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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"They... did what?" Violet whispering, eyes bugging out as she held on Lillie's hand. "...I hope your twin knows what they're doing." She looked away for just a moment, before daring to ask, "Do you think... Kaz might be...?"
"I don't know. I don't think Kaz can be that Null, she doesn't recognize humans at all. Perhaps she's one of the ones who was frozen, and thawed at some point in the future, or perhaps someone found my father's old notes and tried to redo it more successfully. It's impossible to say, really, given... you know."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"I don't know. I don't think Kaz can be that Null, she doesn't recognize humans at all. Perhaps she's one of the ones who was frozen, and thawed at some point in the future, or perhaps someone found my father's old notes and tried to redo it more successfully. It's impossible to say, really, given... you know."
Violet sagely nodded. It was certainly food for thought, but with Hoopa's gathering being as strange as it was, mayhap it was best not to think too hard on the matter.
All the while, Kaz had been watching Lillie climb the tree under Violet's guidance. "You're doing beautifully!" Kaz called out, the cheer returning to her voice. "If you're having trouble getting down, don't be afraid to jump on my back. I should be fine, the both of you look very light!"
...Though it certainly can't hurt to test that theory. "If you insist," Violet said, purposefully letting go to try to land on Kaz. I pray this was not a mistake!


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"It was obvious, you're just thick." Kaz snapped, before finally walking away from Vegemite.

A toothy grin cracked along Vegeta's face as she reached for the tree she punched in half not too long ago. I ain't gonna let someone out to be a liar now, am I?

Lil Goku snapped back to reality, having dozed off, resting her head against Antares. Her aura feels spiked right back up, and that feeling of red had returned. She immediately turned to Vegeta, seeing her lift a tree like a fucking club, and lumber towards Kaz. That wasn't good. That was not good! "Vegeta!" Goku sprung up to her feet, dashing over to Vegeta.

The Swampert heaved the tree over her shoulder, standing strong under it's weight. She'd be able to swing it easy, and she'd just have to swing it once, too. One good swing, that was it. She grabbed hold of the tree with both arms, gripping it tightly. Don't wanna miss, just gotta get rid of that annoying smudge, then the rest of the red with it.

"Vegeta, stop!" Goku called out, but the Swampert was already swinging the tree back. Goku clenched a fist, gritting her teeth and pushing herself faster. "Vegeta!!!"

That was enough to make Vegeta hesitate. That familiar, calming voice. But that hesitation only lasted a moment, and she began to swing the log at that smudge--

Only to stop just shy of striking that annoying smudge from before... A blue smear appeared just in front of her, probably the same smear that had that voice from earlier. The hell was it doing here..?

Slowly, Vegeta blinked, realizing that Goku had jumped in front of her... and that Vegeta herself was holding a... tree? Vegeta let go of the log, shaking her head. "...What just... wait..." Looking up the log, Vegeta saw it was pretty close to Kaz at one end. Which reminded her... "...Did you call me thick?"

Goku deflated, falling to her knees. Thank god...


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
...Though it certainly can't hurt to test that theory. "If you insist," Violet said, purposefully letting go to try to land on Kaz. I pray this was not a mistake!
Kaz was lost thinking about the strange thought she'd just had before she felt something light fall on her back. Craning her neck, she saw Violet recovering from her landing, leaving her to smile. "Is Lillie not going to jump?" she asked, lowering herself so Violet could climb off. "I hope she doesn't get stuck up there," she added concerningly.

Then Vegemite spoke up, ruining Kaz's good mood. Again.

"...Did you call me thick?"
Kaz didn't answer Vegemite's question, instead... "What? Are you deaf as well?" she sneered.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"No, I'm saying that... it's just that "thick" is a compliment where I come from. Like, a lovey dovey bullshit one," Vegeta explained, stepping over the log. "And I know for a fact you didn't mean it like that."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Hoopa had been watching everyone's antics play out with a sense of glee and delight. Everything had gone so well! Well... except for some of the screaming and crying and shouting bits. But even that was fun.

