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Pokémon Broken Things

Normal 1.8


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Normal 1.8: The Rules


Achcauhtli is staying after for some sports game, your dad is out of town, and your godmother will want help making tortillas or doing laundry so you walk over to her house alone. Not that it bothers you as much as your brother and everyone else seem to think it does. It’s just a certain number of steps. A number you don’t even count anymore. Your feet just know the path. The heat and humidity and the rough stone roads and the hills bother you more.

You’re interrupted halfway through by a burst of wind behind you. “Hello?” Adult? Pokémon? Car? What are you dealing with here?

There’s a low hiss and a deep grumble in response. You wait for the translation to pop into your mind.

It never does.

A dark-type. Like mandibuzz. Except far, far bigger. You can feel hot breath hitting your face, the left side of your abdomen, your right elbow. The breath smells like meat. Carnivore. Big carnivore. Big carnivore that approached a small disabled target while she was alone. Does this count as a combat death? Would it count if you hit it? Somehow the thought brings you out of paralysis and you ram your small fist into the belly of the giant beast.

You manage to bust open your knuckles. The carnivore doesn’t make any noise at all. Oh well. You tried. It was a battle. Now you get to meet Mom. It could be worse. Even if part of your gut is still clenched up and you’re crying for reasons you don’t quite understand.

Two rough, scaly limbs rap themselves around you and you can feel two streams of breath on your back. Its chest pushes against you. The warm, rough chest that you tried to punch. Probably has your blood on it mixed in with the creature’s other prey.

Then you fly. Your stomach drops and you almost vomit. You reflexively hug the giant monster. Maybe you scream. For a moment you don’t exist; there’s just panic and awe where a girl’s mind used to be.

She’s bringing you somewhere else. Why? Where? Is she afraid someone would see? Are there even any pokémon in the village that could fight something like this? You’ve heard rumors that a great warrior lived here once, but you’ve never met him. Some of the kids in school don’t even believe he was real.

The dragon lowers and your stomach lurches up. This time you do puke. And then dry heave when you hit the ground. It’s fine. You’re probably in the nest of a giant murder beast but it’s fine. It’ll all be over soon. Just keep it together and you’ll be fine.

{Why is she bleeding?}

The voice is in your head. Only in your head. Your brother can do that but then you both kind of blur together for a bit. You can do it with a slightly smaller headache and less blurring. You’ve never met anyone else who could do it.

There’s a noise that sounds like metal rubbing on metal and the soft thud of something crashing into the dirt. You cover your ears on reflex.

Even with your ears covered you can hear the low groan followed by a long whine. You don’t know exactly what it’s saying, but you can guess. “That’s not my fault, she punched me.” Were you supposed to be intact for this? Whatever this is? Why? Do the pokémon predators have rituals like the humans do?

{You can stop shaking. You aren’t being hunted. We just wanted to talk.}

“A-about what?” you stammer out. Your voice is shaking. You realize a moment later that your body is too.

{How much have you been told about your mother?}

You blink on reflex. “I… not much? She died when I was born. And she was from...” The enemy. The northern cowards. The bloodbags. Whatever the playground calls them this week. “Not here,” you settle on. Wait. You forgot, “She had green hair.”

You can feel and smell and hear the predator’s breath coming down on you but the voice is silent. {That’s less than we had hoped.} He sounds sad. Why? {Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Renfield. Your mother captured and raised me. Your… escort is Alice. I can assure you that she’s harmless.}

Harmless? She’s giant, tough, powerful, and clearly a carnivore.

Renfield sighs inside of your mind. {Correction: While Alice is not harmless, she won’t hurt you or your brother.} The beast—Alice—whines again. Renfield ignores her and continues on. {If that tangent is over, we did wish to speak with you. Your father has kept you very isolated. We did not know if you had even inherited your mother’s powers until today.}

“She was…?” A witch? Is there a better term?

{Americans call you psychics. And yes, she was. Your telepathy is almost identical to hers.}

Wait. “My what?”

There’s another pause in the conversation. Alice fills it by leaning closer and running one of her scaly arms along yours. You freeze up and let it happen. Better than being eaten.

{Perhaps I can allow your mother to show you. She archived memories before her demise. I can share them with you now.}

Mom left memories? You can sort of imagine how it would work. You saw some things from your brother’s body while you were blurred once. But it was horribly disorienting and painful and…

{You don’t have to accept today. They won’t decay.}

You have no idea what’s happening so you swallow and nod and pray for survival while bracing for imminent death.


October 2019

You never sleep well your first night in a new place. Your godmother’s home, hotel rooms, impromptu shelters in the mountains—doesn’t matter. Achca—he was always better at that than you.

The rain isn’t helping tonight. Ordinarily it’s soothing; you love it when you can time your naps so they line up with rain showers. As a young girl you loved rain naps so much your father disciplined you with a cactus spike for being lazy. Even though it wasn’t your fault you lived in a rainforest! Okay, technically five centimeters of rainfall short of a rainforest. In any case he only disciplined you once since you quickly got the point: you should only take rain naps when he’s really busy or out of town.

Rain is good for sleeping. But someone (Kekoa) laid the tarp wrong and now you’re lying down in a centimeter or two of water on the edge of the tent. Maybe Genesis is dry, snoring away on her inflatable mat. Kekoa said you’d only need two mats for the tent. He sounded certain of it. And you’d let him have his way because he talked down to you when you tried to dispute it. Anyway. Genesis is lying down, arms spread out a little to the sides on a mat. He probably has one. You got pushed to the edge of the crowded tent, lying on your side pressed against the wet fabric but still sometimes touching Genesis’s arm. Your only consolations are that Pix doesn’t seem to mind as she purrs away on top of you. Kekoa isn’t sleeping either. You can tell. Enough years sharing a room with—it taught you the signs.

You take stock. This sucks. Nothing to be done. How do you minimize the suck that future Cuicatl has to endure? Start with clothes. Kekoa whined “I’m the one carrying this, y’know,” when you were packing and maybe you got a bit too prideful. You have three sets of clothes: sleepwear for sleep; a quechquemitl, tank top, and thin trousers for hiking; and a tunic and leggings for formal occasions. The sleepwear is going to be wet and unless the rain stops and you can talk Kekoa into staying in camp for a while you won’t have a good chance to dry it. That probably means mildew if you stuff it into a plastic bag and leave it in a dark pack all day. You don’t want to sleep in mildew. You aren’t tracking in the trail scents of the hiking clothes into your tent because that’s how you end up sharing a bed with a rattata. You could just sleep in your more formal stuff. It’s still reasonably comfy but the tunic was a gift from your godmother so you don’t want to ruin it if it rains again. Or get vulpix fur on it. You don’t deserve Pix but there are some things you don’t want taken from you, even by her.

A yawn escapes your lips. Tired. Solutions later. Try to sleep.

You relax and meditate.

At some point it works.


“Get out.”

You yawn and stretch your body out, loving the feeling. “Won’t look. Promise,” you grumble.

“Out. Not big enough to change in here with you,” Genesis says.

“Yeah, fine.” Another, slightly less nice yawn that still leaves you with a grin. “Whatever.”

The tent isn’t familiar yet. Your fingers still struggle to find the zipper out to the rain fly, your boots, the first zipper again so you can close it, the zipper out of the rain fly, and then the rain fly zipper again. Maybe it would be easier if you were fully awake.

Pixie follows at some point, noticeable as a wave of cold air sometimes sliding by your ankle. “Good morning, friend.” She huffs in response. You smile when you get the translation. “Oh, come on, it’s not even that hot out.” You get one good stretch in and then settle, pressing your weight down as far into the earth as it can go. She doesn’t answer in that time. “You want to take me to the toilet?”

The air currents start moving a little. She’s difficult to follow without the leash because her footsteps are nearly silent. Your only saving grace is that she doesn’t try particularly hard to avoid stepping on fallen leaves and twigs. She might even be making a game out of dominating as many as she can. It wouldn’t be out of character. Got to show the icky leaves who’s boss.

Eventually Pix stops moving and your boots fall on concrete. “Thanks, girl.” She barks. You hold out your arms and feel for the door. Is there more than one door? Like, girl and boy doors? There’s only one toilet inside with a metallic sink outside and you feel a lock, so it doesn’t matter much.

What does matter is that this latrine smells awful. And it feels so cramped. It’s hard to explain it to sighted people but you can tell when you’re in a very tight spice. You hate it. Always have. Especially if all the textures are either cold metal or wood so rough that you’re worried about splinters. The less said about the smell the better.

You finish your business as quickly as possible, thoroughly wash your hands, and walk a comfortable distance in the general direction of camp. Then you stop and crouch down, holding a hand outstretched. “I think a very good guide fox has earned some scratches.”

Pixie practically teleports to you and starts rubbing her scent glands against your palm while you dig your fingers into her chin. She pushes her head down and you move on to cupping her cheek with one hand and scratching her ears with the other. Then she starts moving in circles and you just hold a hand unmoving, letting her continuously scratch her back, head, and tails in an endless loop. You’d think she’d get dizzy but she goes for a full minute or two before slowing down and collapsing in a heap.

You gently scoop her up into your arms and hug her to your chest. She’s relaxed, occasionally twitching a tail or pressing one of her legs against you and squirming for a better view. Close enough you can feel her heartbeat and so much of her glorious fur pressed against your arms. She’s a lot like Searah, but cold.

A pause and a flood of panic.

No. It’s fine. You’ll see her soon. Even a trained heatmor is 250,000 Quatchli, or $10,000, tops. Today is a decent day. Don’t ruin it.

You squeeze Pix tight enough that she whines a little before relaxing. Right. Is not a stress ball. Is a fox.


Dried pink apricorns aren’t terrible. You get the whole pack down before Pixie finishes her bowl.

“You like those things?” Kekoa asks.

“Yeah. Used to love them as a kid. Haven’t had them in years. Not as good as I remember.”

He walks over to you and shoves something into your hand. Genesis belatedly follows. Your muscles tighten and your breathing picks up a little. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. Just apricorns. Fills your belly. Almost no fat at all. Keeps you from overeating later. Wins all around. It’s fine. It’s fine. You can relax. Slowly. Breathe. Slowly. Eat. The. Apricorns. You. Sad. Excuse. For. A. Human. Being.

You reach into Kekoa’s bag and pull a few out while the narrative starts stirring into gear in the background. It’s fine. You’re in nature. It’s fine. Seven years from now when the world ends you’ll barely remember this at all.


“Okay, so if neither of you two wants to capture a mudbray then—”

Kekoa clears his throat. He then continues to speak with what you’re pretty sure is an exaggerated Galarian accent. Even your mental translation adds the bad accent. “I hereby establish The Rules Of The Trail. Rule #1: Shut up, Jennifer.”

There’s a period of silence. The footsteps continue. You really hate it when they just stop without telling you. They’re much faster than you are since they can just look down and see if there are rocks or tree roots and you have to use a hiking stick to feel that out so you do need the chances to catch up but the exclusion bothers you.

“Rule #2,” Genesis says in an accent that again makes it through your gift. And accents never filter in. You’re pretty sure they’ve never even heard your real accent because Kekoa definitely would’ve given you shit. “Shut up, Kekoa.” The accent drops from both the real-time Galarian and the slightly delayed Nahuatl translation. “See, I can do that too.”

“Rule #3: Shut up Kiwi.” Kekoa proclaims.

You make a show of groaning. “What did I do?”

“Nothing personal, just needed to complete the set.” You open your mouth and he cuts you off. “Unless, I’m invoking Rule #3, in which case, yeah, it is personal.”

You sigh, bite your tongue, and count down. Not worth pressing this. It’ll just make you upset. “Okay. Fine. Whatever. And Genesis? I’d rather we not get a mudsdale. You ever walked on a horse trail?”

She’s quiet for long enough that you accept that she isn’t one of the “horse girls” that upper class American girls were often stereotyped as being. Fascinating to discover what is and isn’t true about this country after years of hearing the Anahuac view on it (i.e. degenerate misogynist racist genocidal madmen who crush their lower classes) and the American film version (pretty much the same thing).

“No, never been on a horse trail. Why?”

“Well,” you start. “If it’s rained recently mudsdale turn the entire trail into mud. And they are big enough that I mean the entire trail.” Your foot catches on a rock and you hold in a curse. It’s fine. Get over it. Barely even hurts. Kekoa snickers behind you so it must have been a visible stumble. Asshole. “Now, that wouldn’t be so bad. Everyone steps in mud eventually—”

“That what your mommy told you?” Kekoa asks.

Your blood goes cold. No. Don’t dignify him with a physical reaction. “No. But I heard your mom shoved you in mud to make you cleaner.” Does that joke even make sense? He doesn’t respond so it either does or really, really doesn’t. Time to plow on regardless. “Horses shit. A lot. All of them. Rapidash, zebstrika, mudsdale—doesn’t matter. They shit. Everywhere. In large amounts. Then they mix that shit in with the mud that, again, is the entire trail.”

“Oh,” Genesis responds. “That’s, uh.”

“Yeah. So let’s not. Not everyone here grew up bathing in that shit, right?”

“Rule #3, Kiwi,” Kekoa finally responds.

“Aw, is someone mommy’s little girl?” It’s a low blow and he’ll hate you for it. But he already hates you and if he wants to drag your dead mother into this, he can deal with the consequences.

“Rule #4: Get new jokes.”

“Because ‘Kiwi’ is still a laugh every time, right?”

He doesn’t answer that.


Lunch is decent. Small trail mix bags. Nuts and dried fruit. A lot of dried fruit. No chocolate, either. Not that you need chocolate, but it does give more of an incentive to eat it. But those pinap berries, right? Those are good. Sort of. Texture’s weird when dry. Not like the fresh ones at home. Ugh. It’s decent. That’s what you mean. The nuts have a lot of fat but even if you stuck the whole bag right on your stomach it’s not too much of an addition.

“Hey, Cuicatl?” Genesis asks.


“Could I borrow, I mean, could I take some kibble at meals? Just a few pieces. I can, um, I can help pay for it once you need some more.”

You take the bag back out from your pack. Pixie’s feet pitter over and you pour her a few more pieces out of guilt. “Yeah, come get it.”

She does and walks away. Is it for Sir Bubbles? Is she going to eat it?

Doesn’t really matter. Just add it to the list of weird American shit.


Your voice dances and you want to move your body with it. How long has it been since you were in the cuicacalli? Would’ve been right before THIS. IS. A. GOOD. DAY. How many times is he going to come up on your good day? You correct your pitch back up and move back through the wordless song. Does that translate?

“Rule #5: No Pirates of the Caribbean,” Kekoa says.

You keep on singing. It is good music. And it’s upbeat enough that it can almost silence your feelings.

“Going to throw in a Rule #3 for good measure now.”

You break off the song. “Well, you brought it up.”

He’d asked whether Aztec gold could make you immortal. You’d started humming, and then singing by way of answer. You’re pretty sure the answer is no, though. A female pirate could die in childbirth and later come back as an undead skeleton pirate at the end of the world, but the Black Pearl crew was way too male for that. Or maybe they were all like Kekoa. You won’t judge.

“Yes, I started it. And I’m ending it. Keep singing and I will trip you.”

Well, screw him. You have a very pretty voice. And nice hair. And maybe you’re a fat disgusting waste of humanity but you’re very proud of those two things.


You catch yourself on the way down and your pack isn’t heavy enough to cause serious problems. You can still feel a cut on your thigh and your hands aren’t feeling too good either. Can’t tell if that’s just the shock of hitting the rocks on the trail or something worse. More than that, it had rained last night. The whole trail is coated in mud and now you are too. Pixie won’t want to cuddle you and damn him you need her.

But you deserved it. For the mama’s girl dig. And just in general you deserve a few trips here and there. Remind you of your place. Might make you prettier. You almost just drop down and collapse into the mud and let your face hit the earth and wallow there forever. They could just hike faster and

“Kekoa, what the hell?”

Did she just… swear? You hear her move towards you and throw her pack off before bending down. At least, you hear her knees crack and feel the moving wind so you assume she bent down. She should probably get her knees checked out. She’s, what, fifteen?

“Well, she’ll always remember that this is the day we established Rule Fucking Four,” he answers.

You feel a hand brush against your elbow. “Need help?

Yeah. More than she can give. You swallow it down. The cuicacalli taught you acting alongside song and dance and legends. Time to act. Not happy. Indignant? Scowl a little. Show no real pain.

“Nah, I’m fine.” You push yourself up and make a show of brushing your hands off on your equally muddy shorts. You glance over your shoulder and deepen your scowl. “And it should be ‘this is the day we almost established Rule Fucking Four.’ Which is still a terrible joke. Two out of ten.” That’s the end of that. Now you can go in silence. Manage your steps. Maybe hum a little bit; you doubt he tries that again if Genesis is on your side. He has to have some shame, right? Eventually you let the humming rise up in pitch. You’re happy. Still a little annoyed, but happy. That’s what a normal person would feel in this situation, right?

Keep your face on. Don’t cry. You’ll spiral downward if you cry. No one wants to see that.


Dinner is supposedly eggs and potatoes. You don’t remember either having sand in them. Definitely more tolerable than the “potato salad” or “spaghetti marinara” from yesterday. Getting food into your mouth is usually an uphill battle and you count on your stomach showing up to fight for what your muscles need. Even its turned traitor now.

Fine. Whatever. You let Kekoa pick this shit because the man had a plan and you’re some blind kid but now you’re putting your foot down. And since the self-loathing rose back to anger when Pix wouldn’t cuddle you until a very awkward shower under a sixty-centimeter-tall, low pressure water spicket, well, he’s in for it.

“We aren’t doing this again.”

“Agreed,” Genesis adds. Lovely. Starts with Kekoa cornered.

“In Paniola we pick up rice, noodles, whatever. Find seasoning if we can. Keep dried fruit if you two want it. Cut and cook vegetables ahead of time. Toss in nuts or beans or canned meat or whatever for protein.”

Kekoa doesn’t challenge it. Instead he takes another bite of food and carefully chews it for far too long before swallowing. Power move. Ugh. Men. Him. “First, this is why I insisted on spending two nights on the trail. So we could detect problems like this in advance.” Is he really taking credit for this? Why is he being such an asshole, anyway? Do you care? “Second, I can probably win a battle or two and get cheap lunches in town. Take way more condiment and seasoning packets than I should. Helps if Jennifer gives me cover here. There, spice problem solved.”

“I’m glad you agree—”

Third,” he interrupts. “How do you plan on keeping your vegetables cold? Ice packs are heavy as fuck and melt in a day.”

{Pix, shoot an ice shard at him. Keep it a little weak.}

You can hear the attack and Kekoa’s surprisingly muted swearing. “I told you before,” you answer with a low, measured voice, “that Pixie is a very good fox and can take care of that.

“Still heavier than I want to deal with.”

“Then I can keep it in my pack,” you say.

He laughs. “Oh, like hell you will. You’re, what, ninety pounds sopping wet?” You don’t actually know how heavy a pound is but the telepathic translation puts it in kilograms. You really hate it when he’s right. “No,” he continues, “you’ll carry it for half a day, complain about your back breaking, and then put it in my pack.”

“I’ll take it,” Genesis says. “I’m bigger than you and I’m not carrying much so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

Kekoa doesn’t answer. He just gets up and walks away. The water turns on. He’s washing his dishes. Which reminds you that you still have way, way too much left to eat.


There’s another ‘thunk’ sound behind you followed by a short roll. Fourth this morning. You hate it but you really need to do something about it for your sanity’s sake.

“Rule #5: Keep your water bottle in your pack when you aren’t drinking. Sorry, Gen.”

She sighs. “That annoying?”

“Kind of. Sorry. You’re tossing it up and trying to catch it, right?”

“Yeah,” she responds. Kekoa is being mercifully quiet.

“Maybe you could use a rock or twig or something less loud?”

“Oh. Yeah! That would work. Thanks.”

Why is she thanking you? You told her off.

“What’s it like out there, anyway?”

“Uh. Still kind of burnt? A little more greenery, though. I think there’s a highway nearby.”

You’d heard the road. Not busy enough that you’d call it a highway. There’s also a river somewhere near the trail. More pokémon sounds, too. So that description is about what you’d expected. “Getting close to Paniola, then?”

“Should be another or hour or two,” Kekoa answers. You decide to kill the conversation now that he’s joined. You’re in a decent mood today.


Your lunch is interrupted by a long, howling whine going up and down in pitch like a passing ambulance.


There are loud, rushed footsteps and a “Crap!” said like a curse beside you.

“Jennifer, what the hell!” Kekoa yells.

Pixie keeps screaming.

“Pix!” you yell louder just to be heard. That seems to shut her up, although she grumbles afterward.

{Was helping!]

{I’m sure you were.} “Kekoa, what just happened?”

He stands up and starts pacing. “An eevee showed up to eat the kibble Jennifer put out, your vulpix started screaming bloody murder, the eevee ran away, Jennifer picked up her poliwag and ran into the forest after it.”

It’s not a good idea to run off into unfamiliar woods, even if there aren’t any predators worth worrying about.

“I’m going after her. If I call to you, call back.” And then he’s gone. Into the woods. Without asking permission.


“Hey, Pix. Want some food?”

She dutifully trots over, her surface thoughts full of rage words and eevee. You scoop out some of the spam. The flavor’s okay. Interesting, even. Texture isn’t the best. Maybe it’d be better if you had a chance to cook it. In any case, Pixie seems to like it.

“I wasn’t going to catch the eevee, you know?”

She hisses between bites. {No eevee allowed.}

“Why, though? Even if I don’t own it?”

Her surface thoughts are a jumble of unrelated words. Not useful. Jealousy, maybe?

“I agree. They aren’t the best. One of the teachers at my school had one and…” How much self-awareness does she have? You think it’s safe to bet on ‘none at all.’ “She was very pretty, but incredibly stuck-up. Only wanted to talk about herself and make everyone appreciate how cute she was. Thought she owned the world. But she wasn’t even that pretty so she was just silly. I’d never want to train one.” That seems to calm her. She even purrs a little. “Besides, vulpix are the best foxes and I am very smart for a human so I know not to leave one for an eevee.” You try to pour as much disgust as possible into those words. She seems to buy it. And having a clear job to do as a trained guide fox and portable ice-maker down the line should calm her down a bit. Hopefully even make her willing to have teammates.

It’s taking your partners a while to come back. Was there any predator you forgot about? You’d thought bewear and stoutland usually didn’t attack humans. Sylveon, maybe? Do they hunt people? Genesis would know better than to tug on pretty ribbons, right?


No. No she wouldn’t. Kekoa probably would, though.

You’re pretty sure that Pix fell asleep on your lap at some point. You keep gently stroking her fur. She’s so soft. And even if she’s sometimes a literal and figurative bitch at least she has a personality. Besides, your mom’s starter was also kind of a pain in her later years. At least to you. And Renfield. Maybe swanna are only kind to the people they imprint on? No. You remember that Mom gave you the memory of her first meeting with ‘Chovsky. He wasn’t any better back then.

Still, it might hint at a strategy: Find a bird egg, when it hatches make sure it imprints on you. Emphasize to Pixie how unkind it would be to take a child away from its mother. Profit?

It’s definitely not your worst idea. Way better than the “coat a grimer in flour, put it in a refrigerator for a few hours, tell Pix it’s another vulpix” plan you toyed with back in Hau’oli.

There’s a distant “marco.” You nudge Pix awake and move to put your pack on.

“Hey, can you go to the tree line and use roar for as long as you can?”

She clearly pours everything she has into it and it’s very adorable and you already love her more than you love yourself, even if that’s not a very high bar to clear.


It hasn’t rained in the half-day since you got to Paniola. When you take Pixie out for her midnight pee you figure that there might be stars in the sky. “Can you tell me about a star tonight?”

She huffs before a trickle streams onto something offending her.

“Glistening’s Star. Many new stars recently. Ancestors. The brightest is Glistening’s. The star appeared after she died.”

That’s probably the space station. Not that she needs to know that. Might not believe it. If ninetales can’t go to space, then mere humans definitely couldn’t figure it out.

“Did it now? Can you tell me about Glistening?”

“My mother’s mother’s sibling. Died before I was born. Never met her. Had the prettiest coat on the mountain. So pretty the Moon had to put it in the sky.”


“I got mine from her.”

“Except yours is prettier, right?”


“Way prettier than an eevee’s.” She hisses, offended that you even compared them. “Come over here.” She trots over and you scoop her into your arms. “I’m never going to leave you. Ever.”

