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Wow can't believe I made an account here specifically for the purpose of making this one (1) post. The things I do in the name of Play Game and also friendship.


I have mixed feelings about the opening. On the one hand I feel like it does a decent job of expressing Salem's disorientation and is generally entertainingly horrifying, but on the other hand it's never going to not be funny to me that she is breathing perfectly well right up until the moment when she decides to stop doing that and all the stress and tension following that stems entirely from something completely unnecessary which she did to herself. Like, I guess it does okay at communicating that she's struggling to hold onto more than one thought at a time which is why she keeps forgetting she's in the tank, but no matter the justification I can't help but find it goofy.

The sudden change of tone between the opening section and Dusk's narration is fun, and the second section as a whole is absolutely fantastic for how much it communicates about Dusk as a character in a very short time; I especially love the contrast in how she sees herself and what she communicates to the doctor. It's some excellent character writing!

"I see… strange creature, tall like humans, hands like humans, but not human. Blood-feathers at the ear and tail like sneasel, white-fur like tundra sneasel, but not sneasel. Some-thing differ-ent. Some-thing new.”

...that said, this type of broken English is going to get grating fast. I mean, I like it in this chapter for the contrast it makes in how Dusk and Alisha talk, but I am not looking forwards to whole conversations between two characters both talking like this. I know I've already read most of the later chapters but I forget a lot of the details, so I'm going to sit here and hope that either Salem and Dusk do most of their communication in sign or that their speech improves very rapidly.

There must have been at least a hundred in total.

The description of the tanks as a whole is a very cool image but I'm quoting this line specifically because the idea of a hundred tanks raises interesting questions about scale and cost in a way which feels almost sinister. How big is Perihelion? How many pokemon have they morphed? How many are they intending to morph? Is this their only facility or does the scale expand even beyond what we've seen here?? Am I reading too much into this one throwaway line???

Dusk looking at Salem in the tank is some more nice imagery - classic mirror scene, hey! - but what I think has never hit me before while reading it is how deeply lonely this scene is. Dusk's so desperate for companionship that she starts making up a little fanfiction for herself about how she and this complete stranger she knows nothing about are going to be buddies and maybe this stranger will be finally be someone who understands her on some deeper level. The sense of loneliness here is only compounded by the way that multiple times she attempts to mentally backpedal ("Did it even matter? She’d get by no matter what."; "This was about wanting allies, naturally.") only to immediately continue imagining a friendship between herself and Salem.

She understood none of it. She closed her eyes and continued to wait out this incomprehensible ordeal.

Both the tank sequences are some nice casual horror, but I think this second one is a lot stronger! Everything the first sequence did well this one does a lot better. It does an excellent job of showing how she's fading in and out of consciousness without much of a sense of continuity to her experience, and Salem's drugged-numb acceptance of whatever's happening to her both feels like a realistic state for her to be in assuming she has to be conscious at all and also adds to the nightmarish (literally nightmarish: the way it's described reminds me a lot of those sleep-paralysis experiences I've had where I've been having a completely normal dream but also simultaneously been completely aware of my own physical body lying in bed unable to move) quality of the situation. And, again, I just find Salem's panicked struggle for air in the first section to be kind of hilarious and can't take it seriously.

Days? Moons? Seasons?

...okay please understand I promised myself I wasn't going to complain about things just because I personally don't like them and I sincerely did intend to keep to that but I can't contain myself here. Using "moons" as a measure of time makes perfect sense for Dusk as a wild pokemon, but Salem was a housepet raised around humans (and so much of her character is defined around wanting to be more human), and so I really genuinely think it would be more interesting here as a character detail to have Salem use "months" as a contrast to Dusk rather than the pair of them measuring time in the exact same way despite their incredibly different life experiences. Okay, that's it, I'm done, I'm done, I promise I will never bring this up again.

I love the contrast between the absolute euphoria Salem feels at experiencing her new body with the subtle but persistent dysphoria Dusk was expressing earlier in the chapter, that's fun.


I'm really enjoying Dusk's sections so far. There's so much character packed into them!

Now that I'm reading this all at once instead of as like, individual updates with long periods of time between them, going straight from Salem's semiconscious euphoria in the previous chapter to the sense of disorientation and panic in this one as she's finally forced to fully inhabit her new body is really good and effective!

I don't have much to say about this chapter in comparison to the first, it's just kinda quality all the way through. In terms of pacing I think you do a great job balancing Salem's progress so that it feels slow and incremental and there's a real sense of time passing, without ever reaching the point where it gets frustrating for the reader.

It's also nice to see this time get devoted to showing who Salem is as a character, considering that we didn't really get to see any of that in the previous chapter. I think both her determination to learn everything as fast as she can and the clear sense of joy she gets in every one of her achievements do a lot to make her endearing, which is a lot of what makes the training montage of this chapter entertaining to read.

“Salem, huh? Nice to meet you, Salem. I’m Dusk.”

And now they've met! I like how both chapter endings so far have signified a shift in what the story's been up until this point, that's a cool technique.


Ah, I'm delighted to see that Salem and Dusk are both speaking more fluently in this chapter! Ignore my earlier comment, then; the broken English certainly did not outstay its welcome. The off-screen improvement in Dusk's language since the first chapter also helps to contextualise the situation she was in when we first met her. No wonder she was so desperate for someone who understood her, when Perihelion keeps morphs isolated until past a certain point in their development.

To pull back a bit, I like Salem's initial anxiety at facing a room full of morphs in comparison with how willing she was in the previous chapter to pester humans until they did what she wanted, and in contrast to Dusk's desire for a peer from chapter one. That difference feels like it says a lot about their different experiences as a housepet vs as a wild pokemon, and what sort of relationships each is used to having. Laura was definitely the dominant presence in Salem's life, and I doubt she ever had the opportunity to form any kind of a consistent relationship with other pokemon. Frustrated though she may be when it comes to actual clear communication, she certainly doesn't hesitate to make her demands known.

Absol Whiskey

Aaah god Taylor referring to Whiskey in this way skeeves me out. I'm not really sure why I have such a reaction to it; uhh the best I can articulate it is kind of, it's one thing to see this convention in your PMD fics when it makes sense as just like, how politeness/formality work in that setting, but here it's being used for the first time by a human to refer to a pokemorph in a story where the nature of personhood (and the distinction between "person" and "human") is a major theme, and in that context it comes off as a form of subtle Othering. I don't know if this is what you were intending, but my kneejerk emotional response is that I find it condescending and a little creepy.

The conversation continued comfortably with Dusk doing most of the talking and Salem making remarks to keep the sneasel's momentum up. There was much to learn – about Perihelion, but also about Dusk. For instance, her feather vibrated excitedly whenever Salem learnt a new word from her. Salem liked that.

The common room scene feels like a lot of new information being dropped without much reason why I should care about any of it, but I like the canteen scene a lot! It does a good job of showing how Salem and Dusk clearly enjoy each other's company and find an easy rapport. It's fun and it's cute and it sets things up for an excellent shift when Veracity shows up and the tone completely changes lmao.

Man I love Veracity though. Even in just a few short exchanges she still manages to be so fucken awful! She sucks so much in the best and most entertaining of ways! And yet it's still clear that she's trying to express a specific philosophy and that she has a point she's trying to make. <3 <3 <3 worst birb, lov her

(I also like the intermorph dynamics implied by both Dusk and Veracity about attitudes towards wild vs trained vs pet pokemon! I look forwards to seeing how those play out in future chapters.)

(Further fun facts I kept mistyping Veracity as "Verity" while writing these paragraphs. I don't know why I still do this!!)

Will you find fault in her, or will you admit to your own weakness?
And it's fun to see this line come back as a trigger for Salem's conflicted feelings about Laura!

It's been very clear up until this point that Salem cared for Laura deeply given how often she thinks of her, and I like this conversation both as her attempt to work through those complicated emotions and that sense of loss, and also as a response to what Veracity said to her earlier in the chapter.

"She was the only important person who is not me, for my whole life until now."
"Until now?"
"Yes. But she is still important, and always will be important."

And I think it's important that this conversation's happening at a point when for the first time Salem's life does not wholly revolve around this one specific person.

No morphs here can meet anyone outside, you know. Not even sending messages; it's not allowed.

And then of course there are the continuing sinister undertones of whatever the fuck is going on with Perihelion.


Before she was a person, Salem was a cat.

It's my favourite opening line, back again! I really do love this line so much; between the simplicity of how it's said and the complexity of what it's saying, it's one of those perfect examples of what I love about speculative fiction as a genre.

I love both the sweetness and affection of Salem's relationship with Laura -

She would pace through the house in endless loops, groom herself and groom herself again just to have something to do, and scratch the furniture over and over and over until her claws hurt.

- and also how that sweetness is contrasted by the mundane, everyday horror of an intelligent animal which desperately needs more attention and stimulation than it's receiving, only for its needs to go unrecognised by the people who are supposed to care for it. It's clear Laura's trying her best, but it also works excellently to set the stage for just how awful Salem's life will become once Laura's gone.

At least every other episode, he was shown wearing clothes, working a job, or using tools. Salem thought he was practically human.
There was something desperately appealing about it, all the same. Mewtwo made his own decisions, could communicate with humans with ease, and had a life of his own. He was more than a pokémon. Almost human.

And with reference to the opening line, I really enjoy the degree to which the idea of crossing over the boundary between "pokemon" and "human" is incorporated into the media Salem watches. I think it's a nice way to explain how it's something she could believe to be possible, or even think to want.

I also like the references to the in-game events during Laura's conversation with her parents; it's neat that you're using this chapter not just as a way to tell Salem's backstory but also to drop worldbuilding details and add texture to the world outside of Perihelion.

This was a traditional method of Laura's to avoid having to go to the kitchen, and so avoid walking past her parents

You do a lot to characterise Laura and show the struggles she's experiencing in this chapter! The argument with her parents did a lot of heavy lifting, of course, but quotes like this show that the problems in the relationship are deep-rooted and ongoing, rather than just an ordinary disagreement between a teenager and her parents over how her life should go. And I think it's very telling that following the argument Laura turns first to her pet cat and then to media to make herself feel better, rather than phoning a friend to vent; it really starts to feel like she doesn't have many close friends, that Salem is as important a presence in her life as she is in Salem's.

Yet, she kept asking to be left alone. She spent most of her free time at home buried in her computer, and her books – books which did not get read out loud to Salem.

...but that said, it's also deeply affecting to see how their respective positions as owner and pet make it impossible for Laura's life to revolve entirely around Salem the way Salem's life revolves around her (and, indeed, it's this fundamental imbalance in position which leads to the sundering of their relationship). Laura without Salem can manage, but Salem without Laura has literally nothing, and you really do a good job of building up the stress and despair of Salem's post-Laura neglected existence.

