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Destiny Colosseum

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr let out a heavy breath. Another minute or so in that fight and Zekrom would've fucking steamrolled them. There wasn't much they could've done if that last all-out attack hadn't been enough. But it had. Hard to not feel good about yourself when you'd just beaten a god.

"Couldn't have done that without th'pair of ya," she said, mostly to herself.

"That's true, you couldn't have," Starr replied with a smirk, elbowing Brisa lightly on the shoulder.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Zekrom slowly got to her feet, still grinning and showing her electrified teeth. "It's no surprise that you had such a favorable time with me. After all, your bodies are already at their ideal... You do not rely on weakening your foes to bring them down. That is not the only thing you can do, at least... I think that is why, of the three of us... you would have had the easiest time with me. But..." She giggled. "I don't think you'll have as easy a time against Reshiram or Kyurem, should you seek them out."

And after a quiet confirmation from Incineroar, a nod from him as he announced to the others the battle's end proper, the crowd began to disperse once more... Once again, it seemed that confidence in Team Spectrum's power was growing.

R14 ~ Rad Science


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The crowd wasn't quite as large as it usually was this time. No Legend was taking on a battle in the Colosseum, and it wasn't a full-scale matchup. Despite this, Team Spectrum had been giving the Colosseum some of its best matches in a while, so they more than happily arranged for them to take up another arena slot. This time, it was Astrid against Chip... and this time, he'd asked that a small set of items be brought as equipment, a rare ask for recent Team Spectrum bouts.

Chip came in with a small bag of strange items. There were many tiny metal beads as well as two large metal spheres that looked suspiciously like Poke Balls... But they did not appear to function like them. Or at least, that's what Chip said to Astrid with a worrying glint in his eyes.

After Incineroar's usual announcements, Chip entered the arena excitedly, his head twitching in anticipation.


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“Hey Chip!” Astrid greeted, getting in an even stance. “Thanks for accepting my challenge! What, uh, what do you mea—oh, the match is about to, okay I guess I’ll find out later.”

Her neck was tight, but she’d gotten enough rest after Zekrom. This would be fun and productive, win or lose.

She sent a nod his way. “Good luck!”


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Yeah! Good luck..." Chip giggled mischievously.

For some reason, Reshiram was in the stands with Zekrom and Kyurem. The three took up quite a bit of the crowd space near the back, with Zekrom eating one of Kyurem's oversized cookies while Kyurem had a party whistle in her icy jaws.

"Then let the match between Chip and Astrid begin!" Incineroar called.

"Hah! Go, my pretties!" Chip said, and then he flung his bag in the air. Instantly, all of the tiny beads that he'd brought with him flew out of his bag with tiny, propeller-like extensions that popped out of the spheres. They swarmed Astrid--and, in fact, they appeared to be... tiny, robotic Astrid heads.

Chip's Science activated!
Chip summoned the Mecha Astrid horde!
Chip is filled with determination and science! He has a resolve of 50%!

Chip: 1000
Mecha Astrid horde: 10,000

The Mecha Astrids are going to explode!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“Or I’ll find out now! AaaaaaaAAAA!”

Impulsively, she fired up shields, as many as she could at once. Hopefully that would stop whatever the hhhhhheck

Astrid activated Snow Warning!

Astrid used Protect +5!
Astrid used Role Play on Chip!
Astrid is winding up!

Stats: N/A
Stamina: -120
Shade: +0
Radiance: +0
Misc: +1 action, +5 Protect, Hail


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Ha! As if a little ice is gonna stop me!" Chip taunted even as large balls of hail pelted and clinked off of his head. "Go, my creations! Go and destroy her!"

Chip used Nasty Plot, gaining 2 Magic!
Chip used Protect+5!

The Mecha Astrids used Explosion! It destroyed two Protect barriers! The Mecha Astrids lost 2000 HP!
Mecha Astrids are preparing another Explosion!

Chip: 954
Mecha Astrid: 7954


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
The power she gleaned from Chip made her toes tingle with unfamiliarity—and suddenly, parts of the battlefield became clearer, or perhaps she was simply noticing things quicker.

She could draw power from this.

Astrid used Nasty Plot!
Astrid used Nasty Plot!
Astrid used Nasty Plot!
Astrid used Brilliant Metanoia!

Stats: +2 Accuracy, +6 Magic
Stamina: -198
Shade: +0
Radiance: +68
Misc: +Endure, Metanoia


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"He-ey, what tricky thing are you trying, huh?!" Chip shouted back, pointing an accusatory arm-nub at Astrid. "Don't think I'll let you get away with that! Watch this, huh?!"

Chip used Tri-Attack on Astrid, twice! It destroyed both barriers!

Mecha-Astrid used Explosion, dealing 431 damage, but Astrid endured it! Mecha-Astrid lost 2000 HP! Mecha-Astrid is preparing another Explosion!

Chip: 908

Mecha Astrid: 5908

"Time to explode!"

"Time to time to time to time to explode!"

"I can handle dle dle dle dle it!"

"You can't beat me!"


