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Pokémon Fledglings


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
V wheel review time! This time for 51.

Of course the Nuzleaf is named Locke, lmao. Gotta feel for them, doing all that work and figuring out where the kids went, only to find out Lyn had already solved it. Leaving then with nothing to show but tardiness.

[The sun beat down over Sormus' desert as a Grumpig in a white scarf with a blue sun pattern hopped along on the sea of sand dunes. He went along the ridge of a dune, scanning his surroundings near the fog of the local Mystery Dungeon in the distance. As the pig carried on, he put more and more distance between himself and the forms of a Hitmonchan and Nuzleaf at the base of the dune, carrying on alone in his search.]
Something about this passage is pinging me as off but I can't place what it is. Maybe it's a bit repetitive or overly wordy? I'm not sure, but figured it was worth mentioning.

[He looked over, and saw both the Nidoran was pinning him down with blows, the Cubone making a swift dash for her club before joining in]
The structure of this sentence is a bit confusing. I think it boils down to the use of “both” making me expect to see Nida and Guardia in the same clause.

Come on guys, chill out. You're gonna make the baby cry!

(Semi) joking aside, this really does read like a Saturday morning cartoon “the protagonists get mad at each other and behave poorly to the detriment of the team. Which makes sense, given the vibe that Fledglings is going for.

The Osmund scene is short and to the point, and I think serves a couple points. First and foremost, it's a quick checkup on the state of Tromba. It also reestablished how strong Marley is (I can't remember but I hope its relevant soon, it would make the reminder more important.) And finally, it serves to confirm Osmund and Salvini’s relation. Which will be relevant beyond what it already is sooner or later, I'm sure.

Mostly irrelevant aside but I ask to satiate my curiosity: if Fledglings had been written in more recent times, i.e around the time of gen 9, would you have made Dirk a kingambit instead of a bisharp? Or would he remain the same?

While I don't expect them to be too actively relevant (aside from one or two particular instances that we’re not too far off from seeing) I do hope to see more of the pirate leadership eventually. I feel like you could fill in whole short stories in their own right with everything Dirk implied when listing off names.

Good scene between Nagant and Hess. Loved seeing Hess be affectionate towards Rodion. I think it makes him feel more likable despite his villain status and some of the more questionable things he does.

I'm kind of surprised Nagant didn't take the boat in for at least some quick repairs. But I imagine her options are limited until they reach Sormus.

I love the scene between Elty and Guardia. It serves to give them a bit of a connection and also reveals a bit about their back stories, even if the touching moment gets cut off prematurely. Would love to see them bond more over their experiences as dungeon mon.

I don't think I have any critiques for this chapter aside from the couple of subjective ones I brought up near the beginning. Maybe there's an argument to be made about the Osmund scene feeling a bit superficial at this specific moment, but without the context of the next chapters I can't be sure of that. There was plenty of plot progression throughout the chapter.

With that said, I'll end off here. Until next time.


Hero in their dreams
They/them, She/her,
Hiya! Here for P-wheel, apologies for the wait. What a coincidence I get this fic after having peeped it for the take on water mechanics, huh? Also I realise I’d started this one before, but it’d been so long that I reread the start, and then up to the end of chapter 3 this time.

There’s been a lot of chapters since I last read, and I like to try and keep things useful, so asking for/expecting rewrites isn’t on the cards here. Not like this fic needs it, anyway – the storytelling is concise, the characters I like, and the basis of the plot has all the intrigues of an adventure, even if it feels a little safe in places. Unlike a lot of stories I’ve read, dungeon mechanics feel quite naturally weaved in too, which is a great plus. The explanation of how they work, and the execution of a dungeon exploration are greatly adapted here, I feel. The fog and the mention of floors throws me off a tad, but it’s worked with here in a way that stops things from feeling too game mechanic-y.

My only real suggestions are small! Since I read a bit later into the story, I know some of these are consistent and perhaps just a bit of a clash with preferred style. Descriptions can get a little long-winded and wordy in places, which ever so slightly slows the pace in some paragraphs. There’s a lot of effort to describe species both before and after they’re introduced, which simply creates hiccups when picturing scenes and the way they go. Some of those epithets were especially awkward (Armaldo described as a crab? It just feels unusual,) and threw me off for a moment or two. And yet at the same time, there were scenes with a lot of names being thrown around without much clarity on who was who at all. I’m confident a balance can be struck, since it isn’t truly hurting this story, only tripping it up a little.

I notice there’s also a few characters in these early parts who make outbursts in other languages. While initially cute since it comes from Nida and family, I feel like it homogenizes the early cast a bit, since it stops being a unique quirk for our main character. I still find myself liking Nida quite a bit, since although she’s very much eager to get out into the world, she doesn’t feel older than she is, like most shonen protagonists make the mistake being. She’s still scares easy and is quite weak, yet doesn’t feel too belittled for it. It’s refreshing to read.

I don’t think there’s much else I can say that would be useful at this point, I’m afraid… that’s talking more at this point, with so much content publish already and stuff.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Gotta feel for them, doing all that work and figuring out where the kids went, only to find out Lyn had already solved it. Leaving then with nothing to show but tardiness.

Well, you almost would, but Ken and Hooke quickly lose their sympathy when you remember that these were the same two that beat up Crom and threw him off Lyn’s ship on Tromba.

Mostly irrelevant aside but I ask to satiate my curiosity: if Fledglings had been written in more recent times, i.e around the time of gen 9, would you have made Dirk a kingambit instead of a bisharp? Or would he remain the same?

I think we’d still have written him as an Eviolite Bisharp. After all, being a pirate and raiding town requires you to be fast and nimble, which Kingambit absolutely aren’t. Plus even as a Bisharp, Dirk is strong enough to get the job done, while the Eviolite makes his defenses better than if he’d evolve.

While I don't expect them to be too actively relevant (aside from one or two particular instances that we’re not too far off from seeing) I do hope to see more of the pirate leadership eventually. I feel like you could fill in whole short stories in their own right with everything Dirk implied when listing off names.

Well, if you’d like to see more of the pirate council, I think you’re in for a nice surprise once you get to the most recent episode :p

Good scene between Nagant and Hess. Loved seeing Hess be affectionate towards Rodion. I think it makes him feel more likable despite his villain status and some of the more questionable things he does.

I'm kind of surprised Nagant didn't take the boat in for at least some quick repairs. But I imagine her options are limited until they reach Sormus.

Glad to hear you liked that scene. While Hess and the Iron Fleet in general aren't exactly heroes, they're definitely meant to give off some comic and endearing vibes, so I’m glad that was coming through. And yeah, sailing to an Imperial Island and getting the ship repaired would have taken a bit too long for her liking. Time’s of the essence when it comes to hunting Pleo after all, so the sooner she gets the prisoner exchange taken care of, the sooner she can go back to focusing on that.

I love the scene between Elty and Guardia. It serves to give them a bit of a connection and also reveals a bit about their back stories, even if the touching moment gets cut off prematurely. Would love to see them bond more over their experiences as dungeon mon.

And really happy to hear you loved this moment as well! The two actually have another moment like this a couple of episodes from now. Not sure if you have already read it during your first readthrough, but I think you’ll like it either way.

With that said, I'll end off here. Until next time.

Thanks for the review! I’ll look forward to your next one. ^^

Hiya! Here for P-wheel, apologies for the wait. What a coincidence I get this fic after having peeped it for the take on water mechanics, huh? Also I realise I’d started this one before, but it’d been so long that I reread the start, and then up to the end of chapter 3 this time.

Thanks for going the extra mile for your P-Wheel! I don't know how much or how far ahead you read in this story, but hopefully this beginning helped give some context into those later chapters you took a peek at.

There’s been a lot of chapters since I last read, and I like to try and keep things useful, so asking for/expecting rewrites isn’t on the cards here. Not like this fic needs it, anyway – the storytelling is concise, the characters I like, and the basis of the plot has all the intrigues of an adventure, even if it feels a little safe in places. Unlike a lot of stories I’ve read, dungeon mechanics feel quite naturally weaved in too, which is a great plus. The explanation of how they work, and the execution of a dungeon exploration are greatly adapted here, I feel. The fog and the mention of floors throws me off a tad, but it’s worked with here in a way that stops things from feeling too game mechanic-y.

We're glad to hear that you had fun with things. Mystery Dungeons in general can be a bit divisive when it comes to incorporating them into the plot of stories, but we're glad to hear that you found our take on them fun to read. Half the fun of making a Pokémon fanfiction in general is taking abstractions and trying to put them into terms that feel like believable events, and it sounds like our efforts paid off for you.

My only real suggestions are small! Since I read a bit later into the story, I know some of these are consistent and perhaps just a bit of a clash with preferred style. Descriptions can get a little long-winded and wordy in places, which ever so slightly slows the pace in some paragraphs. There’s a lot of effort to describe species both before and after they’re introduced, which simply creates hiccups when picturing scenes and the way they go. Some of those epithets were especially awkward (Armaldo described as a crab? It just feels unusual,) and threw me off for a moment or two. And yet at the same time, there were scenes with a lot of names being thrown around without much clarity on who was who at all. I’m confident a balance can be struck, since it isn’t truly hurting this story, only tripping it up a little.

Admittedly some of those hiccups might be early installment weirdness in action since there's been some modest evolution in @Spiteful Murkrow and my writing styles and skills since this fic started, but we'll keep this feedback in mind. It's admittedly a bit hard to zero in on just where you saw issues, so if you have any specific moments that felt particularly egregious to you, hit one of us up with a DM and we'll give it a closer look.

Granted, it might just be differences of authorial style in action, though glad to hear that those hiccups didn't take you out of things too much.

I notice there’s also a few characters in these early parts who make outbursts in other languages. While initially cute since it comes from Nida and family, I feel like it homogenizes the early cast a bit, since it stops being a unique quirk for our main character. I still find myself liking Nida quite a bit, since although she’s very much eager to get out into the world, she doesn’t feel older than she is, like most shonen protagonists make the mistake being. She’s still scares easy and is quite weak, yet doesn’t feel too belittled for it. It’s refreshing to read.

I'm actually curious as to how you'll feel about the language dynamic given a few more chapters down the pipe, since as you might have gathered from your peek ahead in the story, there's more than one local language floating around. Though it was heartening to hear that Nida made a good impression on you, and it'll be fun to see how you react to the rest of the cast as it progressively fills in.

I don’t think there’s much else I can say that would be useful at this point, I’m afraid… that’s talking more at this point, with so much content publish already and stuff.

Thanks for the review! It was a fun read.
Chapter 84: Into the Lion's Den

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie

The day after Commissioner Bunsen's fleet fled Tromba Island, the sound of hurried footsteps rang out in the halls of the top floor of the Company's headquarters in Canalhouse City. There, Lyn hurriedly rounded the corner for the final stretch to the Board's meeting room, still damp from having swum through the city's canals to the central office. He'd been summoned by a messenger sent by Administrator Farn, who had instructed him to arrive as soon as possible for a matter of life and death importance. With his fate as a Company Commissioner already precarious, Lyn didn't question the matter even while throwing the doors open and hurrying in, coming to a stop just past the doorway to catch his breath as the guards on duty closed the doors behind him.

"I came as soon as I received your summons, Administrator Farn," the Samurott said. "What's going on?"

Lyn looked up and paused after seeing that the entire Board had gathered together, all five of its members focused on a Roserade with a Second-Rank scarf that stood before their table and turned with a start at Lyn barging in. The Samurott's sudden arrival drew the attention of Inler and his Administrators, the Nidoking motioning for Lyn to come nearer as he spoke up.

"There's been a bit of a situation, Commissioner Lyn," Inler replied. "Officer Sicula just came back with what's left of the fleet dispatched to Tromba. Darzin brought the matter to our attention."

'What's left of it'?" Lyn asked. "What happened out there?"

"As I was mentioning earlier, Commissioner Bunsen received a summons from Administrator Farn," Sicula insisted. "She had dispatched us with a small fleet to go ambush a pirate crew and resettle some troublemakers from Tromba."

Lyn raised a brow at the Roserade's answer, before noticing that Farn's face had tightened into a deepening scowl that was leveled square at the Grass-Type.

"I'd like to remind you that I dispatched Commissioner Marsden for that purpose," the Luxray growled. "I still don't understand how it was Bunsen who wound up going in his stead."

The Roserade hesitated a moment, before casting a sidelong glance at Darzin over at his place at the Board's table. After biting her tongue, Sicula shook her head and spoke up with a grudging sigh.

"I… don't have an explanation for that, Administrator," she said. "All I know is that Commissioner Bunsen received those orders and relayed them to us accordingly."

Lyn approached Inler and the other Pokémon, twitching his whiskers irritably as he looked at Sicula with an unimpressed frown.

"Regardless of how that confusion happened, this should've been a straightforward mission," the Samurott huffed. "Why are you here, and why is Commissioner Bunsen not giving this report?"

"Because he was blown over the horizon," the Roserade insisted.

Alarmed looks went about the gathered Pokémon, as even Elilan and Inler seemed to tense up at Sicula's account. Zorn shifted in the water, before craning his head down to the Grass-Type with a disbelieving stare.

"I'm sorry, blown over the horizon?!" the Gyarados asked. "How on earth did that happen?!"

"Er… well, we were making good progress on our mission up until yesterday, when those three Protectors showed up with a small army and ruined everything," Sicula explained. "We did our best to hold the line, but were forced into a tactical retreat."

"You never did explain who those Pokémon were," Inler said, narrowing his eyes with a stern scowl. "Who exactly are we dealing with here, Officer Sicula?"

Sicula fell silent and uncomfortably pawed at her shoulder with one of her blooms, the Roserade hesitating briefly before speaking up again.

"Well for starters, there was Manaphy of all Pokémon, who attacked our ships in Tromba's harbor with an- er… several ocean clans," she answered. "There was also some sort of strange green dog that claimed to be the Protector of Conntow, and a long-necked bird with silvery-white feathers that said he was the Protector of Tromba."

The Board's members grimaced at Sicula's reply, with Lyn visibly freezing at the mention of 'Manaphy' and Elilan digging his claws into the table at the mention of the 'Protector of Conntow'. Inler paid keen attention to the latter's reaction, and was about to open his mouth to speak when Farn cut in with an incredulous outcry.

"Director, what's going on here?!" the Luxray demanded. "How did we suddenly go from one Protector to three?!"

"It appears that our little seabird's been searching for help," Inler sighed. The Nidoking shook his head a moment, before turning his attention to his peers with a serious tone.

"And it's imperative that he's brought back as soon as possible."

Sicula's eyes widened in surprise, as she looked at Inler and his subordinates in startled confusion.

"H-Huh?! What are you talking about?!" the Roserade cried. "You mean that you knew there'd be other Protectors out there?!"

"That's not relevant. What is relevant is Commissioner Bunsen's current location," Elilan snapped. "Even if Lugia used his powers against him, I highly doubt he just disappeared. If he survived, he'd have knowledge of how far Lugia and these new allies of his have progressed. Surely you would have found some sign of him by now."

Sicula blanched and hemmed and hawed for a brief moment, before grudgingly speaking up in reply.

"We… just didn't have any luck finding him afterwards," she insisted. "We're still assuming he's just missing in action for now, but it's almost as if he really did just vanish."

Darzin blinked at Sicula's explanation and moved a claw to his mouth in thought. Before any of his peers could press the matter, Farn interrupted the proceedings by getting up and shooting a sharp glare over at the Roserade.

"None of this explains why I'm not getting this report from someone on Commissioner Marsden's crew, though," she huffed. "Much less why my signature ended up on an order I never issued."

"Well, we did have an Imperial spy interfere with a mission we recently assigned," Zorn mused. "Perhaps this mixup was also his doing?"

Sicula cast a nervous glance over at Darzin briefly, before turning back to the Gyarados with an uneasy nod

"I… suppose that would be the simplest explanation for what happened," she said, prompting Inler to train his attention over to Lyn with a stern gaze.

"Now do you see why you were summoned here, Commissioner Lyn?" the Nidoking pressed.

"Yes," Lyn answered. "And I'm more than ready to go and confront the Guardian of the Seas and those new friends he's drawn out."

"Eh?! After we just got rout- er… forced to withdraw?!" Sicula exclaimed. "What could your crew do that we couldn't?"

"We'd see to it that a superior force is sent this time around," Inler retorted. "The only question that remains, is when you are ready to depart, Commissioner Lyn."

Lyn said nothing for a moment, before narrowing his eyes and nodding back to the Nidoking.


After leaving Tromba Island, Team Traveller's members spent their day rotating between duties on the Siglo Swellow, wiling away idle time with things like playing card games or seagazing, and taking turns reading the volume of the Knights' Ledger. In the later stretches of afternoon, as the sun began to drift further and further towards the horizon, Nida found herself back in the sleeping quarters where the Ledger had been stashed for safekeeping. There, much as she had on prior days, she spent her time poring over its contents, as her eyes darted back and forth over lines of runes written on weathered paper.

She had just reached a section that described how Cernun's egg had been brought to Conntow a little over 40 years ago, where it was spirited to the island's main Mystery Dungeon that had been converted into a military installation sometime before the passages were written. There, the egg underwent some sort of inspection alongside two others, before the three eggs began to be taken every now and then to a lab in Middleguard City. There were records of tests performed to try and draw a reaction from the eggs, subjecting them to changes in sound, temperature, and even weak exposures to Pokémon's elements such as with the likes of Pokémon's Static and Flame Body abilities. In spite of all their efforts, the researchers' activities seemingly failed to accomplish anything of note, until one of the passages in the tome caught Nida's eye, which she began to read aloud:

"We brought the Voice of Life's egg out of storage in the dungeon base and into the laboratory at Middleguard City today. I couldn't for the life of me understand at first why Queen Erna insisted on doing so on such short notice given how much of a hassle it is to move it securely, but after we probed it at the lab and stimulated it, we saw it.

Just like last time, the egg stirred. Much like one of ours might when the hatchling inside has begun to take form. We're not certain why the egg only has shown this activity outside of the Mystery Dungeon, but we presented our findings to Queen Erna along with our hypothesis that even after being cleared for military usage, the Distortion of the Mystery Dungeon may be inhibiting the eggs' development.

Queen Erna has insisted that we perform further experiments of this nature, especially on the other two eggs. The three awakening to take their rightful places guarding Anyilla is a matter of strategic importance, and if there is any way to coax them to awaken sooner, it could mean the difference between this realm standing strong as the world beyond this sea is restored, or being swallowed up as a vassal of Linglan or Garanza."

Nida lifted her paw and flipped the page, only to pause and double take after noticing the handwriting of the runes had abruptly changed. The Nidorina blinked for a moment, before furrowing her brow in confusion.

"… Qué?"

Nida looked down blankly at the page, and noticed just from a glance that the text on the subsequent ones had passing mentions of dates fifteen years after the last date she'd seen in the journal. The Nidorina leafed back to the prior page and noticed the two sets of writing were on opposite sides of the same page, with none missing or obviously torn out from the Ledger. She paused and twitched her whiskers puzzledly, wondering why there could've been such a large change, before she pinned her ears back and sighed to herself.

"… Maybe I should take a break," Nida murmured. "I've been at this longer than I thought."

The Nidorina closed the tome and pulled back a few loose floorboards to reveal the lid of a chest underneath. Nida opened the chest, before carefully putting the Ledger back into it and dutifully covering everything up again, taking a moment to stretch her limbs and head out of the sleeping quarters. She walked down the hallway, passing the glowmoss-lit jars that illuminated it as the timbers creaked from the Siglo Swellow bobbing along the waves. The Poison-Type's thoughts drifted off as she thought about being away from Tromba and her family once again, when she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Kline in his dog-like Forme walking ahead.

"Oh, Kline!"

Nida bounded up behind the Zygarde as he turned back to face her. As she neared, the Nidorina tilted her head puzzledly at the Dragon-Type's appearance.

"You still haven't changed back?" she asked. "I thought that you normally preferred your smaller Forme that didn't require you to fuse with your Cells."

"I actually prefer the one that's made up of half of them, but it's fairly large and would draw too much attention," Kline replied. "This Forme here is actually the one that Micky was always the most fond of…"

The Zygarde trailed off wistfully a moment, before shaking his head to clear his mind and continuing on.

"Anyway, transforming between my Formes isn't exactly a subtle process," he explained. "Given that we're about to sneak into the Company's capital and poke around a few places that I'm not fully sure even have the Ledger, I figured that it was best to stay in this Forme in case we have to fight our way out."

"Hmm. I suppose that makes sense," Nida murmured, prompting Kline to tilt his head back puzzledly.

"You seem a bit lost in your thoughts, Nida," the Zygarde said. "Did you discover anything new during your readings this time?"

Nida shuffled her feet uneasily and pawed at the timbers, before speaking up in reply.

"Well, I came to this part in the Ledger where things just… changed suddenly," she said. "One moment, it was talking about moving Cernun's egg out of storage in Conntow's Mystery Dungeon to try and hatch it faster, but then all of a sudden it jumps ahead fifteen years. I… admittedly didn't look that closely, but I didn't see any mention of it again afterwards."

The Nidorina closed her eyes and flattened her ears, giving a low sigh to herself before turning back to Kline.

"I'm just having some trouble making sense of what happened there."

"Well, the Great Calamity did for starters, so it's only logical that the initial entries would end abruptly," Kline offered. "As for the sudden shift, we know that the Empire put the volume it recovered back into use for recording their findings. Given that you found this one with Cernun, I'd presume that it has details of the experiments he was put through."

"I suppose that makes sense, but… does that mean that the Company wrote stuff about you in their part of the Ledger after they got it?" the Nidorina asked, making Kline fall silent and blink for a moment before warily speaking up.

"… What makes you say that?"

"When I'd read through the Ledger earlier, I noticed some parts that mentioned that there were three eggs that were being researched," Nida explained. "If Cernun's egg was one of them and Yveltal is now on Conntow… then wouldn't the other two eggs be hers and yours, Kline? Especially since you're Conntow's Protector."

"That's correct, yes. But I doubt you'll find much about me in the Company's part of the Ledger since it was focused on Yveltal. Her egg was brought from Nagrobek to Conntow much as Cernun's was from Mengir," the Zygarde answered. "Frankly, you're fortunate that you never set foot on Nagrobek during your travels. Like Mengir, it's not a particularly pleasant place to visit."

"I guess that would explain things," she muttered, flattening out her ears. "Still, knowing that you got experimented on even before you were hatched must get to you sometimes."

"It is what it is, I suppose," Kline sighed. "I don't remember any of it and I'm more concerned about the present than the past. After all, the island I'm supposed to protect is a lifeless husk while Micky is captured and Elilan and his underlings are still trying to hunt me down."

"Ah! Nida!"

Nida and Kline turned around, where they saw Pleo approaching them as Charlie and Marilyn drifted past. The young Lugia was still dyed purple from their departure from Tromba, darting up with his wings spread wide for attention.

"We're almost ready to start serving dinner! Come and eat with us!" the Lugia chirped. "And you should come too, Kline! Even if you eat sunlight, it's always fun to gather around a table with friends!"

Pleo motioned for the two to follow, before pulling his wings back in and hurrying off. Kline and Nida glanced at each other, when the Zygarde curled his muzzle into a small smile and spoke up.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go along," he said. "Were you planning on having dinner when meal service starts or later on?"

Nida's mind turned back towards the Ledger and began to open her mouth to decline the Zygarde's offer, when she suddenly heard her stomach growl. The Nidorina looked down at her belly, before back up at Kline who stared at her, having obviously heard the growl just as well as she did. The Poison-Type paused, before sheepishly moving a paw to the back of her head.

"Ahehe… eating now's probably not that bad of an idea…" Nida replied. "Come on, let's go see what they've got."

As dawn broke the day after the Siglo Swellow departed Tromba Island, Team Traveller's members gathered at the bow and watched as rolling hills and a hulking set of walls made of dull-red bricks came over the horizon. The ramparts had been built along a line of barrier islands set back a ways from the shoreline, with warehouses and structures in the foreground coming into view as the ship neared.

Nida and her companions inhaled sharply as the Siglo Swellow approached the walls, a casual glance at the top of the ramparts revealing guards tending wooden cannons aimed out to sea and large cauldrons that they assumed to be filled with seafire much as the ones in Tidemill City were. Nerea and Dimitri's ocean clan had shadowed the ship at a distance to lend aid if needed, up until the final stretch where they broke off to lie in wait. While it had already been agreed that the Khranitel Rod would be of most use there to help them if the ship had to make a hasty escape, with what lay ahead of them, it made the lot wonder if for all their planning, there was anything the ocean clan could do if the worst came to pass.

A cloud of tension hung about the deck as a party led by a Milotic in Company garb sized up the ship, before waving them along. At Captain Beatrix's direction, the schooner continued on, sailing past Vollezee's coastal ramparts and into its famed lagoon, where the sight after clearing the walls drew a startled cry from Pleo.

"Ah! Look at all the buildings!"

There, on an array of islets was a veritable forest of spindly, gabled buildings painted in colors not unlike Mossaisle Town's buildings. While the lot stared forward, Pladur gave a quick explanation of some of the features of Canalhouse City, including a mention of how it was large enough to house all of Bluewhorl Town's Pokémon numerous times over. As the ship neared, the Fraxure raised a claw off into the distance and pointed out some of the features about the lagoon as they came into view.

There was the aqueduct and bridge over the ship channel between the shoreline and the city's islets, which afforded Pokémon both terrestrial and aquatic passage into the districts that had been built onshore as part of the city's expansion under the Company and the interior of the island. A little ways to the east of the city, the fog of a Mystery Dungeon bunched up into a column and spread out over a patch of lagoon water connected by a thin, sandy path that winded out from shore from a large base flying Company banners. Elsewhere in the lagoon, other islets scattered about were set back from the city's main cluster and had been less built-up, with some still unsettled with sedges and stray trees on them.

The Siglo Swellow made its way forward into a central canal that snaked through the city, wherever Team Traveller's members looked, whether in the skies above, in the water among passing watercraft, or on lanes along the canals, everyplace seemed to teem with Pokémon just as colorful as the mass of buildings all around them. The schooner followed the canal, passing monuments in the distance and a large arena built right along the water until they reached a keystone-shaped channel where a large number of ships with lavender sails had been docked. Beatrix leaned against the tiller and turned the ship to port, the escorts churning the water and air to push the ship into place at an open spot near the harbor's entrance.

After quickly tying down the ship and dropping the gangplank, Team Traveller and Team Zephyr's members made their way off, shuffling past the docks as Pleo ruffled his dyed feathers and gaped at the surrounding canalhouses that gave the city its name. Tidemill City had been large and imposing when he was present even from the little snatches he was able to see during his captivity and the team's hectic flight from it. But to actually be waddling along in a city like it at ground level, in the thick of this forest of buildings and Pokémon…

"It just keeps going on and on…"

"That's Canalhouse City for you. It's grown and been built up a lot since my dad was little, but just seeing it again really takes me back," Percy replied. "Why, I'm pretty sure that even Tidemill City isn't this big."

The Gliscor's eyes seemed to take on a wistful gleam briefly, as Ander peered off at the surrounding cityscape for a moment and fidgeted, uneasily tapping his scythes together with a quiet murmur.

"I sure hope we'll be able to pull this off…" he murmured. "Things got far too close for us in Tidemill for my liking."

"Älä huoli! The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" a Gabite's voice piped.

"Yeah, and with us covering your backs, you're sure to do better!" a Vibrava's joined in.

Team Traveller and their companions turned around, spotting Pyry and Pekka following along proudly puffing out their chests. Nida flattened her ears out, before turning over to Elty with a dubious frown.

"Did those two really have to come along?" the Nidorina grumbled.

"I mean, they have looked out for me since I was a pup," Elty replied. "And since when was having an extra set of helping paws a bad thing?"

"As long as they help and don't get us into trouble, it's fine," Kiran sighed. "Bueno, ahora qué? Where exactly do we go from here?"

Team Traveller's members traded blank stares with one another, before Crom pawed at the back of his head and started to speak up.

"Well, we have an idea of where the Ledger is don't we?" the Druddigon asked. "Kline mentioned a few places last night where he thought it might be, like that 'Academy' place. So let's go and get a feel for what those areas are like."

"Hold on," Alice interrupted. "There's something important we need to take care of first."

The gathered party raised their brows back at Alice, noting that her face had curled into a stern frown and the tone of her voice had turned deadly serious. Dimitri blinked and hesitated, wondering just what could have so suddenly changed the Sneasel's demeanor.

"Huh? But just what could that be?" the Kabutops wondered. "I thought we already went over our plans back on the ship."

"You'll see," Alice said. "It's one of those things that could make or break this mission."

A few worried glances went about the group as Percy and Calidus seemed visibly surprised. Kline looked at Alice and gave a skeptical tilt of his head as Kiran stepped forward.

"I mean, if you're sure about this, Alice…" the Swellow said, prompting Alice to nod back sharply.

"I am," the Sneasel insisted. "Just stick tight and follow me. I'll look around to see where it is…"

Alice moved forward and made her way for the harbor's exit, following the course of a nearby canal. After a moment's hesitation, Team Traveller and their companions followed along, curiously eyeing the Dark-Type and wondering to themselves what it was that was so important for her to drag them off into the middle of the city.

Alice's guidance took Team Traveller and their companions along a course following Canalhouse City's central canal, snaking over bridges between islets as the Sneasel led her companions forward. Every now and then, she'd stop to look at her surroundings, seemingly in search of whatever it was she'd led them off to find, only to pin her ears back annoyedly and continue on. All the while, Pleo found himself mesmerized and constantly gawking around at his surroundings.

The canal's water was a continuous churn of activity with swimming Pokémon, little rafts and narrow boats needling through it, and even a few that curiously seemed like little platforms for Pokémon to sit and stand on that were tugged by pulling swimmers. A few times, the little Protector wished he could hop into the water to join the colorful parade of passersby, only for a glance back at his purple-dyed plumage to remind him of Hatteras' warning to avoid getting wet for too long. He supposed there'd be plenty of time to go swimming once they were on an island that wasn't teeming with potential enemies…

For the city's part, there was no shortage of curiosities on land between all the shops and stalls crammed at street level along the canals and lanes. After Alice reached a tall, arched bridge over the central canal, the team crossed it where they saw a large building at the other end plastered with posters bearing curious titles such as My Fair Misdreavus and For a Few Boldores More. After asking, Percy explained that the building was some sort of 'theater' where Pokémon played pretend for the amusement of others, which made the young Protector wonder if someday they'd be able to go to one.

After turning down an overland lane, Alice led the group into a plaza where the sound of whistling music and jingling coins pricked Pleo's earholes, making him look off to his left to see a Golett turning a crank next to a colorful array of pipes decorated with figures of sea Pokémon and a Mr. Rime shaking a small cup that rattled with coins to the rhythm of the pipes' tune. Pleo waddled up to the pair, fishing a Poké coin from a pouch his teammates had given him and depositing it in the Mr. Rime's cup that drew a cheerful 'Dank je wel' in reply, before Elty rolled his eyes and came over to drag him back to the rest of the group. After rejoining his teammates, Pleo noticed the others had started growing restless from their journey, with Kline shooting an irritated scowl over to the leading Sneasel.

"Alice, just where are we going?" the Zygarde questioned.

"I already told you," Alice chided. "Somewhere important."

"Do you even know where this supposedly important thing is?" the Dragon-Type demanded. "Since it looks to me like you've just been wandering around aimlessly for the past fifteen minutes!"

"I'll know it when I see it," the Sneasel retorted, giving a dismissive wave of her claw back. "Just trust me."

Percy sighed and shook his head, before looking at Alice with an unimpressed frown.

"Look, whatever this is, maybe you should let me, Kline, or Calidus lead everyone around? You're the only one of us who has never been here before," the Gliscor said, prompting Alice to scoff back.

"Eh, don't worry abou- Oh! I think I found it!"

Alice lifted a claw and pointed off past a bridge ahead of them, where right next to the water was a small stand with a striped awning staffed by a Meganium. On the counter was a small pot, a press over a small fire, and a dull, ceramic knife that had been stained a golden brown that the Grass-Type was wiping off with a cloth in between her vines. Nida blinked and tilted an ear back puzzledly, before shooting a dubious glance at the Sneasel.

"Wait, isn't that just some food stand?" the Nidorina asked.

"It's not just some food stand," Alice insisted. "It's one that sells stroopwafels!"

The Sneasel eagerly darted up to the stand, drawing the attention of its Meganium proprietor with an eager wave. Team Traveller's members watched Alice excitedly chat up the Grass-Type, before trading confused glances with one another.

"What are 'stroopwafels'?" Guardia murmured.

The Cubone turned expectantly over to Team Zephyr's members, only to see that their moods had taken a turn for the worse. Percy had buried his face in a claw, while Calidus looked much as if someone had sprayed a Water Gun in his face. Kline seemed even more agitated, as he angrily grumbled under his breath before storming over to the stand. Team Traveller's members looked at each other before following along, the lot picking up on the smell of something resembling caramel, along with snippets of Alice's conversation with the shopkeeper right as she was finishing her order.

"We'll take fifteen of them!" the Sneasel exclaimed.

"Oh! It smells really nice!" Pleo chirped, coming to a starry-eyed stop right beside the stand. Alice glanced over at the young Protector for a moment, before turning back to the Meganium proprietor with a small smile.

"And can you give the first one to my bird friend here?" she added. "It's his first time trying out a stroopwafel."

"Alice! What is the meaning of this?!" Kline snapped. "You said we had something important to take care of!"

"Well, you can't expect us to do a mission on an empty stomach, can you?" she teased, curling her mouth up into an impish smile. "Besides, with how much Percy went on about stroopwafels in the past, what better time to try them out then when things are still quiet?"

Percy let out a low grumble to himself about "I might as well go visit my family at this rate". Calidus was hardly impressed himself, though Kline was the most livid of the lot, as he narrowed his eyes into a sharp glare and grit his teeth in visible frustration.

"Alice, of all the immature, shortsighted, and stupid things you could've-"

"Mmm! It's so yummy!"

Kline blinked at Pleo's happy bird noises, turning to see him happily tearing into a disc-shaped set of wafers sandwiching a syrupy layer in between. The Zygarde turned back to Alice, who shot a smug smirk back at her teammate.

"Well someone likes it, at least," she said. "Maybe you should just be less jealous about not being able to eat any."

Kline growled and turned his snout up with a sharp huff as Percy stepped forward towards the counter with a resigned sigh.

"Well, we're here anyway and the stroopwafels are already being made," he said. "So I guess we might as well take a moment to enjoy them."

The group made their way up where Alice slid a small bag of her team's coins across the counter to the Meganium, who counted them much to Kline's visible displeasure. After making change, the shopkeeper passed the rest of the stroopwafels off one by one to each of the party's members. As the Grass-type handed the snacks out, Guardia took one and eyed it curiously while the group made their way down the street and stopped at a stone-capped well in the center of a small square.

After taking a seat on the well's stone cap, Guardia sniffed at the snack's wafers, which sandwiched a central filling that had a texture and appearance like honey. After a moment's hesitation, she bit down into it and chewed over the piece. The Cubone's eyes lit up as a sweet taste filled her mouth, prompting her to greedily tear into it and happily gobble up the rest of the pastry when she noticed a Buizel looking at her as she passed, followed by a Sunflora that did much the same, and then a Drizzile that similarly stared while walking past. Guardia blinked puzzledly for a moment, wondering if she had perhaps made a mess while eating, when the Cubone paused and looked around. A quick glance about her surroundings made it apparent that she and her teammates were taking up a good amount of space around the well, and were fairly hard to miss for anyone passing by.

"Uhh… aren't we taking a bit of a risk gathering like this while we're searching for the Ledger?" Guardia asked.

"Eh, not like a 'mon here's never seen a group eating before," Elty replied.

"Maybe so, but Guardia might be onto something," Calidus said. "We don't exactly have a small area to search and sixteen Pokémon in Company scarves all together does draw quite a bit of attention…"

The group fell silent at the Talonflame's words, as Pleo uncomfortably gulped down another mouthful of his stroopwafel and shuffled his wings.

"I suppose that's a fair point…" the Lugia murmured. "Maybe it makes sense to split up into two groups?"

"Eh? Why only two?" Pladur asked. "We have more than two areas to search, don't we?"

"We do, but this is the Company's capital," Kiran said. "If we got into a pinch, the extra monpower could be the difference between making it back to the ship or being stuck on this island."

"Well, whatever the groups are, we want to be with Eltenios'," Pyry chimed in. "We've had each others' backs for years, so there's no reason to change things up now."

Nida blinked at the Gabite's insistence, before looking over at Crom and piping up adamantly.

"If we're picking teammates, then I want to be on Crom's team."

"Me too! Me too!" Pleo added.

"Simmer down already!"

The gathered Pokémon turned to see Kline giving a frustrated stomp of his feet, before shaking his head irritably.

"If we make this a free-for-all of joining friends, we'll wind up sorting ourselves into disorganized teams," he huffed. "So let's sit down and approach this in an orderly fashion."

Team Traveller's members fell silent, trading wary looks with one another after their initial sparks of inspiration were abruptly snuffed out. Pekka gave a dubious tilt of his head back, shooting an insistent stare back at the dog-like Protector.

"Well, how do you suggest we split up then?" the Vibrava pressed.

"For starters, me and Pleo should be on opposite teams for the same reason we split up at the dojo on Tromba," Kline insisted. "If one group runs into trouble, then they'll always have a Protector on their team."

"Well… can I be on a team with Nida and Crom?" Pleo asked. "I mean, we were just talking about it earlier and we do fight really well together."

Kline paused as Pleo stared back at him with wide eyes and a quivering beak, the Zygarde sighing before letting out a low grumble.

"… I suppose that's fine then," he said, as Elty began to pace over towards Pleo's side.

"I guess that means that I oughta join, too-"

"Hold it, Eltenios."

Elty felt a gentle prod at his shoulder, prompting him to turn and see Guardia poking at him with her club.

"I think that Kline would probably be better off with us on his team," the Cubone said. "Since he's not going to transform here, it wouldn't do him any good if he didn't have anyone small enough to squeeze into and search around tight places."

The Growlithe fell silent and blinked back, before shuffling back with his ears pinned back flusteredly.

"… Point."

"Well we still want to be on his team," Pyry said.

"Yeah, we really do work best as a group!" Pekka chittered.

Kline curled his muzzle down into a sour frown, before Alice slung her arm around the Zygarde and shot a teasing smile at him.

"Ah come on, Kline, they'll add plenty of color to your team," the Sneasel reassured. "Why I'll even help direct them!"

Kline looked away with an exasperated sigh, as Pladur stepped forward uneasily fidgeting with his claws.

"Well… I would like to keep an eye on my son," the Fraxure said. "Would that be alright, Pleo?"

"Of course!" the Lugia insisted. Pladur's expression grew more confident as he made his way over to Pleo's group. From the side, Kiran sized up the young Lugia's team, before following along and ruffling his feathers.

"I suppose I could also step in for Pleo's group as the team leader…" the Swellow murmured.

"And I as the guardian knight!" Trizano chimed in.

The Skarmory proudly strutted forward and fanned out his feathers with a beaming grin. Kiran frowned back at the Steel-Type, hoping that surely Pleo could be dissuaded after getting in a word, when he was abruptly cut off by an excited chirp.

"Oh! That's a great idea!" Pleo exclaimed. "Come along, Trizano!"

Kiran buried his face in a wing as Trizano stepped forward with a cheerful nod and went up to Pleo. On the side, Percy and Calidus turned back to Kline and stepped forward as the Gliscor of the pair spoke up.

"I suppose that we'd obviously be sticking with-"


The two Flying-Types blinked in confusion as Kline cut in. After a moment's pause, both Percy and Calidus traded hesitant looks with each other, right as Kline turned over to Pleo and began to explain himself.

"No offense, Pleo, but not all of us are as seasoned as each other," the Zygarde explained. "It's imperative that we don't put all of our veteran talent on one team while leaving the other to fend without it. Percy and Calidus would do the most good helping your team out there."

"… Are you alright with that, Pleo?" Calidus asked.

"Sure!" the Lugia insisted. "Though where will Dimitri and Ander go then?"

"Well, if we joined Kline's group, we should be evenly matched in numbers," Dimitri said. "Wouldn't that be the logical move there?"

Ander hesitated and tapped his scythes together uneasily before giving an askew glance back at the Kabutops.

"… Shouldn't we be asking him that, Dimitri?" he asked.

"I don't see why that is needed when it's the best decision tactically," Kline said. "Welcome aboard, you two. Though let's get moving, we've got a long search ahead of us."

Kiran raised a brow back at the Zygarde, the ends of his mouth settling into a puzzled frown.

"Where do we start, though?" the Swellow asked. "Since you said there were a few places you thought it might be at."

Kline paused for a moment and thought to himself, before turning in place and nosing off towards a clock tower off in the distance.

"I'll lead my team over to check around the Academy, while your group can check the Museum," he suggested. "The two of them are relatively close by, so we can regroup and share our findings afterwards. If there's anywhere in those places the Ledger could be hidden, I'm sure we'll notice something."

The others murmured in agreement as the few remaining stroopwafels among the group were finished off before the two teams split apart. Dimitri watched as Pleo and his teammates carried on up ahead, before the Kabutops shifted his attention and kept a close eye on their surroundings as both groups drifted away from each other and into the crowds among the city's islets.

About half an hour later, Kline's party found itself in the middle of a complex of long, stone buildings centered around a square central structure that straddled a pair of islets linked by two arched bridges. The place was a school used by the Company to train the new generations of its higher ranks, and one of the places where Kline suspected the red tome of the Knights' Ledger could've been moved to. After gathering in the shade of a Haxorus statue in the inner courtyard of the central building, the Zygarde and his team set off in a circular search pattern about the central building and the adjacent streets and canals.

The group began their search south of the central building, where on their way over they came across a bustling hallway crammed with stalls hawking books and Pokémon wearing lavender scarves, many of them curiously lacking any pattern on them at all. After looking around, the eight quickly realized that there was no sign of any obviously reinforced or set-back space that might hint at the location of a hiding place for the Ledger's tome, prompting them to move along and dutifully follow along the exterior of the building in a clockwise course. Along their search route, the lot passed watercraft and Pokémon swimming along in the canal, with stone bridges that linked the islet of the central structure with those of its satellite buildings, along with additional bridges in the air above them that zipped directly between the buildings like strands of a Spinarak's web… but with no sign of anything of interest from the building's brick walls, barring a window here or there that had been opened to let in a refreshing sea breeze.

By the time the group made it to the east of the building and the buildings’ features started to repeat themselves from symmetry, there were still no signs of a place where a hidden chamber might be. All the while, Elty began to grow impatient from their lack of progress, when he finally looked up at Kline with a tilt of his head.

"Didn't you already try to find the Ledger here with your Cells before, Kline?" the Growlithe asked. "Just what exactly are we supposed to be looking for here?"

"Something that doesn't add up with these buildings. I know I've overheard talk before that the Ledger is kept here," Kline replied. "That said, I can't for the life of me figure out where it is or if it's even still here. And I combed everywhere my Cells could reach in search of it."

Pyry and Pekka traded puzzled looks with one another, before turning back to the Zygarde with wary raises of their brows.

"… I mean, how would we know if what we're looking at doesn't add up?" Pyry questioned. "We've never been here before and it's not as if there'd just be a sign labeled 'Secret Room' or something."

"Yeah, and it's not as if we can just dig until we find something here," Pekka added. "Even if it wouldn't draw attention, this city's built on a bunch of glorified särkät and all of the lanes are paved. It'd literally be impossible for us to do that."

The group had no answer to the pair's question as they continued along their route and mulled to themselves over what they could do. After hearing vague snatches of talk of something about the 'Sigillating Wars' carry on the winds, Ander froze and tensed up before looking at a nearby window, where he could see an elderly Torterra inside in front of a blackboard, with Pokémon seated in front of her. Kline did mention that this place was a giant school… so if there really was a part of the Knights' Ledger here, with everything going on inside these buildings, would it really be sufficient just to look about their exteriors?

