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Prologue: The Successor
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom
    Prologue: The Successor

    Jasmine didn’t immediately recognize the young trainer, even though she should’ve.

    He'd arrived early for his challenge, which was unusual for the first morning slot, especially the past few weeks. She’d been reassured that spring was the busiest season, when fresh graduates and tourists poured in. She’d also noticed peaks around the solstices as trainers jostled to cram in their challenges before the next conference. But fall had proven so quiet that Jasmine had scheduled her trainees to shadow other gym leaders. So there was no one to greet the young trainer but the League referee and Jasmine herself.

    This kid was clearly fresh out of Trainers Ed: his clothes were still too new, the single pokeball on his belt too shiny. She knew without having to ask that he only had one badge, if that.

    Had he come in spring, she might’ve encouraged him to start in Violet or Azalea instead. Both were straightforward gyms, and between here and there was plenty of wilderness to strengthen his team. But in the fall, there was no rush, no need to shoo him out of the way. It wouldn’t be an especially stimulating battle for her, but she could still give him a fair challenge.

    It'll have to be Gimbal, she decided. From the tray set into the wall, she selected the ball that held the small, peevish magnemite she'd caught the other week.

    The young trainer stood very still as he waited, like he was afraid to scuff the floors. He tipped back his head to gaze up at the domed ceiling until she called out to him, “Welcome to Olivine Gym.”

    An odd look flickered across his face, so quickly she almost missed it.

    She smiled through it. “Um. Thanks for being so punctual. I’m Jasmine, the gym leader. What's your name, challenger?”

    He swallowed and stood a little straighter. “I’m Chris Nakano.”

    Jasmine tried to keep the surprise from her face. She should’ve noticed the resemblance sooner. If not for his hairless cheeks and blue eyes, he’d look exactly like the former gym leader.

    She was reminded of a morning last year when she’d passed a Pewter City newsstand and seen a dozen copies of Hiro Nakano’s face looking back at her. That didn’t happen often, a Kanto paper displaying a Johto trainer on the front page, let alone one of her childhood heroes. She’d tucked the paper into her bag with a quiet smile, already looking forward to unfolding a piece of home on her lunch break.

    As she unwrapped her sandwich in a patch of late afternoon sun, she finally saw the photo of the Olivine gym—or what was left of it. The ruined roof. Scattered marble chunks the size of a human head and larger.

    At closing that day, Muno dawdled by the doors, staring down at his boots, and she knew he’d heard the news too. Neither of them was much for talking—she suspected that was why he’d taken her on as a trainee. But she folded her hands and waited for him to speak, not just because she was his employee but because she needed someone, anyone, to tell her what to do or feel.

    At last he grated out, “A gym leader doesn’t just represent his city—he is his city. Castle and cavalry, they used to say. The last line of defense.”

    He was right: they were long past the days when gym leaders had needed to defend cities from invaders, but Hiro’s death made Jasmine feel exposed. She’d never felt the distance between Pewter and home so sharply. She lay a steadying hand on her steelix’s coils, which only reminded her how terribly human and soft she was.

    Had things worked out differently, it could’ve been her buried beneath the rubble instead—and she imagined Hiro’s son would’ve preferred it that way.

    What was she supposed to say to this boy now, almost a year after the accident? Every word she tested in her head crumbled away, too little too late.

    When she'd returned home to fill the gym vacancy, she'd brought the Nakano family a fruit basket. She hadn’t known what else to offer. Mrs. Nakano had invited her in for tea, but Jasmine had excused herself, knowing better than to mistake it for anything other than politeness.

    She thought she’d done her duty, or done her best, but of course that wasn’t the end of it. Of course Hiro Nakano’s only child would want to try his hand at pokemon training when he came of age. He must’ve just turned eighteen. And she’d just welcomed him to the gym where he’d grown up. He’d probably spent more time here than she had.

    Nothing for it. Best to stick to business going forward.

    “Well,” she said, “I see you have one pokeball, so we'll make this one-on-one.”

    Chris Nakano wore the same expression as any other gym challenger: a little fierce, a little nervous. He nodded, then added, “I don't expect any special treatment.”

    She managed a smile. “Of course not.”

    Under the referee’s gaze, the two of them shook hands and then moved to opposite sides of the room, footsteps echoing. Jasmine raised her arm to throw her pokeball—and then stopped short.

    No special treatment.

    “I’m sorry. One moment,” she said, then turned back for a different pokeball. A gym leader’s kid would’ve trained some already, officially or not, so he could handle a magneton. Radican would do nicely.

    With an apologetic nod to the referee, she returned to her position and sent out her pokemon.

    As tradition dictated, the challenger was allowed a moment to size up Radican before the referee signaled for him to select his own pokemon. If there had been any doubt who’s son he was, it vanished when he released (oh no) a cyndaquil. Family tradition, apparently.

    At the sound of the referee’s whistle, Jasmine startled. She gave the first command that came to mind. “Radican, thunder wave.”

    “Tuck and roll, like we practiced!”

    The first few blasts sparkled harmlessly into empty air, but evasion alone was never a longterm strategy. The moment the cyndaquil raised its head to return fire, Radican struck true.

    Jasmine winced to see the cyndaquil seize up as electricity crackled over its body—but Radican swept in without hesitation, just like she’d trained them to do. They bowled the cyndaquil onto its back and, as it struggled to its feet, boomeranged back and knocked it down again. There’d been no chance to call them off if she’d wanted to.

    Jasmine waited and watched with a sinking heart, but the cyndaquil didn’t get back up.

    Chris crouched to speak softly over his pokemon; when he recalled it, she called out, “Most trainers don't manage it on the first try.”

    Without meeting her gaze, he shot back, “A great trainer at his worst has to be better than everyone else’s best.”

    No, she wanted to tell him. It was me! I overshot it.

    But that was as good as confessing she’d meant to hand him a badge for free. She hadn’t, but she hadn’t meant to trounce him either, only to sweat him a little and then let both of them off the hook.

    No chance of ending things quickly now.

    “I’ll be here when you’re, um, ready for a rematch.”

    Radican circled her head, buzzing with obvious glee. She fanned them away, smile straining.

    Chris bowed his head. “Thank you for the match.” And with that he turned for the exit.

    Jasmine picked at her hangnail as she watched him go. When the doors whooshed shut behind him, he left behind a ringing silence.

    Well, there would be other challengers to handle, if not today then soon. So she called out her onix and her steelix and set them against each other, rock smashing into rock until the cacophony left her numb.

    She’d expected Chris to come back, but she’d thought it would take longer than two days.

    This time he’d brought a sandshrew with him—not a bad idea, except that it still looked half-wild, thin and wide-eyed.Jasmine thought again of Gimbal, the magnemite, but knew it was too late for that. She’d already set the bar, and he’d have to either find a way to meet it … or accept that he couldn’t.

    The second battle lasted longer than the first, but not by much. She let Radican fly loose, hoping a hands-off approach would even the scales in the challenger’s favor. Unfortunately, he stuck to nearly the exact same tuck-and-roll strategy as before, trusting his electric resistance to save him. But surely he had to know that a magneton had more than one trick in its arsenal.

    With a fizzle of popping lights, Radican left the sandshrew swooning and clutching its head. Then the boomerang treatment, and Chris’s pokemon was splayed on the tile again.

    Like before, Chris dipped his head to her and said, “Thank you for your time.”

    “I guess I'll see you around,” she said with an uncertain smile.

    “I guess so.”

    The third time Chris Nakano challenged the Olivine gym, his mother came too, arriving a little before the battle started. Out of the corner of her eye, Jasmine saw her creep in to take a seat in the empty bleachers, still wearing her hospital scrubs.

    In the past year, Jasmine had hosted numerous Indigo League Elites in her gym. Celebrity researchers. Foreign dignitaries. Even once, unknowingly, a mob boss. Being watched by Hiro’s widow made her more nervous than any of them.

    Jasmine stammered her commands but won again anyway. At least he’d lasted longer this time, but Jasmine couldn’t meet his mother’s gaze as they walked out together.

    Before Chris Nakano’s fourth challenge, Jasmine hesitated, passing Radican’s pokeball back and forth between her hands. Finally, she said, “You know this gym will be here, right? There’s nothing wrong with, um, coming back later.” After a stomach-wrenching silence, she added, “There will always be a spot in the schedule for you.”

    His face was grim. “I need this badge. I want—I have to start things right.”

    She nodded. “Well then … go ahead and choose your pokemon.”

    Back to the cyndaquil, taking a bolder approach this time. This boy and his pokemon didn’t give up. She had to admire it—but it wasn’t quite enough.

    For the fifth match, Chris sent out the sandshrew. When he immediately gave the order to duck and avoid Radican’s confusion array, Jasmine’s shoulders tightened, bracing for the usual pattern to repeat one more time.

    But as the sandshrew uncurled, something in the way it held itself was different. When Radican flew for its face in a screech and scrape of metal, the sandshrew’s legs shook but it held its ground until—


    The sandshrew tucked its head only long enough for Radican to sail past, then it spun and swatted them down. By the time Radican rose, sparking with irritation, there was nothing but a furrow in the dirt where the sandshrew had been.

    It had taken them some time, but they’d finally learned Radican’s rhythm.

    Even when Jasmine jumped back in to guide her pokemon, the game of whack-a-mole dragged on so long that at times she wondered which pokemon would tire first. When Radican finally hit the tiles with a resounding clang, both trainers sighed with relief.

    As Chris ran to embrace his sandshrew, his mother jumped up in the bleachers, her hands clasped over her mouth. Crying. Were they happy tears or the tears of someone giving up one more family member to the League?

    Jasmine averted her eyes.

    When Chris recalled his pokemon and stood, she held out the badge to him. “Fair and square.”

    “Only took me five tries.” He flashed a smile, a dimple in his left cheek but not the right, and for an instant the imbalance erased all resemblance to Hiro.

    It wasn’t fair to compare them, but she couldn’t stop herself. Everyone did it, she imagined, and that wouldn’t stop anytime soon.

    “Sometimes it pays for trainers to be a little stubborn,” she told him.

    At that, his smile faded. He carefully pinned the badge to the first slot in his worn leather case, turning away. No, he didn’t want advice from her.

    That was all right. Her job was to test trainers and give out badges, not to be their friend. She didn’t need him to accept her.

    All the same, she said, “You'll have to give me a rematch when you come back, um, after you’ve gotten all your badges. Um ….”

    Jasmine chewed over the next part for a long moment, but Chris waited patiently. Muno would like him.

    “You’ve done a lot in a few weeks. If you keep working this hard, you could go far. But I hope you’re not too hard on yourself.”

    He narrowed his eyes—ah, there it was, the resentment she’d expected—but then he relaxed. “Yeah. I think I’d like that. I … I’m sorry. Thanks for taking good care of ….” He waved a hand to indicate the gym, or maybe even Olivine. Then he shrugged, smiled, and pocketed his badge case.

    She took a deep breath and made her final peace offering. “I’ve got big shoes to fill.”

    “Yeah. Me too.”
    Last edited:
    1: Green
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom
    1: Green

    Two years later.

    Chris spotted the tree from up the slope, the orange patches along its trunk a shock in the gray landscape. Zip, his jolteon, bounded ahead to investigate, confirmation that something was off. As Chris drew closer, he realized with a sinking stomach that the patches were claw marks, deep cuts that extended high above his head. He reached up to touch the grooves, and his fingers came away sap-sticky. Recent, then.

    He looked around for signs of life or movement, but there was only Zip scuffling in the snow. In the distance, delibird called to each other. Then, through the branches ahead, Chris spotted the orange bark of another scarred tree. And beyond that would be more. Something had definitely passed through here, something big, and he hoped he was wrong about what it was.

    Sliding out of his pack, he drew his pokedex from the side pocket. It was an older model, one of the heavy-duty ones that looked like a graphing calculator. He’d managed to fend off automatic updates until a finger slip back in Goldenrod, and now the new software oozed sluggishly through the old machine; before it would scan, Chris had to turn it off and on and wipe the camera lens with the bottom edge of his shirt. Eventually, the pokedex vibrated once, and then the data for ursaring appeared on-screen.

    He sighed, his breath a white plume. “Yeah, that’s what I thought ….”

    Chris paged through his dex, screen lagging with each finger swipe. Finally, he came to the habitat description and map. Ursaring most commonly inhabit mountainous forests, the screen read, rarely living at elevations higher than 1,200 feet. In winter months, they dig dens for hibernation, often favoring hillsides.

    But winter was over. The tree branches were tipped in buds almost ready to burst. Mud flowed beneath the crust of snow. In July, spring had finally come to the Ice Pass.

    The rush of warmth wouldn’t last beyond September, so the wildlife had to make the most of it. For an ursaring, that meant fighting for mates—trading blows that could smash trees—and then rearing cubs they’d defend to the death. This was absolute worst time to run across an ursaring.

    Chris shut his pokedex and glanced back at his footprints winding through the ravine. High limestone cliffs framed the ice-capped peaks known to locals as the Dragon’s Spine. Breaks in the cliffs were cluttered with skeletal scrub brush and anemic trees. Alcoves and cave entrances dotted the wall, and the snow hid more underfoot—all too easy for a traveler to twist an ankle. The view ahead was more of the same. A sliver of sun peeked over the cliff wall, but within the hour it would sink and cast the canyon into shadow. This was his second day in the canyon; navigating through the ravine to open ground in either direction meant at least another day of travel, assuming the best conditions.

    The memory of Dad’s words rose up as clearly as a whisper in his ear: The only way out is through.

    Looking back just once more, Chris shouldered his pack, called for Zip, and continued deeper into the canyon.

    When Chris made camp a short while later, the first thing he did was string a line between two trees and hang his wettest clothes to dry. There was no wind, so he didn’t bother to clip anything to the line. There wasn’t much sun either, and he hoped it was enough to make a difference. Of course, his clothes would dry faster with help from his typhlosion, but Kosho had already made a show of how much he hated the cold, so Chris tried to minimize the amount of time he had to spend in the snow.

    Even Zip had been worn down by the cold, dripping and droopy-eared after crashing through a snowed-over hollow that had looked like solid ground. “I’ll call you out again when I get the fire going,” Chris said, recalling him.

    Then, alone, he set about stomping out a flat space to set up the tent and then digging a fire pit. Before long, his face was flushed from the exertion, so he peeled off his coat before the sweat could soak through. As he turned to drape his coat over the drying line, he realized one of his socks was missing.

    Chris had exactly three pairs of socks: two for hiking and one reserved only for sleeping, to help keep the tent clean and dry. If he lost a pair, that meant he no longer had dry ones to change into. And out here, wet feet meant frostbite.

    Stupid! Why hadn’t he taken the time to clip them in place?

    He scanned for scrap of red wool among the pine needles, until a thump behind him prompted him to turn around. Low in the branches of pine perched a delibird, the first one he’d seen up close. From its beak dangled a red sock.


    The instant the shout left his mouth, the delibird made a graceless hop to the next tree, sending more snow thumping to the ground.

    Chris scrambled to release his jolteon. At the sight of the delibird, Zip let out a bark, wet fur fizzling back into bristles. The delibird took off with a hoot, half-gliding and half-hopping, and Zip tore off after it in a spray of snow. The two of them disappeared into the trees.

    Something red flickered in the corner of Chris's vision. He spun around in time to catch a second delibird tugging at his coat’s dangling sleeve and a third landing on the drying line next to it; under the delibird’s weight, the line sagged almost to the ground.

    “Get out of here!” He ran waving his arms until the delibird scattered. The drying line bounced back and, like a slingshot, sent clothes flying. Cursing, Chris dove to collect them.

    As he shook dirt and snow off his shirt, the two delibird toddled toward his coat again. “Stop that!” He snatched up the coat, sending the delibird fluttering out of reach, and balled it up under one arm.

    Huffing and puffing, he watched them watching him from a safe distance. “What?” he demanded. “What do you want?”

    Their eyes were huge and unblinking.

    At last, Chris turned away … and when he looked over his shoulder, the delibird were shuffling closer again. An exasperated sound ripped out of him. “For the love of— what?

    Then he felt the lump in his coat pocket and remembered the pack of PokeBlocks. Fumbling and nearly dropping his shirt again, he dug out the package. “Is this what you wanted?” He chucked a block into the snow, and the delibird were on it in a heartbeat, jostling and squawking to get to it first.

    Chris resealed the bag, his mouth a thin line. The PokeBlocks were supposed to be for his pokemon to reinforce their training, but ….

    “Hey, guys.” He held the bag up and shook it. When the delibird snapped their heads up to look, he smiled grimly. “Want these? Go get it!” With that, he flung it into the trees as hard as he could.

    As he watched the delibird bumble and flap after the PokeBlock bag, Chris chuckled despite himself. Problem solved.

    As Zip trotted up beside him, Chris turned wearily, smile falling. Panting, butt wiggling, Zip held one half of a red sock in his teeth.

    Chris was sitting by the fire with his pokemon, mechanically shoveling rehydrated chili into his mouth, when Zip suddenly jumped up, his sparking fur bright against the dark woods. Kosho lifted his head from Chris's lap and growled. Chris squinted until he picked out movement among the shadows. The delibird were back.

    Chris sighed. “Easy, Zip. Don’t waste your energy.”

    Sure enough, even when the jolteon begrudgingly tucked his legs, the delibird came no closer than the firelight’s edge. Still, there were a lot of them, an entire carol shuffling and cooing and fidgeting just out of sight—except for the occasional glint of yellow eyes.

    “I don’t have anything else for you,” Chris called into the darkness. “I already gave you jerks all my PokeBlocks.”

    Something rolled across the snow until it bounced off Chris's boot: a black button. It hadn’t come from any of his clothes. So, where—?

    To the left, a delibird cooed, and a plastic fork clattered into the firelight. Another coo, then a penny landed in Chris's bowl. A pen cap bounced off Kosho’s side, and the typhlosion snorted in annoyance.

    “Hey! Watch it!” Chris warned, prompting Zip to hop back up, bristling with electricity.

    The carol stilled for a moment.

    Chris nudged the button away with his foot. He’d heard the stories about delibird leaving gifts on doorsteps and rescuing travelers, but he hadn’t expected those stories to be literal. Or that the delibird’s gifts would be so ordinary. Maybe the plastic trinkets looked more spectacular in wavelengths that Chris couldn’t see. Maybe the delibird thought they were giving up their greatest treasures for more PokeBlocks.

    “Sorry,” he said, chuckling, “but I still don’t have anything!”

    A prescription pill jar rolled out of the darkness and hit his foot, one remaining pill rattling inside. Clearly, he wasn’t the first passing trainer these delibird had robbed. Or maybe someone had simply been careless packing up.

    Chris picked up the bottle and read: Penelope L. Tait. No one he’d heard of. He wondered if she’d already made it to Blackthorn. While Chris sat in the snow with one and a half pairs of dry socks, she was probably celebrating a win at the gym .

    Unless, of course … Penelope was just one more trainer who’d never made it to her destination.

    He felt a chill that had nothing to do with the snow. Chris was no longer afraid of sleeping alone in the wilderness, but he also knew it was the cocky trainers who misstepped and paid dearly for it. For the first time in months, he had to wonder … what evidence of his journey would be left on this mountain if he took a bad fall?

    “Okay, that’s it. Zip, go.”

    As Zip threw himself into the carol, sending sparks and feathers flying, Chris bent to gather up the delibird’s plastic treasures. He’d do the responsible thing and pack it out with the rest of his own trash.

    When he cleared away camp the next day, all that marked where he’d been was an indentation in the snow scattered with red feathers.

    On the third day in the ravine, Chris hiked alone, trying to outrace the shadows the poured across the canyon floor.

    The air had turned bitingly cold, no longer invigorating. Chris didn’t want to be out in this himself, let alone make his pokemon slog through it with him, but that wasn’t the real reason he’d recalled them. And although it was true he didn’t want to antagonize an ursaring—there were signs of them all around now, including a tree that had been completely splintered—that wasn’t it either.

    More than anything, he wanted to get through this leg of the journey as quickly as possible. He couldn’t bear to wait another year for his shot at the Indigo Conference. His pokemon were slow in the snow, most of them for lack of enthusiasm and the rest for an overabundance of it: Slapdash would climb every tree if Chris let him, and Zip was better at discovering hidden holes than getting out of them. The woods were too quiet without his pokemon, but it was only for a little while.

    One more badge and they were in. Just one more.

    Thick snowflakes fell with no sign of letting up, the sky flat and gray as paper. All morning, he’d been sliding and sticking in the mud, but now it crunched underfoot. When he wasn’t watching his feet, he was watching the twisted pines for signs of movement. A few hours ago, he’d spotted a band of sneasel. They’d kept their distance, but he didn’t want to be caught by surprise if they reappeared.

    The problems he expected were mundane, the kind that could be avoided with preparation and a wary eye.

    He raised his eyes again in time to see a green light pulse through the trees ahead. With a series of thumps, snow dropped from all of the trees at once. Over the swish of branches came a hum, growing louder. Something flickered past Chris, but it was already gone by the time he turned. And then all fell silent.

    Chris stopped at the bottom of the slope and stared up into the copse of trees through frosted lashes, holding his breath and listening hard. Wind whistled over the canyon walls. Nothing moved but the tips of the tree branches bobbing on the wind. Snowflakes tumbled down.

    With one hand to his belt, Chris continued slowly into the trees. Whatever was ahead, it wasn’t an ursaring. His heart pounded a fearful rhythm, but curiosity drew him forward all the same. He was his father’s son, so he knew there would be an explanation if he kept his eyes and ears open.

    As Chris neared the top of the slope, he spotted a blue lump on the ground ahead. One moment it was nothing, a shadow on the snow. The next, peering around tree trunks, he realized it was fabric. An arm.

    His heartbeat stuttered. He tried to speak but found his tongue stuck dry to the roof of his mouth. Swallowing, he tried again. “Hello? Are you okay?”

    Boots sliding, he scrambled up the slope, and the rest came into view. What Chris had taken at first for a shadow was a woolen cloak with a hood. A girl, sprawled out as if sleeping. Her golden curls spilled free of the hood, glittering with freshly fallen snow. The cloak fell partly open to reveal a robe with flowing sleeves quilted in blue and white diamonds. She had no pokeballs that he could see. Her forearms and calves lay bare, thin and so pale the veins were visible. She wore sandals, each made from a single piece of leather wrapped around the sides of the foot and laced shut across the top, leaving toes and ankles bare. Her exposed toes, fingers, and cheeks were red with cold.

    Chris had seen more than one under-prepared trainer on his travels, but this went well beyond a pitiable mistake: this was life-threatening.

    He swiveled to scan the clearing and saw nothing but more trees. No campsite, no signs of a struggle. Just an unconscious girl dressed for a summer festival. How had she made it this far into the canyon alone?

    It didn’t matter now.

    Chris dropped his backpack, leaving it where it landed, and squatted at the girl’s side. “Hey, can you hear me?” He rocked her shoulder. “Hey! Come on. Wake up.”

    Her head rolled to one side then the other as he shook her. When he stopped, she didn’t move again.

    Cursing, Chris flung a glove off into the snow and held his hand over her nose and mouth. He thought he felt her breathing, but it was so faint he wasn’t sure. His stomach gave a horrible lurch. Gods, oh gods. Trembling, he pressed his first two fingers against her neck, fumbling to find the artery … and let his breath out in a whoosh when he finally detected a slow pulse.

    “Oh man.” Biting the inside of his cheek, he sat back on his heels and stared up through the skeletal branches. Daylight was fading fast. He removed his other glove, rubbed his face, and returned his gaze to the girl. When he felt her sleeve, he was unsurprised to find it damp, snow already seeping through. “Oh man.”

    He needed to do something quickly.

    A golden brooch held the outer cloak shut. He unpinned it, careful to knock the accumulated snow onto the ground. Then, swallowing, he reached towards the sash that held the robe together—but stopped mid-air and clamped his hands around his ankles instead, drumming his fingers on the tops of his boots.

    No. Well, he’d have to, even if he didn’t like it. But first, he could buy a little time.

    He stood, pocketed his gloves, and at last released Kosho from his pokeball.

    The typhlosion stretched as he materialized, raking his claws across the frozen ground. Then he raised his bearlike face and sniffed the air. Fully solidified, on all fours, his head was at the right height to nudge Chris's hand for a scratch.

    “Yes, I know, hi.” Chris pulled away and pointed. “I need you over here.”

    At Chris's sharp tone, Kosho perked his ears, serious and ready to become dangerous.

    Chris patted the ground next to the girl. “Come here. Lie down.”

    Kosho lumbered toward the girl, pausing to sniff her hair. Then he lifted each paw, shaking the snow from between his toes, and moaned.

    “I know it’s cold, but I can’t help it. Could you lie down, please?”

    With a hand motion from Chris, Kosho gave growling groan, tongue flopping, stretched once more, and then settled onto the muddy snow.

    Chris nudged him with a knee. “Over.” Even with his flames retracted, the heat of Kosho’s fur was enough to instantly melt the snowflakes off Chris's pants.

    Snorting a puff of steam, Kosho shifted and rolled until he lay beside the girl—not as if she were something precious to be shielded but as if she were a pile of rocks.

    Nonetheless, Chris bent to rub the tips of Kosho’s ears. “Thank you.”

    Turning his back to them both, Chris grabbed his backpack and knelt to paw through it. At the very top was the first aid kit. He began to set it aside but stopped to take out his last two chemical hand warmers from the zippered pouch. These he tucked into his pockets before placing the rest on the ground beside him. Next were the various piece of his mess kit, which he stacked atop his first aid kit. Beneath the extra set of clothes and the repair kit, he finally uncovered his tent.

    The stakes, poles, and the body of the tent itself he leaned against a nearby tree. After stamping down a reasonably flat space next to the girl, he spread the rain fly on the snow. He set the thin foam sleeping pad on top, then the sleeping bag, which he laid open.

    That was everything.

    He paused, glancing back. Kosho watched with mild curiosity. Beside him, the girl lay as still as a corpse.

    Chris wiped his brow and tugged the rain fly a fraction of an inch closer. Chris was familiar with emergency first aid, both from the classes required to get his license and from growing up with a nurse for a mom. But this was a real person, not a practice dummy. Noting the darkening sky, he swept his gaze over the clearing, his stacked supplies, and then finally allowed his eyes to fall upon the girl again. She was shivering, and he was wasting time.

    Finally, he reached his hands beneath the girl and rolled her onto the sleeping bag. A smooth transition. But that was the easy part.

    He let out a long breath. “Okay,” he said to the air, as if the word could calm his fluttering stomach. Even as he reached towards her, his face warmed with shame. But he pushed through it and began to pull at the knotted cord that held her robe together. “I’m sorry. I swear I’m just trying to help you.”

    Finally, he worked the knot loose, then slid free the sash belt. He fought the urge to avert his eyes, but—he heaved a sigh of relief to see she wore silk slip underneath, dry enough to leave alone. After that, pulling his dry shirt over her head was easier.

    As he fumbled to get her limp arm through the sleeve, he noticed the one other thing she wore: an iridescent gold feather the size of his hand hung on a string around her neck. He didn’t pause to wonder about it. When he bent to remove her sandals, her feet were like ice. He started to rub one of her feet between his palms, then gave up and worked faster to get her into his sweatpants and then the sleeping bag.

    The moment before he pulled away, her eyes fluttered open. Her gaze was unfocused for a moment before locking onto Chris, freezing him to the spot.

    The hair rose on his arms.

    “Cold,” she said, so quiet he almost didn’t hear.

    “It’s going to be alright. I’m going to get you help.” He leaned over her for the sleeping bag zipper pull.

    She reached up to pluck a tiny red feather from the front of his coat. Delibird down. He hadn’t even noticed it there. “Rainbow wings,” she mumbled.

    “You’re going to be alright,” he repeated, gently turning her onto her side.

    Her eyes closed again.

    Chris took the hand warmers from his pocket, crushed them to activate the heat, and shoved them down towards her feet. Then he pulled the sleeping bag around her face, wet hair and all. Her arm still dangled out of the bag, the feather stuck wetly to her fingers. When he moved to tuck it into the sleeping bag, her hand closed around his.

    She was very pretty, he realized. What was she doing out here?

    After a long moment, he spoke in a voice hardly above a whisper, surprising himself, “What’s your name?”

    She didn’t respond with so much as a sigh.

    In silence, he watched her breathe for a few moments, ignoring the snow soaking his knees until his free arm began to ache from supporting all his weight. He gently disengaged his hand from hers.

    Dusting the remaining delibird feathers off his coat, he climbed to his feet. His heart was still pounding, but the air was still. He motioned for Kosho to lie beside the girl again, steadied himself with a breath, and got back to work.

    He set up the tent and, with some effort, pulled the girl inside using the rain fly as a sling. Then he reinstalled Kosho at her side and zipped them in together.

    With that done, there was only one task left.

    He glanced at his Bitflex, but of course it still displayed only no signal. Out here, there was no radio, no GPS, and definitely no phone service. It might as well be just a watch. With a sigh, he went to his backpack.

    The PLB—personal locator beacon—hung from an outside strap on his pack. It resembled a small, squat flashlight without a bulb, heavy for its size. The switch at the bottom was difficult to move on purpose. He had never had to flip that switch before. Not in Union Cave, seized by panic that he’d never find his way back up to daylight. Not after wandering Ilex Forest for days, unsure whether he was walking in circles. This time there was no other option.

    He briefly indulged in the idea of loading the girl onto Thorn, his skarmory. But he’d never tried something like that before. Thorn probably wasn’t quite big enough to carry the two of them and, clever though she was, she wouldn’t get back to Mahogany without his guidance. Besides, it would be too much jostling and bouncing, and he didn’t know if the girl had a concussion or something even worse. The risk was too great.

    “Suck it up,” Chris scolded himself. He flicked the switch with an audible snap.

    Nothing happened. Or, at least, nothing immediately obvious. The signal beaming SOS out to orbital satellites, the screaming alarms at the local receptor station on the ground, orders being barked, the emergency team donning their suits, the computer technician reading the output and tracking the location of the metal cylinder clutched in Chris's hand—this all had to be imagined.

    In the meantime, there was nothing for Chris to do but wait.

    He turned a circle, snow crunching beneath his feet. Pale sky and blue cliff peeked between the dark trees. The sun sank imperceptibly lower, and the snow kept drifting down. Even with Kosho sitting feet away, Chris had never felt so alone in the canyon. Perhaps never in all the months he’d been training.

    He paced around the clearing but didn’t dare go far. He craned his head back to search for a helicopter he knew could not have possibly arrived yet. Not so much as a delibird crossed the sky. After his second lap, he began to pick through the snow for fallen branches, but unsurprisingly the wood he found was too green and wet to burn.

    Rubbing his hands together, Chris returned to sit on the tent floor beside his pokemon. He pressed his hands to the warmth of Kosho’s back until they no longer stung from the cold. Kosho sighed contentedly and lay his head on Chris's knee. The heat radiating from his fur, even when at rest, was so intense that Chris unzipped his coat. However, the ground beneath them was still cold through the tent floor. He hoped the girl was warm enough.

    After checking the girl’s pulse again (unchanged, as far as he could tell), he hopped up to reorganize his piles of gear. Finally, he uncovered his mess kit and took out what he needed for tea.

    He brought the ziplock bag of loose leaf tea to his nose and breathed deeply. It was a blend of green teas and herbs from the Olivine hills, toasted on the camp stove. The standard in Olivine was to add sugar and milk, but Chris took his tea New Bark-style, like Dad.

    When Mom worked the night shift, Dad was the one who’d roused him for school and gotten food into him. Mom taught him how to ride a bike, but Dad taught him how to make breakfast: omelet, natto, miso soup. And a proper cup of tea.

    After a moment, Chris resealed the bag and pocketed it. He listened to the hiss of his camp stove, staring at nothing.

    He shook his head and caught sight of the girl’s cloak robe still on the ground. When he got up for a better look, he realized the diamond pattern wasn’t made of solid color blocks at all but many blue and white stitches that revealed intricate scenes: a stantler under cherry blossoms, a river lined with trees, lotus flowers and bowls of fruit on the steps of a temple. All of it looked hand-embroidered, the stitches tight but unequal in length. Along the edges of the fabric were even more tiny diamonds. He had never seen a piece of clothing decorated with such care.

    Chris peeled the blue and white robe up from the wet cloak beneath, shook it out, and then draped it between two sturdy tree branches. The lack of direct sun would prevent it from drying much, but at least it was off the ground.

    After rubbing the sleek fabric between his fingers one more time—it felt like silk—he turned his attention to the cloak. For the first time, he noticed the shape of the brooch pinned to the hood: a bird pokemon, wings spread, feathers suggested by a crude chevron pattern. He thought he recognized it, but he wasn’t sure from where. The brooch was blockier than the Johto ‘Geottos logo. Like the robe, it looked handmade, hammer marks visible all over the surface and edges ragged in places.

    He picked up the cloak too, brushing snow from the folds. As he scouted around for a suitable place to hang it, the cloak being much heavier than the robe, something green in the corner of his eye caused him to glance down. He nearly dropped the cloak in shock.

    Where the girl had lain was a patch of perfect storybook green: lush grass and clover dotted with tiny flowers. He hadn’t seen anything that green anywhere in the canyon. He prodded at the surrounding snow with the toe of his boot, and beneath was nothing but black earth and pine needles. No grass there. On a whim, he ruffled the grass with his hand and found it wet but warm.

    A trainer’s pokemon had done something. That was the only possible explanation. But then … where had they gone, and why had they left the girl behind to freeze to death? No matter how he tried to see it the way Dad would, Chris couldn’t make sense of any of it.

    Frowning, he hung the cloak in the trees, its weight bowing branches, and returned to sit on a rock beside his camp stove and windshield. Over and over, his eyes returned to that patch of grass shaped like a human body.

    Inside the tent, Kosho sighed contentedly as he lay dozing, curled around the girl like nothing was strange about this at all.

    Chris sipped his tea in silence, watching the grass (still there) and the sky (still empty). He checked his Bitflex again, though he didn’t need to see the time to know it was getting darker out. And colder. The next time he checked her pulse, the girl was shivering agin. Zipping his own coat higher, he rose to gather up snow to melt for another cup of tea, then waited some more.

    He was drinking his third cup of tea when he heard the helicopter in the distance. Heart hammering, Chris leapt to his feet. He paused only to snatch the cloak from the branch where it hung, then ran toward the sound of the approaching helicopter. He half-sprinted and half-slid downhill, jumping over exposed roots and fallen logs. The noise grew louder and louder until his ears throbbed. Just as he broke through the trees, he watched the red emergency services helicopter glide into view over the canyon wall.

    “Over here!” Chris shouted, but he could hardly hear himself. With two hands he waved the cloak overhead, droplets spattering his arm with each snap. The wet cloth was heavy, and his arms quickly began to tire.

    To his relief, the helicopter banked and began to descend. The trees shivered, shedding pine needles and snow. The racket became even louder, forcing Chris to cover his ears. Wind battered him, ripping back his hood, tossing ice flecks into his face and slapping the wet cloak against him. He planted his feet and hid his face in his shoulder.

    A few feet above the ground, the chopper halted and hovered in place. A door slid open, and a woman in a helmet, jumpsuit, and a reflective neon vest jumped down. As she jogged to meet Chris, he noticed that among other tools clipped to her belt was a full set of six masterballs. He had never seen them carried by anyone other than a police officer. That was one way to subdue an attacking pokemon, he supposed.

    Over the noise, she shouted, “Are you injured?”

    “I’m fine,” Chris yelled back, “but there’s a girl over there in the trees. I left her with my pokemon but she needs help. She’s unconscious.”

    She scrunched her shoulder to speak into the short-range radio clipped onto her jumpsuit. It crackled in response, but Chris couldn’t hear over the helicopter rotors. Then she shouted to Chris, “How far is it?”

    “Not far. Maybe a hundred feet up the hill.”

    The paramedic relayed this information via radio, then ran back to the helicopter. Someone fed a stretcher with raised sides and straps through the door, and she caught the end. A second paramedic hopped down, supporting the other end of the stretcher. An espeon in a matching Tyvek vest hopped out behind him, landing daintily. As they approached Chris, the helicopter roared into the air.

    “Show us the way!”

    With the paramedics and their espeon following closely behind, Chris picked his way through the trees once again. He unzipped the tent door and recalled Kosho to make room for the two paramedics. Before he finished clipping Kosho’s pokeball back onto his belt, the paramedics were already kneeling on either side of the girl.

    One unrolled space blankets, the synthetic fabric crinkling, while she updated the helicopter crew via radio. The other asked questions about the girl and what had happened. Chris had few answers. The espeon crouched beside the girl’s head, its eyes wide and somber.

    Finally, one paramedic announced, “Let’s get her into the helicopter.”

    They bundled the girl up in space blankets, the shiny material reflecting streaks of light around the clearing. The helicopter rotors clattered louder, softer, and louder again as it wheeled overhead. Red flashed through the trees. Then, “On three. One, two, three—” they moved her into the stretcher and strapped her in while Chris stood aside, chewing his lip.

    One of the paramedics radioed the helicopter. The other motioned the espeon forward as the helicopter came into view overhead. The espeon’s handler said something to it, inaudible over the helicopter, and its eyes began to glow. Light haloed the stretcher. Another round of back and forth radio static, and then the stretcher began its slow rise to the helicopter’s waiting doors.

    Chris craned his neck back to follow her gleaming, silver-wrapped body rising through the treetops. His stomach felt leaden, but not until the paramedic spoke did he finally look away.

    “We’ll fly her to the nearest hospital in Mahogany Town. You saved her life.”

    “Yeah …” Chris skimmed his eyes over his scattered camp gear, the robe still hanging in the tree. Lastly, he turned to look up at the Dragon’s Spine peaks overhead, visible only as silhouettes now. His final badge was waiting for him, but …

    She was going to wake up alone. Maybe she knew someone in Mahogany, he reasoned, but it rang false even inside his own head. That robe was too luxurious for the dinky little lake town. And then there was the patch of grass.

    Perhaps his final gym badge could wait a few more days.

    He spun to face the two paramedics. “Can I come with you?”
    Last edited:
    2: The Volunteer
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    2: The Volunteer

    Chris must’ve slept, because he remembered little of the journey back to Mahogany. As they began to descend, he stretched his arms—because that was all the room he had to move, hunched in the corner with his backpack—and watched the dull orange streetlights below draw nearer. The helicopter made a low arc, and the medical center came into view below.

    He hardly had time to digest the fact of landing before the door slid open and the paramedics were gone, pushing the stretcher towards the hospital doors. He tottered to his feet, nearly hitting his head, shouldered his pack, and staggered after them.

    Moments later, he was squinting against the fluorescent lobby lights. A cluster of hospital staff in pale green scrubs converged on the stretcher. Together with one of the paramedics, they wheeled the girl away down the hall in a flash of silver space blanket.

    The other paramedic stayed behind, leaning one arm against the front counter while he gave a radio update.

    When he was through, the gray-haired woman at the desk asked, “Another trainer?”

    “No, I don’t think so.”

    Chris approached, moving as if waterlogged. “Excuse me, when will we know if she’s alright?”

    “Only time will tell for sure, but she’s getting the best possible care now. I don’t think there’s cause for real worry at this point.” The paramedic clapped Chris on the shoulder with startling strength. “You did the right thing, you know. It’s nice to see a trainer with some practical sense.”

    Chris forced a smile. “Uh, thanks. I was worried she might not ….” He trailed off. “I just wanted to make sure she was going to be okay.”

    The woman at the front desk piped up, “You’re welcome to take a seat and wait a little while in case there are any updates. Your pokemon doing okay? You can heal them down the hall while you wait.” At the surprised look on his face, she added, “It’s the same building. We’ve just got the one here.”

    “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

    Chris dropped off his belt in the other wing of the building and came back. As he walked, he realized he did in fact recognize the beige tile and the waiting room chairs that looked like they had last been upholstered forty years ago. He chose the seat that looked the least worn, propped his feet up on his backpack, and tried to make some progress on his paperback.

    The book was an easy read, nothing of real substance, but he struggled to concentrate. Each time someone came in or out, he snapped to attention, but it was always a nurse bringing out paperwork or fresh coffee for his coworker. Chris kept catching himself staring into space. He finally gave in and bought peanut M&M’s from the nearby vending machine if only to occupy his hands for a few minutes.

    He’d been sitting for over an hour already. Did that mean something had gone wrong? There was no way for him to know how long she’d been lying there before he stumbled upon her. He thought again of her fingers and toes red with cold, how easily he could have taken another path up the hill and missed her entirely. He flinched, imagining what could’ve been.

    Stop it, Chris scolded himself, and then he forced himself back into his book.

    The next thing he knew, someone was shaking him awake. “You don’t have to stay here all night,” said the woman from the front desk.

    “Have you heard anything?” he said, voice thick with sleep.

    “Sometimes no news is good news. Why don’t you come back in the morning, after you’ve both had a chance to rest. You can get your sleeping bag back then, too. You need help finding a place to stay?”

    “No, that’s okay. I’ll get out of your hair.”

    “It’s no trouble.”

    “I can manage.” He collected his pokemon and then set out into the night.

    The phone line rang and rang at Chris's wrist as he walked. It was much warmer on this side of the mountain, and Chris had to stop and stuff his coat into his pack. Humidity nullified all other sounds but the crickets. Fireflies hovered over puddles, and the sky was thick with crisp stars so unlike the flat, purplish blur of light pollution above home. Here, the line between town and wilderness was blurred.

    Though the street lights were dim, the trainer hostel was not difficult to find. It was as he remembered. One block north of the gym, across from a small grocery market (closed at this hour) was a narrow, a two-story cabin with a wooden sign hanging crookedly above the front door. Like most other buildings in town, The Indigo Chateau was built from blocks of blue-gray lake stone, but it was the only one other than the gym that was taller than a single story.

    A tinny voice at his wrist called out, “Hullo, Indigo Chateau. Hello?”

    Chris brought the Bitflex watch closer to his mouth. “Hi. Sorry to be calling so late—”

    “Believe me, that’s not exactly out of the norm.” The hostel manager didn’t have his video feed turned on—or, more likely, didn’t have one—but the scowl was clear from his voice.

    “This is sort of an emergency. Do you have any beds available for tonight?”

    A creak, a shuffling of paper. “There is one.” The light in the front room downstairs came on. “That you walking up? I’ll meetcha at the front in a second.”

    A click, then silence.

    Chris tried the front door and found it locked, but within he heard footfalls approaching. The manager lived on the bottom level in a back room, he remembered. He had seen the little cot and the potbelly stove through the open doorway behind the front desk, a sight that had made him feel inexplicably sad. Chris must have woken the old man up.

    When the door opened, the old man stood wearing a cable-knit sweater, even in this heat. He squinted at Chris. “I remember you,” he said. “You left just a coupla days ago.”

    Chris shrugged and smiled. “I beat Pryce.”

    “Had a little trouble in the mountains though, eh?” He barked a laugh that made Chris jump in surprise. “Emergency services brought you right back, I see.”

    “Not exactly,” Chris said, reddening.

    The old man wheezed another laugh. “You’re hardly the first this year, don’t you worry.” He turned and padded into the cool dark, waving for Chris to follow.

    By the light spilling in from the back room, the old man found the light switch. The lobby remained dim, however, dark furnishings with a single ancient bulb overhead. Against one wall stood a longcase clock, atop which perched a horrifying taxidermy hoothoot that looked centuries old.

    “Now ….” The manager lowered himself painstakingly into the chair. He unlocked a desk drawer, pulled out the ledger book, and cracked it open. Licking the pad of his thumb and flipping to a blank page, he said, “You know the drill. First you pay, then you get your bed.”

    “Right.” Chris clicked a button to open the hollow compartment in his belt buckle and slid out his Trainer OneCard.

    “I hope you didn’t wake me up for nothing. You know how this works.” He hooked his thumb at the sign on the wall behind him: Cash only.

    “Sorry, I forgot.” Chris pinched the roll of bills from his belt buckle compartment. “How much is it again?”

    “How many nights you need?”

    “Just one, I’m pretty sure.”

    “Sure or just pretty sure? We’ve had more trainers through here lately than you can shake a stick at. You might wake up to find someone else waiting for your bed. I can’t guarantee you anything you don’t pay for here and now.”

    “I’ll be okay with just one night.”

    The old man grunted and shrugged. “That’s thirty dollars then. Towel rental is two.”

    “It was less last time.”

    “It’s almost the end of League eligibility. Demand goes up, the price goes up.”

    Thirty dollars for a few hours on a musty mattress. With that money, he could buy two decent bowls of hot stew and rice, a weeks’ worth of meals in dry goods and fresh produce, repairs for his boots and tent … His stack was thinning.

    But because the only other option was hiking to the marshland outside the city and pitching his tent on a mud puddle in the dark, Chris peeled three tens off the roll of bills. “I don’t need a towel.”

    The old man licked his fingers to count the bills. Then he began to fill out the ledger in spidery scrawl. “I’ll take that card now.”

    Chris set it on the desk. He watched the old manager copy down his information for a moment and then asked, “Hey, how did you know about the emergency services anyway?”

    The old man wheezed a laugh. “Son, when one of those helicopters goes out, the whole town hears it.”


    The manager finished writing, tore off the carbon copy for Chris, and snapped the ledger shut. “Bunk 4A, up the stairs on the right. You remember where the bathrooms are? Kitchen? Lockers?”

    “I think I got it.” Chris hoisted his backpack off the floor. “Thank you. Have a good night.”

    “Won’t see me out of bed again tonight, that’s for sure.”

    Up the creaky claustrophobic stairs, down a hallway lit by night lights, Chris found the room. Someone was already asleep in his assigned bunk, a snoring heap amid blankets. Below that was 4B, occupied by a white guy with dreadlocks whose limbs dangled over the sides of the cot. Atop 4C, a girl read a tattered paperback by headlamp. A vulpix was curled in her arms despite signs posted all throughout the hostel that warned, All pokemon must remain inside pokeballs AT ALL TIMES! She didn’t so much as look up to acknowledge Chris when he dropped his pack on the empty bunk below her.

    He fell asleep the moment he laid down, still on top of the blankets.

    Chris dreamed of snow and woke sweating. He’d set no alarm but rose with the sun, as he did every morning. The girl with the vulpix was already gone. The other two were still asleep, though Dreadlocks’ head now lay where his feet had been during the night.

    Quietly to avoid disturbing the sleepers, Chris pulled everything damp from his pack and laid it across the now-empty bunk above his to air out. He secured his pack in the footlocker under the bunk and then headed out into the crisp morning.

    It was six a.m., too early to call home and too early for a hospital visit. He turned north towards the lake instead, walking slowly with no particular plan. However, since there was little of the sleepy town to see, passing from one end to the other didn’t take long.

    Between the irregularly spaced houses, The Lake of Rage shone through, dark and glittering. A grassy slope gave Chris a lookout point into the bowl carved by the lake’s high and low years. Around the docks, the men of the town baited and cast fishing lines. On the western lip of the lake, a pair of trainers battled; fortunately for the fishermen, the battle drove the magikarp towards them. To the east, the gradual curve of highlands cut up sharply into the Dragon’s Spine Mountains.

    He’d be halfway to Blackthorn by now if he’d stayed.

    Chris gazed at the mountains with his hands in the pockets, letting the distance tear at him. There were only a few weeks left for him to reach Blackthorn City on the other side of those mountains, challenge Clair, claim a badge, and travel all the way to the Indigo Plateau in time to register for the annual conference. Coming back here was flirting with failure. Dad had expected better from him.

    But he couldn’t just leave the girl behind without knowing she was alright. His thoughts snagged on unanswerable questions: how did she end up in the middle of nowhere? Who was she?

    The aroma of fried food finally pulled his attention downhill towards the lake. Across the road from the docks was a tiny food cart pulled by a bike. As Chris made his way down the slope, he watched the vendor unhook his bike, collapse it, and hang it on the back of the cart. Chris arrived just as the vendor unshuttered the window.

    Chris ordered a magikarp-shaped pancake with a red bean filling. It heated his hands through the tinfoil wrapping. He paid the small sum and then, balancing the pancake in the crook of an elbow, retreated to a distance to count the remainder of his cash more carefully. He had a little over two hundred dollars in hand and not much more than that on his OneCard. With a sigh, he returned the money to his belt buckle compartment.

    He had also burned his tongue.

    Chewing as he walked, he meandered towards the piers. The fishermen spoke little and in low voices, but not so low that Chris couldn’t hear the punchline to a dirty joke. The water grew clearer and brighter with each moment, revealing green muck at the bottom and flashes of red and gold fins. His lapras would enjoy the lake. But he also knew the fishermen would be upset if he let her out here, and so he left her on his belt.

    From the across the water came the occasional shout or splash. One trainer’s houndoom shuffled out of the lake shallows and shook itself off, head hanging. Chris saw the opponent’s reflection on the water first, then tracked it upward: a pidgeot. It prepared to dive-bomb again, and the houndoom lunged to meet it—then splashed down with a howl that echoed across the water.

    The pidgeot hadn’t gotten away unscathed either. As it pulled out of the dive, blood spread across its breast feathers. But it never wobbled or wavered as it looped around for another attack.

    Chris could tell the pidgeot was going to win, but he found himself rooting for the houndoom anyway. His dad had trained one.

    The houndoom dragged itself ashore, ducking the pidgeot’s talon swipes. It snapped after the pidgeot’s tail, huffing out flame with the effort, but it missed. Oji would’ve put this houndoom to shame.

    When Chris was fourteen, Dad had once invited him to command Oji in a sparring match against one of the gym trainers. “Go on,” he’d said, stepping back and folding his arms.

    Of course, Chris knew all of his dad’s command words and managed to stammer one out. Still, it came as a delicious surprise when Oji complied and sprang forward with shadow licking out from between his teeth. Probably the houndoom had only obeyed because his trainer was standing there watching, but it had still felt good.

    When they’d returned home that evening, Mom had said, “I heard your father is having you do his job now.” Her tone was teasing but her fingers drummed on the table.

    “It’s perfectly safe as long as I’m there,” Hiro answered with a shrug and a smile.

    “I know.” She said it like it pained her.

    Chris had ducked his head and tried to squeeze past, but she’d caught him and pulled him into a hug.

    “I just don’t want you to grow up too fast.”

    For a moment Chris closed his eyes and let himself miss them both.

    Across the water, the two battling pokemon tangled so tightly they looked like one creature. Now and again a wing emerged. A tail. A horn. Their trainers’ shouts grew louder and more plaintive, but at this point, it didn’t matter. Soon there would be an obvious loser, then the other would collapse too, and their trainers would have to deal with the outcome.

    Now was Chris’s chance. He dusted crumbs off himself and unhurriedly made his way towards the two trainers.

    The houndoom’s trainer was handing the other trainer a few bills. Chris was close enough now to see his scowl.

    The pidgeot perched atop the fallen houndoom, announcing its dominance to any onlooker. It held one bloodied wing away from its body but kept its head high. As its trainer recalled it, she looked up to see Chris approaching.

    “That’s an impressive pidgeot,” he told her.


    “Do you have any pokemon left?I’d really like to battle you, if you wouldn’t mind.”

    “So polite.” She looked Chris up and down. “I have three.”

    The other trainer folded his arms.

    “What would you say to a hundred for best two out of three and an extra fifty for a complete knockout?”

    She squinted. “How many badges do you have?”

    “Seven. For now.”

    She grinned and reached to shake his hand. “I’d love to.”

    Chris’s palms were already beginning to sweat, but he shook her hand firmly. After watching the last fight, he knew her style. The money was his.

    “Release on three?”

    “Let’s go.”

    To her credit, she didn’t underestimate him. In the first round, her steelix literally drove Pocky, his girafarig, into the ground. Chris felt it too, an echo of pain shooting through his head when his mental connection with Pocky broke.

    Round two was a surprise for them both when Chris released his jolteon and she a raichu. Their preliminary stabs of electricity fazed neither pokemon—a form of bragging with no actual force behind it—but left Chris's hair standing on end. His opponent tried to leverage the raichu’s weight to push Zip into the lake and pin him underwater. She came close, but Chris hadn’t chosen the joktein’s name for nothing: Zip ran circles around the raichu, getting in a quick bite or pin missile before darting out of reach. The raichu was too worn down to fight him off when he finally pounced.

    For the final round, Chris sent out Thorn and she a gengar. At the look on her face, Chris knew he had secured his payout. All that was left was to see it through. Thorn tore through the gengar’s smoggy veil—Chris and his opponent pulled their t-shirts over their mouths—and made quick work of it with a few swipes of her wing blades.

