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Dazzling Lake

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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
This lake is absolutely dazzling, just like the name implies! When the sun is out, it shines on the water just so, giving this lake its namesake! It’s a popular spot for wild pokemon and trainers alike to gather.

The water is unusually clear, offering a glimpse of the lakebed, which appears tantalizing close. Diving here will result in the realization that the lake is much much deeper than expected. There’s no telling what lies in its depths...

D1: Hazel Club

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
After eating his own breakfast and taking another, larger serving with him, Gladion set out to look for a good place to let out Hazel. He found a spot out in the natural parts of the island with a nice lakeview. He released Hazel.

"Hey, Hazel. Ready for breakfast?"

She trilled in response. They settled down, both staring out over the lake, Gladion leaning against Hazel's flank and feeding her homefries through the helmet.


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Violet stared at the vegetation all around her with disinterest as she waltzed through the forest path with her hands in her pockets. Sure, in the past, just even seeing something like this may have dazzled her, but Sinnoh had already well-acquainted with the sights of trees, trees, and, you guessed it — more trees. So many trees. Enough trees to make a Torterra feel like they need to shave. Trees and dirt, but there was plenty of that back home, too. It wouldn't be so bad if Hazel wasn't stopping every five seconds to take more notes on every variation she could find. A tree is a tree; it's big, and has lots of leaves. What else was there to say?

Hazel heard Violet's loud sigh as she stuck a claw up, "Just a moment, I almost have this flora specimen identified..." Even if she had spoken a human language, she wasn't entirely sure Violet would've understood what she said to begin with, but at least the sign of 'Wait' was universal. The edges of her claw had carefully traced the ridges of a particularly colorful blue leaf as she eyed. There was no denying it: a Rowap Berry bush, though still not fully bloomed. How marvelous! That species was thought to have died out years ago with one of the coldest winter freezes in Sinnoh, yet here it was, alive and well! She contemplated sampling it, but then she would have to consider the ramifications of bringing such an item across worlds—

"Whooooa!" Violet's voice rang out from a short distance. Of course the girl walked away the first chance she had. One would think that someone from her time would have an appetite for knowledge, but she seemed more obsessed with the flash and fancy. Hmph! "Hey Hazel, you ought to see this! It's beautiful!" Of course, as much as Hazel rolled her eyes, she was glad the girl was at least curious. Such a trait was good in both science and as a trainer.

Deciding to humor the girl, Hazel walked to the clearing Violet was standing as her own mouth dropped in awe. In the morning sun, the lake had glistened as though it were a frosted pastry laced with glimmering stars. The water had sung a song of clarity, reflection, and insight as its calm, crystalline waters shone like glass. She could only describe it as dazzling.

Of course, Violet's curiosity superseded Hazel's wonder as she tugged her at claw. When she saw that Hazel had awoken from her stupor, Violet pointed at a trainer with blonde hair and a black outfit. More specifically, she pointed to the Pokémon that sat beside him. "Hey, does your phone thing have anything that one? It looks quite interesting," she leaned in and whispered to the Weavile.

Hazel squinted as she tried to eye the features of the strange Pokémon. There was something in the back of her head, something extremely important, but she couldn't place her claw on it. She dug through the records on her phone, but could find no entries in the Pokédex app. Swapping to a notepad screen, she typed to Violet, [I'm not sure, actually. Perhaps it is one of the rare Pokémon Xylophone—] Curse her phone's autocorrect. [—That our host talked about?]

Violet flashed a grin as she read her partner's hypothesis. A rare pokémon, this soon? It had to have been fate. "Well then, shall we introduce ourselves?" Before Hazel could protest, Violet had already begun walking up towards the duo. Her bravery was to be admired, but she was knocked a few points for her ignorance.

Giving a polite bow Violet introduced herself to Gladion, "Good morrow to you; mine—ahem—my name is Violet," she then gestured to her partner, who was following behind, "...And this is Hazel. Had a question for you, if you wouldn't mind a chat."

The Weavile in the lab coat gave a bow as well, though this one seemed more apologetic than in greeting. She simply typed a wave emoji (👋) on her phone and showed it to the two of them. Violet could not understand why she couldn't just wave her arm instead. Modern conventions were strange.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel stood up to inspect the other Hazel closely. After regaining his balance from losing his backrest, Gladion shut the container with Hazel’s breakfast and stood up in turn.