Pixie huffs but doesn’t call you a liar. It’s progress. You’ll take it.
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Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
So, our journey finally begins! Not with a bang, but with, well, something a bit more low key. Compared to a lot of other trainer fics, at least from what I've read, this one puts a lot more emphasis on the actual hiking and camping elements of it, with all its discomforts. Way to make the most clamorous part of being a trainer, er, not so glamorous. I mean that in a good way, of course. It adds to the general conflict of getting from point A to point B (Especially through the wild) as well as the tension between our trio of dunderheads. Speaking of which...

Jeez Louise, they were pretty vicious to one another in this chapter. It hasn't gotten to the point where they've outright exploded, and to be fair, we see a lot of funny banter on the way, but man, these three really aren't equipped to be together at all. It just makes me wonder how long it's gonna be until someone eventually flips out. I do hope this leads to some character development/bonding between them, because if it is just gonna be them sniping at each other all the time, I might get a bit burnt out.

Still, looking forward to seeing what the city is like as well as the 'oh crap' moment from Cuicatl at the end. The flashback at the beginning was also a nice touch and goes more into Cuicatl's past with the dragons, so I hope to see more elaboration on that later on.
Normal 1.9


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Natural disasters, child neglect, transphobia.

Normal 1.9: Did It Hurt?


It’s kinda boring outside the window. Going into Minamo you either wind up on the land side (like your brother is two rows up and across the aisle) or just staring at water and the occasional island until the very, very end. None of the fun of watching big things go from tiny back to big. It’s probably why Mom’s ignoring it entirely and reading something on her phone.

Eventually there are ships, then rainforest, and then buildings. That’s the other kind of boring thing about Minamo: it’s a lot like Heahea or Konikoni. Just bigger. Maybe even bigger than Hau’oli. Your grandmother says that Hoenn is maybe the closest thing in the world to Alola so it must be really boring being stationed there. Nothing new to explore.

The plane touches down with a slight jolt and slows to a stop. Then it spends forever waiting to go to the airport. Then you have to stay in your seat for forever as everyone in front of you (which is pretty much the entire plane) gets out. And then you can finally walk down the aisle and through the weird tunnel and then go to the bathroom and then go through the rest of the airport to the exit. To Dad.

You beat Jabari to him. By a lot. Like he isn’t even trying. Dad wraps you into a hug and picks you up. You were wondering if he could still do that since you’re pretty big now.

“There’s my darling little girl.”

“Dad…” you whine. He knows you hate being called that. Too old.

“Right,” he says while setting you down. He walks over to Jabari. “I suppose now that you’re an adult you just want a handshake, right?”

He smiles weakly. “I’ll, uh, take a hug.”

He gets one.


Less than two days after you arrived, Dad gets called away. He said it was an emergency. Hopefully it’ll be over before you have to go home on Sunday. You barely got to see him at all.

“There’s enough money on the shelf for lunch and dinner. I should be back by nine if the ferries are on time. You shouldn’t be out then—that’s pushing Allana’s bedtime. If there’s an emergency—”

“Call you. I know,” Jabari says while rolling his eyes.

Hine steps towards him and reaches up to put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll just be in Tokusane. I can take the first ferry back if anything comes up. Promise you’ll call?”

Jabari nods. “Promise.”

Hine gives some final pointers, hugs you, and finally steps outside.

Jabari closes the door and slowly turns back to you. “Want to watch something you probably shouldn’t?” You nod. Of course you do! “Good. Don’t tell mom.” He digs through his bag, pulls out a VCR, and puts it into the player beneath the hotel room’s TV.

The movie starts with a bunch of men with guns watching a cage. With something alive in it. Something with big claws that pulls one of the men in. Then there’s awful screaming (human and pokémon) and yelling and gunfire.

The screen pauses. Jabari turns to you. “Sure you can handle this?”

“Of course.” Wait, when did the blanket get pulled up to your neck?


The rest of the movie isn’t as scary. Until the end. And some of the fossil pokémon look really, really cool! You’d read about them in books and some books even had pictures but it’s really great to actually see all of your favorites moving. And hunting. Tyrantrum is incredible! And the aurorus are super, super pretty. Tyrantrum’s still your favorite, though. Always has been. Always will be.

No feathers though. That’s kind of weird. And weren’t tyrantrum scavengers?

At some point it starts raining really hard but Jabari just turns the volume up and everything’s fine again. Except when the tyrantrum kills the pyroclaptors and roars at the end, an alarm goes off. At first you think it’s just in the movie but then Jabari turns the screen off and it’s still going.

You turn to your brother. He stands up and starts walking to the door. “Stay here. I’ll figure out what’s happening.”


Jabari comes back a few very long minutes later. He rushes to the counter, stuffs the cash in his pocket and then moves to his bag. “Something’s up. They’re moving everyone to a shelter. Put your shoes on. We’re going.”

“You called Mom?” This sounds like an emergency.

He shakes his head. “Tried. Phones are down. Probably best that she doesn’t come here if they’re sending everyone to a bomb shelter.”


“Not a bomb. Something else. They wouldn’t say.” Jabari stuffs some more money from his bag into his pocket and speedwalks to the door. “Put your shoes on. Follow me.”

The entire hotel is in the halls. Many people, especially the old ones, are waiting in a massive clump of bodies by the elevator. Jabari presses through them and you follow close behind to avoid getting cut off as the parted crowd smushes back together. The staircase is also busy, but less so. Not so crowded that you’re being crushed but definitely crowded enough that the echoes through the cold, plain shaft are almost as loud as your heart.

Darkness. You almost fall on the steps as you figure out where your feet should go. Then some light comes back. It’s not as bright but it’ll do. Jabari keeps going without so much as a glance back and you struggle to keep up as he goes two or even three steps at a time on his stupid long grownup legs.

The emergency exit leads outside. There are cars on the streets but they’re all stuck in place. Some have angry drivers adding their honks to the blaring alarms and shouts and sound of footsteps and nervous people. Others just sit abandoned, the owners deciding that it was worth trying to walk through the mass of hundreds—thousands?— millions?—billions?—of people. More people than you’ve ever seen.

None of that’s what really catches your attention, though. That’s the heat and the light. It’s blinding from above and you have to bring a hand over your eyes just to see anything. The heat is like the feeling of burning sun on your skin at the beach except it pierces past the skin and it also feels like your hair is on fire and your blood is boiling. Jabari presses on and you have to almost run to catch up. At first you can do it, but soon you’re soaked sweat and you’re panting like you just ran for an entire recess in the heat.

A small tremor comes through the ground like when the mining company sets off dynamite down in the valley. Something crashes to the ground in the distance. It joins the sounds of moving earth and alarms and pokémon and people and cars. You see Jabari mouth a word with an expression that you’ve never seen before on his face. “What?” you shout.

That catches his attention. He looks at you, shakes his head, and grabs your arm. Then he ducks into a side street and starts running. Except that there are too many people on the streets. Some are still in shock as the second, bigger earthquake passes by. But some are moving. With you, against you, perpendicular, everything. It slows you down until Jabari’s not running so much as slipping through people at varying speeds and jerking you along.

It’s not just sweat and heat anymore. You feel… less. Like there should be more you in you. And you want to sit down and drink water and nap. But he keeps pulling with a slightly weaker grip. Eventually the pavement beneath your feet starts to actually burn your soles through your shoes and Jabari rushes to the strips of green at the edge of the street along with everyone else.

You finally see the shelter. Or what you think is the shelter. Big and gray. What you can’t see are the gates behind the crowd of people pressing in. All in the same situation as you. Or worse. An old woman collapses a few feet away and you move to help before Jabari pulls you in.

She isn’t the last person to collapse in the heat as you slowly get closer to the shade and cold. One woman’s scarf catches on fire. So do a few buildings. Maybe. It could’ve been a dream. Sometimes you shut your eyes and open them again when Jabari pulls you or the earth moves a little bit stronger than the last time. At some point you stop sweating. That’s probably good, right?

There’s another quake. Far, far stronger than anything that came before it. Some of the taller towers tremble and there are crashing sounds and fire hydrants and pipes spewing water across the entire road. It hisses like oil in a frying pan. Another rumble matches the last, this time above you right before the sky bursts open and quenches the heat. It isn’t welcome. The raindrops feel like bullets as they hit your skin and it only barely wakes you up. The rain leaves actual ripples in the pavement because the asphalt is that soft and the water’s impact that hard.

A loud voice comes from the shelter. Looping over and over again. Your Japanese is only good enough to catch the word “rain” and “closed.” Jabari pulls you tighter and he’s shaking or you’re shaking or the ground is. Maybe all three.

He strokes his hand through your hair and you almost tell him off. But it’s just so hard to care. “It’s going to be okay,” he whispers over and over again like he believes it. You know he’s lying; you’re eleven and you’re smarter than you were when you were ten. You close your eyes and breathe, aware of the trembling and the roars and the burns and the bullets but not really feeling any of them.

This is the end.

It’s time to go to sleep.

“Good night, Jabari.”


There was a dream. You know there was a dream but you just miss it as your eyes open. White. The world is white. The room is white, at least. Almost blindingly so. You try to sit up but can’t quite find the energy. Because as everything in your body starts responding to you again you realize that everything in your body, inside and out, hurts.

You don’t know how long you spend alone. Thoughtless. Existing. Staring at the white ceiling. Eventually you must fall back asleep because you wake up again with a nurse over you. She shines a light over your eyes, feels your heartbeat, asks you in heavily accented Galarian if you can speak. You try and a dry croak comes out. You shake your head instead.

There are more questions. You fall asleep. There are more nurses. You fall asleep. Eventually you wake up and there’s not a nurse there present. But Jabari is. Badly sunburnt. An arm in a sling. Alive.

You push yourself up to the very limited extent that you can and he rapidly stands and waves an arm. “Hey, don’t push yourself.”

Jabari’s here. Alive. Alone. A thought crashes into your heart. Two thoughts. “Mom? Dad?” you whisper, ignoring the pain in your throat.

He freezes and breaks eye contact, arms crossed. “Tokusane was hit pretty bad. The island’s built on an old reef. Parts of it collapsed into the sea. We don’t know yet. But Mom’s smart so I’m sure she found a way through...” He sounds like he believes it. He looks like he doesn’t. “Dad’s ship went down. He still could’ve survived. There are stories about wild pokémon bringing people to shore.”

You hear it. You understand it. You don’t quite feel it. Not yet.

He seems to notice and moves to reassure you, voice low and comforting. “Phone lines aren’t working in most places. The rest are emergency only. And there are still a lot of emergencies popping up. Even after…”

You would later learn what happened. Volcanic eruptions. Rogue waves. Sunstroke. Hail and lightning. Fires. Entire islands sinking into the sea. Landsides swallowing towns. Jabari didn’t tell you that then. You didn’t need to know. He just sat down on the edge of your bed and stroked your hair when the feelings came and you finally started to cry.


The house feels so much emptier with only two people in it. Quieter too. Jabari cooks, cleans, and does the adult stuff. Sometimes he’s at work. It’s still the summer. No school. Sometimes Kanoa comes over but you never want to play.

Jabari’s here now. You aren’t alone. Might as well be. He reads the paper and drinks his coffee and you finish up your toast and eggs in silence. They’re not as good as Mom made them. And she usually talked to you about your day or fussed with your hair even when you’d rather she didn’t.

Now you’d rather she did.

Two weeks since you got home. Five since the burning light and piercing rain. The longest and shortest weeks of your life.

Jabari puts the paper down and looks at you. He doesn’t talk. For ages. You finally put your toast down and clasp your hands. Meeting his gaze. Waiting for something. You aren’t sure what.

“I’m joining the army,” he says. And the silence shatters. You hear the words. You repeat them to yourself over and over again, figuring out what they mean. What they mean for you. “What happened in Hoenn? Bad people did that. Woke up some gods. Killed hundreds of thousands. Killed Mom. Killed Dad. And there are other bad people like them all over the place. Remember that blizzard in Unova? Or that cruise ship that got lost near California? All bad people. Bad people trying to control gods. And they’ll just keep doing it unless someone stops them.”

You don’t know if any of that’s true. You vaguely remember Mom watching a video of some snowstorm on the TV. He says it like it’s true. It’s not what you care about.

“What about me?” you ask so quietly you’re not sure you said it at all.

He breaks eye contact and looks at the refrigerator magnets behind you. “I’m sorry, but this was never going to work. I’m eighteen!” His voice cracks and his eyes hide fear and for a moment he doesn’t look much older than you. “I don’t know how to raise a kid. I’d just screw it up and leave you worse off for it.”

“Then what happens now?”

He stops looking at the refrigerator and pushes his seat back to stand. “The government will find an adult who can take care of you. It’ll be better that way. Trust me.”

You want to hug him. You want to hit him. Say goodbye before he leaves. Make sure he never does.

In the end you just sit in silence until he goes upstairs.


October 14, 2019

It’s not the same Paniola you knew, but it’s pretty close. The grocery store Miss Smith probably still runs if she hasn’t died or retired. The arts store Mr. Palakiko owned. You tried to learn the ukulele there one summer until you both admitted that it wasn’t to be. You’re almost tempted to step into that one. You stop yourself at the door. You don’t want to talk about who you’ve become or find out if he still runs it and, if not, what that means. At least you could seek out Kanoa. See if she still lives in the same house when she isn’t up giving trials in the jungle. Ask her all about her new life. But then they’d ask you about yours.

No. You won’t seek anyone out. The Paniola in your memories can stay just the way it is.

The butcher shop on the corner of Puna and Ekolu is still there but it has a new name. The playground down Ekolu Avenue is similar enough that if you close your eyes and think with your arms and legs you can almost remember how to get from one end of the playset to the other as quickly as possible if you’re being chased. Or chasing. Sometimes both. You’d always thought of it as its own island and ocean. Now it’s some cramped little boat on a tiny puddle of wood chips.

The Pokémon Center finally updated to a more modern design from its old wooden exterior, the unofficial theme of the town. You learned in school that it was to preserve the paniola heritage of this part of Akala. Now you’re pretty certain it’s a tourist thing. An effective one, too, judging by the kind of people on the streets.

The neighborhood has some differences. The yards and spaces between houses used to be much bigger. Probably. Maybe that’s just a consequence of growing up. Or maybe there are more houses.

You reach the end of the road and see it. Is it the same? The same as it was when your parents brought a baby home? The same as it was when the same child walked out of the door with a strange haole man in a suit? You don’t know. Can’t tell. There’s a fence out back. That’s new. The walls are the general color of what you remembered and the driveway is on the right side. But if you were shown ten random houses in Paniola you’re not entirely sure you’d have been able to pick this one out as your own.

What does it mean if you can’t?

The silence is shattered. “Thought I’d find you here.”

You grimace and turn. There he is. Like he was, but different. Crew cut. Muscles. A sleeveless jacket like a fucking prick.

“Jabari.” You try to keep your tone neutral. For your own benefit. You don’t want your homecoming ruined.

“Allana,” he replies. Smiling. Like he’s a fucking genius. Grow up. “You cut your hair.”

“So did you.”

You half expect an actual tumbleweed to blow by. It is Paniola Town, after all, and it’s close enough to high noon.

“Heard you were on a journey,” he says. The smile is still there. Gods he can’t read the room.


The smile falters. “And, I, uh, I heard it from a coworker. Wish you would’ve called me. I could’ve helped.”

“You definitely could’ve helped,” you agree in as deadpan a voice as you can manage.

“So, uh,” he’s finally caught the nervousness. It’s almost humorous, seeing some ripped vet looking like a schoolboy asking if his crush likes him. “Why not?”

“Forgot about it.” Not entirely a lie. He had slipped your mind until you were in VStar orientation and almost shit yourself when you remembered he took a job there after he left the army. He offered to adopt you then but you had found friends in your new home. And you’d never be able to trust him again. Or forgive him.

The smile sort of returns and he uncrosses his arms for the first time and sticks his hands into his pockets. “Oh. Well, I got you a gift. Sort of. It’s an egg right now and I thought it would be easier to give it to you once you reach the trial site’s center. Probably won’t be ready to really put in work for a few trials but I think you’ll like it.”

“Already have a team planned out.”

He shakes his head and chuckles. “Oh, I think this will convince you to change your plans.” You step to the side and walk past him. He falls in step. “Want to get lunch or something? Heroes Café is still open. My treat.”

You honestly don’t remember Jabari being this dense. You do remember him being fucking giant but you’d hoped that he would’ve shrunk like everything else in this town. But he didn’t. Even when you’re halfway to powerwalking he’s just going a little bit faster than normal. Damn him. “My name is Kekoa. Not Allana.”

He stumbles. You plow on without so much as looking at him. “Why?”

“Because Allana is a girl’s name.”

Your head is angled down towards your feet but you can guess what his face looks like. Mouth slightly open and eyes a little wide at first before the mouth closes and the eyes go much, much wider. “Oh.” Mouth tilts back and the tongue tests out a dozen words before it finally settles. “You could’ve told me I had a brother, y’know?” You ignore him. “Hey, can we stop walking and talk? This seems—”

You stop. But you don’t turn around. He doesn’t deserve that. “Did it hurt?”


“Did it hurt? To give the egg? Was there sacrifice?”

“Kekoa, trust me I—”

“No, then.” You take a deep breath and turn around to look him in the eye. “I’m going to be blunt because you can’t catch a hint. You had a chance to give me the best gift I’d ever been given. You blew it. Went off an ocean away to kill anyone and everyone if it would make you feel better. Maybe it did. I didn’t get that chance. No one gave a shit about how I was feeling.”

You keep looking up to his eyes and do your best to ignore the horrible blurs at the periphery of yours. And the height difference. Is that what you would’ve been like? Would that be your height, your face, your body if the universe hadn’t shit on you?

He breaks your gaze and looks at his feet. Is that shame? It should be. “Al—Kekoa. I know. I was… young. Reckless. Immature. I did the wrong thing. But I’m back now. You’re on the trail and I was hoping… that…”

Now you’ve seen it. A man drown on dry land.

You won’t throw him a line.

“No,” you cut him off “Maybe someday when you’ve given enough that you feel a fraction of what you’ve put me through, then we can talk. But right now…” you try to swallow and realize that he’s not the only one drowning. “Right now you don’t have a brother.”

At least, that’s what you meant to say. The knife you meant to stab right into his heart. But it missed. The words were whispered under sobs and the blade slipped and stabbed you instead.

You start running. He doesn’t follow.

Damn him.

Eventually you stop. Not at the Center but at the playground. It’s a school day and there’s no one there but you.

You find your way to a tire swing you remember curling up inside of, your back curved along the bottom and your legs were pressed out so that your shoes dug into the top. Jabari once ran into the swing going as fast as he could. It knocked you into the air but you pressed your back into the tread and braced your legs and you didn’t fall out. Didn’t even get sick. Your parents—plural, Dad was home—chewed him out.

Both of you snuck out that night so he could do it again and again and again until you finally did get knocked out and ripped your skin open on the woodchips. He didn’t take you back, just stayed there and pulled out a first aid kit and pulled out the chips that remained, swabbed down the wound, and covered as much as he could before he ran out of bandages. Then he sat down and told you stories about past wars and heroes and kingdoms and he listened to your stories about dinosaurs and princesses. At some point you fell asleep or he took you back or something. You can’t remember how it ended or even how your parents reacted. It’s just an island of memory in a sea of moments lost to time.

How many moments? For every hour you remember how many have you lost? How many slip away every day? Every month? Every year? There was a moment back in August when you realized that you didn’t remember your preschool teachers name and you couldn’t ask your parents because they were dead and you didn’t have the number of anyone who still lived here and Jabari—

Jabari was gone. Not dead, just gone. You had his number, sure. You could never call it. Still can’t. Because you relied on him and he broke your trust. Broke you. He doesn’t deserve another chance.

And you lied to him back there. It doesn’t matter what he gives. How much he hurts. He could blast his fucking brains out in front of you for all you care. It wouldn’t undo what he did. He’s not your brother anymore. He never will be again.

But you hope he tries. You hope he suffers. You hope he’s filled with shame for every waking hour of every day until his soul ascends Lanakila. Because he deserves it.

Damn. Him.


You drag yourself into the Pokémon Center cafeteria hunched down and walking with short, heavy steps.

“Hey,” Jennifer calls and waves. “Where have you been?”

You get your chili and sit down at the table in silence. Near silence. You don’t bother putting the bowl down gently and a little sloshes out.

“Who pissed you off today?” Kiwi asks.

You take a deep breath. Is she trying to help? Or is she mocking you while you’re down and can’t retaliate because you’re in public and she’s a sympathetic blind girl?

You go neutral. “You have any older siblings?”

Jennifer shakes her head even though the question wasn’t even aimed at her. “Two younger. One brother, one sister. Why?”

You ignore that question.

Kiwi feels around for her napkin and wipes her lips. “One brother. A few minutes older than me. Does that count?”

Something clicks. You smile and start to speak, even though some desperate part of your mind knows you shouldn’t. “Can he see?”

Kiwi fidgets. “He’s sighted, yeah.”

You pause and take a breath, emotional pain swelling and subsiding all at once. Sometimes you need to push your head above the surface and breathe. Sometimes you need to push someone else down to do that. Everyone else does it when they need to. Hell, she does it to you non-stop with her girl jokes. Can't say she doesn't deserve it.

“Well, that explains a lot. Let me guess: your brother was the darling child your mom mentored in her trade while you just had to learn shit from the radio. Eventually you got fed up and fled to Alola to show that, hey, you could make it too. Except you get here and you suck ass just like everyone thought and now you’re too embarrassed to go home and tell everyone they were right.”

“Kekoa,” Genesis hisses.

Kiwi just looks down and folds her hands in her lap. When she speaks her voice is low and even. “You should stop talking now.”

A threat? You raise an eyebrow. “Or what? You’ll cry because you can’t handle the truth?”

She closes her eyes. And taps a finger on her thigh. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Deep breath. Her mouth opens partway and closes.

“Hey, uh, let’s maybe calm down?” Genesis pleads. “I saw that the fast food place down the street has $1.50 ice cream. Surely the wallet can take that, right?”

“I’m not hungry, Genesis.” Kiwi opens her eyes and looks just past your shoulder. Damn. For being blind her glare game is good. “No, Kekoa. Let me clarify: You need to stop talking before I shove my foot all the way up your little trans vagina.”

The wound in your heart explodes and you lose your breath. How did she know? Was it just that obvious? Does she know? Is this another ‘you’re a girl’ ‘joke?’ Do you care? No. No, she doesn’t get to hit you in a weak point like that when she knows you’re upset.

“I bet no one even cares that you’re gone. Probably glad that someone else is burdened with you.”

Kiwi scowls. “Have I told you about Alice?”

Genesis finally snaps out of her stupor and stands up. She wraps a hand around Kiwi’s shoulder and gently pulls. “Let’s not keep doing this. Cuicatl, let’s go upstairs. Kekoa? You started this. Don’t be back before midnight.”

You don’t bother pressing. You already told the damn tourist off. With any luck she’ll go back to her own country and only literally rip hearts open.
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Bug Catcher

Like, Kekoa, I get why you're upset, that whole thing's definitely a mess.

But also?

Shut the FUCK up and stop calling Cuicatl by a demeaning nickname in your narration. She tried to be sympathetic and you lashed out at her and refused to even think she might be trying to be friendly.

Seriously. I think the reason Kekoa keeps rubbing me the wrong way so dang much is because of his constant racist microaggressions against Cuicatl. Like, at least Cuicatl has never misgendered him in her narration.

EDIT: Okay, less yelling at Kekoa: really interesting to see what canon game plots have happened! Man, I dunno how I missed that the disaster was about Groudon and Kyogre when reading it. I also wonder if the trainers who resolved those plots will come up in any way. Also I feel you captured the awkward feeling of seeing your old hometown after having changed so much really well.
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Normal 1.10


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Eating disorders, generalized self hatred.

Normal 1.10: Negotiations

October 18, 2019

You were only on Route 5 for three days but after a mix of freeze dried, dehydrated, and canned foods you’re perfectly happy to wolf down whatever the Brooklet Hill Pokémon Center’s serving. Even if it’s stir fry that you could probably do better. Doesn’t matter. You aren’t cooking it. Hiking brings more hunger than usual and tomorrow you have work to do.

“Has Kiwi’s vulpix smelled a paras?” Kekoa asks.

The food was labeled as ‘spicy’ and it barely counts as flavorful. Might be a little habanero, definitely no ghost peppers. To say nothing of the pokémon-derived spices your dad sometimes brought home on special occasions. And you know you aren’t too abnormal on this because Achi had a way higher tolerance than you.

“Has your vulpix smelled a paras?” Genesis asks.

