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Pokémon Fledglings

Chapter 75: The Best-Laid Plans


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

Just offshore Haipheh, the Uragan carried on under a morning sky darkened with white clouds as stray flakes of snow filtered about sharp and frigid air. On the deck, the crew's pace had ground down from the unnatural cold, with even Jun and Nagant having become sluggish from the abrupt change in weather. Nagant peered off through her scope towards a square sea fort with stone walls built on the other side of a hill from a small village, the entire area frosted over with a layer of snow that only served to remind the Clawitzer of the inhospitable weather.

"Bah, I should've just hit the water from the last buoy," she grumbled.

Nagant put her scope away and hopped up to jump into the water. As little comfort as it was, the sea provided some minor relief from the cold, leaving the pistol shrimp to jet ahead, weaving along the waves as a group of Pokémon in Imperial scarves swam up to accost her. After seeing her three-leaved scarf and less-than-amiable mood, the lot swiftly waved the Water-type along, letting her carry on for the fort where a breakwater with wooden docks had been constructed.

The Clawitzer passed several ships with Imperial sails, seeing that the docks were more crowded than normal today, no doubt thanks to the disturbance that had happened in Tidemill City just a few days ago. After a moment's search, Nagant found an open spot at the far end where her ship could moor at, where she swam up and grudgingly clambered up as she felt the air chill the seawater rolling off her shell and fought to stifle a shiver.

"Ah, Captain Nagant. I've been expecting you."

Nagant pivoted on her tail just in time to see an Incineroar in an indigo scarf with a four-leaved pattern approaching. The Clawitzer nodded back, giving a small wave as she fixed her gaze insistently on the approaching Fire-Type.

"Being greeted at the docks by the 'mon in charge is certainly a first…" Nagant remarked. "Commodore Corbett, was it?"

"That's right," the Incineroar answered. "Though given the message I received from you and Valan, I was under the impression that there wasn't any time to waste for this 'Lugia'."

The Clawitzer shook her head back at the Incineroar, breathing a sigh of relief that after her debacle of a port call in Buyeom she was finally dealing with a 'mon that seemed to be cutting to the chase.

"You can say that again," Nagant said. "I need to have an audience with-"

"I already took the liberty of informing the Duchess about the circumstances," Corbett cut in. "She gave the green light for an operation to seize the Protector on her island, and me and my subordinates are ready to provide whatever assistance is needed for helping you restore it to the crown."

Nagant blinked out of surprise at the Commodore's reply. The shrimp paused for a moment, wondering if Corbett's generosity was as open as he let on, before opting to test it for herself.

"… I'm going to need five twin-masts flying false sails, my crew's members embedded with the local guards to set up an ambush in town, and for them to heed my orders for anything relevant to this mission until the Lugia is captured," she said.

"Consider it done," Corbett replied.

Nagant's mouthparts hung open at Corbett's acceptance, having half a mind to pinch herself to ensure that she wasn't dreaming. Satisfied, her mandibles curled into a smile as she nodded back to her superior.

"Glad to hear, I'm sure Her Majesty will be as happy as I am once this all is over."

In the seas west of Haipheh, the Siglo Swellow sailed along amidst the waves. The lookouts peered through spyglasses every now and then to ensure that the ship was still on course, dutifully checking that they weren't straying towards any of the more trafficked sea routes to the north. Below the deck, a small crowd of sailors had gathered in the mess hall to read letters Pat had brought from Tromba and distributed to their owners. At the edge, Trizano chattered with a Raichu and Servine, the two having spent the past few minutes recounting their travels since Tromba when Trizano's eyes drifted over towards a pair of envelopes left on their table.

"You've been able to get mail all this time going from island to island?" the Skarmory wondered.

"Yup, though it helps that we've got someone to fly it back and forth for us," Philips replied. "Pat finally came back from Tromba with a load of letters when we were anchored at Pioppo. There's not a whole lot going on now, so we're just catching up on them."

"How have they all been doing anyways?" Trizano asked. "From what you've told me so far, I can't imagine that being separated from their Protector has been easy on them."

"Mostly just normal everyday stuff," Natrix answered. "They were pretty thrilled to hear about the Protector joining us, and they're looking forward to us coming home."

Trizano furrowed his brow back in confusion, giving a slight tilt of his head as he pressed the Servine and his Raichu companion.

"The Company hasn't done anything at all to try and interfere yet?" he questioned. "Surely everyone at home must find their lack of intervention a bit strange…"

Natrix and Philips looked at each other for a moment, before turning back to Trizano with a shared shrug.

"I mean, I'm sure that they're worried about it… but nothing's happened so far," the Raichu of the pair said.

"Yeah, they were in the clear when Pat was back there," Natrix chimed in. "And that was just two days ago!"

Trizano gave an uneasy ruffle of his feathers, letting them clatter against each other. It was hard to think that Company would fail to catch onto the town's schemes for so long, but stranger things had happened before, and it was hardly a bad thing to still have a free wing to work with.

"I suppose one should be thankful that's still the case then…" he murmured.

The Skarmory got up from the table and waved farewell at the Raichu and Servine before leaving the mess hall, heading up onto the deck when he caught sight of Team Traveller's youngsters helping to clean the deck. There he saw Crom, Guardia, Elty, and Pleo all doing their part dutifully swabbing the timbers, occasionally breaking their work with a playful flick of a wet rag. Trizano paced forward, raising a wing in welcome only to stop and blink after noticing that Nida wasn't with them.

"Oh? Wasn't Nida helping out with swabbing the deck today?"

Crom paused from his work swabbing the deck, looking up at Trizano as he shook feeling back into his left arm.

"She's helping out with reading and transcribing the Ledger in her quarters," the Druddigon answered. "Ander's turn was up so she took over for him."

"Right… She's been at that for a while," Trizano mused. "Perhaps it's about time for her to take a break."

The Skarmory made his way back below deck, shuffling through the dimly-lit halls and past the occasional sailor as he made his way down to the common rooms that served as the crew's quarters. Trizano counted up the doors, before coming to a stop at the second entrance on his left, where a simple wooden door had been left ajar, prompting him to push it open and call out into the room on the other end.


The metal bird stepped into the chamber, where he saw hammocks and straw bedding set out along the edges. In the center, next to a jar lit with glowmoss, there was the Knights' Ledger laying open with its pages facing down on a crate used as a table, with Nida leaning away on a stool with a troubled stare.

"Are you alright?" Trizano asked.

"I… just needed to stop reading for a while," Nida said.

Trizano tilted his head warily back at the Nidorina. He hadn't been given the chance to read much of the Ledger on his own, but he remembered enough of what the village discovered from it to be jarring on an initial impression. Then, it begged the question of…

"What was the last thing that you read?"

"I came across a set of entries talking about how this Queen Erna ordered the Company to bring Cernun's egg back to Conntow," Nida began. "They sent some Commissioner over to do it, but one of his main assistants was Inler."

"I mean, it would make sense," Trizano replied. "From what I'm aware of, there aren't many Pokémon like Inler left in the Company who have been around since the time before the Great Calamity-"

"That wasn't what bugged me," the Nidorina insisted, prompting Trizano to pause uneasily before she continued on.

"The entries after said that the Company first tried to take the egg peacefully, but that when the ferals inside the Mystery Dungeon pushed back, they 'helped them meet their makers'!" she exclaimed. "And the entries afterwards just continued on like nothing was wrong!"

Nida shook her head, pulling her ears back as she looked back at Trizano uncomfortably.

"I'd only been reading the Ledger for half an hour when I came across it, and it's barely 30 pages into it," she murmured. "Just what else is in this thing?"

Trizano lowered his head with a quiet sigh, before he made his way over to the tome to shut it.

"That, I don’t have an answer to, other than that there's a reason why both the Company and the Empire fear this book, Nida," the Skarmory replied. "They both have had a long history of dealings involving Cernun, and much of it doesn't reflect well on them."

"But why Cernun in particular? And why did they need his egg anyways?" Nida asked. "Back then they weren't enemies with each other like they are now, so what would they need a Protector for?"

"I admittedly haven't read the Ledger myself, but Valter has told me a few times about things that he found in it. One of them was that there seem to be passing mentions that Cernun's egg wasn't the only one," Trizano explained. "What other Protector or Protectors that involved, I wouldn't know."

Trizano slipped a loose feather into the pages of the book as a mark, shaking his head before closing it and turning back to the Nidorina.

"As for why they needed Cernun… when the Empire came for him again at Pioppo, they wanted to use him as a weapon for the Navy," he continued. "I'd imagine the Empire must have wanted to do so even before he hatched, though I'm not sure why they would've felt a need to do something like that."

Nida blinked at the Skarmory's reply as she wondered to herself just what other Protectors could have met a fate like Cernun. She knew full well from Nerea that this blue tome in front of her was only one out of three volumes, so did the other two reveal more about this? Nerea said the Company had disturbed her, but that had happened well after the Great Calamity… and none of the islands other than Mengir had any indication that they'd similarly had their Protector taken from them…

Tok tok tok

Nida and Trizano turned for the door at the sound of claws rapping against wood, turning to see Pladur wedge his tusked head through the doorway.

"We're a bit low on supplies, so Captain Beatrix is taking us by Haipheh to reprovision," the Fraxure said.

"Huh? So soon?" Nida asked.

"Well, we're about an hour out," the Dragon-Type explained. "But you should try to put away the Ledger in about half an hour. The approaches to islands tend to be more closely watched, and it'd be a waste to lose it from a sudden inspection."

Pladur took his leave, heading back out into the hallway as Nida uneasily shifted her glance between the door and the blue tome on the crate. Her indecision was cut short by the rustling of Trizano's feathers, as the Skarmory raised a wing to address her.

"Why don't you go and take a break for now?" Trizano suggested. "I can take over until it's time to put the Ledger away."

"Are you sure, Trizano?" Nida asked. "I don't really want to impose on-"

"Certamente! We're working as a team, aren't we?" the Skarmory said. "So let me help out with your burden a while."

The Nidorina paused a moment, letting a small smile spread over her muzzle before she nosed her way for the door.

"Alright, I'll take you up on it."

Nida made her way to the door and pushed the door open, looking back as Trizano settled against the crate and opened the blue book back to where he'd left his feather. The Nidorina let the door shut behind her, heading off down the corridor as she kept wondering to herself what could be in the other two volumes that Kline and Nerea had mentioned.

About hour later, the rattle of clayware rang out from the galley as Pleo, Crom, Guardia, Nida, and Elty took a moment to rest by helping themselves to leftovers from breakfast and play a shell game shuffling a trio of clay cups with their paws trying to guess which of them hid a pebble underneath. After finishing their food and amusing themselves for a while, the lot felt the ship come to a stop. While the Siglo Swellow's bobbing began to settle down, the five got up, making their way down the ship's corridors as its wood creaked and groaned from moving in the harbor's water. They passed one of the sleeping quarters where Kiran and Dimitri exited before hailing them, the lot calling back cheerful greetings only for Pleo to pause and notice something amiss with their gathering.

"Eh? Where's Ander?" the Lugia asked. "I thought we were all getting together before going onto the deck."

"I saw him back at his quarters," Dimitri answered. "He says that he's not a good fit for going off into Haipheh."

"I wonder why he suddenly changed his mind," Guardia said. "I don't have any problem going out. It's a chance to see a new place, gather lore about this island, and…"

The Cubone trailed off as a cold chill came down the steps, Nida, Pleo, and Elty giving a puzzled turn of their heads before they continued up into frosty air cold enough for them to see their breaths. The three looked around, seeing that far from the warm, blue skies from just an hour ago, the Siglo Swellow had laid anchor in a harbor frosted with snow, and chunks of ice swirling about the water. In front of them was a village composed of glazed-tiled shacks with paper windows occasionally punctuated by larger ring-like structures. The bulk of them were adorned with arcing roofs broken here or there by a tent or building shaped after a Pokémon's head or an iced-over palm tree, with the stone walls of a sea fort visible off in the distance. The lot stared along, half-thinking that they'd come across a playground for Ice-Types opposed to a settlement when the wind picked up and sent a chill down the group's spines, a loud yelp prompting Nida to turn back and see Crom wide-eyed and shivering.

"A-Aaaah! Nida, it's freezing out here!" the Druddigon cried.

Crom pulled his wings tight against his body before darting back to the entrance to the ship's lower decks. Nida blinked before folding an ear back puzzledly at her Dragon-Type teammate.

"Crom? What's going on?" she asked. "I get that it’s a bit cold, but it’s not that bad, is it?"

The Druddigon remained firmly fixed to his spot, refusing to budge as Pladur walked up hugging his arms against his chest and visibly shivering.

"Blugh… easy enough for a 'mon with fur to say! I normally try to stay below deck whenever the ship comes out to Whitepalm Town since half the time it's miserable just to poke my head out!" Pladur exclaimed. "I don't think I can take five minutes of this, let alone the two hours Captain Beatrix needs in order to resupply!"

Nida flattened her ears at the two Dragon-Types’ reaction, only to hear the sound of boarding footsteps and barking voices when they turned to see a Walrein leading a small party in indigo garb aboard. The lot froze and felt the color flush out of their faces when Beatrix hastily flew in, coming to a hasty stop in front of the Walrein.

"Is something the matter?" Beatrix asked.

"You've been selected for a random inspection," the walrus harrumphed. "Step aside and let us look around a bit."

The Walrein pushed ahead, fanning out along with his underlings across the deck. As the guards made their way about, Team Traveller's members hastily attempted to crowd around Pleo to try and hide him from view, standing on hindlimbs, spreading wings, and standing atop each other's shoulders with audible bumps and jostles. A blue and white Mr. Mime with the Walrein looked over at them for a moment before down at a sheet of paper, and pointed them out. Team Traveller froze for a moment as the head guard approached, the Walrein staring at them for a moment, before giving an annoyed frown.

"You know, this inspection isn't going to go any faster if you're constantly messing around on deck," the Walrein growled. "Go play somewhere else and let us do our jobs here!"

Pleo and his companions blinked back surprised as the guard shook his head and carried on, the Mr. Mime lingering a moment before muttering something about "he's too small anyways". Team Traveller's members breathed a sigh of relief before hastily undoing their awkward wall as the young Lugia stared at the guards rooting around nonchalantly in the background.

"They… didn't recognize me," Pleo murmured.

"You shouldn't nitpick a gift, Pleo. Remember, we're only here for two hours to reprovision before going back to Tromba," Elty chided, as he cast his glance off towards Whitepalm Town's sleepy streets.

"Considering how nobody knows who you are, maybe it'd be worth going out to stretch our legs a bit before sailing off," he suggested.

"It would be nice to fly around," Kiran said. "But none of us really know what to expect from it."

"I believe I could be of assistance there," a Skarmory's voice chimed in.

Team Traveller's members turned to see Trizano hopping up, fanning out his right wing to wave at the lot before bringing it back to his side with a cheerful smile.

"My excursions beyond Pioppo have taken me here a fair amount of times," the Skarmory said. "I'm pretty sure I know the area well enough to give you a short tour within two hours."

"Heh, well I'm sold," Dimitri replied. "How about the rest of you?"

Elty and Kiran at once cheered back their intent to come along, while Crom stared at the town with a palpable sense of dread. Nida looked out at Whitepalm Town, her eyes fixed on the snow-glazed buildings as she shuffled her feet and began to speak up.

"I think I'd like to-"

"I… think that I'm going to sit this one out and stay in the mess hall with the galley oven running until we leave," Pladur said. "That stomach wound still hasn't fully healed and just coming above deck already sucked the energy out of me."

"Ugh, the galley oven really sounds good right now, dad," Crom groaned. "Let's hurry up and get out of this awful weather."

Nida's words died in her mouth and her expression fell as she watched Crom and Pladur head below deck. The Nidorina turned back uneasily at the town, which seemed to lose much of its luster knowing that she'd be seeing it without Crom, leaving her to shift in place uncomfortably. Then again, the rest of her teammates were still going into town, and spending more time on the ship wasn't exactly her first choice either…

"I guess I'll come too," Nida hesitated. "I mean, if everyone else is going, there's no reason for me to skip, right?"

Elty rolled his eyes in reply, before motioning with a paw back for the entrance below deck.

"You seem to be forgetting about Guardia," the Growlithe said.

"Huh? Why? What happened to her-?" Nida started, only to catch herself and hop up out of surprise as she saw the Cubone halfway down the steps for the ship's lower decks.

"Eh?! You were just going on about wanting to gather lore a couple minutes ago!" the Nidorina exclaimed.

Guardia stared back with a sheepish look as her body visibly shivered, before she shook her head and gave an irritated huff.

"Meh, there's not much that can be gathered in two hours anyways," Guardia grumbled. "I might as well just stick around and gather some lore from a seawalker like that Onondo, especially if he also knows something about that oven."

Pleo and his remaining teammates stared after Guardia as she slunk off, their faces locked into flat, unimpressed stares after the vanishing Ground-Type.

"She's staying behind because she thought it was too cold too, isn't she?" Pleo murmured.

"Wasn't it obvious?" Elty scoffed.

Nida grimaced, looking off at the stairwell back below deck and pawing uneasily at the timbers underfoot. The Nidorina hung her head, when she felt a wing pat at her shoulder and looked over to see Kiran smiling reassuringly at her.

"If you don't want to go out, it's fine," the Swellow insisted. "You've only just met Crom again and a lot has changed, so I can understand if you need some time with him."

"Are you sure, Kiran?" Nida asked. "I mean, we're supposed to be a team, and-"

"As your team captain, I insist," Kiran said. "We'll take care of ourselves out there."

Nida paused, a small smile spreading over her muzzle as she nodded back at her teammates.

"Alright, see you soon."

The Poison-Type watched as Pleo, Elty, Kiran, Dimitri, and Trizano filed off the gangplank for the wharves below. Satisfied that her companions were in good paws, she waved the group off and carried on, slipping below into the darkened warmth of the Siglo Swellow eager to spend her port call staying warm with Crom.

Behind its stone walls, Haipheh's naval base hummed with activity, as Pokémon darted to and fro among short, stone buildings. The barracks in the complex were composed of long structures built next to each other in rows, which had been largely left vacant after their slumbering sailors had been called out at dawn. Instead, the bulk of the activity centered around training grounds and larger structures built towards the center, including a mess hall where Pokémon were still streaming out from morning rations. Outside its entrance, a Sandslash leading a Cranidos and Ponyta passed by the departing sailors, the Fire-Type of the three tapping his hooves against the ground impatiently before letting out a sharp snort.

"Hurry it up already! We were supposed to be in town half an hour ago!" Berecien snapped.

"Relax, we're taking the route that I always take here," Niilo insisted.

"You took us down a dead end earlier!" the Ponyta cried. "This can't possibly be the route you take every time we come here!"

"I mean, the weather is a little warmer here than in town," Cabot said. "So at least there's a silver lining, right?"

Berecien turned his head towards the Cranidos with a bewildered scowl, only for a moment of dawning realization to come over him that Niilo would have a motivation to stay out of the cold as much as he could… as would Cabot. At once, the Ponyta flared out his mane and jerked his head over to shoot a harsh glare over at his Sandslash teammate.

"Are you deliberately stalling us?" Berecien demanded.

"And so what if I am?" Niilo scoffed. "This is no weather for a Sandslash and you know it!"

"Speak for yourself! It's warm enough as it is over here!"

Niilo looked over to see a bluish-white Sandslash coated in icy spikes passing by with a sharp frown, making him blink and stare bewilderedly as the irked Ice-Type moved along. With his patience having finally run thin, Berecien stomped his hooves against the ground, shoving Niilo aside as he walked ahead of his companions.

"I'll take over from here," the Ponyta harrumphed. "I'm pretty sure that I took that alleyway over there to the gate before."

Berecien set off and led his teammates down an alleyway between a pair of barracks. The group continued as the contours of the base's walls came into view, with a rough gatehouse marking that there was indeed a gate there, much as the Ponyta had remembered. The lot carried along, making their way toward the gate as a Cacturne, a Marshtomp, and a Camerupt posted nearby dawdled around a crate playing a game of cards with Pokémon pictures on them, prompting Cabot to blink and have a double take.

"Hey, isn't that Chalco over there?" Cabot asked.

Berecien slowed and turned off to his right where he spotted the familiar form of the Marshtomp playing cards at the crowded crate. The Water-Type in front of him was indeed Chalco, one of Niilo's friends from his band of mercenaries. But in all the times they'd met since Basic Training, he always remembered her hanging around a Numel and Cacnea…

"Huh? I mean, it is her," the Ponyta murmured. "But does that mean the other two are-?"

"Hah! That foil card of yours is mine, Orcutt!" the Camerupt jeered.

Berecien flicked his ears at hearing the name 'Orcutt'. Of course! Chalco's companions must've evolved! If the Cacturne was Orcutt, then the Camerupt would logically be Molina, the last member of their circle of sellclaws… if evidently much changed from their last encounter.

"I suppose that answers that question," Berecien sighed, as Niilo eagerly, motioned with a claw to follow.

"Come on, let's stop by!" the Sandslash insisted.

Niilo and his companions carried on, approaching the gathering from behind Orcutt's shoulder as Niilo leaned in and gave a quiet poke at the Cacturne's shoulder.

"I see you three are really giving the Dune Devils a good rap there."

The three mercenaries jolted up on their seats out of surprise, turning back to see Niilo impishly waving at them. Their startled expressions faded away quickly into cheerful smiles as the three gathered around the Sandslash.

"Niilo! What are you doing back here so soon?" Orcutt exclaimed.

"Oh you know, duty calling," the Sandslash replied. "Just doing what I'm paid for."

"Hrmph, you shouldn't be so flippant, Niilo," Berecien chided, before turning to the trio of slackers. "I see that you all have changed a bit since last time."

"Yeah, Orcutt and Molina finally caught up with me and evolved," Chalco replied. "Feels great for all of us to finally be able to see over the counter at shops now!"

"I seem to remember you still needing to get on your toes to do that," Molina scoffed.

"I can see over them well enough!" the Marshtomp protested, leaving Orcutt to chuckle and look at Berecien and his companions with an arm pointing back at some unused stools a few paces away along the base's wall.

"Why don't you all take a seat?" the Cacturne offered. "We've got enough kortteja to take you three along for a game or two."

Niilo and Cabot started to make their way over towards the seats, only to stop after Berecien let out a sharp snort and shook his head back at Orcutt.

"We can't," the Ponyta answered. "We need to be in town right now since Captain Nagant is chasing after a Protector who she believes to be coming through here."

Orcutt and Molina traded askew looks with one another, while Chalco abandoned all pretense of belief in order to blow a doubtful raspberry back at Berecien.

"Sure she is," Chalco scoffed. "I know you've probably got 'mons you need to impress with your parents being nobles and all, but you don't need to make up stories just because you're stuck on frontier patrol again!"

"But it really happened!" Cabot insisted. "Look! Here's even one of the flyers we were supposed to pass out!"

The Cranidos took a sheet of paper out of his bag that depicted a long-necked bird, prompting the three mercenaries to gather around and begin to read the runes underneath. After a moment of their eyes going back and forth a few lines, the trio paused, and looked up with blank expressions at their Sandslash teammate.

"Niilo, what exactly is going on here?" Molina asked. "Just how do you all go from frontier duty to chasing after a Protector?!"


The Sandslash began to tell the tale of how they'd first heard of Pleo on Boisocéan and learned of his direction and the Company's attempts to seize him on Mengir, which the Ground-Type dutifully insisted was due to his skills as a sleuth and a spy. From there his tale moved on to a daring raid on Orleigh where they faced hundreds of pirates, before tracking and easily overpowering the Protector and his pirate companions on Sormus. Upon his return to Giotto, the Queen herself was so impressed by his valor and bravery that she felt compelled to make him the head caretaker over the Protector… only for their work to be undone in spite of his best efforts by an entire horde of the pirates surprising them with a hail of Wonder Orbs and seeds in the capital, thus forcing them to try and track him down once more. All the while, the gathered Pokémon frowned and traded unimpressed scowls as Niilo puffed his chest as he came to the end of his much-embellished story.

"And that's what's been going down," he beamed, prompting his Cacturne companion to curl his mouth into an impatient frown.

"Come on Niilo, stop playing around," Orcutt grumbled. "What really happened?"

"It's true though! … or at least the broad strokes of it," Cabot answered. "But the point is that we really do need to go into town to help with this ambush!"

"I mean something's up if an ironclad's coming through here, but shouldn't we be seeing more 'mons from the capital or something?" Molina asked, raising her brow back skeptically. "A Protector is a big deal, so why wouldn't others be getting-?"

The Camerupt trailed off as she spotted the form of a Dragonite in an ill-fitting scarf with a solitary leaf pattern sneak about the alleyways, clumsily skulking and slinking about.

"… What is that Dragonite doing?" the Camerupt murmured.

Orcutt turned his attention, watching the strange Dragon-Type as he accidentally upended a small stack of crates with his tail. Berecien and his teammates blanched a moment as the Grass-Type watched as the stranger looked back in alarm. The dragon turned and began to tiptoe away in a hurry, prompting Orcutt to squint and glare.

"I dunno, something stinks about that 'mon… Hey you!"

Darzin jolted up with a start, whirling around to see Orcutt and his companions approaching with sharp scowls.


"You look like you haven't seen this base before in your life!" the Cacturne hissed. "What are you doing sneaking around here?!"

The Dragonite froze and bit his tongue, hemming and hawing as he tried to think of a reply only to find his mind wanting.

"I… Uh…"

As Darzin fumbled for an explanation, the Cacturne and his companions' faces hardened into fierce glares, the lot readying themselves when Niilo walked up giving a dismissive wave of his claws.

"Nah, it's alright, he's just a pirate that got caught from a raid on Giotto," the Sandslash explained. "The Captain press-ganged him to fill the ranks of her new ship and gave him a good reminder of who's boss."

Darzin jolted back wide-eyed, looking down at Niilo much as if he'd just been blindsided by a flying slab of ice.

"Huh?! That's-!"

"Yeah, she wanted to put him to work as a messenger, but he kept bringing letters and packages to wrong addresses, so he's currently cleaning heads on the ship," Niilo continued. "Turns out he had actually built up quite a bit of experience doing that for his old pirate buddies!"

Cabot and Berecien fought and largely failed to stifle laughs at the Sandslash's explanation. Darzin blinked before starting to splutter and fume at Niilo's unsolicited "help". All the while, Chalco and her companions turned to Niilo with long, unimpressed stares.

"A Dragonite cleaning toilets?" the Marshtomp scoffed. "Even if you expect me to believe that your salty crab of a captain couldn't find anything better for him to do, you can't expect me to buy that. Why, if he's really a pirate, what's keeping him from just blasting a hole in your ship at sea and flying off?"

Cabot and Berecien bit their tongues, trading uneasy looks with one another as both were at a loss as to how to continue Niilo's story. Undeterred, the Sandslash brushed his shoulder and flicked his claws, giving an impish smirk back to his fellow mercenaries.

"Well, see that's the thing… He's not as tough as he looks. He apparently wound up evolving early after binging on a pile of Joy Seeds," Niilo said. "Says he found them while trying to look for some buried treasure in a Mystery Dungeon or something."

Darzin at once stomped over and loomed over Niilo with a livid growl, the Sandslash falling silent and recoiling out of surprise as the Dragonite loomed over him.

"I evolved thanks to prolonged exposure to the Distortion, you impudent sand rat!" he snapped. "And I was looking for your Captain!"

The Dragonite's retort at once sent Chalco, Orcutt, and Molina into peals of roaring laughter, knocking the Dragon-Type out of his indignant fuming just long enough to look back and see Niilo's friends bowled over trying to catch their breaths.

"Oh man, you just can't make this stuff up!" Molina wheezed.

"A Dragonite scrubbing heads!" Orcutt cried. "What a joke!"

Darzin pulled his antennae against his head with a flustered grimace, stumbling with his words as he weighed whether to try and clear the air. Before he could speak, he felt a claw paw at his shoulder, looking down to see Niilo patting it with a smug grin spread over his muzzle.

"It's okay buddy, we're proud of who you are."

Darzin pulled his shoulder away, muttering under his breath as he fought against every muscle in his body to not summarily run a claw into the impudent sand rat's belly. The Dragonite stomped a foot against the ground, before shooting a harsh glare down at the Sandslash and his companions.

"Just take me to Nagant already, you bunch of useless whelps!" he spat.

"As you wish," Berecien snickered. "See you all later."

"See ya!" Chalco cheered. "And try to look out for that buddy of yours!"

Cabot, Berecien, and Niilo waved the mercenaries off, retracing their steps as the sound of laughter from Orcutt and his buddies lingered in the air and made Darzin bare his teeth and let out an annoyed growl. The four continued on, passing the rows of stone barracks as they made their way back to the fort's seaside gate, returning to the wooden docks where Uragan had been tied down at a pier at the far right end. There, they spotted Jun talking down to the water where Nagant bobbed along the surface, the Beedrill giving a salute before flying off, prompting Darzin to stomp ahead with a sharp huff.


Nagant stilled her barbels, before clambering up onto the dock and raising an eye with an incredulous scowl as she saw there in the flesh was none other than…

"Darzin? What are you doing here?"

"Making sure that our little agreement is respected," the Dragonite growled. "Why else would I be skulking about these miserable barracks without so much as receiving a cover from you?!"

"Oh don't worry, I took care of that one!" Niilo jeered. "He's in charge of cleaning your heads!"

Darzin clenched his teeth and let out a seething huff before giving a grumbling shake of his head at the Sandslash's unwanted explanation. Nagant paused, looking between the Dragonite and her still-bemused subordinates, before giving a click of her claws and sharp hiss.

"I'm in the middle of organizing an ambush right now!" Nagant fumed. "The Protector and the ship he's on are due to pull into port at any moment!"

"And I want to see the end results in person," Darzin snapped. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Nagant furrowed her brow and looked incredulously at the Dragon-Type for a moment, before shaking her head and letting out an annoyed scoff.

"I sent you a message to keep you informed, not so you could come over and get in my way! If you're so concerned about how I'm handling my end of things, just stay in town until I've secured the Protector!" Nagant insisted. "You'll have your chance to see him as soon as he's in my claws."

"Is that why your letter didn't tell me you deceived Lyn with a Ditto pretending to be the Protector at Buyeom two days ago?" Darzin demanded.

"Huh? But we didn't pull into Buyeom until yesterday!" Cabot cried.

Darzin paused and blinked back confusedly. That Ditto was supposed to be an Imperial spy, and yet here Nagant and all her lackeys were staring at him much as if he'd just declared that the sun rose in the west and set in the east! The Dragonite struggled for a moment to think of what could be happening, only for Nagant to cut his train of thought short with a sharp huff.

"I don't know what's going on with Commissioner Lyn, but right now it's not a priority for me," the Clawitzer harrumphed. "Just stay clear of this ambush and let me do my work."

"I've been feeding you information about the Company's doings since Mengir!" Darzin fumed. "The least you can do is to let me help you!"

Nagant thrust her large claw forward, thrusting its tip up at Darzin's snout as she cracked it open, shooting a livid glare up.

"Unless you really want to test how much the guards here are going to believe that you're a toilet cleaner, I'd strongly suggest not pushing your luck," the shrimp hissed. "I did not agree to our arrangement just so that way you'd expose us both by not knowing when to remain in the shadows!"

Darzin paused, staring wordlessly down at Nagant's firing claw before he grudgingly slunk back with a sharp glare.

"Fine," the Dragonite grunted. "Just be aware I still have part of your scarf and hold your fate in my claws right now!"

"I wouldn't dream of forgetting," Nagant spat.

Darzin kept his eyes locked on Nagant in a fuming gaze, before turning and plodding off. After the Dragonite had slipped off past the row of naval barracks, Nagant turned back to Cabot, Berecien, and Niilo, giving an impatient wave of her claws.

"Come on, it's almost time to make our move."

Pleo and his friends' journey up from the docks took them into Whitepalm's streets, trekking past scattered shacks and cottages along with the occasional iced-over palm tree until they found themselves in the hamlet's main square. The square had been positioned much like Fensedge Village's, with roughly half the town lying further inland and the other closer to the sea. Additionally, where Fensedge Village had built its square around its standing stones, Whitepalm Town had several ice sculptures in the center that were carved into the forms of various Pokémon and accented with dashes of colored pigment.

"It's so pretty!"

Pleo's exclamation rang out from the base of a sculpture of a crowned Staraptor, craning his neck around to follow the individual grooves that had been cut to show the figure's plumes. As Pleo pecked and nosed at the icy sculpture, Elty drew forward with a skeptical frown, running a paw at the base of the Staraptor sculpture before giving it a disgusted flick.

"Blegh, why ice though?" the Growlithe said. "How would they even keep these statues from melting away?"

"They don't. These statues will stay around for a couple of days, before they melt to the point where their features get disfigured and they'll be thrown into the harbor and a new set of different ones will be put out," Trizano explained. "Seeing how the square changes always gives me something to look forward to when visiting here."

Elty tilted his head back at the explanation. While the idea of making art with one's elements was hardly alien to him as a Fire-Type, he couldn't help shake the sense the whole exercise was wasteful. The Growlithe opened his mouth to reply, when he saw a Amaura walking by in the background, who paused after noticing Trizano and gave a friendly wave with a foreleg.

"Lí hó, Trizano!" the Ice-Type cheered. "Back for more work from the guild?"

"That's right!" the Skarmory insisted. "Just taking in the sights a bit first!"

The Amaura smiled and carried along, leaving Trizano to wave after the Ice-Type as Kiran looked on with a grimacing blanch. The Swellow gave an uncomfortable ruffle of his feathers, before leaning in and whispering into the Immortal's earholes.

"You shouldn't get too comfortable here, Trizano," Kiran chided. "We're not exactly in the clear like you are, and we should try and avoid being recognized by anyone here until we leave."

Trizano caught himself, giving a nonplussed blink before shaking his head with a sigh.

"Hm, that's a fair enough point," the Steel-Type murmured. "I suppose that I can try venturing off the beaten path a bit this time…"

The Skarmory continued on, leading Pleo and the others for a lane next to a Kecleon shop that was lined with cottages and small gardens. Along their way off, Pleo caught the sight of a silver object with a vaguely purplish glint from the front of the shop, prompting him to see a Prinplup at the counter with a Kecleon and Snom assistant looking down at a lump of metal with wide-eyed surprise.

"Where on earth did you get this?" the Kecleon asked. "This is a chunk of aluminum alloy!"

"It was from that place offshore where the meteor landed last year," the Prinplup replied. "Apparently there were a few fragments that still hadn't gotten dug up under the seabed."

The five moved along as Pleo continued to look back towards the Kecleon Market. The young Legendary followed after his teammates, before turning up to Dimitri puzzledly as he wondered if as a 'mon from the sea, he'd know anything about these…

"Meteor fragments?" Pleo asked.

"They're these objects that fall from the sky once in a blue moon," Dimitri explained. "Normally a meteor's just a little rock, but on very rare occasions a big, egg-like one will fall made of starmetal and Pokémon will swarm it to prospect it and sell it off."

"How often does that happen?"

"The last one I heard a story about was over twenty years ago," the Kabutops said. "This one they were talking about must have happened recently, which is strange since normally such meteors don’t come around more than once a century…"

Pleo tilted his head back at Dimitri's explanation. If these meteors really came around once in a lifetime for most Pokémon and were worth telling stories over, then surely one falling must be some sort of special occasion! So then…

"Are they important at all?" Pleo asked.

"Eh, not enough for you to be worrying about, Pleo," Dimitri replied. "You've got your own home to worry about for now, so don't get too hung up about a few weird things happening."

Pleo lingered uneasily, unable to help but wonder if the Kabutops was waving off the matter too quickly. After a moment's hesitation, he shook his head, opting to dismiss the matter. After all, his job as a Protector was simply to go back and be there for the Pokémon counting on him on Tromba, not to turn over every stone he came across along the way.


The Lugia carried on, waddling after his companions as unbeknownst to them a Pikachu with a brown hat and an indigo scarf had been watching them from a nearby alleyway. There, Cardino stood silent as he saw the group slip off. After they disappeared, the Pikachu turned and headed down the alley hanging his head, trudging along until he saw Eric, Hanuna, and Sela waiting for him at the end.

"Eh? What's with the face, Cardino?" Eric asked. "Did you see anything up ahead?"

"I spotted that 'Lugia' that Nagant's been looking for along with Eltenios," the Pikachu said. "They're out in the street with a few of his buddies."

"So then let's go tell her and the others!' Sela insisted. "If we get everyone together, we ought to be able to take them!"

"No, not just yet," Cardino replied, drawing a puzzled tilt of Hanuna's head.


The detective turned and looked off towards the sails of the ships in the harbor, fixed in rapt attention as Eric and his companions traded puzzled stares.

"They're wearing different patterns from last time," the Pikachu said. "If we go to the harbor, we ought to be able to find their ship."

Cardino began to walk off, before shaking his head and finishing his thoughts with a low grunt.

"And before anything happens, there's some things I want to know from them first…"

Below the Siglo Swellow's deck, the chill of Haipheh's air had begun to invade from outside, which had prompted the Pokémon onboard to begin seeking out any warmth they could scrounge. For Pladur, Crom, Nida, and Guardia, their chosen escape was bundling up in the mess hall with some blankets and cups of warm berry tea from a clay teapot, the stone oven in the galley with which Pladur used to contain his cooking fires having been repurposed as a crude heater.

As meager as the comforts were, they held the icy air at bay well enough for the four to find their environment tolerable, enough so for Guardia to make good on her insistence to Nida that she'd stay behind and gather lore from the ship. In between sips of her drink, the Cubone had dutifully plied Pladur with questions about his life and his trade: Of why he found it so important to cook with fire when he and his fellows were otherwise deathly afraid of it on their ship, of why his child was not a little Kibago as what would normally be expected, and why as a sea-walker he seemed to spend most of his time preparing food… All the while, Crom couldn't help but be puzzled at Guardia's seemingly boundless desire to "gather lore" as she called it, prompting him to turn with a curious glance to his Nidorina teammate.

"She certainly asks a lot of questions for a former feral…" Crom remarked. "Was she like this when she travelled with you?"

"Kinda, yeah," Nida replied with a smile as she shook her head. The Nidorina's bemusement drew a sharp huff back from Guardia, as she folded her arms over each other with mild annoyance.

"Well I'd hope so," she piped. "It's my job to make sure that I have lore to bring back to my colony after all of this settles down!"

"Heh, well there's certainly no shortage of stuff you'd need to know as a sailor," Pladur chuckled. "Remind me, did I already explain to you the different knots-?"


The four looked up from their warm drinks where they saw the form of a Marked Scyther looking over at them from the other end of the mess hall, his eyes blinking puzzledly as he held out an Apple and a Green Gummi speared along the tip of his right scythe.

"I… wasn't expecting you all to still be in the galley," Ander said.

"Well, you're not interrupting anything," Crom insisted. "Why don't you join us for some tea and warm up a bit with those snacks of yours?"

Ander hesitated a moment and shuffled his feet, before giving a flit of his wings and stepping forward.

"I suppose it can't hurt."

The Scyther made his way over, sitting down at the far left as Pladur poured a helping of tea out for the Bug-Type and left him to turn his attention back to his impaled food. As Ander nibbled at his snack, Nida folded an ear back puzzledly and raised her voice to speak.

"So, what have you been doing at your sleeping quarters anyways?" the Nidorina asked. "It can't possibly be that much warmer, can it?"

"It's still better than going above deck, and I just wanted some time to consult… some notes," he replied. "To try and make sense of those 'Protectors' that we've been running into."

Crom shifted uncomfortably at Ander's response. He was surely referring to that strange book he kept hidden in his satchel, but… after all the time he'd spent around Pleo and what he'd seen of Kline and Cernun, was he really expecting them to still be the malevolent demons he first thought they were?

"I mean, they weren't trying to end the world or anything," Crom murmured. "What's there to make sense of?"

"It's just that there were some parts I had noticed when reading the Knight's Ledger that seemed to indicate that Cernun was taken as part of a related set," the Scyther explained. "And I wanted to know who the others of it were."

The gathered Pokémon traded puzzled looks at Ander's mention of a 'related set' of Legendaries. While the concept wasn't totally foreign given that their own shrine depicted Lugia with three helpers, Cernun's carvings on Mengir only had pictures of him alone. If he really was related to other Protectors, who could they be?

The four's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a knock against the ship's wood, followed by the ship's Hitmontop first mate walking into the mess hall with a serious expression.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt," Vicente said. "But something's come up above deck."

"Huh?" Nida asked. "What's going on?"

"There's a Pikachu with a brown hat at the gangplank who says he's looking for you and Guardia," the Hitmontop answered. "We're stalling him for now, but with the Protector still off-ship, we can't go around making a scene for no reason."

Nida and the others blinked at Vicente's description, realizing that to a 't', the Hitmontop had described none other than the Detective Pikachu they teamed up with in Tidemill!

"Wait, Cardino?!" Nida exclaimed. "What would he be doing all the way out here?"

"I… don't know… but do we really want to meet him?" Guardia asked.

"Huh? Why wouldn't we?" the Nidorina replied.

"Well, isn't it a bit strange that he'd know it's us after changing our patterns?" the Cubone insisted. "And we already got tricked by Pokémon getting our guard down on Mengir, so who's to say the Empire isn't trying to do the same here?"

"And we can't discount the possibility that someone else wouldn't also try to put out an imposter," Ander added. "Team Sentinel did that to us just a few days ago, so who's to say this 'Cardino' isn't just another fake from them? Or even if he's real, that he's not an outright spy for someone else like the Company?"

"If Cardino was really working with the Empire, he could've had us raided by the guards at any time," Nida replied, shaking her head back. "And I don't think it'd make sense for there to be a fake Cardino when Team Sentinel didn't know about him, and if he was a spy all along for the Company or the like, why didn't he stop us back on Giotto?"

The others fell silent at the Nidorina's question, realizing that her point seemed sensible enough… but even so, it was hard to shake the sense that something wasn't right.

