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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, here with the first chapter of our fresh review exchange. Your story happened to be up for review tag offsite, and it’s a priority of mine for the current Reading Rookidee, so sounded like as good a reason as any to just dive in and catch up with where things left off in the Ancient Barrow:

Chapter 24

The light of the way out, warm and illuminating, soon faded into cold, slimy darkness. The dark of the distance met Espurr as she ran back into the halls covered with viscous black sludge. Looking for any sign of the hallway she had seen before.

Behind her, Riolu tried his best to catch up. He made noisy splashes in the water behind them as he ran.

“Hey!” he called from behind her. “Wait up! I’m gonna lose you!”
Oh yeah, that'd be such a fantastic environment to get separated in. In the eldritch geometry house with a superpowered Void Shadow just wandering around.

As much as she wanted to speed up, Espurr slowed down. It wouldn’t do any good to lose the only pokemon currently with her, no matter how panicked she was. She took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down.

It didn’t work. She was still breathing fast.

Riolu: "I'd just like to remind you that if you'd waited for me to get my actual body first..." >_>;
Espurr: "Yeah, well we don't know that we have that kind of time to work with. So let's hurry it up here!" >.<

“What are we even looking for?” Riolu panted out as he caught up with her. Espurr sped up again, forcing him to abandon catching his breath to keep pace with her.

“A way up,” Espurr answered between breaths. “If the anchorstone is in the middle of the dungeon, and the stairs at the entrance went down while the ones we’ve been climbing went up, we can probably assume this dungeon doesn’t work like all the other ones. And that means there’s stairs leading up somewhere on this floor. It’s an easy way to get to them. All we have to do is find the stairs.”
Riolu: "... And we know that we're remotely close to this Anchorstone how?"

Espurr: "... Process of elimination? Also, canonically there's only supposed to be 11 floors to this thing, so..." ^^;

She had ad-libbed all of that. More hopefully than anything, but Espurr was willing to accept any hope she could grasp at. Even if she had to make it up for herself. Alongside her, Riolu nodded along, looking like he didn’t understand any of it.


Up ahead in the corridor, Espurr caught sight of a small hallway to their left. She pointed at it, making sure that Riolu could see. “We’re headed that way first.”

“But shouldn’t we scout the floor and come back to this late—”

“We might not find it again later.” Espurr cut him off, taking him by the paw and almost forcefully dragging him into the hallway.

This theory was their lucky break. It had to be. Or Espurr didn’t know what she would do if it weren't.

I'd recommend expanding that last sentence slightly, and boy am I getting strong "things are going to go horribly, horribly wrong" vibes, since everything about Espurr's decision-making right now feels really questionable.

Goomy saw wrong. More accurately, he felt wrong. The antennae constantly twitching atop his head were wrong, and so was the gooey snail shell on his back. He couldn’t see colors anymore. He saw, but in vibrations. Everything around him was illuminated in black and white, a fading image renewed with each twitch of his antennae. He didn’t even know where he had pulled that attack from—something he couldn’t have imagined doing just a few seconds before. Goomy stayed still in shock for a bit.

Goomy: "I'm- I'm not dead am I? P-Please tell me I'm not dead." @.@


Deerling galloped through the muck towards him, then threw herself into him the best she could. Goomy did his best to not collapse into formless goo upon impact, but now that he tried it, he couldn’t do that as well now either.

“Aw, berry crackers. He’s the first to evolve? He’s the youngest out of all of us!” Pancham walked forward, his arms stuck out in annoyance. Goomy could hear the relief he was trying to push out of his voice.

Nice priorities there, Pancham. I did a double-take at Goomy's vision, but no that's actually canonical to Sliggoo if its dex lore is to be believed, so nice attention to detail there.

“Oh, stick a wooper in it, Pancham,” Deerling hissed at him. “You nearly died! We. All. Nearly. Died. He saved our lives! The least you could do is thank him instead of treating him like muk!”

Wait, what exactly are they doing with those poor Wooper if 'stick a Wooper' is a phrase in this setting?

“Sooo cool!!”

That was Tricky. She bounded around him, checking his new body out from all angles. “What does it feel like? Can you see? Ooh—Ooh—Watchog said that sliggoos dissolve everything with killer slime. Can you dissolve a dungeon ‘mon??”

Sliggoo: "... Tricky, you're scaring me right now." ._.;
Tricky: "Hey, you can't say it wouldn't be a handy ability to have right now."

“T-that’s a myth,” Goomy stuttered out, still trying to figure out how to speak with his new mouth. He knew that much. Although he guessed he was Sliggoo now.

Wait, are their mouths really that different from each other? Or is post-evolution bodily dysphoria just a relatively common occurrence in this setting?

“Hey,” Deerling said, trying to stabilize the wobbling Sliggoo. “You feeling alright? Do you need to rest for a moment?”

“This is great and all,” Shelmet interjected loudly, “but I propose we get a move and get out of here before, y’know, the scary monster thing comes back to get us?”

Deerling: "... You know what, on second thought, maybe it would be better if we rested someplace a bit safer than here."

“I- I’m f-fine,” Goo—Sliggoo stuttered, stabilizing himself without Deerling’s help. “I just want to get out of here.”

“True that,” Pancham muttered. “How many floors is this place, anyway? It’s gotta have been at least fifteen.”

The answer is 'eleven assuming we're sticking to canon', Pancham. Which we could very well not be given the mention of where the Anchorstone is.

“Try five.” Deerling clopped past him, leading the group onwards. “It can’t be that many now. The only ‘mon we’re missing is Espurr.”

No-mon saw it in the darkness, but Tricky’s ears flopped back as they continued on.

“You don’t think we left her behind, right?” she asked. Deerling didn’t answer. No-mon did. No-mon knew. There was only hope to guide them.

... Actually wait a minute, but do Espurr and Tricky still have their Communication Orbs right now? If so, why haven't they tried calling each other to try and see if they can make contact with each other. Assuming they figured them out to that point, anyways?

This was less than optimal. They were in two groups now, instead of seven defenseless targets. If It allowed them to progress unhindered, soon there would be only one group.

They knew. They weren’t like the beings that had ended up in the Voidlands. pathetic beings filled with hate and worry and discord for It and Its brethren to leech off of and grow stronger from. They were a measly seven, but together they had hurt It. And now It slunk off to lick its wounds, and hunt the smaller group of two lower in the dungeon.

I... admittedly did not get that vibe from Wartortle's encampment. If that's meant to apply to everyone that Nyarlathotep ran over in the Voidlands, that's probably something that'd be worth considering to play up in the scenes involving Wartortle and the remnants of the guild. Alternatively, if Nyarlathotep was specifically referring to Riolu and his group from last chapter, you probably want to subtly tweak the narration here to make that more obvious.

It had never liked children. They were too hopeful, too filled with positive emotions that burned It like the fire it hated. Too small to make a good meal, for all the trouble. And yet they posed the largest threat to It.
Ah yes, the reason why canonical PMD protags seem to almost always seem to be on the younger side, and how Dark Matter jobs to peasant children that stumble across cosmic power canonically.

Now It lay in hiding, conserving Its strength and plotting Its next move. Maybe this was more optimal than It had originally thought. In one group, they were a dangerous but easy target. And now that It had fought them a few times, It knew which ones to eat first. It would devour the psychic cat and the goo snail, depriving them of their largest weapons. Then it would eat the fennekin, wielder of terrible fire, the first to defy Its nightmares. The riolu would be consumed next, for daring to escape from Its home. And then It would feast upon the rest, eating their screams as Its teeth ripped into their flesh. Oh yes it would make them suffer. It would devour them one by one, bite by bite. Their final moments would be of delicious fear and horror, just waiting to be sucked out of their bones.

All along the Anchorstone floor, the slime covering the walls rapidly shifted and squelched in preparation. It was time to set the stage.

Well, that's not disquieting at all. Both the overall thought process and the knowledge that Nyarlathotep is already there waiting at the Anchorstone.

There was nothing at the end of the hallway. Espurr hadn’t wasted time making it back to the main corridor, pulling Riolu along with her. Riolu had made a few efforts to slow down, but Espurr wasn’t having it. They found another corridor, and she checked that one too. It was only after a few more hurried searches of hallways that Riolu finally sat down in the muck, all puffed out.

“I need a minute,” he panted. “To… catch my breath…”

Riolu: "Espurr, given that for all we know, Nyarlathotep is literally right around the next corner, shouldn't we not be wearing ourselves out like this?" >_>;
Espurr: "Look, the alternative is gambling with my friends' lives, and I'm not exactly down with that."

Riolu: "(At the expense of gambling with our own for dubious benefit?)" >.<;

Espurr reluctantly stopped. She folded her arms, marched back over to him, and sat down opposite him silently. Finally, now that she’d stopped running, her rapidly beating heart began to slow. And she could notice just how tuckered out Riolu was.

“Sorry for dragging you around so fast,” she said. It sounded lame, dragged out of her mouth. “I just need to find—”

“You’re looking for your friends,” Riolu said. He sat huddled up, staring down at the water with eyes wide open. “I get it.”
Boy would it be a really, really terrible time for Nyarlathotep to find these two in this state.

At least you aren’t running the other way.

Riolu: "Seriously, don't tempt me right now." >_>;

Nothing was said between them; they sat together in silence.

“What do you do if they’re dead?” Riolu suddenly broke the silence.


“What if you go back, and you don’t see…” He trailed off.

Espurr: "Riolu! What the hell?!"

Riolu: "Look, considering I've literally had my friends die on me to that thing on more occasions than I can count on one paw, it's a valid question, okay?" >_>;

It was the question Espurr would do anything not to answer. Because the truth was, she didn’t know. She didn’t want to know. The dilemma grew in her mind like a cloud of haze, the corners of her mind flashed blue-green, and she could feel her ears up top begin to stir with flickers of power. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to ward it off with logic. The monster was busy with them. There wasn’t enough time for it to go back for everymon else.
Pretty sure that that's a volatile mixture of copium and hopium right there, but... yeah, I don't blame Espurr for not wanting to have a nervous breakdown right about now. ^^;

That made it feel better. All that grief and haze… a flicker of it was too much for her. How much had Tricky gone through?

For the first time since being separated from her friends, Espurr’s shoulder felt lighter than it should have—missing the strap of the tattered old exploration bag she’d brought in. She gladly seized the distraction. That bag had everything in it! There were so many things she’d have to replace if she couldn’t retrieve it… but since they were backtracking, perhaps she’d find it along the way.

... I'm guessing that the Connection Orb is one of those things given that Espurr hasn't reflexively grabbed for it to try and make a call. It might have been mentioned explicitly earlier, but if not, perhaps it might mention a passing acknowledgement of how that's not an option at the moment. ^^;

“Ready yet?” she asked Riolu, dodging the question. Riolu noticed. But he nodded anyway.

“Almost,” he said, still sounding tuckered out. “I can get up no—”

Something changed. Both Espurr and Riolu noticed. He stopped mid-sentence, and they both silently looked in the direction of the distant rumbling that came from deeper within the dungeon. It was getting closer.


Riolu: "Boy it sure is a good thing that you've been running me ragged for the past god-knows-how-many-floors..."

Espurr: "Look, just pipe down and get moving here. Sitting and whining isn't going to magically even our odds out." >.<

Both Espurr and Riolu got to their feet, but it was all they could do to jump clear of the wall before it suddenly became fluid. Goo shifted along the walls at high speeds, and soon the walls themselves began to change. The dungeon began to growl, leading up into a roar that blew through the halls—something was rearranging it without its consent, and it was not happy. The sound vibrated through the air around Espurr and Riolu, and a sudden gust of rancid wind buffeted them both backwards. And the walls weren’t solidifying.

Espurr: "... So much for moving." O_O;
Riolu: "I'm- I'm pretty sure that we're screwed beyond belief right about now."

Espurr got back to her feet, helping Riolu up as quickly as she could. A sudden pillar of black muck shot out of the wall, and they both ducked just in time to avoid it. The area closed up into a full wall, and Espurr and Riolu scrambled away from it. More and more pillars of goo shot out from all directions, while walls around them collapsed.

“What do we do?” Riolu yelled over the noise of the shifting dungeon. He and Espurr were pressed as close together as they could possibly be. The muck around them churned, and they parted just in time to avoid another wall of slime shooting straight up out of the ground. And then Espurr saw it: Behind a collapsing wall, the stairs stood. They glowed brighter than anything else, and most importantly: they led upwards.

She called out to Riolu just before the wall sealed up and separated them. “Head that way! I see the stairs!”

I mean, not that those two exactly are rich on options right now, but there is exactly no way that is going to end well considering Nyarlathotep's plan revealed to the readers earlier.

As walls formed all around them, Espurr didn’t waste any time running forward. A corridor was forming, leading right to the stairs, and she ran directly for it. Nearly too late—another pillar of goo, soon to become a wall, shot out of the ground. It began to form a barrier between her and the stairs, turning it into a dead end. She wasn’t going to make it in time.

The dungeon roared again. Espurr knew that the dungeon winds would follow. She sped up as fast as she could, but then she began to feel a draft. As she ran, she noticed her fur blew in the direction of the sealing up wall, and that gave her an idea. Just as the gust intensified, she jumped—

—The gust of wind blew through the nearly completed hallway, and its power thrust Espurr off her feet and sent her flying through the gap just before the wall closed up. She hit the muck on the other side of the hallway and got a mouthful of swamp water. At this point, she was beginning to get used to its bitter taste.

Espurr: "... Could've done without that, really. If we survive this, the first thing I'm doing is going straight to Connection Café to wash this nasty taste out of my mouth."

“You okay?”

Espurr looked up to see Riolu standing over her. He held a paw out, and she took it, bringing herself to her feet. Ahead of them, the stairs lit the hallway with a luminous glow. Behind them, the dungeon slowly settled into an uneasy peace. The rumbling ceased.

“We shouldn’t wait around for something else to happen,” Espurr said, winded as she was. “Let’s go.”

... Can't tell if that's really Riolu or not since he kinda just vanished entirely in the last block. Like maybe it's nothing, but considering how Void Shadows have faked being various others on multiple occasions in this arc...

Tricky worried about it the whole way there. She worried about what had happened to Espurr, who was her friend when no-mon else would have been. Espurr, who was the only ‘mon still separated from the group. Espurr, who Tricky worried had been left behind in the dungeon. She knew there were no answers for her right now, but the worry hung over her like a cloud of haze as they walked.

Espurr can take care of herself,' Tricky’s brain said. She used that like a shield, hiding behind it, hiding from the worry. But that didn’t stop her from knowing it was there.

Uh... yeah, considering how Tricky has that deep-seated trauma of Budew being brutally killed and eaten, I can already see how this would be hard on her for stress management.

“Hey,” Deerling spoke after what felt like hours of silence. “I found something.”

She sped up, and all the others did their best to follow.

Sitting against the goo-covered wall was the tattered old exploration bag that belonged to Espurr. Deerling stopped right in front of it, and looked down at the bag. It floated in the muck, its strap stuck to the walls and holding it in place. If it weren’t waterproof it would have been ruined long ago.

Sure hope there's something left of its contents since... yeah, you kids are gonna need the help. ^^;

Tricky quickly pushed past Pancham and Shelmet to look at the bag. She was the first one to point out the obvious.

“That’s Espurr’s!”

Everymon else exchanged looks in worry. Tricky’s fear nearly overcame her—Espurr wouldn’t just leave the team bag behind like that. What if something had… what if… good thoughts…
Oh, for a second I thought we were going to see Tricky go full war flashbacks and break down in panic right there.

Tricky stared down at the muck for a moment, breathing hard, trying to think of something positive to make of the situation.

“Well…” she began after a moment. “If the bag is here, then Espurr has to be further down in the dungeon. So we didn’t leave her behind.”

I kinda wonder if the first paragraph ought to have been a bit more of a process and spread out more over at least the prior paragraph in expanded form. Basically the whole "oh no no no... it can't be happening again, not like this" sort of internal train of thought, show her panicking more explicitly, and then starting to come down here.

More silence. Uneasy nods, but the unspoken words hung in the air over all of them: She’s dead, isn’t she?

Not yet, not that that's exactly a high bar to cross. ^^;

“We should collect it,” Deerling said. Her voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper. “It’s got her things in it. We don’t want to leave those behind.”

Pancham—the only one with hands—stooped over and picked it up. He slung it over his back, and they began to continue on again in silence.

Tricky wouldn’t believe it. Not until she saw it with her own eyes. That perked her up just a little as they trudged further into the dungeon.

I mean, the chapter count kinda gives away the ultimate outcome, but boy is it an
thought to think of how Tricky would've reacted to actually finding out that Espurr died.

The stairs deposited Espurr and Riolu onto the next floor up with an unceremonious splash. Their wits were too shot for either of them to be fazed. They just picked themselves up, shook off the water, and began to trek through the dungeon’s hallways once again with little complaint. Their fur was matted with swamp grime and bits of the wall’s black sludge. Their eyes stung from the dirt that had gotten in them, and their limbs were weary. Espurr didn’t think she could ever clean the filth out of the scarf Tricky had given her. It hung around her neck, soggy with swamp water and almost brown from the dirt that had collected on it.


Does a great job at selling that "I'm never gonna feel clean again after this" sort of feeling.


Espurr closed her eyes, and reached out with her sixth sense once more. If they were on this floor, and she tried hard enough…

“Hey, do you hear voices?”

Riolu’s comment snapped Espurr back to reality. She glanced at him.

“I wasn’t paying attention. Where?”

Riolu hears voices? Before Tricky could pick up a psychic presence?

“Voices. That way.” Riolu pointed towards the end of the corridor that they’d been travelling down. When Espurr strained her ears, she could hear it too.

“I think the stairs are this way," said a voice in the distance. "It’s the only hallway we haven’t checked.”

That sounded like… Deerling! Espurr immediately broke out into a run, dashing down the hallway and making splashes in the muck behind her. She just stopped herself from calling out to them, in case it was an enemy she hadn’t been aware of.

She slowed to a stop just outside the entrance to the main hall, glancing in the direction she’d heard the noises from. Her eyes widened. She saw all five of the other village children, in a group led by Deerling.


Maybe it's just the past few chapters making me paranoid, but I'm not convinced those are really the rest of the Dungeon Runners just yet. Since we know that Nyarlathotep was planning an ambush, and it demonstrated itself capable of impersonating members of the core cast.


The cry was loud enough to pierce the ears of everymon in the dungeon. Tricky pushed past everymon else and quickly slammed herself into Espurr. “Where were you all this time?” she asked. “We found your bag, and I thought you… were…” Tricky couldn’t go on.

Espurr just shut her eyes and hugged her back. Tightly. After all the stuff they’d been through, after all the things that had happened tonight, Tricky’s infectious hyperactivity was getting to her.

Okay, nevermind. I'm pretty sure that's them.

“Here’s your bag.” Espurr’s bag went sailing through the air and landed in the muck with a splash in front of her. It soaked both her and Tricky in the dungeon’s much. Pancham folded his arms as Tricky parted the hug and shuffled away from the bag, shaking some of the water it had kicked up out of her tail. Ignoring Pancham’s brashness, Espurr bent over and picked it up.

Deerling clopped forward. Espurr thought she was about to say something, but suddenly Deerling lowered her head and headbutted Espurr right in the chest. Espurr yelped and landed in the muck with a splash, too surprised to make her landing graceful. She looked up at Deerling in shock.

That’s for getting us into this mess.” Deerling flicked an ear indignantly. “Now get up. We…” she looked down. “We need somemon who can get us out of it.”

Espurr: "Can... we go back to being separated again?" >_>;
Deerling: "No. Now stop stalling and let's get out of here." >:|

Still a bit shaken from the fall, Espurr pulled herself into a standing position, watching Deerling clop backwards. She saddled her waterlogged, twice-as-heavy bag back onto her shoulder. It felt good, having that there again.

Riolu finally made his way to the end of the corridor, stumbling to a stop awkwardly and catching his breath. The rest of the children looked at him in alarm.

“This is Riolu,” Espurr said to the rest of them. “He got lost in the dungeon, just like us. We found the way out. It’s only a floor down. The bad news is…”

“There’s a monster after us,” Deerling said. “We know.”

Espurr: "Oh thank goodness, that'll save some time with an explanation." ^^;

“We still didn’t find Watchog,” Shelmet pointed out.

“I say let Watchog rot,” Pancham said dismissively. “We’ll be lucky to get out of this with our own fur, forget his. Besides, we would have found him already if he was here.”


That was met with uneasy agreement from everymon else.

“So now what?” Tricky asked, much more chipper than before.

“Now…” Espurr turned back towards the hallway ahead of them. “We look for the way down, and then the way out.”

Espurr: "... In retrospect, we probably should've packed an Escape Orb before coming here, huh?"

Deerling: "Gee, you think? For the record, if we survive this, I am never letting you hear the end of it!" >_>;

The halls of the Anchorstone were completely different when Espurr and her friends stepped onto its grounds. It looked like a whole new floor. Around them, the dungeon settled silently, with only a short rumble, pop, or shlick as the new hallways finished slotting into place. Espurr slowly led the seven of them down the corridor, being as silent as possible.

Whelp, time for things to get really crazy really fast.

The sludge covering the wall popped once as they continued on, startling Espurr. In the absence of a bubble, there was a head-sized hole in the center of the wall that led into blackness. But nothing came out of it, so they all decided to very quickly move on before something could. None of them noticed the eyeless face that silently emerged from the hole to spy on them after they’d passed it. Craning in their direction, it took a large sniff of the air. Smelling prey. Satisfied, it retreated back in, black goo swarming over to cover it up.

Failed a spot check there. You'd think that with so many 'mons in this party, that someone would be checking behind themselves on a regular basis to ensure they weren't being snuck up on.

Espurr unzipped the bag, and reached into it. The outside was wet, but thankfully the contents inside were dry. She pulled out the tube of bluk berry toothpaste that was in the bag, then uncorked the cap. She grabbed a few oran berries from inside the bag—the emergency reserves they’d brought—then crushed them above the bottle. The juices fell into the tube, mixing with the toothpaste below. Espurr jammed the mushed pulp of the berries down the narrow chute seconds afterwards, then recorked the toothpaste.

“What are you doing?” Tricky asked. Espurr noticed she’d been watching her for a bit, a perplexed expression on her face.

“Making a weapon,” Espurr said calmly, holding the cap tight and shaking the tube as hard as she could to mix the ingredients. “Teddiursa told me this stings if you get it in the wrong places. When it’s souped up on oran berry, it’ll hurt even more.”

Wow. I didn't think that those berry mixing lessons and the toothpaste tube were actually going to be used for something actually plot-relevant, but kudos there. You'd clearly been building up to this moment for a while.

The hallways were darker than they’d ever been, and Espurr had trouble seeing the way ahead properly. Several times she almost walked straight into a wall, tipped off only by how the coating of slime caught the sparse light. Eventually, she led them into a large room where the paths to several hallways led.

Leading in, or leading out? Espurr stopped, unsure of where to go next. Everymon looked around, taking in the sheer number of hallway entrances all around them.

“Now where do we go?” Tricky asked. The walls shifted silently all around them. Still settling into place.
Preeeeetty sure the correct answer right there is 'anywhere but here'.

Or were they? If Espurr didn’t know better, she would have said the doorways were getting narrower…

…They were! The doorways had definitely been narrower than they were before, and if she looked carefully she could see them closing up a little. And that was all the clueing in she needed. Espurr took a fighting position.

“Get ready to fight!” she said, brandishing her paws and channeling psychic energy into them. “We aren’t alone in here.” And with that, she fired a mental blast at the wall.

Whelp, so much for that.

Nyarlathotep abandoned the element of surprise immediately. Goo exploded out from where Espurr blasted the wall, absorbing the blast. It began to collect in the middle of the room, assembling itself into Nyarlathotep’s body—

An ember from Tricky sent the lower half of the body reeling back before it could finish building itself.

“Get it!”

All seven of them rushed forward, ganging up on the Shadow before it could assemble itself completely. Riolu pushed one of its legs out from under it, causing it to stumble forward. Pancham climbed on top of it, beating it over the top with his fists and tugging off small, developing spines. Shelmet charged forward and stabbed the pointy edge of his shell into the leg it was kneeling on. Tricky brandished fiery jaws, charging forward and chomping down on its torso. Espurr ran forward and used her mind to pull the Shadow’s other leg out from under it. It collapsed completely, falling to its side. Sliggoo unleashed a dragon breath, cleaving the body in two. Deerling spun around and gave the Shadow’s remaining half a powerful kick with her hind legs, sending it skidding back.

Whelp, didn't have to wait long at all for things to get lit in this scene. I kinda wonder if the last paragraph ought to have been done in two with some sort of intervening line of dialogue, though.

The mangled mess of its body, barely half-formed, fell back against one of the walls, and was silent. Everymon held their breath, watching it lie still for a moment.

“Did… Did we beat it?” Tricky asked hesitantly after a minute. Espurr looked over the shadowy body, studying it intently. She looked at how the goo flowed off the walls and down into its body. And then she realized.


“No,” she said quickly. “It’s just recovering. Let’s finish it off before it has a chance to.” She began to charge another mental blast, aiming it directly at the recovering Nyarlathotep.

But it was too late—Nyarlathotep was up faster than Espurr could blink, and the last of the goo had assembled into the Void Shadow’s monstrous body. Its quills stood alert, and before Espurr could unleash her mind attack it had already charged forward and grabbed her by the throat. Espurr wasn’t having it. She directed her attack directly at its claws instead. The raw power was enough to blow the Shadow’s hand temporarily apart, and she slipped back to the ground.

Timely save there.

Espurr: "See, I told you it was just recovering!"

One by one, everymon launched an attack against the Shadow. But this time, it was ready for them.

Its arms shot out and whacked Tricky aside. She slammed against the wall, the flames in her mouth extinguished. It dodged Riolu, then kicked him into a wall. He tumbled into the muck. It took the brunt of Sliggoo’s dragon breaths, enduring the blasts and slowly walking towards him. Pancham and Shelmet both charged at the monster—they were grabbed and thrown aside. Deerling stepped in to defend Sliggoo, and the Shadow began to charge straight for them. A shockwave from Espurr sent it careening backwards, then falling on its spines.

Espurr looked at her fallen friends, then straight at Nyarlathotep. She began to charge up an attack, but suddenly a sharp headache struck her. She groaned, clutching her head. It felt external, like something was prying into her head from the outside. An alien presence; it wasn’t a part of her and she could feel it. All the same, it sent her to her hands and knees with a whine of pain.

Well, this battle is just going swimmingly right now.

Nyarlathotep used the opening. It shot up and grabbed Espurr into the air, and this time there was no hope of escape. She struggled the best she could, but she wasn’t strong enough to pry herself from Nyarlathotep’s claws. The headache still pounded at her forehead, rendering her psychic powers inept. Was being too close to the Shadow doing this?

“Help!” she looked back at all her classmates desperately. But none of them could reach her in time. They were all still recovering from what the Shadow had done to all of them. Deerling just looked up with a frozen expression of horror, shivering, then looked back at a still recovering Sliggoo. What could she do?

Espurr felt Nyarlathotep’s breath on her face. It ruffled her fur, and it smelled of dungeon wind. Nyarlathotep’s maw opened up, and a voice emerged from its hollow depths that only Espurr could hear:

You are at the brink of death. My Shadow shall devour your mortal frame, and you will be doomed to know only blackness as a part of me forevermore. Unless…

Oh, so this is the scene from the chapter art on TR, huh? That's definitely a bad spot to be in, and the general description all seems to line up.

Espurr didn’t want to hear whatever the monster had to say to her. Frantically, she began to search for a potential way out, but the headache was pounding into her head with too much force. The rest of her body ached so much, tired out and injured from this terrible night. She could fight off all the pain, the attack on her head, but it was taking a lot out of her just to fight.

Once again, I present my offer to you: Leave this body. Return to your old life. Regain your memories. Escape death. Do this, and you have my word that you shall not be harmed by my Shadow’s hand. I ask once more: do we have a bargain?

Espurr: "You threatened to kill me the last time we met when I didn't give you what you wanted! Like hell I'm actually going to accept your bargain!"

Tricky: "Uh... Espurr? Is that... thing talking to you? What on earth is it even saying?" O_O;

It took everything Espurr had left not to accept the offer. She wanted to get out of this so badly. She was scared, she was hurting. Everything hurt so much. And she was tired. Tired of all the mysteries. Tired of the mystery dungeons. Tired of everything. A way out would be everything she’d ever wanted, and it came with the added bonus of not being eaten. But it felt guilty and horrible too: Was she really considering it?

I kinda wonder if it might have made sense to emphasize how scared / in pain Espurr was from the moment those headaches set in and Nyarlathotep grabs her. Like I get what's going on here, but it feels a little 0-60 in a way that spreading out the buildup to "I-I just want this to stop" a bit more would probably have avoided and better leaned into a "darkest hour" sort of moment.

Then a cough sounded from behind her. Tricky. The Shadow’s head snapped towards it, but Espurr quickly faked a cough herself to draw its attention back. She noticed it was eyeless. It must have been relying on sound smell touch to sense things. And then she remembered: her bag! The weapon she had made! Now was the perfect time to use it. She only had to wait for the right moment…

She turned her head towards the rest of the children, who were silently rising from the muck. They assembled in the middle of the room wordlessly, taking attack stances. Espurr took the cue, and found that her headache had waned enough for her to begin charging her own attack.

I see that it's not just the kids who are failing spot checks in this chapter. :V

I require an ANSWER.

Nyarlathotep leaned in closer, its breath ruffling her fur. Espurr stared its eyeless face down.

“I’m sorry. We don’t have a deal,” she said, her face quickly returning to her former smugness. “And you should know by now: threats don’t work on me.”

In one lightning motion, Espurr pulled the toothpaste bottle out of her bag, shut her eyes tight, and squeezed as hard as she could. The bottle exploded. Toothpaste flew everywhere. The Shadow squealed and dropped her, the toothpaste sizzling against Its surface. Espurr tumbled to the muck and rolled away from the Shadow just in time. Some of the toothpaste landed on her fur, but it didn’t eat through her skin like it did the Shadow’s.

Boy is that cathartic. Though you probably want to get that out of your fur quickly before it does leach down into your skin.

Getting to her feet as quickly as possible and stumbling her way over to the rest of the children, Espurr fished in her bag for the last weapon they had. She pulled it out--a stick with green, dimly-glowing engravings on it. The last of the three wands in Gabite's old, tattered bag.

"Tricky!" she called out, holding it high. "Light this!"

Immediately, Tricky understood. She wasted no time spitting some fire into the air, setting the stick on fire like a torch.

Seems like this battle is definitely going to be going out with a bang. Literally, even.

Behind them, Nyarlathotep rose out of the muck, looming over the seven of them like an imposing shadow. This time, it didn't stop growing. It only got larger and larger, continuing to grow in size until it eclipsed the way out and half the cavern. A large, gooey hand came down upon Espurr, squashing her under several tons of black goop.

[ ]

She threw the stick towards the others in the air, and a powerful kick from Deerling's hind legs punted the stick directly into Nyarlathotep's chest, where it exploded.

It left a hole clean through Nyarlathotep. One that didn’t fill itself in.

Nyarlathotep took a step towards the village children, and all of them balked in fear. But then it stopped. It twitched, then began to tremble. And then it burst into tiny flakes of black goo and ash, that dispersed in the air until no-mon could see them. And then there was only silence.

I wonder if that first paragraph could've been broken up with a bit of dialogue dropped in to better communicate the idea of "Deerling, get the wand" more explicitly. Since while the string of events feels logical, somehow I'm not sure if it feels organic for Deerling to just reflexively put two and two together like this in a life-and-death situation.

Unseen, a single flake of blackness flew behind everymon’s backs, and deeper into the dungeon.

Espurr slowly raised herself from the muck, picking her bag up with her. Ragged and limping, she rejoined the rest of her classmates. There wasn’t any fanfare, no celebratory hugs, no whoops and cheers for defeating the monster. They all just gathered together, and silently continued towards what was now the only hallway left out of the clearing. Just around the corner, there was daylight.

Tricky: "Oh holy Mystery Dungeon, it's finally over."

Like the dungeon was throwing them a bone for their troubles, they came across a figure lay slumped down against the wall, fast asleep. Their body was half covered in black goo. Vice-Principal Watchog was slowly roused from his sleep by the sounds of seven children tromping through the muck towards him.

Tricky: "... Berry crackers. He's here too-?" >.<
Espurr: "Tricky, finding Watchog was the reason we came here in the first place. Let's just be happy over this, alright?" -_-;

“… Huh?” he muttered, raising his head from the ground groggily. “What are you troublemakers doing… here… blurgh… more mago berries… the good shtuff…”

His head fell back into the muck, and he was asleep once again.

All seven of them exchanged looks.

“We’ll just have to carry him out,” Espurr said. No-mon objected.

Daylight was just around the corner.

Probably for the best he conked out like that given that he was still going at it after being half-asleep there.

Alright, onto the end-of-chapter recap:

Wow was that was a climatic finisher to the whole Ancient Barrow arc, and in a relatively short chapter to boot. It felt pretty good to see everyone coming together and kicking over the main arc villain that's been giving everyone grief for the past 6-ish chapters.

For things that I wish were a bit different, it's mostly just the nitpicks that I highlighted in my writeup, mostly cases of a few paragraphs feeling too long and dense and like they'd work better cut up. I do wonder if Riolu ought to have played more of a role in the big fight at the end since it'd have been more of a chance to show if and how much he has evolved as a character, plus he'd have personal reasons for wanting to try and play a role in putting Nyarlathotep down for good. But eh, he's still alive and kicking, so I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what the plot has in store for him after this.

Congrats on the chapter, @SparklingEspeon . It'll probably take me a bit to properly get back into the thick of Psychic Sheep a bit, since the near-term priority is knocking out more chapters of PWCH for TRversary, but boy are you getting me excited to see what the future holds in store for Espurr, Tricky, and the rest of the Dungeon Runners.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Hello hello! I'm back for more of the long acronym'd fic that's kind of a mouthful but it doesn't matter because this fic is lots of fun. This will cover chapter 3 (as I realize I did read chapter 2 last time).

Like before I'm really impressed with how well you balance a large cast and multiple settings. I'm never jarred by jumping from place to place and character to character, and it's always a treat to end up wherever you take us on this multi-continent journey. Even small trips around Serenity Village are fun and interesting, and you do a great job using the characters in each scene to set the tone and make the setting come to life. All of these places feel real and lived in, and that's not an easy thing to accomplish in so few words and in such a natural way.

I also enjoy the balance of light-hearted fun and serious intrigue that you have bouncing around in each of these chapters, and this is no exception. Ampharos's "stealth" mission juxtaposed against Audino scaring the pants off Watchog, and then Tricky being tricky, it's all so wonderful. Then we get into the thick of things with Archen and Mawile and wow that got intense in a hurry! I ended up pulling out a lot of quotes this time, so I'll dive right in.

Archen shivered at the thought. He never cared much for water in the first place, let alone doing something as foolhardy as what past Mawile had apparently attempted. If only he could fly… This mission would be over already, he ruminated.
Love this little detail of a rock type not liking water. It's presented so smoothly and without fanfare, it feels just like a regular part of the world and then you realize "oh my god it's because of his typing." And then the bit about being an Archen and not able to fly?? I really adore stuff like this.

He tallied the prices of all the ingredients up in his head so fast Archen was surprised they hadn't established a shopkeeper's monopoly yet (until his tired mind reminded him that they had),
Ha, this got a chuckle out of me. I'm not terribly familiar with PMD, but I have heard of the Kecleon shopkeepers, and this is a fun little tongue in cheek thing at seeing the same NPCs in all the towns and cities and oh no it's a monopoly someone stop them! 😂 It's meta humor without nudging the reader in the ribs and being like "didja see that, didja see what I did there??" Really love your style.

She downed the rest of it like it was a rare delicacy. Archen grimaced through his beak at the sight. He grumbled quietly before taking a bite. This was going to give him indigestion later.
Another cool little detail of status curing berries not really sitting right with some 'mons. Kind of like how we take medicine, I imagine these aren't as fun to eat as regular berries or other kinds of fruit and veggies. I like that Chesto berries are used for pokemon with issues sleeping. I wonder if they make Chesto coffee to keep 'mons awake, too? 🤔

"N-Nurse Audino!" Tricky immediately made an effort to look awake, only succeeding in making herself look constipated instead.
Ssdlkfjsd Tricky oh my god that face. Have I said before how much I love Tricky? I love Tricky. (This will not the be the last time you hear this from me)

Espurr happily tuned out what was obviously about to devolve into a petty argument, in favor of watching the cloaked pokemon who was clumsily wandering through the square. He was yellow from head to toe; for what little the earth-green cloak concealed, it did nothing to hide the pokemon underneath.
Again I'm so impressed with the way you're juggling scenes and characters and weaving them in with one another. It shows a lot of thought and care went into crafting this fic. I always find myself going, "oh yeah I just read about them!" and enjoying the way I'm privy to some info that other characters are not, and seeing how someone got from one place to another, or what they might be doing there without other characters knowing or realizing. It's great storytelling, and it's endlessly entertaining.

Poor Goomy, who had fallen asleep out of sheer exhaustion, was rudely snapped awake again.
Oh no poor, Goomy indeed! Can't catch a break!

Disguising it as a quick bump against the doors of the café, he discreetly let his own spare Connection Orb fall from his bag. (Ampharos was a minimalist packer, but he had found it was always wise to keep a spare connection orb on him.)
Ampharos: I have dumped all of my stat points into stealth.
Narrator: Ampharos has the lowest stealth stat of any 'mon in this scene.

I admit this is one of the few moments in this fic where not having knowledge of the PMD series has hurt me. I didn't know what was so special about the Connection Orb (other than it is shown to be a handy tool for Ampharos). I had a few guesses as to what it did, but I imagine anyone with a better knowledge of the source material already knew and realized what his plan with it was.

"I mean, we don't get a lot of tourists here," Tricky said, orbiting Espurr as they walked up towards the residential section of Serenity Village .
Goodness, what a fantastic word choice here. I can picture it so clearly.

"Easy!" Tricky declared. "You just eat everything on your plate as fast as you can! Like this…"

Carracosta stopped Tricky with another one of his outbursts before she could begin messily scarfing her food down again.

"NO! I won't hear of it! You'll eat your food like a respectable 'mon, or not at all!"
Oh my god this was such a fantastic scene. I wasn't going to quote the whole thing but this had me laughing so hard. The pacing and the back and forth and the contrast between Tricky and her dad, it's hilarious. I love this whole bit. (Also a Carracosta for a dad, huh? Tricky's family tree is pretty interesting) God, I just love how tired he is, which is a very adult mood, and then you realize he's had to deal with Tricky's shit this whole time but he cares about her like any parent would. It's just, so good.

"You've hidden things by accident?" Espurr asked, curious. Coming from Tricky, that sounded worryingly plausible.

"Do you really wanna know the answer to that?" Tricky asked
LKSDJF Tricky omg I love her, what a chaos gremlin.

She turned it around in her hand, noticing what looked like the tiniest nick just above the tie of the neck.

"I like them," she said, looking up at Tricky."

"I know, right?" Tricky was practically beaming with excitement. "I don't remember why I stopped wearing them—"

She suddenly froze mid-sentence, her ears lowering just a little. Espurr caught the motion before it disappeared, and she felt a sudden wave of negativity pierce through her head. It had been the same as back outside the Foreboding Forest, and it blotted out Espurr's thoughts until she moved back a bit.

"Tricky?" she asked. The fennekin didn't even glance at at her. "Is something wrong?"

Tricky removed the scarf, putting it back in the case. She dejectedly took the scarf Espurr was holding, putting it on top of the other one and shutting the lid of the case.
Oooh, and then we have this really heavy scene plunked right in the middle of all this lighthearted fun. I love contrast like this, and the fact that we went from such an emotional high to such a sobering low makes the scene hit that much harder. It puts Tricky's attitude and antics in a new light, that she's not just ditzy and goofy, she's got something else buried in there that she's trying to forget. Makes my heart hurt just thinking about it.

the empty dishes set aside for Carracosta to Water Gun to cleanliness later.
Y'know I never thought about that. How water types have the after-dinner chores so much easier than other types!

They could see the short buildings of the great city of Pokemon Plaza through the trees as they walked. The area around them was eerily quiet. Soon after that, Mawile and Archen entered the main square of the city, which was filled with the statues of countless pokemon running in terror. Some were frozen in place, permanently going about their day in a fossilized shard of time, while others had apparently been caught running about in terror. From the looks on their faces, none of them had seen it coming.
Well this is downright horrifying. Again the contrast here with the Village scenes earlier in the chapter really sets the reader on edge. Things look and feel alright at a glance, but boy there is something seriously sinister out there. Turning 'mons to stone?? That's a crazy power, and terrifying, too. A whole town at once, and one that apparently has a really powerful and reputable protection force?? 😬 Oh no.

The purple-colored explosion created by both the blast seed and the dragon breath would have brought the world's strongest pokemon to the brink of fainting, and both Mawile and Archen had to quickly scramble back to avoid being damaged by the resulting explosion as well. But, when the explosion cleared, the shadowy figure was still standing all the same. Mawile almost lost her bearings in shock. What creature was it, to survive a blast as powerful as that?
That's such a cool combo attack, using seed items and pokemon attacks together to make something really powerful and dangerous. I like the item usage here, it feels really organic and the way in which Mawile and Archen execute this technique, as well as the rest of the fight shows how experienced they are at what they do. It's a great contrast to the Village kids in the school. It's power scaling without saying it's power scaling. Again it lends itself to the believability of the setting for this fic. This is a big, wide world, and we're privy to only this small little part of it in the Village so far.

Again another highly entertaining chapter. Looking forward to more!
3~Fourteen - Cloud Nine: The Landing


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark

BREAKING: Savagery on the Grass Continent – HAPPI endorsed Guild burned to ground in chilling hate crime

The Blackthorn guild on the Grass Continent was burned down last night, reportedly the result of a hate crime against off-continent rescue administrations.

“We left to get our supply shipments from the Waterport, because that’s where you go if you want to buy in bulk from a legal seller,” Helioptile explains. “It’s two days’ trip. When we came back, we learned from some of the townsmon that the building had burned down, and by the time the fire was noticeable, it was already too late to save it. You can’t really understand what it’s like to suddenly lose everything in one fell swoop until it’s happened to you.”

The guild would have been the first on the continent to sign a contract with HAPPI, allowing off-continent rescue forces to officially establish themselves on the Grass Continent for the first time. Amid stubborn resistance on the part of Treasure Town and the Rescue Federation, it is unclear when another opportunity like Blackthorn might arise.

~ This story originally appeared on the Cloud Nine News Network




The Hut On Stilts


Some days, Amadeus remembered playing ball in the cold on Grass, a continent covered by farmland and produce. And yet, there was little to eat. The farmers didn’t own the farms. The Kecleon Foundation did. The produce grown on that land was carried off into boats and taken to lands far away, where they would be eaten by pokemon no-mon on Grass was likely to ever meet. There were many faraway lands, but the most grand of them was called Paradise. And oh, with all the nice things that were sent there, it must have been paradise! After the ball had been packed away but before the sun had set, sometimes Amadeus and his friends would talk about what they’d do when they grew up and sailed off to those faraway lands. His friends’ answers changed by the day, but his always stayed the same: He was going to go live in a large palace where it was hot all year around, and do nothing but eat all day.

A cold winter came, bringing snow and hail, and there was even less food than usual. That year, the villages and farmers of Grass realized they could no longer rely on the husks of organizations like the Rescue Federation or towns like Treasure Town to make up the difference anymore. Those who could not make do on Grass decided to try their luck in other continents instead. So many that year travelled to Paradise. To be getting instead of giving, to do something other than till soil and plant seeds. To live a rich life. Amadeus’ family were some of those pokemon.

But now here he stood, just like his parents once had, in this house, this hut on stilts. Starving in the cold on Mist. A flame crackled in the stone fireplace on the other side of the room; the stones kept it from burning the rest of the hut, but he would have to feed it sticks every so often to keep his only source of warmth from burning out.

He sat at his little tea-table, with a cup of brewed leaves and a folder in front of him. His blades sifted under the cover of the file folder, and then hoisted the top up. In all his life he would never have hoped to stumble upon a pawn as useful as a zoroark in disguise. And oh, had the zoroark made himself useful. It was now time to see what his lackey had brought him.

But as he flipped through the folder, his page flipping became less composed, more erratic. It was finally beginning to dawn on him what this folder meant, and the date it was marked was only yesterday. These were current plans, and they were plans to…


A blade came down upon the edge of the table in anger, jostling the teacup, making yet another sizable nick in the wood. Amadeus breathed heavily, his eyes bulging. With a bit of easing out, he pulled his blade from the table, and drank the rest of his brewed leaves. Standing up, much more composed now, he walked towards the window, surveying the desolate streets outside through dirty panes.

Panes that were opened, letting a burst of cold air in. The fire fluttered and dimmed. The cold blasted him unpleasantly in the face. Amadeus no longer cared. The winds of winter were now the least of his worries.

He remembered all the pokemon who shared this beaten, battered, run-down district of town with him. They weren’t here because they wanted to be; they were here because they had nowhere else to go, but they shared a kinship all the same. And yet he remembered every face. Both the ones who were here, and the ones who had departed.

He remembered every claim he had filed with the city, never to be returned. Every letter he had sent, asking for a renovation of town, met with silence. Every job he had applied for, only to be overlooked and ignored by pokemon who would not hire a worker from the farmlands. He remembered the winter storms each year, how they chilled him to his bone. He remembered the long nights, spent hungry and wondering why the bakers and the markets would throw the unsold goods into the wastebins, then guard them like dogs. This house was a hut, a shack, but he could not afford to lose it.

So the winter storms would not be the death of this district. No, that would come before. The city planned to tear down his home, and the homes of everymon who lived here. There would be no alternative given; they would simply freeze in the cold. It was as if it was designed to purge the city of those they could not house. Those they did not want to house.

The cold air stung, the fire was embers; but still, Amadeus remembered. He remembered the first time he stole, from those wasteful bakers who threw away their bread rather than giving it to the needy. He ate well that night. He remembered the first protest, telegraphing a clear sign of dissent and disapproval to the city beyond. He remembered the following that built behind him, built on a foundation not of leaving another home, but making this home into one they could be proud of. He would have to tell them, all of them, that the very city they were campaigning against would now destroy that home without a second thought.

But as he gazed down upon the streets below, at the pokemon who were going about their lives the best they could despite the cold, he came to a decision. It would not be an announcement of defeat. No, it would be the opposite. It would be a declaration of war. For the pokemon of this district, it had become a matter of life or death, and Amadeus would lead them to life.


HAPPI Barracks

~Zoroark as Braixen~

A strong wind shook the roofs of Pokemon Paradise. Dull purple shingles were lightly battered, windows near the city borders rattled in their frames, and houses hoisted high on stilts swayed inwards dangerously. The winds blew from above, where the clouds in the morning sky were parting to admit a large, grey platform in the sky. An airship.

Everymon in the HAPPI barracks had been woken before dawn to make preparations for the landing. Cloud Nine, the world government’s airship, would touch down outside Paradise in a couple of hours, and things needed to be ready. Supplies were lopped onto carts and wheeled down through the streets at a time when almost no-mon would be up and about. Zoroark-as-Braixen helped pull one of the large ones from the front, while Alice pushed it from behind.

“The main gates are still being repaired, but we had some pokemon clear the wreckage for us!” the superior officer overseeing Zoroark’s division shouted. “Keep it going down the main road!”

The main road led all the way from the building and through the remains of the wrecked gate, which had been closed for repairs for a couple of days. Today, it was open, and the wreckage had indeed been cleared away. What was left on the ground, after all the debris and remains had been removed, was a gaping hole large enough to wheel five wagons through side by side.

They’d just finished setting up all the supplies and forming a safety barrier for departing passengers and crowds when the wind began to pick up. It began as a whistling from above, a breeze ruffling Zoroark-as-Braixen’s fur. He looked up to the sky, discreetly clutching his unseen mane to his body so that it didn’t flurry into anymon’s face by accident.

A call echoed from behind them. It said to start moving back behind the safety line they’d set up. As they began moving, the wind only got louder and stronger. Tarps on supply wagons began to flutter. Fur was blown every which way. The whistling of the wind slowly rose into a howl with the force of a gale as Zoroark made his best effort to plug his ears and keep pace with everymon else.

Something cast them all into shadow. A large, dark platform had blotted out the clouds and the sun, getting slowly but surely larger as the wind continued to grow and the sounds got so loud that even through his plugged ears Zoroark was worried he’d go deaf.

Everything was the worst right before the ship landed. Tarps hung taut in the wind, threatening to carry their supplies away like parachutes. The grass of the mile-long fields that lay outside Paradise were blown flat by the hurricane-level gusts. A mighty groan could be heard from the rickety, wooden, mud-brown outer walls of Paradise as they leaned inward slightly, and threatened emptily to fall down upon the houses below. Some smaller pokemon were even blown away, and Zoroark-as-Braixen’s fur was battered so hard he couldn’t keep it under control or update his illusion properly to account. He just had to hope no-mon noticed how it stuttered and froze like a skipping moving picture.

Then, the ship touched down on the distant grassy fields with a loud, rumbling boom. The whine of the engines died away, and the wind tapered off. Tarps grew lifeless. The walls of the city grew silent, and several addled, disoriented HAPPI workers got to their feet again. A few more thunderous clacks and bangs rumbled from within the engine, and then the ship was silent. Errant breeze ruffled the fields of grass that surrounded the space between the city and the airship.

The landing had ended.

As the airship settled in the distance, workers quickly spread out, putting the supplies they’d carried all this way to good use. Now that it was parked, the ship needed to be properly tethered to the ground, and the passengers needed to safely disembark. Some pokemon were cleaning out the ship’s exhaust chutes, while others would do engine maintenance in preparation for the next takeoff. Zoroark was glad he wasn’t in either of those groups.

Passengers, enough of them to fill a city on their own, were spreading out from the ship’s front, where Team Cobalt was supposed to be stationed. They were halfway along the ship’s length when it had landed, and it still took the two of them five minutes to reach the front.

In the middle of the crowd, flanked by a pair of manetric that looked like bouncers, were a group of pokemon who were clearly different from the rest of the ‘mon in the area. Ninetales of Mt. Freeze, who oversaw everything on Cloud Nine. Whimsicott, who represented the Grass Continent. Cofagrigus, who handled Cloud Nine’s treasury. If the way they carried themselves and the rich articles of clothing they wore weren’t enough to distinguish them, their faces would. And nearly everymon recognized the face in the middle, shrouded by a blue, golden-tasseled cloak. Sylveon, director of HAPPI.

Zoroark remembered that face. It was the only face significant to him. And that was why, just when they were about to cross over into the main area, he suddenly shrunk back towards a large corner of the ship’s cargo bay. He couldn’t be seen!

“Hey—What are you doing?” Alice asked, watching him shrink back with a baffled expression on her face. “Our jobs are over there.”

Zoroark-as-Braixen didn’t know how to put it into words. Or really, what he could put into words without giving too much away. He knew that sylveon. He knew her. And she knew him. She had seen him in both his forms; even with his Braixen disguise she’d know who he was. And then he’d be outed.

But looking at Alice’s baffled expression, he realized he was digging himself a hole. The sylveon was one in a crowd, and even from here he could see dozens of pokemon whose eyes were fixated firmly on her group, taking up her attention. And he was just another face in the mess. The unsuspecting braixen, who had no reason to be noticed. He wasn’t the world’s only lavender-colored fox, after all.

Maybe this wasn’t worth getting scared over. Or at the least, he could not afford to dig himself a hole. Zoroark-as-Braixen shook his head, trying to compose himself again and making sure his illusion hadn’t wavered anywhere. He smoothed the fur of his fake dress over in stress.

“No,” he said. It even sounded high strung. “No, it’s nothing.”

They began to walk again. He knew Alice looked at him weird for that one. Very weird. Of course she would. His behavior was erratic. Suspicious. She probably knew, or at least suspected, he was hiding something now. If she started snooping, would he have to apply for reassignment? But doing that would just confirm there was something going on… and what would he put on the form as the reason, anyway?

No, no, he was thinking too overtly. If she found out too much, all he had to do was blackmail her. She’d stay quiet as long as he had a bargaining chip…

He gulped silently, reality hitting him. A week ago, he wouldn’t have even considered that. Now, the thought train came so easily to him.

But it wasn’t like he could not think about it. Not when his life as a free ‘mon hung by a thread.

They walked out into the crowded space at the front of the ship, Cloud Nine’s massive, ten-story cargo bay looming above them like a shadow. Zoroark-as-Braixen focused on keeping his head down, heading towards their sentry posts. Just another face in the crowd, just another face in—

“You two!” the call went out in their direction. Zoroark recognized that voice; it was Alexis. But he probably wanted somemon els—

“Team Cobalt!”

With two words, all of that hope was erased. Zoroark-as-Braixen looked over in the direction of the voice, where the dewott had pointed both him and Alice out. The two of them left their sentry posts and headed over towards Alexis. Through the crowd. Where the convoy was. All Zoroark-as-Braixen could do at this point was hope that the sylveon didn’t recognize him, or just didn’t remember…

“You two will be flanking us up to headquarters,” Alexis said once they had stopped in front of him. “We’re departing now. Stay on our tails.”

Some of the pokemon looked back at them, but the sylveon wasn’t one of them. No, she couldn’t care less. Zoroark-as-Braixen counted himself lucky, then grinned wide for the pokemon in front of him and did his best to look unassuming. Getting into position with Alice, the two of them began to follow the convoy as it headed away from the ship, cut through the crowd, and walked towards the city.

“You’re acting strange today,” Alice whispered to him as they walked. “What’s the deal?”

“Just… nervous,” Zoroark-as-Braixen said, smoothing over his fur again in stress. He was nervous.


HAPPI Barracks


“Director, over here!” shouted a newspokemon. The sunflora shoved himself in close, pushing through other ‘mon and demanding attention in the loud, obnoxious way news reporters did. He was completely ignored. The convoy passed by him without more than a few glances his way. Alexis watched the ‘mon out of the corner of his eyes, seeing him try to take advantage of even those brief looks thrown at him like scraps. But the convoy was never going to stop for him. They were headed towards the large HAPPI Headquarters on the east side of town, and there wouldn’t be time to answer questions until later. As far as Alexis was concerned, good. The press only annoyed him.

“Let me take your cloaks…” A squeaky pachirisu in a slightly oversized violet scarf greeted them in the outer courtyard of the HAPPI building. He was one of the building’s staff, tasked with cleaning up after high-level superiors.

“I’ll keep my cloak, thank you.” Sparkleglimmer pushed past him curtly. Cofagrigus dropped a bulky, night-blue cape on him, ignoring the muffled cries that came from under it as he floated on.

Alexis continued with the convoy as they entered the HAPPI building, striding into the massive guild lobby. Sparkleglimmer walked with an aloof air of royalty, paying minimal attention to any of the pokemon around her. It was a coping mechanism to drown out the smothering attention of the crowd; as a frequent user of the same method, Alexis knew it all too well.

As they passed into the staff areas of the guild, the crowd quickly became nonexistent. The rest of the convoy split up, and those two guild lackeys Alexis was having tail them followed the others.

“How did the bureau vote on the Paradise Expansion Project?” Sparkleglimmer asked, once the halls had grown silent.

“Three votes for, two against, and two abstain,” said Alexis.

“Two abstain?” Sparkleglimmer didn’t look at him, but he could tell the confusion from her tone. “What a strange arrangement. Why?”

“Some think the project needs more time,” Alexis answered, honestly. The answer was vague. He knew he shouldn’t say more. The Director was the one pokemon who could catch him red-pawed in a deception. But at the same time, he needed to choose his words carefully. Especially since his name was on that abstain ballot.

“What for?”

“The sectors of town set to be knocked over will displace many pokemon,” said Alexis. “Some believe that the project should be delayed until the spring in order to provide alternative housing and—”

“If I recall correctly,” Sparkleglimmer said, cutting in through Alexis sentence. “The sectors of town slated for clearing are slums, filled with pokemon who have no place inside the city.”

Alexis hadn’t meant to pause for as long as he did, but the nonchalance of the comment took him aback. Was that how she viewed things?

“Well,” he began. A sloppy start, covering up his moment of shock. “HAPPI is a rich company. Providing the resources for alternative shelter during the winter would be easy.”

“Are you suggesting that HAPPI should pour its hard-earned resources into a lost cause?” Sparkleglimmer asked him. “These pokemon have no business here. Not if they can’t muster up the hard work to pay their bills.”

“The housing expansion is to lower the costs of living in this city,” Alexis continued slowly. Every word was carefully chosen and weighed.

“The housing expansion is to lower the costs of living in this city for hardworking civilians,” Sparkleglimmer said. “If they couldn’t pay for it before, why should I expect they would pay for it after?”

“I think that the benefits would outweigh the costs,” Alexis answered. “The winter storms are coming. We know they will be worse this year. Many will die in the cold. Providing shelter could save lives.”

“It will also set construction back too far,” said Sparkleglimmer. “The residents will be given an eviction notice, weeks before the demolition. They may either integrate properly into the city, or leave it altogether, before the storms show up. There is no good reason to delay based on this. Who abstained?”

Alexis, smartly, chose to hold his tongue. “I can get you the names.”

“Acceptable.” They were walking down the hallway once again, neither one looking at the other. “I would also like you to pass on to the other bureau members that I will be moving HAPPI’s physical assets onto Cloud Nine before the next takeoff in a week.”

That was enough to make Alexis squint. He was composed enough not to actually squint, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t caught the strangeness of it. The whole reason those assets were here was because…

“You want to move the entire archives onto Cloud Nine?” he finally asked. “Why?”

“You don’t use it as a part of your everyday business, and I want them somewhere safe,” came Sparkleglimmer’s smooth voice.

The inner squinting only deepened. The records in the archive were official company records and not for daily use, sure, but they were here because this was the main headquarters of HAPPI. There was no place safer. Especially not on Cloud Nine…

“Why move them to Cloud Nine, a government ship HAPPI doesn’t own? I can’t see a reason. There’s no safer place for them in the Five Continents than its main headquarters.”

“My reasoning is sound,” Sparkleglimmer answered him, in a tone that telegraphed she wasn’t going to explain it. She was as cold and detached as always. “And also final. The archives will move. If you here at the headquarters need a file, it will be transported as quickly as possible, but I don’t expect that will happen often. Meanwhile, I want to see the construction plans transported up to my personal office. That will be all.”



The Exeggutor


The ship’s cabin gently swayed on the waters. It was almost unnoticeable if you were used to it, but if you weren’t it was enough to make you nauseous. Zoroark had managed to get over the vomiting a while ago, but the constant rocking of the boat still managed to make him queasy from time to time.

He was in his room, all hidden away while Primarina attended a meeting he was not supposed to be present at under any circumstances. Or at least, that was how Primarina had told him. He was told to make himself an early dinner and then sent to bed like a little child.

He must have been nearly an adult. But he’d been taught never to disobey Primarina, so off to bed he went.

But laying in bed was so painfully boring, and after a while it became hard not to focus on the voices he could just about hear down the hallway, but not quite catch from his bed. So he found himself rising from his cot against the wall, and creeping down the hallway and towards the room where Primarina was.

Zoroark never had learned what the meeting was about. Just as he was about to press himself up to the door to hear more clearly, the boat rocked. Zoroark found himself stumbling to keep his balance on the slightly tilting floor, and fell over. He hit the ground with a thump outside the doorway. His heart dropped. They’d heard that. He was as good as caught.

Which was why he didn’t run away, but hastily put up his new braixen illusion just before the door opened. Talking had ceased a second ago. The door swung open, revealing Primarina standing in it. He was making a conscious effort to block the doorframe, so whoever was in there with him wouldn’t see him at all. But that stance relaxed once he seemed to realize that Zoroark was under illusion currently.

“Why are you out of your bed?” he hissed. Zoroark shrunk back, but didn’t have an answer for him.

“What was that bang?”

The voice was female, smooth, commanding. Zoroark-as-Braixen looked up to see somemon approaching from the room in the crack between the doorframe and Primarina. He couldn’t see who.

“It’s nothing,” Primarina said to the pokemon in a louder voice. His voice radiated disappointment. “Just my… secretary.”

The pokemon Primarina had been speaking with walked up. Zoroark could see her through the space between where Primarina couldn’t cover and the doorway—A stern-looking sylveon wearing a teal-colored cape.

“I didn’t know there was anymon else aboard,” she said. Zoraork could tell by the tone of her voice that the words were dangerous.

“I didn’t think it would be important,” Primarina told the sylveon. He wasn’t even treating Zoroark as if he was in the room anymore. “He’s just a lackey, nothing more. Pay no attention to him.”

“Well, it seems your lackey has gotten too curious for his own good.”

The sylveon walked forward. Primarina seemed to understand that when she started walking, it was best not to be in the way. He moved aside, letting her eclipse the doorway instead.

Sparkleglimmer leaned in close, not close enough that she was face-to-face with Zoroark but still uncomfortably close.

“Tell me,” she said. “Were you eavesdropping?”

Zoroark-as-Braixen was so scared he could barely make a noise. He shook his head: a lie, but there wasn’t a single chance he was going to tell the truth.

“Why were you here?”

“I was… queasy. On my way upstairs to get some fresh air,” Zoroark said.

“How much did you hear?”

“N-nothing,” Zoroark said. His mouth was working for him at this point; he was just making up what sounded the best. “I couldn’t make out the words.”


Zoroark-as-Braixen could tell the sylveon was studying him. Her eyes scanned over him for any signs of falsehood, any inconsistency, any indicator that he was lying. That he was scared and still wasn’t comfortable with this illusion just added to his stress; though the fact he was scared must have been clear.

“Again, apologies for my secretary’s foolishness,” Primarina said, clearing his throat from the side of the room. “I sent him to his quarters on the other side of the ship and gave him strict instructions to stay there until our meeting was over, but it seems I failed to remember that the only way updeck is past this room.”

Then, addressing Zoroark-as-Braixen: “Go on! Up on deck! And don’t come back down until we’ve finished!”

Nodding quickly with a squeak, Zoroark-as-Braixen quickly picked himself up—

But just then, his illusion stuttered. He couldn’t do complicated movement perfectly yet. It was only for a split second, but it must have been noticeable to anymon in the room. Zoroark-as-Braixen froze. His heart stopped. Sparkleglimmer looked at him for a second. Her gaze looked unfocused, like she was listening to something the rest of them weren’t. But quickly, that disappeared.

“Go on,” she said. “You heard him.”

Glad to have any excuse to get out of this situation, Zoroark-as-Braixen quickly finished getting up, and then took the exit left as fast as he could.

The wind above deck was chilly. Before long he was cold, so he went inside the captain’s cabin. From there, he slowly drifted off to sleep. But before his eyes closed he could see through the window the sight of a flygon zooming through the clouds. It got closer, bigger, the sound of its wings kicking up wind and rocking the sea around them when it touched down on the ship’s deck. He watched as Primarina showed the sylveon in the cape above deck, and then as she hopped onto the flygon and prepped the harness around her. The flygon’s wings began to buzz, getting faster by the second, and then it kicked off the deck and started flying off towards the clouds. After that, he drifted off until morning



HAPPI Base ~ Pokemon Paradise

When the guild stopped serving dinner, Alice and Zoroark’s shift began. Alexis had given them their new posts right after they’d finished escorting the rest of the convoy through the building: they were going to be guarding the Director’s office for the night. They’d been up all day, and they were both tired. Very tired. There was little chance they were both going to make it through the night. Zoroark hadn’t slept a good night’s sleep in weeks, but even so a more pressing issue plagued him while he munched on the mealy bread: he had to go see Amadeus today.

Every two days, he had to go and report to the hut on stilts so he could learn if the scyther had any other tasks for him. But for the last week, he’d been waved off. Amadeus had been busy all week, and hadn’t needed anything of him. He’d gotten the gist that he hadn’t even read the file yet. Still, he had to show up at that cabin every two days. Not showing up would mean Amadeus would rat him out. There would be no exceptions.

Which created an impossible situation. He’d been given a job that required him to stay in the building all night, where he’d be supervised by his partner… that made it very hard to sneak away for what would be at least a half hour. He was resigned to it: there was no way he was going to get out of this without turning some heads. He just needed to make sure he didn’t turn the wrong ones.

“Hey,” he said to Alice, who stood on the other side of the door. She looked like she was ten inches from falling asleep. “I’m going to go find the bathroom, okay?”

A sleepy nod from Alice. Zoroark-as-Braixen quickly tiptoed quietly off. He hated how easily the lie came to him, it hadn’t even taken ten seconds to think up; even less to say. Still, he hoped she’d fall asleep by the time that he came back, and wouldn’t notice how long he’d been gone. That way, he wouldn’t have to tell more of them.

There was still the danger of somemon noticing he was gone, but what else could he do? He’d just have to be there and back as fast as he could. And so, halfway through the hallway, he dropped his braixen illusion and conjured the vanishing one. Completely invisible like this, he’d have no trouble sneaking past the guards and out of the building.


The Hut On Stilts

The door creaked open a crack. Zoroark stopped before he could open it all the way, remembering what he had been told to do to signal it was him.

“Who’s there?” a voice came from within the house. Zoroark knew better than to thrust it open. Instead, he rapped on the door with his claws. Twice, then pause, then once again, then wait for the answer.

“Come in.”

The door opened. Zoroark stepped in, and closed it behind him. If today had the smallest amount of luck in store for him, the scyther wouldn’t have anything for him to do. He could spend the next couple of days taking a couple of naps to catch up on his sleep—

“I have another mission for you, Zoroark.”

Amadeus wasn’t even looking at him. He was staring at the fireplace, the only light source in the house. The light painted his torso black. Zoroark couldn’t do much but just stand there, drooping in an exhausted slump.

“What is it?” he asked, tiredly.

“I want you to go down and get a very specific file for me,” the scyther said. “It’s the file handling where they’ll get their supplies from, and where they store it.”

Another file mission. Zoroark’s fur bristled. He’d barely gotten out the last time, and he was sleepy enough that he didn’t know if he could do it again. But at least it didn’t involve anything dangerous…

“And once you’ve done that…”

Amadeus turned around, and for the first time that night Zoroark saw his face: tightened in a stern grimace. “I want you to burn that room to the ground.”


Music of the Week!

Welcome to Monarch – Bear McCreary
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Hey there! Finally making good on reading this, and I read the Prologue + 4 chapters. I admit the Prologue mostly felt like a Chapter 1, though! It didn’t open with an unusual POV in a separate time/place, it was pretty much just our protag right at the start of her adventure. In any case, it was a solid hook! You have a knack for setting up a creepy atmosphere that keeps the reader hanging. Definitely a lot more intense than the game’s opening.

So I’m very intrigued by the decision to write Espurr as the protagonist. I don’t remember her having any development in the original, so I’m curious what drew you to her! I imagine almost all her development will be original (a faux-C to use Pano’s term) but there must have been something that captured you. The other interesting thing is that she is essentially replacing the player character as the human hero of the story. I’m wondering if the lategame reveals for the human/partner will end up pretty different as a result…

Man, I really gotta feel for Espurr getting dragged around by Tricky. I keep wanting to shout “leave her alone!!” >:[ I remember constantly wanting to screm at my partner in PSMD too (Hector you little shit!!) but it was accentuated by Espurr being injured. :< :< :< I hope she’s able to stand her ground more later.

Most of the supporting characters are roughly what I remember from PSMD so far, although I do like the fact that Ampharos is specifically searching for the human, it makes him a lot more proactive. Not to mention the way that the other members of the Expedition Society have their own missions. Enjoyed the slow buildup to Mawile and Archen discovering the disaster on the Air Continent, from the first mention of the shipments being late to the well-traveled path being overgrown, until they finally stumbled upon Lucario. And that encounter with the void shadow(?)! We’ve got stakes beyond the situation with Espurr, and it helps make the plot feel more present than the game intro being stuck in Serene Village for a million years.

Oh yeah, and of course I’ve gotta mention the nicely-creepy dream sequences. And don’t think I didn’t notice those hidden messages, heh. “Embrace me,” indeed…

I like the little reminders of things that are off about Espurr, like the fact that she can’t read the Pokemon language. It’s interesting that that’s what leads her to being taught by Nuzleaf, and it immediately makes me wonder if he has a similar situation to the game. (Side note, but I was always disappointed by the twist that he was brainwashed, as opposed to the Gates antagonists who actually wanted to bring about the Bittercold.) Another fun detail is the way that Espurr sees emotions as colors.

Interested to see where the rest of this goes! I know that there’s going to be a whoole lotta stuff that wasn’t in the game at all, up to and including political intrigue(?). It sounds like a lot to juggle! Best of luck with your writing!


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Hello! Back for more Does Pano Dream of this Fic Having Had a Different Title Before? :mewlulz: I'm going to put chapters 4 and 5 together into one review since they read so nicely as one story arc: Detention! I mean, the Drilbur Mines!

Right away it's clear chapter 4 is kind of a breather chapter, a chance for the reader to catch their breath and set up for the excitement to come in chapter 5. Some of the schooling stuff like Nuzleaf's lessons didn't really follow up with the chapters' arc, but I imagine it ties in with the greater story at large (considering how often we've run into Espurr being hindered by her inability to read the PMD language.)

I'm going to jump a bit ahead to include some of the chapter 5 stuff, but I really like how the set up of Pancham's dare and detention switch ends up being a big con in the end. I felt just as cheated by the "haha losers" at the end of chapter 5 as Tricky herself, and that's a great thing. In a way I felt a lot like Espurr; so new to the world that I didn't assume anything malicious from Pancham's dare. Just kids being kids. But when he admitted it was a set up and "lol you guys fell for it" boy, that got my blood boiling. And it wasn't just some innocent prank either! That was real danger they faced! Pancham and Shelmet just made it to my shit list.

Bad prank aside, I really liked the other bit of intrigue surrounding this chapter: the missing Gabite explorer. The lead in is presented in the library section in chapter 4, and although the set up made it fairly obvious what Espurr and Tricky were going to encounter down there in the dungeon, it was still intense and harrowing and the anticipation build up from the book passage to the terrified Drilbur made the Gabite's appearance such a great payoff despite not being a surprise.

I definitely am wondering what happened to the poor explorer. Why was he zombified? (I didn't even know pokemon could be zombified!) Is he different than the other wild Pokemon they encountered in the mines? (Which btw that geodude encounter was just as scary, wtf was it trying to eat Espurr???! And the walking on it's hands vs the bouncing animation we see in the anime and stuff, kind of nightmarish.)

I won't lie, Tricky and Espurr handled the mines like champions. The teamwork on display was lovely, and I liked how Espurr was able to keep her cool when Tricky froze up. Makes me wonder about those little hints that something very wrong happened to Tricky and she's definitely not over it. It's such a contrast to her bold, energetic personality. And I also liked how Espurr's competency in the mines makes up for her inability to understand the world she's currently in. It's all so new and different but she's not totally helpless. It's a nice balance for her character, the mix of confused but capable.

I'd say perhaps the one drawback to these chapters, specifically chapter 5 is that sometimes during the action sequences, things were a bit muddled for me in terms of visualizing what characters were doing, or where they were. At one point the Gabite's treasure hoard was described as a mountain, and then in the same paragraph it was called a crater. In an earlier scene it was blinded and hit by Tricky's ember, but it was also stated it had gotten struck in the head. Just little things, and I definitely got the gist of the action scenes overall, but some of the actions weren't as clear as to what was happening as they could have been.

A small gripe though because from start to finish the mine dungeon adventure was harrowing, exciting, and downright fun to read. The description of the mines themselves was breathtaking, with all the gems studding the walls. And the mystery of the Gabite explorer's true fate being resolved was a sobering moment amongst all the action.

I also enjoyed a lot of the more "gameplay" elements about dungeons that don't really make sense in the context of the world, but the way they're presented to Espurr (and us) as just, "these things happen don't think too hard about it" is great humor. Tricky and Espurr running for their life and Espurr is like " why are the stairs so perfect?" 😂

And the icing on the cake is the fact that after all that being just a nasty trick by Pancham, good things came out of it, and unexpectedly, too! Espurr and Tricky were awesome explorers together, the Drilbur found their confidence, and they uncovered a big stash of resources for everyone. Take that, Pancham.

Definitely a fun mini-arc to read to give our main characters some growth and action in between the larger mystery afoot across all of the continents.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, took me a while to get things together, so some of this feedback may already be outdated, but I figured I’d jump right back into Psychic Sheep since I've got a review exchange to make good on and things have been dormant on that front for a while. So jumping right in with the next chapter, which from the cover art on TR, I can already tell is going to be... an experience, to say the least.

Chapter 25

Exclusive: HAPPI moves to instate new Guildmaster, help bring Air Continent back on its feet

"The Rescuer's Guild is vital to the functioning of the Air Continent, and we must do everything in our power to return this pillar of our society to its former greatness," said Sylveon Sparkleglimmer, director of HAPPI. "Cloud Nine will convene in the coming weeks to decide upon a new Guildmaster."

This story was first published on the Cloud Nine News Network.

Oh, so the Sylveon who has the hots for Ninetales, huh? Guess we'll be seeing a lot more of her in the future, though something did always strike me as 'off' about her.

Espurr was rudely deposited into the thick mud of the island the Ancient Barrow sat on. A thin veil of fog coated the lake around them. Despite the sun being directly overhead, everything felt cold, off. She didn’t care. She felt like she could nuzzle the land that was wet, gross mud but it was land, actual land, and not the grimy insides of the Barrow’s dungeon. Tricky quickly followed, then Deerling, then Pancham, and all of the others. Riolu was nowhere to be found.

Tricky: "... Espurr, shouldn't we be worried at all that a Pokémon that was just with us more or less vanished into thin air?" .-.
Espurr: "Not to worry, he's just going back to his own body. Author's explanation." ^^;
Tricky: "Yeah, but don't we not know that canonically?"
- Beat moment -
Espurr: "... I suppose we should be a bit more weirded out right now, yes."

Their eyes, accustomed to the darkness of the Barrow's hallways, all squinted when met with broad afternoon daylight again. But slowly, the surroundings became more and more bearable to look at, and everymon on the island was met with the familiar sight of Serenity Village in the distance, behind a veil of fog. All of the village children cheered—Tricky loudest of all. Espurr didn't cheer, but she couldn't help but grin with infectious delight too. She had never appreciated being able to see the daylight so much.

A loud sputter suddenly came from next to them, sending all the celebrating children into a panicked silence. Watchog—laying flat on the mud nearby—coughed once, then twice, then sputtered himself awake. He looked one way, then the other. He saw the morning sun. He saw the Ancient Barrow. He saw that he was positively filthy. And most importantly, he saw all six of the village children sitting next to him, suddenly fearful looks on their faces. They were right to be scared.

Watchog suddenly jumped up, pointing an accusing finger in alarm. "You—You—" he sputtered. "What are you kids doing here?!"

And of course Watchog acts as the wet towel that just wrecks everything about this cute, triumphant moment.

No-mon answered him. Several of them just looked down at the mud. What could they all say? You had to be there to believe it.

"All of you go home!" Watchog cried. "Every single one of you. Go home! And—" he cleared his throat, lowering his voice and trying to look dignified at the last second. "If anymon asks, none of this ever happened. Kapeesh?"

"Kapeesh." The answer was unanimous; everymon could agree with that.

"Now scat!" Watchog cried, shooing them all with his arms. All six of them were back on the path to the village faster than Watchog could say 'troublemaker'.

Espurr: "I'm starting to think that we should've just left him behind for the Mystery Dungeon to claim." >_>;
Tricky: "Starting to think? And this is why I don't like him, Espurr!" >.<


Carracosta punctuated his outburst with a stomp of his feet against the floor. Tricky cowered in front of him, looking suitably ashamed.

"I have two rules," he boomed. "One. Don't go out after dark. Two. Stay out of mystery dungeons. Last night you broke both."

Tricky: "... With all due respect, Pops, but with how frequently I break that rule, shouldn't this be a bit old hat for you?"

Carracosta: "..."

Tricky: "... Right, guess it'd take more than that to get out of trouble."

"Actually, you have three rules—" Tricky piped up, but she was quickly cut off again.

"SILENCE!" Carracosta yelled. "I'm disappointed in you, Tricky. Since you can't seem to follow the rules correctly, you don't need special privileges either. You're grounded for a week."

"Grounded?!" Tricky exclaimed in horror.

Wow, that's a first for Tricky. Though how come now is the straw that breaks the camel's back, since you'd think that Carracosta would've done more than give Tricky just a talking to over some of her antics in past chapters. Especially that one time she snuck out to Nectar Meadows and came back messed up over it.

"I swear we can't keep you two in the same room together and expect you to behave," Pancham's mother sighed, scrubbing Shelmet down. He and Pancham were in opposite tubs, facing away from one another as they washed off all the muck that had stuck to them.

"I wish your dad wasn’t off on his trips all the time," Pancham heard her mutter as she cleaned off Shelmet's shell. "He'd know how to keep you two in line."

Wait a minute, those two are blood relations in this story? Though is Pancham's mother supposed to be a Pangoro? Since I noticed that you didn't actually ever explicitly state who she was here.

"Son, we…" Sliggoo's father, a gallade, said. He sat on a stool in front of Sliggoo, who was silent. Sliggoo’s mother, a goodra, sat on another, undersized stool next to him, wringing out her paws. "We think it's great that you managed to evolve, we do," he continued, then trailed off. Clearly the subject made him uncomfortable.

"—We just wish you'd done it while we were there," Sliggoo's mother finished for him.

Awkward silence ensued.

Well that's certainly quite a pairing there, certainly didn't expect Goomy to have such a different father.

"Mooooom," Deerling pleaded, all sprawled out on the floor. "Just punish me."

"Why would I?" Deerling's mother asked cheerfully. "You've made such a large step forward into becoming independent!"

"I went out of the house after bedtime," Deerling said. "I broke a rule! You're supposed to punish me!"

She's doing this to try and avoid Espurr and Tricky, isn't she? :V

Sawsbuck deliberately ignored her, humming as she went back to whatever she was doing.

"At least do something!" Deerling cried out. "Put me in my room for the day. Take away my dessert rights. Send me to bed without dinner. Anything works. Just don't tell me you think this is okay. Please."

Narrator: "She totally thinks this is okay."

"Hmm," Deerling's mother hummed. "I think this is the first time I've ever seen a child beg for punishment."

"…That means you're going to punish me?" Deerling asked hopefully.

"Nope," Sawsbuck said, not even looking at Deerling. Deerling blinked once, then twice. She opened her mouth, but then realized arguing was useless. Instead, she stormed off in annoyance.

"Don't headbutt the walls, please!" Sawsbuck yelled after her.

Well, Deerling's mother is certainly quite a character. Though I wonder if she's already cognizant that Deerling considers being with Espurr and Tricky to be punishment enough and that's why she's just going "lol, whatever" here.

Espurr walked into the village square, her fur still soggy and drooping from the dip in the lake she’d taken. It wasn’t fun, but it beat being covered in the Crooked House’s grime. She knew she was getting a few looks from some of the passerby pokemon in the square, but she was too tired to care.

She trudged up to the front door of Audino's house, which she had left unlocked for herself the night before. She pushed down on the knob. It gave. Still unlocked. Espurr pushed it open with a loud creak, and wearily trudged in.

"Where were you?!"

Espurr: "... Going out looking for Mr. Watchog?"

Audino: "That doesn't explain why you look like this!" o_o;

Espurr looked up in shock—Audino stood right before her, looking at Espurr. "And how did you get so dirty?" she questioned. "What were you doing all night? Explain. Now."

Espurr didn't have an excuse for Audino, and she was too tired to make one. She went with the truth instead.

"We—I was searching for Watchog last night. He hasn't been seen since Thursday."

Audino leaned back against the wall of the house, covering her face with her hands out of frustration.

Oh hey, I actually called what Espurr's explanation would be. :V

"Watchog was out of town. He just said so, when he passed by in the square."

Espurr blinked in shock. On second thought, she shouldn’t have been surprised. Of course he’d have spent the walk back to town thinking up a cover story for himself.

"If you thought he was missing, why didn't you tell an adult?" Audino questioned. "You put yourself in danger!"

Oh honey, you have no idea there. And I'm pretty sure that Espurr has endangered the town as a whole given that she broke a seal over the Ancient Barrow, but let's not think too hard about that one... ^^;

"The adults won't understand." Espurr looked up at Audino with a tired face.

"We won't understand if you never tell us anything," Audino began angrily. She sighed. "Just—just go to your room until supper." She was at a loss for anything else to say.


Espurr wasn't complaining. She felt tired enough to collapse where she stood. She trudged off to her room, where the bed of straw was still unmade from where she had left it last night. Not even bothering to finish drying herself off or remove her bad, she yawned, shuffled over to the bed, and collapsed face-down in it.

She was asleep within minutes.

Don't blame Espurr there. Even if I'd be surprised if her present state of mind wasn't:

In the village square, a lone riolu dashed out into the sunlight. He looked around, taking in the sky that was bright blue with fluffy clouds, and not red and empty; the houses that stood tall and proud, instead of being desolate ruins; how the place was lively and clean and crowded with other pokemon all around him, instead of bleak and sandy and deserted as far as the eye could see. His eyes and smile widened. To the befuddlement of everymon around him, he let out a loud cheer, jumping up and down for joy.

Then, like a switch had been flipped, his legs shook, his eyes fluttered, and then he slumped over in exhaustion. He hadn’t slept for days. Several pokemon gasped, and a crowd gathered around him in worry.

“Nurse!” somemon cried out.

Oh, so Riolu finally made it out of that one dungeon. I mean, I'm sure he's going to be scarred and traumatized for life from his experiences, but you can't say it's not a cute moment.

It was business as usual at the Expedition Society. After the morning briefing, everymon had gone their separate ways. The building was left deserted, all except for Swirlix, Nickit, and Team Limestone – who had taken an off-day and were instead sparring in the training hall. Mawile could hear the sounds of their battle from one floor above.

(This meant they'd carelessly left the door open, but it wasn’t worth anything more than an admonishing later.)

I wonder if the second paragraph would work better if it was without paren and as "That meant [...]", since that way it feels more like internal commentary in the same style as the rest of the narration.

Content that things would stay peaceful at least for a little while, Mawile let the door of her office slide to a shut behind her. She had more important things to do right now.


A second sighting of the entities that had caused devastation in Pokemon Plaza meant more than ever that action was required as soon as possible. Mawile wasn't confident in HAPPI's ability to act in time. No, scratch that, she wasn’t confident in their ability to act at all. They had double agents in their ranks… who knew how far up it went?

But it didn’t change that she needed a lead. She'd been poring over and re-reading dozens of old texts in her miniature library, hoping to find something that she had missed. Something had to rear its head eventually. It wasn't possible that there were no accounts of these beings or anything like them throughout history.

Small typo there, though that sounds like a really, really good reason to assume that things won't be peaceful for any meaningful amount of time.

However, days after days of examining every text she could find had run her down—Mawile was relishing the idea of finally moving on from this project. Or at least, getting herself some new material to read over. She walked around the gigantic pile of books and scrolls that lay on the desk. Her eyes settled on an old book that lay on the bottom shelf next to the desk, bound and latched shut with stripes of gold—it hadn't been visible for a while because an errant pile of books had blocked it. The sight of the book jogged Mawile's memory: Ampharos had given it to her years ago, claiming he got it from Rayquaza, who collected Human texts and scrolls. With all the work she had piling up on her, she’d never gotten around to reading it.