And again I think this is why the lines I quoted at the end of last chapter matter so much! In terms of pacing I really like this chapter about how much Laura meant to Salem coming directly after the one where she's expressed that she has other important people now, as an effective way to show how much her situation has changed.

okay done pls to gib strange seed!! I am incredibly reward-motivated.


  1. sableye
OKAY hey hi, I've been meaning to get on this for months, so here I am with the first chapter prologue! Determined to get through at least two for my HA training tonight, and hopefully the rest of what's posted during the week (although, I know I don't have a glorious track record when it comes to timelines).

Going into this, I'm honestly not sure what to expect. I think this is where Laura comes from, but admittedly would not feel confident enough to bet on that. Regardless, though, I've been a huge fan on your settings and writing and all that in HA so far, and I do expect I'll enjoy this no matter who it ends up being about. I apologize in advance if things fly over my head, though; I think you know me enough by now to know that sometimes happens. :copyka:

Alrighty, normally I like to review as I go (so I'll probably poke and question and speculate on things that are revealed later). In this case though, truth be told, I read this chapter a little while ago, whenever I left the eyes emote on it, but I never got around to actually reviewing it at that time. So I've gone back to re-read it now and added thoughts to specific lines and scenes, which I'll drop in spoilers to keep the page from becoming even longer.

The first pokémon-human hybrid was floating in a tank full of life-nourishing fluids, silent and still. Its skin was a muted violet, almost white. Its bulbous, purple tail was easily as long as the creature was tall.

Right off the bat, this is not starting where I expected it to! Admittedly, I didn't have a ton of expectations about this to begin with, but I would not have guessed Mewtwo. I can see it, though; he does pretty strongly resemble a what a humanoid pokemon might look like.

The geneticist bent at the waist and waited for the crime-lord to speak.

He kept silent for a long moment as his financier adjusted his jacket and tie. He knew well that this was a powerful man — someone who could afford to keep others waiting, and would naturally take issue with impatience. It would be unwise to give offence by speaking first.

I enjoyed this scene a lot. You've got the characterization for both Giovanni and Dr. Fuji down very convincingly here. Giovanni noticably has this aura about him of a guy you don't want to piss off. I don't know a whole lot about Dr. Fuji's canon, but what you do with him here feels natural enough, and it creates a fun dynamic between the two of them. The tension in the air between them is palpable.

Also interesting to note that Giovanni is exlicitly said to be a false name here. I'm wondering now what his actual name is, and if that will come up and be relevant in the future.

"I am aware of this necessity," came the reply. "It is regarding this matter that I have come here. I intend to ensure that the clone you produce for me is not diminished, but enhanced, by the modifications made to its genes."

This gives me strong 'Jurassic Park' vibe, the need to fill in missing genetic material with existing similar compatible mon. Wondering how that will play a part in Mewtwo's eventual future.

So if I read this correctly... Giovanni claims to have read Fuji's report, yet immediately proved he did not by assuming the mew fossil was authentic rather than a subfossil... and then Fuji didn't bother to correct him. I assume that's the deception he refers to here. Yeah, that's definitely going to matter later.

Some of our western staff have taken to calling them 'metamon', 'omnimorph', and 'ditto' -"

Ditto! I love this. I'm pretty sure canonically, ditto and mew have no official relation, but I've always been a fan of the 'ditto are failed mew experiments' theory, so this was a fun little easter egg. Once again I find myself wondering if they'll be more important in the future, but this one I'm willing to say might just possibly be for fun.

"Thank you, sir. It only gives me more reason to complete my work to the best of my ability. As such, I have since begun living in this facility full time."

Oh dear. So he lost his daughter, and clearly has devoted way too much time into... either reviving her, cloning her, whatever. Somehow bringing her back. And it's now cost him his wife, too. Poor guy.

"As it happens, I've received a most interesting proposition from one of your colleagues. Dr. Katsura, I recall? Interesting man. He proposes splicing the sample with human DNA. Are you at all familiar with this idea?"

Ah, so the opening scene was like a preview, and this is happening prior to that. Interesting!

Giovanni's smile showed teeth. "And what did you say to your colleague when he explained it to you?"

Enjoyed this line in particular. Says a lot about Giovanni himself. He doesn't have to ask this, he could simply demand it to be done anyway, but he wants to show that he's in control here by showing he knows full well what he's asking Fuji to do is illegal and immoral and expects it done anyway.

He thought of Ai, and the impossibility of completing her revival without Giovanni's patronage. He thought of the savings he had emptied, the favours he had called in. He had even failed to attend the funeral. He'd been so focused on preserving the precious genetic memories held within those cells. His daughter's soul.

This is sad. The poor man really has no choice, even without Giovanni breathing down his neck. He's already given up pretty much everything to get his daughter back ages ago.

In addition to being a great scientific mind, Auguste Katsura served as Cinnabar's gym leader and Kantō's fire type specialist.


"He's got his filthy hands in high level organised crime, the government of half the prefectures in the country, private businesses, the tech industry, you name it. Even the League. Did you know he's posing as gym leader in Hakone?"

Oh, so Fuji doesn't already know what Giovanni is yet. Huh. Just bad vibes alone until this point. I assume Hakone is some translation of Viridian?

Katsura put his glasses back on, and grinned ferociously. "Not if we use a different sample."

Oooh, sneaky. Not like Giovanni would ever actually be able to tell the difference on his own, I guess. :copyka: This whole scene is interesting, though. They're intending to actually raise mewtwo like they would a human child (even saying alongside Ai, as though they already have the means/know-how to revive her, too). I'm not sure I'm fully on board with Katsura's play here, but I also can't say I fully understand it (science and logistics behind it and all that).

The creature had three digits on each paw, front and back. Its eyes stayed firmly closed. The proportions almost resembled those of a human child of six or seven years.

Baby Mewtwo! Honestly, all things considered, this would not have been my first choice if I were Giovanni asking for an 'intimidating physical form'. But I know obviously that's not something you had any control over, hah.

What pokémon wouldn't want to be human? That's what Katsura had said.

I'm glad Fuji expresses doubt at this, because I certainly had been thinking it, too.

I also do wonder if we'll be getting more about Fuji's encounter with Mew. For example, if Giovanni is aware he actually met a live Mew. (I'm thinking not, as it stands right now, because nevermind the fossil if that were the case.)

Overall, this is very much not a beginning I was expecting! I'm... more confident now that this is where Laura is from, given what I know of her missing cat... but I have no idea how that ties in. Something to do with perfecting the process, probably, but now I'm curious as to how that's all going to play out with what I know of canon Mewtwo's events... assuming they play out here the way they do in canon, though. Who knows!

Looking to get to the following chapter pretty soon here, so I'll hopefully be back shortly.
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  1. sableye
Actual first chapter time!

Salem was dying. Surely, this was how it felt to die.

That's one hell of an opening line.

I'm pretty sure Salem was Laura's cat, so that all but confirms to me where this is going.

She kept forgetting she was in the tank.

Interesting. So this was after she's been captured, already. Wonder if this is another preview, or if we're just going to begin here.

Anyway, this whole scene is fascinating. I've always kind of wondered what it felt like, being submerged like that. How does water not get inside everywhere? How does it feel, not being able to move, yet still somehow being able to breathe? I can't honestly blame Salem for being terrified here. And this last line... I don't know if it really implies a time frame, but she's definitely aware of where she is. Once she remembers, of course. But once she does, it isn't a shock, it's an 'oh, right'.

Unfamiliar energy surged through her body, neither shadowy nor chill. Her muscles relaxed, her body seemed to weigh less—this could be it; the technique called ‘agility!’

Alright, I'm pretty sure Salem was a purrloin. I recall Dusk's name, but I can't remember the species. 'Shadowy nor chill' would imply... ice and either ghost or dark? Assuming she's a 'mon. Or a hybrid. She talks in this scene, so... perhaps she's a hybrid. The one line mentions 'in the human's direction' as though she isn't one... but she speaks and nothing to this point references animal parts, just... arms and legs. And pokemon techniques. I'm probably not going to guess this one before it's given to me.

Should have guessed. It's cat-like enough. (White fur, I think I saw mentioned in one of her mirror reflections, which would imply Hisuian sneasel? But then, that's not very shadowy or chilly of her. And yet she still sees herself very much looking like a sneasel in human clothing.)

“Didn’t choose to have the Shift to feel good about my-self,” snapped Dusk.

Definitely a hybrid. She seems to be being tested for her speed here, like some sort of doctor checkup. Possibly still in a lab, then? I assume 'the Shift' is referring to the process that creates hybrids, then.

but she had a knack for putting morphs at ease. Even Dusk felt it. It was something about her eyes, maybe; Alisha didn’t stare the way most humans did.

Okay, so she's some important figure here at the facility, and someone the morphs are shown to be comfortable around. I do appreciate how she communicates with both speech and sign. Related, I enjoy how Dusk verbalizes things. There's very much a hint of 'English is not my first language' in there while also still being very fluent (despite whatever translated language they're speaking in universe; I'm just assuming English/Galarian because nothing else has been explicitly stated yet, unless the prologue's meant to imply Kanto/Japanese).

as if it were a routine destination and not somewhere sacred where living things were fundamentally altered, body and mind

This is a fun, stark contrast to the established atmosphere so far; Alisha is meant to be shown as a kindhearted personality, and yet she's still an important piece of this. I'm not sure what Dusk is feeling here, but the use of 'sacred' implies that she definitely has thoughts. But then again, she herself has been altered, and it sounded like it was by choice based on what she said in the previous scene (something about not going through with the Shift to feel good about herself), so it's not as though she's against the idea, either...

In another slept a noibat with their wings wrapped tightly around their body, their tiny clawed digits at the wrists and wingtips already shifting.

I am going to assume this is not Malachai, because if so, you did an excellent job of keeping his nature a secret during AQ. (Honestly I'm pretty sure he was a normal Noivern, not a morph.)

So this is very much meant to be set long after the prologue then, given that morphs are very much a real thing now, whereas previously they were only hypothetical. There's so much to want to think about here, but I know we're only just getting started.

Would it be it best to introduce herself in Galarish, or in pokésign?

That answers that previous question, re: language.

They hung her, held her in this half-dream, half-death. She pawed weakly at a cable and felt it tug inside her. She would never have the strength to remove it.

Ugh, well that's... unsettling. Pls don't remove the death tube.

I am vaguely aware that Laura believe Salem to have been stolen. Dusk, meanwhile, appears to have chosen to become a morph. I wonder what's going through Salem's mind here? It sounds as though she knows what's happening to her, knows she's being transformed, but it's unclear whether it's willing or not. (I am uncertain if the line about removing the tube implies a vague thought of resistance or not, because the line immediately afterwards seems to imply she wants to be transformed, if she thinks it's those tubes that are doing the transforming...?). If not, she's definitely resigned herself to her fate at this point. Just how did she get here?

