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Truth or Dare Crossroads

Beginning - Starlit Sky
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    The space between worlds, shapeless and unknowable, has many names. The Astral Plane. Spirits' Edge. The Dream Lands.

    It is no physical location. One cannot simply walk there. It is the place where souls from different worlds may meet, whether living or dead. And when they do, the skin of the world ripples, flows, and takes an appearance they can understand. Most often, a quiet crossroads lit by alien stars.

    Spirits drawn here are not trapped, but may return to their bodies at any time. Until then, they have the opportunity to speak with souls from other worlds, to relax... and to play Truth or Dare.


    Welcome to the Spirit Nexus, a dreamlike space that lies at the crossroads between worlds! Here, your characters can appear and linger for as long as you want. All they have to do to leave is answer any of the given Truths or perform any of the given Dares within the Whispering Pillar; after that, they can return to their world immediately (if you want!) or linger behind to comment or interact with other characters within the nexus.

    It seems that a mysterious being is using this space as a means to learn about other worlds…

    This is meant to be a low-stakes semi-freeform roleplay where characters are free to come and go as they want, letting players test a variety of characters if they like and getting used to their voice and how they would react to situations outside their home world. In other words, it’s for character development and fun! Feel free to use it as a case study to determine who you’d like to bring to a longer RP, or just enjoy the ride.

    For consistency, write all scenes in third person, past tense, standard English prose. No first person, no present tense, no script chat; write as if you are co-writing a story with no single protagonist.

    Characters can answer any of the available Truths or Dares that have been posted in the thread thus far, not just the one from the last poster. Feel free to direct a specific truth or dare at another character in particular, but keep in mind that anyone can respond to them. The Whispering Pillar will ‘remember’ all requests for a period of time, which is how the requests can linger in the nexus even if the character who created the prompt has left.

    The Whispering Pillar can change its appearance, the environment, and create relevant objects to the convenience of the writer. This is for convenience, and so the dares are not limited by physics or practicality.

    In the Spirit Nexus, it is impossible to die, and all injuries are temporary. Anything that happens here stays here, which means that situations that might ordinarily be risky or dangerous back home can be a lot more lighthearted here (most relevant for the ‘dare’ side of things, naturally.) How long the injuries last is up to the writer.

    Excessively cruel entries are discouraged, though if you arrange with another participant for them to do a specific dare that may go against this rule, feel free. If both the giving and receiving party of a command are fine with it, there’s no problem.

    You can only bring one character at a time, but feel free to cycle through them as you like.

    Keep all commands ‘Teen’ or below. Excess violence or mature content isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so it’s best to keep the tone as broad-appeal as possible. All fanfiction and roleplaying rules still apply.

    Side-interactions between characters that decided to linger in the Spirit Nexus are fine, as long as they do not interfere with the ongoing truth or dare.

    And finally…

    Always end your ToD posts with new commands, like so:
    Truth: “Think of somebody really important to you. When you see them again, what would you tell them?”
    Dare: “Eat this Tamato Berry.” [Object: Extremely spicy and fresh Tamato Berry]

    Please ask myself or @Chibi Pika if you have any questions! Or if neither of us are available, I'm sure any members of staff would be glad to help you.


    Lurosa opened her eyes. She no longer saw her laboratory at Sol Campus. She saw a sea of stars, with no constellations she could recognise, shining gently down on a dark plain that extended to the horizon. She glanced over her shoulder; the plain extended behind her as well. She could see nothing of note but her own twin-tipped espeon tail.


    She took a step forward, and the featureless ground rippled beneath her paw to take the form of paved stone. She walked forward, and a path of flagstones extended before her. She looked ahead, and saw no destinations, no structures, no living things.

    "Am I dead?" she asked herself, aloud. It wouldn't be the first time a experiment at Psion College had killed her, but something told her she was not permanently dead just yet.

    "Where am I," she called, "and is anyone else here?"

    What was this place?

    It is an Astral Path. If it intersects with another, it will become a Spirit Nexus.
    It seems it will do so imminently.
    Last edited:
    Prompt Collection 1 - Desert
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    aether_out <<

    "- Target: Sandscape\n"
    "- Generate: Dunes\n"
    "- Generate: Lighting\n"
    "- Transform: Heat_Shimmer\n"

    The Whispering Pillar shifted and swirled... and changed. The surroundings of the Spirit Nexus changed with it, blurring before the eyes as if watching night turn to dawn, then day, in mere seconds. The paths that made up the crossroads remained, though it was becoming hard to distinguish them up close. Around them, though, a bright, broiling heat shimmer made sand dunes dance before the spirits' eyes. Golden peaks lit by no sun, and purple shadows cast by no sunlight. The idea of the desert, but only that. An idea.

    The Whispering Pillar itself was no longer a tower of mist, but of intense heat-shimmer, so strong as to seem almost opaque. Despite the sense that it should be scalding to be near, the temperature remained... normal? It was hard to tell if the air had any temperature at all...

    Lurosa blinked. Entire conversations had passed while she'd taken tea with Alioth. Did time work properly, here? Or was it a timeless realm? Did perception rule over causality...?

    And how many truths and dares had been issued?