Gladion tried to mask his annoyance, but… really? Here was Violet and her partner Hazel, surely the ones who’d given him that scare yesterday. He was deeply unamused with the universe.

Gladion waved to the other Hazel- A strange Weavile, one who’d been dressed up in a lab coat and trained to use a phone to wave instead of just, like, physically waving. Then he returned his attention to the human, narrowing his eyes at her.

“A question? Fine. Shoot.”


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Gladion waved to the other Hazel- A strange Weavile, one who’d been dressed up in a lab coat and trained to use a phone to wave instead of just, like, physically waving. Then he returned his attention to the human, narrowing his eyes at her.

“A question? Fine. Shoot.”
Hazel observed the strange features of this one with bafflement. Nothing seemed to match up. Its back paws resembled that of a feline, yet its front claws were more insectoid. Its bristled mix of feathers and fur gave it a flying-type impression, yet there had also been a fin on its behind. She hadn't realized just how tall the strange Pokémon was. It didn't just tower over her but her trainer as well. Then there were the eyes beneath the helmet...

An instinctual shudder ran down her spine.

She was glad that Violet seemed to be taking things in stride. The girl had an unwavering gaze and a solid smile despite the imposing figure and clearly defensive trainer. For all it was worth, the strange girl had a confidence that she sometimes wished she had. Violet could ask the questions that she had burning in their minds, of why the Pokémon was like this, what species it was, and—

"Could you tell me where you received those 'awesome' garments?"

Hazel facepalmed.

The Weavile supposed she would have to take matters into her own claws, then. She carefully tried to type a message, hoping not to offend, and showed it to the two trainers. [I could not find the Pokédex entry on your partner. We were curious about them.] She didn't feel confident enough to direct speak to the Pokémon just yet.

"Oh, and that too, I suppose." Violet remarked.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel took a step back to leave the other Hazel some space. She seemed uncomfortable. Hazel was used to that…

Gladion laughed. “What? My clothes? I got these pants from some random store on Akala in Alola. I ordered the hoodie online. On a website we can’t access here.”

He noticed the Weavile trying to show him something- A text message. He was taken aback. A Totem Noivern, with a brain and fueled with Z-Power, using human language in telepathy was already weird. An ordinary-looking Weavile with keyboarding skills was even more bizarre… Especially because he was pretty sure the species had the vocal range to mimic speech, just not the brain, so this seemed backwards. The question made more sense than her trainer’s, at least.

“This is…” Gladion paused for a moment. “Her name’s also Hazel. You won’t find an entry for her. She’s…”

He almost said ‘one of a kind,’ but that would be an admission that they’d never get the two he was too slow to save from archival back. “Pretty special. She can understand you, by the way, even if she can’t talk… Was there anything in particular you wanted to know?”


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"I cannot say I'm familiar with that particular region, but you have a good eye for fashion," Violet replied, before snapping her fingers and pouting. "Inaccessible though, huh? That's a shame, really; I think I would look quite good in a black hood, what do you think, Hazel?"

Hazel hadn't been paying attention to her trainer's question; her eyes had been glazed over and squinting as she wracked her brain. Alola, a special species, and mismatched elements... Something was nagging at her, she was sure of it, but she hadn't been keeping tabs on the Alola region in particular. That wasn't Team Galactic's turf, and anything had gotten involved over there, it would've made international headlines. And yet, there was something that kept bothering her. Maybe something her Professor had talked about? It's so hard to remember...

"...She gets like that sometimes when she's thinking of something too hard. She's quite adorable for it though," Violet commented with a shrug. Her cordial smile became a mischievous grin as she added an overly specific detail, "You can quite literally stack plates of bacon atop her head and she would not even notice."

After letting out a short snicker, her trainer decided to try to get back on topic. Rather than addressing Gladion, she addressed the wonder of a Pokémon directly, "Your name is Hazel as well? It truly is fate that we have met!" She said, leaning in to get a closer look at her features. "You have quite the lovely coat, and very powerful looking legs. You two will have to elucidate me on your training regime!" She beamed, eyeing every bit of the other Hazel.

"I cannot say I have ever been to, or admittedly, heard much of Alola, but if there are more Pokémon like you here Hazel," she said, giving a wink at her purposeful ambiguity, "Then it sounds like a wonderful place to visit. I'm curious where in this 'Alola' you are from, though! You strike me as a climber... a mountain range of some sort, mayhaps?"

