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Pokémon Fledglings

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, there was a bumper crop of reviews from Review Blitz this year, so it took a little bit to get through everybody. But let’s just get started and work our way down through things.

It does, unfortunately, make sense that prices would be higher in dungeon shops. They’re certainly not as safe as selling your goods in town, but there’s a need for it. Capitalism at its finest /j. Good on Guardia for figuring out the way keckleon’s ability works. It just barely gave them the edge they needed to get away, though I’d hardly call it a victory.

Sometimes, just getting away to fight another day is winning enough. It’s a bit more common as a win condition in my other long-running PMD story, but the gang should really just take the W considering how brutal Kecleon encounters are in the actual games. ^^;

I love Ketu just blatantly telling the truth as to why they’re out there. It’s so outlandish that he’d just come out and say it, that it ends up covering them better than it would have if he’d lied first.

What can I say? It’s a talent of his.

I really do enjoy the worldbuilding regarding how storage rocks work. I’m glad that it ends up having a purpose though, because I did admittedly wonder why we were taking the time to discuss it at first.

I mean, Virgil and I are pretty firmly insistent that there are few things in this story that are truly superfluous. This was another example of the dynamic in action.

Ah, I see you’re setting up for the Sibich stuff here. I don’t remember exactly what his angle is, but I do remember the trial coming up in an arc or two, and that it was a fun B plot.

You’ll get a reminder of that in due time.

To give my brief thoughts on the chapter, I like the throughline on the a-plot of the team starting to reharmonize and get back together. And most of the B-plots seem to be setting up for the climax of this chapter, so I’m looking forward to that. For critique, maybe you could argue this could have been divided into two chapters due to the amount of b-plot stuffed into it and causing the a-plot to be dragged out a bit longer than I’d like, but it feels almost like there was a full mini arc in the chapter so I can’t complain too much.

I suppose we can see the argument for having split things up, but I think we’ll opt to let things stand as they are here. In general, we tend to prefer chapters that feel like a “complete” whole for this story, even if it might make them a bit chunky to some.

Chapter 53
First, we check in on Lyn and Elllsberg, who stumble upon a couple of beaten lackeys. Lyn makes it quite clear why he’s in charge here. A part of me thinks they would have been sliiightly better off if they hadn’t tried to lie. Slightly. There are few pokemon who can get away with trying to pull one over him, and these two aren’t competent enough for that.

Probably. Maybe. Lyn is a bit of a mercurial character, so I’m sure Ken and Hooke would’ve still been in for a miserable experience had they come clean.

Then we have the kids working together to defeat the hippopotas and hipowdon from the last chapter. It’s good to see them getting along again. I do want to critique the fight scene a bit here. I feel like it drags on a bit too long for my tastes. I think part of it might be the prose style, admittedly. There’s a lot of use of names and epithets in the fight. Sometimes it makes sense as it clears up who is taking what action. But at other points it just makes the action feel clunky because of how long it makes it take to get to the point, if that makes sense.

Hrm, a bit unfortunate to hear, even if we’d like to think that our current battle choreography’s gotten a bit smoother in more recent episodes since we’ve dialed back the epithets considerably as time went on.

In the scene with Hess, we see that he decides to follow Elty’s word instead of following Sibich. It works out, given what happens to said cofagrigus iirc.

Well, it certainly works out for Hess, at least. ^^;

Chapter 54
I don’t have as many specific thoughts about this chapter. The kids trying to not be suspicious and ending up being even more suspicious was cute, but they’re lucky that Alius just saw them as a bunch of injured kids and didn’t think it was suspicion worth pursuing.

Nida: “You know what? I can live with luck, really.”

Meanwhile, Lynn’s got the right idea that the imperials not searching the dungeon means Pleo isn’t there, but for the wrong reasons lmao. But man, he’s not screwing around this time. This is one of the more brutal fights we see on screen, given that someone straight up gets stabbed. Ouch.

Lyn: “My primary fighting implements are swords. Did you honestly expect me not to stab a ‘mon or two here or there who can’t get out of my way?” >_>;

Chapter 55
Jumping into the second scene since I don’t have much to say about the first, I think that this really shows the difference between Nagant and Lyn. While she’s not going to offer a plethora of help, Nagant recognizes Team Traveler as a bunch of kids and is giving them the opportunity to leave and go home. Compare that to how the same kids have been treated by pokemon in the Company… The Empire isn’t particularly good, but they do definitely read as the lesser of two evils.

I mean, it helps when they have the likes of [cabotstarry] are in their ranks. I mean, I suppose that the Company has Salvini and Kellner? Though the average member of Company leadership is a bit harder-edged than their Imperial counterpart.

I do like that Ketu gets knocked down just a peg by Lyn here. Sure, he lets it just roll off his back, but there are consequences for his haughty behavior. But as one of the more resourceful pokemon, he is (unsurprisingly), leading the first of the three groups that get past the gate and into the city proper.

Yeah, there are certainly limits to how much you can push the envelope as a subordinate. Not that Ketu isn’t creative at testing them.

Chapter 56
Not only is this a courtroom drama arc, it’s also served with a side of a tournament arc!

First, we have the setup where Pleo is presented to the ruler. I do find it amusing that she gives Nagant Opera tickets instead of what she was actually wanting. Though I’ll also I’ll give Aleria one thing: she does show that she intends to give Nagant her title back. She just doesn’t have the means to right now.

Yeah, that whole exchange was a big character-establishing moment for Aleria there. Glad to hear that you found it fun to read.

The second part of this chapter sets up the courtroom side of things. I remembered roughly what the plot was, but not all the details. Hoo boy. They have their work cut out for them. Especially since the pokemon are marked.

I mean, what’s an Ace Attorney homage without a seemingly hopeless case thrown into your lap?

Chapter 57
And finally, Team Traveller is reunited! (Minus one notably absent Pleo, who's stuck watching events unfold.) It’s good to see them finally united, about 50 chapters later. This arc really is a bit of a turning point for the story. The formula has shifted. The kids are back together. Now they just need to work out how to rescue Pleo. But in the short term, they have other problems to deal with. Such as…

The tournament! I don’t really have much to say about the fight, but the audience surrounding it? Damn, they’re brutal. I suppose team Anomaly does have the home field advantage. I do kind of like the idea of a team made up of shinies, except for that one weird ice vulpix. He’s not shiny, he’s just strange.

Vulpix: “B-But I’m normal back on my home island!”

More seriously, glad to hear that you enjoyed things getting shaken up here. The second quarter of the fic can be a bit divisive in how it’s received thanks to things coming off as too formulaic, but this episode and the one before were the ones where that went straight out the window in favor of something new.

The tournament does, of course, cause them to run behind for the court trial. I do enjoy the chicanery and all the Ace Attorney references. I’m not super deep into that series, but I understand enough that I get most of the jokes.


Looks like we hit the mark there, then.

I’ll end things off here. Aside from maybe some minor critiques, I don’t have much to say. I think I did see a typo where Rita was referred to as “The Rita,” but I can’t easily go back and search right now. Things are heating up, and we’re not even at the halfway point for this arc (especially given that two of the upcoming chapters are split into two parts does feel like a nice break point for now. So until next time.

We went and fixed the typo that you referred to, though glad to hear that you had fun with these chapters. We’ll be looking forward to you continuing your second journey through this story sometime soon.

Chapter 8:
We start off with Pleo waking up in the aftermath of the pirate's attack, and I really like how again and again Pleo's childlike ignorance gets displayed, because obviously he would have no idea what bandages or even medics are, or immediately assume that the pirates still being here means they still need to fight them. I like how diverse the crowd of pirates is and the little details given to the prisoners, like the Jygglypuff being gagged so they can't sing, eh.

Such is life with childlike naivete and Virgil and I had a few giggles coming up with some of the fine details of that sequence.

The running gag The running gag of Guildmaster/Mayor/Judge Hatteras having to constantly switch scarves is always funny, I wonder how long it will take before someone gets sick of it.

If you extended the question to Pokémon not on Tromba, probably “really fast” :V

I love how Pleo accidentally not only gets the Community Service idea approved, but also wants to pick someone himself even if he doesn't really understand what it means. That's a way to get a new teammate, I guess, even if a really uncooperative one.

Elty: “Well excuse me for not being excited to be signed up for forced labor here.”

This one was a fun chapter; it gave a bit of a look to how the town would handle captured criminals. I find it interesting that some of the pirates seemed to know what's in the Wastes (or rather isn't), and that exile seems to be a rather common punishment. On one hand, I'm really curious about what's out there, but on the other, I don't really want our little rescue team in the making to be in the situation to find out... Even if I suppose we will, sooner or later.


Chapter 9
The sparring in the first part of this chapter was nice, Pleo obviously still has a long way to go in learning how to fight (and fly.... And do both at the same time), but the highlight of this chapter is definitely Melissa. How TM work is already a bit weird in the main saga, and even more so in Mystery Dungeon. Add the giant question mark that is "how do Porygon work in Mystery Dungeon", and there's the potential for some very fun worldbuilding there. I love how everyone is completely puzzled at both Melissa and what TMs are.

I mean, is that really all that surprising given that the fandom stance on TMs is basically?:


We get a direct mention of Silph, so there's already some interesting implications about that…

I mean, the preamble did openly state that this was a world that once had humans in it. Even if I suppose this was the part where we tipped our hat as to what sort of world with humans in it it was.

I wonder what happens if a Porygon has no one to help them out of the ""trance"" while they are busy reading a disc. Or how common they are. But the way the whole procedure was described as this strange, mystical magic ritual was delightful, I loved it.

Something something “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” something something.

Looks like next chapter will be the first true Mystery Dungeon exploration for the team! Also, small detail, but I really like how HM02 doesn't make Pleo immediately fly but jump higher, since that's actually what the HM translates to in the original japanesr. Nice touch!

I actually don’t remember whether or not that was a deliberate reference or not, but it wouldn’t be the first fluff detail from a non-English localization we worked in in this story.

So Pokémon DO eat meat? I have to wonder where it comes from. Some mystery dungeon fics use the "feral Pokémon" approach, but here it's established that ferals are as sentient as the "civilized" Pokemon so... but there seems to be some notion and mention of Pokémon hunting each other, since that whole thing with the Skarmory was mentioned.

This actually got elaborated on a bit later on in the story, especially when Ander got a more front and center introduction.

The gummies being this age - old passed down recipe is a fun bit of worldbuilding, as is the mention of all the various tries until they got a recipe that's nutrious for every kind of Pokémon. Having to cook food suitable for any possible Pokémon species sounds like an absolute nightmare otherwise. I wonder what they do for Pokémon that explicitly have a very specialised diet? Like a Sableye that eats gemstones? Do they just make do with random rocks?

I would hazard a guess that there’s a nonzero chance that it’s not that far removed from Pokékibble’s composition back in the day, even if you get to see a better view of some of the inputs later on in this story.

The fog experienced to enter a mystery dungeon gives me Dark Souls vibes. Or at least, that's how I am picturing it lol. And I assume that holding each other is to avoid entering the dungeon scattered all over the floor in different places. That's smart!

I’ll admit, we actually had Digimon Tamers more in mind for this fog, but the rest is basically on the mark.

Also interesting how the ferals seem to know the ritual used in johto to summon Lugia, seems like little bits of human culture got passed down... Interesting that there seems to be multiple versions. (Lugia's song and this one).

Makes you wonder what else managed to make it over from the world-that-was, huh?

Poor Elty gets zero trust lol, they prefer to empty the bag by using stuff instead of giving anything to him.

I mean, he’s gotta start from somewhere after coming to their island helping to nick things and set stuff on fire.

Chapter 12
I like that one of the first places to get rebuilt in town is the one that handles the booze, feels pretty realistic lol. And it seems that the "Company" mentioned some chapters ago has arrived early... Fortunately right as Pleo is out of town. So these guys supposely gather taxes but I wonder if it's taxes or "taxes" in a more... Criminal way. Because they seem to act like it with the classic "protection money" extortion.

I mean “taxes” become taxes when you have enough power to back it up and throw on a veneer of legitimacy.

Oh wow, ship burning. That is pretty serious... Oh nevermind, lol.
You know you did a bad job if even Pleo is roasting you about something, lol.

I mean, on a more serious crew, it’d be more serious. But fortunately for Elty, he’s not from one.

Oh, so stuff can move around even while you are on a specific floor? That sounds like a nightmare and makes things a lot more difficult... Doesn't that make maps relatively useless however? You can't know if what you are drawing is actually still relevant.

Well, the stairs can. Ditto doing antics with stuff like Tunnel Wands. Too much moving around on the floors while you’re there is usually a sign of bigger problems, though.

Aaaand they landed in a Monster House, or at least I assume that's what it is...


Chapter 13
We get thankfully straight back to where we left off with the Monster House, and I like that the team at least tries to use Pleo's status as the Protector again, even if it failed. Actually, I'm wondering what it would take for random Pokémon to actually *believe* him. People seem to just vaguely know what Lugia and other legendaries even look like, so either they do something that's completely unique to them, or it would be just a matter of showing enough power. But what could a Lugia do that's unique to them? Create storm and whirlpools, but arguably other incredibly strong water Pokémon could do it too... Even if not on such a large scale.

Well, he could blow Hess across Bluewhorl again, but it might be hard to pull that one off right then and there. /s

As scary as that Samurott is, they're also really cool. Their dialogue also seems to imply that Pleo wouldn't be the first "god" they have seen awaken or even contacted? Are some legendaries already on their side?

This will be answered in due time in this story.

Like they themselves said, even legendaries when they are young would be easily influenced... I can see a sort of weapon's race to see who can "recruit" more "gods" to their side, or killing them so at least no one else can…

They’re leaning more towards the former of those two options, since nobody really knows what the consequences of killing them would be other than that the last time it definitely happened, it was really bad.

Ironic that it's pretty much what the player does in the post game of every Mystery Dungeon game: recruiting every legendary and becoming a literal unstoppable army compared to any other rescue team.

Really looking forward to how things will develop!

And we’ll be looking forward to seeing you come back again sometime soon. Thanks for the review! ^^

@Kiba Makuro
I kinda forgot that Nida fell, especially that it was specifically a Pitfall Trap. Nice seeing a trap a la segway into finding the Lugia fledgling by chance. It feels like some folks wouldn't like how convenient it is but let's be honest it's harder to make a good reason without twisting your head off.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a coincidence, but someone would’ve entered that chamber eventually and there’s a reason why the fic follows Nida’s perspective.

Pataki was really funny and I liked the mechanics of a whole teleportation crew. Usually folk don't even use the badge features so it was nice to see both teleporting and the recruitment of Mystery Dungeon mon.

Yeah, just showing off “this is how a PMD setting would work” is a pretty big part of Fledglings’ raison d’etre. I mean, it’s a bit off-spec given that it’s like 98% water as a setting, but good enough.

The chapter was a little wordy, rather there's fluff on extra descriptions in sentences but it wasn't a slog to read thankfully. Of course that's just a difference in style.

Hrm, I’ll admit that I didn’t really expect to hear that for these chapters, and it’s the first time I’ve heard someone say this about them, but I suppose everyone has their preferred flavors for prose.

I like how Nida, Crom, and Kiran recognized that Pleo was the same form on the bell, (in which I forgot unfortunately that happened). However it was a little annoying that you played around with the epithets for the Lugia, there were about 4 or 5 in one chapter alone.

Yeeeeeeah, that was a thing earlier on in this story. If you highlight specific spots, we’ll consider touching a few parts up, otherwise this is something where we’ll opt to leave things be to continue on to make progress.

Finally we get some closure on Kiran's position, I was wondering how his temporary position would be explained. Also nice to get a reminder on the town and island's name, it's been about 1 or 2 chapters since the reminder, considering it's going to be partially explored by Pleo and Team Traveller soon. We also get to see some new characters of the Guild, including the Ampharos Guildmaster Hatteras, which fleshes it out a little, as we barely got time to look around. Looking around probably didn't fit the earlier chapters too much, besides chapter 1 so I'm fine.

Now we're learning about the other worries of Bluewhorl town, the pirates and the Company, which I've seen a little of in other reviews. Too bad Lugia here is little weak baby, but there's nothing training can't fix, even for a little sea god Protector.

Sounds like you had quite a bit of fun with that tail end, though don’t worry, you’ll be getting a better view of Bluewhorl and its surroundings in the upcoming episode from where you’re at.

Anyway nice chapter, sorry for not being too in depth but I'm just here for a little bit, keep the good work you two!

And thanks again for the review! We’ll be looking forward to seeing you around in the future! ^^

Which leads to the suitably humorous and well timed moment for Pleo to learn to fly! One of my favourite burds is finally flying! Cue to hilarious ganking on the remaining Feral and… of course the inevitable crashlanding. Luckily enough, we soon get the escort team making their return and prompting the ferals to immediately break out running. The rest of the chapter proceeds quickly enough, bringing us to the team finding their target and getting ready to depart… with the typical fan girl. Cue the embarrassment.

Pataki: “No, no, this is a great way to leave things off.”

And so we go straight into a practice battle… and welp, Elty does a lot better than expected. I mean, seriously, even considering the community service thing, he should probably be given more jobs at some point just because of his abilities… and of course he get’s taken out by yet another crash landing. As a bonus, we get the footer image with Nida riding Pleo here! Awesome to see that referenced!

Hold onto that thought about ‘more jobs’ there.

Soon enou- oh, wait a second. We’ve got some kind of Pokeball’s present in the setting huh? Okay, interesting seeing them a piece of technology as seemingly a cursed item instead. That’s an interesting take, and did make me think twice for a minute there. Ok, and they are good for making Shakes? Is that a Legends thing I missed?

Those would be Apricorns there. They’re not quite Pokéballs, even if they’re depicted as having similar properties in this setting (and in OaT since you’ve read it) with a few more nasty side effects.

Except… okay. Oh shit, I remember reading this now. Descendents of those who nearly destroyed the world in the past and such? Okay, their terror is pretty understandable then. Having someone have a go at you for something that your ancestor had done? That’s… actually a pretty horrible way to live. That suddenly made this chapter feel a lot more tragic, and it’s the first time Pleo has got hit with potential horrific revelations. No idea if they are true or not, especially with all the end of the world and demon stuff… but dang, that’s going to be bouncing around in his head for a while.

Yeah, this is a thread that will be revisited a few times during the events of this story. So keep an eye out there.

Cue going into Chapter 16. The chapter I’ve been waiting on for a while. It’s time for the first really big battle to begin. Nida and Crom soon see through the escape plan, and manage to get the whole village away of the Company’s plan. And, well, combat ensues. Very big battles like this, even when confined in a narrow area are actually really difficult to write. There are so many different variables to consider here, so it’s easy for information to slip through the net. And this does happen. The actual blows feel powerful and effective, with not too much information given here, which is good, because it does not bog down the actual combat. That is the really good bit. The more difficult bit is that with a larger battle in play, sometimes the detail is left a bit lacking. That means it can be difficult to keep track of the wider picture. Sometimes, this is pretty easy, but at other times, it’s hard to work out exactly what has happened. This can be done effectively from time to time, especially for stuff like surprises. But if not used carefully, you can lose track on where folks are, especially once things are moving quickly.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a balancing act there, though it sounds like things worked out on balance for you? If there are specific spots that came to mind that you felt were lacking one or another thing, feel free to point them out to us next time.

