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Hoopa's Multiverse Party! [Roleplay Thread] {Nov 16-22}

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Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[ Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to receive a vision of the future! ]

The cavern.

This useless mortal body was disposed of, and it rotted.

Zygarde regained their true form.

And they lay dormant for thousands of years.

They were reawakened by the arrival of several foolish mortals within their domain.

A Luxio, Lurantis, Abra, Dragonair, and--



The vessel was alive, thousands of years into the future.

It did not matter. Zygarde would destroy these mortals for daring to trespass.

The Luxio attempted to converse with Zygarde; it said something about Cobalion having gone mad...

Zygarde did not care. They sent the Luxio flying into the wall with a smack of their tail.

The others rushed into battle.

As the battle raged on, Zygarde sensed a most unusual strength within both the vessel and the Dragonair.

A blinding light enveloped the Dragonair, and it became the Lord of Space himself, Palkia.

A clever disguise.

The mortals and Palkia eventually won, and the vessel spoke about various alliances with other deities, then asked Zygarde if they would ally themself with the mortals.

Zygarde knew that there was no real choice here; for as much as they hated life, this world, and all who inhabited it... they did not yet wish to see it fall to chaos.

A new alliance was forged that day.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
The houndoom had let him go. He sighed in relief and got up on his legs.

“̴N̶o̷ ̵f̵u̶n̶.̷”̷ Houndile chuffed. She snorted in Red’s direction, as a last show of attack, before turning and heading back toward the group. Houndette hopped of Houndile and reluctantly trudged back over to grab another potion. She went for a clear colored one this time, as she’d grown tired of the ones with strange hues.
He fliched at the snort, nearly dashing off again, but his human mind could suppress the urge this time. He returned to the group with the hounds, but kept his distance and waited until Odette had consumed her own potion. She got some weird dress... whatever. Wake me when she turns into a mareep.

He looked at the puddles of potion on the floor left there by others suffering from insufficient dexterity. They might trust that floor to be clean enough, but I don't, he thought. I'm gonna figure out some cleaner way to --

Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to receive a vision of the future!

There was a sneeze, and then all was silent.

He was in bed, but not his own. This room wasn't his. The walls were white, and the bed seemed to be the only furniture in it. And his arms --

He was glad to have his human arms back, but not like this. Something kept them in place. He looked down.


"I see you're awake..." a female voice said as he squirmed upright. He looked in its direction. One of the walls was glass, it seemed, and behind it stood a youthful-looking woman in white with brown hair and jade eyes.

"Beast," she ended her sentence.

And he was back again. The IKEA. On four legs, in the mareep body.

What... what was that?

He looked around. Given the disorientated faces on a few of the others, he supposed whatever he just experienced was something the others experienced as well.

He needed to ask them. He needed to figure out the nature of this vision.

He didn't care about cleanliness anymore, simply snatching a vial with his teeth, dropping it on the floor and shattering it with his hoof. Avoiding the shards, he lapped up what he could of the liquid, which this time was deep blue, lemon-scented and quite bitter in taste.


[[ This potion causes the drinker to become the opposite sex. ]]

Immediately, he could tell he was human again. He sighed -- but cut his breath short as he realized his throat felt different. Actually, many things in his body felt different. His chest was much heavier, and his... crotch was...

He felt the area, praying it had simply gone numb - that they had simply gone numb, but no. They were no longer there.

"No," he whimpered. "Oh, gods, no."


Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to receive a vision of the future!

Selene's eyes glowed for a moment.

"I saw something. I was in a white, metal room with some humans. I had a trainer dressed in blue, and I must have evolved into a Primarina. We were battling a tall woman. She helped me use a Z-Move, then she collaped into the arms of a girl in a white dress. They looked happy."

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Immediately, he could tell he was human again. He sighed -- but cut his breath short as he realized his throat felt different. Actually, many things in his body felt different. His chest was much heavier, and his... crotch was...

