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Treasure Town ~ Marketplace

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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
"Say, your human partner... he give any indication as to his, ah, 'struggles' as a human in a new body and a new world? I only ask cause my father was in the same predicament, before he... vanished."

Astrid blanched, but recovered quickly. “Ah, heh. Well he… isn’t my partner. In either sense of the word, I mean. We’re just pals working for the same organization.

“But he definitely struggles. Between the memory wipe and the whole ‘not having a childhood’ thing, I can sometimes tell he’s not as comfortable as he pretends to be. Sometimes he gets grouchy about it, even. He’s not mean-spirited or anything, but I really wish that he can finally find his place.”

Astrid adjusted in her seat, ears perked forward. “I’m so sorry about your father.”

Wait, vanished? Was Sage going to vanish too? She’d let that keep her awake later; but for now… she lowered her voice so that any ambient noise would hopefully drown her out.

“I-I can’t help but notice how many people here are are or happen to know human-turned-Pokémon. It seems to be quite a few of us that I’ve talked to. Think it has anything to do with that hero’s aura stuff?”
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa nodded and listened, noticing out of the corner of her eye that Starr was getting up to move elsewhere. Was that... because of something Curio had said? Or because of... Brisa being here? Something to worry about later.

"I don't much know what to make of this hero's aura business," she replied, "but I don't reckon it's got to do with being heroic-like. Maybe it's something to do with human influences, but I don't see a way to tell for sure. There's humans here, and the kids of humans, and the friends of humans..."

She shook her head.

"Thanks, by the way. I don't miss him so much as I miss the chance to figure out his deal. Best o' luck to your pal, though. Can't be easy."

By this time she'd waved down some curry and now began to tuck in. It wasn't bad. Better than her own cooking, at least. And damn, she was hungry.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
He held up a curious looking berry, red and spiky. "It's a Tamato Berry. I didn't think they'd sell them here, but I was in luck!" He handed it over to Starr. "Careful, though. It's very spicy."
Starr blanched. "Yeahhh, we've got those where I come from. Never had one myself--they'd mess up a human's insides good." But as a Pokemon... "Screw it. Yeah, I'll try it," she said, taking it between her paws.

She didn't have enough of a death wish to eat the whole thing, so she used a claw to carve off a chunk of it, then sliced that chunk into bits. (Alright, having claws was pretty sweet.) Then she mixed the chunks into the sauce as best she could. She couldn't help noticing Owen staring at her, waiting for her reaction. A little too eagerly... She would've half expected it to be a sabotage, except the fact that it was a Tamato alone was probably bad enough.

"Welp, here goes," Starr said, taking a heaping bite.

It didn't hit her all at once. First it was just a prickling in the back of her throat. Then it began to spread, filling her whole mouth, and then there was no more mouth, only fire. Well, no, that wasn't quite right. This body could breathe fire. Actual literal fire didn't hurt like this.

Starr coughed. "God, that burns," she said, tears pricking her eyes. She couldn't actually get herself to stop shoveling it down, though.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen giggled. "A little too spicy?" he asked, and then, as if to demonstrate his unlimited power, took a raw bite out of the berry that Starr had left behind. "I'm so happy Diyem was able to transfer my taste for spicy food. It's the little pleasures, right? Every time I take a bite a little bit of my past comes back to me. Mom used to cook me Tamato stuff all the time. Still not sure why she's a Gardevoir when I think about her, though." He took another juicy bite like it was an apple.


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Brisa nodded and listened, noticing out of the corner of her eye that Starr was getting up to move elsewhere. Was that... because of something Curio had said? Or because of... Brisa being here? Something to worry about later.

"I don't much know what to make of this hero's aura business," she replied, "but I don't reckon it's got to do with being heroic-like. Maybe it's something to do with human influences, but I don't see a way to tell for sure. There's humans here, and the kids of humans, and the friends of humans..."

She shook her head.

"Thanks, by the way. I don't miss him so much as I miss the chance to figure out his deal. Best o' luck to your pal, though. Can't be easy."

By this time she'd waved down some curry and now began to tuck in. It wasn't bad. Better than her own cooking, at least. And damn, she was hungry.

Astrid dug into her own curry tentatively at first. She wasn’t about to be blindsided by spicy food; as she had learned long ago, cooling the temperature of her mouth didn’t help with that sort of thing. At all. Only made it burn more.

