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[COMPLETE] Humble Vale Mafia


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Fry liked this Tailless, for now at least. Of course, she was welcome to name him what she saw fit. He liked collecting names.

He decided he would name her... Mango. Perfect. He could think of no better name. Of course, it was possible she already had one...
Inexplicably, the image of a mango popped into Rui’s head as he smiled up at her. Rui laughed. “Mango! That’s a great name. I like those, too.”

She scratched him under the chin. “My name’s Rui. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mango!”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Inexplicably, the image of a mango popped into Rui’s head as he smiled up at her. Rui laughed. “Mango! That’s a great name. I like those, too.”

She scratched him under the chin. “My name’s Rui. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mango!”
Mango considered explaining that her name was Mango, but if she wanted to call herself Rui too, that was fine.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Guzma burst out of the inn, disheveled and still dressed in his pajamas--nothing more than a wife-beater tank (not that he condoned the action, he just thought they're comfy to sleep in...), his sweatpants, and his Skitty slippers. His blanked was still wrapped around his legs, and he aggressively kicked it off as he stumbled out into the street.

"I FUCKING OVERSLEPT, HOLY SHIT," he bellowed. He checked his wrist for the time...only to remember he wasn't a sissy bitch who wore watches. And he left his phone in his room. Hopefully his "buddy" didn't steal it.

Speaking of buddies, his eyes widened at the realization that French Fry had not come back to his room. Oh shit, oh fuck...what if they died????? Did anybody die?? ...He felt his own body. Yes, he very much still felt alive so he felt safe. But Fry...



Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Fry's ears twitched at the sound of the yelling, and he turned to see the black and white Tailless yelling. Oh! He was awake. Good. He trotted over towards him.

Good, good, this was almost everyone now.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Rui nearly jumped out of her skin for what must have been the tenth time already today. Mew have mercy, did everyone here like to scream?

He looked positively terrifying—the sort that would be right at home in Pyrite, maybe. She was about to tense up for trouble when she noticed his Skitty slippers.

Maybe not right at home, then.

Still crouching, she pulled Mango into her lap and smiled up at this disheveled newcomer. “Hi. What’s a possum?”


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
well, you must understand that i was a different person in those days. back then, i was consumed by the systematic analysis of posts. was this sentence wolfy wifom spew scumtell? or was it omgus towny derpclear? this gradual, methodical accretion of ten thousand micoreads to construct an understanding of the threadstate from the bottom up felt like the rational way to approach solving the game. after all, mafia is a game of information. it follows that the only way to win is to steep yourself in that information, understand it totally… or obscure and distort it. i dedicated myself to this pursuit furiously. yet time and time again, i found myself deceived by a wily mafioso, or outwitted by a sharp-eyed villager. how could this happen? i followed all the rules. i adhered strictly, unyieldingly, to the chains of logic that bind the game and all the actions and interactions that occur within it. but this was not enough. maddened, i fled to the mountains of appalachia, situating myself in a fog-cloaked vale far from the lights of east coast civilization. i told the locals to bring to me each day a thimble of whiskey and a half cup of oats. mystified, they granted this paltry request. and so for two years i sustained myself in this manner, never more than a thread’s breath from total physical deprivation, and i sought the answers. they did not come easily at first. too ingrained were the teachings of the mafia intelligentsia, the notions of “good play” and “impeccable logic” written by the revered hands so long ago. the deprogramming process was extraordinarily difficult and painful. but after a year, i found myself a blank slate, ready to learn again. dispossessed of those primitive concepts of “evidence,” i turned my eyes inward, and i found. mafia is not really a game of information or logic, you see. it is a game of emotion, snap reactions, of persuasion and delusion and self-persuasion and self-delusion. these are not functions of the mind. they are functions of the soul. long did i reflect on these facts on under foggy mount. finally, after two years of grueling mafia meditation, i stepped away from my mossy perch with a new understanding, borne of deep analysis into the machinations of the spirit. no more pseudo-mathematical logical constructions for me. no more lowly reliance on analysis (in hindsight, a laughable concept in a game where no information can be accepted as unquestionably true). instead i have developed my intuition to a degree that borders on the psychic or preternatural, and by god, the results cannot be disputed. you may laugh at my approach. you may place your vote on me. you may do whatever you wish. but in the end, you will see your folly. you will realize that the read i expressed, which seemed poorly considered or hasty to you, was in fact more solidly constructed than any read you have seen before, supported by pillars rooted deeply in dimensions that were previously unknown entirely to you. you will see the unknowable wisdom of my posting, the suggestions of understanding on the edges of my words that hint at a greater understanding than you are currently capable of contextualizing. and you, too, shall for the first time see a glimmer of truth in a game that seemed truthless.
I genuinely have no clue how seriously I'm supposed to take this post.