    The houndoom trainer smoked a cigarette beneath a tree, watching the gengar sink in on itself and fall.

    “Wow,” the girl said as she recalled her fallen pokemon. “I hope that’s not a preview of ny Indigo Conference run.” But she smiled as she shook his hand .

    “Good match.”

    Chris felt a weight float off his shoulders as they transfered credits from her OneCard to his. That was a little more padding between him and rock bottom. At least he hadn’t doubled back for nothing.

    As Chris put away his card, she fiddled with her necklace. “What’s your TN handle? I’ll tag you.”

    “My what?”

    “Your Trainer Network profile?”

    “Oh, I don’t really use it.” He hadn’t realized she’d been filming the fight, but now he saw the glint of a camera lens in the necklace charm she wore. He wished she would’ve warned him or asked. “It’s … not really my thing.”

    “To each his own, I guess. You can make decent money as a brand-promoter though, you know. Takes some of the pressure off.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, already edging away. He snuck a glance at his Bitflex. Surely the hospital had opened visiting hours by now. “I gotta take care of a few things. Thanks again for the battle.”

    Even in daylight, the fluorescent light hurt his eyes. He approached the desk where the gray-haired woman from the night before either still sat or sat again. “Hi, I’m here to visit the girl who came in last night.”

    “Of course. You think I’d forget your face that fast?” She typed something and squinted at her screen. “It looks like visitors are allowed, but you’ll have to check your belt and pokeballs here. We’ll send them across the hall to the pokemon center for you if you like. Don’t worry, you’ll get them back when you leave.”

    “What? Why?”

    “That’s the policy for all psych ward patients.”

    Pysch ward. After finding her in the snow dressed for summer, he shouldn’t have been surprised. The phrase made him uneasy, though. Would she even be coherent when he walked in? Still, he should try. He’d already come all this way.

    Chris begrudgingly unbuckled his belt and signed the visitor registry. She directed him towards the girl’s room. He found the door at the end of the hallway and, before he could supply himself with reasons not to, gave it a knock.

    “Come in.”

    She was sitting up in the hospital cot, frowning at a Reader’s Digest. Beneath a wild cloud of blonde curls, her face had color in it again. The golden feather still hung around her neck. Chris wondered if there was a story behind it.

    When she looked up and caught sight of him, she gave a jolt, letting the magazine drop to the floor with a smack.

    “Sorry!” Chris blurted. “I didn’t mean to …”

    “Should you be here?” She drew up her blanket.

    For an instant he wondered irrationally wether he’d knocked on the wrong door—except, of course, that he recognized her. This was the girl he’d meant to visit. Maybe it had been a mistake to come after all.

    “I didn’t mean to bother you. I just wanted to see how you were doing, make sure you’re okay.”

    “Oh.” She loosened her grip on the blanket. “You are the traveler who … found me.”

    “Yeah.” He smiled nervously. “Um, hi.”

    She rubbed her temples, letting her head sink into her hand like a wilting flower. Chris was wondering if he should leave when she lifted her head and spoke again.

    “My apologies. Things have been … confusing. I was expecting the nurse, but certainly not a man. I am unsure why I … I thought …”

    She shook her head.

    “Well, never mind. I should be thanking you. If you not for you, I would not be here at all.” Her smile was faltering but warm. “Will you tell me your name?”

    “I’m Chris.”

    “Chris. You saved my life.”

    “Oh no, I’m just the guy who called the paramedics. They did the real work.”

    She met his gaze, eyes bright and lucid. “I am in your debt,” she said and folded her hands over her heart. “Thank you, truly.”

    Chris looked away first, ears reddening. “Anyone would’ve done the same.” He cleared his throat. “Um. What’s yourname?”

    She paled. “I … do not know.”

    He couldn’t stop a look of alarm from sweeping over his face. “What do you mean you don’t know?”

    She smiled again, but it was a sad one. “I fear I cannot remember much from before you found me. They say it is shock. Gods willing, my memory will return before long. For now, they call me Jane Doe.” Forcing a laugh, she repeated it. “So strange.”

    Well, that explained the psych ward. Probably the strange lilt in her voice too, not an accent but an odd rhythm. It didn’t explain other things, like the warm patch of clover. But if there was something wrong with her, then shock might be all the explanation he’d get.

    Chris masked his disappointment with a gentle smile. “It must be scary not being able to remember things.”

    Jane breathed out, “Yes.”

    “So you don’t know how you got there?”

    She shook her head.

    “Not at all?” Not even a pokemon to keep her company while she tried to find her bearings, he thought. It wasn’t right.

    “The doctor believes I have what he calls teleportation sickness. It would appear I was spirited there, so to speak.”

    Chris had never been teleported by a pokemon, but he’d heard it could be disorienting, even sickening, especially the first few times. “So, it was an accident.” He paused. “Or … maybe not an accident?”

    Jane shrugged, still smiling. “Who can say.”

    “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

    “The gods must have their reasons.”

    He thought a trainer was more likely at fault than gods. But would someone really do that to her on purpose?

    They were interrupted by a knock on the open door frame, and then a doctor poked his head in. Beneath his lab coat, he wore a shabby sweater, patches on patches. “Hi, Jane. Mind if I come in?”

    Jane had drawn up her blanket again and seemed to relax with conscious effort. “Of course not.”

    “I’m Dr. Stratus, and you must be the kind traveler everyone has been talking about.”

    Bashfully, Chris introduced himself and shook the doctor’s hand.

    “I was just coming to let Jane know that the emergency services team was able to lend us one of their interns to escort you. So as long as everything is still looking good in the next few hours, we’ll have you on your way back to Ecruteak first thing in the morning.”

    “Ecruteak?” Chris said.

    “Yes!” Jane brightened at the city’s name. “That much I remember well. I am unsure how I have come to find myself away from home, but I have been told we are not far now.”

    “Not far at all,” agreed Dr. Stratus.

    “That reminds me.” Chris set down his backpack and unhooked Jane’s rolled up robe and cloak from the top. “These are yours.”

    “Oh! Thank you kindly.” Jane accepted the roll and set it on her lap, fiddling with the edge of a sleeve. She looked equal parts happy and puzzled to have it.

    Dr. Stratus leaned forward. “May I?” He took the robe from Jane and unrolled it partway. “Well if this isn’t an emblem of Ecruteak, I don’t know what else would be. Beautiful craftsmanship. Maybe you’re involved in historical reenactments, Jane.”

    She frowned. “Perhaps.”

    “Well.” Dr. Stratus refolded the robe and stood straighter. “Having you back where you’re meant to be is going to be the best thing for your health, I’d say. You’ll be feeling more like yourself very soon, don’t worry.”

    “Thank you. I would like to go home, the sooner the better.”

    Chris said, “I’m glad it sounds like everything is working out.” He smiled, but unease still tickled the back of his mind.

    “How would you like to meet him?” Dr. Stratus said to Jane.

    She startled. “What?”

    “Your escort! I thought you might like to touch base before we send you off into the wilderness with him. And I think a bit of fresh air will do you some good. Why don’t you get dressed and then we can go outside and say hello. Though, of course, let us know if you feel dizzy or lightheaded at all.”

    He placed a bag on the end of the bed. “One of our nurses gathered these for you. Hopefully the fit is close enough. Meet me in the hallway when you’re ready.”

    With that, Dr. Stratus ushered Chris into the hall and closed the door behind them.

    “So the memory loss,” Chris began, “that’s not permanent, is it?”

    “The human body is full of surprises but, no, I don’t think so. Typically, amnesia and other symptoms of teleportation sickness go away after a few days, especially if the patient is able to return somewhere she knows well. Ever wake up in an unfamiliar place and forget where you are for a second? It’s a little like that. She’ll need to follow up with her primary care provider in Ecruteak, but I expect she’ll make a full recovery in no time.”

    Chris nodded and tightened his backpack straps. “Well … I guess this will be a good moment to say goodbye. It’s a long way to Blackthorn.” He would set out from here.

    Dr. Stratus smiled. “I think you’ve already done more than the average person would’ve. We don’t see too many trainers here without a broken arm or yellow fever or what have you, and even then we have to fight to get some of them to slow down long enough to submit to some doctoring.”

    “I can imagine.”

    “It’s kind of you to stop by. She seems to appreciate it.”

    “I couldn’t just leave her.”

    Dr. Stratus flashed a sympathetic smile.

    Moments later, Jane stepped into the hall wearing clothes left behind by trainers over the years, a pair of leggings and a long sweater. She could be almost anyone now, except …. There was still something strange about her, maybe the look in her eyes or the way she carried herself. Chris wondered again who she really was.

    “How do you feel? Lightheaded? Any tingling or numbness?”

    “No. None at all.”

    “Wonderful! Then follow me.”

    Dr. Stratus led them out a side door that led into an outdoor seating area partially enclosed by trees. Chris was surprised to see one of the trainers from earlier that morning on one of the stone benches, a cigarette tucked behind one ear. His houndoom sat at his side, looking sullen but healthy again. The trainer was practicing sleight of hand tricks with a pokeball, but looked up and waved as the group came through the door.

    “Jane, this is Benny, and he—What’s the matter?”

    She had interrupted with a loud gasp. When Chris turned to look, he saw her face had gone white. She backed away to the wall, pointing a shaking finger. “Why is a beast like that here?”

    Benny laughed. “Hotshot? He’s not gonna hurt you.” Seeing the look on the doctor’s face, he wiped the smile from his face and recalled his pokemon.

    But Jane had her hands up to shield herself, backing away until she was against the wall.

    “What is it, Jane? I know you don’t know him yet, but Benny is very responsible. He’s escorted people between here and Ecruteak lots of times.”

    She squeezed her eyes shut. “I cannot go with him. Forgive me, but I cannot.”

    “I have other pokemon,” Benny chimed in. “You could meet my furret if you want.”

    “No, no, no.” Jane spoke to the doctor, not the trainer. “Please, I cannot. Not with him.”

    A nurse escorted her back inside. As she passed, her eyes seemed to snag on Chris as if pleading for him to rescue her a second time. Or maybe she was only embarrassed he’d been there to see.

    “I’m sorry, Benny,” Dr. Stratus said with a sigh. “Thank you for your time.”

    “I don’t even get what I did,” he said sulkily.

    “You probably didn’t do anything. We don’t know what kind of trauma she might have experienced before she came to us. She doesn’t remember, so she can’t tell us. Any number of things could be a trigger for her.”

    “Alright, well let me know if she changes her mind, I guess.”

    “We will, thank you.”

    With that, Benny slipped out between the trees.

    Dr. Stratus heaved a sigh. “Well, that does complicate things.”

    Chris began, “Couldn’t she just … ?” But even as he spoke, he saw the answer.

    Most cities were serviced by airlanders, high-efficiency dirigibles, though a small, old-fashioned town like Mahogany might still only have a dragonite bus—that is, a tame dragonite with a saddle that seated four-up. Either way, it didn’t matter what transportation was available if Jane didn’t have any money. Ecruteak wasn’t far, not really, but it was still far enough.

    With a wry smile, Dr. Stratus said, “Our Jane Doe might be waiting a while.” He motioned for Chris to follow him down the hall. “It’s great that the rangers let us borrow their interns for things like this. They have enough of the training, they’re available, and they’re looking for odd jobs, but it’s obviously not a perfect system. It’s too bad, but maybe she’ll remember a relative who could hire a local trainer to come from Ecruteak.”

    Chris winced, then nodded. Not many trainers were likely to be traveling near Mahogany Town now, not this late in the season. Anyone who wasn’t gunning for the Indigo Plateau would be looking for a summer job and saving up to restock for the fall when the gyms reopened.

    “And she’s just stuck with her memory all …?” He gestured vaguely.

    Dr. Stratus laughed, but it sounded forced. “Only time will tell. Sometimes patience is the best cure.”

    Chris saw what the doctor was offering him: plausible deniability. He could continue on his way and imagine her waking one day and shaking it off. But he couldn’t quite picture it.

    “Where would she even stay?”

    “Well, it depends what she wants to do, but she’s well enough for a work exchange. It may not be the ideal circumstance, but we’ll manage something. Anyway. I imagine you wanted to say your goodbyes and head out, right? I’ll check in and see if she feels up for it.”

    Chris chewed his cheek for a minute. “You know … it wouldn’t be hard for me to get to Ecruteak from here. I train a lapras, so it would just be a matter of cutting across the lakes.”

    Dr. Stratus gave him a long look. “We can’t pay you, you know. Benny’s arrangement is through the rangers—”

    “Oh, I don’t need money. I just … She needs to go home to get better, right?”

    The doctor raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Aren’t you trying to get to Blackthorn on a deadline?”

    Chris forced the thought away and put on a smile. “It’s a little out of my way, but I don’t think it’ll take long. It’s the right thing to do.” His ears turned red again. “I mean, if she even wants me to take her.”

    The doctor smiled knowingly. “Why don’t I ask.”

    As Dr. Stratus had promised, they left first thing in the morning.
    Last edited:
    3: The Tower
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    3: The Tower

    “We might be able to see Ecruteak from the top of this hill,” Chris called over his shoulder. He paused to flash a smile at Jane Doe as she climbed the slope behind him.

    Wiping sweat from her brow, she returned the smile, though hers was strained. She wore her curls tied back with a scarf, and despite Chris's cautioning she’d also selected a long skirt from the hospital lost and found. To his great surprise, she didn’t seem to have trouble with it catching underfoot or snagging on things, the skirt a natural extension of her body. She also hadn’t complained or asked for a break once all morning. When she reached the top of the hill, Chris was going to have to insist she rest.

    Bringing up the rear was his sandslash, Mojimoji. Normally she hiked at Chris's side—after all, they had a long history since she was the first pokemon he had caught in the wild—but instead she’d taken up a defensive position without being asked. Occasionally, she paused to investigate an ekans burrow or sharpen her claws on a boulder, but each time she immediately returned to Jane’s heels with maternal vigilance.

    “Good girl, Moji,” he said under his breath.

    At the top of the rise, Chris shrugged off his backpack and stretched while he waited for Jane and Moji to catch up. He’d guessed right: the Ecruteak City skyline glittered beyond the trees. Bell Tower’s tiers were visible even from here. There were few other tall buildings to confuse with it, and even the tallest could hardly be called skyscrapers—Ecruteak was defensive of its traditions. Below them were Lake Mortar and scattered ponds. The water was low from the lack of rain, but they’d still be spending the afternoon with Asagi the lapras.

    Behind him, Jane crested the hill with a sigh of either relief or appreciation for the natural beauty. Maybe a bit of both. She drank deeply from her water bottle, the only thing she carried.

    When she finished, Chris pointed and said, “There it is. See the tower? We’ll be in Ecruteak by dinner time.”

    Jane frowned. “It looks … strange from here.”

    “The fog will burn off. And then you’ll see it up close soon enough.”

    “Yes, I am eager to be home.” She tightened the knot in her scarf. “Shall we?”

    “Why don’t you sit down for a minute. We should eat something. Here. Jerky?”

    Jane took what Chris handed her and smelled it. She watched, frowning, as Chris tore off a piece for himself and stuffed it into his mouth. “What is it?”

    “Um ….” He chewed. “Stantler, I think. You don’t usually see tauros in this part of the country.”

    She looked aghast. “I cannot eat the flesh of another creature. I know it is disrespectful to reject a gift, but ….” She shook her head. Pleadingly, she added, “What if it were my sister?”

    Chris paused mid-chew. “What do you mean?”

    She looked at him incredulously. “Have you not heard it said that the dead return to us in new forms? To guide and protect us?”

    “Like reincarnation?”


    Chris was momentarily speechless. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that you … I hope you’re not… I have some dried fruit instead?” He took the jerky pouch back from Jane and searched his bag again, red-faced and chewing fast as if to rid himself of the evidence.

    Jane bowed her head as she accepted a bag of trail mix from him. “No, no. Thank you for the offer. I do not wish to be a burden.”

    “You’re not! I’m sorry I didn’t ask.”

    “I appreciate you sharing your food.”

    They lapsed into silence.

    Nearby, Mojimoji cleaned between her scales with her long tongue, paying the two of them no mind. She was pretty smart, but there was nothing human hiding under the surface. Still ….

    Chris rubbed a thumb over Kosho’s pokeball. “It’s nice to imagine pokemon as spirits of the dead watching over us. I like that.”

    “I am surprised you did not know. I thought it was common knowledge.”

    “Maybe it’s a thing in Ecruteak. I wouldn’t really know.” With a smile, Chris said, “You’re an interesting person.”

    She averted her eyes. “I hardly know what sort of person I am at the moment.”

    “Hey, we just learned you’re a vegetarian. That’s something!”

    “I suppose that is true.”

    “So you’re remembering some things. Seeing familiar places will jog more memories, like the doctor said.”

    “I hope so.”

    He gazed down at the distant Bell Tower. “There are a few familiar places I wouldn’t mind visiting again, actually. Ecruteak is a nice city. I can see why you’re in a hurry to be back.”

    “You have been before?”

    “Oh yeah, a few times. It’s not far from home. Stayed there for about a month at the beginning of my journey.”

    “Oh! Then perhaps you could tell me … has there been any rain?”

    “I wouldn’t really know. It’s been months since I’ve passed through.”

    She slumped a little at that. “I am not sure how long I have been away. It cannot have been too long, can it?”

    “Sure.” Chris gave her his best smile, but his insides squirmed.

    Sighing, Una scanned for clouds overhead. “Oh, I hope the gods have blessed us with rain. It has been such a dry year, and I worry the mareep will have nothing to eat ….”

    Mareep? Chris wondered, but he decided not to press it. People kept all kinds of pokemon as pets, after all. It was good that she was starting to remember things.

    “I could find out the last time it rained there if you want?”

    “That would be good of you.”

    After a few taps on his Bitflex screen, he called out, “Looks like it rained in Ecruteak last night. So, there you go.”

    Una stared at him. “How can you say that with such certainty?”

    With an awkward chuckle, Chris tapped his Bitflex. “I looked it up. The service isn’t great out here, but I guess being up on a hill helps.”

    “Oh. I see,” Una said uncertainly. “Yes, I suppose that makes sense. That is good, then.”

    She still looked so sad and confused. Maybe if he could help her remember more, it would help. “There was this coffee shop I used to go to for breakfast,” he offered. “Medialuna Cafe, I think. You know that one?”

    She sat up straight, wide-eyed. “That is my name!”

    He scrambled to find a name in what he’d said. Finally he tried, “Medialuna?” He thought of it as the name of a pastry, but … was she somehow associated with the cafe? Wait, no—“Or Luna?”

    “No. Una.” Eyes closed, she smiled and tipped her face to the sun as if to receive a divine blessing. “My name is Una.”

    That’s pretty too, he thought. “Nice to officially meet you, Una.”

    Chris held up a hand for Una to stop, pointing wordlessly. A wild spearow perched in a nearby tree, close enough that they could see the gold of its eyes. It glared down at them. After a beat, it took off—Una gasped in delight—and disappeared in pursuit of some prey invisible to them.

    “They’re scruffy and mean,” Chris said with a grin, “but they’re beautiful sometimes too.”

    “It is a good omen,” she said.

    “Uh, sure. Yeah, why not.”

    As they continued down the path, the breeze brought them the smells of the lake: wet earth, algae, and leaf mold. The trees thinned until the travelers came to the rocky lakeshore. To the left, the rocky heights of Mount Mortar cut through the lake at an angle. Water ebbed in and out of cavernous rifts in the rock face, and the echoes of water rushing deep within were audible even from the shore.

    Straight ahead, Ecruteak City stood out in ever brighter detail. Behind, Chris could barely see the snow-capped peaks of the Dragon’s Spine in the hazy distance. He squared himself against the Ecruteak skyline and firmly put on a smile.

    “See you in a while, Moji,” he said, recalling her.

    Una gasped so loudly that Chris stopped with a hand still on his belt. Had the recall beam reminded her somehow of the moment she’d teleported?

    “I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just that we need my lapras to cross the water.”

    Una shook her head. “I apologize. I— I must still be confused.”

    “You okay? Are you dizzy?”

    “I will be fine.”

    Chris hesitated a moment, then released his lapras into the lake. She hadn’t fully materialized before she trumpeted joyfully and dove beneath the water. Before long, the lapras resurfaced, spraying Chris and Una; they both cried out in outrage and delight.

    “Alright, alright! Hi to you too,” he said, laughing. “Una, meet Asagi.”

    With some coaxing, Asagi crawled partway onto the shore and lowered her head. Chris showed Una how to pat her between the horns. “You can touch her. She’s gentle.”

    Una reached out tentatively.

    Asagi, impatient, butted her head into Una’s palm, drawing the first real smile out of her that Chris had seen all day.

    “You are a marvel,” Una whispered to the lapras.

    Chris removed his hiking boots, strung them from his pack, rolled up his pants, and waded into the shallows. “Come on up,” he said extending a hand to Una.

    One hand still on Asagi’s head, she stared across the water towards Ecruteak.

    “You coming?”

    Una flashed a smile. “Yes, of course.” Then she cast a wary look at Asagi, who swiveled her long neck to peer at them. “We are going to ride her? Is that …?”

    Chris chuckled. “Asagi doesn’t care. She does it all the time, huh, you big ol’ dinosaur.”

    Asagi keened and snorted more water at them, eyes sparkling.

    “Well … how should I …?”

    “I’ll give you a leg up. Here. Put your foot in my hands. You’re not gonna hurt me—go ahead. Okay. On the count of three, push up with this foot and grab onto her shell. One … two … three!”

    Una squeaked as Chris boosted her up, but she managed to scramble onto Asagi’s back. Once she was settled with a leg on either side of the lapras’s muscular neck, Chris found himself some handholds and swung himself up and over to sit sidesaddle between two horns.

    “Alright, Asagi, let’s go!”

    The lapras rumbled cheerfully. They lurched and wobbled as the lapras clambered out of the sand and rock, and then they were gliding through open water.

    “That wasn’t so bad, right? Mostly dry?” Chris leaned back on his pack, letting the sun warm him. “The very first time I tried to catch a ride on Asagi, she rolled me. I think we’re on the same page now though.”

    Breaking in was how the online articles had recommended Chris handle his newly-caught lapras. But the phrase tangled up inside him. From their first meeting, he’d noticed the cleverness in her gaze. Shamed though he’d been when she dunked him, he’d also been too proud to turn down the challenge. It had taken him longer to recognize it as an invitation to play. He hoped he never broke that.

    What he’d offered her instead was patience and quiet. He’d sat silently on the bank for hours, hair dripping, while she swam slow loops just beyond the reach of his pokeballs. She’d kept a wary eye on him, but she’d also surfaced to greet him each time he returned to her shore. A love of quiet turned out to be the first of many things they shared in common. Months had passed before she’d let him climb onto her back, but it hadn’t felt like a waste of time.

    Una turned to face him, a little awkwardly, grabbing a horn for stability. “Thank you once again for bringing me home. I am grateful for all of your help.”

    “It’s been nice to have company. Besides, I couldn’t just leave you there.”

    “I would not have liked to have been there much longer,” she agreed. “Everyone was very kind, but Mahogany Town was not home. It was much more … advanced than I had expected..”

    The glib comment took him by surprise. What had she expected Mahogany to be like, mud huts and witch doctors? But, seeing the sincerity in Una’s face he said instead, “Well, you mostly saw the hospital.”

    “I suppose so. All the same, I feel much more myself since departing. I am sure everything will make sense again once I return to Ecruteak.”

    As they floated along, they fell into a sleepy daze, lulled by the heat and Asagi’s gentle rocking. The only sounds were birdsong and the slosh of her fins churning the water. Una leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Asagi’s neck, resting her cheek against the scales. Chris sat with one knee tucked to his chest and the other foot trailing in the cool water. He alternated between watching the reflected light rippling on the cliff face and staring up at the clouds. He saw a few that looked like pokemon: a suggestion of a paw, a horn, and—oh, maybe a houndoom.

    He found himself remembering Oji again, how his horns had curled back so far they made almost a perfect circle. As a child, Chris used to hook household objects onto Oji’s horns—clothes hangers, coffee mugs, colanders—trying to pile on the weirdest and largest items before Dad noticed and made him stop. Oji bore it with astonishing calm, showing his annoyance only with an occasional eye roll.

    Chris stole a glance at Una, thinking of her horrified expression when she’d seen the other trainer’s houndoom. He’d seen that sort of reaction before—people who had never met a dark-type in person sometimes had misgivings—but never quite like that.

    “Can I ask,” Chris finally said to Una, “what was going on with you and that houndoom? Do you remember?”

    Una sat up slowly, frowning into the distance. “There was … a stranger. A man. He should not have been there.”

    She’d been upset when he’d first entered her hospital room, he remembered. His brain bubbled with questions, but he fought them down and let her stumble through the memory.

    “The houndoom came with him, from his shadow. He commanded it to attack. I saw the fire building in the back of its throat, and …” She shivered. “It was terrible.”

    “And this was in Mahogany Town?” Chris's first impression of someone had been wrong before, but he struggled to imagine the guy with the houndoom going as far as actually attacking someone. You could lose your license for less.

    “I am not certain.” Una thought for a moment. “Perhaps not. I remember trees. I must have been in the woods.”

    Odd, how easily she said that. Even though he’d first found her among the trees, Chris had a hard time imagining her spending time in the woods on purpose. She seemed too delicate and tremulous.

    “A different houndoom then.”

    “Yes, I suppose so.”

    “But why? What did they want?”

    She only shook her head.

    “Huh. So you don’t remember how you got away?”

    “I do not remember anything more.”

    “You think that had something to do with how you ended up in the Ice Pass?”

    “It is possible.”

    He felt a chill. “Una … do you think you’ll be in danger when you get home?”

    “I … do not know.” Without her seeming to notice, her hand flew to the feather that still hung around her neck. “But I hope I will understand more soon.”

    Chris wanted to pledge himself to remain in Ecruteak for a few extra days to keep an eye on things, but he held his tongue. That was a promise he couldn’t keep if he still wanted to keep the promises he’d already made to himself. He’d already given up almost three full days of travel.

    All he said was, “I hope so too.”

    “Whatever I may find in Ecruteak, it is my home. It is where I need to be.” She turned back toward the skyline, growing closer by the moment. “I have the feeling that there is something important I was meant to be doing there, but I cannot remember what ….”

    “Don’t push yourself. I bet you’ll remember with time.”

    She smiled distantly. “You are most likely correct.” And she turned away to lean against Asagi’s neck again.

    Chris couldn’t help his frown. He had been talking to her all day, but he knew scarcely more about her now than when he first saw her in the snow. After today, he would likely never see her again, and her mysteries would only be her own—if she even got answers herself. Knowing he had done his best to do the right thing would have to be enough.

    They passed the remainder of the journey saying little. Chris didn’t want to bother her with more questions, and he was accustomed to solitude and silence anyway. Una seemed happy enough to be left to her thoughts.

    Several times, they dismounted from Asagi, recalled her, hiked a short way, and then clambered onto her shell again when they came to the next pond. The path was rocky but not steep, and they reached Ecruteak’s eastern gate without incident.

    At the sight of it, Una beamed and made a sound of longing.

    The gate was a wooden archway with two crosspieces, a dull brown that might’ve once been red. Beyond the archway, a few carefully restored traditional houses were visible along the tree-lined path. The gate was flanked on either side by fruiting shrubs and statues, so worn down by weather and wars they were unidentifiable now, their original shapes long forgotten.

    “These are in poor condition …. Strange,” Una said. Then, “Oh no. Where is the sage?”


    “Of course,” she said, impatience creeping into her voice. “There should be a basket of sage smudges and striking flints hanging from the crossbar so we may purify ourselves before we enter the city.”

    “I don’t remember seeing anything like that when I came through here before.”

    “We cannot simply walk in.”

    That was exactly how he’d entered Ecruteak each previous visit, but he kept the thought to himself.

    Instead, he shrugged off his backpack and knelt to dig through it. “I don’t have sage, but ….” He found his matches and held the pack out to her. “Better than nothing, right?”

    She turned the matches over a few times, then looked up at him helplessly. “I ….”

    “Right, I guess most people don’t use matches much anymore. Here.” He took back the pack, struck a match, and carefully passed it back to her.

    “I suppose this will do.” She studied the flame for a moment, then blew it out. In smoke, she drew an X over Chris's head, intoning, “North, south, east, west. Cleanse him with fire.”

    The hair on the back of Chris's neck stood on end.

    She repeated the motions over herself. “North, south, east, west. Cleanse me with fire.” Then, folding her hands together over the extinguished match, she closed her eyes.

    He waited a long moment and then said, “You ready to head in?”

    She looked up and forced a smile. “Yes. Yes, I suppose we should.”

    They crossed the threshold and followed the path between the houses. Una squinted at the mailboxes and gardens they passed.

    “Anything looking familiar?”

    She bit her lip and shook her head. “No, not yet.”

    “Let’s cut through the park. That should bring us closer to the dance hall and the main downtown areas. That should help, right?”

    “Yes, that is a good idea,” she said, not sounding very sure.

    He led the way, crossing the creek at a stone footbridge. Lanterns hung from the trees, but they hadn’t been lit yet. In the shade of a tree, an old woman sat with an eevee in her lap and a screen in her hands, the chatter of young children chiming from the speakers. Chris dipped his head in greeting, and the old woman returned the gesture.

    Una lagged behind, staring and frowning deeply.

    Chris paused for Una to catch up. “Is something wrong?”

    “I am … not certain.”

    “What do you want to do? Do you want to keep going?”

    After a moment, Una stood straighter and said, “I wish to go to the center square.”

    “Okay ….” Chris studied Una’s face for a long moment before turning and continuing on.

    She trailed after, fingers knotted together.

    They passed a picnicking family, people walking their pets, and a band of teenagers on bicycles. Una squeaked as they flew past. Then, steadying herself, she said, “Do you hear that?”

    He cocked his head. “I just hear traffic.”

    Glimpses of concrete and buildings began to show between the trees. The dirt path disappeared, replaced by sidewalk. Chris led them to the edge of the park where it met a narrow street buzzing with cars and bikes. Across the way, lights glittered along shingled awnings, subway entrances, and vending machines. The elaborately carved roof of the dance theater was visible from here, but it was many blocks ahead. Turning one way, Chris caught the scent of meat on a charcoal grill. Turning the other, he smelled gardenias and the chlorine in the sprinkler system. Familiar, reassuring smells.

    He glanced back to ask which way she wanted to go, but stopped when he saw the look on her face: slack-jawed, eyes like blown out lights. She pressed both hands to her stomach as if to staunch a bleeding wound.

    “This is all wrong,” she said, doubling over. She flinched as a car passed. “This is not Ecruteak.”

    Chris laughed nervously. “Sure it is. Look, you can see Bell Tower from here.” He pointed northwest to the distant pagoda tiers.

    Una furrowed her brow and shook her head. Then her eyes went wide and she snapped upright. “Where is the other one?”


    She shot him a pained, earnest look. “Chris, something terrible must have happened. Where is Brass Tower?”

    “There is no other tower,” he said, instantly regretting it. “Or I guess there was, but it burned down. Er, more than once, I think.”

    “Burned down?” She started to pace and wring her hands. “How could you say such a thing? How could it have burned down? That makes no sense!”

    Passersby shot them odd looks as she raised her voice.

    Somehow, it hadn’t occurred to Chris until that moment that bringing her to Ecruteak might worsen her condition.

    “Maybe we should sit—”

    He reached to put a hand on her shoulder, but she squirmed away.

    “Una, let’s sit. Please.”

    He managed to coax her off the sidewalk and toward a bench, but she wouldn’t sit, preferring to pace.

    After a few moments of watching from the bench while Una walked up and down the sidewalk, Chris offered softly, “I think maybe your memory is still mixed up.”

    “No. I know I remember two towers.” She finally stopped pacing and closed her eyes. “I helped polish the floors. It was always warm inside, even in winter.” When she opened her eyes again, her gaze burned. “I know I remember it. We have to go there and find out what happened.”

    Chris bit his cheek. “I think there’s a historical marker and a museum where the tower used to be, but I think that’s it. Do you really want to see that?”

    “Yes. We must go there right away.”

    “It’s kind of far from here. We’d have to take a bus.”

    She hesitated, but only for a moment. “Please. Show me.”

    What else could he do?

    Stomach knotted with dread, Chris pulled up the map on his Bitflex and navigated to the nearest bus stop. Una followed slowly, gawking at the cars and lights. When a fire engine screamed past, she froze in the middle of the crosswalk to cover her ears until Chris pulled her forward.

    They arrived just as their bus drew up to the stop. Una sniffed, then covered her nose and mouth against the diesel fumes, but Chris herded her aboard anyway. She clung to his backpack with white knuckles while he swiped his OneCard for the both of them. Then, lurching precariously, she let him guide her to an open pair of seats and half-fell into one.

    Once seated, she squeezed her eyes shut, one hand to the feather around her neck. Under her breath, she chanted, “As the sun rises in the east, as it sets in the sea. As the sun rises in the east, as it sets in the sea ….” Each time the bus braked or made a sudden turn, both hands flew out to brace herself.

    Chris watched the streets whiz past. He didn’t know what the next step should be—he wasn’t good at this kind of thing. Should he call the hospital or would that only upset her more? Bringing her here by himself had been a mistake.

    When they finally disembarked, she staggered to a nearby wall and sighed as she leaned into it.

    “So that was your first time riding a bus?”

    She nodded miserably.

    “Well …” Chris picked at his sweat-dampened shirt. “We’re almost there.”

    This part of town was quieter: no cars, fewer shops. Flowering trees lined the cobblestone streets. With another nervous glance at Una, Chris waved her toward the historic site.

    Ahead was the Ecruteak History Museum, minimalist and gray. Beyond it were the ruins.

    Four pillars stood alone beside a man-made pond studded with lotuses. The water’s surface reflected the roofs and windows of the houses that looked down from the surrounding hills. Between the pillars, a block of tempered glass was set into the earth, displaying blackened tiles and a beaten brass incense burner.

    “That almost resembles …” Una froze and stared for a moment before rushing ahead. “No, no, no, no.”

    Chris hung back. As she knelt and pressed her hands to the glass, he averted his eyes.

    At the edge of the ruins, where there might’ve once been an entranceway, was a plaque. The left side bore a pair of images stacked one on top of the other: first was a illustration of the original design, with labels for architectural features and notes, and below it was a black and white photo of the tower crumbling and radiant with flame. The right side of the plaque was covered in text. Chris flicked his eyes briefly to Una, who hadn’t moved, then set down his backpack and bent to read.

    The Brass Tower was built during the Itun period (1300 A.D.) to honor a mythical bird pokemon. It first burned down in 1519, possibly due to a lightning strike. The tower was later reconstructed but burned down a second time during the Third Wave of the Tohjo Wars (1589–1599). In 1950, the tower was set on fire for a third time by an unknown arsonist, and it was never rebuilt. The ruins were demolished in 1983 during the development of the Grand Hyatt Ecruteak Hotel. Remaining tiles and replicas of the original pillars were relocated to this historic monument site in 1985.

    It was more or less what he’d heard about the tower before. He hadn’t remembered the exact dates, only that it had been a long time ago. The mysterious arsonist was news to him, but everyone knew the legend. Everyone except ….

    He glanced up to see Una circling one of the pillars, tracing the carvings. Hands in his pockets, he moved to join her.

    “I do not understand,” she said with mournful eyes. “This is Brass Tower, but … I was here mere days ago. I was given robes in this room.”

    Maybe she’d dreamed that in the snow. Maybe she was confusing stories with memory. A day ago, Chris might’ve believed that. Today, he thought of the matches and her strange chants and the way she’d frowned calling a mud puddle town like Mahogany advanced.

    “What if ….” Chris tried to swallow but his mouth was dry. He spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. “Una, do you think it’s possible that you lived here … five hundred years ago?”

    It sounded impossible, raising more questions than answers. But it felt true.

    She pressed her hands to the feather around her neck. “How could that be?”

    “I don’t know. It sounds crazy … but maybe it’s not. I mean, that would be more than just teleportation. Then again, pokemon can do lots of things we barely understand.”

    “Five hundred years ….” Una put out a hand to steady herself against the pillar. Her voice trembled. “But that would mean … my parents. The priests. My friends… Everyone is gone.”

    Chris opened his mouth and shut it again.

    She slowly spun in place, eyes tracking from the museum to the shops and apartments that spread in all directions, overtaking the hill beyond the memorial site and the one next to it, too. Every square foot throbbed with music and ads and the hum of electric lines. In the distance, a siren howled.

    Una repeated in a whisper, “Everything is gone.”
    Last edited:
    4: The Exchange
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    4: The Exchange

    “I’m so sorry, Una.” The words sounded dull even to Chris's own ears, but what else was there to say?

    She dropped her face into her hands. “I wish to be alone.”

    He glanced uneasily at the street. There were no cars in the historic sector, but if she bolted, she’d hit traffic eventually. And what if she got lost? “I’m not sure that’s—”

    “Please. I need a moment.” Her voice was ragged with tears.

    He only hesitated a moment. “Yeah. Alright.”

    Shuffling away, he bent for his backpack. When he looked up again, Una was leaning against the pillar with her face buried in the crook of her arm, shoulders shaking soundlessly. He walked quickly around the corner.

    Half a block away, Chris spotted a QuickMart, the answer to all small problems, a beacon of normalcy. He wandered up and down the aisles, barely looking before grabbing things off the shelves—except to make sure to avoid jerky. Past the keychains and postcards, he found the self-serve coffee station. He reached for a small cup, then changed his mind and opted for a large one instead. Then he paid and slowly made his way back to the burned tower memorial site, trying not to think about the money he’d just spent.

    He found Una on a bench facing away from the ruins, knees drawn to her chest, her cheeks splotchy red. Without looking up at him, she asked, “Do the people here still visit Tin Tower to give thanks for the rain?”

    Chris hesitated, thinking of his first visit to Ecruteak when he’d taken a tour of Bell Tower. Inside had been like any museum: wall signs explaining what had been done to protect or restore the furniture, glass cases to display crumbling scrolls and hand bells turned green with age. He didn’t remember the words the tour guide had used, but he could imagine. Long ago, the people here worshipped pokemon as gods …

    “No. I don’t think so.”

    “And what of invaders? Does no one worry?” Her voice took on a shrill edge. “Without offerings, how can they expect protection?”

    “That doesn’t really happen anymore, Una.”

    “I see.” She closed her eyes, breathing as if it pained her. “Then the gods have truly gone.”

    Chris thought there had probably never been any gods at all, just pokemon, but he didn’t imagine it would help to say so. When it was clear she wasn’t going to say more, he sat beside her and offered her the styrofoam cup.

    She shook her head.

    Neither spoke for some time. Chris alternated between sipping coffee and breaking off pieces of the wooden stirring stick until he was left with a handful of splinters. The silence sat on him like a wet sweater.

    Finally Una asked, “Where will you go now?”

    “I was on my way to Blackthorn City.” Automatically, he turned eastward, but he couldn’t see the mountains from here. He let the splinters fall to the grass. “If I can get there in time, I’ll go to the Indigo Plateau in Kanto. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it, but I gotta try.”

    “Could I come with you?”

    He snapped his head around to look at her and made several sounds that were not words. After a moment he managed to choke out, “It’s dangerous where I’m going!”

    She said nothing but held his gaze.

    “For one thing, you’d need all new gear. A good coat alone is gonna be—gods—at least one twenty, probably more. A backpack is probably …. What am I saying. There’s no point. It’s not possible.”

    He raked a hand through his hair. “Maybe … you could stay and work with the museum?” He reached into his memory for names, anyone he might be able to call on. There had to be someone. “Maybe the dance hall? I bet I could get you a place to stay with one of the dancers, at least for a start.”


    He shut his mouth and looked down at his feet.

    “Please, I cannot bear to stay here. This is not my home. I do not even know these streets. Let me come with you, at least until I can sort out—” Her breath caught. “Until I can sort out —”

    Chris grimaced but still said nothing.

    “I will find a way to be helpful to you.”

    “Listen, I’m sorry, but the bottom line is I can’t afford to take you with me. I’m out of time, and neither of us has the resources it would take to prepare you for this kind of journey. I wish I could—I really do—but I don’t have more help to offer you. Sorry.”

    She was quiet for a moment. “What if we could get the necessary supplies?”

    “I dunno, Una. It would take a lot more than I have. I don’t even know where we could find that type of money in a short amount of time. And I’m already behind schedule.”

    Una closed her hands around her feather, bending her head as if in prayer. Chris was testing his next words in his head when she cut in, “Where are my robes?”

    Chris had bundled them up in his pack for her when they set out from Mahogany. Now, he handed her the roll of fabric.

    She hugged the cloth bundle to herself for a moment. Then she unrolled the fabric and spread it across her lap, running a finger along the embroidered patterns. She spoke slowly, as if remembering as she went. “How could I have forgotten what this meant? This was to be my bridal gown.”

    Chris gaped at her. “You were getting married?” She seemed too young, but maybe she was older than she looked. Or maybe things like that hadn’t mattered so much five hundred years ago.

    An expression Chris couldn’t read flickered across Una’s face. “In a matter of speaking.”

    She spoke haltingly, as if toeing for the next step down a dark staircase. “My family could not afford a traditional dowry, especially after—oh. After Suki fell ill with fever. So my father planned to apprentice a village boy, and I … I was to serve under the priests and be a bride to the gods instead.”

    Chris could only listen, dumbfounded by her matter-of-fact delivery. Her parents had sold her to the temple and she was fine with it?

    She seemed not to notice his horror, tracing the embroidered lines down her robe. “You see? Here is Brass Tower surrounded by trees in bloom. And on the other side is Tin Tower. Two towers, two gods. The dawn and the night. The sun and the rain. Together, they nurture all that gives us life defend against our enemies.”

    She turned her eyes to the sky, prompting Chris to follow suit, as if they would see her gods circling above.

    She really believes this stuff, he thought pityingly.

    After a moment, she returned her gaze to the robe, touching a sleeve covered in raindrops and flowers. “All the rest represents their gifts to us. I was meant to offer my own gifts to them, of course. Of all the colors in the rainbow, the priests said they saw blue in me. Blue for water, blue for peaceful skies.” Voice quavering, she added, “Perhaps blue because I cry so easily.”

    Chris knew he should say something to comfort her, but when he opened his mouth, no words came. He pressed his hands tightly between his knees until Una finally cleared her throat and started again.

    “The woods were my bridal chamber. I set out to fast, pray, and wait for a sign that the gods had accepted me for the vocation. It is no easy life to be a bride to the gods, but I was ready to do my best. But then I was attacked, and ….”

    She shook her head. “I cannot explain it, but I was here when life was … different.” Then she looked up and searched his face like a drowning girl looking for a hand to grab onto.

    There was no mistaking the conviction in her voice, growing stronger with each word. She wasn’t inventing things, and she didn’t sound crazy—even though it absolutely was crazy.

    “I believe you,” Chris said.

    Staring at her lap, she said, “This is some of the finest embroidery Sister Talia has done. Perhaps this will be valuable to someone else now.”

    Chris stammered, “Are you sure? Don’t you want to keep it?”

    Una squeezed the fabric in her hands. “The gods have gone from here,” she repeated firmly. Then she folded the robe and cloak into a neat stack. “If this is what must be done, then so be it. But I cannot stay here. I cannot bear it.”

    “I wouldn’t even know where to begin to try to sell something like this.”

    Still, she had a point. If these robes were really hundreds of years old, they might be valuable to a collector. His gaze slid to the long, concrete building ahead of them. “I guess we could see if someone at the museum has ideas …. There’s no guarantee we’ll find anything helpful, though. It might not even be worth enough.”

    She lifted her chin. “We must try.”

    Chris didn’t have any other ideas, so he shouldered his bag, poured out the rest of the coffee, and waved for Una to follow him into the museum.

    Inside was all sharp lines and soft light. Chris was immediately aware of the dirt on his boots. Even as he approached the admissions kiosk, he felt his face redden.

    For her part, the greeter was either genuinely unbothered by his appearance or did a good job hiding it. “Good afternoon and welcome to the Ecruteak History Museum. Is this your first visit with us?”

    “Uh, yeah.”

    “Wonderful. So will that be two tickets?”

    “Actually …. I’m sorry, I know this is a weird request, but I was actually hoping I might be able to show these items to someone. If it’s convenient. They’re, um, antique.”

    The receptionist squinted. “I can see if someone is available. What kind of items did you want her to look at?”

    “It’s an embroidered robe.” He glanced at Una. “A bridal gown. We think.”

    He saw the doubt in the reception’s face. “Let me go find out.” She rose and went to a wall phone. Chris watched her but couldn’t hear what was said from where he stood. When she returned, she said, “You’re in luck. Normally our curators don’t take drop-ins, but Dr. Tegu has a free moment. She’ll be right out if you’d like to take a seat while you wait.”

    They settled into a corner near the entrance and sat in stiff silence.

    Shortly after, a woman wearing a cardigan and latex gloves approached them. She pulled one off to shake their hands. “I’m Dr. Ann Tegu. You have a costume—a garment—you wanted to show me? Let’s see it.”

    Quiet as a shadow, Una unrolled the robe. She was careful not to let it touch the floor.

    Dr. Tegu sucked in a breath. She pulled a small black light from her pocket and swept it over the fabric, turning a sleeve over in her gloved hands. Then, swapping the light for a magnifying glass, she followed along the embroidery like it was a maze she was trying to solve. “The details in this piece are definitely intriguing.”

    Chris's heart swelled with hope in spite of himself. That was a better reaction than he’d dare to expect.

    “This is a very good replica. Looks like there are some grass stains, though. Is there a story behind how this robe came to you?”

    Una turned to Chris. “Replica?”

    “Uh ….” He shot her a warning look, and she gave him a stern one in return. “She found it … in her family’s attic. Family heirloom.”

    Her chin jutted forward, but she said nothing.

    “Was there another piece?”

    Una opened the cloak, and they repeated the process.

    After a few more moments of fussing and study, punctuated by hums of fascination, Dr. Tegu stood straighter. She looked like she was resisting a smile. “The robe is definitely an interesting piece. I’d love to take some photos and have you leave your contact information with Mary Beth in case we decide your garments fit into our board’s acquisition plan.”

    Chris's heart sank. “Oh. Well, you see …. I’m a trainer, and I ….” He stole another glance at Una, deflating further at the confusion on her face. “We were hoping to leave for Blackthorn City tonight. Or, I guess, maybe tomorrow.”

    Dr. Tegu frowned. “That’s too bad. This isn’t official yet, but—” a conspiratorial smile crept across her face and she leaned forward to speak in low tones, “—we’re planning an exhibit on folk religion, and these pieces could pair well with a few costumes from our permanent collection that we’re considering.”

    She laced her fingers together and brought them up to her mouth. “Darn it ….”

    He waited.

    “You know,” Dr. Tegu said, brightening, “It couldn’t hurt to compare it with the pieces we already have, right? Just to see. Do you have a little time to visit the archives with me?”

    Chris and Una exchanged wide-eyed looks. “Sure,” he answered for the both of them.

    “Well then. Let’s take a look.”

    She led them past glass cases of arrowheads, painted vases, brush and ink drawings, and a wall of theater masks. Along one wall was a door marked, Employees Only. Glancing around guiltily, Dr. Tegu unlocked it and ushered them through. They found themselves in a dimly lit corridor. As Chris's eyes adjusted, he saw boxes stacked all along the walls on each side. He caught snatches of a few of the labels as they passed: coat (winter, embroidered), coat (farmer), dusting cloths, futon cover (hemp), mosquito netting.

    “Here.” Dr. Tegu pulled a coffin-sized box from the shelf and set it on a table that ran between the shelves. With the giddiness of a kid opening Solstice presents, she lifted the lid and parted a layer of tissue paper to reveal the faded red bell sleeve of a robe, and in the layer below, another in gold.

    Una gasped. She reached to touch, but Dr. Tegu held up a hand.

    “They’re very fragile. But they’re beautiful, aren’t they?” With a handheld light, she swept a line down the fabric. “Look at the clouds stitched into this one.”

    Chris was tempted to feel that papery sleeve too. Like Una’s, both robes in the storage box were brocaded in geometric shapes filled with intricate scenes, though the museum robes were frayed, worn bare in places.

    There was no doubt in his mind anymore that Una’s story was true.

    “These remind me of your costume,” Dr. Tegu said, “but yours must be much newer, since real indigo infamously fades over the years. It certainly looks a lot like early century work, though. It’s so close. They’d look lovely together.” She held the sleeve of Una’s robe for a moment longer, then let it fall with a sigh. “I don’t want to waste your time. It’s a very close match, but I don’t see how I could convince the board to make a purchase within your timeframe, especially for an imitation, no matter how—”

    “An imitation of what?” Una cried. “There is no seamstress in the village who did not learn the craft from Sister Talia.”

    Dr. Tegu drew back in surprise.

    “Una.” Chris had the sensation of standing on a narrow ledge over an abyss. He felt powerless to stop her from stepping over the edge of it.

    “I’m sorry if you’d been led to believe—”

    “Look inside the left-hand sleeve and you will see this is no mere imitation,” Una said, jabbing a finger.

    “Excuse me?”

    “Sister Talia’s signature. She always stitched a maple leaf inside the left sleeve.”

    For a moment Dr. Tegu only stared. Then, begrudgingly, she turned out the sleeve of Una’s robe. Just as Una said, there was a maple leaf done in perfect blue stitches, invisible from the outside.

    “Very pretty, but I’m afraid it doesn’t—”

    “Look at the others. Please.”

    Chris held his breath as Dr. Tegu reached to check the red robe. When she folded the fabric over, the lines were faded and missing stitches … but it was there: same leaf, same place.

    Dr. Tegu was visibly shaken. She looked at Una as if seeing a ghost. With quivering hands, she searched the yellow robes and found the same maple leaf in the left sleeve. Finally, she spoke in a near-whisper. “Where did you really get this?”

    “Does it matter?” Chris cut in, not trusting what Una might say. “That means something, doesn’t it?”

    Dr. Tegu let out a long sigh, twisting her fingers together. “Oh, I wish I hadn’t lent Greg my xatu. Crates would know for sure ….” She patted her waist for a pokeball that wasn’t there and sighed again. Then her hand slipped into her pocket for her wallet. She flipped through the bills inside and said, “Look, I can’t authorize museum funds for this, but I have two hundred in cash.”

    Chris couldn’t help wincing. “That’s not …. We were hoping for more. A lot more.”

    “It would’ve helped to have a little more notice,” Dr. Tegu said, irritation creeping into her voice.

    He shot Una a pained look, both apology and surrender. This isn’t working.

    She looked at him expectantly until his meaning sunk in and she slumped. Smoothing the sleeve of her robe flat again, she said, “She is gone now like all the rest. This robe is all that is left.”

    Then her expression hardened. Lifting her head high, she folded the robe and gathered it to her chest. “We will find another buyer, Chris.”

    “Una—” He thought they’d be lucky to get forty dollars thrifting Una’s robe, but she was already turning for the door.

    The words twisted out of Dr. Tegu. “Wait. What’s your price?” Half to herself, she added, “I’ll just have to find a way to make it work.”

    “Oh, um!” Chris hurriedly calculated: coat, sleeping bag, boots, backpack …. “We were hoping for about a thousand.” He stole a glance at Una for confirmation, but she returned a blank stare. Of course. What would a thousand dollars have meant five hundred years ago? It might’ve been an entire house. Several houses?

    Dr. Tegu muttered to herself under her breath, counting off on her fingers. Una watched the curator without blinking or budging.

    “I can do eight hundred.” Dr. Tegu cleared her throat and added, “That’s really the best I can do on the spot.”

    Chris ran through his checklist again, aware of Una’s eyes on him now. At last, he let out a breath and said, “Okay. We can work with that.”

    Relief broke over the curator’s face. “Excellent, excellent,” she said, clapping her hands together. I’m assuming you use the OneCard app?”

    “I do, yeah.”

    As Dr. Tegu prodded her phone screen, Chris turned toward Una. Her face was still, but she held the blue robe tightly, running a thumb over the stitches.

    Softly, he asked, “Are you sure this is what you want? It’s your choice.”

    She gave the fabric one more squeeze … then set it on the curator’s work table. “I am certain.”

    Una watched with furrowed brows while Chris spelled out his username and Dr. Tegu tapped on her screen. When it was done, the curator put out a hand for Chris to shake. “Pleasure doing business with you.”

    She offered Una her hand too, but Una ignored it and bowed. Dr. Tegu gave a puzzled smile and slid her hands into her pockets instead, saying, “Well. You’ll have to come back to see the finished exhibit.”

    “We’ll do our best,” Chris said. “Thank you very much.”