It takes you a few seconds to drink some water, swirl food around and swallow. “Sort of. Took her to an herbal medicine shop in Heahea. They had paras mushrooms.” The shopkeeper had said they’d buy a mushroom for fifty. Not twenty for the whole pokémon. VStar’s ripping you off. It’s infuriating but at least it explains why Rachel pretended to care about you. And you do owe her for the meal. And for Pixie. You’ll suck it up and turn in your paras for twenty apiece at the end of Akala.

“She says yes,” Genesis says.

“Good,” Kekoa responds. “She going to lead us out into the great unknown tomorrow?”

Genesis sighs. “Are we really doing this?”

Neither of you answer.

“Okay, fine. You going to help find paras?”

You shake your head. And chew. And swallow. “I’ll see if Pixie is fine helping you on Wednesday. Tomorrow I have things I need to do alone.”


You wake up before your alarm. That doesn’t tell you what time it is. Midnight, 7:29, could be anything. You grab your phone and roll out of bed. Pixie’s footsteps dutifully pitter patter after you. Once you’re in the bathroom you shut the door, get on the toilet, and press the home button on the phone. “What time is it?” you whisper.

“3:43 A.M.” it responds in not a whisper. Great. Just great. You thought you’d figured out how to turn the volume down but apparently not.

Tomorrow is Acatl. A pretty good day for what you need to do. Acatl is ruled by Chalchihuitlicue, goddess of lakes and streams and shaper of your soul. You’ll be rooting around in a spring all day. It’s great timing.

Should you give the goddess an offering? You don’t think Chalchihuitlicue takes blood; at least, her live sacrifices are drowned. And usually younger than you which is kind of messed up. You want the sun to rise and the rains to come as much as anyone else, but that can be done with volunteers and war captives, right? And Chalchihuitlicue is maybe the best goddess; she can’t actually require that. Someone got it wrong somewhere along the line. Probably explains the drought.


No blood.

You could get in the water and hold your breath for a very long time. Problem is that you’re not a particularly good swimmer. You can tread water for a bit, but you’ve never spent much time in pools or ponds. If you die you wouldn’t catch any paras; at most you’d get a single ghost-type out of it. Not worth it.

Cloth? You haven’t sewed anything since you got here. No money for fabric, no time to do it. Well, you’d thought there wouldn’t be time. Turns out that when you get to a campsite in the afternoon there’s usually a block of time that Pixie won’t fill. Late-day sun is hard on her. Poor girl. As if on cue you hear a soft thump on the counter beside you and a chirrup as she settles down. Probably into the sink. In a few minutes she’ll inevitably pretend not to understand you when you ask her to get out so that you can wash your hands. You’ll just turn the water on a tiny bit and wait for her to hiss and scamper away.

Sacrifice, right?

You yawn and stretch until your soul reenters your body. Meh. You’ll figure that out in the morning. Now you need to wash your hands. You stand up and idly hope that Pix has caught on to what you’re about to do.

She hasn’t.


There’s the sound of splashing beneath you as you walk out of the shallows. You rub your feet in the grass until they’re dry enough they probably won’t blister before putting your shoes back. No blood this morning. Just prayer and fasting in the Western, self-starvation sense. Maybe some of the food at breakfast was unseasoned enough to count as fasting to the gods. You’ve heard the jokes about American cuisine and they aren’t really wrong. But the fasting isn’t for the gods, is it?

Shut up. Today is a lucky day. Don’t waste it.

“Come on, Pix. Let’s find us a paras.” She’s been quiet. No complaints or questions at all. It’s not like her.

The weather is pretty nice. The morning sun warms without burning and there are fewer insects than you’d thought there would be. Hopefully that doesn’t apply to the one insect you want to find. More than anything the sound of waterfalls in every direction reminds you of Alice’s home when the snowbanks started to melt and the water all ran down the slopes into the valley below. There’s so little you miss about home and yet it always seems to reach out and snag you back.

It takes Pixie a long time to smell anything. Over an hour for sure. Long enough that combined with the silence it could make a girl start to wonder. “I really hope we find all five,” you say to no one in particular. “Because otherwise I’ll have to find another bug for the next trial. And if I can’t sell that one I’ll probably just keep it on the team. Wouldn’t be so bad having more friends, no?”

Pixie’s tracking skills immediately improve.


“Harrumph.” {Stop.} You stop in your tracks.

“Sure this is the one?”

A sneeze. {Of course.}

“Thank you, Pixie. Baby doll eyes for a second, if you will.”

The attack doesn’t make a sound. You can’t be sure if she’s doing it or not but it’s not too important to the capture. You crouch down.

“Hello there, little guy.”. You push the thought into the whisper and try to bring some of the tone with it. There’s no response. “Yes, I can let you understand me. And I can understand you.”

There’s a high pitched chitter and a hiss. {We will fight!} rings in your head in a feminine voice.

Your smile fades for a moment before you bring it back into place, behind your spore-blocking facemask. Where she can’t see it. But the cuicalli taught you to act how you want to sound and you’ll take any possible advantage you can get. “Why?”

{You’re going to eat us!}

You sigh. “No, I’m not. And I can prove it.” You switch to telepathic messaging to Pixie. {Ice shard. Be very gentle.} The attack doesn’t sound gentle and there’s a screech of pain from the bushes. Wouldn’t put it past Pix to go for the kill here. Whenever you get a second permanent team member capture is going to get so much easier. Focus. Clear thoughts. Clear feelings. Acting time. Stern with a hint of compassion. “Now that I’ve shown that I could kill you, I won’t. I have medicine for your wounds here if you want to come out.”

Nothing. Nothing for long enough that you start to think the bug died. Then there’s an audible rustling and the clattering of spindly legs on the ground as the paras comes right up to you. Very carefully, making sure to keep your eyes locked shut in case the paras tries to shoot out spores in your face, you pull out a potion and spray it at the paras.

{What is that?} the paras asks. Her voice is much more upbeat than before despite being hurt.

“Healing potion. We have better medicine back in our nests. That’s actually why I’m here,” you say.

{Go on.}

“I don’t want to eat you. But I do want one of your mushrooms. Just one. In return, I will spend several nights protecting you, feeding you, healing you, and making sure that you know how to fight. I will also give you the chance to battle a much stronger opponent than you’re used to, one that won’t ever kill or eat you and just wants to see how strong you are. Then I’ll drop you back off here or in a forest up north or, if you want, with another human. That way you come back stronger, closer to evolution, and with some great stories to tell the other paras.”

{Are you human?} the bug asks.

“Yes,” you respond. “Why?”

{We did not think humans could talk with their minds.}

“Some of us can. Also, I’m sorry if this is rude, but why do you call yourself ‘we?’” Alice never really went that route.

{Because there is an insect and two mushrooms in us!} the paras explains.

You process that. “And you’re still willing to part with a mushroom?”

{Yes! Especially if we grow stronger! There can only be one mushroom and one insect when we grow.}

“That makes sense.” Sort of like Alice. Although ellas kept ellas’s other self. Sort of. “Is there anything else you would like to know?”

{What is your cold mammal? We’ve never seen one!}

“She’s a vulpix.” You reach down to scratch her and she accepts. Would’ve been awkward if she shut you down. It does show that however upset she is she’s still not mad enough to reject scratches. “They live high up on mountains where all of the water is frozen into snow. She is my other pokémon. I am going to keep her forever.”

The last part is more for Pix’s benefit than the paras’s.

{Are you going to put me in one of those strange circles?}

You nod. “Sometimes. When I’m walking long distances and I don’t think you could keep up. I do have very long legs, after all.” Hah. Never thought that you’d say that. “And I’ll let you sleep in the circle at night so predators can’t get you. The rest of the time I will let you out to eat, explore, train, and learn.”

She pauses to consider that. {And will you give us a name?}

You smile. You aren’t entirely sure why she’s so on board with this. She probably isn’t smart enough to pull a long con to kill you. And if you do die to a mouthful of stun spores, well, at least you’ll have some idea how Achcauhtli felt. Except getting betrayed by a paras has to hurt less than being abandoned by your sister and mental roommate when you needed her the most. So, no, you still won’t have any clue what you put him through you despicable piece of shit.

You press the feelings aside and smile. “Of course. Let’s go with…” you swallow and try really, really hard to make sure that the Nahuatl word comes through and not its meaning. “…Ce.”

The paras screeches. In your head. Outside of your head it’s more of a weird bubbling sound. You feel her move up onto your shoe and wrap her pincers around your ankle in an insect hug. {So cool! Pokémon-human with ice mammal and healing potions gave us a name!}

Wasn’t she worried about you eating her a second ago? Gods above and below, pokémon are weird. “Do you have any friends who might want to come with us? I’m looking for up to four more… insects.” Insects. Not ‘of you’ because who knows what that means to her.

{…four… more…} There’s a long silence. {Yes! There’s one down the river in a sharp bush and one in a big-tooth mammal burrow and one in some tall grass up the river and one behind a vertical river!}

Even your gift isn’t quite sure what to make of that.


Kekoa and Genesis are downstairs eating dinner. It was surprisingly easy to convince them to leave you up here; Genesis backed off immediately when you said you were fasting. She didn’t even “translate” Kekoa’s mocking question-answers. An utterly irrational part of your brain, the one that made you fat, is disappointed that she didn’t put up more of a fight.

While you may not be eating today, you still have pokémon to feed. Moss mix and lettuce leaves were much cheaper than Pixie’s kibble had led you to expect. Judging by the happy bubbling noises below your bed the paras seem very pleased with your purchase. A cheap mat and some slightly damp newspaper make up your impromptu paras shelter, which also seems to be oddly beloved.

At least, beloved by most. The fox in your lap isn’t pleased with it, even after a very thorough brushing. You even offered to give her a bath with your shampoo but she hasn’t yet decided if she’s okay with that. Since you could talk Seerah into taking baths and heatmor are less vain (and more drownable) than vulpix you’d figured it would be an easy sell. Honestly, you’re half convinced that she really does want it but she’s just denying everything to spite you.

Foolish girl. Mimicking her trainer in all the worst ways.

Dry shampoo. Once you have the money and need to buy a new bottle you’ll take that approach. She might agree more readily. Assuming you ever have the money. VStar’s ripping you off and you aren’t sure if shampoo is covered by the league subsidy.

There’s a task at hand and you really don’t want to spiral out on the trail. Not now, at least. It might make Kekoa think you care about his petty bullshit. Fine, sure, whatever, you should’ve told him that you were going to kick his nuts so hard they popped out his asshole. Really, you just can’t find it in yourself to feel sorry for him. Maybe he’s been through some shit. Maybe he wakes up everyday and hates his own body. Tough. You’ve been through the same and don’t rip into anyone who tries to help. Not when it’s so much easier to just shake your head and run away and leave the pain on the girl who deserves it.

Plan. You had a plan not to spiral. Heh. Dumb enough that you can’t even stick to your own plan to convince yourself that you aren’t stupid. So, yeah, grand idea. Psychic linkage. Let your pokémon understand each other. Might help Pixie actually grow to like her companions. Or at least humble her a little. Maybe. A girl can hope. And you might as well do it when you can tank a couple days of headaches.

You start to sing. The words don’t matter so long as they’re words. For some reason your subconscious went with country. Not usually your style but they were playing it downstairs yesterday and it got stuck in your head. It’ll do. Even if it confuses your pokémon as they try to figure out why you’re telling them about the time you destroyed some boy’s car.

You lie down, close your eyes, and reach out. Every word makes links between you and anything that can hear it. Six pings. Five below, one right on top of you. With a little bit of effort you reach out to the one on top and hold a link. Then you scan the ones below. One connection is easier than the others. More open, more experience in using that link. You reach out and feel a triangle of energy linking you, Ce, and Pixie. One verse and a chorus left to do. As the song winds down you try and relax, loosening up physically and mentally. It’s what you’re supposed to do to make shots hurt less and maybe that applies here.

You drag out the final word, take a quick breath, and snap the triangle into place. It immediately feels like something massive struck you right on the forehead and the pain comes in steady waves, front to back. Back to front. Front to back. Back to front. You try to focus on the rhythm and not the substance. Because holy fuck why did you do this to yourself? Even with his help you were still bedridden for a week when you did your last team connection.

Front to back. Back to front. Front to back. Back to front. You’re aware of Pixie and Ce talking. To you. to each other. You ignore it. You’re a tiny boat on the waves. Front to back. Back to front. Front to back. It’s not getting better. Maybe even worse with every wave.

At some point the pain becomes too much and you fall into the depths of rest and silence.

In your dreams you drown as your sister watches on.


By morning the rocking has broken into a thousand tiny waves whizzing around your skull. It’s not at all better. You tell Genesis that, no, you can’t eat because you’re pretty sure that you’re going to vomit if you try to do anything and, yes, she’s welcome to borrow Pixie to find paras to her own.

You could really use someone taking half of your dumb psychic headaches now, but you went and let half your brain die so that’s on you. As usual.

Genesis comes back and sets down something with a small but unbearably large clattering sound. “I got you water and a banana and some crackers,” she whispers. “Kekoa’s heading out today but I’m going to stay back and watch over you. Make sure that everything’s alright.”

You really want to tell her to go straight to hell. Delaying an adventure to look after a sick friend? Does she think she’s better than you? Because she’s right. She’s normal, even. Most people would do this. Almost everyone. You’re the tiny, hideous exception to the rule.

Eventually she coaxes you into eating a banana. You immediately stumble into the bathroom and throw it up. Between this and yesterday she’d be justified in thinking you were bulimic. Which you aren’t. You want to be pretty. Or at least less ugly. But even you can tell that there’s absolutely nothing beautiful about the act of upchucking your partially digested food.

Genesis tries again in the afternoon. Or what’s probably in the afternoon. Impossible to tell with how much you’ve been in and out of consciousness. You get a few sips of water and a cracker down. That just tells your stomach that it’s eating time again and suddenly you have raging hunger complimenting the shootout in your head.

Kekoa slams the door open because of course he does. Has it been that long already? Wait, how long would it even take Pixie to find some paras if she knew that they wouldn’t be teammates of hers and success meant getting out of the heat faster. You had been very clear that Kekoa and Genesis were ditching their bugs.

The fox jumps up onto the bed and curls up on your chest. Ugh. She’s heavy enough that it’s noticeable and her tails are in your face and make breathing a little harder. It would still be wrong to kick her off. You’re lucky to have her and you’re not going to hate her for being annoying while she’s here because then maybe you’ll be a bitch and she’ll die and, bam, congrats, that’s how you’ll remember her forever.

At least she’s cold. That’s nice. And with the food and soda that Genesis eventually got you to choke down you’re less miserable than you were this morning. Still overwhelmed by pain and you want to cry but better.

You’ve shut out other minds to spare you even more pain. You don’t bother telling Pixie as she yaps on, no doubt about the many injustices she’s suffered since you last saw each other. You smile and whisper “Poor, poor girl.” She huffs in satisfaction and turns around so that her nose rests on your neck.


When you wake up there are long, spindly legs wrapped around your head.

Something primal takes over. You don’t scream. You don’t even breathe. Or move. You just stay still and silent like the spider might think you’re a rock. Slap it? Another part of your brain wakes up. Wait, don’t you have Pix for this? Where is—

You open up the psychic link and feel the pain of ripped-off duct tape. (A feeling you got second hand from your brother. Still aren’t entirely sure of the context there.) A quick location ping tells you that both Ce and Pixie are very, very close to you. You reach up and gently move Ce from your face to your chest.

“Hello, friends,” you whisper.

{Hello! Did that help?!} Ce very loudly answers through the link. Second order of business once you get better is teaching that girl (those girls?) how to use her (their? ellas’s?) inside-the-head voice.

“A little,” you lie. “But it messes with my breathing.”

{Eep! We’re so sorry—}

“It’s fine. How’d you get the idea anyway?”

Apology words flash through the surface of Pix’s mind. Dammit. Should’ve known.

You run a finger along Ce’s head. Hard enough to be an effective scratch, not so hard that she’s likely to be hurt by it. Screw this, you’ll figure things out tomorrow. She might move your cane in the morning but you doubt Pix comes up with anything worse over the course of a few hours.


Someone jostles you awake. Pix hisses at them and Ce starts clicking her mandibles together. “Stand down. It’s fine,” you groan. Probably fine, anyway.

“Hey,” Genesis says. “How are you feeling?”

You take stock. “Okay-ish. Probably won’t leave the room this morning. Might later.”

“Good!” She pauses. You hear her feet shift. What’s the bad news? “So, um, the nurse does want to talk to you—.”

“No,” you reply. You know damn well why you have a headache. No need to bring in some doctor to tell you that, shocker, you’re blind and fat. And you really don’t want the authorities to know about your gift. Your father thought would be very bad. You smile to change topics and deflect. “Thank you for yesterday, by the way.”

“Oh, no problem. But I will need Pixie today?” She states like it’s a question.

{Pixie, you up for it?}

She barks. Yes, she is. Probably desperate to redeem herself. You’ll tell her that you’ll always love her no matter what once she comes back. For now the guilt and fear might increase her performance. She deserves some of it anyway.

“Yes, she’s ready to help.”

Genesis must’ve already been dressed and ready to go because she rolls out just a few minutes later.

You steadily get to your feet so you can at least brush your teeth. Once you take the first step the vertigo hits. Both arms fly out and you steadily crouch down. The world is rocking around you and if you just balance a little bit better you might hand on. The sloshing steadily slows. You sit back in bed. Your mouth feels gross but you’ll have to wait to fix that.


You’re very rudely woken up for the third time. Gunshots. Before you can properly panic you notice that there’s music between the shots. Very loud music.

Just an action movie. Being played very loudly. In your room. While you have a headache.

“Kekoa,” you growl. “Turn that down.”

“Hmm? Sorry can’t hear you,” he answers.

{Hey, Ce, mind chasing him around?}

{Of course!}

You can’t actually hear her move but you can hear Kekoa’s footsteps and swearing before the television turns back off and you’re left alone with a worsened headache.

“Come back, Ce.” You hear her dutifully scuttle over. You lay an arm down so she can crawl up it and lie on your chest because she was a very brave and good girl(s(?)). Kekoa crashes down onto the bed across from you a second later. Now to deal with the thing that needs dealt with, even though you’d rather not until your headache is just a little bit calmer. “Kekoa, what the fuck?”

He huffs. “If I’m stuck inside watching your ass, I at least want to have some fun.”

“Not what I’m talking about.” You gently move Ce from your chest to your lap and sit up. Bottom bunk is low enough that your feet can touch the ground while you sit. “I meant, ‘Kekoa, why the fuck have you been an asshole to me the entire time we’ve known each other?’”

“Because you’ve been outing me and poking at my dysphoria, apparently knowingly, the whole damn time.”

It’s very difficult to keep your voice level as your mind and soul rock on the waves. “Kekoa, I only did that because you were already being an asshole.” You can hear him open his mouth so you move right on to cut him off. “De-escalation.” You take a deep breath and miraculously he doesn’t but in. “If we’re trapped in a loop of hurting each other more and more, we should just stop hurting each other.”

You hear him shift around. “Explain.”

You release part of the deep breath you took. Then you take another. “You—” No, start with what he gains. “I stop misgendering you and don’t out you to anyone else. I don’t sic my pokémon on you. In exchange, you don’t physically hurt me—and that includes what you just did—and you don’t bring up my family. Ever.” Ideally, you’d take care of the Kiwi thing but it’s honestly rather hard to be hurt by it when it’s just so childish. Besides, you doubt he’d agree to everything and you’d rather have the physical things stop.

He doesn’t answer. You stroke Ce between the mushrooms because you get the most bubbling when you scratch there. One paras reaches out from under the bed and pokes your ankle. You aren’t about to ask aloud if he wants anything so you’ll just wait for him to speak.

“Okay,” he finally says. “I’ll take the deal.”
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Normal 1.11


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Normal 1.11: Local, I Hope


“Should’ve brought a jacket,” you mutter.

Manollo scoffs. “Fucking told you. Colder here than anywhere else in the islands.”

Certainly colder than anywhere on Akala. And you would know. You went to six different schools there ranging from North Point to Konikoni. You thought it was tolerable here. Turns out that daytime on the coast is different from night at the base of Mauna Lanakila.

“What are you even taking me to?” You leave unsaid: ‘And why is it worth sneaking out and maybe getting kicked out of yet another home?’

“Almost there. You’ll see.”

True to his word, you do see once you get to the top of the next hill. A gathering of maybe a hundred people holding flickering lights in front of the mountain’s lift system. As you get closer you realize something else: a lot of those people are wearing black and red clothing. Most are covering part of their face, even the ones who aren’t wearing skull colors. Shit. You glare at Manollo. It’s not that you oppose the skulls on principle, you’ve just had some bad run-ins. Being kanaka won’t necessarily save you from a rowdy teenager who’s heard one side of a story and wanted to kick someone’s ass.

Manollo waves you off and comes to a halt at the edge of the group. You reluctantly stop and stand beside him. Just look like you belong here. Someone in a full, old-school skull uniform comes up to you and hands you a candle. You reach out your hand and take it so that you don’t look too unsure of what you’re doing. The man lights it and moves onto Manollo.

Before you can whisper-ask what you just walked into the few hushed voices in the crowd are silenced. You can see someone climb up the steps towards the lift at the front of the crowd. Black crop top, short shorts, and long multicolor hair. Yeah, you recognize her. Hard not to.

Plumeria turns to face the crowd. Then she just sits down on the top step. When she speaks, her voice carries very well. “Once Pele and Nāmaka had shaped the world, the Sun and Moon looked down and found it empty and themselves lonely. Together in their divine knowledge and power they created man. But the Sun grew fearful as his creation multiplied and innovated. He cast them down the slope of Mauna Lanakila until they arrived on the earth. That was still too close for the Sun and he refused to shine on the islands so that the humans would die in the darkness.

“Nu’u, ancestor of our people, appealed to the masses and calmed their fears. They used what little they had to build altars and provide sacrifices to the gods. Five gods answered. Tapu Bulu provided the wood for a fleet of canoes. Tapu Lele provided knowledge of how to build them. Tapu Fini provided knowledge of the seas. Tapu Koko provided the courage and resolve to make the long voyage ahead of them. As for the Moon, she provided a map to guide mankind across the waters.

“In time, the Moon could no longer stand to see her children living in exile. She provided the descendants of Nu’u with a path back across the sea to the seat of the heavens. When the Sun saw mankind return he was outraged and the Moon grew distraught. But clever Tapu Lele had a plan. As the Sun descended the slopes of the Mauna to smite his children, they offered him a gift, not of gold or fruit or blood, but of song and dance. They told the Sun of their lives in exile. They told the Sun of their journeys across the waters. They told the Sun of their love for him, the Moon, the Tapus, and the earth itself. They told of sorrow and joy, war and peace, love and hate. The Sun was moved. Without a word he turned around and rose back up the mauna.”

“The Sun entrusted the earth into our care. The Moon gave us a future in the heavens. Her oracle birds guide our souls to this point. The children of Poli’ahu take us the rest of the way so that the Moon may take us into her wings and usher us into our next adventure.”

Plumeria pauses and rises to her feet. You blink in surprise. You’ve heard the story enough but her charisma and the mauna behind her added new meaning and sucked you into the story until the cold and skulls ceased to exist. “So it was.” The words hang over the assembly until the faint echoes stop and silence reigns. No one dares break it until she does. You don’t even breathe.

“The rest of mankind came to our garden. They poisoned the roots of our plants and our spirits. They conquered our kingdom. They subjugated our proud people and made us strangers in our own lands. That did not satisfy them. They built telescopes on Pele’s mountain to study our stars. That did not satisfy them. They built a throne above our ancient altar, at the point where the heavens meet the earth. Where our father banished us and our mother welcomes us. They installed an ali’i of their own. That did not satisfy them. No, they could not merely have our mother’s home. They had to subjugate our mother as well. This will not satisfy them. They will take and take and take to fill the void in their hearts where alola should be.” She pauses again and inhales. “WILL WE LET THEM TAKE MORE?”

A cry of cheers, “NO!”s, swears, and seemingly pointless screaming rises from the crowd. You’re pretty sure that you get caught up in it but you can’t even hear what you’re saying.

Plumeria raises her hand and the noise abruptly stops. “Damn right we won’t.”


October 25th, 2019

The Route 5 Trainer’s Stop doesn’t have the uniformity of a Pokémon Center. It’s just a long, wooden building with a wooden porch running the distance. There’s a normal-looking house across from it made of brick and wood and a few tiny cabins are down the hill out back. Much better than a doctor’s office with some bedrooms.

You walk into the main building. It’s split into three parts. Something like a dining room to the left and a small shop through the right. There’s only one attendant, female, haole, probably early 20s, staffing the desk.