"I couldn't hope to find a use for this," Ampharos had said the day that he'd given it to her. "But when Rayquaza insisted that I take something, I grabbed the first thing within reach. Maybe you'll find it useful where I could not."

Huh. I see that your take on Ampharos is another one where he has friends in high places. I forget if that's actually canon to PSMD beyond Jirachi or not.

Mawile doubted the answer lay with the Humans of old, as fascinated as she was with them. But at this rate… she reached for the book, and grabbed it from its perch on the shelf. It couldn't hurt.

The text was the unpublished ramblings of a porygon, who had lived long ago at the very start of Pokemon Civilization. Mawile made a note to visit Rayquaza at a later date and gain his opinions on some of the book's topics.

Wait, how is that stuff even readable considering:

A: The author is a sapient computer program / gray goo thing that for all we know wrote in barcodes or something like that.
B: The foundation of Pokémon Civilization was thousands of years ago, and most languages undergo noticeable drift in both spoken and written forms in that shorter spans of time than that. To say nothing about outright changes of writing systems. ^^;

But the opening of the chapter on the next page made all thoughts of leisurely philosophical debates fly from Mawile's mind:


9,000 years dead, 9,000 years our ancestors. 9,000 years a myth. No-mon has ever seen a human, yet the grounds of this world are replete with the ruins they leave behind: The crumbling remains of their cities and technology, soon to be overgrown for all time. Years upon years of obsessive studying has granted me perhaps the best recollection of what happened to their kind.

Whelp, never mind. Civilization in this setting is a lot younger than I assumed. Though I have to wonder what on earth the first 9,000 years before civilization looked like.

The Humans were a powerful, ambitious species. Their technology built them towers that scraped the sky. Their wars shook the world and made all others cower in fear. And when the Human leaders spoke, everyone listened.

But too much power is never a good thing. Slowly, the Humans destroyed their planet. Pollution blotted out the sun, and toxins seeped down into the very ley lines of their Earth. Soon they knew they would all die if nothing was done.

Some major "and then man grew proud" vibes going on there. Good thing nobody would do anything crazy like willfully repeat their mistakes... right?

On every continent Humans convened to search for the only answer the Human Leaders could provide: A new world. A new place to colonize and corrupt and build their metal cities over. They soon discovered the stars held no secrets for them, so they began to burrow into the ley lines of Planet Earth. And soon, they drilled a hole straight into their doom.

By the time the Humans realized what they had done it was too late. They were destroyed by the foul creatures that emerged from this hell realm they had breached. In a bid for survival, the final remains of their species constructed three seals to cover up their mistake. One on the Water Continent. One on the Sand Continent. One lost to the tides of the sea. If any of these were to break, surely the wrath of this realm would be inflicted upon the world again.


Well, that doesn't bode well for the future given that I'm pretty sure that Espurr broke one of those seals.

Though humanity bringing about the end of the world when boxed in a corner by its own hubris seems to be a recurring motif in fiction. Since, uh. Yeah. I recognize this setup and destination very well, even if the take I reflexively thought of didn't involve triggering an invasion by a hell dimension.

Mawile: "Whelp, so much for sleeping well anytime soon." ._.

I have determined the best we can do is to leave these seals to lie in peace. If, for any reason one should shatter, the signs will make themselves clear. And it will fall to the pokemon of this world to unite and take action, before they are destroyed like the Humans of old.

Translation: Those efforts will be an epic failure and it will fall to a bunch of kids to do the job, or given the tagline in the banner art of your forum versions—faceplant during the attempt.

Mawile could barely sit still. Thoughts flew through her head at the speed of light – nothing was proven, she’d have to do a lot of cross-referencing, but if this wasn't her answer, it was a step in the right direction. Even though nightmare realms and ancient seals felt a bit fantastical. Mawile pulled out a map of the Sand Continent—the continent most mapped by other cartographers—to investigate. If one of the researcher’s fabled seals was there, then she should be able to find something like it on the map.

And immediately, she found what she was looking for. The Sands of Time, an important historical dungeon further inland on the Sand Continent, had boggled explorers for decades. The dungeon had eclipsed the remains of the last standing Human City, and everymon who had entered noted one detail in common: a large, arcane room with what looked like a massive set of stairs in the middle. If anything on Sand would match the description of Porygon’s seal, this was it.

... Las Vegas? :V

Brimming with excitement, Mawile checked Porygon's text again just to make sure, and then immediately got to work, ignoring the dulled sounds of the battle taking place a floor below. To quote an old Human idiom: she had struck gold.

That's debatable, since I'm pretty sure that you don't want to be anywhere near that thing considering what's been happening to the seal near Serenity Village.

Espurr slept through the day, and then the night. It was a dreamless sleep; she was too tired to dream. Or to remember them. But eventually she sat up in her bed of straw, glancing at the sunlight pouring in through the window. It didn’t feel like she’d slept enough.

A loud snoring sound came from beside her, causing her to gasp in fright. She looked to her right, realizing that she now shared the bed with a noisily snoring Riolu. Espurr let out a sigh of relief. There was some good news: he’d made it back out safe.

Espurr: "... Wait a minute, how is this relieving when a guy I barely know is sharing my bed right now?"

There would be no more sleeping with Riolu's noisy snoring, so Espurr yawned, stretched, and pulled herself off the bed. Her stomach growled and she felt a bit dizzy, so she devoured an apple in the kitchen ravenously. Audino wasn't there. Espurr assumed she was out tending to a doctor's appointment.

Surprised that Espurr isn't having more questions right about now regarding how on earth this is happening, since there was no indication provided by the text that she met Riolu between her exit from the Ancient Barrow and now.

For the next ten minutes, she sat around the empty, quiet house. Her thoughts came to her. This was her home. She was safe here, right? All the bad memories of the last few weeks reeled through her head – the Beheeyem, the gabite, the strange dreams, the Voice, the Crooked House, Nyarlathotep. Would any of the adults understand, if she told them? Would any of them even believe her? Watchog was the only one who had any reason to, and he was far too stuck-up to do anything about it. But above all, Espurr knew that she couldn't sit around the house doing nothing all day. She had to take a hike.

So she grabbed her mud-caked exploration bag, donned the dirty scarf, and slipped out through the door. She needed to find the others, the only ones who would understand.

So, not even going to try and tell the adults about what's going on, huh? Pretty sure that's a terrible idea if I ever heard one, but okay there.

“Some congratulations we got,” Pancham grumbled, his arms folded. He leaned against his house in the Village Square, glowering at the ground. “Went and saved the Watchdog’s tail, and all we get is yelled at.” The other five of them lounged around glumly, all of them in a shady part of the Square no-mon would listen to them in.

There was no reason for the six of them to be in one place normally. They disliked each other too much for that. But after last night, there was an unspoken truce between all of them: they needed to put their baggage aside for now.

Least of all, because I'm pretty sure that most of you aren't going to live past this chapter considering what happened to you in PSMD.

“Yeah…” Tricky grumbled. “Pops made me take a bath! And then made me give the house a bath! My paws still hurt from all the scrubbing…”

“I’ll bet your paws don’t hurt as much as my shell,” Shelmet groaned. “I have to do all the busywork at Kecleon’s for a month.

Oh, so Pancham's parents work with the Kecleon merchant monopoly, huh? I didn't see that one coming, but it would explain a lot about that general sense of impunity he seems to have normally.

“I’m n-not allowed to leave the house for the next w-week for sneaking out,” Goomy, now Sliggoo, stuttered.

“So why’re you here then?” Tricky asked, swiveling her ears quizzically.

Sliggoo didn’t answer that. He looked bashful.

Because he takes direction very well from his parents, obviously. :V

“You snuck out?” Deerling asked him. She sounded impressed. “Nice move.”

Everymon gaped at her in shock. Deerling just shook her head. “Look, we didn’t deserve the punishment this time. None of us did. So it’s fine.”

... Well that's surprising to hear come out of Deerling's mouth there.

“But what do we do now?”

All eyes wandered to the only one who hadn’t spoken yet. Espurr sat across from Pancham, her back against the side of Pancham’s house.

“I don’t know,” Deerling admitted. It sounded less like annoyance, more genuine. Then, more snippy: “Aren’t you supposed to be the one with all the plans and answers?”

Wait, is that supposed to be Espurr who said that first line there? Since I can't really tell from context there. It might've made sense to attach an explicit speech tag for whoever said it.

It was snippiness from stress, and they all knew it. Espurr just looked down at the ground, eyes wide.

“I don’t know anymore,” she said. “All I know is the adults aren’t going to listen to us.”

Deerling: "Espurr, have you even tried talking to one of the adults yet? Look, you live with Audino, don't you? She's always seemed like she'd-"

Espurr: "Deerling, she barely asks what I've been up to half the time even when I come home dripping mud!" >_>;

“Why do we need to figure out what now?” Tricky’s voice cut through the silence. “Didn’t we beat the monster already?”

“We beat one,” Espurr said grimly. “Riolu told me there are more. An army of them. He called them Void Shadows. They’re from a place called the Voidlands, and the Crooked House leads right down into it.”

She looked up, taking in the darkening looks on everymon’s faces. “And if we could get in and out…”

“Then other things can get out too,” Deerling finished, coming to the realization.

All: "..."

Sliggoo: "This sounds like a really, really good reason to be anywhere but here right now!"

“Wait wait wait.” Pancham’s voice broke up the silence. “You’re tellin’ me that there’s more where those came from? And we can’t take it to any adult?”

“No adults will listen until it’s too late,” Espurr said.

“Welp,” Pancham sighed. “We’re doomed.”

Deerling: "Espurr, we literally haven't even tried to talk to-!" >_>;
Espurr: "Oh come on, Deerling. You saw what Watchog did. Do you really think that the others aren't going to react similarly?" >.<

[ ]

“You’re so great at boosting team morale,” Deerling grumbled.

“W-what if we could p-prove it?” Sliggoo asked.

There was a couple seconds of silence, as everymon considered that.

Wonder if there should be a moment to describe everyone's reaction after Pancham's line there, since this feels like it's very dialogue heavy with not much intervening at the moment.

Though how on earth are these kids even supposed to begin proving something like that short of going back to drag along a statue and say "this is a victim of a Void Shadow"?

“Well…” Tricky trailed off. “If we could, all the adults would have to believe us, right? Then we could all be ready.”

Uneasy agreement. Tricky’s statement was met with nods from the other five, with varying enthusiasm. Shelmet just rocked back and forth on his shell. “

What could we find for proof?” Deerling asked.

“Riolu,” Espurr said. She looked to the side. “He was asleep in my room when I woke up today. But he’d back us up. And he could tell us more about how to prove it’s true.”

Deerling: "... Wait, why is he not here right now anyways when he’s literally sharing a house with you at the moment?"

Espurr: "... This is a meeting specifically of the Dungeon Runners and he's technically not a part of it?"

That was met with uneasy agreement.

“But why now?” Pancham asked. “If these things could have come out at any time and they’re just coming out now…”

For Pancham, that was a sharp observation. Deerling cast a look Espurr’s way.

“It’s because of me,” Espurr said calmly. She hoped she sounded calm. “They want me.”

Espurr: "I mean I'm pretty sure that I already mentioned this once before, but... (Oh, and I might have messed up a seal that was keeping the monsters at bay because a creepy voice told me to.)"

All: "..."

“You?” Shelmet said. “Why you?”

“Because I’m not really an espurr,” Espurr said. She gestured to herself. “This isn’t me. I’m not a pokemon like you guys. I’m Human, just like Riolu.”

Espurr had expected just about anything to happen after saying that. Would they be excited, like Tricky? Angry, like Deerling? Scared? But they weren’t any of those things. Instead, they were all silent. A stunned silence, where every set of eyes in the clearing were peeled to her. Except Tricky, whose mouth gaped wide with shock.

“You’re telling everymon?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Espurr: "... That was a smart thing to do, right? Since you were excited when I told you..."

- Deerling blinks and stares at Tricky -
Deerling: "Wait a minute, you knew about this. And you just never told any of us?!" >.<
Tricky: "In my defense, everyone here other than Espurr and Sliggoo normally hates my guts, so would you really have believed me even if I did tell you?"

Espurr decided to own the silence. She nodded Tricky’s way, then stood up. “I don’t want the adults to know, only you six. But those monsters are coming for me; first the Beheeyem, and now the Void Shadows. As long as I’m here, they’re not going to stop. Unless somemon they’ll chase leads them away.”

[ ] Everymon caught the hidden implication.


Deerling stood up next, clopping over. She faced Espurr. [ ]

“We don’t agree on everything, Espurr, but I’m not letting you do that. You’ve done way too much running off on your own lately. I don’t want to see another dead student, no matter the circumstances.”

A couple of bits where IMO if you stop and describe things a bit more, it might give things a bit more punch. Though boy is this certainly different from how Deerling initially reacted, since I very distinctly remember that she was ready to wash her hands of Espurr the first time she suspected there was a correlation between her and the weird stuff going on in and around Serenity Village.

One dead student is better than six. Espurr wanted to say it, but she bit her tongue. It would get her nowhere.

Being a Human Savior destined to save the world had sounded so exciting two weeks ago, even if she didn’t want to admit it. Now it felt like a burden.

Yeah, that seems to be a general trend in sentiment for humans cognizant of what their role is supposed to be in PMD stories, since it's just their fate to inevitably get caught up in some seriously unfun and hairy stuff eventually. It's just that things are just getting to the point of things hitting the fan and flying all over the room right here and now.

After the talk, Espurr felt a little better about everything despite herself. If nothing else… six other pokemon knew about her. Six other pokemon would catch her fall if she couldn’t get back up. But she needed to process all of it, and for that she needed to go somewhere quiet. She walked south, until she had outwalked the town. The dark silhouette of the Crooked House demanded her attention, shrouded within grasping tendrils of fog. There was a pull towards it. Espurr resisted.

... Not fully sure that that was the right thing to do there. ^^;

She continued to walk south, past the tree where Ampharos had gifted her and Tricky the expedition gadget. She walked past the forest path that led to the treehouse they had all made, and walked until Serenity Village could fit into the palm of her paw. Up ahead, the path led through the forest and split west towards the sea, but that wasn't where Espurr was going.

Espurr rooted around in the bushes until she found the fake ones Nuzleaf had set aside that one day. She walked around them, leaving them undisturbed. She didn’t know why she went this way. It was like something compelled her to come here.

Oh boy, the text is blurting out messages again. That certainly isn't a good omen considering what happened last time with that.

Watchog was at the guard post for Revelation Mountain that day. Espurr momentarily halted in surprise – she hadn't thought about the guards – but then she noticed that he was fast asleep. That simplified things. She crept past him, leaving a trail of muddy pawprints behind her as she scampered up the mountain. She’d clean it up later.

... Quality guard there. Though why on earth am I not surprised that Watchog would be completely useless as a guard like this?

Espurr stopped at a cliff near the base of the mountain, and sat on a ledge overlooking the land below. She could see the village from here, as well as all its forested surroundings, the river that lead into the sea further off, and the vast mountain valleys in the distance. It took her back to a time when her largest worry was what place Tricky would drag her off to today… had that really only been a few weeks ago? Espurr let her bag drop next to her, and eventually she propped her chin up against it, lying on her belly, kicking her legs behind her, and staring out at the scenery lazily.

"I wasn't aware this was where all the kids went when school was out," Principal Simipour said.

- Espurr spit takes -
Espurr: "Wait, what in the-?!" O_O;

Espurr jumped and scrambled upright– she hadn't even seen him! She hadn't felt him either. She quickly collected her bag, looking at him. Simipour just took a seat next to her, staring at her with that ever-weary gaze. Espurr cleared her throat.

"What are you… doing here, Principal?" she asked.

... Yeah, I figured. Though it's a valid question. :V

"I come here sometimes for an afternoon stroll when Vice Principal Watchog's on duty,” Simipour answered. "Adult's privilege. Hmm, now that I think of it, should you be here?"


Yeah, I don't believe that explanation for a moment

Espurr blinked, then glanced to the left, trying to come up with a good counter for that. She opened her mouth a couple of times, but couldn’t come up with anything clever enough to say otherwise.

"I'll allow it," Simipour cheerfully shrugged it off. "Why deprive a pokemon of this beautiful view, after all? Just don't make a habit of it."

I'll admit, that's a pretty clever gambit for steering away Pokémon that you don't want poking around the mountain that totally isn't directly linked to the Voidlands without blurting out the reason why you don't want them around. Kudos, Simipour.

Espurr nodded, and then made herself more comfortable in her seat. Something bugged her about all this. She couldn't feel him. With her sixth sense, she couldn’t feel a single thing from him, which was strange. She knew from Watchog's type matchup class that psychics couldn't perceive the minds of dark-type pokemon, but Simipour was supposed to be a water type… right?


There are a couple potential explanations for that, and at least one of them is really, really concerning.

Slowly, things began to come back to her. She remembered the paper she had snitched from Simipour's office just last night. It was still in her bag, wasn't it? Disguising it as a causal rummaging through her bag, Espurr zipped it open and sifted through the items until she found what she was looking for. The paper still read, in large words:

MISSING: Beheeyem x3

If found, please contact the Merchants' Guild on the Grass Continent.

Espurr remembered her first night at the school—

Pretty sure they're not going to be missing for much longer this chapter, but...

Espurr: "... Wait a minute. Why would three Pokémon missing from the Grass Continent be here of all places?"

Simipour opened a drawer below his desk and put the stack of papers in front of them into it.

"The pokemon who chased you last night are known as Beheeyem, and they've been sighted several times in the past few days searching for you." Simipour's voice lost its airy quality for a more sincere tone. "That is why, for the time being, I strongly implore you to stay within the bounds of this village. I say this out of concern for your own safety, not to put a shackle on your freedom. We don't need another disappearance on our hands."

... Part of me is starting to suspect that Simipour has been killed and replaced by a Void Shadow. Since it would explain why Espurr can't read him, and it'd explain why there are """Pokémon""" that match up with missing posters from other continents that I'm pretty sure are Void Shadows themselves prowling about town.

That stack of paper had been missing posters. And Simipour had been collecting all of them. For what?

Something touched Espurr’s back.

She gasped and looked over, and immediately jumped further away. She could see Simipour’s front paw discreetly reaching for her from behind, as if to grab her. Those fingers… she could still feel the imprints in her back. He’d touched her!

"Is something the matter?" Simipour asked Espurr, but it didn’t sound right. His eyes were shut tight. The smile on his face was unnatural. It looked like somemon was puppeteering him. Espurr quickly closed her bag, and shuffled back a little more. Simipour effortlessly closed the distance between them. And there wasn’t enough cliff to go much further.

Boy am I feeling really good about that hypothesis right now. Since all of this is just screaming "Run away really, really quickly" right about now.

“I think I’ll go now,” Espurr said firmly, gathering her bag. Maybe a little too firmly.

In an instant, Simipour's posture seemed to change. He slumped over, and his expression became much less cheery. A grin was replaced with an unpleasant sneer, as his face fell into shadows. And his eyes didn’t once open.

"So that's how it is…" she heard him mutter. Espurr mentally prepared herself to be on her defense. This didn't look like it was going good places.

Honestly, I'm just waiting for his head to split open into a fanged mouth at this point. Since, uh... yeah. All of this reads really, really familiar with past times when Void Shadows have broken their masquerades.

"Peer into my mind." Simipour's voice didn't sound anything like Simipour. He had lost his airy voice for a growl. The sudden change sent chills through Espurr.

It was at this point that she realized he had moved to block the way off the cliff. When he’d made her shuffle in that direction… he was setting a trap! And she couldn’t get to the other side without risking falling off as well, a long way down. The safest option was to comply. And be ready for whatever was next.

Espurr took a deep breath, and reached out with her sixth sense. Some of the fog over Simipour's mind had lifted, allowing just enough for a clear path through – had he controlled what she could and couldn’t see? What was this? For a moment, their heads merged, and Espurr saw what 'Simipour' had seen.

Oh boy, so the text is even openly admitting it at this point, huh? Well this is going to be quite an experience.

Three beheeyem were travelling through town that day, seven weeks ago. They brought wares from the Grass Continent – dried berries, roasted insects, the works. It was enough to put Kecleon out of business for the day, but he was an honorable shopkeeper and an even better businesspokemon. He bought a cut from them and sold the wares for more later on.

Simipour didn't remember much of what happened that day. But something else did. Something else, as it had before once, when he let me in, took complete control. Something else used Simipour's charisma to lead them up to the school and then into the School Forest.

Well, I certainly didn't expect to see things go in this direction. Really exploiting the fact that this story is an AU to quite chilling effect.

Espurr: "I'm... just going to back out of this mind link now, since I think I already have an idea of where this is going to go-"

Simipour: "Don't you dare move! You're next to a cliff, after all. Wouldn't want to slip and fall, would you, Espurr?"

Espurr: "Could you have said that in any more of a transparently threatening tone?" O_O;

"I…" one of the beheeyem glanced around in confusion. "So what was that thing you wanted to discuss? And why lead us into a mystery dungeon? Are you a robber?"

All three of them took a battle stance, preparing for the worst.

Simipour opened his mouth, and a harsh, snarl transcended sound and branded itself upon their minds.

Robber? No. I have a different purpose in mind for you three.

... Pretty sure this is your cue to break the link and yeet Simipour off the cliff with Psychic, Espurr.

Espurr: "Wh-What hap-? What on earth did you do to them?"

He raised his arms, which then crackled with energy the color of a Void Shadow. The beheeyem panicked, abandoning fighting and trying to get a safe distance away. But there were only so many places to go in a mystery dungeon.


The energy hit all three beheeyem, and they convulsed violently. It was pain, terrible pain, pain meant to torture the three of them. And during that pain, as whatever controlled Simipour stood and watched them wail, something came to the beheeyem. Something offered an out, if only they would open the door, if only they would surrender their minds let me in let me make you better.

Oh, so this is the analogue to Nuzleaf's brainwashing canonically and what happened to Primarina, huh?

And under such lasting and terrible pain, how could they continue to fight?

Simipour never felt his best after that. He did what he could to hide it – the school principal had to be at his best, after all – but his endeavors to hide his sudden weariness failed often. When Audino offered, then insisted that he receive a checkup, something in his brain told him it was a bad idea. The same thing in his brain that told him to collect missing posters up around the town. The same thing that told him to keep an eye upon any new arrivals to the village. The same thing that had told him to be here now. Now Simipour had a mission. To Kill—

I get the feeling that someone is about to get flying lessons off the cliff in about 5 seconds, and my money is not on Espurr there.

Espurr forcefully separated her mind from Simipour's, terrified. She saw Simipour's arms, which crackled with the same black energy they had in the memory, and they were closing in around her in a deadly embrace—

Espurr ducked at the last second, rolling out from under Simipour and grabbing her bag. Simipour – or what was controlling him – let out a feral screech and lunged for Espurr, but she pulled herself out of the way at the last minute. Dashing further in towards the mountain and spinning on her feet, Espurr prepared to blast Simipour off the side of the mountain with her mental powers. Then, she faltered – wait, what was she doing? She didn't want to kill him!

Are you sure about that, Espurr? Since from where I stand, that seems like a really, really tempting option right about now even if it'd surely get you into a ton of trouble in town.

But right now, he wanted to kill her. And he didn’t hesitate. A concentrated ball of dark energy blasted against the cliff, and Espurr dodged it just in time. The best option here was to run. So, she did.

She ran down the trail, and Simipour leapt after her as fast as his body would take him. He was faster than her – Espurr wasn't even going to make it to the base of the cliff!

Simipour: "You could jump and save me the trouble, you little brat!"

Simipour charged another shadow attack, jumping up into the air. And that was when Espurr made her move. She spun around and directed an unfettered mental blast into the air. Simipour was hit midair by the blast, and landed a ways up the cliff on his back. Espurr didn't stay to see what he did after that. By the time 'Simipour' crawled back down to the base of the mountain, there was no sign of her anywhere around. There was only Watchog, snoozing.

The being controlling Simipour sensed leaving the Vice Principal alone would be best for maintaining its cover.

Oh, so they can turn that possession thing on-and-off at will. That's just... lovely.

Espurr didn't even bother following the correct path back; she cut straight through the woods and didn't stop until she'd run back into town. She was in such a frenzy that she didn't realize Audino had been walking towards the front door of the house until she bumped right into her.

"Espurr!" Audino turned around, looking at Espurr. "What are you doing?"

"I…" Espurr panted. "I… I need to go…"

Audino: "Espurr? If something's going on, you know that you can just tell me-" ._.
Espurr: "N-No, I really can't. And I need to get out of here."

"No, you don't!" Audino grabbed Espurr's bag just as she was about to run off, tugging Espurr back at the last minute. "What you need to do is sit down and tell me what's going on."

Wow. I legit never thought that Audino would ever do this, since she's let a lot of stuff slide from Espurr in the past without seeming to make a big fuss about it.

Despite everything in her brain telling her that nothing was okay right now, that she needed to get somewhere safe before Simipour or something else came after her, the clear authority of Audino's voice penetrated Espurr's panic for a minute. Just enough to make her see reason. She stopped struggling against Audino, letting the straps of the bag relax. Audino was right. If there was anything she needed right now, it was help.

"…Alright." Espurr walked back towards Audino, finally regaining some of her earlier composure. "But I want to do it inside." She cast a suspicious glance around at all the other pokemon in the square, all of whom were giving them a wide berth by now.

How many of them? How many others were waiting out there, controlled by this… thing?

Could she ever be safe again?


Espurr: "... I really could've done without that, thanks."

The door closed behind them, and Audino directed Espurr towards one of the stools at the table before sitting down at the other end. Neither of them removed their bags.

"Now tell me what's going on."

It was a moment before Espurr had gathered the nerves to say anything, but eventually she took a deep breath, and switched into autopilot. In as plain a voice as possible, she said: "I think something's trying to kill me."

Espurr: "As in, 'I know something is trying to kill me' but I'm pretty sure you won't believe me in a million years." 😰

Espurr told Audino everything. From waking up in the woods all alone, to the strange dreams, to Ampharos, to Tricky and the beheeyem and what had happened in the Crooked House. By the time she was done, a good portion of the day was already gone.

Audino sat at the table, looking skeptical. It was so fantastical. Monsters from another dimension? Strange dreams? The Expedition Society? Humans? And yet… it all explained enough. Audino's memory flashed back to the Open Pass – Beheeyem. They’d been hunting her, hadn’t they?

"…Alright. I believe you."

Espurr: "Wow. I... suddenly feel really, really stupid for not taking Deerling's advice earlier." >_>;

Espurr's eyes lightened up, as if a large burden had been removed from here.

"You do?"

Audino nodded. For a moment, Espurr felt a sense of elation – finally, somemon understood! She was going to get help and answers—

"But I'm not allowing you to leave the house anymore."

Espurr: "Audino, those... things know that I'm here! How is staying in this one single house helping anything?!"

Audino: "Because this way I can come up with an alibi for you while you're safe and rested?"

Espurr's hopes crumbled before her eyes in an instant. A shocked "…What?" was all she could produce.

"You’re hallucinating,” she said with conviction. “I did some looking into things. Just three weeks ago, there was a kidnapping in another town near here by some Beheeyem. They caused the kid to hallucinate until he ran away and went with them. They must have plugged something into you that’s making you see these things! Of course you’d think everything’s out to get you; that’s what they want you to see. It’s a perfectly rational explanation.”

I'm... guessing that those weren't hallucinations there. And boy this must be so soul-crushing for Espurr to get her hopes up for a moment only to have them dashed like this.

"But—" Espurr began, flabberghasted.

"No buts. You're in danger, and you'll be safe in the house. And we're going to have a talk later with the other kids in case they’ve been seeing things too.”


And with that, Audino got up from her stool, and set her bag on the floor. Completely misunderstood, Espurr sullenly hopped off from her stool, trudging away with her exploration bag on her shoulder—

"I'll be taking that bag too. "

Espurr stopped in her tracks. Audino walked over, and scooped the bag up off Espurr's shoulder. Espurr let her. She looked over her shoulder to see where Audino had stashed it – right next to her own bag – and then trudged off to her room.

Pretty sure that this is going to result in things going really, really south for Serenity Village, but okay then.


It was nighttime, but the shutters were rolled over the windows of the Expedition Society’s second floor chamber. Ampharos placed a connection orb in the indent at the center of the room, and stood back as the Pokemon Nexus rose up out of the floor. He approached the hexagonal console, and tapped a few buttons into it. A display of a large map shot out of the connection orb and illuminated the wall.

his was the Pokemon Nexus’ true purpose: to help log a comprehensive, electronic map of the world. Ampharos leaned over the console, and pressed a few more buttons. A red dot appeared upon the map. He had made a habit of checking every night, once he was sure everymon else was asleep.

Perhaps I'm overthinking it, but I'm wondering if this paragraph ought to be hacked up in two, since something about it feels pretty long at the moment

But something was different tonight. The dot – which had been situated directly in Serenity Village every time Ampharos had checked – was now someplace in the Lively Mountain Range. Ampharos tilted his head at it in confusion. Surely that didn't mean what he thought it did.

A door opened to his side, startling Ampharos out of his thoughts. He looked to his left, seeing Mawile swiftly close the door to her office behind her. She looked sleep-worn.

"You didn't sleep."

"I had more pressing matters to take care of."

Oh, so Espurr ran off, huh?

Mawile: "Such as?"

Ampharos: "Just... come and see for yourself."

Mawile joined Ampharos at the Pokemon Nexus.

"Another night mission?" she asked after a minute. Ampharos seemed lost in thought, yet she knew him well enough to tell what he was thinking just from his face.

"A very critical one, yes." Ampharos' answer was short and to the point. "I'll have to leave before the break of dawn; I trust you to hold things down until I return?"

Mawile: "So are you going to tell me what this mission is, or...?"
Ampharos: "The fate of the Fourth Human Savior potentially depends on it."
Mawile: "..." O_O
Ampharos: "You see this is why I try to keep things on a need-to-know basis."

Mawile had been hoping to discuss something with him. She prepared to broach the subject, but another glance at Ampharos' face told her that he wasn't open to discussion.

"There’s an important matter I must discuss with you upon your return," she said instead. "It's concerning recent events."

Oh? Is a conversation over Connection Orb insecure? Since if not, what prevents Mawile from doing that and Ampharos just reviewing the message at a quieter time?

Ampharos nodded silently, too deep in his musing for a proper response. He pressed a final button on the console, and the Pokemon Nexus lowered into slumber once more.

Ampharos donned his cloak, his bag, and his walking stick, striding out the large doors of the Expedition Society and into the night. His destination: The Lively Mountain Range.

... Wait a minute, can he realistically get there in time on foot? Since I could've sworn there was like half a continent between Lively Town and Serene Village in PSMD.


That night, the large welcome archway that lay above the eastward entrance to Serenity Village went up in flames. It attracted the attention of many of a pokemon, who then went to call for Carracosta – the only water-type in the village formidable enough to put it out.

No-mon noticed the trio of beheeyem that entered from the south. That was how they liked it. They continued through the houses, looking for the one that lay to the west of the town square.

Ah, there's the cover image to this chapter.

Slowly coming to. Espurr blinked herself awake, smelling smoke. She sat up in confusion. Riolu was still sleeping, like he had been all day, but even he smelled it. Espurr watched him wrinkle his nose up in disgust.

Only then did she notice that there was light coming from the window, and it was a flickering, soft orange. Espurr quickly scurried to the window to see what was happening. Approaching the window, she saw the fire, and the large amount of pokemon grouping around it from outside. And from the south side of town, she saw… flickering lights. Red, green, and yellow.


Espurr quickly dashed back from the window. No. No. This wasn't happening. This was a dream. It had to be. It had to be—

She quickly pressed herself up against the wall next to the window as flickering lights illuminated the room. For a moment, there was silence. Espurr held her breath.

The wooden bars of the window were suddenly blasted off by a psychic force, and Espurr barely resisted the urge to scream as she cowered. Wood chips landed all over Riolu, though somehow he remained unharmed. Trying to breath as quietly as possible with a paw over her mouth, Espurr edged over to the end of the room, eyeing the entrance to the hallway. Could she reach it without revealing herself?

Oh, so just leaving Riolu to his fate there, huh?

A ghostly wind made the already-tattered curtains flutter in the air. A cone-like head emerged through the window, and began to look around. Espurr was caught like a sitting ducklet. There was no escape. It was going to see her and then Riolu, and…

Wait. Maybe this could play to her advantage. She couldn’t reach Riolu from here, couldn’t rescue him without being seen, but she could distract them.

Oh thank goodness, I thought that Espurr was just flatly going to leave him to die for a moment.

Abandoning stealth, Espurr dashed for the entrance, running into the hallway before the beheeyem could even react. Her bag was at the other end! If she could just—

Something heavy collided with the wall, making a sizeable dent with cracks in it. They were trying to break in! Espurr ran down the hall as fast as she could. The wall couldn't take another hit – it burst into pieces, and the second of the three beheeyem floated into the house.

Espurr finally reached her bag, and picked it up. But the door was suddenly blasted off its hinges, and it caught Espurr on its trip towards the wall.


The door slammed into the table, which slammed into the cupboards with enough force to leave a large dent in all three objects. Espurr was small enough to fit under the table and only got a small knock from the cupboard's handle. And before she knew it, the third beheeyem entered the house.

Espurr frantically searched for any way out. The door? Too risky. Back through the bedroom? Definitely not. Make a hole? Where?

Oh, that's better than I thought. Marginally.

Then she saw the window above the kitchen stove. She was small enough to slink out through the window if she wanted. And those bars looked like they would give really easily. That was her escape route. Now if only she could create enough confusion to make her escape…

The table was suddenly thrown off of her by a beheeyem. Espurr whacked it in the face with her bag. Hard. The beheeyem was sent stumbling back.

She didn't waste time. She crawled up to the window, trying to fit herself through. She fit through, but the bag didn't. She just needed to pull hard enough…

Pretty sure that this is a recipe to get stoned in short order, but okay.

The window-bars finally broke, sending both Espurr and the bag tumbling to the ground. Espurr wasted no time picking herself up and dashing behind a nearby house to catch her breath in peace. She slowly peeked out from behind the wall, looking at the fire in the distance that was being doused. She could see the Beheeyems' flickering lights illuminating the house from the inside. She had to lead them away from Riolu and the others… Espurr shouldered her bag, and finally came to a decision.

She threw a rock against the wall closest to her, loud enough to make a sound the beheeyem would hear. Once she was sure they saw, she ran away through the alley as fast as her legs would take her.

inb4 they already found Riolu and killed him again anyways


There was a rapping upon the wall of Tricky's bedroom. Tricky stirred in her bed, groaning. She had cleaned the entire house from top to bottom as punishment for sneaking out after dark, and she was exhausted.


The rapping came again, and this time Tricky woke up.

Tricky: "What the-?"

"Huh?" she murmured sleepily, then shook herself awake. She smelled the scent of smoke on the air. What was happening?

The knocking on the wall turned out to be Espurr. Tricky looked one way, then the other, then slipped out the window to join Espurr.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed, suddenly wrinkling her nose. "And what's that smell?"

"Fire," Espurr answered hurriedly. "Those beheeyem set the village sign on fire."

Tricky: "... Okay, I'm going to bed now. I'm clearly dreaming-"
Espurr: "Look, it's not a dream, alright! And I'm going to need to get really far from this town really fast if I'm planning to live past the night!" O_O;

"What?" It took Tricky a moment to take that all in.

"The ones from that night at the treehouse," Espurr continued. "They were on those missing posters. Remember? The ones Principal Simipour was keeping?"

Tricky still wasn't fully awake. She nodded the best she could, yawning. "Yeah, I remember."

Tricky: "So... uh... you're sure that you lost them before coming here, right?"

Espurr: "..."

"He's responsible," Espurr said. Tricky's eyes widened, and Espurr heard her mutter something to the effect of 'holy mystery dungeon' under her breath.

The beheeyem came after me tonight," Espurr continued, in a hurry to say everything. "The house I'm staying in is in shambles. This place isn't safe anymore."

"…Wanna stay at my place?" Tricky offered. "I'm sure Pops will understand—"

... Lol, never mind. It just didn't occur to Tricky as to why letting Espurr stay here might be dangerous as all hell.

"Your place isn't safe," Espurr stressed. "Nowhere is. This entire village… none of it is safe anymore. Not if I'm here." She took a deep breath before saying the rest of what she had to say.

"If I'm here, everymon in this village is in danger. So…" another deep breath. "…I'm leaving. I've still got that map in my bag; I'm heading to Lively Town. Maybe somemon there can help."

That woke Tricky up completely.

Ah yes, so this is the part where the story finally ditches Serenity Village for the big world beyond it, huh?

"Lively Town…" she muttered, then gasped. "That's where the Expedition Society is! We can get help from them! Just wait—"

Tricky suddenly hopped back into the window of her house before Espurr could say anything to stop her. A moment later, she hopped back out. Espurr quickly checked to make sure that the beheeyem hadn't caught up yet.

"I'm coming too," Tricky stated firmly. "You don't get to be the first one to go the Expedition Society, no-siree!"

... Pops is going to be just thrilled about this. I can already tell.

Espurr opened her mouth to object, but then thought about it for a minute. If the beheeyem went after her, who else would they go after? And if there was any company she wanted along the way… Tricky was her first pick.

"When do we leave?" Tricky asked, beginning to bounce in excitement.

"As soon as possible," Espurr said.

This feels rather sudden and underplanned right now. What could possibly go wrong from ghosting the village without even leaving a letter explaining what's happening?

They looped around the south side of the village, until the sign of the now-doused sign was only a small figure in the distance. Espurr checked behind them at every corner, in case the beheeyem had caught on again. But never once did she see the flickering of lights, or hear the faint beeping that suggested they were near.

Soon, they reached the eastward trail into the mountains, shrouded by mist. Espurr took one last look at the dark outline of Serenity Village, which had been her home and her sanctuary for the last three weeks. It had felt like three months. And it had felt like home. For a moment, all Espurr wanted to do was go back to her house and lay in her bed, and talk to all her friends the next day.

But her bed was destroyed, and her house lay in shambles. And all her friends were in danger the longer she stayed. The only thing to do was press forward.


Espurr clutched the strap of her bag, feeling the familiar weight on her shoulders. And then, she turned her gaze away from the village behind them, and continued along with Tricky into the craggy mountain trail ahead.

It was a good night for exploring, anyway.

... Well someone's certainly taking this in a lot more stride than I expected. :V

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
And the chapter after this is nice and short before things get meaty again, so throwing it in as a bonus. Standalone since TR has a 50 embedded image cap for posts:

Chapter 26

Headline today: Quorum of Cloud Nine to hear appeal against Magnagate Ban

The quorum of Cloud Nine will gather today to hear the appeal against the shutdown on Magnagate Technology. Officially patented by HAPPI in 11031, the company developing it was shuttered and all development was halted only a month after the acquisition. Espeon and Umbreon of Mist, the disgruntled inventors of the technology, sued on grounds of fraudulent conduct but were ruled against by the Quorum. Today’s trial will seek to reverse that ruling.

~ The Lively Town Times

Lol, good luck with that one, you two. Though I have to wonder why this is banned given that it opens portals to-


... This is how those holes to the Voidlands were 'drilled' in the first place, isn't it?

The domed central building on the floating airship of Cloud Nine had a large, double-door arched entrance that led through a pristine hall. The hall led through another pair of massive double doors, into a lofty room of wooden stands and seats that were too pristine to have been used regularly. This was one of the many courtrooms of Cloud Nine, and it was currently filling out with pokemon of all shapes and sizes.

It wasn’t long before the room’s wooden stands and seats were full up, filled with hushed chatter, throat clearing, feather rustling, and an artificial, stuffy silence. Two pokemon sitting together behind one of the two ground-level stands in the front of the room observed the pokemon filing in quietly.

“Weren’t Alexis and Elliot supposed to be sitting on the Quorum for this trial?” Espeon whispered to Umbreon, looking at the five podiums at the far end of the room that stretched over everything else—one for each continent. On the podium marked for Sand, an emboar sat with his hooves clasped. The podium for Grass had an elderly whimsicott, who represented the continent in name only. The one on the inner left, marked for Mist, was empty. “I know we haven’t been on the greatest terms for some years, but they’re the most likely of everymon here to rule for us.”

Well this totally feels like a well-balanced justice system that doesn't result in Kangaroo Court-tier verdicts. Totally.

“They recused themselves a day before,” Umbreon whispered back. “Impartiality reasons.”

“Sounds more like they just didn’t want to see our faces again,” Espeon muttered.

“It’s not like they can put that on a public billboard,” said Umbreon.

I mean, considering how the dialogue just flatly stated that the Grass representative isn't a proper representative of the Continent, I honestly wonder if they could've put that on a public billboard.

The clacking of a wooden gavel sent a wave of silence throughout the courtroom. All heads swiveled towards the five podiums, which were now occupied.

“The court will now come into session,” a ninetales spoke, hopping gracefully onto the centermost podium. His voice carried throughout the room. “Today we hear the appeal of Espeon and Umbreon of Mist, versus the Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute. Are all representatives and parties present?”

>Sparkleglimmer's BF is the head judge

Totally convinced that this is going to be a fair and unbiased process here and not just go to whatever Sparkleglimmer wants the outcome to be.

Next to Espeon and Umbreon, a scrafty quickly sat up, trying to keep the stack of papers he held in his hand all straight.

“P-present!” he said in a scratchy voice, fumbling the papers into something resembling a clean pile and setting them down on the desk in front of Espeon and Umbreon. “Scrafty of Pokemon Paradise, representing Espeon and Umbreon of Mist!”

“Also present,” came the much smoother voice of a krookodile, standing in front of the opposing seat with his arms folded. “Representing the Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute.”

Oh, so that's what Post Town became in this continuity/story, huh?

The double doors behind them suddenly opened with a loud clang, and in walked the pokemon who was supposed to be sitting in that empty stall. The sylveon walked in, letting her cape a shade of eye-catching blue trail on the floor behind her. Sparkleglimmer calmly took a seat behind the stall, staring straight ahead aloofly.

Umbreon: "Espy, how is this not the definition of a conflict of interest? The head judge literally just had his girlfriend walk in!" >_>;
Espeon: "Pretty sure we don't know that canonically, Umbry. Also you are so not helping our case right now." -_-;

Eyes were once again directed towards the Quorum. The seat the furthest on the right, marked for the Water Continent, remained empty. The one marked for Mist was now occupied by a stern-looking owl pokemon.

“Standing in on this Quorum for Alexis and Elliot of Mist is Noctowl Humphrey of Pokemon Paradise,” Ninetales announced. “The court will now hear the defendants’ appeal.”

I still don't understand how naming in this story works. Since aside from Tricky, everyone seems to use HoC/PoV naming conventions, and I'm not sure what the story is behind her name being the exception.

Scrafty stepped forward, picking up the papers once again and fumbling with them until he found the right one. After a few seconds of shuffling, he ended up dropping them all over the floor. Muttering an apology, he stooped over to pick them up. Espeon and Umbreon could feel the disdain radiating over from Sparkleglimmer’s side of the court. It wasn’t a good look.

Umbreon: "I swear, this was all set up on purpose." >_>;
Espeon: "Umbry-ay, ix-nay e-thay ublic-pay accusations-ay of-ay alfeasance-may!"

Managing to get all the papers back in his claws, Scrafty stood up straight again. He cleared his throat, and began to read off the one at the top of the stack:

“Five years ago,” he read aloud, reciting a speech Espeon had helped him prepare in advance, “The Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute acquired the rights to patent Magnagate Technology and the company that designed it… under the agreement that they would fund its development. However, less than a month after the acquisition, HAPPI abruptly shuttered the company’s doors, and put the technology under wraps. This court previously ruled in favor of HAPPI on the grounds that the move, while disingenuous, did not violate the contract. This appeal seeks to convince the court that HAPPI should be held responsible for its own disingenuous conduct in regards to a contract that it wrote.”

HAPPI's counterargument is basically going to go:

Isn't it?

“If I may,” a smooth voice suddenly cut in, severing Scrafty’s speech before he could properly begin the next segment. Everymon looked over to Sparkleglimmer’s stall, where the sylveon had just spoken. She cleared her throat dantily, then rose to speak.

“While it is true that HAPPI shuttered doors on Magnagate technology development,” she began, “It was not done disingenuously as this appeal claims. The agreement between HAPPI higherups was such that Magnagate technology offered too many liabilities in the wrong paws to be publicly distributed. Imagine the implications of such technology out in the wild. Entire dungeons, vanished. New ones created from thin air. Unlegislated travel on a scale that we have never seen, and opportunities for use as a weapon. I think this quorum would agree that making such technology publicly available is—”

Espeon: "Hey! She can't just interrupt our argument like that! We weren't even finished!"

Umbreon: "Oh, so now you agree with me that things are fixed, Espy?" >_>;

“We’re not asking for it to be publicly available,” Umbreon cut in. “We’re asking for the rights to develop it. Privately. As agreed by our contract.”

“And as this court has previously ruled,” said Sparkleglimmer. “Our contract does not and has never stipulated an indefinite continuation of funding and development after the agreed upon trial period of a month.”

... Yeah, you two should've really read the fine print of your contract there.

“But that’s disingenuous to the contra—” Espeon seethed.

“Behavior you may perceive to be disingenuous does not hold weight in the face of the law,” Sparkleglimmer cut in. “You have so far failed to present any new evidence or information to sway the minds of this Quorum. I would like to posit that this entire trial has been a waste of many pokemons’ time.”

Because you didn’t give us a chance,’ Espeon wanted to growl. Sparkleglimmer had cut them off mid-appeal, and everymon in this court knew it. But not a single pokemon had spoken up.

... How on earth did you two ever agree to a contract that could get you left this high and dry anyways? .-.

“Enough,” said Ninetales, stamping the gavel with a tail once more. The room quieted down. “Is there anything else to say?”

“There is,” Umbreon levelly announced, cleanly moving on to the next part of their prepared speech. “Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute proposes the idea that introducing this new technology into the world would be too dangerous to consider. Espeon and I propose the opposite," Umbreon insisted.

On Mist and on Sand, entire cities face being swallowed up by expanding mystery dungeons within the next couple of decades," he said. "Supply ships from Grass find their journeys around the upper and lower capes of Air more extreme and perilous with each year. Emera mines on Water and Air dig deeper and deeper and find less and less of the precious gemstones that our society runs on."

[ ]

"But magnagate technology could solve all of that! With the power to manipulate mystery dungeons, we could create faster travel for the supplies everymon needs, like the crisis on Air," Umbreon explained. "We could mitigate the spread of dungeons, before they swallow up the towns we all live in. We could create controlled dungeons to mine enough emerastones to keep our power needs stable!"

[ ]

"This technology isn’t just useful, it’s necessary. And we do this world no service by shuttering it.”

Umbreon's thing is long enough that you probably want to consider hacking things up into multiple pieces and interleaving description of Umbreon's mood and how the audience in the chamber / Sparkleglimmer's camp is reacting to all of this. Since from that litany there, their civilization is staring down serious existential problems right now. So it would be only logical that Umbreon would find himself getting a touch emotional over having his + Espeon's life work that could change all of that shut down for arbitrary reasons.

Though the overall vibe here reminds me of an argument of the ethics of geoengineering in IRL circles. Fascinating topic, but with a hefty, hefty dash of:

“And yet I might remind the court that this still holds no significance to the validity of a contract,” Sparkleglimmer said. “You signed a paper. That paper bound you. There has been no fraud on the part of my company. HAPPI is well within its legal right to use or not use a patented technology as it sees fit. Therefore, your appeal holds no ground. Now either present something of legal significance, or concede to the court.”

And worse, it looked like the court was agreeing. Scattered hushed whispers among the pokemon in the stalls below the quorum filled the room. A gathering that didn’t want to be here, and a quorum that was probably bought off by HAPPI… they’d never had a chance in the first place.

Umbreon: "Espy, I told you-" >_>;
Espeon: "Umbry, not now, okay?" >.<

Ninetales sighed.

“All those in favor of ruling towards the defendants?”

Espeon and Umbreon’s hearts sank as they were met with a room of near silence. Only a scant few paws, claws, and fins raised into the air.

Wait a minute, is everyone in this room rendering a verdict on their behalf? For a sec, I thought it was just the five representatives present. It might make sense to mention in passing how the quorum works mechanically sometime earlier once or twice, since I didn't pick up on this.

“All those in favor of ruling towards the plaintiff?”

Nearly the entire room raised their appendages.

A bang of the gavel. “The court rules, once again, in favor of the Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute,” Ninetales said wearily. A quiet, formal applause filled the room.

Quality justice system there!

“HAPPI will extend its offer for a settlement once again,” the krookodile lawyer spoke to Espeon and Umbreon as pokemon filed out of the courtroom. “You’ve dragged this into court twice. Worth seeing some return on your troubles.”

“We don’t need a return,” Espeon spat.

“We’ll consider it and get back to you,” Umbreon cut in.

Espeon: "Umbry! What the actual-?!"

Umbreon: "Look, Espy, I'm pretty sure that we're almost bankrupt at this point considering this guy's undertone." >_>;

The krookodile nodded. “The offer stands regardless of when.”

He picked up his briefcase and began to walk off. How did he feel about defending HAPPI? The shades covering his eyes didn’t reveal enough for Umbreon to tell.

Krookodile: "Perfectly fine since it's the job of a lawyer to be an effective mercenary for their clients? Also, HAPPI is the government, so..."

Umbreon: "Look, at least let me wonder if you were bothered at all by casually squishing the greatest hope for this entire planet for a bottom line, okay?" >.<

“We didn’t even have a fair chance in there,” Espeon seethed as they walked down towards the serene garden sector of Cloud Nine. The sun was beginning to set over the mountains, casting the sky a shade of brilliant orange, and bathing the leaves of the hedges and the futuristic archways in a mystical glow.

Umbreon: "Uh... well, yes. I pointed that out from the very beginning-"

Espeon: "Umbry, that's not canon." >_>;

“She just walked all over us. Cut us off mid-way, and acted all shady about a contract. Everymon knew it was out of turn and no-mon said anything! That nasty little—Uurrgh!"

"Calm down," Umbreon breathed. They both stopped next to the gate to the gardens, under the shade of a large hedge. Umbreon put his front paws on her shoulders. "Breathe. It's no use getting angry right now."

Least of all because I'm pretty sure that considering what you two know about, it's a small miracle that Sparkleglimmer hasn't called in a hit on you if her express logic for shutting down your research is that it's too dangerous. ^^;

Espeon closed her eyes and breathed. Slowly, her ears that had been flattened against her head in anger went back up.

“…You're right," she finally said. "I… I shouldn’t be getting this angry."

“We'll keep going,” Umbreon reassured her. “Just because the courts sided with HAPPI doesn’t mean that’s the end. We'll make appointments. Every month. We'll send letters. Sooner or later she'll get tired of it. And that's when we strike."

Or you could just find a new, sketchy-as-hell benefactor and resume your research that way. Like sure it'd be illegal, but...

"She'll never let us have it back," Espeon muttered. "Getting rid of us is like swatting a fly to her. We need something more. Something better."

"Like what?" Umbreon asked.

"The council members,” Espeon said. “Everymon knows she’s paying off half of them to get privileges for her company. We’ll talk to them. Turn them against her.”

Umbreon: "... Espy, how exactly are we supposed to do this when we don't exactly have a networking advantage?"

Espeon: "Look, we were buddies with a Human Savior, that's gotta count for something!" >_>;

"We couldn't get appointments with them," Umbreon reminded her.

"We'll get appointments," Espeon scoffed. "We're the most famous researchers on the entire Mist Continent; there must be something we can use to get there."


The gardens weren't empty. Every so often, a pokemon pushed by them into the hedges, and there were several more loitering about or going on their way in every which direction. Not a single one of them even spared a glance at Espeon or Umbreon. Umbreon sighed. It was too peaceful a sunset to waste worrying about things that were said and done for already.

"Let's worry about this tomorrow," he said. "We're on Cloud Nine- there must be something open."

"I think I saw a fish parlor just below-deck on our way up," Espeon said. "Smelled good."

"Let's go there, then." Umbreon began to walk off towards the entrance to below-deck, and after he looked back to make sure she was keeping up, Espeon followed.

... Actually, wait. When was GtI again in this continuity and just how old are these two at this point? .-.

The engines of Cloud Nine hummed below deck, several floors down where the maintenance rooms were. Sparkleglimmer sat in her office, sifting through papers on her desk.

Pressing was the matter of the Water Continent Ambassador. He hadn’t appeared at the trial, and the word she’d been trying to keep quiet was that he had recently gone missing out at sea along with his underling and his boat. Primarina was not and had never been honest, and he had his flippers in several different schemes that were netting him and his continent far more wealth than they would or should have had. But his way with words during tense times was a useful skill, and had earned him a fair amount of leeway from Sparkleglimmer—perhaps more than she should have allowed. Maybe somemon he'd gotten on the wrong side of had finally done him in.

Yes, getting possessed and puppeteered by an Ancient Evil will do that to you.

Somewhat more pressing was a matter fresh from the printer involving a government ship at Noe Town. It had earned little more than a passing glance from her once she glazed the names; it looked like Alexis and Elliot of Bittercold-slaying fame had taken the job posthaste.

Oh, so that's what the GtI protag and partner are in this story. Still kicking around, to boot, it sounds. Guess we’ll find out in a future chapter as to what went down to make them have a falling out with Espeon and Umbreon.

But most urgent was the matter of the entercards. Those frauds from Sand had tried to patent the devices as their own discovery, thinking it was the answer to creating mystery dungeons and easing transportation. They couldn't understand less the true purpose of the entercards.

They didn't need to know.

They didn't need to know what those devices could do; they didn't need to discover the secret upon which all of modern pokemon society had been built. At all costs, Sparkleglimmer needed to keep that secret safe. Both for her, and for the Voice in the back of her head.


That final sentence.

Alright, that seems like as good a place as any to leave things, onto the recap:

So this is basically the end of your second part for the main protagonists, and the part where we leave Serenity Village behind and blow up the scope. I think that by and large, it did a pretty good job at pulling that off, even if I was expecting things to be a lot more visceral and "doomed hometown"-ey than it turned out. The Interlude was also a neat glimpse at what's going on in the broader world, as well as illustrating that those glimpses off at HAPPI and C9 aren't anywhere as divorced from the main plot as what initial impressions might lead one to believe. The outro of the the interlude in particular is basically throwing down the gauntlet of "yeah, the protags are going to have to butt heads with these guys at some point". It did a very effective job at selling a sense that things are very, very wrong and that the overall state of affairs is more precarious than the Dungeon Runners or the Exploration Society could've ever imagined.

As for things that I didn't like... it's mostly the stuff already covered in the writeup, though in particular, there were a few bits where I felt more description was warranted. There were also a few things about Chapter 25 that felt a bit rushed or compressed. The way that Riolu getting brought to Audino and Espurr's orbit was handled particularly stood out, since something about the way that went down didn't feel like it was communicated enough about how that state of affairs came to be, not even in some sort of "oh right, Audino took him in" from the narration.

But altogether, I had a fun time, and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the chapters that are part of our review exchange, since the stakes got raised a lot within just the span of about 10k words.

Kudos @SparklingEspeon , and till next time.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Hey there! I read chapter 2 for Catnip, and here are my thoughts.

"It's been a while since the last… incident, but we're all keeping an eye on Swirlix, just in case." A fourth, scratchier voice piped up near the back. "She's been looking a little… ravenous lately."
my bet's on dungeon madness!

A strange hum floated through the air, and suddenly the area all around him took an ominous tone to it. Ampharos stopped. He discreetly planted his walking stick in the ground, stuffing the expedition gadget back into his exploration bag.
"Suddenly the area all around him took an ominous tone to it" is pretty vague. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to interpret it.

Farfetched walked up to the teacher's desk, twirling his leak like a baton before stomping it to the ground like a cane.
Typo in Farfetch'd.

"Isn't this so cool?" Tricky whispered to her the moment she sat down. "Not only do we get to attend the same school and detentions, but we get to sit right next to each other, too!" she immediately straightened up once she noticed that Watchog was watching her.
Missing capital at the start of the final sentence (since it isn't a dialogue tag).

Deerling looked up, still mildly agitated from the constant itching of her coat.

"Yes, Mr. Farfetch'd?" she asked, trying her best not to sound irritated.

"Would you like to be excused?" Farfetch'd asked. "I'm sure Nurse Audino can do something for your molting."

Deerling immediately stood up from her desk and made a beeline for Audino's office.
Ooh, I like this! I was actually wondering why the coat was mentioned as pink before while Summer Vacation was very soon, but this explains that and builds a bit on top of it, too.

"For the last time…" Watchog sputtered, his face red, "It's VICE PRINCIPAL WATCHOG! And yes, I took a wrong turn. Fight me. All straights from here."
"Fight me" feels kind of a strange phrase for Watchog to use here - to me, it has a connotation of ignoring or defying hierarchical structures more than enforcing them, and Watchog is clearly very strict about hierarchy. Something like "cry about it" would fit better.

Espurr showed him the sheet of paper.

"I can't read this. Are there any in Japanese?"

Watchog's face fell as fast as his prospects of a well-behaved student.

"…What's English?" he asked suspiciously. "Is this another prank?"

"Of course not, Vice Principal," Espurr started quickly before Watchog could continue his paranoid train of thought. "Japanese is…"

She stopped short when she realized she didn't actually know what Japanese was. It was another one of those memories that had appeared on the tip of her tongue, and then slipped away without a second thought.
So I'm not really sure what conclusions I should be drawing from this, provided it's not a mistake but intentional that Espurr says Japanese and Watchog says English and neither seem to be mishearing another. That all human language names auto-translate to the same word, making them equivalent? But why would they be written to us as separate languages or, more specifically, why would Watchog say "English" over any other language? Is it just to showcase the effect of all human languages having the same word, or is the mention of English in particular relevant?

he finished with a leer intended just for Tricky.
hmmmmm I mean I know it's a move, but after learning the actual definition for leer, I can't ignore the uncomfortable connotation.

We don't speak dead languages here," he told Espurr, incredulous. A moment later, he sighed at her unwavering gaze. "If you can't read it, one of your partners in crime can help you out. But I still expect hard work from all three of you! If I catch any of you slacking, I have permission to extend your detention periods… Into Summer Vacation," he finished with a leer intended just for Tricky.

Tricky didn't like the sound of that. She began to physically drag Espurr into the Oran Berry Section by her good arm. Goomy accidentally dropped his copy of the list as he slimed after them. He watched it blow off into the fields helplessly, carried off on a sudden gust of wind.

"That Watchog is evil!" Tricky gasped once Watchog was out of earshot. "He wouldn't cancel Summer Vacation, would he?"

"I-I think he would," Goomy stuttered as he slimed up, his eyes peeled to the paranoid otter loitering about stiffly in the distance.

Tricky grabbed one of the wicker baskets resting next to the large gate in her mouth, entering the fields with a bound. "Epferr! You're on reading dudie!" she yelled back through the basket, oblivious to any of her classmates' plights. "Goomy, help me pfick berrpfies!"

Both Espurr and Goomy traded looks. Goomy looked at his slimy paws that weren't fit for picking berries in any way, shape or form.

"Want to trade?"

Espurr handed her list out to Goomy with her one good arm, heading over to the remaining wicker baskets. "I can't read it anyway."
It's kind of weird for Tricky not to have heard the "Espurr can't read" bit when she directly responded to Watchog's last comment on the conversation and seemed to be right there. Maybe there could be a clearer break between Watchog talking about Espurr not being able to read and then addressing all of them for the work they have to do, or it could be specifically shown that Tricky was distracted by something?

But Principal Simipour's words still hang fresh in her mind:
Hung, as it's past tense.


I found the phone (it's more or less a phone, I'll call it a phone) conversation in the beginning a little hard to follow due to the amount of speakers on the other end and the fact that they're referred to as "voices" rather than by their names for a while at the beginning. Other than that, it was nice to see what was going on elsewhere and hear a bit about the world on a larger scale. I've completely forgotten how the stone-turning worked in the original story, so there's some mystery for me there as well. And some mystery that I'm somewhat sure wasn't in the original games is that reveal of the post-apocalyptic nature of this world. I know it's a trope that many PMD fics seem to do, but I know nothing further about it or what the cause tends to be, so it's still interesting to me.

I do wanna mention that the paper flying in the wind felt like it came out of nowhere pretty conveniently, but I get that sometimes things gotta go that way for a story to happen. No judgment.

That's it for my thoughts, I think. There's not a lot, but I think this chapter was also on the shorter side, so it kinda tracks. Hope you get something out of this anyway. Good luck with writing, and see you around!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, dunno how wise it is to be putting together one of these at this hour, but eh. I've got a review exchange to make good on, and you've been adamant that they're quite the ride.

So let’s just go ahead and fire up the first half of SE2.

Chapter 27:

The world felt like a dream. The interior of her office was gone, replaced by hazy, abstract colors that swirled around without method. For a moment, she lost track of where she was, and the ever-present humming that had always been in the back of her mind faded away. Then she was inexplicably getting out of bed, and the world around her was one she hadn't seen for decades.

Every morning, Sparkleglimmer rose, washed up for the day, ate a hasty breakfast, and walked out into a world that was still repairing itself.

Oh, so opening with a dream sequence, huh? Well that'll be interesting to see given that this is coming from Sparkleglimmer who is all but confirmed to be possessed by Dark Matter as of last chapter.

Long ago, when she had been little more than a kit, the Bittercold unleashed a blizzard that covered the Mist Continent. Ships were frozen solid in the harbor, crops that weren't accustomed to sub-zero temperatures were scorched by the cold and spoiled where they stood, and pokemon in their huts slowly froze to death where there weren't enough fire types to share and spread heat.


Sparkleglimmer: "That... is rather laughably shortsighted of you, but okay then." >_>;

The Bittercold had been smashed into oblivion by a group of pokemon that Sparkleglimmer didn't meet until much later in life, but the cleanup wasn't something that could be solved in a single day.

The umbreon who managed the Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute was Sparkleglimmer's father. He worked day and night to help right the shattered economy in the wake of the Bittercold disaster. Sparkleglimmer rarely ever saw him, except at his desk in his office, working. Eternally working.

How to mess up your kid's childhood with one (1) easy trick™️.

But it wasn't enough. For all its efforts, HAPPI couldn't fix what had been broken on its own.

Soon, the Rescue Team Federation came. An all-powerful organization from the Grass Continent managed affairs on another, and was extending a helping paw to Mist. Organizers and rescue teams from the Federation were soon seen around town, helping out and repairing buildings, warming pokemon up and importing crops to replace the ones that had frozen over, and building shelters for those who no longer had them. Sparkleglimmer knew there had to be a catch of some kind, some huge sum of poke or debt they were racking up for all this help, but it wasn't a subject she or her father ever brought up for long.

... This sounds like more or less the perfect recipe for making a future leader with a massive chip on her shoulder who wouldn't shy away in the slightest from all sorts of ultra-unethical decision-making.

And still, it wasn't enough.

Sparkleglimmer went to school like any other pokemon, and walked the streets like any other pokemon, and had peers and teachers like any other pokemon. But she saw darkness all around her. In the newspapers, there was talk of murders and looting across the continent; only Paradise up north was spared. There were shelters, but pokemon were still sitting around aimlessly in the streets, with nowhere to go. 'Mon often disappeared, and bodies were dragged out of alleyways, unceremoniously thrown to the gutter. No-mon liked to say it, but everymon knew not all those pokemon had frozen to death in the streets.

Getting major "Russia in the 90s" vibes right about now. All that's missing is the parliament equivalent getting shelled and some attempts at violent secessionism that wind up breeding hotspots for Outlaws.

And still, it wasn't enough. More, more, every day. While rescue teams stood by silently with solemn looks on their faces, and turned the dead bodies into campfire fuel to solve the ever-present heat problem. Wasn't their job to stop these things before they happened?

Boy is it such a
feeling to see those hunky-dory events following GtI cast in such an apocalyptic fashion, but somehow, it doesn't feel super out of character, especially for this setting which is basically "Gen Urobuchi's Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon".

Though you'd think that it'd be more efficient to turn them into 'body fuel' under the table given how completely boned Mist's agricultural sector was at the time.

Like when crops have failed across an entire continent, I'm shocked that more Pokémon didn't wind up turning to that given all the corpses coming out of the woodwork.

Walking down the street, Sparkleglimmer tripped on a cobblestone—

And fell into Father's lap. She was still small enough to fit in it, not yet evolved. Distantly, she was sure she’d gotten younger.

"Not everymon is as lucky as we are," Sparkleglimmer's father said, casting a wistful look out the window of his study. "Bad things happen. Not every single pokemon can be saved. Not every single pokemon has a house to go back to, or a space lined up for them in those shelters. We just have to save the ones we can, and remember the losses of the ones we couldn't."

Boy it sure is a good thing that you just kept your daughter here for all of this instead of just yeeting her to another one of the Five Continents where she could go to school or something not constantly seeing reminders of mass death and societal implosion all around her during her formative years, wasn't it, Umbreon?

A fire crackled and burned loudly in the study, contained to a fireplace where it couldn't reach any of the books or embroidery. The room was lavish and decked out in all the things they'd never needed and most of the things they'd probably never use.

"This house is big," Sparkleglimmer said, curled up in the umbreon's lap. The words were juvenile and didn't come from her, but she mouthed along for reasons she couldn't explain. "Why don't we let pokemon stay in here? So they don't freeze to death out there."

Because considering how dire things sound on Mist at the moment, that's probably a recipe for your family to get murdered in their sleep and your house taken over by squatters. ^^;

"Maybe we will, if things get worse," the umbreon said. "But there are bad pokemon out there, pokemon who would rob us and do bad things to us even though we sheltered them. And you can't tell which ones they are by just looking. We have to be careful, so we don't let a bad pokemon in our home."

Yeah, figured. Even if it's presented more in terms that a child would be more likely to parse.

"But why would they do that?" Sparkleglimmer's younger self asked. "Why would they do bad things to somemon who gave them nice things?"

"Many reasons," the umbreon sighed. "Some of them are greedy. Some of them are angry. Some of them would rob us because they don't think they have another choice. Some of them want to hurt us because they don't like us."

Umbreon: "Oh, and the ones that would do it just because, but you don't need to worry about that at your age." ^^;

"Is that why the pokemon who came from the Grass Continent dragged a pokemon into an alleyway? Were they bad pokemon?"

... Oh, so Sparkleglimmer has already seen a murder in all of this. Lovely!

"What?" "I saw it yesterday," Sparkleglimmer said. "They dragged a pokemon into an alleyway when they thought no-mon was looking. Then they came back out later and said the pokemon was dead in there."

She looked up at her father.

"Did they kill that pokemon?"

I mean, obviously yes. Though I kinda wonder if Umbreon will shoot straight here or try to beat around the bush.

"Perhaps that pokemon was a criminal," the Umbreon said, after a pause. "They must have done something bad for that to happen. If you even saw correctly."

Sparkleglimmer wanted to believe that. Or, she had when she was that age. But one look at her father's distant eyes told her he didn't even believe it himself.

I mean, depending on if Grass has already had those ugly backstory shenanigans go down at this point in time, there's nonzero odds that those Grass 'mons would've parsed the 'mon they took back into the alley as a criminal regardless of background. Intercontinental blood feuds be like that. ^^;

All those years ago… Chalk it up to the innocence of a kit, but she had been stupid not to see right through it at the start.

And still, it wasn't enough.

Slowly, Noe Town rebuilt. The frosty weather never truly went away, but soon it was warm enough that pokemon could stroll around without cloaks, and sleeping in the streets was no longer a death sentence. The sight of Rescue Federation ships in the harbor became an everyday staple, and soon overtook the villagers' boats and HAPPI's crumbling navy. Sparkleglimmer lived, grew, and matured.

Oh, so this is how Sparkleglimmer got the motivation to turn HAPPI into the beast that it is today. Kinda trippy to think that within the span of 50 years in the past, it was basically at death's door as an organization.

Now that things were getting better, the pokemon seemed to be getting worse. Passerbys in the street had used to huddle together for warmth, regardless of if they knew the 'mon next to them or not. Now, they kept to themselves and grouched to each other when they had to interact. Bakers and 'mon who had volunteered to make food to feed entire streets of starving pokemon now hid behind their stalls and storefronts and refused to feed starving kits who begged.

nd the rescue teams who claimed they were working for everymon's good were getting bolder. Sparkleglimmer saw muggings, teams who ganged up on and robbed passerbys just because they could. Upon thinking of them she saw many in an instant. She wasn't sure if every one of those had been seen through her own eyes or not. There were beatings. She remembered taking a different route home when she saw those. The alleyways became the place you went to die—sometimes against your own will.

And still, it wasn't enough.

Would recommend hacking up the first paragraph in two, since it covers two relatively different ideas.

Though Wartortle just allowed his underlings to have their way with an entire continent back in the day, huh? I can see why Sparkleglimmer was motivated to turn Pokémon Plaza into a statue garden. And I guess that would explain how Dark Matter got an opening, since this entire mindset sounds like how the Bittercold canonically came around, but on steroids. .-.

She had always turned the other cheek then; she had to. She was the daughter of the director of HAPPI, maybe the future director of HAPPI, and whatever she did would affect her father's deal with the Rescue Federation and maybe even the Mist Continent's future. As much as it pained her to look away like everymon else, she had to. Even her father looked away in shame whenever she brought it up.

"There's nothing we can do," he mumbled. She heard his voice, as if recalled on command. "We need their help. We're not strong enough to stand on our own yet."

... This is going to result in her father getting knocked off by a hit or something, isn't it?

One day, the straw broke.

Sparkleglimmer was walking on her way home from school when she saw what looked like a set of claws jutting out of the alleyway. It looked like another pokemon that had died, or been left for dead there, and that wasn't any of her business. She did her best to ignore it as she walked towards the alleyway intersection, but couldn't bring it in her to turn away. Then she noticed that the claws were moving.

It wasn't obvious. She wouldn't have even noticed if she hadn't been watching all that time. But on closer inspection, they were indeed twitching ever so slightly. Then, in a flash, they vanished. Dragged straight back into the alleyway. The motion caught Sparkleglimmer by surprise. It was like she had been possessed—before she knew what she was doing, she had bolted into the alleyway after the pokemon.

Oh, well this scene is about to go places.

The alley was at a slant, and freezing cold water pooled at the bottom. Sparkleglimmer kicked it up behind her as she ran. It splashed against her bushy tail and soaked the bottom of her bag. A sentret was being pulled back into the alleyway, almost unconscious… by none other than the rescue team that was supposed to watch over this area.

"Hey!" Sparkleglimmer called out, getting the attention of the team's two members—a combusken and a politoed. "What are you doing with that pokemon?"

I can already see Sparkleglimmer having a normal one behind closed doors and putting the screws to the like of Mayor Honchkrow with the threat of 'Play ball, or Air will live through everything Mist had to 50 years ago'. Since you just know that this stuck with her for the rest of her life.

The combusken looked up at Sparkleglimmer. He dropped one of the sentret's limp legs in the alleyway muck, standing up and giving Sparkleglimmer his full attention.

"None of your business, kit," he said. "Go home."

"I'll… I'll report you to your supervisor!" Sparkleglimmer said. She made it up on the spot. She wouldn't have even known where to start.

What was she doing?

Sparkleglimmer: "(That's... a good question, really. Since I'm pretty sure these guys are going to try and kill me in about thirty seconds.)"

"Ain't gonna do nothing," the combusken said with a shrug. "Our supervisor doesn't care. You're best off pretendin' you never saw any of this. Otherwise…"

A quick gleam of the combusken's claws made an unspoken point. They flashed downward, slicing off the sentret's bag—

Sparkleglimmer charged forward, ramming into the combusken with all her force. The pokemon went flying back a few feet, then hit the ground on his talons. He ran forward and swiped Sparkleglimmer across the head. The force of the blow sent Sparkleglimmer flying back. She landed disgracefully in the dirty, freezing water. She had never been in a battle before; her vison blurred from pain. She shivered from the cold, and the cut on her head from the combusken's talons stung so much she wanted to bury her head in the water too.

But then she saw the combusken and the politoed wringing out and dividing everything that sentret had in its bag. She saw the sentret on the ground, breathing limply and trying to stay alive the same way she was. She couldn't. It was too late to back out now. She just needed the strength…

I've got a feeling we're going to be hearing that refrain a lot during this Special Episode. Is this sort of behavior from Rescue Teams in the absence of strong authority common, though? Since I saw that distrust towards 'Explorers' on Grass, and if it came from something like this in their past... it would honestly be hard to fault them for having that sort of reaction.

I shall hold off on the "I am Sparkleglimmer, the Seeker of Power" jokes for now though, since I'm pretty sure that this is going to result in one of two ways:

A: Sparkleglimmer is going to fail and watch that Sentret get brutally murdered in front of her.
B: Sparkleglimmer is going to succeed, and her family will get murdered over this.

Strength suddenly filled her, energy reserves her body had never tapped into before brimming to the surface. She stood back up, noisily shaking off the water that had stuck to her coat.

The combusken and the politoed looked over to see the eevee standing up, her fur and mane sopping wet. She growled in their direction, taking a single step towards them.

"You really just don't know what's good for you, do you?" the combusken sighed. "Look, I don't want two dead bodies reported today, that's a lot of paperwork. Just be on your way, and none of us will ever talk about this again."


It was too late for that. Sparkleglimmer's coat began to shine and spark with bright white energy, and she lunged forward—

—The combusken's claws collided with her face again, knocking the momentum out of her. The white energy of evolution surged out of her fur and into the air, the force of it knocking the combusken back far into the alleyway. He crashed against a wall, crumpling to the ground in a dazed heap.

Sparkleglimmer landed on her paws, her injuries healed and feeling better than ever. White strands of energy curled up into the air and dissipated. But there was no time to think. The politoed who had been taking advantage of the commotion to pickpocket from his partner's share of the loot now lunged towards her, preparing to pummel her to the ground.

... Probably a fortunate thing for Sparkleglimmer that the Politoed didn't just chill at a distance and snipe her with a ranged Water or Psychic attack, since I'm not convinced that this isn't going to go really sideways really fast.

The next minute passed without much conscious thought from Sparkleglimmer. She propelled herself forward, latched onto the poliwrath's face with her claws, [and clawed out his eyes], sending him staggering back against the wall with his hands on his face. The combusken charged her, but she kicked one of Sentret's belongings at him with her hind legs. It whacked him straight in the head and knocked him unconscious. Then she attacked Poliwrath whiLe he was down.

Wait, is the 'L' supposedto be capitalized like that?

Though something about the mention of Sparkleglimmer's 'magic trick' there IMO feels a bit post-facto and like it could turn up the visceralness with some word choice. e.x. something like

[...] and drove them into his eyes (with a sickening splutch) [...]

Where it works both with and without the stuff in parens depending on how brutal you want the narration to get, but at the same time feels more "visual" than what's presently there.

By the time clear reasoning returned to her, the two members of the team were lying unconscious in the alleyway, with enough cuts and scrapes on their body that they looked like they could have been dead already. The sentret was, thankfully, unharmed, but the gravity of what had just happened was finally hitting Sparkleglimmer. Assaulting a rescue team… The injuries would heal with a few days of rest, but she could land jail time for that. She had to get out of here, and fast—

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Whelp, too late for that one.

Sparkleglimmer looked back in the direction of the voice, which had come from the mouth of another rescue team member. Two of them, a houndoom and a snover, stood at the entrance of the alleyway. The snover pointed a limb at her in accusation. Sparkleglimmer spared a quick glance at the crumpled remains of the rescue team she had just beat up, then hastily tried to make herself look like she hadn't just beaten the both of them up.

"I-it's not what it looks like!" she pleaded, but the houndoom and snover weren't having it.

Houndoom: "You literally have blood on your paws right now!"

Snover: "Uh... Chuck? I don't think that's just blood on 'em." 🤢

"It looks to me like you just beat up that rescue team over there," the snover grunted. They moved closer, taking attack stances as they went.

"I… I…" Sparkleglimmer wanted to plead innocent, but she wasn't. "They were robbing that sentret!"

She backed away as the rescue team advanced, looking around frantically for the sentret. She caught the last glimpse of its bushy tail snaking around the corner. It was running away.

Sparkleglimmer: "Are you serious?! I save your life and that's the thanks that I get?!"

The rescue team advancing showed no understanding or mercy to her pleas. Sparkleglimmer was scared and frantic, and decided her best option was to run. So she took off, bolting down the other side of the alleyway and out of sight.

She scurried out into a street she didn't recognize and ran in a random direction. Where she was going, she wasn't sure. She just needed to get away.

"Get that eevee!"

Sparkleglimmer sure was lucky that those two didn't have a Wonder Orb or something like that to pop.

Another rescue team bounded out into the street after her, upsetting passerbys and quickly gaining ground. She glanced back; they were a haunter and a glalie. Another glance, and the haunter was quickly disappearing into the wall of a building. Sparkleglimmer ran faster, weaving through pokemon and stalls as she ran. Now she was back on the street she had been walking on in the first place, she could get home from here—

Oh, so she is going to get her family murdered, huh?

Eevee's paws suddenly pushed up against thin air, and her momentum screeched to a halt. In that split second, the memory became just a memory, and suddenly Sparkleglimmer was watching the haunter pick her up from the eyes of another. The eevee struggled and thrashed and cried out for help, but the haunter ran its free hand through her neck. Sparkleglimmer suddenly felt her throat lock up, taken off-guard by a sudden sensation of sheer cold running through it.

"Gotcha," the haunter breathed as it held up the now silent eevee. "You're coming with us."

Oh, so Sparkleglimmer's family isn't getting murdered... yet.

Sparkleglimmer watched as the rescue team carried off the screaming and pleading eevee in broad daylight, and not a single pokemon in the area lifted a paw to stop them.

... Wait a minute, I just realized. But is that an out of body experience? How on earth is she-? .-.

Then the haunter's icy grip around her scruff dissolved, and the scenery of Noe Town looked more and more like the distant eye at the end of a telescope. The next thing she knew, she was looking at a barred jail window that was far too high for her—younger self, she had to remember, though it was getting harder—to reach.

Oh right, this is a dream sequence. That's how she's doing this.

The jail was somehow colder than the streets. Sparkleglimmer lay curled up in the middle of her cell in a little ball, awaiting judgement. There were pokemon guarding her and all the other prisoners, and sometimes 'mon would come in and out, but she hadn't listened to what they had to say. At least they'd been courteous enough to give her a cell to herself; every other cell was packed with multiple prisoners of every breed and size. Most of them looked just as shocked to be there as she did.

Then the pokemon she simultaneously wanted to see the most and least stepped in front of the cell. Sparkleglimmer looked up to see Father standing in front of the cell doors. He looked down at her; she could barely stand to meet his eyes for more than a minute.

"Release her."


Sparkleglimmer could tell from the guards' stances that they looked taken aback by the idea.

"We can't do that, sorry. These are prisoners of the Rescue Team Federation."

"I said release her," the Umbreon repeated, his tone both louder and harsher. "Who do you think pays the Rescue Team Federation's bills?"

... Can't tell if this is legit by Umbreon or if he's bluffing, since it didn't sound like HAPPI was in a position of power relative to the Rescue Team Federation earlier on.

The guards immediately looked cowed.

"…Do you have the right paperwork?" one of them finally found it in them to ask.

"Where do I go to get the right paperwork?" Umbreon asked them.

"I'll get you a form," the guard said, stepping away from the cell.

Ah yes, money makes the world go round. Even in the midst of regional societal implosion. I kinda wonder if explicit species ought to have been rolled there for the sake of making things a bit more visual.

The half hour her father spent filling out all the necessary forms for Eevee's release had been one of the worst half hours of her life. She felt it all over again—the pain, the shame, the cold. She didn't know why. Why was she seeing this now, again?

Hadn't once been enough? Sparkleglimmer wouldn't take it anymore. The onslaught of feelings that had once been her own, but weren't anymore, were too much now. Breaking from the predetermined track, defying the memory, she stood up in her cell—

But found herself back in Father's manor instead. The dining room was candle-lit, and it was dark out. She knew this memory.

That sounds like a pretty strong argument to be shameless, just saying. Though IMO, you might want play up why Sparkleglimmer felt shame of all things over that incident. Like was her father visibly pissed at her? Since on its face in a vacuum, Sparkleglimmer has done nothing that she ought to be ashamed about and should be more relieved that "oh thank god, I'm getting out of here" about circumstances that were incredibly frightening and disorienting for her.

"Sit down."

Sparkleglimmer took a seat at the small wooden table, opposite Father. Unlike everything else in her house, the table had never been fancy; it was only ever needed to feed three, then two. A bowl of now-cold soup sat in front of Sparkleglimmer. She looked down at it but couldn't find it in herself to be hungry.


On Father's command, Sparkleglimmer reluctantly took a lap of the soup, then realized how tired and hungry she actually was. Before she knew it the soup was gone. Father's stare had not brightened in the least.

Oh, so Umbreon was mad at her. You... probably want to emphasize that a bit more either in the scene where Umbreon bails Sparkleglimmer from jail or else in passing in Sparkleglimmer's narration that he chewed her out on the way home / the entire evening afterwards or something like that.

"Words cannot express how disappointed I am with you today."

The words weren't angry. They were calm, undertoned with something Sparkleglimmer could only read as disappointment.

"They were dragging a pokemon into the alleyway," Sparkleglimmer said. "They were going to kill him."

You probably want to come down hard on Sentret's gender one way or another, even if it's something like "neutral 'them'".

"Do you realize how much this jeopardizes our relationship with the Rescue Federation?" Father asked. "Do you know how much of the soup in that bowl was paid for by them?"

Wow, Umbreon is ice cold there.

Sparkleglimmer gingerly pushed the empty tin bowl away.

"We have no chance of surviving without the Federation's help," Father said. "And now you've just put one of their teams in the infirmary. Our good relations might not recover from this."

Sparkleglimmer: "Dad, but with all due respect, but you're being overdramatic. The Rescue Team Federation isn't going to tear up its contract over one team getting beaten up by a local." >_>;
Umbreon: "'Beaten up' by a local who happens to be the daughter of their main contact on Mist. Who I bailed out from jail on record. Where 'beaten up' included permanently blinding one of said team members."

Sparkleglimmer: "... You could try telling them it was a misunderstanding?"

"Good!" Sparkleglimmer suddenly exclaimed, filled with anger. Unlike everything else, it was anger she shared now with her past self. "Why would you want to keep them around?! They do so much bad here!"

"And they do so much more good elsewhere," Father said. "Because of them half the pokemon in this town are fed and warm. More don't have to worry about not having jobs or children to go back to tomorrow. Things aren't that good on the rest of the continent."

Surprised that Umbreon isn't trying to play the "they were the exception, not the rule" card, since if a majority of Rescue Teams are just casually murdering locals on the street for the contents of their bags, they are almost certainly taking advantage of locals' desperation by doing all sorts of other incredibly messed-up things such as setting up protection rackets, running trafficking rings of various natures, or conducting title transfers of various places of value like mines the "90s Russia" way.

Like there comes a point where you just have to take your chances with societal collapse, since the Rescue Team Federation as presented seems a hell of a lot more interested in plundering Mist than actually helping anyone beyond where their interests benefit from having the locals not dead and dying in ditches.

"But you're just going to look away from all the bad stuff that's happening?" Sparkleglimmer asked.

