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Dorm Hall - 3rd Floor


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
The third floor, and the highest floor, feature balconies with perches for flying types, and room for large avian and dragon pokemon. Many rooms offer a skylight as well, and space inside for pokemon to spread their wings.

As with the others floors, there are various themed rooms to accomodate smaller and larger flying pokemon.

Night 1 - Seb, Zack and Jack


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Oh man, this place is majestic!” Seb exclaimed as he opened the door to his dorm. “Talking with all these epic people and Pokémon, enjoying the deluxe food and even being able to train you guys! Lovin’ it so far!”

The dorm in question was a spacious room. Compared to the hotel and motel rooms Seb had seen before, it was massive. There was a TV set on one of the walls with a queen-sized bed at the opposite side. The ceiling was high up, seemingly barely reaching the clouds above. There was a skylight filtering in the light of the moon into the room. A large tree was even in one of the room’s corners, with a pair of big nests resting on different branches. The window beside the tree had a pair of open curtains, and the beautiful scenery of the island was visible from a balcony outside.

“Yup, this is first class right here,” Seb said, hands on his hips as he admired the room’s architecture. “Wish Mom was here to see this.” He looked down with worry. “Wait, does Mom even know that I’m here? I should text her right now.” He took out his Rotom Phone and opened the chat app. Unfortunately, there was a pop-up saying that there was no signal. “Weird. I thought a resort like this one would have amazing reception. I should send a complaint to the staff’s mailbox.” He pocketed his phone and surveyed the room some more. He noticed a suitcase nearby. “Hm? Was this always here?” He approached it cautiously, laid it down on the floor and slowly opened it. He noticed different sets of clothes that he was able to recognize. “My jammies? I don’t remember bringing anything else aside from Zack and Jack. Well, maybe the staff arranged this for me. I should thank them when I see them.”

After a short delay in the bathroom, Seb was now wearing a pair of red sports shorts and a grey t-shirt, completely barefoot.

“Well, I should really sleep now. Everyone’s gone to bed and there’s nothing else to do.” He jumped onto the bed and grabbed the remote on the nightstand. “But we have TV, so maybe we could watch some Pokémon battles.” He surfed through the channels until he found one that was broadcasting a match in a stadium in Galar. “Aw yeah! League battles! Is Leon gonna be there?”

The screen displayed a speech that was being given by a man with a grey business suit, much to Seb’s dismay.

“Ugh, Chairman Rose. He talks about bonds with Pokémon, but I’m pretty sure he’s just trying to save face. Seriously, the fact that he has workplaces serving him and that his Trainer card was written by his secretary should be dead giveaways that he’s lying! I really wanna punch him…”

Once Rose finished his speech, two Trainers stepped into the field.

“Oh, another Leon versus Raihan match? I mean, they show those two almost all the time, but I don’t get tired of their battles!” Seb looked up at the tree, where Jack was laying down on one of the nests. “You can watch with me if you want, buddy.” He laid his head down on the pillows as he watched Leon’s Charizard duke it out against Raihan’s Flygon.

Jack wasn’t entirely focused on the TV. He was thinking about everything that happened during the day. That strange doppelgänger that Zack wanted to face, the Tropius who was a Trainer speaking human, Seb identifying the Wallace they met as a different version of the one his Trainer knew, Xavian mentioning Clink having invited mythical Pokémon and Orzo being the one who brought him and the other guests to this island… What exactly was happening? Did all of this have to do with the fact that they were all in this place he called ‘the space between worlds’? No, he was going on a tangent with that last one. Maybe this host had some secrets waiting to be discovered. Those Pokémon really made him curious, after all. Once morning came, he would start looking for any clues that would lead him to the final answer.

Meanwhile, in a forest of tall trees fabricated by a Poké Ball, Zack sat on a branch, frowning and hunched down with a wing on his knee. He was thinking to himself. What exactly went wrong during the trip on the ship? He was ready to face off against a powerful villain, and he was robbed of his chance to prove himself a hero by an Aggron. What was worse was that Seb put him on timeout until the next morning. He was missing out on all the fun! Why couldn’t he go out and try to find the perfect chick? Was it because he disappointed his Trainer?

Maybe… Maybe that was the reason he was put on timeout. He must’ve done something wrong. Something real heroes wouldn’t do.

He wanted to save the ship and failed… Maybe it was destroyed and he was sinking into the ocean floor and he was unaware?

The Pidgey raised his head, eyes wide in fear. No, this couldn’t be the end! Seb had to be alright! What if his failure costed everyone’s lives!? No no no, that couldn’t be right! Were Poké Balls even waterproof? He would’ve known if he was sinking if he saw water leaking in. Maybe Seb was still alive and kicking and was having a good time with Jack out there. But what about that villain? If she didn’t destroy the ship, what happened? Was she still on the loose?

Zack slapped his head a few times as he composed himself. Either way, he still hopes everyone was alright. He could always try again and stop that monster for good. But he needed some training first. He needed to be stronger if he wanted to be a real hero.

Wait… Jack was trying to stop him from getting himself killed trying to fight the villain, right? Oh crap, he didn’t listen! He didn’t listen to his best friend! He really needed to apologize to the Farfetch’d once he saw him again. Apologize first, train later. Yeah, he had a long road ahead before becoming a hero. Maybe some smaller steps would help.
N1: Odette and Shots Don't Mix Well


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Third floor was the best choice. Their room had clearly been tailored to meet the needs of flying Pokemon, which is exactly what Odile's hyperactive ass needed. A room with enough leg room to soar around without breaking anything, and enough places to perch where she could hang upside down or climb around without making too much noise. And of course, the skylight and balcony were for Odette and Enora to enjoy. A good view was a nice plus.