Fortunately, this curry wasn’t spicy at all—well, maybe a little, but not enough to warrant an impulsive ice-type attack. Speed was no longer a concern as the incredible taste negotiated for her to eat more and more, faster and faster, which she happily obliged with an earnest effort. Before she knew it, she had filled herself up to the brim. She had only made a Cutiefly-sized dent in the multiple-Cutiefly-sized bowl of curry, but that was more than enough to satisfy her.

“Mmm.” Back and forth went her napkin around her injured paw, which she absentmindedly wrapped as she spoke. “So, what do you like to do?” Besides battle, Astrid decided not to say. “Back in your world, I mean.”


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
"I'll meet you there in the afternoon," Owen said, glancing outside. Still noon. "I need some time to... work off this curry." He then looked back to Starr with a hint of expectancy and eagerness, wondering if there was someone else who shared his love of spicy food.

"Sounds good!" Cabot gave a nod before heading off outside.


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa reflexively tensed up, and tried to calm herself. She had to stop heating up at perceived scrutiny, or she'd not survive here.

"I guess I do what you do," she said after a moment's consideration. "If I think about it, it's the same kinda business, just gone about a different way. I patrol the outskirts of my township and watch for rogues and bandits. I arrest 'em, drive 'em off, whatever's needed. And I rescue folks what get theirselves lost or in other predicaments as they follow the trail in or out of town."

She didn't ask what your job was, though. Augh... what did she like to do?

"I guess I like readin'," she added, lamely. "Sure wish there were a local library back home, though."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Brisa reflexively tensed up, and tried to calm herself. She had to stop heating up at perceived scrutiny, or she'd not survive here.

"I guess I do what you do," she said after a moment's consideration. "If I think about it, it's the same kinda business, just gone about a different way. I patrol the outskirts of my township and watch for rogues and bandits. I arrest 'em, drive 'em off, whatever's needed. And I rescue folks what get theirselves lost or in other predicaments as they follow the trail in or out of town."

She didn't ask what your job was, though. Augh... what did she like to do?

"I guess I like readin'," she added, lamely. "Sure wish there were a local library back home, though."

“Cool!” Astrid said, a wide smile crossing her face. “I love meeting fellow explorers while I travel! ‘Course, I didn’t expect to be traveling to other universes, but, here we are. Always greater horizons out there waiting to be recorded, I guess.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Cabot and a couple others had gotten up. She also noticed that Starr had teleported seats—which probably meant she’d gotten up and moved, but like hell if Astrid hadn’t noticed.

Instead of dwelling on it, she refocused on Brisa, sobering up a little. “So, Brisa. How do you feel about the ‘mons on the team? We’ve all had about a week to get to know each other, but I’m still not sure how to feel about most of it.”
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Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Nip had been quiet as he ate his food, carefully picking around for bits of fake meat, and other bits that he reasonably figured he could digest. Fortunately, there was plenty of that to fill him up, and it had tasted great, too! Sure he felt bad for wasting food, but... it sounded like it wouldn't go to waste, anyways.

When he noticed Maple get up to leave, he hesitated. His mind drifted back to the attack from the haze. And how she'd come to his - or rather, to everyone's aide when they'd been in danger.

...If he really wanted this to be a fresh start, maybe he could start by thanking someone who helped him. For once.

Standing up, he dipped his head respectfully to the waiter and walked out, hoping to catch up to Maple.

The Walrein

It is what it is.
  1. gulpin
  2. kricketot
  3. bulbasaur
Just being near the Tamato berry when it was cut up made Jaro's eyes water a bit; spicy foods definitely didn't agree with him. Interesting that they helped Owen get some of his memories back, though - he'd have to remember that in case Jaro ever had his own bout of amnesia. Except, wait, he would just forget about it anyways, then...

Also, it seemed like Owen was adopted - by a completely different tribe, too, which Jaro thought only happened in fanciful tales like the one about the Rattata who was adopted by Pidgey. That story had ended in the Rattata assuming she could fly like her 'nest-mates' and jumping off a cliff to her death, if Jaro remembered correctly. It sounded like things had worked out better for Owen, though, and Jaro felt a stab of envy - his own mother had been dead before he hatched.

