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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[@unrepentantAuthor quick question: have you read any of the previous TR Mafia games?]]


somewhat backwards
  1. grovyle
Tefiren listened to the fun Human and the fire cat talk about the last game, weirdly almost as if they'd been there, when they hadn't. He and the messy Human were the ones who ought to know better about this than anyone else. (This fun Human wasn't bad, but why couldn't Chibi have come here to play the game again? That'd have been even more fun.)

"Does it matter what the Mafia were trying to do on the first day in the last game? The fire cat is making it seem like we were all tricked into not getting rid of anyone, like that choice was what the Mafia wanted. But we weren't tricked! Me and Chibi, and some of the others, we wanted to get rid of no-one that day because it was our choice! And it was the right choice! If we had got rid of someone that day, it might have been Chibi, and that would have been no good."

Something about the fire cat's words rankled at him, the way he was acting like the black weasel and his friends had successfully tricked Tefiren into doing something wrong that day, or any day. Ha! Ridiculous! Tefiren had even won by killing? defeating that very black weasel, who'd known he was the biggest threat and yet still underestimated him!

"See, the fire cat said himself that the black weasel and his friends were just trying to protect themselves by making it look like they didn't want to get rid of anyone! They didn't actually care about what happened in the end of it, just what everyone saw them saying they wanted! So -" he turned to the fun Human - "you're saying that you think it matters when someone says that they don't want to get rid of anyone, but it doesn't. Only that they've said that by the end of the day. That's all they really cared about last time.

"...And that all only matters anyway if this game's Mafia are thinking the same way the last ones were, which they probably aren't. Especially if this game's are going to be better than the last ones, because the last ones were so easy to beat!" He giggled to himself. Not that this Mafia was putting up much of an impressive showing so far either.


He turned back to the fun Human and poked him with a claw. "Why do you care so much about this? You're not making much sense, and even if you were, it still wouldn't really matter to this game. You don't even only care about the two old Mafias who... who feel similar to a couple of the people here this time. You just want to know how that Mafia was thinking, all of them, when it shouldn't matter any more. Why is that?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Lexx gave Dave a sideways glance. “Hm? Starr. She was in the first game with you.” His face split into a grin. “She got so mad at you. Someone really oughta tell her to take these things less personally... It’s pure luck that you two were opponents, after all.”
[[Let's pretend this part happened earlier]]

Dave froze for a moment. Starr. This was... her brother? That smug tech-nerd fucking Zeraora?

Well, he was not about to tell him actually Starr was currently an Incineroar in the universe where he'd turned into a dog, where a shadow-slug had taken Lexx's form. "Yeah, tell me about it," he grumbled. "It's just a fucking game."

Lusamine sneered at the Mewtwo. "You don't know me. There's exactly one Mewtwo I know of in my world, and they currently serve the Kantonian Mafia. If you want to claim to be that Mewtwo, then my suggestion for who a more likely Mafia member would be the one with a history of Mafia work."
Dave sighed. "Were you not fucking listening? This is a game. People get assigned roles by the board game gods by the throw of a die. I don't care if somebody here's literally a mafia boss where they come from, it doesn't mean anything."

"And most pokemon, where I come from, aren't sapient and don't speak. If Aether expected the same level of medical consent from nonsapient patients as we would expect from humans, then entire species would've died out because they're not capable of giving it. Would you rather I just let them all die?"
On the one hand, yeah, definitely sympathizing with coming from a world with nonsapient Pokémon, but on the other hand, holy shit, that escalated quickly. "I'm sorry, what kinds of experiments have you been doing?"

The discussion had been evolving into all kinds of squabbling back and forth. Dave summoned one of those anonymous beers out of the void and gathered his thoughts.

"All right, look, I think the Nickit was being genuine with the thing about the arsonist. It's not a totally unreasonable line of logic, it's just applying real-world logic to a game where as it happens that's fucking useless. Why wouldn't you figure the person leaving psychic marks is probably a Psychic-type? I mean, come on. All she was missing was applying the goddamn game logic to it. That's just misguided, not sinister, and lying about it would be a terrible way to play.

