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Hoopa's Multiverse Party! [Roleplay Thread] {Nov 16-22}

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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Seeing motion, he turned to the little humans. Running away? His prey was running away. He couldn't have that.

He raised his tail and slammed it into the dragon's side, shoving her at least a bit away - really, he didn't care enough to check how well it went, he was in a hurry. He ran towards the little humans, legs moving in waves, but it felt awfully slow - perhaps there were certain shortcomings to this body after all. At this pace, he wouldn't be able to make it there in time --

Another instinct - something for hunting, it seemed - made something inside his neck contract. Out of holes at the tips of his lowest two tentacles shot a long stream of a clear, sticky, glue-like fluid, landing on the two little humans still left.
Odile had gotten a hit off, but not before being shoved away. She rolled into some more furniture, and quickly stood up, shaking off a broken bedpost. She looked up just in time to see Red heading for Odette and Clovis. It seemed that Selene had made it into the portal.

In a fit of oncoming rage, she wailed, then charged.

Clovis saw Red coming before Odette did, and moved to push her into the portal. However, he was just a second too slow, because they were soon covered in a thick, glue-like substance, and suddenly, they couldn't move.

"What the hell is this?" Clovis asked, holding up his arms. He sent Odette a concerned look, to which she returned, before they both slowly moved their heads to face the oncoming threat.

They both stared, wide-eyed up at Red, and Odette's eyes cut to Odile tearing through the air. She sucked in a breath and shouted--

"Odile, third stance!"

The blood dripping from her shoulders began to glow again, and beamed out toward the branch dragon. As they landed upon her, she was engulfed in more red light as she grew in size. The growth occurred just as she made contact with the back of Red's wormy head, causing them to roll yet again into a nearby wall.

As this happened, Odette felt her legs start to shake. Her breathing became labored, and she suddenly felt like she needed to sit down. That was too quick of a stance change, especially after having one so recently. But she didn't have much of a choice.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
[ DOOM music intensifies ]

Zygarde watched the petty squabble.

"We will never understand mortals."

There was a light pounding sensation in Zygarde's head, as though a headache was starting.

They put one claw to their head.


Zygarde felt a tap on their shoulder, and they turned, but nobody was there.

Hmph. Trickery.

A presence shadowed Zygarde, then, and they knew.

The vessel had not been completely taken over. Inexplicably, some remnant of the mortal's mind remained...

This would be a problem.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair watched the two beasts fight expressionlessly. What a ripoff, you get two large, unnatural beasts in a building to fight and this is the result? He'd seen pub brawls more intense and entertaining than this! Altair was about to leave the two beasts to their own devices to leave through the portal however, he hesitated.

He must've developed a bit of a soft spot for the small dark haired girl, the apparent "trainer" of the branch-y dragon, as he'd grown partially concerned over her state—she looked as if she was about to collapse.

A grin crept across his features. Perhaps he could interfere, get into her and the dandy's good books (perhaps ask for some compensation for the next time they meet) and give himself the opportunity to mess with Red (something he'd been meaning to do all game)...

In an instant, Altair left his resting place and leapt onto the worm-beast's "head", wings spread wide. "That's enough," he whispered. "We wouldn't want an incident, now do we?" Altair felt himself sifting away the creature's energy, not enough to kill but enough to incapacitate. As he did, he felt the the creature beneath his talons shrink; spines, extra limbs, and thick protective plating receding back into its body. In its stead came the features of a human being; hair, eyes, ears—the ring of tentacles embellishing its mouth sealed together to form lips. It was a slow and gruelling process but Altair had saw it through to the very end. With his work done, Altair let go of the back of Red's head. Where once was a worm-creature laid a human, face down on the tiles.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
He must've developed a bit of a soft spot for the small dark haired girl, the apparent "trainer" of the branch-y dragon, as he'd grown partially concerned over her state—she looked as if she was about to collapse.

A grin crept across his features. Perhaps he could interfere, get into her and the dandy's good books (perhaps ask for some compensation for the next time they meet) and give himself the opportunity to mess with Red (something he'd been meaning to do all game)...
Clovis, now with his arms on Odette to keep her from falling over, watched in surprise as Altair soared over to land on Red's head as Odile pulled away from him to attack for the second time.

"Call Venira back," he said to Odette.

