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Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
“... Add a little powder here, some gloss there and a bit of white mascara. Voila! You look absolutely dashing, Zeal. Graceful and elegant like a proper and beautiful vixen!” Pixels said, placing back the makeup product in their little boxes.

She certainly did an amazing job if she could say so herself. It was really a challenge getting the right amount on the Zorua’s black fur but the end result was worth the effort.

“Ooh really? Do I look elegant and beautiful, Evie? Do I? Do I?” Zeal said, bouncing on the tips of her paws and giving her big sister an expectant look.

Her big sister was Evie, the coolest Pokémon Pixels had ever met, stood there with a stoic and calm look though after a few weeks of staying with the vixen, even Pixels could tell that Evie had a very soft spot for her sister and it probably wouldn't take long before she–

“You're the cutest and prettiest little princess in this world, Zeal.”


“Yay, I'm the world’s prettiest Zorua!” Zeal skipped around, the aura of joy breaking down whatever pitiful defenses Evie had left and she smiled back, looking like her heart had practically melted.

It was hard to believe the doting Pokémon that was visibly gushing out over her sister was the same one that had saved her from that scary bug lady and beat up that giant Pokémon. Evie looked so cool and awesome when she saved Pixels, the way she moved while she fought, the elegance, the charm, the glamour. It came as a surprise when Pixels asked her what conditioner she used to make her fur so silky smooth and received an answer that made the little Vulpix green with envy.

Pixels spent a huge amount of time everyday making herself look as beautiful as possible and yet Evie didn't need to do any of that. She was just a natural beauty!

“You did a great job,” Evie said. The unexpected compliment making the Vulpix blush.

Pixels absentmindedly fiddled with her scarf. “Th-thanks, Miss Evie. My-my mommy and daddy taught me everything I know so um, I…” A stray thought came to her. How much more beautiful would Evie look if she applied makeup? Could Pixels even do her justice?

“Now what did I say about calling me ‘Miss’. You know I'm not that much older than you,” Evie said with mocked exasperation.

“Oh-oh right, miss–I mean Evie. I…” Pixels trailed off, eyes darting around, the question still lingering in her mind but she didn't know how to quite voice it.

“Is something the matter?” Evie asked with a quirked brow.

“It's uh, nothing, Evie… I just um…” Okay, she was making things awkward now. Ah, why words hard say when with idol?

“Ooh, I know!” Zeal exclaimed, breaking the tension before it became suffocating. “She must want you to wear makeup too. She’s always talking about how pretty you are and how she could make herself be like–”

“Ah! Zeal, you can't just say that in front of her!” The blush spreading across her cheeks glowed so hot if she had lesser control over her flames she was sure she’d spontaneously combust out of embarrassment.

When Evie turned to face her with an amused smirk, she averted her eyes and hid her face, not wanting her idol to see her flushed cheeks.

“Oh really?”

Pixels didn't trust herself to speak and nodded instead.

“See? See? I was right!” Pixels could practically hear the smile in the Zorua’s voice.

“Heh.” Evie chuckled. “If that's all, then I'm sure I can indulge in your request.”

Pixels froze. Did she hear that correctly? She glanced at her idol in shock. “R-really?”

“Why not?” She shrugged. “I’ve had our local Chansey brush my hair before. It couldn't be anything different than that.”

With those words, the shock and apprehension vanished, replaced by glee and joy that rivalled Zeal herself. “You won't be disappointed!” She squeed, gathering her supplies and preparing for her biggest project ever!

“Woohoo! I'm gonna have the prettiest sister ever!”
A Confession (Non-Pokémon)


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
The cool winds of the night blew against her hair, the view of the city below her was as breathtaking as ever. The lights, the nightly commune of the people, what they said about New York City was true as even this late out, there were still dozens of cars and people sprawling about.

Jane, or to the average folk, Distortia was propped against the ledge of a building, her costume, a dark blue dress with patterns akin to the night sky billowed in the chilly breeze. She took in a breath, the smoky, polluted air of the city was something she had long since gotten used to with how frequent she moved. Her legs dangled over the edge, a grin stretched across her cheeks and her eyes glinted behind the eye mask, trailing across her fellow vigilante crouching beside her.