"… Maybe it makes sense to try looking around inside some of these buildings?" Ander proposed. "If we're not having any luck with our current strategy, maybe we should try a different tack."

Guardia raised a brow at the Scyther's words, moving her club close to her chest as she shook her head back.

"Eh? Won't we stick out like sore thumbs though?" the Cubone replied. "I mean, this is essentially a big grounds for lore-giving, isn't it? How can just poking around not draw-?"

"Everyone, fall back!" Kline hushed.

The group watched as Kline hastily ducked back behind the steps and hurried to join him, before they all looked warily around the corner. Kline pointed off at the entrance at their top, where much to everyone's surprise, they saw the form of a Dragonite in a Company Administrator's scarf storming out and fuming to himself.

"… Isn't that Administrator Darzin?" Dimitri asked. "What on earth is he doing here?"

"Administrator Darzin's had a bit of a… change of duties after he lost control of Tromba," Kline whispered. "I haven't seen him that much of him in the past, but the Board seems to use him often as their personal messenger."

Alice poked her head out further from behind her cover, watching as Darzin continued on grumbling under his breath. After noticing the Dragon-Type remained distracted from his surroundings, the Sneasel stepped forward slowly and whispered back to her teammates.

"… Only one way to find out."

Alice made her way from her hiding place, sneaking down the lane and up behind Darzin as she began to listen in. The Dragonite's audible complaining grew louder and louder as she neared, until she reached a few paces behind the tip of Darzin's tail and his words began to reach her ears clearly.

"The nerve of that blasted Alakazam! Who does he think he is making me wait like this?!" the Dragon-Type fumed. "He knew that I wouldn't come here unless it was something important enough to be put into the Vault, and here he's treating me like I'm passing off some student's love letter!"

Darzin froze as he thought he heard claws tapping against the lane's stones behind him. The Dragonite turned around, only to see nothing but an empty lane. The Dragon-Type paused a moment, before shaking his head and grumbling to himself about how it was likely his mind playing tricks on him. He jumped up and took to the air, none the wiser to a Sneasel emerging from behind a rounded signpost. Alice retraced the last few steps back to her teammates' hiding place behind the stairs, where Kline and the others watched Darzin fly off. The lot waited for the Dragonite's form to vanish off into the distance, as Alice approached the Zygarde in their midst and spoke up.

"Say, Kline… when you swept this place, did you happen to come across a 'Vault' by any chance?" she asked, prompting Kline to blink in response.

"… No, I didn't," he replied.

"That's probably a good place to start then," the Sneasel insisted. "I didn't get too many details from what I overheard, but Darzin made it sound like the Company keeps some important documents in there."

"… How would we even get inside in the first place?" Pekka asked. "And even if we did, how are we supposed to go nosing around in search of a hidden room without giving ourselves away?"

"I mean, not that we're not really used charging in and making a scene" Pyry chimed in. "But given that you said we couldn't just smash and grab our way to the Ledger, we're gonna need a bit more to work with here."

The group's members fell silent and mulled to themselves over what they could do, none of them sure just how they could go into the Academy to search for the Knight's Ledger without running into trouble.

It was then that Elty noticed a Toxtricity in a lavender scarf without squares stumble and drop a bag that spilled out some books, quickly scooping them up while grumbling to herself about "why do we need so many stupid textbooks anyway?". After a moment staring after the departing Poison-Type, the Growlithe blinked and turned to his teammates as a dawning realization came over him:

All during their investigation, they'd seen a number of other Pokémon in and around the building wearing those same unpatterned scarves. If the Toxtricity's comment about 'textbooks' was anything to go by, they were students, and there was a perfect way to get into the Academy and look around without arousing any suspicion.

"… I think I might have something, but let's run it by Pleo and the others first."

Author's Notes:

- (¿)Qué? - Spanish: "What?", "Huh?"
- Älä huoli! - Finnish: "Don't worry!"
- (¿)Bueno, ahora qué? - Spanish: "Then/Well what now?"
- Dank je wel - Dutch: "Thank you" (Informal)
- särkät - Finnish: "sandbanks"
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local liminal entity
The Casca Region
  1. aromatisse
Gonna apologize about this light catnip, I got depressed this last week and then the end of the week all happened at once. I'll try and come back and get a couple more chapters live-react-reviewed, but otherwise this is all I have for now.

I know this isn't a huge thing but I found it really neat that you have a glossary. A number of these are close to loan-words anyway right? But yall still did it for posterity and that's nice. We didnt always have computers always with us to translate everything, or the most reliable auto-translate, and even with it... it's pretty nice to have someone at least offering what they have for the translation. idk what yall's spoken languages are, so I dont wanna guess at why personally this is part of the fic, but I think it makes things feel lived in and realized, suggesting at the fic being in it's own world. it's immersive to me.

These things guided the little blue lump of spikes attempting to press forward from the depths of her family’s burrow.
gotta say there's a cuteness to the descriptive writing here. this isnt the bedtime story, but I already feel ready to cozy up to this

She’d snuck out of bed to go stargazing, and she sure wasn’t going to just let the walk outside get the better of her.

MISCHIEF!!! but also as someone who was a nocturnal kid I get it

Around her... there was the mailbox on a wooden post next to the burrow.

I think this is a good description of the neighborhood / community she lives in, and I think yall did that effectively within the paragraph allotted.

rainbow road

forgive me,
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuX5_OWObA0

"...Maybe I heard the story wrong?"


Her mother held up a small scarf bearing the same design as her own. Nida shrank a bit in embarrassment. After all, she'd been constantly lectured about the importance of wearing her scarf. It allowed any Pokémon to identify who you were and where you belonged… and she had forgotten it on her way out the burrow.

Good personal ID system frankly

"In its place, the gods gave them the power to see and understand mysteries, questions, and enigmas... to think in ways completely different to how you or I would. To bring dreams to life, and to work wonders and impossibilities from the world around them, including from its Pokémon."

OOOH THIS EXPOSITION. I do like when a PMD setting looks at how (if) a human world predated the pokemon world, how it came to be. Horrific cataclysm indeed, but also eee mystery dungeons!!

"The gift of writing, to allow them to preserve what knowledge of the humans had not been lost.

"The gift of gummis, to free them from the hunger forcing their ranks against each other.

"The gift of timekeeping through the spirits of the departed gods, who remained in the night skies as the Travelers who you and I can see today.

"And lastly, the gift of pacting, through which a Pokémon could make cause with another and join their ranks. To bury past fears and resentments together and live the same life. Friend, foe, feral, it matters not. As long as there is one to ask and there is one to respond."
oh that is where the fucked up element begins. sounds like magic that warps the mind because you agreed to work together. kind of love it as a peace-keeping element, but also godddd I can see how a mon might end up in a cult unintentionally.

"I wish that I could be a pokemon like that..."

I like ending off with the glossary
this is a pretty nice prologue and intro to things, nice work!!


Fiery Beacon
Hi, I’m here for your V-Wheel review! Fledglings is a fic that’s been on my radar for a good while so this is a nice excuse to finally check it out! I remember reading the crossover bonus chapter that featured in Guiding Light a few years ago but I don’t really remember much beyond a baby Lugia and… pirates? Something like that.

This is probably going to be a kind of line by line review, too, though only the lines I have something to say about.

Starting off with the summary and the fact that I don’t remember a Nidoran is a good sign of me not knowing what’s to come. I’m excited to see a female Nidoran protagonist—a very underrated species that I don’t think I see a lot of in fanwork in general, let alone PMD fanworks.

This chapter heading graphic is a very nice touch of polish.

These things guided the little blue lump of spikes attempting to press forward from the depths of her family’s burrow.
“little blue lump of spikes” I love that description. Very evocative.

Flattening out her ears and shaking a few small spines loose, she continued on, grumbling softly about the dumb ledge that tripped her up.
"Dumb" is a very fun descriptor there and gives me a great idea of how much of the character voice the narration is going to incorporate

I’m loving how casual this narration feels too. I already feel like I’m getting a good idea of this character before she’s said anything except “Oof”

The little creature silently crept up the snug tunnel little-by-little.
Kinda minor thing but this is repeating “little” three times in this sentence which feels kind of clunky to me?

Four legs, two ears, two protruding teeth at the end of her muzzle… No scratches or loose barbs from her clumsy trek up the tunnel that would give her away... From the light of the night sky above, she could verify that her fur was still a light blue. Yep, she had all the markings of a healthy, if still rather young, Nidoran.
I can understand checking for scratches/bruises but this character going over her physical structure in detail after leaving kind of seems a little strange. I understand why it’s there but I feel like there could’ve been a subtler way to incorporate that

Around her... there was the mailbox on a wooden post next to the burrow. Throughout the sparsely wooded hillside were a few mats with accompanying posts that were spread before trees and other burrows, while other mats served as beds for sleeping Pokémon. The distant crashing of waves could be heard, intertwined with faint hooting and the gentle rustling of tree branches swaying in the wind. Down the hill, nearer to the coast, a small town of shacks, tents, and the like had been erected.
This worldbuilding is very interesting to me—I like the mix of more animalistic things like burrows with more human-like structures. Love to see stuff like this in PMD fiction

These setting details do come off as very natural, too—it could definitely have felt too expository but it doesn’t come across like that at all

But most importantly, she said, if you were up at just the right moment, you could see one, perhaps peeking out from behind the moon.
I’m very intrigued

Then back to its center, at the Nidoran in the moon staring down at the world again.
I genuinely love the implications of this. Does every species see themselves in the moon? Like obviously it’s a reference to the man in the moon but I feel like there’s no way it’s collectively decided to be a Nidoran across all species when our protagonist is a Nidoran. This also definitely feels like a throwaway detail that isn’t gonna come back later but from a worldbuilding perspective I love throwaway details that expand the world like this

The Nidoran pouted a bit and punted a pebble that had found its way onto the mat.
This is very cute :3

Except for the ever-so-small bump on the right of it.
Nice paragraph break; very dramatic

It seemed like a rather insignificant speck, except slightly growing, stretching a bit from the moon's face. And suddenly, the speck broke free from the moon, and it all became clear to the little creature.
In a different setting I could see this taking a horror turn. I don’t think it’s going to but it’s very intriguing

And rip we don’t get to see anymore. Which is good for intrigue because now I’m invested and want to keep reading to find more!

"But, Mami-"
Oh nice, Spanish. I don’t know that I’ve seen other languages used like this in PMD fic before

She flicked her ears and narrowed her eyes to continue her quiet admonishment.
Love seeing that more animalistic body language to convey emotions

After all, she'd been constantly lectured about the importance of wearing her scarf. It allowed any Pokémon to identify who you were and where you belonged… and she had forgotten it on her way out the burrow.
Oh interesting. As a frequent scarf-wearer IRL I love scarves being plot relevant. This is also a detail I feel like I remember from the Guiding Light crossover now that I see it

"Fine. Which one do you want this time? The Nidoran in the Moon? The time I fought and beat the cheating Dragonite? Another Warriors of Light tale?"
Huh maybe the Nidoran in the Moon isn’t just a throwaway detail like I thought. In which case I’m even more intrigued. Also damn Nidorina beat a Dragonite hell yeah. Warriors of Light is a fun setting detail too that I’m sure will come back

Nida perked up, buoyed by her small victory in staving off bedtime, and thought about just what she wanted to hear.
Oh “buoyed” is a really fun verb. I don’t know that I’ve ever read that before but I love it

"I wanna hear the story about the humans, and why they don't live with Pokémon like us anymore," she replied.
:eyes: Wasn’t actually expecting humans to play into this at all

I don’t have much to add but I am eating up this background lore

I feel like I often see prologues that are just exposition dumps. And while this is this it’s not just an exposition dump. And it’s done in such a natural way that I’m completely fine with that

Actually this reminds me of the start of like a movie or something. I’m specifically thinking Encanto but there are definitely others. The protagonist being told a story that sets up the lore going forward… Very nice vibes

"The Pokémon that lived without humans, the 'ferals' as you've probably heard them called, were free to continue to live on as they did in the past. Growing, breeding, and dying with the course of nature without interference from outsiders. In exchange, they gave up the right to interfere in the lives of Pokémon like us. It is why the predators among the ferals do not dare to consider you or your brothers and sisters as meals… or at least not ones that don't have a death wish."
Oh interesting take on there being wild and non-wild Pokémon I like this approach

"The gift of timekeeping through the spirits of the departed gods, who remained in the night skies as the Travelers who you and I can see today.
Oh! That’s what the Travelers are. That’s super cool

"The ones that did not die in the chaos they caused were allowed to come in by Arceus and our ancestors as a mercy. In return, they, and their children, would forever bear the mark of the star they created, so that no one would ever forget. They became the Pokémon that the others call the 'Marked'."
Oh, they’re still around? Their children too seems harsh, though. I mean granted they did try and destroy the gods which would presumably destroy the world, but y’know

Anyway this was a super-solid prologue. I love mythology in general, and I always love seeing new takes on Pokémon mythology. Structurally, overall, it’s fine. There’s a few paragraphs that seem kind of clunky but as I understand it this was written in 2015? So I’m not going to really fault you on those. I’m not actually sure how much I’m supposed to do for V-Wheel but I want to continue anyway so onto Chapter 1!

Chapter 1:
A few years later, Nida's dream of becoming a member of Rescue Team had begun to be realized… Sort of.
Okay, yeah, I figured that was probably a flashback

The square that Nida was making her way into was ringed with simple wooden huts and garish tents styled after Pokémon. There were item shops, eateries, raucous juice bars, even the odd tailor or two—the latter eagerly claiming that their wares would outlast the toughest rigors thrown at them thanks to silk they spun themselves.
Oh this is really good setting detail. I can picture this from just this short paragraph. And the next paragraphs just build on this

Much to the Nidoran's relief, she was answered by a green and yellow lizard with a long tongue popping up from behind some crates, who gingerly sauntered over to the counter.
“gingerly sauntered” is a very fun combination of words. Definitely a good use of an adverb

"Perhaps you should spend a little more, or else boost your Team ranking a bit then, eh? Why, I wouldn't give a discount to the Protector himself if he was still at your ranking!" Calino teased, flushing a burnt yellow.
Oh that’s great. Kecleon changing colours for different emotions is something I feel like is probably canon but works great in a fic

"Or wind up dying in the dungeon," a passing Sentret volunteered.

"Or wind up d-Oi!" Calino turned around visibly flustered. "Snark at your own customers, Scout!"
This is a good joke that made me laugh :D

Behind it, she could see a wooden structure fashioned in the shape of an Ampharos' head with a sheltered platform up top, seemingly for signaling.
Is that a lighthouse in the shape of an Ampharos’ head? I love that

"Eh? But why in the world not? Why, you're still in training! Starting brisk from a relaxing night straight from the guild hall is proven, by my observations, to improve performance in Mystery Dungeons by 100% for rookies like you!" the Swellow said, craning his head down to the Nidoran.
Oh that’s such a strong character voice from Kiran. Very distinct way of talking

"Kiran… we’ve done missions like these before all the time, they’re not exactly hard. And if it didn't ask for the apples to specifically be ones scattered in the dungeon as a training exercise, we could just complete it by stealing from Mildrew's orchard on the south side of town."
I love that Nida is just down for crime

Past wooden and canvas buildings, past the Day Care run by the Froslass (who stopped watching her siblings after dark after the incident with her Pomeg plants), past one of the little bridges over the creek that went through town, until she came to a small hut radiating the scent of toasted grain.
Froslass is an interesting pick for this role but I like it

"Mom said that I could stay overnight at the guild hall once the evening loaves are done. A bakery's hard work, you know?"
A Druddigon family running a bakery is a very fun mental image

"Is that a hint that one day we're gonna have-?"
Oh! That’s a stronger relationship than I read out of that. Interesting

And then, the comparative stillness broke with a faint crack. And then a louder crack with the faint, wet sound of some viscous substance being pulled apart. The lights from the ceiling were just strong enough to produce a shadow of the rapidly hatching orb on the wall of the the chamber: a limb forcing its way out of one end, a snout and long neck from another. Soon, there was nothing left of the egg at all, but the form of a feathered creature rearing up, spreading its wings.
I’m realising that the writing here feels very cinematic. The line breaks feel like you’re cutting to the next scene. Which is very good, as it builds a really strong image in my head of what’s happening. But I’m not sure why this feels more cinematic than most things I’ve read, which is annoying, as it’s not very good feedback
"Oh come now, it's nothing worse than what your mami throws around, don't you think?" he chuckled.
Everything I learn about Nida’s mother (Marley?) gives me the sense that she is just the coolest person in this world

And that’s both of them done! I’m assuming the storm has something to do with the Lugia who I know features in this fic. Honestly the amount of times I said “very fun” or “I love that” probably gets across that I really enjoyed this. My main gripes are basically just a few lines here and there that I feel could flow better but they're not enough to really detract from my enjoyment and if I wasn't reading this with a critical eye I likely wouldn't notice them as much. The characters feel very strongly-established and there’s clearly a lot of work put into the worldbuilding. I’m definitely hooked! (Haha get it “hooked” like fishing rod hook like fishing boats like boats like the ocean that’s a relevant pun if you squint)

Anyway, yeah, really enjoyed this!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Gonna apologize about this light catnip, I got depressed this last week and then the end of the week all happened at once. I'll try and come back and get a couple more chapters live-react-reviewed, but otherwise this is all I have for now.

Nah, it’s alright. Life comes at everyone sometimes, though we’ll be looking forward to whenever you come back to this story.

I know this isn't a huge thing but I found it really neat that you have a glossary. A number of these are close to loan-words anyway right? But yall still did it for posterity and that's nice. We didnt always have computers always with us to translate everything, or the most reliable auto-translate, and even with it... it's pretty nice to have someone at least offering what they have for the translation. idk what yall's spoken languages are, so I dont wanna guess at why personally this is part of the fic, but I think it makes things feel lived in and realized, suggesting at the fic being in it's own world. it's immersive to me.

Glad to hear that you like it, since the incorporation of other languages in this story was indeed to sell the sense of a big world with a lot of different cultural backgrounds. @Virgil134 in particular was the one who came up with the idea of having a centralized glossary of terms in one place, which sounds like it was useful for you.

gotta say there's a cuteness to the descriptive writing here. this isnt the bedtime story, but I already feel ready to cozy up to this

Which was exactly the vibe we were going for, so glad to hear that you liked it.

I think this is a good description of the neighborhood / community she lives in, and I think yall did that effectively within the paragraph allotted.

Glad to hear. We sometimes get feedback that we overdo descriptions a bit from time to time, but in general, slowing down and smelling the proverbial roses goes a long way to making a world that feels alive, as I’m sure you saw here.

No, no, it is indeed a small reference to that Rainbow Road. :V

Good personal ID system frankly

Indeed, which is what this fic rolled with as a guess about 9 years ago as to why scarves are so omnipresent in the official art of PMD, even if things got taken a bit further in this setting.

OOOH THIS EXPOSITION. I do like when a PMD setting looks at how (if) a human world predated the pokemon world, how it came to be. Horrific cataclysm indeed, but also eee mystery dungeons!!

Yup. It’s not a super uncommon tack these days for PMD stories to have their settings be post-apocalyptic and post-human worlds, but there were some things that taking this route allowed us to do for this story.

oh that is where the fucked up element begins. sounds like magic that warps the mind because you agreed to work together. kind of love it as a peace-keeping element, but also godddd I can see how a mon might end up in a cult unintentionally.

It’s nothing that nefarious. It’s basically the in-setting lore for why ferals aren’t on the menu for civilized Pokémon and vice versa, as well as why you can occasionally take a friend home with you from the Mystery Dungeon.

Heavily simplified and parsed through a biased lens, but that’s a story for another day.

I like ending off with the glossary
this is a pretty nice prologue and intro to things, nice work!!

Sounds like you had quite a bit of fun, thanks again for your review. ^^

Hi, I’m here for your V-Wheel review! Fledglings is a fic that’s been on my radar for a good while so this is a nice excuse to finally check it out! I remember reading the crossover bonus chapter that featured in Guiding Light a few years ago but I don’t really remember much beyond a baby Lugia and… pirates? Something like that.

Something like that indeed, though thanks for finally coming and checking things out properly. (Also, if you read far enough, you’ll get to see what the other half of that bonus chapter showing what was going on back in the Aeon Continent looked like.)

Starting off with the summary and the fact that I don’t remember a Nidoran is a good sign of me not knowing what’s to come. I’m excited to see a female Nidoran protagonist—a very underrated species that I don’t think I see a lot of in fanwork in general, let alone PMD fanworks.

And that’s part of the reason why she was chosen! Fledglings back in the day was created as a story that tried to chart its own path from what was predominantly popular in the fandom when it started, and a part of that was species choice for the early cast.

This chapter heading graphic is a very nice touch of polish.

This one was actually a recommendation that I was given from a beta-reader from Serebii named Tangent128, who suggested coming up with something to make each chapter stand out at a time when such chapter graphics were rare. He still helps out with the process of whipping up new designs once in a blue moon when it’s time to kick off a new arc, which offsite will likely happen again sometime later this year.

“little blue lump of spikes” I love that description. Very evocative.


"Dumb" is a very fun descriptor there and gives me a great idea of how much of the character voice the narration is going to incorporate


I’m loving how casual this narration feels too. I already feel like I’m getting a good idea of this character before she’s said anything except “Oof”

Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the narration and description. While sometimes we get feedback saying we overdo it at parts, vivid description is a staple of this story, and it goes a long way to helping Fledglings’ little big world feel alive.

Kinda minor thing but this is repeating “little” three times in this sentence which feels kind of clunky to me?

We went and tweaked the first of those three instances.

This worldbuilding is very interesting to me—I like the mix of more animalistic things like burrows with more human-like structures. Love to see stuff like this in PMD fiction

These setting details do come off as very natural, too—it could definitely have felt too expository but it doesn’t come across like that at all

Glad to hear. While the baseline level of organization in PMD does err towards the humanesque side of things canonically, we felt that adding little reminders like these helped drive home that this is a society of Pokémon a bit more firmly.

I’m very intrigued


I genuinely love the implications of this. Does every species see themselves in the moon? Like obviously it’s a reference to the man in the moon but I feel like there’s no way it’s collectively decided to be a Nidoran across all species when our protagonist is a Nidoran. This also definitely feels like a throwaway detail that isn’t gonna come back later but from a worldbuilding perspective I love throwaway details that expand the world like this


In a different setting I could see this taking a horror turn. I don’t think it’s going to but it’s very intriguing

Hold onto those thoughts, really.

Love seeing that more animalistic body language to convey emotions

And glad to hear that you’re enjoying it. While we sometimes lean on the more animesque end of expressions for characters, we did feel it was important to get mileage from their very distinctly not-human bodies from time to time.

Oh interesting. As a frequent scarf-wearer IRL I love scarves being plot relevant. This is also a detail I feel like I remember from the Guiding Light crossover now that I see it

Yup, it’s essentially the explanation that this fic rolled with for why scarves are so ubiquitous in official PMD media depictions. It’s a tool to help telegraph your affiliation to civilization and your particular Team/faction/whatever in it.

:eyes: Wasn’t actually expecting humans to play into this at all

I don’t have much to add but I am eating up this background lore

Ditto here. While there’s not a ton of concrete traces left behind of humans in the Cradle, they very much played a big role in shaping the setting and its civilization, which is something this story touches on throughout its run.

I feel like I often see prologues that are just exposition dumps. And while this is this it’s not just an exposition dump. And it’s done in such a natural way that I’m completely fine with that

Actually this reminds me of the start of like a movie or something. I’m specifically thinking Encanto but there are definitely others. The protagonist being told a story that sets up the lore going forward… Very nice vibes

I mean, I suppose we did aim for this story to carry (darker) Saturday Morning Cartoon vibes. Sounds like we weren’t far from the mark in that case.

Oh interesting take on there being wild and non-wild Pokémon I like this approach

Yeah, this was another thing where the story went its own path relative to what was popular at the time it started. To this day, “non-sapient ferals” is extremely common in the PMD fandom, which felt a bit unfortunate to me since every PMD game other than Super has a recruiting mechanic that otherwise would become unnecessarily complicated and potentially ethically iffy if going that route.

Also, having sapient opponents in battle also allows for coming up with options for fighting beyond just a stock “Attack! Attack! Attack!”, but I suppose you’ll get there when you get there in this story.

Oh! That’s what the Travelers are. That’s super cool

Well, it’s what Nida and her mom think that they are. The full story is a subject for another day.

Oh that’s great. Kecleon changing colours for different emotions is something I feel like is probably canon but works great in a fic

It’s mentioned in a couple Pokédex entries and has been occasionally shown in canon, yes. This story went a little out on a limb for some of the colors that Kecleon turn into, but glad to hear you’re enjoying the dynamic.

Is that a lighthouse in the shape of an Ampharos’ head? I love that


Oh that’s such a strong character voice from Kiran. Very distinct way of talking

Yep, it’s a bit of a verbal tic of his. It gets played up a bit more in the earlier parts of the story, but it sticks with him throughout the story.

I love that Nida is just down for crime


A Druddigon family running a bakery is a very fun mental image

I mean, bread-loving dragons in general are a pretty cute concept. https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/627805061241765907.gif?size=44&quality=lossless[/img]

Which is exactly why there was one cast for this story.

I’m realising that the writing here feels very cinematic. The line breaks feel like you’re cutting to the next scene. Which is very good, as it builds a really strong image in my head of what’s happening. But I’m not sure why this feels more cinematic than most things I’ve read, which is annoying, as it’s not very good feedback

I mean, this story does ape the feel of Saturday Morning Cartoons. A part of that is also the scene framing. Not every scene in this story is super cinematic in vibe, but that’s where it came from.

Everything I learn about Nida’s mother (Marley?) gives me the sense that she is just the coolest person in this world

I’m sure Nida and her siblings would agree with you there. Don’t know about Crom or his family, though. :P

And that’s both of them done! I’m assuming the storm has something to do with the Lugia who I know features in this fic. Honestly the amount of times I said “very fun” or “I love that” probably gets across that I really enjoyed this. My main gripes are basically just a few lines here and there that I feel could flow better but they're not enough to really detract from my enjoyment and if I wasn't reading this with a critical eye I likely wouldn't notice them as much. The characters feel very strongly-established and there’s clearly a lot of work put into the worldbuilding. I’m definitely hooked! (Haha get it “hooked” like fishing rod hook like fishing boats like boats like the ocean that’s a relevant pun if you squint)

Anyway, yeah, really enjoyed this!

Glad to hear that you had fun with your first taste with this story, and thanks for the review! I don’t know if or when you’ll be coming around for more, but we hope that you’ll enjoy things if you decide to read on.

And we’ve been keeping you all waiting for a while, so let’s just dive straight back into the story.
Chapter 85: Crossing Paths


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

Nida and her party's search at the museum turned up no shortage of paintings and relics that had been put on display, including a few scuffed and battered objects that seemed to be made of the same material as the goggles Neil had gifted to Pleo, but precious little indication of any place where the Knight's Ledger was stored. The few books that they encountered there were all tomes from the early eras of the Cradle written in Footprint Runes, along with a few pieces written in mystic scripts that allegedly came from human eras such as fragments of a book full of pictures found on Kenobi Island that was apparently called a "mahn-gah". Attempting to chat up the guards had similarly not given any leads, with it turning out that all of the museum's texts that weren't on display were in safekeeping in the Academy.

The Nidorina and her companions were about to set off when Elty had hurried over from Kline's team and beckoned them over to the Academy. After a brief moment of confusion, the Growlithe explained that they'd discovered the presence of a "Vault" there, which from its description was likely one and the same as the safekeeping site they were told about by the museum's guards. After a quick group meeting in a small square a few islets away from the Academy complex, Team Traveller and their companions decided that it was best to send Nida, Crom, Pleo, Elty, and Guardia into the complex as students. Their cover was made complete after stopping by a local tailor and plying the 'mon with a sob story that the youngsters were acquaintances whose scarves had been accidentally damaged beyond repair, and that they would get in trouble with their teachers for needing replacement scarves. Their explanation drew some initial puzzlement, though was otherwise not enough from dissuading the tailor from accepting payment and a few spare scarves they supplied, bleaching them, and then re-dying them an unpatterned lavender as requested. The results weren't perfect, but they were good enough for any discrepancies in color to be played off as normal discoloration from repeated washings.

Before they knew it, Nida and the others were making their way through the central courtyard of the Academy. There, Crom stopped and peered up at the gilded statue of the Haxorus founder in the center, finding it a bit curious that the Company too owed its existence to a sailor who was a Pokémon of his father's kind, before heading in along with his teammates. After making their way through the entrance, the five entered a foyer that had been fashioned of stone flooring and brick walls built around a staircase that went up four levels, with tall, glass windows letting in light from outside and lavender banners hung from the walls here and there. After a moment's hesitation, the team opted to start by searching around on the ground floor, a coin flip steering them off down the hallway to the right where they paced along and watched a series of wooden doors pass by them on both ends.

"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for again?" Nida asked.

"Leads as to where the Vault and the Ledger would be?" Crom answered. "I mean, Kline's group did say they saw Darzin come out from this building."

"That doesn't really narrow it down, Crom," the Nidorina sighed. "What are we supposed to do? Just go rooting through every room until we find something?"

Crom, Pleo, and Elty traded blank looks amongst themselves at Nida's question, when Guardia stepped forward and gave a quiet tap at the floor with her club to draw the group's attention.

"Surely you hut dwellers have some place for gathering lore, right?" the Cubone questioned. "For a piece that's as important as this Ledger, shouldn't we be looking in places wherever the Pokémon in this hut-dweller colony would keep and remember their lore?"

Guardia's teammates raised their brows puzzledly at her suggestion, only for Pleo to tilt his head as a dawning realization came over him.

"… Do you mean like a place with a bunch of books?" the Lugia said. "I don't know anything about lorekeepers, but there might be one of those here… I think Cabot called it a 'library'?"

"I mean, it's worth trying at least," Crom mused. "Let's go take a look around."

The five gaped about the tiled hallway and noted that along the brick walls, there were doorways on either side. The group continued on, glancing about their surroundings as Nida noted that the doorways had plates with runes engraved on them, the Nidorina reading them off as they passed.

"Room 42 , Room 43 … How are we supposed to tell which of these is the library?" she asked.

"Wouldn't a library be a bit more important?" Elty replied. "I can't imagine it'd be numbered just like any other room."

Just after the Growlithe spoke up, the team noticed that there was a stretch of wall that went unbroken by doors. The five stared at the wall puzzledly, before they came across a set of double doors fashioned out of dark hardwood. The party stopped and stared up for a brief moment, as Nida gave a quiet blink after glancing up and seeing there was a plaque with an inscription reading 'Main Library' attached directly to the left of the door frame.

"… Huh, no kidding," the Nidorina said.

"Well, guess that's one way to know we've found it," Elty remarked. "Come on, let's go inside."

The Growlithe raised a paw and pressed down against the right door, pushing it open for him and his teammates to enter. At once, the five were taken aback by the presence of a tall chamber lined with tall bookshelves. Team Traveller's members blinked before they looked towards the foreground, where they spotted desks in a central space. Some of them had been taken up by students who were poring over tomes and papers, such as a Dreepy who was poring over a thick textbook about law in Company waters. Back near the entrance, another larger desk had been placed among a set of bookshelves, with a sign on a wooden board that had been labelled 'Checkout'.

To both the left and the right were rows and rows of bookshelves running perpendicular to the wall that were separated by a trio of neat paths: one in the center and two along the sides of the wall where further shelves hugged the walls of the chamber. Guardia looked about in awe at her surroundings, as she noticed that when she tried to look down the rows of shelves…

"Wow, they just keep going on and on…" the Cubone murmured, before Crom batted his wings uneasily.

"Where do we even start?" the Druddigon asked.

"Well, in the library that Cabot took me to, he said all of the books were sorted by the sorts of things they were about," Pleo said. "So maybe we just need to look around and find wherever the books are that would be about the same sort of things as the Ledger."

Nida and the others traded dubious looks with one another. The Knights' Ledger was something that both the Company and the Empire tried their hardest to pretend like it didn't exist, so what were the odds they'd find it so casually here?

"Sure, let's look under the section labeled 'State Secrets'," Elty scoffed. "I'm sure we'll find it there."

"Eh? That exists?" Pleo asked, giving a puzzled blink back. His reaction made Elty throw a paw over his face in exasperation, before Guardia shook her head and spoke up.

"Actually, I think Pleo might actually be onto something," the Cubone insisted. "Maybe we'll find a clue by looking around, or maybe the Academy has a section with forbidden books or something. Come on, let's spread out and try and see what we can find."

The four nodded back to Guardia and fanned out among the shelves, each of them taking one corner of the room while Guardia tagged along with Elty due to her lack of literacy in runes. Crom made his way to the back left corner from the entrance, reading off titles as he passed. There was Roelof's Atlas of the Whole Cradle in a section of shelves that seemed to be all about geography, The Full History of Anyilla from the Accession of Aquila in another that seemed to be in one about past ages, and Principles of Naval Engineering: Sail Plans and Construction in one about ships and shipbuilding. A bit dry perhaps, but nothing that really seemed abnormal, and hardly the place one would expect to find a volume of the Knights' Ledger…

"Ah! I found something! I found something!"

Crom perked up after hearing Pleo's voice cry out from a few rows ahead of him and hurried over towards it. The Druddigon rounded the corner of a shelf that had been labelled with a simple rune that was commonly used to compose more complex ones, where he spotted Pleo happily nosing at a book lying open on the ground with paper cutouts standing upright depicting a pair of ships pulled alongside each other in battle, one of which was a pirate ship teeming with Ghost-Types and a Sableye standing at its prow.

"The pictures in this book pop out!" the Lugia exclaimed. "It's really pretty."

The group stood blinking for a moment, realizing the scene was from a goofier story involving the misadventures of a band of amateur pirates, meant for younger and weaker readers from the looks of it. Guardia went up to paw curiously at the book while Nida shook her head, before walking up and closing it with a sigh.

"Let's focus on finding the Ledger first Pleo, otherwise we'll be buried in books," the Nidorina said. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Pokémon aren't supposed to make lots of ruido in a lib-"


Pleo, Nida, Crom, and Guardia whirled around at the sound of a large thud, turning to see a pile of books lying on the ground from a now-emptied row on the shelf and Elty flinching with a brown tome in his mouth. The Growlithe set his book down, before flusteredly hemming and hawing a moment prior to explaining himself.

"They… uh… They just fell out on their own," he insisted.

The Puppy Pokémon's teammates rolled their eyes in response when they heard a harsh, metallic hiss come up from the other side of the shelves. The five blanched and hurriedly ran along, only to stumble into a levitating metallic lump and pratfall. After a stunned moment, the lot looked up to see the form of a Metang in Company garb floating in front of them that shot a sharp glare downwards.

"What are you doing making a mess of my books?"

Pleo and his companions flushed pale and flinched at the angry librarian, the five stammering over each other before Crom finally managed to squeak out a reply.

"E-Eh… we were just looking up some stuff for class?" the Druddigon gulped, prompting the Metang to skeptically narrow her eyes down at the gathered party.

"And just what class are you from?" the Psychic-Type pressed. Crom squirmed and fumbled with his words for a moment, before hesitantly offering up a reply.

"Uh… the… first one?"

The Metang blinked and floated about, carefully eying the five with special emphasis placed on Crom, Elty, and Guardia. Was something wrong? Did they look younger than they were supposed to as Academy students? A dawning realization seemed to come over the Metang, as a Lucario in a First-Rank scarf walked up and shot a dubious frown over at Nida and her companions.

"Is something the matter here?" the Fighting-Type asked.

"Yes, these delinquents are skipping out from the early track classes and making a mess of my books!" the Metang librarian fumed.

"Eh?! That's actually a class?!" Nida exclaimed. "But we can't go there!"

"Look, kid. This isn't a Day Care and we don't have time for these antics," the Lucario growled. "Just why can't you go back to the class that you skipped?"

"Uh… well…" Elty started. "We weren't feeling so good and had a bit of a stomachache, so- H-Hey! What are you-?!"

The Growlithe was cut off by the Lucario guard slipping behind them and shoving him and his companions forward. Team Traveller's members were shooed along, flailing and protesting all the while before the Fighting-Type finally pushed them past the door. With the library returning to quiet, the Metang turned back to the fallen books, focusing as her eyes lit up in a blue sheen and she began to levitate them back to their places with a low, metallic grumble.

"Ugh… kids these days."

In the waters just north of Tromba Island, the Argent Aviso sailed ahead of a flotilla of five ships, two flanking from either end. On the deck, the crew had kept busy tending to the rigging, as Pokémon wheeled wooden cannons into place at the railings. The ship's captain barked out orders that floated through the air, as did his Weavile first mate, who clung to the rigging clad in a dark blue set of cloth armor inspecting the sailors' progress and calling out his orders with an audibly agitated and impatient tone.

"We're approaching Tromba, so get into positions!" Ketu snapped. "I want the cannons ready to be fired the moment me or the Captain give the order!"

The Weavile jumped down to the deck and mingled among the sailors hurrying to and fro with a low grumble. Up in the air above him, Kane motioned with his wings and flew in tight arcs in the air, signaling to the spotters on the other ships to follow along in formation.

None of this was supposed to have happened. They were supposed to have blown up Lyn's mission and finally gotten Kline into Elilan's claws so that they could start putting their plans for Anyilla into motion. He wasn't supposed to go back to being Lyn's first mate and babysitting a bunch of useless thugs thanks to Lyn somehow getting a third chance after falling short!

Really, the only silver lining of their mission falling short was that he'd had a chance to spend downtime with Sorge again, because Lyn had gotten the hair-brained idea to use pirates to do his dirty work of capturing Pleo. And even that didn't last thanks to getting sortied again because some blotch-head made a mess of a mission he was never supposed to receive in the first place!

Ketu carried on walking the deck when his foot bumped against a heavy sack, the Dark-Type looking down to see that it was a sack of Apricorns left unattended by one of the sailors en route to a cannon. The Weavile flattened out his ears, before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Urgh, do I have to do everything around here?"

Ketu lugged the sack up to the cannon, where a sheepish-looking Heracross hastily hurried over. The Weavile shot a sharp glare at the beetle before heading off, his features easing slightly as he thought to himself amidst the din on deck.

All things considered, things could be going worse. Until two days ago, they had no lead on where Pleo or Kline could be, and now they had a lead for both. On top of it, there was even a potential lead on the whereabouts of Manaphy to boot after she'd fallen off the radar years ago. Even if he'd have his claws full from keeping Lyn from learning more about Kline or finding him, it was hardly right to complain about an opportunity like that.

He made his way up the steps to the Argent Aviso's bow, where Lyn was perched against the railing with a spyglass held up to his eyes. The Samurott hadn't put on cloth armor for the impending raid, probably because he intended to dive ahead of his ship and hack and slash his way onto shore much like he usually did when fighting at sea. Lyn peered through the glass at Tromba Island in the distance, before pulling it back and turning impatiently towards his underlings.

"Take your places, everyone!" he barked. "This is going to be a stormy landing!"

The Argent Aviso plowed along through the water at the head of the fleet as the harbor began to come into view to the naked eye. Little by little, the harbor grew larger and larger as the minutes went by and Lyn's ship neared. Once they came into firing range, the Samurott unsheathed his blades, swinging them wide before he turned and barked out to his crew.

"Open fire!"

The sailors manning the cannons slipped blast seeds into their feed holes before clamping their barbed caps shut. One after the other, the sailors slammed down on the caps, the barbs detonating the seeds within and sending sprays of Apricorns through the air towards shore. Other Pokémon on the deck and among the escorts spat out beams of various elements towards shore, which were joined by similar volleys from the other four ships. The hail of attacks sailed off into the distance, followed by booms and crashes ringing out from shore and thin columns of smoke began to rise from Bluewhorl Town. A series of flashes twinkled from shore and the harbor's water, as a spray of returning attacks zipped in, the escorts hastily throwing up barriers of light that deflected the incoming attacks and accomplished little more than to make a few of Lyn's deckhands reflexively flinch. The Samurott's muzzle curled up in a smirk, as he gave a dismissive scoff.

"Tch, is that really the best they can muster?" he remarked. "This will be over quick, at least."

Lyn's fleet moved along, casting out further attacks and deflecting incoming ones barring an occasional pockmark here or there while it barreled towards shore. As the Argent Aviso and its entourage reached the edge of the harbor, the sea escorts came across a few of the harbor dwellers, driving them off with a few watery volleys and intimidating snarls. The Samurott walked up to the prow, ready to jump into the water to spearhead his fleet's assault, when a galleon without sails abruptly pulled away from shore, being towed by swimmers with cables who turned it sideways, blocking the entrance into the harbor.

"Captain, isn't that Commissioner Bunsen's ship?" a Huntail from the water asked. "We need to slow down, or we'll crash straight into it!"

Lyn looked at the stricken galleon ahead, when at once he noticed something deeply amiss. The galleon sat dead in the water in the middle of his path and what little remained of its sails were a few torn up strips of lavender cloth dangling from the masts. The Samurott grit his teeth, before beelining for the tiller at the stern and crying out to his subordinates.

"Lower the anchor and sails!" Lyn shouted. "Take us hard to starboard and tell the other ships to come to!"

He threw his weight against the tiller and pushed it leftwards, the escorts in the air and water hurriedly churning up currents to try and help the ship turn. The Argent Aviso continued drifting for Bunsen's stricken galleon, the sailors darting away from the railing with yelps as the Argent Aviso sideswiped it with a loud crash. Lyn's ship rocked violently and groaned as a few of the deckhands lost their footing, the Samurott letting out an irritated growl as he looked around to see the other ships in the fleet had similarly come to haphazard stops, when a Sceptile's voice called out from Bunsen's ship.

"Well, you're certainly back soon, Lyn. Wasn't expecting you to want to come and visit again so quickly."

Lyn turned and saw Osmund and a party of Pokémon in various colored garb emerging from the galleon's stern. The Sceptile went up to the railing and placed his right foot on it, before giving the Samurott a teasing smirk back.

"Though, I'm afraid this is as far as we're willing to entertain you and your underlings this time," he said. "If you're planning on making it ashore, you're not doing it without sending this ship to the bottom of the harbor first."

Lyn went over to the edge of the deck with his blades drawn as his underlings began to mass growling and snarling, only to pause and his lackeys to fall silent as they realized that Bunsen's ship was missing its rudder, and that bundles of Blast Seeds had been attached just above the ship's waterline. Directly above them, harpoon darts dangled from ropes tied to the railing, a cut from any of them would be sufficient to send it falling and lancing its explosive bundle below.

"I mean, it wouldn't be fun for us to get soaked from having to make a hasty exit," Osmund continued. "But hey, those charges were meant to just blow holes into the hull, not send us all to the Spirit World."

Lyn turned his gaze down to the Blast Seeds along the hull of Bunsen's galleon and quietly sized up the situation, before narrowing his eyes back at the gecko.

"Hrmph, you presume much if you think that the Board doesn't consider losing a crippled galleon to be a fair trade for bringing this island to heel," the Samurott huffed.

"Oh really? Do they also consider having a full crew's worth of Pokémon going down with the ship to be a fair trade, too?" the Sceptile retorted. "Though in case you thought we were bluffing, I suppose you should see some of them."

Osmund motioned off towards the stern of Bunsen's ship, as roughly a dozen Pokémon in Company lavenders were marched up and shoved into view at the railing. The Sceptile shook his head, before turning back to face Lyn with a stern gaze.

"There's plenty more where they came from below deck. Now, I know leadership can be glib about the welfare of the rank and file, but they're not that glib," he chided. "So how about we try and hash out some sort of settlement here?"

Lyn narrowed his eyes and let out a low growl from the back of his throat, pointing out a seamitar at the rogue Captain of the Guards.

"If you think the Company's just prepared to negotiate with a bunch of traitors and parasites like you…"

"Last I checked, I was still on the payroll, so this is an internal dispute," Osmund shot back. "Besides, even if it weren't, I certainly doubt you'd want to have 'drowning a full crew's worth of friendlies' on your record. It doesn't exactly do wonders for career advancement."