Going with a general gloss over first this time rather than breaking down the chapters. These three chapters do serve as a nice little snippet as the team goes ahead to try and save the recently captured baby burd Pleo. And damn, do we get some emotional highs here and there. Namely because the original sneaking on board plan doesn’t entirely work, as unfortunately, it seems like poor Crom is about to exit stage left. Which makes sense, given that he doesn’t appear in the promotional banner that you use in your tags at the bottom. But it seems like he is still going to has some kind of presence in the story, which even gets alluded to as we get scenes taking us back to Toomba, which also actually serves a role in the story, even it’s a fairly minor feature. We see not only the aftermath of the ship’s departure and the fact several young Pokemon have become missing, but also how the poor villagers are coping. It really helps humanise the cast in how they all respond differently to the grief in a way I haven’t really seen yet, which is really effective when it comes to the story as a whole.

>exit stage left

Once upon a time, this was the part where he was going to exit stage left from the story until close to the end, but that wound up changing. You’ll see what that looks like as you get further along.

The second half of the three chapters essentially focuses on that rescue attempt, namely as poor Pleo is changed up and again has his self-esteem beaten down by Lyn the asshat. Meanwhile, Nida and Pleo have to sneak their way through the ship to find him. Sneaking scenes can be very tricky to write, mainly because there is a lot of tension that needs to be done in these sequences without hefty combat to help hold it up. There are points in my mind where the tension runs a bit flat. Namely Elty sticking his head out of one of a few crates they have to hide in to basically rob the bastards blind. Convenient and handy for the plot sure, but how the hell did he not get spotted here!? Yes, I know he’s in a box to, so there isn’t a lot to describe with the semi-limited third person perspective we have here in the fan fic, but it’s still the one time I didn’t really engage with the story? To be fair though, sneaking scenes can be painfully difficult to write. It’s very easy to let them drag out or come and go without any tension at all.

Hrm, a bit unfortunate that that moment didn’t stick the landing for you. Though the official answer to not getting spotted is “he was fast and under deck in a dimly-lit ship”. We might drop in a couple blurbs to make the “dimly-lit” part a bit more obvious.

That being said, the actual rescue attempt is actually realistic throughout. It doesn’t go without a hitch, naturally, Chapter 17 has poor Crom get discovered trying to sneak in – despite being a good plan – and ends up getting beaten into a heap. I do feel sorry for the guy there. Naturally, the only reason that Nida and Elty even get through is because the ship is forced to depart early. Then they are stuck in said crate because being a sailing ship, the ship isn’t actually that big in the first place! I mean, I’ve been on a large ship of the line once as part of a museum visit, and whilst it is really big, it’s also really small and is something you could get across in a few minutes, especially with a large crew. The only reason they get so far is because most of the crew is fast asleep. Now the naval nerd in me would suspect there is some kind of watch present, but that is something I’m willing to forgive. They do get quite far in Chapter 18, but it’s nevertheless inevitable they get discovered and surrounded come Chapter 19. Which leads to probably the best moment. Namely good young Pleo finally getting a well-deserved powerboost – possibly with some distant help from Crom – going out of his way to pray or wish Pleo and the others can escape. And damn, does he do a lot of damage to the ship. My only complaint is a wish we saw a bit… more of that? Like it read like it happened within a second or two – at least unless my tired out mind had a brain poof – where I think we could have crept a bit more in there? But that is just me here.

I mean, if things went for too long, there wouldn’t have been much of a ship left there. ^^;

Though hold onto those thoughts, since Pleo is very much still a beginner at wielding that power that lurks inside him. The fastest way to get better at something is to do it a few times.

Either way, it’s almost a successful escape – almost in that they get shot out of the sky and crash land on a new island in a mystery dungeon. Now, in a way, I’m now really excited about something like this. If the story is now going to focus on Nida, Elty and Pleo working to try and find their way back home over the course of much of the fic, then damn, sign me on. I’m a sucker for those kinds of journeys, especially when we are meeting new people along the way. Especially if Crom heads out himself at some point down the line to try and find the rest of his team. That would be really awesome to see.

Narrator: “The story is going to focus on Nida, Elty, and Pleo working to try and find their way back home”.

Well, mostly. This wouldn’t be a 1.2 million word and counting story if there weren’t a hitch or two along the way.

These chapters can be quite easily split in two, at least in terms of perspective. I do kinda prefer the stuff that is happening with Crom at the moment, but that’s mainly because of the huge character interaction and showing their reactions. It’s really pleasant to see. The rescue and escape is more standard fare, but does have a few nice moments in it as well, especially with what I suspect is a really good bit of plot set up here. If I am right about all that of course. Whilst Chapter 17 and 19 are a bit lengthy for my taste, I won’t make much of a point about their size, as there isn’t really a decent set of cut off points regarding them, especially with the potential interlap between the two locales here. There are some areas I’d want more detail, but otherwise, it’s all solid there. There isn’t much worldbuilding, but the plot is moving very nicely now and the characters are really starting to shine through here. I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes through next with the story when I come on round next after the blitz!

I think that the chapter length recommendation is something that we’re ultimately just going to have to call “differences of stylistic preferences” on them, since the overall average length of a chapter later in this story is around 10,000 words. Though even if it wasn’t quite your preference, we’re glad to hear that you still enjoyed yourself quite a bit, and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you around in the future. ^^

@Venia Silente
This is the VERY DELAYED part of a review trade, now for RB2025which will if all goes well cover Ch.73 - most importantly, its pretty good best doggo screentime!

We’re grabbing Ch.73 “Backed Into a Corner” and some parts of Ch.74 “Moving Along”. Given the constraints of review-based events to have this ready for RB2025, we’ll be focusing this time on a special path: that of best doggo.


Not you, no, unfortunately. Your current going-throughs have been rather bad for you as of late, plot-wise. :p

But don’t worry I have plans for you.

Elty: “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? Who on earth could possibly challenge me for-?”

Anyway, as I was saying:

Ch.73+74: The Path of Alvise​

Elty: “... Seriously? You’re calling him best doggo?”

(More seriously, this was hilarious.)

After the ghostly adventures of the last few chapters, we open up with the cast and crew of the Mistral Marauder ready to part with their missing members, a list which sadly for Hess includes Nori. ^_^


(Also, that sequence you wrote made me snerk.)

No, really, at least the Team Rocket of this story did something good!

Just don’t let them find out that you mean the anime trio, since I’m sure they’ll be less than thrilled.

So, Hess says, it’s about time for payback and the crew now has the mission to head over to town and raid it like the, ya know, the pirates they are. And the crew… doesn’t really seem to like the idea, at least until Hess draws the obvious carrot for the stick:

Meme about Hess’s Crew
Meme about Hess’s Crew

What can I say? He knows how his underlings tick. :P

And there you have it, boys. The prize granted for doing the work is, of course, getting to do more work!

Just like real life! /s

(Also, the bit about Alvise and his buddies fuming about their plot role is gold.)

And thus the team goes on, dragged on by Hess, once again. To save the day, to win the day for the rest of the crew, once again. Join the pirates they said, there will be rum they said.

Such is life when you’re literally jumping aboard the first pirate ship that’ll let you into their crew. o<o

And one of the big advantages of skipping right to the opening area is that a big group standing near an entrance is something that’s quick to find out and quick to flush out, so our friendly Ghost Life Telemarketers show up, ya know, ready to dispense the usual “joiiiiin uuuuuus” treatment…

And they quickly get this treatment instead:

]View: https://youtu.be/E3GGKF6CsjY[/youtube]

That’s… surprisingly accurate, yes. :mewlulz:

Nori, you literally have hands!

Not to mention Alvise is the local Zinogre equivalent

Shhh… don’t give Alvise ideas there.

…Good thing Alvise was not practising sparks right there and then! XD

Well, they’d have managed to start a fire at least? Even if it’d have been a bit too early.

Yup, I swear it was not me this time. :p

Elty: “Well, apparently it’s not. (Seriously, who okayed this?)”

After that, they get to Vince’s team, which they quickly disarm after Alvise priority-preempts them with an electric attack, allowing the rest of the team to swiftly move in.

“Full room” moves like Discharge and Rock Blast are annoying in PMD aren’t they? :p

Alvise: “I think you misspelled ‘awesome’ there.”

Alvise has realized there’s no Ground-type who can intercept his attacks, so he’s free to herd-hit the whole oppossing team with some impunity. Because in Fledglings area attacks are broken~.

Yup, that was actually a very deliberate meta decision to not have Guardia around for this fight. This is just the hardest that Alvise and his friend circle are to deal with in the story, and we figured that we’d make the most of it.

Our beloved birb tries to can into Thunderbolt, a Tee-yem that was taught to him before, but as usual in such pivotal moments without significant previous onscreen training, it fails to do anything useful. So, at least in what comes to Electric, we can say that Alive’s thunder remains unstolen! :p

Alvise: “As it should be.”

Yup, that was Alvise just about to teach a bird a lesson on how to be 73% more alert or else get 81% more well-done, too. Compounded with a thunderbolt / thundershock attack to pin the bird to the ground for good measure. :p

Kiran: “I-I demand to speak with my agent!” @v@

Nida tries to intervene but gets a bone to the gut for her trouble, and then Alvise tries one page from the Stygian Zinogre playbook and goes for Pleo with a lunge cancel into an antiair reach, but it is the canine who gets a Dragon typed attack for his trouble.

Still, this inspires Pleo to just Try Harder. Because all the Pokémon games can be brute-forced! :p

I think that Pleo has a biiiit of his work cut out for him there, just saying. Even if in the longer term, he could absolutely brute force most encounters. ^^;

Aaaaand Alvise proceeds to take out Pleo.

And you just know he’s never ever going to shut up about it in the equivalent of bar stories.

The power of fr- excuse me, the Power of Friendship, now exudes from Nida as she has to save the plot once again! And she’s surrounded by The Light! Dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN.

Yup! It’s time! Your NIDA is evolving!


Your NIDA continues to evolve!


Your NIDA has evolved!

The desperate B-Buttoning in between just sells this moment.

It is the once-in-a-lifetime event Crom has been waiting for. I mean, we all. We all have been waiting for. After lots and lots of chapters and adventures and having to endure the to-do of quite some chaperoning on her part, Nida finally evolves into a Nidorina.

Yup! It won’t be the last such moment in the story, but we figured that we’d been keeping the audience waiting for long enough to see the cast start evolving.

The two go at each other, with Alvise doing the tried and true electric spasm attack and having the advantage of distance!


Nida, now in a stronger and more resilient body, manages to still breach the distance and get close enough to land a crippling, well-aimed, poison attack pretty much at Alvise’s yugular!

>that cutaway

Hilariously enough, that’s more or less the explicit logic we used for this sequence.

And while the two Pokémon fall, Alvise does not any promptly get back up.

Double K.O.!​


Hush, precious spy.

That Elty commentary made me giggle there.


Some other time, it seems, because with the battle finished here and the fires beginning to rage, and pretty much everyone unconscious or half there, the current (get it? current?) screentime for Team Valatos has them all but fade into unconsciousness.

Valatos: “Wait, what? I refuse to believe that this is the end of our appearances. Get my agent on the line!”

As if! Darth Valter is quick to slap these three now-prisoners back to reality. The three mons, now tied up after their defeat, are brought in to be JUDGED!

Because now, Darth Valter and Emperor Cernum show up into the proceedings.

Alvise et al:

As such, Team Valatos is now assigned to what given the circumstances will be a long offscreen time…

…ooooor an escape plot. Who knows!

This is actually the last that we’ll see of these three… in Fledglings.

No promises on anything outside of that. :V

What might happen to them, we shall know after the next review, because the next one will be some bits of Ch.73 and the majority of Ch.74 but from the other doggo perspective of this arc: Elty!

Elty: “Alright, that’s what I’m talking about!”

Hess: "It is with a heavy heart that I, Hess, captain of this crew, have to announce that our team of volunteers has been killed in action."
Crew Vileplume: "Uuuuh sir but we have not even recovered the bodies."
Hess: [sighs] "Fine then, file them as missing in action."
Crew Drednaw: "...I feel like this crew gets lots of disrespect... I don't think Eltenios would like it much if he returned."
Rodion: "Nonsense! We love Eltenios around here don't we, Captain?"
Hess: "Oh yes, very good spy doggo. Much committed. A shame other doggos are not like that."

Elty: “Go away, you! You’re not even in this scene right now!”

Valter: "Have you chosen, death?"
Guardia: "We've been trying to help you for 0.35 chapters already, you idiot!"
Kiran: "W-we don't know her I swear..."

Kiran: “(Not that you’ve been making this any easier for us.)” >_>;

Kiran: "We have a 63% effectiveness record against Hess! Nothing about him slips by us!" ^_^
Elty: [silently being a good spy o3o]

Valter: “Why are you bragging about an effectiveness record that low?” -;

Darth Valter: "I'm sorry but I have contractual obligations as a jerkass. That I enjoy."
Cernum: "Come on Valter, this can't be that bad. You can be a pretend jerkass all you want, but you are scared! That you'll never be as jerk as Kline!"
Kline: "Hey! That's uncalled for! I'm not an unlikable hindrance, right guys?"
Kiran: [compiling statistics on who wouldn't ditch Kline]
Ander: [once again considering the death of the self]
Crom: [recalling conversations with Pladur about what seasonings would go well with Kline]
Cernum: [recalling incidents of domestic terrorism]
Kline: "...Guys?"

Kline: “I could see all of that happening, you know!” >;

Nida: "Oh no... you don't think he's ditching us again, is he?"
Pleo: "Rumors are he went off to fix a mistake... he likes us! He wouldn't leave us!"
Kiran: "He totally wouldn't! He still owes 28% of his community service sentence!"
Trizano: "Oh, maybe I can provide some help?"
Nida: "Yes please! Our partner with the designated screentime has left us!"
Crom: [points to self and Nida] "If you can't take us to Elty we'll fade to black for this review!"
Kiran: "..."
Trizano: "...?"
Nida: "..." o.o [blushes]
Crom: [fidgeting] "Um,"
Nida: "Crom now's not the time!"


: "What we mean to say is we need to chase after him."

I’m dying with these shipping gags you’ve got going on. :mewlulz:

Crom: "Yeah, we don't want to fade to offscreen for this chapter."
Trizano: "Say no more! Heroes always have room for screentime! Lets-a-go!"
Guardia: [sheepishly] "C-can I come with too? H-he's a baka and I'm worried..."

But he's your baka, Guardia. Totally shippable. o3o

I mean, Elty does have the form that can quite conveniently become a mount, so…

Eltenios meanwhile has made it all the way back to the Iron Fleet's positioning, at the entrance of the Mystery Dungeon. After all, he knew this was the only viable access point for a raid. (Really, what is Valter even worrying about? Alvise is already inside o3o)

Hess: "Okay everyone, time to seize the means of production... of rum!"
The Crew: "Woo hoo!"
Hess: "Shall no one get in our way!"

Alvise: “I thought that I was best doggo-”

Elty: “Oi, go back to being passed out in the village!”

Crew Litten: "Why am I the only Fire-type without good screentime?"
Pieter: "Forget about that! Captain! He's a traitor! He attacked us earlier!"
Elty: "I have a good explanation for that actually."
Rodion: "Listen, he has attacked us several times..."
Elty: ".... okay that one might be a bit more complicated."
Cpt. Hess: "Enough everyone! Elty has been on secret mission as a spy!"
Pieter: "Wat."
The crew: "...the fuck?"

Lmao. You sure know your way to building up to a punchline there.

Kichiro: "Hey I can multiclass as a Priest of Pleo Lord of Storms!" ^_^

Sus, Kichiro. Sus.

I think he needs to work on his attitude a bit before he starts worrying about being a priest of any sort. :P

Elty:" "What do you mean you have a plan?"
Crew Pawniard: "Wait, captain, that's dangerous! You are thinking too much!"
Crew Voltorb: "Yeah, it's Hess we're talking about!"
Hess: "Oi! Quit it with the disrespect! And you! Betray those hicks already!"
Elty: "But they're my friends!"
Crew Foatzel: "We are your friends!"
Hess: "Really man, come on, you are part of our crew!"
Elty: "...Well, maybe we could all be friends?" ^_^

Iron Fleet:

Elty: “Wait, but isn’t that a character from another-”
Hess: “Don’t have an emote of my own yet to do it in person. Give it a couple months.”

Yeah no that does not work like that. While it makes some sense that Hess wants a Protector for pirates, Pleo is kinda sorta already that, so it's not too convenient to force and try his hand after the recent experience in the Empire's capital. Plus, it's not like there's enough legendaries around so that everyone can get a Protector.

I now have some riff of Oprah going “and you get a Protector, and you get a Protector” stuck in my mind now. I blame you for that. ^^;

(Also if it's for a ship crew, we all know already that precious Cabot and his team ft. best Noble have got dibs on hosting and raising the birb.

Pleo: "They've already entertained me before! As a guest! We can do that again!"
Cpt. Nagant: [seethes in the background]

Pleo: “... Or we could not visit her house again anytime soon, that works, too.”

Dimitri: "Don't worry we are here!"
Ander: "Not that I don't like the good screentime but why did we have to come here to fight?"
Rodion: "That's exactly what we'd like to know!"
Hess: "Someone has been causing a ruckus."
Guardia: "Welll... Let's ask this baka."
[everyone stops and turns to stare at Elty]
Elty: "Uuuuh.... friendship?"
Kichiro: "Well maybe you should Reflect on that!"

That pun is horrible, you know that?

Sure enough, Kichiro in his current role of monk / priest boosts Hess's Team and there they go, tanking hits from Team Traveler including some clubs by Guardia. What's worse for the hero team, is Hess can do EQ, and he shows to be effective enough on that. The only immediate cushion for TT on that is that Hess gets a burn status but that's something Rodion and Kichiro can handle.

So Elty has the idea of getting Kichiro off the game in the first place!

Elty: "Guardia, want to do something crazy?"
Guardia: "I'd rather do something that works!"
Elty: "Por qué no los dos? Just twirl that club with some flair, with a boost?"
Guardia: "Since when do you have good ideas?"

Elty: “Hey! I have plenty of good ideas!”

While Guardia is powering up, Hess and Kichiro work up to take down Instant Teammates, much to Guardia's Alarm, but this allows Elty to interfere by calling out Kichiro and taunting him, a timely trickery that draws aggro away from Guardia and Dimitri at a critical moment.

Indeed, this leads to Kichiro getting distracted during sweeping Elty down to the ground, which results in Dimitri recovering and putting Kichiro down to the ground.

Kichiro: “Urgh… gods, I hate 4x weaknesses.” X.X

Trizano grabs Guardia and Elty and we get some aerial maneuvers, which eventually allow for Guardia to smack Hess with the power of gravity. Rodion grounds Trizano but this still gets Elty in position to go one on one against Hess:

Elty: "Sooooo, about that vacation time..."

Elty gets to Flame Wheel Hess and win that one particular encounter!

Hess: “... Ow.”

Rodion: "Wait, this changes everything!"
Kichiro: "What do you mean?"
Rodion: "He took down the captain... does that mean a Klingon Promotion?"
Kichiro: "...Let's hope not, we still have to answer to the rest of the crew, let's go!"
Darth Valter: "Not so soon, invaders. Your raid time is over."
Hess: "You win this one, but we're leaving a 1-star Yelp review on this site for the Company's records!"
Darth Valter: "A review??? Oh no!"

Oh, so that’s why Valter has been keeping everyone they catch here on the island.

Cabot: "We had a great time there! And we made friends with Pleo!"
Berecien: "Eeeeeh, if you want to call it that..."
Cpt. Nugget: [seethes at recalling the checkers game, the call-out to his nobility, the fact that Cabot got assigned the VIP cabin, etc...]

Elty: “Good thing we’re not running into them again anytime soon. Right? Right…?

And while Elty has every right to enjoy this new development, he's willing to take a bit of high ground and address Valatos and his team directly. He imparts on some of his earned life experience.

Alvise: "What, did you come to rub it in?"
Elty: "Yes but no. See, I am doing Community Service currently, and it's not that bad."
Valatos: "We'd have to go around taking orders!"
Elty: [raises brow] "Which is different from before... how?"
Valatos: "...Okay that's a good point."
Elty: "But listen: If anything, this can get you you lots of screentime!"