She leaned back out, giving the Pokémon space before adding, "And don't worry, my Hazel here can help translate," she said, placing her hand atop of the Weavile's head and ruffling her feather. Hazel unconsciously flinched, but still remained focused on her own thoughts.
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Inaccessible though, huh? That's a shame, really; I think I would look quite good in a black hood, what do you think, Hazel?"
Hazel nodded in agreement before realizing it wasn’t addressed to her. Gladion thanked fortune it wasn’t available here, then. He’d feel weird about Violet wearing his clothes.

"Your name is Hazel as well? It truly is fate that we have met!" She said, leaning in to get a closer look at her features. "You have quite the lovely coat, and very powerful looking legs. You two will have to elucidate me on your training regime!"
Hazel was staring at the Weavile curiously, but eventually turned her attention to Violet. She raised her one of her foretalons up to the eyehole of her helmet to inspect.

It occurred to Gladion that it had been years since she’d had a good look at her own coat.

“She’s naturally pretty strong. Most of our training is battling, if you’re that bold.” And she carries a fifth of her body weight in metal around on her head 24/7. Of course her legs are strong.

"I cannot say I have ever been to, or admittedly, heard much of Alola, but if there are more Pokémon like you here Hazel," she said, giving a wink at her purposeful ambiguity, "Then it sounds like a wonderful place to visit. I'm curious where in this 'Alola' you are from, though! You strike me as a climber... a mountain range of some sort, mayhaps?"
“We live on Akala Island. It’s something like this island would be if it wasn’t a trillionaire’s plaything. We come from somewhere else, though.”

Hazel whimpered. He continued. “A metal building the size of an island, floating out in the ocean. It’s not a good place. So we left.” That should be a safe enough short version.

"And don't worry, my Hazel here can help translate,"
That got their attention. Hazel sat down to meet the other Hazel at eye level, trilling softly.

Gladion narrowed his eyes. “Translate? What the heck do you mean by that?”


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
“She’s naturally pretty strong. Most of our training is battling, if you’re that bold.”
"Hear that? Not books; battle," Violet taunted to the Weavile, raising a brow as though she were expecting a snarky response. Hazel was too deep in thought to react.
“We live on Akala Island. It’s something like this island would be if it wasn’t a trillionaire’s plaything. We come from somewhere else, though.”

Hazel whimpered. He continued. “A metal building the size of an island, floating out in the ocean. It’s not a good place. So we left.” That should be a safe enough short version.
"An island made of metal? How does it even float? How does—" Violet started her barrage of questions before eying the defeated look on the other Hazel. She paused and chewed on Gladion's words.

Her brow furrowed and smile waned as she said, "...Escaping a place that is all glitter and not gold, then." Her half-smile became an embittered frown, "A place that is truly unsafe and sickening on the inside." She looked at Gladion directly in the eye as she said with finality, "I can relate."

She left it at that; the silent solidarity would speak for itself.
That got their attention. Hazel sat down to meet the other Hazel at eye level, trilling softly.
Hazel sputtered and took a step back as the other Hazel got close. She needed a few hasty blinks to re-align herself before she snapped her out of her stupor. Her ears perked up the light noise the other Pokémon made as her vision came into focus. It was if seeing the creature in front of her as a Pokémon for the first time rather than a scientific discovery. With a careful step, she held a claw out, offering to pet the other Hazel's helmet if she would accept it.
Gladion narrowed his eyes. “Translate? What the heck do you mean by that?”
Violet crossed her arms and smirked, "That device of hers — the Row-Tom Phone I believe it is titled? She understands how to utilize it quite well. We've had many a delightful conversation with it." She shook her head as she added, "I fail to understand just how much information is stored on that tiny sorcerer's tome."

"It's not magic!" Hazel chastised in Poké-speak, letting out an offended bark.

"Glad to see you have returned to the present," Violet remarked, giggling at her personal double entendre.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
"Hear that? Not books; battle,"
Gladion rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me? You're here with a Weavile who can read and that's your priority? I didn't even know that was possible. I've got a Sneasel as a partner back home, I'd be floored if she was half this intelligent."

Maybe I could teach Hazel something like that...

"...Escaping a place that is all glitter and not gold, then." Her half-smile became an embittered frown, "A place that is truly unsafe and sickening on the inside." She looked at Gladion directly in the eye as she said with finality, "I can relate."
Hazel cooed and reached a talon out towards Violet's hand.

Great. Glad we have so much in common. Remind me to push Xavier down a flight of stairs later.