"Are you sure, Nida?" Ander asked. "Why would Cardino suddenly reappear here of all places?"

"No lo sé but it can't hurt to just go and try to get to the bottom of this," Nida said. "We're right next to the ship anyway, and if nothing else, we'd be able to get help easily if we needed it."

Pladur stared back, before pulling his face into a frown and giving a grumbling shake of his tusks back.

"Out in that awful weather?" he asked. "Can't we just have him send a letter?"

"I mean, I don't like it any more than the rest of you, but it would be more meaningful to show ourselves in person," Guardia said. "Not that I'd know how to write a message in your hut-scratch."

"A letter would do the trick well enough," Crom insisted. "Besides, how else are you going to stay warm with blankets and tea if you get up onto the deck?"

"Eh? But Cardino helped us back in Giotto," Nida replied. "If nothing else, I'm sure he wants to know that we're doing alright from last time."

Crom looked off at the hallway, feeling a shiver from the air which turned his mind to the prospect of having to brave Whitepalm Town's frigid cold. The Dragon-Type turned away and pulled his wings tight against his body, moving his claws back for his cup and gulping down the rest of his tea.

"Egh… I think that I'm going to sit this one out," the Druddigon murmured. "I mean, it's just Cardino isn't it? So it should be fine for you to just talk with him before coming back, right?"

Nida curled her mouth in a disappointed frown, while Guardia wavered a moment casting glances between Crom and Pladur and the hallway before turning back to the Nidorina.

"So, are we going up or not, Nida?" she asked.

Nida looked back at Crom pleadingly, hoping that perhaps he could be swayed to come along were he to face the weather with friends, only to find him preoccupied with trying to keep the cold at bay. Nida sighed and shook her head, before grudgingly starting for the hall without him.

"We'll just pop above deck for a bit to check up on him…"

"I'll come along too," Ander offered. "I don't think there'd be any trouble if it's really just Cardino, but…"

The Scyther trailed off, his wings tensing up as he looked around cautiously. After a moment's pause, he turned back to Nida and finished his thought in a low, wary voice.

"We don't have much room to leave things to chance."

"Right," Nida replied. "Let's get going."

Nida, Guardia, and Ander set off, making their way through the Siglo Swellow's corridors and up the stairs until they found themselves back under the chill and sea air of Whitepalm Town's harbor. The three looked to their right, where they saw Natrix and Philips at the gangplank plying unseen strangers with excuses as to why they couldn't come onboard, like the captain needing some time before she could come and orient them. A quick glance over the railing revealed them to be Cardino… along with none other than Eric, Sela, and Hanuna.

"Wait, that Zuruggu and the others…" Guardia began. "Weren't those the sea-walkers that Sibich tried to frame?"

Nida looked down at the three, noticing the lot were sporting the indigo-and-white patterns of Imperial grunts. She paused a moment, folding her ears back uneasily at the sight.

"They were… but I don't know why they're here."

The Nidorina and her teammates carried on to the gangplank, where Cardino and the others fell silent and stared up at them. Natrix and Philips traded uneasy glances with the group, prompting Ander to give a small flick of his scythes.

"We'll take things over from here," he said.

The Raichu and Servine backed away, the latter offering an uneasy 'if you say so' before slinking off. Nida, Guardia, and Ander paced down the gangplank, heading out onto the pier where Eric and his fellow Marked pawed unsettledly at the ground while Cardino scratched at the back of his head.

"You've changed since we last met, Nida," the Pikachu remarked. "Congratulations on the evolution, it suits a 'mon like you well."

"Uh… thanks. But I don't think that's why you called for us," the Nidorina replied, shifting her body back warily. "What are you doing here Cardino? And what's going on?"

Cardino's smile flattened into a blank, surprised expression. After a moment's uncertainty of how to reply, he folded his ears back, his features turning into a serious frown.

"I believe that I'm the one who should be asking questions here," Cardino insisted. "Why did you just leave me behind on Giotto?"

Nida and Guardia began to hem and haw, as the Pikachu shook his head before continuing on with an indignant cry.

"You had us all worried, pal!" he exclaimed. "I even went around with Nico and Rita putting up posters for you after Coil's trial thinking that something had happened to you all!"

"We're… sorry to leave you like that, but things kinda forced our paw," Nida insisted. "A good friend of ours ran into trouble and needed to be rescued, and-"

"You mean that demon with you that everyone back in Tidemill's been looking for!" Eric cried.

Nida, Guardia, and Ander flinched at the Scraggy's charge, Cardino looking over his shoulder with his ears flattened and his face turned into an irked frown.

"Just… let me handle the talking here, alright?" Cardino grumbled, before turning back to Nida and her companions.

"Look, I know you're obviously talking about that Protector," the detective said. "A Clawitzer from the Royal Navy already told me all about it when I was putting up those posters with Nico and Rita."

Nida and her companions shifted uncomfortably at Cardino's response. There was surely more than one Clawitzer in all the Cradle, but between the species and being in the Royal Navy, it was hard to see how that could be anyone other than…

"That would be 'Nagant', right?" Ander asked.

"Well, yeah. She said that you all used me as a tool just to get that Protector and slip off with him," Cardino replied. "I didn't want to believe it, but things just aren't adding up. So tell me, was she right?"

"No, she isn't! We really did want to help you with the case!" Nida insisted. "But at the same time we wanted to help our friend too, and everything just shook out the way it did after Sibich got exposed!"

"Besides, it worked out, didn't it?" Guardia added. "You got that Admiral Coil at the end, didn't you?"

Cardino wavered at the pair's protests. Back on Giotto it really had seemed like they wanted to help get to the bottom of his case… and without their help, Coil would still be around and be plotting gods-knows-what!

And yet, in spite of that, it was just too convenient. On top of that, he couldn't reconcile the way they just up and left right before Coil's arrest threw the city into turmoil. How could they run off like that unless the Protector was what they truly were after?

"Yeah, sure… Anyhow, after all of that, Nagant forced me along with these three to join her crew since she said it was my fault for not catching onto you all sooner," Cardino sighed, giving a bitter shake of his head. "And now here we are, standing face-to-face on this island."

Team Traveller tensed up at the Pikachu's reply. While he seemed to be on friendly terms now, if Nagant brought him from Giotto… then…

"Are she and her crew here in port right now?" Ander pressed.

"Of course. How else would any of us be here right now?" Cardino asked. "The guards here might not have noticed your new patterns yet, but given that I recognized the Protector in town, it's just a matter of time before that changes."

Ander, Guardia, and Nida blanched, realizing that Cardino was only here to help Nagant catch Pleo. The new patterns they'd picked up on Pioppo were supposed to throw the Empire off their trail, yet they'd still walked right into a trap! Cardino sighed and shook his head, before looking back at Nida and her companions.

"Look, a lot of stuff's been going down, but… just come quietly, alright?" the Pikachu pleaded. "You're not bad Pokémon, and I'm sure that I can do something to make sure that you get off lighter than what that shrimp wants. I know Nico and Rita would certainly be willing to defend you as well…"

The Electric-Type held out a paw, only for the gathered Pokémon to rebuff his gesture and brace themselves into defensive stances, the sailors up on the Siglo Swellow's railing doing much the same.

"Sorry, but we can't do that, Cardino," Nida replied.

Cardino stared back stunned for a moment, his ears drooping as a disappointed and hurt grimace came over his face. The Pikachu swallowed his feelings as sparks began to dance on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry too, but this is as far as you're going," he said, shooting back a stern scowl. "I'm putting you all under arrest."

Cardino arced his body as a blinding ball of light formed on the tip of his tail. The Pikachu jumped up and quickly flung it down at the dock, which burst with an overwhelming flash that made Nida, Guardia, and Ander's vision run white. The three stumbled back, hearing disoriented shouts coming from the Siglo Swellow's sailors as a squawking cry rang out.

"Now! While they're out of it!"

Ander was quickly snapped out his daze by Sela throwing herself at him with a fiery tackle. Nida and Guardia were subjected to similar fates by Eric faking the Nidorina out with the start of a Low Kick only to throw a sudden punch, and Hanuna battering Guardia with a spray of flechette-like leaves while Cardino hopped onto the gangplank to cut them off. Ander wavered a moment before hearing another shout from Sela, the Bug-Type bracing himself as he saw the Combusken bearing down on him again.

"Fall back! Fall back!"

The Scyther flung a Wing Attack at the Combusken to knock her away, before hastily flitting back to get out of her reach. Nida gave a pair of spinning kicks at Eric's body, knocking him down as she followed after the mantis, Guardia fighting her still affected vision to mask her retreat with a Bonemerang that while missing its mark on Hanuna entirely, startled him enough to break his chase long enough for her to run.

"That's enough, pal! Don't make this any worse for yourselves!"

Cardino cast forward a weak jolt towards Ander, only for it to abruptly arc towards Guardia and inertly settle on her body much to his wide-eyed alarm. Undeterred, Team Traveller's members carried on down the dock, only to stop at the sight of the edge and the harbor's water beyond it.

Nida and her companions turned back at the sound of an electrical crackle and saw Cardino and his teammates approaching, the Pikachu among them sparking with a sharp glare. Guardia cast her glance ahead only to notice the gangplank to the Siglo Swellow was behind Cardino and his group, turning uneasily over to her Nidorina teammate.

"What do we do now?"

Nida looked back at the water behind her and grit her teeth as Cardino and the others continued nearing. She'd gone through thick and thin to help all these Pokémon on Giotto, so was there really nothing they could do to sway them? The Nidorina looked off at the end of the docks where she saw guards starting to make their way over, which made her freeze and tense in realization. If they couldn't slip off here and now, they'd just be swarmed and captured, with everything that they'd fought for being for naught! Friend or not, they couldn't just sit here and let Cardino put them in that bind!

"We didn't come all this way just for us to get trapped on some pier! Come on, we'll force our way back!"

Nida charged ahead, throwing her feet into a Double Kick that caught Eric in his leg and then his chin, throwing him against the hull of the Siglo Swellow before he fell into the water limply. Sela jerked back, slipping behind the Poison-Type with embers swirling in her mouth.

"Oh no you don't!" Guardia shouted.

Sela's fire was cut off by a bony missile whirling in and striking her in the side of her head. The Combusken lurched forward with a pained squawk, losing her balance as she stumbled past Nida and was summarily clipped by a tackle with Ander's wings that sent her pitching into the water. Cardino blanched at the sudden reversal of fortune, as his Grotle teammate went wide-eyed and stumbled back with an audible stammer.

"G-Gih! Stay back!"

The Grotle hastily prepared a Razor Leaf in his back foliage, only for a gray and green blur and slicing gust of air from the Siglo Swellow's deck to cut him off and send him tumbling off the dock with a yelp. Cardino looked ahead slack-jawed to see the attacker was an Unfezant from the ship with other sailors readying themselves to attack, only to compose himself and grit his teeth back fiercely at Nida.

"I tried talking things over, but you all leave me no choice!"

Cardino sprang ahead, bolting for Nida as his tail began to take on a metallic sheen. The Nidorina went wide-eyed and tried to sweep the Pikachu's legs with a Double Kick, only for him to vault over and bring his tail up to strike against Nida's head.


The sickening sound of bone hitting bone rang out as Nida looked up to see Cardino bouncing back from Guardia striking his head with her club in midair. The Pikachu tumbled and hastily righted himself, prompting Nida to charge ahead without thinking, letting poison build up on her right paw as she threw it forward deep into Cardino's stomach.


Cardino flopped back and fell over unconscious, leaving Nida and Guardia to stare with blank shock. Did… they really just knock out the friend who they aided in Giotto like some common pirate? The two cringed a moment, when the sound of a splashing squawk rang out.

"A-Agh! Over there! Help! Those 'mons there just jumped us!"

Nida and her teammates looked down to see Sela flailing in the water when their ears began to pick up the sounds of shouts and the thumps of approaching footsteps from further inland. The three looked up and blanched at the sight of guards running down the pier for them, prompting Natrix to poke his head over the railing and wave impatiently down at the three.

"Hurry up and get up here!"

Nida, Guardia, and Ander hastily scrambled up the gangplank, Beatrix flitting over the edge and jumping back with a start at the sight of a Walrein leading an indigo-scarved mob storming down the dock. The Illumise pulled at the gangplank, hoisting it with Vicente, Natrix, and Philips as she turned her head back to the rest of the crew and let out a frantic buzz.

"Hoist the anchor and drop the sails!" she shouted. "We're getting out of here!"

The four hastily yanked the gangplank up, the Siglo Swellow lurching off into the water as the guards caught up along the pier and began throwing a hail of attacks at the side. The crew of the Siglo Swellow scattered across the deck, some ducking for cover as others went up to the railing to throw up Protects and attacks of their own back, the lookout crying out of alarm at the sight of other ships in various sails unmooring and giving chase.

The din of cannonfire began to ring out, which carried along the air into the town's lanes, prompting local Pokémon to stop and watch as the Siglo Swellow was chased out of port. Among their number were Pleo and his companions, who looked on from a sleepy alleyway with their eyes widened and with their jaws hanging open as the schooner slipped away towards the horizon.

"A-Aah! The ship's leaving already!" the Lugia squawked.

"Come on!" Kiran exclaimed. "We can still catch up with it-"


Trizano threw out a wing in front of Kiran, stopping him as the forms of a Pidgeotto and a Togetic in Imperial scarves zipped overhead and guards at the street off to the left rushed along after the fleeing schooner. The Swellow stared with beak agape, before Trizano turned back to him and shook his head.

"You'll be spotted the moment we get into the air!" the Skarmory insisted. "There's no way that we could possibly make it back with all these guards!"

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Dimitri replied. "If we just sit here we're going to get caught eventually!"

Elty turned and looked off past the roofline of the nearby cottages, spotting a column of fog hanging in the distance. The Growlithe paused as his mind turned to how he'd handle his predicament were he still a pirate. They weren't in the exact same situation, but…

"Actually, maybe there's a way we could lie low for a while," Elty offered. "If we wait outside of town until things settle down, we ought to be clear to try and make it back to the ship later."

Pleo and the others faltered for a moment, before grudgingly murmuring back and agreement. The group turned back, creeping along alleyways and down quiet lanes deeper and deeper inland for Haipheh's interior.

Author's Notes:

- Certamente! - Italian: "Of course" (interjection). Also can be used as "certainly", "definitely", "surely"
- kortteja - Finnish: "cards"
- Lí hó (你好) - Hokkien: "Hello" (POJ Romanization)
- Kibago (キバゴ) - Japanese: "Axew" (Official Romanization)
- No lo sé - Spanish: "I don't know"
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Chapter 76: Pick a Card

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie


The sound of cannonfire rang out over the frigid waters east of Haipheh, as the Siglo Swellow tore along in the waves pursued by five ships in indigo sails. All the while, the ship's crew remained in a hubbub as sailors threw back attacks and missiles towards the Imperial vessels, along with errant fliers and swimmers who ventured to harry them. Every now and then, the flash of a Protect would be visible as one of the escorts narrowly stopped a beam from finding its mark on the hull or the rigging, and haze would come from the stern as a few sailors tried to kick up cover with Smokescreens. The crew's efforts had thus far been to little avail, much to the frustration of the ship's increasingly bedraggled Illumise captain who'd spent much of the past fifteen minutes zipping to and fro on her ship frantically barking out orders.

"Keep making that haze and keep those Protects up!" Beatrix shouted. "If those Imps can get around us and fire at our flanks, we're sunk!"

Almost as if in reply, a blast abruptly pierced the air followed by the smell of smoke. The Illumise turned towards the sound, where she saw a pockmarked patch of the deck smoldering from an errant Hyper Beam. A Golduck ran up and swiftly stamped out the embers, only to be struck by an errant Shadow Ball that sent him crumpling to the deck with a pained groan.

"Aguanta! We're coming!" a Nidorina's voice cried.

Nida, Crom and Guardia ran up, the Nidorina of the three hastily pushing an Oran Berry into the Golduck's mouth. The Water-Type bit down and chewed, as Crom and Guardia helped him shamble back up to his feet and hurry back off to aid the rest of the sailors. The three hurried along to avoid exposing themselves as a target, when Crom looked off at the water and noticed the plumes rising from stray attacks were slowly rising further and further away from the Siglo Swellow.

"Looks like their aim must be getting worse from the smoke!" Crom said.

Over by the stern, a wide-eyed Pladur paused beside Ander, warily poking his tusked head out as he saw the Imperials' attacks were becoming less and less frequent, prompting him to let out an uneasy sigh of relief.

"Thank the stars," the Fraxure gasped. "They're finally falling behind…"

Nida darted up to the railing and saw that sure enough, the pursuing ships had indeed grown smaller and hazier for her eyes to see… only to notice that Haipheh was far enough in the distance that she could merely see it as an unclear green and white patch. The Nidorina's eyes shot wide, as she realized that even with her kind's vision as nearsighted as it was, there was no reason for Haipheh to look so distant unless…

"E-Eh?! What's going on?! Why are we sailing so far away from Haipheh?!" she exclaimed, prompting Vicente to peer over from the railing of the rear deck and call out to her.

"Because it's our best hope at the moment, of course!" he insisted.

"But Pleo and the rest of the team's still there!" the Nidoran protested. "We can't just leave without doing anything!"

"If we get sunk or boarded, there won't be anything we can do for them," the Hitmontop retorted. "Haipheh's crawling with Pokémon from the Royal Navy even on normal days, so how long do you expect us to hold out around here? Just help us get to safety and then we'll worry about trying to help them!"

Nida grimaced and shrank back from the Fighting-Type. On the one paw, it was hard to argue Vicente's point about their odds… b-but they were leaving their friends behind! Was there really nothing else to do other than give up?! The Nidorina's conflicting thoughts were pierced by the sound of cannonfire, prompting the lot to drop to the deck as a spray of Apricorns zipped overhead, and the attacks from the pursuing ships thickened once more.

"Gah! They're catching up again!" Vicente yelled.

The first mate hurriedly darted off to rally the sailors on the stern, as Nida and her companions crawled off for the cover of a small stack of crates, looking off blankly at the sight of Haipheh's fast-vanishing ice and peaks in the distance. An impatient shout rang out, prompting the lot to look further down the deck and see a Sentret scowling over at them.

"Oi! Get out and help us here, kids!" Scout snapped. "I've already gotten sunk once so far, and I'm not getting mouth-to-mouth from a fish again if I can help it!"

"Right! Hang in there!" Guardia replied.

Team Traveller's members broke cover, once again returning to their prior routine of running about supplies and healing items to the Siglo Swellow's crew. All the while, Nida couldn't help but find herself looking off again and again at Haipheh, as she lowered her ears and muttered under her breath.

"Please, just hold out a little longer for us…" she pleaded.

After the Siglo Swellow was forced to flee out of Whitepalm Town, the rest of Team Traveller snuck out of town and deeper and deeper into Haipheh. The group dutifully shadowed the main route into the island's interior from the surrounding brush, following its course at enough of a distance to avoid being spotted. As they made it further inland, they noticed that the air around them began to change. Little by little, the air warmed and the ground grew denser and greener with plant growth, until the icy chill of Whitepalm Town was completely displaced by damp, tropical weather. The five continued trekking along under the shade of tall palm groves, the bushes around them rustling quietly as they crept along, occasionally stopping and casting glances off at the main route whenever they suspected someone passing. After continuing on for a ways and seeing Whitepalm Town far behind them and hearing nothing but quiet on the nearby route, Pleo began to grow restless, turning his head over to Trizano with a low, unsettled murmur.

"… What do we do now?" Pleo asked. "Can we fly back to the ship yet?"

Trizano fell silent at the young Lugia's question, before flitting up onto an overhead branch. The Skarmory stared off into the distance for a moment, before giving his metallic feathers an uncomfortable rattle.

"I… don't think that's possible, Pleo," he replied, prompting the Lugia to tilt his head puzzledly.

"Huh? Why not?"

Pleo jumped and followed Trizano up, the Skarmory motioning off into the distance with a wing that Pleo followed by craning his neck. There, he saw the forms of Pokémon in the air and among the fields closer to town circling in neat, repeated patterns. Even from their distance, the perceptible presence of indigo scarves about their bodies evidenced that they were with the Empire. Pleo grimaced and cringed back at the sight, as Trizano shook his head with a low sigh.

"They must have already started moving out of town and posting guards to fly around the island."

Trizano hopped off the branch back for the ground below, prompting Pleo to follow suit and look back at his companions with wide, alarmed eyes.

"B-But what can we do then?" the Lugia squawked. "We can't just stay here!"

"I say let's go to the Mystery Dungeon and lay low for a bit," Elty said. "On the Iron Fleet, we were taught to do that if we ever couldn't make it back to the ship so that they could come back for us after things had settled down."

"But if it's that common of a pirate tactic, wouldn't the guards already have that in mind?" Dimitri rebutted. "I mean, Nagant's cover story for us says that we're pirates."

Elty bit his tongue before hemming and hawing uneasily. Yes, it would only be reasonable that Nagant and the Empire's underlings would head for the dungeon if only for the fact that their cover story depended on it. But on the other paw, without their tracks constantly being wiped away by the likes of a Mystery Dungeon's Distortion, it would be a matter of time before the guards found them!

"Hey, are you all alright?"

Pleo and his companions jolted up with a start, turning over to the main road to see a Rhyhorn with a pair of large bags hanging at his sides. The Rock-Type gave a puzzled tilt of his head, giving a wary glance over the five strangers.

"You all have just been standing around there in the bushes," the Rhyhorn asked. "Are you alright?"

Kiran and his teammates traded cautious looks with each other, before the Swellow ruffled his feathers and spoke up in reply.

"We're fine," he insisted. "Just took a bit of a wrong turn earlier and were trying to regain our bearings."

The Rhyhorn blinked back at the supposedly lost strangers, finding their predicament to be as strange as the white bird amongst their midst. After a moment's hesitation, the Rock-Type shrugged the matter off and started to head off when Elty's eyes noticed a glinting badge on the Rhyhorn's scarf.

This Pokémon was from a rescue team! So if anyone were to know of some less-traveled way into the local Mystery Dungeon, it'd be a 'mon like this!

"Actually, hold on a moment. You wouldn't happen to know a thing or two about the Mystery Dungeon around here, would you?" Elty asked. "We got a job in town to bring up some supplies to a 'mon who works at the Secret Bazaar. He told us there was an entrance to it on the far side of the island, but didn't describe what to look for all that well."

"I mean, I don't know if the 'mons at the bazaar use it, but I do know there's a way to get onto the eighth floor near the frozen waterfall on the north side of the fog," the Rhyhorn replied. "From what I've heard, the Distortion usually opens the entrance to the bazaar below that floor, so if nothing else, it ought to save you some time."

"Right, thank you," Trizano said. "We'll go ahead and take our leave here."

The Skarmory began to pace off, prompting the Rhyhorn to start off in his own direction, before hesitating and calling back to the metal bird.

"Actually… are you sure you want to head into the dungeon right away?"

"Why, what's wrong?" Pleo asked.

"Well for one, you all seem a bit worn-out. Going straight into a Mystery Dungeon like that is just begging for trouble normally," the rhino explained. "Surely your clients would understand if you took a moment to rest, wouldn't they?"

"I mean, perhaps, but there's only so much rest to be had here under these trees," Kiran replied. "It's not as if we have time to backtrack into town."

"Well… what if you had another place along the way? The name's Neil and I share a small cottage with a friend of mine from the guild not too far away," the stranger explained. "If you need a moment to catch your breath on your way to your client, we wouldn't mind having you over for a bit of tea."

Pleo and the others wavered a moment. After everything they'd been through, it'd be a leap of faith to just follow this stranger back to this alleged cottage… not that it'd be any less of one to wear themselves out rushing up to the Mystery Dungeon just to be ambushed. At the very least, if the Rhyhorn kept his word, they'd be refreshed and hidden from prying eyes inside his cottage before they carried on, which couldn't possibly be that much more dangerous than taking their chances getting spotted in broad daylight…

"Uh… sure? I suppose the tea couldn't hurt at least, but how exactly do we make it to your place?" Elty asked.

"Just follow me," Neil insisted. "I'll take you there."

The Rhyhorn set off, heading northward along the dirt path among the trees. After a moment's hesitation, Pleo stepped forward, followed by Trizano, then Elty, Dimitri, and Kiran, the lot sticking close to the rightward edge of the road lest they had to flee on short notice. All the while, the five carried on after their newfound guide with guarded, wary steps, wondering who this stranger was and whether they were making the right choice trusting his hospitality.

As the separated halves of Team Traveller continued their flight away from Whitepalm Town, the sound of chitinous thumps rang out over the town's docks. There, Nagant made her way down the battered pier where the Siglo Swellow had been moored, carrying along with a visible scowl followed by a flustered-looking Walrein and Bronzor along with Berecien, Niilo, and Cabot trailing from behind at a healthy berth. The Clawitzer picked up a chunk of damaged wood and threw it into the water with a disgusted hiss, turning back to the Walrein and Bronzor with a furious glare.

"How on earth did this happen?!" Nagant fumed. "We were supposed to be ready to accost their ship at a moment's notice and yet they somehow got away again?!"

"They came in with false sails and the description we received wasn't clear on the target's size, Captain," the Walrein explained. "It's unfortunate, but it's only natural that it'd take a while for someone to notice them."

Cabot, Berecien, and Niilo traded puzzled looks with one another at the walrus' reply. If the Siglo Swellow truly came in with false sails, they would have been able to avoid detection for longer just by trotting out some less notorious faces from its crew. In that case…

"Wait, but then what gave them away?" Berecien asked.

"Gah! That stings, pal!"

The group turned at the sound of a sharp yelp, seeing a Pikachu in a brown hat being tended to by medics beside the sopping forms of a Marked Combusken, Grotle, and Scraggy at the entrance of the pier to their left. Nagant stared in disbelief for a moment, before the Bronzor motioned forward at the lot.

"That Pikhachhiau and his fellows from your crew were the first to find their ship," the Steel-Type said. "I'd imagine that they'd know something about it."

Nagant let out a sharp hiss and twitched her barbels irkedly, hopping over with loud, angry thumps until she reached Cardino, and clamped onto his scarf just as he turned to face her.

"You!" the Clawitzer seethed.


The shrimp jerked Cardino up into the air, leaving him to flail against her grip as she shot a piercing glare at the hapless detective.

"This was a mission of paramount importance to the Empire! How could you just charge in without backup?!" Nagant snapped.

"Hey, I did bring backup, pal!" Cardino piped. The Pikachu hastily pointed off at Eric and his companions, who meekly inched away and waved back their disagreement. The Electric-Type's attempt at defending himself was met by Nagant tightening her grip and sharpening her glare at him, prompting him to gulp and try to calm his superior.

"L-Look, I know that this wasn't how things were supposed to go, but we can still work with it!" he insisted. "I spotted the Protector in town, but when I came to the ship he wasn't there! It's only logical to think he's still on this island somewhere!"

"He raises a good point, Captain Nagant…"

Nagant blinked as she saw an orange figure plod his way to the front of the group of guards, who in short order revealed himself to be Darzin disguised in his purloined Imperial scarf. The Clawitzer's eyes furrowed into a disbelieving scowl for a moment as the Dragonite continued on with an impatient huff.

"The Protector obviously didn't plan to be separated like this, otherwise he'd have brought more of his companions along," Darzin said. "If you ask me, the best route to take would be to let the guards here pin the Protector down on this island and sail after his friends. If we capture them, I'm sure that we'd be able to force him to show his face before us."

Cabot, Niilo, and Berecien tensed up and grimaced as the Dragonite waited for a reply with an impatient tap of his foot in full view of the other sailors. Back in Nagant's grasp, Cardino tilted an ear back and raised a brow at the stranger, giving a confused look over to a still-silent Nagant.

"Wait, who is this guy again?"

Nagant's face fell and her claw's grip slackened, leaving Cardino to drop to the pier and her to hop ahead and train a pair of glaring eyes back at the interrupting Dragonite.

"There's no shortage of ships chasing after that pile of driftwood already!" Nagant barked. "We're better off forcing a confrontation here on our own!"

The Clawitzer's rebuttal drew a sharp frown back from Darzin, making him shake his head as he continued with his protest.

"But you must understand that-!"

"That I'm the one with seniority here, so I'm the one who makes the final calls about how to pursue the Protector!" Nagant snapped. "And don't you forget it, sailor!"

Darzin flashed his teeth and let out a low growl, bracing his claws. After a long, tense silence, the Dragon-Type turned with an offended snort and skulked off back through the crowd, leaving the other sailors to stare after him before Nagant called their attention back to herself with a sharp hiss.

"Go around the town and flush the Protector out! Go door to door if you have to!" she barked. "Tell the fliers and swimmers to strengthen the cordon around the island and that not a single Pokémon is to pass them without being questioned!"

The gathered guards saluted and shouted back in affirmation before hurrying off, leaving Nagant to turn with a low grumble. The Clawitzer glowered towards the water, as Jun flitted up beside her and prodded uneasily at her.

"Are we sure that that's enough, Captain?" Jun asked. "An island is more than just a town and the sea and sky surrounding it, after all…"

"I'm aware of that," Nagant replied. "That's why I want you to get backup from the base and have them start searching the interior. Let Valan know we've found the Protector while you're at it."

"Aye, Captain."

Jun gave a swift salute before turning and flitting off for the naval base. Nagant watched Jun slip out of her field of vision, before giving an annoyed huff over the turn of events and starting to make her way deeper into town, unaware that all the while Darzin was watching her with a sharp glare from an overlooking alleyway.

"Impudent hag. Perhaps it's time to start hedging my bets…"

About an hour after running into Neil, the Rhyhorn led Pleo and his companions to a small stone cottage built along a round foundation, with cross-braced windows and a simple wooden door at the front. Team Traveller's members paused and looked curiously at the house, noticing that it was built next to a pond that hugged along the right side of the structure, with a set of wooden posts at the bottom evidencing that it opened up inside… hardly features that a Rhyhorn like Neil would ever seem to need.

"Egh… I was hoping for someplace a bit less damp, but at least it's a step up from a hole in the ground," Elty said. The Growlithe's comment prompted Pleo to tilt his head puzzledly, before chirping back in protest.

"Eh? But Nida lives in a hole in the ground!" he replied. "Aside from being a little small, it didn't seem so bad!"

Elty rolled his eyes at Pleo's insistence about Nida's home when he heard the wooden door get pushed open and saw a Greninja exit. The frog paused for a moment with a surprised blink, before turning over to Neil with a wary glance.

"Neil, who are these 'mons?" the Water-Type asked. "You didn't mention that we'd be having guests today."

"They're some 'mons who took up a job for the Secret Bazaar and were looking for pointers, Chan-iu," the Rhyhorn answered. "They seemed a bit out of it, and our place was on the way, so I invited them over for some tea before they set off."

The Greninja turned back to Pleo and his companions, letting his gaze settle on one member after the other. After a moment's pause, the Water-Type shook his head with a small smile.

"I guess that Neil has already introduced himself then," he said. "The name's Chan-iu, and I'm his buddy from the Haipheh Island Guild. You could say that this is our team's base."

Pleo shuffled his wings at the mention of the humble abode being a 'base'. Why, even back on Pioppo where the Pokémon were short on resources, Team Phantom's base had clearly been styled after the head of its leader! This 'base' however…

"… It looks more like a house," Pleo murmured.

"Well, beggars can't really be choosers when you're not doing as much guild work as you used to," Neil replied. "Splitting the cost of land between us helped get us out of guild lodging a bit faster than it would've if we both tried to go it alone."

"Heh, well it's good that your guild has such strivers in its ranks!" Kiran cheered. "I'm sure your clients are in good wings with a mindset like that."

Chain-iu's features eased a bit as a small smile came over his face at Kiran's reply. The Greninja pulled the door back, motioning at the other Pokémon to enter.

"Well, I guess we shouldn't keep you all waiting then. Though you brought the groceries from town, right Neil?" Chan-iu asked. "Why don't you get that sorted out while I boil the water. By the time you're done, your friends' drinks should be ready."

Neil turned his head back to Team Traveller's members, shuffling the bags on his shoulders as he motioned towards the door with his head.

"I'm not sure what you all are used to for accommodations, but just go on in and make yourselves at home for a bit," he said. "That tea will be done before you know it."

"Right," Dimitri answered. "Thanks again for taking us in like this."

Chan-iu walked up and helped unload the bag from Neil's back, before carrying on past the doorway. The Water-Type led Team Traveller into a small entrance hall with an open doorway ahead, along with one each to their sides. To the left, a small firepit had been set out with a few scattered gummis evidencing its use as a kitchen, with the doorway to the right leading to a room partly filled with water with some straw bedding set out. The five watched as Chan-iu headed into the back room, Pleo and his companions following along into an open, stony room with a few chests tucked in the corner and a simple, squat table with four legs made from lacquered wood set out in the center with reed mats around it.

"Neil shouldn't take too long with those groceries," Chan-iu explained. "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable here, I'll be back with some tea for you."

The Greninja walked off, leaving Team Traveller's members to settle down around the table, trading wary glances about their surroundings as Dimitri tapped his scythes and raised his voice in a low whisper.

"So what exactly is our next move here?" the Kabutops asked. "We know a way into the Mystery Dungeon from here, but just how long are we supposed to wait out there?"

"Until they come back for us?" Elty offered. "That's how things always worked when I was a pirate."

Trizano gave a sheepish ruffle of his feathers before forcefully prodding the Growlithe with his wing.

"Need I remind you that your friends are from a merchant ship?" Trizano sighed. "Even if their free-trading sometimes puts them at odds with the law, I can't imagine they'd have the exact same thought process as a pirate crew in this situation."

The five paused and mulled the matter over a moment, when Kiran's eyes caught the sight of a glint coming from Pleo's scarf. Of course! Kelly had sensed their badges back on Pioppo! So then if they merely needed a friendly teleporter who could sense them, then…

"We need some way of contacting the ship," Kiran said. "Kelly was ready to teleport us back on Pioppo, remember? So if she had an idea of where to look for us, she'd be able to get us out."

"Oh? But we've got our badges and everything. If that's all we need to do, can't we just call her right now?" Pleo asked, prompting his mentor to shake his head back.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy," the Swellow explained. "Go ahead and try it now."

Pleo blinked puzzledly for a moment, before shifting a wing over his badge and pressing it. Why, this was little different from how things had worked in the past, so then all that was left was just to speak into it, right?

"… Kelly? Can you hear us?"

Pleo waited, expecting to hear Kelly's voice answer back from the badge, only to be met with the sounds of Neil and Chan-iu in the background working on their groceries and tea respectively. The Lugia pressed at the badge once more, speaking Kelly's name into it again supposing he'd perhaps not pressed down properly, only to be met again with silence. The Lugia looked up in worried surprise at Kiran, who shook his head with a sigh.

"It's just as I thought," he said. "A badge only can be sensed from about an hour's walk away even by an experienced teleporter, and Kelly must be further out than that."

"Hrm, so we will need to pass word along somehow," Trizano mulled. "If we got that squared away, it'd just be a matter of waiting for the ship to get close enough so we could contact them through our badges."

"How are we supposed to manage that though?" Elty demanded. "The skies are being watched, and it's not as if I can just walk over to the ship!"

"No, but I can swim to it," Dimitri offered, prompting his teammates to cast surprised glances back at him.

"Eh? On your own?" Pleo murmured. "With all those Pokémon looking for us?"

"I mean, yes, it's a risk… but I'm still wearing my old scarf which is more likely to get overlooked by the guards around here," the Kabutops insisted. "And under the sea, there's a lot more options for moving around, and you can't see as far in the water as you can in the air."

Dimitri paused in thought for a moment to glance out the window, before shaking his head and letting a determined expression settle over his face.

"If there's any way of getting past that cordon and back to the ship, me swimming out there is the best way of doing it."

"But surely you'd need an ally to come along, wouldn't you?" Trizano insisted, prompting Elty to raise his fur and flatten his ears uncomfortably.

"Blaugh… going underwater and just waiting for a bubble to pop over me all over again?" the Growlithe muttered. "I'll pass on that, thanks."

Dimitri fell silent and grimaced at the Puppy Pokémon's reply. While Trizano had a point about not going it alone, after sizing up his options for an allies… why, the only one who would fit him well was the very one who needed the strength of numbers to protect him!

"Elty… raises a bit of a point, unfortunately. Air-breathers that can't swim would be a bunch of sitting Psyduck just staying on my back the entire time," Dimtiri said. "Probably worse than that since at least Psyduck can move around underwater. I mean, Pleo could do it, but he's the most wanted 'mon on this island right now!"

Pleo, Kiran, and Trizano hesitated a moment, before trading uneasy glances. As loath as they were to admit it, perhaps this really was the best option they had…

"I suppose that we don't have many other choices," Kiran sighed. "We'll keep trying to see when Kelly can hear us and come over to teleport us back to the ship."

Dimitri nodded before he got up and turned to leave, when he felt a soft sensation prodding at his leg. The Kabutops looked down, where he saw Pleo looking up at him with pleading eyes.

"Just… be careful out there, okay?" the Lugia insisted.

"I will. Just hang tight for a bit."

Dimitri gave a small wave of his scythe and made his way to the doorway. There, Chan-iu was returning holding a tray filled with steaming porcelain cups, with Neil following at his side, the pair staring back at Dimitri with surprised looks.

"Huh? Headed off so quickly?" Neil wondered. "Chan-iu just finished up the tea!"

"Yeah, sorry to blow you all off, but I just realized that our team left behind some of our supplies in town," Dimitri said. "We kinda needed that before moving on."

"Are you sure that you can't wait a bit?" Chan-iu asked. "This tea will be ice cold by the time you even make it into Whitepalm Town."

"It's alright. I'm used to being in cooler water anyways," the Kabutops answered. "A cool drink won't be that much of a difference."

Neil and Chan-iu traded puzzled looks with one another, before the Rhyhorn of the pair gave a nonplussed shrug of his shoulders back at the Kabutops.

"If you say so," Neil said. "Though don't keep your friends waiting longer than they need to!"

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Dimitri carried along, making his way for the door when he noticed a chunk of silvery metal hung on the wall. The Kabutops paused and looked at it, giving a curious poke with his scythe and noticed that it glinted much like a Poké coin around its edges. The Water-Type's thoughts drifted back to his earlier conversation with Pleo about the meteor fragment, prompting him to look back and listen as Neil and Chan-iu started to set out tea in the living room, and then back at the metal lump with a wary pause before shaking his head.

"Eh, it's probably nothing."

With that, the Kabutops pried the door open, slipping off down the trail away from the stone cottage to search for help. All the while, in spite of his self-assurance, Dimitri couldn't help but wonder about the little metal piece hung on the wall, and why Neil and Chan-iu of all 'mons would have it.

As Dimitri made his way towards the sea, back in the fringes of Bluewhorl Town, a female Scyther with a five-tailed blotch on her head labored dutifully in the dim backroom of a small hut among the trees. The Bug-Type stooped down over a reddened stone slab, taking and placing strips of meat on a string hung tight between the rafters overhead before going over to a soapy bucket in the corner where she dipped her blades in, stirring them around as the water turned a dull shade of red.

Sandra pulled her blades out and tipped the barrel over to wash the slab above a small drain cut in the corner before shaking her scythes to brush off a bit of the water. After a quick sniff at her blades to verify the water had cleansed the scent of her work, the mantis made her way for the front of the shop, brushing aside the strips of cloth that hung over the doorway that kept the intimate details of her work as a scavenger hidden from the public eye as was custom. She looked around, finding her only company being plates and baskets piled with dried meat set out on crude tables about the dingy shop, the Scyther giving an uncomfortable beat of her wings as she tried to make her peace with what would surely be another lonely day plying her family's wares on her own.


Sandra turned as the sound of wood creaking rang out, prompting her to see Cassie walking down the slatted, angled pole and planks that formed the stairs up to the loft where the family rested at night. The young Scyther stepped onto the ground and paced ahead with an uneasy glance, tapping her blades together shyly.

"Is daddy going to be okay when he comes home?" Cassie asked. "Some of the other Pokémon at the Day Care were saying that the Company Pokémon were waiting for his ship to come back to stop it."

The young Scyther continued staring with worried eyes, nagging at Sandra with a pleading insistence for some sense of reassurance and some sense of security that they'd managed to give in times past.

"Is… he going to get into trouble?"

Sandra hemmed and hawed for a moment in reply to the question, shifting her wings uncomfortably before she stepped forward and cradled her child against her body with her flats.

"I'm sure that something will work out, dear," Sandra replied.

"But isn't there anything we can do?" her child wondered.

"Just try and have fun with your friends at Hariti's," Sandra insisted. "Everyone's trying to figure out how to handle things, so there's no sense in worrying about things you can't control."

Cassie paused, before nodding back uneasily and making her way for the stairs. The young Scyther began to climb up, when the sound of the door opening and heavy footsteps rang out. Cassie looked off at the door when her eyes widened and she cringed with a frightened yelp. Sandra whirled around with a start, turning to see the form of a Marked Charizard entering, his neck graced with Company lavenders and the patterns of one of its Commissioners.

"Ah, so you are open!" Bunsen exclaimed.

Sandra froze and felt a chill run down her body as the Company Commissioner lumbered over to the counter. The mantis held her breath and tensed her scythes, only to notice that much to her surprise the Charizard was approaching with a friendly-looking smile.

"I had expected that I'd have to make quite the trip to visit a scavver's shop in a village like this," Bunsen said. "But imagine my surprise to find that there was one being tended to by a fellow Marked!"

Sandra watched the Charizard as he looked around the shop, keeping a wary eye on his tail and claws all the while. The mother Scyther looked over her shoulder to see Cassie shrinking back wide-eyed along the steps and visibly quivering out of fright. Sandra breathed in tensely, backing away and bracing her scythes before she shot a sharp scowl back across the counter.

"Look, whatever you want from here, just go ahead and take it and move along," she replied tersely, prompting Bunsen to frown and shake his head back.