"We only have their help if we look away!" Father snapped, stunning Sparkleglimmer into silence. "It is my responsibility to make sure this continent survives, and I will do whatever it takes for that to happen. With your recklessness, you have just risked every life on the Mist Continent. Do you understand the gravity of your actions?"

Sparkleglimmer: "Dad, you are being dramatic." >_>;
Umbreon: "Considering how there's no meaningful amount of food on this continent and how the Rescue Team Federation can decide overnight to allow half of Mist starve because they feel like it, no. I'm not being dramatic. This arrangement is what stands between civilization enduring on Mist and us becoming Grass, or worse."

Stunned silent, Sparkleglimmer's younger self nodded without a peep.

"So you can’t do anything if they mistreat pokemon," she eventually concluded.

Father slumped into his seat with a sigh. But he didn't answer. What can I do?

Umbreon: "Again. There. Is. No. Food. On. This. Continent." >_>;
Sparkleglimmer: "I heard you the first time!" >.<

"Did the sentret live?" he asked after a minute.

"It got away," Sparkleglimmer said. She didn't know if it lived or not.

Umbreon: "So you did all of this and don't even know if it brought any good out of it." -_-;
Sparkleglimmer: "Look, at least he didn't get his throat cut in a dank alleyway, alright?" >_>;

Father nodded. He didn't say anything else for a few more minutes.

"The money I used to pay your bail fee should have gone to the Federation this month. It was the last payment in our reserves before we have to start selling things."

You'd think that the sheer scale of the relief effort needed on Mist right now would've vastly outstripped Umbreon's ability to pay for it out of pocket. Unless he was just the Bill Gates of his time and was paying out of pocket out of desperation since HAPPI's piggy bank got raided to cover this and he was turning to the industrialist equivalent of money between couch cushions.

"What?" Sparkleglimmer asked. She'd seen how Father was stressed lately, the dimness of his rings and the paperwork piling up in his office, but she hadn't known anything like that was going on.

"You heard me," Father said. "Next month, I'll have to start selling HAPPI over to the Federation to cover the costs."

Considering how lawless the streets are, I'm surprised the Federation isn't just having teams already expropriate HAPPI assets and go full "lol, what are you gonna do about it, cry?"

Since again, that's basically how things worked in Russia and a whole slew of other post-Soviet states in the 1990s.

In that instant, Sparkleglimmer's world as it was back then crumbled around her, plunged into a life under an organization she despised from the bottom of her heart. "You're going to…" she tapered off, looking up at him in horror. "Didn't you just say it was your responsibility to keep everymon on this continent alive?"

"That's what selling HAPPI will do," Father said. "The paperwork for the transition will be signed next week, not that there's much left but our name. Just… try not to get involved more."

More like it'll result in them going "lol, thanks for the assets", bailing outside of a few fiefdoms, and leaving everyone that isn't worth de facto enslaving to die.

Like there is exactly zero reason to expect the Rescue Team Federation to not just let things get worse once they have everything of value on the Continent if those antics described in the story are remotely representative of its expeditionary force's conduct.

The next memory, Sparkleglimmer knew too.

Sitting in her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Ruminating, as what should have been a night of triumph instead rang hollow. She'd won a battle, but doomed the war in the process without even knowing it. And even so… had what she'd done really been so wrong? Was that just how the world worked? If there was just a way to make this all right…

Sparkleglimmer's younger self slowly drifted to sleep amongst those thoughts, and her dreams were icy and cold like the wind outside. But Sparkleglimmer didn't follow. She watched the dark bedroom around her dissolve, the walls turning to dust and fluttering away in a wind that had come from nowhere, until all that was left was—

A sea of blackness. Sparkleglimmer’s younger self picked herself up from where she lay, looking around. There was nothing, nothing but black everywhere. Her paws were submerged in very shallow water, but when she lifted them out they were dry.

Wait a minute. This is reading just like one of Espurr's-

Where was she?


... Oh, so that's how Sparkleglimmer got possessed, huh?

Sparkleglimmer jumped, looking around to see where the voice had come from. She couldn't see it clearly, but something that looked darker than the rest of the blackness around her slunk off into the shadows. It was massive, and yet Sparkleglimmer got the feel she'd only caught a tiny corner of it.

"Who are you? Where is this?" she asked, unable to keep the fright out of her voice.

Me? I am the little voice that lives in your head. And this is my humble abode.


"What do you want with me?" the eevee asked.

You misunderstand.

The voice swirled all around her, a raspy howl that came from all sides at once like a vortex.

It is not what I want from you, but rather what I can give you. You desire a way to save your father's organization, yes?

Sparkleglimmer: "Not that I don't want to do that, but why are you sounding like you're some sort of creepy ancient evil or something like that?"

Dark Matter: "Just a voice quirk. Pay no mind to that."

Sparkleglimmer remained suspicious. This might be the work of a hypno, or a gengar haunting her dreams. But even so, the likelihood of that was so low she was hesitant to even consider it a possibility.

"K-keep talking," she said, her voice leveling out. As preposterous as it was, she had to be strong, in case this really was her lucky break. "What are you proposing?"

I know a secret. On an isle forgotten and forsaken by monkind, lies a treasure that is the most valuable thing in the world. Obtain this treasure, and you can save your father's organization. I can guide you there.

... DM is going to have her break one of the seals to the Voidlands or something like that, isn't it?

"And what do you get out of it?" Sparkleglimmer asked. This all seemed too good to be true. There had to be a catch.

I want…

The voice paused.

I wish to feel the real world once more. Only can I see it through the eyes of others, and they do not go where I wish to see. Allow me inside your head, so that I may see again. No harm will befall you from me while I am there. I will guide you towards the treasure that can save you all.


Every instinct, every lick of common sense, said not to do it. Not to accept the shady offer from the strange voice inside her head. But she couldn't bring herself to just say no. If this was the way out of the situation they were in, and she turned it down…

Do we have a deal?

Sparkleglimmer: "I mean, I'm pretty sure that you're really some sort of horrific eldritch abomination, but..."

"Yes," Sparkleglimmer said, spitting the word out as if she were gasping for breath. "Yes. Yes, I accept your deal.

"You better not be lying about this," she added after a moment. It was a feeble threat, but the best thing she could think to say.

Then from now on, we are one.

Sparkleglimmer: "Screw it, I'm not letting dad's organization get sold to those Mandibuzz. Even if I know this is going to come back to bite me in the ass later."

The blackness began to swirl around her. Slowly at first, then faster, and faster, and faster, until it was spinning around her like a waterspout. The darkness converged in on her all at once, worming its way into her eyes and ears and nose until she couldn't breathe and then she blacked out—

Sparkleglimmer tumbled out of bed, retching. Her eyes flew open, glancing at the morning sun through her bedroom window.

Once the coughing passed, she was able to pull herself back up to her paws. She didn't feel any different than she had yesterday. Perhaps it really was a dream after all. The prospect stirred both relief and melancholy in her.


Sparkleglimmer: "Oh, that's not creepy and making me regret everything right about now."

Dark Matter: "Again, it's just a speech quirk."

Sparkleglimmer jumped sky-high, barely containing a shriek. She looked around for anymon who might have been hiding the room to say that, but saw no-mon.

Relax. It is only I.

Sparkleglimmer: "You're not making me feel better!" O.O
Dark Matter: "... Try thinking about the treasure and saving your father's organization a bit more. That'll put you right in a chipper mood.."

The voice came from inside her head. Sparkleglimmer quickly regained her bearings, but her heart only beat faster.

"It… it was real."

It came on as cold realization, rather than shock or terror. Sparkleglimmer couldn't find it within her to be scared.

Indeed. Ready to begin?

Dark Matter: "After all, we've got a treasure to find."

Before Sparkleglimmer could answer, it already had. She had left school early, on the premise of injuring her leg yesterday. Once she was sure she was out of sight, she ran down to the harbor without any hesitation.

You must go alone. Tell no-one. Let no-one see you. Not another pokemon can know about this except you.

Sparkleglimmer: "Wait, but you said that this treasure was on a forgotten island. How in the hell am I supposed to get there without someone knowing about it at some point?"

Dark Matter: "Well then, I suppose you would need to find some way to make sure that nobody knew about it afterwards, huh?"
Sparkleglimmer: "... I know that HAPPI is on the line, but boy is your tone scaring me right about now."

The Rescue Team Federation essentially owned the Noe Town Harbor at this point. The docks were filled with Federation boats, and while other 'mon were allowed to park their boats there, few did.

If they even had the luxury of owning a boat [ ].

Bring something to cut. Something to cut through stone.

IMO, you might want to emphasize 'after everything that happened' for 'owning a boat' since presumably in normal times you'd have 'mons with livelihoods dependent on boats like fishers. While considering how civilization on Mist has been in freefall ever since the Great Snowflakening, it would be likely that owning a boat now is a luxury if you're not the Rescue Team Federation or in the business of refugee smuggling. Especially if the surrounding sea got messed with by recent events.

There were tools aplenty in the harbor boxes. They were all owned by the Rescue Federation on penalty of jailing if stolen, but Sparkleglimmer reckoned they wouldn't miss a tool here or there. She nicked a paw-friendly rock-chipping tool, the largest one that would fit in her frayed school bag.

And after skulking around the harbor for a bit, she finally found her boat.

It was an old, abandoned lifeboat with a sail, probably not one reliable for more than a day's voyage in its current condition. But it was small enough that few 'mon would notice if it went missing for a day.

This boat is satisfactory.

Sparkleglimmer: "You do realize that I don't know the first thing about sailing, right?"

Dark Matter: "You do realize that I know things that you would logically have no way of knowing on your own, right? I think that a bit of sailing knowledge is peanuts."

"But isn't it a bit… old?" Sparkleglimmer batted the boat's mast, chipping a splinter off with her paw. "I don't think the wood's even reliable anymore."

You will need a small boat, one you can sail yourself. This one will hold up, so long as you use it carefully. "If you say so…"

Sparkleglimmer's voice dripped with uncertainty, but she began to silently climb in the boat all the same.

Oh, so Dark Matter doesn't have sailing knowledge to help Sparkleglimmer out. That... feels like kind of an oversight by DM there. ^^;

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

Sparkleglimmer looked behind her to see yet another Rescue Federation member approaching the boat.

"I'm just looking!" she called out with a false sense of cheer, hoping it sold the lie.

"Just lookin', hmm?" The croconaw gave her an unconvinced stare. "Well, if tha's all it is. The boats here require a 100 poke fee to use."

You probably want to explicitly mention that that RTF member is a Croconaw in the first description paragraph, since I was tripping until it got explicitly mentioned.

Sparkleglimmer: "Whelp, so much for nobody knowing about what I was up to."
Dark Matter: "Oh no, that's a hard requirement. One way or another, you're making sure this ‘mon doesn't know what we're up to."
Sparkleglimmer: "O-One way or another?"

"100 poke fee?" Sparkleglimmer asked. "Says who?"

"Says us," the Crononaw retorted proudly.

"But this isn't your boat," Sparkleglimmer said. "It doesn't have your fancy badge on it. Why are you charging fees for using something that doesn't belong to you?"

"Honey, we own the harbor," the Croconaw said dismissively. "Who's gonna stop us? Now pay up, or get ou'."

Oh, so the RTF is just pulling the "1990s Russia" playbook on public infrastructure. That's just wonderful and I suddenly feel a lot less bothered by them getting massacred in the last SE.

Sparkleglimmer didn't have any pocket money on her. At the same time, she wasn't just leaving. And she sure wasn't going to pay a fee they had no right to impose.

Touch her.

"What?" Sparkleglimmer asked aloud. Running up and touching somemon out of the blue was a good way to get arrested again; she couldn't just do that!

"Don't tell me you don't have pocket change," Croconaw said in response.

Do it.

Well, I'll take the under on that Croconaw's life expectancy lasting for more than the next 10 seconds. Not that she didn't have it coming.

Sparkleglimmer gulped. But all the same, she bolted forwards. She was fast, and before the croconaw knew what hit her, she had pressed her paws firmly against the croconaw's arms. Black sparks crackled and zoomed around her paws, and suddenly the croconaw went limp in front of her.

Sparkleglimmer stumbled back, barely finding her balance against the boat's side. She held up her paws in front of her, looking for any traces of black sparks that were long gone. What was that?

The croconaw still hadn't moved. Sparkleglimmer began to lose her cool. What if this couldn't be undone? That would mean she'd… And just after…

"What did you do?" she angrily questioned the voice in her head.

This is the power I am lending you. It is the power of suggestion.

Somehow, that's even worse than I was expecting.

"What does that m-mean?" Sparkleglimmer stuttered.

Must I explain everything? Sparkleglimmer nodded forcefully.

"Yes. Yes, you must explain everything."

You can hypnotize pokemon.

... Oh so that's how Sparkleglimmer just gets those insane verdict splits for those quorums and the like.

That simple explanation made much more sense. Not that anything that had happened today made much sense, but Sparkleglimmer would take it. Hesitantly, she walked up to the limp croconaw, and drew a deep breath.

"This boat is ours," she spoke firmly. "You don't have the right to charge us a single coin."

To her surprise, there was no outburst or protest from the croconaw that was standing limply in front of her like a zombie. Instead, she nodded vaguely, like her head was somewhere distant and far away.

"Sounds about righ'. Sorry for buggin' ya."

Dark Matter: "You should probably also order her to hold her breath at the bottom of the harbor and not come back up-"
Sparkleglimmer: "Oh my gods, can you not right now?! Look she doesn't know what we're doing with this boat, okay?!"

With that, the pokemon shuffled away from the boat, returning to her usual self soon afterwards. She didn't even seem to notice Sparkleglimmer was there.

Sparkleglimmer looked down at her paws in awe. They looked like normal paws, all the black sparks from earlier gone. In the back of her mind, something stirred that this wasn't right, that something about this was all horribly wrong, but she drowned that thought. If it was going to save Father, then it didn't matter how horrible it all ended up being.

"Power of suggestion, huh?" she mumbled to herself.

Use it wisely.

Oh, so Sparkleglimmer is just going down the slippery slope in live-time, huh? I mean, it wouldn't be the first story I read about an Eeveelution's start of darkness...

The small sailboat brushed through the waves and the fog. It wasn't far out from land, only a few hours' sail, but the waters were perilous. Jagged rocks jutted out from the seascape almost everywhere, just waiting to carve a hole into a boat's hull, and the ambient mist hanging over the water made them almost impossible to see. Taking a big ship out here was asking for it to be sunk—the Rescue Federation's large galleons didn't come close.

Sparkleglimmer's younger self carefully sailed the boat around the rocks, making sure not to get too close and risk sinking. She had never fancied vaporeon as a future evolution prospect.

"What am I looking for, again?" she asked to the voice in her head. "I don't see an island here."

Have faith. You will see it soon.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Wait, how am I doing this when it was never established that I knew anything about sailing and you haven't been explicitly providing any guidance?"

Dark Matter: "... Don't question it."

It was like the voice could read everything in her head, even the lingering thoughts of fear and uncertainty. She tried not to think about that.

You must get closer first.

Sparkleglimmer: "So... uh... are you going to tell me what I'm in for here on the creepy lost island, or...?" .-.
Dark Matter:

It must have meant the fog, Sparkleglimmer figured. The boat floated on for a few more minutes, being maneuvered through perilous rocks and choppy waves. Despite all the fantastical things that had happened in the past few hours alone, the longer Sparkleglimmer went without seeing anything, the more faith she lost. How much longer could this go on for before it became fruitless?

... Wait, how is she doing all of that anyways? Like I made a few jokes about it, but this definitely feels like a party trick that's well beyond what I'd expect a sheltered schoolgirl to be capable of. ^^;

Then she saw it. Slowly becoming clearer through the fog was the outline of a large piece of land. Trees grew despite the cold weather, and as Sparkleglimmer's boat drifted closer, she began to see the beginnings of the island's beach.

Did I not tell you to have faith?

Sparkleglimmer puffed out her cheeks in defeat.


Sparkleglimmer: "... Still not convinced that I'm not going to regret this, but hey, you delivered there."

Before long, the boat was docked. Sparkleglimmer walked up onto the island, glancing around at the clearing all around her. The island was a large sandy plateau barely above the waters around it. Trees and foliage lined the sides and borders of the island, but once she had crept past the beach, everything natural came to a halt. The ground became a bed of smooth, flat, blue-grey rock, and nothing grew past its borders. It extended as far as the eye could see. Sparkleglimmer pawed the ground hesitantly, disliking how it felt against her feet.

"Now what am I supposed to look for?" she asked.

It is right in front of you.

There it was, in the distance in front of her. A single pillar, just about twice as tall as she was.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Well, that's certainly convenient."

Sparkleglimmer laboriously dragged a small crate from the boat over to where the pillar was. It jutted out of the ground like a monolith pillar, slanting at the peak. She hopped up on the crate to see what was at the top. There were only a pair of small, flat squares, placed diagonally to each other on the board. Sparkleglimmer tilted her head.

"That's it. That's all there is."

But there was no response from the voice. Perhaps the answer was obvious.

With her paw, she moved one of the small card-like objects forward, watching as the other one moved in tandem with the one she was pushing. The cards clicked into their own new positions, and suddenly the ground began to rumble around her.

Oh, looks like we're going to find out what Entercards really are and do pretty fast.

The crate Sparkleglimmer was standing on trembled, and she couldn't keep her balance on it. She fell off, barely landing on her feet. Once she did, she ran back several good meters away from the stand.

"What's happening?" she asked. "What did that do?"

Calm down. It is appearing.

A fissure split in the ground ahead of Sparkleglimmer. The ground was parting like a cavernous mouth below her, and all she could see inside it was lightless black.

Sparkleglimmer: "I'm sorry why do I want to go down the creepy surprise cavern again?" .-.
Dark Matter: "Because you need the treasure that slumbers within to save your father's organization?"
- Beat moment -
Sparkleglimmer: "Right. That would be a good reason."

Stay in one place. Otherwise I shall force you to.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Okay, now I know that this is going to come back to bite me in the ass at some point."

The fissure spread throughout the ground, creating a hole large enough to subsume the entire island. Sparkleglimmer's instincts took over—it didn't matter what the strange voice that had popped up in her head only last night tried to tell her, she needed to get out of here before the hole consumed her too. She tried to turn tail and run, but found herself rooted to the ground in one place. No matter how she tried to tug them, her paws wouldn't move. Was this the Voice's doing?

If the Voice could read her thoughts, it didn't answer.

The crack in the ground got closer and closer to Sparkleglimmer. She fruitlessly tugged at her paws, but couldn't move an inch. Sparkleglimmer closed her eyes, hoping she wouldn't have to view her demise as the rumbling around her got louder…


Dark Matter: "Pipe down. I have an incentive to keep you alive, you know."

But nothing happened. The ground split apart but ended right where Sparkleglimmer's paws stood. The rumbling dissipated around her, leaving her completely intact.

You may open your eyes now. I have released you.

Oh, so she did just casually break one of the seals to the Voidlands, huh?

Blistering heat washed over Sparkleglimmer from all sides, making her swelter in her long shaggy coat. It was suddenly like being in a desert. She opened her eyes to see that the island wasn't so empty anymore. Where the large stone clearing had once been, sat a mass of rock that was red as crimson and hot as a torkoal's back. It stretched up towards the sun, as high as Sparkleglimmer could see, ending in a small point way up in the sky. Glowing orange veins pulsed through the rock, probably every bit as hot as they looked.

Sparkleglimmer took an instinctive step back.

"What is… that…" she asked.

Start digging.

Never mind, seems like that seal's not broken yet. I think.

As much as she didn't relish the idea of getting close to the mountain and probably singing half her mane off, she hadn't come here to leave empty-pawed. She walked back to the boat, and grabbed the digging tool she'd left in her schoolbag.

It took an hour just to carve off a piece of the mountain's wealth. Each swing of the tool she’d brought sent a burst of sparkling, shimmering dust flying into the air, and before long she was coated in it. But after a day of digging, when the sun was finally beginning to set in the sky, several [pieces of land] lay before her. They reflected the setting sun like gemstones, each one taking on a different color of hue. The stones went into her bag, along with the now-battered and dull pickaxe.

Wait a minute, 'pieces of land'? As in chunks that she took off of that ultra-hot mountain? If so, you probably want to find some other way of phrasing that.

The pillar had moved out from where it had been before the mountain's appearance, now standing right outside where the beach was. Sparkleglimmer wasn't entirely sure when or how it had moved. But with a flick of the mysterious card back to where they had originally been, the island began to shake once more, and the red mountain began to sink right back down into the ground before her eyes.

Sparkleglimmer boarded the boat with her sack of gems—


But suddenly, it was the front door of Father's manor.

Ah yes, dream sequence jump again. Though I wonder why this time there's no explicit scene breaks when jumping between time and space. Like I get that this is all flowing together as a dream, but you'd think that the jump from dream to dream would still be significant enough to drop line breaks between some of these sequences, especially if there's hard disconnects between things that happen. Like I threw one in there in this bit as an example.

Night had long since fallen. She stood at the steps of the well-lit house, ready to open the door and be greeted with a warm dinner and bed. But first there was a conversation to have, and she was both excited and scared to have it.

The cold air, though a welcome change from the sweltering heat of that mountain, was already beginning to nip her tail. She looked back at the dark, misty harbor, which had since been consumed by the night fog. There was no point delaying it any longer. She opened the door of her house, and walked in.

"I'm home!" Sparkleglimmer called out.

Father was poring over a bunch of papers at the wooden table. Sparkleglimmer sat up on it, watching him go through them all for a bit. He didn't seem to have even noticed she had walked in the door.

... He already sold off chunks of HAPPI, didn't he?

"Dad," she said a little louder, catching his attention. Father looked up from all his papers, settling his weary eyes on her for a bit. "You're late back from school today," he said.

[ ]

"Yeah…" Sparkleglimmer responded. "Sorry." "Did something happen?" Father asked.

Kinda wonder if this part would've benefitted more from showing more of Sparkleglimmer's reaction / internal thought process there.

Sparkleglimmer was silent for a minute. How best to break the news to him… ? "You said there were pokemon coming to buy HAPPI in a month, right?" she asked.

"Yes," Father answered.

Wouldn’t this more properly be “a week” given that that’s when Umbreon said that the papers that would begin transfer of ownership would be signed?

"And they're doing that because you can't pay them, right?"

"Yes." Another flip of the papers, and a new page of paperwork was being signed.

Technically, he said that he would have to start selling HAPPI over to the Federation. Not that he'd have to sell all of it.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Dad, you know you can stop doing that for five seconds, right?"

Umbreon: "Dear, I don't mean to be rude, but what exactly is going on? Since this is kinda important right now."

"But if you had something valuable that you could use to get enough money to pay them, would you be able to?"

"If we pulled the money out of a hatterene's frills, yes," Father said. "But there's no money like that." He looked at her once more. "What is this about?"

Sparkleglimmer set her heavy bag on the table, and dumped it out. All the gemstones fell onto the table with various clinks and clunks.

Sparkleglimmer: "... As you were saying?"

"Is this valuable enough to get the money?" she asked.

Father's expression was slack in something resembling shock.

"Where did you get this?" was all he could pull himself together enough to ask.

"I… found it in the gutter?" Sparkleglimmer offered up. Father didn't buy it for one minute. "

This is important," he said. "Where did you find it? Answer me."

Oh boy, I can already tell that this is going to go really haywire really fast.


Sparkleglimmer told him the parts that counted, like going to the island and hacking the piece off the mountain she found there. There were several holes in her story, and she got the feeling Father didn't believe her, but at the end all he could do was stare down at the stone in astonishment.

"Can you get… more of these from this mountain?" he asked.

"It's a whole mountain," Sparkleglimmer responded. "I couldn't even see the top of it, that's how big it was!"


I'm pretty sure that this is going to result in you having to murder your father later in this chapter, Sparkleglimmer, but okay then.

Father sat in thought for a moment, gazing down at the stone in front of him.

"I know a 'mon on the air continent who would pay a lot for stones like this," he said. "If we can get more of these and sell them, maybe we could get the money to keep us afloat after all."

"Then it's a plan," Sparkleglimmer said, a tone of glee beginning to seep into her voice.

"But I need you to take me to this island tomorrow," Father said. "I want to see where you got these myself."

Sparkleglimmer: "..." O_O;
Umbreon: "Sparkleglimmer, you did actually get this from that island, right?" :|
Sparkleglimmer: "O-Of course I did! I... just... can't take you there."
Umbreon: "Oh? And why not?"

Sparkleglimmer stopped. Could she do that?

She didn't see any reason not to.

Was it alright by the Voice?

There was no answer.

"I'll take us there tomorrow," she said.


i see that even with eldrich abominations possessing her, Sparkleglimmer just doesn't take direction well.

Sparkleglimmer: "(Uh, hey, voice in my head. I can do this, right? Since I could've sworn that you said that 'no one' could find out about that island.)" ^^;
- Cue radio silence -
Sparkleglimmer: "(Uh... hello? Anyone home?)" ._.

The Voice in the back of her head was suspiciously quiet the whole time.

Translation: DM is allowing this to happen before forcing Sparkleglimmer to kill off her father as a flex to show who's in charge and remove competing influences.

All of the sudden it was day, and Sparkleglimmer was alone at the table. In front of her was a bowl of what looked like meat. She vaguely recalled that meat wasn't something they had often; it was the kind of thing they ate on special occasions and when new shipments of it came in.

The corners of the walls around her looked fuzzy, not quite real. But today was an important day, and she didn't have time to sit around and enjoy her meal. So as Sparkleglimmer once again was lost to her memories, her younger self scarfed down the meat as fast as she could and ran for the window.

The waters of the Noe Town Harbor were parted by a very large hull. The stern of a grand ship with tall masts and billowing green sails floated into the harbor, dwarfing the other galleons that had become staples for years. The Copperjah flew the flag of the Rescue Federation.

Oh hey, I found the Copperajah:

An envoy travelled up from the harbor to the manor. Sparkleglimmer saw them approach from the window. She took her place by Father outside the manor, trying to look as formal as she could.

Soon, they were at the gates. An empoleon strode forward, flanked by a pair of scizor.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," he said, extending a flipper. Father couldn't shake, but he bowed his head in greeting.

Pretty sure that this is all going to go sideways in short order, since I get the feeling that Umbreon's about to do something stupid like blurt out the location of the island o' doom to this guy.

"Yours too," he said.

None of it was anything beyond formal pleasantries.

"Please. Lead the way." The empoleon gestured to the door gracefully with his flippers.

He is currently thinking about how nice it would be to have this all over with.

Sparkleglimmer: "Wait, you can mind-read too?!" O_O;
Dark Matter: "Yes? And? Got a problem with that?"

That didn't surprise Sparkleglimmer in the slightest. She didn't like the vibes she got off him anyway. But as the empoleon followed Father into the house, he glanced back at her.

"Are you just going to stay out in the yard where it's cold?" he asked, with a smile that did everything but make Sparkleglimmer feel at home.

Sparkleglimmer didn't say anything. Anything to prolong this interaction was bad news. She hung her head down, and trotted inside the house.

But they were already inside.


"I'm here because I'm aware your finances have run dry."

The empoleon sat at the bare wooden table for three, opposite Father. The scizor stood guard at the doorway, emotionless. Sparkleglimmer glanced at them from her position off to the side.

"What're they thinking?" she asked the Voice in her head in a hush.

They have no interest in being here outside of being paid.

I sure hope that Wartortle wasn't calling the shots over the RTF at the time of this flashback, since if he was... boy is that not a good look for him.

"As you know," the empoleon continued with that same false grin on his beak, "the partnership between the Rescue Federation and HAPPI revolves around monthly installments of payment. Without that payment, the Federation would suffer financial hits from the resources we are currently devoting to the restoration of the Mist Continent. We'd be forced to recede; the partnership would fall apart. You know neither of us want that."

Translation: "Pay up, or we abandon you and come back to pick through your corpses in about a month."

He pulled a paper out from under his flipper and passed it over to Father. It was a sheet of paperwork. "However, that can change.

"With HAPPI as a part of the Rescue Federation, you'd receive our aid and teams without monthly payments. And all at the low, low cost of signing this paper." The paper slid towards Father, pushed by the Empoleon's flipper.

"I value this partnership," he added for finality. "I don't come out to oversee every deal like this. Impress me."

Father took a deep breath, then sighed. He closed his eyes, and was silent for a minute.

He doubts your plan.

Oh, so it's Sparkleglimmer who's gonna out the island o' doom, huh? .-.

It was the longest minute of Sparkleglimmer's life. She could do nothing but sit and watch, and hope Father made the right decision in the end.

Father's eyes opened. He put his paw on the paper, and pushed it back towards Empoleon.

"I should tell you that we made our monthly payment to the Rescue Federation last night."

"What?" the empoleon said, his demeanor changing in an instant. "Your letter said—"

"It was a last minute change," Father said. "It turned out, we did have some unused money sitting around."

Umbreon: "Shocking development, I know. But these sorts of things just happen occasionally."

Empoleon: "..."

"But you won't have that money next month, will you?" the empoleon asked, regaining his beat almost instantly. "Why not cut to the chase now and remove the stress of the next monthly deadline? You will of course receive this months' payment back as a refund."

"The purpose of the partnership between our two organizations was to help restore the Mist Continent to its former glory," Father said. "We value all the work and effort the Rescue Federation has put into that goal. But merging the two organizations isn't part of the deal."

The empoleon exhaled. It was a sigh of thinly veiled frustration and annoyance. He slid the paper back towards Father.

Boy it sure is a good thing that it's just the two of you in this house with this guy and his multiple goons, huh? Since I don't like where things are going at all right about now. .-.

"Keep it. If you even change your mind, you know how to contact me."

He got up from his seat at the table, heading for the door. The scizor guards followed him out.

Sparkleglimmer watched from the window as the ship prepared to set sail from the harbor, leaving almost as quickly as it had arrived. She closed the drapes, walking back over to the table. Father looked down at the paper Empoleon left, and shelved it.

She would rather he have cast it in the fireplace.

I'm honestly a little surprised that she didn't go ahead and do it for him considering how opinionated she is about the RTF's antics.

Life got better for Mist in the coming year.

The crystals that came from the mountain were incredible sources of power that could be fashioned into anything from evolution stones to power sources for moves in battle. With the discovery of this new powerful resource, wealth began to flood into Mist. Travelers from afar were coming to Noe Town to look at and buy the mysterious emeras, and the Mist Continent slowly began to right itself.

... Oh, so all of modern technology as we know it in this setting is basically running off of a set of giant crystal plugs to a hell dimension, huh? .-.

One day, HAPPI received a letter from Pokemon Paradise.

Pokemon Paradise was the establishment created by the heroes who had saved Mist. They had been the talk of every town on the continent within the past ten years, and Paradise was one of the only places on the continent that hadn't fallen into ruin from the outset. In the time between the initial crisis and the present, the place had merged with Post Town next to it, and grown from a small team base into a fledging city.

"What's the letter say?" Sparkleglimmer asked, hopping up onto the table for two and glancing down at the letter as Father read it.

Father sat it down. "Pokemon Paradise wants a partnership."

>"""saved""" Mist

Yeah, fantastic job there, you two.

Sparkleglimmer: "I'm sorry, what the hell?! Those guys literally got their start because of us, and now they have the audacity to request a partnership after just leaving us to twist in the wind all this time?!"

Umbreon: "... It'd be a better deal than our partnership with the Rescue Team Federation?"

"You mean that famous town on the other side of the continent?" Sparkleglimmer asked. Father nodded.

"And are you going to make one?"

"There's no good reason not to," said Father. "We can finally start establishing open roads through the continents again, with their help."

It sounded well and good, but something was missing. Sparkleglimmer read between the lines, then asked: "What do they want out of it? Did they say?"

Father gave her the ever-weary look he'd always worn on his face for as long as she could remember, like it was obvious.


There is absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong from this exchange. Nothing at all.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Actually, wait. What did happen to the Rescue Team Federation anyways in the past year?" .-.
Umbreon: "You know, that was a bit unclear. But I think the implication is that we no longer needed their help thanks to these 'Emera' things."

What came next felt to Sparkleglimmer like it was fast-forwarded through, full of spots and hazy as if she wasn't supposed to see it. She was slipping deeper, deeper, deep enough that she could barely remember who she was and much less comprehend what she was seeing. For a time, it felt like she ceased to exist, oblivious to what was around her. She saw nothing of what came next.

This was bad. This was very bad.

Empoleon didn't consider himself to be one easily upset by the going-ons of other guild organizations. There were rivals and there were compromises, sure. The Archeology Division on the Sand Continent had somehow managed to claim territory over the entire continent and maintain its borders, and they were wealthy to boot. The Rescuer's Guild on the Air Continent had often threatened to separate from the Federation if it didn't have its way on certain matters. Wartortle did as he liked, and Wartortle was not a trusting pokemon. Empoleon bent and swayed where was necessary, and didn't pay it more mind than he needed to.

... Oh, so Wartortle doesn't have leadership over the RTF. I blame the similar beginnings of the organizations for throwing me. Alright, misgivings about the turtle are dismissed. Mostly. Not sure what to make of the lack of explicit confirmation as to how he felt about the RTF just going along and plundering a continent in the middle of an existential crisis.

But this HAPPI, which he wasn't going to take the time to learn the full name of, bothered him. They were pulling evolution stones and valuable rocks out of their tails, and were gaining wealth and power at an alarming rate. In just a few years, the Mist Continent was thriving again, and the Rescue Federation had slowly been shoved out of the continent as HAPPI got back on its feet.

To think Empoleon had once planned to add the Mist Continent under his control. With three of the five continents under Federation jurisdiction, he would have held a monopoly in the Federation's line of field, one that would be maintained for many generations to come. Now it looked like he was on track to not only lose the Mist Continent, but have his jurisdiction over the Air and Grass Continents challenged as well. This was unacceptable. He had to do something, anything.

But what?

Kill him.

... Wait, Sparkleglimmer can see this? Since boy has it got to mess with your mind to know that the voice that was supposedly helping you was really playing both sides all along.

Empoleon blinked. Where had that thought come from?

Kill him.

There it was again. Empoleon tensed up, ready to call the guards outside into his room at a moment's notice.

"Who am I speaking to?" he asked loudly to the empty room.

I am the little voice that lives inside everyone's head. And I think you should kill him.


Oh, so that's how Dark Matter is pulling that off. I can see that it's not joking about that aspect of itself. Which I suppose makes sense given that canonically it was fueled by everyone's negative emotions.

"Kill who?" Empoleon asked, lowering his voice for that one. No matter the circumstance, murder was not something he wanted broadcasted to every pokemon down the hall. "And why should I listen to you?"

You should kill the leader of HAPPI. That umbreon who rejected your gracious proposal a year ago. As for why… If you do not do something now, HAPPI will grow strong enough to consume your organization. When that happens, there will be no mercy for you. They will not agree to trade or negotiate; least of all the girl who will inherit it. the only option for your Federation's survival is death.

Oh, so this is how Dark Matter will collect its due for Sparkleglimmer breaking the rules. Though I see it has a sick sense of humor since DM is going to maneuver Sparkleglimmer to fulfill this prophecy once Empoleon outlives his usefulness.

"How do you know this?" Empoleon asked.

I live in everyone's head. Your head, their head. I can see what they are all thinking.

"And why should I believe that?" Empoleon asked. "You could just as easily be a psychic-type broadcasting into my brain right now.

Allow me to show you.

All of a sudden, the room began to rumble. Empoleon took a few frightened steps back from his violently trembling desk, but the floorboard were no less stable. A quill he was writing with fell off the desk and hit the ground with a clack. [ ]

"Guards!" Empoleon called, but there was no answer. "Guards!" he called again.

There ARE no guards.

Pretty sure that this is your cue sit down and shut up for a while, Empoleon. Though it might make sense to more explicitly show him freak out / panic a bit more prior to him calling for help in the bit in brackets.

Empoleon ignored the voice and frantically stumbled over the floorboards until he'd made it to the door. He grasped the knob with his flipper and thrust it open—

—Complete and total blackness outside met him. It was almost too dark to even register in his eyesight. But it wasn't the cover of night, nor was something happening to the building. It looked like the world outside of his room had just… vanished.

Empoleon watched in horror as the walls of the room began to dissolve all around him. Even the doorknob crumbled away into his flippers, dissolving into specks that flew off into the air and vanished.

Something swirled above him. Something large. A gust of wind battered his feathers from the sheer force of its movement. And even then, whatever he had just seen a glimpse of felt like only a small piece of the actual thing. And then he knew this was not the meddling of a psychic-type.

Empoleon: "... You know, suddenly I'm feeling really, really motivated for a career change right about now." OvO;

"Alright," he said, trying to keep the shaking of fear out of his voice. "Alright. You have my attention."


Wait, so has DM been able to do this for the past 10,000 years at will? Or is there something that's happened to suddenly make the stars align for DM to throw its weight around in this world?

It was a raspy howl, one that flew all around him. He couldn't tell where it came from. Whispers howled all around Empoleon, muttering indiscernible things he couldn't pick out. At this point, he wasn't so sure if he wanted to.

Let me show you exactly what you must do…

When Sparkleglimmer regained consciousness again, the first thing she saw was grey, cloudy skies.

... Actually, wait, was Sparkleglimmer meant to see that scene with Empoleon or not? Since now I can't tell there. If she wasn't, you probably want line breaks, since it feels like we just had a big thematic / POV jump.

Sparkleglimmer made her way back into Noe Town, stepping on the town's damp soil for what had felt like the first time in ages. The commute between Pokemon Paradise and Noe Town took three days without going through a mystery dungeon, but it was one that was made often. And it was good to be back.

The smell of smoke on the air broke her out of her happy trance, but only for a moment. In a town this frigid, there was always a bonfire of some type burning somewhere to keep the cold away. The smell of a fire was nothing new.

But then she saw the barrels of smoke rising from further into the town. Way too many to be a bonfire. Sparkleglimmer read the sun for a moment. That was…

…Right in the direction of her house.

Ah yes, DM came to collect its due. And remove a competing influence from the board.

She took off without another thought to pay.

Sparkleglimmer ran through the streets, weaving through startled and scared pedestrians who were gazing at the fire just like she was.

"Where did that come from?" she heard various whispers of fright as she ran.

"Isn't that the old manor on the hill?"

"That's where the HAPPI director lives!"

"I hope everymon made it out alright…"


"Coming through!" Sparkleglimmer yelled to a pair of rhyperior who were lugging a pair of crates through the street. She skidded under the crate then hit the ground running, going too fast to give them time to stop. Finally, after what felt like five minutes of terrified suspense, she arrived at the manor.

It was set alight like an inferno, every floor of the beautiful, lofty house she had called home burning brightly. The smoke was so thick around her that it blanketed the area like fog. Sparkleglimmer coughed her way through it. It was hard to breathe. The house was burning, but right now she couldn't find it in her to care about the house. Father had arrived here before her. Had he made it home yet? She had to make sure he was okay. Sparkleglimmer bolted into the house.

This feels like this could go really, really wrong in short order, but okay then, Sparkleglimmer. Though I wonder if Empoleon did the deed himself, or if he hired a hitman?

The doorway was wide open; the doors were sitting somewhere farther into the lofty foyer. Everything was burning. Sparkleglimmer felt like she was going to melt in her fur from all the heat. But she couldn't care about that now. Had to search the house. Had to find Father. She'd get herself and him out before they could both die.

He would have been in his study by now. She shot past the table for two that had been consumed by the flames at this point, heading up the stairway where Father' s study was. She was nimble enough to dart around passing debris and flame that consumed the hall, heading for the study door.

The study was already burning. The room was an inferno, just like the rest of the house. Sparkleglimmer pushed through it anyway. There was not a single thing left intact in the room, everything from Father's books on their shelves to the embroidery to even his wooden desk burning. But Sparkleglimmer couldn't see Father anywhere. There was nowhere else in the house he'd be if not for this room; he'd had too much paperwork to go through beforehand. That must have meant he was outside of the house when the fire happened. But then… how did this happen?

inb4 he's dead in the basement or something like that.

Part of the ceiling falling down from the roof and landing on the desk reminded Sparkleglimmer that the house was burning down. She had to go. She'd get out of here, find Father, and—

She turned around, her eyes settling on the one part of the room she hadn't looked at yet. She saw it.

And wished she'd never seen it.

Sparkleglimmer couldn't look at the horrible sight for more than a second, but she stayed still in shock for almost a minute. She couldn't register that this was happening, this had to be a dream, she was sleeping and they'd set out for Noe Town the next day and her house was still standing and Father wasn't actually burning alive in front of her and—

... Wait, how was he not screaming bloody murder during all of that?

Another piece of debris fell from the ceiling. It sent a few embers into Sparkleglimmer's fur, setting her mane alight. She yelped and smoldered it out. She felt that. She… felt that. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream it was real it was real it was—

"Tardy, ain't we."

The air in front of Sparkleglimmer shimmered, and in its place was the grotesque form of a zoroark. It ginned at her. The light of the flames reflected off its teeth.

"I thought I was gonna hafta flee before you showed up and get you later. Guess we've still got a bit o' time, though."

Whelp, guess that answers that question about Empoleon. He sent a hitman.

Sparkleglimmer stared up at him in horror, unable to produce more than a whimper of fright. Neither the sweltering heat nor her father's corpse mattered to her now. He had killed Father? That meant he was going to—

Sparkleglimmer's survival instincts kicked in right before the zoroark's kick impacted the air where she had just been. It would have sent her straight into the fire.

"It'll make a cute story for the papers," he called out loudly, walking after her as she made her best attempt to maneuver her way through the flames with shaky paws. "Father dies in tragic house fire, daughter burns alive trying to rescue him. The readers will eat it all up. Only issue is…"

>Achieve 0 Audience Sympathy - any% speedrun (TAS)

Sparkleglimmer suddenly felt herself get lifted up by the scruff of her neck. The zoroark stood over her, holding her by her mane. "You need to be on fire for that."

He effortlessly flung her into the flames.

The fire stung. It burned every hair upon Sparkleglimmer's body, and scarred every ember of her being. But what stung more was the sight of the zoroark calmly walking off into the flames, the air shimmering around him as he began to disappear into thin air. She loved Father. She had loved him with every bit of her being, and he had gone and…

White light began to flood out within her, power reserves she had only tapped into once before coming to the surface. White light engulfed Sparkleglimmer, and barreled out into an explosion—

Oh, so this is where Sparkleglimmer became a Sylveon, huh? Guess you're a fan of lifesaving evolutions as a narrative / dramatic device yourself.

The blast stamped out all the fire on Sparkleglimmer's side of the room. Sparkleglimmer stumbled forward, now white and thrice as big. She glanced about the blackened room, uncertain on her new paws and ribbons. The zoroark was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't. He couldn't have been. He hadn't escaped. She wouldn't let hi—

Yup. I called it.

—An invisible claw sliced her across the forearm.

"You, just don't die, do ya?"

And then she knew where he was.

I'm pretty sure that the correct thing to do if you didn't have the likes of a Slumber Orb was to nope out from the house and wait for Sparkleglimmer to come out so that way you could pick her off, but I'm pretty sure that you're about to die in brutal fashion in about 30 seconds, Mr. Hitman

He made his next move. A disabling cut took out the rest of her leg, but she lashed forward with four riboons and grabbed him by the neck—

The zoroark made himself visible in an instant, his claws going out for her throat. Sparkleglimmer was faster—she threw him into the fire.

He burned with an ungodly screech that hurt Sparkleglimmer's ears, but she savored every moment of it. She wondered if he had done the same thing when he had killed Father.

- Sparkleglimmer sneers over the Zoroark hitman barbecuing in live time -
Zoroark: [screaming externally]
Sparkleglimmer: "That was... a most delightful scream. I was enthralled by it. Nothing is more beautiful than a scream of death-"
- Sparkleglimmer blinks and shakes head -
Sparkleglimmer: "Dunno where the sudden urge to make creepy one-liners in flowery language came on from. Probably should be a bit more worried about that."

- Cue a burning timber hitting the ground right next to Sparkleglimmer's feet -
Zoroark: [screaming externally intensifies]
Sparkleglimmer: "Right, there's a house fire going on. I should probably leave." .-.

The beam of wood behind her snapped. She looked behind, realizing that one of the last support beams keeping the ceiling from coming down on her was beginning to break. She needed to get out of here, and fast.

Sparkleglimmer ran. Down the stairs, through the foyer, and out the door. Enough of the mansion had burned by now that by the time she'd made it out to the porch, it finally crumbled to the ground in a symphony of crackles and snapping wood.

She couldn't think straight for a while, high on adrenaline. But eventually, the energy began to sap from her body. She was tired, from evolution and the stress and pain of the last five minutes. Her body ached, and she could still feel the sting of fire against her skin. And everything had gone so, so wrong, but she couldn't wrap her mind around it right now. All she knew was that it was all burning.


She collapsed to her knees outside the burning husk of the house. She had to go down the town and get help, she had to, but she just didn't have the strength to go any further. Drifting away…

When enough water types were finally gathered to put out the fires that had consumed the manor, they found the charred remains of what had been the director of HAPPI. They found a burning mane of long, crimson fur, but not a corpse to accompany it. And they found a sylveon collapsed in the front courtyard.

All else turned to ash.

... Can't tell if the hitman died or else if he somehow got away from all of that there.

Alright, time for the recap:

I liked it, and it works pretty well as a 'Start of Darkness' story. Like I just wasn't expecting that to be how DM wormed its way into Sparkleglimmer's head, but it all feels depressingly believable. And it does a good job at helping one empathize and understand where Sparkleglimmer got to where she was today both in position and in mindset.

As for things that I was less sold about, beyond the stuff already highlighted in my write up... line breaks. Or more specifically the lack of them, at least on TR where it's 10k words with zero line breaks at all. That'd probably be my biggest complaint about the chapter. Like I suspect that it was a stylistic choice, but it did make some bits a tad hard to follow since it was difficult at times to tell where one sequence ended and another began, or if Sparkleglimmer was really seeing some of the things that were happening or not. I also felt that Sparkleglimmer's sailing bit was a bit convenient since it wasn't established that she knew how to do that or else had guidance for doing that. Sparkleglimmer's father financing the Mist relief effort out of his personal purse also was another moment that kinda took me out of things, since you'd think that with the sheer scale of the problem, that he just wouldn't have money to meaningfully plug the gap beyond like a couple months after HAPPI and the local municipalities got sucked dry. But in the grand scheme of things, those didn't take me that out of the story, and it was still a wild ride.

I also felt that you had room to go a lot, lot harder with selling the sense of a Continent falling apart if so inclined even before getting into outright M-rated territory, since the RTF was basically plundering Mist while they were there, and showing or mentioning different levels of action would've leaned into the premise/Sparkleglimmer's perception that on the whole, the RTF at every level are basically little better than a bunch of pirates. Also, considering how there's effectively no food that's not imported on large swaths of Mist, that everyone who was physically able would've just cut and run for other continents / there would be more of a business in 'mon smuggling (I mean, perhaps that would also explain why there's barely any non-RTF boats in the harbor, everyone else under such circumstances has incredibly strong motivation to cut and run) to other continents as opposed to just laying down and waiting to die/get picked over by RTF members that only care about you insomuch as there's a profit motive for them. It might have also leaned into the sort of desperation that Sparkleglimmer's father had, since if Mist is mentioned to be death spiraling at every level, well that would certainly make you open to some unfair deals to try anything to stop it, now wouldn't it?

Though altogether, I enjoyed myself quite a bit @SparklingEspeon . Enough to still be typing up messages at this ungodly hour. I can already tell the second half of the Special Episode is going to be lit, since I'm pretty sure things are going to very quickly go in the direction of "I am Sparkleglimmer, the Seeker of Power" and I can already tell that it's going to be a sight to behold to see play out onscreen.

Till next time!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, took a while to get this one together, but I suppose good things can't always be rushed. Anyhow, without further ado, the second half of SE2:

Chapter 28

The humming never left.

Sparkleglimmer sat in the room that was as cold and hard as the slab of rock the charred body in front of her sat on. She stared at it, like she had been doing for nearly an hour. There were flickers in her brain of horror and fear and shock, and she still felt the flames of the fire and heard them crackle. But all she could do was stare. Stare, and try to process that this was happening and it wasn't a bad dream she was about to wake up from.

I presume she already tried pinching herself, huh? Though that's certainly quite a mood to start a chapter with.

Once she started getting sleepy again, she finally registered that she was awake. And Father was never coming back. Her house was gone, her family was gone, everything was gone. Her breathing began to quicken, her eyes burnt, and all of the sudden the ashes that had been the source of her fascination for hours were unbearable to look at.

At some point, she slept. Her mind took her to the burning house again, where she replayed the same horrifying scenario over and over. She didn't know how many times she woke up in between nightmares, only that her sleep was fitful. A pokemon that worked at the morgue woke her up and tried to get her to eat. She refused the food.


"I'm not hungry," she mumbled.

Bold of you to think that you have a choice right now, Sparkleglimmer. Though that now makes me morbidly curious as to how many prior vessels DM has had that have just gone and offed themselves in the wake of moments like these.

You must eat.

"I'm not hungry," she mumbled a little more forcefully.

You must eat.

The Voice in her head was like a broken record. Sparkleglimmer finally snapped. "Get out of my head," she growled. "Go away."

Dark Matter:

"I'll spare you the overdone Space Odyssey reference, but to be blunt, that's not happening."

The Voice went silent, but she could still feel its by-now familiar presence lurking in the back of her head. It had a cold, emotionless edge to it. Everything about it suddenly rubbed Sparkleglimmer the wrong way.

The door to the morgue opened up, letting a flood of light pour into the dark room. A lilligant stepped in, looking at the sylveon on the floor.

"I'm sorry," they said, looking hesitant to disturb her, "but visiting hours are over. I have to ask you to leave now."

Huh. So it just backed off, huh? Though I guess that does make a bit more sense as an angle of emotional manipulation. Make your puppet think you respect her desires.

Still too shell-shocked to do much, Sparkleglimmer stood up.

And viewed the wreckage of the manor she had once called home.

Father's once-beautiful house was now a shell of itself against a dull and cloudy backdrop. Walls scorched black as soot had splintered away or burnt to ashes halfway up from the ground. Wreckage and charred pages of books lay strewn everywhere, and the grand staircase that had once led to the second floor of the house now led to thin air. The place reeked of smoke.

I presume that there's supposed to be a change of time and place between paragraphs 1 and 2? Even if you don't drop in explicit line breaks, you probably want a bit more of a transition than that, since at first I was very "Wait, wha? How are we back at her house?"

There was nothing left for Sparkleglimmer here. Nothing but smoldering planks of wood, the chill of the cold Mist air, and memories that were now ashes. So she didn't know why she returned. But she did. It was late into the afternoon now, and she had to start thinking about where she was going to go for the night. But instead, she was here.

"I don't know why I listened to you," she found herself mumbling to the only thing that could hear her. "You promised—" her throat caught on the sentence "—you promised I could save my father."

I promised you could save your father's organization.

I see that DM is just channeling Kyubey's 'exact words' shtick from PMMM there. Like I'm sure that Sparkleglimmer is going to be thrilled with this response.

"But that's not the same as saving him!" she screamed to the void. Her voice echoed through the burnt house and was lost to the breeze.

"You think I can run this?" she asked, barely keeping it together. "You think I can do everything on my own? I can't. I can't!"

Yeah, I kinda figured.

You have to.

"Why?" she snarled.

Turn around.

For the first time that day, Sparkleglimmer heeded the advice of the voice in her head, and turned around.

A large galleon sailed towards the harbor, attracting a crowd at the port and immediately catching her eye. Even from a distance, she recognized the flag that flew from the ship's masts: the badge of the Rescue Federation.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Okay, better question. How do you expect me to do this all by myself?"

Dark Matter: "... The same way you figured out how to pilot a sailboat? That one worked out well enough, didn't it?"

The Rescue Federation? Here? She hadn't seen those ships in nearly a year. Why was one here now?

Then it lined up. They were here, they could only have been here, for one reason.

With that single thought hanging in her head, Sparkleglimmer took off for the harbor of Noe Town. But she hadn't taken even a few steps before she was already there.

She pushed through pokemon at the harbor, steadily making her way to the docks where the large galleon was docking.

Oh boy, we're about to see Sparkleglimmer commit mass murder or something like that, aren't we?

"What are they doing here?" she asked to the pokemon around her. There was too much chaos and noise for anymon to hear here. Pokemon were worried about the ship, not her desperate cries. "What are they doing?"

"Help has arrived!"

A cry sounded from the galleon, followed by a wooden bridge that slammed from the ship's side onto the dock. A tiny ledian made itself visible from the bow of the ship, pulling out an equally tiny scroll and reading off of it.

"In light of the death of the leader of HAPPI, with no apparent living heir to the organization—as stated in clause 19 of our agreement—the Rescue Team Federation will claim rights to the rebuilding and sustaining of this continent and its guilds! We thank you for your co-operation. And remember: Smiles go for miles!"

Well that's definitely a sinister twist off of an otherwise incredibly cutesy slogan. I have to wonder how on earth the RTF isn't expecting a violent uprising over all of this, since there is exactly no way the average local has a positive impression about them in light of the sorts of antics their rank and file were portrayed getting up to last chapter and Mist has been turning around without its help for a few years now.

Gaze upon those responsible for your father's death. They have taken your safety. Your home. Your family. Your town. And soon, they will take your life.

Teams began to march down onto the dock, throwing down supplies and beginning to unload the ship. As they slowly advanced, the crowd drew back to make space.

Sparkleglimmer: "..."

Dark Matter: "Your father really should've done more to prepare for a possibility like this happening, just saying."

All Sparkleglimmer wanted to do was make them leave. She wanted to cry out that she was the heir, that they didn't have a right to set a single foot on this town again. It didn't matter how; she'd force them to leave with their own bare paws. They didn't have a right to this continent, they couldn't just barge in here and take over!

But they were. And two more galleons were sailing in on the horizon.

It wasn't a battle she could win; even through the anger and the hurt she was smart enough to see that. As much as she didn't want to, as much as she loathed the idea, she stopped pushing against the crowd, and gradually let them push her back.

Sparkleglimmer: "Seriously, how is everybody just okay with this?!"

Dark Matter: "Because it's an abrupt annexation from out of the blue? Are you really that surprised that the locals are at a loss for what to do right now?"

She needed to go in the opposite direction.

Father was dead, but the keys to rebuilding HAPPI lay in Pokemon Paradise. And that town lay on the other side of Mist, but the continent could be crossed in three days on foot. Luckily, Sparkleglimmer had some pocket change for quick use. Before the Rescue Federation made it past the docks, she had used her meager savings to buy rations of food for three days and a raggedy cloak for the roads.

Oh, so that explains her appearance in the cover art.

There was a twisting pathway that the signs said not to wander off, and the locals to the east said the forest to the west was a giant mystery dungeon. Sparkleglimmer could feel it hum in the air around her, threatening to suck her in if she walked even an inch off the beaten path. But soon she arrived at the gates of Pokemon Paradise, mostly unharmed except for a few rips in the cloak she had made from a potato sack.

The place was sunnier than the grey skies of Noe Town were known for, and the houses looked cleaner too. It was surrounded on all sides by flat, grassy fields that stretched on for at least an hours' travel, and the crowds weren't hardened townsmon but instead sunny tourists looking to sightsee. In the middle of the town square, the statue of a dewott and a pikachu posing heroically had been half-constructed.

Dewott and a Pikachu, huh? Is that based off your own game run? Or what's that one from?

Sparkleglimmer stood at the gates, taking the scenery she had never laid eyes upon before in.

She blinked her eyes, and then she was walking through lush hedge gardens.

"I heard about what happened to your father," Alexis, walking beside her, said. He was the picture-perfect personification of the dewott from the statue, though they hadn't captured the high-strung air that hung around him. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Sparkleglimmer: "(This was the hero that stopped the Bittercold? Somehow I was expecting someone a bit more... composed.)"

"It's hard, Sparkleglimmer said. "But I'm managing. I'm here to follow up on that proposal you sent him. The one about the partnership."

Alexis seemed to brighten up considerably once she said that. "That's to say, you're considering it?"

"I've already considered it. I'm here for the fine print."

... Alexis doesn't know that the RTF just took over Noe Town, does he?

"Fine print…" Alexis pondered in thought for a minute. "If you'll give us your presence for the night, I can get a contract paper drafted up by the morning."

"Not papers." Sparkleglimmer met his eyes with her own. "I want to know what you want out of this. Tell me why we should partner up."

I thought I made the terms of the partnership clear when I proposed it, but…" they took a turn at a corner, approaching a two-story house that looked like it had jumped right out of a fairy tale. Alexis stopped to ponder for a moment. "Well, maybe he didn't tell you. Let me show you some designs I have in my office."

... He has exactly zero idea as to the dark truth behind how emeras work, doesn't he?

Alexis' office was as large as a library. It wasn't as fancy as Father's study had been, but it was nearly twice the size. There were tables everywhere, piled with junk and papers and dust. Alexis led Sparkleglimmer around the maze of junk, to a desk that had something Sparkleglimmer had never seen before: a light that shone completely on its own.

"Interested?" Alexis asked, when he caught Sparkleglimmer looking at it. He walked over, uncovering it so she could see the machinery underneath. "It's something I put together in my spare time. It runs off the power of those crystals you've been digging up. See?"

Wires and metal tubes snaked through the machine, all converging upon a yellow stone that glowed with the same energy of the ones that had come from the island.

"Stuff like this…."Alexis slapped the lamp, making it flicker. "It's cute, but it's child's play. I think we can go bigger. Much bigger."

Sparkleglimmer: "How in the hell did you-?" .-.
Alexis: "I might have had an Electrical Engineering degree back when I was a human? Not like I've been able to get anywhere fast outside of here while Mist was busy turning into a lawless hellhole, so I needed something to do with my free time."

He shuffled through papers on his desk, pulling out papers and settling them on top of everything else. They were blueprints, detailing immense contraptions Sparkleglimmer had never seen anything like.

"I have a vision for the future of the world," Alexis said. "Where with the touch of a button, you can be connected to pokemon on another continent. A future where when the sun goes down, a million lights shining just as bright take their place. Where buildings scrape the skies, and wagons drive themselves. Those were the luxuries that the Humans had. I didn't think it was possible to replicate it here, all their technology's gone. But now, with the power of these stones… The world can truly become a better place."

Oh, so this is how your story handles the tech leap between GtI and Super. I mean, I've gotta say that the GtI Protagonist having a hand in things does feel like it has a fairly elegant bit of logic to it if you assume s/he's not some grade schooler.

Sparkleglimmer looked over the papers, trying to make sense of the indecipherable drawings and scrawls all over them. "That's what you believe?"

"Of course. And with your help, we can make the lives of pokemon all over the world better."

An idea struck her.

"Could you make… ships?"

Oh. Oh dear.

"Ships are possible," Alexis said. He jabbed his paw into one of the blueprints on the table. "I've even got a blueprint for one. It'll just take a while to build."

"How long?"

Alexis leaned back in the chair next to the desk. "Maybe one, two years. After that, they'll come faster."


Alexis: "Sorry, but can't really pull much more of a miracle with the sort of tech base you all have." ^^;

He jumped up from his chair, suddenly filled with a lot more energy than usual. "Actually, if you come this way, I'll show you some of the other stuff I've been working on…"

I think we're kinda missing a reaction from Sparkleglimmer there, since I can't tell if she'd have found "one to two years" to be reassuring or really, really not as a response, but it's not communicated either way explicitly.

Alexis loved to talk, especially about his inventions. He'd built a host of small trinkets already, from the magic light to a small metal fletching that skittered across the room when a switch was flicked, and a strange contraption made for sucking the dust out of hard-to-reach places. He had plans for much larger things too, like self-driving carriages and the ships Sparkleglimmer was interested in. His current project was something he was building out of a hollowed-out frism.

"Frisms are primitive—they can one-time record a message, or a song, or whatever you put in there and play it back," Alexis had explained. "It's like a record back in the Human world. But if I can get it to co-operate with these stones, I might be able to create something more advanced. A small computer."


Wouldn't something that could manipulate electrical signals be more important than resonance with sound waves? Though sounds like Frisms in this continuity can be played back more than once.

He was gracious enough to offer her a room for the night, which was just as well, seeing as she didn't have the pocket change to pay for one herself right now. It was the first time she'd slept on a bed in four days.

Now that it was quiet, she couldn't sleep. She found herself lying awake in the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Everything that had happened was finally settling down in her head. The memories still stung a little, but for now they felt numb.

The voice in her head was quiet, but an ever-present humming took its place.

If she listened hard enough, it almost sounded like thousands and thousands of voices.

Sparkleglimmer: "Oh yeah, that's not creepy or concerning at all."

In the end, Sparkleglimmer accepted the partnership. Who knew, maybe some of his weirder inventions would become useful in the future. But more than anything, she needed the ships. HAPPI had never had to deal with travel off the Mist Continent, so its fleet was laughably small. If she wanted to compete with the Rescue Federation, she needed ships. Bigger and better ships.

Sparkleglimmer: "I mean, we haven't worked out how we're going to keep the RTF from bombarding the drydocks while the ships are being built yet, but minor details!"

But first, she needed to get rid of some completely different ships. The Voice, always willing to be helpful when it wanted to be, gave her a set of instructions. And that was why, after gaining access to Father's funds from Quagsire's storage in Paradise, she'd contracted a good amount of the more famous rescue teams gathered at Pokemon Paradise to march with her back to Noe Town. Being more famous teams, their rates were high. But HAPPI had enough funds, and she was willing to pay them. She just had to hope the Voice knew what it was doing.

Pitting its pawns in a deathmatch with each other and taking the side of the victor, of course.

And that was the way she marched back into Noe Town, accompanied by twenty-one pokemon of various shape, size, and species. All the pedestrians on the streets made a wide berth as she led her makeshift army through town. Sparkleglimmer could tell on their faces that none of them knew or recognized her. That would change.

Sparkleglimmer: "I... would feel a lot more confident right now if there were an extra zero or two after that number. Since I'm pretty sure the RTF has a hell of a lot more than 21 Pokémon occupying this town right now."

They stopped at the tents. The entire harbor had been occupied by the Rescue Federation at this point, filled with encampments, supplies, and two or three large ships that stood proudly at the docks, with a few more floating in the distance. The fanciest tent was located close to where the harbor met the town, and had a pair of guards standing outside it. They looked bewildered, but stepped forward to greet the twenty-two pokemon anyway.

"State your business," one of them said, trying not to sound like they were still trying to get a grip on the situation.

"I wish to speak to the pokemon in charge," Sparkleglimmer addressed them loudly.

"What for?"

That voice had come from neither of the guards, but rather a rimbombee that buzzed out of the tent. He looked the entourage of rescue teams in front of him up and down.

- Beat moment -
Sparkleglimmer: "... I'm sorry, but you're the one in charge of this operation?" .-.

"Are you the one in charge?" Sparkleglimmer asked.

"I might be. Now state your business here."

"Very well. On my authority as the sole heir of the Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute, I hereby banish all pokemon affiliated with the Rescue Team Federation from these docks. I expect you all out of here by tomorrow."

"What?" asked the rimbombee, suffering what looked like a rare moment of utter bafflement.

"You heard me," said Sparkleglimmer. "Pack up and leave." She produced a few ledgers from her bag. "The necessary papers, if you need proof."


The rimbombee calmly buzzed forward. He snatched the papers out of Sparkleglimmer’s ribbons, and looked them over. After a second of looking at them, he thrust them rudely back at Sparkleglimmer.

"You'll leave, then?" she said. It wasn't a question.

"We could," he said. "Or, consider this scenario. You never showed up here. You never revealed your identity, or demanded we leave. And if you insist that you did, we remove you from the equation."

"You're going to kill me and my bodyguards in front of the entire town?" Sparkleglimmer asked.


They had drawn a crowd by now, a good portion of the pokemon who had been out and about in the first place. That was exactly what she had been counting on. "The townspeople here wouldn't let you set foot on the continent again. And that would permanently scar the Federation's reputation in these parts, wouldn't it?"

... How on earth does the RTF not already have a negative approval rating on Mist given that they just casually allowed their rank and file to go full pirate while providing """relief efforts"""? 😅

Now it was time to see if he called her bluff or not. She didn't mention the many ways that were running through her head of how they could kill her and get away with it, or that she was currently the most scared she had ever been in her life.

He will not. Do as I have instructed.

"Or should I mention that I've already chosen somemon to succeed me, in case I do die?"

That was a bluff of her own.

Sparkleglimmer: "... (Actually, why didn't I do that one for real again?)"

Dark Matter: "Because that won't be necessary. Stick to the plan."

After a while, it became clear that the rimbombee wasn't going to order her killed, or anything of the sort. By now, there was enough of a crowd that he would have had to slaughter the entire town to cover it up anyway. So he zipped back into his tent with a growl, leaving Sparkleglimmer and all twenty-one of her escorts standing at the beginning of the harbor.

At some point during the day, the galleons and encampments at the harbor began the process of packing up.

You'd think that given that it's just Sparkleglimmer's word against the RTF's that they'd have dug in their heels more there. Like that's the point where you bait her into picking a fight, arrest her for starting a public disturbance, and then retcon in some BS clauses into that contract that Umbreon signed before knocking Sparkleglimmer off with poisoned food or something like that.

I think that this sequence would've probably read a bit more plausibly if Sparkleglimmer had done something to ensure that news of this encounter would've made it off Mist. Or else to sell the idea that the crowd's starting to get restive and that the RTF is rapidly getting backed into a battle it just doesn't have the firepower to win without making things much, much worse for itself in the long run. Since as it stands, unless DM was influencing Empoleon offscreen or the Ribombee, the sequence reads a bit like the RTF just rolled over there.

And so, the plan to topple the Rescue Federation began.

The first thing Sparkleglimmer did was cut ties with the Federation completely. They weren't doing anything on the Mist Continent as it was, but there were still some paper trails that had to be severed for the Rescue Federation's aid campaign to officially be over.

The second thing Sparkleglimmer did was get the press running the right stories. For years, Father had practically ignored the news outlets, in favor of focusing on food and shelter. That was a mistake of his. The Rescue Federation's cronies had dug their claws in deep, so the papers had been running cover-ups for any crimes their teams committed for years. It took some deliberate spending here and there, but soon investigations where being conducted on what had happened in those fifteen years, and stories were surfacing about the atrocities that had been committed in that time. Sparkleglimmer testified about watching pokemon get dragged into the alleyways, and about the murderer who had burnt her house down. Papers about the Rescue Federation's abuse flew from Noe Town to Pokemon Paradise and every settlement in between. As for off-continents? She couldn't say.

I... actually wonder how much help Sparkleglimmer needed there, since the RTF struck me as really, really brazen about its antics. Since when you're covering up low-ranking members casually murdering people on the street for their bags, I'm not sure that you can hide that effectively from large swaths of the population. One would think that rumors would be circulating of the RTF not being trustworthy, or at a minimum, of criminals impersonating RTF members with shocking regularity that would still make locals wary of them because "... What if they're fakes?".

The third thing she did was the buying over of the Waterport.

The Waterport had been built out at sea by the Rescuer's Guild on the Air Continent, to handle trade between continents better. Because the Rescuer's Guild was overseen by the Rescue Federation, Sparkleglimmer couldn't buy it up-front. So instead, she went backdoors.

"I do business with all the large cargo ships and merchants coming in and out of the port," a Primarina said. "What do you need?"

Oh, so that's how Primarina came into this plot.

"Do you do… blacklists?" Sparkleglimmer asked.

"Blacklists?" Primarina asked. "What kind of blacklists?"

"Blacklists on a single product," Sparkleglimmer said. She pulled one of the emera-stones out of her cloak's pocket, showing it to Primarina. "I'm sure you're familiar with these stones by now."

"That's a pretty big product," Primarina said. "Who are you blacklisting?"

"A continent," Sparkleglimmer said nonchalantly. "The Grass Continent, to be specific."

Primarina: "Hon, you do realize that's at least a fifth of my source of business and that that's going to open up one hell of a market for smugglers and gray market importers, right? I'm assuming you've got the money to make this worth my while, but just what are you hoping for this blacklist to accomplish?"

Sparkleglimmer: "To ensure Grass is a primitive backwater of civilization by the time they manage to set up an alternative to this place."

"An entire continent?" Primarina asked, baffled. "That's ridiculous." He shook his head in incredulity. "I can't. That's not feasible. Sorry."

I mean, yeah. Even if he didn't go into gory detail about why it wouldn't be feasible, I kinda figured.

Now what? Sparkleglimmer addressed the Voice silently. You said this would work.

It shall. Say as I instruct you.

... Oh so this is where Primarina gets possessed too, huh?

"Let me put it this way," Sparkleglimmer said after a bit of a pause. "You're more like an enforcer. Let HAPPI handle the legal papers. All you have to do is make sure things are working down here. You'll have the help of my entire organization, plus legal protection if you ever do get into a scrape. And I pay well. All you have to do is sign right here…"

The piece of paper Primarina signed gave Sparkleglimmer such a level of control over trade in the Waterport that she may as well have owned it.

... I feel that it probably would've made sense to have Primarina stop and react a bit more to the terms of the paper, since that had to be one hell of an offer for him to just swallow his "Lady, you're crazy"-tier reaction and go for it, but it's not really communicated here. It'd also be a potential opportunity to show how both sides of this exchange tick as characters.

A week after that, the Mist Continent shut off all trade with Grass. With his knowledge of where all the underground operations were, Primarina cracked down on any transactions that took place in secret. There were gaps, but the gaps were small. The number of emera-stones that made their way into Grass were a negligible amount.

... Wait, what does the Waterport have such that a bunch of... -ahem- 'freetraders' couldn't just basically put together The Raft from Snow Crash and exchange emeras there?

Perhaps it's just the inner scallywag in me, but this sounds like a fantastic moneymaking opportunity for pirates in this setting:

- There's an entire continent that's been artificially cut off from emeras - An entire continent that is full of Pokémon who'd pay above market rate for them considering they have no legal alternatives
- There's no shortage of emera transports to rip off since there's only three gateways to the Voidlands across five continents, and only one is being tapped at the moment
- The loot is consumable so that way you can get rid of incriminating goods very quickly
- Said continent would probably be full of Pokémon willing to turn a blind eye to your antics, if not outright celebrate you as Robin Hood-tier figures I mean, sure, they'd have some problems once HAPPI's shipbuilding catches up, but still.

It was soon after that that the first fruits of Alexis' inventions began to show themselves.

"This," he said, delicately holding a sky-blue orb that seemed to capture the sunlight like a crystal ball, "is what I call a connection orb. Using the combined power of the frism and your wonderful crystals, it can record, connect, and transmit information to any other orb it's been authorized to interface with. What you used to need a psychic to do, you can now do right out of your own bag."

Wait, is that also why their messaging capabilities are also one-way as well?

The dirt streets of Noe Town were paved over with rocks, and magic lights lit the fog at night. Where Father's manor had used to stand, a headquarters for HAPPI was built. Ships were coming soon, Alexis promised. One way or another.

Sparkleglimmer wasn't sure when the skies had disappeared. One moment she was staring at the ever-present gloomy clouds of Noe Town, and the next she was in a well-lit room with high roofs. Bookcases covered two of the walls, and to her right was a large observational window in place of a wall. Outside, the many turrets and spires of Pokemon Plaza were visible. This was the Air Continent.

Ah, so this is when Sparkleglimmer approached Wartortle and got shot down.

"So," Wartortle said, slurping a cup of green tea. He had always had a taste for tea. "Tell me: why do you want to do business with us?"

The office around them was spartan and cluttered at the same time. Stacks of books and paperwork almost as tall as Wartortle was littered the room, but the only pieces of furniture were the shelves against the wall and a couple of bean bags they were currently sitting on.

"I'm sure you know your contract with the Rescue Federation expires within the next two years," Sparkleglimmer said.

"And you want the Rescuer's Guild to move under your management instead." Another slurp of tea. Wartortle's eyes were piercing.


Wartortle: "I'm sorry, considering all of the antics that the RTF already pulls off that we have to try and avoid, why do we want any part of this again?"

Sparkleglimmer: "... There'll be shiny rocks in it for you?"

A third, obnoxiously long and slurpy sip of tea. Wartortle put the empty cup down, dangerously close to a stack of paperwork next to him. "You're right: our contract with the Rescue Federation expires soon. But why do you want to buy us. This is about your feud with the Federation, yes?

"Don't fret," he added after noticing the brief crack in Sparkleglimmer's poker face. "It's basically public information by now." He picked up the cup and tossed it back for a final sip, but it was empty. Wartortle inspected it with a melancholy specific to tea drinkers, then put it back beside him.

"Do you trust the Rescue Federation, then?" Sparkleglimmer asked. "After everything you've heard in the papers?"

Wartortle: "Hon, have you ever heard of the expression 'better the devil you know than the one you don't'? Seriously, you're going to need more than sentimental appeals to move the needle here."

"Wartortle got up from his bean bag, picking up the empty cup with him. He stretched, then began to walk for the door. "By moral standards? I can't say that I do. But I can trust that the Rescue Federation will keep our guild afloat where it counts: our funds."

"You can trust us, too."

Wartortle stopped, halfway out the door. He looked back. "So tell me why we should move over. What does the Guild get from joining HAPPI that the Rescue Federation can't provide us with?"

"Emeras," Sparkleglimmer answered promptly. "We manufacture them. We control where they go. We can bring them here. And…"

"And if emeras aren't a deciding factor?" Wartortle clasped his cup between his stubby hands, staring at Sparkleglimmer promptingly.

Ah yes, this was why there was a massive bulls-eye painted on the Rescuer's Guild after this.

"Trust," Sparkleglimmer finished. She got up from the bean bag she was sitting on, walking over to Wartortle. "You'll get an organizer you can trust, and not just financially."


"But how do I know I'll be able to continue trusting you?" Wartortle said.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Sparkleglimmer replied.

"Which once again prompts the question," Wartortle continued. "Why do you want to buy us."

Because she's got a gigantic axe to grind against the RTF and you'd remove a third of their commercial empire off the board in one swoop? Not all that hard, Wartortle.

"Because the Air Continent is a significant resource, and it would be beneficial for HAPPI to control," Sparkleglimmer said in a perfectly rehearsed voice.

"And that's all it is?"

"That's the leading factor."


Wartortle: "... And the contributing ones...?"

"But surely if you're an employer we can trust, you can trust us to reveal your full reasoning for wanting to buy us."

"I've given you the reasoning that's relevant."

"You indeed have," Wartortle agreed.

She was losing him. Inwardly, Sparkleglimmer found herself growling. She needed this deal to go through, one way or the other. And she still had one trick behind her ear…

... Oh so she tried to hypnotize Wartortle there, huh?


Ignoring the Voice, Sparkleglimmer discreetly lifted a bottom ribbon towards Wartortle, the end subtly fizzing with glimmers of black sparks…

“Well, thank you for your time,” she said, holding out the ribbon as a parting gesture. Wartortle gazed at it shrewdly, but didn’t take it. Sparkleglimmer didn’t like that look.

I told you not to. Now he knows.

Sparkleglimmer: "(I can still salvage this! All I need to do is just make contact, and-!)"
- Wartortle abruptly gets up and scoots to the other end of the room -
Wartortle: "... I'm afraid that this is where we'll need to leave things be, Sylveon. I just remembered that I had a stack of paperwork to get to that will take me oh... about a month to get through, so don't bother coming back anytime soon."

Wartortle let out a cough to break the silence, looking down at the cup in his hands for good measure. "Heavens, I think I need some more tea… You'll have to humor me while I step out for a cup. This dry winter air…"

Sparkleglimmer watched him as he went, nonplussed.

In the end, the Rescuer's Guild declined to comment on her offer.

... Oh so Wartortle really did just hole himself up in his office afterwards and pretended to be busy with paperwork, huh? :V

She blinked, and suddenly the office was gone. That feeling of fast-forwarding was coming once again, and she felt herself begin to fade away. Her thoughts slurred together with the consciousness of another, and then separated again. What came next was unseen to her.



Empoleon of the Rescue Federation seethed in his office. On his desk was a bright yellow scarf, the kind that would make a tight bandanna but would go nicely around a limb or ear.

"They're making you wear these any time you enter the Waterport?" he half asked, half shouted. The uneasy raichu before him nodded but couldn't bring himself to be completely calm.

I... wonder if that's an argument for having a hard scene break since it's just flatly not from Sparkleglimmer's POV.

"On whose authority?" he asked. "We own the port!"

"It's the merchants, sir," Raichu explained. They won't do business at the Waterport if they don't get their way on this."

"Then cut them off!" Empoleon roared. "We need to make an example that this kind of thing isn't tolerated.

"B-but sir—" the raichu began.



"It's all the large sellers!"

That made Empoleon stop for a moment.

"Repeat that for me, please?" he asked, his tone finally settling into something that wasn't a yell.

"If we cut off every buyer that's making Grass Continent pokemon wear these, we'll lose every big merchant we've got."

"How is that possible?"

The powers of suggestion, obviously.

"Terms of their supplier, sir."

"What supplier?!"

"That rescue organization on the Mist Continent. 'Happy' or something, I don't… remember the name…"

Empoleon growled. He marched back to his desk, brashly waving the raichu out with a flipper.

He cursed the day he'd signed the papers to help bring that wretched organization back to its feet. Not only had his plan to subsume it failed, it had backfired straight in his face. To think that this was happening right now, in the trading port he owned…

I can already tell that this is a totally healthy train of thought that isn't going to go to incredibly concerning places in short order-

There were papers on his desk, newspapers from the Mist Continent. One of them told a story about the sylveon running HAPPI.

She is the head of the snake.

She was the head of the snake.

She'll stop at nothing to pry everything you have from your flippers.

She'd stop at nothing to pry everything he had from his flippers.

If he wanted the Federation to stay afloat, it was looking more and more like the only option was to cut the head clean off the shoulders.


Back to the fields of Mist, and Sparkleglimmer began to see again.

It was summer now, just three months later. And though the breeze was still frigid and the sky was grey, plains of grass grew outside the cluster of slowly rising buildings that was Pokemon Paradise. Sparkleglimmer walked down the dirt path, following Alexis.

"I've set up a crew to march down to Noe Town and begin construction on those ships you were asking for," Alexis said. "They have to be built on the water, so there isn't another way to do it."


Build 'em as airships, and you can have your drydocks anywhere. Plus, HAPPI still needs to pick up Cloud Nine somehow.

"How long do you expect until they'll be finished?" Sparkleglimmer asked.

"Now that the blueprints and testing are out of the way, maybe three or four months?" Alexis replied. "You'll have them before winter."

"Good to hear," Sparkleglimmer said.

"But wait, there's more!" Alexis exclaimed with glee. "You haven't seen what I've really been building. This is the thing that'll make water ships an afterthought." He quickened his pace, gesturing Sparkleglimmer along as he walked. She went as fast as she cared to.

Oh, speak of the devil...

Out on the plains, a scaffolding structure almost as large as Pokemon Paradise stood. It must have been at least a mile off. Inside, Sparkleglimmer could see the beginnings of something large being constructed within its confines. Magic lights shone on it from all sides, allowing the ant-like dots that were pokemon to work at it from various angles. Even from a mile off, it dwarfed the both of them.

The doodle that you dropped in right after this line really helps a lot with the vibe. So Alexis really is building Cloud Nine.

Sparkleglimmer: "... I'm sorry, where did you learn this 'Electrical Engineering' to do all of this?" .-.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Tell me," Alexis said. "Have you ever wanted to fly?"

"Fly?" Sparkleglimmer asked. "Not really."

Her aspirations were firmly on the ground.

Alexis was quiet for a moment. Probably recalibrating where he wanted to go with his speech, Sparkleglimmer noted.

Alexis: "(Seriously? Not even getting a bit of air time with an Air Balloon?)"

Sparkleglimmer: "(Look, funny pictures on the internet aside, I'm a Sylveon, not a Flyeon. We're pretty content to be terrestrial.)" ^^;

"Back before I came… 'here'," Alexis began, "I was an engineer in the Human world. I created blueprints for things, solved problems with existing things, and put together new things entirely. My dream was to create something new, something their world had never seen before. But before I could finish, I ended up here.

Wow, I was joking about the Electrical Engineer comment. Though what sort of field was Alexis involved in such that he can create working prototypes from so many different fields of engineering on his own?

"I've created a lot of things here," he continued. "As self-absorbed as it sounds, I consider myself the pioneer of advancement in this world. And my biggest achievement is going to be making pokemon fly without wings. I'm thinking of calling it 'Cloud Nine'. It means euphoria, the pinnacle of happiness. That's how I'll feel when it takes off towards the skies for the first time. It'll fly and fly forever, and it won't come down. Not until the end of the world."

Sparkleglimmer: "... Wait, how is that an accomplishment when common Drifloon do that on a regular basis-?"

Alexis: "Seriously, can you not undercut my moment right now?"

Alexis looked at Sparkleglimmer. "Your organization can be the first in the world to ever own an airship."

An airship… Even if she didn't care for flight, the idea of owning something no other organization would ever have sounded appealing.

"I'll think on it," Sparkleglimmer said. "If the ships go well, expect our full support going forward."

... Probably a good thing that Alexis didn't also think to invest in weapons development as a side project. Since if he had this much success in building things with the intention of being used for civilian purposes...

The fields slurred together, everything around her becoming abstract colors. When they reformed, she didn't seem to have a body. Her essence was in the air, watching everything below.

Or reliving the account of somemon who had watched everything below. As she sunk more and more into it, she became less of herself again.

"Ship approaching!"

These were dangerous waters. The mist was thick here, and jagged rocks lay just out of sight, waiting to punch dangerous holes in the Copperjah's hull if they veered too close to any of the small islands sitting in the fog. The deck of the ship bustled with 'mon who had abandoned many of their tasks and were currently trying to see what was approaching them through the mist.

Wait, Sparkleglimmer can see this? Or is this from Empoleon's POV again?

As vast a ship as the Copperjah was, the cries could still be heard in Empoleon's office. This was a dangerous route as is, but they had chosen it because traffic through the area was nonexistent. The best-case scenario said it was just another one of their supply vessels taking a shortcut, but if it were pirates, or something worse?

"I've got a read on the ship!"

The cries echoed through the deck and into his cabin once more.

"It's a HAPPI vessel!"

"Give her a wide berth!"

inb4 they get rammed and sunk in about 30 seconds.

The creaking of floorboards, and all of Empoleon's office tilted just the slightest bit as the ship began to sharply veer left. The inkwell he'd been writing with slid to the other side of the desk with a clatter. It was a messy turn, but Empoleon wasn't concerned with that right now. He walked to the right-hand window, looking through the blankets of fog that sat in the distance. It was time to see for himself just what these futuristic HAPPI vessels looked like in the flesh.

Sure enough, the stern, black hull of the passing vessel soon appeared through the mist. And just like he'd suspected, images couldn't compare. The ship looked nothing like a proper ship did. The narrow, stern hull glistened black like it was made of iron, and it lacked sails. Instead, the water churned turbulently under it, as if something underneath the ship was propelling it forward. A white icebreaker in the shape of an aggron's skull pushed away and broke the rocks as the ship went. It made a slow bank away from the Copperjah, heading straight into the mist where the jagged rocks and the uncharted islands were.

Oh, so the RTF was after an emera mine of its own, huh? Though surprised considering how rapidly they were falling behind in the tech race that they didn't try to contract pirates to steal a few of those HAPPI ships or something like that.

Empoleon had no knowledge of any HAPPI dealings that involved going to strange islands, nor had he ever seen a ship that dared to venture into a death trap like the thick mist. But just now, all that had changed. And then, watching the stern of the pitch-black, alien vessel slowly fade away into the mist, he finally realized just how much the world was changing underneath his very feet.


