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Intro Thread


Junior Trainer
Hello Thousand Roads! I've done some very light scouting as a lurker and you guys seem like a really cool nice group of folks!

My user name is based off of my GameFaqs account which was made back in 2007. I tend to go by my gamer name Armads online though, so feel free to call me that or by my user name.

What let me to create an account here seems pretty crazy to me: I accidentally wrote a 50,000+ fanfiction for the Pokemon Trading Card Game 2 for Gameboy Color having never written a fanfiction before!

It started as a mini-lets-play in written form. What began as adding some amusing dialogue here and there soon started shaping and evolving into a story with various sub-plots. The more I wrote, the more the story unfolded itself to me in ridiculous ways that just worked despite at least 85% of it being total improvisation written in 1 week. As I wrote, I didn't even feel like I was writing it. It just felt like it was writing itself and the characters were just doing what they wanted in response to the story. No idea if that kind of thing in fanfiction or writing in general is common or not. The story has an introduction as well as a Prologue and 13 Chapters.

What brings me here is that I would really like a place to post it and maybe even for someone to read it. Feedback of any kind would be the holy grail but I have very low expectations. I'm not really into the mainline Pokemon games anymore either and I stopped back in Pearl but I have played the trading card games every now and then. As such, its kind of hard for me to find a fanfiction I would enjoy reading and reviewing of someone else's. I'd be open to suggestion though!

So, here's hoping there will be someone kind enough to read even part of my fanfiction and maybe even comment on it!
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House of Two Midnights
Welcome to the forums! That's an awesome story--accidentally popping out 50k words is no mean feat. Sounds like you had a lovely time writing it, too; sometimes it feels like the characters do their own thing and the story writes itself, but that's definitely not a universal experience. Congrats on getting it finished, above all else! That's something else that doesn't always happen with fanfic, heh.

Unfortunately I don't think we have any other TCG fic specifically around here, but if there are genres you enjoy in non-fanfic reading, there might be something you'd enjoy that has similar elements. Regardless, I can't guarantee feedback, but I'll do my best to check your story out. You've got me intrigued!

Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads.


Junior Trainer
Thanks for the warm welcome Negrek! This kind of behavior is a big part of why I decided to join up here.

50k felt huge to me but when I look around on here I quickly realize just how small it is to some of the stuff people have been posting! I guess it makes sense though if someone is writing the same fic for over a decade or something!

I had a blast writing it. Sunk all my free time into it and even found myself daydreaming about it when I wasn't able to write!

I like the close nit feel of this place and how it specializes in Pokemon mostly. I feel like if my story is able to get feedback anywhere, its probably here.

I realize there isn't going to be any other TCG fics and I am certainly capable of enjoying a mainline Pokemon fanfic, so if anyone is open for review trading with me, just let me know. I'm not experienced in reviews but I'm willing to give my total attention and feedback capabilities to anything I commit to reading.
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House of Two Midnights
Feel free to ask around on the Discord for review trades, too--more people will probably see your message there! We'll also probably have another round of our review-trade game Catnip Circle in a couple weeks, too, so feel free to jump on that.


Junior Trainer
Thanks! I'll probably explore a bit on discord for it first. Maybe I'll checkout Catnip as well. I have noticed it and was thinking about it.


Heyo! i adore pmd! and ive been trying to write a fanfic for a while, but with so many ideas and characters to fill a doc but not a character sheet. im left with messy chapter ideas. And full fledged outlines of writing projects I abandoned! I love watching from hacks video, love food and ghost pokemons <3 And I also gotta love sylveon and kadabra too ^^ From my user that might change I adore gengar and cofagrigus, cofagrigus is a more recent favorite, beginning to appreciate them a lot more

If i were an info screen!
Type: Normal/Ghost
Gentle nature
Apparently met in Desert.
Adores sweets & meat
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