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Treasure Town ~ Marketplace

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Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr finally reached the point where she couldn't go any further with the curry bowl, so she slumped forward in her seat and just let herself bask in the warm afterglow of spice. Hell yeah, endorphins. She'd made it just over halfway through the bowl. Which might've looked impressive to anyone who didn't know that Cabot was responsible for part of that. Or at least, it would have looked impressive if anyone was still around to notice. Cabot and Owen had left recently and apparently so had Brisa at one point (thank God). The only ones left at their table were Curio and the Vulpix down at the far end, and, thankfully, they weren't paying attention to Starr.

So, what now? Part of her was really tempted to head back to the dojo and take a nap, but she still hadn't gone TM shopping, and dammit that needed to happen today. So yeah, shopping first.

...Maybe in a few minutes once she worked up the energy to move again.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
As much as she wanted to gobble all of that curry up and talk to Astrid, something else was eating away at Curio. She could've cut the tension between Starr and Brisa with a knife. She wanted to find out what happened, but perhaps it was best to not go in guns blazing with a barrage of questions. She was gonna ease into the conversation and be cool about it. And what was cooler than being cool? Ice cold. Okay, enough with the ice puns.

"How'd you like all that curry, Starr? You full?"


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
"Hell yeah, I'm cooler than a Beartic's toenails." Ew. "But yeah, ice fight. There's snow time like the present to make another comeback, this is just the tip of the iceberg."

“Whew. I’ve gone cold with these puns. I’ll wave the white flag.” In spite of her final word, she meant it. Her improv skills were simply no match, even with the advantage of telling jokes that she’d already heard before (mostly; the “polar opposites” one was new).

Good gravy, after all that, she was grinning like mad. Curio wasn’t half bad after all.

"How'd you like all that curry, Starr? You full?"

Astrid only now noticed that Starr was still here, sitting alone by the far end of the table. She was barely within earshot, but close enough to at least catch onto the pun-riddled escapade.

For a moment, the prospect of a conversation prompted the Vulpix to shift in her seat to where they could properly make eye contact. But… Curio was already talking with her, and no words came to mind anyway. Nothing. Blank.

She fumbled with it for several seconds, making no sound—but damn sure wishing she could remember how to—before finally giving up and playing with her food.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Huh. Curio was... talking to her? Not what she expected.

Starr forced a grin. "Yeah, I'm probably gonna die, but worth it. Best meal I've had since we got here. Got some Tamato from Owen because I like suffering." That was... meant to be a joke. Hopefully they took it that way. "They got food like this where you're from?"


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Yeah, I could murder a curry, or at least, another one if I didn't have such a big bowl." She let out a huge burp that probably could rival the Snorlax's. "And yeah, we've got Tamato over here. Spicy buggers, I tell ya, but I can handle a bit of heat. And what about where you're from?"


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Figures, since you're a fire type. Say--" Curio turned to Astrid--"would eating one kill ya, as an ice fox? I bet one nibble of it would knock you out."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
"Yeah, I could murder a curry, or at least, another one if I didn't have such a big bowl." She let out a huge burp that probably could rival the Snorlax's. "And yeah, we've got Tamato over here. Spicy buggers, I tell ya, but I can handle a bit of heat. And what about where you're from?"
Starr snorted. "Course we do--human world, we've got pretty much every food you can think of, and then some." Was Curio from a world with humans? She couldn't remember. "Half of our teammates were just eating berries and rats and shit where they came from..." She made an exaggerated face of disgust. "At least we got pulled into a world with actual cooking."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
"Figures, since you're a fire type. Say--" Curio turned to Astrid--"would eating one kill ya, as an ice fox? I bet one nibble of it would knock you out."

Astrid jolted out of her daydream. “Oh, um…” Spicy food was not the move. Not the move. Don’t— “Alright then,” she harrumphed anyway. “Give it to me.”

Oh no.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Owen seemed tempted to watch whatever aftermath wold follow, but also was worried about Turf and whatever it was that Brisa might have been planning. If Brisa was in such a rush, was Turf still badly hurt...? Owen bid a quiet farewell and left to see how they would be doing.


