes that I may be able to get you to look at your plans or outline or whatever and don't make a similar sort of pacing decision again in the future. I realize you have this "day" format and you try to keep your chapters anchored around one group. But I'm here to tell you it's okay to have a cutaway scene to your villains or another group. You don't have to focus purely on Team Lavender or some other party for the entirety of a chapter. You can change up the structure. That's the beauty of fan fiction. Seeing the improvements is part of the fun.

And there are improvements. The tense confusions are (mostly) gone in the first-person narration. The video game-y "..."s and thoughts-as-dialogue have greatly decreased. There are fewer instances of stopping chapters to go on exposition about stuff. The more recent chapters have been much smoother reads overall.

In the end though, I'm just one guy with this opinion. If everyone else loves how the plot and chapters are structured, then I guess you keep doing what you're doing. And the A plot does have my attention. If all the speculation I've done is worth anything, I'd like to hope it shows I'm eager to see how that plays out.
Thank you so much for reading the whole thing. I wasn't expecting that, but it makes me very happy to see.

I'm not going to touch on everything, but I've taken everything you said into account. I'm glad, despite its shortcomings, you still enjoyed it. I wouldn't for a second call Flowerbeds anything but flawed, though I am especially talking about the earlier parts of the story. I'm still proud of my later chapters. At least somewhat.

Chapters 40 through 50 are pretty important not just to the story but to me, in just how my style has grown and how it gave me space to try out some other perspectives and keep things fresh. Could I have paced it out better, included more of the main duo? Probably. My intent when writing them was to give myself some extra space and have Oswald and Fenn do whatever in the background. This, wholeheartedly, is a mistake on my part due to the structure of the fic. With how condensed everything is I have very little space to include details that occurred in the background.

These are all things I'm learning way after the fact, along with what I could have done better. For one thing I came up with the idea to have a weeklong timeskip after chapter 16 or so, but that wouldn't work well with other details previously established. I thought of a way to make Fenn and Oswald's first meeting less silly and anime. I don't know if I'll ever rewrite Flowerbeds--probably not, I'd rather just move on--but if I did I'd be more conscious of all of this and how it affects the pacing.

I plan on making the story more consistent from here on out, with things going less slow and development happening at a much faster pace. That's the plan anyway. And rich saying that after 50 chapters. But hey, better to learn as I go then not.

I do, however, plan on keeping to the structure I established, at least as far as the day-by-day idea goes. With some potential adjustments.

Thanks again for reading. I really appreciate it.
Chapter 52 - Day 19, Part 2: Fudge Cakes


Frog on a mission
Chapter 52: Day 19, Part 2 - Fudge Cakes

I assumed I was immune to nausea once.

As a reward for becoming a pokemon when I previously wasn't one, I could ride as many coasters as I wanted and not get sick. Unlimited soft pretzels! Funnel cakes all day! What a nice trade off!

Obviously, I was dead wrong. And the five times I dry-heaved up last night's dinner out of the sky cab was proof of that and then some.

I could still hear the Croconaw that was driving us down south yelling something by the time I was dragging myself back into the cab, my face likely as green as the outside of the door now was. I panted dryly, my head compressed against the headrest, the spinning only marginally comforted by Fenn's soothing arm rubs.

"A-are you okay?" he asked gently, for the umpteenth time. I guessed it was his way of making sure I hadn't choked yet.

And no, I wasn't.

Fenn would tell me over and over again that it was over now, we escaped, there was nothing to worry about anymore…but that didn't wipe off the flecks of blood still clinging to my fur. He rested his head on my shoulder, his flame vents radiating dull warmth on my chin. It smelled like a smoldering fireplace, and I didn't have the heart to tell him that it was making the nausea worse.

The world flew right by through the window, slipping out and away from my grasp, falling.



Then back up again, bringing the nausea with it. Like my head was still reeling and trying to fix itself, only to realize that nope, I couldn't revert what I did. I was stuck with the image of Crocus' severed hand in my head…ugh.

At least we were moving slow and steadily enough that Fenn didn't seem anxious at all, like how he was riding that Dragonite. Whatever his name was.

Or maybe he was too focused on me, I didn't think about it too hard.

Finch, looking uncharacteristically uneased for once, bounced Cosmo on his knee as he asked, "Get it all out yet?"

We were all seated side-by-side, packed like sardines inside the little cabin: me by the window, Fenn in the middle, Finch by the other window. In front of us was a velvety wall with nothing but a pouch for snacks and pamphlets stapled on. Discarded bottles and mugs rattled by our feet.

On the other side of the wall was the driver, a Croconaw Finch named Tusk. We could hear him shouting muffled, heavily accented commands at the Corvisquire carrying us from time-to-time. He was loud, and I wished he wasn't. I shot Finch a pointed glare over Fenn's head.

"…What do you think?" I grumbled. I sincerely hoped I wiped off all of the bits of vomit from my lips before saying that; I couldn't even remember if I did. The bile was simultaneously ripe and stale in the back of my throat.

Finch was gracious enough to not laugh at my retort. Under any other circumstances, I assumed he would have. "I didn't know you had it in you, Ozzy," he said.

I let out a stifled burp. "…Neither did I."

Since Cosmo was there too, he spoke up. "Why will no one tell Cosmo what happened…"

How he slept through all of that, I didn't know.

"I'll tell ya when you're older," Finch said. For once I was appreciative of his straightforward approach to these things.

Cosmo pouted, and had been pouting since Fenn told him that he wasn't going to daycare today. "Not fair to Cosmo, not fair…"

Finch ignored him. "The Pangoro will be fine," he muttered. "They can heal him, no problem."

I gripped my thigh, where Anemone's reflection had once punctured the skin with my own spike. The fur had yet to fully grow back yet, but the injury had all but vanished. I was under the impression that it would have left a scar, but no. So, maybe Finch was right. A whole hand could be stitched back on without any long lasting repercussions. Crocus might even forgive me.

But probably not. I felt like throwing up again.

"Urp…that's not…the problem," I uttered.

Finch shrugged his shoulders. "It was either that or never leave at all."

There had to be another way, I thought. If we had only planned more, not been so stupid and instead left in the middle of the night when half of the castle wasn't breathing down our necks…

But finding the circumstances for that? And with Finch potentially locked away…? It seemed impossible.

"H-how are you so…uncaring about this?" Fenn asked, his head still resting on my shoulder.

"I'm not," Finch said with a hiss to his voice. "If anything, I'm elated. We showed 'em what for."

I frowned. "Fenn has family back near Kebia. What will they think about all of this?"

Yes, it sounded like I was blaming Finch for what happened. I didn't intend for it to; the words just fell out. He wasn't the one to cut the guy's hand off, but…neither was I.

I hope. I think.

No, I was. Fuck. Shit. I'm gonna-

For the sixth time, I lurched and thrust my head out of the cab, my throat convulsing with dry air and gnarled, spiked saliva. I collapsed back into my seat a moment later, breathing faster in tandem with my beating heart.

Fenn gave me some space this time, which I was thankful for. If I were a cat I would have started hissing at all the probable looks of concern I was getting. I, however, could only stare at the ceiling without toppling over. The air was simultaneously too hot and too cold at the same time.

God, my fur is like sandpaper on my skin right now. Aaaaggghhhh.

"H-hey," Fenn spoke up, "it's fine. I…I-I said that I'd follow you, Oswald. No matter what." He placed his paw atop mine. "D-don't worry about me."

Tiny embers floated into my vision only to be snuffed out immediately. Popping lights that I could easily confuse with myself losing consciousness if not for the smell. The closer I had gotten to Fenn the more I realized that I could recognize his scent—that sweetly smoky aroma. Even more so, I could recognize when that scent had been tainted. There was a hint of sweat riding that smoky ride, the sweetness turning sour at the utterance of his feigned reassurance.

Fenn was anxious. He just didn't want me to know it.

Finch tried, too. He said, "Look, these things happen all the time. Hot Stuff here can always just say it was an accident. You're thinking too hard about this."

I needed to change the subject.

"Do either of you have any food?" I grumbled. "Or water?"

There was a light rustling, then Finch said, "I've got a waterskin."

"O-our bag has some apples," Fenn added.

Cosmo exclaimed, helpfully, "Ooh, Cosmo can help with this!"

"Please," was all I could bring myself to say.

With Cosmo's psychic assistance, I was able to wash away at least some of the bile down my throat. Not all of it, mind you, but the ensuing reminder of my hunger distracted me from it a bit.

One thing after another with me, huh?

After finishing the apple, I decided to ask the question that had been on my mind since I initially saw Finch in the castle foyer earlier: "What have you been up to this whole time, Finch?"

Finch sneered when I looked at him. "Thought I told you that before I left."

"Not what happened," I said hoarsely. "Just where you were headed. I think you mentioned something about following that lead? How did it all end up like-" I motioned to the cab around us, "-this?"

"Good question." Finch picked at his teeth. "It's a long story."

I reminded him, "We have a long-ish ride ahead of us."

Cosmo, who had been floating about and slowly drifting with the motion of the cab, landed in Fenn's waiting arms without much thought. He spoke up, to pretty much the surprise of all three of us. "Um, Cosmo has a question."

"W-what is it, Cosmo?" asked Fenn.

"Yeah, what's up, little guy?" added Finch.

"...Where are we going?"

There was a moment between all four of us where no one had an answer to that question.

Something that always stuck out to me about Finch's personal accounts was that he used a lot more metaphors and exaggerations when talking about Kebia and Anemone and all that, but got more straightforward when mentioning places closer to where he grew up.

For example, he said this in relation to illegal fences in Kebia in the middle of his explanation: "Those that choose to dig to the belly of the beast either have their noses deep in the dirt or their [asses] in the sky. The former can help me out, but they charge like the latter."

