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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Ultra Beasts. You wanted Ultra Beasts..."

Perhaps, under different circumstances, Lillie would have concluded the silver beast was a yet-undiscovered Ultra Beast, but... The way the light caught Kaz's shackles... "But if you want to work with Ultra Beasts, you need some way to control them. To keep them in line. Does that sound familiar to you, Kaz?"

"You were talking. Do you not remember what we were talking about?"
Kaz looked confused. "Ultra Beasts? Talking? Was I talking?" Her migraine had subsided into a distant headache. "I don't remember..."

The topic of controlling a beast made Kaz wonder.

"I don't know... how would you control a beast like that?" Kaz asked Lillie.

“If it…helps at all,” he started, “I just bleach my hair this color. It’s naturally brown.” He grimaced as he spoke, realizing what that might have implied. Brown was a color that functioned somewhere between red and orange? Depending on the hue of course…if this thing was as insane as sounded right now, he wouldn’t put it past it to read into that a little too far—maybe go as far as to try to kill him, like the last one of that kind of Pokemon did. Fucking…Hazel, right? He wasn’t trying to die, not with Odette here.

He pulled the cigarettes hanging between his teeth out of his mouth and exhaled deeply, being sure to blow away from the Espeon. “Forget it,” he huffed.
"You can change your fur colour?" Kaz exclaimed. "Can all humans do that, are you like kecleon?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
There were like five different conversations going on at once, or two, same difference, but Vegeta paid enough attention to know who, at least, was last asked and who was holding up the game.

A single tear sprang from Lilly's eyes.

"Uhmm.. C-Can I h-have a d-diffrent q-question? P-please?"

Vegeta couldn't tell if it was some jerk playing tricks and having the human-but-wottle's voice echo in her head, or if she was actually just stuttering. It was enough to get the tiny kip's blood boiling. On top of everything else that was currently making her blood boil. But at least it was just one stuttering fit, she wouldn't do it aga--

"I ...d-don't w-want t-to answer..."
Like before, Lilly looks like she doesn't want to be there. Like, at all.

"Seriously, what?!" Vegeta barked, breaking free of Goku's grasp and hopping furiously over to the Wottle. "Speak! Spit it the fuck out! You were asked a simple question! I'm listening! We're all waiting! And you're doing NOTHING!! This is supposed to be a game! And you can't even say anything! Godda--"

Before too much was said, Goku dove in and covered Vegeta's mouth. For once, she looked visually upset at the fish.


Pokémon Trainer
And that, was Lilly's breaking point.

She collapsed to the ground screaming, while also crying and shaking uncontrollably.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
You can change your fur colour?" Kaz exclaimed. "Can all humans do that, are you like kecleon?"
He had to refrain from exhaling a sigh of relief. Instead, he hid it behind an easy laugh. He stuck the cigarette back between his teeth and inhaled a small drag.

“Yes, we can change our ‘fur’ color,” he said. “But not as easily as a Kecleon could. We have to use these things called ‘dyes’ and ‘bleach’ to attain a nice color change.”

“In other words, he decided to go white before the age drained all the color from his hair,” Odette interjected.

“Once again, Miss Cinq-Mars,” Clovis said as evenly as he could. “Ever the comedian. Also once again, 27 isn’t old.”

“Almost 30 is pretty old.”

“And 5’0 is pretty short.”

The sharp inhale Odette responded with caused Clovis to burst into laughter, the force of it sending him backwards. She watched him for a while, before rolling her eyes.”

“EvEr ThE cOmEdIaN mR. lEcLaIr,” she mocked.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Even through Gen's sobbing, he managed to squirm his way towards Lilly, and tried his best to hug her.


Pokémon Trainer
Once again, LIlly grabs Gen for a hug; just like a few moments ago.
Except now, she also needs to be hugged. As, well... people tend to break down when shouted at.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
He had to refrain from exhaling a sigh of relief. Instead, he hid it behind an easy laugh. He stuck the cigarette back between his teeth and inhaled a small drag.

“Yes, we can change our ‘fur’ color,” he said. “But not as easily as a Kecleon could. We have to use these things called ‘dyes’ and ‘bleach’ to attain a nice color change.”

“In other words, he decided to go white before the age drained all the color from his hair,” Odette interjected.

