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Hoopa's Multiverse Party! [Roleplay Thread] {Nov 16-22}

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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"
Having a trainer- That was trusting her life to someone! And she knew the trainer from that vision had to be here: Her purse was there. Selene's memory was still fuzzy, but she was certain that if she hadn't trusted that person with her life before, she did now.

She took a bottle in one flipper, and pulled the cork out with her teeth. The liquid smelled like cough syrup, and tasted like honey. Suddenly, in very explicit detail, she recalled everything that had ever happened to her, from the moment she was born. She remembered every embarrassing thing she'd ever done, every tense moment between her parents, every stupid thing with her and Amy as she figured herself out, every insult... but also, all the nice things, gentle moments with her parents, holidays with Grandma, tentative friendships with people willing to overlook, well, everything.

“Honey, you brought that bag with you. That is your bag,” she reminded her. “I don’t even know where your actual clothes are because your human body is just gone.”
And the last several minutes. She had to remember that as well, unfortunately. Her face warmed, she buried her face beneath her free flipper.

"I remember now. I just... Okay, everything I said since my last drink?" Selene shot Odette a deathly serious glare. "Never. Happened. We're not going to talk about it. It simply didn't happen. Got that?"

She also remembered her vision. Who was the girl in the white dress, whose arms she had promptly passed the fuck out in? Who was the older woman she was battling, and those guys? If that was something in her future, her move to Alola was going to be... eventful.

It seemed, between Odette and Red that form-changing potions had restored their humanity, but her 'sneeze' was still in effect. She'd have to hope she got something like that next... Which, given what had been happening to her so far, was the absolute last thing she really expected to want. At least it would be out of the fire and into the frying pan, since she presently didn't have legs.

Clovis glared at the bottom of Odette’s skirt, before he reached up adjusted his cuff links. As he did, he began to look around, becoming more and more confused looking as he did. “Why are we in an Ikea?”
"I could ask you the same thing. Who are you, and how did you get here? Was it not a Hoopa that summoned you? That's what happened to the rest of us."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
He opened his eyes, only to be greeted with a face full of Yvetal fluff. "Excuse me, could you not sit on me...?" What was he even doing there? Did he fall unconscious while he was working? His embarrassment overwhelmed him to the point where he forgot he could turn incorporeal in that moment of awkwardness.
Altair had wondered why the pillow had become a lot less comfortable, only to realise that he now situated atop Ghaspius. That's odd, he swore he was sitting on a pillow just a few moments... oh. Altair scrabbled back to his feet before trying to save face. "Don't look at me like that!" Altair sputtered. "You were a damn pillow and one of your concoctions teleported me right on top of ya!" He paused briefly before muttering, "It's not my fault you ended up being so damn comfortable."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"I remember now. I just... Okay, everything I said since my last drink?" Selene shot Odette a deathly serious glare. "Never. Happened. We're not going to talk about it. It simply didn't happen. Got that?"
Odette knit her brows. She couldn’t understand why Selene looked so embarrassed. “You’re good, Selene. Potions are weird.”

She offered a gentle smile. “What never happened?”

"I could ask you the same thing. Who are you, and how did you get here? Was it not a Hoopa that summoned you? That's what happened to the rest of us."
Clovis scoffed. “Believe me, I know how these damn games work. I was supposed to be the one here, but,” he pointed at Odette, “this idiot took my fucking invite.” He turned to stare back at Odette. “How did I get here, sweetness?”

Odette suddenly had dry mouth. She stammered for a response, before holding her hands out to her sides. “Drank a potion?” she answered. “They do weird things, and one decided to summon you?”

Clovis arched a brow. “I mean…that’s odd, but why me specifically?”

She exhaled sharply. He couldn’t just fucking take the stupid answer and roll with it, thorough asshole.

“It said it would summon my crush…” she said under her breath.

Clovis knelt down to her eye level again. “I’m sorry, what was—“

His eyes caught on something just behind her, and he stood stiff straight. That…that weird Yveltal-thing…it looked familiar.

