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Destiny Colosseum

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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa breathed in hard, and when she exhaled, Blacklight sparks danced at her mouth. C'mon. Prove yerself to Starr. Show her how good y'are.

"Keep 'im busy fer me,"
she said to Starr, her voice bassy and reverberating with corruption. "I'm goin' all-out."

The plasma glowing around her fists turned at once void and bright. Y'can dust her. C'mon. Come on!!

She struck Sword, unheeding of the slicing rocks and sickly caltrops in her way.

Brisa anti-focused...
[UE, Stab, Guts]
Brisa used Blacklight Bolt Strike! [+6, +400 Para]
Brisa used Blacklight Z-Burst! [+8, 204bp]
It's Ultra Effective!
Net: Z-Burst goes brrrr, then +10 hp [Burn, Poison]
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Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Starr's Blue Flare dealt a CRITICAL 316 damage to Shield! Shield went down!

"Hah! You guys didn't even hurt me that... t..."

Sword finally opened her eyes to see what had happened. Shield was on the ground, flames slowly going out on his back. He was collapsed over her in a position that suggested he'd blocked the hit.

And then came Brisa. She saw Shadows--she saw Blacklight. She saw the fierce look in her eyes. She saw darkness. Images flashed in her mind--she didn't even guard.

"Shield... I..."


"This... m-maybe fighting was a mistake, I--"


"I don't... think I'll be able to--"

"Sword, look out!"


Brisa's Blacklight Bolt Strike dealt 1055 damage to Sword!
Brisa's Z-Burst dealt 1916 damage to Sword!

...Is what would have happened.

Shield blocked the hits! Shield barely endured!

He fell to one knee as Starr and Brisa backed off to regroup and reevaluate--no doubt preparing for the counter-volley from Sword that simply wouldn't come.

"No! This... can't be... happening! Shield! Shield!!" Sword breathed hard, only a small relief coming when he staggered to his feet for the second time. He was battered and it didn't look like he would be able to take another hit... Something about that look scared her.

That desperate look in his eyes. He pulled at her, trying to break her free of the Worldcore. He was tearing apart before her eyes and he refused to let her go. He smiled but all she saw was pain.

That look as he embraced her, that hopeless feeling of Dark Matter's assault when she was completely fucking powerless.

The Mew stared in stunned awe as Shield collapsed again to one knee, laughing weakly. "Sword, c'mon... you need to... focus..."

"N-no, I... you..."

Suddenly, she forgot she was in Destiny Colosseum.

Xerneas' ethereal form loomed over her. The Charmander's flame dimmed. "Wh-what do you mean?" Sword asked, laughing nervously. "Me? Mew? What's... the point of that? You pulled me aside right as we're about to approach the Tree because of some dumb myth? I'm not Mew. Look at me! Not a pink patch of fur on my body!"

"And how did you know Mew had pink fur?" Xerneas asked.

"I--" Sword's voice hitched. "I... I must have read about... it..."

Xerneas' eyes were grave. "You sealed your memories, Sword, so you could handle Dark Matter during his inevitable return without past traumas. But circumstances have changed. Something worse than Dark Matter looms above. You... need to unlock those memories now, and we need to try again in another few ages, like before."

"I, I'm not leaving Shield. I'm not doing this again... We can still--"

Xerneas held up a hoof. "I'm using all of my power just to project myself to you now. Dark Matter... is going to take me soon. You must hurry..."

"But what do I do? What's up there?"

"A horrible power... and a horrible person. I don't know much more. But there is a battle raging even now, and..."

"And I still failed..." Sword sank to the ground, holding Shield's arm. "I... after everything, after that plan, after this, I... still can't keep it together. I can't focus... I can't... even hold it together for a stupid fucking sparring match!" She slammed her fist in the ground. In the dust and chaos, Brisa and Starr were incoming, and Incineroar was having trouble seeing what was happening.

"You're... you're the better fighter, Shield! Y-you do this! I--I quit! I give up! I'm... You're the one who deserves to stay standing!"

Sword used Healing Wish on Shield! Shield was fully healed!

Sword's HP went down to 2,000!

Shield gasped and sat up. Energy flowed through him at an incredible pace. Brisa and Starr were closing in. Perhaps they'd pause after seeing how weakened they all were--or perhaps not. Would he take that risk?