    He already had one foot out the door, half-blinded by the full light of the museum, when he realized Una hadn’t followed. She lingered in the storage corridor, head swiveling between Chris and the robes lying on the table. He felt for her, having to leave behind so much, but if she really wanted to come with him, she was going to have to keep up. “Let’s go, Una,” he called.

    Her first few steps were faltering, then she scurried to catch up and glued herself to his side. As the Employees Only door closed behind them, she said, “Am I to assume someone will meet us outside with the mareep?”

    “I … what?” His confusion momentarily brought him to a halt.

    Una barely avoided smacking into his backpack. “For the coat, Chris,” she said, her voice prickling with impatience.

    Chris opened his mouth, whether to explain or ask his own questions he wasn’t sure—he didn’t even know where to begin. “Uh, don’t worry about that. We don’t need mareep.”

    That stumped her into momentary silence. Then with obvious relief she said, “Ah, it was wool.” As they made their way back through the museum, Una chattered nervously at his side. “I saw a black walnut not far from here, and I do not imagine it will be difficult to fetch onion skins or beetroot, or even beans, so we should have several options for color.”

    A pit began to form in Chris's stomach. He had to say something, but he was having trouble completing a thought when Una kept cutting in.

    “Surely you have no loom in your bag.”

    “Actually, Una—”

    “I suppose we could borrow one for the afternoon if you have a story to trade. Never mind, I know several.”

    How was he going to make her understand he’d exchanged her temple priestess robes for invisible credits on a plastic card? Oh gods. Chris swallowed drily and walked faster, suddenly desperate for fresh air. He needed a second to think.

    As they pushed through the front doors, Una pressed, “Chris, why did you not ask to verify the quality of the wool before agreeing to the exchange?”

    “There’s no wool, Una,” he snapped. “We don’t need to make a coat. We can just buy one.”

    Una shrank away, blinking in stunned silence.

    “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean—I just ….” He took a slow breath. He heard Dad’s voice in his mind: In through the nose, out through the mouth.

    Una spoke first. “I can see there is much here I do not understand. I apologize for my offense.”

    “No, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. Look, I don’t think I’m very good at this. You don’t have to come with me. You have money now, not a ton but enough for maybe a month or two of rent. You could get a job and ….”

    He imagined taking her to an ATM and putting eight hundred dollars cash into her hands. And then what? Gods, she’d probably just spend it on mareep. If she bought livestock grade, not battlers, he guessed she probably could afford a small flock. And where did she think she’d put them? She could rent a studio apartment, probably, but a pasture—?

    Stop, stop, stop.

    The money was hers, but he wouldn’t be absolved by simply handing it to her. What she needed was an education, and he couldn’t give that to her in an afternoon.

    “I cannot stay here,” she said again.

    He shouldn’t have expected any other response, but …. “It’s gonna be hard, even with the right gear,” he warned. “It won’t be like this morning’s hike.”

    She raised her chin. “I am not as unfamiliar with wilderness as you may think. I will be sure not to be a burden.”

    Chris thought of the ways one or both of them could be hurt, ways he could be set back even further. In normal circumstances, she would’ve started training for the Ice Pass weeks ago ….

    “I cook well,” Una said, counting off on her fingers. “I can sew, wash clothes, and I know which stars are best for navigation. I promise I will be of help.”

    He looked into her face, and something in him crumbled. They’d already come this far.

    “Alright. Let’s get you a coat before I start thinking about what a bad idea this is.”

    Between a palmistry shop and a tattoo parlor, they came to a storefront display of scuffed manequins in secondhand trainer gear. Milk crates full of stained sneakers and badge cases lined the sidewalk, and just inside the door lay garbage bags of clothes yet to be sorted and hung.

    “This is it.” Chris repeated the list that was becoming almost like a prayer: “Coat, boots, backpack, sleeping bag, pants.”

    He led Una to the women’s clothing racks and showed her how to find the tags. “Cotton is bad. Try to find merino wool if you can. Look for a couple shirts and a good pair of pants. I’m gonna look for a sleeping bag.”

    She threw him a panicked look, and he took a step back. “I’ll be right back. Just see what you can find.”

    With that, he ducked into the maze of racks and bins. At first, he wandered without even looking at the aisles he passed, relieved to finally have a moment to himself. Beside the overflowing shoe racks, he found a bench and sat. Exhaustion immediately overtook him.

    What the hell was he doing?

    Coat, boots, backpack, he reminded himself and then got to work.

    Passing between cities had given Chris plenty of experience trading his out-of-season equipment for other trainers’ discards. As often as not, he’d found almost new equipment sold off by former trainers who’d realized early in their journeys they didn’t have what it took. Most trainers ended their careers that way.

    Without too much digging, Chris found a zero degree sleeping bag. The shop didn’t carry any liners, but he hoped that the down bag would make up the difference—it was nicer than his own sleeping bag. The coat and the backpack were more troublesome. Even secondhand, there was nothing inexpensive of acceptable quality. Combined, the coat and the backpack took up half the money from the museum. The boots were nearly another quarter of it. But there was nothing to do about that. She needed to have the right supplies if she was coming with him to the Ice Pass.

    He tracked Una down again and had her try it all on for size.

    “It seems well-made,” she said, looking less than certain.

    Chris remembered her stubborn stoicism on the hike into Ecruteak and realized she wouldn’t admit it if the fit was wrong. “Where does it feel like the weight is hitting?”

    He had her try another. After some tugging and adjusting of straps, Chris decided he was as satisfied with it as he’d ever be.

    Then he glanced down and saw Una had several skirts draped over her arm. “Um. I don’t think you’ll need those. For the kind of hike we have coming up, you really need something more like these.” He pulled a pair of ski pants off the rack.

    She flinched. “But that is men’s clothing.”

    He made himself breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth before he said something unkind. “Not anymore. Look at her.” He pointed her towards a salesgirl in ripped jeans. When Una still looked unconvinced, he said firmly, “If you want to come with me, it has to be pants.”

    Una furrowed her brow but accepted the hanger from him. “As you say.”

    He steered her towards a dressing room. As she walked away, Chris rubbed his face and let out a long breath. “You agreed to this,” he said under his breath. “You’re responsible now.”

    It took longer than he would’ve liked, but they finally gathered up their haul and paid. They came away with the sleeping bag, a sleeping pad, the boots, the backpack, the coat, two FlashDry shirts, and the pants. To his surprise, the idea of wearing the same clothes over and over didn’t seem to faze Una in the least. Maybe that was what she was used to—what did he know about life five hundred years ago?

    After stocking up on a few other small items—a bowl, a tin cup, socks, a headlamp, handwarmers—the museum money was done. For their RediMeal rations (soy protein for Una), they had to dip into Chris's existing funds. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he handed over his OneCard, but tried to reassure himself that he would’ve spent the money on food eventually anyway.

    But there was still the problem of the tent.

    The secondhand store had several in stock, but each was more than what they could afford. He had hoped at least to trade in his two-person tent for a three-person—normally Kosho slept next to him, a huggable lump of energy-efficient heating—but he simply didn’t have enough for the upgrade, let alone to buy Una her own tent.

    Pulse quickening, he scrolled through the OneCard app without truly seeing any of it, as if refreshing the feed would manifest money from the air. He could see the plan, such as it was, collapsing around him. If the idea of pants bothered her, she was going to hate the idea of sleeping back-to-back with him. Then, in a flash of calm, he realized, Better to split ways now than on the mountain.

    With a secret, grim smile in his heart, Chris broke the news to Una. “Just so you know, we’re going to have to sleep in the same tent.”

    But she only regarded him blankly. Whether numb or in shock or truly indifferent, she only asked, “Will it be a problem?”

    “Well, um.”

    He thought of the brief period he’d traveled with a group of high school friends, including a girl named Tara who’d thought nothing of air-drying her bras and underwear in their camp or skinny dipping in the river. The others had made fun of Chris for blushing over it.

    He admitted, “Most people wouldn’t make a big deal about it, no.”

    “I will trust your judgment in these matters, Chris,” Una said. “Whatever it takes to prepare for this journey, I will do.”

    Chris hunched his shoulders under the weight of her words. Una trusted him. Well, she had to if she was going to follow him into the wilderness. He hoped he was worthy of that trust.

    Straightening, he said, “Then we’re ready.”
    Last edited:
    5: Visitations
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    5: Visitations

    The sun had already set by the time Chris and Una left the secondhand store and shambled to a bar-restaurant with cheap food and booth seating, where they dumped their gear and slumped beside it. Other than the two of them, the dining area was empty, and Chris was grateful for the quiet so he could figure out their next step.

    Despite the new credits loaded on his OneCard, he was reluctant to pay for a hostel. Any bunk would be pricey with summer festivals and the Indigo Conference drawing close, and the two of them had little to spare after provisioning Una. Making camp in the dark wasn’t appealing either, especially not after such an impossibly long day.

    Finally, Chris accepted that the only choice was to call an old friend, but it still took him most of dinner to muster the courage to dial the number.

    The instant the line began ringing, he regretted it. Would she even want to hear from him? They hadn’t spoken in months. What if she was annoyed that he was calling? What if she’d changed her number?

    He was about to hang up when there was a click and a familiar voice said, “Hello?”

    “H-hi, Miki.”

    Una looked around for who he was talking to, then, seeing no one, squinted at him in confusion.

    He could only point at his Bitflex and shrug as he continued to speak. “I don’t know if you remember me, but—”

    “Don’t be stupid. Of course I remember you, Chris! How’ve you been?”

    “Good, good …. So I’m calling because I’m in town ….”

    “Are you really? We have to meet up then!”

    “Actually, I wanted to ask you for a favor ….”

    Miki’s apartment was small and spare, but there was a sofa for Una to sleep on and space on the floor for Chris to lay out his sleeping bag, and that was all they needed. The apartment was also in the middle of Old City, so enjoyed a view of the dance hall while waiting for the water to boil.

    “I wish I knew how to repay you for your generosity,” Chris said.

    “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s the least I can do.” Somehow elegant even in her jeans and house slippers, Miki set a tea tray on the coffee table.

    Una smiled at the sight of the clay tea bowls. “I have been longing for a proper cup of tea all day. I had begun to fear the traditional ways had gone completely.”

    “Goodness no. This tea set belonged to my grandmother and her grandmother before that.” She knelt on a floor cushion beside Chris. “Is this your first time in Ecruteak, Una?”

    She looked down, tucking her curls behind her ears. “Yes.”

    Chris looked away.

    “Oh, you’ll love it here if you’re interested in Johto history and tradition. Chris, you’ll have to bring her by the dance hall tomorrow. I’ll be working, but I can make sure someone will be around to let you in so you can at least see original tea room and some of the ink paintings.”

    “Thank you, Miki,” he said, “but unfortunately we’re only in town for tonight. I’m racing the clock to get to the Indigo Plateau.”

    “Hm.” Miki smiled wryly, leaning her chin in her hand. Her girlish bob and speaking style made it difficult to judge her age. Some moments she seemed just this side of adulthood and others, like now, she seemed much older. “You never stand still.”

    Chris smiled nervously. “I guess not.”

    “So tell me,” Miki said, saving him from having to figure out how to change the subject, “do you still have that eevee I gave you?”

    Miki’s small talk was an art form. She flitted from one topic to another, guiding them past awkward silences and heaviness as if it were easy to do. Why had Chris expected anything less from her? After all, she was trained for grace, not just on stage but in conversation. All the same, he knew her well enough to be aware of the way she evaded his gaze, her careful posture, her questioning glances at Una.

    When she retired to her bedroom at last, Chris heaved a sigh of relief.

    Even as he nestled into his sleeping bag and arranged a few floor cushions under his head, Chris knew he was going to have a hard time falling asleep, and not only because of the whoosh of traffic outside.

    Incense, floor polish, and something delicate and floral permeated the apartment, smells Chris had associated with the dance hall but now realized were the smells of Miki’s life more generally. Those smells brought him back to the hours he’d spent standing outside her dressing room: his pokemon at his feet, trying to look tough as he glanced anxiously up and down the hallway, his bad arm in a sling. Dancers he didn’t know giggling at him from behind their fans as they passed. Knowing he looked young and foolish to and still so eager to earn his place.

    In the dark, he heard Una rustling and knew she was having trouble sleeping, too. The knowledge made him feel both less and more alone.

    A bus wheezed past on the street below, and Una said softly, “So much has changed. So many strange sounds. At least a few familiar things remain. It was kind of Miki to give us a place to stay.”

    Chris made a noise of agreement.

    “I like her.”

    “Yeah, she’s nice.”

    He heard her roll over. “How do you know each other?”

    Chris folded his hands under his head and stared up at the ceiling. “I helped her out once. There was this guy ….”

    A self-described fan, Miki had explained after. The man had been writing her letters for months, but his increasingly desperate ramblings had gotten lost in the tides of dance hall fan mail. Finally, he had decided to take action one night when she was walking home from a show.

    “I didn’t know what I was doing—I’d only been away from home for a couple weeks—but I stepped in.”

    “What did you do?”

    Chris blushed, glad for the cover of darkness. “I dunno. I tackled him. Stupid.”

    Una propped herself up on one elbow and gazed down at him. “How so?”

    “Well, not stupid, I guess.” After all, what else was he supposed to do, let it happen? “Reckless.

    “The gym here has trap doors—ghost-types—and I had a rough time of it the first run through. Sprained my wrist and dislocated my shoulder. Tackling that guy made it worse. I couldn’t train or even travel for three weeks after. So for a while, Miki paid me to walk her home from the dance hall, keep an eye on the door, that kind of thing. Honestly, she was a better trainer than I was at the time, but I think she felt guilty.”

    Miki’s eyes on him under the streetlight. Maybe I like your company.

    “You were brave.”

    “I guess so.”

    But he wasn’t. He’d made things worse in his own way.

    He knew why she invited him out for ramen with her after practices and performances, though he’d pretended not to know. Technically, there was nothing wrong with sharing a meal with a friend. But each time she asked, each time he said yes, it had gotten harder to imagine telling her no.

    There was nothing wrong with Miki: she was pretty and nice, to say nothing of her talents as a performer. But she wanted dinner parties with friends and late night conversations. He hadn’t known how to tell her he didn’t have time for that kind of thing.

    He still didn’t.

    Una’s voice cut into his thoughts, “She seemed a little sad.”

    “Yeah.” He sighed. “Hey … I’m starting to drift off.”

    “Of course.” The sofa creaked as she settled back onto the cushions. “Goodnight, Chris.”


    After a while, he heard Una’s breath deepen and slow, and he still lay looking up at the ceiling.

    The hike out of Ecruteak was harder than the hike in, both because Una was carrying weight now and because they were slowly but surely climbing uphill. Not long after they crossed the first lake, she started to lag behind, and Chris stopped to wait for her and Mojimoji to catch up. He didn’t have to badger Una into resting this time. She still didn’t utter a single complaint, but she leaned against a tree trunk, breathing hard, while Mojimoji butted her head against her leg.

    “I apologize for my slowness,” she said after a moment, fidgeting with her shoulder straps.

    “No, Una, it’s okay.” He sighed. “Here, let me take a look at your pack and see if I can put a few things in mine instead.”

    She straightened and tugged the backpack higher onto her shoulders. “No, I will carry it. You are already carrying so much more than I am.”

    It was true—Chris had not only the tent but also an assortment of pokemon food, medicines, and other training supplies.

    But he cared less about fairness than he did preventing a twisted ankle. “I don’t want you to strain yourself. I’m used to carrying all of this.”

    “I will strive to keep up.”

    There came a piercing trill from behind them.

    Mojimoji rose up on her hind legs and froze.

    Chris swiveled until he found the yellow eyes of a massive noctowl staring down at them from a nearby tree. The branch bent under her weight. She preened, but her eyes never left them.

    “What a big noctowl. I have never seen one during the day.” She shot Chris a worried look. “Do you think it is an omen?”

    “It’s just another trainer,” he said, pointing out the tie-dyed band around one of her legs.

    From around the bend, they heard the trainer’s footsteps approaching, and a moment later he appeared, lanky with long hair and a bandana. “What did you find, M.J.?” he called to his pokemon. Then he caught sight of Chris and Una and sauntered over. “Hey, strangers! How are you enjoying this beautiful afternoon?”

    “Hey. Coming from Mahogany?”

    This time of year, few trainers traveled west from Mahogany Town unless they were circumnavigating the Ice Pass, taking the longer but safer route up the foothills outside Violet City.

    Chris supposed he and Una had been an exception,

    “Yup. Making a quick trip home before I head to Olivine. I’m working on my cousin’s farm to earn a little extra cash through League season.”

    “I grew up in Olivine. Who’s your cousin?” Chris asked, and immediately wished he hadn’t.

    “Right on. You know Josh Bloom?”

    “Oh. No, I don’t.”

    Mojimoji crouched between him and the stranger, spines angled in the noctowl’s direction, until Chris shooed her away. Still glaring at the noctowl, she slunk away to guard Una instead.

    “So, no Indigo Conference for you, huh?”

    “Nah, I’m not gonna try to force it this late in the season. Maybe next year. For now, I might as well enjoy myself, right, M.J.?” The noctowl had closed her eyes and seemed to be napping. Turning back to Chris, he raised an eyebrow. “You’re not still going for it, are you?”

    Chris squared his shoulders. “Yeah. I am.”

    “Good for you. Best of luck, man.” The noctowl trainer’s smile had a touch of pity in it. “Guess you don’t have time for a quick battle then, huh?”

    Chris stole a quick glance at Una, who paused rubbing Mojimoji’s ears long enough to blink at him in good-humored puzzlement.

    “Actually,” he said, “I think a quick battle is exactly what I need right now. Let’s take a break, Una.”

    “Cool,” said the trainer, recalling his noctowl. “One on one, or …?”

    “Sounds great.”

    “How much do you want to put on it?”

    His mind still on yesterday’s shopping excursion, Chris didn’t have to think long. “Is fifty okay?”


    Chris recalled Mojimoji. Then he and the other trainer shook hands, eyes locked, searching each other for clues to weaknesses. The hair on the back of Chris's neck prickled, and he smiled.

    Una trailed behind as Chris retreated a few yards. “What are we doing?”

    “With a little luck, winning back some of that backpack money.” He chose a pokeball from his belt and watched the other trainer do the same. “On three?” he called.

    The trainer nodded.

    “One … two … three—”

    “Let’s go, Magic!”

    “Come on, Kosho!”

    His typhlosion burst out with a roar and a fiery display. When his gaze fell on their opponent’s parasect, clacking its claws, Kosho glanced over his shoulder at Chris. They exchanged smug smiles.

    “You know what to do, Kosho!”

    The other trainer shot back, “Give it a good dusting.”

    The parasect began to rock from side to side, mushroom shell jiggling. Black dust showered from the mushroom gills, releasing a chemical odor.

    When a spurt of flames hit the parasect head-on, it squealed, momentarily stunned. It stopped moving, but black particles already filled the air.

    Kosho inhaled to prepare another fireball—but choked. He coughed sparks and dropped to all fours.

    “Chris,” Una said warningly.

    “I know,” he said. “Push through, Kosho. Flame charge!”

    With a growl and cough, Kosho flared the flames around his neck and launched himself forward. The parasect tried to scuttle out of the way, but it was too slow. When they collided, the smell of burnt plastic filled the air.


    Una’s voice was loud in his ear, so he ducked away, calling, “Again, Kosho! You got this!”

    “Hang on, Magic! Leech seed.”

    As Kosho swung his head, trying to roll the parasect onto its back, white tendrils shot out from the shadowy underside of the mushroom cap and lassoed his legs. The two tangled together and fell, stirring up more black dust. Kosho growled, and smoke filled the air.

    Chris had to give the guy that much: he was putting up a good fight, even though he had to know it was a foregone conclusion. He had to admire that.

    Suddenly, Una was pulling Chris's arm, the shock of it unbalancing him. “Chris, stop! Why are you doing this?”

    “What are you talking about?” He yanked free and turned back to the battle to see Kosho also trying to free himself.

    The other trainer, taking no heed of their squabble on the opposite side of the field, called, “Slash! Go for the throat!”

    “They are hurting each other!”

    “I know, Una!”

    His typhlosion bellowed. The parasect’s claws scrabbled in the dirt.

    “Kosho’s going to get hurt more if you don’t let me concentrate—”

    “Then call him back!” Una grabbed his arm again and spun him to look at her. “End this. Please.”

    “Let go!”


    “Gods, fine!”

    Chris recalled Kosho into his pokeball, leaving the parasect to thud to the ground. He turned his back to Una as he clipped the ball back onto his belt.

    The trainer blurted, “That’s it? You quit?”

    “Yeah. I quit,” Chris said. “Sorry.”

    “Too bad.” The trainer recalled his parasect with a nervous laugh. “I thought I was about to see Magic beat a fire-type for the first time.”

    Chris closed the distance between them. “Here’s your winnings,” he said, holding out a few bills. When the other trainer didn’t take it, he insisted, “I yielded, so you won. Take it.”

    “Cool. Thanks for being cool, man. I hope you make it to the Indigo Plateau and all.”


    “Well … good luck!” The trainer put his backpack on again and cast Chris and Una one last nervous smile before waving and continuing down the path out of sight.

    Chris took a deep breath. “So what was that?”

    “I thought you were a good person,” Una said to the ground, a hand over her mouth.

    “I don’t understand why you’re so upset.”

    She spun on him, eyes ablaze. “They are sacred!” Her fists shook at her sides. “They are the voices of the wind and the water and the trees and the earth itself, our guardians and protectors, the souls of our ancestors—and you use them for sport!”

    He held up his hands. “I promise, Kosho’s fine. Pokemon heal faster than we do. It’s not as serious as you’re making it out to be.”

    “You cannot treat the spirits like playthings!”

    Chris clenched his jaw. “I don’t think of them as playthings. They’re … partners. They like the competition as much as I do. They listen to me because they trust me.”

    “And if Kosho wished to stop fighting, would he be free to do so?”

    A snappy reply didn’t come to Chris fast enough.

    “I am going for a walk,” Una said. She turned and slipped between the trees, leaving Chris standing alone on the trail with his mouth open.

    After a moment, Chris dragged his backpack to a nearby boulder, took a seat, and began unpacking his pokemon med kit. Once he had laid out everything he needed, he let Kosho back out of his pokeball.

    He came out swinging and snarling and coughing smoke.

    “Hey, hey, easy. The fight’s over.”

    As Kosho focused his gaze on Chris, he slowly lowered his flames. Then he let out a long groan and flopped over on his side.

    “Oh, don’t be dramatic. Come on.”

    The hard part was dosing Kosho with the antitoxin, which had to be sprayed under the tongue or into the cheek pouch. Kosho wasn’t hurt badly, which meant that medicating him became a wrestling match. Chris came away with one sleeve singed and the other wet with slobber, but Kosho’s breathing began to ease as the universal antidote began to take effect. Then Chris checked him over with gentle hands, bandaging small cuts and applying ointment to bruises. He spoke in low tones to his pokemon while he worked.

    “You did good earlier. I’m sorry I had to pull you out. It wasn’t your fault.” He paused and met Kosho’s eyes, red with a suggestion of flame deep within. In a quiet voice, he asked, “You don’t mind battles, do you?”

    Kosho yawned.

    Chris sighed and continued patching up the typhlosion. “We’re in a tough spot, Kosho. I want to do the right thing, but I’m not sure what that is. I feel like the more I try to help, the weirder things get. I probably should’ve let her stay in Mahogany, huh? Well, thanks a lot for not saying something sooner.”

    When Chris's hands finally fell still, Kosho dropped his head into his trainer’s lap and rumbled contentedly. It should’ve made Chris feel better, but it didn’t.

    “We’re not gonna make it to the Indigo Plateau in time, are we?”

    He was cut short by a scream.


    Chris jumped to his feet, but Kosho was faster, already plunging off the path and into the tangled green. Chris ducked between the trees, not caring that he slid on loose rocks and gravel as he bounded downhill.

    “Una!” he called again. “Where are you?”


    Her golden hair shone through the foliage. He found her with her back against a large tree trunk, clutching a clump of leaves in one hand and her feather necklace in the other.

    Kosho sniffed her, then rose onto his hind legs to sniff the air. After a moment he dropped back to all fours and shot Chris a look as if to say, Was that all? Then, with a grumble, he sat.

    Chris panted, “Are you okay?”

    Una stood straight, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Yes. I apologize if I gave you a fright. Something startled me, that is all. I am unharmed.”

    “What was it?”

    “I have no idea, in all honesty. Something green? It fled when you approached and I could not identify it before it disappeared.”

    “Glad it was just a false alarm.” Chris checked the time on his Bitflex. “Look … it’s getting late. Let’s find a place to set up camp and call it a day.”

    Chris pitched the tent near the lakeshore and tasked Una with collecting firewood. They ate in uneasy silence, Una fiddling with her feather necklace and Chris craning his neck to watch the sinking sun turn the Dragon’s Spine mountains red and then blue.

    At last, Chris stood and cleared his throat. “I’m going to run drills with my pokemon for a while. I’ve got a book and a headlamp if you need something to do.”

    “I am content to sit with my thoughts.”

    I’m doing the best I can, he wanted to tell her. Even though he’d never been the right person for this job, he still hated to be a disappointment. But saying it out loud wouldn’t change the reality.

    Chris walked almost to the water’s edge, keeping his back to the campsite and gathering small pieces of wood as he walked. For a moment, he stood still and listened to the water lapping at the shore. He took up a pokeball and breathed. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

    Then he sent out Zip, letting the jolteon run in circles until he was no longer bursting at the seams with energy. Chris couldn’t even touch him when he was like this—too much static. Ridiculous, Chris thought, all that full-body wiggling energy. But he couldn’t help his smile watching Zip chase the sparks that shot out from his own fur.

    When his jolteon had calmed enough, they began their routine and sparks began to dance over the darkening water. One by one, Chris tossed the pieces of wood into the air, calling orders to catch them out of the air or blast them down. Zip didn’t miss one.

    He didn’t hear Una approach until she was almost right next to him. He froze mid-throw. “Oh, hi.”


    Chris let the stick drop and kicked it away. “Alright, Zip. Come on back.” Not until the jolteon vanished in a flash of red light did Chris realize how dark it had become.

    “You did not have to stop on my behalf.”

    “It’s okay. I was about done anyway.” He put his hands in his pockets, biting his cheek. “So, what do you want to do? We’ll be back in Mahogany tomorrow. Do you want to stay, or …?”

    “I do not know what would be best.”

    Mahogany Town might be better for her than following him to the Indigo Plateau … but he couldn’t make her stay there if she didn’t want to. “I don’t know either.”

    Una was quiet for a moment, then unlaced her boots and waded into the shallows, leaving her new boots in the sand.

    Chris followed suit. “I have a hard time believing there were no pokemon trainers five hundred years ago. Didn’t you call on them to defend from invaders and things like that?”

    “It was not like what you do. Even that word is new, pokemon. We do not trap spirits in our pockets. They come and go freely, and we thank them for their help with food and offerings. It requires an uncommon person to befriend a forest spirit.”

    “It’s pretty common now. Growing up, most everybody I knew wanted to be a trainer someday.”

    Most grew out of that dream by the end of high school. But for Chris it had never been just a dream: it was the only choice.

    He bent to pick out a smooth, flat stone and flicked it out over the water. It skipped twice, then sank.

    “I can only imagine what it looks like through your eyes, and I don’t know what to tell you to make you feel differently about it.” His fingers closed over another stone, and he squeezed it tight. “But this is the only way I get to be out in the wilderness like this, getting to be close to pokemon every day. This is who I am.”

    Skip, skip, sink.

    Una made no response but to skip a stone too. It went out further than Chris's had, five skips before it stopped. But the water’s surface didn’t fall still this time, ripples spreading larger rather than fading.

    On the distant edge of the lake, a hazy figure appeared, shimmering faintly in the sunset’s last rays. Beside him, Una gasped; she’d seen it, too. As it sped toward them over the water, the haze resolved into a four-legged shape with horns and a long mane fluttering behind.

    The creature stopped at the center of the lake, suspended on top of the water. For what felt like a long, long time, it stood unmoving except for the breeze in its mane. No one and nothing made a sound. The pokemon was still too far away to make out details in the dim light, but somehow Chris could feel it staring at him.

    He didn’t dare break the silence to invoke the creature’s name aloud, but of course he recognized it, a fairytale creature brought to life.

    Slowly, with intent, it walked across the water to them, an exquisite impossibility.

    Una dropped to her knees in the water. Chris stood straighter.

    The creature drew closer, becoming both more impossible and more real with each graceful step, until finally, Suicune stood only a few feet away. It towered over them with its crown forking into the sky, regarding him with unblinking red eyes.

    You. Without words and without speaking, she spoke. And, no, Chris admitted, maybe not a she after all, but he couldn’t help but think of that voice as female. It was a voice made of brambles, quicksilver, and water over stone, neither kind nor unkind.

    I never searched for you, she said, but I knew one day we would meet again. And so we have, after all this time. It is good to see you, old friend. But strange, how the years have passed and yet here you are the same as you were.

    Chris felt lightheaded. “I don’t understand.”

    Suicune tossed her mane, and Chris thought he heard the echo of an echo of a laugh. We are all scrabbling at the shadow of understanding. I have lived long enough to watch forests die and rise again and for rivers to carve new paths, and still there is little I understand in this world. It simply is, whether we understand or not.

    “I … I’m sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else.”

    She cocked her head to one side, and he stopped breathing. How stupid did he have to be to argue with a creature like her? He didn’t need a demonstration of force to know she could peel him like an onion if she wanted.

    After a long moment Suicune said, Perhaps I have. Memory is imperfect, after all, and change is the one true constant. The boy I remember was kind … but foolish. Perhaps you can still become more than what he was.

    She swiveled to look down on Una. And you. It gains you nothing to kneel to me.

    Chris watched the color drain from Una’s face.

    You will wait all your life for purpose and permission, yet it is already too late. You are ash on the wind. Then she looked away, dismissing Una with a flick of her tails. No matter. All will be as it will be in the end.

    Suicune turned her gaze to Chris one more time, but he couldn’t meet her eyes. There was something too nearly human in them. I wish you luck, she said. Perhaps one day we will meet again to learn how the world has changed us and whether we have changed it in return. Stranger things have come to pass.

    With that, she darted away, spattering them with water. She didn’t look back.

    Chris stared long after her ribbon tails had faded from sight, trying to catch his breath. When he turned at last to help Una to her feet, he noticed his hands were trembling. “What do you think she meant?”

    He thought maybe he knew, but it sounded too crazy, too arrogant, to say out loud: I think she knew my dad.

    How, though? For anyone to personally know a mythical being was unfathomable, but Hiro Nakano was the least likely candidate. If he’d met Suicune, how could he have said there were no such things as gods?

    Una only shook her head. “I have never heard of a being like that. I imagine she must have come from far away.”

    His mouth flew open. “But she’s from— You’ve never heard of Suicune?” Too late, he realized of course she hadn’t: the only Ecruteak she’d ever known had two towers and two gods, no more and no less. “Sorry,” he said, lowering his eyes. “I guess that story’s not as old as I thought it was.”

    Sloshing out of the shallows, he weighed the discomfort of walking barefoot in the dark now against the discomfort of hiking in damp shoes later. Finally, he decided to jam on his boots. He fumbled with them until Una spoke up.

    “I would like to hear it.”

    “Huh? Oh, the legend? I’m not very good at that kind of thing.” Stuffing his socks into his pockets, he let out a little laugh. “We should’ve asked Miki. She’s in the dance every year.”

    When he raised his head again, Una was staring at him expectantly, boots in her hand. She needed so much that he couldn’t give her. He owed her at least this one small thing.

    With a sigh, Chris said, “Okay, I’ll do my best.”

    As started back to camp, he tried to imagine how Dad would tell it. He was the one who was good with words, who’d had a joke or story for any occasion … but this wasn’t the kind of story he’d tell.

    Haltingly, Chris began, “I guess there are, you know, a few different versions, but the way I always heard it … the fire started with a lightning strike. The tower, I mean. In Ecruteak.”

    He glanced at Una to see her reaction, but she only waited blank-faced for him to continue.

    “So, everyone managed to get out before it fell, except for three pokemon trapped inside.”

    Una cut in, “They were inside?”

    Not expecting questions so early in the telling, he stammered, “Uh, yeah.”

    “But that does not make sense. Would that we were so blessed, but to my knowledge no spirit has ever entered our towers, only roosted on top.”

    “Wait, why not? I thought you said your people cooperated with, um, spirits.”

    She scoffed. “No bird yearns for a cage, Chris. What would the wind want with four walls?”

    When her eyes flicked to his belt, he couldn’t help tugging at the hem of his shirt—even though he knew he hadn’t done anything wrong, no matter what she thought. There was no covering his pokeballs though, and they gleamed in the moonlight.

    “Sorry,” he mumbled. “That’s just how I heard it.”

    With obvious effort, Una softened her expression. “I apologize. I asked to hear the story and yet impeded your telling. Please, go on.”

    “Well ….” As he fumbled for his lost train of thought, they came to the edge of their fire pit, where the coals still flickered red and gold. He watched the shifting light, trying to summon pretty, gentle words to continue the story. In the end, all he managed was, “The pokemon inside the tower died.”

    Unbidden, images rose in his mind: the column of smoke where there had once been a tower. Snapped and splintered beams, and crushed beneath it all—

    No. That was a different story, and he wasn’t going there tonight.

    Pushing that thought away, he continued, “But Ho-oh flew over the ruins, and from the ashes, the three pokemon came back to life.”

    So quietly Chris almost didn’t hear, Una intoned, “Praise be.”

    Chris continued without slowing, because this was the part he’d always liked best as a kid. “No one agrees what kind of pokemon they’d been, but whatever they were before, they became something else after.

    “First was Raikou, jumping from the ashes as quick as lightning and fleeing east. Then Entei burst from the ashes, taking all the heat of the fire with it as it ran north. Last of all was Suicune, who ran over water as it fled south, followed by the northern wind. After that, everything was still.

    “The story goes that they still roam the land to this day, and … um.”

    This was when the moral would normally come in. Sometimes the three became avenging beasts who punished misbehaving children and cruel trainers. Sometimes they were a reward for the worthy or the lucky, a blessing.

    Some blessing Dad had received, then. Maybe Chris and Una should be grateful they were still standing. Though surely if Suicune had wanted to hurt them, she already would’ve.

    Chris didn’t know what any of this was supposed to mean in the real world.

    “And that’s the story,” he finished wanly. After a moment of stiff silence, he fished the water bottle from his bag and dumped it over the coals. That was something he could do that made sense.

    As smoke and steam rose from the fire pit, Una said in a soft voice, “So not all of the gods are dead after all.”

    And Chris couldn’t argue.
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    Interlude: Compass
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    Interlude: Compass

    The fisherwoman lived in a pine cabin on the island’s northern ridge, and Suicune liked her for the way she left rice or oranges to thank the ancestors for each catch.

    The woman lived a quiet life. Every morning she put on her wide hat and her oilskin coat, rowed past breakers, and sat for hours with her line in the water and a pipe in her mouth. Her little growlithe either curled in the front of the boat or put its paws up on the edge to watch the mantine. When it rained, the growlithe stayed in the cabin. Neither noticed Suicune except as a gust of wind at their backs.

    Suicune watched the two of them the way one might watch an ant trail, with distance, without regularity. There was nothing she wanted from the woman, and she offered nothing in return.

    And all at once, the woman was old and then gone. That was the way it was with humans.

    What Suicune felt was not quite sadness. Things died and then other things lived. But she breathed the door open and entered the salt-worn cabin for the first and only time. She ignored the growlithe cowering in the corner and bent her head over the body. Like the gods that came before, she saw no reason to waste, and so she ate from what was offered. When she was done, she left the woman’s liver untouched and the door swinging open for the growlithe and any scavengers who would help return the bones to the earth.

    She suspected but did not know with certainty that someday she too would die in a way that lasted.

    I could find out for you. Celebi, appearing from nowhere, from elsewhen.

    Suicune paused on the lake in the clearing, twitching her tails. Then she continued towards the tree line. If you like, she answered.

    Celebi’s giggle was like a summer sky and wasn’t a sound at all. I’ll be right back! With a whir of wings and a mid-air somersault, they tore through the air itself as easily as a child might tear through a spider web, and they vanished.

    She did not wait, trusting that Celebi had already gotten bored or forgotten. Or perhaps they had already told Suicune the answer long ago without her realizing. Either way, what would it change?

    Any encounter with Celebi was a losing game of tag. They cheated. The only possible approach was to let them come and go as they pleased, because that was what they would do regardless.

    Suicune also came and went as she pleased. The miles melted under her.

    Once, long ago, she had chased the sun to find out whether she could outrun its setting. She could. But her paws landed again and again in her own tracks, as if she were only running in place, and so she let the sun fall away ahead of her.

    Sometimes she felt called to a particular place without knowing why. Perhaps it was something on the wind.

    There was a great deal of smoke this time, leaving little doubt about what had called her toward the village of Azalea.

    She felt what had happened as much as she saw it: there was no water here. No rain for months. This season the humans had cut too many trees for building their homes and burning for charcoal, and there was too little left to hold moisture in the ground. All that was needed was a spark from a charcoal kiln.

    Or another source.

    She scrabbled up the slopes to observe from afar and found him already there.

    They do not respect the forest, Entei said, both explanation and judgment.

    Fire swept down the hill, licking at the houses before swallowing them up. The air was filled with the crackling roar of flames and faraway screams. All that anger. All those futile little lost things.

    Some do, she said.

    He turned and regarded her, flame reflected in his golden eyes. Such a strange face, even to her, so unlike anything that had been before or would ever be again. You love them too much, he grated out, you and Raikou both.

    There was no real animosity between the three of them, but neither was there love. Three beasts of no home, each the only of their kind.

    Raikou loved men with ideas. Their kites and their keys and, later, their tiny lights against the darkness. Was it the ability to change he admired so much? The shock of leaping across the threshold, first one thing, now another?

    We are not so different from them, even now, she thought. But she knew Entei would not hear her if she said it, so fixated he was on defending the boundary between us and them.

    Perhaps, she said instead. As distant heat rippled past them, she spoke again. Does it not remind you of the tower?

    Entei rumbled so low and deep that Suicune felt and did not hear it. Exactly. They make war against everything they encounter. Even themselves. They do not respect life.

    Perhaps, Suicune said again.

    Entei turned away from her to clean one paw with his rasping tongue. Will you save them, then?

    Below, humans ran back and forth with buckets, and a handful of slowpoke sprayed water on the buildings. Much would still burn.

    Suicune could call down the rain. She had done it many times before.

    But she could just as soon weep for the burning village as for the trees the villagers had cut. She knew, too, that some seeds would never sprout without heat and ash. There had been a time when humans had known too, when they’d given back as much as they took. But they’d forgotten. She wondered if anyone still struck flint on rock and prayed, “North, south, east, west—cleanse us with fire.”

    In fire, she decided, there could be balance.

    So to Entei she said, No, and left him to his own devices.

    She walked where the wind called her and did what she could. Sometimes it seemed a painful pittance to swipe the oil from the surface of a lake that would be soiled again in a blink of her eye. But again and again, she decided to believe that even the most powerful storm was only made of many small raindrops. She hadn’t forgotten the gift of her own life, and if this was what she could give in return, then so be it.

    South of the Ecruteak gates, in the woods where they had first met, where they would meet time and time again, Celebi caught a hank of Suicune’s mane and tugged. Found you!

    She rolled her head slowly to one side. Were you looking for me?

    They drifted upside-down. Oh, maybe I wasn’t yet. I’m not sure. Then, with a burst of laughter, flew circles around Suicune.

    She ambled down the creek bed, leaving Celebi to follow or not. Behind her, the water flowed clear. Ahead, dark.

    Celebi settled themself on her back, two hands in her mane. I think I misplaced something.

    Most likely
    , Suicune agreed.

    I forget when I will have put it.

    Suicune had nothing to say, so she did not answer. As she picked her way over rocks and between trees, Celebi dozed. When, finally, they let go of Suicune and slipped sideways into another place and time, they left her mane a tangle of tiny, sporadic braids.

    She ran for a time, letting the world unfold under her. She ran, and in the wind the knots eventually came undone.
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    6: Blind Faith
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    6: Blind Faith

    Chris wasn’t entirely surprised when he woke alone in the tent. Una’s sleeping bag was neatly folded beside him; she must not have known to stuff it into its bag.

    For a moment, he lay listening to the woods waking up, and among the waves lapping the shore and pokemon calls, he picked out the dinging of a spoon against a pan. He unzipped the door on his side of the tent and leaned out to see Una sitting beside the campfire, stirring something in Chris's little fold-up saucepan.

    “Oh. Hi,” he said.

    “Good morning.”

    With an awkward wave, Chris zipped himself back inside the tent to change into his hiking clothes. His belt snagged as he pulled it through the loops. He yanked—and cursed when he felt something snap.

    “Are you unwell?” Una called.

    “I just did something dumb.” He emerged from the tent, pulling taut the torn belt loop to show where it had come unattached. “Only two left.”

    There was a trainer joke that you could tell the number of badges someone had by the number of belt loops they’d ripped. Maybe joke wasn’t the right word.

    Chris had known for some time that his backpack was chafing the ones along the back and there was wear from the wide and weighty belt itself, but he’d hoped to be able to hold out a little longer before having to go in for repairs.

    He couldn’t help being hard on his clothes. Across all the miles with bulky cold-weather layers, supplies for all his pokemon, a tent, and cookware—there was no room to pack extra. He’d been wearing the same pair of pants when he first left Olivine and had already had them repaired three times times. One patch was from the time he scraped his knee running from a wild tauros. One was from the time he washed them in a run-down hostel washing machine only to find them full of holes when the cycle finished.

    Repairs weren’t cheap. The material was tricky to work with, so said the tailor, but Chris suspected they upcharged trainers because they knew they could. A person who only owns one pair of pants is often in the position of making desperate decisions.

    Una said, “If you have a needle and thread, I could easily repair it.”

    He shook his head. “I don’t. But thanks.”

    Una watched him zip the tent flap behind him. “Is it not possible to purchase another pair?”

    If he had fifty extra dollars in his pocket from the battle yesterday, it would be easy. But he only said, “It’s okay. I’ll figure it out.”

    He joined Una by the fire, threading his belt through the remaining loops. “Looks like you got the hang of the matches.”

    She smiled, blushing. “I expended several in the attempt. I apologize.”

    “That’s okay. Kosho usually lights the fires anyway.” He took in the sugary smell rising off the pot. “Did you make breakfast?”

    The previous evening, Una had been flummoxed by the magic trick of turning a packet of RediMeal powder into curry by adding water. Apparently, she had adapted quickly.

    “And tea.” She pointed out the cup at his feet.

    “Wow,” he said, holding the cup close and inhaling the steam. “No one has made me breakfast since before I left home. Thanks.”

    Una served them each a portion of instant oatmeal from the pot. “I was awake.”

    Chris stirred. “Are there strawberries in here? Where did these come from?”

    “Growing beside the path. You did not notice them yesterday?”

    “No, I didn’t. I’m glad you did though.”

    Birdsong and the smell of pine filled the air. The sky was clear. In the light of day, the lake looked flat as paper.

    “Last night,” he said. “The lake …. It feels like a dream.”

    Una laughed sharply. “Everything I have seen in recent days has been like a dream.”

    Chris bit the inside of his cheek and said nothing. He wondered, yet again, what he was doing running in circles with a near stranger. But where else was he supposed to tell her to go?

    Brow furrowed, she stared across the lake. “I do not know what to feel. Never have I seen a god in the flesh before—and never did I dream that I might. It was not what I imagined.”

    “I didn’t even think they were real,” he admitted.

    Dad had taught him better.

    As a child, Chris cried in terror of the ocean, certain the Whirl Islands monster would drag him under. Mom would’ve let him cling to her forever, face buried in her shoulder, but Dad had pried him loose and spun him to face the water.

    You can’t get worked up over stories, he’d said. The only only things you need to worry about on this beach are ones you can see with your own eyes.

    He showed Chris how to spot rip currents and tentacool from the shore, which clouds meant thunderstorms. Be smart, pay attention, and nothing will hurt you.

    Dad hadn’t prepared him for when his eyes showed him something that wasn’t supposed to exist. Again, he tried to reconcile Dad’s lessons with Suicune’s words, and again he hit a wall. It just didn’t make sense.

    If Una was offended by Chris's admission of faithlessness, she didn’t show it. “In Ecruteak—before, I should say—some kinds of faith came easier than others. How could I doubt in Ho-oh when I can watch her shadow overhead, when I can hold one of Her feathers?”

    As she lifted a hand to her necklace, he made the connection for the first time: did she mean that feather around her neck was plucked from an actual god? Before, he would’ve said that was impossible. Now … could he really be sure?

    “But to understand her blessings, to hold her favor …. Those are much harder. Some priests spend the entirety of their vocation interpreting the remains of the burnt offerings atop Brass Tower. I suppose they did not foresee what would become of Ecruteak.” Una flashed a wry smile. “And yet now is when the gods choose to speak directly. They have even given you a personal blessing.”

    There was a bitter edge to her voice. She wanted it to have been her.

    Chris fidgeted. “Some blessing …. Kinda scary. Like that ashes on the wind stuff.”

    “Sometimes the gifts of the gods are fearsome.”

    Burnt offering Una had said. Of what, Chris started to wonder, but decided he didn’t actually want to know. His skin prickled.

    After a moment Una spoke again. “I have been considering what you said yesterday, how the wild is where you feel you belong. I think I feel that way as well. All my life, Ecruteak and its two towers were the center of meaning, but the gods reside there no longer. They are here.” She made a sweeping arm gesture, then shrugged and tucked her hands in her lap.

    Chris spoke slowly. “So you don’t want to stay in Mahogany.”

    “No.” She laughed humorlessly. “If all of your cities are like what I saw of Ecruteak and Mahogany, then I am suited for none of them. This is not my world anymore. But the trees are yet unchanged. The mountains are unchanged. I understand those things.”

    Chris carefully set down his bowl and leaned forward, elbows on knees. “You know, the battle yesterday—that’s not a one-time thing.”

    And that wasn’t even a bad one, he added silently.

    She looked at her feet but nodded.

    “I can’t keep throwing battles because they upset you. For one thing, I need to pay for supplies.” He toyed with a loose-hanging belt loop. “And even if I didn’t ... this is what I’m out here to do.”

    “I understand. Or, rather, I do not and cannot understand, but ….” Una met his gaze. “I know what we witnessed here last night. If you have the blessing of the gods … there must be something I am not seeing. Perhaps there is something I am meant to learn from you.”

    He looked away. Her gaze was too heavy.

    At the same time, his heart twisted remembering how at the ruins of the burnt tower she’d hugged that carved pillar like a dying loved one. He tried to imagine waking up one morning to find everyone he knew—Mom, his high school friends, the grocery store clerk—gone. Every pokecenter computer and his Bitflex and pokeballs all defunct relics. He couldn’t picture it.

    What would Dad do?

    Una was looking at him, waiting.

    Chris managed half a smile. “I guess you could teach me how to find wild strawberries.”

    “Verily, I can.”

    “No one else would believe me if I told them what we saw last night.”

    “And I would be called a heretic.” Una became briefly wistful before suddenly dissolving into the desperate giggling of the overwhelmed. Chris chuckled nervously until, counting off each impossible, ridiculous thing that had happened this week, he let the hysteria sweep him along too.

    Finally, when the laughter had wrung him out, Chris steadied himself with a deep breath and said, “We should get going. I’ll show you how to pack up the tent.”

    Maybe, Chris hoped, they would run into another trainer on the path and he could try again to make back a little cash. What they saw instead were more plants than he’d realized had names.

    The Johto wilderness was beautiful, of course, when he slowed down long enough to notice. More often, however, he only thought of the undergrowth as a place where pokemon might hide or an obstacle to push past. Beyond that, he hadn’t given much thought to what grew alongside the trails.

    But as Una knelt and pointed, individual flowers and vines sprang out of the tangled green as if conjured by magic, and she knew a use for every single one. Waybread for bug bites and small scrapes. Yarrow for wound care and indigestion. Jewelweed for poison ivy stings.

    After she pointed out the first strawberry plant, Chris easily spotted another. And another. They ate the wild berries hand-over-hand as they walked. Mojimoji didn’t need them to point out berry plants to her, but all the same, the sandslash happily accepted strawberries from their hands, sweeping her long tongue over their red-stained palms.

    Though it was Chris's third time passing through Route 42 , he felt as if he were seeing it for the first time.

    When they crested the hill and saw Mahogany Town tucked in the mossy shadows between Mt. Mortar and the Dragon’s Spine, close enough to pick out individual buildings, Chris let out a sigh of relief. They were making good time.

    They walked without speaking until they had nearly come to the first buildings. “Last chance,” he said with a nervous smile, knowing what her answer would be.

    She shook her head but smiled. “I am content to continue.”

    “Just making sure.”

    How different she seemed already from who she’d been when they’d set out together from Mahogany Town. She left as a blank slate, a girl without a name. Now she had an air of resolve. Her gaze was sharper, her head higher.

    Chris and Una walked side by side down the wide main road, soon passing the gym and The Indigo Chateau. The streets were quiet. They saw a few children playing kick the can, a pair of women carrying baskets of freshly washed clothes back from the lakeshore, and an old man smoking a pipe on his front steps. Chris slowed as they passed the repair shop.

    “Will you seek a seamstress?”

    He imagined sitting around the repair shop in his sleeping clothes, waiting to get his pants back. He could read his book, he supposed, or write a letter home, while outside the daylight would slowly wane.

    Directly ahead, the mountains loomed green and sharp. They were so close now.

    “I’ll do it in Blackthorn,” he said.

    “Then what comes next?”

    Chris took a deep breath. He pushed down thoughts of money and lost time and all the miles left to go, touching Kosho’s pokeball for luck. “We’re gonna climb the Ice Pass. And then I’m going to meet Clair and show her what my team and I can do.”

    Una tied back her long curls and wiped the sweat from the back of her neck. “Lead the way.”

    She was the first to notice the carol of delibird. As Chris passed her the bag of trail mix, she grabbed his arm and pointed, smiling mischievously.

    Chris counted three of them in the tree across the way. Four. Now six. Of course they’d waited until lunch to make their appearance.

    He made a noise of exasperation, reaching for Zip’s ball. “Yeah, the pokemon up here aren’t afraid of people at all. Persistent too.”

    “Oh, please—”

    But Una was too slow. Zip chased the delibird out of the tree and into the sky, shooting sparks with each joyful bark.

    “Don’t worry,” Chris said, brushing a fallen feather off of his sleeve. “They won’t go far.”

    Sure enough, the sound of delibird hoots and trills remained constant as they finished their apples and continued up the canyon.

    Alone, Chris would’ve been annoyed by them. But it was hard to begrudge Una her wide-eyed delight. “I guess you haven’t seen a delibird before, huh?”


    Chris felt a pang thinking of how much of the world, or even just the Johto region, she’d never had a chance to learn anything about. He had grown up watching sailors on the docks, the Unovans with their gurdurrs and simipour, the floatzel and gastrodon from Sinnoh, and all manner of trainers and their pokemon came through the gym. What he couldn’t see in Olivine he could easily search for in the pokedex or watch in a high-def nature documentary. He got the impression that Una’s Ecruteak must have been very isolated.

    Then again, if she was able to find joy in a delibird when he couldn’t, maybe she was one who should feel sorry for him.

    “They give humans little presents sometimes,” he told her. “You know, berries, rocks … trash.”

    “Then they are messengers! We should leave them something too.”

    Chris didn’t reply, glad she was walking behind him and couldn’t see his face. The last thing he wanted was to encourage them.

    They climbed steadily, single-file. Zip darted from the head of the line and back, even shooting between Chris's feet once or twice, chasing any delibird that came too close. They hadn’t reached the snow line yet—probably wouldn’t until tomorrow at their current rate—but they hiked past hummocks hanging with muddy icicles, and the leafy trees phased out in favor of pines and woody shrubs dotted with red berries.

    After a while, Chris piped up, “What are you humming?”

    “Oh!” He heard her stumble in surprise. “I apologize. I had not realized that I was.”

    “It’s okay. I thought it was nice.” He glanced at her over his shoulder, and they exchanged shy smiles.

    “It is only a silly little song.”

    “You can keep going. I mean, if you want to.”

    For a few moments, there was only the sound of their footsteps and the rustling of branches. Then Una began to sing in a thin but pretty voice.