I should probably stop trying to apply meta knowledge and let the scene play out.

More overwhelming still was the ability to think about both how she felt about something, and why she felt that way. The difference between remembering and understanding… She likened it to the difference between drinking water, and actually tasting it. For the first time, she could taste her thoughts. For the first time, she could ask herself…

‘Why didn’t I wait for Laura? What if she came back and found me gone? Will I ever see her again?’

This is a scene I don't think I'd ever have the capacity to handle; a living being evolving, learning what it feels like to be sentient, and how that differs from how the remember being prior. Yikes. Kudos to you for finding words for this, and for describing it in such an easy to understand manner!

Also of note here: A bit more evidence that Salem went through this willingly. She could have waited for Laura, or so she believes, which means... what, exactly? Was she not kidnapped? Is that just what Laura's assuming happened, because Salem up and left on her own without saying anything? (I guess not that she could have said anything... or, well, how else would a non-verbal creature leave a clue as to where they're going and why, actually. Hm.)

Laura lied to me why would she do that

Noting this thought in particular for (hopefully) future reference, because :eyes:

She knew what crying was, of course. Laura had sometimes sobbed into Salem’s flank after difficult days, but Salem had never understood it. She understood it now, her chest heaving and her arms closing around her body as tears welled up in her eyes and dissipated instantly into the hazy green liquid of the morphing tank. Her sobs were silent, but each one hit her bruised frame like a tackle. She let them happen, some part of her relishing the new and entirely human experience even amid the pain.

For some reason, this felt sad. Poor cat's nothing but an unfamilair ball of fur and hurt, and at the same time overjoyed about all of the new sensations she's exeriencing and/or will get to experience, and yet still in pain from the process. There's a lot of glorious detail in this large section that I don't really have lot to comment on individually, but this part in particular hit hard.

Alright, that's chapter 1! A lot of setup, but honestly, as expected, you're particularly adept at details which keeps everything interesting, and making me as a reader focus on one thing or another. Lots of very good description and narration. Nothing sticking out to me as 'hey what's this' or grammar curiosities or any other errors of note. It does feel a bit slow to me so far, but I think it's worth it to get such valuable insight into the minds of the morphs, particularly Salem as she's going throug the process, even if she doesn't fully understand it herself. (Also worth considering this is chapter 1, so there's always going to be some implicit slowness as things get set up. I do tend to prefer a bit of action to help get invested, but I'm well aware that's a personal preference and absoutely does not suit the kind of lead-in this opening needs.)

Here's hoping chapter 2 will not take me -checks calendar- six months to come back to. I have a lot of questions and very few answers!


  1. sableye
Greetings! Back for chapter 2, and this time it didn't take me six month! Only... checks two and a half! Record time for me.

Anyway, time to get sunk in!

Chapter 2

First Words

First off, I love the art, it's adorable! I... thiiiiink this is Salem? But the scene opening with Dusk, plus the happy expression, kind of throw me off. It does look closer to an orange purrloin rather than a sneasel though, so I'm fairly confident this is Salem. Kind of also makes sense with the chapter title for her to be the one getting the art for it.

“Al-i-sha. Hello.”

Still loving how the morphs communicate, if I didn't mention that already.

Alisha kept speaking to her, but Salem lost her grip on the words. She wanted to feel nothing. Be nothing. She turned to curl into a ball—but couldn’t. Not quite. Was there something wrong? Her back wouldn’t curve all the way. She couldn’t pull her legs all the way up. Why? Was she broken?

This whole scene here with Salem waking up for (what I assume is) the first time outside her test tube does a grand job of expressing her feelings, the fear and panic, and all of the new sensations she's experiencing. Vision, in particular, with all the new colors and distance. This line here is where I felt it really showed progress despite the difficulty; at first, she could barely lift her arm! Now, she's already able to flop over and curl, even if it's only a fraction. She's moving! She's already taking steps, even as she sees it as failure, but the progress is there. Poor thing. Glad to see she does, rather quickly after this, realize she is capable of adapting.

She raised a weary arm and signed: [Thank you. Friends.]

This stood out to me in particular... how does she know how to sign? Was this something they taught her while mid-transition? Something she'd already learned from Laura? Dusk knows, obviously, but Dusk has been learning for a while now. Salem is fresh out of the tube. Especially given the emphasis narration puts on how foreign and difficult moving her limbs feels... so I don't think this is something she's been physically taught yet? (At least, I don't recall seeing this specifically?) Perhaps it's something the morphs just get coded into them during the transformation so they can communicate before learning how to speak? Hm.

Why was it so hard to make familiar signs? Somehow, she managed.

Okay, familiar signs. So there's some reason she knows them, and I guess how to perform them.

Maybe I'm thinking too hard on what's essentially a minor detail.

Brimming over with colours she’d never dreamed existed. Like red.

Unrelated, but this has always been somewhat fascinating concept. The idea that colors exist but you can't simply see them... everything already has a color! So watching Salem suddenly discover things that used to be orange suddenly were not is, highly amusing.

She struggled to relax, but she was still a cat, and persistent at achieving comfort.

Love this.

Making the little dot of light swim around the room provided considerable entertainment.

Also love this. I wonder how much of these cat-like traits will remain once her growing and learning process slows down.

“I’ve got a gift for you. It’s not from me, it’s from another morph. A friend of mine. They know you’re having a rough time in physical therapy and wanted you to have this.”

Ah, I also wondered where Dusk had been. She'd been quite eager to meet Salem, and now two weeks have gone by without mention of her. She must be frustrated, not being able to meet the new morph after so long. But at least the gifts are making their way!

All of these tiny little time skip scenes are very cute little snippets of her growth and progress, But it also means a lot of time is passing outside... wherever they're living. I wonder if we'll eventually see what Laura's been up to in this time or if we'll just skip ahead to 'present day' when the time comes.

Salem might not be able to see Laura here, and (she realised with a crushing feeling around her chest) she might never be able to again

A curious line, considering why Salem did this to begin with. Even more so considering how... okay with it the rest of the paragraph implies she is. Making the best of it is one thing, but this almost makes it feel... insignificant to her.

Salem moved her arms and hands and fingers, making the human-specific signs with the same confidence as the imprecise feline signs she’d used since before she could remember.

Feline signs. Hmm. Can she remember her life before the morph? That would mean she used signing as a normal purrloin. (I'm now wondering if I'm overthinking it and maybe it meant like... normal cat behavior, not literal hand/paw signs.)

“They… They keep telling me I’m do-ing well. Very well. Al-so, I need rest. But Al-ee-sha, I can rest and also meet morphs.”

I don't know why, but this was just very cute.

Also, I love the idea that they have names and sign names. Not sure why, but it's fun.

Humans had such powers of communication. Surely they didn’t have problems like hers.


“How was my thing?” she asked, eyes wide.

Adorable. Like a little child.

This was a highly entertaining little tour of Salem's early experience, and I kinda love that we as the reader get to go through it an experience it all with her right from the beginning. You do such a good job of showing her experiences through her eyes, her emotions, her feelings, almost as if the reader is right there alongside her. And it's kind of a wild ride of ups and downs! Salem reminds me somewhat of a particularly focused young child (despite the feeling of always wanting and needing something new). She's very determined to learn, and easily excitable when she succeeds (as she should be).

I said it already, but it's worth repeating: I loved the little time skips between scenes, showing how much progress she makes in such a small amount of time, and how frustrating it feels from her point of view that it doesn't seem like she's learning quick enough. That in itself captures the essence of learning a new thing pretty well, in my experience; it's hard to put in the time and effort to learn and practice a new thing (learning a musical instrument, for example), but you just have to sit down and do it, no matter how long it takes; there's no shortcuts. Combined, they give a strong sense of characterization to build off of going forwards.

There were a couple of things that had me 'hmm'-ing about (I know I got particularly hung up on the signing thing), but I suspect we'll get most of those answers in time. In particular I'm looking forward to meeting Laura and getting her perspective on things. It's obvious how important Laura is to Salem, especially during the 'picking a name' scene, although that one offhand mention of possibly never seeing her again felt somewhat contradictory to what I think the intended effect was. It does show that Salem is adapting to her new life, but that one line also kind of undermines her whole reason for doing this, I thought? (Or maybe I'm mis-remembering and looking foolish. I know Dusk chose this, and I know Salem was strongly implied to be kidnapped... but I also thought it was pretty clear that Salem chose to go through with the process, too.)

Finally, I'm eager to see her finally get to interact with some other morphs, now that she's gotten the hang of the basics. Another thing made pretty clear without saying it directly was how lonely she's been this whole time, despite Alisha and Taylor being people she enjoys talking to. I hope Dusk ends up being a good friend for her (and suspect she will, but we'll see).

I'm hoping to hit chapter 3 tomorrow!


  1. sableye
Aaaaand now for chapter 3!

Chapter 3

First Impressions

Okay, so with the picture here I now can tell without a doubt which one is Salem and which one is Dusk, so you can stop laughing at me for that in the last review, lol.

So Dusk really is just white-furred. I'm pretty sure she's not a Hisui variant. Then again... purrloin aren't canonically orange, so I don't know why I got hung up on this for so long, either.

"Any bigger words than that?" asked Dusk, leaning her cheek against her clawed hand and maintaining her fanged smile.

"Encyclopedia," said Salem, without thinking.

Got a laugh out of me, too.

"Nice. So, you were trained?" asked the sneasel.

"Trained. No, I was not trained."

I appreciate the difference here between 'trained' and 'pet'. (At least, I'm pretty sure I recall Salem being called Laura's pet on the 'cord.) Whether or not Salem recognizes the difference is another story, but I suspect she does.

"You see the bird? Steel-type bird, looking angry? She is a corviknight. She is called 'Veracity'.

Damn. I had her pegged as a skarmory, considering how popular they are. Corviknight makes far more sense for Galar, though. I didn't guess heliolisk, either. The 'morph with leathery wings' could be anything (vaguely recall a noibat mention earlier?) so I didn't even try. I am officially zero-for-three.

The winged mammal was a noivern, called Nox.

So close.

This does, however, bring to mind evolution. Can morphs still evolve? Did Nox start as a noibat and evolve into a noivern, or did he just transition right into that stage? (Unrelated; this is at least two noivern in the fic, counting the one I know in the future. Good choice.)

A tall figure, made taller by a dark horn rising from one side of their head, passed through the doorway.

(Later me: Aw, yeah, got one!)

"Nah. I got this."

"Okay. I'm trusting you. Salem is your responsibility for now."