It was hard to enjoy it all, or even see it, through tears.

Odette Tearing Up.PNG
Odette had practically sprinted from the dining hall, and didn't allow herself to slow down until she was inside the room she'd chosen. The damned tears didn't even give her the common courtesy to wait until she was safely inside her dorm, out of public view. They were half way down her face before she even made it up the first flight of stairs. She didn't dare take the elevator, because why risk running into somebody else when she was acting like this?

The dam broke as soon as she slammed the door shut, and she leaned on it for leverage as sobs racked her small frame.

In the past, whenever she was overwrought with emotion, she usually just screamed. A single scream, and some deep breaths. That's all it took to right herself. But nowadays, she'd demoted herself to childish tears. Panic. Sometimes she even couldn't breathe; it was absolutely ridiculous. Crying her damn eyes out because strangers were looking at her funny? Or because something had flashed her back to that thing, or Dorien, or Ultra Space, or Team Enigma, or--

Right. The therapist had a name for what this was called. And Odette wasn't doing herself any favors by crucifying herself for having it.

She adjusted herself to sit on the floor, having not realized Enora and Odile had moved up next to her. Enora had her ribbons wrapped Odette's leg, while Odile stood by, wringing her hands uncomfortably.

Enora Sad.PNG
"Can I please help you this time?"

Odette Tearing Up.PNG
She was quiet while she thought about it. It didn't take long before she nodded. "Please."

Enora Sad.PNG
Enora brought her ribbons up to the sides of Odette's head, caressing her temples with them. The tips of them began to glow with a soft pink light as they imbued a sense of calm into her.

Odette Distraught.PNG
The relief fell on like a wash of warm water. It felt good. She felt so much less weighted now. "Thanks."
Odile Sad.PNG
"̷D̶-̶d̸i̶d̴ ̷I̸ ̴d̸o̴ ̸s̸o̴m̷e̶t̸h̴i̵n̴g̷ ̴a̶g̷a̸i̸n̶?̵ ̴I̵-̴I̸ ̷r̷e̴a̵l̴l̶y̴ ̷t̵r̷i̶e̸d̴ ̴t̶o̶ ̵n̸o̸t̷ ̵c̵a̷u̸s̷e̵ ̴p̶r̵o̸b̴l̴e̴m̸s̷ ̶o̵n̴ ̶p̷u̸r̷p̸o̷s̸e̸ ̷l̷i̵k̴e̶ ̸I̴ ̶s̵a̴i̵d̴ ̶I̵ ̵w̵o̸u̷l̵d̵,̵ ̸b̶u̷t̵ ̴s̶o̶m̴e̴t̷i̴m̶e̸s̵ ̷I̵ ̷c̷a̵n̸'̵t̷ ̶r̵e̵a̵l̸l̵y̵-̷-̵"̷

Odette Deadpan.PNG
"No," Odette said slowly. "You were actually very good tonight." Even though she'd stolen an entire tray of food straight off the bar, but that was entirely preferable to her feeding off somebody's untapped wrath and causing a fight. "I appreciate it."

Odile Sparkle Eyes.PNG

"̸F̴U̴C̸K̶ ̶F̶U̶C̷K̵I̴N̷G̵ ̶Y̸E̷A̴H̵,̶ ̴I̴ ̶L̶I̸S̵T̸E̶N̷E̸D̸.̸"̵

Odette Smile.PNG
For once, Odile's random outbursts was a pinch of comedy that she needed right now. She forced a small laugh through her lasting sniffles as she wiped her eyes.

Bzzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzzt.

Odette Startled.PNG
"Shit," she said upon feeling her phone buzz against her leg. She whipped it out, and suddenly panicked when she saw it was Clovis video calling. She didn't even have time to be grateful that her phone still had service, now that she knew for certain this was a multiverse setting, because she stood up and rushed to put herself back together.

"Stop crying. You're chill. Everything's chill," she told herself. She wiped her eyes again with her sleeve. "No tears. Don't freak them out. You're fine." She sniffled, then took a deep, shaky breath as she balled her hands in determination. "WE. ARE HAVING. A FANTASTIC. TIME."

She pressed the answer button.

"Hi, Bunny."

She was a little taken aback to see that it was Guzma, holding the camera up to the mirror, showing that he was dressed to impress in perhaps one of the nicest suits she'd ever seen him in.

"'Dette, check this motherfuckin' drip. I'm a fuckin' baller," he said as he struck some Chad-esque pose.

In the background, Clovis's voice rang out. "Guzma, Loic, where the fuck is my phone? I left it here on the night stand."

Somewhere further off in the distance, Loic shrieked. Something crashed. Assorted Pokemon cries could be heard.

"I have it, idiot. I'm callin' O. Mine died," Guzma replied after a long cringe.



Clovis soon rushed into view of the mirror, also dressed fabulously. He'd even pushed his hair back, good fucking gods. They matched. What a sight they were.

She wished she was with them and not here.

"Then you're going to have to give it to Vikavolt in the car, because we're going to miss our reservation if we don't leave now," Clovis sighed, adjusting his tie.

"Dinner plans?" Odette asked through a smile.

Clovis finally stopped his primping and walked over to peer at the phone. "Hiiiiiiiii Sweetness," he cooed. "Yeah, we all have reservations with--"

He suddenly paused, and his brows knit in concern. He snatched the phone from Guzma and switched the camera around. "Honey, were you crying?" he asked frantically.