Lyn scowled back quietly, as his underlings traded uneasy looks with one another and debated amongst themselves over whether the islanders were bluffing or not. On Bunsen's ship, the captured underlings began to fidget and grow impatient, a Zweilous and a Delcatty among the present party calling out to their peers.

"Come on! Don't just sit there!" the Zweilous' left head protested, before being joined in by his right.

"Yeah! Do something and help us out here!"

"They've turned the below decks into a glorified brig and none of these stupid hicks have been caring for us properly!" the Delcatty whined. "My last rations were a couple of stale gummies and a Durin Berry!"

The Delcatty's mention of Durin Berries being among her rations drew scattered groans of disgust and winces of sympathy from members of Lyn's crew. The Samurott captain looked over Bunsen's crew and their captors on the opposing ship, before sheathing his blades with a grumbling sigh.

"Hrmph. I'll humor it," Lyn grunted. "But I'm not going to negotiate on the spot, Osmund. I need some time to prepare myself."

"What?! Just storm the ship already!" a Politoed exclaimed. "You have five ships with you!"

The frog was answered by a small burst of fire striking his rump, prompting him to hop up with a sharp yelp. The Water-Type whirled about, where he saw a Carkol glaring back at him with an angry hiss.

"Hey! Not all of us can swim here, lunk-head!" the Rock-Type snapped.

Ketu narrowed his eyes and pinned his ears at the captured grunts' whining. Weren't they supposed to be from a Commissioner's crew? Even if he didn't think much of Lyn, he was sure his underlings wouldn't act this bad if they got captured. From the corner of his eye, Ketu spotted Lyn making his way off for the stern, with the ship's Xatu teleporter joining him halfway over before the pair slipped into his quarters.

He tensed up, realizing that Lyn must be planning on trying to stall Osmund in order to send out a party to search for Pleo and likely Kline as well. Whatever the Samurott was up to, he needed to be a part of it, since it could very well be his only chance to get at either of those two without Lyn being in the loop.

The Weavile set off, hurriedly following after the pair up to Lyn's cabin and pushing the door open. As he made his way in, he caught Lyn shaking his head and looking down at the Xatu with a low harrumph, handing out a set of scarves that had been hurriedly dyed green on one end with a crescent moon design.

"Kachina, I want you to get a team together to go search around while that skink runs his mouth off," Lyn ordered. "The sooner we know where the Guardian of the Seas and his friends are, the sooner we can end this farce-"

"Not to impose here, but I'd like to be on that team, Captain."

The Samurott and the Xatu looked back at the doorway, where they saw Ketu walk in. Lyn's face fell and he raised a brow puzzledly at the Weavile and his newfound eagerness for action. Since when was Ketu one to ask to be put on scouting duty?

"I'm surprised to hear you volunteer for a mission like this," Lyn remarked. "Why do you want to go?"

"Because we can't afford to make any more mistakes right now, especially now that there's supposedly three Protectors involved," Ketu insisted. "We both know I'm much more likely to pull things off than a bunch of First-Ranks. After all, when I went out into the middle of the Empire's capital for recon, it didn't blow up in your face like when Tarmo and Fintan tried to grab the Protector the last time we were here."

Lyn's thoughts turned back to the first time he tried to extract the Guardian of the Seas from this accursed rock, and how what was supposed to be an orderly and quiet extraction devolved into an open confrontation because the team he assigned for the task managed to get themselves spotted by some local team of runts. Sensing that he'd given his superior the desired pause, Ketu shrugged his shoulders and continued after bringing a claw up to his chest.

"Besides, I'm much less likely to get recognized than most other Pokémon on the crew," the Weavile said. "Normally I'm taking point looking after the ship when they go inland to collect tribute payments."

Lyn paused at Ketu's reply, before shaking his head back with a low grumble.

"Hrmph, who'd have thought your tendency to slack off would create an advantage for once," Lyn harrumphed. "But very well. Go and meet Maurier and Klaas under deck, Kachina will take you all to shore."

Ketu nodded back and left Lyn's cabin along with the crew's teleporter as the Samurott closed the door behind them. Ketu quickly undid the straps of his armor and took it off before casting it aside and continuing off further below the deck with Kachina.

As the Weavile carried on, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief that he was able to talk Lyn into letting him on the team without raising suspicion. It wasn't a state of affairs he could take for granted, especially with Lyn learning more and more about his own mission. So, he'd have to make a point of making the most of his present opportunity to snatch Pleo and Kline. After all, it was not getting any easier to keep Lyn in the dark as time went by.

About a five-minute walk north of the Academy, a spindly clock tower loomed over the surrounding canalhouses of Canalhouse City's Hardenheuvel district. The tower had been fashioned out of brown and white bricks and topped with a tiered bell chamber that had been clad in tin, the Tintoren, as it was known locally. Metal arms and hour markers were attached to large plaques just below the bell chamber on each of its four sides, a monument to the Company's wealth and engineering prowess that enabled it to assemble the towering timepiece that marked the hours for the entire district without fail.

Just above each of the clock faces, a ledge ran about the building which Pokémon sometimes flew up to to perch on between hours. That day, the ledge facing south was taken up by a Noivern and a Mothim in Company garb, the pair eating fries from paper cones as the Bug-Type of the pair gaped off at the surrounding cityscape and the cerulean waters of Vollezee's lagoon beyond it.

"You really can see the whole city from here," Ellsberg murmured. "How did you ever find this place, Aldrich?"

Aldrich stuck his claw into the paper sack, before bringing a fry up to his mouth and eating it. The Noivern had a wistful look come over his face and glanced out at his surroundings, pausing for a brief moment when he turned and smiled back at the Mothim.

"I used to fly up here back when I was a Noibat in the Academy," the Dragon-Type replied. "I don't get as many chances to come by as I used to, but the view's still just as good as I remembered."

Ellsberg looked down at the smaller cone of fries in his tarsi and took one for himself. The Bug-Type idly munched at his fry and shook his head back with a sigh.

"I suppose that would explain why I've never heard of it," the Mothim said. "I was a Burmy when I was that age, and considering how my time in the Academy went, I don't know if there'd be anyone that I would trust to not strand me up here."

Aldrich gave a low grunt before pulling in his wings, Ellsberg's words seemingly dredging up unwanted memories.

"Yeah, moments like that have a way of sticking with you," he muttered. "That's part of the reason why I liked to come up here. It was a nice place to just get away from everything and watch the world go by."

Ellsberg finished up his fry, before giving a buzzing huff back.

"Well thankfully those days are long gone now," the Bug-Type remarked. "I've since climbed the ranks, and even if I need to put my foot down every now and then, I get more respect than I used to."

"And what do you think of those First-Ranks in light of all that?" Aldrich pressed, giving an askew glance at the Mothim. Ellsberg blinked and flitted his wings in reply, catching himself from a reflexive rant about them being riddled with disrespectful annoyances as he hemmed and hawed a moment, before trying to put forward a diplomatic answer.

"Well… they're a varied lot, but I suppose that's to be expected considering all the Pokémon that live in the Company's territory," the moth began. "With the right guidance, they're more than manageable as-"

"You don't need to be so polite," Aldrich said. "Let's be honest here, Ellsberg. The average grunt in this organization is a bottom-feeding thug who's only here for a paycheck or a power trip."

Ellsberg gave a surprised twitch of his feelers at the Noivern's response, reflexively opening his mouth to object that surely Aldrich was oversimplifying things, only to catch himself. His mind turned back to Ken and Hooke from Lyn's crew bullying him around, and how he couldn't remember a single one of their peers sticking up for him. The moth bristled at the thought, and he had to admit to himself that Lyn's underlings ultimately weren't all that abnormal for Company standards. But even so, what was Aldrich getting at here?

"I mean, I suppose that's not wholly inaccurate," Ellsberg replied. "But it keeps the ranks staffed and they're not exactly hard to motivate."

"And what good will that do if they turn tail at the first sign of serious trouble thanks to being motivated by base desires?" Aldrich scoffed. The Noivern shook his head a moment, before looking out at the surrounding city with a stern gaze.

"No, for the Company to reach its true potential, it needs to stop burning away the limited resources the Cradle has and draw upon the strengths that it's not fully realizing yet," he insisted. "Can you imagine what we'd accomplish if the average First-Rank was fighting for a cause he believed in to his bones? Something bigger than pushing out a decrepit Empire and raising lavenders above Tidemill City over a fight that started before he was born? First-Ranks like those would be willing to sail to the ends of the Cradle if they were ordered to!"

Aldrich sighed and hung his head with a disappointed growl.

"It's a shame, really. Those shortcomings of the Company were something that Administrator Elilan noticed very early on in his tenure," the Dragon-Type said. "It's something that we've been working on to try and remedy."

Ellsberg stared back puzzledly at the Noivern. This vision that Aldrich was talking about was something Administrator Elilan had shared with him? But since when had Elilan wanted something beyond taking care of some internal politics and positioning himself to become the next Director?

"… Eh? Doesn't Elilan just want to shut out unwanted rivals on the Board?" Ellsberg asked. "What sort of higher ideal could he have behind these missions? Let alone one that would suit the entire Company?"

Aldrich opened his mouth to speak, only to abruptly pause as his ears twitched. The Noivern blinked a moment, before walking over the edge and crouching down, placing his claws at the lip of the ledge as he peered down into the web of canals and streets below. Ellsberg cocked his head at the Dragon-Type and flitted up uneasily.

"Aldrich?" the Mothim wondered. "Is something wrong?"

"Come and see for yourself," he said, pointing a claw out into the cityscape below.

Ellsberg flew up to the edge of the tower, his gaze following Aldrich's claw down towards the ground. There he saw a small party of Pokémon exiting out into a small courtyard: a Fraxure, a Skarmory, a Swellow, a Gliscor, and a Talonflame…

The Bug-Type stiffened up and went wide-eyed, as he realized that these were none other than-!

"Aren't those the same Pokémon with Lugia that we ran into back on Buyeom?!"

"Well, I highly doubt there's another party of five unrelated Pokémon with the exact same species," Aldrich said. "But there's only one way to be sure…"

"But this is the Company's capital!" Ellsberg buzzed. "What on earth would they be doing here?"

The Noivern narrowed his eyes and gave a low growl in reply.

"I don't know, but let's make sure they stick around for a while. I'm sure we'd be able to learn more by interrogating them."

Down in the streets below the clocktower, Percy, Calidus, Pladur, Trizano, and Kiran made their way along into a courtyard in front of one of the Academy's satellite buildings north of the main structure. The five had just wrapped up a sweep around the building, carefully inspecting the nearby walls and the pavement below for any sign of a hidden room or space behind them. Here too, their search had proven to be just as unfruitful as it had been in the various places in the neighborhood they'd searched about earlier, leaving Pladur to shake his head.

"I think we're running out of places to look around here," the Fraxure murmured.

"Well, we are already on the periphery of the Academy, so maybe you're right," Calidus said. "It's hard to imagine the Vault could be much further out this way."

"It was worth a shot at least," Kiran sighed. "Though I suppose we should start retracing our steps back. The kids should be wrapping up their search by now."

The group started heading off, ducking down a nearby alley as they mused aloud to themselves as to where they'd be best off searching next. The five came across a crossroads where the alley met another, when a deafening noise rang out and a concussive wave knocked the five to the ground. One after the other, Kiran and his companions staggered up with their ears ringing, Pladur catching a fleeting glimpse of a Mothim passing with arcing, dance-like movements when his eyes shot wide.

"Agh!" the Fraxure yelped. "S-Somebody's here!"

"Well, well, well… fancy seeing you again, Percy."

The woosh of descending wingbeats rang out as Aldrich and Ellsberg swooped down from above and into the center of the crossroads, wedging Team Traveller's members along the wall between the alley they came from and the left end of the intersection. The Noivern let out a low growl, his maw curling up into a malicious grin.

"When you lot gave us the slip back in Buyeom, I was worried you were going to lie low and make us struggle to find you," Aldrich sneered. "But here you are, walking right into our claws."

Pladur's eyes shrank to pins at the mention of Buyeom, realizing between that and their species, that his foes were…

"Y-You're with that awful Weavile!" he cried.

"That's right, and you all know what we're capable of," Ellsberg harrumphed. "So why don't you do yourselves a favor and surrender here?"

"Hrmph, I don't think so, Mothim!" Calidus shot back.

The Talonflame tore along for Ellsberg as fire wreathed his plumage, only for the Mothim to hastily duck out of the way. Calidus watched as his Bug-Type foe attempted to fling a slashing gust of air back, hurriedly pulling up as the Air Slash sailed past and gouged a faint streak into the brick wall of a nearby building. Kiran and the others looked ahead, seeing that in their scuffle, Calidus had drawn Ellsberg away from Aldrich's side and left a clear line of sight between them and the bat.

"Train your fire on Aldrich!" Kiran cried. "The more we can deal with him as a threat, the better!"

At once, Pladur launched into the frenzied rhythms of a Dragon Dance as Kiran dove at Aldrich, spreading his wings wide for a flying tackle. Before the Swellow could bear down on Aldrich, he was met with a pulse of dragonfire from the Noivern's mouth, which found its mark on his right wing.


Kiran fell out of the air and crashed to the ground, trying to right himself and shake feeling back into his stricken wing when he heard loud wingbeats and looked up to see that Aldrich had taken to the air.

"Did you really think that that would give me trouble, Kiran? " the Noivern sneered.

Kiran watched as Aldrich began to gather blue, fiery light at the back of his mouth, when a sharp cry rang out just to the bat's right.

"That's quite enough, Aldrich!"

The Noivern looked just in time for Percy to slam into him with an aerial tackle at his face, Trizano following suit with a glinting slash of his feathers at the bat's right wing. Aldrich fell back to the ground, skidding along the ground with his wings' claws for traction as Trizano pulled up and beamed back to his teammates.

"That's more like it!" the Skarmory exclaimed. "We just need to press him a bit mo-!"


A sharp thud and a squawk cut Trizano off as an unseen force abruptly flung Calidus into a wall and sent him tumbling to the ground. A quick glance opposite of Calidus revealed Ellsberg flitting nearby with a tarsus held out and his eyes just returning from a pinkish glow. The moth gave a huffing buzz and dove at the stunned Talonflame, when he was cut off by a set of red claws trailing dragonfire uppercutting him from below.


Ellsberg shot up, before spiraling to the ground with a dull crash. Sensing an opening, Pladur flashed his claws and ran at the downed Mothim to attack again, only for an overpowering Hurricane to sweep him and the rest of his teammates up. The five were blown about as the winds howled and the sound of nearby windows giving way rang out, the group coming to a tumbling stop along the walls as they winced in pain and staggered back up to their feet one by one. As Percy regained his footing, the sound of wingbeats reached his ears, making him look up and see Aldrich above them and air distorting around his ears as he readied a Boomburst, prompting the Gliscor to raise his voice and cry out.

"Quick! Hit Aldrich before he can use his attack!"

Kiran beat his wings together in response and flung a cutting gust of wind forward at the Noivern, Trizano and Percy taking advantage of the Swellow's covering fire to launch themselves at Aldrich with a spread-wing slash and an ice-wreathed bite at his wing membranes. The Noivern let out a sharp grunt and fell back, before regaining his balance with a low growl. Much to Kiran's alarm, the Noivern didn't seem to be as worn down from battle as he'd hoped, leaving him to shoot a worried glance over to his teammates.

"I'm not sure if this is a fight we can win on our own," he gulped.

"Sciocchezze! We've fought foes worse than Second-Ranks before!" Trizano insisted. "We can pull through this!"

Trizano took wing and dove at the Noivern, who narrowed his eyes and spat a stream of fire back at him. The Skarmory rolled in the air out of the way of the Flamethrower, flashing his talons as he raked Aldrich's right ear and drew a pained yelp. The Noivern recoiled, bringing a claw up to cradle his ear as Trizano circled overhead with a scoff.

"Hah! Is that the best Team Sentinel can do?"

The bat pulled his claw back as ruddy drops dribbled off of them, flicking them away as he turned his head back up at the Skarmory and bared his teeth with a hateful glare.

"No, it's not."

Aldrich spat up a pulse of fiery blue light, which sailed up and struck the base of Trizano's left wing. The Skarmory squawked with a start as he pinwheeled and crashed onto the paved street. The Steel-Type lay stunned for a moment, before trying to get up when he felt Aldrich's clawed foot stomp on his neck and pin him to the ground flat on his breast. Trizano looked up, seeing fire dance at the back of the Noivern's throat before it came out and swallowed his vision.


Pained screams and screeches rang through the alley as Kiran, Pladur, Percy, and Calidus watched Aldrich spew his fire square into Trizano's eyes in a long, sustained stream, which made even Ellsberg flinch at the sight. Kiran was the first to snap out from his stunned stupor, his beak hanging open as he cried out after his teammate.


The Swellow started to move forward, only to be overtaken by Pladur shooting ahead and throwing his right claw forward wreathed with dragonfire. The Fraxure's Dragon Claw found its mark on Aldrich's cheek and made him lose his grip before Percy zipped in with an Acrobatics and knocked the Noivern off his Skarmory victim. Aldrich snarled and attempted to steady himself, when an overpowering gust of wind from Kiran's wings sent him stumbling back into a wall. With Trizano freed from Aldrich's clutches, the three hastily beelined to the stricken Steel-Type, when a sharp buzz sounded out from above.

"Oh no you don't!"

The three looked up to see Ellsberg swooping in readying an Air Slash, when Calidus cut in with a fiery tackle and sent the Mothim crashing to earth with a sharp yelp. The Talonflame's breaths came out short and tense, as cried out to his teammates below.

"Hurry! Before they get back up!"

Pladur and Percy grabbed hold of Trizano's wings and drug him up, hurriedly tugging the Skarmory along as they fled down the intersecting alley, with Kiran and Calidus covering overhead after the Talonflame churned up a Tailwind. Neither the Fraxure nor the Gliscor had gotten a good look at what Aldrich had done to Trizano's eyes, but from the brief glimpse of the blackened mess where they were supposed to be and the burnt-smelling scent that reached their nostrils, they were both sure it had been nothing good.

"Grr! Get back here!"

Aldrich's snarling voice hung in the air, curdling Team Traveller's blood as they popped out of the alleyway and into a street that ran along a canal. The five ran ahead for dear life, tearing along and jostling past pedestrians and over bridges as fast as their limbs and Trizano's weight would allow them.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" Percy exclaimed

The Gliscor turned his head back in the middle of pushing past passersby on the street and saw Aldrich and Ellsberg fly over a set of rooftops behind them. The group blanched, hurriedly darting across a bridge over the canal and down a nearby alleyway to their right as Pladur stumbled over some wooden clutter left behind and yelped after almost losing his balance.

"Gah! What's it going to take to shake those two?!"

"Eh? Hertsog?" a Grovyle's voice asked. "Did you hear something?"

"It came from the alley," a Mienshao's voice answered. "Come on, let's go and check it ou-"

Kiran and the others darted out of the alleyway where they caught a brief glimpse of an open area next to a large building lined with crates and barrels. White fur and green scales suddenly filled their vision, as the lot stumbled and fell after running into a pair of Pokémon. A chorus of yelps rang out, the five picking themselves up from a stunned stop on the ground as they looked over to see a vaguely familiar-looking Grovyle and Mienshao in First-Rank scarves dusting themselves off.

"Ow!" the Grovyle cried. "Hey! Watch where you're going!"

The Company Mienshao and Grovyle tensed up with a glimmer of realization as it occurred to Kiran and his companions that the pair were familiar for a good reason: they were Hertsog and Salvini from Mengir! The Mienshao gaped about the party's members puzzledly, before his eyes settled on the wounded Skarmory, then over to Pladur and Kiran as he spluttered out an incredulous reply.

"Kiran?! What are you doing here?" he asked, making the Swellow fidget and squirm as the bird looked back anxiously down the alleyway.

"We'd love to explain, but we're in a bit of trouble right-"

"Over there, down the alley!"

Hertsog and Salvini heard a buzzing shout and approaching wingbeats, the Grovyle hastily darting over and forcing a back door to the building open and motioning to Kiran and his teammates to follow. The five quickly rushed over, Salvini all but shoving the lot through the doorway before pulling the door shut behind them. Hertsog shot a bewildered stare over at his partner and began to make his way over to her, when a sharp snarl rang out from behind.

"You there!"

Hertsog watched as Salvini stiffened up and looked off behind him, the Fighting-Type following her gaze to see a Noivern and a visibly battered-looking Mothim flying in. The pair came to a stop on the ground and loomed over him with a pair of impatient scowls.

"Did you see a group of Pokémon in First-Rank scarves run by?" Aldrich asked.

Hertsog blinked in confusion at the Noivern, before noting that his scarf bore a large square with four smaller ones anchoring its corner, the clear mark of a Second-Rank. The Mienshao hesitated for a moment, before carefully raising his voice to reply.

"… Yes? We saw a group like that run past a short while ago," Hertsog replied. "Is something the matter?"

"Those Pokémon were Imperial Spies whose cover we broke," Ellsberg buzzed. "It's imperative that we find them before they can escape."

Hertsog and Salvini stared back wordlessly as the bat and moth all but bored holes into their hides with piercing glares. Salvini shuffled uneasily, before giving an unsettled paw at the back of her head.

"I mean, they kinda knocked us down while they ran down the loading dock," she responded. "They were gone by the time we got up again and we genuinely don't know where they went afterwards."

Aldrich stared at the two intently, making them tense up and hold their breaths as the Noivern sized them up. Salvini squirmed and worried to herself that her story had not been convincing enough as the Dragon-Type continued to warily eye her and Hertsog, only for her fears to fade when after a while the bat shook his head and let out a grumbling "useless grunts" under his breath. The Noivern huffed sharply, before turning over to his Mothim companion.

"Come on, we'll sweep the nearby streets from the air," Aldrich said. "They couldn't have gotten far."

Hertsog and Salvini watched as Aldrich and Ellsberg took wing and flew off over the nearby rooftops, exhaling out of relief as the two Flying-Types slipped from view. After a moment's hesitation, Hertsog narrowed his eyes, before making his way towards the door. The Mienshao pushed the door open, where he saw Kiran and Pladur warily poking their heads out, and folded his arms with a sharp scowl.

"Hrmph, they're gone for now, so you have a bit more time," Hertsog harrumphed. "So how about you start by explaining to me just what it is you've all been up to?"

After being herded along through the Academy's hallways and up a flight of stairs by the Lucario guard, Team Traveller found themselves at the entrance to a first-floor room labeled 'Room 103'. After pushing the door open, the Fighting-type shoved Team Traveller in, the five stumbling to a stop as they saw they'd entered a classroom lined with windows with wooden desks set out in neat rows with Pokémon seated at them. Nida did a double-take at the desks and their students, as the thought crossed her mind that aside from being indoors, the room was almost like the school back in Bluewhorl Town.

The Nidorina looked to her right, where an Alakazam in a Third-Rank scarf paused and turned to face them. Nida blinked as her line of sight drifted back to the rest of the room towards the left, where curious students gawked at them and murmured amongst themselves at the arrival of the new strangers. The Alakazam diverted his attention from writing on a blackboard with a piece of chalk he'd been levitating, set it aside, and approached. The Psychic-Type drew forward and sized up Team Traveller's members briefly, before training a sharp frown at the Lucario behind them.

"Do you mind?" the Alakazam snapped. "I'm in the middle of a lecture!"

"Apologies, Professor Gerhard," the Lucario insisted. "It's just that we found these truants shirking your class in the library."

Team Traveller's members nervously smiled and waved at the rest of the classroom as the Alakazam stared at them. The professor cocked a brow, before training a piercing scowl at the guard and gesturing at his new charges.

"And just what am I supposed to do with them?" he demanded. "I don't remember seeing any of their faces in my class this semester."

The Lucario hesitated and pawed at his right arm for a moment, briefly tripping over his words before he spoke up with a wary tone.

"Er… maybe you could let them sit in?" the Fighting-Type asked. "If they've been missing class, I'm sure they can catch up from another student."

The Alakazam hesitated for a moment, before giving a grumbling sigh and shaking his head. The Psychic-Type raised a hand still clasping onto a spoon, motioning off towards the seats in the classroom.

"Just go take a seat and don't cause any more distractions," the Alakazam harrumphed. "We have a lot of material to cover today, and I'm not going to hold it up for een stelletje luilakken."

Nida and the others filed between the desks towards the back of the classroom, where a row of desks that had been curiously left empty awaited them. The group noticed the students staring at them and trading puzzled whispers as they passed, before taking their seats at the back row. Team Traveller stared ahead rigidly at the blackboard, watching the Lucario guard take his leave and the Alakazam clear his throat to continue on with a lecture about battling techniques. After the professor droned on for a few minutes, Pleo began to grow antsy and fidget in his seat, before leaning in towards Nida and whispering to her.

"Nida, what do we do now?"

The Nidorina bit her tongue and hesitated a moment, unsure what they could do other than to just sit quietly and hope someone didn't notice they weren't actually students by the time the Alakazam completed his lecture. The Poison-Type flattened her ears and opened her mouth to speak, when a quiet thump from the seats in front of them drew her attention.

"Psst! Hey!"

Nida turned her attention forward, where she spotted a trio of Nidoran in plain lavender scarves from the row ahead looking at them with curious blinks.

"Who are you guys?" one of the two purple Nidoran asked.

"And where did you all come from?" the female Nidoran of the group added. "Are you all new here?"

Team Traveller traded wary looks with one another, before Nida flicked her ears and leaned in to speak.

"Er… I'm Nida, and these are my friends: Crom, Pleo, Elty, and Guardia," the Nidorina explained. "We all moved in a few days ago and just started classes here."

The larger of the two purple Nidoran gave a quizzical tilt of his head, before moving a paw to his mouth in thought.

"Feels strange that you're just starting when more than half the school year's already over," he murmured. "But I guess it can't be helped. I'm Filbert."

"And I'm Quintin," the other purple Nidoran chimed in. "Though everyone just calls me 'Quin'."

"And I'm Braam," his sister added. "Though what's with your funny accent? Did you all get sent in from another island?"

"Yes, that's right," Elty replied, nodding back. "We all came in from-"



Guardia and Pleo both raised limbs to offer up their explanations, only to pause and flinch as they realized they'd created conflicting stories. Elty threw a paw over his face with a low sigh as the Nidoran traded glances with each other, and a Zorua, a Magikarp in a water-filled tub, and a Shinx seated nearby similarly turned to face them, the Magikarp of the lot looking between the Cubone and young Lugia confusedly.

"I didn't even know they were still taking Pokémon from Tromba into this class," the Magikarp said. "Though which of the two are you all from?"

"Er… both, really. Most of our parents were stationed out in Kenobi, while others worked on Commissioner Lyn's crew and visited Tromba regularly," Nida explained, flattening her ears out with an awkward smile. "We wound up getting to know each other after they all got reassigned to Vollezee, so we've just been hanging around."

"Oh, so you've been sticking to who you know then. That makes sense!" the Shinx cheered. "Though if you need more friends, you could do worse than us! I'm Leonard, the Magikarp's Murdo and the Zorua's Sophie. Even if Gerhard's a bit of a grouch, you five are lucky to be here!"

Quin flared his ears at Leonard's explanation, narrowing his eyes back at the Electric-Type's insistence of how fortunate the newcomers were.

"Hrmph, that last bit's debatable," he grumbled. "That geezer doesn't even know the names of his own students!"

Sophie looked over Team Traveller's members skeptically, the Dark-Type's face seeming to carry a visible hint of suspicion about the new strangers in her class.

"Wait, so some of your parents were part of a Commissioner's crew?" she asked. "How many Pokémon were on it and just what sort of work did they do exactly?"

Nida opened her mouth to speak, only to trail off and fidget for a moment at the fox's question. After a moment to gather her thoughts, the Nidorina pawed at the back of her head and sheepishly raised her voice in reply.

"Pleo, Crom, and I had parents on that ship. And they just did… normal stuff to help it sail?" she answered. Crom shook his head, before he opted to put his knowledge of sailing to use to hurriedly shore up Nida's cover story.

"That's right, they helped Commissioner Lyn on his expeditions against pirates and helped collect annual tribute from the island," the Druddigon explained. "As locals they were able to get a better idea of what sort of tricks tax dodgers would try and use to stiff the Company."

"Zgadza się, and they passed through Kenobi on a regular basis," Elty offered. "That's where my parents and Guardia's were stationed."

Sophie's face fell into a doubtful frown, as she raised a brow back at the three's explanation.

"If that's the case, then how'd you get assigned here?" the Zorua questioned. "Everyone in this class has at least one parent who's a Third-Rank or higher in the Company. For instance, my dad is an Administrator on the Board, and so's Murdo's."

Team Traveller's members set their teeth on edge as the five of them quickly realized that Sophie was none other than Administrator Elilan's daughter. The lot squirmed for a moment, wondering if she had spotted some glaring hole in their cover, or worse, if she recognized them from some story her father had told her. Before their fears could get too far ahead of them, Filbert folded his ears back, before cutting in with a dismissive wave of his paw.

"Eh, ease up a bit, Sophie," the purple Nidoran said. "Some of the Second-Ranks on that ship probably just got promoted or something."

"Uh-huh, that's exactly what happened!" Pleo quickly added, prompting Sophie to skeptically tilt her head in reply.

"Three promotions to Third-Rank from the same Commissioner's crew?" she asked. "I'm having trouble buying that. The average crew of that sort is lucky to get more than one at a time."

Pleo and his friends hemmed and hawed a moment, before Elty spoke up to try and dispel the Zorua's suspicions.

"Er… well there were only two," the Growlithe insisted. "You see, Pleo's the son of Commissioner Lyn's former head flier and Nida and Crom here are half-siblings, so when their dad got promoted, they both got drug along out here."

Nida and Crom stiffened up and flushed a flustered red at Elty's explanation. While it didn't seem to sway the young fox, the rest of her companions seemed to be convinced, as Braam sighed and turned back to the Zorua.

"I honestly think that you're overthinking things, Sophie," she sighed. "Even if these 'mons' backgrounds are a little different than normal, it's not as if they just got dropped off here out of the blue."

Team Traveller's members hastily nodded back and affirmed Braam's explanation, prompting Sophie to hesitate, before sighing and opting to not press the matter further.

"Hm, I guess… though what sort of Pokémon is Pleo anyways?" the Zorua wondered.

"He's a Wingull," Crom answered. "There's apparently this rare dark purple variant from the islands south of Anyilla that gets to be really big, as you can see here."

"No he's not. Stop joking around," she scoffed. "I've learned enough about the Pokémon in the Cradle to know there is no variant of Wingull with purple feathers, let alone one with teeth, or a long tail like that."

Sophie stared back with an unimpressed scowl, which made Crom and his companions fidget nervously as the other students traded looks with one another. The Zorua opened her mouth to continue, when a voice from the front of the classroom cut in sharply.

"Do you feel like coming up and taking over the lecture, Sophie? You seem to be very talkative for a Pokémon who's supposed to be listening."

The Zorua flinched at the sound of Gerhard scolding her, turning to see the Alakazam Professor glaring at her from the blackboard. The fox hemmed and hawed briefly, before hesitantly speaking up to try and excuse herself.

"Uh… no, I was just-"

"Disrupting my lecture and distracting your fellow students, I know," the Psychic-Type chided. "Though if you're having trouble concentrating, there is another seat open right here."

Gerhard pointed off at a small, lone desk right next to the blackboard at the front of the classroom, before narrowing his eyes at the Dark-Type.

"If you don't need it to make it through my lecture, then act the part," he harrumphed.

Team Traveller and their nearby classmates quickly fell quiet and dutifully stared back ahead at the blackboard. After becoming satisfied with the newfound silence, Gerhard returned to the slate, as he began to read off from his lecture notes.

"Anyhow, as I'm sure you're all aware by now, many factors can turn the tide of a battle, not the least of which are status effects…"

Nida and her companions breathed a sigh of relief as the lecture continued on, quietly thanking the Travellers above that Gerhard had cut in when he did. The Nidorina looked off to her left at Sophie's seat, the Zorua glimpsing back with a sharp frown before the Dark-Type focused her attention ons the lecture again. Nida blanched and sank back against her stool-like seat, pinching her brow as Gerhard droned on while her thoughts turned back to her and her teammates' mission to probe the Academy. Time and time again, she found herself being nagged by an uncomfortable suspicion that perhaps they'd bitten off more than they could chew.

Back in the storeroom that Kiran and his party had taken shelter in, Salvini stood before Trizano as she coiled the last of a set of bandages around the Skarmory's head at his eye level. The Grovyle leaned in to tie a knot at the back of her handiwork when the steely bird flinched and jerked forward. The gecko stopped and grimaced a moment, before trying again with a gentler touch as she looked away and shook her head with a low murmur.

"Gods, that Noivern really did a number on you," she shuddered. "I don't think that a little patch job like this is going to fix your eyes."

Trizano shifted and winced as Salvini tightened the bandages about his eyes, the Skarmory craning his head towards the Grovyle's voice as he spoke up, trying to project confidence in his audibly weakened voice.

"N-Non temi, Salvini. It'll be fine! An Immortal always recovers from his wounds," he insisted. "I'll be my normal vigorous self in no time at all!"

"If you say so… but even if you're right, will they still work like they used to?" Salvini asked. "I've heard a few kinds of Pokémon can regrow entire limbs without any fancy magic, but the new ones they get are supposed to never be quite as good as the ones they had originally."

Trizano fell deathly silent, as he realized that even with Cernun's blessing allowing his body to rapidly restore his wounds, nobody in Darkwood Square had any record of what would happen to an Immortal whose eyes were injured as badly as his. He'd never seen an Immortal who hadn't fully healed from his wounds in the past, but… could it really be that his sight wouldn't come back with his eyes? As the Steel-Type quietly worried to himself, Hertsog shook his head and shot a sharp frown over at Kiran.

"Hrmph, you certainly have different teammates than what I remembered you having last time, Kiran."

"Well, yes," he answered. "Though how did you two wind up here?"

"We were reassigned off Mengir when we parted ways, remember?" Salvini said. "Guarding the Academy was the assignment that we wound up getting as a group after arriving here on Vollezee."

The Grovyle gave a small smile back, only to quickly suppress it after seeing her Mienshao companion fold his arms and shoot an impatient frown back at the Swellow.

"Though that doesn’t explain why you’re also here, Kiran," Hertsog said.

Kiran fidgeted a moment under Hertsog's stare, looking aside with an uncomfortable shuffle of his wings.

"I... wound up getting a different assignment myself."

"Including with a wanted 'mon who helped prisoners escape on Mengir?" Hertsog pressed, folding his arms with a sharp harrumph.

"With everything that you did to help us back on Mengir, it's hard for me to believe that you'd be a spy like those Second-Ranks claimed you were," the Mienshao continued. "But I can't say that I know too much about any of your new friends here or what they might have put you up to since then."

Hertsog looked over Percy and Calidus, his attention returning to Trizano briefly, before he shook his head and looked back at Kiran.

"So, I'd like to hear from all of you about what's going on," he said sternly. "And why you're getting into trouble with higher ranks if you're really not involved in anything questionable."

Kiran hemmed and hawed at the weasel's question, before raising a wing up in reply.

"Well… I know it sounds a bit… implausible, but a close friend of ours got into trouble with some of the higher-ups due to a misunderstanding," the Swellow offered. "We tried to help him clear his name, but…"

"Kiran and the others kept getting stonewalled, so they reached out to me and my Talonflame partner here to help," Percy added. "We hadn't crossed paths for a good while due to being stationed here in Canalhouse, but they thought that we might know someone who could help pass their concerns up the chain."

Calidus warily shot a glance over to Kiran, before ruffling his feathers and chiming in.

"We… admittedly had been having some trouble ourselves, so we had to resort to some alternative tactics."

"Including working with a wanted Outlaw?" Hertsog demanded, narrowing his eyes back sharply.

The Mienshao's audience shifted uneasily, Pladur pawing at the back of his head before he spoke up on behalf of his teammates.

"I mean, when we met Trizano on Mengir, it sounded like we had some shared interests that we could all work towards. And the more we dug into the story behind the bounty on him… well, we just kept finding more and more things that didn't make sense," the Fraxure said. "You can see why we tried to smooth things over for him, can't you?"

"Hrmph, I fail to see what could have possibly not added up when he literally aided and abetted pirates escaping my custody," Hertsog scoffed. "Or how you were all mistaken for Imperial spies, for that matter."

Trizano shifted and turned his head up at the sound of Hertsog's voice, the Skarmory's head swaying a bit before he cut into the conversation.

"Would I have stuck around to help your friends with the town shrine if I was really helping pirates?"

Hertsog curled his muzzle into a sharp frown, his eyes glaring daggers at the wounded Immortal.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't lie to my face, Skarmory," the Mienshao snapped. "You flew off that night with the pirates, and all of my subordinates who were there saw it with their own eyes! How on earth could you have-?"

Hertsog trailed off after he noticed that Salvini had remained deathly silent and was staring back at the Skarmory with wide, startled eyes, much as if she'd seen a ghost. The Mienshao blinked for a moment, giving a worried tilt of his head at his Grass-Type partner.

"Salvini? Kavko ima?" the Fighting-Type asked. "Do you know something about this?"

"I mean, it's not proof, but… the entire time Trizano was in town prior to that night, he was nothing but kind and helpful to the local guild and the rest of the townsfolk," Salvini said. "It's just- It's hard for me to believe that the same Pokémon we heard about would just turn around and also help pirates who'd plunder the town."

The Grovyle pawed at her shoulder a moment, before continuing warily.

"And you remember those letters that we all got right before we left? The ones asking us all to come to the shrine to help fix it?" she asked. "All of them were written by the same Pokémon, and you said that it looked like they'd been made and left behind by a Pokémon with sharp talons."

Hertsog looked back at Trizano as his teammates helped him up, his eyes drifting down to the talons on his feet. The Fighting-Type fell quiet for a moment, as he realized that the Skarmory's talons certainly would've been able to leave behind the scratch-like handwriting he'd seen. The Mienshao looked back at Salvini and found himself at a loss for words, as she shook her head and carried on with her train of thought.

"If he flew off, is it really impossible that he flew back?" the Grovyle insisted. "Especially if he thought something really was wrong about those pirates we picked up and that he was helping 'mons that were wrongly accused?"

Hertsog's mind turned back to the fateful mission that had cost him his position as Captain of the Guards of Mengir Island, and the more he thought about it, the more things seemed peculiar about it.

To begin with, there was Commander Briggs' evasiveness about the entire mission from its beginning to its end. Then there was the fact that the only trace of the scheming pirates they'd found had been a bunch of youths who had been wholly incompetent as scouts. The whole episode had just been baffling to him, since the youngsters probably could've been foiled by a nighttime raid of their hostel room instead of sending them to be ambushed in the local Mystery Dungeon the way they did.

And how could he forget Phyllis' horrified reaction when they actually encountered the pirates? Or her insistence that one of them was a 'demon'? It was daft to think that there could be a Protector among pirates of all Pokémon, but Briggs had seemed to anticipate she'd react that way, so why had he kept so mum about it?

Could… they have been deceived all along about the nature of that mission by their superiors? The Mienshao faltered for a moment, before deciding that he simply didn't have the evidence to confirm his doubts. On the other paw, even if Kiran had joined up with questionable company since they last met, there wasn't any firm reason to expect that the Swellow was being less earnest in his intentions than he was on Mengir…

So… whatever his misgivings were, perhaps it was for the best to give Kiran the benefit of the doubt.

"I still think there's something you all are hiding from me," Hertsog murmured. "But at the very least, I'm convinced that you're not spies."

The Mienshao looked off outside, where a small, unattended boat with a canvas roof had been moored and bobbed along the side of the canal. The Fighting-Type hesitated a moment, before turning back to Kiran and the others.

"The boat over there will be taking some of our emptied containers back down to the harbor where you can line up treatment for your Skarmory friend and try to sort things out. I will tell the Lapras that tugs this boat that you'll be going along with her today," he said. "Though considering what happened to his eyes, whatever you're all up to, I'd strongly encourage you to think long and hard about whether you can help that friend of yours some other way. I doubt the Travellers will smile on you like this a second time."

A long silence followed from the party's members, before Kiran nodded back gratefully.

"I suppose that's only fair," the Swellow replied. "Thank you for your help, Hertsog."

Kiran and the others made their way over to the waiting boat, Pladur and Percy helping Trizano limp along as they clambered into the boat and nestled themselves among its cargo. The group settled in and let out tired sighs, as Salvini walked up along the edge of the canal and poked her head in with a wary frown.

"He's here, isn't he?"

The five Pokémon bit their tongues and fell silent at the Grovyle's question, Pladur hemming and hawing as he tried to muster up a reply.

"E-Er… who would you be referring to-?" the Fraxure started, only to get cut off by a sharp huff.

"Pleo," Salvini shot back. "Why else would you be here and put yourselves through this?"

Pladur and his teammates fell silent for a moment, as they heard the splash of churning water and heard Hertsog's voice chattering indistinctly with another. After being satisfied that they weren't being overheard, Kiran sighed and turned back to Salvini with a low whisper.

"Yeah, he's here."

"Where is he?" the Grovyle pressed. A tense silence followed for a moment, before the Swellow shook his head in response.

"We can't tell you that, Salvini and you know it," the Flying-Type said. "Though you've seen him before. If you run across him, you'll know."

The lot heard Hertsog and the tugging Pokémon trade farewells, glancing ahead to see the Lapras start to tow the boat ahead. Salvini quickly pulled her head back out and watched as the boat headed off down the canals, Kiran and his companions casting furtive glances out before opting to hide away.

Salvini continued to watch as the boat rounded the corner, before turning away with a sigh and starting off. All the while, she wondered to herself what Kiran could've meant by knowing once she saw Pleo. It was then that her eyes drifted off towards the other buildings of the Academy when she froze with a start.

"No way. He didn't mean that he's in…?"

Author's Notes:

- ruido - Spanish: "noise"
- Tintoren - Dutch: "Tin Tower"
- Sciocchezze! - Italian: "Nonsense!" (interjection), lit. plural of "foolishness", "silliness"
- een stelletje luilakken - Dutch: "a bunch of slackers"
- Zgadza się - Polish: "That's right"
- Non temi - Italian: "Don't fear" (singular you). lit. "No fear" (singular you)


The great speckled bird
A town at the bottom of the ocean
  1. quilava
  2. buizel
Sorry mom, I'm doing catnip again. Reviewing chapter 3 and 4.

Hello. It's been a year I think since I formally reviewed this. Shockingly, I don't think I've forgotten much, though I've also read the beginning a few times so it's on the way to becoming a core memory. We'll see if that keeps up as I go on.


Still Dungeon

I'm actually going to start outside the chapter. Have I said how good the premise is? I'm going to say that right now. It's a textbook fantasy setup: a world that's really really into gods on either side of the spectrum, complete with a mythology and societal structure. Then you pull the ol' yes, but... and give them a babby instead. It's the kind of premise that can carry a fic for a number of chapters just on its own.

How could I stop reviewing last time right at a cliffhanger? what's wrong with me. Well, this is why the PMD world needs microchips. Just put your badge in the back of your head and you'll never lose it again.

Bro, Nida, you can't threaten the protector, he'll remember that shit. And you haven't seen how bulky he is in comp. No shot your poison's doing anything.

I have to wonder how Pleo's egg got down here. Placed perfectly on a stone pedestal, even. I don't actually remember if there's a reason for this or if it's jsut rule of cool, but I will wait and see.

We do finally get to see Pleo, though. Already very cute. Once again, I have to wonder who taught him to speak or if that's just the god powers at work. I like him already. And am fully on his side in this debate. It's very rude that Nida seems more concerned about herself than playing with him, she clearly needs to be less selfish and get her priorities straight.

I'm sure saturday morning cartoon has come up in reference to the fic at some point, but the vibes are strong here. What might have been an almost horror-esque scene came though very light despite Nida being trapped and afraid. You can especially sense Nida's youth in this exchange, she understands that this is the protector and is rightfully somewhat afraid but also shes not thinking through the implications all the way. She also seems to be stunlocked into not realising that he is babby.

