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The Dragons' Maw


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Neo raised his tail as an additional greeting, and replied with another chirp.
“Sorry, I can’t understand you, little guy,” Seb replied with a grimace and a shrug. He held his chin in thought for a moment. “But out of curiosity, you’re psychic, right? You know telepathy, by any chance?”


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Seb managed to hear the strange sounds nearby, turning to see the Flygon chef. He was taken aback, confused. “Huh? Why is there a Flygon wearing a chef hat? Is this some sorta show going on?”
"I beg your pardon. This is not a show, I'm the chef," Flygon rumbled. "This is my restaurant." He seemed put off, or maybe disappointed by the question.

Neo raised his tail as an additional greeting, and replied with another chirp. This guy seemed nice. He wondered if he was the type to share his bacon.

Wes stared for a minute. And then a minute more. Then he lowered his head into his hand, pinching the bridge of his nose, and closed his eyes. “Gods, I hate this place,” he muttered weakly.

Novo caught the look in the man’s eyes and twitched his tail nervously. He glanced back to Wes’ table to see the Flygon in question, which was wearing…human clothes? But why?

He turned back to the man and shook his head. No, he didn’t want Flygon. He wanted to speak with a legendary. He tried to communicate as much through a series of chirps, though he wasn’t sure how well the message came across.

Roll with the insanity. Roll with the insanity. Just roll with it, dammit.

Still, Wes would love for just one thing to be normal about this place. But whatever, it wasn’t like a talking Flygon chef was any weirder than the fiasco on the beach yesterday. He looked back up at the Pokémon with a sigh. “Yeah, sorry, I think there was a miscommunication. I’m trying to figure out how I can talk with a legendary around here. You know, one like the Manaphy?” He probably hadn’t needed to add that last bit, but at this point he wouldn’t put it past them to roll out a Shroomish and claim it was a legendary.

The waiter smiled in a friendly way and held up his hands. "I get you," he said with a wink. "You're here about the rumors, right? About Latios and Latias?" The waiter sat back a moment and chewed his lip, then studied Novo. His expression grew a little more serious, but he still seemed friendly enough. "A lot of people come around looking for them though."

His gaze shifted to Wes and he studied him and Neo for a few moments. "If you don't mind, why are you looking for them?"


Wes disrespected Head Chef Flygon! Wes was modkilled! [/j]


Chef Flygon regarded Wes with narrowed eyes. "Yes, I am of course aware with legendary and mythical pokemon. But have you considered if they would want to speak to you?" He spoke plainly, neither sounding angry or pleased, merely questioning.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
“Sorry, I can’t understand you, little guy,” Seb replied with a grimace and a shrug. He held his chin in thought for a moment. “But out of curiosity, you’re psychic, right? You know telepathy, by any chance?”
Neo cocked his head to the side. With a light trill, he sent a few gentle messages to the trainer’s mind: an image of a friendly wave, accompanied with a welcoming warmth. Then, a question, posed not in words but in feelings: are you a friend?
His gaze shifted to Wes and he studied him and Neo for a few moments. "If you don't mind, why are you looking for them?"
Novo let himself relax a little. Maybe he could afford to trust this guy…just a little bit. Hopefully. They didn’t have much to go on at this point.

He sat on his haunches and stared at the ground with a defeated sigh. In low, sorrowful trills, he told the man about the disappearances, about how they took his Mightyena friend. And above all…about how he feared they would take Wes, or Neo, or himself, and separate them from each other. They were his family. His everything. He couldn’t lose them, and if in the end he’d be unable to protect them…

Novo’s ears drooped. He wanted to keep them safe. Needed them to be safe. He looked back up at the waiter. Couldn’t the legendaries help them? Give them advice, or lend their power, or even help protect those who were left?
Chef Flygon regarded Wes with narrowed eyes. "Yes, I am of course aware with legendary and mythical pokemon. But have you considered if they would want to speak to you?" He spoke plainly, neither sounding angry or pleased, merely questioning.
Wes only just managed to bite back an angry retort. So self-important. For Pokémon that were so useless on this island, legendaries sure seemed to think highly of themselves.