All this really meant was that he had reliable options for getting out of Kebia after being shafted by the cart business, but all of them would cost him an arm and a leg. He explained that he encountered quite a few setbacks on his way out of the city, cementing that Anemone had been nipping at his tail as early as half a week ago.

Apparently, there was a vendor off an east end side street that worked as a seamster of deluxe, custom-made fabrics and furniture. Finch didn't know the guy, though he had talked to folks from elsewhere that traveled to Kebia just for the products they sold. Lots of exotic traffic, earning them a spot amongst a web of other practitioners.

They were a Galvantula. Go figure.

"W-wait," Fenn spoke up in the midst of all of this. "Galvantula? I-I know a Galvantula. She's a librarian a-at the castle."

"Robin has a pretty big family," Finch had said. "It's likely they're related."

Fenn went quiet after that.

Robin, the Galvantula, was the type of mon that always needed something to be done. That, alongside a growing list of patrons and providers, was one of the many reasons why Finch knew he could trust him. That kind of self-sufficient mindset never picked sides, apparently. I could believe it. A ride was almost guaranteed, but so was Finch's whereabouts if he was being followed—which he likely was.

All Finch had to do was offer a favor. Robin, unfortunately sensing an opportunity, proposed two. Finch just had to settle with that.

"So that worked?" I asked.

Finch grinned half-heartedly. "As far as you need to know. I got a ride back to Micle and found Tusk-" a casual point to the skycab's pamphlet pocket, "-pretty soon after."

I was curious. "What about the favors?"

"Don't worry about it."

Was Finch worrying about it, though? I couldn't tell. Damn lack of big floppy ears—he seemed stoic and blew off any concerns any of us might have had. I just had to wonder, how was he even supposed to make good on those promises, especially now? Last thing we needed was to be on the spider mafia's hit list alongside everything else going on.

Meanwhile, Cosmo was thrilled.

He said, "Shady business, like…being undercover!" His eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint I was not too happy to see. His bubble jiggled ferociously in Fenn's arms. "So that means…Cosmo and friends are going to be in disguise! Mimikyu marauders!"

Not quite. Well, kinda.

As it turned out, that "lead" of ours was just as much a trap as anything else. Hopo Town had already been ransacked long before any of us could have conceivably arrived. Finch, graciously, did not concede in telling us how he got his info—said it didn't matter and that he'd handle most of the talking, anyway. I called bullshit, but there wasn't much I could do to convince him otherwise.

Which bothered me, honestly- the Hopo Town thing, not the convincing. Not only had Anemone been one step ahead of us, a whole town saw the brunt of the consequences meant for my stupid ass.

The nausea had since passed by this point, so the dizziness hurt less than the harsh tightening of my own fists. I was fuming long before Finch was done.

I could handle being treated like trash, but when other people got hurt because I wanted to stop being treated that way? It made me sick to my stomach. Images of innocent, well-meaning pokemon being locked away because of me entered my mind, wrapping my heart in barbed wire. It was clear that the guild had a hand in everything across the continent, so it was only a matter of time before my footprints would be covered with broken glass.

I groaned, my body sinking into my seat. "This is all my fault."

I want to melt away. Turn my body into an ooze that can't step on any toes, please.

"Don't think like that, Ozzy," Finch said. "There's always someone worse to blame."

"Y-yeah, please don't," said Fenn. "There's…n-nothing you could have done. Not with th-this."

Cosmo beamed, the excitement in his tone downright palpable. "Cosmo thinks this will be fun anyway! And- and- and tomorrow! Tomorrow will be even better!"

I let out a long sigh. It was Cosmo's comment that got me the most, leading me to look over after such a long time. "'Tomorrow?'" I repeated.

Something about the change in Cosmo's expression stood out to me. On top of the fact that I had never heard him say something like this before, his reaction to being singled out made no sense either. As opposed to getting all shy, he doubled down, his cheeks puffing up in defiance.

"Lose the fight today…fight harder tomorrow!" Cosmo declared. "That's the hero's way!"

A few silent seconds passed where we all stared at the Solosis. Fenn was concerned, Finch was nonplussed, and me—I was intrigued, needless to say. In that span of time Cosmo's purple bubble turned pink. The puffiness in his cheeks became flat.

Cosmo started to add more- "Cosmo, um…" -then quickly lost his nerve- "...Sorry."

"C-cosmo, where did you hear something like that?" Fenn wondered, holding the Solosis a little bit tighter against his chest.

In contrast, Finch snickered—a familiar noise. His arms were crossed, too. "Kid's been reading too many comic books."

The reaction only seemed to make the little guy wilt even more. "Cos- I…nevermind…," uttered Cosmo in a tiny voice.

He really should have owned it, in my opinion. It wasn't often that Cosmo was the one to make me think.

"No, it's fine, Cosmo," I said. "I actually think you have a good point."

"Really!?" I noticed the sudden wonder in Cosmo's eyes. A brief swap in bubble color—no more than a blink. Such a little complement, barely worth mentioning, but it lit up his whole world. How often did Cosmo get to have that?

Sometimes I would forget that Cosmo was just a kid and probably didn't have parents to do that for him. This whole time he'd been with us no one's even made an attempt to come up and claim him as theirs. Not that I thought anyone would.

The possibility had never once entered my mind, really.

Why was I just thinking about this now? I supposed that I decided to latch on to the first distraction I could get my hands on, and ended up defining Cosmo as my current centerpiece. In the process I realized that he was at least somewhat right. And far from home, just like me.

"I can't remember the last time I looked forward to tomorrow," I said in monotone. "I kept assuming that I wasn't worthy of it—having that luxury, I mean." I shifted my gaze to Fenn, who blinked at me. "It's tiring, giving up on today and losing hope in tomorrow at the same time. Always feels the same that way. I think…"

Where was I going with this? Was I looking for comfort? Reassurance? Maybe neither. All I knew was that talking aloud drove the nausea back down my throat.

I grasped Fenn's paw and gave him a lazy smile.

"I'll be okay," I said. "I will."

Fenn wavered. His grip was loose, at first unaccepting. It was unfair to him that I managed to turn the tables like this; he was supposed to be comforting me, after all. I wondered if he understood that relationships were meant to be like this. A real give-and-take.

He would learn. Both of us would.

"O-Oswald?" Fenn asked.


"You have a little…u-um-" Fenn touched the base of his lip with his other paw.

I mirrored his gesture, raising an eyebrow. "I have what?" And then my eyes went wide when I realized what he was saying.

The outside of my lip was wet. Welp, there went the seriousness of what I was saying.

"Bleh," I muttered, wiping the spit from my mouth.

Fenn giggled. As did Cosmo. And Finch, too. They were all laughing at me.

But it didn't feel bad for once. My chest was warm, like I had just been wrapped in a hug on all sides.

Finally, Fenn gripped my paw back. "W-we'll be okay."

I nodded. "Won't be cutting off hands every day, after all."

"Yeah!" Cosmo concurred. "No more sadness! No more cutting off hands!

"…wait, what-"

Finch butted in. "It ain't always realistic, but the kid's right," he said. "You gotta keep moving. Someone'll make you sink if you stop." He paused, as if remembering something. "Hold that thought."

The Krokorok rummaged around in the backpack by his feet for a moment before pulling something out of it. There were two parts: a flat plastic disk-shaped object, and a horseshoe topped off with soft cushions at its tips, tenuously connected to the disk by black wires.

A CD player. I recognized it immediately.

"What the…?" I mumbled under my breath. Why did Finch have that?

Cosmo gasped. "A chakram of doom!?"

"Nah," Finch said, snapping his fingers, "TM learner. Gotcha a gift."

And then he handed it to me from across the cab.

"For you, Ozzy. Take this however you want. Maybe not a declaration of love, though," Finch laughed, eying Fenn. "Hot Stuff here wouldn't like that."

The cab lit up with the flash of Fenn's forehead flames as he was thrown completely off balance, sputtering incoherently.

I opted to ignore Finch's obvious attempt to provoke me, saying, "Thanks?" Looking down at the CD player, I could handily confirm after popping open the lid that yes, it had a CD inside. Or TM, I guess. How surreal.

I turned it over a few more times, feeling out its smooth, plastic carapace and running my fingers over the rounded edges. Not only was it real, it was brand new. Not a smudge or crack to be found.

At this rate I'll start seeing full-on computers, entirely in-tact and working in this world.

"Where did you get this?"

"Picked it up on my way back," Finch said, grinning. "Figured I oughta get you a souvenir, as well as something to make you less of a Wimpod if we get into trouble."

I gave him a look. An unamused look.

"This morning change your opinion on that?" I asked.

"No. I still remember your fight with that Wartortle. I know rough when I see it—and you, buddy, were as rough as a Garchomp's scales."


Cosmo peered over my knee with a mixture of bemusement and astonishment. "TM's are so cool…" he uttered. "Cosmo wants one, too!"

Eventually, and consequently, Fenn's flames simmered down just in time to shush Cosmo.

"Y-you won't be doing any fighting, Cosmo," he said. "P-please don't try to; it could be d-dangerous."

Cosmo wilted a bit at that. "Aw…"

Had to agree there. Cosmo was better off defenseless, as counterproductive as that sounded. The fighting should have been left to me—the guy that couldn't control his murder blade, obviously.

In any case, I ended up asking a more relevant question as I flipped the player around several more times: "How does this work?"

Believe it or not I had a vague idea of what TM's did. They teach a new move you couldn't learn already yada yada yada—I got that part. Couldn't remember the names of most berries but I remembered this. Someday I'd surely start to see a pattern.

I was wondering, though—was the learning process instant? How does one figure out a new technique after having a CD shoved into their mouth?

Or was I just supposed to…listen to it…?

I frowned when Finch's explanation didn't help.

"TM's rearrange your mind so you can put two-and-two together," the Krokorok said. "We're all capable of it, it just takes a little push. I know you're not familiar with this sort of thing, what with that amnesia problem of yours. It just makes sense. Trust me."

