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[CYOA] You Are a Rock

Post 1-1


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
[Note: Discussion and rules/mechanics are posted here.]


You are... here.

No sight. No sound. No touch. Not even a smell or a taste.

Yet, you know what these things are. You have no memory of why, or what you had done before. It was knowledge imparted to you.

You have a sense of urgency. You have thoughts and emotions that are walled off behind a thousand layers of suffocating miasma. Like you weren't meant to think.

And you are drifting off...


It's cold. You don't like the cold.

It's warmer. That's better.

How long has it been? You're tired again...




You aren't as tired today. "Today." Is it "today?" You can't tell. Your sense of time had also been gone. Gone? Did you ever have it, or do you only know about it from that bestowed knowledge?

Now that you've had a moment to gather your thoughts, as few and as muddled as they were, you realize... you aren't going back to sleep anymore.

You can think? And more clearly! Amazing!

Skill acquired: Consider
You gained 2 Consideration slots!

Keep things in mind for later. Each time you Consider something, a Prominence point will be added to the thought, which will decrease by 1 per post.

New Considerations will replace old ones if they have more Prominence and you are out of slots.

Check the rules for more info!

But... there isn't a whole lot you can do with just thinking.

Once again, you are lost.

The fact that you're here at all, though. That means you're getting stronger. Stronger... stronger means something to you. You know that word, that concept. But... from zero, a thoughtless nothing, anything would be stronger. And you...

HP: 3/3
Offense: 1
Defense: 1

...Do not seem to have much.

Oh no. You feel yourself drifting off again. Afloat in an endless sea of temperature-less nothing, just on the surface and about to bob under again. How long will it be next time? Worry bubbles in your... not-gut. You aren't even sure what you are yet. Who you are, who you were? Was there a before? It's all blank and muddy.

Alone, utterly isolated with your thoughts... Yet, for some reason, you don't feel lonely.

All you know is you can't do this forever. You're tired of being tired. But what can you do about it?


What is your current priority?

1. I'm just too weak. I need to relax and gather my thoughts... (+2 HP)
2. I can't go to sleep yet! I need to take action! (+1 Offense)
3. I don't know enough. Maybe if I anchor myself, I'll notice something... (+1 Defense)

Current Status

HP: 3/3
Offense: 1
Defense: 1



Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Oooh, this is tough - I'm torn between options 2 and 3. I think defense might serve us better overall, but... we won't be able to make much progress if we aren't proactive!

Therefore, I'm casting my vote for Option 2: Take action!


House of Two Midnights
I'll just go ahead and diiiiive right in, then. Goddammit, Owen, how did you get yourself turned into an inanimate object this time?

Priority: I'm just too weak. I need to relax and gather my thoughts...

> Consider: Why you feel a sense of urgency
Post 1-2


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Action: 2
Relax: 1
Anchor: 1

Take Action! +1 Offense!

Gained Considerations:
- (2) Why do I feel a sense of urgency?
- (1) The sun is gone. It must be brought.

There was no telling when you would wake up again, if it would be the next day or year, or how many years had already passed. Yes! You had to take action, past your doubts and your caution.

But what were you supposed to do? Take action, what did that mean when you lacked any kind of sense? You could think. Maybe you could... think harder? Think faster? That, too, was meaningless.

Why were you so urgent? What... did you leave behind?

Panic wells up inside your mind, but this time it is more controlled. You have to seize something.

The sun--sight, your senses, had been taken from you. You knew what sight was before. Why, then, do you no longer have it? Or was this knowledge, granted? The thoughts once again swirl through your mind as everything slows down.

It must be brought.

Maybe you were being given this as a goal. That is just as equal an option.

Through an act of pure will, you dig deep into your "self" and try to find an answer.

You get your first sense of warmth. Something around you. All around you. Sunlight?

But you take action. The sun must be brought!

Performed ???! Gained 2 Energy!

You reach out with your mind. It feels like you are stretching limbs you never had, digging into the darkness to unearth a thousand years of dust from an even older coffin. In this timeless state, you do not know if this goes on for a day or a decade.