“Welcome to the Trainer’s Stop. You looking to spend the night?”

You step up because Kiwi can’t read paperwork and Jennifer will just idle forever and shift nervously and pretend like she’s got no social power at all. Plus sometimes you feel like you’re the only one with a clue what’s going on. “Yeah. Looking to stay two nights.”

The receptionist starts typing. “Just the three of you?”


“Alright.” She stops typing and gives you a smile that looks more fake than not. “May I see your trainer cards?” You hesitate but then hand yours over. The name isn’t yours anymore. The picture has longer hair. Maybe she’ll reject it. Hopefully she’ll reject it. Can’t be this boy in front of her.

She doesn’t.

“You’ll be in Cabins 3 and 4. Shower tokens are good for about five minutes. Cleaning supplies are in the closet, make sure to clean up your cabins before you leave. Are any of you willing to help cook?”

Kiwi raises her hand like a preschooler. “I am.”

The receptionist looks at her for a long time. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve done all of my family’s cooking for years. Yes, I’m sure.” Huh. She has a decent glare game. Cataracts probably help a little since it’s damn hard to keep eye contact with her. Not that you’d give her the satisfaction of knowing that.

“Alright. Uh, report here at 4 P.M., 6 A.M. and 11 A.M.” Her cheeriness returns as she speaks. “Anyone willing to clean up before or after meals?”

“I’ll take after. Genesis can take before.” Not interested in getting up early.

“Alright. Genesis, please come up a half hour before meals. Breakfast is at eight, lunch at one, dinner at 6. There’s usually something around the fire pit at 9 P.M if you’re interested. I’ll let Uffe and Eleanor explain more at dinner.”


The cabin’s small, just a six-by-six entry area with a desk and a sink and then a tight bedroom with two small beds. Perks of being a boy: you get the place to yourself for two days while Jenny and Kiwi have to share a bedroom not much bigger than the tent.

You set your stuff down and pull a towel off the rack. Now that you’re in civilization your first priorities are getting a shower and washing your clothes. Yeah, you’re a guy now but you aren’t in a rush to give up basic hygiene.

There are trumbeak singing nearby. Should you let Hekeli out while you shower? There are talonflame here and she never had to deal with those on Ula’Ula. Would she know what to do? No, you’ll let her out later when you can watch her uninterrupted. You aren’t going to lose your only pokémon.

Shower time. Now, the eternal question: which shower to use? Are your clothes too tight? Would anyone notice if you went in the men’s side? Are you willing to risk getting caught alone and feminine in a room full of stronger guys? Girl’s side isn’t much better. You hate it but if you raised your voice up a little you could 100% pass as a butch lesbian. No, the problem there is the aftermath. The little validation to dysphoria. The reminder that even on your best day you still look like a girl and you know it. If you got caught you have no idea how you’d start explaining the choice to Jennifer. You probably wouldn’t. Might punch her. And you’ve agreed to stop doing that sort of thing. Or maybe you haven’t. The agreement was only between you and Cuicatl.

You step into the men’s room and dart back towards the showers. No one here. No need to panic. You still close the curtain, strip, turn the shower on, get in as fast as you possibly can. You take a quicker shower than you want. Partially out of fear, partially because it’s really not the best idea to dwell under water as it runs over your many curves.


An older kanaka couple come around to the table. You stop eating and Genesis follows. Kiwi very belatedly does as well. “New faces in camp, I see,” the man says.

“Yeah,” you answer before Jenny can fuck it up. “Just got here this afternoon. My name’s Kekoa, that’s Genesis, and that’s Cuicatl.”

The woman smiles. “Yes, I’ve already met Miss Ichtaca. She has some wonderful recipes she’s offered to show me tomorrow.”

Kiwi awkwardly shifts. “Right. Thank you again for letting me cook. Sorry if I slowed it down…”

“Hush dear. The pleasure was all mine. Oh, I forgot my manners! My name is Eleanor and this is my husband Uffe. We’re the hosts of the camp.”

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Jennifer says. “Is the dining room usually this, um, empty or…?”

Uffe sighs. “No. Usually this is peak season. But there was the blacepholon back in August when a lot of the kids who started after the school year in Hau’oli finished up Melemele and would’ve come to Akala. Scared ‘em off to Ula’Ula. Couple of trainers at the end of their challenge, a handful of VStar folks, and a few late starters but it’s been a quiet month.

You move on before Jennifer can fuck up and dig into the VStar point. “That’s a shame. Always liked Akala.”

He smiles. “Well, you’ve got good taste then. So, what’cha planning to do tomorrow? We like to make sure that everyone’s doing something productive while they’re here. Your friend’s gonna be in the kitchen but I don’t reckon’ you two are going to join her.”

Jennifer shakes her head. “No. Um. I can, um. I don’t know. What needs done?”

“Oh, bathhouse always needs cleaned. Or dishes. Or laundry. Or any number of things. Work just keeps piling up around here,” Eleanor answers.

You interrupt before that conversation can spiral into a million rounds of ‘oh, no, I couldn’t possibly, please, you pick.’

“I heard that there were grubbin nearby. I would like to look for one, if you would let me.”

Uffe smiles. “Of course. Darn bugs keep eating the roots in the garden. Now, you have a way to find a grubbin or are we going to have to do this the old way?”

You inhale. Moment of faith. How closely is Kiwi going to hew to the spirit of the agreement. “Kiwi’s vulpix fought a grubbin back in Hau’oli, right?” You remember. You watched it. She got her ass kicked and continued a long, inglorious tradition.

“Yes,” Kiwi responds.

“Can I borrow her tomorrow?”

She shakes her head. “No.” Wait. What? Is she going to fucking fight you on this?

“Why not?”

She grins. Her dumb sly grin that says she’s about to do something. In front of adults? Really?

“Because Kiwi doesn’t own a vulpix. Cuicatl does and she might if you ask real nicely.”

Why? Why does she have to bring that up, context free, in front of fucking authority figures? They’ll get the wrong idea and she knows it. So much for the goddamn truce. But you need the grubbin. You’ll figure out how to get revenge later.

“Cuicatl, can I borrow your vulpix tomorrow?”

Her unbearable smile gets even wider and she rapidly shakes her head. “See, that wasn’t too hard, was it?”

You almost flip her off, adults be damned.


“How’d your friend get a keokeo?” Uffe asks. His voice is gruff but there’s a kindness underneath it. Like your grandfather before he passed.

“Starter. Gift from some rich breeder.”

Pixie—and isn’t that a shitty name—knows she’s being talked about and occasionally pulls her nose up from the ground to make sure that only nice things are being said about her. Uffe always shoots a smile her way and she purrs and looks back down.

“Local, I’d hope?”

You shake your head. “No. She’s some tourist from Anahuac here because her Mom was some bigshot back in the day and she has dreams of glory or whatever.”

He gives you a strange look. Not quite sympathy. “I meant ‘did she get it from a local breeder.’ As a joke.”

“Oh.” Pixie paused for a moment and you almost trip over her by accident. She looks at you like apologies are demanded and you offer them profusely because you’re not a monster. “Wait. Do they even breed keokeo here?”

Uffe shrugs and starts walking again when Pixie does. “One breeder down the road has a male ninetales paired with a glaceon. Don’t think anyone’s got a female on Akala.” Pixie lowers her tails and sniffs the ground and for a second you think that maybe she’s found something. Then she props a leg up, pees, and moves on.

“Mr. Radcliffe, right? He’s the ice-type trainer?”

You get a smile in response. “Yes. You live around here?”

“Sort of. Grew up in Paniola Town. He came down sometimes around the solstice. Seemed nice enough.”

His smile grows wider. “He absolutely is. Gentlest soul in these parts.” Uffe stops walking and turns to you. “Sorry if this is too personal, but it doesn’t sound like you like your partner much.” You shake your head. “Then why travel with her? It’s a big commitment to spend months in close quarters with somebody.”

You don’t want to tell him you work for VStar. He seems cool and you don’t regret your path—you did what you had to do to break another system—but maybe he wouldn’t get it. “Weird coincidences. Might ditch her at the end of the island. We’ll see.”

“Alright, then.” You meet his gaze and find that he’s looking you over. For a second you wonder if he read you but then he looks away. Not angry. Or disgusted. But intrigued. “Tell me more about your partner then. You said she’s got a famous mom?”

“Sort of.” She had mentioned that her mom was a trainer. Maybe. Pretty sure you wouldn’t have just made that up. And it explains why Miss Bell gives a solitary shit about her.

“You catch her last name?”

“Ichtaca. Her mom’s Unovan though so it could be anything.”

He nods. “Makes sense. Rare starter and all. I take it she has all the other advantages her mom could give. TMs, a pokédex, top-tier camping gear, personal training in battle strategy?”

You laugh. And then catch yourself. He seems to like this tourist bitch for some reason. And you want him to like you. “No. None of that. Apparently. Didn’t have any gear. Sucks at battling.”

Pixie barks and wags her tails. She points her snout down before glancing up at you and then pointing her snout down again.

“Well, that’s your cue. Send out your pokémon and dig.”

It’s hard to tell if you’re shoveling too fast or not fast enough. You don’t want to let the grubbin get away but you also don’t want to accidentally push a shovel through its shell and kill it. Not that you’re sure you could. Pokémon are tough. “Slow down a bit,” Uffe eventually says. “You’re at the depth they usually hang out. Just scrape a little off.”

You see yellow. That’s good enough for you. in one motion you jump backwards and cast the shovel aside. “Hekeli, echoed voice!”

Your pikipek stirs to life and fires a shockwave into the hole. Rather than dig deeper the grubbin slowly unburies itself and lifts its head to the sky just in time to take the second hit right to the face. It doesn’t seem to care and a cloud of dirt rockets into the sky a moment later. Hekeli dodges the earth and throws out another shockwave. This time the grubbin really seems to feel it and you think you can see it retreating a little bit into the ground. That won’t do.

You reach into your pocket, prime the pokéball, and throw it. There’s a flash of red light as it connects and the grubbin is sucked in. A small ‘thud’ as it falls deeper into the hard earth. Then shaking. And a click. You caught your second pokémon!

Uffe claps. Too fast to be ironic. “Congratulations.” And that feels good. Being praised for something by an adult. A kānaka maoli adult. How long has it been? Two years? Three? Probably Mr. Perkins. Seventh grade at whatever middle school you were in that semester.

“Just a grubbin.” You say. Can’t let your ego get too big over a bug. However much you want it.

“Yeah. But someday it’ll be a vikavolt. And I’ve never heard anyone say ‘just a vikavolt.’ Congrats on the first step to an awesome insect.”

“Yeah.” You’re beaming. You shouldn’t be but it feels nice. Hekeli warbles and lands on your shoulder. You give her headpats. She did a good job. She can stay out on the walk back to the shop. And you’ll see if you can find her some worms at a decent price. Although maybe you shouldn’t be rewarding her with bugs right now. That could end badly.

Uffe starts walking back to his home. You follow. “Now, not to rain on your parade or anything, because that was great and you should be proud, but there’s something else we should talk about.”

You frown but keep pace. “Go on.”

“Your partner. Now, I might be off base, but,” he waves his hands in front of him, “just hear me out. Teenage girl comes from Anahuac. Unstable, theocratic, impoverished country that people have been streaming out of sense the 80s. She comes alone with no money. Or experience. Or resources. Says that her mom is someone famous from The States. Won’t specify who her mom is and the rest of the story doesn’t check out. Now, she could be telling the truth. Or.” He looks at you and gauges your expression for a moment. “Or she’s a refugee who just got out of hell, knows no one here, and is telling stories to impress the only people she’s met.”

You grimace. Yeah. Maybe. It wouldn’t change anything. “She still came to our country when she has her own.”

He hums for a moment. Not quite answering but still conveying disapproval. “What causes a person to get up and move across an ocean to a strange place with strange people and no guarantee of food, shelter, or safety? How bad does your life have to be when that’s your best option?” Uffe sighs. “I get it. I was a radical when I was your age. Still am. But she doesn’t sound like a monster. Just sounds like she needs Alola. Lower and uppercase.”

“Not obligated to give that to tourists,” you mutter. Radical? He claims to be a radical? While coddling settlers he’s never even met?

“You’re not obligated to,” he responds, somewhat exasperated. “But I think you’re looking at a potential friend and automatically thinking the worst of her.” You’ve finally reach Uffe’s home. He extends a hand to you and you shake it. Reflexively. Not sure if you would’ve still done it if you’d had time to think about it. “Just some advice from a man who’s been there. You don’t need to take it. Congratulations again on the grubbin.”

He’s holding the shovel. You forgot about the shovel. Why’d you let him carry it when you were the one using it? “Thank you for your help.”

Uffe laughs. “Oh, I don’t think I did much of anything but go on a walk through the garden. But thank you for the thanks.”


You pass by the girls’ cabin on the way back to yours. Kiwi’s out front in a patch of sunlight with Pixie curled up in the shade, four paras around her, and one sitting on her head like a hat. You have to stop and make sure that, yes, she really does have a paras on her head. Isn’t she worried about spores and shit?

“What are you doing?” you finally ask.

“Meditating,” she answers.

“No, I meant what are you doing with the paras on your head.”

“Meditating. With a paras on my head.”


She frowns. “It’s good for focusing. Don’t you do it?”

Of course you meditate. Sometimes. When you remember. And someone makes you. “But why is the paras on your head?”

“Because she wanted to be closer to the sun.”

The head-paras chirps in response.

Well. There’s your answer. How did she know the paras wanted to be closer to the sun? Why did she agree? Who knows? Certainly not you. And at this point you’d rather not ask.


You settle down in a secluded area near the cabins. After taking a deep breath, you hold out your arm and whistle. Hekeli flies in from gods know where and perches on you a moment later. Alright. Taming time. You prime, aim, and release the pokéball.

The grubbin forms a second later. You deliberately puff yourself up to make yourself larger and throw your voice down in pitch. “Hello, I’m your new—” A string shot hits you right in the face. Hekeli moves and you can hear a fight break out. You half-consciously withdraw the bug and bring a hand to your mouth to assess the damage. Damn it. Webbing everywhere. Is it water soluble? It had better fucking be.


It isn’t. You still to get most of it scrubbed off before the water stops flowing.


“You have something on your mouth,” Jenny says as soon as you sit down. You ignore her bar a simple “mmm-hmm” and look down at your plate. Tacos, rice, and beans. Definitely Kiwi’s thing. You take a testing bite. It’s actually pretty—holy shit your fucking mouth is on fire. You quickly grab your glass and pour down as much water as you can.

“I labeled the ones without chili sauce.”

Before your mouth cools enough that you can retort that, no, you labeled them as “hot” and “mild” not “atomic” and “mild,” Jennifer butts in. “It’s still there, Kekoa. Just little white strands around your mouth.”

Kiwi snorts and almost chokes on her water. You consider flipping her the bird before catching a glimpse of Uffe in your peripheral vision. Blind or not it would’ve been satisfying.

Jenny blinks. “Wait. What did I say?”

Kiwi finishes coughing and waves her hand to dismiss the subject. “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”


Something licks you on the forehead.

You press yourself up and whirl around to find yourself face to face with a very cute white fox. She barks at you in response. Rather loudly.

“Pix, quiet down!” you hear whispered through the trees. A moment later you watch Kiwi’s cane absolutely brutalize the plants on either side of the path. It’s not that you think people like her should never go on the trail. Just, if they’re going to do shit like that to nature then, yeah, they should stay home.

Kiwi stops a few feet away from you, crouches, and holds out her arms. The ice fox turns around (hitting you in the face with her tails) and dutifully allows herself to be held. Then Kiwi just stands there. Right by you. For an uncomfortable amount of time. You hold your breath because you really don’t want to deal with her right now.

“I know you’re there, Kekoa,” she says. Shit. How? “You know that blind people have super hearing, right?” Ugh. Shit. You’d forgotten about that. She sits down cross-legged when you don’t answer. Her keokeo curls up in her legs and glares at you. In the moonlight Kiwi’s harshest features are softened a bit. Brings her up from a four to a five. “What are you doing awake?” she asks.

“What are you?”

She shakes her head and glares two feet to your right. “I asked first. But I was just going to the bathroom when Pix found you.”

You’re tempted to tell her to fuck off because she has no right to know what you’re doing, but you get the sense that it could get loud and wake up other people and maybe get you banned from these places in the future. “Watching the stars.”

She blinks. Surprise? Normal blinking? Do her blinks even mean anything? “Looking for omens?”

“What? No. Just looking at them.” You hold up a hand and trace the sky even if she can’t see it. “The constellations form a curve and lines. A map. They led my ancestors here.” You press yourself up a little bit so your back isn’t on the ground. “You use them to tell the future and shit?”

It’s hard to tell with the light and the cataracts but you think she rolls her eyes. “I don’t use them. But the priests do.”

“No.” You keep your voice hard. “Your priests use the stars in Anahuac. These are my stars. There’s a difference.”

And it sounds like a tiny difference but it matters. There are so many settlers now that you can barely see your stars on parts of the island. The settlers noticed that so they built telescopes so that they could still see the stars. And even if Kiwi doesn’t plan to stay she’ll still go home and tell her friends who will fucking swarm your home and poison your waters, burn your forests, build on your mountains, and banish your stars. Because they aren’t their waters, their forests, their mountains, or their stars. And when your home is destroyed they’ll just go back to theirs.

Kiwi is silent for a second as she maybe finally gets it. But the moment passes and she shakes her head. “Kekoa, I’m not going to steal your stars.”

You snort. “You already have.” You don’t bother waiting for her to answer. “When Alolans die the murkrow guide them to the base of Mauna Lanakila. And then the ninetales meet with the soul and guide it to the top. To the stars. And then they navigate the stars to their next home. You took a vulpix. You’ve made it harder for me to reach my stars.”

For another moment you think that she finally understands. But then she just looks down and ruffles her keokeo’s ears. “I didn’t take her. She was taken, abandoned, and then I adopted her.” She frowns and scrunches up her face. “Would you rather she be alone, miserable, and off the mountain or loved and cared for off the mountain?”

That’s a half-decent point. But it ignores the big picture. “Yeah, but you don’t understand this place. You’re just going to keep doing it over and over again and then go back home with a half dozen sacred pokémon.”

She sighs. Like you’re a child who needs appeased. “I understand where you’re coming from. Really. If you walked into Anahuac and walked out with a hawlucha, axlawful, and pantherma I’d be, well, first off you’d probably be dead.” She laughs nervously. “Treason to take any of them without the tlatoani’s say-so and treason’s the fastest way to wind up staring down your still-beating heart.”

“Holy shit. TMI.”

Kiwi frowns and slouches a little bit. “Sorry. Gallows humor is a big thing in Anahuac. We don’t really hide from death. No point. It won’t just go away if you ignore it.” There’s something there at the end. Real emotion. Sadness? Anger? Both? She moves on before you can fully process it. “Anyway. Yes, I understand what you want. I think that we can make a deal here as well.”

“I’m not compromising on that,” you say as sternly as you can so that she gets the point.

“I said deal. Not a compromise. Deal both people are happy. Compromise neither are.”

You narrow your eyes and try to look into hers, but she’s looking down and away from you. “Go on.”

She sighs again and moves her arms behind her so she can lean back on them. “You can tell what nature’s saying by the winds and stars, right?”

“Among other things.”

{I can listen in a little more directly.}

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Was that—

{In your head? Yeah.}

You glance at her. “Do that again.”


Her lips don’t move. Whatever she’s doing it’s not ventriloquism.

“What is that?”

“I’m psychic,” she says (mercifully aloud). “Language based. I can understand what other people are saying and make myself understood.”

“And you can read my mind?” you ask.

She shakes her head. “Not really. I can tell what words are on the tip of your tongue but nothing deeper. Well. I guess I know what languages people speak. Or at least what language my words are getting translated into.”

“And how do I know that part is real?”

Kiwi turns to look directly at you. “Can you describe my accent, please?”

Her accent? It’s… perfectly neutral. Utterly unremarkable. Nothing you’d ever thought about at all. That’s weird, right? If she grew up in another country.

“I actoly sond like tis.”

You blink. And blink again. “The fuck?”

She laughs. It’s a very good laugh. Is that also an illusion?

“I know, it’s the difference between dirt and sand.” she says with a perfectly neutral accent again. “I can speak a little better if I concentrate, but it never really matters so why bother? As for your other,” unspoken, “question, yes, my voice is naturally like that. Years of music class and singing to myself.”

The bigger picture pieces itself together as the shock wears off. That’s not just a parlor trick. “And you can talk to pokémon?”

Her lips press together for a moment. “Most pokémon. Dark-types give me trouble. Had to learn draconic to properly talk to my mom’s hydreigon.”

Somehow ‘Hold up you can speak to dragons?” isn’t the question you want to ask the most. “That’s how you get along so well with your pokémon. You’re not a savant or anything, you can just talk to them.”

“Pretty much. Doesn’t always help. Some pokémon are jerks. But it does give me an advantage.”

Next follow-up: “What does Hekeli say about me?”

Kiwi shrugs. “You’re okay. She’s very interested in my voice, though, and your battle practice is starting to bore her. Mix training up and play some music around her. Then you should be good. Otherwise, she might defect.” She says that so naturally that you aren’t even sure if it’s a threat. “It isn’t. Just an observation. Oh, I can talk to your grubbin if you want. Worked well enough for the paras.”

“Is that the deal? You get to walk out with whatever so long as I benefit?”

“No, it wasn’t. The deal was that if I plan to put a pokémon on my team for longer than it takes to hand them off to VStar, I have to get the pokémon’s consent before doing so. That way I won’t just take anything from your home. Is that enough respect or…?”

Part of you doesn’t think that it is. She’s an outsider. A tourist. She doesn’t get to take your sacred pokémon. But if you really care about the pokémon you should also respect their choices. And she got a keokeo to trust her. And it’s selfish but she could really, really help you with your own goals. If it breaks the entire damn colonial system you can tolerate one girl taking a few stars.

You stand up. “You said you had to go to the bathroom, right?”

She smiles sheepishly and moves some hair off her forehead. Probably reflex. It was really long at orientation. “Yeah. I was going to have to end this soon if you didn’t.”

You nod, even if she can’t see it, and start walking back to your cabin.

“Good night, Pixie. Good night, Cuicatl.”
Last edited:


Bug Catcher
Ah, finally. About damn time they made some breakthroughs. Thank you for giving out advice, Uffe.

Can't wait for Genesis to fuck it all up somehow


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Chapter 10

I don’t have much to say about Chapter 9 in retrospect to be honest. It did give a bit more insight into Kekoa’s backstory and why he acts the way he does now, so that made for a very intense chapter. Now onto chapter 10, at last.

So, Negotiations is a very apt title, in more ways than one. There was not only the scene at the beginning where Cuicatl tries to get a group of Ducklett on board with her (they were adorable, btw), but also Cuicatl convincing Ce to come along with her and calling a truce between her and Kekoa. That was all nice. I mean, it was nice to see Kekoa eat shit for once (way to go, Ce!), but in general, this was a nice reprieve from the emotional trauma that was the previous chapter. Well, slightly less than average emotional trauma.

The things that stood out to me the most that I liked were Ce’s introduction and Cuicatl’s attempts to psychically link her and Pixie up. Pixie had a less pronounced role this time around, but Ce made up for that. She’s also adorable, by the way. She’s a bit more friendly towards Cuicatl while still having her reservations at the beginning (I mean cheezus crust, Cuicatl, that’s one way to get a Pokemon to come with you). She’s a bit more mild mannered than Pixie while still having her moments. So she adds a nice balance to the roster so far.

Also, that psychic link part was very interesting. We knew the risks before with the headaches, but I think this is the first time we’ve seen the consequences of going too far, considering it takes Cuicatl that long to get up to speed again.

The only blip was the ending fight, and to be honest, I found it quite rushed. Of course, it was nice seeing Cuicatl win for once, but the battle was so brief and the strategic descriptions took me out of the story so much that the emotional stakes didn’t make much of an impact in the end.

But again, good on you for your victory, Cuicatl. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Normal 1.12


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
CN: Misgendering, deadnaming

Normal 1.12: Partners

October 13, 2019

Cuicatl pulls the kibble out of her bag and starts to pour it into her tiny collapsible fox food bowl. You walk up and she pours you a handful without missing a beat. “Thank you,” you say. Then you take it to the edge of the clearing and leave it in a small pile.

Wait. Do eevee even eat kibble? Mom never let you have one. You’d assume they’d eat the same thing as vulpix. But eevee also have weird DNA and look kind of like buneary so maybe they’d prefer carrots?