"You were a damn pillow and one of your concoctions teleported me right on top of ya."
That voice. He recognized it. From that other game where everyone ended up dead.

The fucking serial killer.

“Wait a goddamn minute,”
he said. He pointed an accusing finger at Altair. “You. Alt..alter…alta…

He could not for the life of him remember what its name was. That didn’t matter. Instinctively, he dragged Odette to his chest and wrapped a protective arm around her back.

“CONTROL-ALT-DELETE, whatever the fuck your name is,” he barked. “What are you doing here?”


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
“Wait a goddamn minute,” he said. He pointed an accusing finger at Altair. “You. Alt..alter…alta…

He could not for the life of him remember what its name was. That didn’t matter. Instinctively, he dragged Odette to his chest and wrapped a protective arm around her back.

“CONTROL-ALT-DELETE, whatever the fuck your name is,” he barked. “What are you doing here?”
Altair's attention was jolted away from his current predicament when a familiar voice started shouting at him, as soon as he turned to look he saw a familiar face. It was the dandy from the last game he played! Not the one he killed, but the other one! What was his name again?

"Altair," he responded curtly before sarcastically asking, "What do you think I'm doing here? If anything I should be asking you that question, I don't recall you being invited here."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Kimiko looked up just in time to see Saltriv barreling towards her, seemingly skidding along the ground as though it was a downward slope. Before she could do anything more than put her arms out to try to catch the meganium, they collided, sending her tumbling onto her back with Saltriv tumbling over her. The sparkling glitter cloud engulfed them both as they came to a halt.

"Hey there Saltriv," Kimiko said, happy to see a friendly face despite their unusual reunion. At least I'm not a litten anymore, they'd probably have broken my back. With a bit of effort, she reached up and stroked the meganium's neck. "How are you holding up so far?"
"I'm great! Being a Meganium is so cool!" Saltriv said, before making several happy noises as their neck was stroked. That felt so nice!

After a third of a minute, Saltriv sprouted a couple vines, and picked Kimiko back up, standing her back up. "How about you?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"What do you think I'm doing here? If anything I should be asking you that question, I don't recall you being invited here."
Clovis gave a loud sigh, clearly exasperated. “Once again, it was my fucking invite,” he explained. “Little miss thing right here,” he said, jolting Odette lightly, “stole the damn thing out of my pocket.”

“His pockets are simply too big and I am simply too rambunctious,” Odette said flatly.

Clovis decidedly ignored her remark. “And how am I supposed to know? I was under the impression that we had you sacrificed.”

Odette gave Clovis a look. “Sacrificed? What the fuck do you do on your off days?”

Rolling his eyes yet again, Clovis pushed Odette’s face into his chest. “Give me a moment to finish my interrogation, Peanut Gallery.”


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Clovis gave a loud sigh, clearly exasperated. “Once again, it was my fucking invite,” he explained. “Little miss thing right here,” he said, jolting Odette lightly, “stole the damn thing out of my pocket.”
Altair let out an amused snort as he watched the dandy and the small dark haired girl argue. "Let the lass have her fun. She ain't in any danger."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Altair let out an amused snort as he watched the dandy and the small dark haired girl argue. "Let the lass have her fun. She ain't in any danger."
“I somehow have a difficult time believing that, coming from you,” Clovis said.

“No, I swear, everything has been fine,” Odette interjected again. Her voice was muffled by his jacket, and she didn’t seem to be trying to wrestle free from him. In fact, she looked extremely relaxed.

Clovis’s expression softened, and he let his hold on her head go. “You’re a damn good liar yourself, so I have a difficult time believing you too.”

She craned her neck to look up at him. “I mean, somebody—my friend Selene—drank a potion and died, but—“

SOMEBODY DIED?!” Clovis shouted.

“—it’s temporary,” Odette finished. “I’m like 99% sure it is.”

Yeah that makes it 100% better doesn’t it?” Clovis sputtered. “What so you’re just drinking potions and hoping for the best?”

“Yep. That’s why you’re here, and that’s why I’m wearing this.”

Clovis exhaled sharply and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. Without looking up, he gestured to Altair again.