With a blank expression, I switched my gaze to Fenn.

He said, "Y-you listen to it and it teaches you a new move."

My shoulders relaxed. "...Okay," I uttered. Good enough.

I placed the CD- er, TM player on my lap, a strange sort of…contemplativeness hitting me all of a sudden. In a sense, I was one step closer to my previous life with this thing in my hands.

It was like…experiencing snow for the first time, even though I had absolutely seen it before. I knew what it looked like, what it meant, how cold it could be—all of that. Snowflakes trickled on the edges of window sills, forming a pastiche of icey condensation, radiating coolness. My fingers stuck to the glass. Fingerprints peeled and left warm little marks. My swirls. Soon, they would be overtaken. Or remain for years after, and my memories would cling to the thought as though it were anything important. In the grand scheme of things, frosty fingerprints were negligible. To me, though, in that moment—they connected me to myself.

I could envision it so clearly. That thought, that memory that wasn't really mine; not in any conceivably justifiable way. It was there at some point. I was there. But context did not exist for me like it did now. When and why did I look out of a window and see snow for the first time?

I didn't know. I just knew what a CD player was, what it meant, and how cold it could be.

My hesitation must have looked like confusion, because Fenn ended up setting Cosmo aside and shifting himself around to face his body towards me. "H-here," he mumbled, "let me…"

Fenn took the headphones in both paws and angled them in front of my face. His ears twitched, as he craned his head to get a better look at the bird's nest of fur atop my head. One fang poked out of his lips in slight concentration—likely in hopes of not making a mistake. He shifted a little closer, slowly bringing the crescent shaped pair of headphones over my head.

We were already sitting close, so the touch of his fur was less of a surprise than a consolation. His smell was stronger now, his warmth more prominent. But I still flinched when he half-leaned into me and half-climbed-on-top of me, tense against the steady rocking of the cabin. Last I remembered we were about the same height, so I had no idea what he was thinking here.

"You got it?" I asked, careful not to move too much.


Sure enough, the insides of his arms slid over the sides of my face, and, gently, the headphones were positioned over my ears. Everything grew more muffled, from the wing beats in steady rhythm just outside the cabin to the light breathing of Fenn right beside me. He moved back to his spot on the cushion, watching me intently.

"Th-that good?" Fenn almost sounded nervous.

I blinked. For a moment I was unsure of what to say. Putting the headphones on myself probably would have left me less flustered, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it at least a little bit that Fenn did it instead. The whole thing left me all tingly.

My response was, "...Yeah. Thanks, Fenn."

He smiled.

The cabin went quiet after that, a silent agreement to allow me to relax being placed between us. Instinctually, my fingers glided over the CD player, rubbing the plastic down for grooves and divots, eventually finding what I was looking for: a strip of buttons, functioning more as spring lock switches, positioned right at the edge near where the headphones were connected. One of the buttons held a green arrow symbol. I pressed it.

From there, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. The world melted away into a glassy, blue fog.


Wind cracked against the sky like a whip, wailing ceaselessly with a fierce vendetta. It struck the air, battered it, beat it into submission. No inch was left untouched, no blade of grass unfettered as they reached out for safety—for warmth.

Cold reigned supreme. Along with flakes of burning numbness pinching at every nerve as though it were a game: how many could it kill? Such cold lended its way to an unrelenting hellscape of white and grey; a freezing miasma that petrifies the soul. So vivid yet so disparaging.

Whiteness coated the landscape, a blanket of snow so thick that even the trees could not scream for help—as they, too, were buried. All feeling had been sapped or perhaps even destroyed. The corners of the world grew sharper as the body's last stand was running its course. Limbs ceased to function, digits receded into stumps. No struggle could break its bind.

Were I to shiver, the body's natural temperature regulation was much too late to save me. So, I did not shiver. I did not curl into a ball, or wrap my arms around myself, or feverishly search for shelter.

There was no hope in the cold. No crackling campfire waiting for this poor soul, who even now pitifully cried out for mercy. With time, the wind drowned my thoughts down to their basic form. Sanity permitted me to repeat them, like clockwork, one final time.

Cold. Cold. So cold.

Freezing. My limbs. Freezing.

Where is the sun? Where is warmth?

Home. Find home. Home.



Gone. I am gone. Alone. I am alone.



And then, I felt nothing.

I was numb, because the cold demanded it of me. It urged me not to grasp at hope, at fear. What was once mine belonged to the snow now. I had lost control of myself, letting my emotions dictate where my head might be facing, where my tail might point away from. They served me well, yes, but they also led me here. To the cold.

I did not need them anymore.

There was power in accepting my inevitable frostbite. After all, with my mind's priorities shifted so readily, I could think so much. Unlike before, I could pinpoint a single source of agony and extinguish it with impunity. There was no reason to squabble with unresolved anxieties and unspoken truths. The wind stole any remaining dignity I might have had and tossed it far beyond my reach.

With no more distractions, no more pain left to berate me, I began to recognize my faults for what they were: faults, and nothing else.

Clarity permitted me to walk again, the world still just as sharp, my limbs prickling with thousands of needles. My legs moved themselves, as they were not mine to control anymore. Walk and walk and walk, trudging through waist-high snow. I was vigorous. I was radiating. I was buzzing.

I began to hear my own voice speak to me.

"This technique requires a target. Once the code phrase is mentally uttered, frost will begin to accumulate in your maw. Note: Ice Beam is activated through oral exhalation. Those familiar with water propelled techniques will see definite success."

Water Gun was a distant memory in another life. I had since reincarnated, my skin taking on a different shade of black and blue, now far from familiar of such basic concepts. Even still, droplets clung to the underside of my tongue in anticipation. Being free from my own pain finally allowed me to confront the demons I had once harbored, and my jaw ached to unclench.

"In the early stages of learning, most of the difficulty that comes with stabilizing the beam will be automated. After the learning period of about three weeks on average, this training assistant will begin to deteriorate. It is recommended that you attempt to manually stabilize your beams within the first week of use."

I was walking in a straight line towards something that did not belong in these woods. A figure stood silhouetted against the black, formless ice, staring back at me. I saw no eyes or other defining features, yet he watched me. He was analyzing me. Sizing me up. His back was straight and alert, and his limbs were firm at his side. The cold did not affect him.

I despised him.

"Finally, it is time to determine your code phrase. To activate your new technique, first think of the key. This takes the form of the three letters A, C, and T in sequence. Then, decide upon a unique word or phrase that will allow you to quickly activate your new move! For example, your activation code could be 'ACT: Deep Freeze!'"

This figure should not have been here. It reeked of paradoxical contradictions stacked upon heaps of putrid musings of the past. A world I once knew surged within its face like a black hole, threatening to suck me in. White weeped in the presence of black. Cold melted in the blaze of heat.

It singed my skin. I screamed in retaliation.


Right, this is uh…where I come up with a code phrase…


Fudge Cakes…?

Sure, that works.

With my scream came an utterance of a spell—a curse. "By my name I declare thee extinguished! Broken beyond repair! Lost to oblivion!" My maw exploded with wispy needles piercing my gums, in and out in the rhythm of a sewing needle. I screamed until my voice became hoarse. I screamed until my voice ceased to exist.

ACT: Fudge Cakes!

There was a flash. An overwhelming blindness. Though really, what I perceived as a sudden absence of darkness became overshadowed by an abundance of snow rising ever higher. My target had been destroyed. It had fallen from my strike.

And then, in the blink of an eye, I was on the ground again.

What was once beautiful snow was now a sky awash with stars. Pure black speckled with fervent pinks and blues, a painting of cosmic proportions. That was my world from then on. Forever.

I was numb. The cold had won. I laid there for all eternity with nothing but an endless expanse to comfort me. Stories beyond my wildest dreams just out reach, whispers of great joy and sorrow. And I swore, every so often, I could hear the stars regale their tales…

"Congratulations! You learned Ice Beam!"


I took off the headphones slowly. The sides of my head were moist with sweat.

Fenn's ears perked up immediately, his head raising from my shoulder. "O-Oswald?" he whispered, rubbing his eyes with the back of his paw. "Did the TM work?"

"I think?" I said. My head felt…weird. Something was swirling around in my noggin and it sure as hell wasn't local. I needed a moment to refocus. "Here, let me try and see…"

Fenn's flame vents sparked as he blurted out, "W-wait, not ye-"

But the funny thing about thoughts was, they were much harder to silence than spoken words once they started moving. I learned much too quickly just how fast I could activate this new move.

ACT: Fudge Cakes!

"He busted a hole in me dingy!"

Tusk was in hysterics over the damage, his claws pressed against his head as he stomped around in the dirt at random. The Croconaw's teeth gnashed together vigorously, lambasting his Corviknight steed in an accent so thick that I could barely understand what he was saying. He didn't seem mad at me for some reason, though.

Which I could understand, because I wasn't mad either. Staring at the Cosmo-sized hole in the cab, mere inches from where Tusk himself would have been, a sense of awe overtook me. The hole was nearly completely circular, cleanly cut out as though I had done so with a knife. I could only assume that there were cracks at its edges because it made no sense otherwise.

The blast shot true. Bits of frost still clung to the underside of the hole, and in a matter of seconds it had melted into pure water. The Ice Beam barely left any residue behind at all, but there was no doubt in my mind that whatever I hit felt it.

I stared slack jawed. Not too far away, Cosmo oo-ed and aw-d in complete amazement.

"Ah but ye can get yerself a new window!" guffawed the bird. Huge as he was, the way the Corviknight's red eyes glared was far from patronizing or intimidating. If anything they were warm and jubilant.

"I don't needs a new window!" Tusk wailed. "I 'ave two already!"

"Not one like this," the Corviknight said, pointing at the hole with his beak. "Maybe now ye can stop shoutin' over the winds."