He glanced at Sword. She was trembling, lost, distant eyes. She was looking somewhere else. Oh, no--he knew that look. Why now? Why here? He thought she'd gotten through this, but something must have triggered it.

Sword, meanwhile, could only stare distantly as the Blacklight power corrupted her fur. But Darkwhite didn't laugh. She had the same distant look, frightened tears wetting her cheeks.


The ground trembled. The tree split apart. Xerneas' words echoed in Sword's head. "We're too late?" Shield asked. "How... h-how, when we just..."

The Riolu fell to his knees as a great light split apart the heavens and the earth. A roar sounded from the top of the Tree long before they had the change to ever ascend it. "Where's... Red? Where's Silver? Did they go on ahead? Why are we so slow... Why couldn't we have..."

"Sh-Shield? A-are you okay? This'll... this'll work out, right? Don't lose hope yet!" Sword laughed too quickly. "We can still... win! We can't give up... we can't..."

The hopeless, grave look in Shield's eyes drained the color from her scales. Her flame was a flickering ember. Sword bit her lip. "I... No, I... thought... we..."

"Sword... I-I guess I'm not the human to save the world after all. I'm sorry..." He smiled helplessly. Sword smiled back but she didn't know why. None of this was funny. But she liked when he smiled. He didn't do it often.

They embraced. It was all they could do. Shield squeezed her tight. Sword held him in return. His fur was so warm... but he was shaking. Gods, how he was shaking. He never showed that kind of weakness until now, until the world was really ending.

Was that really how it was going to end...?


There was still more she could do! That last piece of power Xerneas had given her... It would mean discarding her mortal form... undoing the seal... perhaps retrying all over again and again and again... but it would save Shield. It would save the world. Just a little longer...

An overwhelming, white light overtook the world.

"No!" Sword said. "I'm... not... done!"

Turbulent energies battered against them. Shield cried out, and then went silent. But Sword focused--with all her might--and...


Sword opened her eyes and gasped--Shield was next to her, the Riolu battered and burned from some strange energy. But he was breathing. Around her was a void of blue skies and stars. "H-huh?" She rose up and spun. "A-ah! You're..." The memories flooded back. "Dark... Matter..."

"And you are Sword... just like I remember you. How foolish to think your plan would ever work... AHAHAHA! Look at you! Even weaker than last time... a failure of a Mew!"

Sword gasped, looking down. Yes--she'd become a Mew. And she must have Teleported them right to...

The Tree. Or some place inside it... or perhaps even Dark Matter's own dimension.

In front of her was a black sphere with hazy tendrils reaching out in all directions. Hopeless statues floated in the void of so many Pokemon. But a few were unconscious, but not petrified--allies she recognized. Red, Silver... Even a Nidoking that she didn't quite recognize, but seemed like a human, too. There was a Mewtwo still standing, looking blankly at Dark Matter. And there was a Hydreigon...

"...Blade!" Sword said without thinking. "Blade! What are you doing here?!"

The Hydreigon looked back. "I'm--I'm sorry, Sword. It looks like Xerneas did his part, but... I couldn't stand up to him after all. The gamble..."

"Failed! And only made me stronger! A Voice... approaching me! If you lost... I would have gained the powers of Life itself! Now... come here, Blade... and join the void!"

Hydreigon tried to fight back halfheartedly, but it was no use. He disappeared into the black core...

Mewtwo watched. His fingers twitched. Something huge was flying through the sky--and then Sword realized that it was a drifting, titanic leviathan, completely petrified. Red crackles of electricity ran across Dark Matter's shell occasionally.

"Blade... is no more!" Dark Matter declared. "Forever sealed inside me... You have given up your last hope to EVER defeat me! And now, what will you do... Sword? Now that every single ally... has submitted to their end?"

Sword glanced at Shield, then gasped--he was turned to stone. Then she looked at the rest of her allies. Stone. Statues. Lifeless.

It was just her.

"Where am I?" Sword asked.

Dark Matter let out another cruel, ethereal laugh, like a taunt. "Look down."

Below them, far below, was the forest and the Tree of Life's destroyed trunk. Except... it was all in ruins. It was all dissolving into nothing but dust to float through space. The sun itself was getting closer and closer. It was getting hot...