When Sparkleglimmer finally regained herself again, she found herself propelled into another memory, one with a single leading and overpowering thought.

It had to be said: Sparkleglimmer enjoyed Pokemon Paradise.

Uh, yeah, you probably want to linebreak that scene given that it's not from Sparkleglimmer's POV

The many artificial lights of the city burned bright against the beauty of the setting arctic sun. There were buildings now that stretched above three stories, four, even five. For all of his hubris, Alexis was a brilliant architect.

For reference, pre-modern buildings could get quite a bit taller than this when the incentives aligned. It was not unheard of to come across 10-story insulae in Rome at its peak in Classical times (even if they were unsafe deathtraps), and Edinburgh in the 1600s had buildings that got into that neighborhood in some parts thanks to there being artificially restricted amounts of land to work with for building new structures.

Her being as powerful a pokemon as she was meant there wasn't time for fooling around like the average 'mon would have had. She always arrived a day early when she came to this city, though. It had become a bustling epicenter of every technological advancement, rare merchant wares, and hopeful inventors who came to try out their new innovations and gadgets for public use. On the south side of town, they were even building a HAPPI center to help facilitate the advancement of rescue teams for the city.

A pair of escorts followed her around town. It wasn't subtle, but they stayed in the background for the most part. Sparkleglimmer took a tour of all the shops, sampling rare delicacies and browsing expensive fabrics.

"How do you like it?" The owner of Torracat's Tailory, an incineroar, asked as she browsed a selection of fancy cloaks. She had picked out a teal-colored one, fitted with rims of solid gold and encrusted with red rubies. "It's a rare fabric from the Air Continent. They make it with spinarak silk, then dye it with the pigments of flowers. Would you care to try it on?"

This would all be wonderful and mesmerizing, if- you know. It wasn't dependent on chipping away at the barrier to a hell dimension to make all of this work.

The cloak was pricey, but Sparkleglimmer bought it all the same. The Rescuer's Guild had finally outlived their contract, and she was to attend another meeting to see if they'd reconsider her offer to sell out to HAPPI. Perhaps if she showed up in something made on the continent she planned to purchase, it would buy her points with the locals.

Yeah no, hon. I don't think that Wartortle's gonna so much as let you into Pokémon Plaza after the stunt you tried to pull last time.

Alexis had asked her to Paradise to attend the ceremony of Cloud Nine's first launch. As the main benefactor of his advancements, he thought that she should be present at the launch. There were still a few more days before she met with the Rescuer's Guild, so there wasn't much of a schedule conflict.

She dined at Swanna Inn, which had grown much larger than it had been the last time she had been here. The prices were high, too—she had often heard about Swanna Inn's outrageous rates, but it didn't really set in until she viewed the price tag herself. Not that it was anything more than a drop in the bucket for her, of course.

The bed was worth the price. The food, made by chefs who didn't look like they were being paid enough, wasn't.

I... didn't remember Swanna having such an exploitative vibe in the games. Guess being newly flush with cash will mess with your thought process.

It was only in beds at night now that her thoughts ate her. During the day, she could distract herself with the mundane affairs of running HAPPI and the shallow delights of the city, but the nights were quiet. She was left alone to reminisce with herself. Sometimes she almost wished there were loud noises happening outside for her to focus on, like there had been back when Father's manor still stood. Noe Town was too fancy for that now, though, and this many floors up Swanna Inn was silent.

When her thoughts left her and her head went quiet, the voices came. She heard them in her dreams, and she sometimes caught them when everything was quiet and she was lost deep in thought. She never understood what they were saying; it was all spoken in a language ancient and lost on her ears. But she knew what they sounded like. Grating, harsh whispers that overlapped and hissed and snarled.

And she could hear them now.

... Totally normal and not concerning at all.

The clapping of fins roused Sparkleglimmer from her thoughts.

She was standing backstage now, in broad daylight. The teal cloak she'd purchased yesterday and wore now went all the way down to the ground, but stopped just high enough that it wouldn't get dragged in the mud. She'd gotten some boots to go along with them, since they matched the color and paved roads had conditioned her to be averse to dirt. She remembered where she was now: In the distant fields behind her stood the massive supports that carried Alexis' Cloud Nine. It was a mile away, and yet it still looked incredibly sizeable.

Oh, so this is where the chapter intro image comes from. Or at least a few minutes before it, anyways.

"Are you with us?" A dewgong asked, looking up at Sparkleglimmer. "The launch is beginning soon. Alexis sent for you onstage."

With only one last glance at the massive airship in the fields behind, Sparkleglimmer nodded. The buzzing in her head had grown stronger, and she'd been zoning out most of the day. "Tell him I'll be there promptly."

... You see, this is starting to make me concerned that something's going to go horribly wrong in short order. ^^;

Promptly was only a minute—things moved fast backstage, and it was only five minutes to noon. Sparkleglimmer could hear lively music playing as she walked towards the curtain of the main deck, the final remnants of a celebration that was now ending. She walked through the curtain and out onto a stage surveying a grand number of pokemon from Paradise. The crowd ended in a far-off place that wasn't at the city gates, but still hard for her to see anyway. There were never this many pokemon in Noe Town.

The music died down once she took her place next to Alexis on the stage. Alexis' partner was here too—a bouncy-looking Pikachu who was waving boldly to the crowd. Even so, somehow Sparkleglimmer could tell he wasn't very comfortable with stages.

Yeah, somehow I'm not sure just how well the average canon game protagonist team would handle becoming regional/global celebrities overnight after their antics. Though I suppose that's part of the reason why I tend to be a sucker for unsung heroes.

As silence overtook the crowd, Alexis stepped forward. The dewott cleared his throat, and then began to speak.

"Over the years, Pokemon Paradise has been many things. It was once a dream between two pokemon to make what used to be a barren wasteland a better place. Then it became a haven for lost pokemon, who went on to make their lives a better place. And now it is a mighty city, whose wealth and technological advancements make the entire world a better place!"

Cheers rang out across the crowd, and Alexis basked in the applause.

Funny story about that, Alexis...

"And now, we will make the skies a better place. We in Pokemon Paradise are about to accomplish something never seen before. The machine you see in the distance there—" he gestured to Cloud Nine behind him "—Is about to become the first mon-made vehicle to fly. Imagine! A ground beneath your feet, hundreds of meters in the air! To fly like a bird, without even setting foot off the ground! That is what three hundred lucky pokemon aboard Cloud Nine are about to experience."

Random: "But we can do that with a Drifblim!"
Alexis: "... Is everyone on this world such a wet towel about feats of engineering?"

A large, mechanical timer above the stage activated. It began to count down from a minute.

60. 59. 58.

"In exactly one minute, you will watch our marvel of creation defy gravity!"

Sparkleglimmer would have listened to the rest of the speech, but suddenly the buzzing in her head became too much for her to cope with. She winced from the pain, then tried to stop herself from falling over in pain from a sudden bout of dizziness. Not on the stage. Not where she'd show the public weakness.

Oh, so something is about to go wrong with all of this, huh?

45. 44. 43.

All of a sudden, the voices were back. They were louder than ever, and the experience was disorienting. She could barely keep her balance over it. Then one voice overpowered the others, and it spoke directly to her.

Someone is here to kill you.

... Okay, yeah. That would be a pretty big 'something' to go wrong.

Sparkleglimmer stumbled and had to lean against something for support. She knew she had attracted the concern of Alexis' partner, the quiet pikachu, but she didn't bother with that right now. Instead, she worked herself back up to the point where she was standing again. She surveyed the crowd, looking for anything that could be off. She saw nothing, but the Voice had never been wrong.

33. 32. 31.

"Who?" she managed to snarl under her breath.

Look to the near left corner.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Wait, what in the-?"

Sparkleglimmer followed the voice's instructions. It couldn't be caught if you weren't looking for it, but a patch of thin air in the southwest side of the crowd was shimmering in a strange way. It was making its way towards the stage with a speed that was alarming. Sparkleglimmer realized what it was immediately: the illusion of a zoroark. An expertly crafted one, but the chaos of the crowd was too much for even the best trickster to imitate.

Sparkleglimmer: "Why is he here?! I thought that he burned to death in dad's manor!"

15. 14. 13. Sparkleglimmer followed it from the corner of her eye, but she pretended not to see it.

Claws suddenly lunged for her throat, only becoming visible seconds from the strike, but seconds were enough. Sparkleglimmer managed to leap out of the way in time, pulling the assassin down to the ground with her rubbons. The zoroark hit the ground of the stage hard, the momentary shock jarring him out of his illusion for just a second. Screams and cries came from the crowd, who had just witnessed a pokemon appear out of thin air and crash down on the stage. In the distance, Cloud Nine rocketed up into the skies with a boom, but no-mon was paying attention.

Sparkleglimmer's escorts, standing just off the stage, ran over and began to restrain the zoroark—

Sparkleglimmer: "Whelp, shame for wrecking Alexis' big moment, but boy was that one close."

A completely different pair of guards sat the zoroark down in a chair, his claws caged behind his back. They were in the drab walls of what Sparkleglimmer assumed to be an interrogation room now, and she was sitting on the other side of the table. She remembered what she had been told before she went in there against everymon's wishes—'He's dangerous, don't trust your eyes or ears.' She knew full well the dangers of a zoroark, and had insisted she be able to view him anyway. She would be able to pry away the answers she needed, the ones that normal pokemon couldn't.

"You've got nerve, coming all the way here," the zoroark grinned, as the doors closed behind the guards. "Didn't I just try to kill you?"

"I need answers," said Sparkleglimmer, sitting on the other side of the table. "Who were your targets at the festival?"

"Shouldn't that be obvious?"

Sparkleglimmer: "... Okay, yeah, that really ought to have been. Moving along..." >_>;

"Who sent you?" Sparkleglimmer pressed on.

"I keep my clients confidential. Otherwise no-mon would hire me."

"I have ways of extracting that information," Sparkleglimmer said. "I'm just asking you nicely first."


Well that certainly sounds ominous there.

"And how are you going to do that?" The zoroark asked, mirthful. He flicked his head in the direction of the pokemon observing them outside the room. "They couldn't, and they were trained for this. You're just a priss who's never dealt with anymon like me."

Sparkleglimmer ignored his words. She leaned forward, and placed a ribbon on his head. A few black sparks flickered out of her ribbon, and the air around the zoroark's head began to hum. It was only seconds before he was in a relaxed, only half-conscious state. Perfect.

I mean, I was expecting her to torture it out of him, but that definitely seems a lot more direct. And slightly less unsettling. Slightly.

"Let's try again," she breathed in his ear. "Who were your targets?"

The zoroark answered like he was asleep.

"You. The dewott and the pikachu. Anymon who interfered."

"Why at the festival?"

"Client wanted to make a public scene. It was the easiest way."

... Kinda wonder if there should've been more shown of Sparkleglimmer's thought process as she's hearing this relayed back to her. Since I'm not sure if I can get a solid read on how she's ticking in all of this.

"And who was your client?"

The zoroark didn't answer that one. Even in the state she had him in, he was still tight-lipped. Even through the fog of anger in her head, she had to admit that amount of devotion was admirable. But it wouldn't be enough.

"Who was your client?" she pressed on. The power in her ribbons intensified, sending him as deep as it was safe to go.

The zoroark grit his teeth, letting out a sudden snarl that startled everymon outside the room. Sparkleglimmer's first instinct was to jump back, but she kept the ribbons on his head. She was so close. She wasn't going to let a few scary noises stop her now.

Wait, how is he resisting this anyways?

Finally, he broke.

"Empoleon," he said, in a voice so strained and determined not to speak that only Sparkleglimmer could hear. "Of the Rescue Federation."

Sparkleglimmer's ribbons left the zoroark's head and went to her cloak.

Sparkleglimmer: "Sounds like it's time to pay Empoleon a visit." >:|

She stood outside the interrogation room now, and the zoroark was being wheeled away back to his cell. But she couldn't care less about him right now. What she cared about was that she finally had proof. She had always known deep down that the Rescue Federation had been behind everything that had happened up to this point, but she didn't have anything to prove it. Now she did, and all the hate that been building up in the back of her head for years finally had a proper target. And she didn't know what she was going to do with that power.

For the first time in a long, long while, she was realizing she need somemon to lean on, somemon to consult, and she didn't have one. She didn't have anymon like that, and she hadn't for a long time.

Except one.

"What should I do?" she found herself asking the one entity she had always been able to confide in all these years: The voice in her head.

This is going to go to
territory really, really quickly. I can already tell.

What do you think you should do?

Of course, it was kicked right back into her ballpark. Because the Voice had never been one for confiding in, only solving problems.

But maybe solving a problem was what she needed right now.

And for what felt like the first time in a long, long while, the humming in her head stilled. After so long, the silence was deafening.

You need a solution to your dilemma. Do you think the Rescue Federation will permit you to continue living, when you pose such a threat to their very existence?

Dark Matter: "Ust-jay a-ay uggestion-say, ut-bay e-thay olution-say is-ay urder-may."

No. By now it seemed clear: There was no option for peace. The Rescue Federation had fired its shots, and now it wanted to seal the death warrant.

One of you will kill the other. It is only a matter of time. You should strike first, while you still can.

Wew, not even beating around the bush there, eh? :V

And as always, the Voice was right. Now that she had the assassin's testimony, now that she knew who had just tried to kill her, was the proper retribution not in order? For everything she knew they had done? Her blood was boiling; she knew she should not make decisions without a level head, but this one… this one seemed so easy. So right. How could any other conclusion, one with even a single shred of mercy, fill the hole in her heart the same way?

Or, the often-ignored part of her brain argued, she could let the story go public. It would make the papers, and HAPPI would make sure it stayed in the papers. The Rescue Federation would be ruined.

That's a bold assumption to make there given the depressing regularity with which figures of power manage to skirt meaningful consequences for their actions. Like, I get that the RTF's influence is kinda in freefall right now, but I think that I'm on DM's side here. Just return the assassin you have conveniently boxed up here to sender, since he'll get Empoleon's guard down just stepping in through the door.

But will they stay ruined? Or will they bounce back in four years, three, two? Will any of this reach their continents? When will the next assassin arrive?

She could hire more guards. Only stay in secure facilities. Each new assassin was another chance to shine the Federation in a bad light.

Foolish. The Rescue Federation has nothing to lose. They will stop at nothing until you are dead, and your organization exists only in the history books. Smears will fade with time. The only option for survival is to cut off the head of the snake.

Sparkleglimmer: "... Wait a minute, but doesn't the Rescue Team Federation have an entire chain of command to pass things down to if Empoleon bites it? Like I'm pretty sure that's more than just a head there."
Dark Matter: "Nothing is stopping you from removing the rest too. You have the means now."
Sparkleglimmer: "... I feel as if I should be really scared by this train of thought right now, but go on with it for a moment..."

But she outgunned them in every department. She had no reason to take such drastic action. Not when she could play defense and instead let them rot.

Outgunning will mean nothing when you are DEAD. I have not guided you all these years to witness your fall at the fins of a WEAKER power. Kill him, before he has the chance to end you forever.

She was standing at the bow of a ship in the dead of night now. One of the mighty metal vessels Alexis had built for her, the one he named the Demetrius. It was accompanied on either side by another vessel just like it—on one side, the Aggron. On the other, the Gardevoir. In the distance stood a more traditional ship. It was massive, multi-floored, and its sails were orange and green. There was only one ship it could have been: The Copperjah.

... Oh, so Sparkleglimmer really is just going to go and commit a mass murder there, huh?

She knew why she was here, why she was seeing this memory. This was where she killed him.

Sparkleglimmer calmly walked onto the Copperjah, after her crew had successfully dispatched any pokemon unlucky enough to be on-deck at the time. They left one alive, to point them to the office of the Federation leader.

Empoleon had been collapsed over his maps, fast asleep, when the door banged open. Before he knew what was happening, two of Sparkleglimmer's crew had him pinned against the wall. A sharp claw pressed itself against his throat, threatening to cut it open if he moved or tried anything.

Wow, so not even bothering to use a proxy for her wetwork, huh? Just straight-up using HAPPI employees for this.

"Help," Empoleon hoarsely squawked, trying to make sense of the situation. "Guards! Help!"

"They won't help you," said the shadow in the doorframe. Sparkleglimmer walked in, flicking the door shut behind her. "We've taken care of them already."

"W-w-what is this?" Empoleon asked, his face now having contorted into an expression of straight fear.


Hitmon #1: "Uh... boss, you do know that we could've just rammed his ship with the Aggron, picked off anyone on your hitlist, and played it off as a navigation accident, right-?"
Sparkleglimmer: "Shut up, I need this moment right now."

"I-if it's—If it's m-money, then I have a lot. Just tell me what you want me to pay and I'll pay it! I will! Just please don't kill me."

"Unfortunately, I'm not your run of the mill turncoat," said Sparkleglimmer, careful to stay in the shadows where Empoleon couldn't see her just yet. "And you've taken something from me that no amount of money can replace." "Who are you?" Empoleon asked.

"I-if this is about that ship my merchants shot down, then I'm sorry! It was just collateral damage. We were shooting pirates—"

... Oh so the Rescue Team Federation just flat-out gets into pirate antics, huh? That's... wonderful. Definitely building up the audience hate for this guy and his organization before you paint the walls red.

"Save it," Sparkleglimmer said, walking forward. She walked until she was right in front of Empoleon. She took his head in all four of her ribbons, and forced him to look directly at her, and only her. "I want you to look me in the eye and realize exactly who I am before you die."

It was a moment before it came to Empoleon, but when it did Sparkleglimmer could see it in his own eyes. The look of realization, then a redoubling of terror that she had been looking for.

"You're… you're the…" he broke off, stuttering inanely.

"The new and current director of HAPPI," Sparkleglimmer finished for him. "The company that's going to take over for yours."

Hitmon #2: "... Ma'am, you do realize that we could've done this just as easily while ramming this ship with the Aggron-"
Sparkleglimmer: "Shut. Up. And. Stop. Undercutting. My. Moment!" >.<

"You… can't," Empoleon said as she walked away. "You can't. You can't do this. It's not, it's not ethical, it's not legal, it's not righ—"

Oh so now you care about ethics and legality, huh?

"I can't?" Sparkleglimmer looked at him. "Just like you couldn't burn down my father's house and try to steal everything he owned? Just like you couldn't send the same assassin after me when you felt threatened? I think you'll find I can."

The Empoleon couldn't answer her. It wasn't like he didn't have the words, he had many to spare, but in that moment he seemed really and truly caught.

Empoleon: "Uh... yeah, in retrospect, that was kinda the wrong tack to take there for an argument." OvO;

"Everything you're about to get right now, you deserve," Sparkleglimmer said gleefully. "It's of your own design, after all. Murdered in your own home, which will have mysteriously burned down the next day. Don't you think it's poetic?"

"I think you're a monster," Empoleon spat.

"It takes one to know one," was all Sparkleglimmer told him in return. "Do it."

Considering that the Copperajah is a wooden galleon, that is a lot more messed up than it sounds on its face, since historically a ship fire was one of the worst imaginable fates to subject a sailing crew to.

Empoleon was swiftly disposed of. The lantern that lay amongst the maps on his desk was knocked to the floor, where the flame caught on the boards and began to swiftly spread.

The Gardevoir and the Aggron slowly surrounded the Copperjah on either side. Sparkleglimmer watched from the Demetrius as they floated into position. Then, a barrage of cannon fire tore a thousand holes in the Copperjah's hull. The sails were set aflame, and the upper decks blown apart by blasts of pure fire and lightning. The now half-burning ship began to slowly sink, an eerily still display of fire and destruction.

But slowly, the scene dissolved around her. The sea rippled away into dust, and the ships crumbled until they were gone. The fires snuffed themselves out, plunging the Copperjah into darkness. And then, just like that, it was gone. And all that was left was the blackness. Sparkleglimmer's paws were submerged in a water that didn't feel wet.


And then, only then, did she truly realize what was happening.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I."


The Voice only took form in these dreams, and yet she had never seen it. Sometimes she caught a hint of its shape here and there, but it only looked like a corner or a glimpse of something much larger.

I mean, that assessment's not wrong there.

"Why are you showing me all this again?" Sparkleglimmer asked. "I've lived it once already."

To remind you of everything you went through. And to prepare you for the ordeals that are to come.

Sounds like the successive arcs of this story are going to get really, really lit, if this was thematic preparation for them.

The chorus of voices swirled around her, yet it seemed to come from everywhere at once.

The Plan is reaching its apex. Should you continue to aid me, you will find yourself in a favorable position when all is said and done. Yet, there are still pieces that must slot in place first. I require your assistance to finish setting the board.

I wouldn't call 'being yeeted into the sun' a favorable position there, but okay, Dark Matter.

"You keep going on about this plan of yours," Sparkleglimmer addressed the void. "But I haven't caught what you're building up to yet. Don't you ever plan to clue me in?"

All you need to know right now is what I require of you in the moment. I have never acted without your best interests in mind, yes?

Uh... yeah, that would be a solid reason to hard break the scenes with Empoleon, especially since they reveal that Dark Matter's reassurance there is a bunch of blatant lies which Sparkleglimmer shouldn't be privy to.

"I don't believe you have. What do you require from me?"

Head to Paradise. The final piece of the end's beginning is waiting for you there.

Oh yeah, that's not ominous at all.

And gonna skip the arc afterword to look over on my own time since it's not really tied into the story (you might want to put that in a spoiler or a quoteblock on TR in order to give readers a more accurate read on your chapter's length, FYI) and cut to the postmortem:

Well, you certainly weren't kidding about this chapter getting wilder than last time. It works very effectively as both a Start of Darkness story for what appears to be one of the major villains for this point of the story on, and as a backstory for how the present day of this setting's world came to be. I didn't pick up on it until the tail end of this chapter, but it also shows Sparkleglimmer progressively losing herself more and more to Dark Matter's influence, where she goes from pushing back on its suggestions forcefully, to a state where she winds up agreeing with it even on decisions as primal as whether or not to kill other Pokémon.

As for things that I wasn't so fond of... it's basically the same quibbles as the first half of this Special Episode, especially for line breaks. Some parts here and there felt like they could use some more expansion, but I'll leave that for you to decide what you want to do there. I... admittedly wasn't feeling the way that Sparkleglimmer forces the RTF to yeet themselves off of Mist. Like I get what it's going for, but something about the overall situation felt like it was lacking an establishment of the relative stakes, so the net effect of it was that it kinda felt like 'trans-continental business interest of doom gets rolled by less than two dozen Pokémon and a hazy threat of bad PR," which... kinda felt at odds with their antics in the prior chapter and how thoroughly they had Mist at their mercy back then.

But altogether, I don't think it got in the way of my enjoyment all that much, @SparklingEspeon . It was a wild ride, and it's definitely got me looking forward to what the second half or so of that review exchange I've got going on with you is going to cover. Especially if/when Sparkleglimmer crosses paths with the protagonists.

Kudos, and expect to see another one of these sometime soon.
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Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, took a while to get this review put together, and my understanding is that a few remarks might be a bit outdated at time of posting thanks to spot editing, but I'm here for that first nibble of Part 3 of this story:

Chapter 29

You have awakened. Good.

What is your purpose here? You will help save the world.

It is a world consumed by hate and pride and greed. Those who live in it care not for others, only for what they may gain no matter the expense. This cannot be allowed to continue. You will help me bring a stop to this vile cycle once and for all.

You... probably want a better elevator pitch than that when trying to convince someone to save the world, since that sounds like a pretty strong incentive for some types to just go:


Soon there will be another, summoned by one too foolish to see the true effect of their actions. You will exterminate this individual. It is the only way to end the cycle of hate.

But that is a while off. First, you will live amongst those that live in this world. You will understand their inadequacies. Their greed, their arrogance, and their contempt for each other. You will understand why none of them are fit to continue living. Those of the land shall spurn you for what you are. As is their nature. Yet succeed in this one simple task…

I shall take over from there.

... Oh this is a recruiting pitch by Dark Matter.

I... wasn't seeing that coming from those first few paragraphs at first, but that suddenly makes a lot more sense. .-.

So we're still gonna just try and yeet the planet into the sun, huh?

For a harbor on the Mist Continent, Noe Town had grown exceedingly run down. It existed on Mist’s most accessible coast, and had been founded by the pokemon who colonized the continent. Long ago, it had been the center of all trade and commerce, and where HAPPI made its headquarters.

Wait, what? But why would HAPPI-?

Not anymore. Now the houses had fallen into a state of dismal disrepair, and many of the paved streets were splattered with dried mud. HAPPI had relocated to Paradise, and with it had gone the wealth and riches. The skies above were grey and cloudy, and the alleys were shrouded in mist. For no riches from the many ships that sailed into the harbor were offered to Noe Town. Those were all for Pokemon Paradise. Papers had been stuck to many of the houses, even covering windows and doors:

Noe Town: Soon to be an extension of Pokemon Paradise (funded and sponsored by the Helping Adventurous Pokemon Prosper Institute)

Yeesh, Sparkleglimmer just let her hometown go to pot like this huh? Even if she's under a malign influence, talk about ice cold there.

It was a desolate town, cold and hard even in the air around it. And certainly not a place that Team Anthem would have any business in normally.

Alexis tried to ignore the feeling of the mud on his paws as he walked. If there was one thing he missed from the Human World, it was shoes. He needed to look into getting some custom-made, even if foot coverings were a completely foreign concept to this world. He was a national hero—there had to be at least one tailor in Pokemon Paradise that made something other than scarves. The dewott fanned the paper slip he held out as he walked, reading what was written on it for the thousandth time (thankfully in Unown). There were only three disjointed sentences on the paper: Friendly fire at the docks. Ship not returning our signals or messengers. Send help.

Alexis: "... I'm sorry, why are we taking care of this again when this is an internal matter for HAPPI and I could be hard at work in my workshop inventing nuclear fusion or something like that?" >_>;

From behind Alexis, Elliot yawned. The pikachu lazily flicked an ear, then fell on all fours to catch up with the dewott.

“The place is quiet,” he commented, returning to his hind paws. “You don’t think we’re too late, are we?”

“Doubtful.” Alexis folded the paper, sticking it back in his bag. He frowned, looking ahead. “This place has been a ghost town for ages – everymon worth worrying over’s gathered at the docks, no doubt.”

You see, considering the overall tone of this story so far, I'm pretty sure that this is the equivalent of strutting up and poking fate in the eye and daring it to do something to you.

The docks were no more inviting than the town. The waters churned uneasily with the foreboding ripples of a coming storm, and the skies were grey and windy. Alexis looked down at the water and shivered. Even as a water-type, there were some things from his old self he just couldn’t kick.

There were a multitude of pokemon gathered at the docks, many looking like they belonged to some kind of harbor patrol. Alexis and Elliot pushed their way through the crowd, heading towards the shore to get a better look at what was going on.

Well at least the crowd isn't stoned... yet. For a moment, I was kinda expecting those two to come across something like that. ^^;

“Hey!” Alexis called out, catching the attention of most of the crowd. Many recognized him and Elliot on sight, immediately giving them both a wide berth. Alexis pulled the slip of paper out of his bag, waving it high in the air. “I’m looking for a ‘mon who can brief me and my partner here.” He quickly gestured to Elliot. “We got your mission request.”

A furret with a faded HAPPI insignia pinned to his chest quickly scurried forward from the crowd. “That’s me,” he said, clearing his throat compulsively as he stood up. “I’m in charge.” Alexis got the feel he wasn’t used to running things.

The furret pointed out across the harbor, into the outer open waters. Alexis followed his gaze, settling his eyes upon the form of a distant ship, enshrouded by the fog. The shape of the bronze metal hull was distinct – anymon could recognize the Demetrius, even from far away.

Oh, well never mind then, guess we are running into stoned 'mons this chapter. .-.

“The Demetrius made its way into harbor sometime last night,” the furret began. “When we tried to send it an automated transmission, we received nothing back.”

Alexis sighed, cutting the furret’s next sentence off. “Did you try using an electric-type?” he asked dismissively. Machine transmissions never consistently worked, no matter how the system was tweaked. There were some things he just didn’t understand why pokemon didn’t go old-school for.

Alexis must be salty as hell having to say that out loud since I'm pretty sure those are his machines that don't consistently work. :V

“W-we didn’t have time,” the furret stammered, twitching his tail in stress. “The ship started shooting at us before we could do anything else.” He redirected his paw towards the dock several meters away, which had been twisted into an almost unrecognizable mass of wrenched wood and stone.

... I briefly had a 'wut' moment there, but then I remembered that """Simisage""" knew how to work a Connection Orb and camera so... yeah. Not convinced there's actually still Pokémon aboard that ship right now.

Elliot’s face twisted into silent shock at the destruction. Alexis didn’t flinch. Disregarding Elliot’s reaction, he turned back to the furret. “So, they got your transmission…

“How many times has the ship fired?

“T-three times. The first time was after the transmission. The second time was when we sent a search party out to investigate.”

“And this slip says you never got that search party back?”

“We sent them in with a connection orb. When we didn’t hear back, we tried to call them. Then it fired a third time. D-destroyed the second floor of that building to the right.” Furret pointed out a building to Alexis’ left that had been completely wrecked from the second floor up. “That’s when we called you.”


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCbfMkh940Q

Even without meta knowledge of DM's antics, that feels like a safer course of action than sending in another search party after one has been lost already.

The furret lowered his paw once Alexis had gotten his point. Alexis took a deep breath, then began to mentally shuffle his thoughts into order. The rescue party’s disappearance and the transmissions were easily rationalized away as products of bad communication, but the attacks on the harbor spirited all that wishful thinking away. The Demetrius was not in the hands of its rightful crew.

So what to do about it?

See the last remark, really. Contract some criminals to do the dirty work if you need to commit a little insurance fraud to cover the cost of the ship. :V

“Those pokemon you sent.” The furret’s attention was quickly caught once again by Alexis’ smooth interjection. “On a scale of one to ten, self-defense wise, how skilled were they?”

“Ah…” the furret wiggled nervously a bit. “…Two? Maybe three? We don’t get rescue team training like the location up in Paradise.”

Boy it sure was a great idea to send them in alone for an entire ship this size with that sort of level of competence, huh? o<o

Alexis: "... I don't even want to know how you've managed to fall this far behind as the former headquarters to HAPPI. Surely you have to have some residual infrastructure to ride off of, right?" >:|
Furret: "(Infrastructure that all went to your upstart town.)" >_>;

“Alright,” Alexis began. “Here’s your situation. Most likely case: pirate pokemon. Stupid ones, if they think they can use that ship to lay siege on the harbor.” Glimmers of a slightly queasy look came onto his face as he looked at the waters. Then he turned back to the crowd, raising his voice: “I need a volunteer to sail me and my partner out there!”

Oh, so there are outright pirates in this setting. Though shouldn't you immediately be raising eyebrows at the idea that pirates would try to lay siege to a town with only three shots when thieves in general benefit from grabbing their loot and going?

Like even if the Demetrius was hijacked by pirates, the fact that they haven't fired more shots and just allowed a potentially hostile crowd to gather in direct line of sight and with no demands for ransom of the crew ought to have struck someone as very OOC for a pirate crew.

No-mon in the crowd looked particularly interested at the prospect of getting closer to pirates.

“Expect to be compensated for your services,” Alexis added quickly. When there was no answer, he decided to elaborate.

“Gold,” he said. “Poke. Money. Lots of it.”

There were no changes in the crowd’s demeanor.

That... is not a good omen for what pirates in this setting are like if everyone in that crowd is just "nope nope nope"-ing at the idea of getting anywhere close to a ship hypothetically taken over by them. ^^;

“Aren’t you a water-type?” somemon from the crowd piped up. Alexis glanced at the water again out of the corner of his eye, making sure to hide his discomfort at the thought of swimming in it.

“Even if I am,” he began, “my partner needs ferrying. And we may need to carry more than one pokemon back to land. A boat or a durable water-type is required.”

Elliot waved a little from the sidelines at the mention of his title, grinning timidly. He looked out of his depth.

Crowd: "..."

Furret: "... You do realize that Dewott learn Surf, right?"

Alexis: "Yeah, well clearly I don't know it, so I'd like a way to transport my partner and not have to risk swimming back on my own if I get chewed up in that ship!" >_>;

The low, bellowing call of a massive pokemon caught the attention of everymon at the docks. Alexis turned to see the hulking form of a Wailord Liner slowly approaching from the distance. The massive wooden construct attached to the wailord’s back was filled with many smaller pokemon – more tourists heading into Pokemon Paradise, no doubt. Alexis shifted where he stood, scowling. He spun around, facing the furret once more.

“Get those tourists on the docks and into the town now. The less pokemon know about this before we resolve it, the better.”

Huh. Neat touch, honestly. Dunno if I personally buy the idea of Wailord being able to stay half above water so consistently without causing problems for itself, but you can't say the idea of a whale howdah big enough to resemble a riverboat isn't a cool mental image.

With a small squeak, the furret nodded and scurried off. A good portion of the crowd followed him as well. Once the docks were sparse enough that Alexis had the whole place almost to himself, Elliot walked over. He stared out at the Demetrius, floating silently in the distance.

“I have a bad feeling,” he said.

Elliot: "Gee, what tipped you off? The fact that those pirates are employing a raiding strategy that's completely out of character for pirates, the ominous weather that might as well be twelve hours removed from 'it was a dark and stormy night', or the fact that the last team that went in apparently just vanished into thin air?" >:|
Alexis: "... When you put it like that, I'm starting to think that we really should just ask Sparkleglimmer if we can just commit insurance fraud and scuttle the ship." ._.;

In the distance, there was a loud scraping. It caught the attention of both Alexis and Elliot. Both of them focused intently on the Demetrius, where the sound was coming from.

The front of the metal hull was slowly sliding open. With a loud bang, the hull slid open completely, and from the opening slid a large cannon. Fire-type energy began to collect around the brim. It only took Alexis a second to figure out what was going on. He dashed towards the crowd with haste, but it was far too late—the cannon fired a straight burst of pure fire-type energy that blasted a hole clear into the approaching wailord liner.

Wait, so into the liner part or into the Wailord part? Though either way, that sounds like one hell of a mess.

Alexis: "... Get Sparkleglimmer on speed dial about scuttling that thing." ._.
Elliot: "I would, but I've got no reception, Alexis." .-.
Alexis: "... Seriously? Now of all times? The thing just opened fire on a passenger transport!" >.<

Chaos erupted not even seconds later. The crowd at the harbor screamed and panicked louder than the crowd on the liner, the wailord bellowed out loudly in discomfort, and even Alexis’ cry for order was drowned out in all the noise.

“EVERYMON QUIET!!!!” A thunderbolt cracked up into the air and exploded like fireworks above the crowd. The clouds above rumbled in response. Elliot whipped a few stray sparks off his tail and stood up on his hind paws. “We’re taking charge here! Listen to what my partner has to say!”

Alexis: "... Elliot, didn't we just watch like a dozen Pokémon die ten seconds ago? Shouldn't we be focusing on getting some sort of protective perimeter set up and closing the port off for safety?" .-.
Elliot: "Yes, which is why you should explain that, Alexis. To the panicking crowd." >_>;

Stunned by the loud interruption, the crowd quickly fell back into an anxious silence. Alexis stepped forward, looking at the liner. He studied the damage from afar the best he could. The structural integrity of the framework was damaged… but it would get to land okay.

It should get to land okay.

Bruh, it literally had a hole punched into it while explicitly being mentioned the liner was crowded. How on earth has that shot not caused multiple deaths and injuries already?

Also, they are fortunate that the liner didn't more broadly catch fire, since otherwise things would have the potential to go incredibly sideways incredibly fast for everyone aboard that thing. .-.

Alexis turned to the furret once more: “How many water-types have you got?”

He didn’t wait for the furret’s answer. “Send them all out to help ferry the passengers off that ship. We can’t rule out a collapse before it reaches dry land. Once the ship’s docked, set up—”

“Passenger accommodations?” the furret interjected helpfully.

Honestly had room to go a lot, lot darker if desired, but eh. Implications are doing their job, and I get the feeling that the real messed-up stuff is later on in the chapter.

“You got it,” Alexis said. “Get them as far away from the harbor as you can. There will be questions; don’t answer any of them. Now get on it. Go!”

The furret quickly nodded, then scurried back to the crowd of harbormon to begin preparing. Alexis gestured for Elliot to follow him, and they both began to jog back towards the next dock over.

“So what do we do?” Elliot asked. Alexis fought off a shudder at the thought of entering the cold, dark, deep waters.

Alexis: "I say we take off and nuk-"
Elliot: "Things other than destroy the ship and get Sparkleglimmer to blacklist us from ever doing business with her again." >.<
Alexis: "Oh come on, Elliot! That's more than justified after it fired on a crowded passenger liner!" >_>;

We find somemon in this harbor willing to ferry us onto that ship. I don’t care what I have to pay.”


The raft was cold, but the water was colder. The chilly breeze of the storm rolling in nipped Zoroark’s skin through his soggy fur. His mane was wet and heavy, and that just made him chillier. At this point he’d either freeze or starve to death—Zoroark wasn’t particularly sure which one would come first.

... Wait a minute, how long has this guy just been on there on that raft again? I swear that it's been at least a week since we saw the Exeggutor get eaten. How did this guy not die of thirst? .-.

But there was one shred of good news: Land was within sight. Unfamiliar, wood-and-clay houses dotted the near horizon, and the town looked more like a bleak outpost than a proper town. But Zoroark would take anything on land at this point. Suddenly alive with energy he didn’t know he had, he stuck a paw in the water and began to eagerly paddle his way to shore.

The makeshift excuse for a raft bumped up against the stone steps of a dock meant for water-types to climb up on, and Zoroark quickly jumped off and threw himself down onto the glorious dry land he’d missed so much. The stone was cold beneath his already-soaked fur, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t getting back on a boat of any kind anytime soon.

Zoroark: "Holy mystery dungeon, it's finally over." O_O;

By the time Zoroark could summon enough energy to get up off the ground, the ground was not so dry anymore. He wrung out his mane the best he could, and shook the rest of his fur off like an unruly growlithe. Then he remembered he was in a town—pokemon could see him here—and then, just like that, he was Braixen again.

This guy sure likes that disguise of his. Part of me wonders if he's one and the same as the hitman or a different rusefox.

Zoroark-as-Braixen marched through the town wearily, catching the attention of the few ‘mon that were out and about. The pokemon they saw was completely dry—Zoroark didn’t have the energy for wet fur—but walked with the weight of somemon who had been underwater for an hour. He spotted a xatu perched upon a nearby pier, with its head craned directly up towards the clouds, but it paid him no mind. He continued his trudge through the harbor. He could find a place to eat and sleep for the night, and then he’d book his way into Pokemon Paradise. He’d only been there once, when he was young—he had worked for the ambassador of the Water Continent, after all—but how hard could it be to find a helpline in a place that was commonly referred to as “the greatest city on the planet”?

... Now I can't tell. I suppose it depends on the definition of 'young' there. Though re: helpline: That sounds like a fantastic way to tempt fate. Mr. Fox should keep at it and see what happens. :V

Then he remembered that he didn’t have any poke. Any belongings of his had been swallowed up when the Exeggutor went down. So that was eating and sleeping in a warm place tonight out of the question. Zoroark-as-Braixen took a deep breath, stopping in the middle of the street. He slumped back against a building in exhaustion. He didn’t know where to go from here.

And only then, when his head was clear, did his ears catch the sounds of yelling in the distance. Only then did he see the struggling wailord liner limping its way to shore, the line of pokemon making their way off the docks… and the hulking form of the Demetrius in the distance.

The Demetrius… that was a government ship, sitting stagnant in the waters outside the harbor. What was going on? For the moment, Zoroark forgot he was tired and hungry, and quickly took off in the direction of the harbor.

... Whelp, looks like this guy's going back onto a boat a lot sooner than he thought.

There were many more ‘mon at the docks. The Wailord Liner had docked, even though the framework holding the ship in place was dangerously leaning down towards the water. The scaffold had a huge hole in its side, one too large for the attack of all but the most powerful pokemon…

... Wait, so where exactly on the Wailord howdah got hit anyways? Since I can't tell right now. Since if the hit struck places where passengers would be, you'd think there'd also be the equivalent of EMS on the scene right about now.

Busy staring at the giant hole in the ship, Zoroark-as-Braixen didn’t notice where he was going until he accidentally walked straight into another pokemon. They both let out a grunt of surprise as they were knocked backwards. Surprised, Zoroark let his illusion falter for just a second. The vaporeon he bumped into scrabbled on the ground for something she had lost—there it was. A HAPPI badge had fallen to the ground in their kerfuffle. Vaporeon tried her best to pick it up, but her paws weren’t conductive enough. Zoroark-as-Braixen quickly snatched it up before a passing rhydon could step on it. He handed it back to the vaporeon, who scooped it up with her tail and stuffed it back in her bag.

“Thanks,” she said.

Zoroark-as-Braixen nodded and grunted in confirmation, then moved along. He didn’t catch sight of her after that.

Oh, it's """Simisage"""'s partner. Didn't think we'd be seeing her ever again, but that's a nice touch there.

The docks quickly became more empty after that. Zoroark continued along until he could see the ship better. It was still enshrouded in mist from this angle, and it didn’t look like the ship was operating at all. But what was it doing sitting in the harbor? His mind flashed back to the hole in the Wailord liner, and the dissociated dots began to connect in his head and form a very chilling picture. He sped up a bit.

Eventually, his ears caught the sound of two ‘mon talking in hushed voices to themselves. Zoroark slowed down, honing his hearing in on their voices in the hopes he could catch a snippet of what was going on.

“Think we could commission any of the passengers to do it?”

“Leave them out of it. I’d rather not drag scared tourists into this.”

... Lol, so this guy really is going to be going onto a ship again in the imminent future. And that's so hilariously scummy to try and bait some literal who fresh off the boat into taking on a potentially lethally dangerous transport job.

“That’s our best shot. Getting a strong water-type to do it. If you won’t…”

The sound of shuffling paws. Then, somemon cleared their throat.

“We could use this boat.”

“T-that’s stealing! You can’t be serious right now!”

... Wait a minute, is that Alexis and Elliot there? If so, you probably want to give more hints that it's them such as mentioning offhand the cadence of their voices or that Zoroark can clearly pick out the species they are or something like that.

“It’s either that, or we wait for somemon willing and qualified to ferry us all the way out there. We can’t waste any more time on this.”

“We used to hunt down the pokemon who did this kind of thing every day!”

“We hunted evil pokemon who stole for self-gain. We’re doing this out of necessity. We have no other options. And…” the clink of a purse of poke. “…It’s not like we’ll be leaving them with nothing for their inconvenience.”

Oh, so it is those two. Though yeah, something about this dialogue seems like it could use a couple extra touches to differentiate them a bit more. Even if it's something as simple as speech tags to the effect of "the first voice" and "the second voice", but that's just me.

Zoroark’s ears pricked up at the sound of the money. The contents of that bag might mean the difference between sleeping in a warm bed and freezing to death in the cold Mist fog.

... Can't tell if he's about to yoink the money once those two leave, pretend to be the boat owner, or offer to Illusion his way into being their swimmer.

There was a pause, then a sigh of defeat.

“We should at least find the boat owner first.”

“No time.”


Necessary evils, Elliot. Sometimes good pokemon have to do a bad thing for the greater good.

Yeah, I figured it was those two. But that line from Alexis... is deeply worrisome as to what his tenure as the Third Human Savior was like, since if he's thinking that way, I'm not convinced that he didn't make some incredibly messed-up choices during the whole "snowflake o' doom" crisis. ^^;

Zoroark had only a second to think about it. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip out of his grasp, but he had no way to ferry them all the way to the Demetrius.


If he were caught, he’d be in unimaginable trouble. But at the very worst, spending the night in a jail would be better than spending it on the street. So, Zoroark made his decision.

“Hey!” Zoroark-as-Braixen called out, catching the attention of the two ‘mon he had been eavesdropping on. A pikachu and a dewott raised their heads to look at him. Zoroark recognized them immediately.

Okay, so he's either about to pretend he's the boat owner, or attempt to rob them. I... hope that Zoroark has the foresight to not try and pick door number two. ^^;

Alexis straightened up, putting on his best publicity face for the braixen. “Need something?” he asked.

“I heard you talking about wanting somemon to ferry you over to that ship over there,” Zoroark-as-Braixen said, pointing to the Demetrius for emphasis. He strode over until he was standing only three feet away from Alexis and Elliot. “Well, it just so happens that I’m the owner of that boat.” Zoroark-as-Braixen pointed down to the boat—a measly lifeboat, silently rocking back and forth in the uneasy waters. Zoroark tried his best to hide his surprise. He thought it had been larger. “I’ll ferry you two there… for a price.”

Whelp, that answers that, then.

Alexis: "... I'm sorry, but since when do Braixen go out and around on boats on a regular basis?" >:|
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... My dad was a Floatzel and passed on his sailing knowledge?" ^^;

“A fire-type with a lifeboat…” Zoroark heard Alexis mutter to himself silently. His stomach did a backflip—had they caught on to him?

“I go fishing,” he added for good measure.

Though at least it's more plausible than going the parentage route there. :V

At the least, the pikachu seemed fooled. Elliot immediately perked up, as if a huge burden had been removed from his shoulders.

“Well, problem solved, then,” he said happily. “Let’s get in the boat.” After a second of thought, Alexis nodded his head.

Ah yes, I see Elliot is affected by stock PMD protagonist credulity.

Alexis: "... (Elliot, don't you find this the least bit suspicious?)" >:|
Elliot: "(Nope! Plus we had to get out to that ship sooner rather than later, right?)" ^^;

“Understand this,” he began, before Zoroark-as-Braixen could continue. “We’re asking for a round trip, there and back. You may have to ferry more pokemon back with us on the return trip. This may entail more than one subsequent trip. I cannot guarantee that your boat will survive, but you will be compensated with poke in either scenario.”


Alexis: "That... sure was rather accepting coming from a boat owner."

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Well hey, you know the saying. The happiest days of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it. Getting compensated for a hull loss is close enough to 'selling' it for me." ^^;

Not that he had much of a choice. Zoroark-as-Braixen nodded confidently, letting the illusion hide his jittery face. “I accept.”

Good thing he didn't stammer or otherwise sound audibly nervous there, since the jig would've been up really fast otherwise. ^^;

“Splendid. Lead the way.” Alexis gestured to a wooden ladder at the end of the stone pier, which Zoroark-as-Braixen stepped towards. Zoroark-as-Braixen climbed down the ladder, and stepped into the boat. It rocked under his weight, and he almost lost his balance completely. Luckily, this wasn’t the first time he had been on a ship. He sat down, grasping the oars carefully. He nodded up at the pikachu and dewott staring down at him from above.

Alexis frowned, undid the rope that tethered the boat to the dock, then carefully climbed down the ladder. Zoroark-as-Braixen hummed silently to keep himself calm, grabbing the twin oars. So much for not stepping in a boat again anytime soon.

To be determined if it's the last boat this guy ever steps on in his life, though I'm pretty sure he doesn't die just yet based off some later chapter artworks. ^^;

The waters churned heavily, rocking the boat more than a little bit as Zoroark-as-Braixen rowed his two passengers out to sea. No words were exchanged between the three of them; there was only the distant blowing of the wind, the rumbling of the skies above and the ever-larger looming figure of the Demetrius to keep them company.

A larger than usual wave rocked the boat a little bit, before it set itself back to rights. Out of the corner of his eye, Zoroark spotted Alexis’ paws grip the side of the boat tightly.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "U-Uhm... h-how much did you two say you were paying me again?" o_o;
Elliot: "You never specified a price prior to taking us along, so we figured that it would be whatever the normal market rate for a lift out here would be assuming your boat didn't get ruined?" ^^;
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Wait, what?! I'm not taking you out to that creepy ship for the equivalent of a nice dinner!"

Alexis: "(Yeah, well you should've given us an explicit price back on land first.) Look, we'll negotiate if things turn out to be harder than a simple ride back and forth, okay?"

Eventually, Zoroark managed to pull the boat up next to the massive metal hull of the Demetrius. A large, portable metal stairway extended out of the ship and down into the waters below. Across from the rowboat Zoroark sat in was a larger sailboat, enough to hold four or five ’mon in it. Zoroark eyed it uneasily as he rowed.

“Pull us up over there.” Alexis pointed to the stairway. Zoroark-as-Braixen rowed the boat until it had lined up with the metal set of stairs, at which point Alexis deftly hopped from the boat onto the stairway. He gripped the railing tightly and turned around, watching Elliot follow. Zoroark-as-Braixen searched the boat for a rope of any kind—he had just remembered boats needed to be tethered so they didn’t float off—and began tying the boat to the railing once he had a line in his hand. Then he took the first step onto the stairway.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "So... uh... I'm just gonna row back off to land and let you have fun with this creepy ship here-" ^^;
Alexis: "Not if you're planning to get paid, you're not." >:|
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... Dammit. This wasn't part of the deal!" >.<

Alexis and Elliot, already halfway up the stairs, glanced back. Alexis’ face sunk, like he was annoyed at a toddler.

“I can’t allow you to follow us in here,” he said, glancing down at Zoroark-as-Braixen. “We don’t know what it’ll be like. Might not be safe. Just… stay out here with the boat.”

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Look, if I can't even go in the creepy ship, then there's no harm in me just waiting on land, right-?" >_>;

Elliot: "Again, we need a return trip, and might need to leave in a hurry. So either hang around, or we're not paying."
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... Fantastic." O.O;

A rumble of thunder made all three ‘mon look up at the sky. The clouds were darker than they had been just before. Wind ruffled Zoroark-as-Braixen’s fur, dangerously rocking the boats. The storm had arrived.

Alexis looked up at the growing storm and sighed.

“Fine. Come on. But stay behind us.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "I wanted to go back to shore!" >_>;
Elliot: "Oh come on, you'll be at less risk of getting caught in the storm if you didn't. Just come along, Braixen. We could use the extra set of paws anyways."

He deftly walked up the rest of the stairs, and opened the door a crack. After looking in both ways, he ushered Elliot and Zoroark-as-Braixen along.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "(... Should've just waited for them to leave their money on the docks and just snatched it.)" >.<

The hallways of the Demetrius were too dark to see. Alexis briefly reached into his bag for something as the door closed behind them. Zoroark-as-Braixen blanched—if he was going to be asked to light a torch…

Oh, so Zoroark illusions don't generate light of their own, huh? Will file that setting detail away for the future.

But instead, Alexis pulled a single orb from his bag. It shone in the dark with the same blue glow as luminous moss, illuminating their surroundings. Everywhere, the walls were covered in viscous black goo, some of it extending into long, goopy trails on the ground. There was no-mon around to be seen.

Yup. Called it for what happened to the crew. Even if we haven't found their bodies just yet.

“What is this stuff…” Elliot muttered, reaching a paw out to touch the goo stuck to the walls.

“Try not to touch it,” Alexis said. “It could be dangerous.”

Elliot pulled his paw back before he could.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Is- Is it too late to go back and babysit the rowboat?" ._.;
Alexis + Elliot:

The goo continued all the way down the hallway, where the three of them found the door at the end of the corridor blasted clean off its hinges. The doorframe was mangled, and the door itself lay at their feet, bent out of shape. Alexis bent over to inspect it, noting that the center was covered in the same black goo that coated the walls.

“Look at this.”

Elliot bent over a pile of something that glinted from the luminous orb’s light. Zoroark immediately recognized what it was—he’d seen the exact same thing himself just a few days ago, after all.

“It’s a shattered connection orb,” he said.

Alexis: "Okay, I am suddenly feeling a lot more motivated to go back to the idea of just scuttling this thing and calling it a day." O_O;
Elliot: "Alexis, we've been in here for all of two minutes!"

“You think it belongs to…” Elliot trailed off, letting the silence speak for him.

“Looks like that search party went the same way as the crew,” Alexis said, looking at the connection orb remains over his shoulder.

Zoroark-as-Braixen spun around, his ears picking up on the sound of the goo down the hallway behind them moving with a pop. Elliot, who had heard it too, followed suit.

“Did you hear that?” he asked Alexis, turning around.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "(You could've just taken their money off the docks, Zoroark but nooooo. You just had to be the nice guy and do actual work as part of swindling these two.)" O.O

“Hear what?” Alexis, who had turned back to inspecting the door, didn’t even look back at Elliot.

“Something just moved back there,” Zoroark-as-Braixen said.

Alexis stood back up. In the moment of silence, all three pokemon could hear something slithering down the hallway.

“You stay here,” he said to Zoroark-as-Braixen, who nodded. “Elliot, with me.”

... I take it that Alexis didn't watch any horror movies when he was a human, since words do not begin to explain how terrible of an idea this is right now. ^^;

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Wh-What?! If you're just leaving me here, why can't I go back to the rowboat?!" O_O;
Elliot: "Because we don't know if the way back is even safe right now?" .-.

Zoroark-as-Braixen watched Alexis and Elliot slowly move down the corridor in the direction of the sound. The luminous orb had been left sitting on the ground next to Zoroark, but Zoroark dared not move nor break his stance. He looked around at all the black goo hanging from the walls. What was this?

Suddenly, it began to move. With a loud squelching sound, the goo decorating the roof above Zoroark began to shift with life. That was it. Zoroark let out a quiet yelp of abject fear, then took off through the deformed doorway. He didn’t even think to pick up the luminous orb.

Not that this isn't understandable because of the obvious "nope nope nope" factor, but forgetting to take your source of illumination with you in the darkened ship halls with no power sounds like a fantastic way to get lost and die horribly.

The doorway led into what looked like a cafeteria of some kind—chairs and tables were overturned everywhere, and quite a few had been smashed up. Zoroark ran in and took shelter under a still-standing table.

Something heavy hit the ground. It was too dark to see. The impact rattled the ship’s benches and made Zoroark jump.

Whatever was there slowly stomped through the room. There was a brief pause of silence, as Zoroark heard it sniff the air several times. Then it began to walk again.

... Wait, how did the Void Shadow not smell Zoroark's wet fur there? Or do Zoroark happen to not get that same smell that dogs do when wet in this setting?

Whatever it was stepped on a chair right in front of Zoroak’s eyes and flattened it completely. Zoroark barely restrained himself from yelping out in fear. He concentrated, slowly putting up a much more complex illusion he had yet to perfect. If he was doing it right, no-mon would be able to see him in the first place.

Unfortunately for him, his trick didn’t work on what didn’t have eyes. The table was quickly flipped over just seconds later, and Zoroark was snatched up by the grotesque claws of a Void Shadow.

Whelp, nevermind then.

The Void Shadow, made of the same black goo that coated the walls and the roof, growled in his face, then sniffed the air again. Zoroark saw its many, many teeth. That was when he lost it – he yelled a battle cry and began to wildly scratch and claw away at the monster’s face in terror. His claws sunk into its head harmlessly, and he let out a whimper of fear as he tried to tug them out.

... Wait, so is Zoroark's voice just consistent between natural and disguised forms? Otherwise how is this not immediately giving him away here?

Zoroark: "D-Dewott?! P-Pikachu?! SOME HELP WOULD BE NICE RIGHT ABOUT NOW!"

The Shadow snarled, and Zoroark felt its claws tighten around his ribs, much tighter than felt comfortable. It was going to crush him! Unless…

“Hey! What’s going on in he—” Alexis and Elliot both stopped short at the sight of the large black monster, its goo reflecting the light of the luminous orb in the hallway as it lifted Zoroark up into the air. Desperate, Zoroark felt out where its claws were on his body. Then he slashed them with his own. His claws sliced completely through the Shadow’s, severing them from the monster. Zoroark hit the ground only a second later and scampered away.

Elliot: "..."

Alexis: "I told you we should've just scuttled the ship, but nooooo..." >_>;
Zoroark: "Holy Mystery Dungeon, stop arguing and help me already!" O.O;

“Ready?” both Alexis and Elliot got into battle positions. They readied their own elemental attacks, aiming at the monster.

“Ready!” The combined power of a water gun and a thunderbolt hit the Void Shadow all at once, sending electricity coursing through its body. It let out a shriek, then collapsed entirely into a black puddle on the floor. Zoroark heard it slither off, but it was too dark to see where it went. By the time Alexis had retrieved the luminous orb, Zoroark was Braixen once again.

... So wait, is Zoroark's illusion also capturing him shaking like a leaf right about now? Or is that something he'd need to consciously do as well?

“Hey—you okay?” Alexis asked, walking up to Zoroark-as-Braixen. Zoroark nodded.

“Y-yeah,” he coughed out, getting to his feet. “What was that?

“Beats me,” Alexis said, half to Braixen and half to himself. “I’ve never seen anything like that before. At least it explains the goo.” He gestured to the walls around them.

“So n-now what do we do?” Elliot asked, his voice shaking a bit.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCbfMkh940Q

Elliot: "(Pretty sure that joke's been made more than once already.) And... uh... how do we manage that again when we don't have a transport that will survive the storm about to blow in?" .-.
Alexis + Zoroark-as-Braixen: "..."

“Our first priority to find out if there are any living ‘mon still on this ship,” Alexis said. If he was shaken like his partner was, he didn’t let it show in his voice. “Somemon had to fire those cannons. We find them, we get them off of here. Then… we figure out where to go from there.”

Whelp, Alexis is officially confirmed for never having watched horror movies as a human. Since... yeah, this is the part where you take Ripley's advice, write the Demetrius off and atomize it.

He turned around, facing Zoroark-as-Braixen. “As for you, I need you to leave. Bringing you in here was a mistake. We’ll escort you back out—”

There were the sounds of slithering goo down in the hallway they had just come down. All three pokemon went silent at its sound.

“…On second thought,” Alexis began. “We’ll find another exit. Stay together.”

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "I told you this like half a scene ago, but noooo..." >_>;
Elliot: "Yeah, well that wasn't canon. Also, we're more likely to get off this ship in one piece if we find help on it. (Somehow.)" ._.;

Alexis made a detour not a moment later to quickly check the cafeteria kitchens for refugees. There weren’t any.

You probably want 'survivors' there, since 'refugees' is more 'fleeing problems from a land or a location', while you're dealing with 'Pokémon that haven't gotten eaten by Void Shadows yet'

A door on the other side of the cafeteria led to another corridor that wasn’t as shrouded in goo as the last one had been. Goo coated the walls and some of the roof, but light shone through patches of window that had been left uncovered by the black substance. Zoroark thought he saw some of it slither over an uncovered patch of light out of the corner of his eye.

Oh? Do they get harmed somehow when in their true forms in the sunlight? Since I could've sworn """Simisage""" moved around just fine in natural sunlight.

It was light enough now that Alexis put away the luminous orb. Zoroark put his illusion back up. He had tentatively dropped it in the darkness, once the light of the luminous orb had drifted far enough off his form, but now it was light enough that all it would take was a single glance back to destroy his cover. He marched forward, hoping the disappearance of a fake wand he was too tired to recreate in his tail wouldn’t draw too much suspicion.

I mean, there's a simple enough justification there. "I lost it when that monster ambushed us."

Alexis watched the walls closely as they went on. Halfway down the corridor, he stopped both Braixen and Elliot, feeling out the outline of a doorframe along the wall. It was completely covered in black goo.

“I know how ships like these work,” he muttered. “So this…” his paws found a goo-covered door handle, and he yanked—

The door swung wide open, revealing a set of metal steps leaning down into darkness. “This is the way down to the engines.” Alexis reached into his bag and pulled out the luminous orb once more. It illuminated some of the steps, but beyond was still left in darkness. Further beyond in the dark, Zoroark-as-Braixen thought he saw something bright orange glowing.

Wait, so the ship does have power at the moment? Then what happened to all the lights? .-.

“But that way should lead us to the bridge,” Elliot said, pointing down the corridor. “Something fired this ship’s cannon, right? And you do that from the bridge. Any survivors are probably in there.


Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... I think I liked your earlier idea of leaving the ship and nuking it more." O_O;
Alexis: "Yeah, well leaving aside that that's not canon, we probably want more than three 'mon to try and mount a breakout from this thing. So looking for survivors it is." >_>;

Alexis was silent for a minute, like he was deliberating on something.

“Yeah.” He let the door swing shut with a bang. “I just wanted to know where we were.”

He began to creep onwards, beckoning Elliot and Braixen after him. Zoroark-as-Braixen cast one last look at the door before following.

Which I'm pretty sure is a sign that something is going to go seriously wrong with it in the imminent future. ^^;

The hallway became more and more dark as they went on. The darker it got, the more invasive the goo became. It was everywhere, even the floor, and soon all three ‘mon were slogging through it as they went onwards. Eventually, Alexis was forced to pull out the luminous orb a third time. There was still no sign of anymon around, nor anything like the monster that had attacked them in the cafeteria. Yet Zoroark still found himself checking behind the group often, just to reassure himself that the little squelching sounds he heard in the distance and the weird way the goo would catch the light every so often was just in his head.

Narrator: "It was absolutely not just in his head."

It felt like they had walked for miles by the time they reached the corridor’s end. It was completely engulfed in goo from floor to ceiling, like everything else in the hallway was. This was the worst it had been the entire time they’d been there. Alexis set the luminous orb down, searching with one paw through the black soup for a door handle. His arm was already almost half submerged in it by the time that he found it.

“Some help,” he grunted, trying fruitlessly to tug it open. Elliot’s paws grasped around Alexis, and he pulled too. The door still didn’t budge. Elliot looked back at Zoroark, who was Braixen again in a split second. “Help…” he strained.

inb4 that's a Void Shadow lying in wait

Zoroark looked down at his claws that looked, but certainly did not feel like braixen paws. If he touched somemon with those, he’d be caught for sure. But at the same time, he couldn’t just refuse…

Manipulating touch wasn’t an illusion Zoroark was skilled in. It was harder than sight, but easier than sound. He hadn’t tried it before. All he had to do was draw upon what the subject thought the thing they were touching felt like… Zoroark took a deep breath, and wrapped his claws around Elliot. With luck, this would only be a second. He pulled.

Oh, so Illusions in this setting can have a haptic component, if nerfed by requiring skill to use.

The door budged. Then it held for a moment. Then it swung open completely, splattering all three pokemon with the black goo.


Alexis, Elliot, and Braixen all fell back, half-covered in the black substance. It felt sticky on Zoroark’s fur. He sat up, and caught both Elliot and Alexis staring at him weird – he realized at the last second that he hadn’t updated his illusion to account for being splattered with all that goo. But there was nothing to do about it now. It would only look weirder if he changed it. He stood up, staring back at Alexis and Elliot.

“What?” he asked.

Alexis shook his head. “Nothing. The door’s open. Let’s go.”

Alexis: "..."

Elliot: "Wait, but how?" .-.
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... I got lucky and it missed me? (Argh! Why didn't I just approach them as my normal self before rowing them to this ship?! Or better yet, why didn't I just wait for them to leave and take their money?!)" >.<

He strode into the bridge, and both Elliot and Braixen followed his lead.

... Wait, aren't bridges usually in high parts of ships so that way the captain has visibility of oncoming obstacles? I thought these two went down towards the engine rooms.

The inside of the bridge was a strange change of pace from the rest of the ship. The floors were completely clean, and the glass that made up the walls of the bridge was pristine and untouched. Much of the machinery in the bridge was battered and broken beyond repair, but the black goo that coated the interior of the rest of the ship was nowhere to be seen.

Zoroark wondered where it had all gone.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Uh... we are sure this is actually the bridge, right? Since I could've sworn that you said the path we found earlier went to the engine rooms..." .-.

Alexis inspected the machinery on the sides of the ship, gazing at it intently.

“Their transmission machine’s destroyed,” he said, gazing at the only machine that had a hole torn clean through it. Zoroark could see all the way to the back of the wall through it.

“Do you think that’s why they were firing the cannon?” Elliot asked. “Maybe they wanted to deter pokemon from boarding.”

Crash. Something slithered over behind a control panel near the front of the bridge.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... You know, I'm getting the distinct suspicion that we're in an Illusion right about now." o_o;
Elliot: "(I think that 'engine room' thing might've just been an editing oversight.) I mean, I'm not convinced, but... uh... yeah, that sound ain't good."

“Over there!” Alexis hissed, and all three pokemon immediately scrambled over to where the sound had come from. Whatever was making the sound had no time to flee—before it could get anywhere far, Alexis, Elliot and Braixen had it cornered behind the control panel it had been next to. A perfectly normal phanpy looked up at them.

“Have you come to take me out of this place?” it asked.


“What’s happening here?” Alexis urged, before anymon else could speak. “Where are all your crewmates? Tell me what happened, from the beginning.”

“Aren’t you going to take me out of here?” the phanpy asked again.

“It’s not that simple,” Alexis said. “I need to understand what happened here first. Why is this ship deserted? Who fired the cannons? Then we can talk about leaving.”

“But I want to leave,” the phanpy said again. “Are you going to take me out of here?

Wow, so they really are going to have to take the Ripley solution to this place given that the Void Shadows are trying to sneak onto the mainland if they haven't already by mimicking fliers and swimmers. ^^;

“Cooperate with me, and we’ll do that,” Alexis said. “Where are your crewmates?”

The phanpy was still and silent. Its body was motionless, almost like a sleeping metagross. Then, like a rusty machine clicking back into action, it spoke.

“Gone,” the phanpy said, its voice raspy. “Dead.”

“What happened to them?” Elliot asked.

It was a moment before the phanpy answered, breathing out raspy breaths.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Okay, something is really wrong with that kid! He just suddenly got all shaken and fatigued after that creepy monotone! It's like we ran into a bad actor or something like that!" O.O
Alexis: "... How do you know this again?"

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "I... uh... m-my mom was an actor and I might have picked up a thing or two for identifying poor performances?" ^^;
Alexis: "... Starting to question who the bad actor is here, really." >:|

“There was something out there, in the storm,” it began. “It didn’t look like a pokemon, but no-mon knew what it was. It boarded and picked us off, one by one. I locked myself in the bridge. I’ve been in here for a day.”


“Why were you firing the cannons?”

“What cannons?” the phanpy asked.

Alexis’ demeanor ever-so-slightly changed. He stood up. “Elliot, Braixen-no-name, watch him.”

Oh, is "-no-name" convention for Pokémon that don't have known names in this setting? Otherwise why not just 'Braixen' there?

He walked over to the center of the room, studying a dashboard of controls that were laced with the same black goo from earlier—the only muddied thing in the room. Zoroark heard him mutter something to himself.

Alexis rejoined Elliot and Zoroark-as-Braixen, his eyes set on the phanpy. “You’re sure you’ve been all alone in this room for the last day?”

“Yes.” The phanpy readily nodded.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... Please tell me that you're not just going to accept that at face value." >_>;
Alexis: "No, no. I think I've seen and heard enough here."

“Wrong answer.” Lightning fast, Alexis pulled a scalchop from his hip and threw it straight at the phanpy. The scalchop made contact and returned, and Alexis caught it neatly. There was a visible gash in the phanpy’s face that didn’t bleed.

“Wh-why did you do that?!” Elliot cried out in horror. He moved forward in the phanpy’s direction, but Alexis quickly pulled him back by the scarf.

“Stay back!” he grunted.

Wow, Elliot really is credulous. :V

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Uh, Pikachu? I'd just like to point out that there's an inch-deep-gash in the Phanpy's face right now that's not bleeding buckets everywhere!"

Elliot: "Yes? And what's your point-?"
- Beat moment -
Elliot: "O-Oh." O.O;

The phanpy looked up, and its face distorted into something that didn’t look quite like any pokemon. A pair of massive limbs with claws black as night exploded from the phanpy’s body, far too fast for Alexis and Elliot to react. Zoroark didn’t think—he dashed forward and slashed his claws wildly into the arms before they could reach their destination. The Void Shadow’s head – rearing out of the phanpy’s body – screeched loudly at Zoroark, but the shadow was quickly decapitated by another swing of Alexis’ scalchop. It fell to the floor in front of them with a loud splat, losing its shape and devolving back down into black goo.

The shadow’s arms finally overpowered Zoroark, throwing him clean across the bridge. He landed on one of the control panels, his weight pressing a bunch of buttons he couldn’t begin to fathom the functions of. He fell off the control panel, and then sideways to the ground. Once his head stopped spinning, his eyes fixated on what Alexis must have seen: the severed limb of a phanpy that had fallen behind the panel.

Really, really taking advantage of Void Shadows' alien biology to keep that T rating there, since boy did that get metal fast.

But there wasn’t time to think about that. He pulled himself back up against the panel with a huff. His claws inadvertently slammed down upon a large red button, activating the ship’s horn.

Elliot and Alexis were locked in a close battle with the Void Shadow. Even without a head, the monster fought wildly, slashing at them with its gangly limbs.

We need to hit it in the center, or it’ll just regroup!” Alexis yelled, slashing one of the arms back with his twin scalchops. They were backed up against the glass, and the shadow’s arms were too large to escape to the sides. “Aim for the torso!”

Wait, how does Alexis know that again? Or is he assuming based off their last Void Shadow encounter?

“It’s too close-quarters!” Elliot yelled back, both pokemon hitting the ground before the shadow’s arms could snatch them both up in its claws. “You’ll get fried too!”

“I can handle that!” Alexis yelled. “Do it!”

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Uh... Dewott? I just want to point out that this is just about the worst possible time and place for anyone to pick up a serious injury right now!" O_O;

The ship’s horn suddenly blasted through the cabin at a near-deafening pitch, forcing both Alexis and Elliot to cover their ears. The Void Shadow let out an agitated gurgle at the sound, its entire form shivering in place. The sound only lasted a few seconds, but Alexis didn’t falter.

“Now, Elliot!” he yelled. Elliot charged his tail, and let a powerful shock wave of electric fury blaze everything around him. That was all the Void Shadow could take—with a pitiful screech, it collapsed entirely into a mass of black goo that began to slither away.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Holy mystery dungeon! Why won't that thing die?!" O.O;

Zoroark watched it go from his spot at the control panel—it was too weak to fight back. This was his chance to finish it off for good! He leapt over the console, running forward, but the formless mass of black goo was too fast—it disappeared down a nearby drain before Zoroark could catch it. He scrabbled at the drainpipe, hearing the gurgling sounds of the retreating shadow echo through the drain.

All: "..."

Alexis: "That... set of pipes doesn't discharge to the sea, does it?"

All: "..."

Elliot shook off the remaining static electricity in his fur, letting his hackles relax. Beside him, Alexis coughed and raised himself from the floor, trying to shake off the electric attack he had just undergone.

“I’m fine,” he panted before Elliot could open his mouth. “Where’d it go?”

“I didn’t see,” Elliot said, still panting. But Alexis was too busy staring at something else to reply to that.

“Down here!” Zoroark called out in response to Alexis’ question. “It went down here.”

Alexis + Elliot: "..." O_O;
Zoroark: "Wait, why are you looking at me like-?"

- Zoroark looks up at the text, and realizes there's no '-as-Braixen' tag -
Zoroark: "... Oh." O.O

He was scrabbling at the drain, trying to see if he could get it open. Zoroark eventually gave up trying to hear the retreating Void Shadow, standing up from the drain and checking his claws for injuries. It took weeks for those to grow back if broken. He then realized his fatal mistake: in all the chaos, he had forgotten to put up his illusion again. Both Alexis and Elliot were gazing at him in shock.

“I should have known,” Alexis muttered.

Zoroark: "I-I can explain, I swear!"

“Move along.” Alexis led Elliot and Zoroark along the corridor as the three pokemon moved on. Zoroark hadn’t bothered putting up his illusion again—what was the use? “We’re heading down to the engines.”

The hallway from where they had come was almost overflowing with the same goo that Alexis was insistent they avoid at this point. They had instead taken the corridor entrance on the other side of the bridge, which was covered in goo all the same but wasn’t as flooded as the other one was.

Zoroark: "Why are we still here right now?! We literally have no way of reliably telling if the Pokémon we find are actually survivors or those... things or not!"

Alexis: "I... uh... am assuming we're trying to disable the ship before getting the hell out of here? Since... yeah, I don't think we're actually going to find any survivors at this rate." ._.;

Eventually they stopped in the middle of the hallway. Alexis handed the luminous orb off to Elliot and felt out the gooey wall for a door handle. He found it and yanked, but the door stayed shut. He yanked it a couple more times for good measure.

“Locked,” he said. Elliot shone the orb onto the wall; all three pokemon took notice of a smallish vent near the ground that was half-covered by goo.

“Does that lead to the other side of this door?” Elliot asked.

“It should,” said Alexis. “Can you fit?”

This sounds like a fantastic way to get ambushed by a Void Shadow but okay then.

“Of course I can fit,” Elliot said. “Just depends on the lock. We may have to bust it in if I can’t get it undone.”

“I’d prefer not to,” Alexis responded. “The less attention we can draw to ourselves, the better.

Zoroark briefly questioned how they weren’t being watched in this corridor full of goo anyway, but figured flashy attacks would put a target on their back faster. Elliot carefully undid the vent cover with his paws, then climbed in.


“You shouldn’t have come here.”

Zoroark, who was studying the goo stuck to the ceiling, looked at Alexis.

No sash.” Alexis’ words rang out loudly in the goo-covered corridor. “An illusion. You’re an outsider or an outlaw.” At Zoroark’s silence, he continued. “You shouldn’t have taken a boat that wasn’t yours. You shouldn’t be in this town at all. So why are you here?”

Wait, what's the significance of Zoroark and sashes in this setting again? Or is that what this setting's take on that 'hair tie' thing is?

“What… makes you think I stole the boat?” Zoroark asked suspiciously.

“Just a hunch,” Alexis said. “Are you going to tell me you didn’t? Or should we go back and check with the harbor guard?”

There was a bout of silence Zoroark wasn't willing to challenge.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”

Zoroark: "L-Look, I've been out at sea from a shipwreck for at least a week and I'm broke! I was desperate, alright?! C-Come on, I brought you here to this ship!" O_O;

Cornered. Zoroark didn’t see a way out. slumped back against the wall.

“I was desperate,” Zoroark coughed. “Me and my caretaker; we were attacked at sea. Everything I had went down with that ship.” It was finally beginning to sink in that he truly had nothing. Zoroark still felt a sense of abject numbing shock, the inability to process that fact. “I heard that you were offering poke to whoever would ferry you all the way out here. I thought it would keep me off the streets for a night.”

... Wow, and I did that last cutaway gag as a joke. But that was pretty close to his actual explanation there.

Alexis sighed, then frowned. His scalchops hang limply from his sides. There was silence.

“So… now what?” Zoroark asked in the absence of a response. “You’re gonna… turn me in?”

At least he’d be fed and somewhat warm in the jail.

“No,” Alexis said. “You’d never get out.

Zoroark: "I'm sorry, but what the hell is wrong with your judicial system on this continent? I-I literally just impersonated a property owner and committed petty fraud! H-How does that justify life imprisonment?!" O.O;

He rose up, dusting off his scalchops. “We complete the mission. Then, once we’re off this ship, you run. Hitch a boat out of the harbor fast as you can; never look back. You’ll find no sanctuary here on Mist.

There's some sort of story behind this, but I'm not sure what. Kinda wonder if it'd have merited some sort of passing mention in the description as to why this is the case, even if it leans on implication a bit.

With a clank, the door swung open, and Elliot tumbled out, covered in even more goo than he was before. “That was a hard lock to undo,” he panted.

“Are we close to the engines?” Alexis asked, turning around to see Elliot and the door better. “Did you get a good look?”

“Another floor down,” Elliot said, still catching his breath. “There’s a hatch to get there.”

“Perfect.” Alexis swung the door open all the way, and walked in.

“Come on,” he said. “No time to waste.”

Zoroark: "... Can you at least explain why we're going to this place and not just getting the hell out of here-?"

The hatch slid open, and Alexis dropped down through it. He landed on his feet. Elliot dropped deftly behind him. Zoroark carefully climbed down by hanging from the side of the hatch with his claws, then dropped down three feet from the floor. The three of them then noticed there was a pull-out ramp right at the top of the hatch.

In front of them stood a massive machine that cast the room in a bright orange glow. A trio of rotating metal rings swung around a furnace, except instead of a fire, a single vibrant orange gem floated in the center. It shone bright enough that most everything in the room was visible to some extent.

Oh, so these ships run on emeras? I mean, it'd make sense given how intertwined it is with Alexis' technological designs, but I admittedly wasn't expecting that at first.

“Just like I thought,” Alexis said with confidence. He walked up to the large machine, his eyes on the crystal in the center. “Firium Z. The ship’s power source.”

Reminder that if you haven’t already done so, you have said elsewhere that this is supposed to be a fire emera and not a Z-Crystal.

Zoroark shifted, glancing away from the light source. “What does that mean for us?” he asked.

“For us?” Alexis asked. “It’s good, very good.” He hopped down from the platform, walking down and tracing a few of the many pipes that snaked out across the floor. “Very combustible too. Good stuff.”

“Combustible?” Elliot repeated. “What does that have to do with anything?”

Oh, so they really are going to take off and nuke the site from orbit. ^^;

“This engine uses a very outdated method of transferring fuel from one place to another,” Alexis continued. “I discontinued it a while ago. Too much chance for the engine to explode if it’s overtaxed. That said… It looks like the Demetrius wasn’t brought back in for upgrades.”

“Yeah, but why’s that relevant?”

“Because we’re about to overtax the engine. Get ready.”

Elliot: "Yeah, but why do we need to overtax the engine-?"
- Beat moment -
Elliot: "Wait, we're actually going to blow the ship up?! I thought that was just a dumb movie reference!" O.O;
Alexis: "Considering the absolute state of this ship right now, is there anything worth saving from it? (And part of me is actually worried this thing won't do a thorough enough job at vaporizing it.)" >_>

The next half-hour was spent unhooking wires, switching dials, turning cranks, and moving hoses from one slot to another. Alexis instructed the process methodically,

Also paranoidly looking over your shoulder after every little creak and groan of the ship because, you know. Ship full o' goo monsters at the moment.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Elliot asked as the three of them moved a large hose from one side of the machine to the other. “There might still be pokemon alive on this ship. What about that search party that was sent here? Are we just going to give up and blow them up too?”


Zoroark: "Yeah, I think I'm with Dewott here, really." >_>;

“We don’t know if that search party is even alive,” Alexis said smoothly as he helped Elliot and Zoroark move the hose. “But whatever happens, we cannot let whatever is on this ship with us leave. We already know that it can mimic the forms of other pokemon. We cannot take that risk.”

“But we haven’t searched the whole ship yet,” Elliot pointed out. “How can you just declare that there’s no-mon else alive on-board?”

Alexis: "Elliot, in case if you haven't gathered from the last half of a chapter, but we're woefully outgunned right about now and the ship literally almost sunk a passenger liner a couple hours ago! Like at some point you just need to consider the needs of the many over the needs of the hypothetical few." >_>;

“Every minute that thing lives is a minute that all those pokemon on the docks of Noe Town are endangered,” Alexis said. “Every minute we do nothing, or prance around this ship looking for stragglers, is a minute we risk hundreds more suffering the fate of whatever happened to the crew here. Going out on a limb on the chance that there might be some pokemon still on-board is risking too many others.”

Yuuuuup, I thought so, even if it's more of a 'don't let the obvious biohazard off the ship' angle. Which I'm pretty sure is futile since the Void Shadow could just mimic a swimmer or flier and get to land that way.

“A single life is still worth the effort,” Elliot said in a low hush. “That’s our job, that’s what we do. We go back for the one life that no-mon else can save. When did it become about anything else?”

Like 50 years ago when Alexis transitioned back into being an engineer by trade?

Zoroark: "I'd just like to point out that saving the one life no-mon else can save kinda doesn't matter much if you get a hundred others killed in the process." ^^;
Elliot: "Oi! Pipe down, you." >_>;

Alexis was silent for a moment, a furrowed expression on his face. He sighed.

Zoroark was silent as he listened to the two bicker. He continued to glance up at the walls and roof around him, studying the shiny black surfaces intently for any sign of movement. Any sign that they weren’t alone in here.

Narrator: "They weren't alone in there."

Alexis grunted, lifting the hose as all three pokemon slotted it into its new place.

“That should do it,” he said, patting the hose. “This engine is now a ticking time bomb.”

“How do we light the fuse?” Zoroark asked.

“The machine will do that on its own,” Alexis said. “We just need to get out of here before it does. I’d say we have about ten minutes.”

Zoroark: "... Why would you not rig the engine to do this on a timer we could start after we were safely off the ship?!"

Alexis: "Because we don't have that? Besides, we can make it into the water in ten minutes..."
Zoroark: "Yeah, normally, but with those freaky monsters roaming around..."

The goo behind them popped loudly. All three pokemon spun around at the sound.

Zoroark: "... Sp-Speaking of which." O.O

From out of the wall near the hatch emerged a single, pitch-black protrusion. It sprouted fingers, then claws, then an elbow joint and slammed its palm onto the deck with a loud splat. The shadowy, black arm was the only thing between them and the way out.

“Go!” Elliot yelled.

Zoroark sprang into action first, running for the hatch that was their only way out. He deftly hopped the arm as it made a grab for him, then jumped up and barely grabbed the hatch with his claws—why was it so high up? He pulled himself onto the next floor up and into safety, trying to release the ramp for Alexis and Elliot below. It wasn’t budging.

Zoroark: "Whose brilliant idea was it to design an engine room without an emergency exit?!" O_O;
Alexis: "... Mine. This ship is literally built around one of my designs." >_>
Zoroark: "Yeah, well thanks a lot for that there, Dewott!" >.<

Alexis and Elliot bolted for the hatch quickly after, but the rest of the Void Shadow tore out of the wall and began loping towards them.

“Dodge!” both pokemon made a break for opposite directions, scrambling out of the way as the Void Shadow charged through. It brought itself to a stumbling halt just before it could collide with the engine, looking around for either of its targets with a snarl. From the shadows, Alexis grabbed a scalchop from his side and hurled it at the Void Shadow. The scalchop sliced its head clean off its body. The mass of black slime landed on the floor beside it. It twitched, then began to slither back into the Void Shadow’s body.

Sure hope that Alexis made a point of building up a collection of spares for those. .-.

Even headless, the Void Shadow wasted no time galloping towards Alexis, but a thunderbolt quickly struck it from the back and caused it to convulse. Alexis barely dodged the Shadow once again as it barreled forward with a screech and hit the goo-covered wall with a squelching noise.

The wall absorbed it with a squick.

Zoroark: "Why would you make these things with absorbent walls?!" >.<
Alexis: "I'm pretty sure that it just vanished on its own, but look can we not argue about this when there's a monster trying to eat us?!" >_>;

“We need to lure it away from the engine!” Alexis called out to Elliot in their brief moment of respite. “If it destroys anything, the whole ship will blow up here and now!”

Oh hey, time to break out Bubsy again:

From his position near one of the snaking cables they’d rewired, Elliot nodded quickly as he could.

The Void Shadow’s arms suddenly burst out of the wall behind Alexis, forcing him to duck and roll before he could be enveloped in its pitch-black embrace. He made a run for the hatch, beckoning Elliot after him. The Void Shadow pulled itself entirely out of the wall and screeched.

Alexis: "We are so not getting paid enough for this right now..." >_>;

Elliot quickly outpaced Alexis and slid to a stop right under the hatch. There was a crank handle poking out amongst the black goo that coated the walls, illuminated by the light of the engine—that must have been the device for the pullout ramp! Elliot quickly grabbed the handle and began to turn it as fast as he could, looking back at Alexis and the Void Shadow.