And Crom is even more clueless lol. Thank god Kiran was here.

I do think the things the Pleo does and doesn't know seem fairly arbitrary and selective given how advanced his language is. Part of this feels like a necessity just to give him some personality, but I still couldn't help but being a little thrown off at moments.

And Kiran is more devious than I thought, I remember him being a bit of a stickler, but 'recruiting' Pleo is chaotic behaviour. I approve of this.

Now to deal with the consequences : )

Goodbye dungeon :(

For a second I though the rest of the chapter would be a lineup of characters stumbilng up and interrupting themselves at the sight of lugia lol. And now they're really hypeing themselves up and nobody has the heart to tell them. Poor babby just wants to play, not defend the island from interlopers.

Oof. Ouchie. There we go. building sandcastles instead of emancipating the islanders.

Anyway, Pleo is already very fun, as I've said. I have issues with child characters in generl. I find they often fall into the trap of being the inherent driver of conflict--they cause all the issues the protags have to solve, turn non-issues into conflict or excacerbate thigns in general. It's a balancing act, essentially, and I think you have a good solution of having Pleo just be the guy who everyone wants. He;s not really doing anything (yet, at least). and all of his shenanigans are mostly unrelated to the actul drive of the plot, so the reader can still have fun with him without feeling the frustration of a trainwreck child making everything worse.

Chapter 4

Is Hatteras PMD super coded or is that just me? I like him. he has some fun bits--changing jobs with a scarf is classic silent film nonsense. Also shockingly does not take away from the gravity of the situation as settup through the beginning of the chapter. Your tone is very consistent in general, which helps. no bizarre horror segments in an otherwise pg series.(at least not yet. I know PMD writers can't help themselves.)

I find myself with not much to say at the start of the chapter here. There's some fun character moments with Hatteras and gang, but it mostly ends up as a recap and thus I check out little bit. Honestly, it would need punching up a bit to justify a lot fo teh conversation before Hatteras starts making decisions. As it stands, a lot of what's being said is stuff I already know, so either add a thread of something I don't or play up the character of the conversation a bit more(assuming you ever go back and edit this. understandable if no).

I appreciate their devotion to keeping PLeo as a teammate, no matter how horrible an idea that would be. Kiran did say, after all...

Bro they can't be good guildmembers if they would lie about somethign as important as playtime. Nida promised and yet >:(. Just wait until PLeo gets their full powers, then it's playtime all the time.

Oops I've been calling him Pleo this whole time. Just pretend I didn't know.

Ah, Ander. A while ago I had some thoughts about him, but I think I'll save them for later chapters when they're more relevant. For now I'll say that while he's a rude bug it's hard not to sympathise. I'm not sure what pther reaction even a god should expect for branding someone's entier lineage lol. Certainly not friendship or reverence. Also the rest of the town is horrible to him lol. It's not easy being bug.

But poor Pleo anyway. I don't envy his position even if he's not quite sure of it yet. Of course I know it only gets worse when the company comes but shhhh we're pretending I haven't read that yet.

Also with the reveence. This is something I definitely forgot (probably as they leave the island and it becomes less relevant) but boy do the townsfolk simp for this bird.

And we do end up getting a bit of an explanation for why Pleo knows words so good. Learning from teh egg is an interesting bit of lore. It verges on the edge on fantasy even fro a fantas story, but given the approach you've taken so far I accept it. It helps a litte bit with Pleo's arbitrary understanding too but leaves me thinking the explanation maybe could have come a bit sooner.

Awww and it ends cute, too.

Honestly found myself without a lot to say this chapter. Much of it was just settling in or a recap of things that happened last chapter or whatever, but at this point I feel like I have a solid grasp on the town and characters and so on so I didn't learn much new. That said, this was still a breezy, fun read. Pleo is a bonus to any interaction, after all. And you still had some spice here or there. I don't remember if Ander showed up in previous chapters, but he makes a strong impression here and, spoilers, the Marked are one of the things that ended up interesting me most from what I read last time.

You also end strong. It's nice to have a momnet of calm with Pleo before everything else happens, and the whole town coming over to babysit is a fun shakeup to Nida's daily life.

I dunno, still a good chapter, just without much impact.

Two Bonus thoughts

Kadabra noticed the lugia yaoi hands, he's based.

What is your stance on Nidoran with fur vs Nidoran without fur? I think I saw 'pelt' being used in reference to Nida but I must be certain.


Bug Catcher
Anything is fine
Prologue-19 Review Summary:

Thank you for the read. Pleo is great. Obviously a lot of effort has gone into polishing this, and a lot of scenes I just wrote OK over because there wasn't anything to pick at.

My biggest issue with Prologue-19 was really just Elty being too helpful for how he was being treated. After the first ten chapters which were really well polished, there were some expressions I felt could be broken into two sentences and some mechanical errors (see notes). Things that you can come back to later if you want, they didn't really affect the story much. As of Chapter 19, Nida became a fairly flat character to me. Maybe because she had an ‘actor’ like role for about 13 or so chapters or maybe it was your intention. But the personality is consistent with the scenes, I think. There are 60+ more chapters, so there is no issue.

Other Comments:

Hahah, it reminds me of Watership Down. The first thing I will say that this might no longer be my type of story. I used to love these kinds of long, meandering fantasy stories, but these days I’m not so enamored with them.

Right, so I came back here after Chapter 5. Maybe it’s more like a Studio Ghibli movie. It’s slow, but there isn’t repetition. It’s always telling me something new. It’s nice to read. C7 – Tracking the skirmishes over the village with the pirates is handled well. Chapter 10 had the first portion where I started skimming. As of C17, a number of descriptive sentences that might be better split in two. As of C18, Nida’s character is being a determined hothead. Going to assume it is fleshed out more in the future.

I don’t think my review on the early segment matters that much since you’ve probably re-written this part a million times, but maybe one stream of consciousness data-point will be helpful.

Personally found Pleo way more fun than Nida and Crom, and maybe more Crom POV needed, but some other reviews say otherwise, so that’s a good thing, guess there’s something for everyone. I also realized that Crom isn’t on the cover picture, so maybe it doesn’t matter. Comments that may be more interesting present in 5, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17.

I also included some of my perception on the world’s mechanics and of its characters at different points. This might be useful for checking if it aligns with what you are trying to convey. Of course, if completely off, could always be a case of bad reader, but hopefully it helps.


  • Nidoran sneaks out of bed.
  • A legend is told about the Star of Destruction and the Pokemon that went to war with the gods, the ‘Marked’.
Chapter 1
  • Lots of effort put into the speech patterns. Unfortunately, I’m not the target audience for this one.
  • Nida is a real go-getter. OK, noted
  • More banter. OK. Definitely very well written.
  • Why does Calino the Kecleon care about what Nida and her family think of some ribbing? Are they that important customers that he is worrying about losing them over something like that? (Whatever, SUBJECTIVE, it’s his personality, ignore this.)
  • Something happened last year. OK, noted
  • Crom, a Druddigon, runs a bakery with his family. Is portrayed as rather young.
  • Thank you for including the translations.
Chapter 2
  • Lots of water damage from the storm.
  • Ferals are presented as a problem – OK
  • Story mechanism for dungeon shenanigans called the Distortion – OK
  • Pay your visits to the shrine before setting out on a journey. OK, pretty charming scene. May or may not hold future significance.
  • “Incredibly distant-looking layout of the floor they had just came from. Upside down.” – Liked this one. Really helps with the atmosphere.
  • A bunch of Krabby. Are they ferals? Ok, everyone gets one Krabby. Neat. I could visualize the fight vividly.
  • I’ve forgotten why they really need six apples, but I suppose it doesn’t matter.
  • Drop Hole Trap. OK
Chapter 3
  • This chapter was hooking. I didn’t stop to write comments until halfway through the chapter because I was reading. Great job.
  • OH. Now I remember reading this. A Lugia. I must have skimmed one of the later chapters long ago.
  • A Company and pirates mentioned. OK
  • If they are doomed now, and if everyone is so disappointed… Why weren’t they doomed before? I mean, they have gotten on perfectly fine without Lugia. (WHATEVER, SUBJECTIVE. It’s answered in C12.)
Chapter 4
  • Hatteras the Ampharos. OK. Now he is a both a guildmaster and mayor. Charming.
  • Lugia is now named Pleo. OK
  • Our first introduction to one of the Marked. Ok, intriguing enough.
  • Artemis the Dustox. OK. Pleo is now living with Nida’s family. OK
  • Nevermind, all of the neighbours are here. Not going to remember them for now.
  • Teja and Marley. Nida’s parents. OK.
  • Ok, interesting bedtime story.
Chapter 5
  • Wait, Pleo is a day old? So Nida knows that Pleo was born yesterday in the dungeon? How? Did I miss something? (WHATEVER, SUBJECTIVE, STORY MAGIC. This is nitpicking.) Hm. I went back and checked because it would really make me wonder if I actually read it seriously if I missed something like that.
Nida opened her mouth to press further, only to stop and realize… Pleo was a day old. If he hadn't enjoyed the night, would it even occur to him to try and fib to her? The Nidoran shook her pelt and then turned for the path, that Dojo wasn't going to come to them all the way up on that hillside.
After what felt like an eternity, the unmistakable sound of a metallic clink echoed from around the bend, along with an occasional staccatoed tapping. It was her badge! As Nida pulled herself out of the channel and the sound of the flowing water grew fainter, she began to discern the sound of something shifting and moving about... in the direction of her ticket out of this pit.

"Wh-who's there?! Give that badge back right now! It's important!" Nida cried as she bounded out of the channel, not bothering to shake off the water that had drenched her pelt. She rushed towards the tapping noises, but as she rounded the bend, she froze in her tracks.


There was a round stone dais in the middle of a pool of water that took up most of the room. It sat between corridors heading off in the three other cardinal directions, and on that landing, a white bird with blue accents along its head and spine, a long neck, and a tapering tail rested, facing away from her.

From her position, Nida guessed that the creature was just a bit bigger than Kiran. Around the bird's feet were some fragments, like pieces of a large, freshly broken pot. The creature was craning its long neck down; enraptured from tapping at something by its feet that Nida couldn't make out, but assumed was her badge.

It stopped to preen its shoulder before being distracted by a steady dribbling of water off of a stalactite in the passage to its right. The creature stopped preening itself, pulled its head up, and waddled towards the corridor. When it reached the lip of the water, it spread its wings and gave them a playful beat just as Nida began to realize...
  • I guess the various European languages used here does help the atmosphere.
  • Dojo maze for training. OK
  • Stingy as usual, Kecleon. OK
  • A simulated mud trap. OK
  • This is the first time I’ve noticed the ending transition to the next chapter. I didn’t see it in the previous four, they just flowed. Maybe it’s a bit off, I don’t know. (SUBJECTIVE)
Chapter 6
  • Yeah, it’s about as awkward as I would expect a fight with a parent to go. It’s kinda sweet, so probably perceived as intended. Nice.
  • I suppose we can expect to see Pleo flying soon with this breadcrumb.
  • Ok, Pleo is popular with the kids. I mean, he was popular with the neighbors too, so this is expected. Could be shorter? Or not, given the whimsical nature of this story and the next scene, maybe this is appropriate.
  • Ok, more of the Marked, this time children. Interesting.
  • Eating feral Pokemon. Interesting.
  • Pirates arrive. OK, cliffhanger.
Chapter 7
  • Pleo rushes into danger, then Swellow V Gabite, Nida V Trapinch. OK, engaging. I read through half the chapter before I stopped to comment.
  • Pleo unleashes some power under duress – OK.
  • OK, the presence of the other pirates aside from the four mentioned before was addressed.
Chapter 8
  • OK, now Ampharos is a Judge. It’s a fun running gag.
  • OK, pirates handled like random villains. Everyone gets their own pirate. This could be fun.
  • Nothing special about this chapter. It’s surprisingly entertaining for a chapter about punishing random villains.
  • I assume at this point I don’t have to know what the Wastes are.
Chapter 9
  • Elty the Growlithe. OK. Fight with Pleo, OK. Pirate is their “teammate” now, eh? He’s slightly friendly with Crom and readily participating in the conversations in the Move Tutor scene. Gross, would’ve rather had him succeed in keeping the aloof attitude the whole way through the chapter. But it’s subjective. I assume Elty is going to play a bigger role and we’re trying to make him more likeable.
  • Move tutor Porygon. OK
  • OK, leading into a Mystery Dungeon exploration with Pleo to get him to release his powers.
  • MECHANICAL: “‘I don’t see or feel anything that’s different,’ Pleo responded” (Missing full-stop.)
  • “as he found his head being drug towards the ground by Bracket” – more used to ‘dragged’ here, but a search says ‘drug’ can also be used, but more rarely.
  • Company comes after the next harvest. OK, interesting. I guess that begs the question that was asked back in Chapter 3, if this Company comes occasionally, and the pirates show up enough for them to be wary of pirates, they must have dealt with them before? So can’t they just stow Pleo somewhere and deal with it as they always have? I assume this will be addressed later.
  • I don’t know who learnt a new move and what move in the last scene. But maybe it’s because I’m a weak reader. Anyway, it’s useless nitpicking, since the story is way past this and this is likely meant to be an amusing scene.
Chapter 10
  • Resuming the read after some amount of time, maybe 2 days.
  • Making the process of teaching a move via HM more interesting – OK
  • Ok, Elty is uncooperative. Good. Kind of needs more confidence as a shit-talker though, but whatever, SUBJECTIVE. Guess he fears the Wastes that much. Same goes for all of the other pirates.
  • Loved the interactions between the pirate-slaves though.
  • Scene about Kecleon’s damaged shop. OK. Right, so Nida usually haggles for discounts. Ok, that was C1.
  • Right, it’s around the part about Gabite has to be a baker and Quilava getting barbed by all of Nida’s siblings where the Saturday morning cartoon vibe really starts to hit a bit hard and I started skimming a little. It’s ok though, since that’s the tone established for the story, and as you said, you’ve benchmarked it with ATLA, so you’ve clearly met the goal here. (SUBJECTIVE)
  • Stopped skimming. Something new is happening.
  • Pitys the Shiftry, Alto the Loudred, Cardellini the Croconaw. Experienced team, noted. Nida seems to know them.
  • Additionally, Nida and Crom have been working with the team for at least a year.
  • ‘We had them where I'm from,’ So where is Elty from? Interesting, looks like a hook.
  • Explanation of the distress mail mechanism from PMD. Bounty system incentivizing rescue teams to act on the notes. Winds from the Distortion carrying notes out is eh, but I definitely couldn’t do better either. OK
  • Hm. Ferals aren’t native to Mystery Dungeons but might just end up in them. Might be a reminder of something established earlier that I forgot. Ok, noted. Ferals eat locals, ok, hints to where ‘food’ actually comes from were in C6.
  • Pleo gets anxiety over a Skarmory incident that Nida had.
  • Guild members get free space, free food. Going to remember it as guild members get some privileges.
  • Will treat ferals like highwaymen and outlaws then. Hedonistic, will do whatever they want if there is not threat of repercussion, will sometimes plead with the civilization for shelter, will need to be hunted down if they go amok. OK – that’s my impression of it now.
Chapter 11
  • Ah, right, Team Traveler. Now I remember it being mentioned before. Gotta note that down.
  • Go Elty! Be as passive-aggressive as possible. Yeah, that must be the personality I felt was more accurate for the character in this early stage with the team. As passive-aggressive as possible. Rudeness interspersed with backing down when threatened wasn’t doing it for me. This scene where Elty gets his own bag to show he isn’t a part of the team is GREAT.
  • Stopping by the shrine before the dungeon, and we give Pleo a realization about sharing food, probably. OK.
  • More talk about the Wastes. Ok, so we drop a hint that maybe there are a bunch of other legendary eggs scattered over the world, and all of them awakening would mean the equivalent of world peace or similar. Nice.
  • First Zigzagoon then Pikachu. Okay.
  • As an aside, I assumed that I could just go off my old knowledge of Mystery Dungeons in this story to this point. My perception of those in your world at the first horizontal rule in Chapter 11 is: a) They are kind of just there on the outskirts of the town (?), and obey most of the main game rules. b) Sometimes the guild scavenges them for useful items like Apples and so on. c) In this region, they are a bunch of sea cave dungeons. Hopefully this is in line with your intention.
  • There’s a scene describing the mechanics of entering the dungeon. Even if it’s not useful later, it doesn’t really matter, it’s interesting.
  • Callback to Hawlucha’s maze, C6-8.
  • Mechanism where you can’t stay too long on a floor referenced. OK
  • Fight with Frillish. More dungeon mechanics. OK
  • C’mon, Elty, it’s been what, a week. You’re too helpful. The villagers think you suck anyway. You were presented as at least a wannabe tough guy and I want you to follow through >< (SUBJECTIVE)
  • Overall, Pleo scenes charming as usual. Exposition was fine. Fight was fine.
Chapter 12
  • Cut to Ampharos.
  • References to Central Banks? OK
  • “The Ampharos turned and entered the establishment, rebuilt recently enough to not to have the sights and accompanying smells of many rowdy and well-used nights yet” “The Bug-type wore a lavender scarf with a purple design consisting of four small squares that laid on top of the corners of a larger square that connected them all.” “Every now and then, they would look back up as they tried to make sense of a rude map of streaks from a piece of charcoal on a scrap of paper (the backside being kept clean, just in case they needed to scribble a distress message on it) that Crom had doodled after first coming down the stairs.” I understand these, but a little lengthy.
  • Osmund the Sceptile, captain of the guard.
  • Sableye was a pirate? Yeah, probably.
  • “Croconaw weren't meant to have their tails rub up against cave walls with every turn in a corridor, after all.” Really? Why not? But it’s a filler sentence, so nitpicking is eh.
  • Mawile. Ah, shoot, I forgot who it was.
  • Ok, so Osmund is regional staff for the Company. Noted. Going to assume he’s a good guy.
  • And the Company gives mafia-like protection services. Believes that might makes right. OK.
  • So why were they so scared for Pleo if even Hatteras can give their notaries lip?
  • Ok, Mothim has no respect for Hatteras. Good way of conveying that with the name misspelling.
  • Mothim has a Dragonite higher-up. How much higher, don’t know. There is a tenuous agreement between the town and the Company, only possible because of Hatteras and some ‘Dragon Buster’, otherwise town gets ‘reclaimed’. OK.
  • Alright, Mothim has found out who Pleo is. OK. That’s questions from C3-11 patched.
  • Storing items in the dungeon hoping that the Distortion infuses magic into them is neat.
Chapter 13
  • Monster House reference.
  • MECHANICAL: “the Growlithe's eyes darted nervously here in there for in search of something”
  • “"Wait, that was a sting!" she cried, her voice beginning to grow giddy as she realized... "I finally stung a-! Gah!"” I don’t understand the elation here. Was that that different from a normal poison barb that we’ve seen so far? I mean, it knocked out a Pokemon in one hit, OK, which might not have happened before. I’m not feeling it from the description though.
  • Slow Orb effect depicted through use of spider threads. OK
  • Pleo learns to fly. OK
  • Hatteras is disappointed that Pleo didn’t awaken some other power, presumably because the Company is arriving. OK
Chapter 13.2
  • Cut to the Company. A slightly large foggy island with mountains is my impression of Kenobi Island.
  • Lyn the Samurott. Ellsberg the Mothim. OK. Can tell that Lyn is pretty strong. Ice and stabby powers. We reference Pokémon durability a bit here.
  • Lyn is currently a Commissioner that enforces the protection racket. OK. Ambitious. Wants that sweet promotion to middle management or higher.
Chapter 14
  • I get it, but it may be cleaner as two sentences list:
  • Her partner, catching sight of the approaching embers, abruptly pitched forward and let the flames coast past him along with Elty's self-assured confidence into a barrier of light held up by a Glaceon.
  • “the spike ball hastily trying to regain her wits and break free of her stunned cling to Pleo's plumage.” Little weird. Was ‘stunned cling’ intended here?
  • I like how Fly as it is now is just Pleo falling ungracefully on things.
  • Once again, I know you tried to make Elty someone who is more bark than bite with the burning ships scene, but for someone who is the punching bag and unwilling help for clearing dungeons even up to this Chapter, he has surprisingly little bite. I was fine with it coming out of 12-13 after the burning ships conversation, but this reminded me again. Too helpful, as I mentioned earlier.
  • And for his help, there’s still no appreciation from the other Pokémon. Why co-operate this much? I think he even said once in the dungeon that ‘there’s nothing in it for him’, aside from not getting sent to the Wastes. He’s always going to be remembered as the pirate that burnt down a bunch of stuff in town.
Chapter 14.2
  • Ok, forgot who Ander was. My bad. Marked Scyther, right?
  • A talk about nuts and death. OK
  • Ok, remainder of the chapter was well done, finished it before I felt like coming back to comment. Not going to talk about more sensitive stuff here.
Chapter 15
  • Is all that we can do finding things? I would be bored to death too, Nida.
  • Convincing Pleo that things aren’t his fault. OK. Nothing to say here.
  • “larger than the Iron "Fleet's" craft with three-masts flying lavender sails with purple squares that attached to notched cross-shaped piers dyed on them” probably could sound better. Don’t know how though.
  • If Electabuzz were this scared of Lyn, he should have never been flippant in the first place. An accidental insult maybe. But this is nitpicking.
  • Lyn is a nasty piece of work. Got it.
  • Ambush scene. OK.
  • Lyn buying time for the kidnapping to happen. Ok.
  • Chase at the docks scene is ok.
Chapter 16
  • Tracing red lint scene would work far better in a Sherlock Holmes movie. Unfortunately, this is just text. It’s OK.
  • Using saltwater to send the Thunder Wave. OK
  • Alright, engaging. Didn’t have to stop for a comment until the word “Mosca”.
  • Sorry, I’ve forgotten who Mildrew and Mosca are.
  • Ah, it’s the Froslass and Move Tutor Porygon! I know they aren't Mildrew and Mosca. Still don't know who those are. Should probably double back.
  • Good reminder that everyone was immobilized by Thunder Wave.
  • MECHANICAL: or at least so everyone thought, until… (capitalize this?)
  • Ok, someone named Darzin mentioned. Noted.
  • Ok, they surrendered. That’s reasonable.
  • Yeah, why should you care, Elty? Babysitting is not a threat compared to being sliced through by Lyn. I wouldn’t know though. (SUBJECTIVE)
  • Mostly engaging chapter.
  • I’m still wondering what the guild’s plan is IF Nida, Crom and Elty fail. Not that it matters because I am assuming they don’t fail, but what would it be? Get steamrolled by the Corporation on a later date for insubordination and causing damage to the fleet? I guess we’ll find out.
Chapter 17.1
  • Ok, capped teleportation powers. That was a fun discussion on the server.
  • I get it, but it’s a little strange: “perimeter that the Company had set up around the docks, spying carefully down the town's paths and in between structures for any sign of an unmonitored approach.”
  • Might be a bit flowery: “Their breaths became shallow and slow, their hearts raced, and their heads began to feel faint as they found themselves devoid of strength or will to continue forward.” Why did you come if you didn’t have the will to continue forward? ‘Devoid’ maybe too strong here.
  • Sneaking onboard via crates. OK. Funny scene.
  • Ooh, caught already. I like this.
  • Ok, so that was the adults’ plan. I guess I understand it. Never mind, they have another plan now. Oh, that plan is useless too. Alright then.
  • The chain of events and the following plan is: Company kidnaps Pleo. Nida and Crom save Pleo. Lyn threatens the entire town with overwhelming firepower and Pleo’s health, so Hatteras surrenders Pleo. The adults try to sneak attack Lyn’s sails to get Pleo back so they don’t directly face the firepower (?). The last step doesn’t seem very sound, won’t they just get threatened with the Blast Seed cannons and other weaponry again?
  • Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore, because Lyn set sail early.
Chapter 17.2
  • I can see the ATLA inspiration. Like a mix of Zuko and Azula, yeah?
  • Maybe flying them out mid-journey was the only way for you to get Pleo out without incurring an immediate crushing retaliation by Lyn on Tromba. I get it. OK
Chapter 18
  • Card game scene, guards fight, bought them time to sneak by. Skimmed by a little.
  • Lockpicking scene. OK
  • Saving Pleo. OK, flying out soon.
Chapter 19
  • No, Nida, it would be a great idea to cause a massive fire and pray Pleo flies you out. But that’s just my opinion.
  • From then until they got shot out of the sky was engaging. Didn’t stop to comment until then. Prayer scene with Pleo’s wings was really cool.
  • A heavily forested island somewhere outside Tromba.
  • Venner the Venipede and Francoeur the Tepig. OK. There’s a high chance I won’t remember this… But at least I have it in notes.
  • Wonder what the Corpo is going to do to try to get Pleo back.
Last edited:


Las Vegas
Hello, I’m doing catnip reviews. But I want to read a few chapters here at least, because there’s definitely a lot to discuss here. Here’s a live reaction to the Prologue, and I’ll start reviewing and putting nitpicks or concrit anywhere that I find it. I’m going to assume due to the number of posts that these early chapters have been reviewed heavily, so I’ll go a few in and see what happens.

The work is very comfortable to read. The appearance of the night sky is pleasant to imagine, and hearing about the travelers makes me just as excited and intrigued as Nida. I can tell that a lot of thought and personality has been baked into the narration itself. The chemistry between Nida and her mother is so good. I love how Nida immediately has a clear set of goals in mind, and Nidorina has her hands full like anyone would with so many children. Go to sleep!

The scarves… I wonder what’s the deal with those. They need scarves as identification, and specifically for Pokemon. That feels really deliberate. Guess we’ll find out.

And it immediately comes right into the humans. The introduction of each of these elements as we go through the chapter is well thought out and executed. I’m being brought into layers and layers of worldbuilding from the get go, which is a great hook.

Mythology and lore! There’s Gods. Multiple, which is really neat. I love it when people play with how either the world is set up or how beings in that world view creation myths, so this is really cool. OOOH GODS THAT DIED. Normally I wouldn’t be so eager to read such a lore intensive chapter, but it sets the stage for everything very well. All the mechanics are here and actually explained which is great. The “marked” are especially a standout here, and I feel like their stories will be much less cut and dry than anyone telling them from this angle has.

Okay this worldbuilding from the getgo is amazing. This is such a fun change to the PMD formula that has since grown fairly stale to me, and feels refreshing in comparison. But it still has the core there!

Use of the Nidoran line is such a good choice on a personal level, because it brings me back to daydreaming about pokemon doing things as a small child. It’s got a very nostalgic quality, even though I’m reading this for the first time. Looking forward to more!

The timeskip gives a lot of wiggle room for how these characters will react to the world. Eager to see what happens, given the fact that we’ve already seen where this fic is capable of going.

“She darted out of the crowd to rest a moment and catch her breath. With a navy blue scarf adorned with a solitary white star around her neck, a small glinting badge affixed to it along her throat, and a satchel on her back, the Nidoran was not quite the same kit she had been so many nights ago.”

This does feel like a run on, a little bit. Especially the description of the solitary white star and the navy blue scarf, it’s giving me a lot of good information but not necessarily in a concise way. The sentence could be broken up a little.

Ooh I love the town. Being a port is a great setting for PMD and super felt like such a letdown with just one or two interactions at the waterfront. Interested in how the landscape will change how characters interact or what they learn about the world.

And then we get the contrast between Nida and the reader, which is done really well. It really makes her personality shine through here as she goes about her day.

“Much to the Nidoran's relief, she was answered by a green and yellow lizard with a long tongue popping up from behind some crates, who gingerly sauntered over to the counter.”

I can see what Calino looks like here, but the sentence could use some punctuation to make it a little easier to read. Maybe a comma after his description? There’s a few ways to go about it, and this is a minor nitpick at most.

Loving Calino. He’s full of personality, and his dialogue combined with Nida’s inner thoughts is great. Their teasing negotiations, until it goes too far! Staring intensely at the little mentions that make the story feel lived in, like the guards or other towns. Feels like the edge of a huge world. French! Spanish! Places across the sea!

Extremely interested in what happened last year. Kiran is such a character… Everyone in this fic has so much chemistry.

CHROM IS SO CREATIVE. I love bakery Druddigon I love Druddigon in general. Everyone’s being introduced in such cool ways, and they’re unique and interesting. I can’t wait to see them elaborated on.

“A couple floors beyond the entrance, in a chamber composed primarily of light stone intersected by small tidal pools, some Krabby scuttled across the cave floor between shallow pools of water, snapping at any Finneon that happened to float by, while a Corsola pulled itself out of another pool to gather salts from a damp rock. An unremarkable night for Pokémon whose lives followed an alternative rhythm to those slumbering down the hill.”

This paragraph begins with a sentence that is very run on, with several commas that could be broken up.

Something’s hatching, and it seems powerful. What a way to start things off. And immediately Nida gets the endless cycle of babysitting after even a few years. It sure is like that. Nida with the kids a few years later: Go to sleep! Just like her mom haha

The storm is a fun way to build that sense of compelling suspense, and even though the chapter ends on a satisfying note of “we’ve found out more about this world”, it still makes me want to read more.

Between Calino being intimidated by Mami and her being compared to a storm (and with a title having to do with slaying dragons) She’s really a force to be reckoned with. Seeing her in action would be so cool.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
I'm actually going to start outside the chapter. Have I said how good the premise is? I'm going to say that right now. It's a textbook fantasy setup: a world that's really really into gods on either side of the spectrum, complete with a mythology and societal structure. Then you pull the ol' yes, but... and give them a babby instead. It's the kind of premise that can carry a fic for a number of chapters just on its own.

Well, I appreciate hearing that.

I hope you’ll find the fic lives up to its potential if you do end up reading more.

I have to wonder how Pleo's egg got down here. Placed perfectly on a stone pedestal, even. I don't actually remember if there's a reason for this or if it's jsut rule of cool, but I will wait and see.

That’s a bit of background worldbuilding that actually gets revealed later on, so hold onto that thought.

Anyway, Pleo is already very fun, as I've said. I have issues with child characters in generl. I find they often fall into the trap of being the inherent driver of conflict--they cause all the issues the protags have to solve, turn non-issues into conflict or excacerbate thigns in general. It's a balancing act, essentially, and I think you have a good solution of having Pleo just be the guy who everyone wants. He;s not really doing anything (yet, at least). and all of his shenanigans are mostly unrelated to the actul drive of the plot, so the reader can still have fun with him without feeling the frustration of a trainwreck child making everything worse.

Ah, thank you so much! Pleo means a lot to both me and Spiteful Murkrow, so I’m really glad you’re enjoying him.

Is Hatteras PMD super coded or is that just me? I like him. he has some fun bits--changing jobs with a scarf is classic silent film nonsense.

So, funnily enough, Hatteras was created before PSMD was even announced. Me and Spiteful Murkrow found it quite hilarious when it turned out that the new PMD game had a character in it that’s so similar.

Honestly found myself without a lot to say this chapter. Much of it was just settling in or a recap of things that happened last chapter or whatever, but at this point I feel like I have a solid grasp on the town and characters and so on so I didn't learn much new. That said, this was still a breezy, fun read. Pleo is a bonus to any interaction, after all. And you still had some spice here or there. I don't remember if Ander showed up in previous chapters, but he makes a strong impression here and, spoilers, the Marked are one of the things that ended up interesting me most from what I read last time.

You also end strong. It's nice to have a momnet of calm with Pleo before everything else happens, and the whole town coming over to babysit is a fun shakeup to Nida's daily life.

I dunno, still a good chapter, just without much impact.

Not having much to say about this chapter is fair I think! The story has only just begun and things are still being set up. The fact that you had fun while reading it means the chapter served its purpose. ^^

What is your stance on Nidoran with fur vs Nidoran without fur? I think I saw 'pelt' being used in reference to Nida but I must be certain.

Nidoran do indeed have fur in Fledglings’ setting, even if they’re short-haired. Same applies to Nidorino and Nidorina, with Nidoking and Nidoqueen being the exceptions as they have visible scales or armor of some sort.

Thank you for the read. Pleo is great. Obviously a lot of effort has gone into polishing this, and a lot of scenes I just wrote OK over because there wasn't anything to pick at.


Glad to hear that our efforts polishing things paid off for you. That’s actually the reason why these chapters update with a delay of around two weeks.

My biggest issue with Prologue-19 was really just Elty being too helpful for how he was being treated. After the first ten chapters which were really well polished, there were some expressions I felt could be broken into two sentences and some mechanical errors (see notes). Things that you can come back to later if you want, they didn't really affect the story much. As of Chapter 19, Nida became a fairly flat character to me. Maybe because she had an ‘actor’ like role for about 13 or so chapters or maybe it was your intention. But the personality is consistent with the scenes, I think. There are 60+ more chapters, so there is no issue.

I mean, to be fair, Elty didn’t have a whole lot of options stuck on an island where if he pushed the envelope too much, he’d be in for a bad time. Though hold onto that thought about him being too helpful, since that actually gets played around with after the point where you left off.

Shame to hear about Nida, though I suppose we’ll wait and see if later chapters help out a bit with her impression on you.

Hahah, it reminds me of Watership Down. The first thing I will say that this might no longer be my type of story. I used to love these kinds of long, meandering fantasy stories, but these days I’m not so enamored with them.

I mean, Watership Down was one of the supporting sources of inspiration for this story. Some parts were a bit more on the nose than others.

Right, so I came back here after Chapter 5. Maybe it’s more like a Studio Ghibli movie. It’s slow, but there isn’t repetition. It’s always telling me something new. It’s nice to read. C7 – Tracking the skirmishes over the village with the pirates is handled well. Chapter 10 had the first portion where I started skimming. As of C17, a number of descriptive sentences that might be better split in two. As of C18, Nida’s character is being a determined hothead. Going to assume it is fleshed out more in the future.

I don’t think my review on the early segment matters that much since you’ve probably re-written this part a million times, but maybe one stream of consciousness data-point will be helpful.

Yeah, we get a lot of feedback about the opening arcs being particularly strong. As for those weak points, I suppose we’ll see once we get to the later parts of your review, but glad to hear you on balance seemed to enjoy things.

Personally found Pleo way more fun than Nida and Crom, and maybe more Crom POV needed, but some other reviews say otherwise, so that’s a good thing, guess there’s something for everyone. I also realized that Crom isn’t on the cover picture, so maybe it doesn’t matter. Comments that may be more interesting present in 5, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17.

Hold onto that thought for if you come back to this story, really.

Chapter 5
  • Wait, Pleo is a day old? So Nida knows that Pleo was born yesterday in the dungeon? How? Did I miss something? (WHATEVER, SUBJECTIVE, STORY MAGIC. This is nitpicking.) Hm. I went back and checked because it would really make me wonder if I actually read it seriously if I missed something like that.

This is meant to be her putting two and two together between the storm the night before, the Krabby’s chatter about there being a monster, and the eggshells. We went back and added a “probably” to make her sound a bit less sure.

Chapter 9
  • Elty the Growlithe. OK. Fight with Pleo, OK. Pirate is their “teammate” now, eh? He’s slightly friendly with Crom and readily participating in the conversations in the Move Tutor scene. Gross, would’ve rather had him succeed in keeping the aloof attitude the whole way through the chapter. But it’s subjective. I assume Elty is going to play a bigger role and we’re trying to make him more likeable.

Yeah, in retrospect, I suppose it might have been worth playing up Elty’s snippiness a bit more even if he definitely has his moments in the text. This is probably something that we’re just going to live with, though.

  • MECHANICAL: “‘I don’t see or feel anything that’s different,’ Pleo responded” (Missing full-stop.)


  • “as he found his head being drug towards the ground by Bracket” – more used to ‘dragged’ here, but a search says ‘drug’ can also be used, but more rarely.


  • Will treat ferals like highwaymen and outlaws then. Hedonistic, will do whatever they want if there is not threat of repercussion, will sometimes plead with the civilization for shelter, will need to be hunted down if they go amok. OK – that’s my impression of it now.

That wasn’t quite what we were going for, but I suppose you gathered that in later chapters already.

  • As an aside, I assumed that I could just go off my old knowledge of Mystery Dungeons in this story to this point. My perception of those in your world at the first horizontal rule in Chapter 11 is: a) They are kind of just there on the outskirts of the town (?), and obey most of the main game rules. b) Sometimes the guild scavenges them for useful items like Apples and so on. c) In this region, they are a bunch of sea cave dungeons. Hopefully this is in line with your intention.

This is more a case-by-case thing in this story, but it’s definitely true of Tromba’s Mystery Dungeon, at least.

  • “"Wait, that was a sting!" she cried, her voice beginning to grow giddy as she realized... "I finally stung a-! Gah!"” I don’t understand the elation here. Was that that different from a normal poison barb that we’ve seen so far? I mean, it knocked out a Pokemon in one hit, OK, which might not have happened before. I’m not feeling it from the description though.

It was actually flung at her opponent instead of being stuck from contact. This is essentially Nida learning to use Poison Sting.

  • “the spike ball hastily trying to regain her wits and break free of her stunned cling to Pleo's plumage.” Little weird. Was ‘stunned cling’ intended here?

We went back and tweaked the wording here a bit.

  • And for his help, there’s still no appreciation from the other Pokémon. Why co-operate this much? I think he even said once in the dungeon that ‘there’s nothing in it for him’, aside from not getting sent to the Wastes. He’s always going to be remembered as the pirate that burnt down a bunch of stuff in town.

I mean, there is that Protector in close quarters he could try and work his charms on there

More seriously, this is probably something where we’ll just opt to let things stand as they are since we prefer to focus on moving the story forward. Though it has been a couple weeks in setting by this point and presumably Elty got the stink eye from the authority figures in town a few times earlier on when the passive-aggression was laid on a bit too thick.

  • MECHANICAL: or at least so everyone thought, until… (capitalize this?)


  • Might be a bit flowery: “Their breaths became shallow and slow, their hearts raced, and their heads began to feel faint as they found themselves devoid of strength or will to continue forward.” Why did you come if you didn’t have the will to continue forward? ‘Devoid’ maybe too strong here.

Went and rephrased things slightly.

  • Wonder what the Corpo is going to do to try to get Pleo back.

Guess there’s only one way to find out, huh? :V

Though thanks for the review! We normally don’t get a review of as big a chunk of story at once at this, so this was a nice treat. If and when you decide to come back for more, we’ll be looking forward to it. ^^

@Raindropcroptop Hey, thank you for the review! ^^ Since it’s so close to when we normally update here on TR, @Spiteful Murkrow will reply to your review in more detail with our next update in two weeks.
Chapter 86: Next Step

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie

The sound of footsteps pattering against cobblestones filtered through the air as Nida and her companions made their way back along Canalhouse City's military harbor beside Kline, Alice, Dimitri, Ander, Pyry and Pekka… everyone from his group was accounted for, but Kiran and Percy's team was curiously absent. The party tensely filed past ships in lavender sails and Pokémon in Company scarves along their way to the Siglo Swellow, but the source of the group's quiet tension ultimately wasn't coming from any of their immediate surroundings.

Nida and the others had legged it from the Academy the moment Gerhard's class let out, and not a moment too soon. The entire time, he'd harassed them with questions about his lecture and singled them out in front of the entire class so that all the other students could see them struggle and give away how unfamiliar they were with his subject material. Evidently the back row had gone unclaimed by the other students for a reason. But after meeting up with Kline's group, instead of getting the relief they'd expected, they merely traded one set of worries for another.

They… hadn't gotten the full details, but something had happened to Percy's group, and their plans for searching had been abruptly canceled in favor of returning to the ship as soon as possible. The entire way back, they had been sticking firmly to back alleys and smaller canals, avoiding open and more crowded areas as much as they could. Nida and her teammates had grown worried, but had only gotten vague answers from their teammates so far, prompting the Nidorina to shake her head and try to press the green hound in their midst for details again.

"Kline, what exactly happened out there?" she asked. "You said that the others got into some sort of trouble earlier, so what's wrong?"

"Yeah, whatever it was, just how bad was it that Kiran and the others already went back to the ship?" Elty pressed.

Kline fell silent and looked away for a moment, before he lowered his head with a low sigh.

"… It's a long story," the Zygarde said. "Like I said, we're better off covering it during our debriefing with the crew instead of here in public."

The group made their way one at a time up the gangplank onto the Siglo Swellow, where they shuffled along for the entrance below deck and made their way for the mess hall, Captain Beatrix's preferred meeting place during their port calls. When they arrived, they found the room already crowded with worried-looking sailors, along with the rest of their teammates… except Trizano. The lot found the boisterous Immortal's absence to be puzzling, but regardless made their way to the front and sat down, watching as Beatrix flitted up and trained a concerned glance down at them.

"Are you alright?" the Illumise asked. "After we'd gotten notified by Kline and saw Kiran's group return, we got really worried that something had happened to you."

"We're fine, really," Nida insisted. "We got mistaken for students from the same class as the Board's children, so we sat in for lectures today."

Crom paused and pinned his wings uneasily, giving a sheepish paw at the back of his head.

"We… didn't really get a chance to look around the Academy all that much though," he admitted. "So we haven't really been able to figure out where the Ledger could be yet."

Much to the Druddigon's surprise, no real reply came after his statement. No expressions of disappointment, guarded optimism, or even any sort of reaction to them getting into the same class as the Board's children. Just uneasy glances and chatter among each other. Guardia looked about the gathering and couldn't help but sense that something was deeply amiss, prompting her to go over to Percy and paw at his wing impatiently with her free hand.

"What exactly happened to you while we were in those classes anyways?" she asked. "Everyone's reacting like someone died or something!"

Percy looked down at the Cubone and shifted uncomfortably, fumbling with his words for a moment before grudgingly speaking up.

"Ellsberg and Aldrich ambushed us while we were scouting out the Academy's surroundings," the Gliscor said. "We don't know if we just got unlucky with being spotted, but we should assume that the Company already knows that we're here."

Nida and her teammates jolted back in surprise as their eyes shrank to pins. It hadn't even been a full day and they'd already gotten into trouble?! With Team Sentinel no less?! Then for all they knew, they'd already lost their chance to get the volume of the Knights' Ledger from this island!

"E-Eh?!" Pleo squawked. "But what do we do then?!"

No response came from his teammates or from the crowd, evidently everyone else hadn't settled on an answer to that question either. Worried murmurs and grumbles started to go about the gathered sailors, before a Nosepass stepped forward and spoke up with a sharp snort.

"Like I said earlier, we should leave port while we can," the Nosepass insisted. "If the Company knows we're here, then what's the point of staying?"

"Yeah, we're a single merchant ship!" a Bayleef exclaimed. "We can't hold out against an entire city full of square-necks!"

The Nosepass and Bayleef's sentiment began to ripple through the crowd as other sailors voiced their agreement with words like "they've got a point" and "yeah, let's get out of here while we can". Nida's ears drooped at the turn of the room's mood, before Kline hastily stepped forward and leveled a stern expression back at the sailors.

"Look, I understand that this isn't an ideal situation, but things aren't going to get any easier if we run away," the Zygarde began. "If we leave now, we'll never get another chance at getting this volume of the Knights' Ledger!"

"Por todos los cielos!, Trizano got his eyes burned out!" Natrix protested. "What makes you think we still have a chance now?"

Nida and the rest of the Pokémon on her team blanched at the Servine's outburst. They'd been wondering why Trizano hadn't been present for the meeting, but if what the Servine was saying was true…

"T-Trizano's eyes?" the Nidorina stammered. "What-?"

"When we got ambushed and tried to retreat, Trizano taunted Aldrich and stayed behind to fight him instead," Percy explained. "Aldrich pinned him down and burned his eyes. Right now Trizano's currently recovering in one of the sleeping quarters."

Team Traveller's younger members grimaced at the Gliscor's answer, as Philips folded his arms with a low grumble.

"Just saying, the rest of us aren't Immortals here," the Raichu chimed in. "Maybe Trizano can magically come back after getting hurt like that, but we certainly can't."

Nida blanched and grit her teeth as she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. Could they really pull through with how bad things looked here?