“Do eevee actually like kibble?” you ask.

“How the fuck would I know,” Kekoa answers as he strolls back into the clearing.

You glare at him. He didn’t need to be mean about that. You take your pack off (its light enough you’d honestly forgotten you were even wearing it) and take out your apricot sausage. It’s basically just slices of apricots with little flakes of nuts and vegetables in it. You remember really liking apricots as a kid but now the taste is… weird. Or maybe they’re just over-processed. Still getting used to eating food that doesn’t really taste like food. The Pokémon Centers are usually good about that and fake is better than inedible but sometimes it catches you. It just feels wrong to put junk into your body.

Kekoa tosses you a packet of crackers. He and Cuicatl have small remoraid cans. You’ll definitely pass on that. Even when you ate meat remoraid always just smelled bad. And that texture. And color. It’s more like grey sludge than food. Even the lab stuff is gross. Apparently your companions disagree and Pixie isn’t above slyly begging for some, even if he—she, even if she hasn’t quite figured out how to slyly beg to a blind girl.

Pixie. Vulpixes. Foxes. You glance back to the kibble pile and—Deer. Of Life. There’s a cute, furry, perfect little bunny fox. Right near you. Easy. Calm. Excitement later. You reach down to your belt and slowly unclip Sir Bubble’s ball. You almost shout “Let’s go make a friend!” but wisely decide not to. Sir Bubbles appears in a flash of red light. And immediately starts yipping at you while thumping his tail on the ground. A finger flies to your lips and you point past him. Sir. Bubbles’ eyes just open a little wider and he sinks a little closer to the ground in response, a faint ribbit accompanying the movement.

Something roars. Well, not a roar exactly. More of a high pitch incessant screech that moves up and down like the world’s worst fire alarm. You recoil and look at the—the vulpix causing it. No! Bad! You glance back. The eevee’s running but not quite out of sight in the burned forest. You reach down and grab Sir Bubbles before taking off in pursuit. Eevee are pokémon, sure, but you’ve got much longer legs. You can do this.

“Water gun, Sir Bubbles!” The frog tries to comply, but the shot goes very wide and the eevee just runs a little bit faster. “No! Stop! I’m trying to catch you.”

You keep pace pretty well and even get close enough to think about tackling. But there’s always a root you have to dodge or the eevee gets yet another second wind or something. You almost prefer it that way. With the wind in your hair, Sir Bubbles in your arms, and an eevee in front of you this is the most fun you’ve had in weeks.

Something catches your eye and you come screeching to a halt. Right into a tree root. Which turns the halt into a fall. You move to catch yourself and narrowly do but. Oh crap. You hastily stand back up and look down at your starter as he awkwardly pulls himself up and tries to recover from 135 pounds of girl falling directly onto him. Eventually he looks back up at you, tears in his wide eyes and—this is just a food ploy, isn’t it? Evil bastard.

There’s another movement at the edge of your vision. You freeze up and reach down for Sir Bubble’s ball. It’s still there. Somehow didn’t get knocked out of your belt. You withdraw him as soon as possible and take ten steps back, doing your best to avoid the roots while looking up.

A giant spider floats between the trees, staring down at you with its almost-human eyes. It—no, she, too big for a male—starts to sink ever lower on her thread. You slowly crouch down, keeping eye contact the whole time, and hold a hand out.

“There you are!” Kekoa shouts somewhere behind you. You almost break eye contact with the spider. “Knew you were stupid, didn’t know you were stupid enough to run right off the fucking trail. Now—holy shit.” His voice drops to a whisper at the end.

“Shh!” He’s being too loud. Might scare her. And she’s almost made it to the ground.

“You’re—you can’t be serious. We need to go. Now.”

You want to break eye contact. Glare back at him and tell him to shut up or leave. For once you know what you’re doing.

The ariados approaches with small, tepid steps. You move your arm just a little bit towards her to make sure she sees it.

“I’m calling Hekeli,” Kekoa hisses.

“Hi, there,” you whisper. “You want scratches?”

The ariados chitters and walks right up to you, stinger close to your heart when you’re crouched down at her level. You bend your arm and guide your hand to a small little chink in the spider’s exoskeleton where the head meets the body. You press a fingernail in and scratch, running it up and down the groove. The spider clicks her mandibles together in contentment and you put a little bit more force into the petting.

“What the actual fuck,” Kekoa says at an appropriately low volume. The ariados takes a step to the side to look at him. He immediately hops back and keeps walking away, putting as much distance as possible between him and the man-sized spider. You suppress a sigh and pat the ariados on the back before rising to your feet.

“Had one as a pet. They’re harmless to humans.”

But not to—you glance out into the forest. It takes you a second to find it but there’s a thin, almost invisible thread running from the web out into the burned woods. The eevee’s on the other end. At night the ariados will follow the line and eat the fox and maybe its entire family. You need to save it.

The ariados has already retreated back to her web and is steadily climbing up it, ignoring you as she rises. “Follow me!” you whisper.

You turn to follow the wire and save your furry future friend. A hand grabs your arm and pulls back. Hard. “No,” Kekoa hisses back. “The eevee’s long gone and we are not going so far off the trail that we can’t hear Kiwi shouting.”

You pout. “The ariados is going to eat it.”

“I thought you liked the things? What do you want to starve it for?”

He’s looking at you like you’re an idiot and it’s your fault and he really wants to be somewhere else right now. “Yeah but…” The image of it. You’re fine if the spider’s eating kibble or even yungoos, but when it’s something cute that feels different. Especially if you could have stopped the death and didn’t. That’s almost like you personally poisoned the eevee and slowly tore it apart.

“Yeah, but…” Kekoa smirks and tilts his head. “Brilliant argument there.”

Screw him. Smug, heartless jerk.

“Shut up.” You start walking back the way he came, sparing the ariados one last glance. She’s already retreated into the chamber at the center of her web.

Once you’re far enough away that Kekoa stops glancing back every few seconds he turns to you with a particularly smug smile on his face. “So. Pet ariados?”

You lock up and almost trip. He snickers. Crap. You revealed something you shouldn’t have. Now, um, play it cool. “Yeah. I had one.”

“Any reason?”

You shrug and do your best to keep your voice level. “Not really.”

For a moment you’re absolutely certain that he knows and is going to hate you forever, but he never follows up. It’s almost worse that way. He could still know and just be lording it over you until he has a better time to strike.

No. Screw him. He doesn’t get to ruin your journey. If only because the ever-present dirt and burned trees and over-processed food and dead eevee beat him to it.


November 2, 2019

Of course it had to rain. Because if Kekoa and Cuicatl are going to play nice something else has to spoil the fun. Not that the hills weren’t already doing that. You stare up at the last switchback. Or what Kekoa tells you is the last switchback. She could definitely be lying about that. You pull the straps on your pack tighter and take off as fast as you can. The surface of the path is slick, more mud than dirt in some places and once or twice you almost feel like you’re going to trip and tumble all the way back down. The thought is sobering enough that you take the last two bends at just a brisk walk. You glance down. Cuicatl’s slowly making her way up with the help of a long branch she found somewhere (she said she didn’t want to get her cane dirty and it wasn’t good for putting weight on anyway). Kekoa’s trailing behind her. You hear wings beat nearby and you turn just in time to see Kekoa’s pikipek land on your shoulder. Cheating little miss. Must be nice to skip the switchbacks and fly straight up.

By the time Cuicatl and Kekoa catch up you’re ready to move on. Cuicatl isn’t. The moment you set off she tells you to stop. She’s panting a little bit. Weird. Her arm and leg muscles are actually kind of distinct. Wouldn’t peg her as an athlete but you’d expected her to be in shape. “You okay?” you ask.

“Asthma,” she huffs out. “Only bad. On climbs. Legs. Are fine.”

“Okay,” you answer. Because what else were you going to say? ‘No, we move right now young lady. You can breathe on your own time.’ Mother actually might. You fight the urge to scrunch up your face and put your hands on your hips and lecture the wind in character. ‘Disgusting. Real women don’t pant like mere animals.’ You actually do whisper that but neither Kekoa nor Cuicatl seems to notice.

You wait in silence as your friend’s breaths slow and deepen. Cuicatl didn’t bother to tie back her hair and its plastered over her face with individual strands reaching down almost all the way to her mouth. You can’t see her eyes at all. Her hair looks longer than usual with the weight of the water straightening out her curls. Kekoa just scowls at you when you look towards her. Right. Water. Clothing. Chest. It’s embarrassing that you thought those were pecs. From what Reverend Patterson said you’d kind of just expected that you’d instantly know when you met someone like her. But you’ve always been slow to figure people out. Lyra would have instantly known.

Cuicatl finally sticks up a finger. “I’m fine.”

You pivot and start walking. The pivot isn’t anywhere nearly as smooth as hers are. She can turn 180 degrees in a single fluid motion and then start walking. You can sort of turn most of that distance in a spin and a step. You still aren’t entirely sure what your back foot should be doing or how fast you’re supposed to spin or when you put both feet down. Can you ask? Would she think it was weird? How did she even learn to do that? Boot camp? It would make sense. Her pivots seem kind of military-like.

“How early do they start military training in Anahuac?” you ask her. That’s not inappropriate, right?

“Depends. Some stuff in early education when you’re six or so. That’s mostly just exercise and some basic pokémon stuff. Progressively more as the years go on. Proper training is at sixteen. Unless you go into the calmecac. Or you’re a girl. Or disabled.”

Oh. Right. Blind girls probably aren’t on the front lines.

“Doesn’t even make sense,” Kekoa mutters. Well, the type of muttering that’s meant for other people to hear. “If pokémon and guns do all the work then why can’t girls fight?”

Cuicatl hums for a moment. “You’re right. It doesn’t make sense. But it does get me out of the draft.”

The right answer is that women were tainted more by Yveltal at the start. If they were to fight on the battlefield they would overflow with sin and corruption. If they survived the war they would only cause tragedy if they went home. Dead children, ruined families, burned homes. Sometimes they even start all new wars. But you can’t really say that. Cuicatl believes in the evil spirits of her homeland and eventually you’ll need to have a talk with her so that she isn’t engulfed in the cocoon at the end of the universe. And Kekoa will need to get the whole crossdressing thing sorted out eventually. But you should probably wait until they like you more before you save their souls. Neither are likely to die in the next week.


Did you just jinx it?

You enter a forest and the rain dies down a little. Downside is that now there are tree roots in the trail. For you it’s just kind of annoying. But it’ll slow Cuicatl down a lot which also slows you down a lot. And she can’t even use Pixie because it’s raining and with her fur matted down the fox looks very small and extremely upset.

“You have a brother, right?” Kekoa asks.

“Yes,” Cuicatl says.

“Yes,” you say. Near simultaneously.

“Meant Cuicatl there. How old is he?”

“Fifteen. How far do we have to go?”

“Probably ten minutes,” Kekoa answers.

Wait. She’s fifteen. Holy crap. “You’re twins?”


Wow. Brother-sister twins. Which one’s older? Do they care? You kind of wish you were a twin so that you always had a sibling to play with and talk about things that you’re interested in. You love Levi but he’s way younger than you and Exodus—

Exodus is Exodus and this line of thought is over.


November 3, 2019

“You’re vegetarian, right?” Kekoa asks between mouthfuls of chili. Why ask? He knows you are. It’s come up at every trail meal planning session. You ignore the pointless question in favor of eating your own vegetable soup. “And you want to get an… a rainbowfish?”

Pixie doesn’t bark. She hasn’t caught on to the code yet.


“But you know they eat meat, right?”

“I do,” you respond.

“And that’s fine with you?”

“It’s all lab meat anyway.”

She scoffs. “Can’t be sure of that. Meat processing plants have been caught lying before.”

You didn’t know that. You do know that your parents tried to give you real meat claiming it was lab meat so many times that you just swore that off, too.

“Every time you’d give your precious rainbowfish some kibble you’d get flashes of a poor little fox on a string.”


“Kekoa,” Cuicatl admonishes. She sets down her spoon and glares in his general direction. “I don’t know what’s going on between you but we are not talking shit about foxes.” She glances down. “Isn’t that right, Pix?”

She dutifully grunts at an acceptable indoor volume. Such a good girl.

Kekoa takes a long drink of water and smiles at you in a way that is not at all pleasant. “If you’re going to train a carnivore you should at least be honest about what you’re doing. Just saying.”

She winks at you.

You’re starting to understand why Cuicatl hated her.


November 3, 2019

Kekoa sets her package down on the desk at the back of the room and starts to unzip it.

“What is it?” you ask.

“An egg.”

It’s a darn big egg, then. A little bit bigger than Pixie is. Heavy, too, judging from the way Kekoa carried it.

“How big?” Cuicatl asks.

“Big,” he answers.

“Yeah, but how big?”

Kekoa sighs and walks over to grab her hand. “You want to grope it?”

“You know it.” Once she reaches the egg Cuicatl slowly runs her fingers over it from middle to top to bottom. “It is big.” She steadily presses down her palm and holds it still on the middle. “Feels sturdy. Not too hot. Pretty smooth. Rules out the rocks.”

“It’s heavy but it didn’t feel rock heavy,” Kekoa answers.

Cuicatl nods. “Fish, insects, and amphibians are out. Bird? Lizard? Maybe a dragon given the size. Maybe. Most don’t lay eggs.”

“A mammal?” Both Kekoa and Cuicatl turn to look at you. Was that too stupid? “Some lay eggs.”

“Some do.” Cuicatl goes back to facing the egg. “It would be very big for one. Blissey eggs are about half the size.” Wait are those actual eggs. Fertilized eggs? How? They’re all girls. When people eat them is that murder? Cuicatl holds her hand back out. “Take me back?”

Kekoa helps her get back to her seat. “What’s the judgment, doc?” he asks. Taunts? Praises? Hard to say. You’d thought they’d made up.

“No idea.” Cuicatl sighs. “Druddigon, maybe? I’ve never felt a druddigon egg before but the adults are big enough. Egg’s not warm enough for charizard. I think goodra eggs are sticky but don’t quote me on that. Don’t know if flygon lay eggs. Braviary or mandibuzz maybe. Don’t actually know what krookodile eggs feel like. Grew up too far south of the desert to know. If it’s not from Alola it could be anything. Bunch of weird birds and giant lizards out there.”

Wait hang on did she imply that if she was born further north she would’ve tried to walk right up to a momma krookodile? She isn’t serious, right?



Darn it she probably is. How are you supposed to keep everyone alive with stuff like this?


A tall teenage girl in overalls and a worn leather jacket walks into the lobby.

“Which ones of all y’all are looking to challenge my trial?”

She’s the trial captain. It makes sense. She’s dressed kind of outdoorsy. Like she lived on a ranch down in Paniola or something. That works for normal types, right?

You look around. Two preteen kids in the corner raise your hands. You put yours up and your teammates follow. The girl nods her head and walks over to the younger trainers. Oh boy. First trial. It feels real all of a sudden. You’re going to be fighting a—well, you know it’s a normal trial but you’ve honestly never bothered to look up what the totem is. That’s a job for future Genesis. In any case you’re going to fight a giant version of a pokémon with a poliwag.

…maybe you should’ve thought this through earlier. Even if he is a very brave poliwag. Gallantly chickens out like the best. Not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave Sir Bubbles.

The captain walks over. “Alright, how many official trails have y’all cleared?”

“None,” Cuicatl answers.

Is that a problem? The captain smiles. Probably not a problem, then.

“Alright. Any days work best for you?”

You glance at your teammates. Do they have any they prefer? You really should’ve talked this over in advance as a group.

“Can I have a few days? I think I need to prepare a little more.” It’s an honest answer. Hopefully she doesn’t hate you.

“Very self-aware.” Compliments? Fake compliments? Did you screw up? “I’ll schedule you for Friday. You two?” She moves on without answering your question.

“Can I do Wednesday?” Cuicatl asks.

“Certainly. And you, sir?”

Well at least you aren’t the only person Kekoa can fool. Or does the captain already know in advance?

“Tomorrow,” Kekoa answers. “And it’s good to see you again, Kanoa.”

The captain, Kanoa, blinks. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I remember you. Meet a lot of people as captain.”

Kekoa tenses and raises up his shoulders before letting out a breath. “I used to go by Allana.”

“Holy shit, Al—wait, what do you go by now?”


“Thanks. Holy shit, Kekoa. How have you been?” She’s still smiling but there’s a trace of something else—sadness or concern, maybe—in her eyes. “You just stopped writing all of a sudden and—” Her eyes narrow. “What happened?”

“Foster care.” Kekoa—Allana—looks up and makes eye contact with Kanoa. “Can we talk about this later? Alone?”

The captain nods. “Lunch? There’s a great Korean place a couple miles down the road. I can give you a ride.”

“Can you pay? I’m broke right now.”

Kanoa’s smile returns.

“I can. You want to head out now?”

Allana stands up. “Don’t see a reason not to.”

They leave. Weird to think of her having friends. Maybe she was nicer in the past. Or maybe someone latched onto her even though she wasn’t good with people. Like… like her.

You turn to Cuicatl.

“I think I need a second pokémon.”

She nods. “Do you know what you want?”

“No.” Because of course you haven’t planned anything. You’d kind of expected that Father would’ve told Mother off by now and invited you back. But here you are. Haven’t received so much as a phone call. Not that they know your phone number. Wait, what if they can’t contact you? Admittedly you haven’t checked your old emails. Or social media. You don’t really want to know what’s being said about you.

“Maybe we should start at a shelter then. Can you check and see if there’s one nearby?”

There is one two miles away. Not a terrible walk all things considered.


It is, all things considered, a terrible walk. Unshaded roads in in the afternoon Alola sun are absolutely miserable. By the time you reach the shelter you’ve probably sweated out all the water in your body. Cuicatl seems a little better, doesn’t look like she’s had an asthma attack or anything, but she’s also drenched.

Shelter looks like a nice enough place. Big fence around it that probably has some outside habitats. You can look into two: one is an aviary with two dartrix and the other is just a normal pen with a midday lycanroc. It looks at you with a regal gaze as you pass before sticking its tongue out and rolling over, apparently wanting you to come over and scratch it through the fence. You wish you could. Maybe you could adopt it? Seems like a good dog. But the meat thing. Or do they eat rocks?

You walk in the door and a bell rings. The inside has sterile white walls with small cages lining them. You see a litten stand up and press his paws against the cage wall. What a cutie.

“Can I help you?”

You turn to the desk. There’s a twenty-something man there. Looking at you. Right.

“I want to adopt a pokémon.”

“Certainly.” He smiles and looks at Cuicatl. “And you?”

There’s no response. She’s facing the far wall away from the receptionist. He can’t see her closed or cloudy eyes.

“She’s just tagging along,” you answer for her.

“Alright. Anything in particular you want?”

You start to shake your head but then catch yourself. “Is the lycanroc out there up for adoption?” Wait. It’s at a shelter. Of course it is. So dumb of you.

If he notices he doesn’t seem to care. “She is.” Yes! “Now, what license do you have?” Oh…

“Class II.”

The receptionist sighs and leans into the desk. “Sorry. Need a IV. Edelgard’s a big softy but most lycanroc don’t take well to new trainers.” …crap.

You turn back to the receptionist. One more question. Even if the… unfortunate meat problem remains you think it’s okay to save one fox to make up for the one you killed. “Any chance you’ve got an eevee?”

He shakes his head. “Sorry. No eevee. We do have a leafeon, though.”

Plant eevee. You would’ve preferred water, fire, or fairy eevee. Wait? Do plant eevee eat meat? Or do they eat plants? Is that kind of cannibalism? Questions for later.

“Can I see it?”

The receptionist smiles. “Certainly. I’ll just need some of your information…”


The leafeon is curled up on the table. It glances at you as you walk in and then quickly resumes licking its paw. Oh. You aren’t too interesting, huh?

“What’s its story?” you ask.

“His name’s Inferno,” the receptionist—his nametag says Alan—says. “Trainer wanted a flareon. His eevee evolved in the forest. He left him here with us.” He hesitates. “That kind of thing happens a lot around the forest.”

A beloved pet until he didn’t turn out exactly how his parents wanted. You can almost hear Exodus spit the words out, taunting you from the sick comfort of her twisted worldview. You should call her eventually. Not today, though. Probably not this week. Or this month. Might get around to it on her birthday. If you remember when that is. You’re pretty sure it’s in May. The fifth? Sounds about right.

You gently extend your hand towards Inferno. He stares at it for a moment before getting up and rubbing his cheek against it. When he moves you catch the scent of freshly cut grass. And he is a little plant doggo with a leaf tail and ears and little blades of grass sticking out everywhere. Kind of cute in his own way. You scratch him under the chin and you think you can hear her purr.

“How hard are leafeon to care for?” you ask.

“They need time in the sun, fruit and nuts. An egg once a week.” Eggs are fine! Nothing dies for them. “Affectionate. But that means that their smell gets all over everything. Trainer included.” Was that a joke? Should you laugh. You do just in case you were supposed to. Wait, does that mean that he thinks you’re laughing at him? “They’re easily housebroken. Reasonably intelligent. Great air filters. My personal favorite eeveelution. But,” he sighs and holds his hands up in (mock) surrender, “I’ve got two at home so I suppose I’m biased.” You stop petting Inferno and he fixes his big red eyes on you. Aww. She’s almost as cute as Pixie. “Can say that they don’t like to fight much. They’ll participate in the big battles, but they won’t really train.”

Well, you don’t really train either. Honestly, you’re just looking for enough power to beat the trial and move on to the next one. You’ll figure that one out when you get to it. “Is he strong enough to take on the first trial?” you ask.

Alan rolls his eyes. Did you mess up? Insult him? “Oh, they’re plenty powerful when they put their mind to it. Good enough to clear the early trials without much work. If you can get him to train then he’ll be good for the later ones, too.”

That’s good enough for you. And he’s very cute. And seems to like you. And you do feel bad for him. Not his fault that he’s a plant instead of a fire fox.

“And they don’t eat meat?”

“They need protein. Eggs or poultry, take your pick.”

Well. He’s close enough to perfect.


Pixie’s buried in the blankets on Cuicatl’s bed when you walk in. Her ears instantly perk up and she rises to her feet. Then she freezes (figuratively and sort of literally) in place, ears back down and tails tensed up. A sort-of-low and sort-of-intimidating growl rings out as she stares down Inferno. The leafeon just sits down and swishes her tail. Cuicatl steps forwards towards her bed, cane in front of her. You think that all Pokémon Center rooms are pretty much the same so someday she’ll get pretty good at this.

“Pix.” It’s not quite a reprimand. Maybe a warning? “That’s Inferno. She’s going to be on Genesis’s team. Not ours.” She sits down on the bed and Pixie stops growling to turn to pout at her trainer. Cuicatl extends a hand but Pixie doesn’t accept the petting. Cuicatl just leans back against the wall, apparently unphased. “You won’t have to work with him or battle alongside him. I will not be caring for him or getting an eevee myself.”

Pixie keeps staring Cuicatl down to no effect. The trainer closes her eyes and almost seems to nod off while sitting down. “Hey, Genesis?”

“Um, yeah?”

She opens her eyes and tilts her head. “Any chance that you’d let Pixie have a battle with your leafeon? No orders from either trainer?”

Ice fox has a type advantage over grass fox. But Adam said that leafeon are really strong and Pixie… isn’t. Maybe it is fair? “Why?” you ask.

“To give a demonstration.”

Cryptic. She probably knows what she’s doing though. Cuicatl’s good with pokémon. Really good.


Inferno shakes himself off and the few ice crystals that hit him go flying away. The field is bathed in red light as Pixie is withdrawn. There are thin lines of blood on the field where the razor leaf attack hit. Cuicatl turns around and starts walking in the direction of the Center.

“Don’t think Pix’ll be much of a problem anymore. Congrats on the new pokémon.”


November 7, 2019

Allana opens up the door and walks in with enough spring in her step that you can already tell what she has to say. “Guess what I just got?” She flashes you her new Normalium-Z in case you had any doubt.

“Congratulations,” Cuicatl replies. She sits up and smirks. “Now be a good lab rattata and tell me what to expect.” What. No. That’s really, really rude. Why?

Allana just rolls her eyes and sits down on her bed. “What, you’re Professor Slowking now?”

“Oh please,” Cuicatl turns up her nose and shuts her eyes. “A dragon doesn’t need a clam to rule.”

“Aren’t you a little small for a dragon?”

“For now.”

Allana rolls her eyes. “And someday you’re going to force me to get off my ass and go on a great quest?”