He felt the area, praying it had simply gone numb - that they had simply gone numb, but no. They were no longer there.

"No," he whimpered. "Oh, gods, no."
Selene looked at the new human. "Who even are you? Why is everyone turning into pretty humans?"


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
"I saw something. I was in a white, metal room with some humans. I had a trainer dressed in blue, and I must have evolved into a Primarina. We were battling a tall woman. She helped me use a Z-Move, then she collaped into the arms of a girl in a white dress. They looked happy."
Red swallowed - despite the shock, he had to find out more about these visions.

He got up, wobbling in this unfamiliar body, and walked closer to the woman.
Selene looked at the new human. "Who even are you? Why is everyone turning into pretty humans?"
He froze up. He didn't know if he should be flattered or terrified that his new form was considered pretty. No, he did not want to be a pretty girl. He wanted to be a pretty guy. With broad shoulders. Oh gods, his shoulders were so narrow now. All the pride in them was gone.

He shook the thoughts. Remember your mission.

"What do you, uhh --" he started, detesting the higher pitch in his new voice. "What do you think that vision meant?"


  1. sableye
Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to receive a vision of the future!

"Kitten"'s dance was interrupted by Altair's sneeze, and suddenly she was no longer in the Ikea. She quickly found, however, that she sorely missed being a dancing litten.

On the positive side, she was human again - and no longer being forced to dance and unstoppable dance. On the downside, she was in chains, shackled to a stone wall. She looked around only to discover she appeared to be inside some sort of cell. Was she in prison? Kidnapped? Just what the hell is this? Through the bars, she could see nothing but darkness, and perhaps the hint of another set of bars off to her right.

She shivered in the freezing room, but was unable to even wrap her arms around herself. The stony ground was like ice against her bare legs, her skirt not long enough to cover them. She tried to call out, but her throat was dry and she couldn't even muster a single word.

A flash of white in the corner of her vision caught her attention. For a fraction of a second, she thought she saw part of a pokemon - possibly a froslass? - in the corner of her cell, but it was, naturally, gone by the time her eyes focused on the spot. Instead, she heard footsteps on the stone, each one getting louder, as though someone was approaching.

Then she blinked and suddenly she was back at the furniture store, dancing her life away on her aching paws.

If the faces of the others were any indication, she wasn't the only one to have some sort of bizarre... dream? Vision? She wasn't sure what even to call the experience. She wondered if they all experienced the same vision; whatever it was seemed to have shaken Red, of all participants (or perhaps that was just his new body).


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"I'm pretty sure I was always a Brionne... Or, I guess I would have been a Popplio before that, but my memory's pretty fuzzy right now."
“And…I’m fairly sure you showed up here as a human,” Odette said tentatively. Then again, she didn’t really know Selene, so she very well could have been a Brionne at some point…and her vision of the future might have solidified that.

Altair's sneeze caused a random selection of players to receive a vision of the future!
A vision passed through her head. She wasn’t sure where she was…it looked like a conservatory, or a greenhouse of some sort. Flowery vines grew up the intricate windowpanes, and light shone in through the glass, illuminating the neatly kept flowers and rows and rows of seats, which were packed with people. The chairs were fashioned so an aisle was formed between two large groups of them. There had to have been at least five hundred people and Pokemon standing near their chairs, and they were all looking at her.

Panic rocked her core, and she aimed her eyes down to the floor, only to see her legs were covered in a white dress. Something weighed her head and she reached up to feel that a veil had been fastened to her hair, which hung in loose curls.

Is this a fucking wedding?????

As the thought occurred to her, and she snapped her eyes up to the front of the aisle. Normally the bride walked the aisle after the groom, so perhaps she could see—

Imagine her surprise when she saw not one, but two backs to her. Both of them roughly the same height, but one was far more broad-shouldered than the other. More strikingly, was that both of them had white hair. Well…one of them had silver hair more like it, and the other had black roots.