Amid the cacophony of explosions, it seemed that the many tiny Astrids could talk...


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Maybe this was a lesson of sorts, Astrid reasoned. Getting hit in the face with an Explosion—one inspired from her likeness—was a sacred experience. The sheen of Metanoia was there, briefly, to keep it from touching her. Flames danced around her body and left her alone to dwell on it—only for a second.

Yikes. Kinda glad that didn’t hit me.

…I guess that part comes next.

As the dust settled, and she first caught sight of Chip again, she bared her fangs. “H-hey, have you been stalking me or something?! They—that doesn’t even sound like me, whh…”

Well then. Hopefully Chip didn’t make that machinery ice-proof. The Hail had left a few dings already; that was promising.

“I’ve got plenty of time left, imposter!” Astrid barked at one of the heads. “How about you?”

Astrid used Blizzard! It struck the horde for double, then Chip! [+6, Analytic, STAB]
Astrid used Pressurize Blizzard on the horde! [+6, Analytic, STAB, Pressurize]
Astrid used Voidbound! It chained into Pressurize Blizzard on the horde! [+6, Analytic, STAB, Crit, Pressurize]

Stats: N/A
Stamina: -128
Shade: +0
Radiance: +0
Misc: +1 Sure Crit, Voidbound


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Astrid's Blizzard barrage dealt a total of 3501 damage to the Astrid horde! It seems that their type resists Ice!
Chip's Protect shields faded away!

The Mecha Astrids were stunned for the turn!

"My babies!" Chip cried. "Ooohh, now you've done it!"

"Ex ex ex ex explode!"

"Cannot explode!"

"Time to time to time to time to time to"

Chip used Tri-Attack on Astrid, dealing 280 damage! Astrid was knocked out, and then revived!
Chip used Nasty Plot!

Chip: 862
Mecha Astrid: 2361


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
“Ha! You’re wide open now!”

Back in the day, she’d infused her power into projectiles and decimated foes with them. It worked for a little while… before it didn’t, because her aura did things like that sometimes. And although this wasn’t quite the same, it still incited a similar thrill when she reared back and threw her shoulder into a big throw.

“Bet you regret inventing this now, huh??”

Astrid threw the Holy Lance at Chip! [500 BP, 1000*n fixed damage, Special; +6, Crit, Loner]

Relax. She couldn’t act cocky now. She’d already gone down once. She could go down again, but after that—no more.

For good measure, she planted her feet in the dirt and followed up her throw with another volley.

Astrid used Voidbound! It chained into Pressurize Blizzard on Chip! [+6, STAB, Loner, Crit; +350 Freeze]
Astrid used Pressurize Blizzard on Chip! [+6, STAB, Loner, Crit; +350 Freeze]

Stats: N/A
Stamina: -149
Shade: +68
Radiance: +0
Misc: +1 Sure Crit


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Astrid's Holy Lance dealt 11061 damage to Chip! Chip somehow endured the hit with the power of determination and science!

Astrid's Blizzards dealt a total of 3337 damage to the Mecha Astrids! They all were destroyed!

"GYAAAAAH!" Chip went flying backward, slamming into the wall behind him. His body trembled from the pain and he seemed to be dented in various places, but that didn't stop him. His bag was loosely over his trembling arm, and he reached into it. "I'm not done... not done, not done! Gyehehe... hahaha... aha! You can't win against.... my newest, complete project!"

He threw the first of the two large spheres in his bag and it rapidly expanded the moment it was released. The metal core unfurled like a wad of paper, revealing great wings and a long neck. The crowd buzzed with interest as the metal sphere expanded to proportions seemingly impossible, and then...

"I present to you..." Chip said with a mad glint in his frazzling eyes, "The Mechanism of Truth!"

"The truth is, you were going to lose from the star ar ar ar art!"

The true power of science has filled Chip with determination! He has 1% Resolve!

Chip summoned Mecha Reshiram!
Chip used Protect+3!

Mecha Reshiram used Iron Defense!
Mecha Reshiram used Discharge, knocking Astrid out! Astrid is in Blaze of Glory!

Chip: 500, 1% Resolve
Mecha Reshiram: 3000


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat

Blindsided by the truth itself, Astrid was sent tumbling into the wall.

"The truth is, you were going to lose from the star ar ar ar art!"

“Yeah? Well, uhm. The truth is—” Astrid forced herself up, but winced. She couldn’t keep going… “Oh. Dammit.”

She huffed. There was an opportunity to Z-Burst, but it didn’t matter. The temporary high she’d learned to channel through her body had its limits; indeed, she’d run out of time after all.

“Fine. You win this time, but…” she winked, “I’m going out on my own terms.”

Astrid used Blizzard on Chip and Mecha-Reshiram! [+6, STAB, Loner, Crit]
Astrid used Blizzard on Chip and Mecha-Reshiram! [+6, STAB, Loner]
Astrid used Voidbound! It chained into Pressurize Blizzard on Chip! [+6, STAB, Loner, Crit]

Astrid is Unleashed!