I'm really enjoying the bonding going on between them here. Dusk was shown earlier to be eager to meet new morphs, so it's kind of cute that she's already becoming kind of protective of Salem. (I do kind of wonder why the nameless eevee wasn't given the same treatment... although there's something profoundly amusing to me on a meta level that the eevee is the one not getting the spotlight for once. Sorry, poor nameless eevee morph.)

I admit I'm a bit surprised Salem didn't want to stick around and learn more here. In the sense that, I was expecting them to hang around, with Dusk maybe doing the tour afterwards. Sure, Dusk is ahead in the class, but Salem specifically wanted to hang around the new morphs, and she's already shown to be a dedicated student.

No staring. No eye contact. No threat.

Love how she's still kept some of those animal instincts here. I wonder if those will fade with time or if she'll always have some purrloin traits.

Pincushion tail meant skitty; skitty were predictable.

Oooh, another round of Guess The Morph! The skitty was revealed before I guessed, so that won't count. I would probably say poochyena for her companion? (Doesn't look like this one gets confirmed.) The bird had me thinking ho-oh, red and cream and green, but obviously not. I'd guessed talonflame.

the mightyena is Bramble

Dang it

Salem had the opportunity as a kitten to get into some illicit playground scuffles, and more recently she would sometimes bully the snom outside or scrap with feral cat pokémon, but real fights were something she saw on TV. Strange that she should finally fight battles of her own in this place, with no particular human to be her trainer and companion.

I'm guessing the bushy-tailed server was a greedent, since the previous one was a pachirisu. Squirrel, Galar, makes sense.

Now that that's out of the way...

Okay, so yeah, Salem was definitely a pet, then. I hadn't thought about the concept of morphs battling before, outside of Dusk trying to practice agility earlier, so this will be fun to see. Assuming we do.

"Shit, sorry, I got excited," she blurted.

Half expected Salem to pick up her first swear word here. :sadbees:

"Your companion gave you reason to dream of a future, then failed to provide that future."

Salem kept her gaze steady. There was a growing feeling of tightness in her jaw.

Hm. Salem and me, both. I'm not sure I like the train of thought this Veracity is conducting.

"I value truth, and strength. Your companion here is a liar, and she is weak. Be truthful, and be strong, and I will be pleased to breathe the same air as you."

Oh dear. Someone's full of themselves.

Dusk's attention lifted the weight of dread in Salem's stomach; the unnerving sense of pressure left her shoulders.

Oooh, clever!

That was... an experience. Dusk wasn't kidding, Veracity really does think of herself as the boss bird. That whole conversation felt rude. Condescending. Judgmental. I guarantee we haven't seen the last of her.

Becoming more human shouldn't mean giving up the splendid convenience of dropping from a height and saving the unbearable indignity of walking places when she could leap.

🫵 CAT.

That module, too, came away when tugged at, and underneath was the drain proper, with a small recess.

…It would make quite the hiding place for pilfered treasures.

She replaced the mechanism, her interference now invisible, and resolved to make no mention to anyone of the cavity beneath.

Why do I get the feeling that this is going to come up again later, and not in a good way?

I mean... obviously, it's a drain, hiding things in there is just asking for them to get flushed away with the water, no?

"Fuck," said Salem, with feeling.

Ahhh, there it is. :mewlulz:

"So, Laura, she is your family?"

This whole scene was cute in a sad kind of way. It brings back the topic I'd questioned last review, and somewhat answered it. So the morphs can't leave the facility. I wonder if Salem knew that going in, and that's why she didn't expect to see Laura again? But then... I wonder what her point to going through the process was, in her mind?

It's also kind of odd that they don't even get to send out messages... although, I guess I could understand why, too.

This whole chapter was lovely, again, in a sad kind of way. Lots more setup as Salem makes a new friend, learns more things, meets a nasty bird who is going to be a huge pain in the ass later, I'd put money on it, and so on. She's got a whole new life now, and is definitely trying to make the best of it. But at the same time, she's still got the memories of her old one, and they're kind eating away at her. As she gains a new friend, she's still sad about losing her old one.

Overall, so far we've relied heavily on the characters to move the story along, all the way from the prologue up to now. And it's worked, you know how to make every character who's gotten more than a passing description in screentime feel like their own, unique individual. I'd argue Taylor was the one probably weakest in that category, but even then, he's the 'are you sure' guy in my head, so he's still got a niche among the cast. The absol teacher gave off a very strong sense of who he was in the short time we saw him. And way back in the prologue, Giovanni, Fuji, and Katsura felt real.

I'm looking forward to whatever scheme Dusk and Salem cook up! I imagine they'll be in a lot of trouble if they actually leave the facility, so could that be what they're actually planning? Or perhaps the note about messages was a clue? (Although, meta knowledge tells me Laura doesn't know where Salem is, so... probably not.)


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Chapter 6

Funnily enough I actually read this a while ago, and might’ve told you my thoughts in person but I can’t remember for the life of me what they actually were, so I reread it. I don’t have much to criticise here really. The only thing was that I felt Laura’s grievances about taking the finance course felt a little repetitive at one point, but just as I was thinking that, that was the turning point in Laura’s arc where she finally makes the decision to take life into her own hands.

The reveal that Laura’s parents didn’t tell her about Salem’s disappearance hit just as hard the second time around, which also made her interactions with the Pokemon all the more sweeter. Every Pokemon featured gets a chance to shine, from the Grovyle to the Mienshao to the old codger of a Herdier that Laura takes on as her first Pokemon. They all felt so fleshed out even though some of them only appeared for one scene, particularly the Grovyle interaction as it really got across their animalistic behaviour with their bits of body language while also being understandable and adorable to boot.

Methinks Laura is in slightly over her head, especially as she’s burned bridges with her parents, but it’s also the only logical way for her character to go, and I’m happy for her. Looking forward to seeing how her journey progresses.

Chapter 7

For instance, the carols. Most music was tolerable noise, but these tended to have jingling sounds, which made Salem want to pounce on non-existent toys, and humans often sang along with them, which was too much noise.

Me whenever the radio comes on during Christmas.

Salem hesitated, then gradually eased herself into a loaf just beside him.

Salem is bread.

One of the human staff seemed to be trying in vain to persuade a hulking mudsdale to drink from his water trough and not the ducklett pond. Salem wished her luck.


She was smart for a purrloin – at least, she thought so – but really only enough to realise how much was beyond her grasp. She strained to understand humans, lived on best-guesses and uncertain interpretations. She tried all the time. Tried so hard to get things. And this mienshao understood far more than she did while hardly even trying.

This was particularly poignant, and reminds me why reading Pokémon POV stuff is so potent for me as someone who’s ND.

So,” she said aloud, “how would you like to try something new?”

Her hands said, [Do you want to be something new?]

Wow, the double meaning of this, I really like the device of human talk and sign talk changing the tone of the dialogue.

One paw sweeping across the other. [HUMAN.]

A similar motion, with claws extended. [POKÉMON.]

One paw at her temple then slashing downward. [PERSON.]

What she signed altogether was something like, [I’M HUMAN-POKÉMON. YES, NOW. I’LL GO.]

Would it be cringe to make a Pen Pineapple Apple Pen reference in our current year 2024?

Then, in sign, [Do you know why nobody got in trouble over that mess in the gym? I was looking out for you. When you pull stunts like that, it makes it harder for me to look for your trainer, alright?]

Lines like this make me wonder how on the level Alicia is, along with her double speak, which makes her very interesting.

After a minute or two, Alisha pulled back from the hug, and sighed sympathetically.

Wow, were they really hugging that long, or is it just how long Salem thinks it is?

Great chapter, as usual. I was a little taken aback at the flashback to Salem’s time at the shelter, but it made sense considering that’s what the last chapter dealt with, and it made sense why Salem went along with Perihelion, especially with the quotes I highlighted. From this, we get a wider view at the other Pokemon that inhabit the facility from the Scrafty to the Fletchling (who’s adorable, by the way), though I did have issues visualising what they looked like. But we also got a wider glimpse at Alicia and how deceptive she is.

I was a little underwhelmed by the reveal that Alisha’s lying to Salem, since that was telegraphed from their scene together, and it basically revealed similar information to what Laura discovered in the last chapter about the Perihelion facility. It just confirms that Alisha is not all smiles and hugs. The question is more about why they're withholding that information, and whether they actually intend to find her or if they're just using it as an incentive for their Pokemorphs to be on their best behaviour. I’m looking forward to seeing what Salem and Dusk do with this new information, and how that affects their relationship with Alisha going forward.
Last edited:
Chapter 8: A Change of Course


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Author’s Note:

Hey, folks. Still alive, still writing. Since the last chapter, I’ve been seriously ill, I’ve had to move house, and I’ve been running a ridiculously high-effort forum RP that’s consumed all my spare creative energy. I’m not quitting this fic, though! Not ever.

I’m honestly proud of this chapter, which was incredibly challenging to write. I hope I’ve been able to thread the needle between the countless beats I wanted to hit. It was also challenging to name – its working title was briefly HDWTFIYCM, which stands for ‘Hey Dusk What The Fuck Is Your Character Motivation” – this being something of a theme for this chapter.

Many thanks to Nebby and Free for this round of beta feedback!

Chapter 8

A Change of Course

Red light.

Red light.

Red light again.

Dusk waited, arms crossed and feathers quivering, watching Salem swipe the keycard through the lock, over and over.

“It doesn’t work,” Salem muttered. “Why does it not working? Not work. Doesn’t work? The lock-down ‘overed’, uh, is over – it ended already!”

That was true – the temporary lockdown that had placed the atrium and half the adjacent spaces off-limits for a couple days (and annoyed the hell out of Salem) had expired. So the keycard should work…

Salem pulled a face. “First nobody explains why every thing is off-limited, then I can’t get in even by trying hard, and I can’t ask about it because I’m not supposed to have the keycard anyway. Off-limits. Yes.”

Dusk shrugged and tilted her head to hide the fond smile she grew whenever Salem fussed over grammar. “Well… keycards are ‘activated’ at Reception. Maybe they can ‘not-activated’ them too. If they go missing.”

“Unactivated,” muttered Salem. “Deactivated? Deactivate. Yes.”

“Is getting the word right really the most important thing here?” teased Dusk, glancing back over her shoulder. Just off-white walls, noticeboards, potted plants and wall art, like everywhere in the office wing. Still nobody about. For now.

“No,” replied Salem, sounding like she didn’t mean it. “Verb,” she added, under her breath. Her Galarish instructor probably loved her.

Dusk gently pushed Salem to the side to try her own keycard – the most basic kind, for pokémorphs with ‘general proficiency’. Salem was due one any day now.

Green light.

Dusk plucked the stolen card and tried it again.

Alisha’s keycard: red; Dusk’s keycard: green.