At the very least, she recognized the one with silver hair, and her heart filled with air and rose to her throat.

“Cl—“ she started to call. Both the men started to turn to her, and just like that, the memory was over.

Selene tilted her head "I don't understand why, if this is normal for you, you seem so upset by it? Is it the tiara? The entire outfit?"
She had so many questions. So. Many. Questions. That was a vision from the future right? RIGHT? Did that mean…she married Clovis? But who the actual fuck was the other guy? Polyamorous relationships were super common back in her world, but she’d only ever liked ONE…well, maybe two…people.

“Ceremonial,” she muttered. She realized she didn’t finish her thought and eyed Selene. “Ceremonial dress. Darling cult-leader-terrorist-daddy had this made for me while he…uh…named me his heir to the cult,” she said, clearly struggling to get the words out. “Because he believes he’s the New World God. Thought he was crazy at first…but now, I’ve seen what he can do. Especially after my, uh…forced visit.”

She thumbed the velvet of the skirt. “This just brings me back to that fever dream. Actually, that’s a joke. ‘Dream’ implies it’s over.”

He got up, wobbling in this unfamiliar body, and walked closer to the woman.
She quirked a brow at Fem!Red. “Well, nice to see you in one piece. With some child-bearing hips nonetheless.”


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"You tell me," Altair replied. "Seemed like a load of vague bullshit to me."

The vision cleared, and Zygarde recoiled.

"Impossible." They hissed quietly.

Then they slithered away, still leaving a disturbing blood trail behind them. Ironically, they went right back to the site of the Morphing; blood still fresh.

Zygarde looked at the bits of flesh within the blood. "There is no logical explanation as to how the vessel would live millenia into the future, especially considering that the Morph has happened..."

They pondered this quietly.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
“Ceremonial,” she muttered. She realized she didn’t finish her thought and eyed Selene. “Ceremonial dress. Darling cult-leader-terrorist-daddy had this made for me while he…uh…named me his heir to the cult,” she said, clearly struggling to get the words out. “Because he believes he’s the New World God. Thought he was crazy at first…but now, I’ve seen what he can do. Especially after my, uh…forced visit.”

She thumbed the velvet of the skirt. “This just brings me back to that fever dream. Actually, that’s a joke. ‘Dream’ implies it’s over.”
"Oh, I see. I remember..." She looked away. "Did we talk about this before? He did the thing with Odile and everything"

"You tell me," Altair replied. "Seemed like a load of vague bullshit to me."
"No! I really saw it! My trainer had black hair, a blue shirt, a black skirt, and a white purse. The tall woman the the girl were in white dresses. There were also some guys there, I guess."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
"You tell me," Altair replied. "Seemed like a load of vague bullshit to me."
His heart pounded. No, he would not tell. It was probably rhetorical, but he would not tell anyone.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Oh, I see. I remember..." She looked away. "Did we talk about this before? He did the thing with Odile and everything"
Odette snickered. “He didn’t do it directly, but he certainly caused it,” she said. She shrugged her shoulders, crinkling her nose at the feel of the dress sleeves against her skin. “Feels as fucking heavy as ever.”

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Odette snickered. “He didn’t do it directly, but he certainly caused it,” she said. She shrugged her shoulders, crinkling her nose at the feel of the dress sleeves against her skin. “Feels as fucking heavy as ever.”
"Are there any other clothes here for you to change into? The store might sell them. Or, if I was a... a human I should have had some, right? You could take those, since I won't need them."

She looked around, but saw no clothes. She did see a purse though, one that looked just like the one her trainer had in her dream. Unbeknownst to her, she had brought it herself. "Hey, whose is that?"
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Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Zygarde got a strange prickling in their brain, as though a Quilladin had stabbed them.

Ah. The game. Yes.

They thought of a good question to ask, as much as they really didn't want to.

Their question would no doubt be imprinted into the heads of the other beings, no matter how far away they were.

"Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"

Of course Zygarde had never done such a foolish thing! To put trust in another was a sign of weakness.


  1. sableye
"Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"

Of course Zygarde had never done such a foolish thing! To put trust in another was a sign of weakness.

Considering almost getting kidnapped on the first night of her journey and having to be rescued by her boyfriend and her starter, this one would have to probably qualify as a "yes". Not that she minded. This time.

"Kitten" danced her way over to the pile of dropped potions and, unable to stop to pick one up, simply danced around them until her paw shattered one. Somehow she managed to lean down enough to lick up the purple-colored liquid, her body continuing to do it's best to make her shove her entire face into it instead as it jerked around. It was probably the best tasting potion she'd had so far, if nothing else - although she wondered how much of that had to do with her extreme thirst, having already suffered burning hot tea and then Extreme Dance Potion.

Once most of the liquid was consumed, her body fell limp; she let it happen, as she was exhausted at this point, grateful that the never-ending dance had actually ended as a new effect took it's place. Her litten form melted away, shifting back into her human body. (Oh thank gods my clothes returned too.) She forced herself up into a kneeling position on the ground; the world looked much smaller after having been a litten for even such a short time. Shinier, too; oh wait. Maybe that was her.

"You've gotta be freakin' kidding me.."

This potion has a delicious flavour and gives a cloud of glowing glitter that surrounds them for 1d6 minutes.

As the toxic dust blew around her like her own personal shiny glitter tornado, covering her hair, skin, and clothing, Kimiko sighed, "Well, at least I can speak again."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"I trust both Burhalla and Gen with my life! We're teammates! My family and the World-Savers' Council, too!" Saltriv exclaimed, as they grabbed another vial and downed it.

As they did, though, a...memory? Something went through their head. They were walking down a corridor in a burning rainforest, alone.

Before long, though, they returned to reality. What was that? A burning rainforest...was that the Volcanic Rainforest mystery dungeon? Why would they be there, though, and alone?

Before they could ponder that for too long, the Meganium spotted a familiar human. "Kimiko!" they exclaimed, waving their leaf and wagging their tail as they began to walk towards her.

As they stepped towards their friend, though, they found that they had abruptly lost all traction with the ground. It was more slippery than ice, and they yelped as they began sliding towards Kimiko.


  1. sableye
Before they could ponder that for too long, the Meganium spotted a familiar human. "Kimiko!" they exclaimed, waving their leaf and wagging their tail as they began to walk towards her.

As they stepped towards their friend, though, they found that they had abruptly lost all traction with the ground. It was more slippery than ice, and they yelped as they began sliding towards Kimiko.

Kimiko looked up just in time to see Saltriv barreling towards her, seemingly skidding along the ground as though it was a downward slope. Before she could do anything more than put her arms out to try to catch the meganium, they collided, sending her tumbling onto her back with Saltriv tumbling over her. The sparkling glitter cloud engulfed them both as they came to a halt.

"Hey there Saltriv," Kimiko said, happy to see a friendly face despite their unusual reunion. At least I'm not a litten anymore, they'd probably have broken my back. With a bit of effort, she reached up and stroked the meganium's neck. "How are you holding up so far?"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Are there any other clothes here for you to change into? The store might sell them. Or, if I was a... a human I should have had some, right? You could take those, since I won't need them."

She looked around, but saw no clothes. She did see a purse though, one that looked just like the one her trainer had in her dream. Unbeknownst to her, she had brought it herself. "Hey, whose is that?"
“This is a furniture store, I doubt they sell clothes. It’s not that deep…”

Quite a lie, considering she felt as exposed in this dress as she did the first time she’d been forced to wear it. But that didn’t matter right now, considering Selene couldn’t even recognize her own bag.