And the sun is returned.

Green. Dazzling green. Tall, tall trees--you know those things, trees, you know green, you know many things around you automatically. Knowledge buried within you now returned.

You are in a small clearing about ten feet across. The trees are tall but from your low angle, you can't tell how high they go. However, the light from the sun filters through the canopy where a few birds nest. It's noon. Maybe late noon.

You can see all around you and hear things again. The sensation overwhelms you at first as the seconds tick by at a pace you can finally measure. Yet, you still do not know how long it had been before you "returned." You could cry, but for some reason you can't.

But there is one thing that bothers you. Even though you can "look" around, "hear" things, even have a sense of warmth in the air that tells you it is spring or summer... you can also look at yourself. It's like you are projecting and then looking away, an out-of-body experience.

Except... you can't see a body.

You see...



That's you. Right there. Sitting in a small clearing in an unknown forest. Gray, lumpy, and completely unassuming, nestled between a patch of grass about two inches tall and another pebble you are confident is inanimate. It's just you, a rock about the size of an orange.

This upsets you and you don't know why. But as you think about it more, about your urgency from earlier, you realize something crucial: If you were urgently trying to come alive, and there was now nobody around, that meant... you were on a mission, or someone sent you, or created you, to fulfill some kind of mission.

But how the hell were you supposed to complete that mission... as a rock?!

For a short while, you fester with these thoughts, wishing you had a throat to grumble with. And your restless, action-seeking nature has you rumbling with anticipation.


You can rumble. Experimentally, you... try to move. The feeling is foreign and strenuous. You have no idea how you're doing it except my squeezing muscles you don't have, like your very soul was willing this rock to move. Move! MOVE!

And you do. You roll one revolution to the right. There is no sense of up or down with your body, so thankfully you cannot get dizzy.

Baby steps. Or, rolls, in your case. It's a start.

You can see about thirty feet in any direction before it gets hazy like a swirl of colors. Not the best vision. But it's better than nothing. Your hearing is a little better, mostly through vibrations in the ground, but you can also sense things in the air. The warmth of the sun is nice, too. You can "feel" the softness of the grass below your rocky body. The dirt underneath you is healthy. The dirt feels nostalgic like an old bed. But you cannot stay there any longer.

After wondering if you should apologize to the dirt for leaving it behind, you consider your next steps. But not long after this, something at the edge of your clearer vision catches your attention. Something is there, some kind of four-legged Pokemon. Small, but still larger than you, of course. He is sniffing around, looking angry.

Then, it stares directly at your body. Growls. And then runs away.

That was probably meaningful...


What do you do about the Pokemon?

1. Pursue.
2. Hide.
3. Flee.
4. Stay still.

Current Status

HP: 3/3
Energy: 2/3
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (1) Why do I feel a sense of urgency?
- (!) The sun is gone. It must be brought.


House of Two Midnights
Hmmm, a rock that can bop around a bit, and was created for some purpose. A key stone, perhaps? Seems kinda lonely in here if so.

Given our 3 HP, it might be wiser to hide and see if anyone comes to investigate the weird rolling rock. But heck with it, we're not going to get better at moving without stretching those aura muscles a bit!

Decision: Pursue

> Consider: Everybody wants a rock.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
Looking angry, huh? That might be a problem if we need to fight... But screw it, we need to meet people!

Decision: Let's Rock and Roll! (Pursue)

And to try out the conflicted status, especially since we might need a consideration slot soon...

Rejection: Why do I feel a sense of urgency?
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Post 1-3


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Pursue: 3


Gained Considerations:
- (2) Everybody wants a rock.
- (Conflicted!) Why do I feel a sense of urgency?

You are lost and without any memories of what happened or why you were there. At this point, even a potentially hostile presence might be better than nothing. That is your conclusion. So, with the energy you have, you roll forward and follow the canine as quickly as you can.

Unfortunately, that is not very fast.