… No, it wasn't a matter of could they, they had to. And they'd never accomplish that by turning tail.

"… We get that, Philips."

Nida stepped forward and waved for attention, looking about the gathered sailors with a stern frown.

"Look, I know that this is all scary. But we knew this was going to be a dangerous mission going in," Nida said. "But the fact that we haven't gotten boarded already means that Team Sentinel hasn't passed that information on to the rest of the Company yet and are most likely playing games for Administrator Elilan again."

The Nidorina hesitated a moment, before shaking her head and digging her heels in to continue on.

"If we slink off here, we'll have given away our position to them with nothing to show for it," she insisted. "Whatever's going on, they have a reason for trying to keep their supposed allies in the dark. Even if it doesn't solve the issue of them trying to come after us, it'll be easier to avoid five Pokémon than every guard on the island."

"Right, and part of the reason why things turned out so badly with Aldrich was that he caught us off-guard and we weren't prepared for him," Percy added. "There's already things I can think of that if we'd done differently, might have let us win that battle, or at least make a clean escape."

"If we try sticking in larger groups and keeping better items on hand to make sure we can put up a harder fight, it would already improve our odds of success by a good 50%," Kiran mused. "It wouldn't be easy, but we'd definitely have more options than just having to retreat."

The three's explanation drew hesitant and uneasy murmurs from the gathering. While they weren't exactly in good circumstances, it was hard to argue their point. Vicente rubbed his head and made his way forward, giving a wary stare at the trio.

"What do you propose, then?" the Hitmontop questioned.

"We stay undercover in that class for a couple of days and try to find this Vault on-campus to see if it's something we can even break into," Nida answered. "The rest of the team can either hide near the Academy to help us in case Team Sentinel or the Company gives us trouble, or stay on the ship in case something comes up here in the harbor."

Beatrix looked at Nida for a minute, before she turned her gaze over towards the Nidorina's teammates and sized the lot up cautiously.

"Is this something you're all okay with?" the Illumise asked. "I don't know how you got mixed up to end up in that classroom, but… if you go back, there's a much bigger chance someone will notice you don't belong there."

Guardia, Elty, Pleo, and Crom briefly traded uneasy looks with each other. After a moment's hesitation, the four looked back determinedly, the Cubone of the lot giving a firm nod back.

"We'd obviously need a chance to talk through some strategy, but otherwise yes," Guardia answered. "We didn't come all the way out to this Company colony just to run off with our tails between our legs!"

"It is hard to imagine better options at this point," Elty sighed. "After all, what exactly are we going to do? Sail back to Tromba and turn ourselves over to that wydra?"

Beatrix said nothing in reply for a moment. After noticing that Pleo and Crom seemed similarly at ease with the idea, she trained her attention to the other sailors with a sharp buzz.

"Then we stay the course for now. Though I want the ship prepared to leave at a moment's notice," she ordered. "Just because Team Sentinel is keeping quiet about our presence at the moment doesn't mean we can count on things staying that way."

The Illumise was cut off by a low growl, followed by Pleo flusteredly looking down at his belly. A few other growls went about the gathering, as a few sailors similarly reacted in sheepish embarrassment, leaving the Bug-Type captain to blink a moment, before turning her attention over to the ship's Fraxure cook.

"Though before then, we'd best tend to ourselves," Beatrix remarked. "It is almost time for you to start preparing dinner, Pladur."

"Ahehehe… right," the Fraxure said, giving a bashful paw at the side of his head. "No sense trying to plan things out on an empty stomach."

Pladur's reply was answered by the sound of approaching footsteps as his child and his teammates drew near.

"We'll help too, dad!" Crom insisted.

"Yeah, after a day like this, I think we could all use something else on our minds," Nida added.

"Alright, though we should hurry things up," Pladur replied. "Sounds like everyone's already waiting on us."

Pladur and the younger members of Team Traveller set off, making their way for the other end of the mess hall to head into the galley. As the lot fished out the dishes and ingredients for the night's meal, Nida couldn't help but be troubled by a nagging unease.

From what they had seen of them on Buyeom Island, Team Sentinel was hardly the type to just sit back after losing track of them temporarily, and they were still out there somewhere in Canalhouse City. So then, they had to be up to something…

But what?

Aldrich and Ellsberg's search about Canalhouse City continued well into the afternoon, only to turn up no leads as to where Percy, Kiran, and their allies vanished off to. As the sun drifted for the western horizon, the pair grudgingly called their search off to go and rendezvous with Sorge who, according to Aldrich, hung around the local Company battlegrounds fairly often much like he, Ketu, and Zelle did. Much as the Noivern suspected, Sorge was indeed there, and the two surprised the Kommo-o with news of their sighting of Team Traveller and Team Zephyr's members, prompting Sorge to insist that they get Zelle and gather together for a meeting at his residence away from prying eyes and ears.

The task of fetching Zelle fell to Aldrich, who with his swift wings and sharp hearing was bound to have better odds of finding the Sylveon on short notice. In the meantime, Sorge led Ellsberg along into a sleepier neighborhood in the southern part of the city, where the pair made their way past small shops and eateries to a narrow canalhouse wedged on a back canal.

After making their way in, the Dragon-Type brought his guest up a flight of stairs and to a door at the back of the hallway. There, Sorge fidgeted with a set of keys, undoing a padlock and pushing the door open to reveal a spartan apartment. Just past the door was a common room with a table set out with four simple seats and a small kitchen tucked in a corner. To the right was a room with a closed wooden door, likely a bedroom, with little sign of anything else to speak of in the dwelling.

Ellsberg flitted about the living room, where a blue scarf with a black circle with a tilted cross in it hung on the far wall to the left of the window. A couple curiosities had been set out on a simple shelf not far from it, including a set of black goggles with lenses that were made out of some sort of clear material, a strange metal-and-glass slate, and a metal necklace with a curious round, rainbow-colored stone set in it. Ellsberg tilted his head and put a tarsus to his mouth, not sure what to make of the collection of strange artifacts.

"Eh? What are these things?" Ellsberg murmured.

The Mothim cast an expectant glance over at Sorge, who gave no reply for a noticeable pause, before looking at Ellsberg with a wistful smile.

"They're momentos. Reminders of who I really am," the Kommo-o answered. "Normally I keep them in storage since I'm not around, but since I'm here, I figured I'd take them out to spruce my place up a bit."

Ellsberg's gaze lingered on the artifacts for a moment, but he supposed the explanation made sense. Though barring Sorge's little collection of these momentos, the simple apartment didn't have much to speak of for decorations. Was this cramped little apartment really the residence of a Pokémon who was a Third-Rank in the Company? Why, he knew First-Ranks with better lodging than this!

"I suppose… but, is this really all there is to your apartment, Sorge?" Ellsberg asked. "I'm just a Second-Rank and I have fairly comfortable accommodations. I wouldn't have expected you to live in someplace so… simple. Especially for a larger Kommo-o like you."

"Well, I rarely stay here, so anything fancier would just be a waste," Sorge replied. "It's not too spacious, but it meets my needs just fine."

A sharp rap came from the apartment's door, prompting Ellsberg to look back as Sorge made his way over. The Kommo-o pulled the door open and let Aldrich in, followed by Zelle who came in wearing a white coat with a hoodie fashioned from silk and woolen furs. The pair entered the room and Sorge closed the door behind them, as Aldrich glanced around for a moment before speaking up.

"Looks like we're all ready to get things going," the Noivern said. "I certainly wasn't expecting an opportunity like this to come into our claws."

"I know I definitely wasn't," Zelle sighed. "Not that I'm complaining about a new lead, but it would've been nice to not have my shopping trip through the Afschaffingstraat cut short."

Ellsberg fluttered in place with a blank expression, before shooting an askew glance at the Sylveon. While Zelle had seemed like the type who would take an interest in frivolous accessories such as her winter coat, it beggared the question…

"… Why are you buying winter wear when it's the beginning of spring?" Ellsberg wondered. Zelle gave a skeptical raise of her brow, before brushing at her cheek with one of her feelers.

"Because it will be winter again by the end of the year and I probably won't be in the city for it?" the Sylveon retorted. "Besides, I'm not gonna pass up a coat like this when it was on sale for only 5000 Poké! After visiting that Move Tutor yesterday, I still had more than enough left of that little bonus from Buyeom to buy something extra."

Ellsberg blinked and did a double-take at Zelle's answer. Even before any shenanigans involving exchange rates into Thalers, 5000 Poke was almost half of his monthly salary. The Mothim raised a tarsus to speak, only for Zelle to wave him off with a feeler and turn her attention back to her teammates as she took her place at Sorge's table and waited for the others to join her.

"Anyway, what's this lead on Subject Red that you two found?" the Fairy-Type asked, prompting Aldrich to shift his wings and settle in before training his attention back on her.

"We spotted Percy and Calidus along with part of Team Traveller near the Academy," he explained. "If they are here, we should assume that Kline and Pleo are most likely here in the city as well."

Sorge and Zelle paused and stared back at the Noivern incredulously. The Sylveon of the pair tripped over her words briefly, before letting out a baffled exclamation.

"Wait, what? But why on earth would they come here of all places?!"

"We don't know yet, since they managed to slip away," Aldrich answered, shaking his head. "Considering how they completely disappeared after that, I suspect that someone in the city is helping them."

"I don't think it should be too much of a problem. We already know they went about with false Company sails before, and the fact that they came in Company attire means they don't know we figured that out," Ellsberg added. "If they haven't already cut and run, it should just be a matter of asking the Harbormaster to show the logs of the ships that have come into port recently, spotting the odd Ducklett out, and calling in a raid. Everyone here's at least a Second-Rank, so it should be trivial to step in and take the lot into custody afterwards before word makes its way up the chain."

Sorge took a moment to mull the Noivern and Mothim's words, before he folded his arms with a quiet grunt.

"Well, bringing things up with the Harbormaster would be an obvious step… but if we do find their ship, I'm not sure if having them raided right away would be our best course of action."

Aldrich tilted his head in response, giving a puzzled, yet curious raise of his brow at his superior.

"Hm? What are you getting at, Sorge?"

"To start with, Kline has eluded us multiple times in the past using feints and trickery," the Kommo-o began. "If he and his allies came to the Company's capital willingly, is it really safe to assume that they don't have a way of leaving Vollezee in case their ship gets discovered by the guards? Especially if they really are receiving outside help?"

Aldrich and Zelle fell silent and hesitated, making Ellsberg trade glances between the two. Kline's feint on Buyeom had been… unexpected, but how many times had he and his companions given them the slip before? The Mothim thought of asking for more details for a moment, only to decide against it as Sorge folded his arms and continued on.

"More importantly, this is an opportunity to discover just what it is Kline's been plotting. We know he's been trying to stop us for a while with a plan that involves teaming up with other Pokémon like himself, and there's no reason to think he's abandoned it," he explained. "We should assume that it's related to why he's here in Canalhouse. Why else would he have come here of all places with his teammates and another Protector?"

The other members of Team Sentinel traded glances with one another as Sorge paused and shook his head before speaking up.

"I'm aware it's a gamble, but it's one that I feel pretty safe in making. After all, Team Zephyr and their allies aren't the type to leave their friends behind if they can help it, meaning they aren't likely to leave Vollezee without that ship of theirs. Let's keep an eye on them and let things play out before we pounce," he insisted. "I'll inform the Administrator and let him know what we're up to. I doubt there's anything that would keep us from going for Kline here and now, but it'd help us figure out what exactly he's up to and get him when he's at his most vulnerable."

Zelle tilted her with a thoughtful murmur. It was hard to argue her team leader's point, though…

"Where do you think we should start? Obviously we should still get things squared away with the Harbormaster to stop Kline from just sailing off," she replied. "But what else do you have in mind?"

The Kommo-o fell quiet for a moment and thought to himself, before turning over to his Noivern counterpart.

"Aldrich, you said that you ran into Percy and Calidus near the Academy, right?" he asked.

"We did, yes," Aldrich said, nodding back. "Though that could've just been a lucky break."

"Perhaps, but it could also be a lead as to what they're all up to," Sorge mused. "We'd do well to keep an eye on the area for the next day or two."

The Kommo-o cast a glance out of his apartment window, his face curling up into a dark smile before he continued on.

"Besides, even if it is a dead end, we know exactly where to find them now."

Ketu didn't stick around with Kachina and the others for long after they made it to shore, having quickly come to the conclusion that the lot of them would be little more than dead weight for a simple infiltration. If Kline was actually still on the island, keeping them near would easily be more trouble than they were worth if they managed to spot him. Within half an hour, he was skulking about Bluewhorl's main square and its surroundings, where over the course of a few hours, he'd managed to piece together bits and pieces of what had happened to Commissioner Bunsen.

He'd sailed in, bullied the hicks around and done a surprisingly good job at keeping them in line, only for his work to fall flat on its face the moment the Protectors showed up. Ketu heard of a few things that had happened afterwards, such as how some of Bunsen's underlings had been put to work on Community Service, or how there had been a festival to celebrate the town's turn of fortune… but not a word about where any of the Protectors could've gone off to. He hadn't expected them to be talkative with Company ships visibly idling in the waters off port, but this level of tight-lippedness could only be possible if the townsfolk had coordinated with each other.

And that meant he'd have to find a weak link among them in order to learn the truth… but where would he even start?

"Hrmph, so many hicks, and no clues as to which of them would have a lead…"

The Weavile's attention drifted over to a Mightyena talking with a Machoke near the entrance of a potter's shopfront. The Mightyena didn't look like he'd be too challenging to interrogate, and even if he couldn't be separated from that Machoke, a Fighting-Type like him couldn't do much if he was frozen.

After taking a closer look however, Ketu noticed the pair were sporting bandages and trading worried conversation with one another about getting a cold shoulder from their Protector lately. The Weavile frowned and sized up the Mightyena a second time. He and his buddy must've gotten chewed up during the uprising earlier this week and spent a good while afterwards passed out. From their topic of conversation, it was highly unlikely they knew anything meaningful about Pleo, let alone Kline or Manaphy.

Ketu continued on the lane slightly, when his eyes fell on a Loudred loudly chortling with a Snorlax at a storage shop over how he was 'looking forward to working with Team Traveller again sometime soon'. The Weavile moved forward towards the direction of the Storage Shop, nearing the Normal-Type when he noticed a glinting bauble pinned to his white and green scarf, prompting Ketu to pause. The Loudred was with the local guild, and he'd surely have friends who'd notice if he went missing… not that the set of pipes a Loudred had would make that hard for them. What good did it do to try and get information out of him when it'd risk blowing his cover this early on?

The Dark-Type pinned his ears against his head and blew up a frustrated, frigid puff of air up at his head feathers. As hard as it was for him to believe, all this time, he didn't have a solid lead as to who would know about the Protectors' whereabouts. So what was he to do? Pick some random peasant and hope that he'd get what he needed out of him before breaking cover?

Those hicks on the ship had to have someone they would've let things slip to. Friends, family, some sort of connection along those lines. But how was he supposed to narrow things down at all in a village that he'd barely ever seen from closer than the deck of Lyn's ship?

"Come on, mom! The muffins should be done right now!"

Ketu's ears perked up at the sound of a younger voice calling out, making him look off down the lane where he spotted a young Druddigon tugging at his mother carrying a sack of flour. The Weavile walked forward a few paces and squinted at the two Druddigon as he couldn't help but shake a lingering sense of deja vu.

"… Wait a minute," Ketu murmured. "Those two look familiar…"

He carried along, following the Druddigon pair from a safe distance as they went further inland into the town, until he saw them duck into a small hut that smelled strongly of bread. The Weavile lingered a moment as he heard the two talk with each other, along with thumps that made him raise his brow. A quick walk past the door and glance in allowed him to see the two working in a back room behind the counter kneading dough, obviously busy since they'd have noticed him otherwise.

Ketu crept along the side of the shop, sneaking around the back where he found a pair of windows. Through the window closest to him he could see a bedroom for a pair of occupants about the size of a Marowak. There was a patch of straw bedding on either side of the room and a couple pieces of simple furniture. Odds and ends lay about the room, evidently the belongings of the Pokemon that slept there, including a toy ball, two piles of shiny baubles such as polished coins, crystals, and emera shards, and a silvery-white feather that was weighed down by a small pebble.

Ketu didn't think much of things at first, just the standard bric-a-brac that many Dragon-Types would have, only to pause after he noticed a blue scarf with a white star pattern hanging on the wall above one of the beds. The Weavile suddenly realized this was Crom's room, that little brat lizard from Team Traveller!

"Ah, so there is more to that little family of skinks than the Fraxure and his kid," he thought to himself. "Well then, let's find out what you two have been telling them."

Ketu carefully retraced his steps to the entrance of the shop and made his way in, sauntering up to the counter. There he rapped a claw against the wood, making Gwenith and Cenn look up from their work as the mother Druddigon hurried over to the counter.

"Buenas tardes," Gwenith greeted. "I don't think I've seen you around before. Are you passing through town?"

"Hm? Yeah, I've got a sister who visits here every now and then," Ketu replied. "Didn't expect things to get so crazy while seeing her, but eh. It happens."

"Well, you came in at just the right time!" Cenn cheered. "We're about to put out some fresh muffins!"

Ketu tilted his head, before idly looking over the other contents that were put on display as the two Dragon-Types ducked into the backroom, the Dark-Type taking the time to size up the rest of the shop to get a feel for his surroundings just in case things had to get… physical. He doubted things would have to come to that, since just giving this baker and her kid a good scare would probably be enough to get what he wanted. A whiff of chocolate hit his nose just as Gwenith came back holding a tray of muffins studded with brown chunks that she set on the counter. Her younger helper sniffed at them briefly, before giving a cheerful bat of his wings and smiling back at their Weavile customer.

"See? They smell great, don't they? You're actually really lucky, since we got the ingredients in by special order," Cenn insisted. Ketu let his gaze linger on the younger Druddigon, curling his mouth up into a small smirk as he turned back to Gwenith.

"Kid's a great salesmon, isn't he?" the Weavile remarked, drawing a toothy smile back from the Druddigon baker.

"Well, I'd like to think that I taught him well."

"It certainly shows," Ketu said. “I’ll take three of them.”

He slid a few Poké coins across the counter, as Gwenith took the coins and began to make change as Cenn gathered up the muffins and set them on the counter. The Weavile took them and placed them one-by-one in his satchel, stopping after putting the last one away to turn his attention back across the counter as Gwenith.

"… Though if you don't mind answering a few questions for a 'mon out of the loop… I heard the Protector here left. What exactly happened?"

Gwenith gave an askew glance in response to the Weavile's question. If he'd already seen Pleo, shouldn't he already know what had happened in town since then?

"I think one look at the harbor would make it obvious," she replied. "Those square-necks came sailing in, and he decided to make himself scarce."

"Wait, why would a Protector need to flee?" Ketu asked. "Couldn't he just stand his ground and blow them away?"

"Eh? But Pleo's still young and his powers aren't all the way there yet!" Cenn exclaimed. "I mean, he can use them sometimes like what happened with that mean Charizard Commissioner a few days ago, but-"

Gwenith sharply cupped a claw over her child's mouth and shot a sharp scowl down. Cenn blinked and let his wings droop for a moment, as Ketu shot a knowing smile back across the corner and ran a claw along the counter's wood.

"Fair enough. I guess I can see why they're so interested in him. If they could control him, it sounds like he'd be a real nasty weapon to face down," the Weavile mused. "So… where'd he go off to anyway?"

The mother Druddigon let go of her son and turned her attention back to the Dark-Type with a sharp frown, obviously not thinking much of his comments.

"He didn't tell any of us before leaving," Gwenith said. "We all knew that there was trouble coming and he must've thought we'd be safer if we didn't know where he went."

"While going on a friendly name basis?" Ketu scoffed. "I find that a bit hard to believe, especially since there was that green snake Protector that was helping him out earlier- 'Zygarde', I think it was."

Gwenith and Cenn stared back blankly at the Weavile, the younger Druddigon starting to sense that something was amiss as he hid behind his mother, who raised a brow back at her customer.

"… How do you know this again?" Gwenith questioned, prompting Ketu to shrug back nonchalantly.

"Again, I've been here for a while," he replied. "I just paid attention to things that were happening in town."

Gwenith frowned and narrowed her eyes back, finding Ketu's explanation to be completely unsatisfactory. After all…

"If you really saw that much, then you wouldn't need to ask me these things," the dragon insisted. "You should already know more than enough to answer your own questions."

"Eh, I missed a few details, and I wanted to fill in the truth a bit," Ketu remarked. "Nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Huh? But that doesn't make any sense!" Cenn cried. "If you know all of that, wouldn't you also know where Pleo went to get the Knights' Ledger?"

Ketu's jaw briefly dropped at the mention of the 'Knights' Ledger'. He didn't know exactly what was in those books other than that they recorded events that had happened right before the Great Calamity and their contents were supposed to be state secrets. He shook his head and brushed the comment aside—there was no way that the little feather duster or anyone in his circle of friends ought to be able to know anything about them. The Weavile hastily recomposed himself and shot back a small scowl, shaking his head back with a low growl.

"… I don't know what a 'Knights' Ledger' is, so none of that means anything to me," he insisted. "Again, I want to know where Lugia went to. So, are you going to give things to me straight?"

Ketu narrowed his eyes and dug a set of claws into the counter, dragging them along the wood and leaving noticeable gouges behind. He pulled them away, brushing some stray wood shavings off his nails as he shot a threatening glare back to the shopkeep.

"Or am I going to need to pry it out of you?"

Gwenith felt her blood run cold at the Weavile's words and stepped back from the counter, for the first time feeling that she and her child were in genuine danger. Cenn seemed to pick up on the Dark-Type's ill intent himself, as he folded his wings back and glanced up at his mother, pawing at her with a nervous whine.

"M-Mom? What's going on?" he stammered. "If he wanted to know about Pleo and the others, why isn't he asking Guildmaster Hatteras? I thought he said that Pleo and the others went to Vollezee!"

Ketu's eyes widened. Why on earth would-? … Never mind that, he already had a suspicion of why Pleo would want to go there, and there would be plenty of time to piece things together. For now, his priority was getting back to Lyn's ship. He looked down at the counter for a moment, sharply sighing and lowering his ears apologetically before turning back to Gwenith.

"… Sorry, guess I've just been a bit wrapped up in things and getting a bit pushy," Ketu muttered. "But I've stalled you two long enough, and I’ve got places to be."

Gwenith hurriedly slid Ketu’s change across the counter, not particularly caring if she was being too generous with her counting. She ought to have been more concerned by how much Cenn had let slip in the past few minutes, but at that moment she had few thoughts other than to get the obvious villain across from her out of her shop and far, far away from Cenn.

She kept a close eye on Ketu as he made his way for the door even as she knelt down to pat a visibly shivering Cenn. The mother Druddigon pulled her son into a reassuring embrace when she noted that Ketu's footsteps stopped, the Dragon-Type poking her head over the counter to see that he'd paused at the doorway to look back at her.

"By the way, how's your mate doing?" Ketu asked. "Heard he felt absolutely gutted about losing that tournament in Tidemill City."

Ketu's mouth curled up in a knowing smirk as he slipped out of the door, leaving Gwenith to flop her mouth open and her eyes to widen before narrowing in a fiery rage. The only way that Weavile could've known about Pladur's injury in that arena fight…

"You! You're-!"

Was if he was the 'mon that gave it to him in the first place!

The Druddigon ran out from behind the counter and stormed out of her shop with her claws drawn, only to see that the Weavile was gone. The Dragon-Type looked around warily and drew shallow, tense breaths when she felt a tug at her tail and looked down to see Cenn pawing at her and looking up nervously.

"Mom? Is- Is everything alright?"

Gwenith said nothing for a long pause, before picking up Cenn and pulling him in tight to her chest with a worried sigh. She nosed at her child, before trudging back into her bakery, warily casting glances over her shoulder all the while.

The districts just south of Canalhouse City's historic core had always been leafy relative to the surrounding city, and with its residents wealthy enough to afford the extra space, its canals were usually quieter and less trafficked than those of the rest of the city. Not that Zorn minded the quiet, as he snaked his way up a canal lined by large estates set back behind brick walls with small access docks poking out into the water. The sleepy canal gave him the freedom to swim about the water without having to shoo passersby out of the way. But more importantly…

"Ah! That's it, dad! That's Leonard's house up ahead!"

… it gave Murdo freedom to wander ahead without Zorn having to worry about losing track of him. The Gyarados had volunteered to take Leonard home to his mother that day. A reciprocal gesture he and Farn did for each other from time to time since his own family's manor was not far away. The sea serpent swam up to a dock in front of a three-story brick manor with a hipped roof and two protruding wings, Leonard looking over just in time from his perch atop Zorn's head to see Farn come from a rear entrance watched by guards and pace down a set of steps into a manicured garden.


Zorn craned his head down to the access dock and let his Shinx passenger hop off, the Electric-Type hurrying up the dock just as his mother slipped past a brass gate and pulled him into a warm embrace. The Luxray administrator nuzzled her child and drew a playful purr, before she looked up at her Gyarados counterpart with a relieved smile.

"Thanks for picking up Leonard for me, Zorn," Farn said. "Work piled up more than I thought it would today."

"Don't mention it. You've done the same for me in the past, and I'm not the type to shirk paying things forward," the Gyarados grunted back. "Besides, the kids always seemed to enjoy going home with us more than a normal guarded escort."

Zorn coiled his body in the water around his own child, before rearing his head up and peering down at his Luxray colleague down at the canal's edge.

"On that note, have you heard anything back from Lyn?" Zorn asked. "He has always been somewhat close to you, so I was curious if he'd sent anything to your desk in advance."

"Hrmph, I wish. Though it is a bit soon to be expecting any news from Tromba when he just sailed for it the day before yesterday," Farn replied, shaking her head. "I spent today talking with Olivia from the Intelligence Division about potential sources of our intel leak."

The Luxray trailed off for a moment, before flattening her ears out and curling her muzzle down into a sharp frown.

"They don't seem to have turned up anything meaningful for a lead other than it had to be from a high-level source," the Electric-Type muttered. "Even without that, with everything going on on Tromba, we're almost certainly going to have to postpone returning to our posts."

Farn perked up as she felt a paw tug at her hindleg, the Luxray looking over her shoulder to see Leonard looking up at her with a puzzled tilt of his head.

"But… doesn't that mean that you'll get to stay longer?" the Shinx asked. "That's a good thing, isn't it?"

The Gyarados and Luxray fell silent, Farn blinking back at her child for a few moments, before Zorn curled his maw up into a smile at his coworker.

"Well, that is a pretty big silver lining, wouldn't you say?" the Gyarados said. "I know that I'm certainly not complaining about getting to spend a few extra days here in Vollezee with Murdo."

Farn let a faint smile settle over her muzzle, before she turned and sat down, looking over at her son.

"I suppose that is a benefit, yes," the Luxray remarked. "So how was school today, Leonard?"

The Shinx paused and bobbed his tail back and forth as he gathered his thoughts, before looking up and opening his mouth to reply.

"Well, the lessons were mostly the same as always," he began. "But we got these new transfer students in our class today!"

Farn blinked at her son's reply, giving a puzzled tilt of her head.

"… Transfer students?"

"Uh huh!" Leonard insisted. "They're a Nidorina, a Druddigon, a Growlithe, and a Cubone! And… there was one other purple-feathered one that said he was a Wingull, but Sophie said he was wrong, so we're not sure what sort of Pokémon he is."

"They said that they came from the island you work on!" Murdo chimed in. "Are you friends with their parents?"

Farn flattened out her ears and narrowed her eyes into a puzzled scowl. While the past few weeks had been a blur, she never had a promotion to Third-Rank from her island slip her notice before. Was her son meaning to imply that somehow five promotions had happened without her knowing about it?

"… That many transfers from my island in the middle of the semester?" she murmured to herself. "I can't imagine why Commander Utsumi wouldn't have told me of that."

"To be fair, it has been an abnormal time lately," Zorn reminded. "It's not as if I pay that close attention to every promotion my own Commander sends up to me. Perhaps it's just something you overlooked in your paperwork."

Farn turned back to Zorn with a dubious frown, letting her tail bat back and forth agitatedly as she peered up at the Gyarados.

"I mean, I haven't focused too closely on my paperwork since the Guardian of the Seas turned up," she said. "But I'd hope that I wasn't that unfocused."

"Don't worry about it too much," the Gyarados insisted, idly swaying his tail in the water. "There's plenty of work ahead of us tomorrow, so just try and enjoy the evening off while you can."

Farn fell quiet, before lowering her head with a grumbling sigh.

"I suppose you have a point," she replied. "It's not as if tomorrow's going to be any less busy than today."

Leonard jolted up out of surprise for a moment, before worriedly nosing at his mother's shoulder.

"Huh? But if you're busy, then are you still going to be able to pick me up from class before you go back to Kenobi?" the Shinx asked.

Farn leaned in and nuzzled the top of her son's head, looking down with a reassuring smile.

"It's just a little extra work for the next few days, sweetie," the Luxray said. "Though I promise that I'll be able to walk home with you before I leave again."

"Walk? But why would you want to do that?!" Murdo wondered. "It's so much faster to swim here in Canalhouse City!"

Farn gave a displeased frown at Murdo's suggestion of 'swimming' to get around, prompting Zorn to give a gentle nudge at his child with his tail, and crane his head down with a bemused smile.

"I think the idea's more to spend time together, Murdo," the Gyarados remarked. "Just like we were going to on our way back. Did you feel like swimming down the central canal this time?"

Murdo splashed happily in the water at the prospect of swimming through Canalhouse City's central canal, which was always teeming with life and activity. Giddy with anticipation at taking his scenic route home with his father past the likes of the Strandmeer Arena, the Magikarp burbled happily in reply.

"Oh sure! See you at class tomorrow, Leonard!"

Farn watched as Murdo zipped ahead in the water, Zorn shaking his head bemusedly before he slunk deeper into the water and swam after him. The Luxray noticed Leonard walk past the entrance to her estate and lingered for a moment, wondering why these new students he and Murdo had mentioned sounded vaguely familiar.

The Electric-Type shook her head and brushed the matter off before following after her son. Her time with Leonard was always scarce, and it was best to make the most of the opportunities she had. Besides, what were the odds that that feeling of familiarity wasn't just stress from a long day's work getting to her?

Back on the waters right outside of Tromba's harbor, Lyn and his underlings dutifully kept the center of the deck vacant and massed at the railing of the Argent Aviso to face down Osmund and his band of locals on Bunsen's seized flagship. The last couple of hours had gone by with fruitless attempts at negotiations, with 'mons from both sides accusing the other of deliberate stall tactics. By this point, the Samurott's patience had long worn thin as he shook his head back at Osmund's latest offer with a sharp huff.

"Again, expunging this entire episode from the record is more than a fair offer considering how the Company has bombarded places from sea for lesser offenses than this!" Lyn snapped.

"You see, that's what I thought when you stabbed me and put me on bed rest for a week when you came for the Protector," Osmund retorted. "But clearly 'pretending blatant treason didn't happen' after letting you sail off with him last time didn't mean a whole lot, since the Board just sent another Commissioner here to push us around. So Mayor Hatteras insisted that there needed to be consequences this time."

Lyn narrowed his eyes with an irritated scoff. It was hard for him to believe at times that he and Osmund hailed from the same class in the Academy, much less once called each other close friends. While he'd grown out of his youthful impulses and moved on to more constructive endeavors such as climbing the Company's ranks, Osmund remained ever the troublemaker he'd been back in youth days. Clearly it was the reason why he'd ever caught Hatteras' eye in the first place when the Company forced him to pick an emissary while negotiating the island's… understanding after Darzin lost control of it.

A bright light suddenly flashed from behind him, the Samurott glancing over his shoulder to see Ketu and the rest of the scouting team having appeared at the center of the deck. A quick look back at Bunsen's ship revealed Osmund and the other Trombans had noticed it as well, the lot staring wide-eyed as their Sceptile ringleader turned to him with an incredulous scowl

"What the-?!" he exclaimed. "Lyn, did you just call in a teleporter-?"

"Hrmph, negotiations are over for now," the Samurott shot back. "Everyone, keep these peasants from snooping over the railing so that I can have a moment of privacy."

Lyn's underlings massed at the railing as he walked off, a few clambering onto each other's shoulders to form a crude wall to block off the view from the disabled galleon as protests sounded out in the background. The Samurott captain made his way for Ketu's group, which dispersed as Ketu stepped forward and brushed off the fur on his arms and fished out a muffin from his bag. Lyn rolled his eyes at his first mate's behavior, hardly the sort of first impression he was hoping for, but Ketu'd already demonstrated that he could deliver results before

"What did you find out there?" Lyn asked, prompting the Weavile to reply with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders.

"Well, some nice muffins, obviously," Ketu replied. "Why? Did you want one?"

Ketu raised his claw with his muffin and gave it a little shake as a smug smirk spread over his face. The Weavile watched as Lyn's eyes hardened into a sharp glare and the Samurott visibly started to lose his patience, prompting the Dark-Type to cut in right as the captain opened his mouth to launch into a tirade.

"Though if you're talking about the Protector, I looked around town, but it looks like our princess is in another castle."

Lyn raised a brow and shot a puzzled frown back, letting a low grumble rise from the back of his throat.

"… What on earth are you talking about?" the otter demanded. "We're pursuing the Guardian of the Seas, not a princess."

Ketu's smile faded as he narrowed his eyes and groaned in annoyance. Had Lyn never bothered to read a book when he was younger? The Weavile shook his head, before opting to repeat his point in plainer terms.

"The bird's gone, and so are the other Protectors that were with him," he explained. "They expected that we'd come for them so they left for another island."

Lyn face hardened into a skeptical scowl and eyed the Dark-Type warily. Could his first mate really have come to such a definitive conclusion in a few hours? After all…

"Ketu, Tromba's not that small of an island. There's forests and a Mystery Dungeon that they could easily have taken shelter in," the Samurott said. "What makes you so sure of that assessment when Trombans aren't exactly known for their honesty in dealing with us?"

"Because my intel came from the mouth of a brat who's got a dad working on the smugglers' ship that Lugia's been hanging around with," Ketu insisted. "I seriously doubt he'd have mentioned that Lugia went to Vollezee if it wasn't a slip-up."

Lyn paused and twitched his whiskers for a moment with an incredulous blink, before narrowing his eyes back with a sharp frown.

"You're hinging an awful lot of faith that this isn't a feint," he harrumphed. "Vollezee is the Company's capital. It's about the last place that Lugia and his companions would want to go to!"

"That's the point Captain, that we'd think that. Remember these 'mons have fake sails with our colors," the Weavile snapped, flattening his ears. "If you were in their position, wouldn't you try to hide somewhere where you thought you were least expected if you thought you could get away with it?"

Lyn fell silent and stared back in thought for a moment, before gritting his teeth and turning to the rest of his crew with a sharp bellow.

"Hoist the anchor and lower the sails!" the Samurott shouted. "Signal the other ships in the water! We're getting out of here!"

The sailors hastily cleared away from the edge of the railing and hurried back to their posts. Ketu rolled his eyes and bit into his muffin as the lot quickly brought the anchor and sails back to their sailing positions and a Crobat above the rigging signaled with his wings to the other ships in the water. Osmund and the others on his ship looked on in blank confusion, before they felt a sharp wind and noticed Lyn's ship was starting to move, with the other four ships in the background visibly unfurling their sails to similarly set sail.

"Lyn?!" Osmund cried. "What are you-?!"

With the aid of its escorts' efforts, the Argent Aviso and the rest of the fleet began to pull away much to the slack-jawed astonishment of all the Pokémon present. A couple of Bunsen's underlings that had been brought above deck went wide-eyed and ran up to the railing, crying out after the steadily vanishing ships.

"W-Wait! Stop!" a Swoobat begged. "You can't just leave us like this!"

"Y-You were supposed to get us out of here!" a Lopunny whined.

Osmund and his fellow guards left the grunts to call out their unheard pleas to their departing counterparts, the lot's minds growing troubled over the entire episode as they traded uneasy looks and murmurs with each other. Orino from among the guards walked up, the Nidoran giving a wary glance up at the Sceptile.

"Captain, what on earth just happened?"

Osmund cast his glance down towards the water below, tightening his grip on the railing as he grit his teeth and looked off at the departing ships sailing off on their northward course.

"Nothing good, I'm sure."

Author's Notes:

- (¡)Por todos los cielos! - Spanish: "By the heavens!", used analogously to "For crying out loud!"
- wydra - Polish: "otter"


A Scribe Penning His Brainworms
  1. aggron
  2. sceptile
  3. lucario
Hello, hello! It's been a while since my last review, but I got rolled one of Fobbie's fics for V-Wheel, so I figured I'd come back to this after so long of continually going after Once a Thief. And though there is a new chapter of that fic out, I figured I'll get to it soon enough after writing this review. Famous last words of a reader. But in the meantime, back to Fledglings, and it seems there's a special chapter. :eyes: I'll look forward to this one, I bet.

Special Chapter: Auld Lang Syne
Ah, I see we have a New Year's festive event on here. Now that I think about it, this might've made for a good chapter to get to during last Review Blitz, given the time of year it's run at. Oh well. :sadbees: (On that note, was this originally uploaded on New Year's? If so, that sort of timing reminds me some of Guiding Light's Special Chapters and how they were released at certain times of year. It occurs to me that I haven't seen a PMD fic do that in a good while...)

Anyway, into the chapter itself, where we seem to have all kinds of festivities lined up.

Fortunately, the food was being cleared off the table at a faster than usual rate, thanks in particular to the star-shaped lantern's owner, who was halfway through inhaling a leaf of lettuce.

"Slow down, Nida!" Teja urged, nosing the Nidoran's shoulder.
Seems like Nida was quite the glutton once upon a time.
Of course, these days Elty beats her in that regard.

And as kids do, they all get excited about candy. Hard not to go, "D'awwwww," at the image of this. :veelove:
"After dinner, then you can get candy," she huffed. "And not a moment sooner!"
Nida and her siblings in unison: "Yes, Mami..."

On another note, I dunno if I mentioned this previously, but I am surprised Marley and Teja aren't fully evolved. Did they never happen upon Moon Stones during their travels at all? Perhaps they're a rare find in this world.

The way lanterning and sweets are mentioned thus far, it's almost like Tromban New Year's is more akin to Halloween. All they'd need is costumes and it would be a near perfect match. :mewlulz:

"B-But I'm old enough to go without them, Papi!" she protested. "And Crom and Kiran are from my team!"
So I'm assuming this takes place before the gang happens across Pleo. That would make sense, given the short timeframe between finding Pleo, Elty being added to the team's ranks, and Pleo being taken away by Lyn and the Company. Still, a shame we won't see our resident baby Loog here.

"Yeah, Orino's right," a blue Nidoran added.
Do Marley and Teja just name all of their kids after approximation of Nido-line names? That's certainly one way of limiting their name options.

'shut your yap, Dorin'
Yep, more proof of that. Not the most creative naming system on their part, in my opinion.

There, the young Druddigon hastily dusted some dirt off of himself as Kiran hopped over and passed a lantern over to Crom… which looked like a misshapen white egg with two blue spikes attached to it.
Interesting way of honouring the Protector - I do wonder what said Protector would think about the ceremony being a partial honour to him. Maybe he would be unsure about that part in it, but he'd probably be as excited as Nida's siblings would be about sweets, were he here.

The New Year was in part a night in honor of the Sea Guardian, but it was also a night to be a little silly and childish for young Pokémon. What harm was there in being a little silly with one's lantern?
Oh yeah, Pleo would love this.

And now an unexpected turn over to Hess's ship, where its mast hasn't been blown apart by Pleo yet. So yeah, definitely proof this takes place before then. Which also means we see Hess again, eeeeeeee :veelove:

"Couldn't have picked a better time for a night raid-"
Doing a raid on New Year's? Is that a way of capping off the year or what? Because I'm surprised that Hess would do this and not just spend New Year's getting royally drunk with his crew. It would be in line, given that he's a pirate...
"Why between the lanterns and the grog, we've got everything we need for the best view of Kenobi's fireworks from the Andaku Docks!"

"Watching fireworks?" a dog's voice scoffed. "Bo-oring! Some of us here can make some! Like this!"
Though, obviously, his crew have party intentions in mind.
Hess' face fell, and he turned around just in time to see a Growlithe spitting up an ember into the air in front of a Gabite and Trapinch.
I'm not quite sure if "Hess' face fell," is the best description for this - would it not be something like, "Hess' face twitched in annoyance," given that he'd clearly want to keep his crew in line for the raid he has planned for Tromba?
"A holiday raid again?" a Jigglypuff muttered.
Seems like Hess is a bit of a workaholic if he wants his crew to launch a raid even in holidays like this. (On another note, the mental image of a Jigglypuff pirate is kinda funny to me.)

Huh, seems there's more to Hess than meets the eye, with how he described his lucky charm and all he had been through as a result of this. I honestly thought he was a minor villain...but now I'm wondering if we'll see more of him in future. :eyes: Which, if so, is very good news for me, one of the biggest Aggron lovers among the PMD fandom.

"Oh, right!" Elty yipped, the Growlithe's ears perking up energetically and his tail wagging. "That was the raid where I blew up that hulk!"
I'm trying to remember, did Elty say much about this when he, Nida and Pleo arrived in Boisocéan in the main story? Maybe he didn't on account of not wanting to give away his pirate origins. Although it would've made for an interesting if
scene if a Boisocéan resident had recognised him - which in a time of needing to placate Maranda, would not have helped Team Traveller.

The Aggron sprang up from the deck and came back down onto its timbers to rock the caravel and jolt some sense into the gathered Pokémon.
Careful you don't spring a hole in your ship, Hess, with how heavy your species tend to be.

"Oi, Kichiro," he grunted. "Don't head off so fast."

"Captain, it's 'Keiichiro!' Kichiro's the dweeb I used to mug for his lunch back in school!" the Ledian buzzed back annoyedly.
Ah yes, the unfortunate reality of having similar names to others. Also a Ledian character - I very much approve. :quag:

♫ In my paw I have a light ~
That will glow the entire night ~
I'll sing here, and I'll sing there ~
That way I'll get a decent share! ♫
Awww, a cute little ditty. :quag: I wonder what the melody of it sounds like.

She then nudged forward the main attraction, a dish with two brown sugar cubes in it. Nida and Crom scooped up the sugar lumps and deposited them into a pair of simple sacks that had grown swollen with sweets from throughout the night.
Dang, it really is like Halloween without the costumes.
"Wait, isn't that Calino's house?" Crom asked. "Wouldn't Bracket and Patricia know better than to go there? He's never at home or in his shop after sundown on New Year's!"
Guess even merchants have gotta have their downtime during a holiday such as this.
The door flew open, and a red-scaled Kecleon poked his head out, only to begin to flush white when he saw that on his doorstep was the form of a waiting Nidorina.
Kinda humorous to imagine Calino rapidly changing colours in response to the emotions that he's feeling at this moment. :mewlulz: And between Nida and Marley, they sure manage ways to twist the Kecleon's arm. He sure isn't getting away with being a miserly old coot this holiday, that's for sure.

Everything seems so jolly, yet I can't help but feel it's going to all come crashing down once Hess and his crew invade...
Speaking of which, back to the Aggron and his men.

"What took you so long, Kichiro? Your first sky trails faded out five minutes ago!"

The Ledian buzzed annoyedly and flicked out his wings in a huff.

"Oi! You try picking out details from the sky at night!" he spat back. "And it's Keiichi-"
I sense a running gag with Kichiro/Keiichiro here. The expanding upon these characters makes me wonder if we'll see more of them in the present day.
The bug was caught off by a low, rumbling growl, and saw that the captain was giving a piercing glare.
Wouldn't be an Aggron without his menacing side.

Egg theft was a dirty business that the Steel-Type had no intention of ever dipping his claws into,
That does sound like one dirty business alright, especially when that's akin to childnapping. Also interesting to see that Hess has his morals, that he wouldn't go that low. Makes me wonder, though...would the main characters encounter folks in the main story that wouldn't hesitate to commit egg thievery if they had the chance?