She turned to him with a disagreeing look, clear even through the film of goo all over her. What was also apparent was how pale she'd become. "Why should I--"

"Call her back," he urged.

Odette reluctantly faced the fight again and raised her hand out in front of her and dig her nails into her palm.

"Odile, fall back," she commanded in the loudest voice she could muster, which wasn't very loud at all. However it was clear Odile heard it anyway, because the tenseness left her wings. However, her gaze was still locked on Altair.

"̸̢̗͍͍̼̰̦̣̇͆͘̕T̸̨̼̤̤̘̭̔͗̄̈́̚ḧ̶͔̰̘̦̙̣̬́͗̔̀̈̾̽̏̔͜i̴͍̱̻̱̙͖̭̰͊̓́̄̈́̚s̸͇̯͍̉͌̀̚ ̶͈̜̻͓͒̂̀͒̏i̸̡̝̟̦͍̦̣̊s̴̨̢̼̣̦̮̝̬̠̃ ̵̫̗̭̖̳̀̒̈̐L̵̘͋͌̆A̴̡̭͍̖̜̝̍͂͜M̴̩̯͓̺͎̭͛̔̓̌̈́͝͝͝Ė̶̡͉̠̭͎̫̳͈̲̑̋,̷̧̢̡̥̬͈͇͉̈́̓̒̑͑"̴̰̠̤͉̑̏̂͒̐̿ ̴͙̙̟͈̻̦̓̎̀

In an instant, Altair left his resting place and leapt onto the worm-beast's "head", wings spread wide. "That's enough," he whispered. "We wouldn't want an incident, now do we?" Altair felt himself sifting away the creature's energy, not enough to kill but enough to incapacitate. As he did, he felt the the creature beneath his talons shrink; spines, extra limbs, and thick protective plating receding back into its body. In its stead came the features of a human being; hair, eyes, ears—the ring of tentacles embellishing its mouth sealed together to form lips. It was a slow and gruelling process but Altair had saw it through to the very end. With his work done, Altair let go of the back of Red's head. Where once was a worm-creature laid a human, face down on the tiles.
However, she watched with a flat expression as Altair drained Red back down to his normal human size. When all that was left was Red's original body, she chuffed in annoyance as she crouched to the floor.

"̴I̵ ̵h̷a̶a̷a̴a̴a̴a̴a̶a̶a̴d̸ ̶h̸i̴m̶,̸ ̸I̴ ̷d̵o̵n̴'̵t̶ ̵k̸n̴o̷w̸ ̸w̷h̷y̶ ̷t̷h̸a̶t̵ ̶w̶a̷s̶ ̵n̵e̵c̶e̶s̵s̵a̴r̵y̶.̴ ̷N̸o̵ ̸f̸u̶n̵,̸"̵ she whined. Her eyes cut to where Odette and Clovis were standing near the portal, and she was somewhat elated to see that by deescalating Red, the effects of the worm goo had fallen off of them too. However, now Odile could see that her vessel was looking pallor and wobbly.

"̸O̵h̵ ̴d̸a̵r̶n̷ ̷o̶h̷ ̴d̷a̴r̵n̴ ̸o̸h̸ ̸d̶a̴r̶n̶ ̴o̸h̷ ̶d̵a̸r̵n̴,̷"̸ ̸ she said as she faded back down to that human form and rushed past Red and Altair, just in time to watch Clovis pick Odette up again.

"Stop, I can walk," Odette insisted.

"You're white as a sheet, don't start with me," Clovis snapped back.

"̵I̸'̵m̵ ̵s̸o̷o̷o̴o̶o̸r̷r̴r̴r̶r̶r̵r̷r̶r̶r̷r̷r̸y̸y̷y̶y̶y̴y̷y̸y̵y̷y̶y̴y̵y̶y̸y̸y̸y̷y̶,̴ ̴d̷i̵d̸ ̶w̶e̵ ̴o̴v̴e̶r̴d̶o̸ ̵i̶t̷?̸"̷ she asked, poking her fingers together.

"I might have," Odette replied, bringing her near-colorless hand to her head. "You were pretty awesome, though."

