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Fall 2020 Mafia - Game Thread


Bug Catcher
SO i'm a bulletproof vigilante

Perse told me to say it so now I better get a red name.

wait are you trying to take persedown with you? Is she okay with that? Is she even mafia? Are you even mafia?
What are you doing????


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
... I'm gonna have to make another video, arent I. After homework.


Friend of All Chu
Rhyme City
Final appeal that I don’t think DW is scum. Tanuki’s roleblock claim objectively makes less sense and sounds like a mafia roleblocker pub claiming, suspecting that there wouldn’t be a town one. Why else block N0?
I... this is like muddying the water of a wagon with the wagon that the current wagon muddied the water of. It's like the same strategy coming from Fuse and Perse on both sides. They're in sync, but like, opposites. This has to be planned.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
wait are you trying to take persedown with you? Is she okay with that? Is she even mafia? Are you even mafia?
What are you doing????

Don't worry. No one know what Fuse is doing.

... I'm gonna have to make another video, arent I. After homework.

God bless your soul.

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Day 2 has ended. Please wait for the votes to be counted.
Night 2 start

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Kora could feel it, everyone's eyes on him. Everything pointed to him being one of them, one of the murderers. He never would seen it coming, yet here he was. He didn't try and resist, strong as he might be, there wasn't anything he could to do against a majority vote. His own vote, apparently.

"Is this it? Is this the end?" he wondered aloud as he went was walked to the outskirts of town. It made sense, better to not sully the halloween decor with a criminal. "What sequence of events brought me to this point? What abroad circumstances lead me here?"

The winds roared in his ears, a mysterious, yet fitting backdrop to his deserved demise. Yet, despite him believing himself a killer, it felt... wrong. "Is this the cruel painful plan that was orchestrated by a malevolent deity? Who am I really? What purpose did I serve in this life that was granted to me?"

The ones that brought him out didn't answer, if any followed him at all. It was hard to tell, his vision had already blurred from fear. Or was it tears? Maybe the ghosts did this. He thought back to when he and everyone first arrived here, remembering the fear on Ashwood's face. They were better off now, right?

"Did I serve a purpose?" he finally asked, looking up into the sky. It was nice, the last thing he would see being the swirling colors of the evening's sky. A somber chuckle left his body as he closed his eyes.

"I suppose I'll never know. If this is what my life lead up to, and if this is truly the end-" A sharp pain shot throughout his body, yet he decided to grin and bear it. He'd go out with a smile on his face, knowing the others were safer with him gone.

"Then I'll accept my fate."

Fusion has been lynched. He was Innocent.

Night 2 begins and will go on for the next 48 hours. You have until Midnight UTC/8 PM EST Oct. 17 to submit your night actions.

Final vote:
6 Fusion: Fusion, Tanuki, Waffle, Shiny Phantump, Persephone, DawningWinds
3 DawningWinds: Equitia, SparklingEspeon, windskull


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Everyone stood frozen, still struggling to process the whirlwind of chaos that had flared up at once. Another innocent had been lost. A palpable tension was felt by all, some anxious, some angry, no one entirely sure how they would survive another night.

And then, some time after the smoke had cleared, a portal appeared, made from swirling pink mists that flickered and wavered like light shining through water. A giant celestial dragon emerged, floating upside-down and leering at the group with burning red eyes that seemed to stare right through them.

"I saw the chaos from my domain!"
the dragon boomed joyously. "Truly spectacular! Mortals are so much fun!"

Its gaze drifted from one player to the next. In this world, outside its domain, not even Palkia could see who the traitors were. How wonderfully devilish. But it didn't come here to dwell on such morbidity. No no, there was something much more positive to be acknowledged.

The spatial one threw both arms forward, gesturing to Ashwood and Desper, who were still standing hand in paw. With everything around them fallen to pieces in an instant, their love had remained steadfast, a beacon of hope for the denizens trapped in this realm.

"Congratulations on your engagement!" Palkia exclaimed with great enthusiasm. "I look forward to the ceremony! That is... if you manage to make it out of here alive," it added, face splitting into a horribly unnerving grin.