    Little bird, little bird

    Fly for me high above

    And carry, oh carry

    This letter to my love

    Little bird, little bird

    O’er the many miles you sing

    Do not tarry, oh tarry

    You fly on borrowed wings

    Little bird, little bird

    Oh how far you have flown

    Do not worry, oh worry

    The gods will take you home

    When she finished she added, “I believe there is more, but I do not recall the words. Suki, my sister, had a much better memory for songs.”

    “I like that. It’s sweet,” said Chris. “There’s something almost sad about it too.”

    “It comes from an old story,” she said. They were each getting better at masking their shock at what the other didn’t know. “A young girl wins the friendship of a pidgey and the promise of a favor. Out of love for her, it agrees to carry a message to her lover on the opposite side of a treacherous mountain. The little bird delivers the letter, only to die of exhaustion shortly after.”

    “Oof.” Unbidden, the image of the prescription pill jar brought to him by a delibird came to his mind again. “That’s a lot for a little bird to carry.”

    “So it goes.” He could hear the sad smile in her voice. “But in honor of its loyalty and fortitude, it is guided home to live among the gods.”

    “I guess that’s something.”

    Nearby a delibird honked in protest as Zip rushed at it. Scree and sticks clattered down the hill as they walked.

    “I like the song though.”

    Una hesitated for only a moment. “I know a few others. If you like.”

    “Yeah, sure. I’d like to hear them.”

    They hiked more slowly than Chris would’ve alone, but the time seemed to pass more quickly all the same.

    The next day, another of Chris's belt loops tore free as they walked. He felt it go, only just managing to catch the sagging end of his belt before his pokeballs went tumbling. There wasn’t enough support left for it to hold up.

    Una looked back to see him frozen in the middle of the path. “What happened?”

    “It broke,” he said, unbuckling his belt.

    Chris allowed himself a moment to stare down at the belt in his hands and feel sorry for himself. Then he slid out of his backpack and began packing everything away.

    He clipped Zip’s pokeball to the shoulder strap and with a carabiner, the rest he tucked into an outside pocket. He hated tying his team down to his backpack, and he felt naked without his belt. The only positive, he supposed, was that in the mountains there were few if any other trainers who might try to get into his backpack to steal his … everything.

    The only way out is through.

    He took a breath, shouldered his pack, and lifted his chin. “Let’s keep going.”

    Chris made a point to turn his Bitflex to the underside of his wrist so he couldn’t see the date and time so easily. A branch snagged his hood, but he shoved it aside. Then there was a smack and a cry of surprise as it struck Una behind him. He turned to see her holding a gloved hand to her cheek.

    “I’m sorry! Are you okay? I’m not used to having to watch out for someone behind me. Sorry.”

    “I am not harmed. All is forgiven.”

    They spent the morning hiking in the shadow of the canyon, with a brief interlude in the sunlight around lunchtime before the sun dropped behind the high limestone walls again. It began to snow.

    “So this is where you found me?” Una asked, a mix of awe and horror in her voice.

    “Yeah, more or less. I don’t know if it was here exactly, but somewhere near here.”

    He snuck a glance back in time to see her shiver. “I wonder if I will ever know how I came to be here.”

    Ahead, a massive fallen log cut across their path. Chris found a foothold and hoisted himself over. Then, leaning against the other side, he watched Una approach the log and falter. She was out of breath. He didn’t want to, but they would have to stop and rest soon.

    “Who would have thought,” Una said, panting, “that I would return here so soon.”

    Chris dusted the snow from his gloves and reached down to offer her a hand up.

    She flashed a smile, straining with forced cheer, and fumbled for a handhold on the log. But she accepted his hand and let him pull her up and over, her boots slipping. When she had both feet safely planted on the other side, she slumped against the log next to him and sighed.

    He felt a surge of pride looking at her, face red with cold, a few stray curls poking out from under her knit cap. This wasn’t easy for her. But she was stubborn, and he had to admire that he still had yet to hear her complain once.

    “I never would’ve thought you’d do so well out here. Most people … wouldn’t. You’ve got a real spark.”

    Inwardly, Chris flinched. It was something Dad said to gym challengers, unnatural in his own mouth.

    Una answered with a breathless laugh. “This is the first thing in my life I have chosen freely and fully.”

    Chris didn’t know what else to say so he smiled. “Let’s take a break at the top of this hill. I’m feeling kinda tired.” He slowed to Una’s pace and they wound their way up the hill side by side.

    They were nearly at the top of the hill when they heard a shrill bark, a different sound than the one Zip normally made when he was chasing a delibird.

    “Zip, come here!”

    There was a resounding stillness. He hadn’t noticed until now how even the delibird had quieted.


    At the top of the hill, the path leveled out for a stretch. Zip’s paw prints were easy to pick out in the snow, the shape warped by his SmartResin paw protectors. The tracks meandered to the right, and then vanished under a long, muddy skid mark—and Chris's blood froze.

    In the same instant, he spotted both the muddy yellow lump of his jolteon in the snow and hunched above him, all shoulder and chest and rippling fur, not an ursaring but a full-blown ursaluna.

    He had never heard of a wild ursaluna in Johto—too dry, too warm. Had it emerged from some hidden cave when the mud thawed? Or had a careless trainer assumed this was the place to release it?

    A sound overhead pulled his gaze to the treetops, where two golden-faced tediursa cubs peered down at them. That was bad. There was never a good time to cross paths with an ursaluna, but especially not when she was with cubs.

    Chris tried to motion for Una to stay back, but she was already right behind him. He heard her breath catch as she slid to a stop next to him.

    The ursaluna sniffed the air and spun around, locking her beady eyes on Una. She snorted a puff of steam and then bellowed.

    Pokemon bolted from the nearby bushes in a crunching of leaves.

    Chris slowly took a step back. In a low, gentle tone he said, “Hey, easy. We’re not gonna hurt your cubs.”

    Kosho might be big enough to scare her off without a fight. He slid his backpack off one shoulder, reaching toward the outside pocket.

    That was a mistake.

    The ursaluna snapped her head toward Chris and snarled. Faster than he would’ve believed, she dropped to all fours and rushed them. She shouldered through the bushes, stirring up snow in her wake, and hurtled toward them with her mouth open in a roar.

    If he was fast—

    Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Una lace her hands behind her head and drop to her knees.

    “What are—?”

    “Chris, get down.”

    He hesitated for a fraction of a second, and that was all it took. Suddenly the ursaluna was only a yard away.

    His mind went utterly blank, like a candle blowing out. He surrendered and put his hands behind his head. Beside him, Una lay face down in the snow, and he followed suit, closing his eyes.

    Overhead, the ursaluna slewed into a stop less than a foot from Chris's head and howled her rage, spraying him with snow and spittle. For a moment she only swayed over him, but he could feel the weight and power of her even with his eyes closed. She roared again.

    Chris's ears rang. He held as still as he could, but his trembling was beyond his control.

    She swiped at him once, twice, knocking his pack aside with a thud. He heard fabric rip and flinched. But no more blows came. Her breath lingered hotly on the back of his neck. And then he heard heavy footfalls in the snow, and the towering shadow receded.

    He waited as long as he could stand it before slowly lifting his head.

    Several yards away, the ursaluna stopped and huffed at them, breath steaming. Without taking her eyes off Chris and Una, she shambled over to the tree where her cubs perched. She made call that shook the trees, and the cubs began to clamber down one at a time. They fell over themselves as they landed and then pulled themselves from the snow, gamboling in triumphant circles. It would have been cute if not for the ursaluna’s continuous growls.

    Rumbling, she herded them across the path towards the opposite slope. She paused one last time in the middle of the path to glower at Chris and Una, and then the three bear pokemon lumbered into the trees.

    Chris and Una lay listening to the wind in the branches and distant pokemon calls for a long time before they dared rise to kneel on the cold, wet ground. Chris's heart was still pounding.

    He turned to look at Una. Pine needles and snow clung to her hair, but she hardly even seemed rattled. “How did you know that would work?”

    “There are many things I do not know or understand.” She stood and offered a hand to Chris, smiling. “Fortunately, I do know some things about making peace with wild creatures.”

    By the fire that night, after they’d cleared away their dishes, Chris rubbed a chemical-smelling salve into the pads of Zip’s paws. Then he got to work patching over the claw marks on his backpack and the back of his coat with duct tape, a holdover until they reached Blackthorn. The line of repairs was starting to seem endless.

    Kosho, his coat freshly brushed, rested his chin on the fire ring and watched with half-lidded eyes. Chris couldn’t begin to guess what he was thinking about, but his presence was a comfort.

    The sky was pearlescent with clouds. Every so often a snatch of starry oblivion peeked through, but Chris couldn’t pick out any of the familiar constellations or the new ones Una had pointed out to him.

    At the previous night’s campfire, Chris had showed Una the handful of tracks stored on his Bitflex, a trade for the songs she’d shared with him. She had smiled politely through the rock ballads, more curious about the recorded voices than about the songs themselves. Fair enough: Chris wasn’t even sure he liked them.

    He’d downloaded the tracks that made him think of his early days at the Olivine gym, wheedling for the gym trainers to teach him drills to run with Kosho, then a cyndaquil. The music reminded him of reaching for something. It poked a hole in a dark night and made the fire a little brighter.

    Tonight, though, he and Una sat in silence.

    “I sense the weight of your thoughts, Chris. What is on your mind?”

    “It’s just ….” He leaned back and let Zip nestle into his half-open coat. “For a while now, most of my journey really, I’ve only had myself to rely on. I’m proud of that. But … if it had only been me and my pokemon out there today, I would’ve been in trouble.”

    She hummed a sympathetic sound. Heartened, he charged onward.

    “It’s funny. People think training is about giving commands and planning out strategies, but that’s not all of it. I was thinking today about the Ecruteak Gym—you know, with the trap doors.”

    He’d done his best to explain the Indigo League and the gyms while they walked, but it wasn’t easy when she was missing so much context, and he’d realized he didn’t actually know some of the history either. Their pool of shared knowledge was widening, but slowly.

    “Kosho was trying to let me know to stop, but I second-guessed him. So I fell through. If I would’ve listened, that wouldn’t have happened.

    “I almost had another one of those moments back there with the ursaluna.” Even with the heat of the fire on his face, he could feel his cheeks grow hotter still. “I’m glad I listened to you. I’m glad you’re here.”

    Una tipped her head to one side. “You have chosen a dangerous journey. Why do you continue, even knowing its risks?”

    He let out a long sigh. “That’s a big question. I mean, it’s a lot of things, right?” He watched the flames, rubbing Zip’s ear, but he could still feel Una’s eyes on him. “I probably haven’t been doing a good job lately of showing it, but it’s fun too. I get to hang out with pokemon and hike all day and win battles. And … and I guess, probably it’s because of my dad.”

    She waited.

    “He used to be the Olivine gym leader—I don’t know if I already told you that. So I’ve been around pokemon all my life. Kosho was bred from one of his pokemon, actually.”

    In a flash, he remembered Dad scolding him for feeding his cyndaquil scraps under the table, as he was in the habit of doing with his friends’ pets. At the time, Chris hadn’t realized yet that Kosho had been given as a pet in name only, for legal reasons. He was always intended to be a fighter. His starter. But Dad had always known their potential.

    “I guess,” Chris said, “I want to do things that would’ve made him proud. I want everyone to be able to see that I’m his kid.”

    “Oh. I see,” said Una. “Did he ...?”

    “Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “But it was three years ago.”

    Chris shifted in his seat, prompting Zip to leap off his lap and cozy up with Kosho instead. Without a pokemon pressed against him, the cold crept back in, and he zipped his coat to his chin and wrapped his arms tight around himself.

    “You learn to get used to it. I think it was harder for my mom.”

    After all, Chris had escaped, traded the unnatural silence of the empty house for the comforting quiet of the woods. Mom was alone in that house now.

    “I think understand,” Una said. “When Suki passed, many others had fallen ill with the same fever, and there was too much work to be done to spend much time in mourning.”

    Chris stole a glance at her. She sat with her arms wrapped around her knees, her hair partly obscuring her face.

    “I’m sorry for your loss,” he told her.

    “As you said, one adjusts.” She cracked a crooked smile. “Besides, it happened over five hundred years ago.”

    “Still,” he spluttered. “That’s hard. You’re allowed to be upset about things like that. I mean, I almost didn't become a trainer because of what happened.”

    She tucked her hair behind her ears. “What do you mean?”

    “Well, he was killed by a pokemon.”

    Una reached up reflexively to touch her feather necklace. “One that he was ... training?”

    “No,” Chris said, more defensively than he’d meant. “Definitely not. It was a challenger, at the gym. An accident.”

    “An accident?”

    “It was this young guy who didn’t really know what he was doing.” He might’ve been younger than Chris was now, just someone trying to make a name for himself the only way he knew.

    A lump rose in Chris's throat.

    “We could discuss something else if you would prefer. I do not wish to upset you.”

    “It’s fine. I don’t mind.”

    She leaned her chin on her knees and waited.

    Chris stared into the sky and spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. “The other trainer brought out a newly caught rhydon, and he wasn’t ready to handle it.”

    When Chris had made the decision to take on the Indigo League, he’d looked up the footage. He should watch it, he thought, because he wanted to be sure he would never be that trainer.

    The rhydon had been a behemoth, back crusted with lichen and moss, a creature no one ever should have tried to remove from the wild. At first it wouldn’t fight at all, hunkered down, turning its armored back into hit after hit. Then, without warning—

    “It freaked out. Pokemon do that sometimes their first time in a gym. It’s the confined space, the lights, the crowd. The guy had no control over it, but he let it rampage anyway because he thought he might win that way.”

    The tape had caught the moment when the trainer’s smile fell as the rhydon pivoted from Dad’s fallen magmar toward the next target: the stands. The crowd scattered, leaving the rhyhorn to crash through the bleachers and into the wall. With plastic and rebar tangled around its feet, it smashed its head into the concrete again and again.

    “I think,” Chris said with a dry swallow, “it was just trying to escape. But when it finally burst through the wall, half of the ceiling fell.”

    He knew the rest from the official reports: three other trainers and an off-duty cop had finally brought the rhydon down, but the damage had already been done. Although most people had been safely evacuated from the gym, several were wounded and four were killed.

    “We like to think that just because you have a pokemon, nothing can touch you, but ….”

    When paramedics eventually found Hiro Nakano in the rubble, there were signs his pokemon had tried to protect him … and failed.

    Chris wished he didn’t know that Dad’s typhlosion and houndoom had been crushed beside him beneath the falling travertine. Several of his pokeballs had also broken apart in the collapse, and it took the local sheriff’s office two days to recapture his loose pokemon. His charizard had never been found.

    Eventually, the city had rebuilt the gym and found a new gym leader. She’d liked the exposed steel beams when she visited during the construction, and so it had stayed that way. They’d added black tile flooring that reflected your own face back at you and, most importantly, a heavily reinforced steel ceiling dome.

    “And yet,” Una said, “here you are.”

    “Here I am.”

    “You are fulfilling your father’s wishes.”

    “Yeah. I think so.” He felt Una’s eyes steady on him, but he kept his gaze on the fire.

    “And your mother? What does she want you for you?”

    Chris prickled at what he took for accusation under the surface of that question. But when he turned to look at Una again, he only saw curiosity and confusion in her face.

    Her parents had decided her life for her, he reminded himself. She hadn’t gotten to choose. Not what had come before, and not even her arrival here, to this time. Trainer culture was the least of the gaps between the two of them.

    He thought for a minute. “Mom was angry at first when I told her I’d decided to train, but she wouldn’t say so. I mean, she’s supportive, but she doesn’t really understand it. Sometimes I don’t either, honestly. It’s just something I have to do.”

    Chelsea Lange had never taken her husband’s name and never learned to love his profession. Hiro used to tease her. You must be the only nurse in the entire world who covers her eyes at the sight of blood.

    Listen, she would say, poking him in the shoulder or the ribs or whatever she could reach, it’s not all blood. Just because I can take a blood sample doesn’t mean I like watching two pokemon knock the stuffing out of each other.

    But she’d gone to his matches anyway, all the important ones. Chris sat in the audience next to her, and his job was to tell her when it was safe to look again if it took an ugly turn. And he’d known from day one that she would come to his matches too.

    She’d already done a lot to support his training. Studying for his licensing exam hadn’t been too bad—the test was mostly common sense questions, and by then he’d been doing only enough in his regular classes to coast through to graduation—but it was easier with Mom’s help. She’d sat across the kitchen table from him and quizzed him on the first aid questions the test would cover, plus some extra she thought he should know. Probably she was as responsible for saving Una’s life as Chris was, if indirectly.

    The week before he’d left home for real, he’d spent a couple nights on a familiar trail just outside of Olivine as a test run of his new tent and gear, and Mom had invited herself along.

    “Last chance to make sure you’ll miss me.”

    “Mom. Of course I’ll miss you.”

    Chris had been surprised both that she wanted to come and that he wanted her to. Dad had taken him camping many times, but Mom had joined only once that he could remember, when he was in elementary school.

    “I backpacked all the way to Azalea when I was your age,” she pointed out, defensive. “I had an entire life before becoming your mom, you know.”

    He’d expected her to nag him about sunscreen and drinking enough water, but she didn’t. She’d let him lead, holding her silence while he fumbled his way through cooking on the camp stove and repacked the tent on his own. A look of concern had crossed her face from time to time, but she bit her lip and kept it to herself. She was like Chris, quiet. Dad was the talker.

    Maybe she’d just wanted to see for herself whether he really would be okay out there by himself.

    On the last night of the trip, Chris had said to her, “I guess you’re probably disappointed.”

    “Disappointed? Honey, I’m always proud of you.”

    “Yeah, but you don’t want me to leave.”

    “Oh, it’s my job to worry.” She put an arm around his shoulder and squeezed. “But I’ve been mentally preparing. I always knew you’d go out and train.”

    “You did?” He hadn’t been sure.

    “Yup. And I know you’re going to be amazing.”

    “I got those good genes.”

    “You’ve got you. And you’re a pretty good one.” She gave him another squeeze. “Just don’t get yourself killed. I’ll be so mad.”

    “Yeah, that’s not in the plan, don’t worry.”

    He should call her, he realized now—it was overdue. But he wouldn’t have cell service again until Blackthorn. He hoped she wasn’t too worried.

    To Una he finally said, “I think she just wants me to come home in one piece.”

    The fire had gone to coals. Chris prodded them with a stick and added, “Anyway. Thanks for listening. I don’t usually talk about this stuff.”

    Una’s expression was difficult to read. “It is good to remember our loved ones. Even if we cannot see or touch them, we can feel them still.”

    He waited, half-expecting Una might volunteer something about her own family. But she didn’t. When the warmth of the fire faded, they got ready to sleep.

    Curled towards the tent wall, Chris asked, “Do you really think that’s true, what you said the other day about people who’ve died coming back as pokemon?”

    She was quiet for so long he thought maybe she had fallen asleep. “It is what I choose to believe.”

    Una began breaking down the tent the next morning while Chris warmed up with a cup of tea. Already, this had become their routine. He hadn’t asked her to do it, but he knew that if he told her she didn’t have to, she would anyway.

    He walked while he sipped, stretching his legs and checking for any equipment or trash they might have overlooked. A dot of red among yesterday’s gray snow caught his eye. Tucked under an overhang, someone had arranged flat rocks into a tower, and on top was an apple cut into beak-sized chunks.

    Chris shook his head, smiling, and started to turn back to their camp, but something made him pause.

    Kneeling beside the stone pile, he dug into his pocket for a granola bar. He unwrapped it and broke it into small pieces. Not until he was walking away did he notice himself humming, Little bird, little bird ….
    Last edited:
    7: Backbone
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    7: Backbone

    After several sludgy, cold days snaking along the Dragon’s Spine, Chris and Una finally stepped down onto a ledge where they had their first glimpse of Blackthorn City. It seemed more mirage than city, flitting in and out of fog for the better part of an hour as they climbed down the mountain.

    When they made it below the cloud line, the Blackthorn city limits came into full view. Chris devoured the city with his eyes, stomach churning.

    Even the structure of Blackthorn seemed to scorn attempts to understand it. Walking in a straight line was impossible: roads ran over hills or skirt around, giving no indication of what lay around the bend, and footbridges zigzagged back and forth across the river that divided the city in two. Interspersed among the black pines and cottonwoods, buildings flowed up and down the hillsides, and sometimes the closest neighbor was shouting distance across a narrow valley. Some hills were cut into terraced beds, others broken by narrow staircases, and still others scattered with dragon-headed monoliths. He spotted the gym atop a rocky knoll, bookended by flowering dogwoods. Over the edge of the horizon, between two hillocks, a spray of foam marked where the river plunged down the ridge to Route 45.

    The entire city felt like a creature crouched in waiting.

    “Where shall we go?” asked Una.

    “Not sure yet. Coffee, for a start.”

    He needed the caffeine less than he needed a hot drink to hold and moment to find his bearings. They found both at GroundType, a cramped cafe painted a flaking green, where Chris and Una dropped first their packs and then themselves into mismatched chairs.

    Chris ordered two coffees that came in chipped mugs. Each was topped with a generous pat of what turned out to be salted piloswine butter. The fat moistened Chris's chapped lips, but he found it too rich and too strange to finish. Una only sipped at hers. All the same, Chris was bolstered by the warmth and the view out the window.

    He took a moment to check his Bitflex, and his insides seized—twenty new messages, everything he’d been unable to receive on the mountain. Most were from Mom, first asking half-jokingly if he was still alive, then pleading for him to call her. He typed out a hurried apology, adding wincingly, There’s a lot going on right now.

    Her response came right away: Any exciting updates?

    For a moment Chris considered giving her the response that would send her into a frenzy: I met a girl. Technically true, but …. He wasn’t actually ready to try to explain that one, let alone to answer the questions that would inevitably follow. Instead, he explained only that he’d just arrived in Blackthorn and would definitely call soon.

    The rest came from friends back home, wanting to know his plans for the Indigo Conference and whether they could meet up. For a moment her considered how to answer ... and then backed out of that screen.



    “I asked how you are feeling.”

    “Oh, sorry. I’m just … thinking.”

    The barista recommended a trainer hostel a few streets away, The Keep, where Chris paid for two beds. He gritted his teeth as he handed over his OneCard, but he wanted to sleep on a real mattress before taking on the gym.

    The hostel was nearly empty, a curt reminder of how close they were to the end of Indigo Conference eligibility, but a respite, too. Chris wasn’t in the mood to exchange travel stories with strangers or fight for a shower. In their assigned room, he and Una took their choice of six empty bunks.

    “Are you alright here for a couple hours while I train?”

    Chris had already buckled his belt across his chest and stood in the doorway with a pocketful of treats, drumming his fingers on his leg.

    Una folded her hands in her lap. “You should do whatever it is you need. Perhaps I shall explore as well.”

    “You know how to find your way back, right? You saw how the keypad works?”

    “I believe I can manage.”

    Chris reached for the doorknob … but he’d seen that particular smile enough times that he doubled back for a scrap of paper and a pen. “I’m gonna give you my number. This is how you’ll reach me—don’t lose it. If you get lost or anything like that, ask someone to help you make a phone call.”

    Una pocketed the scrap of paper without looking at the string of numbers. “Chris, I know there are many things I do not understand, but I am no child. We have come here for your purposes and you should attend to them. I do not wish to be a burden.”

    Perhaps too quickly Chris answered, “Okay, great. I’ll see you when I get back.”

    In any city, there were always trainers hanging around waiting to challenge the gym or hobbyists who battled passers-through after work hours. In an abandoned lot or gravel pit or warehouse, they’d gather and test each other.

    The girl at the front desk of The Keep pointed Chris towards Regency Park, across the river from the gym, and that was where Chris went to prepare. He found a quiet area at the river’s side, away from joggers and picnickers, and gathered all seven of his pokemon around him for the first time in several days.

    First, Kosho, his oldest and best friend, the only one of his pokemon who’d known Dad. Chris pushed that thought away and reached instead to pet Kosho. When he stopped, the typhlosion settled with his head onto folded paws like he couldn’t be bothered to care, but he gazed up at Chris with eyes that burned. He watched as each of the others came out one by one.

    Second was Mojimoji, who lowered her head submissively at Kosho then crouched at Chris's side.

    Next, Zip. He waited for commands with his best patient face, betrayed by his butt waggling as if of its own volition.

    Then Slapdash, his heracross. As usual, he greeted Chris with a high-five that almost knocked his hand off. Then he made a swipe at Moji’s paw, but she gave him her spiked back instead, grunting reproachfully. He started for Kosho, then thought better of it, perhaps remembering when quilava fire had brought him down from his tree, and plopped down in the grass like a sulking child.

    Chris liked to see them all together, but the more pokemon he released at once, the greater the risk of them pestering each other into the wrong kind of fight.

    Asagi was hard to bother, separated from the others by water. She hung where the current was slow, eyes half-lidded.

    However, another ripple of fear and anger went around the group when he let out Thorn, his Skarmory. Her circling had Slapdash hopping to his feet, wings snapping open, and Moji curling into a tight ball, until Chris (with the help of a meaningful growl from Kosho) coaxed Thorn to perch and stay still.

    Last but not least was his newest pokemon, a girafarig he’d decided to call Pocky. She was the only one who had asked to join his team. He wondered how she felt about that choice now.

    She looked around with bright eyes, swiveling her ears while her tail gnashed its teeth. Then—a jolt—she touched her mind to his, tentatively, as if to check that he was still him. He stepped away instinctively, but she had already receded, turning to nibble at the sparse grass.

    Seven pokemon, seven stories of little frustrations and sweetness and triumph. He could only bring six to his fight with Clair and to the Indigo Conference after that, but Chris wanted to see them all now before this one last challenge. Each of them looked at him with trusting, expectant eyes, and his heart felt full to bursting. He’d brought them together. He’d brought them here. And they’d brought him here.

    Chris could only hope his odd collection of pokemon would be enough for the fights to come.

    He cleared his throat.

    “We’re fighting dragons tomorrow, guys.” He met each of their eyes in turn. “It’s gonna be a tough one … but we’re tough too.”

    He was never sure how much his pokemon understood the specifics of human speech, how much was a response to the emotion in his voice or the endorphins in his sweat, but he knew they knew all the same. They recognized the league-standard gym building across the river. They recognized his stance. They recognized the word fight, and they were ready.

    “Let’s see what we’ve got.”

    Across the net few hours, he ran each of them through sprints, attacks against both standing and moving targets, and coached them through rounds of light sparring one pair at a time. When possible, he directed them to aim their attacks towards the water, though the grass already bore some scorch marks from previous battlers.

    Most of all, he set Thorn swooping down upon the others.

    Chris hadn’t encountered many dragons in person, but he had watched the Indigo Conference every summer since he was six, plus reruns all throughout the year, and he remembered one of Lance’s famous dragonites blasting through one opponent after another without ever touching the ground. His pokemon needed to be ready.

    In the heat of a battle, Chris could see things his pokemon couldn’t and present strategy, but there was nothing like experience. No verbal command was as quick as instinct. They had to know how to react when a shadow fell over them. (That ruled out both Moji and Slaps.) They had to stand their ground.

    Would it be enough to make a difference? It would have to be.

    He wished for more time to train and study Clair’s matches, but he didn’t have that luxury. He only had today to prepare, and then tomorrow he had to win. There was no other option. There wasn’t even time for a rematch if Chris was going to make it to the Indigo Plateau this year, and he only had himself to blame for that.

    Finally, when sun was gone, leaving only the streetlights, and when his pokemon sat panting, he had to accept there was no more to be done. He dropped off his belt at the pokecenter and made his way back to The Keep, where Una was already waiting.

    She animatedly recounted her adventures in modern plumbing and cooking over a propane burner, but he struggled to pay attention. Eventually, she shrank into silence and left him to brood over his food while she browsed the books left behind by other travelers. Chris felt bad, but he could hardly hear Una over the memory of Dad’s voice.

    Have you done everything you could to prepare?

    , I think so, he answered silently.

    Are you sure?

    Even though he went to bed early, he slept little, still trying to answer that question.

    At first light, Chris stretched and then shaved with the straight razor Mom had given him on his eighteenth birthday, monogrammed with his dad’s initials. He remembered performing the same ritual two years ago, before his first attempt at the Olivine gym, how his hands had shaken and he’d nicked himself. This time he managed a clean shave. That much, at least, he’d grown.

    He should really call Mom. After the gym, he promised himself. He didn’t want to call her while he was in limbo, unsure of the next battle’s outcome.

    Una watched him lace one of his boots. “Today you challenge the gym?”

    “Yup. It shouldn’t take that long if you wanna wait here.”

    “You would prefer that.” It wasn’t a question.

    He paused, one shoe on and one foot still bare. “I didn’t think you’d want to come.”

    “I would like to join you, yes.”

    For a moment Chris smiled despite himself, but he turned it into his best impression of Dad’s stern stare. “You can come if you want, but … you absolutely cannot interrupt. Do you think you can do that?”

    “I know this is important to you,” she said quietly. “I will not interrupt. But … I am curious. I would like to understand.”

    “Okay.” He slipped into his other boot, well-worn but still sturdy. “Then let’s go.”

    The stairs were cut steeply into the hill and flanked by carved stone dragons that watched his approach with red glass eyes. The building itself looked like any other Johto gym with its domed roof—that was standard now—painted violet-blue. The doors, too, were like the others he’d walked through time and time again, but he couldn’t help pausing before them.

    Una touched his arm, making him jump. “I wish you success in your attempt.”

    It was nice not to have to face those doors alone.

    “Thanks.” He took several slow breaths, adjusted his belt (slung across his chest again), and stepped forward.

    As the automatic doors parted for them, hot and sulfurous air swept over them. The second thing that struck Chris was the odd quiet. In fact, the huge room was empty.

    A clanking and scraping drew his eye upward. On the catwalk above, a haxorus and a fencer shuffled back and forth, fencing foil ringing out against metallic scales. There was Clair.

    Chris didn’t have the guts to interrupt. Instead he watched.

    Clair didn’t hold back, stabbing right for her pokemon’s eyes once, twice. But the haxorus was too fast. It turned away her hits with its wicked jaw blades and its plated tail. The catwalk rattled with each lunge and parry. The haxorus charged her in return, but the intent seemed to be to drive her back and not to injure. Chris shuddered to imagine what those blades could do to flesh if it really wanted.

    A handful of other trainers leaned against the railing with varying degrees of attentiveness, one even dangling his legs over the catwalk ledge. Above them, the mural inside the ceiling dome depicted ten mythical dragons knotted together, each biting the tail of another as they wrestled and writhed.

    At last, Clair called, “Isis—hold!” and the haxorus sank back on its haunches, breathing hard.

    Clair pulled off her helmet, her sweaty hair spilling out in all directions. One of the gym trainers leapt to foist a water bottle into her hand before she even reached for it. She took a long pull and said, “Her left hook is looking better now, right?”

    The gym trainers broke out in a chorus of agreement and praise.

    She scoffed. “Better isn’t going to be enough for Lance.” Clair started to drink again—but stopped short. Her gaze fixed on Chris. “How did you get in?”

    “Uh, the door was open.”

    Clair made an exasperated noise and rolled her eyes. “I don’t have time for this. Petra, will you see them out? And make sure those doors lock.”

    Chris put on a brave face and stepped forward. “I came to challenge you.”

    “We’re closed for the season.”

    Chris's stomach sank. “You—what?”

    Clair rolled her shoulders one way and then the other, not looking at him as she continued, “If you wanted a badge you should’ve gotten here earlier like everyone else. I’m busy, and I don’t condone sloppiness in my gym.”

    He stared.

    The haxorus snorted.

    She took another long drink and then put her helmet back on.

    But there’s still five days left. Chris opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

    After a moment, one of the gym trainers began to clamber down the ladder from the catwalk.

    It was over. That was it. Sagging, he turned towards the exit.

    Una stepped in front of him. “Are you so easily refused? After all you have done to come here?”

    The gym trainer stood a few yards away, arms crossed, and waited to see if they’d leave on their own.

    “She’s the gym leader. She can do whatever she wants.” He felt his throat catch and shrugged instead of trying to say more.

    For a moment, Una looked at him, clutching her feather necklace. Then she furrowed her brow and pushed past him.

    She called up to the catwalk, “I have been told your duty is to test those who come before you.”

    Clair turned toward them. Her face was hidden behind the mask, but her voice sizzled. “Only those that deserve it. You haven’t earned it yet. Come back in the fall and leave me to train.”

    “It’s okay, Una,” Chris said in a low voice. “Let’s just go.”

    But he was paralyzed where he stood, watching with equal parts wonder and dread as Una raised her chin and pushed her shoulders back. A look crossed her face that Chris hadn’t seen since the day she accused him of treating his pokemon like toys: righteous fury. She balled up her fists.

    “You call him undeserving, yet you lack the decency to address him face to face.”

    Snatching off her helmet, Clair snarled, “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

    “Do you? Are you so afraid to find out?”

    Clair glared down at them for a moment. Then she recalled the haxorus and shoved her foil into another trainer’s hands. She slammed down the ladder, still holding the haxorus’s pokeball, and the trainer at the bottom scrambled to get out of the way.

    With her footsteps echoing in the nearly empty gym, Clair marched towards them until she stood inches from Chris's face, hand on her hip. She was the same height as him.

    “Does she always fight your battles for you?”


    “Tell me why I should give you more of my time than I already have.”

    Chris took a deep breath and stood straighter. “Because it’ll be a good fight.”

    She looked him over, squinting.

    “And this would be your eighth badge?”



    Chris imagined she could see in his face and posture a record of every mistake he had ever made. The moment she made her decision, it flashed across her eyes like a curtain coming down.

    At last, she turned and called over her shoulder, “Who has my belt? Did Ted go home? Someone go get him. And you—” she jabbed a finger at Chris “—meet me over there.” She strode away, stripping off jacket, breastplate, and gloves and leaving them where they fell.

    Chris shot Una a bewildered look that melted into a hesitant smile. He felt lightheaded but went where Clair had directed him, the dividing line at center court.

    Una hung back by the door.

    Clair reappeared wearing a wetsuit and a choker made of dragon teeth. She took her place opposite Chris and tightened her ponytail.

    The gym trainers gathered along the walls, all raised eyebrows and smirks.

    “We’re just waiting on—there he is.”

    An Indigo League referee burst through the doors, his uniform shirt inside out, and took his place on the sidelines. “Here, ma’am!” He looked down in surprise at the TV remote he still held in his hand and shoved it into a back pocket.

    Clair waited for him to catch his breath. “Four, Ted.” Her anger had burned off, leaving behind a controlled coolness.

    “Right. Young man—” Chris jumped “—what’s your name?”

    “Chris Nakano, sir.”

    Ted took a breath and then boomed in a performer’s voice, “We will now commence the battle between Blackthorn City Gym Leader Clair Ibuki and challenger Chris Nakano. This will be a four on four knockout—the trainer of the last pokemon standing will be the winner. A pokemon will be considered unable to fight if it is on the ground unmoving or out of bounds for a count of ten. Each side may switch out pokemon no more than twice. Are there any questions?”

    Chris had no questions. The familiar speech relaxed him; he had done this seven times before, and he was ready to do it one last time.

    He flashed a smile over his shoulder at Una.

    “Then shake.”

    Clair had an iron grip. “Make it count,” she said. “There won’t be a rematch this season.”

    She stepped back onto her side of the center line, and the floor began to move. Chris staggered but quickly righted himself. The two floor panels slid apart with a mechanized whir and a cloud of steam, revealing a murky green pool beneath. The sulfur smell intensified. The pool radiated heat, and already sweat beaded on his forehead. When at last Chris and Clair stood at opposite sides of the gym separated by an Olympic-sized pool, the panels locked into place and the whirring stopped.

    There was a long quiet moment.

    The referee shouted, “You may begin!”

    “I choose Persephone.” Clair flicked a pokeball into the air and released a dragonair. It coiled on the pool edge and watched him with an intelligent stare.

    Why not the dragonite, Chris wondered. He knew she had one. He didn’t have to think long before his hand settled on a pokeball. “Let’s go, Asagi!”

    Steam rose from his lapras as she slid into the water, but she seemed unbothered.

    “Go!” commanded Clair.

    “Ice beam!”

    Asagi narrowed her eyes, and her horn glowed as she prepared the attack. But it came too slowly. The dragonair ducked under the beam and into the pool, disappearing into the greenish murk.

    “Go down after it.”

    The lapras submerged. For several long, minutes Chris and Clair watched the pool surface for clues to what was happening below. Clair folded her arms. Finally, Asagi resurfaced in a spray of hot water, but there was still no sign of the dragonair—

    Until it popped up on Chris's end of the pool, only its eyes and feathered ears visible.


    “Fry it.”

    As Asagi swiveled around, the dragonair showered her with blue sparks. When it was in her sights, she began charging up—and it slipped under the surface again. The lapras’s ice beam hit the water where the dragonair had just been, leaving behind chunks of ice that quickly melted to nothing.

    Her pokemon was faster in the water than he’d expected. Faster than a dragonite would be—no wings, no drag.

    After a beat, the dragonair resurfaced again at Asagi’s flank. Chris was ready this time. “Ice beam and turn, now!”

    Asagi readied her ice beam as she turned. She swept a broad semi-circle with the ice beam, sparks peppering her side, until it connected with the dragonair.

    The blue beam and sparks collided, spraying flecks of ice into the air. The dragonair couldn’t stop without being blasted with ice. Then, finally, Asagi’s attack overtook the dragonair and knocked it back.

    With a screech, the dragon dove again.

    The lapras circled the pool, huffing. Dark welts broke out along her chest and neck where the sparks had hit.

    Chris lifted his eyes to catch Clair watching him, smirking.

    She thinks she’s smart and I’m dumb.

    “Easy, girl,” he called. “Come this way—left, left, left.” He guided her towards one wall, and they waited.

    When at last the dragonair reemerged, Chris shouted, “Make a wave! Pull it to the wall!”

    Clair cried, “Persephone—get out of there!

    Too late. As the dragonair dove, the water swelled higher. With a toss of her head and a grunt, Asagi flung the wave against the side of the pool and the dragonair along with it. Before the dragonair could get away, the lapras reared up and brought her full weight down, crushing the serpent against the wall.

    “Again! Knock it out of the water!”

    “Dive!” Clair shouted as Asagi circled back to gain momentum. But her dragonair swayed and seemed not to hear the command.

    With a keening cry, Asagi surged forward and sent up a great wave ahead of her, bringing it up and over the pool edge. When the water receded, the dragonair was left behind in a puddle, blearily raising its head.

    “Come on, Persephone! Electrify it! Give it everything you’ve got!”

    “Ice beam! Hold it down!”

    As Asagi charged her attack, the dragonair snapped its head around and exhaled another lighting ball. Asagi cried out as the hit landed and then, with a toss of her head, lashed the dragonair with a blue bolt.

    For a moment, it vanished behind a cloud of steam and ice flakes. When the air cleared, the dragonair lay like a statue, scales and eyelashes dusted with frost. It didn’t stir.

    The referee began the countdown from ten, but Asagi was already trumpeting a victory call and swimming a lap.

    Chris grinned across the water at Clair, but the look on her face stopped him short.

    “Dragonair is out. Point to challenger. Leader Clair has three remaining pokemon.”

    Clair recalled her dragonair and whipped out a second pokemon without pause or ceremony.


    Her pokemon was still materializing as it fell upon Asagi, jaws gnashing until the gyarados became solid enough to sink its teeth into her neck. She shrieked and tried to wrench free, but the gyarados hung on tight, winding itself closer. Blood poured down the lapras’s neck.

    “I’m switching out!” Chris scrambled for Asagi’s pokeball with sweating hands. He recalled her, leaving the gyarados to audibly clank its teeth together as she dissolved into red light and vanished out from under it.

    That had been a bad exchange. He’d knocked out one of Clair’s team and nearly traded one of his own. He needed to tighten up his game and fast.

    The referee nodded to Chris, and he selected a new pokeball. With surprise, he realized he was shaking. “Get it, Zip!”

    No sooner than his jolteon materialized on the edge of the pool, the gyarados make a swipe with its tail, forcing Zip to leap out of the way.

    “Again, Archeron!”

    “Charge up for a lightning blast!”

    Zip neatly side-stepped another tail swing, and as he landed his fur began to bristle with static. He took aim. The humidity in the room thickened. Chris's ears popped as the pressure dropped—

    “Now!” cried Clair.

    The gyarados smashed headfirst towards Zip, and this time it struck true. Electricity cracked as they collided, but the blast lacked the intensity it could’ve had.

    The jolteon flew several feet, trailing ribbons of electricity as he skidded across the tile. He stood and shook himself off as Clair gave her next command.


    Her gyarados roared, and a wind picked up.

    Chris's stomach sank. Zip had nowhere to run or take cover from that. There was no choice but to switch out again—the last time he’d be allowed—or to hope his pokemon could take the hit. “Zap it, quick!”

    He fired off a quick, small lightning bolt that vanished into the green-black clouds that whirled around the screaming gyarados. A cloud funnel lifted off the surface of the pool and swept out and away from it. Chris was forced to shield his face in his elbow against the stinging wind.

    Zip ran anxious circles, but there was nothing to be done. The twister swept him up, spun him furiously, and hurled him against the far wall. He lay still, and the gyarados let out another roar.

    “The challenger’s jolteon is out of bounds. Ten, nine ….”

    “Come on, Zip!”

    The jolteon rose haltingly, shaking his head. Chris wished he could go to Zip and help him up, but he had to stay where he was.

    “Good boy! Come on!”

    “Five ….”

    “Go after it! Go!”

    In a burst of energy, Zip bounded towards the poolside, fur sparking.

    “Acheron—twister, again.”

    If you can’t keep away, keep close, Dad’s voice reminded him.

    Chris blurted, “Jump! Get onto its back!”

    Zip didn’t hesitate. He leapt into the wind and landed with all four feet on blue scales.

    The gyarados’s body was an archipelago of coils alternately rising and sinking below the water, and Zip leaped from island to island. Even as the gyarados snarled and swiveled its head to knock Zip loose, he was already bounding out of the way to land on its tail, then leaping away again, always moving to keep from falling into the pool.

    The gyarados whirled around and snapped its tail, frantic to shake Zip off. The wind died down.

    “Acheron, dive!”


    As the gyarados began to disappear into the green water coil by coil, Zip leapfrogged to the dome of its huge plated head. From yards away, the hair on Chris's arms rose as the jolteon gathered electricity around himself and then let loose a blinding burst. Lightning zigzagged from pool to ceiling, crackling across the catwalk railings.

    In a single leap, Zip landed again at the edge of the pool, leaving the gyarados to sink.

    Chris wobbled between a smile and a grimace. They’d been lucky that gambit had worked, and he’d need more than luck to keep ahead of Clair.

    The referee counted down from ten, but the gyarados did not resurface.

    Grumbling, Clair returned her pokemon. She seemed to think about her next choice longer this time. Then she sneered. “Let’s see how you like Delphi.”

    Chris only glimpsed the kingdra—huge with disdainful eyes and fins tattered from years of battles—before Clair called out, “Smokescreen!” It breathed out thick dark smoke that hung over the pool’s surface.

    “Zap it!”

    The kingdra didn’t even try to avoid the hit. Zip fired again but, unbothered, the kingdra continued puffing out smoke until its side of the pool was covered. The smoke cloud lit up from within as the lightning shot across the water, revealing the kingdra’s silhouette, and then the dragon disappeared again inside the evil-smelling cloud.

    Chris squinted to see the edges of the pool, but fine, he didn’t need to see. “Light up the pool, Zip! It can’t escape.”

    The joteon charged and released over and over, sheeting the pool with lightning until the gym smelled burnt and metallic and Chris's entire body prickled with static.

    Finally Zip stopped, panting, ears hanging.

    There was a moment of quiet. Then purple fire lanced through the smoke. Zip leapt aside and narrowly avoided it. From another direction came a second fiery missile. Zip tried to jump out of the way, but fell short and let out a pitiful yelp. Through the haze, Chris could see him favoring a hind leg.

    “Keep moving, Zip! Don’t let it hit you!”

    But the joleon had become slow and uncertain. He zigzagged, glancing back at Chris, unable to guess where the next attack would come from.

    Chris could do nothing but watch and hope for a clue to the kingdra’s whereabouts. The next shot knocked Zip down, and he remained where he lay.

    “Jolteon is out. Point to Leader Clair. Challenger Chris has three pokemon remaining.”

    Chris chewed his cheek. He needed to clear the air. “Thorn, let’s go!”

    With a screech and a gust of cold, his skarmory shot into the air. Chris's heart surged at the sight of her circling overhead, steel feathers glinting through the smoke. It wasn’t too late to turn this around.

    “Break up that smoke, Thorn! Get a wind going!”

    With several strong wing beats, Thorn split the sulfurous cloud apart—revealing the kingdra already spitting dragonfire. The skarmory banked left, out of the way of the blast, but Chris winced at her slowness. She wouldn’t last long trying to dodge fire.

    Time to use Dad’s advice again.

    He shouted, “Get in close! Dive!” Thorn tucked her wings and launched herself like a spear.

    But Clair commanded, “Push it back! Water whip!”

    A wave rose between the two pokemon, shielding the kindgra. Plate armor shrieking in protest, Thorn pulled back, and the wave barely missed her as it fell.

    “Again!” Clair shouted.

    Another wave geysered towards the skarmory, driving her up and away from the pool’s surface. As she pulled up, dragonfire clipped her wing. She veered dangerously toward the water.

    Chris cursed and recalled Thorn.

    “The challenger has used his last switch-out. He has three pokemon remaining.”

    Across the water, Clair flashed him a wicked smile before she and her pokemon were once again obscured by smoke. She wasn’t trying to test him, Chris realized. She was trying to bury him. Punish him.

    How was he supposed to beat something he couldn’t see and couldn’t get close to?

    He needed to be smarter. Chris took a deep breath. To his surprise, Una’s words sprang to his mind: Even if we cannot see or touch them, we can feel them still.

    “The challenger has ten seconds to choose his next pokemon or forfeit.”

    “Pocky,” he said, throwing his girafarig’s pokeball, “let’s take it down.”

    As the red light hardened into his girafarig, Chris felt the soft touch of her animal consciousness brush the edges of his, her fear. He willed her to be clever and fierce.

    “Fire, Delphi!”

    The girafarig’s toothy tail twitched, and she sidestepped the firey bolt. “Find it,” Chris said. “Feel it out.”

    He sensed Pocky probing, and for a flash he saw what she saw: a heat map of the gym, the clear shape of the kingdra moving through the water and smoke. He shook his head, dizzy, and pushed the girafarig out of his head.

    “Hit it!”

    The attack was invisible, but Chris could feel the waves of it rippling out. Across the pool, enshrouded in smoke, the kingdra cried out in pain.

    “Come on, Delphi. Let’s finish this. Dragon breath!”

    As the blast flew towards the girafarig, Chris commanded, “Bounce it back!”

    All four of Pocky’s eyes glowed, and the smoke in front of her turned glassy. There was a glint of light, and then purple fire arced back into the smoky shadows from which it had come. They heard a keening cry and a splash, and after a moment the smoke began to clear.

    “Kingdra is down. Point to challenger. Leader Clair has one remaining pokemon.”

    Clair let out a wordless cry of frustration. “Alright, Achilles, end this!”

    Her pokemon erupted from its ball with a cry that rattled the catwalk. It beat its wings to clear the lingering smoke, revealing a salamence the size of a pickup truck, pot-bellied but muscular.

    Chris wondered if this was a deviation from her usual pool-based strategy—had he pushed her into a corner?—or just another example of her extensive dragon collection. Could he turn this into an opportunity?

    The salamence flapped in place near Clair until she cried, “Go!” and it swooped.

    He didn’t have time to make a plan. “Pocky, attack!”

    The girafarig steadied her stance, and her eyes flashed. The salamence flinched in mid-air but didn’t pull out of the dive. With a snarl, it barreled Pocky into the pool along with it.

    Chris's heart tumbled in with her.

    In a whorl of steam, the salamence rose from the green water, clutching Chris's girafarig in its talons. Her tail thrashed, eyes rolling. The salamence quavered under another invisible psychic attack but rose higher still. When its back was nearly touching the ceiling, it flung the girafarig to the ground with a horrible crack. Chris felt her consciousness go quiet before the League referee made the call.

    “Point to Leader Clair. The challenger has two remaining pokemon.”

    No time to worry about Pocky. He had to think vertically now.

    “This is your chance, Thorn!”

    His skarmory took to the air again, making smaller circles below the enormous salamence. The feathers of her right wing were blackened and misshapen. She flew crookedly, throwing a wary look back at Chris.

    Please, Thorn. We have to finish this.

    “Go for its belly!” Chris shouted.

    She stabbed up at the salamence and drew a line of blood before the dragon kicked her away.

    As the skarmory reeled, trying to right herself, Clair cried out, “Fire breath!”

    “Go right!” Chris shouted, but Thorn was still spinning helplessly when the column of fire roared towards her. For a moment, she was a silhouette within the flames. Then skarmory dropped, hitting the water with a splash.

    “Point to Leader Clair. The challenger has one remaining pokemon.”

    Chris's palms sweated as he released his lapras one last time.

    Asagi’s injuries looked worse than he remembered, her body a patchwork of burns and torn-off scales, blood still streaking from her neck. He bit the inside of his cheek, but there was nothing else to be done. They had to try.

    “Come on, Asagi! Ice beam! Knock it down!”

    “Get in close, Achilles!”

    The salamence dove under her attack and swooped for her face with teeth bared, forcing her to dive underwater. With a roar, the salamence wheeled around the gym’s dome and prepared to strike again.

    Asagi surfaced and let out a quiet, plaintive sound. If Clair kept her salamance in his lapras’s face like that, it would be almost impossible to land an ice beam.

    Chris's heart felt leaden. This was it: they were going to lose. He couldn’t prevent his lapras from being hit sooner than later, and she too would go down. He hadn’t felt this helpless since—

    He remembered putting his hands behind his head and hitting his knees in the snow, the heat of the ursaring’s breath on his neck. He’d survived not by brute force but by letting the blows come. Maybe letting Asagi get hit one more time was the only way out.

    “Okay, Asagi. Get ready.” He waited for Clair to order her pokemon to dive again and then ordered, “Use ice beam on the water!”

    The air temperature dropped as the lapras fired blue light across the pool until the surface filmed over with ice.

    “Keep going!”

    Too deep in the dive to pull out, the salamence smacked into the lapras and both went under the icy green slush. A moment later, the salamence exploded from the pool, water streaming from its wings. As it rose, a layer of ice hardened around its wings, icicles trailing down. The dragon made a painfully slow circle around the gym, straining.

    But still Chris's lapras did not rise from the water.

    “Seven,” called the referee. “Six ….”

    “Come on, girl ….”

    Clair began to smile.

    The water bubbled. In a shower of green ice, Asagi rose.



    “Asagi, ice beam! Now!”

    The blue beam of ice cut through the air. The salamence leaned hard—the ice encasing its wings creaked and cracked—but it was too slow, too heavy.

    Her ice beam speared the dragon’s side. The salamence crumpled and tumbled, ice shattering across the gym floor.

    “No! Achilles, get up!”

    The League referee spoke over her, “Leader Clair Ibuki is out of usable pokemon. The match goes to challenger Chris Nakano!”

    For a moment, Chris stood with his heart still pounding and let the relief wash over him. “Asagi, you did it!”

    She trumpeted weakly. He hurried to recall her, guilt puncturing his joy. She’ll be okay, he told himself.

    Clair slowly shook her head, but she was smiling too. With a wave of her hand, the pool cover began to close again. She reached into a pocket and tossed something to him across the shrinking gap between them. He narrowly caught it, almost falling into the water himself.

    He uncurled his fingers to reveal the face of a dragon in black enamel with red for the eyes.

    “Wasn’t sure you’d catch it,” Clair said with a smirk. “I hereby award you with The Rising Badge, the absolute last one of the season. Take note, everyone.”

    “Yes, ma’am!” the gym trainers chorused.

    “Thank you.” Chris stumbled one last time as the pool cover locked back into place.

    Clair folded her arms. “You weren’t wrong—that was a good battle. You’ve got some grit after all. I hope you’re not afraid to show your teeth at The Indigo Conference.”

    For just a moment, her smile softened into something almost … maternal? Then it was gone. “Now get. I have to prepare for a battle with my cousin.”

    She called to the referee as she walked away, “Ted, would you please transfer the payout to his card? I’ll sign off on it later.” With that she disappeared through a door, calling for gym staff to fetch her fencing equipment and medicines.

    Chris turned to hold up the badge for Una to see, but she had already gone. He was alone. Grin faltering and then fading, he pinned the badge to the last slot in his case and then pocketed it.