“Honey, you brought that bag with you. That is your bag,” she reminded her. “I don’t even know where your actual clothes are because your human body is just gone.”
Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"
“God DAMMIT, am I going to have to drink every round?” Odette screeched, as Odile started to cackle. She stumbled to her feet, minding the dress, and stomped over to grab another potion. She didn’t care about the color, she just grabbed the first one she saw. She pinched her nose as she uncorked it and threw it back.

“Vodka. Why do I get the—“



Odette motherfucking Cinq-Mars.”

She dropped the glass at the sound of his voice from behind her, and she slowly, but surely cringed.

“This is her,” she said quietly. “Please leave a message after the beep. Actually, the mailbox is full so keep whatever you’re going to say to yourself.”

She heard the tap-tap-tap of his shiny expensive shoes rushing up to her, and with a roll of her eyes, turned to face her crush. Clovis, still dressed in his tuxedo, with a tie that was the same hue of pink as the dress she arrived in, placed both of his hands on Odette’s face as she turned. Despite the caring gesture, he looked absolutely livid.

“I should make you eat a rancid donut for what you did,” he threatened.

“I’d like to see you try, Silver Spoon Baby,” she shot back with a straight face.

Clovis rolled his eyes as his hands moved to her forehead, then her shoulders.

“You’re not hurt? You still have all your limbs?” he asked.

“It’s almost like I’m not a fucking idiot, Clovis,” she snapped.

With a huff, he pulled his hands off of her and held them up. “Fine. Fine. You’re right. I apologize. Where’s—“

“̵A̶H̵ ̸H̷I̶ ̴C̷L̴O̴V̸I̸S̴,̸ ̶Y̷O̷U̴’̵R̴E̴ ̷L̸O̵O̶K̵I̵N̵G̶ ̸M̶O̸R̶E̴ ̵L̵I̵K̴E̷ ̵A̸ ̶D̶R̴U̷G̷ ̴L̴O̵R̴D̸ ̴E̸V̴E̸R̸Y̴ ̸D̸A̴Y̴” Odile greeted. She bolted up to him and jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms and legs around him. She stayed there for a few seconds, before she suddenly morphed back into her bat form and soared under Odette’s skirt.

“.̵ ̸D̷O̷N̸’̶T̸ ̵C̴O̴M̸E̷ ̶F̴O̴R̶ ̴M̷E̵.̸I̶’̶M̸ ̴N̴O̷T̵ ̶C̴A̷U̸S̴I̶N̵G̵ ̷P̸R̵O̴B̴L̷E̸M̸S̷…̷R̵I̷G̷H̵T̷ ̴N̸O̷W̷,̴ ̴A̶T̵ ̶L̶E̴A̸S̶T̶.̸”̶

Clovis glared at the bottom of Odette’s skirt, before he reached up adjusted his cuff links. As he did, he began to look around, becoming more and more confused looking as he did. “Why are we in an Ikea?”


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"Well ain't that nifty," Altair commented as he settled himself on the pillow, giving himself a good view of the show (it couldn't exactly accommodate his size, but when it was that comfortable...). Perhaps he could make it a part of his fort afterwards?
The void around Ghaspius felt warmer, and a sense of fulfillment seemed to wash over him. He wasn't sure how, but he knew he was comforting someone - his new dream had been fulfilled, now, he could rest...
"Never have I ever..." They hated using singular terms to refer to themself. "Trusted somebody with my life?"
...And then the words echoed around him, the first "something" within the "nothing". He felt compelled to chase it, but could only be still. However, almost by fate, one of the potions rolled over on top of him and loosened just enough to begin dripping. Drip. Drip. Drip. And shortly after, he began reforming back into his old self...
All ongoing effects for the drinker have been nullified.
He opened his eyes, only to be greeted with a face full of Yvetal fluff. "Excuse me, could you not sit on me...?" What was he even doing there? Did he fall unconscious while he was working? His embarrassment overwhelmed him to the point where he forgot he could turn incorporeal in that moment of awkwardness.
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