unrepentantAuthor (Salem the Purrloin morph) (pets kitty) -- vibes, admittedly weakest read
Thinking about trying to read Jackie, rather than just find holes in their logic, I do not agree with these vibes. One of their posts states that they consider any potential SK/town buddy situation to be effectively a scum team. And if the consider that a scumteam then shouldn't they, realistically, consider any town who's buddies with mafia also mafia aligned. They also pointed out that they could win via buddy victory regardless of buddy's alignment, so they obviously didn't not realize this possibility. Essentially, by their logic, half the game is probably scum. It... almost feels like maybe they're trying to set up a situation to get town to turn on each other, and not even just their scummy members, it feels like maybe they could be trying to create a world where town can't trust their town reads on the grounds of them maybe being scum by buddyship.

I don't remember what if anything Jackie posted before the two scumteam theory so I'mma check back before I change my vote. But I am definitely considering changing my vote now that I've thought about that.

IFBench (Gen the Oshawott) -- "Prank calls" are in this game, and there's no reason why a scum couldn't have the ability, but it would be kinda odd for Mafia
When did he claim this?


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
He checked his wrist for the time...only to remember he wasn't a sissy bitch who wore watches.

Though the man from yesterday made no mention of watches, Mademoiselle understood the gist of his thought processes. She found it ironic for someone who was currently wearing a watch.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Still crouching, she pulled Mango into her lap and smiled up at this disheveled newcomer. “Hi. What’s a possum?”
He breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god, they'd made a new...friend? Sure, yeah. Fry was letting this little girl hold them. So they must be friendly. But...didn't know what a Possum was? Wild.

He gestured to French Fry. "That thing you're holdin'? A Possum. My Possum. Who ran off without telling me." He approached the girl and began to scratch the Possum's ears.

"You little trash king, or queen, you had me wowwied," he cooed, as if he were talking to a toddler. He then realized he'd done that in front of this girl, and jolted himself back up to stand.

"You didn't see that," he sputtered. He sighed, then smoothed his bedhead down and raised his hands. "Okay. I'm cool. It's cool. We're cool," he said to himself. A grimace then crossed his features, as he realized who grossly behind on everything he was. He supposed he should ask what happened while he was sleeping like a damn Togepi.

He eyed the girl again, then crossed his arms. "So, uh...can ya tell me what I missed? Just a summary, for now...I can figure it out, I promise."


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Though the man from yesterday made no mention of watches, Mademoiselle understood the gist of his thought processes. She found it ironic for someone who was currently wearing a watch.
[[BREAKING NEWS, I HATE INKE just kidding stop roasting me I THOUGHT IT WAS A BRACELET]]


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
"anyone else get the feeling that... somewhere in time and space, a bunch of folks are arguing about temperature systems? or is that just me"


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
[[give me some time to read up, take notes, and get thoughts together before I make any meaningful reads or posts, sorry y’all LOL]]


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
[[It's role madness. So, yes.]]
Allright, going back to this post. I didn't want to respond until I confirmed it was role madness because my role is not super role madnessy. My buddy who shall not be named does indeed claim to have a strange role, so I'm going with it probably is?
Anyhow whether or not it's role madness is irrelevant I guess, since what I meant is I don't expect a four-person antitown total unless town's roles are strong relative to the other factions roles.
(This feels more like a genuine misunderstanding of what I said to me and definitely something I should clear up anyway. It's also the sort of genuine misunderstanding of what I said that could happen no matter what alignment you are.)