Tusk stomped in fury. The Corviknight cackled. They bickered and bickered, their spat turning into nonsensical background noise for my inevitable ribbing by Finch. I wasn't looking forward to it, and neither was Fenn based on how his flame vents sparked in bursts.

The Krokorok turned to me, arms crossed and teeth flashing a jeering yellow. He said, "Ozzy, I get that you were a little excited, but did you consider not testing out your new move while we were still in the air?"

I expected this, but I also expected to give more of a damn than I did. Half of what he was saying didn't even register with me.

Fenn elbowed him, his eyes narrowed and his flame vents threatened to pop like balloons. "D-don't be mean, Finch," he muttered.

"I ain't being mean. It's common sense. You don't blast out ice when your buddies are seated right next to you. You ever do that yourself, Hot Stuff?"

Fenn's flame vents sputtered, the Quilava more than ready to steamroll Finch into tomorrow.

"You are just jealous!" Cosmo blurted out, his bubble expanding to twice its size. "That was awesome! Oswald is the greatest ice blaster in the world!" Cosmo floated between them in clear defiance and squishiness.

Finch rolled his black eyes.

"I did that…?" I finally whispered under my breath. Revulsion poked at my newly filled stomach, harshly swirling off and on. On, because I had somehow done it again in such a short amount of time. Off, because I was capable of such destruction.

I looked down at my paws. The pads were black, and pressed in when I clenched. Tiny pricks edged against the soft skin, one small push from piercing deep and drawing blood. Of course, I was a Dewott. Dewotts were capable of violence, with their claws sharp and lungs filled with an acidic spritz of deadly liquid.

I thought I already knew this. Pokemon were not inherently peaceful creatures—and that extended to me. It was just…wow. Wow, wow, wow. That hole was massive. How the hell did I do that?

In a moment of recollection, I blinked. A blush curled past my cheeks and under my fur down to the base of my neck. My chest itched.

"H-hey, I didn't mean to," I stammered out. "You didn't even tell me what the move would be when you gave it to me."

Finch saved us both an argument with a wave of his claw, saying, "Common sense. Like the common sense to ask before this happens-" he pointed a clawed thumb over his shoulder, "-not after."

He got me there. Not that my embarrassment was mitigated by that fact.

I frowned and grumbled, "I guess I'm just stupid, then."

When Finch waltzed up, I was immediately reminded of how much taller he was than me. At least a whole head more so. He placed his claw atop my head and, annoyingly, ruffled my hair. "You," he started, "are a hot mess, my good buddy."

Was it weird to say I nearly lunged out to bite him when he slid the claw over my head and sauntered off past me? I never had that inclination before. Not until now.

I even growled.

"I'll go sort things out with Tusk," said Finch. "Doesn't sound like it should be too long of a walk from here."

Probably would have been an even shorter walk if I wasn't an idiot, I thought grumpily.

Finch left and the fur on top of my head was a mess, and even trying to furiously ruffle it back into shape didn't cut it. Eventually, Fenn raised his paws to make me stop.

"H-here," he said tenderly, "I can-"

But before he could, Cosmo slipped between his arms right above our heads. "Wait! Cosmo wants to do it this time!"

Arms still raised, Fenn looked to me for approval.

I shrugged. "I don't think he could make it any worse."

We put that theory to the test. Cosmo's invisible hands shaped my head of hair like clay, throwing around strands and clumps with reckless abandon. I swear I caught a twig flying by in the middle of the process. In a few moments time, Fenn's snickering clued me in to the catastrophe that had been unearthed.

"All done!" Cosmo cheered. "Cosmo solved Oswald's hair!"

I cringed. "How does it look, Fenn?" I asked because I knew how it felt. The fact that I could use the word "sticky" in this instance did not give me high hopes.

Fenn covered his mouth with both paws, giggles escaping him at the same rate as embers from his forehead. He said, "I-it—hehe—looks great! You…tumbled through a tornado…a-and managed to lodge a Pidgey nest between your ears." The Quilava stifled an even larger laugh. "I-I like it, really!"

Yeah, that sounded about right. I gave Cosmo a thumbs-up and said, "Great job, buddy. I feel brand new."

Cosmo beamed.

At this point I just sat down in the dry dirt, my arms supporting my weight, not caring in the slightest about my blue fur being stained red. No reason to care if I was already a mess. I sighed deeply, belligerently.

"Hoowee, what a disaster," I breathed. "I'm sorry, guys."

The snickering stopped pretty quickly after that. Whether it was to get on my eye level or because he felt that it was only fair that he got dirty, as well, Fenn laid on his belly next to me. He rested his chin on my knee, specks of embers kissing my fur as they popped out irregularly. "O-Oswald, please," Fenn whispered. "It's…okay. I-I already said so."

Cosmo looked as though he was going to say something, that beaming of his fading into something more pensive. His mouth swung open and stayed open for several seconds. Noiselessly he floated down into my lap, apologizing with his eyes.

Kids rarely knew what to say in the worst of moments, but Cosmo had a knack for knowing when they wouldn't work. I commended him for that, at once recollecting all of the guilt I had ever felt in regards to the little guy. He deserved better than me.

"It's not okay," I said, staring up at the cloudy sky. "I don't know when we'll be able to go back. I don't know if we can."

I wondered if I should have taken back everything I said earlier about looking forward to tomorrow.

Fenn was quiet. A part of me wished he'd never speak again, because I knew his words would always be laced with his dissatisfaction over what I had done to ruin his life.

That voice, again, came out to play.

'He's upset with you, you know. He's just too much of a coward to say it.'

Fenn being a coward. Heh. Wouldn't that be convenient.

No, Fenn wasn't a coward. Far from it. He spoke up after a bit of time and deliberation.

"W-we…we can worry about that later," Fenn said. "Really, w-we're okay. Please stop worrying about it."

"Cosmo…agrees!" The Solosis popped up, reflecting sunlight into my eyes through the shininess of his bubble. "Oswald should not tink-a-ton if he wants to be a great hero and…do what he has to do in this desert. Yeah!"

I hated that I laughed at that.

I squinted at the sky. It was clear, with plush clouds sailing across the horizon at speeds I could hardly comprehend, pushed along by winds comfortable enough to be amicable in the mild heat. "I guess you're right…"

A thought crossed my mind right then. In between all the vomiting and running around, the thought had previously been pushed back. No one else seemed concerned about it, so I didn't bring it up. Not until now.

"...Fenn," I said apprehensively, "were we not followed?"

The Quilava tensed. He raised his head with ears perked. "U-um…" He craned his head around, up and down, before returning to me with no news. "I-I don't know."

"Well that's…weird."



Just as quickly as it started, our conversation ended at the behest of Finch's alerting shout.

"Hey! Let's head out! We don't want to be in the air when it gets dark!"

The Krokorok was a bit of a ways away when Fenn, Cosmo, and I turned our heads to face him. With his claw he motioned for us to follow him through the shallow bush parallel to a nearby river. I couldn't see where he was headed, but the confidence in which he walked told me he understood where he was going. Tusk and that Corviknight were busy bickering over the sky cab, still.

Hesitantly, Fenn and I exchanged glances, and then got to our feet. Cosmo wasn't far behind.

"Worry about that later, too?" I asked in a staggered voice.

Fenn nodded. Although his fire was snuffed out, his gait reminded me of our times in the mystery dungeons a couple weeks back. He was ready to pounce into action, the muscles showing ever so slightly under the fur. I didn't like it.

"Back into danger once again," Cosmo said under his breath. "Oooh Cloudcutter's gonna be so jealous…"

I exhaled sharply.

I sure hope not.

Author's Note - 1/15/2025

Uuuuuughhhhh it's done. Uuuuuugggghhhhhh.

I've come to hate the holidays, if only because I have to ration out my time and motivation like I'm in the apocalypse. This was a weird one for me in that regard. I can't say I'm entirely happy with it, but blah blah blah par for the course at this point.

Anyway, it's been 4 years since I started this story. I'm getting so OLD. My bones are cracking as I type this uuuuggggghhhhhhh.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Ha. You're still a whippersnapper from where I'm standing.

I assumed I was immune to nausea once.
You know what they about when you assume, Ozzy.
but that didn't wipe off the flecks of blood still clinging to my fur
Noooo he's got the traumatized protagonist blood spot it's never been more joever 😭
In front of us was a velvety wall with nothing but a pouch for snacks and pamphlets stapled on. Discarded bottles and mugs rattled by our feet.
Just like real taxis! :V
a Croconaw Finch named Tusk

Hey, I know that guy!
I sincerely hoped I wiped off all of the bits of vomit from my lips before saying that
There's probably some stuck in his whiskers and he doesn't even realize it.
Fuck. Shit
that sweetly smoky aroma
Fenn smells like BBQ sauce. Understood.
What about the favors?"
Can't wait for the set of chapters where Team Lavender has to whack a guy.
"Really!?" I noticed the sudden wonder in Cosmo's eyes
General advice is to never immediately follow dialog with a subject who isn't the speaker. This makes me think Ozzy's saying this.
At this rate I'll start seeing full-on computers, entirely in-tact and working in this world.
Yeah that magical doomsday device Larkspur's looking to activate is totally a computer.

Feels very strange to have a chapter this late into a big PMD fic centered on the idea of learning a TM. I mean, yes, only a couple of weeks have passed. Yadda yadda. But we're 500k words in and Ozzy's only just getting tutored on more basics of being a pokémon. :unquag: It seems as though this is mostly a transition chapter. Though I can't exactly tell where it's meant to be transitioning to. If anything, it seems like next chapter will be more transition. I do think that trying to have Ozzy's narration somewhat summarize what Finch went through made it tough for me to follow. Even by the standards of it being exposition. Maybe that's intentional because Finch was being vague?

