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Treasure Town ~ Main Square

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Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Hey," Dave said, approaching. "I would ask if you need any help with that, but I don't have arms in here."

Cynthian eeped at the voice and almost shoved over the vase from being startled. He looked at the direction of the voice and heaved a relieved sigh at the somewhat familiar face.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm just taking a short break and I'll be on my way. I appreciate the gesture however." Cynthian straightened his posture to face the arrival properly. "Out to get some moonlight... Poochyena?"

Though he certainly recalled Poochyena the night he met most of the mon he knew here, he hadn't managed to recall his name. Given that not everyone he knew there even remembered the night the same way, he decided pretend it was their first time meeting. Even Absol and especially Necrozma from earlier hadn't recognized him at all, and Cynthian spoke nothing of the former.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"It's Dave. Your name was...?"

He paused, looking at the Roselia and the vase. "Do you sleep in that? Fill it up with dirt and then just boom, step into it and grow roots wherever you like?" Dave had read a bunch about Roselia, sometime, the way he'd read up on Scyther and Meowth and all the morph species, but there wasn't all that much that was very practical. In the wild, in his world, Roselia didn't exactly go around carrying things, and if they had to grow roots they'd just have to be in actual soil.

"Anyway, I was put up in this room that's nice and soundproof at the dojo. There are a few spots left in there if you were looking for a place."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"Do you sleep in that? Fill it up with dirt and then just boom, step into it and grow roots wherever you like?"

Cynthian stared at him with parted lips for a long moment.

"You could immediately tell? Wow, not a whole lot of people even know the part about my species growing roots in our sleep," Cynthian said, half in astonishment and half feeding like someone invaded a guarded secret of his.

"Anyway, I was put up in this room that's nice and soundproof at the dojo. There are a few spots left in there if you were looking for a place."

"A quiet room! That's too tempting an offer to turn down," Cynthian said with a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his head with his cream colored flower. "I lived alone with my mother where I'm from, and I enjoy a more quiet environment while I sleep. I was actually going to just find an evacuated building no one was using and perch there for the night, but this saves me the trouble of doing that."

He rambled on and almost forgot to introduce himself in his nervousness. "My name is Cynthian, by the way. Roselia Cynthian."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave took a deep breath. "Long story, but I know this girl who's half human and half Roselia. Read a bunch about them because of that. She doesn't grow roots, though. Eats human food, but also photosynthesizes a bit. I know she'd love to hear if you've got any tips on, you know, life with roses for hands."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Cynthian's breathing relaxed a bit, and he was quickly growing more comfortable to Dave's presence.

"Well, it's certainly not something I've given too much thought to since it comes naturally to me. Whether feral or blessed by the goddesses, a Roselia's flowers make a scent that protects us from adversary and also to communicate with each other in bouquets. If the protective tactic fails, we have to resort to the poison stored in our head spikes," Cynthian explained. He'd done his fair share of reading about his kind, though it he'd have liked it if he wasn't the only Roselia he knew.

"This other Roselia you mentioned, she at least knows she can extend the base of the flower stalks to form vines, right?" Cynthian said, wiggling a short vine out of his in demonstration. "Oh, and she shouldn't worry too much about losing her flowers every now and then. They regrow, especially when one has to moult them for new ones. Water from a clear spring is also ideal in maintaining the fragrance of them. I could go on, but you seem knowledgeable enough about my kind already. Did you learn from the other Roselia?"

Cynthian didn't understand the significance of the half human part, and he assumed Dave just meant she was turned into a normal Roselia just like he was turned into a regular Poochyena.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Dave chuckled. "Hah. No, she's... not a Roselia. Imagine a human, but her fingers are rose petals and she's got spikes on her head. No vines or moulting there. She had to kind of learn to deal from scratch, because, you know, human society assumes you've got hands, and in my world, uh, Pokémon kind of don't talk. Do you ever have trouble holding that thing?" He pointed a paw at the vase.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Hah. No, she's... not a Roselia. Imagine a human, but her fingers are rose petals and she's got spikes on her head. No vines or moulting there.

Cynthian tried to imagine it... but he stopped himself before he could. "Is it bad that I kind of don't want to imagine what she'd look like? It sounds... Disturbing."

"Don't get me wrong. My world has hybrid pokemon from parents in very different egg groups and whatnot." Cynthian began to flail his flowers. "Like a Dewott I met once during a trip. He had some cat pokemon features like pointy ears and retractable claws, and was part electric. But humans are very different from anything in my world. They'd died out fifty thousand years ago apparently..."

Do you ever have trouble holding that thing?