Violet crossed her arms and smirked, "That device of hers — the Row-Tom Phone I believe it is titled? She understands how to utilize it quite well. We've had many a delightful conversation with it." She shook her head as she added, "I fail to understand just how much information is stored on that tiny sorcerer's tome."

"It's not magic!" Hazel chastised in Poké-speak, letting out an offended bark.
Gladion furrowed his brow. He had figured by now that they were all from different points in time, but this was another level. Plus, how was this Hazel paired with her if they were from such disparate times? They'd clearly known each other for a while now, but Violet's speech was stilted in a way that suggested her vocabulary could be archaic. "How far from the past are you? That's... not magic. I don't see what it has to do with Hazel, still, though."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Gladion rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me? You're here with a Weavile who can read and that's your priority? I didn't even know that was possible. I've got a Sneasel as a partner back home, I'd be floored if she was half this intelligent."
"Her problem is she reads too much, mate," Violet replied raising a brow, "We made a promise to each other, and I'm helping to coach her through getting out that shell. What does she endeavor to do when a serious situation arises again? I'm not going to let her freeze up this time. No pun intended."

With a frustrated grunt, Hazel typed onto her phone and showed the two trainers, [I'm right here, you know. Sneasel can be plenty intelligent! Scientific fact!]

Violet shook her head. "You know that is not what he meant. The wild ones I used to play with back at the estate were clever — could snatch up anything from under your nose — but they were not... learned, you know?"

[Oh you did not just say that.]

With an embarrassed cough, Violet corrected herself again, "They weren't born and raised in a human lab, that's all I mean!"

Hazel glared, but nodded, accepting her final response.
Hazel cooed and reached a talon out towards Violet's hand.
Seeing a way out of the hole she dug for herself, Violet gave a soft smile to the other Hazel and gently accepted a pawshake. She lightly rubbed the top of her talon with a finger and said, "It's alright... it's long past, now," she said, with a wink.
Gladion furrowed his brow. He had figured by now that they were all from different points in time, but this was another level. Plus, how was this Hazel paired with her if they were from such disparate times? They'd clearly known each other for a while now, but Violet's speech was stilted in a way that suggested her vocabulary could be archaic. "How far from the past are you? That's... not magic. I don't see what it has to do with Hazel, still, though."
"I mean... Pokémon can speak, can they not?" Violet asked with a hint of hesitation. Had Gladion been so shut-in that he never tried to have a 'conversation' with one? It was clear from the glint in their eyes and the way they responded that Pokémon could perfectly understand speech. They simply lacked the vocal ability to respond back. "So all my Hazel would need to do is speak with yours... and then inscribe the message on her tablet."

[Technically not a tablet, but close enough.] Hazel shook her head and smirked. [Though it is odd... I have not heard the other Hazel speak up much. Not discernibly, anyhow. Perhaps a proper introduction is in order.]

Hazel typed out a much longer message on her phone. [I'm Hazel, former assistant to Professor Douglas in Snowpoint City and currently lead battler on Violet's team. Nice to meet you!]

[I am certain you have figured it out as well — the clues are quite obvious from our host — but it appears we are all Fallers in this 'festival' that we were invited to. Nonetheless, I must also inform that Violet already was a Faller to begin with... from several hundred years ago, in fact.]

"My time in what they now call 'Galar' was dreadful. I do not recommend going back," Violet remarked, deciding the sky was more interesting than remembering that era.

Satisfied with her correspondence, Hazel then turned to the other Pokémon, and, with a big smile, offered a claw, "Hi! I am Hazel! And you are also Hazel! Nice to meet you!"
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Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
With a frustrated grunt, Hazel typed onto her phone and showed the two trainers, [I'm right here, you know. Sneasel can be plenty intelligent! Scientific fact!]
Gladion raised an eyebrow at the other Hazel. "I mean, yeah, Sneasel are clever. But I've only ever heard of genetically engineered species having high-level human language comprehension. That's two species, one of which-" -at least, likely both, but definitely one- "-was engineered with human genes. The other is Hazel." And now, there's a third, who happened to grow up in a lab. Laura's right, we've got a running genetic fuckery theme going here.

"I mean... Pokémon can speak, can they not?" Violet asked with a hint of hesitation. Had Gladion been so shut-in that he never tried to have a 'conversation' with one? It was clear from the glint in their eyes and the way they responded that Pokémon could perfectly understand speech. They simply lacked the vocal ability to respond back. "So all my Hazel would need to do is speak with yours... and then inscribe the message on her tablet."
"What? Comprehending speech doesn't give someone the vocal chords for it, unfortunately." Hazel whimpered at that remark. "Do you think they have... some language in common? They've never met before."