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Astrid lived and breathed the ‘ice-types-hate-spicy-food’ stereotype. It had been beaten to death by media and public jokesters for years, all of its truth cultivating into one Vulpix who could barely sprinkle pepper on things without her saliva glands calling the fire department.

Maybe Curio would lend her another one of those ice puns to keep her cool.

“One nibble? I’ll show you a nibble,” Astrid retorted. She was firm, but not enthusiastic, because she knew she was about to fucking die.

She bit into the side with a crunch, not unlike how she would bite into a regular berry. But this was no regular berry, of course. A wave of tingling shot across her tongue the moment contact was made—gone as soon as it came. A dense cold followed, leaving her tongue in a relaxed state of mild serenity.

“This is pretty good. Little spicy, I guess,” Astrid said, a bit surprised as she chewed. This really wasn’t so bad.

And then she took another bite. And another. And another.

And another…


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Starr snorted. "Course we do--human world, we've got pretty much every food you can think of, and then some." Was Curio from a world with humans? She couldn't remember. "Half of our teammates were just eating berries and rats and shit where they came from..." She made an exaggerated face of disgust. "At least we got pulled into a world with actual cooking."

"Right, right, human world. I mean, I can't say I was above eating berries and rats and shit when I was out in the wild. Hell, when I was a kid, I lived, ate, and breathed Magikarp since that was pretty much all we had on our rock. But yeah, I love human shit like this." She prodded her curry even though she had no plans on eating any more.

“One nibble? I’ll show you a nibble,” Astrid retorted. She was firm, but not enthusiastic, because she knew she was about to fucking die.

She bit into the side with a crunch, not unlike how she would bite into a regular berry. But this was no regular berry, of course. A wave of tingling shot across her tongue the moment contact was made—gone as soon as it came. A dense cold followed, leaving her tongue in a relaxed state of mild serenity.

“This is pretty good. Little spicy, I guess,” Astrid said, a bit surprised as she chewed. This really wasn’t so bad.

And then she took another bite. And another. And another.

And another…

"Huh, you weren't kiddin'. Maybe those ice powers of yours are keeping all that spice down."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
What occurred next is best organized into phases. To Astrid, however, they felt like whole eras.

First, the Genesis of her journey. It all started there, on a single, indiscriminate point on her tongue—a spark was born. The birth of taste. The microscopic agents that the berry had planted finally came to life, given the perfect landscape to do their duty.

Next, the Honeymoon. One, then two, then ten thousand sparkles dotted her mouth, blossoming like an entire meadow in the spring. Astrid figured if she could ever taste the night sky and all its distant galaxies, this would be what it tasted like. Rich, tangy flavor with the perfect mixture of blunt impact and soothing aftertaste. For a mere second, this was her blissful haven. Alone, high in the sky, tasting it all.

After that came the Great Drought. Where everything changed. Where lies were brought to light. It wasn’t just Astrid’s taste buds that started spinning like mad, oh no—the whole world was spinning now. Explosions, wildfires, thunderstorms, tornadoes, all erupting inside of her mouth. Earthquakes rattled her teeth. Spicy meteors struck her brain, ending the ice age that had existed there in a ball of violent fire. It was during this phase that Astrid’s facial expression, as well as her awareness of what she’d just chosen to do, caught up with her, erasing the last traces of the terribly naïve smile she’d just worn. She heaved, hard, taking in a breath, flinching as the cold air only further intensified the spices on her everywhere.


Then, Revelations. Pain. Understanding. Recalibration: only to realize that no potion, and certainly not her measly glass of water, could save her now. She tried anyway. Glug glug glug. She knew it was in vain. But she tried anyway. Glug glug. Useless.


Finally, The Void. The Great Beyond. Her voice was reduced to ashes. Her eyes were red, and she was pretty sure she was seeing red too. Her face was probably red. Maybe she’d turned into a normal Vulpix. Maybe she was just red now. That was her new color. Everything was already on fire anyway.

Her tongue was undetectable, for her entire mouth had been reduced merely to an area of her body in which she experienced waves of sensation from no particular point. Was it still there, or had it been burnt to a crisp? Glug glug—ah, enough of that.