"... wait, so you're telling me that your hair's not naturally like that?" The lens on his mask widened in surprise which for a guy wearing full spandex and a face mask, he was fairly expressive.

"Yup." She nodded, taking another bite out of her cupcake. "Did you really think I'd use my natural hair color without a mask like yours? That's just asking for people to unmask me."

He stared at her with an incredulous look and after a bit of internal confliction, he asked, "H-how?" Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny seeing his face of utter shock. He probably thought that she'd dye her hair every time she went into costume.

Snorting at the thought, Distortia shook her head. "Well, it turns out gravity and physics aren't the only things I'm capable of manipulating." She grinned, quirking a brow as she relished in the questioning gaze. "How did you think I manage to move the stars in my costume?" To futher emphasize her point, she waved a hand through her hair, willing the ponytail into a dark crimson before it turned back to its usual white.

Of course, she wasn't speaking the entire truth. Her hair was indeed naturally white, she just made it a tad bit darker to mess with people in case they could spot her little white lie. Heh heh. Man, talking to people about her powers was so much fun. The only time she'd ever done this was–never mind. She didn't want that particular train of thought to ruin the moment.

Smirking, she glanced back at the masked vigilante. "You can stop trying to imagine me as a brunette or a blonde, Spidey. My hair's not that interesting."

The resulting sputters from Spider-Man were just a delight to hear.
The Perfect Gift


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
All around him was an endless void of nothing.




And incredibly boring.

Was this really the best The Llama God could think of?

Tch. 0/10. Little originality and dull.

But whatever. He wasn't here to rate the dwelling of another deity — as much as he hated how frequent this type of realm is in the Infiniverse — no, instead today he was here for official business.

You see. Trepassing in a God's domain (That's with a capital 'G', mind you) is a bit of a tricky conundrum. Some would ignore you unless you decided to do something incredibly stupid, some utterly despise anything and anyone trespassing their realm, and some would blah blah blah, you get the picture.

To be honest, most of the time, he'd rather sneak in and go around undetected than to deal with them and if he could, he wouldn't even want to let this God know that he was a thing. But, Cosmo above, his plans hinged on having full reign on a small portion of this particular sector of the Infiniverse, and it didn't take a genius to understand why most deities hated that.

And look, as interesting as this all sound, he didn't sign up for a lecture today. He already had one scheduled for the next coming months. Alright? If you really wanna know more, maybe try searching elsewhere.

*Ahem* Anyway, where was he? Oh, right.

Llama God, or more commonly known as Arceus. This was his domain. The one where his truest essence stayed in. A being whose true form would be beyond the average mortal's comprehension, yada yada, you probably know the whole deal.

He gave this multiverse a nice little cosmic knock earlier, to warn them of his presence and proceeded to stride right in when he sensed the God's curiosity.

And jeez, did it take a while for them to actually grace him with their essence.

The abyss gave way to a blinding light. If he were a lesser being, his very soul and existence would've been evaporated from being so close to the God.

True Arceus looked down on him, their form completely indecipherable to the mortal eyes loomed over him. He could feel the pressure of a nonillion universes weighing down on him, the power brimming in them were incalculable like he was a miniscule droplet of water compared to millions of planets worth of liquid. The Llama God was certainly not holding back in displaying their strength.

And yet, in the face of such a deity, Crude merely blinked. It was a rather dramatic entrance but nothing he never saw before.

In a manner of miliseconds, words flew into his head. Questions, demands, emotions, thousands of them enveloped his mind, and he answered them to his best abilities. He only needed a small portion of realities to work with, nothing that would affect the Llama God in the long run but that didn't mean he would do things offhandedly.

He even prepared a little offering. Pulling from his own dimension, he held out a wrapped box and presented it to True Arceus with a grin.

True Arceus said nothing, not through his mind nor verbally. It took a moment, an extremely long yet short time for a being like them. They were probably wondering what was in it.

Yup, it sure is the perfectest gift. He mentally pat himself on the back as the Llama God opened it up and revealed...

A tea set with a little table, chairs and everything.

Tea Time was a wonderful way to get into their good graces.
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