Anyway nothing else Jackie said aside from "4 scum" which I've already talked about stood stood out to me, just some RP, and no other player beside q's weird playstyle making me a bit angry has done anything to make me wanna vote them, so I'm gonna switch my vote now.
Unvote: kyeugh
Vote: unrepentantAuthor


Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
  1. nosepass-bluwiikoon
sans is now asleep. Zs bubble up from his unconscious, still-standing body. Somehow, the burgers are cooking and flipping their selves.

Somehow, you feel like a large (perhaps blue) force is also sleeping.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
He gestured to French Fry. "That thing you're holdin'? A Possum. My Possum. Who ran off without telling me." He approached the girl and began to scratch the Possum's ears.

"You little trash king, or queen, you had me wowwied," he cooed, as if he were talking to a toddler. He then realized he'd done that in front of this girl, and jolted himself back up to stand.
Fry delightedly allowed his ears to be scratched. Then he briefly explain how this was MangoRui, someone named DawningWinds kept trying to execute people, first someone else named QAZ and the CatBeing named Salem. Possum makes is clear he does not yet concur with this judgement and finds such things inconcrete.

He also points out someone attacked mademoiselle and her buddy, but both survived because they were too strong.


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Palkia sat there and stared at the ground. His sandwich lay half-eaten next to him.

The phone had stopped playing music, and the screen was shattered, as though something very heavy had struck it.

He held his head in his hands.

I should have been stronger.

I could have stopped Dialga from attacking us.

Misery squeezed his heart. He knew that something like this had happened twice.

First with Ava, now this...

Thousands of years, and all this emptiness couldn't stop history from repeating itself.

I'm so sorry.

I still love you, Ava, even though you've been dead for thousands of years. If only--

He broke off into a sob as he thought about what could have, should have, been.

And Chappie... I couldn't find you. I couldn't because I'm so damn useless and now you're probably dead somewhere. And it's all my fault.

Then, he quickly stood and walked very, very far away. He screamed. It was all he could do.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
He breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god, they'd made a new...friend? Sure, yeah. Fry was letting this little girl hold them. So they must be friendly. But...didn't know what a Possum was? Wild.

He gestured to French Fry. "That thing you're holdin'? A Possum. My Possum. Who ran off without telling me." He approached the girl and began to scratch the Possum's ears.

"You little trash king, or queen, you had me wowwied," he cooed, as if he were talking to a toddler. He then realized he'd done that in front of this girl, and jolted himself back up to stand.

"You didn't see that," he sputtered. He sighed, then smoothed his bedhead down and raised his hands. "Okay. I'm cool. It's cool. We're cool," he said to himself. A grimace then crossed his features, as he realized who grossly behind on everything he was. He supposed he should ask what happened while he was sleeping like a damn Togepi.

He eyed the girl again, then crossed his arms. "So, uh...can ya tell me what I missed? Just a summary, for now...I can figure it out, I promise."
Rui couldn’t help it—she burst out laughing. Gruff persona, light hair, with a massive soft spot for cute Pokémon? She could think of someone else just like that…

She shifted Mango from her lap and stood, dusting herself off. “I’m Rui, by the way,” she said between subsiding giggles. “And I don’t know much about what’s going on, but I guess…this is some kind of game where we have to catch the bad guys before they catch us?” She tilted her head as she pondered what had been discussed today. “It sounds like two of them tried to attack people last night, but nobody was hurt. Though I’m not sure why.”


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Rui couldn’t help it—she burst out laughing. Gruff persona, light hair, with a massive soft spot for cute Pokémon? She could think of someone else just like that…

She shifted Mango from her lap and stood, dusting herself off. “I’m Rui, by the way,” she said between subsiding giggles. “And I don’t know much about what’s going on, but I guess…this is some kind of game where we have to catch the bad guys before they catch us?” She tilted her head as she pondered what had been discussed today. “It sounds like two of them tried to attack people last night, but nobody was hurt. Though I’m not sure why.”
He wasn't quite sure why she was laughing. "The hell is so funny?" he asked accusingly. "Listen, man, we have a bond. They're the first Possum to let me pet them, that's a once-in-a-lifetime thing."

