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Hoopa's Multiverse Madness [Roleplay Thread] - [Oct 25-30]

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Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
Antares scowled at the Mudkip. "I do not know whence your speech about nobility and kingdoms came from. Rest assured, I am not commanding you to do such things. In fact, I would find it rather amusing if you went to such lengths." He paused briefly. "And I am not 'stuck up.' I am one of, if not the, most humble Garchomp you could ever hope to encounter!"

"Yeah, you're so humble you have to brag about it so everyone knows about it. And you blasting a big chunk of rock? That was just the epitome of humble, you know?" Vegeta scoffed, rolling her eyes. "And, what, your people haven't grown enough to know what sarcasm is? I'd be surprised if you even had sliced bread at this point."

"Why? You looking to see if old bread is as spicy as new bread?" Goku quipped, rubbing her eyes.

"Goku I swear to god I will shove peppers into your eyes," Vegeta growled.


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
"Li what now?" Blitz barked, confused.

"Well, you do you," Lance said. "At least try to have some fun while you're at it."

"I'll be fine," Kichiro grumbled.

The Ledian's attention drifted off towards the rest of the group, shooting the lot a puzzled look.

"And what's this 'Darkest Day' again?" he asked. "It sounds like something out of a fairy tale."


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
"Lots of fairy tales have a bit of truth in them," Lance mused. "But it does sound harsh. I'm curious, admittedly."


Pokémon Trainer
Lilly sheepishly looked at Lance,
"Lots of fairy tales have a bit of truth in them," Lance mused. "But it does sound harsh. I'm curious, admittedly."

"Y-Yeah...I've seen.... some.. stories.. come true... Like, how...humans sometimes... turn into pokemon"


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"And, what, your people haven't grown enough to know what sarcasm is? I'd be surprised if you even had sliced bread at this point."

"Of course I have sliced bread! Why, I used to be the regular bread-cutter of my team, back when..." He trailed off, remembering how his trainer had always depended on him for everything. That was before the gods came and killed every last human in the world. "...when humans existed."

Two weeks. It had only been two weeks, and still the gaping hole in his heart had not yet healed.

The look of terror in his trainer's eyes as Reshiram herself descended upon the town. The sweltering heat. The screams. The charred corpses.

Antares had tried to save his trainer, tried shielding him from the flames. It was in vain. The rest of the team perished in those flames, and the trainer from breathing in the smoke.

He had fled, then, uncaring of where he went, but found only chaos everywhere else. Every known legendary wreaking havoc, seemingly focused on only one goal: kill the humans.

He hid. Went deep into a forest and dug a hole. He could only hope he would die there. But nothing happened.

He emerged to a changed, scarred world. Eventually, he found surviving pokemon. Thus, he found new family.

But since that fiery day, he swore to save every other being. If he couldn't save his own trainer, he could damn well save others.

He would be a hero.
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Otherworldly Dessert
  1. lurantis
  2. noivern-astrea
"August 13th 2019. Try to not be in Galar at that date."
"'August'...?" Violet mumbled, unfamiliar with the name. She vaguely recalled her father arguing with another noble about the reformation of the calendar, but couldn't quite gather the details. She couldn't make heads or tails as to what that date meant.
"Yes...," she said, slowly, while she realised she had been biting her fingernails again. "The second one was purposefully induced and... let's say, it went horribly wrong. Where you got sent into the future, I got sent into the past, leaving me plenty of time now, but... understanding what happened at the first Darkest Day might very much help to stop the second one."
"Purposefully?" She practically snarled at this, "Someone intentionally called upon whatever force caused such a thing?" The mentioning of this 'dragon' threw her for a loop, but it made sense: if it were a creature that caused it, then such a creature could have been subdued. Someone must have awoken it again - then it hit her: that witch. If she had appeared before her when the first Darkest Day occurred, who was to say she also wasn't part of the second? A grin filled with sinister satisfaction that could rival a Gengar's struck her face - that witch was going to pay.
"Truth, by the way"
But first, she needed a bit more information. Someone from the future that went to her time... Hana would know far more than Violet possibly could. Violet held onto the hope that she could have an answer for what happened to her brother, or maybe even a lead on her target. She shook her head to push the reset button on her face, and asked, "What have you seen in the 'past'?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
The look of terror in his trainer's eyes as Reshiram herself descended upon the town. The sweltering heat. The screams. The charred corpses.

Antares had tried to save his trainer, tried shielding him from the flames. It was in vain. The rest of the team perished in those flames, and the trainer from breathing in the smoke.

He had fled, then, uncaring of where he went, but found only chaos everywhere else. Every known legendary wreaking havoc, seemingly focused on only one goal: kill the humans.

He hid. Went deep into a forest and dug a hole. He could only hope he would die there. But nothing happened.

He emerged to a changed, scarred world. Eventually, he found surviving pokemon. Thus, he found new family.

But since that fiery day, he swore to save every other being. If he couldn't save his own trainer, he could damn well save others.

"Hello?" Vegeta blinked, eyebrow raised. Or... the fish equivalent of that. "Did you just clam up because of bread?" Vegeta doubted this garchomp guy had the same experience with bread that she did, but still... "I... don't think having PTSD about Bread is a good thing. You might wanna get that checked out. Maybe you can spill about how humble you are to some nurse or therapist and they'll treat you for narcissism too."


