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Destiny Colosseum

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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Much to Scrafty's surprise, they survived the rock throw! It smashed against their shoulder, and that itself caused their arm to melt almost entirely, but being down an arm wasn't really a handicap. But, then there was that goddamn Steel Roller... It really did it's job too, Scrafty was laid right the fuck out. It was far from the first time they'd felt this awful from a fight, but honestly they'd felt way worse.

Nnnnggghha... Holy shit... I can't feel our... anything...

"N-Not bad, Sunny,"
Scrafty groaned. "R-Really shut me up, huh?"

They turned their head over to their team, seeing Icetales and Cynthian together, picking each other up... then sighed. "Just... like I thought... Haha... heh..."

They let themself go limp, at least trying to hold themself together. They would have floated out of the way as well, but two powerful Z-Bursts from Icetales and Cynthian had enough force to roll Scrafty aside. "Rad, but... ow..."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Icetales' Z-Burst dealt 382 damage to Sunny!
Cynthian's Bullet Seed Burst dealt a CRITICAL total of 51273 damage!

The audience gasped in surprise, but when the dust all settled, they saw the spirits had disappeared, perhaps withdrawn when a stray blast had finally rolled Sunny all the way to the back of the arena, looking dazed and barely conscious. Incineroar checked the vitality sensors and nodded, then raised his hand.

"And with that... the battle is over! Team Spectrum is the winner!"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
A cloud of dust flew in all directions, forcing Cynthian to shield her eyes. The new few seconds that followed were intense as she fixed her eyes on the direction she'd blasted Sunny in. Not once did she waver until she could know for sure whether that had been enough to bring the blissey down.

At last the dust settled, revealing Sunny all the way on the other side and barely hanging on. Incineroar's announcement boomed across the arena, leaving Cynthian with a dazed look.

"We did it?" She blinked, and then it hit her. "We did it! Icetales, Vix, we won!"


Gym Leader
  1. ho-oh
  2. sneasel-nyula
  3. rayquaza-cress
  4. celebi-shiny
Raw, unfiltered Blacklight coursed across the area as the two Z-Bursts exploded, one after the other. The magnitude of the combination of Radiance and Shadow was so big that an enormous dust cloud was raised, and Icetales was forced to dig his claws into the floor.

For a moment, only the glows of his Radiant gusts could be seen, then those vanished as well. Engulfed by the rushing dust.

Icetales tried to peer through the cloud, his black hole buzzing with uncertainty. Did that do it?

Soon enough, the dust cleared…

Sunny laid there, on the floor.


Icetales stared in numb silence.

"And with that... the battle is over! Team Spectrum is the winner!"

Even after hearing the Incineroar announcing the results and the crowd cheering, he could hardly believe it.

"We did it?" She blinked, and then it hit her. "We did it! Icetales, Vix, we won!"

They won…They really won!

Together! They… they did it!

“We… By the holy spirits of the Twilight! We… won…” he stammered, the stupor still coursing through his system. But then, that emotion was replaced by excitement, and he yipped with joy. “We… truly attained victory! By the stars!”

In an uncharacteristic way, Icetales began prancing around in a small circle, his Radiance and Shadow waving with each bounce. He ran toward Cynthian and gave her an affectionate nuzzle, while wrapping his nebulous tails around her body.

“I am so very proud of thee, my dear!” he chirped, before heading toward Vix. He summoned his Heal Bell, restoring some of her energy and sealing some wounds, before grinning with his black fangs. “And I am so very proud of thee, too, Miss Vix! We would not have won without thy help!”

Lastly, he ran all the way across the field, headed toward the barely conscious Sunny. He extended his paw and flashed a bright grin. “Congratulations to thee, Miss Sunny. Thy strength is surely something to behold. Many thanks for this splendid battle.”
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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"And with that... the battle is over! Team Spectrum is the winner!"

"We did it?" She blinked, and then it hit her. "We did it! Icetales, Vix, we won!"

Scrafty held together long enough see Icetales' and Cynthian's attack hit Sunny, to hear Incineroar declare their victory, the roar of the crowd, and the cheers all around. "Wooooooooooo..." they cheered in kind, although their voice more drained and frail than the others. "We diiiiiid iiiiiiiiiiit..."

And the only thing that took any lasting damage was stuff on the inside! A pretty big win if you don't count it as a loss!

He summoned his Heal Bell, restoring some of her energy and sealing some wounds, before grinning with his black fangs. “And I am so very proud of thee, too, Miss Vix! We would not have won without thy help!”