“Did he have something to do with it?” he asked.

“His sneezes have been causing problems. But I’m still in once piece, and, well alive.”

With another heavy breath, he opened his eyes and locked eyes with Odette, before looking back at Altair.

“How’re you even alive, so to speak? Is it because you’re already…dead-ish?”


  1. sableye
"I'm great! Being a Meganium is so cool!" Saltriv said, before making several happy noises as their neck was stroked. That felt so nice!

After a third of a minute, Saltriv sprouted a couple vines, and picked Kimiko back up, standing her back up. "How about you?"

"Glad to hear it," Kimiko replied. At least Saltriv seemed to enjoying the evening. As for herself, she still wasn't sure what to make of all this at this point... and now it seemed like they had yet another guest. "I'm okay, just a bit tired. All in all, this has been a pretty... entertaining evening. Glad I came, even if it has been... weird. Small world," she added, indicating the new guy acting all protective-like over Odette.

"Oh, thank you," she added as Saltriv helped her to her feet amidst the glowing glitter storm. Her body still ached from the extensive dancing, but she had enough energy to stand up again, at least. She continued to pet the meganium as she watched the newcomer argue with Odette and Altair. It was strange enough that Odette knew him, but if her potion summoned him, at least there was reason for that. But how the hell did he and Altair know each other? That was fascinating. More talk about death and... sacrifices? That sounded eerily familiar and too close to home.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Yeah that makes it 100% better doesn’t it?” Clovis sputtered. “What so you’re just drinking potions and hoping for the best?”

“Yep. That’s why you’re here, and that’s why I’m wearing this.”

Clovis exhaled sharply and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. Without looking up, he gestured to Altair again.

“Did he have something to do with it?” he asked.
"Mate, I did what I did because I had to. I'm just trying to have a good time myself," Altair shrugged. "The potions are untested and have many... side effects, but they're relatively? Safe." He gestured towards the girl in the dandy's embrace. "The stuff that's happened to her has been pretty tame, 'specially compared to her," he said nonchalantly, pointing towards the brionne.

“How’re you even alive, so to speak? Is it because you’re already…dead-ish?”
Altair shot the dandy an unamused look. "First, you can't kill someone who's already dead and second, that charizard was bullshitting you from the start. Didn't intend to do more to the eliminated players other than stuffing 'em in his broom closet until the game was over, although I still need to sort through this," he growled, gesturing to his form.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"

Zak was keeping mostly to himself for a while, but the game was still going on around him, and for once, he didn't need to drink. "I have joined a team, and I have acquired a lesser, but I have yet to allow another to look after my well being. Not willingly, for Horizon--" he looked at the still-now-Hitomchan, who was still shadowboxing by himself, and sighed. "--ordinarily has mine own best interest at his heart."

"Yeah, well... someone has to," Horizon chuckled, slowing down. "I... didn't know how much I wanted to do this. It's fun!"


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
SOMEBODY DIED?!” Clovis shouted.

Zygarde's attention was drawn by an unfamiliar shout. They reluctantly withdrew from the blood pool and slithered their way back to the other beings.

Upon seeing the new silver-haired human, they hissed and approached the man, apparently unaware or uncaring that they still left a trail of blood behind them, and for the most part was actually covered in blood. "You. Human. We have not seen you within this building. State your business."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"Oh yes, approach the worm after your literal blood bath. Surely that will end well," Zak scoffed, watching Zygarde with visible distaste. Or as much or little distaste a Mega Altaira could show. Whether the effect was amplified or not, Zak did not care, he wanted to be normal again. Or at least a Vaporeon.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
She craned her neck to look up at him. “I mean, somebody—my friend Selene—drank a potion and died, but—“

SOMEBODY DIED?!” Clovis shouted.
Selene waved a flipper. "Hi. My name's Selene. I am, strictly speaking, technically undead. Nice to meet you."

She realized that this guy, for all he knew, probably thought she was just an actual Brionne. Unacceptable. That had be fixed immidiately. "I preferred the whole ghost thing to being a Brionne, in all honesty."