He supposed it couldn't be helped. He did it to himself, by cooing like a bitch. But, he couldn't help it, dammit.

Next thing he knew, the girl was introducing herself. She didn't know much, but he guessed he wasn't one to judge. Him and his sleepy ass.

She seemed nice enough, though. Not pesky. And Fry seemed fond of her, and he'd follow Fry into battle if need be. Definitely not like that pest of a mirage from yesterday. Wherever the fuck that thing was...he swore he heard her yelling in the dead of night, but he wrote it off as a dream.

"Mm," he hummed. "Name's Guzma." He darted his eyes around, then pointed a subtle finger at her. "You tell people I was baby talkin', we're throwing hands. Don't care how small ya are. Got it?"

He crossed his arms, then yawned. "Fuck, I'm so tired."

Fry delightedly allowed his ears to be scratched. Then he briefly explain how this was MangoRui, someone named DawningWinds kept trying to execute people, first someone else named QAZ and the CatBeing named Salem. Possum makes is clear he does not yet concur with this judgement and finds such things inconcrete.

He also points out someone attacked mademoiselle and her buddy, but both survived because they were too strong.
Guzma began to nod to himself. "Okay...big shit I missed. Lets see what we got goin' here." He peered around, and found a flyer taped to a wall. He yanked it down, and then rushed back inside the inn, where he found a cup on pens on the front desk. He uncapped it and began to haphazardly scribble down his dumb thoughts.

He was stupid, but maybe he'd put something together. Let's see...

She cleared her throat. " I know we were all supposed to be assigned a partner. I was partnered with, um, Steven Stone." She said that name in a quieter tone of voice. "We...talked for a bit about what’s happening. I know this game isn’t really started yet, but so far he seems trustworthy to me. So, the rest of you, do any of your partners, um--who's with who, I guess I want to ask?"
[[Okay, Equi claims partners with Steven.]]

[[TL:DR, I was OS-BP and granted my buddy the same protection. Both got shot N0, leading me to believe that there might be two killing factions at play here—however, there are other possibilities for the second shot that shouldn't be discounted even if I find the two anti-town killing factions explanation to be most likely.]]
[[Inke claims OS-BP and that they protected their buddy because they were both shot. Possible scumteam and third party? Two separate acting scumteams?]]

Could there be a loner Bad One and and a group? What were those called? Serial Killers?
[[Yeah we don't know what third parties there are, but that could be one. Could be serial killer in a group of town? Or scum?]]

[[I don’t think we should discard the idea of four mafia, but this is kind of a high number, especially if there’s a serial killer out there somewhere. It’s possible there’s two maf and one serial killer/third party, no? Buddies don’t have to be the same alignment, if I understand Blu’s rules correctly!
Also: what the heck. Both OSBP shot in one night? I know it’s not impossible, but does anyone else think that’s kind of weird? Not saying I don’t trust Inke because I think she’s telling the truth, but it’s a crazy coincidence.]]
[[I don't think Inke said both OS-BP were shot, just that them and their buddy were shot, and their role as OS-BP protected them. Might be you misreading, but I'm side-eyeing.]]

Fry considered this a moment. What if all three were true? Two bad guy Packs and and One secret Bad Guy? Or as some liked to called it he supposed.... what was it? Two mafia and One serial killer?
[[I agree with this.]]

[[Nah. One pair of scum, and a second pair of scum. It's a little like having a scumteam and an SK in vanilla. As far as I'm concerned, a third party with a buddy is another scumteam. It's my working assumption for now.]]
[[This is...a weird take. We don't know the roles--who's to say a third party's win-con has something to do with a town win? Effectively not making them scum? Think about it. This is a crazy assumption to make right off the bat in a game where the roles are unknown.]]

