Oh knee on
Before we get too deep into fun murder times or whatever though. Why don't we just... talk?"
"Yeah, I'd much rather get to know you guys before we start, uh, the killing. God this is weird," Kora sighed. Not how he expected today to go, but he never had expectations anyway so, it wasn't all that bad. It was worse. He took a seat and tried his best to not look stressed, or annoyed, or scared. He totally wasn't scared. Definitely not.
"I'm Kora," he said to Shimmer with a friendly smile. "It'd be nice meeting you if we weren't, you know, dealing with death." Kora was fully aware of people having trust issues, so he didn't try and approach anyone or shake hands just yet. He also had to remind himself to look out for the signs of a murderer. Whatever those were. Maybe they'd have a really big knife. For murdering.
[I have been personally attacked, Equita is omega level susFusion has been active, but hasn't contributed much of substance.