“Once again, Miss Cinq-Mars,” Clovis said as evenly as he could. “Ever the comedian. Also once again, 27 isn’t old.”

“Almost 30 is pretty old.”

“And 5’0 is pretty short.”

The sharp inhale Odette responded with caused Clovis to burst into laughter, the force of it sending him backwards. She watched him for a while, before rolling her eyes.”

“EvEr ThE cOmEdIaN mR. lEcLaIr,” she mocked.

"Oh that's so cool!" Kaz beamed. "Humans are so interesting!"

Kaz then looked at the crying 'wotts. Their sobs were ruining the mood of the game and that annoyed Kaz. She looked back at the two humans who seemed to like each other a lot and asked, "Could we maybe move those two? I hear a waterfall close by, maybe we could put them there."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
And that, was Lilly's breaking point.

She collapsed to the ground screaming, while also crying and shaking uncontrollably.

Vegeta stopped struggling in Goku's grasp and froze, looking over the breaking down ex-human in... something akin to shock. Which only stayed for a moment, before anger quickly replaced it. The Kip bit Goku's paw, falling onto the ground and glaring at Lilly again. "For the love of-- really?! You can't even try to defend yourself?! You're just gonna sit there and take that, then cry more?" she barked, barely able to stand in the towels encasing her.

"Is there nothing in that human head of yours telling you to stand up for yourself? Do you just wanna sit and cry waiting for someone else to save you?!" Vegeta ranted on. She didn't even know if Lilly could hear her. "I thought humans were strong, but you can't even take a few meaningless fucking words?! Goddamn, what are you, a child?! A baby?! You can't seriously be this fragile, can you?!"

"Vegeta," Goku muttered, clutching her paw.

"Grit your teeth! Snap back at me! Hit me! Put up a damn fight!" Vegeta barked.

"Vegeta." Goku's voice was louder, but it had the same effect. None.

The Mudkip went on, clenching her eyes shut and snarling. "What are you gonna do when you're actually in trouble?! What if something happens to you and I'm not--"

"That's enough, Vegeta." Goku placed a paw on Vegeta's head. The two looked back at each other, then the latter's gaze drifted down the former's arm. Seeing the bite mark, bleeding slightly, she flinched.

"...I've had it with this place," Vegeta grumbled, shutting her eyes. "I never woulda..."

Goku simply patted her on the head, smiling. Vegeta, still, remained furious, but only slightly so.


Pokémon Trainer
Of course, shouting at things doesn't make problems go away. Especially in the problems of mental breakdowns.

The shouting only makes Lilly's crying worse. And, she starts punching the ground... really hard.


Pokémon Trainer
But...for all the crying, Lilly did manage to push out a few cohesive words,
And that's all the coherent words she said.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"I don't know... how would you control a beast like that?"
"We don't know much about Ultra Beasts, so the most important element of something to stand against one is adaptability. If you see, say, a normal Ponyta with it's flames, you can get a good idea of what might be an effective way to beat it. That doesn't go for Ultra Beasts, at least not for the few we know of."

Lillie caught herself biting her lower lip. A bad habit, but neither her mother nor herself could kick it. "S-Someone from my time tried to create a species that could handle that. I didn't go so well, but based on what you said, I think someone from your time tried to recreate it anyways."


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
But...for all the crying, Lilly did manage to push out a few cohesive words,
And that's all the coherent words she said.

It looked like, despite how absolutely bad it went, Vegeta might've kinda sorta maybe got through to the kid. Not likely at all, but that's what she took it as.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Vegeta huffed, still somewhat down, and furious, but not exploding as per her usual. "That was litearlly all you were asked for."

Lil Goku sighed, rolling her eyes and leaving Vegeta alone to go to Lilly's side. She sat down, silent, and gently patted the Wottle's back. "You'll be alright," she said, soft.

Vegeta fell face first onto the ground, of her own choice, mind you. Better that than the mushy softness or angst circling around her.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Lillie caught herself biting her lower lip. A bad habit, but neither her mother nor herself could kick it. "S-Someone from my time tried to create a species that could handle that. I didn't go so well, but based on what you said, I think someone from your time tried to recreate it anyways."
"Create a species!?" Kaz asked, making no attempt to hide the surprise in her voice. "How does someone do that? A-and what do you mean by 'my time'? Nobody in the village has ever created a new species of pokémon, let alone attempt it. Is it because of my nightmares? Because they're just that. Nightmares."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Is there nothing in that human head of yours telling you to stand up for yourself? Do you just wanna sit and cry waiting for someone else to save you?!" Vegeta ranted on. She didn't even know if Lilly could hear her. "I thought humans were strong, but you can't even take a few meaningless fucking words?! Goddamn, what are you, a child?! A baby?! You can't seriously be this fragile, can you?!"