And with that, Valatos and his team are sent off to be thrown to the brick.

With some parting
as salt in the wound, but we’ll let Review!Alvise and the gang have a bit of a break here.

Elty meanwhile has a bit of a character moment explaining to Guardia that he had hoped, from secondhand experience, that he could have a good parting of ways with Cpt. Hess even if temporary. And it's understandable that he feels very bad that things did not go okay, since he's now basically broken ties with his family.

Guardia: "...B-but you have your family back home, right?"
Elty: "No, not really... I'm dungeonborn and stuff happened, and there was this prison that Kline mentioned..."
Guardia: [clocks club]: "That snake. Ruining things even in backstory!"

Kline: “For the record, I literally had nothing to do with that one. Mostly.”

Aaaaand there's the fact of that Elty Special I have to get to at some point. Because damn, sad backstories. Aaaaaaa I'm not ready for that!


Still, this means that Elty gets to open up to the team a bit more, and Guardia offers more or less the only assurance she or Nida or Crom can offer: that at least Team Traveler can stick around for each other.

Elty got some development here which was nice because of the whole fiasco with his aborted awesomeness a few chapters back. I can totally understand him asking for vacation time and even more now with his personal stuff coming to the forefront. Because he totally deserves a time to chillax, ya know? Like you know who else?

Suocéverse!Eltenios: [loafing by a meadow while humming to some nifty Eurobeat bop]

Oh don’t worry, that doggo doesn’t exactly get many breaks himself. Since I know what his employers are like. >:V

Bunsen: "Fat chance! I hold the home island in ransom."
Darzin: [waving emergency flags from offscreen]
Marley: [holding a sting to Bunsen's neck] "Don't count on your screentime too much, meat."

Bunsen: “G-Gih! She’s not supposed to be able to do this in the script!”

And with that, doggo screentime for these reviews comes to a close. A good advancement on the adventure and Team Traveler finally obtains the Ledger for the KEY ITEMS bag, so we can proceed to the next event flag.

All in all, two whole chapters of pretty good screentime for the best doggos.

Elty: “Best doggo, but I’ll take it!”

Ketu: [sparring] "Someone rang?"

Ssssh Ketu, you don't count as a dog.

Ketu: “Cool story, bro. I’m here to crash your review anyways.”

Lyn: "Really Ketu, we need to have words about your mysterious screentime. As well as the why are we having screentime in this review."
Ketu: "Well it sounds sensible to me!"
Lyn: "What do you mean?"
Ketu: "I was absolutely, totally fooled with the whole Ditto thing. You didn't think I would have risked my neck into this operation if we weren't sure it was the real deal, didn't you?"
Lyn: "...I mean, sure. Unless you've got something else going on."
Ketu: "Who? Me?" o3o

When this whole thing comes crashing down I'm totally okay with Lyn being the one to slice Ketu open. Just sayin'. o3o

Ketu: “Oh, I’m sure he’ll try there…”

Lyn: "That still does not explain the dog review part."
Ketu: "I mean, Captain, we need the screentime! In this economy!"
Lyn: [sighs] "A fair point..."
Ketu: "Think of it like this: Samurott have dog-like snouts so you can totally count. Plus, we are hounds of war."
Lyn: "...I'll concede that part."
Ketu: "And you are my bitch." o3o
Lyn: "...."
Ketu: "...." ^_^

Once again: sliced. open.


One of the terms for a male otter in English is a ‘dog’, so in a way, we do still have a scene with a dogg-


But anyway we now got to the end. See? Doggos!

Luca screentime when.

Sometime around when we start writing stuff outside the main plot again.

Though thanks for the two-parter review. It was a lot of fun and really brightened my and Virgil’s day to read. ^^

And since I don't feel like axing a bunch of images, just moving the rest into its own post:

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Chapter 27

Ah yes, the old “commander reprimands his subordinates for slacking off” moment. First comparison to come to mind was the “Crashing the mobile artillery into a house?!” scene from XC1 and now I imagine this Rhydon to have the same voice as Vangarre. I’m not sorry.

That… actually works surprisingly well, even if I’d imagine that he’d sound a bit deeper and less “scrawny”.

I have to praise the unique species pick for Valatos, given how uncommon Yanmega are in PMD fics. Legit can’t think of a single other named Yanmega anywhere.

Glad to hear. Since this story gets a decent amount of mileage from giving offbeat Pokémon a day in the limelight. ^^;

Administrator Farn certainly gives off intimidating vibes. That makes it an easy guess for which Luxray ability she has, then.

I mean, it helps that her name is literally a play off a term for ‘fear paralysis’, so…

The Braixen was a Zoroark all along? I suppose if they were openly the latter, that would allow distrust to fester, given the usual reputation Zoroark usually get. On another note, that’s yet another Zoroark non-MC character - a trend I’ve seen a surprising amount of in PMD fics. Then again, they are popular…

I mean, they’re not quite Lucario in terms of fandom popularity, but they’re up there. More importantly, they have a fun set of party tricks that only a small handful of other Pokémon can kinda do, and not anywhere near as well.

I can’t exactly blame Lyn for his wariness to cut Pleo’s feathers - Farn’s anger would probably be just as bad if our precious little Lugia came back to them harmed.

You’d think so, but no, for reasons that Farn actually explained later in the scene. Cut feathers aren’t exactly permanent on birds.

Seems there’s some baggage with this Darzin person - I wonder what’s going on there?

You’ll find out in due time.

For the port towns we’ve seen so far, I always picture Sea Winds and Travelers from FE Echoes as an appropriate music accompaniment.

I could buy it, honestly.

What a warm, welcoming establishment the ‘bokuya is. Not.

Makes you wonder who its normal clientele are, huh? :V

Hang on, that Zangoose’s name is Scian - the Irish word for knife. Could it be…? :eyes:


Holy shit confirmed. We’re getting close to that Irish-speaking island that Fobbie’s alluded to a few times and I await seeing more people like the Zangoose eagerly. :veelove:

Well, you won’t have to wait for too long. Especially since that won’t be the last time you see that Zangoose either.

Oof, being hugged by your son with Rough Skin. That’s gotta hurt.

Nah, he’s fine since he shouldn’t be scraping up against Crom in a rough manner like you would when coming to physical blows.

Oh dear, Elty can’t pay. And now they’ve got an angry barkeep on their hands.

This lot speak in Spanish, and one of them’s a Nidorino. Could there be a familial relation to Nida here? :eyes: Seems like there might be…

It wouldn’t really shock me if Machalí was a distant relative given that Nidos kinda have a thing for large families in this story. He’s at least one generation removed from living on Tromba, though.

Chapter 28

I get the feeling that the Siglo Swellow gang will always be one step behind where Team Traveller are, but when they do eventually catch up, it’ll be a Big Damn Heroes moment with happy reunions abound.

Hold onto that thought, really.

Now back to Kenobi, where our trio appear to be heading into a rougher part of town. A good sign, surely (not).

I mean, it’s better than Andaku, at least?

They have sliding doors here? Wasn’t expecting that.

I mean, they are staples of East Asian architecture and have been around our planet in various forms for almost 2000 years. They even popped up in some places that you might find relevant for your own story.

Lmao they really thought they’d get volunteers for Apricorns? :mewlulz: Only daredevils would dare sign up for that.

Scholls: “It was worth a shot?” ^v^;

That is in the nature of mythology, to have similar version of tales between cultures.

Makes you wonder where they all got it from, huh?

This long-winded explanation reminds me of a Paper Mario-esque sceen when a character gives a boring, long-winded speech and the characters all fall asleep.

I mean, more or less, yeah. There is a reason why there was a zoomahead moment there. ^^;

Deciphering the writings of old - a familiar struggle to archaeologists. I can imagine those studying Linear A can relate to such difficulties.

Indeed. Sounds like these guys need to find themselves a Rosetta Stone, huh?

Those guys are on the bad side of the Cubone and Marowak, huh? I think I see where the next party member’s gonna come into the story…

That obvious, eh?

So capturing Pleo’s gonna be these guys’ stepping stone to getting out of trouble and possibly striking it rich through bounties, eh?

Well, that’s the plan, at least.

So I guess it’s not Nori, Alvise and Valatos they have to worry about first, but ferals instead. Cubone, specifically.


Elty taking the bone and running with it, making dogs everywhere proud (or jealous) as he goes. Lil' pupper~

I mean, yeah, it’s a gag image prompt that pops up every one and then in the fandom, but it was funny enough to roll with here. :V

These Cubone are surprisingly stubborn foes. And there’s a whole colony of them in here…This ain’t looking good.

Guardia: “No, no. This is looking pretty great to me.”

Quite a nosy Clawitzer there - and a familiar face at that… :eyes: We’re definitely gonna be seeing more of her in the future, that’s for sure.

Yeah, I’ll bet considering how much you saw of her in Casting Off.

Over to that Beheeyem that Nori was referring to, where working life appears to have sucked him dry. I can relate.

I mean, it helps that the guy effectively has a not terribly legal side hustle there.

And they’re being cornered by the Marowak, along with their iron-clubbed leader? …Perhaps surrendering here might be the better choice after all.

I mean, if they didn’t care about Team Taxonomy’s journal, they could’ve fought things out, but…

Interesting lore about Cubone helmets and about the ways they’re mended over time.

Yeah, the workings of how Cubone and Marowak would live their daily lives together were one of the things we had fun with in this chapter. Doing some sort of story to do a deeper dive has always been lurking there as a background item on my plot bunny farm, so who knows? Perhaps I’ll write about another colony of the little buggers one day.

Aww, Pleo learning about paint. Cute little birb~

And as it turned out, that caused the amicable turn that gave the leader incentive to offer them rest.

I mean, Pleo has a way of doing that. ^.^

Back over to Boisocéan, where father, son, mentor and the village outcast are going looking.

Margi and Daraen are leaving to escape the Company? I suppose the Company sails on the Siglo Swellow are doing more harm if they’re causing this reaction.

Here’s hoping that Margi and Daraen don’t end up being visited by the Company who vowed vengeance upon them for aiding and abetting Pleo.

Margi: “Well, good thing we’re fleeing to a haven then, huh?”

Back to the Cubone colony, where our three heroes are clear sleeptalkers. Might as well have them learn Rest and Snore further down the line to capitalise on this strength. :copyka:

Now there’s a thought there.

Being hit by a Cubone’s club is certainly a surefire method to wake someone up. On the other hand, ouch, that’s gotta hurt for those on the receiving end.

Elty: “Not cool!”

Literacy from a feral? Damn, Pleo’s getting outclassed here. :sadbees:

To be fair, Tetsuzui’s kinda an anomaly relative to the rest of the colony there.

Quite difficult to imagine little Pleo being the size of a house. But he’ll grow into a fine Lugia one day, I’m sure.

I mean, he’s already getting there even if he’s not caught up size-wise, don’t you think? :V

So this is where the ‘trial’ mention earlier begins. Cue the music, then.

That… works surprisingly well for that moment, really.

So this is where that Cubone from the title card comes into the fold. Welcome to the gang, Shugodeshi.

Or never mind, Guardia. Better name, less long-winded.

Yup. You’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the future.

Also I see that Elty’s gonna get his fair share of baps in the near future from his new teammate.

Elty: “This was a mistake, I can already tell.” >_>;

Chapter 31

Turns out that, for all her ferocity, Guardia doesn’t know squat about the outside world.

Thus why she’s being sent out to learn. :V

Oh crud, those three are being teleported right into where Team Traveller are.

I mean, they did very specifically seek out a teleporter to arm-twist, so…

Looks like the team have an uphill battle at first here, but at least they have the numbers advantage with Guardia in tow.

Lightningrod working its magic. In multi-opponent fights, it’s certainly a godsend.

Indeed. It definitely helped the gang out a lot for this fight.

Just noticed that every village elder thus far on Pleo’s side has done a damn good job at standing up to their enemies. Hatteras, Maranda, and now Tetsuzui - great to know that Pleo has such allies by his side.

Pleo: “If they’re all like this, we’ll get back home in no time!” [lugiyay]
Elty: “Aaaaand you jinxed it.”

Chapter 32

Do Marowak and Cubone necessarily need their clubs? Given they learn a whole host of other moves that don’t involve their club. Guess Nori should’ve thought of that for situations like this one. :copyka:

They don’t necessarily need them per se, even if it heavily curtails their default fighting style. This story rolls with a take that Cubone and Marowak frequently have some degree of “security blanket” tendencies about their clubs, which when they’re parted from them for long enough… well, it’s a fast way of telling just how brave a particular individual is.

This part feels a bit repetitive - maybe simply reduced “their companion” to “him”?

Went back and tweaked that.

Always gotta love when baddies get their comeuppance, and that’s no difference here. That’s what you all get for messing with the cutest thing around~

Bold of you to assume that they’ve learned their lesson there.

Seems like the Cubone colonists have a back entrance. But now that begs the question - what are our intrepid foursome going to do now? Over to the next island, presumably?

Thick sea fog makes me think that’ll be the perfect environment for ghosts to come out. In fact, come to think of it, I do vaguely recall seeing a teaser in the #fic-updates in TRCord about a chapter that involved a ghost ship…

That’s a story for another day when you get there.

Good to know that Pleo’s big enough to carry a third small ‘mon. Even as a babe, he’s still a capable carrier.

I mean, where did you think the banner art came from?

So now the mission is for Pleo to get more power to defend himself with. Hopefully he’ll become a force to be reckoned with. :quag: I wonder if there’ll be someone Legendary tutor he’ll train his power with - that would be cool to see.

Hold onto that thought there.

‘Dead Zone’ sounds like a hella ominous place - which no doubt means our gang will be going there at some point. Here’s hoping they can survive by the skin of their teeth whenever they head there.

We’re actually not that far off from that point in the off-site version of the story. With a little luck, it’ll wind up starting to come over the horizon plot-wise in about 18-ish months.

Already predicting that Vollezee is the Dutch-speaking island and where Valatos comes from.

Cue that one Plankton gif again.

Bold of you to speak badly of ferals in a den of ferals, Elty.

That was less intended to be speaking ill of them and more emphasizing that “the part I actually like isn’t friendly to visit”

All these options being read out does speak volumes as to just how much the Company controls in this world. Monopolies on land control are never fun for those who have to live under them, and doubly so for those who have to flee them. :sadbees:

Well, that’s more an issue of them controlling all the parts nearby them. There’s some waters beyond their control that aren’t that far away.

Well, at this rate, you might well have to be, Nida. :copyka: Mightn’t be so bad - I could imagine Pleo rocking a pirate’s hat pretty well.

Nida: “Don’t give him ideas!” >_>;

Tough crowd, Elty, explaining astrolabes and stars to those who don’t know what those are. :mewlulz:

This talk of using stars as a guide makes me wonder if Kichiro had a specialty in that back in Hess’s crew, given Ledian’s natural affinity with starlight.

That feels pretty plausible, really. Especially since he likely also helps with navigating during cloudy days due to being the most likely member of the Iron Fleet’s higher-ranked Pokémon to see polarized light.

Lmao, Guardia’s reactions to flying. :mewlulz: I suppose a Ground-type living in the ground would be completely unused to it.

Guardia: “I don’t see how this is remotely funny right now!”

Hang on a minute, this ship…with a Sandslash and a Clawitzer…is this what I think it is? :eyes:

Oh, there’s a Ponyta as well. Yep, this is what I think it is.
Now where’s the one I’ve been awaiting most of this fic for…?


There he is! Best little dino! Oh, Cabot, you’re finally here! :veelove:


A new faction joins the mix…the Empire, who after a few passing mentions are finally beginning to make their move.

Which isn’t exactly great news for our protagonists, but such is life when one of your friends has a giant bullseye on them.

Oh crud, that’s a storm, and Pleo’s heading right for it.

Except he seemed to weather it pretty well. Almost forgot for a minute that Lugia tend to have some ability to control that very thing.

Thus why he found it soothing and not stressful.

And it seems Guardia’s a little too eager to pick fights. Looks like there’s some adjusting from her feral life to get over, so it’s not as though Team Traveller have been handed a Disc One Nuke with her.

I mean, they were arguably handed a Disc One Nuke in Chapter 3, it’s just not consistent.

Huh, another PSMD-alike in that Swirlix there. I wonder if that was intentional, given what you said before about Hatteras not being a dead ringer for PSMD!Ampharos.

That one in particular was unintentional.

Hearing ‘Nani?’ from Guardia makes me wonder if she’ll ever say ‘Omae wa mo shindeiru’ at any point. Probably not, but a humorous thought nonetheless.

Never say never there, even if it’d require some very specific contexts to bring up.

Oh, a Skarmory! :quag: Another favourite ‘mon of mine being a character in this story. This is why I love big cast adventures, because there’s plenty of species about and thus plenty of chances to rope in a reader’s favourite species and get them hooked on the fic that way. Or for current readers, a way to endear them to a character based on species alone (as you’ve no doubt seen with me and Hess).


And Trizano is certainly an interesting character with his flamboyant nature. I look forward to seeing more of him in the future.

Hold onto that thought there.

Clever play on words what I’m assuming is one of the main inspirations behind this fic.

More a supporting inspiration, but yes. It’s exactly a reference to what you think it is.

This Grovyle totally isn't suspicious at all, no sirree. Not at all.

Salvini: “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”

I might be missing something - what’s the ‘investigator looking for the missus and the kid’ implying and/or referencing?

You’ll get an implied answer to this down the road.

Great job, you two. Keep that abysmal lying up and the Company will have you in stocks before long. :mewlulz:

I mean it worked well enough for them? ^^;

Oh boy, Alvise, Nori and Valatos are in for a hiding from their higher-ups. :copyka:

Which is precisely why they’re attempting to run far, far away from them.

Back to Mengir, where we find a named Gyarados character. Again, unique choice - I’m struggling to think of any other PMD fics with a named Gyarados character.

I mean, there’s Magikarp from Shiver Me Timbers, but now that you mention it, it does seem to be an uncommon species, yes.

Or judging by Zorn’s reaction, clearly not someone worth his time. Funny how Ellsberg starts out as Lyn’s boss and seems to be uppity and high strung, yet shrinks back in the face of a more menacing Administrator like Zorn.

Technically, Ellsberg is more the middle manager checking up on Lyn, but yeah, this is otherwise pretty on the mark here.

I get the feeling this won’t be the last dig we hear about Darzin’s weight.

I mean, Dragonite are kinda target-rich for such digs, really.

The Petrification of Conntow? That sounds like a sinister historical event alright, one that brings to mind a town of civilians being turned to stone.

Hold onto that thought there.

Oh dear, Zorn's got a plan that the team are going to fall for hook, line and sinker. And one that might well land our little Protector in a world of hurt.

That obvious, huh?

Outside Zorn's chambers, we’re introduced to a whole bunch of new faces here on Mengir. No doubt some readers might complain about this fic having too many characters (they probably have done already), but I like it. If all the characters came in the first few chapters of the fic and not many new characters introduced here, it would make this island a bit sparse in terms of citizenry.

(On a side note to that, I may be taking a few notes here in regards to that for my own fic, regarding not being afraid to introduce more characters to make a region or country feel ‘lived in’, so to speak.)

Such is life in an episodic format story. Though yeah, while some authors are sticklers about ‘nominal important’, sometimes attaching a name to a face helps them stick out to readers a bit more.

Seems we have more Marked on this island. Surely it’ll be sooner rather than later that the Company will use one in their plot to catch Pleo, and instead of something like Ander’s reluctance allying with the Siglo Swellow gang, there’ll be a Marked desperate to exterminate Pleo to the point of hunting him down to the ends of the Cradle.