    #include <aether_io>

    int aetheric_ops()
    aether_out <<

    "- Type: Truth\n"
    "- Text: What is the truth that you seek most?\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type: Truth\n"
    "- Text: "Is there anything that you've done that many would call horrible, but that you don't regret at all?\n"
    "- Responses: 4\n"

    "- Type: Dare\n"
    "- Text: Stand upside down.\n"
    "- Responses: 4\n"

    "- Type: Truth\n"
    "- Text: What's your biggest regret?\n"
    "- Responses: 4\n"

    "- Type: Truth\n"
    "- Text: How do you deal with the feeling that things are going wrong, and there’s nothing you can do about it?\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    "- Type: Dare\n"
    "- Text: Try to down a full cup of piping hot tea in one gulp.\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    "- Type: Truth\n"
    "- Text: What is your happiest memory?\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    "- Type: Dare\n"
    "- Text: Can you sing?\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    // ...
    Prompt Collection 2 - Mossy Garden
  • unrepentantAuthor

    A cat that writes stories.
    1. purrloin-salem
    2. sneasel-dusk
    3. luz-companion
    4. brisa-companion
    5. meowth-laura
    6. delphox-jesse
    7. mewtwo
    8. zeraora
    #include <aether_io>

    int aetheric_ops()
    // Retiring the oldest prompts from this session.
    aether_out <<

    "- Retire: PROMPT_01_(1)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_02_(4)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_03_(4)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_04_(5)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_05_(2)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_06_(2)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_07_(2)\n"

    #include <aether_io>

    int aetheric_ops()
    aether_out <<

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Can you sing?\n"
    "- Responses: 4\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Construct a sand castle as a symbolic self-portrait.\n"
    "- Responses: 3\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: I dare you to go through with a battle with someone else here.\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Act like a dog.\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Is there anything or anyone you would kill for?\n"
    "- Responses: 6\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: If you could change anything about yourself for... a "next life" or something like that, I guess, then what would it be?\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Let's start a food fight! Dump your tea on someone!\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What would make you REALLY happy right now?\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Try to make someone laugh!\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    // ...

    As the others sat in their circles sharing tea and doing somersaults, Prim stomped across the ethereal plain, approached the wispy whispering column at the center of the field, and gave it a nice wallop with her weird little leaf-hand, end curled into a membrane-thin leaf-fist.

    "Send me back."
    int aetheric_ops()
    // Appeasing instantiated spirit Lilligant_Hisui_01
    aether_out <<

    "- Target: Leafshrine\n"
    "- Generate: Forest\n"
    "- Generate: Ruins\n"
    "- Transform: Fountain\n"

    Prim slapped the heat-shimmer of the Pillar, and it shifted once again. The desert's purple shadows gave way to dappled light beneath deciduous trees, and a gentle breeze orbited the Pillar to move them. A plaza of carved stone carpeted with moss and lichen lay beneath the Whispering Pillar's new form, a fountain of water from which a fine spray gently fell.
    "Fuck Off"
  • IFBench

    Rescue Team Member
    Pokemon Paradise
    1. chikorita-saltriv
    2. bench-gen
    3. charmander
    4. snivy
    5. treecko
    6. tropius
    7. arctozolt
    8. wartortle
    9. zorua
    "Fuck off."
    Prompt Collection 3 - Snowscape
  • Chibi Pika

    Stay positive
    somewhere in spacetime
    1. pikachu-chibi
    2. lugia
    3. palkia
    4. lucario-shiny
    5. incineroar-starr
    6. grovyle-ralsen
    #include <aether_io>

    int aetheric_ops()

    // Retiring the oldest prompts from this session.
    aether_out <<

    "- Retire: PROMPT_08_(5)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_09_(3)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_10_(2)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_11_(2)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_12_(7)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_13_(2)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_14_(1)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_15_(3)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_16_(0)\n"
    "- Retire: PROMPT_17_(4)\n"

    #include <aether_io>

    int aetheric_ops()
    aether_out <<

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What is your favorite food?\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What was the most embarrassing thing you've ever witnessed?\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What sort of world do you live in?\n"
    "- Responses: 3\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What scares you more: forever or finite?\n"
    "- Responses: 5\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What is something you refuse to be wrong about, even if you are wrong?\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Summon your aura around you, or try to, and try and change its shape or color.\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Hug a Vikavolt!\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Race to the pillar and back. Whoever is last must drink their hot tea cold.\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: I dare you to kiss a stranger.\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What is your best friend's most prominent quality?\n"
    "- Responses: 0\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: If you had the power to do anything you'd ever wanted, what is the first thing you'll do with said power?\n"
    "- Responses: 2\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: If you were to die, what would you want your sacrifice to represent or accomplish?\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: What is the thing you desire the most? \n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    "- Type:
    "- Text: Do an impression of another Pokemon present in this place.\n"
    "- Responses: 1\n"

    // ...

    A fair amount of weather manipulation had come about from the gathered visitors. Perhaps...

    aether_out <<

    "- Target: Snowscape\n"
    "- Generate: Drifts\n"
    "- Generate: Frost\n"
    "- Transform: Snow_Particles\n"

    The Pillar shifted at once to stark white, and a rolling fog expanded from its base, rippling across the earth. In its wake, great snowdrifts blossomed up as though being pushed clean through the ground. Frost glittered on the carved stone that had been the plaza, the water spray from the fountain crystallizing. Again, the idea of winter, but lacking the physicality of it. Mist formed from breath despite the apparent temperature remaining balmy.

    Alioth poured out some coffee for the guests, closing his eyes contentedly when the first snowflakes settled on his nose. "Ahh, now this is rather more familiar to me."
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