He stood. “Where is your trainer, anyway? I hope you’re not…lost…?” Surely not. She didn’t look distressed, in any case…but still. Who left their Pokémon on their own in a place full of strangers? Especially after the madness that happened earlier? He supposed if this was a Cipher event, it wouldn’t have really mattered…but that theory no longer felt quite right. Cipher certainly wouldn’t have bothered to include Pokémon in this event, and certainly wouldn’t be giving them equal treatment like this.

Enora pointed behind her. "She's over there talking to somebody! I'm just finding a table."
But, now she was determined to get some more bacon. She wouldn't dare harass this man anymore for some, but she could bother Odette.
He shook the thoughts from his head. Food first. The boys were now pacing around him, eyes wide with hunger, and Neo was sure to cause a scene if Wes kept his food away a second longer. He gave the frilly blue Pokémon another smile. “Sorry, gotta go. Need to feed these gremlins. But take care of yourself, alright? And be careful around…these other people.”
He made his way to the nearest set of chairs and sat, Neo and Novo hopping up on either side of him and immediately descending on their plates like a pack of starved Mightyena.

She waved excitedly as the man turned to leave. "I appreciate you! You be safe as well!"
Enora turned and bounded back toward Odette. When she was close enough, she grabbed the fabric of her joggers between her teeth and began to tug.
"I take it you're polyamorous?" Wallace smiled to himself. "So am I." He counted a bit in his head. "Éna, dío, tría... at least four lovers. Haven't figured out the specifics of my relationships with a few people yet."

"I am happily polyamorous. Glad to know another." Four partners though...good for him.
"You don't even know! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! And this was supposed to be a break from all of the things I've been taking in these past few months! And now here we are! Here. We. Are. Where are we? Why are we here? Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? What is real anymore? Why—"
Victoria grabbed the back of Wallace's shirt collar and jerked him a bit. He froze, snapping out of his ramblings."
"You... you don't seemed phased at all, Odette. Like Steven was. Do you... do you know each other? Do you know what's going on?"

She wasn't prepared for his change in demeanor. In fact, it caught her off guard entirely. And here she thought things were going so well.
"Uh..." she stammered.
This was starting to go above her pay grade.
"It's...just a multiverse game. There's nothing to be phased about. We're all from different worlds and timelines, so things don't line up. I don't know any Steven's, but if you met one here that's like one you already know, they're probably just parallel universe copies. It's...really not that big of a deal."
As if some guardian angel (or demon) was watching over her, she felt tugging on her joggers. She looked down in time to see Enora.

"Whoa, whoa, what's the rush? I'm a little busy right now."

"I would like some bacon, please."

This perplexed her. "What? Since when?"

"Since now! I would like to go get some bacon before it all goes away. So let's hurry!"

Enora wasn't one to get this pushy about things, so Odette figured that was her time to bow out. She could at least leave saying that she'd made decent bygones with Wallace...for the most part?
"Um..." she said tentatively, unsure of how to form her parting words. "See you around." She sent him a friendly half salute as a parting gesture.
She wasn't too hungry for the moment, which gave her all the room to pile a plate high with bacon for Enora. She just kept asking for more. In fact, by the time she was done, they had two plates full. Odette was pretty flabbergasted, but she was happy to see Enora was eating. And boy, did she eat.
"Good fucking gods, how are you going to eat all this? Where did this obsession come from?"

"It's okay, we can take some for later!" Enora beamed. "And a lovely man introduced me to it. His name was..."
Oh no.
She hadn't gotten his name.

"Goodness, what the heck is wrong with me? I didn't even get his name. Or his Pokemon partner's names."

"Well, that's an easy fix. Where are they? I'll thank them for feeding you while I was indisposed."
The sound of garbled eating then hit her ears, and she turned her head to see two magical type Eons going to town on...bacon. At the table just down from them. She nodded expectantly.
"I think I found them."

"Oh, good! I'm glad to see they got their share too! We should really give them something in return. The man, at least, was so thoughtful."

That was a breath of fresh air after everything that had happened. She couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I'll go send our regards. And get names."
In this situation, she didn't mind putting herself out.
She slowly approached the table, but was quick to realize that the guy in question was...well, one of the twins that were fighting. She hadn't seen much of the whole battle, being that she was caught up in her own mess of problems, but she was overcome with a brief sense of wariness. But, Enora was pretty adamant that he'd been very nice to her, and that was good enough for Odette.
"Uh, hi," she greeted with a half wave. "Sorry to bother you guys while you're eating, but I think you're the ones who sent my Sylveon friend on her bacon kick." She laughed ever so slightly as she said that. "So I just wanted to say thanks for slipping her a bite. I owe you. And she's absolutely distraught that she didn't catch your names."
She allowed herself to steal a look at the Umbreon and Espeon, but her curiosity made her turn her head entirely. Gods, they were such beautiful Pokemon.
"Good choice in partners. Magical type Eons are the best. I swear they don't get enough credit over Flareon or Jolteon or Vaporeon though, which is criminal."
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