"I-I'm up..!" Scrafty groaned. The heal bell helped a bit, making it easier for Scrafty to solidify and float off the ground. It was like being hungover but without the "fun" of drinking. "Geez, leave it to the nice ones to knock you right off your feet."

They coughed out a puff of smoke, then shot Sunny a bright grin after floating over with Cynthian and Icetales. "I'm genuinely surprised I'm not dead, with how strong those spirit's of yours are. I can't really imagine how strong you'd be if you were a part of Spectrum, haha!"


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Sunny slowly got up, looking like she hadn't remembered the specifics of what had happened, or how she had put up so much of a fight against them in the first place. Instead, she grinned. "Well, I'm glad I was able to do so well! Especially against three of you! Or, er, however many there are, if you include your partners..."

She seemed completely unaware of the many guardian spirits that loomed over her. Perhaps, after giving them a chance to see the living world again, they had become protective of their gateway guardian...

"Well," Sunny said, "I think I should spend some time... recovering, and then it's back to Treasure Town for me!"

The arena cleared out, another battle finished. Though when Incineroar turned back to listen to something in his ear, he frowned thoughtfully. As everything cleared out, Incineroar made an announcement.

"And very soon, folks, we will be seeing a very special event... At the very start of evening, into the twilight, we will see a battle between..."

Owen tilted his head. "What?" he murmured. "This wasn't on the schedule..."

"The Voices of Darkness and Light!"

R14 ~ Darkness, Light, and Life


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Two Pokemon, completely mundane in appearance, stood on opposite ends of the arena, staring each other down with the exact same expression. A blank, analytical indifference, both feigned, both truly very interested, curious for differing reasons.

The crowd, unlike its usual cheers and hype, was instead abuzz with murmuring speculation. An unscheduled, spontaneous fight between Maple and Rot--or, as he was known to his team, Diyem. And known to the world, Dark Matter...

According to the rumors, this battle had been arranged hastily and was sanctioned by Pop himself. While he did not necessarily hold ultimate authority over procedural matters, he'd pulled a few strings to make this happen, as it was apparently something 'worth doing sooner rather than later,' whatever that meant.

"It looks like both combatants are ready!" Incineroar said after a long silence from him, listening in on his earpiece. The mic was hot and he was apparently frazzled enough to not notice it, because he murmured back to the earpiece, "Hide? Me? I'm sure I can handle their clash... O-oh, I mean, folks! Folks, we have an exciting match for you all today! Fighters! Are you ready?"

Diyem and Maple continued to stare.

"Er... fighters? Are you ready?"

Silence. They were studying each other. Then, Maple spared Incineroar a glance. "We are."

Diyem didn't move.

"A-alright. Then if that's the case, let the battle... begin!"

Neither moved swiftly. Maple seemed cautious, like she was waiting for the first move. And then Diyem made it, stepping forward. Maple drew her blade from her wrist, crouching in preparation to dart in any direction she had to. But Diyem was only walking, and that had her feeling off her guard. She waited as he came closer and closer.

They were roughly fifteen feet apart, now. The Smeargle stared up at the Charizard, and Diyem then began to walk in a slow circle. Maple did the same, encircling an invisible point between them.

"I accepted your proposal because even Pop suggested it would be useful," Maple said, "but I still do not see the point in this battle. Is it for show? To demonstrate that we can battle together, and still be allies?"

"No." Diyem continued his circle.

"Then what?" Maple asked.

Diyem and Maple called one another...

Maple stopped. A step later, so did Diyem.

"I'm not in the mood to play games, Darkness."

Diyem smirked. With a shrug, he broke the circle and walked toward Maple again, conjuring his warhammer. At this, Maple didn't wait, and she lunged forward and jammed her blade at Diyem.

Maple used Blinding Blade against Diyem, dealing 672 damage!

Diyem blocked the blade, now staring directly at Maple. He parried her away and then slammed his hammer on the ground, the top of the weapon firmly on soil. He rested his wrists on either side as the handle shrank to accommodate.

Maple, only a step away, frowned. "What are you doing."

"...Hm." Diyem removed one hand and grabbed the hammer with the other. He moved it to his right and then forward, and then held his free hand out.

"Give me your blade."


House of Two Midnights
Nate leaned forward in his seat, frowning down at the arena. Diyem sure didn't seem like he was fighting for real just now, or maybe not yet. Whether Maple realized it or not, he had a feeling she was getting the inspection from Diyem she'd been so reluctant to agree to earlier. Hopefully he'd be able to figure out for sure whether Telum's dark matter was still knocking around inside her somewhere.

