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Destiny Village ~ The Hero

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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
Many streets down from X-Eye Cauldron was a district of Destiny Village that had a bit more of a quiet, proper tone. X-Eye had the casual and friendly atmosphere, and Pasta Plaza had some shadier dealings, at least at a relative scale, but just down the roads and closer to the library was a quaint little district with polished buildings and soft music. And on this road was a highly recommended restaurant known as The Hero. While it specialized in sandwiches of all kinds, it also served the basics of other staple meals like soups, burgers, salads, and other sides.

Inside, a rustic look reminiscent of old times when technology wasn't quite where it had been was the theme of the restaurant. To honor heroes of old in the modern times. The food, of course, was also very good--albeit pricey.

R11 - Veils of Light [Mellow, Cynthian, & Icetales]


Ace Trainer
Mellow walked inside and quietly marveled at the decorations. She hadn't been to any of the restaurants here yet; she'd been too preoccupied with growing her berry garden and working at the clinic... But everyone deserved time off. Especially since she'd decided to move into one of those homes and was getting a custom room built for said garden. Truthfully, most of her time off would revolve around moving. The Charmeleon sighed at the thought but shoved it away.

No need to think about that now. The reason she was here was to have a nice lunch with her friends. It wouldn't do to drag down the mood! So instead of thinking about her situation, she went and got a menu and started picking out what she wanted to eat.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"No one ever told me about this place before..." Cynthian muttered, taking in the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant and admiring the old wooden tables and chairs that came in different shapes and sizes for all sorts of pokemon.

"Thanks for inviting us over, Mellow. That was kind of you," Cynthian said smiling and flowers giving off a sweet tanginess. She held up the menu in front of her and stared at the assortments of foods.

"Wow, all the food here is expensive... I bet they all taste lovely," Cynthian said as her mouth began to water. Good thing she didn't have to pay the bill. God Squad's benevolence once again saved the day.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Well, that surely was a nice surprise: Mellow invited both Cynthian and himself for lunch. He guessed that was some small gathering between roommates, or just a simple occasion to spend some good natured time together. He didn’t mind either way!

And soon, they reached the chosen location: The Hero, a remarkably fancy restaurant. The Ninetales took a careful at his surroundings, studying the fine texture of the tablecloths and the the decoration of the place. His tails wagged, feeling at ease — it almost almost like being at home.

Then, Cynthian found Mellow, and greeted her with enthusiasm. It was time to make his presence known.

“Ah, Miss Mellow. How pleasant it is to see thee,” he greeted, giving a quick bow. “I must echo what Miss Cynthian said: it is most kind of thee to invite us to spend some time together.”

With a graceful leap, Icetales took his seat besides the two ladies, and with the same grace he took a menu and started reading the various choices.

“Oh, golly! Such luxurious dishes. What to choose, I wonder…?” He glanced at his table companions. “Did you find something inspiring?”


Ace Trainer
Mellow looked up as the Roserade and the Ninetales came over. "You both made it! It's good to see you. How have you two been? I wish I could have been hanging out with you more, but I've been getting busier and busier... I think all of us have.", she rambled, before glancing at Icetales. "Um- well, let's see... They have something called a Cubono... It looks pretty good. They even have suggestions on what to pair with it..."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"I'd like to try this one called a Coq au Vin... as well and a soufflé," Cynthian said, mentioning the names of the food in an exotic accent that sounded almost as fancy as the food itself.

"Oh, and a glass of mineral water too." Cynthian glanced up at Icetales. "What are you having, love?"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“Filet Minior, well done, with Tamato-flavored potatoes. Also, a sparkling apple cider,” said Icetales, his voice sounding like a true aristocratic. Then, he wagged one of his tails, producing a bell-like sound. “Oh. This is a trick I have mastered recently.”

After relaying the order to the waiter, the Ninetales stretched his tails a bit and looked at Mellow. “Regarding what thou asked before… yes, we all have been plenty busy these days. And considering the various events that transpired…”

He trailed off when he remembered Joule, but shook his head and beamed a smile to the Charmeleon. “Ah! I never got the chance to congratulate thee for thy evolution and for thy job as a helper for the infirmary. I wager that they truly appreciate thy efforts. I certainly do.”


Ace Trainer
Mellow smiled bashfully. "I'm just glad I'm able to help out. With everything that's happening now, they need all they can get there. I should be congratulating you two as well, and not just on evolving!", she continued, looking between the two. "I can't help but wish I hadn't kept to myself when we first got here. I feel like even though I haven't been sequestering myself as much, I'm still out of the loop on so much. ...Er, well... As far as how everyone is doing day to day."