The Ledian buzzed and muttered something exasperatedly under his breath before looking back up at the Aggron captain.

Slight line skip here. Also interesting to see that Kichiro's place of origin does take from Japanese, as I partly suspected when I saw his name. I wonder if Team Traveller will ever go his place of origin in future. :eyes:
With that, the Aggron backed up behind the railing, charged, and vaulted over it.


And dove into the sea below. The Steel-Type felt the water wash over his body and rose back up to the surface. The metal lizard wiped some seawater from his eyes and turned back to his ship's deck.

Well. I can't say I expected him to rise back to the surface and not immediately sink, given that Aggron weigh a third of a ton, but then again maybe Hess knows Surf or something of that nature. And him being a pirate would mean he's probably dealt with his fair share of salty seawater, so he'd be used to this.
"Rodion, guide the ship in, and make sure your buddies in the water keep the local fish from getting too close to the hull!"

The Floatzel tilted his head skeptically, before sighing an "Aye, Captain" back.
Oh hey, Rodion. That's a name I've heard in passing before. Yep, now I'm more sure by the minute we're gonna see more of Hess's crew in future chapters.

Now back to the Trombans, where it gets ever closer to midnight.
There were stranger faces without scarves that watched curiously, if cautiously from the fringes.
...Might they be some of Hess' crew?

The form of a waving Fraxure bobbed and weaved through the crowd, and darted up to Kiran and his charges.
Ah yes, and now we meet the other unevolved parent. It must be awkward having a son and mate that tower over you, although if Pladur did ever become a Haxorus, then that dynamic would no doubt shift to him being the tall one.
"Daaad, you're embarrassing me," the young Druddigon whined.
As dads do.
"Why, they were 50% less rambunctious than I was expecting based off of past experiences!"
Quite a precise measurement of rambunctiousness there, Kiran.
She would have to be careful to keep an eye out to make sure that the little scamp didn't eat too much at once overnight.
Somehow I wouldn't put it past Crom to eat too much of his share of sweets, which would then result in one awkward dentist trip some time later. That would be a poor way to start off the New Year, alright.
"Moooom! Why does Crom get so much candy?" he growled.
Finders keepers, losers weepers, Cenn.
"Your old man will make up the difference when the shops open tomorrow morning!"
Don't feed your children too many sweets, Pladur. That's how they develop a sugar addiction.
"J-Just wanted to get a little closer to the kids, that's all! I-It's a New Year's Resolution!"

… was the anxious, wary glance of her mate, peering from behind Gwenith's opposite flank, much to the sighing annoyance of the mother Druddigon.

"Will 'getting over fears of friendly Dragon Busters' be one too, dear?" she sighed.
Okay, this is a pretty funny image to imagine, with Pladur joining in with his kids in hiding behind Gwenith. :mewlulz:
Nearby, nine spike balls were impatiently jostling with each other for a better view of an empty crate.
A lively family, this lot.

And now for Hatteras's speech, where he's not afraid to dip into sombre tidings for Tromba in the past. Some of which are still present today, but there are silver linings in the clouds of darkness he describes.

To the hope that our Protector, the great Guardian of the Seas, would one day awake, and help to reclaim the world that was lost for their descendants," he spoke, the grave tone melting away in favor of a sanguine tenor. "To keep their hopes alive even if they couldn't see the light at the end. The hope that if they stood firm, the day would come when dawn broke on our world's night once more."
And now that Protector is back to give hope to the folks of Tromba. He might still be a naive young'un, but hopefully one day he'll realise his power and become a true beacon of hope befitting his title as Protector.
"That is why to this day, we hang these lanterns, we light these candles, and defy the darkness in this longest of night of the year. To show our slumbering Protector that we haven't forgotten about it, and that we eagerly await the day when we can pay it tribute face to face!" he cried, raising a paw into the air.
I hope that later on, Pleo can see such a light show for himself. It would make for some pleasing circularity of the journey he and Nida have been on. Hell, now that I think about it, it would actually make a nice epilogue sequence, to see a reprise of this but with Pleo in the picture, along with whatever other friends he, Nida and Elty pick up along their journey.

Back to Hess again, where obviously the Water-types along the shore do not expect a massive metal dino to come into their midst. The ship's closing in - but will the Iron Fleet get the gold they wanted?

All that was left was for Angie to relay Hatteras' signal to ring in the New Year from the harbor's water below. Except, when the Chinchou's message came, the pattern seemed different than expected. After hopping over to check the reference chart, the Natu realized the Water-Type's flashes carried an additional message came along with the expected signal.

"Aim just over the water at the harbor's edge?"
Oh, that's clever! Hess won't know what'll hit him.

The fox-faced Psychic
That's an...odd way to describe Kadabra. I'd personally advocate for dropping the 'fox-faced' part of this.

And now Hess is getting a faceful of fireworks.

Nida fidgeted uncomfortably, and her younger siblings' ears flicked every now and then as one of the spike balls would push against their parents timidly.
I suppose it would make sense that, given how a lot of animals in real life tend to be scared of fireworks, Nida and her siblings would show similar discomfort here. Poor things. :sadwott:

And now there's a bit of mild panic upon realising pirates are here to invade, only for the situation to be dealt with and for everyone to go back to celebrating. Quite a smooth move by the firework gang to make sure things weren't interrupted by those pesky pirates.
Back aboard the Mistral Marauder, a soggy Aggron with burns along his back hoisted himself back onto the deck and flopped over.
Like something the Torracat dragged in. :mewlulz: And the Mistral Marauder's in no better shape than its captain. In true Saturday morning cartoon fashion, the villain's plot has been foiled. Again.

How weak rebellious hearts can be, when wine and celebration prove to placate them. And as Rodion points out, it's not even Tromban wine. Makes me wonder what Tromban alcohols look like - would they have equivalents of cava or rioja, by any chance?
"Drugi gąsior jest mój!" he barked. “I call the one with the tall neck!”
Seems our resident firepup was no less a lover of the bottle back then than he is today.
"I'll come back for my own share after I and the other roughed-up guys get treated. And don't forget that!
Betting that it'll all be gone by the time his treatment is finished.

That charm of Hess's is gonna crop up again in future, won't it? After all, it probably means he survived the ordeal with Pleo before, if the charm pulled through for him once again.
I'd say they used 50% more than last year!"
You sure love your 50% comparisons, Kiran. Almost reminding me of Fi here.

I wonder if there's a Cliff's Notes somewhere of all the names of Nida's nine siblings.
"You weren't about to head to bed without first unwrapping gifts, were you?"
Oh, so this is also just like Christmas with the gift-giving as well. One smorgasbord of a holiday New Year's is here on Tromba, that's for sure.
She felt the wrapping paper begin to give way and tore the rest of it away from its contents. Inside, she found a small, brown satchel with a light blue swirl on it.
Ah yes, the rite of passage for a Guild team: to be given one's own bag.
Who knows, maybe this would even be the year that the Protector finally woke up and came down the hill!
Be careful what you wish for there, Nida. Because yes, the Protector will come in all his cute, innocent little glory, but it's gonna bring a whole lot of hassle for Tromba with it. Whatever the case, knowing what we know now, the forthcoming year has indeed been an eventful one thus far.

Well, that's the end of that Special Chapter. And it was a really cute one! :veelove: Always gotta love more action with the cute kids that populate the island of Tromba, especially seeing all of Nida's nine siblings along with the Nidoran herself and Crom. There's a fair bit of humour too, with coercing Calino to give gifts to the kids, Pladur hiding behind Gwenith along with his kids at the sight of Marley, and Kichiro's name being a continual cry of protest for him as to the constant mislabelling. We also see some more of Hess's crew that didn't make an appearance initially, such as Kichiro and Rodion, and the fatc that they're namedropped here makes me almost sure that we're going to see more of Hess's crew in future.

And that's good news for me, as an appearance of any Aggron in any PMD fic brings joy to my heart. And the signs are definitely there for Hess to make another appearance in future, given that the charm implies a form of luck for him, meaning he surely was able to escape from his encounter with Pleo all that time back. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him again, when or if he does return.

A very good job with this Special Chapter. I look forward to reading more! :quag:

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
The work is very comfortable to read. The appearance of the night sky is pleasant to imagine, and hearing about the travelers makes me just as excited and intrigued as Nida. I can tell that a lot of thought and personality has been baked into the narration itself. The chemistry between Nida and her mother is so good. I love how Nida immediately has a clear set of goals in mind, and Nidorina has her hands full like anyone would with so many children. Go to sleep!

Yeah, we’ve been told that this story does a good job at giving off a cozy vibe with its cast and their family members and the way they interact with each other. Glad to hear that it came through for you here.

The scarves… I wonder what’s the deal with those. They need scarves as identification, and specifically for Pokemon. That feels really deliberate. Guess we’ll find out.

It’s nothing too special. It’s basically the “I’m not a feral, and this is who I’m affiliated with” signifier. In this case, it’s the pattern that is worn by members of Nida’s family.

And it immediately comes right into the humans. The introduction of each of these elements as we go through the chapter is well thought out and executed. I’m being brought into layers and layers of worldbuilding from the get go, which is a great hook.

Mythology and lore! There’s Gods. Multiple, which is really neat. I love it when people play with how either the world is set up or how beings in that world view creation myths, so this is really cool. OOOH GODS THAT DIED. Normally I wouldn’t be so eager to read such a lore intensive chapter, but it sets the stage for everything very well. All the mechanics are here and actually explained which is great. The “marked” are especially a standout here, and I feel like their stories will be much less cut and dry than anyone telling them from this angle has.

Okay this worldbuilding from the getgo is amazing. This is such a fun change to the PMD formula that has since grown fairly stale to me, and feels refreshing in comparison. But it still has the core there!

Yeah, we get that a lot. Worldbuilding is definitely one of the things that gets mentioned in a high light pretty often for this story. The Prologue in particular was the chance to show off the high-level features of the setting and its backstory, so we’re glad to hear you had fun with it.

Use of the Nidoran line is such a good choice on a personal level, because it brings me back to daydreaming about pokemon doing things as a small child. It’s got a very nostalgic quality, even though I’m reading this for the first time. Looking forward to more!

I mean, it helps that a number of the castings for this story were chosen to help it stand out a bit from its contemporaries. Choosing Nidoran as one of the central protagonists was a bit of a leap of faith, but based off how often we hear that it’s a breath of fresh air in reviews, we feel pretty validated about the choice.

This does feel like a run on, a little bit. Especially the description of the solitary white star and the navy blue scarf, it’s giving me a lot of good information but not necessarily in a concise way. The sentence could be broken up a little.

We went and tweaked this a bit.

Ooh I love the town. Being a port is a great setting for PMD and super felt like such a letdown with just one or two interactions at the waterfront. Interested in how the landscape will change how characters interact or what they learn about the world.

Yeah, you’ll be seeing the sea a lot in this story. Helps that the inherent setting was tilted to being heavily oceanpunk as part of its design process.

I can see what Calino looks like here, but the sentence could use some punctuation to make it a little easier to read. Maybe a comma after his description? There’s a few ways to go about it, and this is a minor nitpick at most.

We went and added this.

Loving Calino. He’s full of personality, and his dialogue combined with Nida’s inner thoughts is great. Their teasing negotiations, until it goes too far! Staring intensely at the little mentions that make the story feel lived in, like the guards or other towns. Feels like the edge of a huge world. French! Spanish! Places across the sea!

Oh, don’t worry. We won’t be on the edge of that huge world for too long in this story.

Extremely interested in what happened last year. Kiran is such a character… Everyone in this fic has so much chemistry.

You’ll get an answer to that first part a few chapters down the road.

CHROM IS SO CREATIVE. I love bakery Druddigon I love Druddigon in general. Everyone’s being introduced in such cool ways, and they’re unique and interesting. I can’t wait to see them elaborated on.

I mean, it helps that he pulls some strong shades of
influence-wise, but yeah, Crom's one of the bigger cuties of the story.

This paragraph begins with a sentence that is very run on, with several commas that could be broken up.

Also fixed this.

The storm is a fun way to build that sense of compelling suspense, and even though the chapter ends on a satisfying note of “we’ve found out more about this world”, it still makes me want to read more.

Glad to hear that you had fun with your first taste of this story. Perhaps that’s a sign we’ll be seeing you around again sometime? :V

Between Calino being intimidated by Mami and her being compared to a storm (and with a title having to do with slaying dragons) She’s really a force to be reckoned with. Seeing her in action would be so cool.

Fortunately for the dragons, her title’s more related to just beating them up. They should probably be a lot more worried if Marley went around styling herself as a Matadragones

Though, thanks again for the review! It was a lot of fun to read. :veelove:

Hello, hello! It's been a while since my last review, but I got rolled one of Fobbie's fics for V-Wheel, so I figured I'd come back to this after so long of continually going after Once a Thief. And though there is a new chapter of that fic out, I figured I'll get to it soon enough after writing this review. Famous last words of a reader. But in the meantime, back to Fledglings, and it seems there's a special chapter. :eyes: I'll look forward to this one, I bet.

I mean, I’m hardly going to complain about you getting deeper into the primary attraction for my and @Virgil134’s writing. Though don’t worry if things take a while, since your reviews have always been an absolute joy to take in wherever you write them.

Ah, I see we have a New Year's festive event on here. Now that I think about it, this might've made for a good chapter to get to during last Review Blitz, given the time of year it's run at. Oh well. :sadbees: (On that note, was this originally uploaded on New Year's? If so, that sort of timing reminds me some of Guiding Light's Special Chapters and how they were released at certain times of year. It occurs to me that I haven't seen a PMD fic do that in a good while...)

Technically, it was a little over 3 weeks late for New Year’s back in 2016, and was originally submitted as a response to a writing prompt on Serebii Forums. But I’d say that that’s close enough to a “New Year’s” release considering how schedule slip can be with fanworks. ^^;

Anyway, into the chapter itself, where we seem to have all kinds of festivities lined up.

Seems like Nida was quite the glutton once upon a time.
Of course, these days Elty beats her in that regard.

Nida: “I was growing, okay?!” >///<

And as kids do, they all get excited about candy. Hard not to go, "D'awwwww," at the image of this. :veelove:

Yeah, there’s quite a bit of that in this special chapter, really. ^^;

Nida and her siblings in unison: "Yes, Mami..."

That sounds about right, really. :V

On another note, I dunno if I mentioned this previously, but I am surprised Marley and Teja aren't fully evolved. Did they never happen upon Moon Stones during their travels at all? Perhaps they're a rare find in this world.

They’re certainly harder to come by than in mainline by virtue of the world being a wee bit smaller than it is in canonical settings. It wouldn’t be impossible for them to come across one, but considering how they have ten mouths to feed, they’d likely have their work cut out affording one from a merchant.

The way lanterning and sweets are mentioned thus far, it's almost like Tromban New Year's is more akin to Halloween. All they'd need is costumes and it would be a near perfect match. :mewlulz:

It’s technically New Year’s, Christmas, Diwali, and St. Martin’s Day thrown in a blender. But otherwise, that’s accurate.

So I'm assuming this takes place before the gang happens across Pleo. That would make sense, given the short timeframe between finding Pleo, Elty being added to the team's ranks, and Pleo being taken away by Lyn and the Company. Still, a shame we won't see our resident baby Loog here.


Do Marley and Teja just name all of their kids after approximation of Nido-line names? That's certainly one way of limiting their name options.

Yeah, they leaned on the Power Trip end of the naming scale, even if most of their neighbors that we see didn’t.

Yep, more proof of that. Not the most creative naming system on their part, in my opinion.

Perhaps, but it does roll off the tongue easily when you have 10 kids to juggle. o<o

Interesting way of honouring the Protector - I do wonder what said Protector would think about the ceremony being a partial honour to him. Maybe he would be unsure about that part in it, but he'd probably be as excited as Nida's siblings would be about sweets, were he here.


Oh yeah, Pleo would love this.

That’s a pretty safe bet, yes.

And now an unexpected turn over to Hess's ship, where its mast hasn't been blown apart by Pleo yet. So yeah, definitely proof this takes place before then. Which also means we see Hess again, eeeeeeee :veelove:

I mean, I wouldn’t have commissioned art of him if he wasn’t going to come back into the story after getting publicly humiliated on Tromba in the second episode. ^^;

Doing a raid on New Year's? Is that a way of capping off the year or what? Because I'm surprised that Hess would do this and not just spend New Year's getting royally drunk with his crew. It would be in line, given that he's a pirate…

You see, when everyone else is royally drunk and busy partying, it makes it easier to help yourself to their stuff. :P

Though, obviously, his crew have party intentions in mind.

Hess: “Oh for crying out loud, hasn’t anyone heard of delayed gratification?!” >.<

Seems like Hess is a bit of a workaholic if he wants his crew to launch a raid even in holidays like this. (On another note, the mental image of a Jigglypuff pirate is kinda funny to me.)

Said Jigglypuff actually showed up briefly in the second episode. A surprising number of the pirates that pop up in this Special Chapter actually made initial appearances way back when and wound up getting fleshed out later on.
Huh, seems there's more to Hess than meets the eye, with how he described his lucky charm and all he had been through as a result of this. I honestly thought he was a minor villain...but now I'm wondering if we'll see more of him in future. :eyes: Which, if so, is very good news for me, one of the biggest Aggron lovers among the PMD fandom.

You will indeed, and you won’t need to wait too much longer after this point in the story, actually.

I'm trying to remember, did Elty say much about this when he, Nida and Pleo arrived in Boisocéan in the main story? Maybe he didn't on account of not wanting to give away his pirate origins. Although it would've made for an interesting if
scene if a Boisocéan resident had recognised him - which in a time of needing to placate Maranda, would not have helped Team Traveller.

Elty did bring this up, but the Bunnelby from the Medic’s Hut certainly did, with a funny bit of paw-twisting by Nida to keep him in line.

Careful you don't spring a hole in your ship, Hess, with how heavy your species tend to be.

Hess: “It will be fine™. (... Probably.)”

Ah yes, the unfortunate reality of having similar names to others. Also a Ledian character - I very much approve. :quag:

Technically, this is more “guy perpetually gets your name wrong” on Hess’ part, but the similarity probably throws quite a few Pokémon who aren’t from K(ei)ichiro’s island. :P

Awww, a cute little ditty. :quag: I wonder what the melody of it sounds like.

This is actually based on a song that’s traditionally sung for St. Martin’s Day in the Netherlands.

Dang, it really is like Halloween without the costumes.

Just like St. Martin’s Day~

Guess even merchants have gotta have their downtime during a holiday such as this.

That’s less downtime and more him being cheap.

Kinda humorous to imagine Calino rapidly changing colours in response to the emotions that he's feeling at this moment. :mewlulz: And between Nida and Marley, they sure manage ways to twist the Kecleon's arm. He sure isn't getting away with being a miserly old coot this holiday, that's for sure.

Well, I’m sure the kiddos will be happy, at least.

I sense a running gag with Kichiro/Keiichiro here. The expanding upon these characters makes me wonder if we'll see more of them in the present day.


Wouldn't be an Aggron without his menacing side.

Even if Hess probably has a bit more hot air to him than the average Aggron, but yes. He is indeed not quite a pushover for the vast majority of the Pokémon that live in the Cradle.

That does sound like one dirty business alright, especially when that's akin to childnapping. Also interesting to see that Hess has his morals, that he wouldn't go that low. Makes me wonder, though...would the main characters encounter folks in the main story that wouldn't hesitate to commit egg thievery if they had the chance?

You’ll get an answer to this a few episodes down the line.

Slight line skip here. Also interesting to see that Kichiro's place of origin does take from Japanese, as I partly suspected when I saw his name. I wonder if Team Traveller will ever go his place of origin in future. :eyes:

Fixed. And they wind up going to Kichiro’s home island not terribly far from where you’re at in the story.


Well. I can't say I expected him to rise back to the surface and not immediately sink, given that Aggron weigh a third of a ton, but then again maybe Hess knows Surf or something of that nature. And him being a pirate would mean he's probably dealt with his fair share of salty seawater, so he'd be used to this.

He does indeed know Surf. Helps out a lot for when you live in a setting that’s something like 99% seawater in the parts that are still habitable.

Oh hey, Rodion. That's a name I've heard in passing before. Yep, now I'm more sure by the minute we're gonna see more of Hess's crew in future chapters.

I mean, the recent art commish probably gave it away, but… yeah. ^^;

...Might they be some of Hess' crew?

They’re more intended to be eavesdropping ferals seeing what the weirdos in town are up to.

Ah yes, and now we meet the other unevolved parent. It must be awkward having a son and mate that tower over you, although if Pladur did ever become a Haxorus, then that dynamic would no doubt shift to him being the tall one.

Technically, Crom is only slightly taller than him in the present day, even if he would indeed shoot up there without Pladur getting his final evolution in under his belt.

Quite a precise measurement of rambunctiousness there, Kiran.

Kiran: “What can I say? Precision helps with getting a gauge on things and where they stand.” ^v^

Somehow I wouldn't put it past Crom to eat too much of his share of sweets, which would then result in one awkward dentist trip some time later. That would be a poor way to start off the New Year, alright.

Probably, fortunately mom’s probably attentive enough to keep things from getting to that point.

Finders keepers, losers weepers, Cenn.

Crom: “Also, I’m visibly bigger than you right now.” >_>;

Don't feed your children too many sweets, Pladur. That's how they develop a sugar addiction.

What’s that? Let them sneak some away after mom goes to sleep? /s

And now for Hatteras's speech, where he's not afraid to dip into sombre tidings for Tromba in the past. Some of which are still present today, but there are silver linings in the clouds of darkness he describes.

Which is kinda the broader vibe the story as a whole has what with being a “lighthearted with dark undertones” narrative.

And now that Protector is back to give hope to the folks of Tromba. He might still be a naive young'un, but hopefully one day he'll realise his power and become a true beacon of hope befitting his title as Protector.

Well, I’m sure that he’ll get there someday. Nobody says that it won’t be quite a journey first, though.

I hope that later on, Pleo can see such a light show for himself. It would make for some pleasing circularity of the journey he and Nida have been on. Hell, now that I think about it, it would actually make a nice epilogue sequence, to see a reprise of this but with Pleo in the picture, along with whatever other friends he, Nida and Elty pick up along their journey.

I can’t really speak for what the Epilogue will look like since we haven’t quite gotten to the stage where we need to worry about hard planning, but he actually gets a chance to see something like this at a point beforehand.

Oh, that's clever! Hess won't know what'll hit him.

I mean, there was a reason why Hatteras wanted to use a fireworks shell as part of his gambit to free Pleo.

That's an...odd way to describe Kadabra. I'd personally advocate for dropping the 'fox-faced' part of this.


And now Hess is getting a faceful of fireworks.

Yeah, it’s not every day when one’s plans quite literally blow up in one’s face. :P

I suppose it would make sense that, given how a lot of animals in real life tend to be scared of fireworks, Nida and her siblings would show similar discomfort here. Poor things. :sadwott:

Well, the pretty colors help make up for it at least.

And now there's a bit of mild panic upon realising pirates are here to invade, only for the situation to be dealt with and for everyone to go back to celebrating. Quite a smooth move by the firework gang to make sure things weren't interrupted by those pesky pirates.

Yeah, it was kind of a clutch save there. Even if they obviously aren’t able to deal with every attempted raid like this.

Like something the Torracat dragged in. :mewlulz: And the Mistral Marauder's in no better shape than its captain. In true Saturday morning cartoon fashion, the villain's plot has been foiled. Again.

I mean, they at least got to sail away without losing any headcount, so it wasn’t too bad of a failure?

How weak rebellious hearts can be, when wine and celebration prove to placate them. And as Rodion points out, it's not even Tromban wine. Makes me wonder what Tromban alcohols look like - would they have equivalents of cava or rioja, by any chance?

I wouldn’t rule out their presence, even if there’s another island out there in the Cradle that might have had more of a fancy for those specific types of wines.

Seems our resident firepup was no less a lover of the bottle back then than he is today.

What can I say? His buddies brought him up well.™

Betting that it'll all be gone by the time his treatment is finished.

Oh ye of little faith.

That charm of Hess's is gonna crop up again in future, won't it? After all, it probably means he survived the ordeal with Pleo before, if the charm pulled through for him once again.

Once again:

I wonder if there's a Cliff's Notes somewhere of all the names of Nida's nine siblings.

Some of them go unnamed due to conservation of detail, but her older siblings at least are Dorin, Ani, and Orino.

Well, that's the end of that Special Chapter. And it was a really cute one! :veelove: Always gotta love more action with the cute kids that populate the island of Tromba, especially seeing all of Nida's nine siblings along with the Nidoran herself and Crom. There's a fair bit of humour too, with coercing Calino to give gifts to the kids, Pladur hiding behind Gwenith along with his kids at the sight of Marley, and Kichiro's name being a continual cry of protest for him as to the constant mislabelling. We also see some more of Hess's crew that didn't make an appearance initially, such as Kichiro and Rodion, and the fatc that they're namedropped here makes me almost sure that we're going to see more of Hess's crew in future.

And that's good news for me, as an appearance of any Aggron in any PMD fic brings joy to my heart. And the signs are definitely there for Hess to make another appearance in future, given that the charm implies a form of luck for him, meaning he surely was able to escape from his encounter with Pleo all that time back. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him again, when or if he does return.

Glad to hear that you had fun with things, though you’re pretty decently on the mark with your read regarding the pirate characters there. One of the meta functions of Special Chapters in this story beyond touching on bits of backstory that are otherwise outside the scope of the main narrative is to introduce or expand on characters that will wind up becoming more prominent in the main narrative, so we hope you have fun with that.

A very good job with this Special Chapter. I look forward to reading more! :quag:

And we look forward to reading more of your reviews! Like always, this one was quite fun to read. ^^

Alright, and with that, let’s get back to our scheduled programming back in an island that’s a bit further away from home for the gang:
Chapter 87: Nosing Around New


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

The following morning, the Siglo Swellow settled into its normal routine, as her sailors returned to their posts tending the ship. Some crew members with nothing better to do wiled away their time making small amusements on deck, while a few braver souls opted to poke about Canalhouse City's sights. In the darkened interior of the ship, Pladur and Kiran made their way down the ship's corridors for the sleeping quarters, the Fraxure carrying a small tray bearing a breakfast of bread and gummis while Kiran held a lantern in his beak. As the pair neared the door to the sleeping quarters where Trizano was still recovering, Pladur slowed his pace and uneasily turned to Kiran.

"Are we sure he would've recovered this quickly, Kiran?" the Dragon-Type asked. "I know that Immortals are supposed to come back from nasty injuries, but…"

"Well, he was able to feel things around his eyes last night," the Swellow murmured back. "So things are progressing, at least. We might as well see how far he's come along."

Pladur breathed in sharply, before setting forward, Kiran accompanying him with his light as they entered the sleeping quarters. The Swellow raised the lantern, revealing an emptied room that had been vacated within the past few hours, with some still-mussed straw and hammocks lying about along with a few bags belonging to the sailors along the walls and supporting timbers… and little else. Trizano ought to still be in the far left corner of the room, but something about the silence made the pair wonder if perhaps he was still asleep. Pladur hesitated a moment, before raising his voice to call off into the darkness.

"Trizano? Are you up?"

The pair heard sharp jostling coming from Trizano's place in the room, prompting Kiran to turn and raise his light, which caught the glint of metallic feathers in the corner and revealed Trizano was still nesting and settled into his bedding. The Skarmory got up, awkwardly finding his footing and exposing his bandaged eyes as he tried to turn his head towards the sound of his teammates' voices.

"Yeah, I am," Trizano replied. "I… haven't really been able to sleep, even though I've been in the dark since the fight yesterday."

"Well, we brought breakfast for you," Kiran said. "Let's take a look and see your eyes are coming along, and then we'll leave you to eat and rest a bit."

Kiran and Pladur made their way over to the Steel-Type, Pladur setting down the tray of food as Kiran raised the lantern and illuminated the bandages over Trizano's eyes, along with sets of dark reddish-brown blotches on them.

Pladur flinched at the sight, which drew uncomfortable memories of similar bandages that had been removed from his own stitched-up stomach a mere five days ago. After steeling himself, the Fraxure leaned in and started undoing the bandages and pulling them away, quietly dreading whatever ghastly wounds he would find underneath…


Pladur jolted back and fell onto his rump with a start. There in front of him, Trizano's eyes were back to their normal yellow-and-blue selves! Why, even the cross-shaped pupils that he and other Immortals had, had come back without any sign of blemish!

"Travellers above! They really did get better!" the Fraxure exclaimed.

Pladur sat there for a moment and gaped in astonishment, as Kiran set the lantern down and let out a relieved sigh. Strangely though, Trizano continued to appear visibly tense, as the pair watched a grimace spread over the Skarmory's beak.

"Kiran? Pladur? Could you come closer?" he asked. "I'm having trouble seeing you."

Kiran and Pladur caught themselves and traded worried looks, the Fraxure getting back up onto his feet and fidgeting uneasily with his claws.

"Uh… shouldn't you be able to see us fine right now?" the Dragon-Type said. "We're standing right in front of you, and the lantern we brought down's sitting right next to you and your food."

Trizano jumped and batted his wings out with a start as his eyes shrank to pins and his breaths came out tight and shallow, his voice coming out with a panicked squawk.

"C-Cernun's horns! Th-that Noivern really did blind me!" he cried. "I'm gonna be stuck like this forever!"

The Skarmory frantically looked about his body, as if trying to coax his eyes into regaining their damaged sight, prompting Pladur to cut in and wave his claws for calm.

"T-Tranquilo! Your eyes were in worse shape last night!" the Fraxure insisted. "Even if they look healed from the outside to us, maybe they're not all the way there yet! Just take some time and let yourself recover a bit!"

"B-But I'm Trizano the Immortal!" the Steel-Type exclaimed. "I've never had lingering wounds like this before!"

"Trizano, you're not healing yourself any faster by working yourself into a tizzy like this," Kiran said. The Swellow ruffled his feathers sharply, and shook his head with a low sigh.

"Why did you even do this to yourself?"

Trizano spluttered back at the Swellow, shooting his head forward with a sharp scowl.

"'Do this to myself'?! Non dire sciocchezze! Kiran, I didn't ask to get my eyes burned!" the Skarmory snapped back. The Steel-Type's sharp retort made Pladur paw uneasily at the back of his head, before he glanced away.

"I mean, Kiran did say that we needed to retreat since we were outmatched," the Fraxure said. "But you still went off ahead on your own to face that Noivern…"

"I was given this gift by Cernun!" Trizano protested, turning his beak up with a sharp huff. "It's my duty to use it to try and help others!"

"Maybe, but is it really helping to keep charging in headfirst like that?" Kiran pressed. "Like with those mercenaries on Haipheh?"

Trizano fell quiet at the Swellow's questioning and his features eased up. In normal times, his answer would've been a reflexive 'yes', but with his fight with Aldrich… it was hard to say that doing so had really accomplished much beyond putting him on bedrest. Sensing that he'd put the Immortal into a contemplative state, Kiran lowered his head and continued speaking.

"Trizano, you're able to take risks that the rest of us aren't, we get it. But that doesn't mean that you need to constantly be taking them!" the Swellow insisted. "We're a team, and part of being a team is working together. Not charging off on your own to try and make a difference by yourself!"

He shuffled his wings and looked away from the Skarmory, clearly hesitating for a moment over how to continue.

"I suppose it must be cold comfort at this point, but part of that is also picking your battles wisely," Kiran said. "You can't predict how a battle is going to play out, or when there will be consequences to live with afterwards, so it's not a matter to take lightly."

Trizano said nothing for a long silence, before drooping his head and wings and grudgingly raising his voice in reply.

"I… I suppose I'd have done things differently if I didn't have Lord Cernun's blessing," the Skarmory admitted. "Not that I was expecting this to happen to me."

The Steel-Type trailed off for a moment and fidgeted restlessly, before turning back to his teammates with a despairing look.

"B-But how am I supposed to help anyone like this?!" he cried. "I can barely see you two right now!"

"Just worry about helping yourself for now," Kiran said. "There will be plenty of time for you to lend aid after you've recovered."

"Yeah, and I'm sure the kids are doing fine right now in the Academy," Pladur added, seemingly trying to convince himself with his own words. "They've been a bit more careful after they heard what happened to you, and the rest of the team's been keeping a closer eye on them just in case they do get into trouble…"

That same morning, Nida and her fellows from Team Traveller made sure to arrive early at the Academy, starting off at Gerhard's class in the beginning where they dutifully avoided the rear row of seats and got oriented for the other classes that were offered from Filbert and his siblings after claiming to have lost their schedule. After getting walked through an itinerary, the five drifted from class to class, eventually coming to a history classroom on the other side of the central building where the Torterra instructor informed her pupils that they'd be receiving a guest lecture that day.

Much to their astonishment, the lecturers turned out to be none other than Team Taxonomy, who returned in their red-and-white scarves along with a strangely familiar Vaporeon. Team Traveller tried their hardest to remain composed and inconspicuous lest the five guest instructors recognize them and ruin their cover. Fortunately, none of them seemed to pick them out from their fellow students as the amateur researchers took turns going through a lecture about the cultures of different islands in the Cradle, how they'd formed new commonalities after coming into contact with each other after being moved from the Old World, and how other similarities seemed to predate even that. Much to Nida's surprise, the example the Vaporeon of the group focused on when it was his turn was none other than the tale of the Prince of a Thousand Enemies.

"On Tromba he is a Nidorino, on Boisocéan a Diggersby, on Gestirn a Lopunny, and right here on Vollezee, he is a Raboot," the Vaporeon said. "All different Pokémon, yet all have a folktale about them being a 'Prince of a Thousand Enemies' with mostly the same stories shared between them. Sounds impossible, right?"

At the back of the room, Team Traveller's members squirmed and tried to keep their heads low, dutifully trying to avoid the gaze of Team Taxonomy's members at the front of the classroom. All the while, Pleo couldn't help but find the Vaporeon's presence in front of the blackboard to be strange and off-putting.

"Isn't that the same 'Opdahl' Vaporeon we ran into on Buyeom?" he asked. "What's he doing here, and with Team Taxonomy of all Pokémon?"

Somehow, when Opdahl said that he was looking for his companions on Buyeom, it never occurred to Pleo that he might have been looking for Team Taxonomy. The others seemed just as surprised by the development, but kept their mouths firmly shut as Crom whispered back in reassurance.

"Guess they must've been the friends he was talking about," the Druddigon murmured. "Though I don't really get how fairy tales have anything to do with 'monthropology' or whatever this lecture's about."

Pleo gave a puzzled tilt of his head. Was there something wrong about fairy tales being taught in one of these 'history' courses? Pleo considered asking further, only to see Opdahl sway his tail and continue on, prompting the Lugia to train his attention back to the front of the classroom.

"But if you flip your thinking around, it actually suggests the opposite. That all of these stories originated from a common source," the Vaporeon explained. "One that was known and talked about enough to travel the distant corners of the Old World so that when pieces of it were brought here, Pokémon were able to remember their own versions of it."

"And it's not the only bit of folklore that this dynamic has been observed in," the Archen of the group added, as he stepped forward to Opdahl's place.

"The various tales of the Warriors of Light, the stories of Walter's Magical Kingdoms… they are all myths that have variations from island to island while mostly agreeing on their broad strokes in a way that would suggest they as stories share a common origin," Scholls continued. "So then, the question is who came up with that common source? And who else would be a more logical candidate for that other than humans?"

Nida blinked at the Archen's commentary. She'd heard most of those fairy tales growing up, and knew that the stories of Walter's Magical Kingdoms were first told by humans, but somehow the thought never occurred to her whether a human or a Pokémon first told the tales of the Prince of a Thousand Enemies. In that case, how could she be sure the stories hadn't left out important parts of the originals?

… Then again, perhaps it didn't matter if the stories had changed from the way they were told originally. After all, Pokémon rarely kept every detail in the tales they told the same without reading it from a book, but if they were good ones, they still entertained their listeners all the same. So whatever the original version of those stories were like, they had to have enthralled Pokémon back in the Old World every bit as much as the stories of the Prince of a Thousand Enemies had when she was younger for them to stick around in some form for this long.

The sound of heavy footsteps pricked Nida's ears, as she looked off at the front to see the Torterra teacher getting up and clearing her throat from beside the five guest instructors. The Grass-Type cast an impatient glance at an hourglass that had run empty on the desk, before shaking her head back at the group.

"Thank you very much for your presentation, Team Taxonomy," the Torterra said. "But I'm afraid that we'll have to leave things here for now since the next period is about to start."

The students got up from their desks and hurried along for the door, a few grumbling to themselves over losing scarce break time from how long the lecture had dragged on. As Team Traveller neared the desk at the front of the room, their ears caught snippets of Team Taxonomy's members chattering with one another.

"Hrmph, I still don't understand why we couldn't get that slot for a biology lecture," Wally remarked. "We had a lot more material prepared for that!"

"Hey, at least it got our foot in the door!" Machalí insisted. "Mira el lado bueno, we'll be able to use the funds for our next round of research!"

Team Traveller passed just as the Marshtomp of the group gathered up some books he and his teammates had left on the desk. The Water-Type chanced to look up at Team Traveller and furrowed his brow a moment, before raising a paw to point them out to his teammates.

"Hey," Garth murmured. "Didn't we see those kids before-?"

Elty and the others all but bolted out of the classroom after seeing the Marshtomp pointing after them, hurrying out into the hall past the next three classrooms before they slowed their pace. After looking over their shoulders and making sure that Team Taxonomy hadn't come after them, the lot let out sighs of relief and shook their heads.

"Whew, that was a close one," Elty said. "Of all the places to run into Team Taxonomy again, I certainly wasn't expecting to see them here."

"At least they didn't put two and two together," Nida replied. "Here I was worried that they were just going to blurt out who we were-"


The Nidorina and her companions turned around and froze. There behind them was none other than Salvini scowling down at them with her arms folded over each other. The very same Grovyle they'd run into all the way back on Mengir Island… except she didn't look like she was in the mood for a friendly conversation right now.

"We need to talk," the Grass-Type growled, prompting Team Traveller's members to hesitate and trade uneasy looks with each other."

Er… you mean right now?" Guardia asked. "Or-?"

"Yes right now," Salvini snapped. "Though not here. The classroom down the hall's vacant for the next hour, we can talk there."

Guardia tensed up at the gecko's insistence, before looking around and seeing a few of the passing students were starting to stare at them. If Salvini had meant to cause them trouble, she could've done so from the start. So even if the Cubone was a bit worried by how agitated the Grass-Type was, perhaps for now it was for the best to just play along.

"O… kay?"

The five nervously shuffled along as Salvini herded them down the hall and pushed open the door to a classroom on the right. As Elty stepped in, he noted that it seemed much the same as the classroom they'd just left. The same style of blackboard, same style of wooden desks and short seats, with the differences being that this classroom was empty aside from their presence and the agitated Grovyle behind them. Salvini closed the door and waited in front of it, folding her arms with an impatient tap of her foot that made the Growlithe grimace.

Did she still recognize them? With Nida having evolved, Crom now in their group, and Pleo looking completely different from when they'd last met, it was hard to say for sure… Maybe she'd thought that he and Guardia seemed familiar, but could still be convinced that she'd gotten their identities mixed up.

"I… uh… can we help you-?" Elty started, only for Pleo to cut in with a startled squawk.

"S-Salvini?! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be on Mengir!"

Team Traveller's members stiffened up and turned to Pleo as he batted his wings out in astonishment. The other four blanched and shrank back uneasily as Salvini's face tightened up into a sharp glare.

"Well for one, you can start by telling me what you're up to and why you think it's a good idea to be anywhere near Canalhouse City as wanted 'mons!" the Grovyle cried.

Pleo and his teammates fumbled for words, unsure of where to even begin to try to explain their circumstances in a way that wouldn't endanger their hopes of getting at the Company's volume of the Knight's Ledger. After a moment of hesitation, Crom tapped his claws together uneasily and spoke up in reply.

"I… I know that it probably sounds insane to you, but we're trying to fix that! Honest!" the Druddigon insisted, only for Salvini to keep pressing them with a sharp huff.

"'Fix that' how?"

The youngsters paused and bit their tongues briefly, before Nida pinned her ears back and tried to offer an explanation.

"Er… we have to keep quiet about it? B-But look, you trust us don't you?" Nida stammered. "Do you really still think we're just a bunch of pirates like you were originally told?"

Salvini's face remained fixed in a firm scowl for a lingering moment, only for her features to soften and the gecko to look away and paw at her arm uneasily.

"I mean, I do trust you… but I'm on really thin ice right now," she murmured. "Me and the rest of the team that got sent after you were reassigned out here to babysit students in the Academy. If Administrator Zorn had been less skeptical of Darzin when he dragged me in, or if Hertsog had not trusted me so much, I might not even be alive right now."

Pleo and his companions grimaced. Clearly Trizano hadn't been kidding about Salvini having taken a risk for them on Mengir. Though… did that mean she didn't have any choice here? That she was here to…

"Are… Are you gonna tell on us?" Pleo asked.

Salvini paused at the Lugia's question, before closing her eyes and shaking her head back.

"I'm not planning on it. But I can't exactly cover for you if you get into trouble again," the Grovyle said. "All things considered, I got lucky with my second chance. There's not going to be another one for me after this."

The sound of distant bellchimes rang out from outside the window, making Pleo and his companions turn their heads, realizing that it was a sign that it was the top of the hour and new classes were about to start. Salvini fell quiet as the bells chimed, before backing away with a low sigh.

"Look, I'm not here to get you into trouble, alright? But you really shouldn't be here," she insisted. "Whatever you're up to, either get it done quickly or get out while you can. You're not exactly in a safe place to go off sightseeing."

Team Traveller's members said nothing for a long moment as the chimes finished tolling in the background, Nida breaking the silence and pinning her ears back.

"We'll do what we can, okay?" the Nidorina replied.

The five hurried over for the door, eager to start off for their next classes that they were sure to be late for at this rate. As he neared the door, Pleo slowed his pace briefly, turning his head back to look at the Company Grovyle.


"Yeah, what?" the gecko asked, prompting Pleo to shuffle his wings uneasily.

"I… I don't know how much it means to you, but it is nice to see you again."

Salvini remained silent, before lowering her head with a small shake and a quiet, murmuring reply.

"It's nice to see you too, Pleo," she said. "Just… don't get too used to it, alright?"

Pleo nodded back hesitantly before hurrying after his teammates, the lot making their way into the hall where they started heading off for their next class. From the corner of his eye, the young Lugia glimpsed Salvini exiting the vacant classroom, lingering for a moment as she looked after him, before eventually turning and heading down the other direction of the hallway.

After the day's classes, Team Traveller spread out to try and comb the Academy for leads as to where the vault might be. Pleo, Nida, and Crom had dutifully scanned the hallways along the ground and first floors, but failed to turn up anything of note. Before they knew it, the three found themselves retracing their steps on the ground floor towards a familiar set of double doors made of dark hardwood and filed into the library.

"I don't understand why Guardia insisted on coming back here," Crom said. "Didn't we already check the library?"

"I mean, we didn't exactly look through it for very long last time," Nida murmured. "So it's not as if it doesn't make sense to take a closer look."

Nida watched as Pleo cocked a brow back at her answer. He mused to himself that he didn't remember there being that many places in the library that they didn't already go through last time, only for him to abruptly trail off and raise a wing to point off ahead excitedly.

"Oh! There she is!"

Nida followed Pleo's wing and looked to see Guardia and Elty seated at a table crowded with a small pile of books. The three carried along, nearing just in time to find the pair buried snout-deep in a thick green tome that lay open on its spine on the table's surface. Elty's ears flicked at the sound of Nida, Pleo, and Crom's footsteps, the Growlithe turning around and pinning his ears back before hurrying behind his teammates with a low grumble. After noticing her partner had abruptly departed, Guardia looked around, before getting up with a curious tilt of her head.

"Ah, you're already back from searching?" the Cubone asked.