After a moment, though, the anger faded into weariness. As much as he hated to admit it…the Flygon—gods, the talking Flygon dressed as a chef—had a point. “Look, I don’t…I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t know why a legendary would want anything to do with me. I’m not anything special. I’m not…not a good person, either.” He couldn’t help the hint of bitterness that crept into his tone. “I mean, I’ve tried to…I don’t know. Make things better. Do the right thing. But I only end up hurting the people I care about. I guess I’m not cut out to be the noble, heroic type.” He forced a laugh.

“It probably looks like I’m asking for special treatment or some shit. And I guess I kind of am, depending on how you look at it. But I’m not doing this for me. Frankly, going up to strangers and asking them questions is the last thing I want to do, no matter what universe I’m in. But…someone here is hurting a lot of people, innocent people, and they’ll hurt more if they aren’t stopped.” He looked down at Neo and rubbed his ears. He noticed Novo near the back, chatting with…another waiter? Wes couldn’t imagine that conversation would get very far, but for all he knew maybe everybody on this island was telepathic or whatever.

Neo leaned into Wes’ hand with a loving purr. Wes smiled a little, then looked back up at the Flygon. “Look, I don’t deserve shit. I know I don’t. But my Pokémon deserve to be safe, and I can almost guarantee those missing trainers are better people than I am. I just…want to help, but I don’t have anything to work with.”

He suddenly realized just how long he’d been talking, and felt his face heat up a little. Dammit. He must have been more tired than he thought, to just dump all this crap on some random stranger—a talking Flygon stranger, no less. “Just looking for some help, is all. I guess. I don’t care what happens to me, but I’ll be damned if I can’t at least protect my family.”


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Chef Flygon regarded Wes with narrowed eyes. "Yes, I am of course aware with legendary and mythical pokemon. But have you considered if they would want to speak to you?" He spoke plainly, neither sounding angry or pleased, merely questioning.
Seb’s eyes widened with a bit of excitement. “Excuse me, did you say Legends? Where?”
After a moment, though, the anger faded into weariness. As much as he hated to admit it…the Flygon—gods, the talking Flygon dressed as a chef—had a point. “Look, I don’t…I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t know why a legendary would want anything to do with me. I’m not anything special. I’m not…not a good person, either.” He couldn’t help the hint of bitterness that crept into his tone. “I mean, I’ve tried to…I don’t know. Make things better. Do the right thing. But I only end up hurting the people I care about. I guess I’m not cut out to be the noble, heroic type.” He forced a laugh.

“It probably looks like I’m asking for special treatment or some shit. And I guess I kind of am, depending on how you look at it. But I’m not doing this for me. Frankly, going up to strangers and asking them questions is the last thing I want to do, no matter what universe I’m in. But…someone here is hurting a lot of people, innocent people, and they’ll hurt more if they aren’t stopped.” He looked down at Neo and rubbed his ears. He noticed Novo near the back, chatting with…another waiter? Wes couldn’t imagine that conversation would get very far, but for all he knew maybe everybody on this island was telepathic or whatever.

Neo leaned into Wes’ hand with a loving purr. Wes smiled a little, then looked back up at the Flygon. “Look, I don’t deserve shit. I know I don’t. But my Pokémon deserve to be safe, and I can almost guarantee those missing trainers are better people than I am. I just…want to help, but I don’t have anything to work with.”

He suddenly realized just how long he’d been talking, and felt his face heat up a little. Dammit. He must have been more tired than he thought, to just dump all this crap on some random stranger—a talking Flygon stranger, no less. “Just looking for some help, is all. I guess. I don’t care what happens to me, but I’ll be damned if I can’t at least protect my family.”
Seb calmed down after noticing the others around. He blushed, his face becoming completely red. He covered himself with his jacket in embarrassment. “Sorry, I get excited easily. I’m just a big fan of Legends. Anyway…” He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. He repeated the actions one more time, slower than before. He addressed Wes with a solemn smile.

