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[MAFIA WIN] Second Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"I have no idea who anybody here is, and frankly I do not care," Alexander replied with a calm nod.


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
"Not at all, it's all strangers to me. Though there's an odd couple who are familiar by the looks of it." Altair gestured towards the scruffy looking human and the clothes-wearing delphox. "How about you, lad? How'd you end up here?" Altair asked, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Lexx shrugged. "Dunno! Just woke up, still trying to get my bearings." He glanced down at himself and took note of the fact that he was in normal clothing, not his base uniform. That was probably a good thing. But then--his Pokemball belt was gone. That was a shame, would've been nice to have his team here.

"Anyhow... has anyone here been in this kinda place before? This... is a psychic dreamscape, right?"


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Alexander's eyes glimmered with amusement. "Oh, how similar you two are," he cooed, drifting around them wistfully. "I suppose it isn't my business what relationship you two once had... But I do think, if we wind up being allies, we'll have to work together, won't we?"
Jesse gave a cold, single, upward nod of acknowledgment. "Yeah, is the idea of havin' a colleague whose guts y'fuckin' hate a novel idea t'you or somethin'? Yer a lucky bastard, then, partner."
Dave rolled his eyes at the Hydreigon. "Working with people you can't stand is called being a fucking adult. You should try it."

Some stragglers were watching them by now. He supposed most of the other people here were new to this. Lucky him, huh. Scuffles had broken out between some of the others. The Archopy was still hiding in his tree. Still the game hadn't started. What were they waiting for? Were they just keeping them here mingling for the hell of it?

Lexx crossed his arms behind his head. "Cool cool, so am I the odd one out, or did any of you already know each other?"
"I was in a game like this with the Archopy over in that tree a while back." Dave pointed at the tree. "And this guy, it's a long and fucking ridiculous story but I know his daughter. No idea about anyone else."
Day Zero End


House of Two Midnights
That's it for the pre-game RP phase. I'm going to close this thread for the night and begin distributing the role PM's. If you don't receive your role in the next hour, please let me know ASAP--it means I missed you!

One difference with the role PM's this year is that I've included the name of the generic/standard role your power corresponds to, if any, in the body of the PM, as well as a link to the role description in the Mafiascum wiki. This is to allow you to find out more about your role if you'd like, although there's no reason to look it up unless you're curious. Please note that the roles used in this game may differ from their standard version. If there is any disagreement between what's written in the wiki and what's written in your role PM, your role PM takes precedent. The wiki links are provided solely for people who feel like they'd like to learn more about their role and the game as a whole and should not be taken as gospel.

Also, a couple quick reminders:

1. Posting, screenshotting, or directly quoting any portion of your role PM is against the rules! If you do this, your post will be deleted immediately, and if you do it multiple times, you risk being kicked out of the game. Feel free to say whatever you like about the contents of your role PM, as long as you don't directly include its actual text.

2. Please don't edit your posts! It's super obnoxious to notice a typo and not be able to do anything about it, but people are often tempted to go back and edit out things they really wish they hadn't given away. Unfortunately this causes unfair and confusing scenarios where some people will have seen the original post while others haven't, while certain players (i.e. moderators) will always be able to see the original post anyway, meaning that some players will have access to its information while others won't. If you need to, double post or post a correction rather than editing! If I find an edited post, I will revert it to its original version with a note about the edit. Again, if you persistently edit your posts, you may be kicked out of the game.

Night Zero begins now and lasts for forty-eight hours, until midnight May 6th UTC/8 PM May 5th EST. Good luck, everyone! Let's have a great game!

@windskull @AbraPunk @DawningWinds @IFBench @Seren @Equitial @DeliriousAbsol @Fusion @Namohysip @Navarchu @Mellow @Inkedust @Shiny Phantump @unrepentantAuthor @Chibi Pika @Dragonfree @elyvorg @HelloYellow17 @Flyg0n
Day One Start


House of Two Midnights
Night falls abruptly, startling some of the people who'd been mid-conversation when darkness flooded the featureless plane they'd been brought to. Activity continued for a little while as people worked to build themselves some sort of shelter for the night, with varying degrees of success. Soon, though, quiet fell over the makeshift village. It wasn't sleep, perhaps, for most people--a few still with late-night tasks, others simply wracked with anxiety over what might befall them in this strange place. One way or another, though, most people clearly felt it would be safer to stay indoors than try to carry their conversations on through the night.

Dawn's arrival was of dubious relief, especially for those who'd play this game before. Dawn brought the counting, the grim realization of who'd been lost during the night. One by one people gathered, almost instinctively, glancing around in search of familiar faces. After a little while, a somewhat grudging, more systematic accounting of the missing began. And in the end, from the tiny dedenne to the lanky mewtwo, they were all... present and accounted for?

Dave snorted and crossed his arms. This again, really? He should be used to it by now. When did the killers ever strike in the first night, after all?

No one has been eliminated. Discussion is now open for Day 1 and will continue until midnight EST May 8th/8 PM EST May 7th.

Also, Fusion wanted me to let you know that he probably won't be able to participate during most of this day phase and to not suspect him if he doesn't post much.

@windskull @AbraPunk @DawningWinds @IFBench @Seren @Equitial @DeliriousAbsol @Fusion @Namohysip @Navarchu @Mellow @Inkedust @Shiny Phantump @unrepentantAuthor @Chibi Pika @Dragonfree @elyvorg @HelloYellow17 @Flyg0n


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"Ok, what's all this about? Why are you all so paranoid that someone died?" the creature said.

Can you really blame them for worrying with how sudden night fell?


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Mafia incompetence. Brilliant.