And then it disappeared through the same portal it had appeared from, cackling madly.
Day 3 Start

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
The sun peeks over the hills as dawn breaks over the gloomy landscape—or perhaps it would have if this wasn’t a shadow-land cloaked in incessant darkness. As it is, a brisk wind howls through the air as a pearly moon shines down on the unwilling participants of the shadow game. The humans had all taken to their own little makeshift tents—one hand stuck out of Ashwood’s, loosely holding the paw of the Raichu who still slept out in the open with his cowboy hat covering his face and his free paw on his pistol.

After the brief and unexplained flash of a giant space-god appearing and congratulating the new couple (and taunting their imminent demise), the night had passed by peacefully—or so it seems…

The white-haired boy who had greeted the participants to this strange place materializes out of the darkness, looking down on them with a maniacal smile stretched over his face. The silly creatures had slain two of their own, and during the night, he knows the spirits had taken another.

But as he watches the Pokemon emerge from their burrows and people stumble out of their tents, the smile evaporates from his face.

“How the hell are all of you still alive?!”

No one was eliminated. Day 3 has begun and will continue for 48 hours, until Midnight UTC/8 PM EST October 19.



Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Just so you all know, I probably won't be as active for this phase. But my vote is Persephone. Before I wanted DW because seeing how they flipped would make clear who's mafia, but I'm inclined to be more cautious now. I feel like we should try to make as few mistakes as possible. More information as the days go by should make things clearer, so I think town's best strategy is playing things safe. I'm still inclined to think DW's mafia, but honestly I'm more sus of Tanuki now.

I checked ShinyPhantump last night. I got "No result", meaning that a) they have a passive ability, matching their Bulletproof roleclaim, b) they didn't use their ability, or c) I was roleblocked.

Nice work, healers! (I'm assuming that's what did it.) And I love Ashwood holding Desper's hand -- so cute @Starlight Aurate lmao.


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
I blocked Phan again, and again, nobody's dead. Not sure if this is a coincidence or not but I feel like it's probably not. (Main reason I did it was because I figured if there was no kill upon blocking the same person twice there was a decent chance said person was scum killer.)

I checked ShinyPhantump last night. I got "No result", meaning that a) they have a passive ability, matching their Bulletproof roleclaim, b) they didn't use their ability, or c) I was roleblocked.

@Tanuki Who'd you block?


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Time to come clean, I guess.

Yeah. Not the oracle. No shit. Ironically, though, those were the two questions I would have asked. I'm technically third party, although my victory condition can occur if either the village or mafia win and my victory doesn't end the game. Basically, my role revolves around punishing anyone who tries to kill another, regardless of what side is doing the killing. I win if the vigilante and godfather die before me. My power is a variant on bulletproof, killing whoever nightkills me. Kills made this way don't activate my victory condition.

If you read my rare flavor posts, I've been hinting at this for a while.

Initially I soft-claimed bulletproof just so no one would kill me. My wincon can only be activated by surviving until at least midgame. Then when I was pushed into claiming, I went with a bad bluff. Hopefully not so bad that I would get daykilled (and I always had the option to give my real role if I had to) but suspicious enough that the mafia wouldn't bother to nightkill me. Although that did leave the nasty problem of the vigilante, something that I expected could only be solved by making my real claim at 7:59 or something so that no one dared night kill me.

Anyway, Fusion bit it. I suspected at the time and was informed afterwards that he was vigilante. I previously didn't want to claim primarily because it would make me inherently sus that I wanted the most powerful of the town's power roles to die. Or that claiming third party would lead people to conclude I was werewolf. Now that I'm already in the spotlight and the vigilante is dead (so I'm essentially town aligned from this point on), I figured it was time to drop the pretense.

I am genuinely suspicious of Tanuki. Their role block claim makes less sense than DW and reeks of a mafia member trying to spin their actions as village-friendly after the fact. And since I'm pseudo-bulletproof, I have my doubts about Phan as well. Waffle's claim is a little illogical, but they're new/inactive so I can forgive it. Equital, Windskull, and DW seem legit to me.



Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
I can confirm that Waffle interacted with Equita, but Waffle was the only one that interacted with Equita. So I'm currently inclined to believe their healer roleclaim.

But that still leaves several questions to be answered. I'm going to for the moment assume everyone is telling the truth even though that's... very unlikely.

DW has already answered her part and asked Tanuki and Persephone just said something I need to think on so...

@SparklingEspeon did you target anyone? Just yes or no for now, I think?
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