[Technically not a tablet, but close enough.] Hazel shook her head and smirked. [Though it is odd... I have not heard the other Hazel speak up much. Not discernibly, anyhow. Perhaps a proper introduction is in order.]

Hazel typed out a much longer message on her phone. [I'm Hazel, former assistant to Professor Douglas in Snowpoint City and currently lead battler on Violet's team. Nice to meet you!]

[I am certain you have figured it out as well — the clues are quite obvious from our host — but it appears we are all Fallers in this 'festival' that we were invited to. Nonetheless, I must also inform that Violet already was a Faller to begin with... from several hundred years ago, in fact.]
Gladion sighed and moved. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." His tone suggested he was not, in fact, entirely thrilled. "I'd noticed time fuckery in play, met someone here who looks to be from my future. Within my lifetime, too. I've got spoilers for the next few years of my life now, I guess..."

He crossed his arms. "The guy creeps me out. You wondered yet how much he knows about us? He's probably further ahead than the rest of us. Who knows how much he knows about us. Possibly some things that we don't even know yet."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Gladion raised an eyebrow at the other Hazel. "I mean, yeah, Sneasel are clever. But I've only ever heard of genetically engineered species having high-level human language comprehension. That's two species, one of which-" -at least, likely both, but definitely one- "-was engineered with human genes. The other is Hazel." And now, there's a third, who happened to grow up in a lab. Laura's right, we've got a running genetic fuckery theme going here.
"I'm not engineered!" Hazel practically screeched in protest, before realizing such words would fall on deaf ears. She reiterated in text, [No! Papa would never do something so horrible! I was just raised under a good study regimen, that's all!] It seemed more like she wanted to convince herself of that anything.

Violet intervened, "One moment, your Pokémon is artificial?" She crossed her arms and tilted her head in confusion. You could do that?

The remark Violet made gaze Hazel herself pause. Something was coming to her...
"What? Comprehending speech doesn't give someone the vocal chords for it, unfortunately." Hazel whimpered at that remark. "Do you think they have... some language in common? They've never met before."
"I mean, that's what we assumed in my time, at least," Violet replied with a shrug, "I saw to it myself. The Sneasel clan there would be ordering around some of the Snowrunt and Snom that wandered by. Oi, Hazel, do you have something on that device of yours that can set the story straight?"

Hazel had already been typing and scrolling on her phone well before Violet asked her question. However, rather than commenting on the subject of Poké-speak, she instead wrote: [RKS?]

Violet was hurt in her confusion!
Gladion sighed and moved. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." His tone suggested he was not, in fact, entirely thrilled. "I'd noticed time fuckery in play, met someone here who looks to be from my future. Within my lifetime, too. I've got spoilers for the next few years of my life now, I guess..."

He crossed his arms. "The guy creeps me out. You wondered yet how much he knows about us? He's probably further ahead than the rest of us. Who knows how much he knows about us. Possibly some things that we don't even know yet."
"Wait a moment, the future? So I'm not the only one displaced?" Violet leaned in a bit more closely as her eyes widened to dinner plates. Could it be...? "I need to know... what was his name?" Azure...?

[It is exceedingly likely that we are functioning based on Multiverse Theory rather than on a Fixed-Timeline, given the evidence that we've been presented. I can assure you that your free will is in tact!]
Hazel replied with a giddy grin on her face. [I can teach you more if you would like! A science lesson is always welcomed! Violet could certainly use more of them.]

The Weavile then turned to Hazel with a polite nod as she asked, "Is there anything you'd like to learn, or ask of me? I'd love to teach you whatever you'd like!"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gladion took a step back at Hazel’s outburst. Wow. He… hadn’t actually been intending to insinuate that at her, but she’d read between the lines. Had probably heard it before, given it was by far the most plausible explanation for her existence. He should have figured it out earlier, really.

“Okay… I never said you were. Not too keen on you calling that horrible, either.”

He hoped that was vague enough Hazel wouldn’t pick up the subject. She probably would. He shouldn’t have pointed it out it.

She winced, and took a step further back from the other Hazel. Yep. He’d fucked that up. Good going…

He noticeably turned his attention to Violet, trying to give the impression he was moving onto a different subject. “Also, yeah, you can engineer someone like Hazel. Take pieces of existing species and combine them in new ways. She’s got a lot of Oricorio in her, for one. Making something as complex as her is difficult, but injecting some traits of one species into another isn’t too difficult… For a scientist, anyway, it’s well beyond the average person’s skills.”

