A cat that writes stories.
[[Woah. Possum can bless people mechanically? What does that DO??]]
Typos aside, it means that because of information I have, I know of several third-party members in this game, and I am not inclined to believe they are malicious to the Town's efforts and will actively participate in hunting down the Mafia alongside us. In short, they will win the game along with Town if all Mafia are eliminated.[[Ok i know im like half asleep at 135am but pano my dear what the fuck does that last paragraph mean]]
Typos aside, it means that because of information I have, I know of several third-party members in this game, and I am not inclined to believe they are malicious to the Town's efforts and will actively participate in hunting down the Mafia alongside us. In short, they will win the game along with Town if all Mafia are eliminated.
Guzma perked up at the sight of the care package. If anybody had told him he’d be accepting chocolates and Hello Skitty bandages from a tiny skeleton a few months ago, he’d have accused them of being a crackhead. But, looks like there was a first time for everything."certainly, sir," said sans, handing Guzma a box of complimentary chocolates and a medical kit. The medical kit even includes a cute bento box, and band-aids with cartoon characters on them. Oh shit, is that Hello Skitty???
He wandered off to the side and sat down, pulling open his first aid kit and going to work on his nose and other cuts. His stomach hurt from the number done on his ribs, but he was going to elect to ignore that for now.I'm currently at a loss as to the best way to use this power. I'm still too surprised by the reveal of it all... Does anyone have any ideas on how we can best ask questions to stay ahead of the killers? I will give this more thought as well, but I am all ears."
Rest assured, those weren’t jealous tears in Guzma’s eyes. The rubbing alcohol he was using to clean his skinned elbows just stung a lot!Fry trotted over to the Tailless he dubbed Stone. It was time. This Tailless was a good one.
Bless Stone (Steven
[[The FUCK do you mean, BarbaraI know of several third-party members in this game, and I am not inclined to believe they are malicious to the Town's efforts and will actively participate in hunting down the Mafia alongside us. In short, they will win the game along with Town if all Mafia are eliminated.
"I um, I am? Apparently? Goodness I don't know what this means." He looked down at the Possum curled up beside him. "I wish I could understand you, my friend."Steven Stone has been BLESSED.
*Some might wanna do it the other waySome might wanna do it,
Rui blinked. That was…different. “What…just happened?”Fry trotted over to the Tailless he dubbed Stone. It was time. This Tailless was a good one.
Bless Stone (Steven)
Mademoiselle just finished reading the message to herself. "Well, would you look at that," she whispered. The pool of potential suspects had narrowed themselves by one, it didn't seem like much now, but she'd take anything at this point. Now came the time to consider everyone else here.
[[The FUCK do you mean, BarbaraYou KNOWof a lot of third parties in the game?????]]
[[Yes but my question is how are you so sure of that??? Did you get a hint??? Did your role get a hint??? I’m still so confused]]Goodness, he was tired. What time was it anyway? It felt like he'd just had his first coffee and he was suddenly ready to sleep again. Wearily, he raised his head. "It's as I said. I am completely confident that there are at least two, and up to five third party members in this game that are not mafia or town aligned. There may be even more of this same "faction"." He put emphasis on the word as he wasn't certain all of these third party players were even aware of each other.
"There is a good bit of speculation on my part in this, but of these players, I believe we as a Town should be cautious in choosing them as a target for daytime elimination... And I do believe these players have been helping the Town try to find Mafia. Maybe not all of them, but I'd like to think at least a majority are inclined to win the game alongside us."
Goodness, he was tired. What time was it anyway? It felt like he'd just had his first coffee and he was suddenly ready to sleep again. Wearily, he raised his head. "It's as I said. I am completely confident that there are at least two, and up to five third party members in this game that are not mafia or town aligned. There may be even more of this same "faction"." He put emphasis on the word as he wasn't certain all of these third party players were even aware of each other.
"There is a good bit of speculation on my part in this, but of these players, I believe we as a Town should be cautious in choosing them as a target for daytime elimination... And I do believe these players have been helping the Town try to find Mafia. Maybe not all of them, but I'd like to think at least a majority are inclined to win the game alongside us."
[[Yes but my question is how are you so sure of that??? Did you get a hint??? Did your role get a hint??? I’m still so confused]]
[[Wait, wait wait, are you implying to know some of these identities as well as their presence, because that's what I'm getting from this wording. I can buy non-hostile Third-parties as roles such as Survivor exist but I'm just as baffled as Sind here surrounding how you might've obtained this knowledge.]]
Guzma put his bandaged hands together and inhaled deeply, before swinging them down in a chopping motion."You're right. I... I don't know, not entirely. But, I do have some information that I can confirm at least some of what I know with absolute certainty. Other parts of what I've said... I'm not as sure. My intention with sharing so vaguely is first and foremost to protect the Town from itself. I do know for certain that there are dangerous alternate win conditions out there that can result from a Town mislynch. I do not mean to scare you, because it can be avoided, but even with the Telemarketer's help, I believe this game is still not so straightforward to win."
Rui stood and addressed the crowd. “I believe Steven is telling the truth!” She took in a breath. “I didn’t say this earlier, but my role is...um, connected to third party members. At first I didn’t understand how this was supposed to work, but now I do! It can help us figure out who is on our side, but hopefully in a sneaky way so that the bad guys don’t catch on!”Goodness, he was tired. What time was it anyway? It felt like he'd just had his first coffee and he was suddenly ready to sleep again. Wearily, he raised his head. "It's as I said. I am completely confident that there are at least two, and up to five third party members in this game that are not mafia or town aligned. There may be even more of this same "faction"." He put emphasis on the word as he wasn't certain all of these third party players were even aware of each other.
"There is a good bit of speculation on my part in this, but of these players, I believe we as a Town should be cautious in choosing them as a target for daytime elimination... And I do believe these players have been helping the Town try to find Mafia. Maybe not all of them, but I'd like to think at least a majority are inclined to win the game alongside us."