    He understood why Una had left. He didn’t want her to watch and feel upset. All the same, he was disappointed—it surprised him how much. He wanted her to see what it was like, what he and his team could do.

    “May I have your OneCard?”

    “Oh, right. Sure. Thanks.”

    He watched the numbers on the card reader tick upward and felt mostly better.
    Last edited:
    8: Shouganai
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    8: Shouganai

    Una wasn’t at The Keep when Chris returned. Her backpack was gone too, though she had pulled out a few of the heavier items and left them on the bed. He squeezed them into his footlocker, just in case—he’d experienced enough theft in trainer hostels to make him cautious, even if they were the only two people staying there.

    Checking his Bitflex, he was startled to see it was nearly noon. He thought about buying a celebratory lunch—and then, with a pang, he thought about Una wandering around the city without any money whatsoever. He wondered again where she’d gone. The woman at the front desk said she hadn’t seen her since they left together that morning.

    He looked at the time again and decided, If I don’t hear from her in the next hour or so, I’ll go look for her.

    He thought he remembered seeing a noodle house on a nearby hill and started in that direction. On the way, he made a wrong turn, or perhaps had simply misremembered where he’d seen the restaurant. Instead, he saw signs for a public bathhouse and made a change of plans.

    Under the water, he felt as if he were scrubbing away more than just the sweat and sulfur smell from the last battle. He imagining the dirt from all the miles he had traveled swirling down the shower drain. When he was clean, he settled into an unoccupied pool and closed his eyes, pushing away from the edge of the pool to float weightless.

    Unbidden, an image rose in his mind: Suicune standing on the water. Perhaps you can still become more than what he was.

    More than what Dad was? There wasn’t much farther to go up the ladder, and even coming this far had left Chris and his team wrung out. The more he thought about it, the more it felt like a taunt.

    Or, he reminded himself, she’d been wrong. If Dad had met a pokemon like that, Chris would’ve known about it … wouldn’t he?

    But he found no answers in the water, and eventually he had to leave.

    Chris ordered his noodles to go—a double with tofu, in case Una wanted to share—and brought it back to the hostel. He’d go out and see if he could find her as soon as he had something to eat, he told himself. Then, I’ll only close my eyes for a minute.

    Four hours later, he snapped awake cuddling the unopened takeout box. He looked at the time, cursed, and sat up.

    Behind him he heard, “You must have been tired.” Una leaned back on her bed with a book.

    “You’re back. I was worried about you.”

    She splayed the book beside her and sat up. “When I saw blood … I had to leave.”

    Chris bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “That’s okay.”

    “Did you accomplish your goal?”

    “Yeah … I did.” He patted the pocket where he’d tucked his badge case and smiled. “I did.”

    She nodded—grimly, he thought. Then she put on a smile and said, “I have brought you something.”

    “You what?”

    “I do not think is a large sum, but ….” She reached into a pocket, pulled out a wad of bills, and held it out at him. “I can start to repay you now.”

    He let out a nervous laugh. “Una, what—where did you get this?”

    “Yesterday I passed an apothecary, and the shop keeper said she would buy any herbs I brought in if they were of good quality. So I gathered some. She had no cloth to trade, but she gave me this.” She pressed the money into his hand, folding his fingers over it.

    Ignoring his open-mouthed stare, she continued, “I have more still, in my backpack. Yarrow, ginseng, bone-knit. I thought you might have use for them … after a battle.”

    She’d gone out to the foothills of the mountain, back into the wilderness, alone. Although Una seemed unconcerned, the thought squeezed Chris's insides. “You didn’t have to do that, Una.”

    Her smile was wistful. “Yes, I did.”

    He spluttered, “But most of the money for your gear came from your robes. It was already yours!”

    “And now that is yours. I hope you can finally have your trousers repaired, or purchase a new pair. And perhaps a needle and thread as well.”

    Chris opened his mouth to argue but sighed and smiled again. “Yeah, okay … I guess I’d better do that before we leave.”

    “Yes, you should,” she said, smiling back. “And to where are we headed next?”

    Right. Everything he had done so far, even the battle with Clair, had been the easy part. Now for the rest.

    Chris wished he could stop time for a week, do nothing but eat and sleep, lose himself in a book. But he couldn’t afford to think that way now.

    “The Indigo Plateau. If I can make it in time.”

    “Via Route 45, to the south?”

    He glanced up in surprise. “Yeah. You looked it up?”

    “I have been reading.” She gestured, and for the first time Chris noticed the title of her book: The Trainer’s Definitive Guide to Johto. Left behind by a traveler from another region, no doubt.

    “You’re a regular tourist now,” he chuckled.

    Her smile dampened. “I wanted to learn … what has changed.”

    “Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.”

    He cleared his throat. “Anyway, we’ll head out tomorrow morning.”

    The wad of bills was heavy in his hand, too thick to fit inside his belt compartment. He thought of their conversation in Ecruteak, the way he’d tried to make her stay behind, and winced. Of course she thought she had to pay her way. But she’d already done more than enough. He wouldn’t have gotten his battle with Clair without her.

    He shoved the cash into his pocket and held the takeout box to Una. “Noodles?”

    Chris left Una waiting outside the pokecenter while he collected his belt. He returned with an extra pokeball and a bashful smile.

    “Listen,” he said, “I’ve been thinking and I want you to have this.” He held out the pokeball.

    When she only frowned, he added, “You don’t have to fight with her, but you really shouldn’t go out collecting plants by yourself. She can look out for you … though she probably needs a little training. Eventually you’ll be able to go anywhere with her. If you wanted that, I mean.”

    “It is not my place.”

    “Honestly, she’s been sitting in the box for a while,” he admitted. “I caught her back in Azalea and never used her—Asagi’s more my speed. It’s no loss to me.”

    Una shook her head.

    Chris’s smile finally fell. “Come on. You’d be doing a favor for everyone involved. Her especially.”

    For a moment she looked on the edge of tears. “But I will never be able to repay you, Chris!”

    “Then don’t!”

    He took a deep breath. “Okay …. Okay. What if we call this a loan? Or … maybe a trade? You help me train her, and in return you can use her any time you want.” Extending the pokeball to her one more time, he begged, “Come on. Please.”

    With a sigh, Una accepted the pokeball and weighed it in her hands. “I can see my reflection.” She looked up. “It still does not feel right to imprison them this way.”

    Chris shrugged. “She wouldn’t be able to keep up with us on foot. Plus, most places have laws about it. This is just how it is.”

    Una looked unconvinced, but he pushed ahead. “Don’t you want to know what’s inside?”

    He showed her the release mechanism, and in short order the slowpoke materialized at her feet.

    Una gasped. “A rain-caller!” She kneeled and spoke gently. “Hello, little one. I am Una.”

    The slowpoke held her gaze unblinkingly and then yawned.

    “I, uh, didn’t get a chance to name her. So you can call her whatever you want.”

    He wished he had a more charismatic pokemon to offer her, but the only others he had on hand were a mean spearow he’d caught entirely out of self-defense, a flaaffy that he didn’t think would obey commands from someone other than him, and an aipom that was more likely to climb her shoulder to escape a fight than to defend her. And he didn’t want to wait until he caught something new to get her a bit of protection of her own.

    But Una was beginning to smile. She said to the slowpoke, “When I awoke in the hospital, I could not remember my own name, and so they called me Jane until I remembered myself. Perhaps someday you will be able to tell me what I should call you. Until, then I shall call you Suki, for someone I loved dearly.”

    Gods. Una knew how to make the gentlest words lands like a punch.

    The slowpoke blinked at her, but this time Chris imagined he saw love in its watery eyes. It didn’t even so much as glance in his direction, but … well, what did he expect? He’d lost his chance with this slowpoke.

    He should release the others—he already had all the pokemon he could care for. Who did he think he was, a collector? Gary Oak?

    Holding her feather necklace, Una intoned, “As the sun rises in the East, as it sets in the sea, I will do my best to ensure we live well together.”

    The only indication the slowpoke gave that it heard her was to tilt its head first to one side and then the other, very slowly. But Una seemed satisfied with the exchange.

    He showed her how to recall her new pokemon and clip the pokeball to her belt, which she did with a frown and a sigh.

    “I’m hoping to cover a lot of ground today. You ready?”

    They shouldered their packs and were on their way.

    The journey down the mountain was much easier than the hike up. Shedding cold-weather layers, they let the sun warm their arms.

    Moji clambered up and down the cliffs with them once again; she was best-suited to the terrain, and she especially seemed to like Una. They followed first an old cattle trail and then, as the rocky cliffs yielded to gentler hills, the river. It would lead them all the way to Newbark Town and the Eostra Sea. And then northeast, all those miles to the Indigo Plateau ….

    Chris had forgotten to call Mom before they left Blackthorn, and now it felt too late. And the longer they walked, the worse the cell service would get until it dropped off entirely. Regardless, he didn’t think he could handle her reassuring him about the battles to come. She was supposed to be on his side—it didn’t count.

    He’d awoken sick with anxiety, but being on the move helped keep his mind off the distance ahead. So too did Una’s occasional questions about modern life. By the time they stopped to make camp, they’d gone over the school system, microwaves, and comic books. That night around the fire, Chris struggled to explain television and almost regretted mentioning it in passing.

    “I still do not understand,” said Una. Beside her, Suki the slowpoke lolled on the grass, munching dandelions. “If one wished to know the weather, why consult a box of lights? Why not simply study the clouds? Or perhaps consult a pokemon?”

    “We still do that too, but the weather channel is more accurate and predicts further ahead.”

    “I see.”

    “And there’s lots of other stuff to watch. Like, if I was home right now,” Chris said, “I’d probably be watching the League preseason with my mom. This time of year they always play highlights from last year’s matches, some color commentary about what to expect this season ….”

    He wondered how many other trainers had already registered, and he sighed. “Anyway. It’s fun. Mom mostly liked the commercials. But it was something we did together.”

    Neither of them mentioned Dad when they sat watching those matches together, but Chris could almost feel him in the room with them.

    Una considered that while she ate. “I imagine I would understand … teevee … better if I witnessed it for myself. Perhaps one day you can show me.”

    Chris felt a burst of affection—she tried so hard even when it came to the smallest things. He flashed her a smile, but she stared into the distance and failed to see it.

    “If I were home now … I would be bringing the kamonegi in to feed.” Despite the blank look on Chris's face, she continued, “They roamed as they wished during the day, but after dark, we sheltered them from predators in a hut near our home. They knew to come in for grain when I rang the bell. In return they allowed us to gather some of their eggs and showed us the best places to forage wild onions. The young ones follow behind, all in a line. It is sweet to see.”

    “What are kamonegi?”

    Una lit up. “Aha! At last, I know about something that you do not! It is a type of spirit—a pokemon, I mean.” She described it to him.

    “Huh. That almost sounds like …. Gimme a sec.” Chris brought out his pokedex, waited for it to load, and pulled up the page for farfetch’d.

    She scooted closer to see the small screen. “Oh. Yes, that is what they look like. Why do you call them that?”

    He smiled wryly. “Because it’s so far-fetched to see one in the wild—has been for a long time. They’ve almost been eaten into extinction.”

    Wild Johotoan farfetch’d hadn’t made a comeback like the carefully rehabilitated kangashkan and chansey populations. They were still appreciated more on the plate than in the stadium. Chris couldn’t imagine seeing a flock of them all in one place—let alone eating their eggs!

    “I see.” As the information sank in, Una drooped and fell quiet.

    “Oh no. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

    “It does not matter. Truly. My old life is five hundred years gone. Even in my Ecruteak, nothing stayed the same. After all, I was soon to be wedded to the Brass Tower and leave behind life as my father’s daughter. I was meant to say goodbye to many things in all cases.”

    “I guess so.”

    She pushed aside the remains of her meal and gazed into the night. After a moment, Suki stretched and waddled over to plop her head in Una’s lap.

    After a beat, Chris offered, “I could show you some more stuff on the pokedex. Or you can just click around, if you want. Read up on Suki, maybe?”

    “No. But thank you.” Gently, she pushed the slowpoke off her lap and stood. “May I take your bowl? I shall wash the dishes. I believe some time by the riverside will do me good.”

    He handed it over. “Take Suki with you.”

    “Yes. I will.”

    A scream ripped Chris from sleep. He bolted upright with this jolteon’s pokeball in one hand and his headlamp in the other.

    He heard crickets and the wind in the trees. Beside him, Una was breathing hard.

    “Una?” he whispered. “What’s wrong?”

    “Only a dream.” She took a shuddering breath. “Only a dream. I apologize. Let us go back to sleep.” She settled back in her sleeping bag and, after a moment, Chris did the same.

    Still, he couldn’t help but hear her ragged breathing. He turned over. As his eyes readjusted to the dark, he made out the outline of her shoulders shaking, her back curled towards him. He silently weighed saying something but hesitated. Maybe it would be better to spare her dignity and pretend not to have noticed her crying.

    Before he could make up his mind, Una fell still. Once again there was only the sound of rustling leaves and, in the distance, the river. Finally, he too slept.

    In the morning, kneeling to roll up their sleeping bags, Una spoke up. “Last night …. I apologize if I frightened you.”

    Chris looked up from packing the cookware. “It’s okay. Bad dreams?”

    “Yes.” Una tucked her hair behind her ears, frowning deeply. “I dreamed of Brass Tower burning.”

    He winced.

    “No matter how I ran, I could not reach it. My mother told me I would need to ride on a bus.”

    In other circumstances, the scorn in her voice could’ve been funny. Instead, he just felt sad for her.

    “Then a priest stopped me and told me to turn back for proper robes or he could not allow me into the tower. He did not seem to care that it was still ablaze. Such are dreams, I suppose.”

    Una seemed about to say more, then shook her head instead. She shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself. “I miss home.”

    “I’m so sorry, Una.”

    She sighed and then, after a moment, returned to breaking down the tent poles. “You should not feel badly. You have been nothing but generous and accommodating. I do not wish to weigh upon your thoughts when you already have troubles of your own. I should not complain.” She paused and added, almost pleading, “And I have been enjoying seeing the countryside with you.”

    “Maybe … we’ll find a way to get you home.”

    Una smiled sadly at him.

    “If there’s any way I can help you get back home, I will.” Then he laughed wryly and said, “That would’ve been a good question for Suicune if we would’ve thought of it then.”

    Una snapped up at that. “No. Better not to. The gods should not be troubled with small concerns.”

    Suicune had spoken to him like an old friend. Surely she would’ve wanted to help. But he thought better of saying it out loud—it sounded petulant, even in his own head.

    And Una’s words rang true. Chris remembered Suicune’s cold, alien eyes: unnervingly human, and also unnervingly inhuman.

    Instead, because he was genuinely curious, he said, “Isn’t that what prayer is?”

    “Perhaps for some. I was taught to consider how I might care for the gods, not the other way around. It is not a gift if it is asked for.”

    That silenced him.

    “At any rate, it cannot be helped now. Come. Let us prepare for the day. We still have far to travel, do we not?”

    After the tent was packed away, they made their final pass over their campsite to pick up wayward food wrappers and make sure the campfire was dead. Chris looked up from pouring earth over the coals and saw Una crouching to stack flat stones in the shelter of two boulders. He dropped down next to her.

    She ducked her head sheepishly but didn’t pause her efforts. “This will only take a moment.”

    “Here.” He handed her a rock he’d grabbed from the edge of the fire pit and, for the offering, the bag of trail mix.

    She beamed, and it somewhat loosened the anxious knot in his gut.

    They walked without speaking much for the rest of the morning, lost in their separate thoughts. Chris tried not to watch the hours roll across the face of his Bitflex. They were making progress, at least.

    The hills rolled endlessly ahead, and they teemed with pokemon enjoying the warmth of the day.

    A pidgeotto screeched outrage when they strayed too near its nest. Chris sent out Kosho to guard their backs as they ran until they were out of range from the nest.

    Later they stumbled across a graveler that was as surprised and upset to see them as they were to see it. Chris, nearly tripping over it, faltered. To his shock, Una managed to release her pokemon first. Without being told and with unexpected enthusiasm, Suki blasted the graveler with water until it rolled away into the brush, grumbling.

    By afternoon, they were at the threshold of Newbark Town, little more than a gathering of clapboard houses in the shade of a forested hill dotted wind turbines. And straight ahead was the Kanto border—though it didn’t look like much from where they stood, just a streak of darker blue against the horizon.

    “My dad grew up here,” Chris said. As they passed each house, he couldn’t help but wonder if it might have been the one where his dad’s family once lived. But then, it wouldn’t matter. Some other family lived there by now. “I’ve never been here before though.”

    “You have come far. I imagine he would be proud.”

    Chris's throat tightened at that, but he smiled at her.

    When they reached the edge of town they could see the water frothing against a rocky shore. It smelled different from the ocean of his childhood in Olivine, sharp and piny. Chris allowed himself a moment to turn and look back, remembering the mountains and rivers and plains he’d crossed that year, all so far behind him now. “So long, Johto.”

    On select days, a ferry went between Newbark and Pallet Town, with a stop at Route 27 for trainers on their way to the plateau. Chris and Una, however, had to cross the choppy water on the back of Asagi the lapras.

    She moved slower than normal, her neck still raw even after the pokecenter visit. The wound was still healing. Chris made a mental note to give her an extra big treat at the end of it. Suki sat with them between two of the knobs on Asagi’s shell, her tail dragging through the water. The gulf ran parallel to the high cliffs. As they passed, Chris and Una craned their necks to stare up at the twin waterfalls rushing down the cliff face.

    “Welcome to Kanto!” Chris shouted over the roaring water.

    When the rushing of the falls died down, Una said, “Is that all it takes?”

    “I think crossing the border used to be more … complicated. But since the Indigo League started, they actually encourage people to cross back and forth, for tourism and all that. Nobody’s gonna check for documentation or anything in this day and age.”

    “I never imagined I might set foot in Kanto, of all places. We were at war, you know.”

    He stole a glance at her face, wary of her matter-of-fact tone. “Yeah, I vaguely remember studying it in history class,” he said. “I mean, not that it means I get what it was like. I’m sure that was a hard thing to live with.”

    Una leaned her cheek against Asagi with one arm around the lapras’s neck, taking care to avoid the tender spots. “Some changes are good. I am glad peace was possible after all.”

    When they finally disembarked on the opposite shore, Chris glanced over his shoulder one last time. Already, the familiar mountains were fading into the blue distance.

    Following his gaze, Una said quietly, “This is the farthest I have ever been from home.”

    “Me too, if that makes you feel any better.”

    She smiled. “It is better not to be alone in a strange place.”

    “Yeah,” Chris said returning the smile, “it is.”

    They crossed a series of bridges and boardwalks, the sea to the right and cliffs scattered with spearow nests to the left. Ahead was Mount Silver and somewhere below it, still out of sight, was the plateau. They walked towards it all day, but it never seemed any closer.

    That evening he made the call to set up camp with a bitter heart. They pitched their tent on one of the small islands, sheltered by the cliff. The water all around them was dark, flat, and empty.

    By the dying light, Chris drilled Mojimoji, tossing stones for her to either dodge or swipe aside, while Una sat with Suki and read a book from the hostel. He didn’t have the heart to train as hard as he probably should, knowing he might not even arrive in time to qualify for the conference. After one particularly uninspired stone toss, the sandslash hissed and swiped at him instead. The blow didn’t connect—she hadn’t meant it to—but it did startle him out of his stupor.

    “Okay, you’re right! I’m sorry.”

    He spent a few more minutes working with her on aiming her own rock throws before he waved her away with a sigh and left her to forage.

    Instead, he oiled his Thorn’s feathers. New shafts were already growing in to replace the burnt ones, but she still twisted from his grip with a screech when he came to a sensitive spot.


    She glared at him from atop a rock, wing dragging, until he finally recalled her to let her rest and moved on to the next pokemon.

    Pocky’s bruises were still healing, but she was otherwise doing alright after the pokecenter. He offered her treats and then smeared a paste of the flowers Una had called arnica onto her bruises. Una had also shown him how to make a yarrow compress for his lapras’s neck, and he did that too. It couldn’t hurt.

    When all of that was done, he sat with a sigh and stared into the fire.

    “You should not worry so much.” Una’s voice made him jump. “You have time yet.”

    He forced a smile. “I know.”

    Una closed her book. “Forgive me for prying, but … I have to wonder why this competition is so important to you. Surely you have proven yourself amply by now. And surely other opportunities will present themselves.” He stayed quiet, and so she added in a rush, “Or perhaps I simply lack the context. I apologize—I did not mean to offend.”

    “No, I’m just thinking.” After a pause, he said, “I know it’s dumb, but it doesn’t feel like I’m a real trainer until I do this.”

    “Why not?”

    Anxiety reared up in him as he struggled to put it to words. No one had asked him before why he wanted to go to the Indigo Plateau—people took one look at his belt and assumed it was what he would do.

    “I don’t know. I just—you have to understand, it’s what I grew up with.”

    “I see.”

    There was another piece he’d never named aloud before, and even testing the words in his head made him nervous. It felt too much like a promise, and buried in it was the admission he could fall short. It would feel worse to fail if he said it out loud.

    Finally he admitted, “I kinda have this idea that, if I do well in the conference, I can convince Jasmine—the new leader back in Olivine—to take me on as one of her gym trainers.”

    Thinking of Thorn’s glare, he winced inwardly. She’d forgive him when she was feeling better. It would be fine.

    He said with more confidence than he felt, “I have a steel-type, at least. That’s something.”

    “Your father’s former gym.”

    “Yeah.” As he spoke he used a stick to doodle in the dirt. The drawing became his dad’s Cinder Badge. “I mean, it would still be her gym, but ... it would be nice to have my foot in the door again.”

    Gym leaders were appointed by the League based on a variety of factors—community involvement, politics, likability—but almost all of them had also ranked highly in at least one Indigo Conference. They also needed the endorsement of an existing gym leader, which was one reason it was so common for gyms to pass between family members, whether for better or for worse. Chris no longer had that advantage. Jasmine was young for a gym leader, so she was unlikely to pass the Olivine Gym to him anytime soon ... but there were others.

    Eventually. Maybe.

    Una gave him a long look. “I have misunderstood you. I thought your lifestyle afforded you so much freedom to choose your own path. Yet you are bound by duty as much I have always been.”

    Chris couldn’t keep the defensiveness from his voice. “It is my choice. This is what I want.”

    She rubbed the ends of her hair between her fingers and nodded slowly.

    He repeated, “This is what I’ve always wanted.”

    Una stopped fidgeting with her hair and looked away. “Then you are fortunate.”

    They had a quiet breakfast. Without discussion, Chris and Una disassembled the tent and then, together, collected flat stones for a shrine.

    The boardwalk gave way to solid ground when they reached the peninsula, but the ocean remained a constant companion throughout the day. At times the path climbed until they looked down on the thrashing waves far below, only to wind towards sea level again.

    Chris was grateful that he and Una had become comfortable traveling in amicable silence. The afterglow of his victory in Blackthorn had faded, and all he could think was only three days left.

    He frowned into his lunch until Una called his attention to the sky. “Oh, that’s an airlander,” he said.

    The dirigible passed overhead soundlessly. He imagined how beautiful the landscape must look from up high and how he would be invisible to the passengers, less than a speck.

    He started to explain about fuel efficiency and vertical takeoff until he saw the look on Una’s face. “Anyway, that’s how most spectators get to the Indigo Plateau, especially from the Johto side. I’ve heard it’s pretty nice inside. People who can’t afford it might hire someone to take them on a pokemon, but it’s not as comfortable.”

    Even some trainers, he knew, saved up months in advance for airlander tickets. The last leg of their journey would be a treat rather than one last challenge. And Chris had made his own choices.

    A quick check on the ticketing website before they’d left Blackthorn had confirmed it was out of the question now, even with his gym earnings. Months out he might’ve been able to afford one ticket, but not this close to the tournament date, and not two. Not even worth fantasizing about.

    “Are there many people who make that journey?”

    “Thousands every year.”

    And most of them would arrive at the plateau to check into their hotel suites before evening fell that night. He wouldn’t, no matter how fast they moved.

    Chris stuffed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and nodded his head towards the path.

    He hardly slept that night. He stared at the tent ceiling, listening to Una breathe and calculating the maximum number of miles they would be able to cover in the morning.

    It felt like he’d already failed.

    On the second-to-last day before Indigo Conference registration ended, they breakfasted on trail mix and fruit while they walked. No waiting to boil water for tea. As usual, Una accepted his plan of action without complaint and worked to keep up.

    Chris was normally quiet, but now silence gathered around him like clouds before a thunderstorm. The plateau was in sight now—and indeed it looked indigo through the haze—but no matter how fast they walked, it was still so far away.

    When they stopped for lunch at last, Una said, “You can go ahead if it might help. I do not wish to impede you, and I have Suki with me.”

    At that, he deflated. “No … it’s okay. I don’t think it matters now. We’ll just have to do the best we can at this point.”

    The plateau taunted him.

    As twilight fell, Una spoke up again. “Chris, we cannot continue much farther tonight. We should stop and make camp.”

    “Just a little more.”

    She frowned, but when he turned and continued down the path she followed.

    They hiked for half an hour by the light of headlamps and Kosho’s flames. Eventually, he stumbled on a tree root and nearly fell flat on his face.

    “Are you hurt?”

    “I’m okay.”

    She spoke gently. “This is senseless. It is time to stop for the night.”

    Chris stopped, clenched his fists, and breathed out.

    She touched his sleeve. “There is tomorrow yet.”

    He put down his pack with a sigh. “I guess so.”

    In the morning, Una found him sitting on the rocks at the edge of the water with his knees tucked to his chest and a mug of tea in hand.

    “Good morning.”

    “Oh, hey.”

    “Do you not wish to leave promptly this morning?”

    He sighed. “I’m trying to decide what to do.”

    Una claimed another rock beside him. “I thought you were certain of what you wanted.”

    Chris swirled the dregs of his tea. “Registration closes at four today. I don’t know that what I want is still possible.”

    “Then what now?”

    He shrugged jerkily. “I dunno. I guess we could go anyway just to watch the matches up close. That’s gotta be better than watching it on TV, right?”

    But he thought how it would feel to be so close to the action yet apart from it, and it curdled inside of him. Maybe it would be worse than watching it on a screen.

    “Or I could start working on my Kanto badges since we’re here now. All the gyms will be closed until the conference is over, but …. ” They’d have to double back to get to the trail into Viridian. “I guess I could explore Viridian Forest, do some training there … or something ….”

    He sucked in a breath through his teeth. “I’m definitely not just going home, that’s for sure.”

    Together they watched the waves in silence for a while.

    “This is embarrassing. I’m being pathetic. Most people don’t make it into the conference until their third year at least. Lots of people never even get enough badges to qualify. I shouldn’t be so upset. It just … sucks.”

    “You are allowed to feel disappointed.” She paused. “I wish there were some help I could offer …. I can collect herbs for tea, but that seems to be the limit of my use.”

    He pulled up the corner of his mouth. “Thanks anyway.”

    Una was quiet for a moment. “I should not have troubled you to take me with you.”

    “No, Una, it’s not your fault.” He cleared his throat. “I was already cutting it close, even before … all of this. If not for you I probably would’ve been eaten by that ursaluna anyway. And even then, I still wouldn’t have been able to convince Clair to let me battle for my last badge.”

    “I believe you would have found a way.”

    They exchanged half-hearted smiles.

    “Well.” Chris poured the rest of his tea out on the rocks. “Either way. It is what it is.”

    Shouganai. That was what Dad said when a challenger entered the gym moments before he’d planned to close for the day, letting them have their battle anyway. Suck it up, keep going.

    Una folded her hands in her lap and looked at him expectantly.

    After a moment, Chris realized she’d said all she was going to say. She’d made it clear she didn’t like what he was doing, but she seemed to approve of his reasons for doing it. Whether he decided to forge ahead or turn and head the opposite direction, Una would follow without judgment. She was waiting to see what he would do.

    Even with Una sitting beside him, he was alone in this.

    He tried to imagine what advice Dad would give, but couldn’t think of anything that fit the situation. Or that chipped away at his despair. No one was going to tell him what to do next.

    At last Chris said, “I guess I’d rather see the view from the top of the plateau than not. After coming all this way.” He unbuckled his Bitflex, exposing a pale stripe of skin where it had been, and held it out to her. “Can you hold this for me today? I don’t even want to look at it.”

    “That I can do.”

    He stood and dusted himself off. To himself as much as to her he said, “We’ll get there when we get there, and I’ll deal with it then. It’s not like the plateau is going anywhere.”

    The silence between the two of them was different after that. For the first time in weeks, Chris walked without that deadline pressing invisibly down on him, squeezing. He let his mind wander, focusing on the feeling of moving his body, the strength he’d built in his back and legs. The firm earth under his boots. The smell of the woods. Kosho walked at his side, solid and reassuring. It was a beautiful day.

    From beside him, Una piped up, “You seem more yourself.”

    “Getting there,” he agreed. He thought about asking her for the time but held his tongue. “Hey, that’s yarrow over there, isn’t it?”

    She smiled. “No. That is wild carrot. Yarrow has more branching stems.”

    “Ah, well. I tried.”

    “You did. I will show you if I find more yarrow.”

    The sun was low in the sky when they were close enough to see the hotel towers, the stadiums, and the sprawling vendor stalls peeking over the top of the plateau. Then they were in its shadow.

    At the plateau’s base was an aerial lift station. Chris craned his neck to follow the cables up the cliffside to the car slowly making its way back down from the top. He was surprised to see someone still manning the controls at the station, leaning on his elbows to watch a tiny portable television.

    As they drew closer, the man stepped outside to greet them. “Evening! The car will be back down in just a minute.”

    “That’s good.” Chris was still sure he wanted to go up, but he wasn’t sure he’d want to stay long.

    “Is this your first Indigo Conference?”

    Chris bit his cheek. “Yeah.”

    “Excellent, excellent. And congratulations! When you get to the top, the registration office will be the building to your right with the flags out front. Don’t panic, of course. As long as you’re in line before the office closes you’ll be fine. But don’t drag your feet. You’ll want to get your badges ready.”

    “What? But I didn’t—” Chris felt lightheaded. “Una, what time is it?”

    While she dug in her pockets for his Bitflex, the aerial lift operator checked his own watch. “Six o’clock on the dot.”

    Chris spluttered, “But registration closed at four.”

    “No, no, it runs until seven on the last day, to give everyone the best possible chance to get here. You might very well be the last one of the season though! Things were hectic a couple hours ago, but it’s been pretty slow since then. Lucky you—there shouldn’t be much of a line.”

    Chris could barely digest the words. Dizzily he turned to Una, who smiled and handed his Bitflex back to him. He said, “I thought I was done.”

    He finally let loose a grin then, a real one, and she smiled back like she’d known things would work out all along.
    Last edited:
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    9: The Threshold
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    9: The Threshold

    “You can smile, you know. This isn’t a mugshot.”

    “Right, sorry,” Chris said, forcing his mouth into shape. The initial rush of joy had turned to jitters, and staring down a camera wasn’t helping.

    The registration office clerk laughed. “You don’t have to be sorry—it’s for you! This is your chance to represent yourself how you want.” Then, almost scolding, “This photo will be up on the jumbotron and TV screens all over the world at least three or four times in the next few days, guaranteed. Or, who knows, maybe more. You don’t want them looking at a sour face.”

    “Yeah, no pressure.”

    The clerk turned away from the screen to flash him a sympathetic look. She had to be younger than Mom yet looked like someone who might play a mother on TV, with glasses and a cardigan over her blue uniform shirt. The buttons were shaped like flowers.

    “Now, I know you’ve seen worse probably just on the way here. Think of something you’re proud of and hold onto that.”

    Chris tried to picture how Dad would react to seeing him there, on the cusp of greatness. But the image slipped from his grasp like smoke, leaving too many other thoughts in its wake.

    He reached for a memory that still had some flavor, some immediacy. Blackthorn. He remembered the look on Clair’s face morphing from shock to rage and then respect. That had been nice.

    Then he thought of Una calling up the catwalk, wound tight with both righteous anger and bewilderment.

    He cut his eyes to the side to sneak a peek at Una now. She sat in a chair against the wall with Suki sprawled across her lap, pink legs kicking into empty air, and she watched the registration clerk’s various screens with unabashed fascination.

    You haven’t even seen the best stuff yet, he thought. He wondered what she’d think of funnel cake and kettle corn, and then he smiled for real. He was grateful he hadn’t come alone.

    “Got it!” the clerk announced. “Do you want to take a look and make sure you like it?”

    “I’m sure it’s fine.”

    Chris hopped out of the chair and moved to stand by her desk. He’d been sitting too long already, filling out forms and waiting for league staff to finish examining his team for signs of steroids, pokerus, or kennel cough.

    “Great. Then we’re almost done.”

    He flashed Una a reassuring smile, even though she already looked content where she sat. He was the one who was fidgeting and eager to get back into open air.

    “Do you have a slogan or a quote you’d like to use?”

    Chris snapped his head back up. “Huh?”

    “For your profile. It’ll be on the online roster and might show up onscreen sometimes too. Between matches, things like that.”

    “Oh. I don’t think I have one.”

    The clerk raised an eyebrow. “You sure?”

    “Yeah, it’s fine.”

    “Message for your parents? Trainer network profile? Favorite song lyrics?”

    He could use one of Dad’s many sayings or even dedicate his battles to him—but he immediately rejected the idea, repulsed. It felt hollow, wrong.

    Chris shook his head.

    The clerk shrugged. “Okay ….” He watched her tab past the text box, leaving it blank. “Then the last thing is to lock in your team. You can choose three for the preliminaries.”

    This part Chris had given some thought.

    The preliminaries were one-on-one battles, and half of the challenge would be guessing which of his opponent’s three pokemon he’d face. There was no telling what kinds of teams he’d encounter. Most trainers who competed in the Indigo League came from Kanto or Johto, but some came from Alola or even farther out: the Indigo Conference was still the most-watched tournament in the world. As long as a trainer had at least eight Indigo League badges and a full team, any pokemon was fair game. He couldn’t do much to prepare against all of the possibilities except try to make smart choices now.

    “Definitely my typhlosion and my jolteon.” Kosho and Zip both felt like obvious choices. The third slot was trickier.

    He wanted to pick Asagi—her typing offered badly needed coverage against ground-types, and he liked having the option of a tank to fall back on. However, he had no guarantee he’d be fighting in an arena with a water feature, and she couldn’t maneuver on land. A opponent could whittle her down from land or air while keeping a safe distance. And there was still her neck injury.

    Thorn was out for similar reasons. She was mostly better, but Chris wanted to err on the side of caution and give her wing as much time to heal as possible.

    That left Mojimoji, Pocky, and Slapdash. Chris moved his hand across his belt and touched each pokeball in turn.

    Mojimoji would normally be his next choice, but that created a problem with water-types. He was already vulnerable to ground-types on two fronts—no reason to further stack the odds against himself.

    Pocky was always a solid choice, easy to communicate with. Slapdash would be better if he needed to break through a physical wall, which neither Zip nor Kosho were well-equipped for. But Chris hadn’t worked with him much lately and worried he might be slow to react. Whichever Chris chose, he knew there would moments where he’d wish he had the other instead.

    “Take your time,” said the clerk.

    “I’m ready,” Chris shot back. “I’m going with my heracross.”

    The clerk entered his selections but paused before hitting the last button. “Okay, I have typhlosion, jolteon, and heracross. Are you sure you’re happy with that team? After this, you won’t be able to change it until the next round.”

    Chris hesitated for only a moment. “I’m sure.”

    “Great.” A couple mouse clicks and then she said, “Okay! I just have to print your tournament pass, and then you’re on your way.”

    While the printer whirred to life, the clerk handed him two white plastic wrist bands and a brochure. “These are your friend and family stadium passes. They’re good for any Zone C seats, all tournament long. Your guests are welcome to pay the difference to upgrade to priority seats, but they should do it soon, before those sell out.

    “Your ID badge will get you into any stadium to watch as many matches as you want, and a discount at the Indigo Cafe too. Make sure it’s visible at all times, either on a lanyard or clipped to your jacket.

    “The opening ceremony is at nine tomorrow morning in the main stadium, and there will be overflow seating in the other four. The pools will be drafted then, and we’ll be sending out the brackets right after. So keep an eye on your phone. The first matches will be in the afternoon.”

    Everything was happening so fast already.

    By then, Chris's Indigo Conference competitor badge had finished printing, and she handed it to him still warm.

    Una craned over his shoulder to look. “It is your face exactly,” she said under her breath, amazed.

    In the photo, he was looking off to one side but smiling enough that his dimple showed. He didn’t look like a seasoned trainer ready for the Indigi Conference. He looked like someone who needed a haircut.

    The clerk’s voice jolted him out of his thoughts. “I’m sure you get this question all the time with your last name, but I have to ask. You’re not related to Hiro Nakano by any chance, are you?”

    Chris clipped the badge to the front pocket of his hoodie. “Yeah, he’s my dad.”

    “I knew it! You look just like him.”

    “That’s what they tell me.”

    Though, in his opinion, people only thought so because they expected to. Chris was leaner and longer in the face, and his eyes were blue like his mom’s. There was a lot of the Lange side of the family in his face, especially around the mouth.

    People kept drawing lines between him and Dad anyway.

    The clerk said, “I’m sorry. It’s just—I was a big fan of his. The year I started in this position, he battled Koga and Agatha in the opening ceremony. It was incredible.”

    “I remember that one.” Chris put his hands in his pockets. “He was great.”

    “He was. Wow.” The clerk seemed to remember herself and said, “Well, I’m about to start closing the office down, but do you have any questions?”

    “Um.” He turned the brochure one way and then the other without taking in any of it. “What are the rules about where I can set up camp?”

    “There are signs when you exit this office. It’s also on the map, on the back of your pamphlet.”

    “Great. Thank you.” He started to pull on his backpack, prompting Una to reluctantly recall Suki and do the same.

    As he started for the door, the clerk called after him, “Good luck! I’m sure you’ll make him proud!”

    Chris's stomach felt like it was full of worms, writhing for escape. “Thanks. I’ll do my best.”

    The designated camping area wasn’t difficult to find. Even from a distance, they could hear laughter, music, and even bottles clinking. A rainbow of tents spread from the path almost to the cliff edge.

    Una gawked. “There are so many. Are they all trainers?”

    “No, not all of them.”

    The tents ranged from compact ultralight models like his to unwieldy multi-section models that could fit a family or two. Some campers had even laid out lawn chairs, rugs, and barbecue grills. Sleeping would be difficult with so many people nearby. He didn’t want to think about what the line for the showers was going to be like. “Let’s try to find a quiet spot.”

    “I agree.”

    As they walked, Chris scanned for familiar sights. He’d been coming with his parents every summer since he was tall enough to put his own popcorn money on the counter. Of course, they hadn’t been camping then; gym leaders and their families always stayed at one of the hotels—but Chris couldn’t help feeling like the past was close all the same. Those days had been fun, a sticky blur of grass-stained knees, sunburns, and falling asleep to the airlander’s hum.

    Later, things had become more serious, just him and Dad with a tight schedule of matches to watch. When Dad didn’t have a speaking engagement or a battle of his own, he’d sat with Chris in the stands, giving his own commentary parallel to the announcers’.

    You catch that? Always watch the feet. Ah, the trainer’s panicking—he’s a goner.

    The rest of the time, he’d sent Chris hopping from stadium to stadium to watch the important matches, grilling him after about what he’d noticed. After, Chris had been as tired as if he’d fought the battles himself.

    The last time Chris had been here, he’d been sixteen, the last summer before … Well.

    But now Chris had made his way back by the strength of his own determination. He remembered how tall and fierce the trainers and their pokemon had seemed when he was younger. Unapproachable. But he wasn’t a kid or a tourist anymore. This belonged to him too now.

    They skirted around the thickest patch of tents. Along the edges, the campers were more subdued, their tents spaced farther apart. Some sat with their pokemon, brushing their coats or doing small exercises. A girl knelt beside her leafeon to whisper urgent words of encouragement, pointedly turning her back towards Chris and Una as they passed. Quiet camp zone, the signage admonished.

    This is probably as good as it gets, he decided. Chris set his backpack down under a tree. Someone else was camped on the other side of it, but if the tent was turned the right way, it would be almost like being alone. To the left was a sheer drop barricaded with a rope fence—a reminder for caution but not a real safeguard.

    Ahead was the carefully landscaped path that led into the heart of Indigo Village, all of the food carts, gift shops, and restaurants. And of course, the five stadiums, curved and pale like the eggs of a monstrous bird. He’d watched so many battles from the stands, even more through a screen, and soon he’d get his first view of those stadiums from center field. Mom would be able to watch from home.

    Gods, Mom.

    Pausing to check the signal on his Bitflex, he said to Una, “I’m gonna call my mom real quick. You can start setting up camp without me if you want, or you can wait up and I’ll help. I won’t be too long.”

    He ducked under the rope and, with care, sat down on the ledge. Down the way, a few others had done the same. The drop was sickening but thrilling too. Spread out far below were glimpses of all the places he’d been. The Dragon’s Spine marked one end of the horizon, the sun sinking between its teeth. Only a few days ago he’d been among those mountains, that far away. And all the way on the other side—that could only be Mount Moon. And beyond that … entire continents he’d never set foot on but maybe someday could, if he wanted.

    Suicune was out there somewhere, too. And probably more like her, he realized. If she was out there, then Entei and Raikou had to be, at least. How many of the stories had been real all along?

    Chris imagined he felt the earth spinning beneath him, vast and dark, and he was a pinpoint at the center, helpless to do anything but watch it all go by.

    It was getting late. He hoped Mom wasn’t working the night shift. Even when they’d lived in the same house, he’d struggled to keep track of her schedule, and now she might as well be on another planet. He had to try.

    She picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”


    “Hey, there you are! I was starting to worry about you!”

    Very little fit on the small screen. Chris felt a little bad that he hadn’t waited to use a proper vidphone at one of the Indigo Village pokecenters, but he wasn’t sorry to have skipped the inevitable line. All the same, he could see that she wore her green scrubs. “Are you at work?”

    “It’s fine. Davinica will cover for me.” Behind her, he made out shelves of paper products and spray bottles. She’d ducked into a supply closet. “This is important.”

    “I don’t wanna take you away from patients if—”

    “Honey, it’s fine. I want to hear about you. Did you make it to Blackthorn? What about those storms around Cherrygrove? Catch anything new? I don’t know anything. I haven’t heard from you in weeks!”

    “I’m sorry.” Shame held him in cold, clammy hands. “Things have been nonstop. And I wanted to wait until I had good news.”

    “You know, confirmation that you’re alive and healthy is always good news.”

    He winced. She was smiling, but he could hear the edge to it.

    “Okay, then I’ve got good news. Guess where I’m calling from.” He tried to angle his screen to catch some of the buildings behind him.

    “Well tomorrow is August first and you don’t look upset, so ….”

    “Yeah. I’m in.”

    “Honey, that’s amazing. I knew you could do it.”

    “Yeah, barely.” The breath escaped him in a whoosh. “I made it at the absolute last minute.”

    “Barely still counts, honey. I’m so proud of you.” Onscreen, Mom chewed her lip, then said the words Chris knew were coming but dreaded all the same. “Your dad would be proud, too.”

    “I know.” His stomach twisted the way it always did when she talked about Dad, and he couldn’t help looking away. Forcing a smile, he pivoted. “Hey, I’m really sorry I made you worry. I’ll be better about calling.”

    “You’d think I’d get used to it.” She shook her head, then put on a smile of her own. “So? How are you feeling? Are you excited?”

    “Yeah, I’m excited …. And nervous. And tired.” Chris breathed out. “It hasn’t really hit me yet.”

    “Try to have fun—don’t overthink it.”

    He laughed humorlessly. “I’ll try.”

    This time, Mom’s smile was genuine, apologetic. “I think you get that from me.”

    Chris glanced at the nearby encampment, the tents lighting up one by one. “There are a lot of people here.”

    “In a few days, there won’t be as many.”

    “Yeah, probably including me.”

    “Oh, Chris, I wish you had half the faith I have in you.”

    He tried not to roll his eyes. “Thanks, Mom. I think it’s gonna take a little more than that though.”

    “I know, honey. You know what I mean. Hey, remind me when the second round starts?”

    “Not sure.” Chris's arm was beginning to tire from holding his Bitflex to his face. “We get the schedule tomorrow. Probably the tenth or so.”

    “I thought so!” A wicked smile crossed Mom’s face. “Listen, I was thinking we could fly out and see you. I have some time I can take off, just not until next week. I’ll have to ask around and see if I can get some of my shifts covered.”

    “Mom, you don’t have to do that.” Airlander, boat—either way, the tickets would be obscenely priced. “You don’t even like battles.”

    “Says who?”

    “I might not even make it to round two.”

    “So what?”

    “I don’t want you to come all the way out here for nothing.”

    “I’ll get to see you. That’s not nothing.”

    “Then I’ll help pay for the tickets.” Chris mentally tallied his funds.

    “Oh, stop.”

    On mom’s end of the call, a door opened and someone’s called her name. “Just a second!” To Chris, she added glumly, “Break’s over.”

    “You should still take a real break.”

    “I gotta go, but let’s talk soon.”

    He let out an exasperated sigh but smiled. It was a comforting how she never changed.

    “Call me. Doesn’t matter what time.”

    “Alright, I will.”

    “And don’t leave me hanging for weeks this time. I mean it.”

    “Okay, okay.”

    “I love you.”

    “Love you too, Mom.”

    She hung up and left Chris staring at a blank screen, stadium lights reflected on its surface.

    When he crossed back over the rope fence, Una had already pitched their tent and was beginning to pull out the cookware. Relief and gratitude washed over him. He didn’t feel ready to brave the cafeteria yet, all those overeager trainers and fans. They still had a few RediMeals apiece to eat through, and he was glad for the routine of settling into camp.

    He smiled and called out, “That was quick.”

    “I have had practice.”

    Something in her face made him pause. “You okay?”

    “I was thinking. That is all.” She smiled, but he wasn’t totally convinced.

    Before Chris could say more, he heard a familiar voice shout, “Chris flippin’ Nakano!”

    He swiveled his head like a startled pokemon until he saw the three young trainers waving and walking their way, and even then it took him a moment to register who he was seeing: Tara, Elias, and Grant, his old traveling companions.

    “We called you, like, six times!”

    “Oh. Hey! I didn’t know you guys would be here.”

    “You didn’t ask!” Tara, her arms sun-bronzed and piled with friendship bracelets.

    At her side, Elias sported a still-raw tattoo of a pidgeot on his arm. “It’s good to see you, man.”

    Chris let himself be hugged. “You too. Sorry I’ve been so bad about keeping in touch.”

    Grant trailed behind the other two, walking backward to snap a few photos before jogging to join the group. “Hey!” He looked over Chris and Una’s backpacks, camp gear strewn about. “You just get here?”

    “Yeah, almost didn’t make it. But I’m here.”

    Una rose up from her knees and eyed the trio warily.

    Tara pivoted towards her and put out a hand. “I’m Tara.”

    Una startled backward, and Tara made a face like she had hit her.

    Chris stepped in. “Una, these are some of my friends from home. Grant, Elias, Tara.” He motioned to each of them in turn. “Guys, this is Una.”

    He reached for a simple explanation for how they had come to travel together. Fumbled. “She …. We were going the same direction. So. Yeah.”

    Una made a half-bow. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

    Tara snerked and flicked her eyes to Elias. “Okay.”

    Elias said, “We were about to head to the canteen.”

    “Good people watching,” Grant agreed.


    Of course they would want to wedge themselves into the thick of things, collecting droplets of trainer gossip, riding the chatter and noise like a wave. Just the thought made him more tired.

    He turned to Una, eyes searching her face. “What do you think?”

    She smiled in a way that said she would go if he wanted to.

    He didn’t, but he felt his friends’ expectant, impatient eyes on him. It was the least he could do to make up for being so terrible at keeping in touch.

    “Alright …” He squeezed out. “Then let’s go. Just give us a second to grab our stuff.”

    Tara watched them gather the cookware. “Just leave it here. No one’s gonna mess with it.”

    “I’d rather have it with me, just in case.”

    She rolled her eyes. “Same old Chris.”

    He smiled in spite of himself. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be the one laughing when someone walks off with everything you own.”

    “They can have my trash. I wouldn’t mind having less to carry.”

    The paths were wide and smooth, almost disorienting after the inconstant mountain trails. Any direction he looked, groups of trainers shoved each other playfully, their pokemon pricking their ears, and children tugged their parents toward shop displays. Buntings hung between the streetlights, silver and gold for Johto, primary colors for Kanto.

    Chris could tell by the way his friends hardly glanced at the shops that the three of them had already been this way several times. “When did you guys get here?”

    Grant answered, “Thursday. It’s been cool watching people trickle in. Feels like the first week of school.”

    Una hung behind, twisting a curl around her finger, and took in the sights without comment. She put on a reassuring smile when she caught Chris looking her way.

    Tara sidled up next to him. “I’m hype to see how your team is shaping up! How’s Kosho?”

    “He’s good.”

    She smirked. “Maybe after dinner we can find out just how good, fight fire with fire. Azula’s never been better, you know.” Her ninetales.

    “I can’t.” Chris squinted at her. “We’ve gotta be fresh for the tournament.”

    Tara’s eyes went wide. “Wait, you’re actually doing it?”

    “You guys aren’t?” He glanced at Elias and Grant, and he saw Tara’s surprise and excitement mirrored in their faces.

    Tara snorted. “I don’t think we even have eight badges between the three of us.”

    Chris should have expected as much. Left to their own devices, the three of them would sleep in until ten or later. Once they were up and moving, they meandered towards anything that caught their interest—if something else didn’t distract them first. And they made so much noise at camp they scared away the wild pokemon. So he’d gone ahead by himself.

    Still, he was amazed how little it seemed to bother them to be so far behind when he’d been losing sleep worrying about dates and deadlines.

    “Wow, man. Congrats.” Elias thumped him on the shoulder. “You nervous?”

    Tara snorted. “Do you have to ask?”

    The Indigo Cafe reminded Chris of his high school cafeteria, only bigger and full of trainers. He’d seen plenty of other trainers in hostels and on the road, but he’d never seen so many in one place.

    The younger trainers stood out, dressed in bright colors and talking loudly in groups. Posturing. The more established trainers sat in stern silence or flashed a wily grin at young hopefuls gathered around them, but they each had the look of someone who had seen things and survived.

    Each trainer, no matter their age, eyed each other wolfishly—the air prickled with it. A girl with a scar through her lip and a missing incisor winked at their group as they passed. Chris felt naked in front of all those prying eyes.

    They joined the buffet line. Chris let Una learn what she was supposed to do by watching him, pausing only to point out to her the leaf decal that denoted a vegetarian dish.

    He hadn’t seen food like this in months: fried drumsticks and wings, potato salad, pasta salad, pizza, slabs of frosted white cake, onigiri, fried tofu skins, stuffed cabbage, magikarp cooked three ways, four kinds of soup …. He took too much food, but it was cheap. With the discount, both his and Una’s plates together came out to less than what he would’ve paid at any restaurant.

    Tara led the way to a table, pausing to wave to people she recognized. “So.” She turned to Una the instant their trays touched the table. “Where are you from?”

    “Ecruteak,” she said to her plate.

    “How funny. That’s not far from us at all. I love Ecruteak.”

    Una smiled uncertainly.

    “Have you guys been traveling together long?”

    It felt like a long time, but Chris supposed it hadn’t actually been much time at all. “A couple of weeks?” Already he had almost forgotten what it was like to travel alone. He was accustomed to Una now.

    Tara leaned forward, grinning. “Do you ever get more than five words at a time out of him?”

    “Of course.” Una frowned, glancing at Chris for guidance. “We talk a great deal.”

    “Ooh, watch out—he’s gotta be running low by now.”

    “Very funny,” he said.

    There was a momentary lull while Tara jammed in a bite of food. Then she started up again, “So, are you a trainer too?”

    Una darted a hand to her feather necklace. “No. Suki and I do not fight.”

    “Huh. Okay.”

    Chris watched their exchange uneasily until he noticed Grant pointing the camera at him. He paused with his fork in the air and reflexively tried to smile despite his full mouth.

    “It’s candid,” said Grant. “Ignore me.”

    Elias said, “Dude. Do you really need pictures of us eating?”

    “It’s family togetherness. You’ll thank me later.”

    “Just eat your dinner like a normal person, man.”

    Out of the corner of his eye, Chris saw Una stand up. “Excuse me,” she said, dipping her head. “I need to find a washroom.”