Odile beamed. "̷I̶ ̵w̸a̴s̶ ̸w̷a̸s̷n̸'̷t̵ ̷I̷!̶ ̷B̴u̸t̷.̶.̸.̴w̵e̷ ̶s̴h̸o̶u̴l̸d̶ ̶g̶o̵.̷ ̶I̶ ̷s̸t̴i̶l̸l̶ ̸t̵h̶i̵n̵k̷ ̷I̵ ̵t̵o̶o̵k̷ ̴t̸o̷o̸ ̷m̵u̵c̷h̴.̴.̷.̴"̷

Odette shook her head slowly, tiredly. "Nah. Who needs a full 5 liters of blood in their system? I don't."


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
Victory seemed certain -- until Odette shouted something which made her blood glow once again. Before Red could ponder its meaning, the dragon crashed onto his back, throwing both onto a nearby wall. Red turned his head with a hiss, but flinched as he saw the dragon had grown again. What is this? This is bullshit!

He had confidence in the endurance of his body, however. All he had to do was to keep heading for his target and not let the dragon throw him off course. He lowered his body as close to the ground as he could and began crawling towards the humans.

But what's this? The yveltal he'd mostly been ignoring had taken flight, and he was headed right towards h--

As soon as he realized what was happening to his body, he screeched. He thrashed his head around, but the effect would not stop - his body reduced in size, strength, weight, number of limbs. His psychic vision fizzled out while two eyes formed inside his skin and surfaced at the sides of his head, the distance between them rapidly decreasing. Plates and spikes were reabsorbed, substituted by hair. His branchial hearts shriveled away while the systemic morphed into the single heart of a human. Eventually, the weight of the yveltal became too much to bear, and he collapsed face-first on the floor.

The last few seconds of his transformation he spent limp, helpless to do anything but listen while the dragon returned to the humans and they all clucked among each other like the chickens they were. He wanted to gather his strength as quickly as possible to at least be able to stand and talk back while his prey got away, but the rage surging through his brain did not make relaxation easy.

Once his body had stopped changing, he felt a small bit of energy return - likely from the body reaching a state that was actually meant to be lived in. He used this to turn his head sideways and look directly at the yveltal as he spoke to him. "Get off me, you fucking shitbird."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Once his body had stopped changing, he felt a small bit of energy return - likely from the body reaching a state that was actually meant to be lived in. He used this to turn his head sideways and look directly at the yveltal as he spoke to him. "Get off me, you fucking shitbird."
"Try and conserve your energy. Your thrashing made me take more than I'd intended. You're gonna be laying there for a while," Altair said as he stepped away from Red. He smirked, "And next time, try to give me a more entertaining fight, aye?"

Altair stretched his wings wide in a yawn before folding them, the runic markings covering his body still luminous from all the energy he'd drained. He looked towards the dandy and the small girl before shouting, "You're welcome, by the way!"

Altair then noticed that several players had already left. Perhaps it was now time to take his leave.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
The bird had left, but his words had been true - Red really had no energy to stand. At least he could talk. That was the only thing he could do now.

"Odette!" he spat. "This isn't over! Sooner or later, I will taste your blood! There will be more games, and even if you evade me there, ascension is coming! I will become a god, and when I do, you'll be wishing you'd joined the winning side while you still had the chance!"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Altair stretched his wings wide in a yawn before folding them, the runic markings covering his body still luminous from all the energy he'd drained. He looked towards the dandy and the small girl before shouting, "You're welcome, by the way!"
"̴̦̮̳̂Ĩ̵̟̙̆́ ̷̞̹͌͜Ň̶̹̙̿͝Ë̸̱́V̵̟̦̾E̸͚̠̒R̶͓̈̅̄ ̶̢͚̲̓S̵̘͗́Ạ̸̝̦̋̍I̸̭̘̟̾̍D̵͎̅̏ ̸͔̽̉ͅŢ̵͇͛̊̊H̵͙̋͠A̶̘͐̈́͌N̴͖̠̚K̵̤͌͊ ̷̡͎̤͒̕Ÿ̷̝̻̫́O̴͕͊Ű̴ͅ!̴͈͉͍͝"̶̨̨́ͅ Odile screamed.

Clovis, ignoring Odile, waved at Altair. "Merci!"

Odette responded by letting her head go limp against Clovis's shoulders, and she coughed. Clovis brought his hand to her cheek and recoiled at how chilly she was starting to feel.