“I think I understand what you’re saying. You know, I’m just as worried about my birds as you are about everything you said. And I gotta admit, I’m not special either—I’m just your average Trainer who loves Flying-types. I don’t think about it too much, though.”

He adjusted his glasses before continuing. “I wanna help, too. It’s the right thing to do, after all, and the sooner we get this mystery solved, the sooner we can go back to relaxing on this vacation. It’s been like four days so far, so we have time. Two weeks, right? No pressure. Besides, mister Xavian said that there’s other Legends on this island, right? I heard that Latios and Latias trust people with good intentions, so, on the off-chance we find them, if we can get them to help us find the kidnapper, we’ll be able to get an advantage, right? Just a thought.”
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Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Novo let himself relax a little. Maybe he could afford to trust this guy…just a little bit. Hopefully. They didn’t have much to go on at this point.

He sat on his haunches and stared at the ground with a defeated sigh. In low, sorrowful trills, he told the man about the disappearances, about how they took his Mightyena friend. And above all…about how he feared they would take Wes, or Neo, or himself, and separate them from each other. They were his family. His everything. He couldn’t lose them, and if in the end he’d be unable to protect them…

Novo’s ears drooped. He wanted to keep them safe. Needed them to be safe. He looked back up at the waiter. Couldn’t the legendaries help them? Give them advice, or lend their power, or even help protect those who were left?
The waiter nodded, listening intently, and oddly enough almost seemed to understand every word Novo had said. Sorrow twisted his features as Novo continued, and his head hung low. And then he did the strangest thing. He let out a low, keening cry. A soft note, almost bird-like, but deeper. Not something anyone else in the restaurant could have heard, just Novo. A distinctly inhuman noise.

The shape of the waiter shimmered, like a far-off ripple of heat rising from the desert sands. And then it faded, revealing there in the darkness, obscured from view by the others, Latios. He hovered just above the stony ground, peering down at Novo with grief and sympathy. A small tear dripped from the corner of his eye. "Novo... I am sorry." He spoke in a gentle telepathic voice, one that sound both young and old. "I needed to see your resolve. To know that your intentions were pure. I do not enjoy deceiving or hiding, but it is clear there are some on this island less... kind."

Dipping his head, he touched his snout gently to Novo's forehead in a gesture of comfort. "You have a noble heart. And I wish I could do more for you and your trainer. But for all the praise humans give us, we mythical Pokemon are far from omnipotent here. We have spent much time trying to search the world and find those missing. But it seems there is no trace, either here or on this island so far."

A faint gleam of determination returned to Latios' gaze. "But I can promise to remain here and at the very least, look out for your trainer and those they trust." His expression grew grave once more and he shifted closer to Novo, his mental voice serious. "You and your brother must take heart. In this world, nothing is stronger than the bond between trainer and pokemon. Have faith in your brother, and your Wes. And we will do what we can."

Wes only just managed to bite back an angry retort. So self-important. For Pokémon that were so useless on this island, legendaries sure seemed to think highly of themselves.

After a moment, though, the anger faded into weariness. As much as he hated to admit it…the Flygon—gods, the talking Flygon dressed as a chef—had a point. “Look, I don’t…I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t know why a legendary would want anything to do with me. I’m not anything special. I’m not…not a good person, either.” He couldn’t help the hint of bitterness that crept into his tone. “I mean, I’ve tried to…I don’t know. Make things better. Do the right thing. But I only end up hurting the people I care about. I guess I’m not cut out to be the noble, heroic type.” He forced a laugh.

“It probably looks like I’m asking for special treatment or some shit. And I guess I kind of am, depending on how you look at it. But I’m not doing this for me. Frankly, going up to strangers and asking them questions is the last thing I want to do, no matter what universe I’m in. But…someone here is hurting a lot of people, innocent people, and they’ll hurt more if they aren’t stopped.” He looked down at Neo and rubbed his ears. He noticed Novo near the back, chatting with…another waiter? Wes couldn’t imagine that conversation would get very far, but for all he knew maybe everybody on this island was telepathic or whatever.