She sighed. “I don’t know if you broke it, or Alisha got Reception to ‘de-activated’ it, but it doesn’t work now.”

“Yours works?”

“Yes, but it only lets me go into this corridor, and ‘this kind’ of places. Not any human’s office or something like that. Sorry, Salem… If you want to steal more secrets, we need a new plan.”

Salem put her paw to her mouth, her brow furrowing with mental effort.

“I could… look for other ways to go in and out. Like the— The things.” She pointed overhead. “Tunnels in the ceiling.”

Dusk glanced up to spot a metal grill, not nearly large enough for a person. Probably not even a particularly semi-solid purrloin-morph, however ambitious.

“…Air vents? Being for serious?”

“Yes. Or windows. But I haven’t found any way to go to ‘outside’ to try that…” The purrloin-hybrid flicked her tail in discontent. “Actually, it is that I am not-allowed to go to outside. Another stupid rule.”

“You can go in the hex,” corrected Dusk.

Salem pulled a face. The hex didn’t count, because the hex was interior to the building. As was every window accessible to morphs – neither of them had seen a horizon for some time. Only a six-sided slice of open sky, rimmed by roofs.

Dusk sighed, looking over her shoulder yet again. “Well, some morphs have good keycards that let them go to all places. Like Whiskey.”

“Harder to steal Whiskey’s keycard,” mused Salem.

Dusk smothered a chuckle. “I mean, to get one like Whiskey’s. There is this volunty thing—“


Volunteer thing, whatever! For morphs who want to get... Want to be…”

Dusk took one hand in the other, pulled it forward. [Leadership.]

Salem nodded, eyes dilated. “In charge.” She got it.

“I could be in charge,” said Dusk, more to herself than the cat opposite her. As if she were uncovering the idea, a treasure hidden beneath a layer of ice and dirt…

She grinned.

I could be in charge.”


“The leadership track? I didn’t think you were interested in stuff like that.”

Dusk shrugged and gave Alisha her signature fanged grin. It was a little forced, for once. “I became interested,” she said, shrugging and leaning back on the sofa, sprawling herself across it.

“Sure. But I gotta wonder how come. What’s your motivation? You were coasting for months – no offence – and now you’re just taking on extra training, responsibilities, a mentee, all that stuff?” Alisha chuckled. “What happened to Ms. ‘No Attachments’?”

Alisha tipped her head meaningfully to one side, gesturing to the purrloin-hybrid on the other side of the morph lounge, presently lapping at the water fountain and getting her muzzle wet for her trouble.

Dusk pulled a face and made a noncommittal sign with a tilt of her head and a waggle of one paw. She tried to think of an answer, and not fixate on how she had plainly shed ‘no attachments’ like winter fur weeks ago. Maybe Alisha would accept an incomplete truth?

“…Want to be like Whiskey, now. Go where I want, get others ‘listen to me’.”

Alisha snorted. “Okay, I guess that tracks, huh? Well, you can handle yourself, you’ve got confidence…”

Dusk nodded firmly, crossing her arms. She could and she did.

“Alright,” said Alisha. “You didn’t sign up, but that’s fine, I’ll just say I ‘forgot’ to add you to the schedule. Take this” – here she pressed a couple sheets of paper to Dusk’s folded arms – “and fill it out. Meet me outside Mike’s office by two-fifteen and hand it back. If it’s good, you’ll get your shot after Eliza and the rest.”

“The rest?”

“Eliza’s a sure thing. The others, maybe not.”

“And me?” asked Dusk, frowning at the list of questions on the first page.

“That’s up to you, snaggletooth. Impress me! Anyway, was that everything you wanted to ask me?”

Dusk scratched the back of her neck, casually averting her face.

Mm… One thing else. Salem has been pester-ing about her human, that girl? Laura. It now is… a few days longer past you said you’d look for her?”

She wasn’t lying. She was just… asking a question while knowing additional information she wasn’t meant to know. It felt kind of similar, but there wasn’t a lie in there anywhere.

Alisha made a sympathetic face. “These things take time, Dusk. I promise, I’m doing all I can. I’m sorry Salem’s bugging you about it, I’ll try and have a word with her—”

How could she say that, like she wasn’t lying?

“Shut up,” snapped Dusk, her hand clenching around the paper, half-crumpling it.

A moment passed without either of them saying anything. A moment long enough for Dusk to wonder if she’d just fucked up the plan. She bit her lip, loosened her grip on the paper, and looked up at Alisha’s face. It wasn’t thunderous, or anything. Just… disappointed. That felt worse, somehow.

It felt familiar.

“Sorry,” she muttered.

“Okay,” said Alisha, evenly. “So, what was that about?”

Shrug. Tap on the wrist, stretching motion. [Taking a long time.]

Alisha sighed through her nose, and nodded, mouth pursed.

“Yeah. That’s how it is, and I’m sorry about that. I know it’s frustrating, but please trust that I’m trying. And Dusk, if you’re serious about this leadership course, you might want to act like a leader, starting now. People will treat you the way you set them up to treat you, so you gotta act like the kind of person they can’t help but respect. You understand what I mean?”

Dusk recognised Alisha’s tone – firm, certain, almost urgent. Dusk met her eye again. For all that it sounded like a scolding, she meant this advice.

Could Alisha be right? That acting like a leader would get her treated like one? She wanted it to be true.

She nodded, and signed in the affirmative.

“Alright. I’ll see you just before the interview. And remember – good answers, snaggletooth!”

Dusk’s mouth twitched in a half-smile as she watched Alisha leave. From her, snaggletooth came off like a term of endearment from a peer, the tense awkwardness from before already forgotten. That human didn’t hesitate, didn’t falter. Totally in control of herself and her situation... as if, were a morph to just up and attack her, she’d shut it down with a look.

She glanced down at the sign-up form in her hand.

What kind of leader do you want to be?

“Good answers,” she murmured to herself.

She needed a pencil. And Salem, to give her all the right words. Confident, for instance. Decisive, also.

And fearless.

Two hours of purrloin-assisted overthinking later, Dusk had written those words in scratchy handwriting – more like weavile runes than Galarish letters – and put them in Alisha’s hands. The human read the pages with a strange smile on her face.

“Good answers,” she agreed.


The shrill blast of the referee’s whistle cut through the thumping of Dusk’s heart and the stamp of foot on turf. She skidded to a stop, her head full of noise and light. Drumbeats in her ribcage. Floodlamps overhead.

“Seven minutes left, everyone!” boomed the cheerfully enthusiastic voice of Coach Lang, their instructor. “Reprieve for two minutes, starting now!

Dusk clawed for more air in her lungs and swore to herself that she’d do more endurance training and less weightlifting from now on. She looked to her right and left and shot a sign to her teammates to converge on her.

Opposite the three of them on the training pitch, the other team – Eliza, Sriracha and Veracity, all the heavy-hitters on the program – backed off to sharpen their claws for the last leg of the exercise. Dusk resisted sticking her tongue out at them. For now.

The raichu girl was on her in seconds, her orange-furred face an inch away from Dusk’s, beaming as if none of this was hard. Maybe for her, it wasn’t. What was her name again, it was one of those self-assigned ones, something really stupid

Oh, right. The one Salem had talked her ear off about the other night.

The adverb girl.

“Fuck, you move fast, Suddenly,” said Dusk. Weird fucking name, but not the weirdest name among morphs. So far, anyway. At least it was appropriate – the rat could practically teleport, she was so quick on her feet.

“Yes-yes!” chirped Suddenly, both hands tightly clutched around a glowstick. The glowstick that they were playing ‘capture the flag’ with. The glowstick only Suddenly was fast enough to keep out of the other team’s grasp.

Wouldn’t work forever, though.

What about the other guy? The golduck guy, where the fuck was he—

“Shit,” hissed Dusk.

The golduck-morph, whose name was Neither (still not the weirdest name of any morph), was down on the grass, his back against a ledge in the terrain, his hands cradling one knee. He sported a nasty-looking wound, dark bruising visible against his leg’s bright blue coat, even from several metres away. He kept shaking his head and signing insistently, [Down and out].

“Casualty call!” shouted Dusk, dashing to his side. (Raichu Suddenly got there before her, of course…)

The trill of the whistle sounded. “Down but not out!” came Coach Lang’s ruling.

“Wha’s it mean?” asked Suddenly, her eyes wide and bright.

“I am still in play but cannot move from this location,” said Neither, in his usual flat affect. If he was in pain, it didn’t register in his voice even a little.

“Mean tactically,” clarified Suddenly, hopping from one foot to the other as her cable-like tail swayed from side to side.

“Means we’re fucked,” muttered Dusk.

She’d felt this way before. The stakes being lower this time hardly helped take the edge off the slivers of ice in her chest. They were going to fail, she was going to fail.

They were already fucked to begin with, was the thing. The teams weren’t balanced at all. It wasn’t fair. How did Coach expect her to win like this? What was the point of pitting her against a team this much stronger in a battle…? Well, Salem would say it was not technically a battle—

Aha. There it was.

She snapped her fingers.

“Suddenly, give Neither the flag,” she ordered, glancing at the clock display high up on the mezzanine, from where Coach was watching. (And judging.)

“Glowstick,” corrected Suddenly, sounding almost Salem-like for a moment.

Dusk snorted. “Okay. Give Neither the glowstick. Neither, you hold it. Try to get no attentions from their team until the end. Hide it, if you can.”

The golduck nodded his understanding as he took the glowstick, as if ceremonially, from Suddenly. He gave Dusk a thumbs-up.

She gave one back, and braced herself for a beating. Twenty seconds left.

Not fucked, then?” asked Suddenly. “Would be nice to win this time!”

“Hope not. Sure would.”

“Explain the plan?” asked the raichu, tilting her head.

Dusk drew a deep breath. “Suddenly, we will fight them hard as we can, okay? We split up. I want for them to forget Neither is still playing. Even if it means we get knocked out! You understand?”

“Sure-sure. Why?”

Ten seconds.

“No time. Tell you after we win.”

The raichu blinked and bit her lip. “Do I really have to faint?”

Five seconds.

“Yes,” said Dusk, firmly. She clapped Suddenly on the shoulder, a gesture she’d learned from Coach Lang. “Trust me.”

“Okay-okay,” said the raichu, jogging on the spot, ready to go.

Coach sounded the whistle again. A single, short blast.

“Resume play!”

Dusk dashed left around a copse of hornbeam trees, while Suddenly flanked right around the small pond and its rocky far bank. Dusk saw Veracity move to intercept, in what looked like a pincer – so Eliza would be joining, and that meant Sriracha—


Dusk jerked back and rolled her head away from a fiery blow that came an inch from her cheek. The heat lingered on her face as she whirled to face the blaziken-morph.

“You’re more stealthy today than usual, Hot Sauce,” she bantered.