Zoroark jumped back as the ramp underneath the hatch door began to slowly slide out. It made a squeaking sound as it fell, but it wasn’t going fast enough. The Void Shadow’s screech as it charged forward forced Zoroark into action, and he kicked the ramp down with his legs. It fell to the ground with a loud metallic bang, and both Alexis and Elliot hurriedly scurried upwards.

The Void Shadow was right on their tails. It bounded up through the ramp, but the piece of metal snapped away under its weight. The Void Shadow fell but caught the edges of the ramp with its claws.

Zoroark: "... How do you two manage to have a Luminous Orb but not a Stun Seed for moments like this?!" O_O;
Elliot: "Would a Stun Seed even work on that thing?!" O.O;

By the time that it had pulled itself up onto the next level, the three pokemon it was chasing were already long gone. It snarled, and began to charge for the open door that was right in front of it, but Alexis slammed the door shut before it could. Zoroark heard the heavy-duty lock clicking back into place.

For just a second, there was silence. Then a loud bang came from behind the door, accompanied by a blood-curdling screech. There was the sound of a couple loud footsteps, and then it slithered off, growling to itself. Not a single noise came from Zoroark, Alexis, or Elliot.

“How long before the engine goes off?” Elliot asked, brushing some of the goo from its fur.

Zoroark began to feel a mild burning sensation on his feet. The floor of the deck was—

“The deck’s getting hotter,” Alexis commented. “We’d better get a move on.”

Zoroark: "I thought you said we had ten minutes!" O.O;
Alexis: "Yeah, well so did I. Either I underestimated how quickly things would or time really flies in the middle of a near-death experience or six. Now come on!"

They looked at the hallway leading back to the bridge, the sole source of light that didn’t come from the luminous orb. The distant entrance was slowly disappearing under a wall of black goo.

“It’s… fencing us in,” Elliot said.

All: "..."

Zoroark: "I... think I'm going to take a break on going above and beyond on service for a while if I survive this." o_o;

There was a loud gurgling noise from the far side of the hallway, and the goo suddenly exploded forward.


Alexis, Elliot, and Zoroark took off down the opposite side of the hallway as a solid black flood of goo surged down after them. The door at the end of the hallway was wide open. Alexis threw himself through the door, rolling to the side and grabbing the door handle. Once Zoroark and Elliot were through, he slammed the door shut and latched it.

Zoroark: "How did it even get out of there?!"

Elliot: "Your guess is as good as mine! Just keep running!" O_O;

The goo hit the other side of the door with a squelch, creating a sizeable dent in the wall. Alexis, Elliot, and Zoroark were all thrown back by the impact. Some of the goo began to ooze between the cracks. The deck was uncomfortably warm underneath them.

“Keep moving,” was all Alexis was able to pant out. “No matter what.” He got to his feet. “Come on.”

That's... starting to make me think that not everyone in this group is gonna make it off the ship. .-.

The deck only got hotter as they went on. It was soon evident that the whole ship was beginning to heat up, as the walls got hotter and hotter and some of the goo that clung to the surface was beginning to curl away as steam evaporated off its presence.

Zoroark’s ears twitched as he heard the sound of glass cracking, and looked at the exposed window next to him, which had several cracks running down its surface. He quickly put it all together—


Zoroark jumped forward, pinning both Alexis and Elliot to the ground just in time. The windows above them all exploded at once. Shards of glass buffeted the walls above them like a razor leaf. some of them flew through Zoroark’s mane and nicked the very top of his ears. He let out a sharp gasp, shutting his eyes in pain.


Near the end of the hallway, there were screams.

Once it had all been silent for a few seconds, Zoroark got up off the two of them, and all three rose to their feet. Elliot was the first one to speak:

“Did you hear that?” he asked. “Over by the end of the hallway.”

“Yeah,” Alexis said, gingerly stepping around the glass shards around him. “I heard it.” He pulled a scalchop from his side. “Let’s make it quick.”

inb4 it's a trap. Again.

There was a room near the end of the hallway with a door that had been broken clean off its hinges. The black goo was nowhere to be seen. Zoroark caught the last of it retreating into a nearby vent with a pained hiss.

Inside the room, a cranidos, a shinx, and a lopunny sat. They were all huddled up in the middle of the room, and every single one of them looked overheated in some way. By instinct, Zoroark put up an illusion, and to everymon in sight he was Braixen again.

Well, I can already tell that this scene is about to go places.

“Who are you?” Alexis asked harshly, brandishing a scalchop. “Why are you here?”

Alexis: "Also, grab a piece of glass and draw it over a part of your body you don't mind bleeding a little." >:|
Lopunny: "I'm sorry, but what the actual-?"

Elliot: "... Alexis, you're scaring me right now." O_O;
Alexis: "Look, we don't exactly have blood tests on us, and I don't feel like reliving The Thing the hard way at the moment!" >_>;

The lopunny and cranidos cowered down at Alexis’ brash interrogation. But the shinx spoke up.

“We’re a rescue party. We’re supposed to be finding out if there’s anymon aboard this ship to save,” he said with a level tone.

“Then this awful thing made of goo chased us all the way in here!” the lopunny continued for Shinx. “We managed to hide in here before it could get to us. There’s none of that black stuff in here. Then it locked us in. We’ve been trapped ever since.”


Alexis: "Kid, if you value your life, pick up the glass." >:|
Elliot: "Alexis, seriously, can we start with some other way of trying to get to the bottom of the scared and cornered 'mons here?" .-.

“Well, until the door blew off,” Shinx said.

“Why’s it so hot in here?” Cranidos asked.

“Who sent you?” Alexis asked harshly, ignoring Cranidos’ question.

“Calm down,” Shinx urged. “We’re all friends here.”

“Who. Sent. You.”

Alexis: "We could literally get to the bottom of this in five seconds with three little incisions, but noooo, we just have to waste time on this interrogation..." >_>;

“Furret, of Noe Town. We’d contact him to show you, but our connection orb got smashed.”

Zoroark-as-Braixen remembered the smashed connection orb in the hallway.

“Looks like our search party,” Elliot said. “No fakes.” Alexis lowered his scalchop in relief.


“Alright,” he said. “You guys are clear. Follow us. It’s time to get off th—”

The ship exploded.

Whelp, so much for that.

The only warning the six pokemon had was an earsplitting bang before the cabin blew to shreds in a cacophony of steam pressure. The hallway outside was torn apart, and the roof of the ship was blown clean off. Lopunny acted fast. They raised a Magic Coat around the group of pokemon just in time, deflecting the falling debris from hitting or scraping them as it tumbled. When the debris stopped falling, there was no roof above them, and few walls around them were still standing. They were lucky to have the deck underneath them.

Oh. For a second I thought we were gonna find out they were real all along by watching them get turned into red paste. That's... a significantly less depressing solution. ^^;

Alexis: "I'd just like to point out that we could've gotten out of here before all this if you'd just done thing my way, but noooo..." >.<

But the heat of the remaining deck under Zoroark’s feet was almost unbearable by now.

“That wasn’t the only one,” Alexis grunted, getting to his feet. “We need to get to the boats. We’re not that far off.”

“Wait—you knew about the explosion??” Cranidos asked.

“Long story,” said Elliot.

Cranidos: "Do I want to know?"

Elliot: "Uh... probably not, no. Not like now's a good time to explain anyways."

“What do you mean we’re not far off?” Lopunny said, anxiously switching feet so they wouldn’t get burned. “Our boat is on the other side of the ship! Where did you all park?”

“Same place as you did,” Zoroark said. He pointed down the narrow side of the ship, where they could see beyond scattered debris and leveled deck the buildings of Noe Town beyond scattered debris and the leveled deck. “But we can just cut over that way. Now let’s hurry!”

From a collapsed portion of the deck, a clawed, pitch-black hand suddenly slammed itself onto the metal. Its claws created dents in the floor. The head of a Void Shadow slowly raised itself into view, growling lowly.


“That’s it, time to go!” Alexis yelled, ushering the entire party into a run. With unnatural strength, the Shadow leapt into the air, its four limbs slamming into the deck with a mighty impact. For the first time, Zoroark saw it clearly. And he saw that it had no eyes. Then, he realized: it was blind.

And then an idea came to him.

“No, wait!” he yelled, running to the front of the group and shedding his illusion completely. “Stay still!”

inb4 the rookie team bolts and dies in horrific fashion in about 10 seconds

The shadow spun its head in his direction, snarling and sniffing the air.

“You’re working with a zoroark?” Cranidos asked in incredulity.

“Not your biggest problem right now,” Zoroark growled. He turned back to the Void Shadow, which loomed over them. It sniffed the air loudly, then took another step towards the group.

Zoroark took a deep breath, steadying himself to produce an illusion. A phantom bang rang off to the left, that everymon heard. It was followed by the shuffling of several footsteps. The Void Shadow’s head turned towards the noise, and it sprang off in that direction.

I'm reminded of those sequences in Train to Busan where the cast pulls this same trick while the titular train is going through tunnels.

Shinx: "(Wait, you can do that?!)" o_o;
Zoroark: "(Look! Speak after the monster is away, alright?!)" >.<

“It hunts by smell and noise,” he said, once it had pounced off. “I can keep it distracted long enough for us all to escape.”

“Good call. The rest of you, come on!” Alexis waved the group onwards.

Another explosion wracked the ship, hitting the back half. The blast threw Zoroark, Alexis, and all the others sprawling to their paws. The deck took on a decidedly tilted slant, as the port side of the ship began to lean towards the sea…

Zoroark: "(There is no way that it has been ten minutes!)" O.O;
Alexis: "(It was an estimate, alright?!)" >_>;

They were almost at the boats now. The side of the Demetrius was tilted dangerously far over towards the ocean, threatening to crush the small pair of boats below. Alexis was the first to reach the edge, skidding to a stop and waiting for the other five to catch up before he went over.

“Okay, we’re going to have to jump,” he said, pointing at the larger boat. “Stairway’s gone.”

The stairway had long ago been mangled into something not resembling stairs by the explosion.

“How are we going to make it down there?” Cranidos asked. “I wasn’t made for heights…”

Alexis: "Kid, don't make me push you right now." >_>;

An unseen but very heard screech from the Void Shadow shut Cranidos up.

“You and me first.” Alexis grabbed hold of Cranidos, and jumped over the side. They both landed on the deck of the larger boat safely.

“Now the rest of you!” Alexis yelled from below. “Come down in pairs!”

I'm still not convinced that at least one of those three is not really a Void Shadow playing the long game, since Alexis did not do a meaningful check at all on them earlier.

Lopunny grabbed hold of Shinx and jumped over the side. They both landed next to Alexis and Cranidos.

Only Elliot and Zoroark were left. Elliot grabbed Zoroark’s fur, and they were about to jump—

The Void Shadow bounded onto the deck with a loud screech and took a deadly swipe at Zoroark. Zoroark was knocked back onto the deck. Elliot tumbled down and fell onto the deck of the smaller boat.

“Alright, let’s go!” Cranidos yelled, heading for the steering wheel. “We’re taking off!”

Elliot: "Wait, but isn't this a sailing boat?" .-.
All: "..."

“What do you think you’re doing?” Elliot bounded forward, pouncing for Cranidos, but Cranidos easily shook the much lighter pikachu off. Elliot was relentless anyway.

“Getting us out of here, that’s what!” Cranidos cried.

“One of us is still left behind!” Elliot grunted, trying to pry him away from the steering wheel.

“If we stay here any longer, that’s gonna be all of us!”

You probably want to make the Cranidos more shouty/panicked-sounding. But boy is this guy tripping the "about to die horribly" radar, since that usually goes hand in hand with craven displays like these.

The starboard deck of the Demetrius above them groaned dangerously, then fell forward towards the boat just a little closer.

Alexis made his decision.

“Steer us away. But not too far from the ship.”

“What?” Elliot asked. He wasn’t answered. Alexis didn’t answer.

Elliot: "Alexis?! What. The. Hell?!" O_O;
Alexis: "Look, the guy has to be able to swim, right? I did say 'not too far from the ship'." >_>;

Once the sails were drawn, the boat began to speed up.

Zoroark slowly got up off the ground of the Demetrius’ deck, which was almost too hot to touch. The Void Shadow didn’t waste any time, punting him further away from the edge with another swipe of its claws. Zoroark was barely able to gather his bearings before the Shadow grabbed him in its claws, raising him up off the ground. Zoroark struggled to escape and slashed at tis claws wildly with his own, but black goo reinforced the Shadow’s hand and made it too bulky to slice through. The goo tightened around Zoroark’s ribs, and for a moment he thought he was done for…

Then, given the time to fully recover his bearings, he remembered. His kind were tricksters! He knew what to do.

The Shadow’s claws suddenly loosened their grasp on Zoroark at the feeling of something rapidly expanding between them, and Zoroark fell through the gap. There was of course, nothing in the Shadow’s claws. He hit the deck running, making sure that the sounds of his footsteps were going in a completely different direction than the one he was. The Shadow’s head snapped in the direction of the false footsteps, and it charged in the wrong direction.

inb4 wrecking that feint in five seconds with a panicked "AHHHWAITPLEASEDONTLEAVEME!"

Zoroark reached the end of the ship, and jumped over without hesitation. He didn’t realize the ship had left without him until he saw it in the distance, and that he was falling down into a sea of blue. He hit the water, and its cold enveloped him. A burning piece of the wreckage followed soon after, destroying the small lifeboat Zoroark had rowed out to the Demetrius in completely. If Zoroark had been above-water to see, he would have cringed.

Quality rescue teams there. Even if I can't judge them too harshly.

Not a moment later, the Demetrius blew apart completely with an earsplitting boom. Shrapnel and debris flew into the air, and water was sent flying at least a hundred feet high. The rumbling of the wreckage and the splashing of water mixed with the piercing shriek of the monster, which Zoroark didn’t see again.

Zoroark surfaced soon after the boom, but barely. He was trying to swim and keep his head above water, but it was cold and his fur was so heavy and he was tired and couldn’t do it much longer… All he was able to keep his eyes on as he desperately tried to keep himself above water was the shape of the ship in the distance, which had rolled to a stop.

Zoroark: "This- This is it. I-I'm really gonna die like-" O.O

“I see him back there!” Lopunny yelled out. Sure enough, Zoroark was flailing in the water, back towards the Demetrius. This boat wasn’t going to reach him in time. Alexis looked down at the water, repressing another shudder. He didn’t want to go in…

…But then Zoroark disappeared beneath the surface completely, and Alexis realized he had to.

“Oh, screw it.”

Alexis steeled himself, then jumped off the side of the ship and dove into the water.

So wait, does Alexis have a traumatic past experience with water or something like that? Since that is a lot of resistance to getting wet for a 'mon that should be adapted well to staying warm even in frigid waters.

Zoroark sunk further and further down. The water felt like pins and needles on him. It was just too cold, and he was running out of air, and not a single illusion could save him now. Zoroark did his best to kick himself back up to the surface, but it wasn’t enough. He felt weak. His eyes began to close…

Alexis dove deeper and deeper down, his body slipping back into aquatic senses he’d never had to fully use since he’d been forced to a couple of times as an oshawott. He blinked his eyes, and he could see clearly underwater again. He scanned the ocean, glancing around the pieces of debris to see the huddled for of Zoroark. Sinking. Alexis made a beeline straight for him.

Zoroark was almost twice as large as Alexis was, but water made things lighter. All it took as a little push, and some paddling from Alexis’ webbed feet, and they both began to rise up towards the surface.

Alexis broke water, pulling the unconscious form of Zoroark up with him.

Alexis: "Ptoo! Ptoo! You'd think a big guy like him would still be harder to handle, but not gonna question it!"

“Over here!” he called out to the ship in the distance. Ever so slowly, he saw the ship begin to make a roundabout turn and head for his position. Eventually it pulled up parallel to Alexis, and a lifeline was lowered by Lopunny and Shinx.

Zoroark was set on the deck, sopping wet and unconscious. Alexis fervently dried himself, trying get every single bit of the water off him. Just the thought of doing what he had just done made him shudder.

Okay, yeah. This dude totally had a traumatic experience with water as a human.

“I can take over.” Lopunny switched positions with Cranidos, taking over steering the ship. Elliot walked over and sat next to Alexis.

“Thank you,” he said.

“For what?”

“For going back for that one life.”

“Don’t mention it.” Alexis said. He let out a breath of relief and exhaustion. “What do we tell the public?

Kiiiinda think that this moment would have a bit more punch if you took a paragraph or two to show the characters linger / display body language or the like.

“Nothing,” Elliot said.

That sounds like an absolutely terrible idea if I ever heard one. Like you'd think you'd at least tip off law enforcement and leverage the fact that you're local celebrities to stave off the "bruh, what are you on?"-factor in case the Void Shadow also successfully got off the ship.

“What do we tell HAPPI?”


“Think they’ll believe us?”

“Probably not, but it’s worth a try. We know what happened, at least. And we have enough clout that they won’t decommission us for the Demetrius’ loss.”

Elliot: "... Alexis, if we have enough clout for that, isn't that at least argument to tell local law enforcement-?" >:|

Zoroark: "... How often does he make that face anyways?" .-.

“What about the search party?”

“We could pay them off. Tell them to contact us directly if they see anything like it.”

Lopunny: "We're right here, you know!" >.<
Alexis: "Yes, and? Are you seriously telling me that you're not interested in the proposal?"

“You always were better at this than I am.” Alexis got up and cracked his joints. “Meet up at the docks?”



That feels like an absolutely terrible idea to just leave Elliot alone with those three since there is exactly no way that you're being sufficiently paranoid after encountering shapeshifting blob monsters aboard the ship you just sank, but okay then, Alexis.

Zoroark sputtered, coughing up some water.

“Oh, you’re up.” Alexis squatted next to Zoroark, checking to make sure he was fully awake.

“I don’t know if you’re up for it, but you probably want to have that illusion up by the time we land. I don’t have a sash for you to wear right now.”

... Wait, was the importance of Zoroark sashes ever communicated in prior chapters? Since I could've sworn it wasn't mentioned in this guy's first appearance like 10 chapters ago.

The outcry began as soon as the boat docked in the harbor.

“What happened?”

“Why’d the ship explode??”

“Oh my! Are you all okay?”

“They made it out! All of them!”

“Was it pirates?”

Alexis: "Uh... yeah. Pirates. Let's go with that, really." ^^;

“Quiet!” Alexis yelled. Silence immediately came over the crowd.

“Thank you,” he said. Behind him, the rest of the crew shuffled out. Lopunny and Shinx, carrying an unconscious Cranidos, Elliot with his lazily flicking ear, and Zoroark, who was now Braixen again.

... Wait, why is he unconscious again when he was up and lucid in the last scene?

“The Demetrius was boarded at sea by pirate pokemon,” Alexis continued, “and launched an attack on the docks when it sailed in. They took your search party hostage upon boarding, and when we attempted to free the party, they rigged the ship’s engine to explode. We barely made it off the ship with our own lives in time. This maneuver, of course, came at the cost of the pirate pokemons’ lives.” Alexis made a show of looking downwards to the ground in shame. “Now, as a rescue team ourselves, know that neither I nor Elliot relish the prospect of death. But sometimes, like now, we find our paws forced. We could not bring these outlaws to justice. And perhaps, in cases like these, we find death is the greatest justice. A necessary evil. Thank you for your time.”

Furret: "... That's... Uh... Depressing. Shouldn't we be attempting to recover bodies right now, though-?"
Alexis: "No need to bother! They all burned up!" ^^;
Furret: "But there's clearly wreckage sinking into-"
Alexis: "No. Need. To. Bother. I said." >:|
Furret: "Ooookay then..." ._.;

The crowd began to resume its chatter at the end of Alexis’ speech, swarming in without restraint.

“So it was pirates…”

“Were they from the Grass Continent?”

Where else do pirates come from?

“Fair enough.”

Oh, so there is a trade to be had selling stolen emeras there. Though wonder if we're ever going to see that pop up in the story.

“Hey, who’s the braixen?”

“No more questions,” Alexis announced loudly. The questions continued anyway, blending into one other until they were all an unintelligible mass of voices overlapping with each other.

“SILENCE!!” A thunderbolt shot up into the sky, and made the storm above rumble. Everyone cleared away from Elliot, who looked just as laid back as he had before. “We said no more questions. Thank you.”

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... Remind me to never piss off your friend, Dewott." O_O;

Reluctantly, the pokemon in the crowd backed off, allowing Elliot, Alexis, and Zoroark-as-Braixen to walk through. Despite all the faces that were fixated on the three of them, Zoroark cared about only one: the unmoving face of a xatu, perched upon the same pier it had been earlier, now staring directly at him and only him.

Well, that's not ominous at all there!

Klink ‘N Klank’s Diner was a popular attraction of Noe Town. Located in the less shabby portion of town, the diner attracted a steady stream of travelers and made more than enough to break even. As such, it was perhaps one of the most colorful buildings in town.

Alexis had bought Zoroark a yellow sash to wear once they had properly gotten into the town – it was too risky for him to constantly keep up an illusion around pokemon that might be watching. It went around his arm, but he was one of the only pokemon around to wear one. He didn’t understand why everymon else didn’t have one too. Alexis didn’t seem to have the heart to answer that question, so Zoroark hadn’t pressed.

This... is because of the attempted hits on Sparkleglimmer, isn't it? ^^;

Alexis had reserved a table for three in the diner. Zoroark got a strange look every now and then from some of the diners, but it never went beyond that. He eagerly ate his portion of curry with a ferociousness that was unrivaled by all but a dungeon feral. Perhaps that was why all the diners were staring weird at him. He made an attempt to eat a little less sloppily.


Zoroark: "I'm sorry, let's see how neat you eat after not being fed for 48 hours!" >///<

“As we were saying,” Alexis said, stirring Zoroark from his food. “Thank you for your help today. As promised, here’s your side of the pay.” Alexis sat a bag of money on the table.

Zoroark glanced at it in awe, then quickly licked his claws clean before he held it in his paws. “Wait,” he said. “You’re still giving me this? But wasn’t this for—”

“Don’t look a gift ponyta in the mouth.”

That shut Zoroark up.

Zoroark: "... Yeah, I'm just not gonna question it and bounce. Pleasure doing business with ya." ^^;

Alexis leaned forward, his voice lowering. He suddenly looked more serious than usual. “That’s enough to buy you a bed tonight and get you off the continent tomorrow. Maybe even buy your own boat, who cares. But take the money and get out of here. There’s nothing for you on this cold rock of a continent.

Yeah, I'm calling it now. This totally has something to do with Father's death and the attempted hits.

Zoroark gingerly took the sack of poke and held it tight. He finally had it. A fuzzy thought of warmth and security passed through him at the thought. Although, if he was going to have leave the continent tomorrow like Alexis said… Zoroark briefly shivered at the idea of stepping off dry land again.

Why did life always lead him back to boats?

- Meanwhile on the radio in the background:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmGuy0jievs

Zoroark: "... That was really not needed right now. Thanks a lot, universe." >.<

The next day, the storm had passed, and the sun shone down on Noe Town again, accompanied by a chilly winter breeze. The hulking wreck of what was once the Demetrius had been swept away by the wind and waves, only a few pieces of debris floating up to the shore serving as a reminder that it had once existed. The smaller sailboats tethered to the dock had only been lightly battered by the storm, and harbormon were cleaning up the mess and readying their boats for days of travelling, trading, and fishing. If one had not been there yesterday, there would be no reason to assume Noe Town had ever been a dull and dreary place.

... I am not convinced that the Void Shadow didn't just get off that ship somehow while no one was paying attention to the smoldering wreckage.

Zoroark-as-Braixen stood near the edge of the pier, looking out at the sailboats floating out further in the harbor that were scooping up junk in their nets. Unseen to all, his zoroark’s mane flapped and fluttered in the wind, replaced by a false image of magenta ear-fur and a bushy lavender tail. He’d spent the morning failing to cast an illusion, only realizing after ten minutes of terror that the sash seemed to prevent it. So he stuffed it in the pouch instead. As long as it didn’t make contact with him, it didn’t seem to work.

Oh, so that's why the sashes are things. And yeah, that has to have something to do with Sparkleglimmer's run of luck with Zoroark. Though it makes me wonder how on earth that's enforced outside of Mist.

In his claws, he held the sack of poke that Alexis had given him in his claws. The weight of it felt heavy, like he shouldn’t be holding it.

The weight of Alexis’ words in his head hung heavier: “Take the money and get out of here. There’s nothing for you on this cold rock of a continent.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "(Sure would've helped if that Dewott would've given some recommendations of where to go if this entire continent's apparently a no-go zone for me.)" >_>;

It was a warning. Zoroark didn’t know if he should heed it, but if there was one thing he wasn’t looking for more of, it was trouble. He shook the pouch, listening to the golden coins inside jingle. By the sound of it and the weight, he had just enough to buy a small boat. Alternatively, he could buy a ticket for a wailord liner trip, and then many more things after that. He could leave the continent if he wanted. As for where… That, he didn’t know yet. Somewhere warmer for sure, where it was still summer and he didn’t feel chilly in his thick coat of fur.

“Hmm, but is that the right thing to do?”

Zoroark jumped—the voice had come out of nowhere. He quickly turned his head to the far left, glancing at the xatu he hadn’t even noticed until then. No surprise, given the bird was as silent as the guardrails they were perched on. They stared up at the sun, in the same craning position he had seen them in yesterday.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... I'm just going to inch away very slowly right now." O_O;

“H-how did you do that?” he asked, flustered.

The xatu looked down at him with the same piercing, unchanging stare they greeted the sun with. “How did I do what?”

“Finish my thought like that. How?”

“We humble xatu are Seers,” the xatu answered calmly. “In other words, I can see the past and the many possible futures. I knew you would think before you thunk it.” They turned back to the sun, meeting its rays with an unmoving stare once more.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... But I'm a Dark-type-" .-.
Xatu: "And visions of the future are handy for getting around that, really." ^v^;

Zoroark huffed, moving slightly farther away from the xatu and looking out at the sea beyond. The idea of somemon knowing everything he’d ever thunk made him uneasy… but he wouldn’t be here much longer. Maybe the xatu was just waiting to catch a boat too.

“Or, more honestly I couldn’t help but overhear it,” the xatu continued over the silence.

“Can you stop reading my thoughts?” Zoroark asked

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Seriously. This isn't supposed to even be physically possible right now!" o_o;
Xatu: "Well it is in this setting, obviously."

“You’re a loud thinker,” the xatu said. “Why, it’s like shouting to a room. Everymon with the ability can hear you clear as day.”

Zoroark suppressed a shiver. He really didn’t like that.

Ah, so Dark-typing just has no effect on telepathy or mind-reading in this setting, noted for the future.

“Not to worry,” the xatu said. “I’ll try and blot it out.”

“What did you mean?”


“You asked me if leaving was the right thing to do,” Zoroark said. “What does that mean?”

“I cannot tell you your own future. But if I may, allow me to impart upon you the future of another.” The xatu gracefully gestured to the right with a wing, and Zoroark looked over to see a bonsly haggling away with a krabby fishermon several boats across.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... I'm sorry but why do I care about their futures again?" >:|
Xatu: "Because you're curious and want to hear where I'm going with this?"

“He is the father of three who has lost the boat he uses for his trade and cannot afford another,” Xatu said. “He believes the storm has done away with it. But you and I both know better.”

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "I... really did not need to know that, thanks."

Xatu: "Well, now you do. The question is: what will you do about it?"

Immediately, Zoroark felt jittery. Surely it wasn’t the same boat. It couldn’t have been. And how did this Xatu know, anyway—right, seer or whatever.

Deep down, he knew it was the same boat.

“Without another, he and his family will starve to death come the Big Storm this year. Unless…”

The 'Big Storm', huh? Somehow I doubt that's just a meteorological event that's being referred to there.

“Unless?” Zoroark asked.

“Unless you offer a helping paw,” Xatu said, glancing down at the purse in Zoroark’s hands. “I understand there is just enough poke in that purse to buy another boat.”

Zoroark clutched it tightly. He had gone through hell and back for this money. It was his ticket out of here, his ticket to safety. His ticket to a new life. How could he give it all up just like that?

To illustrate you have a heart and build up your audience sympathy since I'm pretty sure that you're meant to come back in future chapters? Sounds like a pretty good reason, really. ^^

“You’re asking me to give everything in this sack?” he asked.

“To save lives infinitely more valuable than a few bits of gold, yes,” Xatu said.

“But what about my life?” Zoroark asked. “What am I going to do without these “bits of gold”? They seem pretty valuable to me.”

“His need is greater.”

Xatu: "Zoroark, you do realize that I specifically mentioned he has three children who will starve to death along with him, right?"
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... Look, just because you're correct doesn't mean you're instantly right, okay?" >_>;

Zoroark felt the beginnings of a growl begin to stir in his throat. That magby hadn’t been the one who had suffered through the nightmares aboard that ship, or spent a night adrift on the sea with an empty belly and soaked fur; why should he give up his hard-earned cash for a pokemon he didn’t even know?

... Wait, but I could've sworn that the fisherman was mentioned as a Krabby. Where is this Magby coming from?

But the boat he had taken had been the magby’s. It was only fair he pay off something he had stolen in the first place. The question was boiling up in his mind like a water gun: could he live with himself? Could he walk onto that liner, knowing that a family of pokemon were going to die because of his actions?

See above. Also, I'm pretty sure from how much you're dwelling on this, Zoroark, that the answer is 'no'.

“You say he’ll die without a boat?” Zoroark asked. “You know that for sure?”

“He and his family, yes,” the xatu answered. “I looked into his future. You are his last hope.”

“And I’m the only one who can help him?”


Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Look, I just want to point out that the Dewott and Pikachu who hired me were flush with-" >_>;
Xatu: "Already left town. Leaving you to decide their fates. So what will it be, Zoroark?"

And all of the sudden, neither path seemed like such a great option. Zoroark thought to himself for a moment. The distant bellow of a wailord sent him back to reality. If he had to choose…

He’d right his wrong. With a deep breath to stop his legs from shivering enough to make him lose his balance, Zoroark-as-Braixen began to walk across the harbor.

The magby was already walking away from the boat empty-handed by the time Zoroark-as-Braixen caught up with him.

Oh, so it's the 'mon haggling with the fishermon that is the boat owner. Though yeah, with the repeated mentions of 'Magby' there, I assume the earlier 'Bonsly' is an error.

... Though wait a minute, how does either of the two manage to be a father of three when they're both Baby Pokémon? .-.

“Here,” he said, stiffly holding out the pouch of money. “For your troubles.”

The magby tilted his head in confusion. “Who are you? And what’s in that bag?”

“Poke,” Zoroark-as-Braixen breathed. “Enough to buy you a new boat. I—” He stuttered, realizing that he shouldn’t have even known. “—I heard you lost your old one.”

Magby: "... How on earth did you?" .-.
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "A little bird told me. Quite literally." ^^;

It was a moment before the magby hesitantly jumped up and snatched the bag from Zoroark-as-Braixen’s claws. His eyes brightened when he heard the jingle in the bag and realized that it was true.

“Well, thanks,” he said. “I don’t really know what else to say, but… thanks.”

He looked up. No-mon was there.

Magby: "H-Huh?! Braixen, where did you go?" .-.

“…Huh.” He tilted his head again in confusion, then began to walk away with the sack of poke. Behind the invisibility illusion that Zoroark had cast, he sighed. Thin air deftly moved behind a stack of battered crates and walked out as a purple-furred braixen. He only had one option now.

It never occurred to him until the Xatu was gone that it shouldn’t have been able to see his thoughts at all.

You see, I knew that that was weird, but I have no explanation for what on earth just happened there, then. .-.

Alexis and Elliot were already on the outskirts of town by the time that Zoroark had caught up with them.

“Wait!” he called out, prompting both of them to look back. Alexis’ face fell, like he was staring into the face of a battle already lost.

“Yes,” he asked, turning around fully. “Something you need?”

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Uh... a boat ticket since I ran into an unexpected expense?"
Alexis: "..."

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "... It was worth a shot?" ^_^;

“You’re headed back into Pokemon Paradise, right?” Zoroark-as-Braixen asked. “I want to come with you there.”

“You’d be better-off sticking to the main path for that,” Alexis said. “Elliot and I, we travel rough.”

“I can take rough,” Zoroark said, walking closer. “Travelling rough in a group is safer than travelling easy alone.”

I mean, he's got a point there, just saying.

Alexis sighed. He looked to Elliot, who shrugged in response.

“If you think you can handle it,” he said. “You’re hunting for yourself, though. We only brought rations for two.”

His eyes read with resigned disappointment: I told you to get out of here.

Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Again, an unexpected expense came up." ^^;
Alexis: "How do you have an unexpected expense come up that's so expensive that you can't afford a liner ticket. Those aren't that expensive these days!" >_>;
Zoroark-as-Braixen: "Er... it's a long story, really." ^^;

Zoroark’s read with an optimism that Alexis both envied and pitied. He turned around, gesturing Zoroark-as-Braixen onwards as he and Elliot began to continue onwards. The last of Zoroark’s illusion dissolved around him as the trio entered the mist-covered woods ahead.

That's at once really endearing, and really, really concerning since Mist doesn't exactly sound like a good place to be a rusefox from those earlier snatches of dialogue.

Alright, was a bit of an event, but I think I'm ready to put together a postmortem:

It seemed like a nice bottle episode / introduction to Team Anthem as a plot thread, or at least I think that's where you're going with that ending. It also was a nice insight into Team Anthem and Zoroark, and it illustrates how even if they (with the possible exception of Elliot) aren't exactly heroic, that they ultimately do have hearts to them. (Moreso Zoroark than Elliot, but hey, minor victories!) You were clearly having fun with the horror vibes and exploiting ratings loopholes this chapter, and it was kinda hilarious to see a couple of things mentioned in jest turn out to be where the plot actually wound up going with things.

As for criticisms... I won't give too much crap about the length, since the chapter kept me engaged, but I don't think it was as impossible to split as you think. Since around where Zoroark gets outed actually feels like it'd have made for a decent spot to chop things up to make a two-parter, since it covers ~6800 words of content and the following scene picks up on a timeskip. I do wonder if a couple of things ought to have been explained more. Like you noticed a couple bits from Part 1 where a lack of description threw me here and there, and I kinda wonder if more ought to have been provided for context re: Zoroark sashes. Even if it was something as simple as "Bruh, it's local law and you're setting yourself up for trouble".

I... was honestly expecting the original Rescue Team to be a source of trouble, and I still can't tell if they were legit or not. If they were, you might honestly want to consider something like the blood trick/bootleg The Thing strategy both as a horror nod and to give a hard tipoff to the reader that "yeah, these guys are unambiguously Pokémon", especially since you have a convenient way to pull that off from the room blowing up on them where stray debris could nick them or else get stepped on without much effort. Unless if Alexis taking a leap of faith in the face of "Dude, the ship's about to blow" was the point.

But all-in-all, I think that this chapter delivered decently well @SparklingEspeon , and I'm looking forward to getting deeper into Part 3 since just the opening was a wild ride. ^^

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, took a while to get this one together since I’ve been busy making glubbing noises with another review exchange on a hard time limit by the end of the month, so some of this feedback might be outdated by time of posting. But hey, I felt like taking a breather from it, and seeing more of what Part 3 of this story held in store seemed as good of material for an intermission as any:

Chapter 30

Headline Today: Record-breaking heat forecast set for Lively Town, east side of Water Continent

Weather-sensing experts predict that the east side of the Water Continent may see record-breaking heat levels over the next few days.

“It’s been getting steadily hotter for a couple of decades or so,” said Castform, lead meteorologist on the Water Continent. “But this year is the most drastic rise in temperature we’ve seen yet. We’re still researching what could have caused such a temperature hike, but one thing is clear: this summer will be the hottest summer any of us have ever seen.”

I'll take the under on that heat wave being natural.

Water, a tropical continent, is no stranger to heat. But as temperatures inexplicably rise, the climate becomes more and more unforgiving to water and ice-type pokemon, who suffer in a warmer climate. Already, many are packing up and leaving Lively Town for areas with colder seasons.

~ The Lively Town Times

... Oh, so the planet is already falling towards the sun, huh?

It was sunny. Off the coast of Mist, where the sun rarely shone even during summer, that was considered a warm day.

A streak of hot red shot across the ocean at speeds only the fastest birds could match. Not fast enough.

Latias had been flying for a day and a half. At some point, Latios was there, but she hadn't heard him since the last dark blast. She wanted to look back, just to make sure he was still there and that he was okay, but to do that meant to lose some of her velocity. And that wasn’t an option.

Oh, so we're about to see
onscreen, huh?

She still hadn't laid eyes on just what was chasing her. All she knew was that it was large, large enough to make the air howl behind her. A black flake danced into the corners of her vision every so often, ever so small but just enough for her to know her pursuer wasn't of this world.

It had been like that ever since they flew past the storm.

Wait, the storm that C9 flew through like 10 chapters ago? What else did that Void Shadow in there mess up? .-.

The storm was large. It twisted down to the ocean like a massive cyclone, and the center was almost pitch black. They were out scouting, looking for any trace of their peers. Word from the other legends had abruptly dropped off three weeks ago, and nature was beginning to spin out of control. Just the storm in front of them had grown larger and more powerful than any storm should have been.

Then, it expanded. The blackness began to break away from the main storm, and soon something was chasing them.

Latios always knew what to do. Latias had asked him, shouting as loud as she could over the whistling of air, what they should do. Latios had said they needed to find the island.

Further explanation wasn't given. There wasn't time.

I... am not convinced that that's really a storm.

Latias had only been told about the Island in stories kept tightly contained to the circle of Legends, the only ones who could be trusted with that knowledge. It was a small rock that existed off the coast of Mist, housing the entrance to another world that should never be opened. If it ever was, then a terrible force would descend upon the planet and lead it to its doom. Latios hadn't said it, but just from his words Latias had been able to infer what had happened. It must have been opened at some point. And whatever chased her now… it was from there.

Yeah, thanks for that by the way, Espurr. Unless that's supposed to be a different seal to the Voidlands that broke. :V

But for it to be able to control the storm so… Latias tried not to think about the implications.

Wait, so is a Void Shadow doing this? Or is this just straight-up Dark Matter in action?

The Mist air finally began to chill her fins, a familiar sense of frost from zooming around the continent settling in. She must have been close to the coast now.

And sure enough, just ahead, there was a thick shroud of fog in the distance. That fog had never lifted all her life, no matter how many times she came near this continent or at what time of the year it is. Unmoving fog was only reminiscent of one thing, she knew: a mystery dungeon.

Huh. Not sure how I didn't pick up on Mystery Dungeons having shrouds of fog in this setting sooner. I could've sworn there were a bunch in and around Serenity Village described without them though.

The sound of grating vocal cords alerted Latias to what was about to happen: another blast. She was ragged and tired, but thankfully the beast was large and a fraction too slow for her. She banked hard right just before a blast of pure black hurtled outward where, eclipsing the airspace where she had been. Those attacks weren't often, but they were devastating. A flock of birds were caught in the blast the first time, and she didn't even see them after that.

I mean, had she lingered, she might have been able to see a set of bird statues hit the water, but then she'd probably be dead from the storm from how quickly it's implied to be moving. ^^;

More raspy, grating, avian vocal cords. Latias managed to duck just before another blast flew over her head. Two in a row hadn't happened before. All the same, she kept her bearings and managed to stay ahead of the creature. The fog was growing closer, closer, closer—

She hit it, and mist enveloped her vision. Despite the high speeds she was going at over the water, she couldn't see more than six feet in front of her.


Since... yeah, flying at high speed in close to zero visibility.

She still heard the flaps after her. The beast was still on her tail, and it was like it could see her clear as day. The fog didn't even seem to be displaced behind it.

Oh so she is being pursued by a Void Shadow. They can fly. That's... a wonderful mental image that's not going to inspire nightmares.

Eventually, the mist started to thin out. And the heat began rising. Latias saw the spines of sharp rocks below. Many of them were eroded with age, or broken away by something else. She saw a large rock formation ahead, which she wouldn't hit for a minute. And in the distance, she saw what looked like a shipwreck.

It wasn’t like any shipwreck she'd ever seen. Pitch black from top to bottom, no sails, a hull made of metal. The white front, which looked strikingly like an aggron's skull, was floating in the water, wrenched apart. The ship looked like it had been speared on the rocks from above—like somemon threw it in that position.

for the Aggron and her crew.

No matter. A shipwreck in waters this treacherous wasn't anything new. Latias set her sights ahead, but for a split second forgot to pay attention to what's chasing her—

She barely dodged a dark blast that flew out into the fog and dissipated just before it reached the formation. Latias dove through a hole in the rocks—

The hole was just the right size for Latias, but too small for the creature to make. She heard the earsplitting crash as it collided with the rocks, the loud, birdlike screech as it collapsed on the creature, and the splash as the creature was knocked back into the ocean. That might buy her a minute.

Latias: "A-A minute?! How is that thing not dead from that?!" O.O

The island had to be around here somewhere. The chill of the Mist air has faded into something blisteringly hot, and Latias didn't understand it. But she pressed forward anyway. And soon, she got her answer.

A thick blanket of mist suddenly parted, opening up into a sea clearing that houses ahead the island she was desperately flying towards. Except, it was only half the island. On it stood a mountain made of fire, sending waves of heat through the air around it. Latias could have sworn it was nearly shining with energy.

Pretty sure that that is an absolutely terrible sign right now considering that that aligns with the eruption of that one volcano in the Voidlands but okay.

She could hear the screeches of the creature behind her, still on the chase. Luckily, she paid attention in her classes. She knew what to do. She skidded to a stop down by the island's beach, searching for what she knew she needed to find: a pillar. The creature was delayed, but it was still fast approaching.

Latias: "Holy mystery dungeon! It's still alive?! How?!"

Latias found the pillar just in time. She fumbled with the cards on it, trying to figure out what to do with them. For a frightening second, they came off, but then she realized they were removable. She placed them back, and just as the creatures burst out of the fog with a screech, slotted them in the only way they could slot: forward.

... Oh, this is the mine that was set up from the island DM showed Sparkleglimmer. Guess 50 years of activity takes its toll on a plug to a hell dimension.

You might also want to be clearer earlier on that Latias is being pursued by multiple parties and not just one.

Finally, she saw the creature in all its glory: a magnificent dark bird, made entirely of black, swirling dust. Its wings spread out like colossal claws, and it outsized Latias many times over. It reared its head, preparing to release yet another blast, and between her own exhaustion and the blistering heat Latias couldn't move fast enough to dodge it. But she didn't need to. With a rumble, the mountain began to sink further into the ground, and it began to pull the creature down along with it. It shrieked as more and more of its body evaporated, sucked into the slowly sinking mountain. The shaking enveloped the island, and the mountain and the monster became one.

But it only took a minute, and soon the peak of the mountain sunk into the ground, the earth closing up behind it with just a few rumbles. And then all was still.

... Can't tell if Void Shadow or Yveltal there, but that sounds like a pretty good argument to "nope nope nope" off the island either way.

It was a minute before Latias dared to move. When she could finally muster the courage to look up from where she was cowering, she saw that where the mountain was, only a completely smooth plateau of unnatural, blue-colored stone existed.

How did a mountain disappear into the ground? What was that creature? And why her and Latios? Latias knew only her brother could answer those questions right now.

But where was he?

- Meanwhile at the bottom of the sea, a Lapras outlaw in the middle of a pursuit arc comes across a suspiciously well-carved statue -
Lapras: "Oh cool, a Latios statue! Must've sucked to be the guys who had this fall off their ship."

"Latios!" she calls out to empty mist, awaiting a call she deep down knew she wouldn't get back.


But the mists were silent, and soon it hit Latias like a truck. She really was alone that whole time.

She cried, and [ ].

Wait, does that point of comparison even make sense for this world when I don't think it's ever been established that anyone in this setting has seen a truck or even has a conception of them? Might want to pick a vehicle that definitely exists, or else a move that would really, really suck for a Latias to endure such as a Draco Meteor or something.

Also, I think that you might have had text get eaten at some point from the last paragraph in this block, since something about it feels like it cuts off very abruptly.

But eventually she was out of tears to cry. And there was nothing here but desolate rocks, the wrecks of ships long lost to see, and singed trees burnt by something that was no longer there. The Legends had long since agreed to stay out of the affairs of other pokemon, but the situation was different now. Latias knew she couldn’t keep that arrangement. And the closest guild she knew of that would listen to her pleas was the Archeology Division on the Sand Continent…

To the Sand Continent it was, then. She needed to report what she'd seen, and get the information out to somemon who would listen.

For even if she wasn't there when the First Devastation happened, even if her teachers hadn't told her everything she needed to know, she knew enough to know what this meant: The end of the world was approaching.

Wait, do Legendaries in this story operate the same way that they do in Crashing Fate where they're normal 'mons uplifted into those forms by Arceus or someone else? I'm assuming they tick differently thanks to Latias explicitly referring to Latios as her brother, but I'm not fully sure.

The Lively Mountain Range was the opposite of its name: vast, barren, and deserted. The sun shone harshly down on the mountains, making the steep pathways hot to the touch. Without a map, there was a real danger of getting lost out here and perishing in the heat.

And neither Espurr nor Tricky had brought the most important thing on their trip.

Fantastic job there, you two. :V

"Water…" Tricky panted out, trying not to trip over or kick around any rocks as they scaled a narrow passageway up a steep mountainside. Her ears and tail drooped as she panted, making an exaggerated show of how parched she was. Espurr, walking alongside her, was just as thirsty, but she didn't have a solution. Aside from mentally kicking herself for being stupid enough to bring a bag full of everything but water.

Uh... yeah, that was kinda an epic fail there. Since in order of things that you need to survive, most creatures need water a lot sooner than food before death by dehydration kicks in.

I would be surprised by Tricky just allowing Espurr to do this when surely she's read stuff in that book of hers beating it over the head of how important water is, but then I remembered all the times that she plunged headfirst into a MD with literally zero planning, so... it's a wash, really.

They'd fled through the night, with high hopes that they'd be in Lively Town the next morning. The Water Continent couldn't be that big, after all… right? But it was high noon now, and all Espurr and Tricky could see around them were the vast expanse of mountains. All they had to go on was the taut string of hope that Espurr was following the map correctly, and they weren't simply wandering aimlessly throughout the mountains.


Hon, it's called the Water Continent. Continents are yuge.

Luckily, the route had been outlined in red. Whoever had this map last had wanted to be very sure they would get from Serenity Village to Lively Town without getting lost, which Espurr silently thanked whatever deities were up there in the sky for. There were so many splinter paths around here they would have gotten lost for sure otherwise.

Even if that's admirable foresight on Ampharos' part, I... am not convinced that that's going to be sufficient to keep them from getting lost. ^^;

Traveler pokemon often crossed these paths when coming to and from Lively Town, so Espurr didn't understand why the cliffside passes were so narrow. A few of them probably wouldn't have even fit a trader's wagon. Veering a little further from the edge, she reached into her bag and spread Ampharos' map again, attempting to pinpoint their location on it. That was easy; the large mountain just ahead of them was outlined clearly on the map. That was the good news. With her eyes, she traced the path they were on and saw a big, purple blotch on the map between them and Lively Town…

That was the bad news.

To answer the question, Espurr, but it's usually because expanding the path/pass would be a PITA and the traveler volume through it doesn't economically justify it.

Wondering what that blotch is though. I suspect a Mystery Dungeon from Espurr's reaction, but...

Behind her, Tricky let out a loud groan and let her legs give way. She slumped over onto the path.

"Espuuur," she whined. "I can't go on any longer! Don't we have any water?"

"No, we don't," Espurr said. She didn't see the point in sugarcoating it. "I'm thirsty too. But lying around isn't going to help any.

"Besides," she added, flapping the map in her paws for effect. "I'm sure there'll be water in Lively Town. This map says we're close."

I... kinda wonder if Espurr's dialogue ought to be rearranged a bit. Since you could do it kinda like this without having the multiparagraph line of dialogue:

"No, we don't," Espurr said. She didn't see the point in sugarcoating it.

I'm thirsty too. But lying around isn't going to help any," she added, flapping the map in her paws for effect. "Besides, I'm sure there'll be water in Lively Town. This map says we're close."

Some food for thought anyways.

Tricky: "... Espurr, what is that big purple blotch on the map between us and Lively Town?" .-.
Espurr: "... A minor navigational hurdle?"

Tricky's ears couldn't help but give a revealing perk upwards at that. She looked up at Espurr.

"How close?"

"It's just a couple of mountains over. We're nearly there. But…" Espurr turned around, waiting for Tricky to walk up to where they could both survey the massive mountain ahead of them. "We have to go through that big mountain first. And it's a mystery dungeon."

Yuuuup, I figured as much.

If Espurr was being honest with herself, this was the opportunity she had secretly been hoping for the entire trip. She knew they were being followed; she had seen the distant lights in the mountains during the night when they had travelled. The beheeyem were tireless and they weren't far behind. A mystery dungeon was the perfect opportunity to throw them off, or at least slow them down. It would give them a few hours' worth of an advantage at worst, and if she was reading that map correctly, they'd be safely on the other side of the Lively Mountain Range by then.

Pretty sure that this is tempting fate on all sorts of levels right about now, but okay, Espurr.

Tricky pulled herself to her feet, walking over with a clearly artificial spring in her step. Espurr could see the weariness in it as well.

"Well, if we're that close… how bad can one mystery dungeon be?" she asked.

Aaaaaaand they're doomed.

"Not too bad," Espurr said, more hopefully than anything. She just hoped it wasn't one of those ten floor monster dungeons. She steeled herself. "Not too bad at all. We can make it."

Just casually waving the finger in fate's face and daring it to do something, huh?

"That's the spirit!" Tricky sang, and the two pokemon set out on the remainder of their quest with renewed vigor the both of them knew in the back of their minds wouldn’t last.

Far behind them in the distant mountain range, red, green, and yellow lights twinkled.

Totally a promising sign for how this MD run is about to go.

"Here it is," Espurr said, panting. The rest of their trip towards the mountain had thankfully been downhill, but they were now at the foot of the mystery dungeon that stood between them and Lively Town—the map called it Gentle Slope Cave.

You see, considering the batting averages for MDs in and around Serenity Village, I'm expecting this to turn out to be a horrorshow straight out of Rebirth with a name like that with the namer trying to have a giggle with a cruel joke.

The air vibrated around them; both Espurr and Tricky could smell a faint tinge of the rancid scent of Mystery Dungeon. But that was typical. Espurr and Tricky looked at each other, then grabbed paws.



"Together on three. One… Two…"


They both barreled into the dungeon—

I... kinda wonder if it would've made more sense to drop in a bit more emotional / body language reaction here from Espurr and/or Tricky. Like are there any cracks showing through this determined facade at the moment or are they just legit ready to storm the castle? A little hard to get the intended vibe ATM.

And fell out in a heap into the halls of a cavern that didn't look quite right. Espurr and Tricky picked themselves up, coughing from the dust that had just been pushed into their faces. It was a coughing fit that lasted far longer than it should have, spurred on by their dry throats. Eventually, Espurr steadied herself against the cavern wall and managed to stop coughing long enough to catch her breath.

Espurr: "Wait, where's the 'Gentle Slope' part? All I see is the 'Cave'." .-.

The hallways of the cavern were twisted in ways that wouldn't have been possible outside of a mystery dungeon, with bits and pieces of sky and moss snaking in from the ground and walls. Inside of a dungeon, however, it was pretty normal fare. Espurr studied the walls intently, but nothing alarmed her at first glance. She watched Tricky get to her feet, slowly shouldering her bag and continuing in through the dungeon's halls.

The dungeon was deserted save for the two of them, and the faint traces of the rancid scent from before had disappeared. After a while Espurr tentatively dropped her guard, realizing that this dungeon seemed to be devoid of enemies. Not that she particularly had the energy to fight a feral off if they did run into one, and she could sense off Tricky that she didn't either. For the dungeon's emptiness, she was thankful.

I think you should axe one of the 'one's as a repetition-curbing / clarity thing, but that's just me.

Really, really fighting the urge to break out Bubsy again so soon, but boy are you tempting fate right now, Espurr.

On the second floor, they came across the remains of an overturned trader's cart. The trader was nowhere to be seen, and the rotten stench coming off the cart's insides made Tricky retch in disgust and Espurr cover her nose to block out the smell. It was to Tricky's surprise that she saw Espurr slowly inching towards the caravan, keeping one paw clamped over her nose and reaching the other out to pull off the cart's tarp.

Imagine thinking it's a good idea to try to go through a MD with a cart considering the sorts of observed conditions we've seen in the past.

Like it just feels like such a Darwin Award-tier action to make in this setting considering how there are so many things that could potentially go wrong just navigating a MD without babysitting a big, vulnerable vehicle.

"What are you doing?" Tricky gagged, covering her nose with her paws and wrinkling it the more the tarp came off. "That stuff's rotting!"

"But still…" Espurr gasped between breaths she was taking with her mouth. "There might be…"

With a thwoomp, the tarp came off, revealing its contents to the two pokemon. Their eyes settled amongst one thing among all the other rotting goods:


Tricky: "... Espurr, is that water even safe to drink if it's just been sitting in and around rotting berries all this time?"

Espurr: "... I mean, would you rather have no water and die of thirst?"

Both pokemon scrambled over to the cart, thoughts of rotting goods and awful smells forgotten as they hoisted the large canister of water out of the cart. Tricky greedily stuck her head in and drank once they had gotten the lid open, and once she was done, Espurr drank too.

Surprised those canisters weren't covered in nasty, rotting berry goop there. But guess the girls were just too thirsty to really pay it mind.

The canister was empty before they knew it, and now that Espurr had drank, she felt hungry. But the rotting stench in the corners of her nostrils—and was some in her fur? She shuddered and tried not to think about that—was enough to put her appetite on hold for a while. Anything they could have eaten would probably just end up right back on the floor anyway.

With their thirst quenched, the two pokemon promptly picked themselves up, adjusted their bag and scarves, and continued on their way down the dungeon. The two of them didn't stop to question what had happened to the driver.


The bear attacked on the third floor.

You... probably want a hard scene break after paragraph 2 there, since there's quite a jump of place, time, and scenario in the very next paragraph.

Though considering how bad that smell was described, I'm surprised they didn't opt to yoink the canister and drink it someplace that wasn't filled with a nausea-inducing smell.

It came out of nowhere, with a roar and an opening swipe that flung Espurr from the floor into a nearby wall. Some of the rock chipped off where she hit it, breaking away to reveal endless blue skies on the other side.

Tricky immediately lashed out with an ember, but the bear snuffed the attack out of existence with its left paw. Tricky yelped and ran further back before the bear could snatch her up in its jaws.

Espurr peeled herself off the wall, watching the bear pursue Tricky further down the halls. Once she registered what was happening, she acted without thinking.

Ah yes, a violent reminder that normie animals are a thing in this setting. Guess those are the ferals of this particular dungeon. Maybe. Probably. Though this particular one I'm pretty sure is more dangerous than a number of Pokémon.

"Over here!" Espurr yelled, focusing her mental tendrils on the bear's stubby tail. Mercilessly, she yanked it.

The bear let out a squeal of pain, trying to shake its rump free of Espurr's grip. Tricky hid behind a convenient boulder while it was distracted.

The bear's body force was too strong—Espurr couldn't hold on forever. She eventually lost her grip, watching in fright as the bear turned around and began to make a beeline straight for her.

Yuuuup, that very much reads like it's being controlled right now, since with a reaction like that, I'd have expected it to flee originally.

She dived out of the way just as it made to pin her down, rolling over and out of the bear's reach. The bear slammed into the dungeon wall, its weight breaking away the rest of the rock formation. It left behind a large, bear-sized hole, revealing an endless expanse of blue skies beyond the dungeon's barriers.

Espurr: "I guess you could say that the wall formation...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

just couldn't bear it."
Tricky: "Espurr, that pun was bad and you should feel bad." >_>;

Espurr felt the balance of the dungeon begin to shift, as her body began to slide down the floor that was quickly becoming the wall. Realizing where she was going to end up if she didn't move fast, she scrambled across the diagonally-tilted ground until there was a sturdy rock wall below her for her to land on.

The bear seemed to realize the danger it was in too, and began to follow Espurr across. Espurr turned around and shot a blast of concentrated mental energy straight at the bear. The bear was blown back and fell into the hole, catching the rock wall that was now the ground by a single paw. It was too heavy—the rock that it had a pawhold on began to crack under its weight. There was nothing Espurr could do but gasp for air from where she was and watch the ground crack under it in abject horror and fascination.

Oh, I didn't realize that the bear hadn't fallen to its death yet.

All of the sudden, the rock gave out, and the bear was sent plummeting into the depths below. Its departure was punctuated by a howling roar that became softer and softer until Espurr's ears couldn't pick it up anymore.

Then there was only silence, and the hole.

Tricky slowly crept forward, bugging her eyes out at the hole in the ground. There was a strip of still-intact rock along the edges of what had once been right next to the roof. Tricky shimmied her way across, taking extra super care not to lose her footing and fall into the abyss.

Tricky: "Well that was more than a little messed up there."

Espurr: "At least it wasn't a Pokémon that fell to its death? I dunno, I wasn't really bothered by that."

"What happened?" she asked, once she had gotten across safely. "Why are we on the wall now? And why's there a hole in the wall? Did that hole do this?"

Espurr nodded in response to that last question, still transfixed with wide eyes on where the bear had fallen. "I guess this is what happens when you break a mystery dungeon."

"I… I guess so," Tricky mumbled, cowed.

Neither of them mentioned the bear. The silent horror of the incident was unspoken between them.

Never mind, guess Espurr was bothered by that incident after all. Though I wonder if this was also one of the MDs that Riolu was chewing on, since I wouldn't have expected it to get "broken" so easily. Makes me wonder if it's also weak and close to death.

The Gentle Slope Cave was, thankfully, only three floors, but what had felt like thirty minutes inside the dungeon seemed to have taken the entire day instead. Espurr and Tricky staggered out into the sunset, looking up at the waning sun in the sky. But it didn't matter, as far as Espurr was concerned. They were past the hardest part; it was all going to be downhill from here! She felt her spirits raise just a little.

Oh, so WotA-style time dilation is confirmed for some MDs in this setting. Am I tripping, or did that not happen in any of the ones in and around Serenity Village?

Until Tricky's stomach growled.

"Ugh…" she groaned.

"I really wish we brought something to eat." "I wish we did too," Espurr admitted. She was feeling the weariness inside her; all of her bones ached with the weariness of having not rested for a day and a half.

... Wait, so is that 'but it was just 30 minutes' literal or did half a day legitimately go by in there? Since if their bodies only perceived 30 minutes, wouldn't that also reflect in how they parse their weariness?

Behind her, Tricky collapsed. She was panting, and looked run ragged.

"Can we stop here for the night?" she whined. "I'm so beat. We've been walking all night and all day... Don't you feel tired?"

Espurr had to agree: she was tired. And they couldn’t see the town yet… would they even be able to make it there before collapsing from exhaustion?

That... sounds like an absolutely terrible idea since the MD was only 3 floors long, and it you were able to make it through relatively without incident, those Beheeyem are almost certainly going to be doing the same, too.

“Maybe a small nap wouldn’t hurt,” she mumbled. Silently, she turned around and fell on her rump, letting the bag on her shoulder slump down to the floor. Flickers of worry ran through her mind. They couldn't sleep here! What if the beheeyem got here while they were asleep? What then? But it was, ever-so-slowly, overridden by every bone in her body screaming out for a good night's rest she hadn't really had for the last week.

Which I'm pretty sure is going to directly result in them coming across you. ^^;

Tricky snuggled next to her, yawning and not-so-subtly laying her head on Espurr's bag as a pillow. Espurr lay there, keeping her eyes wide open. Even if they had to rest—even if she had to rest—she could still keep guard. There would be time to sleep more when they got to Lively Town.

To Lively Town… Espurr's weary mind clung to that one phrase as she felt her eyelids begin to droop and she couldn't keep them open anymore and…


I mean, you were very obviously coming up with copes towards the end there, Espurr. But oh well, you've made your choice. Let's see how quickly it blows up in your face.

Slowly coming to. Espurr blinked herself awake.

Her scarf was twisted and felt tight on her neck, and she could feel the dust hanging in her fur. The sky above was black, illuminated only by the strong shining moon. It was nighttime.

In an instant, Espurr came to her senses. How long had they slept for? It was only supposed to be a short nap; that was dangerous! If those beheeyem had stumbled upon them while they were sleeping…

Well, you're still alive, so they haven't found you... yet.

…But they hadn't. And Espurr couldn't deny she felt a little less tired. Maybe Tricky was right, maybe she was just too stressed out. For all she knew, the beheeyem weren't anywhere near—

The clack of some rolling rocks in the distance. Espurr froze. Speak of the—


Espurr and Tricky sure have a thing for tempting fate this chapter. o<o

But there was no use in trying to move now. Making any noise would only reveal their position. Espurr took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and reached out with her sixth sense.

She crept over the rugged walls of the mountain with the tendrils of her mind, feeling out for any other living thing in the area. It wasn't long before she found it: just around the corner from where she was sitting, a trio of living beings. She could feel the power they exuded, creeping ever closer. Creeping over the very rocks that Espurr's mind slunk back over. She saw in her mind the alien tendrils that advanced, and in an instant she knew exactly who they belonged to.

There you are.

Espurr: "Boy am I suddenly feeling really stupid right about now. They just found us after all this time?!"

Espurr's eyes shot back open with a gasp sharp enough to alert anymon nearby to her presence. That Voice again… it had come directly from the beheeyems' mind. She could hear the beheeyem getting closer; the chase was up and she knew it.

Should've brought Chesto Berries along, you two. Heard those do a bang-up job at keeping a 'mon awake in this setting. ^^;

"Tricky," Espurr hissed under her breath. She shook the fennekin violently until Tricky stirred with a whine. "Shh," Espurr cautioned, thrusting her arms out wildly.

"Whu…" Tricky looked up groggily, squinting to keep the moonlight out of her eyes. "What time is it?"

Espurr: "(Time to keep your mouth shut if you feel like living!)"

Tricky: "(... Whuh? Espurr? What on earth is going-?)" o_o;

"It's the middle of the night, you need to get up, we're being followed and they're here," Espurr said in the space of a second, not even breaking to pause.

"We're being followed… ?" Tricky mumbled in tired confusion, half asleep.

"Yes!" Espurr exclaimed as quietly as possible. She could feel herself trembling all over. She cast a frantic glance at the entrance to make sure they weren't here yet. "Get up, please!"

Tricky: "... Wait, how do we even know that we're not being sensed right now? Weren't those 'mons chasing after you Beheeyem? Don't they have psychic powers?"
Espurr: "..."

Tricky clumsily pulled herself to her feet, and Espurr snatched the exploration bag up once Tricky's head was off it. But it was too late. When Espurr and Tricky turned around, they faced the beheeyem.

The beheeyem moved slowly, as if savoring Espurr and Tricky's fear. Tricky finally seemed to realize the full scope of the danger, snapping wide awake. She quickly pranced over to where Espurr was, slinking backwards in fear. The beheeyem began to slowly raise the rapidly flickering lights on their limbs in unison. Black sparks collected around their blinkers.

Tricky: "Oh. Guess they don't need to sense us after all..."

Whatever they were planning, Espurr wasn't having it. Her eyes narrowed—she concentrated on the cliff above her, and then directed a blast of psychic energy up at one of the rocks. A headache spiked up her forehead and made her grunt in pain, before the blast rippled out of her head and carried upwards. The sheer force of it knocked her back, and sent a flash of white pain across her vision, but it had done what she wanted it to. The blast dislodged a ton of rocks, that all began to fall down towards them both—

Espurr and Tricky both jumped back just in time. The rockslide tumbled down with a series of loud crashes and completely blocked off the road in front of them. Slowly, as the last of the crashes died down and the smallest rocks settled in the pile, they both raised themselves from the ground. The space behind the rocks was silent.

"Did we get them?" Tricky asked.

"I don't know," Espurr said.

If you have to ask the question...

Tricky: "Uh... Espurr? Aren't Beheeyem able to levitate telekinetically?" o_o;

But she was determined to find out. Closing her eyes, she tried to reach out with her sixth sense again…

The avalanche of rocks suddenly exploded outward—

Both Espurr and Tricky were caught by projectile rocks flying away from the pile. Espurr was sent flying across the path and landed safely on her side. Tricky was blown clear off the edge of the cliff. She caught the edge by a paw and nothing more.

Tricky: "O-Or I suppose they could've done that. Boy am I not liking this feeling of hanging in there right now..."

Espurr: "And you were giving me heat over awful puns?" >_>;

"Espurr!" she shrieked out in terror, scrabbling with her other three paws to get a good pawhold on the cliff ledge. "Help me!"

... How did that not cause her to lose her grip and fall to her death? .-.

The beheeyem were advancing through the settling dust. Their flickering lights blinked Espurr in the eye. She scrambled out of the way as a ball of darkness suddenly flew towards her. It made a visible indent in the ground.

Espurr's head snapped over at the sound of Tricky's shouts, and she immediately dropped her bag and scrambled over to pull her back up onto the ledge. But it was too late—Tricky's one paw finally lost its hold on the ground. With a horrified yelp, Tricky fell off the cliff.

Whelp, sure hope you got a chance to practice levitating rocks recently, Espurr, since... uh... yeah, that skill would be really handy right about now.

Espurr's world seemed to slow down. Her eyes shone, then her ears unfurled. No. this wasn't happening. This couldn't happen. She wasn't going to let it happen. She couldn't. She was… She was going to…

Nearly ten feet below the cliff's ledge, Tricky found herself suspended in midair. She panted in fear, held in place. Visibly straining, Espurr slowly pulled Tricky back up on top of the cliff.

IMO, you should do one of either show Espurr's reaction to the actual process of telekinesis kicking in more, or else if the entire point is to skip that and cut to "meanwhile with Tricky", you might want to consider dropping in a scene cut between these paragraphs.

Once she was set on the ground, Tricky collapsed into Espurr's fur, shaking all over. Espurr hugged her tightly. Her ears lost their sheen and went limp.

They had both forgotten about the beheeyem.

... How did they not just casually snipe Espurr while she was standing in the path? .-.

Espurr didn't remember until an alien psychic blast nearly buffeted them off the cliff. It would have, if Espurr hadn't managed to combat it at the last second with a barrier of her own. But it took everything out of her. It made her dizzy; her vision grew fuzzy and tinged with yellow, and she could hear her pulse thundering through her ears. That was the limit of her power; it was all she could do not to faint at the edge of a cliff. Barely, through her blurry eyes, she was able to make out black sparks collecting around the lights once more. All she could do was shut her eyes tight, hug Tricky tighter, and hope the final blow was quick…

But suddenly, the attack flew elsewhere.

I'm guessing that that was Ampharos who barged in for the rescue there.

Something in retaliation landed in the middle of the pathway, creating a thunderous crack and throwing debris everywhere. Small shards of rock flew everywhere, and bounced into Espurr’s fur.

Yuuuup, called it. Timely save there.

When Espurr opened her eyes again, she caught the cone-hats of the beheeyem turning tail and fleeing down the mountain. Where they had used to be, somemon in a long green cloak twirled their staff for show.

Espurr squinted, trying to make out their cloaked savior's species. But Tricky's eyes suddenly lit up in recognition.

"I know who that is!" she exclaimed in awe. "That's—"

Espurr: "Atlas!"

Ampharos: "No... it's 'Ampharos'. But good thing that the Dashing Wanderer was here to save the day, huh?" ^^;
Espurr: "What? B-But the cape-! And-!"

Tricky: "Espurr, is it really that hard to distinguish between Super AU stories? (Not that it wouldn't be tempting to go on strike and star in that one for a while given that I'm pretty sure the last 2 weeks alone are going to scar us for life.)"

Ampharos gave his staff one more twirl and firmly wedged the pointy end into the rocky ground beneath him as he watched the beheeyem run off like the cowards they were. He adjusted his cloak and then walked over to Espurr and Tricky. The orb on his tail shone extra bright, acting as a lantern.


Tricky: "... How are you holding that staff anyways with those flippers of yours?" .-.

Tricky broke the silence first, leaping over and wrapping Ampharos’ leg in a tight hug. Espurr watched her from where she sat, with something between shock and surprise. The wheels in her brain started turning: This seemed too convenient. How could he have been in just the right place at just the right time to save them? He couldn't have been wandering around in the mountains for three weeks, that wasn't right. So for him to be here, now…

The expedition gadget in her bag suddenly felt a lot heavier. This could be the start of a greater trap. For now, she had to assume he was working with the beheeyem.

Or, you know, you could just ask him how he knew to find you like this instead of reflexively assuming the worst of him? Also, if he really was working with the Beheeyem, I'm pretty sure you'd be getting free flying lessons right about now.

Ampharos patted Tricky on the head with a paw, then stood back up.

"You two are a long way from home," he said. "I must ask: what brings you all the way out here?"

Espurr: "(Don't tell him the truth, don't tell him the truth-)"
Tricky: "We were chased here all the way from Serenity Village by evil Beheeyem!" @.@
Espurr: "... Dammit." >.<

Espurr cleared her throat, making her best attempt to not look disheveled as she stood up. "We're headed to—"

"—To Lively Town!" Tricky excitedly finished for her. "We're going to join the Expedition Society with our junior membership!"

Ampharos: "... I could've sworn you just said that you were chased here by 'evil Beheeyem'."

Tricky: "Uh... yeah, they... uh, found out about our plans to join the Expedition Society and were coming to stop us because we were skipping detention at school!" ^^;
Espurr: "(Tricky, it's summer right now...)" >_>;
Tricky: "Summer detention at school!"

Ampharos: "Uh... huh..."

"Ah, Lively Town!" Ampharos exclaimed jovially. "It just so happens I'm headed there myself! And..." he glanced back in the direction the beheeyem had gone running for dramatic effect. He lowered his voice. "It seems the path is dangerous tonight. What say we travel the rest of the way together? I'll even see you to the Expedition Society when we get there."

"Wait a minute," Espurr interjected sternly. "How do we know we can trust you?"

Ampharos looked a bit taken aback. "Well, I just saved you two, did I not?"

Espurr: "You literally just swooped in out of nowhere even though we haven't seen each other for like two weeks. In Serenity Village."

Ampharos: "... A lucky coincidence? Since I was on my way to Serenity Village, and if you were on the way to Lively Town..."

"You never said why you did that. How did you know we were going to be here?"

"Do you need a reason to do something for somemon?" Ampharos asked without skipping a beat. Berry crackers. This kid was shrewd. He could feel the child's psychic tendrils probing the outer thoughts of his brain, but chose not to comment.

Honestly should've just pretended you were going over to check up on them and that everything was a coincidence, really.

Espurr finally retracted her mind, somewhat satisfied that Ampharos didn't have malicious intent. She dusted herself off, dropped the argument, and walked over to collect her bag.

Ampharos unwedged his staff from the ground. The scent of the mystery dungeon painted the breeze from the path behind. Wherever the beheeyem had run, they could not have gone far.

"We'd best get going, I'd say," Ampharos said, walking back to Espurr and Tricky with his staff once more. "Our shadowy pursuers are not far behind."

Espurr: "... You know, that was just about the last thing I needed to hear there."

Ampharos: "I try not to make a habit of lying when I don't have to." ^^;
Espurr: "(When you don't have to...?)"

They traveled until dawn. Espurr and Tricky were delighted to find out that Ampharos had brought along glorious food! The two of them greedily sunk their teeth into a pair of apples like they had never eaten before in their life. Ampharos, walking slightly ahead of them, took a polite bite of his own and tried to act like he had any idea of where he was going. He didn't, he was just following the path and hoping he was going the right way.

inb4 Espurr and Tricky have to take over for him as navigators. :V

The path led them up and around one more big mountain, where the sun had finally risen enough to let the three pokemon see their surroundings without the help of Ampharos' tail. It wasn't long before Tricky, back to her usual juvenile self and scampering ahead of the group, hopped upon a small boulder and promptly began to freak out with excitement.

"We're here!" she crowed excitedly to the skies. Hopping off the boulder, Tricky sprinted all the way back to Espurr and Ampharos in the space of a second. "We're here! We're here! I can see Lively Town!"

Espurr: "Wait, that soon?" .-.
Ampharos: "We have been traveling all night, Espurr. I mean, I miiiight have slipped you and Fennekin there some Chesto Berries to help you keep pace, but..."

Espurr's face brightened at that news. She quickened her pace and began to jog after Tricky. Once she was far enough away, Ampharos let out a silent sigh of relief. His awful sense of direction hadn't gotten them killed after all.

I mean, it helps that you gave the kids a map so that way they could go "Uh... Ampharos? Path's this way" :V

Sure enough, Lively Town was just a downhill walk away. Walking up to the boulder, Espurr saw the town in all its brilliant colors, with vibrant shades of red and green and blue and purple dotting the town's roofs. In the middle, on a hill slightly elevated from the rest of the town, was a large purple building with bright yellow turreted roofs and a tower with a top floor that looked suspiciously like a connection orb. It was a breathtaking view, one that Espurr felt dizzy just looking at. She knew Lively Town must have been big, but that was…

"Look at that!" Tricky said loudly, pointing out the large building with one paw while bouncing up and down on the other three. "That must be the Expedition Society!"

Wait, but are there even any other landmarks of note in Lively Town to compete for attention in the skyline? :V

"Right you are," Ampharos said from behind them. Espurr looked back to see him walking up with his staff. "What say we go get you both acquainted?" He yawned. "I could use a spot of rest on the side."

"Yes yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!" Tricky screeched, bouncing higher than a spoink. She eagerly led the way down the mountain and to the entry archway of the town, and even Ampharos had to run a little bit to keep up.

So much for Ampharos getting rest anytime soon. ^^;

The Expedition Society had looked small from afar. Now that Espurr was closer, it loomed above her. The tall tower in the middle reached at least four stories high—taller than any building in Serenity Village. Espurr, Tricky, and Ampharos were all cast in its shadow.

Oh, so they're walking towards it from the west, huh? Though that checks out from what I remember of Serene Village and Lively Town's relative positioning in PSMD.

Ampharos held back, pretending to be busy checking some of the missions on the billboard. When Espurr looked back he silently waved them both off into the building. Tricky took the invitation without hesitation, pushing open the giant double doors and dashing in. With one last wary glance at Ampharos, Espurr reluctantly followed.

The Expedition Society's lobby was dazzling and took both Espurr and Tricky off guard. The floors were decked out in the same brilliant shades of lavender and yellow that the outside of the building had, and a large staircase with golden railings stood in front of them. But for all its fanciness, the lobby was completely empty.

"Where are all the explorers?" Tricky's befuddled voice cut through the silence. The voice had an echo.

Considering how crazy the past week or so of their lives have been, probably keeled over asleep. o<o


Both Espurr and Tricky's heads turned to see a small dedenne lugging a stack of papers larger than she was along with a string. She quickly straightened the papers, set them aside, and scurried forward. "Hi! Welcome to the Expedition Society. May I—"

She held her paw out, then realized that Tricky wasn't the best candidate for a paw-shake, then offered it to Espurr instead. Espurr just watched it with caution.

Espurr: "Um... hi there..."

Dedenne: "(I feel as if I should be insulted from getting treated as creepy by an Espurr right about now.)" -_-;

"Um…" Dedenne cleared her throat, a little uneasy at Espurr's silence. "Sorry, you caught us a bit early today. Technically we don't open for another half-hour, but here's what I can do—" she scurried back to her stack of papers, and took a blank one. "—I can have you write down your mission request right here, and one of our esteemed members will get on it shortly after we open!" she grinned widely, then faltered, looking down at the paper. "No, wait, you'll probably want one with the proper form…"

Oh, so everybody really is just keeled over asleep right now, huh?

Quick as a flash, she snatched the paper back and ran back over to the stack.

"Agh! So disorganized today…" Espurr heard her snap to herself as she rummaged through the papers.

"I think there's some kind of misunderstanding," Espurr said. She took a deep breath, preparing "We're looking for—"

"—To join!" Tricky cut in, finishing Espurr's sentence.

Dedenne looked just about as shocked as Espurr. She let out a short, nervous titter.

Espurr: "Ampharos, how did you not tell them that we were joining again after we joined up with you? You have a Connection Orb of your own, right?"

Ampharos: "... It didn't occur to me since it was close to 2 in the morning and we've kinda all been under stress the entire way over?"

"I'm… sorry," she began, "but that's a bit above my pay grade. Besides, you two are still kids! Why don't you come back when you're a bit older?"

Tricky locked up. Her ears flopped downwards, and she began to tremble. Espurr was hit with red-hot waves of emotion coming straight from her. It sent her reeling to the side a little, and she had to move somewhat further away from Tricky before it was bearable.

"It's alright, Dedenne; they're with me." Ampharos' voice cut in cleanly, putting a stop to Tricky's emotional crisis.

Oh, so Tricky was visibly lip quivering there, wasn't she? ^^;

"Chief!" Dedenne immediately straightened up, going back to picking up her papers. She looked at him. Then at the papers. Then at him. "You... left. Again." She cleared her throat perfunctorily.

"I had an important matter of business to attend to," Ampharos replied. "Namely, rescuing these two." He gestured to both Espurr and Tricky, standing in the background.

Ampharos: "(E-Shay ight-may e-bay e-thay ourth-Fay uman-Hay avior-Say.)"
Espurr: "You do realize that I literally have an entire skillset perfectly suited for eavesdropping, right? And no, that's Riolu. He's still back in Serenity Village right now."

Ampharos: "Ou-yay on't-day ow-kay at-thay." ^^;
Dedenne: "(Chief, you don't need to keep up the Pig Latin if the kid can clearly understand you.)" >_>;

"Wait," Espurr said, looking at Ampharos. "'Chief'? You're the chief here?"

Ampharos frowned wryly.

"Well, that jig's up."

Ampharos: "I mean, where did you think I got my cape budget from?" ^_^
Espurr: "I... kinda figured you were just an eccentric that snagged that from a clothesline while wandering around aimlessly." ^^;

He flashed his cape again, ruffling Dedenne's papers and causing her to hold them down protectively. "Indeed!" he declared, taking a flamboyant pose. "Know me as Ampharos, proud Chief of the Expedition Society!"

Tricky: "I thought that we figured that out back in the mountain pass-"
Ampharos: "Not canonically, you didn't. Plus I like making an entrance."

"Chief, could you cut down a bit on the declarations please?" All four 'mon in the room turned to see Bunnelby, walking into the room like he'd just been resurrected from the grave. "I just woke up; all this noise is makin' my ears fall off."

"Ah, sorry for that," Ampharos gave a graceful bow of apology. "Good to see you up and at 'em."

Bunnelby 'hmm'd in acknowledgment as he took a spot against the wall to finish waking up.

Whelp, looks like my read on what the rest of the Exploration Society's members were up to is getting proven right in real-time.

"Wait." Tricky perked up again, looking like she had the key to saving the world. "If you're the chief, then you call all the shots around here, right?"

In an instant she was pressed up tight against Ampharos' leg, hugging it like her life depended on it and staring up at Ampharos with baby doll eyes. "Can we join? Pleeeeaaase?"

Ampharos: "Didn't I already imply that I was about to let you two join-?" ^^;
Tricky: "You don't understand, I need to hear it! I need this!" 🥺
Espurr: "Tricky, you're... kinda weirding me out right now." .-.

Ampharos couldn't say no to eyes like that. And of course, it was the perfect excuse he needed—not that he was saying that aloud.

I... don't think Dedenne's going to be impressed with 'baby-doll eyes' as a rationale, just saying.

"Of course," he said jovially, ignoring the looks of shock from both Dedenne and Bunnelby. Espurr would have been surprised at this point, but she expected it.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"Why not?" Ampharos replied.

Ampharos: "I'm the Dashing Wanderer, I do need some level of spontaneity to live up to the title!"

Espurr: "... How on earth has your Exploration Society not imploded with leadership like this?" .-.

"There is an age-restriction rule imposed upon us by our parent organization," Dedenne noted.

"I'm sure they won't mind." Ampharos brushed it off nonchalantly. He turned to Espurr.

Translation: They're going to lie about their age to said parent organization. :V

"Why don't you stick around for the briefing?" he said. "You haven't met everymon here yet."

Espurr was about to ask why they should, but Ampharos walked past her and planted his staff against the wall.

"All will be explained in due time," he said, reading her eyes.

Ampharos: "Also, if you're going to be part of this Society... yeah, you don't want to skip the briefings." ^^;

Espurr folded her arms. She'd have to hold Ampharos to that. Especially since Tricky was far too awestruck to listen to reason right now.

I was going to ask how on earth that's physically possible, but... Espurr arms are apparently longer than I remembered.

One by one, the members of the Expedition Society trickled into the room. Espurr counted a bird pokemon who looked very tired and grumpy, a buizel who was busy stretching, a trio of pokemon off to the side who were quietly bickering amongst each other, and something puffy with a huge tongue whose mental vibes unsettled her enough she didn’t want to be in the same room with it.

Espurr: "... How is this organization functioning with a roster like this?"

Ampharos: "By the leadership of yours truly!" :V

"Morning, all." Espurr looked up at the top of the stairs, where perhaps one of the strangest pokemon she had ever seen stood: the lower part of their body was comprised of two bushy pant legs, and they sported a large maw on the backside of their head.

"Ah, morning." Ampharos bowed politely. "I believe that's all of us."

"It would seem so," Mawile said, walking down the stairway. Her eyes settled on Espurr and Tricky, but she didn't say anything.

... So how prominent are the bags under her eyes this morning? Or did she not hork down a Chesto Berry last night?

"Now that we are all gathered here," Ampharos said, his voice the only sound in the room. "I have a special announcement to make." He gestured to Espurr and Tricky. "Effective immediately, consider these two brave young explorers members of the Expedition Society. Feel free to introduce yourselves."

Ampharos wisely backed off, and let the chaos reign.

Espurr: "Oh, this is going to be wonderful, I can already tell." -_-;

"Wait a minute." Buizel was the first one to break the silence. "These pichu? Explorers?"

"Yes," said Ampharos.

"I have to share my food with two more pokemon now?!" Swirlix cried out.

"Yes," said Ampharos.

"Permission to be exempt from introductions, chief?" Nickit muttered from the sidelines.

"Denied," said Ampharos. He looked at Espurr and Tricky. "Would you two like to start?"

Espurr: "Is... it too late to just walk out the front door right now?" .-.

"I'll start!" Tricky hopped up and strode into the middle of the room. "Hi! My name's a secret, but you can call me Tricky! I've always wanted to join the Expedition Society and now I'm here!"

Espurr: "It's 'Arte-' Ow!"
- Cue biff from Tricky -
Tricky: "Arte-fully kept on a need to know basis. They say it's cursed and has a secret power associated with it that affects Pokémon that run their mouths off about it." ^^;
Espurr: "(Well, she's right about the 'cursed' part, at least given what she told me of her backstory.)" .-.

The entire room was left silent in the wake of Tricky's declaration.

"I'm Espurr," Espurr added helpfully from the sidelines. "I'm Tricky's partner. Hi."

Somewhere in a corner, Jirachi, who had forgotten to take his remedy again, snored loudly.

Mawile leaned in towards Ampharos. "Permission to speak to you in my office, Chief?"

"Granted," said Ampharos.