The canine doubles back every now and then to growl at you more loudly. At this point, it knows you are following... but that was the point, wasn't it? There is no point in stealth when you're literally a rock.

But when you keep inching closer, its growls instead become ferocious barks and it lunges at you! You're too slow to dodge and it slams directly into you like a Tackle.

Ouch! Took 1 HP in damage.

But that was expected. Everyone wants a rock! You, perhaps, had to win it over somehow. With your rockiness.

Now that you are closer, you have a better idea of the species. It floats to the top of your mind like hidden knowledge: Lillipup.

"Hey! Lilly! Bad!"

But before Lillipup could attack you even further, a voice calls from out of your vision. Lillipup stops instantly and downgrades back to growling at you. This doesn't have much of an effect, but you realize this is actually another technique it knows...

Someone new enters your vision range. It's... yes, you recognize this species, too. This one is a human. Female, wearing a brown skirt and green dress. Her hair matched her skirt's color. Her shoes and socks suggested she was ready to rough it in uneven or wetter terrain, but the rest of her attire confirmed that it was certainly spring or summer and not anything colder.

There is something special about humans that sets them apart from all other species. They have a different classification than Lillipup, who is a Pokemon.

Were you a human once? Were you a Pokemon? Or something else entirely? You knew a lot about human culture, but that, too, could have been knowledge imparted.

These thoughts swirl in your mind as this human reminds you of all the strangeness of your hazy background. You are... conflicted. Does that matter right now? If you couldn't remember anything about it, maybe it would show up later. Or maybe it wasn't important at all. You are left wondering if you are supposed to find your purpose, rediscover this old purpose, or... not care at all.

Maybe just being a rock was okay?

"Lilly," she said, picking up Lillipup, who whined and licked her face. "What's the matter? That's not like you."

Lilly barked again and then glared at you. She seemed upset like you offended her about something before you could see. Maybe you had accidentally flailed into her before?

Well... everybody wants a rock. Maybe this human could be your way of getting more answers. More importantly, humans were harmless. You remember this. Compared to Pokemon, humans could not do a whole lot of damage. This human probably can't harm you.

"That rock?" the human asks. "How strange! It... just looks like a normal rock, Lilly."

Lilly growls again.

Everybody wants a rock! Still wanting to take action, you nudge yourself forward, rolling a few revolutions closer.

"Ah!" the human shouts in surprise. "Oh! It's alive! Um... I think..."

Okay. You have her attention! And Lilly is still growling. It's beginning to get annoying.

"Hi," the human says. "My name is Millie. And this is Lilly! Say hi, Lilly."

Lilly growls back. But this time, Lilly is trying to convey a begrudging greeting to you. Yes, you understand Lilly... sort of.

"So, um... are you a Pokemon?" Millie asks. "I don't think I've ever seen a... rock... that could move like this in Pinwheel Forest."

Ah, yes. Talking. Conversation. You knew about conversations. Those usually required mouths. This was going to be awkward.

But maybe, just maybe, if you tried really hard... yes! You can do this. You're confident that, if you put your mind to it, you CAN talk... telepathically!

Things were looking up now!

Special Action Discovered:
Energy cost: 0
Action Limit: Unlimited
Target: Single (30 feet) or Everyone (30 feet)

You can talk! You may project your thoughts into a single target, or broadcast your thoughts for anyone in range to hear you.

Special Actions can be picked along with any Decisions or Considerations in the same post. You can only select one Special Action per post, but multiple Special Actions can be taken at once.
All Actions have an Action Limit. That is, how many times you can perform that specific action. Telepathy is Unlimited: in other words, anything you say will be said, unless it is specifically rejected.
In the event of a tie, the first Special Action in the tie to reach that value will break it, if there is a conflict in how many actions can be taken.

There is no decision to make here. You should reply to her! Try using Special Actions now.

A new "Special Action" list has been added to the discussion thread.

