"Hey," she started, but was cut short as she approached and slowed down. She stopped far enough as to not alarm her pokemon - they were very mch in "protection" mode - but close enough to see that Odette looked to be on the verge of tears, and... just what was that Enora was rubbing at on her arm? "What happened?" she choked out, her own panic rising. "Were you attacked by something? Oh gods, someone didn't try to kidnap you, did they?"

Odette had taken to settling her head between her knees, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to let the cream do it's thing, like it always did. However, she quite nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard somebody call out to her. In a moment of pure urge to fight, she shot up, and positioned herself to stand, causing both Enora and Odile to flinch back and look around frantically on their own.
"̶W̵H̵O̶'̶S̴ ̴A̵B̴O̸U̵T̸A̴ ̷G̴E̸T̷ ̴B̴E̶H̶E̶A̶D̴E̸D̵?̶"̵

Blinking some of the moisture out of her eyes, Odette removed her glasses to wipe them down on her shirt. Upon replacing them, she could see Kimiko, plain as day, standing just a few feet off from them.
She sniffled, hastily bringing her hands back to her eyes, not minding the pricking sensation in her left palm as she aggressively rubbed them, hoping that would somehow do something to ease the puffiness. She didn't cry a lot; this wasn't something she was good at.
"H-hey there!" she shouted back. She fumbled over her own tone, sounding far more chipper than she usually would. She sniffled again as she pushed herself to her feet, despite Enora's protesting yips.
"Nothing, nothing happened," she said. She sounded so congested, holy fuck. And her cheeks still felt wet. She tugged her sleeve back down over the burn, and tried to inconspicuously use it to dab at her face. She knew damn well that the jig was long up, but she'd try her hardest to recover it.
"It's a...chronic thing. I have this really
nasty burn," she tried to explain. As the words came out, her nose began to sting as her eyes welled up once more. Why the
fuck was this making her want to cry? It wasn't that deep, it was a fucking Houndoom bite. A really, really, really bad Houndoom bite. But, she didn't need to explain much more than that; no details were needed. So why. Was. She. About. To cry
"And it's...it flares up sometimes; makes me really numb, and it kind of hurts."
Yeah, if "kind of hurts" was the definition for the feeling of white hot pin pricks and an aching numbness that resembled that of a Charlie Horse cramp on fucking
steroids, then yes. It kind of hurt.
"Enora's just rubbing my prescribed t-topical on it. We were on a walk, and--"
And? And? Lie better. You know you can lie better than this, what are you doing?
You were on a walk and it flared up. It's so goddamn easy.
"It's okay, nothing..."

A lone, piece of shit tear managed to wriggle it's way out, and she slapped it off her face before it could get very far. But that was all it took.
She sniffled deeply, and the force of it knocked several more loose.
"We found Manaphy down by the cove. I tried to get them to swap my body with one of the missing trainers to see if I could find where they were, and-and--"
She was talking fast. Way too fast. But, she couldn't stop. "And Manaphy
couldn't do it, something
blocked them, so I ended up in Hazel's body, and Hazel ended up in mine, and-and-and...and this guy, Wes's crazy parallel, he-he-he
swapped with his Espeon, I guess? There were too many fucking people there, but they
swapped, and he started
attacking everyone."
Now she was gritting her teeth as she tried desperately to control her onslaught sobs. "And he hit...hit my fucking body with
something. Something that burned, and it made mine flare up, and it won't stop. I can't get it to fucking stop hurting."
To her chagrin, a sob ended up rocking her body despite her best efforts. "And nobody could stop the fucking Espeon, so Hazel, bless her beautiful big fucking heart, found my stupid gun that I had strapped to my waist and managed to turn the
fucking," she kicked the ground, sending some dirt flying and some smaller rocks into the water, "safety off and shot him thinking it was a tranq. And it hit him. He's fine, but Kimiko, that was my fucking gun. I've
killed people with that fucking gun, and I just--"
Fuck. She shouldn't have said that. She
should not have said that.
"I-it was self defense then, a-and it was self defense just now, but I-I'm so..."
She sniffled. She was trying so hard to keep it together, and it just wasn't working. Even as Odile pat her back, or as Enora rubbed up against her leg, nothing was working.
So, she bowed her head and just...cried.
"My arm hurts so badly, dude."