Pokémon Trainer
"Y-Yeah... g-get it l-looked a-at." Lilly paused for a moment before she walked to the center. "I-I d-dont think P-Ptsd over b-bread is n-normal either..."


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"Hello?" Vegeta blinked, eyebrow raised. Or... the fish equivalent of that. "Did you just clam up because of bread?" Vegeta doubted this garchomp guy had the same experience with bread that she did, but still... "I... don't think having PTSD about Bread is a good thing. You might wanna get that checked out. Maybe you can spill about how humble you are to some nurse or therapist and they'll treat you for narcissism too."

He came back to his senses after a while.

"...It's not about that." His voice was much quieter than usual. "You wouldn't understand."


Professional Mudkip Lover
  1. swampert
  2. chesnaught-apron
  3. lucario-mega
Clearly, he's not well.

Lance sighed, crossing his arms in thought. Better to let him talk about it freely other than force him.


Pokémon Trainer
Lillly's eyes suddenly shot up. "W-Wait.. W-Why is h-humanity d-dead i-in s-some of t-the places y-you all c-came from? I's s-something e-else h-happening?"


Oh knee on
Here, silly
  1. zoroark
"...It's not about that." His voice was much quieter than usual. "You wouldn't understand."

Vegeta paused, her face softening for the tiniest moment before she let out a frustrated growl. "Dammit! Why is everyone here so sad?! Especially the actually cool ones?! I can't go ten whole seconds without unearthing someone's past trauma??? REALLY?! I was joking about BREAD!!! And I called the short one old and she had to be all like; "Oh boo-hoo, I'm from the past and the world as I knew it is gone forever,"" Vegeta huffed, gritting her teeth and turning away from the others. "Even the Toxtricity has some... world-ender baggage with whatever the hell that big Ponyta is! Who looks far too different to be a horse, let alone Ponyta, by the way!"

"I thought this was a getaway! As in get away from all the sad shit! God..!" she held it in for a moment, then let out a defeat sigh. "...dammit."

In Vegeta's frustration, Lil Goku took her chance to join by her side, sitting quietly and bringing her knees up to her chest. Vegeta gave her a sideways glance before leaning on her shoulder, huffing and pouting, which was enough for Goku's tail to wag slowly.
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Pokémon Trainer
Shaking a bit more, Lilly responded, "I... probably... so, T-then w-what happened t-to o-our h-human f-friends then?"


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Humans?" Nikki rubbed an ear frill with her finger. "Y'mean aliens? Cuz that's what they are. Gross, hairless, scaleless aliens."


Pokémon Trainer
"Humans?" Nikki rubbed an ear frill with her finger. "Y'mean aliens? Cuz that's what they are. Gross, hairless, scaleless aliens."
"I-I'm n-not a a-alien..." the wottle responded.
Then after she stopped shaking as much as before, Lilly continued on, "N-none o-of us a-are."


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Nikki rolled her eyes. "If you're not from Etherium, that makes you an alien."


  1. hoppip-bluesidra-reup
  2. hoppip-bluesidra-pink
  3. hoppip-bluesidra3
"I'll be safe in Alola, then? I don't have to worry about ending up..."
"Sure," Hana said, with way too little conviction to convince even a dead log. She saw Lillie's eyes dart between the Sneasel and the Oshawott. "Hey, I mean, I was there, and I'm still human. At least." Oh god, her attempts at soothing were even worse. She quickly turned back to the Sneasel - Violet? - before Lillie would start to cry.
"Purposefully?" She practically snarled at this, "Someone intentionally called upon whatever force caused such a thing?"
"Purposefully, yes." Ah, finally, there it was: anger. Anger was always more comforting than dread. It had that lure of agency with it. And Hana embraced it, knowing full well where that might lead. Well, at least the apparent outlet wasn't there.
"Someone released it, in the hopes of revitalising Galar's energy sources. And before you ask: Energy as in electricity, the sparkly stuff you put in batteries, and yes, it is as stupid as it sounds." Only thinking about Rose made the hairs on her arm rise in anger. And if Rose's sheer and utter ignorance was feasible measure, Leon scored second in still defending him. How-
Deep breath in. Count to ten. Don't let this go out of hand. None of them are here now. Shelf it. There was another question, right?
"What have you seen in the 'past'?"
A second later, Hana opened her eyes again, the rising sparks of anger having vanished from them, leaving the icy blue to shine brightly again. She even managed to force a chuckle.
"What I've seen in the past? Low rise pants, way too much full body jeans outfits and a grown man explaining to me that a pokemon egg was the breakthrough discovery of the century." She met Violet's confused look, and this time her smile was genuine.
"See, the events you described to me happened 3.000 years in my past. Where you were thrown far into the distant future, I was only pulled about 26 years back. And I'm also not in Galar, currently. I mean, if that little dimension gremlin-" She motioned to Hoopa flying circles above- "would do me a favor, they'd bring me back home, but so far I'm stuck in Johto. So I sadly won't be any help in finding your brother."
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