Hold onto the thought about someone using a Marked to go after Pleo there…

Part of me wonders if one of these Company administrators might actually turn a blind eye to Team Traveller at one point, do a Duessel, turn against the Company and help our little heroes out.

Well, I don’t know about an administrator there, but…

Maybe you should listen in on that second convo, Crom. Might help you with Nida further down the line when you're both a bit older. :copyka:

Or it could help the next time they meet. /s

Hmmmm, something very fishy going on with Ander’s bag there, possibly. Or…could it be a Metal Coat?


Oh no, the bounties are here. And I can already imagine a Wingull seeing at Pleo’s wanted poster and yelling, “Oi! He looks nothing like us!” :screm: and tearing it to shreds à la Nia in XC2.

Alas, Xenoblade 2 wasn’t out when this was originally written, otherwise that’d have been a tempting gag to throw in.

Over to Team Traveller now, and it appears our gang have overslept. That’s what happens when you don’t get your eight hours, kiddos.

Elty: “For the record, I never asked for this.”

Another Guardia culture clash. I get the sense this might be a recurring theme for a while until our resident Cubone learns more about the world beyond her colony.


Drawing pictures might be a bit too big an ask for at least one of this gang of four. Though Guardia could manage - she’s probably done it in her colony before - and Pleo with his Lugia yaoi hands mightn’t fare too badly as well.

Well, that, and they very specifically want those pictures inside.

Lmao Salvini’s reaction to them wanting to play on the sands. :mewlulz: Makes me wonder, though; could this be what makes our resident Grovyle begin to have second thoughts?


Chapter 35

I have to laugh at the fact that the Company ‘mons completely forget the fact they’re dealing with a group of kids. :mewlulz:

I mean, they were advertised as something quite different, so…

Why do I get the feeling Alvise, Nori and Valatos will end up with the Iron Fleet? Given that they’re missing three members (Elty, Pyry and Pekka), and having three ex-pirates show up at their door would conveniently fill those slots. And maybe even result in a betrayal arc from our resident fire pubby when he learns he’s been replaced, if this theory ever does come to fruition.

Technically, they’re missing a bit more than three members right now, but you will already have an answer to this feeling from checking some of the art for this story.

So the pirates are a necessary evil, to make sure the Empire doesn’t swoop in and claim Kenobi for themselves.

Pretty much, yeah.

Lmao Guardia still in the ambush preparation frame of mind when being jolted from sleep. :mewlulz:

Yeah, we had fun with little moments like those. :V

Pleo definitely falling into the category of Attention Deficit…Ooh, Shiny! right here.

I mean, he is like a month old, so…

Oh, it’s a Blast Seed plant? Looks like the team might have a new ammunition supply. Also I see the blast seeds here take the form of throwable projectile as opposed to a fire breath after ingesting it. Slight pity there - part of me was hoping Pleo would have an interesting experience breathing fire after chomping down on a blast seed.

They actually do both. You got to see Crom use it in fire breath fashion all the way back in the third episode.

Apricorn farming? …That can’t mean anything good, given what we know about them thus far.

What, you’re telling me that growing implements that at best put you through freaky immobilization and at worst doom you to slowly dying from thirst or starvation isn’t what an island on the up-and-up would do?

‘Defilers’ sure seem to be a common insult hurled at civilised ‘mons by ferals. First Kenobi’s Mystery Dungeon, and now here on Mengir too.

Almost as if they’re upset about something, huh?

Funny how aborting the mission would throw the Company’s plans even more out of wack. Then again, maybe it would provide them with the means to capture them on the spot and save Salvini and Hertsog the trouble of having to delve into the Mystery Dungeon.

Salvini and Hertsog would’ve probably immediately stepped in and ambushed the gang had they gotten cold feet, yes.

Slight correction here.

Thanks for pointing that out, we went and touched that up.

Ah, so Trizano’s diligence in getting missions done is why the mission board in the Guild is so bare. Interesting, interesting. There’s also the matter of his patron - I wonder who that could be?

Also hold onto that thought there.

Oh, he’s gonna be their saviour! :veelove: Nothing better than a favourite ‘mon of mine getting to be the hero.

Cue that one pirate reaction image from earlier.

Oh boy, now Nida’s gonna have to explain death to Pleo. This totally won’t end in a squawk of fear from our baby Loog.

Huh, that actually went better than I thought it would. But still, Pleo’s not really better off for it. :sadwott:

Yeah, death is quite a disconcerting topic to deal with for the first time as a child, and it was a vibe that we tried to have come through here.

So it seems this island’s Protector is Xerneas. It did just occur to me that I don’t recall a mention of Kenobi’s Protector at all - did I just miss that or has it not been revealed yet? Or does Kenobi even have a Protector?

Kenobi’s protector was Regigigas. Though it was less frontally presented than here, so I don’t blame you if it didn’t stick.

Oh right, the Protector’s egg was moved from Mengir. No wonder the ferals are all in a tizzy and more than a bit cross at outsiders that come in.


The conversation about death before, coupled with this feral Beautifly threatening to kill them, along with Zorn’s plan throwing light handling out the window - there’s no doubt things in this fic are going to take a turn for the violent.

I mean, this story does deliberately aim for ATLA/Digimon Tamers as its flavor of “Saturday Morning Cartoon”, so…

Turns out that Beautifly can be surprisingly threatening, if their Pokédex entries anything to go by.

Yeah, so this whole sequence was basically inspired by those forests in Mexico where Monarch Butterflies gather while migrating, and going “hey, what if there was a Beautifly version of that?” Now you have some ideas. :copyka:

Oh dear, this is a full-blown ambush.

There were a lot of Beautifly to deal with.

Over to Kenobi where Pladur turns out to be pants with directions. Leon would be proud.

Fortunately for Tromba, that’s one attribute that Hatteras doesn’t share with Taranis Super!Ampharos.

Poor little Pleo, thinking his friends are dead. :sadwott:

But then Trizano comes in to save the day and comfort him and help him out! :quag: My appreciation for him has shot up all the more.

Glad to hear that you’re liking him there. ^^

And now back to the Iron Fleet, where we see Hess. :veelove:

Granted, Hess is in more of a
mood there, but such is life.

Seems like it’s just as I predicted - those three from before are gonna join the Iron Fleet. (I am curious if the Strongjaw Gang might show up later - by the name, I’m gonna throw out a guess that the leader there is a Tyrantrum.)

That would be correct, yes.

Okay, I had a good chuckle at that. :mewlulz: I love it when characters do this, openly insulting others like this in front of their face. Makes for pretty comedic moments.

I mean, these sorts of moments are part and parcel for this story.

Hm, so recruiting Nori was a ploy by Kichiro to unnerve Hess? Fascinating…can’t help but wonder if there’ll be a schism between our resident Aggron and Ledian at some point down the line. Also, why does Hess feel this way about Marowak? Beyond the typing - deadly to Aggron - is there some implied history there that we don’t know about?

Nah, it’s just Kichiro being petty to get back at Hess for being loud and grouchy earlier.

Hmmm, getting the sense that there’s more to Trizano than meets the eye, especially if he feels some sort of kinship with Pleo. Definitely watching this space for sure. :eyes:

You would be right to, really.

Damn, looks our gang are well and truly cornered. And with them in the state that they are…I suspect this could make for an easy capture on the Company’s part. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out that way…

I suppose that’s something you’ll just have to come back and find out, huh?


And I’ll leave it there for now. It was great getting back to this fic after so long away from it, and with a boatload (partially intended pun there) of new characters to soak in. Of all of them, I absolutely adore Trizano for him being a Skarmory with flamboyant Large Ham tendencies, his willingness to help out Pleo, and the mystery surrounding him and his benefactor that I'm more than a bit curious to find out about. :eyes: Either way, I'll probably be all :veelove: whenever he shows up next.

Also Cabot finally shows up! Something I've been waiting for a while after starting up this fic, and now I'm looking forward to seeing more of him and the Casting Off gang in the chapters to come. :quag:

Glad to hear that you had fun with the character introductions in this section. These parts of the story admittedly were ones that some readers found drug a bit plot-wise, but we’re glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying yourself thus far.

There's also the usual moments of humour which got a laugh out of me, like when Kichiro insulted Wilhelm the Hoppip or Crom's sick burn towards the dairy caretaker on Boisocéan. :mewlulz: I like that - definitely fits the lighthearted tone this fic is going for.

Although speaking of lightheartedness, I did take note of the turn for the violent things could possibly be taking with Administrators like Zorn being the ones to make up plans that nearly resulted in Team Traveller being obliterated by the ferals in Mengir's Dungeon. It does represent a shift in story tone, but I do hope it's able to balance this shift towards the more
-worthy aspects that'll probably begin to creep into the story a bit more with the continued Saturday morning cartoon vibes that this fic has been going for and succeeded in getting across.

Just like Digimon Tamers /s

I mean, there are some parts of this story that will get a bit darker than others, but I’d like to think that Virgil and I have done a pretty consistent job at sticking to the vibe we set out with for this story.

Regardless of that, very good stuff! Definitely gonna try and pick this fic up more over the coming year.

And we’ll be looking forward to seeing you back! Thanks a million for the review! ^^

And with that, we begin the final stretch of catching up with the offsite version, with the arc that just wrapped up over on Serebii / AO3 / FFN. We anticipate that the streams will likely cross sometime in late summer to fall before TR starts getting releases of new chapters at the same time as everywhere else. But I suppose before that happens, we have a bit of fallout from last time to sift through, huh?
Chapter 92: Picking Up the Pieces New


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

Nida leaned her forearms against a battered chunk of railing on the Siglo Swellow's rear deck, looking off towards the east as the wind and the waves pricked her ears. It had only been a few minutes since Vollezee Island and its ramparts finally slipped over the horizon, but even so, the Nidorina couldn't bring herself to look away.

Shouting and the pounding of mallets on wood rang out from towards the bow. Maybe it was from the crew trying to somehow patch the front mast's yards back together well enough to sail with it. Or them trying to fix any of the thousand other things with the ship that needed repairs after Lyn, Zorn, and their underlings tore them up on their way out of Vollezee's lagoon.

Nida looked at the waves below. Normally Crom would be at her side at a moment like this and they'd try to cheer each other up, but he'd been beside himself and dissolved into tears not long after they cleared the sea walls, with Pladur having spent much of the time since then trying to console him.

… She couldn't imagine the rest of her teammates felt much better right now either. Not when she herself had found herself blinking back tears at times since then.

They'd gone into Vollezee with high hopes—of getting the second piece of the Ledger they needed to force the Company and the Empire to leave Pleo alone. To leave them alone. And all they'd managed was simply to trade one volume for the other, and get Kiran and a bunch of their allies captured for their trouble. All the while, one question just kept lingering and gnawing at her mind:

… Was there anything they could have done differently?

Nida hung her head and closed her eyes, brushing at them as she started to feel droplets well up once more, when something hard and metallic brush up against her hide.


The Nidorina stiffened up and hopped aside out of reflex, whirling around to see Trizano looking at her. The Skarmory hesitated briefly, before he motioned off with a wing towards the center of the deck.

"Captain Beatrix called for an all-hands meeting," he insisted. "I don't think you should miss this."

Nida pulled herself away from the railing and dropped to all fours, pinning her ears and shaking her head back with a quiet, glum sigh.

"Right, sorry to keep you waiting."

Trizano paced along the deck with Nida in tow for the gathering place, the Skarmory stopping every now and then after almost bumping into a passing sailor. Trizano's problems with his vision were less severe than she'd remembered Kiran and Pladur mentioning from prior days, but evidently his eyesight had yet to fully recover from the injuries Aldrich had inflicted on him.

The pair made their way down to the center deck, where the ship's various scars came back into view: the damaged front mast, the hole in the deck that had been hastily covered by makeshift grating being wedged in place, and various gouges and burn marks left behind on different chunks of wood.

At much the same time, she could also see the crew… or rather, what was left of it. A sorry, still-soaked group of dazed and frightened-looking Pokémon gathered around Beatrix and Vicente under the shadow of the main mast. The rest of Team Traveller was already there, and while some like Dimitri tried to keep on a brave face, they clearly weren't in high spirits. Pleo, Elty, and Guardia all looked visibly downcast, while Crom had his head buried into his father's shoulder as the Fraxure tried to comfort him. Ander had avoided the rest of the group entirely, opting to stay at the opposite edge of the crowd as he occasionally cast nervous glances at Pleo.

Nida stood there dumbly for a moment as she took her place alongside her teammates with Trizano. Among the sailors, a Golduck looked up at the damaged front mast and lingered on it. After a moment of hesitation, the Water-Type turned over at Beatrix and raised a question that had clearly been on much of the gathering's mind.

"… What do we even do right now?" the Golduck asked.

Beatrix had no response as her eyes drifted down towards the deck in thought. Her Hitmontop first mate was less reserved, as he glanced around at the Siglo Swellow's damage, before he spoke up with a sharp harrumph.

"We turn around and sail back to Tromba, that's what," Vicente scoffed.

Nida and her companions stared slack-jawed at the Fighting-Type. After everything that had happened, the ship's first mate was seriously suggesting they just give up? An annoyed buzz cut through the air, as Beatrix flitted up, glaring daggers at the Hitmontop.


"Captain, I'm serious," Vicente insisted. "You saw what we had to deal with back there! We're lucky to still be afloat right now!"

The Illumise stared at her Hitmontop first mate visibly taken aback. She gave a brief, flustered bat of her wings, before raising a tarsus to motion for calm.

"Vicente, cálmate un poco…"

The Bug-Type's appeal was interrupted by a stammering protest from the crowd, as Pladur cut into the conversation, visibly quailing.

"C-Captain, isn't there any other way for us to do all of this?" he pleaded.

The Fraxure was clinging tight to his child, who still let out occasional sniffles and wiped at his eyes. Pladur looked over at Beatrix, his red eyes sporting a pleading expression.

"I-I don't think that I can take much more of this," he said. "I don't want to see mi hijo get hurt."

Beatrix looked at the ship's cook and blanched. Pladur had never been a braveheart, but seeing him so rattled still took her aback. The Illumise weighed her words carefully, before flitting over and leaning in to speak up.

"Pladur, I understand that you're scared. We all are," she explained. "But we all need to take a step backwards for a moment and-"

"B-But we can't give up now!" Nida insisted. "We just got the Company's Ledger and-!"

"Yeah, and lost the one we had," a Sliggoo shot back. "Just how easily do you think we're going to get it back again from the likes of that Ketu 'mon?"

"And we left a full fifth of the crew behind on the way out!" a Dwebble added. "We don't even have a proper Tailwind team right now!"

A few of the former pirates on the crew grumbled in agreement, a Quilava muttering about how even Alice wasn't able to get away in their retreat. Crom wiped away a few tears as he looked up from his father's scales, the young Druddigon's voice coming out choking and haltingly as he too raised his voice in objection.

"A-And Kiran got taken too, and…"

Crom hitched and he began to cry again. Nida went up to him and nuzzled at him with an insistent "S-Saldrá bien. T-Todo saldrá bien." that from her tone of voice, she didn't fully believe herself. Guardia looked on and hesitated a moment, before shaking her head and batting her club against the deck for attention as she tried to appeal to her fellows on the ship.

"Look, if we just slink off here, then everything that we've done will have been for nothing-"

"Everything we've done might've already been for nothing."

Guardia bit her tongue and turned to see a Bayleef looking away with a defeated-sounding murmur.

"We have no idea of where Kline or Nerea are or if they're even alright. Or if anyone with them is alright," the Grass-Type said. "We're on a damaged ship in the middle of the sea. Just what on earth did we accomplish back there?!"

Pleo turned as Nida objected with a sharp "But it wasn't for nothing!". A Nosepass interjected back in protest, as the nearby Pokémon sorted themselves into camps between the arguing sides and the gathering devolved into a confused mass of conflicting arguments and shouts over each other. Pleo raised a wing and cried for attention, only to be drowned out and for him to pause and droop his head.

… Just what could he say right now? They'd gone into Vollezee, and like Nerea so many years before, had arguably left it worse off for their trouble. How was he supposed to reassure his friends and allies when he, as their Protector, hadn't been able to give them the aid they needed even with his powers?

"Everyone, just simmer down!"

A loud buzz cut through the air as the gathered Pokémon looked up and saw Beatrix had flit up and was training an impatient scowl down at them. Slowly but surely, the murmurs and arguing died down, as Beatrix descended back down to the ship's deck, and pinched at her brow with an audible, sharp breath.

"Look, I know that we're not in a good situation right now, but dwelling on everything that went wrong like this isn't helping," the Illumise began. "It's best to just take a few wingbeats back and examine the situation soberly."

She glanced over at the patched hole in the deck not far from the crowd's edge and then up at the burned and tattered sails attached to the forward mast above. The Bug-Type let her gaze linger for a moment, before lowering her head with an audible sigh.

"We… obviously need to make repairs soon, and we didn't get a chance to reprovision properly," Beatrix continued. "But Kline and Nerea aren't pushovers, and neither is that ocean clan with them. They could've very well helped our friends who got stranded get away."

A few low mutters went about the assembled Pokémon. The former pirates present didn't think much of the Illumise's reassurance… though neither did much of her more regular subordinates for that matter. A Dwebble from the crowd clicked his claws, giving a sharp, skeptical frown in reply.

"Or knowing our luck, they got captured," the Dwebble grumbled. "For all we know they're rotting in a cell right now. Or about to be put to work picking Apricorns, or to get shipped out to some hellhole like Nagrobek."

Beatrix looked back but didn't say anything in response. It… was hard to argue her subordinate's point, but there was precious little they could do to come to their friends' aid in their current condition. The Dwebble's words seemed to make much of the gathered Pokémon hesitate, including Vicente, who shot a doubtful glance at Beatrix before speaking up.

"Captain, I… understand you're trying to lift the mood, and I appreciate it, but… I just don't see what hope we have to go on right now."

Team Traveller's members froze as Beatrix seemed to have no counter to her first mate's remarks. There was no hope for Pleo to finally have peace and be able to return to Tromba without the Knight's Ledger, to say nothing about Elilan's schemes or anything else the Company or Empire might do in the future to the next Protector to hatch in Anyilla. But… if the Siglo Swellow's crew just genuinely had no further appetite for their present mission, just what were they to do?

Crom glanced aside with a glum hang of his head, when suddenly, on the front mast, he spotted movement. The Druddigon turned his head up and saw that there, latched against the wood was a green, serpentine figure moving down—one which a quick examination revealed was one of Kline's Cells.

"Ah! Kline!"

Team Traveller reflexively bolted over for the mast as the Cell inched down towards them. The other sailors gaped at it curiously and murmured over whether or not it was a good omen. Pleo didn't wait to try and puzzle out a meaning, and walked up to the Cell just as it settled at about his eye level and he raised his voice with breathless surprise.

"Are you okay?" the Lugia asked. "Did you guys make it out alright?"

The Zygarde Cell squirmed and inched around on the mast in reply. Pleo and his companions blinked and traded worried looks with one another. Were the movements there supposed to mean anything? Elty clicked his tongue and pinned his ears back briefly, before raising a paw and speaking up to the Cell on the mast.

"… Try wiggling to say 'yes', and staying still to say 'no'," he said. "But you're okay, right? You and your teammates?"

The Cell wiggled back and forth at the Growlithe's question, stopping briefly before repeating the same process to answer the second, which drew a collective sigh of relief. Travellers Above, at least something had gone right from their entire mission. If Kline and the rest of Team Zephyr had managed to slip Team Sentinel's grasp, then they still had a hope of getting the last part of Knights' Ledger from Conntow, and however difficult, still had a hope for recovering the one that had been stolen from them. Crom stepped forward towards the Cell, giving an anxious glance as he spoke up with a stammering query.

