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[COMPLETE] Humble Vale Mafia


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"And?" Mademoiselle asked, narrowing her eyes. "What limitations do these messages have? Random person of what selection? We know that our mysterious 'telemarketer' can only send messages to town and if Amy and Rui's claims are true, they can only send to so-called 'Aliens'; is your ability similarly limited?"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
[[It's been 16 hours since SOD2 and someone should have claimed to have received another morse coded "deals" and "wow" message by now. Starting to think @Fusion / Kora might have got it? Hey Fuse, if you got a weird PM about deals, it's morse code and it proves you're town, please let us know. I think @Sinderella is the other person to have not posted yet, also? So maybe it's Guzma who got it. Just a reminder to our less experienced players that if you have proof you're town, you ought to share it lmao. This isn't conplan.]]

wondered if anyone else had received weird visits at night?
Salem tilted her head at Possum Mango, eyes dilating.

"Weird how?" she asked. "What did you perceive?"


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Good news, guys. During the irl night I had a presumably prophetic dream about this game, where I was able to glimpse the roles and alignment of all the players.

Once again vote: Dragonfree has proven to be stealthy scum, this time by not appearing to be in the game.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Um, n-no...it j-just goes to a r-random person," Gen says, waddling back away from the terrifying bird of death.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Fry comes forward to say a few things.

First. He was shot during the night. He desires not to give any more details, but possums are very good at playing dead, so he survived the night. But he thinks it best not to explain the exact way in which he was able to survive.

Second, something else happened during the night, a strange message.

Deals!Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow! Wow! Deals! Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! / Wow!Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals!Deals! / Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow! / Deals! Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Wow! Wow! Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals! Wow!Deals!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals! Wow! Deals! Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! /

/ Deals!Wow!Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow!Deals! Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Wow! / Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! / Deals!Deals! Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals! Deals!Deals!Wow! Wow! Deals!Deals!Wow!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Wow!Deals! / Wow!Deals!Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Deals! Wow! / Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals! Deals! / Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Wow!Deals! / Wow!Deals! Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow! / Deals! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Wow! / Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals! Deals!Wow! / Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow! Deals!Wow! Deals!Wow!Wow! / Deals!Deals! Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals! Deals!Deals!Wow! Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! / Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals! Deals!Wow! Deals!Wow!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Deals!Wow!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Deals!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Deals! Deals! / Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Deals! Wow!Deals!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals! Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow! / Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Deals! Wow!Deals! Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow! Deals! / Deals! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals! /

/ Wow!Wow! / Wow!Deals! Deals!Deals! / Deals! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals! / Wow!Wow! / Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Deals! Wow! / Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! / Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow! / Wow!Deals!Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Deals! Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals! / Wow!Wow! / Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Deals! Wow! / Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Wow! / Deals!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Deals! Deals!Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow!Wow! Deals!Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Deals!Wow!Wow!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Deals!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Wow! / Deals! Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow!Wow!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow! Deals! / Wow!Wow! Wow!Wow!Wow! / Deals! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Deals! Deals!Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals! / Wow!Wow! / Deals!Wow!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! / Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Deals! / Deals!Wow!Deals! Deals!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals!Deals! / Wow!Deals!Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Deals!Deals!Deals! / Deals! Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! Wow! / Deals!Deals! Wow!Deals! Wow!Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow!Wow! Wow!Deals! / Wow!Deals! Wow!Deals!Wow! Wow! Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals!Wow!Deals! /

Fry is uncertain, but he has a suspicion what it says, as he worked on trying to understand it.

Fry also wants people to know he might be distracted today, but as always, he will be listening.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts



Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
initial reactions to Possum being shot

1. wow everyone is bulletproof(/has alternative ways of surviving a nightkill) in this game

2. if another person claims being shot and surviving, then we have evidence our TP-killer is dangerous and can strike every night


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Um, n-no...it j-just goes to a r-random person," Gen says, waddling back away from the terrifying bird of death.

Mademoiselle rolled her eyes, growing more and more unconvinced by the oshawott's claim. "That's not what I asked," she snapped impatiently. "Stop telling me things I already know. You're only giving me reason to distrust your claim."

[[Aight, to fully do some OOC elaboration, Bench, I wanted to ask how limited your ability to communicate with other players are as every player who has claimed the same thing. Can you only use certain words, such as the telemarketer's "Wow!"s and "Deals"? or is it only a question, like Yellow's ability? Additionally, who are the players who can receive the message, such as the Telemarketer's messages only going to Town, or Equi's messages (assuming he is honest about his role) only going to Aliens?]]


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"I-It g-goes to a random person. A-anyone at all," Gen said, trembling even more.


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
Someone had targeted the Possum, the Possum who had powers to bless or curse (whatever that meant). No wonder he had looked so stressed that morning. Though, he lived, and that was the most important part, because he was then able to share the Telemarketer's message with the group.

Steven was so proud of this little creature. Tough, yet fuzzy, sort of like a mesolite crystal. If mesolite crystals had a penchant for eating out of a dumpster.

Either way, the Possum was town and was able to help their cause, and that was important to confirm for sure.