That eagle eyed motherfucker. She felt herself blanch. "No, I--"

"Hey, yeah," Guzma whined, now also looking. "Yer eyes are all puffy." His expression quickly became furious, and he pounded a fist into his palm. "WHO 'M I ROLLIN' UP TO FUCKIN' BEAT TO DEATH FOR MAKIN' YOU--"

Clovis pushed on Guzma's head aggressively, and he stopped talking.

"What's wrong, Sweetness?" Clovis asked softly.

She shook her head, stammering over an onslaught of excuses. "I-I wasn't crying. I was just...homesick."

Neither of them said anything at first. They just exchanged glances.

"Want us to come getcha?" Guzma spoke.

That was out of the question. If either of them knew this was another one of those multiverse things, they'd flip the hell out. She shook her head frantically. "No, don't worry about it. I'm okay, really." Besides, she was no quitter. PTSD or not. She wanted to be anywhere else but here, yes, but she was determined to pull through without having to run back to them. "All good. I'm more concerned with whatever Loic just broke," she joked, pushing through a light laugh. How they were going to get his ass through a nice dinner was beyond her, but that was a far more entertaining thought than whatever was plaguing her now.

She sauntered over to her bed and sat down, feeling as Enora hopped up next to her. Odile merely sat on the floor at her feet. She looked back and forth between them almost solemnly, before laying back onto her pillow.

"Tell me about your dinner plans." Anything to keep them off her puffy eyes, and her mind off of the next two weeks.
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Night 1 - Coleane and Gen - Gilded Gaggle of Goofs


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
As Coleane got settled into her room, Gen finding a cozy human bed to get snug in, she pulled out her phone from her bag with a vine, and tapped on the Journer app. She should check in with her online friends!

Catching wild Pidove...

Gilded Gaggle of Goofs

Delino: It really came out that long ago? Man, I feel old.

Ta Writeer: ye, came out before i was even born

Tapestry: All I'm saying is, there's no reason you should be afraid of a Corvisquire, and this movie proves it.

wingsofachampion: hey guys! i made it to the island with gen! there's so much cool human stuff here!

Sad Snom: What island?

MonDegreen: You're going to an island?

Ta Writeer: and im saying corvisquire look like they could eat me!

Ta Writeer: oh hi wings!!!​

Oh. She forgot to tell her friends.

Well, she could do that now!

wingsofachampion: i got invited to a celebration of humans and pokemon friendship! it's on an island, and we just made it!

Delino: Hell yeah! Have fun out there, Wings!

Sad Snom: Are you sure it's not a scam?

wingsofachampion: yeppers! and there's a bunch of other trainers here, too!

MonDegreen: That's so cool! How's it been so far? What kinds of Pokemon did you meet?

Tapestry: They're just big Swablus! They sing when they're pet! They love helping others fly!

wingsofachampion: i saw a weird pidgey and farfetch'd, a weavile in a lab coat, a charmander and ninetales that could speak like me, and a pokemon i don't the name of that can also talk!

Delino: Wow.

Sad Snom: Huh.

Tapestry: That's...definitely interesting.

Ta Writeer: and they have metal wings and could tear me to shreds if they wanted!

Tapestry: But they don't want to! They want to be your friend!

MonDegreen: EEEEEEEEE THAT'S SO COOL WINGS! You'll have to keep us updated! I wanna hear more!

wingsofachampion: i will!
Coleane smiled, as she read her friends' messages. Oh, how happy she was to be friends with them, and how excited she was to be making new friends here, too!

She put her phone away, got cozy under the skylight, and soon fell asleep.

Delino: Hope Wings will be alright.

Sad Snom: I'm sure she will be.

Tapestry: corviknight.mp4

Tapestry: Look at this big beautiful bird, and listen to them sing.

Ta Writeer: still terrifying

Delino: Yeah. She's not alone, after all.

Tapestry: That wasn't enough time to watch the video.

Ta Writeer: maybe i dont want to watch a video of a giant murderbird

Tapestry: You want a murderbird, go find a Fearow or Staraptor. Not these friendly balls of steel fluff.

Sad Snom: Can confirm. A Staraptor broke my arm a few years ago.

Delino: Yikes.

Tapestry: You have Toucannons in Alola, right? Can't they shatter boulders? Why aren't you terrified of those?

Ta Writeer: theyre friendly if you dont touch their chicks

MonDegreen: Adorable video, Tapestry! I wanna pet them!

Corviknight are even friendlier! They'll let you pet their chicks!

Tapestry: Thank you for being a sensible person unlike SOMEONE here (/lh), Degreen. They're a recent rescue at our shelter.

MonDegreen: I'd love to hear about them after I watch the Mimikyus in Orre season 2 trailer that just dropped!

Delino: Oh, sweet! Gonna have to watch that.​
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Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Wes paused in front of the door and steeled himself before opening it. He hoped to gods there would be no more surprises today, but just in case…

It turns out, there was one last surprise in store…but for once, it was a welcome one.

“Brrrriiiiii…” Novo trilled, eyes wide in wonder, as all three of them gaped up at the ceiling.

Or what was supposed to be the ceiling.

A dazzling open night sky filled with countless stars greeted them from overhead, showing a stunning view of constellation after constellation. It was even clear enough for Wes to see some faint swirls of distant galaxies.

After a moment, all Wes could manage was a quiet, “Holy shit.” Neo echoed him with a soft mew.

Was this real? Wes did a sweep of the room. The furniture was all simple, nothing too extravagant, though it appeared to be made of high quality wood. The simple wooden walls were all empty save for a single window across the room from the door, and then…the walls seemed to fade away into the night sky overhead.

So not real, then. But a damn good impersonation of the night sky, that was for sure. The ceiling must have been extremely high to accomplish such an effect.