Neo leaned into Wes’ hand with a loving purr. Wes smiled a little, then looked back up at the Flygon. “Look, I don’t deserve shit. I know I don’t. But my Pokémon deserve to be safe, and I can almost guarantee those missing trainers are better people than I am. I just…want to help, but I don’t have anything to work with.”

He suddenly realized just how long he’d been talking, and felt his face heat up a little. Dammit. He must have been more tired than he thought, to just dump all this crap on some random stranger—a talking Flygon stranger, no less. “Just looking for some help, is all. I guess. I don’t care what happens to me, but I’ll be damned if I can’t at least protect my family.”
Chef Flygon seemed to tense, one claw flexing almost imperceptibly. But he wasn't angry he seemed... proud? Happy? He nodded, and his tail began flicking to side as he gazed into the distance, deep in thought. "I can promise, at least, to do what I can, should you ever need my aid. As for the mythical pokemon here... I cannot speak for them, but I suspect many of them may already be trying to do their own works..."

He fixed an intense red-lensed gaze back on Wes. "But I can see clearly the bond you share with your pokemon is a true one. And that has far more power than you can possibly know. Do not underestimate it or take it lightly." His gaze burned brighter, if that was possible, almost as if he stared into Wes's very being.

The Flygon collected himself and nodded. "I am sorry I cannot be of more help than that. But perhaps your Umbreon may have insight of his own." With that, he bowed graciously (and deeper than before), before turning to leave. Then he paused. "It was truly a pleasure to speak to you today. Thank you. It makes my heart proud to know there are still trainers like you out there, across the universe. Your world is lucky to have you."

Seb’s eyes widened with a bit of excitement. “Excuse me, did you say Legends? Where?”

Seb calmed down after noticing the others around. He blushed, his face becoming completely red. He covered himself with his jacket in embarrassment. “Sorry, I get excited easily. I’m just a big fan of Legends. Anyway…” He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. He repeated the actions one more time, slower than before. He addressed Wes with a solemn smile.

“I think I understand what you’re saying. You know, I’m just as worried about my birds as you are about everything you said. And I gotta admit, I’m not special either—I’m just your average Trainer who loves Flying-types. I don’t think about it too much, though.”

He adjusted his glasses before continuing. “I wanna help, too. It’s the right thing to do, after all, and the sooner we get this mystery solved, the sooner we can go back to relaxing on this vacation. It’s been like four days so far, so we have time. Two weeks, right? No pressure. Besides, mister Xavian said that there’s other Legends on this island, right? I heard that Latios and Latias trust people with good intentions, so, on the off-chance we find them, if we can get them to help us find the kidnapper, we’ll be able to get an advantage, right? Just a thought.”

Chef Flygon turned to address Seb. "To have such love and passion for your pokemon is truly honorable. All worlds are full of uncertainty. I cannot speak for the guardians of your world, but I believe in my heart that the good ones of this world will do what they are able to help." Despite the somberness of his tone, there was a determination and absolute faith to his words as well. Although I am afraid even we are not all knowing. Simply... continue to stay true to your pokemon, and you can overcome anything."

Then, with a flick of his wings and swish of his tail, he left.
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Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
“Thanks for the pep talk, sir,” Seb said with a hand on his chest. That Flygon sure was something. There was a feeling of inspiration welling inside him after hearing that speech.
are you a friend?
Seb raised his eyebrows for a second before he looked back down to Neo. “Oh, sorry, I almost forgot about you. Yeah, I’m a friend. You can trust me. Hope what I said back there is proof enough. Shall we look for the Legends together? Or maybe look for my birds?”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
The shape of the waiter shimmered, like a far-off ripple of heat rising from the desert sands. And then it faded, revealing there in the darkness, obscured from view by the others, Latios. He hovered just above the stony ground, peering down at Novo with grief and sympathy. A small tear dripped from the corner of his eye. "Novo... I am sorry." He spoke in a gentle telepathic voice, one that sound both young and old. "I needed to see your resolve. To know that your intentions were pure. I do not enjoy deceiving or hiding, but it is clear there are some on this island less... kind."