Maybe they could keep doing more-

One of Hoopa's rings trembled, a motion completely imperceptible to anyone, a vibration only they could feel, being so attuned with dimensions and space. Oops. Out of time then. They'd have to send everyone home soon. A regretful flutter passed through Hoopa before they smiled again, genuinely. Who cared! This had really been fun, and there might even be a next time. Just.... not in this little pocket dimension.

"Hoopa says, its probably almost time to go," they said, floating into the middle of the group. "Hoopa can't keep everyone here forever."

And also if they waited too long, Palkia would probably catch on, and they didn't want that.

With a flash and a twirl, Hoopa tossed a large ring behind the group, which swirled with energy. "When everyone ready, Hoopa's ring will send them home. But Hoopa hope to see more friends again sometime! Hoopa had fun!"


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"No, I'm saying that... it's just that "thick" is a compliment where I come from. Like, a lovey dovey bullshit one," Vegeta explained, stepping over the log. "And I know for a fact you didn't mean it like that."
"Let me simplify it for you then," Kaz growled. "You're a half-wit, a simpleton, a moron and I'm a worse person for having met you." Kaz stood at full height again, dwarfing the swampert.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Vegeta crossed her arms, scoffing. "And yet I'm not the obvious freak of nature who thinks she's a horse."

Unfortunately, Hoopa said that their time was beginning to run out. If this was gonna be a fight, they'd need to get this over with fast. Not without, obviously, showing who's actually in charge here. That log from earlier looked like just the right size to be a weapon suiting of Vegeta, so she picked it up with an arm and rested it on her shoulder.

For some reason, it felt like she's already held onto this before. "A shame Hoopa's already ringing the bell, but if you want to discuss this more, then by all means, frankenstein's freak--" Vegeta cracked her neck. "--I'm all ears."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"BE SILENT." Kaz bellowed.

With a shrill cry, Kaz slashed at the swampert's eyes, deeply, with her talons, producing a fine stream of red to cascade from the swampert's face, knocking the log out of her arms in the process. Disable the foe as soon as possible. That was the quickest way to end a fight.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
That red was back, and it was back with a vengeance. The second she lost her eyes, something kind of just snapped. She suddenly felt unbearably hot, like her body was on fire. Her muscles ached, like they were tearing and stretching rapidly, and putting themselves back together. It hurt, it should've been excruciating, but Vegeta didn't mind the pain, or actually, she just couldn't feel it. And the only thought in her mind was to fight.

A powerful roar left the Swampert, and she lunged forward with a powerful swing of her arm. It felt like swinging a boulder, like it was gonna tear right off her, but Vegeta didn't care. All she had to do was fight! Fight! FIGHT!!!


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
A powerful roar left the Swampert, and she lunged forward with a powerful swing of her arm. It felt like swinging a boulder, like it was gonna tear right off her, but Vegeta didn't care. All she had to do was fight! Fight! FIGHT!!!
Kaz dodged swiftly, managing to run behind the swampert's altered form before aiming another slash, this time at her shoulders—dislocate them or shred the tendons. These claws were nowhere near as effective as his axe.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Kaz's attacked didn't even phase Vegeta. She kept the momentum from her first swing, spinning around to swing at Kaz once again. If she was close enough to get a slash in, she was close enough to get swung on in return.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
With her eyes entirely out of the picture, naturally, Vegeta's other senses and instincts got a boost. One could say that her instincts specifically were greatly heightened. Super instincts, perhaps. Maybe even further beyond that, whatever that was. Maximum, maybe? Ultra, perchance?

The Swampert grabbed the talon just as it grazed her neck, holding on so tightly that one might have to tear the entire thing off to get away. Even with that possible advantage, Vegeta didn't let up, slamming her other free arm into Kaz as hard as she possibly could, over and over again.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Kaz yelped as the swampert nearly crushed her talons alongside the relentless pummeling of her sides. It hurt, it hurt it hurt. Kaz almost passed out but the swampert was using both arms, her body was strong, it was made to be durable and Kaz had two forelegs. Unobstructed Kaz slashed again, as deeply as possible, at the same spot with her other set of talons. She also smashed her helmet into the swampert's side for good measure.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
More red. There was more RED! Why wouldn't it just LEAVE HER ALONE!?!