"Bogowie, here I thought you all would never come back!" Elty fumed.

Crom, Nida, and Pleo blinked and looked over at Elty who had an expression on his face much as if he'd just pulled himself out of one of the canals outside, and then back to Guardia and the small mountain of books all about her.

"Wait, what have you been doing with all those books, Guardia?" Pleo asked. "Did you find anything about the Ledger in them?"

The Cubone blinked for a moment, before tugging at the front of her helmet with a sheepish smile.

"Er… well… no, but I did gather quite a bit of lore for my colony!" she insisted. "For someone that also came from a Mystery Dungeon, Eltenios here is really good at reading your hut runes!"

The rest of Team Traveller's members narrowed their eyes and let their mouths crack open with a stunned silence. Nida was the first to speak up, the Nidorina fanning her barbs out in annoyance as she shot a sharp glare at the Ground-Type.

"Can't you do this some other time, Guardia?" Nida growled.

"I mean, isn't this a library?" Pleo added. "Why not take some of these books to read at the ship? Cabot told me that that's how libraries work!"

Guardia blinked puzzledly for a moment, before giving a sheepish smile back.

"… Oh, you can do that?" she asked. "That'd certainly make things a lot easier!"

The Cubone's teammates let out a chorus of groans at her belated realization, as Elty flattened his ears out with an annoyed huff.

"Just saying, I'm not helping her out with reading when we get back to the ship," he grumbled.

"Just… take whatever you can carry that looks interesting, Guardia," Crom said. "If you haven't found anything here, we should hurry up and move on."

The Druddigon and the others helped Guardia gather up her books, the Cubone taking a small stack that she balanced on her free hand and tilted back along her belly. Nida let out a quiet sigh, guessing the Ground-Type hadn't forgotten about the "loregathering" her colony had tasked her with before leaving Kenobi and let the Cubone lead the way. The bone lizard carried along with an awkward gait that made the others think of stopping to offer her help, when she rounded the corner and bumped into a furry black-and-red blur about her height and stumbled back.


Guardia lost her footing and fell back with her books into Elty, shoving one member of Team Traveller into the other until finally reaching Pleo and knocking him down. The young Lugia let out a sharp squawk and dropped his bag, spilling its contents out onto the floor. The five looked up, where there in front of them was a Zorua beside some of the scattered books, leveling a piercing scowl at them.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" she yipped.

Nida got up along with her teammates and blanched. Right here before them was none other than Sophie from their classes. The very same Pokémon who were it not for Gerhard's timely intervention the other day, would've probably revealed them to be intruders in front of his entire classroom. The Nidorina shifted her feet uncomfortably, raising her voice back to the Dark-Type in a guarded tone.

"Er… sorry about that," she apologized. "We'll pay closer attention next time."

Nida shuffled over and helped Sophie to gather her belongings, as the rest of Team Traveller tended to Guardia's books and Pleo's belongings that had flopped out onto the floor. In spite of their attempts to make nice, Sophie didn't seem particularly impressed with Team Traveller's gesture, as she shook her head and growled under her breath.

"This day, I swear," the Zorua fumed. "First someone already checked out the copy of 'I Want to be Your Bird' I wanted to borrow, and now-"

Sophie trailed off while reaching for the last of her belongings, when her eyes fell on Pleo's dropped items, including Neil's goggles currently on the floor. The Zorua blinked and stiffened up with a surprised gasp that took Team Traveller's members aback. The five stopped as the Dark-Type stooped down and sniffed at the goggles, giving a curious poke with her forepaws before she looked back at Pleo and his teammates.

"How on earth did you get this?"

Team Traveller's members looked puzzledly at the mesmerized Zorua, wondering if her reaction was some sort of trick. Pleo tilted his head back at the fox, and blinked in surprise as he wondered aloud…

"Huh, do you mean my goggles? Is there something wrong with them?"

"There's nothing wrong with them," Sophie said. "But you can tell from the material that they're made from that it's a human artifact."

Team Traveller stared blankly at the Zorua much as if she'd just done a backflip right in front of them. Neil's goggles were a human artifact? But even if that was the case…

"How… do you know that?" Crom asked. Sophie quietly prodded at the goggles' lenses for a brief moment, before shaking her head and turning to the young Druddigon.

"My dad has a small collection of human artifacts, and a lot of them are made from this same sort of weird material that these goggles are," she explained. "It's something that doesn't shatter when dropped like glass or clay, but is hard to the touch like them."

The Zorua leaned in closer to give a second look at the goggles, seemingly entranced by them, before she spoke up in a voice that betrayed a sense of wonder.

"I don't think he has anything in as good as shape as these though," she murmured. "No scratches… no cracks… no discolorations… why it's like it suddenly fell from the sky brand-new!"

Sophie got up and blinked to herself in a moment of puzzled realization, and turned to Pleo and his companions with a skeptical tilt of her head.

"How did you get these anyways?"

Pleo and the others hemmed and hawed back in reply. After a few moments to make sure he had his cover story straight, Pleo spoke up with what he hoped would satisfy the fox's curiosity.

"A friend of mine gave it to us back on Kenobi," he said. "I didn't know it was so special though."

Sophie quirked a brow back at the young Lugia and said nothing for a noticeable pause. The seabird and his friends began to grow uneasy, thinking that perhaps the Dark-Type was doubting them yet again, only for her to dispel their fears by giving a playful wag of her tail and shooting a small smile back.

"Well you should be a bit more careful with it, since you'll never get another one of these if you break them," the Zorua chided. "Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you somehow got it from that vault that's supposed to be in the Academy's Archive!"

Guardia perked up at the mention of the Academy having an 'Archive', and judging from a quick glance at her teammates, they must've noticed it as well.

"… The Academy's Archive?" the Cubone asked. "This is the first we've ever heard of there being a vault there."

Sophie gave Guarida a surprised look and tilted an ear back curiously. She'd evidently found something about her response strange, but after a moment's hesitation, Sophie's puzzled expression faded away and she spoke up in reply.

"Right, you're all new here so you wouldn't have heard of it. I mean, I've never seen it myself, but there's supposed to be one there," Sophie explained. "Rumor has it that it's filled with a bunch of old books and artifacts from the Old World that are too valuable to be put on public display."

The Zorua shook her head, pointing a paw at Pleo's goggles on the ground.

"Really, if you ever wanted a chance to see inside it, maybe bring those goggles over to them," she insisted. "If they really do keep artifacts there, it'll certainly be safer to keep them there than just leaving them around in your bag to get scuffed."

Nida put a paw to her chin as she thought over Sophie's explanation. Why that had to be the same vault that Alice said she overheard Darzin talking about! And if the Ledger really was here, what better place would there be to keep it than a place whose inherent purpose was to have precious things tucked away in it? Nida smiled back, thanking the Travellers above that this meeting with Sophie had actually gone their way, and gave a grateful bow in reply.

"Thanks for the tip," the Nidorina said. "We'll look into it, even if we kinda have our paws full at the moment."

The five picked up their belongings and made their way up to the counter, where much to their chagrin, the Metang librarian from the other day was once again on duty. After an askew glance from the Psychic-Type, Team Traveller checked out Guardia's books and sheepishly took their leave from the library, making their way down the right end of the hallway. The group continued on a short ways until Nida spotted a small, empty study room with the door left ajar. A brief inspection revealed the room had long desks and chairs propped up against its walls, and appeared to be set up to be a quiet space of some sort. The Nidorina beckoned her teammates in and closed the door behind them, the five gathering together as Elty tilted his head and murmured to himself in thought.

"So, this vault has to be the same one we heard about, right?" Elty asked. "There's no way that's just a coincidence."

"Well, it's the best lead we've found so far, that's for sure," Nida replied. "We might as well go check it out."

The group continued on mulling over their findings when faint footsteps sounded out from the hallway. Pleo paused and tilted his head at the doorway, when it suddenly creaked and a Sylveon in a Company Second-Rank scarf entered the room. As soon as he saw the Pokémon, the color drained from the young Protector's face as he jumped back with a frightened squawk.

"A-Agh! Nida!"

Nida and her teammates whirled around and froze. There at the doorway was none other than Zelle from Team Sentinel. The Sylveon pushed the door closed behind her, stepping forward as a malicious smirk spread over her face.

"I must say, I certainly wasn't expecting you to come to Vollezee of all places," Zelle said. "So who is your new friend here who totally isn't Pleo walking around in some poor disguise?"

Guardia looked round the room, and saw that beyond the windows, there didn't seem to be any other exits beyond the doorway Zelle stood in. The Cubone tightened her grip around her bone, steeling her nerves as she braced for battle with the Fairy-Type.

"If you think we're gonna go down without a fight, then you've got another thing coming!" Guardia growled.

"Hmph, you can relax. I'm not here to fight," the Sylveon scoffed. "Or to capture Pleo for that matter."

Team Traveller's members blinked and traded confused glances with one another. Pleo craned his head up warily, as he raised his voice in reply.

"You're… not?" he asked.

"That's right. I just wanted a moment to talk," Zelle insisted. "Surely there's no harm in that?"

Almost immediately, the Sylveon's smile vanished, as an icy frown spread over her muzzle.

"Though if I see even a single one of those plates on your back light up, I'll drop you and your friends before you can even think about beating your wings."

Team Traveller reflexively shrank back as they thought back to Trizano's injuries from the day before. They could try to fight Zelle right here and now, but as a member of Team Sentinel they knew that she was not a 'mon to be trifled with. Not to mention that they'd surely blow their cover if they fought her and stirred up a racket in the middle of campus. Satisfied that she'd suitably cowed the youngsters, the Fairy-Type moved her feelers and curled her mouth into a cruel smile.

"Well then, now that we've established that, let's talk about why you're here," Zelle said. "If you wanted to join the Company so badly, you didn't have to go through all the trouble of sneaking into the Academy of all places. We would have happily taken you along back on Buyeom."

"W-We're not interested!" Crom stammered. "We'd never join the Company after everything you guys put us through!"

The Sylveon let out a mocking scoff in reply, as she stepped away from the door and approached with a saunter that felt much like she was a Persian toying with a ball of yarn.

"Sure you aren't," she sneered. "That's why you're here at my old school, right?"

Team Traveller's members instinctively stepped back as Zelle neared. She looked over them for a moment, before turning her attention off to a nearby table. The Sylveon paused for a moment and brushed at its surface with one her feelers, letting out a quiet, wistful sigh.

"Not that I'm complaining. Being here again sure brings back a lot of memories," she said. "Memories of back when I believed the Company and its current course was all we needed to give Anyilla the change it's been waiting for."

Zelle glanced up at Pleo and stared straight into his eyes, making him squirm and shift uncomfortably. The Fairy-Type was completely unfazed by the young Protector's unease, as she brushed the side of her head with a feeler and flicked it out.

"I've moved beyond such fantasies since then, and with a few tweaks to the curriculum, so will the next generation here," Zelle harrumphed. "After all, we have a chance to properly change things now. All that's missing are a few last tools for the job…"

The Sylveon's ears perked up at the sound of a faint clack, where there at the mouth of Pleo's bag, she saw one of the lenses of his goggles poke out. The Fairy-Type stared for a brief moment, before turning back with a skeptical frown.

"And how did you get goggles like those anyway?" she asked. "I certainly doubt Sorge gave them to you."

Nida blinked in confusion at the Sylveon's question. Did she know the goggles were a human artifact too? But then…

"… Huh? What does Sorge have to do with-?"

"Oh, let's just say he's had a few things of that sort lying around for a while," Zelle interrupted.

The Sylveon looked back at Team Traveller's members with an expression that was almost warm and friendly… were it not for the fact that she appeared ready to attack at a moment's notice. The Fairy-Type stepped forward, before craning a feeler out and pointing out at the youngsters.

"But we're getting sidetracked. The real question is why you five are skulking around here as students," she said, curling her muzzle up into a taunting sneer. "Unless you're ready to tell me where Kline is, of course."

"Hrmph, w-we're not just going to tell you any of that!" Guardia exclaimed, drawing mocking, haughty laughter from the Fairy-Type in reply.

"Oh, but you've already given me a few ideas based off what I've seen of you. You weren't exactly hard to miss going between your classes today," Zelle insisted. "And I'm sure Administrator Elilan would love to find out about why you were badgering his daughter for information."

Team Traveller dug their feet in at Zelle's last words. They knew better than to trust that Zelle really just wanted to talk, but was she threatening to drag them before Elilan right here and now? The five tensed up and braced themselves, expecting the Sylveon to lob the likes of a Moonblast at them at any moment as Elty grit his teeth and growled back.

"She told us about the Vault on her own," he snapped. "And what would you know about it when you've been off-island for years?"

Zelle fell silent for a noticeable moment, before a small smirk formed on her face. Team Traveller bristled briefly and wondered if Elty had somehow said something wrong with his reply. The Sylveon swayed her feelers, before throwing her head back with an unimpressed click of her tongue.

"Tch, it's not exactly a new part of the Academy and there was talk of its existence going around about it back when I was a student here," Zelle retorted. "But who knows? Maybe you're right. After all, all I know is that it's in the Academy's Archive on the west edge of campus."

The Growlithe and his companions blinked puzzledly at the Sylveon's reply. Zelle knew where the Archive was? But if she did, why would she just tell them about this? Did she make a mistake? Zelle narrowed her eyes and studied their reactions closely, before turning up her snout with a sharp scoff.

"Not that there's a reason for you to bother going there. It's heavily guarded and it's not like you'll ever make it inside."

The sound of distant bellchimes rang out, prompting Zelle to turn her head and look left out the windows, before training her attention back to the youngsters with a quiet click of her tongue.

"Well, look at how time flies," she said. "Though I think that I've gotten what I've wanted from you."

Team Traveller's members sucked in their breaths sharply and readied themselves for battle, only for Zelle to turn away seemingly completely disinterested with them. The five looked in confusion as the Fairy-Type sauntered over to the door and pulled it open, glancing over her shoulder at them with a derisive scoff.

"What, you think I'm going to fight you here if I don't have to?" Zelle asked. "Where there's hundreds of students and teachers to ask questions about what's happening? Who do you take me for?"

Zelle curled her mouth up into a smile, bared fangs poking out at their ends.

"Besides, we'll be seeing more of each other real soon," she said. "Ta ta."

The Sylveon made her way through the doorway and departed, nonchalantly pushing the door shut with her feelers with an audible thump. Elty and the others stood there staring at the door, panting tensely as their heartbeats raced from their encounter with Team Sentinel's ranged attacker. After a moment to catch his breath, the Growlithe turned to his teammates and pinned his ears back with a low whine.

The Sylveon made her way through the doorway and departed, nonchalantly pushing the door shut with her feelers with an audible thump. Elty and the others stood there staring at the door, panting tensely as their heartbeats raced from their encounter with Team Sentinel's ranged attacker. After a moment to catch his breath, the Growlithe turned to his teammates and pinned his ears back with a low whine.

"… Yeah, forget this. I say let's get back to the ship and get out while we can," he said. "There's no way we'll be able to get the Ledger out if Team Sentinel already knows what we're up to."

A long silence followed after Elty's comment. As loath as the others were to admit it, it was hard to concede that he didn't have a point. Just then, Crom blinked for a moment, as a dawning realization came across his mind.

"Do they, though? Zelle did let the location of that vault slip. Shouldn't we check that out while we're here at least?" the Druddigon asked. "I… know that it's a risk, but if we just go back to the ship without even seeing what's there, won't we have to just go through all of this again later?"

The youngsters hesitated for a moment, before Nida raised her voice and spoke up to her teammates.

"Even if we do wind up retreating after this, we might as well take a look. If the Vault is really there, even if Team Sentinel knows specifically what we're planning, we're best off talking with everyone else back on the ship about whether or not we have a chance at getting it," she insisted. "Just stay on your guard. After all, when has Team Sentinel ever helped us before in some way that didn't have a horrible catch?"

The others nodded back, Elty more grudgingly than his peers, before they crept up to the doorway. Pleo pushed the door open, as he and his friends looked about warily only to find the hallway outside empty. Team Traveller's members set off and turned left down the corridor, making their way off towards where Zelle had said the Archive would be. All the while, the five kept stealing glances over their shoulders, as they couldn't shake the feeling that somehow they were being watched.

As Team Traveller tried to regain their nerves after their run-in with Zelle, on the eastern tip of Canalhouse City's core of islets, Pokémon teemed in a square ringed by canals in front of a castle built in the lagoon's water. Long, long ago, the place had been a keep for Canalhouse when it was still Canalhouse Town, before it had been gifted to the settlement's first guild as a place for it to call home.

Through the ages, the city had grown up around it, especially after the Great Calamity. The entire time, the guild had dutifully serviced the city even after other competitors sprang up and the Mystery Dungeon it originally focused around was cleared and repurposed into a training ground for the Company's recruits. The square in front of the guild was as busy as it always was, and the resident Guildmaster that day made his customary rounds. In this case, a Gliscor visibly past his youthful prime who had just stopped to talk with a team consisting of a Gallade, a Blastoise, and a Goodra.

Unbeknownst to the Gliscor Guildmaster, Percy lingered across one of the nearby canals perched on a round public bulletin column as he looked on. The sight of the older Ground-Type seemed to stir a sense of nostalgia in him, as he let out a quiet sigh while memories of simpler times came flooding back.


Percy froze at the sound of a sharp growl and turned to see Kline glaring up at him from the street. The Gliscor paused briefly before grudgingly slipping off, the Zygarde all but dragging his fellow Ground-Type along into a shaded alleyway, where after a quick check to confirm that no one was there to eavesdrop, he whirled around to Percy with a sharp glare.

"Have you gone mad?!" Kline snapped. "What on earth do you think you're doing here?!"

Percy recoiled and stared back at Kline with an expression not wholly unlike that of an Aipom caught trying to use its tail to steal food from a jar. The Gliscor's grimace lingered for a moment, before he hung his head and drooped with a visibly wistful expression.

"I… I just wanted to see my dad," he murmured.

"Pierce, Team Sentinel knows that your dad works here!" Kline cried. "Do you think they aren't having this place watched?! That they won't try to get him involved if they know you've gone back to our old guild?!"

Percy hesitated and fell quiet, as he uncomfortably rubbed his left pincer against his other arm. He avoided the Zygarde's gaze for a moment, before shaking his head back.

"I know that, but… it's been years and so much has happened," the Gliscor said. "Dad's a Guildmaster now, and when we left he was still on a Gold-ranked team…"

"Yes, and you already knew that, because I told you about it," Kline huffed back. "I left a Cell with your father when we fled Vollezee, and since then I've told you how he was doing every time you asked me."

"That's not the same thing as seeing it with my own eyes and you know it, Kline," Percy insisted. "You can't expect me not to miss him or the rest of my family just because you've been telling me how they've been doing."

Kline continued to scowl back at the Gliscor, only to pause and close his eyes, his features softening as he let out a soft sigh.

"I understand that, but everyone on our team has someone that they miss," he reminded. "I myself spent fifteen years growing up with your father and his team after I washed up ashore here. Don't you think that I miss him too?"

Kline stepped out of the alleyway and motioned with his snout along the canal towards a brick building about the width of four canalhouses. There, blue banners bearing designs of a black circle quartered by a tilted cross hung from it. Percy thought back to encounters long past when Team Sentinel had approached them in those very same colors, and reflexively stiffened up at the sight as his Zygarde companion turned back to him with a stern frown.

"Remember that it's not just Team Sentinel that's loyal to Elilan here," Kline said. "He has more Pokémon working for him than just those four, including ones right here in Canalhouse City."

Percy grimaced and looked at the banners in the distance for a while, before he felt a paw being placed on his shoulder, the Gliscor looking down to see Kline peering up at him.

"I know it's not an easy thing to ask of you," the Zygarde murmured. "But remember there's a reason why we're doing this."

"Ja, ik weet het" Percy sighed back. "I just hope it won't be for much longer."

The pair headed off, vanishing into the crowds amid Canalhouse City's bustling waterways. At the entrance of the guild, the Gliscor Guildmaster looked off at the bulletin column across the canal for a moment, before he shook his head and dismissed the matter as merely his ears' sensitivity playing tricks on him.

After their encounter with Zelle, Team Traveller made their way west along the canals from the main building, where sets of smaller and more nondescript structures had been constructed in matching bricks. Eventually, near the fringe where the campus' buildings gave way to canalhouses and buildings of mismatching styles, they came across a three story building with a gabled roof that had been built surrounding a narrow passage clogged with crates. Some sort of service entrance, it appeared.

After rounding the building, they came across a set of large, wooden doors that had been propped open with a sign reading 'Academy Archive' over the entrance. One after the other, Team Traveller slipped inside into a set of quiet, tiled hallways that didn't seem much different from the ones in the Academy's main building. Zelle hadn't said anything about there being more than one archive in the Academy, so this had to be where the Vault was. Even so, they didn't see any sign there was something here other than what appeared to be offices and study halls, yet the five couldn't shake the sense that something was amiss.

"Are we sure that it's a good idea to be going here?" Elty asked. "This is giving me vibes of when we thought we were going to meet Xerneas on Buyeom all over again."

"Like I said, I don't think Zelle would've just told us where the Vault was," Crom insisted. "It seems more like a slip-up that she made."

"Was it though?" Guardia murmured. "I mean, Team Sentinel did trick us back on Buyeom… how do we know that this isn't another ambush of theirs?"

Guardia's teammates fell uncomfortably silent at the Cubone's question. After a brief moment of uneasy hesitation, Pleo tilted his head and raised a wing to his chin in thought.

"Nida? Are we sure that the Vault's really here?" he asked.

Nida shook her head back in reply. She didn't like the idea of trusting a lead they'd picked up from one of Team Sentinel's members, but they had found the Archive, and it wouldn't do them any good to just turn tail the very moment they entered.

"Just keep your eyes out for something that doesn't belong," Nida insisted. "If this really is the Archive then I'm sure that there's something like-"

"Hey, kid."

Team Traveller turned towards a sharp huff coming from their left, where they saw a Sirfetch'd in a Company scarf and dark blue plates of cloth armor bearing a purple First-Rank insignia on the chest plate glaring down at them from an intersecting hallway. The five froze, expecting the guard to attack them at any second, only for the Sirfetch'd to cut in and motion with his leek off towards the distance.

"This part of the building isn't a public area like your classrooms," he snapped. "Move along if you don't have a reason for being here."

Pleo craned his head past the Sirfetch'd and took a couple steps past the corner. There down the hallway he noticed a pair of cast iron doors with similarly-armored Pokémon standing guard in front of it. That was definitely something that stood out from what they'd seen so far, and the way it guarded certainly made it look important enough to be the Vault. But with the Sirfetch'd scowling down at them and the other scary-looking figures in the background turning to notice them… they probably weren't going to get into it right here and now.

"Er… right, sorry about that," Pleo said.

The group hurried off in a brisk walk, restraining themselves from flatly running away from the Sirfetch'd and the other guards. After they were convinced they were out of earshot, the five paused and caught their breaths, before trading worried looks with one another.

"Well, I think that's as clear a sign as any that that's the Vault," Guardia said. "We haven't seen Pokémon with plates like those since we were in that Tidemill colony!"

"Just how are we supposed to make it into that thing?" Elty asked. "We can't just fight our way past 'mons like those!"

Nida paused in thought for a moment, before flicking her ears and narrowing her eyes in determination.

"Not normally anyways," she remarked, making Crom blink back in surprise.

"Eh? What do you mean, Nida?" the Druddigon pressed.

"This Vault is built into what's essentially a big school. I'm sure there's something that's being overlooked here like a way to sneak in from another part of it," Nida explained. Her teammates looked at the Nidorina expectantly, only for her to trail off and look warily about her surroundings.

"Though I don't exactly know what that something could be," the Poison-Type murmured. "We're better off going back to the ship to let everyone know what we found for now. Maybe one of the others will have an idea of what we should be looking for."

Nida's teammates nodded in agreement, before the five made their way out of the Archive, retracing their steps back toward the central building of the Academy where they ducked into it to cut across the central square. There, resting against the Haxorus statue, they spotted a black Charizard in a Company First-Rank scarf peering down at a book with runes on the cover that Nida could just make out, reading 'I Want to Be Your Bird'. The Fire-Type looked up from his pages, Team Traveller's members tensing as they continued on, only for the Charizard to turn his attention back to the tome quietly wondering himself about 'what's taking Garnet so long today?'

Nida shook her head and carried on with her teammates, making their way for the exit of the Academy complex. All the while, the group continued on unaware of the form of a Dragonite looking them over from the other end of the square and doing a double take as he stared after the departing quintet.

"… Wait a minute, those students are the same species as those runts from Haipheh."

Darzin took to the air, shadowing Team Traveller from the nearby rooftops where the height and obstructing structures would better disguise his sound and scent. He peered down below and sure enough, the party had Team Traveller's same species aside from the strange purple-feathered bird with them that was there in place of Lugia. Darzin blinked after watching the bird stop to preen his wings, realizing that aside from his color, every feature of his body had the same shape as what he remembered Lugia having.

The Dragonite ducked behind the gable of his present rooftop to hide himself and paused with a puzzled frown when his mind turned back to his time stationed on Tromba. He remembered in passing some harebrained tale of their Protector's forebear in the old world having undergone a change of color after he 'lost his heart' or some inane reason like that.

Darzin turned back to the group and narrowed his eyes, realizing that with that story in mind, the last bit that had puzzled him about the group was now made clear. With the Guardian of the Seas here in Vollezee, the fates had granted him another chance to seize the Protector and use him as leverage to reclaim what he and the others who once lived in the lagoon had lost to Inler and his ilk so many years ago.

"Hrmph. Not sure you why you brats came here, much less how you got this far with a simple dye job and change of garb," the Dragonite growled, as a small smirk spread across his face.

"But no matter. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth."

Author's Notes:

- Non dire sciocchezze! - Italian: "Don't talk nonsense!" / "Don't be ridiculous!" / "Don't be silly!", lit. "Don't say silly statements!"
- Mira el lado bueno - Spanish: "Look on the bright side", lit. "Look on the good side"
- Ja, ik weet het… - Dutch: "Yeah, I know (it)…"


A Scribe Penning His Brainworms
  1. aggron
  2. sceptile
  3. lucario
Hello there! Since this fic was up for Review Tag over at United, and I'm not long after finishing the Special Chapter which I quite enjoyed, I figured I'd keep reading this fic while I was at it. Besides, at present, I just got caught up with Hands of Creation, so I need another longfic to slowly chip away at, and Fledglings is a prime candidate for that with its nearly-as-sprawling million words under its belt. No doubt this'll also be a fic I'll yeet a big review at when Review Blitz rolls around in three months or so (goodness, time flies :eyes:), so hopefully I can get around to that when the time comes.

But that's for the future, and for now, let us stay in the present, whereupon we start a new arc with Nida, Pleo and friends...

Chapter 26
Judging by that Marowak skull and bones on the chapter cover, I'm already guessing this arc is where the Cubone from the title card comes into the fray.

Meanwhile, with Nida, Pleo and Elty, it appears there's some trouble locating Kenobi. Hope they're able to find it soon, otherwise they're in for a watery landing.

And while they did find some land, this feels like an almost certain recipe for a ghost ship arc, especially with the rolling fog.
"This was not what you two were supposed to choose!" Elty huffed.
Nida and Pleo:


Betting any money the gang are gonna be woken up in the middle of the night by Ghost-type 'mons. Given that the beginning ideas of this fic predates Super, I have to wonder: did Dhelmise exist by the time this chapter was written? Because that's a 'mon would be a very good candidate for the Big Bad of a ghost ship arc. And if not now...maybe we could see one later on down the road. :eyes:

Alas, poor Pleo continues to be saddled by his doubts about whether he's a trouble magnet. :sadwott: At this point, we're gonna need some higher power to convince him otherwise, because there's only so much Nida and co. can say to the contrary.

And now from the darkness of night into the early morning inboard the Siglo Swellow, where Crom is cooking. Looks like his parents taught him well in regards to that. Side-note, love the detail of the gummi preparation.

"So… that's how you became so strong, huh?"
Not strong enough to evolve into a Haxorus, clearly.
"It's something that I've always envied about your mother, her ability to stand firm even when alone. Especially with that Cazadragones!" the Fraxure interjected, a faint shiver creeping up his spine.
Still find it hilarious that Pladur is just as intimidated by Marley as his sons are. :mewlulz:
"Why don't you head up and take a break on deck for a bit? It should only take half an hour before the rest of breakfast is ready."
Slight adjustment made here.

And it seems like we're gonna have ourselves an awkward conversation between Crom and Ander. Maybe their understanding of each other will deepen, but then again, given how our resident Marked Scyther is partly responsible for planting seeds of doubt in Pleo, there could well be some bad blood as well.
On the eastern side of it, a thick shroud of fog hugged its shoreline.
No doubt foggy spells like this are common in the Cradle, and no doubt that the shipwreck that Nida, Pleo and Elty were resting in is far from the only one resting in the sea.
And sure, he's acted nice so far… but what do we about what he'll do? Especially when he's off on his own?"
He sure is making Pleo out to be some Machiavellian plotter. I forget if I've wondered this before, but I do wonder if there might be some arc later on in which some power awakens in Pleo that he can't control, thus lending the Marked's beliefs some credence as to why they believed what they did.
"Nngh," Nida muttered, pawing at the side of her box blindly. "Five more minutes, Mami…"

"Urgh… not right now," Elty grumbled. "It's too early for this…"
Evidently not early risers, these two.

"Why, that place in between the wall and bluffs looks almost as colorful as home during New Year's!" Nida cried
Nice callback to the last chapter. And interesting that Kenobi likes its colourful houses, although given what the sea air tends to be like, they must be a pain to repaint unless the paint they use is some form of whitewash.
"Eh?!" Pleo cried. "You mean we're going to a place full of pirates?!"
Does this mean we're going to see Hess? :eyes: Especially since the Andaku Docks were mentioned last chapter.
"Sure, if you want to be seen by a bunch of Company Pokémon," Elty scoffed, batting a paw dismissively in the air. "Look, just follow my lead and we'll get there fine."
It takes one to know one, and luckily Elty's previous experience as a pirate should help the gang out here. Maybe.
"I sure hope you know what you're doing, Elty."
Knowing our resident fire doggo's previous track record, reliability is not exactly a strong suit of his.

The final stretch between the derelict and the island slipped by with Pleo's wingbeats.
Slight change made here. I almost thought the word 'ship' was forgotten after 'derelict' but looking it up, it appears that derelict is its own word as a noun. TIL.
"Gah… okay, so I wasn't expecting Razz Berries to be growing this season," Elty groaned. "But it's alright. We've made it to the outskirts."

Through a prickly field of Razz Berry plants, leaving behind a small collection of scrapes on Team Traveller.
Oof, that's gotta sting. I always hated stinging nettles and the like growing up.

"Move in a way that won't get you spotted!"

"But I was just going to fly-!"
Sneaking around's gotta be especially harsh for Pleo who sticks out like a sore thumb with his white plumage and unusual species. Poor him. :sadwott:
Further ahead they noticed a small group of strange black Pokémon with big solitary eyes that floated around a game of monster cards.
Oh, so there's an in-universe variant of Yu-Gi-Oh, is there?
They even saw a group of young Pokémon in front of a mural with lines of glyphs composed of dots, depicting a white, eyeless Pokémon dragging an island through a seascape.
Oh no, they have Braille puzzles here too.
Though by that guess, as well as the fact the Pokémon has no eyes, is white, and possesses incredible strength...it seems like it could be Regigigas?
"The Company really just lets pirates hang around there?"
Seems like they don't care if said pirates don't get in the way of Company business, if I had to guess. Still, that is some appalling neglect of duty, by the sounds of it.

Just a few more leaps forward, and they'd finally be in the clear!

"Hold it right there!"
Way to stop momentum in its tracks with four words.
"Especially with a big, ugly mug like the one your bird friend's got?"
Oi! No insulting the precious little birb! Especially not his cute, innocent face! :screm:
"Well, if you want that, you've gotta give us something first!"
Yet another Fobbiefic where the main characters have to resort to bribery to get to where they want to go.
"You used to be mean, you're mean now, and we're supposed to want to help you be mean in a different way again? Why would anyone want that-?"
A circle of mean-ness among this lot, clearly.
"Elty! They thought that we were all a bunch of pirates!" she cried. "This is terrible!"

"What, are you kidding?" he replied. "This is great!"
I mean...being a pirate does have a certain aesthetic to it. "Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum," and all that. 🏴‍☠️ Although hopefully this doesn't lead to them being on the wrong side of law when they come into contact with normal 'mons again.
"Tennobi-shima e yōkoso!"
Ah, so this must be the island where Kichiro's from.

And a quick pivot over to Lyn's crew, where they're once again going back home empty-handed. The Company higher-ups probably aren't gonna be pleased with that.

By the sounds of it, Farn's one mean boss. Best not to mess with them, although a moment of humiliation's in for Lyn, no doubt.
"Lyn, my ship can't steer without my escorts' help!" the Bug-Type protested. "That's something that needs to be fixed right away!"

"Yes, and mine can't move forward without outside help!" Lyn growled. "Between that and me outranking you, I think that's grounds for priority, yes?"
Villains squabbling - gotta love it.

Sounds like this Elilan is a force to be reckoned with, too. I wonder what species these two might be?

Back to Nida and co., and by the descriptions of the sheer colour bursting from Mossaisle Town, one would paint this as quite a cheery locale. But then there's the juxtaposition of pirates also being rife here. I kinda like that.
"Dude… have you ever thought about why they call these berries 'Lansats'?" a Watchog slurred. "Like, I get the 'sat' part, since we sat before drinking… but what's a 'lan'?"

"Maybe it's- like… a metaphor," a similarly slurring Chatot answered. "Makes more sense than Sang, though… I haven't heard the berries say a peep!"
Drunk folks being depicted in fics never fails to amuse me. :mewlulz:
The contents of the bowl dropped, along with the Bastiodon's lucidity as it too began to babble giddy, incoherent nonsense with the others. Well, that would explain why they'd never seen a shop like that before!

"Yeah, we're moving on," Elty harrumphed.

"Huh?" Pleo asked. "Why? What's wrong with-?"
Yeah, having children in pubs like that is never a good sign. Probably best for innocent little Pleo not to learn about them for another while at least.

Pity that Team Traveler have to dabble in unsavoury means for a while, but anything if it means keeping out of the Company's way for a while.
As Team Traveller passed a Drilbur, a Dewgong, and a Koffing, their musings of "throwing Shorty there, to drill his way through their hull" and "if we found the help, I could try out a noxious gas combo" pricked Nida and Pleo's ears. It was quickly apparent that these Pokémon, much like the ones on the docks outside, were a colorful crowd, to say the least.
I do kinda like the fact that we hear passing comments such as these and seeing it as an opportunity to sprinkle in some humour or drop some form of foreshadowing. I try and pepper my writing with such instances, and I like seeing it here too.

The mention of three days does make me wonder if the Siglo Swellow will catch up to them in that time. That is, if Pladur, Crom and their crew even realise Nida, Elty and Pleo's whereabouts.
Rather, he kept his eyes peeled for golden scarves with a gray Aggron head design on them, and his ears for any word that seemed to provide a clue for the whereabouts of one 'Iron Fleet'…
We're gonna see them we're gonna see them we're gonna see them :veelove:
And we see Kichiro first!
"Ah! Kichiro!"

"Keiichiro," the Ledian corrected.
Ah good, the running gag's still intact. :mewlulz:

I did just realise that even if Hess is here (which hopefully he is), while he might be sympathetic to Elty, he wouldn't take too kindly to Pleo who knocked him into the sea back at Tromba.

"It's Ryūbokuya, Eltenios!"
Kichiro is one for correcting people, isn't he? Reminds me of when I was twelve - I was like that too.

All nefarious job postings here...surely there's at least some kind of menial work that doesn't involve doing anything sketchy, even in a guild like this? Then again, those are probably a dime a dozen in the other guild, and going over there's a no-no for our gang's current plight.

"We can take a tab!" he replied.

"A tab?" Pleo asked.

"It means you can get stuff now, and pay for it later," Elty explained. "Standard practice, really."
Knowing what Elty's like, 'later' in this instance will probably mean 'never.' That totally won't come back to bite him in the ass, no sirree. :copyka:
"You'd have better have thought this through, Elty," she grumbled.
Narrator: He did not think this through.

And that'll be that for this review.

Another pretty good one! I like the showing off the start of a new arc and seeing the new locale of Kenobi which has been teased a few times before now. There's some good intrigue with Nida and Pleo associating with pirates and possibly having to go a bit rogue in the next few chapters, and on Lyn's side of things, there's the mysterious figures of Farn and Elilan, and the threatening powers they hold that make even Lyn and Ellsberg shrink back in fear. Plus it'll be fun to be reacquainted with the Iron Fleet and hopefully see Hess once again. :veelove:

I see that guess of a ghost ship arc I made at the beginning never materialised into anything. But I'm not ruling out such an arc in future. In fact, I think I vaguely remember seeing something like that in a Fledglings update in TRCord's #fic-updates channel...

Good work! Definitely gonna be reading more of this fic in the near future. :quag:

(P.S. Happy birthday to Virgil! 🎂 Figured this review could double as a gift of sorts.)


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Hello there! Since this fic was up for Review Tag over at United, and I'm not long after finishing the Special Chapter which I quite enjoyed, I figured I'd keep reading this fic while I was at it. Besides, at present, I just got caught up with Hands of Creation, so I need another longfic to slowly chip away at, and Fledglings is a prime candidate for that with its nearly-as-sprawling million words under its belt. No doubt this'll also be a fic I'll yeet a big review at when Review Blitz rolls around in three months or so (goodness, time flies :eyes:), so hopefully I can get around to that when the time comes.

Heya, thanks for picking this one up for Review Tag! Your reviews are always such a treat to read! ^^

Judging by that Marowak skull and bones on the chapter cover, I'm already guessing this arc is where the Cubone from the title card comes into the fray.


Given that the beginning ideas of this fic predates Super, I have to wonder: did Dhelmise exist by the time this chapter was written

Nope. Dhelmise is a gen 7 Pokémon, and this chapter was originally published about 11 months before Sun and Moon came out.

Not strong enough to evolve into a Haxorus, clearly.

In Pladur’s defense, Fraxure evolve at level 48 and anyone above level 40 would probably be considered strong for the average normie. Plus, there’s more ways to be strong in battle than just increasing your level.

Slight adjustment made here.

Ah yeah, that does sound better. We’ll be sure to change that.

Knowing our resident fire doggo's previous track record, reliability is not exactly a strong suit of his.

Nah, you can totally trust Elty? What could possibly go wrong?

Slight change made here. I almost thought the word 'ship' was forgotten after 'derelict' but looking it up, it appears that derelict is its own word as a noun. TIL.

We fixed this one as well.

Sneaking around's gotta be especially harsh for Pleo who sticks out like a sore thumb with his white plumage and unusual species. Poor him.

One of the downsides of being a Lugia, alas. Unfortunately for Pleo, stealth is only gonna get harder for him as he gets older.

Oh, so there's an in-universe variant of Yu-Gi-Oh, is there?

More like an in-universe variant of Pokémon TCG.

Oi! No insulting the precious little birb! Especially not his cute, innocent face!

“Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?”

Sounds like this Elilan is a force to be reckoned with, too. I wonder what species these two might be?

You’ll find out soon ~

Drunk folks being depicted in fics never fails to amuse me.

Oh, if only they were drunk…

I do kinda like the fact that we hear passing comments such as these and seeing it as an opportunity to sprinkle in some humour or drop some form of foreshadowing. I try and pepper my writing with such instances, and I like seeing it here too.

Ah, I really appreciate hearing that! We do our best with little things like these.

I did just realise that even if Hess is here (which hopefully he is), while he might be sympathetic to Elty, he wouldn't take too kindly to Pleo who knocked him into the sea back at Tromba.

Oh yeah, Hess is definitely still salty about what happened.

Another pretty good one! I like the showing off the start of a new arc and seeing the new locale of Kenobi which has been teased a few times before now. There's some good intrigue with Nida and Pleo associating with pirates and possibly having to go a bit rogue in the next few chapters, and on Lyn's side of things, there's the mysterious figures of Farn and Elilan, and the threatening powers they hold that make even Lyn and Ellsberg shrink back in fear. Plus it'll be fun to be reacquainted with the Iron Fleet and hopefully see Hess once again.

I’m really glad to hear you liked it so much! I hope the rest of the episode will entertain you as much as this one did.

Good work! Definitely gonna be reading more of this fic in the near future. :quag:

(P.S. Happy birthday to Virgil! 🎂 Figured this review could double as a gift of sorts.)

We’ll be sure to look forward to your next review! (And thank you! It was a really nice gift
Chapter 88: One Jump Ahead New

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie

The evening after Team Traveller's discovery of the Vault's location, they and the rest of their teammates on the Siglo Swellow gathered together and mulled their options. After some deliberation, they came to the conclusion that if their encounter with Zelle portended a trap they'd need to plan around, that they'd likely need to fight their way out of port even if they abandoned their objective and left right here and now. One way or another, they would need to get the Company's volume of the Knights' Ledger, and with the alternative of having to come after it again with the Company better alerted and better prepared, it was quickly decided that it was best for them to stay the course while they still had a hope of retrieving it.

The following day, Team Traveller went through classes much as the day before. The five plotted out a schedule based off of snatches they'd overheard from Filbert and his siblings while they sat through Gerhard's class, which they used to try and develop a believable sequence. Strategic Battling, Economics… followed by a break that they took advantage of to make their way back to the Archive to scout it further.

Pleo and the others took the opportunity to try out the westward skybridge that linked the main building with one across the canal to try out an alternate route towards the Archive. After all, they never knew when they might need to make a hasty exit, and it was important to keep their options open. Just after their Economics class let out, Team Traveller met in the third-floor hallways on the west side of the main building. There, they popped over a skybridge from the Academy's central building off towards the Archive in the west, not knowing that all the while, they were being quietly tracked by a Grovyle in Company garb.

Salvini made her way over to the skybridge and started to follow after Team Traveller, when she walked straight into an approaching presence and stumbled back.


Salvini pratfell and looked up to see a Dreepy and a Toxtricity in students' scarves having stumbled over and picking up dropped belongings. The three stared at each other for a brief moment of mutual confusion, before the two students dusted themselves off, got up, and continued along.

"Sheesh, she's almost as big of a klutz as that dork Caelum you hang out with," the Toxtricity grumbled. "Come on, Princess Garnet, we said we'd meet up with Twiggy after history classes."

Salvini blinked, before righting herself and hurrying down the hall after where Team Traveller had been heading off to, and came across a fork in the hallway to her left and right. The gecko looked in either direction, but there was neither hide nor scale of Team Traveller to be seen, leaving her to hang her head and pinch her brow with a quiet sigh.

"What are you kids up to?" she murmured.

Salvini debated whether to go deeper into the new building to search after the youngsters, when she chanced to catch a glimpse of lavender fur cross back at the main building's end of the skybridge. There, she saw the form of a Mienshao in a First-Rank scarf slipping off to the right, the Grovyle hesitating a moment after she realized that the 'mon was…


Salvini hurried back to the bridge's entrance and after the Mienshao, where she caught up with him chattering with an Ariados and a Marked Leafeon in the hallway. One of the silver linings of their reassignment from Mengir was that it was easier for the four of them to bump into each other while on the job. She didn't know if it was worth all the grief that had happened as part of the assignment, but it was something, at least. Salvini breathed a quiet, contented sigh, grateful for the opportunity, and walked up to join her companions just as Hertsog noticed her approach and gave a quiet chuckle.

"Heh, you all certainly don't seem busy right now," the Mienshao said. "Hope that's not a sign that you're slacking off."

"Meh, we're on break," Payak answered. "So I wanted to stretch my legs a bit."

"And it is nice to be able to see some different scenery every now and then," Phyllis added, prompting Salvini to shoot back a small grin.

"I'm just glad that you're all taking to this place this well," the Grovyle said. "It's been a long time since I walked these halls, and I wasn't quite in the same position back then."