Mawile: "Why would you think this was a good-?!" >_>;
Ampharos: "I believe we were waiting until we got to my office, Mawile? Do mind that there are new recruits presently watching all of this." ^^;

The introductions continued on for what felt like almost a half-hour, and Espurr had to shake every paw and wing. There was Buizel, the cocky and blunt one, and Archen, who seemed every bit the opposite. Holly, Granite, and Cinder were an independent rescue team who had been assigned to the Expedition Society by HAPPI to fill their member quota. Nickit was snide and Espurr couldn't read her at all, but she promised to patch them up if they ever got hurt. Jirachi was asleep, and for some reason no-mon wanted to wake him.

I mean, I wouldn't want to make a Legendary mad at me either. ^^;

Ever-so-slowly, the crowd dispersed, with varying degrees of reactions to Espurr and Tricky's arrival. Espurr noted that the slobbery tongue thing was too busy slobbering to properly greet her, but it slunk off to whatever awful lair it must have made for itself in the kitchen so she gladly didn't bring it up.

Tricky promptly excused herself on a self-hosted tour of the building as soon as the introductions were over, which left Espurr alone in the lobby, for the most part. Bunnelby, one of the quieter 'mon in the room, suddenly opened his bag and pulled out a brightly shining connection orb. He slotted it in an expedition gadget just like the one Espurr had in her own bag, and pressed a button near the top.

"Hmm? You need what?"

A pause.

"No, I'm free today. I'll be right there."

... Wait, how is Bunnelby holding that gadget at the moment if that audio is one-way? Since if it's just resting in his paws, wouldn't whatever audio that came out also at least partially reach Espurr and Tricky by virtue of it basically working as if it's on speakerphone?

Bunnelby removed the orb, stuffed it and the gadget back in his bag, and then hurried up the stairs in a flash. Espurr watched him go. She looked around the lobby, which was now completely empty apart from herself and Jirachi's snoring. The morning had been eventful as the night before it and she felt exhausted. But to simply crash somewhere in the building would be impolite, especially when they hadn't even been given rooms to sleep in yet.

In that case… Espurr looked around to see which direction Tricky had went, but realized she had no clue. And she wasn't going to take a nap in the middle of the lobby. Ampharos had gone to the second floor, though. Maybe she'd go there.

... I mean, you could just keel over in a hallway or on the nearest bench you can find. That's an acceptable compromise, isn't it? ^^;

The room upstairs was dark, and a gate had been slipped over the top of the stairs. Luckily, it was just a gate and nothing more. Espurr hung back in the shadows, trying to get a good look at what was going on further in the room.

There was something in the middle of the room that looked like a large contraption Espurr could only guess the function of. It seemed to operate like a large expedition gadget, projecting images onto a large white sheet through a connection orb.

"Thank you for attending."

Espurr: "Atl- I mean, Ampharos?"

Espurr didn't recognize that voice. She watched for a moment. Espurr continued watching from her hiding spot. Sure enough, Mawile walked into her vision only a second after. She had her spectacles on, and seemed to be in full instructor mode. She clicked buttons on the panel, and photographs of paw-written pages from an ancient textbook flashed across the wall.

Clack. Mawile rolled the shutters over the windows on the second floor of the building, casting the room into darkness. The room was in projector mode, and the only pokemon inside were Mawile, Ampharos, and Bunnelby. The Pokemon Nexus projected light through a connection orb and onto the wall. From behind the gate fencing off the second floor from the stairs, Espurr took a spot by the shadows and began to spy.

Espurr: "... This looks pretty important, why am Tricky and I not here for this again?"

Mawile adjusted the spectacles she was wearing. She clicked buttons on the panel; photographs of paw-written pages from an ancient textbook flashed across the wall.

"The ancient text we see in these photographs dates back almost 10,000 years,” she began. “It tells the story of the downfall of the Humans. Porgyon's writings speak of an alternate horror world filled with monsters beyond one's imagination."

Mawile: "... (So that hell world that Riolu said he came from really exists?!)"

Another click of the button. Claw-drawn images of a large black monster flicked onto the screen, as well as ones of a blood-red mountain enveloped by fire. Espurr had to stuff her paws tightly in her mouth to keep herself from gasping. A Void Shadow! And a land just like what Riolu had described… She was right. The Expedition Society did have their paws wrapped up in this mess.

"It tells of three seals built across the world, meant to keep these monsters where they came from," Mawile continued. It took Espurr a second to remember that she wasn't supposed to be there. She couldn't do much else, but she continued listening intently. Whatever they were up to, they seemed to know what they were talking about. She could learn.

"One on the Water Continent. One on the Sand Continent. And one built on a desolate island, forever lost to sea. These seals plug the cracks between our world, and theirs," Mawile continued. "If one or more were ever to open, terrible evil would be unleashed upon us. But these seals erode naturally, and only by the means of ancient human artifacts placed at these sites can they be closed once more."

Would recommend breaking up the second paragraph to make it a bit more digestible. And I can already see Espurr screaming internally for all of this, especially if she remembered that gastertext of 'The Seal is Broken'.

A click from the machine, and the photo on the wall changed to something that looked much more modern—a picture of the Sand Continent.

"Observe," Mawile continued. "On the Sand Continent, there exists a dungeon known as the Sands of Time, that fits the criteria of this legend almost perfectly. While I would normally consider it folly to base my conclusions simply on legend, considering recent events I think it prudent to take action upon what little information we may have regarding this. Bunnelby, as group spelunker, I've chosen you to travel over to the Sand Continent and scope out the dungeon for us. You are only required to take pictures and report back to the Society. If you see anything out of the ordinary, report right back here. Is that understood?"

Oh, so that place is Las Vegas, huh? Or what's left of it.

Bunnelby nodded.

"Yes, Ma'am," he said. "I-I'll be leaving in a couple of days, right?"

Mawile nodded. "Of course. Feel free to take the day off and prepare."

"I will." Bunnelby stood up and picked up his bag. "I may leave now?"

Mawile nodded.

"You may."

Espurr: "... (He's gonna cut and run with an attitude like that, isn't he? Since I could see those stammers.)" .-.

Espurr took that as her cue to get lost. When Bunnelby, Ampharos, and Mawile walked down the stairs, they found Espurr straggling around in the lobby, closely inspecting one of the lavender, gold-trimmed drawers that she could barely see over the top of.

She hoped they bought it.

Narrator: "They didn't buy it."

The dinner tasted tart that night, as if Swirlix' displeasure at having to share her normal excessive food portion with two more pokemon had leaked into the ingredients she used to cook. But it wasn't anything strong enough to complain about, and so no-mon did. After dinner, Espurr and Tricky were led by Dedenne to their rooms. Tricky had already given herself a tour of the building and thus knew the hallways well for somemon who had only been there a single day, but Espurr found them foreign to her despite wandering around them for a bit. She'd never been in a building this large before—every hallway seemed like it went on for miles, and there were multiple doors leading down both sides.

That displeasure... actually leaked into the food, didn't it? ^^;

"This is where you two will sleep," Dedenne said, leading them through a room with an overhanging curtain attached. "There's beds set up for you both already. I'd suggest using them; roll call’s bright and early tomorrow."

She left, and soon after the lights in the hall went out.

Espurr and Tricky settled into the two straw beds in the room, winding down for the night. Espurr appreciated how comfortable the bed was compared to the rocks of the mountain range.

Espurr: "Wait, no orientation? No training?"

Tricky: "Presumably that comes bright and early in the morning?"

"Can you believe it?"

The sound came from Tricky's side of the room. Espurr lifted her head up from the bed, weary.

"Believe what?"

"That we're actually here!” Tricky squeaked. “I never thought we'd get to make it here, or even join! But here we are… it feels like a dream."

Espurr: "Tricky, I've functionally been alive for like a month!" >_>;
Tricky: "... Well, it's been a long-held dream for me..." ^^;

Espurr had to agree with that... It all felt like a dream. She could see the many lights of Lively Town glittering outside their window; a dazzling sight she never would have fathomed was possible back in Serenity Village. Looking at it still made her dizzy. But yet, it was so far from home. And this building full of pokemon she barely knew couldn't count as a home. No matter how much Tricky seemed to blindly follow them. No matter how nice they seemed. Not when she'd just caught a whiff of the very same thing they had just run from Serenity Village to escape.

"It does," was all she said in response.

Espurr: "I just can't tell whether it's a good one or not yet." ._.

"Do you think we'll get to go on a mission tomorrow?" Tricky asked.

Espurr hoped not. She wanted a day of rest, at the very least. A day to regroup. A day to study and plan, if it all went horribly wrong.

Uh... yeah, you should really hope you get a proper orientation before you get yeeted out into the field, since some of those missions the ES is planning on taking... don't sound particularly safe. ^^;

"We might. If we can get up for it first.” She stretched and yawned. “Aren't you sleepy?"

"Yeah… night, I guess."

Tricky snuggled down into her straw bed, closing her eyes and falling silent. Espurr turned the other way, away from Tricky and the window, trying not to think about the events of the past day.

Just what had they gotten themselves into?

Gen Urobuchi's Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon-

Espurr: "We were already in that, thanks. And that didn't involve being stuck with a bunch of dodgy Pokémon that I don't trust!" >_>;

Alright, time for the recap:

The chapter this time felt like a bit of a transitional one, since the meta function of it is basically to dump Espurr and Tricky into the Exploration Society and tee up the next leg of the plot for them. At the same time, it still feels like we saw a number of new things that I'm kinda wondering if they'll come up again in the future. The between-the-lines worldbuilding for MDs was a particularly nice touch.

As for things I was less sold on, it's mostly just the issues I spotted here and there throughout the story. I did notice that there seemed to be a few more verb tense errors this time around than in the past few chapters, but those shouldn't be terribly hard to weed out. There were a couple of bits that struck me as a bit light on description here and there. Other than that, I don't think I have too much to complain about the chapter, and the reduced number of scenes seemed to make the ones that were there flow a bit smoother.

All-in-all, great work @SparklingEspeon . It might take me a bit longer than normal to get to the next chapter since I've fallen a bit behind on another exchange with a hard time limit, but it was nice to see the plot threads of your story start to come together since we're finally putting the 'Electric Sheep' into the plot properly, and I'll be looking forward to seeing where things go with Espurr and Tricky's first steps into Ampharos' brave new, directionally-challenged world.
3~Fifteen - Walls Closing In


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark

Headline Today: Alleged Murderer still on the run, reported to be hiding within Paradise

A pokemon sighted causing trouble in several different sectors of the city is suspected to be responsible for the deaths of a HAPPI rescue team within the outer districts just a few weeks ago. The criminal is still at large, and citizens are asked to notify the local authorities if they are seen within the area. Patrolling rescue teams will be dispatched to the area immediately after.

The perpetrator is believed to be a male zoroark of young age, recently arrived to the city. Zoroark possess the ability of illusion, which allows them to cloak themselves from view. Historically, this ability has been used for criminal activity, which has led to the city’s policy of mandating energy-muting scarves for this species. Citizens are urged to take caution, as this power makes spotting and apprehending the criminal dangerous.

~ The Daily Pelipper




The Hut On Stilts



The voice came out slow, shocked. Zoroark couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. Burning down the room of records….

“Didn’t you hear me?” Amadeus said. He turned around, and Zoroark saw the steely expression on his face. “I want you to burn that room to the ground.”

“But why?” Zoroark asked. His voice was strained; it was half a plead for reason, to please not make him do this. “W-what if you need something else from there?”

“Are you disobeying me?” Amadeus snarled.

Zoroark gulped and shrunk back a little. But there was nowhere else to shrink back. He was up against the door already. So he stopped shrinking.

“It’s just that, if I do that, it’ll break my cover,” Zoroark said. “They’re already looking for somemon after the last one happened. I disguise myself as a fire type. A fire type.” He paused to take some heavy breaths. He didn’t realize how on-edge this had him. “I-if I burn that place down, who do you think they’re going to come looking for?”

There was silence.

“Then perhaps the time for cover is over,” Amadeus said. “I want to make a statement. An attack. We need to hurt them from the inside badly enough that they won’t recover in time for their precious construction project to begin. I want it done.”


“You can take on a new disguise,” Amadeus interrupted him. “Sign up again. But I want the city damaged and spooked.”

There was an uncomfy pause of silence. Zoroark considered

“Well?” Amadeus growled at him. “What are you waiting for? Get out of here.”

“It doesn’t make sense,” Zoroark stammered. “You’re just—you’re just acting on anger. You want to hit them. You want to make them hurt but you can’t just burn things down and expect it to work out, you need, you need a strategy, you need…”

He was rambling desperately. Because he could not go back to the HAPPI building and carry this out. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t take the stress, the persecution. He would rather…

The words tumbled out of his mouth before he even knew what he was saying.

“I won’t do it,” he said. “It’s senseless. I’d rather leave the city.”

“Then leave.” Amadeus’ voice was low, and in the firelight his blades glistened for the first time. Deliberately turned to catch the light. “But don’t expect your departure to go smoothly.”

And then the blades let their light escape. “But help me destroy this villain, and circumstances can change for us both. All I need from you is a short period of hardship.”

That moment was when Zoroark should have done anything else. He knew it. He should have said something more, something to tell Amadeus he wasn’t okay with this. Maybe they could negotiate another way. But he couldn’t go up against those blades.

Instead, he just hung his head, and said nothing. His silence spoke the answer for him.


HAPPI Building

“That was the longest bathroom trip I’ve ever seen,” Alice said, as Zoroark-as-Braixen finally dragged himself back through the hallways and towards his post. He didn’t know how long it had been. At least an hour. It took time to crawl out of the building, sneak halfway across town, and then make the journey back.

“I think I caught a stomach bug or something,” Zoroark-as-Braixen heaved, clambering back towards the door. He felt dead. He was sure he looked like it too. Half his concentration was just on making sure his illusion didn’t fail.

“So is that why you’ve been acting all weird today?” Alice asked him. “Ever since the airship landed, you’re all uppity. What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Zoroark said. A little too hastily. “I just…”

He trailed off. What else could he say without digging himself a bigger hole? He was deep enough as is. It was like every word he said brought the walls closing in around him a little bit closer. Couldn’t he just stop?

“Is there something you want to tell me?” Alice said, like she was trying to prompt an answer out. He jumped, literally jumped in the air like a frightened cat, and then looked over. She was staring him up and down, and only then did he realize how much of a hairline he was on.

But he didn’t say anything. He just straightened up stiffly and stared straight ahead, hoping that she couldn’t hear how loud his heart was pounding like it might escape his chest. Bad move.

“Look, whatever you’ve got going on, it’s not my business,” Alice said. “But keep it out of your work. I’m not going to cover your tail if you don’t break even.”

Then she turned back to curling up outside the door, and rested her head on her paws. Still awake, but an easy position to doze off in. Zoroark understood. All he wanted to do was let his legs give out right here and now, slide down against the wall, and doze off.

But they didn’t. His nerves were so high that he stood where he was for the rest of the night.



When Alexis was in the other world, he’d been a late sleeper. Long nights and short days, hard sleep and a foggy head. When he was dragged here, he slept early and rose earlier. It was pure biology, he later learned. None of the quirks of his old body had carried over to his new one—and his new one had quirks of its own. A dewott liked to rise with the sun, and that was that. A dewott loved water, even though Alexis feared it, and that was that. A dewott was a dewott, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

There were days when the little things got to him, and he liked to shove them in the back of his head like the insignificant pet peeves they were. There was no need to ruminate on the fact that seventy years was three fourths of a human lifespan and only a fourth of a dewott’s, how he felt so old when he was just so young. He could ignore that preening shed, blue fur from his whole body and not just the top of his head was now a part of his daily routine (he even thought of it as fur now, not hair). His joints were in different places; that was harder to ignore even now, but he’d gotten over the tripping and the clumsy handling years ago.

No, what got to him nowadays was the loneliness.

The other Human Saviors, he’d heard, had the luxury of getting their memories erased. Not him. He was the lone survivor of hundreds, and the one who brought him over didn’t have that power. When everything was said and done, the others didn’t remember their pasts. They could relax and just be pokemon.

Not him.

That was his burden. Being the only bright mind in a world of simpletons. Being the only Human mind. He’d fostered in a new age, where pokemon could become just a little more advanced, a little smarter, a little more Humanlike. But he’d never gotten rid of it completely. There was still a wall between them and him, a wall of simplicity. When he died, he wondered: would he be returned to the Human world like all the others? Or would he die a pokemon?

He couldn’t answer that question.

Alexis groomed his fur, donned his scarf—clothes were another thing he’d never gotten over losing—and rapped on Elliot’s quarters on the way out to wake him up. Now Elliot… Elliot was the late sleeper. Was that biology too? Rodents were nocturnal. Alexis didn’t know.

But just as he had risen, so had the rest of HAPPI Headquarters. The guards outside the Director’s personal office had changed an hour ago, but they were standing behind yellow tape that had been put on the floors of the halls. The tape outlined a path all the way from the entrance of the building down to the Room of Records. And that meant the work had already begun. Alexis had to step swiftly to the side as the first of a parade of pokemon carrying boxes filled with files walked past.

The Nidorina he’d nearly gotten jabbed on apologized with a titter, brushing some of her poison quills out of the way as she marched on. Alexis waved it off, and leaned back against the walls as he watched the parade pass by. He noted with a brief hint of distaste that the files hadn’t even been organized before being lopped into the boxes—they’d just been thrown everywhere without rhyme or reason. That was going to be a grimer for them to organize later. He wondered how much of a processing delay there’d by when they actually needed something from there.

Which raised the thought that had been fluttering around in the back of his head all this time: Something about this wasn’t right. His reasoning from before still held true—there was simply no reason for these files to leave HAPPI Headquarters. And there were a thousand reasons for them not to go to Cloud Nine. Cloud Nine was a bipartisan government ship, there was no place for private company archives there.

So why? Why move them?

The more he thought on it, the more it became clear there was only one answer that made sense: For some reason, Sparkleglimmer didn’t think they were safe here. She must have feared that enough that moving them onto Cloud Nine was less of a risk than keeping them here. But that only raised more questions. What was she afraid of? Why hadn’t she shared her concerns with him? He and Elliot practically ran the place when she wasn’t here.


Director’s Office

Alexis threw the doors open without caution. He walked over, placed his paws on Sparkleglimmer’s cozy desk, and leaned in. The sylveon, currently reading a paper she held in her ribbons, looked up at him through her dainty reading spectacles. Her eyes prompted him silently.

“Something you need?”

“I need to know why you moved the archives,” Alexis said firmly.

“Funny,” Sparkleglimmer said. “I think I said my reasoning doesn’t concern you.”

“You’re talking about moving our entire company records, all of it, onto a government ship we don’t own,” Alexis said.

Saying they didn’t own Cloud Nine, the ship he had built, still gave him a head rush.

“Elliot and I run this place when you aren’t here,” he continued. “If you want to make a change this large, you need to run your reasoning by us first.”

Sparkleglimmer regarded him silently for a couple of seconds. The silence grew heavy.

“You’re correct,” she said, abject of all emotion except for a false, sweet cordial air. “I was in the wrong. I apologize. Sit down.”

There was one seat on the visitor’s side of the desk, dark, rich wood with a fluffy pink cushion. Alexis took it. The cushion was too soft for his liking.

“I have good reason to believe there are spies hiding in this building,” Sparkleglimmer said.

“Spies?” Alexis asked. “Working for who?”

“Unclear,” Sparkleglimmer said. “But if I had to guess… It has something to do with the Blackthorn Guild.”

“What are you getting at?” Alexis replied. “Are you saying the same flunkies from the Grass Continent who burned down the guild have got pokemon hanging out here?”

“Well, somemon had to be around to steal something from the archives just last week,” Sparkleglimmer pointed out. “Or did you never determine exactly what happened there?”

“We did,” Alexis said. “And the search is ongoing.”

“But after a week, you haven’t found the perpetrator.”

“They wouldn’t be so bold as to steal from the record room a second time,” Alexis responded. “That’s hardly a reason to move the entire record room somewhere else.”

“And did you determine exactly what the perpetrator stole?” Sparkleglimmer continued, like he hadn’t spoken at all.

“A spare document for the paradise renovation plans,” Alexis responded. He wanted to bite his tongue. It was an important document and they both knew it. And if Alexis hadn’t had teams scouring the entire building for any clue of what might have happened to it…

“And wouldn’t you say,” Sparkleglimmer said, pausing to drink the silence. “A document like that is exactly the type of thing somemon who wished to sabotage our expansion project might want?”

“It is,” Alexis said, and left it there.

“This recent incident has proven that these records are not safe within this building,” Sparkleglimmer said, “and as such I have chosen to remove them. Furthermore, I expect a perpetrator to have been identified within the next couple of days. With how long your investigation has been ongoing, I assume you must have found something by now.”

They hadn’t. Alexis held his tongue.

“I will hear no more on the topic,” Sparkleglimmer said, and then slipped on the spectacles that were too small for her eyes and continued reading. Still, Alexis held his tongue. Arguing with Sparkleglimmer when her mind had been made up was a recipe for failure.

But even as he exited the room, Alexis’ mind solidified into suspicion. Moving the record room wasn’t a logical response to one isolated break-in, and anymon with a lick of common sense knew it. There was something more here, and he needed to get to the bottom of it.

As soon as he prodded the investigation to get their tails into gear and hunt down that perpetrator.


Spinda Café ~ Midday


A mid-afternoon in Pokemon Paradise was nothing like a mid-afternoon in the middle of the seas. Ocean afternoons were harsh and sunny, smelling of sea salt and a faint fishy breeze. Afternoons in Paradise were dry and stale, with a sun that shone down but didn’t pierce through the chilly cold air. Zoroark’s breath came out in cloudy puffs today, and he felt lucky that he had such a thick coat of fur to keep him warm. Alice, who did not have the thick coat of fur that he did, had stiffer movements than usual. Vaporeon were less mobile in cold weather, she explained.

Their guard duty meant they could take their jobs later than usual in order to get what was apparently considered by the upper board to be a decent amount of sleep (four hours was barely enough to function, Zoroark stewed, not anywhere close). Taking a job late meant all the comfy ones had already been snatched away, and only the leftover jobs no-mon wanted to take were left. Rather than let the system randomly assign them one, they both took single-pokemon jobs for themselves. Which meant they’d be separating for the day. Alice got a job on the other side of town helping dispose of all the junk from the wall, which had apparently been haphazardly lopped into a different part of town rather than properly disposed of. Zoroark got a waiter job at Spinda Café that everymon else seemed to avoid.

He quickly learned why it had stayed on the board that long.

“Waiter? Waiter!" an impatient snap. "Over here, posthaste. Bring a cloth.”

One of the restaurant customers, a machoke with sheet white skin and a black bow-tie, rudely waved Zoroark-as-Braixen over from his table. As Zoroark got closer he noticed the grainy texture of the whiteness—was he covered in some kind of white powder?

Now that he thought about it, nearly all the ‘mon in this restaurant were covered in some kind of strange makeup patterns. They also looked stupidly wealthy, both from the goofy pieces of clothing they wore and how they carried themselves. Maybe it was some new trend only the rich could afford.

Everything about the machoke’s demeanor and face read with annoyance; down by the floor was a shattered glass of what had been a reddish drink and was now a reddish puddle on the floor dotted with glass shards.

“Tell me, what type of dishware does this restaurant use?” he asked scathingly in an accent that screamed obnoxious.

“I… I don’t know,” Zoroark-as-Braixen muttered truthfully. He’d only been working here a day.

“Well, I’d like to see the manager,” the machoke said. “I don’t pay out of pocket to dine at this restaurant only to be served my fermented berries in a corner store glass. The nerve…”

“The manager isn’t available right now,” Zoroark said mechanically. He’d had to answer other questions the same way twice now; the manager was also the head chef for some reason, and the chef was busy cleaning up a massive soup spill in the kitchens.

“And while you’re at it, where is my soup?” the machoke continued in that ridiculous accent. “I’ve been waiting here an hour for my meal; there’s only so many glasses of fermented berries I can drink, you know.”

Zoroark would know. He’d had to replace the bottle twice.

“An unexpected setback has delayed the soup,” he recited, “but if you want anything else on the menu I can let the kitchen know and we’ll get that to you sooner.”

“Unnacceptable service!” the machoke grouched. “I have come to this restaurant weekly and ordered the same thing for years, and it has never, ever! Been delayed.”

A single piece of poke was deftly flipped Zoroark’s way, landing on the edge of the table. He stared at the small, nearly worthless coin in surprise. Was that supposed to be a bribe?

“Now be a good boy and go tell your manager Alfonso is speaking,” the machoke said, straightening the bow-tie he wore. “He’ll want to see me, make sure one of his long-time, upstanding customers is bumped up in the queue a bit.

“And don’t forget that cloth!” Alfonso called after Zoroark as he rushed over to the kitchen.

The restaurant groaned and creaked as a particularly strong gust of wind blew past the doors; the lights flickered a little as if the building were in a storm, and the walls ever-so-slightly sagged the way the wind blew. The first couple of times it had scared Zoroark; now he just ignored it and made his way towards the kitchen. But the worry never quite disappeared: this building was falling apart no matter how nice it looked on the surface.

And it only got more ramshackle backdoors. Zoroark was pretty sure none of the customers out there would eat another bite if they knew where the food came from.

The counters of the kitchen were grimy, stained with the dried remnants of food that hadn’t been cleared off certain areas in a long time. The floor was uneven, dirty tiles cracked and showing the tightly-packed ground underneath. The spaces between counters and other platforms were narrow; a couple ‘mon had to inch past Zoroark-as-Braixen when he walked through them. Just like the rest of the building, the place hadn’t been renovated in years.

“Well, we can’t give him soup that’s all over the floor,” the weavile manager told him. “He’ll just have to wait.”

In the end, Alfonso paid for the wine and left with a huff and a declaration he’d never eat here again.

After working non-stop for five hours, Zoroark finally got a break. His legs ached from all the walking he’d been doing, his head ached from all the angry complaints he’d had to listen to, and he felt ready to droop over from lack of sleep. It was taking some concentrating to keep his illusion in play. But there were still a couple hours left on the clock before the restaurant closed, so he couldn’t leave just yet.

It was then he saw the hood. Another customer sat in an overlooked corner table right near where he was, a hood pulled down far over their face. It was a dull teal, but Zoroark recognized the cloth immediately. Was that…

He couldn’t help it. Some kind of childish curiosity propelled him further, until he realized—


“Quiet!” the pikachu hissed, pulling his drink closer and the hood of his cloak a little further down. “You’re going to blow my cover.”

“You… come here often?” Zoroark asked, keeping his voice to a hush.

“Not really,” Elliot said in a hushed voice. “Pokemon would catch on sooner or later if I did. I like my privacy.”

He took a sip of his drink, then look around to make sure no-mon had noticed.

“Sit down if you’re going to talk. We’ll draw too much attention like this.”

Zoroark didn’t think the manager would like him sitting down with a customer, but he was on break… he sat down on the opposite chair, taking another look around just in case anymon was looking. Even though no-mon was, the idea still set him on edge.

Elliot took another sip of his drink.

“So, you made it,” he said. “You’re in Paradise. How’s it treating you?”

Several different things went through Zoroark’s head. Immediately, he scrambled for the most inconspicuous thing to say.

“Let’s just say rough,” he said.

“Not what you were looking for?” Elliot asked.

“Not what it cracked up to be,” Zoroark-as-Braixen responded.

“You know they’ll drag you off to jail if they find you out,” Elliot said, and for a moment Zoroark went stone still. He saw the darkening look upon Elliot’s face. Elliot didn’t know he was in cahoots with…

“Your disguise,” Elliot said, going back to sipping his drink. Zoroark relaxed. But only a little. Of course, he should have realized. Everything had him on edge right now.

“And you’re not going to rat me out?” he asked. A probe, to test the waters.

“Alexis knew you were here weeks ago,” Elliot said. “If I wanted to rat you out, you’d have been turned in long ago.”

Was that supposed to be relieving? Zoroark had to fight down some more jitters.

“Well, uh,” he began. “Thank you. For that.”

“Sure. No problem.” Another sip from Elliot’s drink. “Alexis would say he’d disapprove, but he wouldn’t give it a second thought. Me… I wish it didn’t have to be like this. If pokemon have to hide themselves in plain sight just to get by, it means everything Paradise stood for has failed.”

To that, Zoroark just looked around the tavern, and into the fancier section of the restaurant beyond. Nothing about this place looked like paradise, not if you really looked. It was a glass beauty that shattered the moment you stared too hard.

“It’s a big city now,” he responded. What else could he say? “Bad things happen. You can’t control all of it.”

“Oh, I know,” Elliot said, now just stirring the hot drink. He had a faraway look in his eyes now, one that put miles of distance between him and Zoroark. “Paradise wasn’t ever about controlling everything. It wasn’t about fixing every mistake. Paradise was just about making the world a little better. A place that would bring you some joy, help you along the way if your path was hard, offer a warm bed and food even if you didn’t have anything.”

He took another gulp of his drink.

“I guess we failed that pretty early on.”



In the ice palace that floated high above the skies, Alexis and Elliot found themselves glued to the ground. The ice felt numbingly cold even through Elliot’s fur, and the pressure was crushing him further into the ground than he could take. The reason was clear: there was no way they could beat It.

What floated in the middle of them was massive; the embodiment of doom and destruction trapped in the form of a monstrous snowflake. Two measly pokemon never had a chance against that thing, not in a million years. And that doubt only made It stronger. The winds were strong enough to pin them to the ground, and the more Elliot felt they couldn’t do it, the less possible doing it became. And that meant… everything they had accomplished had been for nothing. All this way, just to get crushed under the literal pressure of their doubts and fear. Elliot could already feel his head grinding into the ice painfully, pushed further and further with each passing minute.

Alexis, his oshawott partner, was in a similar situation. Body ground down into the ice, face splayed out in a similar grimace to Elliot’s… Elliot couldn’t bear to look much longer. He wanted to shut his eyes, but they wouldn’t leave Alexis’. Sure, maybe they’d die here, but at least they’d die together.

And somehow, with that burst of positivity, the winds lifted. It was just a little, just enough for Elliot to feel his face press into the ice a little less, but it was enough. And Alexis, who had always been the more strong-willed of them, the more hard-headed, the more determined, took the opportunity. A stubby white paw rose from its position against the ground, and pushed up. Elliot watched as breathing hard, Alexis pulled himself up from the ground one torturous movement at the time. Elliot could never hope to muster that kind of willpower. All he could do was cheer Alexis on from there. That was his role. He was the partner, the one who cheered from the sidelines.

But something was wrong. He could feel Alexis’ determination; every feeling and emotion was open and bare in this wind, but all that willpower had a bitter edge to it. An edge that seared it black and turned it as bitter as an unripe apple.

“You think…” Elliot heard Alexis growl through strained breaths as he marched towards the viciously blowing snowflake, one step at a time. “You can… wipe everything out right here and now?!”

His voice rose up into a rage-filled cry that flew up towards the Bittercold in spite of the howling, purple winds. The Bittercold met it with a terrible screech of its own, as if It had heard. The resulting wind was so strong Elliot’s ears twisted back even though they were being pinned down to the ice so hard he was two seconds away from being crushed. That single screech spoke more words than any sentence could. Anger, hopelessness, pain. The things the Bittercold was made of. Were those the only feelings It could channel, or was it something more?

“I won’t let you!” Alexis roared over the wind. In janky motions, he drew the single scalchop that sat on his chest, and pointed it forward as he continued marching across the ice. One step at a time.

“I’m going to slice you up into little ribbons,” he spat as he walked. “I’m going to carve out your heart and drive a stake through it. I’m going to destroy you so thoroughly that
nothing will be left when they come to collect your remains. You’ll go down in history as nothing, a natural disaster that came and went like all the others.”

The Bittercold screeched to that, as if It was offended. Could It be offended?

“You shouldn’t exist!” Alexis continued. The winds only increased, but they seemed to trouble Alexis less and less. Elliot soon realized what was happening: All that anger, all that frustration… Alexis was
channeling it to get closer.

“You’re an anomaly! A mistake! And after I’ve sent you back to whatever hellish master created you…” One last step brought Alexis to the very edge of the ice platform, where the colossal core of the Bittercold outsized him by a million but was only a jump’s distance away. He bellowed out his next line. “I’m going to destroy them too!”

His movement now unaffected, he bounded forward, then
jumped, his scalchop poised above him like a knife.

“Now DIE!”

Elliot could only imagine the look on his face in that split second. Was it as manic as his emotions were? But it was only a split second he had to contemplate, and then Alexis slammed his scalchop into the Bittercold’s core with tremendous force. Millions of spiderweb cracks formed throughout the massive object that was not unlike a frozen, still-beating heart, and then light shone, and it exploded.

And when it exploded, the two of them were engulfed by an instant blizzard of a million snowflakes.



Swanna Inn

Zoroark sat in the tavern, somewhat shocked.

“That’s not how the storybooks told it,” he said.

“How could the storybooks capture something like that?” Elliot asked. “You had to be there to know.”

His drink was nearly done. He set the cup down on his empty plate with a sigh.

“When the Bittercold exploded, and the blizzard froze all of Mist, Paradise had to rebuild. Then all those investors moved in, and HAPPI was right after them. HAPPI had all that technology, you see, we needed it. Alexis, he just…” A pause. Elliot was staring glumly at his plate. “Both of us let it happen. They instated a city board, which had different ideas, and before we knew it…”

He was staring really hard at that plate.

“What I mean is, it shouldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t.”

That last word was a snarl. Elliot’s paws were digging into the table. Zoroark-as-Braixen could hear the hum of voltage flaring up for just a second—amplified by anger.

Then he seemed to realize how worked up he was, relaxing himself with a sigh.

“You must still make some kind of difference,” Zoroark-as-Braixen said. “That’s a reason to keep going on, right?”

“Not enough of one,” Elliot sighed. “I’m tired of watching things collapse around me while I can’t do a single thing to stop it.”

There was something they could both relate to.

“Then that makes two of us,” Zoroark sighed.

“Yeah,” was all Elliot said. He pushed the empty cup and plate away from him, and pulled out a small coin pouch.


HAPPI Headquarters

Paradise evenings were colder than Paradise afternoons; they were sluggish, morbid, cold. The chill that had always hung in the air became more daring, running through Zoroark’s thick coat and biting at his skin. The breeze that carried it blew solemnly, ruffling fur and blowing pieces of trash across the cobblestone streets. Buildings in disrepair, black silhouettes in the waning light, gently creaked in the wind and ever-so-slightly swayed where they were. Over the city, a dull sunset painted the sky dreary tones of darkening blue and faint yellow, overshadowed by clouds of a coming snow. Even now, the first few flakes were beginning to fall, adorning Zoroak’s mane and snout. He quickly had to shield them from view with his powers, hoping that no-mon noticed how they seemed to disappear.

Those he passed by were in a hurry, too focused on their own business to pay him much mind. He was fine with that. He didn’t bother them, they didn’t bother him, and he didn’t attract attention. All he wanted right now was to get back to HAPPI Headquarters, where a meal and a warm bed would await him.

Or, a slightly less cold hallway. The realization that he and Alice would have guard duty again tonight struck him with dismay. Every step he took was sluggish and clumsy, his eyes wide open, his attention half devoted to maintaining his faltering illusion. It was lucky he was posing as a fire-type, and could explain the snow just melted off his body if anymon questioned why no flakes were visible on him. He did not have the energy for faking snow. And he did not have the energy to make it through the entire night after the day he’d had.

Not to mention… Amadeus’ words hung over his head like a giant scythe, just waiting to be axed. On top of everything else, he had to find a way to commit arson and somehow get away with it. Somehow hope that after everything, HAPPI wouldn’t make the clear connection and come after him. After everything he’d carved out for himself, he was going to lose it due to…

What had he carved out for himself here? Was he happy here? Did any of this make him happy? The more he walked, the more Alice’s advice from way back when made sense to him. He could flee here. Pack his bags, and leave in the morning without question. No-mon would even know it was him that’d left, only the purple braixen who’d never attracted attention and had just disappeared without a trace. And assuming Amadeus wasn’t having him watched… he’d be gone before anymon could do a thing.

His strides redoubled. Anything to get back to the building faster. His illusion staggered a bit, then caught up. Though his strides had quickened, he didn’t have the energy to consistently maintain his illusion. And that little blip had been enough.

“Hey,” a pedestrian said, catching his attention. He swiveled his head around like a madmon, looking at the eldegoss who had stopped him up.

“Is something wrong with your foot?” she asked.

He looked down.

His foot wasn’t the velvety black paw of his illusion. It was grey, tipped with red claws. And the distortion was spreading, up, up, further up his leg.

It only took a second for the eldegoss’ face to light up in realization.

He broke off running. Suddenly all his tiredness vanished, replaced with the intent desire to get far away from here. The cold wind wooshed against his arms, blowing his mane taut behind him. It only stung more now that he was running through it so fast. He wasn’t even paying attention to the pokemon that he passed; no matter how many heads turned his way, there were too many for him to even count. He skipped over a skiploom, danced around a machamp, and ducked under a gurdurr’s beam before any of them could realize what had happened. He just had to watch out for the purple scarves—

A beam of water suddenly struck the ground in front of him, the water sticking to the street and making it slippery. Before Zoroark could even move to adjust, he was already on the new ice, and he couldn’t keep his balance. He slipped, unceremoniously, and fell on his bottom with a pained grunt.

“Stand down!”

His ears pricked up in horrid realization. He hadn’t even seen who had fired the water beam yet, but that sounded like…

From out of the crowd, Vaporeon Alice bounded forward. Her paws hit the ground swiftly, melting into the ice like they were water and reforming with grace. He should have been relieved to see her. His split-second instinct was to be relieved to see her.

But she wasn’t relieved to see him. Her face was hardened into a glare, and it was boring holes into his own.

“Stand down, outlaw,” she growled again viciously for good measure. Zoroark was shocked, nearly too stunned to get a grip on the situation. He slowly raised his claws, in an act of surrender.

Panic. Panic, running through his bones, causing him to breathe heavily. His mind caught up with his body. He’d read the wanted posters. They said he was a murderer. He couldn’t be caught here. He wasn’t going to live the rest of his life a prisoner. He couldn’t. He couldn’t. He had to get out of here.

Alice made to blast his paws with water in order to stiffen them up, but at the last second Zoroark rolled out of the way. The water flew through the air and crackled against the cobblestone. By the time that it landed, Zoroark was long gone.

He sped down an alleyway. Running, faster and faster, his body burning fuel he didn’t have. He didn’t even know where he was running at this point, just that he had to get away.

The lid of a dumpster banged behind him, the sound of something heavy landing on it. Something hit the ground behind him with a softer noise, and then the patter of swift footsteps whistled through the alley. He jumped as a blast of water froze the ground under him, turning it to ice. Alice was still after him.

The walls let up in seconds; he tore out into another large street just like the first, crowded with pokemon all around. Zoroark realized: this was his chance! He ducked suddenly diving into the crowd that reacted to him with surprise and shock. Then, before Alice could catch up, he dove behind a couple of signs that had been set up near one of the fancy-looking storemarts. He could see from behind one of the cracks in the sign that Alice had entered the crowd just moments later, looking around for him wildly. And one of the crowd, a jigglypuff, had just pointed her towards the sign…

Zoroark shut his eyes, summoned a random illusion, and hoped he had the energy to pull it off.

Seconds later, a wimpod scuttled out from behind the sign, entering the crowd with little more than a few glances his way. No-mon noticed a wimpod.

He only dared to spare a few glances back as he went. Alice didn’t seem to have noticed where he went; she was just looking around with a confused and slightly angry expression on her face.

Her gaze from before, when she’d had him out in the street, stuck in his head. A clear image of her face, hardened and fierce, all of it directed at him. It sent trembles through his bones. But she couldn’t see him right now, and that was how it had to be.

The wimpod soon disappeared from view, and that was that.


HAPPI Headquarters


A voice jarred Zoroark-as-Braixen out of his stupor. He was learning against the walls of the headquarters, catching his breath wildly. He hadn’t stopped running the whole way there. He barely felt well enough to keep his illusion up in its usual detail, but he knew that he had to. After what had just happened, he wasn’t going to risk it.

He didn’t even have to look up to know where the voice was coming from: after weeks of sharing a room, he knew what his assigned partner sounded like.

“Hey,” he said between breaths, trying to sound casual.

“Something happen on the way here?” Alice asked, and a pit formed in Zoroark-as-Braixen’s stomach. Was this a test? Had she connected the dots? If so, did his answer matter?

But if this was a test, she’d expect him to answer like it wasn’t. So he’d have to give it his best shot at a lie.

“Got out late at the restaurant,” he said. “I had to run all the way back here to make it in time.”

If it was a test, he seemed to have passed.

“That’s no surprise,” she sighed. “Swanna Inn has the worst workloads, I swear. Did they even pay you?”

They had. It was basically spare change.

“Not much,” he groaned. His breath was still rasping a little as he pulled himself to his utterly aching feet and stiffly walked with her through the gates and towards the building.

“Next time, why don’t you try taking rest breaks instead of running the whole way there?” Alice said. “You push yourself less that way.”

Big words, when she’d been the one to chase him. But there was no way she could know that. He just nodded, stared towards the ground, and kept his eyes trained forwards. Refusing to reveal the slightest amount of guilt or fear.

The mess hall was well-lit and semi-warm, compared to the snow that was falling outside. The food was depressing as usual, some kind of grey, tasteless meat Zoroark was fairly sure counted as fish. But when they were processed into slabs of meat that didn’t look like meat… he couldn’t tell what it was now. It filled him, enough.

After dinner, there were a few hours of free time for those who hadn’t taken night jobs to do as they wish. Zoroark and Alice’s guard-duty shift wouldn’t begin for another couple hours. He dragged himself through the halls, drooping with exhaustion. He knew he had to get some sleep, even just an hour, before he collapsed, went crazy, or both.

He had to have forgotten the stretch of time from there to his bed, but he had the deepest, most dreamless sleep of his life. An hour later, Alice prodded him awake for guard duty. Rising from his slumber, Zoroark-as-Braixen yawned, then marveled at how rested he felt. His illusion hadn’t even canceled out in his sleep like he thought it would. Could a single hour of sleep have done that much?

Satisfied that he’d be getting up, Alice headed for the door. Zoroark stretched further, then suddenly jumped as the clatter of something falling to the floor by his nest hit his ears. Looking over at what the noise was, he was shocked to find something that shouldn’t have been there: A folder.

And inside was a file. A very important file.


Music of the Week!

Here’s Your Destiny – Sonya Belousova, Giona Ostinelli

Strike, Brother – Robert Carolan, Sebastian Gainsborough
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Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Review of Ch6 Council of Baram

So, chapter 6 begins with a follow up on Mawile and Archen's adventures in the Air Continent. The worldbuilding of Baram Town here fascinated me, with how it's Implied the town was built with flying types in mind. Love seeing stuff like that. The fat Honchkrow was quite a jerk lmao, and pretty arrogant too. It's amusing how there's cultural prejudices between the different continents and their main exploration organizations, in which here we see this fat bird look down on Mawile and Archen as 'map makers'. I've heard about this fic having political themes strewn in, so we're probably going to see more stuff like this in the future. Also Mawile is pretty cool.

Next was a short scene establishing that Espurr is still having a hard time learning the alphabet. Honestly a pmd protagonist's literacy or lack thereof, in this case, isn't something I see done often. Even in my own fic, I'm not too sure what to do about it as it's a problem that can slow down the story pace. At the same time it can lead to some pretty interesting conflicts and plot points, which is neat. We already see Espurr getting shat on by Pancham for not being able to read, and has to write an exam that way somehow. And wow, you really made him as unlikable as humanly possible without making him outright evil lol. Still don't know yet if your version of Nuzleaf will turn out to be a surprise baddie or not, but we shall see.

And because Espurr isn't allowed to catch a break, they do self defense training next. Unsurprisingly, she has absolutely no experience with battling and using moves so she gets hit quite a whole bunch of times. Even when she thought she could really do it, it ended with her getting punched in the face.

Overall I think this was a good chapter. It even ended with a bang which is as good a sign as any in my book. :p


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Apologies as this review is long overdue, but I'm actually rather glad I read all the way through the end of the arc (through chapter 10), and then came back to do a re-read of these later chapters. This review is for the combined chapter six/seven. There's a lot of really great subtle foreshadowing here (and some not so subtle) that packs a different kind of punch when you know a bit more about what's going on with these characters and the world as a whole.

This chapter definitely feels like another breather after the excitement of the Drilbur Mines adventure, though it's not all easy going. We start out with Archen and Mawile, and tensions are high. This sets the stage for the rest of the chapter, where it feels like *something* is building beneath the surface, but what that *something* is, isn't apparent (in the best possible way).

We arrive again at Espurr's reading problem, and now the stakes are even higher with exams right around the corner. Then battle practice, which I did get a laugh when Espurr ducked one attack, and grabbed a stick to fight back. This funny kind of tongue-in-cheek dissonance at the way the canon material just has our 'mons take the hit, rather than dodge or something. I did feel bad for Espurr here, getting beat up over and over while trying to figure out how to, well, how to Pokemon. But then...

BOOM, as Watchog so succinctly put it. There's been this building of Espurr's latent power, and it's great how it just kind of happens to her, and she's left trying to puzzle out how to actually harness it. (This is also good fun in foreshadowing a lot of the development in upcoming chapters.) The Crooked House later in this chapter is also more of that ominous tension that's building and building. The swamp water attack was a bit more whimsical than I was expecting with such a spooky place (ghosts, anyone?) but it's still a rightfully unsettling place that I'm sure is perfectly fine and Espurr won't be going back there at all, she's seen enough, it's totally fine, right guys???

I didn't grab quotes on my re-read, but I did see this part, which caught my attention only after finishing the read ahead to the arc's conclusion:
“Well…” Kangaskhan set the stack of seashells aside before she had another chance to drop and crack them. “I guess I could use some help behind the counter. A—“

Tricky’s ears suddenly fell flat, terrified at the word that was about to leave Kangaskhan’s mouth. Kangaskhan quickly corrected herself before the word was uttered in its entirety, sending Tricky a brief apologetic look.
Upon my first read, Tricky's reaction felt odd to me. Not in an "out of character" kind of way, but because something obviously upset her, but from a single "A" I couldn't really glean what. Now, of course, I know what that A stands for, and wow it packs a punch. Part of me wishes it had the same effect upon the initial read-through, and I had forgotten about this little moment by the time the Big Reveal happened later. The re-read, however, :chef's kiss:

Other bits of tension upon tension (b/c this is technically two chapters in one), and I'm so impressed at how much you manage to pack in here without it feeling overbearing or bogged down: Goomy's follow up from the Mines, Ampharos's meeting promise, and then Ampahros's cronies in the Air Continent and the frankly horrifying threat levied against them, I think I'm probably forgetting some stuff, but seriously, kudos to you for juggling so much with all these characters and not once dropping a ball.

This chapter screams of set up, even without knowing the arc is going to end in a handful of chapters. It's well done, well paced, and well balanced. A delight to read through more than once.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, it’s been a while thanks to a mix of contest writing and real life eating my time, but I'm in the mood to give this review series a bump, especially since the next chapter of Psychic Sheep looks pretty digestible for a work night. The chapter system changed on me since the last time I looked at things, so picking up on what would've been Chapter 31 and is now…

Part 3 - Chapter 3

Headline Today: Imports from Grass Continent make up over 70% of Water Continent’s food supply
That... doesn't sound remotely sustainable and just begging for a systemic failure and societal dieoff at some point.

Imported berries and supplies from the Grass Continent make up nearly all of the Water Continent’s food supplies, inspectors concluded this Sunday. With rising temperatures in a tropical climate, farmland on the southern side of the continent must go through great expense to farm crops that are not native to the heat, and relies heavily on imports from continents like Grass.

The Grass Continent has historically supplied nearly two-thirds of the world’s collective food reserves, with its vast amount of farmlands and moderate climate that hosts many unique crops. But as summer storms sink shipments and threaten shortages in the near future, many towns are beginning to reconsider their reliance on off-continent imports for necessary supplies.

~ The Lively Town Times


I mean, I'm pretty sure the answer is "because marginal profits" kinda like how a whole swath of industries IRL are basically boned if anything happens to the one country that supplies 70+% of critical components (oh hi, China), but still, doing this with your food supply feels like an especially shortsighted move.

Mawile’s library was lit by the bright blue glow of a luminous orb. Ampharos tried his best to fit into the narrow room comfortably, but it just wasn’t possible. This room hadn’t been as narrow before it was filled up with all the books Mawile collected. He settled for shifting around uncomfortably in his seat every minute or so.
... Wait, has she gotten all of those in the few weeks this story has been set? Or was that over a longer time period? ^^;

“I implore you to reconsider whether this is a wise decision,” Mawile said, reshuffling some books on her ever-more-cramped desk. “We can house them. We can train them. But they are not old enough to join as registered explorers. We’d be in breach of our contract with HAPPI!

“They have been on our guild register for almost a month, Mawile,” said Ampharos. “Simply moving where they lodge does not change much.”
Has HAPPI been looking for an excuse to shut the Expedition Society down for a while? Since you'd think that with all the dodgy stuff they're involved in, that they wouldn't bat an eye at underage recruiting.

“And you saw fit to register a pair of children from the middle of nowhere onto our guild system anyway?”

“I… did.” Ampharos had a rare fit of silence. “I needed to be able to track them from afar, in case they were in danger. They ran into it on their way here last night.”

Ampharos: "I'd just like to remind that one of those two children could very well be the Fourth Human Savior." ^^;
Mawile: "I'd like to just point out that there were ways of dealing with her that wouldn't risk getting the entire Expedition Society into trouble!" >_>;

“And with that in mind, you plan to keep them confined to the building?”

“I plan to keep them where we can see them,” Ampharos said. “But remember that these children are meant for bigger things. We can’t keep them here forever.”

“Yet why keep them on the register?”

“The risk of taking them beyond the town without a seat on the register is greater than the risk of signing them on underage.”
This... feels like a moment that would probably call for body language or internal thought process. Since by the end of this block, there's been 7 lines of dialogue with basically zero breaks, and it might be nice to see how Ampharos is reacting to Mawile's skepticism a bit more.

“And how do you intend to explain yourself to the authorities when we reach our next checkup?”

“We’ll cross that bridge if we reach it.”

Mawile decided to switch gears. [ ]

“When do you plan to tell them why we’re letting them stay?” she asked. “The Human, at least, has a right to know.”

“After a week or so,” Ampharos yawned. “They should both have time to settle in first.”
See the prior note about body language and thought process. The bits in brackets seem like a particularly good place to slot that in.

“They might not wait that long.”

“That bridge, too, we’ll cross if we reach it.”

I'm pretty sure that this is a really terrible idea, since this sounds like a fantastic way to make Espurr and Tricky suspicious of your motivations when the fate of the world hinges on them not getting picked off by doing something stupid like getting restless and trying to get some fresh air on their own.

There was silence for a moment. Mawile broke it, sighing in defeat. It was clear she didn’t approve.

I pray you know what you’re doing,” she said.

I... honestly can't tell right now. Since while Ampharos is significantly sharper than he lets on in this story, he does still give a vibe of pantsing things a decent number of times.

“Have faith,” Ampharos replied. “You were a child once, too. Give them a few days, before we shove our reasons on them.”
Mawile: "Ampharos, me remembering how I used to be as a child is precisely why I think this is a terrible idea!" >_>;
Ampharos: "... We'll come up with stuff around the Society building to keep them busy?"

“My child years are not ones I wish to emulate,” Mawile stated. She finished rummaging through the desk and finally pulled out the book she was looking for, setting it neatly back on the shelf above her head.

“I request you accelerate your schedule,” she said. A week is far too long and unpredictable a timeframe.”

Oh, so Mawile really was a little terror when she was younger.

Though yeah, I'm on Team Mawile here, since I know how stories work, and I really, really doubt Ampharos has a full week to work with here.

Ampharos opened his mouth to answer, but outside the office, something hit a trash can, jarring both Ampharos and Mawile out of their conversation.

But when they opened the door, no-mon was there.

Yeah, at this rate, he's going to be lucky to have a full day to work with before he needs to start spilling the beans to those two or risk them wandering off.

Dedenne stuck a loud and obnoxious bell through the doorway of every occupied room in the Expedition Society and rang it loudly.

“Rise and shine!” she called out loudly. “The sun’s up, and you should be too!”

The sun was barely up.

Wait, how's a bell do that again? Is it one of those handheld ones where you shake it back and forth? If so, might want to describe that in a bit more detail.

Tricky: "O-Oog..." X_X
Espurr: "(Starting to get the feeling that this whole 'run away to the Expedition Society' idea was ill-advised.)" @.@

Espurr and Tricky wearily rose from their beds, not rested at all. Espurr felt like she could have slept at least a day’s worth longer, after the ordeals they’d been through the past couple of days.

Tricky wasn’t having nearly as good a time of getting up as Espurr was. After a pathetic attempt at getting out of bed, she flopped back down on her straw and yawned in defeat.

“Maybe we can sleep for… five more minutes…” she muttered in a half-asleep stupor.

Wouldn't have expected this from Ms. Adventurer there, but I guess she's very much a 'mon that operates on her own schedule.

Dedenne poked her head back into the room.

“Hey, you newbies don’t want to miss breakfast, right? Chef Swirlix doesn’t leave leftovers.”

The prospect of breakfast got Tricky off her bed.

“Why do they eat breakfast this early…” she yawned, but she walked out the door with Espurr all the same.
Might wanna expand the underlined a bit. At first, I thought it was supposed to be a comic "instantly jolt up out of bed" thing, but it looks like it was meant for more of the shambolic route. That is something that might potentially be worth describing a bit more for the sake of reader visualization.

“Today’s briefing is a short one; I have no wish to keep you all from indulging in Chef Swirlix’s fine breakfast,” Ampharos said, holding the paper that Dedenne had given him in his paw. In the dining room to the right of the lobby sat the untouched breakfast spread that smelled absolutely heavenly.

Somewhere near the end of the line, Chef Swirlix was slobbering.
... Hopefully that's not on the food, since otherwise I can already tell that that's going to be a very unloved breakfast spread. ^^;

Ampharos read off the paper. “A new mystery dungeon has appeared near Lively Town and needs to have its severity evaluated,” he said. “It should be our priority to add that to the maps here. Does anymon here have a clean schedule?”

“I’m up for it, sir.” Buizel raised a paw high, puffing himself out in an attempt to make himself look as reliable for the job as possible. Not that it mattered; no-mon else particularly looked like they wanted the job.
- Beat moment -
Espurr: "Wait, Tricky? How come you're not volunteering? Normally this would be the sort of mission that you'd be all over!"


Espurr: "... Right, I guess being half-asleep would get in the way of that."

“Splendid!” Ampharos read down the page, his eyes glazing across the second matter written there. “Next up: The Spinda Café here has requested our assistance in delivering a large shipment from the harbor tomorrow. They need two or three strong ‘mon to help them carry crates from the harbor into their restaurant.”

“Yeah, that’s us,” a member from Team Limestone that Espurr didn’t catch spoke up.

Espurr: "... Wait, did we ever meet Team Limestone properly before this-?" .-.
- Cue Tricky openly snoring and stirring with a weary snort -
Tricky: "Whuh? I'm awake! I'm awake!"
Espurr: "... Never mind." -_-;

“And now to address the elephant in the room: As you’re all aware, the Expedition Society gained two new members yesterday.”

All heads in the room turned towards Espurr and Tricky.

“We’re very excited to welcome Espurr and Tricky into our ranks!” Ampharos exclaimed. “And as such, I’ve put together the perfect set of tasks for you both…”


“Chores?” Tricky whined as they walked up the spiral staircase towards the observatory. “I thought we were going to go dungeon exploring…”
Espurr: "Tricky, if you'd been awake while Ampharos was asking for someone to map that new Mystery Dungeon..." >_>;
Tricky: "I was! ... Canonically. Not sure how I didn't speak up there, actually." ^^;

“You didn’t expect them to send us into a dungeon straightaway, right?” Espurr asked. She held a piece of paper in her paws that had a list of all the chores they’d been given to do on it. The first one on the list was “wake up Jirachi”. Jirachi slept in the observatory, and seemed to be always asleep, but that was all either Espurr or Tricky knew about him.

“Well…” Tricky dramatically sighed in defeat, letting her ears and tail flop down into effect. “I guess not… but I thought we’d be doing something more interesting!

Careful what you wish for there, Tricky. Somehow, I doubt waking Jirachi's going to be as boring and straightforward as you think.

Espurr couldn’t find it in her to argue with that. Chores weren’t exactly her first choice on the list of ways to spend an afternoon.
I mean, you two didn't exactly protest for alternatives earlier, so... :V

The door to the observatory slowly opened, and Espurr crept in, followed by Tricky.

The room was a cluttered mess, but completely quiet. Paper and machines Espurr hadn’t ever seen before lay all around the room, along with what looked like the model of several large orbs and a huge telescope that poked out of the roof.

And in the middle of it all floated what must have been Jirachi.

He was small and frail-looking, no larger than Espurr was. He floated asleep in midair like an abra, snoring loudly like a tyrunt.
... Wait, how do Espurr or Tricky know what a Tyrunt sounds like snoring? Since I'm not sure if it was ever established that either of the two had heard one or else that there was an in-setting perception of Tyrunt being particularly loud snorers.

“Guess that’s Jirachi,” Tricky said, as they watched him slowly orbit the room in his sleep. “How do we wake him? Didn’t Dedenne say we needed something special?”

“She said we needed a remedy,” Espurr said, reaching into her bag. She pulled out something wrapped in a small bundle of leaves. She wasn’t sure quite what it was, but it felt squishy. “We have to feed him this thing.”

Sounds easy,” Tricky said. She began to hop between her left paws and right, psyching herself up. “I’ll get him on the ground, and you can feed him the thing!
15 words spoken seconds from disaster.

“Just try not to break stuff,” Espurr said. The last thing the two of them needed was to get in trouble for smashing equipment on their first day.

“It’ll be fiiiine,” Tricky drawled. “Who are you, Watchog?”

Wow, Tricky's really going out of her way to poke fate in the eye this morning.

She hopped up on a stack of books, then tiptoed across a table, then climbed on top of a shelf and tightrope walked along the thin surface above over to where Jirachi was sleeping.

“Get ready!” she called to Espurr silently, ready to pounce on Jirachi from above. Espurr braced herself for the chaos that was surely about to follow.

Tricky pounced. She collided with Jirachi midair; both of the pokemon were sent flying towards the ground. They both landed in a heap, rolling to the ground. Tricky faceplanted into a dusty book and wheezed. Jirachi was still sleeping. Espurr quickly walked forward with the remedy in paw.
I was honestly expecting Jirachi to go full Psyduck right then and there, so... it's exceeding expectations, at least? :V

“I guess this is why we needed the remedy,” Espurr said. She walked forward with the remedy in paw—

—Jirachi leapt up, the eyes on his face half open and glowing brightly. He looked like he was in a zombie-like trance, with his limbs limp and his head hanging downwards.

You guys shouldn’t have attacked me while I was sleeping,” he mumbled. It was barely audible.

Tricky + Espurr:

“You were flying up in the air!” Tricky protested. “We had to get you down somehow to wake you up…”

“We were sent to wake you,” Espurr said. She held out the remedy. “Dedenne said to eat this.“

Oh, you’re new,” Jirachi mumbled further in his dazed stupor, like he hadn’t heard either of them speak at all. “I don’t like being woken up violently. Lash out while I’m sleeping, and I might just… lash back.
Tricky: "Holy Mystery Dungeon, Espurr give him the remedy already!"

Espurr: "In case if you haven't noticed, but I'd like to not get brutally murdered by the living star! I'll stick to being patient, thanks!" O_O;

A sudden blast of white energy flew out from Jirachi, snagging both Espurr and Tricky and knocking them back across the room.

Espurr flipped up into an attack position immediately. Tricky beside her did the same thing. They immediately scurried out of the way of another one of Jirachi’s undirected attacks, which hit a bolted-down table and left a dent in it.

Tricky: "Any day now would be nice, Espurr!"

Espurr: "I'm trying, alright?!" O.O;

“He’s crazy!” Tricky hissed to Espurr. Espurr peeked out from behind the shelf she was hiding behind, then quickly stuck her head back when another attack blasted the shelf and gave it a rattle.

“If he wants a fight, maybe we should give it to him,” she said. “if you can pin him down, I can hold him in place and feed him this.” The remedy was still in her paw.

... I'll go ahead and book the funeral, really. ^^;

“If you say so…” Tricky sounded hesitant at the prospect of going out and facing Jirachi’s attacks.

“I can get you there safely,” Espurr said. “You just have to stand riiight there…”

Tricky scuttled out into the open, looking somewhat uncomfortable with the idea. It was clear she had reservations.

Are you sure about this?” she whispered back to Espurr, who was hiding. Espurr nodded so fast her head looked like a floppy fish. Tricky almost snickered at that thought.
- Beat moment -
Tricky: "... Espurr, are you normally this eager about things?" .-.
Espurr: "Uh... yeah, sure. Anyhow, just stay still a moment..."

Jirachi was floating around the room aimlessly once more. It was like he had fallen to sleep again. Tricky slowly began to inch forward, her tiny steps growing into a brisk trot as she became more and more sure he’d gone dormant again. Maybe this was going to be easy after al—

Jirachi suddenly spun around, still in the same stupor he’d been in for the last minute.

There you are,” he lazily breathed.
Tricky: "Nope nope nope..."

Espurr: "T-Tricky, calm down! We can still make things work-!"

Espurr made her move. A concentrated blast of psychic energy catapulted Tricky straight into Jirachi, knocking the two to the ground. Tricky quickly made sure Jirachi couldn’t move his arms or legs while she still had the chance. They gave in easily. She was pretty sure he didn’t use them much at all.

The third eye opened. It was right in the center of Jirachi’s chest. Tricky yelped in fright, right before one of Jirachi’s attacks sent her flying up into the roof—

“Good nigh—”

Espurr stuffed the remedy into Jirachi’s mouth before he could finish his sentence. Tricky’s descent through the air became slower and slower, halted by a psychic grip, until she could put her paws on the ground with no impact at all.
Tricky: "... Motion to go after Buizel and get paws deep into an uncharted Mystery Dungeon instead of doing chores like this all day?"

Espurr: "... I'd agree, but I'm pretty sure that'd get us kicked from the Society, so..."

“It’s not night any longer,” she said.

Espurr and Tricky both looked at Jirachi, who had gone dormant on the ground in front of them. He’d even stopped snoring. They both traded a look. Sleeping was one thing, but had they made him faint? Slowly, trepidaciously, Espurr poked Jirachi.

“Huh??” Jirachi leapt up into the air and stayed there. His eyes flew open, and this time they looked normal. “Who woke me?”
Tricky: "... A lucid dream?"

Jirachi: "No, no. You're those new recruits Ampharos brought along. Guess it was about time we met each other properly. I'm really looking forward to seeing you around!" ^^
Tricky: "Y-Yeah, terrific..."

His eyes settled on Espurr and Tricky, then arched in confusion. “Who’re you two? New recruits?”

“Pretty much,” Espurr said.

“Oh. I see,” Jirachi yawned, his voice taking on some of its signature laziness. “Sorry if I did anything to you while I was asleep. I have… problems getting up. Sometimes I’m not myself, see…”
Understatement of the millennium there.

“Yeah, it was…” Tricky let her sentence taper off, pawing the ground she was intently studying.

Neither Espurr nor Tricky knew how to break what had just happened to him.

Tricky: "Uh... you know, weird, murderous, zombie-like trance with you speaking in some sort of demonic voice?"

The vault was located at the bottom of the Expedition Society, where the large cooling fans blew and made the hallway blare filled the hallway with the blaring noise of several massive air conditioners. It ruffled Espurr and Tricky’s fur as they passed, offering a breath of well much-needed cool air after days of dealing with unrelenting summer heat. Espurr almost didn’t want to leave.

But they had chores to do, so they continued trudging on towards the vault.

Would recommend a couple rephrasings for the sake of making this section sound a bit smoother.

The massive bronze door slid open with a series of clacks, but no-mon was there to greet them at the door. After sharing a look, Espurr and Tricky stepped into the large room.

The first thing that became apparent was that there wasn’t a single window in the entire room—it was a vault, after all. The only source of light came from a single lightbulb in the wall near the top of the room that flickered every so often. The second thing that became apparent was that the place was a mess. Stuff lay everywhere, organized with no rhyme or reason. There was a large pile of poke in the middle of the room, nearly obscured by mountains and mounds of other things.
... How on earth has the Expedition Society not collapsed with organization like this? .-.

“So…” a voice drawled from the other end of the room, catching Espurr and Tricky’s attention. Nickit leaned over a wooden crate on the floor and was at a convenient height to serve as a table. The look on her face was unapologetically smug. “You’re the help, huh?”

“That’s us,” said Espurr.
Espurr: "... I'm going to regret opening my mouth in about 5 seconds, aren't I?" -_-;

“Swell,” Nickit replied. “MURKROW!”

Murkrow, snoozing at the top of the gold pile, awoke with a squawk.

“Huh?!” he squawked, jumping up lazily and rearing up with his feathers bristled “Who’s attacking?! Where are the thieves?! Who what where?!
IMO, Murkrow's line sounds a bit better if you make him sound more agitated / startled with exclamation points. Also, how did Espurr and Tricky not see him all this time?

“No thieves,” Nickit said from below. “But the help’s here.”

[ ]

“Oh…” Murkrow said, yawning. “Have I seen you two before?”

[ ]

“I’ve never seen a bird like you,” Tricky said. “We’re new,” Espurr helpfully added.

[ ]

“You’re a bit young.” There was an awkward silence between the four pokemon in the room.
IMO, this sequence needs a bit of description interleaved to sell the sense of characters reacting and progression of time. Any 2 of the 3 sets of brackets would add quite a bit, though I think that you have room for adding some funny moments/gags if you fill in all three by playing Murkrow and Espurr + Tricky's reactions off each other.

“Well, I haven’t seen the day where children couldn’t clean yet,” Nickit said. “Heads up, this is gonna take a while.”
Nickit hasn't seen too many children, has she?

“When was the last time you guys organized?” Tricky asked, as they sorted through a mound of what Espurr assumed was meant to be assorted berries and seeds—but with how much of a disorganized mess everything here was, who could say when the last time they’d been organized was?

“Last year or so,” Nickit yawned, checking to make sure she had a plain seed and not a blast seed under her paw before she kicked it away into the Seed pile. “Usually Murkrow and I get what everymon else needs, and we know where everything is, so there wasn’t a reason to.”
So in other words, if anything at all had happened to those two, the ES would've imploded by virtue of nobody being able to sift through that chaotic mess in the vault. ^^;

“You can find stuff? In this mess?” Tricky asked, tilting her head in utter, bemused confusion.

“It looks kind of like your bedroom did,” Espurr couldn’t restrain herself from saying.

“Hey! T-that doesn’t count!” Tricky managed to stammer out.

Tricky: "I-I had a system there! And it didn't look this bad!" >///<

“Says who?”

“Says me!”


The cleaning continued for a long while; the level was underground so Espurr couldn’t say what time it was by the time they decided to take a break.
The bit about "the cleaning continued" honestly feels disconnected enough that if you dropped in two or three short paragraphs right after "Says me!" where Nickit gives an "Enough already!" and puts the gang to work, you'd probably be able to put in a hard scene break there. Your call if you want it or not, but it's something I noticed.

“That was a lot…” Tricky said, panting on her back. Only a third of the room had been cleared.

“We did request help for a reason…” Murkrow said.

“Eh,” Nickit said. “I liked it better messy.”

Well, that would've certainly made life for Espurr and Tricky a lot simpler, now wouldn't it?

“That’s because you’re a hoarder.”

“Guilty as charged.” Nickit took it completely in stride.

Nickit: "Also, who are you calling a hoarder when you literally roost on a pile of money and shiny odds and ends?"

Murkrow: "Those are shinies. They're different!" >v>;

Espurr had been taking a breather against the large pile they still had yet to sort through.

“So,” Nickit said. “We’ve still got ten minutes. Where’re you guys from?”

An uncomfortable silence passed between the four of them. Neither Espurr nor Tricky looked like they wanted to say. Then Nickit let out a laugh.

“Come on, you guys!” She laughed. Espurr couldn’t tell whether she forced it or not. “I’m joking. I wouldn’t be comfortable tellin’ my life story to a stranger either.


Somehow, that doesn't seem like the Nickit we've seen in prior scenes, since she's always come off as shameless enough to just not care about whether or not others don't want to hear what's on her mind.

They returned to work soon afterwards.

“No, the razz berry goes there. The razz berry.”

“What’s the difference?” Tricky asked, glancing between two berries that couldn’t have been more different.

Nickit brashly gestured to the smaller, red berry. “That’s the rasp berry. This is the razz berry.” She sighed. “Don’t they teach kits anything in school anymore?”
I mean, considering the absolute state of schooling in Serenity Village...

“I… wasn’t paying attention,” a cowed Tricky admitted.

“Hey, perk up,” Nickit said a few minutes later after Tricky had been moping for a while. “I didn’t mean it.”
This, IMO would've worked better with a paragraph in between these two lines of dialogue where we got to see Tricky mope for a bit or something like that.

Tricky drooped a little less, but didn’t say anything.

“Hey, I’ve got a card game I play with Murkrow a lot, but he’s terrible at it,” Nickit said, in one last attempt to cheer Tricky up. “We could play later. Having a fellow fox around to play with has got to be better than birdbrain over there.”
I mean, crows are supposed to be pretty smart, so I'm not too sure if that'll pan out as you expect, Nickit.

That one managed to get a snicker out of Tricky despite herself.

“Iii think we’re gonna be friends,” Nickit said confidently.


In the end, they managed to get two thirds of the vault sorted out before sundown.

“Have you guys got any other chores on that list?” asked Murkrow, staring at the list Espurr had forgotten to pick up in all their working. Espurr and Tricky froze.

“Berry crackers!”

This is another portion where it feels like the paragraphs are very disconnected with one another. You should consider either adding a transition to help sell the flow of time better, or else potentially reworking things into two scenes with the following serving as a comedic Giligan Cut.

They were both out of the vault before either Murkrow or Nickit could blink.

“I did think they were going to finish up here first,” Murkrow admitted, flabbergasted.

“Dang, I wish I was that fast,” Nickit muttered out the side of her snout.

Well this chore speedrun is going to be a disaster, I can already tell.

There was one more large chore on their list, and it took the largest portion out of the day: Sweeping the floors and halls of the Expedition Society.

It wouldn’t have been so hard if there weren’t so many of them.

Espurr: "... How do we not have robotic vacuum cleaners to deal with this?" >_>;
Tricky: "I mean, we don't have robots period unless you count the likes of Golett, so..."

Espurr got a broom, while Tricky carried the dustpan in her mouth and swept the floors with her tail. They started on the west side, and slowly worked their way east. There was silence between them for most of it, both because Tricky had the dustpan in her mouth, and because it was finally setting in that they were truly in a building full of strangers. Espurr hadn’t known how to feel about it the entire day, and she didn’t know how to feel about it now either. She supposed that at the very least, she could count herself lucky that they had some form of security – a building of strange explorers was a better shield between them and the beheeyem than a village was.


I mean, I get that the residents of Serenity Village were a bunch of useless apathetics, but you'd think that Espurr would have more pause at the dramatic drop in headcount. Unless if the idea is that "being surrounded by strangers in the middle of the much bigger Lively Town" is more secure.

They reached one of the trash cans in the hall, and Tricky took the moment to let Espurr empty the dustpan into it.


Espurr removed the dustpan from the trash can and looked at Tricky, who had taken a seat on the floor. She looked just as exhausted as Espurr felt.

“Yeah?” she asked, setting the dustpan methodically down next to the trash can.

“I miss home.”

Espurr: "..."

Tricky: "Yeah, yeah, shocking, I know. I... just wasn't expecting this when we signed up for the Expedition Society." -_-;

That one got a surprise out of Espurr. She knew she did, but Tricky?
This I'm curious about myself, since I was surprised by this as well. Has Tricky's whole thing about being an explorer also been an act beyond her motivation for why she wants to do it?

“I thought working here as an explorer was your dream,” Espurr said. “Why the change of mind?”

“As an explorer,” Tricky said. “But… I miss Pops, and Goomy, and… even Deerling. Everymon here’s just weird. Don’t you feel like that?”
Tricky: "Also, doing chores all day didn't exactly help with those feelings." >_>;

It was like Tricky had read Espurr’s mind. [ ]

“I miss them too,” Espurr admitted. She had only been there a month, but Serenity Village was the only family she’d known. Neither of them had really gotten a chance to sit down and process what they’d done a day ago when they’d packed up and left. It had sure seemed like a smart decision at the time, but… was it really looking so smart now?
IMO, the first paragraph would be more effective if you had Espurr stop and linger a bit in reaction to Tricky's statement / "uhh... now that she mentions it".

Though I kinda wonder if there should've been more of a hint that the two were getting homesick in prior scenes in this chapter. Especially as the novelty of being in the Expedition Society progressively wore off.

But they didn’t have a choice.

“But we didn’t have a choice,” Espurr said. “If we stayed there, we’d be putting them in danger. You saw what they did to Audino’s house.”

“Yeah…” Tricky said.

Would suggest changing either the underlined or else the phrasing of the first bit of Espurr's line. Since something about this feels a touch repetitive. e.x. this reshuffling accomplishes the exact same thing with no loss of nuance:

But they didn’t have a choice.

You saw what the Beheeyem did to Audino’s house,” Espurr said. “If we stayed there, we’d be putting them in danger.

“Yeah…” Tricky said.

Some food for thought.

They swept in silence for a while longer. The air between them was heavy. [ ]

“I wonder how Pops feels,” Tricky said. “And Audino. We never got to say goodbye…”

[ ] Despite that one last day before they’d fled, that one weighed heavier on Espurr than anything else.

“At least we’re keeping everymon else safe,” Espurr said. Half of it was to console herself. “That’s something to be thankful for.”

“Yeah…” Tricky said, and it felt just a tad less heavy than before. [ ]

Doesn’t change how weird this hallway looks, though.” “It’s way too colorful,” Espurr agreed.
This feels like another chunk where you want to slow down and sniff the proverbial roses a bit more to show how the characters are ticking, and at the third bracket, to transition Espurr + Tricky's attention back to the hallway. IMO even as little as 1 or 2 sentences per block would potentially add a lot.

They finished sweeping not soon after. Which was just as well, since the sun was going down and pokemon were finally beginning to return from the day’s missions. Bunnelby had gone digging a burrow for somemon on the outskirts of town, while Buizel had finished mapping that local dungeon within the day. Archen had gone down to the harbor to help out with something, and though he wouldn’t say what had happened he was completely soaked.
Guess that's a sign that Archen took a swim, huh? Though I'm guessing the odd jobs that the ES does outside of MDs is their main bread and butter for earning money? Since that one mission Buizel took on Grass paid pretty well.

Then it was time for dinner. The spread on the table was a lavishly decked out feast just like breakfast had been—finally Espurr understood what Swirlix had been doing in that kitchen all day—but they dined with strangers. A bunnelby ate carrots and radishes by the dozen but pointedly avoided lettuce, while a buizel loudly boasted about the many missions he’d been on and a torracat, vulpix, and rockruff quietly squabbled amongst themselves to determine who was going to have the last piece of meat on their side of the table.
Wait, are those three a reference to something? Since that feels like a really particular species lineup there.

Espurr sat apart from Tricky, since there wasn’t a spot on the table for them both to sit together. The food looked and tasted like real food, and the table in front of Espurr and the seat underneath felt just as real as the ones back in Serenity Village did. But even so, Espurr felt like she was watching everything through a glass wall. She didn’t understand anything going on around her, and for the first time since they had fled, that was finally beginning to get to her.

It only served to drill in the point that had been lingering in Espurr and Tricky’s head for the past few hours: This wasn’t home.
I mean, slack off work for a few days and loaf around until the other members start shouting at you in frustration. Then you'll get the full Serenity Village experience.

Dinner ended, and then it was time for everymon to retire. Most of the Expedition Society went to bed soon after the sun had finished setting, since they all woke up deathly early in the morning. Espurr had to admit after all the work they had done that day, she was feeling quite winded too. Tricky walked alongside her, drooping further with every step.

“I’m so tired…” she groaned. “I feel like I could sleep for a thousand years!”

Not with Dedenne's morning bell, you won't. >:V

Espurr, similarly exhausted, was too tired to grace that with an answer.

“Which way was our room again?” Tricky asked, yawning.

“I think it’s this way,” Espurr said, pointing down the east-side hallway.

Luckily, she had guessed right. They found their way down to their room within a few minutes, flopping down on their beds and retiring for the night. Tricky fell to sleep soundly a few minutes after she hit her bed, snoring softly. Espurr found herself still awake.

Espurr: "... What on earth did we get ourselves into?"

Awake, and staring out at the night scenery that looked nothing like she was used to. Lively Town was vast, and a thousand electric lights lit up the valleys below like a silent festival in the night. And more than anything, it was eerily silent. And Despite herself, safe and sound in a building surrounded by experienced explorers, she found herself wondering: Was it really safe here? Where were the beheeyem? The town below was massive. They could be anywhere. She didn’t believe they would just give up that easily.

They were still hunting her, she was sure of it.

I would personally advise adding an emphasis on "really" to add a different "sound" between the two instances of "safe" in the same sentence.

And I mean, yeah. Someone's a bit genre savvy here. Not that I wouldn't be paranoid about those Beheeyem after they stalked me through a Mystery Dungeon and tried to give me free flying lessons.

The sound of somemon tripping over something startled Espurr form her train of thought. She looked back towards the door they’d forgotten to drape the curtain over, where Bunnelby had just stumbled over the broom and dustpan they had left out. Espurr inwardly grimaced. Whoops.

“Sorry,” Bunnelby said. “Somemon left all this cleaning supplies out, and it’s dark. I didn’t wake you, right?”

“I was already awake, “ said Espurr.

Bunnelby: "Ah, good to hear. And any ideas what klutz left these out in the hallway? I've got half a mind to give 'em a piece of my mind in the morning."
Espurr: "... No clue, really." ^^;

Bunnelby nodded, and then was on his way. Espurr flopped back down on her bed. She knew she should sleep, but she couldn’t. This was just such a weird place, and she couldn’t calm down.

Then she wondered where Bunnelby went.

Eventually, the curiosity overtook her. If she couldn’t sleep, she could at least see what went on in this building at night. She quietly got up off her bed, then walked to the door. After furtively sticking her head out both ways to make sure the hallway was desert, she took off the direction Bunnelby had gone.
Espurr: "(Espurr, what are you doing? This is insane! Bunnelby's probably just going to bed himself! What on earth are you doing stalking him through-?!)" >_>;

At some point, she realized he must have just gone back to his room, since she had wandered all the way into the lobby without catching so much as a single glimpse of him. That meant she had gone all the way out here for nothing.

Now she just felt silly.
Actually wasn't expecting that, but hey, you can't say it's not an effective fakeout.

Although, now that she noticed it, there was a light shining on the second floor. Espurr could only just see the faint blue glow from the stairwell, and figured it might be worth her time. Considering what she had seen the last time she had gone up there, perhaps she could pick up something useful to know for later.
Espurr: "... (Hello. What's this?)"

It was coming from behind the smaller room off to the west side of the floor. As Espurr climbed up the stairway and drew closer to the room, she heard the sound of voices coming from the other side. She knew better than to get close to the door, and she could hear the voices just fine from here anyway, so she staked out next to the trash can in the area, and listened.

“I plan to keep them where we can see them. But remember that these children are meant for bigger things. We can’t keep them here forever.”

“Yet why keep them on the register?”

“The risk of taking them beyond the town without a seat on the register is greater than the risk of signing them on underage.”
Oh, it's the opening. So I was right about who was listening in there. Sorta. I initially expected that Tricky would be there as well.

“And how do you intend to explain yourself to the authorities when we reach our next checkup?”

“We’ll cross that bridge if we reach it.”

A pause.

“When do you plan to tell them why we’re letting them stay? The Human, at least, has a right to know.”

The world seemed to stop for Espurr, like it was put on pause. The voices continued talking, but she was reeling too much to listen to them.
Kinda wonder if there should've been more of Espurr's thought process interwoven here, since we've seen most of this dialogue before at the very start of the chapter. Ideally during any revisit story-wise, you want to play up the stuff and perspective that wasn't visible in between all the repeated content.

They knew. They knew about her. She knew it had been suspicious the entire time, that they had their paws wrapped up in the same mess she was ensnared in, but now she had definitive proof they had an ulterior motive for keeping her here. How long had they known about her? And how? Was this why Ampharos was so intent on keeping them close?
This also feels like something that should've been played up a bit more in earlier scenes. Like I get that Espurr had that distrust last chapter, but it feels like it's just now being revisited here.

“I request you accelerate your schedule. A week is far too long and unpredictable a timeframe.”

Espurr shifted in her uncomfortable crouching spot, and bumped into the trash can—

It created a bang that made her heart skip a beat. She thought fast—she needed to hide. She managed to scramble into a suitable hiding place just in time.

Espurr: "(Sure hope those two aren't good at spot checks...)"

She heard the door open. Two figures came out—one of them must have been Ampharos—and looked around. If there was talking, she didn’t hear it. The door closed soon after, and the voices grew too hushed for Espurr to hear.

Maybe they knew better than to air their suspicions in front of somemon who might be listening.

Soon after, Espurr crept out from where she was hiding. She scurried down the stairs, then silently crept into the lobby. Only once she reached the hallway did she begin to relax and walk—albeit quickly—back to her room. She took a moment to think about what she had just seen as she walked. Who were they working with?

Who were they working for? Were they with the beheeyem, or somemon else? It would have been easier for Ampharos to finish them off in the mountains, if they wanted her dead. No, they still needed her and Tricky for something.
... Have you considered just waltzing up in the morning and demanding an explanation, Espurr? :V

But for what? And still, the question remained: How did they know as much as they did? They couldn’t have figured it out just by looking at her; no-mon back in Serenity Village could have done that. She could only think of one way they could have that information, and it wasn’t one that put the Expedition Society on her side.

That was the way she found herself walking back to her room. A growing sense of distrust was building within her, and soon she found herself realizing what she had known all this time: there were secrets being kept here; ones that concerned her. She had to keep her cards close to her chest, and if it came to it, be ready to take Tricky and run for the hills.

She lay awake in her bed for a while, trying to process it all. But she was tired, and eventually she couldn’t fight it off any longer. She drifted off to sleep.


Alright, made it to the end, gathering my final thoughts:

I take it that this was basically meant to be a transition chapter. To show Espurr and Tricky in the ES getting used to things, their initial awkwardness, and end on a note where you tee up a future conflict that I'm sure is going to rear its head in short order. Altogether, I think that it did a pretty decent job, though I kinda wonder if it could've used a firmer tie-in into the stuff going on in the broader world like some sort of glimpse at proverbial storm clouds on the horizon beyond "Espurr gets
about Ampharos". But eh, I assume there's a reason for this ordering, so I won't judge too much.

As for things I wasn't a fan of, as a nitpicking thing, but I kinda wonder if it might make sense to structure your chapters under a system like "Part X: Chapter Y for their threadmarks/explicit titles", since I did a double-take at there being multiple Chapter 3s at first. Also, beyond the observations I noted here and there, there were two structural issues in particular that I felt were recurring things that drug the chapter down a bit.