"And even better... I found a new vessel," said Dark Matter, wrapping a tendril around the empty-eyed Mewtwo. "The human had created the perfect fighting machine. A soul so weak that I overtook it just by being nearby. No will of its own... such perfect emptiness... With this, perhaps I won't need to return to the void with you all. Perhaps I can return more..."

Sword launched forward, reaching, but realized her body was heavy. She gasped and looked down. Her lower half was stone. "N-no! No!"

"It is already too late," Dark Matter said. "Now... put on a good face... as your end finally comes."

Up to her chest, but Sword refused to fight even then. She reached out to Mewtwo. Whoever you are... fight back! You don't want to work for him! Fight back, and... and...

It was fading. Sword's mind felt muddled.

And please... save...

Mewtwo's fingers twitched again.

"Grrr... what?!"

Something burst from Dark Matter's core--the head of a Hydreigon, and then his upper body. From his mouth was one final blast of energy, aimed blindly upward--toward the biggest, most sure-fire target possible. It struck Eternatus--the stone cracked away.

"What..? What did you do?! Submit, already! Die! DIE! DIIIIIIE!"

"Whatever you are..." Blade said, "I gave you... a portion of my power. Please... save us! And then... we'll save you!"

"Pest... how dare you defy me when you are already in my domain! I will make sure you suffer, even in nothing..."

More stone chips fell away.

"What now?"

A wave of distorted energy pulsed through the atmosphere. A shower of meteors that had been part of Eternatus' core flew in all directions--most of them dissolved into nothing. But three seemed attracted, practically like a magnet, toward the three spirits that were still there.


Something pierced Sword's chest, lodging into her heart.

A meteor slammed into Blade's chest, spewing ethereal mist from the wound. The cyan haze turned red as a strange energy coursed through Blade, drawing in Dark Matter itself, who was screaming in agony.

But the biggest meteor of all--it flew toward Mewtwo, who turned around. He reached out toward it, tried to hold it with Psychic power--but it had no effect. His eyes widened--and then it struck Mewtwo, vaporizing him instantly. The mist of Mewtwo's spirit siphoned into the huge meteor--and then slammed into Dark Matter next, silencing his cries entirely.

Eternatus let out one final cry... and then its core dimmed, and it floated there, motionless.

Sword's vision faded. Dark Matter's corpse of a shell swirled with untamed energy, black-red clouds overtaking her vision.

And then...

She woke up in Cibus.


Sword woke up in Shield's arms in a tight embrace. She gasped. "Wha, wha? What?"

"It's okay," Shield said. "It's going to be okay."

Shield called Sword.

"Shield... what're you doing, huh?" Sword laughed, rubbing his shoulder, pulling at his aura sensor. "You silly, I'm fine..."

"You had an episode," Shield said. "We don't need to fight. We can give up."


Sword looked behind Shield. There was an extremely powerful barrier surrounding them both--it seemed to be soundproof, because Brisa and Starr were completely inaudible. And the barrier itself was bright, too hard to look at. Brisa and Starr could only see, vaguely, what they were doing in the dome.

"It appears that Shield is trying to buy time!" Incineroar called, but the pair could not hear him. "That barrier is powerful... could they be planning a retaliation plan in the middle of battle!? Leave it to Shield, the ultimate defense, to pull off such an amazing feat!"

"Shield, I... I know what happened to us," Sword said.


"I remembered... I..." She shook her head. Her tears were real, but she didn't feel scared anymore. It was overwhelming and strange and confusing and at the worst of times, and yet... She was happy. All of these swirling emotions, and yet she felt like she was in control. There was clarity. Like she could finally understand how she had arrived. What led to her being. It was all... there.



"You're... Sword, right?"

"Uh... yes?"

Shield moved Sword's arm forward so she could see its purple, chaotic fuzz. Her eyes widened, and she felt a brief urge to giggle, but it was washed away with awe. She was in control. She, Darkwhite... was focused. Herself.


How was she supposed to feel, now?


Had everything she wanted, just then, she realized. Nothing else. For that one, precious moment, she was content.

Shield embraced her again, but that was when reality returned to her. "Hey, hey! Enough, enough!" She smacked him on the nose, earning a stunned yelp. "We've got a fight to win, remember?!"