"W-Wait, but what about the others?" the Druddigon asked. "Are they alright? Is Kiran with you right now?"

Kline's Cell remained still. After a few seconds, Crom grimaced, realizing that Kline was telling them Kiran wasn't with him. The Druddigon hesitated a moment, as he tried to find some ray of hope.

"Or the sailors…? Or anyone from Dimitri's clan…? Or anyone else?"

Again, no response came to any of the questions. Team Traveller's members hung their heads, their spirits dampened at the realization that as far as Kline knew, he and his teammates were the only ones to escape. Perhaps there were others Kline hadn't been able to see through one of his Cells, but…

"That… wasn't what we were hoping to hear," Nida murmured. "But are you safe right now? Can you still move around?"

At last, the Zygarde Cell shook back in reply—to both questions, even—bringing a faint sense of relief to Team Traveller's members. They didn't have much to go on, but once they got their present predicament sorted out and Kline was there to help them…

Then there was still hope. Trizano sucked in a sharp breath, before looking over at Beatrix with a pleading expression.

"Captain Beatrix, I… know that this is a lot to ask of you and everyone else right now, but I don't think that all is lost right now," the Skarmory said. "We needed Kline's help in order to go to Conntow anyways to protect us from Yveltal's powers, and he's still able to help us."

The Illumise Captain turned and brought a tarsus up to her mouth in thought. Vicente cocked a brow at his superior for a moment, before shooting a dubious frown at Team Traveller's members.

"… How does that solve the issue of a third of the Ledger being stuck in the hands of a 'mon that you had to cut and run from?" the Hitmontop asked.

"We might have a workaround to it. Duke Valter and the others in Darkwood Square made a copy of the volume that Coil left behind," Trizano explained. "It's not the same as having the original, but the volumes of the Ledger are supposed to interconnect with one another. I can't guarantee it will work, but if we find the others, it might turn out that there's enough in them to make it obvious that our copy's contents weren't changed around."

Beatrix visibly hesitated for a moment and inhaled sharply as she warily answered the Skarmory.

"I suppose it'd make sense as long as we get the last ledger," she murmured.

A few sailors' eyes at once widened with alarm. After everything that they'd been through, was she seriously suggesting that they go off to…

"C-Captain Beatrix?! W-We're not seriously sailing to Conntow like this, are we?!" a Sliggoo exclaimed.

"Por todos los cielos! There's a hole in the middle of the deck right now!" a Nosepass protested. "How long do you expect this ship to last out in the Dead Zone in this state?!"

Beatrix looked back, before giving a sharp buzz and giving a stern glance in reply.

"I wouldn't dream of it in our present circumstances, especially without Kline here to help protect us," the Illumise insisted. "And… it's honestly a decision that I'd need time to think things through even if we were in a position to press on."

Team Traveller's members stiffened up as Beatrix mentioned she needed time to think things through. She had to understand what would happen if they all gave up, didn't she?

Pleo and Guardia stepped up to try and protest, only to be cut off as the Illumise captain raised her tarsus for silence, and shook her head.

"Look, as it stands, we can't make it to Conntow like this, but we can't make it home either," she said. "A good portion of the crew is on bedrest, and with the state the ship's in we'll be lucky to make it home in two days. We only have enough supplies right now for one."

Beatrix fell silent with a noticeable pause, before looking away and pawing at her shoulder with a low, tired buzz.

"To be clear, it's not so much the food I'm worried about. While going hungry for a couple days would be unpleasant, we could survive it," the Illumise explained. "However, going one day without water to drink would already be brutal on the crew. If we then got held up for whatever reason at sea…"

Beatrix didn't finish the sentence, but the sailors already began to whisper and trade alarmed glances with each other, including Elty, who set his teeth on edge with a quiet gulp. Even a crew like the Iron Fleet knew how dangerous it was to be stuck at sea without drinking water. After all, a ship could have all the Cradle's treasures in its hull, and it'd all be for naught if its crew died of thirst before they could enjoy it.

The Growlithe looked around at the other Pokémon on the deck and pinned his ears back. Between their species, he'd be shocked if there was a skeleton crew left to man this schooner after three days without water. Less if the sun was particularly harsh. It wasn't terribly hard to imagine scenarios where a trip back to Tromba would take longer from the state the ship was in. If the winds were sufficiently unfavorable or they hit an unmarked sandbar…

Beatrix obviously understood those risks herself, as the Illumise cleared her throat and continued on.

"That's why we should be focusing on making it to any port we can and lick our wounds there," she said. "Valter's sails should hopefully buy us enough time to reprovision and make spot repairs."

"To Otvaga?" Vicente asked.

"When it's neutral waters and in spitting distance to Vollezee?" the Illumise asked. "I wouldn't count on it being a safe harbor for us. We'll need to look further afield."

Vicente blanched and visibly recoiled at his Captain's orders. The Hitmontop reflexively opened his mouth to protest, only to catch himself. The Fighting-Type hesitated and visibly seemed to be weighing his words, before he broke the silence and spoke up.

"… Captain, you are aware that the nearest islands after Otvaga are Conntow, Nagrobek, and Orleigh, right?"

"Followed by Gestirn and Giotto," Beatrix replied. "Of those, Gestirn is the only one I'd feel like trying my luck with since we need a place to lay low outside of Company waters where we're not already known. If Team Zephyr is able to, they should be able to catch up with us while we're there and we can make a firmer decision then on how to handle the last Ledger."

The gathered Pokémon on deck traded hesitant glances with each other. Trying to sneak back into Imperial waters was… a gamble, to say the least. It was hard to argue Beatrix's point about them being stuck between a rock and a hard place, but the proposal was hardly reassuring…

"Is it safe for us to go there?" a Bergmite asked. "I'm pretty sure that we didn't stop being wanted in Imperial waters, and we already got into trouble once while flying Valter's colors…"

A lingering pause filled the air among Team Traveller's members, before Nida broke the silence by raising her voice.

"No, but if Nagant kept her word… she might've not passed on a description of Valter's colors to other islands?" Nida offered. "It's a risk as to whether or not she did, but…"

The Nidorina trailed off mid-sentence and motioned about the ship, pointing at the damage left behind. She sighed, flattening her ears back at the Bergmite.

"I'm not sure if we have a choice right now."

The sailors glanced about the stricken ship and one by one grudgingly murmured in agreement. Even Elty's former crewmates, who'd had the fight sucked out of them from the hostile encounter, seemed convinced that Gestirn represented their best of several bad options. Beatrix paused briefly, before shaking her head and turning back to Nida and her companions.

"Seems like we're all in agreement then," she said, prompting Pleo to turn his head over towards Kline's Cell clinging to the mast.

"Did you get all of that, Kline? Would you be able to make your way over to Gestirn?"

The Cell once again wiggled back twice in response, an affirmation to each of Pleo's questions. After taking a moment to glance up at the tattered sails on the masts, Beatrix turned back to her crew, taking a quiet, but serious tone with her crew.

"Go and fetch Valter's sails from storage and hoist them onto the masts and chart a course southwest for Gestirn," the Bug-Type ordered. "I'll check the barometer with Vicente to get an idea of what we're facing ahead of us, since we don't have many other options to work with right now."

The gathered Pokémon lingered a moment, before one by one, the sailors dispersed, uneasily returning to their stations. As the crowd thinned, Nida began to drift off back for the stern, when she noticed Pleo waddling off with patches of his back showing silvery white and a trail of purple liquid dribbling off of him in his wake.

"Pleo? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, or at least as much as everyone else," the Lugia murmured. "But these colors keep coming off my feathers."

The Nidorina blinked and ran a paw over Pleo's plumage, only for her digits to at once get stained with purple dye and reveal silvery-white plumes underneath. Nida looked down at her paw, before shaking her head and giving a reassuring pat at his shoulder.

"Right. Hatteras said to not get your disguise too wet…" Nida said. "I… don't think there's a lot we can do to fix it, so let's just try and get you cleaned up."

Pleo held out his wings and looked down at them, before turning to Nida with a worried murmur.

"… How do we do that though?"

"Well, the fastest place to start would be by getting your feathers wet," the Nidorina explained. "Why don't you swim along with the boat for a bit? I need to get some equipment to help clean you off, and a few dives ought to help make things easier for when I'm back."

The Lugia nodded and hopped up onto the railing with a beat of his wings, steadying himself briefly before diving off into the sea. It'd surely be enough to take care of most of the dye, but even so, there were bound to be some stubborn spots that would need a more thorough scrubbing to get out once he got back on deck. There were some buckets and some rags the crew kept around for cleaning purposes, Nida supposed that now was as good a time as any to fetch them.

The Nidorina made her way off below the Siglo Swellow's deck, the sunlight giving way to the interior dimly lit up by glowmoss lanterns as the waves and chatter from the deck faded away into the creaking of the timbers. She made it a few paces, only to hang her head and pinch her brow with a low sigh.

… Just how were they supposed to go on after all of this?

"… and that's what happened after the schooner sailed away."

A thick, tense silence hung in the Board's chamber on top of the Company's Headquarters. The Director and all four Administrators had hastily gathered for the occasion about their stone meeting table, even Zorn and Darzin, who'd come in with freshly-applied bandages and still-lingering bruises from their recent battles.

At the other end of the table, Sorge, Zelle, and Aldrich waited by the door, sporting stray scrapes and scuffs themselves. Meanwhile, at the front of the table was the speaker: Lyn. The Samurott sucked in a sharp breath, looking about worriedly as he tried to read any hint of the Director or his Administrators' thoughts from their expressions. He'd already been warned once not to come back empty handed, and depending on what they made of his attempted ambush with Administrator Zorn, he'd arguably fallen short already.

After a long silence, Zorn spoke up with a low growl, giving a grumbling shake of his head as he continued on from the Samurott's account.

"The ocean clan with Manaphy tried to come to their stragglers' aid," the Gyarados explained. "We attempted to encircle them and were able to cut their efforts short, but Manaphy and most of their numbers were able to successfully elude us."

Zorn sank deeper into the water, lowering his head with a sulking frown as he turned over to the Nidoking Director seated at the head of the table.

"I was hoping that we would have been able to pre-empt the Protector's powers and just shoot out his hull from under him," he muttered. "But even after Lugia used his powers, I wasn't expecting that there'd be two other Protectors along with him who would both do the same right afterwards."

"I assure you, that if it weren't for that, I'd have the Guardian here before you right now," Lyn added. "Even so, in spite of Lugia and Manaphy eluding us, we managed to take some of their allies prisoner. Perhaps we could use them to lure Lugia or the other Protectors to try and rescue them."

The Samurott glanced across the table nervously, seeing Inler level a gaze at him that seemed to bore into his hide. He fought the urge to visibly squirm under the Nidoking's stare, when he saw the Director flatten his ears and with a low sigh.

"We'll consider it. You should focus on your mission and make any adjustments you need to in light of this whole episode," Inler huffed. "After all, based off the reports of what happened during the attempt to accost the Guardian's ship in the military harbor, we should seriously consider whether or not we're worrying too much about conducting this mission quietly…"

Lyn looked away and quietly breathed a sigh of relief, as he felt his heart still pounding in his chest. So the Director wouldn't hold that debacle in the lagoon against him. It wasn't much of a reprieve, but still enough of one to mean that he'd still hold his job to sail and hunt for the Guardian of the Seas. The Samurott hastily composed himself, looking back across the table as a firm, unyielding scowl came over Inler's face, and the Nidoking turned his attention over to his Dragonite peer to his left, who seemed to be nervously fidgeting in his seat.

"Though what is your explanation for all of this, Darzin?" Inler asked. "It's not every day that I receive reports from a dozen guards of you being overpowered and thrown from the deck of a ship."

The Dragonite stiffened up slightly and visibly hesitated for a moment, before shaking his head and narrowing his eyes in reply.

"I had come across a chance lead on the Protector's ship and was forced to act on it on the spot before they could slip away," Darzin harrumphed. "I merely underestimated how prepared they'd be for my attempt to intervene."

The Dragonite's held his breath for a moment as his explanation drew dismissive scoffs from the others at the table, as even Team Sentinel couldn't help but quietly narrow their eyes at the Dragon-Type. Darzin briefly glimpsed at them out of the corner of his eye, when a sharp huff turned his attention back to the seat across from his, where Elilan folded his arms.

"Still, it's truly remarkable that Lugia managed to elude us yet again," the Zoroark said. "One can't help but wonder how he managed to escape when four members of the Board had a chance to stop him, including its own Director."

Elilan's remark at once prompted Zorn to grit his teeth, as the water from the pool he rested in churned as he shifted in place and craned his head across the table with an offended scowl.

"And where were you during all of this, huh?" the Gyarados snarled. "Easy for you to criticize us when you were off doing paperwork! Like you'd have done a better job!"

Elilan unfolded his arms and rested his chin against the back of his left claw, as a faint smile crept up from the corners of his muzzle.

"Why, are you proposing to everyone that I take over this mission, Zorn?" the Zoroark asked. "If so, I'd be more than happy to oblige."

A sharp thump rang out in the room, as Elilan turned his head towards Inler's place at the table. There, the Nidoking pulled his tail back from a slap against the marbled floor, as he fixed a sharp, piercing glare at the Zoroark Administrator.

"I have no interest in making any reassignments at this point, Administrator Elilan, and especially not to you or any candidates you may have in mind," Inler growled. "Kindly drop the topic."

Elilan curled his muzzle into a visible frown, but said nothing further about the matter. Inler flicked his ears briefly and turned his attention over to Team Sentinel with a low grunt.

"Besides, I was under the impression that our operatives from the Intelligence Division had additional information to share with us."

The Nidoking motioned for the three to come forward and Team Sentinel approached, with Sorge at the head. Lyn quietly stepped aside as the three took his place at the table, with the Company Director eyeing them carefully.

"I've already taken the liberty of looking over your dossiers, so let's get straight down to business," he insisted. What exactly happened out there?"

Team Sentinel's members traded glances with one another briefly, before Sorge spoke up before the gathered Pokémon.

"A lucky break, really," the Kommo-o answered. "We were on shore leave and happened to encounter Lugia's companions while Aldrich was visiting some places about the city for old times' sake. We tried digging in deeper to get a better feel for what they were up to to help the guards apprehend them, but they caught us off-guard."

From the left of Sorge, a low growl and faint electrical crackle rang out. The Kommo-o looked over and saw Farn narrowing her eyes in frustration.

"I'll say," the Luxray snapped. "It just makes my fur bristle knowing that they were using my own son as part of a plotted heist!"

"And it was a mistake on our part to allow things to get to such a point," Zelle apologized. "If we knew your children were in such danger, we'd have notified the guards immediately even if it meant risking a more difficult apprehension."

"Or Lyn if we'd known sooner that he came back into port," Sorge added. "It might have kept the Vault from being breached if we had."

"We… were sabotaged by an unknown party who appears to have misled Administrator Darzin and prompted him to call in a raid on us. It led to us getting into a fight with some lower-ranked guards," Aldrich explained. "We're sorry about the whole incident. Our understanding was that those guards are presently on bedrest from the whole episode."

The Noivern and his companions' eyes drifted over towards Darzin, the Dragonite quietly blinking in confusion as they shot brief glares at him, before the Administrator responded in kind. Lyn cleared his throat from off to the side, prompting Team Sentinel to turn to him as the Samurott began to speak up.

"But where does Zygarde come into all of this?" Lyn asked. "You three, Ketu, and Ellsberg were seen engaging him. How did you know he would be there?"

"We didn't, actually," Aldrich explained. "We went in well-prepared for an encounter with Lugia, which allowed us to hold up against Zygarde reasonably well, even if it took us some time to get myself and Ellsberg treated afterwards."

"We'd like to think that we put him and his companions up against the wall, but they escaped us after Zygarde unleashed his full powers," Sorge sighed. "His blow left us reeling and it was hard to see anything from the amount of dust and debris in the air. By the time things settled down, they were gone and we'd lost their trail."

Lyn tilted his head. Just from the deck of his ship, Zygarde's power had looked overwhelming from a distance. The swim over to Headquarters had taken him past some of the damage, with the canals choked with Pokémon seeking shelter in a panic and entire lengths of streets scarred with torn-up chunks of earth and mangled buildings. Considering how they'd been there right in front of Zygarde during such an attack, it was a small miracle they were well enough to stand and report right now.

From the head of the table, Inler grunted and turned to Team Sentinel with a firm nod.

"I understand," the Nidoking Director said. "Thank you for your briefing, you are dismissed."

Sorge, Aldrich, and Zelle bowed, before taking their leave for the chamber's double-doors, where the honor guards showed them out. As the doors creaked shut, Lyn took his place back at the speaker's end of the stone table, right as Inler pinched his brow with a sigh and turned to his Administrators.

"We're fortunate that in spite of such damage that there don't appear to be any casualties that can't be treated," he said, as his expression took on a dark tinge. "I've received reports of unrest already starting in some sectors of the city. I passed word out for a pre-emptive curfew to be enforced after dusk tonight, but we don't have much time to work with."

Inler turned his attention back to Lyn, and brought his claws together before speaking up.

"That's why I gathered everyone here," the Nidoking insisted. "To decide if anything with our present course of action needs to change."

There was a noticeable silence that lingered in the air after the Director's words, as nobody had any suggestions to volunteer. After a moment of visible hesitation, Lyn opened his mouth to reply.

"Beyond some greater urgency, I'm… not sure there's that much that needs to change," the Samurott said. "The smugglers' ship was last spotted on a course for Imperial waters. One possibility is that they're attempting to fake us out by changing course to Otvaga some distance away from shore. I already took the liberty of dispatching the fleet that went with me to Tromba out to Otvaga… just in case."

Lyn brought a paw to his chin briefly, before continuing on with a low grunt.

"That's not to say I staked everything on them going there, especially when they've had such a long streak of feints in the past month," he added. "If those smugglers continued on into Imperial waters proper, they're bound to stumble across one of the traps my contact within Orleigh's Council has set up. If they tripped one of them, it'd be a simple manner of extracting Lugia afterwards."

Lyn paused and weighed his words for a moment as he thought over how to best continue on. With how precarious the Company's position in their race for Lugia was, if there was a time to press the Board for further support, it was now.

"I was planning to set sail and coordinate with my contact to prepare for that extraction, since it'd need force of numbers to be effective."

And he knew exactly what he needed to ask for. He just didn't know how the members of the Board would react to it. The Samurott steeled himself, looking the Director and gathered Administrators square in the eyes as he spoke up to raise his appeal.

"Which is why I wish to make one final request for requisitioning resources."

Inler stared back unmoved at Lyn as the Administrators traded dubious glances with one another. Elilan was particularly unimpressed with the appeal, as he folded his arms and shot a sharp frown back.

"Tch, weren't you just at the head of a fleet of five ships just last week?" the Zoroark harrumphed. "What on earth could you possibly still need at this stage?

There was no turning back here. No time to question his moves, to just stick to the path that he chose. With the request that in all likelihood would make or break his mission.

"I need an ironclad, enough 'monpower to staff both it and my Argent Aviso with at least a skeleton crew, and enough Poké to staff a galleon for a month," Lyn insisted. "For my trap to work, my contact needs to be a bit better equipped than the solitary caravel he captains."

The Administrators stared back in stunned silence. Elilan narrowed his eyes and let out an incredulous scoff, only to hesitate after seeing Inler keep a stony, unmoving face. The Director kept his gaze focused on Lyn for a noticeable moment, before the Nidoking closed his eyes with a low huff.

"Granted," Inler said. "Darzin's should still be in drydock right now. It will be assigned to you with appropriate reinforcements for your mission."

Farn and Zorn blinked at the Nidoking's answer as Elilan looked at Inler with a raise of his brow. Loud spluttering followed from Darzin's end of the table, as the Dragonite got up with a frustrated growl.