Yeah that makes it 100% better doesn’t it?” Clovis sputtered. “What so you’re just drinking potions and hoping for the best?”
"That's not far off, all things considered. You cure the last one by taking another, so you hope that one's better than the last. Except bargain-bin Yveltal's magical sneezes seem to follow sifferent rules, so, really, count yourself lucky you showed up when you did... It's been a long day."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"The stuff that's happened to her has been pretty tame, 'specially compared to her," he said nonchalantly, pointing towards the brionne.
Clovis looked back at Odette, surprised. “What’s happened to you?”

“Lets see…” she said, rolling her eyes back in thought. “I sang, I grew a foot in height, Odile and I turned into the Houndour line, I was forced into this dress, and…you showed up.”

He nodded, looking contemplative while he did so. “You sang? Sorry I missed that.”

“Piss off with that,” she snapped.

He offered a slight smirk as he looked down at the Brionne. “What’s up with her, though?”

“That’s the one who died,” Odette told him.

“…she doesn’t look very dead.”

“Because now she’s a Brionne. She was a human before, and now…she forgot that she was human.”

Clovis nodded, slower this time. “Oh,” he said. He then kneeled to Selene’s height. “Well, I, uh…I’m sorry that happened to you.”

Odette knelt next to him. “This is Selene. She’s a tough cookie, so she’ll be okay. She’s cute as a Brionne and even cuter as a human.”

Clovis chuckled again. “No kidding, huh? Pleasure to meet you, Selene.”

"That's not far off, all things considered. You cure the last one by taking another, so you hope that one's better than the last. Except bargain-bin Yveltal's magical sneezes seem to follow sifferent rules, so, really, count yourself lucky you showed up when you did... It's been a long day."
Hearing it from somebody who wasn’t Odette or Altair somehow made him feel better. He offered a sympathetic smile. “It sounds like it. I do apologize, these games tend to get…out of hand sometimes.”
"First, you can't kill someone who's already dead and second, that charizard was bullshitting you from the start. Didn't intend to do more to the eliminated players other than stuffing 'em in his broom closet until the game was over, although I still need to sort through this," he growled, gesturing to his form.
As Altair continued speaking, Clovis looked over his shoulder. He was not subtle with his relieved expression. He even placed his hand over his heart.

“Thank gods,” he whispered to himself. “I’d started to hypothesize something like that, but…there’s a world of possibilities there.”

He then became somewhat sympathetic. “Yeah, I can’t imagine it’s any fun looking like Death,” he said half jokingly. It was fitting, but he wouldn’t say that.

“Sorry, for well…raising my voice, then.”

Upon seeing the new silver-haired human, they hissed and approached the man, apparently unaware or uncaring that they still left a trail of blood behind them, and for the most part was actually covered in blood. "You. Human. We have not seen you within this building. State your business."
Clovis turned to the new voice, and visibly recoiled at the sight of Zygarde.

“Jesus,” he said, clearly taken aback. He then noticed the blood trail, and his expression became flat. He began to back up, and started to pull Odette with him, but stopped upon realizing that she’d borne plenty of witness to weird bloody creatures. He stopped pulling her, but didn’t let her go.

“I’ll answer your question before you tell me who you just murdered,” he said tentatively.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Clovis turned to the new voice, and visibly recoiled at the sight of Zygarde.

“Jesus,” he said, clearly taken aback. He then noticed the blood trail, and his expression became flat. He began to back up, and started to pull Odette with him, but stopped upon realizing that she’d borne plenty of witness to weird bloody creatures. He stopped pulling her, but didn’t let her go.

“I’ll answer your question before you tell me who you just murdered,” he said tentatively.

"We have just killed our foolish worshipper. It was for a righteous cause, as now we possess his body; that is why our form consists of half of a Garchomp. Ah, would you be interested in seeing the site where we killed him?" Zygarde spoke with an uncharacteristic, disturbing excitement in their voice.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
As Altair continued speaking, Clovis looked over his shoulder. He was not subtle with his relieved expression. He even placed his hand over his heart.