Dipping his head, he touched his snout gently to Novo's forehead in a gesture of comfort. "You have a noble heart. And I wish I could do more for you and your trainer. But for all the praise humans give us, we mythical Pokemon are far from omnipotent here. We have spent much time trying to search the world and find those missing. But it seems there is no trace, either here or on this island so far."

A faint gleam of determination returned to Latios' gaze. "But I can promise to remain here and at the very least, look out for your trainer and those they trust." His expression grew grave once more and he shifted closer to Novo, his mental voice serious. "You and your brother must take heart. In this world, nothing is stronger than the bond between trainer and pokemon. Have faith in your brother, and your Wes. And we will do what we can."
Novo tensed, warily rising to his feet as the air rippled around them both. What was happening? Should he call for Wes? Should—

But when Latios unveiled himself, Novo froze, eyes wide, then hastily bowed his head in a gesture of respect. He was not familiar with this Legend, but there was no mistaking the power in his presence.

It was frightening to hear that not even a Pokémon as powerful Latios had been able to find the missing trainers and Pokémon. Novo tried and failed to suppress the fear that prickled up his spine. Raising his head to meet Latios’s gaze, he mewed: What should they do? Where should they search? Did Latios have any information or guesses he could share?
As for the mythical pokemon here... I cannot speak for them, but I suspect many of them may already be trying to do their own works..."
What? What did that mean, exactly? Was he trying to say they were actually helping? That they could be trusted?
"It was truly a pleasure to speak to you today. Thank you. It makes my heart proud to know there are still trainers like you out there, across the universe. Your world is lucky to have you."
How the hell Flygon had drawn that conclusion, Wes had no idea. And yet, the words instigated a strange sensation in his chest, a feeling that was both warm and painful at the same time, and for some reason he felt a lump form in his throat.

He swallowed and shoved the feeling away. No. Don’t tell me I’m a good person. You don’t know anything about me.

He was about to ask more when the Pokémon turned and left the way he came, leaving Wes with more questions than he’d started with.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that kind of answer? He sighed and rubbed at his temples. So tired, so drained…and the occasional throb of pain in his side wasn’t helping, either. Where could they go from here?
Seb raised his eyebrows for a second before he looked back down to Neo. “Oh, sorry, I almost forgot about you. Yeah, I’m a friend. You can trust me. Hope what I said back there is proof enough. Shall we look for the Legends together? Or maybe look for my birds?”
Neo pondered this for a moment, then leaned into Wes’ leg with a thoughtful “Sprrr.” Hunting for Legends sounded fun! But he would only go wherever Wes went.

Wes glanced at Neo, then back up at the other trainer. Right, he was still here…Wes had been so preoccupied with the Flygon chef, he’d almost completely forgotten the guy was still standing there.

“You’re looking for your Pokémon?” he said with a frown. “I’d make that a priority. It’s not a good idea to be separated from them with…everything going on.” He gestured vaguely at their surroundings. “Bad idea to let them out of your sight—”

He stopped short in a jolt of panic. Shit. Novo. Where was Novo?

He rose abruptly from his seat, eliciting a surprised squawk from Neo, and hurried past the trainer with a curt, “Excuse me.” Without bothering to wait for a reply, he made for the back of the restaurant where he’d last seen him, trying to calm his racing heart. Idiot. How could you let him wander off? Right after telling them to stay close. Damn you.

And then, with a stab of icy fear: If anything has happened to him, it’s your fault.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Novo tensed, warily rising to his feet as the air rippled around them both. What was happening? Should he call for Wes? Should—

But when Latios unveiled himself, Novo froze, eyes wide, then hastily bowed his head in a gesture of respect. He was not familiar with this Legend, but there was no mistaking the power in his presence.

It was frightening to hear that not even a Pokémon as powerful Latios had been able to find the missing trainers and Pokémon. Novo tried and failed to suppress the fear that prickled up his spine. Raising his head to meet Latios’s gaze, he mewed: What should they do? Where should they search? Did Latios have any information or guesses he could share?
What? What did that mean, exactly? Was he trying to say they were actually helping? That they could be trusted?

