“Oh!” Seb jolted in surprise after Xavian addressed everyone. “Mister Xavian! U-Uh, hello! It’s a pleasure to have you here with us!” He smiled nervously, trying to remain calm and friendly. If he found out about the plan, all the effort would be for nothing. He just had to make sure it worked—he had Zack and Jack to count on."Hello everyone!" Xavian said cheerfully. Despite the slight weariness in his expression, he still seemed genuinely happy to be there.
Oh boy. This was gonna take a while to explain. June opened his mouth and–“Uh… No?” Seb looked at June in confusion. His face scrunched up. “Sorry?”
–let out a sigh of relief.In the midst of the various conversations, the doors to the Dragon's Maw swung open, revealing Xavian, flanked by Clink, who stuck close to him, and Orzo following behind.
The host greeted him with a friendly wave, then guided him to a spot near the back, where the largest tables were. "Please, have a seat. Gen and Chef Flygon should be out shortly with the meal."
"Hello everyone!" Xavian said cheerfully. Despite the slight weariness in his expression, he still seemed genuinely happy to be there
Not letting the thought of the Mythical being potentially evil ruin his peppy energy, he snapped his claws, pointing a claw at the kitchen. "Well, with how great the food smells, you certainly won't be disappointed, Hoopy!"Orzo grinned widely as well. "Orzo cannot wait! Love a good a meal."
"Th-thank you!" Gen said, his tail wagging as he prepared the next crepe. "I, u-um...I like c-cooking because it's fun, a-and it makes people happy. It's n-not very dangerous either."In the midst of the various conversations, the doors to the Dragon's Maw swung open, revealing Xavian, flanked by Clink, who stuck close to him, and Orzo following behind.
The host greeted him with a friendly wave, then guided him to a spot near the back, where the largest tables were. "Please, have a seat. Gen and Chef Flygon should be out shortly with the meal."
"Hello everyone!" Xavian said cheerfully. Despite the slight weariness in his expression, he still seemed genuinely happy to be there.
Orzo grinned widely as well. "Orzo cannot wait! Love a good a meal."
Clink murmured in agreement, and took a seat on the opposite of Xavian, away from Orzo.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Chef Flygon watched Gen as he prepared a dish of his own, putting the finishing touches on. "Such beautiful crepes. I have seen many a chef break them, as they are such delicate things. But you handle them wonderfully gently."
Using his tail, he plucked a small herb from a pot on a shelf to add as a garnish. "I have always believed cooking helps connect beings from all walks of life. Tell me Gen, what is it you love about cooking? What drives you?"
Clink gave him a momentary puzzled look at his slightly odd behaviour, but shrugged it off. "Hello to you as well! I don't think we've met, what's your names?"Jack shrugged and sighed in disbelief at what his friend suggested. They weren’t here on a stealth mission; they just had to chat and keep the host busy. Either way, he made his way towards Clink, making sure to avoid any suspicious glances directed at him, especially from Orzo. Once he was close enough, he whispered a greeting to the Klefki. “Hi. Sorry if this looks weird.”
"It's a pleasure to be here!" If he'd noticed Seb's nervousness, he said nothing. Or perhaps he was too preoccupied. "I'm really looking forward to what Gen is cooking up."“Oh!” Seb jolted in surprise after Xavian addressed everyone. “Mister Xavian! U-Uh, hello! It’s a pleasure to have you here with us!” He smiled nervously, trying to remain calm and friendly. If he found out about the plan, all the effort would be for nothing. He just had to make sure it worked—he had Zack and Jack to count on.
Orzo's face split into a wide grin. "Orzo hope not," he said, a teasing note to his voice. "Orzo hungry for good food.""Well, with how great the food smells, you certainly won't be disappointed, Hoopy!"
"An excellent reason!" he declared. He set his food onto some plates and glanced over at Gen. "Are you nearly ready then? I think Xavian will be quite please with what you've made.""Th-thank you!" Gen said, his tail wagging as he prepared the next crepe. "I, u-um...I like c-cooking because it's fun, a-and it makes people happy. It's n-not very dangerous either."
That stupid little shit Orzo was at the Dragon's Maw.
It took all of Victoria's willpower not to beat up Orzo right then and there. She didn't like them, not one bit. They were suspicious, suspicious. She got closer to Orzo, pretending to sniff the aromas coming from the kitchen. In actuality, she was sniffing Orzo from a safe distance.