[[Fair enough. Although…it’s possible someone is buddies with a third party and doesn’t know it. After all, Blu said people didn’t have to be truthful with their buddies! So we really could have an innocent that’s paired with scum/third party.]]
[[For sure, agree.]]

They wouldn't be allied to each other. It's an elegant possibility, albeit by no means certain. Anyway, if my hypothesis is right, and leaving aside how scum could end up in buddy systems when their scumbuddies die, then scum are incentivised to murder the enemy scumteam, slowing the game down. More like five nights, which sounds about right.]]
[[I guess this is possible, sure. Scumteam against scumteam, but I also see a world where they indeed have to work together. Again the roles are unknown so there's a lot of assumptions being thrown around here based on literal hypotheticals.]]

[[ ok ok sorry. But hmmmm. Maybe I'm thinking from my own weird perspective, but wouldnt two mafia teams be more going for a standard goal, which is getting rid of us? This isnt counting votes and stuff, because. how do you even predict those, yknow. ]]
[[Yes EXACTLY. But again, on another note, they indeed could be working against each other. I don't think we know enough to say for sure.]]

"But wouldn't the result he same amount of unlikely. It's hard to tell right now at least how many people with helpful powers are in this game. Maybe someone with a power did something, but I'm not sure I'd want them to come out right now. And I don't think there's much point if all we can do is speculate.

"But..." Amy bit her lip, thinking again. "But if there are two people have the ability to shoot people, maybe we have a bunch of healing powers in this game. Already two people who were Bullet-proof have popped up, right in the beginning."
[[This is a good point--if multiple people are out to shoot, there could be multiple healers.

But, when the HELL did anybody say there were two bulletproofs??? All Inke said is that they were bulletproof and protected their unnamed buddy.

Again, might be a misread, but I'm SIDEYEING.]]

Fry finishes off a a french fry before contemplating something else. Could a townie have accidentally shot the wrong person?
[[I don't think so. It's really unusual for vigilantes to get to shoot on N0, unless they're oneshot, in which case you'd think they wouldn't waste it.]]
[[Don't know about vigilantes, marked this to look at later. But in a game with unknown roles, I wouldn't doubt it anything.]]

[My role PM said I could win if my buddy system survived to the end, even if a scum player got assigned to us. So, that sounds... different.]]
[[Am inclined to believe this because my PM said something similar.]]

[[Going purely by numbers here and standard ratios of anti-town:town, if there are four anti-town players I feel that 3 Mafia and an SK is more likely than two scum-teams of two/a single four-person scum-team. However, at this point, I feel that we might start wasting time on the numbers over meaningfully scumhunting if we continue down this path.

Also roles being stated to be unknown can imply role-madness, so I don't blame uA for coming to that conclusion.]]
[[I feel like I don't have enough info to confidently agree to four scum, or three scum and an SK (or something similar).

To be fair, a non-scum bubby might try to go for both at once: scumhunt, but make a deal with their partner not to target them directly. (More easily done if the scum is SK). But just thinking from the scum-side it'd be a big risk
[[OOOHHH good point. Buddies don't have to be honest with each other, and likewise, they could collectively go for a buddy win and make a deal to not hunt each other? Seems unlikely (and maybe kinda ballsy) but possible.]]

This makes me kinda angry. I do not appreciate being townread for stuff discussion of roles or meta that ultimately does nothing for solving the game and frankly I'm mildly inclined to scumread you for it but I can't remember if it's just your playstyle or what. My vote's got nowhere better to be though.
Vote: kyeugh
[[???????????????? Linda, WHAT. This makes no damn sense. We'd be better off abstaining vote at the point we're at. I'm having a terrible time parsing "I don't like being townread for talking meta so have a vote." Way haphazard.]]

"i'm serious about that naughty jar thing, by the way," continued sans, gesturing at Mademoiselle. "the late fees for the naughty tax are extremely incremental, so i would suggest paying it as soon as possible."
[[I marked this because I couldn't tell if this was RP flair or some extra mechanism in the game but it made me nervous as hell.]]