"It just means we're doing what we can," Latios reassured Novo. "But whoever or whatever is doing this is going to lengths to disguise themselves. I trust the other mythical pokemon I believe. At the very least Latias I trust, beyond a doubt. Manaphy is pure of heart and Victini... well they have no need for schemes. I cannot find it in my heart to believe any good pokemon could do such a thing but..." Latios ears flicked. "There is clearly evil at work nonethless. I am sorry, I do wish I knew more."

He rose abruptly from his seat, eliciting a surprised squawk from Neo, and hurried past the trainer with a curt, “Excuse me.” Without bothering to wait for a reply, he made for the back of the restaurant where he’d last seen him, trying to calm his racing heart. Idiot. How could you let him wander off? Right after telling them to stay close. Damn you.

And then, with a stab of icy fear: If anything has happened to him, it’s your fault.

Latios paused and looked up. He seemed to consider something, as Wes approached. "Do not fear, my sister and I will do what we can to protect you, at the very least. I will go and see if anything else can be uncovered."

His shape shimmered, and the friendly waiter from before reappeared just before Wes rounded the corner into the cave. "Ah, you must be Wes! Your Umbreon and I were having a lovely conversation."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
He rose abruptly from his seat, eliciting a surprised squawk from Neo, and hurried past the trainer with a curt, “Excuse me.” Without bothering to wait for a reply, he made for the back of the restaurant where he’d last seen him, trying to calm his racing heart.
Seb stepped back with a bit of surprise from the sudden movements. “Where are you going? Mind if I help?” He ran behind Wes, careful not to get too close in case he bumped onto him. Wherever he was going, he hoped it wasn’t somewhere nobody was supposed to be.
"Ah, you must be Wes! Your Umbreon and I were having a lovely conversation."
Seb looked with curiosity at where Wes went. It seemed to be a corridor of sorts that lead to a cave entrance. Was it part of the restaurant’s architecture? Where could it have lead to? He wanted to go in there, but stood in place as he saw the fancy waiter. “Uh, hello?”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
"It just means we're doing what we can," Latios reassured Novo. "But whoever or whatever is doing this is going to lengths to disguise themselves. I trust the other mythical pokemon I believe. At the very least Latias I trust, beyond a doubt. Manaphy is pure of heart and Victini... well they have no need for schemes. I cannot find it in my heart to believe any good pokemon could do such a thing but..." Latios ears flicked. "There is clearly evil at work nonethless. I am sorry, I do wish I knew more."
Well…it wasn’t the answer Novo had been hoping for, but he could at least take reassurance in Latios’ promise. He felt a little braver now, knowing that at least some of the Legendaries were on their side and trying to protect whoever they could.

He bowed his head again, this time in gratitude. Just as Latios would do his best, Novo would do the same.

Wes felt a rush of relief once he saw the Umbreon, still with the waiter from before. He immediately stopped to Novo’s level. “Oh, thank gods—what did I tell you about not leaving my sight?” He paused just long enough to catch his breath and steady his trembling voice. “Don’t do that again, okay? You scared the hell out of me.”
His shape shimmered, and the friendly waiter from before reappeared just before Wes rounded the corner into the cave. "Ah, you must be Wes! Your Umbreon and I were having a lovely conversation."

He straightened and shot the waiter a wary look, signaling Neo and Novo to stick close with a silent gesture. “And who the hell are you? I’ve never seen you in my life, so how exactly do you know my name?”

“Bri!” Novo barked sharply and gave his trainer a reproachful look.

Wes scowled back. “Don’t even start with me. I’ve got every right to question anybody we don’t know here.” He resumed his glare at the waiter.

Seb stepped back with a bit of surprise from the sudden movements. “Where are you going? Mind if I help?” He ran behind Wes, careful not to get too close in case he bumped onto him. Wherever he was going, he hoped it wasn’t somewhere nobody was supposed to be.