"But also, it's not completely unreasonable for the arsonist to be innocent. It happens. It just means they're a delayed vigilante type. Douse whoever seems suspicious, then decide later if it's worth lighting the fuse or not. I doubt that's what's going on but it's possible. And if that's the case I can see Nefari actually being part of the mafia, able to get that firefighter role, and figuring announcing the existence of the arsonist to everybody to get them to help hunting them down would be good for cred. Kind of a long shot but I can see it.

"There's been a lot of talk about the people who've been voting being suspicious for it, but that's pretty bullshit. Drawing a bunch of attention with big drama right off the bat isn't how the mafia usually operate. If you ask me, they're probably lying pretty low. But also, no, obviously they didn't just fucking not target anyone for the hell of it. Either they weren't allowed to this night because blah blah game magic, or something stopped them or protected the target, and usually there are a billion things that can do that, so it's really not that fucking surprising nobody died."

He took a deep breath, folding his arms. "Also, while somebody absolutely could sit and spend a lot of effort faking a log of everything that's been said, of course that doesn't help the mafia more than us. If Jesse's notes are wrong, anybody can just fucking call him on it. I can't vouch for Jesse blocking my action last night because it doesn't really apply, but given he went out on a confident limb with this whole shit-eating grin trying to get me to confirm it, probably wasn't lying about that. But that said that doesn't mean he's not fucking mafia. They've often got those types of powers too. Maybe he's just putting all that effort in to make us trust him, or because he's just the sort of fuckhead who'd do that regardless."

He took a swig of his beer. The Archopy was accusing Lexx of... being too interested in how the mafia would think? Interesting. "I mean, I'd say the timing of when they voted matters too. If they're trying to not draw attention to themselves, they'll probably just get behind whatever train the general consensus is on, but to do that the general consensus needs to happen first."


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Are we seriously going to KILL someone without any reason?" the abomination screeched.

If that's what's happening, then I'm voting for you.

"Of course not you mismatched simpleton," Altair snapped, lightly smacking the daft thing over the head with the side of his arm. Its constant whinging was getting distracting. The thing wouldn't last a day offshore. "We're trying to find if there is a reason to get rid of someone before they get rid of us. So I suggest you to make yourself useful, quit your whining and start doing the fucking same."

Altair turned back to address the crowd. "We should use the fact that the Mafia didn't get a kill off tonight to our advantage. Try and root them and the Arsonist out before they have the chance to strike us."

it's not completely unreasonable for the arsonist to be innocent. It happens. It just means they're a delayed vigilante type. Douse whoever seems suspicious, then decide later if it's worth lighting the fuse or not.

"That's true, but a stupid game to play, don't ya think? If they're reckless enough, they'll cause far more harm than good. I think this Arsonist is playing for themself."


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"We should use the fact that the Mafia didn't get a kill off tonight to our advantage. Try and root them and the Arsonist out before they have the chance to strike us."

"How do you propose we do that?" Alexander said. "The Mafia, I can understand. It should be relatively simple. Someone with information-based powers can read their innocence or guilt. Or see them move toward a player who then dies the round following. There are very clear-cut ways to do that, and I suspect such roles are abundant? That is the impression I have, at least.

"What concerns me is... ahem, smoking out the Arsonist, who may or may not have an easy alignment to discern. And according to the plane, it does not look like their kill action counts as interacting on that night. Instead, anybody with watching roles should instead note down all interactions to themselves, so if a mass death occurs... Well. Perhaps we would be able to find some pattern. If we're lucky, the Arsonist has their own third-party role to discern instead...

"For the Mafia, it could also be a matter if deducing odd patterns of behavior. Voting patterns is all we have now, until more information arises. And... considering everyone is haphazardly pointing fingers, looking like fools, because the obvious reply is 'there's no evidence for me being Mafia, nobody even died,' it will go nowhere... I have no idea what to make of anybody's voting pattern."


  1. sableye
Mewtwo turned quiet, taking several moments to consider this human. They reached out their Psychic arms--their mental reading capability was dampened in this gray plain, but let the human feel the pressure.