Jaro shifted on his seat, and felt the curry slosh around inside of him. Perhaps this whole challenge thing had been a mistake; what if another giant Pokemon attacked right now? It had been nice to forget about it for a while, but he had to be ready to fight at any moment, just like before he came to Cibus. Maybe going for a walk would help the food settle a bit more.

"Hey, uh, could you tell Precise Taste thanks for the food? Think I'm gonna head out now..." Jaro said to Soda before leaving. Now, where to? He had heard about this thing called an 'ocean' on one side of town; apparently it was like a really large lake? That might be fun to check out...


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
“So, Brisa. How do you feel about the ‘mons on the team? We’ve all had about a week to get to know each other, but I’m still not sure how to feel about most of it.”
Well, I haven't even met everybody yet," she admitted. "I got a friend or two by now, or at least I hope I do. Like Curio here!" Brisa gestured to her riolu neighbour, who was still demolishing curry. Her friend's manners were appalling, yet she couldn't help but smile. "The rest can speak for themselves and make their own impression, though. It ain't right that a mon should get a reputation from me talking about 'em."

Something clicked. Different worlds, different cultures. Starr didn't know that Brisa would put their confrontation aside while at the meal table. Starr left her spot because she figured Brisa had it out for her, after the encounter at the Bluff. Brisa felt sorry for her for a second — it would be a poor living, not trusting your neighbour to be civilised about a dispute.

Something else clicked. Starr might have it out for her.

Oh, wind and thunder.
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Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid raised a paw in the Riolu’s direction. “Hi! I’ve seen you around. You fought well in the battle.”

She supposed she had a friend or two as well, a few of which had just left the restaurant. Left behind were the quadrio of Brisa, Starr, Curio, and herself, and no one else from the team as far as she could tell. The atmosphere between the former three was peculiar; Astrid was certain that she wasn’t just imagining the bizarre, untapped air that seemed to hang around them, given form through small mannerisms, piercing looks, subtle messages, and so on. The spat in the square was a week old at this point, and yet here they were.

Where she fit into the mix, Astrid couldn’t parse. The easiest answer was “not at all”, but that didn’t really help her now, as she was currently having lunch with these people that, by the way, she’d be working with indefinitely. For now, Astrid decided to just play it safe and act as clueless as possible.

“Soo, what about your universe?” she volleyed back Brisa’s question, ears flicking forward curiously. “Any world-ending threats of note?”
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
World ending threats, huh? It sure was strange how Starr's hatred seemed so much greater a concern than apocalyptic portents. Maybe she should try to get her priorities straightened out.

Brisa shrugged. "There was something of that sort before I was born, but my parents put a stop to it. Now folks seem to think we're safe, but I don't think I can believe that after what I've seen and heard this week. When I get back, I'll be on watch for anything."

She finished her modest bowl of curry with a satisfied purr. Something about the communal eating experience, (even if it was highly inappropriate by her own standards) had put her remarkably at ease.

"You seem a decent sort, Astrid. I'm glad to have you in our posse, 'specially if we're goin' up against such strange happenin's as these."


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Astrid raised a paw in the Riolu’s direction. “Hi! I’ve seen you around. You fought well in the battle.”

Curio took a deep breath. Not because of Astrid, but because forcing all that curry down her gullet made her feel bloated. She didn't want to make herself chunder all over them. "Yeah!" she said. "And you as well. I guess we haven't really talked to each other much, have we? Y'know, I haven't met many ice foxes at all in my life, except from Pixie."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
World ending threats, huh? It sure was strange how Starr's hatred seemed so much greater a concern than apocalyptic portents. Maybe she should try to get her priorities straightened out.

Brisa shrugged. "There was something of that sort before I was born, but my parents put a stop to it. Now folks seem to think we're safe, but I don't think I can believe that after what I've seen and heard this week. When I get back, I'll be on watch for anything."

She finished her modest bowl of curry with a satisfied purr. Something about the communal eating experience, (even if it was highly inappropriate by her own standards) had put her remarkably at ease.

"You seem a decent sort, Astrid. I'm glad to have you in our posse, 'specially if we're goin' up against such strange happenin's as these."

Astrid’s heart thumped against her chest like a Rilaboom’s drum. Glad to have her around?

I’d hoped for as much when I came here. But, still, that’s… hm, really nice to hear out loud.