Wes smiled. All right, fine. Screw rich people and their stupid over-the-top boats and houses and islands, but even he had to admit this was amazing.

Not for the first time, he wished Rui was with him. He could practically hear the way she would ooh and aah over everything they had seen so far, how much she would have fawned over Enora and Olivia—hell, she’d probably have become fast friends with Odette and Kimiko in thirty seconds flat. Of course, he was grateful she wasn’t present for the whole…psycho with a knife fiasco, but even then, he grinned to himself at the thought of seeing her stand next to such an outlandishly tall person. Gods, the height difference would have been downright comical.

His grin faded, a hollow feeling settling into his chest. With a sigh, he walked over to the bed and collapsed onto it, staring up at the twinkling stars.

He missed her.

It was the first time he’d admitted it to himself since leaving Agate just two weeks ago. Now that he finally allowed the thought to sit in his mind, he ached more than ever. He sighed again and draped an arm over his face. It was always going to end like this anyways, he thought. It was for the best.

But was it?
Another voice, with a taunting lilt, echoed the thought that had been nagging him at the back of his mind. It’s not like you stuck around to work things out.

There’s nothing
to work out. She hates me. She wants nothing to do with me.

Oh, but does she? She never said she did…at least, not yet.
Wes could practically hear the sneer in the nagging voice. Did you just turn and run because you were afraid of the fallout? Pathetic. What a coward you are.

He clenched his jaw. Shut up.

Perhaps you’re right. Maybe she
does hate you. The voice dropped to a smug purr. It’s no more than you deserve.

“I said shut up!” Wes sat up with a snarl and seized the nearest pillow before throwing it across the room. Neo squawked and Novo barked in alarm—the two had joined Wes on the bed without him even noticing.

Wes swore shakily under his breath and held his head in his hands. He felt Novo press into his side with a concerned rumble. Neo rested a paw on his knee.

“Gods. I’m a mess, aren’t I?” Wes choked out a bitter laugh. Better to laugh than cry. “I really am pathetic. What are we even doing here? All I do is drag you guys into one disaster after another.” He laughed again, but this time a few tears escaped with it.

Neo nuzzled into Wes’ face and purred in his ear while Novo brushed his cheek against his chest. With a weak smile, Wes gathered the two into his arms and buried his face in their fur, allowing them to lick away his tears. He was more grateful than ever that they could have this time in private, away from snooping or predatory eyes.

At length, he pulled away and collapsed back onto the bed. The stars overhead offered some comfort, and if he pretended they were in a shallow cave or under a scrub bush, it was almost like they were back in Orre, basking under the desert night sky.

“Thanks for putting up with me,” he said quietly.

Novo merely snorted at him: of course, stupid. Neo settled down at his side and replied with a sleepy but cheerful trill. “Sprrr.” Within seconds, the Espeon was fast asleep.

“I’m sorry for dragging you guys into another mess.” Wes looked at Novo, who was watching him intently. “I promise I’ll get us all out of here safely. We’ll be back in Orre soon, and then…” he trailed off. Then what? Continue the mission…even with Rui? Was she even still involved, he wondered?

He closed his eyes. He would…cross that bridge when they got there. For now, he needed to focus on staying safe throughout their stay here—


Wes opened his eyes to see Novo’s wide crimson ones staring down at him. That was definitely an I-want-something look if he’d ever seen one. “What?”

Novo purred and kneaded at the comforter, clearly pleased to have Wes’ attention, then sat at his trainer’s side with his back turned towards him.

Wes stifled a groan. “Really? Now? Here?”


Wes sighed and sat up, moving slowly so as not to wake Neo. “Right. Okay. Fine. But not for long, you hear? We need to get as much sleep as we can for…whatever’s ahead of us tomorrow.”

Novo chirped and wagged his tail.

Wes got to his feet and made a quick scan of the room, just in case there were security cameras or another opening aside from the window. Then he walked to the window, which was hidden behind closed curtains, and looked it over to make sure it was closed and the curtains were sufficiently covering it. He checked it once, then double-checked, then triple-checked just to be sure. For a moment, even considered getting creative and finding a way to pin them securely shut—then decided that was maybe a tad overkill.

Still, he’d be damned if he’d let anybody see the ridiculous ritual that was about to take place.

He sat back down on the bed with a weary sigh. “Okay. Come here.”

Novo practically pranced over to his lap before turning around and facing away so that his rump was up against Wes’ chest. Wes pushed him away slightly. “Gods, not so close. Nobody wants to see that, not even me.”

Then, shaking his head and, grumbling under his breath, he started patting the Umbreon’s rump and sides with both hands as if he were a drum.

“Don’t know why the hell you like this so much. You damn weirdo.”

Novo purred and kneaded vigorously at the comforter, practically vibrating with happiness.

And despite all his griping, Wes couldn’t help but grin. To be honest, he wasn’t entirely sure this wasn’t just some scheme to get him to cheer up. He supposed it didn’t really matter either way because, damn it all, it was working regardless.

After a few minutes, Novo stretched, then turned back to Wes and lightly bumped his trainer’s nose with his own. Wes chuckled and rubbed his ears.

“Yeah, yeah. I love you, too.”
Night 1: Laura, Malachai, and... Sleet?


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Howls, but she could just throw herself face-first onto her bed and pass the fuck out. The idea tempted Laura, but she had too much a sense of responsibility to do that. So instead, she found herself unpacking her things with a squinty scowl, muttering to herself about how this trip was just a sidetrack at best or a trap at worst. Toiletries and meds to the bathroom, extra clothes and towel to the wardrobe, valuables and documents to the safe, Sleet's pokéball—

Sleet's pokéball.