"B-but you--you said you remembered--"

"Laaaater, the memory's not going anywhere! We gotta win, right? Uhuhu..." She coughed. "Hang on, wait. Hrnnnnnnn... Uhuhuhu! We gotta beat them up good, don't we, partner?!"

Shield stared, blinking, but then glanced at his flickering barrier. "...Right. We... we do. One last stand, Sword. But... it's not going to be easy. They might win."

"Uhuhu... Then we'll just have to make 'em work for it! c'mon! That barrier won't break yet! Let's get some buffs going!"

He couldn't help but laugh. "All right. Let's get started."

Shield expanded the barrier, thinning its shield, but keeping the effect. She taunted Brisa and Starr silently with a 'come on' gesture as he entered his usual stance, arms close, legs limber. The barrier let sound through again, slightly, and the crowd's excited cheers echoed throughout

Darkwhite bobbed and weaved, making punching gestures.

"Okay, Sword!" Shield said. "Let's show them what Telum's heroes can do!"

"Failure only means we've learned more!" Darkwhite said. "And I'm fuckin' good at failing!"

Sword and Shield Rallied each other up! Both their Speed went up by 4!
Shield Focused! His status ailments disappeared!
Sword Focused! She's playing seriously now!

Sword and Shield are immune to everything for one turn only!

Brisa: 250, Z-Busted
Starr: 628, Substitute

Sword: 2000
Shield: 1000

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
It was just supposed to be a fun, easy match. It wasn't supposed to like, traumatize anyone, goddamn. But Shield had managed to calm her down, and Darkwhite--yeah, Darkwhite--was still willing to keep going, so... fine. Fine. They'd keep fighting.

Starr glanced at Brisa out of the corner of her eye. Still holding up. They'd planned on her going down first, but... somehow that didn't seem appealing anymore.

Time to just... breathe. Breathe and wait for the barrier to go down.

- Starr used Void Catharsis!
- Starr focused. [Exit Unleashed]
- Starr focused.

Net: 150% HP, +0 Shd, Gusto, +1 Protect, +1 Action


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa jumped back, halted her assault, felt the power-limiting, power-intensifying effects of channelling so much Blacklight...

...and let the plasma fade into wisps. Gods, but she was hurting bad. She'd expected to go down long before this, though, so every second still fighting was just extra helpings. She looked to Starr. They could still do this. They could. They were so strong together, no matter the tactics, no matter their opponents, no matter the reason. You make each other better. You share struggles. You share triumphs. You just keep fuckin' strivin'. Always will.

The Radiance burned, the Shadows soothed, and Brisa knew they'd give their foes one hell of a fight, and the crowds one hell of a show.

When she was with Starr, she felt like she could leave the ground.

Thanks, partner.

Brisa focused, and throttled her Tenacity...
Brisa used Magnet Rise!
Brisa used Brilliant Paragon! She pushed herself and Starr to excel!
Net: leave Unleashed, -108 Stm, +2 Atk, +2 Spd, +1 Protect, HP = [75% - 60], +13 Rad, -40 Shd, +1 Action
Last edited:


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
The barrier broke away in a flash of light which decayed into a fine mist. Shield and Sword took breaths in sync with one another, but Sword looked different this time. Her body... While it was covered in fur and still had a psychic aura about it, it had changed. Great wings spread wide, conjuring a psychic updraft that helped her levitate in the air. Long, purple fur trailed along her back, while pale gold fur covered her front. Fierce, black eyes with white irises stared at them. Over her back, a wisp-like representation of a Mew floated around and jeered at them silently.

Finally, the pair equated themselves with Nutmeg, Pita, and Mew proper.

No matter how this goes...

I'm glad I could do it with you.

Shield rallied Darkwhite, increasing her Defense and Resistance by 2!
Shield used Helping Hand on Darkwhite!
Shield used Aura Sphere on Starr, breaking the barrier!
Shield used Divine Protector on Darkwhite!

Sword sent her Mew forward! Mew used Darkwhite Combo on Brisa, dealing 111 damage total!
Darkwhite used Darkwhite Devastation on Brisa, dealing 407 damage! It left Brisa with 1 HP!
Darkwhite used Darkwhite Jab on Brisa, dealing 1 damage! It's a KO!