Current Status

HP: 2/3
Energy: 2/3
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (1) Everybody wants a rock.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Action: Telepathy (Everyone): "A Pokemon? Ha! There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Millie! I am not a being bound by types or stats or levels, nor am I a creature limited to flesh and physics, like you mortal humans! Nay, I am an entirely new kind of entity never before seen on this world: a rock. Within just the past hour, I've developed perception, automotive force, and now telepathy. And did I mention that I have the fantastic and unfathomable power to hold two entire thoughts in my mind at once!? Extrapolating from this rate of development, I predict I'll be omnipotent within a week.

Luckily, there's still time for you to get in on the ground floor of worshiping me eternally. I believe this state of affairs will be quite acceptable to you, as everyone wants a rock, of course. My followers only need obey a few simple commandments, which are... uh...

Actually, I have no idea whatsoever what it is I want in this world. Do you have any suggestions for what my purpose in life should be?"

Consider: If you don't know what you want, take power.


House of Two Midnights
Hmmm, seems we're in the trainerverse. Perhaps the rockening is something that can happen if a PMD mon is sent to the trainer world, since humans get transformed when going the other way?

Wonder if this is a trainer and we could get her to scan us with a pokédex somehow, hmm.

We'll try the Special Action, then.

> Special Action: Telepathy (Lily) "Why did you run away?"

> Consider: How you know what a lillipup is
Post 1-4


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
- (1) If you don't know what you want, take power.
- (1) How do I know what a Lillipup is?

Millie listens first to the great ramblings of you, a seemingly maddened rock. She starts off with a smile, and picks the rock up to inspect it, turning it over and looking for signs of a speaker. Odd, you can get the impression of some of her intents just by proximity.

Once you're done talking, ending with "Do you have any suggestions for what my purpose in life should be?" she is already setting you down and walking away.

"Ah! Wait!" you cry, rolling after her. She stops and turns around, glaring at you skeptically. "It was it was just a joke, just a joke, you see!" you explain. "I don't... know what came over me. I was feeling talkative and whimsical. You know, after... being an unthinking rock, and then going to a rock, ah... I do mean that last part, though. I don't know why I'm here."

Lillipup growls at you, headbutting you. It is thankfully not a harmful strike, more one of annoyance.

"...R... right," Millie says. "You seemed... a lot different before you started talking."

Ouch. That feels like an 'I liked you better when you couldn't talk' statement if you ever heard one. And you might have. Hard to tell when you lack memories.

"Let's start over," you say. "Umm... where are we?"

"Pinwheel Forest," Millie said, crouching down to pick you up again. At the greater height, it is easier to see from a better vantage point, but you cannot see any further than before. It's too hazy after a stone's throw away. Ironic.

"I don't know what that is," you admit.

"Huh. Well, it's a little forest between Skyarrow Bridge and Nacrene City. ...You recognize those names at all?"


"Hmm... Well, Mister Rock, I don't really know how I'd be able to help... But I can try asking--"

"Is everything alright over there?" calls a growling voice.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Millie shoves you into her bag. Your new friends are empty Pokeballs, some used Potion sprays, and a notebook.

Strange. You can still see outside a little as long as the cover is open. You 'project' yourself vertically and can still see what is happening.

Lily, meanwhile, hops into the same bag you're in as Millie walks to the new voice.

A thought occurs to you. "Why did you run away?" you ask Lily, specifically.

Lily growls back and turns her head away. You had offended her. And you are not able to understand Lily very easily... but you get the impression you must have hurt her after all.

The source of the voice is finally past the haze. You see that it was... an Arcanine. Hidden away, something tells you not to speak up for now, despite any impulses you may feel.

"Hm. You smell unharmed," Arcanine said.

"Y-yes, Arcanine. Thank you."

"I thought I heard a shout. I apologize." He bowed. You notice he has a bag near the left of his neck with a curious emblem keeping it closed. It looks much like an egg with wings, or some kind of badge or group insignia. He also wears a purple scarf that trails along the other side of his neck.

Interesting. Some Pokemon can talk and others can't? Something about that is strange to you.