Then, he noticed Hazel holding up her phone again. Three letters. Very familiar ones. It had taken a lot more than three keystrokes for him to get there, though. “Where’d you find that? The internet here?”

[It is exceedingly likely that we are functioning based on Multiverse Theory rather than on a Fixed-Timeline, given the evidence that we've been presented. I can assure you that your free will is in tact!] Hazel replied with a giddy grin on her face. [I can teach you more if you would like! A science lesson is always welcomed! Violet could certainly use more of them.]
Gladion crossed his arms. “The person in question instantly recognized Hazel as a species created by my father, hurt by his successor, and taken by me. Maybe she’s one from one possible future, but I’m there in her world, at a time where my present is the past. There’s no doubt about that.”


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Gladion took a step back at Hazel’s outburst. Wow. He… hadn’t actually been intending to insinuate that at her, but she’d read between the lines. Had probably heard it before, given it was by far the most plausible explanation for her existence. He should have figured it out earlier, really.

“Okay… I never said you were. Not too keen on you calling that horrible, either.”
Hazel glared for a moment, but closed her eyes and nodded. The human was perhaps a bit too... personal about it, but he wasn't hostile. She opened her eyes back up and typed, [Thank you. I'm just an assistant and a battler by trade. That's all.]
He noticeably turned his attention to Violet, trying to give the impression he was moving onto a different subject. “Also, yeah, you can engineer someone like Hazel. Take pieces of existing species and combine them in new ways. She’s got a lot of Oricorio in her, for one. Making something as complex as her is difficult, but injecting some traits of one species into another isn’t too difficult… For a scientist, anyway, it’s well beyond the average person’s skills.”
"'Or core O'? Is that some kind of machine component...?" Violet questioned until Gladion finished. She made an 'o' shape with her mouth as she said, "Er, retracting that prior statement. Still, I'm not too keen on the whole idea... is it really right for people to be trying to do something like that?"

Realizing that one of the subjects of said experiments was right in front of her, Violet blanched once more and waved her arms in front of her face frantically. "N-not that I don't like you, Other Hazel! Quite the opposite; you are very lovely! I just..." She bit the underside of her lip, "...I just don't want the Pokémon to be hurt by something like that, you know?"

Hazel took a few steps back and clutched onto her lab coat. She dared not look Violet in the eye.
Then, he noticed Hazel holding up her phone again. Three letters. Very familiar ones. It had taken a lot more than three keystrokes for him to get there, though. “Where’d you find that? The internet here?”
Thankfully, she had an out. Approaching the blonde once more, she began typing, [No... it's a company, actually. One my father — that is, the Professor — worked with once.]

Swiping her claw away from the app, she pulled up a research paper that Professor Douglas had been penning. The word document was clearly unfinished, given the copious side comments that kept popping up and inconsistently formatted text. The project itself was an analysis on if trainers tended to bond more easily with Pokémon of particular types based on both large survey data and in-lab studies.

More prominently, she had been able to point a digit to the bottom logo, indicating the sponsor of the project:

She swiped back to her notepad app, [RKS Laboratories. At least, that what it says in Galarish. Papa would be on calls with them during his last project. I wasn't allowed to be in the same room, but...]

She pointed to her ears.

[I think he forgot I wasn't his biological daughter for a bit. I overheard them mention something about 'newest replication'. I thought they were talking about lab results, but now... I'm not so sure.]

"...By the gods' nails," Violet swore in her old speak.
Gladion crossed his arms. “The person in question instantly recognized Hazel as a species created by my father, hurt by his successor, and taken by me. Maybe she’s one from one possible future, but I’m there in her world, at a time where my present is the past. There’s no doubt about that.”
Hazel hummed in contemplation. She wasn't entirely sure what to say to that. The theory was there, but she needed more information to codify it into a conclusion. [What was his name? What did he look like?]

Confused as she might have been by all of this, Violet had a brief spark as she connected the dots and asked, "...Would that not mean then you understand the steps to be taken in preventing such a future, then?"

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gladion crossed his arms. "It means, if nothing else, that I'm going to make sure to burn Faba's lab notes when I get back if it's the last thing I do. Just in case. Because you're right, no one else should go through what Hazel has." Hazel nodded in agreement.