"What?! Inler, that's my ship!" he exclaimed. "You can't just give that away to some Third-!"

A loud stomp rang out as Inler rose from his seat. Darzin abruptly bit his tongue and fell quiet as the Nidoking turned to him, baring his fangs with a piercing glare.

"I'm entitled to allocate resources as I see fit in a time of crisis, Darzin," Inler snarled. "Am I to just let that ship sit unused in the docks if it could tip the balance of our efforts to secure a Protector?"

The Nidoking turned his attention back across the far end of the table and hardened his features into a sharp frown.

"It should go without reminding, Commissioner Lyn," Inler began "But you don't have any further margin for error with this mission. Don't come back to us empty-handed."

That time, Lyn didn't flinch at the charge. He'd understood the stakes of his request, and at least for now, it had paid off. All that was left was to press on and plunge ahead with his gamble, and let the cards fall where they may. The Samurott nodded his head in reply, answering with a determined growl.

"Understood, Director. And I won't."

The process of cleaning Pleo's plumage proved to be a more stubborn task than Nida had expected. Scrubbing the dye out of his feathers' vanes was simple enough when they were easy to reach, but there would always be a patch or corner here or there that the two would find they overlooked. Eventually it was time to dry off Pleo's down feathers, which had grown soaked from the thorough cleaning, and then help preen his feathers' vanes back into shape. Nida wasn't sure how Pleo and Kiran made it look so easy, but even if her paws weren't built for it, in the end she managed to help get his plumage looking as good as new.

That had been a few hours ago, with the time since then taken up by Nida changing back into her normal colors along with the rest of the crew, with Nida taking a small hint of pride after seeing Ander, Trizano, Pladur, and Dimitri wear her same blue-and-whites for the first time. That moment came and went quickly, as Nida was kept busy with helping her teammates tend to the battered ship or their injured comrades. Every now and then, a part of their team would split off to go and document part of the volume of the Knights' Ledger they'd recovered from Vollezee. After all, in the wake of losing the blue volume to Ketu, nobody was particularly keen on taking the possession of the volume they did have for granted.

Tap tap tap…

Not least of all Nida, as she heard her own footsteps fall against the timbers of the ship's corridors. She followed the dimly lit lanterns along the walls for the sleeping quarters where they kept the Ledger for readings and where she was due to take over from Elty and Guardia for the next shift documenting it.

Nida was a bit uneasy about how Beatrix and the others had yet to find a new hiding place for the Ledger, but she supposed that with the crew worried about simply making it to another port to lick their wounds, they could be forgiven for not settling on another location for it just yet. After all, it wasn't as if Team Sentinel was going to ambush them at sea for their current volume…


She decided that she didn't want to think too hard about that possibility and brushed her way past the room's door. There, she saw the bluish light of a glowmoss lantern on the floor, with Elty and Guardia resting on the ground in front of a book laying open on its spine, the pair looking at the tome's pages in rapt attention.

"Hey, how's the reading been going?" Nida asked.

Elty and Guardia glanced up from their book and spotted Nida at the doorway, the Growlithe of the pair pinning his ears back and shaking his head with a low sigh.

"Dobrze. Even if it's been me doing all the reading," Elty answered. "Guardia just insisted that she wanted to be there to hear things this time."

"I think that I'm actually starting to recognize some of your hut runes," the Cubone remarked. "Now I can make out your numbers, at least."

Nida looked over at Guardia and blinked for a moment. It'd been less than a month since they'd left Kenobi, and Guardia had already noticeably changed from the fight-seeking 'mon who never seemed to miss an opportunity to put down civilization. She wasn't sure if Guardia's opinion on it had changed enough to not want to go back to her colony, but the Cubone definitely felt more open and appreciative of it than she remembered.

It was hard to imagine that back on Kenobi, Guardia had been firmly skeptical of being able to work with Pokémon like them… even if it still felt like Guardia was looking from the outside in on their way of life at times. Was her change in attitude because she'd seen signs that civilization could be different? Or was it because she'd grown attached to them?

… Nida didn't have an answer to those questions. Though she supposed that Guardia would give them of her own accord whenever she felt she was ready to. Besides, there were some other questions that were more relevant for them to worry about right then and there…

"Well at least you two have been managing to get through things," the Nidorina said. "What did you read on your turn anyways?"

Elty and Guardia traded uneasy looks with one another, as the Growlithe of the pair shifted his body against the timbered floor.

"There… wasn't much that was different from the blue ledger, really. Or at least not yet," Elty replied. "The beginning's pretty similar to it."

Guardia turned her head at her Growlithe companion and cocked a brow puzzledly. At once, Nida wondered whether Elty had said something wrong, but before she could press the matter, the Cubone cut her off and spoke up.

"Eh? There were still some things that were different," she insisted. "What about the bits about all the Windie from your island?"

Elty pinned his ears back and abruptly fell silent, looking off towards the floor with an uncomfortable grimace. Nida blinked a moment and quirked an ear. Just what had Guardia meant with her remark about…

"… 'Windie'?"

"It's what she calls 'Arcanine'," Elty explained. "There were a few passages talking about ferals on Nagrobek attacking Pokémon after Yveltal's egg was taken."

"I'd imagine it was probably for the same reasons why others like them did on Mengir, or what my colony sometimes does with defilers at home," Guardia added, shaking her head. "There were a lot of mentions of packs of Gardie and Windie being frequent attackers."

Nida fell silent as a cloud seemed to settle over the Growlithe's mood. Right, Elty had mentioned during an earlier day at sea that he'd grown up with his mother on Nagrobek Island and lived as ferals until the local guards snatched her and took her away. He hadn't gone into much detail about what had happened other than that they were separated shortly before he ran into the Iron Fleet and left the wilds, but between Guardia's comments and the way he was reacting right now…

"… So it stirred up some bad memories, huh?" she asked.

Elty squirmed a moment, as he avoided Nida's glance and answered with a low, glum, murmur.

"You could say that, yeah," the Growlithe said.

Elty shook his head and looked back at Nida and Guardia. After a moment's hesitation, he continued, giving a nervous glance at the door as if expecting an attacker to barge in at a moment's notice.

"When I was growing up, Arcanine and Growlithe like me on Nagrobek usually lived alone or in small groups. Normally just rodzice and their pups," he explained. "My mom used to tell me stories of packs of them that would run the plains together and how she grew up in one, but…"

The Growlithe trailed off and pinned his ears back. He sucked in a sharp breath, before speaking up with a low whine, apparently struggling with the topic of conversation.

"She never told me what happened to them. The topic always made her uncomfortable," Elty said. "The furthest she'd go would be to tell me that they just weren't around anymore and to not get too close to knot-necks. For a time, I thought they were just stories, but…"

A long silence followed as Nida wondered what on earth could've happened. Elty wasn't that old, while this Ledger had been written before the time of the Great Calamity. Then… did this mean that the Company had done something to those packs? Relatively recently at that?

Nida flicked her ears and shook her head. She wasn't sure if she liked the implications of that train of thought, but perhaps it was best not to dig up old wounds with Elty right here and now. Not after a day like today, and especially not when they already had their paws full with other things to worry about.

"It's getting a bit late and the weather's picking up," Nida said. "Why don't you two get some rest and let me take over before going to sleep?"

Elty and Guardia traded looks with each other, when the Cubone of the pair moved a hand over her mouth as a yawn came over her. Guardia blinked out of realization of her present tiredness and let out a quiet sigh in reply.

"… I suppose that we have been doing this for a while," she admitted.

"Yeah, after a day like today, I could get behind conking out for a while," Elty sighed.

"Rest well," Nida said. "Just take care of yourselves, alright?"

Elty and Guardia drifted out the door as Nida scooped up the Ledger and the lantern on the floor, before making her way over to a desk fashioned from an old wooden crate set up near one of the walls. The Nidorina set the lantern on the desk and sat down. She paused to let her eyes adjust to the lighting and after finding her place in the ledger and setting aside a slip of paper and charcoal nub for note-taking, began to read from the book's pages.

The text was dense with tightly-packed runes, some of it filled with details that didn't seem to matter at first glance, though a few details stood out as the pages went by. The Pokémon from the Company who had kept this volume had noted that the journey with Yveltal's egg at sea had gone by smoothly, with said egg being taken to the Empire's secure site built into Conntow's Mystery Dungeon. Then, not long after all three of the eggs began showing signs of activity, they were transferred out to a facility not far from the outskirts of Middleguard City—the Imperial capital back then.

The Nidorina turned the page, when her eyes drifted to a passage on it that made her blink as she stopped and read it aloud to herself:

"Yveltal's egg moved again today. All of the eggs have been responding well to the new experimental regimens, but its development in particular has been truly remarkable. When the eggs were first brought to this facility, it was Zygarde's egg that had shown the most potential, but in a scant few weeks, this one has surpassed them all.

Queen Erna was pleased to hear the news, and requested that we reprioritize our testing schedules accordingly. She is of the opinion that Yveltal's egg holds the most promise for meeting the needs of the realm, and as the Protector presently closest to hatching, she concluded that it was all the more reason to focus on awakening it.

I relayed this news to the research team at the site. Most of the staff approved of the new direction and were ready to proceed with it, though there were a few particularly outspoken dissenters, a couple of whom have even threatened to tender their resignations. The specifics of their objections vary, but the general commonality between them was that they felt the requested regimen was progressing too far too fast, with insufficient time to fully confirm the results of their research.

The Queen ordered us to find replacements for those objectors should they be unable to make their peace with her requests, and I for one cannot say that I don't agree with her rationale. The most pressing need for the realm at the moment is to have a living Protector to call our own and stand guard on its behalf.

What Protector would be more effective at that role than one with the power to lay waste to Anyilla's enemies and those who would do her harm?"

Nida felt a shiver run up her spine as she read the passage about 'the power to lay waste to Anyilla's enemies'. Were these Pokémon trying to hatch a Protector, or a weapon? On top of it all, the whole time she noticed that the volume of the Ledger had been evasive about just what these experiments with Yveltal's egg entailed. Had the writer known that there was something wrong with them? That they were doing something dangerous?

She frankly didn't know whether or not she wanted to know the answer.

"… Nida?"

Nida's ears flicked and she perked up to attention at the sound of Pleo's voice to the side. She turned to her right, where there at the doorway was her teammate shuffling in.

"Huh? Pleo? What are you doing up right now?" she asked. "And how come Crom's not with you?"

"He went to bed about half an hour ago, but…"

The Lugia fell silent, his head and wings drooping as he looked down at the floor with a low murmur.

"I can't sleep right now."

Nida tilted her head, when she noticed whistling noises coming through the ship's timbers. Those… didn't sound good. Beatrix and Vicente had passed along word about an hour ago that their readings of the ship's barometer portended choppy sailing overnight, but she hadn't expected the weather outside to be this loud.

No wonder why Pleo had had trouble falling asleep. She just hoped that wasn't an omen of things to come.

"… Because of the wind?" the Nidorina asked. "I guess that's understandable, it's just that I wouldn't have expected you to-"

"It's because of Kiran."

Pleo glanced away as soon as the words left his mouth, making Nida stand up with a worried look. The Nidorina made her way forward, seeing Pleo raise his head as small droplets began to bead up at the corner of his eyes.

"I… just wish he was here with us right now," the Lugia said. "Are- Are we ever going to see him again?"

Nida paused, before going up and slinging a forepaw around Pleo's back and nuzzling at the top of his beak with a small sigh.

"… I'm sure we will, Pleo. And I know how much you want to see him again. All of us feel that way," she reassured. "But you need to at least try to get some rest."

Pleo stood there for a moment, before looking away again with his head held heavy and low.

"… But how?"

Nida bit her tongue as she looked over Pleo. Why, she hadn't seen him look this miserable since the Empire kept him penned up in that stadium on Giotto! The Nidorina glanced back at the Ledger still laying open on its spine, before shaking her head and turning back to Pleo.

Right here, right now, her friend needed a helping paw. Perhaps it was best to just take a break for a while and focus on getting Pleo to bed. The Ledger would still be there for her afterwards.

"How about I tell you a bedtime story to help you fall asleep?" Nida offered. "That journal's not going anywhere fast."

Nida motioned for Pleo to follow after her as she snagged the lantern off her crate-desk and made her way over towards a set of bedding under the rafters. She heard Pleo rustle his feathers as she neared, and looked over her shoulder to see him settling on the straw, craning his head up expectantly.

"… What story are you going to tell me?" he asked.

Nida paused and brought a paw to her mouth. It'd make the most sense to try and tell Pleo something that would lift his spirits a bit, and there were certainly no shortage of stories she'd heard that could do that. She mulled a few options over her mind, before seeing Pleo start to fidget restlessly. Perhaps it made sense just to stick to something they both already knew he'd like.

"Well, I could tell you one about the Prince of a Thousand Enemies again," the Nidorina said. "His stories always help you fall asleep, and it feels like it's been a while since I've told you one."

Nida stretched her limbs in place before making herself comfortable in her bedding. She opened her mouth to tell the tale of the Prince and his blessing from the old gods, only to catch herself. She'd told that particular story from beginning to end a couple times now for Pleo, including times when Kiran was present alongside them.

The Nidorina hesitated a moment as her mind drifted to her Swellow teammate. She hoped he was doing alright right now. Though if she started thinking of him from that one story, wouldn't Pleo be bound to do the same…?

… That was probably a sign that it was best to tell him a different story tonight. There were supposed to be a number of stories of the Prince of a Thousand Enemies outsmarting various foes through his cunning, though there was always one in particular that Mami was fond of since she said it reminded her of how she herself was able to get the better of Darzin so many years ago…

"How about I tell you the story of the Prince of a Thousand Enemies and the King's Lettuce?" Nida offered.

"'The King's… Lettuce'?" Pleo wondered, tilting his head. "How does that one go?"

"Well, once upon a time, after the Prince received his blessing from the old gods, he began to go on adventures with a partner," the Nidorina began. "A partner who was so brave and loyal that he even would have given his life for the Prince."

A brief flash came over Pleo's eyes at Nida's mention of the Prince's partner, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow come over herself. That… was more like Kiran than she cared to admit, but for the sake of Pleo's mood, it was perhaps best to give him some reassurance and move along.

"Pleo, don't worry, it'll be a happy story, I promise," she insisted. "… Even if the beginning isn't all that happy."

"Oh? Why isn't it happy?" he asked.

"Well, as it had happened, the Prince of a Thousand Enemies had offended the old gods with one of his tricks, and in punishment they penned him and his children up in unfavorable lands," Nida explained. "Lands where food was scarce and it was hard for his children to have children of their own."

Pleo stiffened up and had his eyes widen with a start.

"Ah, that's awful!" the Lugia cried.

"Indeed, not least of all because the Prince and his partner had grown known among the old gods for being wily and cunning," Nida said, nodding her head back. "So they assigned a messenger from their ranks, Lord Rainbow with his seven-colored wings, to enforce that punishment and keep a close eye on the Prince and his partner."

Pleo blinked and raised a brow with a puzzled frown.

"… But aren't rainbows good things, Nida?" he questioned. "This 'Lord Rainbow' sounds mean and scary!"

Nida paused and pawed at the back of her head with a sheepish smile.

"I mean, 'Lord Rainbow' is just a name, and just about any Pokémon can get a bit scary if they're annoyed with you," Nida answered. "But even so, that didn't stop the Prince of a Thousand Enemies. He saw the plight of his children, and with flared ears and upturned head, went with his partner before Lord Rainbow to try and bargain for his children's sake to end the old gods' punishment…"

"Nida? Was the Prince of a Thousand Enemies like Inler?" Pleo asked.

At once, Nida blanched and contorted her face into an incredulous frown. The Prince of a Thousand Enemies? Like Inler of all 'mons?

"What?! No!" she exclaimed. "What on earth would make you think that?!"

Pleo fidgeted his wings and pulled his head in against his body with an uneasy murmur.

"Well, Inler is a Nidoking, and the Prince of a Thousand Enemies was supposed to be a champion for Nidoran…" the Lugia mused. "So wouldn't he have been a Nidoking too?"

Nida stiffened up and grimaced. Now that Pleo mentioned it, she supposed that even in the stories that Mami and Papi had told her, the Prince of a Thousand Enemies was said to have become a Nidoking at some point during his adventures…

"I… suppose that's true, but…"

Nida trailed off, when it dawned on her. There was no reason for her to be worried at all even if the Prince of a Thousand Enemies were a Nidoking. Why, they'd even seen the proof she needed during their travels!

"But that doesn't mean anything. It's what a Pokémon does that makes him who he is, not what sort of body he has," the Nidorina insisted. "Just think of how different Roteck and Hess are despite both being Aggron. Even if the Prince of a Thousand Enemies was definitely a Nidoking, I can't imagine a hero like him would be anything like Inler."

Pleo remained quiet for a moment, as he brought a wing up to his mouth with a quiet murmur.

"I… suppose that makes sense…"

Nida smiled back, expecting to see the Lugia perk up and eagerly await her continued storytelling, only for him to remain as listless and deflated as he'd been since he first entered the room.

Clearly he had more on his mind than just who the Prince of a Thousand Enemies was as a Pokémon. In that case… maybe it was best to just try and get his mind off of his present worries. The Nidorina leaned in, raising a paw as she patted Pleo's head, looking up with a pleading expression.

"Pleo, it's okay to be worried and upset over what happened today," she said. "But right now, just try to put that behind you. We're friends. We'll get through it together, like we always do."

Pleo paused and thought back to everything that had happened since he'd met Nida, along with the moments they'd spent together alongside their other friends. There were more times than he could count when things seemed scary or impossible, but every time, he and his friends had dug in spite of them and managed to still pull through.

With how much Nida and everyone else trusted him to be their Protector… wasn't it only fair to trust her reassurances in return?

"Well, alright. If you're sure everything will work out…" Pleo said. "Though what was this bargain that the Prince of a Thousand Enemies made?"

The Nidorina smiled for a moment, before leaning in against Pleo and continuing on.

"Well, Lord Rainbow naturally didn't want the Prince or his partner to succeed, so he gave them the hardest task he could think of," Nida explained. "There had been a king that had displeased Lord Rainbow, one who kept a garden planted with the freshest and most delicious lettuce in all the land, watched over by fearsome guards that wouldn't hesitate to strike thieves down. And so, confident that they'd never succeed, Lord Rainbow declared he would remove the punishment over the Prince and his children if he and his partner could bring him the king's lettuce."

Pleo listened as Nida continued on with her story and how even in spite of being given an impossible task, the Prince of a Thousand Enemies and his friend didn't back down from it. A story that as Nida went on with it, seemed to remind him of themselves in a way.

The young Lugia craned his head against his storyteller and gave a small, tired smile. Even if he was still sad about Kiran and the others… even if he wasn't fully sure how they would make things right…

There was still a chance to help them, and he'd move the sea and skies for it.

Author's Notes:

- cálmate un poco - Spanish: "calm down a moment", lit. "calm down a bit/little"
- mi hijo - Spanish: "my son"
- Saldrá bien. Todo saldrá bien. - Spanish: "It'll be alright. Everything will work out."
- Dobrze - Polish: "Alright", "Good". Used here as an interjection.
- Windie (ウインディ) - Japanese: "Arcanine" (Official Romanization)
- rodzice - Polish: "parents"
Chapter 93: Hostile Reception New

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie

After Nida wrapped up the tale of the King's Lettuce, Pleo retired back to his sleeping quarters as Nida carried on with her readings of the Knights' Ledger. She continued on for a time when the hour began to wear on her and she herself made her way to her bedding the next room over and flopped down to sleep. The Nidorina drifted off to an uneasy slumber, as even as the world faded from her eyes, she kept having unpleasant dreams about their escape from Vollezee.