In the best-case scenario, this human was incompetent. She directly named Mewtwo as a possibility for a being with an ability greatly useful to the townsfolk. Fair hypothesis, maybe. And the point of loudly airing this thought, to a group which would include the Mafia who would be eager to remove such a foe? And this human, at the same time as wondering if Mewtwo was a powerful asset to town, also suggested suspicion for the same reasoning. Fascinating.

Alas, Mewtwo was beginning to realize finding an arsonist would possibly be no easier than finding a Mafia. In that case, the human Miyako and her ill-advised musings were currently being the most baffling/irritating to Mewtwo.

Well, she did it. She bit the bullet and made her doubt about Mewtwo known. And the result? Well, he hadn't violently erupted at her, as she'd expected. He merely made her the new target of his ire. (The pressure of his psychic field aggravated Nephthys, but Miyako cautioned her against retaliation; fighting was not going to help matters here, and she'd already done enough damage in trying to be helpful without the phoenix-woman trying to attack freaking Mewtwo.) And while Miyako certainly didn't want to be on anyone's shit-list, she couldn't help but notice that he'd changed his vote. Again.

She took a few deep breaths to try to calm herself. "Look, I gave nothing away. You did that yourself by immediately going after Lusamine. You can give your reasoning about pressure or whatever, but it doesn't make sense to me why anyone would do that without knowing something. You could be forcing another innocent to reveal their ability in self-defense, and then suddenly the mafia would have a confirmed target. Surely I'm not the only one to pick up on this. I just happened to be the one who pointed it out. Now, should I have drawn attention to it? Okay, maybe not, I guess. But again, if I am as incompetent as you think, and even I managed to (possibly) identify someone with a useful ability, then why is it so hard to believe that anyone else could have seen it, too?"

"Let me also make it clear that I am not, and have not been, actively targeting you, or anyone else. I'm simply saying that, to me, the knee-jerk reaction voting is just erratic and suspicious to me. I get that you're suspicious of humans in general, really, I do (and yes, delphox is not a human, I didn't miss that). But my thoughts are not based on who you are, they're based on your actions, and right now, your actions feel needlessly accusitory."

Miyako took another moment to steady her breathing. Yeah, this was Ryosuke's game, alright. She'd just have to think like her friend and hope she's known him long enough for his reasoning skills to have rubbed off on her. "Does anyone else have any thoughts here?" She stepped back and gestured vaguely to the group at large, giving someone else time to take the spotlight.

"I don't agree with randomly voting fer folks afore they've even said anythin'. But the principle of information-gatherin' and outpacin' the Mafia is valid. What's more, Mewtwo behaved exactly like this the last time I played with 'em, an' the Mafia killed 'em straight off. They're hardly a barrel of laughs, but they ain't suspicious. Nefari, I'm less sure about. That argument was fuckin' specious an' no mistake, so she's either a deceiver, or a goddamn fool.

"You... played with Mewtwo before?" She must have missed that bit. But if this was just his style, then maybe he wasn't guilty, just a jerk. Think like Ryo. Consider all the angles. It would probably be annoying for the other mafia members if one of their own was purposely drawing so much attention to themself like this, as well as constantly changing their targeted vote... but in the end, so long as they all voted the same, then how many times the target changed publicly during the day didn't matter, did it?

"On the subject of Nefari... her being mafia feels unlikely to me specifically for that role claim, assuming it's true. Unless the arsonist is third party, and then our only defense would be to trust a mafia member to help take them out, while protecting our own from the rest of the mafia? Based on previous games, I suppose I could see that happening... Also, would we really have a possible firefighter role if there wasn't an arsonist present somewhere? That also feels unlikely, but again, I guess I could see it based on past games. Especially considering that there's a second role option included... sure, its in case the arsonist is caught before n-4 so that the ability isn't null, but it could also just be a pure deception, to make everyone think there's an arsonist when there really isn't. How likely would that be? Again, someone who's done this before should give their thoughts on that."

[[ Also jfc what a list! So much detail. Personally, I do appreciate that, especially the character tracker. ]]

[[ I'm going to respond to the next few slightly out of original posting order. ]]

"That's true, but a stupid game to play, don't ya think? If they're reckless enough, they'll cause far more harm than good. I think this Arsonist is playing for themself."