“You may try to rescue the noble Princess Genesis.” Your heart flutters. Do they have daydreams, too? “But I assure you that you will fail.”

“Why can’t I be a knight?” you ask. You’d always seen yourself as one in your daydreams. Being a princess… was less of a fantasy. “Or at least a knight and a princess.”

“Fine. I, the mighty dragon, am holding knight-slash-princess Genesis captive. And you, Sir Kekoa, will fall like all the rest.” She drops her arms and leans back against the wall. “Seriously, how’d it go?”

“Tell you when you win.”

“Ass.” Cuicatl crashes back down onto her bed and Pixie jumps up in surprise at her feet.

Can you ask to keep… playing? She seems done and you didn’t really understand what was going on. Maybe sometime in the future you can see if you can bring it up.


“You’re seriously going alone?” Cuicatl asks.

“Not alone,” Allana answers. “I’ll have my pokémon.”

“Can’t you just wait two days until I can join you?”

“No. it’s going to rain tonight and castform are rare enough that we need every chance to catch one we can get.”

Cuicatl glares at her. “You’re going into unfamiliar woods alone, at night, in the rain.”

“Yes.” Allana meets her glare. “I am.”


“Because I’d like to know that we’ll be able to eat on the next mission.”

“Already taken care of.” Cuicatl folds her arms and leans back. “You both made $100 from your paras. Soon that will be $180 or $200.”

“Jenny just blew fifty bucks on an eevee.”

“Came from my personal funds.” If she’s going to bash you, you’re free to jump in. “Still over $100 ahead after it.”

Allana walks over to face you. “There are no personal funds until food is secure.”

“In any case,” Cuicatl interjects, “that covers rice, vegetables, pads, tampons, and purification tablets. And there will be more chances to make money next mission.”

“Yeah, well. What about pokéballs?” Allana starts pacing across the room. “What about potions? What about kibble, insects, moss, birdseed and whatever else the pokémon need? What if the tent rips? What if we want a bigger one?” She stops and crouches down in front of Cuicatl’s bed, hands on her thighs. “I will take some risks if it keeps us from having to ask those questions.”

“I’ll go,” you add.

“No,” Allana and Cuicatl say in unison. Allana continues: “You can’t go until you clear the trial.”

Oh. That’s why Cuicatl isn’t going. Not the blindness thing. Because blindness wouldn’t really matter at night.

Cuicatl sighs. “At least take Inferno.”

“What?” Allana asks.

What? Why? Why take him? Why is Cuicatl dragging you back into this?

“Because Pixie will revolt if I send her into a tropical rainforest during a storm, but a leafeon will be comfortable and capable of guiding you around.”

Oh. That actually does make a lot of sense. You nudge Inferno awake and she glances up at you with a look of absolute betrayal in her eyes. Yes. You should’ve let her sleep. You’re a monster. You stroke her cheek to see if that helps redeem you in his eyes.

It does.

“You want to go help…” Her? Him? You don’t want to offend Allana. You don’t want to offend Xerneas. “…my friend. In the rainforest. Tonight.” Inferno keeps staring at you with dull, sleepy eyes before he finally stands up and shakes himself off. His fresh grass scent becomes very powerful before he leaps down and gracefully trots over to Allana. You hear Pixie growl in response and see her ears perk up before her trainer presses them down and begins a thorough petting.

“Just try to stay safe, alright?” Cuicatl asks.

“Heh. Not much point in getting the money if I’m too dead to spend it, right?”


Something in Cuicatl’s expression tells you she’s not entirely convinced.


November 9, 2019

“So… you want to talk about it?”


Cuicatl is sprawled out on her bed, one hand petting Pixie and the other hanging over the side. Ce’s resting on her ankles while Pixie’s curled up on her chest glaring at Inferno. Or you. Probably Inferno.

You close your eyes and say a quick prayer for guidance so that you don’t say the wrong thing here. “You can always just retry later on.”

Cuicatl turns her head to (not) look at you. “I got the Z-crystal.”

“Then why are you sad?”


Again?! She just got one at Brooklet Hill? And is this in the same caliber? You really hope not. The last one looked absolutely miserable and she was hours away from having a nurse give her a checkup however much she insisted he was fine.

“You want an aspirin?” you politely ask as you move to get one.

“Wouldn’t help,” she answers.

She said that last time. At the time you bought the line but since then you realized that she was too poor to afford one before and she didn’t actually know what they are. You’re going to offer her a way to accept it with dignity. After fishing one out of the first aid kit you step into the bathroom to get her a cup of water to take it with. Once you have everything you set the cup down on the floor and slip the aspirin into her dangling hand.

Cuicatl wraps her palm around it and smiles. “Thank you.” She takes the pill. Praise to Xerneas. “This is just a headache, though. Last time was a migraine. Give me a few hours and I’ll be good enough to castform hunt.”


Allana walks in with Inferno trailing behind her. She stops at the door but your leafeon keeps trotting over until she reaches your bed. Then she tenses and jumps up to the top bunk in one movement. You scratch him at the base of his leaf because good jump. She smells like grass after the rain and there’s no mud on her. Allana’s getting better at giving him baths. Wait. “Where’s Cuicatl?”

“Slipped on some mud. Tripped and sprained her ankle.” Oh crap. “Nurse says she should be able to walk on it in a few days. Fully healed in two weeks.”

An unpleasant possibility flashes into your mind. “Did you trip her again?”

“No.” She dips her head and looks away. “I don’t do that stuff anymore.”

It’s been less than three weeks. Is that really enough time to change?

“Uh huh.”

She picks some clothes off of her bed and walks towards the bathroom door. “I saw a castform. Once you clear your trial I know where we should look.” Already thinking about that when your friend is hurt? Allana stops with her hand on the doorknob and lets her fingers slide off as she turns back towards you. “Her pride’s hurt. I don’t need to tell you to be nice but.” She sighs and turns back towards the door. “If I’m being a dick call me out.”

She slides into the bathroom and turns on the shower before you can really process that.


Maybe she has changed?
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Bug Catcher
Oh wow this whole thing had a big undercurrent of discomfort running through it. I kind of feel it needs a chapter warning for the constant misgendering/deadnaming as well. Although for some reason my brain is jumping most to the fact that Genesis is contemplating setting a Leafeon on fire almost immediately after meeting it.

I feel the break between the last and second-to-last scenes is a bit confusing. The second-to-last scene implies only Kekoa is leaving, but in the next scene Cuicatl suddenly ended up going out as well? And it's obviously not a longer time skip since we also see Inferno coming back with Kekoa.

Also curious-is it deliberate that Genesis keeps alternating between pronouns for Inferno?
Chapter 1

First time reading something in second person

Though I will admit, as a male reader it is a bit awkward to read you, when the MC is a girl. It doesn't matter right now cause she is 7, but if there is romance/pairings down the line it may get pretty awkward to read. (for me)
**“Right. Miss Bell, do you know what ‘death’ is?”

Daymn that's cold
It took me a few seconds to realize that the next scene was a time skip. Id make this a bit clearer to distinguish when you are shifting from one scene to the next and shifting from past to present or flashing back from present to past. Maybe use italics for flashbacks?
**Espy doesn’t really care, and most people think of all espeon as female.**
Just like we treat gardevoir and milotic as female too. Male ones do exist in the dex, but daymn, the thought is disturbing.
Seeing as psychics exist, are their rules governing when/how it is acceptible to enter someone's mind? well even if there are come to think of it, their aren't many ways to monitor or track that
**A lot of telepaths just read minds like a book.**
Professor snape hates you LOL.
The MC is really unethical though. She is habitually scanning every person's mind. That's like one of the most invasive things you can do to someone.
Though its also the fact that she grew up in a broken home. She knows her mom murdered her dad. So obviously she is somewhat fucked up mentally. I can see how that kind of stuff could affect a 7-year-old child. Maybe it is an expression of her desire for security, that causes her to invade the minds of people who she meets? Or maybe it is justified in thinking, well its simply for security (the greater good lol). Its also possible that she hasn't thought what she is doing is wrong? Kind of like so long as I'm not caught it's okay? Hmm, without her full backstory, it's hard to profile the character. She is super interesting though.
I enjoyed the first chapter. It's fun that she is thinking about healing/helping other children now. It contrasts with the snippet at the start where she approached the police for help.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Just read the first chapter. I must say, I wasn't expecting it to be written in second pov, and since there aren't a lot of stories like this on the forums, it was a welcome surprise.

The only part of the chapter I didn't like were the hard to pronounce Hawaiian names, and the first few scenes were somewhat confusing to read, the very first one especially, but the rest of the chapter felt smoother to read so that's a silver lining I suppose.

The characters seem pretty alright, and they all have distinct personalities. People in the server say they like Pixie the vulpix and I can definitely see why lol. Kekoa seems to be a bit of a jerk and Genesis (or Jennifer?) is the one that's more often on the protags side.

All in all, it was an alright read. 9.5/10. It has a little something for everyone.

Edit: Somehow I ended reading chapter 1.8 instead of the first one. Weird.
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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Allllrighty then! I was just going to read a few chapters and then review, but I accidentally the whole thing! Let's do it!

So this is really, really good, holy crap. The details. The sheer amount of thought put into everything. The worldbuilding is great; this really does feel like a real-world take on the Pokemon regions we already know, as opposed to just plopping Pokemon into the real world and expecting things to make sense. I love the detail that's gone into how a Pokemon journey functions, and the focus on like, how they actually handle the day-to-day minutia (something I wish I could have done with my fic if I hadn't gone and removed the entire journey from it.)

The characters are deliciously complex and flawed, and it's easy to feel for them while simultaneously going "no stop staaaaaahhhp" They've all got their biases, they've all got their prejudices and sometimes they're right, and sometimes they're very, very much not, and sometimes they know it and sometimes they don't. And also I was promised SADS which is why I'm here in the first place, and this fic has delivered. Much sads! V good!

I really like the way you drop random, easily-overlooked details in the narration that can actually wind up being foreshadowing! Like early on, there was a mention that Cuicatl was translating everything in her head, and I was a little confused like "huh... I'm not bilingual but I don't think that's how that goes?" But it was, in fact, A Clue that her English was not nearly as good as it appeared to be, and that psychic shenanigans were in play. Another great one is that, on revisiting chapter 1, you basically came right out and spoiled Kekoa's whole deal right there! And it's so easy to miss, too.

Speaking of Kekoa, I really like how you don't (actually) reveal his deal until his first POV chapter) because ohhh man the impact that gives. I was all like "bwaha, go get him Cuicatl, take the macho jerkass down a few pegs" in ch.3, and then in ch.4 we get THIS line: "Hmm. Four. Too manly for a girl" and I can't be the only one who felt like I just got kicked in the chest.

I think Kekoa's chapters are my favorite to read, just because he's a little more straightforward than the others, and he's very open with himself (for better or for worse.) Cuicatl's chapters are fascinating, but also pretty hard to read, and not just on account of the sensory thing. She just spends so much time lying to herself that I often have to backtrack to work out what actually happened, which makes things very slow. Genesis's chapters are the most humorous, but then sometimes they slip into ultimate cringe and I have to let my eyes glide away from the page because otherwise her perception will color mine and I don't want that and have I mentioned how brilliant the second-person is for this?

I love way you write the Pokemon. They're clever and generally sapient, but still very obviously inhuman in a way that's fun to read. The paras were an unexpected delight. And of course, it's a crime that I've gone this far without mentioning Pixie. She's delightfully obnoxious in all the best ways, which is to say, ways that are very much logic according to her. Best fox.

(random side note: it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that ellas was a pronouns lol.)

Chapter 10 intrigues me because, unless I am very much mistaken, the flashback implies that Cuicatl (Nari?) was sighted? But she said she was born blind, and I don't think she's lying because her description of how she learned about various sighted things seems genuine, but like... am confus. Maybe she got visual input through a psychic link? Or maybe something else entirely and I'm just failing to pick up the clues. Cuicatl chapters are hard, haha.

And oh boy Chapter 12! Wow! I spent the entire time going "no no no NO NO NO" every time the deadname came up in-narration! wow! I need a shower now because hoooooooly hell dat second-person can make you feel dirty. Also, man, I knew Genesis was a fundamentalist, but geez I didn't realize we were dealing with like... Westboro levels of it. Ack. Ghh. Really wanna know what's up with Exodus (did she realize how toxic her upbringing was and escape?) Also Rachel's scan said that Genesis has some recent trauma so that should be interesting.

Really glad that Cuicatl and Kekoa were at least able to come to a bit of an understanding recently! It's fun to watch them take jabs at each other, but eesh, it started to get too real there. They've obviously got a long way to go, but hey, it's a long journey, and there's a lot of time to sort a lot of things out, and by god does our cast need to sort a lot of things out, haha.

Anyway, very good yes! Will be sticking around~
Normal 1.13


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Content Notice: Death/Gore in more detail than previously seen. Parental neglect. Vaguely suicidal ideation but to a much lesser extent than 1.5.

Normal 1.13: Someday You Will Learn


Cold air rushes over you as Avalanche stands. When you whine you’re hardly the only one of your siblings to do so. Your mother ignores you all and trots closer to Aurora. Father. He steps back and reveals a strange creature with white fur and a black horn half-buried in the snow. It doesn’t move. Asleep?

Avalanche growls as she approaches Aurora. They press their heads against each other and sniff before she breaks off to look at the creature. She bends down and sniffs a few times before purring in contentment. Then she opens her jaws, lunges down, and rips her teeth into it. Red liquid stains both the creature and Avalanche’s white fur. The smell strikes you a moment later. It’s… wonderful. Warmth in scent form.

“Blood,” Aurora hisses. “It is life. Yours. Others. We take it to live.”

“Like milk?” Thirdborn mews.

Aurora comes closer as Avalanche continues to violently rip into the creature’s flank. Red comes to stain more than just her snout as she rips and pulls at the creature.

“Milk for adults. Not given. We take it. Take it from the dead.”

“Dead?” you ask. “What’s dead?”

Aurora stares into your eyes. “Someday you will learn.”

He turns around and leaves you, your six siblings, the creature, and your bloodstained mother behind.


Avalanche roars and whirls around. You see and feel light move as she shoots a pulse into the darkness. Sharp ice comes back in retaliation. You hear it and duck into the snow and the smell of blood follows you. Yours? No. Not hurt. You dig deeper in defense as the sounds and smells of battle rage above. The snow moves around you as ice shards impale themselves in the snow and your other siblings bury deeper.

The sounds die off. Eventually there is quiet and the deep smell of blood. You hesitantly dig closer to the surface and stick your head out. Avalanche is standing still. You sniffle on accident and she turns around to you. Before you can figure out what to do she presses her snout against yours and sniffs. Apparently satisfied she turns to something else.

Someone else. Fourthborn has an ice shard sticking between her ribs. She’s lying on the ground unmoving in a small puddle of red. Prey. Dead. Fifthborn has a trail of blood leading into her trail but her head surfaces soon after. When she joins you and your siblings on the surface you see that her paw is leaking red.

Avalanche pokes Fourthborn with her snout a few times. No movement. Without a word she picks your brother up in her jaws and walks a few of her body lengths away. There she digs into the snow with her forepaws before depositing your brother, covering him up, and walking back to you. She lies down and looks at Fifthborn before pulling her closer and licking your sister’s paw.

Avalanche never mentions Fourthborn again.


Fifthborn’s paw starts to smell. At first it just smells like blood. Later it starts to smell different. More like the dead bodies Avalanche eats. Eventually she can’t walk on it without crying out in pain.

One day she doesn’t wake up. Avalanche buries her near Fourthborn. No one ever mentions Fifthborn again.


Your tail splits! Now you’re more like Avalanche and Aurora than you were before. Soon all of your siblings’ tails have split. On the day when both of your tails are equally long, Avalanche howls and Aurora comes to her territory. He has no food with him. Your parents nuzzle each other and then Avalanche brings Aurora to each of you in turn and shows him your tails. When they’re done they both purr in pride and happiness.

Aurora thumps his tails on the ground. “Two-tails! Now you will hunt!”


Hunting is boring. You just sit beneath a hole in the rock that you really want to explore but Avalanche says no and she would just pick you up in her mouth if you tried so you don’t. Eventually the sky goes dark. You’re still waiting. Then the sky goes even darker and Avalanche barks and starts spraying cold air upwards. Small winged creatures fall down and Aurora dashes out to intercept and shake all of them in his jaws. By the time the cloud passes the ground is littered with bodies the same size as yours.

Avalanche steps up to one and rips into it. As she chews she makes eye contact with you and gestures towards one of the corpses on the ground. You cautiously approach it and take a few sniffs. There’s heat radiating from it. Very cautiously you sink your teeth into it and feel the warm metallic life flow into your mouth. You close your jaws, pull back, shake, and swallow.

If this is what hunting feels for the predator you can understand why the redcrests took your siblings away.

You drown the thought in another bite and the taste of blood.


When your third tail starts to bud Avalanche lets you split up to find prey. The pairs are new every time with Avalanche herself supervising one. Today she’s with you. She keeps one tail wrapped around all of yours. Sometimes she moves a little too fast and you have to run as hard as you can to keep up and sometimes it doesn’t matter because your tails still slip from hers anyway. That gets her attention and she skids to a stop before waiting on you to catch up. When she starts again she goes slow enough that you can match her pace and sometimes accidentally lean into her as you walk. Until she stops and it’s your turn to abruptly break.

Before you can protest she pushes you down into the snow. Redcrests? No. She pushes herself down lower a moment later. She’s either hiding or stalking and the nine-tales don’t hide. Why would they? Her heartbeat’s calm, too. As yours slows in turn you dig a little closer to her and press into her side. She’s projecting more cold than usual. Even inside her fur there’s very little warmth to be had.

She moves. You almost get kicked as she rushes out of the snow and starts blasting light out at something. Her departure kicks up enough snow that you can stand up and sort of watch as she fights a strange floating icicle. The prey blasts out shot after shot of ice but none of it makes a difference to Avalanche; she’s the coldest thing on the entire mountain and nothing can touch her.

Eventually the monster turns to flee. It doesn’t matter. Avalanche takes it out with one well-aimed shot to the back. It slowly collapses piece by piece as gravity comes back to the corpse. When everything’s done there’s a pile of sludge left where the beast’s shadow was. Avalanche sniffs it and then barks to summon you over. When you arrive you realize that there’s no blood. The whole puddle is homogenous: no interesting sights or smells stand out. In your peripheral vision you see Avalanche bend down and lick from the body. You do the same.

It’s not blood. It’s thicker. You can’t taste as many minerals. More like fat than meat. It’s very dense and it tastes very wonderful. You don’t quite have a word for the taste. A little bit like the berries Aurora brought up once from a trip down to the base. Your tongue is too small. You want to lick it up faster. Avalanche’s pace is almost casual compared to your tongue’s rapid strokes. Why? Does she not—

Your head lights up in pain. Attack? No. No blood. Avalanche doesn’t seem worried. As you bury your head in your paws she trots over and picks you up in her mouth. You feel a purr shake through her and into you. Why? She should be much more panicked. You’re her best kit by far.

When you return home she gently sets you down and you shake yourself off. At some point in the trip your headwound faded to something trivial. Was that her spit? Avalanche sets herself (and you) down and tucks her tails into the snow beneath her without answering. “Those are new. Aurora thinks humans brought them.”

You flick a tail out. “Why?” You’ve heard her thoughts on humans. They used to be a nuisance but a tolerable one. Then they started coming more and more frequently.

“They are easy to kill, high in fat, and taste very good. The assembly thinks they are an offering in exchange for their den on the peak.”

Would that justify the den? You haven’t seen it but it’s supposedly very large and they’ve had to bring lots of supply through the mountain to build it. Plus Avalanche thinks that humans do not belong in the presence of the nine-tails because they are smelly and hairless and stupid and gross. She is very smart so she is almost certainly right.

“Worth it?” you ask.

She shakes herself off. “We gave them a trail. If they stick to it we will not destroy them.”

That seems generous and very reasonable. Exactly what you would expect from Avalanche and Aurora and the nine-tails.


Firstborn and Seventhborn return before dark. But when Avalanche would usually cover all of you up in her tails and pull you close for the night Secondborn and Thirdborn are nowhere to be seen. Avalanche paces back and forth with increasing fury as the sun sets and the moon rises on the horizon. Eventually she stops, stamps her feet and howls. She resumes pacing until Aurora arrives.

Your parents have a very terse conversation. It’s difficult to make out much of it over the typical mountain wind. When it’s over Aurora sets off in a different direction than he came. Avalanche resumes pacing for much of the night. You try to stay awake. There’s a sense of dread over you and your siblings and you need to know what’s going on. But you’re just a two-tails and at some point you dig a little deeper into the snow and sleep.


You wake up to the sound of something very large being dragged through the snow. Once you’re out of your burrow you make out something furry and strange looking (and smelling) staring back at you. There are bloody wounds on its side and one of its arms seems to be entirely gone.

Avalanche is cautiously circling it. “You’re sure?” she asks. Aurora barks with confidence.

With bared teeth Avalanche turns from you and faces the body head on before unleashing the brightest and longest moonblast you’ve ever seen. For a few seconds there’s daylight on the mountain before the light fades and only a charred, bloody, remains. Without a sound Avalanche walks over, lifts a leg, and scent marks it.

Aurora takes the creature away.

“What was that?” Firstborn quietly asks.

“A warning.”

Avalanche walks back to you and your siblings and wraps you up in her tails. Is this it? Are you supposed to sleep now? Where are Secondborn and Thirdborn?

Seventhborn makes your questions known and Avalanche growls before uncurling and going back to pacing in her rut in the snow. “Dead. Avenged.” She stops and glares back at her children before coming forward and sitting down a body length away. After a long, mournful whine to the moon she pauses. When she speaks again it’s in the tone of the ancient stories.

“The Mountain never changes. The Mountain never grows. There will never be more space than there was when I was born. Two nine-tails make a litter. The Mountain never changes. The Mountain never grows. When the nine-tails die they must leave behind one hair each so that there is enough food and space to go around.”

She looks down from the moon and back at you. “There are three of you now. I will allow only one more loss. The Mountain never changes. The Mountain never grows. I may only keep two.”

“What if none of us die?” you ask.

Avalanche shakes her head and sweeps her tails around you before settling down and pressing you into the snow for the remainder of the night.


The next morning’s excursion takes you past a snowy cavern. The day before you and your siblings would have walked as close to the edge as you could before Avalanche growled and pulled you back or fear of the yawning chasm finally won out. Today you all cling to the rock wall a few body lengths away, no one daring to put space between them and the firm surface.

It would be very easy to get pushed down here.

Accidents happen, after all.


You hear the footfalls and grunts of a strange creature long before you can see it through the storm. Avalanche stands tense with her tails over her children as the sounds gradually become louder. First you can see a strange outline between Avalanche’s tails, a little bit like a redcrest but far larger and without any claws. Most of his body covered in black fur but you can sometimes see dark brown skin underneath.

“Holy shit,” it vocalizes once it sees Avalanche. The two stare at each other for a dozen breaths before Avalanche turns around and gently picks you up in her jaws. She whips a tail at the newcomer as she walks past and the creature belatedly staggers after her. What is he? What is this adventure for? Why did Avalanche choose you?

The storm steadily dissipates and the air grows warmer. At first it’s pleasant like being under Avalanche’s tails. Then it starts to become very warm like blood. Eventually it is painfully warm in a way that you’ve never experienced at all before.

At this point Avalanche gently sets you down and watches as the strange bipedal creature staggers after her before crashing his hindquarters down on a rock and breathing deeply. “Thanks,” he mutters.

For a few heartbeats Avalanche stares at him in silence. Then she starts trotting back up the mountain, out of the terrible warm. You dutifully follow before she whirls around and growls at you with her teeth bared. You take a step back. What? What is she doing. When she starts moving again you follow with the same result.

The creature slowly stands. “Oh. You, uh, want me to catch it?”

She barks in affirmation and starts bolting up the hill. You start running as a crashing sound echoes behind you but Avalanche turns and shakes her fur. A colorful barrier materializes in front of her and you crash right into it.

“Makuhita, use arm thrust!”

Loud footfalls ring out behind you and you dart to the side while hugging the barrier. You glance behind you and see a large urine-colored creature lumbering after you. He’s slow which buys you precious seconds. Behind the barrier Avalanche makes no further attempts to climb the mountain.

“Why?!” you scream at her. “Help!”

You break away from the barrier to avoid getting cornered between it and a rock. You’re still outpacing the beast but you’re starting to feel warm in your lungs and your fur and everywhere else. You catch a glance of Avalanche and see the dispassionate eyes of a predator staring back.

Oh no.