She glanced around at who might be present around them before continuing in a low voice, "We've been searching for whoever that Mew-Two, Giovanni, might have meant when he said he had people working for him on the inside... ...What kind of Pokémon is he anyways? There's nothing like him in my own world..."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"I don't think I've see anyone like him on my world either." Cynthian whispered back while trailing a vine across the patterns on the table mat. "Though there are rumors about a pokemon that sort of fits the general description description. It would make sense, since the world I'm from bears a close resemblance to this one."

"Oh by the way, have the roses we planted in your garden bloomed yet?" Cynthian asked Mellow. "I hope the spider lilies aren't being too much of a handful either."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“His species is foreign to me, too. All I collected is that somehow humans managed to copy the aspect and powers of a Mew or something. At least, this is what Sir Karat claims,” whispered Icetales in response, his ears swiveling to check his surroundings. Though, a quick mental nudge from his Shadow told him that the area was clear.

“Speaking of Karat, do you believe he could be related to the spies? I mean, that is what the message left behind by the Regi implies, right? Unless Regigigas was referring to some ‘Mewtwo’ that looks like Karat. Perhaps Giovanni? Or that strange black creature with a red chest?”

The Ninetales took a look around, wondering if them whispering was suspicious or anything like that. He straightened his posture and beamed a grin. “Oh, roses? Did you two plant them on the orchard, right? I would love to take a look someday.” He chuckled. “Flowers are most uncommon where I come from. Snowdrops are among the few species that live in a country with eternal winter, after all.”


Ace Trainer
"It's very possible...", Mellow replied quietly, but then went back to smiling brightly. "The flowers are doing good! It's a little different from growing berries, but they are pretty similar to herbs, so it hasn't been hard! Oh, I should try making tea with a few of the rose petals, I think I know an interesting mix that would bring out the scent of them..."

Mellow paused, to reply to Icetales. "There might be ways to grow flowers indoors, kind of like I am. I've been maintaining a kind of permanent light at my house that helps them stay strong..."


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales stared neutrally. “Alas, I am unable to summon suns nor solar lights. All I can do,” he lifted his tails upwards, causing a small hail to fall on his pelt, harmlessly, “it is to summon hails and snowstorms, which are not ideal to grow plants nor tea trees…”

In that moment, the cloud above Icetales crackled and the hailstorm seemed to have grown a bit stronger. But for some reason, it didn’t hurt anything nor anyone.


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales glanced back at Cynthian, quizzically. “Hm? Well, in Borealis that is not seen as anything too impressive — auroras are fairly common.” He glanced away and whispered to himself. “Or at least, they used to be…”

The Ninetales looked again at the other two. “So, I suppose I always saw that as a common thing like any other. But I can say that I found great joy at finding out about rainbows.” He wagged his tails and dispelled the cloud. “Those are gorgeous!”


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
“Ah, yes. There is plenty we could do. Perhaps some sparring, too?”

While Icetales waited for a response, the dishes and drinks arrived. He leaned forward and took a deep breath in, studying the wonderful scent of that filet.

“Well, how about getting to the lunch?”

And as such, the trio ate their lunch, commenting with each other in-between and sharing last news and progress.

It had been a pleasant afternoon.

R13 – Of Heroes and Screwups [Koa & Starr]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Koa found himself in a distrist of Destiny Village he rarely frequented, and in a restaurant he didn't usually go to. The name though was certainly appealing - it was named 'The Hero'.

As he walked inside, a familiar figure caught his eye. A certain Incineroar that Brisa spoke highly of. And a former human.

"Oh hey," Koa called to the Incineroar, trotting over. "Starr, right?"

There weren't too many human trainers on the team. Nate might have been one, but the other humans didn't seem to have much experience being a trainer. But Starr... he was pretty sure she hailed from a world like his own. After all the craziness that had been happening, it would be nice to talk to someone like her. Plus, he was curious what other human worlds were like.

"You were a trainer, weren't you?"

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
Starr's ear flicked at the sound of someone saying her name, and she turned to see a certain Manectric walking into the restaurant.

Oh hey, it was the kid Brisa had been training lately--Koamaru. Starr scarfed down the last bit of the sandwich she'd been eating and replied, "Sure was. Take it you were human too?"

She'd known he was younger than most of the team, but this was the first time she'd really noticed firsthand. He sounded about Jade's age. For a moment, Starr couldn't help imagining if Jade had been brought here by Diyem--what sort of Pokemon would she have become?
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