("My my, what wonderful food they're cooking up! I bet it tastes as good as it smells.")
[[ @Flyg0n ]]
[[Victoria used Odor Sleuth! Orzo smells like....
Dye. The same scent as the others described, sweet, slightly chemical. Not strong enough to be noticed but if you were trying, really trying, the scent was there.]]
“Name’s Jack,” the Farfetch’d replied, leek on his shoulder. He looked up at the table where his friends were sitting. “The human is my Trainer Seb, and the beefcake Pidgeot is Zack.”"Hello to you as well! I don't think we've met, what's your names?"
“So am I,” Seb said, looking towards the kitchen with a smile. “Everyone and everywhere has a personal touch that makes every dish unique. I’ll be glad to get a taste from Gen’s food.”"I'm really looking forward to what Gen is cooking up."
"Nice to meet you," they said.“Name’s Jack,” the Farfetch’d replied, leek on his shoulder. He looked up at the table where his friends were sitting. “The human is my Trainer Seb, and the beefcake Pidgeot is Zack.”
“‘Sup?” Zack gave a lax salute before showing off his pectorals. “Ya like these big guns?”
"Cooking is an art form of its own," Xavian said. "The same recipe, yet it can be prepared different ways all around the world... of course, nothing beats Kalosian food if you ask me," he added with a chuckle. "What about you? What region are you from?"“So am I,” Seb said, looking towards the kitchen with a smile. “Everyone and everywhere has a personal touch that makes every dish unique. I’ll be glad to get a taste from Gen’s food.”
Orzo tapped his chin, then smiled again. "Of course! That's a silly question, Wallace is one of the trainers invited. I know a lot of Wallace's though," he added. "From lots of universes! Never a Milotic who looks like you though. That's really cool."(“Say, you don’t happen to know a trainer named Wallace, do you?”) Victoria asked, batting her eyelashes.
Picking up the plates expertly, he nodded to a waiter nearby, who grabbed the the rest of whatever Gen wasn't carrying. "Let us deliver our feast!" he declared grandly. One his plates were a delicious assortment of foods - specially prepared beans with various shelled seafood, as well as a slice of quiche on each."Yeah! I-I'm ready!" Gen says, smiling brightly. "Th-this is gonna b-be great!"
“I’m from Kalos,” Seb replied, adjusting his glasses. “Honestly, the restaurants in Lumiose City are kinda crazy. I mean, I like the battles, but can’t I eat first?” He glared at the ground as he said that. “Food’s amazing, though.”"What about you? What region are you from?"
“That’s completely valid,” Jack muttered. He gave a quick glance at Orzo. He now realized how dangerously close the Hoopa was. Close enough to overhear everything that was being said. It felt like staring at an imposing presence casting its shadow over the world. At that moment, the Farfetch’d wished he was as brave and carefree as Zack. Still, he kept his cool and remained discreet, continuing his conversation with the Klefki. “What kinds of keys?”"Guns?" Clink asked. Oh... They stared at Zack for a moment. "They're okay," they said neutrally, making a sort of shrugging motion. Not cruel, just confused. "I like keys better," they said simply.
"But a battle stimulates the appetite! Food after a battle tastes the best, if you ask me."I’m from Kalos,” Seb replied, adjusting his glasses. “Honestly, the restaurants in Lumiose City are kinda crazy. I mean, I like the battles, but can’t I eat first?” He glared at the ground as he said that. “Food’s amazing, though.”
"All kinds of keys!" Clink said casually. "I have a lot of keys I have just for fun that don't lead anywhere. I just like having them, not because I need them."What kinds of keys?”
“Anythin’ that might lead to a secret entrance, for example?” The Pidgeot cocked his eyes in a teasing manner.
"Older than yours, Orzo thinks. They were a champion. But they retired? They teach now I think. Only know them a little bit, they're not a close friend." His tone remained amicable as he spoke."I'm flattered." That was a lie. Orzo's words were hollow, fake. "Do you know the Wallace of this universe? What are they like?"
"Why, out of all of the Wallaces and Victorias, did you choose me?"
“Thanks, Gen.” Seb looked at his plate with a smile. “I remember these from back at Lumiose. I don’t eat these, but there’s no harm in the first time.” He grabbed a fork, cut a piece and put it in his mouth. He took his time munching and tasting it.Gen made his way to the table, his tail wagging rapidly. "H-here you go! Crepes!" He said, trying his best to place his cooking onto the table with his tiny otter arms.