Seb looked with curiosity at where Wes went. It seemed to be a corridor of sorts that lead to a cave entrance. Was it part of the restaurant’s architecture? Where could it have lead to? He wanted to go in there, but stood in place as he saw the fancy waiter. “Uh, hello?”
Oh, great. That kid had followed them? Why?

His question was immediately answered when Neo turned to address the trainer with a happy chirp. Of course. Leave it to Neo to befriend everything that breathed and subsequently drag Wes into interacting with them. He pinched his nose with a sigh.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Well…it wasn’t the answer Novo had been hoping for, but he could at least take reassurance in Latios’ promise. He felt a little braver now, knowing that at least some of the Legendaries were on their side and trying to protect whoever they could.

He bowed his head again, this time in gratitude. Just as Latios would do his best, Novo would do the same.

Wes felt a rush of relief once he saw the Umbreon, still with the waiter from before. He immediately stopped to Novo’s level. “Oh, thank gods—what did I tell you about not leaving my sight?” He paused just long enough to catch his breath and steady his trembling voice. “Don’t do that again, okay? You scared the hell out of me.”
Latios seemed to muse a moment, as if trying to think of another way to help. He spoke to Umbreon privately, telepahtic voice thoughtful. "Tell your trainer... wherever the missing ones are, they are not anywhere we have found on the island. Nor on mainland. That is what I know so far."

He straightened and shot the waiter a wary look, signaling Neo and Novo to stick close with a silent gesture. “And who the hell are you? I’ve never seen you in my life, so how exactly do you know my name?”

“Bri!” Novo barked sharply and gave his trainer a reproachful look.

Wes scowled back. “Don’t even start with me. I’ve got every right to question anybody we don’t know here.” He resumed his glare at the waiter.
Still apearing as a human, the waiter held up his hand in a pacifying gesture. "Just someone trying to help," he said simply. "You can trust your Umbreon's judgement, I mean no harm." He cast a glance at Seb, then at Neo, meeting the Espeon's gaze.

"I am sorry I cannot stay to talk for longer," he said. "I must return to work rather urgently I'm afraid."


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
"I am sorry I cannot stay to talk for longer," he said. "I must return to work rather urgently I'm afraid."
“Aw, I thought we were going to see that cave over there,” Seb said with a small frown. He shrugged. “Oh well, maybe tomorrow when things aren’t as hectic.”

He turned his gaze at the other Trainer. “So, Wes, right? Call me Seb. It’d be nice if we could chat sometime soon.”


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Latios seemed to muse a moment, as if trying to think of another way to help. He spoke to Umbreon privately, telepahtic voice thoughtful. "Tell your trainer... wherever the missing ones are, they are not anywhere we have found on the island. Nor on mainland. That is what I know so far."

Still apearing as a human, the waiter held up his hand in a pacifying gesture. "Just someone trying to help," he said simply. "You can trust your Umbreon's judgement, I mean no harm." He cast a glance at Seb, then at Neo, meeting the Espeon's gaze.

"I am sorry I cannot stay to talk for longer," he said. "I must return to work rather urgently I'm afraid."
Wes said nothing further and only continues to flare at the waiter’s back until he had disappeared back into the kitchen. Wasn’t much an answer, that was for damn sure. He hadn’t even given Wes a name.

He turned back to his Pokémon with a huff. “Let’s go. I want to be back in the room well before dark.”

Novo was still giving Wes a reproachful look. Wes sighed. “Look, I’m sorry I chased the guy off, but we just can’t afford to trust total strangers in this place. Okay?”

Novo flicked his ears and chattered something in response, only narrowing his eyes further. Wes sighed again. They could sort this out back at the room. For now, they needed to get out of here. “Come on, let’s —”
“Aw, I thought we were going to see that cave over there,” Seb said with a small frown. He shrugged. “Oh well, maybe tomorrow when things aren’t as hectic.”

He turned his gaze at the other Trainer. “So, Wes, right? Call me Seb. It’d be nice if we could chat sometime soon.”
Wes stopped short. Who was this guy? Whatever, his instincts at least told him he was far from a threat. He simply nodded at Seb and muttered, “Yeah, sure. Hope you find your Pokémon.” He then brushed past him without bothering to exchange information.