The din of battle, the ship lurching and almost capsizing after Zorn rammed it from below, the Gyarados brutally sinking his fangs into Kiran and then throwing him aside limply… moments which just kept replaying over and over in her mind.


Nida heard a distant boom and felt her bedding lurch. The Nidorina rolled in her sleep and flicked her ears, wearily cracking her eyes open as the sound of howling winds and confused shouts began to reach her.



Nida jolted upright after a loud noise that sounded like a cannon going off came from outside, and at once saw that the sleeping quarters were in a state of general disorder. All around her, she saw sailors hastily running about to and fro, some with stray straw still clinging to their bodies. A few like a Golduck darted for the door and hurried out into the hallway, as others stopped to frantically shake their teammates awake. Here and there, she could see more injured sailors shrink into their bedding as they stared up at the ceiling with low whines, as if they expected the deck above to cave in on them at any moment.

Nida glanced over at Pleo, who was still sound asleep, when she saw Pladur run up with widened eyes and panting frantically. The Nidorina sprang up and bounded out into the Fraxure's path, pinning her ears back in alarm as she tripped over her words and tried to make sense of the chaos.

"Pl-Pladur?! Wh-What's going on?!"

"T-The storm outside's getting really bad!" the Dragon-Type cried. "Captain Beatrix is asking everyone who's able to get up onto deck to help batten down the hatches! Rapido! The rest of the team's already out there!"

The Fraxure hurriedly brushed past her and beelined for the exit, with other sailors following suit in his wake. Another deafening burst of thunder rang out, and after feeling wet droplets hit her from above, Nida glanced up and noticed that much to her alarm, there was water dripping through the timbers overhead. Travellers Above, if this storm was doing that, then how was the hull holding up right now? At this rate, Beatrix really would need every helping paw she could get!

Without thinking, the Nidorina hurried over to Pleo, tugging frantically at his wing to try and rouse him.

"Pleo! Pleo! Despiértate!!"

Pleo stirred and craned his head up with a tired groan, only to freeze after he realized that he could hear shouting. There were scattered voices in the darkened sleeping quarters and the hallway, muffled shouts from the decks above, and the howl of raging winds which mixed together with the general cacophony. The Lugia sprang up with a start and turned to his Poison-Type teammate with an alarmed squawk.

"H-Huh?! What's happening?!

"The ship's in trouble!" Nida insisted. "We need to go help the others!"

Nida turned and hurried out of the sleeping quarters for the hall outside, prompting Pleo to stumble after her. They made their way down the corridors as the ship's timbers audibly creaked and groaned. The lanterns swayed wildly all the while, casting shadows that danced erratically across the ceiling and walls. Along the way, the floor pitched and bucked, forcing Nida and Pleo occasionally to stop to keep their footing as shouts rang out. Every now and then, they'd come across sailors hurrying to and from the ship's compartments similarly struggling with the rocking vessel, a couple badly enough that they lost their footing—like a Bergmite they came across who fell down the last few steps leading up to the deck.

Pleo and Nida hurriedly went over to help the Bergmite up as the poor sailor winced in pain. The whole time, Pleo couldn't help but be filled with a gnawing sense of confusion.

"N-Nida, what's going on?!" Pleo exclaimed. "Why's the ship reacting like this to the storm?! I-Isn't it just like the ones I flew through near Mengir?!"

Nida opened her mouth to try and explain to Pleo that ships had to deal with waves in a storm that weren't there while flying in the air. Before she could get more than the first couple of words out, the Nidorina was cut off by sharp cries up ahead that were just audible over the storm outside.

"Gah! One of the ice plugs is loose!"

"Someone take care of that rigging!"

The pair looked up the steps to exit onto the deck, the whole stairwell slick with water that had poured in from outside. Pleo stared blankly at the drenched floor for a moment, before Nida hurriedly tugged at him. The Lugia looked up and saw Nida hurrying further up the stairs before stopping to glance back, her eyes wide and frantic as she motioned ahead with one of her paws.

"There's no time!" she insisted. "Come on!"

Pleo rushed up the stairs with Nida and was promptly greeted by a thick deluge of rain from the sky, followed by a flash of lightning breaking overhead that made him freeze in place. As his eyes adjusted to the night's darkness, he found the deck of the Siglo Swellow in chaos, with Pokémon darting to and fro in a hurried panic fighting with errant lines of rope and a deck that had been slicked with seawater from bow to stern.

The young Protector stared in blank shock for a moment when he heard a sharp yip, looking over to see Elty tromping up drenched to the bone as water dripped off the ends of his scarf.

"Najwyższa pora!" the Growlithe barked. "We were starting to wonder if you were just going to sleep through all of this!"

The Lugia gaped about the confusion all about him, before shaking his head with a startled stammer. This was a storm! He'd flown through them just fine on Mengir! How could something so soothing and peaceful be causing all of this?!

"B-But why's all of this happening?!" he cried. "It's just a storm!"

A sharp crack rang out, as Pleo looked up to see a chunk of the front mast's yards sailing at him from the direction of the bow. He screamed and hurriedly jumped aside, beating his wings out in a panic as the yard hit the deck with an audible crash. Pleo looked over to see his teammates had darted back to him wide-eyed, when he looked up and saw Valter's gray sails fluttering in the wind visibly torn and frayed.

"It's not 'just' one for this ship!" Elty exclaimed. "If this keeps up, we'll be swimming our way to Gestirn! Come on!"

Elty bounded off for a piece of rope sliding around the deck and sank his teeth into it, prompting Nida and Pleo to hurry over. The three tugged at the line and fought against it as they pulled it over to a cleat embedded on the deck for tying down ropes, struggling to keep it steady as Nida began to wrap the tip of the rope around it.

"Almost… there!"

Pleo tugged at the line's loose end after Nida slipped it through a knot around the cleat and pulled with all his might, his teammates joining in until they stopped feeling the rope budging. The three let go and looked down at the line, when they saw it stayed firmly attached to the fastener. At once, Pleo and his companions let out a sigh of relief as the pouring rain came down on them. At least there was one less thing to worry about for the ship.

"Everyone! Look out!" an Unfezant cried. "There's a wave coming at us from starboa-!"

Pleo turned towards the starboard side of the ship, just as a wall of water broke over the railing. The next thing the Lugia knew, he lost his footing and felt seawater wash over his body and sent him to a tumbling stop along the deck. The Lugia lay there with his wings sprawled out, coughing up water he'd accidentally swallowed as he watched seawater and rain roll off his plumes.

"Help! Heeeeelp!"

Then he heard them. Frantic cries coming from the port side of the ship. The Lugia darted up to the railing and looked over, where there in the water, he could see a Sliggoo thrashing and struggling to keep his head above water as the ship drifted past and the sea escorts attempted to make their way to him. There were other figures further out in the water who'd evidently met much the same fate, while others hung precariously over the side of the ship, such as a Timburr who was clinging to the railing.

Pleo stared in dazed shock for a moment, as he tried to make sense of the confusion on deck. Wh-Where were his teammates right now? Were they alright?

"H-Hang in there, Guardia!" Crom voice shouted. "We're coming to get you!"

Pleo looked on as Guardia flailed from a rope dangling over the ship as Crom and the nearby sailors hurried to lend her aid. The Lugia froze and stood there blankly when he looked up at the sky, just in time to see a flash of lightning light up the stormy night.

Pleo didn't understand why the storm was hurting his friends like this, but after looking back all across the deck, the scene was much the same. Sailors all around him hurried about in a chaotic mass as they frantically tried to pull others aboard or fought to keep the ship together with visible fear and dread on their faces. Fear and dread that was just like the sort they'd had while fighting their way out of Vollezee.

Moments from the battle flashed back in Pleo's mind: the ship listing and Pokémon falling overboard crying out in fright and for aid that didn't come in time, Kiran plummeting into the sea before their eyes, the sheer helplessness that everyone felt when he called forth his powers, only to not have them come to him again later when his friends needed them most.

Pleo looked up at the sky as the cries in the background and the howl of the surrounding storm blurred together in his ears. He grit his teeth and spread his wings, as one singular thought came over his mind:

He wouldn't let his friends get hurt a second time today.

"N-No! Stop it!"

Pleo's feathers suddenly came aglow in silvery light, the sailors around the deck turning and staring in awe as he sprang up and flew into the sky overhead. All the while, Ander's eyes shrank to pins and a frightened whine came from the back of his throat, the Marked Scyther watching as the Lugia climbed and then stalled in the air, bringing his wings in close to his body mid-beat. Ander's nerves soon failed him, and he raised a scythe as he called out in fright.

"P-Pleo! Please!" the Scyther begged. "D-Don't do that now! Not here!"

Pleo threw his wings wide as a faint, blue glow washed over the clouds above. Blue shockwaves radiated out as the clouds overhead shuddered and visibly began to peel back all around him. Ander looked up, blinking as the clouds drifted further and further away. The rain began to lighten while the sea's waves shrank and grew less choppy. The deck and its surroundings grew calmer and calmer, as before he or anyone else knew it, they were all looking up at the constellations again, with a Traveller drifting just to the right of the moon.

The light from around Pleo faded afterwards, the Lugia wobbily returning back to the deck and coming to a pacing stop before he slumped over panting from exhaustion. Pleo laid there for a moment, when he felt a paw tugging at him, and looked up to see Nida staring at him with her eyes widened in awe.


An audible splat reached Nida's ears, as she and Pleo turned their heads to see Guardia slumping onto the deck's timbers onto her belly, gasping for breath. Crom and a number of sailors crowded around her as the Druddigon helped her up.

Elty breathed out a sigh of relief and drifted off a short distance to shake himself dry as Pleo fought against his tired limbs to sit up. Nida and the others around Pleo paused for a moment to catch their breaths from the whole ordeal, brushing off rain and seawater from their bodies as they stared stunned at the young Protector's approach.

"A-Are you all okay?" Pleo stammered. "Nobody's hurt, right?"

Nida and the others looked off back at the port side's railing, just in time to see a Nosepass being pulled up over the railing. A quick glance revealed other sailors similarly being brought back aboard, all soaked, with a few like the Timburr visibly shivering from their ordeal. Nida quickly glanced back at the sea, noticing that it was empty of Pokémon aside from their escorts. Thankfully, a quick headcount afterwards indicated that everyone seemed to be accounted for. The Nidorina tensely breathed in and out for a moment, before letting out an exhausted, relieved sigh.

"I… I think that we're all fine, yeah."

From the rear of the group, Ander warily approached Pleo, holding out his wings as he attempted to dry them in the sea air. All the while, the Scyther stared at the Lugia with a dumbfounded expression, before holding out a scythe and pointing at him with an incredulous stammer.

"B-But… you were channeling those powers," Ander said. "And-"

"Lugia is said to be able to dispel storms too, Ander," Nida replied. "I'm guessing that's what Pleo did there."

Nida watched as Ander seemed to hesitate for a moment. Evidently, even if he was convinced that the gods were demons, his stories must've also said that Lugia had the power to dispel storms. She supposed she should have been relieved at the turn of events, only to blink in realization and look at Pleo with a puzzled tilt of her head.

"… How did you know how to do that, Pleo?" Nida asked. "Whenever your powers came to you in the past, it's always been to attack things."

Pleo stared back blankly for a moment and shuffled his wings. The Lugia opened his mouth, only to trail off and look away uneasily.

"I… don't know," he murmured. "I just know that I saw everyone doing so awful from something that I liked and how scared everyone was, and I just couldn't bear to see it."

Nida raised a brow puzzledly as Pleo looked back at her.

"I just wanted the storm to stop, and… it just went away."

Nida blinked and flicked her ears at Pleo's explanation. Had it been something about their feelings that had drawn out Pleo's powers? Now that she thought about it, Pleo's powers did have a way of coming out whenever Pokémon felt overwhelmed or wished he could be there to help them.

Their escape from Buyeom… the night where they were cornered on Lyn's ship… even the first time he'd used his powers on Tromba if Mami's story was anything to go by. All of them fit that mold. It couldn't just be a coincidence, could it?

Nida flinched after hearing something drag against the deck and turned to see Vicente holding up a length of mangled rigging, before dropping it with a sighing shake of his head.

"Travellers Above, what a mess."

Nida watched the Hitmontop prod at a set of broken rigging with a foot as a tense grimace settled on his face. The Nidorina hesitated briefly at Vicente's reaction, before looking up along the masts and feeling a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.

There above them, where Valter's sails had been, were naught but a bunch of soaked, gray ribbons of cloth dangling from the cross-masts. The other sailors noticed them too, as Vicente brought a hand to his face and pinched his brow.

"We certainly aren't getting to Gestirn with these," the Hitmontop muttered. "I don't know if this sort of damage could even be patched up."

Gulps and uneasy whispers went about the sailors on the deck as Beatrix walked up towards the remains of the sails, her wings too wet to fly. The Illumise pawed at a few of the damp rags lying on the deck, before throwing them aside with a wet splutch and shaking her head.

"… Even if these were salvageable, we wouldn't have the materials to repair them," she sighed. "And we'd never get them stitched back together before our water ran out."

Beatrix hesitated for a moment and sucked in a sharp breath, before turning to address the sailors around her.

"We've got one other set of sails left to work with that aren't those Company lavenders," the Illumise reminded. "Looks like we'll have to use those to continue on."

Another set of sails to work with? … Beatrix wasn't suggesting using the same ones they'd flown while being chased out of port from Giotto and Buyeom, was she? Worried glances and murmurs went about the gathered deckhands, as Pladur audibly gulped and spoke up in reply.

"You mean… our normal sails?" the Fraxure asked. "But how will those not get us in trouble the moment we pull into port?"

Beatrix turned to Pladur and noticed he and many of her gathered sailors were visibly on-edge from the proposal. After a long pause, she shook her head and let out a quiet sigh.

"… We'll do what we can to disguise the patterns, and try to come up with a cover story to give if anyone asks," Beatrix said. "But I don't think that flying parts of Company lavenders will exactly make us less likely to get into trouble."

A moment of lingering silence hung in the air, with nothing but the sea's waves breaking it. The sailors turned and one by one began to drift off about the ship, some setting to work clearing the debris and wreckage off the deck, while others made their way below it for their replacement sails. All the while, Nida and Pleo noticed the sailors seemed visibly tense and on edge, and looked around blankly. Neither of them were sure just what they were supposed to do when Pladur approached them with a low sigh.

"Maybe it'd be best if you just focused on getting some rest for now," the Fraxure insisted. "You all helped us more than we could've asked for tonight."

Nida glanced towards the stairs and saw Crom, Elty, and Guardia were already taking their leave, and with her and Pleo in their present state… it was hard not to agree that the Fraxure had a point.

"Thanks, Pladur," she replied. "I think that we'll do that."

Nida led her Lugia teammate along, following after him as he tiredly waddled back below the deck. Along the way, she noticed Pleo hanging his head as he walked. Perhaps he was just tired, but after Pleo's downcast mood earlier in the evening… it didn't hurt to give him a bit of reassurance.

The Nidorina hurried up, nosing at his wing for attention. After getting the young Protector to turn his head, Nida nuzzled at him and looked up into his eyes.

"Thank you, Pleo," she said. "For everything."

Pleo staredback wordlessly for a moment, before giving a small smile and leaning in to nuzzle Nida back, before continuing on for the entrance below deck. His movements were still tired and sluggish, but now they had a faint hopefulness to them that he'd lacked just moments earlier. All the while, Nida tried to keep her head up and to brush aside her worries. Whatever tomorrow would bring, she'd face it along with Pleo and her other teammates. Together.

Early that following morning, under calmer skies where the moon and stars were just beginning to give way to dawn, Hess had gathered with the rest of Orleigh's Pirate Council just as a galleon in Company colors pulled into port at Rosequartz Town. He and his fellow captains had come with a throng of pirates drawn from their crews for the occasion, as tension thick enough to cut with a knife hung in the air.

Dirk, Tarquin, and Ingela all steeled themselves for battle, though even with their firm countenance, some of their lackeys were still visibly on-edge as the Company ship approached. Hess grimaced and sucked in a sharp breath, a quick glance over his shoulder revealing that his underlings were just as rattled as him. He turned back to the galleon and sized up its deck, when he noticed that strangely enough, it seemed lightly crewed. There didn't seem to be many escorts in the water or air either, with Lyn evidently opting to come with a smaller number of bulky Pokémon this time, such as a Lapras and a Wailmer.

Perhaps that was a good sign. If something went wrong, it surely wouldn't be harder to fight a smaller crew of square-necks, would it?


Hess flinched as a wooden gangplank struck against the pier, prompting him to look over to see Lyn clambering down and storming straight for him. The Aggron reflexively let out a startled squeak, and a number of pirates in the throng behind him reflexively froze at the Samurott's approach, including much of his own crew.

The Aggron pirate raised his arms to shield his face and braced himself… except, much to his relief, the Commissioner came to a stop in front of him. Hess lowered his arms, when he noticed the others on the Council were unfazed by Lyn's approach and stared back at him with unamused scowls. After a moment to register that he wasn't in agonizing pain, Hess looked back as Lyn's whiskers twitched and the Samurott's muzzle curled down into an impatient, unimpressed frown.

"I'm on a tight schedule right now, so let's get down to business," Lyn growled. "How have those raids been going?"

Hess squirmed and tried to suppress a nervous titter, seeing the scowls on Dirk and the other Council captains' faces deepen. For his own sake, he needed to make it look like Lyn couldn't just walk all over him, and fast. The Aggron raised his head to try and show off his full height, which probably would've been more impressive had the Steel-Type's body not been visibly trembling and his voice come out with a startled stammer.

"W-We've hit up every island in Anyilla outside of Company waters by now, so we kept our end of the bargain," he insisted. "Magmapool was kinda dicey, but we at least got in a good strafing while flying those Trombans' sails before we got chased off."

Lyn gave a disinterested tilt of his head at the Aggron's attempts to puff himself up, before bringing a paw to his whiskers and turning his snout up with narrowed eyes.

"Including Tidemill?" Lyn pressed.

Hess' pupils shrank briefly and his jaw flopped open with an alarmed sputter.

"Look, we said every island, alright? Tidemill City wasn't part of the deal!" the Steel-Type protested. "They were already wanted by the guards there and we raided one of the fringe towns for good measure! That's good enough to make the average 'mon think they're pirates, isn't it?"

A sharp scoff rang out further up the pier, as Dirk stepped forward with a disapproving sneer at Hess that made him cringe. After a moment to cow his unwanted peer on the Council, the Bisharp turned his attention to Lyn and narrowed his eyes with a piercing glare.

"You should keep your expectations in check, Commissioner," Dirk harrumphed. "Mounting a raid on Tidemill City would be as difficult as mounting one on Canalhouse City. You've gotten your raids, and between the four of us, we now have scouts posted on every island in Anyilla outside of Company waters."

The Bisharp crossed his arms, making an effort to show his displeasure at the square-neck's presence before continuing on.

"So the question is, how long do you intend to keep us sitting around here waiting for something to happen?" he demanded.

Lyn gave no answer at first, before shaking his head and glancing off at the open water in the distance.

"Not long at all," he insisted. "Lugia and his friends were last spotted heading for Imperial waters after causing a disturbance on Vollezee. The entire reason why I'm here right now is to make sure that your so-called 'Council' is ready to make good on your end of our deal."

A pair of audible huffs rang out as Ingela and Tarquin leveled icy stares over at the Samurott, the Primarina of the pair not even bothering to hide her disdain of the Company pest before her.

"Hrmph, it would hardly take long to gather the support of the smaller crews in port," Ingela scoffed. "Especially with the promise of a town's worth of loot. We'll be ready to sail as soon as we hear of Lugia's presence from one of our scouts."

