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Destiny Village ~ Library

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R5 - Cuicatl and Celeste
  • Persephone

    Infinite Screms
    1. mawile
    2. vulpix-alola
    Cuicatl found her way into the library, annoyed at being dismissed but still determined to be useful. Somehow. Otherwise what was she even good for? Sure, she couldn't read most books, but their might be braille or something.

    Not that she would know this world's version of braille. Or that her paws are sensitive enough to read it.

    R8 - Trip To the Library
  • SparklingEspeon

    Back on Her Bullshit
    a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
    1. espurr
    2. fennekin
    3. zoroark
    Tricky had never been one for reading much, Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if she could read some of the stuff that was written here. This place looked old.

    And yet, she found herself here anyway. Maybe it was because she thought she'd find something that could help her get a grip on what was going on. Or maybe she'd just gotten lost here and didn't want to admit it. (It was probably that one.) Either way, she was here now. Just standing there and looking up at the building--as pretty as it was--was pretty awkward.
    [R8] Give a Dog Bone's Bone (Nate, Rocky, Bean, and Buffet)
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    "Who the fuck even asks to meet in a library, anyway?" Nate grumbled. He appeared to be walking as far from the shelves as possible, like the books might burn him if he got too close.

    "I don't know, I think it's nice. It's such a big library," Rocky said. The shade was carrying a large femur in one hand.

    "Yeah, you fucking would. You'd probably want to like, check in a book or whatever the fuck," Nate said with disdain.

    "Maybe if I knew how to read," Rocky said wistfully. "Or do you think they have ones with nice pictures?"

    "I swear to god I'm surrounded by fucking nerds. Where the hell's this meeting room supposed to be, anyway?"

    "I think maybe over here?" Rocky said, leading the way through the shelves.
    R9 - Shades of Self [Burhalla & Luz]
  • IFBench

    Rescue Team Member
    Pokemon Paradise
    1. chikorita-saltriv
    2. bench-gen
    3. charmander
    4. snivy
    5. treecko
    6. tropius
    7. arctozolt
    8. wartortle
    9. zorua
    Burhalla stood outside the library. It was a place of interaction, a place of relaxation, a place of truth.

    The truth was always comforting. There was no room for error with it. There were no secrets kept with it. You didn't have to worry that something being a lie when you knew the truth. It was valuable to Burhalla.

    Was it really valuable to him, though, or was it just valuable to Burhalla? He felt about the truth as strongly as the memories he had of Burhalla did, but was that really him?

    Was he Burhalla, or just someone masquerading as him?
    R10 - One's Cup of Tea (Icetales & Koa)
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    After the tree incident, he'd found himself wanting to just... be alone for a bit. As happy as he was about everyone being back, he felt restless. He didn't know what to do with himself. So he returned through the portal to Destiny Village. Almost subconsciously, he found his paws leading him to the one place that felt truly familiar - the library.

    Stepping inside felt like... coming home. Sure, the architecture was different, and the style wasn't the same. No worn couches in the far corner or familiar plush of Mew. But the books! Thousands of glorious, beautiful books surrounded him, and more on a second story. Might as well be heaven! There had to be everything here, so many topics and stories he could never find back home, and he had access to it all. With shining eyes, he trotted through the library, practically drooling.

    For hours he wandered the shelves, reveling in the comfort and familiar feeling of being surrounded by books.

    Here everything felt simple. No awkward dynamics, no being looked at like a child, no judgment. No feeling like an outsider. He could be alone. Maybe he would read here for a while, then try that colosseum place Rocky mentioned? Training could help get him used to his new body. At the very least he could help the team in that way. A way he knew.

    Eventually, he found himself in a section filled with books on legends. Perfect. Selecting a few books for himself, he carefully carried them (a tedious task with four legs and no arms) to a quiet table in a corner and sat down to read. There didn't seem to be any other mon around at the moment either.