"I'm not here for anything like that, Scyther…"

Bunsen ran a claw along his waist, giving a small tug as he brought up a fabric pouch and set it on the counter with the familiar jingle of metal coins.

"Just here to do a little shopping for tonight's dinner, assuming you'll take Thalers," the Fire-Type insisted. "After all, we Marked already don't have many allies to lean on, so there's no reason to go about making enemies of each other."

Sandra paused, moving a scythe to poke at the bag cautiously before pulling it across the counter. All the while, Cassie darted behind her mother's legs, latching on with worried eyes. The mother Scyther let out a sigh, before pointing at a small stack of crude baskets set out at the end of the counter.

"We charge by weight, so go ahead and start picking out cuts for the scale," she answered.

Bunsen took the topmost basket and began to make his way about the shop, adding bits and pieces of dried meats of varying hues. Every so often, the Charizard would look up back at the counter, where he'd see Sandra and her child watching wordlessly. After adding a clawful of light meat lined with spindly bones, the Commissioner plodded up, setting his basket onto the counter as Sandra reached under the counter to pull out a simple scale and set of clay weights. The mother Scyther carefully picked through Bunsen's selection, dutifully grouping the meats of one type on the scale as she attempted to balance them out against the weights, repeating the process a few times before Bunsen cleared his throat and began to speak with a vaguely disappointed tone.

"Not normally the talkative type, huh?" the Charizard remarked.

"Mommy says that we're supposed to try and avoid talking to Pokémon we don't know we can trust," Cassie murmured.

"Well, I suppose that explains it then. There aren't that many Marked living here on Tromba, and the other Pokémon are always a fickle and unpredictable bunch," Bunsen said, before turning his attention back to Sandra. "Though… I couldn't help but overhear that your mate was out of town… 'Ander' I believe it was. Do you happen to know where he is right now?"

Sandra froze and looked up from brushing aside a small pile of dried short ribs onto a paper spread out on the counter. The Scyther stopped her work sorting out Bunsen's food and shuffled her wings uneasily before managing a grudging reply.

"He's… traveling at the moment."

"So I gathered," Bunsen replied. "I had been looking through the requests that Osmund made for starter kits for new recruits, and I couldn't help but notice that they lined up with some of the 'mons wanted from that pirate ship…"

The Charizard's reply drew a startled buzz from Cassie, as she went wide-eyed and held out her scythes defensively at the drake.

"L-Leave daddy alone!" she protested.

Sandra quickly hushed her child and swatted down her scythes as she turned back to Bunsen with a tense grimace. Far from the glare or bared fangs she was expecting, the Marked Charizard seemed strangely at-ease, as he peered down at her child with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there's a deeper story as to what's going on," he offered. "It did seem a bit suspicious when he was the only Marked on the ship roster… almost as if he'd been coerced into joining."

Sandra hesitated, visibly at a loss for words as she stiffly slid the last of Bunsen's food onto the paper to wrap it up. The Bug-Type shifted uncomfortably, looking down as she murmured back a short, grudging reply.

"There were… outside circumstances weighing on his decision, yes."

"Ahh… I understand," Bunsen said. "Considering the potential consequences if he got caught, I can't imagine it was an easy decision for him…"

The Charizard turned his head over to Cassie, who shrank back and hid behind her mother as he turned his attention back to Sandra.

"Especially with what he had to leave behind," he mused, prompting Sandra to flick her wings, and look up from tallying up Bunsen's coins with a sharp, defensive glare.

"Pardon my asking, but where exactly are you going with this?" the Scyther snapped. "Surely you can't expect me to turn against my mate over a little bit of chatter over the counter!"

"And I wouldn't dream of demanding that of you," Bunsen insisted. "As a Commissioner, I have a fair degree of leeway over any prisoners I deliver over to the Company."

The Charizard shook his head, as he peered across with an attempt at a disarming smile, leaving Sandra to turn away uneasily.

"I'm not exactly ignorant of what tends to happen to those of us who wind up on the wrong end of the law," Bunsen continued. "I just felt it'd be a shame if a loving father had to go through that when stopping it would be a simple matter of scratching his name from a few pieces of paper."

Sandra gave no answer to the Charizard's words, quietly pushing his dried meat across wrapped in a paper parcel. The Commissioner blinked a moment, opting to subdue his friendly display as he placed the parcel into a satchel about his shoulder, looking back with a sober, earnest expression as Sandra counted out change for his coins.

"I'm not going to ask much from you if that's what you're worried about, Scyther. All I need to know is what exactly the crew that drug him along was up to," Bunsen said. "And if he's passed any word onto you about how they planned to return here."

"I'm afraid I don't have anything new to tell you," Sandra replied, shaking her head back. "They had gone off in search of the demon that slumbered here after he was awakened and separated from this island, so I would assume they wouldn't come back until they found him again."

Bunsen's face fell into a sour frown, as he threw out a claw and snatched his change off the counter with a loud clink. The Fire-Type placed his money back into a cloth purse about his waist, looking back with a frustrated scowl.

"Why do you insist on playing along with those demon-worshipers after everything they've put you through?" the Charizard growled. "Is being made to live despised in their shadows really worth defending?"

"But it really did happen!" Cassie exclaimed. "Lugia really did wake up and is out there!"

Bunsen screwed his eyes shut and turned away, plodding for the door with a sharp snort. When he reached its posts, he looked back, giving a stern glare back at Sandra and her child.

"I think that I'm done here. Have a nice day with your child, Scyther," Bunsen harrumphed. "Just be aware that I'm not in the business of putting my claws on the scale for Marked who can't do the same for one of their own."

The Charizard carried on, slipping out of the shop and slamming the door behind him as Sandra looked on with a quiet grimace. After a moment's silence, she felt Cassie nosing at her, prompting the mother Scyther to look down at her daughter peering up uneasily.

"Mommy? Is everything really going to be okay?" Cassie asked. Sandra said nothing back for a long time, before looking anxiously back towards the doorway.

"I don't know, sweetie… I just don't know."

In the seas just west of Orleigh, a caravel with gold-and-silver sails bobbed along the waves, sailing circles about the pirate haven off in the distance. On the deck, Hess watched uneasily over the railing as his underlings looked on and traded apprehensive glances with one another in the background.

"What are we doing now, Captain?" a Litten asked.

"Yeah, isn't that Orleigh in the distance?" Cherrim insisted. "I thought the Council said we couldn't come back until we brought Lugia to them."

Hess turned back to his crew, lowering his eyes towards the deck's timbers underfoot as a low growl rose from the back of his throat.

"Well that's obviously not happening," the Aggron grumbled. "Rodion will go in with a few of the escorts to get our members from our base, our treasure stash, and then we're sailing south to try our luck outside of Anyilla."

The Steel-Type's reply drew sharp protests from the other pirates, as a few shot back disbelieving scowls back at him.

"What do you mean?! Orleigh's our home port!" a Vileplume exclaimed. "We'd have to start from scratch for our reputation if we moved to new waters!"

"Yeah, we're the Iron Fleet!" a Drednaw added. "How are we supposed to get any respect if we just turn and run here?"

Rodion paused a moment, before approaching his captain and putting a paw on his shoulder. Even in the direst of situations, Hess was usually one of the last Pokémon to turn with his tail between his legs…

"Captain, surely there must be something else we can do before we resort to this…" he began, only to be cut off by a frustrated huff from his superior.

"What are we supposed to do, Rodion? We weren't able to grab Lugia all the times we've tried so far, he and his friends aren't getting any weaker, and now the Company and Empire are targeting us as well!" Hess cried. "We couldn't even get to that blasted bird this time!"

The Aggron drooped with a low mutter and shook his head back at the Floatzel.

"Of all the choices we have, cutting our losses and sailing off to raid another day is the best we've got."

Rodion said nothing in reply to the Steel-Type. While it was hard to argue the point, hearing Hess contemplate quitting the waters he'd plied since he was a mere Aron in such a defeated tone was… jarring, to say the least. The Floatzel opened his mouth to try and reassure his friend, to see if his fighting spirit could perhaps be roused, when he was cut off by the sound of a Staravia in the crow's nest jolting up and crying out in a panic.

"There's a Company galleon coming at us from hard to starboard!" she squawked.

Hess and his fellow pirates turned out to sea, where they caught the sight of a galleon flying Company colors barreling straight towards them. The Aggron's eyes widened as startled yelps went about his crew, prompting him to turn and bellow out to them with a voice betraying a hint of panicked urgency.

"Get us to shore!" Hess shouted. "We'll bait them into passing the harbor!"

The escorts hastily churned up a tailwind and accompanying current, jolting the caravel forward as they desperately cut through the waters for Orleigh Island. The Mistral Marauder made it close enough for the crew's members to begin to see individual trees when a Crobat streaked overhead. The bat led a party of fliers in lavender scarves, knocking aside some of the Iron Fleet's members from the air. Kichiro flew up to engage them as the crew tried to give cover from the deck when startled shouts began to ring out from the waters, a glance over Hess' shoulders revealing their marine escorts in an uproar as a Huntail and other lavender-scarved Pokémon harried them and broke their current while the Argent Aviso continued barreling towards them.

"Ack! They're gaining on us!" Kichiro cried.

The air grew increasingly thick with attacks, an Ice Beam sending a Noibat plummeting to the deck here, a cutting gust sending a Vileplume toppling over with a pained scream there… All the while, the Argent Aviso drew closer and closer, its snarling crew members coming into clear view. Hess ran up, aiming to try and use a Surf to push the galleon back when an Electabuzz's Discharge sailed in, knocking him and a number of nearby pirates down. The Aggron righted himself and struggled up with a daze, when the thwips and clunks of harpoons finding their mark against his hull made his blood freeze, followed by the crash of a gangplank being dropped against the deck's wood and Pokémon storming onto the ship.

"We're getting boarded!" Rodion exclaimed. "Push those square-necks into the sea!

The Floatzel led a group of deckhands to engage the boarding party, only to summarily get knocked to the ground by an Air Slash from the Crobat among Lyn's fliers and quickly get mobbed by other Company Pokémon. In the background, Kichiro plummeted out of the air, leaving the other members of the Iron Fleet to stare in petrified shock as Lyn's underlings forced their way aboard, a stammering Wimpod snapping out of his frightened stupor after a stream of fire zipped just past his antennae.

"A-AAH! Retreat! Retreat!"

The pirates turned and bolted in a desperate flight, Lyn's underlings picking off any unfortunates who couldn't elude their clutches, including a Pawniard who was held up at horn-point by a Heracross, and a Litten who yowled in pain after having his tail stomped against the deck by a Tauros. Hess grit his teeth, charging ahead with a loud roar as he tackled and threw a Hitmonchan overboard with a sharp scream and sent a Nuzleaf crumpling to the deck after running an Iron Head into his face. The Aggron turned at the sound of a sharp bellow, only to be knocked to the deck by an overpowering jet of water striking his belly, coughing and gagging in a daze when he heard the whish of sliced air and opened his eyes to see the tip of a keratinous blade at his neck, with a Samurott glaring down at him from above.

"You must be Captain Hess," Lyn snarled. "While your ship was hard to miss dawdling around your wretched hive of a home port, I was somehow expecting more from your merry band of pirates."

Hess' face flushed pale as he looked around to see the central deck of his ship had been taken over by the boarding party, while the bulk of his deckhands cowered from the entrances below deck and behind crates and barrels. Jeering laughs went about as an Ursaring shoved Rodion, while groans and frightened whimpers began to float through the air, including from the earlier Litten who'd been lifted over the railing by the scruff of his neck by his Tauros tormentor. Hess blanched for a moment, before looking back at Lyn, lifting his claws as he tried to offer up an excuse to get the brute off his throat.

"Pirates? Y-You've got it all wrong!" the Aggron stammered. "We're an honest merchant crew!"

"An honest merchant crew wouldn't reek like you lot," Lyn snapped. "And they certainly wouldn't have attacked my subordinates or tried to impede my efforts to seize the Guardian of the Seas on Giotto!"

The Samurott narrowed his eyes, letting a low, dangerous growl from his throat as he scowled down at the trapped captain.

"Under normal circumstances, I'd be content to let the lot of you see the inside of a batch of Apricorns," he harrumphed. "Fortunately for you, these aren't normal circumstances. As such, I'd like to make a business proposition…"

The Commissioner's reply made Hess screw up his maw indignantly, as he hardened his blue eyes back with a sharp glare.

"Oh sod off!" the Aggron roared. "As if I'd work with the likes of a square-neck like-!"

Hess felt a sharp jab at his throat, prompting him to look down and see the tip of Lyn's seamitar digging into his neck's hide. The Samurott pressed down, letting a small trickle of blood come out that prompted Hess to give a frightened squeak back at his captor.

"Eek! I- I mean, I suppose I can hear things out considering the circumstances…"

"Good. I need to have an audience with the Council," Lyn said. "I found it suspicious that a bumbling oaf like you would be chasing after Lugia so persistently, so I can only presume they've somehow put you up to it."

Hess' eyes widened at the otter's demand, the Aggron appearing much as a cornered Ratatta as he stuttered and tripped over his words.

"B-But I can't do that!" Hess cried. "They'll have my head if I show up empty-clawed!"

"You would not be going alone," Lyn insisted. "I just need you to get my foot in the door and I will see to it that your well-being is respected and that you're rewarded for your services afterwards."

Hess paused, breathing in heavily as he mulled the Samurott's offer over. There was no guarantee that the otter would honor anything from his end of the bargain, but he was hardly in any position to refuse. The Steel-Type hemmed and hawed when he heard sounds of a scuffle, and tilted his head to see Rodion wrangling free of his captors and shouting out to him.

"Captain, don't listen to him!" he insisted. "There's no reason to trust that shell-headed creep will keep his word and won't just leave us high and-!"

"Shut your yap, Floatzel!" his Ursaring captor snarled.

The bear struck Rodion from behind with a claw, sending the Floatzel pitching face-first to the deck. Hess tried to turn to come to his first mate's aid, only to feel the point of Lyn's seamitar dig in further, prompting him to recoil and screw his eyes shut in a panic.

"So, do we have a deal?" Lyn pressed.

"Yes! Yes! We'll help!" the Aggron cried.

The Samurott pulled his blade away, prompting Hess to crack his eyes open and gasp for air as he rubbed at his neck. The Aggron slowly got up, watching as Lyn beckoned his underlings to back off from their captives, leaving the pirates to bolt for the company of their compatriots and carry off their wounded visibly shivering and shaken by their ordeals. As Lyn's subordinates idled and grumbled impatiently, Rodion paced up to Hess, giving a grimacing stare back up to him as Lyn watched with a determined, piercing gaze. Hess shrank back and hesitated from Rodion's visible unease, as a flicker of doubt began to come over his mind over his agreement with Lyn. On the other claw… the Commissioner had had him dead to rights, and yet he'd let him get up unharmed. So if nothing else, perhaps it was worth hearing what the 'mon had to say.

"Just… what is it that you wanted to tell the Council?" Hess asked, fidgeting his claws uneasily. "And what do you need us to do?"

Back at Neil's cottage, Pleo, Kiran, and Trizano gathered around the Rhyhorn's table where simple clay cups trailing steam had been set out. Pleo pecked at his cup, sipping at a warm, dark greenish liquid inside that perked his body up. The Lugia ruffled his plumage and settled against a seat cushion, casting a glance over at the far end of the table where an excited yip rang out as Elty and Chan-iu stared each other down over a spread of colorful cards depicting various Pokémon on them.

"Heh heh, that last prize card's all mine!" Elty snickered. The Growlithe's cheer drew a brow raise back from Chan-iu, who shuffled a few cards before lowering his head.

"You shouldn't get so cocky, Khatiko," the Greninja retorted. "A game's not done until it's done."

Elty looked down at the cards on the table, before shooting back a frown and puzzled tilt of his head. He was fielding a Blastoise card to Chan-iu's Charizard, and his opponent only had half the supporting energy cards he needed to attack… why this was about as open-and-shut a victory as it got!

"Yeah? Well how do you plan on getting out of this?" the Growlithe demanded.

Chan-iu kept silent at first, before throwing down a card depicting a Magmortar at a forge onto the table. Elty's jaw flopped open as he read the runes at the bottom half of the card and noticed that it let him attach two energy cards he'd already used. The Fire-Type looked back across the table as a teasing smirk spread over the right corner of Chan-iu's face.

"That oughta do the trick, don't you think? With these extra two energy cards, my attacking card's able to overpower yours, and it's your last prize card to boot. So… that's the end of the game, right?"

Elty groaned and screwed his eyes shut in frustration, prompting Pleo to crane his head over and nose puzzledly at the cards on the table.

"I never understood how those games with the picture cards are supposed to work," the Lugia murmured.

"It's a bit of a learning process," Trizano replied. "Though I think we ought to have time for you to learn through a starting game or two."

The Skarmory nudged at Elty, prompting him and Chan-iu to pass their card decks over. Trizano set out shuffling the decks as Neil sipped from his cup, before the Skarmory noticed Pleo's attention turn away from the table. Off to the right, the young Protector's eyes fell on a visor made from a curious, clear substance with a gray strap attached to the back set out on an end table nearby. With a curious bob of his head, he craned down and pecked curiously at a few times, prompting Neil to look over with a surprised start.

"Hey! Careful with that, Pleo!" he insisted. "I can't exactly just go out and get another of 'em if it breaks."

Pleo abruptly jerked his head still, pulling his beak back from the set of goggles with a sheepish glance, all the while sneaking curious glimpses off at it. Chan-iu trained a stern eye on the young seabird for a moment, before letting his lingering attention turn off towards the rest of his teammates.

"Remind me, when did your friend say he'd be back?" the Greninja asked. "I don't mind having company and all, but don't you all have a mission you need to get to?"

Team Traveller's members traded uneasy glances with one another, before Kiran ruffled his feathers and shook his head back.

"It can't really be helped," the Swellow replied. "Besides, after everything we've been through lately, it's nice to just have a moment to rest quietly."

Neil paused a moment at Kiran's reply, before turning back to his tea, taking a light sip as his eyes drifted over towards Pleo.

"I suppose that much is true," the Rhyhorn said. "Though out of curiosity, just what sort of Pokémon is your friend? I don't think I've ever seen or heard anyone quite like him before."

"Eh, behind the funny exterior he's really just a big Wingull," Elty remarked. "Nothing else to it."

Neil raised his head from his cup, turning back to the Growlithe with a dubious raise of his brow.

"A Wingull? With a neck like that?"

"Yeah, and? I mean some Pokémon just have longer necks than others," Elty insisted. "Like with Exeggutor and how some of them are almost as tall as a ship's mast while others can fit just fine through a doorway."

"Yes, but their voices also sound about the same," Neil retorted. "Your friend certainly doesn't sound like any Wingull I've heard before."

Pleo and his teammates hemmed and hawed a moment at the Rhyhorn's insistence before Kiran cleared his throat, opting that the best thing to do was to simply feign ignorance.

"Even in a small world like ours, there's still a lot of things we don't understand," Kiran offered. "That's just what we were told, and that's the best we can tell you."

The Rhyhorn blinked back a moment, uneasily sizing Pleo up a moment before shaking his head.

"Fair enough," Neil sighed. "From my experience, sometimes the full story behind something's so incredible that it's easier to stretch what you know a bit to make things work. I know it certainly has been the case for me."

Chan-iu shot an agitated, scolding look over at Neil who quickly fell quiet. Team Traveller turned with puzzled glances at each other, before Pleo tilted his head back puzzledly.

"Huhh? What's that supposed to mean?" the Lugia asked.

"Eh, nothing you need to worry about," Chan-iu said.

"But then why bring it up in the first place?" Elty insisted, prompting Neil to hesitate a moment before speaking up.

"Well… you've heard of shooting stars, right?," the Rhyhorn began. "Haven't you ever wondered if other things came from the sky?"

Team Traveller's members looked about the room and noticed that all around, there seemed to be peculiar odds and ends. There was a round canteen made of a strange green material hanging from the wall, a peculiar metallic tablet with a top surface made of shattered glass resting on the windowsill, a red bar with metal blades and implements unfurled at its ends on top of a chest… each one made of some manner of strange material, but with little clue as to their purpose or origin, or why Neil and Chan-iu would have them to begin with. Trizano's mind then turned back to Dimitri's conversation with Pleo about the meteor, could it be that…

"Those trinkets…" the Skarmory muttered. "You don't mean to say that they all-?"

"Hey! Open up!"

Pleo and his companions flinched at the sound of a shout at the door as Chan-iu and Neil got up with worried expressions. Team Traveller looked on as the pair turned and made their way up to the door and watched it open a crack to reveal a glimpse of a Cacturne, Marshtomp, and Camerupt in Imperial scarves. At once, the color drained from their faces, prompting the four to quickly duck back into the living room to hide as their hosts began to speak.

"Is something the matter?" Chan-iu wondered.

"We're looking around for some wanted pirates who kidnapped a Protector," Orcutt explained. "We were told that they might be trying to take shelter in a residence out in the fringes, so we need a moment to look around inside."

Neil and Chan-iu jolted up with a start at the Cacturne's reply, the two looking back expecting the Grass-Type to be joking, only for his expression to remain firm and serious.

"Wait, hold on. A Protector?" Neil asked.

"We haven't run into anyone of the sort here. Surely that's reason enough to move on?" Chan-iu insisted.

"Hrmph, it's a minor inconvenience," Molina grunted. "Step aside and let us take a look."

The Camerupt began to push at the door, only for Chan-iu to step in the way and sharply rebuff her.

"Do you seriously expect me not to just find it strange that you're pawing through my house without even telling me why you think there might be a Protector here?" the Greninja questioned.

Molina pulled her head back, letting out a sharp snort as her eyes hardened into a piercing glare.

"That wasn't a request, Greninja," the Camerupt growled. "Get out of our way, or else we'll step over you if need be."

"Easy there, Molina," Chalco insisted. "Look, you two don't seem like the type to have anything to hide, so there's no harm in us coming in, is there?"

Pleo, Kiran, Elty, and Trizano grimaced from further in the house, realizing that their hiding place would not shelter them for much longer. Kiran looked around with a start, before noticing there wasn't another obvious door in sight.

"Did anyone see any other exits on the way in?" the Swellow whispered.

"No," Elty replied. "That door's the only one here."

Neil and Chan-iu shifted at the doorway, trading worried murmurs with each other as Orcutt and his companions remained as unyielding as ever. Neil shook his head back, before giving an impatient stamp at the ground.

"Look, don't you at least have a warrant or something to show us?" the Rhyhorn insisted. "I'm not trying to get in the way of the law here, but I'm just saying that everything you've said just seems a little hard to believe."

Neil's hesitance was met with a sharp growl and heavy stomp, as Molina snorted up a few stray cinders and lowered her head, pawing at the ground for a charge.

"Oh, taivaan tähden-"

"Molina, chill. We're contracted," Orcutt chided. "Don't go giving the higher-ups reasons to stiff us out of pay."

Trizano turned his attention over to the window beside him, where he pushed at the cross-braces and noticed it swing up from its base. Wide enough for even his metal body to squeeze through.

"I think we've got another way out," Trizano said quietly. "Come on."

The Skarmory slunk through the window and motioned for the others to follow. Elty came first, clambering up before jumping out, followed by Kiran jumping out with a fluttering hop. Last was Pleo, who followed along, only to stumble over the sill and fall onto Trizano, knocking the two down as the window clamped shut with a loud clatter that abruptly quieted the chatter from the other end of the cottage.

"What was that?" Chalco asked.

"It came from around the house!" Molina cried.

Team Traveller's members grimaced, Trizano hastily helping Pleo to his feet as the Lugia instinctively planted his feet and readied for a leap much to Kiran's alarm.

"Gwark! Pleo! Stick to the ground!" he exclaimed. "They'll spot us right away if we fly-!"

"There they are!"

The sound of a harsh shout rang out along with footsteps rounding the corner, the four going wide-eyed at the sight of the Cacturne, Marshtomp, and Camerupt from the doorway rounding the bend. The three mercenaries hastily assumed battle stances, as Orcutt called out to his Camerupt teammate.

"Molina, pin them down!"

"On it!"

The Camerupt stepped forward and spat up a plume of flames, forcing Pleo and his teammates to dive for cover. The young Lugia hit the ground, beating out his wings in a panic while he tried to right himself as Chalco and Orcutt bore down on him.

"There he is!" Orcutt cried. "Take him out before he can fly-! Agh!"

The Cacturne was cut off by Kiran knocking him off his feet with a large gust of wind. Chalco jumped back with a start, readying a Rock Slide only to similarly be knocked back by Trizano, the two Flying-Types hurrying in front of Pleo as their attackers got back on their feet. From the side, Elty braced himself, grumbling under his breath as he bounded back for his teammates.

"Would it have killed us to get away quietly?" he fumed. "Anyhow, one set of paws coming up quick!"

Elty ran up as a blue crackling aura wreathed his body, quickly tagging Trizano and Kiran as the aura settled over them before fading. The Growlithe quickly darted off to help Pleo fall back, leaving the two birds to brace themselves as Orcutt and Chalco returned back to aggressive stances. Kiran sized the pair up, before spreading his wings diving at the Cacturne.

"Quick!" he shouted. "We'll go after their ringleader while he's-!"

Orcutt quickly sidestepped, leaving Kiran to hastily bank and whirl around where he saw much to his alarm that Trizano had ignored the Cacturne entirely in order to fly towards his Camerupt teammate.

"Trizano?!" Kiran squawked. "What are you doing?!"

The Skarmory said nothing back, as a devious smile spread over his beak, the Steel-Type diving low to the ground with his wings held in a wide sweep as he zipped at the camel.

"Have at you, mercenaria!" the Skarmory exclaimed.

Molina hastily attempted to breathe out a gout of fire, only for Trizano to roll over the top and slash at her flank. The Fire-Type gave a pained cry, before whirling around and snorting hot, angry cinders.

"Time for you to fry, bird!"

The Camerupt breathed in sharply, before spewing a stream of fire at Trizano. The Skarmory hastily dove out of the way, leaving the Flamethrower to continue on past him straight into a wide-eyed Orcutt. Kiran stared stunned as the Cacturne screeched and flailed, before hastily throwing in an Air Slash that sent the Grass-Type crumpling to the ground, still attempting to process the turn of events when Trizano flew by with a playful grin.

"You've gotta know when to play their weaknesses against each other!" he insisted, making Kiran frown back sharply.

"Now's not the time for fun and games!" the Swellow squawked. "Just stay focused-"

Kiran's scolding was cut short by a sharp yelp, as Elty and Pleo hastily sidestepped around a hail of rocks from Chalco. As the pair attempted to put distance between themselves and the Marshtomp, Elty cast a glance over at Molina, who was pawing at the ground still preoccupied with evening the score with Trizano.

"Playing weaknesses together, huh? I think we can bait 'em into doing it again," Elty murmured. "Pleo! Go for the Camerupt! I'll handle this guppy!"

Pleo's eyes lit up in realization at Elty's remark. If they could trick Molina into getting soaked, she'd surely be weakened enough to overpower. But…

"How would we get the Marshtomp to attack her partner?" he asked.

"Leave that to me," Elty insisted. "Just help Kiran and Trizano blow that camel towards me when you see me dodge!"

Pleo nodded and flapped off for Molina, Chalco turning her head and darting after to give chase. The Marshtomp ran along, readying a jet of water in her mouth when a spray of embers brushed her right gills, making her splutter and cough up her water before whirling to see Elty crouched and growling at her.

"Not so fast!" he barked. "If you want after him, you've gotta go through me first!"

The Marshtomp gave a dismissive scoff back, before crouching and gritting her teeth back with a low growl.

"Tch, this'll be fast."

Chalco spat up a jet of water, prompting Elty to hastily jump aside. Undeterred, the mudskipper hastily adjusted course, throwing another Water Gun that grazed him and made him with a recoil, drawing a satisfied jeer back from his attacker.

"Ha, should've learned to pick your battles!"

"Oh, but I did," Elty replied.

The Marshtomp frowned and spat up another jet of water, Elty this time rolling out of the way when a sudden gust of wind kicked up and drew a sharp yelp from Molina. Chalco's eyes shrank to pins as she watched Molina fly straight into her Water Gun, leaving the Camerupt to tumble to the ground drenched and unconscious. The Water-Type blanched as she looked off to see Pleo pulling his wings back in as Kiran and Trizano circled, realizing it was none other than her own attack that had done Molina in, and the Growlithe and his bird friends had lined her up for this very moment to happen!

"Agh! You tricked me!" the Marshtomp cried.

"And so what? We're not just going to let you take us in!" Elty piped. "So will you let us go, or what?"

Chalco looked about her surroundings before gritting her teeth, digging her heels in as she spat back defiantly at Team Traveller's members.

"Suck mud, pirate!"

The Marshtomp charged forward attempting to call up a hail of rocks, only to be cut off by a Wing Attack from Kiran, then an Air Cutter from Trizano, and a Weather Ball from Pleo. Chalco staggered, struggling to stay on her feet when an orange blur jumped up and bit into her neck, dragging her to the ground where she hit the ground and lapsed out of consciousness as Elty backed away and the rest of Team Traveller's members looked on with tense pants.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

Pleo and his teammates froze as they turned to see Chan-iu round the corner wide-eyed with Neil following along behind him. The pair looked around the torn-up side of the cottage in shock, as the Rhyhorn looked uneasily at the strange white bird.

"Were they right?" Neil asked. "Are you really a Protector?"

"Yes, but you need to let me go!" Pleo insisted. "I can't go along with them!"

"Oi, we're not about to get sucked into your problems here!" Chan-iu snapped. "If you're really a Protector, why are you hanging around with a bunch of lowlives like these?"

Pleo blanched, looking back at his battered companions still recovering from the shock of battle. The young Lugia struggled a moment over how to even begin to explain himself, before raising his voice and starting to speak.

"I… don't really have the time to explain, but I am a Protector, and these aren't lowlives!" he replied. "They're my friends! The Pokémon who I'm supposed to protect!"

Neil and Chan-iu paused at the young Protector's reply, their minds turning back to the childish innocence he'd exhibited back in their cottage. The Greninja of the pair faltered a moment, before Neil shook his head and stepped forward with a reassuring nudge.

"If you're really who you say you are, then go. You've got some time before their buddies catch up," the Rhyhorn insisted. "We'll try to throw them off your trail, but there's only so much two 'mons can do to help you all out."

"Right," Elty replied.

"Just… don't make us regret doing this, alright?" Neil said.

"We won't!" Pleo insisted.

The Lugia nodded back gratefully before hurrying off inland with his friends. All the while, Neil watched after the group as they vanished. He was no stranger to improbable stories, but for their sake, he hoped the one of his new friends would come to a happy end.

Author's Notes:

- (¡)Aguanta! - Spanish: "Hang on!"
- Pikhachhiau (比卡超) - Hokkien: "Pikachu" (POJ Romanization, derived from Cantonese localization name)
- Khatiko (卡蒂狗) - Hokkien: "Growlithe" (POJ Romanization, derived from Mandarin localization name)
- taivaan tähden - Finnish: "for crying out loud", "for heaven's sake"
- mercenaria - Italian: "mercenary" (feminine)

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
Ok finally I feel better and can read your story!

A glossary is a nice touch. Really appreciate it.

You describe the intro character very well. I could figure she was a Nidoran before it said so.

Oh that's such a good way to use the scarves!

"The time I fought and beat the cheating Dragonite?" ooh mama is a roughhouser! It's not treated as a title like the other ones so I assume it's personal.

It's interesting to see the downfall caused by pokemon rather than by humans.

interesting so if Arceus is dead, I wonder who the creator of this world is.

I wonder where the humans went, if they're treated as "away" basically.

Calino's got some sass! I like him.

Love that even in a place with no humans, a Sentret still has a name like Scout.

Not knowing what an item is and pursuing the quest anyway sure sounds like they're desperate for work. I guess it's the novelty of the thing.

"Mildrew" now that's a fantastic name. Really gives the "creepy old Victorian" vibes.

Very curious what happened "last year".

There's a bit of an oddity in the way you format this story that I wanted to bring up though. Let's use this excerpt as an example:

"But my point is, moments like those are real possibilities!" Kiran said, throwing his wings wide and flailing. "The entire point of training is so that you can be prepared for them if you stay on a Rescue Team past this first stage! And… well-"

The Swellow lowered his head and found his voice dropping to a little above a murmur, uttering some uncomfortable confessions.

"None of us want to see you get hurt from trying to push on ahead too fast. Not Crom. Not your mami. And especially not me... you understand, don't you?"

Since all of that is the same character talking, uninterrupted, it should all be a single paragraph. But you often separate action and dialogue from the same character, and it can be hard to follow.

Dragon pirates? No wonder mama was fighting them!

egg egg egg egg egg egg

Looks mysterious! I may read further~


Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
Here for Review Blitz!
I had my eyes on this story for a while, mostly because I spotted a Nidoran protagonist and of course the little Lugia and it all looked really interesting.

Apart from that and the fact that it was MD based, I didn't really know much.

I really liked this Prologue as an introduction to the story. The descriptions are incredibly vivid, I could picture every little movement Nida made as she tried to sneak out of her home. One thing that I liked a lot was the use of a bedtime story as a way to frame the obligatory exposition, made it feel really natural!

The world having been pretty much destroyed and little pieces of it left scattered as little isolated islands gave me big early Kingdom Hearts vibes.
I'm intrigued by the little pieces of lore and worldbuilding that have been mentioned, like the Pokémon that rose against the gods being described as "birds", "vaguely like horses" and "serpent like"... There's many Pokémon that could fit that description, but I keep wondering if it doesn't refer to certain legendaries, but those legendaries should technically be the very gods and protectors they rebelled against... So for now I'm going to assume they were "normal" Pokémon, especially if they left descendants in the "Marked" Pokémon.

A little detail that I *really* liked were the scarves and how they are apparently used to mark families/group/clans (and of course rescue teams I suppose)! Scarves are such a little but at the same time integral detail to Mystery Dungeon, that's totally how they could be used! Loved it. I assume they also work as a quick way to distinguish "ferals" and "civilized" Pokemon.
(curious how much distinction and interaction there is between the two. Do civilised Pokemon sometime "go back to the wild"? Could a feral Pokemon that gets its hands on a scarf try to pass as "civilised"? Can they only get into society by getting recruited by a Rescue Team otherwise? Fun stuff to think about)

Nida and her mother using spanish terms makes me think that there's going to be different accents if/when she will travel to other islands/parts of the world.

So Rescue Teams explore Mystery Dungeons both for supplies and to look for the sleeping legendaries, got it.

All in all, a really interesting first chapter. It definitely managed to grab my attention and want to read more by setting up a lot of questions: what are the "Marked" doing?

Legendaries waking up usually isn't a good thing in Pokémon, and especially in Mystery Dungeon where they're particularly cranky, but here it seems to be portrayed as a positive event since the more legendaries get awakened the more the world will get "restored", even to the point of humans coming back, apparently... A part of me has to wonder if that's really true... so it's a really strong start for the story! I'm excited to keep reading.


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott

Review of Chapters 15 through 19​

Hi Fobbie and Virgil. Back again to review Fledglings, and given by the fact that I’m covering a good five chapters this time, you can probably tell that I’ve got a lot to say.

Alright, let’s get the big positive out the way now - This is one of the best antagonist introductions in PMD fics, if not fiction in general. Didn’t leave any room for error or any kind of doubt about the situation: The moment Lyn shows up, he just dominates the stage, and I’m not just saying that because I like Samurott. He’s smug, hateable, incredibly good at his job, and he’s not shy about showing just what a morally contemptible character he truly is.

That extends further into him just… being a competent villain. It would’ve been so easy for the villagers to chase the company/pirates out of town like last time with a bit more damage, and have Lyn just be a comic relief kind of villain like Team Rocket. No such case here - throughout every one of these five chapters, he’s clearly winning and seems to achieve his goals with ease. Every setback, he has a counter for. Every attempt to stand against him, he either physically or verbally slams down. If it wasn’t for Pleo suddenly realizing that he’s a Lugia at the end of chapter 19, he would’ve just won here. And even then, he manages to get a final shot in. He can easily head to whatever Mystery Dungeon they crash land in and counter them there - no way in hell the protagonists are out of the weeds here.

There’s just something extremely compelling about these last few chapters that made me power through them like it’s nothing, only stopping to write this review because I needed to actually put my thoughts on the paper before I’d start forgetting things with the more chapters I read. Folks, this is the point where Fledglings finally has found its footing, and throws those opening shackles behind it. I was thoroughly entertained here.

Of course, that ain’t to say it’s all gold, even if most of it is. For one, the initial fight with Lyn in the village is tense, but it’s also a bit much. By the time it ends with the villagers giving in, it feels like I’ve read the village being essentially fully destroyed, even though large chunks of it are still standing by the end. It drags on just a little, and I can’t exactly put my finger on what the reason behind that is.

Another thing is the cartoonyness when Elty and Nida are stowing away on the ship, and they’re busy freeing Nida. By the time they’re caught, they’ve made so much damn noise just rummaging around the ship and talking with each other that I find it hard to believe they went undetected for that long. Kind of took me out of that tension I described earlier, and broke my suspension of disbelief when it had been going swimmingly until now.

There is one major swing and a miss in Chapter 19 structure wise, when it cuts to the situation back on Tromba Island: Crom suffering from his injuries, and the islanders are pretty damn depressed about losing Pleo. I get it, this scene is needed at some point. My problem is that it’s here of all places, right in the middle of Elty and Nida’s Metal Gear Solid hijinx on Lyn’s ship. That tension breaking from earlier especially applies here - this really wasn’t the time to cut back to the island, as it happens in the middle of a pretty damn intense scene. IMO, this would’ve been much better served at the start of chapter 20, right after Pleo is shot down and they’re not in immediate danger anymore.

Alright, I’ve strung you along for long enough. Like I said, most of what’s in these chapters is stroooong. Fledglings is on a roll here, and I look forward to revisiting it again in the nearby future. Thanks again for the chapters, and keep up the good work!


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott

Review of Chapters 20 and 21​

Hey again. Doing another review, only two chapters this time, and also a little shorter than usual.

So after the last few chapters, it’s no surprise that things would start slowing down, and that we’re getting into the main arc/structure of this whole fic. Based on my understanding, that involves travelling around to different islands (probably using the subway to some extent?), all while dodging Lyn and his crew of scumbags. You know the drill, you’ve been writing these for a while. You probably know how inaccurate my assessment there is.

So yeah, new locales, taking a breather since Lyn can’t find Pleo at the moment, all well and good. All stories need those slow moments where you can catch your breath after a highly intense stretch, and if the past five chapters don’t count as that, then everything I said prior is just a bunch of nonsense.

Here’s the problem in my opinion: I feel that this goes on for a bit too long, or it’s just kind of imbalanced. We basically get two chapters of an introduction to a new Island (One where they speak French, apparently), a return to the situation on Tromba, and some context as to what Lyn is up to. The first two IMO are unbalanced, something I touched upon in the last review - I feel like the situation on Tromba is just kept too much in the dark at the moment. Now is the time to elaborate on that, especially given that Pleo/Elty/Nida aren’t in immediate danger anymore. Instead, Boisocéan is given the centre stage - IMO, best to have given the priority to wrapping up those loose ends on Tromba first, then continue there.

But that’s about it for now. Think these chapters work decently well as a start for the next phase, if you want to call it that. Thanks again-


Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Chapter three
Review tag and blitz. (Why not multitask)

Thats one doozy of a fall i suspect one of the trio are going to be inventing a parachute pack at the end of this. Tail over nose tumbling ball of agony, thats nidas world right now. That and the scattered dungeon equipment all around her.

Yeah quick skip out is totally not going to work right now. Tjis dungeons not that kind and her nadge is probably back half a mile. Hope she can see well enough to find it and theres nothing too dangerous out there to get between her exit badge and herself.

I am feeling so much kinship with Nida. This is me and the house keys at least once a week.

Odds are nidas company is a feral. Shes likely going to have to fight for it... Or consideringnjer state puppy eye for it. Luckily the nido line does learn charm so she might get lucky.

That... Bird... Sounds a heck a lot like lugia. And that vase might very well be a shell. Whistles, that happened fast. Wonder if she's even realizing what ahes looking at or hyper fixating on jer badge... I mean theres a shrine to lugia enroute and everything.

And it clicks. That i'ts a baby hasn't sunk in yet i imagine that click is going to be a clatter of "oh dear god".

And there it goes. That click is tied in with a "please dont eat me" overture. Legend jr. even pulls an unconventual parting water feat to rub it in.

Nida: "I'm poisonous, dont eat me!" Fluffs up quills. "I will hurt going down!"

Lugia: toy!

Nida: ahhh... No toy... I'm not a toy i mean we can play if.you play gently but... (Nida is blue screening as the light at the tunnel is seen and she realizes its a.train barrelling down on her)

Then the bite occurs amd cue playdate.

Excuse me while i cackles like a loon.

Love how nida drops everything at the sight of her badge. Amd her backup replies... And i expect two more mental shut downs in five.. Four. Three...

They took it chiller than i anticipated. Mainly devolving into "why is it so short" probably soon to be followed by "it hatched how long ago".

The shine is coming off the legend real fast...

Love how the operator on the other side of the nadge is going "why are we playing with the level 100 feral down there? Anyone alive?"

Curious that the protector is coming up as feral by the way. The legend seems benign where the actual ferals seem rabid.

The image of baby lugia going feral is a nice slice of nightmare fuel. And if they ditch it down here what are the odds.it wont go nutters.

Kiran is an oportunist... New partner indeed. Lugia is going to get quite tje reaction when he follows them home.

Pat's looking like lugia hung the stars and moon... And lugia is not computing.
The guide's psychic transport team is going to be down indefinitly per religious crisses... Please stand by.

Now cue the rest of the guide joinng in. And none of them are cottening on lugia is a kid.

But after the showing of strength it might be sinking in.