"Yes, an innocent-arsonist has a decent chance to just... not be able to do anything, at least not without harming one of their own. Sure, they could choose not to ever ignite once they realize, but it's kind of a shame to not actually get to use your ability if you've got one. So if there is one, I suspect they're probably either mafia or third party. I'm less sure of which of those is more likely, though."

"There's been a lot of talk about the people who've been voting being suspicious for it, but that's pretty bullshit. Drawing a bunch of attention with big drama right off the bat isn't how the mafia usually operate. If you ask me, they're probably lying pretty low. But also, no, obviously they didn't just fucking not target anyone for the hell of it. Either they weren't allowed to this night because blah blah game magic, or something stopped them or protected the target, and usually there are a billion things that can do that, so it's really not that fucking surprising nobody died."

Miyako sighed at this. The general consensus, as far as she could tell, was that she was over-reacting, which, admittedly, surprised her a bit. Okay, so maybe she'd gotten a bit too overzealous in questioning Mewtwo. "Okay, fine, I'll back off for now... I guess I jumped the gun a little bit in my haste to be actually useful to the group. Considering my stance on "targeting quiet people" and everyone else's attitude still seeing it as valid concern for suspicion, it wouldn't make sense for me to, y'know, not make an effort to try to speak up, would it?"

[[ Side note to that; tying to be active last night and today because I can be pretty sure that I won't be able to make a post after going to bed tonight due to work tomorrow, which means I'll likely be silent from bed-time until end-of-day and thus, will have no opportunity to defend myself. I may be able to get up early to post something before work, but I know I can't guarantee that. ]]

Miyako wondered, what would ease people's minds more? Casting a no-vote now, or waiting till the end of the night? Would waiting seem too much like following the crowd? Or would casting a vote after arguing against doing so this early be seen as flip-flopping and even more suspicious? Nephthys offered no consideration to her dilemma, though perhaps that was just because Miyako's own thoughts were so conflicted. Thanks, you're a big help.

Was she really this bad at the game?

Another sigh. "...I'm going to say no vote from me tonight. If my previous thoughts were wrong, then I feel we have little else to go by, but I refuse to shoot in the dark and potentially kill one of our own by accident without having any good reason to do so. It's just not right. If there's reason for me to vote for someone brought into light, then I'll consider doing so, but for now, I don't think we have enough to go on. Make what you will of my decision."


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
"Putting pressure on people, sure, but why so randomly?" Miyako asked, overhearing. "There's been two very sudden developments almost right out of the gate. Does that not strike you as odd, in a game all about secrecy and deception? I... kind of suspect that Mewtwo might have a reason for his sudden vote, but is hesitant to share what that is, for obvious reasons. But on the other hand, it could just be to stir up chaos. He changed his vote just as suddenly as he cast his first one. To me, that just screams chaos, and chaos is the last thing innocents want."

I would be a little sus of Mewtwo but maybe that's too obvious. Maybe Alexander. The first words on his post were "interesting" but that's not much to go on."

He turned back to the fun Human and poked him with a claw. "Why do you care so much about this? You're not making much sense, and even if you were, it still wouldn't really matter to this game. You don't even only care about the two old Mafias who... who feel similar to a couple of the people here this time. You just want to know how that Mafia was thinking, all of them, when it shouldn't matter any more. Why is that?"

He took a deep breath, folding his arms. "Also, while somebody absolutely could sit and spend a lot of effort faking a log of everything that's been said, of course that doesn't help the mafia more than us. If Jesse's notes are wrong, anybody can just fucking call him on it. I can't vouch for Jesse blocking my action last night because it doesn't really apply, but given he went out on a confident limb with this whole shit-eating grin trying to get me to confirm it, probably wasn't lying about that. But that said that doesn't mean he's not fucking mafia. They've often got those types of powers too. Maybe he's just putting all that effort in to make us trust him, or because he's just the sort of fuckhead who'd do that regardless."

He took a swig of his beer. The Archopy was accusing Lexx of... being too interested in how the mafia would think? Interesting. "I mean, I'd say the timing of when they voted matters too. If they're trying to not draw attention to themselves, they'll probably just get behind whatever train the general consensus is on, but to do that the general consensus needs to happen first."

So much squabbling. How was nothing happening.