Neo, however, hung back for just a split second. With a small wave of telepathy, he sent Seb an image from Wes’ memory: a text containing his phone number. With a smug gleam in his eye, he chirped farewell to his new friend and pranced after his trainer and brother.



Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
It was time to go back to the Dragon's Maw, though this time, she had a clear Pokémon of interest.

She entered the restaurant much clamer this time, and she approached the counter.

("Hello? May I speak to the chef? A friend and I had a conversation, and I simply must ask them about berries. As a Contest Pokémon, I must learn everything there is to know about berries.")

[[ @Flyg0n ]]

"Oh, the head chef?" asked a cheerful host by the entrance. "It would be my pleasure. One moment!"

He vanished through a door behind the counter. A few moments later Chef Flygon emerged, wearing his usual hat. "Greetings," he said, dipping his head. "I heard you wish to know more about berries? How may I help you?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Mmmm. Topo, Drash, Ginema and Eggant." Chef Flygon flicked his tail side to side as mused out loud. "I recognize those. Leavanny said a few had been taken from orchards. Not very good for medicine. Sometime we cook with them but mainly we use them to bake. Can't fathom why anyone would feel the need to steal them." His tail stopped flicking.

"Odd. But to be specific, they're primarily used to make dyes for baking with. Frosting cakes, or adding color to a dish. Perhaps someone is planning a surprise party?" he said, giving a small chuckle to himself. "And of course, they can be used for pokeblocks and other delicacies."

Chef Flygon would never lie! He's a Flygon and all Flygon are good.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
("Can any of them make... yellow or gold dyes?") She cocked her head. ("What's the difference between cooking and baking?")

Chef Flygon nodded. "I suppose they could yes. Those berries could make a variety of colors actually. Red, purples, pinks, grays, indigo and golds and yellows, primarily." He counted out the colors on his claws. "And to answer the other question, its fairly simple. Cooking is usually done on a stovetop. Baking involves anything made in an oven, generally speaking. Of course, there's a bit of gray area but thats the gist. I don't suppose you are a baker yourself?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Dangerously delicious, in the right claws!" he chuckled for a moment, but quickly grew serious. "If they are, its not in any way I'm aware of. And I'm afraid that outside of baking and cooking, I couldn't be sure if there was any other use for them. Between Brea and I we're the most knowledgeable on such things I believe."

He paused to regard Victoria with a keen eye. "I don't suppose this has to do with the investigation?" There was clear disgust in his voice, directed towards whoever was kidnapping trainers.


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Victoria's expression grew angry. She was furious at Xavian, furious at this island, furious at these kidnappers or murderers or whatever.

("I need you to tell me everything: how do you make these dyes, what are these dyes used on, is anyone acting strange in your kitchen, everything.") She took a deep breath. ("I ask this as a fellow Pokémon, as a Champion's Pokémon, as someone who wants this island to be safe.")

Chef Flygon nodded, unfazed by her anger. If anything, he seemed to share it. "I'm not sure how much help it will be but making a dye for cakes and such is fairly simple. Usually the berries are smashed, simmered over a low heat and then rapidly chilled to bring out the color. Different parts of the berries, or different amounts can be used to achieve different colors the process itself will be the same. Usually its then mixed with cream and sugar and other things for frosting... But I'm not sure it would work for anything else. The dye really only mixes with food well."

He frowned, tail lashing more animatedly. "And I've noticed nothing odd in my kitchen. That I can be sure of. I must admit I am perplexed... Unless they were used to make another kinda of dye?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
"Yes... I does seem possible they could be using the berries to dye something non-food related." A growl rumbled in his throat. "And if I find who or what would do this..." he muttered under his breath.

He seemed to shake it off, and refocused on Victoria. "You and your trainer... that green haired man. You will be careful, right?"


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
  10. giratina-origin
Chef Flygon nodded, her anger reflected in his own eyes. "When the time comes, use that anger," he said quietly. "Whoever is committing such evil will not escape justice."

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