"Carrying the vase isn't usually a problem at all. I may not look it, but I normally only struggle if it's at least a vase three times as heavy as this one. However, I feel much weaker here than I did at home. That Diyem overseer mentioned something about that I think," Cynthian said and covered his face with his flowers nervously. He hoped he'd changed the subject.
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
Cynthian tried to imagine it... but he stopped himself before he could. "Is it bad that I kind of don't want to imagine what she'd look like? It sounds... Disturbing."
Dave scowled. "Hey, fuck off. You've never even met her, Jesus."

"Don't get me wrong. My world has hybrid pokemon from parents in very different egg groups and whatnot." Cynthian began to flail his flowers. "Like a Dewott I met once during a trip. He had some cat pokemon features like pointy ears and retractable claws, and was part electric. But humans are very different from anything in my world. They'd died out fifty thousand years ago apparently..."
"Huh. Can't do that over in my world." Was this another general talking Pokémon thing, or specific to this one's? He was about to explain Katherine was made artificially, but actually, never fucking mind if he was going to be an asshole about it. He shouldn't have mentioned her in the first fucking place.

"Carrying the vase isn't usually a problem at all. I may not look it, but I normally only struggle if it's at least a vase three times as heavy as this one. However, I feel much weaker here than I did at home. That Diyem overseer mentioned something about that I think," Cynthian said and covered his face with his flowers nervously. He hoped he'd changed the subject.
"I guess a vase doesn't take much finesse. Do you ever have to manipulate smaller objects, or do you just get by without it?"

Dave considered rescinding the invitation, but what the fuck ever. It wasn't like most other people here wouldn't probably be assholes about this too.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Dave scowled. "Hey, fuck off. You've never even met her, Jesus."

"I'm really sorry, I spoke out of line back there. I deeply apologize for that," Cynthian said, bowing repeatedly. "I know very little about your and the only ones I've ever seen were from a night I'm not even sure really happened. I'm sometimes scared of things I don't fully understand."

Cynthian wanted to slap himself across the face, because the last thing he wanted to do was to have a companion hate him.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" Cynthian pleaded and held his flowers together. His leaves trembled ever so slightly, though it might be mistaken for the breeze blowing against him.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Scared of things you don't fully understand, huh. Guess some things really are constants of sapience." Dave looked away, sighing. "Yeah. Okay. It's fine. They're used to getting shit like that." He looked back at Cynthian, who was pleading as if presenting a bouquet, and winced. "No, I'm fine, no need for that. Just... maybe don't call people's kids disturbing."

Dave took a deep breath. "Anyway, I was asking if you ever have to pick up anything small?"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"No, I'm fine, no need for that. Just... maybe don't call people's kids disturbing."

"I didn't know she was your daughter, though that's hardly an excuse." Cynthian's flowers enveloped slightly. "I'll be more mindful next time."

Dave took a deep breath. "Anyway, I was asking if you ever have to pick up anything small?"

"Oh, occasionally. Often when using the shears in the garden." Cynthian raised his flower forward and sprouted several thin vines from it. Unlike the wider ones from the base of his flower, these ones cam right from within it.

"I bundle them up together depending on how much I need. If I control them separately I could even pick up individual sugar grains if I'm that bored." Cynthian had the thin vines move in a rhythmic motion like snakes, though he stopped when he realized he was getting carried away.


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"I didn't know she was your daughter, though that's hardly an excuse." Cynthian's flowers enveloped slightly. "I'll be more mindful next time."
"Well, she's... not technically. It's complicated."

"Oh, occasionally. Often when using the shears in the garden." Cynthian raised his flower forward and sprouted several thin vines from it. Unlike the wider ones from the base of his flower, these ones cam right from within it.

"I bundle them up together depending on how much I need. If I control them separately I could even pick up individual sugar grains if I'm that bored." Cynthian had the thin vines move in a rhythmic motion like snakes, though he stopped when he realized he was getting carried away.
Dave watched the vines, fascinated. "Huh. Don't think Roselia can do that in my world." Another sapience adaptation, coming with increased need for tool use and precision? Or maybe they'd always been different in his world? "Hmm. Do you know if... have Roselia always had those where you live? Do you have... actually, do you have writing? Historical records? How far back do they go?" God, this was all a bit brainbreaking. He was basically, in a sense, making first contact with an alien civilization, only one that was maybe-kinda inspired by a past human civilization. This was not what he'd been expecting from this.


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Hmm. Do you know if... have Roselia always had those where you live? Do you have... actually, do you have writing? Historical records? How far back do they go?