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott

Review of Chapters 22 and 23​

Another review, another two chapters. Two works out the best, so that’s what I’m sticking to.

Think I’m at the point where these reviews are gradually evolving into stream of consciousness style remarks about the things I noticed while reading. Most of the big strokes involving pacing, story, characters, etc etc have been covered, and there hasn’t been any major break away from the trend in the previous few chapters. Still very cartoony, still somewhat lighthearted even if there’s dark underpinnings, still that combination of fluff and plot that Fledglings has been so far. In a way, maybe it is disappointing that Lyn kidnapping Pleo didn’t lead to that big of a change tone wise, but what the hell do I even expect then, and what kind of criticism is that.

Anyway, there’s some dynamics here that I’d like to point out - the political situation with Boisocéan being the biggest of the bunch. Since they’re a neutral territory, Lyn can’t just barge in and raid for Pleo without causing a huge incident that’ll probably cost him his head, and Team Traveller can’t just stick around either for similar reasons. Don’t think this came up before, but I personally like this a lot. It’s background info that’s interesting to think about, and really doesn’t need to be elaborated on in the fic anymore than it already does.

Protectors being the cause of humans disappearing is another aspect - as far as we know, the world is just a bunch of islands, and now we get some information on why (well, a theory into why, exactly). Not everyone is happy about it, and you immediately get additional conflict on top of what is already going on. Daraen didn’t mind Pleo until his mom came around to spill the beans - again, something that gets me thinking. Maybe Lyn could tap into this kind of sentiment to get more people hunting down Pleo for him.

In any case, I do hope some of these Boisocéan characters stick around long term - Fledglings is pretty serialized but I do wonder how some of these characters can affect the general plot if they stick around.

And yeah, that’s pretty much it again. I’ll return to this again sometime later in the Blitz. Cheers-


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott

Review of Chapters 24 and 25.​

Let’s just keep this train going, even if the bonus this week is all about one shots.

Unfortunately, it looks like the Boisocéan characters aren’t sticking around long term, as none of them leave the island with either Lyn or Team Traveller. Bittersweet IMO, since I was hoping that at least one would stick around long term - granted, that’s not entirely unexpected given that cartoons generally stick to the same cast of characters, but still. Could’ve tied some sort of cultural aspect into the story, where different characters from different islands have their own niché, and that factors into beating Lyn and the company in the end. Anyway.

Since we’re wrapping up Boisocéan in general, can’t help but feel somewhat put off by the way a large chunk of the island is convinced Pleo is some kind of demon, yet Elty and Nida never ask for any kind of proof, or what makes them believe the stories about the Protectors being responsible for the apocalypse, essentially. I’m surprised this didn’t come up on Tromba in the first place, just here (despite having Celebi as their Protector, iirc). Maybe I’m missing something huge here, but they seem pretty damn hellbent about chasing Pleo off their island as soon as possible. Elty and Nida managed to talk their way through that conversation pretty easily too, given how much shit the islanders were giving them.

Speaking of which, Margi shows up to save the day. Not sure why she’d stick her neck(s) out to help Team Traveller out, given that she’s going up against the Company of all organisations. Sure, she says it’s better to let Pleo go free than to let them have it, but that’s still a little… hm. A little shallow. Thinking she has a bigger heart than she’s letting on for Team Traveller… which again, makes me wish these characters came back, since we had little time on Boisocéan to truly dive deep into some of these folks. It’s unfortunate.

Other than that, the chapters were pretty enjoyable - the escape from Lyn is a lot shorter this time - Pleo and company probably did get a little stronger since they arrived on the island, which the escape showcases decently well. Lyn takes a pretty big L with more damage to one ship, but it isn’t long before he’s sailing back out for round 3.

My main hope for the next few chapters is that the expedition from Tromba takes the spotlight a bit more - IMO, it took a backseat to what is happening on Boisocéan, something not helped by how long the chapters are. Giving them the lion’s share of a chapter would really work wonders in this case, since these chapters often show something like 3-4 different perspectives, and it’s only natural that some perspectives are going to drown the others out, depending on what is happening inside of them.

Next chapter is a special episode - once I get around to that, I’ll probably look back for a more general look at the plot so far, the trends I generally like, and the stuff that worries me (generally related to the episodic narrative). Until then, I’ll leave things off for now. Thanks again for the chapters-

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Hey everybody, there’s quite a few more reviews this time around, so some of these responses might not be as detailed as normal, but let’s just jump right into things:

@Blackjack Gabbiani
A glossary is a nice touch. Really appreciate it.

Yeah, this was a feature that was added fairly early on into the run of the story after @Virgil134 pointed out that it was getting hard to keep track of foreign language content as it was being brought in. Considering how long this story’s been running,

"The time I fought and beat the cheating Dragonite?" ooh mama is a roughhouser! It's not treated as a title like the other ones so I assume it's personal.

Very much so. This won’t be the last you hear of this story.

It's interesting to see the downfall caused by pokemon rather than by humans.

interesting so if Arceus is dead, I wonder who the creator of this world is.


More seriously, keep an eye out in later chapters if you keep reading. There’s some hints lying around.

I wonder where the humans went, if they're treated as "away" basically.


Well, at this point in the story, anyways.

Not knowing what an item is and pursuing the quest anyway sure sounds like they're desperate for work. I guess it's the novelty of the thing.

More like training. Nida and Crom are rookies in the process of getting gud at the point you’re in in the story.

Very curious what happened "last year".

A very uncomfortable incident that gets dealt with more in later chapters.

There's a bit of an oddity in the way you format this story that I wanted to bring up though. Let's use this excerpt as an example:

[ snipped quote ]

Since all of that is the same character talking, uninterrupted, it should all be a single paragraph. But you often separate action and dialogue from the same character, and it can be hard to follow.

Hrm, I think that this is probably just a difference in writing styles.

Dragon pirates? No wonder mama was fighting them!

I mean, yeah. Marley’s gotten pretty good at handling dragon opponents, and after dealing with a Dragonite a lot of others are just kinda smalltime in comparison.

Looks mysterious! I may read further~

And we’ll be looking forward to if you come back. Your review was quite fun to read. ^^

I really liked this Prologue as an introduction to the story. The descriptions are incredibly vivid, I could picture every little movement Nida made as she tried to sneak out of her home. One thing that I liked a lot was the use of a bedtime story as a way to frame the obligatory exposition, made it feel really natural!

The world having been pretty much destroyed and little pieces of it left scattered as little isolated islands gave me big early Kingdom Hearts vibes.

That was actually not intended, but now that you mention it, one could do worse for vibes than imagining Tromba as being like the Destiny Islands, since they’re not all that different in terms of narrative role.

I'm intrigued by the little pieces of lore and worldbuilding that have been mentioned, like the Pokémon that rose against the gods being described as "birds", "vaguely like horses" and "serpent like"... There's many Pokémon that could fit that description, but I keep wondering if it doesn't refer to certain legendaries, but those legendaries should technically be the very gods and protectors they rebelled against... So for now I'm going to assume they were "normal" Pokémon, especially if they left descendants in the "Marked" Pokémon.

Yeah, they’re just normal Pokémon, just- well, you’ll see when you get there.

A little detail that I *really* liked were the scarves and how they are apparently used to mark families/group/clans (and of course rescue teams I suppose)! Scarves are such a little but at the same time integral detail to Mystery Dungeon, that's totally how they could be used! Loved it. I assume they also work as a quick way to distinguish "ferals" and "civilized" Pokemon.
(curious how much distinction and interaction there is between the two. Do civilised Pokemon sometime "go back to the wild"? Could a feral Pokemon that gets its hands on a scarf try to pass as "civilised"? Can they only get into society by getting recruited by a Rescue Team otherwise? Fun stuff to think about)

Yeah, a part of this story was trying to worldbuild out explanations for how different “basic building blocks” of the PMD games worked and why. “Telegraphing affiliation” felt like as good an excuse as any to justify how scarves and their ilk were so omnipresent in PMD media.

Nida and her mother using spanish terms makes me think that there's going to be different accents if/when she will travel to other islands/parts of the world.


So Rescue Teams explore Mystery Dungeons both for supplies and to look for the sleeping legendaries, got it.

Technically they do a lot more of the former, but I won’t say that they never do that last one.

All in all, a really interesting first chapter. It definitely managed to grab my attention and want to read more by setting up a lot of questions: what are the "Marked" doing?

Legendaries waking up usually isn't a good thing in Pokémon, and especially in Mystery Dungeon where they're particularly cranky, but here it seems to be portrayed as a positive event since the more legendaries get awakened the more the world will get "restored", even to the point of humans coming back, apparently... A part of me has to wonder if that's really true... so it's a really strong start for the story! I'm excited to keep reading.

And we’ll be looking forward to your feedback when you get there. ^^;

Okay, as a heads-up, but you might have noticed that our responses here were a bit skimmed. If you feel like we missed something in this response, feel free to give us a poke over Discord.

Alright, let’s get the big positive out the way now - This is one of the best antagonist introductions in PMD fics, if not fiction in general. Didn’t leave any room for error or any kind of doubt about the situation: The moment Lyn shows up, he just dominates the stage, and I’m not just saying that because I like Samurott. He’s smug, hateable, incredibly good at his job, and he’s not shy about showing just what a morally contemptible character he truly is.

That extends further into him just… being a competent villain. It would’ve been so easy for the villagers to chase the company/pirates out of town like last time with a bit more damage, and have Lyn just be a comic relief kind of villain like Team Rocket. No such case here - throughout every one of these five chapters, he’s clearly winning and seems to achieve his goals with ease. Every setback, he has a counter for. Every attempt to stand against him, he either physically or verbally slams down. If it wasn’t for Pleo suddenly realizing that he’s a Lugia at the end of chapter 19, he would’ve just won here. And even then, he manages to get a final shot in. He can easily head to whatever Mystery Dungeon they crash land in and counter them there - no way in hell the protagonists are out of the weeds here.

Well, glad to hear Lyn made such a good impression on you. He’s got some flaws in terms of his strategy that don’t surface later, but he’s very much intended to be a menacing figure, and it’s glad to hear that that came through.

There’s just something extremely compelling about these last few chapters that made me power through them like it’s nothing, only stopping to write this review because I needed to actually put my thoughts on the paper before I’d start forgetting things with the more chapters I read. Folks, this is the point where Fledglings finally has found its footing, and throws those opening shackles behind it. I was thoroughly entertained here.

Yeah, we get this a lot about these chapters. Glad to hear that you had fun with them. ^^;

Of course, that ain’t to say it’s all gold, even if most of it is. For one, the initial fight with Lyn in the village is tense, but it’s also a bit much. By the time it ends with the villagers giving in, it feels like I’ve read the village being essentially fully destroyed, even though large chunks of it are still standing by the end. It drags on just a little, and I can’t exactly put my finger on what the reason behind that is.

It’s more that the village was cowed into submission by staring down an obviously losing battle than it being destroyed. As you likely saw, there were tactical reasons why they gave in so quickly, but yeah.

Another thing is the cartoonyness when Elty and Nida are stowing away on the ship, and they’re busy freeing Nida. By the time they’re caught, they’ve made so much damn noise just rummaging around the ship and talking with each other that I find it hard to believe they went undetected for that long. Kind of took me out of that tension I described earlier, and broke my suspension of disbelief when it had been going swimmingly until now.

There is one major swing and a miss in Chapter 19 structure wise, when it cuts to the situation back on Tromba Island: Crom suffering from his injuries, and the islanders are pretty damn depressed about losing Pleo. I get it, this scene is needed at some point. My problem is that it’s here of all places, right in the middle of Elty and Nida’s Metal Gear Solid hijinx on Lyn’s ship. That tension breaking from earlier especially applies here - this really wasn’t the time to cut back to the island, as it happens in the middle of a pretty damn intense scene. IMO, this would’ve been much better served at the start of chapter 20, right after Pleo is shot down and they’re not in immediate danger anymore.

Hrm. A bit unfortunate to hear about these parts, but I think that we’ll opt to take this feedback and hold onto it for applying to future chapters. Since once you get a fic going long enough like this one, you eventually need to triage where to put time and effort for polishing things so as not to derail forward progress.

So after the last few chapters, it’s no surprise that things would start slowing down, and that we’re getting into the main arc/structure of this whole fic. Based on my understanding, that involves travelling around to different islands (probably using the subway to some extent?), all while dodging Lyn and his crew of scumbags. You know the drill, you’ve been writing these for a while. You probably know how inaccurate my assessment there is.

So yeah, new locales, taking a breather since Lyn can’t find Pleo at the moment, all well and good. All stories need those slow moments where you can catch your breath after a highly intense stretch, and if the past five chapters don’t count as that, then everything I said prior is just a bunch of nonsense.

Unfortunate to hear that the start of the Boisocéan arc was one of them for you, though hopefully the later parts of it made up for things.

Think I’m at the point where these reviews are gradually evolving into stream of consciousness style remarks about the things I noticed while reading. Most of the big strokes involving pacing, story, characters, etc etc have been covered, and there hasn’t been any major break away from the trend in the previous few chapters. Still very cartoony, still somewhat lighthearted even if there’s dark underpinnings, still that combination of fluff and plot that Fledglings has been so far. In a way, maybe it is disappointing that Lyn kidnapping Pleo didn’t lead to that big of a change tone wise, but what the hell do I even expect then, and what kind of criticism is that.

I mean, that’s just the general vibe of the story. There are indeed a couple points where things get darker or more serious on balance, but there is a reason why we normally pitch this story to would-be readers as having a Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe.

Anyway, there’s some dynamics here that I’d like to point out - the political situation with Boisocéan being the biggest of the bunch. Since they’re a neutral territory, Lyn can’t just barge in and raid for Pleo without causing a huge incident that’ll probably cost him his head, and Team Traveller can’t just stick around either for similar reasons. Don’t think this came up before, but I personally like this a lot. It’s background info that’s interesting to think about, and really doesn’t need to be elaborated on in the fic anymore than it already does.

Yup, and it’s also the first introduction into the big reason why the Company is after Pleo, along with foreshadowing of further problems on the horizon. After all, Maranda did say that it wasn’t just the Company that her island was neutral from.

Protectors being the cause of humans disappearing is another aspect - as far as we know, the world is just a bunch of islands, and now we get some information on why (well, a theory into why, exactly). Not everyone is happy about it, and you immediately get additional conflict on top of what is already going on. Daraen didn’t mind Pleo until his mom came around to spill the beans - again, something that gets me thinking. Maybe Lyn could tap into this kind of sentiment to get more people hunting down Pleo for him.

Well, that’s a double-edged sword. Since Lyn also wants to do this quietly, which the primary Pokémon who’d be motivated to help him out wouldn’t be. But it’s certainly a neat idea there, and were we earlier on in the story’s run, it’d be one we’d probably play around with a bit more.

Unfortunately, it looks like the Boisocéan characters aren’t sticking around long term, as none of them leave the island with either Lyn or Team Traveller. Bittersweet IMO, since I was hoping that at least one would stick around long term - granted, that’s not entirely unexpected given that cartoons generally stick to the same cast of characters, but still. Could’ve tied some sort of cultural aspect into the story, where different characters from different islands have their own niché, and that factors into beating Lyn and the company in the end. Anyway.


Let’s just say that your read isn’t fully accurate there, even if they’ll be taking a bit of a break after the next arc.

Since we’re wrapping up Boisocéan in general, can’t help but feel somewhat put off by the way a large chunk of the island is convinced Pleo is some kind of demon, yet Elty and Nida never ask for any kind of proof, or what makes them believe the stories about the Protectors being responsible for the apocalypse, essentially. I’m surprised this didn’t come up on Tromba in the first place, just here (despite having Celebi as their Protector, iirc). Maybe I’m missing something huge here, but they seem pretty damn hellbent about chasing Pleo off their island as soon as possible. Elty and Nida managed to talk their way through that conversation pretty easily too, given how much shit the islanders were giving them.

Speaking of which, Margi shows up to save the day. Not sure why she’d stick her neck(s) out to help Team Traveller out, given that she’s going up against the Company of all organisations. Sure, she says it’s better to let Pleo go free than to let them have it, but that’s still a little… hm. A little shallow. Thinking she has a bigger heart than she’s letting on for Team Traveller… which again, makes me wish these characters came back, since we had little time on Boisocéan to truly dive deep into some of these folks. It’s unfortunate.

Hrm, a bit unfortunate that this didn’t quite click with you since we were going more for Pleo’s personality ultimately convincing Margi to be open to the idea that he was different. If it’s any consolation though, this won’t be the last time that you see some of these characters. In particular Margi and Daraen.

My main hope for the next few chapters is that the expedition from Tromba takes the spotlight a bit more - IMO, it took a backseat to what is happening on Boisocéan, something not helped by how long the chapters are. Giving them the lion’s share of a chapter would really work wonders in this case, since these chapters often show something like 3-4 different perspectives, and it’s only natural that some perspectives are going to drown the others out, depending on what is happening inside of them.

Hold onto that thought, really…

Next chapter is a special episode - once I get around to that, I’ll probably look back for a more general look at the plot so far, the trends I generally like, and the stuff that worries me (generally related to the episodic narrative). Until then, I’ll leave things off for now. Thanks again for the chapters-

And thanks for the reviews! You were really generous to us this Review Blitz in terms of the volume of feedback that you gave, and it was a lot of fun to follow along with your journey through Fledglings and see your reactions play out.

I don’t know whether or not I can fit it in during Review Blitz proper, but I’ll need to make a point of repaying the favor a bit more properly over the course of this year. ^^

That... Bird... Sounds a heck a lot like lugia. And that vase might very well be a shell. Whistles, that happened fast. Wonder if she's even realizing what ahes looking at or hyper fixating on jer badge... I mean theres a shrine to lugia enroute and everything.

Sounds like Lugia, huh? You did check the story banner, right? :V

Nida: "I'm poisonous, dont eat me!" Fluffs up quills. "I will hurt going down!"

Lugia: toy!

Nida: ahhh... No toy... I'm not a toy i mean we can play if.you play gently but... (Nida is blue screening as the light at the tunnel is seen and she realizes its a.train barrelling down on her)

Fortunately for her, Pleo figured out to not hurt the Nidoran in short order. :P

Love how nida drops everything at the sight of her badge. Amd her backup replies... And i expect two more mental shut downs in five.. Four. Three…

I mean, given that that’s her ticket out of this place… yeah. It would only make sense to beeline for it.

Love how the operator on the other side of the nadge is going "why are we playing with the level 100 feral down there? Anyone alive?"

Oh, they wish he was Level 100, just saying.

Curious that the protector is coming up as feral by the way. The legend seems benign where the actual ferals seem rabid.

Technically, they were less rabid and more just very cranky about having their personal space invaded.

The image of baby lugia going feral is a nice slice of nightmare fuel. And if they ditch it down here what are the odds.it wont go nutters.

Thankfully for him, there’s no ‘dungeon madness’ in the Cradle that can strip Pokémon’s sanity from staying in Mystery Dungeons, so Pleo will remain innocent and cute while he’s still babby.

Kiran is an oportunist... New partner indeed. Lugia is going to get quite tje reaction when he follows them home.

Understatement of the century there.

Pat's looking like lugia hung the stars and moon... And lugia is not computing.
The guide's psychic transport team is going to be down indefinitly per religious crisses... Please stand by.

Now cue the rest of the guide joinng in. And none of them are cottening on lugia is a kid.

But after the showing of strength it might be sinking in.

Yeah, it was definitely a hard clash of expectations, but Pleo wouldn’t be anywhere near as cute and adorable if he came out of that Mystery Dungeon all grown up, huh?

Thanks again for the review. You’ve been quite active this Review Blitz, and it was flattering to see that you took time out to come back to this story.

Whew, that was quite a bit to get through in one sitting, not that we’re complaining. And to reward your patience, we’re back with an update of this story going into the last week of Review Blitz, as we follow up with Team Traveller’s troubles amidst a tropical freeze:
Chapter 77: Closing In


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim

In Whitepalm Town, the streets had largely emptied as Pokémon in indigo scarves went door-to-door searching shops and houses along its narrow lanes. While the guards made their way in and out of the different abodes, the resident Pokémon seemed to react with a mixture of confusion and unease, others taking a more vocally indignant turn at having their routines upended for a search of a Pokémon whose species couldn't even be identified. At a corner house of one of the streets, Cabot trudged out of a house along with Niilo and Berecien after they were hurried out the door by a block-headed Eiscue who sharply slammed the door behind them, leaving the trio to move along. All the while, the biting cold prompted Cabot and Niilo to pin their bodies up against Berecien's for warmth, much to the Fire-Type's frowning displeasure.

"Is this really necessary?" the Ponyta grumbled.

"Is that really a question with weather like this?" Niilo scoffed. "Of course it is!"

"Yeah! I was freezing my scales off just stepping out of the doorway!" Cabot piped, prompting Berecien to snort a few irritated cinders in reply.

"You are aware that the only reason why my flames haven't burned you two is because I've been holding back, right?" he grumbled.

"Yeah, well somehow I don't think that your two best friends have anything to fear there," Niilo replied. "Don't you think?"

Berecien muttered under his breath about the whole episode being 'a form of abuse', before carrying along with his uncomfortably close companions. The trio lurched their way to a crossroads between three lanes lined with houses where Cabot paused and poked his head up. After looking down each row of glazed-tiled houses, the Cranidos hesitated a moment, before turning back uneasily to his teammates.

"Where do we go now?" Cabot asked. "There's plenty of places we could go from here, but I don't know how many of them have already been checked."

Berecien and Niilo debated the matter among themselves for a moment, the Sandslash opting they head to the left, while the Ponyta insisted on heading for the right, their disagreement leading the two to butt heads much as it typically did. Cabot frowned and sighed, when he noticed a Sneasel up ahead, followed by Melli and a scowling Tegu moving along with a Jangmo-o huddled up against him.

"Why don't we go ask Tegu and Melli over there?" he offered. "Maybe they can help us narrow down where to head off to."

Berecien and Niilo traded glances with one another, before opting to humor their friend and make their way up to their teammates. When they reached them, Berecien and Tegu locked eyes for a moment, the Ponyta folding his ears back with a shake of his head.

"I see that you also have your share of 'mons hanging around you, Tegu," he sighed.

"Meh, at least I only need to worry about one 'mon," the Salandit replied. "Though I'd much rather be with my buddies back at base right now than having to worry about him."

"Hey! Stop shifting!" the Jangmo-o protested. "My tootsies are freezing here!"

The Dragon-Type's complaint drew an unimpressed scoff from the Sneasel next to him, leaving Cabot to look over the pair with a raise of his brow. He'd seen these two with Tegu lately, why they must be…

"Oh, you're Clyde and Barrow, right?" Cabot asked. "Are Tegu and Melli still showing you guys the ropes?"

"Yeah, Tegu said he needed more claws to help look around, so we gave him what he wanted!" Clyde insisted. "… Even if we spent a good chunk of time getting Barrow's tongue unstuck from an ice sculpture."

"How was I supposed to know it wouldn't taste like Yache Berries?" the Jangmo-o whined. "It looked just like that shaved ice we saw earlier!"

Cabot, Berecien, and Niilo narrowed their eyes unamusedly, letting out a trio of sighs that let visible puffs of vapor into the air. The Sandslash of the group shook his head, before leaning his elbow against Berecien's back and speaking up.

"I'm guessing you all haven't had much luck finding a lead either, huh?" Niilo said. The Sandslash leaned his chin against his claw, only to feel his arm grow uncomfortably hot, prompting him to pull it away and see Berecien glaring up at him. The Ground-Type reciprocated in kind, as Melli gave a buzzing sigh in reply.

"Not really… but I figured out something that can help us! If we can make sketches of the Protector for wanted posters, we'd be able to get more tips from the Pokémon that live here," Melli replied. "That's why I've been practicing on Tegu!"

Tegu caught himself and blinked at Melli's buzzing cheer. While the Vespiquen's voice evidenced genuine earnestness, he hadn't recalled helping her with anything involving drawings lately…

"Wait, you have?"

"Yup! Just take a look!" the Vespiquen insisted. "I think it turned out well!"

Melli dug through a satchel and proudly unfurled a sheet of paper in front of her friends. Much to Tegu's horror, the 'Salandit', if it could be called that, was a stick-limbed scrawl that looked more like some sort of googly-eyed duck. The Poison-Type's jaw flopped open with shock as the others with him tried their hardest to stifle their laughter. Sensing something was amiss, Melli gave a puzzled tilt of her head and a confused buzz as she pressed the still-ashen Salandit before her.

"… Is something wrong with it?" she asked.

Tegu bit his tongue and hastily composed himself, forcing his mouth into a wide, clearly overeager smile back at the Melli as he mustered all of his might to try and find anything positive to say about her artistry.

"No, no. It's great! It's very… spirited," he managed. "You ought to be proud of it."

"Yeah, it really shows off the red on your cheeks, Tegu!" Clyde snickered.

Barrow burst out into laughter at his partner's comment, prompting Tegu to whirl around with a piercing glare. The two both quickly swallowed their laughter, meekly backing down under the Poison-Type's scowl as a smug smirk came over Berecien's face as he turned over to Melli.

"It's quite impressive for a first attempt. Maybe once this is all over you ought to hang it up for the whole crew to see," Berecien insisted, much to Melli's visible delight.

"Ah! That's a great idea!" she buzzed.

"What?! No!" Tegu cried. "Why on earth would that need to happen?!"

The Salandit looked up to see Melli peering down at him with a worried expression. The lizard blanched a moment, before stifling his protests and pawing at the ground as he fumbled for a pleasing excuse.

"I mean, uh… it's just that this is a sketch for a wanted poster," he said. "Those aren't really the sorts of drawings that work well for decorations. So…"

"Oi! Stop standing around gawking at that Torchic scratch!" a chittering voice snapped.

The group turned around at the sound of wet thumps approaching and saw Nagant making her way over sluggishly as she did her best to fight against the cold.

"Captain Nagant? What brings you here?" Berecien wondered.

"Stop searching around in town," Nagant insisted. "We're moving out into the interior."

"Eh? Right away?" Niilo asked.

"Yes. Nobody's been able to find so much as a feather of the Protector or his companions, and the Pokémon from the cordon have turned up nothing as well," the Clawitzer harrumphed. "It's only logical to assume that they've gone inland to try and hide."

"But… isn't this a big change just to keep between us?" Melli pressed. "Everyone from the crew is still looking around town!"

"I never said this was just going to stay between us."

Nagant turned on her tail to face Cabot and his companions, motioning with her large claw to beckon the lot to follow her.

"Cabot, Berecien, Niilo. You're coming along with me," she ordered. "We need to start moving and if I happen to run into the Protector, your history with him will help to get his guard down."

The shrimp was answered back by a trio of 'ayes', prompting her to let out a satisfied grunt before turning her attention over to Melli and her companions.

"Melli, I want you in the cordon with anyone else from the crew who can get airborne," the Clawitzer said. "Tegu and his friends will handle passing word along to Jun and the other members of the crew so that everyone can regroup accordingly."

"Okay! I'll get right to it!" the Vespiquen buzzed. "Whenever this all settles down, I can show off the drawing that I made of Tegu!"

Melli's answer made Tegu blanch and set his teeth on edge. The lizard hemmed and hawed, before raising a voice to object.

"Uh, Melli," the Salandit began. "That's not-"

"Good luck, everyone!" Melli cheered.

The Vespiquen waved and flew off, leaving Tegu to stare after her with his jaw hanging open, before screwing his eyes shut in frustration. The sound of snickering reached his earholes, drawing his attention towards Clyde and Barrow busy trading stifled laughs at his expense, which was promptly cut short by the Salandit spitting up a glob of poison at their feet and shooting a sharp glare.

"Oi, chuckleheads! We've got news to pass along!" he snapped. The pair recoiled from Tegu's shout, before blinking and trading glances with each other.

"Er… right," Clyde said.

Tegu turned and went off deeper into town, his charges following shortly after. Nagant peered off after him for a moment, before turning back to Cabot's group with an impatient huff.

"Come on," Nagant ordered. "We don't have any time to lose."

After Melli's dismissal from Whitepalm Town, her assignment took her into the skies over Haipheh, where after a brief struggle to find a superior, she was tasked to patrol the far side of the island where the cordon was the thinnest, along with Blythe, the Pidgeotto from Nagant's crew. The Pidgeotto proved to be a bit of a hassle for the Vespiquen to keep pace with, prompting Blythe to slow his pace while leading the way forward. As they made their way further and further, the chill of Whitepalm Town gave way to the island's natural tropical heat, the newfound warmth invigorating the pair as they carried their search for Pleo and his companions from above the treetops.

"It feels so much nicer once you get away from the town," Melli said. "If I'd had known that, I'd have volunteered to work the cordon on the far side of the island right away!"

"Yeah, well don't get too used to it," Blythe chuckled. "The chilly weather here is caused by the Pokémon that live around here, so we're bound to feel the cold again as we pass the dungeon."

"But won't it be better again once we're at our actual positions, though?" Melli asked. "I mean, if the cold is made by Pokémon and it comes from the town and the dungeon, then-"

A thudding blow rang out, turning the pair's direction downward where they saw tree limbs shake and rend as an unseen presence flew past. The Vespiquen stopped, hearing shouts coming from the ground when she noticed them to be the din of an ongoing battle.

"Huh?! Someone's fighting down there!" she cried.

Melli beat her wings, driving her body forward as she caught the sight of a Swellow swooping down and sending a Poliwrath tumbling limply beside an unconscious white Darmanitan. The Swellow came to a stop when the forms of a Growlithe and Skarmory popped out of the nearby brush.

"Alright, he's down!" Kiran shouted. "Let's get out of here before more of them notice!"

The Swellow and his companions fled from the fallen guards, Melli and Blythe's jaws flopping open as for a fleeting moment, they caught the glimpse of the silvery-white form of a young Lugia in their midst.

"Th-That's the Protector we've been looking for!" Blythe squawked.

"Right!" Melli replied. "Let's get down there!"

The Vespiquen and Pidgeotto dove down for the clearing, only for Team Traveller's members to vanish into the undergrowth with a loud rustle. Melli attempted to fly after, but quickly lost sight of them amidst the trees, looking about in conflicting directions as the woods returned to their prior quiet.

"Ah! We missed them!"

A weak groan turned the Bug-Type's attention back to the clearing where the Poliwrath and Darmanitan were slumped over, stirring faintly. Blythe looked off at the forest for a moment, before shaking his head and pacing ahead towards the fallen guards.

"Never mind that," the Pidgeotto insisted. "Come on, help me out with these two!"

The Pidgeotto made his way over to the Poliwrath and pulled out a pair of Reviver Seeds from his bag. Melli followed behind, taking one of the seeds from her teammate and placing it in the Darmanitan's mouth, who bit down and stirred, moving a hand towards her head.

"U-Ungh… Góa thau thàng liáu…"

"Are you alright?" Blythe asked. "We saw you get attacked, but what was going on before we got here?"

"U-Urgh… we saw the lot sneaking towards the frozen waterfall and we thought they looked fishy, which was when we noticed they had the Protector with them," the Poliwrath answered. "We tried to apprehend them, but they knocked us out cold!"

"The frozen waterfall?" Melli murmured. "Why? What's there?"

Melli turned and flitted up over the treetops, where she caught a glimpse of an icy blues and white set of frozen rapids in the distance. The Vespiquen paused before warily starting to flit ahead towards it with Blythe behind her when she froze and come to an abrupt stop. There, hanging just behind the falls was the faint outline of a column of dungeon fog, leaving the Pidgeotto of the pair to grimace in realization that the Protector and his companions were likely already making their way into the Mystery Dungeon by now.

"I don't know how we're supposed to keep up with them going in there," Melli said. "We didn't even get a badge before being sent out!"

"Jun should be back in town right about now," Blythe insisted. "Maybe let him know what's up. I'll take care of these two."

Melli buzzed back an affirmation and flew up higher into the sky, beelining as fast as her wings would carry her to Whitepalm Town. That Protector was the hope for the whole Empire, and they'd need all the help they could get to secure him.

As the sun hung squarely overhead, the Mistral Marauder pulled up to the still-battered docks of Rosequartz Town. The escorts pushed the ship along, helping the deckhands move the mooring ropes into place as the gangplank was lowered, and Hess warily began to walk down it followed by Rodion, Kichiro, and the rest of his underlings. As the Aggron descended, the sound of a distant crash rang out, prompting him to look off deeper into town and see a dust cloud rise, before the sound of a faint roar rang out and a second crash and cloud of dust rose, along with a plume of smoke.

"What on earth?" Kichiro said.

"Looks like a bitva between a couple of crews," Rodion sighed. "You might be better off waiting a bit before going into town to see the Council, Captain."

Hess paused and after looking around saw that the already damaged buildings and docks in town seemed to somehow be even worse for wear. An extra burn mark here, a hole punched there, collapsed market stalls scattered about… Whatever business was going on further in town, it hadn't just started up today.

"I'm not sure how much that's going to help us…" the Aggron murmured.


Hess blanched as he turned down the pier's exit, where the form of a Conkeldurr in a dark red scarf drew near, leading a party of similarly-garbed Pokémon. The Fighting-Type raised a brow out of surprise for a moment, before hardening his features into a muted frown.

"Hrmph, I didn't think you'd actually come back," the Conkeldurr grumbled. The Fighting-Type thumped the timbers underfoot with one of his pillars, making Hess grimace nervously as he tried to offer up an excuse for his presence.

"Uh… we had some… business to attend to in town," the Steel-Type insisted. "But what exactly is going on here?"

"Sibich and his crew got caught poking around Giotto so there's an unexpected vacancy on the Council," the Conkeldurr explained. "The smaller crews have been sorting out who among them will fill the Shadow Brigade's place."

A crash rang out, followed by the sound of a distant scream as Hess looked off to see a Garbodor pinwheeling through the air before falling below the rooflines. The Conkeldurr looked off at the distant battle, giving a shake of his head and dismissive snort.

"In their usual way, as you can see. But it's nothing you need to worry about," the Fighting-Type said. "They know better than to get 'mons like us drug into their little spats, and we're here to make sure that bird gets brought over to the Council without a hitch."

Hess blanched and began to backpedal along with his underlings towards the gangplank at the Fighting-Type's reply, stammering and tripping over his words as he struggled over how to best explain his circumstances.

"Eh… about that…"

The Conkeldurr's frown deepened at the Aggron's reply, prompting him to shoot a harsh glare back as the pirates behind the Conkeldurr began to trade low murmurs with each other.

"You did bring the Protector with you, right?" the Conkeldurr demanded. "After all, you couldn't possibly be stupid enough to come back empty-handed after they told you what they'd do if you did."

Hess hesitated a moment, before gulping and tapping his claws together anxiously.

"Uh… well… the thing is, I… don't have him just yet."

The Conkeldurr said nothing back, his features remaining in their same hardened scowl. Sensing that the lack of change was surely not a good sign, Hess hastily spoke up, hoping to try and sway Dirk's messenger.

"B-But I'm getting close!" he insisted. "That's why I came back since I needed to- Agh!"

The Conkeldurr cut Hess off by driving one of his concrete pillars into the Aggron's stomach, sending him crumpling to the ground coughing and gagging. Rodion and Kichiro hurried forward, only to be cut off by a hail of attacks at their feet, forcing them and the other members of the Iron Fleet to hastily retreat up the gangplank and into the water as Dirk's underlings surrounded their captain. Hess hacked from his blow, before feeling a rough grasp clamp onto his scarf and drag him up, his breaths coming out short and panicked as the Conkeldurr jerked his head up to face his unamused scowl.

"You look tense, Hess. Don't worry," the Fighting-Type growled. "This'll all be over before you know it."

Hess let out a frightened squeak before the Conkeldurr drug him off, tugging the Aggron along as the other red-scarved Pokémon threw in jeers and taunts in full view of the Iron Fleet's members, leaving them to watch helplessly as their leader got led down the docks and off into the town.

The cellblock of Bluewhorl Town's Guardhouse was a simple hallway dug into the hill, consisting of cells with stone walls and iron bars over their entrances. In normal times, the place was empty barring the occasional drunk and a pair of guards posted at the entrance, though in the present the cells were all occupied with Pokémon dozing off in a midday rest as was custom on Tromba, a few including a Mightyena and Machoke still sporting wounds from their unceremonious arrival. In the cell in the far right end of the block, a Sceptile laid down on a mat of stale straw, shifting about as he attempted to fall asleep amid the snoring and mumbling from the other prisoners. After a few futile attempts at closing his eyes, Osmund rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, letting out a tired groan when the sound of tapping at his cell's bars reached his earholes.

"Psst! Osmund!"

Osmund turned his head, where he saw the purple-furred form of a male Nidoran in Company garb pawing at the bars. The Sceptile got up, and shuffled over to the cell door, crouching and lowering his head in order to better address the Poison-Type who he quickly recognized to be…

"Orino? What are you doing here?" the Sceptile asked.

"Well, I'm still on the Company payroll… for now at least," the Nidoran answered. "The villagers were getting a bit worried about you, so I figured that I'd check up on you while I could."

"Well, I've been better," Osmund muttered. "Though I'm alive, aren't I? What about everyone else? How are they holding up?"

The purple Nidoran flattened his ears and shook his head back with an indignant growl.

"Short of Bluewhorl being actively sacked, it's hard to imagine how things could possibly be going worse," Orino said. "The town's under curfew, those grunts from off-island are going around bullying the townsfolk as they please, and everyone's just all-around demoralized."

The Nidoran thumped the ground with his foot, shaking his head as he lowered his voice into a bitter murmur.

"And it's not like there's a whole lot I can do to help either," he continued. "My family got served a resettlement notice, and I've been spending most of the last two days trying to pull strings so that at least some of us can at least stay behind to work the family field so it doesn't need to be sold off."

Osmund grimaced at the young Nidoran's reply, and grasped the bars of his cell letting with a low sigh.

"Yeesh and here I thought I had things bad being locked up," the Sceptile said. "Just… try not to take it so hard? As bad as things are, Bluewhorl's been through much lower moments before, and it sounds like 'mons are still looking out for each other to try and make the best of things."

"Fat lot that'll do to help us if that stupid Charizard and his underlings just snatch away the Protector the moment he comes back," Orino piped. "Why are we even trying to dig in our heels if we can't win here?"

Osmund fell quiet, before casting furtive glances about the cell block. Barring a stir from the Machoke and Mightyena from the cell next to him, the only signs of life about them were the sound of the guards shifting at the end of the hallway and the snores from the inmates that Bunsen's underlings had rounded up. The Sceptile craned his head down, cupping a claw as he whispered over to the Nidoran.

"Has Mosca still been allowed to keep her Dojo open?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's still keeping it going. Why?"

"She knows who the tough customers in town are," the gecko explained. "If there was ever a time for her to try and get everyone on the same page, this is it."

Orino raised an ear and cocked a brow puzzledly. There was only one reason to seek out Mosca for such a reason, but did that mean Osmund was suggesting…

"To fight back? But you said yourself that we couldn't hold out against three ships' worth of 'mons on our own," Orino reminded. "And it's not like we can get any help from the outside either. Commissioner Bunsen's frozen travel for locals unless they get it approved by him or his underlings first, and even then he's not allowing any ships to leave without an escort. I don't think there's been anyone's even managed to get an approval other than a merchant ship that had a couple locals on its crew."

"Maybe," Osmund replied. "But that doesn't mean that we don't have options for getting in the way of whatever they've got planned for the Protector when he returns."

Orino blinked and fell silent, peering up into Osmund's yellow eyes as he flicked his ears and listened intently.

"… What do you mean by that, Captain?

After Jun's return from the naval base, the Beedrill was swiftly brought up to speed regarding the state of the search by Tegu and his entourage. From the best anyone could tell, the Protector had long since left Whitepalm Town, with Captain Nagant having shifted the focus of the search further inland. Afterwards, the first mate spent the better part of an hour fighting with the town's bitter cold to regroup the sailors still in town to head into the interior, drawing the lot into the town's central square where he finished up a headcount and handing down assignments when a scolding cry broke over the assembly's thinning crowd.

"Really?!" a Salandit's voice snapped. "I leave you two alone for one moment and then this happens?!"

"Oh, just help me pull already!" a Sneasel's voice piped back.

Jun flitted his wings and gave a puzzled tilt of his head, following the sound of arguing voices towards a street on the right side of the square, before coming to a flabbergasted stop. There in front of him was Tegu and Barrow tugging at Clyde's arm, attempting to pry him from a crate that his right claw was stuck in to no avail.

"What on earth? What are you three doing?" Jun buzzed.

"Clyde got his claw stuck in it!" Barrow explained.

"I can see that, but what was it doing there in the first place?" the Beedrill demanded, prompting Clyde to fold his ears down and shoot back a nervous grin.

"Uh… well, you know, it just looked interesting and all," the Sneasel insisted. "Wasn't trying to steal berries from it or anything like that!"

Jun hardened his features into a disbelieving frown, when Tegu abruptly stopped tugging at Clyde. The Salandit climbed onto the crate, moving his snout up to Clyde's wrist where it was lodged outside the container before he gave it a curious prod.

"Wait, Clyde, are you holding onto one of those berries inside?" Tegu asked.

"Yeah, and?"

The Sneasel blinked as he watched Tegu narrow his eyes with an exasperated groan. Clyde looked down at his claw, letting his grip slacken as he effortlessly pulled it out, leaving him to shake it a few times to restore feeling. The Dark-Type's face turned up into a sheepish smile, as Barrow let out an unimpressed huff.

"And here you were making fun of me for getting my tongue stuck to that ice sculpture!" the Jangmo-o harrumphed. "At least I didn't choose to get stuck to it!"

"Hey, shut it, scales-for-brains!" the Sneasel fumed. "At least I didn't put my claw in there on a whim because I thought it'd taste like Yache Berries!"

The two promptly devolved into heated bickering over who among them was the greater fool, leaving Jun to stare blankly, before moving one of his stingers over his face with an exasperated groan.