It is worrying there doesn't seem to be any signs that the team's getting tailed. I don't expect that to last forever...
Chapter 53 - Day 19, Part 3: Promise New


Frog on a mission
Chapter 53: Day 19, Part 3 – Promise

In Enigma, Grapploct was considered a delicacy.

Most, if not all Grapploct could be found off the coast of the continent of Blueline. Where the waters were tough and the mons that swam within them were even tougher. Unlike Omanyte or Octillery, the tentacles of Grapploct were firm. They had an almost meaty texture, the inner linings of their cartilage formed similarly to that of muscle. Not to mention, they are often prepared raw.

An acquired taste assuredly, but a taste Larkspur found quite invigorating nonetheless.

This was important, as today Larkspur felt as though all of the pieces were finally falling into place. Or, well, almost all of the pieces. One loose thread would be resolved soon, but for now, two more gems remained and a human was well within his reach. That called for celebration.

For an occasion such as this, the Malamar ordered his meal straight to his chambers: salted Grapploct with a side of Tamato marinara—a favorite of his. It came to him by way of a trusted helper—an Espeon he never cared to learn the name of. All he knew was that Jasmine considered her a loyal teammate, and thus would not squander the Count's secrecy.

With a psychic grip, the Espeon handed the plate and a generous glass of blood red wine through the gap of Larkspur's chamber doors. He reached both tentacles through, quickly applauded the pink thing for following basic instruction, and then slammed the door in her face before she could sing her master's praises. He'd had enough of that recently already.

As soon as he was left to stare at the back of the heavy wooden door, Larkspur immediately scowled in disgust. Was he seriously carrying his own meal? Did he walk among peasants or was he truly that destitute? He nearly threw the plate into the wall, if not for that putrid sensation these animals called hunger. He let his tentacles fall to his side, as he begrudgingly pushed his meal and drink with his mind to an ornate table and set them atop it. This, unfortunately, elicited a comment from the Sableye lounging on the velvety chaise couch surrounding said table.

"Grapploct, huh? Ever heard of a funny little number called 'irony,' Lark?" Crane snickered, his head resting in his palm. The Sableye had propped his elbow on a pillow that had been meticulously sewed together and filled to the brim with plucked Ducklett feathers. It contorted under his weight, forever tainted with his acrid stench.

The Malamar narrowed his eyes, situating himself across from the Sableye, electing to float. "How quaint," Larkspur hissed. "You seem to be under the impression that I care."

At that, the little shit-eating gremlin's grin grew to twice its size and coiled to the sides of his lopsided, crumbling skull. Bits of jewelry jingled irritably with every faint movement; he had been wearing more gold as of late. How ostentatious of him. Flecks of dark, pebble-like residue fell to the cushions as Crane scratched at his chest.

I must remind myself to burn that couch later, just like the carpet, Larkspur thought indignantly.

"I'm just saying," Crane remarked, "irony tends to have a mind of its own."

Larkspur's scowl deepened. "It would be most pleasant if you did not have a mind of your own."

Crane tapped the side of this head with his free claw. Annoyingly, the Sableye doubled down. "But I do," he said. "And irony has a bigger mind than either of us, Lark. Big big big, hehehe!"

"I did not invite you here to insult me, Crane," Larkspur stated firmly. A tentacle slid off the deposited plate and into the air, suspended alongside the small cup of sauce. The tentacle coiled into a thick roll, and within the centered divot was the cup of sauce, soon to be crushed for the sake of its contents to ooze into the spiraled cracks of the appendage.

Larkspur brought the tentacle up to his beak—still coiled into a bun—before wrenching his own mouth open, cleanly unhinged. Then he slowly, deliberately unrolled it straight down his gullet in one fell swoop. Within seconds he had swallowed the entire thing. His beak snapped back into place with an audible pop.

The tentacles atop his head writhed in delight. Delicious.

Crane's grin contorted into that of pure disgust. This pleased Larkspur.

"Then what for?" Crane asked. "To gross me out? How have I never seen you do that?"

His beak twisting with satisfaction, Larkspur hummed a sinister laugh. "We all have our secrets, do we not?"

Crane's gem eyes previously lacked that shine that hinted at some degree of intellect. They had grown dull in recent weeks, hardened by hedonistic desires unbefitting of his accomplishments. Briefly, a hint of trepidation flashed across the Sableye's face. A shine, too, flickered within his eyes. The question made him pause.

Woefully, any trace of fear was sliced in two by the return of Crane's damned cutting teeth a moment later. The shine was gone just as quickly as it arrived. "I guess we do, Lark," he snickered, "I guess we do."

Larkspur's expression stiffened, his tentacles doing much the same. He spoke slow and firmly, as though he were making up for the bites he didn't take. "You talk brash, Crane. So little spared for the faintest of listeners. Do you earnestly not know why I called you in here today?"

Crane shrugged sardonically. "I could take a guess. You think you're onto me and my…what did you call them? 'Schemes?'"

Once, yes. Larkspur called it scheming once, when it was less disruptive. Now, he referred to it by another name: espionage.

Larkspur's beak remained drawn flat. He simply pointed with his tentacle and let the changing atmosphere speak for him. He said, "Regrettably, no, you slime. I am not. But he is."

Against the wall, where Larkspur had pointed, was a bookcase. He rarely utilized it, as the writing of common pokemon bore no use to him. Even the human scriptures were daft in their view of the world. The bookcase, nonetheless, had been there since Larkspur was granted these chambers. He was told they improved his apparent intelligence, though the reasoning behind that sentiment was completely lost on him. He saw now that it had some use.

"He?" Crane scoffed. "I didn't know you liked to give life to your books, Lark. That sounds like something Canary would do-"

Finally, he noticed, and the paling of his purple face drained it to a dull pink. The books on its shelves were of a particular formation, an outline of red and black crafted a shape all too reminiscent of…

The books faded away. Within an instant, the colors morphed into something coherent, books jutting from the shelves in the third dimension. The illusion was meticulous for as long as it remained, and in its place was a Zoroark at full height. A white hot grin seethed into existence with the black backdrop. Red coiled into a wave of hair, and scarlet claws sharper than midnight blades shimmered at his sides.

"Greetings, Crane, old buddy, old pal," Canary jeered. His piercing eyes stripped Crane for all he was worth, looking straight through him.

The look on Crane's face was about as priceless as the glittering jewels splayed about his arms and neck. Which was to say, the price was prohibitively low. The corners of Crane's mouth fell no further than before. In fact, they might have raised a smidge.

"Canary," Crane recited with nearsighted recollection. "Oh, I've been a bad boy, haven't I?"

"Very, very bad," Canary agreed, licking his chops.

Larkspur saw red. His tentacles cracked the air. "Silence, both of you! Do not test me." His eyes were then directed towards Crane in particular. "Now you know. I have told you once and made no lie: insurgency is punishable by death."

Canary shot Larkspur a playful look over his shoulder and skipped over to the glass of wine upon the table. Picking it up elicited a glare from the Malamar, but Canary assuaged his concerns with a wave of his claws.

He is not taking this seriously, Larkspur thought scornfully, growling at the lackadaisy nature of the Zoroark. I expected better from you, Canary. You cannot possibly care this much for such a repugnant creature.

"More is already on the way, my Count." Carefree, Canary took a long sip, smacked his lips, and turned to Crane. "Now, Crane. We can't all play our games if not everyone is having fun."

Crane was quick to respond: "This is another step in your 'master plan?'" Too quick, even. The Sableye suddenly seemed…bothered.

There was a devilish smirk thrust upon Canary's face once those words were spoken. He twirled strands of his dark red hair in his claws like he was some lovestruck schoolgirl. Clearly, he was enjoying himself. His toes danced across the carpet with feathery grace.

"I could ask you the same thing," Canary said.

Larkspur was beginning to lose his patience.

"Enlighten us on what you have learned, Canary," he snapped.

Crane, once again, was quick to speak up. "No, please," he quipped. "At your leisure. You and I both know we have plenty of time."

To that, Canary downed the rest of the wine glass in one long gulp. He sighed, refreshed. "Ah, those humans. Opulence in spades, goblets of true kings…" He closed his eyes in bliss.

"Canary!" Larkspur shouted. He was not certain what was more infuriating: Crane's comment or Canary's blatant disregard for Larkspur's time. Either way, he despised both of them at that moment.

"My apologies," Canary said, opening his eyes. Both of which were succinctly focused on a particular Sableye. "This will be as stressful for me as it is for you, Crane. You too, Larkspur. I want to take the load off however I can…" As he trailed off, his expression darkened. He sounded almost pained as he continued. "Now then.

"I thought we all agreed that we would pursue the Kingfisher gems together, old friend. 'A true group effort,' like I suggested. But it seems you had…other plans."

It was moments like these where Larkspur truly wished he could read the imp's mind. A shroud of static clouded the connection between them, bisecting any potential for true cooperation. Even still, the gradual drip down of realization falling upon Crane's face was more than Larkspur could have ever read through thoughts alone.

Slowly, Crane began to laugh. First it was quiet, and then it grew and grew.

And grew.

And grew.


Down south it was dry, with persistent weeds making their homes within the cracks of sunbaked soil. Arid air choked at the lungs just as northern winds were tainted in earnest, only to be betrayed by the blissfully blue sky above. White clouds stretched like grasping hands for mountainous peaks in every direction, furthering the contrast between life—the sky—and death—the dirt.

Somehow, life wriggled its way to the surface, in shades of dull blue drained to grey. Toppled tents faltered in the breeze, stained with dust and lashed into threads. Ropes had been loosened with conclusive swipes leaving them just as abandoned as the rocks and cooking pots once serving as chairs. Only ghosts sat upon them now. A distant buzz chimed as the death knell, the word "cicada" coming to mind.

Packs were left wide open and fat, meals were left cold and half-eaten. A thin trail of smoke billowed up from a smoldering campfire not quite extinguished, until a stray bolt of chill wind kicked all remaining embers into nothing. Along with it, a playing card slid from its winning hand, landing at my feet. It was a king of hearts decorated with the depiction of a regal Nidoking.

