After some long thought, Fry decides to visit everyone and sniff them, and see who smells nice (and if anyone gives him pats.). As he sniffs each one present, he makes a face.

1. Himself
2. Cat (Salem) - He thinks Salem said a weird thing, but they don't smell naughty yet.
3. Blueberry (Gen) - Seems normal! Very scared a lot
4. Rock (Steven/Pano) - A very quiet Tailless. He likes quiet ones
5. Mango (Rui/Yellow) - A very happy Tailless, he thinks for now she is nice.

6. Guzma: fry likes Guzma a lot, but he isn't sure if he's trusted yet. :(((
7. Hairy (AZ/Q): Fry has no idea what to make of this funny man
8. Bacon (Inke/Mademoiselle): Was very mean, but also spoke up about being attacked! Could they be very tough bad ones or good ones? Fry is still undecided.
9. CrazyFox (Fuze/Kora): Fry thinks this creature is very weird and he's not sure yet.
10. Human (Amy/Equi): Fry isn't sure. Equi said a lot of things but he hasn't decided yet if he likes this one.

11. Nameless (Dawning Winds): Fry isn't sure, but he didn't like the way they spoke, but he doesn't think they're bad yet. Fry intends to watch them.
12. Mr. Shouty (AbraPunk/Palkia): This weird creature shouted a lot! He's not sure but he's also not sure he trusts anyone yet. Fry will be watching them.
Fry finishes his rounds and clicks his teeth. He's quite uncertain so far however, since he's just met so many weird new beings, and it's hard to decide if they smell bad >:(>
He thinks he might change his mind later.
[[I think mostly I'm just pretty terrified of mixed alignment buddy systems and the effect that might have on balance. What if my buddy is an SK or on the scumteam and they're going to off me? In normal neighbour setups, the townie basically gets a free scumread. In this setup, a distributed scumteam can coordinate how they manipulate their buddies. I don't know how town fights that. Except complete openness, I guess? Jeez.]
[[Anyway, my 'by no means certain'
qualifier clearly wasn't enough to indicate I was purely spitballing. If I was certain, I'd damn well say I was certain.]]
Fry remembers something he heard somewhere, how NiceSkeleton told him before this started that these buddies were not guaranteed to be friends. Or as some of the others liked to say, buddies would not always share an alignment.