This is what happens when three vulpix remain.

For a moment you pause in shock. You barely start walking in time to avoid a powerful punch sending up snow and earth behind you. Then you start running again. “Seventhborn is the youngest! Firstborn is a terrible hunter! Leave one of them!” She doesn’t answer. Her eyes don’t change.

Maybe this is a test. Yes, you have a chance to prove your worth by fighting two strange creatures at once and winning (although one doesn’t seem to be doing much at all). You pivot and unleash as much snow as you can while you’re tired and in burning air. It’s too little. After it’s all done the smaller creature just wipes its face off and resumes charging you.

No. You’ll need to weaken him. You turn around and rush the creature. It lunges, you dive, and as you sail past you slap all of your tails against him fast enough that the air cracks. Your eyes widen under the pain of the impact in your tails but you keep going. You have to. There’s no time. With a furious growl you turn around and unleash a barrage of ice at the creature. This time there’s so much less. He doesn’t even flinch.


You see the impact coming but between pain and despair you don’t do anything to block it. Something cracks in your chest and there’s warmth under the skin. Did he rupture something? Do you care? You glance up to Avalanche and give one last mewl pleading for help. For a moment her expression breaks and you see your mother, not a hunter. Then she turns around and slowly starts walking back up as the barrier falls.


The creature descends again. You feel two, three more blows each followed by cracking and warmth in your body but none of it hurts more than what you just saw.

Eventually the attacks stop and the world disappears in bloodstained light.


The rainforest is far hotter and wetter than anywhere else you’ve been before and it’s terrible and you hate it but Skysong insists on walking straight into an ambush by a very strong pokémon and you will do what you can to keep her from dying so that she owes you her life and can never abandon you.

You still have the harness on when you, Skysong, and Snowhair walk into a clearing with a small set of platforms in it. Snowhair takes your trainer’s hand and leads her to one of the small ones. “Sit,” she says, and sit Skysong awkwardly does. Then she bends over and unclips your harness before bringing herself upright again.

“It’s fine if you want into your ball, Pix. No fights for a bit.”

You sit down and growl. An ambush predator will strike when she least expects it. It is very important for you to remain visible so that her enemies fear for their lives and stay away.

Snowhair claps her hands. “You ready to begin?”

“Yes,” Skysong replies. Like she’s not only ready to get attacked by a monster but looking forward to it.

“Now, for my trial we…” Snowhair’s eyes go wide and you can hear her say a human anger expression quietly enough that maybe Skysong didn’t catch it. “Uh, you heard of chess?”

“Heard of it, never played.”

Her opponent, the so-called-captain, drums her paw on the platform. “Well, then I can’t expect you to play it from memory. Shoot, should’ve thought of this earlier.”

“We can just say that I won and no one will know the difference?” Skysong suggests in a higher pitch than usual, like she’s appealing for special treatment from her mother. Except Snowhair isn’t her mother. They smell very different from each other and this “captain” is far too young.

“Tempting but no. Wait.” The captain bares her teeth. “I might if you tell me what’s up with Kekoa.”

Skysong moves her shoulders in an act of submission. “He was being a dick. He’s slowly being less of a dick. What exactly do you want to know?”

“A lot,” Snowhair answers before breaking into a laugh. “You might want to withdraw your vulpix. This could take a bit.”

You roar. No! She will not use clever tricks to attack Skysong when she least expects it! You refuse to grant the underhanded monster what she—


Where are you?

What is you?


What are memor—


“Confuse Ray!” Skysong yells. You blink and look around. There’s a giant white human-like thing in the center of the clearing. Looks sick. The dumb mushroom bugs must have done their job and now you will strike the final blow. Just as soon as you can move your eyes. Why are you this slow? Did the pokéball do this? You can feel your head moving and the energy coming but the fluffman is terribly fast and has leaves spread out by his eyes before you can even fire off the attack. Why is it so, so fast?

{Trick room. Also got in a nasty plot boost. Don’t let him hit you.}

Right as you get the message orange orbs appear in front of the fluffman. You desperately run away as fast as your very slow body can take you. Out of the corner of your eye you see the fluffman flinch right before the orbs start to fly. You dive down and put yourself as close to the ground as possible in case they fly high. They don’t. One strikes right behind you and before you can think you’re blasted through the air at normal speed.

“Pixie!” Skysong calls. No. No no no no no no no no no. You can’t fail her and lose without getting a single hit in. With as much willpower as you can muster you pulse a spectral light from your body. Fluffman turns to look at you right as the attack launches. Yes! You remember what Skysong told you and puff up to cool the air. Then with a mighty scream you launch a barrage of icicles straight through fluffman’s stupid leaves. Skysong makes little lightning with her fingers. “Now roar!”

Roar! You can do the roars! The sound takes longer to come but when it does you let as much out as you can to tell the fluffman that you are way scarier than it and honestly it should just run away before it gets eaten. It doesn’t quite work. Fluffman does blink repeatedly and even stumbles over itself and crashes to the ground and you get a wonderful opportunity to pelt it with even more ice shards. You even hit fluffman right in the face as it glares up at you. Then—

Fire. Your head is on fire. No, your mind is on fire. Or broken. Or on fire and broken. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts so much and you want to die or at least curl up into a ball and stay still until—

Skysong screams. You slowly and shakily stand and find her curled up on the ground with her paws squeezing her head and her body curled up.

You couldn’t save her.

What now?

Should you put her down?

You don’t want her to slowly die from the rot.

Is there even a wound?

Matriarch’s going to kill you.

Do you let her?

The fluffman walks over. For a moment you consider trying to get one last ice shard in its eye to spite it in the end. But your head hurts too much. Just thinking about it breaks you. No. Nothing to do. When your legs give out and you hit the ground your eyes are already closed.

Just get it over with.

No one ever loved you anyway.

And why would they?

You were never good for anything.

The killing blow never comes. At some point Skysong stops screaming but her ragged, harsh breaths and the smell of saltwater tell you that she’s still alive. You open an eye and turn to see the fluffman holding her head in its lap and gently stroking a paw through her hair.

{Who taught you?} he finally asks. You get the message but it’s distorted and echoey. Nothing like absolute clarity of Skysong’s.

Skysong pulls herself up and holds her upper body in the air with her arms. Her breaths are slowing but only barely.

“A.. reuniclus…” she eventually says between breaths. “Sort… of… self… taught.”

The fluffman levitates a berry up to Skysong’s mouth. {Eat it. Good for psychic pain.}

She slowly lifts up a hand and presses the berry into her mouth. It’s a messy process with juice leaking down to the ground and all over her face.

{Inefficient link. Constantly sending signals. Should’ve had a valve.}


Fluffman sighs. {May I access your powers and show you?}

Skysong half-chokes and half-laughs. “Couldn’t stop you.”

{But may I?}

“Go ahead,” she says before closing her eyes and lowering herself to the ground.

{Is there another pokémon in the link.}

“Yeah,” Skysong mumbles. “Give me a second.”

Loudspore materializes beside you. She seems healthy. Why? You are her strongest team member and should have been trusted to finish the match.

Something tugs at your mind. No, that’s what the first attack felt like this. This time it feels like something is pushing into it. Not like an attack. Sort of like an attack? It’s over very quickly. You blink. The mind pain is gone now. You blink again. What?

“Yeah, I did.” Skysong says to no one. To the fluffman? Why did you stop getting those messages. You inquiry growl and she turns her head a few degrees towards you. “Try to push it into the link, Pix.”

Into the link? To Loudspore. You think “Why are you healthy?” and also think about Loudspore and Skysong.

The former starts chittering and you belatedly get the answer. “…fought yet!”


She was the ace Skysong trusted to finish the match.

You see something float through the air in your peripheral vision. A strange glowing stone. Your tails involuntarily tense like you’re in the presence of a ghost.

Fluffman takes the rock and presses it into Skysong’s hand. Your trainer looks up with a startled expression on her face.

“But… I lost. I didn’t earn it.”

The pokémon waves its hand. “Would have if you weren’t interrupted.”

At last she shakily gets to her feet. You stand up and start to trot over when you see her reach for her pokéballs. “Good work, Pix. We’ll talk more later.”


“Now, which pokémon did you wish to transfer?” the healer asks.

Skysong reaches down to her belt to fulfill her promise. She takes off one, two, three, four pokéballs and hands them to the healer. “These”


You growl in protest and she glances down on you. {Explain later} enters your mind. No! No! She promised to get rid of all the bugs when the trial was done.

“Alright, we’re all set. Anything else you need from me?”

Skysong shakes her head. “No. Thank you.”

“Congrats on winning your first Z-Crystal,” the nurse says with teeth bared.

“Thank you.” For a moment your trainer. flashes her teeth before turning around and letting her face relax. “Lead me outside, Pix?” Skysong asks/commands. You will so that you can properly berate her without any other humans becoming upset. Once you’re outside she sits down on the steps.

You yip, growl, and roar in rapid succession. She only sighs in response.

“You promised!”

Skysong hangs her head low. “I did.”

“You broke the promise!”

She closes her eyes. “Ce asked to stay with me.”

You thump all of your tails on the ground. “Unacceptable!” You thump them again. “How dare you?!”

Her expression hardens. “Pix, I promised you that there would be no more friends if the trial went well. It didn’t.”

You glare at her and keep hissing. No. She’s going to replace you imminently. Fine. You’ll spite her back. See how the oath breaker likes it. Now, what revenge will you take? Obviously you’ll kill Loudspore. Maybe pee in Skysong’s mouth? It worked for Hummy.

Skysong sighs and reaches for her belt. “Don’t kill her,” she mutters right before Loudspore appears.

You turn and roar at her and she reflexively skitters back and protects her head with her pincers. {W-what did I do?}

“I’m sorry,” Skysong says. “I told you that I’d keep you if Pixie approved. She doesn’t.”

Loudspore lowers a claw and chitters nervously. {Please?} She finally asks. {I like her. I like you. I want to stay.}

You growl as deeply as you can before shouting {No!} with the link open. She cannot stay. That brings Skysong to two pokémon. Two is far too close to three. And when Skysong has to leave someone behind she’ll leave you.

Just like everyone else.

“I’m not going to replace you,” Skysong lies. “Ce is very good at capturing things and she’s very upbeat and makes me smile. You are more challenging.” You growl. You are not challenging. You are a very well-behaved fox. She just waves a paw. “In a good way. You keep me on my toes. And you’re very cute and soft and a great guide fox. I can’t replace one of you with the other. That’s not how it works.”

That is exactly how it works. It’s how it’s always worked and how it will always work.

Skysong lowers her gaze. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. As she should be. Breaking promises. “I’m sorry, Ce, but I told Pix this would be temporary. If she doesn’t want to change…”

You bark despite not being sure exactly where this is going. You want the bug gone.

“…then I’ll still do my best to get you a new trainer. But I can’t let you stay.”

Loudspore doesn’t say anything for a long time. At last she shoots you a final wary look and walks over to Skysong’s leg. She wraps her pincers around your trainer’s ankles and receives gentle strokes between her mushrooms in return. Is this it? Did you win?

No one answers you for long enough that outside becomes unbearably warm. At last Skysong stands up and withdraws Loudspore.

“I hope you’re happy.”

You are.


Skysong swallows for no apparent reason. “And in the meantime she likes moist, dark places. And scratches between the mushrooms. And pop music. She loves her moss mixes but she thinks fallen leaves and cattails are almost as good.”

The man on the screen nods sympathetically but he’s been steadily less sympathetic as the conversation has worn on.

“We know,” he says. “We’ve cared for a lot of paras.”

“You’ll get her a new trainer as soon as you can, right?” Skysong asks even though you’re pretty sure that she’s asked it at least once before.

“Yes,” the man responds. “We will.”

Skysong lowers her head and her icky grass-colored hair falls in her face. “Okay,” she finally whispers-cries. “I’ll send the ball over.”

There’s some awkward fumbling but eventually the ball disappears in a flash of red. Did you do it? Is she finally gone?

Skysong shuts off the monitor while the man is still speaking and walks away. You press against her leg and she gently pushes you away before walking on.


You trail behind Bloodrage and Skysong, periodically stopping to scent mark something so you can help lead them out later. You aren’t talking to Skysong and she isn’t talking to you. The forest is a little bit cooler at night, even if the air feels altogether too much like rain. Ugh. Your fur gets weighed down when it is wet and you look smaller and less intimidating and it is absolutely terrible. Just like the rest of your day.

“Genesis said you have a headache,” Bloodrage says.

“Already gone.”

Several more steps are taken. Bloodrage flicks on a lightbeam to compensate for the darkening sky.

“You want to talk about the trial?” he asks.


The only sounds are those of the forest. Rustling trees, bigbeak songs, and the cries of dozens of pokémon you don’t recognize. You feel a drop of water hit your tails. Clearly a fluke. You feel another. Just a shaking tree. A big droplet hits you right on the nose. You growl in frustration. You are far too lovely and powerful and important to stand in the rain!

Bloodrage abruptly holds out an arm and Skysong walks right into it. Then he takes off running with a sharp whistle. His bigbeak soars down from the trees to join him.

“Kekoa, wait!” Skysong shouts before lifting her white stick and running after him. You take off in response. She moves rather well for being blind, even though there are a lot of tree roots on the—you see it happen but you’re powerless to stop it. Her paw finally hit one of the roots and for a moment she stops entirely. Then her body keeps flying forward while her paw is stuck behind the root.

She hits the ground with a thud and stays down.

Bloodrage is still off ahead. You can hear him give commands and hear something else retaliate with bursts of something. You sit down and try to lick some of the water out of your fur. Skysong can take care of herself.

She doesn’t move but she’s still breathing. Crying even.

Should you help? She did betray you. But if you help her now she might realize how valuable you are and kick out Loudspore for good. Worth the risk. You steadily plod over and gently extend a paw to her back.

She screams with intensity and anger you’ve never heard from her before. She tells a crocodile (?) in the earth (?) exactly what procreative acts he needs to perform. Some involve defecation.

Human reproduction is very disturbing.

Bloodrage arrives around the time that Skysong’s scream breaks into rapid, shallow breaths and occasional gasps and moans. Her eyes are overflowing with saltwater. Did you cause this? You step back. Best not to test your luck now.

“What happened?” Bloodrage asks. He doesn’t receive an answer beyond an explosion of mucus from her nose and an absent-minded paw movement to wipe it off. Ew.

She slowly calms down with progressively deeper and less frequent breaths. Then she’s quiet for several heartbeats. “I tripped,” she finally answers.

“Can you walk?” Bloodrage asks as he crouches down.

“Yes.” She sniffles. “Not too bad. Just.”

“Let me help.” Bloodrage locks paws with Skysong and slowly pulls her up. For a moment she keeps one foot held above the ground while leaning into Bloodrage before she slowly lowers it and winces. “Hey, it’s—”

“I can walk on it,” Skysong replies in a dull, low voice.

For a second it looks like Bloodrage is going to argue with your idiot liar trainer before he just sighs and starts moving forward. You take the lead and track the familiar scents back out of the forest.
Last edited:


Bug Catcher
Oh Pixie...this explains a lot. Hopefully Cuicatl can eventually communicate how this actually works. But yeah, that kind of trauma definitely sticks deep.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
(This is a review of the first part)

Oh! ...Second person! That's... Huh. Well, it goes without saying that it's uncommon, and it's certainly a bit weird for me in particular since I'm pretty sure it fit zero of the actual character's demographics, but hey, let's keep going forward regardless.

I think starting off in a police interrogation room was a useful decision, since it starts off with exposition while also setting up a cold atmosphere, which I imagine was intended considering the title.

Everyone else keeps using past words. Was. Were. It’s… he’s still your dad. Even if

I find it a little weird that it gets cut off like this. I understand the style, but, we already see em-dashes up above, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to have one here.

“VStar helps fund trainers who might not have the means to complete an island challenge, or trainers who just finished an island challenge but can’t afford to keep all of their partners. We help them get rid of excess pokémon and give them to people who want them and can’t get one. Busy professionals and parents, the disabled, or just people who don’t have a team strong enough to go into the species' natural habitat. Everyone wins.”

Nice exposition here, and I'm about... 80% sure we've skipped ahead at this point, right? For some reason it took me a second to be sure, but I think considering how quickly it seems clear, this worked well. Also, the 'feeling' mentioned before--so she's literally psychic, is she? Alright, interesting premise to start with.

He’s the eight-time-running United States champion,

That's gonna throw me off for a while, I think, ha. I usually associate that with early installment weirdness of gen I. Like, if this is Alola... where's Hawaii? Or...


Also, an interesting thought about her being questioned about her psychic abilities. You'd think with abilities like that--and the fact that there are apparently standardized exams for it--this person would actually be aware of her powers. You'd expect it to be regulated and known, and if someone is going in for an interview, especially at this level, they'd be prompted about what they're capable of, no? Just a thought for what it means when powers like these are so regular they have tests.

Sixth. Young girl. Eleven or twelve And she’s… oh. Abuse. Getting away as soon as possible. Smart kid. You’ll look the parents up so you have blackmail at the ready if they try and take their kid back. Low security risk.

Most of these were a little boring to read through, to be honest, but the sixth one finally caught my attention for a characterization moment. I like the way the main character sorta reacted to this one. Despite the routine, she's sort of ready to help out.

You’ve seen enough telepaths in your life that you don’t even want to imagine it.

Are telepaths really that common here that they can just do that sort of damage? Indeed, she would have heard about them, so that again brings me back to my above point about others knowing about the main character's abilities in more detail...


Now, the remainder of the chapter -- aside from the droning on with what to do about the less important characters so far -- was interesting. I liked the way you incorporated the mental damage that had been done from the psychic issues, though again, with how crazy those powers are even from a basic learner, it still raises my eyebrows from a world standpoint. I hope all those kids aren't going to be important all at once, because it was a bit of an info dump otherwise, and I'm not sure which details are important and which are just fluff. If they're all important, it was sort of too much at once. Hopefully there are small reminders when they become actually-important later.


And that's everything for the first chapter! I think you played with second person very well here, to your advantage, I mean. The casual tone is similar to first person, but there's a little distance there that takes some advantage of third person's tools. Good work there. Still, second person is a risk, but anybody taking on second person probably already knows that.

I think I'll be revisiting this story later when I'm all caught up with other things. I don't regret reading the first chapter, for sure. Even with the odd choice of second person, I think there's enough here to make it worth another look later. Good job, and thanks for the read~


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Okay, finally read the actual first chapter this time around. It feels strangely different from the 1.8 chapter I read a while back, as if the two chapters are from different stories entirely, but that just means there's a lot I don't know yet and have to read on to find out more.

I must say though, I like Rachel's character already. Could it be that she had psychic abilities even back when she was seven? Could explain how she knew her mom killed her pops. I still don't fully know what the VStar organization does, but I'm guessing they help fledgling trainers out I suppose. I'm not too fond of stories that mix real world locations with the pokemon world, but it didn't bother me much here surprisingly.

I feel bad for the blind girl. I wonder if Telepathy can give her some sort of echolocation to help her move around better, still sucks for her that she's pretty much all by herself with no one around. Was good of Rachel to help her out though.
Normal 1.14


Infinite Screms
  1. mawile
  2. vulpix-alola
Normal 1.14: Mother and Sister

You awaken trapped and comfortable.

Something in you knows that you should get out. Escape. Be free. Free from what? The liquid around you is very pleasant. You hear sounds outside. High pitched and soothing. Mother! She is why you must get out.

You raise your head and bash your tooth against the wall. Then you do it again. And again. Mother is there. She will hear you and help. Eventually. She does not help but she does stop encouraging you. Odd. Your tooth strikes the wall again and the shell cracks. Another hit and it crumbles. You press your head out through the hole and into the

You don’t know what this is. A new sense!

You survey your surroundings and find her. Two hers. They smell like hers. One is very big and adult colored. Mother! You rush towards her and squeak so she knows that you are here and hers and that you love her very much. She reaches down one of her absolutely massive arms and holds out her claws and you press your head into them Her claws feel very soft. Wait what do most claws feel like? You press a claw into your face. Yes, hers are much softer.

“Hello,” Mother says. “Who are you?”

“Your daughter!” Obviously. “I just hatched!”

She extends her other claw down to scratch you because she loves you and will look out for you until you are as big as she is.

“And I’m your Mother?”


She ruffles the feathers on your head. “You’re very soft,” she comments. Your sister huffs beside you. “Just like you, Pixie,” Mother adds.

Your sister’s name is Pixie! “What’s my name?” you ask.

“Hmmmmm.” She hums/roars a little bit. It’s very melodic and pretty and you’re upset when she stops. “Your Dad will be here later. I think he’ll want to name you.”


“Because…” She trails off and doesn’t finish the thought. “He wanted to raise you.”

You thump your tail on the ground. “But you’re my Mother!”

She shakes her head and her beautiful green feathers move with her. “I’ll still be around. But he’ll do most of the work.”

You hiss. “Unfair! You’re raising Pixie!”

Pixie harrumphs in agreement. It’s a very strange sound.

“Yes. Your Father is also caring for other pokémon.”

“But you’re taking care of my sister! Why not me? I’m a girl. You’re a girl. It makes sense.”

Her claws twitch up and nearly out of reach. You can still press your head into them if you stand up as tall as you can. “Why do you think Pixie’s your sister?”

“Because she’s the same color and size as me.”

You notice that Mother’s eyes are very pretty. Not like Pixie’s. There’s some color in them but it’s hidden behind a white pattern. Mother presses her claw against your body and scratches you from your head to the tip of your tail. Then she brings the claw back up and flicks the egg liquid off.

“I should get you a bath and a checkup before your Dad gets here.” She bends down and picks you up before cradling you in her giant arms. It is very warm and safe and you love her and she loves you. “Pix, can you guide me downstairs?”

Your sister shakes herself off with a wave of—cold air?—and starts walking forward with one tail held back against Mother’s leg. Huh. Pixie has multiple tails. Unfair! You only have one.

Mother opens up a clever barrier from her cave into—Another cave?! Then she walks down the tunnel until she reaches—Another another cave??!! And this one feels weird and has strange sounds. You want to explore it but Mother tightens her grip on you. Then the cave stops and the wall slides open into—Another another another cave???!!! How deep underground were you? Or were you near the surface and you’ve just been going deeper? Why does Mother live underground in the first place?

“Don’t live here,” she whispers. “Just staying here for a few days. Also, it’s not a cave. Closer to a hollowed out tree.” Woah. That’s a really, really big tree.

Mother takes you into a big cavern with a female adult leaning on a big wooden ridge. Mother and Sister walk over to the other adult. “Hi,” Mother says. “She just hatched and I think she needs a checkup?”

She gently places you down on the ridge. The other adult looks you over. “No problem. Let me call a nurse.”

Other adult picks up a strange shiny rock and vocalizes into it. Another adult female, a “nurse,” comes over and frowns. Teeth have been shown! Challenge? Mother reaches out and gently runs a claw along your back. No challenge.

“Can I have a name, please?” Nurse asks.

“Cuicatl Ichtaca.”

It would be weird if other adults who she was not the mother of called her Mother. It was very clever of Mother to come up with something else to be called.

“Mmhmm. Do you know what this pokémon is?”

Mother shakes her head. Is she dirty? Has an attacker latched onto her? Is she breaking the spine of prey? What is the head shake for? “She speaks a language similar to Upper Draconic. Otherwise, no clue. Hatched from a mystery egg a friend was given.”

There’s a brief silence.

“Do you understand Draconic?”

“Lower and Upper Draconic. They’re different languages.”

Nurse bites her lip. Surrender? An attempt to draw her own blood so that other predators and scavengers come to her under the mistaken impression that she is wounded, thus allowing her to kill them without having to hunt them down? Provides food and reduces competition all at once. Genius. Almost on Mother’s level.

“Can I put that in your file? Dragons are a pain to treat and I’m sure nurses would appreciate it if they could talk to the pokémon and tell it what’s going on.”

“Just because I can speak to dragons doesn’t mean they listen to me,” Mother says. “I can try but I make no promises.”

“I get it. Please wait here while I get a pokédex. I want to figure out what species she is before I do anything else.” Immediately after she starts walking away she turns around to look at Mother. “Are you just guessing she’s female or can you tell?”

“Upper Draconic is very gendered. She uses female pronouns.”

“Okay.” Nurse smells distressed, deferential, confused. Attack? Mother puts a claw under your chin and scratches you really hard and it’s wonderful. Wait, were you going to attack something? Nurse comes back with a strange flat rock. She points it towards you and a voice comes out.

Tyrunt, the Royal Heir Pokémon. Unregistered. Rock-dragon type. Prone to angry outbursts. Approach with caution.