Astrid faced Curio, feeling like she was ten years older and like an additional ten years had been shaved off the end of her life. Her eyes were leaking, watering up like blades of grass on a humid morning. She nodded once, coughed, and thumped her own chest with a closed paw. “Told ya. Cold-blooded.”


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Astrid faced Curio, feeling like she was ten years older and like an additional ten years had been shaved off the end of her life. Her eyes were leaking, watering up like blades of grass on a humid morning. She nodded once, coughed, thumped her own chest with a closed paw. “Told ya. Cold-blooded.”

Curio watched Astrid age 10 years or so in a matter of a few minutes. Even though she tried to keep her pain hidden for the sake of the dare, Astrid's contorted face didn't lie, as it went through several stages of pain. By the time Astrid faced Curio, her face looked like a goddamn waterfall.

"Yeah, sure, cold-blooded." She grinned. "Fancy another Tamato then, since you handled that so well?"


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Curio watched Astrid age 10 years or so in a matter of a few minutes. Even though she tried to keep her pain hidden for the sake of the dare, Astrid's contorted face didn't lie, as it went through several stages of pain. By the time Astrid faced Curio, her face looked like a goddamn waterfall.

"Yeah, sure, cold-blooded." She grinned. "Fancy another Tamato then, since you handled that so well?"

“I’m full.” And dying. Every breath was like a Heat Wave.

She pressed her paws to her temples. Her temples were hot. The aftertaste was really settling in now, giving her constant stark reminders of her decisions. Her taste buds fought for feeling once more so they could properly chastise her with what would probably be pain. Go figure.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
"Um, waiter, server, whoever you are, d'you have some ice cream for our ice fox here, or at least some Moomoo Milk? She really needs to chill out a bit."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Starr watched the Vulpix--the ice-type Vulpix--take bite after bite of the Tamato. It was like a train wreck she couldn't look away from.

She... she doesn't know, does she. This is... gonna be something.

It was every bit the glorious disaster that Starr expected. The slow descent from ignorance, to realization, to horror, regret, understanding, and finally jaded, distant acceptance. It was too much. Starr could help breaking down with laughter.

"Oh my God, I wish we had a mirror so you could see your face right now," Starr said once she'd finally gotten control of her voice again.


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
"Um, waiter, server, whoever you are, d'you have some ice cream for our ice fox here, or at least some Moomoo Milk? She really needs to chill out a bit."

A few seconds later, Astrid accepted the milk that was delivered to her decades later than she’d have liked.

When she chugged then whole thing in one go, the cold that followed was mind-numbing. It was like throwing a bucket of water on a supernova, but hell, it was a step up from throwing no buckets of water on a supernova.

Starr watched the Vulpix--the ice-type Vulpix--take bite after bite of the Tamato. It was like a train wreck she couldn't look away from.

She... she doesn't know, does she. This is... gonna be something.

It was every bit the glorious disaster that Starr expected. The slow descent from ignorance, to realization, to horror, regret, understanding, and finally jaded, distant acceptance. It was too much. Starr could help breaking down with laughter.

"Oh my God, I wish we had a mirror so you could see your face right now," Starr said once she'd finally gotten control of her voice again.

It almost didn’t register that Starr was talking to her, of all Pokémon. It was the first time since the beach, and honestly, albeit irrationally, Astrid hadn’t imagined it would happen again.

She opened her mouth to speak, and thankfully, the milk she’d just downed allowed her to squeak out something better than an incoherent cough.

“—I’m fine, I’m fine, I swear…” Except for the flames. “Everything is fine.”


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
She opened her mouth to speak, and thankfully, the milk she’d just downed allowed her to squeak out something better than an incoherent cough.

“—I’m fine, I’m fine, I swear…” Except for the flames. “Everything is fine.”

Curio almost felt bad for her. Almost. "You look like the opposite of fine. Honestly, power to you for sticking it out and trying to play it cool."


Houston, Texas
  1. serperior
  2. alolatales-goat
Curio almost felt bad for her. Almost. "You look like the opposite of fine. Honestly, power to you for sticking it out and trying to play it cool."

“Stoppp—” A rogue spice trickled off her tongue and landed somewhere in her gut, drawing out another hacking cough. All the while, she was trying not to laugh. “—ngh. B-before I turn those dangling ears into icicles.”
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