"Blurgh… I can't wait until the Captain can go back to a more normal crew," he muttered.

"Tegu! Tegu! Tegu!"

The sound of buzzing wings drew the group's attention upwards, prompting them to see a Vespiquen flying overhead who quickly settled beside Tegu and his two charges. The Salandit blinked incredulously, opening his mouth to speak only for Melli to cut him off with a breathless cry.

"Where's Jun?!" she exclaimed. "I need to talk to him right now! It's an emergen-"

"Uh… Melli? I'm right here."

The Vespiquen turned around to see Jun staring at her unamusedly, prompting her to excitedly beat her wings.

"Oh, hi Jun! I was just looking for you!"

"Yes, I heard that. But what are you doing here in the first place?" he asked. "I thought the Captain had ordered you to join the cordon."

"She did, but this is important!" Melli insisted. "Blythe and I saw the Protector and those pirates with him heading into the Mystery Dungeon!"

Jun flitted back out of surprise, his expression lingering for a moment before melting into a serious frown.

"Let's not waste any time, then," the Beedrill said. "I'll gather the crew and tell them to head towards the dungeon entr-"

"But they weren't heading to the entrance," Melli interjected. "I saw them beat up a pair of guards over by the north side of the island before going towards a frozen waterfall!"

The Vespiquen's insistence drew puzzled frowns and stares back from Jun and his underlings. How could she be so certain the Protector was headed for the Mystery Dungeon when they weren't even near the entrance?

"Isn't that on the complete other side of the fog?" Tegu questioned. "If they were trying to get into the dungeon, why on earth would they go there?"

"Maybe they just rushed through the fog?" Barrow mused. "You don't need an entrance to get in that way."

"And risk having a bad fall or gods-knows-what happening to you?" the Salandit retorted. "If they took out the guards they ran into, why would they feel desperate enough to do that?"

Jun twitched his antennae, trying to square away the apparent contradiction between Melli's report and what he knew of Haipheh's geography when he abruptly paused in realization. If the lot truly were headed for the Mystery Dungeon, then…

"… They must have found another way in."

"Huh? How do you know that?" Clyde asked.

"I don't, but merchants in dungeons use entrances they keep hidden among themselves regularly," the Beedrill explained. "As improbable as it seems, it wouldn't be impossible for someone to tip them off to one."

The wasp turned his head at the sound of an approaching group from the central square, and spotted a Drifblim at the head of the small party of sailors from the Uragan. Jun hurriedly flitted over, before raising a stinger to motion to the Ghost-Type.

"Faraday! Find the Captain in the interior and let her know to head into the dungeon immediately!" Jun ordered. "Lugia and the others have already made their way in!"

The Drifblim blinked out of surprise for a moment, before saluting and quickly hurrying off with the winds. Jun watched after the departing messenger, before turning back to the rest of the group.

"As for the rest of you, tell everyone else to regroup and go to the entrance and exit of the dungeon!" the Beedrill barked. "If the Protector and those brigands are inside the dungeon, there's no telling where they could've slipped off to by now and I don't want them getting an easy way out!"

The sailors barked out an 'aye' and immediately set off away from the street, Melli giving a beat of her wings as she followed after their number when a sharp buzz cut her off.

"Not so fast, Melli. I want you and your friends to come along with me," Jun said, leaving the Vespiquen to look back with a puzzled tilt of her head.

"Huh? What for?" she asked.

"I want to go and find out how Lugia and the rest managed to get in," the Beedrill explained. "If they really did get in through some sort of secret entrance, we might be able to figure out how to find them faster."

Jun flitted up and cast his glance off inland, peering towards Haipheh's heart with a serious, stern-eyed gaze.

"Let's just hope they don't have any more cards to play…"

At the very moment Jun and his subordinates began to set off for Haipheh's Mystery Dungeon, Team Traveller had already made their way within it and were working their way down the eleventh floor. The floor was lined with passages made of bluish stone, with occasional patches of ice and snow throughout that could even be seen on the ceiling. At the mouth of a chamber flecked with stony rocks, the sound of disgusted grunts rang out, as Kiran flicked away a glob of purplish muck off his left wing and pushed an Apple onto the ground that had been freshly spoiled by a hidden Grimy Trap.

"Words… fail me," Kiran sighed.

"Don't take it too hard on yourself," Trizano reassured. "It happens even to experienced explorers."

Kiran frowned and ruffled his feathers annoyedly at the Skarmory's words, his pride wounded from the Steel-Type unwittingly talking him down. Further off, Pleo squirmed and bobbed as he attempted to remain pressed up against his Growlithe teammate, the Puppy Pokémon narrowing his eyes with a low sigh.

"Um… Pleo," Elty began. "I can't move around when you're squeezing up beside me like this."

"It's so cold though!" Pleo cried. "How are we supposed to hide out in a place like this?"

"Well, finding the places where the locals hide out would be a start," the Growlithe said. "So look for something that looks or smells a bit off, or-"

The Fire-Type felt a puff of slightly warmer air blow across his face, prompting him to stop a moment and look off to his right curiously. The air came again, leaving him to blink and pace forward hesitantly.

"Eh? I didn't notice that earlier…" he murmured.

Elty continued along, his teammates following after him until they came to a small crevice in the icy wall, which a cursory glance deeper in revealed to be filled with fog. So it was a stable zone! Though, in that case…

"Are we sure this is safe?" Trizano asked. "Stable zones are shelters for more than just Rescue Teams, you know."

Elty lowered his head and sniffed at the ground, craning his head to the left and the right before looking back up at the rest of his teammates.

"It doesn't smell like anyone's been here, at least not since this floor's been cleared," the Growlithe said. "I think this is as good an option we're going to get."

The four moved on, carefully making their way through the fog and out the other end to a large, snowy chamber lined here and there with prominent ice crystals. The party paced forward cautiously, noting that while the place lacked any strong scents, there were a few scattered sticks along with discarded scraps of cloth and paper on the ground, a clear sign that the stable zone had been safely used as a shelter before.

"It'll have to do," Kiran sighed. "We'll wait here and start checking if Kelly can hear us."

"I mean, I guess it's a little better, but it still feels kinda cold…" Pleo murmured, giving an uncomfortable beat of his wings. "Are we all going to crowd around Elty to stay warm?"

Pleo's words were immediately met with a surprised yip, prompting the three birds to turn and see their Growlithe partner flattening his ears and tensing his body irkedly.

"What?! Are you kidding?! I'm not getting sat on by birds until we leave!" Elty snapped. "Make a fire or something!"

The Growlithe shot a firm scowl at his teammates, only for them to keep staring expectantly at him. After a moment's befuddlement, Elty blinked and sheepishly pawed at the ground.

"… Right, I suppose I'd need to do that," he said. "But there's not exactly a nice pile of stuff that I can light on fire, though."

"Pleo and I can see what we can do about that. There's some items scattered around here I think we could use to get a fire going," Kiran replied. "Just… keep an ear on the entrance with Trizano for a while, would you?"

Pleo and Kiran shuffled off towards the center of the stable zone, starting to gather twigs and other scraps along their way. Off at the entrance, Trizano and Elty paced over and rested against the ground, casting wary glances off into the fog when Trizano shifted his wings and spoke up.

"I'm surprised that you were able to find this Stable Zone so easily," he said. "How'd you manage that?"

"Eh, it comes with experience," Elty replied.

"Really? I'd never have pegged you for the type to be a dungeoneer from when I saw you on Hess' caravel…" Trizano remarked. "Though I suppose you learn something new every day."

Elty's eyes widened at the mention of Hess' caravel, prompting him to whirl around with a flummoxed expression. Trizano paused a moment, before giving a sheepish shrug of his wings and smile back.

"I mean, I suppose it was a bit presumptuous to think that the Iron Fleet would have only one Growlithe," the Skarmory began. "It's just that when I saw you with Hess-"

"No, I am the only Growlithe that's ever joined the Iron Fleet," Elty insisted, before giving an inquiring tilt of his head. "… So you're the Immortal that always got into fights with Hess, huh?"

"Guilty as charged," Trizano replied. "Hope I didn't ruffle too many feathers in the past."

Elty stared back wordlessly at the Skarmory, only for his face to fall and for him to give a sighing shake of his head.

"Well, it doesn't mean a whole lot now," the Growlithe said. "But what was up with that anyways? You had that wandering do-gooder shtick going on, so why seek us out specifically?"

"It was Roteck's idea, really," Trizano answered. "He had a friend of his that he wanted me to talk some sense into."

Elty furrowed his brow and raised an ear back puzzledly. A friend? From his experience, the Iron Fleet's members weren't exactly great at keeping secrets, and he couldn't remember anyone from it ever so much as mentioning it…

"Eh? Who would he have a friend on the Iron Fleet?"

"It wouldn't do me any good to go blurting out Roteck's secret now would it?" Trizano chuckled. "Besides, I think you already have a good idea who his friend is."

Elty's mind turned to Hess for a moment. They were the same species, so, as crazy as it sounded… could Trizano have meant he was this friend? Elty opened his mouth to ask, only to catch himself and pause, rationalizing that whatever the story was behind Roteck's friend, perhaps it was best to just let it come out on its own.

"I… see. So, all this time you've just been going out for him?" Elty asked.

"Well, there was the practical aspect of it. Darkwood Square did need its resources, and there were some things we just couldn't get easily on the island," Trizano replied. "But I suppose the biggest thing was just being able to get out and spread my wings in the world."

The Skarmory fanned his wings out proudly, leaving Elty to tilt his head back with a puzzled frown. Trizano blinked a moment, before flusteredly ruffling his feathers and beating a wing out to wave the matter off.

"I mean, I suppose it's a bit of my youthful wiles that I've retained, but-"

"Nah, I know what you mean," Elty insisted. "It's a big world out there, and sometimes you just need to run around in it a bit."

A small smile spread over Trizano's face as Elty returned to keeping watch over the entrance. Trizano turned his head back towards Kiran and Pleo, seeing them hard at work putting the burn pile together when he focused his attention back out at the fog and left his mind to wander off towards their separated companions.

"I wonder how your teammates are all doing right now…"

About two hours after their hasty exit from Haipheh Island, the Siglo Swellow finally bobbed alone in the seas without ships pursuing its wake. On the deck, the crew's members gathered tiredly, trading worried murmurs as Vicente got up to the railing and peered off into the distance with a spyglass. The Hitmontop lingered a moment, before pulling it back and turning to the rest of the crew.

"I think we're finally in the clear," he said. "Those ships stopped chasing us past the second buoy."

A wave of relieved sighs and exhalations came over the crew, which quickly morphed into uneasy chatter as their thoughts turned to their companions that they'd left behind. Crom paced up towards Beatrix, giving an uneasy paw at the back of his head as he glanced over worriedly.

"Beatrix, what do we do now?" the Druddigon asked. "Half of our team's still on that island, including Pleo!"

"Isn't it obvious? We head back and get them!" Nida exclaimed, her insistence at once being met by scattered protests and interjections.

"Estás loca?!" a Dwebble cried. "We just almost got sunk by their ships!"

"Yeah, who's to say they won't just catch us going back in?" a Sliggoo demanded.

The Nidorina pulled her ears back and thumped her foot irritatedly against the wood. How could they all just talk like that when Pleo and the rest of their friends were stranded?!

"What is wrong with you all?" she fumed. "This is our island's Protector we're talking about here and you just want to give up?!"

"This… honestly seems to be beyond what we can handle, Nida," Beatrix said. "We'd be better off returning to Tromba and getting help before going back for them."

"But they're four Pokémon against an entire colony!" Guardia protested, stepping forward with a wave of her club. "You can't honestly expect them to last long on their own!"

"I know it's a gamble, but we don't have many other options," the Illumise sighed. "We're a single ship and we wouldn't fare much better than last time."

"And need I remind you that we have more than our own hides on the line?" Vicente remarked. "If we get captured, that Knights' Ledger you worked so hard to get will just fall into the Empire's hands. Even if Pleo gets away, you'll have lost the leverage you were hoping to have over the Pokémon chasing him."

"As loath as I am to ask, but can we really afford to not take that risk?" Ander said. "If the Empire gets Pleo, they'll use him as a weapon!"

"I know that, but you're also forgetting that we don't have the slightest clue as to where on Haipheh he is right now. If he's even there at all," Beatrix replied. "For all we know he's managed to flee the island, or we'd have to fight our way through the island's entire garrison just to get him!"

The Siglo Swellow's crew began to audibly voice reservations at the idea of fighting against the Royal Navy on their own, with appeals of 'think about what you're suggesting here' and 'she's right, you know' filtering through the air. Guardia, Crom and Pladur's faces fell as Beatrix shook her head back glumly, leaving Nida to pause as she weakly raised her voice in protest.


"It's just the hand we've been dealt," Beatrix insisted. "There's nothing more to it."

The Illumise turned and began to flit off as Nida stared ahead blankly. After everything she'd gone through, all the fighting she'd done to try and bring Pleo home, they were just going to sail off without him? The Nidorina felt tears start to well up in her eyes as Crom sidled up to try to comfort her when Kelly abruptly jolted up in the crowd and hastily floated off in front of Beatrix waving her arms.

"Wait! Captain!" the Elgyem exclaimed. "Before you leave, you've got to hear this!"

The Psychic-Type floated up as the nearby sailors began to crowd around when she held a glinting bauble aloft and pressed down on it, the sound of a Kabutops' voice filling the air.

"Privet! Is anyone out there?"

The gathered sailors jumped back with a start at the voice, Nida's eyes lighting up as she realized it to be none other than Dimitri. The Nidorina bounded over towards Kelly, all be yanking the badge from her hands when she pressed down and spoke into it with a startled cry.

"Dimitri?! Where are you?!"

"Is Pleo with you?" Crom insisted. "Is everyone alright?"

"I'm alone, but they were fine the last I saw them. I'm assuming you're nearby?"

Beatrix flitted up and stared surprisedly at the glinting badge, faltering for a moment as Kelly lifted her arm and telekinetically pulled the badge back from Nida's paws. The Elgyem focused a moment in a meditative state, before tightening her grasp on the badge and looking back to the gathered sailors.

"I think that I've got his position," Kelly said. "Clear the deck for me to come back."

The Psychic-Type moved her arms about as she closed her eyes in focus, the nearby sailors backing away as she suddenly vanished in a flash of light. Team Traveller watched tensely as murmurs floated about the surrounding sailors, when another flash of light appeared followed by the sounds of splashing water, revealing Kelly returning with Dimitri as he found his footing still dripping seawater on deck as Nida neared.

"Dimitri, what happened? Why aren't Pleo and the others with you?"

"I was the only one who could slip past the cordon," the Kabutops sighed. "We'd found a safe place when we parted ways, but they're running out of time."

Dimitri tapped his scythes together and quickly recounted how he and the others slipped out of town after watching the Siglo Swellow get chased out of port, followed by them finding refuge with Neil in Haipheh's interior where the others decided to hunker down and try to call out to Kelly. Lastly, the Kabutops' tale turned to his own fraught journey sneaking back to the Siglo Swellow to seek help, and how he'd slunk off alone and dodged Imperial guards on the high seas all to relay the others' messages. Beatrix and Vicente paused at the Water-Type's account, when Nida turned back insistently towards the pair.

"Is that enough to convince you two?" the Nidorina asked. "As long as Kelly can sense Pleo and the others, she should be able to teleport right to them, shouldn't she?"

"That's assuming that nothing's changed since Dimitri's left," Vicente countered. "We could be taking a gamble over nothing here!"

Beatrix paused tensely before she flicked her wings uneasily. The Bug-Type tapped a digit below her mouth, hesitating for a moment before giving a stern look back at the Hitmontop.

"But we do have Pleo and the others' location now, and it sounds like they don't have much time before the Imperials find them if we don't go for them," the Illumise said. "We'll try and sneak by the island, though if Kelly doesn't pick anything up for too long, we're turning around and heading back to Tromba. Are we clear?"

Team Traveller's members hesitated at Beatrix's reply. While none of them really wanted to admit it, it was hard to concede the Illumise captain's point. One after the other, they gave begrudging nods back, prompting her to give a sharp buzz and call out to the rest of her crew.

"Right, then let's move out!"

The Illumise quickly flitted up to the tiller and leaned hard against it, turning her schooner around as the escorts in the sea and air whipped up a current to push the ship back towards Haipheh. As the ship pierced through the waves, Nida looked off at the horizon, hoping and praying that her friends would be able to hold out for their return.

Author's Notes:

- Góa thau thàng liáu (我頭痛了) - Hokkien: "My head hurts" (POJ Romanization)
- bitva (битва) - Russian: "battle", "fight" (BGN/PCGN Romanization)
- (¡¿)Estás loca?! - Spanish: "Are you kidding?!" / "Are you crazy?!"


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott

Review of the very first special chapter (Auld Lang Syne)​

Just the special chapter this time around. I generally assume these are self contained, plus this one’s 11k words long. Should be enough to do a review on, right?

Funnily enough, I don’t have much to comment on after reading. I’m guessing it’s backstory / something from before chapter 1 even, given that Elty is with the pirates - but it works surprisingly well as a standalone chapter. See it as a snapshot of the story as a whole - a lighthearted story about island folk and their struggle against pirates. That’s a real brief summary, but you get the idea. Anyway, the chapter’s cute.

Since this is pretty short, I think now’s a good time to look back on everything so far, and just give my general thoughts real quick. Nothing you haven’t heard before - this is an easy, fun read. Pleo’s always fun to read about, and Lyn is one of the most threatening villains I’ve seen in anything so far. There’s no moments when the fic careens wildly off course, though it does overindulge at times in terms of word count, and I do have my worries about the overall structure. Looking back, that feeling emerges at the end of an ‘arc’ - just before Lyn shows up for the first time, then again when it’s time to leave Boisocéan.

But yeah, I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn’t enjoying this. It’s good stuff - something that’s easy to get in the mood for, as you can tell by the amount of times I returned this review blitz. Maybe you’ll see another review or two from me before it ends. In any case, keep up the good work-


Loony Moony
  1. scorbunny
  2. buneary
So, I've come back round to read Chapters 10 and 11 and I will admit I found them pretty enjoyable. Chapter 10 did seem to meanader a bit all over the place, and relied on some small amount of exposition from the characters, so it felt like that chapter seemed to lack a specific focus. However, it was held up by the interactions between the characters themselves, that Gabite in particular got me cracking up in delight in how outlandish it was, making it a nice change of pace in the chapter. It does set things up for the more interesting Chapter 11 too so that helps.

Chapter 11 is when the story kicks back off again, with Team Traveller entering a MD to earn themselves the Normal Rank. I do like the small snippets of expanded lore and development of the wider world, about the nature of protectors which was also hinted at in Chapter 10. It also really starts highlighting Pleo's growth. He's becoming physically more able, whilst at the same time he is becoming slowly wiser, even if he's still just a kid. I bet by Chapter 50 or something he'll be acting like a teenager in no time.

Outside of those bits, there are extra things that I do like. The fight scene in Chapter 11 is short, sweet and got a nice mix of character dialogue and action which is great. The little details added into the worldbuilding are very nice to see as well, especially when applied to beyond the town and about the Protectors, that trickle feed is really helping keep me invested in learning more. And other details are making me chuckle, which is a nice bonus.

All this is great, as my only real problem is the length of the chapters. They are quite lengthy. That's not so bad in the case of Chapter 11 but with the more meandering nature of Chapter 10, it was starting to wear on a bit. Granted, I've wrote big chapters before, and there aren't that many great spots to split Chapter 10 up (though I can see 11 having a halfway point), but at over 7,000 words, the length is noticable.

Either way, I really enjoyed these pairs of chapters, and it does get me intrigued to see what comes through next!

I'll try and add the liveblogging details at a later date, to make sure it all works properly.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr

Alrighty, looks like we left off with everyone gearing up to investigate this totally-not-haunted island. Both Team Traveller and the Iron Fleet are here, but this isn't another case of relentless pursuit, as neither is aware the other is here. Aaat least until the beach crew runs into a couple pirates, forcing Elty to have to face his former crewmates. He's been avoiding that for quite a while, so it's fun to see the past catching up with him.

Meanwhile, Nida's group comes across a mysterious shack in the woods... I enjoy the logic that it clearly can't be haunted if it doesn't look creepy. :P

Interesting that there's apparently a town in a mystery dungeon. That would certainly be a good way to avoid detection. The clawed ghost apparitions that keep showing up are obviously meant to be ridiculous and overdramatic to scare visitors away, and well... they'd have good reason to, if Xerneas really is here.

Ah, yep, that confirmation came fast. But even if it's all just a production, Team Traveller getting abducted can't be good for them. Hopefully they'll at least get some answers out of it...?

Ohhh no, Lyn still thinks he has Pleo but he has David. God, I was cringing so hard as he went for the dramatic reveal. That was a pretty tense vote from the board, but he made it by the skin of his teeth. Ketu was the one who set him up, right? Yeah, I think we need to have a face-off between those two at some point.

Anyway, back on Pioppo, we've got the dungeon town and Xerneas! And he's not just a Protector, he's also a voice of life. And also... surprisingly upbeat and friendly. Though I guess he's probably not all that old either.

Aahhh, here we go, the followup to Cabot's doubts from last episode. And bringing it up to Nagant went about as well as I thought it would. Yeah, there's no way anyone would follow such an idealistic proposal. Still, you'd think the Empire would have better luck if they went for a compromise like Pleo having to stay in their domain, but allowing his friends to visit anytime. (Though of course they would much prefer bringing him back to Tromba, I could see the offer being tempting if they get too exhausted with the endless pursuit.)

That's all for now, until next time~


Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
So I ended up reading up to chapter 6 in the end for this Reading Rookidee.

I'm definitely liking it a lot, the worldbuilding is incredibly interesting and I always like how Pokémon society is described and organised in Mystery Dungeon fics. I like how you put in some staple figures of the MD franchise like a Kecleon merchant but also personalized it with your own unique touche. (A druddigon family that sells bread awww)

I love Hatteras changing roles by switching scarves and insisting that everyone call his Mayor or Guild master accordingly, that was both really funny and gives another little bit of worldbuilding with the scarves denoting roles in society other than clans or family... Really nice!

But the highlight of these chapters for me was definitely Pleo, he's so precious and you definitely sold his childlike innocence and naivety really well!
I love to read (and write) characters like that, it's really fun and makes you look at things with such different eyes!

I'm really liking the dynamics between the main trio, with Nida as the tomboyish girl, Chrom being a bit of a gentle giant, and Pleo in the middle between them.

I can't wait to see how he will develop!


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Funnily enough, I don’t have much to comment on after reading. I’m guessing it’s backstory / something from before chapter 1 even, given that Elty is with the pirates - but it works surprisingly well as a standalone chapter. See it as a snapshot of the story as a whole - a lighthearted story about island folk and their struggle against pirates. That’s a real brief summary, but you get the idea. Anyway, the chapter’s cute.

Well, that and it’s also a character establishment moment for some characters that will be coming back in the future. Since Hess and his crew originally had a much smaller role in the story but were retooled into taking a bigger role during the Boisocéan arc. It was decided to use this Special Chapter as a vehicle to give him and some of the more prominent members of his crew a proper introduction.

There’s no moments when the fic careens wildly off course, though it does overindulge at times in terms of word count, and I do have my worries about the overall structure. Looking back, that feeling emerges at the end of an ‘arc’ - just before Lyn shows up for the first time, then again when it’s time to leave Boisocéan.

I suppose that this fic does err on the longer side for chapters, even if it’s ultimately a design choice that @Spiteful Murkrow and I did for how to convey the story’s content. We did make a point of going back and presenting the most “marathon”-tier chapters as multiparters for this and the FFN version of the story, but in general, the average chapter in this story is around 9,000-10,000 words long.

I suppose we’ll see how you feel about the story structure as you get into it, since the second quarter of the story can be a bit divisive on that front, even if we generally hear positive things from reviewers who read past it. Though in general, there are very few true “filler” events or details in this story, something I’m sure you’ll notice if you stick things out into the later parts of this story.

But yeah, I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn’t enjoying this. It’s good stuff - something that’s easy to get in the mood for, as you can tell by the amount of times I returned this review blitz. Maybe you’ll see another review or two from me before it ends. In any case, keep up the good work-

And thanks for taking the time to check this story out! It can be a bit tricky to convince people to give things a shot from the sheer wordcount. We weren’t expecting you to get so into this story so quickly, and reading your commentary so far has been really fun.

So, I've come back round to read Chapters 10 and 11 and I will admit I found them pretty enjoyable. Chapter 10 did seem to meanader a bit all over the place, and relied on some small amount of exposition from the characters, so it felt like that chapter seemed to lack a specific focus. However, it was held up by the interactions between the characters themselves, that Gabite in particular got me cracking up in delight in how outlandish it was, making it a nice change of pace in the chapter. It does set things up for the more interesting Chapter 11 too so that helps.

Chapter 11 is when the story kicks back off again, with Team Traveller entering a MD to earn themselves the Normal Rank. I do like the small snippets of expanded lore and development of the wider world, about the nature of protectors which was also hinted at in Chapter 10. It also really starts highlighting Pleo's growth. He's becoming physically more able, whilst at the same time he is becoming slowly wiser, even if he's still just a kid. I bet by Chapter 50 or something he'll be acting like a teenager in no time.

Well, Pleo won’t be growing up quite that quickly, though he’ll be a bit perceptibly less “clueless baby” the further and further the story goes on. A bit unfortunate to hear that Chapter 10’s structure didn’t fully click with you, though I suppose that all’s well that ended well with how you thought it teed up Chapter 11 well.

Outside of those bits, there are extra things that I do like. The fight scene in Chapter 11 is short, sweet and got a nice mix of character dialogue and action which is great. The little details added into the worldbuilding are very nice to see as well, especially when applied to beyond the town and about the Protectors, that trickle feed is really helping keep me invested in learning more. And other details are making me chuckle, which is a nice bonus.

Glad to hear you had fun with things, especially the part about the details making you chuckle. Since this story very deliberately aimed for a “darker Saturday morning cartoon” vibe from its inception, and that sounds like we’re hitting our mark.

All this is great, as my only real problem is the length of the chapters. They are quite lengthy. That's not so bad in the case of Chapter 11 but with the more meandering nature of Chapter 10, it was starting to wear on a bit. Granted, I've wrote big chapters before, and there aren't that many great spots to split Chapter 10 up (though I can see 11 having a halfway point), but at over 7,000 words, the length is noticable.

Yeeeeeeeah, I think that we’ll have to chalk this one up to “authorial differences”, since we cut our chapters up based on whatever we feel is a good “stopping point” thematically, with an overall fic average of about 10,000 words a chapter. Granted, there were a couple chapters where in retrospect, we felt that they were long enough to merit presenting them as multiparters, but it’ll be a while before you reach them.

Perhaps we’ll change our mind in the future for some of the chapters that we thought were “good enough” to keep undivided, but at this point in time, we’re focusing a bit more on making forward progress to catch the Thousand Roads version of the story up with its offsite counterparts.

Either way, I really enjoyed these pairs of chapters, and it does get me intrigued to see what comes through next!

I'll try and add the liveblogging details at a later date, to make sure it all works properly.

And we’ll be looking forward to it! Thanks a million for stopping by and reviewing our story! ^^

@Chibi Pika

Alrighty, looks like we left off with everyone gearing up to investigate this totally-not-haunted island. Both Team Traveller and the Iron Fleet are here, but this isn't another case of relentless pursuit, as neither is aware the other is here. Aaat least until the beach crew runs into a couple pirates, forcing Elty to have to face his former crewmates. He's been avoiding that for quite a while, so it's fun to see the past catching up with him.

Yeah, he’ll have a few more moments like that in this story. Something for you to look forward to. ^^
Meanwhile, Nida's group comes across a mysterious shack in the woods... I enjoy the logic that it clearly can't be haunted if it doesn't look creepy. :P

Yeeeeeeah, the kids should’ve probably been a bit warier there, but such is life when you judge things by surface appearances.

Interesting that there's apparently a town in a mystery dungeon. That would certainly be a good way to avoid detection. The clawed ghost apparitions that keep showing up are obviously meant to be ridiculous and overdramatic to scare visitors away, and well... they'd have good reason to, if Xerneas really is here.

Ah, yep, that confirmation came fast. But even if it's all just a production, Team Traveller getting abducted can't be good for them. Hopefully they'll at least get some answers out of it...?

Hold onto that thought there…

Ohhh no, Lyn still thinks he has Pleo but he has David. God, I was cringing so hard as he went for the dramatic reveal. That was a pretty tense vote from the board, but he made it by the skin of his teeth. Ketu was the one who set him up, right? Yeah, I think we need to have a face-off between those two at some point.

Well, that would require Lyn to first put two and two together as to who exactly set him up. And, well… Ketu didn’t get where he did on Lyn’s crew by being easy to see through, even if he’s definitely gotten bolder than normal here.

Anyway, back on Pioppo, we've got the dungeon town and Xerneas! And he's not just a Protector, he's also a voice of life. And also... surprisingly upbeat and friendly. Though I guess he's probably not all that old either.

Yeah, ‘Voice of Life’ here is just an epithet since Xerneas happens to have a decent amount of thematic overlap with the Voice of Life from Gates. So yeah, no “getting shattered into pieces and reforming” antics from our deer buddy here.

Aahhh, here we go, the followup to Cabot's doubts from last episode. And bringing it up to Nagant went about as well as I thought it would. Yeah, there's no way anyone would follow such an idealistic proposal. Still, you'd think the Empire would have better luck if they went for a compromise like Pleo having to stay in their domain, but allowing his friends to visit anytime. (Though of course they would much prefer bringing him back to Tromba, I could see the offer being tempting if they get too exhausted with the endless pursuit.)

You see, it’d be a decent idea if the main antagonists’ relationship with Legendaries couldn’t be roughly summed up as:


More seriously, allowing your intended champion / living weapon to have friends from “the other side” who could talk him out of helping you tends to make plans for reconquering half an inter-island empire a bit tricky.

That's all for now, until next time~

And thanks for taking on that review exchange with us! We hope you found our feedback on LC helpful, since we certainly enjoyed reading yours. ^^

So I ended up reading up to chapter 6 in the end for this Reading Rookidee.

I'm definitely liking it a lot, the worldbuilding is incredibly interesting and I always like how Pokémon society is described and organised in Mystery Dungeon fics. I like how you put in some staple figures of the MD franchise like a Kecleon merchant but also personalized it with your own unique touche. (A druddigon family that sells bread awww)

Yeah, one of the raison d’etres for this story is to go a little nuts for building out a world that attempts to explore “how would a PMD-style society work anyways?”. Sounds like it’s been making a good first impression on you thus far.

And yeah, Crom and his family are quite the cuties, you’ll be seeing a lot more of them in the future. ^^

I love Hatteras changing roles by switching scarves and insisting that everyone call his Mayor or Guild master accordingly, that was both really funny and gives another little bit of worldbuilding with the scarves denoting roles in society other than clans or family... Really nice!

I mean, such is life when you inadvertently write Super!Ampharos into existence six months before PSMD released (even if Hatteras diverged a bit as time went on). It just felt like that silly little thing that the type of character we were gunning for would do as a multiple job holder.

But the highlight of these chapters for me was definitely Pleo, he's so precious and you definitely sold his childlike innocence and naivety really well!
I love to read (and write) characters like that, it's really fun and makes you look at things with such different eyes!

I mean, you’re not wrong there. Pleo’s definitely one of the bigger draws of this story for a lot of our readers, and glad to hear that he’s wearing well on you.

I'm really liking the dynamics between the main trio, with Nida as the tomboyish girl, Chrom being a bit of a gentle giant, and Pleo in the middle between them.

I can't wait to see how he will develop!

And we’ll be looking forward to your feedback in the future, since… yeah, there’s a number of twists and turns in this story ahead from where you are right now. ^^

Alright, we kept you all waiting a little longer than planned for this next bump, but I suppose that it’s about time we got back to Team Traveller on Haipheh for the chapters where things really heat up on our frosty tropical island:
Chapter 78: Casting Off Into Battle

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie

The main entrance of Haipheh's Mystery Dungeon was an ever-snowy forest clearing in front of a fog-shrouded cave mouth, which in normal times was empty outside of the occasional Pokémon venturing in. Today, the normal calm was disrupted by a soft chorus rising from a large crowd of Pokémon in indigo scarves that Nagant had marshalled, the dull chatter from the gathering occasionally punctuated by sharp, barking orders as she finished spelling out the last set of instructions for their pursuit after Pleo.

"Double check every nook and cranny before moving on from your search area!" Nagant ordered. "Are there any questions?"


"Good, then let's move out!" the Clawitzer shouted.

Amid the crowd of murmuring and jostling underlings, Cabot fidgeted uncomfortably. This was it… they'd track Pleo down and then capture him, just like the Empire needed. But on the other claw, this was his friend, and after everything that had happened, how was he supposed to just fight him like some common pirate?


The Cranidos jolted up and whirled to his right, seeing the faces of Berecien and Niilo staring back at him. The Ponyta of the duo pawed at the ground, before letting out a hot, impatient snort.

"Stop spacing out like that!" Berecien snapped. "It's time to go!"

"Yeah, the Captain wants us to lead the others with her!" Niilo exclaimed.

Cabot blanched at the thought of having to search for Pleo alongside Nagant, when success meant sprawling him out unconscious and dragging him away as a prisoner. The Cranidos wavered a moment, rationalizing that surely he could have a chance to explain things to Pleo afterwards if things came to that. He inhaled sharply to clear his mind, before exhaling and shaking his head to steel himself.

"Right, here goes nothing…"

Cabot, Berecien, and Niilo lined up behind Nagant and set off after her into the haze, not knowing that all the while a pair of olive-green eyes were watching from the brush. From his hiding place, Darzin spied on Nagant as she and her party disappeared, narrowing his eyes with particular venom at Niilo. The Dragonite watched as the four were followed by one group after the other, the whole procession prompting him to let out a loud snort in disgust.

"Of all the Pokémon she'd go in with, of course she'd choose that useless sand rat and his friends," Darzin fumed.

The Dragonite looked on as Nagant's underlings continued making their way into the fog, with a few particularly unremarkable members catching his eye. A Scorbunny, an Aipom, a Delibird… all mediocre Pokémon who Nagant found more urgent to bring along than him, a sight that served only to make Darzin's blood run hotter and his voice come out with a low seethe.

"This is ludicrous! I'm easily the strongest Pokémon of this sorry lot! Why on earth would she just keep me loafing around town?!"

Darzin thought back to how Nagant had left him out of the loop of Lugia's capture and transport to Giotto… then to how she'd shooed him off back at the naval base. Every thought made the Dragonite grit his teeth tighter and tighter, as it all seemed to reinforce a growing suspicion he'd had since being driven off at the docks…

"Seems like she never planned to keep her end of the deal to begin with!" the Dragon-Type growled. "Well, let's see how that works for her when two play that game!"

Darzin turned his attention back towards the Mystery Dungeon's entrance, waiting for the last groups to head in until all that remained were a Boltund and a Ludicolo keeping watch at the entrance. The Dragonite took to the air, arcing around in a feint to give the appearance of coming from further away when he swooped down for a landing, walking up as the pair of guards raised their brows skeptically at him.

"Eh? Aren't you a bit late, buddy?" the Boltund asked.

"Yeah, all the search groups already went in," the Ludicolo added.

"Hardly," Darzin replied. "I'm here to take over the next shift."

The Boltund and Ludicolo traded dubious looks with one another, before turning back to the Dragonite with sharp frowns.

"We just started ours," the Boltund scoffed. "Why would we be switched out already?"

"Yeah, and even if we're needed back in town right now, where's your partner?" the Ludicolo pressed. "You don't expect us to believe that the chief back in town couldn't spare more than one Pokémon to watch the entrance, do you?"

"Look, we're all stretched thin thanks to that blasted Clawitzer pulling everyone off left and right looking for her 'pirates', so the Sheriff is trying to put Pokémon where they're most needed," Darzin huffed. "Besides, do you really expect a Dragonite to be overwhelmed like a common Raticate by a couple pirates?"

The two guards hesitated a moment, shifting uneasily as they traded wary glances with each other.

"He's got a point there," the Boltund said, prompting her partner to shake his head back.

"Egh… I mean if he wants to freeze his tail off getting cold air blown on him constantly, that's fine by me," the Ludicolo harrumphed. "I could personally go for a nice, warm cup of peh-chiú right about now."

The Boltund and Ludicolo sauntered off, Darzin watching keenly after the pair until they slipped from view, leaving him to turn for the Mystery Dungeon's entrance with a low growl.

"Time to end thi- Ah- Ah- ACHOO!"

The Dragonite bowled over and sneezed, shivering a little from the frigid temperature before rubbing his snout and letting out a displeased grumble. The Administrator shook some snot off his claw before pacing ahead, slipping off into the fog after Nagant and her subordinates.

Unlike its appearance in the areas near Whitepalm Town, the far end of Haipheh was a verdant, tropical jungle sharing little with the icy village beyond the settlement's namesake trees. Just offshore, the crew of the Siglo Swellow gathered warily at the railing after the lookout announced the all-clear, leaving the lot to peer off into the island, including Crom who glanced around puzzledly at the unexpected heat.

"Eh? The air feels so much warmer here," Crom murmured.

"Well, the Pokémon here aren't making the air cold like in Whitepalm Town to stay comfortable," Pladur explained. "So things feel more normal here."

Crom's jaw flopped open and his eyes scrunched in astonishment at his father's words. The cold, the snow, everything about the weather back in Whitepalm Town…

"They made everything so miserable and awful in town to feel comfortable?!" the Druddigon exclaimed. "What on earth is wrong with them?!"

A nearby Bergmite along with a few other sailors rolled their eyes at Crom's outcry, muttering about how he was overreacting. Further down the deck, Ander shook his head, before turning over to Kelly with an insistent look.

"Kelly, are you able to give them a heads-up right now?" the Scyther asked.

"It doesn't work like that, Ander," the Elgyem replied. "I can't tell them much of anything until they press their badges."

A few of the sailors traded nervous whispers and glances among each other. They'd risked their hides sailing back to Haipheh and now all they could do was sit and wait to find out if Pleo and the others were still safe? The revelation made Guardia pause for a moment and rub at her chin, before having a moment of realization.

"Actually, maybe we should just wait for them to contact us first," the Cubone suggested. "It'd certainly beat having to try and comb an island full of enemies looking for them."

"Eh?! We just got chased away from here by Imperial ships a few hours ago!" a Golduck protested. "That garrison on the other end of the island didn't exactly vanish while we were gone!"

"Yeah, if we just sit around on deck with our sails up, we'll get discovered!" a Trumbeak cried.

The Flying-Type's protest drew murmurs of agreement from some nearby sailors, as Vicente shuffled to the fore with a glum shake of his head.

"They have a point… we don't even know if Pleo and the others can call for Kelly right now," Vicente sighed. "What if they need to lie low? Or if their badges got lost or taken? How long are we supposed to just sit here in the open waiting for some word from them?"

Team Traveller's members stared back at a loss when Dimitri spotted a few passing bubbles passing overhead. The Kabutops sidled over to the starboard side of the ship, following the course of the bubbles back towards land where he spotted a small stream of bubbles being blown along the wind from Haipheh's direction.

"… Maybe we don't need to," Dimitri insisted. "When I finally made it to the sea, I left from a beach with a colony of feral Krabby that blew bubbles out at sea. I'm pretty sure that's the beach there, so it'd just be a matter of me retracing my steps back to the house with a few others. Once we find it, we could let them know that Kelly is in range and can get them out of there."

"It sounds like a good place to start," Nida said. "I'll come along to help look."

"Yeah, same here!" Crom piped. "Those are our friends out there!"

Beatrix watched as Crom nodded back determinedly, Ander, Guardia, and Pladur pacing up beside him. The Illumise sized up the waiting party with a raise of her brow and a skeptical buzz.

"Are you all sure about this?" Beatrix asked. "Especially you, Pladur. This is the first you've been off the ship in a small group since your fight in Tidemill."

"I think I'll be fine?" the Fraxure insisted. "Besides, you can't expect me to send my son off in harm's way without at least trying to look out for him."

The Fraxure's insistence drew a flustered beat of Crom's wings, as Nida pawed at the timbers before looking back up at Beatrix.

"I suppose all that's left is for us to figure out a way for the ship to not get spotted while we're out," Nida said. "I don't think it'd take us that long to find Pleo, but you never know with all the Imperials swarming this island."

Beatrix ran a tarsal under her chin as she weighed Nida's request a moment, before shaking her head back with a sigh.

"… We'll try to disguise ourselves as a derelict, but be on your guard," the Illumise captain warned. "It's not exactly a robust disguise, and if we need to get going, we won't be in a position to wait for you to escape."

"We'll send a message out to Kelly every ten minutes," Pladur offered. "That ought to be enough to check up on you guys, right?"

"It'll have to do," Vicente sighed. "Good luck out there. We'll be rooting for you."

The lot nodded back and made their way for the railing, waiting for Dimitri to reach the water before Nida, Crom, Pladur, and Guardia clambered aboard. After all taking their places, the Kabutops swam ahead and Ander took flight after him, heading off for the beach further off in the distance and onwards in search of their friends deeper within.

Back in the manor where Orleigh's Council met, Hess' return had gone by in a blur as he was drug through the corridors bound and struggling by Dirk's Conkeldurr messenger all the way up to the entrance of the Council's chamber. The Fighting-Type was let in by a Perrserker in Dirk's colors and a Raticate in Tarquin's posted at the doors in stolen sets of armor that had been redyed to coordinate with their crew's patterns, before shoving Hess forward towards the Council's table. The messenger turned and took his leave as Hess looked up to see the Council's seats empty, only for Dirk and Tarquin to enter through the opened doors behind him and Ingela to swim in from the waterside entrance. The Perrserker and Raticate slammed the doors shut, before the Dirk and his fellows made their way to their seats about the table with piercing glares at their Aggron captive.