In frustration, Mewtwo growled and jumped off his den. He floated above the people on the ground, broadcasting the beats of conversation that had played out as he swung his tail back and forth. Everyone talking, insinuating at suspicisions without directly stating them. They accused Mewtwo of being too aggressive, but many of them were the same--just unwilling to fully commit.

Votes would have to happen eventually if the game was to be won. If a person didn't want to truly remove someone else without full proof, fine. Just choose your best guess and withdraw at the last moment if you have doubts. Vote for Mewtwo himself, if you really want. Mewtwo wanted to win the game, so to be not removed he would simply prove himself and provide a better target.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[Seren's a ninja.]]


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[Longer post coming, but --

And while Miyako certainly didn't want to be on anyone's shit-list, she couldn't help but notice that he'd changed his vote. Again.

lol, you should have seen me go in Starlight's game ;)

For anyone else who wants to check, I was throwing my votes around in the Fall 2020 game as well--this is just how I like to play.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Rascal rolled her eyes and stamped her foot. "Annoying." She muttered and growled to herself. Her gaze darted toward the scrawny kid and she sized him up. If he was really a trainer, he didn't seem like much... Not much spine, she guessed. She felt like unlike the white haired boy, Wes or whatever, he looked soft. Bite-able.

[[I feel like maybe knowing who they took a shot at could help, but figuring out who that is would be is much easier said than done. I have a feeling Mafia did try to kill someone. Which means we need to think like mafia perhaps? Could someone be trying too hard to act normal? Idk. Hmmm... ]]

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
He turned back to the fun Human and poked him with a claw. "Why do you care so much about this? You're not making much sense, and even if you were, it still wouldn't really matter to this game. You don't even only care about the two old Mafias who... who feel similar to a couple of the people here this time. You just want to know how that Mafia was thinking, all of them, when it shouldn't matter any more. Why is that?"
Lexx shrugged. "Just figured that if we go the no-lynch route like usual, we oughta try to get some info out of it. If everyone votes the same, we've got to work that much harder to find a pattern behind it."

"I don't agree with randomly voting fer folks afore they've even said anythin'. But the principle of information-gatherin' and outpacin' the Mafia is valid. What's more, Mewtwo behaved exactly like this the last time I played with 'em, an' the Mafia killed 'em straight off. They're hardly a barrel of laughs, but they ain't suspicious.
Lexx jerked a thumb toward the Delphox. "Just gonna go ahead and second this one. Mewtwo's acting pretty much exactly the same way he did in that game. Everything about the Nickit's claim tracks too."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
(to be clear, I'm not sussing Lexx. Rascal just wants to bite him lol)


  1. sableye
[[Longer post coming, but --

lol, you should have seen me go in Starlight's game ;)

For anyone else who wants to check, I was throwing my votes around in the Fall 2020 game as well--this is just how I like to play.

[[ Ahh, okay, I've only read the Grand Opening and First Anniversary games, myself. I didn't know there were any others besides those two and the, uh... one that just stopped before it ended, which I have not yet read. So yeah, that's all I'm basing any of my "past games" comments on, personally. I simply do not have time to real all of them. Whoops.]]
[[I feel like maybe knowing who they took a shot at could help, but figuring out who that is would be is much easier said than done. I have a feeling Mafia did try to kill someone. Which means we need to think like mafia perhaps? Could someone be trying too hard to act normal? Idk. Hmmm... ]]

[[ Knowing as little about the game as I do, my thoughts were I mafia with little-to-no information on anyone in the game (such as on n-0) would be to target the most experienced players first, especially if they were active or important to those past games. Mafia or not, it's harder to tell based on the way they play, but since mafia can tell who is not part of their collective, it makes sense. My list then, based on who I remember from the previous two years: dragonfree, chibi pika, unrepententAuthor, elyvorg. It's... probably larger than that, but those are the one I recall off the top of my head being siginifcant contributors, so I could see the mafia blindly targeting any of them on this n-0, and likewise, any of them protecting each other to try to prevent exactly that from happening. ]]


  1. sableye
so I could see the mafia blindly targeting any of them on this n-0, and likewise, any of them protecting each other to try to prevent exactly that from happening. ]]
[[ I suppose I should also add to this, anyone else could have guessed this and also tried to protect the "important" players, not just the other "important" players. ]]


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
"Gods," muttered Jesse, "this shit goes a mile a minute, don't it?" He started amending his boards. "I'm gonna make a compromise an' keep this shit concise. Can't afford to take everythin' down in that level of detail th'rest of the game..."