    When Una was out of earshot, Tara clicked her tongue and said, “She’s an odd one, isn’t she? Where did you find her?”

    Chris set down his fork. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

    “Yeah,” Elias cut in, elbowing her, “you’re one to talk.”

    Tara shoved him away. “I mean … the way she talks. It’s kinda weird, right?”

    “She’s just had different life experiences.”

    Tara shrugged. “She seems a little off to me is all.”

    “Leave her alone, alright?”

    Grant raised an eyebrow, and Elias burst out with a laugh. “The new Chris is not here for your garbage, Tara!”

    Chris tried to dial it back. “I’m just—”

    Tara held up her hands. “Just making conversation.”

    Elias changed the subject, and Chris let the moment slide past.

    The moment the trio was out of sight, Chris felt his neck and shoulders loosen. He let out a long breath. “Sorry about those guys,” he said to Una. “They can be … intense.”

    He’d told his friends he needed to train, and he did, so he released Slapdash from his pokeball and started rigging up targets around their campsite. Slaps fanned his wings and explored nearby, antenna twitching in furious excitement. Chris felt a twinge of guilt for making him wait so long between excursions.

    “They were quite friendly.”

    At the sound of Una’s voice, Slapdash turned away from investigating the campsite and bounded up to her. He raised a hand. When she backed away, nervousness showing on her face, he buzzed and shuffled closer.

    “Stop that, Slaps. She doesn’t want a high five.” Chris reached between them and high fived the heracross’s outstretched mitt.

    The heracross made a huffing noise that Chris knew to mean he was pleased, and then he slammed Chris's hand repeatedly until his arm was numb to the elbow.

    Shaking out his hand, Chris explained, “That’s how he says hi. Sorry.”

    Una giggled. “Then I should give the proper greeting.” She raised a tentative hand.

    Slapdash huffed and slammed her hand with high fives, alternating claws, and although Una winced, she didn’t pull away.

    “Hey, hey, hey, that’s plenty. You okay, Una? Anyway. What was I saying?”

    “Your friends.”

    “Right. Yeah, they’re nice … in small doses. Hanging out with them reminds me why I decided to travel alone.” He knelt to finish setting up the targets, nudging Slapdash out of the way.

    “I suppose you have not had much time to yourself since we met. Perhaps I should go and walk with Suki awhile.”

    He looked up. “If you want to. But I don’t mind you being here. You’re easy to talk to.” And she was comfortable with silences too. That was rare.

    “And you as well.” Una smiled. “But I do think I will take a walk. It is a pleasant evening, and I feel better when I am moving my feet.”

    Chris knew that feeling. “I’ll be here,” he said, gesturing toward his pokemon.

    Slapdash took the opportunity to smack Chris's palm, nearly knocking him off balance.

    Una laughed again, and Chris couldn’t help smiling in return, relieved she seemed to be in a better mood. He watched her go, turning reluctantly back to his pokemon.

    First he ran Slaps through footwork drills, then target practice. There wasn’t space for much else. Each time someone walked by, Slapdash paused to flare his wings and flex at them.

    “Yeah, yeah, we know you’re tough, big guy. Can you stop showing off and focus, please?”

    But Chris didn’t blame him. He was also distracted by the trainers and tourists, chattering as they passed. Both he and his pokemon had been more accustomed to the quiet of the woods for a long time now.

    “There’s a weight room, you know,” a passing trainer remarked, startling Chris. “Over by the stadiums. Anyone can use it.”

    That meant it would be crowded. “Good to know,” Chris said anyway.

    Slapdash turned, one arm cocked back for a high five.

    “No, Slaps.”

    Noting Chris's tone, Slapdash instead slipped into a fighting stance, wings out, listening for orders.

    “Sorry,” Chris said to the trainer. “He’s just overstimulated.”

    Chris expected the other trainer to leave then, but he didn’t. “It’s cool. Heracross, huh? You must be from Johto.”

    He looked vaguely familiar, maybe a competitor from previous years, but Chris couldn’t quite place him. Until the quarter-finals, all the trainers ran together.

    Either way, if he was a competitor, he wasn’t a friend.

    Chris said only, “Yup.”

    “Seems like there’s gonna be a lot of fighting-types in the preliminaries.”

    Chris made a non-committal noise. Was that supposed to be advice? If so, it wasn’t much use now: his team was locked in. He wondered how long the other trainer had been watching him and his pokemon. And whether anyone else had been watching them.

    Making a show of it, he turned away to dig through his bag for his jar of wax for the heracross’s shell.

    “Well … good luck.”

    “Uh huh. You too.”

    He had hardly started buffing out the scrapes on Slapdash’s shell when the sound of approaching footsteps prompted the heracross to flick out his wings. Chris jumped. Couldn’t people give them space to—

    But it was only Una.

    “Did I startle you?” She carried a handful of unfamiliar leaves and flowers. Of course, even here she’d manage to find plants to gather.

    “I thought you were …. Never mind. So how was—no, Slaps, you already got a high five.”

    After a final high five, he recalled Slapdash, then lowered himself cross-legged into the grass. “How was your walk?”

    “I saw several towers, almost like home,” Una reported. “But they were very plain.”

    “They’re hotels.”

    He ached at the thought of a private room, but he also knew those were the most expensive hotels in the entire region. The conference would last several weeks, and in the meantime he and Una still had to eat.

    “So many people,” said Una. “Few stars, however.”

    “Light pollution.” He missed the stars too.

    Chris's Bitflex vibrated, and he cursed in surprise. He so rarely received text messages, especially during the last few weeks in the mountains, he’d almost forgotten he could. Usually his messages poured in all at once when he arrived in town.

    “What is it?” Una asked.

    “Just Elias. I dunno why I’m so jumpy.” He shook his head. “There’s a party or something.” Judging by the music drifting towards them from the other side of the tent city, there were several.

    “Will you go?”

    “I dunno ….”

    “Ah. Are you still training tonight?”

    “No, not really ….”

    He couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, studied. The alternative was to pretend to read his book while running through strategies in his mind—useless while he was laying down. And sleep would not come easily tonight no matter what he did.

    “No one would begrudge you for celebrating now.”

    “Maybe. I guess it would be fine if I don’t stay too late …. You’ll come too, right?”

    “If you like.”

    When she smiled, he decided that, with Una, a party might not be so bad. She had no expectations, wouldn’t get bogged down in small talk.

    Though … he thought of Tara and sank into a frown. Weird, isn’t it? It was true: Una was different. Chris had held her temple robes and come face to face with a living legend, but who else would believe what the two of them had seen? They’d probably laugh.

    He had to protect her from that if he could.

    “There’s just one thing, Una. I don’t think you should tell people … you know. How you got here.”

    Wide-eyed, she said, “Are you referring to the border crossing?”

    “What? No.” He lowered his voice. “I mean … your version of Ecruteak, time travel—all that. People wouldn’t understand.”

    “Oh. I see.”

    Was she upset? He wasn’t sure.

    Chris waited a moment to see if she would say anything else. Then he offered, “Should we go check it out?”

    Party camps were easy to spot in the dark, marked by canopies of fairy lights or neon dance floors. Trainers and fans alike flowed from one space to another in a continuous chain of festivities that spanned much of the encampment, making it hard to tell where one party stopped and another started. Chris led them through, relying on Elias’s map pin.

    They finally spotted Elias and the others near a tree festooned with glow sticks. There was a campfire, and someone had stuck a battery-powered radio to a magneton; it did improve the volume but also added a persistent staticky hum.

    A small crowd gathered in a circle between the tents. As they approached, Chris caught wind of the conversation and groaned. “Bragging contest,” he said under his breath to Una. “It’s inevitable when you put too many trainers in one place.”

    He and Una listened for a while anyway. As long as Chris was content to be an audience member, no one made demands of him or expected him to talk.

    One trainer told a story about almost catching an albino rattata, which was met by jeers. After all, almost didn’t count. Another trainer claimed to have fought a Rocket in a Goldenrod alleyway, showing his scarred knuckles as proof. A couple kids too young to be trainers sat around the fire and listened, enraptured. Chris must’ve been that easy to impress when he was younger too.

    Off to one side, a pair of trainers sparred, clearly not pushing their pokemon hard. Nearby trainers watched hungrily. Chris resolved to keep his team close to his chest tonight.

    The magneton floated by, a-jangle with padlocks and keys that had been stuck to it. Probably not good for it to carry all that extra weight, Chris thought.

    He wondered if any of these trainers were actually in the tournament.

    Someone cut between Chris and Una and threw an arm over his shoulder. Grant. “Hey, man, I love you. I’ve missed you.”

    His breath smelled like alcohol, but guilt made Chris stay under his arm a little longer. “Yeah … you too.”

    Chris followed his friends’ conversation as best as he could, but he had trouble hearing them over the music and his own thoughts. He couldn’t stop puzzling through which of his team would be the best counter for all those fighting-types he’d supposedly be seeing in the preliminaries. Was choosing Kosho the predictable move as Hiro’s son? Had he made himself too easy to counter?

    He caught himself chewing the inside of his cheek and forced himself to stop. What was wrong with him? This was supposed to be fun.

    Someone brought out a beach ball. It bobbed above the crowd until someone hit it too hard and sent it flying over the edge of the plateau. Someone managed to pry the radio loose from the magneton and tuned it to a pop channel, the music softer now. Someone brought out a guitar and started singing along with the radio.

    Chris glanced around and realized he didn’t know where Una had gone.

    He found her leaning against the tree, listening politely as a girl showed off her badges. He and Una exchanged smiles across the grass, and he went to join her under the tree. They let the girl talk into the air until she realized she’d misplaced her phone and wandered off.

    “Are we having fun yet?” he asked.

    Una held up an aluminum can, frowning. “Someone gave this to me.”

    He checked the label before he opened it for her, then took a quick swig himself before passing it over. Why not? In the dark, no one would notice when his face went red and blotchy.

    She took a tentative drink and then laughed. “Oh, beer.” She laughed again. “It is not very good quality, is it?”

    “It’s the cheap kind,” he agreed, unable to resist smiling back at her. His smile faltered as he dropped his voice and wondered aloud, “Is a bride to the gods supposed to have beer?”

    “Of course. Why ever not?”

    “I dunno.” He shrugged. “There’s a lot I don’t know.”

    “A tower acolyte may drink beer on special occasions,” she said and took another drink. “And an exile may do as she pleases.”

    Was that how she thought of herself?

    Una was still smiling, though. She handed the can back to him and slipped through the crowd to the less crowded area where a few people danced and fireflies quivered over the grass. Her hair flew out in all directions as she spun in circles, head tipped back, eyes closed. She didn’t care at all how it looked or who saw.

    Chris found himself almost wishing she would look up and wave him over to join her, but he wasn’t much of a dancer anyway. He sipped at the beer since he was already holding it, even though it still wasn’t very good. When the can was empty, maybe he would feel brave enough to join in.

    But the call of his Bitflex was stronger. He finally set the nearly full can down somewhere he hoped it wouldn’t be kicked over. Settling cross-legged in the grass, he bent his head over the tiny screen, as if he could glean the future from pixels alone.
    Last edited:
    10: Armistice
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    10: Armistice

    Chris watched Una stack stones into a tower, but he didn’t help her this time. The only pokemon her offering was likely to attract here were rattata and spearow, which their fellow campers wouldn’t exactly celebrate. He’d seen a spearow swipe someone’s breakfast right off their lap earlier that morning.

    But he didn’t tell Una that. Let her do it if it made her happy.

    If he didn’t think about it attracting pests, he still liked watching the tower grow from scattered rocks to something with purpose. He wished it were that easy to organize his thoughts.

    Then they made their way towards the stadium with Zip leading the way, pausing to sniff every few feet; no one would be paying attention to him and his pokemon today.

    The campground buzzed with activity, but in a quieter way than the previous day. Trainers swung coffee thermoses over their shoulders and joked with each other in low voices. Sleepy-eyed children shuffled alongside parents herding them towards bathrooms or breakfast.

    At the sight of all the families, Chris felt a wash of homesickness. This was the first year since Dad that he wouldn’t be watching the opening ceremony with Mom, both of them in pajamas and eating breakfast burritos wrapped in foil. They cheered each time a trainer from Olivine came onscreen, even Jasmine.

    Kosho lay curled on the rug, too big for it now, snorting sparks each time they cheered.

    Mom had nudged Chris with her leg, saying, “Next year will be your year. Halfway there, right?”

    He allowed himself a smile, imagining her cheering for him from across the distance.

    “You are in high spirits this morning,” Una observed, smiling.

    He flashed her a grin. “This part is always fun. The League goes all out for this. A couple years ago Sweet Saffron opened for the conference ….” He trailed off, realizing too late she was probably the only person alive who wouldn’t recognize the most popular band on the Tohjo peninsula. “Anyway. You’re gonna like it.”

    Her smile was polite. “And what of your friends from home?”

    That elicited a frown. Ahead, Chris could already see the line of spectators waiting to enter the stadium. He wondered if it would even be possible to find five seats together in general admission.

    “Supposedly they’re on their way. I’ll text them again.”

    When Chris looked up, Una was watching with a furrowed brow. “How exactly does it work? Your …?” She pointed.

    Chris supplied, “Bitflex.”

    “Yes. Can you use it to speak to … anyone?”

    He heard the pause, but it was the look on her face that made him remember how withdrawn she had been after the call with his mom. Suddenly he felt guilty for his homesickness. After all, he would see Mom in little more than a week. But Una ….

    He spoke gently. “Well, they have to have a phone or a smartwatch. Or a computer. But then … yeah, pretty much.”

    Una only nodded.

    By then Chris and Una had arrived at the end of the line of fans, trainers, and pokemon pressed against the stanchions, all waiting for seats. The people in front of them were so loud—from Kanto, he guessed. Before long, Chris and Una were sandwiched between two large groups, the two of them silent amid the crush of voices.

    After another quick glance around for signs of his friends, Chris put on a smile for Una and said, too fast and too brightly, “Of course, all the technology in the world only means so much if the people on the other end of the line never look at their messages. So don’t be too impressed.” He held up his arm with the Bitflex. “We spend a lot of money on little pieces of plastic. Silly, when you think about it.”

    “Chris,” said Una, “I do not expect you to be able to fix every problem. You are not at fault.”

    Chastened, he lowered his hands to his pockets. But she smiled, so he smiled back and said, “Okay.”

    He and Una watched the crowd without speaking. Some groups wore matching t-shirts decorated with puff paint or more elaborate costumes. Some dressed to match their pokemon. Flags of regions and individual cities fluttered overhead. A trickle of fans with blue wristbands passed on one side of the stanchions, circumventing the line.

    League staff would begin letting spectators into the stadium any minute, and still no sign of Tara, Elias, or Grant.

    He watched Una watch a trio of girls on their phones, standing together without looking at each other. “Are they all sending messages to someone?”

    “Probably. Or … reading.” He didn’t have the heart to explain the specifics of social media and internet culture right then. Una, he suspected, would care about it as little as he did.

    Her expression was caught between a frown and amusement. “Why not speak to the person beside them?”

    He let out a single laugh. “Good question.”

    Thank all the gods for Una.

    As the line began to creep forward at last, Chris heard his name. He spotted Tara first—half of her face was painted in Johto silver and gold, metallic beads draped around her neck. Grant was behind her with the camera around his neck, as usual, looking unspeakably tired. And Elias—

    “Is your hat … a lighthouse?” A light flashed on and off inside of it.

    “Olivine pride, baby!”

    Zip was already up and bounding to greet them as the trio pushed in next to Chris and Una, ignoring the grumbling of the group behind them. “Thanks, man!”

    As the line shuffled forward, Elias grinned and said, “Just in time.”

    Tara leaned in. “Sorry to make you wait. I know it stresses you out.”

    “It’s okay.” And it was, once she’d acknowledged it. “You guys are ridiculous.” But Chris's smile came easily this time. It wouldn’t be right to watch the opening ceremony without a group. In that moment, he loved their ridiculousness.

    “You can borrow my hat if you’re jealous.”

    “I think it suits you better.”


    From off to one side came a flurry of girlish noises. “Oh my gosh, is that Bill?”

    Chris turned in time to see the back of a curly head of hair, the flash of a red wristband, and little else. Then gone. But the surrounding onlookers continued craning their necks and rising up on tiptoes trying to get another peek.

    Tara’s elbow found Chris's side. “Isn’t this exciting?” Silver and gold paint flecked her hair where it had touched her face.

    He didn’t care about some celebrity who didn’t even battle, but he smiled anyway. It was exciting to be here where so much was about to begin. They pressed forward into the stadium’s cool shadow, and Chris's heartbeat quickened.

    As the line inched forward, a new sound filtered through the animated chatter. A chant? Chris struggled to make it out, and then he saw them gathered under the trees facing the stadium entrance: protesters.

    There were less than twenty of them, a crowd of young women with pokemon winding between their legs. Nearby stood a league staffer flanked by a machamp and a hypno, who kept the protesters at a distance without seeming especially interested. The crowd largely ignored them too.

    But Chris couldn’t help sweeping his gaze across their handmade signs. Pokeballs pollute, and, Ethical trainers for apricorns.

    With a wobble in his stomach, he glanced at Una. She furrowed her brow, either not understanding or understanding too well.

    Chris's excitement dimmed, a little.

    “Wristbands, wristbands—let’s see those hands in the air,” a League staff member shouted.

    Grateful for the distraction, Chris nudged Una to show her arm and held up his competitor badge.

    Then they squeezed into the stadium’s air-conditioned belly. League staff waved them up a staircase. “Elevators are to the right. Sir, do you have a wrist band for the magmar?”

    Concrete floors. Ribbons on the stair rails. Guide lights pulsed at each landing, urging them upward.

    And then, finally, they broke into the sunlight again. Above, a slice of sky crackled with gold and red sparks—the light screens of pokemon in the control room, in case of inclement weather. Smells of popcorn, sun-heated plastic, and grass. Bleachers stretched to all sides, abuzz with families and trainers and fans waving flags. The air was alive with the sounds of the crowd.

    And below, the arena: a disc of flawless green that looked small enough to fit in his palm, but somehow took up so much space inside of Chris that it left him nearly breathless. Seams ran through the turf where he imagined the floor would open to reveal pools like in the Blackthorn gym. Rocks and sand around the edges. In the center, a stage.

    Dad and countless others had battled on the field, and he most likely would too.

    Tara charged ahead, and Chris was happy not to have to watch where they were headed, free to stare down into the pit of green. Una stared too, open-mouthed, but her eyes were on the crowd pouring into the bleachers from doorways all around the stadium rim.

    “Crazy, isn’t it?”

    She shook her head wonderingly. “Never have I seen so many people in one place.”

    They settled onto the bleachers beside a family whose lickitung wore a foam finger. Someone in the row behind them scolded Elias until he took off his tall hat. To his right, Tara swept her phone from side to side, recording video, for posterity. To his left, Una turned to listen to Grant narrate as he flickered through his camera’s library. Chris knew by the way Una tucked her hair behind her ears once and then a second time, even though her hair was already out of the way, that she was working at full speed to take in the information.

    Chris rubbed Zip’s ears and watched the telescreen, where the competing trainers and icons of their preliminary round pokemon cycled past. By lunchtime, he would know which teams he’d be facing. The rest was noise.

    At this point, there wasn’t much he could do but hope his team was ready. At breakfast, he’d assembled them for a talk, as always. But it felt different than it had before a gym battle, and they knew it too. Keyed up with nowhere in particular to direct it. Pocky was especially reactive to the energy in the air, firing his own anxiety back at him until he shoved her out of his head.

    Chris didn’t know what to tell them to prepare for this time. But they were still in it together with him, and that was the best he could ask for. Now he squeezed Zip against him until his hair stood on end, savoring the warmth and the slightly burnt smell of his fur.

    All at once, the stadium lights dimmed, even the sky brought to artificial darkness with the help of the stadium’s pokemon, and the telescreen went black. As the crowd quieted, Chris tensed in delight.

    Una whispered, “Now what?”

    “You’ll see.”

    “Ladies and gentlemen, Pokecola and Silph Co would like to welcome you to the 30th annual Indigo League Conference!”

    And then fireworks exploded up from the field, and the crowd broke out in cheers. Una jumped, but by the furious orange light, Chris could see her smile.

    As the first round of fireworks died, the telescreen kicked back on, showing the Indigo League logo. Over the stadium speakers came a blast of music. Then voices, one after another: This is my first year actually competing. We’ve competed every year since oh nine. I’m the first in my family to enter the Indigo Conference.

    Quickfire videos flashed on screen, a series of trainers with the five stadiums showing behind them. I just want to find out how far we can go, push our limits. I want to make my grandmother proud. I came to win this time.

    Jump cuts came faster and faster. I grew up outside of Goldenrod City. Vermillion City. Cheers and shouts punctuated each clip as spectators recognized their own hometowns. Pacifidlog. Motostoke. Made it here all the way from Melemele Island! Saffron. Violet.

    I’m from good ol’ Palette Town!

    At the sight of returning conference winner Gary Oak onscreen, screams rang out all over the stadium, carrying over the next few audio clips.

    The Indigo League theme music gradually drowned out the interviews, and the giant screens filled instead with a grid of trainer profile photos. Someone in a nearby seat whooped at the sight of a familiar face. As the music swelled, the grid shrank to fit more and more photos on the screen.

    Tara rattled Chris by the shoulder—“There’s our boy!” But he hadn’t seen it.

    Then the images were too small to pick out any individual faces, zooming out and out until the photo grid resolved itself into the Indigo League logo once again, this time made of a patchwork of flesh-colored squares. The music quieted to allow a single voice to ring out: It’s about being together.

    Applause shook the stadium as spotlights came back up on the field far below.

    Under the cover of darkness, taiko drums had been moved onto the field, including one the size of a car. The drummers rumbled a stormy preamble. Then the drumbeats shifted into a relentless, slow rhythm, like an external heartbeat Chris felt through this feet.

    In time with the beat, three figures minced onto the eastern half of the stage. Their movement down on the ground was difficult to see from their seats, but the telescreen caught the details: the flowing kimono in blue, then yellow, and red bringing up the rear, the fabric patterned with cloud and flame and snowflakes and dark zigzags. Each dancer wore a bird mask pinned to the side of her hair with long feathers swooping from the crown.

    Chris watched Una’s reaction from the corner of his eye. Was this anything like the way they had danced in Ecruteak five hundred years ago? She sat up ramrod straight, one hand over her feather necklace.

    At a sudden pause in the music, the dancers froze, masks tilted skyward and long sleeves dangling.

    Then—tok, tok, tok—each dancer snapped out a fan with colored silk trailing from the end. They spun and swirled their fans in formation as the music picked up speed. Something about the shadows and the graceful way the dancers dipped their heads made it easy to suspend disbelief and see them as birds. They half-sang and half-shrieked sharp notes that raised goosebumps along Chris's arms.

    At another break in the drumbeats, there came instead yipping and howling from offstage. The bird dancers knelt, arms airplaned out, as three new dancers prowled onto the western half of the stage.

    They wore loosely draped men’s pants—yellow, then red, and finally blue. Each wore headdresses, neither feline nor canine but all beast, with upper jaw and fangs resting along the forehead, veils of tulle and woolen fiber spraying out behind.

    Here Chris and Una exchanged a look. The costumes were beautiful but, unlike the birds, they were impossible to imagine as the real thing. The truth of the human under the mask was a distraction.

    The real Suicune had been nothing like that.

    “There’s Miki.” Chris leaned close and still had to shout to be heard over the music. “She always dances as Entei.”

    The beast dancers moved more erratically, all stomps and high kicks, and the drumbeats too picked up speed and ferocity, drummers lifting their arms high and cracking down. With a tik-a-tong, the three dancers whipped out ribbon wands and lashed the stage with pretend lightning, fire, and rain.

    Then, in a throbbing cacophony of drumbeats and howls and shrieks, the bird dancers rose to meet the beasts. Ribbons slashed against silk as the dancers chased each other across one side of the stage and then the other. Even though he knew it was a dance, Chris couldn’t help wondering with bated breath which side would win.

    Johto, his heart pleaded.

    Fabric whorled. Roman candles burst from the stage edges. The taiko drums reached an almost intolerable crescendo—

    All at once, the birds and the beasts spun apart and retreated to their respective sides of the stage in two neat lines: water facing water, fire facing fire, lightning facing lightning. As one, the dancers made a half turn and swept an arm towards the center of the stage where fog welled up from below.

    The drums gave way to a synth-pop hook. “No matter where I roam, however far from home…

    The stadium roared in recognition of the familiar melody. From below the stage rose Riri Smalls, Kantoan chart-topper and celebrated contest coordinator, wearing some kind of crystalline jumpsuit.

    Chris sat back again; he hadn’t realized he’d been sitting on the edge of his seat. He was suddenly more aware of the crowd than the performance below. To his right, Tara waved her cellphone light overhead and sang along, her voice lost among the others. A quick glance around showed a thousand little lights all over the stands.

    “We’re climbing higher and higher—together!” Riri’s backup dancers surged the stage. In a wave of red, the Ecruteak dancers each released a pokemon: two vaporeons, two flareons, and two jolteons. The dancers swayed to the pop track’s rhythms, each of their pokemon dipping their heads and raising one paw on beat.

    Chris caught Una’s eyes, and her grin lit up his insides. She leaned over and said something, but it was lost to the surging music.

    “What?” he shouted back.

    She tried again, her breath warm on his ear, but it was no use. Chris shook his head and shrugged, and instead they exchanged helpless smiles.

    The taiko drummers drove the beat on. The bird dancers swung their sleeves, the beast dancers leapt, and Riri sang and posed and glittered. Her famous pidgeotto, Bigs, circled above her head, a light-up baton in its beak. As Riri slammed out the final notes—“Until the battle is won!”—a final barrage of fireworks scattered into the air.

    All around, spectators leapt to their feet in uproarious applause as Riri and the dancers waved and bowed. Chris stood half a moment too late, Zip wriggling in his arms.

    Then Riri and the dancers scurried off the stage again, Bigs the pigeotto swooping overhead, as the announcer boomed, “We now present the Indigo League gym leaders!”


    The gym leaders walked onto the stage in two solemn lines, one from the eastern side and one from the west, and then stopped to face each other. They wore formal attire in rainbow colors, ranging from kimonos and saris to tuxedos and sleek gowns. As the crowd applauded, the camera turned its loving eye to each gym leader and their accompanying pokemon in turn. People watching at home would be hearing commentary on who designed each leader’s dress and so on, information Chris wasn’t sorry to be missing out on.

    Chris could feel Una looking at him, so he pointed out Jasmine for her. She wore a silver dress with glittering black detail that reminded him of her steelix’s armor. He imagined his dad standing on that stage in her place and his heart squeezed like a fist, like he could protect the image by holding it tight.

    Unsure whether she cared or if she could even hear him, Chris continued naming the gym leaders for Una. When he came to Sabrina of Saffron City, he paused. The thought came on sudden and electrifying: if anyone among the thousands of people here would know anything useful about pokemon and teleportation—maybe even time travel—it would be her.

    He had no idea how he could possibly get an audience with her. The gym leaders would be staying somewhere quiet with limited public access, and for good reason. Still, he filed the thought away for later.

    To his surprise, he counted only fifteen gym leaders. Notably missing was the Viridian gym leader, still. Surely they should’ve replaced him by now.

    Chris supposed the League wanted to choose its next appointee more carefully after the international scandal Giovanni had caused. This year’s Kantoan trainers must have had to cross into Johto for their eighth badges. The thought was oddly satisfying. After all, Chris had been forced to cross a border for the conference too.

    There wasn’t long to ponder the absence. “And now presenting the elite trainers of the Indigo League!” With a cymbal crash, the eight trainers walked down the center of the stage, once again in two lines.

    On the Kanto side: Bruno the brute, dressed with unusual modesty for the formal occasion. Agatha the crone, hobbling but lifting her head high. Lorelei the ice queen, wearing a hairpiece of what looked like ice but was probably only glass. Koga, Kanto’s last true ninja, with a ceremonial sword on his back.

    On the Johto side: Will the magician in his usual doublet, ruffled collar, and eye mask. Clio, formerly of Ecruteak’s Thousand-Year City dance group, mother of the famous programmer Bill, wearing an elaborate autumnal kimono. Karen, mistress of the night, with tall black boots and a leather corset over her dress. Walker, the Violet City Kingfisher, dressed in an almost exact copy of the kimono worn by his son, Falkner.

    Not so long ago, they had been called the Elite Four, and almost all of them had been Kantoan. Everyone knew they were figureheads, responsible for making appearances at League events, battling, and little else. But they had been chosen, and the favoritism had still stung. It was nice to see progress.


    “And finally, ladies and gentlemen … the reigning Indigo League champion of champions, Lance the dragon master!”

    He swooped into the arena from above, his dragonite a yellow blur with the darker gold of a cape streaming behind. The stadium shook with applause, and this time Chris didn’t hesitate to shift Zip onto the bench and jump to his feet.

    The flight had to be choreographed because the spotlight easily followed the dragonite as it barrel-rolled and then began a lap around the stadium. As they passed, Lance leaned and stretched out one hand to high five audience members—not close enough for Chris to reach, but close enough to watch the ripple of hands straining towards the champion, to see the dragonite’s individual scales.

    This was the leanest and speediest of Lance’s four dragonites, Chris guessed, the one that was best at evading hits until the opponent was tired out and then striking from above again and again. The others were a blunt-faced brawler, a long-range attacker that specialized in fire and lightning, and one that specialized in water and tricky barriers. Chris was decent at telling them apart after hours of rewatching tournament footage … but he was never completely sure which was on the field until it launched its attack.

    The telescreen caught Lance’s grin as he drew away from the spectators, leaning into another corkscrew turn, and Chris felt a pang of envy. Lance made it look effortless.

    Thorn was large and powerful enough to carry Chris, he knew, but he hadn’t yet mustered the guts to chance it. She followed commands well in a battle, but he wouldn’t know for sure how she’d react to him climbing onto her back until he tried it. Getting dumped into the water by his lapras was one thing, but …. He imagined the sound of hitting the ground from a great height and winced. And besides, the special heavy-duty gloves and pants would be so much extra weight and bulk to carry just for the luxury of a free ride on a bird made of knives.

    He reminded himself what Dad would say about it: battles were won with skill, not sparkle.

    The dragonite landed neatly in the center of the stage. After a moment of fussing with the harness, Lance hopped down and, to great applause, took a bow. With his wind-tousled hair dyed maraschino red, the diva mic hooked over his ear, and the light glinting off his cape with each movement—Lance looked every bit as much like the lead singer of a band as Riri Smalls.

    Then he raised his arms like a ringleader and boomed out, “Trainers! Fans! Viewers at home! What a pleasure to have all of you watching today! There are as many reasons to journey to the Indigo Plateau as there are people in this stadium. Whatever your reasons, thank you for joining us and welcome.”

    He waited for the applause to die back down, smiling benevolently.

    “The journey to the Indigo Plateau is not an easy one,” he continued. “Some of you may have traveled only a few miles from home, and others have crossed an ocean. Some of you didn’t make it here on your first attempt—but you kept trying. Some of you made great sacrifices to be here. And some of us are here today on behalf of someone who couldn’t be or for someone who is no longer with us.”

    It was astonishing, the stillness that was possible in that stadium.

    “The Indigo League would like to honor all of those who join us in spirit. Please join me in a moment of silence for all the trainers, pokemon, friends, and family who could not be here with us today.”

    Lance closed his eyes and lowered his head. Complete quiet fell over the crowd. Chris bowed his head but couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes. He didn’t want to be that alone with himself.

    Dad, I ….

    But even in his own head, he couldn’t complete the thought. He had nothing else to promise or ask for, and he didn’t believe his dad had gone to a place where he could hear promises.

    Touching Kosho’s pokeball, Chris thought instead of Una’s words. Have you not heard it said that the dead return to us in new forms? To guide us, to protect us? It is what I choose to believe.

    Kosho couldn’t be his dad, of course: they’d been alive at the same time. But he’d been a gift from Dad, progeny of the pokemon that had won him so many battles, and he was still at Chris’s side now. So Una was still sort of right, in a way.

    He stole a glance at her. Hair falling partway across her face as she bent her head, golden feather tight in her grasp, she mouthed the words that had become familiar to him now: North, south, east, west ….

    Chris wished that he had something like that to believe in.

    Abruptly, she looked up. Something in his face must’ve given him away because she reached over and squeezed his arm. No words needed.

    He laid his hand on top of hers and finally did close his eyes for a moment. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

    Gently, she pulled away.

    The artificial darkness began to lift. Chris had almost forgotten it was still morning. Light spread out from the center of the stage and rolled across the audience row by row.

    On stage, Lance raised his head, cape shimmering. “The Indigo Conference is more than a competition. It’s a time to honor the history of pokemon and humans working together and to demonstrate the powerful bonds that connect all life.” Chris felt goosebumps on his arms at those words, even though he’d heard them countless times before. “In the pursuit of excellence and mutual respect, let us continue ever onward and upward—as individuals, as teams, as nations, and as global citizens!”

    When the cheers subsided, Lance continued, “This conference would not be possible without the passion and generosity of our thousands of volunteers—thank you all. And, of course, there could be no tournament without the more than two-hundred-and-fifty hard-working trainers who registered this year, and their pokemon—let’s give them another round of applause!

    “And now ….” The crowd stirred, knowing what was coming. “What better way to celebrate life and partnership than a battle? Throughout the past year, the venerated trainers on this stage have tested the next generation of up and coming battlers. Now it’s time to see what they’re really made of.”

    Once again the crowd burst into applause as Lance cast off his cape with one graceful motion. Gesturing grandly, he called out to the gathered gym leaders and elites, “You are among the best and brightest of the Indigo League. But which of you has what it takes to challenge me?”

    Chris watched eagerly, even knowing the exchange was scripted. Straws were drawn at the end of each winter conference, when only the gym leaders, elites, and the top ten from the summer conference would compete.

    What a crappy prize to fight through every other battle and still have to fight in another tournament. And against Lance.

    The champion of the Indigo League turned to the east and, perfectly on cue, Sabrina and her Alakazam stepped forward. “Gax and I will.” Sabrina was elegant with her dark, sleek hair and a cocktail dress. Chris imagined it would be hard to move in that outfit — but then again, she didn’t have to, not during this event.

    The crowd burbled with scattered groans and cheers. Bets had been placed not only on whether Kanto or Johto would win but on which gym leaders would be chosen.

    Clair and her haxorus stepped up before Lance had even finished turning to face her side of the stage. “Isis and I have been training all year for this, cousin.” She wore a navy suit and collar pins of pearl and dragon teeth.

    “Oh man,” said Tara. “I bet a lot of Johto trainers are rooting for the other team today. I heard she’s awful.”

    Clair hadn’t been so bad. She was just doing what it took, wasn’t she?

    With a charming smile of feigned surprise, Lance ran a hand through his hair. “Then I guess we’ll have to find out which of you can rise to the challenge! The first match of the 30th Indigo Conference will be between Sabrina Rider-Waite of Saffron City and Clair Ibuki of Blackthorn City!”

    Sabrina and Clair met in the center of the stage to shake hands. As the crowd roared in approval, the trainers on the stage scattered, leaving Sabrina and Clair to turn and stride towards opposite ends of the field. Lance climbed aboard his dragonite again and took to the air. The remaining gym leaders and elites split off and disappeared into the stadium’s inner rooms just as a group of machokes and helmeted workers rushed out past them to dismantle the stage; by the time Clair and Sabrina spun to face each other once more, the field in between was clear.

    Now the telescreen display was split in two, one half cutting between Sabrina and her pokemon, the other half for Clair. If Chris squinted he could just make out the rotom drones zipping up and down the field, weaving around the League referees.

    The haxorus puffed itself up and gave its head a few experimental swings from side to side.

    Across the way, the alakazam floated cross-legged a few inches off the ground and raised one eyebrow.

    Interesting match-up. Chris wasn’t terribly familiar with either pokemon, the haxorus line too hard to come by in Tohjo and the alakazam line too … strange. Too unstable. He’d heard more than one story of trainers who had gone insane from letting their kadabra or alakazam too far into their fragile human minds.

    For her part, Sabrina looked equally as stoic as her pokemon. He had never seen her fight in person, but he remembered Clair’s battling style clearly. If she tried to bulldoze that alakazam the way she’d done in his battle, she’d only tire out her pokemon. Then again, Clair probably wouldn’t underestimate Sabrina the way she had him—

    “Oh.” Una’s voice was quiet. “Chris ….” If he hadn’t known her voice so well by then, he wouldn’t have noticed the quiver in it.

    Chris tore his gaze away from the screen.

    Una clutched her feather necklace again and sat rigidly, as if she’d been electrocuted. Her face was pale. “You did not mention—”

    Oh no.

    “Una, I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about it.”

    Lance’s voice rang out, “Let the battle begin!”

    Clair and Sabrina shouted their orders, but the words were lost to the roar of the crowd.

    Una dug her fingers into Chris's arm.

    “You don’t have to stay.”

    The crowd quieted to listen for the gym leaders’ next commands. When the haxorus’s battle roar rang out, Chris had to force himself not to turn to see what was happening. Instead he scanned for the nearest exit. Rows and rows of people in between. “I’ll walk you out, alright?”

    She nodded wordlessly.

    Recalling Zip, Chris stood and pulled Una up with him, reminded forcefully of leading her to the bus stop in Ecruteak. He snatched a glance at the screen— the alakazam vanished and, in a blink, reappeared behind the haxorus—

    “Seriously? Out of the way!” shouted someone in the row behind them, adding a flourish of creative curses.

    “Sorry! We’re going! Una—that way. Towards Elias.”

    “Yo, where’s the fire?”

    “You’re leaving now?”

    “I’ll be right back!”

    Head ducked as if it would help, chanting apologies, he squeezed clumsily past his friends and then a line of strangers.

    In the arena below, a blow connected with a nasty crack. The crowd exploded with cheers and sounds of disapproval. Una flinched.

    Up the stairs to the emergency exit, and then they were behind the inner wall, near the bathrooms and the elevators.

    “—looks like that haxorus is faster than Sabrina gave it credit for!” An LED screen was mounted on the wall. Spectators returning from the concession stand paused to watch, oblivious to Chris and Una.

    She was shivering.

    “We’ll go outside.” Chris tried to lead her out of earshot of the battle commentary with a hand on her shoulder.

    Una yanked away from his touch. “Thank you. I can manage on my own from here. I will … take a walk.” She spoke to the floor. “You should return to your friends.”

    But she didn’t protest when Chris went alongside her down the eerily empty stairs.

    As they walked, he couldn’t stop himself from rambling. “I should’ve warned you. I’m so sorry.”

    She whipped around the corners, leaving him to trail breathlessly after.

    He pressed on, “I was so excited for you to see the performances, I wasn’t thinking about the battles, stupid as that is. Completely my fault.”

    By then, they had come to the shaded area outside the stadium where the anti-pokeball protesters had been before. No sign of them now.

    “I didn’t mean to upset you,” Chris pleaded. And then finally he didn’t know what else to say, so he put his hands in his pockets and watched Una’s face for signs of hope.

    She stood at a distance with her arms wrapped around herself and was quiet for a long time. Finally she said, “I wonder if you even recognize all of this for what it is. I ought to have realized sooner.”

    Chris waited. He didn’t trust himself to speak.

    “The war between Kanto and Johto never ended, after all this time. All that has changed is that now you fight for entertainment.” There was a roughness in her voice that he’d never heard before—it was anger making her tremble like that. Her face contorted with disgust. “But it is the same war, spilling the spirits’ holy blood. All of those people …. That is somehow the worst of it. Before I had not grasped the scale ….”

    The crowd roared, distant but ever-present.

    Frustration bubbled up and up from Chris’s toes to his throat, threatening to overflow. She had wanted to come. He’d tried to warn her she might not like it, and she had pleaded and negotiated to join him anyway.

    What else did she want him to do?

    “I guess you must think… I don’t want you to think I’m a bad person. But I… Well, I’m sorry.” He tried to push the anger down, but couldn’t keep his words from coming out strained. “I guess that’s all I can say.”

    “You have a kind heart, Chris, but...” She shook her head. “I cannot blame you for trying to honor your father’s memory, but I cannot help wishing you could choose a better path.”

    He’d been naive to think he and Una had laid this problem to rest simply because they had stopped talking about it. Clearly, none of it was resolved.

    Chris tried to take a deep breath, but his chest felt too full of hot static. “It’s not— I just— I wish I could make you understand.”

    He reached for the right words but couldn’t think of anything he hadn’t said already. Or that wouldn’t make things worse.

    All the same, he spluttered, “Look at Lance. Do you really think you could make a dragonite do something it didn’t want to?”

    Una bit her lip. “I suppose not.”

    “And he has four of them. It’s not an accident. You might not believe this, but pokemon actually live longer when they’re with a trainer—sometimes decades longer than they would in the wild.”

    The pokeball cryostasis was part of it, admittedly, but he’d read that the numbers were similar even for pets, working pokemon, and others that spent very little time inside a pokeball.

    “I am sure that is true.”

    Neither spoke or looked at each other for a long stretch. Only the distant cheers cut through their silence.

    Being angry at Una felt wrong.

    Chris sighed and began, “Well, there won’t be lines for anything right now ….” Everyone was in the stadium except for them. He had already resigned himself to watching the match between Clair and Sabrina later on his Bitflex. “We could ….”

    But he trailed off. Chris hadn’t expected Una to want to watch the battles, but until now he hadn’t given much thought to how she would spend her time during the conference.

    There was a movie theater and mini-golf, and he was pretty sure there was a bowling alley. Too much to explain. Arcade games? No. And she probably wouldn’t want to go souvenir shopping. Anything he could think to suggest sounded ridiculous.

    At last he offered weakly, “You’re not hungry, are you?”

    Una shook her head. Not surprising—they’d just eaten.

    “Yeah. Me neither.”

    She spoke up suddenly. “Do you think it would be possible to descend the plateau the way we came up?”

    “I think the cable car runs for most of the day. I don’t know how late, but—” He reached for the conference brochure he’d shoved into his pocket, but Una had already turned away.

    “Then I will see you this evening at camp,” she said.

    Chris opened his mouth to protest … and shut it again. Fine. Let her go. “See you.”

    Frowning, he watched her walk away and then, out of habit, checked his Bitflex.

    He had one alert from the Trainer Network News, already: Kickoff Match Hints at Good Fortune for Johto Competitors, but Clair Fails to Best Champion. The battles had gone quicker than he’d thought.

    Two messages from Tara. I can’t believe you missed that! And, They’re drafting the pools! Want me to tell you which one you end up in? The liberal application of emoticons was meant to show she was kidding, but he could also hear the too-earnest edge to it. She didn’t like being left out of the loop.

    Well, he didn’t want to try to explain to her what happened with Una, nor did he want to spend an hour watching Lance and the elites draw numbered pokeballs from a bingo roller.

    Instead, he looked down at the conference brochure because it was already in his hands. One line in the schedule jumped out at him, something he’d ignored before: Gym Leader Autograph Signing, eleven to one, North Arena. It was the sort of thing he’d normally avoid … but Sabrina would be there.

    He checked his Bitflex again. If he went now, he’d still be early. He might be the first person in line. In and out.

    The North Arena was almost comically small compared to the stadium he’d just left, but it was still larger than any gym he’d visited. The terrain was all grass, still unmarked by the battles to come—the prettiest arena for taking photos with gym leaders. A velvet rope stretched between the tables where the gym leaders would sit and the dozens of fans already waiting in line. Half of the people here must’ve skipped the main stadium entirely to be sure of getting an autograph.

    Chris's heart sank. But—he glanced at his Bitflex again—there was nowhere else he needed to be until the battle schedule was announced. It didn’t matter whether he was at camp or waiting in line when he watched the match he’d missed. And he’d promised Una he’d help her get home if he could.

    Then the gym leaders walked out to applause—Sabrina and Clair among them, both sour-faced—and took their seats.

    He made up his mind. This might be his only chance to try to talk to Sabrina. So the line slowly shifted forward and he watched the battle on his Bitflex without the sound on, a welcome distraction from worrying about Una or his upcoming matches.

    Clair had been more tricksy than he’d expected. She’d let her haxorus appear sloppy and hasty to lure Sabrina’s alakazam into what had looked like a blind spot but turned out to be exactly where Clair wanted it. One swing of the haxorus’s tail and the alakazam was on the ground, stunned, and unable to fight off the slashing jaw blades. The alakazam’s power was obvious from the way the cameras went fuzzy when they strayed too close, but it wasn’t prepared for such a blow.

    Lance wasn’t so easily manipulated. Clair had first tried to hide her dragonite behind a smokescreen, belching bursts of green fire. Lance responded by walling his behind a shimmering barrier that bounced Clair’s fire back, then lashed out with lightning from a safe distance.

    Not the speedy dragonite after all. The slippery one?

    She was forced to send her pokemon to grapple with Lance’s larger dragonite in close quarters. The two dragons wrestled above the crowd briefly and then crash-landed, a tangle of swinging tails and claws. On the ground, the difference in size between the two Pokémon became more obvious. It was his brawler after all. His dragonite swiftly bludgeoned hers into submission with its heavy tail.

    Lance had let Clair trick herself by playing with her expectations. Chris would try to remember that … though he had no idea how to relate it to his own team.

    The line to meet Sabrina still stretched on, so after the battle videos were done, Chris swiped through Trainer Network posts predicting which trainers would do well in the conference. He quickly lost his appetite for it.

    Then there was nothing to do but replay the conversation with Una in his head.

    Finally, Sabrina finished signing a purple jersey, a new Galar-inspired trend that had taken root even though none of the Tohjo gym leaders wore jerseys. When she waved Chris forward, he wondered for an instant if she would recognize him.

    “Hi. Thanks for coming out,” she said. Autopilot.

    He couldn’t decide if he was disappointed or relieved.

    “Good battle earlier,” he said to be polite.

    “Thanks,” she answered flatly. Her hand was poised over a stack of photos. “Did you want one of these, or did you bring something else for me to sign?”

    “Um. I actually had a question. If that’s alright.”

    She shot him a bored look, eyes shadowed by her bangs.

    Chris pushed ahead. “I was wondering … is there a limit to how big a distance a pokemon can teleport?”

    “That depends on a lot of factors.” She counted off on her fingers. “Mental strength. Age. How many others the pokemon is taking with it. The presence of other psychic-types—or dark-types. Familiarity with the destination.”

    “Could someone— Have you ever heard of a pokemon that could, uh, teleport to another time?” She squinted, and he felt his face go red. “I guess that sounds ….”

    “I don’t think there’s anything you could catch that would be capable of time travel.”

    Chris wasn’t sure if he was imagining her emphasis: anything you could catch. “Not even if, uh, you had … I dunno, a whole bunch of them?”

    “No. That’s a good way to fry your brain and end up in a wheelchair—or worse. Don’t try it.” She slid a photo from the stack and raised her pen. “So who should I make this out to?”

    His shoulders sagged. “Oh, I … It’s okay. Thank you.”

    “Alright then. Next. Yes, you.”

    He was meant to continue down the line collecting signatures from the other gym leaders, but instead he backed away empty-handed and made for the exit. As he passed, he gazed up into the vacant stands and then the blank telescreen hanging from the ceiling. Both waiting to be filled.

    Chris knew what Dad would say: fight like hell for the things in his control, and find a way to deal with the rest. He only hoped Una could learn to do the same.
    Last edited:
    11: Fluke
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    11: Fluke

    Chris and Kosho's first real battle together had been when Chris was eleven, Kosho still a cyndaquil. They'd faced off against a wild pidgey, but their real opponent had been Hiro Nakano.

    "Come on. Don't let it get away," Dad scolded.

    "Right. Kosho, ah ...."

    Kosho cast an expectant look over his shoulder at Chris—and turned back towards the pidgey in time to receive a faceful of sand.

    While Kosho pawed at his eyes, the pidgey hopped forward to peck his ear. Kosho threw himself blindly after it, but the pidgey had already flapped out of the way. With a huff, the cyndaquil swept his flames in a wide circle. Spread over that distance, they hardly amounted to more than a handful of sparks.

    "Don't just watch—help him out."

    "Uh, Kosho, on your left! I mean right!"

    But Kosho was already diving left. He hit empty air and stumbled.

    Chris winced. He had never fumbled commands like that when they were tackling targets in the back yard, but it was hard to focus with Dad's gaze drilling into his back.

    Spotting its opportunity, the pidgey darted forward and rapped Kosho on the other ear. Then the little bird kicked off from the ground. Sand scattered in its wake as it flew away, leaving Chris and Kosho both wiping at their eyes.

    Chris scooped the cyndaquil up. "You okay, little guy?"

    "He's all right. Pokemon are tough." Dad gave him a moment to cuddle Kosho before he added, "That could've gone better, huh?"

    "Yeah. Sorry."

    "Don't be sorry," Dad said, thumping Chris on the back. He smiled but his voice was firm. "You'll do it right next time. Ready?"

    In the tree-shaded campground of Indigo Plateau, Kosho the typhlosion paused eating long enough to glare at a pidgey perched on the branch above. That was all the time Zip needed to duck under Kosho's leg and steal a few quick bites from his bowl.

    Chris shook his head—the jolteon still had plenty of kibble left in his own dish.

    Before Chris could say anything, Kosho harumphed and let out a threatening puff of smoke. Without breaking stride, Zip returned to his own bowl, a satisfied look in his dark eyes.

    Chris sat in the grass nearby with an apple, alternating between checking his Bitflex for updates and keeping an eye on Zip. It never hurt to be extra cautious during mealtimes.

    Mojimoji in particular could be food-aggressive. Thorn too—but she was still at the pokecenter. If any one of them became upset, Pocky might bolt, and then Slaps would launch himself into the mix just for the joy of trading blows ....

    But for now, all was peaceful. Actually, Chris hadn't had a meal this uneventful since Una joined him. Even when neither of them spoke, there was always the possibility of conversation. But he hadn’t seen her since their argument that morning.

    "Nice to see you all getting along at least," he said to his team.

    Sensing his melancholy, Pocky sent him a psychic nudge, the sensation of her nosing his hand—while in reality she stood several feet away, still grazing.

    He flashed her a smile. "It's okay."

    Slaps sat next to him, tearing a berry into sections and then dropping each between his mandibles. Watching the repetitive motions comforted Chris. When Slaps held out a clawed mitt for another fruit, he obliged.

    As he raised his arm to take another bite of his apple, he noticed his Bitflex was glowing. His heart rate kicked into high gear. The battle rosters. They'd been released.

    Apple forgotten on the grass, he scrolled until he found his name—scheduled at the West Arena in three hours.

    Already? Was it lucky to be among the first battles of the conference, or terribly unlucky? Lucky, he decided. Right now, he craved a problem with a resolution, and that was a battle. After all, he'd officially spent more than two years training for this—and most of his life before that training unofficially. He knew how to handle this.

    Chris swiped until he found the three animated icons of his opponent's team: slowbro, lanturn, and quagsire. His stomach twisted.

    He hadn't given it much thought—hadn't allowed himself to—but of course other trainers had signed up for the conference hoping to impress a gym leader. At least he wasn't competing for the same niche. Clearly, his opponent was aiming for a spot at the Cerulean gym.

    But others must have their eye on Olivine.

    He should've taken more care to keep his skarmory from getting injured in Blackthorn so he could've featured her in his team this round. If he'd tried harder for the scyther at the national park, he could have a scizor by now, too. Something that showed he belonged in her Olivine.

    Doesn't matter now.

    He did the math. Kosho was out—no path to a win there. Zip could take the slowbro, but he'd have trouble with the other two. He'd only face one of them, but the odds were not in the jolteon's favor. So it would have to be—

    Before Chris had finished the thought, his thumb slipped and sent him back to his opponent's main page. He started to flip back but paused. Grayson Douglass. The name meant nothing to him, but he recognized the trainer's face: they'd spoken the night before.

    Seems like there's gonna be a lot of fighting-types in the preliminaries, he'd said.

    And a slowbro was perfect for clearing early-round fighting-types. Had it been a taunt? No—how could it have been? There was no way to predict they'd be paired against each other.

    Maybe Grayson Douglass would consider using his slowbro too obvious after making a comment like that. He had to know that Chris was expecting it now. But Douglass had already seen Chris's heracross in action. How long was he watching us? Chris wondered again.

    Belatedly, it occurred to him: did Douglass even remember that brief conversation?

    Worst case scenario, he reminded himself with a deep breath, one loss wouldn't necessarily cost him the conference. The preliminaries were round-robins—each trainer would battle against the five or six others in their pool and would receive a score based on their record. He only had to place second in the pool to move forward.