Vegeta reeled back, but kept her grip on Kaz above all else. Even after she was struck in the side by that helmet, Vegeta didn't let go. She HAD to win, then get rid of that suffocating RED once and for all.

With a mighty pull, Vegeta slugged Kaz in the side with all the force she could put behind her strike. The force of it knocked Vegeta onto her stomach. She was sure that did it, but the RED was still there. Vegeta pounded her fist on the ground, growling. Trembling.

Goku snapped awake, a migraine feeling like stones pounding against her head. She looked around, amazed at what she could only assume was Vegeta... who evolved again? And she was fighting... it looked like Kaz. What the hell were they doing?!


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Again, Kaz stumbled, the force of the punch shaking her to her core, nearly knocking her down entirely, but Kaz refused to let up the moment she saw the swampert down. It was a window. An opportunity. With a defiant shriek, Kaz slashed at its head and neck. Over and over and over again.


More slashing ensued. Soon, the swampert was covered in slashes, more red than blue before Kaz stopped, panting over its body. If it dared to move, she would attack again. Anything to protect her friends.


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
There was more, more... The red was never stopping. It was everywhere, it wasn't stopping.

It choked her. It beat her. It slashed her. It crushed her...

It INFURIATED her. To no end.

Watching her friend get brutalized... Goku's expression fell. Whatever was going on, that was her friend. She couldn't just stand there and let that happen. But... she knew she was outclassed, hopelessly so. Just like with all those other super-powered heroes from other worlds, Goku just couldn't match up. "Vegeta! Stay down! Please, listen to me!" Goku cried out, clenching her fists tightly by her side. "Just... stop, we can't... Please..."

Stay down? And what? Just lose? Let the red WIN?

"No..." Vegeta growled, slamming her fist on the ground again as she picked herself up. She held herself up through the overbearing pressure over her. "I am Vegeta, you hear me..? I... don't lose..!" she declared, clenching her fists. She used the rest of the force she could muster to shove as much of the weight off her as possible. It felt liberating.

ETA!!!" The Swampert opened her mouth, and a powerful torrent of water shot out at Kaz, even stronger than her Hydro Pumps from before.

"V-Ve... eget...a..." After that... the Swamperft fell, cold and still. Her body shrank, more and more, even past her Swampert evolution. Eventually, all that was left was a Mudkip.
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Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
The force of the torrent lifted Kaz off her feet but she grabbed onto the swampert's back to keep herself grounded. Still holding on, Kaz reared, lifting the swampert with her, before slamming back down with all her strength, she didn't even notice its reduction in weight or size, she just wanted it to end.


A loud CRACK echoed in the clearing.
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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Goku watched, in awe and in horror, as Vegeta picked herself up, and Kaz dropped her like a stone. The Swam... no, Mudkip, was just... lying there, still. Everything grew silent to Goku; there wasn't a breeze, the waterfall sounded like barely an echo, but the sound of Goku's heartbeat pounded in her ears. Deafening.

"Vegeta..." Goku muttered, slowly lumbering over to the Mudkip. It was getting hard to see, actually... "Hey, Vegeta... we're gonna be late. Slowking asked to meet us... remember? He had something... he wanted to ask..."

The red and purple mound started to turn into a blur. "W-We were gonna learn a new technique, as a... a team. And you promised... to play nice, with Tatty and Rilly... They were... looking forward to it."

Each step felt like it took that much more strength out of the Riolu, and despite her still moving forward, the Mudkip felt like she was miles away. "Y-You always get at me... when I oversleep... s-so it's... only... only fair, i-if..."

"I-If I... it's o-only fair... if I..." the Riolu knelt down besides the purple and red blotch in her vision, resting her paw on it. It was still... kinda warm... "H-Hey, you... you always h-hated when I touched your face, remember? D-Don't tell me... you forgot this time... right?" She waited for a response. And waited... and waited... "C-Come on... V-Ve... Vegeta..."
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