34. Jesse votes Nobody.
35. Alexander votes Nobody, for real this time.
36. Alexander argues that the logs benefit the Mafia.
37. They don't benefit the Mafia more than Town, pal.
38. Alexander admits my notes are adequate and insists the party contribute to errata.
39. Rascal reckons the Mafia were blocked.
40. Alexander reckons there are 5-6 Mafia.
41. Dave admits he used an ability last night and that it's not a blockable ability as such.
42. Lexx argues that swaps are very powerful pro-town abilities.
43. Tefiren reckons I'm playing correctly, and am Innocent. He reckons an Arsonist would be third-party, but might flip as town. He reckons the Mafia were blocked.
44. Chibi drew a very good art. <3
45. Arctozolt claims to have not used an ability.
46. A discussion ensues in which people speculate over previous games' meta.
47. Of note, Tefiren points out that Scum can make a pretence of taking a pro-town stance so long as town keep mislynching at end-of-day.
48. Dave reckons Nefari was genuine, just misguided, that the Arsonist might be Innocent, the Mafia must be lying low after being blocked, and that Jesse is probably town but not necessarily in the clear. He's sus of Tefiren for discouraging an examination of old Mafia metas.
49. Altair reckons the Arsonist is 3rd party.
50. Alexander points out we have fuck-all to go on and everyone is an idiot. He's a prick, but he's got a point.
51. Miyako still sus of Mewtwo. Votes Nobody.
52. Mewtwo teiterated their strategy. Again.
53. Lexx backs me up about Mewtwo's behaviour matching their Innocent playstyle.
54. Seren (Miyako) argues that more experienced players, if Mafia, would be better at concealing it, and names some examples.

"Okay, lessee... I jumped the wand a bit about non-voters, yeah, my bad. I'll only be countin' votes that're defiintely votes now. And, uh, I wouldn't say that I'm experienced at these games, what? I've played once, in a game that never officially ended, designed by a brainless moron who gave me the power to vote twice as a fuckin' Innocent. Augh."

He pinched the brige of his muzzle. What else?

Dave narrowed his eyes at him. “It sounds like what you’re getting at is that you were obstructing me”—of course he was, the dickhead—“but it’s not really the sort of thing that can just not work.”

"Nah, didn't obstruct you. Targeted ya with somethin' that fizzled. Meanin', I reckon you were protected against interference. Meanin', I reckon y'might've been also targeted by Mafia an' lived. It ain't conclusive in the least, but it makes me think yer more likely than not t'be Town, Ambrose."

[[@unrepentantAuthor quick question: have you read any of the previous TR Mafia games?]]

[[Nah. Just snippets, like the marriage.]]

delphox is not a human

Jesse's eye twitched. Should he tell 'em? Nah. It'd just make a fuss and he was strapped for energy already.

My list then, based on who I remember from the previous two years: dragonfree, chibi pika, unrepententAuthor, elyvorg.

[[I was only in the garbage Xmas game which was more dadaist minigames than actual Mafia, with a power I never used once, and two Mafias. I don't think I count as experienced, friend. The other guys have all got some Mafia experience and knowledge, though, sure. To various degrees.]]


  1. sableye
[[I was only in the garbage Xmas game which was more dadaist minigames than actual Mafia, with a power I never used once, and two Mafias. I don't think I count as experienced, friend. The other guys have all got some Mafia experience and knowledge, though, sure. To various degrees.]]

[[ I suppose I should adjust the wording to "people who seem to know what they're doing" then? I dunno how to define it while including the ones I feel count and not considering the ones I'm probably forgetting/ignoring. You're certainly playing as though you've played before more than once. ]]


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
45. Arctozolt claims to have not used an ability
Kyros tilted his head at this. "Was that really a claim? I can definitely see where you're coming from, but I just thought it a passing comment."

[[Small post for now. More discussion after work]]
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