"Grit your teeth! Snap back at me! Hit me! Put up a damn fight!" Vegeta barked.

[[ cw: slight suicidal ideation ]]

The earth muffled the sound of all the shouting, but it still came through to Antares.

It was agonizing to not be there for those in need.

He wanted to do nothing more than smack some sense into that gods-damned Mudkip.

Here, in the earth... it was similar to a tomb. A small, twisted smile crept across his face as he thought of simply withering away beneath the ground. Nobody here would care. They didn't know him as a hero. All they saw was a Garchomp who was too arrogant for his own good.

Perhaps that was truly what he was. Not a hero, but a pathetic wretch. One who deserved nothing more than death.


Pokémon Trainer
It took quite a while, but Lilly could'nt keep crying forever.
Eventually, she just stopped crying.
Turning to Goku, she said; "truth or dare."
all while still hugging Gen.
[ @Fusion ]


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
It was... weird, having to move the game along. Yeah, it's what Goku came here to do, but after everything that's been happening..?

Still, she didn't want to hold anything up any longer. She'd do something simple and easy. "Truth," the Riolu answered, nodding.


Pokémon Trainer
"...Worst thing you ever ate?"

Lilly looked down at the ground.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Again, coming off the heels of everything before now, Lil Goku was caught off guard. She blinked, a blank stare on her face, then stared to snicker. It didn't get much higher than a chuckle before she shook her head and actually answered.

"Vegeta, isn't a good cook. None of our friends are. So, when some of us were stuck in a dungeon overnight and had to make food over a campfire... it didn't end well," Goku began, tilting her head to the side. "Vegeta and my other friend, Tatty, fought over who'd be a "head chef" or whatever, and Vegeta won. She tried to roast seeds and berries over a fire, burnt all of them, then tried to make the berries into a juice, and used a rotten one by mistake."

Goku looked over at the still face down Kipillow, smiling slightly. "I was the first to try it, and right after I was throwing up and wretching everytime I opened my mouth or tried to move." She patted her gut, chuckling again. "I do not want to try that again."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Hoopa rubbed there head. This was supposed to be a fun game! They didn't understand why everyone was so sad all of a sudden! Everyone was screaming and yelling and so much crying. At this rate, his little game would be found out if this kept up.

"HOOOOPPAAAAA!!!"" with a cry, they opened a huge ring in the sky. A massive, shining white lion emerged. Some might recognize it as the alolan deity figure, Solgaleo. Solgaleo glided out and let out a loud, rumbling roar. Yet the sound wasn't at all frightening or terrifying. It simply commanded authority, gently, yet sternly. For many it would remind them of a kind mentor, or the gentle chiding of a good father. The sound rumbled like thunder across the assembled pokemon.

As the rumbling roar faded, Hoopa closed the portal, and the Solgaleo was gone as quickly as it had emerged.

Another ring opened, a smaller one, a white and green fox-like pokemon glided out. A Shaymin, as some might know it. With a little chirping noise, the Shaymin summoned a gentle breeze, tinged with a slight sweet aroma, like lavender and some strange, soothing scent. It would have a slightly calming effect on any distressed, just enough to give them a small reassurance that all would be fine.

Hoopa took a deep breath, now that all had fallen silent. "Hoopa not understand why everyone so upset! Hoopa reminds everyone that Hoopa took them from all kinds of different dimensions. And that just as Hoopa promised when Hoopa asked you to play, you can go back to your home just where you left. Everyone back to their home dimension! So secrets will be secret cause there's no one to tell them to! And just because something happens in one reality-" Hoopa held up a ring and shook it "-doesn't mean your reality isn't safe!" He toosed the ring into the air, creating another portal that the Shaymin swooped into and vanished.

Hoopa grinned and proudly crossed their arms. "Simple interdimensional travel laws!" They expertly twirled a ring on their hand and tossed it up before catching it again. "So there's no need to be too sad! Lets all put on some smiles and have some fun!"
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