"We had strange energy readings in the area," warns Arcanine. "You should leave and return home. I'm sorry if that interrupts any hiking."

"Oh, no, it doesn't," Millie says. "I'll go."

Arcanine nods, turns around, and in a single leap, leaves your vision range. Millie watches for a while longer and sighs. "Weirdo..."

You wiggle out of the bag until your top half is outside. "I don't have much knowledge right now... and I know what your partner is... but I don't know why," you say. "I don't know why I know some things."

"Maybe... maybe you have amnesia, but you remembered a few other things?" Millie suggests. "Hmm..."

"Well... I don't know where I am, or who I am, or where I should be going... Perhaps I should be focused on gathering power."

"Power, huh?" Millie looked pensive. "Well, I don't know if I can help you there. I just go on hikes with Lily... Maybe I can take you to Nacrene City, where I live, and you can... find something? Or you can... live quietly and try to gain some knowledge... passively? Maybe your memories will come back on their own!"


You are left with a dilemma. Millie does not seem like she can provide you with much, but she is also the only anchor you have in this world so far. But you need to gather power if nothing else. Maybe that can dislodge something from your lost memories...

It's too early for you to think of long-term solutions, but you do need to decide one thing for now. And you still have more questions than answers. Where could you get more? What was best to prioritize?


Where do you go?
1. Go with Millie to Nacrene City.
2. Stay in Pinwheel Forest.
3. Go to Skyarrow Bridge.

Current Status
HP: 2/3
Energy: 2/3
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) If you don't know what you want, take power.
- (!) How do I know what a Lillipup is?

Nacrene Town -> Nacrene City
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House of Two Midnights
Oho, so not precisely trainerverse, but perhaps some trainerverse/PMD fusion? And if we're near Nacrene Town, not Nacrene City, that suggests that we're either in an alternate universe or somewhere displaced in time from "present-day Pokémon." (Which I suppose makes sense with the PMD elements.) Maybe it's an alt universe where something something N something something human-Pokémon equality?

I'll also revise my guess about our character's deal away from "key stone" towards "Dark Stone"/"Light Stone," lol. Although apparently we're gray, hmm.

At the moment I'm pro-Nacrene because of its renown local museum and Lenora, who might have some insight into what's going on with us. Of course, because of differences in the setting, there's a good chance one or both of those things won't be there, but might as well at least take a shot. Seems unlikely we'd be able to make it across Skyarrow without something messing with us, and at the moment we'll probably learn more anywhere but the forest.

> Go with Millie to Nacrene Town.

> Special Action: Telepathy (Millie)
"What is your home like?"


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
That PMD badge tho :eyes:

100% agree on Nacrene City, probably lots of potential new characters too. Let's see what we find!

Decision: Go with Millie to Nacrene City

Consider: I need to rest and recover my health

Telepathy (everyone): "Humans and Pokemon can... talk...?"
Post 1-5


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Go with Millie: 2

Go with Millie!

- (1) I need to rest and recover my health.

"I'll go with you for now," you say.

You do not know anything about this place. If Millie is going to be friendly and helpful, you are best off to take the offer.

"Great. If that's the case, I'll just take a short walk back!"

With a smile and gently patting you into her bag, Millie walks out of the thick of the forest and onto a main road. You're lost and unsure of what to do... but at least you have someone to help you along the way.

This could be the start of a rocky road to recovery.


Part I ~ A Rocky Start

A few minutes have passed comfortably and you still feel fatigued. The sun's occasional beams of light warm you, though at this point you have deduced that you are not solar-powered and only appreciate the light for its warmth.

"There's apparently a distortion, so... mmm, I don't really like that," Millie says. "I haven't seen anything, at least..."

"A distortion?" you repeat.

She nods. "Strange pockets in the world that seem to bring in hostile Pokemon. At around the same time, those talking Pokemon also showed up all around the world..."

"Humans and Pokemon can... talk?"