Laura held the black-capped capsule in her hand, her temple twitching. The invitation had suggested attendees bring only their ace partner. She had chosen Malachai. It made sense for her to choose Malachai. The noivern was so absurdly strong compared to the rest of the team it was a fucking joke. But here was the ball for her official 'starter', tucked away inside her bag in a spot she had not placed it. She had a second, unintended companion for this trip.

She hit the release button, and Sleet streamed out into the room as white energy, coalescing into the tall, slender shape of an inteleon. Navy topscales, white belly, a not-dissimilar colouration to Mal's, really... Although of course this reptile had a humanoid shape and the ability to cross her arms in a huff, giving her a completely different bearing.

Sleet might have been incapable of remorse, but she at least had enough shame to look embarrassed.

"Really?" asked Laura, her voice flat. "You decided to stowaway?"

[I deserve to be here,] Sleet signed back, instantly. [I'm your starter/partner.]

Laura groaned. Why had she ever wanted to be a trainer? Training pokémon was just dealing with stubborn, prideful creatures of all shapes and sizes, day-in, day-out. And her 'starter' was the most difficult of all. She was too tired for this shit. Beyond tired.

"Well I can't exactly send you back now that you're here," she said, after a moment's self-pity. "But you remember the deal with this trip, right? Well, did you overhear the part where it's in some other time or dimension or whatever, while you were in your ball? This shit's serious, and we have no idea what's really going on or why we're here. It could be dangerous. So... Are you gonna behave yourself?"

Sleet rolled her eyes and made a 'yammering' gesture with her hand, like a stroppy child. [Blah, blah, blah! Whatever.] The inteleon strolled over to the bed, brushed her hand across it with an appreciative chittering growl, and then threw herself onto it with a whoomph from her gliding membranes. She hissed and twisted her head with a brief hand-motion to her mouth, and a different hand gesture against her chin.

[You got snacks, bitch?]

So much for a peaceful night's rest with Malachai roosting nearby. Sleet was a fucking night owl. And a menace.

Laura gestured to the minifridge. "Get them yourself if you're so hungry." Sleet pulled a face, but did so nonetheless. Laura, meanwhile, released Malachai.

"You're welcome to sleep wherever, including your ball," she muttered. <But if you happen to notice Sleet getting up to some bullshit—>

<I will intervene,>
replied Malachai, in a final tone of thought. <Rest well.>


Minutes later, when Laura had showered and changed into her pyjamas, Malachai had taken to hanging from an overhang on the ceiling as if at a cave mouth, and Sleet had gorged herself on crisps and chocolate, Laura turned to the lizard insisting on taking up half the bed, and made a mollifying sign with one hand.

"Sleet, it's not that I don't want you here. I'm just trying to make decisions that make sense, and are good for the team. And what makes sense to me right now is that since you're here, we ought to work together, like partners, instead of arguing. Can we do that? Please?"

The intelleon peered at her through a single, narrowed eye. Her nicitating membrane flicked closed, and then back again.

"Mmmmmmaybe," she croaked, in awkward Galarish. "Yooouu nneed Sleet."

Laura sighed, and somehow forced a weary smile. "I do need you. We need each other, remember?"

Sleet grumbled something that probably meant [I guess.]

"Okay. Well how's this for starters..." Laura wet her lips, thinking through her phrasing carefully. She could try to bargain that she'd be in a better mood and more cooperative if Sleet let her have an undisturbed rest... Or...

Laura puffed her cheeks and pursed her mouth. Her went nothing. "Sleet, Mal and I are knackered. I need you to stand watch for us. Can you make sure nobody fucks with us during the night?"

Something about inteleon facial structure let Sleet manifest about three-hundred percent as much smugness as a human could ever manage.

"'Kay," she croaked, hissing with delight.

Sleet slithered off the bed to snoop around in total silence, leaving Laura to pull the covers overself, and try to get some sleep. Bizarrely, she did feel somehow safer with the bloody reptile around to keep an eye on her.
Day 1 - Coleane and Gen - Hero to Me


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Coleane flew onto the balcony outside her room, laying down under the skylight. She stared up at the sky, letting herself relax and photosynthesize.

Today had been...not the best so far. People not believing her, uncomfortable realizations...

...it was only one person who didn't believe her, but...still, it stung.

She felt the frustration May felt with her, her disbelief at her words.

She felt how much disdain May had for what she was saying.


Maybe talking to her online friends would help.

Biking through mountains...

Gilded Gaggle of Goofs

MonDegreen: Still freaking out over that trailer.

MonDegreen: Just. WOW!

MonDegreen: Can't believe Pix is getting a trainer!

Delino: Ye! I'm hype for this season!

Tapestry: What do you mean they're scary? I could sorta get Corviknights, but DUNSPARCE?!

Ta Writeer: their eyes are so weird and theyre so much bigger in person
Looks like they're busy, and Writeer and Tapestry were still arguing...

She'd check back in later. She could manage. She could manage.

She heard the door opening, and saw a smiling Oshawott waddling towards her, waving, saying, "Hi Coleane!"

"Hey Gen! How was your time at the restaurant?" Coleane asked, raising one of her wings in greeting.

"I-it was good! I met a really n-nice person named Steven!" Gen said, his tail wagging. "How about you? D-did you have fun flying?"

"...not really," Coleane admitted, staring up at the sky. A bright blue sky with sparse clouds, that she always had so much flying around. And yet, after her conversation with May, it brought her next to no joy.

"What h-happened?" Gen asked, waddling closer to her, and hugging one of her forelegs as best he could.