"Brisa's down!" Shield announced.

"Good, then we win!" Sword roared back--her voice was incredibly deep.

"W-wait, no! Is that--I'm seeing something--I think her power is still... with Starr! Watch out!" Shield couldn't see it, but a ghost of Brisa's presence continued to linger, perhaps Sombra, perhaps sheer will, but her Last Wish revitalized Starr more than ever.

"Rrrgh, how come you can't do something that cool?!"

"What?! Me?!"

Sword used Hurricane on Starr's Substitute, dealing 69 damage!
Sword used Close Combat on Starr, dealing 91 damage! The Substitute was destroyed!

Starr: 936

Stabilized Darkwhite: 2000
Shield: 1000
Last edited:

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Brisa was down. Brisa was down, she'd tried so hard not to let that happen, fuck...

Even if... Brisa herself was fine with that. She'd wanted it to happen. Starr could feel that much through the energy now filling her body, setting her ablaze with power.

Alright. She could trust in that. No more bullshit. She had a match to win.

Starr unleashed her Resolution!
- Starr focused.
- Starr used Umbral Insolence!
- Starr used Shining Renegade! [Physical, +12, SE, STAB]
- Starr used Fiery Power Trip! [+12, SE, STAB, Sun, Blaze, 63 stages]
Net: +30 Rad/Shd, -225 Stm


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
She bit dust, for the first time in a while.

Brisa had taken that combo before, she was just so tired... She'd been off her game since the radiant void. Hadn't wanted to push in the usual way. No, she'd striven for something else. For Starr to feel good, for Starr to get some glory, for Starr not to have to struggle. Had she achieved that...? It was hard to say...

But there's one more thing y'can do.

As Brisa lay in a daze on the Colosseum ground, wisps of Blacklight plasma billowed from her body and wreathed themselves around Starr. Something of Brisa's energy could strengthen her, push her to the absolute limits of her performance.

That's all I wanna see. You, makin' me proud. You, at yer best. You.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Starr's Shining Renegade dealt 85 damage to Shield!
Starr's Power Trip dealt 921 damage to Shield! Shield is down!

"Tch--I knew you'd do that!" Darkwhite shouted, catching Shield before setting him on the ground nearby. "Did a bit of an exchange, huh?! Well, guess what? I took Brisa down first! So that means I'm taking you down NEXT!"

"Watch this! My ultimate attack! The Anti-Starr Rockfall Barrage!"

Sword is going all-out!

Sword used Hydro Cannon on Starr, dealing 124 damage!
Sword used Rock Wrecker on Starr, dealing 110 damage!

Sword sent Darkwhite forward!
Darkwhite used Darkwhite Combo on Starr for 111 damage!
Darkwhite used Darkwhite Devastation on Starr for 242 damage!

Sword called Darkwhite back!
Sword used Earthquake, dealing 121 damage!

Starr took damage from the Stealth Rocks!
Starr became Poisoned!
Starr is Staggered!

"Wh... what...?"

Starr: 138

Sword: 2000

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
An unholy barrage of rocks and water and earth and Blacklight and Starr was still standing, somehow. Hell, she still had energy to spare. (Was that... because of Brisa?)

Maybe it was the adrenaline high, or the thrill of seeing victory within grasp, but it wasn't so hard to force a smile. "That all you got? My turn."

- Starr used Power Trip! [+12, SE?, STAB, 63 stages]
- Starr used Power Trip!
Starr's Resolution let her keep going!
- Starr used Blacklight Z-Burst! [+12, UE, STAB, 90bp]
Net: Set HP to half, -12.5%, -90, -20


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Starr's double Power trip dealt a total of 3050 damage to Sword!
Starr's Z-Burst dealt 532 damage to Sword!
Starr took damage from the poison and rocks!

Sword was...!

"No!" Sword snapped, staggering to her feet. The rocks fell to the ground, as did the spikes that had been floating around her. With another annoyed grunt, Sword pointed at Starr. "You... can't beat me that easily! Watch!" She ran forward, too tired to fly, and swiped--it was an easy dodge. Sword fell over, panting.

She got up again and rushed for Starr...