Sriracha rolled his eyes, and lunged for her again.

This time she parried to one side, then dove in close with claws aglow. He brought a leg sweeping round to take out her ankles. Then came the crack of a headbutt against her forehead gem. Then his knee rising to meet her chin – dodged, the movement flowing directly into a bid to pull his leg out from under him, fire or no fire.

They’d grown used to this. The exchange of strikes, weaving, switching up with a blast of fire, or ice, vying for control of the central line. Dusk fought better. But Sriracha was stronger, larger, had the elemental advantage twice over…

She rolled aside as Sriracha’s burning fists struck the ground. Felt the impact in her guts. Grit her teeth. Glanced across the width of the pitch to see Suddenly go down beneath a concentrated assault by Sriracha’s gallade and corviknight teammates. Past them, the match clock – one minute left. Less than that.

Dusk let out a wild, feral laugh and kicked up at her opponent.

“Wow, Hot Sauce! You gonna win this time, huh?”

“Yes!” shouted the blaziken. “I can win a real fight with you! Stop twisting!”

She did not, but twisted more, ducking and backstepping like mad, hardly taking a breath, she didn’t need to breathe she needed to win she needed to keep in the game—

Eliza’s Sacred Sword met her gut, knocking what little breath she had from her.

Veracity’s Flash Cannon seared her vision, and sent her reeling to the turf.

Dusk heard the rival team, voices rising, angry, stressed.

“Hm… Where’s the flag, Sriracha? I don’t see it…”

“Wait. You… You don’t have it?”

“Idiot! The point is to take the stick of light—”


“Hey! I’m not an idiot! I won the fight, didn’t I? And I didn’t need help, like you—”

“It is not a fight, idiot! It is a game! A team game that we—”

One, long, piercing blast on the whistle cut the argument short.

“That’s time!” called Coach Lang. “Dusk’s team wins!”

“…A team game that we just lost,” finished Eliza.

Dusk heaved herself off the ground, and found an emerald-green hand outstretched. She took it, and let Eliza help her up. The gallade didn’t yank her hand away, or kick her while she was down. Of course not.

“Thank,” she said. “Uh, thank-you.”

“You’re welcome. Congratulations on winning. That was… clever. Your idea, Dusk?”

She nodded, smirking despite the pain.

“But why did she win?” whined Sriracha, his arms tightly crossed. “We beat her!”

“The game is to retrieve the stick of light,” seethed Veracity, her avian head bobbing and rotating as she searched for a glowstick in the long grass. “Not to win in battle. But where is it?”

Dusk turned to gesture towards Golduck Neither, who was walking in their direction with hardly a limp. Like he didn’t even feel hurt.

“He does not have it either,” said the corviknight-morph, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

In response, the golduck-morph opened his shovel-like bill and retrieved the glowstick from his mouth. He gave another thumbs up.

Sriracha threw his hands in the air and gave a screech of galline outrage.

“But that’s cheating!!”

, Suddenly the raichu appeared next to Dusk, hardly the worse for wear.

“Coach gets to decide that,” she chirped. “Mister Mike?”

“It’s legal play,” shouted Coach Lang, his broad grin visible from the pitch. He let himself down from the mezzanine and jogged over.

Mike Lang was a large man, round-bellied and muscular, seemingly never out of his lycra shorts save for when he wore a judo gi for martial arts instruction. Dusk struggled not to stare at his head. As bald and bisque-beige as a poultry egg, and shinier.

Nicely done, Sneasel Dusk,” he said, approvingly, in his pleasantly lilting accent. “I do see you’re learning to appreciate that winning and winning a fight are not always the same thing? Good! That’s proper tidy, that is.” He looked around at the rest of the morphs and arched an eyebrow near clear off his forehead. “Now, is anyone still unclear at all on why Dusk’s team won this game? Blaziken Sriracha, you’re a touch disappointed? Alright, I do understand, I do. Listen up, now—”

As Mike Lang explained the rules again to the less attentive morphs, Eliza pulled Dusk aside and looked at her oddly, as if checking for some discrepancy.

“Was that your plan all along?” she asked. “To have us get used to chasing Raichu, then waste our time in combat when the flag was elsewhere?”

Dusk shook her head. What was that word Salem liked so much…?

“Improvised,” she said, grinning.

“Huh.” Eliza stroked her porcelain chin. “You were willing to sacrifice your teammates to win the game. That also surprised me.”

Dusk frowned. Sacrifice was a pretty overblown word for fainting in a battle.

“You saw I ‘sacrificed’ myself also,” she countered. “Every one is fine now, yes?”

Eliza nodded and glanced sidelong at the other morphs, still attentive to Coach Lang’s impromptu lecture on rules. Except Veracity, who stared daggers at Dusk.

“Yes. I know. What I mean is… You are taking this seriously. We are already a week into the course, and still most of the morphs can’t think outside of their own heads. You realised that your team can win even if you lose. The others still can’t see a fight as anything but a fight.”

Dusk didn’t know the Galarish word for flattery, but she recognised it well. Sneasel flattery – when not done in courtship – usually signaled mockery in her experience. Either playful teasing, or… otherwise.

Still, part of her felt thrilled to hear someone call Sriracha an idiot. Finally, someone else saw that about him.

“What do you want, Eliza?” she said, preening her feather as if she were relaxed.

The gallade-morph’s eyes met hers in complete seriousness.

“If I am not made captain when this course is done, I want whoever is to be a leader I can trust. Someone competent. Maybe that will be you?” Eliza raised an eyebrow – an impressive facial expression for a morph. “But for now I am wondering why you want to be captain? And, are you capable of leading?”

Dusk jerked her gaze away.

Are you even capable of being a leader?

What to say? That she didn’t want that? Any reason she could give that was even slightly honest sounded stupid in her head. To get a keycard to snoop around with? To try her chances and have a bit of fun while she was at it? All the earnest shit she’d scrawled in that questionnaire felt embarrassingly naive after tasting turf barely a minute ago. Barely a week in and she was already pushing her limits to keep up. She didn’t even like her odds of finishing the course right now – after all…

You are not meant to be a leader.

She opened her mouth to say as much.

Yet, she said nothing.

The words wouldn’t come. She couldn’t say it, wouldn’t say it.

Eliza cleared her throat. “Sneasel Dusk?”

Dusk clenched her fists. Her blood and bones felt cold inside her flesh. There was a reason the question pricked her hackles up like this and she was not going to think about it. It was bullshit. It was wrong.

They were wrong.

“…I’m used to others expecting me to fuck up,” she said, quietly enough that Eliza had to lean in to hear her. “But I’m better than they think. And I’m gonna prove it.”

Eliza narrowed her eyes thoughtfully; Dusk met them without blinking.

“This is… about your former life?”

Dusk shrugged. If she was going to talk about that, she’d have done it already. But that kind of shrug was sign, too – [Yeah. Sure.]

Eliza nodded. “This is a second chance for me, also.”

“…What did—”

Before Dusk could ask her anything, the gallade-morph tipped her head towards the others. Coach Mike was wrapping up his impromptu seminar.

“I do suppose we can call it a day, then?” he said, cheerfully. He clapped his hands together and stabbed a thumb over his shoulder at the gym doors. “First one to the dining hall gets seconds!”

It went without saying that Suddenly would win any race she had motivation for, but half the hybrids dashed off nonetheless, too competitive not to make the rat work for it. Dusk snorted as they sped past her, but her bruises kept her from joining them at a similar speed. Mike’s trainers kicked up loose turf as he made a respectable showing for a human racing a bunch of hybrids.

Eliza nodded her head, performing a sort of little bow, a gesture peculiar to her. Maybe it was a gallade thing.

“Let’s talk more another time. Dusk.”

And then she, too, left at an even jog.

Which left Dusk and… one other.

“A moment of your time?” came a corvid croak, putting her hackles on end.

“Something wrong, bird?” asked Dusk, without looking around. She started walking, and smirked miserably to herself – if she’d caught Veracity’s attention, at least she could annoy the corviknight with her usual bullshit.

“Yes,” came the reply.

Veracity paced around to get inside Dusk’s field of vision, and tilted her head to stare at her with a piercing, cyan eye.

“You celebrate your victory,” she said, as if accusing her of a crime. “Do you believe that your performance was adequate?”

Dusk scoffed, and shot the bird a stiff, hostile smile.

“What is this? You’re a sore loser now? Talk to Coach if you’re mad about it.”

Veracity’s head twitched to one side. Even hunched over to meet Dusk at eye level, the corviknight-morph seemed to loom.

“No,” she said, her voice like a blade slicing an apple in half. “You won today’s game, according to today’s rules. This does not mean you will win tomorrow’s game. Do you think you can use today’s trick a second time? Do you have more tricks? Enough to keep winning?”

Dusk’s mouth smiled joylessly. “You’ll find out.”

She broke into a run, ignoring the pain in her bruised limbs, the corviknight behind her, and the feeling of dread that Veracity was right.


Dusk squatted by the poolside, her arms hugging her knees. Her ears twitched at echoing shouts, the lifeguard’s whistle, the squeak of wet feet on tile floors. Quieter – the hum of the filtration system. The thunk of lockers in the changing rooms.

Her nose wrinkled up at the pungent smell of cleaning chemicals, humid air, and the body oils and damp fur of wet mammals. Underneath that, a slightly earthy, metallic smell. Perhaps a reptile, or that one vaporeon hybrid that spent half his life in here…

A splash of chlorinated water to her muzzle made Dusk screw up her face. She wiped off her fur with a bare forearm. (No way she’d bring her jacket in here. She wasn’t stupid.)

“Were you seeing me?” demanded Salem, her arms crossed on the pool’s edge. “Watching me? I swam so many lengths!”

Dusk nodded, and sighed into a chuckle. “Yeah, I was watching. You have a very impressive swimming. For a cat.”

The bedraggled purrloin-morph made a face – half pleased, half annoyed. It was too easy to tease her like this, with her soaked fur clinging to her limbs.

“See you do better,” muttered Salem, dipping lower in the water to keep air chill off her fur and flattening back her ears.

“No, no, I admit. Your swimming is better than mine.”

The pleased face took over fully, and Salem emerged from the water, hefting herself onto the side of the pool in one smooth, effortless motion. She’d come a long way since physical therapy. She dangled her hindpaws in the water as she wrung out her tail fur.

Dusk gingerly eased herself down to the tile, and gingerly dipped her own hindpaws in, too. She recoiled at the feeling of it, at first, but... The water wasn’t too bad a temperature, at least. Kind of an interesting sensation…

“I watched your captain training today,” said Salem.

Dusk’s blood-feather perked up despite herself. She couldn’t keep down both corners of her mouth, either. “Huh? You got up that early in the morning for me?”

