Hello, everyone! This is a rewrite of my older fic of the same name, which can be found here. I've decided to restart for a lot of reasons, chiefly that when I wrote the last version, it was my first time writing something that long ever, and what four-years-ago-me wrote no longer Produces Joy. So I started writing from scratch at the beginning of 2023, and the fruits of those labours are finally beginning to bloom! This fic is divided into six books, each with around 20ish chapters, which I will try to post one of weekly.
So, what is it? This is a rewrite fic for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, specifically the last game (Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon). For those who aren't familiar with PMD, don't worry! you can treat this like a normal fantasy story, just with Oops All Pokemon. For the mystery dungeon-savvy, this is a fic that puts Espurr into the place of the main player character, and in general tightens a lot of the screws that the original game had loose (and loosens some others...
It's part me wanting to write Espurr more than she was shown in the game, part me wanting to fix the narrative atrocity that was PSMD, and part me just wanting to have fun with a plot and cast that hits dozens of buttons. It's also. not very faithful to the original PSMD at all, except for the broad strokes, and there are some things floating around that weren't in the game at all. So be prepared for that; I don't make any secret of it. The vibe is meant to be intensely 'Harry Potter/Lemony Snicket/Stranger Things middle-to-high-school fiction', with a distinctive splash of the original PMD flavour, if you want an idea of what to expect in general.
A massive thanks to my beta readers, @Namohysip, @Inkedust, @windskull, and ShadowVulpi (you should check their fics out too if you haven't already!), and without further ado, welcome to my fucked up brainchild monstrosity about How I Want To Write A Weirdo Nerd Child Under The Guise Of Fixing A Bad Game please enjoy and don't forget to like subscribe and hit the notification bell for more
So, what is it? This is a rewrite fic for the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, specifically the last game (Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon). For those who aren't familiar with PMD, don't worry! you can treat this like a normal fantasy story, just with Oops All Pokemon. For the mystery dungeon-savvy, this is a fic that puts Espurr into the place of the main player character, and in general tightens a lot of the screws that the original game had loose (and loosens some others...
It's part me wanting to write Espurr more than she was shown in the game, part me wanting to fix the narrative atrocity that was PSMD, and part me just wanting to have fun with a plot and cast that hits dozens of buttons. It's also. not very faithful to the original PSMD at all, except for the broad strokes, and there are some things floating around that weren't in the game at all. So be prepared for that; I don't make any secret of it. The vibe is meant to be intensely 'Harry Potter/Lemony Snicket/Stranger Things middle-to-high-school fiction', with a distinctive splash of the original PMD flavour, if you want an idea of what to expect in general.
A massive thanks to my beta readers, @Namohysip, @Inkedust, @windskull, and ShadowVulpi (you should check their fics out too if you haven't already!), and without further ado, welcome to my fucked up brainchild monstrosity about How I Want To Write A Weirdo Nerd Child Under The Guise Of Fixing A Bad Game please enjoy and don't forget to like subscribe and hit the notification bell for more

~ * Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep? * ~
First, Espurr was shoved into the body of a pokemon and hurled into the deep dark woods. Then a voice of life told her she had to save a world she knew nothing about. Then, pokemon started getting hurt. Now her only chance against school bullies, shadowy killers, and otherworldly demons lies with a hyperactive fennekin, a goomy with a stutter, and a cloaked ampharos no-mon knows the first thing about. Extremely normal middle-schooler problems. She’s prepared for this. Definitely.
A PSMD rewrite starring Espurr.
Rating: K+ - T
Genres: Fantasy | Mystery | Horror
Content Warnings: Death, Bullying, Heavy Themes

Book links:
Book I: A Darkling Horizon
Book II: A Cruel Summer
Book III: A Runaways' Plea
Book IV: The Dungeon's Curse
Book V: Darkness Takes Over
Book VI: The Scorched Earth
Book I: A Darkling Horizon
Book II: A Cruel Summer
Book III: A Runaways' Plea
Book IV: The Dungeon's Curse
Book V: Darkness Takes Over
Book VI: The Scorched Earth
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