Payak sighed, and shifted his legs in place with a low chitter, casting wary glances about his surroundings.

"I mean, it's no forested island, but you can't say it's boring…"

Payak and the others continued on with a brief summary of their day's rounds, with the Ariados' excitement apparently having been shooing off a delinquent he'd come across in the middle of defacing one of the back walls of the main building. Salvini's mind drifted off as Phyllis and Hertsog pressed the Bug-Type for more details, as she thought of Team Traveller's members and turned a curious glance to her teammates.

… Even if they all hadn't met on good terms on Mengir, what were her teammates' current opinions of Team Traveller? She assumed Crom would get a welcome reception from the way he was there to help repair Mengir's shrine alongside them, but the others she was less sure about.

Maybe it made sense to test the waters. After all, if those kids could just appear in front of her teammates as they pleased without worries, it'd certainly make her life a lot easier…

"Well, you're not wrong. Vollezee's always got something happening on it," Salvini chuckled. "Why, next thing you know, we'll wind up running into those kids from Mengir again."

A sudden dark cloud seemed to come over the group as Salvini's teammates fell silent. Hertsog shot a sideways glance at her, while Phyllis seemed to visibly squirm at the idea of meeting 'those kids from Mengir' another time. Payak's reaction was the most agitated of the lot, as he tensed his body and let out an angry hiss in reply.

"Hrmph, well for their own sake, they should hope that we don't," Payak spat. "If I see those bratya again, I'll web 'em up!"

Salvini blanched and unconsciously shifted back at the Ariados' reply, fumbling with her words briefly before she spoke up uneasily.

"I mean, not that they didn't already get themselves in trouble, but isn't that a bit harsh, Payak?" the Grovyle asked. "They were just a bunch of kids."

"Kids who got us reassigned thanks to whatever happened between you and Administrator Darzin," Payak huffed. "I don't care if the higher-ups got something wrong about them being pirates, if I somehow run into them again, I'll give them a piece of my mind!"

A quiet shiver went down Phyllis' spine, before she pinned her leafy ears back and lowered her gaze towards the ground with a small shake of her head.

"I'll admit that Commander Briggs' story felt… iffy, but I know what I saw among the 'mons on their team," she chimed in. "If we ran into them again, the demon that was with them would almost certainly be nearby. I can't even imagine how bad things could get if he was loose in a big city like this one…"

Salvini and her companions fell silent at the Leafeon's retort, as Payak shot an askew glance at Phyllis' insistence that they had come across a 'demon'. Hertsog raised a brow back at his Marked teammate and remained quiet for a moment, before giving a small sigh and turning his attention towards Salvini.

"… What brings this topic up anyways, Salvini?" Hertsog asked. "It's not as if we'd ever run into them again."

Salvini said nothing for a moment and pawed uneasily at her shoulder, weighing her words carefully before speaking up in reply.

"… It was just a thought that crossed my mind," the Grovyle answered. "It's not that big of a world anymore, after all."

"Maybe, but I doubt they'd be dumb enough to run off to the Company's capital," Payak huffed back. "You don't get in trouble with the Company and then come here…"

Salvini suppressed a nervous titter at the Ariados' words. Yes, rationally the Bug-Type would be absolutely correct. But for whatever hairbrained reason, in defiance of all common sense, Team Traveller had come anyway, and was right there on campus. And from what her companions had to say, it was for the best that they didn't know that the kids were pretending to be students at the moment.

The booming chime of a distant clocktower rang out, making Hertsog and Phyllis' ears perk up as the hallways quickly filled up again with Pokémon hurrying to different classes. Hertsog backed out of the way of the passing students, before glancing back to his colleagues with a grudging sigh.

"I guess that this is it for now," the Mienshao said. "We'll touch base again after work this evening."

The four nodded and waved each other goodbye, Payak and Phyllis disappearing off down the left branch of the hallway while Hertsog drifted for the right. As her companions headed off, Salvini lingered at the mouth of the skybridge and glanced down at the ground.

From the way her friends had reacted, it was hard to imagine that telling them about Team Traveller's presence would end in any way other than the lot of them getting summarily drug off to some dark cell. On the other hand, wouldn't breaking the news early be more likely to make her friends open to the idea that the youngsters were something other than a bunch of pirates? After all, the Academy wasn't that big, and it'd be a matter of time before one or more of her friends spotted one of the kids.

Then again… would they know Pleo was here based just off a casual sighting? He was going about in a disguise now, and Nida was no longer the wee Nidoran they remembered. On top of that, Crom was with them, and while his presence would raise eyebrows since they'd seen him as a First-Rank before, their initial assumption of him wasn't that he was a pirate

The Grovyle blinked after realizing the hallways had emptied and she'd spent a few minutes standing in place wrestling with herself over what to do. The Grass-Type looked about warily, before shaking her head with a sigh.

"… I'll work it out later," she thought to herself. "Don't wanna get a reputation as a slacker this early on into my new position."

Salvini shuffled off towards the same hallway Hertsog went down. Her job here expected her to watch over the campus right now, and lingering away from her duties would surely not endear her to her new superiors.

Besides, with how tangled-up things were with Team Traveller, she could use the time away from them to clear her head a bit.

Back in the Academy's Archive, Team Traveller found themselves wiling away their time after classes in the hallways just outside the entrance leading up to the secure wing that housed the Vault. Nida and her companions plopped themselves down and set to work pretending to tend to their studies as they listened in on the guards' chatter from around the corner. Every now and then, the Nidorina would fish out a small pocket mirror she'd borrowed from the Siglo Swellow to peek around the corner and take a look at the approach to the cast iron doors.

The five's ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps, prompting Team Traveller to hastily bury themselves in their books. Nida pulled up a sheet of paper and a charcoal nub just as a party of three guards made their way down the hall for the iron doors. The Nidorina held up her mirror and peered around the corner, where she could see an armored Stunfisk sliding out of a bucket of water and a similarly-attired Cursola approaching the three, both of them visibly agitated and annoyed with the newcomers.

"Zeg, waar bleven jullie?!" the Stunfisk demanded. "We've been waiting for you for almost fifteen minutes!"

"Yeah, I've got kids that need to be picked up right now!" the Cursola fumed.

From their vantage point, Nida scribbled a few notes on a loose piece of paper with a charcoal nub, noting the Stunfisk and the Cursola along with their replacements on a small list of species and the times they'd spotted them. After finishing her notes, Nida gaped down at the paper, where she noticed that this had been the second change of the guards they'd seen since arriving, and that if one took off the fifteen minutes that the Stunfisk complained about, that it seemed to indicate that the guards' shifts lasted two hours apiece.


Nida and her companions froze, the Nidorina quickly pulling her paper close to her chest as the five youngsters looked down and saw the Stunfisk scowling up at them.

"If you're trying to study, you'll get more done in one of the study halls or the library than on a hard floor like this," the Stunfisk said. The Ground-Type stared at the five for a moment, as they got up and hastily packed up their belongings before inching back uneasily.

"… Right," Nida replied. "Thanks for the tip."

The Nidorina hurried off along with her teammates, rounding about the bend and carrying along down the hallway until they were confident they were out of earshot. After gaping about, Nida peered back down at her notes, before glancing back at her friends.

"Looks like these shifts are about two hours long, and that they're on a regular schedule through the day," Nida mused to herself. "So in that case, our best opportunity to actually get the Ledger is probably when the guards change their shift sometime earlier in the day, since it would let us be able to get lost among the crowd if we time things right."

Crom peeked over at Nida's notes for a moment, before he raised a claw to his chin and mulled her remarks over to himself.

"Shouldn't we worry more about finding out about what to expect on the other end of those doors?" he insisted. "It's not as if we can all sneak in there to take a look around on our own."

"That's not our job," Elty retorted. "Not yet, anyways. Remember that we're just supposed to be scouting the entrance to the secure wing right now."

Guardia shot an askew glance back at the Growlithe. They'd spent plenty of time scouting about how to get to the Ledger, but somehow it still felt like they were overlooking something important with their planning…

"Even if we manage to get the Ledger, don't we still need to find a way to get out of here?" she asked. "I know we tried out that skybridge earlier, but are we sure we know what the quickest way out of the Academy from this place is?"

Nobody had an answer to the Cubone's question, as they hemmed and hawed amongst themselves. Just then, the patter of footsteps turned Pleo's attention down the hall, where he saw a pair of purple Nidoran and a blue one quickly look about their surroundings before pulling a door open and slipping past it. The Lugia blinked a moment, as he realized that the three were…

"Aren't those Filbert and his siblings?" he asked. "What are they up to right now?"

Pleo's teammates turned and gaped at the door for a moment, as Nida stepped forward with a wary twitch of her whiskers.

"Well, they seemed to know something was behind that door," she murmured. "Let's go and see what it is."

Nida and the others slipped over to the door and pulled it open, discovering a windowless passage lit up with jars filled with glow-moss. The five made their way along with puzzled gapes between each other, wondering just where they had entered when amid the dim, blue light, Crom noticed Filbert and his siblings reaching for another door at the end of the passage and preparing to push it open.

"Hey! What are you three doing here?" Crom asked.

Filbert and his siblings stiffened up and fanned their barbs out with a start, the three Nidoran whirling around to see Team Traveller's members behind them. After a moment to collect his bearings and suck in a breath, Quintin pinned his ears back, giving a defensive scowl at the Druddigon and his peers.

"Hey! No fair sneaking up on us like that!" he complained.

Guardia tilted her head and cocked a brow from under her helmet, motioning at the door with her club.

"Eh? Sneaking up on you?" she questioned. "Isn't this just a normal hallway?"

The three Nidoran shuffled about uneasily, before Filbert reared up and pawed at the back of his head with a sheepish chuckle.

"Well… it is, but… it's kinda off-limits for students since the Pokémon that work here use this as a service access," he explained.

"But, it's also the fastest way to exit the Archive from this part of the building," Braam added. "And we haven't gotten caught sneaking through here that many times, so…"

Team Traveller's members blinked at blue Nidoran's reply. So this little passageway would allow them to…

"'Exit the Archive'?" Elty asked. "Can you show us?"

"Sure," Filbert insisted. "You caught us right at the way out anyways."

Filbert pushed the door open as warm sunlight could be seen peeking through ahead. Team Traveller followed along, exiting after their Nidoran guides to find themselves in a narrow passage littered with unattended crates and clutter hemmed in by walls on three sides. Pleo curiously eyed his surroundings as he carried along, seeing that the service access they were in led directly over to one of the city's canals where the expected watercraft and swimming Pokémon could be seen plying its waters in the background. After they made their way out and came to a small, cobbled path along the canal just outside the mouth of the service access, Filbert turned around, and nodded back as he motioned off at the Academy's central building in an almost direct line from where they were off to the east.

"We like to use the study halls out here since they're less crowded than the ones in the main building. This service access is a handy shortcut for getting back to it," Filbert explained. "It's saved a quiz score in Gerhard's class more than once before."

Pleo stepped forward and gawked at his surroundings, casting a glance back down the service access as he realized that he and his teammates had spotted this passage on their first time entering the Archive.

… How had it never occurred to him and his teammates to find an exit to it from inside? This certainly was a faster way back towards the main building and the ship than anything they'd found so far.

"It does seem handy…" Pleo murmured.

"That's why we can trust you to keep quiet about it… right?" Braam pressed. The blue Nidoran and her companions stared back insistently at Team Traveller's members, who traded glances, before Elty nodded back with a low grunt.

"Don't worry," the Growlithe insisted. "Your secret's safe with us."

Filbert and his siblings gave a grateful nod back before hurrying off, leaving Team Traveller to watch after the three until they were safely out of earshot. The five glanced back at the passageway they'd just taken, as the lot leaned in for a quiet huddle away from the street.

"Looks like we found that exit we needed," Crom said. "Though what do we do about getting past those doors and the guards watching them? They know what's inside them and we don't."

Nida paused a moment, before gazing back towards the Archive with a knowing shake of her head.

"We do have a way of finding out, though," Nida insisted. "Kline has his Cells, remember? He just needs an opening to get one of them in there…"

That evening, Ketu made his way along the canals of Sorge's sleepy neighborhood in the southern part of Canalhouse City. He'd passed a letter for his Kommo-o friend along to the Fearow that handled mail runs for Lyn's crew the moment the Argent Aviso made it to the Diamond beacons marking the main current back north to Vollezee. It was a simple note saying nothing more than that he'd be back in Vollezee earlier than expected and wanted to meet up with him and the rest of their friends the evening he returned. The Weavile left Lyn's ship a few hours after they pulled into port that morning, under the auspices of helping to gather monpower to help scour the island in search of Team Traveller.

Even if they had just started making use of Sorge's apartment again as a meeting place, Ketu was sure that the others on Team Sentinel would've gotten his message and planned accordingly for his arrival. The Weavile walked up to the door and paused a moment to check if he was being tailed, before slipping into the hallways connecting the apartments of Sorge's canalhouse. From there, it was just a simple climb up a flight of stairs, where there at the back was Sorge's apartment, with the padlock over the door removed.

Ketu raised a claw and gave a sharp knock on the door. After a brief pause, he heard heavy footsteps approaching, as the door opened to reveal a Kommo-o waiting for him on the other end, with a small smile over his face.

"It's good to see you back early. We've been waiting for you," Sorge said. "Come on in."

Ketu entered the apartment as Sorge closed the door after him, and made his way into its living room, where the rest of Team Sentinel had already gathered at its table. Why, even Ellsberg was present. That was something he definitely wouldn't have expected just a month ago. One of the stools had been left open for him beside Zelle, who flicked her feelers and shot an impish smile back to her Dark-Type teammate.

"So, how was your island vacation, Ketu?" the Sylveon teased.

"Eh, could have been better, but at least the food was nice," the Weavile replied with a casual shrug. "Though I'm pretty sure you already know that's not why I asked you all to come."

Ketu walked up and took a seat at the table. He took a moment to settle in, and glanced at his teammates before hardening his features into a serious expression.

"There's been some stuff going on that I got wind of out on Tromba," Ketu said. "It's something that I think you'd all wanna hear about."

The other members of Team Sentinel traded puzzled looks with one another, wondering what it was Ketu had to say to them. Sorge was the first to break the silence, as the Kommo-o hesitantly spoke up.

"We… actually had some news to share with you as well," he replied. "But that can wait a bit. Let's hear about what you found out first."

Ketu tilted his head out of surprise at the Dragon-Type's response. Hadn't everyone else been on shore leave? Just what could they have found out while he was gone?

No matter, there'd be plenty of time for Sorge and the others to explain. For now, it was just best to cut to the chase, and relay what he had turned up while he was stuck with Lyn and his crew.

"When I was out on Tromba, I found out that Pleo set sail for Vollezee, along with Kline and Manaphy," the Dark-Type explained. "Given that they'd already skipped town by the time Lyn made it there, we should assume they're already here in Canalhouse City."

Much to Ketu's surprise, the other Pokémon around the table didn't seem fazed at all by his report. The Weavile blinked for a moment, glancing over at Aldrich as he awkwardly pawed at his shoulder before speaking up.

"We… actually knew about that already and informed Administrator Elilan about it," the Noivern replied. "While we didn't know about Manaphy for sure, we figured out everything else two days ago."

Ketu stared back with a stunned expression, feeling a vague sense of deja vu with when he caught up with his teammates on Buyeom Island. He knew that Sorge and the rest of the team were still actively embedded in the Intelligence Division, but he certainly hadn't expected them to do this good of a job at staying on top of things!

"But how did you-?!"

"Aldrich and I ran into some of Zygarde and Lugia's companions in Hardenheuvel the other day," Ellsberg explained. "After that, it wasn't hard to put together that there was a ship in the harbor that lines up perfectly with that schooner they sail around in."

"We've already flagged their ship with the harbormaster to make sure they stick around," Zelle added. "In the meanwhile, we've been tailing them to keep tabs on their activities. They dolled their Lugia friend up in some cheap disguise and have been passing some of their younger members off as students in the Academy."

Ketu blinked, before blowing a deflated puff of breath up at his head feathers and leaning back. The Dark-type shrugged his shoulders briefly, before idly picking at his claws with a small frown.

"Hrmph, guess I got you all worked up for nothing, huh?" he said. "If you've been watching them, I suppose that means you also already know about their plan to steal the Knights' Ledger?"

Ketu waited for the expected affirmation, only for the room to go deathly silent. The Weavile looked up and gave his teammates a puzzled look, before noting that Sorge, Zelle, and Aldrich were all staring at him in startled surprise. Ellsberg glanced around blankly, and raised a tarsus to say something, only to catch himself after Zelle began to speak up.

"We actually didn't know that," the Sylveon said. "I got them to slip up and mention that they were trying to find the Vault at the Academy, but we didn't know what they would want from it."

Sorge paused and grit his teeth as a dawning realization came over him.

"Of course, the Company's tome of the Knights' Ledger was supposed to have been moved there for safekeeping years ago and Kline would've had a way to find out about that through his Cells," he growled. "He must be planning on using that Ledger to try and blackmail the Company into surrendering Micky! It's the only thing that would justify Kline taking risks this big!"

"Actually… I don't think he's just after Micky. After going through the trouble of teaming up with other Protectors, if I had to guess, he's trying to force both the Company and the Empire to stop going after Protectors in general," Ketu said. "And if the Company isn't their only target, who's to say that this is the first volume they went for? They did spend a lot of time in Imperial waters, and considering what happened right around the time they left them…"

Ellsberg cocked his head back at the Weavile, before shaking it and speaking up with a sharp buzz.

"I… admittedly don't know the first thing about any of all that, but if we know what Kline's up to now, why don't we put an end to it? Haven't we bided our time enough by now?" the Mothim asked.

No reply came back at first, when Aldrich raised a brow and brought a claw to his chin in thought.

"Do we really want to though?" the Noivern responded. "Since this is kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us."

The other Pokémon gathered at the table shot curious glances at Aldrich, as Ellsberg raised a brow with a dubious frown.

"… What do you mean by that, Aldrich? Didn't you agree with me the other day that we were better off getting the ship raided?" he wondered, prompting Ketu to fold his arms and raise a brow.

"Yeah, I'd like to hear what you have in mind as well," the Weavile added. "Lyn is currently setting up an ambush for the Siglo Swellow in the lagoon, so we only have so much time to wait around on those kids."

"Well, if your hunch is right, Ketu, then it means that Kline, Pleo, and their smuggler friends already have at least one of the other parts of the Knights' Ledger," the Noivern elaborated. "Considering all the trouble they stirred up on their way out of the Empire, there's a good chance they could have theirs. If the contents of that volume really are what they're said to be, they'd have the ability to stir up open revolts in Company waters."

"But if they really do have something like that, we could get that right here and now if we called in a raid on their ship," Ellsberg insisted.

"If they have one. After that raid, the ship would be combed over by guards and anything they found would be admitted into evidence afterwards. It'd be significantly riskier for us to try and intercept it under such circumstances," Aldrich reminded. "But… if we waited until they stole the one from the Vault, we'd be guaranteed at least one part of the Knights' Ledger, regardless of whether they already have any on their ship or not."

Ellsberg fell quiet at Aldrich's words. Aldrich twitched his ears, realizing that Ellsberg evidently hadn't been considering that angle, which prompted him to quickly explain his point.

"If we were able to intercept one or more parts of the Knights' Ledger, it would be in the Administrator's interest to keep it around as insurance. Especially without anyone else knowing," he continued. "When Administrator Elilan assumes control over the Company, the Empire would have nothing to counter him if he aired their dirty secrets from the Company's volume. And if things ever blew up with Kline sometime before then and someone else in the Company captures Kline before us… well, what better way to force the Board to quietly hand him over than keeping the contents of the Empire's or their own Ledger hanging over their heads?"

Sorge brought a claw to his chin in thought. If the reports of the Ledger's contents were true, then it made sense to pursue Aldrich's proposal as an objective. Unfortunately, that didn't change anything about the fact that they didn't know if Kline and his companions actually had any volumes of the Ledger with them. For all they knew, this was some sort of elaborate feint, and it wouldn't make any sense to barge into their schooner in search of tomes of the Knights' Ledger without getting a better feel for what was really going on.

"Perhaps it could work, but if we're going to invest serious effort trying to steal stuff from their ship without the Company knowing about it, we need to be sure they actually have something…"

The Kommo-o paused for a moment, before turning his head towards his Weavile friend across the table.

"And that's where you come in, Ketu," Sorge said, prompting Ketu to give a puzzled glance back.

"… What do you have in mind?"

"You already have the best idea of what to expect from those Trombans and their ship, and out of all of us you're the one best-suited to sneak aboard and search around. As such, you'd have the easiest time figuring out if they really do have one of those tomes, and if they do, how to take it from them," the Dragon-Type explained. "As for us, we'll stay our current course and keep a close eye on what they're up to with the Vault for now. Regardless of if they manage to steal it and manage to make it out of the Archive, it'd be fairly straightforward for us to swoop in. Whether from picking them up from the onsite guards, or from ambushing them on their way back to their ship. After that, we'll call in that raid to tie up loose ends."

Sorge gave a serious glance at the other Pokémon gathered about the table, before raising his voice to continue.

"It should go without saying, but the moment the rest of the Company gets involved, our window for capturing Kline here on Vollezee will close. This is a golden opportunity to realize everything we've been working towards in one fell swoop, and we might not get another one like it anytime soon," he reminded. "As such, it's imperative that we find out anything else we need to about this plot with the Vault as soon as possible, and be ready to put things into motion at a moment's notice."

"Right. If they can make it out of there, it gives us a chance to intercept the Company's volume of the Ledger," Zelle insisted. "Even if that's the only volume they have, the Administrator just having the thing without anyone knowing would give him a much freer hand to stop lurking in the shadows and start putting our plans for a better Cradle into motion. After all, what's the Board going to do? Publicly cry about being blackmailed?"

A devious smile flashed over her face as the Sylveon looked over the rest of her teammates, before rising from her seat and motioning to her partners.

"So then, let's get down to business."

The following day, Nida and her companions once again started classes in the Academy bright and early in the morning, with the decision made by the crew the prior evening to send some of their older companions to case the approach to the Vault and help slip one of Kline's Cells in, while Nida and her companions were busy maintaining their cover. After some internal debate, it fell to Alice, the most accomplished thief of their ranks to do the honors with a lockpicking kit she and her team had picked up some time ago in their travels, who insisted that the matter would be child's play provided she had a suitable distraction.

And now, there she was, in the hallways of the Archive, using the same pocket mirror Nida had borrowed the day before to glimpse around the corner at a Probopass and Sirfetch'd standing guard… with not so much as a scale of her scheduled distraction to be seen. The Sneasel pinned her ears and tapped her foot quietly as she looked about with an impatient frown, murmuring under her breath at the unexpected delay in her plans.

"The guards should be switching out soon," Alice murmured. "What's taking those two so long?"

The Sneasel scanned her surroundings again when she heard a thump come from down the opposite hallway, turning just in time to see a Vibrava strike a wall before flitting back erratically with a grumbling chitter. There, Pyry and Pekka were making their way down the hall garbed in student's scarves… if one could call their lurching, glazed-eyed gait 'making their way down it'. The pair caught the attention of the Probopass and Sirfetch'd as they approached, with the Gabite of the pair giving a dazed look for a moment, before pointing a claw accusingly at his Vibrava companion.

"Hey- Hey you. Buzzy," Pyry hiccuped. "I don't like how your voice sounds."

"Yeah, well- I don't like the way your face looks, fish breath!" Pekka slurred back. His Gabite partner let out an offended growl, crouching unsteadily as he readied himself for a pounce.

"Fish breath?!" Pyry slurred back. "Oh, you asked for it!"

The Gabite lunged for the Vibrava, the two trading slashes and bites as they wound up tumbling to the ground and scuffling with one another. All the while, the Probopass and Sirfetch'd traded looks with one another, before the Rock-Type lowered his Mini-Noses and let out an unimpressed huff.

"What on earth are those teachers doing for discipline these days if their students are showing up drunk on campus? Especially this early in the day," the Probopass sighed.

"They're probably just a pair of delinquents from the underclassmons," the Sirfetch'd growled. "Come on, we'll sort them out."

The two guards left their posts, the Sirfetch'd of the pair barking at the feuding Dragon-Types to "Knock it off already" as Alice quickly slipped past them and scurried to the door they were guarding. The Sneasel flicked her ears, the sound of slurred shouts revealing that Pyry and Pekka's fight had not yet been broken up, and pulled the flap open on her bag to peer down at a Cell laying amongst her items inside with a small frown.

"You'd better be sure you can find that vault in a day, Kline," she said, as she raised a claw with a small metal pick to try and force the lock of the door open. "If what the kids told us is anything to go by, I'm not sure if we'll have much more than one to work wi-"


Alice's blood froze as she heard the door ahead of her creak and saw it start to open. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a small gap to her left and wedged herself there as the door swung open, watching as a Slowbro with a shell clamped onto his left arm and a Machamp in Company lavenders and dark blue armor exited, chattering with one another.

"So I was telling Liv that if she really has such an issue babysitting a vault door, that she should ask for a reassignment," the Machamp said.

"The Klinklang?" the Slowbro asked. "Didn't she push for getting an assignment in this building in the first place? Sure seems strange she'd have a case of buyer's remorse from sitting around and waving in researchers a couple times a day this quickly-"

"Ack! Let go, you killjoys!"

From her vantage point, Alice saw the Machamp and Slowbro pause as Pyry's cries reached her ears. The Sneasel couldn't make out much past them, but glimpsed Pekka trying to flit back with a sharp hiss, and could make out Pyry flailing on the ground on his stomach while pinned from above. The Machamp and Slowbro paused for a moment, seemingly at a loss of how to respond to the unfolding disturbance right in front of them.

"Wat krijgen we nou?" the Machamp murmured to himself.

"Well, that's one way not to have a dull moment," the Slowbro grunted. "Let's see what's going on."

Alice sucked in a sharp breath and waited for the Machamp and Slowbro to pass, hurriedly darting behind them and past the entrance just before the iron doors fell shut. As she snuck her way inside, the doors closed behind her with a loud thud. The Sneasel paused as she let her eyes adjust to dim blue lighting about her, and saw that she was in a windowless hallway lit up by lanterns filled with glow-moss with a series of doors on either end.

Alice blinked and carefully crept from side to side, stopping before each door to try and check for any sign of whether there might be Pokémon inside. Most of them sounded empty, but a few had voices or footsteps from inside that prompted her to hurry along. She didn't know what exactly all these rooms were, but she somehow doubted any of them were the 'Vault' she'd heard about.

Up ahead, she chanced to see a door left ajar, and hurried over and pulled it back to reveal it was a storage closet with segments of blue armor plating hung up in storage. The Sneasel curled her mouth into a small frown. Guess the guards here weren't messing around if they were keeping replacements for damaged armor around like this, but was it really that hard to find a decent map around this place?

Tap tap tap.

Alice stiffened up after hearing approaching footsteps from the door just behind her, and hurriedly ducked into the storage closet, pulling the door almost shut behind her as she glimpsed a Garchomp in dark blue plates drift by grumbling "I swear, this job watching that door's more boring than Mies' last birthday party" under his breath. Considering how Percy had told her in the past that the traditional birthday party on Vollezee basically amounted to sitting in a circle and talking for hours on end… that seemed like quite the accomplishment.

Alice waited for the Garchomp's footsteps to drift off, before she slipped out and watched the Pokémon round the corner when she realized that if the Garchomp's duty was to watch a door, then there were decent odds that that was none other than the door to the Vault they were looking for. The Sneasel opened her bag and looked down at Kline's Cell resting just under its flap, moving the bag up closer to her mouth as she murmured quietly to it.

"Did you get all that, Kline?"

The Cell wriggled back in reply. Alice didn't know if that was a 'yes', but it was as good an excuse as any to take a closer look. The Sneasel clamped the bag back shut and set off, quietly sneaking after the Garchomp and shadowing the Dragon-Type down a flight of stairs to a basement floor with other hallways lit up in a similar fashion.

Alice continued following the Garchomp, carefully checking her surroundings all the while. First down a hallway to the left, then off to a hallway to the right… when at last, just as she was about to round the corner to her left again, she saw it:

A great, hulking door made entirely of metal with what appeared to be an oversized rotating lock on it. The thing looked heavy and sturdy, enough to endure just about any attack a Pokémon could throw at it. More importantly, there at the front, were a Toxapex and an Infernape standing guard, with the Garchomp taking his place alongside them. Alice peeked around the corner briefly and let out a quiet sigh, before looking back at the Cell in her bag.

"… So much for us getting a closer look," the Sneasel whispered. "Though at least this should speed things up a bit, Kline."

Alice stooped down and set the Cell down by her feet. The Dark-Type watched the Cell inch forward before turning invisible, which she took as a sign that Kline was already attempting to move it over to the door. Alice turned back, carefully retracing her steps in a faltering pace from door to door and hallway to hallway in between passing guards. After what felt like an eternity, the Sneasel found herself back at the iron doors at the entrance, slowly opening them to check her surroundings. After neither seeing, hearing, nor smelling anything on the other end, she quickly slipped out, just in time to hear distant shouts ring out down the hallway.

"And stay out until you sober up!" the Sirfetch'd's voice barked.

Alice quickly darted away from the door and hurried back to her original vantage point, watching as the Sirfetch'd and Probopass from earlier came back from the right. The Probopass and Sirfetch'd grumbled an apology to their Machamp and Slowbro teammates, before they shuffled off and returned to attention.

The Sneasel got out from her hiding place and walked past, the Probopass and Sirfetch'd eyeing her as she passed but otherwise paying no mind as she carried along to the right, following the hallway until she spotted a nearby exit back out onto the street. The Dark-Type made her way down and pushed the doors open, where sure enough, there were Pyry and Pekka staggering up in a daze in front of the canal outside, with the Gabite cradling his snout with a low whine.

"Owwww… my poor nose."

Alice tilted her head after the Dragon-Type pair. They'd taken a few scuffs here and there from picking a fight and being 'monhandled on the way out of the building, but nothing the two surely hadn't seen before in sparring, or that couldn't be swept under the rug with some well-earned praise.

"Hey, nice acting back there," the Sneasel cheered, giving a beaming grin back at the pair. "I didn't think you two could act out a drunken fight that well, but you were real naturals back there!"

As soon as the words left Alice's mouth, Pyry and Pekka turned back to face her, still glazed-eyed and unsteady. The Sneasel cocked a brow and was about to tell them they could drop their act, when a quick sniff revealed the two's breaths smelt strongly of rum, and the pair shot back disoriented smiles as they visibly struggled to keep their balance while getting up.

"Kiitti…" Pekka slurred. "Nice… furry cat lady."

"Yup! We made- hic, sure we drank plenty of rum before coming here and everything!" Pyry added.

Alice blinked and flattened her ears out after realizing that the entire time, Pyry and Pekka's drunken brawl in the hallway had been a bit more real than the others on the Siglo Swellow had originally planned. It all worked out in the end, but method acting hadn't been something they agreed on last night, and the Keeper of Balance on her team would surely not let any of them hear the end of this episode.

"Oh yeah, Kline's going to be really happy about this," Alice muttered. "But oh well, it helped me get his Cell in. I'm sure he'll get over it."

The Sneasel started to set off, only to see Pekka take wing, before sluggishly falling back down to earth.

"Er… hey… Alice?" the Vibrava slurred. "I dunno what's going on, but… my wings aren't really cooperating right now."

Alice blinked back at her Dragon-Type teammates. Right, they were drunk. Meaning that they would be susceptible to all the sorts of distorted senses and questionable judgment any other drunk would have, and would need a helping claw to get back to the ship.

"… Maybe it's for the best that you two are this plastered, since Kline's going to give you a real earful once we make it back," the Sneasel said. "Come on, he'll probably have gotten a chance to look around by the time we return."

The Dark-Type shook her head and threw a claw onto each of Pyry and Pekka. She hadn't expected she'd need to babysit these two to keep them from falling into the canals on top of sneaking into the Archive's restricted section, but meh, it wouldn't be the first time she had to think on her feet.

Alice tugged at the Dragon-Types and pulled them along, as she and her drunken charges made their way back for the central building and the path to the harbor and the Siglo Swellow. It was a bit unsettling to think that all this time they were having to plan things out under the assumption that a trap was being set for them, but until Kline could gather reconnaissance for them, it was best to just be happy with the victories they'd already earned.

After Team Traveller's classes let out that afternoon, the five retraced their steps from the main building of the Academy past the Founder's Statue, setting off westward back for the Archive. All the while, from beneath the main building's eastern arches that straddled the canal that cut through campus, the forms of a Kommo-o and Sylveon watched from the shadows as Nida and her companions made their way across the courtyard, the youngsters never once turning to notice them.

Sorge glanced up where he saw Aldrich pass by in the sky, circling briefly before swooping down and landing in the main plaza. The Noivern flicked his ears and trained them westward for a moment, before pacing over to his teammates and slipping into the shade, making Zelle shoot a curious frown as he approached.

"Find out anything new this time, Aldrich?" she asked.

"They said something about casing escape routes from the Archive, but I didn't get much more than that since there was a bit too much crosstalk from other Pokémon in the square," the Noivern answered, before giving a puzzled tilt of his head over to his Kommo-o teammate.

"You're certain I'm not better off heading to their ship to help Ketu get a feel for things there, Sorge?" Aldrich asked. "Since I'm pretty sure I could've picked up most of what I heard from those kids from sailors running their mouths off on that ship of theirs."

"It'll have to wait. Ketu's busy at the moment doing tasks on Lyn's ship to maintain his cover," Sorge insisted, shaking his head in reply. "It sounds like there haven't been any changes to how Lyn's planning on running his ambush, so you should be fine sticking around here until Ketu's free to case those hicks' schooner more properly."

Aldrich opened his mouth to reply, only to abruptly trail off and turn his head. The Noivern remained quiet for a brief moment as he squinted and twitched his ears briefly, leaving Sorge and Zelle to trade puzzled looks with one another.

"Huh? Did you notice something, Aldrich?" the Sylveon asked, prompting her Noivern teammate to frown in reply.

"… There's someone else up on the roof and listening in just like us."

Aldrich raised a claw and pointed off at the roofline of the Academy's central building ringing the courtyard. Sorge stooped down and put Zelle on his shoulder to help her get a better view, when they squinted and peered off after Aldrich's claw. There, behind the roof's gable right above the main entrance was a bulky yellow figure poking his head over. Sorge and Zelle blinked incredulously as they realized that it was a suspiciously familiar bulky yellow figure that looked like…

"Hold on, is that Darzin?" the Kommo-o asked.

"What does he think he's doing here?!" Zelle hissed. Aldrich moved his ears to listen in and paused a moment, before narrowing his eyes and letting out a derisive scoff.

"… It's him, alright. I can recognize his voice," Aldrich harrumphed. "He's talking to himself."

The figure on the roof took to the air and began to fly off for the east, where sure enough, it had the profile of a Dragonite. Back on the ground, Sorge stared after the departing dragon for a brief moment, before hardening his eyes and turning to Aldrich with a stern frown.

"Stay on his tail. We'll follow you from the ground," the Kommo-o instructed. "When you two get someplace less watched, knock him out of the air and pin him down for a while."

Aldrich nodded back with a low grunt, before springing up and taking wing, the Noivern glancing back to see Sorge and Zelle behind him already making their way eastward below on the ground. The bat flew after the Dragonite, climbing to a higher altitude before gliding silently from behind as the buildings of the Academy gave way to a more normal thicket of canalhouses built amongst the islets and canals below. The Noivern glanced ahead and saw that Darzin was approaching a sector where the lanes and canals below were narrow and winding, without much sign of passing traffic. Sensing his chance, Aldrich built up dragonfire in the back of his throat and spat it up as a ray of fiery blue light, the Dragon Pulse sailing on until it found its mark on Darzin's right wing and drew a sharp yelp.


Darzin rolled and spiraled out of the sky, the Dragonite fighting with his injured wing to even out as he clumsily just missed clipping a rooftop and flew down into a back alley, unintentionally snagging a pair of clotheslines on the way down. There on the ground, Darzin crouched as he came to a skidding stop, throwing aside the stray scarves, sheets, and towels he'd picked up with his bulky body. The Dragonite braced himself into a fighting stance, scanning his surroundings for his assailant.

"Who is-?!"

The sharp beat of approaching wings turned Darzin's attention upwards, where he caught the sight of a Noivern swooping in and diving at him. The Dragonite realized the bat must've been none other than the 'mon who'd just attacked him and flashed his claws with a low growl.

"Why you-!"

Bluish dragonfire built up in Darzin's mouth before he disgorged a pulse of fiery light at the Noivern. Just before the Dragon Pulse made contact, Aldrich spread his wings wide and conjured a barrier of light that materialized right in front of him, the fiery burst crashing against it and accomplishing little other than to push him back slightly in the air. Aldrich evened his body out as smoke curled from the failed Dragon Pulse, looking down at his Dragonite foe with a taunting sneer.

"Hah! Is that all you've got?" Aldrich scoffed. "No wonder why the Director's trying to get rid of you!"

Aldrich retaliated by spitting up a Dragon Pulse of his own at the Dragonite, which struck Darzin and sprawled him out on the ground. The Noivern gave a puzzled frown and tilted his head. Even with a 'mon as in disrepute as Darzin, he'd have expected a better showing from him than that. The bat swooped down, preparing to pin the Dragonite when Darzin suddenly sprang up with greenish flecks trailing from his claws, striking the Noivern with a sharp uppercut.


Aldrich skidded back into a few crates with an audible clatter. Without a moment's hesitation, Darzin righted himself and tore after the Noivern. If he could catch that bat off guard with a feint like that, then surely he could turn this battle around, right?

The Dragonite hurried over to try and press his advantage, when all of a sudden, a bright pink glow filled the corner of his vision. The Dragonite turned towards it, just as a bright orb hit him in the face.


Darzin felt his body get thrown back and his head strike the wall behind him, slumping over stunned to the ground on his stomach. He struggled to get up, only to feel claws dig into the hide around his neck, drag him up and shove him against the wall and sharply wrench his arms behind his body. The Dragonite thrashed and tried to break free, only to get pinned by a firm grip, and turn to see a Kommo-o's head leaning in with fangs bared and growling at him.

"That's quite enough from you," Sorge snapped. "If you don't want to answer awkward questions to the rest of the Board about why you're suddenly not able to leave the infirmary for a week, you'll stay still and shut up."

Darzin glanced down at the Kommo-o's claws, before hardening his features into a scowl and letting out a low snarl in reply.

"And just who do you think you are pulling a stunt like this?!"

"Just some 'mons looking out for the Company's best interest," Aldrich remarked as he dusted himself off. "Which you obviously don't have in mind."

"Wanna fill us in as to why you're suddenly stalking students from the Academy?" Zelle demanded. "I know that you've had a change in tasks since you lost control of your domain as an Administrator, but this is unexpectedly low even for you."

"That's none of your damn business," the Dragonite spat back. "And who's your superior? I'm going to have a word with him about this!"

"Oh, you mean Commander Olivia?" Zelle scoffed. "The head of the Intelligence Division, who answers directly to Director Inler?"

Darzin's eyes widened and he felt the color drain out of his face. Had the rest of the Board gotten wise to his plans after all? He was snapped back to attention after feeling Sorge tighten his grip and the Kommo-o's claws dig deeper into his hide. The Third-Rank brought his head face-to-face with the Dragonite's, and leveled an overpowering glare at him.

"Look, we know who those kids are and why you're trying to snatch them," the Kommo-o growled. "Unless you want to have to explain what you've been up to to the Board, you'll back off."

Sorge moved his claw and clamped down onto the side of Darzin's neck, dragging the Dragonite back upright and sharply shoving him onto his feet. Darzin stared back and reflexively pawed at his neck, before Sorge narrowed his eyes and let out a disgusted huff.

"Get out of our sight and stay out of our way," he spat.

"Or don't, if you're a glutton for punishment," Zelle chimed in, shooting a taunting smirk at the Dragonite. "After all, we wouldn't exactly have trouble dealing with a feral in a scarf like you."

Darzin glared back at the three Pokémon, before giving a low growl and shuffling off with a visible limp, his wings evidently not ready to grant him flight so quickly after his ambush. After the disgraced Administrator slipped off, the alleyway fell silent, as Aldrich turned and shot a dubious glance at his Kommo-o leader.

"Do we really expect him to back off, Sorge?" the Noivern asked. The Scaly Pokémon said nothing for a moment, before shaking his head with a low sigh.

"… Probably not. But Darzin hasn't exactly had a glowing record of success, and we've already got our claws full with our present objectives," the Kommo-o said. "If he really does have some sort of plot in mind to interfere with us, it won't be particularly hard to step in and stop it."

Author's Notes:

- bratya (братя) - Bulgarian: "brats" (BGN/PCGN Romanization)
- Zeg, waar bleven jullie?! - Dutch: "Hey, where were you?!"
- Wat krijgen we nou? - Dutch: "What on earth?" / "What the hell?", lit. "What are we getting now?"
- Kiitti - Finnish: "Thanks" (colloquial), shortened form of "Kiitos"


Loony Moony
Righto, coming back round for another V-Wheel, it's been a while since I've read Fledglings, and normally I'd try and get a couple of chapters read, but the massive change up on my current work has taken up alot of the time I was hoping to use to read and review this, so Chapter 12 will have to do.

Compared to the chapters I've read before, this one is much, much more neatly packaged and focused which makes a very enjoyable change of pace and an overall better read. The chapter doesn't meander to a few different locations with relatively small and basic events, and instead gets right to the point proper. Even better still, you managed to successfully manage to different perspectives/events throughout the chapter, effectively granting the chapter a double purpose. Since I'm always banging on about every chapter having a purpose, this is an especially awesome thing to see!

One side of the story focuses back on the town, and the arrival of the Company. I don't remember every detail about them, but the writing was excellent here in portraying the sense of dread with their arrival, then the gradual shift to a more hostile stance as actual fighters and guards emerged proper. It's really interesting to see that presence make itself known and how the town organically reacts to their presence depending on who's there. It's something that I found really awesome there! It also offers a bit of insight into the characters, as whilst there isn't much development there, it's nice to see the perspective of Hatteras and Osmund in a few ways. The worldbuilding is again subtle but brilliant, with more detail about the wider world with empires and how the world used to actually be like. I won't lie I'm hooked onto that kind of detail, especially given my fic GoB has similar imperial stuff sneaking in, and I'm a sucker for post-peak civilization stuff. Sprinkle in the cliff hanger, and that section alone would have carried the chapter perfectly well! It's honestly one of the best chapters I've read in a fic or a story for a while just from that alone!

The second side I don't think held up as well, and that boils down namely to the fact that it's a Mystery Dungeon focused segment again, which has been difficult to picture in the past. Unlike the town focused on, the purpose is a little more basic here as instead of introducing a good bit of worldbuilding and additional characters, it instead serves as mainly updating the progress of main cast. In fact, that is essentially what that part of the chapter is all about. There isn't really any development for my favorite baby burd and the characters here, just showing the aftermath of the previous chapters encounters, the responses of the older, more experienced guildmembers to their younger charge's progress and... yeah, that's about it. Compared to the other half of the chapter it doesn't quite hold my interest the same way.

That being said, the real star was Elty here. Compared to everyone else, we do get a bit more insight into his character here, and his antics are fun to read about as he ends up getting caught in trouble in the dungeon. We also get a few hints on his past too, and I do like the mixed responses the rest of the team gives to his fire-type antics of old, ranging from horror to pure bafflement. It was actually entertaining to read through as well. In addition, that part of Chapter 12 does lead to a promising start for Chapter 13.

The writing itself is fine, and I didn't see any mistakes with there either. Overall, this was an interesting chapter in that it felt kinda more like two smaller chapters stuck together, which was nice, as it made the chapter feel both focused and engaging throughout. On the other hand, there was a distinct difference between the two sections of the chapter itself. One that really hooked onto me and kept me fully engaged, whilst the other one wasn't as fun, but does get helped along by the more engaging segment to the next chapter. Either way, it was enjoyable, and does make me excited for the next chapter!
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