"I'm not a hero, and I'm never going to be," Coleane said, her wings drooping. "I'm not human, and all I was summoned was to become Champion. Why can't I do something grand like the heroes?"

"Well...you're a h-hero to me," Gen said, looking up at her. "You've given me companionship, and p-promised to get me home. That...that means the world to me. I don't know what I'd h-have done without you.

She...she had saved him, hadn't she? She'd found him all alone, panicking, pleading for someone, anyone to find him. And...she'd found him, cared for him, helped him recover. And now they were partners.

Maybe...maybe she really was a hero, even if it was just to one person.

"Thanks, Gen," Coleane said, draping a wing over the Oshawott. He squeaked in response, and Coleane smiled. She was so happy to have him as her partner.

D1: Sleet and Hazel

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel was waiting for Gladion to be getting back from shopping. She was going to be learning a new thing and was looking forward to it. Being excited was making waiting harder, though. She was getting bored of practising signing silent sounds with nobody who would be hearing them.

Maybe if she was going up to the third floor she could be talking to Malachai. He was hearing her if she was just thinking loud enough. She liked her brother but she was also wishing he could do that too. But now that she was learning to make signs that meant silent sounds it would be okay.

She opened the door and made her way upstairs. Nobody was seeing her, which was good. She didn't want to be scaring anyone. Hopefully her friends would still be there.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Laura and Malachai weren't around, but neither was Hazel alone on the third floor. Lounging on a sofa in the hallway was Sleet, studying a pamphlet about Kunolo Island, eyes narrowed. She looked up from the pages as Hazel arrived, and grinned.

"Youu arre a sstrrange one," she remarked, looking the chimera up and down. "Hello."

She put the pamphlet down and gave a lazy salute, followed by a handful of fluid hand gestures.

[You understand sign, weirdo?]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
She hadn’t seen all those signs before. They were fast and efficient and a lot better than signing out all the sounds one by one. But also there were too many of them. Even without a sign for ever word there were a lot. There were some for very similar sounds where she had already forgotten one and always used the other.

[I am only knowing signs of sounds. Started today. I am knowing I am strange already. Did you think I wasn’t knowing that?]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Yooo, nice. Youu'rre prretty good for a newbie."

Weird grammar, which might just be a chimera brain thing, you never knew, but this one was obviously smart. A day's worth of lessons, and already that articulate? It wasn't textbook or anything, but this one learned fast. Cool. Worth talking to some more, and not just to push around.

Sleet cleared her throat, un-slouched substantially, and let her tongue slip out of her mouth to lick at her eyes.

"I am Sleet. Your name?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel cooed. She appreciated that Sleet was thinking she was good for someone new. She felt silly because it was taking her longer than normal talking to be making all the sound signs for talking.

[Hi Sleet. I am Hazel. I was knowing words already. I have just been making them signs today.]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Sleet nodded, and stroked her chin with the back of her fingers. "'Kay. Cool. Did you jussst not ssspeak be-fore to-day?"

Haha holy shit how frustrating would that be? It pissed Sleet off enough to have shit enunciation, to the point where she just signed all the time instead and made fun of trainers who weren't fluent. Which was fun. But it also just made her more pissed off. If she couldn't speak or sign, then... Fuuuuuuuck. No, no, bad, terrible, the worst. Couldn't think about it.

"Girl, that fffuckin' blowsss," she said, the corners of her mouth pulling down in a face of abject revulsion.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
[It was not good. But my partner is very good at knowing me without words so it was okay. It is now that we are meeting more people that I was finding it hard because they were not good at that like him.]

She thought of the other Hazel in particular. With out speaking or being able to read her typed messages, the two of them had never actually communicated at all before. Hazel only know what she could infer from Gladion’s responses… but that was enough to make her wish she could’ve said something.

At least she would not be having that problem anymore.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Yyyeah, sssome humans are better at figurin' 'mon out," said Sleet, with an elaborate waggle of her hand which roughly meant [this issue is complicated and annoys me]. "Good luck learrnin' more, Ha-zel. You'll learrn fassst, I think."

Actually, this could be fun and useful. Hazel could hardly get by on her own not because she was low-tier sapient – she seemed like she might even have parity with humans, incredibly! – but because she lacked ways to communicate. Sleet could help with that. And besides filling the time, maybe Hazel would do a favour or two for Sleet.

"Youu want lessons, biiiiiitch?" asked Sleet, her grin reaching her nictitating eyes.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Niccce. Firsst, I gotta teach you how to ssswear."

This was going to be the beginning of a wonderful friendship, that would hopefully cause many problems for a large number of humans.

"Ha-zel, do you know what fffuck means?"

Sleet couldn't be happier with how her evening was turning out.

Night 2: Sleet used Odor Sleuth! It was Super Effective!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Sleet used Odor Sleuth! Sleet discovered something!

After much snooping and slinking around, it seems there's much to see in the dorms. Plenty of scents, sights and sounds. Most belong to trainers already seen around the island - the boy with the chimera, various eeveelution pokemon, and all the other strange trainers here. All the scents are layered too, from folks coming and going from their rooms.

Nothing strange there.

But the first floor seems to hold something unusual. The scent of a boy and Scizor, heading into a room (judging by the door it must be one of the forest-y dorms) but no scent leaving. Did some trainer stay in his room all day?

There's something else strange as well. Another scent, in front of the door. A Hypno and a womans scent. Whatever that means. A visitor or something? The scent seems to stop outside the door, as far as one can tell. However, the door is locked from the inside.

Other than that, everything else seems about as normal as one can expect on an island with sanguine gods and talking Tropius'.
Night 2 - Seb, Zack and Jack Unwind


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Aah, this was an epic day,” Seb exclaimed after opening the door and stretching his arms. Zack flew from behind him towards the nest bed above Jack.