"I think all Roselia can do this very easily. I was never thought how to do it, and my second mother is a Florges, so I couldn't have learned it from her," Cynthian said with a laugh. "Feral Roselia only ever use it to seive through stream water though..."

"We do have writing and very much historical records too. There's tons of recorded knowledge in the Treasure Town Library of my world, and even more in Grand Archive in Northern Desert's Gerdu city!" Cynthian said that with a little more enthusiasm than he planned, but he decided to continue. "I met this Espurr in red once who claimed she studied there. She only stayed in our town for about a month, but I learned a lot from her. I wonder where she's off to now."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"So do you all study some science, math, et cetera? Or is it just a some individuals who are particularly interested thing?" He supposed you'd have less need for education when you had Pokémon's powers.

Then he fully processed the first thing he'd said. "Wait, wait, wait, hold up. Feral Roselia?"


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
"So do you all study some science, math, et cetera? Or is it just a some individuals who are particularly interested thing?" He supposed you'd have less need for education when you had Pokémon's powers.

"Well, I study plants and flowers. It started off with me just trying to get more variety in my flower shop, but I got more fascinated about plant morphology and I'm also hoping to even figure out why grass type pokemon exist in the first place. We're just like the tress and shrubs, but we can move and speak, something plants can't do. Why is that? What led to all this? That's something I hope to discover one day."

Then he fully processed the first thing he'd said. "Wait, wait, wait, hold up. Feral Roselia?"

Cynthian blinked. Did he not have Ferals in his world? He didn't know how to ask Dave that. He didn't want to anger him a second time.

"Well yeah... I don't know how it works here, or in other worlds. But my world has two kinds of pokemon. The non feral like me, and then the ferals. I don't know how true it is, but it's said that a long time ago a strange light came from above and pokemon afflicted by it gianed the ability to acquire knowledge, use willpower to act and be able to feel emotions." Cynthian paused for a moment to fold his hands and look at the ground in thought.

"Of course, I believe that to just be an old myth. Though I am curious why a mon born between a feral and non feral parents only results in them being non feral. Even if a non feral were to be raised by ferals from infanthood, they can still integrate into non feral society albeit with some difficulty."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"Well, I study plants and flowers. It started off with me just trying to get more variety in my flower shop, but I got more fascinated about plant morphology and I'm also hoping to even figure out why grass type pokemon exist in the first place. We're just like the tress and shrubs, but we can move and speak, something plants can't do. Why is that? What led to all this? That's something I hope to discover one day."
Dave nodded slowly. "In my world at least, Grass Pokémon are biologically distinct from actual plants. They've basically got a standard Pokémon genome in a symbiotic relationship with plant DNA. Actually part of how... I worked out how to artificially make human and Pokémon genomes work together, and it works on a similar principle. That's where the half-Roselia came from."

"Well yeah... I don't know how it works here, or in other worlds. But my world has two kinds of pokemon. The non feral like me, and then the ferals. I don't know how true it is, but it's said that a long time ago a strange light came from above and pokemon afflicted by it gianed the ability to acquire knowledge, use willpower to act and be able to feel emotions." Cynthian paused for a moment to fold his hands and look at the ground in thought.

"Of course, I believe that to just be an old myth. Though I am curious why a mon born between a feral and non feral parents only results in them being non feral. Even if a non feral were to be raised by ferals from infanthood, they can still integrate into non feral society albeit with some difficulty."
Dave rolled his eyes at the story of the strange light. "Yeah, definitely sounds like a myth. That's... that's weird, though." Sapient and non-sapient versions of the same Pokémon coexisting? Able to interbreed but always producing sapients? Some kind of segregation distortion going on, but... "What's the ratio of ferals to non-ferals? Are there fewer ferals today than there used to be, with mixed offspring always being non-feral?" And... "...Do non-ferals actually go around courting ferals, who aren't sapient? That sounds, uh. Pretty fucking dubious."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Dave nodded slowly. "In my world at least, Grass Pokémon are biologically distinct from actual plants. They've basically got a standard Pokémon genome in a symbiotic relationship with plant DNA. Actually part of how... I worked out how to artificially make human and Pokémon genomes work together, and it works on a similar principle. That's where the half-Roselia came from."

"DNA, Genome? If I didn't know the overseer was translating all our words, I'd have found it astonishing that our worlds share so many similar terminologies. The leading theory in my world is that the common ancestor of grass types was actually a fairy type named Primaferna. It apparently adopted more and more plant like features until it split off into a whole typing of its own. Last I looked into it, only some fragmentary fossils were found in the water continent, and it's speculated that the florges species are convergently evolving in the same way. Mom was fascinated when I told her about it," Cynthian said with a chuckle.