We weren't the first ones here.

I shouldn't have been surprised. According to Finch we came here looking for some guy. A guy who, after some thought, I realized I never learned the name of. We were working with even worse odds compared to when we were looking for Turaco, though surely, we'd have an easier time combing the desert compared to a populated city.

Consider me dead wrong. We were so late to the party that everybody had already left.

"W-were they in a hurry…?" Fenn wondered worriedly. "Why…were they in a hurry?" Embers popped out from his forehead, falling to the dirt and setting blades of dilapidated grass ablaze for but a moment, crying out for their smoldering brothers. He rubbed his arm. I could tell it was more out of confusion than actual concern. The heat emanating off the Quilava was much too prescient of what was to come.

Instead of responding—not that any of us had an answer—Finch kneeled to the ground and took what looked to be a discarded strand of cloth into his claws. It was yellow, plain, and torn. Much like the scarves we wore, only variable in their color and state of repair. He scowled, spitting out a furious "Son of a bitch…!" under his breath.

Cosmo was oblivious to the implications. A broken hand mirror had been dropped in the middle of the campsite, but Cosmo was more interested in what it offered rather than what it meant. His good spirits were undeterred, unwavering even at the sight of glass laid in waste. He telekinetically picked up a shard and peered through it, marveling at the way his eye grew in its reflection.

"Cosmo knows…" he said, an exhilarated trill to his voice. "Giratina did this! It had to be him! The ruler of the underworld leaped through this mirror and made a huge mess!"

Fenn gasped at the audacity of the person who had taught the little guy about such a heinous devil, Finch scoffed at the absurdity of the statement, and I…

I wasn't listening.

I felt a pressure in my mind. There were no words to describe it, no origin to speak of, just the uncomfortable sensation of something pushing me, shoving me, pressing against me. Pushing. Pushing. Pushing.

The fur on the back of my neck rose in alarm, the scarf I wore becoming so damn tight all of a sudden. I pulled at it and I swore my neck creaked like an old rusty cabinet door. I shuddered.

Wrong. Something about this place was wrong. All of these people disappearing into thin air was spooky, but nothing that couldn't be explained. Not yet. This damned push was nothing that my hands could grasp, though. All I knew was that it pushed, and shoved, and pressed until my skull was constricting my own brain at my refusal to turn my head.

Because I lied. I knew where it was coming from. I caught a slight peak earlier on our way here and hadn't looked again since. I didn't want to.

Even still, the edges of my vision blurred as I locked my eyes on Cosmo and his Giratina pet theory display. There was a silent howling, an infinite blackness seeped in dark green struggling to get my attention. It poked and pushed, and prodded and heaved, and jabbed and pressed. It was trying so, so hard to cut it all out.

No, I'm not going to look.

I stepped towards Cosmo and reached down for one of the shards of glass. Peering into it, I saw a Dewott with pale blue fur, horrendously messy hair, and a grumpy frown ruined by the presence of a squishy pink nose. I stared wordlessly into the eyes of this pokemon, its expression shifting with my own.

My eyes were green. Obviously, I knew that. I also now knew that green was a surprisingly uncommon color among other mons I had met during my time in Pamtre. Nothing to put any additional thought into, though. No, what shocked me the most was how…unhuman they were. They lacked the whites that made other creatures easier to identify with. The round pupils that communicated a docile disposition. Fenn's eyes weren't like that; I wondered if that was why I fell in love with him in the first place.

"Do you see him?"

I looked up to see Cosmo patiently awaiting an answer. Whatever I said would likely change his life, based on how engrossed he was in hearing it. His bubble shimmered with his bated breath.

Tossing the glass to the side, I pointed at myself with two fingers. "If by him you mean this ugly otter, then yes," I said.

Cosmo's whole body tilted to the side. "Ugly? Cosmo does not think Oswald looks ugly."

"G-good," Fenn added with a smile directed at me. I almost forgot he was there for a moment; his voice made me flinch. "That's because h-he's not."

I chuckled, letting my arms flop down to my sides. "You're just saying that."

When Fenn got closer, I reached out to stroke his arm. His fur was soft to the touch and wonderful. I had to keep myself from taking more than he was willing to give at that moment. He gingerly held my paw, squeezing just a tad.

I asked, jerking my head to the side to nothing in particular, "What do you think happened here?"

Fenn's smile fell from his face, turning pensive. "I-I don't know. Maybe a fight, b-but the damage is pretty small, all things considered. B-barely any traces of fur…or any scents. Or a-anything."

Right. Pokemon left more traces than humans. I should have been looking out for that.

"Could've run off," I suggested, itching under my scarf. Now if only this scratchy thing would lighten up so I could contribute more.

Cosmo surprised me and spoke up, "Where to? Cosmo did not see any running when we were in the bird basket."

I was not expecting him to be paying this much attention. And clearly Fenn wasn't either. He blinked at me, probably thinking the same thing: Cosmo had a good point.

Push. Prod. Press.

I tugged at my whiskers as I let out a low, exasperated growl. "Well they had to have gone somewhere."

And no, not there. Definitely not there. Stop thinking they went there.

"Hey!" Finch shouted from afar, catching our attention. He was waving an arm past one of the mangled tents, next to a decently sized overhang of rock. "Enough sitting around, get over here!"

Cosmo floated towards Finch's voice without question. Fenn and I stood there exchanging glances.

"I-I guess we should go see what he found," Fenn suggested.

I groaned in a half-joking manner. "Do we have to?"

Fenn rolled his eyes exaggeratingly. His ears twitched, and instead of a cute little witty retort like I was expecting, Fenn reached behind me. Then I felt a pinch near the base of my tail.

"Ow!" I yelped, jolting hard enough for my tail to smack the back of my legs. "Did you just…?" I swung my glance over my shoulder and back to Fenn in quick succession, my paws flying to my tail instinctually. "Did you just pinch my butt?"

Only muffled sounds escaped the giggly Quilava. His paw was over his mouth, which told me everything I needed to know.

"S-sorry," he whispered through his fingers. "It was to get you moving, h-hehe." The giggles could hardly be contained, much like the embers sprouting out from his forehead in short bursts.

The ensuing frown I gave him was deep, but very obviously fake. Paws still behind me, I hissed, "I'll get you back for this."

Never once before had Fenn been as bold as he was right then when he responded with a cheeky, "Promise?"

It annoyed me how warm that made my cheeks. So naturally, I got close enough to his face for my breath to be felt, our lips mere inches apart. I growled in as husky a voice as I could manage, "It's not just a promise if we both know it'll happen…"

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment, taking in each other's wordless intent, our breaths hot and yearning…

And then Fenn darted his lips forward to give me a quick peck before dashing away, playful licks of flames being left in the upturned dust. He disappeared around the tent, out of sight.

Oh, you adorable little…

The stun only lasted a second, after which I dashed after him, a dumb grin plastered on my face. I kept thinking of the ways that I would tackle that fluffy badger to the ground, pinning him in place as punishment for making a fool of me. It was the only thing on my mind, and it was everything.

My path was clear. I didn't need any guidance for my legs to move. That push from earlier was either numbed or gone entirely, because I didn't feel it anymore.

It was only when I rounded the corner that I had the sickening realization that its purpose had been satisfied.

As soon as I saw it, it was as though a bear trap snapped its jaws around my mind. Its teeth dug in deep, blood seeping across my vision. My chest throbbed with a pounding, hammering, rapturous beat of a drum. I felt cold. So, so cold.

Fenn, Cosmo, Finch—they were all there, but their forms melted into the rock like watercolor paint, mixing into shapes only present in nightmares. The outcrop was a shroud, the shadow it produced only thinly veiling the complete darkness underneath. A black hole swirled, light died, guillotines fell. And then the whispering—oh god the whispering. Fanatic gibberish spearing through my eardrums with edges so jagged that they screamed for the sickly-sweet release of death. Endless static stacked on overwhelming noise stacked on thundering drums upon drums upon drums upon-

I smelled ozone. Bitter and burning in my nostrils. My nose was burning. My face was burning. My body was burning. Everything was burning.

I heard a voice call out to me, but it held no weight. The sound carried no impact that mortal creatures could comprehend—a flicker in the sea of cosmic agony with nowhere to go. I ignored it.

My breath hitched, yet somehow I found the strength to grapple onto an emotion hanging from the rafters: rage. I tugged, and a siren blared.

"What the fuck, Finch!? You never said that there would be a mystery dungeon out here!"

Gradually, perhaps too quickly, color was dispatched to their corresponding figures, shapes shifting from geometrical to complex in the blink of an eye. Three sets of eyes were on me, only to shrink at the sudden sound of my voice.

Feeling, too, rushed back to me. With it came the push. That persistent, violent shove. It was stronger than ever; my vision still bled a vicious red.


"Ozzy, calm down!" howled Finch, his claws raised in alarm, his beady black eyes large at the sight of me.

"Calm down?" I fumed. "Calm down!? How am I supposed to do that, huh!? Enlighten me, dickhead, because I am real close to just…to just….AAAHH!"
It was like witnessing a powerpoint presentation of my own actions. I had a scalchop in my paw, then it was on the ground, then I was stomping at the dirt trying to bury it, then I was cursing and screaming some more…

What was I doing? Why was I acting like this? I wanted to reach in through the screen and stop myself but I just…couldn't. I wasn't me anymore. I wasn't in control.

But I'm Oswald, right?


'Clearly fucking not.'

"O-Oswald, stop!" Fenn threw himself at me, his arms holding mine in place with a constrictive hug. I flailed in place, whimpering, blabbering, but ultimately could not fight back. My energy was being drained fast.