"As for your laboratory, I've never heard of it before. Specifically, it doesn't exist, at least not yet. I would know, I keep an eye out for anything relevant to Hazel publicly surfacing. The scientists I mentioned are Linden Mohn, and Faba Ian, I've never heard of your father. But I have heard the acronym, it refers to... a part of Hazel. So if they're doing replication studies..."

Gladion scoffed. Hazel whimpered.

"I'll give you one last chance not to ask me about this. 'Cause you've got one claw on the latch of Pandora's Box."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
Gladion crossed his arms. "It means, if nothing else, that I'm going to make sure to burn Faba's lab notes when I get back if it's the last thing I do. Just in case. Because you're right, no one else should go through what Hazel has." Hazel nodded in agreement.
"Amen," Violet agreed, nodding her head. Hazel herself gave a pensive look in response. On one hand, it was valuable research data and knowledge — one that her father may even had a hand in — that would be completely wasted. On the other hand, it was likely going to prevent more Pokémon from being hurt. But where would that leave the alternate her...?
"As for your laboratory, I've never heard of it before. Specifically, it doesn't exist, at least not yet. I would know, I keep an eye out for anything relevant to Hazel publicly surfacing. The scientists I mentioned are Linden Mohn, and Faba Ian, I've never heard of your father. But I have heard the acronym, it refers to... a part of Hazel. So if they're doing replication studies..."

Gladion scoffed. Hazel whimpered.
Hazel tuned back in and nodded her head solemnly. [It is thankfully not our lab, just a partner that we had worked with in the past from Galar. But to think papa would be involved in something like that...] ...Wasn't inconceivable, just something she refused to accept. [...I will run with the hypothesis that he was just unaware and caught up in all of this.]
"I'll give you one last chance not to ask me about this. 'Cause you've got one claw on the latch of Pandora's Box."
"I'm more than involved enough already in time buffoonery; I doubt another addition to it will be of much consequence," Violet replied as an arrogant smirk struck her features. Oddly enough, she resembled more like a Weavile than a human in her expression. "Go right ahead."

[We will need all the information we can get. I still do not trust that this festival is as pleasant as it seems on the surface.]

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Gladion laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it isn't. But this is a different kind of unpleasant."

Hazel sat back down and rested her head against the ground. Neither she nor Gladion were comfortable with where this was headed, but this was a one-way street.

"I said only one of the two genetically engineered lifeforms that can parse human language on syntactic level are known to have human genetic materials in them. But something in the process of creating Hazel's brain went undocumented, and what do you know, she can do the same." He felt like he was spitting on his father's memory to speak this thought out loud, no matter how many times he'd had it before. "So, you're a smart Weavile. You can put two and two together there, I think."

Gladion cast his gaze towards Hazel's helmet. She wasn't moving.

"The RKS system is supposed to grant manual human control of Hazel's typing. That's what most of the Oricorio parts are used for: They're a species that can change their type in nature. So, then, a new lab pops up under that name, fronting some sort of typing research, and..." Gladion pointed to the bolts on Hazel's helmet. "...even the same Sinnohan deific iconography. Fitting, for someone playing god, no?" For Faba is nothing if not lavishly excess.

Yeah. That's a genetic engineering company if ever I've seen one. And they get- or got, for you- their hands on Faba's documents. I'm not even surprised, honestly. The man's easily bought, especially if you pay in flattery as well as cash. But, of course, they're still incomplete. The brain's still missing the documentation that led to Faba fucking up, one would assume they didn't want to replicate that part. They've got the get that right on their own. So, of course, they'd need to do preliminary studies before dumping all that funding into replicating Hazel's body. Replicating the part that was left out of the notes: The process of embedding human language structures into a nonhuman brain."

Gladion closed his eyes and sighed. "Really... You have to wonder if the name's even a coincidence, or if some lab tech just had a sick sense of humour."


Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"I said only one of the two genetically engineered lifeforms that can parse human language on syntactic level are known to have human genetic materials in them. But something in the process of creating Hazel's brain went undocumented, and what do you know, she can do the same." He felt like he was spitting on his father's memory to speak this thought out loud, no matter how many times he'd had it before. "So, you're a smart Weavile. You can put two and two together there, I think."
"The RKS system is supposed to grant manual human control of Hazel's typing. That's what most of the Oricorio parts are used for: They're a species that can change their type in nature. So, then, a new lab pops up under that name, fronting some sort of typing research, and..." Gladion pointed to the bolts on Hazel's helmet. "...even the same Sinnohan deific iconography. Fitting, for someone playing god, no?" For Faba is nothing if not lavishly excess.
"This whole 'genetic' concept is confounding to me, if I may be honest," Violet admitted as anxiousness crawled onto her face like a curious critter, "But if I am understanding this... they tried to blend Pokémon of disparate types together into one, but then added human into it to let them speak?"