Nate wished he'd had the time to grab some popcorn or something. There hadn't been a lot of notice about this fight--he'd barely made it here in time as it was. It was probably less exciting for him than for a lot of the rest of the team, since he'd actually gotten to see a bit of these two throwing down in the Tree--but hopefully there'd be some proper fighting once Diyem'd done his thing. It would still be interesting to see what Maple could pull off when she wasn't on a mindless rampage or whatever the fuck.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"My blade." Maple frowned, looking at the hammer in Diyem's other hand. She reached for it and Diyem did not stop her, but he also didn't let go. He was staring at her expectantly. "You want me to manifest it into something you can hold."


The hammer was cold to the touch. Icy. Too cold. She felt like it would freeze her paws solid if she held it too much, but she didn't let go.

Bands of light twisted around her wrist and lengthened the blade until it solidified into a thin, flat, wide point. A handle formed next, and soon, it was as long as Diyem's weapon, only with a blade rather than a hammer. Diyem took it, and, simultaneously, they let go of their own weapons.

Diyem winced just enough that Maple saw it. "Too much for you?" Maple asked, swinging the hammer over her shoulder. Its head was larger than hers.

"Don't be silly." Diyem twirled the blade to get used to its weight, then held it forward.

Owen, in the stands, looked completely enamored and muttered something about his comics. Meanwhile, he ate from a bag of popcorn even larger than Nate, though he offered some to the Marshtomp.

"Then is this part of your plan?" Maple asked. "To let me try to harness your power. For you to harness mine?"

"Part of it." Diyem made a motion with his blade. "Hmmm..."

He tried again, but this time--

Diyem used Blinding Crescent on Maple, dealing 62 damage!
Diyem used Blinding Crescent on Maple, dealing 64 damage!

"Lightweight," Diyem remarked. "...But not very effective against you directly."

Maple grunted and dug her heels into the ground and rushed him next.

Maple used Abyssal Onslaught against Diyem, dealing a total of 299 damage!
Maple tried using it again, but lost her footing!

"Tch..." Maple stumbled. "Your power is... unwieldy. It's no wonder I haven't seen you using it very often."

"My power requires strength," Diyem taunted.

"How dare you..."

Diyem used Abyssal Ritual...

"Shall we begin?" Diyem asked.

"You're planning something else."

"We shall see." Diyem lowered his blade again. "Let's try again."

But the moment Diyem held the blade a little tighter, and the moment Maple tried the same... the weapons sparked with the opposite power. The very beginnings of Blacklight were beginning to form...

But most of all, and most interestingly, the cameras were picking it up.
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House of Two Midnights
It was probably a mistake to offer Nate any of the popcorn. He ate it automatically and fast, without really paying attention, and looked like he might go through the entire bag if not stopped.

"Whass that?" he muttered mushily, squinting up at one of the battle screens. The air sparked and fizzed with rising energy, on the display as much as on the field. They put some kind of special sensors in there? Or was there, like, no eterna or whatever, and that's what actually caused the distortions? But both these two were supposed to have eterna in them. And there was that whole thing with the pokémon getting giant before, and people all of a sudden being able to beat them. Maybe it was related?

Nate absently shoveled another handful of Owen's popcorn into his mouth.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Koa leaned so far off his spot he was nearly ready to fall off his chair. The battle was starting slow, but there was something in the air. A tension almost, but a little different. Nothing could beat a good colosseum match with friends. Brisa sat next to him, eyes sparkling with interest, an analytical gleam to her eye. No doubt she was sizing them, studying their techniques. Maybe even thinking of trying to challenge one of them.

This was way better than any of the matches back home. Maybe not as cool as actually being able to fight, but still sick. Briefly he glanced at the screens. That was odd. The screens, for once, were actually showing the Blacklight energy. Perhaps he'd ask Diyem about it after.

"Go Diyem!" he shouted enthusiastically.

He was bias, what could he say?


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
They were strong, undeniably so, but they had limits to their strength. This fight was a rare opportunity to study the limits of Diyem's and Maple's abilities. Brisa watched enraptured, mentally composing plans for taking on either of them in this or that squadron configuration. Diyem would need to be vexed with extreme haste. Maple would require a careful approach focusing on endurance...