The first is that the chapter had a number of sequences that were pretty light on description / internal thoughts, and it got in the way of a sense of progression / ease of visualization for them. The bit where we see Espurr snooping in on the opening scene was one of the bigger examples, IMO. Since that's the part where as readers, we ideally want to be seeing how things are playing out in Espurr's head and the wheels are turning in live-time since that's not that short of dialogue. And yet, the first half to two-thirds of the dialogue didn't really feel like it accomplished that precisely because we didn't get to see much of that difference of perspective. And it is a short chapter at around 5300 words, so you certainly have the word budget for dropping in some additive editing if you feel like it.

The other structural issue that I saw was that there were a few things that felt like they weren't quite built up enough. Espurr/Tricky's homesickness and Espurr's paranoia about Ampharos' intentions are both things that immediately come to mind. Like even if it makes sense that those feelings would flare up towards the end, it might've made more sense to sell the sense of there being an undercurrent of that, or else things building up. Even if it was something subtle or indirect like one of Espurr / Tricky mentioning something like "We sure didn't do this at home" while slogging through chores or something like that.

But altogether, I had fun with the chapter, and I'm sure with the ending note, that things are about to go really sideways really fast thanks to some quality decision-making by Espurr. Hope this review helped you @SparklingEspeon , and it's great to be back in the swing of things for reviewing again.

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, took me a bit longer than I'd hope to get back to this series, but I’m finally back for another review, and at 9700 words, for a beefier chapter at that.

Anyhow, let's see where things go here, since the chapter art already seems to be hinting that things are going to be getting very
very fast:

Chapter 3-4

Headline Today: Landslide in Lively Mountain Range cuts off main travelling route

Merchants headed towards the western mountain basin of Water found themselves blocked by a landslide on the path Monday, officials reported.
Aha, aftereffects of 3-2, I see.

“The path was completely cut off,” said Merchant Machoke. “It looked like somemon had blown a small hole, but nothing big enough to get a wagon through. Somemon with more firepower will have to go up there and clear the rest of it.” Machoke, from the Guild of Merchants, has been pushing for the development of a better travel route for merchants for years.

Long, craggy, and treacherous, the Lively Mountain Range starkly separates the secluded villages on the western side of the mountains and the more developed eastern half of the continent. Carving a larger path through the mountains would make it easier for merchants to come and go in larger quantities, and would help lessen the immense culture divide between the two sides of the continent.

~ The Lively Town Times

"Guild of Merchants", huh? Will file that one away for the future, since with an explicit namedrop like that, I doubt it's the last that we've heard of them.

The many lights of Lively Town glowed brightly in the night, like a beacon amongst the dark mountains and the vast sea to the west. A trio of cone shaped heads glode across the mountain path, overlooking the town below. Somewhere within lay the targets. It was a large city to search, but they would search it relentlessly and without pause. Finding the pokemon they were now to kill was an inevitability, even in a town this large.

They hovered forward in unison, continuing down the mountain path. The hunt resumed.


At first I thought that was Nyarlathotep again, but right. Guess we'll be seeing more of the Beheeyem in the immediate future.

Tricky couldn’t sleep.

Despite being completely worn out from her trek through the mountains just a day earlier, she found herself unable to drift off to bed properly. Not that she hadn’t tried. At some point she had conked out, then woken up in the middle of the night, then woken up again and not been able to get back to sleep. It felt like she’d been lying in bed restlessly for hours now! She turned over in the straw bed, which was nothing like the one she had back home, and tried to see if she could get comfy that way.
Narrator: "She had been lying restlessly in bed for hours and absolutely did not get comfy that way."

It just wasn’t working. She felt as awake as ever! She spared a glance over to the other side of the room, where Espurr lay, fast asleep.
Tricky: "Seriously, Espurr. How are you the one who's out like a log right now?" >_>;

Eventually, Tricky decided it wasn’t worth the wait anymore. She pulled herself off the bed with a yawn, and began to wearily trot towards the room’s exit. Maybe a walk throughout the halls of the building would help her get to sleep better.
Color me skeptical that that'll actually work, but...

The halls were dark and quiet, but Tricky didn’t mind. She trotted down the tiled floor, looking at the lavender walls around her with gold-colored embellishments and the odd trash can every now and then. She didn’t notice the figure lurking in the shadows before it spoke:

“Yo, newbie.”
Cue the startled yelp/scream in 3... 2...

“Huh?” Tricky looked back, her ears swiveling in the direction the noise had come from. Nickit slunk out of the shadows, walking up to Tricky with a smug smirk on her face.

“Watcha doin’ out of bed?” Nickit asked, sitting in front of Tricky and looking her straight in the eye.

Tricky: "... Why does that expression of yours just scream 'trouble' right now?" .-.
Nickit: "Could ask you the same, really. So again. Watcha doin', newbie?"

Tricky immediately felt much smaller than she had a few seconds ago. “Well… I… couldn’t sleep, and… Does this mean I’ll get kicked out? I can go back to bed! I can—”

“Nah.” Nickit waved Tricky off with her tail. “I’m not gonna get you in trouble. Otherwise I’d have to stop staying up all night too.

- Beat moment -
Tricky: "Wait, you stay up all night on a regular basis? How on earth do you manage to function during the day?" .-.
Nickit: "I have my ways... (Oh and a Chesto Berry here or there doesn't hurt.)"

“Say,” she began, getting up and walking back down the hall from which they’d came. “Since you’re up… fancy that game of cards?”

“Cards?” Tricky’s ears perked back up at the mention of what sounded like a fun time. “What’s that?”

“C’mon,” Nickit said, prowling back down the hallway. She ushered Tricky along with her tail. “I’ll teach you how to play.”
So now Nickit will have two opponents to casually humiliate on a regular basis in that game.

Nickit led Tricky into the vault they had just cleaned yesterday, which looked much more orderly than the state they had left it in.

“Took a bit to sort out, but we got the job finished,” said Nickit. “How does it look?”

Tricky: "I... never pegged you as the type to care about organization, really." ^^;
Nickit: "Meh, getting orders from the top changes your priorities a bit."

“Weird,” Tricky admitted. “There’s too much empty space. I liked the mess better.”


... Now I'm going to be keeping a closer eye on Nickit, since the thought comes to mind that if you wanted to roll a deliberate character foil to Tricky, you could do worse than to pick "another foxmon, but different"

An immense stack of poke sat near the back of the room, nearly reaching the roof. At the very top of the pile snoozed Murkrow.

Tricky eyed him warily.

“Don’t we have to worry about waking him?” she asked.

“Doubt it,” said Nickit. “he sleeps like a rock on a good day.”

Tricky: "... And if it's not a good day?" ^^;
Nickit: "Well, hope you brought something shiny to bribe him to shut up, then."

Nickit pulled a small box out from behind a few chests of poke with her snout. Over a crate of dried berries, she arranged the cards in a neat deck, dealing herself and Tricky each seven.

“A’ight, here’s how this works,” she said. “Each card has a pokemon on it, with a type assigned to it. There are eighteen types total. We each choose a card from our deck and put it down on the table; whoever has the card with the type advantage wins both. If ya get ten pairs, you win. They taught you your type matchups in school, right?”
Tricky: "..."

Nickit: "... This is gonna be a learning experience for you, isn't it?" -_-;

“Yeah…” hints of indignation slipped into Tricky’s voice. Of course she knew them.

Sticker, sceptilisk,

With the level of attention Tricky was displaying in class? Unless if she picked it up from Wartortle's handbook, color me doubtful there.

“Cool. Looked at your cards yet?”

Tricky hadn’t. She propped her cards up the best she could with her paws, following Nickit’s example and making sure to keep them out of her opponent’s view. She had a dhelmise, druddigon, axew, flareon, and something called a “Silvally” that didn’t seem to have a type. Or, on closer inspection, it seemed to have all the types. Tricky grew giddy—she knew what she was going to pick.


“Chose your card?”

Tricky nodded. This game was fun. She was beginning to enjoy it.

“Cool. Now place it in front of you.” Nickit chose her own card, and slid it on the table. Tricky carefully picked Silvally out of the deck, and put it opposite Nickit’s card.

“Three… two… one… flip!”


We'll see if it's for the reasons I expected, or if Tricky actually got a lucky draw there.

Nickit flipped her card face-up, and then Tricky followed Nickit’s example and did the same a second later. Silvally faced down Nickit’s metapod.

“Hah!” Tricky called out, slamming her paw down on the cards. “I win this one!”

“Not so fast,” Nickit drawled, drawing another card from the pile to replace her own. She gestured for Tricky to do the same. “You still have to get nine more pairs to win, and you’ve just used up the most powerful card in the deck.
Tricky: "C-Can I play my Flareon card instead-?"

Nickit: "No takebacks. Sure hope that you enjoyed that Metapod there." :^)

Tricky was uncharacteristically silent, as she realized how stupid of a move that had been.

“Tip to the wise: Cards’ a game of wits,” Nickit said, “Just like everything else in life. Never senselessly start throwing cards out; you can only go downhill from there. Learn to read the other player instead. Just like I read you. I thought you’d pick the strongest card in your claw first, so I sent out a dud to check you.”
Yeah, I kinda figured. Though this is why you stick to card games where you can just count your way to victory like Blackjack and avoid the behavioral side of gambling entirely.

Cornered. Tricky looked through the rest of her cards. Ghost, Dragon, Dragon, Fire… what to pick? Now that she didn’t have a card that was sure to win she was a lot more flustered.
Wew, those are some terrible cards for this matchup, since three of those are SE against a very small spread of types.

“Done choosing yet?” Nickit asked, lazily watching Tricky flipping through the cards. “You can’t take forever, ya know.”

“Y-yeah,” Tricky said, setting down a card from the pile. One of the dragons, but she just had to hope she got lucky.


Especially since the game specifically is rewarding type advantages, and Dragons are dependent on raw stats to get around their lack of those.

“Guess I’ll have to match you.” Nickit calmly pulled another card from her claw, setting it opposite Tricky’s. “Three… Two… One…”

[ ] The game ended nearly an hour later. Tricky consistently pulled whatever card looked coolest from her deck and paired it up against Nickit, who matched it with her own strategic choices. Tricky almost would have said Nickit was cheating if she hadn’t managed to score three more pairs against her over the course of the game. Nickit ultimately won out, with ten whole pairs and not a single legendary card among them.
Yeah, figured she'd turn out like Murkrow. Though I kinda wonder if this either should've been hard-divided into another scene, or if more of a transition along the lines of "Tricky and Nickit drew cards and showed them. And then did it again. And again." since something about the current structure feels really jarring with the way we abruptly skip an hour ahead in the same scene.

“Good game,” she said at the end, gathering up all the cards and putting them back up in the box. She glanced behind Tricky, at the first rays of sunlight beginning to pour in through the door. “Hope you weren’t still sleepy.”

Tricky was a bit sleepy, but she could put that all aside for a bit.

“I have to get going now,” she said. “Bye! Thanks for the game!” And with that, she scampered out the door of the vault and made a beeline for her and Espurr’s bedroom.
Cue Tricky keeling over and dozing off in the middle of the day at this rate.
“Rise and shine, everymon! The sun’s up, and you should be too!” Dedenne rang a pair of very loud bells outside in the hallway, stopping at each door and ringing them extra loud.

Tricky had gotten about an hour’s worth of sleep since her game of cards with Nickit. She pulled herself off the bed like a zombie, watching Espurr stretch on the other one. Unlike Tricky, she looked well-rested.

Tricky: "Ngahhh..." X_X
Espurr: "... Tricky, are you doing alright?"

“Why do we have to get up this early?” was all Tricky could muster as a frazzled response amongst the ringing of bells in the background. She lifted her head, then let it flop back down into the straw.

“Do you want breakfast?” Espurr asked, stretching. “The chef doesn’t leave any leftovers.”

Tricky got a strange sense of déjà vu from the exchange. But all the same, the prospect of breakfast made her a little less tired.

Espurr: "Because we literally just went through this yesterday?" :|
Tricky: "Urgh... less talk, more food, please." @.@

After Ampharos’ briefing, a much less extravagant breakfast compared to yesterday’s was served. Most of the members took things from the table and ate on the go, since they had missions they had to get to soon after. Espurr and Tricky were paired with the three members of Team Limestone for their tasks today, so they had to quickly grab a few buns from the table and scurry to catch up.

“Hey, you two!” Holly, the white-furred vulpix, yelled out after them. “You’d better catch up, otherwise we’re going to leave you behind!”

Tricky: "Wait, is that really such a bad thing right now? Since I could really go for some extra rest-" X_X
Espurr: "Tricky, we're supposed to be making a good first impression here..." >_>;

Espurr and Tricky, still scarfing down whatever they could snatch from the breakfast table, ran to catch up with the other three of them.

“You’re going to be helping us pick some stuff up from the harbor.” Cinder, the torracat, walked up in front, with their team’s own exploration bag strapped to his back. “Make sure to keep up.”
Espurr: "I thought that this was supposed to be an Expedition Society. Not the Odd Jobs Society."

Cinder: "The Odd Jobs make the Expeditions possible. Plus you didn't seriously think we were going to send a bunch of newbies like you straight into a Mystery Dungeon did you?"
Espurr: "... Yes...?" >.<

Granite was a bit too busy chewing on something to chip in.

“Hey, what’s that you guys are wearing?” Holly asked, her eyes fixed on Tricky’s scarf. Espurr instinctively fiddled with hers a bit. She was walking backwards, able to see the both of them clearly. Once or twice she came dangerously close to walking into another pokemon, but always managed to step out of the way just in time.

“They’re scarves,” Tricky mumbled. “My pops gave them to me.”

Holly: "I mean, I can see that. But why do they look like that?"

“Holy—” Holly had to take a moment to get her breathing under control. “Is your pops loaded or something?”

“What’s loaded?” Tricky asked.

“What about the scarves?” Espurr asked.

“T-those aren’t scarves! They’re focus sashes!” Holly exclaimed loudly, pivoting on her paws and gaping. “Those are so rare—do you have any idea how lucky your pops was to get ahold of those?”

Oh, so they don't have the Harmony Scarves in this story. Or at least not yet. Filing that one away for later, since I never pegged Carracosta as being rich.

Though that makes me wonder if these Focus Sashes will get rekt if Espurr and Tricky get wiped kinda like the in-game ones in mainline.

“What’s a focus sash?” Tricky asked.

“It’s got a very powerful heal pulse sealed in it,” Holly said, still trying to keep the stutter out of her voice. “I-if you’re on the brink of death or were mortally injured, the scarf will heal you as long as you’re in contact with it. Many pokemon live and die without even seeing one. And you guys are just walking around with two of them on your necks! You have to hook me up with him sometime.”
I'm gonna assume that they'll get wrecked if Tricky or Espurr ever get hurt enough to trigger them. Though that is a terrible omen for how these two are going to fare long-term, since if you're walking around with a "cheat death once" card, it's all but guaranteed that the story is going to force you to use it at some point.

Pops… Tricky’s mood plummeted. Yes, he had made her clean the whole house from top to bottom more than once, and yes, there were scary creatures that would put Pops in danger if she had stayed, but she’d still never even said goodbye to him. He must be worried sick.

But there hadn’t been going back before, and there was no going back now.

I should be less surprised that Tricky is the member of the duo that's more affected by homesickness right now in light of her having a long history of putting up an emotional facade, but this still caught me off-guard at first.

“Maybe later,” Tricky said, trying not to look gloomy. It almost worked.

“Huh?” Holly’s head tilted at Tricky’s visible drooping. “Did I hit a nerve or something?”

Tricky couldn’t bring herself to answer.

Narrator: "She absolutely hit a nerve."

“Our parents live far away,” Espurr answered in Tricky’s silence. “Traveling back there isn’t really a good idea right now.“

“So… you guys are runaways,” Holly concluded, walking backwards. Neither Espurr or Tricky answered that one. Holly read their fear-stricken faces instead.

Tricky: "How the hell did you-?!" O.O
Holly: "I mean, if I was doubting before, I'm sure not now thanks to that reaction."

“N-not that I care,” she quickly added. “If the chief let you guys on, there must have been a reason! Just curious is all.”


Gonna be keeping an eye on Holly from here on.

“You know, you’re walking backwards again,” Cinder sighed, sending a glance in their direction. “When are you gonna learn?”

“What’s the issue with it?” Holly asked. “I’m careful!”

“Careful, my tail,” Cinder said. “Yesterday you walked into a streetlamp.”
Kinda wonder if there ought to have been an intervening paragraph of description of body language or internal thought put somewhere around here, since this has been a longer block of pretty unbroken dialogue thus far.

Espurr: "Okay, you absolutely cared that we were runaways-" >_>;
Holly: "Oi! It's just a habit of mine!"

“That’s one time!” A-and Granite was sticking her tongue out at me! How is that a fair example?”

“I alphays sptick myph tongphe ouff!”
... Wait a minute, what is Granite again? I should probably know by now, but a sanity check reveals that Granite's species is never brought up at all in this scene.

The harbor was crowded and filled with pokemon and ships galore. There were several lapras arriving and departing from the docks, and pokemon loading and unloading the boats passed Espurr and Tricky to and fro. A huge marine pokemon with scaffolding meant for smaller pokemon to ride on sat in the middle of all the ships, taking a nap. Espurr read the large billboard that stood in front of the large pokemon:

Wailord Liner

Departing next for: Sand Continent, Port Archaios, tomorrow at 9 AM
Espurr: "We could be going out and seeing cool things in the world, but nooooo. We had to do the stupid dock errands..." >_>;

“Alright, this is where you two come in.” Cinder stopped outside a large lapras-pulled barge that had just pulled into the harbor. “The chief wants us to pick up a late shipment from the docks. It should be in that barge.”

“Late shipment?” Espurr asked.

“Fireworks,” Holly whispered to her as Cinder talked with the barge pokemon. “We usually shoot them on Deerling Day, but they were delayed by a storm or something. Now we’ll have to wait until winter.”

Espurr: "And he hasn't returned them to get his money back why?" >_>;
Cinder: "Bold of you to assume that Ampharos bought the fireworks from a vendor with a return policy."
Holly: "I mean, it is how he got 'em for cheap."

“You guys shoot fireworks?” Tricky asked, her earlier gloominess evaporating on the spot. “I’ve never even seen fireworks before!”

“This winter, then…” Holly breathed.

[ ]

“T-this… winter??

“Yeppers.” Tricky wilted.

You might want to consider dropping in a "wait wut" bit of reaction from Tricky to Holly's dialogue there.

Holly: "Did you just crawl out from a rock yesterday or something? What sort of backwards hole did you two use to live in that didn't have fireworks at some point in the year?"

Tricky: "... Serenity Village." >_>;
Holly: "Yeesh, guess I'm not missing much visiting west of the mountains from here." .-.

The crates were heavy, and it took five minutes for Espurr and Tricky to move one from one side of the harbor to another.

“How… heavy… are these things?” Tricky panted from under a crate, using her back and head to lift up one side.

Tricky: "Why were we not given a rolling dolly for this?! I think I'm gonna throw my back out!" @.@
Granite: "... No budget?" ^^;
Tricky: "How do you have no budget for something like that?! They're not that expensive, are they?!" >_>;
Espurr: "(Oh so it's not just the Vault that's disorganized...)" -_-;

“Way too heavy…” Espurr struggled on the other, using her mental powers to lift the crate. She could barely manage a single sentence under the strain.

Eventually, they reached the end of the harbor. Both Espurr and Tricky unceremoniously dropped the box down on the ground, and collapsed on either side of it.

Tricky: "... I still say that you need those dollys." X_X
Espurr: "We... could've moved more than just these two crates if we had one, just saying." >.<

“I hope we don’t have to get more of these…” Tricky panted out. “My tail’s all scrunched up.”

“And I’ve got a headache,” Espurr said, rubbing her forehead. “I think there were only three.”

inb4 it turns out that Espurr needs to add a '0' after the '3'.

There was a boat docked at the end of the harbor that was empty. It looked brand new, like it hadn’t even made its maiden voyage yet. There was no ramp leading up into the ship like there were into the others that were being unloaded, but a pile of crates had been stacked up next to it that looked like they’d make a good makeshift staircase. Espurr looked up at the flag that was flying from the boat’s highest mast. It was a soft purple flag, sporting a badge that was very clearly the Expedition Society’s own sigil. Realization hit Espurr. This must be—

“’Ey, you two!”

Tricky: "... Please tell me we don't have to carry all of those!"

Espurr: "T-Tricky, relax. It's a busy port! Those could be anybody's crates! (... I hope.)" ._.

Both Espurr and Tricky looked over in the direction of the voice to see a scrafty angrily marching towards them.

“Any of y’all seen the ‘mon who pilfered mah blast seeds?” the scrafty asked, pulling a piece of paper out of his pants. “I only saw ‘em for a second, bu’ I got this drawin’! Shoul’ be enough, don’ ya think?”

Espurr + Tricky: "..."

Scrafty: "Oh shut up. If nature gives you something to hold things with, use it."

He thrust the paper out into Espurr’s face. Her eyes focused on what looked like a very crude drawing of…

Espurr suddenly felt a lot less tired. She stood up and took the paper from the scrafty.

For a second I thought that this was going to very rapidly get into
territory from that description.

“Tricky, look.”

Tricky hopped up onto the crate and took a look at the drawing on the paper. Her ears scaled back a bit.

“You’ve seen ‘em?” the scrafty asked hopefully. Espurr looked down at the drawing again, where a crude but unmistakable drawing of a trio of beheeyem had been marked down.
Well never mind then, it did get into
territory anyways. Just for different reasons.

“Are you sure these are the pokemon you saw?” Espurr asked, her voice urgent.

“Yes, ‘course I’m sure!” the scrafty said angrily. “I don’t mistake a ‘mon once I see them. Now have you seen ‘em or not?”

Espurr handed the scrafty back the paper. “Not since two nights ago. Sorry.”

Espurr: "I... suddenly feel a really, really strong urge to go back to the Expedition Society and just hole up in my bedroom all day."

Tricky: "I mean, I felt that even before we found out that those 'mons that were trying to kill us just passed through and are now strutting around with a bunch of explosives." >_>;

“Drat…” the scrafty shoved the paper back down his pants. “Tha hun’ continues, then. Well, thanks anyway.”

With that, the scrafty spun around and walked back the way he’d come. “You there!” he pointed at a passing flareon.

Espurr and Tricky silently traded one long, worried look that conveyed the same meaning: What do we do?

Tricky: "I mean, that idea about shutting ourselves up in our bedroom all day was honestly sounds pretty appealing right now." ._.
Espurr: "... Okay, yes, but it'll also get the entire rest of the Expedition Society to hate our guts two days in. So let's try and think through our other options first."

The crates were put on a wagon that Cinder pulled across the streets on their way back to the Expedition Society building with ease.

“Ugh,” Holly said on their way back, shuddering. “There were the weirdest ‘mon at the docks today.”

“What kind of ‘mon?” Tricky asked. Espurr’s eyes lit up curiously.

“They showed up near the barge a few minutes after you guys were gone,” Holly said. “Like… these three beheeyem guys. Weren’t with anymon, didn’t do anything but stare at us creepily. They weren’t doing anything wrong, but you could feel the bad vibes…”

Espurr and Tricky uncomfortably traded looks.

Tricky: "Uh... yeah, I'm ready to just go 'hello bedroom' for the rest of the day here." O_O;

“I didn’t think they’d reach the city so fast….” Tricky said, pacing back and forth in their room with her head and tail down.

“And they have blast seeds now,” Espurr said. “That means they’re armed.”

“What do we do?” Tricky asked. “If the village wasn’t safe, and now this city isn’t safe, where do we go?”

Tricky: "Actually, why am I asking myself that when I thought we concluded that we were going to just shut ourselves up in our bedroom-?" >_>;
Espurr: "Tricky, they can literally just rain those Blast Seeds on us through the window."
Tricky: "I... didn't need to think about that possibility there."

“There’s nowhere else we can go,” Espurr said. “If they’ve gone after us this far, then they’ll chase us anywhere.”

“Why are they even chasing us??” Tricky said. “What did we do to them?”

Tricky: "Okay, it probably has something to do with you being a human, but still!" @.@

“I think…” the next part sent chills down Espurr’s spine. “I think they’re trying to kill us. They’re connected to that monster we fought in the Crooked House. And as for what to do…”

She didn’t know. Where was there to go, when their pursuers were relentless and deadly? Nowhere would be safe forever. Unless…

“Espurr…” Tricky started. “I think we should tell somemon.”

Wow, Tricky's actually being the voice of reason here for once.

Espurr: "Tricky, you do realize that I did exactly that back in Serenity Village and just got laughed off as hallucinating, right?"

Tricky: "Espurr, Ampharos literally saw those Beheeyem two nights ago! If nobody else here would believe us, he would, wouldn't he?" >_>;
Espurr: "(I mean, yes, but... can we even trust Ampharos?)" .-.

Espurr folded her arms. “Telling pokemon in the village didn’t go so well.”

“But this is a rescue guild!” Tricky said. “It’ll be different!”

Wow. That's actually roughly the direction of the last cutaway gag. Minus Tricky explicitly pointing out "Ampharos saw those Beheeyem that were stalking us".

“But we tell them, then they’re involved,” Espurr said. “Then the beheeyem will just hurt them too.”
Bold of you to assume that the Beheeyem don't already have the Expedition Society in the crosshairs when Ampharos literally Discharged them two nights ago, Espurr.

And that wasn’t mentioning she didn’t know if they could trust the Expedition Society yet.

“They’re involved anyway!” Tricky said. “We can’t run from it—you said it yourself! We need to get help.”

I still can't get over the fact that Tricky is being the voice of reason right now. I guess you weren't kidding when you said that Espurr had the deeper reckless streak of the pair.

“But Tricky, I don’t know if we can trust the Expedition Society,” Espurr said.

“What are you talking about?” Tricky asked. “Aren’t they supposed to be keeping us safe?”

“It’s too convenient that Ampharos knew exactly where we were in those mountains,” Espurr said, “and also that he gave a pair of children from the middle of nowhere an expedition gadget! And last night, I heard them talking. They said they have plans for us; that’s why they’re letting us stay! They have to be in cahoots with whoever’s behind all this.”

Tricky: "... And we haven't just gone and asked Ampharos for an explanation why?" >_>;
Espurr: "Because if I'm right about him, the moment we try, we're going to get shocked to death?"
Tricky: "... That would be a good reason to not ask him for an explanation, really."

“But… But Ampharos saved us from the beheeyem!” Tricky paused to compose herself. “How can he be evil?”

Espurr didn’t have a good answer for that. She sat on the straw, and folded her arms. “I just have a feeling.”

There was a silent moment, in which neither one of them knew what best to say next.

Tricky: "... Could we get a third party to go and ask him-?"
Espurr: "Tricky. We're. Not. Getting. Others. Involved." >.<

“Well…” Tricky began. “Even if this place is evil, he saved us before. He’d help us now, wouldn’t he?”

Espurr was finding it harder and harder to come up with a new answer. The more she looked at the situation to counter Tricky’s comment, the more sound it was. If they could get help, then regardless of that help’s motives, it wasn’t a question of running anymore—they could just overpower the beheeyem!

“Alright, fine,” Espurr reluctantly admitted. “You have a point. But we can’t trust Ampharos. We just can’t. Anymon else.
Talk about a massive error in judgment there. Though I suppose that Ampharos kinda brought it on himself for not shooting straight with the kids right away as to why he went out to get them.

“Then who else do we tell?” Tricky asked.

“What about…”

Oh, I'm sure that this totally won't end terribly. Totally.

“So, let me get this straight.” Holly trotted backwards alongside Espurr and Tricky through the bustling streets, barely avoiding a collision with a passing signpost. “Those beheeyem from earlier are here for you guys.”
Tricky: "... Espurr, why are we telling them this in a public place?!" >.<
Espurr: "To ensure that Ampharos doesn't overhear us?"
Tricky: "Yeah, but now all of Lively Town will overhear us!" >_>;
- Beat moment -
Espurr: "... It'll be more likely to get lost in the crosstalk?" ^^;

“Y-yep,” Tricky said. Her voice quaked a little.

“And they chased you all the way from your village to here?”


“A-and what do they even want with you?? That’s pretty persistent.”

“They’re here to do away with us,” Espurr said after a moment of hesitation.

“Wow,” Holly sighed, breathing a breath of frigid cold air into Tricky’s face. “This is some intense stuff.”
IMO, it probably makes sense to show a bit more reaction and internal thought process in this sequence, even if I'm tripping up over where the best place to do it would be.

Like it just feels like Team Limestone's a bit hard to read at the moment, ditto Espurr/Tricky's thought process as to how they're feeling about the idea of sharing what's going on at all to them.

Tricky: "We could've done this in a park, or on a quiet place by the docks, but noooo..." >.<
Espurr: "Tricky, just trust me on this one, okay?" >_>;

They trotted in silence for a while, taking in the sights of the town. Somewhere among all the street vendors, a lavender audino selling soothe bells stood out against the crowd. The streets of Lively Town were as lively as their namesake, but Espurr couldn’t stop herself from constantly glancing behind her back. There were tons of pokemon in this crowd. Their pursuers had countless places to hide and lurk in a town this big.

“Can you guys prove anything?”

Espurr + Tricky: "..."

Holly: "I'm just gonna take that as a 'no'." -_-;

Both Espurr and Tricky looked straight at Holly with worried faces. She didn’t…

“You don’t believe us?” Tricky asked.

“N-no!” Holly stammered, making an attempt to backtrack with a forced, exaggerated grin on her face. “No, of course I do! I don’t think you guys are lying. But let’s be real, the police aren’t going to do anything unless you can prove they’re actually after you. And the Expedition Society technically isn’t supposed to handle outlaw hunting, so we can’t just go after them ourselves.”
Narrator: "She absolutely did not believe them."

“They also stole some blast seeds from the harbor,” Espurr chimed in. “A pokemon there was complaining about it. He had a drawing of them.”

“That’s a start…” Holly said. She sat down in the middle of the street, thinking. Her six tails thumped against the sidewalk in some erratic rhythm Espurr couldn’t follow. A choir of small pokemon passed around them, mumbling niceties like ‘excuse me’ and ‘coming through’ as they pushed by Holly, Espurr, and Tricky. Then Holly finally spoke.

Somehow I remembered Vulpix having five tails, but no, the dex clearly states they have six. Not sure how I got that one mixed up.

“Hey, you guys said they chased you all the way from your village to Lively Town?” she asked.

Espurr and Tricky both nodded.

“Well…” Holly made icy rings in the air with her breath and her paw. “If they chased you that far and then they appeared at the harbor, that means they’re following you around town, right?

Espurr + Tricky: "..." O.O

Espurr and Tricky looked at each other, then hesitantly nodded.

“So we could set a trap for them,” Holly continued, lowering her voice into a hush. “You guys lure them into one spot, and then I’ll tip off the police about the blast seed thief and have them make the arrest!”


“But what if they just attack us instead?” Tricky asked.

“They wouldn’t attack us in a crowded place,” Espurr said in realization. She suddenly felt giddy with hope. “Not unless they knew they were going to come out on top. That makes sense—that’s why they didn’t just get us at the harbor!”

That's a really, really bold assumption to be making that sounds like it's going to get someone hurt or worse in short order.

“Exactly!” Holly said, her grin no longer forced. “And later today the five of us are going to be working in one of the most crowded places in town.”

“What place is that?” Tricky asked, curious.

“Have you guys ever heard of Spinda’s Café?” Holly inquired innocently.

... Wait, there's a Spinda's Cafe in Lively Town canonically? I didn't remember that one. (Though I guess that this is where the chapter illustration comes into play.)

“So glad you could all pitch in to help today,” said the very not spinda-ish electivire who managed Spinda’s Café. “Having the extra paws to move around all these crates really saved us.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Cinder yawned. “When do we get paid for this?”

Wasn't expecting that one. Wonder if Spinda's Cafe is now a franchise in this world.

Espurr and Tricky struggled to move one of the crates through the crowded restaurant and into the storage room in the back. They set it down with a smaller thump than before, both collapsing on either side of it to catch their breaths.

“Hey, you guys are here!” Holly quickly sidled herself in, looking around furtively to make sure that neither Granite nor Cinder were around before she said anything else. “You walked around town for a half hour before you got here, right?”

“Yeah,” Tricky said. “Cinder yelled at us for being late.”

“Cinder’s a mukhead,” Holly said dismissively, brushing off the notion with her paw. “You’re sure they followed you here?”


Cheeky there, though I'm pretty sure that this is all about to go really sideways really fast.

“We’re sure,” Espurr said, standing up and dusting herself off. “You can see them from the window out there.”

She pointed out the vault door. Holly followed her gaze. Outside the window of the store, on the other side of the street, a trio of beheeyem glowered in the shadows.

Espurr: "And... uh... the police are here to arrest them at the moment, right?" o_o;

Holly was clearly doing her best to contain herself, but struggling anyway. “How many crates are still out there?”

“One,” Espurr and Tricky both answered at once.

“Alright,” Holly said, pulling her team’s expedition gadget out from behind a crate. “I’ll tip off the police now. They should get here in five minutes. You guys go and keep their attention in one place.”


Words do not begin to describe how poorly-planned this entire scheme is at the moment.

The sudden uncertainty in her voice made Espurr equally uneasy. But she nodded all the same, and then and Tricky left the vault.

Do you think the police are really going to do anything?” Tricky asked in a whisper as they walked out of the restaurant. The beheeyem were only a sidewalk away; the sunny sky felt like it was covered in clouds.

I mean, if you have to ask the question...

To Espurr’s sixth sense, the atmosphere was downright malevolent. Every voice in her head was going haywire, telling her that this street was not a safe place to be and she had to flee now and take Tricky with her if she wanted to get out of here alive. It took everything Espurr had to will herself not to look at the beheeyem with more than the corner of her eyes.

Everything fell apart if they indicated they noticed.

inb4 they're just casually mind-reading Espurr right now and the plan's already doomed before it already started.

“It’s worth a shot,” she whispered back, shrugging off the paranoia. “I’ll take anything we can get at this point.”
12 words spoken seconds from disaster.

The last crate sat all on its lonesome on the sidewalk. Espurr and Tricky both struggled to lift it up. The lid jostled as they did, catching Tricky’s attention.

“Hey, Espurr,” she asked in a strained voice as they moved it up towards the storefront. “Weren’t all the other crates sealed? Why’s this one open?”

Now that Espurr thought of it… she bumped the crate from her side; the lid rattled as well. “I think they were,” she said. “Maybe something’s wrong with it.”

... There's a bomb in there, isn't there?

Espurr and Tricky set the crate down with twin breaths of exhaustion. Espurr studied the lid, which looked like it had been wrenched from the rest of the crate. “It looks like somemon tore the lid off with brute strength,” she remarked, nudging it out of place.

“Hey—what are you two doing?!” An angry voice in the background caught both Espurr and Tricky’s attention. They both snapped their heads around to see the electivire heading towards them angrily. “I never said you could open that crate!”

“W-we didn’t!” Tricky exclaimed loudly, panicking. “It was already open! It was—”

Espurr: "Well, this plan is going smoothly already." >_>;

There was a small opening where Espurr had moved the lid. Amongst the large bags of food and produce, a tiny sack sat. A sack that didn’t look like it belonged among the larger bags of grains at all. Had that bag been put in there just now? If she could just get a closer look… Ignoring the electivire for the moment, Espurr opened the lid a little more, allowing just enough sunlight to shine in and show her what it was: A bag of blast seeds.
Figured things about to take an explosive turn here, also, you have a typo on 'electivire'.


It clicked. Espurr dashed forward.

“Tricky, get away—”

The beheeyem made their move. Espurr tackled Tricky and sent them both tumbling away from the crate just as a large shadowy attack flew towards the box. The attack sent the box flying straight towards the restaurant. Espurr only had time to cover her face as the storefront exploded—

Whelp, too late. And I'm pretty sure that like a dozen people just died there.

The deafening blast sent dust, debris, and smoke flying throughout the street. The restaurant was set aflame, and Espurr could hear various cries of panic from inside the building. Holly was in there. They had bigger problems right now.

“Get out of the way!” Cinder pushed the shellshocked electavire aside, heading into the restaurant. Granite followed in his wake. “Everymon out!”

Tricky pulled herself up from the street, shaking her face to clear it of debris. Espurr struggled to find her balance. She glanced around, trying to see something through the dust and debris.

Sure hope that Pokémon in this setting are built tough, since otherwise... that's gonna be quite a mess inside that restaurant right now. .-.

“Where did the beheeyem go?!”

They came out of left field. Tricky pulled a dizzy Espurr out of the way as one of them swooped in from the smog. The lights on its arms made the smoke flash and flicker. All of the sudden the lights were all around them—coming from all sides and impossible to tell where they’d strike next from. It was disorienting. Espurr finally caught her balance and pressed herself up against Tricky’s back. She looked around frantically, trying to ignore the lights and find something that could help them get out of this mess.
Tricky: "We could've stayed holed up in our bedroom all day, but nooooo..." >_>;
Espurr: "Tricky, they literally would've just bombed our bedroom instead!" >.<

Tricky’s ears twitched. She shoved Espurr aside, ducking herself as one of the beheeyem’s shadowy attacks flew through the haze. It slammed against the café’s tattered menu board and turned it to solid stone. Espurr rolled to a stop, got to her feet, and looked around frantically. She forgot all about being an explorer—for the moment, all that mattered was getting herself and Tricky to safety. The electivire was getting up from where Cinder had pushed him, shaking his head. He stared at the burning restaurant, his mouth gaping open in horror.
Oh, so the Beheeyem are just going full unsubtle at the moment. Guess we really are going to see a body count rack up here.

Tricky had her eyes closed. Her ears twitched towards every sound.

“I think…” she muttered. “There!” she pointed to their left. “Over there! There’s a beheeyem over there!”

Espurr looked in the direction Tricky was pointing. Sure enough, through the dust beginning to settle, there was the outline of a beheeyem moving towards the restaurant. Only a single one, but the electivire was in its line of fire!

“Hey!” Espurr called out to the dazed pokemon. “Move!”

inb4 this gets him killed instead.

That snapped the electavire out of his trance. He looked over at Espurr. “What—”

Too late for talking. Espurr used her still-recovering psychic grip to pull the electavire out of the way just before a shadowy ball flew in the electivire’s direction. He went soaring across the street and landed on the other sidewalk. The landing knocked him unconscious. Lifting such a heavy pokemon made Espurr’s head ache. She clutched her head, doing her best not to fall over a second time.

Surprised she didn't just go for a shove, but something something "rash actions in a panic", I suppose.

Espurr stumbled back over to Tricky, trying not to let the lights give her an even bigger headache. This was bad. Really super bad. Bystander pokemon were going to come out of the restaurant soon, and if they hadn’t dealt with the beheeyem by then, every single one of them was in danger!
Tricky: "Wait, Espurr. Wouldn't everyone inside be fleeing through the back entrance anyways since the front's on fire?" .-.
Espurr: "Given that we're hearing them come here, sounds like a decent number of them didn't get the memo." >_>;
Thinking made her head feel like it was going to split. She groaned in pain, falling back onto her behind.

“Espurr!” Tricky called out, running over to where Espurr was.

“We need to… run…” Espurr hissed through the pain.

“Run? Why?” Tricky asked back, frantic.

Another shadow attack. Espurr and Tricky both hit the ground and rolled over; the attack decimated the pavement where they had been.

Espurr: "Because, we're really, really obviously in over our heads right now?! Shadow Balls don't do that normally!"

Tricky: "Uh... yeah, that would be a good reason to run, really. Guess we should've gotten the cops earlier, huh?"

“The beheeyem are only after us,” Espurr grunted, getting to her knees while she recovered from the mental strain. “We need to lead them away from this crowded street, or they’ll just hurt more pokemon!”
Sure is a good thing you didn't think of that before the Beheeyem blew up a crowded restaurant, huh? ^^;

The debris was settling, but a large crowd had gathered outside the destroyed storefront. The beheeyem’s three cone-like foreheads advanced through the crowd, now in plain sight. But no-mon saw. No-mon knew. No-mon realized how much danger they were in.
I mean, if there suddenly is a statue garden in front of the smoking crater where Spinda's Cafe used to be, that'd probably help. Though I don't think the story's ready to get this mask-off just yet.

Tricky: "Waaaaait a minute, just how has nobody in a public street seen those three just chucking attacks around all this time-?"

Espurr: "Tricky, can you worry about little things like surviving right now first?!" >_>;

“But what about the police??” Tricky asked frantically. “They’re gonna show up soon, right?”

“The police have bigger problems,” Espurr panted, finally regaining enough clarity to stand up properly. She pointed at the beheeyem advancing through the crowd, prompting Tricky to look in the direction she was pointing. “The beheeyem are going to reach us first at this rate.”

Tricky: "... Yeah, that sounds like a really good reason to just turn and run like hell."

Sure enough, the beheeyem were steadily advancing towards their position.

“Where did they go?”

Holly, Granite, and Cinder all galloped out of the shop, looking at Espurr and Tricky among the crowd of pokemon.

“There they are!” Holly called out, pointing down the street. She had a noticeable limp.

“Time to go.”

I've... got a terrible feeling about where this is going to go.

Espurr and Tricky both got up and began to run down the street, away from the destroyed burning building.

“Wait!” Holly called after them. “Where are you going?!”

“Don’t follow us!” Espurr called back after her.

Holly: "What. The. Hell?" >:|
Espurr: "L-Look, it's hard to explain but it's seriously for your own good!" O_O;

She looked back at the crowd as they ran. If the beheeyem were intent on chasing them, they’d have to do it in the middle of broad daylight.
They're... going to do it in the middle of broad daylight, aren't they?

But the beheeyem weren’t coming after them. They stood in the crowd, motionless. Watching. Soon, Espurr could barely see them as they ran—wait. They were moving, just to the left. If she squinted, she could still see them somewhat clearly. They entered a back alley, disappearing from Espurr’s vision. They were taking a shortcut! How she wished she’d brought their team’s bag with her… At least then they’d have something to arm themselves with.
Oh, so they do care about keeping up the masquerade... for now. I honestly wasn't sure if they were going to bother or not.

“Can you see them??” Tricky frantically looked back, although the crowd and the storefront were out of sight at this point.

“They went into a back alley,” Espurr panted as they ran. “They’re probably planning to ambush us somewhere.”

“But we don’t have anything to defend ourselves with!” Tricky said. “A-and they could be anywhere!”

Espurr: "Wait, but we're Pokémon. We can already defend ourselves, can't we?" .-.
Tricky: "Espurr, the last time we tried that against them, I almost got flying lessons off a cliff! I'd like something more than just my fire breath to work with here!" >.<

They stopped outside a house in what looked like the residential sector in Lively Town near the coast, panting for breath. Espurr could see to the west the large Expedition Society building sitting up on the hill.

“Now what do we do?” Tricky asked.

“We’re safest back at the building,” Espurr rasped, her lungs run ragged. “Anywhere else in the town is easy pickings. We need to keep moving, or they’ll just catch up to us.”

Tricky: "Which we would still be in if we stayed in our bedroom or talked with Ampharos..." >_<
Espurr: "Look, we already came to a conclusion about Ampharos, alright? And you can stop giving me crap about the bedroom idea already. At least the Beheeyem used up their Blast Seeds outside of it, right?" >_>;


Without any further hesitation, Espurr and Tricky set off towards the Expedition Society building in the distance.

Espurr: "Boy, even if it'd make me feel really, really stupid, I sure hope that I'm wrong about Ampharos here... Otherwise this is going to be a short-lived safe haven." ._.

“Do the two of you have any idea why you’ve been summoned here?”

Espurr and Tricky sat in twin stools in Ampharos’ office. Ampharos relaxed in the seat behind his desk, looking at them both intently. Mawile was silently leaning against the wall in the background with her arms folded.

“Is it about what happened at Spinda’s?” Tricky tried asked hopefully.

“Correct!” Ampharos exclaimed. Both Espurr and Tricky suddenly shifted in their seats.

... Kinda think that there should've been more of a transition between this scene and the one beforehand. Even if it was as simple a scene as a brief moment of Espurr and Tricky staggering in through the lobby, and running into Ampharos / Mawile noticing them in bad shape and giving them a summons. Since it'd also have been a moment to show Espurr
internally at the idea of getting drug off by a 'mon she still does not trust at this point in time right after a moment of intense danger and vulnerability.

“Not to worry,” Ampharos quickly clarified. “Neither of you are in trouble yet. However, as witnesses, you must detail what you saw so the Lively Town police can track down the true culprit. I requested this be done from the comfort of my office, rather than at the police building. You should know we’re being recorded right now.” He gestured to the connection orb on the desk. “If you please… begin!”

Tricky opened her mouth, and Espurr sensed she was about to tell Ampharos everything—

Espurr stuck her paw up. Tricky fell silent before she could say a single word. She looked at Espurr, confused.

Tricky: "(Espurr, if Ampharos was going to hurt us, why would he be doing this in a recorded room with witnesses?)" >_>;
Espurr: "(One, he could be lying. Two, what if Mawile's in on this too? I did overhear her talking with Ampharos that night...)"

“There was an accident with one of the crates,” Espurr said, trying not to trip over her words. She was barely keeping herself together as-is. “It wasn’t packed properly, and whatever was inside exploded. Tricky and I ran away and got lost. We just made it back here when we got called to your office.” She looked up at Ampharos. “That’s what happened.”

There was a click from the connection orb; the recording had stopped. Espurr eyed it, ignoring Tricky’s look of shock.

“Is that all?” Ampharos asked. “Remember that the police need your testimony to be as clear as possible.”

Tricky: "(Espurr, what are you doing?)" o_o;
Espurr: "(Not exposing ourselves to risk with a 'mon we don't know if we can trust just yet!)" >:|

“That’s everything,” Espurr said quickly. “Can we go now?” she asked.

Ampharos dismissed them with a wave of his paw. Once they had left, he sighed and reclined in his seat.

“How much of that do you think was the truth?” Mawile asked.

Ampharos: "Do you want the polite answer, or the honest answer?" ^^;

“Little, if any of it,” said Ampharos. “It doesn’t match up with the manager’s story at all, nor does It include why the police were phoned about a robbery at the harbor. Not to mention the shipments to Spinda’s Café contained nothing remotely explosive.”

“Why do you think they would lie?” Mawile asked.

“There could be a thousand reasons,” Ampharos said, sitting forward. “I suspect fear. Isolating themselves so no-mon else gets hurt. Which, if my suspicions are correct, is exactly what the unknown party in this situation desires. Whoever these beheeyem are.”

He reset the connection orb on the table. “Not to worry. We still have one more witness to question before we have the full picture anyway. We can circle back to this later.”

Mawile: "Ampharos, considering how one of those two is someone you think is the Fourth Human Savior, shouldn't we want to get those two to trust us enough to share the full truth sooner rather than later?" >_>;
Ampharos: "... If we rush that process, it could blow up in our faces in unforeseen manners? Besides, they're safe as long as they're here..." ^^;

“What was that about??” Tricky angrily questioned Espurr once they had left Ampharos’ office. “We should have said something! Now we’re on our own!”

“Don’t you get it, Tricky?” Espurr looked at Tricky, her eyes full of fear. “The more pokemon we tell, the more pokemon are going to get hurt! We can’t tell the entire police station! That puts them all in danger!”


They both fell silent as Holly limped past them in the hallway, heading in the direction of Ampharos’ office.

“But aren’t the police supposed to handle these kinds of things?” Tricky asked as they walked down the hallway towards their room.

Tricky: "Also, uh... how much of that did Holly just overhear again?" ^^;
Espurr: "... Look, I'm pretty sure she's already in danger from today's events, so at least things aren't being made worse?" -_-;

“Have the police ever handled pokemon who can turn other things into stone?” Espurr asked. “They already blew up a building just to get to us—they’ll just petrify the place and walk straight out. We have to deal with this ourselves. We can’t get anymon else involved.”


Let's not even get into how in canon PSMD, the player and partner literally need a good chunk of the Exploration Society to pull a sacrificial moment in the Voidlands in order to get back out and confront Dark Matter. Like this is a terrible idea on so many levels right now.

“But then how do we get rid of them?” Tricky asked, agitated. “We’re just… we’re just kids!”
You don't. Or at least not on your own.

They had entered their allotted bedroom. Espurr stared out the window, looking at the colorful landscape of Lively Town below. Somewhere, lurking in one of the alleyways below, were a trio of pokemon who no-mon knew were dangerous. Just the sight made Espurr want to shiver with fear.
Boy is that a dark echo of how upbeat the original sighting of Lively Town by these two went down.

“I’ve been thinking about that,” she said, calming herself down. Entering the clinical mode she used for when she was panicking. “Ever since we left Spinda’s. I think I know how to do it. We just need to get them far away from here, then strand them someplace where they aren’t able to get back to us.”

“Where?” Tricky asked, hints of frustration slipping into her voice.

Tricky: "Espurr, Beheeyem learn Teleport. As a Level 1 move." >.<
Espurr: "... We'd strand them really, really far away where they'd be out of range?" ^^;

“There’s a ship from the Expedition Society that’s leaving for the Sand Continent tonight,” Espurr said. “I overheard about it the day we arrived here. The Sand Continent’s on the other side of the world, right?”

“Yeah…” Tricky said. “A-and most of the continent’s fenced off for archeology purposes, so there aren’t many wailord liners to and from there!”

“Except the one that leaves from the Lively Town Docks tomorrow morning,” Espurr answered zealously. “Remember from the dock schedule? I’ll bet anything they’ll follow us there on that. All we need to do is stow away on the ship that’s leaving tonight.”


Tricky was quickly beginning to look more perky and animated. “So we can really get rid of them?”

“I hope so,” Espurr said, clutching the window railing tightly. “Otherwise, we’re out of options.”

She walked away from the window, opening their exploration bag and going through it to make sure they had all their supplies. “Make sure you aren’t forgetting anything. We’ll have to leave after dinner.”
- Meanwhile in Ampharos' office -
Mawile: "Ampharos, are you sure that you don't want to just explain to Espurr and Tricky that you know that they baldly lied to you earlier and that whatever they're afraid of that they'd be better prepared to face it with the support of their peers?"

Ampharos: "Nah, kids will be kids. Besides, how far could those two get after a scare like that?" ^^
Mawile: "... You just jinxed us, didn't you?" -_-;


Espurr sat at the bottom of the grand staircase in the lobby, checking her bag one last time just to make sure they hadn’t left anything behind. The map, the expedition gadget, a half-used tube of toothpaste, a few oran berries, what little remained of their own blast seeds…


That looked like everything. Espurr had gone over the bag’s contents almost five times over the past few hours, but it didn’t hurt to be just a bit more safe. She latched the bag shut—
"Bunmph", huh? Wonder what that one is supposed to be.


That was enough to startle Espurr out of her trance. She looked up to see Tricky sitting in front of her, her tail wagging furiously. In her mouth was a basket of leftover buns from the dinner spread.

Oh, so it was "buns".

“Look!” she sat the basket down in front of them. “I got us buns from the kitchen! Now we won’t be hungry on the trip.” She looked quite proud of herself.

Espurr tilted her head at the basket. “Did you just steal those from the kitchen?”

“I didn’t steal them…” Tricky drawled out. “I just… borrowed them without permission!”

Espurr: "Oh, so you did steal them-" -_-;
Tricky: "Oi, can you be less judgmental about how we're putting grub in our stomachs here when we're about to go on the run from a trio of killer Beheeyem?" >_>;

“That’s stealing.”

“Well it doesn’t matter now!”
Yeah, figured.

Espurr looked both ways, then held open the exploration bag open. “Here, quick. Dump them in before anymon sees. I think the chef will literally kill us if we’re found out.”
Tricky: "... Boy have I never been happier that we're going to be on the Sand Continent and far, far away from here in the near future."

The buns went into the exploration bag, and the basket was thrown out the window to avoid evidence.

“So what are we waiting for?” Tricky asked in a whisper as they both stood in the lobby, trying to look innocent. There was the sound of a door opening up on the second floor. Both Espurr and Tricky straightened up.

“I think our cue’s coming now,” Espurr said.

Sure enough, just seconds later Bunnelby began to lazily trot down the stairs. He had an explorer’s satchel of his own, and he hummed some tune Espurr didn’t recognize to himself as he walked towards the door.
Tricky: "Oh, so our cue's a bun too. Of a sort."
- Bunnelby stops and sniffs at the air -
Bunnelby: "... Why do I smell bread right now?"
- Beat moment -
Espurr: "Let's... give him some distance right now."

“Hey,” he greeted as he walked past them. Espurr and Tricky waved back with pronounced, stilted grins on their faces. Bunnelby cocked an eyebrow before walking out the door, and neither Espurr nor Tricky moved a muscle until it shut loudly behind him.
Sure is a good thing that Bunnelby didn't stop to take a good whiff at the air, since I'm pretty sure rabbits have a pretty good sense of smell. ^^;

“That’s our chance!” Espurr whispered. “Let’s go!”

“But won’t he hear us if we use the door?” Tricky asked.

“We’ll just use a window,” Espurr said, walking up towards the closest one to the door. Where did you throw the bun basket?”

inb4 it bonked Ampharos or Mawile outside or something like that.

The bun basket had been thrown out near where the trash cans were. Espurr jumped out the window first, followed by Tricky. She rolled to a stop on the ground, quickly getting to her feet and collecting their bag not a second later. She brushed a discarded paper out of her fur with a look of disgust.

“This way!” Tricky said. “We’re gonna lose him!”

Oh right, Bunnelby is also going to the Sand Continent, and they need him as their distraction to get onboard the ship he's taking out there. It might have made sense to spell that out a bit more explicitly in the planning scene where Espurr brings up the ship originally. Especially since as-is, things fall into place for that pretty quickly for her.

She took off down the alleyway, and Espurr ran after her to catch up.

“Slow down!” she hissed, chasing Tricky as they turned the corner around the building and ran down the hill towards the rest of the town. “We still have to make sure those beheeyem follow us to the docks! Otherwise, we’re doing all this for nothing.”
Tricky: "... Espurr, if we get out into the Sand Continent and the Beheeyem aren't able to follow us, haven't we also succeeded that way-?"

Espurr: "No, because I'd like to do something other than mope around sand and rocks for the rest of my life." >_>;

“Um, Espurr?” Tricky had stopped ahead, allowing Espurr to catch up easily.

“What is it?” Espurr asked, panting as she caught up.

“I don’t think finding them’s going to be a problem…”

Espurr directed her eyes off to the side where Tricky was looking. What she saw made her freeze up in fear. All three of the beheeyem were haunting an alleyway just off to the side. Espurr gasped and quickly edged out of the alleyway’s view. Once she was sure the beheeyem couldn’t see either of them anymore, she pressed herself up against the house, trying to keep her legs from trembling. She had to keep herself together.
10/10 planning there, girls.

“Now what?” Tricky asked.

This was bad. Espurr had wanted them to follow, but not this closely! Bunnelby hadn’t even reached the harbor yet… they had to buy more time, otherwise their own trap was going to backfire in the worst way possible.

“We’ll just… have to sneak past them,” Espurr said. “I’ll make a distraction.”

Tricky: "Espurr, that sounds like an absolutely terrible idea." ._.
Espurr: "Yeah, well we don't have many better options, so 'making a distraction' it is."

The lid of a trash can fell over in the alleyway the beheeyem were searching with a loud bang. Espurr peeked around the corner just enough to make sure that the beheeyem had fallen for the distraction, then waved Tricky forward. Tricky bounded across, followed by Espurr a split second later.

They splashed through a puddle of water as they went. The noise attracted the attention of at least one beheeyem. Espurr saw its head turn around just before they cleared the alleyway. For just a second, their eyes locked. And then Espurr’s left foot hit the ground, and she continued dashing down the street.
Waaaaait, how did Espurr pull off that trash can thing again? Like this feels like either something where you want a hard scene cut between this and the prior paragraph, or else you should show more explicitly from Espurr's perspective as to how on earth she did this, since it feels pretty sudden.

“They saw us!” she breathed hurriedly, falling in line with Tricky as they both ran. She grabbed the strap of their expedition bag, holding it tight to her. “We’re going to have to fight.”
Tricky: "Espurr, you do realize the last time we tried that, we almost died, right?"

Espurr: "... We're not by any cliffs so it should help?" ^^;

The beheeyem glode out of the alleyway and into the street, catching a good glimpse of Espurr and Tricky running off down towards the harbor in the distance. Shadowy sparks of energy collected around their blinkers, which aimed directly at the slowly shrinking figures in the distance…

Espurr spun around at the last second, and hurled a single blast seed at the beheeyem. A psychic blast caught it midair and propelled it the rest of the way across the gap. It collided with the beheeyem’s shadow attack, creating an earsplitting blast. Windows cracked. The beheeyem were blown back. Espurr and Tricky were sent flying through midair towards the bottom of the hill. They hit the ground hard. The impact stung, but Espurr didn’t any time getting to her feet, and neither did Tricky. They both looked at the beheeyem up on the hill, who were still recovering from the blast.
Ah yes, destruction of public property. Just what you need for a little distraction in one's life.

“Quick, through the alleyway!” Espurr pointed out a small alley to their left. Pokemon were starting to come out of their houses in the aftermath of the blast, looking around for what might have caused the sound. A trio of beheeyem quickly pushed past them without a single word, heading for the small alley below. But it was already empty.

Tricky dashed down the narrow alleyway, followed closely by Espurr. They edged around a dumpster, taking a hard left as they followed the night sky above for direction.

“Did we get them?” Tricky asked.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14

The dumpster slammed into the wall behind them with a deafening crash, leaving a large dent in the wall and sending trash flying everywhere.
Yeah, I thought so.

“Something tells me we didn’t,” Espurr said, shielding her face from the trash that was raining down. “How much longer until we reach the harbor?”

The beheeyem rounded the corner, a shadow attack prepared. Espurr only had a split second, but she reacted fast.

“Tricky, duck!” Espurr hit the ground just before Tricky did. The shadow attack flew over their heads and mangled another dumpster.

Espurr: "Sure glad that that's not my property there."

Espurr pulled another blast seed out of her bag and threw it at the beheeyem. To her horror, it slowed to a stop just before it could make contact with the beheeyem in front. They’d caught on. The blast seed began to rotate in place, gaining momentum even as Espurr edged herself back and tried to get her footing. Then it shot towards her.
Espurr: "Oh, oh crap-!"

The blast seed hurt. It blew both Espurr and Tricky clean across the alleyway, and felt like fire against Espurr’s skin. She landed on the cold, hard ground, which helped ease the burning but stung all the same. The walls around them were damaged from the boom, and the beheeyem advanced upon them like they had already won. Tricky was beside her, still recovering just like her. It was the cliff on the mountain all over again. There had to be way out. Some way out…
Not sure how you're going to pull that one off short of bringing down a building facade onto those guys at the moment, but...

The mangled dumpster behind the beheeyem slowly began to move with loud creaks and scrapes against the pavement. Then it lifted up off the ground, and after some struggling on Espurr’s part, flew clean across the alleyway. It collided with the beheeyem from behind, plastering them against the ground and walls.
... Or you could do that. Which I'm pretty sure hurts about as badly as having the side of a building fall on you. ^^;

For a second, all was silent. The beheeyem didn’t move, and Espurr and Tricky finally had a chance to peel themselves off the pavement and collect themselves. There were a few burn marks on their bag. Espurr smoothed it over the best she could. She wondered if that could be repaired.

Tricky looked at the ruins of the dumpster that had apparently crushed the beheeyem.

“Are they… dead?” she asked, tilting her head at them. Espurr could feel a psychic presence emanating from under that dumpster. An angry one.

“Not at all,” she said. “We should run while we can.”

Tricky: "Wait, but we literally just saw them get crushed by a dumpster! How the hell are they-?!"

Espurr: "Look, your guess is as good as mine! But if we stick around to find out, we're gonna die in short order!" O_O;

With that, they both dashed down the alleyway without a second thought. The sound of a dumpster crashing in the growing distance behind them rang out in the night and sent chills down their spines.
Tricky: "Nope nope nope nope."

Espurr: "I told you we didn't want to hang around and see how they survived that!" >_>;

The harbor was quiet and dark. Espurr and Tricky ran out into the open, quickly hiding themselves behind a pile of crates. Espurr noticed Tricky was carrying herself with a mild limp.

“Is that going to be alright?” she asked, staring at the leg.

“It’s just a bruise,” Tricky panted, out of breath. “I’ve had tons of bruises before. But where’s Bunnelby?”

It's... not just a bruise, is it?

Espurr peeked over the top of the crates, frantically looking the ships over. Were they too late? Had he left already?

She spotted the dark outline of the Expedition Society’s ship, and breathed a sigh of relief. They weren’t too late yet. But were they on-time? She didn’t see Bunnelby there, or any other sign of life that would indicate a pokemon had been near that ship recently.

“I don’t think he’s here yet,” she said. “We should get closer before—”

She heard Tricky’s gasp, and felt her tense up. Turning around, she saw what Tricky saw: The beheeyem were approaching them from the same alleyway they had come out of. Espurr tensed up ready to fight, but her body and her head sent her aching pangs—she was in no condition to fight, and neither was Tricky. They had one last blast seed left, but using that in close quarters would just blow them all sky high.
Espurr: "Oh come ON! Seriously?!" >.<

They were out of options. The only way out was to run—

Then Espurr heard Tricky snicker. She looked over at her partner, watching the fennekin scrunch up her tail as she tried to keep her laughter contained.

“What’s so funny?” Espurr asked, looking at Tricky incredulously.

“Don’t they look so silly?” Tricky asked, trying her best not to devolve into a giggling fit. “Look at them!”

... The Beheeyem are covered in trash right now, aren't they?

Very confused and on-guard, Espurr looked at the beheeyem. On closer look, they were struggling to keep themselves straight. Their cone-like heads wobbled back and forth like waving tops, and they couldn’t even lift their arms to aim another attack at the two of them. Espurr had to admit the sight did look a pretty silly, even if this was a life-or-death situation.

There were black sparks flying around the many burn marks and dents in the beheeyems’ bodies, and steam evaporated off their forms. The many dents, cuts, and burn marks in their body were slowly disappearing—whatever those black sparks were, they were healing them. Espurr didn’t understand it, but now wasn’t the time to get focused on small, roundabout details—she and Tricky needed to move while they could.
Tricky: "Oh, so that's how they survived getting crushed against a wall by a dumpster... I... really did not need to know that, thanks."

“Let’s go before they stop doing… that,” she said, pushing away a still struggling not to laugh Tricky in the direction of the ship.

She could see Bunnelby now, lighting a torch in the harbor as he hopped up on the crates to get on the ship. Espurr and Tricky quickly cleared half the harbor, hiding behind another stack of crates as they watched Bunnelby hop up onto the ship.

“We’ll use those crates to get up onto the back of the ship when he’s not looking,” she said. “Then we’ll sneak below deck.”

... I do hope that their brilliant plan is to get the Beheeyem to see them leave on the ship and be forced to follow on another one instead of just sharing a ship with those three for however many weeks it takes to get to Sand. ^^;
Bunnelby disappeared into the ship’s door, and then Espurr waved Tricky along. “He’s in the ship!”

Espurr and Tricky hopped over the crate they were hiding behind and made a beeline for the ship at the end of the harbor. Espurr heard the pile of crates behind them get loudly blasted away, but she chose to ignore it. The sound of crates tumbling and their contents spilling out everywhere just made it harder not to look back.

I can already hear the two loudly "nope"ing in unison right about now.

Espurr reached the pile of crates outside the ship, but stopped to help Tricky up before she went herself. She spared a split seconds’ worth glance towards the beheeyem coming towards them—too long. An attack hit the crates and jostled them. They didn’t fall over, but teetered dangerously over the water.

Then Espurr saw something that triggered perhaps the largest scare of her life—the ship was setting off! And they still had three more steps to climb before they reached the top of the crates!

This is gonna result in some psychic craziness in about 5 seconds, isn't it?

Espurr helped Tricky up the crates as best they could. The beheeyem got closer and closer behind them. Espurr cast another glance at them—another attack was amassing between their blinkers. This one would probably topple the crates over.

Finally at the top. She and Tricky watched the ship that was setting off towards the harbor. Tricky looked back towards the beheeyem with horror.

“What do we do??” she asked, her voice dripping with terror.

Espurr was determined to get on that boat, no matter what.

Tricky: "Espurr, we're gonna need more than just determination here!" O_O;
Espurr: "I'm working on it, alright?!"

“We jump,” she said, desperately trying not to look like she was coming up with a plan on the spot.

“Jump? We’ll land in the water!” Tricky exclaimed.

“We won’t!” Espurr said. She didn’t entirely know that, but she was banking on a gamble. “But only if we jump now!”

Tricky: "..."

Espurr: "Oh come on, Tricky. Like you've never jumped over a body of water in your life!" >_>;
Tricky: "Espurr, you do realize that if you get this wrong, we're either gonna drown, or those Beheeyem are gonna murder us out of existence."

“Are you… are you sure?” Tricky asked.

Espurr decided she was. It was all or nothing. She nodded firmly at Tricky.

Tricky gulped, then grabbed tightly onto Espurr. Espurr grabbed hold back.


The beheeyem’s attack that was about to fly any second now.

Tricky: "A-Actually, could we skip the countdown right about now?" O.O
Espurr: "It's for dramatic effect, so no."


The ship sailing off in the distance, getting farther away with every second.

Tricky: "E-Espurr?!"

Espurr: "Wait for it..."


The crates were suddenly knocked out from under them—

Tricky: "Holy mystery dungeon! Espurr, just jump already!"


Espurr and Tricky both launched off the crate under them just before it gave away, tumbling into the sea below with all its lookalikes. Espurr and Tricky flew through the air, losing momentum for just a second and heading towards the water—
Tricky + Espurr: "AAAAAAAAAA!"

—An invisible force bounced up from under them, propelling them the rest of the way onto the ship’s back deck. Espurr and Tricky hit the ship’s floor rolling with a loud thud. Espurr’s head throbbed with pain, but between that and drowning in the ice-cold ocean with a pair of wannabe killers greeting them at the shore, this was the better option by far. She and Tricky lay on the deck of the ship for a moment, clinging tightly to each other and panting in exhaustion.
Oh hey, there's a meme for this moment:


Even if I'm pretty sure the answer is "Espurr had a well-timed bout of psychic power", but still. :V

The beheeyem watched them from the shore, their blinkers flickering red yellow green in the night. They were out of range now, there was nothing they could do. Espurr could feel the demented stares they were sending her from a mile away, but at the moment she didn’t care. Because they had won. For the moment, they were safe. And there wasn’t a single thing the beheeyem could do about it.

The ship sailed off into the night, carrying two more passengers than it should. Phase one of Espurr’s plan was complete.

Tricky: "We- We did it? I mean, we did it! We ditched those evil Beheeyem and are about to-"

- Beat moment -
Tricky: "... Be stuck hiding in nooks and crannies on a cramped ship for days if not weeks on our way to a glorified sand pit."

Espurr: "Yes, but we'll be able to ditch the Beheeyem once and for all in said sand pit, so it'll all be worth it!"
Tricky: "..."

Espurr: "It will, okay?" >_>;

Alright, time for the postmortem:

It was a pretty gripping chapter, and things definitely escalated more and more quickly than I thought that they would, even if I probably ought to have known better from the chapter cover art. So congrats on making a ride that does a pretty good job at holding one's attention there.

The stuff I was less fond of is basically the stuff I pointed out in my readthrough. Though structurally, I do kinda wonder if things wound up getting compressed a bit and if it'd have made sense to slow down a bit and expand things into two chapters. One focused around the bombing of Spinda's Cafe and one around the aftermath and the girls making a break for the Sand Continent.

Doing something similar with the various cast members' thought processes might also be worth considering. While Espurr and Tricky are of that age where making terrible decisions comes as naturally as breathing, I do kinda wonder if their thought process at a couple points was a bit accelerated and ought to have been shown off / beaten over the readers' heads more, especially since I went "wait, wha" at the logic behind going to the Sand Continent until I reminded myself that Bunnelby was explicitly dispatched there two chapters ago. Similarly, I was honestly kinda surprised that Mawile wasn't putting up more of a fuss at Ampharos opting to let things ride unless if the point is that she doesn't believe he's right yet. Since if he's right from their perspective, then anything going wrong with Espurr would have potentially terminal consequences for their world.

But altogether, I thought it was a fun chapter, and I'll be looking forward to sinking my teeth into the next two to round out our review exchange @SparklingEspeon . Since hey, if there's one thing that I've learned from Part 3 of this story, it's that it's full of surprises. ^^

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, it's been a while thanks to things piling up a bit in meatspace, but it's been a long drought and it's the start of the weekend. Sounds like as good a time as any for getting back into the swing of things with this series with…

Chapter 3-5

The road through Mist was long, vibrant, and cloudy.

More clouds were rolling in from the sea, and the frigid winter air was turning the would-be-rain into flakes of falling snow. Soon, Zoroark’s mane had a dusting of frost on it that was growing heavier by the minute. He shook it off periodically to clear it of snow—he didn’t need even more moisture hanging around in his fur.

Zoroark: "... Why on earth do we not have parasols or something like that for precisely this sort of moment?" >_>;

Alexis and Elliot travelled at a fast pace, faster than Zoroark could keep up with at a leisurely stroll. He was about to break out into a jog to catch up with them when suddenly a flash came from behind all three of them. Zoroark looked back to see the figure of the xatu from before approaching them from behind. It must have teleported here.

Zoroark: "... How?!"

Elliot: "Zoroark, shouldn't you be more concerned about the freaky bird that suddenly came from no-"
Zoroark: "But your legs are so short! How are you giving me this much trouble keeping up?!" @.@

Elliot looked behind himself and Alexis, catching sight of the xatu who was walking towards them.

“Greetings, traveler!” he waved back at the xatu, catching the attention of Alexis. “Where are you headed?”

“Why, to Pokemon Paradise,” the xatu stated. “Your zoroark friend said he was going there, and I thought I would tag along. It’s better to travel in groups than alone, after all.”


Alexis: "... Zoroark, is there something you want to tell us here?"

Considering it was the exact train of logic that Zoroark had just used, he couldn’t exactly object. But why this group? And when had he said where he was going? He got the gist the xatu was following him, and gave the pokemon an uncomfortable side-eye.

Alexis’ expression was flat and carried all the energy of a granbull babysitting a group of energetic wooper.

Oh, so Alexis really is
ing right now. :V

“I’ll allow it,” he sighed after a minute. “But be prepared to travel rough!”

Was honestly expecting Alexis to hesitate more or throw more of a fit about the unplanned company, but duly noted then.

The walk continued. Zoroark hung behind, walking with the xatu who didn’t seem to be entirely occupying the real world right now. He watched as a single yellow butterfly alighted on the xatu’s wing. Instead of waving it off, the xatu inspected it closely, then whispered something to it. The butterfly took off, attracting the xatu’s attention until neither pokemon could see it between the tree branches and the snowing sky. Then the xatu went back to staring at the distance blankly.

Can't tell if that's really a butterfly or not there, since that's certainly different. Also, I would recommend changing one of "walk" or "walking" to make things a tad less repetitive in sound.

After a few moments of walking, Zoroark waved his claws in front of the xatu’s eyes. The xatu silently looked at him. The stare was enough to make Zoroark immediately feel uncomfortable in his fur.

“Hey, we should walk a bit faster,” he said, pointing to Alexis and Elliot who were getting farther and farther away from them with every step. “They’re going to leave us behind at this point.”


Zoroark: "... Or you could just take your sweet time. Just... please never do that again, thanks."

The xatu looked up ahead where Zoroark was pointing.

“Ah. Sorry, I get caught up in my thoughts sometimes.”

The xatu put his wing on zoroark’s mane. There was a flash of light, and before Zoroark could say or do anything they were suddenly much, much closer to Alexis and Elliot than they had been before. Zoroark looked around in dazed startlement.

Zoroark: "Wh-Whuh?! You teleported me!" O_O;
Xatu: "Yes, and?"
Zoroark: "I'm a Dark-type. How did that even-?!"
Xatu: "Works fine in mainline games, so..."

The xatu looked at him with concern. “Hmm, did I disorient you? Apologies. This seemed like the fastest way to catch up.”

Zoroark took a moment to regain his head, then shook it off. “No, it’s fine. Just took me off guard.”

His insides swam with confusion. Had he, a dark type, just been… teleported? What was this xatu?

Oh, so I was right about the teleportation with the Dark-type being fishy there.

The xatu clutched his wing much closer to his body than what looked comfortable.

“I’ll ask next time.”

That didn’t help the confusion.

Wait, is Xatu clutching his wing against his body or Zoroark's? I couldn't really tell there since the last paragraph was about Zoroark.

“Alright,” Alexis said, reaching the top of the hill they’d been climbing for the last minute. “This is your last chance to turn back. From here, we go off-road.”

Zoroark finally recovered enough from the teleport-induced haze to gaze upon what lay ahead of the group.

I think you probably want more of a transition back into the "present day, present time" for Zoroark in narration. Like even if he's logically still disoriented from Xatu's teleport, you logically want him to notice more of his surroundings before going "oh right, the hill" in narration.

Beyond the summit of the hill lay a forest of green and autumn red. The mountains in the distance were shrouded in mist and snow, and the beaten path snaked through the trees like a winding onix. In the distance, a shroud of white mist eclipsed the looming stone mountains behind it.

Ah yes, we chapter art nao.

“By the beaten path, it’ll take three days to reach Pokemon Paradise,” Alexis said. “We’re taking a shortcut.” In a single motion he unhooked a scalchop from his hip and pointed it right, towards the autumn-colored forest that lay off the path. “That forest you see is a mystery dungeon. They call it Traveler’s Demise. It’s one of the more powerful ones around on this continent. Dangerous for any non-explorers, but it cuts our travel time in half. Elliot and I use it when we have to get across the continent in a hurry. But if the two of you aren’t up to it, we aren’t going to delay our trip to accommodate you.” He redirected his scalchop right back to the path the path. “Take that road, and you’ll safely reach Pokemon Paradise two days after we do.”


I take it that Alexis has failed his share of escort missions in the years he came to this world, since... yeah. Both of these options sound pretty terrible versus traveling together on the safe if longer path to your destination. Especially when it involves a place called Traveler's Demise.

Having just given away all of his earnings, Zoroark didn’t have the poke to purchase rations for a three-day trip to Pokemon Paradise. And it sounded like straying from the beaten path here was going to lead him into a mystery dungeon, even if just to hunt for a minute. But as long as he wasn’t going alone...

The xatu stepped forward. “Please count me in. This isn’t my first dungeon trip.”


This bird is just full of surprises, isn't he?

Alexis looked somewhat miffed. He turned his gaze expectantly to Zoroark.

“Yeah. Count me in too,” Zoroark said. If he could handle what had happened on the Demetrius yesterday, he could handle a trip through a mystery dungeon with a pair of experienced guides.

Somebody's seriously tempting fate at the moment. Though story-wise, Zoroark's probably onto something there.

Alexis looked like the world had forsaken him. “Again. I can’t guarantee either of you will make it out safely. At the very least you’ll probably have to do some fighting on the way there. Do you really want to do this?

Both Zoroark and Xatu’s faces made it clear they intended to see this out.

Alexis: "... You're kidding me."

Zoroark: "Look, you gave us a choice, alright? And narrative-wise, it's easier to keep us all in a group!" >_>;

“…Alright,” Alexis sighed, hooking the scalchop back to his side and waving them onward. “Follow us. And keep your guard up.

I'm pretty sure that this was all an absolutely terrible idea. Time to find out just how terrible an idea it was in short order.

Zoroark couldn’t remember much of his childhood. Most of what he knew he had been taught by Primarina, who had been his caretaker ever since he could remember.


Well that's not creepy or concerning there...

Primarina used to live on the Mist Continent. He worked as a scribe for a politician in Pokemon Paradise, and like all ‘mon from the Mist Continent, he had a name. Zoroark had been taught to always address him as “boss”, though, so he didn’t learn it.

Wait, so are there certain parts of the setting where the average Pokémon doesn't have a given name then? .-.

He’d turned up as a kit all alone in the middle of nowhere when Primarina was accompanying a delivery of supplies from Noe Town to Pokemon Paradise. It was common for poorer pokemon to abandon their kits in the middle of the wild due to being unable to care for them. Opinions on the matter ranged from the parents being unable to afford to care for them to the parents being too savage and uneducated to raise a child like civilized ‘mon. Zoroark had never considered himself a savage, though. All he knew was that he had clung to Primarina desperately enough that the pokemon reluctantly took him along, intending to drop him off somewhere in Pokemon Paradise.


So wait, are there just sapient Pokémon living in the boonies just casually killing each other off and eating each other? Since at first I thought that there weren't sapient wilds in this story, and forcing them to compete with others that are effectively meat puppets jerked around by MDs is... yeah.

There was no family or institution in Pokemon Paradise that would care well for a zorua kit. Primarina had considered smothering the kit and throwing the body out with the weekly garbage deposit—there was no way to know what harm caring for a zorua would do for his reputation. But at the same time, the zorua line had a unique ability that could benefit him down the road. All he had to do was raise the ‘mon correctly, and the public never needed to know who his mysterious charge really was. Instead of smothering the zorua, Primarina fed him and gave him a bed for the night.

Wait, Primarina flatly told Zoroark he thought about doing this when Zoroark was younger?

Boy does that explain a lot about how Zoroark's self-esteem is so shaky. And it certainly doesn't raise my opinion of Primarina there.

Zoroark knew that last bit because it was what Primarina reminded him of whenever he had acted out in the past.

Yeah, I know that I didn't exactly feel a whole lot for Primarina when he got eaten by a giant Gyarados, but now I really don't feel anything for Primarina getting eaten by a giant Gyarados.

Primarina raised him to clean up all the odds and ends that Primarina himself didn’t have time for. To sweep the floors—"use your head fluff, you’ll have tons of it for dusting when you’re older”—to do the paperwork—“you’ll have big, large claws when you grow up, perfect for inking in signatures”—and most importantly, to use his innate power to create illusions to hide himself—“no-mon can ever know what you are.”

I'm pretty sure that this would be prosecutable in most IRL jurisdictions as a human trafficking offense. Boy is that seal doing overtime to become a hate sink from beyond the grave.

One day, when he was young enough to still be a kit but old enough to understand sentences and simple logic, Primarina sat him down and showed him a book filled with pictures of different pokemon.

“Choose one,” he said. “Which one do you like the best?”

After five minutes of looking through the pictures, Zorua had chosen the one he later learned was called “fennekin.” He chose it because it looked almost like he did, except for the yucky bright colors. But that was okay, because there was a picture on the side of one with a grey and pink coat, which looked even closer, better than all the others.

Huh. Somehow I never realized that Shiny Fennekin were gray. TIL.

Every day, Primarina made him maintain the illusion of disguising himself as that creature. First for a minute, then five, then ten, then an hour. When Zorua didn’t, he withheld food. “If you can disguise yourself as a bowl to steal cookies at night, you can do this,” he said when Zorua complained.

Zorua still stole the cookies. He was just craftier about it.

This particular is simultaneously
, and
right now. Like on one level it's funny, but on the other, it's really, really not.

Soon, the day came when Zorua was allowed to accompany Primarina outside of the apartment they lived in. By now he was practiced enough to consistently maintain the illusion of a fennekin for almost six hours, so Primarina must have finally felt safe taking him out of the house. The two of them took a walk through the wide streets of Pokemon Paradise, where a large statue of a heroic-looking oshawott and a pikachu decorated the town’s main square where Post Town had once been.

hey walked through the streets, finally stopping to rest at a white, somewhat battered fountain in a back square of town that wasn’t frequented often. Beyond the fountain, there was a view of the setting sun. Zorua had never seen so many new things, smells, pokemon, places before—all he wanted to do was run off and check out all the new things that were right in front of him. But Primarina had silently motioned for him to sit down, and he had been taught never to disobey Primarina. So they sat by the fountain instead, slowly watching the sun go down.

Huh. Somehow it never occurred to me that Pokémon Paradise would have parts that had urban blight in it. But I guess once a city gets big enough, it inevitably gets some neglected corners to it.

You might also want to consider breaking up this paragraph, since it's a wee bit long and dense.

“Do you know why I took you out here?” Primarina asked after a while. Zorua-as-fennekin shook his head, staring up at Primarina was curious eyes. The look was not returned.

“I’ve received a promotion,” Primarina said. “We’ll be moving to another continent within the week. Once you evolve, you’ll be working full time as my secretary.”

Zorua: "Wait, do I get any say in this, or-?"

There was silence for a moment more; Zorua-as-fennekin couldn’t think of anything to say. The sun had nearly disappeared behind the buildings at this point. Primarina tentatively rubbed a flipper over Zorua’s head. Zorua looked up in surprise—this was one of the first times Primarina had treated him with something more than indifference.

“I thought you should see where you grew up at least once before we left.”

Wait, so Zorua literally spent his entire childhood shut in a random house in Pokémon Paradise until the day right before he left with Primarina for Air or wherever it was? .-. No wonder why this kid turned out so messed up later.

The woods changed as they entered. The air around Zoroark took on a smell like something was rotting in the distance, and the tree canopies above looked all wrong, like they were mirages against the clouds. The air of a powerful entity hovered all around them.

And yet, Zoroark was the only one who was unnerved by it.

Elliot: "I mean, yeah. That's just Mystery Dungeons for ya. You get used to it." ^^;
Zoroark: "How in the hell do you get used to this?!"

Xatu walked alongside him calmly, and both Elliot and Alexis were on-guard but didn’t look unnerved. Zoroark glanced at the xatu as they walked, but its face was unreadable as always.

“Doesn’t any of this… unnerve you?” he asked, in an awkward attempt to strike up conversation. “The atmosphere feels wrong.”


Zoroark: "Am I the only one who's behaving rationally about the obviously evil place right now?"

Alexis: "More like you're the only one who can't stop being dramatic about it."

"I used to be unnerved by dungeons,” the xatu said. “But then I figured acting on fear is when you’re the most vulnerable, you know? So I just don’t.”

No, I'm pretty sure the part where you're down and injured is when you're the most vulnerable, just saying. ^^;

The sudden sound of rustling behind them caught the attention of all four pokemon in the area. Alexis looked back.

“Stay close to us, please!” he called back, sounding somewhat annoyed.

Alexis: "You could've taken the long way, but noooo..." >_>;
Zoroark: "Alexis, we literally didn't have any food for a journey that long!"

“May I?” The xatu asked, holding up a wing. Zoroark shuddered just a bit, but nodded. A flash of light, and in less than a second, they were facing Alexis and Elliot’s backs.

If Alexis noticed they had teleported, he didn’t react to it. “That sound you heard is the sound of dungeon ferals in the background,” he said. “Most dungeon ferals are constructs of the dungeon; a self-defense mechanism for those who harm it. These ones are explorers who fell victim here. They shouldn’t attack us during the day so long as we stay in one group, so don’t wander off.”

Zoroark: "I'm sorry, why would you use this place as a shortcut?! Why are we even setting foot in here right now?!"

Elliot: "... Because we can and it worked out for us the last fifty times?"

“Pokemon… fell victim here?” Zoroark asked.

“I did say this path was dangerous,” Alexis said.

Zoroark: "Holy mystery dungeon, why would you even-?!"

Alexis: "Look, I gave you a chance to take an alternative route, alright? Don't say that I didn't warn you."

“Don’t worry, we only have to worry about that if we’re trapped in here for more than two days in the real world,” Elliot said with a nervous laugh. “It should only take us half of that to get through this one.”

They're... about to get trapped in here for more than two days in here, aren't they?

The first floor of the dungeon was crossed without any hassle at all. Zoroark could hear see sense the ferals hiding in the dungeon corners, but none of them had attacked the group or made any threatening moves yet. The second, third, and fourth floors were also crossed without much issue.