Hazel gave a silent, solemn nod in confirmation.

Violet crossed her arms and hummed, "And they even used the emblem of the Almighty Sinnoh as a model for their designs, both in concept and in company."

The girl could be startingly astute when she put her mind to it, Hazel thought to herself. Yet despite that, there was one component she didn't quite grasp... and she hoped she never would.
"Yeah. That's a genetic engineering company if ever I've seen one. And they get- or got, for you- their hands on Faba's documents. I'm not even surprised, honestly. The man's easily bought, especially if you pay in flattery as well as cash. But, of course, they're still incomplete. The brain's still missing the documentation that led to Faba fucking up, one would assume they didn't want to replicate that part. They've got the get that right on their own. So, of course, they'd need to do preliminary studies before dumping all that funding into replicating Hazel's body. Replicating the part that was left out of the notes: The process of embedding human language structures into a nonhuman brain."

Gladion closed his eyes and sighed. "Really... You have to wonder if the name's even a coincidence, or if some lab tech just had a sick sense of humour."
Hazel closed her eyes as the weight of the boy's words sunk in. Her father had, in some way, been involved with a company that operated on the theft of classified documents to replicate an artificial lifeform — one that combined both human and Pokémon biological components. But her father would never willingly participate in something so cruel.

He was a kind, caring man who took care of her ever since she had been hatched in the laboratory that faithful day. There were countless days where the two would just 'talk', where she would be trying her best to write but always snapping the writing utensils and never quite getting the grip, where they would go out to the schoolyard and she would play with the human kids on the playground as though she were a part of them. She gave him the chance to be more than just a lab assistant or a wild; she was his daughter.

There was no way that someone like him would ever be involved in something so awful on purpose. He had to have been tricked. He had to.

"Knowing the way people have acted in my time... I doubt it was anything but intentional," Violet spoke up regarding the company's name. "Rather, I believe it may be a signal of sorts... a manner to gather favor and funding by the unscrupulous who would know the significance of it. That was how many fronts for thieves operated, anyhow."

Rather speaking on the matter, Hazel instead walked up the other Hazel and wrapped her arms around her front legs as best as she could in an embrace.

Violet looked on with a raised brow, but said nothing on the matter. It was a topic about her old home, after all; discovering it had a shady undercurrent to it would upset anyone. In fact, in was more than likely those documents that incited Neo Team Galactic to strike. But why did she consult the other Hazel rather than me...? They would talk later, if Hazel felt like opening up. It wasn't her place to intervene.

Clearing her throat, Violet said, "Well, I journeyed for new clothes and disembarked with new wisdom. Fitting, I would say," she gave a half-smirk as she raised her brows a smidgen. Even the Machamp that was her brows can struggle under a heavy burden. "You know, I do not believe I ever received thine name. Mayhaps we ought to 'keep in touch' as they say? An alliance of sorts may be of mutual benefit." She reached out to Gladion for a handshake.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Hazel brushed the foretalong that wasn’t occupied by the other Hazel’s hug through her head-plumes and down her head.

As displeased as Gladion was with the way Xavier had set this all up, there was no denying it’d wise to have more people on his side. He accepted the handshake. “Agreed. And my name is Gladion. Gladion Mohn…” He turned to the Hazels, an thought forming in his head. “As in, the Linden Mohn I mentioned is my dad.”

A chill ran down his spine. That was something he’d never expected to say aloud again. He crossed his arms again, but this time it was more akin to the way one might do it when cold rather than upset. “He didn’t do the RKS stuff or the helmet, but he’d have to be the one to give them human language.”

That got Hazel’s attention. She’d always expressed interest in his father. Gladion suspected she considered Linden her own father, too.

“And my father’s not a terrible person or anything. He cared about Hazel and her siblings, tried to help them fulfil their potential. He wanted the best for them, even if he wasn’t prepared for… what happened without him. So whatever you dad was caught up in, whatever he did or didn’t know about this lab…” He couldn’t quite find the words to finish that sentence. “You see what I’m getting at, right?”
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