"Alright, we're done here," he said. "You have a date with the blood bank."

"Odette!" he spat. "This isn't over! Sooner or later, I will taste your blood! There will be more games, and even if you evade me there, ascension is coming! I will become a god, and when I do, you'll be wishing you'd joined the winning side while you still had the chance!"
Odette was not in the mood to argue, and instead allowed her eyes to slip shut as Clovis walked for the portal. However, he stopped in his step when Red began to yell. With the last of her energy, Odette peeked her head over Clovis's shoulder to get a good look at her incapacitated foil.

"It'll be the best blood you ever tasted, especially knowing you closed that door for me," she shot back. "But, you let me know when that happens."

She raised a shaky hand and waved her fingers at him, her expression diabolical now. "Jusqu'au prochain match, chéri Red."

Her and Clovis disappeared through the portal. Odile went to follow, but she suddenly remembered something. She turned heel and ran back for the Sharpedo plushie she left on the floor, giggling upon gathering it into her arms. She then hustled back to the portal, and with a last glare at Red, also stepped into it.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
ascension is coming! I will become a god

Zygarde hissed. "A mortal can not ascend to godhood. You being a human makes this even more impossible."

They grunted. "Though, we do not see why we should really care at all. Your universe can wither all it wants. Such a thing will not affect our own plans."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair watched the dandy and his girlfriend leave and the man he'd just wrestled shout. That was his cue.

"Well, as fun as it was to play and drink those concoctions, I best be off now," he declared. He performed his signature bow at the remaining players before continuing, "Perhaps our paths will cross again, or maybe I'll never see you again, who knows!? Certainly not me!" he cackled.

Zygarde hissed. "A mortal can not ascend to godhood. You being a human makes this even more impossible."

They grunted. "Though, we do not see why we should really care at all. Your universe can wither all it wants. Such a thing will not affect our own plans."
Altair was about to leave, but there was just one last button to push.

"You'd be surprised," Altair said smugly. "If you knew anything, your head would fucking implode." He didn't wait for the hybrid to respond before he took off and dived into the portal.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
They were gone.
Ghaspius breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the confused Fumie, before muttering, "You okay?" They nodded their head, and Ghaspius pulled them back into a hug once more. They were safe. They were safe...

The intense fear faded as the potion's emotion amplification effects wore off, but his devotion had not. He hadn't realized it until he said it, but it was the truth: Fumie was more important to him than anything else... and maybe now was the time to truly prove that. He slowly nodded to himself and gathered up the remaining potions before floating up to Hoopa.

"These... are yours now. I have some thinking to, uh, think about." He shook his head, then smiled wistfully, "It was fun, but, these potions are... a responsibility. More than I realized." He glanced towards his child once more, "And I have bigger one to think about." His eyes then looked up to the sky, underneath the destroyed ceiling, "I'll just stick to regular berry brews for now. Till Fumie gets older, at least. Then they and I... can really have a spooky time together."

He floated back to Fumie, held their hand with his feeler, and took one final look at everyone before saying, "Even if it was... chaotic... it was still a groovy time. Maybe we'll see each other again, when I've finally taken some responsibility, huh?" He gave one final grin before waving the remaining players off and going through the portal. "Take care, spooky fellas."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"So it seems we are among the last ones present." Zygarde said as they looked around at the considerably emptier-- and quieter-- building. "Fitting."

"This has been quite the... interesting experience. Never did we expect that the Morph would happen here, in another world entirely."
They briefly glanced down at themself. "We are not complaining, though. We are all the more powerful for it."

"Farewell, to those of you who yet remain."

Zygarde slithered towards the portal and went through, all the while trying their best to ignore the disjointed words in their head. They wondered how the vessel had survived the Morph, and whether this would bode well for them.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon

Well that had been unexpected and fun! The very best kind of fun, in fact, since there'd even been a battle! Hoopa hummed a little tune as they set about closing the portal and adjusting a few things in the micro-dimenion they had 'borrowed'.

A few cracks spread across the distant walls of the Ikea, and Hoopa grimaced. Well, at least it held long enough.


At the sound of the roar, Hoopa grinned, snicked, then produced a ring portal for itself. Too slow, master! They thought to themselves, before slipping away. And in their head, they were already making plans for the next big party....

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