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr knew that look. The battle was won. But Sword wasn't giving up. And Starr really just... didn't have any desire to smash a beaten foe into the dirt, at least not now, not after everything. (Or maybe the truth was just that she was too tired for this.)

"You deal with this," she said dully.

Starr used Substitute!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Sword smashed into the Substitute and weakly tackled it to the ground, puffing again. She couldn't lose like this... not after all that! But her body wasn't listening anymore. Her tail flopped weakly behind her, emitting a purplish-pink flame. Incineroar watched for a short while, then glanced at the vitality sensor. There was, technically, a line left on Sword's readings, but...

"...Er, it... appears... that..." Incineroar waited, watching, but they were saved by the timer. A buzz sounded, and the audience seemed to recognize what happened. "...The match is over! And the winner is... Team Spectrum!"

"Damn it..." Sword collapsed, the last of her energy draining away.


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut wasn't actually in the stands due to his size. Rather, he hovered far enough away to avoid unwanted attention but close enough to watch things play out. A frown etched itself on his beak.

"... disappointing, but not surprising."

He flew away from the area.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr let out a sigh. Alright, Sword was down for real this time. And the Substitute hadn't even broken. Well, they'd won. She could let herself feel good about that.

Starr turned around and walked over to where Brisa had fallen. She kneeled down and pushed gently on Brisa's shoulder. "Hey. We did it."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa offered Starr a bleary, battle-drunk smile.

"Fuckin' told ya," she mumbled. "Goddamn. Starr, you're so strong..."

Ears. Why always the burning ears.

Brisa pushed herself to her paws, and looked off towards Sword and Shield.

"Kudos to the both of ya," she called, wearily. "That was one hell of a fight."


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa chuckled weakly. "You're a Blacklight wielder the same as us, Sword. And 't'ain't just dark matter power, neither, but light and life."

She sighed, and put her weight against Starr as strength gradually returned to her. She was so tired. But they'd won. Once again, as always, they'd won by the skin of their teeth. There was a thrill to that, but damn if it wasn't exhausting too.

"Maybe we can do this again sometime," she offered. "I'm sure all of us are just gonna keep gettin' stronger! And Sword, that was the best battlin' performance I've seen from you yet, partner. Y'should be proud of yerself. You too, Shield."

She grinned at Starr. Brisa would tell her how proud she was of her later.

Ah, but then. She already knew, didn't she?
R14 – Spectrum Gals vs Zekrom


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
There was something different in the air... an electric feeling that was more than just Brisa's usual presence in the arena. No, this time it seemed to be Zekrom--standing with her broad smile and muscles flexing, perhaps to intimidate, or perhaps just to show off what it meant to be a Pokemon of ideals.

"I do wish you the best of luck," Zekrom said to the three before her. "I may not look it... but I'm considered to be one just below Arceus. Don't think I'll be holding back against Cibus' new heroes!"

Already, her engine-tail was whirring with blue electricity. Incineroar was calling for the battle to begin soon...

"Mhmhm... Brisa, Astrid, Starr... Show me your best! And I'll show you my ideals!"

Zekrom's Ideals permeate the arena!
Zekrom became immune to stat debuffs!


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid felt it too. The very air around them radiated the very willpower necessary to put on a performance of the ages. Her spine tingled—surely from the electricity, but from excitement as well. They planned to do just that. Planned, hoped, trained.

She loosened up her shoulders and flung a strand of hair from her eyes. This was great. Everything about this felt liberating. Since when had fights felt like this?

The Lugia fight hadn't made her nervous. Well, she wasn’t nervous this time either. Which was good, because Zekrom looked as ready as ever. She looked like she wanted to win.

Nnnn. I want to win too. And I want my friends to win… so, you’re gonna have to work if you want to hurt them!

Astrid has Unleashed!

With her darkened feet firmly planted—and with a ferocious, confident battlecry uncharacteristic of herself—Astrid contorted her fangs into a playful snarl and stood her ground.

“We’ve got plenty to show!” she answered above the crowd. “Don’t blink or you might miss it.”

Astrid used Misty Terrain!
Astrid used Reflect!
Astrid used Psych Up, copying Starr’s Speed!

Stats: +3 Speed
Stamina: -114
Shade: +30
Radiance: +30
Misc: Misty Terrain, Reflect
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