"You've returned sooner than I thought, Hess," Dirk glowered. "Though I was expecting you to have company when you came back here."

Hess squirmed and inched away, shrinking from the Council members' withering glares before stammering back a reply.

"I- I- mean I didn't get a chance to bring anyone along with me if th-that's what you meant," Hess squeaked back.

"Don't play dumb, Aggron," Tarquin growled. "You were supposed to come back here once you'd gotten that Protector. Where is he?"

Hess froze and blanched for a moment before letting out an audible gulp, the Aggron pulling his tail tight against his body and stammering back a reply.

"S-Still flying around?"

The Steel-Type watched as the three Council members' faces somehow managed to become even more livid than they had been when he was brought in. The lot got up from their seats with a trio of low growls, making Hess' eyes widen as he hastily attempted to calm his furious captors.

"W-Wait! I know this looks bad, but I can explain!" he insisted. "I had followed him out to Pioppo, when- ARGH!"

Hess yelped as Ingela spat up a stream of hot bubbles at his underbelly that sent him bowling over to the ground coughing. Ingela shook her head and turned towards Dirk, letting out a disgusted scoff as Hess slowly tried to right himself.

"I've heard enough from that useless rock lump, Dirk," the Primarina snapped. "Do you need anything else from him?"

Dirk stepped forward, raising his right blades as he let light glint along its edge, and raised his voice back in a low growl.


The Bisharp stormed over towards Hess, the Aggron yelping and desperately attempting to crawl away. Hess squealed as he felt Dirk stomp on his tail, looking up to see Dirk lifting his right blade up into the air, and screwing his eyes shut out of fright as he braced for the Bisharp's killing blow.

"Hey! Who the hell are- AUGH!"

An agonized screech rang out from behind the doors, making Dirk pause as he stopped his blade and looked up. The sound of shouts and blows landing came from the hallway, prompting Ingela and Tarquin to make their way over and brace themselves as they neared the doors.

"What on earth?" Ingela murmured.

The doors abruptly burst open as the Perrserker guard tumbled in with visible tears and gashes in his cloth armor, stopping facedown and groaning on the rug at the entrance. There in the doorway, the form of a Samurott with both seamitars drawn could be seen, along with a number of pirates sprawled out all throughout the hallway behind him. Dirk and his colleagues grit their teeth, as the unwelcome intruder entered, stepping over the fallen Perrserker before leveling a sharp glare at the Bisharp.

"I see your manor gives a warm welcome, Captain Dirk," Lyn said. "But I must interrupt you a moment before you behead my associate there."

Dirk and Ingela shot incredulous scowls back at Lyn, as Tarquin paused before narrowing his eyes and flashing his teeth with a low, livid growl.

"You! Dirk, set aside that joker for a minute!" the Tyrantrum seethed. "I've got history with that sea rat over there!"

Dirk hissed and kicked aside a still-quivering Hess with a sharp yelp, giving a snarl down at the bewildered Aggron.

"I'll deal with you later."

The three Council members drew near Lyn with their bodies tensed and prepared for a lunging attack. All the while, Lyn seemed strangely unmoved, giving a flash of his seamitars back at the pirates before suddenly sheathing his right blade. Dirk, Tarquin, and Ingela watched puzzledly as the Samurott fetched a scope from his satchel, before holding it out with a sharp scowl.

"Before we air out our differences here, do me a favor, would you?" Lyn asked. "Look out at the harbor towards the horizon. Tell me what you see."

Dirk paused a moment, before snatching the scope and heading over to the window and raising it to his eye. The Bisharp peered through the spyglass, where he caught the sight of a lavender-sailed galleon with cannons trained at them and Pokémon loading up a catapult on the deck with barrels sporting rope fuses. Dirk lowered the scope, before passing it off to Ingela and Tarquin which similarly took the pair aback, the lot turning over to Lyn as Tarquin grit his teeth and let out a low growl from the back of his throat.

"You're a long way from home…" the Tyrantrum snarled. "Commissioner Lyn."

The Samurott narrowed his eyes, before undoing the white and blue scarf about his neck and balling it up, revealing the familiar interlocking squares of a Third-Rank Company scarf. Lyn let the decoy scarf fall to the ground, keeping his left seamitar drawn and body tensed for battle as a small smirk crept over his muzzle.

"Well, I suppose there's no point in keeping up pretenses, now is there?"

"You presume much to think that you can just come here, square-neck," Ingela chided. "Ship or not, you can't expect yourself to leave this place unscathed."

"I would hope that you'd be more cautious in dealing with an emissary from the Board," Lyn scoffed. "They don't take being slighted lightly."

"Neither do we, Samurott," Dirk shot back. "So what do they want that's important enough to put your neck on the line like this?"

"I'm here to make an offer," Lyn said, before turning to point the blade in his left paw off at a still-shaken Hess. "But before I can discuss any details, I need my partner over there freed."

Dirk narrowed his eyes in a sharp glare, before grudgingly heading over to Hess' still-quivering body and slicing the bindings about his arms. The Aggron gasped for air before running for a corner and pulling his tail in tight against his body, leaving Dirk and his colleagues to scowl in disgust a moment before turning back to Lyn.

"So what is this offer?" Dirk demanded. "And be aware that I don't have a lot of patience for games right now."

Lyn turned his head, spinning his left seamitar about his knuckles before grabbing it and giving a stern, sidelong glance back at the Bisharp.

"The Board's become aware that you all have been pursuing a Protector that has recently awakened," the Samurott replied. "It's only natural that they'd eventually respond to it."

"Hrmph, the lot of us have been regrouping after an incident that happened a little over a week ago," Ingela spat. "We haven't exactly been out and about lately."

Lyn curled his muzzle into a frown, before turning over to Hess' corner where the Aggron continued to quiver and cower.

"Which is why you sent a proxy on your behalf."

Lyn began to pace about the room with his left seamitar still drawn, idly moving back and forth as Dirk and the other pirates keenly eyed him.

"I suppose it was somewhat clever. Have a patsy go out and do your dirty work for you, and you'd have a Protector in your claws while we wasted our time sending him to the bottom of the sea," the Samurott continued. "Though not clever enough to foresee that there'd naturally be consequences that would come to this island regardless."

The three Council members shot withering glares over at Hess, making the Aggron squirm and shrink back at their palpable displeasure. After a moment, Dirk shook his head and turned back to Lyn with an audible scoff.

"You could say I'm a bit of a gambler, and I know when I have a high hand to work with," the Bisharp snarled. "If that's all that you have to say on behalf of your paymasters, I'll get back to carving up your hide right now."

"Hrmph, ever so eager to get to the point," Lyn said. "The Director and his Administrators are interested in forming an alliance. They're aware of the colors of the ship that the Protector is using for safe passage and need a crew from here to fly those colors as it goes about its normal business pillaging and raiding all the safe harbors the Protector could seek out. If and when the Protector comes into trouble with one of them, you all would then step up and capture him on our behalf."

Hess stepped forward before the Council's members, puffing his chest out and nervously forcing a grin over his face.

"Th-That's where I come in!" the Aggron explained. "I've got their sails and everything, so I'd just be sailing around and raiding while using them!"

Dirk, Ingela, and Tarquin looked over at Hess, and then back at Lyn, their features hardening into increasingly displeased frowns.

"Hrmph, and just what is in this for us?" Dirk demanded.

Lyn passed over an envelope with a lavender wax seal, which the Bisharp took into his claws. The Dark-Type set it on the table and undid the seal, as he and his fellow Council members took out a sheet of paper. The three set the paper down on the table, their eyes darting back and forth reading it before screwing their brows up in puzzlement, as they realized it to be a contract to enjoin Orleigh with the Company.

"The Board is prepared to give you amnesty for your past crimes and bring you into its fold," Lyn explained. "Orleigh will need an Administrator, along with some Third-Ranks serving under him. Who better to turn to than locals familiar with how things work?"

Tarquin flashed his teeth with a sharp growl, giving the ground a heavy stomp as he straightened out his body and narrowed his eyes at Lyn.

"Keep your stinking position!" the Tyrantrum snarled. "Don't think I haven't seen how things work in your ranks! I'll storm your headquarters myself before I go back to that!"

Lyn frowned back at the Dragon-Type's threat, before moving the tip of his blade towards the bottom of the paper.

"There's an alternative offer spelled out in the fine print," Lyn harrumphed. "Perhaps that would be of more interest to you."

Dirk, Ingela, and Tarquin directed their attention back down at the paper towards a set of lines of small runes near the bottom. The three's eyes followed along the lines of text before Dirk raised a brow, and turned back towards the Company commissioner with a skeptical gaze.

"'Privateer for the Company'?" he asked.

"It's not a route I would choose, but it's certainly an option," Lyn said. "The Board will see to it that you're well-equipped, and that your recruits remain in the clear so long as they operate as privateers are expected to."

A distant crash rang out, prompting the gathered Pokémon to turn and look out the window as a fiery burst flashed in the distance and kicked up a column of dust and smoke. Lyn shook his head with a disgusted sigh, before turning his attention back to the pirate captains.

"If you took the ranks you were offered, you'd obviously need more Pokémon as subordinates. If you didn't… well, I seem to recall that a pirate's prestige is measured in the number of ships that answer to him," he explained. "I don't think any of you would have a problem getting new ones, nor a shortage of recruits looking for the protection of your newfound influence."

Dirk and his colleagues traded wary glances with each other as the Samurott's words lingered in their mind. As distasteful as the idea was, joining ranks with the Company meant getting access to their ranks of peons. And it was no secret that strength attracted talent in Orleigh, which even the Company merely placing their protection over them as privateers would boost in spades. When all was said and done in such a scenario, it would easily leave each and every one of them with a fleet on par with the one Beatrice the Swift led in her heyday. The three pirates murmured among one another, before Dirk turned back to Lyn with a low grunt.

"You drive a hard bargain, Samurott," the Bisharp said. "But we've thought it over, and-"

"There is one last condition," Lyn interrupted, the Samurott raising his seamitar and pointing off at Sibich's old seat.

"I noticed you have a vacant space in your ranks right now," he remarked. "The chaos it's currently bringing to this island would make our arrangement unworkable. So as part of sealing our agreement, I want to choose someone to fill it."

As soon as the words left Lyn's mouth, a sharp growl came from Tarquin's throat as the Tyrantrum rolled his eyes at the Commissioner's demand.

"Tch, so you're going to have one of Inler's tail kissers fill the seat?" the Tyrantrum harrumphed. "What on earth would one of them know about piracy?"

"More than you think, Commander Tarquin," Lyn shot back. "But I was thinking of someone you all would be more familiar with…"

The Samurott turned his head over to Hess, who straightened himself out and gave a sheepish wave of his claw back. After a moment's pause, the three Council members hardened their eyes into fierce scowls, Ingela giving an angry slap of her tail against the stone floor..

"No. Absolutely not!" the Primarina barked. "This is the Council, we have standards!"

"He was good enough for you to send after the Protector," Lyn scoffed. "Surely he'd be good enough for you to work with directly."

"And if we refuse?" Dirk demanded, prompting Lyn to narrow his eyes back with a harsh glare.

"Then the Board's offer will be withdrawn," the Commissioner replied. "I can't say what the Director will do if it gets rejected, but don't expect things to remain comfortable here."

The three pirates paused and lingered a moment, when Dirk walked over to a small inkwell next to a pad and dipped his claw in it before giving a stiff jab at the bottom of the paper. Ingela went up to the paper next, dusting a flipper in charcoal before pressing it next to Dirk's signature, leaving Tarquin to linger a bit before handing back Lyn's scope and following suit with a grumbling snarl.

"We're in," Dirk grunted. "Now leave and sail off back to your hiding hole."

"Very well," Lyn said. "I'm sure that Hess can handle giving a debriefing in my absence. I'll leave him some instructions for you all to review."

The Samurott made his way over to Hess and shoved a sealed envelope into the Aggron's claws. Hess looked down at the envelope as Lyn carried on for the shattered doorway, turning back with a stern gaze back at the Steel-Type.

"I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again very soon."

Lyn carried along, slipping off down the hall as the remaining pirates watched through the broken doors. After the Samurott disappeared from view and his footsteps faded from their ears, Dirk and his companions were interrupted by the sound of Hess clearing his throat, the Aggron forcing a large, overeager smile over his maw as he approached them.

"S-So I'm one of you now! Heh heh!" Hesscheered. "So… I should just go ahead and take Sibich's old sea-"

"We're not talking about anything with you until you do something about this mess you made first," Dirk snapped, snatching Lyn's envelope from the Aggron's claws.

Hess recoiled from the Bisharp's snarl and harsh demeanor, giving a confused blink at the Dark-Type's demand.

"Mess I made?" he asked. "What do you-?"

"Let's see here, there's the doors that were kicked in, there's the saltwater that Samurott tracked in, there's the 'mon lying in the middle of the room passed out bleeding and drooling on the rug…" Ingela said.

A few scattered groans came from the hallway, prompting Hess to look and see the Perrserker still slumped over in front of the doorway, along with the weakly stirring forms of pirates strewn about beyond it.

"Oh, and there's all the others your friend hacked his way through on the way up here," the Primarina added, prompting Hess to whirl and look around before turning back with a whining tone.

"H-Huh?!" Hess protested. "But I didn't cause any of-"

"I don't care, you fat dunce!" Ingela seethed. "I want it taken care of!"

"Meep! Okay! Okay!"

Hess hastily darted off and pulled the fallen Perrserker off the carpet, hurrying out the door when a sharp yelp and whine about a stomped tail came from the hallway. Ingela threw a flipper over her face with a sharp sigh, as Tarquin frowned, shooting a wary, sidelong glance over at Dirk.

"Is this really it?" the Tyrantrum asked. "We're just giving into those square necks and doing their bidding?"

Dirk paused a moment, before looking back at Tarquin with a stern frown. The Tyrantrum wavered a moment, before Dirk flicked one of his blades with a dismissive scoff.

"I don't see any reason to change our original plans, even if we can't use that buffoon as cover like we hoped," the Bisharp said, before shooting his fellow pirates a knowing smile.

"Though until we actually have that bird, there's no reason not to play along to get some heat off our backs."

In the tropical interior of Haipheh Island, the faint rustling of bushes rang out as the head of a Kabutops poked out and looked around. Dimitri stepped out of the bushes before the forms of a young Druddigon, a Nidorina, a Cubone, a Fraxure, and a Marked Scyther emerged and broke cover onto the path for Neil and Chan-iu's cottage. The lot followed the Kabutops' lead as Crom glanced about warily before giving a tense prod at Dimitri's shoulder.

"Do you think anyone's spotted us?" the Druddigon whispered.

"I haven't noticed anything since we hit the beach," Dimitri answered. "Just keep it down and stay on your guard. We should be getting clo-"

"Quit your excuses already! I don't see a single bruise on either of your bodies, so where'd that bird and the others run off to?!"

The six tensed up and snuck back into the brush, creeping along as Neil and Chan-iu's house came into view. The group hesitated a moment, before Nida continued ahead towards the sound of a heated argument.

"That can't be good."

Nida and her companions peered out of the brush, spotting a Rhyhorn and a Greninja in front of the cottage staring down the visibly battered forms of a Cacturne, Marshtomp, and Camerupt in imperial garb glaring daggers back at them. Neil dug his feet in, tensing his body as he shot back at the three with a sharp huff.

"Look, we just don't know, alright?" the Rhyhorn insisted. "They took off and ran into the bushes by the time we came out to see what was happening."

"If we had sensed something was wrong with them while they were here, I guarantee you we'd have told you about it," Chan-iu added.

The pair's reply drew a heavy stomp from Molina, who snorted embers from her nostrils before turning to her Cacturne teammate.

"Orcutt, how much more of this garbage do we need to take before I can light these jokers' shack up?" the Camerupt growled, prompting Orcutt to glare daggers at the Greninja and the Rhyhorn.

"Not much more at this rate," he spat, making Chan-iu fold his arms back in irritation.

"Look, we've told you all that we know, alright?" the Greninja snapped. "And if you think I'm just going to sit back while a bunch of sellclaws threaten to trash our base, you've got another thing coming!"

"Oh yeah, tough guy?" Chalco hissed. "What do you think you can do to u- Nngh!"

The Marshtomp flinched and instinctively reached for a gash on her left side, looking back at Neil and Chan-iu with a tense grimace. Molina and Orcutt paused a moment, looking at their stricken friend, before turning back towards Neil and Chan-iu while the Rhyhorn of the pair shook his head.

"Look, even if you three really don't believe us, you aren't in any condition to keep fighting right now," Neil insisted. "You were out cold long enough that our guests could be on the other side of the island by now if they really wanted it."

"So go back to base and lick your wounds a bit instead of trying this tough guy act on us!" Chan-iu growled.

The three mercenaries fell silent, Molina and Chalco grudgingly turning away and starting to head off as Orcutt remained in place, narrowing his eyes as he held out a spiny arm at the two Pokémon.

"This isn't over, Greninja," the Cacturne glowered. "You can try pleading your innocence to the Sheriff and see how much he buys your story!"

Team Traveller's members watched as Orcutt turned and drifted off after his teammates, the six holding their breaths as the mercenaries passed and headed down the path. The party waited for their footsteps to fade from their ears, pausing a moment to exhale before stepping out of the brush. Neil and Chan-iu straightened up with a start, prompting Dimitri to raise a scythe and give a reassuring wave back at the pair.

"I suppose that I ought to apologize for being late on my errand," the Kabutops said. "But I can see you've got other things to worry about."

Neil and Chan-iu traded worried looks with one another, the Greninja of the duo pawing at his shoulder as he forced a determined look over his eyes.

"Eh, we'll manage," he said. "I've built up some goodwill at the Guild, and I think it'll count for a bit more than the words of some hired phái-tô͘."

"I suppose…" Nida said. "Though what exactly happened to Pleo and the others?"

"Well, as you can see, they ran into a bit of trouble and had to take off in a hurry," Neil explained. "I assume that they made their way for that back entrance to the Mystery Dungeon I told Dimitri about."

"Right," Dimitri answered. "Thanks for that, we'll go and look for them right away-"

"Actually, hold on, Dimitri," Neil interrupted.

The Rhyhorn hurried inside before returning with a set of goggles in his mouth. He passed them over to Crom who he peered down puzzledly at the peculiar trinket.

"Huh?" Crom asked. "What's this for?"

"Well, Pleo seemed to have an eye for it while he was here," Neil murmured. "And I don't think he'll be seeing me again anytime soon."

Ander blinked and examined the set of goggles fashioned from materials that he couldn't recognize. The lenses clack with unnatural quiet when tapped versus the expected glass, and the article's soft and hard parts were seemingly melded together without any seams or stitching. The Scyther looked down puzzledly at the Rhyhorn, wondering how any Pokémon could have fashioned such a thing.

"What exactly is this thing made of anyways?" Ander asked.

"Some materials that are hard to come by around here," Neil replied. "Consider it a token of encouragement from one 'mon that doesn't quite fit in normally with this world to another."

Team Traveller's members blinked back puzzledly at the Rhyhorn's comment, before opting not to pry further into the matter with Pleo and their teammates' fates on the line. One after the other, the six began to shuffle off, with Nida slowing her pace a moment to look back towards Neil and his partner.

"Thanks for everything," Nida said. "And good luck."

"The same to you!" Neil exclaimed.

Nida and her companions set off, hurrying further inland as Neil and Chan-iu watched after them. As the lot slipped from his field of view, Neil lowered his head, giving a quiet murmur after his abruptly departed guests.

"I know there's a lot of Pokémon in this world counting on your friend…"

About half an hour after moving on from Neil and Chan-iu's house, Team Traveller found themselves brushing past trees and bushes towards a frozen waterfall deeper in the interior of the island. The air had taken on a sharp chill, with the sight of dungeon fog poking out from the sides of the falls evidencing that they were one and the same as the one the Rhyhorn and Greninja had spoken of.

"Looks like we're getting close to that entrance," Dimitri said.

"Uhm… Dimitri," Pladur gulped. "Are you sure that this is a safe approach?"

"As safe as we can hope for," the Kabutops insisted. "It's supposed to be an entrance that not many Pokémon know about, so if there's one place the guards would overlook-"

"There's no question about it, the Protector came through here," a buzzing voice said. "Fan out and take positions around the perimeter."

Team Traveller's members blanched and stilled their breaths, as Nida nosed ahead and peered through the bushes. There, over at the iced-over waterfall was a Beedrill wearing an Imperial scarf with a twinleaf design, standing at the head of a party of seven. A Salandit and Vespiquen… a Sneasel and Jangmo-o… a Darmanitan and Poliwrath… Why, even the same Pidgeotto who'd tried to carry off Elty on Orleigh was here! The lot hesitated and grimaced, as it became apparent that they weren't just going to be walking into the sleepy secret entrance Neil had described.

"Looks like we've gotten beaten to the punch," Nida murmured.

"Uh… we do have a way of getting around them, right?" Guardia asked. "Not that I'm one to shy away from a fight, but the numbers aren't exactly in our favor. Especially with that big hachi leading them."

The rest of the group fell silent, each struggling to offer even the seed of a solution that wouldn't end in obvious failure. As the lot quietly hemmed and hawed, Crom's mind turned to his bag, prompting him to set it down and open the flap to paw through it.

"I think some of the seeds and orbs with us ought to help…" Crom mused. "But let's double-check."

The Druddigon began to fish through the satchel, pulling out a Pecha Berry, and then fumbling with a Petrify Orb in his claws. The Dragon-Type started to reach in afterwards, prompting Nida to walk up and look into the bag herself. There, she saw an assortment of items jumbled about where the Petrify Orb had laid, the familiar orange-scaled form of a Blast Seed catching her eye among them.

"Well, what if we distracted them?" Nida suggested.

The Nidorina stuck her paw in, picking up the Blast Seed before giving it a gentle toss up and down.

"Surely a loud sound would get them up to go and investigate," she explained. "This Blast Seed would easily pull that off!"

Nida's companions murmured in approval regarding the idea. It was a simple enough plan, and all it required was a single seed and some patience. Ander paused and hesitated a moment, before giving a wary glance over to the Nidorina.

"I think it can work. Just… be careful alright?" the Scyther insisted. "If someone overhears us or sniffs us out, we really will have to fight our way through."

Nida nodded back to Ander before creeping along through the bushes towards the path away from the falls. She paused and flared her ears, looking back off at the entrance to make sure that Jun and the other guards weren't paying particular attention. After seeing Jun turn his head to prattle for a moment, Nida reared up and flung the Blast Seed forward, sending it flying in an upward arc before it hit the ground and detonated with a fiery burst. Back at the dungeon entrance, Jun and the other Imperials whirled around in alarm, catching the sight of a cloud of dust and smoke curling up from the seed's charred point of impact.

"What was that?!" the Poliwrath exclaimed.

"Sounded like someone attacking!" the Darmanitan shouted.

Jun stiffened up, crossing his stingers defensively as he scanned his surroundings, lingering for a silent moment before bringing them back to his side.

"It's rather quiet if that's the case," the Beedrill buzzed. "Surely there'd be more than a single attack…"

The Bug-Type turned and pointed one of his drills over to the Pidgeotto, the Darmanitan, and the Poliwrath of the group, giving a sharp buzz as he motioned them along.

"You three, go and check it out," he ordered. "We'll keep the entrance secured."

"Aye aye," the Pidgeotto replied.

The three moved out, leaving Jun to linger behind with the others by the dungeon entrance. From their hiding place, Team Traveller's members stared off at the entrance and grimaced out of realization that their gambit had fallen short.

"Gih! That worked on less than half of them!" Pladur cried. His teammates traded blanching looks, as Guardia prodded uneasily at Nida's shoulder with her bone.

"What do we do now?"

Nida raised her voice to speak, only to catch herself when she realized that she didn't have any good ideas of how they'd even start to get out of their predicament. As the Nidorina wrestled with her thoughts, Dimitri paused and thought back to the items in Crom's bag they took out earlier, the Kabutops turning and pointing off at the Druddigon's bag with a scythe.

"We still have that Petrify Orb, don't we?" Dimitri asked. "Why don't we just throw it at the stragglers? Even if they see us, they wouldn't be able to do anything to stop us."

"B-But they'll alert the others!" Pladur protested. "And all it takes is a stiff shove to undo the effects of a Petrify Orb!"

"Well, we'd have a head start getting through the fog and the others would have to stop and help their friends, wouldn't they?" the Kabutops insisted. "It might be a tight escape, but it ought to at least throw them off our trail."

Dimitri's teammates looked at the group surrounding the Blast Seed's landing spot, before turning back towards Jun and his remaining underlings. With how close they were to the fog, they'd surely beat the other Imperials into the dungeon. It was a dicey proposition, but with the alternative being to try and fight their way past the entire group…

"I don't think we've got many options at this point," Ander said. "Come on, let's hurry."

Team Traveller's members crept along, nearing the frozen waterfall where Jun and his remaining underlings continued to guard the dungeon entrance. The six crouched and took cover behind bushes and tree trunks as they peered ahead, where they saw the Jangmo-o of the group doing his best to press up firmly against Tegu's flank, much to his frowning displeasure.

"Come on, Barrow, give a 'mon some space already," the Salandit sighed.

"But I can't feel my tootsies right now!" the Jangmo-o whined.

"Oh, stop complaining already!" Clyde snapped. "This place feels fine."

The group paused and held their breaths, Nida lowering her ears before turning to Crom with a hushed whisper.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah," the Druddigon replied. "I've got this."

Crom crouched and clung tightly to the Petrify Orb, peering off at Jun and the other Imperials at the entrance. The Druddigon braced himself, creeping ahead to try and get a clear path for an arcing throw when…


Team Traveller's eyes shot wide in horror as the sound of splitting wood rang out, prompting Crom to look down and realize he had accidentally stepped on a branch. Near the waterfall, Jun had whirled around with a sharp jolt and raised his stingers ready for battle.

"Someone's here!" the Beedrill buzzed. "Over there behind those bushes!"

"Ack! Hurry up and throw, Crom!" Guardia yelped.

Crom popped out of the bush and hurled the Petrify Orb forward. Jun hastily flew back and shot forth a spray of flechette-like pins, shattering the orb in midair as sparks danced inertly in front of him and his party. After flinching a moment, Tegu, Melli, and the others braced themselves for battle, as Jun turned his head to call off to his other subordinates further down the lane to sound the alarm.

"Everyone back to the entrance!" he shouted. "The Protector's friends are here!"

The Beedrill refocused on Crom before lunging at him with an X-Scissor, the Bug-Type’s blow raking across the Druddigon’s belly as he yelped in pain. Crom desperately swung his claws forward, which took on a grayish glint and caught the Beedrill in his chin.

Jun flew back with a sharp buzz and braced his drills, as Crom looked down at the fading glint on his claws and noticed they carried an almost metallic sheen.

“H-Huh?! Was tha-?”

“Hrmph, I see you’re not familiar with how to use Metal Claw,” the Beedrill buzzed back. “Though you’ll have to do better than-!”

Jun was abruptly cut off by a hail of rocks, with a glance revealing Dimitri charging out from cover as the stones carried on past the Beedrill.


Including one that clipped Clyde square in the face, leaving him cradling his nose. Tegu, Melli, and Barrow were further behind, Melli flitting back at the last second as some of the rocks passed by them while her partners ducked against the ground. As Team Traveller's other members darted out, Barrow shot a quick glance over at his Sneasel partner with a startled yelp.

"Clyde's been hit!" the Jangmo-o cried, before turning to Team Traveller with a glare. "You meanies!"

Tegu instinctively rifled through the satchel on his back, pulling out a wand with a glassy knob filled with red bubbles. At once, the Salandit sprang back onto his feet and readied the wand with a devious smile.

"Let's give them something to remember, then!"

Tegu swung his wand, shattering its outer layer and sending a spray of bubbles at Dimitri that broke along his shell. The Kabutops looked down unimpressedly at the leftover residue when a sharp buzz rang out, prompting him to hastily throw the flat of his right scythe up to block an incoming jab from one of Jun's stingers. Meanwhile the Pidgeotto, Darmanitan, and Poliwrath rushed in from further down the path, when the Pidgeotto among them noticed Pladur was beginning a whirling dance with fiery blue lights surrounding him.

"Over there!" the Pidgeotto exclaimed. "Don't let that Fraxure finish his Dragon Dance!"

"You'll have to get past me first!"

The Pidgeotto and his fellows diverted their attention to see Ander jumping out with his blades drawn to cover Pladur. Further behind, Guardia looked on at the dancing Fraxure when an idea came to her mind, prompting her to turn over her shoulder towards her Nidorina teammate.

"Nida! Cover me a moment!" Guardia shouted. "I'm going to follow Pladur's lead!"

The Cubone swung out her bone, entering the frenzied rhythms of a Swords Dance when Barrow spotted her preparations, prompting him to charge ahead readying a Dragon Tail.

"Oh no you don't- Owie!"

Nida cut in with a sharp jab from a poison-slicked paw, sending Barrow tumbling off his feet. Crom ran in with his claws drawn to try and pounce on the Jangmo-o, when from the corner of his eye he spotted Melli forming translucent blue hexagonal barriers about her body, making him call out to his teammates in alarm.

"Eh?! That Vespiquen's doing something to protect herself!"

Crom dug his feet in, readying a bluish ball of dragonfire in his mouth when a spray of icy flechettes struck his flank. The Druddigon recoiled as his budding Dragon Rage abruptly dissipated into a spray of stray flickers, leaving him rubbing against his stinging and sore hide.

"Kweh heh heh! A little stray frost is all it takes to shut your attacks down?" a Sneasel's voice jeered. "And here I thought dragons were supposed to be tough!"

Crom brushed the ice off his scales and looked over to his right where he saw Clyde sneering back at him with his tongue stuck out. The young Druddigon flashed his claws, flaring his wings as he let out an angry growl back at his opponent.

"Let's see you try that a second time!" Crom snapped.

The Druddigon sprang forward and swiped with his claws at the Sneasel, only for him to move out of the way and leave him swinging at empty air. Crom snorted out of annoyance and swung at him again, only for Clyde to evade his grasp by hairs and fling another spray of icy flechettes back. The Druddigon jumped back from Clyde's Ice Shard with a frustrated growl, watching his foe keenly for an opening when a sharp crack rang out and he saw an approaching stream of red bubbles from the corner of his eye.


Crom flinched and vainly tried to shield himself as the bubbles settled on his body and popped inertly. The Dragon-Type looked on puzzledly over the seeming lack of effect as Tegu threw aside the used-up wand, leaving Crom to blink in confusion before Clyde darted up, readying his claws for a running slash.

"Kweh heh heh! Now you'll be even slower and more useless than-"

The Sneasel was cut off mid-sentence by a punch trailing orange flecks of light that drove deep into his gut, sending him flying off his feet and crashing to the ground limply with a weak groan. From the side, Barrow turned back from following Melli into a strafing run at Nida, looking over wide-eyed as his jaw flopped open in shock.

"A-Aah! Cly- AUGH!"

The Jangmo-o was interrupted by Guardia charging in freshly invigorated from her Swords Dance and striking the side of his face with her bone. Barrow let out a pained shriek, before crumpling to the ground unconscious as his assailant brought her club back to her side with a shake of her head.

"Hrmph, somehow I was expecting more from you," she piped.

The Cubone's self-satisfaction was cut short by the sound of a loud buzz, prompting her to turn and see Nida jumping back as Melli shot a glowing red beam from her forehead's jewel and just barely missed her. Guardia rushed in to intervene and swung her club at the Vespiquen, only for her to weave around it and fly up out of the Cubone's reach, leaving her stomping the ground in frustration.

"Gah! Get down here and fight!" the Ground-Type fumed.

"No way! You'll just hit me!"

Melli beat her wings and shot forth a cutting gust of air, which struck Guardia in her chest and sent her rolling back along the ground. The Ground-Type righted herself, pulling her helmet low against her head and gritting her teeth back at the Bug-Type.

"You're not the only one who can play that game, you know!"

Guardia threw her bone ahead in a whirling arc, only for the Vespiquen to blow it away with her wings. Guardia's determined expression quickly melted into wide-eyed alarm as she watched her club sail off, veering far to the left and well outside the returning arc she was expecting.


The Cubone hastily gave chase after her bone, prompting Nida to bound ahead and try to harry the Vespiquen, when a jeer from her side reached her ears.

"Hey Nidorina, heads up!"

Nida turned as a purplish mist blew into her face, prompting her to recoil and stumble back when she saw Tegu looking at her. The Nidorina coughed and saw droplets from the poisoned haze lingering on her fur, before flicking it away and shooting an unimpressed scowl at the Salandit.

"Seriously? Toxic?" she scoffed. "Who on earth taught you to fight?"

The Salandit remained unfazed at the Nidorina's question, a knowing smirk spreading over his face before he shot back a taunting reply.

"I should be asking you that question, spike ball."

Nida flicked her ears and prepared to lunge at her Salandit attacker when she suddenly felt a chill run down her body and felt a flash of pain ebb over her body.


"I guess your guild didn't teach you that my poison works even on other Poison-Types," Tegu sneered. "It's basic knowledge for anyone dealing with a Salandit!"

Nida stood dumbfounded for a moment, realizing that the little lizard's Toxic had somehow poisoned her. After a moment's loss of words, she shook her head, hopping back with a guarded stance and calling out to Crom for assistance.

"Crom! If this is really poison, then a Pecha Berry ought to be able to heal it!"

"R-Right!" he cried. "I'm coming!"

The Druddigon tried to run forward, only to find his limbs tired and unresponsive. The young dragon fought to move his legs, only to find his attempts to dart ahead yielding little more than a couple lethargic steps forward. Crom's eyes shot wide as he realized much to his alarm that in place of the vigor he just had, his body felt as tired as it would've right before going to bed on New Year's!

"H-Huh?! What- Why am I feeling so tired?!"

"Never heard of a Truant Wand before?" Tegu taunted. "They'll make you feel as tired and worn out as a Slaking!"

The Salandit smirked as he watched Crom and Nida's faces contort into bewildered alarm, tensing his body as he waved his tail back and forth.

"Though here's something you should be more familiar with!"

Tegu dropped to all fours and spat out a beam of blue, fiery light at Crom, knocking him off his feet and sending him toppling to the ground. The Dragon-Type fought to try and get up to his feet, only for his muscles to seize up and his limbs begin to waver.

"N-Ngh… Grk…"

The Druddigon's strength failed him as he flopped over unconscious onto his back, leaving Nida to look on with slack-jawed shock as a Salandit's jeering laugh filled the air.

"Ha ha ha! Not bad for a Salandit, huh?" Tegu sneered. "Dragon-Types aren't the only ones who can learn Dragon Pulse, you know!"

Nida grit her teeth, realizing that the Salandit was by far a stronger foe than his appearance let on. The Nidorina saw Crom's bag lying open next to his prone body and darted over to it where she fished out a Pecha Berry and a Reviver Seed, before whirling back towards Tegu.

"Grr! Well, you're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve, you know!"

Nida was summarily answered by a fireball that sailed into her and exploded on contact, which promptly flashed over her paw and made her drop the seed and berry to the ground with a pained cry. Nida shook her paw and stared down in horror to discover that the two items were now charred and blackened beyond use, as Tegu called out another taunt.

"Maybe not, but they're certainly not as lame as the ones you and your boyfriend have got!"

Nida felt her blood boil as her breaths came out hot and seething, the Nidorina lowering her head as her thoughts grew increasingly crowded out by a singular, overwhelming urge…

To make that blasted Salandit pay.

"Oh, that tears it!"

She barreled ahead and charged after Tegu, who slipped to the side and stuck his tongue out, before darting off to his left. Nida followed the Salandit to and fro, attempting to keep chase when she felt the poisonous chill from earlier sweep over her body and watched as her vision began to run muddy.


Nida thought back to her lessons from the guild, and realized that Tegu's Toxic was surely starting to wear down on her. Why the blasted little skink knew the bind she was in and was just stalling and leading her around so his poison would seep in faster! But… with everything that she'd tried so far having failed, what else was she supposed to do at this point?


The Nidorina turned her head at the sound of a sharp cry as Guardia tumbled head over heels into her path, the Cubone coming to a stop face-first in the dirt before getting up and shaking her head to regain her bearings. Nida looked over the Cubone, and back at Tegu, when a sudden realization dawned over her.

"Guardia! Throw your bone at that Salandit over there!" she cried, drawing an incredulous gape back from her Ground-Type teammate.

"Huh?! But he's just a Yatoumori and that big Beequen is still there!"

"Just trust me on this!" Nida insisted. "It's the only way we'll beat these two!"

Guardia nodded, prompting Nida to run ahead towards Tegu while the Cubone provided cover by throwing her club forward into a spinning Bonemerang. Guardia's club sailed forward, only for the Salandit to dodge it by dropping to the ground on his stomach. Tegu got up as soon as the bone flew by, revealing a Sleep Seed in his hand much to Nida and Guardia's mutual horror as a sneer spread over his face.

"Hah!" he jeered. "Was that really the best you could think-?!"

The lizard was cut-off mid-sentence by the Bonemerang returning, striking the back of his head and sending him faceplanting into the dirt. Nida lowered her head and continued charging ahead, Tegu's dazed groaning driving her legs forward in pursuit of much-deserved vengeance when a sharp wind struck her and knocked her off her feet.


Nida staggered and fought to retain her balance, her vision wobbling as she heard a deep buzz approaching her, only for Guardia's voice to reach her ears.

"Keep going! Just don't let that Yatoumori get up!"

Nida turned, seeing Guardia run at Melli and lunge at her with a Headbutt, forcing the Vespiquen back with a startled buzz. The Nidorina ran ahead, summoning her flagging strength to barrel towards Tegu as he started to stumble back onto his feet. With the last of her energy, Nida lunged at Tegu, pulling her paw back as she bellowed out to the Poison-Type ahead.

"Here's to your stupid tricks!"

The Nidorina brought her paw down and raked her nails over Tegu's body, and did it again, and again in a rage until her fourth swipe led her to drive a swipe deep into the Salandit's gut and make him shout out in pain.


The Salandit wrenched himself away, staggering and tottering away before he slumped over, leaving Nida to give an extra kick at her tormentor. The rabbit paused a moment, realizing that her technique must have been Fury Swipes. So it wasn’t just Crom who learned a new move from this fight!

Nida felt another chill rack her body and watched as her vision ran spotty, prompting her to hastily grab at Tegu's bag and fumble through it. After brushing past seeds and wands, her paw felt the rind of a Lum Berry, reflexively snatching it out and greedily consuming it as she panted and fought to keep her balance.


Nida turned her head at the sound of Guardia's startled cry and saw her falling to the ground from a hail of blue hexagonal lights that Melli shot forward in buzzing, zigzagging paths. The Nidorina watched blankly as the hapless Cubone thrashed under the effects of the Attack Order and the Vespiquen drew near to finish her off. Time seemed to slow in front of Nida's eyes, her breaths coming out ragged and as she realized her strength was not enough to carry her into battle, when she spotted the Sleep Seed by Tegu's hand. Without thinking, she grabbed the seed and flung it at Melli where it dashed against her exoskeleton in a cloud of peach-colored mist.


Melli jolted up in reflex and turned towards Nida, her gait tottering as the effects of the Sleep Seed began to overtake her. The Vespiquen's wings failed her, sending her dropping out of the sky and to the ground with a dull thud. Guardia breathed in and out sharply, clutching onto her bone for dear life as she looked on at the dozing Bug-Type when she glanced up and saw Nida approaching with Tegu's bag slung over her shoulder. The Cubone let out a sigh of relief, getting back up to her feet as she kept a wary, uneasy gaze trained on Melli's sleeping body.

"Th-That's not going to hold her for long…"

"It'll work for long enough," Nida panted. "Come on, let's heal up and go help the others."

The pair turned towards their teammates to see Dimitri slumped over on the ground cold and unmoving. A little further away, the two saw Pladur running towards the Pidgeotto of Jun's group and swiftly bringing a pair of powerful strikes from his tusks against the bird's breast. The Flying-Type reeled under the blows, and crashed to the ground fainted with a quick glance revealing he was in the company of a similarly unconscious Darmanitan and Poliwrath. Further aside, a pained screech rang out as Jun threw Ander aside, the Beedrill's attention quickly settling over Pladur with an indignant hiss.

"This has gone on long enough!" Jun exclaimed. "Let's see you manage this, Axndo!"

The Beedrill doubled back with a Poison Jab, thrusting a drill forward that Pladur caught with a swipe of his claws, before following it with a second thrust that caught the Fraxure square in his chest.


Pladur let out a bellowing cry of pain and tumbled to the ground, leaving Jun to fly up as he prepared to finish off his opponent. From their position, Guardia yanked impatiently at Nida's arm, before running ahead with a parting call over her shoulder.

"We don't have time for that, Nida!" Guardia insisted. "Come on!"

The Cubone darted ahead, readying her club as she made her way for Jun. As the Beedrill flitted back, Nida tried to hop forward, only to feel fatigue from her prior wounds catch up with her. The Poison-Type turned her attention to her pilfered bag of items, where after pawing through it she came across a Blinker Seed. The Nidorina grasped onto the seed and pulled it out of the bag, wheeling around at the Beedrill with a sharp cry.

"Heads up, you overgrown Cutiefly!"

Nida hurled the Blinker Seed forward, sending it flying towards Jun. The seed found its mark on the Bug-Type's shoulder, leaving him to lurch around in a daze as he tried to steady himself and fight against his impaired vision.

"H-Huh?! What's the meaning of-?! Ack!"

The Beedrill was cut off by Guardia jumping up and smashing her club into the back of his head, sending the wasp jerking forward as Ander dashed up with a spread-wing tackle. Jun crashed to the ground, giving a weak beat of his wings as he tried to prop himself up on the points of his drill before his limbs abruptly went rigid.