His heat was a wave of comfort in a dry desert of pain. Warm droplets of pull drag heave tugged gently at my brain, slowly bringing me back from the brink. My heartbeat slowed, my breathing steadied, my arms went limp. Eventually, even my legs gave out, and I collapsed to my knees. Fenn still held me through it all.

"Please b-be okay," he whined. "Please…s-stop crying…"

Crying? I wasn't crying.

'Then why is everything so blurry?'

I blinked.

Tears fell into Fenn's fur.

Shame washed over me.

I started sobbing. It all came crashing down hard on my back.

All the while, Fenn never let me go, his nose buried in my neck. Finch and Cosmo were watching warily, or so I assumed. I couldn't bring myself to look up.

The push was silent.

The whispers were gone.


And here Finch was thinking this was going to go smoothly. Of course Ozzy and his freakouts were going to slow them down. He was already on edge after this morning, but Finch figured that they could at least find the Zangoose before things got out of control.

Dickhead, Finch thought ruefully. He always comes up with the wackiest insults. I gotta ask about that later.

Finch watched with his arms crossed as Oswald was led by his boyfriend to an overturned pot lid, far away from the entrance of the mine. Their movements were sluggish, rehearsed, as the Dewott was sat down. Finch should have noticed something was off sooner. It slipped his mind that Oswald didn't like dungeons. If Finch learned anything during his time with these dorks, it was that anything and everything would get blown out of proportion in one form or another eventually. The fault was his for being too hasty.

Fenn asked Oswald a few quiet questions. "Are you okay?" and "Just relax, alright?" as well as some other simple platitudes—small things Finch could barely hear. All just to make sure he was lucid, really. Oswald answered them all in the affirmative.

Finch was glad the two of them were finally comforting each other. Darkrai knows Finch couldn't do it properly himself. It hadn't escaped his gaze how tender the two of them were now, how often they touched paws and stroked the other's fur. They figured it out, good for them. It was nice if only for the fact that Finch didn't have to throw out empty encouragements anymore. He could focus on what was right in front of him instead.

Though it looked like that would have to wait a bit longer.

While the two loverboys licked their emotional wounds, Finch's eyes drifted towards the Solosis floating just over his shoulder. Cosmo was whimpering softly, his tiny eyes as wide as dinner plates, his bottom lip visibly trembling. He kept his distance.

Finch turned his snout and jerked it towards the descreated campsite, saying, "Hey, why don't you go play around over there for a bit? We'll get you when we're ready."

To his surprise, Comso's expression hardened. "Why?" he asked in a small, indignant voice.

It was such a simple response, but it caught the Krokorok off guard. Cosmo was usually more compliant than that. Finch supposed that seeing his two father figures losing their shit so often lent itself to a bit of unwanted early independence. Still, that was no excuse for speaking out.

Finch jerked his head again, harder this time. "Cosmo, don't sass me," he said sternly. "Leave the grownups alone for a bit."

There was a flash of conflict in the Solosis' eyes, like he wanted to argue for his spot in this sensitive moment. He wanted to yell out in defiance, Finch could tell. Once the command sunk in, though, any resilience was dashed. His bubble straightened up and smoothed out.

"Okay," Comso said before drifting off to go be by himself for a bit.

And there he went. That was maybe a bit too sudden. It left Finch feeling uncomfortable in regards to how the kid had been conditioned to act around adults up until now. If he wasn't itching to get on Oswald's case here he might have followed and left these two alone.

But he didn't, and it was about time he got some answers.

When his gaze turned back to Oswald, he was bewildered to find the Dewott sitting up straight far sooner than he was expecting. He was just slouching a moment ago; Fenn must have cheered him up somehow.

Or not. Fenn sat on his belly next to the Dewott, his red eyes full of worry. They never once looked away from the source of his concern, not even attempting to acknowledge Finch's presence. Fenn clutched Oswald's paw so tightly that Finch could see his arm shaking. They were both serious about this, and about each other.

Oswald looked up at Finch, his whiskers wilting with guilt, his eyes still swollen and puffy from crying.

"…Sorry," he uttered. Couldn't have sounded more pitiful if he tried.

Finch exhaled sharply through his nostrils, his tail thrashing idly behind him. He was not going to be gentle here.

"That breakdown came quick," he said harshly.

"I know."

"You said some nasty things. Cosmo heard all of it."

"I know."

"Something's wrong with you, Ozzy."

"I know…"

"And you're going to explain what that is right here and right now."

"...Yeah. I know."

The sun trailed across the sky in a steady streak, brushing past clouds that visited earth in the form of cooling kisses. The afternoon waxed and waned between heat that split the dirt and breezes reflected in abstract shapes on Finch's unmoving toes. The wind was kind to them today. Quiet, but far from still. Any residual heat was washed out by the sweet smell of dirt.

"Do you guys know what movies are?" Oswald asked suddenly, his tone level. "You know, sitting down and watching moving pictures? Movies?"

…The fuck? That question finally pushed Fenn to exchange glances with Finch, as if he expected him to know what Oswald was talking about. Well, Finch didn't, and clearly neither did Fenn, so he shrugged his shoulders.

"No," Finch said. "What does this have to do with your little freakout?"

"A-are movies like…plays?" Fenn asked timidly on top of that.

"Kinda," Oswald replied, notably not answering Finch's question. "I don't remember any of the ones I watched. What they're called, or whatever. Just individual scenes. But it's possible my memory melded with what I saw on screen and what I actually experienced. Some things just don't add up."

Finch humored him for a second. "What doesn't add up?"

Oswald was slow to respond. His claws dug into his knees, pulling up on the fur of his skirt into dark blue balls in his fists. After a particularly long pause, he stated bluntly, "Sometimes I imagine that I'm a samurai."

"A samurai?" Finch raised an eyebrow. "Never heard of anything like that."

Fenn nudged Oswald a tiny bit. "D-did you mean Samurott?" he wondered. "Your e-evolution?"
"No, not that," said Oswald. "And I figured you wouldn't know. I think it's a human thing."


That word stabbed into Finch's skull like a damn needle. It all kept coming back to that same word each time. A word that had become increasingly associated with Oswald every passing day. Humans in general were becoming the hot button topic of Enigma as a whole recently. Finch had noticed it—heck, he had a feeling that Oswald was wrapped up in something much bigger than he realized—and he was certain that Fenn knew something, too.

Speak of the devil, Fenn's ears perked up. There was an undeniable knowing look in his eyes that Finch could sparsely deny. Finch shifted uncomfortably on his feet—Fenn here clearly knew more than he did.

Oswald kept going, explaining that, "Samurai are a lot like knights. Well- okay, you might not know what those are either. Uh, they fight with swords and protect the innocent…though more often than not they have a master they protect. It's a feudalism thing, I think."

Uh huh…

"I remember watching a really tense staredown between two of them, with one samurai claiming that only one would leave the battle alive—which was clearly the good guy because he had the better hair."

Hair, huh…

"And there's a small crowd of other samurai watching, but the good guy tells them to stay out of it. A whole minute of silence…and then the good guy slashes the bad guy so masterfully that blood splatters out like crazy."

Fenn noticeably winced, his ears flattening against his head. But otherwise, he said nothing. Finch, in contrast, merely narrowed his eyes. Where was Ozzy going with this?

"The thing is," Oswald continued, "I keep thinking that I'm the good guy, with the cool sword and the skill to kill a guy in one slice. I put myself in his shoes without knowing it sometimes. I've tried emulating the technique…I guess instinctually?"

"Is that why you cut the Pangoro's hand off?" Finch asked gruffly. "Because you wanted to be cool?"

The look Oswald gave him was so unfamiliar that Finch briefly wondered if he was still talking to the same Dewott. His nose scrunched up in a way that screamed feral, almost grotesque in its disgust. It was any wonder why he didn't flash his fangs right then. Must have been holding back.

Oswald frowned, glaring down at his claws. "No, you asshole," he grumbled. "That was an accident. I'm not cool. I keep wanting to be, but I'm not."

Fenn opened his mouth to say something, letting out a near silent squeak. Ultimately, though, he kept to himself, letting it close without a word. He rested his chin on Oswald's thigh as a comforting gesture.

Hesitantly, Oswald raised his claw to Fenn's forehead. He ran his claws over the Quilava's flame vents, over his ears, then back again, stopping in the middle to rub his fingers on the inner linings of his ears and circle around the red spots of heat. Fenn shivered contendly, comfortably.

The sight was a weird one, Finch had to admit. Even as lovers that kind of touch was a tad too intimate to be done so in public. It was brazen, even. Not even lovey-dovey teenagers would go out of their way to do that if they could help it. Especially not if they were gay. Finch's tail twitched awkwardly.

"So, what," Finch spoke up, "this 'mov-y' thing overlapped in your mind and now you want to cut pokemon in half? Or was that an accident, too? What are you trying to say, Ozzy?"

Oswald's gaze turned distant, his eyes turning glossy in the sunlight. Once again Finch had to wonder if he was speaking to the same Dewott because this was not normal whatsoever. Not even close.

"...You're not getting it, Finch," Oswald remarked, a slight bit of annoyance coating his voice. "I didn't remember that movie scene until just now. You know, when I stepped close to the cave."

"Mine," Finch corrected. "It's a mine. Ganlon Mine, to be exact. This is where your- our next lead is. We have to head inside to find it. That's pretty obvious."

Oswald glanced away, his whiskers sagging. A variety of emotions swam across his face, mainly annoyance, denial, and some dreglings of sarcastic ambivalence. So, in other words, Oswald was starting to act like Oswald again.

He deadpanned, "I figured that part out, thanks. Can't wait."

And then when he met Finch's gaze, Oswald was gone again, replaced with some belligerent, sluggish junky who talked in strange riddles. Finch didn't like it.

"I stopped wanting to go into these places a bit back-"

"A-after we got separated in Kelpsy Fields," Fenn blurted out. Though he immediately looked like he regretted it, his ears drooping so low that Finch thought that they might have been close to falling off.