    But he wanted to start things right.

    With a sigh, Chris turned to the Trainer Network to see whether Douglass had uploaded any videos of his previous battles.

    "Let's see ... Nakano. Yup, I have you for the three-thirty slot. You can go in on that side." The League staffer pointed him towards one of two locker rooms. Grayson Douglass was probably already waiting on the other side. "They'll call you up when it's time."

    "Thank you."

    "Good luck."

    Inside, one trainer was already seated on the bench, watching the wall-mounted screen. He looked at least as nervous as Chris felt. Another trainer watched her electabuzz work a punching bag. No one spoke.

    Chris had arrived early because the League email had recommended it. Especially in the preliminaries, when varying levels of trainer skill all but guaranteed mismatches, a battle might run shorter than expected. Or, rarer but not impossible, a trainer might oversleep and miss their match. Either way, it didn't hurt to be ready in case the schedule shifted forward.

    No sooner than Chris had taken a seat on the bench, a trainer strode in from the field, grinning as all eyes fell on her. When she reached the lockers, she drank greedily from her water bottle, the chugging sound loud in the cramped space.

    Moments later, a woman in League polo entered and called out, "Kevin Park?"

    The nervous trainer on the other end of the bench gulped and stood. The rest of them watched as he followed the woman into the long hallway.

    The TV monitor showed a slow-motion replay of the last battle, and the trainer by the lockers lingered to watch herself onscreen. Two color commentators spoke over the video—Chris recognized them as Sylvie Oro and Ricky Crystal, voices of his childhood.

    "And you can see that marowak beginning to slip on the wet grass—there. And Franklin sees it too, because that's when she orders the low kick."

    "That's absolutely right—the timing is make or break. And then here's a beautiful seismic toss from Franklin's hitmontop to bring it home. She'll be one to watch throughout this round."

    Then they fell silent for the announcement of the next battle. Onscreen, the nervous trainer shook hands with his opponent in real-time—first a close-up shot, then a jump to a wide shot.

    A pool took up much of this arena, channels webbing out from it and slicing the field into tiny green islands. Douglass couldn't have asked for a better setup.

    Another trainer entered the locker room and took a seat. The nervous one returned, head hanging, and the electabuzz girl went out.

    Rubbing a thumb over Slapdash’s pokeball, Chris waited, watched the pokemon onscreen bat each other around, and waited some more.

    Finally, he heard his name. As he rose from the bench, he felt the other trainers turn to look at him. He fixed his eyes straight ahead and followed the League staffer out.

    They stopped when they came to a door. "When you go out, you can give the crowd a little wave, but keep it moving, alright?" she said. "Then you'll walk to the center and shake. When the ref says to take your places, you'll be on the left."

    Muffled through the walls, the announcer boomed, "Next up, from Vermillion City, Kanto—Grayson Douglass!" The crowd broke into a muted roar.

    Unable to speak, Chris nodded and focused on breathing.

    "Okay, your turn."

    As the door opened, the noise of the crowd rushed in at full volume. Chris paused—

    "Yup, go ahead. Knock em dead."

    —and then started towards the field, a square of glaring green at the end of the tunnel. He was abuzz down to the soles of his feet, and he wasn't sure if it was vibrations from the bleachers or just adrenaline.

    As he broke into the light, squinting, the speakers rang out, "And his opponent, Chris Nakano from Olivine City, Johto!"

    The West Arena wasn't as crowded as the main stadium had been that morning, but it was still the largest audience to one of Chris's matches, by far.

    He raised one arm in a stiff wave but wasn't sure where to direct it. The first camera he spotted was across the way, but then another zipped overhead with a motorized whirr. As he stepped forward, he saw others cruising up and down the sidelines. Of course, he was aware that his gym battles had been recorded—he'd watched hours of gym footage both to prepare for matches and to watch his dad in action again—but seeing so many cameras openly following him was unsettling.

    Heart in his throat, he crossed the floating platforms to center field. A referee waited beside Grayson Douglass, who stood with one hand to his belt and the other in his pocket. At Chris's approach, Douglass gave him a nod of acknowledgement. So then he did remember.

    Chris took one look at Douglass' cool half-smile and knew there was no way he could send out Slapdash.

    The referee began to enumerate the familiar rules, and Chris's breathing slowed. He tuned out the chattering spectators and the cameras until only his opponent remained in focus. Douglass' shoes were too clean—he hadn't been on the road in a while, maybe. And he was tapping one foot as the ref spoke. Not as calm as he was trying to appear.

    "You may shake."

    "Good luck."

    "Yeah, you too."

    "Trainers, take your places!"

    As Chris walked to the far end of the stadium, he heard the whirr of a camera moving down the sidelines behind him. By the time he reached the chalk line, the crowd had fallen still. He had a moment to gaze down the length of the arena—take in the light glinting off the water, the muddy furrows dug by the feet of other pokemon—before the referee shouted, "Trainers, get ready to release your pokemon on the whistle."

    Chris unclipped a pokeball. "Alright, little guy," he said under his breath. "I'm counting on you."

    When the whistle blow came, he jumped even though he was expecting it.

    "You got this, Zip!" he called, and he sent his jolteon onto the field.

    The light from Douglass' pokeball arced into the artificial lake. As the pokemon began to take shape, Chris chewed his lip. A sloping head lifted out of the water, and then he saw the lopsided antennae. The lanturn.

    No thunderbolts then. Zip wasn’t quite hobbled—and it could’ve been worse—but their options were suddenly limited. Chris clenched his hands but reminded himself, The only way out is through.

    A roaring washed over him—it didn't even sound like human voices. Zip swiveled his head, fur standing on end. He wasn't used to big crowds any more than Chris was.

    The recording of the rhydon at the Olivine Gym flashed through Chris's mind. A spectator had shouted in excitement just before the creature whipped its monstrous head around.

    Chris froze, his eyes fixed on Zip.

    He didn't hear Douglass' command from across the field, only the slap of fins on water and then a rush of white. By instinct or luck, the jolteon leaped into the air and avoided the blast by a fraction of an inch. Chris didn't even know what the attack had been until he saw the crust of ice on the grass where Zip had been standing.

    Not wasting any time, he thought. But Douglass was standing with his arms folded while his lanturn watched Zip from the middle of the pool, motionless except for its swaying tail. It had been a test shot.

    Zip started forward of his own volition, bristling. Chris took it as an opportunity. "Pin missile!"

    The jolteon broke into a run, cutting towards the pool. The lanturn fired off another ice beam, but Zip zigzagged out of the way, springing over the water-filled channels without slowing his pace. Chris grinned at the sight. Shedding golden light, the jolteon almost looked like a comet. Static gathered in his fur until first sparks and then needle-hairs flew off him.

    The lanturn keened as a few of Zip's pin missiles found their mark, the sound swallowed by the screams of the crowd.

    Douglass cupped his hands around his mouth. Chris couldn't catch the command, but when a light fired from the lanturn's antenna, firming into a glassy shield, Chris recognized the defensive maneuver. Zip's needle-hairs clattered off harmlessly.

    Still firing pin missiles in the lanturn's direction, Zip rushed forward. Soon he'd be out of earshot ... and closer to the lake edge than Chris liked. Douglass would already be looking for ways to force Zip into the water, and Chris didn't want to make it easy.

    He took off down the sidelines, shouting, "Zip, pull back!"

    Across the way, Douglass came running down his own side of the field, and Chris could hear him now: "Dive, Hal!"

    Zip skidded to a stop just as the lanturn slipped below the water. It shot down one of the canals that ran the length of the arena. But the water was clear, and Chris easily followed the light of its antennae. Following would mean less room for Zip to maneuver between the watery channels. But the channels were narrow, leaving less space for the lanturn to move, too.

    He pointed. "Go after it. Get ready to blast it."

    The lanturn was slower than Clair's dragonair had been and much slower than Zip. By the time it began to resurface, Zip was already at the water's edge, waiting.

    "Light blast!" Chris called.

    Zip dug in his heels and opened his mouth, a white ball of light gathering in his throat.

    Douglass' shout came a second later. "Hose it down—full blast!"

    The canal surged and the lanturn rose with it.

    The light-ball burst, glittering darts flying out in all directions. They skipped across the water, fizzling and popping. Ignoring the stars pelting its face, the lanturn pulled a column of water up from the channel—

    "Left, Zip!" Chris called, too late.

    —and smashed it into Zip. He tumbled backward into a canal like a leaf down the storm drain.

    The applause drowned out Chris's cry of dismay. The sound pressed down on him. Countless times, he'd cheered watching battles just like this one. But now that the noise was turned onto him, he felt sick.

    There wasn't anything to be done but wait and see if Zip could pull himself out of it. A referee stood poised with a whistle at her mouth, squinting into the water. The lanturn wheeled lazily towards the place where Zip had fallen.

    When Zip broke the surface, Chris let out a breath. The jolteon paddled to the edge, snarling as he hefted himself back onto the turf. But even after reaching dry ground, Zip continued to shake his head as if to clear water from his ears. With his fur plastered to his sides, he suddenly looked so small.

    The attack had hit him much harder than Chris had expected. Harder than they'd hit the lanturn. The lanturn, who was picking up speed, coming in Zip's direction.

    The jolteon caught sight of his opponent's glowing antennae and whirled around. His fur sizzled and steamed. Chris felt the telltale prickle of static down his arms. "Zip, don’t—!”

    But as the lanturn came around the bend where one canal abutted the next, the jolteon let loose. Electricity lashed the air—and then changed directions as if caught and yanked. The thunderbolt bent backward to swirl harmlessly into the lanturn's antennae.

    The cheers blocked out Douglass' next command. But the lanturn heard, and its antennae flashed even brighter.

    What, was it going to fire Zip's own thunderbolt back? Good, do it.

    Instead, the lanturn sprayed sparks into the canal until the water began to bubble. Then it swung its tail and cast the boiling water across the channel at Zip. His squeal of pain reached Chris through the cheers. He was already backing away as the lanturn smacked its tail on the water a second time, but he held his front paw gingerly in the air.

    Chris deflated. If Zip lost his speed, this was the beginning of the end. In normal circumstances, he would call for Zip to plant his paws and fire off a final lightning bolt. Go out with a bang. But faced with a lanturn ... Chris was at a loss.

    Before he could decide what to do, he heard Douglass call out, "Make it rain, Hal!"

    As Zip limped away from the water's edge, shooting stars from his mouth, the lanturn rose partway out of the water and aimed a ball of blue light into the air. With a crack of thunder, the light ball split. Vapor scattered and then thickened into bruise-dark clouds. They hung low and oppressive under the stadium dome.

    Was this an abundance of caution, wanting to be certain the next hit would take Zip out? Or reckless showboating? Chris watched Douglass' face but couldn't decide.

    As the first drops began to fall, the crowd went strangely quiet. Confused, Chris glanced up towards the stands. Iridescent light screens had lowered over the crowd, both shielding them from the rain and muffling their cheers.

    Chris looked back towards the battle. Zip's ears lay flat as he blasted round after round of star-shaped light towards the lanturn. But with a dismissive tail flip, the lanturn slipped under the water, out of reach. The rain began to pelt down, and Zip hunched under it, squinting.

    The water in the canals began to rise. The drops misted where they struck the light screens covering the crowd. Already, Chris's hair dripped and his t-shirt stuck fast to him. The turf felt soft and unsteady under his boots. Across the field, Douglass skidded as he ran along the sidelines, calling inaudible orders to his pokemon. He left a muddy streak in his wake.

    And Chris had one last idea.

    "Zip!" Cupping his hands around his mouth, he shouted as loudly as he could to be heard over the rain. He still wasn't sure Zip would be able to hear him. But the jolteon twitched an ear and half-turned to look. Ready and listening. No, he wasn't done yet.

    "The mud! Kick mud into its eyes!"

    The lanturn broke the water's surface behind Zip, antennae haloed through the rain, and the jolteon spun to face it. Chris didn't know if Zip had heard the command or understood what he wanted. He set his jaw. He'd just have to wait and trust him.

    In the canal, a wave swelled, larger and more easily than before. The lanturn loomed on the wave's crest. Reflections of its antennae danced on the dark water.

    As the wave neared its peak, Zip turned his back to the lanturn. He kicked madly at the wet ground until clumps of grass and mud flew out and splattered across the lanturn's face. The lanturn tossed its head, and the wave bucked.

    Chris's heart fluttered hopefully. "Go, Zip! Move!"

    The jolteon hopped along haltingly, but it didn't matter. With a trill, the lanturn brought its wave down … and missed, the water landing where Zip had been standing a moment before. As it sank down in the canal again, the lanturn swung its head from side to side, warbling.

    Douglass ordered the lanturn back under the water. Trying to clear the mud from its eyes. Zip fired stars at the hump of its back as it dove down.

    "Do it again!" Chris called out. "Keep wearing it down!"

    Zip hobbled along the channel, watching the lanturn. When it resurfaced, he was already in position.

    The lanturn flinched at the mud slopping into its face, but managed to send a wave sloshing towards Zip. This time it caught his hind leg and knocked him off his feet, but the water didn't carry him far. In a moment, he was back up and showering the lanturn with stars again—specks of brightness in an arena gone gray with driving rain—and then turning to kick mud into its face once more for good measure.

    A second wave slopped over the edge of the canal, missing Zip widely. The lanturn thrashed and keened in frustration. Douglass shouted for his pokemon to submerge again, and it eagerly shot under the surface.

    Chris's eyes cut back and forth between the lanturn's glowing antennae and his limping jolteon. "Get ready Zip," he said, because there wasn't much else for him to say.

    The lanturn circled, and the crowd quieted in anticipation. "Try another ice beam!" Douglass called out. For a moment, there was only the sound of the rain.

    Zip gave a false start, diving forward where it looked like the lanturn was about to surface. But it didn't. The lanturn wheeled around the bend again, and Zip swiveled his head to watch.

    After a moment, Douglass tried again. "Ice beam, Hal!"

    But the lanturn only made another lap through the canals.

    The rain began to lighten, and the audience's murmuring picked up. For a moment, Chris wondered if the lanturn was unable to hear from underwater. But after the lanturn started its fourth loop around the arena, Chris stopped wondering.

    “Hal!” Douglass squatted beside the canal, pointing. “Ice beam!”

    For his effort, he got a spurt of water in the face.

    The lanturn had decided it had enough. Somehow, that was harder to see than a nasty injury. Chris felt not excitement but hollowness.

    A thought crept up on him: This is exactly what Una hates about battles. In the stands, spectators shook their heads and grumbled, but he didn’t think it was for the same reason.

    Zip sat down, tongue lolling. Douglass' shoulders sagged, but he waited for the whistle blow before he reached for his pokeball.

    "Lanturn is unable to fight! The match goes to Chris Nakano!"

    A red flag swished on Douglass' side of the field, green on his.

    The lanturn vanished in a beam of red light, prompting Chris to fumble for his own pokeball. "Good work, Zip!" There'd be time for more words back at camp.

    The referees directed Chris and Douglass to rejoin and shake hands again. And then they were shuttled back to their respective locker rooms. Chris moved in a daze. Too late he realized he was probably supposed to wave to the crowd or strike a victory pose.

    His wet boots squelching with each step on the locker room tile. On his way to the door, he passed the wall-mounted TV screen. He normally avoided watching himself on camera, but this time he couldn't help pausing to listen.

    "Now, did we see Douglass with a lanturn last year, or is that a new addition?"

    "I believe the lanturn is a new capture, or at least new to his tournament team. It does afford him some interesting opportunities, as we just saw."

    Ricky Crystal spoke over an instant replay: in slow motion, Zip let loose a thunderbolt, and again the lanturn grabbed it out of the air. The camera caught every flicker of light. When they cut to the lanturn tossing scalding water at his jolteon, Chris flinched. It looked even worse from this angle. But he couldn't tear himself away from the screen.

    Crystal continued, "But it doesn't look like it paid off this time."

    "You hate to see it."

    "Yessiree, it's a disappointing start for Douglass. But I think we can still expect to see great things from him throughout the conference, if last year's battles are anything to go by."

    "Lucky win for Nakano."

    Chris's face reddened.

    "No, he's not too likely to catch another break like that one."

    "Though it does make you wonder …. The last Nakano from Olivine we saw here at the Indigo Plateau was the late gym leader, Hiro Nakano—"

    He should've expected to hear his dad's name, yet he still jerked his head back as if receiving a physical blow. Chris stood in place, caught by two powerful and contradictory urges: to hear and not to hear from these commentators how he measured up to Hiro Nakano.

    But the next battlers were called out and the discussion cut off.

    Chris glanced down and realized he was dripping on the floor. This was his only pair of shoes. He turned away and went squelching towards camp.

    Una wasn't waiting at the tent. Her absence came as something of a relief—Chris wasn't in the mood to be judged. But hearing about her latest adventures or revelations would've cheered him up.

    Chris peeled off his wet clothes and changed into the outfit he normally slept in. He would hardly be the only trainer walking around the plateau in sweatpants.

    He spent the next fifteen minutes barefoot in the grass with Zip, scratching behind his ears and trying to get a look at his injured leg. Chris could see now that it was raw and swollen—burned. The jolteon was his usual wiggly self, if a little subdued, but wouldn't let Chris near his front paw. Chris got a mild shock for his efforts when he tried to apply ointment to the burn.

    "Alright, be that way. We'll let the nurse handle it. It's not like we have another match until ...." He checked the schedule on his Bitflex and cursed. "Tomorrow."

    He stood to leave and noticed Una's tower of stones had slid sideways. A passing camper must've bumped it. He bent to stack them neatly again before continuing on his way.

    When he dropped Zip off at the pokecenter, he got an update on Asagi and Thorn: all good news. They'd both be fit for the second round of the competition ... provided he made it that far.

    After, he ran his sopping bundle of clothes through one of the coin-operated dryers near the showers. He couldn't do much for his hiking boots other than to let them dry in the sun, so he bought a pair of cheap sandals from a souvenir stand and then flip-flopped his way back toward the stadiums.

    Clearly, he could stand to study the competition a little more.

    A few messages from Tara and Elias pinged his Bitflex, congratulating him on his first win and inviting him to join them at the main stadium to watch the rest of the day's matches. Chris couldn't help wincing. No, he didn’t want to talk about what just happened.

    Instead, he let his feet lead him to the South Arena, a bare field of rock and sand. At the uppermost level of the stands, he found an empty section where he could sit with his feet propped on the bench in front of him.

    He should be paying close attention to the competition, he knew: taking note of pokemon he was less familiar with, watching for the trainers' tells, and learning from their mistakes. But instead he let himself be lulled by the call and response between trainer and pokemon and between announcer and audience. He half-watched the battles and messaged back and forth with Mom.

    You didn't see that match, did you?

    she answered. That was a yes.

    Yeah. That was rough.

    Who cares? You won!

    Chris smiled, but …. Dad would care, and people keep comparing—

    He deleted it.

    A match between a vileplume and a fearow ended predictably. Another between a machamp and a starmie didn’t. Then came a surprise face-off between two magmar. Finally, his empty stomach made him wonder how long he'd been sitting, and he realized how late it had gotten.

    Joints cracking, he stood and checked his Bitflex for a message from Una, before remembering that was pointless. She'd be okay wherever she was, he knew, but .... Chris sighed.

    Well. He could check the campsite one last time before he headed to the cafeteria.

    When he arrived, Una was heating something on the little camp stove. Suki sat beside her, a crown of wildflowers sitting crookedly on the slowpoke's head. Chris's heart lifted.

    "Hi, Una." He ducked his head as he approached, as if he were intruding.

    "Good evening."

    Several beats later, Suki also raised her head and noticed him.

    He took Una's smile as encouragement and sat across the stove from her. "Smells good."

    She tore a handful of leaves into pungent confetti, which she dropped into the pot. Chris didn't need to ask to know she was cooking plants she'd foraged—no RediMeal smelled that way. Green. Wild.

    "It was something to do." A frown swept across Una's face, but then her posture softened. "I am accustomed to cooking. It has been strange to have so few opportunities to do so now. This reminds me of home."

    Chris swallowed. "That's good. Right?"

    Una stirred the saucepan and smiled wanly.

    They lapsed into silence. Part of Chris stayed wound tight, watching for signs that she was either still angry or that she'd forgiven him. Another part of him was comforted by the familiarity of shared silence. He watched her stir, curls of steam disappearing into her hair.

    Finally she said, "Are you hungry?"

    "I could eat."

    She poured each of them a bowl of thin broth afloat with greens and colorful slices of root vegetables. He remembered her pointing out wild carrot along their path to the plateau and smiled wider, shaking his head. Amazing.

    "It's good!" he said. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound surprised. I just meant ... it's impressive how you know how to do all this."

    Una set a selection of loosely chopped greens and roots in front of the slowpoke, who butted her head against Una's hand with an unchanging, vacant expression. "This is a good time of year to collect all manner of herbs and roots."

    "Only if you're smart enough."

    Una smiled but didn't reply. She tipped her bowl to her lips and turned to watch the pink-tinged clouds in the western sky. "I have been wondering whether Ho-oh flew to meet the rising sun when She left. Ecruteak is hardly the easternmost point of the world."

    Chris felt slow. "What do you mean?"

    "When the tower burned. She must have gone somewhere."

    He grimaced. "Oh. I mean, there's only so far east you can go before it becomes west again anyway, right? Since we're on a ...."

    Did Una know the world was a sphere? The last thing he wanted was to start another fight over something small. And, gods, why had he said anything at all? Why couldn't he just let her talk?

    "Sorry. That probably doesn't help."

    She didn't look bothered by his interjection. In fact, her face was very calm. "I have been dwelling on it for much of the day ...."

    Una bent her head to carefully smooth the vanes of the golden feather around her neck; in the light of the dying sun, it shimmered with unexpected colors—greens, purples, and reds.

    He was suddenly glad the Ecruteak museum curator hadn't taken notice of that feather. Probably, it was worth millions of dollars, but it was more precious than that. Chris sat within arms reach of half a dozen mementos his dad had left behind, but Una only had that single feather to remind her of where she had come from.

    For what felt like a long time, she didn't turn to look at him.

    "You're still upset."

    "Oh, not exactly. I ...." She breathed heavily. Finally, she met his gaze. "Chris, I do not wish to seem ungrateful for all you have done. But I think perhaps the time has come for me to leave."

    "You mean ... by yourself?"

    "I imagine you will want to stay here."

    "The conference only lasts a few weeks ...." But even as he spoke, he saw by her face that she wouldn't wait that long. Stomach bottoming out, he looked down. "I really messed up this morning. I guess I can't blame you."

    Shaking her head, she said, "It would not change how I feel if the morning had passed differently. As I said before, I feel more at home in the wilderness." She allowed that to sink in for a moment. "There is no purpose for me here."

    It wasn't hard to picture her navigating the woods alone, pockets bulging with leaves and flowers. In all honesty, she was probably more prepared than most young trainers leaving home for the first time. If she needed money, she could find a shop to sell foraged herbs again. And what would she really need money for anyway if she mostly ate wild food and avoided towns?

    All the same, Chris couldn't help biting the inside of his cheek as he thought about it. "I don't want you to leave."

    Not until he said it did he realize how true it was. He had promised he'd help her get home if he could, but it had seemed so out of reach that he hadn't considered how it might actually feel to part ways with her.

    Chris liked sharing a quiet campfire with her, thinking up things to make her laugh. He liked the way she tucked her hair behind her ears and squinted when she was thinking. No matter how long or far he traveled, he would never meet another person like her.

    "But." He cleared his throat. "If that's really what you want ... I'll help you prepare for it."

    Her smile was sad yet full of warmth. "Thank you."

    He stirred the contents of his bowl for a while. "You should probably take the camp stove. I don't need to cook while I'm on the plateau." Before she could protest, he added, "No, really. It wasn't expensive. This is my excuse to finally upgrade."

    She gave a little laugh. "I never seem to win these sorts of arguments."

    That drew a smile out of him. Then his face became serious again and he said, "My only real concern is the tent. Have you thought much about that part?"

    "That is easy. I have spent nights in the woods with a great deal less than we have here. The nights are warm still. I shall be very comfortable."

    She spoke easily, but with a kind of finality. That was that.

    "So when are you leaving?"

    "I suppose tomorrow."

    Chris made his mouth a flat line but nodded. "Okay then."

    They finished eating without speaking and watched the sun vanish behind the edge of the cliff. Suki's flower crown had fallen into the grass, and she had begun to eat it, one flower at a time.

    "You know," he said suddenly, "there's one last thing I'd like to show you before you leave. If you feel up for it. Only good surprises this time, I promise."

    She considered him a moment and then smiled. "I would like that."

    The flower-lined trails between the campground and Indigo Village were quieter after dark but still far from abandoned. The battles would continue all through the night—Chris had once stayed up from sunrise of one day to the afternoon of the next watching from the living room couch, hopping between the five League channels.

    Chris and Una smiled shyly at each other as they walked, as if they were strangers again. Anxious-looking trainers speed-walked towards the stadiums. Children ran past with sparklers held high. Down one fork of the path, muffled music and a long line of people signaled a live concert. He steered them the other way, following his nose towards a funnel cake stand.

    Una stood to the side while he waited in line. When he approached her with a plate in hand, grinning, she smiled too. Now, at the end of things, it had become that easy at last.

    In a grassy patch overlooking the cliff edge, they sat with the greasy plate between them. He tore into the fried dough and then watched her reaction as she put the first piece in her mouth. Her thoughtful expression melted into a smile as she chewed, and then she broke off into giggles when she realized he was watching.

    "You like it?"

    She laughed again. "I do."

    Chris grinned. "I used to make myself sick eating funnel cake when I was kid. It’s better shared."

    "It is very sweet," she agreed. Then, licking her fingers, she added. "But good."

    Powdered sugar scattered over the grass around them, and Chris was reminded of the first time he saw her, dusted with snow.

    “I’m glad you like it.”

    He closed his eyes, heart full and heavy. At least one small thing had gone as intended. He told himself that, if only for tonight, it was enough.
    Last edited:
    Interlude: Fractals
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    Interlude: Fractals

    In the shifting shadows beneath the trees, there is a little box with doors that open and close. The box is the color of old bones. Or, sometimes it’s the red of a ripe berry. It depends.

    The box is shaped like a human house with a pointed roof and windows, but it’s too small. Maybe humans get confused too and accidentally make a house for a baby, who has already grown too large by the time it comes back to open up the box and put something inside.

    Something sweet.

    Celebi waits out of sight until they’re sure the human is gone, and a little longer just in case, then flits over to investigate. Silly human. The box is a bad hiding place, left open wide for anyone to find the warm package wrapped in bamboo leaves, a sticky cake of rice and syrup.

    With a gleeful twirl, they snatch up the rice cake and fly straight up to a high branch to enjoy it undisturbed. When there’s none left, they sit for a while, kicking their feet and licking rice grains from their fingers, wishing for another.

    They remember, suddenly, how to get it.

    Such a small jump is easy: they don’t even need to move from the branch. All they have to do is reach out to grab the Now, tug, and just like that they’re in another Now.

    Looking around, they realize they’ve gone back a little too far: the human hasn’t come yet, and the box is all closed up. But that’s okay. Celebi doesn’t have to be patient, so they won’t.

    They swipe past birdsong and the motes of pollen swirling down until they hear footsteps and the human comes again, bamboo leaf packet in its hands. (Or maybe it’s a different human after all. One human is so like another, changing how they dress and speak but none of what’s beneath—just like one Now is like many other Nows.) Celebi can hardly keep still as the human opens the box and sets down the rice cake; the moment its back is turned, they zip down to grab their prize and then disappear into a different Now.

    They eat their second rice cake beneath a willow, growing the leaves longer and more lush to hide themself better, snickering. They tear off pieces of rice cake and swallow them one by one, until they reach for the next bite and there’s no more already.

    Another, they decide.

    Celebi knows both that the special rice cakes come from the human village and that going there is trouble. They won’t fly past the edge of the trees, even for a rice cake. There are no more in the little box: Celebi already will have eaten it. There will be another, many sun cycles ago or sun cycles from now, but Celebi gets all the Nows jumbled up and it’ll take too much searching.

    That leaves one option, the riskiest one, which makes it the most fun. Celebi is fast—they won’t be caught.

    They weave their way back to the clearing with the little box in it, continuing past it to the trail where the human walks to and from the village. This is where it will happen. They just have to find the right Now, making tiny jumps, back and forth—until the human comes around the bend again, long robes flapping, palms cupped around a small packet wrapped in bamboo leaves.

    Celebi waits in a holly bush for the perfect moment, buzzing in anticipation, leaves unfurling around them. The moment comes and goes, so they jump and wait again. They can have as many chances as they need.

    The human rounds the bend once more. As it walks past, Celebi shoots out from among the leaves. They’re quick as a raindrop, plucking the bamboo packet from its hands. Cackling, they plunge into another Now—

    But as they land, they realize, too late, that the human was saying something.

    “By all the gods.”

    That’s bad.

    Humans can bring nice things, like rice cakes or steamed buns or pieces of fruit. But they also bring bad things, especially when they take too much notice of Celebi.

    There is a time when humans trap Celebi. The humans bring shadow-walkers and things made of blades that bend the light, filling the air with darkness so thick that Celebi can’t jump through. The shadows pull Celebi down, down, down, heavy like tar, until their face is pressed into the dirt, wings twitching uselessly.

    “What a pretty prize,” a human says.

    There’s a red light and then … nothing.

    For an unmeasurable interval, Celebi isn’t in any Now at all. Disconnected. Bodiless.

    Finally, something happens: the prison shatters around Celebi, tiny pieces flying out in every direction. They don’t wait to see what happened or how they were freed—they dive into another Now. Away, away, away.

    That’s bad enough, but there’s worse.

    In a different Now, maybe before or maybe after, the humans come to the forest with no companions but each other and their anger. And flame.

    It runs from branch to branch like water, roaring. Celebi darts among the burning trees urging them to grow, please, but the fire eats faster than they can work. And the heat, the heat, the heat!

    In a panic, Celebi jumps to find the Now when the angry humans first cross the threshold into their forest. The humans are easy to spot by their fire-sticks, glowing like eyes in the dark. Their voices echo.

    “Smoke ‘em out!”

    “You’ll have no more of our children!”

    Flames climb and strangle the trees like trumpet flower vines.

    There is little hope Celebi can stop this—if they could have, they already would have, and it wouldn’t happen at all—but they jump again. Again. Looking for a moment to act.

    They come within breathing distance of one of the humans, only a curtain of leaves between them. If the human turns, it will see them. They want to flee—but the forest needs them.

    Without moving, Celebi reaches toward the human and feels its mind, glowing bright and soft like a mushroom. They squeeze. You want to leave, they tell it. Be calm and go.

    The human’s arms slacken.

    But another human rips through the branches. “Birka, what’s wrong? Snap out of it, man!”

    Celebi has no choice but to swing their attention to the newcomer. Take your friend and go home.

    As the second slides into a stupor, stumbles, the first wakes with a shout. “It’s the monster! Don’t let yourself be taken in!” With that, it throws down its fire stick and takes the second human by the arm, dragging it away through the trees.

    That fast, the fire is shooting up the holly bushes. Somewhere among the trees, there are more bursts of flame, more shouts.

    “You can’t hide forever, monster!”

    The humans don’t know that Celebi is not bound to this place: they can travel anywhere there are green things. But this is Home Forest, where Celebi was born. It’s theirs.

    They flee anyway.

    Buzzing a sad song that makes the leaves tremble, they zigzag from Now to Now, forest to forest. Somewhere along the way, they drop the rice cake. Or maybe they already didn’t have it anymore—was that before or after the fire?

    It’s Now—it’s always Now. The seed is already the tree, and the forest is always burning. So much life destroyed, and Celebi can’t stop it.

    When they can fly no farther, they flop onto a branch, trembling, arms and legs dangling to either side. Below, a human with hair golden like pollen rests against the tree trunk, looking as wilted as Celebi feels—harmless, they decide. The air is cool here and Now, but they still taste the smoke. They press their face against the bark, feeling the tree growing slowly beneath them, so alive, until a new sound makes them raise their head.

    The human is weeping. Maybe it feels bad for what the other humans have done to the forest.

    Oh, but Celebi knows this human. Or at least, they think so. When they swoop past to check, it breaks from crying with a scream, sending Celebi darting back into the tree.

    It is the same human, though, the one they carried with them from some other Now. An accident. Celebi tries to remember where the human had come from but isn’t sure. Not here or Now. At least it isn’t causing trouble here like the other humans. Maybe leaving it here is no worse than sending it somewhere else.

    As Celebi considers the human, branches snap behind them. Something growls, and it sounds big. Then, from out of the trees, a creature of muscle and flame barrels down the hill toward them, teeth bared. One of Entei’s terrible children, burning again, always.

    Isn’t anywhere safe?

    Celebi leaps away and does not stop until they land in a cool, soft place that smells like clean water.

    Back again so soon?

    Celebi tumbles from her back, flipping around midair to wrap both arms around her snout. Everything is burning, they sob.

    She holds very still, only her long tails twitching. Did something happen?

    The humans are burning Home Forest! All the flowers and trees are dying! They won’t stop!

    Suicune pulls free with a hard shake, but she speaks gently. That was many long years ago. Then, more pointedly, she adds, They blamed you for the disappearances of their children.

    Many children pass through Celebi’s forest: climbing trees, chasing each other, startling the spinarak from the bushes. Sometimes they sit under a tree and cry, so Celebi plays games with them until they stop. How should they know which children belong to someone?

    I always put them back!

    Don’t they?

    They fly in circles as they try to remember the path of one human child through all the Nows. It’s too confusing. For all they know, the children they play with are the same humans who come to their forest with fire and anger in a different Now.

    Celebi’s chest tightens, vibrating their membranes with their sad song.

    Suicune’s ears lay flat against the sound, but she stands tall, all four paws firmly planted. Uninterrupted by Celebi’s song, her voice rings out clearly. But do you return them to place you found them, to the time they came from?

    Celebi quiets and falls still but does not answer.

    Do you bring them back as they were … or changed?

    How can humans even tell?
    Celebi cries. In a fresh fit of sorrow, they fling themself onto Suicune’s back again, kicking their feet, and bury their face in her mane. It smells like moss and river stones. They dig in their fingers and hold on tight so the buzzing inside them can’t sweep them away. It’s all the same!

    Except there is the human with the pollen-colored hair, the one they’d almost forgotten.

    Suicune’s sigh sends a cool wind shushing through the leaves. Celebi closes their eyes and listens until the hum of their membranes fades and there’s only the rustling of leaves.

    Let it pass, Suicune says. She sounds sad but tells Celebi, All will be well.

    Celebi thinks for a moment, then springs upright like a crocus after the last frost melts. She’s right: Celebi can reach and pull themself into a moment of smoke and ash, but right beside it is a moment of sunbeams and honeybees. The seed already contains the tree contains the seeds. It’s all Now.

    There’s no reason to be sad.

    They push off from Suicune’s back, already reaching for the sunshine. Okay, bye!

    In Home Forest, a clearing opens below them like an invitation. The clearing isn’t always here: sometimes, the oak at its center spreads so wide it blots out the light. But Now, there’s only a stump split by Raikou’s carelessness. From the blackened crack in the wood, green tendrils stretch up to meet the light pouring down from the hole in the canopy. Everything the light touches will grow again, and Celebi is back to help.

    With the wave of a hand, they push grass up through the soil and into the light. They draw up clover, ferns, and flowers. So many kinds, so many colors! Laughing, they swoop to smell a few and let the petals tickle their face.

    This is a nice Now.

    They roll in the clover until, drunk on sap and sun, they curl up and close their eyes. But just as they begin to drift off, a nagging thought sprouts up: isn’t there something they’re supposed to do?

    They sit up, thinking hard.


    They blink out of the sun—

    —and into the chill shade of the pines. This is a forest too, but there’s little green, replaced with rock and mud and old pine needles crusted with dirty ice. Celebi already misses the warmth of the clearing, so they won’t stay long, but they have to find it first.

    It should be here … shouldn’t it?

    Celebi wends through the trees, searching for a spot of color among the snow, ready to flee at the first snap of a twig. But there is no sound at all. Nothing moves but them.

    Finally, they see something that shouldn’t be there: a green patch of clover and grass in the middle of an icy slope. This isthe place! There is no sign of the human they’re looking for, or any human at all, but now that they’ve found the right place, the rest is easier.

    Celebi grabs the Now, gives it a good yank—and there it is, the misplaced human, pollen-colored hair bright on the snow.

    They start down toward the human, but at the sound of crunching, sliding footsteps, they swerve for the trees instead. A second human, the wrong human, climbs up the slope. From their hiding place, they watch the second human discover Pollen Hair and kneel there for a long while.

    Celebi should jump away to a moment when Pollen Hair is alone, but the other human is doing something strange and they want to see what will happen. The human pulls something like a seed off of its body, and it blooms into a big fire beast that crouches over Pollen Hair like it wants to eat her. Celebi smells the air burning and shudders in their hiding place.

    Humans and fire—Celebi doesn’t understand it. It wasn’t nice of Suicune to scold them when it’s the humans who insist on making friends with destruction.

    But she also said everything will be okay, they remind themself. Despite the fire. Despite their own little mistakes.

    And it is okay: the clearing in Home Forest is green and warm and waiting for them to return. Always there, always regrowing. So there’s no reason to worry, no reason to be in this Now at all. They want to be where the good things are.

    Somewhere, Pollen Hair is already back where it’s supposed to be and Suicune isn’t mad anymore because Celebi will do it. They will. But first, they want to eat sun-warmed berries and nap in the clover and maybe play a game.

    They have all the time they need.
    Last edited:
    12: The Mirror
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom

    12: The Mirror

    The quiet hung heavy over breakfast. There was both too little and too much to say.

    Chris cleaned the cookware so Una could pack it. He wouldn’t mind having less cleanup during his stay on the plateau, and he liked the cafeteria food well enough, but he had to admit he’d miss preparing his own meals over the camp stove. Una preoccupied herself with gathering her things. At his insistence, she packed up the remaining RediMeals too. Then she loaded the camp stove and collapsible bowls into her pack and swung it onto her shoulders, letting out a quiet oof at the new weight.

    He noticed then that she was once again wearing the long skirt from the Mahogany hospital lost and found. She’d been carrying it around the entire time. Chris wasn’t sure whether to shake his head or smile.

    Instead he asked, “Is it too heavy?”

    She straightened and smiled—a little forced, he thought. “Not so different from before. I will be used to it soon.”

    “Yeah. I bet you will.” He took a deep breath. “So ... I guess this is it.”

    She took a long time to pull her hair back from her face and knot it with her scarf. Finally, she met his eyes. "You have been a true friend, Chris.”

    His smile wobbled. “You too. I’m sorry to see you go.”

    “I wish I were more ….”

    Una shook her head. Instead of finishing the thought, she solemnly turned up her palms and held her hands out to him.

    His heart bending like paper, Chris took her fingers in his.

    She closed her eyes and intoned, “As the sun rises in the East, as it sets in the sea, may we meet again someday.”

    They stood like that for a long moment. The calls of spearows and pidgeys rose and fell beneath the chatter of passing campers—but those sounds felt far away, somehow muffled by Una’s quiet. She was praying, Chris realized, but his mind remained a blank. He focused on the warmth of her hands and held on.

    Una let go first.

    He jammed his empty hands into his pockets. “I’ll walk with you until the path splits.” He was slated for a ten a.m. battle in the North Arena, and the path towards the aerial lift station was on the way. “Sound good?”

    “Of course.”

    As they walked, Chris’s mind bubbled with questions. Do you know where you’ll go? he wanted to ask, and Are you sure about this?

    Even as he thought the words, he recognized the pleading and bargaining, reaching for ways to hold her here a moment or two longer. He had no right to try to make her stay. So he bit his questions back.

    But when they came to the fork in the path, he blurted, “Why don’t I go with you all the way to the station? Might as well see you off.”

    She gave him a quizzical look. “I would not want you to arrive late for your—”

    “I have time.”

    Una flashed a little smile. “Then certainly, if you like.”

    The lift station turned out to be crowded, the space made more cramped by the voices echoing off the metal walls. Chris and Una squeezed their way into a corner, but there wasn’t actually space to stand apart from the crowd. He had to raise his voice to hear himself. “Looks like you’ll have a full cable car going down ….”

    “I must admit I am surprised. I would have thought that, after coming all this way, they would stay for ….”

    The battles, she meant.

    “Looks like a tour group. They’re coming back up later.”

    “I see.”

    He felt like he should say something, but his thoughts circled endlessly back on themselves. It didn’t help that the woman next to him kept bumping him with her oversized purse. So he and Una stood without speaking—as if she were already gone, even though she was standing right there—until the cable car lurched into view.

    As the crowd pushed ahead, Chris and Una exchanged a final look. He cleared his throat. “Be safe, Una.”

    “Do not worry on my behalf.”

    For a moment she looked like she wanted to say more. To ask him to leave with her, maybe? She had never asked, just like he had never asked her to stay. He couldn’t leave, he knew, but he found himself wanting her to ask all the same.

    The lift operator called, “There’s still room—last call! Otherwise you’ll have to wait for the next one.”

    Una smiled joylessly. “Good luck, Chris. And goodbye.”

    He was struck by the urge to hug her, but he faltered. Then she was already turning away, and Chris only managed to give her backpack a clumsy pat.

    “You’re not coming?” the operator called to Chris, who shook his head. “Alright. Suit yourself.” Then, motioning to Una, he said, “Cozy on in, then! We’re all pals in here.”

    While she shrugged out of her pack and wedged herself between two of the tourists, Chris stood and watched. She caught his eye and offered a little wave. He waved back until the door closed over her face. Then, whirring and clanking, the lift sank out of sight once more, taking with it the sounds of muffled laughter and conversation.

    In the quiet that followed, Chris breathed heavily.

    After a moment, he unhooked Kosho’s pokeball. He didn’t want to walk to the stadium alone. As Kosho began to materialize, stretching and yawning, Chris lay a hand on the typhlosion’s back and tried to draw strength from the heat of his fur. “Nice to see you.”

    Kosho rubbed his head against Chris’s leg, rumbling. Then raised his head and met Chris’s eyes as if to ask if he was okay.

    Chris crumpled. He knelt to press his cheek to the typhlosion’s neck the way he’d done countless times since he was a child. Kosho’s fur was so hot it bordered on uncomfortable, but Chris didn’t pull away for a long time.

    Finally, he stood, patting the side of his typhlosion’s neck. “Alright. Let’s do what we came for.”

    When Chris took his seat in the locker room, he still hadn’t decided between Kosho and Slapdash for the upcoming battle. He hadn’t had the heart to concentrate on that question. Still didn’t, actually.

    Under the miasma of cleaning fluid, the smell of feet still pervaded the locker room.

    The gym had been more or less the same way, now that Chris thought about it, only not as quiet. He had always loved the sounds of steam hissing on the rocks and the gym trainers ribbing one another.

    Dad had sometimes joined Chris on the sidelines, whispering observations about the challengers. See how he keeps his hands in his pockets? He’s unsure of himself, scared to command his own pokemon. You watch—he won’t even make it past Lee. From the dais, Dad looked down on the battles with his arms folded coolly, but he greeted each trainer with a warm smile.

    Chris reminded himself he should be thinking about the trainer he’d actually be facing. He couldn’t even remember his opponent’s name.

    The wall-mounted TV talked to itself, a litany of trainers separated by applause. He glanced at another trainer waiting nearby, who winked at her phone and snapped a selfie. A feeling of unreality swept through him like vertigo. Was he the only one put on edge by the cameras, or was everyone else faking it?

    For the first time, Chris wondered whether anything else had lay beneath Dad’s steady self-assurance. He’d returned to the gym each day to fight the same kinds of trainers again and again, losing almost as often as he won because that was his job. Was it what he’d imagined it would be? Did he ever get bored?

    If the life of a gym leader wore him down, Hiro Nakano had never shown it.

    Chris wished he’d thought to ask about it before. But he could guess what Dad would tell him because he’d said it many times before: A strong pokemon can bring you the ladder, Chris, but you still have to climb. All Chris could think about was the dark, gaping expanse between where he sat and how far he had yet to go.

    Maybe things felt different looking down from the top.

    That thought cut short when someone dropped onto the other end of the bench. The trainer didn’t so much as glance at Chris, instead watching the battle on-screen with obvious amusement. Even with his face turned away, it was impossible not to recognize two-time tournament winner Gary Oak.

    At the thought of staring down Gary Oak across the field, Chris’s stomach liquefied. But, of course, he wouldn’t have to—they were sharing the same ready room. They weren’t even in the same round-robin pool. Someone would have to face him today though, and Chris pitied the trainer who had to start the conference that way.

    Chris had already checked out Gary’s first round lineup: a venusaur, a charizard, and a blastoise. Odd that he’d stuck to the classics despite being known for his sizable collection. It was a risky set: every trainer fighting in the conference had to have already seen those pokemon in dozens of matches. Strategy guides for combatting each of them were readily available online.

    But, thinking of Kosho, the offspring of Dad’s own fearsome typhlosion, Chris thought he understood Gary’s choices. It was impossible to see the trio and not think of Kanto, of Pallet Town, of Samuel Oak.

    And Gary wasn’t exactly fresh off the Kanto circuit. He knew what he was doing.

    In their battle videos, Gary’s charizard was little more than a blur of flame whipping across the arena. Chris’s dad had also trained a charizard, and he’d been fast enough ... but not like that.

    Taiyou had been older, battle-scarred with wrinkles gathered at the base of his tail, but Chris didn’t think he’d been that quick on his feet, ever. It wasn’t how he was built. But Taiyou made up for it with scales like roofing slate and bitter tenacity. The old charizard hadn’t turned up among the rubble of the Olivine gym, and Chris chose to imagine him somewhere in the wilderness, scorning and scorching anything that tried to touch him.

    With thoughts of the gym burning inside him, Chris felt a sudden need to lay a claim to his own history with a charizard. To prove he came to climb the ladder, too.

    What came out of his mouth was, “Your charizard is really fast.” Great. Earth-shattering. “Impressive, I mean.”

    Gary raised an eyebrow at Chris. Then he slid into an easy grin. “Yeah, Akuma’s hard to catch. She’s a beast.”

    “Right. They’re not always easy to handle. My dad trained a pretty mean one ….”

    Chris trailed off, unsure whether he should say more. If anyone knew about growing up in the shadow of someone else’s legacy, Gary Oak did, maybe better than Chris. After all, Professor Oak was the host of the world’s most listened-to radio show, a battle veteran, and the authority on pokemon research. For Chris to bring up his own parentage seemed tacky next to all that.

    Seeming not to notice Chris’s uncertainty, Gary dismissively waved a hand and chuckled. “Mean is great on the field! Besides, even a complete murderous bastard will melt in your hand with the right training.”

    Everything from his tousled hair to his slouch seemed to say how little Gary Oak cared. But he had to care quite a lot—nobody won the Indigo League by accident. Especially not twice in a row. How did he manage such effortlessness? Dad had been like that, too.

    Chris must’ve made a face, because Gary laughed and said, “Nervous, huh?”

    He’d all but forgotten about the upcoming battle. And he still hadn’t decided which pokemon to use—he should be nervous.

    “The first few times are hard, but it gets easier,” Gary reassured Chris. His attention was wandering. The smile still hung on his face, but his head was tipped to listen to the color commentators.

    Chris wanted to keep the conversation going, but nothing came to him that was worth saying. He was sitting next to Gary Oak, of all people—actually talking to him—and likely never would again. And he was wasting his chance to .... To what, exactly?

    He took a deep breath. “I bet people ask you all the time, but …”

    Gary’s head jerked up. He snorted. “Yeah, they sure do. But I gotcha. It’s not a big deal.”

    To Chris’s surprise, Gary reached into his pocket. He came up holding a pokeball, an empty one, shown by the inactive center button. Chris still didn’t understand until Gary asked, "Who should I make it out to?"

    “Oh, uh ….” He’d wanted advice.

    Was it rude to turn down an autograph? Probably. He could maybe sell it, he supposed. Or maybe Elias would want it.

    A flicker of annoyance crossed Gary’s face, but he kept smiling.

    Chris was about to tell him to sign it for Elias when the League staffer entered the room. “Chris Nakano? You’re up.”

    He jumped to his feet, as if caught in the act of something unsavory. “Thanks anyway.”

    With a shrug, Gary scrawled a quick signature on the white half of the pokeball, and held it out. “Here. Still something.”

    Chris made himself smile and take it, pocketing it to avoid mixing it up with his real pokeballs. “It was nice meeting you.”

    With one last smile, Gary turned back toward the television. “Sure. Good luck, kid.”

    He’d chosen wrong again.

    Kosho was still on his feet, but each of his breaths came ragged and smoky. The flames around his neck burned a low red. All the same, he dropped into a partial crouch and touched one forepaw to the ground, poised to either pull energy up from the grass or sprint out of the way, waiting for the next command.

    Chris had expected to face the gengar or maybe the yanmega. Both would be tricky to keep track of and trickier to hit, but especially for Slapdash. So he’d chosen Kosho.

    But across the field, his opponent’s rhydon roared with such force the earth trembled. Kosho had landed several hits already, zinging balls of green light, but hardly a scratch showed on the rhydon’s craggy armor.

    “Again!” the other trainer cried gleefully. “Earth power!”

    The field began to ripple and buck, cracks opening where the strain was too great, and Kosho took off running on all fours. Chris could easily see that the typhlosion wouldn’t be able to outrun the heaving, crumbling hillock sweeping towards him. The real question was whether Kosho could weather the attack long enough to hit back.

    He thought of Zip recovering at the pokecenter. He thought of the three battles still ahead of him in the first round—and dreaded facing them with only Slapdash. He thought of his dad ... and he hung his head in a silent apology.

    A split second before the wave of dirt and rock crashed down, Chris recalled Kosho.

    Trainer Chris Nakano forfeits! The match goes to Julia Moon!

    Numbed by the screaming of the crowd, he made his way back to the center line. His opponent was slower, flashing a double thumbs up to one side of the bleachers and then the other. Chris tried to steady himself with a deep breath and instead choked on the dust in the air. He was still coughing when he shook her hand.

    Chris wanted nothing more than to sleep, a hard reset, but knew the tent would be too hot inside until the shadows moved and evening brought a cool breeze across the plateau. Instead, he meandered down the quiet trails bordering the ledge, looking for a shaded patch of grass where no one would bother him for a couple of hours.

    Eventually, he found himself alone on the flag-lined path near the registration office. This time of day, with the preliminary round well underway, there was little reason for trainers and tourists to come to this area. A line of trees separated the building from the campgrounds, promising relief from both the sun and prying eyes.

    He stepped off the path, making his way for the trees, but when he came around the corner of the building, he stopped short.

    Two girls already sat in the grass with their backs to him, each with long blonde hair that gleamed bright among the green shadows. One of them wore a black, wide-brimmed hat that he thought he might’ve seen that morning in the aerial lift station, and the other had curls. They seemed to be re-lacing the curly-haired girl’s boots.

    He thought of Una, wondering how far she’d gotten by now. Part of him was waiting for the girl with the curls to turn and flash him a familiar smile. Until she turned, removing all doubt, he could still believe it might be her. He knew it was ridiculous, but for a moment he was frozen in place, nursing the ache in his chest and waiting for her to turn.

    He should’ve asked her to stay.

    She even had the same kind of backpack that he’d found for Una in the secondhand shop: moss green, LeyLine brand. Huh, and the same long blue skirt spreading over the grass—


    When Chris noticed the slowpoke tail curling out from behind the girl’s backpack, his breath caught in his throat. “Una?” He took a half step forward.

    Not until he heard the growl did Chris notice the third figure, who knelt in the building’s shadow a short distance away. It was human-sized, but the sound it made was not human. The pokemon was nearly the same color as the shadows, and when it moved into the light, Chris finally realized what he was seeing: a lucario.

    He’d never seen one in person before. Who in the world had brought one all the way to the Indigo Plateau?

    The lucario regarded him with reproachful eyes, and Chris remembered that they were supposed to be able to see auras, though he wasn’t entirely sure what that meant. How must he look through its eyes? Could it see his earlier loss radiating out from him? Would it recognize him as Hiro Nakano’s son, or would it see all the glaring differences? He didn’t like the idea that, with a casual glance, the lucario could map parts of him that Chris couldn’t even see.

    Perhaps sensing his unease, the lucario growled again, louder this time. It moved in front of him as if to block him from the two girls sitting in the grass. The air around the pokemon shimmered like a heat haze, and Chris felt the telltale prickle of an impending psychic attack. He didn’t think any trainer would let their pokemon actually attack someone in the middle of the Indigo Plateau, but he stepped back all the same.