    Yes, he decided. Maybe it's better this way.
    [R11] - Of Books And Feelings (Brisa and Icetales)
  • Cresselia92

    Gym Leader
    1. ho-oh
    2. sneasel-nyula
    3. rayquaza-cress
    4. celebi-shiny
    It was a quiet afternoon at the library, with warm sunbeams filtering through some windows, and Icetales took some time for himself while he waited to get information about his new housing.

    With a bottle full of minty tea by his side and Keo’Keo standing on the other side like a loyal bodyguard, the real fox did one of the things he could do best — multitasking.

    On one pile of notes, he was working on some plans to hunt down the spies — which Keo'Keo seemed to appreciate, all too eager to get to hunting things. On another pile, there was some brief research about some of the important myths and locations in Cibus — including the Worldcore, where Sword was currently trapped. Lastly, in a few small notes, there were some to-do lists, which were about plans with his… most important treasures in that world.

    After many minutes of uneventful silence, Keo’Keo stretched his muscles and yawned. His mane sputtered some violet flames.

    "So, if what that Shield fellow is true, then the theory that Sir S'more is up for no good has just gained strength. Someone strong against all Regi who can melt in the shadows…" he mused, staring at the small sketch of the Marshadow in one of Icetales' notes. He growled at the figure and pawed at the paper. "Ha! I cannot wait to sink my fangs on that—!"

    "There shall be no fang sinking. I must remind thee, oh darkness mine, that our comrades didn’t report any suspicious behavior from Sir S’more that would warrant such barbaric treatment," interrupted Icetales, still staring at his book: How to Hunt: Lessons for Quadrupeds. "So dost not entertain the idea."


    Keo'Keo began pacing back and forth behind Icetales, hissing loudly and his tails swishing. The flames changed color once more and turned purplish red — nervousness.

    "I am tired of just... waiting for thee to scribble notes and read!" He stopped pacing and stared at his host. "We must strike first, before they have any chance of striking us!"

    Icetales closed his book, both unamused and annoyed. "I understand thy tension, but we must keep our mind fresh and sharp. One misstep, and who knows what those spies could pull off. I wager that they could even take advantage of the confusion to do their dirty business." He glanced at his Shadow. "Rush has never helped anyone."

    "Grrr..." Keo'Keo looked away, before staring warily at some books and swiveling his ears. Did he detect something? "…Art thou sure we are truly alone?"

    Icetales swiveled his own ears, taking his time to listen carefully, before quietly dismissing the notion and looking at some of his notes. Surely his inner self was just being paranoiac…
    R12- Plant and Celeste.
  • Adamhuarts

    Mew specialist
    1. mew-adam
    2. celebi-shiny
    3. roserade-adam
    "The Myth of The Firefly Lilly pad?" Cynthian muttered to herself as she pulled the book out from the fiction section of the library. She hadn't even been sure what brought her there. Boredom perhaps.

    The book she picked up depicted a red lily with glowing veins coursing through it, as strange as that was. She figured she might as well give the book a read until she finds something else.

    When she approached one of the tables, to her surprise Celeste was already there. Did boredom bring him to the library as well?

    "Hey," Cynthian greeted as she took a seat. Truth be told Cynthian knew little about Celeste, and they didn't interact much outside group battles with everyone else. "How goes your day?"
    R12 - Sparking Up a Conversation (Koa & Miles)
  • Flyg0n

    Flygon connoisseur
    1. flygon
    2. swampert
    3. ho-oh
    4. crobat
    5. orbeetle
    6. joltik
    7. salandit
    8. tyrantrum
    9. porygon
    10. giratina-origin
    Koa settled down in his new favorite spot in the library, a quiet spot on the second floor in a corner. Not only was it far removed from the main spots mon often walked through, it afforded him a convenient view of the surrounding area. Perfect for relaxing in, and not having to run into anybody he particularly knew. He idly browsed the book he'd brought, one about legendaries and the history of Cibus.
    [R13] Luz and Soul
  • Shiny Phantump

    Through Dream, I Travel
    1. sylveon
    2. absol-mega
    3. silvally-psychic
    4. ninetales-phantump
    5. cosmog
    6. gallade-phantump
    7. ceruledge-phantump
    Soul was looking for a book. She wasn't sure what book she was looking for, but she had an emotional itch, and she needed something to scratch it with. She kept her face close to the shelf.