Though, it was as Steven feared, and Amy voiced the same concern aloud. "It seems like there is a lot of protection for us at night, though it is finite. We need to begin working together in earnest before that protection is exhausted."

Steven paused, considering what he was about to say. He already didn't like it, but time... Time was ticking away. "At this point, with so much protection still in play, everyone needs to contribute toward finding and eliminating the killers, even if it puts you at risk. Those who have information powers, you have had two nights to gather intel, can you share what you've learned? Those who have messaging powers, you have sent and received messages to help link and confirm players, please continue sharing what you know. Those who have contributed nothing... I'm sorry you are becoming my prime suspects at the moment."

Steven glanced at the unruly punk with the Goliasopod, the hot-dog loving man who spoke in to tongues, and the Zoroak who was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Now is the time to share what you know. Our nightly protections are running out."


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"...I-I can only send a c-couple words, too. I u-used that to s-send a message in M-Morse Code l-last night," Gen said.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[When did they say that?

I'm voting DawningWinds, and if I get this answer back I'll explain why.]]

DW did say their role was not "role-madnessy" when Jackie assumed the game was otherwise. did definitely say that. I'm curious for more explanation of your voting for DW.

she was asking a lot of questions yesterday, trying to get pretty specific details on others’ roles, and she voted for a lot of people yesterday,

Explanation for my grilling of Yellow: basically, I briefly became sus of her for having a redundant, relatively useless role. This was boosted by the fact that Rui initially described her role as an Alien "helper or ambassador", priming me for something more extensive. With the clarification, Rui gave about how she could contact any TPs and her more neutral "UFO Watcher" role name, I'm back to being pretty satisfied that she's prob innocent.

(Also, I only voted seriously for two different people during the previous day. Most people didn't vote before DW, so I was a bigger voter. But not that much.)

I've got a hunch that multiple aliens means they can prep eachother to berserk and win, which is frightening for sure.

There's nothing about this in my own role PM. How would that work?


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Hey Fuse, if you got a weird PM about deals, it's morse code and it proves you're town, please let us know. I think @Sinderella is the other person to have not posted yet, also? So maybe it's Guzma who got it. Just a reminder to our less experienced players that if you have proof you're town, you ought to share it lmao. This isn't conplan.]]

[[Nope, I didn't get any PMs or DMs. I don't think anyone would really target me for anything on the account of not really being in the game. Even now Kora's just rotating off screen and I still don't really feel like using him.

Even if I wanted to play I don't really got nothin' to add. I'm pretty sure this is role madness but I lucked out and got Vanilla. Again. And thanks to my absence and in-general lack of being able to read people, I can't really give any reads other than the obvious "the doctor may be town, the people that didn't die may also be town" and stuff like that. So I'm really just dead weight at this point.

I might see how I'm feeling and RP some time today, but I wouldn't hold my breath.]]


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Steven paused, considering what he was about to say. He already didn't like it, but time... Time was ticking away. "At this point, with so much protection still in play, everyone needs to contribute toward finding and eliminating the killers, even if it puts you at risk. Those who have information powers, you have had two nights to gather intel, can you share what you've learned? Those who have messaging powers, you have sent and received messages to help link and confirm players, please continue sharing what you know. Those who have contributed nothing... I'm sorry you are becoming my prime suspects at the moment."

Steven glanced at the unruly punk with the Goliasopod, the hot-dog loving man who spoke in to tongues, and the Zoroak who was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Now is the time to share what you know. Our nightly protections are running out."
Fry chittered in agreement.

Stone was right. They had been incredibly fortunate, but he really wanted the bad guys gone before someone died...

If anyone had messages, or information, or anything to share it could help know who was a good guy and maybe find bad guys.

He looked around, hoping someone had something to offer.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Guzma bounded out of the inn. He was pretty mad when that fucking bird threw him yesterday, but now he was fucking livid.

Which one of you absolute fuckholes shot me last night?”

He shook with the force of his anger as he gestured wildly to himself. “Surprise freaks, I’m a fucking Alien. Double surprise freaks, that girl we killed last night was my damn partner.”

Although he’d been doing his best to hide the fact that he was an Alien, based off warning—besides dropping some hints here and there to ward off some suspicion being cast at him—he found there was no point now.

He could continue to play stupid with hopes that he lived through the night, but chances are the scum would take him out now, knowing his protection was gone. He could continue to play stupid and perhaps bait an execution on himself and end the game, but he didn’t feel good taking everyone down with him. That fucking Yveltal? Maybe. Fry and everyone else? No.

“And before you hop on my dick and accuse me of lyin’ ‘cause I voted ‘em, lemme explain myself,” he seethed. He then dropped his head into his hands.

“I’m an idiot,” he said. “A trog, a fucking uno-braincell fuckhead.” He sighed deeply and looked up again, eyeing the group. “I was under the ‘ssumption my buddy didn’t know I had a Bulletproof protection because we never spoke,” he explained. “I never told her my role, and she never told me she was informed she had a Bulletproof protection. All I told her was my role was wack. That was my exact quote.”

