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Search results

  1. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    I’ll give you some PMD fics to start off with, then, and if you have any particular preferences for genre/more specifics about what you’d like, just let me know! On the short side, “Starfall” is a very cool PMD one-shot about what it means to be a legend, and “Pizza with a Slice of Pain” is a...
  2. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Always fun to see people pop up who’ve been writing since way back. I look forward to seeing your short stories! Feel free to pop in anytime and see what’s going on, and let me know if you’d like any recs for stories to read! Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time...
  3. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Interactive fanfiction is a pretty cool topic, and we do have a few people around here who write them! You've already seen Namo's CYOA, and Meridian's also running a CYOA quest in an original setting that has a more extensive set of mechanics. There are actually a fair...
  4. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! There aren't a lot of fics out there that combine elements of both comics and written stories, so it sounds like you've got a really cool project going on. I'm also always here for a good deconstruction. :eyes: I'll definitely keep an eye out for when you start posting...
  5. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Sure thing! A couple options depending on the kind of tone you're looking for. If you're interested in something more cozy, "living life alongside pokémon" sort of story, you might enjoy Dragonspiral's Children. There's a bit of high-flying pokéworld stuff in there with a brief appearance by...
  6. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Jeff's mentioned The Child of Thorns a few times, so it's really cool to see you popping in here. Feel to talk more about your work in the Introduce Your Fic thread if you'd like! Glad to have you, and I hope you enjoy your time on Thousand Roads. There's certainly plenty...
  7. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Sounds like you've got some fun ideas, there--it's always cool to see people bring together characters from different arms of the franchise. And gijinkas, too? Sounds like a good time! Sounds like you've got a lot of fun stuff going on outside fanfic, too; I will admit...
  8. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    What sort of stories do you like? It sounds like you might prefer PMD--is that true, or do you like trainerfic as well? Do you have preferences in terms of tone or genre (humor, romance, action, etc.)?
  9. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    No need to write an introduction if you don't want to! It's completely optional, but it's always nice to learn a little more about people. Nice work keeping your fic going for a year, especially with college going on! Hope you continue to have fun with it and all your programming assignments...
  10. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Glad to see you over here! I've caught you around Discord, of course--your fic sounds like a load of fun. Hope we'll get to see it once you're able to start in on drafting! Until then, feel free to ask for any help or advice you might need to keep the writing process rolling. Welcome to the...
  11. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Glad to see you here. We have a lot of people who enjoy giving in-depth feedback here, so I hope you'll end up getting some helpful comments. Probably your best bet to get some feedback is to have a look at the Blitz promo and review exchange thread and see if there's...
  12. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Always glad to see another PMD and pokécentric fic fan knocking around. We've got a lot of stories that should appeal to you here! What's your own PMD fic about? I see you like golett/golurk as well. Excellent taste! Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy your time on...
  13. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Krokorok's an excellent pokémon--you obviously have fine taste. Let me know if you need any fic recommendations; otherwise I hope you find some stories to enjoy by poking around on your own! If you'd like any help working through your own writing, feel free to ask for that...
  14. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Good to see you again! I remember you from ages ago on Serebii. Glad you're still around and still writing. I've read some of your Anime Remix work before, but I'm intrigued by the idea of a PLA-inspired 'verse in particular. Been having the PLA feels recently for sure. Welcome to Thousand...
  15. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! You're totally right, if you can both write and draw, nothing better than getting to illustrate your own stories and connecting with people that way, too. Glad you've been able to figure out what works for you to put out your own story, and it's definitely an intriguing...
  16. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! It's pretty cool that you're finally getting to publish something you've been working on for so long. Hope the writing continues to go well, and I look forward to checking out your story! Welcome again to Thousand Roads, and I hope you enjoy your time here!
  17. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Hey, welcome! Always good to see another Hoenn fan around; we have quite a few hanging out here! If you're into Hardenshipping, I think you might enjoy Time and Tide... it's not primarily a shipping fic, and there's a lot of stuff going on outside Maxie and Archie's relationship, but it's a...
  18. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Glad you've been getting back into fanfic; I hope you're able to find a lot of new stories to enjoy after your hiatus. It's kind of wild to think about the fact that Silver Resistance has been running for over a decade now, heh. If you're looking for long, philosophical...
  19. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! Delighted to hear that you found this place through Neocities, and it's really cool to see that you have a site there yourself. I've definitely noticed an uptick in interest in personal fansites over the last three or so years, and as someone who remembers when they were...
  20. Negrek

    Intro Thread

    Welcome to the forums! You have a lot of interests in common with the other people here, pokémon-related and otherwise--I hope you'll feel at home here. I'm looking forward to checking out your fic; love the Scarlet/Violet professors and all their wild timey-wimey bullshit. It looks like you've...
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