“Thank gods,” he whispered to himself. “I’d started to hypothesize something like that, but…there’s a world of possibilities there.”

He then became somewhat sympathetic. “Yeah, I can’t imagine it’s any fun looking like Death,” he said half jokingly. It was fitting, but he wouldn’t say that.

“Sorry, for well…raising my voice, then.”
Altair nodded in response. "It's fine. Honestly glad this game is different from the last one. Been having a lot more fun with it."

"We have just killed our foolish worshipper. It was for a righteous cause, as now we possess his body; that is why our form consists of half of a Garchomp. Ah, would you be interested in seeing the site where we killed him?" Zygarde spoke with an uncharacteristic, disturbing excitement in their voice.
Altair looked unamusedly at the hybrid. "Your attempts at coming off as intimidating or high-and-mighty are more laughable than anything else," he snickered. However, his amusement was short lived, as a few of the dust particles from the glittery cloud that surrounded the blonde one ended up blowing his way, causing Altair to sneeze yet again.

Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to obtain an immunity to fire but are also on fire!

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
now…she forgot that she was human.
Selene flushed, her face turning purple. "I thought we had agreed that had never happened?"

Clovis nodded, slower this time. “Oh,” he said. He then kneeled to Selene’s height. “Well, I, uh…I’m sorry that happened to you.”

Odette knelt next to him. “This is Selene. She’s a tough cookie, so she’ll be okay. She’s cute as a Brionne and even cuter as a human.”

Clovis chuckled again. “No kidding, huh? Pleasure to meet you, Selene.”
Selene wasn't sure if kneeling down to Brionne height was nice, or vaguely condescending. She knew he meant it as nice, though, so she chose to treat it that way, even though it felt really weird. "Could be better, but could've been worse really."

She tried to ignore Odette's remark, but she couldn't help but flush further. She couldn't really tell what was flirting and what wasn't but she was pretty sure it was going in a number of different directions and she really didn't know what the appropriate way to react to that was.

Clovis seemed not to care, though. She tried to focus on talking to him. "It's nice to meet you, too."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"We have just killed our foolish worshipper. It was for a righteous cause, as now we possess his body; that is why our form consists of half of a Garchomp. Ah, would you be interested in seeing the site where we killed him?" Zygarde spoke with an uncharacteristic, disturbing excitement in their voice.
Instantly, Odile poked her head out from under Odette's skirt, this time reformed back into that uncanny-valley version of Odette.

"I̶'̴m̶ ̸s̴o̷r̶r̶y̷,̶ ̷d̸i̸d̴ ̴y̵o̴u̵ ̸j̶u̸s̴t̶ ̸s̷a̴y̶ ̵y̶o̵u̸ ̴K̶I̴L̸L̵E̸D̴ ̴S̷O̸M̸E̸O̴N̷E̴?̸" she asked. She inhaled deeply, and the smell of blood caused her pupils to dilate. She bounded out from under Odette, sending her backwards.

"ODILE, WHAT--" Odette yelped. She couldn't catch her balance in that damned dress, and had Clovis not had such quick reflexes, she'd have surely fallen on her ass. However, he slipped behind her and caught her in his arms easily, and picked her up so she was at eye level with him. He sent her a charming smile, before turning his head to glare at Odile.

"Venira, you're going to make her break her goddamn neck if you're not--"

"S̵H̵U̵T̶ ̵U̸P̸,̸ ̷I̴ ̶S̵M̸E̶L̸L̵ ̸B̸L̸O̸O̶D̴.̷ ̶W̷H̸O̶ ̷D̴I̶E̶D̵?̶"

Clovis took a step forward and, without warning, also picked Odile up. He held her in the crook of his arm, as if he were carrying a textbook. He then turned his head back to Odette, who's nose was a deep red.

"Why isn't she in her ball?" he asked.

"Ball broke," Odette said simply.

"Fucking brilliant," he groused. "Then I guess I'm holding you until you calm the fuck down."