He inhaled, taking a moment to consider his next words. “So when I saw that she claimed her partner was Bulletproof, I thought she was lyin’ through her teeth. Honestly I missed it when it was claimed that at first because I’m a fucking meathead. Didn’t know ‘bout it ‘till the day was about to end. Then by the time she said she’d known she had a Bulletproof protection, I’d already casted vote, and the day had ended. Not that that made any diff…but I didn’t have time to rethink.”

He pointed to that Amy girl. “I can at least say that what that lil’ girl said so far ‘bout the Alien role is true. If she would show more of her role description, I can try to verify if she altered shit on it to make herself seem more like Town. I can’t say if she’s truly Town-aligned like I am, but I can damn well try.”

He wondered if he should mention the next part. He decided then that he had nothing to lose. “I started tryna galaxy brain some shit…about maybe Steven ‘nd her being one Town, one Scum, and doing a switcheroo with their roles in some sorta weird attempt to go for a Buddy-win—Amy being confirmed by Telemarketer and Steven being the Alien—but I couldn’t figure out exactly what the damn point of that would be. Maybe because so many people were inclined to trust Steven before her?” He shook his head, realizing he was babbling. “Ignore all that. I’m just runnin’ my mouth at this point.” He eyed Fry. “Guess you also got confirmed by that Telemarketer. AND shot? I’ll kill the fools.”

Racking his brain for what to say next, he dragged his foot against the ground. Then he remembered. “Before my buddy took the axe, she gave me an written explanation as to why she was tryna vote me, and it was fuckin’ weird. I can’t find the note right now, though, I fuckin’ threw it somewhere…”

[[TL;DR Hardclaiming Alien, I voted DW because of a miscommunication and missing a post in the thread and some weird shit in buddy chat, and I’m offering to at least try to attempt to clear Equi of their role if they want to cooperate. I am also waiting to hear back from @Bluwiikoon about something—I’m trying to quote the last thing DW said in my now-closed buddy chat but TR isn’t letting me so I asked if I could just screenshot it. If that’s against the rules I might just have to copy and paste and hope y’all take my word for it. Idk if it’s even anything important since DW flipped town but it was fucking cryptic WEIRD.]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[Oh, also TLDR, I got shot too last night:] ]]


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[OKAY got the go-go from Bluwii, here ya go]]

Something seemed to occur to him, and he frantically reached into his pocket and pulled out a crinkled piece of paper. He frowned. “Riiiight I threw it, then picked it up and put it in my pocket…gods I’m fuckin’ braindead.”

He’d been up for most of the night trying to figure out what the FUCK it meant, but he couldn’t wrap his head around it. He unfolded the note and flashed it to everyone.

“I dunno if this is even important, but it feels off enough to share,” he said. “I dunno what she meant by that last part. ‘Nd I ‘specially dunno why they put emphasis on 25-50 like that,” he said. “This is another reason why I voted ‘em, because this shit’s weird. But they were innocent…so what fucking ‘people’ was she takin’ about? She said she was vanilla right? Was she fuckin’ talkin’ to scum? Or other towns? Can’t wrap my head around it.”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[OKAY got the go-go from Bluwii, here ya go]]

Something seemed to occur to him, and he frantically reached into his pocket and pulled out a crinkled piece of paper. He frowned. “Riiiight I threw it, then picked it up and put it in my pocket…gods I’m fuckin’ braindead.”

He’d been up for most of the night trying to figure out what the FUCK it meant, but he couldn’t wrap his head around it. He unfolded the note and flashed it to everyone.
View attachment 1592

“I dunno if this is even important, but it feels off enough to share,” he said. “I dunno what she meant by that last part. ‘Nd I ‘specially dunno why they put emphasis on 25-50 like that,” he said. “This is another reason why I voted ‘em, because this shit’s weird. But they were innocent…so what fucking ‘people’ was she takin’ about? She said she was vanilla right? Was she fuckin’ talkin’ to scum? Or other towns? Can’t wrap my head around it.”
[[Should note that when she sent this I still hadn’t seen her claim that she had a BP partner so all this was fucking gibberish to me. It kinda got to a point where I’d see posts from her and my brain would shut off.]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
He shook with the force of his anger as he gestured wildly to himself. “Surprise freaks, I’m a fucking Alien. Double surprise freaks, that girl we killed last night was my damn partner.”

hah, i was just theorizing that to Pano

He pointed to that Amy girl. “I can at least say that what that lil’ girl said so far ‘bout the Alien role is true. If she would show more of her role description, I can try to verify if she altered shit on it to make herself seem more like Town. I can’t say if she’s truly Town-aligned like I am, but I can damn well try.”

Amy considered, then shook her head. "I already showed my full role sheet to Pano on the first night. I don't necessarily think Aliens have to be bad, but I also think we're likely to be different from each other. If I show everyone my sheet, I'd want you to do yours first. That way, I won't be giving you an example to draw from If you're not as town-aligned as I am."
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