On the fifth floor, Zoroark noticed it was beginning to get darker. He looked up at the sky, seeing the mirage above painted in shades of orange through the clouds.

IMO, pick one or two senses that Zoroark can detect the ferals with here, though I suspect that might be a slip-up. I also wonder if this would've worked better with either a hard scene break or more of a transition, since it feels like a bit of a jump from the last paragraph and like once upon a time it was in a separate scene.

“Is the sun already going down?” he asked, holding his claws over his eyes so the setting sunbeams didn’t roast them out of their sockets. “It was morning when we entered.”

“The stronger the dungeon, the more time passes outside while you’re in it.” They reached a clearing, where Alexis dropped down his satchel and motioned for the group to stop too. “And the faster you spend your energy. We’ll stop here for the night. Won’t be safe in a few minutes; all the ferals come out when the sun goes down.”

Remind me, had you already read Whispers of the Abyss when you wrote this part? Curious as to whether or not you developed the time dilation shtick independently or took influence from it.

Also, that's a pretty handy off-the-shelf justification for the games being wholly unbothered by you leaving randos to wait for rescues from MDs for days at a time. Not sure if I'd ever use a time dilation mechanic myself (and the ship has arguably sailed on that front for my existing settings), but I can definitely see the appeal behind it.

It quickly became colder as the night fell, but they went without a campfire. Alexis immediately vetoed the idea when Zoroark brought it up.

“That’s just asking for trouble,” he said. “Lighting a fire is a good way to attract every feral in the dungeon to your location.

Sure is a good thing you didn't pack anything like a Flame Orb as a surrogate to help stay toasty, huh?

“Don’t forget, you two are hunting for yourselves,” he said when met with Zoroark’s hungry stare as he and Elliot pulled out their rations from their exploration bags. Zoroark immediately shrank back a little. He’d forgotten.

Xatu teleported away. He returned a minute later with a rattata impaled on each wing, one of which he politely thrust at Zoroark. “Are these acceptable?”

... Wait, Xatu can do that with their wings in this setting? .-.

Zoroark: "... Aren't you technically offering me the corpses of zombified explorers to eat right now?"

Xatu: "Yes, and? They're not exactly the Pokémon they used to be, so what's your point?"

Zoroark caught the dead rat with a look of surprise—he’d eaten actual rats before, but eating other pokemon made him squeamish.

“They’re dungeon ferals,” Alexis said when Zoroark questioned him about it. “They’re plum out of their mind, won’t ever get it back. Trust me, you’re doing the world a favor.”

Zoroark: "Again, we're eating zombies here."

Alexis: "Would you rather be eating other fully sapient Pokémon? Since there's certainly some settings out there where that'd be on the table."

Elliot used a few expertly-controlled thunderbolts to roast the rattata corpses until they were fully cooked through. Zoroark would have preferred to eat it raw, but he didn’t want to be rude, so he didn’t say anything. He ate it dry, burnt in some places, and stringy.

That actually makes me wonder if Zoroark's getting a bit squeamish/nauseous from everyone else just casually wolfing down roast Rattata right now, since they're giving off some strong "meh, it's Tuesday" vibes from their earlier dialogue, but there's not much followup depicted.

“Two of us should keep watch half the night, and two the other,” Alexis said. “Watch for any attacks from dungeon ferals, also watch for other explorers who may be passing through. It’s unlikely that any outlaws are hiding out in a dungeon like this, but watch for those too. They may have entered right after us. And especially watch for fog and roars in the distance. If you catch anything that remotely sounds or looks like either of those things, wake whoever’s asleep immediately. It means we’re out of time.”

... How is hiding in a MD in this setting not a Darwin Award-tier move for most Outlaws considering how dangerous the average one depicted is? .-.

He picked up a pile of leftover twigs from the campfire and deliberately snapped two short. “Whoever draws the short sticks from this pile gets first watch.”

Alexis and Xatu drew the long straws. Elliot and Zoroark drew the short ones.

“I guess it’s decided,” Elliot said glumly, staring at his short stick. “I always draw the short ones…”

inb4 it turns out that Alexis rigs these draws somehow. Though I can tell that Zoroark's going to have a fun experience with this job.

The xatu slept standing up, staring at the moon just like he stared at the sun. Zoroark wondered how he could possibly be comfortable in that position, but that ranked up there with his question of “how is he not blind from staring straight into the sun all day” and would probably never be answered.

Oh, so it's not just the RBDX one that does that in this story... unless this is that Xatu.

Zoroark leaned against a tree, trying not to nod off to sleep. Even though it couldn’t have been more than four hours since they’d entered the dungeon, he felt as if he’d been awake for almost two days. Maybe this was what Alexis meant when he’d said energy was spent faster in a dungeon.

Elliot, sprawled out on the ground across from him, seemed to be having the same problem he was. Zoroark decided to strike up some idle conversation so that they didn’t both fall to sleep.

“Tired?” he asked.

“No more than you are,” Elliot replied. He yawned, folding his arms and staring up at the dungeon’s mirage of a moon. “I’m used to it. Enough night watches in these dungeons and being tired doesn’t really bug you much anymore.”

Zoroark: "... You might want to get that checked out, since I'm pretty sure that exactly none of that sounded healthy."

“Do you usually do the night watches?” Zoroark asked, stretching.

“Alexis does his fair share too,” Elliot said. “But eh, he’s team leader. He does the planning and chooses the missions, I do most of the grunt work on the side.”

That sounded very familiar to Zoroark.


Oh, so Alexis really does just rig the straw pulls, huh?

“You two are partners, though. The famous duo that saved Mist. Shouldn’t you be equals?”

“None of that would have been possible without Alexis,” Elliot said. “All of it wouldn’t have been. He built it. So he leads, I follow. I don’t have the chops to be a good leader, anywho.

“Doesn’t sound fair to say that if you haven’t tried,” Zoroark said.

That... doesn't sound like a remotely healthy mindset to have but okay then. (Even if it's not that much of a stretch to imagine some canon partners with a mindset like that, especially the Explorers one)

“It is what it is,” Elliot said, shrugging from his place in the dust. “What about you? Alexis told me your ship went down in the middle of the sea, but that’s all he said. Since we’re sharing.”

“That’s all that happened,” Zoroark said after a moment. “We were traveling across the ocean, and our ship went down. I washed up on Mist.”

IMO this works better with the pause in between the two lines of dialogue instead of attached to Zoroark's speech tag. And ideally drug out a little longer to show off Zoroark's reaction and body language a bit more.

“Weren’t you going somewhere before?” Elliot asked. “Why stay here?”

“I’m heading to Pokemon Paradise now,” Zoroark said. “That’s why I went with you.”

“Hmm,” Elliot said, but didn’t pursue the dodged question.

After a moment, he got up. “Our watch is just about over,” he said. “Let’s go wake the others.” Zoroark nodded and stood up too.

... Wait, I didn't get the vibe that it had been a long time at all since these two started watching, and it feels more like they throw in the towel after about five minutes.

Was the night watch sequence originally its own standalone scene once upon a time? If so and you're sticking to your guns about keeping it integrated into this broader scene, you might want to slip in a few paragraphs of description here or there where you have Zoroark's eyes proverbially glaze over and hit the fast forward button for 30-60 minutes at a time, which doesn't quite come through at the moment.

Two weeks after Primarina had taken Zorua to the fountain, the move happened. The apartment flat the two had lived in for so long was packed up, and Zorua-as-Fennekin watched a bunch of ‘mon carry the boxes out.

A ship had been purchased specifically for the occasion—this ship was to be their new home. Zorua was still young but knew how to read with precision. Even from a distance, his sharp eyes could see the ship’s name:
The Exeggutor.

I'm surprised that Primarina had the money to blow on a personal ship instead of having it assigned with a crew by his new job.

Primarina had impressed some higher ups with a recent scuffle involving mixed up cargo at the Waterport and been appointed by Cloud Nine as the Ambassador of the Water Continent. This meant that their lives would soon be almost entirely spent on the open seas, as aside from a small group of cartographers who hadn’t registered with the guild system yet, there was no central guild on the Water Continent for the ambassador to oversee. No matter how many times Zorua puked over the side of the ship or how many days he spent queasy in the cabins below, he had to adjust, because the job also meant more paperwork.

Also a little surprised that Primarina didn't just summarily kick Zoroark to the curb for not being able to keep his lunch down given his portrayal in the prior flashback. Guess the dude really liked having a free secretary.

Time passed. Soon Zorua evolved into Zoroark while trying to spear fish out of the ocean, and he had to relearn how to disguise himself as a new pokemon all over again. It came faster, now that he was more experienced in knowing how to do it.

Paperwork piled up and piled up again and piled up even more. Zoroark signed things but rarely snuck peeks at them like he used to when he was younger—there was just too much to go through, and it was probably all boring stuff like allocating funds and keeping cargo shipments into the Water Continent running properly.

Narrator: "It wasn't all just boring stuff."

Soon, Primarina began to dabble into new avenues of work. At his request, Zoroark quickly learned to forge signatures. “Forgery is your natural talent as a species,” Primarina had said. “Learning it will bring us into a great amount of wealth soon. This is what I’ve been raising you for.”


Wow, this seal really pulled no punches for going for that "Achieve 0 Audience Sympathy - any% speedrun (TAS)" cheevo.

Whose signatures they were, he never learned. He often suspected that Primarina kept it a secret on purpose, just in case he were to let something slip later on. But no matter whose signatures they were, the more papers he signed, the better things got for the two of them. Spare and plentiful poke began to pile up under the deck. Lively Town grew more and more prosperous, and the harbor was expanded and developed into a large sailing port. With the wealth came new luxuries for Zoroark—For the first time, he was able to sleep and wake when he wanted. He got to eat the fishes he caught from the ocean for dinner, instead of cooking them for Primarina instead. Primarina got him a fancy braixen wand that was little more than a stick in his paws, but sold the illusion tucked away in the back of his mane.

All he had to do was keep signing the papers.

There's something really sad about seeing how happy Zoroark got over little trinkets and """privileges""" when he was basically being used as a slave by Primarina there. It says a lot about both characters and their mindsets.

“It’s only small things under the radar,” Primarina explained. “It won’t hurt anymon important.”

Sticker, sceptilisk,

One day, Zoroark had been given a very important paper to sign, and a handful of signatures to forge. Primarina had given him the afternoon to get the signatures right. If he did it right, Primarina would buy him a carton of baker’s pastries the next time they sailed into Lively Town’s port.

He was given a copy of the paper, as well as a few letters for mailing that were full of what felt and sounded like poke, with Primarina’s own flipper signature already on them. Each one had an address to a different continent.

Bribes. Zoroark was savvy enough to know that the only time Primarina sent out bribes was when a paper was going through some very important pokemon. Which meant he was forging some equally important signatures.

Zoroark: "... No pressure, huh?"

He felt a bit of his old curiosity returning to him—what kind of paper was this?—and decided to sneak a peek at the contents of the paper it was so important that he sign. He had the whole day, after all.

This was a drafted plan to bring the Waterport entirely under the control of the Water Continent. If that happened, the Water Continent could tax each and every shipment coming in from and going to other continents. It would net them a lot of profit, but so far there was only one of several signatures. Zoroark had been given a handful to sign onto the paper. He started with the one that looked like a bird’s talons, but then stopped halfway through.

Wait, is this that same gambit that Sparkleglimmer was working with Primarina to pull off for cornering the Waterport back in the second special? Since I swear that this topic feels vaguely familiar.

Something about this didn’t seem right. Since he was forging signatures, he suspected it wasn’t anyway, but this was a huge paper, and he was forging signatures that probably belonged to very important pokemon. Was this even safe to sign? Now that he thought about it—and this was indeed the first time he could have been bothered to think about it—how many of these had he done before in the past?

Zoroark: "... Actually, you know what, on second thought, ignorance is bliss so let's just sign the damn things."

He figured that Primarina probably wouldn’t take very well to learning that he’d read the paperwork, but he couldn’t just do something this big without question. And so he snatched the paper up off the desk with his claws and headed for the Exeggutor’s bridge room.

Primarina was relaxed in his luxury bath, and there was nothing but a rope around the steering wheel keeping the ship on-course. Zoroark walked in and stood a respectable distance away from the bath.

... How on earth did this seal not wreck his ship years ago? .-.


Primarina looked up.

“Hmm?” he asked. “Have you signed the paperwork yet?”

Zoroark took a deep breath before opening his mouth again. He was venturing way out of his bounds by questioning an order, especially on a significant piece of paperwork like this, and he knew it. It took all of his willpower to utter his next words:

“I looked at some of the paperwork as I was signing it, and…”

Primarina sighed. “So you read it, didn’t you.”

Zoroark: "I... Uh... I-If I hypothetically did, would it be an issue?"

Zoroark didn’t say anything; he only stared at Primarina uncertainly, with the piece of paper clutched in both his claws.

“Well?” Primarina asked dismissively. “Aren’t you going to sign it?”

Zoroark’s claws dug into the paper enough he feared he’d rip it.

This is going to lead into some sort of "I own you, don't you forget it" sequence, isn't it?

“Whose signatures am I putting on this paper?” he asked.

“That’s none of your concern,” Primarina said. “Sign it.”

“I thought we were doing small things,” Zoroark said. “Things that would just net us some wealth on the side.”

“And we are,” Primarina said. “I don’t ask you to sign papers like this every day.”

Primarina: "Also 'some' still includes 'a boatload'. So yeah, just sign the thing already."

“But signing this looks dangerous!” Zoroark said, raising his voice before he could catch himself. “What if somemon finds out and traces it back to us?”

“No-mon is going to care,” Primarina said. “We’re bribing pokemon; why do you think I gave you the money?”

“I don’t want to sign it,” said Zoroark.

Primarina sat up in the bath with a splash. Water landed at Zoroark’s feet and came close to spraying the paper.

Primarina: "Wanna run that by me again there, kid?" >:|
Zoroark: "N-Not really, no." ._.

“Are you disobeying me?” Primarina asked, his voice dangerously level.

“I only said I’d sign small things,” Zoroark said firmly. He had been taught to always obey Primarina, but… there were limits. There were limits. Right?


“Sign it, or you won’t eat until you do,” Primarina said.

Memories of being starved until he did what Primarina asked gnawed away at his mind. But even more than that, if he backed down now, it was admitting defeat forever and he knew it. There wouldn’t be an opportunity like this again. He had to make a stand.

Primarina had looked away at this point, probably confident Zoroark was going to do whatever he asked. But Zoroark didn’t move from where he stood. Ever so slowly, he tugged on the paper more and more, until it split apart with an audible rip.

I... honestly was not expecting that outcome. Even if I'm sure that this is about to end horribly for Zoroark.

Primarina looked over at the sound of the rip, his eyes fixing themselves on the two torn halves of paper. Surely that made a statemen—

A blast of water hit him out of nowhere, throwing him against the wall of the ship’s cabin. Suddenly thrown to his back, Zoroark coughed and sputtered in shock. The waterlogged paper in his claws limply disintegrated.

Yeah, figured.

“Allow me to make something very clear,” Primarina said, rising from the bath. His expression was stone cold. “You are alive today because of my mercy. You exist to serve me. Don’t forget that again.”

Yuuuuuup, I knew that things were going to lead to a moment like this. The setup and Primarina's attitude all just pointed towards it.

Before Zoroark knew it, a flipper was staring him down.

“Get up,” Primarina said. “We’ll get you another copy of that paper to sign. If you’re interested in eating tonight, you’ll sign it properly. And you can forget about the pastries.”

Oh well that totally was good for Zoroark's self-esteem there. Not.

Alexis sighed, staring up at the moon that was slowly but surely moving across the night sky. Only half an hour until the sunrise. And then they’d continue moving again.

“You can sleep, you know.” He looked over at the xatu, who was staring at him motionlessly. Truth be told, it was creeping him out a little. “Or look somewhere else. I’m not that interesting.”


Alexis: "I'm... just gonna look away and pretend you're not doing that right now." ._.;

The xatu didn’t blink, or move, for the first ten seconds. Then it stood up.

“I’m here with a warning,” the xatu said.

Alexis: "And you waited until we were in the middle of Traveler's Demise to deliver it why?" >_>;
Xatu: "Circumstances called for it, really."

“Really?” Alexis said, silently drawing his hand to a scalchop where no-mon could see. Was this xatu some kind of bandit? “And what’s that?”

“Please take me seriously, Alexis.”

That made Alexis stiffen up for a moment. Something was familiar about that sentence, the way it was said. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. He relaxed his position only seconds after.

Wait, is this the RBDX Xatu? Since Alexis finding this strangely familiar definitely caught my attention.

“Lots of pokemon know my name,” he said. “Was that supposed to catch me off guard?”

“Did it work?” Xatu asked.

Alexis turned himself around, facing Xatu fully. “Who are you?”

“Just a humble messenger,” the xatu said. “Here with a warning.”

Alexis: "Yes, you said that earlier. Now what's the actual warning, huh?" >_>;

“For a humble messenger here with a warning, you’re a very shady ‘mon,” Alexis said. “I’ll ask again. Who are you?”

“Somemon you know from long ago,” the Xatu answered.

“Never knew a xatu before,” Alexis said. Though his paws never strayed far from his scalchops.

... Is Xatu the Voice of Life or something? Since I can't really think of any other major contenders that he ran into in the past.

I mean, I suppose there's the Zoroark hitman, but that wouldn't explain the teleportation stuff.

Heed my message,” the xatu said, ignoring Alexis’ question. “There’s a storm out there. It’s on its way. It will demolish everything you have built, and wipe away everymon you know. Time is running short—”

Then it clicked. Quick as a crashing wave, Alexis drew his scalchops and threw them.

“It’s you!”

Wait, who-?

With a bright flash of light that lit up the clearing and a good portion of the sky, the xatu teleported away in an instant. The scalchops hit the wood of a tree and quivered there.

Alexis snarled, then leapt up and ripped his scalchops out of the wood. They left deep cuts in the tree where they were pulled out.

It was endless. No matter how many times he killed that thing, it always came back. It always came back, just for him. How many times? How many times before he could strike the final blow for good? How many times before he could finally send it to the past where it belonged?

I... have no idea what on earth just happened there, but I'm pretty sure that that wasn't good. .-.

A low rumbling spread throughout the dungeon, followed by the beginnings of a howl in the distance. The dungeon winds hurtled through the clearing, nearly blasting Alexis clean off his feet. They brought the smell of rancid meat and dungeon feral with them. And in the distance, he could hear their howls.

He hooked his scalchops back on his sides, and picked up his bag. That was the dungeon shifting. The xatu had already gone through the staircase. And that blast of light had to have awakened all the ferals on the floor too.

Yup. Definitely wasn't good there.

There was no more time to waste. Alexis got to shaking awake Elliot and Zoroark. Both rose, looking at him groggily.

“Wake up,” Alexis said in a harsh whisper. “We need to get moving.” He began quickly packing up their supplies and slung the newly packed satchels onto his side.

“Wh… what for?” Elliot asked, only half awake. Zoroark shakily pulled himself up into a sitting position beside Elliot, his ears still unfurling from sleep.

“Dungeon ferals are here,” Alexis said, throwing Elliot’s bag to him. The pikachu caught it groggily. “There’ll be packs descending upon our location any minute now. We need to get as far away as possible before they catch up.”

Zoroark: "Wait, but why is that a problem? Didn't we pack an Escape Orb just in case something went seriously sideways-?"
Elliot: "We... kinda didn't since Alexis and I are used to making it through this shortcut without incident normally." ._.;

“What happened to the xatu?” Elliot asked.

“Gone,” Alexis said. “Ran off while we were sleeping.”

A wave of silence suddenly spread over the clearing as a low howl pierced the air. It wasn’t far off.

Something brushed through the trees behind them.

Zoroark: "Nope nope nope nope."

A controlled surge of electricity from Elliot’s tail lit up the area around them. For just a second, the flickering yellow light illuminated the shape of a skeletal lycanroc quickly slinking off into the trees.

“Over there!” Zoroark called out, pointing Alexis and Elliot to where he had seen it.

“Where?” Alexis asked, looking around. “I don’t see anything.”

“It’s hiding in the trees,” Zoroark said.

Zoroark: "R-Remind me, these zombies are like the ones from Train to Busan where their primary sense is sight, right? M-My Illusions will get us out of this, won't they?"

Alexis: "Gee, what do you think? (And how on earth do you know about a movie from my world?)" >_>;

Another one behind them. All three heads snapped over to where a bush had just been rattled. A large, bipedal wolf-like pokemon was stepping out from the trees, staring at them through pitch-black eyes. Elliot charged up a thunderbolt, ready to strike the pokemon—

Pellets of rocks shot through the air like bullets. Both Zoroark and Alexis were hit head-on, and Elliot was thrown to the ground from being pelted on his back. A second lycanroc, on all fours, bounded into the clearing. Its eyes were just as black and soulless as its companion’s. In a split second, the bipedal wolf dove for Elliot, its mouth with gleaming razor sharp teeth wide open—

Elliot’s tail sparked with high voltage and collided with the wolf’s jaw. The wolf was thrown back towards the trees. The other wolf dashed towards Zoroark, but was slashed across the face with a swipe of Alexis’ scalchops. It fell to the floor and dashed off into the woods with a whimper.

Zoroark: "I... don't think I wanna get a good look at that guy's face after this, really."

“This way!” Alexis waved them all down the path with his scalchops. “Before they catch up with us.”

The three of them sprinted down the path, looking out for other dungeon ferals along the way.

“Keep an eye out,” Alexis said as they ran. “They could come from anywhere.”

Zoroark: "Sh-Shouldn't you be trying to keep us calm right now?!"

Alexis: "I am. By warning you of what to expect." >_>;

The trees to their right suddenly creaked, and all of the sudden a splintered log hurtled onto the pathway—

—The log flew through the air and crashed onto the pathway with all the force of a collapsing rhydon. An ursaring crashed out from behind the trees, swiping at Alexis and Zoroark with all its might. Alexis jumped backwards, colliding into Zoroark and pulling him back as well. Twin pairs of scalchops went sailing at the bear’s face, but the bear deflected them with its razor-sharp claws.


The ursaring was sent flying to the side by a thunderbolt from Elliot’s tail. Elliot dashed through, scooping the scalchops up in his tail and batting them back towards Alexis.


Alexis caught them, sending one flying not a second later into the ursaring’s skull.

Zoroark: "Uh... you can replace those, right? Since not sure how you're getting it out of that guy's head at this point." .-.

It didn’t die. Even though the dungeon feral had a scalchop buried cleanly into its head, it was still standing. It dropped to all fours, preparing to charge them down. A thunderbolt from Elliot knocked the scalchop out of its head but did little else, especially as it began to lope towards them with a snarl.

The ursaring suddenly stopped. It turned to the left, let out a bellow, and ran off that way. Zoroark got to his feet, ceasing the illusion.

“It thinks we went that way,” he said.

Okay, filing it away that dungeon ferals in this story really do work like TtB zombies. Since for a sec I thought that illusions wouldn't work from something like sound or smell.

“Then let’s get out of here before it catches on,” Alexis continued, walking over and picking up his scalchop. “Keep an eye out for those lycanroc too. They’re probably following us by now.”

Sure enough, Zoroark could hear more pokemon slinking through the trees. It couldn’t be just the two lycanroc at this point. Three… four… now there were too many to count.

This is probably a good time to pop a Luminous Orb somewhere else on the floor as a decoy and just keep running while the ferals swarm that position.

“Hey,” Zoroark said, his ears swivellng rapidly around. “How far are we from the stairs?”

“Odd question to ask,” Alexis panted out. “Why?”

“I’m trying to figure out whether we should run for it or fight.”

By now, they were surrounded on all sides. On one side, the midnight lycanroc from before limped onto the path with a snarl. On the other, the midday lycanroc stepped onto the path with a matching grimace. Alexis drew his scalchops.

Elliot: "Pretty sure that running isn't an option right now, Zoroark." ._.;
Zoroark: "Yeah, I gathered." O_O

“Get ready to fight—”

“Wait!” Zoroark cried out. “Stay completely still.”

“What are you talking abou—” Alexis began.

Then they disappeared.

The ferals were taken aback by the disappearance. They began to spread out among the area, investigating. Alexis, Elliot, and Zoroark were still in the middle of the clearing. Elliot watched the ferals spread out across the area, looking around for a trio of pokemon that were right in front of them, although they didn’t seem to know it. Besides them, Zoroark looked somewhat tuckered out. Elliot turned his head towards Zoroark—

Clever, but they are being carried so hard by those ferals not having a decent sense of smell at the moment.

“—Don’t move!” he hissed. “I’m still not good at this illusion. I don’t know if I can cover you if you move quickly.”

“Psst.” Alexis tried to catch Zoroark’s attention quietly. “Do you just expect us to stay here forever? Sooner or later one of them’s going to bump into us.”

The ferals investigating the area were indeed getting closer and closer. A rotting linoone sniffed around the area, crawling up close to where Alexis, Elliot, and Zoroark were. Its snout came dangerously close to touching Elliot’s, who slowly leaned back at the last second to avoid touching the feral.

Well, never mind then. They do still have a sense of smell.

“Slowly…” Zoroark moved to the left, edging towards the path at a snail’s pace. “This way.”

Alexis and Elliot eyed each other but reluctantly followed his lead. Whatever this was, it was working. They moved through the pack of rabid ferals that were snuffling and padding around the clearing in search of their prey, taking care not to brush up against fur, foreams, or tails. At one point, Alexis had to limbo over to avoid inching into a stantler’s antlers.

Oh hey, I've got the theme for this moment:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJz9N3odqGg&ab_channel=Doomsday17died

Soon they’d reached the midday lycanroc guarding the beginning of the road. Alexis raised his scalchop, ready to bring it down upon the lycanroc…

It felt like everything afterwards happened in a single second. Alexis brough his scalchop down, slicing the lycanroc’s head a good part of the way off. Zoroark’s illusion broke, revealing him, Alexis, and Elliot plain as day to see. The lycanroc—still alive—snarled loudly, making to take a bite out of Alexis’ arm—

—A thunderbolt from Elliot’s tail severed the lycanroc’s head from its body. It landed off to the side, completely hollow inside.

Really milking the Bloodless Carnage there to hold onto the T rating, since boy would that moment have been a mess if that thing could still bleed.

“Come on!” Alexis yelled, his voice lost in the unanimous roars and squawks from the horde of dungeon ferals behind him. They made a break for it down the path, using all their might to stay just one step ahead of the feral horde that was bearing down on them from behind. Zoroark couldn’t see a single thing, but he kept his eyes on the path ahead. If anything came after them, he’d hear it before he could see it.

Elliot’s thunderbolts directed projectiles away from them as they ran, Alexis sliced away branches in front of them with his scalchop. They turned corner after corner, until finally the stairway came into sight.

“There it is!” Elliot cried out. It was now or never. Alexis, Elliot, and Zoroark all dove for the staircase at the same time—

Zoroark: "Dewott? Pikachu?"
Alexis + Elliot: "... Yes?"
Zoroark: "You two are completely insane! Who on earth chooses a place like this as a shortcut?!"

Elliot: "Well, we do, obviously." ^^;
Alexis: "Hey, can't say we're not running with company here. That stunt of yours with the Illusion was kinda nuts too."
Zoroark: "... Can't tell if that was a compliment or not."

They tumbled out of the dungeon, falling to a heap on the ground. Elliot got to his feet first, followed by Zoroark and then finally Alexis.

“Ah, you all made it out safely!”

The xatu from before walked towards Elliot, Alexis and Zoroark, extending a wing to help Alexis up. Alexis pointedly didn’t take it.

“Hey, what was the big deal?” Elliot asked angrily. “Why did you go off on your own? It’s dangerous in dungeons like these!”

Wait, why is Alexis not loudly blurting out what on earth Xatu's real identity is right about now? Since... I kinda get the feeling that Elliot at least would have his back.

The xatu ruffled the feathers on its wings a little bit.

“I did say before this wasn’t my first dungeon trip,” he said. “As for why I left, I…”

A glint from Alexis’ eye.

“…realized I had to be somewhere in a hurry, and couldn’t wait until the dawn.”

Alexis: "... Really? That's what you're going with?"

Alexis’ eyes weren’t any less cold than they had been before.

“Hey, look,” Zoroark said, panting as he got back to his feet. He pointed ahead of them. “What’s that in the distance?”

Alexis, Elliot, and Xatu looked ahead where Zoroark was pointing. Zoroark was right: beyond the snow-capped plains and the chilly morning breeze, lay the towers of Pokemon Paradise.

“We made it,” Elliot said.

Alexis: "(Along with this... thing that just won't die, but positive thoughts here!)"

Alright, onto the recap:

Starting with the things that I liked. I felt that it was a nice pick-up from Zoroark's plot thread from a few chapters back, and it definitely did a lot to help get a better read as to how him, Alexis, and Elliot are as characters and boy have they all got issues. I get the feeling that you're intending for these three to wind up crashing into Espurr and Tricky's plot thread at some point, so it'll be interesting to see how that plays out. Especially when at the moment they're on opposite sides of their world. I also thought that the action sequence was choreographed pretty well. Really, the only gripe that I do have about Traveller's Demise was that I kinda wish some more time would've been spent soaking in things there. But meh, obstacle of the day for the gang, so won't begrudge you wanting to get through it in a chapter.

As for things that I didn't like, it's mostly just the notes that I left while running through about some parts that felt a bit underdescribed or undertransitioned. I was kinda mystified as to what on earth was going on between Alexis and Xatu, especially since Alexis still keeps Xatu in his party after they leave Traveller's Demise in spite of Xatu almost indirectly ganking the team. Like I get that some things just can't be blurted out too quickly, but I wonder if there was more hints or context that could've been provided as to what was going on between those two, since I was honestly kinda lost by the end as to what was going on there.

Glad to be getting back into this @SparklingEspeon , especially since it'd been a while since my last update. One thing's for sure, you definitely weren't kidding about Part 3 picking up dramatically relative to the earlier two. While it's outside the scope of our review exchange, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out to see where things go here, since the established stakes just scream "nothing's going to be the same again by the time this arc is done".

Kudos, and till next time! ^^


Sloooowly writing...
  1. jfought-sword
  2. jfought-blue
  3. deerling-summer
  4. charmeleon
  5. vulpix
  6. monferno
  7. herdier-oscar
  8. swoobat-benigno
I’m here for catnip! I haven't experienced PSMD’s story since it first came out: I barely remember most of it, so this’ll be interesting! You requested 2-11, so I’m going to focus most of the review on that. I also decided to be dumb and read 2-11 as a standalone first because I was thinking “well it looks like a flashback chapter i guess that’s why it was requested.” Afterwards I went ahead and read the rest of the fic up to there, and also decided I might as well finish Part 2 while I’m at it. So my thoughts on 2-11 might be a little… unique! I’ll also give a few thoughts on the rest of the fic while I'm here, because I do have a few.
Oh and these thoughts will include some casual PSMD spoilers I don't really know how many people read other people's reviews so I'll just state it upfront.

2-Eleven thoughts while reading
  • PSMD Opening gone wrong? We don’t spend a lot of time going through ‘standard PMD opening tropes,’ but it makes sense because this is a flashback and a good ways into the story that I’m intruding into.

  • Voidlands are scary. It’s interesting to see the Ancient Barrow Pokémon down here, though admittedly I completely forgot Solosis was a character and had to look her up.

  • Voidlands are scary. The horror factor is played up much farther than in the games, with the depiction of Reverse Mountain in particular being a departure from the original. Then a void shadow appears, and it is a far cry from the little blobs they were in the game. You definitely sell how dangerous and hostile the Voidlands are in this story.

  • RIP Solosis. I didn’t even remember you existed.

  • Riolu finds help! It’s the Pokémon Square guys! Looking back after having read the rest of this fic, it’s nice to see them again after the special episode, and even seperated from that it works as a good breather from the… everything.

  • It’s interesting that Espurr is interpreted as a human turned pokémon in this fic, especially because of what it means when taken alongside Riolu. Espurr in general throws multiple spanners into the works for what I can expect out of the plot. Like, Wartortle just kind of assumes Riolu must be The Hero, since he fits the tropes, but for all we know this Riolu could be anyone. To expand on what I mean and jump ahead a bit, when Nyarlathotep (or was it Dark Matter speaking through Nyarlathotep?) offers Espurr a way home, we don’t actually know if she even has a home to go back to. The PSMD protagonist normally doesn’t, since they’re the reincarnation of the human hero who stopped Dark Matter thousands of years ago. But is Riolu the hero? Or Espurr? Or neither of them? Or both! Who is Espurr? It’s hard to say at this point, and it leaves a lot of room for intrigue and speculation. Considering what we know by the end of Part 2, it seems pretty safe to say that Riolu is supposed to be the hero, but the wrenches Espurr throws into canon means I can’t actually say if there even was a hero.

  • The suggestion that humans were the ones who wrote the lore tablets found in the original game is a nice, small change that ties into the game lore that humans were somehow involved with Dark Matter’s first appearance.

  • When I first read the chapter I didn’t know much about Nyarlathotep yet, but I was definitely sold on how dangerous it was. Given its name, it probably has some kind of deeper significance to the portrayal of the Voidlands in this fic. It’s kind of hard to tell it apart from the other Void Shadows, though? We know it’s special because it has a name, it does seem to be smarter, and we’re told it’s stronger, but otherwise in terms of description and abilities it seems fairly interchangeable with the others. It’s like you can only tell it’s different because of how it talks. Or maybe I’m just being dumb.

  • In the deserted main square of Pokemon Plaza, hundreds of stone statues began to quiver in place. A high-pitched hum reverberated all around the plaza. Then the statues all exploded, one after the other, into shards and slivers of stone.
    Oh they’re dead dead, aren’t they? An unfortunate departure from canon for our friends here (and oh no the clocks on most of the expedition society now huh?)

  • And that’s the end of the chapter! I think it does a good job of getting across the depiction of the Voidlands you’re going for as a hellish, nightmare realm. I honestly found myself surprised that anyone could even last here for weeks. Assuming that ‘if you die in the voidlands you die in real life’ is true (which I’m assuming it is), then there must be some other bastions of safety out there in order for some of the statues to last as long as they do.
Going back to read the rest of this fic afterwards was very interesting as a result of my decision, as it was clear that some things revealed in this chapter were meant to be mysteries oops. But I still enjoyed it on it's own and by the time I came back it was interesting to look over it again with the context I was meant to come at it with.
Of course, I have other thoughts too on the rest of the fic, but I'm keeping it much more general (and in a spoiler tag).
Notes from everything before 2-11
  • I completely forgot the village was called Serene Village in the original, so it didn't occur to me until I went to look other stuff up that you changed the name to Serenity Village. A small hint to how this story will be different, I assume.

  • The scarves are blue? At first I wasn’t sure, but as the fic went on it started to dawn on me: those aren’t the (hastily looks it up) Harmony Scarves, are they? This has some implications… i have some wild theories but i'll keep 'em to myself.

  • There was a large ‘boom!’ and then everything hurt, and she couldn’t open her eyes again for several minutes.



    I have no idea if this is an intentional joke but regardless of if it is, it is the funniest thing in the entire fic, like this actually got me.

  • I wasn't expecting the level of technology here! I like how at first it felt grounded around an expansion of the Connection Orb idea, and then overtime it's revealed that the setting's tech level is a lot more contemporary than in the games.

  • The “friends” are VERY dysfunctional, like damn. Pretty much everyone has issues, both with themselves and each other, and honestly I started to find it hard to believe they could even stand hanging out with each other. I think I like the way it’s been pulled off for reasons I’ll get to later, though the scene where Tricky attacks Pancham in 2-7 felt… off. I mean he had it coming, the scene itself just came out of nowhere. Like we’re doing a bunch of completely unrelated things and then suddenly, ten chapters after it happened, Tricky decides that violence is the correct answer for the question of revenge, and afterwards we proceed as if nothing happened. It felt like a weird non-sequitur, even if I get why it happened. Almost like it belonged in a different chapter and just found its way here somehow.

  • All that aside, I've enjoyed the characters so far. Espurr feels like a bastion of sanity in a sea of colorful characters, and she balances Tricky's manic energy quite well. Tricky herself feels true to the original partner character while also feeling like your own. It's kind of hard to put my finger on, because I don't think it's just the Budew trauma: she just feels both familiar and different at the same time. Watchog and Audino are probably the most memorable adult characters. As for the children, Pancham and Goomy are pretty much the same characters from what I remember, meanwhile Deerling has serious anger issues (and just issues in general like dang she needs therapy). And then there's Shelmet, who kinda just exists. He's definitely the odd one out of the group in terms of development. I also like how the Expedition Society has been interpreted, and we even get a few new characters too! Most of the focus so far has been on Ampharos, Mawile, Archen and Buizel, but I haven't really minded that (Bunnelby's gotten more than he originally got by this point) and I think those four have gotten suitable time for their characters to shine. And there's still plenty of time for the rest to make an impression too.

  • I really like the way the hidden messages are handled. Like, they aren’t just there, the prose itself is bending over backwards to make them, with really extra and out there descriptions that clearly exist specifically to spell the message out. Almost as if the Void is bending reality and getting into the character’s perception of the world just to make sure it is heard. It’s a good effect, is what I’m trying to say.

  • EDIT: I completely forgot to mention this when I first posted the review, but I've noticed that "Slowly coming to" seems to be a set of arc words. When I first noticed how often it was used at the beginning of Espurr's sections I wasn't sure if it was intentional, but then it's used just by itself in 2-6 and realized it had to be intentional. I just wanted to comment on it.

  • It was Rayquaza. Ninetales’ heart sank.
    Well he’s not coming back for the finale.

  • I don’t think I agree with the placement of 2-8 in the story. As other reviewers have pointed out before, as it is the Serenity Village plot and the Expedition Society plot are very disconnected from each other, with the latter feeling like a diversion from the former. Personally, I was pretty okay with this, as I understood we were building stuff up and I liked seeing what the Expedition Society was doing before our duo joins them, until this chapter. It really felt like it dragged to me, because the entire time I was waiting for the perspective to switch back to Espurr. But this never happens: the chapter is an entire subplot, from beginning to end, revolving around an attempt from HAPPI to screw over the society’s efforts in order to snuff out the truth of what’s going on. Eventually I started to understand what it was going for and what it was trying to set up, but by that time, I had spent half the chapter waiting for this perspective shift, and I wasn’t really sure if it was worth it to stop the Serenity Village story for it. And I realized later that the reason I felt this way was because this all happens directly after 2-7 ends on a cliffhanger, with Espurr’s nightmares coming back. So I wanted to read on to see where this went, only to get smacked in the face with 12,000+ words of something completely different. In hindsight it was a good subplot with plenty of intrigue, but it was also a massive pace breaker and I wasn’t really able to appreciate it at the time as a result.

  • which included, for some reason, the salamence they had fought in Lush Forest.
    Wait, Salamence was defeated? I feel like I missed something.

  • I like how Ancient Barrow has more importance in the story this time. I’m probably alone in this, but I’m a weirdo who always wished that the plot of PSMD stayed in the Serene Village: the game builds up to Ancient Barrow as being this big important thing, and then they start going somewhere with it and it’s like “oh cool things are happening and i care about these characters and i want to see what happens to them.” And then it turns out to be absolutely nothing and the game promptly goes “none of this mattered lmao, time for the actual story.” It just felt like such a waste of a good setup. In general I think it was a good decision to introduce the Dark Matter elements earlier to make the beginning parts still feel significant and tie it into the overall story, and I think this decision, plus the additional eldritch horror flair you’ve added to them, is what has really carried the intrigue of these early parts and make the Serenity Village parts shine brighter.
Notes from the rest of Part 2. These are a bit longer, mostly because this is a far as I've read so far, which naturally means more thoughts on where things might go.
  • “It was only a theory,” Bryony began, but then paused for a minute. “But I think they’re mystery dungeons.”
    So the weird trees are the Voidland representations of the overworld mystery dungeons, huh?:unsure:

  • I didn’t realize until the duo entered the ruins of Serenity Village that the Voidlands are meant to be a “Dark World” mirror of the real one. It’s interesting to see how the events ‘up there’ so to speak are mirrored here, such as Poliwrath River getting burned down and the ghost appearances.

  • Okay, the way that Bryony, Eevee, and Fletchinder die feels a little forced. It's very much an idiot ball moment for Bryony, but I do see why she had to die for Riolu's small little arc here. Then poor Eevee and Fletchinder are taken as collateral. F.

  • I feel like it was around this point of the fic where it started to hit me how you were playing with the themes of the original game. The main group is dysfunctional, and Dark Matter and Void Shadows like Nyarlathotep feed off of that dysfunction, which grants them their power over the children. It’s only by caring for each other and working together that they can stand a chance against it. And the way they do so, by making use of all the various things they’ve learned over the course of the fic so far to defeat Nyarlathotep, is a great payoff to this idea. Of course, there’s still four parts left apparently, so it ain’t gonna be that simple going forward, especially given what the Expedition Society segments have been building up to, but it was still nice to see, and I came out of 2-13 feeling that it was a very satisfying climax to the arc. All that to say is that I think these five chapters are my favorite part of the fic so far.

  • I wasn’t sure if Riolu was going to be okay or not! I’m not really sure what you were getting at with him fading and seemingly disappearing after Ancient Barrow. At first I thought it was because he didn’t exit the Voidlands the ‘proper’ way through Reverse Mountain, but then it turns out he’s fine. Based on what you said in the author's notes for Part 2, maybe it's an artifact from an earlier version?

  • Honestly, I didn't really care for the Simipour twist all that much. His suspiciousness is definitely something that has been played with over the course of the fic so far, but I guess I just didn't really care for him in the first place, and the reveal itself felt a bit underwhelming after 2-13, so it didn't do much for me.

  • It seems like Pokémon have pretty long lifespans in this fic. Gates to Infinity happened 50 years ago, yet Espeon and Umbreon still seem to be in their prime all things considered, and it’s implied that Team Go-Getters lived for centuries before they bit the dust. Maybe it’ll be clarified later.

  • I’ve been saying ‘Dark Matter’ the entire time, but technically it hasn’t actually been confirmed yet. Considering everything we know about the Void Shadows still technically follows canon powersets (with some embellishments), I’d assume it’s still the Greater Scope Villain pushing the events of the story. I do like how this fic has gone to great lengths to really justify Dark Matter’s existence. Super stated it was an amalgamation of the hate in the hearts of Pokémon, but it never really sold you on it, which was kind of egregious when the previous game did an almost identical premise for its own Greater Scope Villain and actually did go to the effort of justifying its existence to the player. This would naturally be the first thing a fix-fic would fix, and you seem to be running with it all the way, not just with the friends but with the greater scope of the world itself. Which of course, makes the themes hit much harder than the wet noodle that they were in the original game.

  • I have a hard time getting over the fact that our main antagonist is named Sparkleglimmer. We really haven’t seen much of her in the main story yet, which makes the two special episodes focusing on her seem a little early since so far she hasn’t really done anything beyond very small, subtle moves in the background. Though I do find her interesting, and the special episodes shine a light on just how much of the setting's intricacies she has a paw in. She’s clearly being manipulated by Dark Matter, but it’s happening in such a way that she can’t possibly realize it’s happening. From what we could tell, she didn’t know what happened with the Ambassador, and she might not have been aware of the Simisage plot either. She’s willing to be its puppet, but she doesn’t actually realize the extent to which she’s its puppet. It fits with Dark Matter’s general premise and M.O. that the way it’d try to come back would not be through straight up mind control, but by subtly pushing the right buttons that naturally lead others to align themselves with it and make the decisions that would lead to its freedom. At this point she probably doesn't even need Dark Matter to push her anymore.
Honestly, there's probably a bunch of other thoughts I have that I haven't gotten to, but we'd be here forever if I went over everything, so I'll call it here. I feel like I could give thoughts on a bunch of the deviations from Super, but if I did most of them would boil down to "huh that's different."

And of course, here is all the typos and whatnot that I have noticed.
“So what brings you here?” she asked. “Wait—don’t tell me. You got zapped here too.”
The telepathy italics are missing here.

Hehit the sand hard, tumbling to the bottom in a heap.

“Last night, I saw this pillar of light appear in the sky. I wanted to go investigate,” Riolu said. I thought I would be there and right back, but it was farther away than I thought. There was something out there in the woods. It tried to chase me, but I got away. And then I came across this place.”
There is a missing quotation mark around here.

“I don’t think it’s coming,l" Bryony said. "Somemon usually shows up by now.”

The Ancient Barrow

The section title isn't properly formatted for the second Ancient Barrow segment.

“We’re just a few buildings away, one of the litwick said.
Another missing quotation mark around here.

It soaked both her and Tricky in the dungeon’s much.

“All I know is the adult aren’t going to listen to us.”

"let's go there, then." Umbreon began to walk off towards the entrance to below-deck, and after he looked back to make sure she was keeping up, Espeon followed.

Then she attacked Poliwrath whiLe he was down.
The scene established it was a Politoed, so I think this is a mistake?

Overall I've enjoyed my binge of this fic! The way it has played with canon so far is very interesting, and I'm excited to see how it's going to continue going forward.
Last edited:

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, I noticed that the next chapter of Psychic Sheep looked fairly digestible in length, so I figured that now was as good a time as any to stop and round out our review exchange with a last review cap things off. My understanding is that things escalate pretty fast from the last chapter from this arc, so let's see just how fast the crazy train goes off the rails:

Chapter 3-6

The spires of Pokemon Paradise looked like ruck shack buildings stacked up on top of one another until they reached the sky. Every house was made of mud-brown wood and dull violet roofs, and half of them looked like they were on stilts. A large wall of planks and a velvet shroud of mist surrounded the entire city.

Despite all that, Pokemon Paradise was massive and noisy, even from a distance. Zoroark could barely see where it ended on either side from where he stood.

Zoroark: "Bruh, I thought this was supposed to be a rich city. That description makes it sound like a giant slum." .-.
Elliot: "... It's more impressive up close?"

Alexis was the first one to step forward, casting a glance back at the three of them.

“Congratulations,” he said dully. “Here we are. Now let’s go check in before the afternoon rush.

I'm now morbidly curious as to what on earth rush hour looks like in this setting. Since I didn't think there were too many vehicles other than boats and airships lying around.

Zoroark-as-Braixen soon learned what Alexis meant by ‘checking in’. As they approached the large wall of planks that stood thirty feet tall all around the city, he donned his illusion once more. The only proper entrance in or out of the place was a large arched gate nearly as tall as the wall itself. Hundreds of pokemon were lining up outside of it, creating a noisy, cramped mess the three of them could barely see the small check-in desk over.

Zoroark: "Wait, your city wall's a giant wooden palisade? You never upgraded to something like stone or brickwork? How is this not something that could casually get torched by someone causing trouble?" ._.;
Elliot: "... This place had humble beginnings so a more down-to-earth city wall preserves the nostalgia a bit?" ^^;

At some point during their walk, the xatu had disappeared. Zoroark didn't know where he'd gone, and by the time he'd noticed they were far too entrenched in the crowd to pay it mind. Maybe he'd slipped away in the chaos.

Oh, that's a good omen. Not.

Alexis nudged him in the thigh. Zoroark-as-braixen looked down.

“Do yourself a favor,” Alexis said in a voice only Zoroark could hear. “Go as yourself. They don’t take kindly to illusions.”

Everyone's still that salty about the failed hit all those years ago, huh?

A skiploom who looked like it would happily be anywhere else was marking things up on papers for pokemon as they went through the door.

“Age. Species. Continent of birth.” They slid several papers towards the three of them. “Fill it out.”

Zoroark: "(W-Wait, am I supposed to drop my Illusion right here, or...?)"

Alexis and Elliot flipped the clerk their HAPPI badges; two of the papers were slid back. Zoroark got a paper to fill out. It was replete with boxes to check and lines to write on. Zoroark’s muscle memory honed from years of marking down papers exactly like this one took over, and he filled the paper out within a minute. Until he reached the species bar.

You'll find no sanctuary here on Mist.

Dude's totally going to lie and say he's a Braixen, isn't he?

No matter how he tried, Zoroark found himself scared to ink that last bit in. Maybe it was something out of instinct—Primarina had always taught him never to show his true form in public. But right now, Pokemon Paradise was the best chance he had at being able to find a warm place to eat and sleep when he needed to. If his species had as bad a reputation here as Alexis seemed to think… maybe Primarina had a point after all.

Alexis: "(You realize I'm right here watching you waffle over that form, right? Again, just be honest.)"

Zoroark: "(Easy for you to say! You're the one who kept going on and on about how I'd have a bad time here as a Zoroark!)"

A paw on his arm. A hooded pokemon glanced up at him from under the brow, looking at his claw hovering over the box. It was Alexis.

“I hope you’re not thinking of marking this up as any other species than your own,” Alexis said. “You won’t even get past the front gate. Don’t be stupid.”

Oh hey, Alexis actually pulls Zoroark aside and badgers him not to pretend he's a Braixen. Though kinda figured he'd be the type to do that.

He moved Zoroark's claw, and checked the box for 'zoroark' with it. Zoroark didn’t make an attempt to stop him.

... Wait, species is denoted by checkboxes on this form and not a line to fill in? Just how many of those little boxes are there on it? .-.

The papers were handed in. Zoroark got a yellow scarf to wear. Just like before, it made him feel slightly weighed down, like he was shackled. The three of them passed through the gates, and then into the city.

... Actually, wait. Is Zoroark still disguised as a Braixen right now? If so, you'd think that the Skiploom would have more of a reaction to getting the form back saying the apparent Braixen was really a Zoroark given how much Alexis was beating his drum about "don't go around using Illusions, the locals don't like that" like shooting Zoroark a side-eye or a glare or something like that.

Zoroark was, for a moment, taken aback by all the things that were going on around him. The large buildings up close dwarfed anything he could have imagined from a distance, and pokemon of all shapes and sizes were walking around and attending to their business in hordes at a time.

Alexis put his and Elliot's badges back into his bag, then sealed it up.

“Ready to blend in?” he asked.

Zoroark: "Wait, but I thought that you just said that I wasn't supposed to use Illusion in town. How else am I supposed to blend in?" .-.

“Ready when you are,” said Elliot.

The two pulled their hoods down further, then casually walked off into the crowd as if they were two normal pokemon in the daily mess.

That left Zoroark all alone.

Zoroark: "... Of course." >.<

A crowd of pokemon filed in and out of the entry gates, making wide rings around him as he passed. None of them looked like they wanted to be near him. Zoroark regained his head quickly. The best chance of getting himself a place to crash for the night was to join the HAPPI facilities further downtown. Even if he didn’t stay, rescue team work was easy as dirt to apply for, and they had free lodging. He’d be able to get enough footing to find a place elsewhere.


Bruh, the passersby on the street are literally reacting to you like you're radioactive. I'd be a bit more worried about how easily you're going to get rescue work here.

There were large signs hanging from overbearing buildings in the main plaza, pointing out where all the large streets were. The way to the HAPPI center was pointed out very clearly, allowing Zoroark to follow the posts there without asking too many questions.

Years of living almost solely on a boat had robbed Zoroark of any idea of what it was like to walk through the streets of a proper city. The buildings on either side loomed over him almost claustrophobically, but it was clear that pokemon were living in them. Storefronts were open and pokemon were causally walking up and down the somewhat dirty streets. The wonderful smells coming from a bakery to the left caught Zoroark's attention as soon as he passed it. His stomach grumbled.

Wait, but aren't ships by definition cramped and claustrophobic on the inside? You'd think that if any 'uncomfortable feeling' trigger got brushed up on for Zoroark here, that it wouldn't be claustrophobia...

But regardless of the strange sights, he was even more unaccustomed to walking around as himself. He felt naked to the world, weirdly vulnerable in a way that he couldn’t explain. But he soldiered through it, marching through the streets with purpose. Maybe it would feel less strange tomorrow.

I mean the uncomfortable stares and glares and others consciously avoiding you go a long way to making one feel vulnerable, yes.

The HAPPI building was located deep within the city, but was also one of the largest buildings around and had land sealed off specifically for the teams that lived there, so it was hard to miss and easy to find.

Sounds like it'd be a PITA to navigate around, especially without motorized transport, though that's pretty par for the course for the likes of palace complexes in the middle of cities.

Zoroark could feel the guards standing outside the building’s gates keeping their eyes on him, but he ignored it. He just had to sign up to be on a rescue team, and then it didn’t matter what everymon else thought. As long as he had a place to sleep and food to eat.

Bold assumption that you're not going to get bounced from the counter, Zoroark.

He wasn’t the only pokemon who had arrived hoping for the same thing he was. He was accompanied by a group of pokemon he could easily get lost in. Some of them were battered, bruised, and dirty, just like he was, while others were in much better shape and had much more confident looks on their faces, and still others wore the scarves and badges of HAPPI in the first place. Those must have been the returning explorers, Zoroark figured.

Zoroark: "... Those 'battered, bruised, and dirty' guys aren't making me optimistic for the jobs here."

All those pokemon, Zoroark included, were funneled through the entrance of the HAPPI Center, and into a massive hall that had every fixing Zoroark could dream of, and some of the ones he couldn’t.

Kiiiinda wonder if this would've had more impact were it described a bit more explicitly. Like I'm not sure what to make here of these "fixings" and what they are.

At the end of the large, magnificent room was a small desk, ‘monned by a single delcatty. They marked down papers with a claw and lazily batted something attached to a connection orb, letting their spring-like tail move back and forth lazily as they worked. As the group approached, they formed into a line. Zoroark found himself pushed back and back as others formed up, but managed to secure himself a spot in front of a few of the other returning explorers.

His heart skipped a beat when he realized the pokemon right behind him was the vaporeon he had bumped into at the Noe Town dock. It took him a moment to realize that she hadn’t seen him as a zoroark. He couldn’t act like they’d met before.

Oh huh, so you are still putting her to use in this story. Not that I disapprove of the choice.

The line slowly thinned and shortened; soon Zoroark stood at the desk. The delcatty looked up at him.

“You’re here to… ?” she asked him, her voice trailing off at the end promptingly. Zoroark could hear the bluntness in it.

“I’m here to join a rescue team,” Zoroark said. “How do I do that here?”

Cue mocking laughter in 3... 2...

The delcatty marked down a few papers, cleared her throat, and then looked back up at Zoroark.

“You have to pass a physical exam before we assign you,” she said. “But why don’t you come back tomorrow? For certain candidates we do a background check first."

Well, it's more polite than mocking laughter, at least. Even if I'm pretty sure that this 'background check' is just a cover to flatly reject Zoroark's application.

Zoroark asked if there was a slip or pass he could use to show that he’d made a request for a physical exam. He didn’t get one.

Yuuuuup. I'll be legit surprised if he doesn't get bounced by HAPPI with that sort of reception.

He sat down and rested his tired body on one of the room’s lavish seats. That wasn’t the answer he had been hoping for at all. Now he had to find a plan B for the night, and pass a physical exam tomorrow. And who knew how long it would be until he’d get a team assigned after that.

Bold of you to assume the plot's going to allow you to do that, Zoroark.

He looked up at the counter, where the vaporeon from before was talking with the delcatty. Zoroark didn’t hear much of what was being said, only broken phrases like ‘teammate’ and ‘new form’, but he was able to get a gist of what had been asked. A lost teammate? Or a new one completely? Perhaps she needed a second one? He didn’t have quite enough to put together the finer meaning of it all.

Oh, so she's passing along her report of what happened with Simisage. I can only imagine the Delcatty's face while hearing some of those details.

The next pokemon at the desk looked like life had treated them better than it had Zoroark or the vaporeon.

“I’m here to join a rescue team!” the flaafy proclaimed proudly. “What’s the process?”

“Well, first you’ll take a physical exam so we can determine where your abilities fall,” the delcatty answered politely, “and then you’ll be paired up with a teammate who best suits your abilities.”

Zoroark: "I... just got jerked around by that cat five minutes ago, didn't I?"

“Sounds awesome!” the flaafy exclaimed. “When can I take the exam?”

“Unfortunately, you’ll have to come back tomorrow,” the Delcatty said. “But I can give you this slip. Give this to the pokemon standing by that door over there—” she gestured to a door off to the side that had a few pokemon loitering around it “—and they’ll reserve you a spot for the exam first thing in the morning.

Zoroark: "Hey what the-?! That cat literally set me up to fail tomorrow! She didn't say squat about needing a slip to reserve an exam spot!"

The delcatty ripped off a piece of paper and handed it to the flaafy, who skipped off with it in its hooves.

Zoroark watched it go with something resembling surprise. Wait, hadn’t he asked for one of those? The delcatty certainly hadn’t had the time or politeness to talk to him. Or a paper slip, for that matter. Why? Was it because he was dirty all over? He did look and smell like he had come straight from the streets.

No, it's because she's being a bigoted asshole and not so subtly trying to kick you to the curb. Granted, it might be a directive from within HAPPI since... uh... yeah, your species isn't exactly popular with their head honcho.

Sure, he looked dirty, but nothing was stopping him from getting back in line and asking for one again. Now that he’d seen the delcatty hand one out, he knew they existed. She’d have a hard time lying her way out of that. Zoroark raised himself from the lounge he was on, walking back into the line.

Smart fox. Even if I wouldn't be terribly shocked at the Delcatty just going mask off and telling him "don't bother, you'll get rejected".

In the corner of his eye, he could see one of the guards that had been lounging outside the door suddenly leave their post. He looked around, not seeing any specific reason they would have. They must have been on a washroom break or something. Not that it mattered to him. He entered the line, waiting for the six or seven pokemon in front of him to finish off their affairs.

A paw suddenly clamped down on Zoroark’s shoulder. He looked around, seeing the visage of a lucario that was looking straight at him.

“What are you doing, loitering around here?” the lucario asked him. “I’ve seen you go through that line once already.”

Zoroark: "... Wait, how are you doing that when my shoulders are literally higher up than your eartips?" O_ó;
Lucario: "What do you mean 'how am I doing that', pal? I'm just tapping your shoulder."
Zoroark: "You do realize that these are our canon heights, right?:

Lucario: "... I can still reach up there, so what? And I can still knock you into next week just fine, bub." 😠

Zoroark decided to answer him truthfully.

“I asked to join a rescue team, but didn’t get a slip for my physical exam tomorrow,” he explained. “I’m re-entering the line to get one.”

“Mm,” the lucario breathed. “Sounds like a misunderstanding. Should we ask our upstanding desk clerk about it?”

Zoroark: "... You're trying to threaten me right now, aren't you?" 😐
Lucario: "I'd like to remind you that even if you're over a foot taller than me, that I'm still the one advantaged in a fight here!" >:|

Zoroark nodded, unsure of what to say. Something about the lucario made his mane bristle and his fur stand on end.

I mean, he's only not-so-subtly trying to threaten you and might have aura antics going on to help try and project a "no, get out" vibe.

To his surprise, the lucario trotted off, walking over to the desk. He watched the lucario and delcatty talk for a moment, before the lucario started walking back over to Zoroark.

“Guess you’re out of luck,” he said to Zoroark. “Clerk says she’s out of slips. Come back tomorrow.

Sticker, sceptilisk,

I don't believe that for a second.

“But I saw her hand one out another pokemon,” Zoroark protested. “She wrote it down.”

“And now she’s out,” the lucario said. “You can leave. Come back tomorrow.”

He gave Zoroark a light shove out of the line and towards the entrance. Zoroark wanted to protest, to say that this seemed wrong, everything about it seemed horribly wrong and the clerk had something against him for some reason he couldn’t even fathom, but one look at the lucario’s face, and the growlithe and manetric that were joining him for backup, told him that was a bad idea. He turned around, and left the building.

Yeah, I'll heavily take the under on Zoroark ever being allowed into HAPPI, even if I kinda figured that things were going to go in this direction half a scene ago.

Zorark left the HAPPI building the same way he’d entered it: through large stone gates, with eyes on him from all sides. They took on a different context now, one of wariness.

He walked back into the city, deciding to wander around and see what he could find. At the very least, he needed a place to crash and something to eat for the night. Then he could attack this again tomorrow. Hopefully they’d have done his ‘background check’ by then.


The streets were made of cobblestone just like Noe Town, and looked extremely uncomfortable to crash in. There were numerous alleyways all around the city that looked like they could make good places to sleep, but Zoroark wasn’t fancying that option unless he had no other choice.

At least there were a lot of trash cans to fish around in if he needed something to eat.

Zoroark: "... Wait, did Alexis and Elliot ever tell me where to meet up with them afterwards? Or did they just ghost me and leave me to twist in the wind on my own?" .-.

His meandering took him into the shabbier portion of the city, where the buildings slowly became the color of mud and rickety houses on stilts stood everywhere. Under those stilts he saw makeshift tents set up, where pokemon were camping out, eating, and huddling around a fire.

Zoroark: "Oh, so this place really is a giant slum. That's... wonderful, really." ._.;

Soon he came across a gathering of pokemon who were angrily shouting in unison. A stage was set up among all the rickety, crooked houses, and atop it stood a lone scyther. Off to the side of the stage was a frosslass that stared at the crowd through cold eyes.

“You can feel it in the air!” the scyther cried out to the crowd. “The coming storms of winter!”

Oh, so this setting also has crazy street corner preachers. That's... lovely, really.

Zoroark was about to pass the gathering entirely, but stopped when he heard that. He backed up a bit to listen.

“You can feel it in the wood of these houses!” the scyther continued. “The decay of time!”

He paused, adjusting his voice to be less noisy. “And you can feel it in their eyes, every day you walk down the street. That you are not wanted here.

“And now they want to tear down your homes. Our homes! So they can build new, shiny houses for them to stay in, while we freeze in the streets. What do you have to say about that?”

Roars from the crowd.

That... is a terrible omen for Paradise's long term existence, since I've seen this movie play out in Overthrown years ago, and... things didn't exactly turn out so hot for the city in that story that had these sorts of issues.

“Are you going to let them destroy your homes?”

More roars from the crowd, this time mixed in with cheering.

“Then stand up and say something! The time to act is now!”

I kinda wonder if there should've been more description of what's going on with the crowd here, and more importantly, Zoroark's relative position and thoughts to the budding peasant/worker revolt brewing right in front of his eyes here. Since this is a really new experience for him and you'd think he'd be more opinionated about it, even if said opinions boiled down to "wait, whaaa...?" or else "... wait, is this guy talking about the city or was he stalking me at HAPPI earlier today? Since I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu"

More cheers, louder than ever before. The scyther continued his speech, raising his voice to compensate.

“Together! We can secure the funding needed to save these houses!” The scyther yelled, somehow louder than the entire crowd’s voices combined. The new wave of applause soon drowned him out. “Together, and only together! We can save our home. From them.

Huh. That's significantly less torches-and-pitchforks than I was expecting. Since that was really fiery for a fundraiser there.

The cheers continued, and soon Zoroark’s feet began to get cold from standing around on the pavement for so long.

“You there!”

Zoroark looked up to see the scyther pointing a blade directly at him. “What say you? Will you help us in our quest to save our home?”

Zoroark: "Wait, wha-? But I literally just got here-" ._.;

Put on the spot, Zoroark just shook his head uncertainly. “I’m just here to visit,” he said.

The scyther didn’t respond to that. He only lowered his blade, giving Zoroark the same icy stare he’d had the whole while. Then he redirected it to the crowd.

Do everything you can! Do what you must! Only in this way are we united!”


Really, part of me expects this crowd to go full angry mob and flash-loot a major shopping street in about 5 minutes given how venomous the Scyther's tone earlier was and that "Do what you must" bit.

Before long, the scyther’s words faded out of Zoroark’s hearing, but they were replaced by something that had caught his attention much more: the presence of a trio of pokemon who wore HAPPI badges.

They were a zangoose, charmeleon, and liligent. They hung near the back of the street, just far enough to be out of sight and mind but close enough that they could see the speech too. They looked bored. Zoroark decided not to get in their way. If they were anything like the team that had accosted him back in the HAPPI building, he wanted nothing to do with them.

Oh, so they're just casually chilling and waiting for a chance to arrest Scyther based off whatever pretext they need, huh?

He was pretty sure the scyther’s eyes were on his back the entire time as he went, but he wasn’t brave enough to look back and tell for certain.

Totally not an ominous sign or omen that this guy is going to become a serious PITA later.

“You’re new ‘round here.”

The voice came down from Zoroark’s foot. He looked down, seeing a buneary lackadaisically hopping in place next to him.

“Do you live here?” The buneary asked.

Zoroark: "Uh... I mean, I might be now, but..."

“I’m just passing through,” said Zoroark.

He cast a quick glance back towards the team in the distance before [ ]

“Don’t do that,” the buneary said. “They don’t like it when pokemon stare at them. They might go after you.”

You're missing some stuff from your sentence there. I think it might have been accidentally cut during a past revision of yours.

That didn’t make Zoroark feel any more comfortable, but he avoided looking back at the team again after that.

“I’m Beatrice,” the buneary said. “What about you?”

Zoroark: "'Beatrice the Buneary'?"

Beatrice: "Yeah, and? That's my name, don't wear it out."

“Just Zoroark,” Zoroark said.

“No name? All the pokemon in the city have one.”

“Not where I’m from,” Zoroark muttered.

I mean, this is technically where you're from, Zoroark, so...

At least, Primarina had never given him one.

Boy is that seal pulling some major levels of hate sink from even beyond the grave.

“So where are you headed now?” Beatrice asked. “We don’t get many ‘mon passing through.”

[ ]

“I can see why,” Zoroark said. “You live here?”

This feels like a bit in particular where it might have made sense to show more body language or reaction from Zoroark, e.x. copping a quick glance back at Scyther's rabble-rousing. Though that actually makes me wonder if in general, this back and forth between Beatrice and Zoroark would benefit more from more internal thoughts from Zoroark.

Since in no particular order, he's been soft-rejected by HAPPI, wandered into a slum, gotten on the bad side of a guy that I'm not totally convinced isn't going to start a riot in about five minutes, and gotten the evil eye from a HAPPI team chilling in a back alley. Like you'd think that it'd have more perceptible impact on Zoroark's overall state of mind and also color how he reacts to Beatrice a bit more. Since he's in a state where he has every reason to be on edge, but at the same time would likely get pretty "oh thank gods
" after finding anyone that he feels he can trust here in his present circumstances.

“Of course!” Beatrice lazily hopped by him. “If you’re ‘round here and you don’t have a badge, you probably live here. Are you staying around for long?”

That... isn't a good sign for how well the Pokémon here get along with HAPPI members.

If Zoroark was being honest with himself, he didn’t know where he was going. He probably had to figure out where he could find his record. He’d had one under Primarina’s payroll, but that was as Braixen, not as Zoroark. Where did new pokemon go to get registered…

He wished he’d asked the clerk what the background check entailed. Maybe he could get a pointer back at the HAPPI building.

“I guess I’m headed out of here,” Zoroark said.

- Zoroark cops a glance at the obvious angry mob brewing in the background -
Zoroark: "Since... uh... yeah, I kinda get a feeling that now's not a good time to be in this neighborhood."

Most ‘mon do,” Beatrice said sagely.

“Nice meeting you!” the buneary waved after him, a bit too loud for Zoroark’s liking. Zoroark halfheartedly returned the wave, then took a right down one of the crooked alleyways. That would lead him back to town for sure, and he wasn’t looking to pass some of the weirdos he’d seen on the main street a second time.

I don't think that Beatrice's line fully follows after Zoroark's there. Like the grammatically correct one would be "Most 'mon are", but not sure if that changes the intended nuance.

Also, kinda getting a bad vibe from the "crooked alleyway" mentioned there.

The buildings in the slums really were as ruck shack and rickety as the scyther had said. Zoroark even thought he saw a few of them swaying dangerously, threatening to topple over him at any minute now. There were pokemon living everywhere inside the houses, outside them, above them, and even under them. The one common factor was that nearly all of them seemed to have the same yellow scarf Zoroark was wearing. He was coming to realize it was some sort of status symbol, that wearing it meant he was to be targeted and persecuted no matter where he went or what he did.

... That actually makes me wonder just how common building collapses in Paradise are, really. .-.

If that was the case, then…

Zoroark looked at the scarf on his arm, and then undid the tie holding it together. He let it flutter off in the breeze, carried away by the same wind that was causing the house he was standing in front of to sway dangerously in his direction. Zoroark gingerly decided to move away before the house toppled over like a tower of cards. Being crushed was not in his ideal plan for today.

Not that the yellow scarf wasn't a load of BS, but this feels like a really, really ill-advised decision, since this sounds like a recipe for getting pulled over by a HAPPI team and yeeted into jail overnight.

Eventually, he walked into one of the nicer-looking streets, looking like he’d just emerged from the filthiest wild den imaginable. He strolled down the street, looking to make a good first impression to the pokemon walking by him. One that didn’t scream ‘I’m doing something I probably shouldn’t’.



For the first five minutes, not much happened. But Zoroark hadn’t been paying much attention to his surroundings. What jarred him back into reality was a passing trenevant rudely nudging Zoroark with its shoulder as they passed. He looked back in shock, but the pokemon was already passing along like nothing had happened. Zoroark re-adjusted his mane and continued along, assuming it was an accident.

He hoped it was an accident.

It totally wasn't an accident, was it? Since that's a pretty common pickpocketing MO IRL.

The streets were getting more crowded as he walked, and he seemed to be attracting the ire of all the strangers around him like flies to honey. The amount of strange looks he was getting seemed to have shot up through the roof, and if he hadn’t felt like he had been wanted there before, then that feeling had been multiplied times a hundred. Zoroark was at a loss as to what had caused it. He’d just been through these streets before – what was causing the sudden change? The only thing that had changed since had been…

Your lack of yellow scarf, duh.

A claw suddenly landed on Zoroark’s shoulder.

“Excuse me.”

He whirled around to see the same rescue team that had been hanging around the slums earlier – the zangoose, the charmeleon, and the lilligant.

“We saw you didn’t have your scarf on you,” the lilligant said. “that’s illegal, you know.”

Yuuuuuup, I just knew that things were going to go here after Zoroark ditched his scarf.

“Illegal?” Zoroark asked. “What?”

“Don’t play dumb,” the charmeleon sighed. “We saw you in the slums earlier. You were trying to avoid us.”

Zoroark: "B-But this is literally my first time in Paradise! How on earth was I supposed to know that?!"

Zangoose: "And nobody told you that going about like this is illegal in all of Mist?"

Charmeleon: "Even if nobody did, that's not our problem, now is it. Breaking the law out of ignorance is still breaking the law."

“So that’s why we followed you,” the zangoose continued. “You deliberately lost that scarf. Tell me.. what were you planning to do without it?”

Zoroark’s fur bristled.

“What are you accusing me of?” he asked. He’d had enough of being treated like a villain by these douchebags.

Liligant: "You do realize that you're already breaking the law just by standing around like that, right? There's nothing to accuse you of."

Zoroark: "B-But all I did was take off a little scarf!" O_O;

“Why don’t you tell us?” the charmeleon countered. There wasn’t a hint of unrest in his voice, just chilling calmness. “You of all pokemon should know your kind’s ability to falsify things. The illusion-resistant scarves are our only method of protection from your highly dangerous illusions. Were you going to steal something?”

Yuuuuuuuup, I called it about the scarves. I saw the bit about Zoroark's feeling "heavy" to him, and it instantly sent my mind in this direction.

“I’m not a thief,” Zoroark growled.

“You’re going to have to come with us anyway,” the charmeleon said.

“Tell me why I should come with you,” Zoroark snarled, beginning to get agitated. “What have I done wrong? All I did was take off that scarf!”

Team Douchebags:

Zoroark: "... The legal code in this city doesn't seriously have that as a statute, does it?" .-.

“If you aren’t going to come quietly…”

There was no answer. The three members began to step closer, charging up attacks.

That was the point where Zoroark decided it was best to run.

Zoroark: "... Probably should've thought of this 30 seconds ago, but better late than never?" ._.;

He spun around and took off, running down the street and pushing madly through pedestrians as he went. Some of them pushed back, but he pushed harder. There were some attempts to grab his mane and stop him in his tracks, but he managed to stumble out of their grasp every time.

He looked around frantically, looking for somemon he could copy. He was in enough of a rush that he couldn’t make an original disguise on his own, and he definitely wasn’t using his braixen one. He scanned the area, his eyes finally settling on a whimsicott. Whimsicott weren’t nearly as tall as he was, so he’d have to be careful. But it worked. It blended in.

... Wait, how on earth did nobody see Zoroark do this if he was fleeing in through and then disguising himself in a crowded area?

A second passed. The air around him shimmered. Then, in his place stood a whimsicott identical to the one passing the street on the other side. Zoroark slowed down, doing his best to blend in and let his mane pass as whimsicott fluff as it brushed up against other pokemon.

Boy is this guy getting carried so hard by Pokémon in this setting not having strong senses of smell. Since even before Zoroark being dirt-caked, foxes IRL have fairly noticeable odors that I'd presume would be very different from a Whimsicott's.

The rescue team from before was combing through the crowd, searching for him. He restricted his breathing as the charmeleon passed right by him in the crowd, sniffing around for any hint of his target. It was a good thing Zoroark had learnt how to mask his scent with illusions.

Oh, well never mind then. The scent thing is a legit issue, but Zoroark has a workaround for that.

At some point, he had managed to slip away into an alley and evade the team for the time being. Once he was sure that no-mon was going to come back for him or even look his way, he collapsed against the alleyway wall, finally letting out all the pent-up stress he’d been keeping in.

Doing this in a technically open area that connects to the streets sounds like a really bad idea since you're pretty bulky and large by Pokémon standards, Zoroark. But you do you.

That had turned out worse than he could have ever predicted. And now he couldn’t go back out into those streets again unless he wanted to keep that illusion up.

But keeping an illusion up was beginning to get tiring. He’d been ignoring the fact that he was famished all day, and now it was finally beginning to come back full force for him. Conjuring up a new illusion out of the blue had taken a large chunk of his remaining energy, and all of the sudden he found it hard to stand without getting dizzy. He needed to find something to eat. And to drink too.

Yeah, I have to admit, my opinion of Alexis and Elliot kinda has been dropping in live-time from how they just threw Zoroark out into the deep end and didn't even make an attempt at promising follow-up support in any capacity. Since they knew full well that this was a bad environment for Zoroark, but after he insisted on coming anyways, they basically just shrugged and went "whelp, your funeral
" and didn't even give him any direction to work with.

Zoroark drank out of a muddy puddle that pooled at the bottom of the alleyway. He knew he could get sick that way, but he was desperate. He fished in several trash cans that decorated the alleyway, looking for something that wasn’t spoiled beyond salvage or covered in something spoiled beyond salvage. He was able to get himself a few bread rinds. One of them was coated in something that smelled like it was rotting. Zoroark wrinkled his nose and dropped it in disgust.

He could smell the bakery down the street. Maybe there was something over there.

You... probably want to consistently play up Zoroark having a lingering and growing sense of hunger and thirst throughout the scenes leading up to this, since I didn't get a "dude's hungry and thirsty enough to dumpster dive and drink runoff from the street" vibe prior to this.

“Get away from here!” the rillaboom baker yelled as Zoroark scampered off from the bakery’s dumpster. “Don’t ever come back, thief!” The bakery threw away entire loaves of bread. The crusts were hard as bricks and some of them were molding over, but it was good bread. Zoroark had managed to score himself a loaf before the baker inevitably kicked him off the premises. He dug into it with relish. It was cold and hard in places, but tasted like sweet honey. He couldn’t understand why it had been tossed.

Some minor tweaks I’d suggest to make baker Rillabloom’s lines hit with a bit more punch. You should also consider either dropping in a transition paragraph or two showing Zoroark making it over to the bakery and dumpster diving, or else add the hard scene break that I presume used to be here back in, since that was kinda a jarring skip forward.

Soon, the sun set. The wind whipped through the skies, nipping Zoroark through his fur. This continent was just as cold as he remembered it, and it got even colder at night. A ‘mon could freeze to death on the streets, and even though he was fluffy he didn’t want to sleep out in the open.

... That... still happens on this continent in the present day, doesn't it?

There was a fire lit in the alleyway. Zoroark huddled up close to it, just far enough so that it didn’t burn his fur but close enough that it still kept him warm enough for the night. He’d fueled it with the scarves he’d dug out of the trash, and they looked like they’d burn the whole night. He just had to hope that the wind didn’t take it too out of hand.

Zoroark: "... Wait, shouldn't I be more concerned about who on earth started this thing in the first place?" .-.

Part of him considered going back to the slums, where at least there were other ‘mon to help keep him warm and relatively safe. But was there space? He remembered how cramped it had been when he was there. And he didn’t want to go back to a place where that rescue team had seen him before. Before he knew it, the next thing he’d wake up to was them standing over him, dragging him off before he had a chance to resist or escape.

No, you want to go back to the slums, Zoroark. Like sure that one Scyther hates your guts, but everyone there has it out for HAPPI, so you'll be among a friendlier crowd than this.

Those scarves… he didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand any of it. Why would he be mistreated so over a yellow piece of fabric? He was finally beginning to understand why Alexis had wanted him to stray far away from here.

Sure is a good thing that Alexis and Elliot explained exactly none of this on their way over here from Noe, huh?

But he didn’t have that option anymore. He was in this city, and without at least enough food and money to get him back to Noe Town and off the continent, he was in this city to stay. So somehow, he’d have to make it work.

It was looking more and more like there just wasn’t an honest way to make that happen. Damned if he had the scarf, damned if he didn’t… If that was the case, then he’d just have to get crafty to survive. A whisper of an apology to Xatu swam around in the back of his head, but he was beginning to see it was a naïve promise he’d made back then. Why should he play by the rules, if the rules were just there to kick him while he was down?


Those were the thoughts that plagued Zoroark’s mind, as he sat there and stared at the advertisement banner two floors above that had several electric lights shining onto it—“HAPPI Makes Pokemon Smile! Sign up to protect our valiant city and get your name in the history books today!—Then an idea came into his head.

That advertising campaign would explain a lot about why HAPPI seems to have an awful lot of dicks and sociopaths in its ranks, really. Since there's a decently large overlap between them and glory-seeking types.

He’d do what he had for years. Just because Primarina was gone didn’t mean he was helpless. If he played his cards right, no-mon had to know he was a zoroark, or even a zoroark-as-braixen. For all they knew, he’d just be Braixen, former secretary, now newbie recruit eager to join a rescue team.

And for the first time that night, as the scarves burned to ashes beside him, Zoroark felt excited for the coming day.

... Well if nothing else, you can't say that this guy isn't optimistic. Since it takes a certain personality to bounce back from a day that basically was a perfect storm of things going wrong and go "yeah, but tomorrow will be better" without any worry at all about things going south.

The buneary stared up at the rescue team that loomed over them. The alleyway they were in was dark, damp, and crooked; one of the buildings was all-but leaning against the other and cast the cranny into shadows. That made it the perfect area for an ambush.

“Where’s that zoroark?” the zangoose asked harshly, just making the buneary cower more. “We saw you with him earlier! Are you hiding him?”

You know, I'd be really, really unbothered if that Scyther waltzed up and painted the alley red right about now.

“Tell us what you know and there’s a reward in it,” the charmeleon said. He stood aloofly in the middle of the alley, twirling a piece of poke in between his claws. The light from outside the alley made it gleam and catch Buneary’s eye. Zangoose growled in annoyance, but didn’t say anything else.

Beatrice stared at the coin, mulling her options over. That would buy dinner for the night… but she didn’t have anything to tell them. Maybe she could give them false information, or something vague enough that it could pass…

Which is a sign that this is going to end terribly for Beatrice in short order, but...

Seeing the buneary’s silence, the liligant walked forward and crouched over in front of Buneary.

“Sorry to scare you,” she said, her voice soft and inviting. “We’re hunting a dangerous criminal who’s on the run, and you might be the only pokemon who can tell us where he is. If you tell us what you know, you’ll be a big help.”

“A big help?” Beatrice finally brought herself to ask.

“Yes,” the lilligant breathed. “you’ll be the biggest help ever.”

Boy is that jarring compared to the shtick her partners are pulling. That's quite the 'good cop, bad cop' routine those three run there.

“And I can still have the coin?” Beatrice asked, pointedly eyeing the coin in the charmeleon’s claws.

“Tell you what,” the lilligant said. “If you tell us what you know, you can have two coins.”

Beatrice: "... Why does it feel like you're condescending me right now?" >///<
Lilligant: "Look, bub. I'm trying to be nice here. Stop beating around the bush already."

She pulled another coin from her pouch to show the buneary. “But only if you tell us where he went.”

The buneary racked her mind for something, anything she could tell them that wasn’t ‘this way’ or ‘that way’.

“Fine,” she said. “I’ll tell you which way he went. But only for three coins.”

Oh, well that's ominous. Since I'm fully expecting there to be a massive catch to all of this.

“Seriously?” the zangoose finally lost it. “That’s all you’re going to tell us? That isn’t worth three coins at all!”

He raised his claws for a swipe of anger, but all of the sudden he didn’t have a head anymore. Buneary covered her eyes in horror and whimpered. She heard two more slashes, and then somemon stepped into the square.


“You can open your eyes now, little one.”

The buneary did as she was told. She saw—

“Nonono,” a large, green blade covered the carnage from view. It was connected to a spindly green arm.

Over her leaned a scyther.

Oh, so the Scyther actually did come along to paint the alleyway red. Though I wonder what on earth this guy's deal is given that he just casually murdered 3 members of the local rescue team organization that's economically stacked and in bed with pretty much every significant government in this setting.

Though wait, how on earth is Scyther's blade not visibly dripping gore and viscera right now given that he straight-up beheaded the Zangoose and then summarily ran his buddies through?

“Those bad pokemon are gone.” A purse dropped in front of her. “And you can have all the coins in the world.”

The scyther crouched down, and offered a blade. “Why don’t you come over to my house? I, too, have an interest in this zoroark of yours.”


Well that's a terrible omen for Zoroark there. Also, unless if Scyther had someplace to wash his blades quickly, wouldn’t he not want to offer a blade that’s likely still dripping blood and heavens-knows-what-else off it to Beatrice there if the idea is to calm her down?

Alright, time for the recap:

Well, that got intense by the end. Definitely pushing those boundaries for a T fic in that final scene even with cut-down details there. You were clearly having fun with building up a place that for all its alleged glitz and glamor from prior chapters, has a pretty ugly side to it, and it's a bit of a neat dynamic to go from "Paradise as we've heard it and seen it through a limited perspective" to "Paradise as it really is for most normal Pokémon". I'll admit that I wasn't expecting Scyther to come back after that first scene of his, but I'll have him on my radar. Along with a dash of urban chaos. Since I saw Scyther's line in his speech to the crowd, and in light of the stuff he does in the outro scene... yeah, I'm fully expecting him and his friend circle to turn a decent chunk of Paradise into an ash heap at some point.

As for my main quibbles, it's basically what's there in the writeup, with the main standout flaws being a few bits where things either felt undertransitioned or underdescribed. I do wonder if we ought to have seen a bit more of the parts of Pokémon Paradise that didn't suck a bit more in order to both see how Paradise is presented to outsiders, and also to build up Zoroark's hopes and wow-factor before summarily running them through a shredder. But eh, there's something to be said about just throwing a character straight into the mean streets, since Zoroark's definitely going to be opinionated about this town for a long time to come.

Though altogether, good show @SparklingEspeon ! A little sad that the review exchange is over, since that was a pretty tense note to end on, but I'm sure that I'll cross paths with this story again in the future, and given how quickly things are escalating in it, I'm sure that the other chapters in this arc are going to be wild.
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