    She was hoping nobody paid too much attention to her. It was hard not to feel self-conscious when the light behind her head was casting a shadow of the crest that had grown on her forehead onto the books she was looking at.
    R13 - Poodle and bat hammock
  • Fusion

    Oh knee on
    Here, silly
    1. zoroark
    This time, Puddle actually remembered to send out a message to the person he hoped to meet. All it had to do was wait for Bahamut to show up... if he did. Puddle was so anxious waiting that it didn't realize it was stacking book at the table it was waiting at.

    "...The hell am I nervous for? I ain't even got nerves," Puddle grumbled, adding another book to the stack. Each one was about Pokemon and Gods, encyclopedias basically. Man, if only there was an electric one. In like, a handheld shape. Honestly there probably was, or that fancy badge could act like one, but books were smarter anyway.

    Even after calling itself out, Puddle went back to finding and stacking books. They'd be its backup, if Bahamut didn't want to help.
    R16 - Water and Fire[Owen & Shiron]
  • Navar

    Professional Mudkip Lover
    1. swampert
    2. chesnaught-apron
    3. lucario-mega
    For someone who liked reading a lot, he never came to the library before. Granted, now that he was inside... the place seemed lovely.

    "Neat spot, but I still have no clue what to read..."

    He made a mental note to shush himself, not wanting to talk loudly inside a library.
    R16 ~ Two Shades of Zeraora
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    Usually when Luz swung by the library for something to occupy her nights, there was a decent chance she'd spot Lexx. Happened almost every third time, in fact. She'd give him a wave and he'd return a little nod and a smirk, and she'd ponder means of motivating him to get into a tussle of some kind. It was odd. They were both zeraora, their hosts were a pair, they were both unbothered by most things, and yet they'd never developed a rapport.

    It was a shame, really, but there was never an incitement to change that status quo . . . until the Eterna storm 'hatched' them and their kin, giving Luz an unaccountably keen desire to talk about what that meant with another shade. One smarter than the average shade, ideally. So when Luz spotted him with a book in one paw and a mug of something hot in other at the library cafe, she joined him, gave a lazy salute, and leaned back in her chair.

    "Howdy, fella," she drawled. "How's post-storm life with a fuller set of senses treatin' ya?"
    R17 - Character Interview [Shiron & Cream]
  • Navar

    Professional Mudkip Lover
    1. swampert
    2. chesnaught-apron
    3. lucario-mega
    Shiron got inside the library, chirping excitedly. He never even expected to get an interview, but now that it was happening he couldn't contain his excitement for it.

    "...Well, this has to be fun. I hope it's fun. Hah..." he gulped, eagerly waiting.
    R17 - Dave and Mergo
  • Dragonfree

    1. butterfree
    2. mightyena
    3. charizard
    4. scyther-mia
    5. vulpix
    6. slugma
    7. chinchou
    8. misdreavus
    Weird energy shields, depleting defenses, Knockoff Owen's weird taunts - one way or another, something was up with that fight. Was it rigged? Was there some legendary bullshit going on here, a couple of gods making bets and 'helping' their side along? Either way, not as advertised.

    So after the visit from Saltriv, Dave padded along to the library to see if he could find anything on silver barriers. He browsed through shelves, cursing the awkwardness of being a goddamn quadruped, and chewed over what categories he even wanted. Defensive techniques? Legendary powers? Travelers from other universes?

    As he rounded a corner past a bookcase, though, he was met with a Gardevoir that looked familiar. Well. Maybe it'd be easier to just see what they knew.
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