“Yo, Jack-o, my dude!” The Pidgeotto sat on his nest cross-legged and looked below. “What’ve you been up to?”

“Oh, hey, Jack,” Seb said, looking up at the Farfetch’d laying on his nest and examining a feather grasped in his wing. “I was a bit worried about your absence. I almost didn’t notice you.” He took off his jacket and laid on the bed. “You wouldn’t believe the chat I had with Wallace at the Pokémon Center. I don’t think I’d give it justice if I just told you—it was pretty nice.”

“Yeah, and his Milotic was cool,” Zack added. “It was a sweet time.”

Jack smiled, not removing his gaze from the feather. “I’m glad we had good times overall.”

“Well, better sleep—it’s getting pretty late.” Seb laid his head onto the pillows, gazing at the stars beyond the windows. “Good night, guys.”

“G’night.” Zack waved a wing.

“See you in the morning,” Jack muttered.

The Pidgeotto leaned his head down, coming closer to the Farfetch’d. “Uh, Jack-o? Whatcha got there? You’re kinda quiet right now.”

“A feather,” Jack replied.

“Uh, is it from a chick? Did someone come here?”

“No, I found this in the forest outside. And I’m not sure if the owner of this feather is female.”

“Well, what’s so special about it, then?” Zack tilted his head in confusion.

“It’s a Xatu feather.” Jack brushed the feather for a bit.

“Yeah, so?”

“Have you seen at least one Xatu among us?”

“Uh, no? Why are you askin’?”

“This feather has been bothering me ever since I found it. It could’ve been from a wild Xatu or maybe an infiltrator.”

“Maybe you’re just lookin’ too much into it. It can’t be anythin’ big. I mean, so far, the only villain I’ve seen was that crazy shadow lady.”

“Yeah. I just thought you’d have liked to know.”

“It’s no big deal, man. ‘Sides, we should sleep for what comes next day.”

“Do you think a villain—aside from that doppelgänger—will show up tomorrow?”

“Nah, that would be too good to be true. I mean, we’re on an island resort. Nothin’ can go wrong here, don’tcha think, my guy?”

Jack remained silent for a few seconds. “Yeah…” he said in slight disappointment.

“Aw, don’t be so sad,” Zack said before going back up to his nest. “Just leave that dumb feather and enjoy your time here. It’s been epic today and will still be tomorrow and onward, so chill. G’night now.”

Jack laid down, the feather held onto his chest. “Good night.” He didn’t want to abandon the possibility of the Xatu feather having something to do with the island’s mystery, but it was also unlikely that that was the case. Nonetheless, he went to sleep, patiently awaiting the events of tomorrow.
N2: Odile On Her Nicki Minaj Kick


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Odile Beaming.PNG
"̶I̵ ̷g̴e̷t̶ ̷i̵t̴ ̶c̵r̸a̴c̵k̵i̷n̵'̶ ̷l̵i̷k̶e̸ ̵a̷ ̵b̸a̸d̶ ̵b̵a̵c̸k," Odile rapped into the karaoke mic. She stood on the bed as if it were a stage for her comeback performance--because of fucking course it was. The music was perfectly loud enough, she could feel the bass in her gut, and of COURSE she was going to do this masterpiece of a track justice.

"̴B̸i̴t̸c̶h̶ ̴t̶a̸l̷k̴i̴n̵'̶ ̴s̴h̸e̶ ̴t̵h̷e̵ ̶q̸u̷e̶e̴n̶,̷ ̴w̸h̵e̶n̷ ̵s̷h̴e̷ ̶l̶o̶o̵k̷i̷n̵'̴ ̶l̵i̸k̵e̷ ̷a̸ ̸l̷a̴b̸ ̸r̴a̵t̶.̷ ̷I̷'̵m̷ ̶A̴N̵G̷E̵L̷I̷N̴A̸,̴" she pointed at Enora, ̸"y̵o̷u̸ ̴J̴E̵N̴N̴I̴F̸E̵R̶.̸"

Enora Deadpan.PNG


Odile Beaming.PNG
She then leapt off the bed, gesturing wildly to herself. "̷C̶o̴m̶e̷ ̷o̴n̷,̴ ̶b̶i̶t̷c̵h̸,̸ ̷Y̴O̴U̵ ̴S̴E̷E̸ ̷W̸H̵E̷R̵E̷ ̸B̷R̸A̷D̵ ̷A̷T̸.̷"̸

Odette Sus.PNG
Fresh out of the shower and mid-skin routine, Odette could hear the music from the ajar door. She briefly seized massaging her moisturizer into her skin to try to get a look at what exactly Odile was doing.

"What the fuck is going on over there? Are you having a party?" Clovis's voice rang from her phone, perched neatly on a stack of face towels on the bathroom counter.

"No. I think Odile figured out our TV has a karaoke feature and she's still on her Nicki Minaj kick," she said, still trying to look through the space in the door.

"Oh, then I'm sure your noise complaints will be--Guzma. Can you please do the stupid mission and stop running over pedestrians?"

Odette whipped back around to get a good look at her phone screen. Clovis was holding the phone, laying in their bed with Loic resting on his right shoulder, and Powdered Sugar on the left. Guzma was sitting up beside him and clinging to a game controller. His eyes were clearly fixed on something else.

"Bruh, killin' the innocents is the best fuckin' part of the game," Guzma whined as he mashed down on some buttons.

"Dude," Clovis gasped, very evidently exasperated. He was struggling to not move, as to not wake the sleeping Mimikyu and Snom on him. "Stay on the goddamn road!"