"To each other? Sure!" Millie smiles down at Lily. "In a sense, I think Pokemon can understand humans just fine! In... feelings. It makes sense to me, at least."

"Not the exact words, but the feelings behind them," you repeat. That feels familiar. Maybe this is part of your submerged knowledge base.

Lily tiredly yarns and then presses her nose against one of the capsules in her bag. In a wash of red light, she disappears right before you, that light pouring into the ball.

"...Your capsule devoured your friend."

"Oh! You don't know what a Pokeball is! That's okay. She's just fine. Pokemon like going inside those capsules to relax."

An uncomfortable thought runs through your rocky mind. Would you be able to enter one of those? Are you a pokemon? You need to recover, but...

"Are there other ways to recover?" you ask.

"A good night's sleep?"


"You could rest at my home, of course! I'll find a good... nightstand... for you..."

You do not know what a nightstand is but it sounds offensive. "What is your home like?" you ask instead.

"Oh, it's a small apartment along the main street," she says dismissively. "It's not all that large, but it works for why I'm here."

"Let's go there first," you say. "I'm still... weak. I need to recover after that little tussle with Lily."

"Oh, I'm so sorry about her. She gets a little feisty with anything she doesn't understand."

No kidding. You press yourself a little deeper into the bag and glare at the capsule. How dare she. Maybe when you're stronger, you can give her a piece of your mind...

Millie suddenly stops walking. The shift in momentum rolls you a little in her bag. You nudge your way to the top and project yourself higher to see what she's seeing.

"Oh," she says.

Right in the middle of the road, two lampposts that marked the way into the city only a block ahead... were twisted into an impossible spiral, becoming an archway rather than two posts. The air rippled as if a pond had been turned into a vertical, rippling wall.

You know enough about "words" to know that when someone sees this, they would call it a "distortion."

"That's... the road home," Millie says. "And it's a..."


What now?

1. If we run through and don't stop, we'll get by without trouble!
2. If we go off the beaten path, we'll avoid the distortion entirely.
3. Why don't we camp out until those talking Pokemon figure it out?

Current Status
HP: 2/3
Energy: 2/3
Offense: 2
Defense: 1

- (!) I need to rest and recover my health.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
This could be the start of a rocky road to recovery.

Oh, youuu :okgon:

"You could rest at my home, of course! I'll find a good... nightstand... for you..."

You do not know what a nightstand is but it sounds offensive.

Godamnit, I walked right into that one :mewlulz: even though our character is a rock, I still pictured us sleeping in a bed for some reason. No need for cushioning when you're a rock!


I'm really conflicted with our decision... I don't buy for a second that we'll get through without trouble if we run into the distortion. On the other hand, I also highly doubt we can bypass the distortion by just walking around it either. We could wait for the Arcanine from earlier... but what if it reacts negatively to our character's strange energy and chases us into the distortion anyway?

Hmm... After thinking it over, I think I'm leaning towards waiting though. If the Arcanine shows up, we'll learn more about it if nothing else; and who knows, maybe it'll prepare us for the distortion better! But if someone else would like us to run in and take our chances, I'm certainly not opposed either.

Decision: Why don't we camp out until those talking Pokemon figure it out?

For our Consideration, I suspect we might need to use that 2 Attack stat soon...

Consider: I need to learn how to fight!
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House of Two Midnights
Oh, youuu :okgon:
Exact same reaction to that line, lmao. Not enough bricks in the world for all the rock puns in this story.

Hmmm, if not pokédex, maybe Millie would be game to try catching us in a pokéball, to test the pokémon theory... though the full ramifications of that might be a bit scary.

I kinda worry that if we wait for the PMD team to sort out the distortion, something's going to reach out and grab us, or something nasty will pop out and attack us before they show up, etc. Would prefer to find a way around. Definitely agreed that we could stand to get better at defending ourselves, though! Perhaps we need to find... a trainer?

Decision: If we go off the beaten path, we'll avoid the distortion entirely.

Consider: I need to learn how to fight!
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