"C-Captain… I'm sorry…"

The wasp's strength gave out, leaving him to collapse against the ground as Nida and her companions looked around. All around them, their foes had all been overpowered, though Team Traveller's members were too haggard and tired to take any real satisfaction from their victory.

"C-Come on," Nida wheezed. "We need to get Crom and Dimitri back up and get out of here!"

Nida hurried over to Crom's body as Guardia made her way over to tend to Dimitri, the Nidorina slipping a Tiny Reviver Seed into the young Druddigon's mouth and clamping it shut. The Dragon-Type began to stir, his eyes flickering as he bit down on the seed and stumbled up coughing and groaning from his wounds.

"Ungh… Nida?" he murmured. "A-Are you alright? You look awful."

"I… I think I can hang in there a bit longer," the Nidorina insisted.

Crom stumbled up onto his feet and glanced around his surroundings, seeing Jun fainted in the path with Tegu's group strewn about near the iced-over entrance. Further down the path, the remainder of Jun's party laid sprawled out, with Dimitri uneasily staggering back upright and Pladur wobbling up the lane towards him. His father's red eyes fell upon him for a short moment, when the Fraxure stumbled and toppled over, making Crom's eyes widen in alarm.


Crom hurried over and grabbed onto his father's arm, pulling him up as he pawed and stammered worriedly back at the Fraxure.

"A-Are you alright?!" he cried. "If I'd known you were-"

"Mijo, it's okay," Pladur replied. "I… I just need a moment to catch my breath."

The pair froze as they heard a weak buzz, turning to see Melli stirring on the ground, struggling to prop his head upright in a disoriented daze.

"N-Nrgh… Jun? What's going on?" the Vespiquen groaned, prompting Dimitri to blanch and turn back to his teammates.

"Blurgh… doesn't look like we'll have time for that," he said. "Come on, we'll heal up once we make it inside!"

The Kabutops quickly led the rest of Team Traveller's members along, ducking past the frozen waterfall and into the fog-shrouded cave mouth behind it. As the lot made their way deeper and deeper, Nida watched as her surroundings melted into the fog, hoping to herself that Pleo and the others weren't in as bad of straits as they were.

As Nida and her teammates made their way into the Mystery Dungeon, further below on the eleventh floor, a Lampent, an Aipom, and a Togedemaru in Imperial scarves surveyed a stable zone lined with icy crystals. The chamber had been recently inhabited, as the still-smoldering cinders from a fire at the center of the room evidenced. One after the other, the three went around, glancing and listening about their surroundings as the Togedemaru sniffed at the air, before the Lampent paused and shook his body with a low harrumph.

"Looks like nobody's here," the Ghost-Type grumbled.

"But their scent's fairly strong here and the ashes from the fire here are still warm!" the Togedemaru protested. "Are you sure we're not overlooking anything?"

"They must've moved on," the Aipom said. "Come on, they can't be far."

The Aipom and Lampent turned and retraced their steps back through the fog, their Togedemaru companion giving one last sniff at the air before shaking her head and following suit. As the three vanished off through the fog, their footsteps grew increasingly soft and muddled, leaving the stable zone to return back to its prior quiet.

"I think they're gone," a Swellow's voice said.

At once, Kiran poked his head out from behind a cluster of ice crystals, prompting the rest of his companions to emerge and follow him out onto the floor of the stable zone, the lot inhaling and letting out a collective sigh of relief.

"That was much closer than I would've liked," Trizano muttered.

"Yeah, for a sec I was worried they'd sniff us out," Elty piped.

Pleo turned off towards the foggy entrance, shuffling his wings uncomfortably for a moment before craning his head back towards Kiran with an uneasy grimace.

"Kiran? What do we do now?" the Lugia asked. "These encounters are happening more and more often and I don't think we'd be able to get out of another one like that so easily."

Kiran said nothing back for a short moment, before his eyes came across the glint of his badge on his scarf. It was admittedly a shot in the dark, but it had been well over an hour since he'd last tried speaking into it…

"Let's try Kelly again," Kiran suggested. "Maybe Dimitri managed to tip off the others by now."

The Swellow moved a wing over his badge, pressing down on it with his flight feathers as he spoke into it with a hesitant, wary murmur.


"Kiran?! Oh Travellers Above, you're still alright!"

The four's eyes lit up with a mix of disbelief and relief, Kiran letting his wing fall away from his badge a moment as he briefly wondered if he was dreaming, only to shake his head and press down again.

"We all are, or at least for now," he said. "We don't have a lot of time left to make an escape though."

"You're in a stable zone with a bunch of ice crystals right now, right?"


"Step towards the edges a moment. I'm coming in from pretty far out and I'll need a bit of space to overshoot."

One after the other, the four Pokémon dutifully backed away from the center of the stable zone, turning back and watching intently. Much like a bolt of lightning, a sudden flash lit up the room, making the lot reflexively blink before they spotted Kelly's form bobbing about a paw's height off the ground in the air, next to their now-dead fire pit.

"Thank gods, I was starting to wonder if we'd need to swim our way back to you," Elty said.

"Well, don't get comfortable just yet," Kelly insisted. "We're not exactly in the clear ourselves, so the sooner we all get back to the ship, the better."

"Right, then let's not waste any time," Trizano replied.

Pleo, Elty, Kiran, and Trizano hastily gathered around the Elgyem, the lot forming an interlocking chain with their paws and wings as the Psychic-Type began to breathe in and tense her body in focused preparation for a Teleport. Before she could finish, a spray of black orbs abruptly flew in and struck the back of her head, sending Kelly flying face-first into an iced-over wall as Team Traveller's members' jaws dropped and Pleo squawked in alarm.

"A-Ah! Kelly!"

The four watched in shock as Kelly slumped over and hit the ground unconscious, when the sound of a sharp hiss filled the air from the stable zone's entrance.

"That's quite enough, Protector."

The party turned and saw as Nagant hopped forward from the stable zone's entrance, Cabot, Berecien, and Niilo following closely behind her. Far from their surprise from their last encounter, this time the lot were all ready and braced for battle, including Nagant who lowered her large claw, training its tip square at Pleo's breast.

"You've been giving us all a lot of trouble chasing you from one island to the next," the Clawitzer snapped. "That all ends here."

Team Traveller's members blanched at the sight of the Nagant and her underlings nearing, the lot hastily adopting battle stances as they tried to force some level of composure and stand their ground.

"G-Gah! Don't think we're just gonna give up and go back with you to Giotto!" Elty yipped.

"Tch, have it your way then," Niilo scoffed. "It's not like you have a choice."

"Yeah, I'm not one to pass up the chance to kick pirate scum like you around again!" Berecien spat.

Pleo looked back at Nagant and the others blankly, noticing that Niilo and Berecien were sporting hardened expressions and visibly spoiling for a fight, when he saw Cabot hesitate and look away. Sensing a chance to try and avoid their imminent battle, the young Protector beat out his wings waving desperately for attention.

"Cabot! Isn't there anything you can do here? We don't need to fight like this!" Pleo pleaded. "If you'd just let me explain-"

"Save it!" Nagant barked. "I won't let you talk your way out of my claws!"

The Clawitzer leveled her claw as a black orb began to form at its tip, shooting a spray of them forward at Pleo before he could muster a reply. The Lugia froze out of fear, watching as the Dark Pulse zipped towards him when a silvery flash cut it off, tumbling to the ground to reveal Trizano stumbling back up to his feet with a disoriented squawk.

"N-Nrgh! Brace yourselves, everyone!"

As Trizano fought to regain his bearings, Elty took off running, lowering his head in a charge towards Berecien. At the same time, Pleo took to the air, flying off towards Nagant when Kiran flew up readying a slicing gust with his wings.

"Pleo! Now!"

Pleo discharged a crackling stream of electricity towards the Clawitzer, Kiran joining suit by sending his Air Slash alongside it. Nagant braced herself as the attacks flew at her, only for Niilo to abruptly dart in front of her and form a translucent green barrier with a swift motion of his claws. The attacks struck the barrier, sending the Sandslash skidding back slightly before it dissipated, leaving the pair with not even a scratch to show for Pleo and Kiran's efforts as Niilo curled his muzzle up into a smug smirk.

"Did you think you were the only one who learned a new move, Lugia?" the Sandslash asked.

Pleo's beak stiffened into a sharp grimace at Niilo's taunt, when a sharp yelp rang out to his right. The Lugia turned to see Elty tumbling back from Berecien after a tackle wreathed with electric sparks, the Growlithe falling onto the ground before getting back onto his feet and letting out a disgusted growl as static continued crackling on his fur.

"Gah, you don't say…"

The four quickly fell back, retreating as Nagant and the others began to approach and attempt to flank from the sides. As their foes came in tighter and tighter, Pleo looked about uneasily, seeing there didn't seem to be any way of avoiding another direct confrontation like the one that they'd just struggled with.

"Is… Is there anything else we can do, Kiran?" Pleo gulped.

"We need to thin their numbers somehow," the Swellow said. "I'm just not sure where we'd even start."

Elty shifted his bag off his shoulders, hurriedly pawing through it before pulling out a blue orb with a glowing, sun-like ball of fire inside. The Growlithe turned his glance back towards his teammates with newfound confidence, as a widening, devious smile spread across his muzzle.

"Putting a handicap on that overgrown rak and her water attacks seems like a good place to start," he piped. "Get ready to make your moves!"

Elty picked up the orb with his mouth before throwing it to the ground, dashing it against the stony ground underfoot. Immediately, the ball of fire inside darted up into the air, bursting and leaving behind a bright, overpowering glow overhead that made the chamber feel like high noon on Sormus. As Nagant recoiled from the effects of the Sunny Orb, Trizano took wing, calling back to the others as he led the charge ahead.

"Follow me!"

The Skarmory dove down, striking Niilo in the stomach with a Steel Wing as the rest of his teammates charged in trading attacks. Amidst the confusion, Cabot hastily rolled out of the way of a Flame Wheel from Elty, the Growlithe getting summarily knocked away with a yelp by a stream of fiery blue light from Nagant. The Cranidos looked up and saw Pleo jumping back from a spray of small fireballs, watching as the young Protector noticed him, slowed to a stop and stared back at him. The two looked at each other blankly for a moment, neither of them sure what to do when Berecien abruptly struck Pleo with an electric tackle.


Pleo tumbled away from the Ponyta's blow, static crackling on his feathers before he hastily flew away in retreat. Back on the ground Berecien stomped his hooves impatiently, before turning back at a still-staring Cabot to snap him back to attention.

"Cabot, keep it together-!"

The Ponyta's chiding was cut off by an Air Slash from Kiran knocking him flat onto his left flank, promptly drawing Cabot's focus back to the ongoing battle with an alarmed shout.

"Ah! Berecien!"

Reflexively, the Cranidos stomped that ground and thrust his right arm towards Kiran, calling forth a spray of edged stones, which sailed up towards Kiran and struck him from his left. With one fell swoop, the Swellow tumbled from the air and pinwheeled to the ground, crashing below unconscious as Pleo and his companions watched in wide-eyed shock.


Pleo's cry was met by a sharp scoff, prompting him to look over and see Niilo shooting back a taunting sneer.

"Hah, doesn't look like your friends are really pulling their weight!" the Sandslash jeered.

"All the better for us," Berecien said. "We ought to be able to wrap this up just as fast as we did on Sormus!"

The Sandslash and Ponyta darted ahead, Team Traveller's members scattering as Berecien lunged forward and entered a fiery somersault strengthened by the overpowering light that struck Trizano from below.


As the Skarmory shot up and fought to steady his body, Berecien bounded back, stomping his hooves against the ground as he gave a smug smirk back at the Steel-Type.

"By the way, thanks for using that Sunny Orb earlier!" he called back. "It's always nice having an edge!"

Trizano evened out his body, quickly rolling out of the way as a Stone Edge zipped just past his wingtips. The Skarmory's earholes picked up the woosh of disturbed air, followed by the sound of a sharp cry, prompting him to look down and see Pleo recoiling from a swipe from Niilo.


"Time to end this-"

Niilo was abruptly cut off as Pleo spat up a fiery glowing ball in a panic, sending the Sandslash flopping onto his back in a daze. Before the pangolin could right himself, he saw Trizano's shadow pass and felt a slashing gust of wind at his stomach that made him cry in pain. Niilo hastily jerked his body away when he saw Elty jump over an errant Water Pulse as drops visibly dripped off his drenched pelt, before charging along and somersaulting into the disoriented Sandslash with a Flame Wheel. The Puppy Pokémon's blow found its mark square on Niilo's belly, making him stumble back with a yelp.

"Gih! No fair ganging up on me like that!"

Niilo curled up into a ball and hurriedly rolled away from Team Traveller in retreat. Pleo flew along with Trizano and Elty, chasing after the Sandslash when he saw Nagant level his claw at him with a pink orb of light forming inside. The three went wide-eyed, hurriedly retreating when they saw Niilo uncurl and spring up square in Nagant's line of fire just as she expelled the pulse at his body.


Pleo watched in surprise as the pink light struck Niilo's body and dissipated with a trail of ripple-like rings about him. Far from the painful injury the Lugia had expected, Niilo's wounds seemed to visibly heal and his limbs tightened up with renewed strength. The young Protector looked on in bewilderment, trying to puzzle out what had happened when a sharp hiss turned his attention over to Nagant.

"Have you all really never seen a Heal Pulse before?" she scoffed. "Or did you think that I'd charge into battle without some way of keeping my subordinates healthy?"

Team Traveller's members' jaws flopped open from shock as the direness of their circumstances sank in. All this time, they'd never anticipated that their foes could heal each other without items, much less from halfway across the chamber! Desperately trying to find any way to turn the tide of battle back, Elty fumbled through his bag, before hurriedly pulling out an orange orb with red, arrowlike markings under its surface.

"Y-Yeah?" he stammered. "Well this ought to help us even things out a bit!"

The Growlithe dashed the Quick Orb against the ground, spewing out a reddish aura that settled on him and his teammates and breathed newfound vigor into them before fading away. Pleo quickly jumped up to dodge an incoming Wild Charge from Berecien, the Ponyta crying out of dismay as Pleo noticed his body's movements felt quicker and Berecien was struggling to keep pace with him. Sensing a chance to press his advantage, the Lugia dove down, plumes of bluish aura erupting along his body as he rammed into Berecien with a Dragon Rush.


Berecien was knocked off his feet from the impact of Pleo's tackle, landing hard against the ground on his flank. Elty's attention settled on the Ponyta as he struggled and fought against his body to get back up. After seeing Berecien rise back up visibly fatigued and panting, the Growlithe nervously turned back towards Nagant when it dawned on him that with a bit of good timing, he had an opportunity to get the better over him.

"He's running out of steam!" he yipped to his teammates. "Come on! A little extra push will knock him down for the count!"

At once, Trizano beat his wings, swooping down with a slash with his talons that found its mark on Berecien's flank. The Ponyta let out a whinnying cry in pain, recoiling back as he tried to keep his balance amid the pain pulsing through his body. At once, Nagant pivoted on her tail, and shot a Heal Pulse forward towards Berecien.

"Not so fast!"

Before the Heal Pulse could find its mark, a flash of orange abruptly cut in. Berecien and Nagant stared gaping open-mouthed as they watched Elty somersault in the air before landing on his feet, pink ripples flickering across his pelt before he turned back to Nagant in front of a slack-jawed Ponyta with his muzzle curled up in a smug smile.

"By the way, thanks for the Heal Pulse! It's always nice having an edge!"

Berecien spluttered and fumed, letting out a fierce whinny before charging at Elty with his head lowered. The horse reared up and sprang up to stomp down with his hooves, only for Elty to swiftly sidestep and bite down on Berecien's rump.


The Ponyta's strength ebbed and gave out, his legs slumping forward and sending him toppling to the ground. Elty unclamped his jaws, spitting up stray hairs from Berecien's hide as he turned back to the fallen Ponyta with a gloating taunt.

"Hah! Chew on that, you dandy! Now we're even from Sormu-!"

The Growlithe's gloating was abruptly cut off by a hail of pointed stones from Cabot's position, launching the Fire-Type up and sending him crashing back to the ground unconscious. Pleo and Trizano blanched at seeing Elty taken out so easily, an incoming Dark Pulse prompting the pair to hastily jump up and turn their attention back to Nagant and her underlings. Keenly aware that two of their three foes were strongly advantaged, Trizano looked around hurriedly when he spotted Kiran's bag next to his prone body flopped open, his mind recalling that the Swellow had packed Reviver Seeds with him.

"We're going to need to turn this matchup around, fast," the Skarmory said. "This way, Pleo!"

Pleo and Trizano dove down, flying low and fast along the ground for Kiran. As they neared, Pleo felt an icy pain flash over his wing and wobbled in the air, looking back to see a strip encrusted in frost from a grazing Ice Beam. The Lugia came to a hurried landing, desperately running the rest of the distance while beating his stricken wing to try and restore feeling to it. As the young Lugia neared, he saw Trizano rooting through Kiran's bag, pulling out a Reviver Seed and throwing it over to him.

"Here!" the Steel-Type cried. "Pass it onto your friend!"

"Good luck with that one, kana!"

Niilo abruptly barreled in, his body curled up into a ball of brown, thorny spikes. Trizano hastily threw up a wing to deflect the incoming Rollout, prompting Pleo to squawk and scamper over to Kiran as he slipped a Reviver Seed into his mouth.

"Grah! Mind your space, Sandslash!"

Pleo looked up from Kiran just in time to see Trizano regain his bearings and strike at Niilo with a wing trailing silvery flecks of light that sent the Sandslash's attempt at a retreat veering off course. The Skarmory beat his wings to try and regroup towards Pleo, only to stagger back after Cabot hastily rammed him with a headbutt trailing shadowy wisps. Pleo recoiled from Cabot's Assurance with an alarmed stare when he felt Kiran's body shift beside him, a quick glance revealing him to be rising up woozily onto his feet.

"Ngah… Pleo?" Kiran asked. "What's-?"

"Look alive!" Trizano shouted.

Pleo and Kiran jumped out of the way as Niilo barged in curled up into a Rollout, the pair hurriedly taking to the air alongside Trizano as they flew over Nagant and her remaining underlings. As the three weaved around errant pulses in the air, they noticed Niilo continuing to roll about in his spiky ball, making Kiran's eyes light up as a realization came over him.

"Ah! The Sandslash! He's still stuck rolling about!" he exclaimed. "If we attack him, he'll have a harder time striking back!"

"Right!" Trizano replied. "Let's make this count then!"

Trizano and Kiran swooped in, buffeting Niilo with a hail of cutting gusts and dive bombs. A sudden, icy beam cut through, forcing the two back and letting the Sandslash scramble ahead, only for a glowing, fiery orb to strike him from above. The Ground-Type yelped and flopped forward limply, Pleo looking down with stunned relief as he sized up the results of his Weather Ball.

"We- We did it!" Pleo cried. "Now we just need to get Elty back up, and-!"

The Lugia jolted back with a startled squawk as an icy ray zipped past his wingtips, followed by a spray of black orbs and a fiery blue beam as Nagant wildly spewed her attacks into the air that forced the Protector and his companions to fall back. As Pleo retreated away from the Clawitzer's hail of attacks, he saw Cabot in the corner of his eye darting over towards Elty's fainted body.

"Ah! Cabot!" the Lugia squawked. "What are you-?!"

"Stay away!" the Cranidos shouted. The dinosaur called up pointed stones from the ground, sending them flying up at Trizano above him. The Skarmory attempted to roll out of the way, only for the Stone Edge to badly clip his right wing, sending him plummeting to the ground with a loud thud. The Steel-Type woozily got up, watching as Cabot came barreling at him with another Assurance, when a sharp cry cut through the air.

"That's enough!" Kiran exclaimed. "Let me give you 200% more airtime!"

Kiran brought his wings together, sending forth an overpowering Whirlwind that knocked Cabot off his feet and blew him across the stable zone. With his opponent now a safe distance away, the Swellow quickly plucked an Oran Berry from his bag before turning to Trizano.


The Swellow threw the blue fruit, sending it sailing into the air for Trizano to jump up and snatch with his beak. The Steel-Type hastily devoured the fruit, letting it work its way through his body when he heard a sharp yelp behind him. Trizano whirled around just in time to see Pleo tripping over, having been badly grazed by a Dark Pulse from Nagant's firing claw. The Lugia desperately tried to stumble back to his feet while the Clawitzer neared with an agitated hiss and readied herself for a second attack as stray static crackled on her carapace.

"This ends now!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Trizano shot back.

The Skarmory jumped up and dove at the Clawitzer, spreading his talons and launching into a raking slash that sent Nagant skidding back. The shrimp dug her claw into the ground to steady herself from Trizano's Aerial Ace, when Kiran charged in with an Air Slash from his wings, sending her tumbling to the ground. Pleo watched as Nagant started propping herself up, seeing her entirely distracted with Kiran and Trizano. Instinctively, the young Lugia darted forward, electricity coursing among his plumes before he spread his wings and cast forward a second Thunderbolt square at the Clawitzer's body.


Nagant froze and seized up as sparks danced on her exoskelton's plates. Pleo braced himself as she struggled against her paralysis, his spirits rising after she proved unable to attack, only for his relief to quickly fade when he looked up and noticed the light from the Sunny Orb starting to vanish.

"Ah! The sky!" Pleo cried.

"Looks like we're on borrowed time," Kiran said. "Everybody, make your blows count here!"

Kiran, Trizano, and Pleo threw in attacks one after the other, buffeting Nagant with a Wing Attack, a Slash, and a Dragon Rush. The hail of blows drew a sharp cry, prompting the three to look down and watch Nagant fall over. After a moment's hesitation, the trio neared to examine the Clawitzer, only to jump back with a start as her eyes hardened into a glare and she threw herself back onto her tail, leveling her firing claw once more with panting and winded hiss.

"Nrgh… No! It's not over yet!" Nagant insisted. "I won't let it end like this!"

"Please, stop!"

Pleo stepped forward, waving his wings desperately for attention in front of the tired Clawitzer. Nagant held her claw still, still scowling as the young Protector cried out to her.

"We don't need to keep fighting like this!" the Lugia insisted. "Just give us a chance to explain what's happening without shooting at us constantly!"

The shrimp let out a frustrated hiss in reply, readying an orb of water at the tip of her firing claw when she felt a claw pawing at her back, prompting her to glance behind her and see Cabot looking up at her with a pleading expression.

"Captain? Maybe… Maybe we should hear them out," the Cranidos said. "Even if we manage to beat them… how's Pleo ever gonna want to be the Empire's Protector if we bring him in like this?"

Nagant said nothing for a long moment, before allowing the orb in her claw to dissipate and dribble to the ground in an inert puddle. Still fighting against the effects of her wounds, she lowered her claw before letting out an impatient growl.

"… Fine, I'll humor it," the Water-Type huffed. "What have you got to explain here?"

Author's Notes:

- peh-chiú (白酒) - Hokkien: "baijiu", a type of Chinese rice wine. Lit. "white wine" (POJ Romanization)
- phái-tô͘ (歹徒) - Hokkien: "thug", "ruffian" (POJ Romanization)
- hachi (蜂) - Japanese: "wasp" (Hepburn Romanization)
- Yatoumori (ヤトウモリ) - Japanese: "Salandit" (Official Romanization)
- Beequen (ビークイン) - Japanese: "Vespiquen" (Official Romanization)
- Axndo (액슨도) - Korean: "Fraxure" (Official Romanization)
- rak - Polish: "crayfish"
- kana - Finnish: "chicken"
Last edited:


Bug Catcher
  1. samurott
Review of Chapter 26 and 27

It’s review tag time, so back to Fledglings we go. Different review event, still the same fic, you know the drill. Going to shake things up and note down my thoughts while reading, might end up with some new insights from it. Anyway…

Chapter 26

Stopping to rest in an abandoned shipwreck. What could possibly go wrong? Whatever happens in the end, the first part of this chapter is a small recap after the special chapter. Makes sense, you’d want to rejog people’s memories a little after that, but not too much. The balance here on that front is just about right.

After that, another look at what team Tromba is up to. It’s mostly fluff, but it’s nice to get caught with them again.

So, there’s one thing I’ve been wondering about the other languages this fic uses from time to time - what made you choose for the mix of Spanish and Polish the Tromba characters have… or is the Polish only from Elty and no one else, because she’s not originally from Tromba (if I remember correctly)? If that’s correct… then that’s pretty clever, actually! Interesting way to show the differences between characters from different islands.

Moving on, pirate island is pirate island, Team Traveller gets robbed – bitter start to the new island. I do feel that it’s far too easy to lose track of where they are, at this point. Kenobi island would be my guess, since Lyn is in the area as well, but I’ve reread this segment of the chapter twice over and I can’t confirm it. It’s something worth revisiting and making more clear.

Anyway, Lyn. He’s here, except whatever threat he poses is currently subdued by the inevitably yanking he’ll get on his ear courtesy of an administrator. Gives the cast some time to get used to this new island, which… yeah, doesn’t exactly seem like the nicest place. Between the drugs and the pirates, it’s a miracle they haven’t gotten into more trouble here already. Probably because Elty can talk her way through this place, at least a little. I feel like this is the chapter where her role in the cast really starts to shine through.

Chapter 27

So this pirate trio’s going to be a big deal while they’re on these islands at least, that’s nice. Also, Nederlands.

Anyway, Lyn’s comeuppance happens here. It’s… a remarkable exchange, honestly. Suddenly the antagonist who seemed invincible for five chapters straight is shown to be little more than a puppet dancing on the string. He’s weak. He’s nothing compared to bureaucracy. If he screws up, it’s game over for him… and in order to win, he’s got to go after the protagonists.

If there’s anything that could make this fic deeper and more intriguing in an instant, it’s this sort of thing. Lyn is ultimately just a Company goon. These administrators are as much the villain as he is, and arguably even worse - in Elilan’s case, anyway. I think Farn comes off as far too brutish for the position. Elilan reminding Lyn of his situation comes off far more intimidating than Farn looking like she’s about to kill him, quite frankly.

Overall Thoughts

Pretty good chapters, all things considered. Revealing hidden depths of well established characters went over really well, even if there’s some bits of wordy and confusing prose muddlings things up. Good stuff as usual.


A Scribe Penning His Brainworms
  1. aggron
  2. sceptile
  3. lucario
Well, hello there! Man, it has been a while since I last stepped into this fic. It's been - checks notes - nearly a whole year since I last had a gander at Fledglings, since I did a review reward for it back for Union's Review Event last year. One of those fics I've been meaning to get back to reading, but alas other writing and reading commitments have prevented me from doing so. :sadbees: I even hoped I'd be able to do it for Review Blitz, but alas I didn't get around to it then.

However, now we have a new PMD server with a new review event, and with it comes a chance to dive back into this million word monolith. So let's do just that, resuming our journey back at the island of Boisocéan where our young heroes seem to have been accosted for a reward of sorts? Let's see what that's all about....

Chapter 21

Looks like our gang are in a treetop village? Ooh, that's a rather neat environment to use for a village or town. A real Fortree City vibe to this place (only without the modern looking Gym, Pokémon Centre and Poké Mart sticking out like sore thumbs). Gotta approve of that. :quag: I guess I can see where the name 'Boisocéan' comes from, with all this woodland.

Aaaaand as usual, Elty acts as the killjoy of the bunch. Pleo ought to get a newspaper to bap him with any time he makes remarks like that.

This next part about paying fees with the berries in Team Traveller's bag could be better filled by speech as opposed to briefly being glossed over by narration. I know it would bump the word count up in an already sizeable enough chapter, but it would feel more engaging, I think.

"And even though the populace leaves a lot to be desired, the gummis here are top-notch!" the Purrloin of the group added in between licks at one of his forepaws.

Wow, way to throw shade at your fellow islanders, Actor. Though the mention of gummis makes me wonder if we'll have a snapshot of Team Traveller eating some of them before they make their way out of town.

Damn, a Hydreigon? Can't say I was expecting that. And nor did Pleo, by the looks of it. Also, if I had a nickel for every million-word fic that had the main protagonist be scared of a Hydreigon at one point, I'd have two nickels. Not a lot, but interesting that it happened twice. :copyka:

Seems like Margi's treated just as harshly as Ander was back on Tromba for being a Marked. Strange how they all seem to be reacting to Pleo like this - what is it about our resident cute as heck baby Lugia that's making them react with such hostility to him?

At least the other townsfolk are there to put that aggression to rest. Still, no doubt this episode might well instil feelings into Pleo of him indeed being a jinx. Hopefully he'll learn to ignore such sentiments in future...

"You? A 'demon'? Or if I'm understanding her right… she's saying you were a-"

"Oi!" Elty interrupted. "Healing! Now!"

For once, that gruff, straight-talking tone of Elty comes in handy, for snapping everyone to action and shutting them up about Pleo. Though now that he's in foreign lands, I can't imagine our little Lugia will be in as safe hands as he was back on Tromba.

That said, Maranda does seem to be a caring sort, at first glance.

Counting Nidoran's a thing? Here was me thinking it would be counting Mareep instead. And the leader of Tromba is an Ampharos, thus Mareep live on Tromba and Nida wouldn't be unaware of them. Anyway, Nida should really take a leaf out of Yuna's book and eat a sleep seed to stave off her current insomnia.

Looks like Elty's planning to make a run for it. ...How, exactly, on an island when he can't exactly get back to Tromba easily? Unless he plans to stow away to somewhere else on the next ship that arrives. He's a fugitive, either way. As is Nida and Pleo, come to think of it, now that they've escaped from Lyn's grasp and that Samurott won't hesitate to correct his failure if given the chance...

I do kinda like how Nida twists her lie and forces Elty to take part in it too. Clever little Nidoran, I like when that side of her comes out.

"Actually, he was just about to tell Pleo one of the stories about the Prince of a Thousand Enemies," she suddenly added.

"Wait, what?!" Elty cried.

LMAO :mewlulz: Way to put our resident chubby pirate on the spot, Nida. That'll show him for trying to abandon Team Traveller.

Interesting that the Prince of a Thousand Enemies story seems to differ depending on the culture of the island in question. Not too unlike how some mythologies and cultures have similar enough folktales to each other to draw parallels between. I wonder what each island's version of the story sounds like?

Mention of the Lunar Healer...a dead ringer for Lunala, I take it?

Ah yes, the old 'watered down for children' status that most folktales seem to fall into. It's like a Brothers Grimm story, although we're not on the German island yet, if there is one.

"Nida…?" Pleo's voice asked uneasily. "What's a Lunar Healer? And the Lord of Nightmares?

"It's just a story, Pleo…

How much do we wanna bet it's not gonna be 'just a story'? I'm willing to bet a significant amount that it might well not be. That said, it's still early days in this fic, so I guess I'll enjoy the quiet enough parts of these early chapters before stuff possibly ramps up later on.

Standing firm whatever the odds is a good lesson to learn. Especially when there's a young impressionable Lugia to imprint lessons upon. Now Pleo might well have a creed to live by in the face of impossible odds in the future.

And now back to Crom on Tromba, where he's clearly feeling the blues about missing his fellow teammates. :sadwott:

Man, these pirates might need to consider cutting back on the food if everyone keeps remarking about their chubbiness. Then again, that would be a tall order for the greedy folks that pirates tend to be.

Oh boy, now there's a ship on the horizon. Something from the Company, if I had to guess. Maybe Lyn's ship, looking for payback of some kind?

Never mind, it's the ship of Crom's dad. I wonder what he'll be like?

He's a Fraxure? Huh, can't say I expected that. I would've expected another Druddigon, or a fully-evolved 'mon at least. Why is he not a Haxorus? On the other hand, this does make for a funny interaction with Pyry and Pekka remarking about Crom growing big and strong. :mewlulz:

I'm beginning to notice a recurring trend of the pirates always being on the receiving end of someone or something falling on them. Elty had a good few moments like that in the first few chapters and now without our resident doggo, we're seeing it with Pyry and Pekka instead. I like this - definitely adds to the 'Saturday morning cartoon' vibes of this fic.

I feel like there's some odd POV changes without a scene transition in the scene where Crom's telling Pladur about what happened to Pleo. The scene starts off with Crom's POV, but then it seems to hop to Pladur's viewpoint with the line beginning with, "Pladur blanched," before hopping back to Crom before the scene ends.

Now back to Boisocéan, where our resident baby Lugia is being awoken. Give the little cutie five more minutes, he deserves it.

Oh, so Maranda's the Mairesse of Seahive? Hiding in plain sight, I see. At least she's not some lofty overlord of the town, and was willing to pithc in to help out the gang. But now we're gonna have just a mite more scrutiny upon little Pleo, and chances are, that won't mean anything good. I guess we'll find out next chapter just how caring Maranda is as Mairesse.

Chapter 22

The fact that there are Gummi Fabs implied to be bigger than what we see here is...kinda intriguing. Especially when this one, thought to be huge by Nida's standards, is regarded as not all that big by Maranda. On another note, I kinda like the description of the processes that go into gummi making with the more primitive methods they have going on here.

Boisocéan has a Protector as well? I wonder what Pokémon they might be? If it's another cute baby Legend like Pleo is, then I'm looking forward to meeting them whenever they awaken. :veelove:

Ah yes, tasting the gummi mix. Rookie mistake right there. And more sympathy points earned for Pleo.

Looks like it's gonna be gummis for breakfast. Hopefully what was alluded to earlier about them being delicious will live up to their name.

Never mind, it didn't. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

And now comes the scrutiny over Pleo having a Company scarf, and by the looks of it, Maranda clearly doesn't think highly of them. I guess that's one thing Tromba and Boisocéan have in common, and I'm gonna bet now that they're far from the only islands that resent the presence of the Company.

Maranda's telling Pleo to get off the island...perhaps as a safeguarding measure along with the reasoning she gives that they can't really look after Pleo? Because consider that if word got out that Pleo was on Boisocéan, the Company would be over there quicker than you could say 'le Prince des Temps.'
Interesting to hear about the feud between the Company and the Imperials, along with their figurehead Conntow. Knowing how stories go, this is probably gonna end up with Team Traveller caught directly in the crossfire of their little squabble at some point.

At least Maranda's not kicking them off the island immediately. That's kind of her. Even allowing them to stay for a while to let the team heal and patch up Pleo's scarf.

Gotta love the 'town is such a maze it might as well be a Mystery Dungeon' vibes that this place gives off. Granted, not great on Seahive's part. Maybe they ought to invest in signage. That would be a good help.

I see the Kecleon merchants of this universe aren't exactly like Anna from Fire Emblem, in that they go by different names. They do keep the 'looks the exact same as all the others' though, if nothing else. (There's a Fire Emblem coincidence with Alphonse, at least.)

"Here I thought I wouldn't have to hear about that big-mouth again after he got demoted to Tromba," the chameleon sighed.

Huh, do the various Kecleon merchants have subtle rivalries and distaste for each other? I suppose it would make sense that they aren't all necessarily chummy with each other.

Exchange rates are a thing in this world? Oh dear, that's gotta complicate things far more than need be.

Now we're introducing copper bezants into the world, though as an old currency. Poké appears to be the new bullion around these days, it seems. Though this talk about monetary funds does make me wonder if there was ever (or if there will be, possibly), a financial crisis that put all of the Cradle's merchants into grave danger. Especially with how Bader and Alphonse bring up counterfeit coinage, that could very well be a ploy by either the Imperials or the Company to put the other in a grave position leadership-wise that would prompt them to say, "We can do a better job than this," and move in to overtake their authority.

The demonstration of how to recognise counterfeit money has to come into play at some point later in the story, I reckon. Particularly when Pleo has quite the eye for spotting the fake one.

Copper's a scarce resource, eh? There's gotta be tension over that place where they're mined, and we might well see that conflict in future.

Oh hey, another theme Once a Thief touched upon, with not being able to comprehend leftover human elements and structures. Though it's not as in-depth for now as to interacting with human ruins, I look forward to see if the fic expands any further with those concepts.

60 Poké? Gotta agree with Elty here, that is rather a pittance. Though Pleo's cuteness in his cheery accepting is always wholesome to see. :quag:

Oh hey, Scout's here. Didn't expect to see him island-hopping. Nice to see a familiar face, though.

So it seems the gang can't quite go home just yet, lest the Company catch wind of them and make a move to catch Pleo again. Guess we're gonna have to wait a little longer for a family reunion. :sadbees:

Them gleaming white feathers of Pleo do seem like quite the distinctive way to leave his mark. Our resident baby Lugia does stick out like a sore thumb as is.

That story the Emolga's telling about besting that Swoobat sounds like quite the interesting tale. Though is it just the typical haughty boasting? Some part of me wonders how true that really is.

Slackers in town, eh? Looks like we need a Gwenith-like figure in Seahive to whip slackers like these into shape.

Good thing Meyrink's willing to lend a hand (or whatever it is Claydol have instead of hands) towards helping our gang with teleportation from Dungeons. Although now I'm vaguely reminded of that mention of a 'reward' back when Team Traveller first landed on Boisocéan, and now I can't help but be concerned.

"But there's a bunch of pretty pictures on it right now!" Pleo chirped. "Nicer than the ones back in Bluewhorl!"

This bird continues to be the cutest, most innocent thing in existence. Although this is the furthest thing from an art gallery, little Pleo. :mewlulz: Now I'm curious where this world's art galleries might be, if they do exist... Not out here in the quiet peripheries, at any rate.

Gotta be an odd thing to see your own mission on the board. Whoever nabs that mission is gonna be confused as heck when they get to the floor in question.

Looks like more practice battling for our group, and a chance for those in Boisocéan to see what Team Traveller are capable of.

And now over to Lyn (whose crime of kidnapping cute little Pleo has most definitely not been forgotten :screm:) on the ship.

Oh, that Poliwhirl and Remoraid were members of Lyn's crew? I suppose that would explain why they were shirking work, and to who they were shirking work from. Frankly, I would too, if it meant working for the likes of him.
Good thing Pleo being in Boisocéan means he's safe for now. And yet I can't help but get the feeling that he might not be as safe as alluded to. Especially given how Lyn essentially has a trap set up for him when he, Nida and Elty slip out of there...

Chapter 23

That title does not imply good things for this upcoming chapter. Someone's nemesis is showing up in this chapter, by the looks of it?

Dang, those are some lavish decorations for the Protector of Boisocéan. Maybe Tromba could take a few notes towards giving their Protector a bit more luxury.

Ah, so the Prince des Temps - 'Prince of Time' - is a Celebi. Had a feeling that might've been the case.

Wait, the client is a Deino? Can't say I was expecting that. I was thinking something more like a Fighting-type, a bit like Mosca the Hawlucha on Tromba.

Ohhhh, I see what's happening here. Because Daraen is a Deino, he's blind and thus doesn't realise that he's talking to someone his relative (I'm guessing Margi's related to him? They do share a species, after all) would be horrified at him interacting with. Surprised that someone like him got a position in spite of his Marked status.

That's how I can tell you're a Nidoran, a Caninos, and a bigger-than-normal Goélise!"

Oh yeah, this guy has no clue. Wait till he's actually told the truth that Pleo is the Guardian who he apparently should be fearing. For whatever reason. So it's very much a sight thing as opposed to senses going haywire. Interesting...

If nothing else, Daraen is enthusiastic. A nice change in pace from the two Marked folks we've met thus far.

And with maman saying a demon showed up in town,

The cluelessness of our resident Deino is almost comical. :mewlulz: At the very least it's certainly a :copyka: moment of dramatic irony for us in the audience.

Oh dear, looks like Daraen's led the gang into what looks like feral territory. Though luckily Elty's aggression led them to back off messing with the gang for now.

Kinda strange seeing Team Traveller console Daraen after he suddenly gets cold feet. I see he's not exactly the most confident of sorts. Maybe this training's to make him more confident? In which case, a session with Team Traveller should hopefully help him get a better backbone. And maybe, if he's put in Pleo's debt, then he might well help him in a future confrontation against Margi or some of Lyn's men.

The Substitute dolls feel like such an effort that Daraen has gone through that it's almost a shame the four of them are gonna destroy them all. Oh well, such is the price of training...

Aww, poor Pleo, not understanding how all of this works and becoming crestfallen when things quickly go south for this sparring match. Honestly rather cute (I swear you could make a drinking game for all the times I've called Pleo cute).

Now over to Bluewhorl, where Pladur's getting caught up to speed on all that's happened in the last while. And I see that he has the same habits as Crom speech-wise when he gets nervous. I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Oh boy, now the parents are arguing. Especially the mothers - Marley and Gwenith certainly have proven to be more fiery than their mates thus far.

Hatteras sounds surprisingly more pleading than I expected. I had it in my head he would be more resolute, although perhaps I'm relating him too much to PSMD!Ampharos.

It's not like you can just count on a solution landing on your doorstep-!"

Just then, a series of pecking taps came from the front door. A voice called from outside.

"Mail call!"

Well, if that isn't the timing of the century. At least now their worries can abate, if only slightly. After all, Nida, Pleo and Elty are still out there and not back on Tromba, and I'm going to make an estimate now that they're not gonna be back for some time.

Hmmm, seems there was 'an incident at sea' once upon a time that the Company had nothing to do with. What happened there exactly? There doesn't seem to be any missing parents among Nida and Crom, so I don't think it's anyone related to them. But what could this incident have involved?

Perhaps the solution isn't to wait for the three to come back, but for one or some of them to travel to Boisocéan to reunite with them there.

Speaking of the trio in Boisocéan, back to there, where the spar's gotten underway and Pleo appears to be understanding teamwork with this random stranger he met only today (Daraen, in other words). Enough to actually be victorious against the more feud-heavy Nida and Elty. A nice win for our little Protector. :quag:

Returning to Tromba, where Hatteras appears to have a plan. Or as the folks over in PMDiner would say, "he's cooking."

So an inside job with villagers masquerading as members of the Company, eh? I'm all for showing those bastards a thing or three. Though with a bounty on Pleo's head? This sounds like quite the gamble to be making, because while the Company's plot will be brought to the fore, many other eyes will now surely be casting their eyes towards Pleo, eager to use his power for their own gain.