Astrid used Explosion on Mecha-Reshiram! [+6, Loner, Crit]

Stats: N/A
Stamina: N/A
Shade: N/A
Radiance: N/A
Misc: death
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Astrid's Blizzard barrage dealt 636 damage to Mecha Reshiram! Astrid's final Blizzard dealt 1757 damage to Chip! It seems Mecha Reshiram heavily resists Blizzard...

Astrid's Explosion dealt a resisted 2431 damage to Mecha Reshiram, utterly destroying it!

Chip narrowly withstood the blow with 10 HP!

"I... I got it! I'm not... d-done... ye ye ye yet!" Chip buzzed and sputtered, digging into his bag one last time. His arms were trembling. "Wa wa wa watch as I... oh... is the battle over?"

Incineroar announced Chip's victory, but Chip didn't hear it over the buzzing of his head. He saw the destroyed remains of his Mecha Reshiram blankly. "...Daddy?"

Whatever equivalent to adrenaline Chip had wore off, and he collapsed shortly after.

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R14 ~ Sunny Disposition


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The next day, the crowd buzzed with a curious, almost befuddled murmur as a sweet Blissey stood on one side of the arena. Nervously, she waved at the crowd, laughing a little at all the attention, while glancing ahead.

All things considered, it was a bit of a surprise that she'd been approached about a fight here. She didn't really consider herself much of a fighter. But after an analysis from some experts at the Colosseum, they gave her the go-ahead to fight. She really couldn't figure out why!

But the atmosphere of the arena left her feeling charged. Opposite to her were Vix, Cynthian, and Icetales.

"Well!" she said. "I didn't really expect this! But... we're fighting, aren't we? Umm... I'm not the best fighter... but maybe, with some good luck... I'll be able to make a good show!" She pumped a tiny fist in the air. "Let's do this!"

There was an odd glow around her. It felt like there were countless eyes staring at Sunny's opponents. All the while, the Blissey smiled and hopped clumsily from foot to foot.

Sunny's Disposition is active! A mysterious force surrounds her!

Sunny: 50,000


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian smiled and waved at the crowd around her. Some of the faces in the stands seemed familiar. Had she seen them before? She took her eyes off them and fixed them on her opponent.

"That's the spirit, Sunny! Let's make this a good show for all!" Cynthian radianted a sweet fragrance as she pumped up her nerves. She glanced at Vix and Icetales with a smile.

"Are you guys ready?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
How long had it been since they'd last stepped foot in the colosseum? Felt like forever ago, but coming back here brought back the same aches and pains they felt from their decisive loss. Scrafty didn't let it show, sporting a smug, confident grin for the masses. It helped to focus on the crowd, but their lack of energy was starting to get to Scrafty. "Man, I was hoping for a more excited crowd. Guess we'll have to give them all something to get hyped about."

They looked over to Sunny and nodded. She was too sweet for her own good, but that sense of danger around her was more than enough to convince Scrafty that this would be an interesting bout. Maybe even a difficult one. "Just have fun and go all out! Doesn't matter how good you are at fighting if you enjoy it!"

Scrafty shot Cynthian a grin. Their fiery frill flared up as they pounded their fists together. "I'm pumped as hell! Almost enough to look past the fact were beating up one of the sweetest people out there." They looked over to Icetales, nodding. "Let's put on a show, alright?"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Icetales still wondered what exactly compelled him to accept the invitation to participate to another match at the Colosseum. After all, mere months ago he abhorred the simple notion of fighting and getting injuries for the sake of fighting and getting injuries.

And yet, there he was. Facing off Sunny the Blissey alongside Cynthian and… Vix, was it? Yes, the new Scrafty body and general behavior were somewhat confusing, but he could tell that it was still Vix, down there.

He faced the nervous Sunny and flashed a smile. “Just do thy best and we shall do the same, Miss Sunny. No matter who shall win or lose, let us show to the audience what we are capable of doing.”

After those brief words of encouragement, he gazed at his teammates. He remembered than no one of them had won a match at the Colosseum yet…

"Are you guys ready?"
They looked over to Icetales, nodding. "Let's put on a show, alright?"

…but that didn’t really matter. They were there to prove themselves, and they going to rise or fall together.

Because they were friends.

Darkness surged into Icetales, cloaking him in a purple haze and making his mane and tail burn with a daemonic aura. He smirked with confidence, his azure eyes glowing with a fierce energy.

“Yours truly is more than ready.” The half-daemon crouched down, letting both darkness and ice flow into his tails, and changing himself up. “Let us show to Miss Sunny and everyone the power of Team Spectrum!”


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
From the stands, Brisa watched the match with some friends, a huge grin plastered all over her face. Beside her were Koa, both of their familiars, and Astrid and Starr of course. Perfect. She stole some of Starr's popcorn with a chuckle. What better way to spend an afternoon, besides being in a match herself?

She threw a paw in the air and roared her encouragement to her friends down in the arena.

"C'mon you three!! Show off what you've learned, huh?!"

Fuck yeah.
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