    “I don’t mean your trainer any harm,” he said, hands up to show they were empty.


    She turned to look at him, a boot in her hand and a surprised look on her face. Una. He smiled at the sight of her, but she had already turned away to say something to the girl next her.

    The other girl’s face was shadowed by her hat and impossible to read at the distance. But her voice rang out clearly, “It’s alright, Ishtar. You can let him by.”

    With a grumble, the lucario lowered its head and stepped aside.


    The lucario didn’t stop glaring, but Chris continued past it into the shade of the trees, where Una sat looking up at him expectantly. Suddenly almost cheerful, he called to her across the distance, “I thought you left.”

    “I did. Only I ... did not travel very far.”

    Chris was close enough then to see that her eyes were red as if from crying. He slowed. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

    Una made a sound that could’ve been a laugh or a sniffle. “I suppose something did, yes. A conversation.”

    The girl in the black hat offered her a handkerchief embroidered half-and-half with red and blue roses; Una thanked her but shook her head.

    Sitting up straighter, she gestured towards him. “This is Chris, with whom I traveled from Ecruteak City. And this is Cynthia, whom I have had the fortune to encounter on my path today.”

    The woman at Una’s side tipped her head back to smile at Chris, and he finally saw her face. He gave a start. Somehow, even her name and the presence of the lucario hadn’t been quite enough for him to make the connection to the Cynthia Lachlan, champion of the Sinnoh League. He’d seen her on TV a few times but didn’t follow her matches closely—Sinnoh was a long ways away, after all. What was she doing here?

    “You’re not battling in the conference, are you?” he blurted before he could stop himself. “I mean—I didn’t see your name in the brackets.”

    She was kind enough to smile. “No, but I’m on the brochure. A Conversation with Champion Lance and Special Guests.”

    “Oh. That makes sense.”

    Cynthia paused, as if waiting for him to get any other stupid questions out of his system, and then put out a hand to shake. “Any friend of Una’s is a friend of mine. It’s a pleasure.”

    “Uh, definitely! You too.”

    He glanced at Una. Her smile seemed to sit on the surface of other feelings, like a skin on scalded milk, but he couldn’t pinpoint what lay beneath.

    Did she know she was sitting alongside one of the world’s most famous and formidable battlers? Unlikely, though it could be cause for her to be upset all by itself if she did. What had they even talked about?

    That surreal feeling washed over him again.

    “Sorry to interrupt.” He paused, uncertain what exactly he’d interrupted. “I was just surprised to see you again so soon.”

    Una ignored the apology. “Would you like to sit?”

    “Um, okay.”

    As he lowered himself into the grass, she turned to Cynthia. “Should I begin again?”

    “If you want to. It’s for you.” Then to Chris, Cynthia added, “We’ve been talking about ways to honor home and homesickness. A little self-care ritual. You can do one too, if you want.”

    “What were the words again?” Una asked.

    Cynthia spoke in a singsong, slowly so Una could clumsily follow along with her:

    Home is the name
    That you tuck in your shoe
    Keep my name close
    And I’ll still be with you

    Wherever life takes you
    No matter how far
    My love will go with you
    Wherever you are

    Then, in a conspiratorial tone, she explained, “My nana taught me that when I left home for the first time. The idea is to keep a slip of paper marked with a friend or family member’s name in your shoe so they go with you no matter how far you travel.”

    “Does that ... work?”

    Cynthia shrugged. “It’s meaningful if you decide it is.”

    She passed him a notebook. A strip had already been torn from the page that faced up. “Here. I’ve got a pen, too.”

    Even as he accepted the notebook and pen, Chris knew he wouldn’t be putting any paper in his shoe. First, walking around with a lump of paper in his boot would be uncomfortable. Second, he could easily text or call Mom whenever he wanted, and Dad …. He would’ve had no patience for it.

    However, Una clearly took it to heart. She touched a folded square of paper to her lips and held it there. For a moment, she looked near tears again, and Chris averted his eyes. Then she pressed the paper flat into her insole and bent to pull the boot back on.

    Cynthia broke the silence with gentle words. “We never really leave our past behind, you know. It’s who we are.”

    Chris wasn’t sure if she meant it to be encouraging or scolding, but Una nodded.

    “Thank you.”

    She and Cynthia shared a smile that made Chris wonder again what had passed between them. If he’d didn’t know better, he would’ve guessed they were sisters, not strangers.

    An electronic chime sounded from inside Cynthia’s bag, making all three of them jump. Checking her phone, she groaned. “Is that really the time?”

    “I hope I have not caused you trouble,” said Una.

    “Absolutely not. Meeting you might’ve been the highlight of my trip so far! But ... I’m supposed to have tea with Agatha before my meeting with the professor.” She said it distractedly, as if it wasn’t a big deal. To her, maybe it wasn’t.

    She motioned to the notebook still in Chris’s hand. “Can I have that back?”

    He handed it over, glad for the excuse not to have to write anything.

    To Una, she said, “And you’re still planning to leave?”

    Chris tried to catch Una’s gaze, but she stared into the distance. “Yes. Before sundown.”

    “That’s too bad,” said Cynthia. “I had a story for you.”

    “A story?”

    Chris saw his own surprise mirrored on Una’s face.

    Cynthia grinned. “I told you, I collect stories. You told yours, so it’s only fair to share one of mine ... but not now.” She glanced at her phone again. “I could ask Agatha to postpone, but I don’t think she’d take it well.”

    “I should not take more of your time. You have already missed your tour.”

    “The cave will be there. This was better. I should be thanking you for your time!” She searched Una’s face. “Could I convince you to stay just one more night? You won’t be disappointed.”

    Una tucked her hair behind her ears, and Chris knew her answer a moment before she spoke. “I will stay to hear what you have to say.”

    His heart twisted between relief and jealousy. Would she have stayed if he had asked?

    Cynthia clasped Una’s hands, hair beads clacking as she leaned forward. “That’s great! I really think a story could help with ... what we talked about. But I do have to go now.”

    She continued talking as she gathered her things and stood. “Let’s meet by the cable car after dinner. And if you want—I’m sorry, what was your name again?”

    “Chris,” he said sheepishly.

    “Right, Chris. You can come too—if it’s alright with Una. It’s a story for you, so you get to decide.”

    Something in her tone made him wonder what Una might’ve said about him. Maybe she’d mentioned the opening ceremony—remembering her anger, he winced. He half-expected a disapproving look from Una, but instead he saw only the smile he knew so well. Maybe he was imagining animosity in Cynthia that wasn’t there.

    “I would be happy for you to join us, Chris. Unless you already have other obligations.”

    “No, no, I’m not busy. I mean, I’d like that. Thanks.”

    Cynthia said, “Then it’s settled. Chris, why don’t you take my number in case the two of you need to get in touch before we meet up again.”


    The un-reality of typing Cynthia Lachlan into his contacts left him feeling unexpectedly calm. Numb, maybe.

    When Cynthia has finished reciting her number for him she said, “Alright, I’ll see you both soon! I’m looking forward to it.”

    With that, she turned and started away briskly, beads clinking. Chris caught a glimpse of paper poking out of her sandal before her lucario fell into step with her, and then the two of them disappeared around the corner of the registration office.

    Chris shook his head. “I can’t believe you made friends with Cynthia Lachlan.”

    Una paused lacing her other boot, a thoughtful look on her face. “How do you know of her?”

    “TV, mostly.”

    “I see,” she said, meaning she didn’t.

    He hesitated before asking the next question, but curiosity won out. “How did you meet her?”

    She wrapped her arms around her knees. “I was walking behind the group from the cable car. I saw her ahead of me, and from behind—” Again, Una made a sound somewhere between laughter and crying. “—I mistook her for my sister. Her hair, mostly. She did not much resemble Suki once I saw her face. Of course, I knew that it could not possibly be her. Suki has been gone for a very long time. But it set me to weeping all the same.”

    She reached to pet Suki the slowpoke, who licked her hand.

    “I’m sorry, Una.”

    “She was very kind. The others continued on, but she sat with me, listened to my ramblings, and embraced me just as a sister would. Suki would have done the same. She used to sing for me when I felt sad or afraid. So I told Cynthia about her and how much I miss home.”

    The last few words came out heavily, and Chris’s heart broke to picture her crying those words to a stranger.

    She continued, “Cynthia told me that it is natural to miss one’s home and family, and she told me about her home. She has come from so far away—I cannot imagine it.

    “And yet ... from what I can tell, we are very much alike. In her village, they still respect the old ways. She understood. So I told her everything.”

    Chris gawked. “You mean—?”

    Una gazed back unblinkingly.

    “She believed you.”


    “Well ... that’s good, then.”

    Again, Una smiled sadly. “It was good to talk of home. I had almost begun to choke on the words and memories I had built up inside.”

    And Chris had told her not to talk about it. He bit his lip. “I ... I didn’t know. I should’ve asked.”

    “Oh, Chris. I know you intend all the best. I do not blame you for any of this.”

    Her voice held a touch of condescension, which was probably fair. She was right: he had no idea what he was doing. He had never been the right person for this, only the one who was there.

    But he was still gratified to see her smile and to be sitting at her side again. For one more night.

    “Do you …” he fumbled, “do you have anything you want to talk about now? I’m happy to listen if you want to get stuff off your chest.”

    She smiled. “No. I think ... I need to think.”

    “I walked out this way planning to nap in the grass,” he confessed, “but I understand if you want to be alone. Want me to leave?”

    “No, stay. Rest. Perhaps I will as well.”

    So he tucked his hands behind his head and dropped into the cool grass. For a few moments, he watched a few lonely clouds wander across the sky. Then he rolled his head to one side and caught sight of Una working something green between her hands. He watched her knot under and over, hypnotized by the endless motion until, at last, he drifted sweetly into dreams.

    Cynthia arrived outside the cable car as the sun was setting, as promised. Chris had returned to camp for his hoodie, but the Sinnohan champion still wore only the same sleeveless blouse and loose linen pants against the evening chill. He supposed she was used to a much colder climate.

    Una presented the daisy crown she’d made to Cynthia, who immediately fitted it over the top of her hat.

    “Shall we?”

    “I didn’t know the lift ran this late,” Chris said as they stepped through the doors.

    “It doesn’t,” said Cynthia.

    Chris shot a glance at Una, but Cynthia strode ahead before either of them could react.

    “I really appreciate you being here tonight,” she said to the car operator. “Do you like apple cake? I brought coffee, too.”

    The operator accepted the styrofoam cup and a plastic-wrapped loaf from her, but insisted, “It’s really no trouble, Miss Lachlan. Happy to help.”

    Their descent was quiet enough to hear the whirr of the machinery. The fading sun bled neon pink and orange across the windows—they couldn’t have asked for a better view. Una leaned against the handrail, one hand pressed to the glass.

    When the car came to a stop, Cynthia told the operator, “I promise we won’t keep you too long.”

    She waved Cynthia’s words away. “Take as long as you need. It’s a nice night, and I’ve got my book. And don’t think I don’t appreciate the cake.”

    Outside, they could still hear distant music, but the crickets and the wind in the bushes were louder.

    Cynthia reached to her belt, and Chris stopped to watch her release a pokemon that trilled and glided a wide arc around the three of them. A togekiss. Chris wasn’t sure what to make of that. It was certainly big and he didn’t doubt that it could sweep a challenging team, but the overall impression was softness, so unlike the sharp angles and brutal strikes of her signature garchomp.

    The togekiss fluttered in place while Cynthia spoke to it in gentle tones, reaching up to run her fingers over its downy chest. Tiny lights appeared one by one, first in a cloud around the togekiss and then drifting to gather in Cynthia’s hair.

    “There’s a nice spot this way.” Cynthia motioned for them to follow, fairy lights floating in her wake. “You don’t mind a little walk, do you?”

    “Is there a reason we’re doing this out here?” Chris asked. “If you don’t mind me asking, I mean.”

    “Any story is better with a campfire, don’t you think? Besides, we don’t need a bunch of lookie-loos crowding around.”

    Chris thought of the hat that hid her face and her lucario guardian. Gods, he couldn’t imagine needing to go to such lengths for personal space. He could hardly stand to be in a crowd now, and he was nobody special.

    But she wore a playful smile, leading the way with quick, light steps. She was dressed the way he’d expect of a public figure, clean and stylish, but was as lithe and surefooted as any seasoned trainer.

    Bringing up the rear, Chris released Mojimoji, his sandslash. She accepted a few head scratches and then trotted to greet Una. Traitor, he thought, but smiled anyway.

    The plateau faded away behind them.

    After a short hike guided by fairy lights, they came to a site that had clearly been favored before by trainers coming and going from the Indigo Plateau. Boulders and logs had been arranged around a blackened fire pit. By the last of the fading light, the three of them began to comb the area for kindling. The togekiss settled onto a boulder and watched, cooing to itself.

    “What are you writing?” Chris heard Una ask.

    “A prayer,” said Cynthia, notebook resting on one knee. “Every time I make a fire, I like to thank Uxie for the illumination that it brings, Mesprit for its joy and warmth, and Azelf for the fire that burns in all living things.”

    Chris had stopped to listen without meaning to, arrested by the rhythm and strength of her voice.

    Cynthia tore the page from her notebook, crumpled it into a ball, and began to arrange kindling around it. “They’re far from here, hiding on the mirage islands of Sinnoh’s three great lakes. But the wind will carry the ashes far and wide and release my prayer into the world.”

    A children’s story, Chris thought automatically—but maybe it wasn’t. Did she know that some of the old stories were true? Probably. She spoke like someone who had always believed, even without proof.

    Reaching for her feather necklace, Una said, “We thank Ho-oh. She lights the fires of our souls, and She relights every fire that goes dark. It is her fire that clears the underbrush from the forest, cleanses sickness, and makes way for new life.”

    Nodding, Cynthia handed Una the notebook. “Then maybe you should write a prayer, too.”

    Una made four quick pen strokes, the cardinal directions, and recited the familiar words: “North, south, east, west—may the flame burn bright forever.” She wadded up the page and added it to the pile.

    By then, the kindling was stacked high enough that it wouldn’t immediately burn itself out when lit, anchored by a few mid-weight branches. Cynthia dug in her bag, presumably looking for a lighter.

    With one hand already on his belt, Chris began to offer, “Do you want me to light it? My typhlosion—”

    Cynthia silenced him by simply holding up one hand. “Where I come from,” she said, “fire-types are rare. We have to be a bit more clever to light our campfires.”

    Chris felt his face redden.

    She looked through her bag as she spoke. “Matches are fine if you can keep them dry—easier said than done in Sinnoh. A lighter works too, but only if it has fuel. Personally, I’ve always liked ... aha.” She held up a small leather package and tipped it into her palm to reveal a silver disc. “A mirror.”

    He squinted, unconvinced.

    Una said, “But the sun has set.”

    Cynthia grinned. “That’s true. Devi?”

    Her togekiss raised its head.

    “Sun, please.”

    The togekiss ruffled its feathers, and more of those tiny lights floated into the clearing; they seemed to come from between its feathers. The lights swirled tighter and tighter until they became a single bright ball too bright to look at directly, like a miniature sun.

    Cynthia crouched beside the fire pit, tilting the mirror from side to side until the glint of it struck the paper kindling. She focused the reflected light to a pinprick that quickly began to smoke and glow red. Then, all at once, the fire caught and swept its way up the kindling pile. Only then did Chris settle himself onto a boulder, feeling foolish for doubting, and leave Cynthia to tend the fire.

    When she was satisfied with the fire, she returned the mirror to her bag and withdrew instead a thermos and a sleeve of styrofoam cups. “Hot chocolate?”

    She actually was a lot like Una, Chris thought. Always offering food.

    “It’s the powdered kind,” she said apologetically, “not the good stuff from Alola, the big round slabs. But I’ll take it. Makes anywhere feel like home for me.”

    Thinking of his green tea stash, Chris said, “I know what you mean.” He accepted the cup gratefully.

    “Thank you for sharing.” Una sipped hers and made a thoughtful face.

    Of course she’d never had chocolate before. Chris wished he’d thought to introduce her to it first.

    For a moment, the only sounds were the crackling fire and the togekiss’s snores.

    Then Cynthia spoke up. “Do you know the pokemon bronzor?”

    Chris started to answer, but she wasn’t talking to him.

    Una shook her head, so Cynthia drew the shape in the dirt. It reminded Chris of a badge.

    “I didn’t think so. That’s alright. They’re not very common back home either. Or well-understood.

    “A few years ago, there was a study on their body composition and the patterns on their backs—or an attempted study. Every single scan came back blank. When I mentioned it to my nana, she laughed. All their theory and principles, she said, and they can’t understand that a mirror will always reflect light.

    “Because that’s what they are: mirrors. You wouldn’t know it to look at one now. Over the centuries, they’ve lost their shine. Or maybe it’s only that we’ve forgotten how to see ourselves in them.

    “They haven’t forgotten how to see us, though. You can still find them around old ruin sites, as if they’re waiting for the ways of the past to return. I believe we can learn a lot from them, if you know how to look at things from the right perspective.”

    Chris hadn’t noticed when Cynthia had slipped out of her everyday speaking style and into something ... bigger. She didn’t lay it on too thick or put on character voices, but something about the way she spoke made other sounds quiet down. Sitting across the fire from him, Una was transfixed as much as he was. Even Moji settled down to listen.

    “This is the story Nana told me when I left home to become a trainer.

    “In the time before my great grandmother’s great-grandmother, in a village far from anywhere, there was a shy girl who lived alone with her mother. It was not as common as it is now for a young person to leave home and travel the world. There were many responsibilities at home: the family farm, elderly relatives, younger siblings. Few people even dreamed of leaving home.

    “So it was for the girl and her mother. They lived a quiet life, but both were happy, until one day the mother fell ill and died. With nothing else to keep her in the village, the girl packed a bag and ventured out to the mountain.

    “Of course, there were still trainers back then, though not like the trainers of today. When a young person set out to learn about herself by learning about the world, she first had to brave the wilds alone and befriend a pokemon. That was the first test.”

    Chris suspected Una would not be pleased that she’d delayed her departure just to hear a story about a trainer. But he didn’t interrupt.

    “On the first day,” Cynthia continued, “she passed a murkrow in a tree and called out to him: Hello, brother Murkrow. I am journeying to seek my purpose in life. Pray, will you join me so I will not be alone?

    “The murkrow laughed. Join you? I can already see everything that stretches between that mountain and the next. Why should I care about the purpose of a little ground-dweller? he said. With that, he flew away, and the girl was left alone again.

    “She walked for a long time before she encountered a buizel in a stream. As before, the girl called out: Hello, sister Buizel. I am journeying to seek my purpose in life. Pray, will you join me so I will not be alone?

    Just like the murkrow, the buizel laughed. I can already travel from the river’s source to the ocean far and away, she told the girl, My purpose is the river, and I need no other. With that, she swam away. Once again, the girl was alone on the mountain.

    “The girl crossed rivers, ravines, and forests, but no one she encountered would join her. A wind began to blow, so cold that it seemed to cut to the bone, and it made the girl lonelier.”

    That part rang true: Chris had been lonely many times on the road, even with the company of pokemon.

    “At last,” Cynthia continued, “she came to a little town, not so different from the place she’d come from. She smiled to see it, imagining human company and a warm meal. However, she quickly discovered that the town had been abandoned. There was no soul in sight, neither human nor pokemon. She found a place to take shelter from the wind, and there she began to cry.

    “Then, as if from nowhere, she heard a quiet voice call out to her: Why are you crying?

    Because I’m all alone, she answered.

    You’re not alone, said the voice. I’m here, too.

    “The girl suddenly became frightened. Who are you? she demanded. Show yourself!

    “And then a face floated towards her from out of the shadows. She had never seen a mirror before—or a bronzor—and so she did not recognize her own reflection. She couldn’t see how she had grown and changed on her journey. So she mistook the bronzor for the beautiful face of her mother, returned from death.”

    Chris’s arms prickled with goosebumps.

    “She might have been afraid if it hadn’t spoken to her so gently. I have been alone for a long time, the bronzor told her. But now that you’re here ... maybe we can be alone together.

    “So the girl and the bronzor traveled on together, each looking after and protecting the other. Each time the girl looked upon the bronzor, she saw her reflection and was comforted by the living memory of her mother.

    "One day, the girl turned to her companion and said, I have journeyed all this way to seek my purpose, but even after all this time I have no idea what that could be. Please, tell me what I should do.

    “The bronzor turned to her, revealing her own unhappy expression. The girl hated to see sadness in her mother’s face, and it made her realize something new: her purpose was to lead a life that would make her mother smile upon her with pride. And, indeed, she smiled as she had this thought, and the image of her mother reflected on the bronzor’s face smiled back.”

    Chris felt as if a bucket of ice water had been dumped over his head. It sounded so pure and simple. But it wasn’t really that easy, was it? Everything he did was to make Dad proud, but it never felt like enough.

    Had Cynthia somehow known? He tried to catch her eye—but she was turned away from him, watching Una, whose face was very still.

    He’d almost forgotten this story was meant to be for her. She’d lost so much more than just one parent.

    Cynthia held Una’s gaze as she spoke, each word falling from her mouth like a pebble into a still pond. “The girl could not know that the reflection she admired was what she already carried inside herself all along. But with the help of a bronzor, she was finally able to see her own inner beauty ... on the outside.”

    With that, Cynthia finally sat back, sipping her hot chocolate.

    A log in the fire let out a loud crack. No one spoke.

    At last, Una said, “I pity the girl.”

    Cynthia smiled. “Oh? Why?”

    “She believes she has been reunited with her mother ... but it is only a reflection.”

    Chris wondered, stung, if he was more like the girl, forever chasing ghosts … or the bronzor, a pale reflection of Hiro Nakano that could never measure up to the real thing.

    “Does the moon cast light?” Cynthia spoke with an ease that suggested she’d had this conversation many times before.

    “Yes,” Una answered hesitantly, as if sensing a trap.

    “But isn’t it only a reflection of the sun?”

    Una looked like she wanted to protest, but Cynthia pushed ahead.

    “No two people interpret a story the same way, and that’s alright. But here’s what I think: I think each of us is a mirror. We reflect our own histories, the histories of our ancestors, the places we’ve been ... and even who we could become. All of those reflections cast new light onto the world. Do you know what you want to reflect into the world, Una?”

    She looked like she was about to cry again.

    Setting his own hurt aside, Chris tried, “Maybe you should let her—”

    Cynthia ignored him. “You,” she said to Una, “are the last person alive who can reflect the light of a world that no longer exists. You can tell its stories.”

    Trembling, Una swiped at a trickle of tears with the heel of her hand. “I gather herbs. I clean the altars. I am no scholar and no bard.”

    “You could be both.”

    Chris shot Cynthia a look, but she didn’t shift her gaze from Una. Something in Cynthia’s face reminded him of Clair staring him down from across the pool, fighting to fling him down because his loss was her win.

    She collected stories, she’d said.

    “Una, do you want to leave?” he asked, voice low.

    She shook her head, but he couldn’t tell if it was for him or Cynthia. “What does it matter? My home is gone, and telling stories will not bring it back.”

    “I think our stories can change the world.”

    “The world changes regardless.” However, she accepted the handkerchief this time when Cynthia offered it to her.

    "I mean it," Cynthia said. “If you stay and record stories with me, you can save them from being forgotten. I’ll make sure the right people hear them. I can pay you, too.”

    Money? Is that really what she thought Una wanted?

    But, of course, a champion’s dollar meant more than just money. It was favors, connections, the world standing aside to let you through. Cynthia was offering her something Chris hadn’t been able to: a way to exist in their time as more than a guest.

    Gently, Cynthia told her, “What you’re looking for in the wilderness will still be there after. You can quit any time.”

    Una shook her head again. “I do not want my home to be remembered as stories. It was real. Our gods were real, and now they are gone.”

    “Listen.” Cynthia’s voice went so quiet, Chris strained to hear from where he sat. “I don’t think of stories as made-up entertainment for children. They’re sacred.”

    At that, Una jerked her head up to meet Cynthia’s gaze. Chris imagined he could feel the connection between them pulled taut like a string. Like a fence holding him apart.

    Cynthia continued, “Your gods might not be the same as mine, but that doesn’t matter. Arceus has had as many names and forms across the ages as They have arms. Two things that seem to be opposites can be part of the same whole. I believe in everything.”

    Dad had believed in nothing but himself and what he could see with his own eyes.

    Foolish, Suicune had called him. Was that what she had meant?

    Chris wasn’t so sure anymore what truths he could count on, but even he could admit that what Dad would’ve called common sense wasn’t enough to explain Una’s situation. She needed more.

    Begrudgingly, he said, “I think you should probably do it, Una.”

    For a moment, he worried he’d said the wrong thing. She hadn’t asked for his advice. She hadn’t wanted to stay.

    But she raised her head to meet Cynthia’s gaze and answered, “I will do it. I fear I will do a poor job of it, but you are correct: there is no one else. I owe it to my people to try.”

    “No,” Cynthia said, triumphant, “you owe it to yourself.”
    Last edited:
    • Heart
    Reactions: Pen
    13: Flowers
  • WildBoots

    Don’t underestimate seeds.
    between a hope and a prayer
    1. moka-mark
    2. solrock
    3. breloom
    13: Flowers

    When the tea leaves sank to the bottom of the tin mug, Chris grabbed it through his sleeve, turning the handle out toward Una, and announced, “Careful, it’s hot.”

    “Hm?” She paused tying up her hair for long enough to cast him a sidelong look. “Oh. No, thank you. I do not wish to keep Cynthia waiting, but I appreciate the gesture.”

    With that she stood and swung her backpack over one shoulder, leaving Chris holding out a cup of tea for no one.

    He hadn’t forgotten about Cynthia—he’d been there when she’d told Una where to find her in the morning—but he’d thought he and Una would at least eat breakfast together like they always had.

    Was this how she’d felt alone at their campsite every time he left to train?

    Fumbling for a place to set down the cup, he hopped to his feet. “Do you want help finding the hotel? I could walk with you.”

    She gave him a lukewarm smile. “I can manage. Thank you.”

    “I don’t mind.”

    “This time, I would prefer to be alone with my thoughts.”

    “Oh. Right.”

    “Thank you,” she said again. When he only stood stupidly, she added, “Do you not have a battle to prepare for?” From anyone else, it could’ve been derisive. Instead, it was pitying.

    “No, not until this evening.”

    “Then I am glad you have an opportunity to rest. You have worked hard.”

    Chris winced, sensing what she was too polite to say: finally, a break from knocking his pokemon around.

    But successful trainers didn’t take breaks, did they? They took opportunities. If Dad were here, he’d remind him to use this time to get Asagi and Thorn back up to speed after their stint in the pokecenter—and he wouldn’t worry what Una thought about it.

    No matter what Chris did, he was always letting one of them down.

    “Actually,” he ground out, “I might train a little.”

    Una nodded like she’d expected it, but her smile took on a wistful edge. “Then I wish you luck.”

    As she turned away, he called, “I’ll see you later?”

    She turned and his gaze, her eyes steady and warm. “Of course.”

    His heart hiccuped, stuttering along the path behind her even after he could no longer follow her with his eyes.


    True to his word, Chris packed up his collapsible targets, treats, and other training supplies, then started toward the pokecenter to collect Asagi and Thorn. As he threaded through the crowded paths, his Bitflex buzzed with messages from the group thread with Grant, Elias, and Tara. Most of them weren’t even important, just memes and video clips. He imagined slapping the smartwatch silent, like crushing a mosquito.

    Then Tara pinged, Are you too cool to catch a show with us? Live bands at the forest stage all day.

    That dulled his frustration, leaving him weary instead. He needed to make more of an effort for them. Why did it feel so hard?

    Maybe they could keep him company while he trained—but he recoiled from the idea. He wouldn’t get anything done with those three around. Instead, he conceded, After lunch.

    With that, he turned toward the plateau’s edge. The lift station was nearly empty this time; maybe everyone else was busy watching live shows. He and one other trainer rode down in silence, only acknowledging each other with a nod before splitting off in opposite directions.

    A jumble of music spilled over the lip of the plateau, but it grew fainter with each step until finally there was nothing but cicada song and the swish of leaves. No eyes on the back of his neck, no small talk. Chris savored the quiet like a sugar cube dissolving on his tongue.

    Releasing his team would mean giving up that quiet. So just a little farther, he decided, until he came to a suitable place. After all, Asagi would need water.

    When the trees gave way to the rocky coast, hers was the first ball he reached for. The lapras materialized into the water with a trill and a toss of her head. Then, as her eyes focused and landed on him, she stretched for him to pet her snout.

    “Hey, pretty girl. Nice to see you again.”

    As Asagi pressed her pebbled cheek into his hands, he smiled—until he spotted the dark, ragged ring of scars on the side of her neck. He’d done that to her.

    She jerked her head out of his hands, and for a moment he thought he’d somehow hurt her again. But she only barrel rolled into deeper water, popping up again to splash in his direction.

    He scrambled away from the water’s edge, already wet but laughing. “Hey!”

    The next wave she threw his way missed, scattering into rainbow droplets. He wasn’t fooled: he knew exactly how far her reach extended. She could dump the ocean over his head if she really wanted to, but that wouldn’t be in the spirit of the game.

    When was the last time they’d played together?

    Chris had planned for her to practice precision attacks, firing ice shards through ring targets set at greater and greater distances. He slid a target from his bag, springing it open and shut as he watched Asagi swim slow laps. It was a shameless attempt to trick him into letting his guard down. She’d settle down and get serious when he set up a few targets and gave orders, but ….

    Instead, he tossed the target into the water, letting it land with a wet slap. Asagi was on it in an instant; she grabbed it in her mouth and flung it dutifully back to shore. When Chris retrieved it, he sent it flying back over the water like a frisbee. She let out a happy cry and tore after it in a spray of salt and foam.

    Una had been too generous: it wasn’t Chris who’d worked hard. He owed Asagi this. He owed all of them.

    One by one, he released the rest of his pokemon onto the shore and left them to explore or doze in the sun. Whatever they wanted. While Slapdash shimmied up the nearest tree and Zip chased butterflies, the others began to take interest in Asagi’s ring target. When Chris was too slow to throw it back, Pocky was the first to investigate, picking up the target in an invisible grip.

    The two pokemon lobbed it back and forth a few times before Thorn cut in, snatching the target out of the air. With a sharp breath, Chris brought a hand to his belt, ready to break up the inevitable fight … but it never came.

    Thorn circled a few times before dropping the target into the water for Asagi, who dove to retrieve it and start the cycle again. He’d never seen Thorn behave so nicely with the others before—and without a single command. When it was clear they didn’t need him to keep the peace, he shuffled out of the way and found a place to sit.

    Una was probably telling Cynthia her stories right now. He wondered how many she’d agree to share before she decided to leave again.

    Past his pokemon, near the horizon, something flickered over the water. Chris jumped up, heart drumming.


    No sooner than the thought came, he realized it couldn’t be her. The shape lifted away from the water, and what had been maybe a mane became unmistakably wings. As it drew closer, the bird pokemon wheeled to give his team a wide berth and then vanished once more into the blue.

    With a sigh, he sat back down.

    The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like an accident of fate that he’d encountered Suicune even once. Had they turned back to camp a moment sooner, she would’ve ran past without them ever noticing. All the trainers and all the trails in the wide wilderness, and somehow he’d been the one to stand in the right place at the right moment. It was more than he deserved.

    Maybe if Una had been left to wander like she’d planned, she would’ve eventually run into Ho-oh too, and he supposed that was exactly what she’d hoped for. She knew better than anyone that miracles happened—whether you wanted them to or not. This one would be the miracle she was owed: who else could answer the kind of questions she had but a god?

    Chris had to admit that now he had questions like that, too. Why Una? Why him? And what about Dad?

    The thought that Suicune might have known a side of Hiro Nakano that Chris never had pulsated in his head like a toothache. But whatever knowledge she might have was beyond his reach now. He didn’t dare hope they’d cross paths a second time.

    The worst part was that there was no one he could possibly talk to about all of it … except for Una, who wasn’t here. Who was still going to leave sooner or later.

    As his pokemon frolicked around him, distant as a pre-recorded video, a dome of loneliness settled over Chris. He flicked open his Bitflex contacts. He scrolled past Tara, Elias, and Grant in turn. Even if he trusted that they’d hear their phones right now, he wouldn’t know where to begin. They couldn’t take anything seriously.

    Cynthia’s contact leaped out at him next. He’d almost forgotten she’d given it to him—another otherworldly encounter he hadn’t deserved. She was almost as good as a direct line to Una this morning, but he didn’t dare interrupt them.

    Had Una told her about Suicune?

    There was no reason she couldn’t. After all, their encounter had happened to her as much as it had to him. And what was the harm if someone else knew? What did it change? Still. Before Cynthia, it had been a moment that had belonged only to him and Una.

    Well, he didn’t need to talk about Suicune or even think about her. There was nothing more to say.

    When he landed on Mom’s number, he dialed before he could second-guess himself.

    “Hi, honey!” Her voice came through in a distorted warble, the video frozen mid-frame.

    “Hey, how’s it g—?”

    “I feel spoiled. Two calls in one week!”

    “Hello? Can you hear—?”


    “Just a second.” He switched the video off entirely, then tried, “Can you hear me now?”

    “I can, but your screen is dark.”

    “I know. The service isn’t very good where I am. Should I try later?”

    “No, you picked the perfect time! I’m just finishing my coffee before I head out to my Circle meeting.”

    “Circle meeting?” He couldn’t tell if he’d heard correctly or if it was just the connection.

    “Oh, sorry.” Mom cleared her throat. “It’s my peer support group. We meet to … share how we’re processing our grief.”

    That one word plummeted straight to the bottom of his belly. He hadn’t expected the conversation to swing toward Dad so quickly—though maybe he should’ve.

    “At Circle we call it our grief journey. No badges but we do get some training, haha.”

    Chris was glad she couldn’t see his face—he couldn’t force a smile for her if he tried. “I didn’t know you were doing that. It sounds … good?”

    The line went quiet. Finally, she said, “It helps, a little. It’s nice not to feel so alone with it.”

    He winced as he pictured her sipping her coffee in an empty kitchen: empty chairs with empty rooms beyond, empty teacups gathering dust in the very back of the cabinet. Of course she understood that Chris had needed to leave to follow the path he’d inherited, but he should’ve stayed at least long enough to help her box up the rest of what Dad had left behind. She didn’t need all those reminders of his absence.

    But he also hadn’t wanted to be the one to remove Dad’s things. He wondered if she’d ever gotten around to packing it all up without him or if she still lived among Dad’s old clothes and toiletries like the curator and sole visitor of a lonely museum. Chris had never asked.

    Even the thought was like lifting a rock and revealing what slithered and scuttled beneath, things that weren’t meant for the light. Things he wasn’t ready to see.

    Maybe Mom wasn’t either. With forced brightness, she said, “Anyway, I want to hear about you! I can only imagine what it’s been like for you this week.”

    That was a sturdier place to stand. In a whoosh of breath, he said, “Yeah, it’s been … a lot.”

    “It would be a lot for anyone.”

    “Maybe.” This was still only the first round, meant to filter out the ones who didn’t have what it took. Dad hadn’t raised him to be one of them. “It’s only going to get harder.”

    “You’ve got time to find your footing.”

    She wouldn’t say it outright, but by her coaxing tone, even Mom knew he’d gotten off to a poor start. One outright loss, one narrow win—a technicality—and three matches left to go. He couldn’t count on his opponents to mess up again.

    “I have to win the rest. Simple as that.”

    Asagi’s splashing and Pocky’s low nickering as they played felt suddenly wasteful and loud. Chris wondered if Mom could hear them on her end of the line.

    She piped up, “Next is the bird trainer, right?”

    That caught him by surprise. “Right.” He knew she’d been watching his matches when she could, but he hadn’t expected her to research his competition. “Jessa something.”

    What had stood out most about her profile, apart from the birds, was that she wasn’t from Kanto or Johto but Hoenn, some small town he’d never heard of. However, he had heard of Winona, which made Jessa’s eventual goal obvious. Less obvious was whether she had the skill to back up her ambitions.

    Her badges mapped a hopscotch path from Kanto to Johto and back, challenging the gyms that gave her birds the least resistance until she’d cobbled together a set of eight. From what little information her Indigo League profile offered, Chris couldn’t say whether her team was flimsy, meeting the conference requirements only by cherrypicking, or whether this was her latest in a string of international conquests, slapped together because she only needed to prove herself enough to reach the next competition.

    Better to assume the latter.

    Mom offered, “I guess that means you have an easy choice this time. Unless—were you planning to pick Kosho? What do I know.”

    “No, you’re right. It’ll definitely be Zip.” Even though he was still recovering from a burn from the lanturn fight, Zip was the only choice that made sense.

    “Then your odds are pretty good, right?”

    Taking the elemental advantage gave a different one to Jessa: she’d be able to guess which pokemon he’d pick, but he still didn’t know which of her birds he’d be up against. The altaria was by far the biggest threat, but she’d leaned hard on it in her first few matches; she’d have to let it rest eventually or risk injury. At best, that still left either the swellow, who might be able to outpace Zip, or the skarmory, who might be able to outlast him. And if she stuck with the altaria after all … it would mean trouble.

    All he could do was wait and see. Shouganai.

    On the other end of the line, Mom prompted, “What else are you thinking?”

    “That’s pretty much it. I can’t do much until I know her pick.”

    “Sorry I’m not much help with strategy—”

    “No, that’s okay—”

    “—but I’m always happy to listen. I know how important this is to you.”

    She wouldn’t grill him the way Dad would’ve—she didn’t even like battles—but she was ready to receive whatever he wanted to say. In the face of that grace, he felt utterly sick of himself.

    “I’ll figure it out. Thanks, Mom.”

    “I wonder …” For a moment he thought the call had dropped, but then she began again. “It’s hard to see you so glum. Is it just stress about the conference, or is there something else?”

    I’m fine, he wanted to tell her. She worried about him enough, and it was easier to lie to a black screen. But her voice held the assurance that all scrapes would heal if only he’d let himself be held.

    So he admitted, “My traveling partner’s probably leaving soon.”

    “Oh! I didn’t realize you had one.”

    “It was sort of … spur of the moment.”

    If he’d had to watch the questions ripple across Mom’s face, he might’ve stopped there. Instead, he stared toward the place where the sky met the sea and confessed, “We haven’t known each other very long, but it’s hard to imagine continuing without her after this.”

    “Oh,” Mom said again, softer. “She must be a special person.”

    “She is.” And then the rest tumbled out. “She’s so unbelievably patient and kind. It’s amazing, after everything she’s been through. And, gods, Mom, she’s so smart. She knows everything about plants. She can cook and sew and ….”

    It occurred to him that he was repeating the arguments Una herself had made when she first asked to travel with him. To think he’d tried to turn her away when all he wanted now was for her to stay.

    “I’m sorry, honey. Did you have a fight?”

    “I guess so. I did my best, but ….” He sighed. “I let her down. She’s had a hard time, especially here on the plateau. Battles really upset her—kinda like you, I guess. ”

    “Hm, maybe. The battles were never the hard part for me.”

    “Seriously? Mom, I’ve had to tell you when it’s safe to look since I was, like, eight.”

    “Okay,” she said with a chuckle, “I never loved it, but I didn’t really mind as long as I didn’t have to watch the nasty parts. I wouldn’t leave your dad over that.”

    Chris choked out, “What?”

    He expected her to dismiss it as a figure of speech, a joke, but instead she answered with an airy, “I never told you that story?”

    “Uh, no. When did that happen?”

    “Oh, a long time ago. Before you were even a dream.”

    That mollified him somewhat, but he still couldn’t believe she could be so casual about upending everything he thought he knew about their relationship. “Wait, so what happened? You left Dad?”

    “Almost.” He heard a smile in her voice. “I came close. You know how he got the gym, right?”

    That was story Chris knew. He’d heard it so many times he could repeat it nearly verbatim: “One morning, completely out of the blue, Old Bert came up to him with a box of badges in one hand and the keys to the gym in the other and said, Hold these for me, will you? And then he walked out.”

    Bertel had already been an old man when Hiro was a boy, but he hadn’t shown any sign of stopping or slowing down by the time Hiro had become a gym trainer. He was, however, eccentric and known to leave the gym for long stretches of solitary training. So when Dad glanced at the sidelines weeks later and saw him leaning against the wall like nothing had happened, he’d automatically unclipped the keyring from his belt and reached over the stanchions to pass it back.

    But Old Bert had only smiled and said, “Hold onto them a bit longer.”

    “You sure?”

    “Why, too heavy for you?”

    Finally catching onto the game then, Hiro grinned and said, “No, sir.”

    “Then keep them until you’re ready to hand them to the next kid.”

    By the time the League and the press had come to make the official announcement, Hiro Nakano had already been acting as the gym leader for a month.

    Terrifying, Chris thought, but Dad had always described it with pride and a sparkle in his eyes. “When life gives you a golden opportunity,” Chris repeated, “you have to seize it with both hands.”

    “He definitely did,” Mom agreed, her words tinged with a bitterness that made Chris sit up straighter.

    “We’d just gotten engaged a few weeks before that,” she began, “and we were planning to buy a house. It was still very new and exciting. But when Bertel retired, it was like Hiro married the gym instead of me.”

    A protest rose to Chris’s lips, but she had a rebuttal even before he spoke. “I tried to be patient, at first. Of course I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, and it meant we could finally start saving money together. I wanted him to succeed.

    “But eventually I couldn’t wait anymore. I told him that if I was going to eat alone and fall asleep alone every night, I might as well be single. And I sure wasn’t going to bring a kid into this world by myself.”

    Dad had never mentioned any of this. He’d told other stories, how the rest of Old Bert’s gym trainers had left when they realized that door had been closed to them, how each of the other Johto leaders had come to test him. Chris hadn’t realized his rise to gym leader of Olivine had come at Mom’s expense.

    “What did he say?” he asked, half-dreading the answer even though his own existence was proof of how the story had to end.

    “Well, your dad didn’t do anything halfway, did he?”

    When she laughed, Chris relaxed.

    “The very next day when I got out of work, a dragonite taxi was waiting for me.”


    “Just you wait. Want to guess where we landed? The deck of the S.S. Anne. It was docked in Olivine for a single weekend, and your dad somehow got us dinner reservations. I’m still not sure how he managed it.

    “And I’m looking around at all these candles and live musicians and women in gorgeous gowns, and and there I am still in scrubs and sneakers. But he thought of that too—he brought my nice dress and heels for me to change into. In the end, it was a beautiful night.”

    She went quiet after that, lost in the memory.

    “So you forgave him?” Chris prompted.

    “Well, eventually, yes. He promised to do better and he did. But it was also so like him to throw everything into a grand romantic gesture when all I really wanted was for him to be home for dinner.” She laughed again. “I would’ve been happy with flowers.”

    Flowers. Of course.

    Like a switch had been flipped, Chris suddenly saw them every direction he looked: bulbous purple ones along the path, delicate white peeking from among the brambles, and even tiny yellow ones sprouting beside his boot. Una would know their names and more. He at least could show that he was thinking of her.

    “Anyway, I’m sorry for taking over the conversation. I know that probably doesn’t help your situation but—”

    “No,” he answered quickly, “I think it actually does.”


    He found Una already at the campsite, kneeling at the base of the tree, head lowered. Not wanting to interrupt her prayers, he stopped at the path’s edge and waited with his bouquet held ready. After a while, she sat back on her heels, stared up into the branches, and giggled. It was only then that he realized she wasn’t praying at all but holding something that gleamed in the sun.

    He cleared his throat. “Hi, Una.”

    She looked up at him with a radiant smile. “Chris! You must come and see this!”

    “What is it?”

    As he lowered himself to the grass beside her, cradling the flowers, an echo of his own voice rose to meet him. “What is it?”

    And then he saw what she held out like a holy talisman: a smartphone.

    The voice memo app was open; she pressed play, and Chris’s voice repeated again. Una gave a delighted laugh. “Can you believe it?” She tapped a different track and played the distant warble of birdsong. “It can copy anything! Is that not miraculous?”

    It was, like so many things Chris had ignored until Una cast her light onto them.

    Several thoughts crashed in his head. He could call her next time! But then, would this rob Una of her wildness? Was it a step too far? Too late anyway: for better or worse, she’d already been part of the modern world for weeks. So why hadn’t he thought to get her a phone?

    That one at least had a definitive answer: her coat and backpack had already been a stretch on his budget. Even so, he wished he could’ve been the one to give her something that made her so happy. The flowers he’d picked looked bedraggled by comparison. He wondered if he should toss them somewhere out of sight before she noticed.

    But Una had closed her eyes, listening as a Cynthia’s recorded voice recited a poem.

    There lived a beast deep in the wood

    Whose shape did shift if willed it would

    To sleep, it shed the skin it wore

    and lay down like any man

    When it woke, it dressed once more

    and left on hoof and claw again.

    There was a gap between the Cynthia that Una had befriended, the one who handed out poems and phones like candy, and the one he’d watched on TV, who’d hacked and slashed her way to the top of the Sinnoh League. She was multifaceted, fine, but it bothered Chris that Una didn’t even know the gap was there.

    When the track ended, though, he couldn’t bring himself to disrupt the peace in her face. Instead he offered, “It was really nice of her to get you a phone.”

    To his surprise, Una frowned as her eyes fluttered open. “Yes. I find it difficult to believe that stories are all she asks in payment. Back home, a storyteller might trade stories for thread or the use of a spade for an afternoon—small favors. But this ….” She tucked the phone to her chest. “There is no comparison.”

    “You know, it’s okay to let people do nice things for you sometimes.”

    “No.” Una set her jaw. “A gift should always be repaid twice over or the debt carries into the next life.”

    With a pang, he remembered her distress when he’d given her the slowpoke. How did every single thing he tried to do for her end up so tangled? At least the Sinnoh Champion was no better.

    So he joked, “I guess you should write that one down for Cynthia.”

    For a moment, he worried he’d overstepped. Then Una gave him a smile that said they were still on the same team. “Yes, I suppose so. At this rate, it may take every word I have. She has also offered me a room at her hotel.”

    Of course she did. How else would she keep her pet protege close?

    But he admitted, “You should probably take her up on that. You’d get a lot more space to yourself. An actual bed.”

    “I told her I did not want it unless she made you the same offer.”

    That did something funny to Chris’s insides.

    “Una,” he spluttered, “You didn’t have to do that because of me. I’m fine in the tent—“

    With an impish smile, she reached into her pocket and withdrew a pair of keycards. “It is the building with three birds above the doors.”

    Tricolor Inn, famous for hosting extravagant afterparties for conference winners and finalists. Cynthia had gone all-out. As he accepted one of the keycards, he felt guilty for thinking uncharitably of her. She was generous—of course Una admired her.

    All the same, he couldn’t shake another uncharitable thought: was Una extending Cynthia’s generosity to him because they were friends … or only because she wanted to repay her debts?

    “What is that?”

    He followed her gaze to the ragged bouquet that still lay across his lap.

    “Oh, these are, um …. I just decided to pick them, I guess. I was sort of thinking of you.” Face warming, he thrust the bundle at her.

    She accepted the flowers with a strange look on her face. Instead of sniffing them like he’d expected, she unwound the cord that held them together and spread open the bundle. Then she laughed. “Oh, Chris. What am I to do with you?”

    Tenderly, she plucked out a stalk of purple blooms. “This,” she said, “is delphinium, which is quite poisonous.”

    A furious blush rushed down his neck and across his ears. “Oh,” he managed.

    “This too. Lantana. And this looks like bindweed, which I suppose is fine as long as you have no plans for a vegetable garden. What else? Ah, some sort of lily. For funerals.”

    “So, basically, poison and death.”

    “Well … yes.” She covered another laugh with her hand. “Forgive me. I know you meant it as a kindness.”

    Chris drew his knees to his chest. “No, it’s okay. It was just a dumb idea.”

    Una set a hand on his shoulder, light as a butterfly. “I will have to teach you more plants.” Her smile warmed him to his toes.

    “I’d like that.” Then, remembering her belief about repaying gifts, he added, “Maybe I can show you how to use your phone more.”

    “Please. I gratefully accept. But perhaps first we should claim our rooms.”

    Like so many times before, they packed the tent and straightened Una’s stone shrine together before they left their campsite.

    On previous trips with his parents, Chris had always stayed at the more modest Fieldhouse, so he was unprepared for the Tricolor Inn lobby, which featured both a fountain and three chandeliers: one with a train of blue crystals hanging nearly to the floor, one with jagged sprays of light winging out to either side, and one of twisted red glass and streams of live fire. For once, he stared while Una, having already seen it all, continued coolly to the elevators. She took the key to room 251, leaving Chris with 245, down the hall.

    His room was as over-the-top as the lobby. The walls were balmy blue with painted-on ripples of light, making them appear to waver and warp. The effect was slightly dizzying. The king-sized bed was decked in rich blues, flanked on either side by cast bronze dewgong lamps. On the opposite wall hung a life-sized painting of water pokemon: starmie, golduck, and a dozen teeming others in the background. Misty’s signature team, he realized. In the bathroom, even the soap bars were carved into Cascade Badge teardrops.

    Maybe he should start keeping track of his own debts to Cynthia.

    He wondered whether the theme was specifically Kanto gyms or if there were rooms for every single pokemon type. Then he decided he was simply grateful he’d been assigned a water room; a bug- or steel-type room might make rest more difficult.

    He lingered only long enough to drop his backpack in a corner before returning to knock on Una’s door.

    “The rooms here are like theater sets,” she said by way of greeting. “Is this what hotels are normally like?”

    “Definitely not.”

    “I have seen many surprising things since I arrived, but this may be the strangest yet.” She opened the door wider so he could peer inside.

    Bedding in shades of brown and moss green. Exeggutor lamps. A painting of a vileplume and other plant pokemon among shifting shadows. Walls the dappled green of light filtering through leaves. It was the perfect room for her, the next best thing to sleeping under real trees.

    She wondered aloud, “Why make a room that pretends to be a forest? Why not simply step outside?”

    He laughed. “Good question.”

    Una smiled, and he felt again like they were the only two people who saw the truth of this crazy world. Like here, in the hotel doorway, was where he belonged. But of course he had other places to be.

    “Hey, so,” he began, “I told my friends I’d watch a show with them—you know, music and dancing—if you wanted to come …? There’ll be plenty you could practice recording.”

    She shook her head. “I should at least attempt a story for Cynthia.”

    “Right. Yeah,” he said with a sigh. “That makes sense.”

    “Perhaps later tonight?”

    When she smiled at him, he couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure, I can let you know when I’m done with my next— uh, when I’m free.”

    He showed her how to dial a call (when the ringer went off, she flung the phone away in surprise), then how to save his number. The only other contact, right below his, was Cynthia.

    Her world was so small.

    And yet Chris, with dozens of phone numbers within his reach, still hardly spoke to most of them. Well, he was doing it now. With a wistful wave, he set off to find his friends, his smile returning only when he glanced at Una’s name on his Bitflex screen.

    But as he passed through the lobby, he thought again how unfair it was, deceitful even, that Cynthia had paraded Una through a fancy hotel but hadn’t mentioned how it was paid for. He’d never intentionally hidden his livelihood from her, and it felt wrong to allow Cynthia to lie by omission. So he stopped beside the fountain and tapped out a hasty message: Does Una know you’re a league champion?

    He didn’t expect his Bitflex to buzz with her reply only a moment later. It hasn’t come up. Why?

    Did she really have no idea why Una had planned to leave?

    His next message bubbled up like acid reflux. Don’t you know how she feels about battles?

    As he hit send, release gave way to regret. Why had he done that? She’d been kind both to Una and to him—and he was nobody to her.

    When it became clear no reply was forthcoming, he kept walking, trying and failing to put it from his mind. He’d made it to the main concourse by the time his Bitflex pinged with a sickening alert: New group message from Cynthia Lachlan and Una. Heart pounding, he flicked it open.

    Why don’t you both come to the panel tomorrow? I’ve added your names to the guest list. Then a link: A Conversation with Champion Lance and Special Guests.

    Right. He knew how that would go. He pictured the crowd around them, rapt and oblivious as Una dug her fingers into his arm. How they’d hiss with disapproval when she scrambled for the exit. How it would hurt to see her go, even though he knew it was coming.

    This time, she wouldn’t come back. Fool that he was, he’d as good as made sure of it: if not for Cynthia, what reason would she have left to stay?

    And all he could do was type back a meek, Thanks, Cynthia.
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