The unexpected feeling was fleeting, as any brief exchange in a loud restaurant tended to be, but… it made her feel good anyway. Her tails curled and uncurled subconsciously as she tried to keep her smile under control. “Well. Thank you,” she said meekly. “Y-you too.”

Curio took a deep breath. Not because of Astrid, but because forcing all that curry down her gullet made her feel bloated. She didn't want to make herself chunder all over them. "Yeah!" she said. "And you as well. I guess we haven't really talked to each other much, have we? Y'know, I haven't met many ice foxes at all in my life, except from Pixie."

Astrid’s eyes lit up as she turned back to Curio.

“Pixie? You… don’t happen to mean the same Pixie that Cuicatl knows, do you? The one that screams all the time and demands attention and, um… yeah.” She couldn’t help but giggle at the notion, though it came out as more of a burp-laughter hybrid.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
“Pixie? You… don’t happen to mean the same Pixie that Cuicatl knows, do you? The one that screams all the time and demands attention and, um… yeah.”

"Yeah, the one and the same. Not that we're in the same region, or even the same world for that matter." She scooped up another spoonful of rice before giving up and plunging it back into the bowl. Damn, she hated wasting food. "We babysat her for about a day. She demanded pats at all times, pretty much. Oh, and ice cream. And she froze my friend to the kitchen floor before Cuicatl came to wrangle her back. I tried to melt it all down with the blowdryer and he was still frozen." She snickered to herself. Despite the earful she got from the flat's owner afterwards, she liked Pixie. "You seem a lot more chill, though." Another snicker. "Chill."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen pushed away from the table, sighing. "I think that's enough food for me," he said, sliding the bowl toward Soda. It then went to Flesh, who gladly and greedily took it out to be finished off. He scanned the table to see that several others had left to walk off their meal, which was understandable, but Owen felt like he needed to stay put for a little while longer.

He had enough strength to hop a few seats to get near where the remaining members were, particularly Astrid, Brisa, and Curio. All things considered, he looked a little nervous, the little Charmander fidgeting with his claws. He barely knew any of them, now that he thought about it. Too absorbed in recovering from the fight or reading up on Cibus and its books. Now that they were actually in some kind of social gathering...

Yet Owen seemed paralyzed with decisions. He wasn't sure how to get into a conversation among three already, and his amnesia wasn't making this any easier. Oh, he was the awkward kid at school, wasn't he? ...Though for some reason, when he thought that, no memories returned. Maybe he wasn't... Was he the popular one? ...No memories there, either.


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
"Yeah, the one and the same. Not that we're in the same region, or even the same world for that matter." She scooped up another spoonful of rice before giving up and plunging it back into the bowl. Damn, she hated wasting food. "We babysat her for about a day. She demanded pats at all times, pretty much. Oh, and ice cream. And she froze my friend to the kitchen floor before Cuicatl came to wrangle her back. I tried to melt it all down with the blowdryer and he was still frozen." She snickered to herself. Despite the earful she got from the flat's owner afterwards, she liked Pixie. "You seem a lot more chill, though." Another snicker. "Chill."

What. Wait. Was this Riolu—no, a full-blown Lucario, if she remembered correctly—some sort of inter-dimensional babysitter? What did that sort of job even pay in? What Curio was describing was outlandish at best, yet her tone suggested it was just another Tuesday afternoon.

…Chill. Oh wow. Curio was literally Helli, minus the bouncing-off-the-walls. Arceus, she usually rolled her eyes at those jokes, but… this time, it was quite refreshing to hear. Before she knew it, she’d already laughed. Okay, she conceded. Fine. Why not.

“Be careful with those puns around me,” she said, absent-mindedly blowing mist into her own unfinished bowl. Her eyes crept up with the edges of her mouth. “They can be snow laughing matter.”


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
“Be careful with those puns around me,” she said, absent-mindedly blowing mist into her own unfinished bowl. Her eyes crept up with the edges of her mouth. “They can be snow laughing matter.”

"Well sorry," she tutted, "I was only tryin' to break the ice."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
...He didn't get it.

Snow, laughing? Was there a Pokemon species that did that? What was the original pun?! Owen stared intently at the table, running the conversation over in his head again. Puns. No laughing matter. Snow laughing, snow--chill. "Chill!" Owen whispered loudly, followed by a startled chirp. Did he say that out loud? He couldn't remember any puns. Was this a clever joke or a very common one? They were laughing. And it was clever...
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