This was news to Rui. “Prank calls? What are those? Did someone say that’s a thing?”
[[From the sign-ups]]
  • Third parties
  • Roles that can prank call certain players just for the giggles
  • Queerplatonic Relationships
  • A buddy system
  • Alternative winning conditions
  • Fun

Thinking about trying to read Jackie, rather than just find holes in their logic, I do not agree with these vibes. One of their posts states that they consider any potential SK/town buddy situation to be effectively a scum team. And if the consider that a scumteam then shouldn't they, realistically, consider any town who's buddies with mafia also mafia aligned. They also pointed out that they could win via buddy victory regardless of buddy's alignment, so they obviously didn't not realize this possibility. Essentially, by their logic, half the game is probably scum. It... almost feels like maybe they're trying to set up a situation to get town to turn on each other, and not even just their scummy members, it feels like maybe they could be trying to create a world where town can't trust their town reads on the grounds of them maybe being scum by buddyship.

I don't remember what if anything Jackie posted before the two scumteam theory so I'mma check back before I change my vote. But I am definitely considering changing my vote now that I've thought about that.
[[I feel like this is a better move than sussing Q for whatever they did. Because yeah, right now Jackie's on my radar/]]

When did he claim this?
[[Didn't outright claim, but seemed to softclaim, as seen below]]
"U-um, I...I-I don't really know what t-to do, but...um..." Gen hesitated, then continued, "I-I can send m-messages to people i-in certain circumstances."
"I-I...I didn't s-send anything l-last night, b-but I..." he trailed off, trembling badly, clutching tightly onto Kora.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"Mm," he hummed. "Name's Guzma." He darted his eyes around, then pointed a subtle finger at her. "You tell people I was baby talkin', we're throwing hands. Don't care how small ya are. Got it?"
Rui grinned and raised her hands in a submissive gesture. “Hey, you won’t hear a peep from me! My lips are sealed.”
[[Inke claims OS-BP and that they protected their buddy because they were both shot. Possible scumteam and third party? Two separate acting scumteams?]]
“Ohh, I get it now! I think I misunderstood the first time—I thought she said both of them had that ability, which seemed odd to me. But this makes more sense!”
[[I don't think Inke said both OS-BP were shot, just that them and their buddy were shot, and their role as OS-BP protected them. Might be you misreading, but I'm side-eyeing.]]
She fiddled sheepishly with her necklace. “Sorry about that! I misunderstood. I’m a lot less confused now that I’ve heard the proper explanation, and I think she—uh, Mademoiselle? Is telling the truth. Even if she scares me a little…”
[[???????????????? Linda, WHAT. This makes no damn sense. We'd be better off abstaining vote at the point we're at. I'm having a terrible time parsing "I don't like being townread for talking meta so have a vote." Way haphazard.]]
“I…have to agree with you. This confused me! And I know people are scared and want answers, but I don’t think throwing blind accusations is going to help anyone, you know?”
[[From the sign-ups]]
“But, in the letter I got—” Rui pulled the envelope from her jacket pocket, “it only said there may be—what was it? Prank callers? In this game. It’s not a for-sure thing. So…maybe Amy saw or heard something that proved there are prank callers? Or maybe she was just confused.”

Rui turned to the young girl for the first time. Heavens, she was even younger than she’d realized, and to be in a game like this…no, no. It was fine, because this game wasn’t even real in the first place. There was no real danger here, and Rui would keep telling herself that until she believed it through and through.

“Hi Amy! My name’s Rui, and it’s really nice to meet you! I was wondering if you heard anything or saw anything last night? Is there a reason you’re so sure there’s a prank caller here?”

[[pinging @Equitial because I’m too tired to go dig for the specific quote, lol.]]


you gotta feel your lines
  1. farfetchd-galar
  2. gfetchd-kyeugh
  3. onion-san
  4. farfetchd
  5. farfetchd
ok i’m done thinking the dw thing is hilarious and will come clean now for full transparency: i was being facetious when pretending to TR them and have not really moved off null for them still. or i guess i’m more ambivalent now than null but it boils down to meh
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