Mewtwo rose from his den, perching on the edge of its roof. He eyed the other players. Well, time to get this over with.

Mewtwo's eyes glowed slightly; they projected a telepathic field so that all on this gray plain could hear their thoughts: If no one has better information, they might as well remove the light-haired human (Lusamine] from the game. They were forced to play this game, therefore, be efficient and be quick.

If the human had a reason why she shouldn't be lynched, she should give it. Or else find another more likely candidate.

Mewtwo knew that humans were no more likely to be against him, but--he eyed Lusamine.

Lusamine regarded the Pokemon like animals, like lab rats or trained pets.

Mewtwo tuned down his telepathy. If someone had to go and confined to the black void from before, there was no reason it had to be Mewtwo. Or couldn't be her.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Hmm, hmm, interesting..." Alexander drifted along, having not slept, and more watched the night snuff out his vision before quickly bringing it to a return. "So nobody has been eliminated yet. Is that to make people think they are successful with their savior powers... or did they truly thwart our foe immediately?" All three of his heads grinned. "We don't have any information yet... but it seems we've bought ourselves time to get more."

If no one has better information, they might as well remove the light-haired human (Lusamine] from the game.

Alexander scowled. "Really? A wild shot in the dark?" He didn't know what their odds were, but it was probably something like one-in-four that a no-information strike would get them anything beneficial. "How will that help us? They will just say you have no evidence."


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
Alexander scowled. "Really? A wild shot in the dark?" He didn't know what their odds were, but it was probably something like one-in-four that a no-information strike would get them anything beneficial. "How will that help us? They will just say you have no evidence."

Mewtwo twitched his tail. They didn't have information at this juncture, so they had to obtain some. If the human had no evidence she could use to defend herself, let this motivate her to help find them all a more suitable target.


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
[[Interupting the other pure RP for a quick note on how I play Mewtwo. This version of Mewtwo doesn't use speech--he only uses telepathy to share his internal monologue with others. If in doubt, assume he's transmitting to all.]]


Harbinger of Sunrise
Pokémon Square
  1. ninetales-inkedust
  2. solgaleo-inkedust
  3. xerneas
  4. zoroark-inkedust
  5. zoroark
Altair fell from his hammock upon hearing all the commotion outside. Climbing his way out of the hull, greeting the void, he noticed everyone beginning to come together. Relief filled him as he took a quick headcount. Everyone made it, including him. Perhaps surviving this game wouldn't be as hard as he'd initially thought.

"Glad to see everyone's still here in one piece," he sighed. "So, what now?"

Mewtwo's eyes glowed slightly; they projected a telepathic field so that all on this gray plain could hear their thoughts: If no one has better information, they might as well remove the light-haired human (Lusamine] from the game. They were forced to play this game, therefore, be efficient and be quick.

He turned his attention to the purple-tailed pokémon-alien thing. "My, aren't you the accusatory one? Why not produce some reasons if you're so eager to get rid of her, hm?"


Ace Trainer
  1. espurr
  2. inkay
  3. woobat
  4. ralts
He turned his attention to the purple-tailed pokémon-alien thing. "My, aren't you the accusatory one? Why not produce some reasons if you're so eager to get rid of her, hm?"

Why not.


Ace Trainer
  1. hawlucha
Hi I'm claiming. I get to pick one of two roles if live to N4 or D4 I can't remember exactly will check in a moment. One of these roles is firefighter (the other is rolestopper- stops all actions targetting a player of my choice) and the flavor for the firefighter role is I remove psychic marks. This means there's an Arsonist who places psychic marks- which means the Arsonist would most likely be a character with psychic capability. Arsonist is usually an anti town third party. Arsonist can also kill a bunch of people at once with almost no warning so we should probay get on that.

Vote: unrepentantAuthor
No strong reason other than being one of the three I think people who might be Arsonist I'll probably change later.

Have migraine going to bed will post more later.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Alexander blinked several times. "...What?"

Another pause.

"Mrrrm... One moment. I need to meditate. But beware of this concept of psychic marks. For all we know, this could be anybody's added power in this strange void..."

Alexander closed all of his eyes and went into deep thought, consulting the wiki plane for what powers might be at play.


Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
"What in the distortion world is going on?! Why are you talking about LYNCHING someone?!" Arctozolt shouted at the Mewtwo

For once, I agree. What is wrong with this person?!


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
"I- I don't know what the hell a 'lynch' is," Chappie began uneasily, "but if it's anything close to an execution... which, uh, I've seen a few of those, then it can't be anything good."

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
somewhere in spacetime
  1. pikachu-chibi
  2. lugia
  3. palkia
  4. lucario-shiny
  5. incineroar-starr
  6. grovyle-ralsen
Lexx was busy reading through a printout of some of the previous games that had happened in this space. Had to get himself caught up to speed if he expected to win, after all. A few of the people here had been in the previous games. His sister had been in one of them. Now that was hilarious.

The first accusation came. Not too surprising. Then an implication that someone was plotting to burn down the whole damn place. That was a little surprising, yeah.

"Well, that escalated quickly."


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Talking talking talking. Lots of humans loved to just run theirs jaws, huh? She'd never quite got that about humans, did they talk so much because they couldn't really understand one another or something?

Whatever. Now everyone was talking about getting rid of someone. Her gaze shifted to a kid she hadn't noticed before. Tall, lanky boy. Not at all like the silver haired one yet... something about his demeanor seemed like he was a trainer. She'd have to test him later.

"So what," she growled. "We all just decide to get ride of someone we don't like?" Well. The silver haired kid seemed cool... She hadn't had a chance to really talk to anyone else.

"Do we even have to though? What's the fun in just getting rid of people already?"
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