Oswald nodded at Fenn, his voice catching hoarsely in his throat. "...Yeah, that happened. I got stabbed with my own Corsola Twig."

…Finch was just going to ask about all of this later. The Krokorok crossed his arms tighter, waiting for more information.

"Anyway," Oswald added, "the reason why I didn't want to go back isn't because I got hurt." He chuckled darkly. "I mean, who cares about that, right?"

No one laughed with him.

Oswald shook his head. "No…no, the reason why is because I kept hearing things."

And that was where Finch lost track of what was happening. His little human code theory diverged straight off a cliff and into the ocean.

Finch balked. "What? Hearing what?"

Although it was slight, Fenn's head rose in alarm. "O-Oswald?" he said in a deathly quiet voice. "What do you…w-what do you mean?"

Oswald took a long, deep breath, his body shuddering in turn. Either this was going to be big or Oswald was delusional enough to think it was.

Oswald's paw, concernedly, made its way to one of his scalchops on his hip. Finch tensed, but thankfully the Dewott did little else but rest his paw on top of it.

"I think it started back in Grepa Lake," Oswald explained gravely, "but honestly I've felt it since the first time I entered a dungeon."

Finch narrowed his eyes. "Felt it?" he wondered aloud, only to ask himself internally what in distortion he was doing entertaining this. His jaw snapped shut, eliciting a flinch from both Oswald and Fenn. He hissed, "Ozzy, start making sense."

He half expected Fenn to stand up for his boyfriend there, like he usually did, but Fenn looked to be just as shell shocked as Finch was, his brow furrowed in thought.

The tinge of annoyance entered Oswald's voice again as he said, "I am making sense, Finch. To me. I'm noticing a pattern."

This was ridiculous. "What pattern?" Finch growled.

"Every time I enter a dungeon, it's like there's someone behind the curtain trying to direct me. I don't know how, I don't know why, but they're always there." Finally, Oswald unhooked his scalchop, holding it up just to point it at Finch. There was an uncharacteristically frank look in his eyes. A glimmer of genuine courage fragmented by pure terror. His tone was clear and undeniably Oswald: more serious than necessary yet simultaneously phrased like a bad joke. The scalchop shook in his paw.

"It wants something from me," Oswald said.

Even Fenn blinked at that. Tiny embers fell to the ground, sizzling there in dry, pathetic bouts of incredulousness. That simple, straightforward sentence obliterated the air in an instant, leaving the trio cold and still.

Finch had had enough.

"Mystery Dungeons aren't people, Ozzy," Finch guffawed.

Oswald just frowned, letting his arm fall back into his lap. "I never said they were, Finch. I was talking about-"

"If this is your way of talking yourself out of this, you're a little late on that." Finch took a step forward, thoroughly looming over the Dewott. The gravel in his voice scratched at his throat, low and deep to intimidate deftly, succinctly.

"Listen, Ozzy," Finch snarled, "I didn't come all this way and risk the scales on my back just for you to make excuses. We are so close. You are so close. Are you really going to let this stop you?"

Not once did the two of them look away from each other. The trembling pupils of Oswald's eyes betrayed his stone hard glare. Gradually, Oswald's eyes widened.

"You don't believe me…" Oswald whispered in disbelief.

On the contrary, Finch did believe him. He was not denying that someone, somewhere was trying to get something out of this valuable idiot. Calling Oswald reliable, though? No, that wasn't happening. Not after the sheer number of times he'd lost his cool. This Dewott's worst enemy was himself, plain and simple.

Finch straightened up, rubbing the bridge of his snout in exasperation. "Whether or not I believe you," he grumbled, "doesn't matter." He pointed a claw in the direction of the mine. "There's someone that needs to see you, and that isn't going to happen unless we go into that Mystery Dungeon."

Oswald opened his mouth to speak, only for the words to die in his throat. He groaned softly, resigned to stare at the ground as opposed to the truth.

"Hmph," Finch huffed. "That all you got?"

Oswald said nothing.

When it was clear that they had reached an impasse, Fenn rose to all fours. Flickers of orange rage bounced between his ears, yet never caught a spark. It was painful to look at on its own without the Quilava's expression being even more painful.

Sweet Darkrai, that kid had it bad. Finch could tell. Unlike with Oswald, who absolutely knew better, Fenn seemed to be functioning purely off of fumes and bad ideals. Throughout the whole conversation he was visibly split between exploding where he sat and bursting into tears. Just like his twink boyfriend (they really were made for each other) but more volatile.

Finch knew how Fenn had felt about him since the moment they met. It was a change for him at the time, well before he and Ozzy finally tied the knot, so of course the poor guy would feel threatened. Might have even been feeling threatened now. Even still, the glare Fenn was giving him barely cut skin deep. Without saying a word, Finch knew Fenn had doubts of his own.

"F-Finch," Fenn stammered, "how do we…know th-that your contact is still here?"

As much as he hated to admit it, Fenn asked a good question. Finch sighed. "Only one place he could really be," Finch pointed out.

"What if y-you're wrong?"

As much as he didn't want to feed those doubts, there was something about the way Fenn's voice wavered that softened Finch's approach. Fenn wasn't asking these questions for his own sake—he probably didn't even give a shit. It was all for Oswald.

Finch grumbled half-heartedly, "Could be. But in that case we'd just be wasting our time, huh?"

Fenn was very obviously not happy with that answer. His response was to whine deep in his throat and blow out a puff of stale flames. It just barely petered out before nipping Finch's claws. "C-can I be honest?" Fenn ventured.

Finch nodded. "Do what you gotta."

"I-I just…" Fenn started, biting his lip. "I don't c-care as much about…about whatever this is as much as I care a-about keeping Oswald safe."

Wow, Finch was right. Not exactly a big surprise there.

"Even if that means losing his lead?" Finch countered.

Fenn's flames finally grew in size with his confidence, spiking out and doubling his apparent size, "W-we'll find another. Tusk can fly us."

The truth behind that was much more dire than either Fenn or Oswald really knew. Tusk was a friend, sure, but he was just as much a target as the rest of them. With how many fliers they had in Kebia Castle, traveling in the air more than needed was an unwanted risk.

It hadn't left Finch's mind how disturbingly easy it was to get here, either. Aerial ambushes were easier to execute when the victims were grounded. The sooner they were out of view, the better.

But sure, why didn't he humor that idea for a second? What if they inexplicably found a new lead without exposing themselves? What then?

Simple, actually: they won't. Not even in his sappiest of daydreams. They had to take this one.

Finch couldn't help but tap his foot to some invisible rhythm. He growled a question, not caring how glaringly candid it was, "Do you like being on the run, Hot Stuff?"

Fenn's confidence didn't falter, but it was close. "N-no, I don't," he said. "I'm…" Tiny fangs poked out of his lips to poke at the fur around his mouth. One of his arms twitched as his eyes darted to Oswald, who still hadn't moved.

"You're worried," Finch stated the obvious.

Fenn hesitated.

Oswald cut through the tension, thankfully, blurting it out as dully as possible, "Alright, I get it."

Both Finch and Fenn turned to look at the Dewott now rising to his feet, resolutely and with a grumpy frown. He still held his scalchop in one paw.

"G-get what?" Fenn wondered, his flames sputtering out gradually.

"This is my fault," Oswald remarked. "All of it is. The least I can do now is make things easier for you guys."

Finch wanted to say 'about time' to that (he very nearly did), stopping short to ask "Are you sure?" instead.

"Unfortunately…" And thank Darkrai, he sounded like Oswald again. Skinny shoulders slumping and everything. "I'll try not to get overwhelmed again."

Fenn stood on two paws, as well, placing one free paw on Oswald's chest, stepping closer. "O-Oswald, you can't promise that!" he fretted.

"Yeah," Finch added, idly digging his foot into the ground. "Doesn't seem like something you can just turn off, Ozzy. I appreciate the sentiment-"

"I'll be fine." Oswald cut him off sharply. "I got through the other dungeons in one piece, mostly. What's one more adventure?"

Before either of them had the time to argue, Oswald cupped his paws over his mouth and shouted out, "Cosmo! We're leaving!" Then he stepped past them, heading right back to the mine entrance. A howling, ghostly wind accompanied his resentful footsteps.

Just like that, huh? Finch thought, stifling a chuckle. Well, Oswald was just that kind of guy. He'd probably throw himself into war if it meant staving off the guilt. Sometimes, that was a good thing. After this little detour, he'd need to work on it. There was a time and place for jumping into danger. In this case, they had no other choice, even if Fenn wanted to act like they did.

Finch glanced at Fenn wordlessly, jerking his head in the direction of the mine. In different circumstances, he would have smiled with all his teeth.

But he knew better than to poke and prod a smoldering fire type. Fenn looked placated, albeit distraught in his own way, sparks still dancing like Bellossom between his eyes. It wouldn't take much to relight that fire.

With a shuddering sigh, Fenn took the lead, and Finch followed behind.

Author's Note - 2/16/2025

Another transition chapter, but a necessary one. I actually planned on including one more scene, but ultimately decided to save it for the start of chapter 54. The spot I ended up in here was too fitting to add on more.

Small note, I made a retcon to chapter 3. Or, well, I added a scene that changes how Oswald and Fenn first properly met. I had it on my mind for a while and I was really sad that I couldn't go back and outright change it without causing issues, but then I realized that I could add it on and still keep things mostly consistent.

I won't make big changes like this often, but if I do you'll likely see me mention them on my bluesky, which I'll be using for updates now. You can find that here: @snapdragooooon.bsky.social. Look for the toed, you can't miss it.

Anyway, thanks to Bonehead, Dust_Scout, and Timelocke for being wonderful and amazing and awesome betas. And thank you for reading like the wonderful and amazing and awesome person you are.

Until next time!
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