"Well, most of us will, anyways," Tarquin harrumphed, shaking his head. "I can't speak for how the fleet of one ship you're pinning your hopes on will fare."

"Actually, about that…"

Lyn drew a seamitar with a quiet scraping noise and turned to gesture in view of his ship with a barking order to 'Move out'. Much to Hess' astonishment, ship's escorts in the air immediately flew off for the open sea, as the swimmers queued up alongside the ship and the ship's diminished crew made their way onto them.

Hess and the other Council members blinked as they watched the escorts in the water begin to drift off, passengers in tow. The Aggron turned back to Lyn just in time to spot a Hitmonchan and a Heracross bringing over a large chest that they set down in front of the Samurott, before taking their leave for a waiting Wailmer. Lyn took a moment to fiddle around with the chest, before he pushed the hefty container forward with its opening latch facing towards Hess.

"Considering the stakes of this mission, I figured my associate needed more than a mere solitary caravel to work with," the Samurott said. "You'll be fielding my Argent Aviso for this raid, which I've taken the liberty of already provisioning for your use."

Lyn motioned with his blade off at the gangplank as a Krokorok and Grumpig were pushed along by a Heatmor and an orange Lycanroc, the former pair visibly dragging their heels before they were shoved over to the Samurott's side. The otter scowled down at the pair briefly, prompting the two to stiffen up and force sheepish, overeager smiles over their faces before glancing over at Hess and the gathered pirates. The Aggron cocked a brow at the two square-necks and their Samurott superior, as Lyn slipped the flat of his blade behind the pair with a quiet harrumph.

"I've also arranged for two of my deckhands to stay behind to help walk you through how to operate my galleon," Lyn added. "Ken and Hooke here were… particularly interested in seeing that this mission was successful and volunteered for the role."

With a pair of swats from the flat of his blade, the Samurott shooed the duo ahead of him. At once, Ken and Hooke looked up at Hess, and after a moment of squirming, hastily nodded and chimed in at their captain's prodding.

"Th-That's right! Nothing like turning over a new leaf, Captain!" the Krokorok stammered.

"Yeah! W-We're great at following orders!" the Grumpig chimed in. "Wouldn't get any ideas like taking a swing at a superior or anything like that!"

Hess noted that for all of their outward eagerness, the pair seemed to be visibly on-edge. He supposed he couldn't fault a pair of Company First-Ranks for being nervous about being left behind to go embedded within a pirate crew, but something about the two's mannerisms made him question just how much they had 'volunteered' for their mission. Why, with the way the two were acting, it felt more like the Samurott was ready to keelhaul the pair if they voiced their objections!

The other Council members sized up the two square-necks warily, before letting out unimpressed scoffs and shakes of their heads, with Dirk letting a wary scowl linger on the Iron Fleet's captain and his benefactor.

"Hrmph. I don't believe that we need to be around to watch you and your… associate, conduct business," the Bisharp huffed. "Is there anything that we need to know?"

"No," Lyn said. "By all means, take your leave."

Dirk, Tarquin, and Ingela proceeded to do just that, and after barking out orders, their underlings in the crowd cleared out, leaving Hess' golden-scarved lackeys to fill the gap. Rodion and Kichiro kept their ranks ready to spring forward at a moment's notice, even as a few visibly cast nervous glances off at escape routes behind them or through the water as they neared. Lyn didn't think terribly much of the display, as undeterred, he leaned in on the Aggron captain, the Steel-Type quivering slightly as he felt the Samurott's hot, irritated breaths against his scales and inched back as the Company Commissioner glared daggers back up at him.

"I've gone out on quite a limb for you, Aggron," Lyn barked. "There's a lot riding on your ability to capture Lugia long enough for us to take the matter over ourselves. Don't make me regret this."

Hess quietly gulped, as he cast a wary glance up at the galleon by the pier, and then back at his underlings behind him on the docks.

"B-But how do you expect me to crew two ships on this sort of notice?" the Aggron protested. "My own ship was already understaffed before all this!"

The Samurott curled his muzzle into a sharp frown and reared up, folding his forelimbs against each other with an unimpressed scoff.

"Just what do you think the supplies I brought with me are for?"

Lyn ran his paws over the front of the chest and popped the latches open. He pulled the chest's lid back, the morning twilight above revealing that it was filled up to its brim with gold-colored Poké coins. Freshly minted, from the way they gleamed.

Hess and his underlings' eyes lit up at the sight, as excited murmurs began to swirl about their ranks and a few of their bolder members started to drift ahead to get a better look. As quickly as they came, Lyn sharply clamped the chest shut and flashed his blade at the nearing pirates, making them shrink back with yelps and startled squeaks as they hurriedly retreated behind their superiors.

Lyn gave a disgusted growl at the display, before turning his attention back to Hess with a sharp scowl.

"You'd do well not to gamble and drink it all away, Aggron," the Samurott scoffed. "Or at least not until after you've secured a crew for yourself. After all, if this mission succeeds, I won't exactly need the galleon back."

Hess blinked a moment, turning his head to gape at the Argent Aviso, and then back at its captain. He hadn't misheard things, had he? Since for a second, he could've sworn that Lyn had just told him…

"Wait, so then this ship's mine?" Hess asked. "For keeps?"

Lyn hesitated for a moment, seemingly wavering with himself over whether or not he really wanted to commit to the offer. After a lingering pause, he shook his head and let out an unimpressed scoff.

"If you can hold on to it," he said. "If there's one thing I've learned from my duties, it's that pirates' dealings always end in some manner of dirty trick or betrayal."

The Samurott turned and began to pace off for the sea, hesitating briefly to look back over his shoulder and shoot a sharp scowl at Hess and his mob of golden-scarved pirates.

"Though that's a problem for you to figure out once it becomes relevant in the future," Lyn said. "For now, focus on delivering on your end of our bargain. For your own sake."

Lyn sprang up and dove into a free patch of water on the right side of the pier, kicking up a plume that splashed onto the Hess' face and chest. The Aggron screwed his eyes shut, and disgustedly brushed the seawater off himself. After cracking his eyes open, he saw that Lyn had already knifed off in the water for the open sea, forming a flotilla along with the last straggling swimmers from his crew.

Hess looked off after the Samurott as the Commissioner slipped off into the morning twilight, and gave an indignant grumble once he was sure that the otter was safely out of earshot. After a moment to sulk over his wounded pride, the Steel-Type heard approaching footsteps, a quick glance behind revealing Rodion and Kichiro were walking up. The two stared at the open sea and the vanishing flotilla of Company Pokémon, before Rodion turned his head up to Hess with an uncomfortable paw at the back of his neck.

"… It's not too late to consider other options, Hess," Rodion murmured. "I doubt that Samurott's given us all of this out of a sense of charity."

Kichiro kept his eyes trained after Lyn for a moment, before folding both sets of his arms and turning to Hess and Rodion with a buzzing scoff.

"Look, I don't know about you, but I'm not in the mood to pull a double-cross on just a leap of faith," Kichiro piped. "If Lyn's got a galleon to spare, I'm sure he's got plenty of other ships behind him ready to go after us if we cut and run."

The two weren't wrong. As Rodion said, there was exactly zero reason to trust that square-neck. And Kichiro's point about Lyn being a formidable foe they would ill-afford to cross was every bit as true.

Hess subconsciously pawed at his lucky charm under his scarf. It'd gotten him out of tight pinches in the past, but something about this one felt different. It was only logical that they ought to get out from under that blasted Samurott as soon as they could… except it wasn't immediately obvious how they were supposed to do that.

Hess plodded forward when he turned his attention back down to the chest, and hesitated after seeing the Poké inside. He didn't like the idea of knowing that Lyn was holding one over him, but with this treasure, he'd surely be able to put himself and his crew in a better place for when it inevitably came time to cut the Samurott loose.

More pirates at his beck and call, better equipment for their raids… Why, there'd even be enough to stock both ships with rum and spirits to smooth things over with his underlings if they hit a snag or two for a couple seasons.

It wasn't as if the job they were about to pull wouldn't put them on the map as a crew either. Why, they were about to capture a Protector! It'd be just the thing the Iron Fleet needed to finally be taken as a serious force by their peers!

Hess shook his head. In light of that, it was only obvious what the way forward for them entailed.

"Sounds like a reason to stay the course until something changes about what we know."

The Aggron turned back and noticed that Ken and Hooke were standing awkwardly by the galleon's gangplank, only to freeze and turn back with overeager smiles after seeing the pirate captain's attention fall on them. Hess narrowed his eyes a moment, before reaching down for the chest on the pier and latching it shut with a low huff.

"If you two have got nothing better to do, you might as well make yourselves useful."

The Aggron strained and picked up the chest, before lumbering it over and tossing it at the Krokorok and Grumpig. The pair's eyes widened as the two threw their arms out to try and catch the chest, only for its momentum to carry them backwards and knock them flat on their backs onto the pier's planks with a pair of yelps.

"A-Agh! My tail!" the Krokorok whined.

"W-What on earth was that for?!" the Grumpig spluttered.

Ken and Hooke hastily pulled themselves out from under the chest with annoyed glares, only to freeze after feeling a sharp thump reverberate through the pier's timbers. The pair looked up at the sound of a low growl, and blanched with a pair of low squeaks after seeing their new Aggron superior had lowered his head with his horns leveled threateningly at them.

"To give you two square-necks a chance to show that we can trust you," Hess spat. "You can start by getting out of those ugly scarves of yours and pulling your weight a bit by helping us move this chest."

Rodion gave an annoyed scowl, before unceremoniously fishing out a pair of gold-and-silver scarves from a satchel and throwing it at the pair's feet. Hess shoved his way past the duo and made his way for the gangplank, clambering his way up until he made it to the Argent Aviso's deck.

"After all, we've got a lot of work ahead of us."

Morning came faster than anyone on Team Traveller expected after their stormy night at sea, with much of the crew's night shift being spent filling in the bands of their sails' and scarves' waterspout pattern to form solid triangles—the best disguise they could manage with the little dye they were able to find in the ship's storeroom. Before they knew it, they were gathered at the railing of the Siglo Swellow, watching a tall peak with mist running down the length of its northern face come poking over the horizon.

Crom's eyes and keen vision helped him pick out details sooner than much of his friends did. Forests filled with spruce trees that grew along the coast, with a short, yellowish tower with a tented, shingled roof standing out in their midst. A little ways away from the curious structure, there was a town of painted timbered buildings built on lowlands by the sea, with a stone castle overlooking the sprawl from the foothills nearby.

But as the Siglo Swellow neared, Crom found his attention drifting back to the mountain that anchored the entire island. It stood out when it first came over the horizon, but it quickly became apparent that the peak stretched up much higher than he first thought. So high that part way up the slope, the green trees gave way to a white band… was that snow up there?

The Druddigon gaped up at the peak of the mountain, as the closer the ship approached the island, the further and further it seemed to shoot up into the sky. High enough that he began to wonder if a Pokémon could touch the clouds from its top.

"Wow. I didn't know that mountains could get that tall…" Crom murmured.

"That's Mount Starfall for you," Pladur chuckled. "It's the tallest one here in Anyilla."

Off at the Dragon-Types' side, Pleo stared up at the towering mountain as the Siglo Swellow neared Gestirn Island, only to pause and hang his head and with a low sigh. It was a sight that should've filled him with wonder and excitement at the idea of flying and taking in the scenery or trying to climb up along the mountain's height… except, they would be lucky to set foot off the ship just to reprovision. After what happened on Haipheh, he doubted anyone felt bold enough to go exploring a second time. Not if it meant risking the local guards catching on to them again.

He wasn't sure that he would've been in the mood to do so even if it weren't for the risk of being discovered. Not while knowing that Kiran and a good chunk of their allies had been captured and were going through heavens-knows-what at the moment.

Pleo felt the ship bob along with the waves and turned towards the approaching shoreline. He craned his head up, where he began to make out rooftops and individual buildings in the town on land. The settlement grew closer and closer as the ship neared, until Pleo could just make out the forms of individual Pokémon milling about the town's piers and on the beaches nearby, like a Lechonk curiously digging a hole in the sand right on the outskirts. The young Lugia tilted his head and wondered to himself what the pig could be doing, when the sound of someone sharply inhaling turned his attention to his right. There, Ander glanced out at the approaching town, resting his scythes tensely against the railing for a moment, before looking uneasily over his shoulder and back at the rest of the crew.

"Here goes nothing," the Marked Scyther said. "Hopefully the initial inspection won't take long."

Beatrix flitted over to the tiller and leaned against it, steering the Siglo Swellow on a course for the village's docks. Along the way, Pleo noticed the figures onshore abruptly stop, and he could've sworn that he saw a few pointing off at them, with a Staravia among their number keenly observing them. The bird remained in place even after the nearby Pokémon took off running and ducked from building to building in the square. Other Pokémon in the throng hurried inland, while Pleo watched as a number made their way towards the water with others in tow.

Much to the crew's confusion, the Pokémon approaching the pier all seemed visibly agitated, while a number of them were wearing indigo scarves. Nida blinked and grimaced briefly at the sight, as she quickly realized that something was seriously amiss with the Pokémon onshore.

"Wh-What's going on?" the Nidorina asked. "Why are the guards running towards us with all of these other-?"

A giant torrent of water abruptly sailed in, striking against the mast. At once, yelps and cries went about the crew as other errant attacks sailed in after the Hydro Pump, and the color quickly drained from everyone's faces. After a moment of stunned, slack-jawed silence, Beatrix shook her head, before piping up to her crew with a sharp cry.

"Gah! So much for being a safe harbor!" she buzzed. "Take us hard to starboard! We're getting out of here!"

"Like hell you are!" a voice shouted from the sea.

The incoming attacks quickly turned into an overwhelming hail as more beams and missiles sailed in from the ship's port side, a bolt of electricity felling a Mantine in the water, and a glob of poison sending an Unfezant crashing to the deck with a pained squawk. Much to everyone's alarm, the figures of various sea-dwellers abruptly surfaced in the water, as Pokémon massed on the dock and a group formed a screen of overlapping Protects while others lobbed attacks from behind them.

Pleo ducked a Shadow Ball that missed his head by scarcely a feather's length and scurried along to the other side of the Siglo Swellow as a few sailors attempted to return fire of their own. The sky above them quickly grew thick with fliers from ashore picking dogfights with the aerial escorts. After a hurried scrabble from port to starboard, Pleo discovered to his horror that there were Pokémon already there in the water harrying their escorts and casting waves and jets of water at the ship. A few bulkier swimmers were charging at the Siglo Swellow with Pokémon clinging to their backs, some of them lobbing seeds and the likes of Iron Thorns at the ship. Curiously, the scarves of their attackers on the starboard side were of all sorts of different colors, with Pleo not able to make out any indigo among them.

W-Wait a minute! Then that meant-!

"H-Huh?! These Pokémon aren't guards!" Pleo cried. "Why are they attacking-?!"

"Das ist es! Brace for contact!"

A sharp shout came out from the port side, as the voice continued to call from below and an Ivysaur clambered up and tried to mount the railing with his vines. A Vulpix from the crew ran in and spat up a cone of embers, sending the Ivysaur tumbling back overboard with a yelp and a loud splash. A Pachirisu attempted to board in much the same fashion a little ways off towards the bow, only for a Dwebble to push her back overboard with a startled cry.


Just then, a snarling Krookodile in a indigo scarf with a twinleaf pattern vaulted over the railing and came to a crouching stop. A Greedent noticed the new attacker and charged in with a body-slamming tackle, only for the Krookodile to bite down on her with a sickening crunch. The Greedent screamed out in pain, her cries wavering before ultimately going silent as the Krookodile shook the squirrel in his jaws and threw her limply to the deck.

A nearby Dwebble and Vulpix froze up as the Greedent tumbled to a stop before them, when the Dwebble lunged ahead with a sharp hiss and threw a flurry of slashing swipes forward with his claws. His blows landed one after the other against the Krookodile's hide, forcing the crocodile back briefly, only for the Ground-Type's tail to abruptly take on a metallic sheen. The Imperial swung it around, swatting the hapless sailor backwards and sending him flying over the railing.

A shrill yelp and loud splash followed, which made the Vulpix pin his tail and ears against his body as his will to fight drained out of him. The fox yipped and turned to flee, when a hail of sharp rocks from the marauding Krookodile knocked him to the deck. By then, others on the crew had taken notice of the crocodile just as a veritable crowd of snarling Pokémon in indigo garb forced their way onto the deck from the port side of the ship and collided straight into their defensive positions.

Shouts and blows rang out amidst a confusing melee as Pokémon and their attacks zipped about in the chaos. In the midst of it, Pladur hurriedly smacked a Thwackey out of the way with a swipe of a set of claws still trailing dragonfire, the Fraxure briefly spotting his teammates in the confusion as he raised his voice with a stammering cry.

"C-Come on!" the dragon shouted. "We need to get them off the deck-!"


The sailors on deck collectively flinched at the sound of rending wood coming from the starboard side, as a final few attacks zipped through the air before reaching a tense pause. The Siglo Swellow's defenders collectively blanched, as a few gestured off to the starboard side with startled cries. Pleo turned his attention alongside his companions towards where the sound had come from, where they noticed a gaping hole in the hull that had been patched up earlier, with the ice plug having fallen out in shattered chunks and the hole's edge just barely avoiding the waterline.

Pleo watched Crom and Pladur's faces visibly contort into frightened grimaces, with the rest of the sailors present doing much the same. He knew that ship hulls weren't supposed to have holes in them like that, but from the way that everyone was reacting, he was guessing they were in deep trouble.

Other Pokémon in indigo scarves climbed up to the deck, while the Siglo Swellow's escorts in the air and sea were being mobbed and surrounded by their attackers. Pleo heard a few frightened whines and murmurs go around the ship's defenders, as jeers and taunts rang out from Pokémon onshore who'd gathered to observe them. Others gaped from a distance, including a Staravia who lingered briefly while passing in the air before flying off for the northeast.

Pleo heard the ship's timbers thump and a low growl fill the air, as he turned back to see the Krookodile from earlier. The crocodile bared his teeth and flashed his claws, sizing up the Pokémon about him on deck before he spoke up with a throaty snarl.

"Do you really think we're too stupid to see that you just filled in the bands on your sails?! You've got some nerve coming back here after raiding us just last week, pirate scum!" the Krookodile barked. "You can either know when you're beat, or we sink you right here and now and sort out anyone who hasn't drowned afterwards!"

A few more frightened-looking sailors like a visibly trembling Nosepass threw their limbs up or rolled over in surrender, Beatrix and Vicente blanched for a moment, before they too did the same. The crew's fighting spirit seemed to visibly vanish after that, as Pleo and his teammates watched one Pokémon after another yield to the approaching guards.

Th-This couldn't be how things ended! They couldn't seriously have their journey end with being captured as pirates on an island they had never even docked at!

… Hold on a moment.

"W-Wait!" Pleo cried. "But we've never been here be-!"

Pleo heard the sound of shattering glass and looked down to see a cloud of peach-colored mist abruptly fill his vision. T-That was a Slumber Orb! The Lugia coughed and frantically tried to blow away the mist, as he heard yelps ring out and saw the silhouettes of figures being shoved to the ground through the haze. Pleo squawked in protest, but he couldn't get his words out of his throat, as a wave of drowsiness suddenly overtook him and he pitched forward.

The last thing Pleo remembered was feeling the side of his head hit the deck of the Siglo Swellow, and the world going black as muddled, indistinct cries rang out in the background.

Author's Notes:

- Despiértate! - Spanish: "Wake up!" (directed at singular informal subject, imperative)
- Najwyższa pora! - Polish: "It's about time!" (interjection)
- Das ist es! - German: "This is it!"
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