"Looks like we're seein' an evolution in Blacklight wieldin'," she mused to her friends beside her. "I gotta say, I feel vindicated fer when I told each of those fuckers they were alike to the other. They're goddamn mirrors, ain't they."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"It's insane," Owen said. "I never would have thought that they'd be so similar. Especially after how much they started off despising one another..."

"Maybe that's exactly why," Cal remarked.

"What exactly are you doing?" Maple warned, twirling her hammer to get used to its weight. She grunted and formed a blade in her other hand and lobbed a distant slash toward him three times.

Maple used Blinding Crescent three times on Diyem, dealing 1402 damage!

"Nngh..." Diyem endured every one, then thumped his tail on the ground. "Nothing you should concern yourself with," he said. "Is this not a battle?"

Diyem used Abyssal Ritual twice!
Diyem used Blinding Crescent on Maple, dealing 114 damage!

Maple smirked. "Having trouble keeping pace?" she taunted.

"Perhaps you should try using my hammer."

"I know your tricks. You're trying to stall."

"Tricks? How is this a trick?"

Diyem: 4293

Maple: 9759


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa smirked, tail flicking with excitement.

"He can take more hits like that, an' he's gettin' stronger every minute. Don't count the chief out jus' yet."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Hah!" Maple slammed into Diyem, cleaving another wound along his body. Maple followed up with a second one; unlike Diyem, it seemed that Maple operated on an all-out offense. It wasn't much of a strategy... but it was effective, given her strength.

Maple's dual Blinding Blades dealt 368 damage to Diyem! Diyem blocked one of the attacks completely!

"Go on," Diyem said. "Use it again."

"Why would I ever need your Shadows?" Maple hissed, pressing her forehead against his in a snarl.

"What do you have to lose? You're winning, after all." Shadows dripped from his maw. Radiance crackled in Maple's hands, coursing in small trails through Diyem's hammer.


Maple used Abyssal Onslaught, dealing 199 damage!

Diyem took the blows and used Abyssal Ritual three times!

His scales were pitch black, now, and his eyes somehow seemed even darker. Maple hopped back, watching warily.

Diyem: 3726

Maple: 9759

"Something's changed about Diyem!" Incineroar announced. "His scales have become darker than the night itself!"


House of Two Midnights
"Yeah, same thing he was doing back at the Tree," Nate muttered. Once Diyem got properly set up, Maple was hosed--unless she had a secret up her sleeve, too.

What was all his messing around with the hammer, though? What was he hoping to see?


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"You're slow," Maple said, looking suspicious. "What are you doing? This isn't at all like your normal fighting style. Trying to harness by Radiance? It's burning you up!"

"Your ability to use my Shadows seems to be turning your hand to stone," Diyem said.

"What?" Maple glanced at it, but it was totally normal.


Maple used Blinding Blade three times, dealing a total of 363 damage!

"When did your scales... become so tough?!"

"Do you not remember?" Diyem asked. "This is as I fought you before... This is my true power. This is the power... of a Voice."

And for a moment, the cameras captured a flash of panic and fear in Maple's eyes. But an instant later, Diyem's body erupted with Shadows, enshrouding them both. All the audience could see was Maple's vitality violently depleting...

Diyem used Abyssal God!
Diyem used Abyssal Evocation! His next attack got a boost!

Diyem used Abyssal Onslaught on Maple! It chained into itself, dealing 7135 damage to Maple! Diyem healed for 713 HP!

Diyem's Evocation left an echo against Maple!

Diyem: 4076

Maple: 2624

"D-Diyem!" Owen stood up from the stands. "Diyem! What are you doing?!"

Diyem didn't answer. Muffled amid the storm of shadows, Maple was screaming. It was hard to tell if it was in anger or fear.


House of Two Midnights
"Here it comes..." Nate murmured, then jumped a little when Owen stood up. He'd been so focused on what was going on down below that he'd forgotten the guy was even there. "I... I think it's okay," he said nervously. It really didn't sound okay, but there was no reason for Diyem to, like, murder Maple in front of an entire colosseum worth of people.

Maple, on the other hand... Nate had a feeling that if she managed to get out of that, Diyem would need all of his fancy darkness armor or whatever the fuck.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa was out of her seat, leaning forward as far as possible to see.

"He's pushin' her. He's tryin' t'prompt more from her, somehow..."

Her tail thrashed. C'mon, Maple. Rise to it, damn you.

"Don't give up, Maple!" she cried, projecting her voice as loud as she could. "You've got more in you yet!"

Brisa called out to Maple!
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