Good to see Calino jumping in with his contributions. For once, a merchant that's not solely focused on getting a bit of coin and nothing else.

An opportunity the ex-pirates wanted to seize...although the metaphorical ship has sailed on that front.

Fascinating to turn Ander's logic against him and make him into help to get involved with the current plan. It'll be interesting to see just how right or wrong he and his fellow Marked will be about Pleo.

And now we're even gonna have Crom come with Pladur! I wonder how the father-son duo will perform alongside each other.

As wholesome as that last part is, it kinda transitions to the next scene on a bit of an abrupt note. Maybe if the scene ended on Hatteras declaring the need to get ready to those who are going on this expedition, it would be a better note to end on.

And now back to Boisocéan again (how many scene transitions has that been thus far?) where Nida and Elty try to make up the difference from last match's loss.

"Gotta pay more attention to those senses- OW!"

Before Elty could finish his taunt, he was cut off by a sudden cry and burning-hot blue flames that stung surprisingly hard.

This is why you don't talk during fights, Elty. Stuff like that happens. Although I do enjoy a battle with a few quips between both sides, as opposed to one that's done in narrative silence.

Oh dear, Margi's shown up. And with it, any faith Daraen had in Pleo has vanished in an instant.

"Just like how you 'Protectors' 'helped' erase humans from the face of this scarred world, huh?" Margi asked. "For daring to challenge them!"

So that's the reason, is it? Why the Marked fear and despise the Protector so? That would make sense for a motive...but how could one think cute little Pleo's a monster? I suppose now the chapter title makes sense - the 'bête noire' is the Protector in the eyes of the Marked.

And now he's plagued with doubts...just like I suspected he'd be. :sadwott:

Chapter 24

Would Pleo actually end up hurting his friends if pushed to do so? At this point in the story, I'd be tempted to say, "No way in hell," but with how much it's been peddled as a fear among the Marked, things could well change further down if, for instance, some form of madness could take him over. Just a theory for now.

On another note, I didn't think there was a need to have this part in the aftermath of Margi's outburst to start off this chapter when it could just as easily have been the end of last chapter. Seeing it splintered up like this feels a bit jarring, in my opinion, and I think this chapter would have been better off starting back in Bluewhorl, with the scene of Crom and Kiran heading to the Guardhouse.

An outright mention to Shiren the Wanderer, eh? Funny, I remember Once a Thief doing the same thing. :mewlulz: And Poulet the Adventurer - is that a reference to Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon I spy?

"How did anything ever work when everything was under one- oof!"

Maybe they didn't work as efficiently as they could've, and that was precisely why they moved to a new location.

Once again, employing the 'using character's words against them' technique. Nida and Kiran are naturals at this. Who knows? Maybe Pleo will learn how to do this one day too. I hope he does, that would be neat to see.

I see Osmund's one of those types that even when they need bedrest, they still insist on doing their duties, probably in flagrant disobedience of the nurse's orders.

Aww, Crom being scared of Marley is almost childishly endearing. Pleo's obviously the cutest character of the bunch in this story, but Crom definitely gets a close second.

Won't Crom stick out among the Company members for how young he is? The Company has to have some kind of age limit for entering their ranks, surely? Or maybe they're planning to pass him off as an apprentice?

Ah yes, tying a scarf like a PMD protagonist would. Now the OC-ness factor of Crom and co. have increased by severalfold.

Looks like our budding spies are in for a bit of higher-up snobbery from the First-Ranks. Oh well, it's all part of the mission, by the looks of it.

The Raichu and Servine have names, surely? They've appeared enough so far to warrant them, I think.

Marley's nerves probably won't abate until she does indeed see with her own eyes that her little niñita is safe and sound from the threat of the Company.

And now back to said niñita, who wakes from a pleasant dream into the nightmare that is her current reality. That said, I don't feel like it phases well between dream and reality, and that the dream section could've been italicised.

A nightmare indeed, when Elty appears to have landed them in trouble. And if there's one lot that they don't want to anger right now, it's the folks that might well have an excuse to hand them over to the Company if they take a step out of line.

"Oi! It's a seasonal coat!"

More excuses for the chub, Elty? I see someone has a sore spot. And I do like this running joke of Elty's chubbiness being made fun of. It certainly doesn't feel like it's run its course yet, and hopefully it doesn't. It's been done rarely enough that it feels like a novelty every time there's a jab against it.

Oh boy, now the team have gotta play negotiations with Margi. They managed to kinda sorta convince Ander back in Tromba, but now we have a whole new set of Marked on a new island where without prior relations, matters will be rather more tricky.

La bastille? Doesn't sound our team will be storming this one, though. :mewlulz:

I feel Elty's "Just like you, spike ball," jab at Nida could be moved into his own paragraph, and maybe show Nida giving a huff in reaction to it, instead of just saying 'to her annoyance' in reaction.

Oh dear, wobbly bridges. I foresee a fall coming in the future for Team Traveller in these unstable things.

Well, that nearly did happen, but luckily Pleo's shout made them stop and do a Joseph Joestar.

Boy, this sure is hotting up now that Margi's on the scene. Hopefully they can find a way to calm all of this down, by showing Pleo means no harm.

"Er, technically you thought that Pleo was a… whatever a 'Goélise' is," Nida replied. "We just never corrected you."

Bureaucrat Nida, you are technically correct. The best kind of correct.

A place called Abyss? Sounds like a dark place that no one should want to go near. It does sound a little fantastical though, with how Margi describes 'dreams coming to life'. That is rather broad for what that could mean.

Wow, Margi called Arceus an archdemon? That is quite the blasphemic statement right there. If she and the other Marked are tossing statements like that out willy-nilly, no wonder everyone hates them.

You do have to wonder if there was intended malice among the gods. Or...that there's an evil force they have to contain and that's why the land is flooded, a la Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. (At least from what I remember of that game's plot.)

Looks like Pleo being honest is gonna be the way forward towards getting this reward.

And now they have it...with the additional imperative of getting off the island now, where Lyn's gonna be lying in wait to ambush them the second they take a step off it.

The brief moment of introspection between Daraen and Margi makes me wonder if they'll eventually be swayed on Pleo and the Protectors. They did come pretty close just there.

Interesting mention of the Fearow being a spy for Lyn, when we saw such a 'mon earlier supposedly in a hurry.

Is Pleo really seen as an overgrown Wingull to everyone else? I can understand that most regular 'mons would hardly know what a Lugia is, but man, that is some level of incompetence if this crew doesn't know what they're looking for.

Oh, now Ellsberg's shown up. That makes two equally face-punchable assholes who I'd love to see get their comeuppance. Although I can't help but notice that Lyn's painted in a bit more of a sympathetic light with Ellsberg breathing down his neck. I wonder if there might be any past to divulge with him...

Welp, guess the Tromba gang's plan is about to go up in smoke, now that Lyn's onto them.

So they're going to hand in an extradition notice to Boisocéan? Hmmm...I wonder how well that would work. I can't imagine the residents of Boisocéan (the Boisocéannais? Would that be what they would be called?) would be happy with two Company ships showing up at their doorstep for no good reason. Although labelling Team Traveller as pirates is a worrying prospect, given how they have disgruntled a fair few residents with Elty's stunt at trying to get food.

I wonder how Maranda's going to react to all this when the extradition notice comes in. Will she be so willing to hand Pleo over to them immediately? Given a possibly terse relationship with the Company, there's bound to be some resistance. But there is also the geopolitical side of things to consider, which could tip the scales away from Pleo and co.'s favour. Worrying prospects upcoming in this next chapter that hopefully our gang can find a way out of.


But for now, I think that's a good place to leave off this review.

I swear, any time I leap back into a fic I haven't read in a while, I always think to myself, "Geez, why did I put this on hold for so long? I forgot how good this was!" And that certainly applies to this fic. Reading this again after so long away from it, I'm now reminded of all the things I loved about it. The humour that certainly lands well, like the numerous jabs at Elty's chonk. The way Nida as well as those back on Tromba are able to cleverly use one's words against them, like Nida with Elty and Kiran with Ander. The intrigue with the Marked and how the world was formed, that saw a bit more light shed on it this time around with Margi's spiel against the trio.

Though we can't forget my favourite part of them all - the cuteness and innocence of our protags. Especially Pleo - still as cute/10 as ever. And I do kinda hope that in spite of the darkening clouds on the horizon of this fic's plot, that his cuteness doesn't abate too much. Of course, growing up will probably have to happen at some point, along with the erosion of that innocence he has, but he's so endearing in these early chapters that I don't exactly want it to disappear entirely.

I outlined the occasional fault I stumbled across so far in the review, but that which I noticed seemed to be some POV oddities that hopped from one character's perspective to another in a number of scenes. (Of course, I am all too aware of how stone throwing in a glass house this might sound coming from me, given my own track record with that in my writings. Eheh.)

In spite of those minor faults, I really enjoyed coming back to this fic, and I hope to catch up a bit more with this fic over the coming year. And with my reading list slightly more cleared out (far from fully, of course - that'll never happen with how many great fics there are out there), I might be able to keep up with it a bit better. Maybe I'll snag a few Review Tags with it now that I'm caught up with Once a Thief.

Good job with this set of chapters, and I look forward to reading more of this fic in time. :quag:

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Hey everybody, @Virgil134 and I figured that it was a good idea to get back into a more normal bumping schedule, and it has been about 2 weeks, so it’s about time for another review roundup, huh?

Stopping to rest in an abandoned shipwreck. What could possibly go wrong? Whatever happens in the end, the first part of this chapter is a small recap after the special chapter. Makes sense, you’d want to rejog people’s memories a little after that, but not too much. The balance here on that front is just about right.

I mean, it could’ve gone worse, at least? Since in one of the really early ideas for this scene that didn’t make the cut was that Pleo would find some booze on the ship, drink it without knowing what he was getting into and wind up hung over the next day.

So, there’s one thing I’ve been wondering about the other languages this fic uses from time to time - what made you choose for the mix of Spanish and Polish the Tromba characters have… or is the Polish only from Elty and no one else, because she’s not originally from Tromba (if I remember correctly)? If that’s correct… then that’s pretty clever, actually! Interesting way to show the differences between characters from different islands.

It’s only Elty among those groups, and yes, it’s meant to indicate that he’s from a different island from Tromba. He’s not quite the only character with that “accent” in this story, but it’ll be a while before that comes up from where you’re at.

Moving on, pirate island is pirate island, Team Traveller gets robbed – bitter start to the new island.

Technically, it’s more “island with pirate neighborhood on it”. Real pirate island is still a few arcs away from where you’re at.

Anyway, Lyn. He’s here, except whatever threat he poses is currently subdued by the inevitably yanking he’ll get on his ear courtesy of an administrator. Gives the cast some time to get used to this new island, which… yeah, doesn’t exactly seem like the nicest place. Between the drugs and the pirates, it’s a miracle they haven’t gotten into more trouble here already. Probably because Elty can talk her way through this place, at least a little. I feel like this is the chapter where her role in the cast really starts to shine through.

Glad to hear that you’re enjoying things so far. We work hard to pull off those character dynamics. ^^

Chapter 27

So this pirate trio’s going to be a big deal while they’re on these islands at least, that’s nice. Also, Nederlands.

More or less, yeah. This won’t be the only arc where they’re relevant, but it’s the first.

Anyway, Lyn’s comeuppance happens here. It’s… a remarkable exchange, honestly. Suddenly the antagonist who seemed invincible for five chapters straight is shown to be little more than a puppet dancing on the string. He’s weak. He’s nothing compared to bureaucracy. If he screws up, it’s game over for him… and in order to win, he’s got to go after the protagonists.

If there’s anything that could make this fic deeper and more intriguing in an instant, it’s this sort of thing. Lyn is ultimately just a Company goon. These administrators are as much the villain as he is, and arguably even worse - in Elilan’s case, anyway. I think Farn comes off as far too brutish for the position. Elilan reminding Lyn of his situation comes off far more intimidating than Farn looking like she’s about to kill him, quite frankly.

Yup. This was kinda implied by his rank as a ‘Commissioner’ while as early as Chapter 12, there were mentions of how Tromba has an ‘Administrator’. It was about time to show a bit more of the Company’s structure.

Overall Thoughts

Pretty good chapters, all things considered. Revealing hidden depths of well established characters went over really well, even if there’s some bits of wordy and confusing prose muddlings things up. Good stuff as usual.

In the future, if you notice particular bits that struck you as being wordy or confusing to read, feel free to point them out specifically. Though glad to hear that on balance, you’re having a good time with this story. Your reviews have been a blast so far. ^^

Well, hello there! Man, it has been a while since I last stepped into this fic. It's been - checks notes - nearly a whole year since I last had a gander at Fledglings, since I did a review reward for it back for Union's Review Event last year. One of those fics I've been meaning to get back to reading, but alas other writing and reading commitments have prevented me from doing so. :sadbees: I even hoped I'd be able to do it for Review Blitz, but alas I didn't get around to it then.

Don’t feel too bad. There was a lot of material competing for time and energy in that event, so I can relate to the feeling.

However, now we have a new PMD server with a new review event, and with it comes a chance to dive back into this million word monolith. So let's do just that, resuming our journey back at the island of Boisocéan where our young heroes seem to have been accosted for a reward of sorts? Let's see what that's all about....

A trip over to the mission board to cough up a reward? :V

Aaaaand as usual, Elty acts as the killjoy of the bunch. Pleo ought to get a newspaper to bap him with any time he makes remarks like that.

Hilariously enough, there’s a party member down the pipe who more or less fills this role. Just not with a newspaper.

This next part about paying fees with the berries in Team Traveller's bag could be better filled by speech as opposed to briefly being glossed over by narration. I know it would bump the word count up in an already sizeable enough chapter, but it would feel more engaging, I think.

Hrm. We’ll keep it in mind, even if this might be one of those flaws that we opt to leave alone and learn from in the future.

Wow, way to throw shade at your fellow islanders, Actor. Though the mention of gummis makes me wonder if we'll have a snapshot of Team Traveller eating some of them before they make their way out of town.

Actor: “My island? Look, I just moved out here. I’m not the one who thinks that it doesn’t sound totally stupid to call a Swoobat a ‘Rhinolove.’”

Damn, a Hydreigon? Can't say I was expecting that. And nor did Pleo, by the looks of it. Also, if I had a nickel for every million-word fic that had the main protagonist be scared of a Hydreigon at one point, I'd have two nickels. Not a lot, but interesting that it happened twice. :copyka:

Oh, I’m eagerly awaiting the part where you get to the authors’ commentary about this episode to see how your thoughts about her evolve. :P

Seems like Margi's treated just as harshly as Ander was back on Tromba for being a Marked. Strange how they all seem to be reacting to Pleo like this - what is it about our resident cute as heck baby Lugia that's making them react with such hostility to him?

Margi: “Because he’s literally a demon? Did nobody with a Mark ever point this out to you in the past?”

At least the other townsfolk are there to put that aggression to rest. Still, no doubt this episode might well instil feelings into Pleo of him indeed being a jinx. Hopefully he'll learn to ignore such sentiments in future…

Or, hear me out: what if he listened to them for a time?

For once, that gruff, straight-talking tone of Elty comes in handy, for snapping everyone to action and shutting them up about Pleo. Though now that he's in foreign lands, I can't imagine our little Lugia will be in as safe hands as he was back on Tromba.

Well, “safe hands” is relative, but he definitely has a lot fewer friends when off-island to lean on.

Looks like Elty's planning to make a run for it. ...How, exactly, on an island when he can't exactly get back to Tromba easily? Unless he plans to stow away to somewhere else on the next ship that arrives. He's a fugitive, either way. As is Nida and Pleo, come to think of it, now that they've escaped from Lyn's grasp and that Samurott won't hesitate to correct his failure if given the chance…

He was planning on stowing away and making his way off to a friendlier (for him) neighborhood. There’s a few lying around in Anyilla.

I do kinda like how Nida twists her lie and forces Elty to take part in it too. Clever little Nidoran, I like when that side of her comes out.

I mean, hey. She does need to get in some practice at being a guile heroine, always best to start early.

LMAO :mewlulz: Way to put our resident chubby pirate on the spot, Nida. That'll show him for trying to abandon Team Traveller.

Yeah, she was having fun with this at this moment.

Interesting that the Prince of a Thousand Enemies story seems to differ depending on the culture of the island in question. Not too unlike how some mythologies and cultures have similar enough folktales to each other to draw parallels between. I wonder what each island's version of the story sounds like?

Mention of the Lunar Healer...a dead ringer for Lunala, I take it?

That’s actually meant to be Cresselia there. Lunala got her own epithet much later in the story after Sun and Moon came out.

Ah yes, the old 'watered down for children' status that most folktales seem to fall into. It's like a Brothers Grimm story, although we're not on the German island yet, if there is one.

Yeah, it will be a decent while before “German Iisland” pops up in this story. It does exist and is occasionally mentioned, so keep an eye out.

How much do we wanna bet it's not gonna be 'just a story'? I'm willing to bet a significant amount that it might well not be. That said, it's still early days in this fic, so I guess I'll enjoy the quiet enough parts of these early chapters before stuff possibly ramps up later on.


This actually is “just a story” in an in-universe sense, but… hmm, nah, it’ll be more fun for you to figure out the story behind this “just a story” as the story goes along.

Standing firm whatever the odds is a good lesson to learn. Especially when there's a young impressionable Lugia to imprint lessons upon. Now Pleo might well have a creed to live by in the face of impossible odds in the future.

Pleo: “Is it always going to be that scary, though?”

And now back to Crom on Tromba, where he's clearly feeling the blues about missing his fellow teammates. :sadwott:

I mean, have you seen his hide? He literally is blue. :V

Man, these pirates might need to consider cutting back on the food if everyone keeps remarking about their chubbiness. Then again, that would be a tall order for the greedy folks that pirates tend to be.

I mean, you do know what they say about friends rubbing off on each other…

Oh boy, now there's a ship on the horizon. Something from the Company, if I had to guess. Maybe Lyn's ship, looking for payback of some kind?

Never mind, it's the ship of Crom's dad. I wonder what he'll be like?

And cue the funny reaction in 3… 2…

He's a Fraxure? Huh, can't say I expected that. I would've expected another Druddigon, or a fully-evolved 'mon at least. Why is he not a Haxorus? On the other hand, this does make for a funny interaction with Pyry and Pekka remarking about Crom growing big and strong. :mewlulz:

I mean, for my really long-time readers, they probably saw this coming, since… let’s just say Crom and his family aren’t the first family of Druddigon with an axefaced father I’ve written as an author.

I'm beginning to notice a recurring trend of the pirates always being on the receiving end of someone or something falling on them. Elty had a good few moments like that in the first few chapters and now without our resident doggo, we're seeing it with Pyry and Pekka instead. I like this - definitely adds to the 'Saturday morning cartoon' vibes of this fic.

Yeah, recurring gags can be like that. We kinda shuffle them around from time to time to try and keep them from going stale, but glad to hear that it’s accentuating the intended vibes here. ^^

Now back to Boisocéan, where our resident baby Lugia is being awoken. Give the little cutie five more minutes, he deserves it.

Pleo: “Especially after yesterday... how are you all not exhausted right now?”

Oh, so Maranda's the Mairesse of Seahive? Hiding in plain sight, I see. At least she's not some lofty overlord of the town, and was willing to pithc in to help out the gang. But now we're gonna have just a mite more scrutiny upon little Pleo, and chances are, that won't mean anything good. I guess we'll find out next chapter just how caring Maranda is as Mairesse.

Yup. If you had keen eyes during the opening episodes, you might remember her getting brought up in passing around the Tromba Guild. This story does a lot of little foreshadowing bits like that from time to time.

Chapter 22

The fact that there are Gummi Fabs implied to be bigger than what we see here is...kinda intriguing. Especially when this one, thought to be huge by Nida's standards, is regarded as not all that big by Maranda. On another note, I kinda like the description of the processes that go into gummi making with the more primitive methods they have going on here.

Almost like there’s much bigger places out there in the Cradle than Bluewhorl, huh?

Boisocéan has a Protector as well? I wonder what Pokémon they might be? If it's another cute baby Legend like Pleo is, then I'm looking forward to meeting them whenever they awaken. :veelove:

Alas, Boisocéan’s Protector won’t be awakening in the main narrative. You will get a chance to find out about him a bit more, though.

Ah yes, tasting the gummi mix. Rookie mistake right there. And more sympathy points earned for Pleo.

Looks like it's gonna be gummis for breakfast. Hopefully what was alluded to earlier about them being delicious will live up to their name.

Never mind, it didn't. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

Such is life when you’re eating factory-produced food. Gummis made from mix on a personal level would likely get further into “delicious” territory.

And now comes the scrutiny over Pleo having a Company scarf, and by the looks of it, Maranda clearly doesn't think highly of them. I guess that's one thing Tromba and Boisocéan have in common, and I'm gonna bet now that they're far from the only islands that resent the presence of the Company.

Maranda's telling Pleo to get off the island...perhaps as a safeguarding measure along with the reasoning she gives that they can't really look after Pleo? Because consider that if word got out that Pleo was on Boisocéan, the Company would be over there quicker than you could say 'le Prince des Temps.'

More or less, yeah. Also since Boisocéan’s politics are a bit different than the average island’s in Anyilla, which got spelled out a bit later on.

Interesting to hear about the feud between the Company and the Imperials, along with their figurehead Conntow. Knowing how stories go, this is probably gonna end up with Team Traveller caught directly in the crossfire of their little squabble at some point.

At “some point”, yes. I mean, we did need to get around to bringing Cabot onto the scene in this story. o<o

At least Maranda's not kicking them off the island immediately. That's kind of her. Even allowing them to stay for a while to let the team heal and patch up Pleo's scarf.

Elty: “Just saying, she could’ve done more for us.”

Nida: “Elty, seriously. Don’t complain about us getting a lucky break.” >_>;

Gotta love the 'town is such a maze it might as well be a Mystery Dungeon' vibes that this place gives off. Granted, not great on Seahive's part. Maybe they ought to invest in signage. That would be a good help.

Venner: “I mean, I and my team get around it just fine, so...”

I see the Kecleon merchants of this universe aren't exactly like Anna from Fire Emblem, in that they go by different names. They do keep the 'looks the exact same as all the others' though, if nothing else. (There's a Fire Emblem coincidence with Alphonse, at least.)

Huh, do the various Kecleon merchants have subtle rivalries and distaste for each other? I suppose it would make sense that they aren't all necessarily chummy with each other.

Yeah, “retail cartel run by Kecleon” is a thing in this setting too, the story does attempt to make them feel distinct from one another. One of those things is how most Kecleon shops in this story are depicted as partnerships between one of the obligatory lizards and a local partner. (Minus Calino, but there’s a story behind how he got his shop.)

Exchange rates are a thing in this world? Oh dear, that's gotta complicate things far more than need be.

Nah, there’s a convenient sidestep for Rescue Teams lying around, as you saw right afterwards.

The demonstration of how to recognise counterfeit money has to come into play at some point later in the story, I reckon. Particularly when Pleo has quite the eye for spotting the fake one.

Literally has an eye for it. In this case, we pulled off of the biology of birds and had Pleo see UV light getting reflected off of the aluminum (which does indeed happen IRL), and off of the (implied) aluminum bronze Poké coin.

Copper's a scarce resource, eh? There's gotta be tension over that place where they're mined, and we might well see that conflict in future.

Hold onto that thought, really. Though make what you will about what the coinage of Anyilla used to be like back in the day given the composition of the currencies that its successor powers use.

Oh hey, another theme Once a Thief touched upon, with not being able to comprehend leftover human elements and structures. Though it's not as in-depth for now as to interacting with human ruins, I look forward to see if the fic expands any further with those concepts.

I mean, the stuff lying around in the Cradle’s not quite as impressive since it’s literally chunks of a world plucked and shuffled around, but yeah. There’s some of that dynamic going on in this story too.

60 Poké? Gotta agree with Elty here, that is rather a pittance. Though Pleo's cuteness in his cheery accepting is always wholesome to see. :quag:

Childish naivete can be endearing like that, yes. ^^

Oh hey, Scout's here. Didn't expect to see him island-hopping. Nice to see a familiar face, though.

Yeah, he gets around a bit in the earlier part of this story. :V

So it seems the gang can't quite go home just yet, lest the Company catch wind of them and make a move to catch Pleo again. Guess we're gonna have to wait a little longer for a family reunion. :sadbees:

A little longer indeed.

Them gleaming white feathers of Pleo do seem like quite the distinctive way to leave his mark. Our resident baby Lugia does stick out like a sore thumb as is.

I mean, they are called ‘Silver Wings’ in official media, so…

That story the Emolga's telling about besting that Swoobat sounds like quite the interesting tale. Though is it just the typical haughty boasting? Some part of me wonders how true that really is.

I mean, regardless of however true it is, it’s definitely unintentionally hilarious for Pokémon that aren’t locals.

Slackers in town, eh? Looks like we need a Gwenith-like figure in Seahive to whip slackers like these into shape.

You sure about that one?

Good thing Meyrink's willing to lend a hand (or whatever it is Claydol have instead of hands) towards helping our gang with teleportation from Dungeons. Although now I'm vaguely reminded of that mention of a 'reward' back when Team Traveller first landed on Boisocéan, and now I can't help but be concerned.

Nah, that’s just standard operating procedure for a mission well done. Since you do get to collect payment for rescue missions in the games. :V

This bird continues to be the cutest, most innocent thing in existence. Although this is the furthest thing from an art gallery, little Pleo. :mewlulz: Now I'm curious where this world's art galleries might be, if they do exist... Not out here in the quiet peripheries, at any rate.

You’ll get an answer to this later on in the story.

Gotta be an odd thing to see your own mission on the board. Whoever nabs that mission is gonna be confused as heck when they get to the floor in question.

And disappointed from the lack of payout, but fortunately Nida took care of that one already.

Looks like more practice battling for our group, and a chance for those in Boisocéan to see what Team Traveller are capable of.

That would be a bit hard considering who their client turns out to be… ^^;

And now over to Lyn (whose crime of kidnapping cute little Pleo has most definitely not been forgotten :screm:) on the ship.

Oh, that Poliwhirl and Remoraid were members of Lyn's crew? I suppose that would explain why they were shirking work, and to who they were shirking work from. Frankly, I would too, if it meant working for the likes of him.

Indeed. Though they’re probably personally lucky that they had that run-in for Pleo, since… yeah, Lyn wasn’t in a great mood at the time.

Good thing Pleo being in Boisocéan means he's safe for now. And yet I can't help but get the feeling that he might not be as safe as alluded to. Especially given how Lyn essentially has a trap set up for him when he, Nida and Elty slip out of there…

What, are you telling me that it’s not safe to have two ships full of Pokémon attempting to drag you out of your hiding place kicking and screaming? ^^;

Chapter 23

That title does not imply good things for this upcoming chapter. Someone's nemesis is showing up in this chapter, by the looks of it?

Something like that, yes.

Dang, those are some lavish decorations for the Protector of Boisocéan. Maybe Tromba could take a few notes towards giving their Protector a bit more luxury.

I mean, they did have that big, expensive metal bell in their own shrine. So it wasn’t as if they weren’t trying… ^^;

Ah, so the Prince des Temps - 'Prince of Time' - is a Celebi. Had a feeling that might've been the case.

This was also hinted at with the very name of the island, with “Boisocéan” being a pun to “Bois aux Chenes”, the name for Ilex Forest in the French Localization.

Wait, the client is a Deino? Can't say I was expecting that. I was thinking something more like a Fighting-type, a bit like Mosca the Hawlucha on Tromba.

Ohhhh, I see what's happening here. Because Daraen is a Deino, he's blind and thus doesn't realise that he's talking to someone his relative (I'm guessing Margi's related to him? They do share a species, after all) would be horrified at him interacting with. Surprised that someone like him got a position in spite of his Marked status.

Bold of you to assume that he’s filing this request in any official capacity when he’s the equivalent of an older child.

Oh yeah, this guy has no clue. Wait till he's actually told the truth that Pleo is the Guardian who he apparently should be fearing. For whatever reason. So it's very much a sight thing as opposed to senses going haywire. Interesting...

If nothing else, Daraen is enthusiastic. A nice change in pace from the two Marked folks we've met thus far.

Elty: “I’m sorry, but how on earth is this not going to inevitably wind up ending in a giant headache for us?”

The cluelessness of our resident Deino is almost comical. :mewlulz: At the very least it's certainly a :copyka: moment of dramatic irony for us in the audience.

Yeah, that was actually a scenario that was settled on very early in this episode since we needed… well, you’ll see when you get there.

Oh dear, looks like Daraen's led the gang into what looks like feral territory. Though luckily Elty's aggression led them to back off messing with the gang for now.

Kinda strange seeing Team Traveller console Daraen after he suddenly gets cold feet. I see he's not exactly the most confident of sorts. Maybe this training's to make him more confident? In which case, a session with Team Traveller should hopefully help him get a better backbone. And maybe, if he's put in Pleo's debt, then he might well help him in a future confrontation against Margi or some of Lyn's men.


Though hold onto that thought, really… if not necessarily for the immediate future.

Aww, poor Pleo, not understanding how all of this works and becoming crestfallen when things quickly go south for this sparring match. Honestly rather cute (I swear you could make a drinking game for all the times I've called Pleo cute).

I think that I’ll spare my liver, really. Though at least it’s a sign that we’ve accomplished what we set out to do with Pleo here. ^^

Now over to Bluewhorl, where Pladur's getting caught up to speed on all that's happened in the last while. And I see that he has the same habits as Crom speech-wise when he gets nervous. I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I mean, Crom's bravery stat is a bit higher, but that’s not really wrong there.

Hatteras sounds surprisingly more pleading than I expected. I had it in my head he would be more resolute, although perhaps I'm relating him too much to PSMD!Ampharos.

Yeah, that’s more of an “independent evolution” thing. There’s some times in the story where that gets reminded to the readers, like here.

Well, if that isn't the timing of the century. At least now their worries can abate, if only slightly. After all, Nida, Pleo and Elty are still out there and not back on Tromba, and I'm going to make an estimate now that they're not gonna be back for some time.

That obvious, huh?

Hmmm, seems there was 'an incident at sea' once upon a time that the Company had nothing to do with. What happened there exactly? There doesn't seem to be any missing parents among Nida and Crom, so I don't think it's anyone related to them. But what could this incident have involved?

You’ll get some more hints about this in a few arcs, though hold onto that thought…

Perhaps the solution isn't to wait for the three to come back, but for one or some of them to travel to Boisocéan to reunite with them there.


Even if it’s obviously not going to be as straightforward as anyone assumes.

Speaking of the trio in Boisocéan, back to there, where the spar's gotten underway and Pleo appears to be understanding teamwork with this random stranger he met only today (Daraen, in other words). Enough to actually be victorious against the more feud-heavy Nida and Elty. A nice win for our little Protector. :quag:

Pleo: “Yay, I’m winning!”

Returning to Tromba, where Hatteras appears to have a plan. Or as the folks over in PMDiner would say, "he's cooking."

So an inside job with villagers masquerading as members of the Company, eh? I'm all for showing those bastards a thing or three. Though with a bounty on Pleo's head? This sounds like quite the gamble to be making, because while the Company's plot will be brought to the fore, many other eyes will now surely be casting their eyes towards Pleo, eager to use his power for their own gain.

In the words of an old Selenian Russian proverb: “those who don't take risks, don't drink champagne”. Guess Bluewhorl’s villagers are a bit thirsty for bubbly, huh?

Good to see Calino jumping in with his contributions. For once, a merchant that's not solely focused on getting a bit of coin and nothing else.

An opportunity the ex-pirates wanted to seize...although the metaphorical ship has sailed on that front.


Hold onto those thoughts for both of these. If for much later.

Fascinating to turn Ander's logic against him and make him into help to get involved with the current plan. It'll be interesting to see just how right or wrong he and his fellow Marked will be about Pleo.

Well, that’ll be something worth keeping eye on, huh? Given the implications that it’d have for the character’s little world at large. ^^;

So that's the reason, is it? Why the Marked fear and despise the Protector so? That would make sense for a motive...but how could one think cute little Pleo's a monster? I suppose now the chapter title makes sense - the 'bête noire' is the Protector in the eyes of the Marked.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sORXQ-KHXw

And now he's plagued with doubts...just like I suspected he'd be. :sadwott:

I mean, a journey that’s partially one of self-discovery can’t all be fun and games for our cast.

Chapter 24

Would Pleo actually end up hurting his friends if pushed to do so? At this point in the story, I'd be tempted to say, "No way in hell," but with how much it's been peddled as a fear among the Marked, things could well change further down if, for instance, some form of madness could take him over. Just a theory for now.

Hold onto those thoughts, really.

On another note, I didn't think there was a need to have this part in the aftermath of Margi's outburst to start off this chapter when it could just as easily have been the end of last chapter. Seeing it splintered up like this feels a bit jarring, in my opinion, and I think this chapter would have been better off starting back in Bluewhorl, with the scene of Crom and Kiran heading to the Guardhouse.

I suppose Virgil and I see the argument for it and might come around to implementing it at some point in the future, though we admittedly have some other priorities that are a bit higher up the totem pole for this story.

An outright mention to Shiren the Wanderer, eh? Funny, I remember Once a Thief doing the same thing. :mewlulz: And Poulet the Adventurer - is that a reference to Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon I spy?

Poulet is indeed a reference to CMD, yes. It’s the default name for the Chocobo in the very first CMD game.

Though yeah, making references to Chunsoft’s other MD series is kinda a calling card of mine for PMD and PMD-adjacent stories that I’m involved in. They just have varying levels of story focus and blatantness depending on the work.

I see Osmund's one of those types that even when they need bedrest, they still insist on doing their duties, probably in flagrant disobedience of the nurse's orders.

Yeah, he’s always been the type to see instructions as more of a suggestion, and has a loooong history of that.

Aww, Crom being scared of Marley is almost childishly endearing. Pleo's obviously the cutest character of the bunch in this story, but Crom definitely gets a close second.


Glad to see that he’s wearing well with you.

Won't Crom stick out among the Company members for how young he is? The Company has to have some kind of age limit for entering their ranks, surely? Or maybe they're planning to pass him off as an apprentice?

They were almost certainly going the apprentice route for this story, though not every Pokémon ages at the same rate in this setting, and given that you read Casting Off, you might recall that the in-setting definition of “old enough to enlist” is pretty young by human standards.

Ah yes, tying a scarf like a PMD protagonist would. Now the OC-ness factor of Crom and co. have increased by severalfold.

Does it really count as OC-ness if the OC factor can literally casually be taken off? ^^;

Looks like our budding spies are in for a bit of higher-up snobbery from the First-Ranks. Oh well, it's all part of the mission, by the looks of it.

Oh boy are they ever.

The Raichu and Servine have names, surely? They've appeared enough so far to warrant them, I think.

They get them explicitly dropped within a few chapters from this point, even if in retrospect, it might have made sense to already mention them here.

Marley's nerves probably won't abate until she does indeed see with her own eyes that her little niñita is safe and sound from the threat of the Company.

Yeah, she’s very protective of her lil’ bunnies, even if she’s not used to situations where she can’t go out to defend them.

And now back to said niñita, who wakes from a pleasant dream into the nightmare that is her current reality. That said, I don't feel like it phases well between dream and reality, and that the dream section could've been italicised.

Hrm. A bit unsure if we agree on this one, though I suppose it is a decently common practice in fics. We’ll consider it.

A nightmare indeed, when Elty appears to have landed them in trouble. And if there's one lot that they don't want to anger right now, it's the folks that might well have an excuse to hand them over to the Company if they take a step out of line.

Command responsibility kinda sucks like that, yes.

More excuses for the chub, Elty? I see someone has a sore spot. And I do like this running joke of Elty's chubbiness being made fun of. It certainly doesn't feel like it's run its course yet, and hopefully it doesn't. It's been done rarely enough that it feels like a novelty every time there's a jab against it.

Whelp, we’ll see how well it wears on you with time, though I’d like to think that we don’t overuse it, especially as Elty’s relationship with his teammates evolves over the course of the story.

Oh boy, now the team have gotta play negotiations with Margi. They managed to kinda sorta convince Ander back in Tromba, but now we have a whole new set of Marked on a new island where without prior relations, matters will be rather more tricky.


La bastille? Doesn't sound our team will be storming this one, though. :mewlulz:

Yeah, that would be a bit hard for reasons you’ll see shortly.

I feel Elty's "Just like you, spike ball," jab at Nida could be moved into his own paragraph, and maybe show Nida giving a huff in reaction to it, instead of just saying 'to her annoyance' in reaction.

We went and patched this in.

A place called Abyss? Sounds like a dark place that no one should want to go near. It does sound a little fantastical though, with how Margi describes 'dreams coming to life'. That is rather broad for what that could mean.

Almost as if the ‘Abyss’ would be called and portrayed as something really, really different depending on who was telling this story, huh?

Wow, Margi called Arceus an archdemon? That is quite the blasphemic statement right there. If she and the other Marked are tossing statements like that out willy-nilly, no wonder everyone hates them.

You do have to wonder if there was intended malice among the gods. Or...that there's an evil force they have to contain and that's why the land is flooded, a la Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. (At least from what I remember of that game's plot.)

Something to ponder while this story goes on, hm? I will say off the bat that the story makes a deliberate point of everybody’s established mythology about the local Protectors being off in one way or another. What the truth is something for our cast to discover.

The brief moment of introspection between Daraen and Margi makes me wonder if they'll eventually be swayed on Pleo and the Protectors. They did come pretty close just there.

Hold onto that thought, really. Even if mentally, the pair probably aren’t ready to go much further than “Pleo is an outlier” at the moment.

Is Pleo really seen as an overgrown Wingull to everyone else? I can understand that most regular 'mons would hardly know what a Lugia is, but man, that is some level of incompetence if this crew doesn't know what they're looking for.

The average Pokémon in this setting isn’t super cognizant of Legendaries outside of their local Protectors plus Arceus. Between that and having no frame of reference for what the things look like beyond off-model paintings or sculptures (to the point where Bluewhorl Town’s Pokémon were thrown by Pleo’s size), well…

Oh, now Ellsberg's shown up. That makes two equally face-punchable assholes who I'd love to see get their comeuppance. Although I can't help but notice that Lyn's painted in a bit more of a sympathetic light with Ellsberg breathing down his neck. I wonder if there might be any past to divulge with him…

An answer to this question will be uploaded on TR later this year. Potentially as soon as within 2-3 months depending on our update pace.

Welp, guess the Tromba gang's plan is about to go up in smoke, now that Lyn's onto them.

Guess they’ll just have to improvise, huh?

So they're going to hand in an extradition notice to Boisocéan? Hmmm...I wonder how well that would work. I can't imagine the residents of Boisocéan (the Boisocéannais? Would that be what they would be called?) would be happy with two Company ships showing up at their doorstep for no good reason. Although labelling Team Traveller as pirates is a worrying prospect, given how they have disgruntled a fair few residents with Elty's stunt at trying to get food.

I wonder how Maranda's going to react to all this when the extradition notice comes in. Will she be so willing to hand Pleo over to them immediately? Given a possibly terse relationship with the Company, there's bound to be some resistance. But there is also the geopolitical side of things to consider, which could tip the scales away from Pleo and co.'s favour. Worrying prospects upcoming in this next chapter that hopefully our gang can find a way out of.

And we’ll be looking forward to seeing how you react to things shaking out.


But for now, I think that's a good place to leave off this review.

I swear, any time I leap back into a fic I haven't read in a while, I always think to myself, "Geez, why did I put this on hold for so long? I forgot how good this was!" And that certainly applies to this fic. Reading this again after so long away from it, I'm now reminded of all the things I loved about it. The humour that certainly lands well, like the numerous jabs at Elty's chonk. The way Nida as well as those back on Tromba are able to cleverly use one's words against them, like Nida with Elty and Kiran with Ander. The intrigue with the Marked and how the world was formed, that saw a bit more light shed on it this time around with Margi's spiel against the trio.

I mean, “life kept me busy” is a decent enough reason to take your time. Though don’t beat yourself up about it, your feedback here was well worth the wait.

Though we can't forget my favourite part of them all - the cuteness and innocence of our protags. Especially Pleo - still as cute/10 as ever. And I do kinda hope that in spite of the darkening clouds on the horizon of this fic's plot, that his cuteness doesn't abate too much. Of course, growing up will probably have to happen at some point, along with the erosion of that innocence he has, but he's so endearing in these early chapters that I don't exactly want it to disappear entirely.

I mean, I’m not going to promise that they won’t go through some hard times, but “darker Saturday Morning Cartoon” has been this story’s vibe from its outset, and I’m confident that even when those times come along, that our handling will still fit in with it.

I outlined the occasional fault I stumbled across so far in the review, but that which I noticed seemed to be some POV oddities that hopped from one character's perspective to another in a number of scenes. (Of course, I am all too aware of how stone throwing in a glass house this might sound coming from me, given my own track record with that in my writings. Eheh.)

Nah. Making mistakes doesn’t invalidate noticing them elsewhere, and they were genuinely helpful catches. Admittedly, a lot of them will probably be left on the “learn from this for next time” pile since there’s only so much time and energy to throw around spit-shining earlier chapters once a story gets big enough, but we appreciate you taking the time to call things as you saw them.

In spite of those minor faults, I really enjoyed coming back to this fic, and I hope to catch up a bit more with this fic over the coming year. And with my reading list slightly more cleared out (far from fully, of course - that'll never happen with how many great fics there are out there), I might be able to keep up with it a bit better. Maybe I'll snag a few Review Tags with it now that I'm caught up with Once a Thief.

Good job with this set of chapters, and I look forward to reading more of this fic in time. :quag:

And thank you for taking the time to leave such a thorough review! We’ll have to repay the favor sometime soon. ^^

Alright, and with that, let’s jump back into the story, and send off the Haipheh arc with its last chapter before this story heads back a bit closer to home for its protagonists:
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