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[TOWN WINS] Third Anniversary Fanfic Mafia - Game Thread

Day Zero Start
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Third Anniversary Fanfic Mafia

    Player List

    Sinderella (Dorien Bonhomme)
    windskull (Muse)

    AbraPunk (Antares)
    Inkedust (Altair)
    Virgil134 (Kichiro)
    IFBench (Burhalla)
    Sike Saner (Ekunasic Karo)
    Starlight Aurate (Archie)
    Panoramic_Vacuum (Steven Stone)
    DawningWinds (Nefari)
    HelloYellow17/unrepentantAuthor (Lurosa/Neo)
    Namohysip (Qitlan)
    Chibi Pika (Jet)
    Flyg0n (Rascal)
    Dragonfree (May Victoria Wallace)

    The transition is sudden: at first, no light at all, and then a blinding white brilliance, switched on as abruptly as though by a switch. The nothing-space is suddenly alive with confused and disoriented people, humans and pokémon both. They've come from far-flung worlds, yanked unceremoniously out of lives in progress, and brought to this vast, empty space--why? Some may recognize this bland, seemingly endless space, but the majority are perhaps more lost than they've ever been in their lives.

    At this point, there's only one thing to do: figure out where this place is, why they're here, and who their unlucky fellows are. One way or another, they'll need to work together to get out of this--or at least that's what the more hopeful among them might believe. It's on those who've visited this place before whether they want to reveal the bitter truth.

    This is the "Day Zero" phase. At this point, no one knows anything about their role or alignment fo the game, so please don't base any later gameplay decisions on people's posts during this phase. This is purely a "for fun" opportunity to do some roleplay if desired. All player roles will be distributed when the Night Zero phase begins, and from there normal mechanical play will commence. Night Zero begins in forty-eight hours: countdown here.

    Good luck, everyone, and I hope you enjoy the game!

    @Dragonfree @Flyg0n @Chibi Pika @Namohysip @HelloYellow17 @unrepentantAuthor @DawningWinds @Panoramic_Vacuum @Starlight Aurate @Sike Saner @IFBench @Virgil134 @AbraPunk @windskull @Sinderella
    Last edited:
    Day One Start
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Day One

    An Inteleon looked through the notes he'd written down, of which there were few. In the end, after all, he had no real information to work with. And just as quickly...

    "Oh?" Qitlan looked behind him, and there was a glimmer of cold realization in his eyes. Then, he smiled wryly. "My reputation precedes me," he remarked, standing straight with his hands behind his back. "Was I really that much of a threat, before the game could even begin? I suppose I'll take this as a compliment... Alexander will be quite proud."

    He decided to leave one note behind for them, of course. Just that they were already down one innocent.

    A new day dawns, harsh and bright. A few people are up and about almost immediately--perhaps they never even slept. Slowly a ragtag group gathers in the rough middle of the various grooves, bumps, and other random shapes people had been experimenting with for housing. Most people still don't really understand why they're here or what's going on; they gather in twos and threes, talking quietly, still unsure of what to do.

    It takes a while for anyone to notice the inteleon's missing. He always was quiet, after all. Hung out near the edge of the group, always watching. Perhaps he's off doing his own thing? Or maybe even right there among them, hiding, spying, gathering intel for his own unscrutable purposes. It doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility for someone clearly interested in espionage.

    As time wears on, though, and the inteleon doesn't reappear, it becomes increasingly clear that he is simply gone. Why? And how? A few people speculate that he was sent home, wish the same would happen to them. Those with more experience aren't quite so flippant. Not even one night's respite, then. There's a rough game ahead for them all, if this is how things start out.

    Qitlan (Namohysip) has been eliminated. He was Town.

    Discussion is now open for Day 1 and will continue until midnight EST May 29th/8 PM EST May 28th.

    Thanks to Namo for writing the death flavor for this post!

    @Sinderella @windskull @AbraPunk @Inkedust @Virgil134 @IFBench @Sike Saner @Starlight Aurate @Panoramic_Vacuum @DawningWinds @NeoLurosa @Chibi Pika @Flyg0n @Dragonfree
    Day Two Start
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    "You're sure that'll actually work?"

    [[Lol, no.]]

    "Heh. Me neither." Karo stood, swiveling his arms about as if to limber them up, and emerged from the weird, lumpy cave he'd molded from the fabric of reality.

    As he stepped out into the night, the beginnings of a magnetic charge vibrating at the bridge of his nose, he became aware of... something. It felt the way a shadow looked, oppressive yet nebulous.

    Familiar. Definitely familiar.

    By this point, he'd already realized that yes, he'd played this game before, though exactly not the way he'd been playing it this time. What he hadn't realized prior to now was that he'd been picked off the time before.