Salem nodded. “I’m getting up more early now! I asked Alisha, and it’s okay to take naps during the day and join some of ‘night classes’. Easier to, uh… mix and matches. Mick and match. Mick-mack.”


“Yes. Anyway. You did real good again, right? It looked like our ‘say one thing, sign another secret thing’ idea worked! I knew it would work.”

They’d workshopped that one for a week before Dusk got to put it to use. Fortunately, her teammates had caught on quickly, and together they’d won another exercise and driven Veracity half-mad over their ‘deceit’ in the process. Salem looked the definition of smugness for a second, before she caught herself.

“Oh, and. I can see Coach Mike’s face from the spectator window; I can tell he’s watching you real close a lot of the time.”

“Oh? Oh, good. Yeah, of course.”

Salem flicked her damp tail, experimentally. The hook at its end was far more noticeable while her fur clung tightly to her skin. She’d been putting that to good use in the weeks since the keycard thing, judging by the growing collection of pilfered items stashed in their dorm room. Crumpled sticky notes, a left-hand glove, a folded map of the facility, an especially shiny paperweight, a loose set of janitors’ keys, mixed coins, a thumb-drive from straight out of someone’s laptop…

“So… Will you get the keycard soon?” asked Salem.

Dusk shrugged. “Course not over yet. There’s an eggs-am, too.”


“It’s, uh, a test you do in writing. Fuck, Salem, there’s so much theory in this course. I thought it would be all… doing stuff. But no. Every other day, it’s another eggs-am.”

This made Salem smile, for some reason. Which made Dusk smile, even as she tried to maintain a frown.

“Okay, so,” began Salem, hushing her voice and signing carefully alongside, angling her torso to keep onlookers from watching her hands. “I’ve been making the list of places I can’t go into. Once you get the captain keycard, we—”

If I get it.”

Salem stared back at her, ears pinned back.

“Gotta be better than every morph in the course to be captain. Maybe instead, Eliza will be captain. Maybe Veracity, even.”

“Then… we will steal her keycard?”

Dusk gnashed her teeth over a low growl. It was a dumb idea – they couldn’t just nick a keycard off either of those morphs, not that she’d be able to explain why to Salem. Hell, Salem probably could pull it off! By now, she was better at thieving than Dusk was. Whatever. That wasn’t the point.

“…Sorry? Dusk, what’s the matters?”

She snorted, despite herself, and dragged a palm across her face. “It’s, I… Come on. You watch my training, yeah? You know how hard I’m trying?”

Salem nodded, her eyes wide and earnest.

“Salem, I really want this. Not the keycard, the captaincy. To win the course.”

“…But, this was because of the keycard?”

“Yeah. I know. I know it was. It used to be. Now, it’s about winning.”

Salem’s brain ticked away behind those shining eyes. Surely she could understand?

“…But, you’ll still get the keycard?”

Dusk sighed into her hands. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll still get the fucking keycard.”

Salem didn’t reply. After a moment, she put out a paw and rested it on Dusk’s knee, which was sign for [I’m here]. It meant she was thinking some more. And that was fine.

For a minute or so, neither of them said anything. Not that the pool was silent – there remained the rushing sound of breast-stroke swimming, the occasional splash of hybrid bodies meeting water, and the heavy breathing of morphs recovering from swimming lengths.

“You care for real hard about the course,” said Salem, quietly. “I want you to watch me train, so I watch you train… but that’s… not correct about what you want?”

“No, no, I like that. Really. I just… need to win this.”

“Okay.” Salem huffed through her nose. “I can do more of ‘coming up with ideas together’. To help you win. I’ve been doing a lot of study in my last few weeks – not just sneaking and stealing, okay? – and some of it’s about battling! Or I—”

“Salem, that’s… Thank you. That’s great. But I might fail anyway. Okay?”

Dusk winced as she said it. She stared down at her palms and became intensely interested in picking grime out from under her claws.

“And that would… be for real bad?” said Salem, sounding skeptical.

Dusk laughed voicelessly, and nodded her head. It was just like Salem to not get something like this. In her world, you’d just try again, or get bored and do something else with your time.

“…But not because you really want the keycard.”

Dusk pursed her mouth, and shook her head. With her hands, she signed out a quick promise that, yes, she did still want the keycard.

Salem made a chuffing sound. “So… tell me why?”

Dusk pressed a knuckle to her front teeth. How could she explain to this single-minded cat why it mattered to do well, to excel, to be recognised and respected…?

“Why do you want to go in every place that needs a good keycard?” she countered.

Salem frowned, and signed off [Give me a minute.]

She didn’t get her minute. A pulsing shriek from a lifeguard’s whistle announced the switch to lap-swimming time. A glance up at the wall clock told them it was now ten minutes to the hour, and therefore to the next class period.

“It’ll have to wait,” said Dusk, hauling herself to her feet. “I’ve got combat theory with Whiskey for some next hours.”

Salem jumped up too, her tail thrashing. “Um… Then. I’ll come with you?” she suggested, looking fretfully between her and the pool.

“Nah. You wanted to swim lengths, right?”

“Yes, but—”

“Then you can tell me later.”

Dusk grinned, and lightly pushed Salem backwards into the pool. She made a startled yowl as she tipped back, her tail-hook flicked out to find an anchor – and it snagged on Dusk’s swimming trunks. Oops.


The taste of pool water, she discovered, was not a pleasant one.

Post-plunge, Dusk wrung her head dry with a splutter and a gasp, waved off the whistle-brandishing lifeguard-human, and took satisfaction in that at least she’d killed off Salem’s attack of nerves by giving her something to laugh at.

She dripped her way to the locker room to shower off, and spent several minutes spacing out under the spray, thinking about why it would be bad to fail.

She had to have something to tell Salem, next time they talked.


Two hours of Whiskey instructing her – and a class of other morphs – on pokémon abilities in their endless variations hadn’t left her with a clearer answer. Between the dour absol’s presentation on the virtual whiteboard, discussion exercises with a pair of unfamiliar classmates at her table, and all the rest, there’d not been much chance to let her mind wander.

Save for towards the end of the seminar, when their instructor took questions. An eevee boy – barely more than a cub, by the look of him – had raised a paw to ask, “What are we learning all this for, Absol Whiskey?”

What for? To understand battle better, of course. Couldn’t they read the posters up on every wall?

That was the answer given by a couple other fresh-faced hybrids, at least. More or less. Dusk bit her lip. Maybe she could refuse to answer if called on…

“Sure,” said the eevee kid. “But why… make morphs, and teach us like this?”

Whiskey looked at Dusk, and tipped his chin at her.

“I expect you can answer this one, Sneasel Dusk?”

Damn it.

“Hybrids don’t need trainers,” she muttered. She cleared her throat, feeling the pressure of Whiskey’s raised brow. “Pokémon need trainers to instruct them, humans need ‘mon to fight for them. A pokémorph can do either. Or both at once.”

The absol gave her a sharp nod. “This is the chief reason why pokémorphs have such great potential in battle,” he finished for her. “Which concludes our time. Well done today, everyone.”

“But what battles are we supposed to fight?” asked the eevee, his question lost in the rustle and jumble of other hybrids standing to leave the room.

Dusk hurried out ahead of them, pushing between hybrid bodies to leave first, slipping into the corridor to head away. Somewhere. Anywhere the rest of the morphs weren’t. The atrium, why not. High ceiling, windows, lots of space and light…

What battles were the pokémorphs made for? Whatever battles would pay the debt of being made a morph. Obviously.

That was the deal Dusk had made, anyway. No point thinking about it now, though. All that mattered was training, learning, testing…

She put her mouth to the nozzle of the water fountain on the atrium balcony and sucked cold water. She thought of ice rivers, and northern winters, and slipping under the surface—

She spluttered and coughed, leaving a dark spatter on her tank top’s white.


Once her airway was clear and she’d caught her breath, Dusk heard the scraping of metal feathers and clicking of talons on polymer tiles a few paces away. Veracity. Here to make her day worse, surely...

“Your distress becomes evident,” croaked the corviknight, one scaly hand resting on the shaft of a long, loose feather, hung at her hip like a sword. “It must be harder to pretend you are indifferent, now that you show real effort.”

“Fuck off,” muttered Dusk, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket.

The raven morph blinked, and clacked her beak. The mass of beard-like feathers at her throat – her hackle – puffed up. Probably a threat display. (As if it mattered.)

“You should quit the captaincy track,” said Veracity, sharply. “Before you run out of tricks. Before you can no longer pretend not to care.”

Dusk wondered how much trouble she’d get in for breaking the bird’s beak with a well-placed Ice Punch. She could do it. Easy.

“Nah,” hissed Dusk. “You quit, bird, if you’re not happy on the course. Are you happy? I think maybe you never learned how.”

The atrium was empty. Most morphs were in classes, or the dining hall. Had Veracity followed her? Would she follow if Dusk were to just jump over the mezzanine railings and land in one of the leafy plant beds below? She couldn’t fly without proper wings, and she was heavy with the metals in her feathers.

“I learned discipline,” she said, the word sounding somehow bladed. “I have a purpose in being captain. You—”

The corvid stepped forward, her beak stabbing the air. Dusk’s lip pulled back over her teeth. Her hackles had been up since the first sound of scraping metal.

“You must have a reason. For changing.”

“You’re still mad I stopped messing about and started winning?” mocked Dusk.

“Changing from sneasel to human,” clarified Veracity. “Why did you become a hybrid? What was your reason?”

Dusk took a step back. “You first, bird. What was yours?”

Veracity angled her head and clacked her break again. Avian morphs could make human-like facial expressions – to an extent – but she hardly seemed to.

“…To have control,” she said, in a low voice. “Of my life. Of my body. Of my mind.”

“Is that all? I had all of that in the first place!”

“Truly? Did you?”

Another clack of her beak. Dusk couldn’t shake the feeling she was being laughed at.

“You wouldn’t become this without good reason,” pressed Veracity. “Not if you were something as intelligent as a sneasel. Extraordinary choices must come from extraordinary need. Therefore. You must have needed something very much. Needed it enough to leave everything behind. If you had anything to leave behind. Did you have no pack to hunt with?”

Fuck you. Shut up. Shut the fuck up.

Dusk grit her teeth until she felt it in her temples.

“This is telling me so much about you, bird!” she quipped, dodging the question. “What was that you said – ‘extraordinary need’? Wow, I didn’t know being a morph made you feel so bad! Have you asked if they can change you back? I can ask for you!”

Veracity’s eyes narrowed. Finally something got a rise out of the corviknight.

“Dishonest creature,” she rasped. “Hiding behind jokes and lies and nonsense.”

“It seems to work okay,” snapped Dusk.

“It won’t work forever. Nothing does.”