"Inspite of that, many scholars have called the claims into question. It's still a hotly debated subject in Oakford."

Dave rolled his eyes at the story of the strange light. "Yeah, definitely sounds like a myth. That's... that's weird, though." Sapient and non-sapient versions of the same Pokémon coexisting? Able to interbreed but always producing sapients? Some kind of segregation distortion going on, but... "What's the ratio of ferals to non-ferals? Are there fewer ferals today than there used to be, with mixed offspring always being non-feral?" And... "...Do non-ferals actually go around courting ferals, who aren't sapient? That sounds, uh. Pretty fucking dubious."

"I don't really know how much more Ferals there are than non ferals. My guess is that there's more ferals out there since non ferals live in settlements whereas ferals live all over the wilderness." Cynthian held up his flower to his face and hummed, then came Dave's other questions and he almost choked on his spit.

"What? NO! Going close to a feral is dangerous enough, let alone trying to mate with one! It's not really understood why, but ferals act really aggressive when they meet non ferals, though it varies between the species. In fact... I've been attacked by ferals before, and it wasn't exactly a fun experience." He held his arm and groaned upon remembering that unfortunate afternoon.

"To answer your question... it's a very controversial thing really. Most of what I know about it was from the Espurr I mentioned before. There was a facility led by a mad Alakazam. He apparently wanted to know everything there was to know about why ferals and non ferals were separate, and he conducted all kinds of experiments the Espurr wasn't even comfortable telling me about herself. The thing about the non ferals just so happened to be one of them. It's not really common knowledge, and most non ferals wouldn't dare try going near a feral of the same species. She told me that the Alakazam ultimately vanished seventy years ago after being tracked down by the rescue team organization, but they never got to him because that's when the great ninetale disasters happened. I doubt he's still at large. Probably as dead and old as a dried onion by now."

"Lastly, the thing I mentioned about non ferals raised by Ferals is... well I'm not sure about it really. The only mon known to have been that way was a buizel in the sand continent. He was apparently raised by a herd of feral lapras, and they're a surprisingly docile species too. In the end he was taken in by a Marill family and worked in the expedition society."

Cynthian sighed and hoped Dave didn't think he was a complete idiot. He wasn't 100% sure of all the things he'd come to believe, but he made a note to look into them more himself when they're done saving this world... If they save this world

"What are the pokemon like in your world? And tell me more about your Roselia girl. You mentioned that you created her artificially. I won't speak on that, but I am curious how she's holding up. It must be tough not having biological parents, but you fill a similar role for her I'm sure, which is good of you." Cynthian rested his head on the side of his flower. "It sounds similar to how carbink are apparently born. They don't really have parents in the same way someone like me would. The diancie queen infuses rocks with genetic essence from the heart diamond to give them life. Interestingly, the Carbink species don't have any Ferals at all among their kind. Whether ferals of them never existed or went extinct, I simply don't know."


  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"DNA, Genome? If I didn't know the overseer was translating all our words, I'd have found it astonishing that our worlds share so many similar terminologies. The leading theory in my world is that the common ancestor of grass types was actually a fairy type named Primaferna. It apparently adopted more and more plant like features until it split off into a whole typing of its own. Last I looked into it, only some fragmentary fossils were found in the water continent, and it's speculated that the florges species are convergently evolving in the same way. Mom was fascinated when I told her about it," Cynthian said with a chuckle.

"Inspite of that, many scholars have called the claims into question. It's still a hotly debated subject in Oakford."
Dave nodded along. "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Not exactly how we think it went in my world, but..." Hold on, how did the same Pokémon species evolve in different ways in all these different worlds?

...All of this just made his head hurt. Whatever. If there was world-hopping and a billion different worlds all with the same species except sometimes they talk and sometimes they don't and sometimes they're fictional (God, what on earth), sure, let's say there could be suspiciously convergent evolution.

"To answer your question... it's a very controversial thing really. Most of what I know about it was from the Espurr I mentioned before. There was a facility led by a mad Alakazam. He apparently wanted to know everything there was to know about why ferals and non ferals were separate, and he conducted all kinds of experiments the Espurr wasn't even comfortable telling me about herself. The thing about the non ferals just so happened to be one of them. It's not really common knowledge, and most non ferals wouldn't dare try going near a feral of the same species. She told me that the Alakazam ultimately vanished seventy years ago after being tracked down by the rescue team organization, but they never got to him because that's when the great ninetale disasters happened. I doubt he's still at large. Probably as dead and old as a dried onion by now."
"Jeez. That's twisted. Fuck that guy. What's the 'great Ninetales disasters'?"