As he spoke, Odile's body went limp. She then began to giggle. "̸T̸h̸a̷t̶'̸s̴ ̶o̴k̸a̴y̸.̷ ̷I̶ ̶c̶a̵n̵ ̸p̶r̵e̷t̸e̸n̷d̵ ̷t̴o̶ ̸b̷e̴ ̸a̸ ̸d̴e̴a̷d̶ ̶b̵o̸d̶y̶ ̶l̸i̸k̷e̴ ̶t̸h̴i̶s̸.̵"̴ ̵

Altair nodded in response. "It's fine. Honestly glad this game is different from the last one. Been having a lot more fun with it."
Still holding both girls, he sent a nod toward Altair. "Seems like it."

Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to obtain an immunity to fire but are also on fire!
No sooner had Clovis spoken, was he on fire. Actually, he, Odette, and Odile were all on fire. He looked back and forth between them, before groaning outright. "I always seem to show up on the back end of absolute chaos."

Meanwhile, Odile stiffened her body, and held her arms and legs out, like she were imitating Superman.

"̶L̴O̶O̴K̸ ̷A̴T̶ ̴M̶E̸,̴ ̴I̷'̵M̴ ̷A̷ ̶M̶E̷T̸E̵O̶R̸I̴T̴E̴,"̷ she declared.

Selene flushed, her face turning purple. "I thought we had agreed that had never happened?"
Odette, head in kind of a daze, and now, well burning, peered back down at Selene.

"Right. Sorry. Not thinking straight around him."

"What was that?" Clovis asked.

"Your stupidity is contagious," she snapped back.

She tried to ignore Odette's remark, but she couldn't help but flush further. She couldn't really tell what was flirting and what wasn't but she was pretty sure it was going in a number of different directions and she really didn't know what the appropriate way to react to that was.

Clovis seemed not to care, though. She tried to focus on talking to him. "It's nice to meet you, too."
Clovis, despite his full arms, and Odette's sassy remarks, still smiled warmly at Selene. "Are you not one for compliments?" he asked. "I was simply going to agree, but I don't want to make you more uncomfortable. You're looking a little flushed, can I get you some water--"

He cut himself off.

"Or...any other non-H2O beverage they might serve here that you would enjoy?”
Last edited:


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
"I saw something. I was in a white, metal room with some humans. I had a trainer dressed in blue, and I must have evolved into a Primarina. We were battling a tall woman. She helped me use a Z-Move, then she collaped into the arms of a girl in a white dress. They looked happy."
Red thought back to the brionne's words. That was the experience of a pokémon, but she was human - and she'd be human again once this strange game ended. So it couldn't be a vision of the future, which meant his surely wasn't, either. He wouldn't be... taken... there.

His hands weren't trembling as much anymore.

"Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"
His first instinct was of course not, but he then reevaluated. "Well, considering HE could very easily rip my brain apart, every meeting with HIM I trust HIM with my life," he said, though quietly, as no one seemed to be paying attention to him... well, he supposed that was a good thing given this current body of his. Still...

He went to pick up another potion. Blood red. Smelled like... blood. He drank it, and it even tasted like blood. Was this just blood? He wouldn't complain.

[[ Dis poshun givs da dwinkah kitty ears and a tail! Nya! >w< ]]

The world went silent as his ears disappeared. Before he could panic about his new deafness, something grew on top of his head and his hearing returned. He touched the new ears - they were coated with silky fur and rather triangular in shape. Cat ears...?

Then something grew out the base of his spine. It found a newly formed hole in his jeans to slip out of and kept lengthening. He grabbed it and brought it to view. Cat tail.

He tried to flick the tip - it responded. He waved the thing around - it responded. It was rather fun. Very much like he imagined having a tail would be like.

He stared at his hands expectantly... but nothing changed there. Damn. No claws, I guess.

His ears perked up as he eyed the new arrival. Who was this guy, now? Why was he here? He was pretty cute. The braided girl seemed to agree with how flushed she appeared.

A mischievous smirk formed on Red's lips. There may just be a way to get back at her for that chase which wouldn't be swiftly stopped by the demon.

He began to approach the man in the tux, tail swaying behind him.
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