"Stop bein' a goddamn ninny," Guzma spat.

Odile Beaming.PNG
"̶A̵Y̴O̷ ̶S̴B̶,̵ ̸W̴H̷A̶T̵ ̸T̵H̵E̶ ̷F̵U̶C̷K̷'̶S̶ ̶G̷O̸O̸D̷?̶ ̸W̵E̸ ̴S̵H̵I̵P̷ ̵P̶L̶A̶T̵I̴N̸U̴M̴,̷ ̴T̷H̸E̸M̸ ̵B̷I̶T̵C̷H̵E̶S̴ ̷S̴H̸I̶P̷P̴I̶N̸'̶ ̸W̶O̷O̶D̴-̶-̷"̷

Odette Deadpan w Sweatdrop.PNG
Truth be told, Odette would have been a lot less enthused by the noise had she not spent the night before bouncing back and forth between wallowing in self pity and struggling to fall asleep. This more upbeat vibe was a welcome change, even if it might come at the expense of her sanity. Really, there were much better Nicki Minaj songs for her to be singing...

She brought her hands back to her face and rubbed the rest of the cream into her cheeks.

"Well, was today at least a little better for you?" Clovis asked.

She nodded, averting her eyes back to the phone. "Honestly, yeah. Enora got chummy with some other Eons and I got to talk to some nice girls."

"But were they cute nice girls?" Guzma wondered. He didn't look at the camera though, and Odette couldn't help but laugh.

Thinking about it now...Kimiko had her stupid blush, and Laura had her eagerness to get to the bottom of everything...and they were both very nice on the eyes...

Odile Beaming.PNG
"̵Y̷O̶U̶ ̶A̴ ̶S̴T̵U̶P̶I̶D̸ ̴H̸O̸E̵,̶ ̸Y̴O̷U̷ ̸A̶,̶ ̸Y̸O̶U̵ ̴A̸ ̵S̵T̴U̸P̵I̷D̴ ̸H̷O̴E̵.̸ ̶Y̸O̵U̸ ̸A̶ ̷S̴T̸U̵P̶I̶D̶ ̸H̷O̵E̶,̷ ̴Y̶O̴U̸ ̷A̷,̴ ̶Y̸O̴U̷ ̵A̶ ̷S̵T̶U̴P̵I̶D̴ ̶H̵O̸E̸-̸-̸"̷

Odette Deadpan w Sweatdrop.PNG
Oh gods. Yeah. They were cute. And she was talking to them. How absolutely wild.

"Yes," she said simply.

"Nice," Guzma said, sounding quite proud. He then jolted the remote. "Get out of the fuckin' road, grandma!"

"Okay, you know what," Clovis huffed, pushing himself up a little. "Take the phone, give me the remote. I'm over it."

"Clovis, I don't expect ya to understand this because yer not a hardened hood Ratatta like me," Guzma said as they made they trade, "but little old ladies like that are fuckin' vicious."

"Have you met my grandmother?" Clovis asked incredulously, adjusting the remote in his hands as he eyed Guzma closely. "I'm well aware."

Odile Beaming.PNG
"̵Y̶O̶U̸ ̷A̸ ̵S̶T̸U̴P̷I̵D̶ ̶H̶O̴E̴,̸ ̴Y̷O̷U̴ ̶A̷,̴ ̸Y̵O̵U̶ ̷A̴ ̴S̵T̸U̷P̸I̸D̴ ̵H̴O̶E̷-̴-̵"̵

Odette Deadpan w Sweatdrop.PNG
Odette patted her face gingerly before going in with her eye cream and facial oil. "I really hope she isn't going to be doing that all night..." she muttered.

"So what's on the agenda for tomorrow, hot stuff?" Guzma asked. He was now holding the phone.

Odette blinked a few times as she mindlessly dispensed some of her eye cream onto her fingertips. She then removed her glasses so she could have prime access to that area, leaving her momentarily blind. As she rubbed her hands together, she took that beat to really consider the options.

She could just stick to Laura. Or go find Kimiko. Shit, maybe they could make a girl posse and just stick together for the rest of the time. But, she also wanted to speak to Wes again, perhaps when he was in a better mood (if that was even something that would happen). There were a few others she also wanted to possibly speak to...and maybe apologize to...

Hm. For some reason, the thought of that still made her nervous. The clean slate idea seemed to be working, though. Laura was easy to talk to having not bore witness to the bullshit on the ship, so maybe she should just say fuck it to everyone else and stay that route.

But, then she'd be walking on eggshells of the rest of the trip...


"Who knows," she said, slowly rubbing her fingers under her eyes. "I'm kind of just along for the ride right now."

Odile Beaming.PNG
"̶'̶C̴a̶u̸s̸e̸ ̷I̷ ̶p̵u̸l̵l̸ ̷u̶p̸ ̷i̸n̷ ̴t̶h̵e̸ ̷P̷o̷r̴s̴c̴h̵e̷ ̷b̴u̷t̷ ̵I̶ ̸a̴i̴n̷'̷t̴ ̷d̸e̶ ̶R̷o̴s̴s̶i̴.̸ ̷P̷r̷e̵t̸t̴y̵ ̸b̸i̷t̶c̴h̷e̴s̶ ̷o̵n̷l̴y̴ ̷c̷a̶n̴ ̵g̸e̵t̷ ̷i̸n̵ ̷m̴y̶ ̸p̸o̵s̷s̶e̵-̶-̶"̶
Odette Sus.PNG
"Maybe apologize for the rapping apparitions coming out of my room," she said, shooting one last look over her shoulder.

But, that was still preferable to how she thought this trip was going to go. She wouldn't complain.
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