“Well, it’s still good to know you enjoy what you do,” Jack said, tapping his shoulder with his leek a few times."All kinds of keys!" Clink said casually. "I have a lot of keys I have just for fun that don't lead anywhere. I just like having them, not because I need them."
"Magnificent!" Xavian declared as Gen placed the plate in front him.Gen made his way to the table, his tail wagging rapidly. "H-here you go! Crepes!" He said, trying his best to place his cooking onto the table with his tiny otter arms.
"It is like the ocean, shifting between blue and green. And it is bright." Clink replied. "Warm. Soothing."That part gave Victoria a bit of... relief. Maybe they were different Wallaces, but if this Wallace could grow older, retire happily, even teach... maybe good things were in store for Victoria's Wallace.
She smiled. For real this time.
Victoria didn't trust Orzo, but she did trust Clink.
("A nice aura? What color is the aura?") Victoria didn't know much about aura, other than the fact that there were different colors of it, and that it was what powered Fighting type moves.
No wonder Wallace recognized the smell.
It brought back memories of his honeymoon. Sure, it had only been a week long, but every moment was... magical. Especially that morning in Cyllage City.
The warmth of crepes dusted with lemon vest and sugar. The simple yet beautiful dress Winona wore. The even more beautiful smile on her face. The discussions of art museums, the aroma of sea salt, the gentle crashing of waves...
Tears fell on the countertop.
Clink turned back to Jack. "What about you? What do you do? You don't look like most Pidgeot I see. Are you a from another region?"“Thanks, Gen.” Seb looked at his plate with a smile. “I remember these from back at Lumiose. I don’t eat these, but there’s no harm in the first time.” He grabbed a fork, cut a piece and put it in his mouth. He took his time munching and tasting it.
“Well, it’s still good to know you enjoy what you do,” Jack said, tapping his shoulder with his leek a few times.
“I’m from Kalos,” the Farfetch’d replied.Clink turned back to Jack. "What about you? What do you do? You don't look like most Pidgeot I see. Are you a from another region?"
Meat. Evie's nose scrunched up in disgust as the familiar scent of fish flooded her senses. Gross.Chef Flygon followed behind, setting down another plate for everyone, with seafood and quiche
Cutting a small piece of the crepes for himself, he pushed the rest to his partner who mumbled a quiet 'thanks' back at him.Gen made his way to the table, his tail wagging rapidly. "H-here you go! Crepes!" He said, trying his best to place his cooking onto the table with his tiny otter arms.
"Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. Must be tough having to act all strong and fancy every day, huh?" June said, unaware of the panic he was setting in the man. Chuckling to himself, he muttered, "At least it's not dealing with multiple close-death scenarios once a month." It was probably nice to only have to worry about paperwork and appearances.“Ah, you must be mistaking me for someone else. My name is Wallace.”
Being Champion is hell.
“Well… being Champion is… it’s a lot like astrophysics. Some people are in their element as Champion, others… not so much.” With a racing heart, he added, “but I like being Champion, don’t get me wrong. Very stressful and difficult at times, but it’s worth it. I couldn’t be happier being Champion. I’m proud to represent Sootopolis City and Hoenn.” Don’t blink twice don’t blink twice don
"Well, I am a Champion... just not in the sense of being the greatest trainer in a region. I'm... more oriented with immortal god-like figures. Like say, this one guy. He's an absolute menace, looks like an exact replica of my human form and he keeps calling me his 'creator' or whatever. Last I checked, I'm still too young for kids so it can't be that."You don't even know. You don't even know. "It's why we try to keep our personal lives relatively peaceful..." Wallace chuckled. "...for the most part. Are you a Champion in your world?"
Oh right. This was the Pokémon world he was talking about. Of course, everyone had experienced some form of close-death scenarios."L-l-let's j-just say that being a public figure leads t-t-t-o many close-death scenarios." Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. You've had way too many panic attacks on this trip.
Wallace shot an imaginary death glare at Orzo.
June snorted. "If you want a legendary hero, there's a mon right next to me that fits the bill. Evie's like a hundred times more heroic than me."Well that sounded like an... interesting predicament. Actually, that was an understatement.
"So you're a... god? Or more of a legendary hero?