    Before he knew it, history repeated.


    Another strange day dawned over the little band of interdimensional travelers, as suddenly and blandly as before. They were left to discover for themselves what had happened the previous night. The malleable ground hid its secret well, quietly filling in any depression made, always returning to its smooth, untroubled appearance. There was no sign of what had happened to the nosepass, only an empty cave already beginning to be resorbed into that self-repairing ground. No clues here, no sense of closure... but somehow those left behind got the oddest feeling that there had been something different about that nosepass, like he wasn't playing quite the same game as all the rest of them were.

    Karo (Sike Saner) has been eliminated. He was neither Town nor Mafia.

    Discussion is now open for Day Two and will continue until midnight UTC May 3rd/8 PM EST May 2nd.

    Sike Saner wrote the death flavor for this post. Thanks for helping out with it!

    @Sinderella @windskull @AbraPunk @Inkedust @Virgil134 @IFBench @Starlight Aurate @Panoramic_Vacuum @DawningWinds @NeoLurosa @Chibi Pika @Flyg0n @Dragonfree
    Day Three Start
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Day Three

    The nightmares had worsened. She woke up early that night, plagued by her visions, knowing her time had come.

    As she awaited her doom, she paced restlessly. She didn't want to go. Not now. Not ever.

    But by the time her attacker arrived, she was ready, already standing outside of her shelter and waiting for them.

    "So you've come at last," she said, digging her claws into the ground. The pink energy of a psycho cut began to gather around her horn. "I know the outcome of this battle. Fighting is a foregone conclusion. But just so you know, I won't go down without a fight."

    With no other warning, Muse lunged at her attacker.


    The next morning, there can hardly be any question whether another player vanished overnight. The ring of blobby shelters the group has produced is nearly split in two by a new canyon, a huge rent in the ground that, though it's slowly filling in, remains deep and jagged, quite unlike anything the group has seen in their time here so far. It's a wonder the noise didn't wake anyone up--perhaps that's part of the magic of this place. In any case, someone must have met a violent end last night.

    And who's missing this time? The absol. The quiet one, who always held herself aloof. Someone must have taken note of the absol's legendary powers, observed her prescient words. Like so many others of her kind, Muse found people growing suspicious of what she might know... and now no one else will ever hear her prophecies.

    Muse (windskull) has been eliminated. She was Town.

    Discussion is now open for Day Three and will continue until midnight UTC May 7th/8 PM EST May 6th.

    windskull wrote the death flavor for this post! Many thanks for your help.
    Day Four Start
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Day Four

    He sighed as he paced around the amorphous structure he'd been near for the past few… 'days'. Such a bizarre trial, this was. He wondered exactly which god was responsible… perhaps it was a combined effort from Dialga and Palkia, since it seemed that the others here came from different times and worlds.

    Antares was so absorbed in his thinking that he didn't hear someone approaching until they were right in front of him. He stopped and looked at them as a smug grin grew on his face.

    "Ah! Come to make a fool of yourself, have you? Very well, then. May the gods grant you mercy, for I shall n--"


    Another blinding day dawns, and the dawn, again, brings with it new surprises. No new chasm's opened in the earth--the one from last night's nearly disappeared by now, only a shallow, still-healing depression marking its place. But while the players might awake energized, ready to follow on yesterday's success with another, their elation can't last long. For there's not one person missing from their morning gathering, but two--and it seems neither of them had anything to do with the mafia.

    There's nothing for it but to carry on and hope that, if nothing else, their passage can yield some clue, some piece of information that will point the way towards bringing this game to a close at last.

    Antares (AbraPunk) has been eliminated. He was Town.

    NeoLurosa (HelloYellow/unrepentantAuthor) has been eliminated. They were Town.

    Discussion is now open for Day Three and will continue until midnight UTC May 8th/8 PM EST May 10th.

    AbraPunk contributed death flavor to this post. Thanks for your help!

    @Inkedust @IFBench @Starlight Aurate @Panoramic_Vacuum @DawningWinds @Chibi Pika @Flyg0n @Dragonfree
    Day Five Start
  • Negrek

    House of Two Midnights
    Day Five

    The morning dawns quiet. Is it the calm before the storm, or does it actually signal peace?

    There's no one missing today. That's immediately obvious--with so few players left, it would have been immediately obvious if one hadn't shown up to their daily gathering. They put together a plan, and they executed it, and last night, no one had to die. What are they going to do next?

    It's a staredown as those still living assess one another, search tired faces for any sign of guilt. Who will they eliminate today? And just how much farther will they need to go to bring this game to its final close?

    No one has been eliminated.

    Discussion is now open for Day Five and will continue until midnight UTC May 15th/8 PM EST May 14th.
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