Alright. Enough of this.

She forced a fanged smirk. “Sounds like you have figured out every thing, bird! Don’t worry, you’ll definitely beat me in training next time, because you’re so right about me, and what works, and all other things. And guess what?”

While Veracity puzzled over this with her head cocked to one side, Dusk reached forward and jammed the button down on the water fountain. With a growl, she sent ice-type energy down her arm and first sealed the mechanism in place, then froze over the drainage bowl. Water pooled, overflowed, and spilled onto the polymer floor below.

What?” cried Veracity. “Why do this?”

“Your problem now! See you in class, bird,” taunted Dusk.

Without waiting for a retort, she darted to the railings and swung herself over the side, leaving Veracity to hack away at the obstructing ice and make protesting caws.

She landed with a roll, bounced to her feet, and headed off somewhere without overbearing birds and their unwelcome fucking questions.


The feeling lingered in her as a tightness in her chest, a pressure in her head. Walking the length of the morph wing helped burn it off. So did punching in a code at the morph lounge vending machine – recently installed, and instantly emptied on its first day by curious morphs fascinated to watch the dispensing coils turn – and making a mess of a packet of crisps. Better this than being served at the dining hall while she was still on edge.

Once Dusk could imagine holding a conversation without her hackles up the whole time, she headed back to her dorm. Either it’d be empty, and she could vanish into her bunk, or Salem would be there, which always improved her day. And this day badly needed improving.

She pushed the door open and walked right into the middle of a conversation between Salem and two other morphs – a scrafty and a fletchling who both looked as if they were straight out of their tanks. All bright eyes and confusion – just like Salem on her first day out of physical rehab.

“—easier to do,” Salem was saying, sitting cross-legged on the floor with her tail flicking back and forth behind her head. “Maybe— Oh! Heya, Dusk!”

“Hey,” she replied, trying to smile. She glanced at the fresh-baked hybrids, sat on the couch together opposite Salem. “New friends?”

“Uhuh! This is Molt, and, uh, Fletchling.”

The scrafty waved, a little clumsily, and gave a broad smile. A mass of unkempt, bright red hair bloomed from his scalp, and beneath that a pair of shades were perched above his forehead.

Beside him, Fletchling chirped in bird-sounds and puffed his throat feathers, apparently by way of greeting.

“Hey,” said Dusk, kicking the door shut behind her. “So, uh. This is your first day after physical therapy, I guess?”


Fletchling warbled his agreement. Could he even speak Galarish yet?

“No name yet?” asked Dusk. “Or, you gonna keep the species name?”

“Not decided yet yet yet!” sang Fletchling. So, he could talk. “Gonna think about it some more some more.”

“Sure. And, uh, Molt? Like, the skin?”

Molt nodded with pride. “Shed my scrafty-skin!” he declared. “Got a new morph skin. New morph name.”

Dusk pursed her mouth and nodded. Made sense.

“What’s the ‘why’ of Dusk?” asked Molt.

The what? Oh. The reason she chose the name? Did she really have to answer that, or could she just get to talk to Salem on her own, now…?

“Sneasel name was too long in Galarish. ‘Dusk’ was the word I liked best.”

Cool,” said Molt, sounding fully sincere. “You wild? Clan?”

“Maybe,” she said, a little sharply.

Molt seemed to get the message. “Cool. Uh… Lots of morphs get cool names! What’s the, uh… the weirdest? That you know?”

“I met a ribombee named Fievayem,” chimed in Salem, helpfully.

Molt gawped. “What, like the time of day? Like, Five AM?”


Dusk nodded, and rubbed her temple. Yeah. That was the weirdest morph name she knew of. So far.

So cool,” drawled Molt. The way he said it put Dusk instantly in mind of humans, like he wasn’t even a battle ‘mon, but an urban one, practically a human already…

“So – why did you Change?” she shot at him.

He tapped his own chest with a claw. “[Me?] Oh! To become an artist. For music! To make hyperpop. Too tough for a scrafty!”

Definitely. City scrafty. No wonder he was so proficient at spoken Galarish for a fresh-baked morph. Weirdly good grammar, better than hers had been at that point.

What ‘hyperpop’ was, she hadn’t a clue, but she didn’t bother asking.

“What about you, bird?”

“Needed heal,” said Fletchling, simply. He raised one leg and one wing, as if this explained everything.

He’d had to heal… his arm and leg? What did that mean? After a brief, awkward silence, it clicked. The morph-change was a slow evolution. It could heal even lifelong injuries and maimed limbs, sculpting the body anew in a matter of weeks – just as evolving would do in mere seconds. And a tiny bird with a busted leg and a busted wing would have a hard time evolving, being unable to battle…

“Okay,” said Dusk. What else was there to say?

“And why you, Dusk?” asked Molt.

Don’t ask that,” she snapped, a growl hovering at her throat.

She didn’t need to look at Molt’s crestfallen face, or Salem’s glare and swishing tail, to know that she’d overstepped. And been unfair. Shit.

“Sorry. Maybe another day. This one is shit.”

Molt shrugged, and signed something like [Don’t worry about it.]

Salem chittered for a moment, then seemed to decide on something.

“I liked to talk to you both today!” she told the dorm-guests cheerfully. “Please go to your side now? I want to talk to Dusk just us two in here.”

“Sure sure sure!” sang Fletchling.

“Thanks, Salem,” said Molt.

The junior morphs left, letting themselves into the dorm opposite Dusk and Salem’s, on the other side of the corridor. Once the door swung shut, Salem rounded on Dusk.

“Sit down,” she said, her voice practically a purr. Somehow this felt like a bad sign.

Dusk obliged, dropping with a thump into the recently-occupied sofa. Barely a second later, and Salem was sat at her side, having crossed the space between them in that silent, speedy way she’d been getting good at.

“You asked me why I want to look in locked rooms,” she said, as a statement of fact.

“Yeah. I did.” Dusk tilted her head. Had Salem been obsessing over her reply ever since the talk at the pool?

“I want to know things.” She said it like it was urgent. “I want to understand why things are things. This is why I want to spy in places – to learn the things nobody will tell me. Right now… I want to know what we are for.”

Dusk swallowed. There it was again; just like that eevee was asking about in Whiskey’s seminar. How could she persuade Salem that sometimes the ones in charge just won’t tell you things and it was pointless to be mad about it?

“You can’t just leave it alone?” she asked, dully.

“What? No! Not when Alisha is lying to me.”

Right. That. Dusk really couldn’t blame her. After Salem found that photo of her human by ‘spying’ in Alisha’s office – the human Alisha insisted she couldn’t find – it made sense.

“Okay,” she breathed. “So. What we are ‘for’? Is this a philoph— phiso— uh, a question about… about meaning? Or are you talking about something ‘real’?”

“Something real. Dusk, why the humans at this place are doing all these things?”

“What, put up the suggestion box? Serve lunch? Check my heart rate?”

“No! Yes!” Salem’s ears flushed even as they flattened back. “Don’t be stupid, Dusk!”

Dusk’s mouth hung open, dumbly. She didn’t have a response for this. Salem hardly raised her voice like that, much less at her.

Salem took a breath, un-pinning her ears with visible effort.

Think. Why did humans make all the work to turn pokémon into morphs? It must be for something. We must be for something.”

Dusk shrugged. “Some ‘mon – some humans – do things to be nice, Salem. Is that not a thing you do?”

It was a bullshit reply, and she knew it. Salem looked like she wanted to bite Dusk by the scruff and shake her.

“I’m not stupid. You mean pokémon feed each other, and groom each other, and share warm spots to sleep in. Humans do things like that, I know. My human was kind. But… Making morphs is different. Yes? We are… strange. And secret.”


[Secret.] “Hidden. Like a thing you… keep in a place nobody knows about.”

“I know what ‘secret’ means.”

“So why aren’t you curious?” hissed Salem. “I don’t know what your ‘before’ was like – before Changing – but for me, if I wanted something? That was important to Laura. It mattered to her that I wanted a thing. Here, okay, we get to do so many things, and learn, and it’s great. I know. But… some morphs have asked about how they can ‘going to other places’, and got told they’re not allowed.”

“What, did you have ‘allowed’ to go any place you wanted, before?”

“No! But at least… At least Laura would explain why. And say ‘sorry’.”

Dusk’s face faltered. A snappy response to that would be as bad as scratching her.

Dusk. Nobody knew about a place like this, or morphs, before coming here. And now we’re here, we can’t tell anyone, or go back. Doesn’t that make you feel something?”

“I’m from the deep wilds. I’ve never heard of almost any human thing, Salem!”

“Well, I have! I’ve heard of lots of things! I know a lot about what’s normal for humans. This isn’t normal for humans. I wasn’t… I wasn’t smart enough before I was Changed to understand what Changing meant. What I was saying yes to.”

Dusk held up a hand to say [let me think], and ran the claws of her other hand through her neck fur. Salem watched her think, watched her eyes flick from place to place as she did. Humans did that when they were deciding on something tricky. Apparently, so did she.

“Okay,” she said, sighing. “I get it. I get that it's important. I already promised I will help, but... I promise again? Is... Is that what you want?"

Salem laughed softly at her, and she promptly lost her ability to maintain eye contact.

"Dusk... I want you to answer my question from before. I told you why I want to spy so bad. Now you have to tell me why being captain is so important. Yes?"

Dusk snorted. Sure, that was definitely how it worked. But she couldn’t refuse Salem after all that.

“Okay. Fine.”

Salem’s eyes dilated as they always did when someone gave her answers. Dusk kept herself from rolling hers.

“Like how I said, I… I was in a clan, before.”

“In the deepwilds,” supplied Salem, enraptured.

“Yeah. And I was gonna be…” She mouthed the sneasel word for the rank. Translated it in her head. “Gonna be ‘hunt leader’. My first time, first real time out on the ice with a pack behind me…”

The growl returned to her throat. Better than a whimper, at least. But this still meant telling Salem something that might change how she looked at Dusk…

“It went wrong. For real bad, it was a— a disaster? A fuck-up. Almost didn’t go home, after, because… Why even try to return alone? I couldn’t stay, after. Of course I had to leave.”

Was made to leave. She’d been exiled. That was the Galarish word for it. Alisha had used it, in that first interview, when she’d asked why she wanted to become a morph.

She could slip into the water. Beneath the ice. With only Sky Above as witness.

On purpose this time. To wash away the shame. Forever.

Or she could trade her dishonoured pelt for a new one. A clean one.


She’d spaced out. She shook her head clear.

“This time can’t be like last time,” she said, quietly. Firmly.

Salem nodded, worry all over her face. Did she even understand?

It didn’t matter. It wouldn’t matter, because Dusk wouldn’t fail, she would be captain, and nothing that fucking raven said could stop her.
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