"What are the pokemon like in your world? And tell me more about your Roselia girl. You mentioned that you created her artificially. I won't speak on that, but I am curious how she's holding up. It must be tough not having biological parents, but you fill a similar role for her I'm sure, which is good of you."
"Well, it's... it's complicated. She's not mine, per se. My daughter's actually half Vulpix. There's - there were eight of them and formally we split them between us. But I pretty much made all of them."

Dave's lips quirked into a smile. "As for how she's holding up, she's a bit anxious and hard on herself, has a bit of a hard time with everything in human society with, you know, rose petal fingers. But she's resilient as hell and knows what she wants. Can barely hold a pencil but fuck if she didn't learn to write like a pro anyway and then announce she wanted violin lessons while she was at it. We looked into whether the petals could be surgically removed once, since she's got bones in there and everything, but it'd have been risky and she didn't want to." He paused for a moment, wincing. "Well, she can't do the violin anymore."


Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Dave's lips quirked into a smile. "As for how she's holding up, she's a bit anxious and hard on herself, has a bit of a hard time with everything in human society with, you know, rose petal fingers. But she's resilient as hell and knows what she wants. Can barely hold a pencil but fuck if she didn't learn to write like a pro anyway and then announce she wanted violin lessons while she was at it. We looked into whether the petals could be surgically removed once, since she's got bones in there and everything, but it'd have been risky and she didn't want to." He paused for a moment, wincing. "Well, she can't do the violin anymore."

Cynthian listened to Dave's story attentively, then he stared down at his own flowers.

"I feel sorry for her if she can't play the violin, and I relate somewhat," a faint, but noticeably bitter smile crept to his face.

"There are many things I've wanted to do since I was a budew, some that have been so beyond what I can handle physically or mentally. However, one just has to keep trying and find ways to make up for their shortcomings. Even if it doesn't work out now, it might work out later. So long as you don't give up, others wouldn't leave," Cynthian said that last sentence in a mutter.

Cynthian scanned the ground for a moment and his eyes lit up when he found a clump of grass. He plucked a single leaf blade and held it between his flowers. The moment he channeled his aura into it, he felt as if his very soul was being drained. How frightening. Just how much weaker had he become in his new body?

By the time he was through, Cynthian had transmuted the grass blade into an instrument that would most resemble an ocarina to a human.

"This is called a Grass Whistle. It's an ability almost every Roselia can do, and its shape varies from Roselia to Roselia. You can play tunes with it, though you can only use it once and then it dematerializes. But maybe if your Roselia girl could learn this, it could brighten her up even if it's not perfect," Cynthian said, holding his instrument to his chest. As much as he wanted to play it, it would've put Dave to sleep and then things would get awkward... He wondered if he should've included the putting others to sleep part in what he said.
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
  8. misdreavus
"I feel sorry for her if she can't play the violin, and I relate somewhat," a faint, but noticeably bitter smile crept to his face.

"There are many things I've wanted to do since I was a budew, some that have been so beyond what I can handle physically or mentally. However, one just has to keep trying and find ways to make up for their shortcomings. Even if it doesn't work out now, it might work out later. So long as you don't give up, others wouldn't leave," Cynthian said that last sentence in a mutter.
"Ah, well, it's not that, exactly." Dave glanced away. "It's... she got shot in the arm, has some nerve damage. But even if she physically could, there's some legal shit going on so she couldn't attend lessons anyways. It's a load of bullshit but it is what it is."

Cynthian scanned the ground for a moment and his eyes lit up when he found a clump of grass. He plucked a single leaf blade and held it between his flowers. The moment he channeled his aura into it, he felt as if his very soul was being drained. How frightening. Just how much weaker had he become in his new body?

By the time he was through, Cynthian had transmuted the grass blade into an instrument that would most resemble an ocarina to a human.

"This is called a Grass Whistle. It's an ability almost every Roselia can do, and its shape varies from Roselia to Roselia. You can play tunes with it, though you can only use it once and then it dematerializes. But maybe if your Roselia girl could learn this, it could brighten her up even if it's not perfect," Cynthian said, holding his instrument to his chest.
Dave blinked at the conjured instrument. "Yeah, Roselia can use that move in my world too. That's, hmm. Maybe she could do that. They've been developing abilities over time. Maybe if..." Sure, a lot of Pokémon powers just didn't physically work. But in principle there wasn't any reason she couldn't do Grass Whistle. They could certainly look into how Roselia developed the move and...

"...Hang on, doesn't that put people to sleep or something?"

(A stupid idea came into his head about hitting an imaginary audience with Worry Seed at the door to a concert venue, and he chuckled to himself.)
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