The rock can talk! Should you attack it? Neither Mother nor Sister nor nurse move to fight it. You decide to simply watch for now.

Nurse makes a strange grunting sound. Attack? Mother taps your head. Is strange. Probably means should not attack. “What license do you have?”

“Class III.”

She bites her lip again because no prey have shown up to be eaten.

“Has she imprinted on you?”

“I think so. She says I’m her mother.” She is!

“Do you know what license Mr. Mahi’ai has?”

Mother blankly stares forward and slowly shakes her head. “Who?”


Mother blinks very dramatically because sand or an insect attacked her only weak point like a coward. “Class III. Sorry.”

Nurse drives her claws onto a stone in a strange sequence. Eventually she nods her head and speaks while still looking down. “Could you withdraw your vulpix and come back with me?”

“I didn’t bring my cane…”

That provokes a dramatic and prolonged exhale. “Can you withdraw it once it guides you back? Vulpix have a reputation for causing trouble.”

Pixie whines on the floor. You don’t know why but there might be a threat so you also start roaring too and your sister almost immediately stops and stares at you with her tails pressed down and ears slicked back. Mother slowly and pointedly exhales like Nurse did. “Do you think you can do that, Pix?”

Your sister very softly barks.


Nurse tries to pick you up and you move to bite her before she pulls back. “Can you carry her?” she asks Mother. “She’s being aggressive.” Wow. She’s scared of your bite and you only have one tooth. Soon you will be unstoppable.

Mother gently cradles you and you go behind the dividing stone into Nurse’s den. With the unneeded assistance of Nurse and Pixie, Mother sets you down on a large slab high in the air. She fumbles with something at her waste and there’s a red flash of light. You stop hearing sister’s heartbeat a moment later.

Did Mother kill her?!

{No.} Mother messages you. In your mind! How?! {She’s just gone for a moment. I will bring her back later.}


Nurse puts a wet and warm leaf over your head. It feels like the egg. You press into it and she brings it down your body. Then she rinses the leaf off and does it again. “I asked about the licenses,” she says during her second rinse, “because if she’s imprinted on you she only requires a Class III. But if she hasn’t she’d require a Class IV.”

“You’re saying Kekoa can’t own her?” Mother asks.

Nurse nods right before she presses the leaf down on you. “Not legally. You could still be her legal owner while letting Kekoa do most of the caregiving.”

“I don’t think she, I mean the pokémon, wants that,” Mother says. “I asked her about that earlier and she got very upset.”

It’s hard to follow the conversation when only Mother makes sense and you can only sort of tell what Nurse means from her tone and actions. You think that Mother is laying out a case for claiming you from Father, though, which is very good. Mother is Mother. Father can help.

Nurse moves the leaf away and takes out a strange shiny object. She flicks a claw against it and a stream of very warm air comes out. You lean into it and watch as it causes the feathers it hits to press down and ripple out. Very warm! Can you nap under this? Does Mother have one? Can she use it maybe every day several times a day?

“You can work that out later,” Nurse says over the hum of the air. “Any questions on caring for her?”

“What does she eat?” Mother asks.

That’s silly! The same thing she eats, of course. Just regurgitated. Nurse turns the heavenly air off and you hiss at her. Mother presses her claws into your back and that shifts your attention because the pressure is really nice. Nurse bares her teeth. “Good question. Can I go get the pokédex?”

“Yes,” Mother says as she moves her claws to ruffle the feathers on your head. Is annoying! And maybe also kind of fun. Will decide after the scritches conclude.

Nurse starts walking away. “Raw or cooked meat is the short answer. Maybe the occasional insect mix or bone tossed in. She’ll move on to full carcasses as she grows up.” She grabs the talking stone and walks back. “Longer answer is that until she grows her first set of teeth it’ll need to be ground up for her. I think. And she might only take it regurgitated. I’m going to have to call someone off the islands to verify that. Hopefully the egg yolk will keep her full for a few more hours.”

“How often will she need fed?” Mother asks. “I know hydreigon eat once a week but…”

What is a hydreigon and will you get a chance to kill one? They might taste good.

“Again,” Nurse spreads her lips thin with just a little bit of teeth showing. “Let me check with someone who’s cared for a tyrunt before. With any luck I’ll have the information in a few hours.”


The door to Mother’s den slams open. “Cuicatl Ichtaca, I need you to tell Jennifer that we could use a fuckton of money right about now.”

You look up as two angry adults, both larger than Mother, walk in. Both are wet. One is walking in quick, heavy steps while the other stays back and moves delicately. Why are their three adults? There should only be two.

Mother sighs and picks you up into the air. Your resurrected sister immediately rushes in to fill the space on Mother’s lap you were occupying. “Your egg hatched, Kekoa.”

The angry one, Father, moves over and puts his face uncomfortably close to you. “Some kind of a bird?”

“Sort of. The nurse’s pokédex said she was a tyrunt.”

Father closes his eyes and practically hisses before stomping off. “Fuck me.”

Mother coughs. “She, um. They imprint. Like birds.”

Father stops and looks back at you and Mother. “She imprinted on you?”

“Yeah.” You can feel Mother’s pulse pick up as she lowers you down to the middle of her folded legs, ignoring your sister’s hissing. She begrudgingly makes room but continues to glare at you. “She did.”

“Fuck me.” Father’s limbs are shaking and his breath is heavy. He turns to face the entry to the den where the third human stands. “Jennifer, can you give us a minute here.”

She slowly turns around. “Yeah, um, I’ll be out with Sir Bubbles if you need me.”

When the portal closes Father slowly and deliberately sits down on a wooden platform with bedding on it. “Keep her,” he says.

“What? That’s… a lot.”

Father sighs. “I owe you for the shit I did earlier.”

Mother stops scratching you and places her hands on her legs. “You don’t owe me that much.”

“Cuicatl.” Father leans forward and looks at Mother with a terrifying intensity. “I need you to swear to keep this secret.”

Mother bares her teeth for a moment before leaning down, touching the ground with a claw, and bringing it back to her mouth. “I swear in the name of Huitzilopochtili to never tell another soul without your permission.”

Father slowly relaxes. “I’ve been lying about my parents. They’re dead. I lived in an orphanage.”

“I’m sorry,” Mother instantly replies.

“Don’t be.” Father snickers. “You didn’t kill them.”

Mother exhales and runs a claw through her head feathers. “I meant that I know what it’s like.”

Father tilts his head and looks intensely at Mother. Not out of rage but concern or wariness.

“You want to talk about it?”

“No,” Mother says very quietly.

“Okay.” Father takes a deep breath. “Anyways, my brother and I watched Jurassic Park right before everything went to shit. Then once the storm cleared and the death certificates were signed my brother fucked off to the mainland to punch a god or something. Left me behind.” Mother is silent. For a few heartbeats so is Father. “I got a letter or a call once a week for a little bit. Then once a month. Then once a year. Then not at all.” His voice cracks. Is he injured? He looks down and shifts his legs. “He came back a few months ago. Tracked me down in Paniola. Thinks everything’s fucking fine and we can just go back to the way things were before.”

“But you can’t,” Mother adds.

Father nods. “But we can’t.” His face is already very wet but you swear that a little more flows down it. “I can’t take the tyrunt. That tells him the debt’s paid and we can go back to the way things were before...” He trails off.

Mother gently lifts herself up and pushes you and Pixie off of her legs. “Hug?”

Father walks across the room and embraces Mother in his very long arms. They stand still for several breaths in the center of the den before Father backs away with a muttered, “Thanks.”

“You want to cuddle? You can see Mother raise up her arms to her chest and tilt her head to the side.

Father walks back to his bedding and sits down. “Not now.”

“Okay.” Mother steps back and slowly lowers herself onto the bedding. Pixie rushes onto her and you settle for leaning against her leg. It will be your turn later and you will move her then. “I suppose she needs a name.”

“Yeah,” Father sighs and leans back onto his bedding. “Just don’t name her Chompy.”

“I was thinking Mitzcocotonaz, actually.”

Father pops his head up a little. “What’s that mean.”

“She will dismember you.”

He flops his head back down. “Fucking metal.”

“Fucking metal,” Mother solemnly agrees.

It is an excellent name. You will honor it by dismembering many things.

Mother tilts her head and feathers spill onto her face “Now, what were you saying about Genesis?”

You perk up. This is your chance to find out more about the strange third human. The Genesis.

“We caught a castform. She wants to keep it,” Father says in a low and monotonous voice.

Neither says anything for a moment. Father shifts in his nest and Mother starts petting your sister. “That’s a lot of money,” she finally says.

What is money? Can it be killed? If so, why isn’t she excited about an abundance of prey?

“Tell me about it.” Father sits back up and starts speaking louder. “That’s a new tent, a full resupply of potions and pokéballs, a backpack, and as much food as we need.”

Mother’s face scrunches up. “We have $180 in the bank, right?”


She stops petting your sister and starts scratching the side of your head with two of her claws. You lean into it and gently growl with affection. “We definitely won’t starve. Other supplies could stretch things.”

Other supplies? Nest-building stuff? Water? Rocks that shoot out warm air? Those are very important. Something rumbles in your gut. Time to poop. Where? You reach up and gently tug on Mother’s arm. She starts and looks down at you. “Hey. Uh, need anything?”

“Where do I poop?” you ask.

She bares her teeth and stands. Your sister jumps down to the floor as she does. “Kekoa, mind helping me outside? Coco needs to go.” Who is Coco—oh, you are Coco!


Outside is warm and moist and absolutely wonderful and you don’t know why Mother and Father live inside of a tree when they could be out here. And water is coming down from above you! How! You stare up to investigate it but no answers appear. What were you here for? Oh, right. “Where do I poop?” you ask Mother.

“Anywhere on the green plants.”

There are many green plants. So many places to poop! You walk forward and defecate on some green plants just like Mother told you to. Right after you step away Pixie steps up, pops a leg, and pees right where you just went before huffing and walking back to Mother near the tree and out of the water.

Should you follow her? You glance up at the sky again and it lights up and roars in response. You rush back to Mother for protection and she brings you back inside the safety of the tree.


“As it turns out not many places have hatched tyrunt,” Nurse says. “A few hatchlings in Shanghai but they’ve classified the details. The parks in San Diego and Panama are closed at this hour. Finally got ahold of a safari in Dubai.” Mother nods slowly and Nurse continues. “They’re hardier than I’d feared and Alola’s climate is good for them. Until she starts teething you should mainly feed her regurgitated poultry.”

Mother’s mouth twists and she tilts her head to the side. “Teething?”

“Yup.” Nurse starts rummaging through strange white leaves on her desk until she finally settles on one. “Just like human babies. In a few weeks she’ll start biting everything she can wrap her jaws around.”

Neither party speaks for a while. You take the opportunity to look around at the strange cave. It takes you a few sweeps of the room but you finally find the warm air tablet. You tense up and prepare to run over to it when Mother resumes speaking. “I guess I should have expected that.”

Wait. Her tone is wrong. Are they talking about you? Is she disappointed in you? Why? You love her and she loves you. For a moment you wonder if you want the question answered but then you decide to ask it aloud anyway. Mother starts before calming down and pressing a few claws into your feathers. When she speaks again it’s different somehow. Less clear. More like you talk. Except some of the sounds are wrong. You can’t really explain it. “Not disappointed,” she says. “Just working out some logistics.”

“What are logistics?”

She pauses before answering in the same strange way. “When and where to hunt.”

That makes a lot of sense!

Mother bares her teeth and switches back to her smooth way of talking. “Sorry. She just wanted to know what we were talking about. Any advice on getting through teething?”

Nurse grimaces and pushes her hands together so that the claws interlock. “Thick gloves and a firm hand? I’ve never worked with tyrunt but that’s the answer I give for everything else.”

“Very, very thick gloves,” Mother says with the same solemnity with which she declared your name to be fucking metal. Whatever metal means.

“Well,” Nurse says. “Maybe.” She ruffles through a few more leaves. “Tyrunt have a strong bite but it’s proportional to their size. A young tyrunt isn’t exactly crushing steel.” She bares her teeth and leans back. “Besides, being able to talk to her in a way she understands is a big deal. If she listens.”

A claw runs through your headfeathers. “She’s been a very good listener so far.” You have been!

Nurse gets up and walks over to a strange blocky object. She opens it and a wave of cool air shoots out. Just like Pixie. You jump down to investigate but Nurse closes it again and the air stops. Then she starts walking back and you jump back up to Mother and almost miss and fall because it’s a big jump but she scoops you up and puts you on her lap because she loves you.

“The kitchen staff had some leftover pidove if you want to use it.”

“So…” Mother lowers her claws to the table and crosses her legs. “I need to chew it and spit it out to her?”

“You could use a mortar and pestle for now. Or you could chew it if it helps her learn. We don’t really know much about how that works.”

“But won’t I pass on diseases or something?”

Nurse shakes her head. “The park in Dubai didn’t think so. You’re a modern non-pokémon mammal and she’s a protobird pokémon from sixty-five million years ago. There’s probably not many diseases you could communicate to her.”

“Okay…” Mother sounds reluctant but she does reach out and eventually take a small mass of something vaguely meat-scented. She manipulates the object and pulls out a smaller lump that is definitely meat. Mother slowly brings it to her mouth and chews it. You (successfully!) jump the small distance up onto the big flat surface and hold your mouth up and open so that she can drop the food in. After thoroughly digesting the meat Mother slowly leans forward and you start waving your tail back and forth in anticipation.

“You can spit it at any time,” Nurse says. Mother does. You immediately snap your jaws shut and swallow the food.

It tastes a little strange. You aren’t entirely sure what meat is supposed to taste like but not quite like that. It’s still very good, though.

“Now, there’s one last thing you’ll need to take care of,” Nurse says as Mother stands up. Do you have a pokéball on you?”

“No. We have some upstairs.”

Nurse moves to put the meat container back into the cold rock. “You can do it there. Or you can bring her back down if you want help.”

Mother shakes her head. “I think I can do it.” She pauses. “Will a nest ball work?”

“That’s what I would recommend you use,” Nurse says as she turns back around with bared teeth. “It’s the idea ball for most newborns and hatchlings. Just switch her to a more suitable one when she grows up a bit.”

“Oh.” Mother freezes up. “How quickly do they grow up?”

“Not so fast that we have to discuss it tonight.” Nurse walks over and puts a hand on Mother’s shoulder. “You’ve had a long day. Go up and rest. Long term planning can wait for the morning.”



Is this

This is an egg.

Why are you in an egg again?


You hatch for the second today. Except this time your feathers are dry and Mother’s looking down at you and you’re both in the same places you were in before you were re-egged.

“Why was I in an egg again?” you ask.

“Not egg. More… sleep.” Her face scrunches up and she keeps a single claw extended until she speaks again. “Making you sleep is within my power.”

Red light. Sleep. Returning later. “That’s how you raised Sister from the dead?” you ask.

She negation growls. “Not death. Sleep.”

You think you understood her meaning. The phrases are simple even if she’s pretending that she can’t pronounce the words. They also make absolutely no sense. Not yet. Maybe they should? You’ll think about it.

Mother extends a hand and you rub your head into it. Being hatched is much better than being unhatched. She reaches down and slowly lowers the strange orb in her hands to the ground. Then she sits back up and pulls a giant leaf made of feathers over her. You avoid being swallowed by it before she finishes pulling it up and lies down. Pixie immediately lunges onto her chest and extends all of her tails over her abdomen. “Let your sister sleep, Pix.”

Oh. It is sleep time! Except not in the egg? You push your sister’s tails aside and rest on Mother’s abdomen. Pixie hisses and glares at you but ultimately just walks around in a tight circle and plops back down so that she’s facing you and her tails are resting on top of her. Interesting. You walk in a tight circle but cannot get your tail on top of your body. Unfair!


Colorful moving images spring up on a rock on the other side of the nesting chamber. If Mother was not giving you and Pixie an abundance of scritches you would go and investigate it up close. For now you can watch from a distance.

Father walks back from the rock and sits down in the middle of the nest. Genesis is on the opposite side with her strange round creature that you are not supposed to attack unless you want to go to sleep and wake up with all of your feathers soaked in water. She also has her Pixie-shaped-plant and a floating white thing that taunts you by staying just out of reach at all times. Someday you will catch it and you will be very satisfied.

Water starts moving on the screen. You stare intently but nothing really changes so you relax a bit and sit down and press into Mother. Then a deep voice starts talking and you have to wildly look around to see where it’s coming from.

“Who’s the narrator?” Mother asks.

“No idea.” Father answers. “Why?”

“He has a very good voice.”

Red dot! There’s a red dot on the stone. You tense to pounce and half-expect Mother to stop you. She doesn’t! You jump off of the nest and charge the stone. Well, charge the tree the stone is on. It’s higher up than you expected. Well, you can still jump—red light everywhere.


This time Mother is staring right at you when you hatch. Same Mother. Same Sister. Same Father. Same extra adult on the nest. Was this—

“Myth,” mother says in her broken, stilted speech. “Story. Red prey is past.”

It takes you a bit to process that. Well, it takes you a bit to figure out what the words even were. Then it takes you another bit to process. Two bits. “Stone is myth-telling?” you finally ask. Mother nods. Okay. Story stone should not be attacked.

The story resumes.

A fish appears and starts chasing the red lights. Unfair! You want to chase them.

There are scenes of prey. Big, proper prey. Adults, mostly. Too big to attack on your own. But then there’s an egg. An egg that rolls all the way down a waterfall and a hill until it comes to rest and—baby prey! You tense up and eye the delicious small baby as adults comes back. You hiss at the adults. They need to stop blocking your hunts.

Finally, thankfully, the baby wanders off on its own. You slowly rise up on your legs and crouch down, tail pressed straight back. Mother says that you can’t attack the story stone but you still want to practice stalking your prey.

“Coco’s about to pounce,” Father says. Mother picks your sleep egg up and holds it at her side, ready to use it. She won’t have to because you’re very good and won’t actually attack the baby in the story. Mother should just be happy that you want to practice so much.

Another baby appears! This one has a wide bony face and is stalking an insect, just like you’re doing. But then it fails and gets peed on by the bug. Ew. Now it will taste gross when you eat it. Well, if you could eat it. Squarefaces are often covered in bug pee. That is the important lesson you will take away from this.

The adults come back. Then the kids get lost again. You tense up and shake out your hips a little as you lower down. “Coco’s doing it again,” Kekoa says.

“And I’m holding her ball.”

She is but she won’t need it. Pixie isn’t stalking the prey but is looking at you with interest. Not that you can figure out what you—

An adult appears on screen. One of your adults! Without any feathers. Strange. You plop back down to watch a proper hunt play out. Except it doesn’t. The babies are cowards who cheat and hide behind wood which an adult could totally get through but doesn’t for some reason. It is very confusing. No, wait! It’s working! The adult has the babies cornered and… and the ground starts shaking as giant cracks open up in it. Adults and babies yell on screen but the sharptooth, you’re called a sharptooth!, keeps pressing the attack like a proper predator until—until the longneck mother whips her tail into the sharptooth and knocks it down into the earth.

No! That’s incredibly unrealistic. The sharptooth would have killed the Mother and all the babies and gone home to nap. Why are your parents watching lies? You turn around to voice your extreme displeasure to Mother.

“I know,” she responds in her rough language. “Is warning. Bad hunting.”

Oh. So the real story is that you shouldn’t hunt near places you could fall. And that you shouldn’t attack young threehorns because many of them have insect pee on them. And that longneck adults are cheaters who sometimes win even though they shouldn’t but the babies are tiny and easy prey. And that you should just rip through roots and wood and kill prey as soon as you can. So many useful lessons!

The adult dies shortly after. That’s another lesson: just wait for the adult to die, then kill the babies.

Your mother turns to face the other adults. “So this is a kids movie, huh?”

Father stares impassively ahead, curling his claws around his hands. Genesis starts at the question and shrugs. “I guess? I, uh, I didn’t really remember that.”

“Rule #12: Jennifer doesn’t get to pick movie night,” Father commands.


Genesis snorts and looks away. “Well, sorry I guess.”

The rock turns black. When color returns the baby encounters a giant armored beast with spikes on its back and a tail club. How would you kill that? Is the belly armored? You can’t tell. As long as it is on the rock you will do your best to figure it out.

“Oh, it’s not your fault. It’s not your mother’s fault. Now, you pay attention to old Rooter. It is nobody’s fault. The great circle of life has begun. But see, not all of us arrive at the same time.”

You smell something behind you. A glance shows that there’s strange water near Mother’s eyes. She crosses her arms across her chest and takes long, distorted breaths. Is she under attack? Did more terrible sand strike her eye? Pixie stands up on her hind legs and presses her paws into Mother’s chest. She unfolds an arm and pulls your sister closer. Out of the corner of your eye you see Father look over and immediately look away.

Unsure of what to do, you turn back to look at the story stone. The baby is alone now. It appears to be weak and starving. Almost unconsciously you start to crouch again at the opportunity to—a tail flicks your leg hard and you take off before you can even figure out why you’re running.

Red light engulfs you well before you reach the stone.
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Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Chapter 11

“Yeah,” you answer before Jenny can fuck it up.


Pixie—and isn’t that a shitty name—


knows she’s being talked about and occasionally pulls her nose up from the ground to make sure that only nice things are being said about her.


“It’s still there, Kekoa. Just little white strands around your mouth.”

Kiwi snorts and almost chokes on her water.

Okay, I honestly wasn't expecting that sort of joke to appear in this fic, but I'm glad it's here.

Kiwi turns to look directly at you. “Can you describe my accent, please?”

Her accent? It’s… perfectly neutral. Utterly unremarkable. Nothing you’d ever thought about at all. That’s weird, right? If she grew up in another country.

“I actoly sond like tis.”

You blink. And blink again. “The fuck?”

My reaction exactly.

“Good night, Pixie. Good night, Cuicatl Ichtaca.”


Chapter 12

No. Screw him. He doesn’t get to ruin your journey. If only because the ever-present dirt and burned trees and over-processed food and dead eevee beat him to it.

Dayum, nature, you scary!
’ Mom actually might. You fight the urge to scrunch up your face and put your hands on your hips and lecture the wind in character. ‘Disgusting. Real women don’t pant like mere animals.’

Projection there, much?

But you can’t really say that. Cuicatl believes in the evil spirits of her homeland and eventually you’ll need to have a talk with her so that she isn’t engulfed in the cocoon at the end of the universe. And Kekoa will need to get the whole crossdressing thing sorted out eventually.

Oh. This line honestly slipped my mind on the first read but I just noticed this one now. Now I see why Genesis needs to shut the fuck up.

…maybe you should’ve thought this through earlier. Even if he is a very brave poliwag. Gallantly chickens out like the best. Not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave Sir Bubbles.

Brave Sir Bubbles ran away!


Alright, so this was a nice pair of chapters, with quite a bit of character development! Chapter 11, at last, made me sympathise with Kekoa, while not really excusing everything he's said over the course of the fic. The prologue gave a little perspective into his radical line of thinking, which was pretty much confirmed by the whole 'stars' conversation with Cuicatl. And speaking of which, that was my favourite part of the chapter. Finally, the two come to some sort of understanding, and Cuicatl stands up for herself there and is actually able to get him to listen. While not everything between them is resolved, of course, it was really satisfying to see the two talking in a civil manner, and the last line of the chapter pretty much clinched it for me.

Chapter 12 also continued the train of character expansion, for better or for worse. One complaint I had before was that Genesis wasn't as nicely fleshed out as the rest of the group. Now I've spent a little more time with her, particularly with this chapter, I'm starting to get more of a feel for her character. There are quite a few implications of her having a dysfunctional family, not to mention a fundamentalist upbringing, and that provided a bit of context for the way she acted throughout the chapter. While she isn't actively malicious, her tunnel vision is going to bite her hard in the ass if she doesn't curb her attitude, especially about Kekoa.

The one complaint I had about chapter 12 was that the scenes at the end, with Kekoa going off to get the Castform, were a bit disjointed and confusing to read at first. Maybe if they had a bit more of a transition, it would've worked better, but on the first reading, that kind of threw me for a loop.

But anyways, nice read, as always, and I hope I can get to the next two chapters soon!


Bug Catcher
I was really confused by this being titled a Genesis chapter and spent a while wondering if she was secretly psychic and sharing a dream with the Pokemon somehow. Still, Coco and her mental judgements of everything are really cute, and now I'm hoping we get to see a Pixie chapter soon so we can get her perspective on this. Although I guess it makes sense that now that Cuicatl and Kekoa have reached some kind of understanding there's going to be other conflicts popping up.
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